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Topic Review

posted on 10-3-2011 at 01:14 AM

I think a 400 pound man would have a hard time supporting 215 pounds by their neck, especially if he was already bent over and if he was taken by surprise.


posted on 10-3-2011 at 12:12 AM

I just loved the visual of a 215 lb. man (estimated) grabbing a 400 lb. man (estimated) by the head and taking him down and, therefore, knocking him out.

Gotta love wrestling!


posted on 10-2-2011 at 05:06 PM

Firstly an admission, I'm not buying the PPV
I don't think they are worth the money, especially when we got Night of Champions for free a couple of weeks ago & the idea should be that Hell in the Cell is the end of a feud not just because they couldn't think of a name for a PPV.

ESPECIALLY in the pg era.

My desire is for a story that makes sense, plays off the history we all know and builds to a logical conclusion.

This, Mark Henry won the world title dominantly last PPV a story that referenced the last 15 years and his under achieving career & used the frustration to actually fuel his "Hall of Pain" run is an interesting story & makes people WANT to see him finally lose.
The issue is that it made Randy look human for the first time since the Foley feud and from some reason that is not allowed to happen and therefore the closing moments of the last two Smackdowns has been Randy standing tall.

Even the whole, he looks weak before the PPV means he wins at it is not something they even need to worry about right now, they have built a new world champ as a legitimate threat for the first time in how long (exception the first 2 weeks of ADR after that it went to shit) why not let he run wild over the roster before the inevitable humbling?


posted on 10-2-2011 at 03:23 PM

I get that it doesn't have to be true, but I hate stories where they just ignore the last and assume we've all forgotten everything that happened months ago.

More importantly, I don't think it's a good story that would sell ppvs. Who would tune in just to see if Orton can hit an RKO? Plus, this is a HITC match. It shouldn't need that extra sell. And, with the wrestling logic that almost anyone knows, Orton standing over Henry at the end of the show makes it more likely that Henry wins, which is the opposite of expectations. If they had gone into this match with any kind of "Orton can't win/hit an RKO", it would practically guarantee an Orton win.

[Edited on 10-2-2011 by theflammablemanimal]


posted on 10-2-2011 at 02:41 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
Yes, too bad they gave away the "can Orton RKO Henry" angle, considering that Orton had never RKOd Henry before and there's a logical reason why he wouldn't be able to. Oh wait, he's RKOd Henry multiple times, this year, because there's no logical reason why Henry would be harder to RKO than anyone else.

That is not the point.

Randy Orton lost a clean match against Mark Henry at the last PPV & was unable to hit the RKO despite multiple attempts.

When Chris Jericho cut a promo on Rey during their feud were he walked through the crowd & claimed he wouldn't be hit with the 619 no one pointed out the silliness of this statement compared to historical fact, it was a simple framing device that gave every move that left Jericho on the ropes more urgency than they would have any other macth.

If they had allowed the build to this match with the concept, could Randy actually hit the RKO? then pull the rug from him & have Mark kick out it could have led to some doubt in the Randy character instead of the Wrestling Avatar we have now.

The fact that Mark has been a Jobber to the Stars for most of his career isn't the issue. This was simple basic wrestling 101, can Randy FINALLY hit the RKO pay to see on Sunday.
Now it's Mark Henry has been left embarrassed by Randy twice in the last two weeks, pay to see he isn't on the level of the great Apex Predator.

I don't think I will.


posted on 10-2-2011 at 01:58 PM

Goon, remember when WWE was killing Christian's push by having him lose to Orton a dozen times in a row? Well, back then, a whole 4 or 5 months ago, Henry was a jobber and was constantly RKOd by Orton. I'm pretty sure Orton beat him clean with an RKO, and heck, Christian might have even given him an Unprettier. And before Christian was fully heel, there was a triple threat #1 contender match between Christian, Sheamus and Henry where Orton ran in and RKOd Henry.

I think Kelly Kelly was being raped by the stupidity of that angle. It's been exactly the same for three months except now Beth has no reason to say Kelly is unworthy when Kelly has beaten her twice.


posted on 10-2-2011 at 06:32 AM

Glad they made Sin Cara Dos change colour scheme but I still maintain the match would have been better with Daniel Bryan, PS where was he?
If I had to guess, main eventing Superstars with Wade Barrett.

Though I still think (Cody Rhodes) needs to switch to tights, as the hooded jacket/short trunks look just doesn't work.
I think it's the "no kneepads" thing that throws people off. I think it works for Cody. Current gimmick-aside, the dude gives off this "old school"-vibe for me: his non-usage of elbowpads and kneepads, his intrinsic knowledge of what to do in the ring, his fluid movement and transitions, etc.

Otunga's lawyer outfit is hysterical.
Yeah. The bowtie and short-sleeved polo shirt makes him look like a waiter instead of a lawyer.

The Sin Cara promo would have been better if he could speak English. And how do we know that's the b?ad one? And if it is, why was the good one using his swanton bomb
I kinda like the other one selling his anger/resentment just through ominous finger pointing. CMP's right, though. The one with the blonde hair sticking out the back of the mask is the real/original/face Sin Cara, so that was the face Sin Cara against Heath Slater. The Swanton works as a finisher for Sin Cara, but Hunico did it more beautifully last week.

I do get your point though, flam. Why would Sin Cara use Hunico's finisher in the first place? They'll probably just retcon it, saying that the Swanton was Sin Cara's move all along.

The best part of Bourne vs Swagger was the grandma doing the "i bow to you"-gesture to Bourne during his entrance. JB?

Pretty nifty neckbreaker-based offense from JTG in a losing effort to the First Broski. When we look back at this year, despite all the wasted potential of the "Summer of Punk" storyline and other missteps, it's good to look back at how far Zack Ryder has come in terms of push, TV exposure and fan support, and how he achieved it virtually by himself.

Finally, WHUT DUH HAIL, Kelly Kelly sounded like she was being raped while she was in Natalya's Crossbow (cue pervs going to youtube to look for clip).

the goon

posted on 10-2-2011 at 04:48 AM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
Yes, too bad they gave away the "can Orton RKO Henry" angle, considering that Orton had never RKOd Henry before and there's a logical reason why he wouldn't be able to. Oh wait, he's RKOd Henry multiple times, this year, because there's no logical reason why Henry would be harder to RKO than anyone else.

Out of curiosity, do you recall the instances where Orton has given an RKO to Henry? I just can't recall it anytime in recent memory, though that's certainly not to say it didn't happen. But I do think that from a kayfabe perspective, Henry should be considered harder to hit an RKO on just because of his basic size/strength (especially with the current monster push he's getting). It would seem a lot easier to hit an RKO on say Christian than it would Henry.


posted on 10-2-2011 at 04:30 AM

Yes, too bad they gave away the "can Orton RKO Henry" angle, considering that Orton had never RKOd Henry before and there's a logical reason why he wouldn't be able to. Oh wait, he's RKOd Henry multiple times, this year, because there's no logical reason why Henry would be harder to RKO than anyone else.

Otunga's lawyer outfit is hysterical.

The Sin Cara promo would have been better if he could speak English. And how do we know that's the b?ad one? And if it is, why was the good one using his swanton bomb

the goon

posted on 10-2-2011 at 01:20 AM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
Seriously disappointed they gave away the RKO last night, I would rather this be the one time they leave doubt in the fans mind.

Agreed. I was all set to say how I like them playing up the "Orton can't RKO Henry" angle going into their PPV match...only for Orton to RKO Henry to close out the show. I don't get it.

Otherwise, I thought the show started fairly lackluster but picked up right around Sheamus/Rhodes.

Henry/Khali unfortunately wasn't the utter train wreck I was hoping for, as they played it safe and short. A good win for Henry going into the PPV I guess. And I think what I'm enjoying about Henry's current character is that he's so (to quote a Pantera song) fucking hostile. It's like he can't even come out for an interview segment without beating the crap out of someone or at least threatening to.

Swagger/Bourne was pretty fun for being so damn short. I'd like to see them get more time together. And there's certainly worse things they could do than have Air Boom feud with Ziggler/Swagger for the moment, as the matches are pretty much guaranteed to be good.

Sin Cara/Heath Slater was a complete squash. Almost makes me wonder if we're going to see Slater in the "future endeavor" column soon, as I don't see much use for the guy. I like evil Sin Cara's new outfit, which was obviously necessary before their match on Sunday. Kind of interesting he mentioned Mistico, which I'm sure went over the head of 90% of the WWE's viewing audience.

I'm digging the continuation of the "Alliance of Evil" between the heels. I think you can already pencil in a Christian/Cody/Ziggler/Swagger/Otunga team for Survivor Series, which I'd be all for.

Kelly Kelly/Natayla was your standard weekly two-minute Divas match. No shocker in Kelly winning, but if Beth doesn't win the title on Sunday, fuck this whole feud.

Quite a solid affair between Sheamus and Cody. Minus the battle royal on RAW, I don't recall them wrestling much (if ever), so it seemed like a pretty fresh pairing too. I think Cody is on a bit of a roll as far as having good matches, as he's done some good stuff lately. Though I still think he needs to switch to tights, as the hooded jacket/short trunks look just doesn't work.

Ryder/JTG was decent, but again too short (Smackdown has been having too many short matches lately). I've always thought JTG was a bit underrated in the ring, so I'm glad he got to put in some offense in the match. And a clean win for Zack is good, no matter who it's over.

As usual, great match out of Orton and Christian. Are those two even able to have a bad match together? The WWE should just release a DVD of all of their matches from this year for like $15 and I'd buy it. The double count-out ending seemed a little odd, but as long as Christian doesn't have to eat yet another pin from Orton, I'm okay with it.


posted on 10-1-2011 at 12:52 PM

Seriously disappointed they gave away the RKO last night, I would rather this be the one time they leave doubt in the fans mind.

Glad they made Sin Cara Dos change colour scheme but I still maintain the match would have been better with Daniel Bryan, PS where was he?

I kinda like the slow build of the Ortunga Legal Force and I'm seriously impressed they didn't go down the Eric Bischoff esq Cody loses the title & gets it back through legal means after the "under protest" line.


posted on 10-1-2011 at 03:59 AM

Final Score:

Mother Nature 1
The Rick 0


posted on 9-30-2011 at 08:52 PM

OO Nation: All discussion pertaining to SmackDown (airing September 30, 2011) should be done in this thread. It will remain pinned at the top of the Current Events section for the remainder of the week. In discussing the program, we'd love it if you shared your numerical rating for the show (from a low of 0.0 to a high of 5.0, in any increment of one-tenth of a point). For full details on the ratings scale and how to join in on this informal "Battle of the Brands," please be sure to check out the OOfficial Guidelines for TV Ratings/Discussion Threads.

Tonight on SmackDown: it's the eve of the Hell in a Cell PPV, and all the top players will be in action against their secondary/non-PPV rivals... the main event will be another go-round between Christian and Randy Orton, who've had a nice series of matches dating back to May... meantime, the night's other "anchor" match will pit Christian's current #1 foe, Sheamus, against IC Champ Cody Rhodes (with the title on the line)... and World Champ Mark Henry will get a minor work-out against the [redacted] Khali in a battle of the giant oafs...

An intriguing opening bout will put Vickie Guerrero's stable (Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger) to the test, as they face Air Boom in a non-title match.... Sin Cara will compete against Heath Slater, and afterwards, will be challenged to a PPV match by Sin Cara... Kelly Kelly will take on Natalya, while her PPV challenger Beth Phoenix sits in on commentary... in a development that would have been unthinkable a month or two ago, Zack Ryder will be "in action" (80s Saturday morning euphemism for a squash match)... Johnny Ace will be milling around backstage, trying to quash any insubordination that may or may not be being fomented by David Otunga, Esq., and Triple H will be keeping tabs on Johnny's progress....

It actually sounds like a decent enough show, especially on the in-ring/rasslin's side of things, but alas, OO must admit that CC Sabathia vs. Justin Verlander sounds like an even better way to spend my evening... I'll actually be relying on the youtubes to get me caught up on SD, because while I'm watching the Yankees game, my DVR's other tuner will be pre-occupied with something else pretty awesome: if you're in a region where Fox Sports Ohio is available, you'll want to join me in recording "4192," which isn't just a documentary about Pete Rose, it's a documentary about Pete Rose with music provided by Bob "Guided by Voices" Pollard... I'm fully expecting that to rule the universe....

The flOOr is yours, OO Nation. Let your voice be heard and your thoughts on Brand Supremacy be known. Don't wait till after 10pm to post, either. Pre-show previewing and prognosticating is certainly welcome. So discuss, debate, and rate!

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