Twitter CAN Be Fun!
Qonas - 3-3-2011 at 07:13 PM

Bret Hart has joined Twitter.

Now normally this wouldn't be worthy of more than a "oh that's cool" and moving on, but! Bret had a little Q&A; to get himself into the Twitter flow and ended up bad-mouthing Hogan. Hogan didn't take too kindly to that and now it's on:

@kevmtaylor71 Hogan's nothing but a two-faced, backstabbing, steroid freak who deserved everything he got.

Listen to where Bretts speaking from,it's funny he's done everything he's saying I did. HH

@HulkHogan4Real That's not what John Graziano thinks, dickhead.


[Edited on 3-3-2011 by Qonas]

punkerhardcore - 3-3-2011 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Qonas
@HulkHogan4Real That's not what John Graziano thinks, dickhead.

Haha, holy shit, that's awesome. Bret's pulling no punches.

Chris Is Good517 - 3-3-2011 at 07:51 PM

I wasn't aware that John Graziano was still capable of thought.

Too soon?

SeanSmythe - 3-3-2011 at 08:05 PM

I just love how Hogan's reply was akin to "I know you are but what am I" and then Bret just went for the quick low blow.

Joeldacat - 3-3-2011 at 08:13 PM

The lesson: Don't grow up idolizing wrestlers, they're ALL children.

I can't stop laughing, however.

At least this makes more sense than Aimee Mann vs. 50 Cent.

Beer Baron - 3-3-2011 at 08:59 PM

ha! I had to quick google John Graziano to remember.

Bret with the TKO punch!

[Edited on 3-3-2011 by Beer Baron]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-3-2011 at 09:01 PM

I think Bret went nuclear way too fast. I mean why did he start tweeting shit about HH to begin with - is there more backstory or did Bret just decide to flame him out of the blue?

Last I heard Bret's kids were all meth heads or something, and the Hart family is pretty damn dysfunctional from Stu all the way down - not sure bringing family into it is smart.

What's next - "Hey Hulk your ex-wife is banging a 20 yr old and spending all of your money"?

SeanSmythe - 3-3-2011 at 09:02 PM

He was doing a Q&A; to twitter fans and someone asked him his thoughts on Hogan, so it wasn't a flame out of left field.

Matte - 3-3-2011 at 09:22 PM

Someone also asked earlier what his thoughts were on TNA (I think they asked what he would do to improve TNA) and he said he would tar and feather Hogan and Bischoff. Someone else asked him if he watches TNA though, and he said he doesn't.

And someone asked what he thought about Charlie Sheen. He said that unfortunately, he reminds him of Teddy Hart.

SeanSmythe - 3-3-2011 at 11:19 PM

He also thinks his brother Bruce is incompetent.

mooseheadjack - 3-3-2011 at 11:24 PM

I assume this is legit, take it for what its worth

Credit: Steven Fernandes and

Bret Hart did a Q & A on his twitter (@HitmanBretSHart), here are some

Influence for him in wrestling: Probably Dory and Terry Funk or my
older brothers

Current wrestler that has the most promising ability: Daniel Bryan

Current status with WWE: We re on excellent terms but no plans for
anything right now.

Still holding a grudge with Bill Goldberg?: Never had one. I have
great respect for Goldberg. What happened to me was an accident.

Favorite angle he was involved in: Canada vs USA angle with the Hart

Is Melina still his favorite female wrestler?: Her, Nattie Neidhart,
Beth Phoenix, and Gail Kim are the best female wrestlers today

Thoughts on Randy Savage: Of all the wrestlers I know, I probably
miss Randy Savage the most. He s a hero of mine.

Does he feel Hulk Hogan avoided a match with him?: I know he did

Would he induct Shawn Michaels in the WWE HOF?: I would like to
induct Shawn but Triple H makes more sense.

Which of the Hart Brothers, who were never in WWE, could have been
successful in WWE : Smith

Best all around in ring performer in WWE: Right now Orton, Sheamus,
McIntyre, and Mysterio. Super dedicated.

Most rewarding aspect of his return last year: Reuniting the Hart
Family in a concerted effort with a joyous ending.

Thoughts on MVP: Great wrestler and a great guy and I look forward to
his return someday.

His favorite period as Champion: 1997?

His closest friend in wrestling: Roddy Piper

His match with Diesel at Survivor Series 95: It s always been one of
my personal favorites. Pretty solid match. And the table wasn t

Do any of his brothers still train wrestlers?: My brother Bruce
pretends to, but it s more a school where you learn everything not to
do. My brother Smith has a school in Barrie, Ontario

Thoughts on the Miz: I like him. Always liked him. Just wish he d
give me a title shot.

Does he regret his time in WCW?: I wish I never left WWE, if that s
what you mean

Thoughts on Tyson Kidd: He had a strong year but it looks like he s
going to have to work his way back around.

Thoughts on John Cena: One of the hardest working guys in the history
of the WWE.

Last time he spoke to Owen s kids: It s been so long, I can t
remember. Maybe six months after he died.

Thoughts on CM Punk: I think he s uniquely gifted. By the time his
career is over, he ll be recognized for his greatness.

Best Canadian wrestler: I still count Benoit. But Edge is killer. no
pun intended obviously

Does he watch TNA? How he would improve their product?: I don t watch
TNA. I d have Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff tar and feathered.

Any regrets?: I wish I reached out a little harder to Bulldog, Crush,
and Test.

Least favorite move to take: A Powerbomb

Thoughts on ROH: Nothing but respect. Some of the hardest workers in
the business.

Who created The Sharpshooter?: Sure as hell not my brother Bruce.

Thoughts on Wade Barrett: I thought he was the hottest heel in the
business. As a fan, I hope they didn t drop the ball.

Thoughts on David Hart Smith: I m patiently waiting for him to find
his greatness. HIs time will come. Mark my words.

Favorite match: vs. Austin @ Wrestlemania.
Least favorite: vs. Backlund @ Wrestlemania (not my opponent, the
match itself).

Favorite opponents: Perfect, Owen, Austin, and the Bulldogs.
Toughest opponents: Vader and Goldberg.
Least favorite opponent: Bad News Brown. He never understood how to
make anyone. Zero psychology.

Who he d wrestle today: I d like 20 minutes with Orton, Cena, Sheamus

Favorite PPV he was part of: The In Your House Calgary Stampede pay
per view in 1997?

Thoughts on Alberto Del Rio: A unique, classic Mexican heel that s
easy to hate. Which means he s doing his job.

Will we see Owen in the HOF?: I sure hope so.

Thoughts on the Iron Man Match with Shawn Michaels: I was concerned
with the difficulty but I never had any doubts about my ability.

Thoughts on Michael Cole: Michael Cole does a piss poor job of
putting over a lot of the talent. He couldn t lace Jim Ross shoes

His relationship with Shawn Michaels: Shawn and I are on good terms
and we stay in touch.

Still holds a grudge with Ric Flair?: No, I just feel sorry for him.
It s too sad to see a guy work so hard and have nothing left.

Thoughts on his match with Vince McMahon last year: It s far from my
greatest match but it was beautiful all things considered.

Thoughts on The Undertaker: Undertaker is one of the most consummate
professionals inside and outside the ring.

If he could, who would he reform the Hart Foundation with: Christian,
Edge, Jericho, Trish, and the hart dynasty

Working as a heel against Jerry Lawler in USWA: Working with Lawler
was fun and easy.

Thoughts on Tiger Mask: Tiger Mask was ahead of his time. Next to Rey
Mysterio, he was the best lightweight

His relationship with Triple H: I m on decent terms with HHH, too.

Favorite match he was not involved in: Lesnar vs. Angle at

The best Japanese wrestler: Tatsumi Fujinami

Thoughts on Hulk Hogan: Hogan s nothing but a two-faced,
backstabbing, steroid freak who deserved everything he got.

Would he open a wrestling school?: I think about it. Maybe one of
these days.

theflammablemanimal - 3-4-2011 at 01:34 AM

I know its been discussed before, but wow, everyone loves orton. If hbk and hart think he's great, he must be doing something right.

TheMakerSaidTaker - 3-4-2011 at 03:00 AM


Best Canadian wrestler: I still count Benoit. But Edge is killer. no
pun intended obviously

Seriously? He typed this and then pressed send?

Shocking that he's so cavalier about it.

doctorb - 3-4-2011 at 03:03 AM

Credit: Steven Fernandes and

Bret Hart did a Q & A on his twitter (@HitmanBretSHart), here are some

Best Canadian wrestler: I still count Benoit. But Edge is killer. no
pun intended obviously

The fuck? Is he thinking he's funny or does twatter not have backspace ability?

If I could type faster, I'd have been first, jerk.

[Edited on 3-4-2011 by doctorb]

[Edited on 3-4-2011 by doctorb]

mooseheadjack - 3-4-2011 at 03:07 AM

that WAS funny

Chris Is Good517 - 3-4-2011 at 05:31 AM

It was funny. It's been 4 years; a little bit of black humor is OK. I mean, OO has been using a gif of Benoit flying into the WTC since about a week after that whole thing happened so I think this is the wrong place to get pissy about Bret making a relatively tame joke about it.

the goon - 3-4-2011 at 08:35 AM

I think it's more the fact that Bret knew and worked with Benoit, as opposed to some random person joking about it here. If a friend of mine went psycho and murdered his family, I don't think I'd ever make a little "haha" reference about it, regardless of how much time had passed.

Anyhow, I'm not saying crucify Bret for it, but I do think it was a questionable thing to say.

doctorb - 3-4-2011 at 02:20 PM

I think it could have been funny but the delivery was off. The "no pun intended obviously" makes me wonder if he was trying to be funny or just used the "killer" adjective and then couldn't figure out what to.

Obviously with the graziono joke he's not above dark humor and that's fine. If I knew he was being funny I'd laugh along. I'm not pissy about it, I'm just not sure he meant it as a joke. Maybe it's the whole tweet thing I'm not used to or maybe I'll just blame Canada.

[Edited on 3-4-2011 by doctorb]

CheMateo - 3-4-2011 at 06:37 PM

Awesome. Bret went straight for the death blow. Bret and Owen always struck me as the most normal and level headed Hart family members.

I am surprised that Bret has not kept in touch with his nephew and niece. I assume Martha cut off all ties with the rest of the Hart family. I guess we will never see Owen get inducted into the HOF because of Martha.

Flash - 3-4-2011 at 07:12 PM

I never understood Martha wanting to Keep Owen out of the HOF, or to keep blocking the WWE from doing any DVD's/toys/SD vs Raw vg characters... ect.

I mean I get that the family probably got a good settlement out of things, but I'm also sure that the window's closing on fans who'd remember Owen enough to spend money on him. Hell, why not license it to go to a charity as I'm sure the WWE would be willing to sign away their profits just for the good ink it'd get them.

As to a lot of the guys loving Orton I think Rick said something about this before as relayed by one of his insiders that the reason why the guy's so liked by the "boys" is that he works a very low impact type style and usually plays nice with others enough to make them look good.

I thought aside from airing his obvious problems with his brother Bruce, that this was something a little diffrent and refreshing from Hart as he seems a lot happier and is putting a lot of guys over isntead of it being a 50/50 thing.

I did notice that outside of Macho man everyone he loves seems to be Canadian or Texan though (Piper, Harts, Benoit, Jericho,, Edge vs Austin, HBK, and Taker). Its funny to see that for such small places (population wise) how many talents come out of there and how they all seem to stick together.

Loved the Cole snipe too.

Martman - 3-4-2011 at 09:05 PM

I have nothing to back this up, as I don't know Martha Hart, or anyone in the Hart family, but I always got the sense she thought wrestling was beneath her, Owen, and her family and that she's embarrassed that's how her husband made his living.

gobbledygooker - 3-4-2011 at 09:21 PM

Damn good, straight-to-the-point Q&A;, Benoit joke included. I think, if anything, Bret's close proximity to that whole tragedy means he should be able to joke about it now. Lighten up people.

And the dual thoughts of him inducting HBK into the Hall of Fame as well as a Hart Foundation made up of him, Edge, Christian, Trish, Jericho, and The Hart Dynasty almost made my head explode from awesomeness.

denverpunk - 3-4-2011 at 09:25 PM

Yep, maybe also add Anvil and Jimmy Hart for nostalgia value. They could wear those awesome jackets and destroy Nexus and Corre. I'd love every minute of a feud like that.

Froggie - 3-4-2011 at 09:56 PM

I'll say this much: The Hitman is my favourite wrestling of all time and Hogan is my least favourite wrestler of all time! Having said that, after viewing their Twitter exchange they're both making themselves look like fourth graders

theflammablemanimal - 3-7-2011 at 04:21 PM

On a sidenote, Miz and Jericho are now flaming each other about former hairstyles and gimmicks. Pretty funny stuff.

punkerhardcore - 3-7-2011 at 07:09 PM

411 has a post up now featuring more of Bret's Twitter stuff, but this one in particular stood out as fantastic:

On Sunny & HBK In The Hall of Fame: "It's kind of ironic. We're all enjoying sunny days again. haha "

the goon - 3-7-2011 at 09:04 PM

Just to keep with the wrestling/Twitter vibe of this thread, CM Punk apparently tweeted this to John Cena:

Ultimate GCS - 3-8-2011 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Flash
As to a lot of the guys loving Orton I think Rick said something about this before as relayed by one of his insiders that the reason why the guy's so liked by the "boys" is that he works a very low impact type style and usually plays nice with others enough to make them look good.

Yep, I remembered that too, and just spent the better part of an hour looking for it.

Originally posted by OORick
His response was basically: the "boys" love to work with him. He won't show you up; he may pitch a hissy fit, but he will not actually out-talent you or upstage you. He'll never the be reason why people remember a really good match, but he's able to the things necessary to have a good match. He works soft, so you know you won't get hurt.

In essence: you can do a 4-month program with Randall, and you won't risk injury, you'll be the one who gets all the high-spots/sound-bites, and you'll be working at or near the top of the card.

That's the difference between being one of the "boys" and being one of us "fans." The "boys" care about shit different from us, and to some extent, I support that, since I really don't want this little hobby of mine to be a life-shortening one for the guys who supply the entertainment... but honestly: when you strip it down, they are praising Orton for being utterly mediocre and safe, not for being excellent. Orton is unthreatening to the excellent, but rather viewed as a prop to help them stay excellent.

And I think we all know where I stand on that issue...

salmonjunkie - 3-8-2011 at 10:12 AM

CM Punk is awesome:


@EveMarieTorres: Happy Women's History month. (anyone sense my sarcasm?)� Enjoy your month. Lots of dishes to do come April.

doctorb - 3-8-2011 at 03:37 PM

This thread is making me hate twitter less. I can't decide if following punk and a few others would be worthwhile, or if sorting through the drek to get to the good stuff that you guys will likely post here anyway would renew my hatred of it.

Joeldacat - 3-8-2011 at 04:32 PM

You're not just getting diarrhea from everyone. You pick and choose who you follow. If you only follow people who are consistently bringing the goods, then it makes Twitter a lot better.

If you start getting annoying family members or friends who insist on being your buddies on there, then you might start getting BS you don't care about.

Start one, but keep it on the DL and be very selective about who you follow. It can be VERY entertaining that way, and you'll likely find out about stuff you wouldn't have otherwise.

Devineman - 3-16-2011 at 10:06 PM

Saw this from Austin and thought it was funny:


took a hike in the mountains this attacked by 7 mountain lions...good news is--im fine...bad news is--i broke a finger nail.

yes..i did stun all 7 mountain of them didnt sell he got another stunner and a six pack of Whoop Ass....on the house.

drove home from TOUGH ENOUGH listening to Hair Nation on satellite radio...was rocking so hard i damn near grew a mullet.

Seems to be a pretty funny guy

CreativeInternetAliass - 3-16-2011 at 11:42 PM

Yeah, his wife's always laugh at his jokes, if they know what's good for em.

theflammablemanimal - 3-17-2011 at 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Joeldacat
You're not just getting diarrhea from everyone. You pick and choose who you follow. If you only follow people who are consistently bringing the goods, then it makes Twitter a lot better.

If you start getting annoying family members or friends who insist on being your buddies on there, then you might start getting BS you don't care about.

Start one, but keep it on the DL and be very selective about who you follow. It can be VERY entertaining that way, and you'll likely find out about stuff you wouldn't have otherwise.

You don't even need to follow your friends and they can't make you. They can only follow you.

Right now, I just follow some sportswriters, comedians and wrestlers (Jerichos/Miz are decent though Jerichos talks too much Fozzy). Oh, and Cobra Commander.

Matte - 3-17-2011 at 02:24 AM

There's also the option of creating "lists" which could really come in handy. If I follow 500 people, I might want to separate them into lists (wrestlers, comedians, actors, musicians, friends, etc.), and that way, I can limit what I'm reading even more depending on what I FEEL like reading at the moment or what I'm looking to find. Don't feel like weeding through all your friends' tweets and actor's promoting their movies? Just click into your "wrestlers" list and there you go. A list of tweets, only from the wrestlers you're following.

theflammablemanimal - 3-17-2011 at 02:28 AM

I put Kevin smith on his own list because he tweets too damn much.

G-Spot - 3-17-2011 at 04:54 AM

Gotta love Bret Hart!!

Flash - 3-17-2011 at 04:58 AM

Lol, who knew Hart could draw?

CheMateo - 3-17-2011 at 06:26 AM

Hahaha, that Flair drawing was pretty good. Except Flair's hair should of been a little reddish as well. If you take a look at Hitman's autobiography, on the inside of the cover is a similarly comical drawing of a bunch of wrestlers. I can recall seeing Abdullah, complete with blades on his finger tips. Dynamite, Owen, Davey Boy, Macho and so on.

Seeing that drawing of Flair brought back some memories. I seem to recall Bret and Jerry Lawler having some sort of ribbing drawing contest. I think Lawler even showed a caricature he made of Stu and Helen on a PPV. I also remember Dynamite sharing a story where New Japan did a tour of the Middle East. Dynamite and Bret would get drunk of their arses and charge it to the promoter's room. In addition Bret would draw pictures of the promoter sleeping with a camel and sucking camel dick and post the pictures on the promoter's door.

mastermind - 3-17-2011 at 02:29 PM

An old WWF Magazine ran a spread on Hart vs Lawler Art Contests (I think it was during their "Kiss my Foot" days). Bret Hart is decent, but Lawler is really good. I remember one Lawler portrait had a stunned, shocked Bret Hart (complete with eyes bugging out through his shades) as he held a little childish, stick figure drawing looking at Jerry Lawler leaning on a copy of his drawing (a Mona Lisa). The inside of Bret Hart's book has a bunch of wrestlers he worked with through the years, and thankfully the back page actually names them all.

Yayozama - 3-19-2011 at 08:32 PM

Well, a quick youtube search and this is the first video:

And this:

Holy crap, he's really talented.
I remember reading somewhere that Jerry Lawler was drawing Superman, but I wasn't sure that it was the same Jerry.

Matte - 3-19-2011 at 08:51 PM

Didn't he also illustrate Foley's Christmas book? I remember seeing a segment on that, I think on one of my Foley DVDs.

punkerhardcore - 3-19-2011 at 08:59 PM

Indeed he did, Matte. Lawler's a pretty talented illustrator, for sure.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-20-2011 at 03:29 AM

Twitpic of Curt Hawkins painting up for auction at WM Charity Art Auction -

theflammablemanimal - 3-20-2011 at 04:45 AM

He must be trying to start a feud by highlighting that male pattern baldness.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-20-2011 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
He must be trying to start a feud by highlighting that male pattern baldness.

HBK tweeted him to thank him for giving the old man some abs.

theflammablemanimal - 3-20-2011 at 05:13 PM

Even aside from all this stuff, I think it's kind of interesting how WWE has embraced social media in their storytelling. Like how instead of just announcing the Rock is going to talk or the Miz isn't going to show up, they announce that the Rock promised on facebook that he would show up or Miz posted something on Twitter.

I don't know if they just think it's a useful storytelling tool or they actually care about driving followers to their people.

G-Spot - 3-24-2011 at 03:38 AM

Latest pic from Bret Hart...

punkerhardcore - 3-26-2011 at 11:11 PM

Just saw this on 411-- apparently, Cole called Josh a faggot on Twitter, and TMZ picked up on it.

Basically he took it down right away and then posted an apology, but it sounds like he's still gonna be in a bit of trouble. Screen caps of it all are within that link.

A rep for the WWE tells TMZ, "WWE has alerted GLAAD to the situation and spoken to Michael Cole about his post. He has removed it and apologized for using hateful language. Michael will be included in the training session being done by GLAAD. WWE takes this very seriously and is against discrimination of any kind based on sexual orientation, gender, race, religion or other."

[Edited on 3-26-2011 by punkerhardcore]

Chris Is Good517 - 3-26-2011 at 11:20 PM

Wow, does Cole have any grasp whatsoever of the irony of him calling anyone a "faggot"?

ETA- I don't pay too much attention to the Twitters anymore, so if Joey Styles posts anything about this will someone please share?

[Edited on 3-26-2011 by Chris Is Good517]

Matte - 3-27-2011 at 12:37 AM

Faggots just have no sense of humor. That's why people call them faggots.

I kid, I kid.

theflammablemanimal - 3-27-2011 at 01:06 AM

If only WWE actually.cared.about.these.things, this might end his push.

Joeldacat - 3-27-2011 at 01:56 PM

As one of the board's resident homos...

I'm let down, that was pretty shitty. There was no humorous context, no reason for him to say it. He just outright felt like calling Josh Matthews the f-word on a public stage, and did. He then issued one of those "I'm not really sorry, but sorry" apologies which suck. Is it also weird that I find "fag" less offensive than "faggot?" It's like the shorter version is more of a reactionary, fucking around, playful thing. Nope, nothing of the sort from Cole.

I'm even a fan of the Cole / King feud. I don't want to see the feud with Lawler affected. Unless...

Hm. I take it back. Vince needs to get on the phone with Heidenreich, pronto. Simulated on-air rape sounds like good punishment.

C.A.C.A. - 3-27-2011 at 07:21 PM

Swagger goes out and says he doesn't apologize for the announcer right before he squashes Goldust in how many seconds Monday during the hour transition slot now?

Wait, it's Michael Cole, I still don't care either way, he can't even be bothered to grow his bitch-goatee in and dye it like heel Hogan or Steiner for this interminable mystery GM push.

theflammablemanimal - 3-27-2011 at 07:36 PM

Miz just posted the over the limit poster which focuses solely on the miz.

Wonder if this means he wins at WM or loses and then has a mental break.

Also, is Backlash gone or are they having 3 ppvs in 2 months.

cardscott5 - 3-27-2011 at 09:25 PM

Backlash is done, because the next one is Extreme Rules.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-27-2011 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
Miz just posted the over the limit poster which focuses solely on the miz.

Wonder if this means he wins at WM or loses and then has a mental break.

Also, is Backlash gone or are they having 3 ppvs in 2 months.

Have PPV posters really ever meant anything?

[Edited on 3-27-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Stu - 3-27-2011 at 11:37 PM

Are we sure Cole didn't just mean Josh was a motocycle owner?

G-Spot - 3-30-2011 at 06:22 PM

Looks like CM Punk is riling up the Texas Rattlesnake now.

In response to

CM Punk tweets...
"I like how thq acts like they don't know what would happen if @steveaustinBSR and I were to lock horns. Everybody knows. SXE > Beer."

"GTS > stunner."

"�@TheBethPhoenix: �@CMPunk: GTS > stunner.� epic.� Oh. Hell. Yeah."

Stone Cold Steve Austin replies...
"@CMPunk alright just crossed the line...i'll be seeing your ass in Atlanta."

I think Twitter is great for making wrestling fun and more "real" again! Especially when guys like Miz & Punk are staying in character (moreso on that with Punk!).

[Edited on 3-30-2011 by G-Spot]

doctorb - 3-30-2011 at 06:41 PM

When you do the @ thing, does it go to the person you're responding to and get highlighted or something? Or do you just count on them seeing it because they follow you? Because if someone follows 1000 people they might well miss something directed right @ them.

punkerhardcore - 3-30-2011 at 06:53 PM

Yet another amusing Twitter story--

- Dixie Carter's Twitter account was suspended today. The reason has to do with the fact that her page background had the image saying that the account was verified. Twitter's terms of use state that only they can assign that logo to someone. Since she used it without permission, the account was suspended.

Matte - 3-30-2011 at 07:05 PM

Originally posted by doctorb
When you do the @ thing, does it go to the person you're responding to and get highlighted or something? Or do you just count on them seeing it because they follow you? Because if someone follows 1000 people they might well miss something directed right @ them.

It goes to the person you're responding to. Sometimes a wrestler (or anyone) will do Q&A; and stuff like that over Twitter. So anyone who @ replies them a question or whatever, their tweet will go to them. Most Twitter apps have a section for @ replies, so you can just go there and see all the tweets people have "@ed" you in, not sure if the actual website has it or not.

theflammablemanimal - 3-30-2011 at 07:24 PM

Why does Dixie have a Twitter account (it's like Tnadixie or something, right?) if she's not part of TNA? Are all her tweets something like "still trying to get back into TNA" or "I'll get you hogan?"

G-Spot - 3-30-2011 at 09:08 PM

Punk/Austin just keeps getting better!!!

CM Punk: �@steveaustinBSR: @CMPunk alright crossed the line...i'll be seeing your ass in Atlanta.� Not if I see you first. Chicago >Texas"

Austin: "@CMPunk Alright son...I'm about to get off this treadmill and RUN to Atlanta..bringing some extra cans of Whoop Ass!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!"

CM Punk: "@steveaustinBSR wait, you do Cardio? Legit question."

Austin: "@CMPunk What are you doing son, asking for advice/lessons etc.? I'll give your pierced lipped ass a couple lessons when I see you. Out."

G-Spot - 3-30-2011 at 09:10 PM

And I love Punk's "bio" on Twitter...

The leader of WWE's Nexus. Often confused with Batman. Once tipped a stripper with a filet-o-fish..

C.MontgomeryPunk - 4-4-2011 at 01:51 PM

Angle being butthurt -

"To WWE wrestlers, Don't use my Finish. Get more Creative. Hmmmm- Orton. Did I say that."

"I heard Orton had an Awesome match though. Ur welcome. Lol."

"I guess Swagger will use my Ankle Lock as well.Very creative. I'm the Best in the World. You Guys will never be Kurt Angle.can I get an AMEN."

"Kurt Angle will never die. TNA. WWE. I'm a leader. Not follower."

"Why would WWE use my finishes? Is it because I won't go back? R Orton- Angle Slam. M Cole- Ankle Lock? They have some nerve."

"Jerry Lawlor did it too. But He is a Legend. WWE really stuck it to Me.No Love lost. I'm glad that I helped Your biggest Event of the Year"

Orton pushing Angle's shit up
Everythings been done before as far as 'moves' go in the sports entertainment. I want to thank SCSA for the 'Thesz Press'.

And I know for a fact that SCSA got the 'Thesz Press' from Dutch Mantel.

Point being, instead of taking offense to someone using your move, consider it a sign of respect.

Btw does anyone know what Ken Shamrocks finish was? I believe Jack Swagger used ankle lock outta respect for Ken?

Chris Is Good517 - 4-4-2011 at 02:53 PM

I'm actually 100% on Orton's side on this one, and I think his reply was actually pretty smart. Kudos to him for reminding Angle that Angle is hardly the first person to use the ankle lock. What was Angle thinking?

mastermind - 4-4-2011 at 02:59 PM

Lol @ "And I know for a fact that SCSA got the 'Thesz Press' from Dutch Mantel.". I'm pretty sure it was Lou Thesz who used the Lou Thesz press first. Eh, maybe Dutch got it from Lou and passed it down. But for the rest, I co-sign the Viper 100%.

[Edited on 4-4-2011 by mastermind]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 4-4-2011 at 03:18 PM

Now Kurt is saying his account was hacked -

"To anyone I upset, I am sorry. I didn't watch W-mania last night. I DID get a lot of tweets during Show. About Orton, Swagger,etc.Who cares?

I think the whole thing is Halarious. How I upset all of U amazes me.I don't read dirt sheets,but u heard they r upset.They're 'dirt' sheets

I Hope that W-mania was entertaining for all of You, especially 'The Rock'. Oh, and Orton-relax, I won't beat ur ass. You can use my move

2 Randy Orton's credit, I Heard He had the best match of the night. Good for You! Btw,I Never used Shamrock's finish while he still wrestled

There's a big difference to using a Finish somebody did b4 U, and is doing while U still Wrestle. The fact is, I don't care. Sorry everybody

Lastly,I just found out somebody hacked into my Twitter account.Most of those tweets weren't from me.I just found out today. I will find out"

Chris Is Good517 - 4-4-2011 at 03:22 PM

Oh, Kurt. Just stop, dude.

TheRedMenace - 4-4-2011 at 07:43 PM

And CM Punk jumps into the Angle/Orton issue:

""my twitter account was hacked", is the new: "I'm a sloppy drunk douche"."

C.MontgomeryPunk - 4-4-2011 at 08:13 PM

Punk buts in and goes straight to the nukes. I get what he's saying and all, but given Kurt's recent drinking related arrest this shot will seem pretty personal.

cardscott5 - 4-4-2011 at 09:11 PM

I like how Angle went with the "my account was hacked" card, but still displays the tweets on his page, when everyone else who has their account hacked deletes them.

Also, Punk is awesome.

the goon - 4-5-2011 at 05:03 AM

And Joey Styles chimes in:

"I'm watching Jack Swagger apply the Ankle Lock to The King and wondering if anyone's twitter account will be hacked."

C.MontgomeryPunk - 4-5-2011 at 02:11 PM

Angle Slam is one bland shitty move anyways.

Columbo - 4-5-2011 at 04:22 PM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
Angle Slam is one bland shitty move anyways.

It may be, but after reading this thread yesterday before RAW I marked out when Orton Angle Slammed Cody last night.

Flash - 4-5-2011 at 11:05 PM

Not to open the whole TNA vs WWE argument again, but isn't stealing from a smaller less watched organization kind of a time honoured wrestling tradition?

I get the "stealing" being an issue in some cases as I remember the Rock burying Juventud Guerrero on the mic years ago for what he deamed to be stealing when JG was calling himself "The Juice" or something like that (I think he was also copying his mannerisms or something too?), but never having an issue with both him and Booker using the Rock Bottom/Bookend.

Its funny how some moves get treated with such respect though, as despite Sting still using the Scorpion death lock in WCW, Rock didn't touch the sharpshooter until after Brett Hart called it a career over there. I know Husky Harris used the stunner in FCW in a recent video that made the rounds, but I'm thinking it will be a long time before we see anyone bust that one out on the big stage. Maybe Angle just suffered from using finishers that are a little more "generic"... I'll give his argument a bit more credibility if Orton busts out an F5 some time soon.

theflammablemanimal - 4-5-2011 at 11:11 PM

It's not.stealing from a lesser.organization since Kurt used it on WWE. Also, Orion ford it so badly its barely recognizable. And the announcers don't even call it an Olympic slam or anything.

Also, Skip used the stunner as his finishes. Go back and watch him squash Bryan on Nxt. Sharkboy used it to but that was an homage.

Plenty of people, including Bubba Ray use the rock bottom.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 4-6-2011 at 12:10 AM

Now Kurt is saying it wasn't hacked, but a family member went on after he went to bed and did all the tweeting.

SeanSmythe - 4-6-2011 at 02:38 AM

Whats even funnier is that while Angle uses it as a finisher, old Randall uses it as a normal move.

Chris Is Good517 - 4-6-2011 at 02:58 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
Now Kurt is saying it wasn't hacked, but a family member went on after he went to bed and did all the tweeting.

Holy shit, really? What a fucking jackass.

Kurt, I still want to like you, but you're making it really difficult. Just apologize for it and move on. If you'd done that in the first place, it would have already been forgotten. Now you look like the biggest cuntnugget in sports entertainment.

Joeldacat - 4-6-2011 at 11:18 AM

Originally posted by SeanSmythe
Whats even funnier is that while Angle uses it as a finisher, old Randall uses it as a normal move.

While that's kind of true, from what I've seen, he uses it as a direct setup for the RKO. If it was a video game, that'd be a 'signature move,' and not just another Orton move. It still has an air of importance.

theflammablemanimal - 4-6-2011 at 04:43 PM

I disagree. He mostly uses it as another move. I don't remember seeing it used to set up the RKO or punt. To really see how unimportant the move is to him, just listen to the announcers who never act like its a big move, as opposed to the hangman ddt.

Basically, its not a signature move if it doesn't get a "VINTAGE!" (Or at least a reaction from the announcers that makes it seem like it can end a match, the way the Irish backbreaker, chuck kick, hangman ddt and AA spinebuster are treated).

And let's be honest. TNA does this all the time. Storm used the Backstabber as a normal move and, since that's not really a big deal, Jarrett constantly uses the Pedigree as a basic nothing move that doesn't even deserve a pitfall attempt.

And, of course, Punk will disagree with Angle here because Punk used the pedigree as his finishes in ROH and started using Kenta's finisher when he hit the big leagues.

[Edited on 4-6-2011 by theflammablemanimal]

Joeldacat - 4-6-2011 at 07:14 PM

I always felt like the announcers never call it because outside of "the Olympic Slam" and "the Angle Slam," there's no name for it that doesn't link it to Kurt. "Fireman's Carry Slam" doesn't really flow off the un-eloquent tongues of Cole, Booker, or Matthews.

CreativeInternetAliass - 4-6-2011 at 07:40 PM

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way Mathews announces. Lord knows it is much better than the crap JR would spout. Of course with JR it would be called either "that's his move" or the RKO, cause JR didn't have a clue what the hell was going on half the time. If you got rid of Cole, I think Josh would surprise alot of people with how good of an announcer he would be. He has a genuine passion, and knowledge of the buisness. I would not mind Mathews and/or Grisham as the permanent raw play by play guy.

Joeldacat - 4-6-2011 at 07:46 PM

I mostly lumped in Matthews (Mathews?) to make my point. I like the guy; it DID bug me, however, when he joined Cole in ragging on the divas, specifically Natalya Neidhart.

Joeldacat - 4-6-2011 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Joeldacat
I mostly lumped in Matthews (Mathews?) to make my point. I like the guy; it DID bug me, however, when he joined Cole in ragging on the divas, specifically Natalya Neidhart.

ETA: Back on to the point of the thread, we now have X-Pac vs. Cole. Or more likely, he's been suckered by an account pretending to be Cole.

TheRealXPac - Sean Waltman
"@WWEMichaelCole u don't suck. Ur just a f'n asshole and a pussy dating back 2 when dx got u all wet w supersoakers n u sold it like a bitch."

"@WWEMichaelCole ur doing a great job however."

Double ETA: I really suck for hitting "quote" instead of "edit."

[Edited on 4-6-2011 by Joeldacat]

Matte - 4-6-2011 at 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Joeldacat
I mostly lumped in Matthews (Mathews?)

Mathews. I also like Mathews, and Grisham, and Striker. I think any combination of the three would be better than King/JR/Cole.

And looking at the WWEMichaelCole Twitter page, definitely looks like a fake.

theflammablemanimal - 4-6-2011 at 10:46 PM

I misread that and though Michael Cole responded by saying "You're doing a great job though," which would have been hilarious.

punkerhardcore - 4-9-2011 at 03:53 PM

Just saw this over at Lords of Pain... CM Punk on Tough Enough--

He wrote the following about Miss USA Rima Fakih: So far this rima broad needs to take her padding and cover her weird face.

He wrote the following about Ariane Andrew, the first contestant to be eliminated: I know this Arianne as, "tampon girl". Maybe I'll tell the story...

I'm not even sure I want to know the story behind that.

theflammablemanimal - 4-14-2011 at 03:34 AM

Punk a couple of weeks ago:

hey punk, at wrestlemania who will win in the match undertaker vs HHH.� THE WWE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome. And when asked if he's looking forward to going to Ireland: "No."

Worth following.

theflammablemanimal - 4-15-2011 at 03:50 PM

Apparently, @therock is pimping Team Bring It with motivational tweets. Also, he apparently does live chats on Facebook every Friday at noon, presumably answering questions like "y u hate Sena so much? He#s teh aaaaaaaawesome. omg!"

joerizal - 4-25-2011 at 06:39 AM

From Rock to Cena:

Happy Birthday @JohnCena - I'm 5 yrs older than you which means I will always be your daddy bitch!

drmuerto - 4-26-2011 at 01:52 AM

Stone Cold Steve Austin just Tweeted naked pictures of himself!!!

Matte - 4-26-2011 at 04:21 AM

"Anyone got clear pic of Push Zack Ryder and Ryder or Riot signs?"

Any chance at all he's trying to get fired so he can wrestle elsewhere?

Chris Is Good517 - 4-26-2011 at 04:38 AM

Has Kurt Angle got on and Tweeted gimmick infringement about Randy Orton "stealing" his five o'clock shadow yet?

Grenzschutzgruppe - 4-26-2011 at 01:22 PM

Originally posted by drmuerto
Stone Cold Steve Austin just Tweeted naked pictures of himself!!!

Stone Cold Rolled! Oh HELL YEAH!! [drinks beer, breaks glass, exits stage left]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-26-2011 at 09:10 PM

Woo Woo Woo...You Know It.

@ZackRyder: Hopefully I get drafted from Superstars to either Raw or SmackDown #WWEDraft

Sadly...this did not occur.

[Edited on 4-26-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

joerizal - 4-27-2011 at 12:46 AM

Originally posted by drmuerto
Stone Cold Steve Austin just Tweeted naked pictures of himself!!!


Teletheus - 4-27-2011 at 10:33 PM

Originally posted by drmuerto
Stone Cold Steve Austin just Tweeted naked pictures of himself!!!

Now that's a Stone Cold Stunner.

theflammablemanimal - 5-2-2011 at 02:56 AM

I heard about Bin Laden's death from a tweet by The Rock. Apparently, he smells what America is cooking.

Matte - 5-2-2011 at 03:10 AM

From Steve Corino:

With Bin Laden dead what's the chance Ian Rotten runs a "Osama Bin Laden Memorial Show"?

And I love that Tom Green of all people was apparently the first to alert everyone of Osama's death on Twitter.

Wrestlers react to the news (a list of Tweets from guys we know):

[Edited on 5-2-2011 by Matte]

Dead Ben - 5-2-2011 at 04:24 AM

I think Blue Meanie's response wins.

Thom - 5-2-2011 at 03:37 PM

No - Joey Styles.


Joey Styles: @JohnCena just announced that Osama Bin Laden is truth to the rumor that he killed himself after the Country Whipping Match.

theflammablemanimal - 5-3-2011 at 01:19 AM

No, Rock was first.;=sp

Apparently I was only one of the millions...AND MILLIONS...of people who were electrified when The Rock told us that America had brought it in true Team Bring It style.

theflammablemanimal - 5-5-2011 at 06:23 PM

Jericho just posted a major spoiler. That's the risk you run when you follow these guys.

G-Spot - 5-6-2011 at 03:08 AM

Jericho answered....

"Not a spoiler at all! I have no idea what the plan is..."

DevilSoprano - 5-6-2011 at 03:12 AM

Originally posted by G-Spot
Jericho answered....

"Not a spoiler at all! I have no idea what the plan is..."

So Jericho is a douchebag and stupid...nice.

theflammablemanimal - 5-6-2011 at 01:57 PM

Yeah. He basically tweeted "to everyone complaining about [huge spoiler] don't you think it might be part of a bigger plan?"

Then when people complained about the spoiler, he acted like revealing there might be a plan was the spoiler.

On the plus side, I guess I'll be less upset now when I see it happen.

cardscott5 - 5-6-2011 at 05:22 PM

Jericho probably said he didn't know what the plan was because he thought people would think he was part of the plan. I haven't seen a wrestler post as big a spoiler as Jericho did, and not really care. Kinda douchey. Especially when not everyone reads spoilers.

Qonas - 5-9-2011 at 04:58 PM

Apparently the scandal of the century just went down behind the scenes at WEE. No, not the criminal screwing of Christian, but something much larger; someone broke the head off Yoshi Tatsu's action figure!

YoshiTatsuWWE - During my match somebody cut my action figure's head off. This is not funny. Seriously I'm very mad.
15 hours ago

YoshiTatsuWWE - When I find the criminal I will beat him up anytime, anywhere, anyplace. I'm serious. I'm a man.
15 hours ago

YoshiTatsuWWE - This is a true backstage story.
15 hours ago

mikethemiz - Find them and beat them up. #headlessyoshi RT @YoshiTatsuWWE: This is a true backstage story.
14 hours ago

JustinRoberts - This is the reward fund so far for finding the cowardly culprit @YoshiTatsuWWE @Mikethemiz #headlessyoshi
13 hours ago

maryse0uellet - Let's resolve @YoshiTatsuWWE #headless case before wwe nxt, because ill have to deal with nonsense...thank you
13 hours ago

WadeBarrett - Whoever broke the Yoshi Tatsu action figure needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror.
12 hours ago

YoshiTatsuWWE - I got to the hotel. In the lobby I met some SMACKDOWN superstars. And they gave me my new head!
11 hours ago

JoeyStyles - "@Jcollins205: @JoeyStyles Found it!!!"LOL! Yoshi wasn't the most imaginative name we could have given this Superstar
4 hours ago

There was also more CM Punk greatness.

CMPunk - �@LadyDragonFox: @CMPunk HEY! You leave Sheamus the hell alone or I'm gonna kick your ass!� You look like Vigo the Carpathian

He then asked for someone to make a side-by-side picture to prove it, and someone did. Punk owns.

[Edited on 5-9-2011 by Qonas]

Chris Is Good517 - 5-9-2011 at 05:06 PM

That whole Yoshi Tatsu thing was awesome and gave me a new appreciation for him. I'm disappointed that it didn't end with Zack Ryder being the culprit, but Maryse's and Barrett's responses were gold.

punkerhardcore - 5-9-2011 at 05:16 PM

Barrett's response was the best and made me laugh for real.

I don't understand any of that CM Punk thing though... who is LadyDragonFox?

[Edited on 5-9-2011 by punkerhardcore]

theflammablemanimal - 5-9-2011 at 09:15 PM

Punk had tweeted "kill the irishman" for some reason. Not sure if he meant Sheamus or some random punk rock thing. I think that's what she was responding to.

Also, I love that bakeanddestroy chick that he retweets sometimes.

Matte - 5-9-2011 at 09:21 PM

Punk tweeted "KILL THE IRISHMAN"
Apparently it's a line from some Val Kilmer movie.
I'm guessing LadyDragonFox (retarded name) linked "IRISHMAN" to Sheamus and tweeted to Punk.
Punk then requested and received:

theflammablemanimal - 5-9-2011 at 11:08 PM

What's up with the Austin vs Shark stuff? Austin constantly posts it.

The best one was when Austin posted "my WM28 opponent" and it was him standing next to a guy in a sharksuit and Austin vest, then Punk tweeted back "stop ducking me."

Frank Lloyd Wright - 5-10-2011 at 03:29 PM

Cena spreading the Zack Ryder love after last night's RAW:

"Got to punish a ry. Set and I quit match for over the limit with miz. But nothing beat the fist pumping broski. Thanks for the lesson zack."

G-Spot - 5-10-2011 at 07:31 PM

Cena is doing a thing on Twitter that if you go to a certain parking lot with a sign that mentions Cena & Zack Ryder, you can get free tix to the "entertainment" (or an upgrade if already have tix).

CM Punk responded...

"WWE fans in Highland Heights Kentucky: if you bring signs for Cena/Ryder, I will be in the parking point and laugh at you."

Man...I love Punk!!!

theflammablemanimal - 5-10-2011 at 07:46 PM

Beat me to it.

Also, WWE posted that Regal has the same birthday as Sid Vicious, the sex pistols singer, not the former champion. And Joey styles added..."and master technician."

S Kid J E T S 48 - 5-10-2011 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by G-Spot
Cena is doing a thing on Twitter that if you go to a certain parking lot with a sign that mentions Cena & Zack Ryder, you can get free tix to the "entertainment" (or an upgrade if already have tix).

CM Punk responded...

"WWE fans in Highland Heights Kentucky: if you bring signs for Cena/Ryder, I will be in the parking point and laugh at you."

Man...I love Punk!!!

Gotta love how Cena has really come to bat for Zack Ryder. It seems at least one important guy in the WWE has his ear open to the fans.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 5-10-2011 at 08:45 PM

Just hope Cena doesn't get credit for Ryder's youtube hustle.

ThePunisher - 5-11-2011 at 01:51 PM

Not a tweet from a wrestler, but CM Punk is mentioned.

Grumpy_Dr_Doom 9:05am via Web
BAH! Doom shall be contacting Taskmaster today in search of more qualified minions. Doom would have called @CMPunk but his minions suck too.

TownOfDalem - 5-11-2011 at 02:26 PM

Dr. Doom? What are you up to now Dev?

ThePunisher - 5-13-2011 at 07:26 PM

Dixie Carter just took a bit of a shot at Vince/WWE:

TNADixie Dixie Carter
WRESTLING MATTERS.....pass it on!
14 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

punkerhardcore - 5-13-2011 at 09:21 PM

Just saw this at 411... Pope apparently tweeted this earlier today:

My time has come, It's time to move on. I've served well. Hope none has been disappointed; hope my hard work has been Applauded & Appreciated.

Anyone know what his contract status is?

theflammablemanimal - 5-13-2011 at 09:50 PM

If true, smart move by TNA making him one of the highlighted guys in the battle royal last night.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 5-15-2011 at 12:53 AM

-CM Punk: watched episode 13 of @ZackRyder and his web show. Well, more like I watched Arn Anderson watch it. Arn popping for nothing made my night!

theflammablemanimal - 5-17-2011 at 11:37 AM

Rock just posted this picture of Cena walking down the street.

ThePunisher - 5-17-2011 at 06:53 PM


Yayozama - 5-17-2011 at 07:55 PM

Sometimes The Rock is really childish.

Here is the answer from Cena:

"Yeah sorry I couldn't stop to talk Dwayne but I was headed to RAW. U should try it sometime. Ps I left my a** out for u to whip.u did nada."

Matte - 5-17-2011 at 08:15 PM

1) Here's the picture.
2) That isn't Cena responding, bro. It's some fake.

Yayozama - 5-17-2011 at 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Matte
1) Here's the picture.
2) That isn't Cena responding, bro. It's some fake.

Well, here's the RT of Rock from Cena!/TheRock/status/70290051388547073

And here's the answer (it's not a direct answer, but I guess it's obvious)!/JohnCena/status/70367782117707776

BTW, Cena also RT this (Cena is REALLY helping Ryder, I like that);

Matte - 5-17-2011 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Yayozama
And here's the answer (it's not a direct answer, but I guess it's obvious)!/JohnCena/status/70367782117707776

My bad. I clicked Rock's link to the picture and saw the Cena comment underneath, written by a fake Cena account. I guess they're just spreading his word or something.

[Edited on 5-17-2011 by Matte]

Frank Lloyd Wright - 5-19-2011 at 09:48 PM

Paul Heyman is making headlines today with some controversial remarks about how WWE is handling the career of Nexus leader CM Punk.

Amid reports that CM Punk is unhappy behind the scenes and is considering leaving WWE when his contract expires later this year, Paul Heyman wrote on Twitter (@heymanhustle):

"I'm sure he will get heat for me saying this, but @CMPunk is STILL the most underutilized talent on the WWE roster. And my apologies to @CMPunk for the heat he'll get, but come on already. Punk is the best heel in the biz today! WAKE THE F**K UP! It's amazing to me (and not in a good way) that WWE doesn't see how @CMPunk has brought out the best in every opponent."

CM Punk caught wind of Paul Heyman's rant and responded with:

"oh you know me, if I don't have heat I'm doing something wrong. Keeps me warm."

WWE Hall of Fame Steve Austin, who has exchanged words with Punk over Twitter in recent weeks, quoted Paul Heyman's tweet and added, "Agreed."

theflammablemanimal - 5-19-2011 at 09:56 PM

There's been a lot of meeting between Punk and Austin., and Heyman just hiked in to ask about "one more match." Seems like they really want to tease us with the awesome possibilities.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 5-20-2011 at 12:28 AM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
There's been a lot of meeting between Punk and Austin., and Heyman just hiked in to ask about "one more match." Seems like they really want to tease us with the awesome possibilities.

Unfortunately it would be based on "I drink beer in the ring" vs "I'm straight edge so I hate you". Now if Punk called out Austin for being a played out lazy caricature who spouts off paint by number catchphrases - that I could get behind.

Matte - 5-20-2011 at 03:28 AM

@ColtCabana: "This is legit how @sonjaydutterson walks on a treadmill. What an asshole. "

Paddlefoot - 5-20-2011 at 03:43 AM

I miss Sonjay. And his original theme music too.

Flash - 5-21-2011 at 08:05 AM

There's a tonne of Macho Man related tweets going on but I got a laugh out of Jericho's;

"As classic as Savage-Steamboat WM3 is, I think Warrior at WM7 is the best example of how incredible Randy was. Best Warrior match ever"

williamssl - 5-21-2011 at 06:53 PM

What in the sweet hell is a "tonne"?

Letter economy, foreigners. You don't need those two extra letters here.

Flash - 5-22-2011 at 04:09 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
What in the sweet hell is a "tonne"?

Letter economy, foreigners. You don't need those two extra letters here.

A tonne is 1000 kilograms

Lol, I usually go back over my posts to "Americanize" it a bit before hitting the post button but it was late last night and I was tired.

williamssl - 5-22-2011 at 04:24 AM

Thank you, flasshhhe.

Flash - 5-23-2011 at 03:34 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
Thank you, flasshhhe.

You forgot the hidden U's and to invert odd R and E

williamssl - 5-23-2011 at 03:53 AM

I bet you invert lots of stuff.

Thom - 5-23-2011 at 01:15 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
What in the sweet hell is a "tonne"?

Letter economy, foreigners. You don't need those two extra letters here.

Flash kinda beat me to it, but... A tonne is the same thing as a metric ton - which is different than the English/American ton. So, it's actually more efficient to say "tonne," than it is to say "metric ton."

What? I mean, USA! USA! USA!!!

S Kid J E T S 48 - 5-23-2011 at 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Thom

Flash kinda beat me to it, but... A tonne is the same thing as a metric ton - which is different than the English/American ton. So, it's actually more efficient to say "tonne," than it is to say "metric ton."

What? I mean, USA! USA! USA!!!

Think we're gonna need an OO Flag Match pretty soon.


Some Twitter stuff...

TheRock In the famous "I QUIT" match, I handcuffed Mick Foley and bashed his face 14xs w a steel chair. He bled. I won. #OverTheLimit

RealMickFoley Maybe so, but 2 days later, I trapped @TheRock under a pallet of beer kegs to win the WWE strap in an Empty Arena Match aka TNA house show.

Chris Is Good517 - 5-23-2011 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
RealMickFoley Maybe so, but 2 days later, I trapped @TheRock under a pallet of beer kegs to win the WWE strap in an Empty Arena Match aka TNA house show

OMG Mick Foley is stoopid WWE fanboi

Paddlefoot - 5-23-2011 at 07:18 PM

We really should thank Tommy for giving us a new toy that's just way too much fun to ever put away.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 5-23-2011 at 08:24 PM

Alternate Rock Tweet - I gave Mick Foley brain damage - I won.

Eli - 5-24-2011 at 05:11 PM

Cena fan: "pink trunks, yellow knee pads? How gay are you? I'm returning your action feagure to the store. I'll choose @JohnCena instead."

Cena: "Please don't. It was a tribute to randy savage. It was f'n awsome. I was proud to be out there with him."

TomS - 5-24-2011 at 08:39 PM

Foley has posted a link to a video of that incident in Germany where he lost his ear. You actually see it fall off his head as he swings for Vader :-D

theflammablemanimal - 5-24-2011 at 10:46 PM

Surprised he didn't also tell the guy not to call things gay, or hate on gay things etc. Especially with all the anti-bullying bs.

Matte - 5-24-2011 at 10:51 PM

Real-life Cena (videos of him backstage, non-kayfabe tweets from him, etc.) really makes me want a Cena character on TV that I can get behind. It sucks because I know it will probably never happen.

And the video of Foley's ear being torn off... damn. The ref just picks it up and gets it out of the ring. Amazing how you wouldn't be able to even realize anything went wrong if it weren't for the ear obviously falling to the mat and the ref picking it up. Foley brushes it off like it was a stubbed toe.

theflammablemanimal - 5-29-2011 at 07:13 PM

So velvet sky has been raising money for Helms VIA Twitter, and @therealpl (apparently Paul London) tweets "so helms is a drunk jackass and now he's getting charity from his ex-sank who should be helping her current bc instead?"

Now, I agree helms doesn't deserve any charity, but this seems sort of unnecessary. Is there history here or has London turned into a total jackass? Or does he now hate all Omega guys?

Matte - 5-29-2011 at 10:59 PM

I wouldn't be surprised to hear he just hates the Omega guys. But Sabin was injured in a wrestling match, while Helms was injured in a motorcycle accident. Sabin's surgery was done on his leg, while Helms needed surgery on his leg, ankle, jaw, nose, and who knows what else? According to Wiki, he received over 200 stitches. Completely different situations that London neglected to take into account during his trashing.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 5-29-2011 at 11:05 PM

^Not to mention Sabin was hurt while working for TNA, so I'd guess TNA would be paying for it. Whereas Helms likely isn't insured, and if he was and was DUI than he surely won't be covered.

Looking at Bret Hart's twitter handle - does he know what a Shart is?

[Edited on 5-29-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

theflammablemanimal - 5-30-2011 at 01:36 AM

After velvet explained the difference, and basically called London a douche, someone else pointed out that London might have understood Sabin's situation if he actually had a job.

cardscott5 - 5-30-2011 at 04:23 AM

Foley's ear being ripped off was more brutal than I imagined. That's cool that something like that can come to the light these days.

I don't mean to derail the London is a dick talk, but how long is Sabin out? I never hear TNA injury stuff because it seems no one reports it. What was his injury? I know it was what happened on tv, but I mean like specifics.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-1-2011 at 07:51 PM

This may be a link of interest in the future...

Chris Is Good517 - 6-1-2011 at 09:38 PM

The Hogan/Warrior Twitter feud is just awesome. Both guys are such delusional, awful, pompous windbags that it's really hard to take a side, but Hogan defending Knobbs mocking Savage's death because "they were really tight so it's OK" pretty much adds to the list of things to hope Hogan gets covered in honey and thrown into a pit of bears and fireants for.

knuckleballschwartz - 6-1-2011 at 10:55 PM

Originally posted by @CMPunk

Yes everybody, it's true. Matt Classic was signed to work with Sin Cara.

Gold. Cross refer this:
to this:

Matte - 6-2-2011 at 05:15 AM

From Jeff Hardy:

Itchweeeds....latestedShit....wasThy..F'N.......Shit!!!!!TrustThy!!!Done/Done it again....DanDruffy?????????

EDIT: I thought it was funny.

[Edited on 6-9-2011 by Matte]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-10-2011 at 12:46 AM

Thank you William Regal...I had forgotten NXT existed...

@RealKingRegal Don't forget to vote for who you want rid of on NXT.The excitement is to much for me to bear.You have the chance to ruin someone's life.

theflammablemanimal - 6-12-2011 at 04:09 PM

Anyone know why Bill Demott keeps retweeting a cuckolding phone sex dominatrix (@alleysplace)? Seems like an odd move for a member of the WWE universe.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-12-2011 at 08:12 PM

Recent CM Punk tweet-

"Why does something tell me that even though @WWE will have @steveaustinBSR and @CMPunk under the same roof tomorrow, they'll f*** it up."

Of course why would the wwe push a wrestler looking to take an extended break from the company?

theflammablemanimal - 6-12-2011 at 09:17 PM

Technically, that was just him retweeting one of his fan's comments.

G-Spot - 6-15-2011 at 03:51 PM

This morning, C.M. Punk & Stone Cold Steve Austin exchanged on Twitter...

C.M. Punk- "Up & atom. Eggs & bacon. Ice & Coco."

Austin- "how bout a beer to wash all that down?"

Punk- "What?"

Austin- "it is waaaaay too early for this....have a good one....Punk."

Punk- "Have a stunning day....Steven."

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-15-2011 at 04:11 PM

TNA's Jesse Neal tweets that he's qualified for food stamps and he wasn't joking -

@TheJesseNeal Jesse Neal
Yayyyy we qualified for food stamps!!! I can eat now! RT @CVEvil_138: Things are looking up! Just recieved some good news!!!

Here's the complete twitter exchange in case it gets deleted -

Then again maybe he's still really joking.

[Edited on 6-15-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

Matte - 6-16-2011 at 12:22 AM

Val Venis: What the hell??? Just watched 2 videos of @ZackRyder and WOW!!! Time to tune up TFL(Truth,Fact & Logic) & hit the Moneyshot! Stay tuned!

Almost time to expose the moron that is the Jersey Shore wannabe!

F--k the fist pump!!! The clock is ticking to expose this JS wannabe to the world!!!

I will take that f--king stupid fist pump & stick it straight up JS's green as grass ass!!!

LOL! "take care, spike your hair!" LOL! TFL bitches all day long!

God damn, this guy needs to die already. Seriously. He just starts shit with everybody. I doubt Ryder ever did anything to Val, but now Val has to go and be a dick because that's just what Val's up to these days.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-16-2011 at 12:28 AM

A healthy reminder that while Twitter giveth (Zack Ryder and general peeks into the lives of our favorite superstars), it also taketh away (oh yeah, this industry is full of annoying and hateful people and now we know more of them).

[Edited on 6-16-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Flash - 6-16-2011 at 02:42 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
TNA's Jesse Neal tweets that he's qualified for food stamps and he wasn't joking -

@TheJesseNeal Jesse Neal
Yayyyy we qualified for food stamps!!! I can eat now! RT @CVEvil_138: Things are looking up! Just recieved some good news!!!

Here's the complete twitter exchange in case it gets deleted -

Then again maybe he's still really joking.

Here's what I found most interesting from your link;

Since Neal and Von Eerie live in Florida, let's take a look at most relevant of the state's requirements:

- "Work Rules - Healthy adults, 18 to 50 years of age, who do not have dependent children or are not pregnant, can only get food assistance benefits for 3 months in a 3-year period, if they are not working or participating in a work or workfare program." I have no idea if they have children or not (I'm guessing no) so their benefits are limited unless she's pregnant, which, again, I have no idea about.

- "Income and Deductions - Most households must pass a gross income limit at 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Households with a member disqualified for breaking Food Assistance Program rules, felony drug trafficking, running away from a felony warrant, or not participating in a work program must meet a gross income test at 130% of the FPL. Households with or without a disqualified member must have net income less than 100% of the FPL. Households with people who are, age 60 or older or disabled must only meet the net monthly income limit. Some household expenses may be subtracted from the total monthly income in the food assistance budget. The budget may subtract for shelter expenses, dependent care, medical, child support paid, standard deductions, and earnings." I would guess that "not participating in a work program" would put their maximum gross household income at 130% of the FPL.

The 2011 U.S. federal poverty level for a family of two people in the lower 48 states is $14,710 (and $3,820 is added for each additional person if there happens to be one). 130% would be $19,123 and 200% would be $29,420. That's all gross income, not net, so this doesn't take their road expenses or anything like that into account.


Now I'm not all that well versed on what kind of a spot Neil holds with TNA, but if this guys figures are right (and I'm understanding them) Neil and his fellow wresting GF only make a combined $29k between the two of them minus travel and accomadations, and if the Daphne law suit is any indications medical treatment as well.

An FCW WWE developmental wrestler from the little bits that I've been able to scrap together makes about $50k a year, minus accomadations and travel, but does have access to medical personel or trainers. You can take off $1-2k for the stupid tryout fee the WWE makes everyone pay, but otherwise I can understand why people are willing to pay the fee.

Not to start a WWE vs TNA thing again over TNA not paying some talent a living wage thing, but someone really needs to reign in the use of the expensive over the hill add no value guys that they bring in from time to time and start building and taking care of the in house guys more.

Matte - 6-17-2011 at 04:01 AM

Apparently Val was bluffing, his video says he loves what Zack is doing blah blah blah. Condescending, but you may live for another day.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-17-2011 at 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Now I'm not all that well versed on what kind of a spot Neil holds with TNA, but if this guys figures are right (and I'm understanding them) Neil and his fellow wresting GF only make a combined $29k between the two of them minus travel and accomadations, and if the Daphne law suit is any indications medical treatment as well.

An FCW WWE developmental wrestler from the little bits that I've been able to scrap together makes about $50k a year, minus accomadations and travel, but does have access to medical personel or trainers. You can take off $1-2k for the stupid tryout fee the WWE makes everyone pay, but otherwise I can understand why people are willing to pay the fee.

Not to start a WWE vs TNA thing again over TNA not paying some talent a living wage thing, but someone really needs to reign in the use of the expensive over the hill add no value guys that they bring in from time to time and start building and taking care of the in house guys more.

I think there was a big thing last year about Madison Rayne or Taylor Wilde or somebody spending all her time off from TNA waiting tables just to pull in more to make her rent. I don't remember for sure who it was but it was a big enough name that I remember being pretty flabbergasted that TNA wasn't paying her enough to make ends meet. Now, there is always the possibility that she was living outside of her means but still, I would think a full time gig with TNA should pay enough that you can afford a nice place without having to moonlight at the fucking Olive Garden just to make it.

Matte - 6-17-2011 at 04:23 AM

Reeks of the Dying Days of ECW.

Paddlefoot - 6-17-2011 at 04:30 AM

It was Taylor and from what I remember it was a big part of why she chose to retire from the biz altogether. She also wanted to go back to school fulltime so she could someday get a job somewhere else than the freakshow.

[Edited on 6-17-2011 by Paddlefoot]

Thom - 6-17-2011 at 01:46 PM

I love Taylor Wilde even more now.

Flash - 6-19-2011 at 01:24 AM

I can get that in some cases like Justin Credible (?) working at the Olive Garden, as I think it was Foley who commented that outside of wrestling the guy's passion was to be a chef, and getting beat up for a living ain't forever. But yeah, gotta agree CiG, it is pretty shocking to find out how little some of these guys make working for TNA.

By comparison, Jericho wrote in his Lion tale book that in 1996 he was making close to $100K* doing all the indy touring and frequent trips to Japan. Granted he was a pretty big indy name, and Japan was pretty exclusive with its invites, so they were probably the more lucrative part of it, but you'd still think working for the #2 wrestling promotion in America you wouldn't need food stamps to live.

So yeah, don't go into wrestling if you want to make money I guess, cause even most minor league pro sports would seem to pay better by comparison.

* He never actually said what he made, but that when he signed with WCW he wanted to do better than his best indy year, but also bluffed the numbers. I think he said he asked for $100 k, got $130/yr, plus another $30 k for living expenses each year

happy_buddha - 6-19-2011 at 01:47 AM

Comparing low end WWE to low end TNA is apples to oranges. Paying per appearance and without a no compete is different from an exclusive contract. TNA pays less, but you still can work indy dates...

Flash - 6-19-2011 at 02:54 AM

I was giving the Jericho numbers more for the kind of money he was making pre-WCW as a comparison to TNA, ditto for FCW which is a developmental organization which really should be the bottom of the barrel in terms of the big leagues.

I do believe that TNA made a stink about their talent working indy shows, or at least handed them a list of shows they weren't allowed to work, which would include I'm guessing higher paying indy's like ROH (Bubba and D-Von for example could work for Prairie Wrestling Alliance up in Alberta, so they can do some indy's, unless a special case was made as Lance Storm is the booker for that fed and those two are bigger stars).

I'm assuming there must be some restrictions on what TNA talent can do because Neal is qualifying for food stamps and you'd like to think that given the choice between being on the dole and making more money/getting your name out there he'd choose the later...although to be fair him and his girlfriend could just be unmotivated and lazy about seeking out indy dates.

I just see it as really bad press for TNA. I get that they don't have all the cash in the world, but as a company to have it known that I'm marketing myself as a major player but have employee's waitressing to pay the bills or on food stamps to eat, I'd probably just outright cut some guys loose (I realize that's harsher), or in a perfect world choose how I spend my top dollars a little better in order to keep the rank and file a little happier, fatter, and loyal.

mastermind - 6-20-2011 at 03:12 PM

Oh, who cares? Doesn't anybody remember when ODB (the dead rapper - not the ugly Knockout) showed up live on MTV in a limosine to pick up his welfare check???

G-Spot - 6-20-2011 at 05:06 PM

Last night, Punk and Stone Cold had another back-&-forth, also including Steven Regal...

Punk: "@XChadballX: @CMPunk Dirty Rotten Scoundrels!� Saw it in the theater!!!"

Austin: "Dirty. Rotten. Scoundrel...yeah...that describes you to a T... im glad i could "set the wheels in motion" for you...word"

Punk: "Hello. Steven. Wooooord"

Regal: "you two need to fight and get it over with.�

Punk: "Oh, you little shit ruined my movie."

Austin: "uh...hello...PUNK...i am turning in for the evening...never forget...that your only a split second away from a STONE COLD STUNNER..."

Punk: "I hope you have night terrors. Goodnight!"

Regal: "How dare you call me little"

Punk: � Kenny Baker!?!?"

Austin: "im cashing in my chips for the evening folks...good night."

Punk: "Remember Steven, Everybody at one time or another, goes to sleep"

Regal: "Except me and you."

Punk: "Proper villians."

[Edited on 6-20-2011 by G-Spot]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-20-2011 at 08:01 PM

Do with that as you wish.

Other Twitter stuff from today and as a whole...

Just following Austin in general, he seems to be taking a very Jericho-like mentoring stance with a lot of the young guys in the WWE (throwing Punk in there even though he's not young at all). Perhaps its come from Tough Enough, but he seems to be more active with talking to them...between Ryder and Ziggler and others before...I think its only a good thing to have these guys who have been superstars in the past to help the next generation.

diablo_dor - 6-21-2011 at 08:29 AM

Austin probably sees something similar to the Ryder situation as he faced in WCW, lets be honest who couldn't see Zack squashed by Hacksaw right now?

Perhaps he hopes if they get a "rub" through being associated with him Vince will pay a little more attention.

nOOb - 6-23-2011 at 05:57 PM

Here's Kofi Kingston with the mind-bender of all mind-benders:


#Truemystery: Ahmed Johnson. Bad News Brown. Suge Knight. Abobo from Double Dragon. No relation. Yet @ezekielwwe is related to all of them.

atothej - 6-23-2011 at 08:03 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48

Do with that as you wish.

After seeing that, I really wish that I'd created a fake Steve Blackman twitter account and only posted a series of ellipses.

theflammablemanimal - 6-24-2011 at 10:12 PM

More Punk brilliance. Someone asked him to name the first match he ever saw, and he said:

Melina vs Alicia Fox.


Also, someone should start a fake Berserker Twitter and just go know every few hours and post "HUSS! HUSS!"

OOMatt - 6-24-2011 at 10:46 PM!/WWEBerzerker

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-26-2011 at 03:54 PM

Originally posted by OOMatt!/WWEBerzerker


You have to replay to tweets and @mention folks with "Huss" messages.

theflammablemanimal - 7-3-2011 at 02:43 PM

I thought @WWE_creative was legit because Styles rt'd it, but they've started just slamming TNA (#tnaawful and "not worried about Punk going on TNA and throwing title in trash, except all TNA does is put trash on tv").

So even though I have no problem believing WWE writers are terrible writers AND douchebags, I'd be surprised if they were allowed to mention TNA at all.

Also funny how WWE pretends to be so upset about Punk, but the people running their Twitter feeds are sneaking us the video. ("Pssst, here's the video on YouTube".)


Silly me. That Twitter handle is clearly a fake. Silly me. Worked by tweeters.

[Edited on 7-6-2011 by theflammablemanimal]

Beer Baron - 7-7-2011 at 05:53 PM

Found this a few days ago, it's an obvious fake account, but solid nonetheless!/DumbKellyKelly

and Random Bobby Heenan quotes which make my day.!/BobbyHeenanSaid

oh and this guy...!/BeerBaron4life

GimmickMan - 7-11-2011 at 08:24 PM

I'm looking to follow some more wrestling-related accounts. Any good comedy accounts out there?

knuckleballschwartz - 7-13-2011 at 06:55 AM

some fun stuff after monday's raw:
@HeymanHustle "@CMPunk went to the ring tonight...and he mentioned The Great One...and the millions .... and millions ... chanted his name ... @ColtCabana!"

"Vince McMahon knows I exist"

followed by

"He still has zero clue who I am"

and then Ryder again:


"Actually, I'm lying...I think I've only had 1...without an entrance obviously"

Beer Baron - 7-13-2011 at 06:40 PM

I would never have expected to find humor in Hacksaw, but he's pretty vulgar/hilarious, in a "That's my beer swilling/most likely pot smoking/party animal/bachelor Uncle" kinda way.

gimmickless - 7-13-2011 at 06:41 PM

From @andymcu1

Reading @UltimateWarrior tweets makes my head hurt.

From @ultimatewarrior:

@andymcu1 This usually happens to idiots like u not accustomed to using their minds. Pain is temporary. Soon you'll be one of my slaves.


Well, that puts Santa-in-bondage into a lot of perspective. Dude just gets off on having power to abuse.


NOW you f'ing live @ststan!! For you! For your kids!! You inspire me! You have diabetes ONLY so you can take pride in SLAYING it. Bravo!


"You have diabetes..." Oh, Jim.

Qonas - 7-13-2011 at 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Beer Baron
I would never have expected to find humor in Hacksaw, but he's pretty vulgar/hilarious, in a "That's my beer swilling/most likely pot smoking/party animal/bachelor Uncle" kinda way.

Holy hell his Twitter is amazing. "When I'm done making love to a woman I always lean over and softly whisper in her ear... "America Rules." HooOooOoo! USA! USA! USA!"

Devineman - 7-13-2011 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by gimmickless
From @andymcu1

Reading @UltimateWarrior tweets makes my head hurt.

From @ultimatewarrior:

@andymcu1 This usually happens to idiots like u not accustomed to using their minds. Pain is temporary. Soon you'll be one of my slaves.


Well, that puts Santa-in-bondage into a lot of perspective. Dude just gets off on having power to abuse.


NOW you f'ing live @ststan!! For you! For your kids!! You inspire me! You have diabetes ONLY so you can take pride in SLAYING it. Bravo!


"You have diabetes..." Oh, Jim.

Ouch, my logic.

Beer Baron - 7-14-2011 at 01:02 AM

Yeah Hacksaw, by far, is the most insane hilarious on twitter. Just random shit comes from that dude, and it all mostly involves his 2x4, him saying U-S-A, HOOOO!, etc. HBK is pretty mundane, just basically about his "huntin'" show and taking his kids to the beach. Bout to unfollow him. JBL is interesting, but comes off sounding like a fascinated child in a lot of his tweets. He, Charlie Haas, and Shelton all had back and forths today.

More frequent tweeters are indy guys like Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Hero, which are both solid and pretty funny. Castagnoli replies frequently to fans. Honky Tonk man is all about his podcast and his shitty merchandise. I think I'll do him a solid and try and design a logo for him, cause he needs it. "WWEKatieVick" is pretty funny and so is the "DumbKellyKelly".

Flash - 7-14-2011 at 01:25 AM

Is the Hacksaw one real though? It says not the real Hacksaw... also I don't see one of those verified account checkmarks on his twitter, but then again it could be that he's not a big enough celeb to warrant that?

Whoever it is certainly say's some bizarre things though...

I think Alberto Del Rio is gonna win Money In The Bank cause he's probably so used to working with ladders from when he painted houses.

When I wrestle it's always a handicap match. HooOooOoo! I'm always fighting the idea of math. 2x4= BEATDOWNS!

Bella Twins speak English gooder! Learn how to talk you HooOooOooes! USA! USA! USA! Don't trash talk the manager of my spank bank! ;Q

I wonder what John Cena with a mustache would look like? I think a pervert... like a strong pervert. #TeamHooOooOoo ;Q

John Cena should really wear socks with those running shoes. You can't see me but I can see athletes foot. USA! Wear boots you jackass! ;Q

With that mustache it looks like CM Punk will be taking the WWE Title to the set of a Porno. HooOooOoo! USA!

Vader was actually just 500 cheeseburgers held together with rubber-bands. Shhh. Keep a secret tough guys!

... ect

Matte - 7-14-2011 at 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Is the Hacksaw one real though? It says not the real Hacksaw... also I don't see one of those verified account checkmarks on his twitter, but then again it could be that he's not a big enough celeb to warrant that?

Flash is right, it's not the real Hacksaw. His bio:

Tackle, Stomp, Thumbs, Repeat. USA! USA! USA! (NOT the REAL Hacksaw) #TeamHooOooOoo ;Q (that's my face)

Stu - 7-15-2011 at 09:49 PM

@TheDrewMcIntyre on Tuesday:
McIntyre cannot be killed by conventional weapons nor 15 foot falls to concrete, I'm Celtic!!

theflammablemanimal - 7-19-2011 at 02:01 PM

Michelle Bradley, the new Erin Andrews (aka ESPN's latest moderately attractive chick who is considered superhot because she likes sports), was apparently live tweeting Raw. CM Punk has almost made wrestling cool again.

Qonas - 7-19-2011 at 04:33 PM

I think you mean Michelle Beadle.

Dyn-O-Mite - 7-19-2011 at 05:26 PM

Sorry, you lost me at calling Erin Andrews "moderately attractive"

(Deleted - Flammable was correct, no sense leaving a clearly erroneous post up) Punk has blonde sports anchors following him, not too shabby.

[Edited on 7-19-2011 by Dyn-O-Mite]

theflammablemanimal - 7-19-2011 at 05:31 PM

I did mean Beadle. Stupid autocorrecting phone.

She didn't live tweet the ppv, but I think she was live tweeting Raw.

[Edited on 7-19-2011 by theflammablemanimal]

punkerhardcore - 7-19-2011 at 07:42 PM

Darren Rovell, a sports business reporter for CNBC, noted on his Twitter account that last night's angle on Raw in which Vince McMahon was relieved of his duties of WWE chief and replaced by his son-in-law, Triple H, may cause issues with WWE stock.

"The No. 1 material risk against WWE stock is Vince McMahon leaving the business," Rovell wrote. "Tonight's plot could be an SEC violation."

That made me lol for real. What a stupid fucking mark.

happy_buddha - 7-19-2011 at 08:16 PM

To be fair, he has a point. You aren't allowed to put out false info to investors....

theflammablemanimal - 7-19-2011 at 08:45 PM

I'd love to see the idiot who would go to court and testify that he was fooled by a tv show.

"It's still real to me, damn it!"

Plus, wouldn't the stock go up if he was really gone?

happy_buddha - 7-19-2011 at 08:54 PM

Either way could be considered manipulation...

nOOb - 7-19-2011 at 09:18 PM

Yeah, that's the only problem with this whole "Punk-era" angle they're running: they used potentially real-life contractual stuff to run an angle that's pretty much broken the fourth wall since its inception. And it doesn't help that Vince just busted out one of the better emotional performances in wrestling history yesterday with his waterworks at the news of getting "relieved of duty". Take that into account with the fact that WWE's investors already aren't that in tune with reality to begin with and, yeah, WWE investors might actually be able to make money soon.

Gobshite - 7-19-2011 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by happy_buddha
To be fair, he has a point. You aren't allowed to put out false info to investors....

Didn't they already have this problem when Vince "sold" Raw to Trump?

punkerhardcore - 7-19-2011 at 10:22 PM

Or when he was fucking blown up in his limo.

Warrior - 7-19-2011 at 10:38 PM

My understanding of what was said on TV by HHH is that Vince was relieved of his duties as CEO of the Board. not fired or kicked out of WWE.

So his presence, per whatever that CNBC dude is talking about, is still there. Just not in the same position he once had.

CellMates - 7-20-2011 at 01:46 AM

Punk's new tagline for his twitter account.

"Unemployed WWE Champion..."

punkerhardcore - 7-20-2011 at 01:59 AM

Saw all this on Lords of Pain, found it amusing--

Former WWE star Gene Snitsky, who took shots at The Miz throughout his reign as WWE Champion via Twitter, continues to belittle his former colleague.

During Chavo Guerrero's Twitter diatribe of John Cena on Saturday, the third generation grappler took a potshot at The Miz. He wrote, "And frankly no one believes it anymore. If Miz can kick your ass then the clerk at the store can kick your ass, so please deliver if you say that.."

The former Heat headliner wholeheartedly agreed with Chavo's critical assessment of The Miz.

"Well said chavo!" Snitsky typed. "Wtf is seriously scared of the fukn Miz? Ru kiddin me!!!!"

A follower of Snitsky's said The Miz "is awesome," to which he replied, "RU fukn kiddin me? Heez a putz and i mean that."

He also ripped WWE Monday night for trying to insult the fans' intelligence by implying that John Cena would be dismissed from the organization.

"Well here we go again with the wwe trying to insult our intelligence!" Snitsky wrote. "Does anyone really think John Cena is gettin fired? Wtf cmon rukidinme."

That guy spells as well as he wrestles. This was all followed by--


Former WWE talent Gene Snitsky posted multiple inflammatory remarks this afternoon on his Twitter account in response to widespread criticism over his unfavorable view of The Miz.

"Love the haters on twitter!!!! I beat the miz in 30 secs and he could nvr hold my jockstrap! Im a div 1 athelete, former NFL player! Fags," he wrote.

"Do your research you fuckin no life pieces of shit! Lmao... Anyof you mommys boys ever accomplish nethin b sides sniffin ur moms panties.

"Get out of your mommys basement and stop jerkin off to gay porn u wanna beez!!!!! Rotflmao at these nerds!!!!

He also called a follower of his a "retard" in response to a remark that The Miz has a job. The former Heat Superstar then boasted that he's featured in WWE's upcoming video release, OMG! The Top 50 Incidents in WWE History, while The Miz isn't.

"Oh and dont 4get im on the top 50 omg moments in WWE!!! Haha jackasses! Dont c miz on there!!!!! You DMF's," he wrote. "My time is money.... You idiots arent worth either! Lol peace out to all my beloved fans!!!! Have a wonderful day."

Snitsky capped off his diatribe by saying that fans of The Miz are "Mizarks."

Followed yet again by--


Former WWE star Gene Snitsky claimed Tuesday afternoon that his Twitter account was hacked after a homophobic diatribe was posted minutes earlier in response to widespread criticism over his unfavorable view of The Miz. He claims the account fell into the wrong hands and that he actually has the utmost respect for the WWE Superstar.

"It's come to my attention someone has hacked my acct!!! Some people just have way too much time on their hands! Ill b deleting this acct," he wrote.

"Sorry if this acct has fallin into the wrong hands! Thanks to all my wonderful fans!!!!! Keep an eye out for new acct coming soon!

"I personally have the utmost respect for mike and enjoyed workin w him! Im sure he will say the same! Sorry again for twitter hackers!

"Ill do my best to find out who is Responsible, im truely sorry to those who were offended! Thanks again! From the REAL Snitsky."

He deleted the account shortly after his post. Coincidentally, the hacker's diatribe and Snitsky's apology both originated from an iPhone in Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania.

"It wasn't my fault!"

Except that it probably was.

MbahABako - 7-20-2011 at 02:43 AM

He also called a follower of his a "retard" in response to a remark that The Miz has a job. The former Heat Superstar then boasted that he's featured in WWE's upcoming video release, OMG! The Top 50 Incidents in WWE History, while The Miz isn't.

"Oh and dont 4get im on the top 50 omg moments in WWE!!! Haha jackasses! Dont c miz on there!!!!! You DMF's," he wrote. "My time is money.... You idiots arent worth either! Lol peace out to all my beloved fans!!!! Have a wonderful day."

No Snitsky, we don't see Miz on there. But you know what we DO see? We see the Miz main eventing Wrestlemania and beating John Cena. Word.

Paddlefoot - 7-20-2011 at 02:47 AM

Snitsky's a fuckin' jerk, trying to blame his meltdown on some innocent homophobes.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 7-20-2011 at 02:56 AM

He deleted the account shortly after his post. Coincidentally, the hacker's diatribe and Snitsky's apology both originated from an iPhone in Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania.

Yeah, odds are long that a random hacker would just happen to be from the same small town Pennsylvania where Snitzky is. So either somebody used Snitzky's iphone when he left it unattended, or he tweeted that himself.

Chris Is Good517 - 7-20-2011 at 03:31 AM

It was probably the same jerk that hacked Kurt Angle's account a few months ago.

the goon - 7-20-2011 at 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
It was probably the same jerk that hacked Kurt Angle's account a few months ago.

Shut up CiG, you fucking fag!!!

EDIT: Sorry, that wasn't me. Somebody hacked into my OO account and posted that. I'm going to find the person responsible.


the REAL goon

[Edited on 7-20-2011 by the goon]

kiez - 7-20-2011 at 09:03 PM

^It was me. Im not sorry, yours;

REALLuckyLopez. (not really)

My twitter on my phone has been playing up, but I've been dropping in on this page for to see whats being said. Some drivel and some good.

Ryder tweeted he was working on getting William Regal on Z! That would be funny.

[Edited on 7-20-2011 by kiez]

williamssl - 7-20-2011 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by the goon
Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
It was probably the same jerk that hacked Kurt Angle's account a few months ago.

Shut up CiG, you fucking fag!!!

EDIT: Sorry, that wasn't me. Somebody hacked into my OO account and posted that. I'm going to find the person responsible.


the REAL goon

[Edited on 7-20-2011 by the goon]

It was your lame brother.

Paddlefoot - 7-21-2011 at 12:29 AM

Just a bit of crazy background dialogue from a film that I always found insanely funny:

You're fuckin-A we ripped your car, asshole! You wanna know who told us where it was? Your goddamn brother!

the goon - 7-22-2011 at 03:11 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
It was your lame brother.

No, if it were him he'd be proclaiming himself to be gay, not accusing somebody else of it.

theflammablemanimal - 7-22-2011 at 03:37 PM

Now this is interesting.

Stone Cold just tweeted that Samoa Joe is one of his favorite workers and should be signed and pushed by the WWE ASAP.

Also, apparently Black/Moxley just had a huge match in FCW. Anyone know where to find it?

knuckleballschwartz - 7-22-2011 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
Now this is interesting.

Stone Cold just tweeted that Samoa Joe is one of his favorite workers and should be signed and pushed by the WWE ASAP.

Also, apparently Black/Moxley just had a huge match in FCW. Anyone know where to find it?

Just came here to post the same thing:

@steveaustinBSR retweeted by @CMPunk
"WWE should sign @SamoaJoe as soon as his TNA contract is up. One of my favorite workers in today's game. Needs a full green light push."

Seriously interesting if Austin has any kind of pull given the current seeming attitude shift in WWE

Matte - 7-24-2011 at 01:37 AM

�@StevieHWWE: @ActualALove Hey, don't mean to be disrespectful, but are you ok?, you are way skinnier than you were a year ago.� seriously?!

An innocent question, and one that many of us have been asking ourselves lately, too. She looks unnaturally thin at times, but like has been said before, she's probably just naturally thin and working out tones her up and makes her look even thinner.

EDIT: And CM Punk apparently cut a promo at an AAW show tonight.

[Edited on 7-24-2011 by Matte]

Devineman - 7-30-2011 at 01:55 PM

So this is how they're doing Punk/Cena :

Cena on Twitter said:

"punk beat me for title and technically has 30 days to defend it. Its a weird situation."

Ah, the old "use it or lose it" law.

Paddlefoot - 7-30-2011 at 02:47 PM

Angelina responded with this, apparently somewhat annoyed with all the skinny talk:

�@HardHitter860: @REALLiSAMARiE @actualalove no man wants a piece of A. Love until she gains 1 or 2 or 40 lbs.� WOW that's original!!!

It would have been a lot funnier though if she'd been responding back to someone named HardHitler860 instead.

[Edited on 7-30-2011 by Paddlefoot]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 7-30-2011 at 03:38 PM

Didn't Joe just re-sign with TNA, and the wwe showed little interest? I think Joe burnt any wwe bridge and now made his bed and will lie in it. He's buried and misused in TNA and probably would be better off heading to back to ROH with the ability to do tours of Japan.

Joe seems to hard in the head to realize that while nobody is asking him to be muscled up and ripped that he could afford to lose 40lbs and hit the gym a bit.

He's more a big fish in a small pond kind of guy.

Regarding Black/Moxley or as they're now known Rollins/Ambrose they're matches were taped recently but haven't aired yet. They'll air in about a months time.

[Edited on 7-30-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

MbahABako - 8-1-2011 at 03:07 PM

John Cena nude photo controversy on Twitter?

- Over the weekend, John Cena posted a nude photo of himself on Twitter. In the photo, his penis was covered, and he stated that the photo was a gift for those who had been asking for it. A few hours later, the photo was deleted and there has been no mention of it since. Many people were surprised that Cena would do something like this, due to the fact that he is a big supporter of the company's attempts to market themselves to such a young demographic.

Chris Is Good517 - 8-1-2011 at 03:30 PM

Well I hope for the sake of the kids he wasn't doing the five knuckle shuffle, if you know what I mean.

Gobshite - 8-1-2011 at 03:46 PM

Batista shows off more walking down the street...

williamssl - 8-1-2011 at 03:55 PM

I'd venture this was oriented at the Dwayne.

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Well I hope for the sake of the kids he wasn't doing the five knuckle shuffle, if you know what I mean.

No pls explainz

Thom - 8-1-2011 at 04:02 PM

It means he was shaving his chest.

theflammablemanimal - 8-1-2011 at 04:47 PM

Strange how Joey Styles didn't retweet that. Has Cena come out yet to say his account was hacked?

Also, I really hope Punk makes some obscure reference to this, something about pandering to fans and giving out gifts on twitter.

[Edited on 8-1-2011 by theflammablemanimal]

williamssl - 8-1-2011 at 05:13 PM

I would love to see R-Truth go off on how big jimmy and momma jimmy don't appreciate their little jimmies seeing that.

Matte - 8-1-2011 at 05:16 PM

Really, that's only like an inch lower than what we see of him on TV.

theflammablemanimal - 8-1-2011 at 08:34 PM

So you've already got out your measuring tape?

happy_buddha - 8-1-2011 at 08:50 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
So you've already got out your measuring tape?

Perhaps he already had an inch long reference in hand?

Seriously though, ther only thing that makes this a possible story is the quick removal... Or are they trying to make their own Weinergate? Hmm...

knuckleballschwartz - 8-1-2011 at 09:10 PM

Originally posted by happy_buddha

Seriously though, ther only thing that makes this a possible story is the quick removal... Or are they trying to make their own Weinergate? Hmm...

that would be the best heel turn story ever for a wrestler with a loving female valet in tow.

Gobshite - 8-1-2011 at 09:46 PM

Punk did walk to both sides of the ramp last week, got some loud cheers, and could start shifting merchandise. Cena could go heel for the Survivor Series to WM run if they think it'll help the buyrate.

MbahABako - 8-2-2011 at 02:34 PM

Jericho on Twitter:

"Everyone is so excited that @CMPunk mentioned me on Raw. Newsflash...I don't give a shit. Mind ur own business and stop rippin me off Punk".

PLEASE give us a returning Jericho versus Punk to really determine who is the "Best in the World"... I can't be the only one remembering Jericho's last run where he told us over and over that he was the best in the world at what he does. Ready-made feud much?

ThePunisher - 8-3-2011 at 06:24 PM

Just because I wanted one of my own up here:

natecorbitt 2:19pm via HootSuite
RT @ShopTNA: You've begged for some Crimson gear at ShopTNA . has arrived. *** NO ONE has begged for Crimson gear.

theflammablemanimal - 8-3-2011 at 09:39 PM

From Punk:

"@jrsbbq Is @cmpunk best in the world. T shirt says so. I reserve my take until Summerslam. Can MITB be topped?" Commentary will be better.


Chris Is Good517 - 8-3-2011 at 10:13 PM

But the commentary won't be better. If Monday was any indication, Cole is just going to get worse.

Matte - 8-11-2011 at 03:28 AM

Tyler Black/Seth Rollins: Tomorrow night will be the biggest night in FCW history. There is a revolution on the cusp of sweeping over WWE, and it begins tomorrow.

theflammablemanimal - 8-11-2011 at 08:20 PM

This is only tangentially related to twitter, but assuming @Btrain87 is Btrain, a bOOarder just got mentioned in a column.


(I stopped reading at the Btrain mention, but it's a good read so far.

knuckleballschwartz - 8-13-2011 at 09:18 AM

Grantland may be my favourite website discovery of the year even though I don't really follow american sports. Every article on there is brilliant.

in other news punk sells merch:
@JRsBBQ: @CMPunk hottest selling shirt in years. Buy it folks. Cause an upheaval . Punk revolution could be imminent.

and then there's this on Johnny Ace:

@CM Punk
�@SeanGrandePBP: Vince McMahon's right hand for the last 10 years was Super Dave Osborne?� I've been calling him Funkhauser since '09!

Devineman - 8-13-2011 at 04:47 PM

Ignore anything Grantland says about soccer though. It's the worst written, factually incorrect piece of crap for that

knuckleballschwartz - 8-13-2011 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Devineman
Ignore anything Grantland says about soccer though. It's the worst written, factually incorrect piece of crap for that

Well naturally but I have the UK press for that. That said the one piece they've done on cricket was excellent and the reality tv fantasy league is possibly the funniest concept yet devised by man.

Devineman - 8-14-2011 at 10:55 AM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
Well naturally but I have the UK press for that. That said the one piece they've done on cricket was excellent and the reality tv fantasy league is possibly the funniest concept yet devised by man.

The Guardian is the one for soccer, i my opinion.

Also, since becoming more interested in US Soccer, I seem to have developed a huge hatred of Grant Wahl. He writes for a country that at large, knows very little about the technical game of soccer, so his words are very powerful. They are also entirely wrong most of the time and I do wonder what qualifications it takes to become the main reporter for the USMNT (which I like as an acronym as it reminds me of the Ninja Turtles). I was reading him recently for the Us-Mexico Gold Cup final, and he stated that Bornstein in the build up to the (first?) Mexico goal, "excellently showed his man away from goal". In reality, he did a ridiculously stupid thing and anybody who has ever played the game in defence tells you that you should ALWAYS shove your man to the byline rather than to the edge of the box.

Anyway, back on topic. Err...William Regal is a very nice man on Twitter and often shares stories of his youth, growing up trying to learn proper technique.

Gobshite - 8-14-2011 at 01:01 PM

And he pimps the hell out of his hometown, Blackpool.

Devineman - 8-14-2011 at 04:50 PM

Blackpool is the "Paris of the North" don't you know? Here's a picture:

Regal isn't at the British Wrestlers Reunion, which is a bit uncool.

Qonas - 8-16-2011 at 04:31 PM

I'm just going to leave this here:

joerizal - 8-16-2011 at 06:31 PM

Between hugging Barney and his goofyass smile/thumbs-up after his Summerslam win and the hilarious 80s aerobics split he did a couple of weeks back, I'd say Orton doesn't have "anger management" issues; he has schizophrenia.

Matte - 8-16-2011 at 07:15 PM

I keep staring at that picture, expecting it to be a gif and for Orton to hit Barney with an RKO OUT OF NOWHERE~!

...or the plastic water bottle to the SKULL

Biff_Manly - 8-17-2011 at 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Matte
I keep staring at that picture, expecting it to be a gif and for Orton to hit Barney with an RKO OUT OF NOWHERE~!

...or the plastic water bottle to the SKULL

Yeah I was thinking the same thing.

punkerhardcore - 8-18-2011 at 03:37 AM

Read on the news sites today that (supposedly) Melina wants $3,000 per appearance, plus first class air and hotel. Which led this this funny exchange:

It was reported earlier today that a promoter who reached out to former WWE talent Melina Perez to book her for an independent wrestling event was informed by her representative that she is asking for $3,000 per appearance, as well as first class travel and hotel accommodations. Reigning PWG World Champion Kevin Steen, who has competed on the independent circuit for over ten years, made fun of the former WWE Diva's reported asking fee.

He wrote on Twitter, "$3000 plus first class air and hotel?! Fuck...I've been charging way too little..."

A Twitter user then asked Steen, "Is there any real evidence that claim is accurate?" He responded, "Who cares?! I want to make fun of it. So it's true."

Ring of Honor talent Colt Cabana also lampooned Melina's reported demands, writing to Steen on Twitter: "My wrestling fee has now gone from 2 diet cokes and a cupcake to 3 bajillionfajillion dollars... Pay up promoters!"

Steen then wrote a message predicting that John Morrison will follow Melina's lead out of WWE and work indy shows alongside her. He wrote to Cabana: "I think that once her boyfriend gets released, promoters can save on (transportation) and book both of them. She'll just ride with him."

Anarchy Championship Wrestling promoter Darin Childs also gave his take on the matter, writing on the microblogging website, "As a promoter I should never do things like this, buuuut can we all LOL together at Melina's appearance demands?"

Meanwhile, Melina garnered numerous messages today on her Twitter account regarding the claim and privately indicated to some users that it is untrue.

denverpunk - 8-18-2011 at 06:12 AM

I'll repeat it; John Morrison is the dumbest man in wrestling today, maybe ever. Even dumber than Jeff Hardy.

Biff_Manly - 8-18-2011 at 07:54 AM

Everyday it seems Morrison takes a step closer to confirming that he is the Janetty between him and the Miz. If he leaves the WWE it will have be confirmed. Shame too, the guy has good skills but is basically a male Diva.

diablo_dor - 8-18-2011 at 10:54 AM

I just showed my wife that photo & her exact words were:
"after Wilfred, his bear & giraffe, I'm terrified about what happens after that picture was taken"

Even I wasn't thinking that disturbed!

C.MontgomeryPunk - 8-18-2011 at 11:58 PM

Is the wwe trying to "guerrilla market" the Young Bucks and brash, disrespectful punks for an eventual wwe run or is the wwe now calling out try-outs publicly for not doing the ol "introduce yourself/shake hand/know-your-role" bit?

First it was Booker T -
Booker brought up how Rob Van Dam trashed Generation Me a few weeks back and said a "small tag team called the YB's" didn't even shake his hand. Booker also added that the former TNA stars didn't introduce themselves to him when he walked by and later, one of them was leaning on his jacket and still never introduced himself to Booker.

Than Goldust, a agent, chimed in -
"As booker says.....better show some respect when in the locker room, there are good teachers here that know more than you young bucks.... Just a reminder....if trying out for wwe....extend your hand,be polite and respectfull and do what your told."

punkerhardcore - 8-19-2011 at 12:26 AM

Sounds to me like a Booker T and Goldust reunion to feud with the Young Bucks!

Beer Baron - 8-19-2011 at 01:17 AM

First it was Booker T -
...Booker also added that the former TNA stars didn't introduce themselves to him when he walked by and later, one of them was leaning on his jacket and still never introduced himself to Booker.

I replied to that one with, "Pics or it didn't happen." He never sent a reply to that one.

CM Crunk - 8-22-2011 at 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Qonas
I'm just going to leave this here:

I honestly had no idea that Orton and Cena were so buddy-buddy outside of the ring.

knuckleballschwartz - 8-27-2011 at 06:00 PM

had to share this interesting little passage of twitter-play...

�@steveaustinBSR: @ZackRyder why HELL NO you can't put a lime in the damn beer!!!� To make it not taste like piss. It's still poison.

@CMPunk you oughta mind your own business...stay focused on Nash and leave the beer drinking to me...Punk.

@steveaustinBSR focus is my middle name...Steven.

�@doughboy1172: @CMPunk your a true dumbass aren't you Austin will hurt you boy better back down� Punctuation is your friend.

@CMPunk and @SteveAustinBSR, can we move this twitter war to a slightly larger stage? Perhaps WrestleMania?

Frank Lloyd Wright - 8-31-2011 at 05:00 PM


Another Raw, another stolen move. I expect that from a rookie or a diva, but et tu Punk? BACK OFF....

He's been taking shots at him for a while now, surprised there is no response by Punk.

punkerhardcore - 8-31-2011 at 05:12 PM

Too bad he's on a break from wrestling... swap Jericho with the role Nash is in right now, and the angle is infinitely better.

Biff_Manly - 9-1-2011 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Frank Lloyd Wright

Another Raw, another stolen move. I expect that from a rookie or a diva, but et tu Punk? BACK OFF....

He's been taking shots at him for a while now, surprised there is no response by Punk.

What move did Punk supposedly steal? If he is going to steal anything he needs a replacement for the GTS.

theflammablemanimal - 9-1-2011 at 04:10 PM

That confused me too, but then I remembered Jericho used to do the double underhook backbreaker that Punk used.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 9-1-2011 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
That confused me too, but then I remembered Jericho used to do the double underhook backbreaker that Punk used.

Punk used that in the indies for years, even had a name for it - "Welcome to Chicago, Motherfucker".

Here's Punk vs Eddie Guerrero from IWA Mid-South in March of 2002 -

[Edited on 9-1-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

theflammablemanimal - 9-1-2011 at 08:05 PM

I'm still pretty sure thats what Jericho was talking about, and he was kidding.

Wow, Punk/Eddie?

C.MontgomeryPunk - 9-1-2011 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
I'm still pretty sure thats what Jericho was talking about, and he was kidding.

Wow, Punk/Eddie?

It was a three-way with Mysterio (unmasked at that time).

S Kid J E T S 48 - 9-7-2011 at 11:33 PM

Since Zack Ryder started a contest with the hashtag @areyouseriousbro this morning, its been trending on much so that if you search it, several stars and entertainers have begun using it.

Pretty awesome.

theflammablemanimal - 9-8-2011 at 12:39 AM

Big deal. Apparently anything that ever happens on raw or impact immediately trends worldwide.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 9-9-2011 at 07:08 PM

It wasn't on Raw. He just started it on twitter that morning.

chewey - 9-10-2011 at 11:16 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
That confused me too, but then I remembered Jericho used to do the double underhook backbreaker that Punk used.

I haven't seen Jericho use that backbreaker in over ten years. But in ECW I was used to seeing Punk use a backbreaker that looked more like a butterfly suplex than a powerbomb on to the knee.

JB KING - 9-11-2011 at 01:04 AM

Chris Is Good517 - 9-11-2011 at 01:15 AM

Originally posted by JB KING

^ Fucking awesome

Paddlefoot - 9-11-2011 at 02:44 AM

Fucking LOL. Getting fired or having to job out to Hornswoggle for the entire next year would be worth saying something like that.

cardscott5 - 9-11-2011 at 04:08 AM

Nice one, A-Ry. I wonder who the first one to say he's like butter on Raw will be.

MrJustinB - 9-11-2011 at 04:48 AM

I hate to sound like a d-bag, guys, but I'm pretty sure that's fake. The account has like four tweets, all on the same day, and 98 followers.!/AlexNXT

However, @AlexRileyWWE has over 52, 000 followers.

Matte - 9-13-2011 at 02:21 AM

If it is a fake, someone at WWE fucked up and linked to that Twitter page from A-Ry's WWE bio page.

MrJustinB - 9-13-2011 at 01:18 PM

I'm having a real hard time believing that's his real account. I think it's more likely that it used to be his account name when he was on NXT, and someone took it over when he switched to the @WWE account.

It is weird that WWE wouldn't have fixed the link from their page yet, though. Or used their pull to get the whole account/tweet taken down. Huh...

nOOb - 9-13-2011 at 08:32 PM

Michael McGillicutty and others have been tweeting to the WWE Riley twitter and its been tweeting back. The back-and-forth seems to be like they're continuing conversations that they've had in-person. Thus, the NXT is likely fake.

Wickedfrost - 9-20-2011 at 05:32 PM

Twitter can be fun until:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I�m a proven job creator, and today I am a candidate for the United States Senate." RT! #ctsen #linda2012
2 hours ago


JB KING - 9-20-2011 at 11:12 PM

S Kid J E T S 48 - 9-21-2011 at 03:31 PM

@RealKingRegal William Regal

Seeing what happened to JR tonight is a reminder why I don't wear a tie.There's method to my madness.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 9-23-2011 at 03:53 PM

Chavo railing on John Cena again:

Guerrero also asked his Twitter followers, "How many of u are tired of John Cena being champion? Don't get all excited, it's just a question." He wrote moments later, "'s an overwhelming "tired of Cena" response! It's not me, it's all the fans. I could literally retweet hundreds of tired responses!"

Guerrero continued, "Now, my opinion...Cena is better than me on the mike,but I could out wrestle Cena with my eyes closed and 1 hand tied behind my back! Truth!

"Some are saying that Cena is a great athlete. Really? C'mon. Are u blind? I know Cena & I could beat him in any sport except weight lifting!

"Golf, basketball, bowling, a race, tennis, horseshoes, hitting a baseball pitch, catching a football...anything!!!!

"Lol...some1 just said Cena is a better athlete than Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior! Lol are u retarded? No offense to a challenge person."

Froggie - 9-23-2011 at 04:01 PM

Whoa...Chavo is a jealous Guerrero!!

Chavo, Cena wrestled an almost sixty minute match with HBK and had a one hour Iron Man match with Randy Orton at one point. Is John Cena a great athlete? Yes. Why?? It takes a ton of endurance and stamina to pull out the performances he did in the matches mentioned above. So tweet away, Chavito! Until you started ranting on Cena I was a fan of you're just a bitter old guy!! You could be putting on great matches for WWE right now but you decided to leave the company

cardscott5 - 9-23-2011 at 05:32 PM

Chavo has Cena, Val Venis has basically everyone else, what former star who had a long career, but fans only gave a shit about 2 years of it will lash out next? I'm going to bet on Buff Bagwell.

happy_buddha - 9-23-2011 at 09:10 PM

I think we're safe from Buff- I don't know that he can read or write.

Edited because any post mocking someone else's spelling will have a typo.

[Edited on 9-23-2011 by happy_buddha]

[Edited on 9-23-2011 by happy_buddha]

GodEatGod - 9-24-2011 at 07:58 AM

Originally posted by cardscott5
Chavo has Cena, Val Venis has basically everyone else, what former star who had a long career, but fans only gave a shit about 2 years of it will lash out next? I'm going to bet on Buff Bagwell.

Aw, there's no way Buff was interesting for a full two years of his career.

Qonas - 10-5-2011 at 08:37 PM

It looks like some fellows are trying to mix storyline and reality again:


I think a lot of people are missing the point. Fans and coworkers alike. Walking out is a pussy move. There's a huge difference what I did. I want change, and I can't change shit from my couch. I'm in the fox hole. I'm getting it done. I stayed to fight......and I'm fighting for change. You can protest, violently or peacefully without actually showing up. Walking out isn't a least not one that I've ever seen work. Hold 'em up. Make them change. Don't just walk out, or lay down. Fight. This goes for well. Bored? Don't like @johncena ? Want more @ZackRyder ? Show up and be heard. Don't be a pussy and just tweet about it. I want change, and I'll stand and fight for it even if I'm alone. Popular or unpopular, I could care less. Take your voting and shove it.

Actions speaks louder than words. Except mine. My words are pretty awesome. No think about all that, and hopefully you'll get it.

Too many tweets from me. Misspellings abound. You CAN'T protest without showing up. I am not Gandhi. I will kick your face.


Some people have asked about the walkout on Raw.My personal reasons for my action was that I think HHH has enough on his plate being the COO.I know exactly what it takes to be in charge of Raw and it comes at a dear price(or it did with me).HHH is in charge of the WWE.He needs to concentrate on the company as a whole and put a suitable candidate in charge of the Raw brand. Although we haven't had much to do with each other(apart from the odd scuffle)18 years ago myself and HHH where very close. We choose separate paths but my heart went out to him last night as for whatever has happened in our respective lives,we where once friends. I don't agree with the superstars on any of there reasons for walking out on HHH.I just want him to share some of his burden. And I hope this message gets to him and he respects my view.

Last but not least, JoMo is apparently taking some lessons from Melina:

[Edited on 10-5-2011 by Qonas]

salmonjunkie - 10-5-2011 at 09:41 PM

if that leads to Regal becoming the Raw GM once again, I am ALL FOR IT

theflammablemanimal - 10-5-2011 at 11:10 PM

At least everything Jomo said can fit into the storyline.

theflammablemanimal - 10-26-2011 at 01:16 AM

Gadzooks! Tessmacher just posted this:

Sorry. Can't get it to embed. Not sure who the other chick is.

JB KING - 10-26-2011 at 01:30 AM

I think Brook's ass trumps Velvet Skys. Yeah I said it. Deal with it.

Drift's reaction

Thom - 10-26-2011 at 01:25 PM

Was that the pic? Of her and the other chick on the beach? I ask because I don't have a twitter account, so I can't view the link manimal posted.

If so, I don't get what's so great about the pic. It's not bad - but what was to get worked up about?

DriftThroughTime - 10-26-2011 at 02:46 PM

I'm DriftThroughTime and I approve of JBKing's message.

theflammablemanimal - 10-26-2011 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Thom
Was that the pic? Of her and the other chick on the beach? I ask because I don't have a twitter account, so I can't view the link manimal posted.

If so, I don't get what's so great about the pic. It's not bad - but what was to get worked up about?

That was it. And it is good.

knuckleballschwartz - 10-26-2011 at 06:40 PM

Not only does she post hot pics, according to her twitter profile her "Humor is genus!"

theflammablemanimal - 11-11-2011 at 07:48 PM

Some interesting food tweets.

CM Punk tweeted a link to a pizza inspired by him. key-leg

And Joey Styles retweeted a bunch of wrestling cake pics, including this:!/CakeyBetty/status/134610830657470464?photo=1

Wonder if Styles realised that it's supposed to be Orton pooping in a gym bag

Matte - 11-13-2011 at 06:45 AM

Looks like MVP's been doing pretty good since leaving the E.

theflammablemanimal - 11-13-2011 at 07:00 AM

Black Dynamite!

"Quiet babies. You'll wake all the other bitches."

nOOb - 11-13-2011 at 01:51 PM

The one on the left looks familiar.

DevilSoprano - 11-13-2011 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
The one on the left looks familiar.

I think it's Sarah Stock/Sarita.

TonyTH - 11-15-2011 at 09:18 PM

I'm surprised this wasn't posted anywhere.!/IAmJericho/status/135599480862019585

Jericho says he is done with WWE.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 11-15-2011 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by TonyTH
I'm surprised this wasn't posted anywhere.!/IAmJericho/status/135599480862019585

Jericho says he is done with WWE.

Good. Now only if he could convince Rock, Foley, HHH, Undertaker, and Nash to do the same.

theflammablemanimal - 11-16-2011 at 02:30 AM

He also said he was going to concentrate on dancing. Somehow, I don't think he's serious.

denverpunk - 11-16-2011 at 03:39 PM

It seems like Matt Hardy's doing just fine himself, too. (slightly NSFW)

C.MontgomeryPunk - 11-22-2011 at 03:15 AM

Triple H over the weekend granted a rare interview to The Morning Buzz. He said Twitter is a priority for WWE right now, and just recently became a top priority after the social networking site was explained to Vince McMahon. �You have to be at the cutting edge of that technology at all time. Kids today, they don�t watch TV like they did before. TV is almost a background device now,� he said. �They�re on their phone, on their laptop, on their ipod� so that social media stuff becomes so important � Twitter and YouTube and Facebook are all just avenues to keep people involved in your product.� Hunter went on to say that while the company is embracing Twitter as a positive, equally it can also be a negative. He revealed that just the other day during a talent meeting he told everyone to be careful with their Tweets. �I said, �Guys, it�s not like your texting somebody. You�re putting it out to the entire world. If you wouldn�t say it on TV, don�t say it on Twitter.�� He cited NFL football players making stupid comments every other week, and said the catch twenty-two is controlling it. When asked about his new office role and working closely with Vince, he said he�s learned over time that when Vince is going nuts and yelling at people then it�s OK, but when you come up to him and he�s silent, then that�s very bad. Hunter also talked about his relationship with The Rock describing it as �unique� with �professional tension and weirdness.� He says they get along great today but aren�t buddies and never hung out back in the day. �We had such a professional rivalry, no matter what we did, it�s like screw him, I can do better than that.� He closed the interview by talking about Shawn Michaels and appearing on his hunting show earlier this year. He joked: �Shawn has gone from The Heartbreak Kid to being like Ted Nugent. He�s out there with high powered weapons, with the one googley eye, just shooting every furry thing that wanders by. He�s been dying for me to go on [his show]� I just don�t get sitting in a tree saying nothing waiting for a deer to wander by so I can cap it in the head� We used crossbows [to catch Alligator's] and much to Shawn�s chagrin I caught the biggest Alligator, but yeah it was an awesome experience and I had a lot of fun.�

(source: Wrestling Globe Newsletter)

Posted mostly for HHH's description of HBK at the bottom...

ThePunisher - 11-27-2011 at 11:53 PM

Colt Cabana
Holy shit... I wanna Sin Cara penis shirt soooo bad

Chris Is Good517 - 11-28-2011 at 12:37 AM

Someone in marketing is getting fired and then rehired just so they can be fired again.

punkerhardcore - 11-29-2011 at 06:36 PM

Just Hogan being Hogan--

Hulk Hogan praised Garett Bischoff's efforts to improve this morning, while also taking a shot at his peers.

Hogan tweeted, "Taping again in Orlando, Garrett seems to have found the magic. I only hope it rubs off on some of the other numbskulls."

Paddlefoot - 11-29-2011 at 09:58 PM

With youngsters like Garret and that charismatic enigma the future of Our Sport truly is in good hands.

theflammablemanimal - 11-30-2011 at 02:14 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Someone in marketing is getting fired and then rehired just so they can be fired again.

Then rehired so they could make Sheamus's horrible "great white" shirt. Maybe his next catchphrase will be "white power."

Chris Is Good517 - 11-30-2011 at 04:31 AM

Hulk Hogan praised Garett Bischoff's efforts to improve this morning, while also taking a shot at his peers.

Hogan tweeted, "Taping again in Orlando, Garrett seems to have found the magic. I only hope it rubs off on some of the other numbskulls."


williamssl - 11-30-2011 at 05:46 AM

Name one

S Kid J E T S 48 - 12-9-2011 at 09:05 PM

Probably not him who actually writes on Twitter...but this is pretty genius either way:

@WWERawGM For those of you who are speculating, yes, I did offer David Stern some advice recently. #NBA #CP3

JB KING - 12-14-2011 at 07:54 AM

Fabric crease or not...CANNOT UNSEE MICKS BONER

Which makes me wonder if that's eggnog in the cups

ThePunisher - 12-15-2011 at 01:56 PM

From Al Snow:


Knock knock..Who's there?...Worst mistake Anne Franke made.

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