Abraham Washington Released
anglefan85 - 8-11-2012 at 12:44 AM

After hearing about this, somebody should check on Cherokee Jack.


And upon looking at AW's Twitter feed, he is nuking that bridge.

wyattcox - 8-11-2012 at 01:23 AM

@AWPromotions. Some of the tweets from AW:


AWPromotions is no more ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your support and hate, it's been a great run. Now I get to do me which isn't PG!

@TitusONeilWWE & @DarrenYoungWWE thank you for allowing me to speak on your behalf. You guys are the best and I'm glad to call u my friends!

I've offended the wrong people that taught me how to have ATTITUDE It was the #WWE that made me bold and now it has turned it's back on me

Let this be a lesson to up and coming talent in the WWE don't try and be great like the Rock or Stone Cold. WWE isn't the same...

Just be normal shut up and be a yes man so you can collect your check and feel like your special. #SELLOUTS!!

I remember a time when the WWE didn't care about breaking the mold but now everyone is so afraid of their own shadow. #RemeberTheFans

Thanks to the fans who showed me support over the whole Kobe thing and to those I upset I apologize again. Remember It's entertainment folks

I really do hope Linda wins that election because If not then all of this BS has been for nothing. #GoLinda!!

The funny part about that last tweet is just 20 hours before AW was released he tweeted:

#AWPromotio$ says vote for Linda McMahon!!! The PTP'z support Linda and so should you!! #VoteOrDie4Linda

PyroFalkon - 8-11-2012 at 01:33 AM

Huh, I almost feel bad about specifically pointing out his little rape joke two weeks ago, if that's what got him fired. Not that WWE reads OO or anything, but still...

Of course, that was a retarded thing to say, and I'm glad he apologized for it. Still, for him to be fired over it seems a little overkill. I wonder if it was that comment alone, or if there was something more to it.

Chris Is Good517 - 8-11-2012 at 01:39 AM

Pretty sure the wrestling world is going to keep spinning, but I wonder why they waited a week and a half and continued allowing him on live TV with a live mic in between?

Cherokee Jack - 8-11-2012 at 02:17 AM





PyroFalkon - 8-11-2012 at 02:47 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Pretty sure the wrestling world is going to keep spinning, but I wonder why they waited a week and a half and continued allowing him on live TV with a live mic in between?

That occurred to me as well. Maybe there was more going on than the Kobe reference.

Edited to add: More fun going on from AW right now on Twitter. This at 9:02pm...


To anyone that thinks I'm bad mouthing the WWE you're wrong. I love the WWE I just think they have forgotten the people that made them.

...and this a half-hour later...


@Linda_McMahon : Creates jobs my ass!! I'm fired thanks to you and your campaign.

He didn't just burn the bridge, I'm pretty sure he nuked it and jettisoned the ashes directly into the sun.

[Edited on 8-11-2012 by PyroFalkon]

punkerhardcore - 8-11-2012 at 02:47 AM

Pretty shitty to get fired over one silly joke... I guess that's what today's WWE is, though. This pretty much kills the Prime Time Players, as they were really benefiting from having him as their manager/mouthpiece.

nOOb - 8-11-2012 at 03:47 AM

Well, Aces and Eights does need a mouthpiece. What's Roosevelt van Buren doing in the Impact Zone, Taz?

cardscott5 - 8-11-2012 at 04:42 AM

I'm not sure his joke was something he should be fired for, but I thought he was going to be fired when I heard it. Rape jokes have no place on a wrestling show, period.

As long as the PTP'ers have their dance, they will be fine.

Chris Is Good517 - 8-11-2012 at 04:57 AM

Originally posted by cardscott5
Rape jokes have no place on a wrestling show, period.

They don't?

Ecosystem - 8-11-2012 at 05:09 AM

From AW's twitter: funnily enough, Big Show made a Kobe Bryant rape joke during the case! 0:42.

punkerhardcore - 8-11-2012 at 05:34 AM


@Linda_McMahon : Creates jobs my ass!! I'm fired thanks to you and your campaign.

That's pretty fucking funny. I already wish he could have been around with his live mic ten years ago.

OORick - 8-11-2012 at 05:37 AM

I may be the only one, but I think that I'd feel much differently about this if the PTPs were babyfaces. But they're not. They're heels.

And I don't see this as a "rape joke." Because one doesn't joke about rape, unless one is Daniel Tosh and is a diptard who's never struck me as funny, because making fun of awful youtubes isn't interesting or worth putting on TV. It's the comment section of awful youtubes. Which anybody can contribute to, which immediately makes it unworthy of putting on TV.

It's a "Kobe Bryant is a douchebag who got aquitted of rape" joke. To some, that might still be tasteless, but to me, it's in play -- even on TV-PG -- so long as you are glorifying his behavior. And they weren't. Titus O'Neil is a heel, and he's just like Kobe Bryant. You're not just allowed to boo for that, you're SUPPOSED TO.

Granted, in AW's shoes, I'd not have made that joke, as it is neither timely, nor especially funny (there are other, equally "edgy," ways to get the same idea across, and you don't have to think very hard to come up with 5 of them), but this was not worth getting fired over. Hell, it wasn't even worth Cole issuing the on-air apology over. [I fear AW may be onto something, and this has more to do with Linda 2012 than with WWE's on-screen product, in which case, I just refer you to every fucking thing I wrote regarding "Stand Down for WWE" in 2010. It still applies.]

All that said, AW was a solid mic guy, but not some singular talent. He'll be missed, but he isn't irreplaceable. If he wasn't torching his WWE bridges, I'd almost have viewed this as a "Daniel Bryan choking Justin Roberts with a tie" deal... but as it is, maybe we should prepare ourselves for the PTPs getting taken over by Vickie? And if that subtext from 2 weeks ago pans out, they join Tensai in her new stable once Dolph turns face?

Just spitballin'....


Paddlefoot - 8-11-2012 at 05:57 AM

Originally posted by cardscott5
Rape jokes have no place on a wrestling show, period.

But it's, as Dusty would say, a trad-ish-iyon.

SpiNNeR72 - 8-11-2012 at 05:43 PM

I get the focus on the "rape joke" incident, and suer it makes for an easy target as a reason to let the guy go, but jesus how about the much more likely root reason of the fact that despite being pushed to the moon as a mic guy on more than one occasion, AW just isn't very good. Christ, Tony Atlas made him look like a talentless goof by comparison back on ECW, and he aint exactly Piper or Jericho.

I would expect Young and O'Neill to be following hom for much the same reasons, they really are dire and have had far to many chances others could have had.

theflammablemanimal - 8-12-2012 at 01:57 AM

^^That. The guy has no talent. When he had his own show for 6 months, he was upstaged by a laughing idiot.

Now that he got a second chance to be on tv with a live mic for months, he still rarely did anything entertaining or worthwhile.

He can be replaced by literally anybody willing to just repeat catchphrases given to them by writers and then stand at ringside yelling "come on now" "get up" and that's what I'm talking about.

knuckleballschwartz - 8-12-2012 at 10:40 AM

bring back Armando Alejandro Estrrrrrrrrrrradaaaaa

Jumbie - 8-12-2012 at 07:42 PM

Given that Cena's feuding with Big Show again, this seems doubly appropriate to post. Not sure how long WWE will let it stay on youtube though...


nOOb - 8-13-2012 at 01:39 AM

In retrospect, you know who we should really be feeling bad for? Mason Ryan. Because back when they tried to make a big deal out of All World Promotions, he would randomly show up in their backstage bits. And even though they immediately seemed to forget about him when they swapped Epico and Primo out with the PTP, you get the feeling they might try to just throw him out there again. Hell, for all we know, this might have been the week. And now, he's probably just sitting by himself somewhere, wondering if he'll ever be on TV again.

Chris Is Good517 - 8-13-2012 at 01:49 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
And now, he's probably just sitting by himself somewhere, wondering if he'll ever be on TV again.

We can all hope not.

Also, AW tweeted this:


If I smoked crack or did steroids I'd get suspended but I made a joke and tweeted support Linda and I get fired. #Doesn'tAddUp #Hmmmmm

That's a fair point.

GordusMaximus - 8-13-2012 at 04:32 AM

Its because he's black. DUH!!

theflammablemanimal - 8-13-2012 at 04:37 AM

No, it's not a fair point.

It's a simple equation. People with talent and value can get away with things, people without cannot. AW is the latter and not worth the hassle.

AW is either completely naive or wildly overestimating his talent.

Or working everyone.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 8-13-2012 at 03:07 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
^^That. The guy has no talent. When he had his own show for 6 months, he was upstaged by a laughing idiot.

Now that he got a second chance to be on tv with a live mic for months, he still rarely did anything entertaining or worthwhile.

He can be replaced by literally anybody willing to just repeat catchphrases given to them by writers and then stand at ringside yelling "come on now" "get up" and that's what I'm talking about.

Agree with everything you've stated. Did anyone notice the dead silence from the live audience everytime he would yell into that mic? It's like the crowd had no clue on how to react to that. It was a bad idea from the get go! Let's not forget the fact that the tag team he was managing, is very forgettable to say the least.

G. Jonah Jameson - 8-13-2012 at 06:21 PM

Honestly, even if Abraham Washington hadn't made that ill-advised Kobe Bryant joke, I'd not have been surprised to see him fired at any given moment. Conceptually, I liked his character -- manager who's only on the lookout for the best talent and is more than willing to pull them to safety to protect his investment rather than have them compete against all comers -- but that character was pure WWE Creative. All Washington brought to the table was a warm body with mediocre-at-best mic skills.

Of course, that said, it's really, really obvious WWE only canned the goofball because they were worried Linda McMahon's political opponents would keep playing the clip and bludgeon her with Washington's continued employment. As Manimal noted, Washington wasn't worth the trouble.

I wouldn't give up hope on the future of the Prime Time Players, though. It would seem a little forced to pigeonhole in another manager for them, but I think we'd all forget about how forced that seemed almost immediately. WWE still has some semblance of a tag division, so the Players are going to stick around for now.

denverpunk - 8-13-2012 at 07:05 PM

AW has mike skills the same way Chris Tucker has mike skills. Sure, he's certainly astute and can talk, but nobody wants to listen to him for any number of reasons -- delivery, lack of connection, annoyance level, etc. "X Pac heat" was going to be renamed for AW, but he got himself fired.

punkerhardcore - 8-13-2012 at 07:21 PM

Whether you like him or not, it's still a lame ass reason to can the guy. And it IS pretty silly that drugs = month suspension, yet a joke = fired. I hate to think about the kind of eggshells the company will have to walk on if Linda actually wins the election. Honestly, it's hard to believe this is the same company that basically told the PTC to go fuck themselves back in 1999/2000.

denverpunk - 8-13-2012 at 09:21 PM

Totally agree with that. This is a company where Triple H drugged the boss's daughter AND had sex with a dead body. Paul Burchill was supposedly sleeping with his sister. We aren't that far removed from that era.

After the joke, AW should have kept his mouth shut and avoided all social media and he'd still most likely have a job. Instead he overcompensated and tweeted about Linda. Not very smart.

Paddlefoot - 8-14-2012 at 06:21 AM

Giving this guy over a page worth of comments about him is at least one page more than his time in wrestling ever deserved. Good riddance to another thoroughly forgettable sports entertainment character.

Jumbie - 8-14-2012 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Giving this guy over a page worth of comments about him is at least one page more than his time in wrestling ever deserved. Good riddance to another thoroughly forgettable sports entertainment character.

I'm pretty sure most people here aren't specifically worried about AW. It's the whole electoral season trigger fingers at WWE. Remember D Byran getting canned over the necktie? We see AW go and we wonder who's gonna be next to break some invisible line of offensiveness and get sent home.

Paddlefoot - 8-14-2012 at 07:05 PM

The Daniel Bryan dismissal was just plain stupid and probably only happened because someone panicked at DB allegedly invoking the dark spirit of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named with the chokehold. For a PG show, which WWE's been doing for a long time and that AW apparently hadn't bothered to notice during his three or four years with the company, booting him out the door was completely logical. This is not to say that I'm agreeing with the existence of PG WWE, because I'm not, but a performer going off the reservation with comments that are no longer acceptable according to the image the company want's to promote shouldn't be surprised when he gets nailed.

AW's Orton comment was stupid too. Orton might be a nuclear-sized douche on almost all levels but at least he contributes. AW barely left a pebble-sized ripple in the pond behind him. AW making these sorts of comments are little different from someone slamming all the doors behind him on the way out just to make sure everyone notices even if no one cares.

Cherokee Jack - 8-14-2012 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The Daniel Bryan dismissal was just plain stupid and probably only happened because someone panicked at DB allegedly invoking the dark spirit of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named with the chokehold.
In retrospect, I don't buy that argument, considering that they apparently have no problem with him adopting multiple trademark moves of Benoit's (the crossface/swandive headbutt). That was all about Linda's campaign (and perhaps the relatively-new-at-the-time Mattel toy deal). Just like there's no way I won't believe that this is related to the same campaign.

Once Linda loses this time around, will she finally stop trying to be a politician? There's no way she's wait four years after two losing campaigns to try a THIRD time, would she? Or would she try to run for a lower office, like in the house or something?

I liked wrestling a lot better when my wrestling companies weren't trying to be anything but wrestling companies.

G. Jonah Jameson - 8-14-2012 at 08:31 PM

Abraham Washington definitely got canned because of Linda McMahon's Senate campaign, and that's definitely eyeroll-worthy, but all this slippery-slope hand-wringing is excessive. This isn't about performers living in fear of crossing an invisible line that gets them fired -- most of the time, the lines they cross are pretty visible lines, and they should have known in advance that it would be stupid to cross them. Washington can bitch and moan all he wants about double standards in the past and crap like that, but he's just trying to distract everyone from the fact that he's a goddamned idiot who made a rape joke on a PG-rated TV program.

Abraham screwed Abraham.

The thing is, WWE does fire people for reasons that might seem arbitrary to those of us on the outside, and sometimes, even internally those firings might be seen as arbitrary. But viewing it as a harbinger of doom is just silly. For one thing, though Linda's Senate campaign has increased public scrutiny of WWE for the moment, people were getting fired for personal decisions that may have made WWE look bad since long before Linda even formed her first PAC. Roddy Piper made some disparaging remarks about drug and steroid use on an HBO special while he was under contract in 2003, and WWE cut him loose. Matt Hardy made a big public stink about Lita cheating on him with Edge in 2005, and WWE cut him loose. Robbie McAllister got caught on camera attending a TNA show, and WWE cut him loose (after jobbing him to everyone and everything for a few months on Sunday Night Heat). Ashley Massaro's name got associated with a prostitution ring -- I forget whether there turned out to be any truth to those allegations -- and WWE cut her loose.

And here's the other thing: Even if you do get fired for a questionable personal decision, if it wasn't an especially egregious offense and you've demonstrated worth to the company, you get brought back sooner rather than later. Hardy was back within four months of his firing. Daniel Bryan's tie-choking incident barely kept him out of WWE for two months. Finlay got the axe last year for OKing a house show segment that offended members of the armed forces, and he's back on the payroll as of a month or two ago. Washington was obviously far less valuable to the company than those guys were, but WWE clearly had a soft spot for the guy -- otherwise he would have gotten tossed out on his ass after it became clear his awful ECW talk segment wasn't going to get any less awful. All he'd have needed to do was keep his stupid mouth shut for a couple of months and he'd be back in the fold in no time, probably in early to mid-November.

Paddlefoot - 8-14-2012 at 08:37 PM


POTY candidate right there.

punkerhardcore - 8-14-2012 at 09:29 PM

Yeah, it's safe to say that he ain't never coming back--

At Monday's Raw at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas, WWE had arena personnel confiscate fans' signs pertaining to former Superstar A.W., whose contract was terminated last Friday due to his continued use of offensive and inappropriate comments on live television and on social media following his crass remark on the July 30 episode of Raw.

A.W., whose real name is Brian Jossie, is not pleased with WWE's actions Monday. He vented on Twitter, "Anyone that has had their sign taken from them in support of me should realize that the #WWE are the real bullies!!! #BeAFuckingStar."

Jossie also took offense to JTG's "burial" on Raw, which he says stems from the WWE Superstar's "controversial remarks" on Twitter last week where he said his "locker room brothers" were being taken advantage of. Before JTG encountered Ryback for his match, Jossie predicted, "After JTG just ripped their ass on twitter he's showcased but I'm fired for saying support Linda! Now watch them bury him..." Then after Ryback had soundly beaten JTG, Jossie lamented, "What else can I say... JTG just got did in for his disrespect to his masters.. #IAintOnThePlantation."

Jossie had stated hours earlier, "I'm not a racist!! I'm a realist! The only race card that got played was the Senate "RACE" Card!. He also noted, "Vince didn't want some no name Negro associated with his less than stellar half mummified ass wife! #Vote4ChrisMurphy."

Jossie then challenged "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, who hosted "Piper's Pit" on Raw, to a verbal duel.

"I would love to be on Pipers Pit!! That muthafucka would be speechless! He ain't neva met a guy like me....," Jossie wrote. "AbeWashVsPipersPit! In my opinion Piper's Pit wins. He was allowed to speak his mind! They would neva let me speak my mind #ILLUMINATED." He continued. "I'd destroy that muthafucka!! #BigFanOfThePit #HeAintBettaThanMe.."

Finally, Jossie noted: "I will be addressing the wrestling universe soon..

"The #WWE is afraid of me...

"Vince you shook my hand and betrayed me within the same week..."

Paddlefoot - 8-14-2012 at 09:54 PM

Almost as pathetic as Chyna except he doesn't have the excuse of being a drunk and a crackhead to fall back on.

cardscott5 - 8-14-2012 at 10:43 PM

I don't know if it's the same way for the rest of you, but all the 'pity' I had for him has gone away. He is never going to be more popular than right now, so I see the need for him to pop off, but I don't give a fuck. He is lucky that whoever backed his intentionally(?) terrible talk show had enough clout that he didn't get fired then. Normally people who have 1 role as a talker and suck a lot don't get a second chance.

theflammablemanimal - 8-14-2012 at 11:27 PM

What a delusional talentless idiot.

DKBroiler - 8-15-2012 at 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Almost as pathetic as Chyna except he doesn't have the excuse of being a drunk and a crackhead to fall back on.

I saw Chyna get her box munched by some blonde chick last night online. AW ... good luck on your future (porn) endeavors!

Paddlefoot - 8-15-2012 at 04:10 AM

The objective way to look at it was that the blonde was really just sucking another dick. But, still, ewwww.........