Melina tries to invade Raw and attack Kelly Kelly?
JB KING - 9-21-2011 at 10:54 PM

Multiple Sites:

WWE Diva Natalya helped foil an audacious attempt by ex Diva Melina to involve herself in last nights Divas tag match in Cleveland. On Monday afternoon Natalya recieved a text message from Melina claiming she was in Cleveland, had a ticket for the Raw show and asking "If I jump KK (Kelly Kelly), you will play ball right?"

Natalya presumed this was a joke, but showed it to the Divas' liaison who after alerting WWE security then asked her to ring Melina to find out exactly what she had planned. The conversation, which Natalya put on loud-speaker with several members of the lockeroom present included a rambling and possibly under the influence Melina suggesting that attacking Kelly live on Raw would get her a job back as a Diva as "Vince loves reality angles"

Sure enough Melina was spotted in the queue for the show with a ticket. Unlike what she may have witnessed on WWE television, she was to find out that WWE are actually allowed to turn people away whether they have a ticket to the show or not. A humiliated Melina was warned that the next time she tries something like this the police will be involved.

Not for the first time Melina's on-off boyfriend John Morrison bore the brunt of her misadventure. He was asked to "keep his woman under control" and his in-ring appearance was that 30 second squash defeat to Alberto Del Rio.

This is probably fake, but I want to beleive this so bad just from the pure gold of stupidity. Just go to TNA already, maybe they can afford your asking price of $3K an appearance.

Matte - 9-21-2011 at 11:07 PM

That would have made for a more interesting story than the current "Beth and Nattie can't beat Kelly" story.

MbahABako - 9-21-2011 at 11:08 PM

Might be fake, but boy would it explain Morrison's quick ass kicking by ADR.

theflammablemanimal - 9-22-2011 at 12:34 AM

They should have let her in so Beth could kill her like they always do when fans run in.

Flash - 9-22-2011 at 02:26 AM

My vote's on real, even if it does come across as so bizarre it sounds fake.

Apparently Melina got the boot from the WWE bus after being endeavoured as she was fully intending to just continue hanging out with boyfriend JoMo on his various road trips. I'm not saying he was turfed with any kind of anymosity, but I think the common sense thing to do when you get fired from a work place, even on amicable terms, is to stay away for at least a little while.

Throw in the ridiculous indy asking price and a few bizarre comments on her twitter and it certainly points to a woman who may be a bit nutty, and certainly has an inflate sense of what her value to the business is.

For the record, she doesn't come right out and say that this is what she's talking about, but she does seem to be passing this story off as just rumours.

Whether a joke that got lost in the translation or a straight up legit story I'm leaning towards there being something to this. Despite JoMo debuting some new tights a couple weeks back I'm also guessing he's on pretty thin ice and that its only a reluctance to hand TNA a top flight talent that's keeping him employed.

Paddlefoot - 9-22-2011 at 03:15 AM

Melina AND Morrison to TNA together?!?!? Talk about a top-notch pair of additions to Hogan's awesome entourage of total assholery.

Chris Is Good517 - 9-22-2011 at 04:11 AM

Bitches be crazy

Jumbie - 9-22-2011 at 06:40 AM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
They should have let her in so Beth could kill her like they always do when fans run in.

Wait,what? Security doesn't hand;e run ins? How often do run ins happen? Happen more in Divas matches? Beth's matches?

Could someone tell me more about this?

theflammablemanimal - 9-22-2011 at 11:29 AM

Security is supposed to handle it, but anytime a fan gets near a wrestler they tend to get nailed. HHH decked a fan one time and I think Eddie tackled the guy who interfered in the ladder match with RVD.

denverpunk - 9-22-2011 at 03:03 PM

Oh yeah. You'll find plenty of youtube videos out there of Y2J punching a fan during a match, the NWO putting the boots to some idiot in WCW, and Randy Savage taking someone out too. It's more common than you might think.


Despite JoMo debuting some new tights a couple weeks back I'm also guessing he's on pretty thin ice and that its only a reluctance to hand TNA a top flight talent that's keeping him employed.

I don't know. They've fired people for less. I think they're trying to beat some sense into him before they send him to the Impact Zone as John Hennegan.

[Edited on 9-22-2011 by denverpunk]

punkerhardcore - 9-22-2011 at 03:21 PM

JoMo needs to wise up and stop throwing his career away for some chick who was once the locker room penis warmer.

MrJustinB - 9-22-2011 at 03:26 PM

I don't know if this helps or not, but Bryan Alvarez did allude to something going on with Melina that day that caused the JoMo squash to occur. He didn't say anything specific as they weren't sure at the time of the taping.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 9-22-2011 at 06:30 PM

Just put Morrison and McIntyre together in a tag team, give them the Bashams/Shaniqua gimmick with Aksana as their manager...and the realness of it all to them will help them be successful....

Well at least their matches with Air Boom would be pretty cool.

P.S. Will admit to spending 10 minutes trying to come up with a name for their nothing.

punkerhardcore - 9-22-2011 at 06:41 PM

The Nation of Dominated

theflammablemanimal - 9-22-2011 at 10:05 PM

The Unchosen Ones

Martman - 9-22-2011 at 10:23 PM

99.9999999% sure this is bogus, but points for creativity to whomever came up with this story.

JMD - 9-22-2011 at 10:36 PM

The Cuckold Connection

Martman - 9-22-2011 at 10:42 PM

Cream Pie Conglomerate?

Chris Is Good517 - 9-22-2011 at 10:56 PM

2 Pussywhipped Crew

salmonjunkie - 9-22-2011 at 11:58 PM

The Palace of Wankerdom

Gobshite - 9-23-2011 at 12:25 AM

Too Tools

Maybe they're hoping firing melina splits them up. Worked for enough other couples.

Flash - 9-23-2011 at 12:30 AM

I was going to go with "P-whipped", but JMD's "Cuckold Connection" wins.

Quentil - 9-23-2011 at 05:11 AM

I wouldn't be surprised at all if the story was true.

Also, that picture makes Melina look really ugly. Like, "Holy shit, need to look up some pics of her split-legged taint entrance to remove this current pic of her from my mind" ugly.

PyroFalkon - 9-23-2011 at 09:02 PM

JB KING - 9-24-2011 at 01:33 AM

and because its me, lets enhance Pyros pic...

Dynamicjt - 9-26-2011 at 09:54 AM

America's Least Wanted

Beer Baron - 9-26-2011 at 08:53 PM

The worst thing Melina ever did was to stop wearing mini-skirts.

Fifth Horseman - 9-27-2011 at 01:11 AM

The Legion of Douche
The Cream Team
The Basham Brothers V2
The Ding Dongs
Not the Freebirds

Dominator - 9-27-2011 at 05:00 AM

What about Spank & Skank?

Dynamicjt - 9-28-2011 at 03:32 AM

Dominator , I like it .