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Topic Review
cloak and dagger

posted on 10-12-2011 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by joerizal
Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
If Punk were to return tomorrow night after a while in exile with the belt thereby addressing that issue it would've been awesome. oh well.
Starting with the opening riff from "Cult of Personality", that would've been sweeeeeeeeeeeet!

NO. No. Just no. This moment was reserved for Wrestlemania, after John Cena beat The Rock for the WWE title. John Cena, celebrating victory after a glorious build up between him and Rocky, with half of the 75,000 in attendance booing John Cena out of his shorts. He puts down one of the most revered figures in the sport, basks in his glory, and then? Cult of Personality hits.

"Did you forget?? I'M the best in the world."

Enjoy 3-4 months of post Wrestlemania awesomeness.


posted on 10-11-2011 at 12:45 AM

Would explain Anonymous's silence and you could easily tie it to Ace or Steph.

I've been waiting for laurenitis to whip out his phone to 'send a text'... only for him to e-mail the podium instead to reveal himself to be the GM. The GM shut up as soon as he appeared on screen.


posted on 10-11-2011 at 12:05 AM

I honestly thought he was retiring when he started tearing up. I's a weird acting choice if it's not genuine. And if he was retiring it would make SENSE that we would get all weepy. But seeing as it was just a general revenge promo, I was really confused by that myself...

Frank Lloyd Wright

posted on 10-10-2011 at 02:41 PM

Originally posted by the goon
I thought the Big Show promo was a little over the top, just because the guy was coming back from an "ankle injury," not some horrific career-threatening injury or something like that.

This......Seeing him blubbering like a 5 year old, was a real head shaking moment for me. He got some of his credibility back when he put Henry through the announce table. But in saying that, there should be no crying in wrestling, especially from a giant.


posted on 10-10-2011 at 12:28 PM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
If Punk were to return tomorrow night after a while in exile with the belt thereby addressing that issue it would've been awesome. oh well.
Starting with the opening riff from "Cult of Personality", that would've been sweeeeeeeeeeeet!


posted on 10-10-2011 at 06:50 AM

The pooch-screwing here all started with the stupid Anonymous Raw GM idea. Haven't heard a ping from him in about 2 months, but the podium is still there. If you really wanted to stretch, you could say that Teddy Long can provide a legitimate physical and professional buffer as SmackDown GM that Anonymous can't.

It'd be nice if that reveal was part of this whole mess, too. Be an interesting story part if CM Punk says something like, "This plan has been in the works for years when I began discussions with the Anonymous Raw GM who is..." whoever the hell it is. Turn it into a time-biding Sith/Jedi kind of thing. Would explain Anonymous's silence and you could easily tie it to Ace or Steph.

A Steph betrayal of HHH might even be in the offing. Be interesting to couple her with Punk, even perhaps as an "on-screen" romance, although I don't know if Punk would go for it. A better way might be for Steph to tell HHH, "This is a McMahon family business. We run this company, not you. You might've married into the family, but you'll never truly be a McMahon."

You could also say that HHH never finalized the work he was doing to completely merge the two brands back together and this "No Confidence" thing has further muddied up the process. Wrestlers, according to storylines, are still contractually bound to one program and are just making special SuperShow appearances on the other brand.

Again, I'm in full Gumby mode here.

cloak and dagger

posted on 10-10-2011 at 12:45 AM

The logic escapes me here. Isn't Triple H COO of Smackdown too? And Superstars, and NXT, and whatever other shows they put on? Couldn't Triple H cancel Raw, since nobody's going to work it, and then rename Smackdown "Raw"? Wrestling's new home --- Friday Night Raw!

Whatever way they spin it, Triple H is their boss. How does this not come up in staff meetings?


posted on 10-9-2011 at 09:54 PM

Originally posted by joerizal

I noticed that Raw has no champions. The supposed-to-be Raw exclusive del Rio and Dolph (WWE and US), the SD-exclusive Mark Henry and Cody (WHC and IC), and the crossbrand champs Air Boom (Tag) and Beth (Divas) were all part of the walkout and have stated that they would only compete on SD.

If Punk were to return tomorrow night after a while in exile with the belt thereby addressing that issue it would've been awesome. oh well.

Red Irts

posted on 10-9-2011 at 09:33 PM

Maybe they could have a tournament on Raw tomorrow. Have the winner, if it's not Cena, face Cena and boom, it's another title added to his CV.


posted on 10-9-2011 at 08:07 AM

Couple of nifty spots in the del Rio vs Sin Cara match, near-endgame botch notwithstanding: sickest German Suplex bump I've seen in the WWE in years, and del Rio's sell of Sin Cara's tilt-a-whirl DDT.

Also, del Rio looks positively vicious when he locks in the "del Rio Special" and refuses to relinquish.

I noticed that Raw has no champions. The supposed-to-be Raw exclusive del Rio and Dolph (WWE and US), the SD-exclusive Mark Henry and Cody (WHC and IC), and the crossbrand champs Air Boom (Tag) and Beth (Divas) were all part of the walkout and have stated that they would only compete on SD.


posted on 10-8-2011 at 10:16 AM

I was paying attention some of the show, and I have to say, very excited to see the Big Show/Henry fued. I also felt something I haven't felt for a while. Usually heels are kind of babies and all, but I've honestly been siding with the most of them during their stories. Like Cody getting the stitches or Cena getting really pissed off that Del Rio took the belt from CM Punk. I don't feel like the things they say are totally ridiculous and just trying to get boo'd. That and I find them flat out more entertaining most of the time.

And I liked Henry during his Orton run. I found Orton despicable as a face. Henry was a dick, but whatever, I thought they built him up well enough and I was totally okay with him being champ.

But Show comes back tonight wanting vengeance for being hurt, and after watching Mark dominate so many people, my GOD it was really satisfying watching a face lay it onto Henry. Was very happy to have that feeling again.

Anyone else have that feeling about heels? They're kind of annoying, but why the fuck does Randy need to RKO them onto tables twice? They don't deserve THAT much punishment for being a tad annoying. The heels back in the day did a lot more than just minor bitching and cheating every so often. Bossman tied Big Show's dad's casket to his car and drove off! Which might be a bad example because I'm unsure if that was meant to be funny or not, but you get the idea!

But yeah, it might not be the best match when it comes around, but I'm sure it'll be alright. In the meantime, I'm really enjoying the story of it.

Forgive long tangent.


posted on 10-8-2011 at 03:51 AM

Highlight of the night was Booker's explanation on why he walked out. To paraphrase..

"I was going to the restroom 'cause I thought the show was over, dawg!"



posted on 10-8-2011 at 03:49 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
Calling him Sin Cara Negra with Booker T on the announce team is just asking for a slip of the tongue.

Sin Cara, we comin' for you, nigga!


posted on 10-8-2011 at 03:42 AM

Originally posted by the goon

Del Rio/Sin Cara was pretty standard stuff, but no complaints about Del Rio getting a convincing victory. And I dig evil Sin Cara's new evil-rrific entrance and theme music.

He needs to use the Gangrel ring of fire entrance. However I think evil sin Cara might get over more than the baby face.

Calling him Sin Cara Negra with Booker T on the announce team is just asking for a slip of the tongue.

the goon

posted on 10-8-2011 at 03:01 AM

Pretty lackluster episode tonight and after all the RAW replays, I don't think I want to hear the term "no confidence" ever again.

I did like the opening segment and that they at least tried to explain why the wrestlers were on Smackdown. But as Rick pointed out, Triple H is the COO of the entire WWE, not just RAW. The "wrestlers will appear on Smackdown but not RAW" idea doesn't make much sense. Though at least they also acknowledged that guys like Cena, Orton, Punk, etc weren't out at ringside on Monday during the course of the episode.

Del Rio/Sin Cara was pretty standard stuff, but no complaints about Del Rio getting a convincing victory. And I dig evil Sin Cara's new evil-rrific entrance and theme music.

Air Boom vs. Ziggler/Swagger was basically a squash, but I liked it for two reasons: one, I have no problem with these two teams feuding. Two, it almost had a Saturday Night's Main Event vibe to it...heel team jumps the face team early, then gets a convincing (and kind of surprising) clean win.

Speaking of squashes, there was Beth Phoenix/Alicia Fox.

I thought the Big Show promo was a little over the top, just because the guy was coming back from an "ankle injury," not some horrific career-threatening injury or something like that.

File Zeke/Mahal in the "who gives a fuck" file. Kind of funny to see the fickleness of the WWE, in that Mahal was brought in getting squash wins and having Khali on his side, to now basically becoming a jobber (not to mention Zeke just went through a similar situation).

I don't know what the fuck the point of the Hornswoggle/Booker T stuff was.

Tag match was pretty good, but could have used more time. All four guys are capable of better, but it's kind of hard when you barely get over five minutes for a tag match.

I can't say I'm excited for Big Show/Henry, but they definitely started it off with a bang tonight. Plus, as good as Orton has been since coming to Smackdown, it is kind of nice to see him out of the world title picture for the moment. I also like the dynamic of Henry now being in a feud with a guy that can go toe to toe with him from a size/physical perspective.

Another complaint: Smackdown is almost always good for some decent in-ring time, but tonight was severely lacking. I get the opening promo and all the Big Show stuff ate into a lot of the show time, but otherwise the amount of actual wrestling was pretty sad.


posted on 10-7-2011 at 07:16 PM

OO Nation: All discussion pertaining to SmackDown (airing October 7, 2011) should be done in this thread. It will remain pinned at the top of the Current Events section for the remainder of the week. In discussing the program, we'd love it if you shared your numerical rating for the show (from a low of 0.0 to a high of 5.0, in any increment of one-tenth of a point). For full details on the ratings scale and how to join in on this informal "Battle of the Brands," please be sure to check out the OOfficial Guidelines for TV Ratings/Discussion Threads.

Tonight on SmackDown: the show goes on, same as it ever was... explanation: the roster only wants to hurt Triple H, not Teddy Long... which is stupid, because HHH is COO of *WWE*, not "Boss of RAW"... but apparently, "thinking too hard" is something that the Writer Monkeys would really prefer you not do with regards to their latest flinging-at-the-wall-to-see-what-sticks... in regards to the walk-out storyline, various guys will offer various justifications for working on SD, and the big tease is that you'll have to tune in to RAW to find out what happens next, because SD is apparently an alternate universe; HHH will not be present tonight at all, but Johnny Funkhauser will be... wheeeee....

Tonight's main event will be Sheamus and Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes and Christian, and was said to be a very solid display of grapplingsmanship... tonight's biggest selling point (going back to the big announcement on RAW) is the return of Big Show, who is looking for revenge on Mark Henry; however, things got very muddled when WWE was forced to do multiple re-tapes of their segments, and nobody was quite sure what would air and in what order... one possibility is that they air a promo where Show demands to fight Henry TONIGHT (and then a later segment WAS taped where they had a staredown, but Henry powdered out), and the other is they air a version of the promo where Show demands a TITLE MATCH, but Henry declines on the grounds that Show hasn't beaten anybody yet....

Also: David Otunga's Clientelle (Dolph/Swagger/Vickie/Christian/Cody/Wade/del Rio) open the show and declare they will not participate in any WWE shows until HHH resigns as COO (all of them but Wade would go on to wrestle ON THIS VERY SHOW, underscoring how stupid and poorly planned this whole mess is), with del Rio further threatening that no SD stars will join RAW's "supershow" ever again (despite the fact that del Rio was drafted to RAW and is a member of its roster)... Ziggler/Swagger have a non-title match against Air Boom... Alberto takes on Sin Cara Blue (the original one)... Zeke Jackson looks to duplicate Santino's success against Jinder Mahal... and Beth Phoenix is in action against Alicia Fox....

The flOOr is yours, OO Nation. Let your voice be heard and your thoughts on Brand Supremacy be known. Don't wait till after 10pm to post, either. Pre-show previewing and prognosticating is certainly welcome. So discuss, debate, and rate!

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