Z! True Long Island Story - Zack Ryder Channel
S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-12-2011 at 12:49 AM

Couldn't decide if this deserved its own thread or not, but since the Smackdown thread didn't start yet and I discovered this today, I'm giving it it's own spot.

Apparently this has been going on for a few weeks (4 episodes to be exact), where Zach Ryder has been making his own Youtube videos on his channel. They are very reminiscent of some of the shows they used to put up on WWE.com that some people enjoyed.

Considering the former #1 contender for the WWE Title hasn't done much on Raw lately, this is a pretty interesting way to go. After reading some of his peers talk about these glowingly on Twitter, I gave it a try and loved it.

He was a pretty polarizing guy when on ECW with some loving his gimmick and others hating it...I wonder if this changes how some might feel towards him on either end of the spectrum.

Only have one thing to say about this episode: Han Solbro

Woo Woo Woo, You Know It.

[Edited on 9-12-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-12-2011 at 01:40 AM

The third installment was pretty good as well when he tried to interview Buzz Lightyear only to realize that Buzz only talks to other toys so he had his action figure interview Buzz.

It's better than it reads.

I gotta respect Zack's hustle. Kid is at least trying. Too bad the wwe writers don't understand his gimmick, or at least Vince doesn't. Zack was early on the Jersey Shore bandwagon (which one came first actually?).

It will also be criminal if Zack doesn't have a backstage segment with Snookie, but given it's the road to WM I highly doubt we'll get to see it.

Zack does need to be much more orange though.

nOOb - 3-12-2011 at 06:18 AM

Isn't this what some guy did a few years back and got fired shortly after?

TheMakerSaidTaker - 3-12-2011 at 03:04 PM

I will be extremely disappointed if Zack Ryder doesn't make a pass or have some kind of interaction with Snooki.

Eric Weddle - 3-12-2011 at 04:38 PM

I too was wondering if he was going to have any interaction with Snooki. I believe Jersey Shore has actually hurt Zach Ryder. I believe he debuted with his gimmick before the actual show. And it seems his small push stalled after the show became insanely popular.

DevilSoprano - 3-12-2011 at 05:31 PM

I'm pretty sure Jersey Shore was before Zach, but the popularity of Jersey Shore took a little while to take off and it was in that in between time that Ryder came up with the nuances of his character. I know everyone hates the Shore gimmick in TNA and I'm right there with that, but I truly believe if it was Ryder instead of Robbie E, it would have worked much better since Zach is a solid talker and about 800 times the worker Robbie is.

TheMakerSaidTaker - 3-12-2011 at 09:11 PM

I agree Dev... Ryder is completely underrated in many aspects, and is a star personality just waiting to break out.

He's extremely talented... and surprisingly.... 25-26!

S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-12-2011 at 09:38 PM

It's weird...the Hart Foundation broke up and its been one of the worst moves imaginable.

But with Ryder, and Curt Hawkins in a much smaller way, their breakup has been great to both of them. They've both made separate identities and movesets and have both grown a lot since their breakup.

And like most tag team breakups the WWE does, both have been tremendously underutilized.

Obviously a lot has been said about Ryder here, as one of the last people who actually watch Superstars, I've seen Hawkins pretty much every week, as they either have him feuding with someone on a small basis, or they have him as a guest commentator (haven't seen superstars in the last week or two, so not sure if his streak is still going). The guy can talk, and what we've seen of his work with Vance Archer (playing the role of the guy with actual talent) we know he can go more than a bit in the ring.

This is one of those times where I agree with a lot of people about the decimation of the midcard and a time where I wish there were no brand extension. If there was one roster, we'd probably have the U.S. Title acting like the TV or Euro title and guys like Ryder would probably get the title to hold for a bit and by virtue, grow with it (kind of like some got to do with the ECW belt in a small fashion). It's a shame. Only main eventers get side feuds away from belts to work with, and when lower card guys get on a card with no belt on the line, it tends to just flatline (think Shad v. JTG, which wasn't built horribly). More than being annoyed for guys like Sheamus and Barrett that get shutdown while they are in the upper card, I feel more for guys like Ryder, who showed a lot in ECW when he got the ball, and wind up with no place on Raw or Smackdown, despite having the chops to wrestle and talk.

Cherokee Jack - 3-13-2011 at 12:00 AM

I've been watching these too...easily the best wrestler-hosted show since What's Crackin' with Scotty Goldman. Perhaps better.

As far as which came first, I can say that Zack started the gimmick around fall 09, but he'd been doing the "Woo woo woo" bit since earlier that year when he and Hawkins would appear on the Dirt Sheet. Don't know when Jersey Shore debuted though.

And yes, Zack rules, and should be pushed. I get that with his gimmick he probably isn't main event material, but you can't tell me he couldn't fit right in the US or IC title scene.

Matte - 3-13-2011 at 12:05 AM

Both of these from Wikipedia:

Jersey Shore is an American reality television series that premiered on MTV on December 9, 2009 in the United States.
Ryder made his return to ECW on May 5, 2009 in a backstage segment with General Manager Tiffany. He now sported short hair, tanned skin, sunglasses, a headband, half-trunks/half-tights, displaying something of an arrogant Long Island guido character and more frequent uses of catchphrases "woo woo woo" and "you know it", that he had used sparingly in the tag team.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-18-2011 at 05:34 PM

Newest offering -

Wickedfrost - 3-19-2011 at 01:29 PM

This is the WWE dropping the ball with Zach Ryder.

Quoted for truth.

TheGuest - 3-19-2011 at 02:27 PM

I like how Ryder said he's doing all the jobs. I wasn't very intrigued with Ryder's character after the Edgeheads breakup, but now he's becoming very interesting.

southermagu - 3-19-2011 at 04:39 PM


Ryder has officially issued the WWE a license to print money. Granted, it may only be "mid card money", but it's still there.

The best line? Regarding his promise to personally send anyone an autograph for tweeting him a picture wearing his t-shirt:

"You can put it up on your wall. Or sell it on ebay for, like two bucks or something."

punkerhardcore - 3-19-2011 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by southermagu
Ryder has officially issued the WWE a license to print money. Granted, it may only be "mid card money", but it's still there.

Too bad the company he works for is so out of touch. He could have a Facebook revolution bigger than Betty White's, and I doubt they'd take notice.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-25-2011 at 04:58 PM

Episode #6 -

diablo_dor - 3-26-2011 at 01:22 PM

If they don't get Pappa Ryder as a manager for John Morrison & onto Raw regularly they even bigger idiots than we all thought they are.

CreativeInternetAliass - 3-26-2011 at 02:03 PM

DZP vs Catering, that is awesome. Ryder not being used is a crime.

punkerhardcore - 4-1-2011 at 04:08 AM

HHH shits on him a bit, but Cena and Miz praise the hell out of the guy. Also, Trent's brief appearance made me laugh.

diablo_dor - 4-1-2011 at 09:33 AM

I bet that HHH, & the rest of the management, has absolutely NO IDEA about the Z! show and therefore shitting on him is a completely & corporate justifiable position.
same situation with Vince not having a clue that London & Kendrick wear masks for 6 months or who Paul Burchill was trying to copy during the pirate gimmick.

Absolutely hilarious moments in it, the trampoline, how weirdly different did he look without the hair spiked?

southermagu - 4-1-2011 at 05:37 PM

I'm not sure that was HHH shitting all over him. I think that's just how he is. But I agree with the idea that he (and the rest of the office) have no idea that Ryder is even doing this.

But having Cena and Miz pulling for you has got to be a great thing. It's a damn shame that WWE isn't doing anything with what Ryder is giving them, which is both absolute gold and essentially free.

If they want to be relevant to this modern age, why not throw a little time this guy's way? Like I said earlier, I genuinely believe that this could help Ryder get over and in turn make them money.

For all their talk of being an "entertainment" company, they ignore the one guy who's actually doing pure entertainment.

joerizal - 4-2-2011 at 03:22 AM

This made me LOL.

pumping my fist like woo!

diablo_dor - 4-2-2011 at 11:46 AM

Originally posted by southermagu

But having Cena and Miz pulling for you has got to be a great thing. It's a damn shame that WWE isn't doing anything with what Ryder is giving them, which is both absolute gold and essentially free.


Exactly, how hard would it have been to give us Miz & Ryder Vs Cena & Bourne as a TV match since we've had the claims about Cena telling the office to utilise Bourne more often, but that could have led to a solid TV main event of Bourne Vs Miz which would have helped solidify Miz as champ with a clean win.

Part of the issue is that he acknowldges his history as an EdgeHead which creative would have a hard time accepting.

JB KING - 4-7-2011 at 10:06 PM

Nice to see a Colt Cabana sighting. I think I pissed myself during the merchandise scene. Also strange to see him go serious for the last 10 seconds. Maybe we will see him on tv soon.

[Edited on 4-7-2011 by JB KING]

Matte - 4-7-2011 at 11:54 PM

You can only hope. Maybe if Vince starts hearing rumblings of Ryder's name from fans or from some of the guys who apparently like him (Cena being the main one I would think), he'll give him a chance.

And man, I wish they would put out a better shirt for him. A plain shirt with just that ZR logo on it would be great.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 4-10-2011 at 03:16 AM

Former brother, tag partner and Edge Head Curt Hawkins gets in on the youtube vid action - however I don't think his will end well. I hope his garbage doesn't cause the wwe to stop all web shows.

Mass releases are expected after the Euro tour, so around the 24th. Hawkins will be toast, I hope Ryder makes the cut. ZR seems to have a lot of fans in the boys in the back - Cena, Miz, Punk have all spoke favorably about the kid.

diablo_dor - 4-10-2011 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Matte

And man, I wish they would put out a better shirt for him. A plain shirt with just that ZR logo on it would be great.

A simple Z! could work, though he seems to have 17 catchphrases at the end of each episode, as long as it's not the picture of him on the front.
I thought this was genius & I wonder if we're gonna get him on AOW in return.

another stellar episode, though was anyone else kinda shocked how small the Big O seems beside Zach?

C.MontgomeryPunk - 4-14-2011 at 04:49 PM

Thom - 4-14-2011 at 05:29 PM

This is the WWE missing the boat with Zach Ryder.

I'm trying to get over!

Screw it - I'm on board. Woo Woo Fucking Woo.

diablo_dor - 4-14-2011 at 07:18 PM

There has to be Partnership for a Woo Woo Woo America T-Shirts made.

The Glee on his face when Cena ran past was something else.

With the standing of Morrison at present, does anyone else believe we may actually see a match for Daddys love?
Or did anyone else expect to see Daddy knee deep in Melina when he opened the door?

TownOfDalem - 4-15-2011 at 01:28 AM

"I'm trying to get over!"

Lets give CiG some credit for being the first one on the Ryder bandwagon a couple years ago. Zach is just awesome and he has also shown himself to be very creative.

joerizal - 4-15-2011 at 01:32 AM

That "serious" ending in ep. 8 makes me think Ryder (if he ever gets a push) could pull off the mostly-goofy comedic/sometimes-crazy serious persona that Kurt Angle and/or Edge portrayed in their earlier days in the WWF.

Chris Is Good517 - 4-15-2011 at 03:51 AM

Originally posted by TownOfDalem
"I'm trying to get over!"

Lets give CiG some credit for being the first one on the Ryder bandwagon a couple years ago. Zach is just awesome and he has also shown himself to be very creative.

I tried to tell y'all, and y'all just mocked me. Who's laughing now, buttholes??

Seriously, that this guy isn't in contention for the US title is criminal.

Flash - 4-15-2011 at 04:40 AM

With how even more depleted the face side on SD is it might not be a bad time to push a goofy and loveable face who can bring the serious when he needs to.

I don't know about the gimmick as a long term thing, or something to break him into the main event but if it gets him noticed and he's got the talent there's nothing saying he can't break away from that if or when he gets over.

I miss the mid-card.

diablo_dor - 4-15-2011 at 07:45 AM

I have no idea if the WWE could even do this, but wouldn't it be great if Ryder turned up on Smackdown next week claiming he is going to win the title as a "tribute" to his mentor & original Edgehead?
This sets up a foil for Brodus Clay & in tag matches with Christian.

I haven't read the spoilers so they may be already be REY-ifying Christian in his desire for the title but if they don't go down that road, or hell even if they do, Zach could be a sort of Mankind-esque figure thinking he is supported when he is actually considered a joke, this could then be used to aid a Christian heel turn, if there wasn't a serious dearth of faces on Smackdown.

southermagu - 4-15-2011 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
Or did anyone else expect to see Daddy knee deep in Melina when he opened the door?

I can only assume that Papa Ryder was simply preparing for the inevitable, because the way the story seems to be playing out?

You will fuck Melina. It doesn't matter who you are, where you are or what you had been planning to do at the time it happens. It will happen and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 4-19-2011 at 10:21 PM

This can't be good -

-- WWE ordered O2 Arena security to confiscate all signs from fans relating to Zack Ryder at yesterday's Monday Night Raw taping at in London, England.

The Raw Superstar has been encouraging fans to bring Ryder related signs to WWE events, such as "Broski of the Week." He often goes on Twitter acknowledging Ryder signs shown on television. He asked for an image of the "Zack Ryder = Ratings" sign that briefly appeared on Raw. That too was confiscated.

Ryder was backstage at last night's show, but was not used.

Ecosystem - 4-19-2011 at 11:23 PM

News From August 2011:

I don't know. I mean, I can't help but be happy to see Robbie E and "Iced Z" (stupid, stupid name) competing for the tag titles, but Ryder deserves so much better than this run. I recognize that you can't just pick up a WWE jobber and run him up to the World Title, but man, if there was ever a guy sold short...

Matte - 4-20-2011 at 12:47 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
-- WWE ordered O2 Arena security to confiscate all signs from fans relating to Zack Ryder at yesterday's Monday Night Raw taping at in London, England.

The Raw Superstar has been encouraging fans to bring Ryder related signs to WWE events, such as "Broski of the Week." He often goes on Twitter acknowledging Ryder signs shown on television. He asked for an image of the "Zack Ryder = Ratings" sign that briefly appeared on Raw. That too was confiscated.

Ryder was backstage at last night's show, but was not used.

Guys getting over on their own? WWE will not have this!

btrain87 - 4-20-2011 at 02:18 AM

...The smarks like this guy?

bury him.

[Edited on 4-20-2011 by btrain87]

JB KING - 4-21-2011 at 07:09 AM


seriously his best one yet. I swear if he gets pink slipped next week I'm gonna cry.

happy_buddha - 4-21-2011 at 09:57 AM

Originally posted by JB KING

seriously his best one yet. I swear if he gets pink slipped next week I'm gonna cry.

Be sure to wake your girlfriend first.

diablo_dor - 4-29-2011 at 07:27 AM

Oh daddy:


I have to admit I'm shocked at how small Big O actually is compared with Zach.
But I love the idea of a Multimedia / Internet Champion such a pity it's only really a punchline here.

Thom - 4-29-2011 at 01:24 PM

Dear WWE,

Take #11 and use it to your advantage. Every week on the wwe.com based NXT, have Zack Ryder defend his "Internet Championship." Then, if he impresses, push this guy.

Wrestling "Entertainment" Fans

God, I used to be completely unimpressed by Ryder. But I'll be damned if I don't find him immensely more entertaining than about 90% of the roster. Remember when Edge and Christian played the goofs that could bring it in the ring? Let Ryder (former Edge-head, so it doubly works) be this decade's version.

southermagu - 4-29-2011 at 02:03 PM

People that Ryder is helping get over:

His Dad
Scott Stanford

Let's face it, he's got a better success rate than then the entire company.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 4-29-2011 at 06:51 PM

The Browski of the Week is red. Doesn't he know Zack only uses tan-in-a-bottle?

Gobshite - 4-30-2011 at 05:35 PM

Just been back and watched all 10 of these from the start. Fucking-Awesome.

Couple of things...

I like Scott Stanford. Hopefully he gets to come up to Smackdown soon enough. I think I'd like him more than Booker T. Quality guy, and I've heard him on the few occasions I've caught superstars and liked him a lot.

HHH wasn't putting him down, he was just being condescending dickhead Hunter, acting as if Ryder was a heel, which I dont think he is any more. Last time he was pushed he was a heel, and he's friends with Miz / hates Morrison, but at the same time is also friends with Cena? Hope they bring him up soon, he'd be a good mid carder on Raw.

Was the Cena clip (the one actually featuring Cena) supposed to be at WM? cool if it was.

I'm late to the party, but woo, woo - fucking woo!

southermagu - 5-1-2011 at 11:02 AM

I actually like Stanford too, I caught some of his work on Superstars and was really surprised. He's got a nice professional style and seems to approach it with a far more subdued way.

And then he does this stuff with Ryder and I find out he's pretty damn funny, not to mention that he's out there giving his buddy shout outs at his "day job".

JB KING - 5-5-2011 at 06:08 PM

CreativeInternetAliass - 5-6-2011 at 10:36 AM

Please Do Try this on Raw. That may be one of his funniest spoofs yet. Also, it was pretty cool of him to pimp Dolphs shirt, if that one starts selling out, it will show Ryder has the midas touch.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 5-10-2011 at 08:12 PM

Sure to be a celebratory 13th episode when it comes out this week after being featured on Raw with Cena.

diablo_dor - 5-13-2011 at 07:18 AM

And here it is:


I'm sort of annoyed that daddy wasn't more broken up about the Morrison neck injury but I did laugh at the artist stuff.

Thom - 5-13-2011 at 12:58 PM

Scott Sanford is the fucking man.

Flash - 5-13-2011 at 02:55 PM

While I'm sure Vince doesn't "get" Zack Ryder, you'd think with him only being 25 and able to get reactions they'd at least take him for a test drive.

Outside of the youtube videos I haven't seen a lot of Ryder to know if he has any real flaws, but he seems to be able to talk, work a character, has a good look, and given his young age would seem to beg to be given an opportunity as the WWE tries desperately to build new stars for the next generation.

I wonder if there's some real world consideration going into this, like his contract is up in a few months and they want to re-sign him to a longer deal before seeing if they can build him into a star?

Frank Lloyd Wright - 5-13-2011 at 03:40 PM

Last night on Superstars, he had a match with Kozlov, which he won with the help of Curt Hawkins. Don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing??

C.MontgomeryPunk - 5-13-2011 at 04:00 PM

There is a flash pic of Hawkins and Ryder at the end of this weeks webisode - hmmm.

Tuff Daddy Cool - 5-13-2011 at 07:25 PM

The flash image has me thinking that they're reuniting the Edgeheads. Hawkins is on RAW now and has been seen less frequently than Long Island Iced Z. Maybe they go after the belts...and get squashed by Show and Kane.

TommyD420 - 5-13-2011 at 08:11 PM

"I knew it! I knew I could draw money!" - That had me laughing for way too long.

Anyone else want to see Ryder put the "Internet Championship" on the line in one of these episodes?

I'm thinking cardboard cutouts and such.

denverpunk - 5-14-2011 at 06:52 AM

Originally posted by Frank Lloyd Wright
Last night on Superstars, he had a match with Kozlov, which he won with the help of Curt Hawkins. Don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing??

Probably bad. I don't see too much value in Hawkins. And while putting them back together at least gets Ryder back on TV, it puts him right back where he started in a tag team.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 5-19-2011 at 02:57 AM

From rajah.com --

-- Zack Ryder's online promotional efforts have not gone unnoticed by WWE officials as he is expected to receive an increased presence on television going forward.

Man, really hoping this is one of those newz site stories that actually have substance.

Thom - 5-19-2011 at 01:00 PM

That makes two of us. Who knows - maybe hard work and determination really can make a difference!

C.MontgomeryPunk - 5-19-2011 at 02:16 PM

I think Ryder would be a great sidekick for Cena. Fighting Miz and Riley, it would have been the perfect time to have Ryder make the save, but Superman Cena needs to be booked to dispatch both with one arm tied behind his back.

diablo_dor - 5-19-2011 at 04:57 PM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
I think Ryder would be a great sidekick for Cena. Fighting Miz and Riley, it would have been the perfect time to have Ryder make the save, but Superman Cena needs to be booked to dispatch both with one arm tied behind his back.

You could do the story that Ryder thinks he's Mega Powers esq Savage to Hulk Cena but Miz keeps calling him Tugboat, maybe always playing up that the "Little Buddy" eventually turns.

"Come on Ryder lets Typhoon him now, why pretend you care, just offer turn and get it over with..."

It plays into the Miz character who knows wrestling history & uses it to refer to the present.

Especially if you keep Ryder a face for as long as possible, Cena is originally wary but eventually trusts him.

knuckleballschwartz - 5-19-2011 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by diablo_dor

You could do the story that Ryder thinks he's Mega Powers esq Savage to Hulk Cena but Miz keeps calling him Tugboat, maybe always playing up that the "Little Buddy" eventually turns.

"Come on Ryder lets Typhoon him now, why pretend you care, just offer turn and get it over with..."

It plays into the Miz character who knows wrestling history & uses it to refer to the present.

Especially if you keep Ryder a face for as long as possible, Cena is originally wary but eventually trusts him.

That would be great and as you say the possibility for promos involving the use of knowing historical references is vast.

[Edited on 5-19-2011 by knuckleballschwartz]

Stu - 5-20-2011 at 12:10 AM

Episode #14 is up!
#Chim Chiminey Chin Chiminey Long Island Iced Z!
Loved the cutting back to the MoFo running away and the Stone Cold bit.

[Edited on 20-5-11 by Stu]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 5-20-2011 at 12:16 AM

What was with the cut to a Ghostbuster/Dolph holding Toshi's head action figure ensemble @ 2:08?

[Edited on 5-20-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 5-20-2011 at 12:24 AM

Also the Broski(s) of the week from last week released a full music video of their song -

punkerhardcore - 5-20-2011 at 12:45 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
What was with the cut to a Ghostbuster/Dolph holding Toshi's head action figure ensemble @ 2:08?

Check out the Twitter thread... page 5, about halfway down.

happy_buddha - 5-20-2011 at 05:17 AM

Stone Coldski drinking a Bud Light Lime?


cardscott5 - 5-20-2011 at 05:33 PM

Ryder saying his videos are getting too big for YouTube makes me think they are going to be on WWE.com soon. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.

Ecosystem - 5-20-2011 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by cardscott5
Ryder saying his videos are getting too big for YouTube makes me think they are going to be on WWE.com soon. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.

Probably bad; WWE Video Player sucks. They should just host it on YouTube like TNA.

Also, depends how much of the in-jokey schtick they made him cut. I'd miss "I knew I could do it! I can draw money," but some jokes along that line fall flat too.

Stu - 5-20-2011 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by Ecosystem
Also, depends how much of the in-jokey schtick they made him cut. I'd miss "I knew I could do it! I can draw money," but some jokes along that line fall flat too.

You expect WWE Creative to be able to differentiate between a quality joke and a flat one?

S Kid J E T S 48 - 5-20-2011 at 11:11 PM

I'm pretty sure he already gets input from someone backstage at WWE..at the very least, there's no way he's been making those Ryder graphics all by himself.

It may get more creative input, but really, WWE hosts a lot of their stuff now on both WWE.com and Youtube, so there probably wouldn't be much of a difference.

And bottomline...if being on WWE.com means he'll be on TV more, I'll sacrifice the show for that. Lets not forget the whole goal of this thing.

TommyD420 - 5-20-2011 at 11:16 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
I'm pretty sure he already gets input from someone backstage at WWE..at the very least, there's no way he's been making those Ryder graphics all by himself.

It may get more creative input, but really, WWE hosts a lot of their stuff now on both WWE.com and Youtube, so there probably wouldn't be much of a difference.

And bottomline...if being on WWE.com means he'll be on TV more, I'll sacrifice the show for that. Lets not forget the whole goal of this thing.

Actually, didn't "The Dirt Sheet" kind of start the same way?

Wickedfrost - 5-26-2011 at 08:33 PM

He's going to the .com. Thus ends the career of Zach Ryder.

There are lots of reasons this is a bad idea:

1. His established subscriber base on YouTube will not follow to the .com.
2. Part of his appeal is that he's gone out to the people.
3. Social media - being able to embed the videos in forums like this make it easy to share and expand that base.
4. Youtube > wwe.com. It's like going from broadcast television to cable. Hardly a step up.

...seriously...if wwe wants more corporate presence then just pay youtube to put an ad up on all his videos...

...and fire whoever's idea this is. It's terrible.

[Edited on 5-26-2011 by Wickedfrost]

knuckleballschwartz - 5-26-2011 at 09:20 PM

I agree a wwe.com move is a mistake. Also so many questions after this week's episode:
a) What's the deal with episode 15's broski of the week? is that the youtube starwars kid's younger bro?
b) who the hell is the big O?
c) why aren't we seeing more of scott stamford on wwe tv? he'd be epic as their borash.

Matte - 5-26-2011 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
I'm pretty sure he already gets input from someone backstage at WWE..at the very least, there's no way he's been making those Ryder graphics all by himself.

I know he's requested on Twitter some graphics to be made for his show. I remember near the beginning of his webshow, he asked on Twitter for someone to make a "Z! Long Island Story" logo and sure enough (he even got into specifics on color/size/format), one of his followers was a graphic designer and whipped one up for him.

Cherokee Jack - 5-26-2011 at 11:10 PM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
a) What's the deal with episode 15's broski of the week? is that the youtube starwars kid's younger bro?
No idea. I figure it must be a friend of Zack's brother or something...nothing interesting at all about him, other than being a fat, seemingly shirtless little kid.
b) who the hell is the big O?
c) why aren't we seeing more of scott stamford on wwe tv? he'd be epic as their borash.
I've been thinking about this lately...but my questions were more like "Why the fuck is the Big O not under contract yet?" and "How awesome would it be if they brought Big O in as Zack's partner/bodyguard/whatever and started using Stanford as their manager/hype man?"

And color me worried about moving the show to WWE.com. If it gets him on TV, great. But let's not forget the sad tale of Scotty Goldman. After being a jobber/invisible on TV for months, he was given a dot com show (which, coincidentally, featured Zack Ryder in a recurring role). Some thought that perhaps it was leading to him actually having a real role in WWE. Weeks later, Colt Cabana returned to Ring of Honor.

[Edited on 5-26-2011 by Cherokee Jack]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 5-27-2011 at 02:25 AM

Or, we can look at what the Dirt Sheet did on WWE.com and the results there for those involved....

Slightly more positive.

Lets not forget, the point of this was to a) get WWE's attention and b) to get on Raw or Smackdown.

Goal A: Completed.

Matte - 5-27-2011 at 02:28 AM

And Goal B: kind of accomplished. He was on Raw like 2 weeks in a row, although for only 5 seconds each time.

Yea, I know that doesn't count.

Wickedfrost - 5-27-2011 at 01:33 PM

It would still be better for everyone around to keep him on youtube. If they want to increase the exposure by having it on the .com then just embed the video on the site but don't move it.

diablo_dor - 5-27-2011 at 03:05 PM

The .com move is such a weird, almost Waynes World movie idea that worries me more than I can really explain.
I never go to .com for anything other than check a roster move & am not certain that I'd go for Zach.

Similarly, the appeal of the show was its half-assed nature and slagging off of the creative so being forced under the umbrella may limit the opportunity for the "missing the Boat" references.

I wouldn't be shocked if he lost a Internet champ match within 3 weeks of the move, probably to Hornswaggle.

I thought O-zone looked a little smaller than Zach in any onscreen encounters so maybe that's why he hasn't been called to the main roster.

fun show with a wonderful serious moment of the Randy Savage tribute.
Thought the Know you're Bro went a little long.
Was that Hawkins official debut on the show?

Thom - 5-27-2011 at 04:25 PM

Hawkins was BotW about 5 weeks ago - "riding" the escalators. I'm not sure if that qualifies as an official debut or not, though.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 5-27-2011 at 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Wickedfrost
It would still be better for everyone around to keep him on youtube. If they want to increase the exposure by having it on the .com then just embed the video on the site but don't move it.

I mean, its not youtube, but it's not like 5 people a day go to WWE.com...

This is one of those times I wish I read the Did You Know? bumpers...because they actually say how many unique visitors WWE.com gets every day.

And really, he's on Twitter and Facebook...and he announced the move on Youtube...the people he's gotten will follow him if they are truly fans.

I still think this is a good move. We need to watch the show many times. If WWE sees a show featuring Zack Ryder is getting commercial watches on their site, they'll literally think he can make money for them finally.

Matte - 5-27-2011 at 05:56 PM

I prefer YouTube because it's easier and quicker. But if it's the same show, just on a different site, I'll still watch. My only fear is that he'll lose some of his creative control after the move. He'll be on WWE's website, and I could see them telling him what THEY want.

diablo_dor - 5-27-2011 at 06:02 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48

I mean, its not youtube, but it's not like 5 people a day go to WWE.com...

I still think this is a good move. We need to watch the show many times. If WWE sees a show featuring Zack Ryder is getting commercial watches on their site, they'll literally think he can make money for them finally.

I know what you mean but, and I can easily see this not being the worked, the original reason people started taking to the show was that it wasn't produced by the WWE, it never actually slagged them off but it also didn't pretend creative were infallible.

It had the look and feel of something created on a laptop.

hopefully they maintain that aesthetic.

It may mean there actually is some promotion for the show which isn't a bad thing.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 5-27-2011 at 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Matte
I prefer YouTube because it's easier and quicker. But if it's the same show, just on a different site, I'll still watch. My only fear is that he'll lose some of his creative control after the move. He'll be on WWE's website, and I could see them telling him what THEY want.

Yeah, I see that...which is why the most important person for Ryder's future may be...Joey Styles.

Take Care, Spike Your Hair....OH MY GOD!...You Know It.

EDIT: For his part...he seems to already be promoting him on his own:

Zack Ryder has received an e-mail from the anonymous SUPERSTARS GENERAL MANAGER!? Woo Woo Woo...YKI! http://www.youtube.com/longislandicedz class='timestamp'>less than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet ReplyJoey Styles

...no idea if that actually just worked...

[Edited on 5-27-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-2-2011 at 09:18 PM

@ZackRyder Episode 16 of Z! TLIS is being uploaded to YouTube as we tweet...stay tuned! http://www.youtube.com/longislandicedz

Guess its gonna be on both sites...will link it when its actually up!

And here it is:

[Edited on 6-2-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-2-2011 at 10:29 PM

Sorry, there was a HUGE, EPIC, spoiler that I revealed.

[Edited on 6-3-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-2-2011 at 11:30 PM

EDIT: No longer needed response.

Sorry dude, but random unwarned spoilers are always my pet peeve...no matter how little.

[Edited on 6-3-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Gobshite - 6-3-2011 at 12:07 AM

WWE already has a strong promotional team working twitter and facebook, so I imagine he'll keep those shout outs... My guess is that like a sensible guy, he asked permission to do this before episode 1, and was given it as the bigwigs assumed it would fail. Now they see they're missing out on several hundred thousand extra 20 second ads a week, and want to bring it in house to bleed the advertisers dry.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-4-2011 at 02:23 AM

From Smackdown -

Johnny Curtis was shown backstage watching the video and then introduced himself. He said he wasn't getting his title shot with Truth so he was going to do what any superstar would do. He picked up a plate and poured milk in it while pretending to cry. He dropped the plate and then poured the milk on his head and just stood there�

Is this a Ryder rip-off? Where Zach acts out "wwe dropping the ball", "trying to get over", "missing the boat" etc?

Wickedfrost - 6-4-2011 at 08:24 PM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
Is this a Ryder rip-off? Where Zach acts out "wwe dropping the ball", "trying to get over", "missing the boat" etc?

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Cherokee Jack - 6-5-2011 at 01:43 AM

Glad to see it's still on Youtube. Even if they start putting it on WWE.com, I'd hope they'd let Zack continue to post it on Youtube as well (as well as keeping the style/production the same).

And I would totally subscribe to AreYouSiriusBro Radio.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-9-2011 at 08:59 PM

Raw from Long Island this Monday - Ryder or RIOT!!!!!!!!!!

nOOb - 6-9-2011 at 10:18 PM

Okay, I'm sold. And if WWE doesn't feature Zach Ryder for at least six minutes on a three hour episode of Raw in LONG ISLAND, I will consider them a complete and utter failure.

happy_buddha - 6-10-2011 at 12:04 AM

So Bill DeMott had a suit, he just dressed down to go on air. Hmm.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-10-2011 at 12:10 AM

Yeah, that was probably my favorite episode of the show.

Wanted to go to Raw this Monday...but ticket prices are pretty out of control for a Raw...so we'll have to see. A Ryder definite appearance + Austin could make it worth it.

Thom - 6-10-2011 at 01:19 PM

So, we had a beagle paw-pumping, a Shake-Weight, and Bud Light w/ Lime. Not to mention, Trish, Hugh, Scott Stanford, and Zack's Dad. Yeah - my day can only go downhill from here.

Woo Woo Woo.

Oh, and did we not get an action figure spot this week?

Chris Is Good517 - 6-10-2011 at 01:27 PM

That training montage was the greatest thing I've seen all week.

Seriously, I know I've been behind this kid since day one, but why is he not the US Champion yet?

carlitos coconut - 6-11-2011 at 10:50 PM

This is my audition video for Broski of the Week
[Edited on 6-11-2011 by carlitos coconut]

[Edited on 6-11-2011 by carlitos coconut]

Yayozama - 6-12-2011 at 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
That training montage was the greatest thing I've seen all week.

Seriously, I know I've been behind this kid since day one, but why is he not the US Champion yet?

Well, he is the Internet Champion, wich by this point I believe it's more important [and respected] than the USA or the Intercontinental Champion...

btrain87 - 6-12-2011 at 12:54 AM

IAmJericho Chris Jericho
This guy reminds me of Jericho circa 1998...hilarious and genius! RT @ZackRyder EPISODE 17 of Z! True Long Island Story YouTube.com/longislandicedz


He's getting the rub from EVERYONE. Put him in coach.

Ecosystem - 6-12-2011 at 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Thom
Oh, and did we not get an action figure spot this week?

Dolph Ziggler and Peter Venkman were sitting on the counter, while Zack was getting the hairgel out. [/broski]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-12-2011 at 08:06 PM

Carlito's coconut vid needed the wedding footage of the shirt - of course you made that up and he'll realize that. If you had wedding footage, I'd say you might have had a decent shot. Especially if you had the wedding party fist pumping...

I still think Johnny Curtis is ripping off Ryder with his skits. First it was him literally crying over spilled milk and now he literally had a chip on his shoulder. Ryder should call gimmick infringement - of course can't call that on the writers who are stealing it and giving it to Curtis.

Anybody have any idea who The Big O is - just a musclehead buddy from LI? Is he a wrestler?

[Edited on 6-12-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

punkerhardcore - 6-12-2011 at 08:30 PM

Originally posted by btrain87
He's getting the rub from EVERYONE. Put him in coach.

Stone Cold even posted this after Raw last week--
"Had a chat with the one and only @ZackRyder last night...what a broski...a damn good kid with a bright future...woo woo woo..."

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-12-2011 at 10:48 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore

Stone Cold even posted this after Raw last week--
"Had a chat with the one and only @ZackRyder last night...what a broski...a damn good kid with a bright future...woo woo woo..."

Just picturing Austin fist pumping and saying "woo woo woo" is interesting enough.

Gobshite - 6-12-2011 at 11:21 PM

The biggest problem right now is that he's creating a whole new version of Bret Hart '97... On the Internet, he's a very strong face character, and on tv, he's a heel. How do they explain his friendship with Cena, which theyve acknowledged on both sides, and explain his heelish nature in the ring?

btrain87 - 6-13-2011 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
The biggest problem right now is that he's creating a whole new version of Bret Hart '97... On the Internet, he's a very strong face character, and on tv, he's a heel. How do they explain his friendship with Cena, which theyve acknowledged on both sides, and explain his heelish nature in the ring?

Faceturn...? Tonight would be the night to do it in front of his home crowd.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-13-2011 at 08:21 PM

Raising impossible expectations in 3...2...1...

Doesn't his recent buddying up with Cena make for a really good story today if Truth plays up going after someone Cena likes a lot as a way of avoiding Cena and also seeing for himself an easy match? Could also be done with one of those "pick your opponent's opponent" night. Either way, Cena builds up Ryder the whole night, with his home crowd behind him? Truth playing it off as an easy match...Ryder putting up a nice battle but ultimately cleanly and certainly getting beat by Truth in one of the main events? This turns Ryder and actually makes him seem legit on tv? Makes sense storyline and location-wise? Makes us all happy?

Shit...he's jobbing to Zeek in a 10 second match, isn't he?

TommyD420 - 6-14-2011 at 11:20 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Shit...he's jobbing to Zeek in a 10 second match, isn't he?

On the plus side...no. On the minus side...

Stu - 6-15-2011 at 12:07 AM

I'm just going to choose to believe it was Ryder who took out Morrison backstage and R Truth just took the credit for it.
Also, Zack's the anonymous GM, being the Internet Champion and all, and sending a message that he was absent this week but will be back. Obviously all that playing of the new mail alert was him trying to say "Woo Woo Woo" in morse code.

blackdragon - 6-15-2011 at 12:54 AM

I like the way you think and wish to subscribe to your newsletter sir.

JMD - 6-15-2011 at 02:01 AM

Am I crazy, or are we starting to get to the point where Ryder might want to consider asking for his release, skipping the 90 day non compete, and seeing if either TNA or ROH want to do anything with him? If the WWE weren't going to use him last night, and if they're giving his gimmick away to Johnny Curtis, what makes anyone think they'll ever use him? They'll just wait for the internet buzz to fade and hold him on Superstars until then so no one else can benefit. So he can either get a couple of years of guaranteed Superstars money or he can see if he can use the (admittedly smaller stage) of the Impact Zone to make himself a televised rather than just an internet star.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-15-2011 at 04:05 AM

Originally posted by JMD
Am I crazy, or are we starting to get to the point where Ryder might want to consider asking for his release, skipping the 90 day non compete, and seeing if either TNA or ROH want to do anything with him?

You're crazy. Why in the hell would he walk away from making great money to appear on TV once every few months to go make mediocre money to appear on TV once every few months? As soon as TNA figures out how to properly utilize Brian Kendrick, I'll give them some good faith credit that they could figure out how to properly utilize Zack Ryder. Until then, at least he's making good money to be sadly misused.

DevilSoprano - 6-15-2011 at 04:09 AM

Why do you assume he's making great money in WWE? He gets no PPV bonuses. He probably only makes a downside guarantee without any perks or benefits. There's no telling what type of offer he'd get from TNA and at worst, he could kick the shit out of Robbie E and take over the role that was almost specifically designed for him.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-15-2011 at 04:19 AM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Why do you assume he's making great money in WWE? He gets no PPV bonuses. He probably only makes a downside guarantee without any perks or benefits.

That's true, but I would imagine he's probably doing modestly well off of merchandise sales.


There's no telling what type of offer he'd get from TNA and at worst, he could kick the shit out of Robbie E and take over the role that was almost specifically designed for him.

I can't imagine any scenario where TNA makes him a Foley/Angle/Christian type of offer, and I don't even know if they'd match what WWE is paying him. Why bid big money on an unproven commodity- even one with a huge internet following- when you're already paying someone else to do the exact same thing you'd be paying Ryder more to do?

I'm not really opposed at all to Ryder going to TNA, if they're willing to actually USE him and not just do that thing they do sometimes where they bring someone in, treat him like a big deal for a month, and then use him sporadically for 6 months before just letting him go altogether. I just don't see where it would really be a great move for either party. Ryder isn't going to bring a ton of new viewers to the table for TNA, nor is he going to do anything that Robbie kid isn't already doing (better, yes, but that isn't really the point), and I don't know if there's anything there for Ryder that's a vast improvement over what he's doing right now for WWE. But if TNA can prove me wrong, I'm all for it.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 6-15-2011 at 02:07 PM

Posted on JR's blog:

Zack Ryder Snubbed On RAW: We received a ton of Tweets @JRsBBQ and emails to this site about Long Island's Zach Ryder not being on Monday Night Raw from his 'home town.' Not exactly sure what it was that some thought I could do about it but they vented nonetheless. Lighten Up, Francis."

Fuck you JR!....you company stooge!....keep kissing Vince's ass and Michael Cole's feet!

JMD - 6-15-2011 at 03:16 PM

If what btrain posted in the Raw thread is true...

Originally posted by btrain87
Don't know how legit this is

Meltzer was texted during the show by a WWE employee stating that the reason Zack was not on the show is because "Vince hates the internet". Backstage, many, many people were upset that the person getting the most chants throughout the night was not brought out for a promo or even a quick appearance in his hometown who clearly wanted him there. Meltzer got some more information today on the thought process.

Evidently, it was indeed a rib/joke being played on Zack. Zack had spent his prior show talking up how he was in his hometown, how excited he was, how this could be his chance to finally shine and move up on the card. Zack was told a few days ago he would have a promo and a match on RAW and would turn face on RAW, even being able to acknowledge his youtube show and Internet Champion gimmick. This is why Zack was so excited the past few days.

The rib went so far as there was even a fake script and timeline alloted for Zack to come out and wrestle, besides Superstars, with his RAW promo and on air face turn. When the time came close for this to happen, Zack was informed plans changed and he would not be on air. This was literally during the broadcast. The entire rib was Vince's idea and was because Vince is not a fan of the "bashing" Zack does about WWE and sees it as "giving in" to someone who is visibly bashing the company with "dropping ball" clips, etc.

Meltzer comments that the real joke is on the fans, as the reaction to him not being on air is not pretty and as the rib is being revealed, even less people are happy. Multiple wrestlers have stated their public displeasure with the rib and John Cena was said to directly confront Vince over the situation and what he felt was a poor joke.

..then I really stand behind my "ask for a release" idea. If Vince McMahon hates you that much, you're never getting anywhere in the WWE. Ryder should be calling up TNA, ROH, and anybody he can think of in Japan and Mexico right now and figuring out his best option for a new place to work.

diablo_dor - 6-15-2011 at 07:26 PM

Here's a worrying question for a guy who has become one of my favourites in the WWE and who got "involved" in a Wrestlemania Main Event:
what is Ryder actually like in the ring?

I can see were people think his card is marked right now with the rib and all but could Zach actually go other places as a Wrestler?

I'm not trying to be a prick here, I never watch Superstars and can't really remember the EdgeHeads standing out in any matches
I do hope he has the skills to back up all his talk.

It's one of the reasons I honestly thought the WWE might make him a part of a 10 minute multi man match and then claim "he had a small amount of home town cheers but nothing sustained during the match time"

cardscott5 - 6-15-2011 at 08:20 PM

It sounds like that report has some truth to it. Ziggler said that it was a rib on the fans, and the guys in the back, not just Ryder. I don't get why Vince and co are so affected by Ryder just wanting to be on tv that they would pull something like that. Then again, it's the same guy who shit his pants and chased Gerry Briscoe around with them backstage, so maturity obviously isn't his thing. I just hope there is some match with the fan vote next week that has Ryder as an option. There won't be, but I hope there is.

denverpunk - 6-15-2011 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
Here's a worrying question for a guy who has become one of my favourites in the WWE and who got "involved" in a Wrestlemania Main Event:
what is Ryder actually like in the ring?

He's decent. He definitely has ability, but nothing incredible. I'd put him on a level of Cody Rhodes or Ted DiBiase.

Gobshite - 6-15-2011 at 09:38 PM

He's probably right there with Cena, Miz and Barrett in terms of ability. He's no Dan Bryan, but he's got way more personality. He doesn't have to blow people away, but I'm confident he'd hold his own.

ETA: I'm guessing Zack Ryder is his real name, and there would be no stopping him continuing the Z! TLI show if he went to TNA.

I find it very strange that WWE pulled his show over to their own site, and are now apparently punishing him for it's success. I think this is the first time this has ever happened, so what does it say to the rest of the roster: develop your own character and get over at your peril?

[Edited on 6-15-2011 by Gobshite]

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-15-2011 at 10:25 PM

Ryders real name is Matthew Cardona.

I suspect they pulled the show over so they can claim ownership of it not because they had any plans for it.

[Edited on 6-15-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

happy_buddha - 6-15-2011 at 10:31 PM

How amazing this would be if it were a work, allowing Zack's first major feud to be with Vince and his chosen hit men, like Drew McIntyre.
The internet chosen v Vince's chosen.
It could be awesome. But it won't happen...

nOOb - 6-15-2011 at 10:46 PM

The past two days, I've actually started seeing Zack Ryder t-shirts in public. Granted, I'm not seeing a lot of them, but they're the first wrestling T-Shirts I've actually seen people wear over the past few years that aren't old DX, nWo, Rock, or Austin shirts. And the people wearing them are what I would consider "WWE Universe" type of people (i.e maybe they don't think it's real, but they'd go to events and cheer the people the rest of them cheered).

I don't think Ryder is being limited to just an "internet" thing. He may be slowly getting the WWE Universe attention with the signs and attempted chants at every show.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-16-2011 at 12:11 AM

I know its not much, but lets consider that they actually brought up the fact that they sell Zack Ryder T-Shirts during that Truth promo at the merchandise stand a couple Raws ago. That's a little crazy for a guy that's never on tv...only way that happens is if someone is paying attention. Sadly...it may just be the accountants.

Show is still on Youtube...not sure if its also on WWE.com, but you can still see them all at http://www.youtube.com/longislandicedz. There's no need for them to "own" the show as a reason for switching sites...having on their site will make them money from commercials...and if they one day dump Ryder, he won't own the name anyway and no one will need to own the show anyway.

[Edited on 6-16-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Matte - 6-16-2011 at 12:13 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
I know its not much, but lets consider that they actually brought up the fact that they sell Zack Ryder T-Shirts during that Truth promo at the merchandise stand a couple Raws ago. That's a little crazy for a guy that's never on tv...only way that happens is if someone is paying attention. Sadly...it may just be the accountants.

Maybe they sell whatever shirts are best-sellers online. I wouldn't doubt Ryder's shirt sells a bunch.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-16-2011 at 12:15 AM

Wasn't really about why its up there, just that they actually made mention of it on TV. If they (at least people other than Vince) thought the internet did not count, there would have been no shoutout to that.

Matte - 6-16-2011 at 12:18 AM

I guess. Though maybe it was part of Truth's improv. Whatever it was, it's cool that Ryder got some free promotion from it.

carlitos coconut - 6-16-2011 at 03:28 AM

They definitely sell well. They were sold out for about a month after I first tried to get one and only recently got them back in stock about 4 weeks ago.

diablo_dor - 6-16-2011 at 06:07 AM

What is the chance this is a "swerve the Smarts" gimmick, play up that he was snubbed on Raw, have him a little down on the next Z! Episode.
Then have Dolph win at the PPV, and have him HEEL on raw how no one gives a DAMN about Zach so that we vote him into an US title match on Monday.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-16-2011 at 03:35 PM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
What is the chance this is a "swerve the Smarts" gimmick

Probably about the same chance as all the other times "what is the chance that they're trying to swerve the internet???" has been said in response to a thing WWE has done that we don't want to believe they're actually stupid/shortsighted enough to do.

diablo_dor - 6-16-2011 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517

Probably about the same chance as all the other times "what is the chance that they're trying to swerve the internet???" has been said in response to a thing WWE has done that we don't want to believe they're actually stupid/shortsighted enough to do.

Oh I am almost certain you're right but if ever they wanted to land ass backwards into a pretty great little story, pissing off the internet audience and then "forgetting" and leaving him on the US Title ballot next monday could be one of those moments.
Admittedly I'm giving them far too much credit.

Stu - 6-16-2011 at 07:46 PM

"Come on Mr. President. Give us all a fist pump!"

[Edited on 16-6-11 by Stu]

Gobshite - 6-16-2011 at 07:49 PM

Love it- also liking the idea of a face turn!

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-16-2011 at 08:14 PM

He has all the right to be angry...but I probably wouldn't have started off the show with a negative sounding tact as he did. As much as that, he really hit the point home with what felt like 20 seconds worth of signs from Raw....yeah...he's got only internet fans...stupid WWE. Proud of my fellow NYers for showing such strong support for Ryder.

Stu - 6-16-2011 at 10:06 PM

To mark the release of the Green Lantern movie, WWE.com has posted perhaps their nerdiest ever feature that assigns various WWE superstars to different Emotional Spectrum Corps from the GL mythos. Zach Ryder is a Star Sapphire(the only male one ever), who get their power from love. Ezekiel Jackson is apparently Compassionate.

[Edited on 16-6-11 by Stu]

Chris Is Good517 - 6-17-2011 at 04:11 AM

So wait, did Melina fuck his dad or not?

chewey - 6-17-2011 at 05:20 AM

I was really surprised that Ryder was still doing the "This is the WWE putting Zack Ryder on the backburner" bit.

diablo_dor - 6-17-2011 at 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
So wait, did Melina fuck his dad or not?


I'm shocked he did the Back Burner line bit I'm very impressed he had the balls to do it.

Ps insert the she didn't look as 2 dimensional as usual reference.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-17-2011 at 06:40 PM

Ryder's match from Superstars this week -

He got pre-match mic time, about a 10 minute match with Primo and his father, Big O and his GF were shown in the crowd a couple of times. Sanford also calls Superstars so he really put the kid over.

(Is Ryder going bald, that can't be good for the gimmick. Maybe if he could get over enough a hair match would sell).

punkerhardcore - 6-17-2011 at 06:58 PM

I love that his dad is even wearing a Morrison shirt... he's living the gimmick. JoMo HAS to appear on the show sometime.

lz4005 - 6-17-2011 at 07:54 PM

I really like the in-joke of giving Melina to his dad.

Gobshite - 6-17-2011 at 08:12 PM

Maybe if he's turning face, he can team with JoMo to gain his dad's approval!

TommyD420 - 6-17-2011 at 09:21 PM

He got a bigger pop for a Superstars match than any segment RAW got in a 3-hour show.

Like, a lot bigger.

MbahABako - 6-18-2011 at 12:24 AM

Originally posted by TommyD420
He got a bigger pop for a Superstars match than any segment RAW got in a 3-hour show.

Like, a lot bigger.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. They need more of those massive pops to get Raw back to seeming like it meant something. Not giving that to Ryder is a disappointment for me as a viewer.

southermagu - 6-18-2011 at 03:09 AM

Originally posted by happy_buddha
How amazing this would be if it were a work, allowing Zack's first major feud to be with Vince and his chosen hit men, like Drew McIntyre.
The internet chosen v Vince's chosen.
It could be awesome. But it won't happen...

Were I in a position of responsibility, I would make a sincere effort to make that happen.

You run the angle, with Vince clearly directing things from off camera (you can have the Anonymous GM make it clear that he/she is being ordered to make it hard on Ryder), and as the big turning point you have Ryder booked in an impossible match.

Then you have Cena come down to the ring to back up Ryder. And when that isn't enough, you bring out the biggest gun of all: The Rock.

He cuts a promo, temporarily allying "Team Bring It" with the "Cenation" (I hate those terms, but it's what they'd use) to back up the "Broskis".

And if you're serious, make it for the US title (presumbably held by McIntyre) and have Ryder win the thing. And then you can have McIntyre and Ryder feud properly, with McIntyre demanding he be allowed to deal with Ryder on even terms to prove he can beat him.

Where it would go from there would be up to them.

But that idea might result in to much money being made.

And finally, regarding whether or not Ryder is losing his hair: I'm pretty sure products like Propecia are not allowed under the Wellness Policy, as it has been used in the past to cover up for steroid usage. The World Anti Doping Agency had it listed as a banned substance until 2009, but I would believe that WWE hasn't updated their policy to align themselves with their change.

I would imagine that WADA takes a much deeper look at their test results when Propecia is present, where as WWE wouldn't want to spend the extra money.

Rogaine wouldn't be a good idea, either. Despite the fact it wouldn't cause any of the issues that Propecia does, there is that whole "hair possibly bursting into flame" thing.

nOOb - 6-22-2011 at 06:07 PM

Since this is basically the "All things Zach Ryder" thread, I'll make mention he was a "big part" (read: the main event of a show no one cares about) of NXT as he showed up to mock his Season 2 rookie Titus O'Neil (and also wonder why he got farther with Hornswaggle than he did with him as his pro) and then beat Titus.

Big thing to make mention of all this: on the show no one watches, even though they tried to make Ryder the heel opposed by a supposed "impossible to hate" figure in Hornswaggle, Ryder still got the biggest reaction (cheers, too) throughout the segment and the match (doesn't hurt Titus O'Neil sucks at talking). Granted, not even people in attendance actually care about NXT, but when Zach Ryder can get a reaction when the typically reliable Hornswoggle cannot (because, let's face it, the WWE Universe likes the guy), and he can even go so far as steal his reactions, well, yeah, WWE is doing something horribly, horribly wrong not having him on the show.

Thom - 6-22-2011 at 07:38 PM

Just out of curiosity, since NXT is a web-based show (in the US, at least) - did he put the Internet Championship on the line?

punkerhardcore - 6-23-2011 at 10:01 PM

Featuring Melina and (kinda) JoMo.

Gobshite - 6-23-2011 at 10:12 PM

I was worried that after a while these would get boring... not so far.

No WWE trashing now that he's on wwe.com, but still got a 'curtain jerkin in the dark' gag in.

Loved the film posters. I can see that taking off like the old hoff pictures did.

lz4005 - 6-23-2011 at 10:37 PM

Is it just me or does Melina look like she's had way too much plastic surgery in that video?

Thom - 6-24-2011 at 01:24 PM

Actually, I liked that look for Melina - not overly made up. I liked the natural(?) look.

Shake weight!!!

Loved the Broski of the Week with "Zack" beating down "Rey."

"Ryder or Refund" rules.

Zack's dad is a mofo? Ok...

JB KING - 6-25-2011 at 08:55 AM

Mofo is short for Morrison Follower. But Im sure you got that. Anyway WWE is letting the people choose which shitty t-shirt to sell next.

You have a choice between,




Also in other good news, WWE has reported that they are developing Zack Ryder headbands as we speak.

Gobshite - 6-25-2011 at 10:13 AM

Shirt number two...

So that'll be two shirts for a guy they still won't put on tv...

diablo_dor - 6-25-2011 at 03:11 PM

Shirt 1 would be amazing if the code actually brought you to the Z! Youtube channel (or WWE Z! official site)

I couldn't believe the jerking the curtain in the dark line. fricking hilarious.

I liked Melina, thought she looked well in a not overly made up way, it was also pretty cool that Morrison, if it was he, was wearing a Wrestlemania T-Shirt not one of the next PPV promotional ones.

But now we are getting into worrying meta areas, Melina & Morrison are not together on TV, Melina is a heel on TV Morrison a face, Zack a heel (recent face turn on line not with standing) and Melina just delivered a heelish threat against Zack after delivering a face like stop this it isn't all that funny threat in front of Morrison.

Probably the most entertaining Melina has been in years, could lead to a possible story line on TV (yeah I know) were Melina & Zack bond over daddy and how annoying he can be leading to Morrison heel turn because even if she isn't Mine she can never be YOURS.

punkerhardcore - 6-25-2011 at 04:45 PM

Definitely the second shirt, although the third one is ok. The first one is garbage... it's just a giant barcode. I'll try to be optimistic and take it as a good sign that they're making a new shirt and headbands for him.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 6-25-2011 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
Shirt 1 would be amazing if the code actually brought you to the Z! Youtube channel (or WWE Z! official site)

The barcodes link to the Zack Ryder page on WWE.com

Chris Is Good517 - 6-25-2011 at 05:52 PM

I chuckled at Saving Private Ryder. Then I saw G.I. Bro with Santino dressed as the Baroness and I laughed. But the Finding Primo, complete with "Beyond the Sea" playing in the background, made me lose it.

This guy is funny, creative, charismatic, and above-average in the ring. If they gave him a sliver of the effort the marketing machine put into shoving Randy Orton down everyone's throats for six years until people bought into him as legit, Ryder could be one of the top 5 stars in the company, easily. It doesn't even make sense to hold out on the guy to spite him anymore because fans clearly are willing to pay to see him. I just don't get it at all.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 6-25-2011 at 08:54 PM

Definitely #b - Only one that is even remotely wearable at a wwe event (none are wearable anywhere else in public).

Where can people vote on this?

cardscott5 - 6-25-2011 at 09:13 PM

It's on the WWE facebook. Ryder linked to it I think

Cherokee Jack - 6-25-2011 at 09:40 PM

I wouldn't buy any of those shirts. #2 is the closest to being decent, but none are good.

I will absolutely buy a Woo Woo Woo headband if/when they are released though.

DevilSoprano - 6-25-2011 at 09:53 PM

I wanna play Whack-A-Rey.

Matte - 6-26-2011 at 05:17 AM

IMO the second shirt would be perfect without anything on the back, which I've noticed can be said about a lot of WWE shirts. They look great, but then whoever's wearing it turns around and you see the back of it, ugh. Just leave it plain.

punkerhardcore - 6-26-2011 at 09:10 PM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
Definitely #b - Only one that is even remotely wearable at a wwe event (none are wearable anywhere else in public).

I agree... but to be fair, they're all infinitely more wearable in public than his current shirt is.

Flash - 6-27-2011 at 01:41 AM

If the whole keeping Ryder off of Raw is meant to be a story they need to pull the trigger on it soon, as this thing feels like it could hit its tipping point soon. Ryder is in danger of starting to sound the same week in and week out (not yet, just that danger of it happening) and we're left to wonder if you're so unhappy at not getting pushed why aren't you doing something about it.

Clearly the WWE is aware of the attention he is attracting, and seem to be giving him the non-push push as they are using him regularily on Superstars, wwe.com, and NXT, along with current and future merchandize, but it just seems to be in the least effort kind of way.

I could go either way with Ryder, as I'm not enamoured with the character, but am very impressed with his personal creative efforts to get attention, I just can't understand why the WWE when given the choice between making some money and possibly making more money at a time when profits seem to be down, almost seems opposed to giving him a shot.

TommyD420 - 6-27-2011 at 04:07 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Ryder is in danger of starting to sound the same week in and week out (not yet, just that danger of it happening) and we're left to wonder if you're so unhappy at not getting pushed why aren't you doing something about it.

Like what, exactly? Quit? He's getting a paycheck every week regardless. If he were a vet who actually wants to get out and wrestle like Chavo, who has actually been on the big stage before, that's one thing. That's not Ryder.

I'd say the kid's done everything he possibly can and is drawing a following as a result. Putting it on WWE to decide what to do is exactly the right approach. Make them use him or release him. It appears beyond a following that he has a nice collection of allies in the back, so it's likely only a matter of time.

But "why aren't you doing something about it" when he's gone above and beyond everything he could possibly consider doing, is a ridiculous question.

Flash - 6-27-2011 at 04:35 AM

I think you kinda missed my point;

I applaud what he has done, as quite frankly I really can't think of anyone in recent of long term memory who has done more work on their own to make a name for themselves in this industry than he has, but I do think there is a point where the fan support goes from "They should use him!", to "yeah, they really should have given that guy a break" as the next net sensation comes along.

He's putting out these video's at a pace of one a week, and here we are on week 19 saying many of the same things we did when this little treasure trove was discovered (or before). He's also doing many of the same bits, albeit in slightly different ways that all amount to "I've got fan support and the WWE still isn't using me". He's still our current rallying cry for what the fans want versus Vince's obsession with muscle bound oafs with little talent, but how long until the next guy comes along and ZR is still saying the same things as it doesn't look the the WWE is in any kidn of real hurry to take a chance on this guy.

I'm not saying Zack Ryder should quit in protest tomorrow (or next month for that matter), but I do think it could come a point where he's going to have to change up the message, or risk going from anti authority breakout youtube trendsetter with backstage pals, to the guy who just whines about how underused and unappreciated he is by his boss, but still sticks around to be ignored.... So yeah, if he does get to that point maybe he should look at quitting and exploring some other opportunities for a while.

I mean if the WWE still does nothing with him, are we still going to keep this thread going for True Long Island Story episode # 73 if he's still doing the same things, with the same message for attention?

knuckleballschwartz - 6-27-2011 at 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Flash
I think you kinda missed my point;

I applaud what he has done, as quite frankly I really can't think of anyone in recent of long term memory who has done more work on their own to make a name for themselves in this industry than he has, but I do think there is a point where the fan support goes from "They should use him!", to "yeah, they really should have given that guy a break" as the next net sensation comes along.

He's putting out these video's at a pace of one a week, and here we are on week 19 saying many of the same things we did when this little treasure trove was discovered (or before). He's also doing many of the same bits, albeit in slightly different ways that all amount to "I've got fan support and the WWE still isn't using me". He's still our current rallying cry for what the fans want versus Vince's obsession with muscle bound oafs with little talent, but how long until the next guy comes along and ZR is still saying the same things as it doesn't look the the WWE is in any kidn of real hurry to take a chance on this guy.

I'm not saying Zack Ryder should quit in protest tomorrow (or next month for that matter), but I do think it could come a point where he's going to have to change up the message, or risk going from anti authority breakout youtube trendsetter with backstage pals, to the guy who just whines about how underused and unappreciated he is by his boss, but still sticks around to be ignored.... So yeah, if he does get to that point maybe he should look at quitting and exploring some other opportunities for a while.

I mean if the WWE still does nothing with him, are we still going to keep this thread going for True Long Island Story episode # 73 if he's still doing the same things, with the same message for attention?

I know what you mean. Every week the video shows hte crowd signs and stuff and I think "they're gonna have to pull the trigger on this guy, he's so over". If they don't and it never develops it'll stagnate - like those dramedys like Bones that rely on UST and you end up 7 series in thinking "seriously, just screw each other already"

Beeker - 6-28-2011 at 01:02 AM

Looking back at the first episodes he's come a long way baby...
I can see how what he's doing is a touch repetitive but every week he can show more and more Ryder signs. That's a good thing.

Now, if I were to suggest he really change it up... he'd become a "Superstars Exclusive Superstar" and talk about how he refuses those 'other shows' and will make his 'impact' here.

I still find the insider jokes funny and think this is the sort of person that the company should be building up.

Quentil - 6-28-2011 at 02:27 AM

Yeah, I'm still really enjoying his show. It's a great few minutes every week that honestly has made me buy into wanting to see him on Raw. And as something other than a joke. I'm not saying he should be fast tracked to being the WWE Champion, but I think the US or Intercontinental title would be a great use for him.

Devineman - 6-28-2011 at 03:10 PM

I kinda get what he is saying though, it IS starting to stagnate a little.

Maybe, WWE have come to realisation that they don't even need to push him and they're still making a ton of money out of him. I mean, what's the point? His fanbase is almost exclusively people who watch the show anyway and his schtick tends to be injokes/digital fan interaction. That won't cross well to TV. He's already selling merchandise to the point of where they sell out, without been on TV.

You can't give the whole "this is WWE missing the boat on me" type of joke when you're on Raw every week. He can't say anything that's particularly hot either or he would have spoke about the ribbing in LI, which was another attraction of his.

I'm absolutely certain that Ryder would have now done enough to show that he can draw on TV, I just don't think that the WWE knows what to do with his current character.

Matte - 6-28-2011 at 05:40 PM

I have a feeling SOMETHING is about to happen with Ryder. What that something is, I don't know.

Flash - 6-28-2011 at 08:11 PM

^^^Yeah I can kinda see that, expecially with the whole work/shoot thing that they are doing with Punk now.

Not to say that they are remotely on the same level, but you have a guy like Punk basically talking about guys kissing Vince's ass getting prime spots while a talented workhorse like himself is barely acknowledged by the company. It would seem kind of odd to just keep on ignoring a guy that is getting the attention of the fans who has been saying almost the same thing (albeit in a less serious and in your face way) for almost 5 months now.

knuckleballschwartz - 6-29-2011 at 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Flash
^^^Yeah I can kinda see that, expecially with the whole work/shoot thing that they are doing with Punk now.

Not to say that they are remotely on the same level, but you have a guy like Punk basically talking about guys kissing Vince's ass getting prime spots while a talented workhorse like himself is barely acknowledged by the company. It would seem kind of odd to just keep on ignoring a guy that is getting the attention of the fans who has been saying almost the same thing (albeit in a less serious and in your face way) for almost 5 months now.

some sort of ref bump issue at MITB Cena vs Punk, nexus come down and are being dealt with by cena and an underling, Long Island Ice Z runs out with a chair to help cena only to blast him with it as soon as his backs turned letting punk pick up the win?

Tuff Daddy Cool - 6-29-2011 at 06:23 PM

The spoilers for next week's RAW are interesting. That's all I'll say.

knuckleballschwartz - 6-29-2011 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Tuff Daddy Cool
The spoilers for next week's RAW are interesting. That's all I'll say.

aww screw it. I tried not to but I'm reading them.

Gobshite - 6-30-2011 at 05:51 PM

It's hardly a spoiler, and I'll bet you it doesnt even make TV.

diablo_dor - 7-1-2011 at 01:02 PM

No idea if that worked or not, but a short fun little episode, the daddy cameo was amazing.

Thom - 7-1-2011 at 01:22 PM

I love Shakespeare.

I love Scott Stanford.

Needless to say, I have a raging boner right now.

salmonjunkie - 7-1-2011 at 07:05 PM

That was awesome! From being not on the same page, to Shakespeare, to "more weights more dates". I hope that if WWE ever pushes him, this show gets to stay funny

JB KING - 7-1-2011 at 07:15 PM

For the love of God someone tell Big O not to lock his knees! gaaaaaah!

OORick - 7-4-2011 at 02:11 PM

I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned here already, but FWIW, Ryder's actually been defending the Internet Title on the current Australia tour, and getting good responses in doing so. Unless I whiffed on something, this marks the first time the Internet Title has been seen in a venue that isn't Zack's basement.

No word on if the matches were recorded on cell-phone so that Scott Stanford can voiceover some commentary when the successful defenses air on "Z! True Long Island Story" (which, as luck would have it, *is* on the internets).


diablo_dor - 7-4-2011 at 05:46 PM

Originally posted by OORick
I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned here already, but FWIW, Ryder's actually been defending the Internet Title on the current Australia tour, and getting good responses in doing so. Unless I whiffed on something, this marks the first time the Internet Title has been seen in a venue that isn't Zack's basement.

No word on if the matches were recorded on cell-phone so that Scott Stanford can voiceover some commentary when the successful defenses air on "Z! True Long Island Story" (which, as luck would have it, *is* on the internets).


The only issue I have is the reported "title" seems to be a replica championship belt, though how you could tell the difference between a replica & the ACTUAL internet title is probably a good question

Gobshite - 7-4-2011 at 10:19 PM

its not a replica, it's too thin and the badges are too well made.

He's probably just dropped a couple hundred $ to have one specially made.

OORick - 7-5-2011 at 05:07 AM

Not to get into a whole big thing, but from the first second laid eyes on the "Internet Title," I just assumed it was the same as the kids' size InterContinental Title replica you can buy from WWE, albeit decked out with some stickers (clearly the "INTERNET" letters are just the decals you can buy to put on your mailbox, and the other ones -- including the "medallions" -- can be easily printed out) attached.

I thought that was part of the "charm," that the belt was so easily ID'd as a piece of WWE's own merchandise, a child's toy that has been shoddily made over and repurposed for Zack's little internet show, like so many Ghostbusters actions figures and Bud Light Limes....


JB KING - 7-8-2011 at 09:40 PM

salmonjunkie - 7-9-2011 at 12:17 AM

Scott Stanford is awesome. That's all I've got to say.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 7-9-2011 at 01:28 AM

I want a faction of Ryder, Morrison, Melina, Stanford, Ryders Dad and The Big O.

Flash - 7-9-2011 at 05:00 AM

I'm liking the last few weeks a bit more as he seems to be branching out and shifting his focus a bit more. Scott is hilarious, and I'd like to see him take over one of the two desks from Cole going forward as I think he's more than up to the job of at least getting people to care about what he's talking about (I haven't ever watched superstars so I don't know how he is with the moves and action...)

diablo_dor - 7-9-2011 at 01:21 PM

With Zack apparently aiming for the tag team championships they could play into the Z! storylines by having Scott be his own personal play-by-play guy and have him at the desk but never actually turn the mic on!
I still wonder who is going to be his partner if he gets a shot, but at least there seemed to be a vocal minority seriously into his gimmick during the match shown.

punkerhardcore - 7-9-2011 at 04:21 PM

The rumor on the news sites has Zack leading a faction of him, and the tag champs once Punk's contract is up and he's no longer leading Nexus.

Beeker - 7-9-2011 at 07:28 PM

Z!exus then?

Flash - 7-9-2011 at 11:37 PM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
With Zack apparently aiming for the tag team championships they could play into the Z! storylines by having Scott be his own personal play-by-play guy and have him at the desk but never actually turn the mic on!

You know if the WWE was smart and wanted to bring TLIS onto WWE.com (or just doing it seperately) they could make money off of this by making the Stanford tapes available to watch online. You'd want him to be saying some news worthy or entertaining things, but its a cheap and potentially profitable (ad space if it catches on) way to direct more traffic to your site.

Great idea Diablo'.

punkerhardcore - 7-14-2011 at 07:15 PM


As we mark Twitter's fifth anniversary, it's a good time to acknowledge the social media site's influence on the sports landscape. Every NBA, MLB, NHL and NFL franchise has a Twitter presence and its impact on news has been profound, as SI.com's Jon Wertheim reports in this story. For SI.com's inaugural Twitter 100, we polled more than 50 Sports Illustrated staffers -- from reporters to writers to editors -- who are hard-core Twitter users and asked them which feeds they considered essential to their daily routine for finding news, information and entertainment from the sports world.

And lookee who make the list--

Zack Ryder

Professional wrestling's first "Internet Champion" has used social media to become one of WWE's fastest-rising stars.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 7-15-2011 at 02:54 AM

Have to assume that's at least worth a "Kelly Kelly in Maxim's Hot 100" type push...right?

Episode #22

[Edited on 7-15-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

williamssl - 7-15-2011 at 04:16 AM

Zack on Marvel.com: Fighting' Fanboys

Marvel.com: If you had a super hero team, what would they look like and where would their headquarters be? The beach? Is spiked hair a liability on the battlefield since you and your fellow heroes might be preoccupied with keeping it in tact?

Zack Ryder: First of all, our name would be the Zack Pack. Our headquarters would be inside the club, bottles poppin' 24/7. The beach would just be where we hung out�and got hit on by chicks. The spiked hair wouldn't be a liability at all. In fact, it would serve as protection. The stiffness of the hair gel would serve as a permanent helmet.

Marvel.com: Every week on your YouTube show, you recognize a "Broski of the Week." Which heroes, villains and the like are your "bros" in the Marvel Universe?

Zack Ryder: That's easy! Bro-Lossus, Bro-fessor X, Woo-Woo-Woolverine. These broskis are in the Z-Men chapter of my Zack Pack.

Gobshite - 7-20-2011 at 11:10 PM

New shirt available monday:


[Edited on 7-20-2011 by Gobshite]

Wickedfrost - 7-21-2011 at 02:47 PM

F'n Warrior. Just like all those old, past-their-prime, has-beens not putting over the new talent.

Thom - 7-21-2011 at 03:44 PM


JB KING - 7-21-2011 at 04:18 PM

Someone help Zack pick up all these names hes dropping!

gimmickless - 7-21-2011 at 05:41 PM

lol @ Shawn Michaels as guest ref. Great to see him and Mean Gene involved.

cardscott5 - 7-21-2011 at 05:45 PM

Pretty sure that was Curt Hawkins.

Zach shouldn't worry too much, I jobbed to my Ultimate Warrior wrestling buddy as well.

salmonjunkie - 7-21-2011 at 05:57 PM

23 episodes later, and it's still a funny show.

Oh my GOD!

chewey - 7-23-2011 at 02:03 AM

Zack Ryder was the featured guest on Colt Cabana's weekly Art of Wrestling podcast this week. Check it out.


Plus impromptu guest appearance by CM Punk.

theflammablemanimal - 7-24-2011 at 03:09 AM

I just started listening to old episodes of this show and its pretty good.

In the 2nd episode, Punk says he once came out dressed as the Genius Lenny Poffo and did a poem. Can't find it anywhere. Anyone ever seen it?

JMD - 7-28-2011 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
I just started listening to old episodes of this show and its pretty good.

In the 2nd episode, Punk says he once came out dressed as the Genius Lenny Poffo and did a poem. Can't find it anywhere. Anyone ever seen it?

There's also a great moment in episode 10, with Samoa Joe, where he and Colt talk about James Gibson/Jamie Noble's reaction to the Joe/Kobashi match and how much he marked out for it, saying something along the lines of "He thinks it's 1942, they just bombed Pearl Harbor, and this is the rematch."

Stu - 7-28-2011 at 05:40 PM

punkerhardcore - 7-28-2011 at 06:24 PM

Holy shit that custom belt is fantastic.

denverpunk - 7-28-2011 at 08:12 PM

That cartoon intro was pretty excellent.

knuckleballschwartz - 7-28-2011 at 08:19 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
That cartoon intro was pretty excellent.

agreed - also they should bring back Princess Leia as a regular character.

I wonder if the custom belt = tv push as internet champion?

Gobshite - 7-28-2011 at 10:53 PM

His dad is ripped. Guess everyone in LI works out all day.

happy_buddha - 7-29-2011 at 07:11 AM

Next match? He needs to pin Hacksaw Jim Duggan. That will link this media specific title to the last major media specific title, the WCW Television Title.

My nerd heart might explode.

Edited for ridiculous auto correct issue...

[Edited on 7-30-2011 by happy_buddha]

diablo_dor - 7-29-2011 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
His dad is ripped. Guess everyone in LI works out all day.

I think he mentioned in the AOW with Colt that his dad was a bodybuilder, or whatever the show guys are called.
There's some fantastic stories in that epsiode about daddy and Zack, even if it scared the shite out of me since Colt mentioned before that Zack would only get an ep when he was future endeavoured.

Awesome episode, EPisode? episODE?
the cartoon was fantastic, and I loved the Regal stuff especially his put down of Daniel.
Did anyone else expect Big O to find the title in the bin as he left the gym?

salmonjunkie - 8-4-2011 at 04:43 PM

Episode 25 is out. Zackdown!!!

JMD - 8-4-2011 at 05:05 PM

No link? Are you serious, bro?

TommyD420 - 8-4-2011 at 05:54 PM

That was by far Chris Masters' best promo ever.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 8-4-2011 at 06:53 PM

Even after 25 episodes, the guy continues to entertain!!

nOOb - 8-4-2011 at 10:39 PM

After watching, let's say, "certain videos" in a certain thread that won't be freely discussable until Friday night, it really does look like the people who need to be high on Ryder are, in fact, high on him. And that, at least, gives me a little hope they'll start utilizing him more. Let's just hope it's more than "as Santino's new sidekick".

Flash - 8-5-2011 at 05:16 AM

Hey quick question... Who's the Big O?

I've been watching since around episode 15 or so and he's just kinda been there. Is he a developmental guy, or just a gym buddy of Ryder's in LI?

Gotta say I was worried that Ryder was only hitting on note for a while and that it would get stale, but he's really evolved the show and just made it pure entertainment and a showcase for himself. He's only like 27 so the guy still has a lot of years ahead of him, but still its nice to see he's on the WWE's radar now. I think the fact that he's one of the younger main roster guys they can take their time a bit with him and really build him up instead of rushing him (okay... if anything they probably dragged their feet) as a flash in the pan, but instead build something sustainable.

diablo_dor - 8-7-2011 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Hey quick question... Who's the Big O?

From what I understood in his AOW interview The Big O was a guy from the gym in Long Island who walked up behind him & placed a set of headphones over his ears whilst he was working out, I think it was Backstreet Boys on the Ipod & they became fast friends.
I honestly have no idea if he has any Wrestling plans but he looks a few inches shorter than Ryder so that could be a hindrance.

I really hope they hold a funeral or some kind of memorial at least for the end of Melinas career.
hell, how perfectly fickle of Pappa Ryder to have Zack FINALLY arrange a date with daddy only for Mr R to completely ignore her since she has left TV.

Thom - 8-8-2011 at 06:01 PM

Masters was apparently released due to his use of the phrases "IWC" and "wrestling show."

And KK really just wants me to give her The Big O.

JB KING - 8-8-2011 at 06:14 PM

Im shocked. I thought you only liked big girls.

Cherokee Jack - 8-11-2011 at 12:11 AM



I gotta say though, I was hoping that we'd get the orange headband with "Woo Woo Woo" on it. Still, I'll definitely be looking to pick up one of these when I go to Hell in a Cell in October.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 8-11-2011 at 01:05 AM

At 10 bucks I think they'll be hot sellers. I would have thought they'd come gimmicked with fake spikes hair. How is my bald ass supposed to spike my hair? I feel so left out...

happy_buddha - 8-11-2011 at 03:59 PM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
At 10 bucks I think they'll be hot sellers. I would have thought they'd come gimmicked with fake spikes hair. How is my bald ass supposed to spike my hair? I feel so left out...

It's not impossible, it just makes sitting rather uncomfortable.

Stu - 8-12-2011 at 10:50 PM

Devineman - 8-12-2011 at 10:57 PM

Seemed a little forced this week and I'm not sure if I'm buying the "no push" thing whilst he's consistently on both Raw and Smackdown. Optimus Primo is awesome though.

salmonjunkie - 8-12-2011 at 11:41 PM

The "no push" thing was sent in by a viewer. He was Broski of the Week.

The Big O's comparison to CM Punk and the WWE Championship with his ho-snatching at the club was great!

Gobshite - 8-13-2011 at 12:42 AM

The Big O can actually cut a decent promo... he tweeted yesterday that he's going to wrestling school now (the same one Zack went to), so maybe next year he'll be ready to come join the Ryder Revolution...

Flash - 8-13-2011 at 12:53 AM

I like how more guys are getting in on this, its a great way to show another side of themselves and create new fans. I gotta say that Primo's willingness to take the piss out of himself by showing up in that Optimus Prime outfit really impressed me and I'm far more likely to cheer for him now were he ever given a few minutes on Raw some week.

Stu - 8-18-2011 at 06:28 PM

TomS - 8-18-2011 at 06:52 PM

Oh Rosa!

Thom - 8-18-2011 at 07:18 PM

TomS beat me to it.

Rosa's chimichangas, burritos - nom nom nom...

eta: Oh, man, I almost thought we were going to see "WWE giving Zack Ryder a shot."

[Edited on 8/18/11 by Thom]

diablo_dor - 8-18-2011 at 08:26 PM

Is Rosa Cartmans Jennifer Lopez in the flesh?
Oh I hoped he would mention he's on tv but then again what is he really doing on Zackdown anyway?

JB KING - 8-19-2011 at 02:57 AM

Rosa is clearly wearing that Broski shirt in the best way possible, god bless her.

punkerhardcore - 8-25-2011 at 10:53 PM

His dad rules.

gimmickless - 8-26-2011 at 06:46 AM

Way to send me over to @HeelZiggler. That user icon is golden. If by "golden", you mean extra-disturbing.

Thom - 8-26-2011 at 02:42 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
His dad rules.

Yes. Yes, he does.

Dolph was pretty awesome in his spot, too.

Anyone else think it was funny that Regal was talking to the same hairdresser as when he was on a few weeks ago? No? Ok...

OOMatt - 8-27-2011 at 04:38 PM

What was even more funny was that, when Regal asked rhetorically who got Zack to 100,000 hits faster than anybody, the hairdresser pointed to herself.

Tuff Daddy Cool - 9-2-2011 at 12:08 AM

I don't know how to embed it, but here it is. WWWYKI


CreativeInternetAliass - 9-2-2011 at 12:26 AM

Man, Dolph really was entertaining as hell on this one. They are missing out by not letting him talk more during the shows.

Wickedfrost - 9-2-2011 at 12:40 PM

I actually enjoyed the RKO clip - first person perspective on a finisher was pretty cool.

Thom - 9-2-2011 at 04:18 PM

Karate Kid Stanford? LOL.
Zack's Dad? Cool
Dolph? Owned.

The rest, not so great this week.


Cherokee Jack - 9-3-2011 at 12:52 AM

I think Big O just cut the non-CM Punk Promo of the Year.

Stu - 9-9-2011 at 01:26 AM

Ha! He calls out The Situation for stealing his gimmick.

OORick - 9-9-2011 at 02:55 AM

I can -- without shame -- admit that I'd watch episodes of that Zack Ryder cartoon. MegaTruth supplying his wisdom on a weekly basis could be bigger than Strong Bad.

Also -- with shame -- I have to admit I got a few weeks behind on watching the show. So from 3 weeks ago's episode, I have to say I'm deeply ashamed of Scott Stanford... you get Justin Roberts to be on the show, and harangue him to apply his various Annoying Announcer Habits to Zack, and you don't even request his best/worst one?

Clearly, the thing Zack Ryder's ring intro needs the most is Justin Roberts' trademark superfluous "Y," as seen in "Jhyyyyyyon Cena" and, to a lesser degree, "Randyyy Yorton." The world is begging for "Zyyyyyyack Ryder."


lz4005 - 9-9-2011 at 03:47 PM

The flippy Morrison cartoon needs to be Mr Parkour's new entrance video.

salmonjunkie - 9-9-2011 at 05:41 PM

I love the little touch with MegaTruth smoking the cigarette.

30 episodes! Finally, after 7 months, he's getting featured on Raw! Let's hope it keeps going. The kid deserves it.

Matte - 9-12-2011 at 04:27 AM


It's an interview between WWE.com and Zack.

EDIT: Justin Sane was a contender for the Internet Championship, heh.

[Edited on 9-12-2011 by Matte]

salmonjunkie - 9-12-2011 at 09:52 PM

Oh, what was the reference to the Bella Twins and the bathroom about? Anyone know?

Dyn-O-Mite - 9-13-2011 at 07:05 AM

Stopping to think about it, building off his last Tweet, it is amazingly impressive how relevant ZR has made himself despite a severe lack of exposure or any semblance of an attempt to get him over as an in-ring performer.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 9-15-2011 at 10:56 PM

C.MontgomeryPunk - 9-16-2011 at 12:06 AM

gimmickless - 9-16-2011 at 06:49 AM

Thom - 9-16-2011 at 01:46 PM

LOOOOOOOOVED this episode - especially the Ask the Heel segment.

And, since we're at it...

Thom - 9-16-2011 at 09:32 PM

Someone at the YouTube posting noted that the "Ask he Heel" logo looks almost exactly like the "Brazzers" logo.

So, I checked it out, and it sure does...

Paddy must be happy, now.

Gobshite - 9-16-2011 at 11:06 PM

I was just about to comment about the Brazzers logo - I'm guessing they did it on purpose...

S Kid J E T S 48 - 9-23-2011 at 02:59 AM

Hugh Jackman intro...who thought we'd see the day:

C.MontgomeryPunk - 9-23-2011 at 03:16 AM

Shoulda plugged Jackman's movie in his "like me on facebook, follow me on twitter, go see Hugh Jackman's movie, take care and spike your hair"...

Chris Is Good517 - 9-23-2011 at 03:54 AM

Zack. I'm not judging you because you drink Bud Light Lime. I'm judging you because you drink it out of a can.

salmonjunkie - 9-23-2011 at 06:41 AM

another great episode. I'm still waiting for this show to get tired and boring, and it has not.

anglefan85 - 9-23-2011 at 06:43 PM

First time I've seen the footage of Jackman punching Ziggler. He really clocked him. You could actually hear his fist connecting.

Also, much respect to Jackman for actually agreeing to have a cameo on Ryder's show. Always refreshing to see movie stars that are down-to-Earth.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 9-30-2011 at 02:53 AM

Ziggler...next big star...

JB KING - 9-30-2011 at 06:50 PM

Really difficult to take Ziggler seriously when fucking Archer is playing in the background haha

nOOb - 10-1-2011 at 06:05 PM

It's kinda sad that one of the most entertaining things about WWE right now is the Zack Ryder/Dolph Ziggler Twitter war. I loved this gem in particular:

HEELZiggler Dolph Ziggler
By the way, Anyone know how to hijack a viral web show??? #ImAskingForSomeoneElseISwear
29 Sep

diablo_dor - 10-2-2011 at 05:35 PM

Originally posted by JB KING
Really difficult to take Ziggler seriously when fucking Archer is playing in the background haha

That almost turned him face in my eyes.

I can't believe he got away with the Never say Never lyrics.

G-Spot - 10-5-2011 at 09:26 PM

Stone Cold Broski...


Pretty funny stuff!!!

JB KING - 10-7-2011 at 02:26 AM


Thom - 10-7-2011 at 01:14 PM

I don't know who's writing for TLIS - but they should take over creative over at the E.

diablo_dor - 10-7-2011 at 02:19 PM

Did it sound to anyone else that HHH was booed during that Pedigree?

I must admit he is doing more for publicity of Morrison & his new shirt than the WWE ever will.

I am loving the idea of a storyline in the show, and if it doesn't have Ziggler attack daddy they will be missing a huge opportunity.

I'd even have a heelish twist to JoMo by having him not want to have anything to do with Mr Ryder in the expectant Ziggler & Swagger tag challenge...

Frank Lloyd Wright - 10-7-2011 at 02:36 PM

Ziggler absolutely owns in his cameos! Now the beginnings of a storyline??...fun stuff

kiez - 10-7-2011 at 08:54 PM

Wow. Liked this episode alot. Definatly better than anything on tv right now! Also, Austins pic was awesome.

Gobshite - 10-7-2011 at 09:16 PM

Between his Rick-Rolling video on youtube, his twitter fights with punk and now this, it seems like Austin is becoming rather fun in his retirement.

JB KING - 10-14-2011 at 03:04 AM

Zack Ryder US title run? Not if Mason Ryan switches piss cups with him this month...

Also, it was different. Meh, for a serious episode the biggest laugh to me was random cena @ 5:15...and Primo.

Wickedfrost - 10-14-2011 at 04:15 AM

C.MontgomeryPunk - 10-14-2011 at 01:57 PM

I wonder if the new "drama" is to allow Ryder to cut serious promo's - to show the wwe brass he can be a serious character.

Unfortunately Big O cut the best promo of the vid. Too bad he's probably 5'10 tops...

I'm more interested in this than anything the wwe is doing right now - Ha!

I think it ends up with Giapetta/Ciapetta in cahoots with Ziggler, and faked the attack. Or with Morrison on the outs and likely not being resigned, Daddy Ryder is turning heel and finding a new wrestler to imitate.

[Edited on 10-14-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

Stu - 10-14-2011 at 04:08 PM

I was disappointed that the WWE Doctor didn't turn out to be a Mike Knox cameo.

nOOb - 10-14-2011 at 08:57 PM

It's too bad that WWE will likely not actually acknowledge any of this and will just throw Mason Ryan back into the role of Ryder.

Tuff Daddy Cool - 10-23-2011 at 04:32 PM

Look out for Mr. Z.

Thom - 10-23-2011 at 11:23 PM

Mr. Z mentioned his "perfect hair" and had the laugh. Michael McGillicutty?

I just hope it turns out to be someone other than Ziggler.

Stu - 10-24-2011 at 03:38 PM

The Big O? They had that photo of him right and the end, and Mr. Z left his name off the list of people he was going to attack.

Gobshite - 10-24-2011 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Thom
Mr. Z mentioned his "perfect hair"...

Mr Z was also wearing a singlet (as opposed to shorts) with the straps down, just like Mr Perect used to at Vengeance. He REALLY reminded me of Perfect last night.

nOOb - 10-28-2011 at 09:09 PM

Episode 37 of Z True Long Island Story was up for all of three minutes before WWE put in a Copyright claim and had it taken down

I got home about a half hour ago, logged on to see if the new episode was up, and it was. I went to go get some water, clicked on the video, and the Copyright deal popped up. Now, there's not even a thumbnail picture for the thing.

WWE's corporate office getting overzealous against YouTube, or is something bad about to happen?

diablo_dor - 10-28-2011 at 09:56 PM

Did anyone get a look at it? After 36 weeks of using recorded video at WWE events, Hell even some in ring footage has been used, I'd like to know that could be at issue.

Not to mention all the subtle jabs at corporate.


punkerhardcore - 10-28-2011 at 10:01 PM

If this is to be believed, maybe his catchphrase got him in trouble:

- Vince McMahon reportedly "freaked out" a few weeks back when seeing Zack Ryder's "Take Care, Spike Your Hair" t-shirt because of the word "Spike." Apparently this has to do with Spike TV and TNA being on their network.

We noted the other day that Ryder's shirts had sold out on WWE's shop website and he had a new Authentic shirt out. Word is that Vince originally wanted to pull the "Spike" shirts but decided to stop production on them but sell the ones that were in stock.

Take care, USA your hair.

[Edited on 10-28-2011 by punkerhardcore]

nOOb - 10-28-2011 at 10:10 PM

Yep, something's going on. Straight from the man himself's Twitter:


ZackRyder Zack Ryder
WWE has blocked this week's Episode of Z! True Long Island Story...grrrrrreat

JB KING - 10-28-2011 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
If this is to be believed, maybe his catchphrase got him in trouble:

- Vince McMahon reportedly "freaked out" a few weeks back when seeing Zack Ryder's "Take Care, Spike Your Hair" t-shirt because of the word "Spike." Apparently this has to do with Spike TV and TNA being on their network.

We noted the other day that Ryder's shirts had sold out on WWE's shop website and he had a new Authentic shirt out. Word is that Vince originally wanted to pull the "Spike" shirts but decided to stop production on them but sell the ones that were in stock.

Take care, USA your hair.

[Edited on 10-28-2011 by punkerhardcore]

Cant wait for people to wear modded Cena shirts


Stu - 10-28-2011 at 10:54 PM

According to his twitter now:
"RE-editing/RE-uploading Episode 37...hopefully it doesn't get blocked this time"

Love the "Higher Power" reference at the end.

[Edited on 28-10-11 by Stu]

MbahABako - 10-28-2011 at 11:54 PM

Fantastic promo by Ziggler this episode. That is clearly main event level stuff.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 10-29-2011 at 12:04 AM

BigEasyE - 10-29-2011 at 12:26 AM

Now that we know who assault Chiappetta, I have no idea where they are going to go with it. Liked the episode over all, but the storyline took an aweful peculiar turn...

JB KING - 10-29-2011 at 12:29 AM

I smell photoshop...any requests?

Stu - 10-30-2011 at 08:13 PM

@zackryder You've got a Broski in me...

salmonjunkie - 10-30-2011 at 11:20 PM

anybody know what it is he had to edit to keep it ok with WWE?

G-Spot - 10-31-2011 at 02:43 AM

Maybe the WWE didn't like the excessive use of the word "Broski" since they recently trademarked it.

cardscott5 - 10-31-2011 at 05:50 PM

I think it's because he played PPV footage. He's shown the end of almost all of his matches on the show.

Thom - 11-1-2011 at 02:23 PM

Huh... That's about all I got for this episode. I liked it, but - huh...

Holy shit - has anyone been to wweshop.com lately?


knuckleballschwartz - 11-1-2011 at 07:30 PM

Originally posted by wweshop.com
Zack Ryder Night Light

Zack Ryder will keep the boogeyman away, and add some style to your room! WWWYKI.

5� x 3 �� x 2�. Plastic. Motion Sensor round night light w/ full color imprint. AC operated, UL approved.

Are you serious bro?

C.MontgomeryPunk - 11-1-2011 at 07:53 PM

Originally posted by G-Spot
Maybe the WWE didn't like the excessive use of the word "Broski" since they recently trademarked it.

I think it might have been done automatically by Youtube. Most folks mirror the vids in order to get around the built in censors. Ryder doesn't do that.

punkerhardcore - 11-1-2011 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
At 10 bucks I think they'll be hot sellers. I would have thought they'd come gimmicked with fake spikes hair. How is my bald ass supposed to spike my hair? I feel so left out...

Looks like they read this and listened to your request--


knuckleballschwartz - 11-1-2011 at 08:33 PM

Looking again at that wweshop.com merch page, the youtube hits, twitter follows and the crowd reactions and signs; I am genuinely struggling to think of a wrestler not remotely in title/ME contention who has ever been this over. Who am I missing? JYD maybe?

denverpunk - 11-1-2011 at 09:55 PM

The closest one I can think of offhand is Rikishi, but he got a main event sniff later on. Ryder will get his shot down the road.

salmonjunkie - 11-3-2011 at 09:09 PM

Don't ever use Rikishi and "sniff" in the same sentence ever again.

Also, does anyone have any idea what all those initials and acronyms are that Ziggler is saying?

C.MontgomeryPunk - 11-3-2011 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Don't ever use Rikishi and "sniff" in the same sentence ever again.

Also, does anyone have any idea what all those initials and acronyms are that Ziggler is saying?

BLL = Bud Light Lime

NHE = Not Hot Enough

DTF = Down To Fuck

ED = Erectile Disfunction

JB KING - 11-3-2011 at 10:56 PM

- WWE is doing an angle where Zack Ryder is using a petition on Twitter to try and get John Laurinaitis to give him a United States Title shot against Dolph Ziggler. Here's the description from Ryder's petition:

"Even after I beat Dolph Ziggler last week, Interim GM John Laurinaitis refuses to grant me a United States Title Match. Are you serious, bro? You guys have supported The Long Island Iced Z and helped make my YouTube show awesome, so I�m hoping you�ll support me once again by signing my Twitter petition to force John Laurinaitis to give me a U.S. Title Match. WWWYKI!"

JB KING - 11-5-2011 at 05:51 AM

JB KING - 11-5-2011 at 05:51 AM


[Edited on 11-5-2011 by JB KING]

JB KING - 11-5-2011 at 05:51 AM

[Edited on 11-5-2011 by JB KING]

Stu - 11-5-2011 at 06:58 PM

I know they gave the evil twin a name, but I'm just gonna call him Scott Stanford Negro.

Wickedfrost - 11-11-2011 at 06:21 PM

JoMo was a letdown. Ziggler owns.

punkerhardcore - 11-11-2011 at 06:49 PM

Morrison just cannot speak, even when it's only on a webshow. I did like his little shot at Melina, though.

salmonjunkie - 11-11-2011 at 07:53 PM

Morrisson is so awkward on camera. I can't imagine what the Dirt Sheet would've been like without Miz.

Also, my thoughts on what Ziggler has that Ryder wants that isn't the US Title? Princess Leia

cardscott5 - 11-11-2011 at 08:32 PM

The picture at the very end of Cena in the Ryder wig was hilarious

BigEasyE - 11-12-2011 at 01:42 AM

Just in case someone might want to use it as an avatar:

DevilSoprano - 11-12-2011 at 02:27 AM

Morrison gets a lot of shit for his promo ability and rightly deserved, but I don't think he was that bad there. Not great by any stretch, but it wasn't ear splitting bad either.

whyme - 11-12-2011 at 04:28 PM

I'm so using that avatar!


Tuff Daddy Cool - 11-18-2011 at 12:49 AM

Dance off!!!

JB KING - 11-18-2011 at 01:54 AM

Im gonna get alot of requests on those dancing gifs arent I?

Stupid Sexy Jomo...

Thom - 11-18-2011 at 10:20 PM



What's with Ziggler and all the Britney Spears shirts he wears?

And Vickie is going to be pissed when she finds out...

diablo_dor - 11-19-2011 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Thom


What's with Ziggler and all the Britney Spears shirts he wears?

And Vickie is going to be pissed when she finds out...

Yeah, I only watched the last 3 today & noticed the random Britney shirt go unmentioned in 39 and then a different one in 40.
That was strange.

Having Daddy be semi naked seems worryingly not shocking, especially during a Morrison dance display.

Any idea who played Leia, obvious jokes involve Melina of course.
Kinda shocked they got away with implying she was doing in these PG days.

Dyn-O-Mite - 11-20-2011 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
Kinda shocked they got away with implying she was doing in these PG days.

This isn't WWE produced content or even content that airs on WWE controlled channels, so, provided he can live with the fallout from whatever IS aired, there's no such thing is getting away with airing anything.

[Edited on 11-20-2011 by Dyn-O-Mite]

diablo_dor - 11-20-2011 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Dyn-O-Mite

This isn't WWE produced content or even content that airs on WWE controlled channels, so, provided he can live with the fallout from whatever IS aired, there's no such thing is getting away with airing anything.

[Edited on 11-20-2011 by Dyn-O-Mite]

They stopped him uploading a recent ep, and with the use of copyrighted footage I'd say he probably needs some form of approval.

Then again maybe this gives Ziggler a chance to us a little more adult material.

Dyn-O-Mite - 11-23-2011 at 05:18 PM

Big difference between getting approval for material and being stopped from committing copyright infringement.

[Edited on 11-23-2011 by Dyn-O-Mite]

diablo_dor - 11-25-2011 at 11:33 PM


Don't know how to embed with my phone.
A shocking end, almost Dr Drake Ramoray worthy!

Stu - 11-25-2011 at 11:50 PM

Awesome ending. Zach's dad's taped bottles made me laugh too. Interesting development with the "getting permission" thing since he includes actual footage from the PPV in the episode.

salmonjunkie - 11-26-2011 at 02:45 AM

Interesting and fun way to say goodbye to Jomo. I wonder who Zack's dad will idolize now?

C.MontgomeryPunk - 11-26-2011 at 03:29 AM

Pretty neat episode and send off for Morrison.

I do find it interesting that Ryder bases his gimmick around his hair when it's obviously thinning, making a quick retreat up front and shows signs of a potential hidden bald spot on top.

I guess a heel could always shave his head, or he could lose a hair vs whatever match. Or he could shave his head in the last True Long Island Story episode and tell the fans to fuck themselves.

Or he can hit up the doctor who did the implants for Joe Hennig and Chavo Guerrero.

knuckleballschwartz - 11-26-2011 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
he could lose a hair vs whatever match..

Face Ryder losing a hair vs hair match against ziggler and then spending half the year trying to rediscover his mojo could a) be the comedy storyline of next year and b) get rid of the excessively comedic aspects of Ryder to allow him to really grow as a wrestler.

G-Spot - 11-26-2011 at 04:32 PM

Funny how everyone is talking about Ryder's hair...


"- Believe it or not, Zack Ryder currently has heat with some people in WWE for dying his hair blonde without permission. Certain officials are upset because all of his merchandise shows him with the dark hair."

S Kid J E T S 48 - 11-26-2011 at 07:18 PM

Also the part where his hair looks ridiculous now could be reason for concern, beyond the permission stuff.

TomS - 11-27-2011 at 01:13 AM

He's gone ginger now, not blond. I think now that it's lighter it gives the impression it's thinning. Or thinning more at least.

punkerhardcore - 11-27-2011 at 02:01 AM

What a stupid fucking reason for someone to have heat in the locker room. If it's a problem, tell him to dye it back... that would take like ten minutes.

Matte - 11-27-2011 at 02:15 AM

Yea, this is no different from when Dolph went black for one episode of Raw, only I guess he had permission to do it. Dolph bleached it back and all was resolved, just tell Zack to dye it back and ta-da!

Stu - 11-27-2011 at 02:53 AM

Honestly, they don't see it as an excuse to release a new blonde haired Zack Ryder action figure?

Thom - 11-27-2011 at 09:56 PM

Should have been R-Truth in the limo...

diablo_dor - 11-27-2011 at 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Thom
Should have been R-Truth in the limo...

Why? daddy Ryder being unconsolable whilst still playing Jonny 40 hands was what pushed the episode into the sublime.

punkerhardcore - 12-5-2011 at 05:41 PM

Big Show's brief appearance is great. Dolph's thing at the end was good, too.

JB KING - 12-5-2011 at 07:28 PM

Leave the memories aloooonnneeee

Seriously though this sucks without Jomo or Melina in the company anymore whats Zacks Dad gonna do now he was one of my favorite characters

TomS - 12-5-2011 at 07:31 PM

That tribute to John Morrison was very touching.

Thom - 12-5-2011 at 07:38 PM

I'm kinda bummed that they seem to have pretty much just dropped the story about Sanford/Evil-Sanford.

Cherokee Jack - 12-5-2011 at 07:44 PM

I want to see a mini-story arc over the next few weeks with Zack's Dad auditioning other people to be his new favorite superstar, while still struggling to cope with the loss of Morrison. Have a few upper-card guys like Big Show, Kane, and maybe even Cena, along with some Superstars-level guys like Barreta, Hawkins, Tatsu all try to woo (woo woo?) him into becoming a fan of theirs, while he responds to their pitches, and occasionally compares them to Morrison and breaks down.

happy_buddha - 12-6-2011 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by TomS
He's gone ginger now, not blond. I think now that it's lighter it gives the impression it's thinning. Or thinning more at least.


Wickedfrost - 12-9-2011 at 06:33 PM

Thom - 12-9-2011 at 07:54 PM

Feliz Navidad, Brochachos!

Loved Yoshi Claus.

Noticed, this time, that Ziggler appeared to be looking just off to the side of the camera. I wonder if he's reading his #Heel promos, or if this was just a one-off oddity.

salmonjunkie - 12-9-2011 at 08:23 PM

that was an awesome episode!

TonyTH - 12-16-2011 at 11:15 AM

Dolph's awesome. In case you didn't know.

Although the whole keyfabe thing make me laugh. I mean, Dolph sneaks into his show? Edit's his bits in and Ryder doesn't notice? How does that work again?

I don't care, but it's silly to think about. Also, I feel like they're having fun messing around together in these videos.

RYDER WENT OVER BEFORE THE PPV, OH MAN! Or does this count? It's youtube and all.

Thom - 12-16-2011 at 04:41 PM

I know it's "Uh oh - it's the Big O," but whenever I see his twitter handle, I think it's "U Ho Hits the Big O."

Is it just me, or does the "chain" Ryder's wearing look like anal beads?

And - in kayfabe theory - Ziggler stole Ryder's HDMI cable, so he can hack in and edit Z-TLIS. Yeah, I know, I know... Just go with it.


C.MontgomeryPunk - 12-16-2011 at 08:24 PM

What am I missing with the Chiapetta /Pepsi bit?

cardscott5 - 12-16-2011 at 10:10 PM

Am I the only one that thinks the spot on Zack's wall is a smudge on my computer screen for a second?

salmonjunkie - 12-16-2011 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Thom

Is it just me, or does the "chain" Ryder's wearing look like anal beads?

It reminds me of those free party favor beads that alcohol companies give at bars that are supposed to be like Mardi Gras beads.

But hey, to each his own.