TNA: Victory Road PPV (Now with 2% PPV Discussion, 98% Talk About Jeff Hardy's Wasted 90 Second Performance!)
Matte - 3-14-2011 at 12:39 AM

Plus, The Jarretts go on their honeymoon after renewing their vows!

[Edited on 3-15-2011 by OORick]

theflammablemanimal - 3-14-2011 at 12:58 AM

First blood match? One of the worst gimmick matches around.

And they're really going to waste ppv time with the honeymoon?

Matte - 3-14-2011 at 01:53 AM

New champs. Is that a vagina diagram on Sarita's tights?

ScottySN - 3-14-2011 at 02:02 AM

I'm looking forward to what gets set-up for the LockDown ppv next month, because I just bought tickets! Row F of the upper section cost me $75 for 2 tix.

firewoman - 3-14-2011 at 02:59 AM

Looks more like a uterus on Sarita's outfit there.

So Dreamer's record is now, what 1 to eleventy-million?

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-14-2011 at 03:06 AM

Originally posted by firewoman
Looks more like a uterus on Sarita's outfit there.

So Dreamer's record is now, what 1 to eleventy-million?

Maybe he meant Rosita's tights... ;-)

firewoman - 3-14-2011 at 03:09 AM

That would be more, wait, I'm not giving you all an anatomy lesson.

EricOMac - 3-14-2011 at 03:36 AM

The public school system has failed us all.

Either way, I'm a fan of these two.

Matte - 3-14-2011 at 03:41 AM

Originally posted by firewoman
Looks more like a uterus on Sarita's outfit there.

That's what I meant, the word just slipped my mind. I do know the difference.

drmuerto - 3-14-2011 at 03:52 AM

Not to derail the conversation, but checking as I was checking results on the NeWZ sites, I saw that the ME tonight was like a minute and half long. Was there a reason of this?

SaiyaJinDX - 3-14-2011 at 03:58 AM

What on earth was up with Sting squashing Jeff Hardy in under two minutes in the main event of a PPV???

My only thought is just to re-establish Sting's dominance and the announcers kept harping on the fact that he's "re-energized and re-invigorated." And if they want to have him squash guys- I can live with that to some degree. But do it on Impact, not on PPV when you have 20 minutes left in the show. That was ridiculous.

cardscott5 - 3-14-2011 at 03:59 AM

Originally posted by drmuerto
Not to derail the conversation, but checking as I was checking results on the NeWZ sites, I saw that the ME tonight was like a minute and half long. Was there a reason of this?

Was wondering this myself. If Sting can't wrestle, why is he the champ? It sounded like this ppv had a couple of good matches in the Ultimate X and the AJ/Hardy match. I don't really get the booking of the two main event matches. A double count out for Anderson and RVD, and Sting crushing Hardy are unbelievably unsatisfying endings. I'd like to know what TNA is thinking.

the goon - 3-14-2011 at 03:59 AM

Originally posted by drmuerto
Not to derail the conversation, but checking as I was checking results on the NeWZ sites, I saw that the ME tonight was like a minute and half long. Was there a reason of this?

It can only mean one thing: Jeff Hardy is officially going to prison.

No, I have no idea. Just read that as well and yeah...I don't get it. And Hernandez beat Morgan by spraying him with fake blood?


punkerhardcore - 3-14-2011 at 04:19 AM

I don't buy the theory that Sting can't go for longer than one minute. He looked fine on Impact just two weeks ago when he won the belt.

Apparently, the early rumor is that Jeff was in no condition to perform. Even if that's true, they had two other guys who'd JUST fought to a no-contest in a #1 contenders match! They could have been put into the main event if needed. There's just no excuse for that.

Cherokee Jack - 3-14-2011 at 04:28 AM

Random thought that is in NO WAY intended to start flames. NO WAY AT ALL.

Better PPV World Title match from each company's last PPV outing:

Miz vs Jerry Lawler, or Sting vs Jeff Hardy?

ETA: Apparently punker is right. Per PWInsider...

Numerous TNA sources are indicating the Sting vs. Jeff Hardy PPV main event went so short due to concerns over Jeff Hardy backstage. I am sure we'll hear more about this in the days to come.
Even if that's the case, as punker pointed out: there was a freaking #1 Contender's match on the same show! Let someone go over, whoever it might be, and have them run out and demand their shot right now after Sting squashes Jeff. That way you actually have a main event that won't make viewers never want to order a TNA PPV again.

[Edited on 3-14-2011 by Cherokee Jack]

ScottySN - 3-14-2011 at 05:05 AM

Didn't see it, but just off the top of my head, they could've had Hardy "taken out" backstage, and just show him face down on the floor... then forget the #1 Contender's match, and make the ME a three-way dance.

Record a brief promo from each Sting, Anderson and RVD to fill a little time, and voila! Problem solved.

Figure Foreskin - 3-14-2011 at 05:15 AM

So...I should order the replay, yes?

the goon - 3-14-2011 at 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Figure Foreskin
So...I should order the replay, yes?

Only for the main event.

Matte - 3-14-2011 at 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Figure Foreskin
So...I should order the replay, yes?

Welcome back. Did you bring Lucky with you?

Figure Foreskin - 3-14-2011 at 05:28 AM

I murdered Lucky and I was hiding out for a while.

denverpunk - 3-14-2011 at 07:01 AM

At this point, the entire wrestling industry needs to rid itself of Jeff Hardy. People can dislike the Lawler/Miz feud if they'd like, but at least the principals of that match didn't show up to the arena on an unholy cocktail of meth, Oxycontin, cheap bourbon, and barbiturates.

the goon - 3-14-2011 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
Random thought that is in NO WAY intended to start flames. NO WAY AT ALL.

Better PPV World Title match from each company's last PPV outing:

Miz vs Jerry Lawler, or Sting vs Jeff Hardy?

Speaking strictly as a wrestling fan and not as a "WWE vs. TNA" fanboy, give me Miz/Lawler any day of the week over this shit. It's actually kind of unfathomable that the number two wrestling company in North America had one of their bigger PPVs headlined by a match that was less than two minutes long because one of the participants was reportedly in "no condition to wrestle." How does that happen? This isn't the Heroes of Wrestling PPV featuring Jake Roberts.

Originally posted by denverpunk
At this point, the entire wrestling industry needs to rid itself of Jeff Hardy. People can dislike the Lawler/Miz feud if they'd like, but at least the principals of that match didn't show up to the arena on an unholy cocktail of meth, Oxycontin, cheap bourbon, and barbiturates.

I think that's jumping the gun. Let's wait until the latest Hardy Show update from a Waffle House in Florence, South Carolina to fill us in on all the facts about how this has all been blown out of proportion and Jeff is completely fine. And CM Punk is a nerd.

Matte - 3-14-2011 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
Random thought that is in NO WAY intended to start flames. NO WAY AT ALL.

Better PPV World Title match from each company's last PPV outing:

Miz vs Jerry Lawler, or Sting vs Jeff Hardy?

For all we know, the Sting/Hardy main event could've been a scheduled 20 minute match that had to be scrapped because of Jeff, whereas the Miz/Lawler shit was booked ahead of time and went on as planned. So yea, both are shitty excuses for PPV main event title matches, but Sting/Hardy may have had potential to begin with, while Miz/Lawler started out with none.

I can't say which I would rather have watched, as I've completely forgotten how Miz/Lawler went down and I didn't watch tonight's PPV.
Originally posted by the goon
It's actually kind of unfathomable that the number two wrestling company in North America had one of their bigger PPVs headlined by a match that was less than two minutes long because one of the participants was reportedly in "no condition to wrestle." How does that happen? This isn't the Heroes of Wrestling PPV featuring Jake Roberts.
How does that happen? Because it's Jeff Hardy. This shit's happened before. He's been doing pretty good for the past few months and has main evented a couple PPVs with decent aftermath, so management probably figured tonight was just another night. Send Hardy out there to do the job that he's shown for the past few months he's capable of doing. I don't blame TNA for this situation; I blame Hardy for it, if the rumors are true. Sure, they could've done some quick thinking and threw someone else out there to work with Sting, but that doesn't make me think that TNA is horrible because they scheduled a two minute main event match at their PPV, because for all we know, they didn't, and that's just what it became because Hardy relapsed into the unreliable worker that he was 5 months ago (or however long it's been since he's showed up to an event in "no condition to wrestle").

JB KING - 3-14-2011 at 10:17 AM

Forget the Lawler/Miz comparisons...
Sting passed up Wrestlemania and a fat paycheck for THIS?
And the #1 contenders match ended with no result?

the goon - 3-14-2011 at 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Matte For all we know, the Sting/Hardy main event could've been a scheduled 20 minute match that had to be scrapped because of Jeff, whereas the Miz/Lawler shit was booked ahead of time and went on as planned. So yea, both are shitty excuses for PPV main event title matches, but Sting/Hardy may have had potential to begin with, while Miz/Lawler started out with none.

I can't say which I would rather have watched, as I've completely forgotten how Miz/Lawler went down and I didn't watch tonight's PPV.

Yeah, but the question was simply which was the better PPV world title match. Without having seen either, I'm still going to wager Miz/Lawler was better than a 90 second Sting/Jeff squash.

Originally posted by Matte How does that happen? Because it's Jeff Hardy. This shit's happened before. He's been doing pretty good for the past few months and has main evented a couple PPVs with decent aftermath, so management probably figured tonight was just another night. Send Hardy out there to do the job that he's shown for the past few months he's capable of doing. I don't blame TNA for this situation; I blame Hardy for it, if the rumors are true. Sure, they could've done some quick thinking and threw someone else out there to work with Sting, but that doesn't make me think that TNA is horrible because they scheduled a two minute main event match at their PPV, because for all we know, they didn't, and that's just what it became because Hardy relapsed into the unreliable worker that he was 5 months ago (or however long it's been since he's showed up to an event in "no condition to wrestle").

I get what you're saying and this probably can mostly be put on Jeff.

But does this happen? You're the number two wrestling company in North America. You have a video game, DVDs, PPVs, a weekly TV show on Spike. Yet one of your top PPVs of the year features a main event that's 90 seconds long because your top heel is too fucked up to go? Whether it's Jeff's fault or not, TNA is the company that employs him (after Hall and Waltman, no less). They knew the risks going in, making a guy with both a history of drug use and pending drug charges the centerpiece of the company, complete with his own (retarded) world title belt.

I'm not saying crucify TNA for this, but I certainly don't feel bad for them that the guy with a history of fucking up, uh, fucked up. And if it turns out Jeff is innocent of these allegations, then we can start a new debate about why TNA booked a main event that lasted under two minutes for no reason.

Originally posted by JB KING Sting passed up Wrestlemania and a fat paycheck for THIS?

I've actually been wondering this even before the whole debacle tonight. Either wrestle the Undertaker at WrestleMania in the Georgia Dome in what would be a history-making match seen by millions or take the TNA title off of Jeff Hardy in Fayetteville, NC. And that's not a knock against TNA, but if you're Sting, why wouldn't you take the fat paycheck and WrestleMania moment, along with doing pretty much the only thing you've never done in your career?

CreativeInternetAliass - 3-14-2011 at 11:37 AM

The reason why Sting hasn't taken the fat paycheck is simple, he is a man of principal. He once said he would never wrestle for Vince McMahon, perhaps he is merely choosing to stand by that rather then take the easy money. Maybe if Vince completely stepped aside he will make a WWE appearance, but I somehow imagine he will forever remain the One big name from the Monday night wars to never wrestle for the wwf/e.

As for the PPV, it was a solid show that had some good match's but some horrible finishes. And the main event situation was inexcusable, that was some pathetically lame crap from TNA.

salmonjunkie - 3-14-2011 at 12:20 PM

Originally posted by the goon
I've actually been wondering this even before the whole debacle tonight. Either wrestle the Undertaker at WrestleMania in the Georgia Dome in what would be a history-making match seen by millions or take the TNA title off of Jeff Hardy in Fayetteville, NC. And that's not a knock against TNA, but if you're Sting, why wouldn't you take the fat paycheck and WrestleMania moment, along with doing pretty much the only thing you've never done in your career?

Sting's the dumbest man in pro wrestling?

theflammablemanimal - 3-14-2011 at 12:25 PM

Judging by the past few years, I'll take the cynical view and say Sting didn't take the fat paycheck because he would have had to do the job and then probably just chase the title and deal with a tougher schedule. Now he's already the champ, and he'll probably continue his TNA run of never wrestling on free tv and almost never jobbing.

And this main event is completely on TNA. They should know they always need a backup plan for Hardy and, barring that, unless he smoked up right before the match, they had a few hours to come up with an alternate plan, which should have taken all of 5 minutes.

But they have shown in the last few months that they are absolutely horrible at booking on the fly.

punkerhardcore - 3-14-2011 at 12:34 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
And this main event is completely on TNA. They should know they always need a backup plan for Hardy

It's 100% on TNA. And it's not even having a backup plan... if management has time to say, "Fuck! Ok, uh, go out there and job in one minute," then they have time to say, "Fuck you, Jeff, there's no way you're going out there. Send out RVD and Anderson for a triple threat." That takes all of five seconds to think of.

Cherokee Jack - 3-14-2011 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Matte
For all we know, the Sting/Hardy main event could've been a scheduled 20 minute match that had to be scrapped because of Jeff, whereas the Miz/Lawler shit was booked ahead of time and went on as planned.
I understand and agree. However, as I said, it isn't so much "what was originally planned" as "If Jeff was in no condition to wrestle, why do you still throw that out there as your main event, which is sure to piss off everyone who forked over $40 (or whatever they're charging these days) enough to probably not want to purchase your product again?"

Have RVD or Anderson come out after the squash and demand an immediate shot (Anderson would probably make more sense, he has more heelish tendencies about him). Have them lay out Jeff and end up in a triple threat. Whatever. Don't promote a PPV Main Event and just end it in 90 seconds because Jeff can't get his shit together.

If Jeff Hardy ever has another reign as TNA World Champion, this company is dumber than any of us could have thought.

EDITED: to fix my quoting fuckup

[Edited on 3-14-2011 by Cherokee Jack]

angstboy - 3-14-2011 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
At this point, the entire wrestling industry needs to rid itself of Jeff Hardy. People can dislike the Lawler/Miz feud if they'd like, but at least the principals of that match didn't show up to the arena on an unholy cocktail of meth, Oxycontin, cheap bourbon, and barbiturates.

Really, that's COMPLETELY unfounded. Everyone knows he drinks the top shelf stuff.

Chris Is Good517 - 3-14-2011 at 04:04 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
It's 100% on TNA. And it's not even having a backup plan... if management has time to say, "Fuck! Ok, uh, go out there and job in one minute," then they have time to say, "Fuck you, Jeff, there's no way you're going out there. Send out RVD and Anderson for a triple threat." That takes all of five seconds to think of.


Also, and this can't really be stated enough, it's Jeff Hardy. I notice that not a single person here has had a reaction along the lines of "Oh, Hardy showed up stoned/drunk and unable to perform? No shit? Weird." Putting Hardy in a prominent position where he is to be relied upon to be responsible and make good decisions is akin to an NFL team going out this off-season and and bringing in Ryan Leaf to be their starting QB. It's their decision, but they know exactly what they're getting and if they think they're going to get anything else, they're stupid.

Mostly, though, TNA is stupid for not having some kind of contingency plan. Send fucking Rob Terry out there for ten minutes, for crying out loud. Do something. If Hardy was in the condition it's being claimed he was in, it's not like he was going to care.

theflammablemanimal - 3-14-2011 at 04:52 PM

Assuming this Hardy stuff is true, that's the end of Immortal, right? I mean, Jeff's got to be fired and that group was already pretty thin. Plus, who else in that group can step up? Jarrett? Matt? Or do they just screw logic and have Anderson join or, even worse, turn AJ again?

And what does this mean for Matt? Will he be marginalized again once Jeff is gone or will they actually pretend he's a main eventer?

denverpunk - 3-14-2011 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by angstboy
Really, that's COMPLETELY unfounded. Everyone knows he drinks the top shelf stuff.

Yep, only the best Old Grandad for Jeff.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-14-2011 at 05:39 PM

TNA has sent Jeff Hardy home from tapings this week. Oooo that'll teach him a lesson.

This can't reflect well in his plea bargaining attempt. I guess maybe he figures rehab or probation with drug testing will be in his deal so he's going out with a bang or something.

southermagu - 3-14-2011 at 05:41 PM

Actually, the bigger story here is that TNA allowed a performer to work a live PPV while he was supremely fucked up.

What reason could they possibly have for allowing that to happen?

If I were Sting, I'd be ripping someone a new asshole.

And I'm sorry, but if this had been Vince, someone would have been sent home and then released shortly thereafter and we all know it.

I'm not a huge defender of the WWE and I've never looked at TNA as second rate just because they aren't WWE, but this shit is unbelievable.

mark markham - 3-14-2011 at 06:23 PM

Jeff Hardy is on a's Jeff Hardy!

Winning...or jobbing I guess...

S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-14-2011 at 06:28 PM

I saw Jeff Hardy trend on Twitter last night and got scared he was dead. Of course, it would have been better if I had known there was a PPV last night as I would have just thought he had a great match...etc.

TNA is most likely to blame for putting on a shitty end to last night's show, even if it was last minute or whatever...but my gripe is less with that, and more with their lax substance abuse policy.

This has been building forever - we've known TNA doesn't do anywhere near the testing WWE does, whether its money reasons or not - they have fostered an environment where stuff like this could happen.

It is less my concern that they wound up stuck doing something stupid at the end of the show, at the very least I could say, who knows if they had any idea what Hardy was like until 2 seconds before he went out there and got stuck and didn't want to just throw performers out there on the fly randomly.

But this should be the tipping point to them showing that they cannot just be the company that takes all. They can't think that every wrestler death will just hit the brow of their competitor. If Hardy dies or kills someone in their ring, TNA will be done. They need to have the mettle to say no to him, or force him out until he can get clean, whether it ruins their plans or their need for big stars.

We already know of his "condition" when he came back from an overseas tour where he was "tired". Buying his excuse or not, anything like that has to get TNA to blow the fire alarm and be extra careful with him...either they did or didnt, but monitoring obviously hasn't worked, other than to save Sting from working with someone that could have hurt him.

For all we know, TNA could be the last shot at a major competitor for the WWE. If Hardy goes off the deep end one day and really does something stupid, it could destroy them in a way Benoit almost destroyed the WWE. They need to step up, especially in this age of testing and concern, and try to get Hardy help.


On Sting not leaving for WWE so he could settle for this:

I'm not taking that tact. I'm sure any contract he would have gotten with the WWE would have made him not just appear at Wrestlemania, but been for at least 6 months, and probably would include all TV and most house shows. There's no way at his age that I blame Sting for not taking that, no matter what the money is. If he's saved up, a TNA income would be more than enough to suppliment him for all I could guess. If he could work 2-3 days a month and get paid well, it probably made the most sense working with people he knows and trusts (well...disregard Hardy for this minute, I mean Dixie and the writers) than going to unfamiliar WWE.

(And on the WWE thing, I can't imagine he didn't go because "he promised to never do anything with Vince McMahon or anything". If Bret Hart forgave Vince, I can't imagine anyone's stigma against McMahon is strong enough to declare he's never working for him.)

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-14-2011 at 06:31 PM

Originally posted by CreativeInternetAliass
The reason why Sting hasn't taken the fat paycheck is simple, he is a man of principal. He once said he would never wrestle for Vince McMahon, perhaps he is merely choosing to stand by that rather then take the easy money. Maybe if Vince completely stepped aside he will make a WWE appearance, but I somehow imagine he will forever remain the One big name from the Monday night wars to never wrestle for the wwf/e.

As for the PPV, it was a solid show that had some good match's but some horrible finishes. And the main event situation was inexcusable, that was some pathetically lame crap from TNA.

What principle? TNA is a lot more raunch than wwe is now. So if he wants to be that one guy who never worked for Vince, so be it, but it's not based on any high and mighty principle.

punkerhardcore - 3-14-2011 at 06:51 PM

Here's the whole debacle in case you didn't see it, minus Jeff's entrance. I don't know how long this will actually stay up, though.

A few notable things-- It looks like Hebner throws up the X during Sting's entrance. And I get the impression that neither guy knew what was going to go down until Bischoff whispers instructions to them while in the ring. Sting looks pretty disgusted after the match, and him shouting, "I agree!," to the crowd's "Bullshit" chant was pretty funny.

southermagu - 3-14-2011 at 06:54 PM

I haven't heard anything suggesting this, but I think Sting was completely ready to step away from the business after he dropped the title (and subsequent rematch) to AJ.

Why he returned after that, I don't know.

Why he's back now? Same answer.

Maybe Nash and Booker's departures made him feel like TNA needed him or something. I wouldn't be surprised if that was part of his motivation. By all accounts, Sting is a nice guy.


After having seen that, I'd have to say that Sting might be the nicest guy in wrestling. It's clear that Hardy wasn't there to work and I'm pretty sure we just saw the rare screwjob that doesn't involve taking a title off a performer.

I'd have beaten the holy hell out of him.

[Edited on 3-14-2011 by southermagu]

nOOb - 3-14-2011 at 07:19 PM

:58 Seconds for the X. I swear, I haven't done that much digging into a video that didn't have a potential nip slip...well...ever. I think Jeff thought he was kicking out of the Deathdrop, because it looked like he was trying to kick out, but Sting had all his weight on him.

I think I understand why they held off on an immediate match afterward: TNA has a match planned for their next PPV and they didn't want to throw off their entire schedule because a meth-head decided to come to work stoned. But they couldn't have had a backup plan to that? You're telling me that they didn't have Abyss there or, like someone else mentioned, you couldn't pull someone like Rob Terry out from the back to try and soften up Sting in a "warmup match" or something? I feel for TNA, but it's the bed they made for themselves.

JB KING - 3-14-2011 at 07:23 PM

"Things are op" - Jeff Hardy Tweet

I think he meant "ok" that or he went the Charlie Sheen road by calling himself overpowered.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-14-2011 at 07:24 PM

The T-Shirt thing is incredibly weird and at least looking back, you can see something is up. Knowing what we know now as well, its obvious Bischoff is giving instructions, and its less obvious, but seems like Sting held onto the pin while Hardy was actually trying to kick out.

Sting's a better guy than me...if I'm him and Hardy just fucked up the main event of a PPV, I go outside and get a chair and hit him the same way he sloppily caused Kennedy to get a major concussion.

I'm sure they had no idea what they were doing at that moment with the confusion, but I found it funny that after a No-DQ match was set, Hebner still called Sting off Hardy when Hardy put his body through the ropes.

JB KING - 3-14-2011 at 07:32 PM

I think DevSop suffered from an aneurysm trying to come up with some sort of justification to this bullshit. Which is too bad because I do want to know his thoughts on this PPV and the company as a whole currently and how it may effect its future.

theflammablemanimal - 3-14-2011 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk

What principle? TNA is a lot more raunch than wwe is now. So if he wants to be that one guy who never worked for Vince, so be it, but it's not based on any high and mighty principle.

This. Sting now works for a company that used to have go go dancers and is currently booked by the guy who came up with much of the "offensive" stuff in WWE (probably including HLA). And its jot like WCW was that pure to begin with.

By the way, since someone mentioned Abyss, is he injured or is there another reason that they wrote him (and apparently the global/legends/tv title) off of tv?

JB KING - 3-14-2011 at 07:48 PM

Good name pretty mch says it all

G-B - 3-14-2011 at 08:06 PM

TNA is stupid. You re-write shit all the time, but you can't re-write this one? There are some comments over on 411 saying that if this were the WWE, Hardy would have been fired on the spot. I say not true.

They'd have sent him and rebooked the event. No one would have seen Jeff Hardy, and the diffusion of the issue would have already started. But that's how a major corporation with a wealth of knowledgeable people handle situations.

The video above is how TNA handles situations.

Back to the WWE, they would have suspended Hardy and sent him to rehab. If he refused, they'd fire him. They're smart like that. They do their best to put it on the talent. You refused to go to rehab? That's on you...fired. You had a wellness violation after having 2 suspensions for prior violations? That's on you...fired.

Instead, Hulk Hogan tweets that he's trying to figure things out, brother.

I have a feeling I need to destroy TNA in my column this week. They've earned it.

punkerhardcore - 3-14-2011 at 08:16 PM

I will say this-- for as (supposedly) wasted as he was, Jeff did a remarkably good job on his facepaint.

And I'll be the first one to rip TNA a new one for this particular main event, but a lot of comments on various news sites are saying the company as a whole sucks, and I don't really think that's fair. Seems like the PPV was ok-to-good up until this... it was just a shitty/panicked decision that I doubt will ever happen again.

doctorb - 3-14-2011 at 08:19 PM

After seeing the video, and agreeing that it looks like Bischoff called an audible, I wonder if anyone even knew Hardy was fucked up before Hebner threw up the X?

I mean, saying Hardy has the shits and can't compete so you have to go against the biggest Immortal member we have, Rob Terry!! would make sense but if they let Hardy get all the way to the ring and announce the match, then the options get a lot worse.

Not sure if that exonerates TNA at all because someone should have made sure he could go before he got all the way to the ring.

It sure looked like Hardy was trying his best to kick out. Bischoff whispers that you're high and you're about to get squashed to protect everybody and you still try to kick out? What a douche.

TomS - 3-14-2011 at 08:19 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
I will say this-- for as (supposedly) wasted as he was, Jeff did a remarkably good job on his facepaint.

That's what you think - he was actually trying to copy Sting's.

And I'm done with TNA. I've been watching less and less of it recently but I think I'm finished with it now. If someone could post a vid of Mickie James' latest boobie jiggle each week then I'd be most grateful.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-14-2011 at 08:25 PM

The re-booking should have Hardy not answer when his music hits. Sting gets on the mic and says since he came here to fight and since the fans came to see a title match and since the #1 contenders match didn't have a finish let's have ourselves a three-way dance. Kennedy and RVD are pro's enough to ad-lib a five minute match, Sting eventually wins of course. Kennedy and RVD are protected the next Thursday by saying "We already fought a match that night, and Sting tried to take advantage of us to knock us both out of the #1 contenders slot. This would also set up the eventual Kennedy/RVD vs Sting one-on-one match as still being fresh and viable.

cardscott5 - 3-14-2011 at 08:26 PM

I don't know if Jeff was trying to kick out, or just doing the thing people do when they get caught in a roll up and lose. I think it was the latter. I don't know why TNA would throw him out in the match either. From the video, it seems they made the decision to change the match very, very, very last minute, with Bischoff coming out and changing it. I think that's what the X was for. Then again, who knows. If TNA had doubts about Hardy, they shouldn't have let him compete. Since the Anderson match went to a double count out, have one, or both of them, have a backstage confrontation with Hardy right after, and beat the shit out of him and take his title shot. That would have worked better than that.

SpiNNeR72 - 3-14-2011 at 08:47 PM

I wonder what was going on at 4:10ish (in the vid on the last page) - its as if Hardy puts something in his mouth after Bischoff shaking hands with him..

But yeah, this was an epic fail for TNA. In a way, I understand them putting Jeff out so the fans could see it was him that was fucked up - dammit he could harldy walk and stumbled into the ring. Sure, he usually walks like he's stoned but the difference was notable.

However - despite what others have said - this was NOT a snap/quick/last minute decision. As already mentioned Anderson and RVD were there, hell even having them rush the ring to a no decision brawl after Sting pinned Hardy would have been acceptable, but no.

TNA TOOK THE TIME to prepare a full recap video package! They already DECIDED, with time to do that, that the main event was running short.

That. Sucks. And is lazy, so fucking lazy.

Fuckit, having Joe run out and flatten Sting with no explanation would have sent the fans home happy. Or even just have Angle appear on the ramp! So so so simple. but no.

Fuck them.

Flash - 3-14-2011 at 08:54 PM

Bad timing for Hardy and this attention (as I'm sure the Lafayetteville DA is following these news updates ) but he apparently meets with them this Wednesday.

While I would have loved to have seen Sting take on the Undertaker at this years WM, I do tend to see Sting sticking with TNA after Booker bailed and Nash buried them as a classy thing on his part. I doubt very much he would have had more than a small contract consisting of some TV and Mania, with maybe a Maddison Sq gardens house show if that was on the books already, so I think the work schedules would probably have been the same. Considering I read somewhere that Orton got like an 800k bonus for headlining WM a couple of years ago I don't think you can compare the money, but Sting is probably sitting pretty from all those Turner cheques in the past... so if he didn't need the cash, good for him for sticking around to help TNA out.

I'm wondering if it wasn't Sting who decided enough was enough and just hosed Jeff, not that I blame him for not wanting to work with a guy in that state. It kinda looks to me like TNA did try and call an audible by having Bischoff come out to rejig the match into a no DQ that probably would have seen more safe brawling and allowed for a better cover for Hardy where he was brutally beaten down? My guess is the call for the injured "X" might have been some quick thinking on Hebnar's part to help cover for Hardy going down so quick as that is a fairly well known cue to the back at this point. Maybe Sting was game with the plan until Hardy kept playing around with the shirt bit...?

This is just bad, and probably the last thing TNA wanted as the last few months have seen them with some egg on their face over the Nash/Booker T jumps at the last minute, Angle's hints that all is not well between him and Dixie, and now this.

edit: that was quick... the youtube vid is down now. Also I messed up, the call for the "X" came before the match.... my bad.

[Edited on 3-14-2011 by Flash]

Fifth Horseman - 3-14-2011 at 09:00 PM

I'm giving all the credit to Brian Hebner for this one. And I mean that in a good way.

I won't pretend to know what REALLY goes on backstage at a wrestling show, but I bet it's a pretty chaotic place, especially on a night of a pay-per-view. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Hardy only got a few "hey, how are yous" during the night, and walked down the ramp without anyone having any idea as to what condition he was in. Maybe Hebner was the first guy all night to get a good look at him and figure it was worth calling for help.

If that IS what really happened, then I can understand why Bischoff took that time on the mic, and it explains why a spontaneously blurted-out no-DQ stip was ignored. And good on Sting for doing the match, but it's a damn shame that between him and Bischoff, the best they could come up with was that.

OORick - 3-14-2011 at 09:01 PM

Just popping in to provide a re-do of the youtube on the previous page (which has long since been yanked):

I'll refrain from editorializing about the VINTAGE~! Jeff Hardy and let the video speak for itself. I'm classy like that.

Somebody should add some CM Punk promos from summer '09. He's not classy like me.


firewoman - 3-14-2011 at 09:15 PM

Wow Sting's a little pissed off at the end walking up the ramp. Dunno what the crowd said to him that he agreed with, but I'll bet it was something like "that's bullshit."

Originally posted by Fifth Horseman
I'm giving all the credit to Brian Hebner for this one. And I mean that in a good way.

I won't pretend to know what REALLY goes on backstage at a wrestling show, but I bet it's a pretty chaotic place, especially on a night of a pay-per-view. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Hardy only got a few "hey, how are yous" during the night, and walked down the ramp without anyone having any idea as to what condition he was in. Maybe Hebner was the first guy all night to get a good look at him and figure it was worth calling for help.

Yeah, it looks like he throws the X and then heads to the corner to meet with a production assistant or something, who then goes backstage to maybe get someone.

[Edited on 3-14-2011 by firewoman]

salmonjunkie - 3-14-2011 at 09:44 PM

Sting looks pretty pissed off after winning the match. He gets up, puts his hands on his hips, doesn't look excited to win, just dangles the belt to his side when it's given to him, and the whole time just has that angry and disappointed stare towards Hardy. Also, the look on Hardy's face after the pin definitely suggests he wasn't in on the quick loss. I can't see when Hebner and Sting communicate on this being the outcome, but I guess that what makes them pros.

So maybe it's time to finally get rid of that lavender piece of pleather with the mardi gras mask on it and get an actual legitimate championship title that actually looks like a world class belt.

[Edited on 3-14-2011 by salmonjunkie]

SpiNNeR72 - 3-14-2011 at 09:47 PM

Originally posted by firewoman
Wow Sting's a little pissed off at the end walking up the ramp. Dunno what the crowd said to him that he agreed with, but I'll bet it was something like "that's bullshit."

Originally posted by Fifth HorsemanI won't pretend to know what REALLY goes on backstage at a wrestling show, but I bet it's a pretty chaotic place, especially on a night of a pay-per-view. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Hardy only got a few "hey, how are yous" during the night, and walked down the ramp without anyone having any idea as to what condition he was in. Maybe Hebner was the first guy all night to get a good look at him and figure it was worth calling for help.

Yeah, it looks like he throws the X and then heads to the corner to meet with a production assistant or something, who then goes backstage to maybe get someone.

That all sounds good, but falls down, as I mentioned before, when you remember TNA had the time to put together a recap package to fill the PPV time. They couldn't have done that in the 1-2 minutes they had once Hardy was in the ring. Sure, a good production team can knock one together fast, but not *that* fast.

salmonjunkie - 3-14-2011 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by OORick
Somebody should add some CM Punk promos from summer '09. He's not classy like me.


I'm like Saturday morning. No class!

Matte - 3-14-2011 at 09:55 PM

Is there a YouTube of the video package? Depending on what it was, they could have been putting it together throughout the show, and could have just finished it up after adding the main event to it. I believe TNA often does recap videos for some of their shows, but I could be remembering that from years ago.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-14-2011 at 10:04 PM

Until I know exactly when they finally found out Jeff couldn't go, I have a hard time killing TNA for allowing him to go to the ring, the squash, etc. Maybe there were better options, but to TNA its possible their main goal was to make sure Jeff Hardy didn't do anything to hurt himself or Sting and they sent Bischoff out there to stop it.

Then, who knows who has final say what to do. Maybe Russo could call an audible or whatever, or maybe thats Bischoff's job, except he was at the ring and unable to talk to anyone backstage...I don't know. It's a mess and at this point, I'm 100% blaming Hardy for last night.

Until more details fall out, the only place I really blame TNA, is just allowing this to get to this point between lack of a drug testing policy, and lack of accountablity- knowing what you have in Jeff Hardy and not controlling it out of fear of losing him.

Now they've lost him. I don't know how they can trust him again.

Flash - 3-14-2011 at 10:11 PM

Just read on his wiki entry that he got married on March 9th... maybe he thought he was still on his honeymoon?

As to TNA's involvement/culpability, I guess we'll get somewhat of an answer with this weeks tapings. While I don't expect them to completely hang him out to dry, if they take the full bullet for him and just say "what an amazing upset" or some crap like that, then they deserve to get scewered.

I've checked out both Hardy's twitter pages and thus far no comments, and even the "OMG NEWZ" sites are dredging up anything too spectacular either, so I'm guessing TNA still doesn't know what they are going to do.

JB KING - 3-14-2011 at 10:19 PM

Suddenly Matte's sig just might win a booardie now. If there is a category for sigs.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-14-2011 at 10:20 PM


Matt Hardy Speaks!

Matt Hardy Makes First Comments About Jeff's Situation
Mar 14, 2011 - 4:19:53 PM

Following reports that TNA star Jeff Hardy has been sent home from TNA due to his "condition" backstage at Sunday's Victory Road pay-per-view, Jeff's brother Matt has issued his first public comments regarding the situation.

Matt tweeted on Monday afternoon:

"Well, today has been quite the interesting day to say the least. And yes, Jeff is fine. I'm (definitely) fine. Just sore from busting my ass last night."

As previously reported, Jeff Hardy tweeted on Sunday night that "Things are op," which apparently means "things are okay."

I think the biggest news from this has been that Matt Hardy busted his ass for the first time in 3 years.

Otherwise, nothing at all.


By the way...did other things happen on this PPV?

Morgoloth - 3-14-2011 at 11:19 PM

Geez. That entire thing made me feel uncomfortable. I felt worse of all for Sting. I hope he didn't remain quiet and had some words with the TNA higher ups about getting rid of this embarassment to their company.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-14-2011 at 11:25 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Now they've lost him. I don't know how they can trust him again.

Ever see Team America World Police? Specifically 2:45-5:25 of this clip -

The Riot Act - 3-14-2011 at 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Fifth Horseman
I'm giving all the credit to Brian Hebner for this one. And I mean that in a good way.

I won't pretend to know what REALLY goes on backstage at a wrestling show, but I bet it's a pretty chaotic place, especially on a night of a pay-per-view. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Hardy only got a few "hey, how are yous" during the night, and walked down the ramp without anyone having any idea as to what condition he was in. Maybe Hebner was the first guy all night to get a good look at him and figure it was worth calling for help.

I find that a little hard to believe. I mean, surely Sting would have at least spoken to Hardy to go over the match they were supposed to have. And Hardy was in his full gear and facepaint, so he must have been in the locker room at some point prior to the match.

The only part of this that really makes sense and doesn't surprise in the least is that Jeff Hardy was an embarrassment to the company and to the business as a whole.

Fifth Horseman - 3-14-2011 at 11:51 PM

I certainly agree with that last sentiment.

Like I said, I don't know. Maybe he showed up in good condition, then did something there. Maybe they talked about it earlier in the week. Maybe Sting did all the talking and Hardy just nodded his head in agreement. Whatever the scenario, I would think there would be more ramifications than Hardy being kept off the tapings tonight, and Hogan tweeting that they're looking into the situation.

borntorun - 3-15-2011 at 12:18 AM

Or maybe because it's TNA they're going to make Jeff Hardy the Charlie Sheen of wrestling. I'm not serious, but I wouldn't put it past them.

Matte - 3-15-2011 at 12:32 AM

JB KING, looks like you might soon have a new image to post in every thread.

@TheJimCornette Just watched #TNA ...I have to come up with a new face.

DudeLove721 - 3-15-2011 at 12:34 AM

Not sure who's the bigger douchebag, Matt or Jeff: Leave it to MH to use Jeff's situation to help promote himself -- as if anyone gives a shit about his match.

happy_buddha - 3-15-2011 at 12:54 AM

In regards to the recap package, live events aren't put together the same way as post-productions. There is a nifty little box called an EVS that is server based playback. As the event goes, the operator clips off bits here and there, then can line them up in a playlist immediately. Those recaps are assembled this way, allowing them to be built on the fly and to any length. There is no render time, so no delay.

G-B - 3-15-2011 at 01:13 AM

I've been dismissing this whole "it was a work" idea all along, but one thought came to mind. What time did the PPV end? (I didn't watch it)

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-15-2011 at 01:38 AM

It's possible. I don't know how painting your top star as a meth head junkie is good booking though nor is pissing off your PPV buying base, not to mention he has a court date next week on drug charges where the deal will be struck and his fate will be known.

They are storylining Hardy's absence at the tapings in progress though, so who knows. And some things don't add up with putting Hardy out in front of the camera in such a messed up state.

[Edited on 3-15-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

DevilSoprano - 3-15-2011 at 01:42 AM

Originally posted by G-B
I've been dismissing this whole "it was a work" idea all along, but one thought came to mind. What time did the PPV end? (I didn't watch it)

1045ish with about a 5-10 minute video package after the pinfall.

[Edited on 3-15-2011 by DevilSoprano]

BC - 3-15-2011 at 02:18 AM

There is no defense for it.


At least when TNA does it, it's an aberration. When WWE does it, it's called Raw.

theflammablemanimal - 3-15-2011 at 02:22 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
It's possible. I don't know how painting your top star as a meth head junkie is good booking though nor is pissing off your PPV buying base, not to mention he has a court date next week on drug charges where the deal will be struck and his fate will be known.

Well, he is the Morningstar, the Antichrist of professional wrestling.

G-B - 3-15-2011 at 02:29 AM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
1045ish with about a 5-10 minute video package after the pinfall.

Yeah, if you couple in the Bischoff stalling, this wasn't a work. Possible a re-work on the fly, but in no way was this part of a long-term plan.

And for the RAW comment I saw: And it's not called RAW when the WWE does it, because the WWE wouldn't do this in 2011. Hardy wouldn't have been seen on TV at all under that condition in the WWE, unless it was face down on the floor backstage after an attack. TNA either chose to let it play out in front of the world, or if it was really discovered by Brian Hebner as Hardy walked out, then something is really wrong with their backstage agents.

Matte - 3-15-2011 at 02:33 AM

I think he just meant the two minute match thing.

G-Spot - 3-15-2011 at 02:41 AM

Jericho just tweeted...

"TNA + Jeff Hardy=I don't buy it... #winning"

Cherokee Jack - 3-15-2011 at 02:46 AM

He did mean the two-minute match thing.

And as I responded in chat, when WWE does it, it's called Raw, which means people aren't paying 40 bucks for it.

Paddlefoot - 3-15-2011 at 03:13 AM

What a jackass loser. That wasn't Jake Roberts levels of bad but it certainly exceeded Scott Hall levels of bad.

DevilSoprano - 3-15-2011 at 03:16 AM

Originally posted by G-B
Originally posted by DevilSoprano
1045ish with about a 5-10 minute video package after the pinfall.

Yeah, if you couple in the Bischoff stalling, this wasn't a work. Possible a re-work on the fly, but in no way was this part of a long-term plan.

And for the RAW comment I saw: And it's not called RAW when the WWE does it, because the WWE wouldn't do this in 2011. Hardy wouldn't have been seen on TV at all under that condition in the WWE, unless it was face down on the floor backstage after an attack. TNA either chose to let it play out in front of the world, or if it was really discovered by Brian Hebner as Hardy walked out, then something is really wrong with their backstage agents.

I give you Brian Christopher tonight as a counter.

theflammablemanimal - 3-15-2011 at 04:17 AM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
I give you Brian Christopher tonight as a counter.

Main event of a PPV vs throwaway segment on free tv.

Nice counter.

Matte - 3-15-2011 at 04:23 AM

I still think Brian was just fat, not high. But I could be wrong, maybe we get reports of it soon.

Paddlefoot - 3-15-2011 at 04:29 AM

Unfortunately Sop's correct. When Christopher came out the first thing I thought of was that he'd been sharing the same pipe with Jeff all weekend. What's with guys from the South anyway? When they decide to spiral out of control on incredibly dangerous drugs they sure go for broke.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 3-15-2011 at 05:20 AM

Brian Christopher wasn't the world champion of my organization just 3 weeks ago. This is like trying to compare apples to oranges.

DrBoz - 3-15-2011 at 05:48 AM

I'll admit I haven't watched TNA in quite some time, but I do follow what's going on here and there. I gotta say, this Hardy thing is so ridiculous I'm tempted to believe it isn't real. You mean to tell me NO ONE realized he was that fucked up at any point in time prior to him staggering down the ramp, yet Brian Hebner figured it out in about a minute? Or if they DID realize he was that fucked up, everyone decided they would at least "give it a go" to see if he could make it through the main event of a PPV?

I can't imagine Steve Borden agreeing to step in the ring with Hardy in that condition. If the disgust walking up the ramp was real and not "Sting" talking, no way.

But at the same time, if this IS a work it is quite possibly the worst idea I've seen in wrestling in many years. Beyond Katie Vick bad. Beyond Mae Young giving birth to a hand. Beyond David Arquette WCW Champion. Jeff Hardy has a court date this week and they decide to run a storyline with him totally fucked up on a PPV? And he agrees to it? And no one stands up and says, "Um, maybe this isn't a great idea right now" or SOMEthing?

Regardless, TNA looks horrible. Either it's awful storytelling (maybe more like poorly timed storytelling) or it's horrendous decision making. This is more than just an oopsie.

At least with Jeff Hardy you can just not be surprised by it all. Either that or you have a new found respect for his ability to play "fucked up," because he did a bang up job. I'm inclined to believe the latter. There's no way he was that fucked up and able to put on face paint. Unless maybe he ran into Miley Cyrus 15 minutes before his match.

Matte - 3-15-2011 at 05:51 AM

I think Dev was just referring to this part of the quote: "Hardy wouldn't have been seen on TV at all under that condition in the WWE, unless it was face down on the floor backstage after an attack." Meaning that they wouldn't send him out in the public eye at all in his drugged up condition, but then Brian proved that wrong tonight by coming out and cutting a piss poor promo while in a similar drugged up condition.

It is a decent comparison depending on what exactly is being compared, and I think all that was being compared here was simply sending someone into the public eye while under the influence.

EDIT: I'm not buying any rumors of this being a work. No way. Hardy fucked up, and that's it. But while I'm sure it could've been covered for/dealt with differently, it's a shady situation. Maybe Hardy was held up in a private locker room for an hour prior to the match. You never know what was happening before he walked down the ramp. You can think that you do, and you can say that there's no way he didn't talk to anyone prior to the match, but you can't be sure of it.

[Edited on 3-15-2011 by Matte]

King of Pain - 3-15-2011 at 06:23 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
So maybe it's time to finally get rid of that lavender piece of pleather with the mardi gras mask on it and get an actual legitimate championship title that actually looks like a world class belt.

Would Sting have to beat Eric Young to get the original TNA title belt?

Flash - 3-15-2011 at 06:57 AM

I don't know what Hardy's drug of choice (all of them... ?) but maybe like Matte said, he was kept seperate in his own locker room for a while and got through the day's requirements fine. Maybe with 20 minutes to bell he decided to smoke/shoot up some "crack"(or what ever) and that's why no one had a chance to catch on to his condition?

Like I said, I'll wait and see how TNA addresses this before I completely condemn them.

Katie Vick killer - 3-15-2011 at 09:07 AM

Originally posted by JB KING

Good name pretty mch says it all

I think "Snort the line" sounds better.

firewoman - 3-15-2011 at 01:46 PM

More "rumors" as I'm not sure where this guy gets his info:

I'll spare you the pop ups though:

Ah, I knew this was coming. What went down? Well basically, Jeff Hardy showed up under the influence of something. TNA knew he was screwed up, but Sting, Hardy and TNA agreed that they would run a short match with Sting going over. The idea being that if Hardy wasn't in condition to perform, they could cover it with a brawl (Thus the last minute No DQ stipulation) and they would keep it short, send everyone home happy and not have to do anything major.

While you might consider that "unprofessional", it's hardly the first time a wrestler has worked a match screwed up. TNA only went with it, because Sting and Hardy both agreed.

So what went wrong? Sting called the match early. Perhaps because of Hardy's stalling (which I think Hardy was actually doing to help pad the match out but may have been misread by Sting) or because Sting's too old for this crap, he quickly ended the match. Hardy was caught off guard, because he expected them to wrestle in a short, but fun brawl.

The Threadkiller - 3-15-2011 at 02:31 PM

It certainly looks like Sting called the match early. I also wonder whether he legit stomped Bischoff's hand holding the mic following the no-DQ stip. He had to be pissed that Bischoff wanted him to cover for Hardy by going the no-DQ route and taking a beating, especially if he was booked to win this match and Bischoff flipped it on the audible.

G-Spot - 3-15-2011 at 06:29 PM


Who's to blame? Well, Sting called the match early. So if you're going to get technical, it's Sting who shortchanged the fans. However, obviously showing up screwed up is Hardy's fault.

Why didn't TNA replace Hardy? Largely because they've been trying to build up a storyline keeping Anderson away from the belt and it didn't make a whole helluva lot of sense to throw a last minute replacement in there. According to my sources, TNA was confident that they were going to get a 5-10 minute match and that everyone was cool with that. When Sting called things off the way he did, TNA were caught completely unprepared.

Ultimately nobody was really mad at Sting, but it was too late for TNA to do anything about it. Hardy was mad because he felt he could still deliver a decent little brawl (and probably could have) and Sting was mad because he had been put in this situation to begin with.

To answer your second question, no I wouldn't fire Hardy. Yeah, he's a screw up. He still makes TNA a lot of money. Firing Jeff Hardy would be like CBS firing Charlie Sheen... It doesn't benefit anyone but Hardy. A better course of action is to suspend him (which is seems they're doing) and milk the fact that Sting slaughtered him at the PPV.

So they say Sting shortchanged the fans? Can you blame him? Why would anyone want to risk getting injured from someone who should not have been in the ring in the first place? I'm sure Sting wanted to teach Hardy, and probably TNA as well, a lesson.

And they actually allowed Hardy to go out there in the first place? That has to be the stupidest thing yet!

Then they say they wouldn't fire Hardy, because of the money he brings in? Well, how much money will he bring in when he shows up next time, completely unable to work, or even no-shows, because TNA have kept enabling him? How much money will he make them, when he is found somewhere dead from an OD, because they kept enabling him? How much money will he make them, when he does injure someone, and nobody will want to work with him? If he is allowed to keep getting away with this shit, with only a slap on the wrist, he will continue to push the boundaries, until something bad actually happens, and then TNA will take a major hit for not cracking down hard to begin with. Hardy has continually shown he will not get help/treatment. He hasn't shown any real remorse at what's happened in the past. I almost hope he is put away for couple of years.

If this isn't a work, then it is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in TNA, and professional wrestling. Let's face it, Vince would never have even thought to put a guy out there and potentially harm himself or others. Why TNA would do it, is beyond imagining.

*Edited to add firewoman's link to the quotes*

[Edited on 3-15-2011 by G-Spot]

[Edited on 3-15-2011 by G-Spot]

Fifth Horseman - 3-15-2011 at 06:38 PM

The above says it all for me, but I also have to ask - how much money does Jeff Hardy actually bring in for TNA? I'm not being facetious, I would really like to know how - aside from the 26 items they have listed in the TNA Shopzone under his name - they quantify it. Because I also suspect the merch isn't worth the trouble.

firewoman - 3-15-2011 at 06:57 PM

Like I said, I can't vouch for the website.

Here's what doesn't feel right.

It's clear from the video that after Sting comes down

1. Hebner makes the Dreaded X
2. Hebner goes to the corner to talk to someone in a blue shirt.
3. THEN Bischoff comes out, and talks off the mic with both men.

Backstage you've got Bischoff, Hogan, Russo, Jarrett, Flair, Al Snow, DLo....LOTS of guys that have been in the business for a while. This isn't the first rodeo for ANY of them, and while I don't always LIKE what they come up with, the totally craptacular way this ends makes me think this really WAS booking on the fly.

So either they didn't know he was high (he could have hidden in his dressing room after working out the match with Sting earlier) or they didn't know how high he was.

punkerhardcore - 3-15-2011 at 06:59 PM

Firing Jeff Hardy would be like CBS firing Charlie Sheen... It doesn't benefit anyone but Hardy.

It doesn't benefit Hardy at all... what a completely stupid notion by the person who wrote this. Sheen is a major, mainstream celebrity, who could go to a ton of different networks that are all as high in profile as CBS. What would Hardy do if fired? I doubt the WWE would take him back at this point, so he'd have to tour around with the indies for the rest of his career, or maybe open a school or something.

doctorb - 3-15-2011 at 07:14 PM

He could be a celebrity spokesman for Waffle House.

I waiting for the omega youtube where they all bitch about Sting being such a huge dick that he can't even bear to work 5 minutes with an awesome performer like Jeff.

Flash - 3-15-2011 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore

It doesn't benefit Hardy at all... what a completely stupid notion by the person who wrote this. Sheen is a major, mainstream celebrity, who could go to a ton of different networks that are all as high in profile as CBS. What would Hardy do if fired? I doubt the WWE would take him back at this point, so he'd have to tour around with the indies for the rest of his career, or maybe open a school or something.

Good God, could you imagine Hardy running a school?

"Now you see, when you deliver a proper chair shot you want to aim the corner of the chair directly for that little lump on the back of a guys head... like so.... "

"Any good promo starts and stops at a waffle house"

"Wrestlers don't need insurance!"

"A good wrestler will get high on meth before a match, that way he can jump off of tall shit without feeling a thing.... "

"Class, please welcome special guest instructor's Matt Hardy and Gregory Helms who will teach you all about blaming others for your shortcomings"

theflammablemanimal - 3-16-2011 at 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Matte
I think Dev was just referring to this part of the quote: "Hardy wouldn't have been seen on TV at all under that condition in the WWE, unless it was face down on the floor backstage after an attack." Meaning that they wouldn't send him out in the public eye at all in his drugged up condition, but then Brian proved that wrong tonight by coming out and cutting a piss poor promo while in a similar drugged up condition.

It is a decent comparison depending on what exactly is being compared, and I think all that was being compared here was simply sending someone into the public eye while under the influence.

[Edited on 3-15-2011 by Matte]

I just saw the segment and now I'm really confused. Why would anyone think he was high? Dancing like an ass was always his gimmick, that was the same entrance he always did in Too Cool. And he's always been terrible on the mic. But he wasn't stammering or losing focus. The only slipup was when he looked at the corner for the mic because that's where it used to be. I think you're just confusing untalented and stupid with high.

And even if he was high, it's an idiotic comparison. TNA put Hardy in the ring where he could hurt someone (as he often does sober) while Brian was just talking. How is that even close?

Matte - 3-16-2011 at 12:38 AM

I agree, I just think he was fat and winded. Dev mentioned he could barely open his eyes, but I think that's just him being fat. And the panting and struggling to speak can also be attributed to him being a fat bastard.

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
And even if he was high, it's an idiotic comparison. TNA put Hardy in the ring where he could hurt someone (as he often does sober) while Brian was just talking. How is that even close?
My response to this:
Originally posted by Matte
It is a decent comparison depending on what exactly is being compared, and I think all that was being compared here was simply sending someone into the public eye while under the influence.

TownOfDalem - 3-16-2011 at 12:54 AM

Yeah and apples and oranges are both fruit. The Hardy and Christopher situations are vastly different and don't work well as a comparison at all unless you strip out all context.

Edit: Me write good.

[Edited on 3-15-2011 by TownOfDalem]

theflammablemanimal - 3-16-2011 at 01:20 AM

But you just admitted he probably wasn't high. Is being fat and out of shape the same thing as being high?

(I know you're just defending Dev's slavish TNA devotion, but it's not making any sense)

Matte - 3-16-2011 at 01:25 AM

I'm not defending him for the sake of defending him, I'm defending him because I see why he made the relation. Someone stated that WWE wouldn't send someone into the public eye if they were high, and he countered by mentioning someone who he assumed was indeed high. Now while I don't think he was high, I agree that if he was high, the relation Dev made between the two makes perfect sense. He wasn't trying to compare the situations, he was responded to a single statement made by someone else. Basically this:

Person A: TNA let the audience see that someone on their show was high. WWE would never do this.
Person B: WWE let the audience see that someone on their show was high; Brian Christopher.

Now again, I don't think he was high. But if he WAS high, I see nothing wrong with the relation Dev made, because again, he wasn't relating the larger situations, but just a much smaller part of them.

DevilSoprano - 3-16-2011 at 01:34 AM

Matte, don't bother. They can't read and can only see what they want to see.

The fact that people don't think WWE has put drunk/stoned/bombed wrestlers on TV is a joke. It's a joke that TNA did it, but to claim WWE has never done is more of a joke. And Christopher was high.

Katie Vick killer - 3-16-2011 at 01:49 AM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal

I just saw the segment and now I'm really confused. Why would anyone think he was high? Dancing like an ass was always his gimmick, that was the same entrance he always did in...

I got this far and thought you were talking about Jeff Hardy!

Chris Is Good517 - 3-16-2011 at 02:08 AM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
The fact that people don't think WWE has put drunk/stoned/bombed wrestlers on TV is a joke.

Sure, in the 80s and most of the 90s. But in the modern era? I highly doubt it. There's just too much liability involved and people nowadays are way more savvy to it when it happens. I mean, without the internet and DVRs, how many people really would have caught on to what happened with Hardy the other night? The fans at the arena and the ones who ordered the PPV would have known something was up, but otherwise it would largely be unknown, I think.


And Christopher was high.

And do you have anything to substantiate this claim, or are you just trying to be contrary? It's already been pointed out that Christopher has always been goofy on and off the mic and terrible on it, and he's pretty fucking fat to be a habitual crack or meth user.

Matte - 3-16-2011 at 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
he's pretty fucking fat to be a habitual crack or meth user.

Are we talking about Brian Christopher or Jeff Hardy?

DevilSoprano - 3-16-2011 at 02:15 AM

You're telling me the company that has had both Hardys employed within the last 3 years along with Kendrick and London as well as Van Dam among others don't put people on air that might not be "sober." And that's not counting all the guys still clearly on steroids. And the truth is it's stupid for TNA to put Hardy out there in that condition, but deep down I don't give a flying fuck if he's as high as a kite if the matches are good. The match wasn't good, that's more of what my issue is. But to think WWE is this moral high road where people don't wrestle drunk or high or bombed on any other drugs is a joke.

I think Christopher was high. He may not have been. I don't actually care, but to call out TNA for something that every wrestling company has always done is just stupid.

the goon - 3-16-2011 at 02:18 AM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Matte, don't bother. They can't read and can only see what they want to see.

The fact that people don't think WWE has put drunk/stoned/bombed wrestlers on TV is a joke. It's a joke that TNA did it, but to claim WWE has never done is more of a joke.

The irony of your first sentence is pretty hilarious, seeing as how I don't think anybody in this thread has claimed the WWE has never put drunk/high wrestlers on TV. Some comments have been made about how this type of thing wouldn't fly in today's PG WWE, but I didn't see anyone straight up say that the WWE has never put a drunk or high wrestler on TV (and if I missed it, please show it to me). Hell, I'm sure the Clique were out of their minds for most of the 90's.

Originally posted by DevilSoprano And Christopher was high.

I wouldn't put it past Brian Christopher, but I'm going to need to see something a little more substantial than some guy on a message board saying he was high before I take it as fact.

EDIT: Gee, there were like three or four posts done while I was typing this, so I echo a bit of what CiG said. But hey, whatever.

[Edited on 3-16-2011 by the goon]

G-Spot - 3-16-2011 at 02:29 AM

Well, I said...

Let's face it, Vince would never have even thought to put a guy out there and potentially harm himself or others. Why TNA would do it, is beyond imagining.

And I will say I posting quicker than I was thinking. I'm sure WWF/E had guys out there medicated in the past, but I'm thinking more of in this day and age, what with all the scrutiny being placed on wrestling because of the deaths, murders, health problems. And add in that the person in question is going on trial this month for drug-related problems, I would think Vince would be even more in tune with what his performers are doing, especially the one in question.

So yes, I posted out of turn a bit, I admit. Hopefully I've now clarified myself on what I meant to really say.

theflammablemanimal - 3-16-2011 at 02:31 AM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Matte, don't bother. They can't read and can only see what they want to see.

Yeah Matte. We're all totally stupid and can't figure out the mountains of genius hidden in Dev's one line statements.

We should have all realized that, in that one sentence comparing Brian Christopher to Jeff Hardy, that Dev was actually setting up strawman arguments that no one had made.

Yes Dev I know, I am horrible and I should go back in time and accidentally erase my existence. But you only say that as a joke, not completely seriously like everyone else does when they make fun of tv stars they hate.

Originally posted by Katie Vick killer
Originally posted by theflammablemanimal

I just saw the segment and now I'm really confused. Why would anyone think he was high? Dancing like an ass was always his gimmick, that was the same entrance he always did in...

I got this far and thought you were talking about Jeff Hardy!


[Edited on 3-16-2011 by theflammablemanimal]

Matte - 3-16-2011 at 02:36 AM

Without responding to anything else recently posted in this thread (because I've kind of stopped caring to discuss any of it), I'm just going to respond to this.

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
Yeah Matte. We're all totally stupid and can't figure out the mountains of genius hidden in Dev's one line statements.

It actually wasn't too difficult of a comparison to see and I'm surprised I had to elaborate on it once, let alone MORE than once, for people to understand it.

And I know this wasn't a shot at me though my name was mentioned, just responding is all.

theflammablemanimal - 3-16-2011 at 02:38 AM

Yes, but the argument you made wasn't even the argument that Dev just said he was making.

Plus, with the fact that Christopher probably wasn't high, there's no argument.

And I in no way meant to take a shot at you, Matte.

Ecosystem - 3-16-2011 at 09:33 AM

Anyone post this yet?


TNA Wrestling strives to give fans who purchase our pay-per-views as close to a full three-hour event as possible. This past Sunday�s "TNA Victory Road" fell short of that standard. Your support of TNA is never taken for granted. To show you how we value that support, we would like to offer six months of free access to the library.

To receive your free offer, please send us a copy of your Victory Road pay-per-view purchase receipt to :

TNA OnDemand Offer
209 10th Avenue South, #302
Nashville, TN 37203.

Please be sure and submit your name, address, and email address, as we will be emailing a special code that will unlock over 300 hours of great TNA Wrestling action.

Ain't no work, if there were any doubters left.

Matte - 3-16-2011 at 09:55 AM

I say fire Jeff and bring in Matt's replacement tag team partner and brother: The Great Khali!

He's a better worker than Jeff anyway.

mark markham - 3-16-2011 at 12:35 PM

I'm glad to see that TNA is at least trying to take care of their fans. It goes a long way to show that they are willing to make good on their error in judgement.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-16-2011 at 02:22 PM

So now steroids counts as "being high"? Talk about grasping at straws.

And knowingly putting somebody as stoned as Jeff Hardy was, I really doubt it.

But maybe somebody was really happy and said to be "high on life" and the wwe put them out in the ring, to that must count as well so Dev can be proven right no matter how one has to contort to defend TNA.

Matte - 3-16-2011 at 02:32 PM

Not sure if I consider "shitting on WWE" to be the same thing as "defending TNA" but maybe that's just my own point of view.

Katie Vick killer - 3-16-2011 at 02:36 PM

Not really worthy of thread of it's own but Impact has not been renewed by it's Australian Cable/pay-tv carrier link.

The contract ends this month, not sure how much the old one was worth but surely ever little bit helps. Gotta pay for Jeff's rehab some how.

Back in 2003 Australia went 7 months with out Smackdown or PPV when Fox8 played hardball.

JB KING - 3-16-2011 at 06:23 PM

"About last night..."

Eric Weddle - 3-16-2011 at 07:47 PM

Are People are really comparing Jeff Hardy's inexcusable performance on Sunday Night. Completely Dicking the Fans and making TNA look bushleague. To Brian Christopher acting like a goof because that was his gimmick back in the day? I always laugh at how much people Reach for when they try to defend TNA.

PS Was I the only one laughing for Tazz "What The Hell is Jeff Hardy Doing Here?" You could tell he was genuinely annoyed

DevilSoprano - 3-16-2011 at 07:57 PM

I'm not defending TNA and if anyone could actually read they'd see that. The comment was made that WWE would never put anyone in Jeff's condition on television and yet they've proven throughout their history that they will and it hasn't stopped. Even if Brian Christopher wasn't high, which I have major doubts over, it wasn't that long ago that Matt Hardy was still employed and if there's no reason to assume he wasn't on drugs. TNA was idiotic for putting Jeff on PPV on Sunday. I've never ONCE tried to defend that. Nor am I defending TNA saying it's okay for them to do it. Truthfully, I don't actually care if Jeff is high as anyone has ever been or if John Cena decided to shoot up in the center of the ring on Monday. Do what they want. I don't care. But don't believe for one instance that WWE is some sort of moral highground where they won't put people on television if it makes them money. No one denies that Randy Orton was a total scumbag when it came to the divas and steroids a few years ago and he never got punished for it because he made them money. No one denied Jeff Hardy was a drug addict three years ago when WWE pushed him to World Champion because he made them money. It's the wrestling business. It's not clean. It never will be. Let's stop thinking one company is any better than the other. They're both disgusting companies in a disgusting business.

gobbledygooker - 3-16-2011 at 08:51 PM

Everybody was high in the 80's (except maybe Ricky Steamboat) and that was one of the best eras in wrestling!

As Goon mentioned, The Kliq was probably smoking crack in locker-room closets in the 90's before heading out to the ring and went on to put on 4-and-5-star-matches between the lot of them!

It's part of the culture of wrestling and Jeff Hardy was and still is in that culture.

DevilSoprano - 3-16-2011 at 09:02 PM

That's basically my point. Truthfully, I don't care that TNA put Hardy out there. If you want to think it's bad judgement, fine...I can see that side. But my point is and always has been that both companies have done this and both companies are either right or wrong. To bash one while assuming the other is better at it, seems totally wrong to me.

It goes back to an old-argument I've had with baseball...I don't care who uses steroids. It doesn't mean anything to me anymore because I assume everyone has. I just wish my team was better at it.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-16-2011 at 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Eric Weddle
Are People are really comparing Jeff Hardy's inexcusable performance on Sunday Night. Completely Dicking the Fans and making TNA look bushleague. To Brian Christopher acting like a goof because that was his gimmick back in the day? I always laugh at how much people Reach for when they try to defend TNA.

I hope you contribute here for a long time. Great name as well.

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
I'm not defending TNA and if anyone could actually read they'd see that. The comment was made that WWE would never put anyone in Jeff's condition on television and yet they've proven throughout their history that they will and it hasn't stopped. Even if Brian Christopher wasn't high, which I have major doubts over, it wasn't that long ago that Matt Hardy was still employed and if there's no reason to assume he wasn't on drugs. TNA was idiotic for putting Jeff on PPV on Sunday. I've never ONCE tried to defend that. Nor am I defending TNA saying it's okay for them to do it. Truthfully, I don't actually care if Jeff is high as anyone has ever been or if John Cena decided to shoot up in the center of the ring on Monday. Do what they want. I don't care. But don't believe for one instance that WWE is some sort of moral highground where they won't put people on television if it makes them money. No one denies that Randy Orton was a total scumbag when it came to the divas and steroids a few years ago and he never got punished for it because he made them money. No one denied Jeff Hardy was a drug addict three years ago when WWE pushed him to World Champion because he made them money. It's the wrestling business. It's not clean. It never will be. Let's stop thinking one company is any better than the other. They're both disgusting companies in a disgusting business.

****EDIT - As I write in the next post, after reading through this thread again, I've decided this should be less against what DevSop wrote and more of a commentary of Hardy v. Christopher...just as why the two things are different and why the companies have drawn separate identities in terms of their substance policies, something I harped on from the beginning of this issue a few days ago. I left it basically intact and without much editing out of it being toward Sop because I just don't feel like going through the whole thing again.***************

This isn't about one is better than the other as you say...but...there is still the point of would one do what the other has done.

The difference is, the WWE fired him once for refusing to go to rehab and suspended him in the midst of a main event push for failing their substance abuse policy.

Instead, what has TNA done to curtail his behavior? The most recent example, his "being wiped out" after an overseas tour was just excused as him being more tired then anyone else on that trip. They rewarded his drug arrest after his walking away from WWE with a contract and an ascension up to their top guy in the company...all without thinking he could be a timebomb that could go off at any time. Its hard to just say, "WWE would do this too" without clear evidence of such.

They have a clear substance policy and people get suspended for it. You could say people in the company are still on roids all you want, but until I see proof, I can't use that as a completely valid argument....not to mention, there is no proof roids makes you dangerous in the ring in a short and sudden moment...recreational drugs and their stronger cousins can. And thus is a major reason why bringing up the steroids issue doesn't seem to equate to anything dealing with drug use, even if they are both labeled generally under "drugs".

I am absolutely sure that people have done stuff in the WWE, and may get away with other stuff now, but at the very least, they take steps to stop this from happening again. That is fact. It is written and has come to be done in the past and will in the future. While you might want to take the stance that Cena or others may have/still be on steroids, I could take the very same, opinionated stance that guys like HHH or the Undertaker, who may or may not have used in the past, are obviously smaller since the advent of these rules and would circumstantially now seem like their bodies have changed in a way you would expect if the rules were enforced.

Not to mention, if we focus on drugs like Hardy uses, guys like London and Kendrick and RVD - guys listed as ones that were "obviously" high on something while in the ring or just employed - are no longer with WWE and have many times stated that they left or were fired because the WWE kept fining them and/or started having less confidence in pushing them because of it. They aren't around or rehired..

And really, the fundamental difference in argument comes from fact and not fact.

Fact: There was something very wrong with Jeff Hardy on Sunday. I know this not just because the match was cut short and because of his actions during said match, but because TNA has acknowledged this as a mistake they made and are giving stuff away to fans as a result. They don't just do this because they booked something wrong.

Not Fact: Brian Christopher was high. I still have no reason to believe this is so. Because he did drugs in the past? Because he might do drugs in the future or even 10 seconds after he left the ring? That has little meaning to me to what actually happened, which was basically a guy not in shape anymore, doing things he could barely do well in the first place, poorly. I have no proof otherwise that he was on anything.

And that's why I make the argument against what you said.[EDITED: thought I wrote something stupid that was not right so I dumped it]

And that's before we get to the point that cannot possibly be under-mentioned, and thats that one of these guys was in a position to only hurt our ears, while the other was in position to hurt himself and/or one of his peers, arguably the biggest face in TNA, Sting, and unarguably, during the most important time of that night's event.

So it's not to say one is better than the other, but it is perfectly acceptable to say one has taken vast steps to prevent something like this from happening while the other gives off the idea that they couldn't give a shit. That's why it's different.


And I just now saw your latest point, and I totally agree with it...I could care less what anyone does in baseball...or probably wouldn't care at all about wrestling.

Except unlike in baseball or other sports, these wrestlers wind up dying or could hurt people while they are active. What I worry most about is Hardy paralyzing someone in the ring and finding out he was drugged up when it happened....or if he just dies in his hotel room or whatever. Something like that could severely hurt or kill the wrestling industry. It would wipe away TNA in a moment if it happened in the ring. As shown with Benoit, wrestling will get publically murdered and be affected by it in ways the major sports will not...we have to be aware and concerned for those possibiliies.

[Edited on 3-16-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

[Edited on 3-16-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Matte - 3-16-2011 at 09:22 PM

I just saw Eric W's post, I'm going to say this to the majority: Please read before responding. It's been explained probably ten separate times in this thread why Hardy and Christopher were being compared, yet people are still having difficulty understanding and I'm really not sure why.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-16-2011 at 09:24 PM

Oh well, I see your point Matte...still worked on the points I wrote for a while, so I'm leaving it as less of a point against what DevSop wrote, and more of a discussion that we've been having and has happened in this thread, whether caused by what he wrote, or just one we want to have as a wrestling community.

Anyway, I'll write right here now that I'm done with the Christopher thing like Matte says we should be.

[Edited on 3-16-2011 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Frank Lloyd Wright - 3-16-2011 at 09:30 PM

Why are road agents like Al Snow, Bruce Prichard and D'Lo Brown not being held accountable here, for letting an incapacitated performer go out there in the first place? That shows a complete organizational failure here. Cannot understand why heads are not rolling?

[Edited on 3-16-2011 by Frank Lloyd Wright]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 3-16-2011 at 09:33 PM

By the way...and I know this has basically become the "Hardy fucked up" thread...but I usually find out from these threads if there were any cool matches on the PPV and whether or not I should check them if I could cut in again with this question...was there anything else noteworthy on the card?

JB KING - 3-16-2011 at 09:43 PM

Fuck that noise. I say we just name off and list the top 10 (or 5?) best drunk/unable to perfom moments in wrestling history. One of my favorites was Hall and Nash at a WCW Spring Break Nitro. Hall and Nashed are so hammered they stumble to the ring and tell Giant to hurry up and come out. Then Nash jumps in the pool and Hall drunkenly falls on his ass before getting thrown in.

Kevin also explains...

CamstunPWG187 - 3-16-2011 at 11:10 PM

TNA is just so comically bad and sad. They are a train wreck of a promotion.

DevilSoprano - 3-16-2011 at 11:42 PM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
TNA is just so comically bad and sad. They are a train wreck of a promotion.

Thanks for bringing this to the conversation. Your opinion means something and we will be with as soon as the next operator is available. Please continue to hold and remember your opinion is valuable.

JB KING - 3-17-2011 at 12:09 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
TNA is just so comically bad and sad. They are a train wreck of a promotion.

Matte - 3-17-2011 at 12:10 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
TNA is just so comically bad and sad. They are a train wreck of a promotion.

I wouldn't quite call them a train wreck. Especially if you're just basing that off of the Hardy thing. Some of their booking decisions aren't all that great, but that can be said about basically every wrestling promotion. They do at least have consistently good matches from consistently good performers.

I actually would like to hear why you think that though. Not trying to start an argument either, I'm actually interested in your reasoning. Though my instincts are telling me that your reasoning is because they're a mainstream organization and everything those guys do sucks.

TommyD420 - 3-17-2011 at 12:19 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
TNA is just so comically bad and sad. They are a train wreck of a promotion.

Hey, it's no DGUSA, but they're trying!

doctorb - 3-17-2011 at 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Though my instincts are telling me that your reasoning is because they're a mainstream organization and everything those guys do sucks.

I'm guessing anyone who makes it in front of a television camera is some sort of sellout and doesn't care about true wrestling anymore.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 3-17-2011 at 12:29 AM

The issue is that Jeff Hardy was high as shit and they put him out on camera. I don't know what Orton being an asshole backstage has with anything, or Hardy, London and Kendrick being drug users in their private lives somehow being equal to Hardy being high as fuck on the PPV. Just as nonsensical as all of a sudden bringing up steroids, like it's comparable.

TownOfDalem - 3-17-2011 at 12:30 AM

I wouldn't call TNA a train wreck, but this thread sure is. WHAMO! Nailed that joke!

+1 post count

DevilSoprano - 3-17-2011 at 12:52 AM

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
The issue is that Jeff Hardy was high as shit and they put him out on camera. I don't know what Orton being an asshole backstage has with anything, or Hardy, London and Kendrick being drug users in their private lives somehow being equal to Hardy being high as fuck on the PPV. Just as nonsensical as all of a sudden bringing up steroids, like it's comparable.

If you don't think either Hardy, Kendrick, or London ever appeared on television while high, I give up.

theflammablemanimal - 3-17-2011 at 01:38 AM

Any examples?

(Preferably in-ring, as standing around and giggling at an idiotic Mcmahon angle is not the same as wrestling)

[Edited on 3-17-2011 by theflammablemanimal]

Last Molson - 3-17-2011 at 01:48 AM

The biggest reason why everybody is riding TNA on this is that they missed a ton of opportunities to catch this. Somebody somewhere in TNA should have caught this before he went out there. Even if they aren't checking ever performer before passing through the curtain, somebody should at least be checking Jeff Hardy--this isn't the first time he's shown up too wasted to compete and one of these days it could end very badly. This wasn't Jarrett or Angle or Abyss getting wasted before a match. It was Jeff Hardy. He does this. Hire a babysitter for him and make him check in before he sniffs a microphone or the ring.

At least this time, Sting was smart enough to kill the match and Jeff was smart enough to just walk away. If somebody decided to try to "teach him a lesson" something very bad could happen. Sting wisely decided to cut bait and hit the road.

On the WWE comparison-I'm sure there have been times in which somebody, whether London, Kendrick, Hardy, hell Evan Bourne for all we really know has gone out to a match completely wasted. But I certainly don't think that anybody has done so in the main event of a PPV in a very long time or will any time soon.

This was rampant unprofessionalism from many people--Hardy, agents, producers/writers that might have noticed this, etc. Whatever happened to the Gorilla postion---shouldn't Snow or D-Lo be chilling right by the entrance monitoring basically everything (that may have been Bischoff on this occasion).

This is absolutely Hardy's fault-but this ship seems to have no captain and that may be a larger issue.

joerizal - 3-17-2011 at 02:37 AM

Originally posted by Last Molson
On the WWE comparison-I'm sure there have been times in which somebody, whether London, Kendrick, Hardy, hell Evan Bourne for all we really know has gone out to a match completely wasted.

I find it funny/ironic (or is it fitting?) that the guys "accused" of being high are the high-flyers.

Chris Is Good517 - 3-17-2011 at 03:00 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Though my instincts are telling me that your reasoning is because they're a mainstream organization and everything those guys do sucks.

Why would that be your instinct? I've seen plenty of posts where Cam has been perfectly complimentary of WWE, along with a fair share of criticism when he felt they deserved it.

[Edited on 3-17-2011 by Chris Is Good517]

Matte - 3-17-2011 at 03:03 AM

I probably just skimmed over them or have forgotten about them. Either way, I still am interested in his explanations.

Chris Is Good517 - 3-17-2011 at 03:21 AM

I'm interested too. I just felt like I had to defend him. He's been pretty cool around here since he came back and then the first time he voices a negative opinion people just started jumping on him. But yeah, he should know better than to post "this thing sucks" without elaboration.

Who does he think he is, Dev or Moose?

CreativeInternetAliass - 3-17-2011 at 11:37 AM

In mooses defense, lately he has had complementary things to say, and has extended his negative opinions into more drawn out posts. Which is quite an accomplishment for a man that can only see half the screen.

Paddlefoot - 3-17-2011 at 08:26 PM

Can't all just get along and collectively agree that both TNA (Hardy/Jersey Shore/etc) and WWE (Christopher/JerseyShore/etc) both sucked on the same rotten old dog cack this past week? It's no different than any other week in that they're both still neck-and-neck in their death-spiralling race towards the bottom. I'm actually angrier at WWE for allowing anything Jersey Shore related to contaminate an all-too-brief Trish Stratus return than I am at TNA.

CreativeInternetAliass - 3-17-2011 at 08:41 PM

As orange as she was, Trish could have been a jersey shore cast member herself this week. I wonder if that was intentional because of Snooki's involvement, or if Trish just fell asleep at the tanning salon.

Matte - 3-17-2011 at 11:21 PM

Update on Jeff Hardy's court case. I believe from PWI:

The Southern Pines Pilot has a follow up on the Jeff Hardy court case.� As we mentioned on the site yesterday, the prosecution asked for yet another continuance at the 3/16 session because the state was still waiting for testing results from the alleged drugs that were found at Hardy's house in 2009.� Yes, 18 months apparently is not enough time to run drug tests.� Amazing.
Anyway, the piece notes that Hardy's attorney Jim Van Camp was ready to take a plea bargain when Assistant District Attorney Warren McSweeney told him that the state is still waiting for the results.�

The ADA asked for a 6/2 hearing and the judge asked him, "Have you asked them to rush this? How long does that take?"� McSweeney told him that it typically takes 30 days.

The judge asked if they could both be ready in 30 days and Van Camp said he could be.� The judge then ordered that the testing results be "rushed" and set an April 20 court date.

[Edited on 3-17-2011 by Matte]

ScottySN - 3-18-2011 at 12:27 AM

April 20 court date.

How ironical.

DevilSoprano - 3-18-2011 at 12:47 AM


[Edited on 3-18-2011 by DevilSoprano]

williamssl - 3-18-2011 at 02:02 AM

Now is the time on Sprockets where Matte comes in and attempts to explain to us what he thinks Dev meant to say by saying "Nevermind"

EDIT: "wtf is a Sprockets...?"

[Edited on 3-18-2011 by williamssl]

Paddlefoot - 3-18-2011 at 02:21 AM

Willst du mein Affe ber�hren? Touch him! LOVE HIM!

+1 virtual rep point for the Germany's Most Disturbing Home Videos chyron in the background. Ich will fricken!

[Edited on 3-18-2011 by Paddlefoot]

theflammablemanimal - 3-18-2011 at 04:08 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
Now is the time on Sprockets where Matte comes in and attempts to explain to us what he thinks Dev meant to say by saying "Nevermind"

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Matte, don't bother. They can't read and can only see what they want to see.

DevilSoprano - 3-18-2011 at 04:38 AM

[Edited on 3-18-2011 by DevilSoprano]

Chris Is Good517 - 3-18-2011 at 04:38 AM

Alright, Flam. You and Dev are the frontrunners for the 2011 Feud of the Year bOOardie. We get it already!

theflammablemanimal - 3-18-2011 at 05:24 AM

Sorry, I just think Dev is a horrible person.

You know the rest: Syphilis, asteroid, somehow turned into a vampire, killed by a werewolf when Matte can't defend him during the vampire/werewolf war over some vapid, ugly Mormon girl.

DevilSoprano - 3-18-2011 at 05:49 AM

theflammablemanimal - 3-18-2011 at 06:19 AM

Ha. I can't stay mad at buddy Jesus.

Eric Weddle - 3-18-2011 at 06:51 AM

People still post Images as their quote on quote "witty" replies in 2011.

Paddlefoot - 3-18-2011 at 07:15 AM

I remember Stone Cold Steve Autism.

EDIT to add: I just watched the Knockouts tag team match from this PPV. I thought it was very good and well-paced with terrific in-ring activity from all the ladies involved. This was typical (in a good way) TNA, in that when they actually take the time to concentrate on their wrestling product they're so far ahead of WWE in quality that it isn't even funny. As far as I could tell the only negative to that Knockouts match was the Zone wanker retards trying to get a 'USA!USA!' chant going during a match featuring two Mexicans vs a Brit and a platinum blonde from Toronto.

Said it before and I'll end up saying it again. TNA is so damn good at the actual wrestling that it makes it that much more worse of a crime when they spend so much time on inane backstage bits, ridiculous swerves, revolving door title changes, and other assorted pointless gimmicks. This is a company that could be truly and genuinely great, and they have practically all the in-ring talent right now they'll ever need to be able to do it, but they have something really bad stuck inside their mental processes that's keeping them from being more than mediocre-to-lukewarm-good. It's a damn shame is what it is.

[Edited on 3-18-2011 by Paddlefoot]