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Topic Review

posted on 11-25-2009 at 08:47 PM

Pwinsider just denied it though.


posted on 11-25-2009 at 07:50 PM

Lots of rumors are going on that Shane has cashed out 50 to 80 million WWE stock to buy into UFC.


posted on 11-16-2009 at 07:23 PM

Bleacher Report has this as a news story as well.


posted on 11-16-2009 at 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Shane's always struck me as the most self-aware of the McMahon family; like all of us, its likely painfully obvious to him just how much of a joyless suckfest WWE has become with no improvement in sight, and he probably just wants to disassociate himself. I don't blame him at all and I'm kinda surprised it took this long.

I have to agree with this. I think all of the Mcmahons may have some of this energy. Not to blame that all that much either, but you can see a difference in the intensity of the product when they had strong competition compared to what is going on today.

I'm not talking from a storyline/match quality aspect either. There are only a few who look like they are having FUN doing this and it's funny who they are imo because they are in the same position.

Anyways, they had something to prove in that they didn't have a fluke in the 80's running the business. They even got into the ring and competed. There was a fire there.

When you got Linda also distancing herself from the product(no matter how politically sound it is) you know the heart is not in it as before.

If they had a wcw circa 1996-97 breathing down their necks how likely would have Linda and Shane left the family business? Further more Vince approving it?

Good luck to Shane. Maybe he can buy a promotion in MMA and show his dad he can do things a different way with success. That may be the thing to inject some Mcmahon fire into their product if Vince sees big money in doing something similar to MMA in wwe. Shane no doubt would give him the aesthetics to makeover wwe for the next decade which I think they need to do.


posted on 11-15-2009 at 01:23 AM


According to Dave Meltzer, it is being reported that Shane McMahon recently had a meeting at the UFC offices. When asked for more information, Dana White responded with:

"No comment."

Stay tuned for more updates.



posted on 10-21-2009 at 06:04 AM

I honestly hope Shane does get into MMA. Vince built the WWE from a regional promotion to a globally recognized, multimedia brand that transcends wrestling and into popular culture. That'd be the equivalent of taking Rage in the Cage (my local MMA promotion that's run exactly one event outside of Arizona in 8 years) and turning it into the company that overtakes the UFC.

Shane hasn't built anything from the ground up. So imagine if Shane starts his own MMA promotion, or takes a small one that already exists and makes it a national phenomenon. That's the type of training that someone needs before leading the WWE into the future.

So I think Shane will do something (MMA or otherwise) that is really just going to prepare him to take the reigns from Vince at some point.


posted on 10-18-2009 at 05:51 PM

The idea makes me think of what may have been. Bear with me...

Fighter A (Keith Jardine, let's say) goes to low kick Fighter B (Shogun - why not?), but they both slip and Shogun falls on top of Jardine.

Vince, doing play-by-play: What a maneuver!!!
Joe Rogan: Um, yeah - Jardine whiffed on a kick and they just fell down.
Vince: Ring the bell! Ring the bell!

Everyone looks confused...
Vince, now in the octagon: Keith Jardine, welcome to the Kiss-My-Ass club!
Jardine: What the fuck? I ain't kissing your ass...
Vince: Jardine, YOU'RE FIIIIIRED!

6 months later, StrikeForce becomes the biggest MMA promotion on the planet.

Chris Is Good517

posted on 10-18-2009 at 04:02 AM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
What would have happened if they'd succeeded? What would the sport be like and would it be better or worse off?

That's a very interesting question without a readily apparent answer. I'm going to say probably worse off for a few arguable reasons.

1- Just about all of Vince's non-WWE business ventures fail hard. The WBF was a colossal flop (not that it ever had any real chance at success as most people have no interest in looking at half naked dudes pose. Half naked dudes posing and then fake fighting? Sure. But just standing there being creepy and homoerotic? Most folks are gonna pass). The XFL was a mainstream colossal flop. WWE Films will never release anything that somebody who is not a wrestling fan is ever going to want to see. Vince's track record is not promising (as opposed to Shane, who I think most people would be willing to spot a clean slate).

2- Vince would have no idea whatsoever how to promote a legit sport. MMA isn't like pro wrestling where you can plan out a general outline from year to year and build around that. He wouldn't know how to respond if his most marketable big name got beat in the first round by some nobody (which is exactly what drove Elite XC out of business). He wouldn't know what to do with athletes he could only feature 3-4 times a year instead of the 250 or so most of his guys are giving him now. I really think Vince would've been in over his head with UFC and the obvious results would have been a) he would have had to shut it down or sell it within 2 years or b) he says "fuck it" and next thing you know the fights are scripted and it becomes wrestling in an octagon.

3- Vince's name has a negative stigma attached. If Vince had bought UFC, everyone would have thought it was rigged even if it was legit.


posted on 10-18-2009 at 01:40 AM

The thing that interests me is that the CNN article says that WWE tried to buy UFC a while back.

What would have happened if they'd succeeded? What would the sport be like and would it be better or worse off?


posted on 10-17-2009 at 05:20 PM

I've seen tons of people deciding that this is either a) a work, or b) a sign that Shane is leaving to form his own wrestling/MMA company.

I think TEW 2005 becoming freeware has led to some people spending too much time in fantasy land.


posted on 10-17-2009 at 09:32 AM

And the options for Shane in MMA would be plenty. He could hook up with whatever league it was that JBL put money into, he could invest in strikeforce, or he could try to buy the floundering WEC division from Zuffa and turn it into a rival promotion.

He's always been more of the business side of things, so walking away shouldnt hurt the product THAT much. I might also be the only one here who isnt absolutely shitting himself at the thought of a HHH/Steph led WWE - HHH is an old school student of the game, and according to many that have left or spilled beans on the internal workings (I'm primarily thinking of JR, Dave Lagana and Paul Heyman), Stephanie is, or at least used to be, quite open to listening to the ideas of others and was much more willing to hear "your idea sucks" than Vince has ever been. If they must go bak to kid friendly, they could do alot worse than have someone like Trips in charge booking old school type feuds. Plusyou'd hope that it'd push HHH into retirement a wee bit sooner.

Chris Is Good517

posted on 10-17-2009 at 12:14 AM

Ya know, it has been rumored for years that Shane is a huge MMA guy and if anyone had the money to fuel his own upstart promotion (and the business savvy to possibly make it work [and get Fedor on board with it)] to make a run at UFC its the McMahons. I'm not saying its likely or anything, but it isn't that farfetched of an idea. I'm sure that public opinion is right and he's mostly just going to focus on helping his mom's campaign, but it isn't like that writer just pulled that idea out of Fantasyland or anything.


posted on 10-16-2009 at 10:13 PM

Somehow, CNNSI thinks this means Shane is going to be going into the MMA world

Shane McMahon, son of WWE CEO Vince McMahon and himself the company's executive vice president of global media, has resigned from WWE effective Jan. 1, 2010.

McMahon, who helped launch the company into new international markets and headed its publications division, announced the move via a company press release.

While the direction of his future business career is uncertain, the world of mixed martial arts could be a possible landing spot.

A longtime fan of the sport, McMahon has attended several UFC events in person. In the early part of the decade, the WWE had at least a passing interest in buying the then-struggling UFC. In more recent years, pushed by Shane McMahon, the WWE had preliminary internal talks about getting involved in MMA, though no projects ever came to fruition.

In 2007, the UFC surpassed the WWE in pay-per-view revenue and has widened its lead ever since.

Saying he had previously "never even considered a future outside the walls of WWE," the 39-year-old McMahon made no specific mention of any plans once he leaves the company, simply saying, "I feel this is the opportune time in my career to pursue outside ventures."

On a story on the company's website to announce the move, Vince McMahon said, "Even though I am personally saddened by Shane's decision to leave the company, I am proud of the enormous contributions he has made. He will unquestionably bring passion, commitment and extensive business experience to any endeavor he pursues."

Shane McMahon's resignation comes exactly one month after his mother Linda also stepped down from the company to pursue a run for the Senate in Connecticut.


posted on 10-16-2009 at 08:32 PM

I think its probably easiest to presume he's going to help his mom and disassociating himself with WWE is a wise political move.

I think its reasonable to think that the story is no deeper than it looks and that a guy who was never said to be THAT gung-ho about the business and who has taken a back seat for years genuinely wants to do something else. I mean, he's a 40-year-old rich dude. Maybe he's just having a mid life crisis and realizing he can do anything and there's so much more than rolling around with dudes in their underwear.

I think its at least possible that this is the consequence of a changing of the guards in WWE. That they may be preparing for Vince to hand over the reigns to Steph/HHH (or someone) and it may have been worked out amongst them that Shane isn't a part of the future.

So basically I got nothing.

Chris Is Good517

posted on 10-16-2009 at 08:24 PM

Shane's always struck me as the most self-aware of the McMahon family; like all of us, its likely painfully obvious to him just how much of a joyless suckfest WWE has become with no improvement in sight, and he probably just wants to disassociate himself. I don't blame him at all and I'm kinda surprised it took this long.


posted on 10-16-2009 at 06:28 PM

Well, if they don't at least get him in to do an angle where Shane joins Vince's Kiss My Ass Club, they'll be missing a huge opportunity.


posted on 10-16-2009 at 06:09 PM

Shane's buying ROH, not TNA.

If his resignation isn't until January, think we get one more match out of him?


posted on 10-16-2009 at 04:33 PM

Wellness violation?


posted on 10-16-2009 at 04:22 PM

Originally posted by atothej
Shane's going to buy TNA and have a re-do of the Invasion angle.


Oh, you'd better be fucking wrong about that.

On another note, I guess we can all stop dreaming of when Vince is gone and Shane takes over.

Frank Lloyd Wright

posted on 10-16-2009 at 04:15 PM

One can only assume that the Stephanie/HHH power play was in full effect. Goodbye Shane-O, you will be missed.


posted on 10-16-2009 at 03:04 PM

Shane's going to buy TNA and have a re-do of the Invasion angle.


posted on 10-16-2009 at 01:42 PM

Her senate commercials are hilarious. It cracks me up to hear her talk about the "business" her and her husband built without actually mentioning what that business is.

And if that is the outside venture, at least he'll be back soon.

[Edited on 10-16-2009 by theflammablemanimal]


posted on 10-16-2009 at 01:11 PM


STAMFORD, CT � Shane McMahon, Executive Vice President of Global Media, announced today he has tendered his resignation effective January 1, 2010.

Shane stated, �It has been an incredible experience to help build WWE� into a global phenomenon. However, having been associated with this organization for the majority of my life, I feel this is the opportune time in my career to pursue outside ventures.�

�Even though I am personally saddened by Shane�s decision to leave the company, I am proud of the enormous contributions he has made. He will unquestionably bring passion, commitment and extensive business experience to any endeavor he pursues,� said Vince McMahon, WWE Chairman and CEO.

I wonder if "outside ventures" includes helping his mom during her senate run.

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