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Topic Review

posted on 9-3-2016 at 06:17 PM

If they dump this angle because it got over, it is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with the WWE.


posted on 9-3-2016 at 08:47 AM

Well, so much for all that...

According to PWInsider, the Daniel Bryan and Miz story was cut short this week on Smackdown because the Talking Smack segment from last week went in a direction the company didn�t expect.

The Smackdown post-show segment in question received a lot of attention online and it was a largely unscripted segment. The banter was planned ahead of time, but Miz�s improvisation during the segment cause things to veer away from what the company planned. Daniel Bryan noted on the August 30th episode of Talking Smack and last night�s SportsCenter that WWE intends to keep he and the Miz far apart while they�re on screen, which suggests that the segment didn�t go how WWE planned and won�t be followed up on in terms of the interactions between Bryan and Miz.

The top comment on this article sums it up fucking best:

WWE Creative Hans Moleman: I need you to get this angle over as much as, that's too over.

Saddest part is how unsurprising it is. Something that's gotten them tons of buzz... and they say "fuck it' because it wasn't something they 100% mapped out themselves.


posted on 9-2-2016 at 04:16 PM

Miz also is a legit underdog....miz is the only underdog I have ever seen who can be hated so easily.


posted on 9-1-2016 at 07:06 PM

I can't make my mind up between whether I want to see Miz crack and beat the shit out of everyone for a while, or just settle in and keep on winning like he has done.

There is potential for a real rally behind Miz in future, he's the solid reliable guy who we have loved to hate for so long, as long as they don't force it, it'll be fine.

The chicken suit line was sheer genius.

First 9

posted on 9-1-2016 at 03:26 AM

Because then you create a situation were neither guy can afford to lose. Either Joe has an underwhelming debut or Miz built all that hype just to get crushed the next month.Yeah, they might have been better options than Ziggler but Miz should definently run over a few guys before butting heads with a force like Joe.

GEG I really didn't get a homegrown guy shitting on the indie guys vibe from the Miz(yeah he insulted them, but it wasn't his focus) and going the homegrown heels vs the indie darlings I feel would be a bit lame when a much more unique opportunity is available.

I feel WWE is close, really close to turning Miz into their equivalent of Floyd MayWeather or Good God, maybe just maybe, the brilliant version of Cactus Jack who used headlocks to piss off the ECW mutants. People are saying they broke kayfabe last week, but Bryan putting down Miz for his style is the same exact way many put down Mayweather despite the fact that he wins. Back when beat Pacquiao, people didn't give a fuck that he won and still shat on him. Putting down athletes(not booing them or hating, but flat out insisting they aren't that good) because you weren't entertain by them even though they are objectively the best of their profession is a real thing.

Let Miz run with it, be obnoxiously pragmatic and keep that fire because fans will never be on his side because he just isn't as fun as the rest, pissing me off even further because fuck you he's the one winning!


posted on 9-1-2016 at 02:49 AM

If you wanted to go the indy darling route (and I like the idea), I'd do it with

a) Current WWE roster: Sami Zayn morphing in and out of El Generico. Fuck, I saw that dude wrestle twice in Chikara and he DEFINES indy darling. The match he had with Sara del Ray was incredible

b) Former indy darling: Chris Hero. Fat gut and all. Because he's about the only indy darling that hasn't had a WWE/NXT run (I know he was in NXT, but not when NXT was almost a legit wrestling company).

c) Former indy darling now signed to NXT: Johnny Gargano. Dude epitomizes what it means to be an under-sized indy darling.

d) obnoxious indy star: Chucky T and the whole f'n Gentleman's Club. Chuck is probably the best active comedy wrestling (I loved Archibald Peck, but he seems to be inactive), Drew Gulak can flat out go, Orange Cassidy is ridiculous, the Swamp Monster just screams indy silliness and the racist rants of Colonel Nolan Angus would fit right in with this Presidential election. Probably too risque for this age, but I'd love it.

and since we're going full fantasy, I'll throw in one more

e) the Briscoe Brothers. I can't think of a bigger contradiction between the pretty boy MIZ and those two rednecks.


posted on 9-1-2016 at 02:02 AM

I think Smackdown needs something to hang it's hat on story wise, and I think this is something you could build on... Plus, you've got Survivor Series coming up where you could spread the angle out a bit more, and give Miz a win in the feud.


posted on 9-1-2016 at 12:47 AM

Totally with Charger and GEG on their ideas. Kinda deflating if that sweet promo, and the concept behind it, is just so Miz and Dolph can have a go at each other. Which I'm all for, but it seems like a waste if that's all they do with it considering the implications of The Promo. But, it's early on so I'll wait and see. Bryan did give Shane shit about the Brock stuff after Shane soureyed Bryan post-The Promo. I also like the more aggressive and less cartoony Miz. I also enjoy Maryseses silicone sex orbs.

I am a Smackdown mark. A Smark, if you wheel. Except Baron Corbin. Fuck that guy.


posted on 8-31-2016 at 11:55 PM

I may be wrong but i thought it was confrimed that the Joe injury was a work. Ill see if i can find it again and source later if i can.

ETA- this isnt what i saw but atleast theres some smoke

[Edited on 8-31-2016 by coxito]

[Edited on 8-31-2016 by coxito]


posted on 8-31-2016 at 11:09 PM

Well, Joe's probably got a broken jaw from his match with Nakamura, which might be a wee bit of a problem. Also, Joe's a heel. But would I enjoy it? Yes, but I'm a Joe mark.

I still stand by my assertion that Dolph should've joined up with Miz in his hatred of indie darlings, then the two of them and Baron Corbin could've terrorized GM Daniel Bryan (with Corbin constantly threatening him) until Bryan could summon the indie hordes to save him (presuming that neither Dean nor Styles have an interest in sticking up for the indie guys cause...well, actually just their personalities pretty well explains that).


posted on 8-31-2016 at 10:15 PM

I know some of you are loathe to fantasy booking, but I think this works.

Rather than unceremoniously move on from the fantastic angle between Bryan and Miz on Talking Smack, why didn't the WWE bring Bryan out like they did and then have Miz come out and continue the "go back to the indies" angle. Bryan looks like he is about to blow his top, and he and Miz go nose to nose as the crowd chants "YES!" expecting Bryan to throw down one more time. Instead, Bryan says that he can't - he just can't - wrestle again. But if Miz has such a problem with guys who cut their teeth on the indy scene, he has a guy who CAN wrestle in his place.

Samoa Joe's music hits and he proceeds to beat the fuck out of Miz, and then celebrate in the ring with Bryan. Following week, Bryan announces Joe vs. Miz for the IC title.

1. Miz gets the rub from Bryan.
2. Samoa Joe gets a cool, legit introduction.
3. Sets up Joe vs. Miz at Backlash
5. Print money

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