Daniel Bryan announces retirement
S Kid J E T S 48 - 2-8-2016 at 06:13 PM

Daniel Bryan just announced his retirement https://twitter.com/wwedanielbryan/status/696757295879819264

Take that tweet however you choose. 7 hours away from the truth.

[Edited on 2-8-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

anglefan85 - 2-8-2016 at 06:28 PM

If this is truly the end, at least he was able to have a truly memorable WM moment. Thank you, Daniel Bryan, thank you.

Fifth Horseman - 2-8-2016 at 06:34 PM

TMZ has it, too.


S Kid J E T S 48 - 2-8-2016 at 06:47 PM

Daniel Bryan on Sportscenter with Coach on Tuesday. https://twitter.com/thecoachespn/status/696766328129110016

Again, take this news however you will.

anglefan85 - 2-8-2016 at 06:47 PM

On Twitter, there's already people blaming Sheamus for this and telling him to commit suicide over this. For fucks sake, people!

williamssl - 2-8-2016 at 06:59 PM

Given how the medical clearances have/haven't gone, it's going to be interesting to see how exactly he talks to his retirement / what he is retiring from:
ever wrestling again, or wrestling in a WWE ring again.

Laruecifer - 2-8-2016 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Daniel Bryan on Sportscenter with Coach on Tuesday. https://twitter.com/thecoachespn/status/696766328129110016

Again, take this news however you will.

The impending part makes me hope he's got one more match before he leaves

S Kid J E T S 48 - 2-8-2016 at 07:23 PM

He's either cleared or not. So the one-match thing, medically, doesn't really work.


On DB, I'll keep this succinct from my view: I want him to live a good life. The underlying nature of pro wrestling is that it invokes emotion and he's our Face. It goes in and out of the ring and in this day and age of more and more after-effects of concussions, if he can't get a good enough okay from a wide-range of doctors, I want him to try and find something that makes him happy outside of wrestling. I don't want another one of these men and women we like to wind up down a bad road years from now because we demand/want/need one more match. So if this is it, it's a big thanks, and do not come back. Be healthy, be happy. Like he made us.

CM Crunk - 2-8-2016 at 07:24 PM

Welp. I guess OO is going to stand for Obtusely Optimistic for me today because as much as it makes sense, I'm not going to believe it until we make it through the show without some sort of swerve taking place. Hand egg won't be providing any competition tonight, and if this is a calculated risk on WWE's part in the service of doing something interesting then brav-o to them because with all of the coverage this is getting so far there's bound to be some extra eyeballs watching tonight.

If this is as cut and dry as it seems though, it'll be interesting to see how the crowd reacts. Seattle's a pretty rowdy one, borderline obnoxious, and if you send Bryan out there to give a heartfelt speech announcing his retirement and just leaving it at that, you're either going to get a deflated crowd OR one that decides to go into business for itself and shits on everything else. If anything, I wouldn't want to be Roman Reigns tonight.

So yeah, tonight's probably going to be a heartbreaker, but I'm holding out hope that WWE still knows how to craft a compelling storyline from time to time...Fingers crossed that this is one of those times.


Other than that: "What's La Cabra Blanca doing in The Temple, Vampiro!?"

[Edited on 2/8/2016 by CM Crunk]

Paddlefoot - 2-8-2016 at 07:32 PM

1) he listened to Brie/WWE doctors and is retiring for good
2) he's retiring from WWE-only to void his contract and will be back in ROH/New Japan by the end of whatever time period his non-compete clause has in it
3) it's one hell of a work, like when Ric Flair pretended to retire just to do a woo-athon right in Vince's face in the middle of the ring with his classic "you. will. NOT. make. me. retire. EVER!" promo

Here's hoping it's option #3 but in all likelihood it's #2. I can't believe, not matter what other crap they've pulled in the past, that they'd force him to do something like this in order to continue his career elsewhere just so he wouldn't take even a bit of the spotlight off of Reigns by returning to active WWE duty. It's business insanity, by every single standard of what being a smart wrestling promotion is supposed to want to do, even for a pair of flakes like Vince & Bukkake Bukky.

[Edited on 2/8/2016 by Paddlefoot]

williamssl - 2-8-2016 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
OR one that decides to go into business for itself and shits on everything else. If anything, I wouldn't want to be Roman Reigns tonight.

I will do my part to make it so.

Matte - 2-8-2016 at 07:33 PM

I'm desperately hoping Bryan comes out in a salmon-pink suit for his retirement announcement.

"I've got a lot left in the tank!"

[Edited on 2-8-2016 by Matte]

CCharger - 2-8-2016 at 07:34 PM

WWE.com has confirmed the news.


derfsucks - 2-8-2016 at 07:40 PM

Does anyone else find it weird that the news would break from his Twitter account, rather than just building up steam until tonight? I'm probably wrong, but I'm getting a very "Mark Henry" retirement vibe here.

jmble - 2-8-2016 at 07:48 PM

I think it's most likely true, but the one shining hope is that Marshawn Lynch announced his retirement from his Twitter account during the Super Bowl yesterday. Maybe Vince caught wind of that and decided to use it to swerve the fans by having Bryan do the same thing.

But I think that's holding out a lot of hope. I think it's probably true.

CM Crunk - 2-8-2016 at 07:49 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Originally posted by CM Crunk
OR one that decides to go into business for itself and shits on everything else. If anything, I wouldn't want to be Roman Reigns tonight.

I will do my part to make it so.

ulsterphil - 2-8-2016 at 07:49 PM

It makes sense of WWE to try and get a Post-Superbowl ratings jump for this, seeing as lapsed viewers may tune in to see Bryan leave.

Or it could be a play by Bryan as well, to re-iterate the fact that he wants out so he can wrestle for someone else.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 2-8-2016 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk

If this is as cut and dry as it seems though, it'll be interesting to see how the crowd reacts. Seattle's a pretty rowdy one, borderline obnoxious, and if you send Bryan out there to give a heartfelt speech announcing his retirement and just leaving it at that, you're either going to get a deflated crowd OR one that decides to go into business for itself and shits on everything else. If anything, I wouldn't want to be Roman Reigns tonight.

Excuse me for my candor here - this is directed at the thought, not the person..., But this is such a weird excuse for adults to act like children, no? It's not like WWE is doing some allegedly shady things that sent CM Punk into quitting. It's them protecting their wrestler (and themselves, but that makes them like every other business ever; and we can pretend like every other company who will "let" Daniel Bryan wrestle isn't doing it for themselves either). WWE has a million injuries, a Wrestlemania on the horizon, and a ton of other issues - if this is legit, do you think that they wouldn't do everything they can to add this guy back to their card? Hell, even if you wants side on the most negative end - there's a ton of money for WWE in the exchange of keeping him. They have him under contract and are taking their legitimate doctor's opinion on the matter. And even if they do eventually let him wrestle elsewhere, *that* will be them doing Bryan right, more than them holding him back, even if it's somehow seen in a different way by fans.

And of course, if he came to this decision on his own, and decided to make an announcement before his home crowd (a decent explanation for the rush here), then fans are being petulant. If this is to be expected by crowds, then fine, but we regularly champion fans and crowds that actually like wrestling, no? The 40 guys left probably aren't too happy about him retiring either. Seems like a really petty reason to take our sadness out on them just because literally any excise to do so exists.

ETA: Observer radio is reporting that it's going to be the last segment of the show tonight, so that might alleviate the above concern. Figure the night will be loaded with Daniel Bryan chants though, as they should.

Also to add - they're treating this as if it's completely legit. Said he went for a new test and they believe it must have turned up bad and led to this sudden decision. This is really heading in the direction I hoped it wouldn't.

[Edited on 2-8-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

punkerhardcore - 2-8-2016 at 08:39 PM

Do you guys honestly think that this company has the fucking balls to work the mainstream media like this? Puh-leaze. It's 2016. Maybe back in 1999 they would have, but not a chance anymore. He'll give his retirement speech, and that'll be that.

bigfatgoalie - 2-8-2016 at 08:50 PM

Remember tumours prior to the Rumble that Bryan was getting more tests? Remember excitement for a possible return? Well apparently the results of those tests were not good, and more tests were planned.

Considering everything, I think it's time to admit he is not coming back.

williamssl - 2-8-2016 at 08:54 PM

Up until this point, Daniel Bryan's medical clearance has been a tale of two "doctors":

Doctor(s) 1 is the ones not associated with WWE who have given him a clean bill of health (based on everything we know to this point)

Doctor 2 is the WWE doctors who have not.

Today's announcement, and how it gets talked to tonight, boils down to one of X things:

1) Bryan has changed his POV and put enough weight on what Doctor 2 has been saying that it's tipped him that way and he will not be wrestling anymore, anywhere
2) Bryan is still at the seeming impasse he's been at to date and/or WWE has firmly come out and said "no matter what you'll never wrestle in our ring again" that he's announcing that he's done from WWE wrestling
3) There is new news (as Skids' edit suggests) i.e. a new prognosis or a shift in Doctors 1 that has tipped the scale in favor of retirement from all things in-ring.

#1 seems incredibly doubtful.
#3 would make the announcement, as unfortunate as it is, make sense
#2 is what Bryan fans are and should be legitimately worried about based on everything that's been said to date. It's all been an impasse, and outside of new information, and doubting #1, then is this WWE forcing their hand.

We can unpack the hell out of that if we choose to. Should they be? Who are we as casual fans to say what a corporation who bears all of the downside should something happen be getting up in arms over anything health related? Not going there.

All I'm saying is that I as a Bryan fan (and I'm sure I'm not alone) had #2 as my initial reaction to this which if true and as a Bryan fan I would be inclined to have a more vocal immediate negative reaction.

That's why I said earlier re: it's going to be interesting to see what is actually said when this all goes down.

If it is new information, as unfortunate as that may be, it is the easier pill to swallow, both by Bryan and by his (very vocal) fans.

punkerhardcore - 2-8-2016 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Remember tumours prior to the Rumble


Columbo - 2-8-2016 at 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Columbo

Danielson, I think hit a bad trifecta; too ugly, too short, lacking charisma to ever be anything other than a really gifted jobber(which is sad)....I hope I'm wrong.

This is my first impression of Daniel Bryan from Feb 9th 2010 in the FCW* thread. Its hard to believe that was almost 6 years to the day ago.. Somehow that ugly short charisma free fella made me (re)fall in love with wrestling, and if this is the end of the road I just gotta thank him for one hell of a journey.

*RIP Lucky

janerd75 - 2-8-2016 at 10:39 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
ETA: Observer radio is reporting that it's going to be the last segment of the show tonight, so that might alleviate the above concern. Figure the night will be loaded with Daniel Bryan chants though, as they should.

Also to add - they're treating this as if it's completely legit. Said he went for a new test and they believe it must have turned up bad and led to this sudden decision. This is really heading in the direction I hoped it wouldn't.

At the very least we know the crowd won't be sitting on their hands tonight. And they don't necessarily deserve what I expect is coming, but tonight's gonna be tough for StepHHH to get a word in edgewise. Especially if Bryan's segment is coming on last? The DAN-YIL BRY-YAN chants alone are going to merit HO. LEE. SHIT. chants of their own, and not at all for the right reasons. Mayhaps be a bit clearer with your intentions with a beloved wrestler well before shit goes nuclear, huh Vince and Buckykake?

And my two cents on Bryan*:

Because he's gonna throw it right back in StepHHH's stupid faces and then Brock's gonna come out and they're gonna have a match at WM and everything will be fine, just fine, right? RIGHT?!?!?

Fandom - 2-8-2016 at 10:41 PM

Are we perhaps going to see "Curtain Call #2"? Joe, Zayn, Owens, Styles all come out to break kayfabe?

[Edited on 2-8-2016 by Fandom]

Count Zero - 2-8-2016 at 10:53 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
WWE.com has confirmed the news.


I think this now deserves its own thread? Modsquad to the rescue?

i hope this is the greatest work in the history of works. i'm pretty sure it's not, but i -really really really- want to be wrong.

Flash - 2-8-2016 at 11:27 PM

Here's my own personal hope that Bryan is happy and healthy; grateful for his years of service, but would love to still have him around so long as he's able to do what he does so well in a safe manner that lets him to continue to enjoy life for many years when he decides to hang 'em up.

In saying that; the guy did just do a spot for Tide during the Superbowl. Now if it were me I'd point out that Tide isn't exactly a nothing company; and Bryan's not really the face of the WWE, or has that cross over appeal.... heck he's a year removed TV.... So it's kinda curious the timing and all..... Yeah it was a twitter spot (I think?), but still.... seems a bit too big for a guy of Bryan's rank in the company. Carrying on with that; his twitter comments seem kinda out of place against today's breaking news.... the doctors and WWE met with him on a Saturday, or Sunday?

I dunno; it's one of those things where it could go either way; shoot or legit; but there do seem to be some big threads just waiting to be pulled on sitting out there.

Sam Is Neat - 2-8-2016 at 11:42 PM

Hall Of Famer? He was only in WWE for about four years and was an indie darling before that. He accomplished quite a bit in those four years, so I assume he gets in. And if so, do you put him in immediately at this year's Wrestlemania?

bigfatgoalie - 2-8-2016 at 11:54 PM

Will he go in to the WWE HOF? Yes.

Should it be this year? Mabey?

On the one hand he is a sure fire bet...on the other...Sting is a pretty big name. Both Sting and Bryan are big enough to be headliners.

And yes anybody who won a WM main event is a sure fire HOF...with one exception for obvious reasons.

janerd75 - 2-8-2016 at 11:58 PM

People are STILL telling me no, @DanicaPatrick. It�s my job to change their answer to� #SmallButPowerful @Tide #ad pic.twitter.com/Jw1KcqhPiv

— Daniel Bryan (@WWEDanielBryan) February 7, 2016

CCharger - 2-9-2016 at 12:22 AM

Here's reaction from some WWE superstars. Worth noting this was WWE.com conducting the interviews, not an independent source like TMZ.


[Edited on 2-9-2016 by CCharger]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 2-9-2016 at 12:24 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Will he go in to the WWE HOF? Yes.

Should it be this year? Mabey?

On the one hand he is a sure fire bet...on the other...Sting is a pretty big name. Both Sting and Bryan are big enough to be headliners.

And yes anybody who won a WM main event is a sure fire HOF...with one exception for obvious reasons.

No question he's a HOFer. Beyond the fact that everyone who has ever wrestled will eventually get in (except Chris Benoit...and Jeff Jarrett), he main evented a Wrestlemania and won pretty much every available belt. So his plaque should fit in nicely next to Koko B. Ware's.

My guess is he shouldn't go in now. They sold out the Hall of Fame and WWE is running out of headliners, so there's no need to rush. I hated that they immediately put Edge in because there was no time to miss him/let him recollect on his own career. Maybe they worry he'll be elsewhere a year or two from now, but everyone eventually circles back. It would be a bit much to have him do two huge speeches in a two month span.

BTW, I figure we'll eventually make this into a favorite moments thread...so wanted to add one of my favorite underrated one's of his...from Saturday Morning Slam, when they weren't allowed to punch each other...so Daniel Bryan turned into a ball.

View post on imgur.com

Full Match

Tyson Kidd vs Daniel Bryan - Saturday Morning... by Wrestlingfan122

Count Zero - 2-9-2016 at 07:43 AM

That match belongs on his eventual compilation DVD set: "How to entertain a crowd for five solid minutes without throwing a punch." I am even more in awe of Mr. Daniel Bryan than I was before. To borrow a line from a cranky, bloated texan... HE IS A WRESTLING.... GOD!

Gobshite - 2-9-2016 at 08:33 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Will he go in to the WWE HOF? Yes.

Should it be this year? Mabey?

On the one hand he is a sure fire bet...on the other...Sting is a pretty big name. Both Sting and Bryan are big enough to be headliners.

And yes anybody who won a WM main event is a sure fire HOF...with one exception for obvious reasons.

Agreed 100%. The Miz should NEVER go in the HOF.

CCharger - 2-9-2016 at 03:20 PM

Ya know, the thing about wrestling is that very few people "retire" and stay "retired". Not saying it doesn't happen - look at Austin and Edge as examples. But it wouldn't surprise me to see Bryan wrestle again - not for the WWE obviously, but I can imagine a scenario where the itch is too strong not to scratch and his no compete clause with the WWE has expired and he seeks the opinion of yet more docs who give the thumbs up.

I'm not saying I WANT to see him risk injury and wrestle again. I just wouldn't be surprised if he climbs through the ropes again.

ETA: Any idea what this "new test" that Bryan had done that convinced him to retire was? He said he had CAT scans and MRIs and visited neuro-psychologists. I wonder what this new test was that he spoke about was. Any medical folks on the bOOards have a clue?

[Edited on 2-9-2016 by CCharger]

denverpunk - 2-9-2016 at 04:28 PM

Although Bryan probably could wrestle somewhere else, I really hope he doesn't at this point. Hell, Ziggler has had a lot of concussions but is still in there, so something else must be going on for WWE to make Bryan hang up the boots. The last thing I want to see is for Bryan to emulate Kurt Angle and go so far past his expiration date that he turns into a danger to himself. That never stopped Undertaker either, but this seems different.

More emotionally, I bring up Kurt Angle again. I loved him in WWE, but watching him in TNA has never been the same other than his initial runs with Samoa Joe and AJ. TNA just isn't WWE, nor is any other promotion. Seeing Daniel Bryan in TNA, Lucha Underground, or even Japan really wouldn't work for me. I hope Vince has made it clear that WWE is home for him.

I'm bummed and saddened that Bryan has had to retire, but like most of you have said, this could be a happy day for him too, and for us. We don't have to read future reports of Bryan murdering his wife and kids. Hopefully we won't have to read about the premature deaths of him and Edge. For his own health, I'm happy for him.

[Edited on 2-9-2016 by denverpunk]

the goon - 2-9-2016 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
ETA: Any idea what this "new test" that Bryan had done that convinced him to retire was? He said he had CAT scans and MRIs and visited neuro-psychologists. I wonder what this new test was that he spoke about was. Any medical folks on the bOOards have a clue?

I've been wondering that too. For all of the Daniel Bryan discussion currently going on around the Internet, I haven't seen any specifics other than "he had new testing done a few weeks ago and the results weren't good" (not to mention Bryan himself didn't go into specifics during his speech last night). Having zero knowledge on brain/medical stuff, I'm just wondering what this new test could have revealed that all of the previous ones he took didn't.

And I think 10 to 15 years down the road, Daniel Bryan is going to have a really unique and kinda weird place in WWE history, just due to how popular he got, the struggle between the WWE brass and the fans to see him get a big push, and then how quickly it was all cut short. I'm just hard-pressed to think of another wrestler who basically went from midcarder to the biggest thing in wrestling to retired all within the span of about three years.

denverpunk - 2-9-2016 at 04:33 PM

Originally posted by the goon

And I think 10 to 15 years down the road, Daniel Bryan is going to have a really unique and kinda weird place in WWE history, just due to how popular he got, the struggle between the WWE brass and the fans to see him get a big push, and then how quickly it was all cut short. I'm just hard-pressed to think of another wrestler who basically went from midcarder to the biggest thing in wrestling to retired all within the span of about three years.

The closest I can think of are HBK and Brock, but they both came back (although Brock was always upper card). Had they stayed away, then maybe they'd be in that category.

lz4005 - 2-9-2016 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
BTW, I figure we'll eventually make this into a favorite moments thread...so wanted to add one of my favorite underrated one's of his...from Saturday Morning Slam, when they weren't allowed to punch each other...so Daniel Bryan turned into a ball.

His SMS stuff was hilarious. He had a whole thing about bears he kept doing when he was on commentary. I had forgotten about that until he did a callback to it in one of the WWE behind the scenes YouTube videos that they shot last night. Apparently there's a bear video they shot back then that never saw the light of day and he wants people to see it.

royberto - 2-9-2016 at 08:33 PM

ESPN SportsCenter with Scott Van Pelt reported on Bryan's retirement and even aired the final yes chant. Yep, a Monday Night Raw highlight on Sportscenter:


Should add that earlier in the show SVP paid tribute to Bryan with the footage of the Michigan State Spatran fans doing the yes chant:


[Edited on 2-9-2016 by royberto]

[Edited on 2-9-2016 by royberto]

anglefan85 - 2-9-2016 at 09:45 PM

For those of you who missed last night:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KzD06Wpofw (albeit a shorter version, for whatever reason)


[Edited on 2-9-2016 by anglefan85]

[Edited on 2-9-2016 by anglefan85]

janerd75 - 2-9-2016 at 10:10 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
ETA: Any idea what this "new test" that Bryan had done that convinced him to retire was? He said he had CAT scans and MRIs and visited neuro-psychologists. I wonder what this new test was that he spoke about was. Any medical folks on the bOOards have a clue?

I don't want to pile on with speculation regarding Bryan's condition, but outside of the concussion issue, of which there are varying degrees of pass/fail betwixt his and WWE's doctors, the first thing that came to my mind as the problem was some kind of underlying neurodegenerative issue they discovered and that would be Parkinson's Disease. The ultimate causal factors for getting it aren't known, but there are strong indicators a genetic predisposition combined with whatever possible environmental factors may help trigger it. Bryan's triggers could have been every time his head struck the mat.

As for him only being 34, Michael J. Fox was diagnosed at 31. Muhammed Ali at 42. Though I believe Ali has Parkinsonism and pugilistic dementia (like Forrest Griffin in the UFC), which is vaguely less bad than the real deal, but you're really just comparing Granny Smith with Red Delicious apples at that point. I hope I'm wrong but it wouldn't surprise me to hear in the next few months or years him announcing he has it well after he takes time off for himself before that whirlwind of publicity starts up. Because given who Bryan is, I've no doubt he would fight the good fight like Fox does.

Legal Note: Janerd is not a licensed physician nor should his advice be taken for anything other than gifs or sneaking in a nudie shot without warning. He does, however, have personal knowledge and experience in dealing with a Parkinson's addled family member.

[Edited on 2-9-2016 by janerd75]

CCharger - 2-9-2016 at 11:14 PM

I was thinking that maybe Brie gave him HIV, but I like your idea better.

G. Jonah Jameson - 2-10-2016 at 12:10 AM

Originally posted by the goon
And I think 10 to 15 years down the road, Daniel Bryan is going to have a really unique and kinda weird place in WWE history, just due to how popular he got, the struggle between the WWE brass and the fans to see him get a big push, and then how quickly it was all cut short. I'm just hard-pressed to think of another wrestler who basically went from midcarder to the biggest thing in wrestling to retired all within the span of about three years.

He doesn't meet the "biggest thing in wrestling" criterion, but the first name that came to mind for me was Magnum TA.

CCharger - 2-10-2016 at 12:46 AM

Not for nothing, but according to previous comments made by Bryan, his current contract expires in summer of 2018. As with AJ Lee, Bryan cannot wrestle for any other company until his current deal with the WWE expires. Therefore, if Bryan does decide he wants to wrestle again, he will have to wait two and a half years to do so.

First 9 - 2-10-2016 at 02:00 AM

So will Daniel Bryan go down in history as the only guy who beat Super Cena and didn't have to give the win back?

While things can always change, I think Bryan will stay retired. Unlike Flair, he likely won't have money troubles, unlike Foley this isn't a whim, and he's been given time to make peace with it.

CCharger - 2-10-2016 at 03:52 AM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
Originally posted by the goon
And I think 10 to 15 years down the road, Daniel Bryan is going to have a really unique and kinda weird place in WWE history, just due to how popular he got, the struggle between the WWE brass and the fans to see him get a big push, and then how quickly it was all cut short. I'm just hard-pressed to think of another wrestler who basically went from midcarder to the biggest thing in wrestling to retired all within the span of about three years.

He doesn't meet the "biggest thing in wrestling" criterion, but the first name that came to mind for me was Magnum TA.

Ultimate Warrior?

Flash - 2-10-2016 at 03:58 AM

Samoa Joe's wrote a nice little send off to Bryan; It's nice to see that Bryan was held in such high regard, and really does seem to be a genuinely good guy behind the scenes as well.

Don't know how to link to twitter, but it's on Joe's twitter feed.

Paddlefoot - 2-10-2016 at 04:53 AM

DB's condition was/is way worse than he led anyone to believe. Yow!


Bryan said they have been able to document 10 concussions but there�s no way to document every single concussion he�s had through out his near-16 year career. Bryan said it�s also hard to define a concussion but it�s impossible to say exactly how many he�s had. Bryan talked about taking multiple tests and they all came out great but these recent tests found he had some swelling and a lesion on an area of the brain that causes seizures. Bryan admitted he has had post-concussion seizures that he�s kept hidden for a long time. He said there has been no evidence on why he was having these seizures but now they know. Bryan talked about how important it is to stay on top of potential concussions and get them checked out.

This is, like, not good.

Count Zero - 2-10-2016 at 05:33 AM

That is very scary to read, and probably terrifying to have lived (be living?) through. Even more than ever, I wish him & Brie the best with family plans, and I hope one day they do a "look who's sitting ringside at raw!" and it's Old Man Bryan with his grandkids -- all having the best time you're allowed to have on tv.

Gobshite - 2-10-2016 at 08:00 AM

So basically, the WWE doctor was right all along, and either Bryan was lying about how many people were willing to sign him off, chose those people very wisely, or the doctors that did sign him off need to go back to university to learn all about whatever it was the WWE doctor could see all along, that they missed.

I'm glad WWE stuck to their guns on this one, as whilst I think Benoit was a one off, Bryan sometimes seems to have that similar vibe to him - remember that for the longest time, everyone had nothing but good stuff to say about Benoit too.

So whats next? I think I'd like him to open his own wrestling school like Lance Storm has. Not everything in wrestling should begin and end at the performance centre...

punkerhardcore - 2-10-2016 at 08:27 AM

As extremely disappointed as we all are, after today's brain lesion/seizure revelation, I think we can all agree that none of us want to see him take another bump ever again.

It's a shame, though. Just bad luck sometimes. I mean, look how long Triple H, Big Show, Kane, The Dudleys, etc. have been able to have long ass careers. And then look at Chris Nowinski, Corey Graves and now Daniel Bryan. Sometimes life is just not fair at all. Bryan will always be one of wrestlings greatest "what ifs," if only he was able to stay healthy for a ten year span.

I would hope that the company was paying VERY close attention (even though we know they weren't). Listen to the damn fans, and build main eventers that way. How many guys can get entire arenas to chant for him like that? Reigns damn sure can't. Not even Brock can. Ambrose might someday if they build him right.

I would love to see him on TV regularly again. I wonder how good he would be in a broadcaster role? Or if they ever brought back the GM positions, he'd be the perfect babyface one. But if he's happy just starting a family with Brie and doing his own thing? Well that's ok too.

CM Crunk - 2-10-2016 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
It's a shame, though. Just bad luck sometimes. I mean, look how long Triple H, Big Show, Kane, The Dudleys, etc. have been able to have long ass careers. And then look at Chris Nowinski, Corey Graves and now Daniel Bryan. Sometimes life is just not fair at all. Bryan will always be one of wrestlings greatest "what ifs," if only he was able to stay healthy for a ten year span.

I'm sure there are tons of factors at play here, from the varying amounts of risk each of these performers were willing to take, to just being more predisposed to this sort of cranial trauma... Although I'm sure if Triple H, Big Show, Kane, The Dudleys, etc. went and had the same bit of extensive testing that Bryan did, they wouldn't exactly be passing with flying colors either. The damage is there, granted maybe not to the same degree as Bryan's, but there is no way any of those guys are in mint condition. The Dudley's, for instance, HAVE to have some pretty advanced damage just from the career that they've had. God I hate thinking about all of this, but I guess it's just grim curiosity...

What'd be interesting (and extremely BALLSY) if WWE were to have the entire roster undergo that examination... I can't help but worry how many people might be on the same path :

Seriously, I can't imagine how you monsters enjoy the foosballs and the MMAs and the boxy punchies and whatnot now knowing the toll that it takes on these people when I'm having a severe guilt trip over being a wrasslin' fan. For shame! A pox on all of you! A pox I say!

Doom and gloom aside, I hope that whatever it is that Bryan is experiencing with these seizures is treatable. He deserves a long happy retirement with his hot wife. I'm with Gobshite, even though I mentioned earlier/elsewhere that I'd like to see him work with Regal at the Performance Center, but the idea of him opening up his own wrestling school makes too much sense and I'd like to see that happen. But no top rope headbutts on the curriculum, PLEASE.

edit: 800th post!

[Edited on 2/10/2016 by CM Crunk]

The Grindfather - 2-10-2016 at 03:13 PM

Just wanted to add in my 2 cents...

I remember waking up the morning of Wrestlemania 30 like it was Christmas day. I absolutely could not wait to see Daniel Bryan that night. I was planning to watch the show with a few friends & I remember consciously thinking, "man, I hope I don't start crying when Bryan wins it tonight." Everyone should just watch his 1st entrance that night; 70,000 plus "Yessing" and firmly behind one man is an amazing sight. That whole run from Team Hell No to that confetti falling on him that night was incredible. Thank you Daniel Bryan.

His genuineness and passion bled through the screen every time he was out there & the way fans gravitated to him is what makes wrestling special sometimes. I personally have never seen somebody capture the imagination of fans the way he did & it may be quite a while before somebody new does. I wasn't alive when Hulkamania ran wild & was only a child when a similar phenomenon happened with Austin, but I was there for every second of Daniel Bryan's rise; from having a really great match as a rookie with the World Champ Jericho, winning MitB the night Punk walked out of Chicago, 18 seconds, Team Hell No, being the driving force behind TWO full on revolts at the Royal Rumble, occupying Raw & then finally conquering the Authority. It seems like it was nothing but bad luck after that point but taking a step back now, the amazing moments and wonderful memories certainly outweigh the frustration & bad ones. Thank you Daniel Bryan.

As has been said, as sad as Monday was, having to watch an "In memoriam" would have been devastating. Monday gave a good guy one last great moment & don't forget he got one of the greatest Wrestlemania moments of all-time. His career will definitely be one of the great "what-ifs" in wrestling but, again, what we got was pretty damn awesome, even if we only briefly got what we wanted. I'm also not sure we'd be getting the AJ Styles', Sami Zayn's & Finn Balor's without the success of Daniel Bryan. He's living proof that determination & hard-work pays off; & being a world-class talent helps too.

Daniel Bryan gave me some great memories & a ton of smiles. Here's hoping he gets the same things out of retirement. God bless & THANK YOU DANIEL BRYAN.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 2-10-2016 at 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
DB's condition was/is way worse than he led anyone to believe. Yow!


Bryan said they have been able to document 10 concussions but there�s no way to document every single concussion he�s had through out his near-16 year career. Bryan said it�s also hard to define a concussion but it�s impossible to say exactly how many he�s had. Bryan talked about taking multiple tests and they all came out great but these recent tests found he had some swelling and a lesion on an area of the brain that causes seizures. Bryan admitted he has had post-concussion seizures that he�s kept hidden for a long time. He said there has been no evidence on why he was having these seizures but now they know. Bryan talked about how important it is to stay on top of potential concussions and get them checked out.

This is, like, not good.

Came here to post this and the same conclusion everyone else is coming to. Been saying this for months - he's a wrestler with a wrestler's mentality. This was always worse than he was saying and While I don't blame him even one iota for doing everything he did, I'm glad he came out and said this to stop the ridiculous fan speculation that he's going to come back at some point. This isn't a back injury or losing the love of wrestling - it's a fucking horribly compounded brain injury.

It keeps getting looked by what Daniel Bryan is today, but even with him retired now, I worry about what he's going to be like in 10-20 years and if this is a degenerative situation that is impossible to know about now. As the selfish desire some feel to predict his return continues to be spoken, this should be taken exactly how we see Edge - that the next bad bump will cripple or kill Daniel Bryan. And when you look at it that way, maybe we can all move on.

Someone said it better than I Ever could on Twitter yesterday: I want Daniel Bryan to be happy. There's few strangers I've ever felt that for. I assume many others feel the same way. That's enough for me. I don't crave more from him. We have 16 years of great memories and more importantly, the knowledge that his career won't be tainted by something horrible happening to him as it has many others. Hopefully he's stopped in time to allow all of this to happen. Just from his ESPN interview, it's obvious there's still a ton of good he hopes to and will do. That's enough.

WWE did the right thing here - and I hope this awareness and technology can help them lengthen their wrestlers' careers with early detection and safety towards their situations. And hopefully they realize this is the new normal and we never get a Ziggler-type response to a concussion throwing off a guy's career. It needs more attention and not seen as a weakness. Once that happens, the guys will feel more comfortable sharing this injury and lives and careers will be saved.

denverpunk - 2-10-2016 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
WWE did the right thing here - and I hope this awareness and technology can help them lengthen their wrestlers' careers with early detection and safety towards their situations. And hopefully they realize this is the new normal and we never get a Ziggler-type response to a concussion throwing off a guy's career. It needs more attention and not seen as a weakness. Once that happens, the guys will feel more comfortable sharing this injury and lives and careers will be saved.

Well said.

I think WWE kind of had football's mentality towards concussions - get back in the game as fast as you can, and actually taking time off for one was a sign of "weakness". Even with new information, the stigma was still there for suffering one (like Ziggler). If anything, this episode with Bryan has brought mental health even more to the forefront, and hopefully that continues to happen, with people's safety being the paramount concern of any sports organization when it comes to concussions and brain injuries.

salmonjunkie - 2-10-2016 at 06:19 PM

I'm in the same place as all of you. While I'll miss Daniel Bryan the wrestler and it's very bittersweet since he doesn't exactly get to go out on his own terms, but I am so happy that he is able to walk out relatively healthy, start a family, live a life and give us a retirement speech about gratitude and getting to do what he loved for 16 years instead of having a post-mortem episode of RAW.

The WWE.com clip is highly edited, but if you have Hulu Plus, the speech is in its entirety on the 90 minute RAW. It was heartfelt and great. The ESPN interviews with Coach are good too.

Also, I agree and hope that concussions in the future don't derail someone's push like Ziggler's. That was unfortunate for him.

[Edited on 2-10-2016 by salmonjunkie]

punkerhardcore - 2-10-2016 at 07:05 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Seriously, I can't imagine how you monsters enjoy the foosballs and the MMAs and the boxy punchies and whatnot now knowing the toll that it takes on these people when I'm having a severe guilt trip over being a wrasslin' fan. For shame! A pox on all of you! A pox I say!

I get why some people feel this way nowadays, with all the brain injury information that's out there. But I dunno... I just can't bring myself to feel bad for these guys.

I've seen all kinds of interviews with former football players, where they fully admit to lying to coaches and doctors about how they were feeling, just so they could get back out onto the field. Most say they would even do it again if they had the chance, despite everything we now know. These are dudes who simply do not care if it takes a couple years off their lives/well being. Honestly it sort of drives me nuts when all these retired players sue the NFL, when they have themselves to (at least partly) blame.

Hell look at Bryan from just yesterday. The guy hid the fact about having seizures so he could get back into the ring sooner. I mean, people can blame the industries, but it seems like most of the time, these men are their own worst enemy.

stedanko - 2-10-2016 at 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
I'm glad WWE stuck to their guns on this one, as whilst I think Benoit was a one off, Bryan sometimes seems to have that similar vibe to him - remember that for the longest time, everyone had nothing but good stuff to say about Benoit too.

I am glad, too. But did you ever see Benoit smile? Once? If so, he was only showing you toothless aggression and not real happiness. I give Bryan the ocular pat down and clear him of any mass murder-related event. The guy actually seems like he loves life. Who knows the real truth, of course.

CM Crunk - 2-11-2016 at 06:00 AM

I'm kind of half joking when I say this, but would it be too crazy to think that everyone on the WWE roster could be performing in protective Farooq helmets 10-15 years in the future?

I'm only half joking because honestly, that could be a real possibility. Given the industry's progression towards more high spots and dangerous maneuvering, unless Vince or eventually Triple H institutes a policy that returns in-ring work to the lethargic, low stakes pacing of the 80's, or they replace the ring with a bouncy castle, surely this has to be a consideration that's going to have to be made sometime in the near(ish) future.

[Edited on 2/11/2016 by CM Crunk]

Paddlefoot - 2-11-2016 at 06:25 AM

I doubt that we'll see the end of the high-flying manuevers because unless someone lands wrong by accident those things really aren't major causes of concussions. I think that along with the chair shots to the head we've seen the end, in WWE anyway, of moves like the Brain Buster and Diving Head-butt, or anything else that could result in cranial shock. I was actually quite surprised in her match with Alicia a couple of weeks ago that they made Paige, and she's just back now from her own concussion, take a super-kick because it connected with her right on the button.

In the background noise during DB's farewell address some nit-wit started chanting "TNA! TNA!". That is exactly the kind of person that doesn't give a shit about any of these performers if he wants DB to go to a shithole like the one Dixie's operating where, from the way they fucked Daffney over through to the Wolve that got his brain scrambled a few months back where they made him keep wrestling, they clearly don't care what happens to their workers. We can't say anymore that WWE doesn't do their due diligence, at least when it comes to head and neck injuries, most of the time now; letting Alicia kick Paige like that was damn reckless though. It's too bad that other parts of the industry, like TNA and some of those scuzzy indie joints, are going to be the same middens they've always been through all of wrestling's history.

janerd75 - 2-11-2016 at 07:28 AM

I LIKE WEE-PING! *clap clap clapclapclap*

I LIKE SMI-LING! *clap clap clapclapclap*

Back to weeping agayn, but watching that WM clip with Bryan's win there, have we seen the last of the improbable lightning-in-a-bottle Indie Darling-to-WWE Superheroes that could possibly garner an insane response like that?

Wickedfrost - 2-11-2016 at 05:15 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
I'm kind of half joking when I say this, but would it be too crazy to think that everyone on the WWE roster could be performing in protective Farooq helmets 10-15 years in the future?

I'm only half joking because honestly, that could be a real possibility. Given the industry's progression towards more high spots and dangerous maneuvering, unless Vince or eventually Triple H institutes a policy that returns in-ring work to the lethargic, low stakes pacing of the 80's, or they replace the ring with a bouncy castle, surely this has to be a consideration that's going to have to be made sometime in the near(ish) future.

[Edited on 2/11/2016 by CM Crunk]

That style of helmet would offer very little protection against concussions. It would require a two piece floating design to first absorb the impact of a blow and then to absorb any torsional momentum. It would then have to surround the entire head in order to be effective. There's nothing on the market or in development that would be camera friendly.

Paddlefoot - 2-11-2016 at 08:45 PM

Helmets don't do shit to prevent concussions. Not for soldiers in combat and not for athletes like football and hockey players. If someone gets rocked hard enough then that kind of head injury is pretty much inevitable. That makes the treatment afterwards that much more important because a rapid and intelligent response to the injury is the only thing that will work to make sure whoever gets hurt doesn't end up scrambled for the rest of their life.

janerd75 - 2-11-2016 at 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Helmets don't do shit to prevent concussions.

Says you, Slap Shot...

Paddlefoot - 2-11-2016 at 09:37 PM

Concussions in hockey got worse even as helmets became mandatory. Eventually they figured it out that it was being caused mostly by (a) fighting, which is now rapid declining in frequency over the last five years, and, (b) getting rocked by the plated plastic armour than they use for shoulder/elbow pads these days. The old style cloth pads didn't cause the same amount of damage, and players were more careful not to overly clobber the other guy with them because the guy doing the hitting was as likely to badly hurt himself as he was the guy he was hitting. It's probably arguable that in both hockey and football as the personal protection increased then so did the intensity of play as well as the amount of on-field/on-ice recklessness that began to cause so many devastating and life-affecting injuries.

This is all moot to wrestling but for a semi-responsible company like WWE the chair shots and things like the diving head-butt are finished forever. Ironic, if nothing else, to see a company that's been called a circus freakshow by a lot of allegedly serious sports commentators actually end up being more responsible and careful than "serious and important" sports like football and hockey.