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Topic Review

posted on 9-2-2016 at 11:12 AM

That while thing was pretty damn funny. Not all of Vince's 10-year-old humor misses.


posted on 9-1-2016 at 04:37 AM

Originally posted by CellMates
Originally posted by janerd75

ETA: That post-nuttering of A.J. with accompanying antics by Dean was hi-fucking-larious.

And AJ takes it to other-worldly levels by selling it into the dark match (which he is not a part of).

There's even fan video of the dark match entrances, complete with AJ:


posted on 8-31-2016 at 09:50 PM

That was a good show. It was the best thing Ambrose has done since the split. I agree with most everyone, the top rope ending was funny as hell; Ambrose's reaction was one of the funniest things I've seen.

The ladies were ok. Becky is hands and shoulders above everyone but they are evening out the playing field.

The Heath Slater stuff is outstanding. Poor Rhyno, has to sell one move and gets busted open the hard way. Heaths reaction was funny. I think he was surprised that he was busted open.

I like how they are continuing with the cowardly actions of Miz. If he would have fought, the angle wouldn't have worked. I did think the DB Shane interaction was illogical. Shane coming out at Summerslam had nothing to do with confronting Brock; he was trying to protect the Smackdown talent. I would think most people would do the same. I'm hoping this is leading to a Ziggler heal turn.


posted on 8-31-2016 at 09:16 PM

Really good show, rounded off with a really good main event, easily the best match Ambrose has had since winning the belt and it was largely down to a breakout performance by Corbin.


posted on 8-31-2016 at 06:31 PM

Originally posted by janerd75

ETA: That post-nuttering of A.J. with accompanying antics by Dean was hi-fucking-larious.

And AJ takes it to other-worldly levels by selling it into the dark match (which he is not a part of).


posted on 8-31-2016 at 02:06 PM


[Edited on 8-31-2016 by CCharger]


posted on 8-31-2016 at 04:46 AM

I am 100% a Heath Slater mark at this point. I'm just really enjoying his new gimmick on a level that I should be ashamed over.

Ambrose's antics with Styles were gold.

So a friend and I were talking about the divas as we watched. We came to the conclusion that they were all hot in their own way. I'm going to assume this meant the match wasn't that interesting.

I chuckled at the whole Milkman bit. The commentators were pretty hilarious.

I enjoy the Miz. At least currently.

Pretty good show, WWE.

[Edited on 8-31-2016 by Quentil]


posted on 8-31-2016 at 04:40 AM

They've certainly got to figure out some of their ongoing pacing issues. That crowd was great for the Miz/Ziggler segment then died for everything after, just like happened at SS after Cena/AJ.


posted on 8-31-2016 at 03:22 AM

Man, that was just a dead show. I don't even hate Baron Corbin, but that whole match was just "When's AJ gonna interfere?". Dean Ambrose remains a favorite of mine, but his title reign is not going well.

The Ziggler/Miz segment would've been ten times more interesting if it'd been Ziggler taking Miz's side and forming an alliance against the indie glory boys trying to steal their spots. Throw in Corbin and you might actually have a stable out of that. Instead - hot promos to lead to a nothing-new feud, Ziggler shrugging off having his heart broken and just going back to being a midcarder. Disappointing.

Apollo Crews needs to go back to NXT and take some more promo classes. He's brutal on the mic.

I like Heath Slater, but had to fast forward that skit. Glad the Headbangers only came to job. Rhino's forehead must be made of tissue paper after years of indie blading.

Shane McMahon looks more like his old man every day.

Count Zero

posted on 8-31-2016 at 03:08 AM

The Kane thing was just because the New Daemon Kayn is injured, so they might as well use the Old Demon Kane while the "no two Shanes" policy won't come into effect.

Todd Chrisley baffles me. I don't even =want= to attempt to understand.

I AGREE SO MUCH with Janstyle that Baron Tummyface is now and will forever be a non-happening-thing.

I think the best part of those antics was the handshake Dean threw in there. Sort of just a "Well, it was nice seeing you. Do this again soon, eh wot? Cherrio." kind of thing. Dean is so British.


posted on 8-31-2016 at 02:58 AM

What the shit was that deal with Kane? Did a major shareholder win a contest or something?

Todd Chrisley reminds me of Nick Swardson's character from Reno:911

Stop trying to make Baron Corbin happen WWE. He's not going to happen.

ETA: That post-nuttering of A.J. with accompanying antics by Dean was hi-fucking-larious.

[Edited on 8-31-2016 by janerd75]

Count Zero

posted on 8-31-2016 at 02:51 AM

Hey Look!! It's Corbin Bernsen in the main event of SmackDown LIVE!

And the crowd is like


posted on 8-31-2016 at 02:44 AM

First the Headbangers and now the grandson of Milkman Milliman? All they needed was to add Pat Patterson's skid mark to the jobber's underwear and it would have been a full night of unwanted trips down memory lane.


posted on 8-31-2016 at 02:38 AM

The second Nikki started talking, I remembered "Oh right, we didn't like her because she can't convey any real human emotion, yet somehow is continued to be relied upon to speak." I feel bad for Becky, not because she's getting buried but because while her friends are over on Raw having the foundation for solid matches laid, she's stuck in the Diva's division from before she started.


posted on 8-31-2016 at 02:37 AM

Beaver Cleavage might have been the better idea to resurrect.


posted on 8-31-2016 at 02:35 AM

Rhyno opened up hardway. They aren't really cutting away from it. Nice.

Count Zero

posted on 8-31-2016 at 02:34 AM

hah. david otunga just said something funny: "Imagine if marilyn manson's last two fans became tag team champs.."

And Rhyno got busted the fuck open, ouchie.

The Hitcher

posted on 8-31-2016 at 01:52 AM

I can't decide if this Heath Slater interview is genius or not.

Also: That Bray/Orton segment ended really weird... nice promo work though, so there's that.

[Edited on 8-31-2016 by The Hitcher]

Count Zero

posted on 8-31-2016 at 01:34 AM

Mauro just said: "it's on like Donkey Kong".

I can't decide if that makes him awesome, or totally uncool-uncle.

Discuss if you wish?

ETFixEmojicon. (Those things are acting weird lately. I wanted the 'words' guy, but it said that it was the 'angry' guy.)

ETAddmore: Rhyno =loves= that spray cheese, gaht. Also, I have a friend whose mom is seriously for real named Beulah. THAT is the part of Canada I live in.

[Edited on 8-31-2016 by Count Zero]


posted on 8-31-2016 at 01:12 AM

I am a Miziggler mark.

Sam Is Neat

posted on 8-31-2016 at 12:24 AM

It would be kind of nice to see WWE turn Bo Dallas's recent troubles into a nice story line, if all parties were willing.

Have the WWE issue a statement regarding his release from RAW, wishing him the best with his future endeavors, only to have him show up and help Bray defeat Randy while wearing a sheep mask and street clothes. Once Bray secures the victory, the mask comes off to reveal Bo, standing by his brother, the TRUE Wyatt family reunited.

Bo can then join Smackdown Live, explain that he has been lost for quite some time, and was long embarrassed about who he was and who his brother really is. But now that he has hit rock bottom, he knows what is important and that is to Bo-lieve in the family. The two of them can either be a tag team or just singles wrestlers who are associated with one another and you add a solid hand, rid yourself of a dead end gimmick in Bo Dallas and turn a negative into a positive.

Or just have Randy Orton hit an RKO out of no where, beat Bray and have Bray deliver some random promo on some other face the weak after.



posted on 8-31-2016 at 12:15 AM

Tonight on SmackDown: it seems like they are intent on last week's internet-only word feud between Miz and Daniel Bryan crossing over to be a featured storyline on TV, as WWE is hyping Bryan's response to Miz as part of a face-to-face confrontation...

Any time wrestling tries to get cutesy with "shoot" angles, it's a tough needle to thread, because sometimes what's "real" isn't actually entertaining (nor is the notion that it's real entertaining in and of itself), but if you try to tweak it to be more entertaining, you lose the sense of reality it's it gets insultingly stupid (ergo, that's why there are a grand total of zero actual reality shows on TV)... but it can be done, and I don't think it has a whole lot to do with the "end game" (many are using this to hope for Bryan's return to the ring to challenge for the IC Title)... if Bryan can merely unload a giant salvo of his own to zing Miz, the mere battle of philosophies could make for compelling TV, even if, at the end of the show, Bryan has to get his ultimate revenge on Miz by utilizing his GM powers....

I mean, how easy would it be to turn Miz's little hissy fit against him, and how glorious would it be if Bryan said something like, "You know what, good for you Miz, being out here each and every night in front of these fans without getting hurt. But how many of these fans miss you when you disappear to go make a movie? How many of these fans would demand a refund if you walked out right now? How many of these fans actually wish you WOULD go away this instant? They see through you just like I see through you. You're an entertainer, and that's a lot easier on the body than being a wrestler. It eats me up inside knowing that a lot of these fans would love to see me in this ring again, and that I am disappointing them by being unable to compete any more. But I'd rather go out, leaving them wanting more, than going out the way you're going to go out, some day: with exactly zero people feeling sad, or asking you if you're ever going to have One More Match." KA-POWZA~!

In terms of in-ring, Miz's current IC Title challenger is Apollo Crews, which WWE also has to be careful not to lose in the shuffle, depending on how much they want to millk the he-goat with the "viral" Bryan/Miz thing...

WWE Champ Dean Ambrose defending against AJ Styles is happening in two weeks at Backlash... Styles has just been getting a rocketbooster heel push lately, and I think promo/chemistry/story-wise, these two are gonna keep on knocking it out of the park.... and that should be able to carry them if things don't quite click, match-wise (as they didn't for Ambrose/Ziggler)... speaking of Ziggler, my spidey-sense is tingly, and maybe he's not quite done putting his two cents worth in with the WWE TItle picture....

Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton is happening, but much like Lesnar/Orton, the only real interest I take in it is seeing Orton lose to make sure a top heel act gets some necessary rehabilitation.... Brock is once again Badass Prime, after a humiliating first half of August in the court of public opinion... and maybe this is the boost Wyatt needs to finally develop into that top heel we've been expecting him to be for 2 years, now... unfortunately, Wyatt's usual gift of gab loses some of its gravitas when you're not entirely sure if his target understands a single goddamned word of it.... but enough LIGHTS OUT sneak attacks and RKOs Outtanowhere and I'm sure we can manufacture something resembling sizzle...

The tag title tournament continues tonight, with two additional quarterfinal matches.... the Hype Bros will take on the Vaudevillains, and per Shane McMahon's decision last week: Heath Slater got Rhyno to agree to be his partner, so Shane went out and found an extra team to face them tonight, the Headbangers (yes, THOSE Headbangers)... the Usos and American Alpha are already in the semi-finals, which will take place next week, with the new champs crowned at Backlash...

All 6 of SD's (non-suspended) women already have entry in the PPV match to determine the first SD Women's Champion.... no indication on whether the match will be first fall wins, or elimination styles, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it... in the meantime, we'll just get a lot of one-on-one and tag dealies where the women are looking for momentum heading into Backlash.... storywise, you're probably looking at Carmella's heel turn and attack on Nikki Bella (who turns face in the process) as the biggest personal issue, besides who wins the belt... I naively hope that keeping Nikki present and occupied with "personal issues" is enough to avoid WWE deciding to make her the new champ, all in the name of placating the E! "Network" audience, instead of taking care of the existing wrestling fans...

The dregs: John Cena was absent last week, to give AJ Styles a week to gloat and taunt, but to the best of my knowledge, there are still about 6 weeks to do before Cena will be fully into production of his TV show for FOX (and at least a month before pre-production would be so involved that he couldn't take one day off per week for TV), so there's probably something simmering there, to provide Cena a send-off, as he'll be off TV from late October till the new year.... last week, they seemed to skip right past any attempt at a Bray vs. Rowan feud, but instead just quietly kept the split in place.... perhaps, a soft reboot for the "de-Wyattfied" Rowan? He was kinda fun in his VERY brief babyface singles run as the Intellectual Puzzle Solving Savant of Backwoods Perverts.... and for reasons that only they comprehend, WWE is still trying to turn Baron Corbin vs. Kalisto into A Thing...

That is all. End communication....

The flOOr is yours, OO Nation. Don't wait till after 10pm to post, either. Pre-show previewing and prognosticating is certainly welcome. So discuss, debate, and rate!

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