PPV DISCUSSION: WWE WrestleMania 32 (April 3, 2016)
OORick - 4-3-2016 at 02:08 AM

It's only the biggest show of the year... so let's get this thread started: WrestleMania 32, baby!

The official card:

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns (WWE Title, No DQ)
Shane McMahon vs. the Undertaker (Hell in a Cell, Control of RAW and Taker's Career on the Line)
Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar (Street Fight)
Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Miz vs. Stardust vs. Sin Cara vs. Zack Ryder (Ladder Match for the IC Title)
AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho (Old Fashioned Grudge Match)
The New Day vs. the League of Nations (Handicap Match)
Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks (Women's Title Match)
Kalisto vs. Ryback (US Title Match)
20-Man Andre the Giant Battle Royale
The Usos vs. the Dudleys (Preshow)
10-Woman Total Divas Match (Preshow)

The big story, same as it was last year, is WWE's abject failure to prepare Roman Reigns for his spot as the alleged babyface hero, seeking to relieve an allegedly hated villian of the WWE Title.

It's truly not Reigns fault; nothing about his objective talent level or skill set disqualifies him from being that kind of top-of-card superstar... but WWE has simply done wrong by him at nearly every turn over the past 16 months. And now, that leaves two options: cut bait on Reigns for the second year in a row and do a reset, or forge ahead with the title change with the full advance knowledge that it will flop with a mighty thud.

From the sound of things, WWE may reposition the Title Match to the middle of the show. It won't change the fundamental insubordination from the fans, but it would likely mute it down to a dull roar, and allow the show to re-build up to an actual satisfying conclusion, rather than ending with a chorus of entirely the wrong kind of boos.

That likely means Shane/Taker's Cell Match takes the main event slot, with is just fine, considering what is on the line, and all the bells and whistles such a match is apt to contain... not just crazy highspots, but the potential for extracurriculars and run ins (from Vince, Steph, Cena, Sting, who the hell knows?), too.

We shall see...

A few thoughts/predictions:

So that's my take. The show is 4 hours long, starting at 7pm (eastern), so I expect we'll all be assembled for real-time results/bitching/moaning. Possibly earlier, as the preshow starts at 5pm (the first hour will be entirely worthless, though, as WWE will put anything of value on the second hour, which is also being simulcast on the USA Network).

Until then, the floor is yours for all the predictions and prognostications you can come up with. What say you, OO Nation??!!??

First 9 - 4-3-2016 at 03:50 AM

First thing's first, how cool is it to finally get a ''complete'' WM with all the Champions having matches that have some build up to them? Felt we haven't had that in more than a decade.

The IC Title match will be fun. These multiman Ladder matches are always worth watching but are rarely memorable. Hope Ryder gets to do a big spot. I'm going to go with Owens retaining. So that Zayn can keep chasing and of course being WM, there won't be that many heel victories.

AJ vs Y2J might be Jericho's last chance to have a noteworthy WM match, hope he comes out guns blazing and AJ has the best WM debut since The Hardyz and the Duds set the world on fire in their first Ladder match.

New Day vs LON has to go to the LON right? Being Non-Title was a weird decision.

Andre Battle Royal will have a suprise. Moving up to the main show means either a big star is winning(and the only big star without a match of his own is Bray) or somebody is coming back.

The Women's Title match will be fantastic. I'm going with Becky over Sasha for no good reason.

Reings vs HHH better have something more to it or it'll be another sad, better left forgotten WM World Title Match like HHH vs Jericho, or HHH vs Booker, or HHH vs Orton or HHH vs Orton and Cena...yeah they better have something up their sleeve.

Shane vs Taker will be just entertaining. Who knows how the fuck it'll go but everything about it feels like we'll get the classic Attitude Era Over the top, overbooked wildcard that you can't help but watch.

Now, Ambrose vs Lesnar. Match will be great and everything but I'll be dissapointed if Ambrose loses. He lost the Rumble after making it to the final two, he lost the triple threat, he lost the Title match, I want to see my favorite wrestler get a big win already! I don't want to cheer somebody on to see them ''look strong'' or some other bullshit.

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by First 9]

DKBroiler - 4-3-2016 at 05:15 AM

First day of baseball, WrestleMania and The Walking Dead season finale is an unbelievable day of television. I will get fatter. It will be glorious.

Jumbie - 4-3-2016 at 06:50 AM

Also the world cricket T20 final...

um, yeah, moving on.

What's an 'old fashioned grudge match' stipulations-wise?

janerd75 - 4-3-2016 at 08:20 AM

Like DK wrote, I dunno how I work watching WM around That Guy borrowing Foley's Ambrose's version of Lucille to make us all sad pandas on the Walking Dead, but I suppose I'll hafta do my stretches, lube up, and jam it all in somehow.

I'm down for all the matches, especially the ladder match, Jericho/Styles, and the Women's Title match, but these three here are my ones with strongest potential cases of The Repercussions:

Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar

As others have mentioned elsewhere in other threads, as well as the bOOsman in this one, Dean can do no wrong even in a loss. Kinda has the potential to go Austin/Hart redux times eleventy billion should they so choose to have Ambrose take the beating of a lifetime and go out on his shield (heh) unbeknownst to him as his head would have been caved in by then and his pants Brown and Strong, man.

Obtuse Mirrorverse: Wyatt Family Fuckery

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns

Sweet Fancy Moses what a pickle this one is. In a vacuum (that specifically targets the reason centers of my addled mind), I don't mind either guys. I think Haitch would have been better served doing a Cena-esque U.S. Title elevation on a guy like Dean if he was adamant aboot holding the title as I think he can still go, but here we are with Reigns instead. Yes, injuries and whatnot, but still...The Roman Empire. *sigh* Ultimately, I hope to see a Shield reunion at some point, but the Bucky Fuckery Playdoh Factory has smooshed a decent big man with a great look, serviceable broham wrasslin' skeeyuls, daddeh, and subpar mic work into becoming the avatar and dictionary definition for unholy tone deaf WWE mega pushes far surpassing anything they ever did with Orton and Cena. Double *sigh*.

I fear that the Warden Norton and his enforcer Byron Hadley that is Vincent K. McMahon and Kevin "The Whiner Soldier" Dunn, respectively, are actually that fucking obtuse to put Reigns over easy peasy Japanesey after an otherwise decent and brutal match that will no doubt be accompanied by Teh Booz eclipsing that of Goldbrick/Landshark in the long, long ago. However, one aspect of the match gives me pause...

Obtuse Mirrorverse: The No DQ stipulation. Whether it's a little nonsense now and then relished by the wisest men of Haitch or Steph or StepHHH calling down the thunder and lightning from the LON or ???, or The Rock rolling down to ringside to Haka his cousin to greatness, I think the hope for all us sinners that didn't buy into this Reigns horseflop lies in the no DQ stip. Extra bonus unexpected magnanimous-beer-break-while-tarring-a-roof is Roman winning and punking out his cousin to the rightly aligned boos welcoming his newly minted heel turn.

Shane McMahon vs. the Undertaker

I don't see how Shane loses this one unless the Vinman and Bukkuky have really gone off the rails and Shane was only ever supposed to be around up until WM only to disappear agayn for a cynical, "hey, see, times they are a' changin'...LOLFAYGZ *rug pull* no they're not, here's some more Authority you gullible smarks!"

Dunno exactly how they pull it off, but Shaynamac wins here. Fuckery, fo' shizzle, but I'm not exactly sure how. It's in the Cell, FFS, so anything can happen and anyone can show up to assist. Speaking of which...

Obtuse Mirrorverse: If they are really going to go all out and salvage the show from the potential disaster of Haitch/Reigns and leave us with The Rick's Infamous Last Taste of The Night Influencing All Future Endeavors and have a memorable run-in to save Shane from Taker sending him into death, there is but one man for the job.

I don't think it would involve him doing the IWC's Infamous Perennially Demanded Heel Turn either. Just him finally (and ironically) denying the Authority any further storylines for the foreseeable future by aiding Shane in beating Taker. His reason for abetting Shaynamac being as simple as not wanting Vince and Co. around no mo. Deep respect for Taker abounds, but he did what he had to do, do you know what I am saying, dog? And Shane being the only McMahon with the face gene and taking over Raw with a win would radiate stink waves of faceocity towards anyone assisting in banishing Vince and StepHHH, at least for a while, and the next night on Raw an immediately reinstated Taker can look forward to the megamatch either at Summerslam or next year's WM.

First 9 - 4-3-2016 at 08:29 AM

So, hey this is the first WM without Cena and Orton since WM19. That's a nice milestone, right?

Especially since instead of hating on the trifecta of Cena/Orton/Batista, it's now just one guy, Reigns. Progress!

Count Zero - 4-3-2016 at 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Jumbie
Also the world cricket T20 final...

um, yeah, moving on.
This might actually be the high-point of my day, depending on how WM32 pans out later on.


Matte - 4-3-2016 at 03:43 PM

You can add Kalisto/Ryback to the preshow group with Usos/Dudleys and Total Divas. Source is the WWE Mania Twitter.

EDIT: And for anyone interested in what the crowd might sound like for Reigns/HHH, here's the crowd reaction to the promo package for it at the HOF.

HHH/RR promo with #WWEHOF crowd reaction pic.twitter.com/xkZelCzDtg

— DavKind (@DavKind76) April 3, 2016

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Matte]

Paddlefoot - 4-3-2016 at 04:30 PM

You could almost feel Vince wincing to the music of it all. Boo! Yay! Boo! Yay!

"It's gonna be a turkey shoot!" - Jim Garrison, JFK

DKBroiler - 4-3-2016 at 04:30 PM

Matte, that was the best find ever. Hahahaha!!!!


It's so easy to hate that guy. I wish there was a way to capitalize on someone who gets booed all the time. ... um ...

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-3-2016 at 04:48 PM


Ryback vs. Kalisto
I guess Ryback meant this will start off the whole show when he spoke last night. Just looking at the card, we'll probably be a little short of heels winning matches, and there seem to be an influx of faces around and returning in the next few weeks, so it makes sense to put the title on Ryback. The accidental value they got out of Kalisto will be good going forward - a sneak preview of their long-term latino star - and we can buy our time until Rey Mysterio returns and he can fully pass the torch along.

Total Divas vs. Team BAD and Blonde
I don't really buy the idea that WWE absolutely believed Eva Marie was coming back to a huge face ovation. The reaction by the other Divas in the ring was mild at best and they aren't doing that on their own. Either way, I see this ending with Eva as a heel, whether turning on the Total Divas or costing them the match and getting beat up by them. This is a tough answer because I don't think she can pull off the acting needed in a heel turn and I don't think she can sell well enough to make 4 divas beating her up look good. Hmm...okay...I'll just go with her turning on the TD and helping TBAB win.

The Usos vs. The Dudleys
Seems like a very safe place to call an Usos win. Last match on the preshow, need to get revenge on the Dudleys, and if they're going to be involved at all with a Roman Reigns heel turn (maybe), they have to over strong here.

Main Card:

The New Day vs. League of Nations
The League of Nations should be better than they are. These are four heels people generally like as such and all could theoretically be far higher on the card than they are. Something's been missing but over the past month or so, it seems like they've been building a character in a similar way to The New Day, but in a far less obvious way.

Even as such, and even that they're probably up for a win in this feud, I'm not sure a win does much to change their fortunes going forward. Perhaps a brutal feud with something like a debuting Bullet Club would give these guys a correct (and serious) feud to build on. Either way, this seems all about The New Day, between their entrance, and possibility of The Rock making one of his appearances here, and continuing their face turn without neutering their dominance at this point.

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
The list of contenders seems to be short, pretty much made up of surprises.

John Cena could make a return after hinting as such all week. Cesaro is close and him winning it for the second time would pump some energy into the match (please return with new music please?). Wyatts haven't been mentioned in their yet and obviously a Bray loss in this thing makes no sense, so that could be here. I think a Samoa Joe win makes a ton of sense here (especially if he too might join up with a possible Roman Reigns turn as I alluded to in the rumors thread). I think it's between Cena (who has jokingly entered himself into this twice before and would instantly make the match actually matter again) and Joe. I'm going with Samoa Joe getting off to a big start with the main roster.

But keep an eye on a bit of a dark horse. As we know, this is probably Mark Henry's last WM. WWE has a penchant for giving older vets random wins and he could get it here as a goodbye.

AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho
Everything says Jericho puts Styles over here. This is what Y2J returns to do and he's looked quite strong this time around with the heel turn, so he could deflect it the best way he's ever had to after this.

But Jericho is going to be around till April, and every Mania seemingly has one really weird result. Literally no one ever thought Sting would lose last year...and guess what? AJ Styles is not a WWE guy.

There is literally no way Styles should be losing today. I'll go with Chris Jericho winning in a mindfuck.

Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks
This is one of the better built feuds for Mania and probably one of a handfull of most important matches in WWE women's wrestling history, so I'm expecting them to get a ton of time. They've built this up in a way that we really don't know who is going to win. Charlotte could easily be the dominant champ. Sasha is undefeated since coming up. Becky has had a burgeoning of fan support since the Rumble. Any of them coming out of here would make sense and be great.

I'll eliminate Charlotte from the win - it made sense for her to win if WWE was bringing up someone dominant tomorrow that would look like a stronger opponent than their other two best combined. That doesn't smell like Bayley, who walking in and being a title contender doesn't line up at all with her character, and no shortcuts can be had with her character if she is going to work. Asuka would have made sense to come out and just destroy Charlotte, but she's now champion.

So that leaves Becky and Sasha, who would both get great reactions from the crowd. I think Becky is a little more over with the non-hardcore fans and in an arena like that, is a threat to get a similar reaction to Sasha, but I they've been building to this crowning moment for Sasha Banks and I don't see much of a reason to shy away from it now.

Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Zack Ryder vs. Stardust vs. The Miz vs. Sin Cara
As like many, I was hoping Owens-Zayn would be the singles midcard match on this card, but I've outlined how it makes sense to branch it off in the coming months when it can get far more attention. I wouldn't mind seeing an out-of-nowhere win for someone (Zack Ryder obviously would make me pop like hell, but even a Stardust/Cody Rhodes deserves better than his position), but I think it's between Owens and Zayn for this one.

Owens could easily survive because he is seen and is one or two steps higher than everyone else here and there will be plenty of foils going forward.

But Sami Zayn desperately needs something to push himself out of the pool of midcarders if he's going to be taken seriously instead of falling into the Tyler Breeze abyss. Zayn Daniel Bryan's the hell out of this one and becomes champion.

Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose
Brock is still seen as WWE's cash cow, and they'll do anything to make sure he continues looking strong.

But this is what he is here for and sometimes you just need to go with a guy. I've been saying for months this is the year of Dean Ambrose's ascent to the top and nothing is different here. Whether the Wyatts are the cause of a Brock loss or not, is to be seen, but this should be Wrestlemania moment for Ambrose, and I'm hoping he gets a win by the gimmick and not by some other means.

Shane McMahon vs. Undertaker
It's really hard to predict what will happen in the final two matches since we have no idea what order they're going to go in. If the title match is first, that eliminates any cross-breeding between these two matches, since Shane won't be in charge yet. If this goes on first, HHH is suddenly in a position where he has to win to keep his job.

Either way, I think they wind up being sterile of each other. Shane McMahon has to win somehow and the three prevailing ideas of how seem to be:

1. Lights go out and Sting costs Taker the match (pretty much goes away with last night's very real announcement).

2. John Cena returns to rid the WWE of Vince McMahon...and sets up the Taker-Cena dream match for next year.

3. Undertaker beats Shane so badly that Vince has regrets, gets eliminated for good by the Undertaker and Shane rolls him up to get the shocking win.

I was leaning towards option 3 until this week and all the talk from Cena that we've all discussed. Setting up a Taker-Cena match a year in advance would be a nice start to the Shane campaign on Raw, so I can see that being the way this goes. And no, this isn't a heel turn*.

*copy and paste indefinitely forever

Roman Reigns vs. HHH
Wow. We're here. There's been a lot of words spewed and a trail of internet fan tears on the road to this match and we're finally going to find out what WWE decides to do.

I outlined a pretty reasonable way to turn Reigns tonight off of a Goon idea in the rumors thread that I won't copy here due to this post's length, so it can be read there. Even with it making a lot of sense, I can already sense the overbooking of it overwhelming some, even if the result is favorable.

So I'm instead going to look at it a different way. Let's get this out in front to start. Roman Reigns is becoming champion tonight. There's no other scenario around that.

But the result of such is up for interpretation. I'm not fully seeing the full turn happening tonight, but you need that big moment to really tell the story of his heel turn. He's been generally but unevenly booed by fans over the last few months and while it's been somewhat obvious, it's not enough to base everything off of.

You need that turning point, and at what is supposed to be his crowning moment, at the biggest Wrestlemania of all time, getting universally booed is a moment that can really be used to set him off. Letting him walk off "waiving" off the fans at the end of it while walking out could be a foreshadowing to tomorrow, where the boos will sound worse. When he finally gets frustrated with them on Raw, have anyone from Rock to Shane to Ambrose come out to calm him down and your big post-WM Raw hook being Reigns Spearing a face there and making the full turn.

No clue if that's going to happen. They could continue with the Reigns experiment. I believe the boos will be far less strong once we get outside of the Rumble-WM bubble, as what happened last year, but just looking ahead at the multitude of faces you'll be able to throw at Reigns - from Ambrose to Cena to Cesaro to Orton to eventually the mega-match with a returning face Seth Rollins - it makes all the sense in the world to have him as a heel going forward. So we'll see how it goes.

As I've been saying from the start, whatever our feelings are on this main event, the Mania card itself looks fairly full of potential. As showed last year, even with the lack of storyline behind everything, it could wind up pulling off an exciting card without it. Hell, nothing is Nakamura-Zayn here from a non-storylined affair winding up amazing (though we knew it would), but we do have freaking Steen and Generico in a ladder match [at holy shit how are they] at Wrestlemania[?!?], so who knows what kinds of things could happen.

Like a Zack Ryder WM title win. Come on WWE...you know you want it.

Paddlefoot - 4-3-2016 at 04:49 PM

Anyone know when they started banishing hyped-for-WM matches to a non-viewable pre-show limbo? All three of those matches put together won't take more than forty minutes to complete, maybe even less as the women's match has WM 25 Diva's battle royal written all over it in terms of "just get it over with potential", with a bunch of hot tags and a fast finish in under ten minutes. They have their own network now where they don't have to answer to anyone, and a show being run on dedicated PPV-specific cable channels where they aren't pre-empting or over-running on another show's time. So, for better or worse, why not just show it all as part of the official broadcast? There's a lot of talent in those three matches that have all been basically told "you made it to Wrestlemania! (but not really)".

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-3-2016 at 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Matte

HHH/RR promo with #WWEHOF crowd reaction pic.twitter.com/xkZelCzDtg

— DavKind (@DavKind76) April 3, 2016

Just to add to this, this was literally the same exact sequence *every* time the promo played at Raw in Brooklyn Monday, so we know where he's standing with fans. Barring the outdoor stadium eating the boos in the air (which certainly won't happen on Raw tomorrow), Reigns is getting booed...and HHH is actually going to get a pretty unexpectedly good face reaction (by default, but true).

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Anyone know when they started banishing hyped-for-WM matches to a non-viewable pre-show limbo? All three of those matches put together won't take more than forty minutes to complete, maybe even less as the women's match has WM 25 Diva's battle royal written all over it in terms of "just get it over with potential", with a bunch of hot tags and a fast finish in under ten minutes. They have their own network now where they don't have to answer to anyone, and a show being run on dedicated PPV-specific cable channels where they aren't pre-empting or over-running on another show's time. So, for better or worse, why not just show it all as part of the official broadcast? There's a lot of talent in those three matches that have all been basically told "you made it to Wrestlemania! (but not really)".

Preshows are generally free and used as a last minute way to entice casual fans into buying a WWE/Network. It's less powerful these days, but I'm sure there's still places in this world where it works well. They do have the last hour of the preshow airing on USA this year, so there's definitely more reason to have some of the matches there, just as they used to shoot angles on WWE Heat. Either way, expanding this card to 6 hours seems a bit unreasonable to ask people to watch as "all even". Talented guys or not, someone's going to be left off the card and a lot of these people (divas especially) in a normal year with full depth, would be in the Battle Royal as best. Now they get to have 20 minutes each to be focused on, which especially with tag matches in WM preshows (the 2 on 2 kind), tends to have good results.

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

the goon - 4-3-2016 at 06:44 PM

So even if this year's card isn't the best, I still can't help but mark out and just be a fan for WrestleMania every year, so I'm looking forward to tonight's show. One positive thing I will say is that there is a lot of unpredictability regarding the top matches, so that at least makes tonight interesting.

My picks:

Triple H vs Roman Reigns: Like everyone else, I'm looking forward to this match for the crowd reaction and it looks like Roman is in for even bigger heel heat than he got last year against Brock. I'm going to go with Reigns winning here, because as I've been fairly vocal about in another thread, Triple H really doesn't need to be anywhere near the WWE title at this point in his career. Side note: if Reigns wins and they don't pull a heel turn with him, tomorrow night is going to be really interesting. Because I really don't see how you can have Roman come out and cut a promo as the new WWE champion while 10,000 fans are booing the hell out of him.

The Undertaker vs Shane McMahon: I was once thinking that Taker was going to intentionally lay down for Shane so that he could screw over Vince, but now I'm not quite so sure about that. Either way, there has to be some kind of screwy finish here, because I really don't see either guy winning the match outright. I'm picking Shane to win, but I have no idea how we get there.

Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose: This one is really hard to pick, because a valid argument can be made for either guy winning. But like First 9 mentioned, Dean Ambrose has lost way too many big matches in the past year, so I'm picking him to win and get a WrestleMania moment by conquering the beast (though what will probably happen is a Lesnar victory and Ambrose looking strong in defeat).

IC Title Ladder match: Owens and Zayn are really the only viable options here as far as winners go, but I'll pick Owens to retain. I think there's definitely a chance Zayn could get the belt (especially with the momentum he has after the awesome match with Nakamura), but it just fits with Owens' gimmick if he were to sneak in and grab the belt at the last moment to win the match.

Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles: Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, I think I'd be more psyched for this match if we hadn't already seen it three times (with AJ winning 2/3 matches, so in theory the mini-feud should have ended after the rubber match), but otherwise I'm not complaining about seeing Jericho and Styles go one on one at WrestleMania. Hell, just seeing AJ Styles compete at WrestleMania is going to be a pretty mark-out worthy moment. AJ seems like the obvious winner here, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Jericho wins via some kind of nefarious means.

Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch: You could flip a coin here, but I'll pick Becky to get the surprise win. And hopefully they give the ladies a decent amount of time to work with, because this could be a great match.

New Day vs The League Of Nations: I'm still not quite sure if this is going to be 4 against 3 or why it's not for the tag titles, but hey, whatever. But since it's not for the titles, I'm picking the League of Nations to get the win and then maybe that sets up an actual tag team titles match tomorrow night on RAW.

Kalisto vs Ryback: Kalisto actually has a victory over Ryback from back in November (which I doubt anybody even remembers), so I have a feeling he returns the favor here and Ryback becomes the new US champion.

Andre the Giant Battle Royal: I have no idea who is even in this match, but I'll go with Braun Strowman.

CCharger - 4-3-2016 at 10:37 PM

Triple H vs Roman Reigns:
Roman wins. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was obnoxiously vocal about this same outcome last year and ate shit for it. But this year there is no MITB winner to call an audible on. They've spent too much time building this as the blow off match to the Reigns-Authority feud, that other than some weird stunt booking, there is no other alternative. My hope as a dickhead, is that Reigns goes over clean and the crowd showers him with boos, just to stick it to the Man.

The Undertaker vs Shane McMahon:
Shane wins. As The Rick mentioned, you can't tease a massive change and then not deliver. You can't bring back Shane to a huge ovation just to have him disappear again a month later. I expect lots of shenanigans and high spots galore.

Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose:
Brock goes over, but Dean wins. I mean that Brock will win the match and put a beating on Ambrose, but Dean won't quit and will get over as a tough guy with huge balls. I expect blood.

IC Title Ladder match:
Kevin Owens wins. As others have pointed out Owens and Sami are the only real options here. zayn is still too new tot the fans (in Vince's eyes) to put the belt on him. Owens wins with a lot of cheating. Zayn gets his rematch later on.

Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles:
Styles wins. Jericho exists to put new guys over. They want to push Styles and a big win over legend like Jericho would accomplish that.

Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch:
I think Sasha wins it, but anyone wouldn't be a surprise. I'll be rooting for Becky.

New Day vs The League Of Nations:
New Day wins. They are hugely over, and L of N will break up soon when Barrett departs this summer. Makes no sense to interrupt New Days momentum.

Kalisto vs Ryback:
Ryback wins. Rumors abound that Ryback is set for a big heel push. Would make sense for Goldberg to return at this point and make the save setting up Ryback vs. Goldberg down the line.

Andre the Giant Battle Royal:
I would have picked Strowman as a lock here a few days ago. I'm still picking him but I wouldn't be surprised if Mark Henry wins as a send off since rumors are this is his last Mania.

ETA: not for nothing but Renee Young looks stunning on the pre-show. Janerd, please be prepared to create a nip slip gif for me.

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by CCharger]

Flash - 4-3-2016 at 10:44 PM

I think this years Wrestlemania is less about the matches themselves, and more about what's going to come out of tonight.... namely, Shane in power, and what happens with Roman.

Lot's of solid stuff in there... some of it is hard to get really excited about other than it's Wrestlemania, as the outcome either doesn't change much, or it's pretty expected.

So Roman and Shane.....

I'll leave poor Roman alone, as by this point there's a whole thread devoted to it.... I hope he does well, and I really do feel they should on last as the title match, but I get why it doesn't make sense to given that HHH and Reigns are going to have to fight right out of the gate just to be given a fair chance.... which is why I think Reigns interrupting HHH big entrance is the way to go... catch people off guard instead of the inevitable boo's for Roman entering to, or standing around to.

Honestly, for as obtuse as the WWE is, I can't believe that they are going to just gamble on HHH and Reigns winning the crowd over by work alone.... this will be heavily booked, and I'm genuinely interested in seeing what they have up their sleeve....

.... and of course how the crowd is going to react to it.

Shane versus the Undertaker is interesting... you've got a couple of graybeards who are still more than capable of putting up some big spots, being given probably the WWE biggest novelty match to play in. Still.... the ending of this one is funny.... any other PPV and I think you can do a bit of a cliff-hanger OMG Taker lost, or so long Shane, or heel turn Shane.... the promise of this match feels bigger, and that might be what hurts it in the end, and why I don't know that I'd put this one on last.

Given the above two I'm kind of wondering if we get something out of the blue.... a 2nd title match? An addition or two to the title match? A huge post HITC spot with Shane and Taker taking out the authority garbage.... I dunno.

Curious about Dean and Brock.... this is probably your big anchor match... the solid one we can count on, even if the ending feels a bit inevitable.....

Looking forward to it when the cynicism falls by the wayside for a even a few minutes, and your childhood joy for this stuff kicks in.... it's wrestlemania!

Count Zero - 4-3-2016 at 10:58 PM

Preshow Result #1:

KALISTO~! retains.

Loo o
Cha o/
Loo o
Cha o/

janerd75 - 4-3-2016 at 11:11 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

ETA: not for nothing but Renee Young looks stunning on the pre-show. Janerd, please be prepared to create a nip slip gif for me.

Best I could do in the time allotted, bud. And now here it is, YOUR tepid but NSFW Renee Young Nip Slip.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-3-2016 at 11:14 PM

There was like 20,000 of 90,--- and it sounded great during the Kalisto-Ryback match. Can't wait to hear how the crowd sounds when everyone is there.

Count Zero - 4-3-2016 at 11:18 PM

Pre-Show Result #2:
BRIEEEE MOOOODE with the YES-LOCK for the victory!

Team TWOONDAVE (or whatever the proper acronym is).


Pre-Show Sorta-News #1:
Lita Unveils a New Ladies' Title!

It doesn't look like a butterfly, and no longer is the "Divas" belt. "Women's Champion" is the term, from here on out.

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Count Zero]

Cherokee Jack - 4-3-2016 at 11:37 PM

It's basically the same as the world title with a different color scheme (thankfully not all pink or something).

But did Lita really say that whoever won tonight would be the "first recipient of the WWE Women's Championship"? Are we just pretending that the belt that was around before the butterfly belt (the one that Lita herself held several times) never existed?

kiez - 4-3-2016 at 11:38 PM

Good finish to women's match.

Great looking belt. The last belt was in WWF not wwe?

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by kiez]

Ortonmustdie - 4-3-2016 at 11:38 PM

bye bye purple vagina belt, we hardly cared about you!!

Since technically, it was referred to as the WWE Divas Championship, and before that it was the WWF Womens' Title....Lita's statement is correct....

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Ortonmustdie]

kiez - 4-3-2016 at 11:42 PM

Usos vs Dudleys next.

Predicting Dudleys go over.

Entrances seem fast. Behind on time already?

Cherokee Jack - 4-3-2016 at 11:42 PM

Originally posted by kiez

Great looking belt. The last belt was in WWF not wwe?

The last womens belt lasted well into the WWE era. The divas belt was introduced so that Smackdown could have its own women's champion during the brand split. If memory serves, it wasn't unified into the divas title till around 2010-11 or so.

Edit: Per Wikipedia, the belts were unified when divas champ Michelle McCool defeated womens champ Melina at Night of Champions 2010.

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Cherokee Jack]

Count Zero - 4-3-2016 at 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Ortonmustdie
bye bye purple vagina belt, we hardly cared about you!!

Since technically, it was referred to as the WWE Divas Championship, and before that it was the WWF Womens' Title....Lita's statement is correct....

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Ortonmustdie]

And we all know that Technically Correct is the BEST KIND of correct.

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
The last womens belt lasted well into the WWE era. The divas belt was introduced so that Smackdown could have its own women's champion during the brand split. If memory serves, it wasn't unified into the divas title till around 2010-11 or so.

Edit: Per Wikipedia, the belts were unified when divas champ Michelle McCool defeated womens champ Melina at Night of Champions 2010.

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Cherokee Jack]

And it seems that Cherokee Jack is technically correct! Lita needs to hang her head in SHAME! SHAAAME! SHAMESHAMESHAME!

[edited to take into account Jack's mad research skillz.]

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Count Zero]

GodEatGod - 4-3-2016 at 11:47 PM

The Women's Championship belt actually looks pretty awesome.

kiez - 4-3-2016 at 11:50 PM

Usos win. Pointless match for me really.

Count Zero - 4-3-2016 at 11:54 PM

Pre-Show Result #3:

When I say U, you say Win! USOS WIN!

And now I hand off recappening duties to the A-Team of... Um. Well, I don't know who the A-Team is around here, but I know I'm not it!

[Moved this out of a wall-o-quoted-text to make it easier for people who are scanning the thread for results-only]

Cherokee Jack - 4-3-2016 at 11:57 PM

So this is interesting. On at least one of the sites that take Wrestlemania betting, so much money is coming in on Zack Ryder to win the IC title that he's actually the favorite now. When bets opened he was the biggest long shot, now he's got the best odds (at least as of this post).

Is everyone crazy? Has some deeply hidden WWE out-of-nowhere booking been leaked? Could Ryder actually win tonight?

Edit: because the link was broken the first time

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Cherokee Jack]

DKBroiler - 4-4-2016 at 12:01 AM

It's a montage of HHH and RomaBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Ok. Only I booed this time.

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
So this is interesting. On at least one of the sites that take Wrestlemania betting, so much money is coming in on Zack Ryder to win the IC title that he's actually the favorite now. When bets opened he was the biggest long shot, now he's got the best odds (at least as of this post).

Is everyone crazy? Has some deeply hidden WWE out-of-nowhere booking been leaked? Could Ryder actually win tonight?

Edit: because the link was broken the first time

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Cherokee Jack]

Hahaha. Outrageous.

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 12:27 AM

Woo fucking woo fucking woo. What year is this?!?!

ETA: WHAT?!?!?

YOUR new D Bry WM moment!

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by janerd75]

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 12:28 AM

Woo Woo Woo holy shit did that just happen?

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 12:29 AM

Originally posted by kiez
Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
So this is interesting. On at least one of the sites that take Wrestlemania betting, so much money is coming in on Zack Ryder to win the IC title that he's actually the favorite now. When bets opened he was the biggest long shot, now he's got the best odds (at least as of this post).

Is everyone crazy? Has some deeply hidden WWE out-of-nowhere booking been leaked? Could Ryder actually win tonight?

Edit: because the link was broken the first time

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by Cherokee Jack]

Hahaha. Outrageous.

Well. Fuck me

Cherokee Jack - 4-4-2016 at 12:29 AM



S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 12:30 AM


the goon - 4-4-2016 at 12:30 AM

Well, that was unexpected.

Seanofthedead - 4-4-2016 at 12:31 AM

Really? Zack Ryder... Why? Maybe I missed his peak time, but that seems odd.

Very good opener though.

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 12:31 AM

Wow, Zack Ryder....

Is the WWE just serving us ice cream before the inevitable shit sandwich to follow?

Eh, who cares.... that was cool.

Congrats Zack!

derfsucks - 4-4-2016 at 12:32 AM

That match was all kinds of awesome, but that suplex Zayn threw on KO drew roars from my living room.

LoveMuscle - 4-4-2016 at 12:35 AM

In that brief moment with his dad's cowboy hat on, combined with the beard, he looked like Randy Savage.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 12:36 AM

From the "Little Things" department:

The Dusty-Ladder and Jericho's Jacket -- both =EPIC=.

Cherokee Jack - 4-4-2016 at 12:36 AM

Yeah in all the excitement over Zack, I really hope KO isn't dead.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 12:40 AM

Originally posted by LoveMuscle
In that brief moment with his dad's cowboy hat on, combined with the beard, he looked like Randy Savage.

He was also in the same color scheme as Macho's Wrestlemania VII gear as well.

First 2 matches: Generico, Steen, and AJ Styles on a Wrestlemania. And Zack Ryder won the IC title. Lots of words I never thought I'd get to write.

[Edited on 4-3-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 12:48 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
First 2 matches: Generico, Steen, and AJ Styles on a Wrestlemania. And Zack Ryder won the IC title. Lots of words I never thought I'd get to write.

That's kind of the thing about the WWE... for all the bitching we do about it, 2/3's of the roster are guy's that several years ago we'd all be saying there's no way they'll ever be on the WWE's radar, or succeed in the WWE, and the other third aren't exactly slugs either.

Love Jericho's trash talk... Owen's is a master of this too, it just adds that little bit extra to matches; like they really hate their opponents.

MayhemNX - 4-4-2016 at 12:56 AM

What do Jerichos tights say? It looks like GOAT or GORT. What does that stand for if anything ?

Cherokee Jack - 4-4-2016 at 12:57 AM

Probably "Greatest Of All Time"

CCharger - 4-4-2016 at 12:58 AM

Originally posted by MayhemNX
What do Jerichos tights say? It looks like GOAT or GORT. What does that stand for if anything ?

It's G.O.A.T. It stands for Greatest Of All Time.

williamssl - 4-4-2016 at 12:58 AM

Greatest. Of. All. Time.

What a match and surprise Y2J win

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 12:59 AM

The New Day just went full-tard.


scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 01:09 AM

Anyone use Amazon Fire TV and have issues starting WrestleMania?

Damn, that was awesome Ryder won the IC title. Good for him. I guess the E is using every little small trick to ensure people enjoy the show.

Jericho/Styles was outstanding. I don't think Jericho winning is a big deal. He is arguably the "GOAT".

Did New Day seem off?

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 01:12 AM

That did NOT look like a good landing for Big E.

eta: he seems to be mostly-okay, at least! YAY BIG!


Heh. Austin danced. We need a gif, STAT!

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 01:16 AM

Cool, very cool. STONE COLD!!!!!

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 01:19 AM

Well that was a ton of fun...glad Big E is okay.

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 01:27 AM

Man, I was going to lose my shit if DB would have ran down to the ring to even the odds but that was awesome non-the-less.

I actually thought Cena would come out to even the odds for the New Day but that was even better. I am guessing Cena is in the Battle Royal.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 01:27 AM

So Bork Lazor Vs The Crazy Iron Man is going on before the ArmBAR?

I guess we know who got the Piss-Break (usually reserved for the Diva Shenanigans or Special Celebrity Match) spot this year.

ETA: OR, as just mentioned above, the ARmBaR will have Cena in it.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 01:29 AM

Y'all boys is swell. *kickwhamstunner* Hey Mick, Shawn, two questions. Do you have any percosets and stay away from my percosets.

the goon - 4-4-2016 at 01:31 AM

Holy shit, HBK is still in great shape. One more match! One more match! One more match!

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 01:33 AM

Why in the hell wouldn't Ambrose come in with a weapon, at least a pair of knucks (are those allowed under PG rules)?

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 01:34 AM

I one the suplex. I two the suplex. I three the suplex. I four the suplex. I five the suplex. I six the suplex. I seven the suplex.


... I'll just go now.

ETA: Dean Ambrose came prepared for a street fight. Carpe Denim, no?

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

LoveMuscle - 4-4-2016 at 01:36 AM

Originally posted by scott19buckeye
I am guessing Cena is in the Battle Royal.

Given that it and originally scheduled for the pre-show and now it's even going on after Lesnar/Ambrose, they must have something special planned.

the goon - 4-4-2016 at 01:38 AM

Originally posted by scott19buckeye
Why in the hell wouldn't Ambrose come in with a weapon, at least a pair of knucks (are those allowed under PG rules)?

Yeah, I thought for sure he would come out with the cart full of weapons that he accumulated on RAW.

EDIT: Just realized Ambrose's shirt is the "DA" logo over the Suplex City sign. That's pretty damn awesome.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by the goon]

thestoryofmikeb - 4-4-2016 at 01:38 AM

Ambrose lands hard on a suplex, right in front if Heyman...

"Awwww... That hurts, doesn't it?" From Heyman

It's the little things

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 01:39 AM

Ambrose's TShirt is awesome!

nOOb - 4-4-2016 at 01:41 AM

Is it just me or was that bit with Vince running down hologram Roddy Piper in bad taste?

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 01:41 AM

The "little things" are something more guys should learn... the WWE may control their promo's, but throwing in some mid-match comments here and there can go a long way towards getting someone noticed for the right reasons.

It's been pretty pedal to the metal tonight; you always go into mania just a little more amped up and looking forward to the WWE pulling out all the stops, but thus far they've been exceeding expectations for fun.

bigfatgoalie - 4-4-2016 at 01:45 AM

Originally posted by thestoryofmikeb
Ambrose lands hard on a suplex, right in front if Heyman...

"Awwww... That hurts, doesn't it?" From Heyman

It's the little things

That match was all about the little things. Loved the setup to Dean FINALLY getting to go wild with the kendo stick.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 01:48 AM

That WOOOOOO! vs Woo Woo Woo commercial was surprisingly hilarious.

If I wasn't a Sasha fan before (which I was, but that's not the point), I sure as shit would be now. I MISS EDDIE!!!!

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 01:56 AM

Sting still has time to put on his facepaint for Taker/Shane right?

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 02:02 AM

Awful singing.

The boss looks great, though.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 02:04 AM

So I feel bad for Becky. Charlotte gets to come out with Ric Flair and gets to wear the iconic robe, Sasha gets serenaded to the ring by Snoop Dogg and an homage to Eddie, and she gets her normal ring entrance. So does she win the title to even it out?

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 02:06 AM

Originally posted by kiez
Awful singing.

The boss looks great, though.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]
Agreed, and DAMN agreed.

Also, Maggle just said "It's every SUPERSTAR for themselves". Have we officially retired the term "diva" along with the belt? One can only hope.

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 02:09 AM

Uh, Charlotte's entrance robe open at the peak notes of her remix of daddy's Thus Spake during the dunnnn DUNNNNN part was quite...labe-esque. Bueno. Very bueno.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 02:15 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Uh, Charlotte's entrance robe open at the peak notes of her remix of daddy's Thus Spake during the dunnnn DUNNNNN part was quite...labe-esque. Bueno. Very bueno.
This needs screencapping!! pics, or it didn't fappen.. er... happen.

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 02:16 AM

I wonder if anyone gets a "hug" tonight?

Great backflip Charlotte.

Charlotte wins. Flair interference...

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]

Ortonmustdie - 4-4-2016 at 02:17 AM

Originally posted by kiez
Awful singing.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]

AutoTune is an evil evil device.

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 02:23 AM

Holy Shit, that match was PHENOMENAL!!

punkerhardcore - 4-4-2016 at 02:23 AM

Seriously? Charlotte was the worst option of the three. And making Becky tap to boot? Boo!

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 02:24 AM

Does this restart Charlottes reign as champ? Different title....

Title is last on. Taker Shane next

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 02:25 AM

Great match. Really Great for the women.

And here comes the HIAC!

[and the oohs and aahs and giggles of the people rooting for a riot in the main event]

Btw...anyone concerned about Becky suddenly growing feathers out of her head?

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 02:28 AM

Great match; would have liked to see Becky take it, but I liked the story there of Charlotte and Sasha almost trading poor Becky back and forth as the target. I guess it kind of set's up Sasha vs Charlotte one on one now, but still... meh, it was awesome, so I'll just enjoy it for now.

We're going with Shane versus Taker next; so they must really have something in mind for the main event.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 02:30 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Seriously? Charlotte was the worst option of the three. And making Becky tap to boot? Boo!
Yup. I'm officially tired of "Charlotte's Daddy Cheats To Retain" as an ending.

Did they cancel the ARMbAR? Or they =really= designated it as the pre-main event (lolromanwins) piss-break match.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 02:36 AM

New prediction:

Undertaker tombstones Shane. Then Vince. Then grandson 1...and 2...and 3.

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 02:38 AM

Battle royal could be main event......lolcenawins

Still have The Rock too

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 02:38 AM

You know one thing that doesn't always get talked about is just how much work the WWE puts into it's Wrestelmania presentation.... Not just talking about the probably hundred thousand they probably spend on pyro and fireworks alone, but they really bring the big show feel, and creativity to the stage set up and d�cor of the arena....

I still think that WM NY/NJ with the Statue of Liberty above the ring was my favourite, but that giant Dallas Star video screen in the floor of the stage is pretty rad.

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 02:41 AM

Lotta emphasis on family connections tonight. Does that mean Sammo and Joe is helping Reigns tonight?

Also, Digital Deadman, what a time to be alive.

Also2, Jeeyan CEE-na has to show up at some point, yes?

Also3, HHH/Reigns on last? That's a bold move, Cotton. Let's see if The XXXX can make it pay off.

Also4, really loving the show, but am anxious to see what Lucille is up to tonight.

ManiacalDoc - 4-4-2016 at 02:46 AM

It just feels like we're waiting for the other shoe to drop now in this match... Dunno why but get the feeling we may see Kurt Angle here... Don't ask why...

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 02:48 AM

This match kind of sucks. It probably should have went on before the woman's match. Something big has to happen or it will be a complete bust...in my humble opinion.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 02:48 AM

This match is very... Methodical. I'm gonna guess that Shane's Gracie Brazilian-JiuJitsu (tm) somehow makes the difference.

Also, ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball keeps playing "Flo Rida's House" when they go to commercial, and it's messing with me.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 02:52 AM

Agreed. I think we are all expecting SOMETHING to happen. This can't be a straight match.


scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 02:52 AM

So Shane knows how to counter the hell's gate but Lesnar didn't? I hate complaining but that doesn't make sense to me. Announcers should have talked about the Gracie training to maybe rationalize it.

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 02:55 AM

They mentioned Gracie training earlier. A little more emphasis would have been nice though.

bigfatgoalie - 4-4-2016 at 02:57 AM

Flat panels at the announce table? Fancy.

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 03:00 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Flat panels at the announce table? Fancy.

It's still the 80's to me dammit!

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:03 AM

I think things are about to get inshane.

eta: Yup, that was definitely cell-induced inshanity.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

ManiacalDoc - 4-4-2016 at 03:05 AM


S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 03:06 AM

Oh my fucking goodness.

Shane's insane!

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 03:06 AM

Wow. No medical attention or X's so he's good.

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 03:06 AM

Man, I really don't like seeing these guys do stuff like that..... HOLY SHIT....

ETA: Man, seeing that again in slow-mo you really realize that a few inches over and Shane wouldn't be with us anymore.... or at least walking... I just don't like that stuff anymore... God bless him, and others that do that stuff in the name of entertaining us, but I'd rather have them around still waking than chance something horrible happening in a spot like that.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Flash]

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 03:07 AM

Shane's head could fit in takers belly button.

No shanenanigans? Boo

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
I think things are about to get inshane.

Best. Shane Eulogy. Ever.

R.I.P. in Peace Shaynamac.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:10 AM

And the crowd goes mild.

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 03:12 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
And the crowd goes mild.

Louder reaction to Ryder

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 03:13 AM

How do they...what was the point...so Raw is still controlled by...


bigfatgoalie - 4-4-2016 at 03:13 AM

Taker showing respect/regret at the end...good stuff.

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 03:15 AM

Originally posted by kiez
Originally posted by Count Zero
And the crowd goes mild.

Louder reaction to Ryder

Maybe the WWE's secret plan is to just throw so much awesome at the crowd that they'll be out of gas by the main event.

Honestly, I think the crowd is just dumbstruck by that spot...

the goon - 4-4-2016 at 03:15 AM

In almost 30 years of watching pro wrestling, I think that might have been the first time I was legit nervous watching a guy about to attempt a spot. Holy shit, Shane has some balls.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:15 AM

Originally posted by kiez
Louder reaction to Ryder
They're saving their applause for the main event!

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 03:15 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
How do they...what was the point...so Raw is still controlled by...


This. Just another Taker match. I wasn't invested in this one at all. Even had a little nap for 5 mins...it is 3am.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:16 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Honestly, I think the crowd is just dumbstruck by that spot...
I would concur that it is one part this, and one part "what was the point? the authority is something something..."


[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 03:17 AM

45 minutes left for the traditional 11 o'clock end time and we've got the Andre and Reigns/HHH to still fit in.... plus they need to kill some time to raise the cell and clean up....

I know with the network they can go into over run, but cutting it a bit close unless the Andre is getting shortened or cut.

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 03:20 AM

Self high five!

Shaq too?

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:20 AM


Him & DDP are honest-to-god "What the FUCK" moments.

How did Sandow sneak in there? Welp, he gone. You're welcome?

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 03:20 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
How do they...what was the point...so Raw is still controlled by...


I don't mean this meanly more confusingly.. but...I find it hard to identify with wrestling fans who watch with the inability to get lost in a moment. Especially after a guy just jumped off a freaking Hell in a Cell.

And um...what? SHAQ????

dRob78 - 4-4-2016 at 03:21 AM


scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 03:21 AM

Shaq, really?! Is that why they pushed it?!

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by Flash
Honestly, I think the crowd is just dumbstruck by that spot...
I would concur that it is one part this, and one part "what was the point? the authority is something something..."

I know for me that once that match started the storyline elements went out the window, and the finish was something that definitely left me needing to catch my breath.... but yeah, once it was all done the reality of this probably just being a "bubble match" where nothing mattered kind of set in.

Shaq? Lol... fantastic.

Love Kane trying to slam him and Big Show...

I wonder if they are either saving Cena for tomorrow night, or if he'll play into the main event somehow.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:24 AM

TATANKA?!??! THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE? Is Betty White in this battle royal too?

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

G-Spot - 4-4-2016 at 03:24 AM

First...Yeah...they had airbags under the announcer's table, but still...HOLY SH!T!!!

Second...DDP!!!....SHAQ?!?!? Uhmmm....yeah....Shaq.

Third...Gotta feel bad for the first batch of battle royal guys not getting any intro.

Fourth.....Uhmmm.....Shaq?????? WTF?!?!? Where's Pete Rose when you need him???

ETA: Fifth...even the announcers didn't know Tatanka was in there. Uhmmm...Tatanka?!?!? WTF????

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by G-Spot]

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 03:25 AM

I'm hoping Kane wins to give him a "WrestleMania Moment" but I have a sneaky suspicion it's going to be Baron Corbin to introduce him to the main roster.

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 03:25 AM

Poopy double post.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by janerd75]

Tevaltski - 4-4-2016 at 03:26 AM

Fucking Tatanka

cromartie - 4-4-2016 at 03:27 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Wow, Zack Ryder....

Is the WWE just serving us ice cream before the inevitable shit sandwich to follow?

Eh, who cares.... that was cool.

Congrats Zack!

When does the WWE not serve us ice cream in advance of a shit sandwich?

the goon - 4-4-2016 at 03:28 AM

Ugh, if I had a nickel for every time I saw Shaq, Tatanka, and DDP in the same match at WrestleMania.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:31 AM

So a guy with no introduction won... I didn't even know who that was until Maggle explained. This is certainly not-expected-mania in a number of ways.

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 03:35 AM

So I guess Stroman is out now from that hypothetical Summer Slam match against Reigns for the WWE championship and Corbin is in....

I wonder what the over/under on football mentions will be in that feud.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:36 AM

Originally posted by the goon
Ugh, if I had a nickel for every time I saw Shaq, Tatanka, and DDP in the same match at WrestleMania.
You just earned yourself the Special Edition Commemorative Wrestlemania 32 Unicorn Horn for your brilliance.

So, like... The Main Event is going to be 15 minutes or less? Roman won't get his mid-match nappies!!!

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

G-Spot - 4-4-2016 at 03:39 AM

Best quote of the night...."My God the Rock has a flamethrower!!!" - JBL

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by G-Spot]

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 03:39 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Originally posted by janerd75
How do they...what was the point...so Raw is still controlled by...


I don't mean this meanly more confusingly.. but...I find it hard to identify with wrestling fans who watch with the inability to get lost in a moment. Especially after a guy just jumped off a freaking Hell in a Cell.

And um...what? SHAQ????

Oh I agree wholeheartedly Mr. Sir Guy Man Pal Dude Bro, I was absolutely into it overall, I'm just a bit too much of cynical wanker asshole to wonder what the endgame is. Because Shane. I heart Shane very much. The provisions are that Shane goes away now. Me like Shane. But me shall wait until the tradeeshunally gud post-WM Raw for The Endgame to play out. I's a' skeer'd for moar StepHHH.

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 03:40 AM

Rock is wearing his boots and looks like knee pads......under his street clothes?

Looks like it will run over as per the rumours

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:41 AM

Originally posted by kiez
Rock is wearing his boots and looks like knee pads......under his street clothes?
That would be the best bait & switch ever. "Roman, brah. Sit this one out. The Rock's got this. "

Seriously though, to paraphrase The Rock himself, What in the BLUE HELL is the point of this segment?

Ah... Wyatts are the point of this segment?

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

punkerhardcore - 4-4-2016 at 03:46 AM

"We're gonna do something that has never been done before... we're all gonna cheer for Roman Reigns. Please?"

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 03:48 AM

Oh hello Wyatts.

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 03:48 AM


Explains the ring gear.

Cena saves?

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:48 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
"We're gonna do something that has never been done before... we're all gonna cheer for Roman Reigns. Please?"
I'm glad I had a few of these made, just in case.

You too just earned yourself the Special Edition Commemorative Wrestlemania 32 Unicorn Horn for your brilliance.

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 03:51 AM

So the attendance record was the big thing the Rock was talking about a few months back.....

Eh, dumb thing to spend so much time hyping up, but since that's totally out of character for the WWE to call attention to their accomplishment's I'll cut them some slack......


Do we maybe get Cena now for the help/Save?

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 03:56 AM

And they expect Roman/HHH to NOT get shat on after this???

What is this i don't even


Originally posted by LoveMuscle
I'm digging Rowan's new mask.
Totally. It fits nicely with his goatlike beard!

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

LoveMuscle - 4-4-2016 at 03:58 AM

I'm digging Rowan's new mask.

Foxcalibur - 4-4-2016 at 04:02 AM

Welp, may the Andre Battle Royale earn Baron Corbin the exact same success as it has every other winner.

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 04:02 AM

Okay that definitely had the stink of too much filler on it, but it was a fun spot seeing Cena and Rock together.... probably about as close as they could have the Rock come to working a match for the rumoured insurance reasons, but still a fun spot.

In saying that, Bray's back must be in even worse shape than what was rumoured, as he didn't do a whole lot there.

ETA: Kind of curious to see what they have in store for Reigns, and HHH, as they kind of shot their wad in terms of guest stars.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Flash]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 04:03 AM

History was made. Rock and Cena had the most awkward man hug ever.

thestoryofmikeb - 4-4-2016 at 04:03 AM

So... plus 10 for the surprise Rock "Match"
Minus 10 million for burying the Wyatts like that.

Seriously... did you see the crowd react to the Wyatts, and then just feed them to Rock & Cena? Boooooo

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 04:04 AM

Called one for once.

Cena saves rock.

Finger poke of doom finish for main event?

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 04:06 AM

I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.


Nikhil - 4-4-2016 at 04:07 AM

Originally posted by thestoryofmikeb
So... plus 10 for the surprise Rock "Match"
Minus 10 million for burying the Wyatts like that.

Seriously... did you see the crowd react to the Wyatts, and then just feed them to Rock & Cena? Boooooo

I don't get the hype around Bray. He is a boring wrestler and spews random words out of his face that make little sense.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 04:08 AM

Oh Jesus please stop this madness. Stephanie.. Just

Nobledictator1278 - 4-4-2016 at 04:11 AM

Call me old ...don't care...Id fuck the shit out of stephanie knowing full well HHH would beat my ass if I got caught.

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 04:11 AM

Dixie looks good tonight.

LoveMuscle - 4-4-2016 at 04:11 AM

Man, I kept waiting for Cena to go heel on the Rock. I know they wouldn't do it, but the way they kept the camera angles it was set up perfectly for them to do it.

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 04:11 AM

That was awesome. Something different and gets Steph involved. Now let's so how this plays out.

punkerhardcore - 4-4-2016 at 04:12 AM

It's getting late. Reigns gonna do a fingerpoke of doom heel turn.

kiez - 4-4-2016 at 04:13 AM

Originally posted by LoveMuscle
Man, I kept waiting for Cena to go heel on the Rock. I know they wouldn't do it, but the way they kept the camera angles it was set up perfectly for them to do it.

I thought the same.

100,000 booos

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by kiez]

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 04:14 AM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Call me old ...don't care...Id fuck the shit out of stephanie knowing full well HHH would beat my ass if I got caught.

In this instance I'd accept the opposite from her.

the goon - 4-4-2016 at 04:15 AM

Originally posted by kiez
Originally posted by LoveMuscle
Man, I kept waiting for Cena to go heel on the Rock. I know they wouldn't do it, but the way they kept the camera angles it was set up perfectly for them to do it.

I thought the same.


kiez - 4-4-2016 at 04:17 AM

Oh dear, Roman is fucked if he wins.

Needs to turn heel.

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 04:18 AM

Originally posted by kiez
Originally posted by LoveMuscle
Man, I kept waiting for Cena to go heel on the Rock. I know they wouldn't do it, but the way they kept the camera angles it was set up perfectly for them to do it.

I thought the same.

I knew Cena wouldn't go heel.... but yeah, that moment and the angles was just begging for a heel turn.

11.15pm and we're just going to Reigns and HHH in the ring now... Longest Wrestlemania ever?

Let's get ready everyone... dig in!

Boo's already for Reigns, and cheers for HHH, but not really to the extent that I thought... I guess we'll see what happens in the finish... cause they gotta turn Reigns, as I don't see any other way this ends well.

G-Spot - 4-4-2016 at 04:19 AM

Great job by the WWE Audio Crew for turning down the crowd noise for Reigns' entrance. Let's see if they can keep pace during the match....

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 04:19 AM

Jebus Trips is ripped.

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 04:21 AM

I know these two aren't cruiserweight's, but the slow pace isn't going to help with the boo's and probably crowd shenanigans.

thestoryofmikeb - 4-4-2016 at 04:23 AM

Sign in the crowd walking by
"Herpes > Reigns"

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Flash
I know these two aren't cruiserweight's, but the slow pace isn't going to help with the boo's and probably crowd shenanigans.

11:25 on the East Coast after 5 hours of this. They should have pulled the sledgehammer out after 30 seconds.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 04:27 AM

Originally posted by Flash
I know these two aren't cruiserweight's, but the slow pace isn't going to help with the boo's and probably crowd shenanigans.
They're treating it like a Sports Entertainment Segment, and not quite like "a match". It's like the Attitude Era Main Events -- Punchy Kicky and "the ref is giving them a lot of leeway!"

the goon - 4-4-2016 at 04:27 AM

Shame on the crowd for not shitting on this more. Though after an almost five-hour PPV, I can't really blame them for being burned out.

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 04:30 AM

The WWE's new plan: Coming to you live, every Monday night at 2.32am PST, your WWE champion Roman Reigns

Ortonmustdie - 4-4-2016 at 04:33 AM

Steph looks damned good, I still liked her blue jeans and "Steph, Steph, Steph!" T-shirt look better tho.

Dat ass!

I don't remember seeing HHH getting airborne that often, even if it was only from the 2nd rope....

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Ortonmustdie]

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 04:35 AM

If AJ Styles/Jericho had done that barrier-busting spear, the crowd would be HOLY SHIT chanting like wild markbeests. Instead, it was met with a chorus of apathy.

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 04:35 AM

I hope Reigns is selling an injury. He's not even trying to move it.

Edit: Thank goodness. I was a little worried about the shoulder.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by scott19buckeye]

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 04:37 AM

I may have missed it. Wasn't this match supposed to be no DQ?

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 04:37 AM

That mask that Steph' wore at the start of the mask made me think of General Kael from Willow? Is it wrong that this made her a bit more sexy to me?

Still holding out hope that this match has something up it's sleeve to end the night on a high note..... Breaking news: Vast quantities of Rohypnol had been spotted being brought into the AT&T; stadium today.... The WWE has no comment.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Flash]

merc - 4-4-2016 at 04:37 AM

Originally posted by scott19buckeye
I hope Reigns is selling an injury. He's not even trying to move it.

Edit: Thank goodness. I was a little worried about the shoulder.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by scott19buckeye]

He was just sayin FU IWC I'm taking my mid match nap.

gordiano - 4-4-2016 at 04:41 AM

Stephanie just burst one of her tettes on that spear.....

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 04:42 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
I may have missed it. Wasn't this match supposed to be no DQ?
Mabey? I think it's a special No DQ match with Countouts and McMahonterference. And lots of what is this I don't even

The biggest cheer Roman gets is for spearing Stephers.

OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPbwahahahahahahaha sorry, I couldn't finish that without laughing.


[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Count Zero]

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 04:44 AM

Spear through Teh Tiddies!!!!

gordiano - 4-4-2016 at 04:45 AM

Roman Reigns wins...... no shits are given.

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 04:47 AM


S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 04:47 AM

The audience sound is turned down sooooooo low.

Good match, minus a ton of demerits for the pace and end time. Will leave the anarchy for others.

thestoryofmikeb - 4-4-2016 at 04:49 AM

On his way to the ring, and at the end holding the title... they're picking camera angles to intentionally not show the crowd faces...

Match was ok, but they're still in a corner with their new champ. Maybe something interesting tomorrow on Raw.

scott19buckeye - 4-4-2016 at 04:51 AM

This was a very fun show but with a combination of too long run time and the slow down of workrate at the end, I was ready for it to be over about an hour ago. Part of me thinks they knew the Woman's match (or AJ/Y2J) was going to be the best match on the card and got it out of the way so the hang over wouldn't be as bad for the last three matches.

Nobledictator1278 - 4-4-2016 at 04:52 AM

IN my opinion the woman's match was the match of the night....AJ vs Jericho right behind it...>Rest of the show was average to me. I was legit scared for Shane. I thought the main event match was okay...but the crowd not being into it really made it seem suckier. I thought the Dallas crowd was fairly quiet all night...but they could have been turned down.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

Tevaltski - 4-4-2016 at 04:52 AM

So after 6 plus hours counting the pre show people just to damn tired to boo properly. Brilliant

When it Reigns, it bores

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Tevaltski]

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 04:55 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
I come to bury Obtuse, not to praise him. The evil men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with Obtuse.

Paddlefoot - 4-4-2016 at 05:05 AM

I was like three for eleven in my picks in the Games thread. With a success rate like this I could have easily played the Robert Patrick gambler character on The Sopranos.

So what's the overall verdict? OK PPV? Middling PPV? Mediocre PPV? I'll watch in on torrent tomorrow but I'm already pissed off at AJ moving close to jobber status and Sasha/Becky getting fucked over by Old Man Flair again. Unless Bayley shows up tomorrow on RAW to take the belt off of Charlotte in the same way Paige did to AJ Lee way back when I'm going to assume that some kind of brain dead fucked up nepotism is going on in the booking for the women's division.

bigfatgoalie - 4-4-2016 at 05:09 AM

Roman vs Triple H isn't one of the 5 best main events...but I'm not so certain it's one of the 5 worse either. Hogan vs Bundy/Slaughter/Sid/Yoko were much worse. Cena vs Miz, Taker vs Sid, and Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam are closer but still worse. May not even be the worse Triple H Mania main event.

That said...they just haven't been able to get Roman to where they want him since he was injured in September of 2014. Seriously...for everyone who thinks Roman isn't ready, or isn't over....go back in time to Night of Champions 2014. Roman was injured going in to the PPV. Instead of rethinking their plans...they pushed him being interviewed as a big deal at Survivor Series (it wasn't) and gave him the 2014 Wrestler Of The Year Slammy....over Daniel Bryan.

From there, they just could never figure things out...and were gun shy about going with an alternative as the face to a Roman heal run.

So now we are where most expected (minus Charlotte and Ryder holding titles) and a RAW that should be VERY interesting.

On the plus side (because Obtuse?)...lots of guys are set to come back from the injured list. Add this to the rumors Vince has changed his mind on Stroman AND Roman...and I'm hopeful that this year will be MUCH better than the last.

If not...there's still Project H, NXT.

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 05:11 AM

A Tale of Two Janerds: I really liked the Roman/Haitch match in the abstract, but in reality and how it plays going forward...I dunno. Probably not so much. I think Raw shall tell the tale tomorrow.

Overall, I marked for a ton of shit, especially nothing more than the absolute highlight of Zach Effing Ryder winning the I.C. Title at a WM in 2016.

Broken down war horses Foley, Shawn, and Austin finally succumbing to fan demand/Vince's pocketbook? Sure, why the fuck not? Just not too many of those, boys, or you'll end up in a certain Flairitory you don't want to be in.

Cena/Rock was nifty, though the great conundrum that is Bray Wyatt continues. Jericho/Styles was bueno, as was Sasha/Becky/Charlotte. Sad to say I think Ric's long since done, son.

I wanted a bit more violence out of Brock/Dean but am happy with what we got.

Shane is insane in the membrane but where do we go from here with that ending? Is there a contract in that lockbox that says he gets control if he ever loses to Taker at WM?

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 05:24 AM

They definitely turned down the mic's and planned the pyro to correspond to the largest boo's.... Reigns was just trolling the crowd out there post match too.

I'll call it a very entertaining Wrestlemania, but in a lot of ways it was a bubble show where nothing changed, but in and of itself it was good.

I wrote earlier that tonight was going to hinge a lot on what happened with Shane and Reigns, and in this regard I think the WWE get's some failing marks... This isn't a criticism of either match, but glimmer of hope that Shane was going to usher in a new era felt like a thing, and with him failing, and Reigns ultimately winning, what we've got is us pretty much right back where we were before the Royal Rumble; Reigns is a champ that poses a lot of challenges, and the authority is still a thing.

I know there are no beginnings and endings in the WWE really... but tonight was an opportunity to at least start a new chapter, and they didn't.... they set their course, and for better or worse stuck to it with some entertaining rest stops along the way.

The Ladder match was fun, ditto for the Andre battle Royale (harmless filler), and New Day/LON/Legends, and while a bit too long in the tooth, the Rock and Cena spot as well. I know that I should be complaining that the Wyatt's were jobbed out so quickly, but I don't really care about Bray that much anymore... what potential he had is still there, but he seems easily hurt, endlessly repetitive, and his whole bit just seems tired.

Jericho and A.J., along with the ladies were definitely the MOTN from a wrestling perspective, but even each of them seem to come with a bit of baggage or a big old "to be continued" attached to them.

Brock and Ambrose was fun... but expected... and honestly after this bloated Wrestlemania it just feels so long ago to really remember it.

Shane legit scared me... and that emotion in a lot of ways eclipses the match; a bit silly sounding I know.

Reigns and HHH.... I dunno... it was a decent match, but I think it suffered from a crowd that just wasn't into it, and a case of everyone looking at the ending long before they got there without enough going on either spot, or pace wise to grab you out of looking past the match. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed in Dallas for not giving it to the WWE a bit more for being so obtuse and just forging ahead... Why on earth you want a guy fronting your company that you have to work three times as hard just to get it to seem like people like him is beyond me... that's not Reigns hate, it's the reality of what they have on their hands.

Overall a show that was long, but better than the sum of it's parts... there are probably a handful of "remember when" moments that we'll get out of tonight, and who knows what tomorrow will hold... this is wrestling after all, and the resets button is never far from being pushed.

royberto - 4-4-2016 at 05:35 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Good match, minus a ton of demerits for the pace and end time.
This right here. HHH is supposed to be the ring general here and should have picked the pace up due to the crowd. Psycological storytelling does not work with that kind of a crowd. Hell of a spear to Stephanie. For those that say Steph will never get comeuppance, well that one just went out the window. They finally nutted up, told their story and got it over with. Now, it's time to move on and adjust. Heel turn would be great.

As for the rest of the show, very good with the exception of three things:

1. Shane does an insane elbow drop off the top of the cage but no run ins, almost a completely straight match and Shane just loses? I felt UT would win, but would have been better served if Shane had a lot more shenanigans for UT to overcome.

2. Becky Lynch being completely and utterly buried. WWE had a great chance to have their one true babyface in the women's division have the "Wresltemania" moment they keep yammering about and they decide to job her out for the 748th time instead. Send her back to NXT if all you are going to do is treat her like a joke. The only positives for me is that Sasha didn't win and I do like Charlotte. But what a waste of the great talent that Becky Lynch is.

3. The entire event was 6:45 long. Good lord that is way too long. Amazed my WWE Network feed was flawless for the whole thing, though.

On a side note, John Cena actually getting cheered at Wrestlemania made me wonder if I had unknowingly ingested narcotics. How the hell did that happen?

Originally posted by Flash
Honestly, I was a bit disappointed in Dallas for not giving it to the WWE a bit more for being so obtuse and just forging ahead... Why on earth you want a guy fronting your company that you have to work three times as hard just to get it to seem like people like him is beyond me... that's not Reigns hate, it's the reality of what they have on their hands.
Maybe they didn't hate it quite as much as you did? Maybe they don't take it as seriously as some do and check their cynicism at the door? Maybe some join in to whatever is chanted just to chant? I know that for once I don't have a problem with the crowd as I surely thought I would with the main event. Maybe I have gotten used to tuning out the crowd like I do the announcers.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by royberto]

TonyTH - 4-4-2016 at 05:57 AM

Everyone that was there said the boo's were fucking defeaning. I also heard some light chants with the crowd turned down. Including "Ole!", "Nakumara!" And whatever they sing for Bayley. I wish I knew what it was. It was this: https://twitter.com/WWEUK/status/676159248863219712

Also saw people Fandangoing.

Mania main event!

ShawnL - 4-4-2016 at 06:11 AM

This was a very good Wrestlemania. Never mind the last match.

That one aside every match was good. Most of the complaints have been around "wrong guy (or gal) winning". In my book, if a match is good enough, the loser isn't "buried". So I'm not bothered by the unusually large number of "heels" winning.

The IC Title Ladder match was a great opening. KO vs Sami was advanced without this being the blow-off. We'll see more of this feud in the future. Stardust's homage to Dusty Rhodes was a bit of a surprise, breaking character enough to admit his own family again.

Zach Ryder, your new IC Champion?!? Wow. From Internet to Intercontinental Champion. They may have given him the title just in order to do that Snickers commercial later. I can live with that.

(By the way, I was surprised to hear that the opening credits were narrated by Kelsey Grammar. It didn't sound like him. The echo effect alone couldn't count for it, his voice was a bit more gravelly than normal.)

The Y2AJ fight was good, as I said it didn't matter who won. Both men were over enough. Crowd cheering for both guys. (Though Jericho was booed, but only because he was the designated heel)

The New Day vs. League of Nations, was obviously not a conclusion to that feud. It was more a vehicle to carry the a Wrestlemania sized entrance by the New Day, and the post match legends run-in. I was thinking of the Michaels, Austin & Foley trio as the League of Texans... Until I remembered Foley's from Long Island. Ah well, let's just say that "Cactus Jack" is Texan in kayfabe, and let it go at that.

The Street Fight wasn't nearly as bloody as I thought it would be. (I guess Brock isn't paid enough to get hit with a barbed wire bat). It still was brutal enough, Brock remains the monster, and Dean is still the madman.

The Women's match was great. And the crowd was hot for it. Even before the opening bell, they were chanting "This is Wrestling!", and the match that followed lived up to that chant. The Divas Revolution is over. Long live the WOMEN's division.

Shane vs Taker... Holy crap. Shane's crazy to be doing all that. I expected some shenanigans, or twists in the story, but then again that may be what Monday's RAW will be about.

The Andre Memorial:

It was amusing to see how many people on Twitter were apoplectic over DDP's surprise appearance, only to be trumped by Shaq's entrance. Golddust sold the "WTF" factor of Shaq's appearance the most, with his jaw practically dragging on the ground.

For me the big surprise was Sandow still being over. The man's been MIA for ever since the abrupt end to the "Meta-Powers" (thanks for nothing, Hulk), yet the moment he pops up on the ring to face Big Show & Shaq, he's cheered quite a lot. Get this man back on TV !!!

Quite a few good fun spots throughout.

The Rock/Wyatts/Cena's surprise comeback segment was a nice little fun segment as well.

Unexpected MVP of the main event: Stephanie. Her chewing up the scenery with her introduction of HHH was epic. She took a spear. And the outfit was pretty hot.

Roman was the most booed "face" ever. One sign reads "The Commonwealth of Austrailia formally condemns Roman Reigns"... Wow. I mean it's not like the problem really has much to do with Roman himself, more than the feeling that his booking to be champ felt like an anvil dropping. So I understand and agree with the dislike of this match... but man... this felt like overkill.

The most suprising this was the 5 hour run time (not even counting the pre-show matches)

ShawnL - 4-4-2016 at 06:11 AM

Oops double post

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by ShawnL]

shashwat mishra - 4-4-2016 at 06:13 AM

Just been reading reports around the net as I could not watch the PPV.

So Shane McMahon is indeed a serious 30 minute Hell in a Cell contender to the Undertaker. He is the new Mick Foley??
McMahon Ego. Backed up with great guts. But Ego.


Reigns turns heel? He must. Obligatory rematch and he turns heel? Steph turns on her husband (yes she does, but differently on RAW)? HHH can go away for a while.

Chris Jericho and AJ Styles for the last time ever - Let AJ Styles win decisively please. If he is to be taken seriously and for him to have a future.

How long does the new IC Champ last? Can he continue a surprise run for a couple of months? Hope so.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-4-2016 at 06:14 AM

Just got home...small note before I get going...currently on WFAN here in NY, Taz is on the radio doing a postshow. He's insufferably awful.

Kinda cool that we're at the point with wrestling that they're doing a postshow on the biggest sports station in the US though.

As for a show...found it a lot of fun. As I wrote in my predictions way on the 1st page there's always going to be that one incredibly mindfuck decision on the card at Wrestlemania...and oh boy...I hit this one on the nose - Jericho over AJ...I don't get it other than I can read their logic of giving one back at Payback/Extreme Rules (not sure which is next). It's dumb. That win means a ton more for AJ. I can find ways to understand it, but none will make more sense than giving him that win.

Oh well. Can't say I didn't enjoy that match...or most of the card. Zack FUCKING Ryder won the IC title at Wrestlemania. I spent two years around here pulling for this guy and while it took a hell of a lot longer for him to get something great out of it than we hoped, I'm glad it happened the way it did.

And he's sooooo losing the belt tomorrow.

Shane/Taker, New Day/League of Nations + post match both very enjoyable.

Saw some people on Twitter complaining about Becky being ruined by tapping out. It was a great 20 minute match with her falling just short, tapping to a well protected move. She'll be fine. Not sure where we go from here, but a one-on-one feud with Sasha seems on the horizon.

One match I have a bit of a qualm with is the Ambrose-Brock match. Felt like it went a little short (after how long the card went, I guess I shouldn't complain about that) and could have been more brutal. Just felt like it had started with the No Holds Barred part of it with the million of chairs when the F5 happened and it was over. Wish Ambrose had gotten a lot more out of that if he was going to lose...

Battle Royal was by far the worst thing on the card. If the reason you've moved it to the main card is Shaq (nice call back to Wrestlemania 2), then keep him around closer to the end. Thought Joe should have won this, but ultimately it's pretty meaningless. Corbin winning was a decent surprise. I've had no problem with his progression in NXT - we always forget these days, but it's still a minor league with guys learning how to get over - I just think if he's jumping up to the main roster now, it's far too early.

The main event - as I wrote in short before - the pacing was the major issue. It was laid out great, but these guys seemed to be in mid-match selling within the first 5 minutes...and it was going around 25. If they work it at an AJ-Jericho pace, it comes off super well (as a match, not counting the atmosphere).

Good cheer at the end, followed by more boos...and preceded by boos. Lots of boos. There's really no way to think otherwise. But the match didn't come anywhere near dying as a ton of people predicted, so it is what it is.

Usually like to give it some time to settle in before deciding where this ends up in the rankings, but it had quite a few moments I'd enjoy. Obviously it's hard to put it anywhere near the top with the ending coming with a reaction as it had, but these guys put in the work again this year and as a wrestling fan I had a ton of fun watching 13 hours of wrestling and a HOF...for 9.99 + whatever the hell I paid for that iPPV, this weekend. I'll never complain about that.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

First 9 - 4-4-2016 at 06:18 AM

So overall, a notch below last year's Mania but entertaining itself on it's now.

Styles losing was unexpected but it's not that out of blue. Jericho turned heel for him and no way was it going to blow off in one match after it. I guess he's only having one more PPV match before leaving and it's there where AJ gets his due. It's one of the problems when you start a personal feud in February, WM just becomes the middle in the road of the story.

The Women were awesome and I don't mind Charlotte walking out with the belt. Yes, it's not the triumphant babyface pop they could have done but now with a major Title WM defense under belt, Charlotte can build herself a memorable Title reign going all the way till Bayley is ready. Gonna have to freshen up how her matches end going forward though.

Lesnar vs Ambrose was flat out disappointing. They didn't pay off the segments with Foley and Funk, the indestructible Ambrose couldn't keep up with offense that Cena and Reigns have survive, and Dean still looks like a schmuck. Fuck this match.

Shane vs Taker was worth it for that one moment.

HHH vs Reigns isn't worse than HHH vs Orton.

the goon - 4-4-2016 at 06:26 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Lesnar vs Ambrose was flat out disappointing. They didn't pay off the segments with Foley and Funk, the indestructible Ambrose couldn't keep up with offense that Cena and Reigns have survive, and Dean still looks like a schmuck. Fuck this match.

Agreed. I had high hopes for Lesnar/Ambrose and thought that it would steal the show, but it fell way short of my expectations. I know it sounds nit-picky, but I think that putting it on in the middle of the PPV hurt it.

As for the rest of the show...I dunno. I'm usually one of the more easy to please fans around here, but this year's Mania didn't do a ton for me. There was definitely some good stuff here and there (the insane Shane spot, the women putting on a legit great match, etc) but otherwise I don't really feel like this was a WrestleMania that I'll go back and revisit years from now.

EDIT: And I can't believe this is now the third WrestleMania that I've streamed through the WWE Network. My how time flies.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by the goon]

royberto - 4-4-2016 at 06:37 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48

Saw some people on Twitter complaining about Becky being ruined by tapping out. It was a great 20 minute match with her falling just short, tapping to a well protected move. She'll be fine. Not sure where we go from here, but a one-on-one feud with Sasha seems on the horizon.
She has fallen short in every big match she has been put in since the call up. How is that fine? Why should anyone ever believe she will win a big match or be a serious threat when she has jobbed in every single one she has had? Becky has been rendered a complete joke by creative.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by royberto]

GodEatGod - 4-4-2016 at 06:53 AM

Originally posted by the goon

Agreed. I had high hopes for Lesnar/Ambrose and thought that it would steal the show, but it fell way short of my expectations. I know it sounds nit-picky, but I think that putting it on in the middle of the PPV hurt it.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by the goon]

If anything disappointed me on the show, it was this. For me, I think I'm just tired of Brock's schtick. I get it and he has a great aura and I love the reaction he gets and the way he's treated as something beyond. But I get tired of just german-german-german-F5. Like, throw a clothesline, dude. Do a corner charge. Something. Stop just standing around. It's a style that's worked well a few times, but it didn't tonight, not for me anyway. That said, the loss doesn't hurt Dean at all because of Brock's aura.

I really enjoyed the show, but maybe because I finally got the network and was able to just kind of bask in watching a full PPV for the first time in forever. I actually said, "Please don't die" along with the crowd while sitting at my laptop during the Shane spot. I thought the women had the best match of the night and I love the new belt and the death of the term 'Diva'. I enjoyed the hell out of the legend segments, marked out for Shaq and got to see people I never thought I'd even see in WWE at Wrestlemania.

Even if it's not great, it's still Wrestling Christmas, the day I look forward to all year long. I'm tired but content. And I got a few good memories out of it. Pretty good for...well, the nothing I've paid so far.

royberto - 4-4-2016 at 06:56 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
If anything disappointed me on the show, it was this. For me, I think I'm just tired of Brock's schtick. I get it and he has a great aura and I love the reaction he gets and the way he's treated as something beyond. But I get tired of just german-german-german-F5. Like, throw a clothesline, dude. Do a corner charge. Something. Stop just standing around. It's a style that's worked well a few times, but it didn't tonight, not for me anyway. That said, the loss doesn't hurt Dean at all because of Brock's aura.

I really enjoyed the show, but maybe because I finally got the network and was able to just kind of bask in watching a full PPV for the first time in forever. I actually said, "Please don't die" along with the crowd while sitting at my laptop during the Shane spot. I thought the women had the best match of the night and I love the new belt and the death of the term 'Diva'. I enjoyed the hell out of the legend segments, marked out for Shaq and got to see people I never thought I'd even see in WWE at Wrestlemania.

Even if it's not great, it's still Wrestling Christmas, the day I look forward to all year long. I'm tired but content. And I got a few good memories out of it. Pretty good for...well, the nothing I've paid so far.
I agree with this.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 4-4-2016 at 07:05 AM

Good Mania overall. The only issues that I had was AJ losing to Jericho....huh? Also, the sports entertainment booker kidnapping the old time wrestling booker during the Rock/Wyatts segment. The Rock verbally beating 3 mega heels is just not right. Bray is still in his twenties and has a long career ahead of him, health not being an issue of course. But if they keep pulling bullshit like that, you are going to wear his character down to a nub!

Zak Ryder winning the IC title was a pleasant surprise. At least it brings to the forefront the reality that anything can happen and anyone can win when you have multiple participants trying to climb a ladder to unstrap a belt.

Shano Mac....holy fucking shit! The man has balls of steel. Somewhere backstage, Mick Foley was even cringing after that 30 foot drop! It will be interesting to see how Shane pulls the wool over Vince's eyes tomorrow night.

It is amazing how the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal has become irrelevant in just three short years. Make it two years, Big Show won last year.

I didn't put a stop watch to it, but Lesnar/Ambrose felt really short. I thought it had potential to steal the show........not so much.

Main event was ok. Reigns going over was predictable. I don't know where they go from here. If I were booking this match, Reigns would still go over, but the major difference would be that Reigns would have crushed Triple H. Similar to the beating Lesnar delivered to Cena at Summerslam 2014. Then I would have had the Rock come out to congratulate his cousin, only to eat a massive spear. That's how you complete the perfect heel turn.

We shouldn't pass judgment on a crowd of 101,000 plus. You can never get a consistent reaction from a mass of humanity that large. Wait until tomorrow night when the European Soccer match breaks out, it will be a thing of beauty!

In closing, big props to the WWE for making this feel like a huge event once again! You could tell from the wrestler's expressions when they came down the ramp, that they were overwhelmed by what they were witnessing. The fireworks outside of AT&T; stadium added to the evening as well.

royberto - 4-4-2016 at 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Frank Lloyd Wright
Main event was ok. Reigns going over was predictable. I don't know where they go from here. If I were booking this match, Reigns would still go over, but the major difference would be that Reigns would have crushed Triple H. Similar to the beating Lesnar delivered to Cena at Summerslam 2014. Then I would have had the Rock come out to congratulate his cousin, only to eat a massive spear. That's how you complete the perfect heel turn.

They couldn't get insurance for The Rock. They were already pushing it with the 6 second "match" and probably had the producers for the Baywatch movie pissing their pants over that. You couldn't book Rpck to take a spear if you wanted to.

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 08:00 AM

Originally posted by TonyTH
And whatever they sing for Bayley. I wish I knew what it was. It was this: https://twitter.com/WWEUK/status/676159248863219712

Dominator - 4-4-2016 at 08:17 AM

* Wrestlemania thirty-freakin-two. �
* Guess the ladder match is first.
* Already with time-compressed intros?
* Funaki! �Wrestlemania #1 announcer!
* Hey, I didn't even notice Stardust's polka dots. �Good on him.
* Flying Sami! �Through the ladder. �That was sweet.
* That's a unique way to avoid a ladder fall. �Holy crap, Sin Cara.
* Sin Cara with another improv fall on Stardust through the bridged ladder. �KO killed them both.
* OMG now KO's dead! �Zayn just half-nelson suplexed him onto a ladder! �
* Well, that's a popular win. �Zack gets his first WM win in glorious fashion. �And Dad gives him a hug. �Great start.
* Lite Brite jacket with extra both.
* I've gotta say, these wide shots... this looks like a Wrestlemania venue.
* Love the mirroring Y2AJ are doing here. �
* Holy shit, AJ's springboard 450 splash only gets 2! �And then he does the ILLEGAL brainbuster! �And then eats a Super Codebreaker. �Good night. �How about Jericho with a WM win for a change?
* Wonderful promo with Zack.
* Wrestlemania loves them some New Day. �
* Jumbo Booty-O's! �And there's some pseudo-cereal inside. �And New Day. �Never been a Dragonball Z guy, but that's fun, I guess.
* Dear Lord, I think Langston's dead now. �He did his super tackle through the ropes and I think he landed on his head on the floor.
* And Sheamus just kicked out of a double stomp decapitator.
* And now Kofi's dead. �ADR with the apron-to-floor double-stomp.
* And League of Nations just pooped on the party.
* Party has just been un-pooped. �HBK & Cactus Jack are out and Dallas then simultaneously orgasms when Stone Cold breaks the glass.
* And everyone gets kicked, clawed, and stunned, and we all drink beer.
* I think Heyman's "Oh my God" when he looked at the crowd size from the ring was genuine.
* Batter Up Bitch didn't get a chance to trend. �Lesnar F5'd him onto a chair pile about 15 seconds later. �Wasn't the show-stealer I thought it would be, but it was pretty good.
* The ovation when Lilian announced the "Women's Championship" shows WWE sometimes gets it right.
* That moonsault by Charlotte was a thing of beauty. �I don't know if I've ever seen a woman do a better one.
* And that is an UNpopular win, but a very fine match. �Good on you, ladies.
* Oh, dear Lord, they're making the Title Match the main. �The walls of AT&T; Stadium may fall like Jericho with the boos.
* Oh, Shane brought his boys. �This is going to make it hard for the female Taker fans to stay loyal.
* MVP of the night might be whoever was in charge of getting the dollar bills off the cell during Taker's intro. �Thing was littered with them and would've blocked the view of all the fans.
* Cole with the line of the night, and maybe the line of his career: "For the love of Mankind, Shane just exploded through our table!"
* Kudos to the Much-Maligned Monkeys for booking that match perfectly. �HIAC, one for the ages. �Shane-o-mac, you are one crazy sumbitch.
* Whoa. �Another 10-seed just made the Final 4. �Baron Corbin wins the battle royal.
* So let's not waste any time and get to the title match main event... or we could have Rock say nothing for 20 minutes.
* Oh, so he did say something, but it took 5 minutes for him to announce the record attendance and he couldn't even remember the number. �101,763. �Good for Vince getting his six figures.
* I stand here corrected. �And stunned. �Rock's gonna' wrestle against the Wyatts!?! �Or not. �Bogus match. �But now here's Cena. �And we reprise the League of Nations beatdown with the Wyatts.
* Steph with quite the speech, dressed in her finest Mordor biker chick resplendence.
* Oh, God, that Superman punch firework effect was horrible.
* I think Roman legit dislocated his shoulder on that barricade spear. �Ref might've popped it back in.
* Well, they went ahead and did it. �That might be the most crowd-dead Wrestlemania main event in history. �The biggest pop came from a non-participant (Steph) getting speared by the challenger. �Given the apathetic-to-booing post-match alleged celebration, I can quite easily posit that the "loud cheer" that we all heard on the 3-count was piped in. �It wasn't the total revolt I thought it would be, but it was hardly a masterpiece. �More like a codpiece. �The reaction on Raw should be epic.

Paddlefoot - 4-4-2016 at 08:20 AM

If we're going to talk about small things making the character that much bigger then Rusev was A+ tonight. One for angrily kicking the giant Booty-O's out of his way on the way to the ring and another for taking the Stunner properly in the way it's meant to, just like Shane O'Mac, Scott Hall, and Kurt Angle did. Stunner, bounce up into the air like a deer that's been shot in mid-leap, then land on back practically unconscious. None of this feeble crumpling crap like the way Vince, Linda, Trump, and too many others took it.

sam795 - 4-4-2016 at 08:50 AM

Here is my issue. VKM & Co. seem to fundamentally misunderstand what fans want. They treat the audience like children. �You don�t know what�s good. We�ll decide what�s good and shove it down your throat�. They present �moments� & stunt casting, whereas we would be more entertained by debuts, long term big picture thinking, logical yet surprising & fun run-ins & turns, & new (deserving) blood.

What was the point of Shane�s return?? We were dreaming of brand splits, fresh stories, and The Authority being gone (or atleast their power neutralized), but the powers-that-be feed us Shane leaping off the cell as a cookie that�s supposed to distract from the fact that the status quo remains. No run-ins, no help for Shane from some form of The Bullet Club or whomever else might have gotten involved (I was rooting for Roode, who should bypass NXT and go straight to the main roster). I guess to some degree we are victims of our own expectations, and that is largely our own fault I suppose, but dammit�I don�t want to get to the point where I expect nothing. Sometimes it�d be nice if Vince would give us the ice cream we want instead of making us eat our vegetables.

What is the point of bringing in AJ Styles and then jobbing him out to Jericho?? Yes, I know that they haven�t BURIED Styles. He�s actually been pushed pretty good. But him not getting the win at �Mania (or atleast losing by some sort of Jericho shenanigans) feels like the usual FU to any talent that�s not �homegrown�. It still makes NO sense to me why, after all the years & buildup to Sting�s arrival in WWE, he was jobbed at last year�s �Mania in an overbooked mess that was an insult to Sting�s career. Atleast there�s an opportunity for better things in the future for Styles, but at this point I�m not holding my breath.

Kudos to Baron Corbin getting the win in the battle royal. That was unexpected and he has potential. Having said that, it�s hysterically funny to me that VKM thinks that Shaq, DDP, & Tatanka are what we want to see in 2016.

Lesnar-Ambrose was pretty much the expected outcome. Brock wins & stays strong, but Ambrose gets credit for a �moral victory� of sorts. Probably the right call there.

On one hand The Rock is always entertaining and we knew Cena�s return was imminent. But on the other hand they both feel like crutches that WWE uses when they are afraid to try something new. And what�s the deal with Bray Wyatt?? It feels like they understand the potential he has but have no idea how to book him. He is constantly losing big matches & feuds, and then popping up again with random challenges & weird, directionless promos. It�s becoming stale.

Austin, HBK, & Foley are the same kind of crutches. I suppose I�m still entertained by it, but not nearly as much as I used to be.

I�ve already seen a meme that points out how it really doesn�t help the cause of the divas�uhhh, I mean women�that their champion needs the help of a man to win. I don�t know about all that, but Flair is another crutch that is becoming tiresome. Charlotte retaining is the right call though. Too soon for her to drop the belt. Looking forward to lots of great stuff from these ladies for a long time to come.

Not sure how I feel about Ryder winning the Intercontinental title. They present him as a jobber for all these years and then he wins a belt out of the blue?? If they build him up and establish him as a legit champ it�d be cool. But I have a sneaking suspicion that he�ll drop the title within a week or two and that WrestleMania moment will end up being meaningless. It would�ve made more sense to put the belt on Sami Zayn if that�s the case. I wouldn�t mind being wrong though. And Owens vs. Zayn doesn�t require a title to be involved.

No one is surprised that Reigns won the main event, but I was hoping for more. Steph taking a spear was pretty cool (although her intro for Triple H was�odd), and I think the match itself would�ve been fine if it hadn�t gone on last. Gotta give �em credit though�it took cahonas to put that match on last when they knew damn well what was coming. They definitely covered up the boos with music & pyro. But again�temporary fix. They ain�t gonna be able to do that every time Reigns gets booed outta the building. Monday�s Raw should be fun.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by sam795]

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by sam795]

TonyTH - 4-4-2016 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by TonyTH
And whatever they sing for Bayley. I wish I knew what it was. It was this: https://twitter.com/WWEUK/status/676159248863219712

Heeey, thanks. After a little more research, I think it's this version. What with the UHH, AHH! and all.

punkerhardcore - 4-4-2016 at 09:46 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
I don't mean this meanly more confusingly.. but...I find it hard to identify with wrestling fans who watch with the inability to get lost in a moment. Especially after a guy just jumped off a freaking Hell in a Cell.

Just catching up with all the posts tonight... but had to go back to this one. Sorry, but why should I only settle with getting lost in the moment? In a vacuum, yes, the match was dope. Lots of crazy spots just like we expected, and it was super fun to watch. But beyond that... now what?

Why have Shane come out at all and tease some major change that we all want? If that stuff doesn't bother you, then that's fine... but to me, that sucks. Beyond that, it makes ZERO fucking sense to make that tease at all. If the plan was for Shane to lose, just don't ever introduce that stipulation.

Wrestling matches are only part of the reason we watch this. What if Daniel Bryan had lost at Wrestlemania 30? Would anyone be saying, "yeah, but the match was awesome so what's the big deal?" Of fucking course not. Because the story is important, too.

TonyTH - 4-4-2016 at 09:56 AM

I'm skimming through the Main Event a bit. I'm sure Roman is used to the indifference. I'd fucking love to know what's going on in HHH's brain while his Mania Main Event is just meet with indifference.

Also curious what he's thinking when they're singing the Bailey song during his match. Think a part of him is like "Rad, I'm glad I my NXT girl is getting over : D"? Or if he's just annoyed that this whole feud was just a mess.

Fizz - 4-4-2016 at 10:13 AM

An intrepid dirtsheet reporter managed to capture footage of the sound engineer working to keep the crowd noise buried during the main event.

Unless there was a sudden craze for pantomime in Dallas that had people shaking their fists and mouthing quietly, that was a lot of eerie muffled silence and the faint ghostly echo of distant, rebellious chants.

nOOb - 4-4-2016 at 12:22 PM

Gotta say, none of these results or feedback make me excited about the post-WM Raw tonight at all. It just seems like the buildup to tonight is "How will the perfect storm of smark react to Roman Reigns before disappearing into their collective audiences and settling into the rest of the year?" If I had to make any predictions for tonight, here they are:

-Roman Reigns/Brock Lesnar is happening so Roman can beat Brock because, let's face it, WWE realizes they don't HAVE to fix Reigns
-Shane is getting Smackdown as a consolation prize or is just going to disappear because he was doing the family a solid since they probably were going to make Cena/Taker and had no Plan B for Taker.
-An NXT match will happen to try and bribe the crowd into accepting whatever main event takes place featuring Roman Reigns

The Grindfather - 4-4-2016 at 02:32 PM

There was a enough good on the show so that it wasn't a terrible show by any means, but I can't give it anything above a 5.

I can't say that any match, from entrances to finish, WWE played it perfectly. My match of the night was the women's title match (& it wasn't close) but the finish left a sour taste in my mouth. Loved all three's entrances & the work was top-notch but I just don't get why they used the same finish we've seen on Raw a dozen times. Why didn't they pay off all the Flair interference over the last few months with him getting neutralized & Becky or Sasha winning? Wrestlemania is the perfect place for that to happen. The crowd was primed for Sasha to win, they would have exploded huge & that would have been the Wrestlemania moment of the night.

Similar themes with the ladder match & Y2J v. AJ; both very good but the booking just seemed a little...off. Maybe if Ryder's win wasn't so out of the blue I'd enjoy it more but I associated him more with NXT these days. Suppose that it is more proof that Vince is always 3-5 years behind the times.

I expected a little more from Ambrose & Brock but it was fine & the right person won so I'm cool with that one too.

All in all though, damn fine first half of the show but it peaked with the women's match & then fell off a cliff for me. Taker v. Shane was a spectacle & fun in the moment, but in the end, pretty much all sizzle with no steak.

The main event was awful. I had flashbacks to Cena v. Miz & HHH v. RKO. It was just so boring, plodding & slow & Reigns had no business being in that spot. I've enjoyed several of his matches & my Roman meter is certainly not set on auto-hate, but that was not good in any sense. HHH just had a great match with Dean 3 weeks ago, so this falls on Roman to me. I'm glad to hear that the boos were much louder in person & that WWE was fiddling with the crowd mics because as I was watching that I couldn't believe the crowd wasn't shitting on it more. Glad to hear the Nakamura, Zayn & Bayley chants that were going on though, & that there were several people who left during the match.

All in all, this was a show that relied a little too much on sports entertainment & nostalgia for my tastes. Very much up & down, with the peak being the women's match (right up until the finish) & the valley being everything Reigns v. HHH. NXT on Friday was tremendous though & I'm very much looking forward to tonight's Raw. Anyone taking bets on whether Roman gets to cut a promo in front of that crowd??

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by The Grindfather]

ulsterphil - 4-4-2016 at 02:44 PM

I havnt watched the show yet due to being on holiday but i have seen the Shane off the cell bit on twitter.

Where they proudly proclaim that it was a 20 foot elbow drop.

Didnt they used to claim that the cages were a total of 40 feet high? And then the cells were bigger than that?


royberto - 4-4-2016 at 03:26 PM

Originally posted by ulsterphil
I havnt watched the show yet due to being on holiday but i have seen the Shane off the cell bit on twitter.

Where they proudly proclaim that it was a 20 foot elbow drop.

Didnt they used to claim that the cages were a total of 40 feet high? And then the cells were bigger than that?

No, they always claimed that the cages were 15 feet high. IT was always "You will face ________ inside a 15 feet high steel cage!"

G-Spot - 4-4-2016 at 03:33 PM

Talking about the Woman's match, I think the vibe with Charlotte is the old-school Flair one from NWA...it's better to have the faces chasing the heel, who continually wins thru interference and cheating. It's classic 1980's Ric Flair/4 Horsemen wrestling psychology, and with Flair coaching his daughter, makes lots of sense to me. I feel if Bayley debuts tonight and wins the title, that would be a total let-down of what has been building. Charlotte should have a long run with the title, with all the women vying to take the belt, proving they are better than the champ, only to keep losing from shenanigans, until that one day someone gets their Dusty Rhodes moment to finally beat her for the belt. Considering the women have been doing the most old-school wrestling in the WWE, this handling of Charlotte fits right in with that.

And who knows...maybe Sasha, Becky, and Bayley will battle between themselves a bit for #1 contender, team up together to take on Charlotte and a host of partners, then one will start realizing they need to be to be beside her, until Charlotte starts using her to keep the title. Then that woman realizes what's going on, turns on Charlotte (or vice versa) to a huge pop, and finally Charlotte drops the title after months of great matches, face building for the contender, and hopefully Sting coming in to "manage" that person and protect against Ric's interference.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by G-Spot]

royberto - 4-4-2016 at 03:48 PM

Originally posted by G-Spot
Talking about the Woman's match, I think the vibe with Charlotte is the old-school Flair one from NWA...it's better to have the faces chasing the heel, who continually wins thru interference and cheating. It's classic 1980's Ric Flair/4 Horsemen wrestling psychology, and with Flair coaching his daughter, makes lots of sense to me. I feel if Bayley debuts tonight and wins the title, that would be a total let-down of what has been building. Charlotte should have a long run with the title, with all the women vying to take the belt, proving they are better than the champ, only to keep losing from shenanigans, until that one day someone gets their Dusty Rhodes moment to finally beat her for the belt. Considering the women have been doing the most old-school wrestling in the WWE, this handling of Charlotte fits right in with that.
[Edited on 4-4-2016 by G-Spot]
Except that Ric always lost a couple of times to start to show he could actually be beat. Everyone jobs to Charlotte constantly like they are goobers. Having Charlotte win every single time the same way kills interest fast. Constantly jobbing out her opponents give people no reason to care.

Also, they already had a great face built. Becky Lynch. They always yap about creating "Wrestlemania moments", and and they absolutely missed one that was right in front of their face. Becky Lynch finally winning a title after being over shadowed by Sasha and Charlotte since their time in NXT. Nope, WWE had to job her out again for the 721st time while protecting Sasha.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by royberto]

Columbo - 4-4-2016 at 03:59 PM

What a weird Mania. In a vacuum it was a pretty entertaining waste of what seemed like months of my life, but I think you can make a case that every single match ended wrong..

Intercontinental ladder match- I legit marked the fuck out for Ryder winning, but he's gonna be booked like a joke and you know it.

AJ vs. Y2J

Jericho was my favorite wrestler for many years and I'm glad he finally got a win on a BIG stage, but I can totally emphasize with everyone upset by AJ losing. I do think Mr. Styles has a great future ahead of him though so this one is o.k. in my book.

LON vs. New Gay

I love Rusev, I like Barret, Sheamus, and ADR more than most, but they've been booked like shit for months now and The New Day is the shining beacon of light in the otherwise bleak hellscape that is WWE and I wish they had a better WM "moment". the shenanigans after the match were fun though.

Sasha vs. Becky vs. Charlotte

Yay Womens Championship!!! The match was good, but I hated the ending to this more than anything else on the show if Becky or Sasha won I would feel a lot more positive about the show as a whole.

Brock vs. Dean

The outcome was right, but it needed 5-10 more minutes of Dean getting his ass kicked to truly get across that he's a hard to kill muthafucka instead we got a bunch of suplexes 1 F5 and Dean not getting his "star" making performance.

Taker vs. Shane

God bless Shane for nearly killing himself for our entertainment, but why the fuck would they make a stipulation promising us change if Shane won if they weren't gonna follow through with it. This felt like a big ol Fuck you from the E.

The Andre the Giant Battle for Getting a Bunch of Goons on the Card

Baron Corbin has grown on me I'm entertained by the big lug, but why the fuck was he in the match did they explain this at all? Also, Mark Henry should have won for a feel good moment.

HHH vs. Roman Reigns

This match was fucking garbage Roman did the whole lets spam 3 moves over and over and over again shit. His corner clotheslines and 1 armed power bomb thing look so terrible and the superman punch/ spear combo lose meaning when done 13 times a match. This was awful and just felt like another big Fuck You.

Other Stuff

-The Rock was fun, I dont give a shit about the Wyatts (tis a lie, I heart Luke Harper) so I was cool with them getting even further buried.

-I marked out for John Cena never thought I'd say that.

-Seriously fuck whoever though it was a good idea to have Charlotte win.

lz4005 - 4-4-2016 at 05:27 PM

I watched Mania last night with a buddy of mine who was a fan when he was a teenager but hasn't kept up with wrestling over the last 10 years or so.

He was amazed that the most prominent people were all the same as when he was 15. Taker, HHH, Rock, Austin, HBK, Booker T, Show, Foley, etc.

But his reaction during the main event was the best. Not knowing any of the storyline leading up to it, he was convinced HHH was the babyface and Roman was the heel. When I told him what was up he said "So the guy with the cool entrance and the fuckable chick manager who gets cheered every time he does anything is the bad guy??? And the smirking d-bag who knows 4 moves and is getting booed out of the building is the good guy?" He thought I was trying to prank him.

ETA: Oh, and the audio sweetening at the end was horrible. They started pumping in white-noise-like fake cheers and lowering the crowd mic to half volume right after the one legit cheer Roman got for spearing Steph.

Did I mention how bangable Steph looked? Because she did. I love me a lady my own age in a trashy leather halloween costume every once in a while. Truly I do.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by lz4005]

ulsterphil - 4-4-2016 at 06:00 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by ulsterphil
I havnt watched the show yet due to being on holiday but i have seen the Shane off the cell bit on twitter.

Where they proudly proclaim that it was a 20 foot elbow drop.

Didnt they used to claim that the cages were a total of 40 feet high? And then the cells were bigger than that?

No, they always claimed that the cages were 15 feet high. IT was always "You will face ________ inside a 15 feet high steel cage!"

I must be remembering some good ol' JR brand embellishment because a qwiki shows that the cell is indeed 20 feet high. Could even be thinking back to the old bar cages from days gone by.

ulsterphil - 4-4-2016 at 06:07 PM

I had to google Baron Corbin because i dont watch NXT and from the look of him hes one Bad Vince Day away from being made Adam Rose's big retarded brother.

One to watch in '16

salmonjunkie - 4-4-2016 at 06:37 PM

As soon as I saw the new Women's Championship (man, that's a great looking belt), I knew it had to be Charlotte to win. Who better to start the reign of the new no-more-Divas title than Ric Flair's daughter?

I would've preferred Sasha or Becky winning, but I have no problem with Charlotte winning this excellent match. Next up? Perhaps a Sasha-Charlotte 1-on-1 match, perhaps triple threat rematch with a stipulation that either a) takes Flair out of the match or b) adds other seconds to counter Flair being there. Either way, I'm glad they made it a big deal with the fireworks and all that.

My preferred ending to the match would have been Snoop Dogg preventing Ric from holding Sasha at the end there, leading to a Sasha win, but I'm certainly not angry at the outcome.

I really thought Mark Henry was going to win the ARMbAR, but Corbin winning was a surprise. SHAQ!!!! DDP!!! Tatanka?!?

Biggest surprise of the night was Zack Ryder winning. And I'm super happy for him! Hopefully he gets an actual push this time around. KO and Zayn don't need the belt to continue their feud.

League of Nations/New Day and the post-match shenanigans was fun, but I didn't realize it wasn't for the tag team titles. The Lads need some belts to help make themselves legit. Two of their members had belts for, what, 2 months?

Shane is a crazy bastard. I do like that they incorporated his Gracie training in to the match - no doubt an Undertaker idea. I enjoyed the match and they were able to make the match compelling enough where I didn't care about the "Shane takes over RAW/Taker retires" stipulation anymore. I just had a good time with a match with some crazy spots. Anyway, I guess Shane has his WrestleMania moment now.

AJ/Jericho was an excellent match as well. AJ losing won't hurt him at all. His first PPV match against Jericho, he won, for all of you with super-short memories and now they're 2-2. He'll be fine, for chrissakes. Perhaps they have a 5th and final match at the next PPV with stipulations.

The Rock part was way too long, but still fun. If anyone had to be a sacrificial lamb, Erick Rowan was a fine choice. Someone mentioned the Social Outcasts being better in this spot. I don't agree. Last night, Rock was all "Bray, you're great at this, but I'll still make fun of you". And the Wyatts have enough of a presence where you might think "oh no, something bad just might happen to the Rock". If it was the Outcasts it would be "It doesn't matter what your name is, you guys all suck, and I'll find even more ways to make fun of you" and there wouldn't even be a second of "oh no, something bad might happen here."

I loved HHH's silly entrance, with Stephanie channeling her inner Sensational Sherri with that crazy speech and that outfit (which I know I'm a weirdo for thinking holy hell, she was pretty damn hot in that). The match itself was ok. I'm trying really hard not to hate on Roman, but I definitely don't love him. The dude totally needs new ring gear, and I don't mean a new vest like last night. I mean ditch the Shield look and get some goddamn tights - My thoughts of why he wears the vest? Because I don't think he has a six-pack. Can anyone confirm this? I've never seen his bare torso since his Leakee days. Anyway, the match was decent but not special, at least not until the Steph spear, which she sold like a champ. I do think they went with right call for the Reigns victory, because that's the only logical conclusion to this story. I know the big question is, "who's next?", and I guess we'll find out soon. Maybe a heel turn tonight? I dunno. Maybe. I think he just needs the right opponent .

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by salmonjunkie]

BBMN - 4-4-2016 at 07:20 PM

The Brock match was wildly underwhelming. It needed a bloody finish, and some time for them to roam around the arena. Had neither.

I don't typically watch Raw, but are the dudes in the Dragon Ball Z gear a regular thing?

Great. The Rock is tarnishing his legacy.

Tatanka? Did someone spike my beer?


royberto - 4-4-2016 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by ulsterphil
Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by ulsterphil
I havnt watched the show yet due to being on holiday but i have seen the Shane off the cell bit on twitter.

Where they proudly proclaim that it was a 20 foot elbow drop.

Didnt they used to claim that the cages were a total of 40 feet high? And then the cells were bigger than that?

No, they always claimed that the cages were 15 feet high. IT was always "You will face ________ inside a 15 feet high steel cage!"

I must be remembering some good ol' JR brand embellishment because a qwiki shows that the cell is indeed 20 feet high. Could even be thinking back to the old bar cages from days gone by.
Yeah, JR did embellish at times. I think even Cole probably did that a couple of times as well. But, they pretty much have always announced a cage match as 15 feet high while announcers other than JR like Vince and Gorilla were always consistent with the 15 feet. Heck, one of the most iconic cage match calls is Gorilla Monsoon exclaiming "Look at Superfly perched...15 feet high".

Flash - 4-4-2016 at 07:43 PM

Reigns is pretty cut, or at least has some definition there; so I think the vest is just out of laziness on the part of the WWE in that he got over looking a certain way and maybe they think that if they change his look he might get.... er, booed?

I had the show on this morning while I was poking around doing a whole lot of nothing, but I got to thinking that for as much as non-finishes are generally disliked, maybe Shane and Taker could have employed this last night.

From Taker's POV the win or loss probably wouldn't have made a huge difference other than story reasons they developed.... don't get me wrong, there would be no way that Taker would lose clean; but the genie is out of the bottle now as far as the streak goes (not that I'd job him out to everyone).

From Shane's POV- well, we've all voiced that complaint by now... that Shane losing made the match into just a throwaway moment as entertaining as the match was, and that it was really just a big cock-tease to the fans clamouring for a fresh direction.

I don't know how you get there... Vince was pretty front and centre in that feud so maybe he hand picks a guy to interfere, but through shenanigans we somehow get both guys rendered unable to continue to compete.... maybe a bit wishy washy but A) After that closing spot from Shane it'd be hard to feel cheated, and B) it would create a situation where if you could get another match out of Taker this quick he could do a one off against Vince's chosen guy, and C) Shane would still have a dog in the fight for the control of Raw....

Awe hell, done is done....

royberto - 4-4-2016 at 07:45 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
I loved HHH's silly entrance, with Stephanie channeling her inner Sensational Sherri with that crazy speech and that outfit (which I know I'm a weirdo for thinking holy hell, she was pretty damn hot in that). The match itself was ok. I'm trying really hard not to hate on Roman, but I definitely don't love him. The dude totally needs new ring gear, and I don't mean a new vest like last night. I mean ditch the Shield look and get some goddamn tights - My thoughts of why he wears the vest? Because I don't think he has a six-pack. Can anyone confirm this? I've never seen his bare torso since his Leakee days. Anyway, the match was decent but not special, at least not until the Steph spear, which she sold like a champ. I do think they went with right call for the Reigns victory, because that's the only logical conclusion to this story. I know the big question is, "who's next?", and I guess we'll find out soon. Maybe a heel turn tonight? I dunno. Maybe. I think he just needs the right opponent .
Well, the entire Shield used to wear the vest when they first came in, so I don't think he is hiding the lack of a six pack. I think he is just maintaining the look. That said, I agree with you on changing his look and ditching the Shield getup, I think the cargo pants are fine, but get rid of the vest. I agree with you about the match. It was slow and plodding for the 1st 50% of the match. THe story you were telling in the build up is that Reigns simply wanted to rip HHH's head off and get the title back. SO, what do they do? They go with stalling and lame psychology. They should have had Roman kicking HHH's ass from the start while HHH continually tries to run away with an occasional cheep shot leading to a quick couple of moves before Roman gets up again and continues to kick HHH's ass some more. Finally, finish with Steph getting in the ring like she did, only to have Roman shrug his shoulders and spear her before finishing HHH off with one final spear for the win.

I thought the same thing about Steph and her getup/speech.

salmonjunkie - 4-4-2016 at 07:45 PM

I get the argument for storyline purposes of why some people wanted a run-in for the Shane/Taker match, but for the match itself, I'm fine with no run-ins.

I forgot to mention Dean/Brock. I thought it was decent, but do agree that it needed either a) more visual violence (blood would have been great, but that'd be a longshot in today's WWE) or b) more near falls/hope spots for Dean.

salmonjunkie - 4-4-2016 at 07:51 PM

Originally posted by BBMN

Crazy evil hotness.

I know, I'm weird.

Laruecifer - 4-4-2016 at 08:15 PM

At the risk of sounding racist, Samoan wrestlers tend to be less defined than other superstars. (see the Usos) Not sure if it's a genetic thing or not. I seem to recall the Rock having an operation years back to remove his "bitch tits"

punkerhardcore - 4-4-2016 at 08:34 PM

The problem with Brock/Ambrose was that it just ended up being a match without any huge defining moment for Ambrose. It should have had a Bret/Austin ending.

Really, that match should've been Hell in a Cell instead. Imagine Ambrose doing that elbow from the top instead of Shane. It would've been the moment in the match where he gambled and lost, but it could have really cemented the whole Lunatic Fringe thing, and been part of video packages for the rest of his career.

Nothing against Shane, who never fails to amaze... but how many more matches does he even have left in his life? Probably few to none.

merc - 4-4-2016 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Except that Ric always lost a couple of times to start to show he could actually be beat. Everyone jobs to Charlotte constantly like they are goobers. Having Charlotte win every single time the same way kills interest fast. Constantly jobbing out her opponents give people no reason to care.

Also, they already had a great face built. Becky Lynch. They always yap about creating "Wrestlemania moments", and and they absolutely missed one that was right in front of their face. Becky Lynch finally winning a title after being over shadowed by Sasha and Charlotte since their time in NXT. Nope, WWE had to job her out again for the 721st time while protecting Sasha.
[Edited on 4-4-2016 by royberto]

Flair held his belts for +1 year until the Russo era of booking champions took hold in the WWF/WWE Monday night wars. I'm pretty sure any NWA Heavyweight title reign was more than a year. A couple of exceptions being the NWA title changes in PR & Japan which were ignored by US TV. IIRC His first WCW Title reign he held 91 - 95 (with two abandonments) to go north.

I think the old NWA heel champion being chased is more fun, than a face champ. But you are right they have to mix up the method of win. But chasing for 2-3 months isn't being buried or jobbed out, hell Dusty chased Flair for almost a decade.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by merc]

lz4005 - 4-4-2016 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Crazy evil hotness.

I know, I'm weird.

Why is everyone saying it's weird they to want to give Steph a good rogering?

DKBroiler - 4-4-2016 at 09:28 PM

You guys take wins and losses way too damned seriously. Becky just lost to a 6 foot tall Amazon woman who can do a top rope backflip. Calm down. Like it or not Charlotte is the future of Woman's wrestling and getting her a signature win was way more important in the grand scheme of things.

God damn, I'm tired of people expecting underdogs to win all the time. They are underdogs. Not everyone is Daniel Bryan.

salmonjunkie - 4-4-2016 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by royberto
Except that Ric always lost a couple of times to start to show he could actually be beat. Everyone jobs to Charlotte constantly like they are goobers. Having Charlotte win every single time the same way kills interest fast. Constantly jobbing out her opponents give people no reason to care.

Also, they already had a great face built. Becky Lynch. They always yap about creating "Wrestlemania moments", and and they absolutely missed one that was right in front of their face. Becky Lynch finally winning a title after being over shadowed by Sasha and Charlotte since their time in NXT. Nope, WWE had to job her out again for the 721st time while protecting Sasha.
[Edited on 4-4-2016 by royberto]

Flair held his belts for +1 year until the Russo era of booking champions took hold in the WWF/WWE Monday night wars. I'm pretty sure any NWA Heavyweight title reign was more than a year. A couple of exceptions being the NWA title changes in PR & Japan which were ignored by US TV. IIRC His first WCW Title reign he held 91 - 95 (with two abandonments) to go north.

I think the old NWA heel champion being chased is more fun, than a face champ. But you are right they have to mix up the method of win. But chasing for 2-3 months isn't being buried or jobbed out, hell Dusty chased Flair for almost a decade.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by merc]

The crowd is so hot for Sasha right now, so if it wasn't going to be last night, it should be the next PPV, and it should definitely be her right now and not Becky. I'd say Sasha beats Charlotte their next PPV match (it could be a one-on-one or a triple threat rematch). Becky goes many months without winning the championship. Eventually, she beats Sasha in a great respect feud - maybe that is next year's WrestleMania (although, I'd go SummerSlam, with Bayley becoming champ at WM33). I really do think Becky is better served with the long game.

salmonjunkie - 4-4-2016 at 09:31 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
You guys take wins and losses way too damned seriously.

I think someone here mentioned they didn't watch the event yet and just read the results and decided to form their opinion on that? Really?

ulsterphil - 4-4-2016 at 09:50 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Crazy evil hotness.

I know, I'm weird.

Why is everyone saying it's weird they to want to give Steph a good rogering?

Because its not all that common to want to fuck a woman that could press slam you in the bedroom?

Id give her one, like. Two if she asked nicely.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by ulsterphil]

TomS - 4-4-2016 at 10:02 PM

Well I enjoyed that show. The street fight was disappointing - they made a big deal of Foley and Funk gifting their weapons - and he didn't get to use either. Parp.

The Rock segment was meh. "You've got the skills, the charisma, the talent... To job out to a guy who retired a decade ago"

And the main event was... the main event. It was probably a fine match but I was flagging seriously by that point so I just had glassy eyes most of the way through.

Still though. The ladder match, the New Day intro, the WOMEN'S Championship. I do love Becky more than a little bit.

lz4005 - 4-4-2016 at 10:35 PM

Originally posted by TomS
Well I enjoyed that show. The street fight was disappointing - they made a big deal of Foley and Funk gifting their weapons - and he didn't get to use either. Parp.
And the main event was... the main event. It was probably a fine match but I was flagging seriously by that point so I just had glassy eyes most of the way through.

At least he had the bat with him. Finn Balor stole the chain saw and used it during his entrance at Takeover on Friday night. (seriously...why?)

The ME was better than decent in-ring physicality if you ignore the ass backwards heel/face dynamic and what the outcome will mean in terms of story lines in the near future.

Matte - 4-4-2016 at 10:50 PM

Kalisto over Ryback. Didn't matter to me, so that's fine.

It was cool to see the Usos get those boos.

The crowd popped a bit for Eva's leg scissors before remembering it was Eva and reverting back to boos. Bryan taught Brie a cool transition into the Yes Lock. I liked that.

Zack Ryder winning the IC title is the shock of the night. I can't help but think his reign will be very short-lived.

I don't understand Jericho going over Styles. I guess it's that "non-WWE guy" mentality, where they have to take a big and sometimes stupid loss before moving onto better things. Sting/HHH is another example.

The League of Nations going over New Day was disappointing. The League is just incredibly boring, and it's obvious that their reason for being together in the first place is because they're boring and creative has nothing for them. Unlike Jericho/Styles, however, I understand this one. The League needs something to make them look legitimate and this was it. I guess. Also, Big E's thick neck may have saved his life.

Charlotte winning via Ric for the millionth time was stupid. I didn't want to see her retain, but it would've been ok if they came up with a different ending than the one they've been using for the past year. We discussed this in chat after it happened, and apparently repeating the same finish ad nauseum is "wrestling 101."

Ambrose/Lesnar was alright. It's about what we all expected. Suplexes, some weapons, an F-5. Ambrose came out of it looking fine.

Shane nonchalantly kicking out of a Last Ride and a Chokeslam on the steps seemed a little odd. They definitely made him look tough. The spot that we all expected and were given was fantastic and actually pretty nerve-racking as he was preparing to jump. No interference, no shocking twists, just a plain ending. I feel like this story isn't over.

Baron Corbin wins the Andre match. I don't hate it, even though I almost hate Baron Corbin. Good debut spot for him and I'm interested to see where he goes from here.

The main event got the reaction we all knew it would. It was decent for what it was, but not caring about either competitor didn't pull me into it. Roman wins and gets his Mania moment, so maybe now they can move on from it and try out some new things?

EDIT: And of course the "old-timers beating up current guys" Mania moments happened. They were what they were, I guess there's no real harm to it.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Matte]

Sam Is Neat - 4-4-2016 at 10:53 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by TomS
Well I enjoyed that show. The street fight was disappointing - they made a big deal of Foley and Funk gifting their weapons - and he didn't get to use either. Parp.
And the main event was... the main event. It was probably a fine match but I was flagging seriously by that point so I just had glassy eyes most of the way through.

At least he had the bat with him. Finn Balor stole the chain saw and used it during his entrance at Takeover on Friday night. (seriously...why?)

The ME was better than decent in-ring physicality if you ignore the ass backwards heel/face dynamic and what the outcome will mean in terms of story lines in the near future.

I think the Finn Balor/Chainsaw reference in his intro was an homage to Texas Chainsaw Massacre since they were in Dallas, and he also had the familiar apron that the guy wears in Chainsaw Massacre.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Sam Is Neat]

vonLampertheim - 4-4-2016 at 11:05 PM

Originally posted by ulsterphil
I had to google Baron Corbin because i dont watch NXT and from the look of him hes one Bad Vince Day away from being made Adam Rose's big retarded brother.

One to watch in '16

Baron Corbin 2017: Because the bunny costume won't wear itself.

[Edited on 4-4-16 by vonLampertheim]

Slade - 4-4-2016 at 11:05 PM

Wrestlemania 32 was awesome. I loved it. But I'm saying that as someone who was there and who had bitchin' seats on the floor. Really my only complaints have to do with the gates opening an hour after they were supposed to be opened and a shit ton of confusion for how to get to the floor and how the fans seated around me ruin the main event for me. Everyone was being directed to one place, and they were directing us to another and it was bottled necked. This explains why the arena looked so empty, including ringside, for the opening matches. I watched Ryback vs. Kalisto on TV screens from the concourse while trying to get to the floor. I missed the Divas match while walking at a snail's pace down some weird concrete corridors. It felt like it took an eternity for us to get to our seats.

It's interesting to hear that the crowd was muted for the broadcast (or at least the main event). The crowd was hot for much of the show. As for the main event, there were times when it was silent on the floor, but there was chanting coming from different sections of the arena. On the floor, it was largely anti-Reigns. When the floor was quiet and you hear the noise coming from the cheaper seats, it seemed evenly split with Let's Go Roman / Roman Sucks chants. Not everyone hates him. I saw plenty of people with Reigns merchandise and one guy who ever dressed up in costume like him. He definitely has a fan base. Really, most of the hate was coming from 30-something white males. That's what I observed.

And yes, during the second half of the main event, there were chants for NXT, Nakamura, Bayley and Sami Zayn originating from my section and the one near it. It annoyed the fuck out of me. It made it difficult for me to keep my attention on the match. If there is one match that I need to watch on tape, it is that one. I get the sense that they were working hard to entertain, but a lot of the fans on the floor had decided to shit on it. Some of these fans were so bad that they turned on people - like me - who didn't fall in line and who dared to cheer for Roman Reigns. My friend and I cheered for him more so out of disdain for the fans going into business for themselves than anything else, but by doing so we were verbally abused. That wasn't particularly pleasant and so now I really hold these anti-Reigns-NXT-can-do-no-wrong-fan-boys in a negative view. It is one thing to voice your opinion, but it is another to make people who don't hold the same opinion feel unwelcome and get into verbal scraps with people just because they don't agree with you.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 12:29 AM

Always forget it's 20x harder after Mania to come back here after a day and catch up. Glad there's been interest in this. Some point hope to catch up on the 5 pages before this last one but....anywho...

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Originally posted by DKBroiler
You guys take wins and losses way too damned seriously.

I think someone here mentioned they didn't watch the event yet and just read the results and decided to form their opinion on that? Really?

1) Heart you, DK.

2) RE: sal - The opinion from read results thing always bothered me too, not because theoretically you can't come up with one from what's written, but in the almost 10 years I've been here, I think I've seen one take based on something just read about which was actually followed with something positive...so...it kinda becomes dust in the wind to me because it generally ends the same.

Similarly, worst one I'm seeing today are some people on Twitter yelling about the card and saying "I'm not looking forward to downloading this online later." Um...why do you think WWE cares about your opinion when you don't spend money on their product? lol

Originally posted by Matte

The League of Nations going over New Day was disappointing. The League is just incredibly boring, and it's obvious that their reason for being together in the first place is because they're boring and creative has nothing for them. Unlike Jericho/Styles, however, I understand this one. The League needs something to make them look legitimate and this was it. I guess. Also, Big E's thick neck may have saved his life.

Jeez, I forgot about that. Until the Shane spot, that's the thing that really scared the hell out of me as it was happening and you knew it going into the run that it's all about his momentum keeping him horizontal and with 3 guys there, he was heading straight down. Think it's about time he retire that move...although that's about the 8th time I've said that...so how about only at Wrestlemanias?


Charlotte winning via Ric for the millionth time was stupid. I didn't want to see her retain, but it would've been ok if they came up with a different ending than the one they've been using for the past year. We discussed this in chat after it happened, and apparently repeating the same finish ad nauseum is "wrestling 101."

Yeah, the more I think about the match - which was excellent, no doubt - this part of it bothers me. It's exactly this. They've built up that spot 100x *already*...Wrestlemania is where you pay off what you've built.

Like a few weeks ago when I thought The New Day might lose to Y2AJ [RIP]. TND or Cole mentioned how many days they were champion and we were conditioned to think that means they're losing it (they didn't, but you get it).

Perfectly fine with Charlotte winning, but you have Snoop Dogg there to stop the interference...so if you're going with that plot line, you gotta go the Sasha winning way. Otherwise let her start building to being the Dirtiest Woman In The Game or something. Too much recycling.


Shane nonchalantly kicking out of a Last Ride and a Chokeslam on the steps seemed a little odd. They definitely made him look tough. The spot that we all expected and were given was fantastic and actually pretty nerve-racking as he was preparing to jump. No interference, no shocking twists, just a plain ending. I feel like this story isn't over.

I really enjoyed this match, even looking back at its faults...though it wasn't even the two examples you give that are the Shane kick outs I didn't like the most - it was actually getting out of The Hell's Gate...which is one of the most protected moves ever. Yes, it's been broken, but basically only at Mania by all-time wrestlers, or by Brock Lesnar...who is Brock Lesnar. And not only did Shane break it, he reversed it into a pretty crappy Sharpshooter...which I am so tired of being anywhere near the McMahons. It's one thing if Cole had beaten into the ground that the Muy Thai training allowed him to do this (and if he did, I apologize, though I'd probably remember it), but Shane McMahon getting out of that straight up? Sorry...that's something that should have been avoided.

I have no idea where they go from here with this...but like Matte said...feel like it's not over. You know Vince McMahon is going to come out tonight bombastic and showing off...and any time that happens, they usually have some counter ready. Guess we'll see what it is. Oh yeah, remember the mystery lock box? Ha.

One random nothing thought - on Rick's Reigns narrative on the front page-

I feel like we can say a lot about Roman Reigns that's true despite what WWE wants, but "least relevant Champion?" If we're talking about audio tricks today, we're talking about people reacting to him a ton [negatively, but still]...and he's basically 90% of all conversation that happens here and among hardcore wrestling fans. And SHEAMUS has been champion within the last few months....SHEAMUS!

P.S. Zack Ryder = IC Champion. Still. Holy. Shit.

BBMN - 4-5-2016 at 08:43 PM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
I really enjoyed this match, even looking back at its faults...though it wasn't even the two examples you give that are the Shane kick outs I didn't like the most - it was actually getting out of The Hell's Gate...which is one of the most protected moves ever.

This is true. Somehow Shane, who isn't even a wrestler, and only wrestles once every few years, is probably the most over-powered guy on the roster. It's like he's an unlockable boss character from a game. Pretty silly.

I only watch WM these days, and maybe a handful of matches over the course of the year. WM is always fun and I don't want to be Debbie Downer, but there was one huge error in this year's show - Match order.

Shane vs Taker should've been the final match of the night. Given how hostile/indifferent the crowd seems to be towards Roman, and given the spectacle of what was set to happen with Shane, they should've flipped these two matches. But it's the World Title, BBMN?! I know, but you know what's bigger than that? The company as a whole, which is what Shane was fighting for. Plus Taker is the cornerstone of Mania at this point.

This would've effectively put a freakshow fight as the main, and I'm cool with that given how the crowd reacts to Roman. Plus, even if he was wildly over, I would still want the matches flipped. How the hell can you follow Shane trying to murder himself? You can't really.

Quentil - 4-5-2016 at 11:37 PM

I enjoyed most of the show. Random thoughts to follow:

1) It was too long. By the time they got to the main event, my friends and I didn't give a shit. HHH/Reigns wasn't even a bad match. It was just too obvious how it was going to end and the crowd shit all over it and it was like 6hrs into the damned show. So meh.

2) Triple threat women's match was good. Would have preferred to not have the Ric Flair involvement in the finish, though.

3) IC Ladder match was the match I enjoyed most of the show. 'Nuff said.

4) Ambrose/Brock was good, but seemed a tad bit hmm, i dunno. Out of sync maybe?

5) HBK/Austin/Foley was fun as all hell. Unexpected and perhaps a bit cheesy, but who cares? It was tons of good times.

6) the Andre the Giant thing I kind of zoned out during. It was funny to see Shaq, and cool to see DDP.

7) The show was too long.

8) The show was too long.

9) Not sure why Jericho went over Styles, but it doesn't really matter. It was an okay match, although it was the fourth or fifth time by now in a few months...So eh. Whatever, still enjoyed it.

10) Rock and Cena did rather little for me, to be honest. I mean, it was cool, but not nearly as fun as the Foley/HBK/Austin thing.

11) Shane McMahon is insane. God bless him.

merc - 4-6-2016 at 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Matte

Baron Corbin wins the Andre match. I don't hate it, even though I almost hate Baron Corbin. Good debut spot for him and I'm interested to see where he goes from here.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by Matte]

I don't know Corbin at all. What's to almost hate about him?

TomS - 4-6-2016 at 04:14 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
At least he had the bat with him. Finn Balor stole the chain saw and used it during his entrance at Takeover on Friday night. (seriously...why?)

He had the chainsaw too. Got it out from under the ring. Tried to start it once, failed, got suplexed for his troubles and it was never seen again.