OOfficial Ratings/Discussion Thread for: RAW (November 23, 2009)
OORick - 11-23-2009 at 06:17 PM

OO Nation: All discussion pertaining to RAW (airing November 23, 2009) should be done in this thread. It will remain pinned at the top of the Current Events section for the remainder of the week. In discussing the program, we'd love it if you shared your numerical rating for the show (from a low of 0.0 to a high of 5.0, in any increment of one-tenth of a point). For full details on the ratings scale and how to join in on this informal "Battle of the Brands," please be sure to check out the OOfficial Guidelines for TV Ratings/Discussion Threads.

Tonight on RAW: it's a very special 3-Hour All-Brands Thanksgiving Edition of RAW, which means.... well, ummm, I don't really know *what* that means, other than maybe RAW is stealing the annual foodfight gimmick away from SD this year... we also know that the Guest Host will be Jesse "the Body" Ventura, which could end up being anything from awesome to awful depending on how well-prepped he is when they hand him a live mic; he could also fall smack-dab in the middle as a competent host shilling his new project (in Jesse's case, a new TV show about Conspiracy Theories).... fall-out from Survivor Series is also assured, as we have another of the new "themed" PPVs coming up in 3-weeks, and that'll no doubt mean a new mash-up of Cena/DX in the WWE Title picture, while Kofi/Orton ain't going anywhere, either; both will get fancy new stips/gimmicks in accordance with the TLC PPV name, and voila.... the US Title picture seems to still be focused mostly on The Miz, Jack Swagger, and maybe Evan Bourne.... Sheamus' next "project" will probably end up being a squash of Jerry Lawler based on last week's events... the cross-brands aspect should be good for some fun (maybe a one-off Kofi/Punk match, just because they were so good last night, please? Pretty please?), or at least some kind of address by JeriShow about last night (which might lead us to an angle that illustrates how bad Big Show's aching knee is/isn't)... and while WWE has not bothered announcing any official matches/segments for tonight, they ARE promising the World Premiere of the trailer for "The Marine 2" starring Ted DiBiase Jr.... oh my, you don't want to miss that! Do you? Oh, you do.... update this thread if/when WWE announces stuff later in the afternoon, kids, and remember: a 3-hour show tonight, so it kicks off ONE HOUR EARLY at 8pm (eastern); be there or be square....

The flOOr is yours, OO Nation. Let your voice be heard and your thoughts on Brand Supremacy be known. Don't wait till after 11pm to post, either. Pre-show previewing and prognosticating is certainly welcome. So discuss, debate, and rate!

Biff_Manly - 11-23-2009 at 07:47 PM

Does PG TV mean will will or will not be getting a gravy bowl diva's match? I mean, ratings are one thing but tradition is tradition.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 11-23-2009 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by OORick
Tonight on RAW: it's a very special 3-Hour All-Brands Thanksgiving Edition of RAW, which means.... well, ummm, I don't really know *what* that means, other than maybe RAW is stealing the annual foodfight gimmick away from SD this year...

Of course you are assuming that there is some rule stopping two food fights from happening. In fact, I think this falls under the "Teddy Long Corollary: that anything Raw decides on, he must make two of." I.E. double HitC's, double Triple Threats...and coming soon...double Chris Master's boobie dances.

Edit...Just in case people don't remember...starts at 8 tonight.

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Tevaltski - 11-24-2009 at 01:27 AM

Got to say I am actually hyped up for tonight's show. The breakthrough Battle Royal, plus new matches we've never seen. Of course this is the E, so I feel the taint of false advertising before the night is done

chewey - 11-24-2009 at 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Tevaltski
Got to say I am actually hyped up for tonight's show. The breakthrough Battle Royal, plus new matches we've never seen. Of course this is the E, so I feel the taint of false advertising before the night is done

Agreed. I'm really looking forward to Cena-Punk and DX-Hart Dynasty. But I also can't help but hope they don't screw it up.

SeanSmythe - 11-24-2009 at 01:41 AM

Im calling it now, Sheamus wins that battle royale.

chewey - 11-24-2009 at 01:43 AM

Will Randy Orton wisen up tonight to the fact that the only way he can get another title shot is if someone other than Cena has the title... and that tonight he has a chance of installing one of the Legacy guys as Number One Contender so that they can lay down to the finger poke of doom for him?

S Kid J E T S 48 - 11-24-2009 at 01:45 AM

Bingo. I believe someone's movie trailer is premiering tonight...

LuckyLopez - 11-24-2009 at 02:08 AM

I turned on RAW mid Cena/Punk because... Raw sounded... good?

I'm upset I missed the first hour because... it sounds like... I missed some good stuff?

I'm settling in to watch the rest of the show because... it sounds... appealing?

Am I still watching RAW?

SeanSmythe - 11-24-2009 at 02:12 AM

Jesse and Vince announcing plus red bow tie?Instant 5.0

budpaul - 11-24-2009 at 02:13 AM

At the risk of sounding like a goofball fanboy - OMG! Jesse and Vince back at the announce table?! Freaking AWESOME!!!! That's going to bring back some memories... total old skooooooool!

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by budpaul]

Chris Is Good517 - 11-24-2009 at 02:16 AM

All of a sudden Jack Swagger's future isn't looking so promising.

The Hitcher - 11-24-2009 at 02:31 AM

Originally posted by chewey
Will Randy Orton wisen up tonight to the fact that the only way he can get another title shot is if someone other than Cena has the title... and that tonight he has a chance of installing one of the Legacy guys as Number One Contender so that they can lay down to the finger poke of doom for him?


LuckyLopez - 11-24-2009 at 02:33 AM

Twenty two minutes after I get excited for RAW because it features a Breakthrough Battle Royal featuring non-World Champion/Main Eventers guaranteed to showcase the young stars of the company and put a new wrestler into the spotlight Randy Orton is allowed into it by beating one of the top guys I'd love to see get a showcase and suddenly what I was so excited for has become "Are they really going to do Cena vs Orton again? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, DIE, YOU TERRIBLE FUCKING COMPANY!"

I am watching RAW after all.

desjr001 - 11-24-2009 at 02:33 AM

We heading towards another Kofi/Orton showdown tonight or what?

S Kid J E T S 48 - 11-24-2009 at 02:34 AM

Red Herring to get rid of Kofi, Lucky.

The Hitcher - 11-24-2009 at 02:36 AM

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
Twenty two minutes after I get excited for RAW because it features a Breakthrough Battle Royal featuring non-World Champion/Main Eventers guaranteed to showcase the young stars of the company and put a new wrestler into the spotlight Randy Orton is allowed into it by beating one of the top guys I'd love to see get a showcase and suddenly what I was so excited for has become "Are they really going to do Cena vs Orton again? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, DIE, YOU TERRIBLE FUCKING COMPANY!"

I am watching RAW after all.

You knew better than to be optimistic, admit it...

I am, however, going to remain vigilant that with the show not over yet this night can't possibly end with the promise of yet more Orton Vs Cena...

nobledictator - 11-24-2009 at 02:40 AM

I am surprised that Swagger isn't going to be in that thing.

Kofi or Orton won't win

I dont' think.... :-) I know it won't be Orton.

MVP maybe?

Chris Is Good517 - 11-24-2009 at 02:41 AM



LuckyLopez - 11-24-2009 at 02:46 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Red Herring to get rid of Kofi, Lucky.

It doesn't even matter. A company that gives you no sane reason whatsoever to trust they'd go with new characters over established main eventers put together a show that excited maybe the single most cynical fan they have who doesn't even bother to watch RAW anymore because he's convinced there's no earthly reason to.

To then create the circumstances where you're headed to ORTON VS FUCKING CENA as a result of this? Fuck, WWE. Seriously, go straight to hell, everyone involved in that decision. Because it doesn't matter if its a red herring or if someone else nabs the win. It really doesn't. I'll still spend the next 90 minutes worried about Orton winning instead of excited for the open field of exciting possabilities.

Mark Henry could have won the Battle Royal. I have ZERO interest in Henry/Cena and Henry's one of the last guys I want to see get a push. But that wouldn't matter today, that would matter tomorrow and for the next 3 weeks. I'd STILL be excited right up until 11:10 or whenever it was clear that was what was happening. What WWE managed to do was totally reverse that. I'm now hating this Battle Royal because it stands ANY chance of giving us ORTON VS FUCKING CENA and I will until 11:10 or whenever it becomes clear that it was a swerve.

That's just incompetent and pointless. There's not one fucking person on the planet who wants Orton to have a chance at the title shot and if I'm wrong about that then you can be rest assured that I think you're a tasteless moron whose opinion I don't respect in one little bit. But WWE created the circumstances for it and there's absolutely NO REASON for you to tell me its a red herring and for me to believe in that. There's no reason in the world to trust that WWE isn't stupid enough to do ORTON VS FUCKING CENA AGAIN!

They inserted fear into this show when there was no God damn reason to. It doesn't matter where it goes from here. They undermined the story by creating the real possibility of a totally believable outcome that makes no earthly sense.

I was EXCITED for RAW 45 minutes ago. I haven't been excited for RAW in YEARS. Now? Its RAW.

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by LuckyLopez]

Chris Is Good517 - 11-24-2009 at 02:50 AM

Lucky, I think you're pretty much failing to comprehend the fact that Maryse is the Gobbledy Gooker, which means that assuming she's approx. 25 years old she's been under contract to WWE since she was 6!

ETA- Seriously though, I'm not going to be mad unless Orton actually wins the battle royale. Which, with Kofi involved, I'm not sure he will.

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by Chris Is Good517]

desjr001 - 11-24-2009 at 02:50 AM

Cole has actually been considerably less vintage tonight..much looser yet still keeping on point.

Decent swerve w/ the Gooker, but the crowd goes totally mild for the Maryse reveal. I thought it was gonna be Beth.

LuckyLopez - 11-24-2009 at 02:59 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
ETA- Seriously though, I'm not going to be mad unless Orton actually wins the battle royale. Which, with Kofi involved, I'm not sure he will.

I really do think that heart of my ranting is that its not the outcome that I'm annoyed by. Will I hate Cena/Orton? Sure, but WWE couldn't be any fucking stupider in my mind than it already is and I can't be any less interested in TLC than I was in Survivor Series, Bragging Rights, Breaking Point, Summerslam, and whatever the fuck else I didn't bother to watch and barely skimmed the results of.

They fucked with the compelling story of tonight's show, though. And to what end? Its just incompetence and fuck them. This is the sort of retarded bullshit I expect from the over the top characterizations of WCW, TNA, or Russo booking that swerves itself for no good reason where the upside is a counter swerve that still doesn't make up for the last 2 hours of stuff that happened between swerves.

EDIT: Or how about we put it this way? RAW was so compelling that it forced me to turn it on, leave the computer, and sit back in my comfy chair to just enjoy it. Then something happened 20 minutes later that made me give up the comfy chair and care so little about RAW that I started yelling about the stupidity of it online. That's an amazing turn around the likes of which I haven't seen since the days of a Russo booked Nitro.

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by LuckyLopez]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 11-24-2009 at 02:59 AM

I had my money on Santino. [edit] As the gooker...

Ah...contributing to a Lucky freakout.

Just like the old days. :: (c) Mick Foley Thumbs Up::

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Chris Is Good517 - 11-24-2009 at 03:04 AM

Anyone else feel old as hell watching HBK wrestle Bulldog's kid while remembering pretty clearly HBK tearing down the house with Bulldog, which seems like it can't have been 13-14 years ago already but actually has?

Anyone else think this probably makes Shawn feel really fuckin old?

desjr001 - 11-24-2009 at 03:09 AM

There 's like six guys in the "battle royale"? Pretty thin. No one in ECW rates even as ring filler?

LuckyLopez - 11-24-2009 at 03:13 AM

It does kind of bug me that the Harts got the shaft and so many SD and ECW guys were kept out of this. What started as "a battle royal giving the young stars of WWE a chance to get a title shot" became "Orton, MVP, Henry, R-Truth, Kofi, and who?" Boy... that's not nearly as interesting as it sounded.

So much for the scenario I imagined where a ring was filled with the likes of Morrison, Miz, Christian, Swagger, Sheamus, Bourne, Benjamin, and a dozen other guys who have never seen the top of the card fighting it out for a chance to "break through."

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by LuckyLopez]

desjr001 - 11-24-2009 at 03:14 AM

Lucky may be on to something...the announced main event for the RAW in Tampa next month is Cena/DX vs Orton/Jerishow.

SeanSmythe - 11-24-2009 at 03:23 AM

Show is not over, and I have to believe Miz/Morrison will get in that Battle Royale somehow. I did get some nostalgia seeing HBK in the ring as the Hart music played but I can't believe Bret Hart wasnt brought up. Oh and I love WWE's continuity with the ECW title, years ago LAshley was allowed in a Championship match because he was ex-champ, but Mark Henry can advance in this because he never won a title that wasnt the ECW Championship.

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by SeanSmythe]

LuckyLopez - 11-24-2009 at 03:33 AM

In fairness its not really inherently contradictory to say that the ECW Title WAS a World Title when Lashley held it but wasn't when Henry did. Titles can lose and gain prestige. Of course the questions are (a) is Lashley STILL a former World Champion or did they recton that and (b) if he is then when exactly did the title stop being one and is John Morrison a former World Champion?

And so much for Morrison/Miz. Hey look, two allies for Orton. Yay! A main event largely about Legacy! How fucking different!

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by LuckyLopez]

Chris Is Good517 - 11-24-2009 at 03:38 AM

OK, maybe it was just me but the punchline to that pie segment with Vickie getting pie-faced was genuinely funny. I just laughed my ass off watching that.

DriftThroughTime - 11-24-2009 at 03:40 AM

Man, the one time I wanted to watch RAW and my other roommate stops the recording a third of the way through to flip through channels. Oh well...how was Punk v Cena? Did Punk tap to the sstf or get pinned after Cena's scoop slam?

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by DriftThroughTime]

SeanSmythe - 11-24-2009 at 03:42 AM

He got pinned after a second rope Attitude Adjuster

Teletheus - 11-24-2009 at 03:53 AM

Did anyone else see that huge "GOVERNER" graphic on the screen beneath the Jumbotron when Ventura came out the first time tonight? They spelled it correctly on the chevron and the Jumbotron, but it was right in the middle of the shot when he first came out.

Someone in production must've noticed it, because they replaced it with "The Body" when he came out later.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 11-24-2009 at 03:54 AM


DrBoz - 11-24-2009 at 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
OK, maybe it was just me but the punchline to that pie segment with Vickie getting pie-faced was genuinely funny. I just laughed my ass off watching that.

It wasn't just you. I totally lol'd for realz.

The crowd seems really into it. And by "into it" I mean "dead."

Hmmm...contract signing to end RAW. How exciting.


budpaul - 11-24-2009 at 03:55 AM

I was going to write something clever like McMahon on commentary > Cole on commentary, but then I figured that a balled up sock > Cole on commentary.

SeanSmythe - 11-24-2009 at 03:58 AM

As obvious as it was.. I think they are pushing Sheamus way to fast, and you know there is no way he is beating Cena at TLC, thus deflating his entire push up till now.

chewey - 11-24-2009 at 03:59 AM

Sheamus gets catapulted into a PPV main event after very little build up on Raw...

...IWC whines the next morning that it's only because of his friendship with Triple H that he gets this shot.

budpaul - 11-24-2009 at 04:01 AM

Originally posted by SeanSmythe
As obvious as it was.. I think they are pushing Sheamus way to fast, and you know there is no way he is beating Cena at TLC, thus deflating his entire push up till now.

Credit where it's due - it's not Orton.

LuckyLopez - 11-24-2009 at 04:04 AM

I mark for Sheamus hard. He has no chance in hell of winning, but I don't think that's really an issue. The real question will be how he's built up for the next couple of weeks, how he does in that match, and what he does after that match. The push happened fast but I don't think that's inherently a bad thing. Cena will beat him and he's in no way, shape, or form a "main eventer" in any real sense. But booked well its a fine first step to making him a player.

Biff_Manly - 11-24-2009 at 04:08 AM

I just caught the end but did someone kill a puppy or something during the show because the crowd sounded dead.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 11-24-2009 at 04:09 AM

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
I mark for Sheamus hard. He has no chance in hell of winning, but I don't think that's really an issue. The real question will be how he's built up for the next couple of weeks, how he does in that match, and what he does after that match. The push happened fast but I don't think that's inherently a bad thing. Cena will beat him and he's in no way, shape, or form a "main eventer" in any real sense. But booked well its a fine first step to making him a player.

Call it the 'Umaga Effect'. As long as he doesn't start losing to everyone after he loses to Cena, then he can alright by pushing him this fast. Anything this out of the ordinary will get people's attention on him now.

SeanSmythe - 11-24-2009 at 04:10 AM

I actually see this as another way of WWE not knowing how to push a young guy. Sheamus is a sacrificial lamb, his inevitable loss at TLC will do more harm than good, and will be more beneficial to Cena. If they where gonna sacrifice someone, they should've given the win to someone else and just had Cena win. But at TLC Sheamus "unstoppable" factor is gone, and with Cena actually being quite right about Sheamus only destroying Noble and Lawler up until this point, how will losing in his first match against a top guy help him?

SeanSmythe - 11-24-2009 at 04:13 AM

Difference between Umaga and Sheamus, is that Umaga didnt face off with John Cena 5 weeks into his push, they actually took a long time and Umaga actually beat some top guys on his way to Cena.

LuckyLopez - 11-24-2009 at 04:17 AM

I certainly HOPE its not the "Umage Effect" since that results in a one dimensional midcarder that treads water with no purpose except to occupy more important people until he's unceremoniously released into obscurity.

I genuinely don't believe that a loss in and off itself damages Sheamus and think there's a dozen ways to have him lose and still come out better for it. Whether they'll do that or not, I have no idea. If I were some bush league TNA wanker I'd just point to Desmond Wolfe tearing into TNA, destroying Angle for weeks, losing to Angle in a great match, and then coming out the other side a legitimate player as a recent example of how it can work.

With Cena/Punk, the Breakthrough Battle Royal, and Sheamus winning I'd probably give this RAW a rating about 4.0. Toss in the little fun and harmless nostalgia things of Jesse/Vince and the Gooker. With the pointless and destructive "Russorific" Orton booking it sunk my rating down considerably. I'll just abstain since I missed the first 40 minutes.

Psycho Penguin - 11-24-2009 at 04:27 AM

Same old damn IWC.

'No more Cena vs Orton! Push the new guys!'

*Orton enters battle royale*


*Sheamus wins*

'Sheamus is being pushed way too fast.'

Can't anyone ever say anything nice. Figures.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 11-24-2009 at 04:30 AM

They still have 3 weeks to build him up. Lawler basically announced he's not going to fight back, so we don't have to worry about that. They should have him destroy Cena for the next few weeks, while double-dipping him with maybe some crossover stuff on Superstars with matchups with Morrison, and maybe some sort of Regal-assisted win over Christian on ECW to help push him forward.

I don't see this necessarily killing him at all. One thing he has over guys like Umaga and Great Khali is that he is not just a giant or a gimmick. They have plenty of chance to handle him right after the Cena loss...they just have to have a real plan here.

SeanSmythe - 11-24-2009 at 04:34 AM

Mind you I like Sheamus, he's knew and very different than what WWE has crammed down our throats, but we heading towards WM time and at most Sheamus will be in the MitB at that PPV, but a loss here, a loss at the rumble and another loss at elimination chamber aint gonna help him.

DrBoz - 11-24-2009 at 04:34 AM

Originally posted by Psycho Penguin
Can't anyone ever say anything nice. Figures.

Dude, Lucky almost gave RAW a 4.0.


What more do you want?

the goon - 11-24-2009 at 04:37 AM

I really don't think Sheamus will beat Cena, but a tables match definitely leaves the possibility for screwy shenanigans (like the classic spot of Cena putting Sheamus through a table, the ref not seeing it, and then Sheamus puts Cena through a table and wins). I think Cena retains, but I just think there's a small chance the WWE gets really wacky and puts the belt on Sheamus. And does anyone know if Sheamus has set the record for quickest rise to a PPV world title shot (I can't remember how fast Lesnar did it)?

I really enjoyed the rest of the show as well. Cena/Punk was really good and it almost made me wish the WWE had held off the match until a later time, when it could be done on PPV. And Punk actually looked good in the match, I thought for sure it would be over when Cena locked him into the STF.

And call me crazy, but with the beard, long hair, and similar ring attire, I'm getting a modern day Randy Savage vibe right now from Punk (just minus the insanity, of course).

Too bad the Hart Dynasty jobbed out to DX pretty quickly, but really no shock there. And the DX vs. JeriShow announcement kind of came from out of nowhere, but I like it. It will be interesting to see if DX wins the titles, since the PPV is in Shawn's hometown. Oh yeah, and I really liked the backstage segment between Shawn and Triple H and the revelation that Triple H would have pedigreed Michaels if he hadn't been superkicked first.

All in all, I really liked tonight's show and thought it was the best RAW effort in a while (though a lot of that is due to having three hours and access to Smackdown's roster). I'll go 3.7, which may be the highest rating I've given RAW since we started the ratings thing.

mooseheadjack - 11-24-2009 at 04:41 AM

For the most part, I really liked all things Jesse tonight.

For the most part, I was really bored with everything else tonight.

I will wait and see with Sheamus. I like the idea of them pushing someone new, I don't like the idea of just feeding him to Cena. We'll see how it goes.

I did think it was funny how revolutionary = pretty much everything we have come to expect from the WWE

my RAW rating: 1.0

SeanSmythe - 11-24-2009 at 04:41 AM

Lesnar's push was April to August. Sheamus was whenever he debuted on ECW to now.

I think DX will win it, based on Jericho's "DX has never been Champs before" and with Show's injury also playing a factor.

LuckyLopez - 11-24-2009 at 04:56 AM

Originally posted by DrBoz
Dude, Lucky almost gave RAW a 4.0.


What more do you want?

Word. There's tons of positive comments in this thread including from some very unlikely sources like myself. Unreasonable cynicism and constantly moving the goalposts CAN be a "typical IWC" flaw. You know what else is "typical IWC"?
Originally posted by Psycho Penguin
Same old damn IWC.

'No more Cena vs Orton! Push the new guys!'

*Orton enters battle royale*


*Sheamus wins*

'Sheamus is being pushed way too fast.'

Can't anyone ever say anything nice. Figures.

Originally posted by chewey
Sheamus gets catapulted into a PPV main event after very little build up on Raw...

...IWC whines the next morning that it's only because of his friendship with Triple H that he gets this shot.

Typical "anti-smark" sentiment that either isolates negative comments ignoring the positive ones, makes stuff up to use as strawmen, or exaggerates reality all to undermine people who don't just universally praise a show but rather address it critically.

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by LuckyLopez]

nobledictator - 11-24-2009 at 05:01 AM

Hogan left a impression on me on one of his promo's he cut...I believe he cut it on the Rock.

Shemus just screams flavor of the month to me. There is absolutely 0% chance he will win the match. I like the idea of having a fresh challenger...but I would have went with someone a bit more credible than that. MVP....or Swagger probably Swagger. Shemus to me screams someone that won't even be on the roster next year.

nOOb - 11-24-2009 at 05:37 AM

I tuned in at the end of Raw and caught the Battle Royal, and two things:

1) Vince McMahon is tons better at announcing than what little I've heard of Cole and Lawler together (which isn't much, but the consensus is that it's a bit worse than the opinion I got of them, which is still pretty bad). Maybe a bit of it was nostalgia, but I was still tuned in.

2) From what little I've seen of Sheamus, and from WWE's history of doing this exact same thing, I don't know how anyone considers Sheamus to be getting a push. He's main eventing one PPV. He'll probably not be back in that spot for close to, if not over, a year after he loses.

DevilSoprano - 11-24-2009 at 05:53 AM

Because when was the last time anyone outside the usual circle of performers main evented a WWE PPV. For almost 3 years now it's been some rotation of Cena, Orton, HHH, HBK, Bats, Rey, Taker, Edge, and then the somewhat "recent" additions of Punk and Hardy. It's a group EVERYONE is tired of and Sheamus is at least new. Added to the Kofi push as well as the McIntyre and Morrison pushes on Smackdown, it's something I'm at least willing to give the benefit of the doubt to.

cardscott5 - 11-24-2009 at 06:02 AM

The last person I remember getting a title match out of nowhere on Raw was Khali, so Sheamus is good in my book. I thought they would spice up the battle royal a little more. Sheamus was the only logical choice to win, because you had to know Kofi or Orton would take the other out. I too felt a wave of nostalgia for McMahon and Ventura on commentary.

williamssl - 11-24-2009 at 06:18 AM

Maryse returning and using the Gobbledygooker to do so (and throwing various costume parts at Melina to boot)...victory for Raw.

Chris Is Good517 - 11-24-2009 at 07:33 AM

Personally I thought Raw was great for the most part. I'm not cool with Jack Swagger suddenly turning into a jobber (what happened to the Miz-Swagger thing, anyway?), but everything else was gravy.

As for Sheamus, I'm thrilled to be getting some new blood in the main event, even if he does seem like more of a temporary distraction than any real threat to the title. You never know, maybe they'll even be ballsy enough to let him win the title at TLC and have Cena win it back at the Rumble- but that would be the only scenario where he'd get the title. We're too close to WrestleMania for them to do a long-term experiment with an unproven commodity and I don't think 4 months is really enough time to build him as the marketable draw that they think Orton is. But I can see him either a) beating Cena for the belt and losing it back at the Rumble or b) beating Cena (or losing to Cena) by a count-out or DQ or something flukey that will protect both guys then going on to win MitB at Mania.

punkerhardcore - 11-24-2009 at 08:16 AM

I can't even remember the last time Raw surprised me like that. Once Orton was (stupidly) allowed into the battle royal-- especially since Legacy was in there, too-- I figured it was a forgone conclusion that he was going to win. Crazy to think that just a few weeks ago, we were all wondering if Sheamus was going to get lost in the shuffle moving to Raw... and now he's going to be main eventing a PPV against John Cena. That's pretty incredible to me, considering the fed never seems to take chances like this.

I also agree that he can absolutely still come out of this match looking great, without necessarily having to win. If he can stand toe-to-toe with Cena and look like a complete bad ass, and his equal, then he comes off as a legit threat in the future. There have been lots of times where losers came out looking awesome. Remember the Jeff Hardy/Undertaker ladder match back in 2002?

I like the show quite a bit tonight. Kofi and Orton are continuing their feud-- with Kofi AGAIN getting the upper hand on Orton! Cena vs. Punk was good, and hopefully they'll fight again sometime. DX vs. Harts should have been drawn out a bit more-- and definitely should have had some mention to the history of Michaels vs. the Hart Foundation-- but it was ok for what it was. Maryse returning has me very happy. And the punchline of the food fight bit with Santino smashing the cake into Vickie's face was awesome.

It gets a 4.3 from me.

Gobshite - 11-24-2009 at 09:55 AM

I'm amazed you all assume Sheamus has ZERO chance of winning. He has one MASSIVE chance here: It's going to be tables, or a TLC match. A match where he can't get disqualified, and there's a main event player who can't have a title shot as long as Cena is champ. I don't own a crystal ball, but I see mass amounts of shennanigans in this one. I see him as only a bit part player in this, but its better than having him lose cleanly. I see it going one of two ways:

Legacy interfere, and superman Cena retains. If its a ladder match, this would be a good outcome.

Interference leads to Sheamus winning, and being champ for one night - losing it back to Cena, or to Orton. It wouldn't suprise me if we get this, with Cena winning the title back, thus forcing Orton into the rumble to win a shot at the title at Wrestlemania.

In any event, this won't be as clean cut as you all fear it will be. Whether Sheamus benefits from this is a completely different story.

Lurker - 11-24-2009 at 11:19 AM

The longer....and further away Orton is from the title picture, the happier I am.

Didn't catch the whole show, only the 2nd hour and some change, Ventura flubbed a line here and there, but was more entertaining than nearly every other "Guest Host" thus far. I wanted to catch both him and Vince doing commentary, as I've got some fond memories of the days when they did it for a living (I'm one of those 38 year olds that Rick had been talking about in his recent columns) and from the talk here, it looks as tho I might have missed some nice mic work.

(I almost said Vintage WWF Commentary, but LORD KNOWS we've heard enuff of THAT word.)

Guess it's Youtube time to see...

also, I agree with whomever said Vince + Red Bowtie = 5.0 rating.

chewey - 11-24-2009 at 12:42 PM

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
Originally posted by chewey
Sheamus gets catapulted into a PPV main event after very little build up on Raw...

...IWC whines the next morning that it's only because of his friendship with Triple H that he gets this shot.

Typical "anti-smark" sentiment that either isolates negative comments ignoring the positive ones, makes stuff up to use as strawmen, or exaggerates reality all to undermine people who don't just universally praise a show but rather address it critically.

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by LuckyLopez]

Yeah, I was joking about that, although I've already seen that comment on message boards elsewhere, which kind of makes me roll my eyes.

TomS - 11-24-2009 at 01:36 PM

Jesse and Vince on commentary was certainly nothing special, but my God it was good to hear just for old times sake.

I've never been the biggest fan of Maryse, but I was definitely warming up to her before she got injured. Shame her return was such a turkey (yes, yes, I know). Those hits with the Gobbledegooker head were terrible looking... But what else would you expect from a prop like that? Melina and Maryse must have been laughing backstage at the ridiculousness of it all.

jmble - 11-24-2009 at 02:13 PM

I don't think this feud is going to be just a one off shot here, which means Sheamus may just have a chance at a one month title run.

The way I see it, the Rumble ppv almost always has one competitor for the title who is a little less than main event, to get as many main eventers into the Rumble as possible.

I'm just surprised most of you haven't seen this little nugget coming. There is certainly one loophole in the whole Orton can't face Cena for the title again, and that is coming up at the next ppv. Tell me who a more likely option to win the Rumble is than Orton?

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by jmble]

theflammablemanimal - 11-24-2009 at 03:05 PM

I don't think Sheamus wins, but a table match is the perfect way to protect him. It's not like he'll be getting pinned or tapping to SSTF.

However, that Battle Royale was pretty boring for the 1st 10 minutes and didn't make much sense. Why were Kofi, Truth, Henry, MVP fighting amongst each other when Legacy (and other white guys) were still in the ring? I know, I know, every man for himself but wouldn't they fight together to eliminate the bad guys before they attack each other? Moronic. Especially since they started off the match by clearly setting up the face v heel (and black v white) dynamic.

And I've got to second all the talk about the boring choice of competitors. 1st of all, only 1 Smackdown guy? How about putting in someone who could have made Batista's threat credible? (nice promo by the way). 2nd, how do Swagger/Miz/Morrison not get in this match or even get to try?

I would have rather seen Legacy fight each other ealier, with Ted winning and possibly setting up his face turn.

Also, what I really wanted to see was Bourne or Swagger chairshotting Orton on the way to the ring and taking his spot. Now that would have been awesome and set up another Orton feud with a talented newcomer and pushed off his Kofi feud a bit. I think they could really draw the Kofi/Orton feud out and keep having Kofi cost Orton title shots. For example, I would have had Swagger/Bourne take Orton out and they could have a match at TLC. Then Kofi eliminates Orton at the Rumble. They wind up in an Elimination Chamber at NWO and Orton eliminates Kofi but loses. Orton gets into MITB and gets taken out by Kofi. Then you have the big blowoff match at Backlash. Instead, we'll probably just get a series of singles matches.

A chair match at TLC sounds like the worst match ever. How is that better than No DQ? I'm guessing Taker/Batista gets the chair match since Taker seems to be too crippled to do anything else.

So, up and down show and I think it was a huge mistake putting so MVP, Henry, and Legacy into the main event, but the whole Breakthrough thing was excited and they are pushing a new guy, which should be interesting.



Wait, the return of Maryse's boobies means an instant 5.0. (and the Gooker shot sounded like it hurt because she got her with the beak)

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by theflammablemanimal]

gobbledygooker - 11-24-2009 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Anyone else feel old as hell watching HBK wrestle Bulldog's kid while remembering pretty clearly HBK tearing down the house with Bulldog, which seems like it can't have been 13-14 years ago already but actually has?

Anyone else think this probably makes Shawn feel really fuckin old?

I did! I did! Agreed on both parts and yes, I was thinking that exact thing seeing Bulldog Jr. coming down the aisle with Shawn (and HHH too, to a certain extent) standing in the ring.

My only other thought on the show for now is that Jesse and Vince were hilarious backstage but I didn't enjoy their commentary as much as I thought I would. Granted, they were both obviously rusty as hell but it just seemed like there was some real animosity between them that was coming out in their announcing. And knowing Vince and his probable relationships with many of his former coworkers, it wouldn't surprise me at all if there is animosity between them.

Still, I freakin' LOVED when they showed that montage of all the one-liners from Vince and Jesse back in the day. Those were all gold.

williamssl - 11-24-2009 at 08:08 PM

I also liked Jesse's interactions with Orton.

"I like what you do.
I like that you retire these old guys that oughtta be retired. ...

So keep up the great work. Keep retiring these guys. You're doing a great job."

gobbledygooker - 11-24-2009 at 08:25 PM

Isn't it funny how the majority of the guest hosts they've had who have a background in wrestling (Jesse, obviously, and Dusty Rhodes come to mind) have been awesome and the majority of the guest hosts who don't have a background in wrestling (Jeremy Piven and the Nascar guys come to mind, just to name a few) have, by and large, SUCKED?

Funny how that works!

hail2thesteve - 11-24-2009 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by gobbledygooker
Isn't it funny how the majority of the guest hosts they've had who have a background in wrestling (Jesse, obviously, and Dusty Rhodes come to mind) have been awesome and the majority of the guest hosts who don't have a background in wrestling (Jeremy Piven and the Nascar guys come to mind, just to name a few) have, by and large, SUCKED?

Funny how that works!

I think it's funnier (and sadder) that these old timers who largely have been absent from the wrestling scene for years are cutting these great promos from the heart while the current generation of superstars are being shackled by scripts.

[Edited on 11-24-2009 by hail2thesteve]

knuckleballschwartz - 11-24-2009 at 09:14 PM

Ventura was awesome. I think the thing I really liked was how he gave his "character" motivation ie change/revolution/a sense of injustice about his own past treatment as opposed to just being heelish for the sake of it.

The misspelling of governor confused the hell out of me - one minute it was wrong and by the time I'd worked out why it looked funny it was right again.

Did maryse's gooker disrobing go wrong or was the plan for her to struggle with her boots and stuff? either way it was hilarious and she handled it pretty well. I particularly liked her holding king at bay with the palm of doom.

theflammablemanimal - 11-24-2009 at 09:24 PM

I like how Batista has only been heel for a month and he's already being booked as a coward.

blackdragon - 11-24-2009 at 10:41 PM

WWE only knows how to book two heels: monsters that don't talk and destroy jobbers until Cena beats them or ultimate opportunists/pussies.

There's really no inbetween.

desjr001 - 11-24-2009 at 10:43 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
I like how Batista has only been heel for a month and he's already being booked as a coward.

I so disagree. He is, to quote the Rick, The Logical Monster and he will destroy Kane on his way through the Taker. Then who are we looking at for for his challenger into WM? A returning face Edge would be my best guess.

I too laughed at the cakeface punchline on Vicky. As soon as I did it, I went to myself..."OMG did I actually emit a guffaw?".

4.0 for me. I had fun.

Al Snown3d - 11-25-2009 at 12:16 AM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
Did maryse's gooker disrobing go wrong or was the plan for her to struggle with her boots and stuff? either way it was hilarious and she handled it pretty well. I particularly liked her holding king at bay with the palm of doom.

The best part of that segment happened when Cole said "Yes. It's Maryse" ONLY after she took the gobbledygooker outfit.

Also, 5.0 for Jesse Ventura shooting all over the current product.

nobledictator - 11-25-2009 at 01:32 AM

Originally posted by desjr001
Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
I like how Batista has only been heel for a month and he's already being booked as a coward.

I so disagree. He is, to quote the Rick, The Logical Monster and he will destroy Kane on his way through the Taker. Then who are we looking at for for his challenger into WM? A returning face Edge would be my best guess.

I too laughed at the cakeface punchline on Vicky. As soon as I did it, I went to myself..."OMG did I actually emit a guffaw?".

4.0 for me. I had fun.

That is the main question..... then what for Wrestllemania?

NO way Edge comes back to feud with anyone but one man and that man will be Jericho which is why there not doing Jericho and Taker. So we know we have at least one non title match there (unless Jericho becomes champ between then and there which is unlikely)

So we can start by saying

Jericho vs Edge as a pretty safe bet for WM.

Observation 2. Looks like WWE is setting up Cena vs UT as well which can only mean that Cena gets to be the next big guy to fall victim to the streak.

So UT vs Cena is a pretty safe bet.

The question then becomes if UT and Cena are facing each other...who then will be the incumbant champions at WM?

Batista seems like a pretty good bet on Smackdown

ON Raw it becomes a bit mirkier....It wouldn't make sense for WWE to run Cena vs UT for the title but woudl be the only way I think Cena could be champion going into wrestlemania.... but were going to assume that UT vs Cena is non title...which means Cena is dropping the title and won't be champion come WM odds.

HHH and HBK is going to find their way in the main event because those are WWE's only sure fire draws...and Kofi I don't think is ready to headline WM in WWE think or without a huge Humungus push fan think.

I think this is how your show will look

HHH vs HBK for WWE title

Batista vs Jeff Hardy for World Title

UT vs John Cena (For the streak)

Edge vs Chris Jericho.....ORRRR

Chris Jericho/Big Show vs Edge and Christian (Undisputed Tag Titles)....I think this now

The Miz vs John Morrison (unless they are in MITB)


CM Punk vs Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston vs Shelton Benjamin vs Evan Borne vs Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio vs R-Truth

Kane vs Sheamus or Drew dude from SD

and some sort of smoz match for the ECW title where Regal finally comes out champion. Regal is so bad ass its only a matter of time.

Throw in a womans title match and I think thats your card.

DevilSoprano - 11-25-2009 at 01:42 AM

Hardy isn't coming back.

nobledictator - 11-25-2009 at 02:35 AM

Then someone needs to step up to face Batista...if Orton wasn't heel Id say it woudl be him. I think WWE has a hard on for a Batista vs Orton feud. Besides Hardy will be back...he is worth too much to the WWE not to bring him back.

Misterio is a possibility

[Edited on 11-25-2009 by nobledictator]

[Edited on 11-25-2009 by nobledictator]

theflammablemanimal - 11-25-2009 at 02:41 AM

Originally posted by desjr001

I so disagree. He is, to quote the Rick, The Logical Monster

And how is "logical monster" different than "opportunist" or "calculated" or whatever euphemism they always use to explain why the heel is being a coward. He made a big deal about not being disrespected, said he would take out anyone that got in his way, and then just backed down when he got challenged. They could spin it any way they want, but that makes Batista look weak.

Why couldn't he have backed up a step, tackled Kane, they fight a bit and then security pulls them apart? No one looks weak and there's still a (crappy) match set up for SD.

Between that segment, and attacking Hardy from behind, Batista is being booked just like any other heel.

Chris Is Good517 - 11-25-2009 at 04:08 AM

Originally posted by desjr001
I so disagree. He [Batista] is, to quote the Rick, The Logical Monster and he will destroy Kane on his way through the Taker. Then who are we looking at for for his challenger into WM? A returning face Edge would be my best guess.

Agreed with the first point. As much as I hate Batista I definitely think he's been consistently booked as one of the most intelligent, cunning, and self-aware wrestlers on the roster. He chooses his battles and he decided he'll wait til Smackdown to get his hands on Kane. I got more of a "pfffff, fuck this guy" vibe from him than I did a "I don't want any part of this guy" vibe.

On your second point, I disagree. If WWE blows Edge's return on anything other than dealing with Jericho I think they're making a mistake. Then again, I could be wrong and maybe beating Batista will do more to solidify Edge as a huge crowd favorite. But I think Edge vs Jericho would be much better both in terms of build-up and match quality.

[Edited on 11-25-2009 by Chris Is Good517]

DrBoz - 11-25-2009 at 04:32 AM

Is Edge even going to be back in time for WM? I don't know exactly how long an Achilles takes to heal, but WM would be a little less than nine months. Seems like it would be pushing it to get to WM, but I'm guessing he could at least cost Jericho his match and set up something down the road from there.

nobledictator - 11-25-2009 at 07:19 AM

This is one of the problems with the WWE I think right now. The WWE doesn't really have any money matches that they can conceivalbly put on. Theres a few reasons for this, first there are too many PPV's, and second everyone they have tried to push to be the next dude is gone or injured.

Edge, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guererro, Chris Benoit, Brock Lesnar.

The established talen they do have, have all faced each other due to the 1000000 PPV's they have.

I do think that help is on the way as the WWE right now has the best young talent they have had in a very long time

(Swagger, Miz, Morrison, Kofi Kingston, and I still think Shelton Benjamin will break out. CM Punk has to be included in that as well, plus I think Ted Dibiase and possibly Bulldogs Son my be players.)

But for now.... I think WWE is ripe for another brand to hurt them. If TNA is going to hurt WWE I think now is the time to do it. The myth about wrestling I think is it doesn't take a big star or great wrestling for a show to be at its zenith, it takes one really really good storyline and a handful of wrestlers that can make it work both in the ring and out of it that the fed can run on for a few months. If TNA comes up with one right now I think they could put a hurting of WWE right now.

Gobshite - 11-25-2009 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by nobledictator
Hardy will be back...he is worth too much to the WWE not to bring him back.

Whislt he may be worth a boatload of cash to WWE, how exactly are they going to have him on the WM card when he, you know - IN JAIL.

I don't see Hardy escaping some sort of jail sentence. Even six months puts him out of WM26.

And Edge is reportedly behind schedule and won't be back until the summer.

theflammablemanimal - 11-25-2009 at 03:05 PM

Yeah, I don't see Hardy coming back anytime soon. However, I could see how the release of his DVD might get people thinking he's close to a return.

How long does it take to make a DVD? I'm surprised to see Hogan and Hardy's DVDs coming out when one is with the competition and one is in prison.

knuckleballschwartz - 11-25-2009 at 08:32 PM

batista - punk at mania for the title?

williamssl - 11-25-2009 at 08:46 PM

Vegas has the Royal Rumble as the over/under date by which Batista will be out again with injury.

I've bet on the under.

DevilSoprano - 11-25-2009 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
batista - punk at mania for the title?

I thought about that, but who's the heel?

They could do a Punk/Morrison title shot, especially if they're doing HHH/HBK and Cena/Taker as bigger matches. The SD title match won't have to be as huge.

Biff_Manly - 11-25-2009 at 09:57 PM

I would love to see Taker/HBK 2 for Wrestlemania. Have they ever done back to back years of the same match? We all know Shawn would have no chance, but it would allow the WWE to promote it like crazy. The build up, the return match. At the very least it could guarantee a great match.

I do think Taker/Cena would be a good match but would that mean Taker drops the belt and then wins the Rumble or would Cena? What about the person that beat them for the belt? Or do they both keep the belt and we go for a reunification? It just seems like too much maneuvering for the WWE right now to put them in a WM match.

My fear is we get Batista/Taker at WM assuming both of their broken bodies can make it to March/April.

I would lay money on Punk being in the MITB match at WM and winning so he can once again cement himself as Mr. MITB

[Edited on 11-25-2009 by Biff_Manly]

SeanSmythe - 11-25-2009 at 10:07 PM

The only back to match I can remember was Dudleys vs E/C vs Hardys with the ladder match at WM 2000 and TLC at WM 17.

knuckleballschwartz - 11-25-2009 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano

I thought about that, but who's the heel?

They could do a Punk/Morrison title shot, especially if they're doing HHH/HBK and Cena/Taker as bigger matches. The SD title match won't have to be as huge.

The other option would be to do a screwy rumble finish or have the rumble shot split somehow and have multiple title matches along the line of mania X. That way you could do taker-cena and then something along the lines of Edge (being the "ultimate opportunist") coming back at the rumble and winning/sharing the title shot with morisson or kofi say (maybe he draws thirty and steals it if he's too unhealthy to compete then, kofi is the last eliminated due to some nefariousness and they both get a shot) and then getting waylaid by Jericho. morrison/kofi faces batista first whilst edge and jericho face off. The culmination is therefore a battered and broken edge on his first proper night back from a horrific injury facing monster heel batista who earlier beat up a brave but outgunned morrison or kofi.....and then face jericho again down the line over a long brooding feud leading up to summerslam.

This would then leave HBK and HHH free to headline raw. Lets say they both end up in elimination chamber with cena and others and after again imploding when the championship is up for grabs shawn wins by shafting hhh. at this point you can turn either one, build it for a while and then blow off at mania for hte belt.

edited to fix double quote.

[Edited on 11-25-2009 by knuckleballschwartz]

nobledictator - 11-26-2009 at 12:46 AM

I agree with the person that said HBK vs UT 2 would be the way to go. I think it could have been huge with HBK coming back being obsessed with ending the UT's streak. Slow burning it till WM. That boat has passed it seems and it seems Cena vs UT will happen instead.

Right now outside of UT vs Cena and probably some of the participants in the MITB match IM not sure WWE has a clue who they will main event with and will end up stuck with HBK vs HHH....I can't imagine this being their preference though.

Fantasy geek booker in me would love to see HBK vs The Rock :-).... I know I know I shouldn't do that to myself. The promos would be awesome though.

FistHiccups - 11-26-2009 at 03:26 AM

I thought DX vs Brothers of Destruction would have been the way to go for WrestleMania. I much prefer Michaels and HHH as a team, it's a fitting sequel to the HBK-Taker singles match, and more importantly, the build-up could be about how the three other guys in the match have all lost to 'Taker at WM before. Planting the seed that Kane will turn on him to get credit for ending the streak. I wouldn't have him do it, though.

But the raft has indeed floated on for Michaels/Taker continuation, it seems.

SeanSmythe - 11-26-2009 at 04:32 AM

At least if its HHH vs HBK, it is a match we haven't actually seen in a while and they tend to put on good ones when they do lock up. If its Cena vs Taker, then we know Cena won't main event WM which is good, so who the hell would be the Raw Champ if 'Tista is the SD Champ?

Biff_Manly - 11-26-2009 at 04:39 AM

I was looking through the Wrestlemania history and I don't believe that Shawn Michaels has faced Triple H one on one at Wresltemania.

They had the Triple Threat with Benoit, so essentially, they have never had a match during the biggest show of them all.

I may have missed something. I admit my research was limited to a quick Google search and some wiki reading.

The fact that they haven't had that match at Wrestlemania would lead to some decent promos. A little bit of one-upmanship if you will and a back story that has more legs than 97% of the feuds that go one today.

the goon - 11-26-2009 at 04:41 AM

Chiming in on matches that have been done twice in a row at WrestleMania, there's also Hogan/Andre (III and IV) and Bret Hart/Yokozuna (IX and X). Those are the only other two I can think of.

EDIT: And on the subject of Michaels/Triple H, I'd be okay with it if it was done as face vs. face (or maybe with Michaels as the heel). But we've seen heel Triple H vs. face Shawn Michaels too many times, even though they usually do deliver in their matches.

[Edited on 11-26-2009 by the goon]

Gobshite - 11-26-2009 at 01:24 PM

It wouldn't suprise me if we saw Orton / Kofi for the WWE Championship @ WM26.

It was around Survivor Series they started the build up for Lesnar /Angle, and Benoit getting a title shot at someone. If they keep Pushing Kofi, I can see him winning the Rumble, with Orton getting in on the Elimination chamber (by argueing that he's not fighting Cena one on one). Then you have Orton vs Kofi in the first 'main event star making wrestlemania moment' since WM21 (when Cena / Batista both picked up their first world titles).

Chris Is Good517 - 11-26-2009 at 01:58 PM

To build off what Gobshite said about Orton/Kofi for the title at Mania (which I agree is at least a possibility), I could see Orton helping Sheamus beat Cena at TLC, setting up a Sheamus/Cena/Orton title match at the Rumble. Orton gets the title there while Kofi wins the Rumble (or the chamber at whatever retarded name they came up with for No Way Out). If Cena is going to go on to fight Undertaker at Mania, I have no idea where that leaves Sheamus, but I think that scenario would make sense.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 11-26-2009 at 05:05 PM

I had to do a double take and make sure that I was watching RAW in the year 2009. That was by far the best episode I've seen in recent memory. Everything was executed beautifully, from the hosting of Jesse Ventura, the return of Maryse, to the elevation of Sheamus to ME status. For a moment their my 4.0 was fixing to drop below 3, when Jesse allowed Orton to participate in the Battle Royal. But alas Kofi Kingston saved the day.

Have to agree with those who say that a tables match between Cena and Sheamus, is the best way to protect Sheamus if he goes down in defeat. He will not have to bear the stigma of a lame Cena submission move.

Unfortunately, my fear is that it will be back to business as usual next week, when we have to sit through the musings of Verne Troyer.....ugh!!!

Nevertheless, Final Score: 4.25

Biff_Manly - 11-27-2009 at 03:06 AM

Troyer is gangsta. It's gonna be a hell of a show. Maybe we can get some serious midget on midget violence rotating around the little people's court. I am chucking just thinking about it. Maybe he'll beat Hornswaggle's ass and tell him to have some dignity!

Midgets equal funny afterall.

Big Show and Mini Me? My gawd man! How can you say this will suck?