2.24.11 HUGE Announcement Showdown: Jericho vs. Mistico
DBMacJericho - 2-24-2011 at 06:31 PM

So, apparently Chris Jericho is set to make a major announcement that is supposed to shock the world later today in LA. I've been reading that it's likely going to be the announcement that he's going to be joining up with "Dancing With The Stars" but I'm really holding out hope that doesn't happen for a couple reasons. One, that show is obviously fuckin' stupid and I will NOT contribute to it's peculiar popularity. And two, it means that he wouldn't be able to possibly return to the WWE until late this summer.

Has anybody else read about this announcement possibly being anything other than some dancing bullshit? I sure hope so...

[Edited on 2-25-2011 by OORick]

DudeLove721 - 2-24-2011 at 06:54 PM

Read about an interview he did that mentioned something about Fozzy playing some big festivals this summer but I dunno. If he does DWTS I can't really fault him, I mean that's extra mainstream exposure for him that would also translate to exposure for Fozzy. While I'd much rather he be in the WWE, I can't fault the guy for wanting success outside of the ring too.

Plus, knowing Vince's hard on for mainstream exposure, being on DWTS would probably make Jericho a more valuable commodity to the WWE in the future.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 2-24-2011 at 07:55 PM

Can't be DWTS because their cast announcement is next week and nobody is allowed to announce beforehand. Not saying he can't be on it, but that can't be the announcement. However if he was on DWTS I don't think he'd do well as he's pretty heavy on his feet.

Jericho says there is no point in coming back now given Rock, Taker and HHH all came back and he'd just be another guy returning and lost in the hype shuffle.

I could see he tour the summer festival scene with Fozzy and then maybe come back in the fall.

He also said if he comes back it will be a different character again as he thinks too many heels are doing the silent brooding type now (he thinks when he did it it was groundbreaking).

I'd like to see somebody do a Pillman-esque Loose Cannon gimmick.

[Edited on 2-24-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

DudeLove721 - 2-24-2011 at 09:01 PM

You know, I've gotta give Jericho credit. He could easily rest on his laurels and still be popular doing his original WWE shtick/character but he keeps changing his character each time he comes back. I find it commendable that he would continue to challenge himself like that when so many wrestlers are comfortable doing the bare minimum once they've made it to the main event level.

DBMacJericho - 2-24-2011 at 09:23 PM

Good point, DudeLove. I'm kind of curious to see what sort of character he comes up with if he does decide to return. How many more different kind of characters can their possibly be in wrestling?

Joeldacat - 2-24-2011 at 09:26 PM

... and he's hosting some award show for VH1 Classic. Whoop-dee-doo!

This warrants no more than a DevSop length reply.

DBMacJericho - 2-24-2011 at 09:29 PM

I think that Chris Jericho needs to think really hard about using the word major next time. Or shocking for that matter. This announcement is neither major or shocking or interesting. Who the fuck even watches VH1 Classic?

OORick - 2-24-2011 at 09:58 PM

Who watches VH-1 Classic? Me~!

Maybe not "watch" it all that regularly, but it's easily the better of the two VH-1s, as you might actually stumble across something that actually rocks on there.

That said, as far as Jericho's announcement goes, I either already knew that, or the "Golden God" Awards is an annual thing, and Jericho hosted it last year. I don't know which of the two it is, but this is NOT the first time I've been informed that Jericho and that awards show belong in the same sentence.

Sorry: I love ya, Jericho, but even I (noted WWE-critc and indie/international wanker-hater) thing your huge announcement deserves zero press in favor of emphasizing WWE's huge announcement... you know, the one where they signed Mistico and renamed him Sin Rostra (so that they now have a "Two Face" and a "No Face" on the roster, both hailing from Mexico), and I barely stifled a yawn, as I await the day he actually -- you know? -- shows up on TV and starts doing something worthwhile.

But I digress...


C.MontgomeryPunk - 2-24-2011 at 10:12 PM

If Dos Caras is "Two Face" how can Sin Rostro be "No Face", wouldn't that be Sin Caras? So Caras and Rostro both mean "face"?

Either way, I'm not feeling that name at all. I mean this is a MAJOR branding decision for Mistico and that's all he can come up with.

Rey Mysterio is "King of Mystery" and now we have "Without a face/Faceless", and "Two Faces"...

Either way I don't think it will matter in that I don't think Mistico will last long in the wwe. He thinks that since he was big shit in Mexico and Alberto Del Rio was a midcard act, that he should automatically be ahead of ADR and a top guy.

[Edited on 2-24-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

nobledictator - 2-24-2011 at 10:23 PM

Since he got kicked in the skull he could do something where he is slowly forgetting things, like holds and what not, who people are etc. But maybe it comes and goes. He is of course in total denial.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 2-24-2011 at 10:46 PM

Wwe is announcing Mistico as Sin Cara - No Face. I wonder if Sin Rostro was used at first and they found there was already a trademark, or if somebody heard the translation being "No Face" and when they re-translated it it became "Sin Rostra"


I wonder what Hunico feels about this, being in FCW for a year and Sin Cara going straight to the main roster.

I think the wwe probably should have paid for the Mistico name and trademark silver mask.

[Edited on 2-24-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

nobledictator - 2-24-2011 at 11:09 PM

Sounds like this dude will debut on Smackdown

DBMacJericho - 2-24-2011 at 11:13 PM

You make a valid point there, Rick. VH-1 Regular plays nothing but the most horrible of reality/dating shows all day long. Kind of like E! does, come to think of it. Anyhow, I don't have VH-1 Classic as Comcast seems to think that channel belongs in a more expensive package, but would I be correct in assuming that mostly music videos, Storytellers, and the occasional episode of Pop-Up Video is what they play?

[Edited on 2-24-2011 by DBMacJericho]

knuckleballschwartz - 2-24-2011 at 11:23 PM

Originally posted by nobledictator
Sounds like this dude will debut on Smackdown

I'm thinking he debuts at wrestlemania, wins MITB and then lines up on SD to make a big deal of stalking the (by then) heavyweight champion ADR playing up some sort of history between them.

ETA that by makes a "big deal of stalking" I really mean "gives a couple of promos in respect of ADR before cashing in his shot at the next PPV and losing".

[Edited on 2-24-2011 by knuckleballschwartz]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 2-25-2011 at 12:09 AM

Considering Alberto Del Rio doesn't like that another Mexican wrestler was brought in as he wants to be the next Mexican Superstar, I wonder if Mistico is rubbing it in his face by calling himself Sin Cara, given ADR is Dos Caras in Mexico. Mistico is "No Face" and ADR was "Two Faces"...

The Immolator - 2-25-2011 at 02:18 AM

As a part-time lurker and someone who's only paid attention here and there since 2005, I'm going to risk an observation.

What the WWE does is something different from every other wrestling promotion. It is heavily TV-based. Anyone who works for them has to learn how to work their specific, TV-friendly style, which I suspect from my limited experience (never worked with them, only with people who have) is substantially different from wrestling live, or even anyone else's TV style. Some people are naturally better suited for TV than in-arena, or at least might need more training, aside from their technical wrestling skills.

I chime in only because I'm reminded of this dude.


C.MontgomeryPunk - 2-25-2011 at 03:32 AM

I think it was in one of Mick Foley's books that he talked about that to some extent. Basically when you're wrestling in an arena with no television you're selling to the people in the back row, so you don't have to work as tight, but you really have to oversell everything to make sure the people in the back can tell what is going on - oversell punches, slams etc, as well as facials. However when you work television it's much different as you got to work much tighter as the camera being so close will see if you're pulling your punches too much and missing etc. Also you don't have to oversell for the back row because it looks phony as hell to the zoom lense of the camera.

OORick - 2-25-2011 at 03:50 AM

Wow. For a thread with this title, it sure contains a TON of off-topic (yet highly informative) material.

May I, for a moment, direct us back to the "Sin Rostro" vs. "Sin Cara" issue, and why there was initial confusion? If I may, then I'd just like to posit that this thread needs more Super Karate Monkey Death Car. *

And about VH-1 Classic: you've got it about right. Every single thing they air has something to do with music, at least, unlike VH-1 Regular and MTV, which are almost utterly unwatchable by self-respecting humans (MTV2 can still be counted on to still have a little bit of good stuff, though). VH-1 Classic will most often have either live music (canned stuff like "Storytellers," but lots of other shows from venues of widely varying sizes, and from widely varying timeframes, up to the present day) or documentaries about bands of significance. After that, you'll actually get videos for parts of the day (and they pre-warn you by packaging the sucky ones into hour long "Billy Joel's Top 10"). They also have a few movies in the rotation that are memorable for soundtracks, with "Breakfast Club" being a crappy one and "Blues Brothers" being a good one.

I am not ashamed to say VH-1 Classic and it's increasing innacurate name (you can see videos of "War Pigs" right up through "White Limo") became my most favorite music channel about 2-3 years ago, upending the rapidly-spiralling Fuse (for which I had such high hopes when it debuted).

Thus ends my contribution to the multiple digressions of this thread.


* Ten shiny OO FunBucks to the first person to CORRECTLY explain the Super Karate Monkey Death Car Theory, and how it applies to this topic. Bonus FunBucks for casually commenting how Mistico is Mexico's leading Macho Business Donkey Wrestler, or adding a Hulu.

[Edited on 2-25-2011 by OORick]

Matte - 2-25-2011 at 08:13 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
I think the wwe probably should have paid for the Mistico name and trademark silver mask.

Mistico was probably too similar to Mysterio. And to be honest, they didn't do the worst job they could've done with the repackaging of his looks. The mask is even similar in design.

Dead Ben - 2-25-2011 at 04:32 PM

Super Karate Monkey Death Car is the theory when you switch something from English (or any language, I suppose) to another language, then back to English again. As far as Macho Business Donkey Wrestler is concerned... unless Mistico is Jimmy James under a mask, I'm not sure on that one...

drmuerto - 2-25-2011 at 06:28 PM

It's a shame they went with "Sin Cara" instead of "Sin Rostro". The two mean roughly the same thing literally, but "rostro" has a bit more of a poetic feel to it, and definitely conveys something more mysterious. I think I remember "El Hombre sin rostro" being used as a tag-line for the old Lone Ranger TV show, so maybe that gives a bit of the flavor of why I find that version of the name better. Also, for some reason Sin Cara just doesn't sound particularly good, maybe it's something about the sond of the vowels or something. More than likely, though, this guy will just get the Ultimo Dragon treatment and be gone after a short while.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 2-25-2011 at 07:19 PM

^I agree. I didn't like Sin Rostro, but I like it helluva lot better than Sin Cara. I think it might be because Cara is a girls name.

In the very least wwe should bastartize it into one word/name - Sincara.

Matte - 2-25-2011 at 07:49 PM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
In the very least wwe should bastartize it into one word/name - Sincara.

I think I'd prefer them at least keep his name meaning something. Sin Cara = no face/faceless (or whatever it translates to). It might not be the best name choice, but I think it's better than a bastardized Spanish name that doesn't translate into anything (Sincara).

TownOfDalem - 2-25-2011 at 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Matte
I think I'd prefer them at least keep his name meaning something. Sin Cara = no face/faceless (or whatever it translates to). It might not be the best name choice, but I think it's better than a bastardized Spanish name that doesn't translate into anything (Sincara).

The Corre disagrees!!!

My assumption with signing Mistico is they see him more as a future replacement for Mysterio (masked babyface), while Del Rio fills the Eddie Guerro role (latin superstar that can do face or heel as needed). The big question though is can he speak english? If he can't then I seem him more like Ultimo Dragon or topping out as Tajiri. I don't see WWE pushing someone who doesn't speak english into the main event.

OORick - 2-25-2011 at 08:06 PM

I also agree that "Sin Rostra" has a much more manly-yet-poetic feel to it than calling the guy "Cara."

Going back to the confusion/reporting-of-both-names, is anybody here fully immersed/fluent in Mexican Spanish? Even if they two words mean basically the same thing, there's GOT to be some kind of subtle (or even colloquial) difference between the two. Sort of like how I choose my words carefully, and thus Randy Orton is "retarded" while Glenn Beck is a "dipshit" (and there is a very important distinction, even if both boil down to variants on "stupid"), I assume there's a reason for having the two words, and they aren't entirely equivalent to a Mexican audience.

Any help out there, OO Nation?

Or are the two really exactly the same, and we really did just have us an instance of Super Karate Monkey Death Car Syndrome hit the rasslin' press yesterday? *


* Kudos to the new guy for knowing what Super Karate Monkey Death Car Syndrome is. Fie on all the rest of you tenured slackers for not having intimite knowledge of the most underrated sitcom of the 90s.

Chris Is Good517 - 2-25-2011 at 08:14 PM

I think saying he's going to get the Ultimo Dragon treatment is incredibly premature for a guy who hasn't debuted yet. I realize WWE didn't really use Ultimo like they could/should have, but wasn't the story that he was generally uncooperative anyway? And then when he fell and busted his face during his entrance at WM20 it was just sort of a mutual decision to part ways?

Dead Ben - 2-25-2011 at 09:05 PM

I'm actually assuming that they will use him "Ultimo Dragon" style, and be presently surprised if they don't. I think it goes without saying that WWE's track record of using crusierweights is not exactly stellar. I mean sure, you can say Mysterio, but they use him as a heavyweight anyway.

Also, according to Rajah.com, Sin Cara means "faceless"


[Edited on 2-25-2011 by Dead Ben]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 2-25-2011 at 09:13 PM

Any chance the wwe rips off his CMLL entrance music, or at least mimics it rather than giving him the usual wwe entrance music treatment?

This shit would be epic -

gambit3 - 2-25-2011 at 09:59 PM

Going back to the confusion/reporting-of-both-names, is anybody here fully immersed/fluent in Mexican Spanish? Even if they two words mean basically the same thing, there's GOT to be some kind of subtle (or even colloquial) difference between the two. Sort of like how I choose my words carefully, and thus Randy Orton is "retarded" while Glenn Beck is a "dipshit" (and there is a very important distinction, even if both boil down to variants on "stupid"), I assume there's a reason for having the two words, and they aren't entirely equivalent to a Mexican audience.

Any help out there, OO Nation?

So here I go....
"cara" is a more generic term, meaning closer to "face" as in, the outer surface of something.

"rostro" refers more specifically to a human face. It's kind of like the difference between "house" and "home". The former can be used in a generic sense to describe anything that surrounds something else (i.e., the plastic cover surrounding your router), whereas the latter refers to something far more personal.

Also, you are right in the sense that Sin Rostro is better phonetically than Sin Cara. In Spanish, there are many words that begin with "sin-", and not necessarily as a prefix:


The hard "R" of "Rostro" breaks that flow, marking them as two separate words.

OORick - 2-25-2011 at 11:11 PM

Muchos grassyass for the distinction. Next time WWE hires a hot up-and-coming Eurotrash sensation and gives him a German name, I'll delve into my 4 years of high school deutsche to pay back the favor.

And from the looks of things, it seems "rostro" would also have been the more apt choice from a language/meaning perspective, as well as from the phoenetic/how-it-sounds perspective. Unless this can somehow be taken to refer to the "face" on his mask, rather than his real face under the mask... would that make sense? The importance of the masks in Mexico means that while Mistico's real, human features remain, the highly significant design of his outer face-housing was wiped clean, and he's beginning with a blank slate in WWE?

Have I just nailed it, or am I just over-thinking the whole thing?


denverpunk - 2-25-2011 at 11:39 PM

Monty, thanks for the youtube video -- that entrance music owns. I could see a huge theatrical show going along with it. My only issue with it also deals with the discussion on how they plan to use Mistico. That entrance screams 'main event', and WWE may not plan to use him that way. If they keep that, then it'll show the company's future plans for him. If they give him the jobber metal entrance instead, then likewise.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 2-26-2011 at 12:42 AM

- Jim Ross noted on Twitter this morning that Sin Cara is already in Los Angeles working on his WWE debut. Ross said that WWE has high hopes for the former Mistico including a major "rollout" on TV.

Ross wrote:

"WWE has high hopes 4 Sin Cara. He has many new masks. Major TV 'rollout.' He's 27 & has op 2 b a main eventer. A flyer, offensive innovator. Ppl need to see how Sin Cara performs b4 condeming wwe 4 "pulling him down." That's just dumb. See how things playout then offer opinion."

JR speculates that Cara will be debuting on the RAW brand.

I think the wwe has really high hopes for this kid. Now he could be a headcase I don't know, I read where he expects to be booked better than Del Rio since Mistico was a superstar where as Dos Caras was a mid-carder. Alberto Del Rio has a few things going for him that makes him the better bet in the wwe - he can speak english and is a big guy - 6'5ish 250. As far as I know, Mistico can't speak english - however that is not necessarily a bad thing early on as it would add to the intregue around him if he was silent. And he could learn english in the interim.

I do think the comparison Dalem made was very apt - Sin Cara is Mysterio whereas Del Rio is Eddie Guerrero.

I think the best booking would be to keep Mysterio and Cara away from each other (see that's why Cara doesn't work, it's a chicks name) for a full year to have their first match-up be in Miami at next years Wrestlemania. If Cara does end up on Raw, who would he debut against? Who would he first feud with? Looking at the Raw roster and who could keep up with him - Dan Bryan and John Morrison both would fit. However Bryan is the US champion with a sub finisher, and Morrison is in the midst of a push up the card. I think the best fit might be Tyson Kidd - Kidd is a heel who could keep up and help Sin Cara learn the wwe style, while jobbing across the country on house shows. I think Mistico and Kidd could tear the house down if given the time and could really help Kidd actually in get bookers to notice him.

Here is his finisher "La Mistica" - which wiki describes as Tilt�a�whirl headscissors takedown transitioned into a single arm DDT floated over into a Fujiwara armbar - that I could see him using in the wwe. His use of his El P�ndulo on the other hand will likely be restricted, the El P�ndulo is better known as the 6-1-9 in the wwe.

[Edited on 2-26-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

Yayozama - 2-26-2011 at 03:16 AM

Originally posted by gambit3

So here I go....
"cara" is a more generic term, meaning closer to "face" as in, the outer surface of something.

"rostro" refers more specifically to a human face. It's kind of like the difference between "house" and "home". The former can be used in a generic sense to describe anything that surrounds something else (i.e., the plastic cover surrounding your router), whereas the latter refers to something far more personal.

Also, you are right in the sense that Sin Rostro is better phonetically than Sin Cara. In Spanish, there are many words that begin with "sin-", and not necessarily as a prefix:


The hard "R" of "Rostro" breaks that flow, marking them as two separate words.

Being a long time lurker of OO, I finally decided to log in and help a little in the topic (sorry if I make a mistake, my english is not perfect and sometimes I can't find the words to express my toughts)

Basically "Sin Cara" and "Sin Rostro" are the same, and Mistico said that he choosed the name to represent the tradition of the masked luchador in Mexico.

Here in Mexico, all the people are making fun of the new name of Mistico, but I think that the name may have more meaning that look at simple view.

"Sin Cara" means also "Descarado" in spanish.
"Descarado" is "Impudent" in english. Now, I don't know if that's on porpouse or I'm overthinking the subject. But I'm finding funny that in WWE now there's a "2 face" and a "No Face" (And 2 face is the "pure Mexican" and the face is a "Impudent").

I may only add that I love this boards, so... there you go, when you have a doubt about Mexican Wrestling feel free to ask.

[Edited on 2-26-2011 by Yayozama]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 2-26-2011 at 03:44 AM

Albert of the River isn't a much better translated name either when you think about it. Either is Eddie Warrior, Chavo Warrior and Vickie Warrior.

King of Mysteries is pretty good though.

I still hope Mistico changes the "Sin Cara" name, but it's probably too late. I mean if this is the best he could come up with, when he had years to do it, as the kids say these days "epic fail". Somebody needs to tell him that Cara is a girls name in America.

Chris Is Good517 - 2-26-2011 at 05:20 AM

That finisher looks really cool. I'm actually fairly excited to see this kid- surprised that Ross thinks he's coming to Raw, though. Wouldn't Smackdown be the better fit?

mark markham - 2-26-2011 at 06:47 AM

Gotta love that intro music. WWE should definitely try to rip it off and not give him generic rock or generic mexican guy music. I am also highly in favor of getting more and more wrestlers with masks back on the tv. Flashy characters, not cartoon characters (another pair of words with subtle but important differences) are one of the things that always made wrestling fun to me.

punkerhardcore - 2-26-2011 at 07:04 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
I still hope Mistico changes the "Sin Cara" name, but it's probably too late. I mean if this is the best he could come up with, when he had years to do it, as the kids say these days "epic fail". Somebody needs to tell him that Cara is a girls name in America.

Rostro is better, but there's like, three people on the roster who could pronounce it correctly. Cara is probably the better choice, as it won't be as butchered when said in an American accent.

wings76fan - 2-26-2011 at 03:53 PM

So ... let's recap:

ADR = Two faces
Mistico = No Face
Cody Rhodes = Broken Face
Rey = Face breaker (Cody and UT)

You make a tag match out of that, and the heels actually have "two faces" on the team.

Chris Is Good517 - 2-26-2011 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by wings76fan
So ... let's recap:

ADR = Two faces
Mistico = No Face
Cody Rhodes = Broken Face
Rey = Face breaker (Cody and UT)

You make a tag match out of that, and the heels actually have "two faces" on the team.

You forgot an old one:

Rikishi = Stink Face

diablo_dor - 2-26-2011 at 06:48 PM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
Somebody needs to tell him that Cara is a girls name in America.

Maybe one of the plans is to have a "ladies tag team" with that other Goddess they have on the roster


I weirdly hope they don't go overboard with the masked wrestlers, I hope they allow these two to standout as the only masked guys & too many would dilute the specialness.

Let's not forget that Reys first matches in the WWE were with his good friend Chavo & then a willing Kurt, I think he may need someone like Bryan to give him a showstealing debut, hell have them compete for the US title at Wrestlemania then furthering the "nerd" shite have Daniel be the only one who knows what Cara is saying since he's travelled extensively...

OORick - 2-26-2011 at 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
That finisher looks really cool. I'm actually fairly excited to see this kid- surprised that Ross thinks he's coming to Raw, though. Wouldn't Smackdown be the better fit?

Depends what you mean by "fit," I think.

Yes, he'd fit in on the more "wrestling-y"/less "entertainment-y" show on the grounds that he's only just last month started working on his English skills.

But on the other hand, he fits on RAW, because you probably want to keep him and Rey away from each other so fans don't get burnt out on having two guys doing the same gimmick on the same show. And if they DID "do the same gimmick on the same show," the only way to keep it from getting old would be to have one turn heel on the other sooner rather than later. Would that even be feasible (keeping in mind not just the domestic audience, but the fact that both guys would be very protective of their names/legacies in Mexico)?

Pros and cons both ways on this one...


drmuerto - 2-27-2011 at 12:55 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
Albert of the River isn't a much better translated name either when you think about it. Either is Eddie Warrior, Chavo Warrior and Vickie Warrior.

Except that del Rion and Guerrero are fairly normal sounding and even common last names. They work in the same way that while "smith" literally means "someone who forges metal", but we regularly just take it to be a guy's last name. So if we can have a Davey Boy Smith or a Bret Hart, there's no reason we can't have an Chavo Guerrero or Alberto del Rio. Also, I had a Latin professor in college whose last name was Warrior, and no she wasn't related to Warrior Warrior.

But the F/E has been really bad with Spanish names for a long time. The worst example of this was Essa Rios, whose first name was meant to evoke the word "ese" in its pronunciation, but was bizarrely written with an 'a' at the end. This made it look like "esa", which means "that one" when the gender of the one is female, and which would be pronounced with an /a/ as in "cara". More importantly, it's incredibly rare for a man's proper name to end in an 'a' like that.

I think that Rey Mysterio worked because it was written by a native Spanish speaker and left unchanged. If it had been left up to the E they probably would have gone with Principa Enygma or something.

The new guy's observation that "Sin Cara" can be taken as a synonym for "descarado" or "impudent" is a really good one and points to the silly kind of mistake that was made here. Then again, to give credit where it almost assuredly is not due, maybe Mystico will be going heel after all based on the name choice.

ETA: On the other hand, I never had a problem with Yokozuna as a proper name, and apparently Kaval means
a chromatic end-blown flute traditionally played throughout Azerbaijan, Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Kosova, southern Serbia, northern Greece, Romania (caval), and Armenia. The kaval is primarily associated with mountain shepherds throughout the Balkans and Anatolia.

[Edited on 2-27-2011 by drmuerto]

Yayozama - 2-27-2011 at 02:08 AM

Well, Mistico said that he choosed the name to pay reverence to the masked tradition in the mexican lucha libre.
So, apparently, the WWE didn't have an important part in the name (apart from accepting the name)

ThePunisher - 3-1-2011 at 04:06 AM

So it's official that Jericho is on Dancing with the Stars. I really hope he breaks out a list of all the dances he knows how to do with "Paso Doble" listed 15 times.

punkerhardcore - 3-1-2011 at 04:27 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Rostro is better, but there's like, three people on the roster who could pronounce it correctly. Cara is probably the better choice, as it won't be as butchered when said in an American accent.

Well I was wrong, since they couldn't even pronounce Cara correctly tonight.

Edit-- If Jericho came out in character, and cut promos on everyone, I would watch that show every week. I hope he wins and shows up on Raw with the trophy.

[Edited on 3-1-2011 by punkerhardcore]

firewoman - 3-1-2011 at 04:11 PM

Originally posted by ThePunisher
So it's official that Jericho is on Dancing with the Stars. I really hope he breaks out a list of all the dances he knows how to do with "Paso Doble" listed 15 times.

I'll watch it. I've never watched any ANY of these particular kinds of shows. Well, I watched "Redemption Song" despite being annoyed by nearly every female on there. This couldn't be worse than that.