OOfficial Ratings/Discussion Thread for: Impact Wrestling (October 6, 2011)
Matte - 10-7-2011 at 12:43 AM


Gunner vs. Kazarian

Eric Bischoff calls out Jeff Hardy

Also featuring:

Anderson, Ray, Angle, Sting, etc.

theflammablemanimal - 10-7-2011 at 01:01 AM

Cable guide said it will be a tribute to the Hulkamania era.

Should be interesting with no Hulkamania footage.

gobbledygooker - 10-7-2011 at 07:59 PM

Everything they are doing with Roode right now is gold. That opening promo between him and Storm was totally killer. Once Roode wins the title (please God let that happen) I think that would be a pretty awesome feud after a Storm heel turn.

Paddlefoot - 10-7-2011 at 09:53 PM

The camera was horribly out of position on Velvet's ring entrance. Way to totally botch the basics, assholes.

sszanto - 10-8-2011 at 05:25 AM

I agree that Bobby Roode has the Midas touch right now. The ending to the match against Storm was not well planned, I think. By that I mean Storm's bump into the steps is the same bump that is part of one out of three matches, yet it was supposed to knock Storm out cold. He should have hit the steps like a dart, not tumble over them. It was a waste of a really good ref-bump (Earl needs to watch Brian Hebner in that regard). Oh well, another good match with a botched ending.

I actually think the Hogan stuff was well done. Right after he said that he'd give the company back to Dixie Carter if he loses, the look on his face was great! I like Roode's chances to win the belt more now. If he wins the title and Sting beats Hogan, it gives TNA an opportunity for a real change of direction. I realize that I am setting myself up for the OMG~SWERVE!!!, but what the hell. I thought tonight's was a good episode, and I am actually considering watching the ppv at a cinema in San Antonio. Tickets are $15.