OOfficial Ratings/Discussion Thread for: RAW (September 26, 2011)
OORick - 9-26-2011 at 10:58 PM

OO Nation: All discussion pertaining to RAW (airing September 26, 2011) should be done in this thread. It will remain pinned at the top of the Current Events section for the remainder of the week. In discussing the program, we'd love it if you shared your numerical rating for the show (from a low of 0.0 to a high of 5.0, in any increment of one-tenth of a point). For full details on the ratings scale and how to join in on this informal "Battle of the Brands," please be sure to check out the OOfficial Guidelines for TV Ratings/Discussion Threads.

Tonight on RAW: it's the middle leg of the 3-week Road to Hell in a Cell.... we know our main event will feature 2/3rd's of the PPV main event, as John Cena's two WWE Title challengers -- CM Punk and Alberto del Rio -- face off... re-integrating Punk into the title picture was a no-brainer of a move after how badly the Punk's foray into feuding with Nash/HHH went, but one could also take the side that the WWE Title feud (in the eyes of the fans) is essentially Punk/Cena, and del Rio's gonna get lost in the shuffle again...

Either way, that's your #1 big deal of the night, and tied directly to the upcoming PPV main event... #2 big deal of the night will be Triple H and Conspiracies, whether he's in on them, the victim of them, quashing them, or some combination there of... it's clear his control over things is loosening, and one would assume that Johnny Ace is positioning himself to pick up the pieces, if necessary... where it stops, nobobdy knows... the big pay-off last week was Miz and Truth getting fired, but we all know that won't last: those two bastards are too entertaining to not be on TV, and plus, being "outsiders" who have to crash the party suits their gimmick quite nicely.... so we'll see where that goes...

There's no damned reason why Zack Ryder shouldn't be #1 Contender to the US Title right now, and there's no damned reason why Dolph Ziggler shouldn't milk last week's antics to remind people that Ryder and Hugh Jackman are tight all while acting like a chickenshit heel who needs a mouthguard to compete, now... is Zack really in position to get a PPV title shot? I hope so, I think there should be enough chemistry there to make it work....

With Miz/Truth fired, Air Boom need new challengers, so let's get on that... Beth/Natalya have no trouble dominating on SD, but become comically ineffective on RAW, so look for another winning night for Kelly Kelly... and there's always the crew from SD hanging around, to be used as needed on the "supershow"....

The flOOr is yours, OO Nation. Let your voice be heard and your thoughts on Brand Supremacy be known. Don't wait till after 11pm to post, either. Pre-show previewing and prognosticating is certainly welcome. So discuss, debate, and rate!

Stu - 9-27-2011 at 01:34 AM

"Bruised Ribs and Anal Bleeding"? Has JBL come back to claim an announce table spot?

JB KING - 9-27-2011 at 01:38 AM

Anal bleeding? Better bring a towel...

TonyTH - 9-27-2011 at 01:50 AM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
Originally posted by TonyTH
I was amused by Khali in the lumberjack match looking back to Henry and the pile of people several times after Henry cleaned house. He looked silly.

yeah but did you hear that section of the crowd start chanting "Khali" at that point as though they wanted to see Henry/Khali go at it? Let's hope the writers were too busy looking at how stupid he looked to notice it and book it.

Oh boy, guess what's next!

[Edited on 9-27-2011 by TonyTH]

gobbledygooker - 9-27-2011 at 02:36 AM

Mason Ryan face turn? I'll bite. Though I'm not sure where he'll fit in with Zack Ryder's burgeoning feud with Vicki's two-man alliance.

"WHAT THE HAIL?!?" is rapidly becoming my new favorite Booker-ism.

Dominator - 9-27-2011 at 02:47 AM

That would be "Whatduhhayell."

the goon - 9-27-2011 at 06:16 AM

I thought tonight's show was a pretty decent go-home effort.

The WWE is treading very close to TNA/Immortal territory with Triple H opening almost every episode, but I did enjoy the segment tonight. I like what's brewing with all of the heels being unhappy with Triple H as COO (and Triple H telling Ziggler he'd beef up security for him when the Muppets are on RAW next month was pretty hilarious).

Battle royal was pretty standard stuff. No shocker in Cody hanging on to the belt.

I was really hoping the WWE would have the balls to go through with a Mark Henry/Khali match, but oh well. The beatdown was effective for what it was.

Cena's promo didn't do much for me tonight, but the match with Christian was solid. Plus I was glad to see Christian not have to eat a pin in the match. Oh, and is there a way we can clone CM Punk and have him both wrestle and be on commentary every week?

I liked all the Ziggler/Ryder and then Ziggler/Swagger vs. Ryder/Air Boom stuff. The Mason Ryan face turn was pretty out of nowhere, but I guess we'll see where it goes. And I continue to really like the Ziggler/Swagger pairing...it's a shame the RAW roster is so stacked, as I think those two would be awesome on Smackdown feuding with the likes of Ortona and Sheamus.

Dare I say this "legal expert" character for Otunga may actually work for him? And I'm curious to see where this seeming alliance between the heels is going, especially with Miz and Truth having to come back at some point.

Really liked the main event between Punk and Del Rio. That ending was definitely unexpected, but I liked it. Kind of gave the sense that Punk can win a match with a knockout kick at any time. And I'm also glad to see Punk being able to get clean wins on a more consistent basis, given that he was jobbing in about 75% of his matches last year.

I also liked the hard sell at the end with the Cell coming down and everyone attacking each other (kind of reminded me of something from the Attitude era). To me, that's how you sell a PPV.

salmonjunkie - 9-27-2011 at 08:19 AM

I thought tonight's RAW was very good from top to bottom. The opening promo by HHH with his explanation, Christian, Dolph, and Cody possibly starting an alliance? The Mason Ryan swerve (I think he'll make a good face - who was the last face Aussie wrestler? Outback Jack?), the short and harmless divas match, with some good spots, thanks to Divas of Doom (hey, they won!), the battle royal (Sheamus vs Zeke was a nice visual), even Henry and Khali was booked perfectly (I REALLY like Henry's current heel push, and say it's about freaking time), and the main event stuff was good too.

There are some really cool potential storylines with Miz and Truth, I think. I can see a Miz/Truth/Nash/Laurenitis/Otunga conspiracy faction, maybe adding more disgrunteled wrestlers (guys who can work good matches) like Christian or Cody. It could be really interesting

I'd be excited for the PPV this weekend if I wasn't out of town (and if I ever actually paid for them).

gobbledygooker - 9-27-2011 at 11:49 AM

Granted, I missed the two episodes of Raw leading up to last night but I assume that Punk's issue with HHH is pretty much over and done?

Doug Almighty - 9-27-2011 at 11:59 AM

Poor show.

And the Teddy Long tag match announcement?! You are kidding me now...

Punk pointing out that ADR had no reason to be out there doing commentary �half naked� was easily the highlight of the night for me. Though, again, as with all the previous shows where Punk has come out and griped about stuff, I appreciate those moments, but would still prefer a show with less gripeworthy things on it.

My patience is wearing thin. Might be wilderness time again soon for me.

If this is ANYONE�S idea of a �reality era� then I have no idea what a �lame cartoony intelligence-insulting era� might look like. Would probably lead to explosions! For some reason. Actually, I do remember an Acme style TNT plunger on Raw a few years back, so guess this stuff is pretty cutting edge compared to that.

blackdragon - 9-27-2011 at 12:45 PM

I remember R-Truth getting blown up, but I don't remember if it was ACME branded. Speaking of which, I miss R-Truth already. God I love me some Mark Henry.

Doug Almighty - 9-27-2011 at 01:04 PM

Jesus, Truth got blown up too? Must have missed that! But sure I'm better off not knowing about it(!)

The one I remember was from ages ago and involved Coach, Hornswoggle and, err, well, also involved lame props and the kind of lack of care re: tone/logic that only a very misguided WWE fanboy/girl could ever tolerate or excuse.

Arschclown - 9-27-2011 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
The Mason Ryan swerve (I think he'll make a good face - who was the last face Aussie wrestler? Outback Jack?)

Originally posted by Wikipedia
Mason Ryan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barri Griffiths (born 13 January 1982) is a Welsh professional wrestler

knuckleballschwartz - 9-27-2011 at 05:11 PM

I'm just hoping we get an interview where Booker says to Mason Ryan "Whut da hail?" and Mason explains, in his broadest welsh accent, that when he was young someone once taught him "more weights equals more dates boyo so how could I possibly turn on Zach? WWYKI"

I really liked Cody talking his way into and then surviving his troubles.

Unlike the tna immortal stuff, I quite like the idea of an increasingly beleaguered HHH continually trying to open the show with a simple announcement about what's going on only to be interupted and waylaid by evermore ridiculous allegations and complaints until he eventually completely loses it and sledgehammers someone like heath slater all the way back to FCW

salmonjunkie - 9-27-2011 at 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Arschclown
Originally posted by salmonjunkie
The Mason Ryan swerve (I think he'll make a good face - who was the last face Aussie wrestler? Outback Jack?)

Originally posted by Wikipedia
Mason Ryan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barri Griffiths (born 13 January 1982) is a Welsh professional wrestler

Welsh. So he basically a better Rob Terry?

DevilSoprano - 9-27-2011 at 06:32 PM

Better is debateable.

TommyD420 - 9-27-2011 at 06:56 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Welsh. So he basically a better Rob Terry?

When Mason Ryan busts out a jumping spin kick, then we can talk about "better".

gobbledygooker - 9-27-2011 at 07:00 PM

And grows a psuedo-Brit-punk-mullet.

I don't know what it is but I have more faith in Mason Ryan than I ever did in Rob Terry. Maybe it's his Batista-ness. And he's also not quite as insanely bulked-up and immobile as Terry.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 9-27-2011 at 07:36 PM

Pretty solid show overall. I thought HHH did a good job explaining the basis of his firing of Miz and Truth. His interactions with Ziggler, Rhodes and Christian were excellent.

The Mason Ryan turn was an unexpected surprise. Let's see where it goes.

It will probably turn out to amount to nothing, but seeing Otunga play legal eagle was interesting if not funny at the same time. Having Laurinaitis on their side could make it intriguing.

Nice match between ADR and Punk. Kick to the head out of nowhere for the win. Those chair shots ADR was laying down after the match seemed absolutely viscious.

[Edited on 9-27-2011 by Frank Lloyd Wright]

Gobshite - 9-27-2011 at 08:42 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
who was the last face Aussie wrestler? Outback Jack?

Nathan Jones, 2003. How dare you forget!!

knuckleballschwartz - 9-27-2011 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
who was the last face Aussie wrestler? Outback Jack?

It's surely only a matter of time before "The White Flash" Ryan Dangerfield takes up the mantle!

S Kid J E T S 48 - 9-27-2011 at 10:59 PM

Originally posted by the goon

Battle royal was pretty standard stuff. No shocker in Cody hanging on to the belt.

Actually, I thought that was gonna be the cheap way they got the belt off Cody (and possibly to Sheamus to make his match with Christian for a title). It looks like we're getting Rhodes/Orton next either for the belt or not, but that type of feud doesn't need a belt, although I guess it would raise the level of the IC title if Orton doesn't beat Henry on Sunday. Sheamus/Henry for the World Title and Orton/Rhodes for the IC would make a nice top of card for Smackdown.

Dominator - 9-27-2011 at 11:45 PM

* I know HHH opening the show every week might get tiresome, but if he continues to be that damn good, I might not mind it so much. Extra security for the Muppets. Awesome. (BTW, don't forget to add ideas to my Muppet post.)

* I think Natalya's submission move on Eve is called the Crossbow (cross the legs and bow the back). I think you can easily add some national pride to it and call it the Canadian Crossbow or the Calgary Crossbow and make it a full-fledged submission finisher. It's a pretty awesome move.

* Loved that new camera shot for Mark Henry's entrance of his broad shoulders from behind.

* Great line from JR: "Hell In A Cell is like church... many attend, few understand."

Addendum: Natalya calling her move the Crossbow fits in nicely with her sharpshooting roots, pun intended.

[Edited on 9-29-2011 by Dominator]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 9-28-2011 at 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Dominator
* I know HHH opening the show every week might get tiresome, but if he continues to be that damn good, I might not mind it so much. Extra security for the Muppets. Awesome.

I have to say...I'm already sick of HHH going over every freaking heel (and Punk...and Cena...and Del Rio...). It seems like the only two people that have been actively pushed since Summerslam are Mark Henry and him.

There's nothing fun about a guy in power constantly getting the upperhand on those lower to him and he's basically making fun of the heels and making them seem like faces. And whichever way they look, they sure as hell aren't going to be taken seriously if they can't ever look good against...well...either the #1 or 1A face in the company.

Ziggler and Rhodes should be taking that step up to main event level RIGHT NOW...but how are they going to do that if they keep running into the glass wall that is HHH? I don't know when it's exactly going to happen, but things need to either start going wrong for HHH, or he needs to lose something fast before he just kills the momentum of everyone under him.

Dominator - 9-29-2011 at 09:20 PM

Before I get to SKid's comments, let me just say that I was wrong about Alberto Del Rio. I was among those who thought his push came a little too soon, but was willing to see what he could do with it. Turns out he was more than ready. The match with Punk was excellent, and could've easily gone another 5-10 minutes with plenty of story still to be told. That said, I liked the surprise ending off the round kick to the back of the head. I like it that you can have a match end on something other than a finisher or a triple-reverse-y pinning combination. But back to the point, ADR has proven to me over the last couple months that not only is he not stealing the thunder away from Punk & Cena, but he's in fact a welcome addition to the main event picture, and as I've said before, the main event picture is at it's best when there are as many qualified competitors in it as possible.

Now, as far as HHH goes, his role is different now. Even though he's not as active in-ring, I consider him to be more like a player-coach out there now. And if you're going to have a COO be an active and prominent character in that way, then he's going to have to show his power and dominance in some way. Unlike Mr. McMahon, who'd pee his pants and take beer baths and get his ass kicked for the good of the business, HHH is a different kind of COO. He isn't going to subject himself to repeated emasculation and be the butt of jokes on a regular basis. And HHH isn't going to get unfunny or unargumentative or suddenly lose the knowledge of his career or the history of the business just because he wears a suit the majority of the time.

Another thing HHH is not going to be is the diabolical consolidator and flaunter of power primarily because, right now, he can't be. He's the guy new to the COO game (pardon the pun) who's unaware of all the machinations going on behind and around him. He doesn't have a bunch of front office allies aside from his wife and as long as she remains behind the scenes, which she pretty much has other than an occasional backstage snipe at Punk, he's not in line to become that. He's learning by the seat of his pants and it's something he's not comfortable with. What he is comfortable with is dropping one-liners on douchebag heels and standing strong against Punk, Nash, and others who try to make a mockery of him.

How HHH is NOT different from Vince McMahon as a COO is that everyone who's working with him in the ring has a chance at being a star. Getting a push isn't always about winning every match or winning every scene or getting in every last zinger. Sometimes it's about being the match, being in the scene, or getting hit with zingers. And as much as I like it when there are many contenders for the #1 spot (or 1A or 1B or however down the alphabet you want to go), they can't all just pop in out of nowhere. Right now we've got Cena/Punk/ADR/Henry/Orton/Christian and that's great. The next men up (Ziggler, Rhodes, JoMo, Barrett, Riley, even Miz & Truth right now) need to build themselves up to that level and riffing with HHH is as big a test as there is right now.

So don't hate The Game. Hate the game. As HHH says, you've got to get over with us. And if you can hold your own on the stick with Trips, that's going to be a big step towards that.

joerizal - 9-30-2011 at 08:31 AM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
Unlike the tna immortal stuff, I quite like the idea of an increasingly beleaguered HHH continually trying to open the show with a simple announcement about what's going on only to be interupted and waylaid by evermore ridiculous allegations and complaints until he eventually completely loses it and sledgehammers someone like heath slater all the way back to FCW
Next week, Wade Barrett should come out and blame his botched arm tattoo on HHH.

That opening segment was so-random-it-made-sense, it really was hilarious. Christian's "one more match" schtick continues to amuse me. I'm telling you, every single primetime broadcast, he never fails to sneak it in. Awesome.

I like that "Heath Slater" is now the wrestling equivalent of a punchline.

by Dominator
..let me just say that I was wrong about Alberto Del Rio. I was among those who thought his push came a little too soon, but was willing to see what he could do with it. Turns out he was more than ready. The match with Punk was excellent, and could've easily gone another 5-10 minutes with plenty of story still to be told..ADR has proven to me over the last couple months that not only is he not stealing the thunder away from Punk & Cena, but he's in fact a welcome addition to the main event picture..
Fantastic match. When was the last time you saw that much arm-related offense in a match? And the attacker's finishing move is arm-based so it made complete wrestling sense. I'd have liked it better if all that punishment on Punk's arm had come into play in the endgame (like Punk lifts del Rio for the GTS but his arm is too weak so only then does he revert to the high roundhouse), but just nitpicking. del Rio really is a main event player, in-ring and overall presence. Too bad his 1st Championship came at an inopportune/inappropriate time, in retrospect.

[Edited on 9-30-2011 by joerizal]

Dominator - 10-1-2011 at 03:26 AM

Originally posted by joerizal
... del Rio really is a main event player, in-ring and overall presence. Too bad his 1st Championship came at an inopportune/inappropriate time, in retrospect.

Nitpicking disagreement. It came at the perfect time. How else could you justify keeping Punk outside the title picture for even a split second if he wasn't there? Cena said in a recent interview, "Punk's so good, he doesn't need the title to be a top dog."

joerizal - 10-1-2011 at 04:16 AM

To keep it short, I felt Punk coming back 2 weeks after leaving "Money in the Bank" as Champion was a waste after all the build-up and everything they did right. And, in retrospect, seeing how everything played out, everything that happened after that upto now has been disappointing, including del Rio winning and completely derailing whatever story they may have had with Punk and his "quest for change".

Mind you, Nash coming back and del Rio cashing in were both a shock at that time, but again, I'm giving my opinion after seeing how everything turned out.

Cena said in a recent interview, "Punk's so good, he doesn't need the title to be a top dog."
And fuck Cena for namedropping Punk. Maybe not in this interview (he may have just been answering a question), but go back to that promo Cena cut on del Rio where he said, "there's only one guy that can hang with me, and that's CM Punk". Talk about riding the coattails of the hottest commodity of the company at that time.

That, and Punk's shoot-story of how Cena congratulated him after his first ECW title win and said something along the lines of "I almost gave up on you, kid". Like Punk needs Cena to validate him. Fuck that noise.

Know your role, you jorts-wearing jabroni. "Real men see through bullshit" [/Rock].

[Edited on 10-1-2011 by joerizal]

Jumbie - 10-2-2011 at 02:50 AM

Cena said in a recent interview, "Punk's so good, he doesn't need the title to be a top dog."

Lost opportunity. Obvious followup question: "So, Mr. Cena, why do YOU need to have your manicured hands on the title 30 weeks a year?"

cloak and dagger - 10-2-2011 at 04:47 AM

Originally posted by Dominator
Before I get to SKid's comments, let me just say that I was wrong about Alberto Del Rio. I was among those who thought his push came a little too soon, but was willing to see what he could do with it. Turns out he was more than ready. The match with Punk was excellent, and could've easily gone another 5-10 minutes with plenty of story still to be told. That said, I liked the surprise ending off the round kick to the back of the head. I like it that you can have a match end on something other than a finisher or a triple-reverse-y pinning combination. But back to the point, ADR has proven to me over the last couple months that not only is he not stealing the thunder away from Punk & Cena, but he's in fact a welcome addition to the main event picture, and as I've said before, the main event picture is at it's best when there are as many qualified competitors in it as possible.

Meh. He can't talk. His in-ring technique is great, but he gets exposed when he needs to do some talking. They put him on commentary, and he had less to say than David Hart Smith the one time they let him and Tyson near a headset. He can stumble through a solo speech, but when you ask him to interact? He can't keep up.

In a business where what you say is as important as what you do? ADR is missing one big element to make him complete. I honestly think that's why they snatched the title off him and put it back on Cena. Otherwise, why not let him keep it with some chicanery, and have both Cena and Punk chasing the title come Hell In A Cell? Making him talk for more than 30 second stretches is a disaster. It's been a little over a year since his debut. His grasp of the language needs to be better.

Jumbie - 10-2-2011 at 05:38 AM

Now I wanna see WWE with UN style translator headsets going.

Dominator - 10-2-2011 at 06:40 AM

Originally posted by cloak and dagger
Meh. He can't talk. His in-ring technique is great, but he gets exposed when he needs to do some talking.

I agree. As I mentioned in my awesome Muppet Mania post, he's got the same problem I have in reverse. I can't think in Spanish, even though I can speak it pretty well. I have to think in English, translate it to Spanish, speak in Spanish, hear the reply in Spanish, translate it to English, think of a response in English, translate it to Spanish, and then say it in Spanish. It takes about as long to do as it does to explain and it's hard to be very timely and hit your moments as you have to do in a performance.

However, it's not impossible to excel and be a champion in the rasslin' world while speaking poorly or not speaking well. Aside from the obvious Randall F. Orton, guys like Chris Benoit, Jimmy Snuka, Greg Valentine, Iron Sheik, and Abdullah the Butcher all obtained multiple championships and legendary status without speaking well. That's what managers/valets used to be for, to help those who needed help talking. Unfortunately for ADR, his valet speaks even LESS English than he does.

And everyone quit whining about Cena. First off, it seems to me that Cena was still the center of the WWE Universe when he was out Nexus-ing and not involved in the title picture. Secondly, Punk's the star he is right now for two reasons: 1) CM Punk, 2) John Cena. John was right when he said he has spent too long making average look awesome and Punk is someone who has proven he can give him a run for his money in the ring, on the mic, and in the public eye. You notice how it seems like a lot of people's games have stepped up since Punk came to the forefront? Guys like Rhodes, Ziggler, Henry, even ADR and Orton to a certain degree... Punk and Cena have shamed them into it. Everyone else looked SO bad by comparison. It was like, "Hey, dipshits, this is how it's done." Cena is as talented a performer as there is in the business today. HHH knows it. CM Punk knows it. If you don't like his shtick, that's fine, but the man deserves respect.

cloak and dagger - 10-2-2011 at 06:49 AM

Oh, and that Mason Ryan turn has a bit of background, no? Didn't Dolph Ziggler make some snide remark about Mason Ryan and robots during his exchange with Hugh Jackman the previous Raw?

Dominator - 10-2-2011 at 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Jumbie
Cena said in a recent interview, "Punk's so good, he doesn't need the title to be a top dog."

Lost opportunity. Obvious followup question: "So, Mr. Cena, why do YOU need to have your manicured hands on the title 30 weeks a year?"

Obvious follow-up answer: "I'm sorry, who's been better than me the last 6 years?"

Only guy who comes close is Edge.

Fun Fact: Cena's 10 WWE title reigns have totaled 1,058 days in length which works out to 25.2 weeks a year.

theflammablemanimal - 10-2-2011 at 02:17 PM

Originally posted by blackdragon
I remember R-Truth getting blown up, but I don't remember if it was ACME branded. Speaking of which, I miss R-Truth already. God I love me some Mark Henry.

Truth for blown up by Macgruber.

I don't remember why, but hornswoggle once drew a tunnel on a wall and escaped from Coach, who just ran into a wall.

I mentioned it in another thread, but I don't like the crossbow. Natalya seems like she has a hard time putting it on, like she can barely remember how to do it, plus her shoulders are down through the whole move.

knuckleballschwartz - 10-2-2011 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
I mentioned it in another thread, but I don't like the crossbow. Natalya seems like she has a hard time putting it on, like she can barely remember how to do it, plus her shoulders are down through the whole move.

I like it; she puts it on a lot different to a standard bow and arrow (and it looks more "realistic") and I don't mind the shoulders issue because she's been bridging in and out of the pin in matches. That said, given how flexible a lot of the divas are I don't know why she doesn't just use a really bent in sharpshooter which would look at least as badass.

Jumbie - 10-2-2011 at 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Dominator
Originally posted by Jumbie
Cena said in a recent interview, "Punk's so good, he doesn't need the title to be a top dog."

Lost opportunity. Obvious followup question: "So, Mr. Cena, why do YOU need to have your manicured hands on the title 30 weeks a year?"

Obvious follow-up answer: "I'm sorry, who's been better than me the last 6 years?"

Only guy who comes close is Edge.

Fun Fact: Cena's 10 WWE title reigns have totaled 1,058 days in length which works out to 25.2 weeks a year.

But that's the point: Cena's 'logic' is that you don't need the title if you're 'so good'.