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Topic Review

posted on 9-27-2011 at 01:34 AM

I believe someone requested this...


posted on 9-25-2011 at 07:42 PM

The obvious match at HitC would be Daniel Vs Sin Cara Rudo Vs Sin Cara Technico but doesn't that water down the cheers for the original?
It does drastically improve the match quality though.

the goon

posted on 9-25-2011 at 07:36 PM

I liked that Daniel Bryan backstage segment as well and hope the WWE starts doing more stuff like that. Kind of makes me wonder if they weren't vaguely testing the waters for a Bryan heel turn.

And it's too bad about the WWE's current no blood policy, because that would have really played well into the whole "Cody is disfigured" gimmick. I wonder what they would have done if it had occurred live on RAW, but I bet they just would have kept the camera tight on Orton. And props to Cody for continuing through with that segment, despite seemingly losing ten gallons of blood.

As for the show, it was pretty average.

I liked Triple H and John Laurinaitis being in the opening segment, just because it doesn't make Smackdown seem quite as much as the "B show." I also like how Christian is at a point now in his career where he can be inserted into the main event/world title picture whenever needed.

Sheamus/Slater was pretty boring. Was that the first time two red-headed guys have faced off in the WWE?

I think Barrett and Gabriel work well in the ring together, but that match was too short to amount to much. As a Barrett mark, I did like seeing him get the clean win (and I like that he's wearing the coat again during his entrance).

Speaking of guys that work well together, Orton/Rhodes is usually always solid but again that match was too short to get going. I do like Orton getting DQed, just because it's consistent with his character.

Khali vs. Jinder Mahal...who gives a shit. So I'm assuming this is the end of Jinder Mahal's push? And whatever happened to Khali having to do what Mahal says or else he would divorce his sister?

Bryan/Sin Cara was okay, but I don't really like Bryan just kind of being used as the middleman in the Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara feud. At least he got to address that in the segment on

Tag match was fun and I really like what they're doing with Air Boom (and the fact that they color-coordinated their outfits). Now they just need, you know, somebody to actually feud with.

Main event was alright for a Mark Henry match. Kind of interesting dynamic that Christian was kind of playing the face in the spot where he was trying to take Henry off his feet, but then Henry got a pretty good pop for pinning Christian at the end. I would kind of like to see Henry/Khali, just to see how that would go.


posted on 9-25-2011 at 07:02 PM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
Has anyone watched this:

I know that site doesn't really need more promotion but I rather enjoyed the edge to the character.

A) That was awesome
B) That is the sort of backstage interview I want more of from the 'E instead of the overacted "interactions" we tend to see. Simple, effective, drove a storyline and developed a character. Job done.


posted on 9-25-2011 at 04:10 PM

Has anyone watched this:

I know that site doesn't really need more promotion but I rather enjoyed the edge to the character.


posted on 9-25-2011 at 09:17 AM

Let's not be too hasty, guys. Khali/Henry might actually create the Ultimate Black Hole Of Suck that whisks them and Orton and whatever other useless douchetards exist off our screens forever!


posted on 9-25-2011 at 08:59 AM

I'll admit the "Khali" chant was baffling, but I'm also part of the problem: once half the arena was chanting it, I decided to follow the crowd off the bridge and start chanting it too. Honestly, for me, Khali is somehow the lesser of two evils there, though I wouldn't mind getting them both of my TV forever.


posted on 9-24-2011 at 12:06 PM

Originally posted by TonyTH
I was amused by Khali in the lumberjack match looking back to Henry and the pile of people several times after Henry cleaned house. He looked silly.

yeah but did you hear that section of the crowd start chanting "Khali" at that point as though they wanted to see Henry/Khali go at it? Let's hope the writers were too busy looking at how stupid he looked to notice it and book it.


posted on 9-24-2011 at 10:34 AM

Average night and all, but I really enjoyed the tag match a lot. Good stuff, I'm glad this division is getting revived.

I was amused by Khali in the lumberjack match looking back to Henry and the pile of people several times after Henry cleaned house. He looked silly.

Henry and Orton at HitC should be okay, shame they gave Christian a shot. I would of MUCH preferred that match. But I guess we've seen those two enough at the very least.


posted on 9-24-2011 at 08:03 AM

Originally posted by joerizal
Well, I guess that would explain the heel action of interfering and stealing the pin.

But I thought Sin Cara had a smaller build compared to Hunico. And the Sin Cara that got the pin was smaller than the Sin Cara that started the match. At least, that's what I saw.

This is ridiculous! WHUT THE HAIL?!

[Edited on 9-24-2011 by joerizal]

I went through exactly the same process of bewilderment last night. He came out, I was certain I knew which one it was, Booker and co started mumbling their confusion and I was all "suckers, that is obviously heel sin cara. I can't believe they think people won't be able to tell the difference"....and then heel sin cara came out.


posted on 9-24-2011 at 04:12 AM

Originally posted by me in the Spoilers thread
Hunico (as Sin Cara; he's the one with the bigger build and with the blonde hair poking out the back of his mask) was facing Bryan..Hunico started the match, but Sin Cara made the pinfall.
Originally posted by Monty in the Spoilers thread
^You have the Sin Cara's mixed up. Mistico is the blonde and he's the one who started the match. Hunico interfered and got the pin on Bryan.
Well, I guess that would explain the heel action of interfering and stealing the pin.

But I thought Sin Cara had a smaller build compared to Hunico. And the Sin Cara that got the pin was smaller than the Sin Cara that started the match. At least, that's what I saw.

This is ridiculous! WHUT THE HAIL?!

[Edited on 9-24-2011 by joerizal]


posted on 9-24-2011 at 03:02 AM

Wait, wait... Orton fucked up?!? No way!!! I'm shocked!!! And I thought he was a "soft" wrestler, y'know, real easy to work with, not a lot of potential physical damage.

I hope Dusty Rhodes comes out next weeks and uses some ass-related offense against Randall. Perhaps something from the Defecation Fetish Arsenal. I'll even buy Dusty's dinner from Taco Bell.


posted on 9-24-2011 at 01:21 AM

My take on the "bloodletting heard 'round the world" after watching and rewatching the footage - I think something went seriously wrong with that bell shot. There was no plasma at all and, literally the second after Randy belted Cody with the bell, you can see the red stuff start flowing onto the announce table in a horribly rapid stream. Nice editing to hide the crimson flow by the production department but I'd say that Rhodes was easily flirting with blood loss on the level of "Taker vs. Brock in HiTC," "Bill Afonso vs. Beulah," "Eddie vs. JBL," "Muta," or "pretty much any HBK bladejob post-2003" territory.


posted on 9-23-2011 at 11:35 PM

OO Nation: All discussion pertaining to SmackDown (airing September 23, 2011) should be done in this thread. It will remain pinned at the top of the Current Events section for the remainder of the week. In discussing the program, we'd love it if you shared your numerical rating for the show (from a low of 0.0 to a high of 5.0, in any increment of one-tenth of a point). For full details on the ratings scale and how to join in on this informal "Battle of the Brands," please be sure to check out the OOfficial Guidelines for TV Ratings/Discussion Threads.

Tonight on SmackDown: stuff that was taped on Tuesday will air, but not all of it... [fyi: even without the snafu that will be edited, I heard tell that even WWE staffers felt like it was a weak show, with them having shot the wad on RAW, and having nothing left for tonight... one match around 6 minutes, the rest around 2-3... oy...]

I'd expound, but I'm still in quite nasty humours; my tract has recovered, but as part of the poison chili dog incident, I did some retching and heaving, straining various muscles... so I'm basically still immobile, devoid of energy, and even if I had energy, I wouldn't use it, because the mere act of breathing causes a rib in my right side to explode... so imagine standing, walking, etc... on the other hand: don't... I'll live the gimmick for you...

So you can direct this discussion however you like, once again.... me, I'm off to the ice pack and the ephemeral bursts of relief it provides....

The flOOr is yours, OO Nation. Let your voice be heard and your thoughts on Brand Supremacy be known. Don't wait till after 10pm to post, either. Pre-show previewing and prognosticating is certainly welcome. So discuss, debate, and rate!

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