OOfficial Discussion: NXT 2016
OORick - 1-4-2016 at 03:11 AM

New year means new catch-all threads for all our "beloved" secondary shows...

NXT is in a bit of a lull in terms of new action (one show pretaped in London, then 2 year in review episodes), but is currently conducting Best of 2015 Award Voting. You can participate here:


First-run NXT action resumes on Wednesday night, 1/13, and the winners will also be announced that night.

January will be a big month for NXT, as they're already sold out for a Chicago/Milwaukee loop, including having to add a second show in Chicago (a Sunday afternoon matinee to go with the originally scheduled evening show). That weekend was already going to be notable for NXT's first-ever split-crew shows (a B-team is running high school gyms in Florida)... but because of the added show, Sunday 1/17 will see NXT run three shows in one day, something WWE hasn't attempted in quite a while.

NXT is also running a big event (at a real arena, not at Full Sail's studios) in Orlando during Rumble Weekend (same as they did in Brooklyn for SummerSlam, and will do again in Dallas for WrestleMania).... mixed signals on whether it will air as a special event on The Network, or if it's just something they added to make it more of a Destination Weekend for out-of-towners. The event is on Friday, Saturday is the first ever Performance Center Open House, and Sunday is the Rumble, all in Orlando.

If the next Takeover isn't until Dallas, I think I speak for all when I say: let's just get Baron Corbin's title shot over and done with, pronto, because WM Weekend Fans will brutalize any attempt to run Corbin/Balor for the NXT Title....


OORick - 1-8-2016 at 11:34 PM

Good news, everyone!

The fears of Baron Corbin vs. Finn Balor at Takeover: Wrestlemania were unfounded!

The timeline for this is a bit wonky, because WWE finally got around to taping fresh NXT last night (they'd done two straight weeks of wrap-up shows), and technically, this could count as a spoiler. BUt on the other hand, WWE.com has announced it themselves, so:

At the big Orlando show -- which is NOT a special Network event, but which will be taped for future weekly NXT shows -- it will be Sami Zayn vs. Samoa Joe, and the winner will face Balor on WM weekend.

Combine this with the article that strongly suggests that the non-Styles members of the Bullet Club are being courted more as an NXT-level act than a main roster one (at least to start and get them introduced to the WWE audience, as they did with the Wyatts and Owens), could make WrestleMania the second best show of that weekend, the way top guys keep droppings.

I am only half kidding.

NXT returns with fresh content next Wednesday with: an address from Sami Zayn, setting forth his goals upon returning to NXT.... Ciampa and Sampson "in action" (remember your Saturday Morning Superstars code for "squashes")... Dash & Dawson vs. the Ascension... a women's Battle Royale to determine Bayley's next challenger.... and the announcement of NXT's year-end awards (as referenced above)...


OORick - 1-16-2016 at 12:26 AM

NXT Awardie Winners:

Overall and Male Competitor of the Year: Finn Balor
Female Competitor of the Year: Bayley
Tag Team of the Year: Enzo and Cass
Match of the Year: Bayley vs. Sasha Banks (Brooklyn)
Takeover of the Year: Brooklyn

Ten out of ten to NXT for refusing to use "Superstar" or "Diva" in the awards' names. But man alive, I wish "wrestler" wasn't such an obscene word in WWE-think, because "competitor" isn't QUITE the right syntax.... that's the word you use to describe the scrappy, hard-nosed, uniform-is-always-dirty overachiever who isn't actually very good. "Man, he's not the most talented guy on the field, but everyday, he shows up and COMPETES." Or is that just me?

Bit of a head-scratcher on Enzo/Cass, but I can easily see how the other deserving teams may have split the vote (Dragons left for the main roster, Blake & Murphey had the titles for a long time but are douchey heels who have disappeared lately, Dash & Dawson are the current champs but are boring heels who didn't do anything until August, Jordan & Gable only came on starting in October, and the Vaudevillians..... hey, wait, why not the Vaudvillains?), so it's no big deal.

Other than that, Wednesday's show set the stage for Zayn and Joe (and, to a lesser extent, for weekly TV purposes) battling over the #1 Contendership to Balor, and ended with Carmella winning a Battle Royale to become the #1 Contender to Bayley's title (with a very entertaining little triple psyche-out at the end, with both Asuka and Eva Marie appearing to have it won).

There isn't a whole lot of urgency, as they don't have any major blow-offs imminent. This is "biding time to figure out where to put all our pieces come Takeover: Dallas" Mode; even the big arena show in Orlando over Rumble Weekend features the #1 Contender Match for Dallas as the main event, not an actual title match (and the lauded women's division takes a break, as Bayley gets Carmella, as she bides her time until probably-Asuka steps up). But as long as NXT features the one really good match per week, and keeps the Churn going so that there are constantly different fresh guys/girls to be interested in on the undercard, in addition to the established acts, that's some quality episodic TV....


Foxcalibur - 1-17-2016 at 01:59 AM

Foxy Thoughts: NXT Awards

Overall and Male Competitor of the Year: Finn Balor
Lolnope. Kevin Owens.

Female Competitor of the Year: Bayley
Also nope. Sasha Banks.

Tag Team of the Year: Enzo and Cass
I'm fine with this. They're behind in terms of accomplishment, but way ahead of everyone but the Vaudevillains and Freddy Willing & Gable (too new) in terms of entertainment. Like Rick, I'd have been fine with a Vaudevillains win, though I'd have to say the Dubstep Bros. deserve it the most. Like Rick, I think Dash & Dawson are boring.

Match of the Year: Bayley vs. Sasha Banks (Brooklyn)
Good call. Sasha-Becky was more technically sound, but had less of a big match feel. Owens-Balor in Tokyo was a close second.

Takeover of the Year: Brooklyn
Agreed. Great show.

Some extra awards

Best Gimmick: "The Perfect 10" Tye Dillinger
I don't really even know WTF Dillinger is supposed to be, but he plays it to the hilt. I personally like Elias Sampson's gimmick more, but he's too new and I need to see more of it

Worst Gimmick: Bull(FIT!) Dempsey
Wall-to-wall terrible. Dempsey gets fat-shamed despite not being noticeably bigger than monsters like Samoa Joe, Kevin Owens, or Bray Wyatt. He gets caught sloppily eating like Augustus Gloop, and then has to pretend he's an adult professional wrestler who doesn't know how to lift weights. All so he can be recycled as a comedy jobber. Yuck. And it's really a shame, because Bull Dempsey swung for the fences. That he hasn't joined the Vaudevillains makes me a sad panda.

Most Improved: (Don't kill me!) Baron (Seriously, don't kill me!) Corbin (I'm sorry, okay?!)
He really has gotten better. From solid brawls with Rhyno and Samoa Joe, to what I found a pretty entertaining match with Apollo Crews, his ring work has gone from a D- to a solid C. And he's actually a better talker than fan faves like Joey Samoey and Finn Balor. He's not good yet, by any means, but he's improved noticeably.

Rookie of the Year: Apollo Crews
I mean, duh. From his charming debut to his impressive moveset and obvious charisma, Crews won me over instantly. If he wasn't, y'know, black, I'd say he's a lock for the WWE title one day.

Feud of the Year: Vaudevillains vs. Dubstep Bros.
Where WWE tends to overbook, NXT tends to underbook. So we don't really get very intense or complex feuds so much as excuses for matches. That's actually fine by me: basic storytelling is often better storytelling. So it was nice to see a fun tag-team feud with a simple, character-driven setup (The chivalrous Vaudevillains had no answer to Alexa Bliss's interference) and a satisfying, crowd-pleasing payoff (the Vaudevillains call in the popular Bluepants). We got some excellent matches, and Alexa's emergence as the best talker on the women's roster post-Sasha.

Most Overrated: Finnegan Balor
Sorry, dudes. He can't talk. He has no character. The Demon is stoopid. The Coup de Grace looks awful 86% of the time. I think he needs a heel turn and a personality. Maybe one will grow from the other.

Most Underutilized: Tyler Breeze
It's no surprise WWE called Tyler up: He was by far the most polished, big-show-ready performer in all of NXT. Great talker, great worker, great look, great character work. It's also no surprise he's already a jobber there. The real shame is he was a Jobber to the Stars in NXT, when he should've had a nice run as champ. He could've been the heel that made me give a shit about Finley Balor. If WWE was smart, they'd move Breeze back to NXT and have him be its #1 heel. So they won't do that.

[Edited on 1-17-2016 by Foxcalibur]

GodEatGod - 1-17-2016 at 02:28 AM

I really don't get the Tyler Breeze love. I just don't. He's the least intimidating heel I've seen in an age. He's yet another in the endless line of narcissist heels, he's just using a selfie stick instead of having a perfume sprayer or a mirror. He has in-ring talent, but it's just crippled by the gimmick for me. How you can love him and think Finn Balor is overrated, I have no idea. Just goes to show that it really is subjective.

Foxcalibur - 1-17-2016 at 07:44 AM

Yar, I think we've differed on this before.

To be clear, I don't think Balor is BAD. He's fine. Good worker, good look, and a really jake dude. I just think he ain't all that. His mic skills are severely lacking. He's yet to put on a truly great match on par with Zayn-Cesaro or Zayn-Neville. His entrance is, at best, lovably cheesy fluff. His character is poorly defined: He's yet another Sports Competitor, but with a "fun" entrance.

But the IWC seems to think he's the second coming of Shawn goddamn Michaels or something and is a hair's breadth from international superstardom at any given time. IMO, at his age, he'll be lucky to even sniff the WWE title, unless he pulls a lot of charisma out of his Legomaniac Irish ass in a hurry. That he won Competitor of the Year over Kevin Owens proves he's overrated. Kevin Owens spits hot fire and put on a MOTY candidate with Jon Cena.

As for Breeze, I know I'm in the minority when it comes to my unadulterated love for Gimmicks. I like characters, not Sports Competitors. Which is what WWE almost exclusively is nowadays: Firstname Lastnames who show up with maybe some cursory visual hook (but usually just look like MMA rejects) and mostly just want to win belts or whatever. Nevermind that such a character hasn't gotten over big since maybe Batista (who was very gifted), WWE is addicted to it and shows no signs of stopping. The Shield got over. The Wyatts got over. Daniel Bryan got over. All characters with gimmicks, not sports competitors. Wrestling fans WANT characters, not competitors. If they wanted competitors, they'd go watch MMA.

So I'll batten on to a Tyler Breeze or an Elias Samson or Stardust or Adam Rose with all my might, because they're characters. I know it's only a matter of time before they're jobbing to Tattooed Sportsdouche 3,703A or whatever, but I pull for them because they're the history and future of wrestling.

That Breeze is a fighting narcissist isn't a strike against him but a big point in his favor. It's one of the oldest wrestling gimmicks for a reason: narcissists are easy to hate. The selfie stick and shifting addresses make for a clever update of the gimmick for Millenials. I like Breeze in particular because he nails the mannerisms, the little details, the Zoolander voice.

Also, who said heels need to be intimidating? They need to be effective. That's up to booking.

salmonjunkie - 1-17-2016 at 11:15 AM

I like Finn a lot, but Tyler Breeze is closer to HBK than Balor is, in November, style, and character. I think he's great. I mean, there's a reason he got to wrestle Justin Thunder Liger in his only match under the wwe banner. I hope he gets a fair shot at greatness.

GodEatGod - 1-17-2016 at 05:58 PM

For the record, I'm fine with guys having gimmicks. I much prefer Stardust to generic Cody Rhodes. The Wyatts are one of my favorite acts going and they're obviously gimmicky as hell. For whatever reason, Tyler's just doesn't click with me. He does seem like a good dude - I've seen him on UpUpDownDown a few times and he seemed very personable and cool. He feels like a guy I maybe should like, but I've tried and I just don't really. I'm fine with him pretty much about where he is or with the occasional push. The closest analogy I can think of is dated - The Hurricane. I actually loved the Hurricane gimmick and thought it was fun, but it was a midcard gimmick and was treated as such.

Foxcalibur - 1-18-2016 at 12:53 AM

Oh, I never thought you disliked gimmicks. I'm sure you like 'em fine. I was just saying my deep and abiding love for them makes me biased toward the Tyler Breezes and Adam Roses of the world.

As for midcard gimmicks, I'd argue a lot of characters start that way, in both wrestling and other media. You start with something simple and accessible (zombie, cantankerous redneck, white rapper) and use stories to build a more nuanced persona (Undertaker, Stone Cold, Jon Cena). Shawn Michaels began with a very similar Fighting Narcissist/Male Model gimmick and became Shawn Michaels.

[Edited on 1-17-2016 by Foxcalibur]

Slade - 1-18-2016 at 12:54 AM

I am in complete agreement with Foxy about Finn Balor and Tyler Breeze. I get the impression that he and I might be the only two people who don't think that Balor has "it" yet and that Tyler Breeze is the better overall performer of the two.

To me, Balor is a guy who puts on consistently good matches, but doesn't do anything else well. I guess he does that inner demon ring entrance pretty well, but I have trouble buying into it because he only does it for Takeover specials. He lacks character. There is some kind of a sinister demonic character that I could see him doing with the body paint and the ring entrance, but he has not tapped into it. Maybe that is what he needs to get over the hump of being a good wrestler who has a bland character/personality. However, there is no way of knowing unless he builds that character around his body paint and ring entrance and does it full-time.

Tyler Breeze does everything awesome. The only knock I have on him is his finisher. I've been conditioned over years of watching wrestling that the spinning heel count is good for a 2-count at best. It looks like the guy performing the kick hits the mat harder than the guy receiving it and yet they want me to believe that he can get up and pin the guy receiving the move for a 3-count when no one else has ever used it to score a pinfall victory in the last 25 years. With a believable finishing maneuver - like maybe the Unprettier - Breeze would be the complete package.

salmonjunkie - 1-18-2016 at 08:23 AM

I think the last match that Breeze won he used the Unprettier as his finisher. I hope to see him start winning more matches and getting a decent program soon.

The Hitcher - 1-22-2016 at 04:44 PM

He's been using the Unprettier on and off for a while now I think it's probably just not been noticed or "over" as it should be because, well, commentators be commentators.

Balor's demon thing is a problem and a plus. It adds some gimmickry to his vanilla paste character but he needs to actually sell the transformation a bit more.

It's not an Undertaker thing where, at this point, it's some dude using his obsession with morbidity to add a layer of intimidation to his character, it's supposed to be him psyching himself up by channeling his inner demon but he never seems to actually go any harder than he normally does it's just him with some paint on.

Shout, scream, intensely no sell and fire up just do... something other than prancing about a bit more during your entrance.

Paddlefoot - 1-22-2016 at 05:27 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
I think the last match that Breeze won he used the Unprettier as his finisher. I hope to see him start winning more matches and getting a decent program soon.

Breeze apparently is in the doghouse for leaving a tv taping without permission. At this stage, especially after the shuddering halt to his first push with Hot Summer, I'd sooner guess that he'll be gone altogether fairly soon or being designated down to JTTS status.

Matte - 1-23-2016 at 03:55 AM

I'm very, very happy about this.

BREAKING NEWS: @AustinAries is the newest signee to #WWENXT! @WWE pic.twitter.com/YIwxSrzDNl

— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) January 23, 2016

CM Crunk - 1-23-2016 at 04:18 AM

Awwww yeaaaah...

I might be in the minority saying this, but I'm more excited to see Aries signed than I am Styles. Granted Styles has a better chance of being sent straight to the main roster and probably has a higher ceiling, but Aries has been one my guys for years and after having him get passed over so many times in the past I'm glad to see him get his due. I still get smark-pissy every time I think about him getting overlooked for the Tough Enough that "Silent Rage" won even though that was probably a blessing in disguise. Oh and hey, he's already got a shirt, so it looks like they'll be letting him keep his name too.

anglefan85 - 1-23-2016 at 04:47 AM

Wow, that is a huge pickup for NXT. Hopefully they can also bring in Rosita with him as a package deal.

GodEatGod - 1-23-2016 at 06:39 AM

Aries coming in is awesome. I would have concerns about him with Vince, just because Aries is a shitload of talent in a pretty small package. His natural charisma and mic work should do a lot for him. One of the good things about TNA going to crap is that all the people I used to watch TNA for are finding their way to WWE at last. Pretty much just Beer Money and the Machine Guns to get the complete set.

Foxcalibur - 1-23-2016 at 07:34 AM

Originally posted by The Hitcher
He's been using the Unprettier on and off for a while now I think it's probably just not been noticed or "over" as it should be because, well, commentators be commentators.

Balor's demon thing is a problem and a plus. It adds some gimmickry to his vanilla paste character but he needs to actually sell the transformation a bit more.

It's not an Undertaker thing where, at this point, it's some dude using his obsession with morbidity to add a layer of intimidation to his character, it's supposed to be him psyching himself up by channeling his inner demon but he never seems to actually go any harder than he normally does it's just him with some paint on.

Shout, scream, intensely no sell and fire up just do... something other than prancing about a bit more during your entrance.

All of this. It's just theatrics. A dance he does for the crowd, with no real bearing on his character.

Remember when Mick Foley and HHH were feuding, and Mick finally, fiiiiinally became Cactus Jack again, and everyone knew it was, objectively, on? That's what the Demon Needs to be for Finn Balor. He's doesn't become a supernatural monster from heck, but he ramps up the intensity and aggression and mindgames and -- y'know -- becomes interesting.

As for Austin Aries... I have never seen him do anything at all so I'll take y'all's word for his goodness. TNA is that thing that happens to other people with time to watch TNA. But NXT skimming the cream from their roster (giggity) is all to the good. I was less than plused by the Outlaw Redneck Cowboy or whatever, but Samosef Iosef was a good get. Now just detox Kurt Angle and unretire Taryn Tarrell.

[Edited on 1-23-2016 by Foxcalibur]

First 9 - 1-23-2016 at 10:01 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Aries coming in is awesome. I would have concerns about him with Vince, just because Aries is a shitload of talent in a pretty small package. His natural charisma and mic work should do a lot for him. One of the good things about TNA going to crap is that all the people I used to watch TNA for are finding their way to WWE at last. Pretty much just Beer Money and the Machine Guns to get the complete set.

I feel that unlike other guys Aries makes his size work for him. The guy is a phenomenal thrash talker and the fact that so many shit gets spewed is even more aggravating because it's coming from such a little dickhead. Like Shawn in 97 when he feuded with Taker and Bret. It's seems that it should be so easy to shut the litte fucker up but he keeps walking away unscathed or twists the results so much that he convinces himself that he is still the best and you have to wait for somebody else to hopefully put him in his place for good.

phansett - 1-23-2016 at 10:24 PM

Best I can tell, tonight's show is not live on the network - unlike recent big 4 snows where NXT the night before is an event. Too bad, as HHH is advertising a surprise.
There is an Evolve show in Orlando tonight with Regal announced as attending, so perhaps with the relationship they don't want NXT to totally overshadow Evolve?

Matte - 1-28-2016 at 02:41 AM

BREAKING NEWS: #WWENXT General Manager @RealKingRegal just announced @ShinsukeN is coming to #NXTTakeOver: Dallas! pic.twitter.com/C8EcX3HzEI

— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) January 28, 2016

vonLampertheim - 1-28-2016 at 05:49 AM

Full NXT Takeover Dallas card:

- Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn
- Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe (Men's championship)
- Bayley vs. Asuka (Women's championship)
- Dash & Dawson vs. American Alpha (Tag team championship)
- Austin Aries vs. Baron Corbin

This is lining up to blow away whatever they trot out at WrestleMania, which ironic since NXT is HHH's baby and he will be main eventing WM.

OORick - 1-28-2016 at 06:15 AM

Technically, posting that line-up spoils two weeks worth of NXT TV, since #1 Contender matches were central to those episodes.

But I gather we look the other way when it comes to NXT.... so I'll gladly add that simply saying "Balor vs. Joe" kind of buries the lead. Because at the tapings tonight, Joe earned that shot by having a 2-of-3 Falls Match against Sami Zayn, and the word on the street is that it clocked in somewhere between 30-40 minutes and will wind up on many MotY shortlists (even the Orlando Wankers reportedly settled down, shut up, and just ENJOYED by the third fall).

I got conflicted reports about how many weeks they taped at that arena show last Friday, so I can't say the exact date it will air, but the Joe/Zayn re-rematch will be the first week after the arena tapings run out. Keep an eye out.


Columbo - 1-28-2016 at 05:15 PM

Originally posted by vonLampertheim
Full NXT Takeover Dallas card:

- Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn
- Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe (Men's championship)
- Bayley vs. Asuka (Women's championship)
- Dash & Dawson vs. American Alpha (Tag team championship)
- Austin Aries vs. Baron Corbin

Good luck topping this WrastleMania...

The Hitcher - 1-28-2016 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by vonLampertheim
Full NXT Takeover Dallas card:

- Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn
- Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe (Men's championship)
- Bayley vs. Asuka (Women's championship)
- Dash & Dawson vs. American Alpha (Tag team championship)
- Austin Aries vs. Baron Corbin

This is lining up to blow away whatever they trot out at WrestleMania, which ironic since NXT is HHH's baby and he will be main eventing WM.

That card is insane.

DevilSoprano - 1-28-2016 at 05:50 PM

I wouldn't doubt if they add a Gallows/Anderson debut match as well earlier in the card.

PB-13 - 1-29-2016 at 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Matte

BREAKING NEWS: #WWENXT General Manager @RealKingRegal just announced @ShinsukeN is coming to #NXTTakeOver: Dallas! pic.twitter.com/C8EcX3HzEI

— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) January 28, 2016

The AJ Lee avatar fits the post.

janerd75 - 2-7-2016 at 11:34 PM

Bayley, the Human Hug Machine.

CM Crunk - 2-8-2016 at 04:10 AM

Camera man missed a crucial angle.

Truly, hers is a butt that won't quit.

DevilSoprano - 2-8-2016 at 05:20 AM

Bayley just gets it.

She could also just get it if you know what I mean.

I mean I'd like to have sexual relations with her, if that wasn't clear.

Foxcalibur - 2-8-2016 at 05:56 AM

Good on Bayley. She's adorable.

Luckily, Balor's injury doesn't seem to be serious. He sprained his ankle doing the Coup de Grace.

I've always said that POS move was an ankle injury waiting to happen. Now it's just an ankle injury.

Honestly, it's a shame I don't love Finnegan Balor like y'all do, because he just radiates nice-guyness. I'd totally invite him over to play D&D.; Well, World of Darkness. D&D; is the worst. But y'know. Tabletop roleplaying games. Which are a thing I can bet you real money he'd be into.

[Edited on 2-8-2016 by Foxcalibur]

CM Crunk - 2-8-2016 at 06:03 AM

We might not agree on much in regards to Balor, Fox, but we're in agreement on that. Really, I'm just kind of sick of that move in general. The only person who can pull it off is Low Ki, and that's pretty much due to his lack of concern --and borderline disdain for-- his opponents actual wellbeing.

Foxcalibur - 2-8-2016 at 06:56 PM

Well, it looks suuuuuper cool if you come straight down with both feet on someone's hitbox. Like, goddamn.

But you can't do that, unless you're an asshole, because their precious giblets are in there. So you do what Balor does, and sorta land on your butt next to them while kicking out toward their chest. It looks like bungus. And if you do it even slightly wrong, you're putting your ankles and knees' weight on the uneven terrain that is the human torso.

The Slingblade should absolutely be Balor's finisher. It's sick as balls, lightning fast, and he can do it to anyone (a huuuuge consideration for finishers that WWE often ignores -- Apollo crews new powerbomb is a good example). That they don't let him use the Blood Sunday is somewhat baffling. It's just a suspended reverse DDT.

Matte - 2-8-2016 at 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Foxcalibur
That they don't let him use the Blood Sunday is somewhat baffling. It's just a suspended reverse DDT.

You're thinking of the reverse Bloody Sunday. He has done the standard version in NXT.

Wasimhosen - 2-8-2016 at 07:42 PM

TMZ is reporting Daniel Bryan will be at Raw to announce his retirement.

[Edited on 2-8-2016 by Wasimhosen]

Foxcalibur - 2-9-2016 at 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by Foxcalibur
That they don't let him use the Blood Sunday is somewhat baffling. It's just a suspended reverse DDT.

You're thinking of the reverse Bloody Sunday. He has done the standard version in NXT.

Yup. That's the one. Bloody, not Blood. That was a typo. Nice of him to honor the 1905 Moscow Massacre with his finisher's name. :-P

Awesome move, and looks pretty safe. Shame they don't let him rock that one.

janerd75 - 2-26-2016 at 10:25 AM

OMG you guyz, teh middle school feelz! Diabeetus never tasted so sweet! Get a room you two! This makes me want to be only slightly less dead!

bigfatgoalie - 3-3-2016 at 05:37 AM

So with Dash and Dawson defending their championship against Enzo & Cass at WWE Roadblock, does the WWE finally give them the straps? Can easily have them drop them at Takeover Dallas if a main roster call up is in the works post Mania.

CM Crunk - 3-3-2016 at 09:30 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
OMG you guyz, teh middle school feelz! Diabeetus never tasted so sweet! Get a room you two! This makes me want to be only slightly less dead!

Annnnd the rumors and suspicions that B�lor is giving "the Coupe De Gr�ce" to Bayley behind the scences can only intensify from here. Or taking into consideration the other decidely more lascivious rumors and suspicions on what side of the plate Finn's swinging on, maybe Bayley's delivering a "Bayley-To-Back Do-plex" behind closed doors much to the delight of twisted 'shippers the world over. I don't know, and frankly it's none of my business.

I will say, however, that whoever can get a decent print-run going on some bootleg X-XXXL "I'm A Pegger" shirts before Wrestlemania weekend could stand to make a fortune off of the sexually deviant Tumblr trolls heading to Dallas. #JUSSAYIN

janerd75 - 3-3-2016 at 01:52 PM

I...I don't think these are the right shirts.

Dyn-O-Mite - 3-5-2016 at 06:24 PM

Best part of the Aries debut/Corbin beatdown, was when the refs are out checking on Aries and you can audibly hear a fan yelling, "You guys are 10 minutes late"

cardscott5 - 3-5-2016 at 08:49 PM

I loved Aries getting trounced before he even got to the ring. I'm excited for Aries in the WWE, but at the same time, he should get his ass beat. Why not?

Liked Balor/Neville a lot. It didn't click into the next gear or anything, but for a 20 minute face v face match that meant nothing, it was a lot of fun. I'd like to see them keep fighting, mainly so Neville won't be wasted on the main roster.

Joe vs Zayn 2 of 3 falls should be the entire show next week. I'm incredibly hyped for that one.

Interesting that the Mechanics vs Enzo/Cass tag title match is at Roadblock. Maybe that means a title change? Maybe it's the grand goodbye on the NXT roster for Enzo and Cass. I want to see how their act plays in front of a pure WWE crowd.

SpiNNeR72 - 3-6-2016 at 01:39 PM

I suspect thats WWE think too, making sure they, or the entrance at least, is over before they debut.

I mean, its unlikely, but if they came out to silence it would be awkward at least

CM Crunk - 3-10-2016 at 01:40 AM

Haven't watched today's episode yet, but I was thinking about Aries' debut and while I'm intrigued as to how they went about it, I can't help but be a little bit confused with where they're going to go with it. Although in this day and age I do appreciate not knowing exactly what they have planned for both guys involved. Concerned, maybe? I only say that because I'm a huge mark for Aries, and I know I'm probably in the minority here but I appreciate Baron Corbin and kind of enjoy watching him progress.

(I'm hoping the above statement isn't as inflammatory as recent comments regarding global warming elsewhere on the bOOards might be.)

You don't bring in someone like Aries, only to immediately feed him to an up-and-comer like Corbin. But on the other side of the coin you don't want to ruin Corbin's momentum, which has been slowed considerably over the course of the past year or so as he's racked up a few high profile losses to guys above him on the card. As much as I want to see Aries come in and be dominant, I also think it's time for them to do something substantial with Corbin.

I don't know how many of you guys watched Breaking Ground, but it had a lot to do with me taking a shine to Corbin who is basically just a big grumblepuss. I don't know how much of that was kayfabed for the doc, but it's oddly endearing and he plays the whole "lone wolf" thing a hell of a lot better than Reigns does. Hell, they've done a lot of what they should have done with Reigns with Corbin. Started off as an unstoppable green powerhouse babyface, whom they wisely turned heel before the crowd got completely bored with the one note he was able to play. Since then he's been able to incorporate enough of his innate misanthropy, and his belief that he's better than all these indy darlings who keep coming in and stealing his spotlight. I think that's a solid base for a compelling character, with plenty of room to grow. In a way, he's almost like the Fulton from The Mighty Ducks of NXT.

But I digress. I'd like to see Corbin get punked by Aries in a match or two. Continue what they should've done with Roman, and push him over the edge out of frustration over not being quite as good as he thinks he is. Give him layers. Then finally he can just snap and attack Regal, powder out when Balor or Aries, or whoever comes out to make the save. Sit out the next batch or two of tapings to sell a suspension (and perhaps wisely make an appointment with Bosley in the interim) and then bring him back to feud with whomever is NXT Champ...

Eh, I don't know. This has been fairly meandering (I apologize as I'm typing this on my phone and that makes things much tougher and "tangenty" for me than usual) but I think there's promise here. Hopefully we'll actually get to hear The Greatest Man That Ever Lived on the mic tonight, or better yet: in action.

The Hitcher - 3-11-2016 at 03:19 AM

The "Corbin having more of a character than Reigns" thing is a con(remember when we were told that Roman Reigns would completely bomb? Well his positive crowd reactions have actually gotten bigger the last couple of years.) and Florida's NXT crowd isn't any more predictable than it ever has been. And before anyone cites all the dirt sheets who claim Corbin's development is a thing, I will cite dirt sheets who claim it isn't.

CCharger - 3-11-2016 at 03:37 AM

Originally posted by The Hitcher
The "Corbin having more of a character than Reigns" thing is a con(remember when we were told that Roman Reigns would completely bomb? Well his positive crowd reactions have actually gotten bigger the last couple of years.) and Florida's NXT crowd isn't any more predictable than it ever has been. And before anyone cites all the dirt sheets who claim Corbin's development is a thing, I will cite dirt sheets who claim it isn't.

This is delightful, and only a select few know why.

CM Crunk - 3-11-2016 at 03:53 AM

Originally posted by The Hitcher
The "Corbin having more of a character than Reigns" thing is a con(remember when we were told that Roman Reigns would completely bomb? Well his positive crowd reactions have actually gotten bigger the last couple of years.) and Florida's NXT crowd isn't any more predictable than it ever has been. And before anyone cites all the dirt sheets who claim Corbin's development is a thing, I will cite dirt sheets who claim it isn't.

Well, perhaps I misspoke. I definitely wasn't happy with the cogency of my last post here as I was kind of just rambling along typing on my phone...

I wouldn't necessarily say that Corbin has more of a character than Reigns does, but I would definitely say that Corbin's suits him better than Reigns' does. But statement also factors in that he has been booked in a much more favorable manner, playing to his strengths and his weaknesses. We can't really say the same for Roman since The Shield split. Reigns only has about 3 years seniority on Corbin, who in all honesty could have found himself in a similar predicament as Roman (if you want to get all "Sliding Doorsy") but creative at NXT wisely pumped the brakes on him and decided to try and add just the teensy-weensiest bit of nuance to his character.

Now, I know I've already said that I've taken a liking to Corbin, but I'm not stupid: He's far (FAR) from being the most talented guy or gal in developmental. A shocking revelation, I know, but I'm not going to try and kid myself into thinking otherwise. I do think that there is something there that could hold some promise in the near future. As far as most of the NXT darlings go, and I mean that in the most loving way possible, I think he has a lot more going for him as far as jumping to the main roster than some of our smaller, more athletically gifted, and even quirky favorites. He's got a look, he's got the size that Vince likes, and he has his own bit of gravitas going for him that will serve him well for the transition if it ever comes to pass.

I suppose I mentioned Roman because, hey, capping on Roman is so rufus right now. It's fetch. Ya dig? But seriously, I kind of look at Corbin as being an alternate parallel of Roman, but a Roman that was kept in developmental to--y'know, develop-- instead of getting thrown into the deep end of the pool and getting exposed once his floaties (Seth and Dean) got taken away.

CM Crunk - 3-11-2016 at 03:56 AM

Originally posted by CCharger

This is delightful, and only a select few know why.

Okay, good. It's a callback... I was wondering why I was getting the Twin Peaks deja vu feeling reading it. Although it still doesn't explain the sharply dressed midget speaking in tongues in my living room. And when the fuck did I get a tile floor?

Anybody else smell toast?

First 9 - 3-11-2016 at 04:42 AM

Well, Corbin did beat the last Indy darling he clashed with, Apollo Crews in NXT London. I think he'll be fine if he takes the loss here, but Aries will probably be the guy he really feuds with and it'll extend longer than his rivalries with Joe and Crews. I'm predicting that the Win Or Loss won't matter, instead Corbin will really hurt Aries by the end of it.

Man, I loved Joe doing a modified Coquina Clutch after he showed an easy reversal when Sami used it on him.

janerd75 - 3-11-2016 at 04:58 AM


Count Zero - 3-11-2016 at 05:00 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by The Hitcher
The "Corbin having more of a character than Reigns" thing is a con(remember when we were told that Roman Reigns would completely bomb? Well his positive crowd reactions have actually gotten bigger the last couple of years.) and Florida's NXT crowd isn't any more predictable than it ever has been. And before anyone cites all the dirt sheets who claim Corbin's development is a thing, I will cite dirt sheets who claim it isn't.

This is delightful, and only a select few know why.

Will that whole paragraph fit into the wankipedia?

The Grindfather - 3-11-2016 at 05:38 PM

Zayn & Joe put on 43 minute master-class in working a match the other night. When they kicked off the show I thought they may go the route of having this match be the whole episode & I wasn't disappointed. Not as flashy as some other Zayn matches but that made sense in this context; Zayn was just trying to survive a monster for 40 plus minutes & came very, very close to pulling it off. Probably not quite a match of the year contender because of some repetitiveness & some lulls, but again, that made sense in the context of the match itself. Joe looks like an unstoppable monster heading to Dallas & I'm really 50/50 on who comes out the champion that night.

[Edited on 3-11-2016 by The Grindfather]

CCharger - 3-11-2016 at 05:57 PM

The lead writer for NXT is a guy named Ryan Ward. He has written every show and every special event for NXT since its inception. He was widely praised as the main creative force behind the great NXT Takeover: R Evolution special event from 2014. He is seen by many as having a great mind for the business and in writing wrestling for TV. Many believe that the success of NXT is attributable more to him than anyone else.

Well, he has been moved up to the main roster and will be the lead writer for Smackdown. How this affects NXT and Smackdown positively or negatively will remain to be seen.

CM Crunk - 3-11-2016 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
The lead writer for NXT is a guy named Ryan Ward. He has written every show and every special event for NXT since its inception. He was widely praised as the main creative force behind the great NXT Takeover: R Evolution special event from 2014. He is seen by many as having a great mind for the business and in writing wrestling for TV. Many believe that the success of NXT is attributable more to him than anyone else.

Well, he has been moved up to the main roster and will be the lead writer for Smackdown. How this affects NXT and Smackdown positively or negatively will remain to be seen.

If that doesnt further fan the flames regarding rumors of a post-Mania brand-split I don't know what will. It'll be interesting to see if Ward can work similar magic while navigating the political minefield set up by Vince and his big brown beaver.

SpiNNeR72 - 3-11-2016 at 10:49 PM

I suspect that guy is gonna go from having his dream job to finding it real hard to get outta bed in the morning.

NXT is (I assume) for the most part completely free of corporate and investor influences, doesn't have major advertising and promotional deals to fit into, and, well, isn't apparently on Vinces radar.

I feel sorry for him.

But yeah this weeks NXT was great. Really liked the way the announce team kept mentioning the other matches until later in the show.

Given that Balor is moving up soon (probably right after Mania) we may very well see Joe as champ. I for one would be fucking delighted.

The Grindfather - 3-17-2016 at 02:35 AM

Has anyone made the Chad Gable-Owen Hart comparison yet? If not I call dibs.

Pretty good show tonight that set the table for Takeover. I'm not all that familiar with Austin Aries but I liked what I saw in that promo; looking forward to his debut in Dallas.

There's something to the Eva-Marie/Nia Jax pairing that I like. Eva has heat most guys would kill for & obviously Nia has a bright future. I dunno what you do with those two but whenever Nia is ready to get the call up I wouldn't mind Eva tagging along with her.

DevilSoprano - 3-19-2016 at 02:14 AM

Why would you insult Chad Gable like that?

Columbo - 3-19-2016 at 01:47 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Why would you insult Chad Gable like that?

He's a nugget?

SpiNNeR72 - 3-19-2016 at 03:45 PM

What I really like about Gable is they way he is keeping his own identity.

If Angle is ever gonna have another stint with WWE he should be the guy to bring them in to the main roster.

The Grindfather - 3-19-2016 at 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Columbo
Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Why would you insult Chad Gable like that?

He's a nugget?

Enough is enough guys, it's time for a change. Seriously, no one else see's early nineties long-haired Owen when Gable gets to flying around!? Perhaps Jason Jordan's destiny can be the bizzaro black hitman.

GodEatGod - 3-19-2016 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by The Grindfather
Originally posted by Columbo
Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Why would you insult Chad Gable like that?

He's a nugget?

Enough is enough guys, it's time for a change. Seriously, no one else see's early nineties long-haired Owen when Gable gets to flying around!? Perhaps Jason Jordan's destiny can be the bizzaro black hitman.

Wouldn't that make Jordan the modern day "Birdman" Koko B. Ware? Instead of giving him an actual parrot, though, they can just dress up Eva Marie in a costume.

punkerhardcore - 3-19-2016 at 04:51 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Wouldn't that make Jordan the modern day "Birdman" Koko B. Ware? Instead of giving him an actual parrot, though, they can just dress up Eva Marie in a costume.

Frankie had WAY more personality and charisma than Eva Marie has.

The Grindfather - 3-19-2016 at 05:10 PM

Scrap the Nia Jax team. Eva Marie should, nay, MUST be carried to the ring in full peacock attire on Jason Jordan's shoulder. Eventually Gable gets fed up with this after Eva's stray feathers get in his eye one too many times & costs them a match. Gable consults with Jack Hanna & Raven about flightless birds & flocks & eventually becomes the "The Penguin Whisperer" Chad Gable, culminating in an inter-species bird cage match at WrestleMania 33.

[Edited on 3-19-2016 by The Grindfather]

Foxcalibur - 3-20-2016 at 03:56 AM

Just caught up on some NXT. Lotta random thinks!

Corey Graves sucks ass
'E, it's nice of you to give Corey Graves a job after he got all career-ended, but he's turrble. He's like an even worse Bradshaw with a less annoying accent. They both aggressively hate on the babyfaces in a way that's distracting, but at least Bradshaw is consistent. Graves randomly rages out at the dumbest crap. Like, remember when he got all fake-nerd-girl with Becky Lynch for liking punk rock? And he can't tell who the heels are sometimes. He loves uber-babyfaces American Alpha, and hates obvious heel Elias Sampson with uncomfortable levels of vitriol. Sampson's last match against Jake Cutler, Graves is all, "Cutler told me that as a Marine, he despises people like Elias Sampson!" Marines hate musicians now? What? Shut up, Corey Graves.

They should make dude a manager. He has a good look, he's got the heel gene. Give him an assortment of tattooed douches and he'll do fine.

I didn't care for Zayn-Joe II
It was a slow-ass plod-fest with occasional bursts of energy and even endgame didn't pick up that much. I like both guys, but this felt tedious to me.

Emma and Dana are the beast that won't improve
Seriously, if NXT is still a school, those two are coasting at the back of the class. Emma's promo work hasn't gotten a stitch better, and her body language and execution are still about as crisp as lettuce left out overnight. If she ever learns to rassle, Dana's got more upside. She seems to know how to be unpleasant and has much better physical presence. But teamed with Emma, she's just not making any progress.

I officially no longer loathe Baron Corbin
He'll never be Kurt Angle or nothin', but he's really good at being a jerk, and he can hold his own if he's carried. He's managed to find some presence to go with his size. And throwing Austin Aries's shirt smack into William Regal's face was solid gold.

Austin Aries trips my gay-dar
The facial hair. The intense soft-spokenness, the tight t-shirts. The facial hair. Seriously, I have a good friend on the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, and he looks like a third of those dudes. Do people actually know about his personal life? Is he available? Asking for a friend.

Seriously, who did Alex Riley molest?
I get the sense he's unpopular backstage or something. Because he's got a great look, knows how to make wrestle moves, talks good. Like, did he take a drunken bet to see if he could fit a footlong hoagie between Steph's fakies at a company picnic? I don't actually mind his losing to Tye Dillinger. I really like Tye Dillinger. But I hope that leads to an actual feud between the two, and not A-Ry getting sent out to jobbington.

The Revival blows
On his last podcast, Stone Cold and guest Wade Keller gushed about how they're totally doing boring stuff because it suits their characters. And everyone keeps mentioning Arn Anderson. Arn Anderson at age a billion hit a more explosive spinebuster on the Undertaker than anything Dash or Dawson have ever done. I had the sense the original Mechanics gimmick was supposed to be a Briscoe Bros. knockoff, and I think a rowdier, more colorful persona woulda done a lot to improve their work. Shame WWE hates Gimmicks.

NXT needs a female character based on Pam Poovey
Do you want to get over? Because this is how you get over.

Let Finn Balor be Fergal Devitt
I've been kinda subtle about it, but I don't care for Finn Balor as a character. You know who's an awesome character? Fergal Devitt, the goofy dork who jokes around with Bayley after the shows. He just radiates charisma and joy. Despite what WWE brass thinks, nice guys can often finish first with audiences. See: Brian, Daniel. Captain America is the most popular Avenger. There's nothing wrong with Finn Balor as a good-natured, fun-loving guy who just happens to be way better at wrestling than all the douchey heels who take everything SOOPER CEREAL. Y'know how The Daemon looks like something a kid draws in his notebook margins? Instead of it being Finn's "inner darkside," like he's Dark Jak or something, just have it be a thing he does because it's fun, and psychs out his opponenent.

Carmella's come a long way. baby
If anyone has that babyface gene, it's her. And her match with Bayley was probably the best women's bout since Sasha left.

How much do you wish Sasha Banks had punted Michael Hayes's racist balls out his mouth
A lot, personally.

Long Live American Alpha
They finally found the ingredient to make me take them seriously: Going from Team Angle 2.0 to look like heroes from a cheesy 80s/90s sports movie. I can't help thinking of that old Disney Channel movie, Spooner. The headbands. The music. And HOLY BALLS that rollthrough deadlift German Gable pulled off on Aiden Englsh? Wow. I definitely see the Owen comparisons.

That was a lot of NXT thoughts.

Matte - 3-20-2016 at 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Foxcalibur
Austin Aries trips my gay-dar
The facial hair. The intense soft-spokenness, the tight t-shirts. The facial hair. Seriously, I have a good friend on the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, and he looks like a third of those dudes. Do people actually know about his personal life? Is he available? Asking for a friend.

Not available.

Paddlefoot - 3-20-2016 at 05:37 AM

Agree with Foxy on Dana Brooke. There's some kind of presence there that could turn into one of the bigger bitch villains with some proper grooming. It doesn't hurt that she's kind of unusual looking too. Not an uggo, just different. Team her up later on the main roster with Charlotte to play the role of a hammer and she could have some potential.

Foxcalibur - 3-20-2016 at 05:51 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by Foxcalibur
Austin Aries trips my gay-dar
The facial hair. The intense soft-spokenness, the tight t-shirts. The facial hair. Seriously, I have a good friend on the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, and he looks like a third of those dudes. Do people actually know about his personal life? Is he available? Asking for a friend.

Not available.

IDK... that facial hair, tho...

Kidding. The ol' 'dar must be outta whack.

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Agree with Foxy on Dana Brooke. There's some kind of presence there that could turn into one of the bigger bitch villains with some proper grooming. It doesn't hurt that she's kind of unusual looking too. Not an uggo, just different. Team her up later on the main roster with Charlotte to play the role of a hammer and she could have some potential.

Yeah, when Chyna first left, before she went all crazy, I fantasy-booked her return, where she'd swear she wasn't wrestling anymore, and wanted to have a talk-show. It'd be called "Sit-Down with Joanie." She'd interview other women (and probably men) and if anyone called her Chyna, they'd get a sit-out powerbomb.

Dana Brook has that similar, slightly batty, I-think-I-can-be-a-crossover-success vibe. Like, she embodies that girl who doesn't realize she's altogether too intense and red-flaggy. I can totally see her in a storyline with Charlotte.

Paddlefoot - 3-20-2016 at 06:13 AM

Her only drawback is that she has the same body type as Kaitlyn does in that they have to work out doubly hard to maintain their tone as compared to the other girls. You could tell that Kaitlyn couldn't keep the workout routine up with life on the road for WWE. Body types like that need a real gym to go to, those dorky little set-ups in hotels (with about five hours sleep on a travel day on top of it) just aren't good enough. She got noticeably bigger in her mid/lower torso and upper legs, water-weight wise, during her last months with WWE. She was stuffed so tight into her ring gear towards the end that when they got a camera shot of her from behind it was so jiggly it looked like a couple of bulldogs fighting it out in a burlap sack. When she quit WWE and settled down she was able to return to a really tight workout schedule. You can tell because in her photos on Instagram over the last couple of years, which she posts to at least twice a day, you could probably bounce a small bullet off her legs/ass/abs again like when she first came out of the pin-up modelling scene. Dana Brooke looks to be the same. Solid muscle through and through but it takes a lot more work to maintain it for her than it ever would for Emma, Sasha, Charlotte, Hot Summer, or any of the other naturally skinny ones.

The Hitcher - 3-20-2016 at 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Foxcalibur

I officially no longer loathe Baron Corbin
He'll never be Kurt Angle or nothin', but he's really good at being a jerk, and he can hold his own if he's carried. He's managed to find some presence to go with his size. And throwing Austin Aries's shirt smack into William Regal's face was solid gold.


Matte - 3-25-2016 at 05:30 PM

Maybe this is the appropriate thread for the new signings?

WWE signs Michael Nicholls and Shane Veryzer, The Mighty Don't Kneel.

CM Crunk - 4-1-2016 at 09:46 PM

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for not already having a discussion topic up and running for this. Shaaaame.

Tonights the night for NXT, and by all accounts it's the big wrasslin' show that everyone is an agreement over: it should be a shitload of fun. The NXT roster is going to be looking to outshine their big brothers and sisters on the main roster and they'll be doing it in front of raucous wankery WM weekend crowd. I'm seriously giddy, people, and goddamn you Gobshite for playing with my emotions.

Austin Aries vs. Baron Corbin
The first of two highly anticipated in-ring debuts tonight sees The Greatest Man That Ever Lived taking on Earth-2 Roman Reigns. It's hard to make a pick on this one as I don't know where they plan on going with this. And I mean that in a good way. On one hand you don't bring in Austin effin' Aries just to job him out in his first match. On the other, do you really want to hand a pet project like Baron Corbin another high profile loss? I'm going to go with Aries here. I like the story that they're telling with BC, and having him get schooled by another indy darling should be enough to further motivate him to be an even bigger jerkass and further heighten the tension between him and Regal (who I wouldn't mind seeing back in the ring against the big lug.)

NXT Tag Title Match: The Revival vs. American Alpha
The Revival have been growing on me as of late, but I don't see any way that Jordan and Gable aren't walking out of Dallas with the tag straps. Which I'm totally fine with, but I'd be lying if I said that it didn't bum me out a little for Dash and Dawson. As good as they are, I just can't imagine them peaking beyond this.

Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Here's where the IWC collectively shits themselves with the second high profile debut of the night. There's no question that these two can go, and the crowd should be lapping it all up with a spoon. Shinsuke gets the win here.

NXT Womens Title Match: Bayley vs. Asuka
This one could be the sleeper hit of the night. I'm honestly curious to see if they have Asuka take the title off of Bayley. With the rumors of them rebooting the Divas division on Monday night who better to make their debut on the main roster than Bayley? As much as I hate to see her go, I love to something something butt.

ASUKA FTW and our hearts break just a little.

Apollo Crews vs. Elias Sampson
I guess this is the popcorn/pissbreak match? Which is a shame because Crews is an amazing athlete. Sampson I just can't get a read on. The busking drifter gimmick does nothing for me and he just looks like if Damian Sandow went on a shopping spree at Anthropology. Crews gets the W here.

NXT World Title Match: Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe
This ones for all the marbles. I think it's time to take the title off of Finn (and perhaps promote him to the main roster?) and give Joe a run with it. Should be a fun, stiff ass match.

CM Crunk - 4-1-2016 at 09:53 PM

Guys. I just realized something. What if this is just a big April Fools joke and they just air an old WBF ppv? Or instead of Nakamura they just send out Ken Jeong with a Skrillex haircut to cross promote Dr. Ken? Maybe it's the 4 cups of coffee but I'm nervous.

OORick - 4-1-2016 at 11:24 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
You people should be ashamed of yourselves for not already having a discussion topic up and running for this. Shaaaame.

Oh, the thread's been here the whole time. The discussion, though, has been admittedly lagging.

I, too, am expecting good things from Takeover; in addition to the slamdunk match quality, there's a curiosity factor with regards to how much of a "reboot" will be needed after this weekend, depending on call-ups to the main roster and who's put in position to headline the next iteration....

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 12:09 AM

Originally posted by OORick

Oh, the thread's been here the whole time. The discussion, though, has been admittedly lagging.

I see what Crunk means...figure there will be more talk over this show than most other NXT Takeovers - and for the purposes of coming back to the thread later on it might be convenient.

But will continue here as it can always be made into a new one.

Really excited for this one[duh]. While I think it will ultimately fall a bit below Mania at the end of the day, it's about as good of a 4 match card as you can get.

Austin Aries vs. Baron Corbin

Very simple story: Young upstart who got to jump the line thinks he's better than the veteran whose spent a decade trying to get here. I know this won't be the popular answer (and if it's the opener, scratch this result), but I think Corbin goes over here. Aries will survive. This should be motivation to move past the debut pop and move Aries over to the heel side. NXT is in dire need of them (especially after what I think is happening), and I think these are the types of veterans who can help a guy like Apollo Crews figure out his character. In the meantime, with NXT getting a revamp after some call ups, Corbin might be the only guy in a position to move up for a bit.

Elias Sampson vs. Apollo Crews

Crowd breather match. Crews wins...hopefully quickly.

American Alpha vs. The Revival

It both feels like the wrong time to take the belts off The Revival - who are really in a great groove right now - and the right time to put them on American Alpha - who are at the climax of their momentous rise to the top of the tag division. It's too late to go back and after that great video two weeks ago, and the ghosts of teams like Enzo and Cass losing so many times and making that jump to champions, I think you have to crown them in the moment it matters. Could be the second biggest pop of the night - American Alpha take the NXT tag team titles.

Bayley vs. Asuka

I have some mixed feelings on this one. I think while she's ready, it's the wrong time to bring up Bayley when WWE won't have the time to really build her between the influx of other wrestlers going up and those returning from injury. She is a massive project they absolutely have to get right. That's going to need vignettes, and time...and there's no rush to do it.

I also think if WWE wants to keep the belt on Charlotte, you need someone who can rise above the two who failed, and that's so much more an Asuka thing, who can show up on Monday, need very little buildup, and murder her to set that feud in progress.

I don't see the latter happening...and I think it could be a bit more before they need Bayley...so I think after a complete ass beating Bayley wins with some sort of fluke roll up continuing the feud to really give Bayley a big last storyline to go out on.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn

I think both men are moving up indefinitely and this was just to give this card one more ultra special match to round it out. It won't hurt Zayn to fall here and he should. Nakamura gets off to a huge start tonight. Next stop should be the main roster.

Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe

This is the unofficial Loser Leaves NXT match. My first instinct is they wouldn't just do this match again unless they plan on moving the belt, but that kind of comes with a rubber match and I wouldn't want the loser of this match sticking around NXT past tonight.

I've been back and forth on it, between this guy and Cesaro being the surprise/debut making the Battle Royal being on the Mania card have reason for being there. With NXT clearing out, they could use their stalwart to keep them floating, and let WWE have one major debut before Summerslam. Think Balor retains and Joe moves up with a big debut at Mania tomorrow [and pooooooossibly getting involved in some major storylining with a member of his ethnic background????].

Feel like I'll be off on one of the two major belts because on a card like this 2 probably should move, but either way, it's one of those cards where any result works for any match...which should make for one hell of a fun card to enjoy and whet the appetites for Sunday.

bigfatgoalie - 4-2-2016 at 03:21 AM

Tag team wrestling is alive in well in NXT.

Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 03:33 AM

I know I won't get alot of love on this board for this opinion but Aries reminds me of Jamie Noble, its going to take alot to make him a true player in the WWE.

Im a sucker when a heel talks shit to the wrestler and fans in the match.

Still talking about the Corbin vs Aries match...can anyone ever get in at 8 instead of 9? Ever?

I know Aries came from TNA....but this is really my first time seeing him, this is the first big time NXT debut NXT has had in a while where i feel ....meh about. Didn't really stand apart to me today, maybe in the future.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

bigfatgoalie - 4-2-2016 at 03:42 AM

Aries and Noble are both REALLY good. Noble in the WWF was nowhere near peak Noble.

And Corbin needs a haircut or plugs.

Matte - 4-2-2016 at 03:45 AM

Aries is good, so it pains me to say that I really didn't care for his match. I want to blame Corbin, but really, it took a combined effort from the two of them to bore me out of my mind.

The tag team opener was really fucking fun, though! That is how you do tag team wrestling!

Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 03:46 AM

For me I dont' know if its because he looks like Ricky from trailer park boys, or he reminded me of Noble, he just seemed average to me. IM sure he is great and a great cruiserweight, but I need to be able to believe somewhat who Im watching. I think this guy will get lost quick on any WWE roster, and probably this current NXT roster.

The tag match was bad ass, and I look forward to the Tag Team Revival that I think is coming to the WWE.

Whoever wrote Sammie Zayn's music nailed it..... soo fitting for him.

Already drinking the Nakamura Kool-ade and haven't even seen him wrestle yet.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 03:48 AM

Oh man...so very pumped for this match...

Graves got it right...surreal.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 03:52 AM

Makes me sad that I know deep in my heart Wrestlemania won't match this show.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Makes me sad that I know deep in my heart Wrestlemania won't match this show.

Wow...someone here loves Baron Corbin.

Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 04:05 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Makes me sad that I know deep in my heart Wrestlemania won't match this show.

Wow...someone here loves Baron Corbin.

Id buy Corbin's stock in the WWE before I would Aries

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 04:12 AM

Well...I think we can honestly ask if that was the single greatest debut appearance of any kind for any wrestler in WWE history....because...holy shit...Total Fucking Package Not That Anyone Didn't Know That Already Shinsuke Nakamura.

bigfatgoalie - 4-2-2016 at 04:13 AM

Did Zayn & Nakamur have the best match EVER in NXT? If not...it's in the conversation.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 04:16 AM

...and what a goodbye for Sami Zayn in NXT.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

OORick - 4-2-2016 at 04:18 AM

Aries/Corbin, probably at the behest of the Powers That Be, didn't even seem to try to do anything beyond a WWE-style TV match. They can't all be full-speed-ahead.

That said, Nakamura/Zayn blew away my expectations, and I was expecting a lot. I don't know about "Match of the Year," because of all the other presentational things that you need for a MotY that you don't get on the C-brand's A-show... but that may endu p as my FAVORITE match of the year, just because of the bits where it came so close to embodying the spirit of the "They Live" fight scene. "FITE FORE EVER," indeed~!

Nice send-off/kiss-off for Zayn, too, as the fans and announcers managed to make his loss less significant than the fact that this, essentially, means he's done with NXT, and is playing with the big boys, now. Now that they pulled it off with him, do they really try to pull the same trick with Bayley or Balor on the same show?

We shall see soon enough.....


Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 04:18 AM

So by my count 4 stars for the tag match and full monty for the zayn vs nakamura match?

TonyTH - 4-2-2016 at 04:20 AM

Shut Wrestlemania down, it's only downhill from here.

I feel bad for Finn and Joe. And poor Asuka and Bailey have to follow that. Oof.

Matte - 4-2-2016 at 04:21 AM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Id buy Corbin's stock in the WWE before I would Aries


In all honesty, I think that match mostly sucked because of Corbin and not because of Aries. Or maybe just because of how they decided to work it. Is the reason you can't buy into Aries because he's short, or is there more to it than that? Because he's about as tall as AJ Styles, he's just a couple inches short of Balor, and he's better on the mic than both of them. I think you're judging him pretty harshly off of one match of his against a pretty crappy opponent.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 04:22 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Did Zayn & Nakamur have the best match EVER in NXT? If not...it's in the conversation.

I mean...everyone wants to do the "Wrestlemania vs. NXT" thing as a negative towards the former (when both are great)...but just to take this out to the nth...

What exactly *this year*...*anywhere* is going to live up to that match? Cesaro-Zayn just got erased from the record books. Wonder what else did.

Originally posted by Matte

In all honesty, I think that match mostly sucked because of Corbin and not because of Aries. Or maybe just because of how they decided to work it. Is the reason you can't buy into Aries because he's short, or is there more to it than that? Because he's about as tall as AJ Styles, he's just a couple inches short of Balor, and he's better on the mic than both of them. I think you're judging him pretty harshly off of one match of his against a pretty crappy opponent.

Uh...yeah...completely on the same page as Matte here...when you have Aries' history, if you're going to blame someone for that match, it's not him. I don't even hate Corbin as much as most, but there was a clear bad combination there and we'll see tons better from Aries going forward to the point that we'll forget that one pretty fast.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 04:24 AM

I hope IM wrong about Aries and I admitted that was my first time really watching him. But he didn't really stand out to me, with that said Ive been wrong before, and I would love to be pleasantly surprised.

TonyTH - 4-2-2016 at 04:31 AM

Glad the crowds still hot. This whole card deserves the energy.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 04:44 AM

Good match. Bit of a quick ending, but it worked. Asuka's best match in NXT.

Gotta say - bit of a stomach punch seeing Bayley lose the belt. Wasn't prepared to see that happen.

Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 04:45 AM

Yeah I liked the ending thought it had 5 more minutes left.

bigfatgoalie - 4-2-2016 at 04:45 AM

That was a great match. Bayley's climb back to the title will be great. And as good as Bayley is...Asuka is the one who I'm most excited to see called up. Asuka vs Sasha? Yes please.

TonyTH - 4-2-2016 at 04:45 AM

I was just thinking about that. And the fact that she is STILL such a beloved character, and still has all of her heat as a babyface after all this time is truly impressive. Really curious what's next for these two. Asuka going to go killer heel? Bayley getting called up, or getting a rematch? Very interesting.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 04:50 AM


[and RIP the Drifter's Takeover debut lol]

Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 04:55 AM

Its 11:54 PM eastern....we need some blood, I hope they let one of these two blade. This show has been so much fun.

Wow ask and I shall recieve

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 04:56 AM


#NXTTakeOver is must see. #EveryoneIsWatching @VinceMcMahon pic.twitter.com/VMaaziuhpG

— Triple H (@TripleH) April 2, 2016

May we be seeing Shinsuke quicker than we think...

the goon - 4-2-2016 at 05:00 AM

After the last two matches, I only know one thing: we NEED to get Trump elected in November so that he can build that wall and stop all of these fucking Japanese wrestlers from coming here and beating all of our wrestlers!!!! #VoteTrump #FuckJapan #SamiZaynIsTheBestAmericanWrestler

But in all seriousness, as a guy who barely ever catches NXT (I know, I know...bad wrestling fan), this show has been awesome so far. This was my first exposure to Nakamura, and holy shit was that match fucking amazing. Great, great stuff. And for those who are more knowledgeable about the guy than me, what exactly is his gimmick supposed to be? Vaguely gay? Flamboyantly eccentric? Either way, I think it's great, but I'm afraid it wouldn't go over quite so well in front of a RAW crowd in Bumfuck, Mississippi or something.

Also, that was my first time seeing Asuka but I dug her. One complaint though: with the creepy mask she wears to the ring (which is cool), I feel like she needs more of a Ringu vibe with her character and not the "Rockers circa 1988" ring attire she wears. Then again, I've only watched her this once, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

Okay, now off of the computer I go so that I can watch Balor/Joe.

bigfatgoalie - 4-2-2016 at 05:03 AM

Kudos to the announce team for explaining the ref/medical stops and Joe and Balor for managing to keep a flow to the match so far.

sam795 - 4-2-2016 at 05:04 AM

Call me old school...and I know the dangers of modern life & such...but these guys walking around with rubber gloves interrupting the match to check on a bleeding wrestler really kills the momentum of a match and waters down the entertainment value.

Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 05:06 AM

WWE I think really dropped the ball on Samoa Joe they should have signed this dude years ago.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 05:08 AM

Understanding the momentum issues it causes, but every other real fight sport these days has time to close cuts and wounds and wrestling doesn't have rounds...so...it's not great, but I can make a concession in my enjoyment to keep these guys safe. It's the new normal.

BTW, as coincidence would have it, the Warriors-Celtics game was just stopped because Steph Curry was bleeding.


Nice ode to Hart-Piper Wrestlemania VIII there from Balor-Joe. Balor retains. Fun match.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

bigfatgoalie - 4-2-2016 at 05:16 AM

If you are going to "borrow" a finish, there are worse to take from than Bret/Austin. 3 REALLY good matches and one OMG match. People mock the pro-WWE folsk with "somethings, something, NXT"...but fuck it, NXT is awesome.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 05:22 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
If you are going to "borrow" a finish, there are worse to take from than Bret/Austin. 3 REALLY good matches and one OMG match. People mock the pro-WWE folsk with "somethings, something, NXT"...but fuck it, NXT is awesome.

Yeah, exactly. There's no need to compare. That was a wicked exciting NXT Takeover with one match that may wind up being legendary. Excellent start to what should be a great weekend. Looking forward to Evolve tomorrow and Wrestlemania Sunday. Man oh man. 1/3 already reaching the levels we hoped for.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

drmuerto - 4-2-2016 at 05:22 AM

Man, as much as those first two matches were fun, the last three just ramped it way the fuck up. I wasn't expecting anyone to top Nakamura's general weirdness and what it brought to that match (plus that extended spot with the back and forth forearms), but Bailey and Asuka topped it with the pass-out finish. Then when I was all settled into the idea that Joe and Finn we're gonna have a perfectly serviceable indie-tastic match, they just wailed on each other and the juicing, including the ref stoppages, just helped sell how serious their heat was. I marked.

CCharger - 4-2-2016 at 05:38 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
If you are going to "borrow" a finish, there are worse to take from than Bret/Austin. 3 REALLY good matches and one OMG match. People mock the pro-WWE folsk with "somethings, something, NXT"...but fuck it, NXT is awesome.

Well, to be fair, NXT is fucking awesome. The whole something...something...NXT thing is directed at those who defend HHH, not those that like NXT.

Sam Is Neat - 4-2-2016 at 07:48 AM

I don't even know what to say about that Zayn-Nakamura match. Absolutely incredible. The forearm war in the middle of the match was done so well. This match will be on the top of most lists at the end of the year, and for good reason.

The ladies had a hell of a hill to climb after that, and the match suffered a little bit from crowd fatigue, but I dug the story they told and credit to the announcers for adding TO that story, as opposed to away from it.

Speaking of which, NXT does such a great job of highlighting the wrestlers and their STYLES of wrestling in their highlight packages. The Main Roster packages are really good from a production standpoint, but miss those elements to focus on drama and story lines, obviously. But NXT somehow manages to combine all of that and make their recaps relevant and informative. Infotainment at it's finest.

Count me in with the crowd that hates seeing the refs stop the match for blood. Yes, I understand why they do it, but you know what? That wanker crowd was right...LET JOE BLEED. These tow have been involved in a crazy feud for months now. Getting color right off that bat and doing his best Muta impression helped ramp this match up after following an excellent women's match and an epic Nakamura/Zayn masterpiece.

In other words, the blood helped make the match memorable and it should have been embraced. Joe pushing the refs away was a nice touch to help his bad as image, but they should really play these things by ear. Joe was fine to wrestle and was in charge of his faculties.

Nonetheless, a tremendous main event and a terrific card, in general. Plus...Bobby Roode! NXT is starting to look like the TNA locker room from 2009.

nOOb - 4-2-2016 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat

Nonetheless, a tremendous main event and a terrific card, in general. Plus...Bobby Roode! NXT is starting to look like the TNA locker room from 2009.

Which is ironic because unheard during that picture of Vince watching NXT was him saying to Bucky "So you know, Hogan's coming back tomorrow. And I think I'd really like for us to do a story where he buys NXT with his new money."

Matte - 4-2-2016 at 05:35 PM

A better angle of the Shinsuke finish.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Matte]

punkerhardcore - 4-2-2016 at 05:43 PM

I mean... yeah, safety is a big issue today and all, but that was some pussy nonsense last night. It was a cut on his eye. Check on it once if you're that worried about him-- I guess-- but after that just let it be, for fuck's sake. They ended up looking like some overprotective mother running out there to check on her son's boo boo.

Paddlefoot - 4-2-2016 at 06:11 PM

Yeah, save that for Reigns' matches, not for a lifelong warrior like Joe.

I began the evening wanting to see Asuka put the von Raschke claw on Izzy. By the end of the match I felt sorry for the kid.

SpiNNeR72 - 4-2-2016 at 06:26 PM

Great event. Te send off for Zayn was perfectly done, and Nakamura is the perfect example of having the "it" that Reigns does not. And for the record that has nothing to do with either guys skillset etc. Just "it".

I thought Joe and Balor made a great job of working around the cut, and ultimately it gives Joe a great excuse for not getting the win and leaves him looking badass as ever.

Regarding the TNA references, sure, 2004-05 TNA was putting out the best product by miles, and that was mostly based on Styles, Joe, and Daniels.

First 9 - 4-2-2016 at 06:32 PM

I dunno, they've done quick check ups before. I remember them taking like 20 seconds with Batista once. Checking on Joe over and over again must have had a good reason. Even if the medics were ultimately wrong and it was just a cut, can't blame them for putting safety first.

Matte - 4-2-2016 at 06:43 PM

Joe really did look good through all the medical interferences. He visibly rolled his eyes when they first ran in to check him out. He demanded his own towel at one point to wipe the blood so the medics wouldn't step in again. He was on his hands and knees when the "let Joe bleed" chant picked up and he nodded his head in agreement. It looked good for him to be at odds with medical and not just go along with it.

Nobledictator1278 - 4-2-2016 at 08:20 PM

You know this would be such a great tactic for a good cowardly heel. To have like the tiniest of tiny cuts and just be demanding over and over for it to be checked. Miz could totally work something like this.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

CM Crunk - 4-2-2016 at 09:02 PM

THAT was a show. Thankfully I made a pilgramage out of town for the weekend to hang out with my best friend who still follows the product. Psyched to see American Alpha getting a run with the titles, even though it's a little bittersweet since the prospects for The Revival seem to be nil beyond NXT. Aries and Corbin was fun and it's great to see Corbin putting the pieces together. His Mad Max jacket screams main roster promotion if I didn't think that somehow this is going to lead to him taking on Regal.

It was a rough evening for my friends daughter who is a massive Sami and Bayley mark haha. I still can't get over how surreal it was to see Shinsuke Nakamura on WWE television. Still can't get over that. And that THEME. So good.

ETA: post #999!

[Edited on 4/2/2016 by CM Crunk]

The Hitcher - 4-2-2016 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
You know this would be such a great tactic for a good cowardly heel. To have like the tiniest of tiny cuts and just be demanding over and over for it to be checked. Miz could totally work something like this.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

It's a shame everybody in the ring/commentary booth isn't telepathic because it'd have been cool for the story to have been Joe annihilating Finn but keeping having his momentum broken by ref stoppages so Finn could recover then have him pull that ending out because Joe gassed himself out early.

On everything else: Pretty much what you all said except I think Corbin did fine (because of course I did) probably just not the best pairing for whatever reason.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by The Hitcher]

royberto - 4-2-2016 at 09:18 PM

NXT: We now have more TNA Originals than TNA does.

Seriously, I think HHH is now trying to prove he can book TNA better than TNA can and is succeeding.

royberto - 4-2-2016 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Yeah, save that for Reigns' matches, not for a lifelong warrior like Joe.

I began the evening wanting to see Asuka put the von Raschke claw on Izzy. By the end of the match I felt sorry for the kid.
Supposedly, Izzy had to be carried out of the arena by her fatther after the match.

anglefan85 - 4-2-2016 at 09:49 PM

Yeah, I heard about that. Poor kid.

Paddlefoot - 4-2-2016 at 10:07 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk Aries and Corbin was fun and it's great to see Corbin putting the pieces together. His Mad Max jacket screams main roster promotion if I didn't think that somehow this is going to lead to him taking on Regal.

Hopefully that happens never. This is an actual x-ray of Regal's neck that he posted on his Twitter and Instagram a few weeks back as a warning to young wrestlers to what might happen to them from botches, other mishaps, and just plain ol' overall wear and tear.

Apparently Tyson Kidd's most recent x-ray shows the same sort of thing from his accident. Not sure if Nikki Bella's in the same boat now from the repetitive strain of the Rack Attack but it wouldn't be much of a surprise if she was. Same with Stone Cold, and Edge too, who should have just released pics of their own x-rays to put a permanent stop to the silliness of fans thinking they were ever coming back for another match.

Matte - 4-2-2016 at 11:02 PM

Still, for every guy with a neck that looks like that who hangs up the boots, there's another in the same condition who keeps lacing them up. Wonder what Kurt Angle's neck looks like? Lita? Sabu? Taz? I'm not sure the x-rays would stop any rumors.

That said, I'm with you on not wanting Regal to keep going. He's done his part for the business in the ring, now he's doing his part for the business outside of it.

CM Crunk - 4-2-2016 at 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by CM Crunk Aries and Corbin was fun and it's great to see Corbin putting the pieces together. His Mad Max jacket screams main roster promotion if I didn't think that somehow this is going to lead to him taking on Regal.

Hopefully that happens never. This is an actual x-ray of Regal's neck that he posted on his Twitter and Instagram a few weeks back as a warning to young wrestlers to what might happen to them from botches, other mishaps, and just plain ol' overall wear and tear.

Apparently Tyson Kidd's most recent x-ray shows the same sort of thing from his accident. Not sure if Nikki Bella's in the same boat now from the repetitive strain of the Rack Attack but it wouldn't be much of a surprise if she was. Same with Stone Cold, and Edge too, who should have just released pics of their own x-rays to put a permanent stop to the silliness of fans thinking they were ever coming back for another match.

SHIT. I completely forgot about that x-ray. Nevermind.

The Hitcher - 4-2-2016 at 11:16 PM

Yeah as much as I don't detest Corbin, I'm not sure I'd trust someone that inexperienced to protect a neck like that to the degree it needed...

I'm currently rewatching Zayne/Nakamura, it's still awesome.

Also: Nakamura's entrance music is pretty badass.

anglefan85 - 4-2-2016 at 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Still, for every guy with a neck that looks like that who hangs up the boots, there's another in the same condition who keeps lacing them up. Wonder what Kurt Angle's neck looks like? Lita? Sabu? Taz? I'm not sure the x-rays would stop any rumors.

That said, I'm with you on not wanting Regal to keep going. He's done his part for the business in the ring, now he's doing his part for the business outside of it.

Same. Regal's one of my all-time favorites, but he's given us enough in the ring.

Columbo - 4-3-2016 at 12:44 AM

Dear NXT,

Please give me Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Kota Ibushi.


Andrew Columbo

CM Crunk - 4-3-2016 at 01:55 AM

Instead of watching the Hall Of Fame live I'm watching Zayn/Nakamura for the third time. I haven't rewatched a new match like this since Punk beat Cena in Chicago at MiTB.

ETA:Okay, count Cesaro/Zayn I and II in there as well.

ETAA: watched Sami and Swag another four times. Twice with lapsed fans who were transfixed by Nakamura.
[Edited on 4/3/2016 by CM Crunk]

[Edited on 4/3/2016 by CM Crunk]

Dyn-O-Mite - 4-3-2016 at 06:44 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
I mean... yeah, safety is a big issue today and all, but that was some pussy nonsense last night. It was a cut on his eye. Check on it once if you're that worried about him-- I guess-- but after that just let it be, for fuck's sake. They ended up looking like some overprotective mother running out there to check on her son's boo boo.

I realize no one here is likely an MD or a hemotologist (my apologies to anyone who is), but honestly you all, have you really not watched enough NFL football to realize that an athlete is not a fantastic first-person barometer for gauging how presently injured he is? Or, for that matter, doesn't understand anatomy/biology/cuts near one's eye to know that you don't fuck around with one that won't close? They did check him once, and it kept bleeding. You know what you do then, when you're responsible and you care about your fighter's well-being? You keep checking it and get it closed. Which they eventually did.

I mean, I guess it's cool to call it a boo boo, but Joe didn't pull a razor to his hairline, he got a deep, nasty cut around his eye that wouldn't close, and as a much as our 9.99 is incredibly valuable to us and we love our entertainment uninterrupted, probably ok that they were extra cautious -- so our 9.99 in August would be just as valuable, or you know, to look out for Joe's right eye and vision. Samoa Joe is a character, so he rolled his eyes and acted annoyed. Joe Seanoa is eternally grateful they were overly cautious.

punkerhardcore - 4-3-2016 at 07:12 AM

I would bet money that Joe-- the real Joe, not the character-- has had matches where he suffered MUCH worse, and was truly annoyed by the constant babying.

Sam Is Neat - 4-3-2016 at 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Dyn-O-Mite
Originally posted by punkerhardcore
I mean... yeah, safety is a big issue today and all, but that was some pussy nonsense last night. It was a cut on his eye. Check on it once if you're that worried about him-- I guess-- but after that just let it be, for fuck's sake. They ended up looking like some overprotective mother running out there to check on her son's boo boo.

I realize no one here is likely an MD or a hemotologist (my apologies to anyone who is), but honestly you all, have you really not watched enough NFL football to realize that an athlete is not a fantastic first-person barometer for gauging how presently injured he is? Or, for that matter, doesn't understand anatomy/biology/cuts near one's eye to know that you don't fuck around with one that won't close? They did check him once, and it kept bleeding. You know what you do then, when you're responsible and you care about your fighter's well-being? You keep checking it and get it closed. Which they eventually did.

I mean, I guess it's cool to call it a boo boo, but Joe didn't pull a razor to his hairline, he got a deep, nasty cut around his eye that wouldn't close, and as a much as our 9.99 is incredibly valuable to us and we love our entertainment uninterrupted, probably ok that they were extra cautious -- so our 9.99 in August would be just as valuable, or you know, to look out for Joe's right eye and vision. Samoa Joe is a character, so he rolled his eyes and acted annoyed. Joe Seanoa is eternally grateful they were overly cautious.

I AM a doctor and I say, screw it, let Joe bleed. Matter of fact, they should have cut the other eye for symmetry's sake.

vonLampertheim - 4-3-2016 at 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat

I AM a doctor and I say, screw it, let Joe bleed. Matter of fact, they should have cut the other eye for symmetry's sake.

This medical opinion has been provided by Dr. Van Helsing, Professor of Proctology and Other Related Tendencies, MD.

janerd75 - 4-3-2016 at 08:43 AM

Absolutely dig what Dyn-O-Mite is saying, but Joe bleeds for his team...

And a Dr. Van Helsing reference in 2016?!?! The world is still a fine place and worth fighting for. I agree with the second part.

Also, NXT was the tits. I wonder if that pic of Vince watching Shinshuggy Noogiemoogy on the monitors had him wondering just what in the fuck his son-in-law was up to down in Orlando with all that wrasslin' shit.

vonLampertheim - 4-3-2016 at 10:21 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
...and what a goodbye for Sami Zayn in NXT.

For both the sake of continuity from the past and as a bridge to the future, did anyone else think they missed the boat by not having Kevin Owens "ruin Sami's moment" and jump the departing Sami Zayn when he was walking up the ramp towards the back?

Just me?

CM Crunk - 4-3-2016 at 11:18 AM

Originally posted by vonLampertheim
Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
...and what a goodbye for Sami Zayn in NXT.

For both the sake of continuity from the past and as a bridge to the future, did anyone else think they missed the boat by not having Kevin Owens "ruin Sami's moment" and jump the departing Sami Zayn when he was walking up the ramp towards the back?

Just me?

As if you had to make me giddier about your cameo appearances vonLamp. Then you had to go and bring the truth.

kiez - 4-3-2016 at 08:25 PM

A great show.

Nakamura had a great match. It's the 1st time Ive seen him in action and thought he might have been a little stiffer but I really enjoyed the match. Crowd was fun.

Asuka and Bailey also had a great match. A few hiccups but nothing major.

Main event was hurt by the stoppages.

NXT has some fantastic music. Nakamura and Asukas themes are just so good.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-22-2016 at 03:30 AM

Not really a spoiler...because it's going to be known everywhere and not on TV...but I'll give it come room.


BREAKING NEWS: #SamoaJoe defeats @wwebalor to win the #WWENXT Championship in #NXTLowell

A photo posted by WWE (@wwe) on

Samoa Joe is your new NXT Champion at a House Show in Lowell, Mass.

Guess the Balor Club is coming for AJ Styles or Roman Reigns soon enough.

Know we're used to him being around now...but wow. Samoa Joe is a top-champion in WWE. Crazy.

Update: There's video now.

It's true! @SamoaJoe just won the @WWENXT Championship! #WWE pic.twitter.com/UgxSGeFUcH

— The Fan's Podcast (@TheFansPodcast) April 22, 2016

Hmm...fantasy booking this out further...Balor Club vs. AJ...who eventually brings up...Nakamura...and someone else...for 3-on-3 wars? Should be a fun special event week ahead.

[Edited on 4-22-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

janerd75 - 4-22-2016 at 04:11 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Not really a spoiler...because it's going to be known everywhere and not on TV...but I'll give it come room.

Thanks for the warning as it gave me the time necessary to find a mop, a bucket, and a priest because somebody just made an awful, awful mess in my room.

cardscott5 - 4-22-2016 at 04:26 AM

What a crazy world we live in where Samoa Joe is a champion in WWE.

Also, what a completely anti-climatic way for Balor to lose the belt.

This is right up there with Eddie Edwards winning the title at a random NY ROH show against Roddy in the surprise title change mother fucker rankings. Awesome.

Fuck yeah, Samoa Joe. Hopefully WWE actually knows how to book him like a champion, unlike some other company.

CM Crunk - 4-22-2016 at 04:31 AM

So...does this mean we might get Nakamura/Joe at NXT: Brooklyn?

Paddlefoot - 4-22-2016 at 04:41 AM

If it moves the schedule forward for 30,000 fans to be chanting "Joe's gonna kill you" at boooooo-Reigns within a year then I'm happy.

Different angles here:

[Edited on 4/22/2016 by Paddlefoot]

OORick - 4-22-2016 at 05:44 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
So...does this mean we might get Nakamura/Joe at NXT: Brooklyn?

Brooklyn, eh? Hmmmm, that could work. Very nicely.

My more immediately thought, though, is: Joe beat Human Balor, which creates a SERIOUS conundrum in terms of what to do about Demon Balor. Demon Balor would be Finn's go-to in any NXT Title rematch. But Demon Balor remaining undefeated when showing up on the main roster has a lot to recommend it, too. I could make the case for both sides.

On another note, they are apparently just culling TV from this weekend's shows (WWE used to tape RAW in Lowell all the time), with no Full Sail tapings until a month from now. Anything to get NXT weekly TV back to a good place: they stopped taping fresh material in JANUARY, which got us to Mania weekend (which was just too long of canned material), and then those two weeks of shows taped at Fan Fest were AWFUL. Worst. Fans. Ever.

Even American Alpha vs. Enzo/Cass more or less died. The fans may have given more to No Way Jose than anything else in the entire two episodes. Nothing against No Way Jose, but c'mon.....


merc - 4-22-2016 at 07:27 PM

You kinda forget about the crowd reaction TV doesn't capture. The Skids video and first Pad video, with the barely audible "no way" and "oh my gawd" dudes....

Reminds you what "the moment" is all about. Thanks for posting!

bopol - 4-23-2016 at 03:27 AM

So, WWE is about to make Joe the star that TNA failed miserably to do ten years ago putting their company in a slow painful spiral of decline.

While we're at it, maybe a AMW/XXX battle.

Nobledictator1278 - 4-23-2016 at 05:04 AM

WWE needs to get Omega..... Dude just looks so awesome...thought about it again looking at your gif above this post. If they're going to do a Bullet club angle...surely this guy is needed, and he belongs in WWE.

[Edited on 4-23-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

DevilSoprano - 4-24-2016 at 03:59 PM

Omega was part of the Bullet Club for all of 5 minutes before they rebranded themselves something else. I don't deny Omega would be a great pickup, but it has zero to do with the Bullet Club. If anyone would complete the BC, it's the Bucks but if WWE isn't doing tag divisions, they don't really fit since Gallows/Anderson are the better WWE-style tag team.

Count Zero - 4-24-2016 at 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
WWE needs to get Omega..... Dude just looks so awesome...thought about it again looking at your gif above this post. If they're going to do a Bullet club angle...surely this guy is needed, and he belongs in WWE.

[Edited on 4-23-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

From Wikipedia:

Smith [Omega's real last name] has claimed that WWE has since approached him several times with a contract, including in the spring of 2014 and three times in 2015, but he has turned them all down.

So unless his Bullet Buddies can convince him that the E has changed significantly, it sounds like we'll never get to see what could be incredibly awesome.

Paddlefoot - 4-24-2016 at 08:04 PM

Aren't the Bucks sort of the same about going to WWE? In that they know they could do great there but simply aren't willing to put up with the silliness and distortions of their characters that WWE Creative would do to them?

bopol - 4-24-2016 at 09:54 PM

I think that, with the Bucks and Omega, you've got three guys who have tried to make it in WWE and been shafted in some way. They've got a good thing going (I'm sure they make good coin in New Japan) and are in a strong position given the recent defections. They are consistently on the top shows. Now, if they went to the WWE, they'd probably be looking at developmental for who knows how long (Devitt still there, it took Zayn years to get out) and they would likely being making much less than they do now until they finally get called up. I don't blame them for staying and making sure they are finacially positioned to take care of their families. The recent departures from NJPW to WWE have all been guys that are probably darn near set for life and can take the chance.

Count Zero - 4-25-2016 at 01:37 AM

As much as I enjoy the Young Bucks (I've been watching the ROH TV fairly regularly lately, can you tell?), I think they're entirely WAY too spot-monkey-flippy-floppy to last in the WWEverse. I mean, "we" make fun of the Ascension for not being big 'n' bad 'n' mean enough, and the Bucks are two "scrawny" guys who pretty-much no-sell everything that happens as soon as it happens, then pop up for SUUUUPAAAAHHHHKICKS every 12 seconds. Amazing gymnastic athletes who go balls-to-the-walls, yes. Capable of telling a "wwe style wrestling story", I dunno. I'm only basing this on limited & recent exposure to them, however, so I could very possibly be smoking the wacky grass on this one.

tl;dr version: Omega can sell like The Rock (for better and sometimes worse, The Rock could sell the shit out of moves). The Bucks don't seem to be able to sell water to a thirsty man.

Paddlefoot - 4-25-2016 at 02:43 AM

The Briscoes could probably fit in a lot better, and probably even end up dominating, which makes it even more unfortunate that they're a pair of genuine backwoods white trash lunatics that the WWE would be insane to hire.

bopol - 4-25-2016 at 02:59 AM

The Briscoes are old school spectacle with the redneck thrown in. Can you imagine those guys in the territory days? They would have bounced from territory to territory raising hell wherever they went.

They should have a place in the WWE because tag team wrestling should have a place, but the E doesn't get that quite yet (despite New Day being more over than 99% of their roster).

Paddlefoot - 4-25-2016 at 03:05 AM

With a race war now all but imminent a year-long Briscoes vs New Day feud would make some major fucking money for WWE. Get on it, Vince, it's must see TV!

Count Zero - 4-25-2016 at 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
With a race war now all but imminent a year-long Briscoes vs New Day feud would make some major fucking money for WWE. Get on it, Vince, it's must see TV!
And don't forget about one of Dem Boys threatening to shoot anybody who tries to tell his kids that gay is a-ok. Jay would -not- react well to Booty-O's, I suspect.

punkerhardcore - 4-25-2016 at 06:37 AM

I thought the Bucks were given a chance, and then famously disrespected Booker T backstage?

Granted it was one of those dumb, "perceived disrespect" things were they didn't go up and shake hands with him or something. Probably a completely non-malicious oversight that meant nothing... but I remember reading about Booker getting super pissy about it.