Suggest a WWE-sanctioned finisher.
joerizal - 9-25-2011 at 07:49 AM

So with the E's ban on piledrivers and other headcrushing moves, many wrestlers have resorted to using neckbreaker variations, uranage variations, crazy flippy flying maneuvers (I'm looking at you, John Morrison) or some other not-credible manuevers as finishers.

Case in point, Dolph Ziggler's Zig Zag, which, as best as I can tell, is a jumping release Russian Leg Sweep. Now, I think it's fine as a regular move (even if looks a little goofy), but it doesn't cut it as a finisher in today's modern wrestling landscape. IMO, the same thing can be said for Dolph's Sleeper Hold, Zack Ryder's Rough Ryder, JTG's wraparound clothesline, Mark Henry's World's Strongest Slam, Yoshi Tatsu's roundhouse kick (CM Punk uses it as a regular move), and even Kofi's Trouble in Paradise. They're all fine as part of the regular moveset, but doesn't look strong enough to be a finishing move.

With that premise, I ask the fOOrums to suggest a viable WWE-sanctioned finisher that can be used by a wrestler. The move can be a takedown, strike, submission, off the top rope, anything you can think of, as long as it's modern, it looks like it hurts, and it's WWE-sanctioned, meaning no head-dropping brainbusters or Canadian Destroyers.

Dominator - 9-25-2011 at 08:58 AM

Whatever happened to top rope finishers? Dropkicks, elbows, knees, legs, clotheslines, flying tackles, anything. Those seem to be dinosaurs.

I've always been fond of submission finishers myself and there's one that I've only heard used in wrestling fiction that I'm still surprised that nobody uses in real life. Or fake real life.

Anyway, there was a medieval torture device called a Thumbscrew. It evolved into a basic digit-crushing tool that looked like those springy-stress-relief things we see today, but that when was when people got lazy with their torture and didn't enjoy it as much. The original was far more dastardly.

Basically, you were strapped in a chair and your thumb was inserted in this little metal tube and turning the screw would turn your thumb while your hand stayed strapped down in place. Suffice it to say, the screw didn't have to turn much before ligaments started popping and bones started breaking. There's a prominent ligament in the thumb, the UCL, which if torn basically renders a hand useless.

Anyway, in order to adapt this for wrestling, I'd just have a fallen wrestler lying face down and then sit on his back, trap his arm between your legs, grab his hand and start twisting his thumb off. You'd always get one of those semi-annoying insta-taps, though, so if that bothers some people, it might not work. Call it the Thumbscrew, or some character-appropriate slang term and there you are.

knuckleballschwartz - 9-25-2011 at 11:06 AM

I like submissions and sleepers as finishers. I agree Dolph's sleeper is a bit bland but Waylon Mercy's for example was awesome. I think the trick to the sleeper type hold is you need the right type of heel (a bit psycho, a bit illogical) to really make them scary. Someone like Miz or R-truth could probably use it right now though.

The standard sleeper though looks too much like a headlock for my liking. I'd be quite happy to see someone bring back the dragon sleeper as a finisher though or one of those armbased sleepers like the million dollar dream.

I'd also like to see the return of the cross face chickenwing which if done right actually looks like it hurts. You can also build off its History. One submission I never saw anyone use much but which I thought looked awesome was the stump-puller. I think you'd need a monster heel to pull it off but hey, better than the masterlock.

In terms of impact finishers I've got a fever and the only prescription is more powerbombs.

cloak and dagger - 9-25-2011 at 12:37 PM

I like the Zig Zag. Hate the name, but the basic premise sells to me. Jump up, throw somebody onto the back of their head with the momentum of your jump + your strength. Yes please. It looks like it hurts, even if Ziggler hurts himself in the delivery. Rob Van Dam has been killing himself for 15 years, but nobody questions the Five Star.

With the popularity of MMA coming into focus, basic submission moves become more viable in wrestling, in my opinion. Samoa Joe is / was sold as a submission monster on the strength of his sleeper / bodyscissors combination. D. Bryan picks up wins with the guillotine and the convoluted arm trap trap crossface. ADR wins with Jerry Flynn's cross armbar. Hell, somebody in TNA beat The Pope with a surfboard. I felt they were legit every time.

With that said, all neck based offense look like winners to me. Everybody knows that it doesn't take much to injure a neck. Whenever wrestlers do a Rude Awakening style neckbreaker, the audience goes "Ooooooooo!" and does a collective wince. I saw Layla deliver her neckbreaker one time where she dropped to her knees instead of the usual sitout or layout version, and I was like "Jesus, that looked like it hurt". Diving knee drops? Same deal. Rookie Bob Holly had a finisher called the Pit Stop Plunge where he did a diving knee drop that looked devastating. He used it maybe twice.

The good shit doesn't last, because it's too good.

nOOb - 9-25-2011 at 01:45 PM


DKBroiler - 9-25-2011 at 03:01 PM

Dolph Ziggler + sweet chin music = main event heel

SpiNNeR72 - 9-25-2011 at 03:35 PM

It has to be carefully chosen who does it, but the time is right for a "breakout" star to use the stunner again.

Likewise some other classic finishers from the past.

The fact is there are only so many finishers which look devastating without looking convoluted.

I don't agree with the above about Mark Henry's strongest slam, as its one of the more genuine finishers in use today and could cripple if done for real by a guy that size!

Top rope moves etc are way overused these days though. A superplex used to be a match ender, now its a routine move in a Diva's match!

TexShark300 - 9-25-2011 at 03:49 PM

I'd like to see someone bring back the Figure Four. Heck, give it to Dolph.

The Superplex SHOULD be a match ender, or at least setting up one.

Perhaps something like a combination Slingshot Suplex/Gordbuster

diablo_dor - 9-25-2011 at 03:54 PM

I hate the rough Ryder as a finisher.
A good mid-card finisher is the perfect plex, I know that perfect Jr is on the roster but have some one attack McGillicutty to demand the chance to utilise it as a finisher.

Someone really needs to steal the Jackhammer!

Powerbombs never go out of fashion.

Kinda shocked only Ms Taker gets the Styles Clash.

Has the DVD been but on the banned list?

Put me on the Cross-face chicken wing comeback list.

I know this is kinda against what you want, but debut the 720 ddt on Raw & become over like rover!

If they make it a killer move, and the crowd buys into it the WWE could make any move a finisher, remember the WWF title changed hands because of a rope running elbow drop.

How about this for a story, Austin comes back to bestow the Stone Cold Stunner on a worthy successor leading to some heel getting pissed off & demanding the use of the move. Hell it's nearly 10years since Austin in ring retirement, why not use a known commodity.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 9-25-2011 at 04:17 PM

Richie Steamboat will be the next wrestler to use the Superkick as his finisher. He has a whole angle based around it in FCW at the moment, and he hits it beautifully.

Dean Ambrose uses the Celtic Cross (Finlay's finisher aka the Air Raid Crash).

Ziggler is being held back by lack of finisher - I might just give him something like the Stone Cold Stunner. Perfectplex would work as well, but I assume they'll eventually give that to McGillacuddy along with a namechange and a push.

I'm surprised nobody ever stole Doug Williams Chaos Theory roll through suplex. I've always liked that.

Goldust's Final Cut twisting suplex was solid and could be used -

The figure-four leg lock would probably garner wooooo's from the crowd, but is basic but an established finisher.

The Roaring Elbow is another simple favorite of mine and I hope Hero brings it with him when he comes to the wwe -

If somebody brought back the crossface chickenwing it would have to be a heel Daniel Bryan. I think it would be perfect for him - I don't like the LaBell Lock really, or the guillotine sleeper/choke. Cattle Mutilation won't be used as a finisher in the wwe because the opponents face is down in the mat and can't sell with facials as a result. I'd like to see CM used because it traps both arms so the opponent can't tap - it would be a good heel submission. On the crossface chickenwing I believe the hands are supposed to be gripped together - something Backlund never did that Bryan would have to do.

[Edited on 9-25-2011 by C.MontgomeryPunk]

diablo_dor - 9-25-2011 at 05:07 PM

Doesn't Hero have a combination Neckbreaker into elbow that could be a pretty damn good finisher?

Yes, yes he does

Who doesn't want the cloverleaf back, wasn't Sheamus toying with it during the summer?

Bring back the fujiwara!!

Paddlefoot - 9-25-2011 at 06:02 PM

Bring back the Big Wiggle!

Stu - 9-25-2011 at 08:01 PM

Case in point, Dolph Ziggler's Zig Zag, which, as best as I can tell, is a jumping release Russian Leg Sweep. Now, I think it's fine as a regular move (even if looks a little goofy), but it doesn't cut it as a finisher in today's modern wrestling landscape.

I don't get why Dolph doesn't use the fameasser as a finisher rather than as a setup move like he sometimes does. It's quick, it's identifable, credible and works on anyone.
Why doesn't anyone use the F5 today? Is it just a fuck you to Brock?
Full Nelson Slam. Chris Masters would have been a bit more bearable if he'd used that in conjunction with the Masterlock.
There's a british wrestler called Kid Fite who uses a finisher called The Lockback DDT, which is basically a DDT with a hammerlock and one of his legs coiled round his opponents, which makes it look really stiff and powerfull at times. There's a montage of him using it at about 3 minutes into this video:

[Edited on 25-9-11 by Stu]

diablo_dor - 9-25-2011 at 09:13 PM

That DDT does look brutal even before the hammerlock.

Doesn't Kelly Kelly use the fameasser when she's not using a roll up to kill any interest in the Diva title?
I was thinking if Barrett started Wasteland from a pump handle beginning it would look more badass, but then the way Gabriel sold it was brutal.

I always loved the moonsault press onto a standing opponent.

Didn't Shane Douglas use a Uranage hold only dropping to his knees in a version of a stunner which is the kind of hybrid Rock - Austin tribute that someone like Ryder could make his own!

A single leg Boston crab needs to be used by someone.

Does anyone in WWE use a frog splash?
How much heel heat of Vickie gets someone to turn & join her faction & then started using it?

denverpunk - 9-25-2011 at 09:47 PM

Speaking of the Wasteland, Kennedy used to do a top rope version of it (I forget what it they called it, but it was a mix of a Wasteland and Swanton Bomb). That finisher was a big reason why he got over in the first place -- why not give it to someone else, since he'll likely never be back in WWE?

Stu - 9-25-2011 at 09:56 PM

Because they'd likely only be allowed to use it a few times/sparingly before reverting to something more safe like what happened with Kennedy.

diablo_dor - 9-25-2011 at 10:09 PM

I have it in my head that people refused to take that finisher, am I right in "green bay plunge" or am I far off?

Does anyone remember Rikishi or Bam Bam using a piledriver variation were the head was totally protected?

knuckleballschwartz - 9-25-2011 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Speaking of the Wasteland, Kennedy used to do a top rope version of it (I forget what it they called it, but it was a mix of a Wasteland and Swanton Bomb). That finisher was a big reason why he got over in the first place -- why not give it to someone else, since he'll likely never be back in WWE?

I always liked that finisher 1) because it looked awesome but more importantly 2) because it was a top (second?) rope version of the kamikaze crash one of the finishers of british wrestling legend Kendo Nagazaki. Check it out here in all its 70's glory (literally the first ten seconds of this clip)

CheMateo - 9-25-2011 at 11:03 PM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
Does anyone remember Rikishi or Bam Bam using a piledriver variation were the head was totally protected?

Yes. Bam Bam's was called "Greetings from Asbury Park".;=related#t=01m11s

Greetings from Asbury Park through a table.

I think this variation would be good to use.

theflammablemanimal - 9-25-2011 at 11:14 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Speaking of the Wasteland, Kennedy used to do a top rope version of it (I forget what it they called it, but it was a mix of a Wasteland and Swanton Bomb). That finisher was a big reason why he got over in the first place -- why not give it to someone else, since he'll likely never be back in WWE?

That's not a wasteland. It's a flipping fireman carry like Kennedy and Finlay do from a standing position.

Totally agree I'm the Dragon Sleeper and one-legged crab, especially if there's a roll through like Lance Storm used to do. Also would like to see a rolling butterfly lock.

I'd also love to see a big man like Brodus Clay use the stretch muffler. Looks like it hurts, makes him look powerful, and probably a couple of cool ways to counter out of it.

And the reverse brainbuster is pretty sweet.

Seems like the new trend is variations of moves from the dvd position (FU, GTS, Wasteland), so the F5 might come back.

salmonjunkie - 9-26-2011 at 12:54 AM

Originally posted by diablo_dor

Has the DVD been but on the banned list?

Attitude Adjuster is too close to DVD to let a WWE wrestler use it as a finisher. Last guy to use it was Dreamer, I think?

Chris Is Good517 - 9-26-2011 at 01:10 AM

I'd also like to see more submissions used. I don't think anybody has used the Sharpshooter since Benoit (other than Bret's occasional appearances) and I don't think anybody really associates that move with him, so I think it'd be safe to give to somebody. (I might be totally wrong and Tyson Kidd might use this move, but it's not like he ever wins or anything, so does it even count?)

If they aren't going to ever bring in Samoa Joe, someone might as well start using the rear naked choke.

Wasn't Skip Sheffield using a backpack stunner or something as a finisher? That was actually kind of cool.

And somebody should start using Carlito's lungblower again. That move always looked vicious to me.

DevilSoprano - 9-26-2011 at 01:28 AM

Nattie uses the sharpshooter the few times she wrestles and is allowed to win.

theflammablemanimal - 9-26-2011 at 01:50 AM

Sheffield did do a nice looking stunner. And Truth occasionally does an Osaka Cutter, which is like a suplex into a stunner but I don't think he's ever won with it.

I don't think anyone will take Carlito's move since James Storm uses it in TNA.

Rock will probably use the Sharpshooter at Wrestlemania.

How about the Derailer or the choke bomb that Gallows/Albert used to use?

Matte - 9-26-2011 at 02:12 AM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
I don't think anyone will take Carlito's move since James Storm uses it in TNA.

I don't think that matters. Sheamus' Celtic Cross is basically the same thing as Hernandez' Border Toss, but with less muscle. Kaz' Flux Capacitor is the same thing as Sin Cara's nameless finisher #1. Although it could explain why no one has used the F5 in the E since Brock, while Gunner is currently using it in TNA.

drmuerto - 9-26-2011 at 02:12 AM

Someone needs to adopt the Heart Punch.

Also the Garvin Stomp.

Beer Baron - 9-26-2011 at 02:48 AM

-No one has used The Tequilla Sunrise submission since Konnan in WCW. That was a cool variation of a half crab. Or his 187, bearhug into a DDT. I think Colt Cabana used it a while ago.

-Diamond Dust: Only person I've seen do it during matches as a finisher was Masato Tanaka. Don't know if any other wrestlers use it.

-Has anyone recently used Ron Simmons/Farooq's Dominator?

-Kanyon's Flatliner always looked great and legit. I know R Truth, Shelton, Scott Steiner used variations of the move, but nobody was better than Kanyon.

lz4005 - 9-26-2011 at 02:58 AM

Originally posted by drmuerto
Someone needs to adopt the Heart Punch.

Also the Garvin Stomp.

Besides Orton?

theflammablemanimal - 9-26-2011 at 03:10 AM

I think Lashley is last to use the Dominator, though Otunga uses Farooqs other finisher.

Didn't Sharkboy use diamond dust? I think moves that rely on the top rope (besides actual top rope moves like a frogsplash) don't work very well because the set up is so tough.

Chris Is Good517 - 9-26-2011 at 03:42 AM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
Didn't Sharkboy use diamond dust? I think moves that rely on the top rope (besides actual top rope moves like a frogsplash) don't work very well because the set up is so tough.

The Diamond Dust is an awesome finisher. I also really like Spike Dudley's Acid Drop and its fraternal twin, the Sliced Bread #2

Wickedfrost - 9-26-2011 at 03:52 AM

Add me to the Cross-Faced Chicken Wing crew.

joerizal - 9-26-2011 at 04:00 AM

With that said, all neck based offense look like winners to me. Everybody knows that it doesn't take much to injure a neck.
The problem I have/had was there was a period in WWE when 3 or 4 wrestlers had a swinging neckbreaker-variant as a finisher, which wouldn't happen if the E would be more lax in their move-banning, or if the wrestlers were allowed more originality. To wit, these moves were: Morrison's Moonlight Drive, Miz's Mizard of Oz, Kenny Dykstra's tap-the-toe-twice swinging neckbreaker, Mike Knox's Knox Out, etc. Not 100% sure about the concurrency of their appearances though, but I think it was pretty close. Not to mention the multiple uranage finishers: Kozlov, Zeke, Otunga.

A superplex used to be a match ender, now its a routine move in a Diva's match!
C'mon, man. They (Divas) used it one time on a PPV Championship match. I will concede that it occurs more frequently in men's matches.

Perhaps something like a combination Slingshot Suplex/Gordbuster
Rob Conway (aka "best entrance theme ever") used a nice Slingshot Suplex/Neckbreaker combo called the "Ego Trip". And Kevin Thorn used a Slingshot/Stunner combo called "Original Sin", which wasn't as fluid but was effective nonetheless.

Someone really needs to steal the Jackhammer!
Yeah. This is one of the moves I had in mind for this thread. It's (relatively) safe, it's devastating, it's identifiable as a finisher.

Richie Steamboat will be the next wrestler to use the Superkick as his finisher.
Doesn't Tyler Black/Seth Rollins also use a kneeling Superkick as a finisher?

Goldust's Final Cut twisting suplex was solid and could be used
That works. It looks wrestling-y too, instead of just a strike (e.g. Roaring Elbow) which looks more MMA-y. I'd like to see someone use the hiptoss-into-a-neckbreaker too, although as a transition move instead of a finisher.

Didn't Shane Douglas use a Uranage hold only dropping to his knees in a version of a stunner
"The Franchiser". But, again, IMO, not finisher-credible. I liked the Pittsburgh Plunge (Fisherman Buster) better.

Does anyone in WWE use a frog splash? How much heel heat of Vickie gets someone to turn & join her faction & then started using it?
Damn. Fucking genius. Dolph should use this. The heat would be off-the-fucking-charts.

Speaking of the Wasteland, Kennedy used to do a top rope version of it (I forget what it they called it, but it was a mix of a Wasteland and Swanton Bomb).
"Green Bay Plunge".

I'd also love to see a big man like Brodus Clay use the stretch muffler.
That's the "Brock Lock", right? The visual works. And it fits Brodus' dominant monster persona: a bigman having you hanging by the leg.

And somebody should start using Carlito's lungblower again.
del Rio uses it sparingly. He used it at Night of Champions against Cena. And I think Primo (yes, he's still employed) uses it as a finisher. But again, alluding to your Tyson Kidd remark, if a tree falls in the forest..

And Truth occasionally does an Osaka Cutter, which is like a suplex into a stunner but I don't think he's ever won with it.
I'm continually baffled by Truth's choice of finisher among the moves in his moveset. He has the Axe Kick, yet he uses a Spinning Forearm as his finisher. He has the Osaka Street Cutter and Hat Rack Cracked (Sitout Front Suplex), yet he uses Shelton Benjamin's Paydirt as his finisher.

How about the Derailer or the choke bomb that Gallows/Albert used to use?
They're 2 different moves. The Derailer is a sitout two-handed chokebomb. The Gallows Pull is a kneeling Gas Mask, where Gallows has the opponent's face in a "gas mask" of sorts before lifting him and dropping him. And yes, Luke Gallows stole from Pete Gas!

-Kanyon's Flatliner always looked great and legit. I know R Truth, Shelton, Scott Steiner used variations of the move, but nobody was better than Kanyon.
I see what you did there. Also, Kennedy's Mic Check is exactly like the Flatliner, right?

Record for most quote/replies in a post?

[Edited on 9-26-2011 by joerizal]

JB KING - 9-26-2011 at 05:08 AM

Its too bad Batista stole the Rings of Saturn (or a veariation of it) for 2 weeks before leaving. That was always a great submission imo

Give it to Mason?

Oh and im glad to see someone is doing a Boston crab/liontamer/strong hold again....well kinda someone.

joerizal - 9-26-2011 at 05:45 AM

Originally posted by JB KING
Its too bad Batista stole the Rings of Saturn (or a veariation of it) for 2 weeks before leaving. That was always a great submission imo
Yeah, it's a modified version. Saturn's version had both arms trapped instead of a neck vice.

Although, he did another version during the latter parts of his WWE career, a Stranglehold Gamma, which didn't look as convincing.

The "Rings of Saturn" is a great submission, though. I'd like to see it back. Ditto the Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Gredunza that Tyson Kidd busts out from time to time.

Give it to Mason?
Speaking of Mason Ryan, add him to the list of guys who use a uranage-variation as a finisher. I say give him the Jackhammer.

TommyD420 - 9-26-2011 at 05:51 AM

Beer Baron - 9-26-2011 at 05:54 AM

Originally posted by joerizal
-Kanyon's Flatliner always looked great and legit. I know R Truth, Shelton, Scott Steiner used variations of the move, but nobody was better than Kanyon.
I see what you did there. Also, Kennedy's Mic Check is exactly like the Flatliner, right?

Record for most quote/replies in a post?

[Edited on 9-26-2011 by joerizal]

Totally forgot about Kennedy using the Flatliner/Mic Check. I haven't seen a full episode of TNA in a few weeks. I seem to remember he did a pretty good job of making the move look fluid and believable as a finisher. I was never a fan of Shelton's Pay Dirt. To me, it just looked sloppy, especially coming from a wrestler who was/is so solid in the ring.

And totally forgot about The Rings of Saturn! I have always been a huge Saturn mark.

The finisher I thought was great/believable was the Banzai Drop. Yokozuna and then later Rikishi used it. Yoko as his finisher, and if I remember correctly, Rikishi as a set up move. But the Banzai Drop was more of a character driven finisher. It fit with Yoko's character, and Riki was a fat guy too.

[Edited on 9-26-2011 by Beer Baron]

Riko - 9-26-2011 at 09:33 AM

What about the F5? I really liked it (actually marked out when Brock F5ed the Big Show. Who also used once or twice I think). Seems like something you could do without actually injuring somebody. I think it would suit Wade Barret.

I'd also like to see the mandable claw again..although I can't think of anyone to use it.

theflammablemanimal - 9-26-2011 at 11:09 AM

Sorry should have been more specific. The Derailer and the choke bomb are 2 separate moves that both deserve to be brought back.

The Derailer is like Shock Treatment only with the guy over one shoulder instead of in a rack position. It's also similar to Joe's new move, but with the guy on his own back instead of his own stomach.

knuckleballschwartz - 9-26-2011 at 06:22 PM

Related to the Rings of Saturn, 2 submissions that are probably re-deployable now are

Dan Severn's Bow & Arrow half-crab armbar thingy:


(sadly) the regal stretch (can you remember the last time we saw it on wwe tv? even if so we could have a handover/changing of the guard moment where regal bequeaths his legacy to someone)

salmonjunkie - 9-26-2011 at 06:49 PM

Regal's Union Jack was a nice finisher too. Wonder why he didn't use it very long.

Talking about his Regal Stretch reminds me of when he won KOTR in 09 using his Regal Stretch to win 3 matches. And how he lost his push afterwards being caught with drugs. Damn shame.

gobbledygooker - 9-26-2011 at 07:24 PM

Originally posted by joerizal
JTG's wraparound clothesline, Yoshi Tatsu's roundhouse kick

I'm shocked (and a little worried) that you even knew these guys have finishers.

cardscott5 - 9-26-2011 at 07:55 PM

I'm surprised no one in the WWE has done the single leg crab. I like the way Eddie Edwards does it when he includes stomping the head for extra emphasis. Speaking of ROH moves someone should steal, I love the suplex into the knees that Roderick Strong does. That may not work as a finisher, but it's cool.

theflammablemanimal - 9-26-2011 at 09:32 PM

Someone might as well use the Future Shock. Just saying.


Lasso from El Paso
Haas of Pain (same move?)
Edge's sharpshooter variant (Edgeucator? That move looks nasty)
Trailer Hitch
Big Show's Reverse Powerbomb
Kenta/Roderick's Running One-Legged Dropkick
Tajiri's kicks of death

And some heel needs to pick up the Power of the Punch.

Wickedfrost - 9-26-2011 at 09:35 PM


I haven't seen Ox Baker since I read an article about him in an old wrestling magazine about 20 years ago. Wild.

magnooos - 9-26-2011 at 10:53 PM

Giant swing!

The Riot Act - 9-26-2011 at 11:02 PM

Originally posted by cloak and dagger
With the popularity of MMA coming into focus, basic submission moves become more viable in wrestling, in my opinion.

Totally agree.

I was thinking that some version of an Arm Triangle Choke would make a good finisher. There are so many different ways to apply and you could really make it look devastating. You could even set it up with some kind of Uranage move, like a Sambo Suplex. I may actually steal this one for myself if I'm ever in need of a finish.

bigfatgoalie - 9-26-2011 at 11:48 PM

Power moves:

Running powerslam / Oklahoma slam
Bossman Slam

Non-bigman Finishers

Rocker droper / Fameasser
Rude Awakening
Reverse DDT
Fisherman suplex / Perfectplex


Elbow drop
Slicebread / Aciddrop


Figure four
Million dollar dream
Rings of Saturn
Camel clutch (Henry or another big man doing this right would work well)

Also, a DDT and Spinebuster should not be transition moves.

Beer Baron - 9-26-2011 at 11:55 PM

Originally posted by magnooos
Giant swing!

Claudio Castagnoli has used that in his recent matches.

I don't think anyone's said this one, and even though he is Buff Bagwell, I was a fan of his Buff's Blockbuster that he did from the 2nd rope. That is a safe finisher and falls under the popular neckbreaker category.

diablo_dor - 9-27-2011 at 12:07 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Regal's Union Jack was a nice finisher too. Wonder why he didn't use it very long.

Talking about his Regal Stretch reminds me of when he won KOTR in 09 using his Regal Stretch to win 3 matches. And how he lost his push afterwards being caught with drugs. Damn shame.

Is the Union Jack that short arm neck breaker he used in 2001 against Trish? Yeah that needs to be stolen pronto.

Wasn't it HHH who demanded an end to the pile driver, after Undertaker gave him a stinger during the iron man match?
With his attempt to reignite the tag team division why not loosen the reigns a little to see what happens, Hell the pile driver could be a killer move it doesn't need to be a regular move.

Didn't Layla use the diamond dust?

Do you think anyone would have the cheek to steal any of the Chikara Specials from Quackenbush?

cloak and dagger - 9-27-2011 at 12:30 AM

Originally posted by diablo_dorIs the Union Jack that short arm neck breaker he used in 2001 against Trish? Yeah that needs to be stolen pronto.

Sorry Trish.;=related

blackdragon - 9-27-2011 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by The Riot Act
You could even set it up with some kind of Uranage move, like a Sambo Suplex. I may actually steal this one for myself if I'm ever in need of a finish.

I liked when CM Punk set up the Anaconda Vise with his Uranage.

Wickedfrost - 9-27-2011 at 01:10 PM

I miss the DDT as a finisher. I hate that it's a desperation move now or a setup.

Someone could come in and claim that nobody else does it right, learned Jake's secret technique and then use it as a proper finisher.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 9-27-2011 at 05:30 PM

^Drew McIntrye's Future Shock is a DDT. He hits is beautifully as well, always looks impactful - it's too bad he's now an afterthought. If he's ever endeavored somebody like Punk should poach it instantly.

BBMN - 9-27-2011 at 06:22 PM

The Riot Act - 9-28-2011 at 06:10 AM

Originally posted by blackdragon
Originally posted by The Riot Act
You could even set it up with some kind of Uranage move, like a Sambo Suplex. I may actually steal this one for myself if I'm ever in need of a finish.

I liked when CM Punk set up the Anaconda Vise with his Uranage.

Yeah, me too.

The thing with the basic Arm Triangle is that it's pretty much already a Uranage grip, so you don't even have to let go after the move. You can just hit the move and then lock in the hold, which I think would look pretty devestating in the right hands.

blackdragon - 9-28-2011 at 12:57 PM

I've actually tapped someone out with an arm triangle takedown. Not as impressive as the uranage set up (which would be a must in pro wrestling) but a nice leg sweep is very effective.

edited to add

Thinking about Mason Ryan's wind up Uranage from Raw, I've always wanted a big guy besides UT with his ugly ass gogoplata to utilize a submission hold as their primary hold. Like someone mentioned with the camel clutch and Mark Henry, but not as generic.

[Edited on 9-28-2011 by blackdragon]

joerizal - 9-28-2011 at 01:34 PM

What about the F5?
The thing with the Stunner and the F5 is that they're too identifiable with a WWE "legend" to just have some random midcard guy rip it off and start using it. Unless there's a really good reason to do so. Case in point: Dolph using Eddie Guerrero's Frog Splash because of his association with Vickie and because he's a prick/heel who likes to rub it in people's faces.

The Derailer is like Shock Treatment only with the guy over one shoulder instead of in a rack position.
That's the Train Wreck, a move A-Train came up with when he changed his name from Albert. The Derailer is the two-handed chokebomb aka the Baldo Bomb. Speaking of which, someone should use the Shock Treatment in the WWE. Claudio, maybe?

Talking about his Regal Stretch reminds me of when he won KOTR in 09 using his Regal Stretch to win 3 matches. And how he lost his push afterwards being caught with drugs. Damn shame.
What about when Regal would institute blackouts on Raws? The heat he got was phenomenal main-event level.

JTG's wraparound clothesline, Yoshi Tatsu's roundhouse kick
I'm shocked (and a little worried) that you even knew these guys have finishers
Heh. Yoshi picks up a win every now and then on NXT and Superstars, so I notice his finisher. JTG's, you have to think long and hard. I think the last time he won on primetime was during his feud with Shad Gaspard. I think what's even more shocking and worrying is that I watch NXT and Superstars.

Someone might as well use the Future Shock.
Chris Sabin's right? Too FU-y. Hell, Cena should modify his AA to a Future Shock, but it's too late for that.

Lasso from El Paso
I forgot how the Lasso was executed. If I recall correctly, it's a variant of a Texas Cloverleaf, right? Too lazy to youtube it.

Tajiri's kicks of death
Man, I'd wince everytime I saw Tajiri's kicks. Brutal-looking AND sounding. I doubt anyone today can land kicks as cleanly and as mercilessly as Tajiri though.

I don't think anyone's said this one, and even though he is Buff Bagwell, I was a fan of his Buff's Blockbuster that he did from the 2nd rope. That is a safe finisher and falls under the popular neckbreaker category.
Agree. Very viable finisher in today's WWE. Shannon Moore has a version called the Mooregasm.

With his attempt to reignite the tag team division why not loosen the reigns a little to see what happens, Hell the pile driver could be a killer move it doesn't need to be a regular move.
I doubt they'll ever bring the Piledriver back, but if you're gonna use it in a tag team setting, then do it Spike Piledriver-style, baby!

I miss the DDT as a finisher.
Alex Riley has his lifting DDT ala-Big Vito (the guy who used to crossdress. yup!). Cody Rhodes, before he adopted the Cross Rhodes, used a simple yet very fluid DDT as a finisher, almost Jake Roberts-like. Gangrel's Impaler DDT was vicious. I think Petey Williams has won a match or two with the Bearhug-into-a-DDT, but I could be misremembering. I also recall reading about a time in ECW where 3 or 4 different wrestlers used a DDT as their finisher. Correct me if I'm wrong.

^Drew McIntrye's Future Shock is a DDT. He hits is beautifully as well, always looks impactful - it's too bad he's now an afterthought. If he's ever endeavored somebody like Punk should poach it instantly.
They need to redraft Drew back to Smackdown. Don't understand why he got depushed in the first place. Is it because of the Tiffany incident?

Thinking about Mason Ryan's wind up Uranage from Raw, I've always wanted a big guy besides UT with his ugly ass gogoplata to utilize a submission hold as their primary hold.
Forgot who mentioned it first (flam?), but Brodus Clay using the Stretch Muffler/Brock Lock would be badass. And again, Mason Ryan + Jackhammer = win. Especially the way Goldberg used to execute it. Make it happen, Arn. Speaking of Arn, I don't think the Spinebuster can be used as a finisher anymore, at least not in the E, since HHH, Christian and freaking Alex Riley use it as transition moves.

[Edited on 9-28-2011 by joerizal]

salmonjunkie - 9-28-2011 at 05:23 PM

Originally posted by joerizal
What about the F5?
The thing with the Stunner and the F5 is that they're too identifiable with a WWE "legend" to just have some random midcard guy rip it off and start using it. Unless there's a really good reason to do so. Case in point: Dolph using Eddie Guerrero's Frog Splash because of his association with Vickie and because he's a prick/heel who likes to rub it in people's faces.

Agreed. The only reason the RKO works is beacause DDP wasn't a WWE guy, and because Randy does it in a way that doesn't 100% resemble DDPs. That's probably why we don't see people outside of Harts use Sharpshooters to win matches.

Maybe Dolph should use the Lasso. At the same time, I think the WWE will continue to shy away Vicki's former association to Eddie. As classless as WWE gets, I don't see them envoking his name to give her and Dolph heat. I mean, not a single face or announcer has ever said "What did Eddie ever see in you/her?", which would be pretty f'd up, scripted or not.

What about when Regal would institute blackouts on Raws? The heat he got was phenomenal main-event level.

Seriously, if there is one thing in wrestling (non-death realated) that I wish we could go back in time and change is his suspension and de-push. I still think he'd make a great main event heel, but I think time is going to pass him by.

Lasso from El Paso
I forgot how the Lasso was executed. If I recall correctly, it's a variant of a Texas Cloverleaf, right? Too lazy to youtube it.

Does anybody use the Cloverleaf these days? I love that move.

Speaking of Arn, I don't think the Spinebuster can be used as a finisher anymore, at least not in the E, since HHH, Christian and freaking Alex Riley use it as transition moves.

Even Ron Simmons, when he had the most badass spinebuster in the business used it as a transition move (but occassionally did win matches with it).

Biff_Manly - 9-28-2011 at 06:35 PM

It might be cool to see someone bust out the Iron Claw. I know the Von Ericks used to use it and I know I saw a few other guys but it really hasn't been used.

The closest thing is Mankind's Mandible Claw. It's probably too soon to use that considering but some other version of the claw would be great. It could be a submission or a move that knocks people out.

Matte - 9-28-2011 at 07:14 PM

^ You mean like Khali's Vise Grip?

BBMN - 9-28-2011 at 08:34 PM

Paddlefoot - 9-28-2011 at 10:01 PM

Song, Song of the South,
Sweet potato pie,
and shut my mouth

knuckleballschwartz - 9-28-2011 at 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
It might be cool to see someone bust out the Iron Claw. I know the Von Ericks used to use it and I know I saw a few other guys but it really hasn't been used.

The closest thing is Mankind's Mandible Claw. It's probably too soon to use that considering but some other version of the claw would be great. It could be a submission or a move that knocks people out.

The most believable (and coolest) variant of that sort of thing would surely be the tongan death grip which is coincidentally probably the most stealable too.

Beer Baron - 9-28-2011 at 10:40 PM

All Japanese wrestlers in the WWE should always have the Green Mist just on principle alone. There are long running gimmicks in pro wrestling, like for example, everyone knows that a Samoan headbutt is 1 million times more devastating than a non-Samoan headbutt. Wanna get Yoshi Tatsu over? Let him us the Green/Red/Yellow/Black Mist.

I loved the Impaler DDT. Edge used that after Gangrel left the scene.

I wasn't impressed with Mason Ryan's crazy gorilla slam into uranage, solely because it didn't have the sound of a gigantic impact. Finishers should have a sound of flesh bouncing off the mat. Don't get me wrong, I was impressed he did a move like that, but the overall lasting image wasn't as strong as it should have been. Either give him the Jackhammer, or if you want to stick with a gorilla press to show how freakishly strong he is, give him the slam that Goldberg used to do as a setup move to the Spear. Goldberg used to do a Gorilla Press into a powerslam. That move had the impact to it and it looked legit awesome.

Someone else said it, but Greetings From Ashbury Park needs to come back. That was a great move.

diablo_dor - 9-29-2011 at 12:19 AM

I agree the implant ddt is a fantastic looking move when done right, but regularly looks like one oof those women finishers were the opponent OBVIOUSLY does all the work.

What about Michinoku (sp) style drivers? I think Matt Morgan has a great looking slam there that could easily look like a finisher.

I also rate combination finishers, like a powerbomb into a Boston crab.

You know what I'd love to win more matches, actually bridged German Suplex, we mentioned Chaos Theory but the bridged Suplex works.

Would they let the Jig a tonic happen? Or the move Mike Modest debuted on Beyond the Mat? I know plenty use it in the Indies but it looks pretty safe...

Chris Is Good517 - 9-29-2011 at 03:34 AM

Anyone else miss seeing Monty Brown hit the Pounce?

Matte - 9-29-2011 at 03:45 AM

No, but I do miss hearing him talk about hitting the POOOOOOUUUUUUNNNNNCE... PERIOD!

denverpunk - 9-29-2011 at 05:18 AM

Originally posted by joerizal
Man, I'd wince everytime I saw Tajiri's kicks. Brutal-looking AND sounding. I doubt anyone today can land kicks as cleanly and as mercilessly as Tajiri though.

Daniel Bryan could. His kicks are pretty badass -- maybe not to Tajiri levels, but he could still use one as a finisher whenever he gets sick of using the Lebell Lock.

EDIT: Here's something else I'd like to see more of, and I've only seen done once by DDP. It'd take a strong wrestler, but basically he would get someone in powerbomb position and lift them up like he's doing a powerbomb. Once he reaches the top, the wrestler shifts position and turns the move into a high-impact stunner or Diamond Cutter.

[Edited on 9-29-2011 by denverpunk]

Beer Baron - 9-29-2011 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
EDIT: Here's something else I'd like to see more of, and I've only seen done once by DDP. It'd take a strong wrestler, but basically he would get someone in powerbomb position and lift them up like he's doing a powerbomb. Once he reaches the top, the wrestler shifts position and turns the move into a high-impact stunner or Diamond Cutter.

[Edited on 9-29-2011 by denverpunk]

I'm having a hard time visualizing that. I follow all the way until it's time to hit the Cutter. Nevertheless, I'd love to see this move on video. Do you remember what DDP match?

I can't quite remember anyone doing double underhook suplexes recently. I think Scotty Steiner still uses them. But Double Underhook Suplex into a powerbomb looks great and has that impact one would need for a finisher. And for tag teams, how bout bringing back the Doomsday Device or the Steiner's Top Rope Bulldog double team. Hell, even a Double Team Power Bomb would be nice to see.

denverpunk - 9-29-2011 at 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Beer Baron
I'm having a hard time visualizing that. I follow all the way until it's time to hit the Cutter. Nevertheless, I'd love to see this move on video. Do you remember what DDP match?

That's what I'm talking about! DDP gets Eddie in more of a Dominator position rather than a powerbomb, but it's the same concept.

Beer Baron - 9-29-2011 at 10:31 PM

HO-LEE SHIT. That was pretty radical. I think I have seen that before, and it's still a sweet move. Eddie was great on his part as well. Doesn't hurt that he makes that move like a million bucks.

That move reminded me of Chris Hero doing the Ripcord.

Don't know if anyone else does the Ripcord, but I've only seen Hero do it. Though seeing how Roderick Strong kicked out, I guess that's not really a traditional finisher.

Dominator - 10-1-2011 at 03:33 AM

How about any of about 10 moves that Sonjay Dutt does? Anyone explain to me how WWE hasn't hired this kid yet?

SaiyaJinDX - 10-1-2011 at 04:11 PM

Lots of good choices here. A couple of people mentioned it already- but I vote for the Union Jack move that Regal did on Trish. It has that devastating neckbreaker aspect to it, plus the way it's set up could lead to a lot of good counters and sequences.

theflammablemanimal - 10-2-2011 at 04:03 AM

Don't like Natalya's new finisher. Too complicated (even she seems confused when she puts it on) and it looks like her shoulders are down through the move.

knuckleballschwartz - 10-4-2011 at 10:05 PM

I'd also like to see someone big (Brodus maybe?) pick up d-lo's "Sky High":

theflammablemanimal - 10-5-2011 at 12:40 AM

Yeah, that's a great move and that gets used by a lot of guys. D'Lo, Dreamer, Knox.

Actually, hasn't Riley been using it as a set up move? He might have even won one or two matches with it.

Oh, and Crimson has been using it as his finisher.

The Riot Act - 10-5-2011 at 02:17 AM

I don't remember ever seeing Riley use the Sky High. Wasn't Riley using a sit-out uranage like Lance Cade used to use? Speaking of which, that's a pretty cool finish, as well.

joerizal - 10-5-2011 at 10:54 AM

Chris Sabin's Cliffhanger/Chuck Palumbo's Full Throttle is a viable finisher. Safe and great to see. And it's not like Palumbo was ever a household name.

Someone else said it, but Greetings From Ashbury Park needs to come back. That was a great move.
aka The Rikishi Driver. Don't think it's WWE-approved since it involves dropping the opponent head first.

I also rate combination finishers, like a powerbomb into a Boston crab.
Now, this is original and could work. I recall Elijah Burke once used a front Russian Leg Sweep (aka Jarrett's Stroke) and transitioned directly into the Rings of Saturn. I think either that whole sequence or the Rings of Saturn was dubbed the "Elijah Experience". Also, Christopher Daniels' Flatliner into the Koji Clutch. Nice suggestion.

Anyone else miss seeing Monty Brown hit the Pounce?
You know, Monty, excuse me, Marcus Cor Von, wasn't around long enough to create a lasting impression. And the Pounce is super safe and visually impressive. Great idea. And since I'm set on Mason Ryan using the Jackhammer, I say give the Pounce to Titus O'Neil. It'd go well with his barking gimmick.

I can't quite remember anyone doing double underhook suplexes recently.
Apart from William Regal, I think there's another one in the WWE, but I can't remember who right now.

I don't remember ever seeing Riley use the Sky High. Wasn't Riley using a sit-out uranage like Lance Cade used to use? Speaking of which, that's a pretty cool finish, as well.
I don't recall Riley's Uranage. I know he uses Rock's forward Spinebuster. Ted DiBiase uses a nice-looking Sitout Spinebuster, but not as a finisher. Titus O'Neil is actually using the Sky High as a finisher on NXT. He calls it the "Clash of the Titus". The Sitout Uranage is a clever way of utilizing the Uranage as a finisher, without invoking comparisons to the Rockbottom.

[Edit: changed "STO" to "Flatliner"]

[Edited on 10-5-2011 by joerizal]

The Riot Act - 10-5-2011 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by joerizal
I don't recall Riley's Uranage. I know he uses Rock's forward Spinebuster. Ted DiBiase uses a nice-looking Sitout Spinebuster, but not as a finisher. Titus O'Neil is actually using the Sky High as a finisher on NXT. He calls it the "Clash of the Titus". The Sitout Uranage is a clever way of utilizing the Uranage as a finisher, without invoking comparisons to the Rockbottom.

Yep, you're right. He does use a TKO hich looks pretty cool, though. I think that's a good finisher for him.

Riley's also used the Stretch Muffler, oddly enough.

Anyway, here's Cade's Sitout Uranage (2:30 in):

theflammablemanimal - 10-5-2011 at 02:31 PM

I liked how Dreamer used to do the Sky High into the Boston Crab.

What about the Michonoku driver, the Falcon Arrow and Finlay's Celtic Cross? (I mean the emerald fusion if I'm getting Finlay's name wrong). All safe and cool looking.

Also, Kelly Kelly should steal Madison Rayne's head humping move as her finisher. Best move ever.

joerizal - 10-5-2011 at 05:11 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
What about the Michonoku driver, the Falcon Arrow and Finlay's Celtic Cross? (I mean the emerald fusion if I'm getting Finlay's name wrong). All safe and cool looking.
I read from one of CMP's posts that Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley is using Finlay's Celtic Cross/Air Raid Crash as his finisher in FCW.

I think CM Punk busted out the Falcon Arrow as recently as Hell in a Cell.

Michinoku Driver would be a decent and (relatively) easy-to-execute Divas finisher. Certainly better than the X-Factor that pops out in every new generation of WWE Divas.

Speaking of Taka, how fucking brilliant is this as a finisher? I think it's called the "Just Facelock", which is basically just a face/chinlock. I wonder if it would be as well-received in the States as it is in Japan, since everyone and their grandma has shit on Orton and his chinlock.

I found where Batista adapted his "Rings of Saturn" variant from - from fucking Nagata.

It won't hurt Daniel Bryan to add another submission finisher to his arsenal (besides the LaBell Lock and the Guillotine Choke) if they're looking to portray him as a Submission Machine. I suggest Lo Ki's Dragon Clutch (Dragon Sleeper/Camel Clutch combo). Sidenote: come back, Kaval! Invade Raw next week.

theflammablemanimal - 10-5-2011 at 11:29 PM

Someone said the WWE wouldn't like that move because you can't see the opponent's face and the pain/emotion.

But I just watched an old Delirious match and he did like a cobra clutch neckbreaker across the knee, then flipped over and bridged into like a camel clutch choke. That could be a pretty cool finisher.

You know what was terrible though? The Steiner Recliner. Never looks like it hurt.

cloak and dagger - 10-6-2011 at 08:05 AM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
Someone said the WWE wouldn't like that move because you can't see the opponent's face and the pain/emotion.

But I just watched an old Delirious match and he did like a cobra clutch neckbreaker across the knee, then flipped over and bridged into like a camel clutch choke. That could be a pretty cool finisher.

You know what was terrible though? The Steiner Recliner. Never looks like it hurt.

The ROH kids have some of the nicest submissions I've ever seen. I think Delirious calls that the Cobra Stretch. Low Ki's Dragon Clutch and Austin Aries' Last Chancery both look sick. Chris Hero's Hangman's Clutch is money when he torques it after grabbing the cravate.

Beer Baron - 10-13-2011 at 12:23 AM

I don't watch NXT(Don't even know when/where it's on), but I just read a tweet about Percy Watson's new finisher is a fireman's carry into a pancake. The F-5 is back? NXT people back this one up.

blackdragon - 10-13-2011 at 11:19 PM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz

The most believable (and coolest) variant of that sort of thing would surely be the tongan death grip which is coincidentally probably the most stealable too.

I remember how pissed I was when Meng lost to Goldberg. I forget how it happened, but Meng went for the Death Grip, Goldberg was on his back so the ref started a count,Goldberg kicks out so Meng releases the grip and one spear/jackhammer later is just another victim.