Raw tonight: who's getting called up? (OOfficial Thread for April 4, 2016)
Cherokee Jack - 4-4-2016 at 09:05 PM

It's the night-after-Mania Raw, and among all the WM fallout and audience mayhem, we're also likely to see some NXT call ups. Two years ago we got the debut of Rusev, as well as the first introductory vignettes for Bo Dallas and Adam Rose. Last year it was Neville and the Lucha Dragons. Baron Corbin's already confirmed as having been brought to the main roster, but who else might show up this year? A few possibilities:

Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy (and maybe Carmella). Been rumored for a while that they're on the way up, they got a taste of main roster action at the Roadblock special (that went extremely well for them, if WWE was looking to gauge how they'd do in front of main roster crowds), and what's really left for them in NXT? This feels like the most likely act to show up tonight.

Finn Balor. We know Anderson and Gallows are in town, we know they're slated to go straight to the main roster, and the rumor is that they will indeed use the "Balor Club" name. So do they show up tonight? And if so, how can they do the Balor Club without Balor? Sure, he's still the NXT champ, but so was Owens when he got brought up.

The Vaudevillains. Kind of feels like it's just time for these guys. They've gotten kind of long in the tooth on NXT, there's nothing really left for them to do there either. Bring them up and see how they do. Unfortunately, as much as I like both of them, if they do get called up I could see them stuck battling the Ascension every week on Main Event in the not-too-distant future.

Bayley. I lean towards thinking this won't happen yet, because it feels like the Charlotte/Sasha/Becky story isn't done yet and it would be terrible to bring Bayley up and immediately brush her off to the side (unless they want to recreate the awesome four-way match they had at one of the Takeovers). Let this current story run its course, then when the dust settles and whoever has emerged as champ is talking about they've taken everyone out, then have Bayley show up.

So those feel like the most likely candidates. Anyone else?

salmonjunkie - 4-4-2016 at 09:20 PM

Samoa Joe

williamssl - 4-4-2016 at 09:27 PM

Eva Marie

If this happens, I will find me. I will hunt me.

salmonjunkie - 4-4-2016 at 10:23 PM

she already showed up on the main roster a week or two ago to a smattering of boos.

Matte - 4-4-2016 at 10:24 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Eva Marie

If this happens, I will find me. I will hunt me.

This already happened last week.

Count Zero - 4-4-2016 at 10:29 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Eva Marie

If this happens, I will find me. I will hunt me.
Start your hunt, boss. As mentioned twice, she's already here.... there?... wherever she is, she's not being received well.

bigfatgoalie - 4-4-2016 at 10:57 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Eva Marie

If this happens, I will find me. I will hunt me.

You will force yourself to watch nothing but either Eva Marie matches or Hillary Clinton speeches?

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 11:39 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Eva Marie

If this happens, I will find me. I will hunt me.

I hope you show yourself no mercy.

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Samoa Joe

Old and Buthted, Daddeh: #FullObtuse #LOLReignsHeelTurn

Nu Hawtness: #FullRetard - Samoa Joe interrupts Reigns "promo" and saunters out to his sweet-ass entrance music and proceeds to suplex the tats right off Roman's carcass.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by janerd75]

OORick - 4-4-2016 at 11:45 PM

So..... just use this as the RAW thread for tonight? I mean, call-ups may be spread out a bit, but the RAW After Mania is, increasingly, a special event in its own right, often notable for debuts and returns.

As it stands, NXT is ripe with tons of as-ready-as-they'll-ever-be talents, and it's just a question of which ones WWE might like, and which ones get the job of keeping NXT a highly profitable touring brand... Corbin, Eva Marie, and Emma all participated at WM, though only Corbin (with his Andre Battle Royale win) is a lock to stay.... Eva Marie still has value as Nia Jax's "handler" and Emma has her own partnership with Dana Brooke, too; in both cases, strong heel acts to oppose Asuka seem like they'd be best served staying in Orlando...

Joe could easily arrive and confuse things even more as we ponder a possible Samoan Heel Stable who would be a great next mountain for the New Day to climb...

Rather than pulling Finn Balor from his spot as NXT Champ, Gallows and Anderson could much more effectively be used as AJ Styles back up, as he grows frustrated over his loss to Jericho last night...

And I agree with the seniment that the NXT tag ranks could easily be culled without hurting the division... in 2015, the Ascension and Dragons arrived pretty close together and just took their existing feud with them; the Vaudevillians and Enzo/Cass could do the same, if WWE can resist their urge to use the goofy lovable Vaudevillians, instead of the menacing heel ones (we need them to be Sheepherders, not Bushwhackers, dammit!)... I'm very ready to have Alexa Bliss on my TV every week, too, so why not Blake and Murphy?

In addition to NXT call-ups, there is also a whole pre-existing roster to consider tonight....

The Rock, Taker, Shane, and Lesnar are all reportedly absent from tonight's proceedings.... so that leaves Ambrose and the Wyatts dangling, and freaking VINCE in charge of any in-ring segments about the future direction of WWE... and I was really hoping all this with Shane/Taker would ultimately lead to less (or zero) Vince on TV...

Reigns accomplished nothing in terms of winning over fans last night, but he still DID win the belt, which means he owes HHH an obligatory rematch before they can make any in-roads on a follow up challenger and potential tweak to his character...

Zack Ryder, IC Champion. Wrap your brain around that one. That said, the way Zack blurted out "if it all ended tommorrow, I'd die a happy man" in his post-match interview sure seems like he's not destined to reign for long.... perhaps just 24 hours as a reward for being such a good company man?

Charlotte and the new Women's belt seem destined to focus on a one-on-one versus Sasha, now.... yes, Becky getting over was never suppossed to happen, but now WWE played out the cord on her for now, and she took the tap out loss, while Flair tackled Sasha, so I think we know how that all lines up...

The one thing I have no idea on is: what next for Kalisto and the US Title? I suppose Ryback could just show up and bully his way into a rematch (one probably seen/noticed by more people than saw one during the first hour of a 7 hour show last night), but if not that, then you pretty much have to look to a Sin Cara heel turn, right?

Should be interesting, with a mix of getting on with the business of another PPV in 4 weeks and all the special stunty things that are now part and parcel of the RAM.... that is all. End communication.

williamssl - 4-5-2016 at 12:22 AM

I would argue that Eva Marie is not back on the main roster but rather remains on NXT and only showed up recently to place herself in that multi tag match yesterday. Same with Emma.

Flash - 4-5-2016 at 12:30 AM

Unless it's full speed ahead on the rumoured brand-split return, I'm guessing we only get a couple of call ups/guests tonight so that they can save the bulk of them for said rumoured split.

Overall, as cool as NXT is, it's probably time to harvest all of that ripe fruit and build up another crop down there... they can still augment the young' ins with other big name part time talent, and not everyone is ripe for a call up, but IF the brand split happens, an NXT mass exodus would not surprise me (not everyone, but probably the bigger names).

Reigns (and Charlotte) did the Today show this morning in New York; and while those new fangled aero-planes can get you across the country quicker than ever it's likely the show has been written to have him close out the show.... So I'm guessing we'll get Cena to open the show, or some other big hook of an opening to get things off to a hot start.

Speaking of Cena, Kalisto is not really likely to be the guy he tries to get his US title back from, and watching last night Bray was still pretty limited in what he did, so I'm not sure that the Wyatt's are on his radar either.... unless... guh.... Stroman versus Cena is their idea.... I'd like to hope not; Banged up Bray's gibberish promo's with a baby faced looking mountain man doing the leg work is a little too Master-Blaster.... So here's hoping that's not a thing.

The L.O.N is still kicking around, and did win last night even if they were eventually sent scurrying by the legends.... Kane and Big Show are typically the new champ's first feud, but we've kind of done that already, so I'm guessing if it's not one guy from the L.O.N ranks who step up, then it will be all of them (Gauntlet match at the next PPV maybe?).

Rollins could be a surprise return... even if he's not %100 we could see him laying the ground work for when he is good to go.

Should be exciting... I could throw ideas out until the cows come home, but really this is maybe the one night of the year when things are most uncertain in the WWE.... so I'll just enjoy the ride.

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 12:31 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
I would argue that Eva Marie is not back on the main roster but rather remains on NXT and only showed up recently to place herself in that multi tag match yesterday. Same with Emma.

Probably a wise thing. EM seemed to be enjoying herself way too much telling the crowd to fuck off by blowing kisses at them. And Emma? Well, she's Emma and the high point of her main roster career will probably be doing some kind of autistic dance and doing the goof routine with Santino. NXT is probably more fun and involved for the back-up cast than getting persistently Fandango'd on the main shows.

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Flash.... unless... guh.... Stroman versus Cena is their idea.... I'd like to hope not; Banged up Bray's gibberish promo's with a baby faced looking mountain man doing the leg work is a little too Master-Blaster.... So here's hoping that's not a thing......

There's the endless thanks of a grateful OO Universe waiting for the brave soul that puts Strong Broman's face into that scene from Thunderdome a la the Orton RKO Vines.

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 12:38 AM

What's the over/under on the Lockbox being completely forgotten or Hornswoggle jumping out of it and clinging to Vince's face like a spider monkey when it's opened?

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 12:44 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Samoa Joe

This is the answer. And it's also the answer to the other burning question: Who is murdering Zack Ryder tonight and winning the Intercontinental Championship?

Originally posted by williamssl
Eva Marie

If this happens, I will find me. I will hunt me.

Yeah, I think she's here to stay.

Let's think of it this way:

Do we, or even WWE, think Eva Marie is capable of becoming a better wrestler? I think that's a pretty resounding no after a full year of intense and focused training.

Is this the most heel heat she will ever see as a pretty cruddy wrestler? Definitely. Main roster might as well benefit from that.

And then attach her to whatever guy you want to make a bigger heel after they get the one or two crappy matches out of her out of their system.

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Probably a wise thing. EM seemed to be enjoying herself way too much telling the crowd to fuck off by blowing kisses at them. And Emma? Well, she's Emma and the high point of her main roster career will probably be doing some kind of autistic dance and doing the goof routine with Santino. NXT is probably more fun and involved for the back-up cast than getting persistently Fandango'd on the main shows.

Gimmicked characters are the one's who do badly in WWE. Emma hasn't been that plucky face in a year. Her heel turn has worked great and she'll fit right in with the Divas Revolution if they need new blood without going the Bayley route (which needs a ton of planning). Emma's just as good in the ring as Paige and is ready to go. Only question is how much they need her to help Dana Brooke along in NXT.

lz4005 - 4-5-2016 at 12:48 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
What's the over/under on the Lockbox being completely forgotten or Hornswoggle jumping out of it and clinging to Vince's face like a spider monkey when it's opened?

Shane's brother Matanza is in the secret box. You'll see.

Flash - 4-5-2016 at 01:04 AM

Lot's of talk about Smackdown and the roster differences on the pre-show tonight, so odds are the brand-split is going to be a thing.

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 01:04 AM

I feel like the announce crew opening up by trying to justify the reactions of the crowd for the night is a bad omen.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 01:06 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
What's the over/under on the Lockbox being completely forgotten or Hornswoggle jumping out of it and clinging to Vince's face like a spider monkey when it's opened?

Over it is!

Or is it under?

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 01:07 AM

I feel like these post-WM Raws are going to become more and more awkward if WWE keeps doing questionable shit at said WMs. It's equal parts entertaining and cringe-inducing.

salmonjunkie - 4-5-2016 at 01:08 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Samoa Joe

This is the answer. And it's also the answer to the other burning question: Who is murdering Zack Ryder tonight and winning the Intercontinental Championship?

I wish that was true, but we both know it's going to be Baron Corbin doing the murdering.

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 01:10 AM

Hahahah. Caught sight of that WALUIGI AMIIBO PLEASE sign again.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 01:10 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
I feel like the announce crew opening up by trying to justify the reactions of the crowd for the night is a bad omen.
That "crowd spin" attempt made me laugh out loud 4realz.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 01:11 AM

As always:

LOL Wins and Losses.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 01:24 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
As always:

LOL Wins and Losses.
Whose WWE Is It Anyway: the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter.

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 01:25 AM

Can't wait until Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles win the tag titles!

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 01:27 AM

Do I dare fall for the "Cole announces the amount of days The New Day are champions so they're definitely going to lose the belts" trick again?

No. Definitely not this time!

except...Sheamus and Barrett were the original tag team...faces chasing the title from a larger stab-NOOOOOOOOOO

lz4005 - 4-5-2016 at 01:28 AM

In case it matters to anyone, Francesca Jr is a soprano trombone. She's an octave above her big sister.

The black and gold trombone last night was made of plastic, and I've been saying Xavier needed to use one like that for months. They're inexpesive and come in lots of colors.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 01:31 AM

Oh goodbye Wade Barrett.

merc - 4-5-2016 at 01:33 AM

So Shane does well tonight and gets control of Smackdown? Brand split accomplished.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 01:34 AM

Wade Wyatt? The dandified English Cousin of the family?

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 01:35 AM

Wyatts face turn????

Yeah, I think I could go for Wyatts-LON just beating the shit out of each other for a month in 3 on 3 matches.

Or no face turn...and Wyatts vs. The New Day? That would be one weird ass dynamic.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Can't wait until Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles win the tag titles!
Does Wayne Brady have to choke a bitch and cause a DQ so we can retain our Freebird-Rules Titles?

[Edited to de-confuse myself about Wade Barrett and Wayne Brady]

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

TonyTH - 4-5-2016 at 01:38 AM

Came to say since the BewDay started acting ridiculous, I've been excited for them on this RAW. That was a lot if fun.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 01:44 AM

Who had Apollo Crews in the Call-Up Pool?

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 01:46 AM

Jeez...they're really bringing up Apollo Crews? The guy is pretty amazing in the ring, but he hasn't even come close to developing a personality/character yet and can't cut anything but a white bread promo. Basically the whole reason for the existence of NXT. He's going to get killed up here unless they have something pretty damn well planned for him (aka, not the Neville plan).

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 01:49 AM

This week on "What's Tyler Breeze Doing": Jobbing to Apollo Crews on Raw!

Eta: Man. Crews is like a 21st century A**** J******. Only better. That was quite a showcase.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 01:52 AM

Hell, I've already started fantasy booking some kind of nWo ripoff story where the WLiiA people form a mega-faction before splintering off where the original group is led by Clive Anderson and the new one is led by Drew Carey. Ironically, when it's all over, the group will consist of Stevie Ray, Scott Norton, Vincent, and the ghost of Brian Adams.

Dirty Rhodes - 4-5-2016 at 01:52 AM

Crews needs the Rocky music for his intro. Would be the shit it WWE could use it....

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 01:56 AM

"Formal Presentation" of the Women's Title? And Sasha has already had her nightly appearance?

Might be have to sound the wacky wavy inflatable tube guy alert.

merc - 4-5-2016 at 01:56 AM

What is he 5'8"?

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 01:57 AM

No Dallas, that's not the onset of an earthquake in the area. It's just Reigns coming up next...

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Hell, I've already started fantasy booking some kind of nWo ripoff story where the WLiiA people form a mega-faction before splintering off where the original group is led by Clive Anderson and the new one is led by Drew Carey. Ironically, when it's all over, the group will consist of Stevie Ray, Scott Norton, Vincent, and the ghost of Brian Adams.

We have an early contender for tonight's prize... all of the prizes, even. The NwWwliiaO B-Team LIVES ON!

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 02:00 AM

There it is: forget all these people booing Roman, everyone loves him for reals.

Dirty Rhodes - 4-5-2016 at 02:00 AM

Come on Heel Turn.... Baby needs new shoes.... HAH!

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Dirty Rhodes]

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 02:03 AM

Oooooh, I get it now: a night we'll never, ever forget. I think we're all fine if Jericho wins the title soon or now.

merc - 4-5-2016 at 02:03 AM

Is Roman gonna pull a Cena US TITLE open challenge run?

bigfatgoalie - 4-5-2016 at 02:03 AM

Save us Y2J!

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 02:04 AM

Jerichyeoman for the "save"?

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 02:06 AM

Do I catch the scent of a multi-man match for the title tonight? HMMMMMMMMM?

~Okay, just give the title to Zayn and let the crowd sing his theme song during the entire match.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Il Palazzo]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 02:07 AM

Is this a set up for Roman Reigns to beat every single favorite wrestler at the same time in one night?

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 02:07 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Is this a set up for Roman Reigns to beat every single favorite wrestler at the same time in one night?
At Whatever PPV is NEXT!!! Available on The Network for 9.99!

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 02:08 AM

One of those guys is not like the others, one of those guys is just not the same...

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 02:08 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Is this a set up for Roman Reigns to beat every single favorite wrestler at the same time in one night?
At Whatever PPV is NEXT!!! Available on The Network for 9.99!

Ha...why wait till the PPV? He's going to need that night free to beat Brock Lesnar.

merc - 4-5-2016 at 02:11 AM

I like what they just did with him.

Good line, not bad guy, not good guy, the guy. Let him play tweener,

He has heel facial expressions...

This might be OK

I wish they'd stop shoving Sammy Zane in my face.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by merc]

Jumbie - 4-5-2016 at 02:13 AM

Why offer what I assume was an open challenge and not accept any takers?

CM Crunk - 4-5-2016 at 02:14 AM

Is anybody else getting a bad case of motion sickness from all the spin they're trying with this "I'm not a good guy, I'm not a bad guy..." BS from Brocktoon? Ugh.

Nearly shat myself when Owens came out. Being surrounded by so many wrestlers who've earned the respect of the crowd has to sting a little. Here's hoping they let him continue with the dickish mannerisms because at least those make it seem like he has a personality and isn't just some big Samoan Golem.

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 02:14 AM

Originally posted by Il Palazzo
~Okay, just give the title to Zayn and let the crowd sing his theme song during the entire match.

No, you're mistaken, friend. Much like the "YES!" chants, the crowd singing along to Zayn's music was situational due to their excitement over Reigns being the champ.

TonyTH - 4-5-2016 at 02:15 AM

He looked like a douchbag the whole segment. And proudly called himself the guy. Those babyfaces, man.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by TonyTH]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 02:17 AM

So we're getting one of Jericho/Zayn/Owens/Styles in the main event of Payback? Excuse me while I enjoy hearing that.

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 02:19 AM

Ziggler's in a new movie! Now it's time to lose a match to celebrate the fact.

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 02:26 AM

And Corbin breaks his first opponent in WWE. Good job big guy!

Jumbie - 4-5-2016 at 02:26 AM

Maggle has called Ziggler 'a veteran' twice.

I know the New Day survived having their title reign days called out, but that can't be a good sign.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 02:27 AM

Baron Corbin looks like he should be the third member of The Ascension. They might as well go Full-Tard on the Demolition-lite gimmick.

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 02:28 AM

He mostly just reminds me of the larger spawn of Bo Dallas and Norman Reedus.

Edit: In other news, he successfully warned us that he'd do his finisher apparently. THE GUY'S A FREAKING PSYCHIC.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Il Palazzo]

Nobledictator1278 - 4-5-2016 at 02:30 AM

Id say the WWE has found its solution to hostile crowds....Drown them out. Its a shame the crowd reactions (when there not being tools) is some of my favorite parts of wrestling.

biggianthead - 4-5-2016 at 02:32 AM

Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Do I catch the scent of a multi-man match for the title tonight? HMMMMMMMMM?

~Okay, just give the title to Zayn and let the crowd sing his theme song during the entire match.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Il Palazzo]

The only thing I would have changed is have Reigns walk away smiling while Owens/Zayn and AJ/Y2J fight. The spear was unnecessary

CM Crunk - 4-5-2016 at 02:35 AM

Originally posted by biggianthead
Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Do I catch the scent of a multi-man match for the title tonight? HMMMMMMMMM?

~Okay, just give the title to Zayn and let the crowd sing his theme song during the entire match.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Il Palazzo]

The only thing I would have changed is have Reigns walk away smiling while Owens/Zayn and AJ/Y2J fight. The spear was unnecessary

What? And miss out on closing the segment with the crowd showering our plucky underdog champ with cheers?

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 02:36 AM

"And it is for the IC title..."

Goodbye Zack Ryder's championship...

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 02:37 AM

In retrospect, I should've realized that Mirror Universe Zack Ryder (a 17-time World Champ in the MirrorWWEVerse) was going to win the IC Belt. He didn't cross-over just to job to people.

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 02:39 AM

To dredge up more WCW, maybe this potential Ryder/Miz feud can culminate in a Papa Ryder on a Pole Match.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 02:40 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
"And it is for the IC title..."

Goodbye Zack Ryder's championship...

The words, "Thank goodness it's the Miz." just came out of someone's mouth for the first time ever...

I'm witness to myself.

CM Crunk - 4-5-2016 at 02:45 AM

Originally posted by Il Palazzo
To dredge up more WCW, maybe this potential Ryder/Miz feud can culminate in a Papa Ryder on a Pole Match.

I won't be happy until it's a Ryder and his Dad vs. Miz and hiz.

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 02:48 AM

And then in a SHOCKING SWERVE, Miz's dad abandons him near the end of the match when he finally gets his stapler back.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 02:50 AM

Originally posted by Il Palazzo
And then in a SHOCKING SWERVE, Miz's dad abandons him near the end of the match when he finally gets his stapler back.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 02:52 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
"And it is for the IC title..."

Goodbye Zack Ryder's championship...

The words, "Thank goodness it's the Miz." just came out of someone's mouth for the first time ever...

I'm witness to myself.



Nobledictator1278 - 4-5-2016 at 02:53 AM

I actually thought that Zack was going to get a title defense.....

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 02:53 AM

So.... Does this mean Mrs. Miz is 'back'? I'm not sure how I feel about that, if so.

bigfatgoalie - 4-5-2016 at 02:54 AM

Beating Ryder for the IC title? Meh.

Getting to fuck Maryse? Fuck you Miz!

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 02:55 AM

Well...if this was all to bring back Maryse...

I can live with that.

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 02:55 AM


That was fairly unexpected! Also, this oddly ties in with Miz's appearances on Xavier Woods' YouTube show where he lost a challenge to Woods and had to give up his wall-mounted IC belt. I have no idea if this will ever intersect with that, but it's still pretty funny.

Edit: I want that Flo Rida song to die in a fire. Please.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Il Palazzo]

sam795 - 4-5-2016 at 02:58 AM

Miz & Maryse...

Ryder is apparently banging Emma...

Could be a fun feud.....

biggianthead - 4-5-2016 at 02:59 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Originally posted by biggianthead
Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Do I catch the scent of a multi-man match for the title tonight? HMMMMMMMMM?

~Okay, just give the title to Zayn and let the crowd sing his theme song during the entire match.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Il Palazzo]

The only thing I would have changed is have Reigns walk away smiling while Owens/Zayn and AJ/Y2J fight. The spear was unnecessary

What? And miss out on closing the segment with the crowd showering our plucky underdog champ with cheers?

I kinda liked the "I'm not a bad guy, good guy, I'm just *the* guy" line. Best way to soldify that is to walk away while the others were fighting over a chance to fight him

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 03:01 AM

Vaudevillains to debut on Smackdown. Hokay.

merc - 4-5-2016 at 03:04 AM

Originally posted by biggianthead
Originally posted by CM Crunk
Originally posted by biggianthead
Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Do I catch the scent of a multi-man match for the title tonight? HMMMMMMMMM?

~Okay, just give the title to Zayn and let the crowd sing his theme song during the entire match.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Il Palazzo]

The only thing I would have changed is have Reigns walk away smiling while Owens/Zayn and AJ/Y2J fight. The spear was unnecessary

What? And miss out on closing the segment with the crowd showering our plucky underdog champ with cheers?

I kinda liked the "I'm not a bad guy, good guy, I'm just *the* guy" line. Best way to soldify that is to walk away while the others were fighting over a chance to fight him

You assume WWE writer have the ability for continuity. They do not.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by merc]

sam795 - 4-5-2016 at 03:04 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Vaudevillains to debut on Smackdown. Hokay.

I'm afraid The Vaudevillains are destined to be the new Lucha Dragons.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 03:05 AM

This... is awkward.

Heel champ tries to thank everybody while the crowd goes rogue and sings the Bayley Song.

And have her Thank Her Daddy for winning the Women's Championship.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
This... is awkward.

Heel champ tries to thank everybody while the crowd goes rogue and sings the Bayley Song.

Well...she is a heel.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 03:09 AM

Oh, I get that. Which is why they could've put the belt on a FACE last night, and then this would've worked better.

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 03:09 AM

Originally posted by sam795
Originally posted by janerd75
Vaudevillains to debut on Smackdown. Hokay.

I'm afraid The Vaudevillains are destined to be the new Lucha Dragons.

I will take my old tyme antics where I can get them.

Good on Charlotte for holding it down against a rebellious crowd. Kinda nice to see a champ do that.

If Bret comes out, I poop them.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by janerd75]

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 03:10 AM

I don't think a Bullet Club is happening tonight.

sam795 - 4-5-2016 at 03:10 AM

Welll...that segment was odd.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:11 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Oh, I get that. Which is why they could've put the belt on a FACE last night, and then this would've worked better.

Oblivious heel looking to be showered in praise not being showered in praise? Needs a heel.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

TonyTH - 4-5-2016 at 03:16 AM

So I think if AJ or Sami win tonight, Romans turning heel. If Owens or Jericho wins? Status quo. I honestly feel good about AJ's chances. He's said to be very over on the live events, and is already seen on the level by managememt.

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 03:17 AM

Well, guess Los Matadores are done. Now they're wrestling... tour guides? Public relations guys? Anyway, I look forward to the further antics of Puerto & Rico!

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Well, guess Los Matadores are done. Now they're wrestling... tour guides? Public relations guys? Anyway, I look forward to the further antics of Puerto & Rico!

Tag team division really getting deep finally...can't remember the last time we had this many teams at once:

New Day
League of Nations
Social Outcasts
Primo & Epico
Truth and Goldust
and eventually Enzo and Cass

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

GodEatGod - 4-5-2016 at 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Well, guess Los Matadores are done. Now they're wrestling... tour guides? Public relations guys? Anyway, I look forward to the further antics of Puerto & Rico!

As long as they're not bullfighters anymore. God, I hated that gimmick.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 03:24 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48

Oblivious heel looking to be showered in praise not being showered in praise? Needs a heel.

No no, I understand that. I was just confused by the start, when she was seemingly not-heelish. Like, I think they expected us to believe her thanks-to-the-crowd, but the crowd just expected Bayley to show up to beat on the heel-bitch. It was awkward. If they really wanted to do the "Hey, it took a lot of women to get to this point, and we did it with your support! Thanks!" thing sincerely, Becky/Sasha could've done it without getting BayleyBombed. I'm okay with how things turned out overall, but they could've had Lita do the "historical recognition & appreciation" thing, mabey?

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Well, guess Los Matadores are done. Now they're wrestling... tour guides? Public relations guys? Anyway, I look forward to the further antics of Puerto & Rico!

As long as they're not bullfighters anymore. God, I hated that gimmick.
Primo & Repico Puerto Rican Productive Relaxation.

That segment made me think Carlito Carribean Cool was returning.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
No no, I understand that. I was just confused by the start, when she was seemingly not-heelish. Like, I think they expected us to believe her thanks-to-the-crowd, but the crowd just expected Bayley to show up to beat on the heel-bitch. It was awkward. If they really wanted to do the "Hey, it took a lot of women to get to this point, and we did it with your support! Thanks!" thing sincerely, Becky/Sasha could've done it without getting BayleyBombed. I'm okay with how things turned out overall, but they could've had Lita do the "historical recognition & appreciation" thing, mabey?

Let's just blame Lita and call it a day.


Holy shit. Did Lillian and crew screw up again?

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

GodEatGod - 4-5-2016 at 03:31 AM

Woops, there goes Sami. Surprise fourth entrant from Shane?

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 03:31 AM

I'm starting to notice that the referees aren't very efficient at breaking up backstage scuffles.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 03:31 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48]

Let's just blame Lita and call it a day.
As much of a Lita-mark as I am, I can accept that. She's not as much fun without her undawears hanging out of her pants.

Also, your Tag Team list is missing Loo o Cha o/ Dragonity, but is otherwise a very good list.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

CM Crunk - 4-5-2016 at 03:34 AM

Can't tell whether I should tip my hat or rip my hair out over Cole saying the crowd was chanting for tables when they were doing the American Alpha medley.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:34 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Woops, there goes Sami. Surprise fourth entrant from Shane?

"We're going to need a replacement...but who???"

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 03:35 AM

Uh. That was the first time I actually paid any attention to the Countdown commercial tonight. So it actually has WWE people in it as themselves? I now feel an urge to see this thing just to see how weird that goes.

So many tag teams now! So very many.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Il Palazzo]

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 03:36 AM

What's Shinsookie Nakamooshi doing in the War Zone, MAGGLE?!?!?!

EYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! How YOU doooinnnnnn???


Holy crap. These guys are New New Age Guidoutlaws. I love it. I liked them at Roadblock, and I like them even more. "I'll put that lazy eye back to work." "Fall back like your hairline." Dear God. He's a Jersey Shore Rock And the big guy? He's a Cassman.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

CM Crunk - 4-5-2016 at 03:38 AM

JUST as I was about to say that this night has been a tad bot lackluster.


Dirty Rhodes - 4-5-2016 at 03:39 AM

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:40 AM


Wow, that went about as well as their debut could ever go. Glad they waited until this Raw. Crowd was all over it.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 03:40 AM

Enzo and Big Cass are not disappointing. I'm trying to figure out how it took them this long to bring them up.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:43 AM

We got the mystery face in the promo.

Balor or Joe time?

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 03:43 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
Enzo and Big Cass are not disappointing. I'm trying to figure out how it took them this long to bring them up.

CM Crunk - 4-5-2016 at 03:43 AM

GODDAMN am I happy for Enzo & Cass. Dynamite debut. I wish I could say the same for The Vaudevillains impending debut on Smackdown. Who was the last NXT debut on Thursday? Tyler Breeze? Shit.

bigfatgoalie - 4-5-2016 at 03:45 AM

Poor Carmella. Like really...do they think she's getting to the Charlotte/Becky/Sasha/Bayley level? No. She worked well with Enzo and Cass. On her own? Meh.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:45 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
GODDAMN am I happy for Enzo & Cass. Dynamite debut. I wish I could say the same for The Vaudevillains impending debut on Smackdown. Who was the last NXT debut on Thursday? Tyler Breeze? Shit.

Fitting since they're about to get Tyler Breezed on the main roster.

merc - 4-5-2016 at 03:45 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48

Wow, that went about as well as their debut could ever go. Glad they waited until this Raw. Crowd was all over it.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

I'm not an NXT guy, seems like about 47% of the crowd is with me. That debut might have us checking it out. That was gold.

Jumbie - 4-5-2016 at 03:46 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
Enzo and Big Cass are not disappointing. I'm trying to figure out how it took them this long to bring them up.

I'm gonna guess because they needed time to get to the level we're seeing.

*note I never watch NXT so I don't actually know if they were this good long ago...

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 03:46 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
We got the mystery face in the promo.

Balor or Joe time?

I would hope so but WWE has debuted/returned quite a few people tonight. Just so long as it isn't Randy Orton or John Cena, I think they can call this night a win.

Nobledictator1278 - 4-5-2016 at 03:48 AM

This smells like a bullet club debut

sam795 - 4-5-2016 at 03:48 AM

Here comes Cena.

CM Crunk - 4-5-2016 at 03:49 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by nOOb
Enzo and Big Cass are not disappointing. I'm trying to figure out how it took them this long to bring them up.


Y'know, I think my favorite thing about that gif (as if there's really anything to like about it) is it looks like footage that be used in a campaign ad against Dunn.

"Kevin Dunn HATES all of your favorite wrestlers."

"Kevin Dunn had the ear of Vince McMahon."

"Kevin Dunn constantly zooms in and out like someone just said Pee Wee's secret word whenever anything impactful happens onscreen."

"Is this the face of the man YOU want directing your wrestling sports entertainment?"

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:49 AM

Originally posted by Jumbie
I'm gonna guess because they needed time to get to the level we're seeing.

*note I never watch NXT so I don't actually know if they were this good long ago...

I don't think they really started with their tag title matches until the fall with The Revival...so it made sense to play that out a bit and build The Revival...and this is the perfect type of Raw to debut a team that is all about crowd participation. There wasn't exactly a rush...and Enzo has actually improved in the ring a ton in the last 6 months or so, so it's been worth it.


[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 03:50 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
I would hope so but WWE has debuted/returned quite a few people tonight. Just so long as it isn't Randy Orton or John Cena, I think they can call this night a win.
Is this (the return of Cesaro) a win, or a push?

I have nothing against the guy, to be perfectly honest. I just hope they book him "properly" this time.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 03:51 AM

Fuckest of yeses!

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 03:52 AM

I would consider a main event of Cesaro/AJ/Jericho/Owens a big win. It makes you forget that the winner will be considered the heel against Reigns.

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 03:53 AM

I guess Orton will be back next week because apparently all their fucking injury reports are complete bullshit.

Nobledictator1278 - 4-5-2016 at 03:54 AM

Cesaro is the only logical winner her I think..... AJ vs Jericho is a thing and Zayn vs Owens is a thing. I think Cesaro is the first to go down to the Roman Empire.

TonyTH - 4-5-2016 at 03:56 AM

I was partly thinking Rollins. We've at least heard he's been getting back in the ring at full sail.

Cesaro looks like he hasn't missed a step.

merc - 4-5-2016 at 03:56 AM

Here's where Cole & tools need to tell the "fresh" Cesaro against 3 ladder match participants. Sell the fuckin match. Then when Cesaro PINS Jericho, KO & AJ have some protection.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Cesaro is the only logical winner her I think..... AJ vs Jericho is a thing and Zayn vs Owens is a thing. I think Cesaro is the first to go down to the Roman Empire.

I know there's a constant negativity for everyone with Roman Reigns...but um...Fucking Cesaro is going to get a chance to finally main event a PPV in that case! That's freaking awesome.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Cesaro is the only logical winner her I think..... AJ vs Jericho is a thing and Zayn vs Owens is a thing. I think Cesaro is the first to go down to the Roman Empire.

Garshdangit can't we just savor the pepperoni for a minute before someone dumps ham and pineapple all over him?

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 03:59 AM


Nobledictator1278 - 4-5-2016 at 03:59 AM

I actually like how the presented Roman tonight...."not a good guy, not a bad guy, I am the guy" that's a nice spin on it all if they must do it.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 04:00 AM

Since this is a Very Special Raw, I think I'm going outside the box for this. Tonight's Unicorn Horn will be replaced by guidos, and goes to Enzo & Cass for that Red-Bull-fueled-mile-a-minute-mouthing-off superspectacular debut.

Gentlemen, I present:

Since Enzo & Cass probably won't ever read this, the award will be accepted on their behalf by Janerd.

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 04:01 AM

Did JBL just call Cesaro Sbarro? #peppynipz

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 04:03 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Did JBL just call Cesaro Sbarro? #peppynipz

That new WWE Shop shirt is going to be the tits.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 04:08 AM

Hot take: I don't think AJ Styles' loss last night mattered as much as we all thought.

[Reigns heel turn...enabled?]

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

Nobledictator1278 - 4-5-2016 at 04:10 AM

That was a fun little match

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 04:10 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Hot take: I don't think AJ Styles' loss last night mattered as much as we all thought.
You're channelling Skip Bayless?

I didn't see that ending coming, really. Well-played WWShanE!

Il Palazzo - 4-5-2016 at 04:11 AM

Probably one of the best behaved post-WM Raw crowds in a while. Mostly. Of course, WWE generally decided to provide good things tonight, so that helped a lot.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-5-2016 at 04:14 AM

Kinda strange post-WM Raw just because it didn't seem anywhere near as hectic as past one's did, but it delivered a ton of good, so I have no problem with that.

AJ Styles is about to main event a WWE PPV. I don't even know how we got here.

[Dixie Carter prepares the 17-page memo on how they definitely tried to retain AJ Styles]

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 04:18 AM

Outside of the Smirk King Of Stamford, all and all a great show. Nice to see Hulk Statham hit the ground running in a losing effort. I am...intrigued...by the inevitable Promo Showdown betwixt A.J. and The Guy.

GodEatGod - 4-5-2016 at 04:21 AM

A combination of a pretty good show mingled with probably sheer exhaustion. I'm sure there are plenty who did NXT, WM -and- RAW (and maybe the Evolve show or HoF Saturday night). That's a LOT of wrestling. That said, they were mostly pretty good.

I really can't believe AJ Styles is the number one contender to the WWE title. Do I think he's going to win? God no. I even think it's quite possible Vince adds somebody to the match next week since Shane 'messed it up'.

I have to admit, as someone who's never gotten the big deal with Ryder, I LOLed pretty hard at him losing to the Miz. That was some fairly deliberate trolling. Maryse, of course, is greater than both of them combined.

vonLampertheim - 4-5-2016 at 04:22 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
Enzo and Big Cass are not disappointing. I'm trying to figure out how it took them this long to bring them up.

Their schtick has been solid for a while now but their in-ring work needs to tighten up, plus they need a new finisher. Cass was green as goose shit and needed time to own being a Big Man in the WWE. Also, Enzo still as a little ways to go before he becomes the Jersey Shore Ricky Morton that he's destined to be.

[Edited on 5-4-16 by vonLampertheim]

gobbledygooker - 4-5-2016 at 04:32 AM

I rarely post these days due to lack of giving a shit about anything WWE gives us but damn that main event was awesome. Now here's hoping they actually make this AJ/Roman thing into SOMETHING as opposed to the entirely possible "I respect you." "Oh really, I respect you too!" face (supposedly in Roman's case) vs. face bullshit that will likely leave both guys buried in an avalanche of boo's.

ShawnL - 4-5-2016 at 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Can't wait until Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles win the tag titles!

Our next game is... "Booking from a Hat"

Ortonmustdie - 4-5-2016 at 04:47 AM

Originally posted by ShawnL
Originally posted by Il Palazzo
Can't wait until Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles win the tag titles!

Our next game is... "Booking from a Hat"

Isn't that kind of what they'd been doing anyway?

shashwat mishra - 4-5-2016 at 04:52 AM

A mix of surprises and non surprises:

1) Really happy that AJ Styles won in THAT mainevent!
2) Cesaro!
3) They decided to call the crowd insane instead of accepting the reality of Reigns?
4) We have a new IC Champ immediately?!?
5) One McMahon goes for another McMahon to stay on TV ?!?

Roman Reigns gets to beat AJ Styles for how many PPVs? Unless Styles turns heel with the debuting Balor club. Or Reigns turns heel. Cannot really think of anything anymore.
So I will keep fantasy booking in my mind and checking RAW out on message boards.

punkerhardcore - 4-5-2016 at 04:58 AM

Originally posted by shashwat mishra

Roman Reigns gets to beat AJ Styles for how many PPVs? Unless Styles turns heel with the debuting Balor club.

Styles bringing in the Bullet Club to beat Reigns' ass would only make people cheer for them even more.

vonLampertheim - 4-5-2016 at 05:02 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Originally posted by shashwat mishra

Roman Reigns gets to beat AJ Styles for how many PPVs? Unless Styles turns heel with the debuting Balor club.

Styles bringing in the Bullet Club to beat Reigns' ass would only make people cheer for them even more.

AJ bringing the Bullet Boys thus forcing Reigns to bring a reunited Shield solves many, many problems.

[Edited on 5-4-16 by vonLampertheim]

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 05:23 AM

Originally posted by shashwat mishra
3) They decided to call the crowd insane instead of accepting the reality of Reigns?

My favorite was (I think it was him) Byron saying, "Yes, this is indeed awesome!" following the crowd chants during the four-way. Yes, I know there's probably a couple of grapefruits resting on his shoulder and a furry rodent gnawing on his ear, buuuuuuuuut FFS when compared to all the "These aren't the boos you're looking for" cognitive dissonouncing shit they pulled during Reigns exceedingly brief post-WM WWE World Heavyweight Champion winning "promo" was frustrating to say the least. Precisely none of those guys in the four-way, even Heels That Know How To Heel in Jericho and Owens, would or will get booed against Reigns.

I'll say it for the umpteenth time, I like Reigns but I do not get why they're fucking with him the way they are. They cannot have their cake and Edith too by trying to force a hybrid Austin/Cena gimmick on a guy with almost none of the gravitas and talent those two guys had/have. Edith's gonna end up a single mother getting herpies in a parking lot and Roman's gonna be the cakefarts of the WWE if they're not careful.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 4-5-2016 at 06:13 AM

That was quite a bit to digest tonight. They threw everything at us but the kitchen sink. I'm not convinced that Apollo Crews has been brought up permanantly. It felt like a test run to see what reaction the crowd would give him. Solid debut for him nonetheless.

I'm not too familiar with Baron Corbin's work, but there seems to be people on both sides of the fence as it pertains to his potential of becoming a star. Jury is still out for me, but you can teach wrestlers a lot of things, but size is not one of them. That's one big dude!

Enzo and Big Cass....what else is there to say, those guys hit it out of the park. Tremendous debut! Enzo can verbally eviscerate anyone on the current WWE roster.

Welcome back Cesaro! Superb ME and AJ coming out the winner leaves me very happy. The fact that he will be main eventing an upcoming PPV is a huge feather in his cap.

Finally there was JBL who almost single handedly brought this show to its knees. How annoyingly bad was that mother fucker tonight?

salmonjunkie - 4-5-2016 at 06:24 AM

Originally posted by vonLampertheim
Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Originally posted by shashwat mishra

Roman Reigns gets to beat AJ Styles for how many PPVs? Unless Styles turns heel with the debuting Balor club.

Styles bringing in the Bullet Club to beat Reigns' ass would only make people cheer for them even more.

AJ bringing the Bullet Boys thus forcing Reigns to bring a reunited Shield solves many, many problems.

[Edited on 5-4-16 by vonLampertheim]

The Bullet Boys? Holy butt rock, Batman!

Slade - 4-5-2016 at 07:04 AM

Was the crowd audible on the telecast during the Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler match? I'm curious to know if it sounded like the arena was dead because it definitely was not. Some fans started tossing beach balls around and the place went mental, culminating in a "Let's go beach balls / Beach balls suck" chant. The beach balls had serious John Cena heat.

Roman Reigns kept it short, simple and to the point and it was great. Having attended the last two shows, I'm convinced that WWE has been smart to stick to their guns with him. There are plenty of fans who like him, others that don't feel strongly one way or another - I've heard more than a few fans scream "I don't care!" when "Let's go Roman / Roman sucks" chants broke out in the arenas or around town. All of the vitriol for him mostly just comes out when the cameras are on. It's like the die hard NXT fanboys save up all of their lung capacity to try to drown everyone else out whenever Roman appears on screen and they do a good job of it, but at the end of the day, plenty of people could be found cheering for Roman Reigns and laughing at everyone else because Roman is the champion despite all of their efforts to stop him from succeeding.

denverpunk - 4-5-2016 at 07:13 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie

The Bullet Boys? Holy butt rock, Batman!

Dammit, you beat me to it. Brilliant hair metal minds think alike.

Dominator - 4-5-2016 at 07:34 AM

* OK, Raw... time for some turd polishing.
* Really? �JBL? �Boo guys they normally cheer? �Covering for that already? �Like it's a special night for Roman to get booed.
* And here's Shane. �Good Lord, that doesn't all look like makeup... he looks like hell.
* This makes no fucking sense. �Vince gets what he wants, and then gives away the stipulation that was anathema to him 24 hours ago? �Did they even have a pre-show meeting or are they all hung over from last night?
* The Booty Of Life? �Awesome.
* So much for King Barrett in the League, and the Wyatts take care of the carcasses to the delight of the crowd.
* Summer Rae over-actor-y calling out Sasha. �She's better than that.
* OK, Apollo, you better bring it.
* I thought you needed to bring a snake to the ring if you were from Stone Mountain, Georgia?
* Not bad, Apollo. �Solid debut.
* JBL, you're fucking insulting our intelligence. �Fuck you, Vince, and your voice in JBL's headset. Except for one night in Philly, Roman Reigns has been getting booed for the better part of a-year-and-a-half.
* That was a useless segment. �And Reigns did nothing to further endear or repulse anyone with his character.
* If you're going to bill yourself as being from KC, the ring announcer has to do it like the Chiefs play-by-play radio guy... "KAN-ZUH-SIT-EE!!"
* Wow. �Baron Corbin already getting ad breaks.
* Is that a Let's Go People/People Suck chant? �Is this crowd drunk?
* Baron with a fine promo and a wicked match. �Better debut than Apollo.
* Damn, Zach's dad is yoked.
* I guess Lilian jumped the gun, didn't she? �But what the hell was she and a referee doing in the ring to begin with? �I swear, I think there was a drunk production meeting today.
* That was a sweet neckbreaker counter off the suplex by Ryder.
* That was a great way to generate heat. �Looks like Zack is getting a full-blown feud.
* Fans tried to hijack women's segment in a good way. �Charlotte did a pretty good job rolling with the punches. �Girls were genuinely touched.
* Why would the Dudleys agree to this match? �Why wouldn't they just forfeit? �The hell is going on tonight?
* Y'know, the Dudleys could save face by using an announce table.
* Dudleys telling people how to do a tables match. �The whole production team is on crack.
* Kevin Owens is mean.
* Enzo giving it to The Dudleys!
* Dr. Phil unites with Dr. Shelby next week! Make it happen, Monkeys!
* Who's the big surprise return to replace Zayn? �Lesnar? �Ambrose? �Cena?
* Even better! �Cesaro!
* OK, that was cool. �James Bond to James Garvin.
* Man, Owens is so good. �Gets whipped violently into the barricade by Cesaro and screams "OW!!!!!!" �Hysterical.
* I think we need to get Cesaro a name for that. �I'm going with the Hypercut.
* Whoa! �Styles gets the shot. �As someone who hates Orton as much as I do, might Reigns/Styles be a matchup of two guys who WWE has the least combined confidence in their mic skills?

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 07:41 AM

Happy Early Orton-Free Anniversary, Dom!

vonLampertheim - 4-5-2016 at 07:46 AM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Originally posted by salmonjunkie

The Bullet Boys? Holy butt rock, Batman!

Dammit, you beat me to it. Brilliant hair metal minds think alike.

It wasn't an accidental reference.

Too bad the bbcode won't do ASCII devil's horns, so I'll have to go with the real thing:

[Edited on 5-4-16 by vonLampertheim]

Nobledictator1278 - 4-5-2016 at 07:50 AM

That dude in the pic above me ....is creepy as hell....

scutter - 4-5-2016 at 08:06 AM

So.... zack ryder loses the ic title. What a shocking turn of events. This is why the title is meaningless these days. Playing hot potato with the belt doesn't help anybody feel important.

CM Crunk - 4-5-2016 at 08:15 AM

I'm definitely going to have to rewatch the show tomorrow. I'm guessing it has a lot to do with my adrenal glands being completely and utterly milked dry by this entire weekends worth of events starting with Takeover: Dallas and ending with The Walking Dead season finale; But I just wasn't able to fully embrace the show the way I feel like it probably deserved to be. My expectations may have been a little high for whatever reason, but I think the best thing I can say is that I wasn't let down. I'm just SPENT.

-Once again I have to reiterate how happy I am for Enzo & Cass and conversely how concerned I am for Gotch & English getting "The Tyler Breeze Smackdown Debut Kiss Of Death."

-SUPER bummed that Bayley didn't debut tonight, but I will take consolation in the fact that that means she still has unfinished business in NXT, and hopefully that's a rematch against Asuka.

-Speaking of which, I know I'm supposed to be more elated that Natty is going to be taking on Charlotte but... I don't know. Natty's never "clicked" with me the same way she has with others around here, and that's no slight against her but rather just an intangible that I can't quite put my finger on. I suppose in lieu of a Bayley (which the more I think about I'm glad they didn't pull the trigger on) or Becky or Sasha getting a rematch this is the best option. Natty's a solid enough hand to put on yet another great match against Charlotte and prolong the build to Sasha winning the Women's Title at what, Summerslam? I just hope this doesn't devolve into some stupid Flair/Hart family feud and they don't wheel Bret out for an awkward non-physical confrontation with Naitch.

-Has there ever been a faction that Barrett's been a part of that he HASN'T been jumped out of? Sad to see ol' Bad News go, especially with all of the potential the guy had at one time. Has there been any word on that second guy Meltzer or Alverez said gave their notice? Because I'm starting to feel like it might be Sheamus. Dude seemed legitimately over it on the mic tonight.

-Just give me more Sami Zayn and more Kevin Owens. Also put me down for a preorder on the inevitable "KO Mania II" t-shirt.

-Ecstatic to see Cesaro back. It's a shame his music is so blehhh because I seriously took a few milliseconds to recognize it as the Big Poppa Pump alarm clouded my head in confusion. It's been said already plenty of times but it bears repeating: killen hasn't missed a step!

-Oh and you Skid for making me irrationally raise my expectations with the notion of Nakamura being trotted out as Sami's replacement.

-Still stunned at the thought of AJ headlining a PPV against Brocktoon. Maybe Shane's staying around a little longer to shake things up? Maybe? No? I'll show myself the door.

GodEatGod - 4-5-2016 at 08:29 AM

I'm very okay with them holding back some people. Bayley is so important to get right - I know Sasha's the golden child, but Bayley's special. And she probably should come in tentatively and job for a bit, too, to build sympathy and get her over much the way they did in NXT. She's got the charisma, the crowd will be there, there's no need to rush her.

Nakamura is maybe the best thing they have right now - okay, he's definitely the best thing they have right now. Again, that means getting it right. I want him on the main roster and I want him to be champion, like, right now. But they need to get it right. Hotshotting him into a championship match that he's likely to lose probably isn't the best thing for him. Plus there are still lots of NXT people I want to see him wrestle first.

I'm in for tweener Reigns, though, and it seems like WWE is, too. Let the kids cheer him and book him against our faves and that part of the crowd will boo him. I liked the heelish mannerisms, especially the dismissive brush-off gesture towards Sami - which, to be fair, from a kayfabe perspective, Sami hasn't done anything on the main roster even faintly deserving of a world title shot. Which doesn't mean it didn't make Reigns look like a dick for dismissing him. I don't have a problem with him being cocky as long as he's actually cocky and not just the fake cocky that he sometimes pulls when he tries too hard.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 08:36 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
-Has there ever been a faction that Barrett's been a part of that he HASN'T been jumped out of? Sad to see ol' Bad News go, especially with all of the potential the guy had at one time. Has there been any word on that second guy Meltzer or Alverez said gave their notice? Because I'm starting to feel like it might be Sheamus. Dude seemed legitimately over it on the mic tonight.
Take a peek at the Reddit AMA that Janners posted in Rumor Crap. IF it is to be completely believed, the "other notice" was Brie-Mode. She's going to do the thing with the Daniel for the forseeable future, it would seem, with no contractual obligations to distract her.


[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 08:50 AM

Originally posted by vonLampertheim
Too bad the bbcode won't do ASCII devil's horns, so I'll have to go with the real thing:

merc - 4-5-2016 at 01:09 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
I'm in for tweener Reigns, though, and it seems like WWE is, too. Let the kids cheer him and book him against our faves and that part of the crowd will boo him. I liked the heelish mannerisms, especially the dismissive brush-off gesture towards Sami - which, to be fair, from a kayfabe perspective, Sami hasn't done anything on the main roster even faintly deserving of a world title shot. Which doesn't mean it didn't make Reigns look like a dick for dismissing him. I don't have a problem with him being cocky as long as he's actually cocky and not just the fake cocky that he sometimes pulls when he tries too hard.

And this is why GEG is one of the premier posters these boards have. If I knew how to post an appropriate size pic or gif award; you sir get it.


Columbo - 4-5-2016 at 02:45 PM

My favorite part about Raw last night (other than Cesaro) was the announce team telling us the audience is a bunch of cretins who are gonna cheer/boo the wrong people. My second favorite part of Raw tonight was the audience who cheered the "faces" and boo'd the "heels" all night with only one pretty big exception...

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 03:19 PM

That was one of the better RAM (it's public domain now) crowds. They didn't put themselves over the show, they participated in about everything, and added value to the things that needed it added. Definitely better than last year's craptastic crowd.

The Hitcher - 4-5-2016 at 03:33 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
I'm in for tweener Reigns, though, and it seems like WWE is, too. Let the kids cheer him and book him against our faves and that part of the crowd will boo him. I liked the heelish mannerisms, especially the dismissive brush-off gesture towards Sami - which, to be fair, from a kayfabe perspective, Sami hasn't done anything on the main roster even faintly deserving of a world title shot. Which doesn't mean it didn't make Reigns look like a dick for dismissing him. I don't have a problem with him being cocky as long as he's actually cocky and not just the fake cocky that he sometimes pulls when he tries too hard.

Very much this, Cena was much better when he just embraced being the smark anti-christ and "wink wink nudge nudged" everyone, hopefully some heelish behaviour will stop Roman being quite so much of a stiff on the mic.

On general RAW bidniss:

The Shane/Vince thing I'm just content to let the stupidity ride as long as the conclusion is something worthwhile like a brand split because, honestly, there's too much talent bustling around at the moment not to do it for a while. I'd much prefer they'd actually just rehab the secondary belts properly but see also: Ryder Zach.

Enzo and Cass won't miss a beat transitioning over, they've been one of the most main roster friendly NXT propositions for a long time, kinda odd no Carmella though, maybe that's a shoe that'll fall at a later date.

My man Corbin, run with the ball you big, adequate lug. I think he's a lot more permanent than Crews is going to be at the moment but if they can get Apollo comfortable with some sort of hook beyond "smiley vanilla cut guy" he should be fine if he's staying.

I've said it a few times recently but damn is finding time for all the excess talent in the NXT/WWE Women's division a pleasant headache.

williamssl - 4-5-2016 at 04:44 PM

I was re-watching Mania last night and during the Reigns/HHH match, JBL fed us the "not a good guy, not a bad guy, just wants to be THE guy" line.

I guess they're sticking with it.

royberto - 4-5-2016 at 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Dominator
* This makes no fucking sense. �Vince gets what he wants, and then gives away the stipulation that was anathema to him 24 hours ago? �Did they even have a pre-show meeting or are they all hung over from last night?
IT makes perfect sense if you actually listened to the promo. Vince's ego caused him to think Shane was upstaging him. Therefore, it made him irrational and he made a decision in the heat of the moment like he has a track record of on-screen wise.

Originally posted by williamssl
I was re-watching Mania last night and during the Reigns/HHH match, JBL fed us the "not a good guy, not a bad guy, just wants to be THE guy" line.

I guess they're sticking with it.
The way Roman said it was perfect. Smug, arrogant, and cocky is the way to go. The commentary just needs to reflect that instead of trying to make him a face.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by royberto]

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 05:40 PM

Originally posted by The Hitcher
My man Corbin, run with the ball you big, adequate lug. I think he's a lot more permanent than Crews is going to be at the moment but if they can get Apollo comfortable with some sort of hook beyond "smiley chocolate cut guy" he should be fine if he's staying.


royberto - 4-5-2016 at 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by CM Crunk
-Has there ever been a faction that Barrett's been a part of that he HASN'T been jumped out of? Sad to see ol' Bad News go, especially with all of the potential the guy had at one time. Has there been any word on that second guy Meltzer or Alverez said gave their notice? Because I'm starting to feel like it might be Sheamus. Dude seemed legitimately over it on the mic tonight.
Take a peek at the Reddit AMA that Janners posted in Rumor Crap. IF it is to be completely believed, the "other notice" was Brie-Mode. She's going to do the thing with the Daniel for the forseeable future, it would seem, with no contractual obligations to distract her.


[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]
It should be believed. Brie flat out stated on instagram Wrestlemania was her last night:


Of course, everything they did at Wrestlemania from the girls hoisting Bre on their shoulders and Nikki coming out to congratulate her was a dead giveaway.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by royberto]

denverpunk - 4-5-2016 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
-Has there ever been a faction that Barrett's been a part of that he HASN'T been jumped out of? Sad to see ol' Bad News go, especially with all of the potential the guy had at one time. Has there been any word on that second guy Meltzer or Alverez said gave their notice? Because I'm starting to feel like it might be Sheamus. Dude seemed legitimately over it on the mic tonight.

I wondered if it was Sheamus, too. I kind of waver on how happy he might be. On one hand, he's a multi time champ and is always prominently showcased. On the other hand, the LON has been a bust and he's pretty much peaked. It depends on whether he's cool with not being the guy.

G. Jonah Jameson - 4-5-2016 at 11:54 PM

I hate to potentially rain on everyone's parade, but was it ever outright stated that the title shot AJ Styles won was for Payback? Because everything on wwe.com just makes vague "No. 1 contender" statements with no dates attached to them. I'd say there's at least a halfway chance Styles gets the title shot on RAW, and it ends in a DQ when Triple H shows up and demands his rematch.

The Hitcher - 4-6-2016 at 12:10 AM

Originally posted by janerd75

You know what I meant you silly person.

CM Crunk - 4-6-2016 at 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by CM Crunk
-Has there ever been a faction that Barrett's been a part of that he HASN'T been jumped out of? Sad to see ol' Bad News go, especially with all of the potential the guy had at one time. Has there been any word on that second guy Meltzer or Alverez said gave their notice? Because I'm starting to feel like it might be Sheamus. Dude seemed legitimately over it on the mic tonight.
Take a peek at the Reddit AMA that Janners posted in Rumor Crap. IF it is to be completely believed, the "other notice" was Brie-Mode. She's going to do the thing with the Daniel for the forseeable future, it would seem, with no contractual obligations to distract her.


[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

Thanks for the heads up Count. I appreciate it, but in the future I really wish you would pepper your words with a shaker full of aspergers and find a way to passive aggressively imply that I was an idiot for asking such questions.

If only we had someone around here who was capable of that...

[Edited on 4/5/2016 by CM Crunk]

First 9 - 4-6-2016 at 12:49 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
-Ecstatic to see Cesaro back. It's a shame his music is so blehhh because I seriously took a few milliseconds to recognize it as the Big Poppa Pump alarm clouded my head in confusion. It's been said already plenty of times but it bears repeating: killen hasn't missed a step!

How this he still have that crappy theme? All the new NXT guys are getting good stuff with some like Nakamura's being fantastic.

CM Crunk - 4-6-2016 at 02:07 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Originally posted by CM Crunk
-Ecstatic to see Cesaro back. It's a shame his music is so blehhh because I seriously took a few milliseconds to recognize it as the Big Poppa Pump alarm clouded my head in confusion. It's been said already plenty of times but it bears repeating: killen hasn't missed a step!

How this he still have that crappy theme? All the new NXT guys are getting good stuff with some like Nakamura's being fantastic.

Especially when his old remixed Dean Malenko theme worked just fine. In my opinion at least. It was unique, and even vaguely European sounding, which fits him. Probably could've used a brand new recording session to polish it off properly, but they had to go and try to make some generic rock based around the air raid siren.

And yes, Nakamura's theme was a thing of beauty. Honestly those CFO$ guys are building up a nice little catalogue of theme songs with WAY more hits than misses. Enzo & Cass, Baron Corbin, Austin Aries, American Alpha to name a few are all great and distinctive to the person or persons entering to them. That's not even getting into the catchy ear-worm masterpieces that are Bayley's, Sami Zayn's,Becky Lynch's, Finn Balor's or Sasha Banks' themes.

It should be noted though that they DO take some Jimmy Hart-like liberties with borrowing riffs and melodies from songs but they manage to do it in a way that isn't as slap-you-in-the-face with the infringement as The Mouth Of The South was. More inspiration and borrowing of motifs than outright thievery.

I know most of this info has been out there for a while but for those not aware take Asuka's theme and compare it to King Diamond's 21st Century Schizoid Man, Samoa Joe's and Pharoahe Monch's Simon Says (which itself samples the Godzilla theme) and finally Shinsuke Nakamura's amazing new theme song and believe it or not, Coldplay and Rihanna's Princess of China.

I know there are more examples, but short of starting a separate thread for modern themes I figure I'll just leave it at that.

Count Zero - 4-6-2016 at 04:50 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Thanks for the heads up Count. I appreciate it, but in the future I really wish you would pepper your words with a shaker full of aspergers and find a way to passive aggressively imply that I was an idiot for asking such questions.

If only we had someone around here who was capable of that...

[Edited on 4/5/2016 by CM Crunk]

[Edited on 4-6-2016 by Count Zero]

Larry Horrowitz - 4-6-2016 at 06:59 AM

Happy to see all the nxt callups. I wonder if they know that having your debut on smackdown instantly makes u seem not as important or if they think its the same? That being said i dig the vaudevillians and hope they do well. Enzo and cass didnt miss a beat.

Sasha's face during charlottes presentation was a+. She looked legit jealous/sad/mad. Made the segment for me. She wants the title so bad it kills her.

The Hitcher - 4-6-2016 at 12:04 PM

As someone who has a mild obsession with wrestling theme music... 10 years ago I thought it was better for the guys to use licensed music but CFO$ are knocking it out of the park at the moment. Asuka, Sasha, Zayn, Owens and Aries recently stick out as really good and Nakamura's is next level. I think, off the top of my head, only Nia Jaxx's theme objectively is bad and I think that's because it's just thematically at odds with her character.

I'm sure there's a formula they're using (beyond the Jimmy Hart ripoff maneuver) that's making even the generic-rock sound pretty badass but I'm glad my ear hasn't figured it out yet.

Also: I like Cesaro's theme in a bubble, it's just his old one was so much better I can't see why you'd change it beyond the fact I think Jim Johnston is credited with it and maybe there's weird licensing issues because music is weird.

[Edited on 4-6-2016 by The Hitcher]

DKBroiler - 4-7-2016 at 12:27 AM

I haven't read this thread.

I'm assuming somewhere someone said something about AJ Styles getting buried.

He'll clearly never recover from the WrestleMania loss. Clearly. Obviously.

DKBroiler - 4-7-2016 at 12:29 AM

Originally posted by S Kid J E T S 48
Hot take: I don't think AJ Styles' loss last night mattered as much as we all thought.

[Reigns heel turn...enabled?]

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by S Kid J E T S 48]

I heart S Kid J E T S 48

janerd75 - 4-7-2016 at 01:59 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
I haven't read this thread.

I'm assuming somewhere someone said something about AJ Styles getting buried.

He'll clearly never recover from the WrestleMania loss. Clearly. Obviously.

No, no, no, discussion of A.J. Styles career trajectory is happening over in the Reigns Only Discussion Thread. Do you even bOOard anymore, bro?

OO's truly like comic books now. You have to read multiple threads usually across unrelated topics with randomly inserted characters that almost have no reason for being where they are yet it's utterly necessary to keep up with the "Why ReBOOOOOOOOOO Both Sucks and Blows" storyline in its intended completeness, along with random outbursts of misogyny and subtle bigotry to add a little color to the proceedings. In short, the bOOards are being written by Frank Miller and Grant Morrison these days. Also, the gifs. Those unfunny, self-absorbed, cocky bastards and their god gifs.

Count Zero - 4-7-2016 at 05:20 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
In short, the bOOards are being written by Frank Miller and Grant Morrison these days. Also, the gifs. Those unfunny, self-absorbed, cocky bastards and their god gifs.
Grant Morrison is too busy re-imagining Wonder Woman (Lesbian? Bisexual? Pants or No Pants?!?!) to bOOard, ya big galoot.

Also, condemning the trend you helped start? I am disappointed in you. Unless this is part of your epic heel turn masterplan.

janerd75 - 4-7-2016 at 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Grant Morrison is too busy re-imagining Wonder Woman (Lesbian? Bisexual? Pants or No Pants?!?!) to bOOard, ya big galoot.

Also, condemning the trend you helped start? I am disappointed in you. Unless this is part of your epic heel turn masterplan.

"Turn." MYAH!