First 9 - 7-24-2016 at 05:58 PM

The term one match show comes to mind, but the potential of Zayn vs Owens makes this more well rounded.. One of the most aniticipated matches in years takes place as The Shield Triple Threat finally happens with nobody looking like the clear winner. Smart money is in a double pin leading to a Title split, but WWE might overcomplicate things. Besides that, Battleground has a solid but not great undercard with only one more match looking like a show stealer.

Enzo, Cass and Cena vs The Clud should be fun and might give Enzo and Cass their first real stand out match since coming to the main roster.

The Wyatt Family vs The New Day has been ok so far, hopefully now it's when they take things into a higher gear and really go all out.

Sasha and ??? vs Charlotte and Dana will completely depend on who the mystery partner is.

I loved Rusev's current run of taking down the underdogs of the lowercard. Hope this is another entertaining and dominant win although I can't think of how he can surpass talking shit to his opponent's son after beating him.

Miz vs Young should be decent, but the real show will probably be the Maryse/Backlund interaction.

Zayn vs Owens, their match two months ago was good now let's see make something even better..

Orton in the Highlight Reel will only be worthwhile if we get a Heyman appearance.

[Edited on 7-24-2016 by First 9]

TexShark300 - 7-24-2016 at 07:02 PM

Predict who wins HERE!


the goon - 7-24-2016 at 07:31 PM

The last few WWE PPVs have all had really solid cards, but I find tonight's match lineup kind of lacking. Outside of the main event and Owens/Zayn, there's not a lot I'm excited about. Though this is the first WWE PPV in a few months that isn't competing with Game Of Thrones and/or the NBA playoffs for my viewing time, so that will be kind of nice.

And I like the idea of there being a double-pin in the main event and it would make logical sense as to why RAW gets it's own world title. Have Ambrose and Rollins both pin Reigns, which allows Ambrose to remain WWE champion on Smackdown, and then tomorrow night on RAW Rollins has a legitimate claim to being the WWE champion since he also scored a pinfall victory. Steph can then come out and tell him there's nothing she can do about it since Ambrose and the WWE title are over on Smackdown, but she can award him the world heavyweight title (or some new WWE title belt, whichever) since he also won the match at Battleground.

OORick - 7-24-2016 at 08:35 PM

With a card that also has Owens/Zayn, it's hard for me to think of this as a one-match show... and I sort of have expectations for Cena/Enzo/Cass vs. the Club, too.

Granted, the only one of those matches where the outcome has a ginormous impact on the entire State of WWE going forward is the main event triple threat.... but that's more a case of a celestial convergence of factors making Ambrose/Rollins/Reigns special, than it is a case of the other two matches being unworthy of consideration.

The brand split is the biggest contributing factor, as we're all kind of assuming this starts us down a path to a contested/split World Title, so that each brand has a champ. Right there, I'm glued, and hopeful that it's done in a compelling fashion.... over the past few days, rolling it around in my head, I kinda sorta came up with something that *I* like (but I know most of you will pooh-pooh it), which would be to have Triple H come out towards the end of the match, and just completely eliminate Ambrose... but then, he just sits back and watches and does not help Rollins (which everybody would be expecting him to do)... in the short term, HHH's excuse is "Hey, I just wanted to make sure the World Title came back to RAW, and as soon as I took out Ambrose, I'd done that, since both of you work for RAW" (and at the same time, SD now has every justification for refusing to acknowledge the title change, and VOILA, there's your second World Title)... but in the long run, HHH's lack of commitment to one guy or the other could be part of the double-turn that a lot of us are expecting.

If it's easier for you to swallow, you can probably use somebody other than HHH, but still use the "evil powers conspire to make sure the title comes back to RAW by eliminating Ambrose" story... but short of Lesnar himself, I dunno who'd be nearly as compelling.... certainly, this is no job for another Crooked Referee storyline...

And of course, all this gets to the other elephant in the room, which has nothing to do with the brand split.... how will fans react to Reigns, coming off a drug suspension? How true is it that Vince/the front office has lost faith in Reigns? How does all that mix together in terms of Reigns spot on the card and his face/heel alignment? Getting some answers to those questions is every bit as tantalizing as the issue of splitting the title...

By comparison, the stakes for Owens/Zayn and the 6-man tag are miniscule, but I still think we get a trio of buzz-worthy matches out of tonight's PPV, not just the one.

My picks:

Reigns win the main event, pinning Rollins (no matter what else you do, Ambrose losing the title without losing the fall is vital), which continues the narrative Reigns can win when there are wacky stips, but if it's straight-up one-on-one, Rollins always wins, as we head to SummerSlam.... double turn optional.

Zayn over Owens, because lord knows he deserves the happy ending. Plus, Zayn can use this as a springboard to a US Title feud with Rusev; Owens can use his mouth as a springboard to losing zero crediblity despite the loss.

The Club over Cena/Enzo/Cass. My logic is that Gallows & Anderson already lost Styles in the Draft.... if they let Enzo/Cass walk all over them tonight, it'll be hard to sell me on a tag team feud, since G&A; would be starting over and coming off a loss. So let's do a win for the Club, capped off by a heartwrenching farewell where they part ways so that AJ can keep on BEATING UP JOHN CENA, while G&A; perfect their new hobby of BEATING UP ENZO AND CASS.

Not sure if anything good will come out of the Highlight Reel, other than getting some sense of to what degree (if any) WWE is intending to punish/suspend Brock. Lord knows, other than that, putting Randy Orton in a setting where he's required to talk is never a good thing, so I agree with the notion that Heyman may be the only way to save this. Than again: y'all have heard my case against Orton/Lesnar being a match worth caring about, so your mileage may vary compared to mine.

The IC and US Title Matches sort of require that both champs retain, or both champs are dethroned, in order to keep one belt on each brand. And since one of the challengers is Zack Ryder, well....

My pick is that Rusev (RAW) beats Ryder (SD) to retain the US, and Miz (SD) beats Darren Young (RAW) to retain the IC. It pains me to derail DYoung when I'm really enjoying him and Backlund together, but the option would pretty much be giving Ryder another super-short transition reign, which would just be too cruel, right?

New Day over the Wyatts seems like a pretty easy call. Applying a variation on the logic used re: The Club, the Wyatts got broken up in the draft... but in their case, Rowan and Strowman aren't still a team. The Wyatts are shaping up to be three singles coming off the Draft, with Strowman alone on RAW, at AT MOST Rowan as back-up to Bray's new solo career (before too long, he may be rejoined by Luke Harper). Ergo, the tag champs vanquish the Wyatts, so that they're strong going into their next feud.

No idea who is gonna come out as Sasha's partner against Charlotte and Dana Brooke. If it's gotta be someone off the RAW roster (and it should be), that's kinda limiting: Paige, or maybe Nia Jax making a big splash. A free agent could be a possibility (Nikki Bella, Emma, and Tamina went undrafted, as they were out with injuries; but I honestly don't know if any are anywhere near ready). You'd certainly get a huge (if cheap) Stunt Casting Pop if it was, like, Lita or something.

Becky Lynch over Natalya seems a safe bet. Becky is turning into Lady Sting in terms of her ability to pick trust-worthy friends, but nobody's doubting her chances in a fight.

And Usos over Breezango in the first Battle for Position in the new SD Tag Division (on the preshow).


diablo_dor - 7-24-2016 at 11:34 PM

There could be some interesting narrative storytelling which could lead to Summerslam:

Raw wins ALL the lower titles but leaves World Title on SmackDown.
It would allow Steph to act super smug before the main event and allow announcers to remind viewers they don't understand statistics Raw has a 66% chance of winning the WWE Title...

I don't know if they'd allow Steph to look even mildly weak but it could set up negotiations over the next few weeks where Bryan & Mick are being forced to make brand v brand title matches on top of Brock v Randy.

It also plays into the subtle work were Bryan HAD to draft Miz to get a title but now he has a Miz but no IC, I'd have him TOUGHENING Miz up in the weeks leading to the rematch, what better way to debut American Alpha than throwing Miz around?

First 9 - 7-24-2016 at 11:38 PM

Originally posted by the goon
The last few WWE PPVs have all had really solid cards, but I find tonight's match lineup kind of lacking. Outside of the main event and Owens/Zayn,

I think a big part of this is WWE putting a few proven supporting players in the background to give a chance to Young, Ryder, and Enzo & Cass. Switch out those guys and throw in Cesaro, Del Rio, and Jericho and you'd have something that looks better on paper. It's up to the guys in the ppv to prove they deserve to be featured more or WWE will go back to it's bread and butter.

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 12:31 AM

Cesaro's doing a great job of being all shooty and pissy on the pre-show.

diablo_dor - 7-25-2016 at 12:36 AM

Foley and Bryan being human.
Making me worry they'll be replaced in weeks...

And Bryan pretending Attitude Era could EVER return, that is epic trolling!!!

[Edited on 7-24-2016 by diablo_dor]

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 12:50 AM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
Foley and Bryan being human.
Making me worry they'll be replaced in weeks...

And Bryan pretending Attitude Era could EVER return, that is epic trolling!!!

[Edited on 7-24-2016 by diablo_dor]

Dunno, maybe one of them but it seems like they might be a long haul thing given who they are as people and the full throttle Vince appears to be hammering down on this brand spilt. Fans need some kind of positive figureheads to gravitate to and Mick and Bryan are perfect in those roles. My guess is Shane is the first not be around consistently.

Also, because I'm a piece of shit, I really would like Booker's commentary a lot better if at the end of any declarative sentence he makes he'd add a rumbling baritone "shiiiiiiiiit".

ETA: Fandangler FTW! The Spirit of Chuck and Billy lives on! Also, the ReBOOOOOsos should be a thing. Seriously, I would dig Roman, Jimmy, and Jey as A Thing.

[Edited on 7-24-2016 by janerd75]

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 12:54 AM

Breezango over The Usos. I don't care what else happens tonight, I'm a happy man.

Nobledictator1278 - 7-25-2016 at 12:55 AM

I think there about to split the Usos.....My spider senses says a turn is on its way.

diablo_dor - 7-25-2016 at 12:57 AM

Oh, I see Mick being fired & slapped well before the years end.
If he isn't slapped at least once by summerslam I'll be shocked.

How far has the Usos stock fallen?
Main event storyline 2 months ago beaten by Billy & Chuck v2 on a pre-show now!!!

I think they need a make over desperately.

I adore the work WWE puts into video packages but I still find myself laughing when they show Seth MitB cash in but refuse to let us see a kerb stomp in case we go try it on our friends or whatever.

[Edited on 7-24-2016 by diablo_dor]

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 01:00 AM

I wanna see a SHIELD three way fist bump in the ring after the bell rings and right before they throw down.


[Edited on 7-25-2016 by janerd75]

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 01:06 AM

Charlotte to start the show. Becky may never recover from this burial.

diablo_dor - 7-25-2016 at 01:07 AM

We get the mystery tag first!!

It's Bayley

Ps Dana lookin good.

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 01:08 AM

It's HUG TIME!!!!

Ps. Dana do be lookin good.

Flash - 7-25-2016 at 01:09 AM

I'm digging the intro's/teasers with the flags... kind of a cool touch.

I'm thinking Rollins wins, with Reigns eating the pin... This will leave Ambrose well positioned as the champ who didn't get beat, Roman having to earn his way back into the main event, and Rollins dealing with a face GM for once... The dynamic of him whining to Steph', while Foley makes him wrestle could be interesting.

I think Owens wins against Zayn; Owens got overlooked into he draft so this will allow him to make a name for himself and prove they should have chosen him higher. SZ will be okay, and with the breathing room that the roster split will give some guys he'll bounce back pretty quick.

I'd give it to the New day over the Wyatt's... maybe if you find a way to slip in a new Wyatt member to really build them up as a big stable for the new rosters to deal with I'd go that way.

Show's on...


Okay... not body shamming Charlotte, but that outfit makes her look like she's sporting a belly that clearly we know she is not.

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 01:10 AM


ETA: Flash, I would love to body sham Charlotte after I WOO'd her with Janijuice. Even though she's only where she is because of her dad.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by janerd75]

diablo_dor - 7-25-2016 at 01:10 AM

Have two women in WWE history EVER got the pop that Sasha & Bayley just got?

diablo_dor - 7-25-2016 at 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Okay... not body shamming Charlotte, but that outfit makes her look like she's sporting a belly that clearly we know she is not.

I agree, especially with stick thin Sasha in the ring and Dana there that outfit is not helping Charlotte.
Though watching Dana work her belly is on show weirdly

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 01:15 AM

Originally posted by diablo_dor
Have two women in WWE history EVER got the pop that Sasha & Bayley just got?

In my room yes. Repeatedly. #dicksoutforsailorjerry

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 01:18 AM

Sasha wins, but she didn't win the belt.


[Edited on 7-25-2016 by Count Zero]

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 01:20 AM

2 things ...

Bayley's cans.

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 01:23 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
2 things ...

Bayley's cans.

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 01:23 AM

Eggsavier turn tonight?

diablo_dor - 7-25-2016 at 01:24 AM

Looks like it's time for
the never heard the word deletion and you can't prove anything

Admittedly it scares me that Strowman will be on his own from Monday.
Would a tag team with Big Show help him learn?

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 01:26 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Eggsavier turn tonight?

I was feeling that same way, Bo Janerdallas.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by Count Zero]

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 01:29 AM

So, Strowman is going off on his own on Raw, right? What's the over/under on him making like Ogre and joining The Nerds/New Day?

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 01:29 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by janerd75
Eggsavier turn tonight?

I was feeling that same way, Bo Janerdallas.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by Count Zero]


ETA: Damn you, Crunkers. Damn you all to heck. Damn good stuff. Damnit I need Nerdogre Strowman now.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by janerd75]

diablo_dor - 7-25-2016 at 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by janerd75
Eggsavier turn tonight?

I was feeling that same way, Bo Janerdallas.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by Count Zero]

The only problem is what does it achieve?
The feud kina dies tonight unless Rowan & Bray tag at summerslam

Flash - 7-25-2016 at 01:30 AM

Yeah, that definitely felt like a heel tease, plus with the whole "drafted together and Wyatt's splitting up" comment it feel like a strong possibility.

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by DKBroiler
2 things ...

Bayley's cans.

Bayley's like a create a character set on normal size but with all the sliders on her naughty parts set to 150. I approve.

Becky will never recover.

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 01:38 AM

Soooo, no one wins he bet tonight. Fuck if I know what they're doing. Onto SS I guess.

diablo_dor - 7-25-2016 at 01:42 AM

Lana looking RAVISHING.
Have we mentioned how lucky Rusev is Lately?

Ps Big E please stop that suicidal dive it terrifies me every time...

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 01:43 AM

Can we get Funaki back on SmackDown? After all, he WAS their Number One Announcer for a long time..

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 01:51 AM


DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 01:54 AM

Rusev as WWE Champion and a match against Lesnar needs to happen.

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 01:54 AM

Not for nothing, but when Rusev pulled Ryder on top of him with the Accolade thingie, why doesn't the ref start the count on him because Rusev's shoulders are down and Ryder's Onatop? #stillrealtomedamnit

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 01:56 AM

I don't know what the fuck a Gronk is, but if it's part of the reason Mojo Rawley is on my TV right now I never want to find out.

diablo_dor - 7-25-2016 at 01:57 AM

Such a pity the didn't let Rusev annihilate Mojo on his main roster debut.

If Rollins wins does he finally get the statue he was promised?

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 02:09 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
I don't know what the fuck a Gronk is, but if it's part of the reason Mojo Rawley is on my TV right now I never want to find out.

I believe a Gronk is considered one step above an NFL tight end multiple murderer and/or a hopeful drug and alcohol related vomit asphixiation death if you're a Dolphins fan. As a non -sportsball fellow, I assume you understand most of the words I just wrote, though not in the order I used them.

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 02:13 AM



er.. I mean, that was impressive.

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 02:20 AM

As advertised. Match of the Night. Maybe Year.

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 02:25 AM

Fantastic match.

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 02:27 AM

NewsFlash: Maggle just explicitly said that Bailey's appearance was "for one night".

So that's how that goes, unless somebody changes their mind between now & tomorrow/Tuesday.

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 02:30 AM

Becky getting a 1 on 1 match on the second hour of a pay per view.

Buried. May as well quit.

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 02:31 AM

Totally. I mean, they're even putting the Anvil & Bret over harder than they're pushing Bex.

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 02:31 AM

Nobody told me they had a Buried Alive match booked.

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 02:33 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Nobody told me they had a Buried Alive match booked.

Undertaker vs Becky

The Ultimate Burial. May as well retire.

Sam Is Neat - 7-25-2016 at 02:34 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by CM Crunk
I don't know what the fuck a Gronk is, but if it's part of the reason Mojo Rawley is on my TV right now I never want to find out.

I believe a Gronk is considered one step above an NFL tight end multiple murderer and/or a hopeful drug and alcohol related vomit asphixiation death if you're a Dolphins fan. As a non -sportsball fellow, I assume you understand most of the words I just wrote, though not in the order I used them.

As the official voice of Dol-Fan's everywhere, we do not hate Gronk. We DO hate Brady...and Rex Ryan...and everything about Jumbo Elliot.


CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 02:35 AM

Annnnnnd the Smackdown thread grows to 80 pages by midnight tonight.

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 02:39 AM

Royberto melt down in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 02:45 AM

G'Bless Sam, but if there were an Allah, he would hide The Device in Giselle's twazzer and when the team got finished running a train on her Belichick's final thrust would trigger a Czar Bomba that would wipe doze Nawtheastan Cawksukkas off the map.




[Edited on 7-25-2016 by janerd75]

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 02:47 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Royberto melt down in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

ETA: How great would it have been if they'd have done a backstage segment with Young and Backlund where Bob is trying to coach him up to not get distracted by Maryse and Darren is just like "I...don't think that'll be a problem."

[Edited on 7/25/2016 by CM Crunk]

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 02:47 AM

The Miz's level of bedazzlement is astounding.

Paddlefoot - 7-25-2016 at 02:49 AM

Donating this for the cause in anticipation of Roman's return.

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 02:52 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
The Miz's level of bedazzlement is astounding.

Somehow Miz's tights/boots are the fanciest, blackest things in the ring.

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 02:56 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Royberto melt down in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Wanna share that? I ran out of microwave popcorn..

Flash - 7-25-2016 at 02:57 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Becky getting a 1 on 1 match on the second hour of a pay per view.

Buried. May as well quit.

I won't go that far, but yeah.... it's pretty baffling how they keep kicking Becky to the curb, as I think out of those NXT four she has the most untapped potential....

I mean:

1) Charlotte's a heel... I personally think pairing her with Flair for so long kind of hurt her.

2) Bayley is the underdog... I think it's just her look, but I can't see her being a great heel.

3) Sasha is the tweener... she can go heel or face as needed.

And Becky... I don't know, maybe the accent, the whole steampunk thing, or that she can go in the ring but she's 10's across the board in my books

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 03:03 AM

Flash, most of us are being sarcastic about the Burial of Becky Lynch.


"Never make eye contact with anybody when you're eating a banana." Enzo is jedi-wise. Smacktalker Skywalker owns the joint.

Paddlefoot - 7-25-2016 at 03:09 AM

Enzo made the poop emoji part of his attire.

Sam Is Neat - 7-25-2016 at 03:11 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
G'Bless Sam, but if there were an Allah, he would hide The Device in Giselle's twazzer and when the team got finished running a train on her Belichick's final thrust would trigger a Czar Bomba that would wipe doze Nawtheastan Cawksukkas of the map.




I mean...I am okay with that, too. Here is hoping Miami takes it to them in week two.

Unrelated: But Sami Zayn was channeling his inner HBK with his in-ring psychology tonight. Using the ropes to hold himself up, the emotion of fighting a friend, the anger of facing his eternal enemy, and the penultimate moment where you could review their entire history on his face (both good and bad) with KO laying on his chest, waiting to be saved or finished, before Sami did exactly that.

Great match, great performances by both and a great piece of storytelling by WWE on this entire portion of their history in the WWE.

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 03:13 AM

All Northeasterners should be required to pass Enzo y Cass cartoon training before they're allowed entrance to SoFla. Please, Northeasterners do this for Janerd. Pls.

ETA: Shmozzy trainwreck masterpiece, aka how people from the Northeast drive down here. Bueno, muy bueno.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by janerd75]

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 03:17 AM

[Edited on 7/25/2016 by CM Crunk]

BC - 7-25-2016 at 03:20 AM

Cole: what makes AJ so successful?

Talent, dumbass. I know after 15 yrs of Cena it's not something you're used to seeing

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 03:23 AM

CM Crunk: Image Poster pf the Year

Jean CEE-naa: Over-rotation of the Year


DevilSoprano - 7-25-2016 at 03:24 AM

They went with the literal worst option for the finish to that match.

Paddlefoot - 7-25-2016 at 03:26 AM

We now go the quality grammar and endless density part of the program.

"In My Veins"? Shouldn't that be Lesnar's line?

[Edited on 7/25/2016 by Paddlefoot]

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 03:28 AM

I think we're gonna get one of those 11:30 finishes.

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 03:28 AM

I, for one, am anxiously awaiting this interview. I'm eager to hear what Randy ha-- RKOOUTTANOWHERE!!!!!!!

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by Count Zero]

janerd75 - 7-25-2016 at 03:40 AM


Guess who's back, back again
Go get Dom, it's Cunt Dunkleman.*


*Fuckin' work with me, it's close enough.

TownOfDalem - 7-25-2016 at 03:42 AM

Am I the only one not excited for the triple threat? I know I should be, but something about the suspension, the draft, and the build have me feeling lackluster for something that should be awesome.

Flash - 7-25-2016 at 03:42 AM

You know, that's probably the most comfortable I've ever seen Orton on the mic' in his whole career.

Viper Ville feels like a t-shirt about to happen.

Nobledictator1278 - 7-25-2016 at 03:43 AM

Im the wame Town....its like it really doesn't matter who wins

Nobledictator1278 - 7-25-2016 at 03:44 AM

I sure hope Orton had permission for that Enhancement statement.....because well I know WWE is scripted...but Heyman can destroy you with a mic...and I got to think Orton would have enough skeletons in his closet to give Heyman hours of material.

Flash - 7-25-2016 at 03:45 AM

Originally posted by TownOfDalem
Am I the only one not excited for the triple threat? I know I should be, but something about the suspension, the draft, and the build have me feeling lackluster for something that should be awesome.

No, you're not entirely alone... I think the fact that it's on a non-big PPV, and is being over shadowed by the brand split kind of makes something that should be a Wrestlemania main event level match we've all be waiting a long time to see feel shoe horned in.

Roman's suspension probably hurts it a bit too.

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 03:51 AM


Edited for breaking the bOOards.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by DKBroiler]

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 03:52 AM

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by Count Zero]

Flash - 7-25-2016 at 04:05 AM

I guess we can't accuse Roman of never changing his look now... he grew in his cheeks!

So if the rule of thumb of hair and heel turns plays out.....

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 04:07 AM

Eva Marie needs to be ReBooooooo's valet going forward. Just embrace it. He could get a Wish Kid booed. People really hate this guy.

Count Zero - 7-25-2016 at 04:14 AM

...Well. THAT was unexpected!

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 04:15 AM

How's that second serving of humble pie, Roman?

Paddlefoot - 7-25-2016 at 04:17 AM

Yes! Very good match by all three guys.

Becky was walking right behind Cena. That's a clear sign she's being buried.

the goon - 7-25-2016 at 04:26 AM

Wow, Ambrose wins clean. I like.

And does this mean that Ambrose/Cena or Ambrose/Styles are the two most logical choices for SummerSlam? Either way, I'm on board.

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Yes! Very good match by all three guys.

Becky was walking right behind Cena. That's a clear sign she's being buried.

Ha! Beat me to it. However, Becky in normal clothes breaks my immersion which buries her further. She may as well call it a career.

What's Bethanie O'Lynch doing in the Impact Zone Taz!?!?!

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 04:46 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Yes! Very good match by all three guys.

Becky was walking right behind Cena. That's a clear sign she's being buried.

Ha! Beat me to it. However, Becky in normal clothes breaks my immersion which buries her further. She may as well call it a career.

What's Bethanie O'Lynch doing in the Impact Zone Taz!?!?!

How about Halle Berried?

First 9 - 7-25-2016 at 05:27 AM

There can't ever be another first time ever Shield Triple Threat, I think Ambrose is safely past the Foley zone and will be a big player permanently.

Also, it might seem like damning praise but the last two Battlegrounds were forgettable and dissapointing, this one was a major step up. Hope it bodes well for SummerSlam.

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 05:38 AM

Ended up watching tonights show with my usual group that gets together for the big 4 shows, so I'll kind of have to reserve solid judgement until I can rewatch the show because I'm sure there is plenty that I missed.

What I will say though is that I'm surprised the whole gang got together tonight because a lot of them are filthy casuals. But they've been roped in by the Draft hype-train, so using them as a controlled study for my neck of the woods shows that WWE is on to something. The fact that they were pretty into the show as a whole speaks well too. The kids were wayyyy into Sami, Enzo & Cass, Sasha and lost their goddamn minds for Bayley (not gonna lie, some of us adults did too. *cough*) The vocal contingency for Roman that's been a regular fixture at our get togethers since his Rumble win last year have all but turned their backs on the guy, which is surprising because they were pretty into the guy as recently as this past Wrestlemania. They were pretty evenly split for Dean and Seth though, and everybody left happy.

Like I said, if this group of casuals is any indication of general interest in WWE as a whole, then Vince & Co. might be onto something. Although Roman might want to beg for a heel turn. AND FAST.

First 9 - 7-25-2016 at 05:44 AM

RAW's main event scene is a little lacking to pull that trigger just yet. Besides Brock, you'd have Sami Zayn on one corner and Reigns, Rollins, and Owens in the other. Zayn vs the World?

I know the Rollins face run is coming but I feel it's still too soon.

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 05:47 AM

Originally posted by First 9
RAW's main event scene is a little lacking to pull that trigger just yet. Besides Brock, you'd have Sami Zayn on one corner and Reigns, Rollins, and Owens in the other. Zayn vs the World?

I know the Rollins face run is coming but I feel it's still too soon.

Well, aside from going after Ambrose with a chair immediately afterwards, I definitely got a facey-vibe from Rollins when they were double-teaming Reigns. Hell most of the match, even. I wouldn't mind them pulling the trigger on a double turn for Seth and Roman. Ostensibly they've already turned anyway. Might as well cement the turns at Summerslam.

First 9 - 7-25-2016 at 05:54 AM

Something that I just thought abour, with Cena just playing a part in a six-man, Orton and Jericho limited to a segment, and guys like Show nowhere to be found, was this the first ppv that was pretty much almost an entire showcase for ''The New Era''?

A tremendous Main Event, borderline MOTY candidate, an awesome debut, and overall a fun, fun show. The more I think it through the more I think this has been the best PPV of the year so far, with only MITB from last month coming close.

Yeah, I figure the Rollins/Reigns double turn is where there heading. Can't wait for into to eventually morph into Rollins vs HHH(thisis exactly what would happen) and get the battle of the Pedigrees.

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 06:29 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Something that I just thought abour, with Cena just playing a part in a six-man, Orton and Jericho limited to a segment, and guys like Show nowhere to be found, was this the first ppv that was pretty much almost an entire showcase for ''The New Era''?

A tremendous Main Event, borderline MOTY candidate, an awesome debut, and overall a fun, fun show. The more I think it through the more I think this has been the best PPV of the year so far, with only MITB from last month coming close.

Yeah, I figure the Rollins/Reigns double turn is where there heading. Can't wait for into to eventually morph into Rollins vs HHH(thisis exactly what would happen) and get the battle of the Pedigrees.

edit: Had to jump from my phone over to my laptop to do some proper formatting and to re-sort each list by debut from earliest to most recent. It should also be noted that I am not factoring in NXT/OVW/FCW debuts for any of the folks listed here. Only WWE debuts that the casual fan might be aware of.

"Old WWE"
Name / Age / Debut Date

Bob Backlund / 66 / 1977
John Cena / 39 / June 27, 2002
The Miz / 35 / April 21, 2006
Zack Ryder / 31 / May 1, 2007
Maryse / 33 / May 21, 2007
Kofi Kingston / 34 / January 22, 2008
Natalya / 34 / April 11, 2008
Darren Young* / 36 / February 23, 2010
Jimmy Uso / 30 / May 24, 2010
Jey Uso / 30 / May 24, 2010
Fandango / 35 / October 23, 2012

"New WWE"

Dean Ambrose / 30 / November 18, 2012
Roman Reigns / 31 / November 18, 2012
Seth Rollins / 30 / November 18, 2012
Big E / 30 / December 17, 2012
Bray Wyatt / 29 / July 8, 2013
Erick Rowan / 34 / July 8, 2013
Xavier Woods / 29 / November 18, 2013
Rusev / 30 / January 26, 2014
Lana / 31 / January 31, 2014
Sami Zayn / 32 / May 4, 2015
Kevin Owens / 32 / May 18, 2015
Becky Lynch / 29 / July 13, 2015
Charlotte / 30 / July 13, 2015
Sasha Banks / 24 / July 13, 2015
Braun Strowman / 32 / August 24, 2015
Tyler Breeze / 28 / October 22, 2015
AJ Styles** / 39 / January 24, 2016
Big Cass / 29 / April 4, 2016
Enzo Amore / 29 / April 4, 2016
Karl Anderson** / 36 / April 4, 2016
Luke Gallows** / 32 / April 4, 2016
Dana Brooke / 27 / May 9, 2016
Bayley / 27 / July 24, 2016
Mojo Rawley / 30 / July 24, 2016

*I included Young in the "Old" class because even though he was on the first 'season' of NXT he was more or less a product of WWEs old way of doing things. Fandango as well. I think we can all agree that The Shield debut kind of signifies the official beginnings of what is now a "New Era" much like how the debut of Barry West's Flash in Showcase #4 in 1956 brought about the Silver Age of Comics--How many people did I just lose? Bottom line is that Fandango was one of the last high-profile debuts in 2012 before The Shield burst onto the scene later year...

**Styles, Gallows and Anderson made names for themselves outside of WWE. For the sake of this list, I'm making like Gallows and considering Festus a completely separate person.

[Edited on 7/25/2016 by CM Crunk]

[Edited on 7/25/2016 by CM Crunk]

[Edited on 7/25/2016 by CM Crunk]

First 9 - 7-25-2016 at 06:48 AM

And look how many of the new guys were pretty much in the center stage. Main Event, MOTN, Pop of the night, fuck even arguably promo of the night with that incredible Enzo pre-show thrash talking.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by First 9]

Gobshite - 7-25-2016 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by First 9
RAW's main event scene is a little lacking to pull that trigger just yet. Besides Brock, you'd have Sami Zayn on one corner and Reigns, Rollins, and Owens in the other. Zayn vs the World?

I know the Rollins face run is coming but I feel it's still too soon.

You forgot Balor... Whom I assume debuts tonight?

scott19buckeye - 7-25-2016 at 02:41 PM

Very fun PPV. I have to admit I marked out for Bayley. I ffwd (early morning watch) middle matches. Wow for Zayn and Owens and 3T and both six mans were fun.

I am glad that Ambrose won. Logic would tell me that Rollins and Reigns are at the back of the line since they lost their last two title matches (and one draw). I am worried that they go against that logic and give one of them another shot. I am guessing AJ/Cena continue through SS so who's next...Bray Wyatt from Smackdown?

Thom - 7-25-2016 at 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by CM Crunk
I don't know what the fuck a Gronk is, but if it's part of the reason Mojo Rawley is on my TV right now I never want to find out.

I believe a Gronk is considered one step above an NFL tight end multiple murderer and/or a hopeful drug and alcohol related vomit asphixiation death if you're a Dolphins fan. As a non -sportsball fellow, I assume you understand most of the words I just wrote, though not in the order I used them.

As the official voice of Dol-Fan's everywhere, we do not hate Gronk. We DO hate Brady...and Rex Ryan...and everything about Jumbo Elliot.


EricOMac - 7-25-2016 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite

You forgot Balor... Whom I assume debuts tonight?

I would love to see Rollins demand a World Title simply for being the number one draft pick for Raw, and Balor comes out as the next highest pick to challenge him. I mean, we would all like Rollins vs Balor, right?

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 05:12 PM

Calling it now ... debut of the Balor "Club" tonight. I think they'll start a long term story that culminates in Styles vs Balor down the road at WrestleMania.

Pretty easy to do. They will be seperate for the next few months. Have a backstage "Club Meeting" at SummerSlam. Team up as a 4 man OMGFIRSTTIMEEVAR Club team at Survivor Series. The Rumble blows it all up as the Rumble so often does. Then they have a 30 minute classic at WM. A few rematches, and in a year we can move along to Balor as a fully made main eventer.

anglefan85 - 7-25-2016 at 07:20 PM

Aside for the Becky/Natalya fiasco and Young/Miz, that was a solid show from top to bottom and I'd probably end up doing the same booking on the other matches on the card. I'll have to watch it again to make sure, but I'd probably place Zayn/Owens over Zayn/Nakamura as Match of the Year. An excellent match, and I'm glad that Zayn went over since I feel he needed the win more.

Also, when Owens told him towards the end of the match, "Don't make me do this," it made me think that he may have been hinting at the Package Piledriver. And then that moment towards the end when Zayn hit the Helluva Kick and Owens was knocked out and leaning on him, Zayn's facial expression said it all, where he was conflicted over whether or not he should hit another one and finish him off for sure.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by anglefan85]

royberto - 7-25-2016 at 07:23 PM

Becky jobs clean again at a PPV. And people will still claim she isn't being treated like shit.

RIP Beck'y's career. Just another victim of Vince's ego.

Wickedfrost - 7-25-2016 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Becky jobs clean again at a PPV. And people will still claim she isn't being treated like shit.

RIP Beck'y's career. Just another victim of Vince's ego.

Against Nattie who's in the middle of a well-earned end-of-career rebuild - and who has been on the receiving end of a pile of shit for a long time. Sorry Butthurto - your mistreated talent can get in line. Some of us have been waiting a little while longer for their favorites to get some shine.


royberto - 7-25-2016 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Wickedfrost
Originally posted by royberto
Becky jobs clean again at a PPV. And people will still claim she isn't being treated like shit.

RIP Beck'y's career. Just another victim of Vince's ego.

Against Nattie who's in the middle of a well-earned end-of-career rebuild - and who has been on the receiving end of a pile of shit for a long time. Sorry Butthurto - your mistreated talent can get in line. Some of us have been waiting a little while longer for their favorites to get some shine.

Natalya should be putting others over and she already has had her time to shine. If they want to put Natalya over someone, feed her Eva Marie. Becky doesn't deserve the shit Vince keeps piling on her and sure as hell should be jobbed to a woman who's only talent is being Bret Hart's niece. It amazes me even further that HHH sits there with his head up his ass and does nothing. Most over babyface they had and they destroyed her.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by royberto]

Matte - 7-25-2016 at 08:17 PM

Agreed with royberto that Nattie sucks and Becky should've gone over. Nattie shined years ago with Beth Phoenix; her time has come and gone. I won't claim to know all the backstage turmoil that leads to Becky getting shafted, but I can't say it's not disappointing.

Quentil - 7-25-2016 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Becky jobs clean again at a PPV. And people will still claim she isn't being treated like shit.

RIP Beck'y's career. Just another victim of Vince's ego.

Taken from http://www.thecelebritiesnetworth.com/2016/02/becky-lynch-net-worth-salary-2016.html:

Becky Lynch Net Worth : $650 Thousand
Annual Salary : $220,000
Date of Birth : January 30, 1987
Country / Birthplace : Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Age : 29 Year Old
Occupation : Professional Wrestler , Model

Taken from http://www.sescoops.com/charlotte-sasha-banks-becky-lynch-get-raises-update-on-nxt-pay/

"Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch all received either amended contracts with an increase in pay or new main roster WWE deals the day after all three made their debuts on RAW for the first time."

Man, I wish I had such a horrible boss that he gave me a raise and paid me $220,000 a year when I was 29 years old. And her being a millionaire by 31 is a fine example of her being held down and buried.

Dyn-O-Mite - 7-25-2016 at 08:42 PM

I didn't necessarily agree with the execution of the booking... (i.e. have Becky win or Natalya use nefarious means)

But stepping back for a second, and taking the landscape as is, let's say Becky vanquishes Natalya last night. Now what? Take a look at the Smackdown women's division roster. Who does she have high profile feud with now? Naomi, who hasn't been on tv for months? Alexa Bliss? Carmella? Is Maryse coming out of retirement?

Flipside - Can you afford to diminish Nattie against an over/established Becky? SM women's roster is too thin for that.

royberto - 7-25-2016 at 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Quentil
Originally posted by royberto
Becky jobs clean again at a PPV. And people will still claim she isn't being treated like shit.

RIP Beck'y's career. Just another victim of Vince's ego.

Taken from http://www.thecelebritiesnetworth.com/2016/02/becky-lynch-net-worth-salary-2016.html:

Becky Lynch Net Worth : $650 Thousand
Annual Salary : $220,000
Date of Birth : January 30, 1987
Country / Birthplace : Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Age : 29 Year Old
Occupation : Professional Wrestler , Model

Taken from http://www.sescoops.com/charlotte-sasha-banks-becky-lynch-get-raises-update-on-nxt-pay/

"Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch all received either amended contracts with an increase in pay or new main roster WWE deals the day after all three made their debuts on RAW for the first time."

Man, I wish I had such a horrible boss that he gave me a raise and paid me $220,000 a year when I was 29 years old. And her being a millionaire by 31 is a fine example of her being held down and buried.
Self respect is worth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money. Spin all you want, but there is absolutely no excuse for the way they have shit on her.

royberto - 7-25-2016 at 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Dyn-O-Mite
I didn't necessarily agree with the execution of the booking... (i.e. have Becky win or Natalya use nefarious means)

But stepping back for a second, and taking the landscape as is, let's say Becky vanquishes Natalya last night. Now what? Take a look at the Smackdown women's division roster. Who does she have high profile feud with now? Naomi, who hasn't been on tv for months? Alexa Bliss? Carmella? Is Maryse coming out of retirement?

Flipside - Can you afford to diminish Nattie against an over/established Becky? SM women's roster is too thin for that.
But you can say the exact same things now. Now what? Natalya already beat the top baby face clean as a sheet. Who does either one have a high profile feud with? It's the same thing. Becky could have had a feud with any of those others as heels. Natalya was already dead in the water and is long past her time. Becky against any of those other girls would have been far fresher and exciting than Natalya. You cannot keep jobbing Becky out and keep expecting people to care about her. But Becky got over on her own. Big no no. She is only supposed to get over when Vince pushes her with his writing, damnit.

Columbo - 7-25-2016 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Calling it now ... debut of the Balor "Club" tonight. I think they'll start a long term story that culminates in Styles vs Balor down the road at WrestleMania.

I think the Balor Club getting together and beating the shit outta Sami is a good way to get a KO face turn.

CM Crunk - 7-25-2016 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Columbo
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Calling it now ... debut of the Balor "Club" tonight. I think they'll start a long term story that culminates in Styles vs Balor down the road at WrestleMania.

I think the Balor Club getting together and beating the shit outta Sami is a good way to get a KO face turn.

While I would love ANY of that I just can't see them bringing him in as anything other than babyface. I imagine what we're probably going to get is the start of some video packages leading to a Summerslam debut.

Now, hyping a Summerslam debut that reeks of babyfacitude and having him heel it up and team up with The Club? That'd be fun. But between WWE dropping the B�lor Club trademark not too long ago and the sheer Steamboatishness of ol' Finn, I don't know that I can see that happening.

I'm always happy to be proven wrong though.

Quentil - 7-25-2016 at 10:48 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Self respect is worth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money. Spin all you want, but there is absolutely no excuse for the way they have shit on her.

Why do you think Becky Lynch has no self-respect? Do you know her personally? Can you link to articles where she's complained about her role in the WWE? Everything i've seen from her seems to indicate she loves her job. I dunno, man. I get that you're a Protector/White Knight sort for her, but even you have to see that you're being silly.

Oh wait, or you're trolling. In that case, I guess you got one over on us for replying to you?

Either way. She's well-paid, well-respected, and has a starring role on the major league pretend-fighting prime time international tv empire that is the WWE. It appears that she's very happy with her position, at least at the moment. So whatever, man. Just whatever. Maybe take a Xanax or something. I dunno.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by Quentil]

DKBroiler - 7-25-2016 at 11:01 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Originally posted by Columbo
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Calling it now ... debut of the Balor "Club" tonight. I think they'll start a long term story that culminates in Styles vs Balor down the road at WrestleMania.

I think the Balor Club getting together and beating the shit outta Sami is a good way to get a KO face turn.

While I would love ANY of that I just can't see them bringing him in as anything other than babyface. I imagine what we're probably going to get is the start of some video packages leading to a Summerslam debut.

Now, hyping a Summerslam debut that reeks of babyfacitude and having him heel it up and team up with The Club? That'd be fun. But between WWE dropping the B�lor Club trademark not too long ago and the sheer Steamboatishness of ol' Finn, I don't know that I can see that happening.

I'm always happy to be proven wrong though.

Re: Babyfacitude

- Great word.
- I think Zayn and Becky have the market cornered on Steamboatedness currently.
- I do believe that Balor will be a star, but I don't get that "this dude is always gonna be a face" vibe like I do with Zayn. Time will tell.
- It just dawned on me that eventually Demon Finn will fight Demon Kane. This has nothing to do with any of the previous posts.

Ortonmustdie - 7-25-2016 at 11:08 PM

Just a thought, but... Steve Lombardi pretty much had a nice long career as "enhancement talent", didn't he??

Paddlefoot - 7-26-2016 at 12:35 AM

The illegal clips of the women's tag match are still up on YouTube but the ones of Nattie/Becky have all been taken down. Goddamn YouTube, there they go burying Becky again.

First 9 - 7-26-2016 at 01:26 AM

Just another vote on the Nattie sucks pile. She's had her shots and pulled her weights less than a half of the time. She's a fucking Hart and has botched the Sharshotter multiple times and in trying to talk herself up she buried the Title when feuding with AJ, ''Who cares if AJ has a Title, I'm a born Champion.'' Like, the fuck? You're not the goddamn Undertaker, you can't claim to be bigger than the Title and still be a face.She's been a bigger example of nepotism than Charlotte.

Anyway, Bryan started as the NXT bitch losing to everybody including a two minute squash to pre-Ryback Skip Sheffield. Zayn lost ALL os his big NXT matches/specials and Title matches) on route to his Title win.

I'm not saying that Becky is in line for eventually geting her due, but those examples prove it's worth not discarding it. But like many poor bastards, sometimes WWE will just look at a over talented star and say ''naaah''. People now use Bo as an example of certain NXT gimmicks not catching on in the main roster. They flat out forgot he got over as the undefeated motivational guru and WWE decided to just pause it and turn him into a jobber. That's how deep the guy was buried. So if you want to discard it then that's your right as a fan, but it's a bit unfair to shit on somebody's role as a enhancement talent.

royberto - 7-26-2016 at 02:01 AM

Originally posted by Quentil
Originally posted by royberto
Self respect is worth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money. Spin all you want, but there is absolutely no excuse for the way they have shit on her.

Why do you think Becky Lynch has no self-respect? Do you know her personally? Can you link to articles where she's complained about her role in the WWE? Everything i've seen from her seems to indicate she loves her job. I dunno, man. I get that you're a Protector/White Knight sort for her, but even you have to see that you're being silly.

Oh wait, or you're trolling. In that case, I guess you got one over on us for replying to you?

Either way. She's well-paid, well-respected, and has a starring role on the major league pretend-fighting prime time international tv empire that is the WWE. It appears that she's very happy with her position, at least at the moment. So whatever, man. Just whatever. Maybe take a Xanax or something. I dunno.

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by Quentil]
It amazes me how blindly people defend WWE's bullshit booking the way you guys try to spin the topic in a different direction. She has been made to look look like an incompetent idiot while untalented ladies are being pushed way ahead of her simply because they are related to someone famous, or, in the case of Dana Brooke, oversized knockers that Vince gets off on.

The defending of WWE here is even more hilarious when you look back at all the bitching about others who didn't get pushed. I don't recall anyone else being told to take a Xanax or being accused of trolling.

Becky deserves a lot better than getting jobbed out every single PPV. There is money to be made with Becky but Vince's ego is in the way because he cannot handle that she got over on her own. Of course she isn't going to say anything because the moment she does Vince will can her.

royberto - 7-26-2016 at 02:04 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Anyway, Bryan started as the NXT bitch losing to everybody including a two minute squash to pre-Ryback Skip Sheffield.
Please. Daniel Bryan was treated as a big deal when he came onto the main roster and sure as hell didn't go his first 8 months without scoring a single fall at a PPV. Hell, he was in the main event at SummerSlam.

[Edited on 7-26-2016 by royberto]

First 9 - 7-26-2016 at 02:07 AM

That's a bit revionist. Bryan's first night was as a big deal, going head to head with the World Champ. The following match he got squashed by Big Show, then lost to Barrett, then lost again, and again and again.

After he was out of his NXT rookie phase, it's when he started scoring wins.

royberto - 7-26-2016 at 02:15 AM

Originally posted by First 9
That's a bit revionist. Bryan's first night was as a big deal, going head to head with the World Champ. The following match he got squashed by Big Show, then lost to Barrett, then lost again, and again and again.

After he was out of his NXT rookie phase, it's when he started scoring wins.
Daniel Bryan debuted on the main roster as part of the original Nexus in a red hot angle. He got fired for the tie thing. Then he returns in the main event of SummerSlam as the big surprise. Becky hasn't come close to sniffing anything remotely like that. She hasn't been given squat since being called up. Meanwhile, Sasha was off the road for months and now will most likely be given the title at SummerSlam, Charlotte has been pushed to the moon because Ric Flair is her daddy. Freaking Bayley gets treated like a big deal her first night on the main roster. What does Becky get? Jobbed to DANA F'n BROOKE! CLEAN! Jobbed to Natalya! CLEAN! Yet people still defend that shabby treatment.

Becky Lynch deserves a lot better.

[Edited on 7-26-2016 by royberto]

[Edited on 7-26-2016 by royberto]

Paddlefoot - 7-26-2016 at 02:36 AM

Becky was in the title match at WM less than four months ago.

williamssl - 7-26-2016 at 02:49 AM

When driving and a lane is ending/merging...

For every asshole that waits until the last second to switch lanes, there's an idiot who lets them. Unfortunately there are always more idiots than assholes so the asshole keeps doing what he's doing.

Royberto is the asshole.
Everyone who continues to quasi seriously engage him on this topic is an idiot.

I'd say stop....but some other idiot is just going to come along and enable him.

First 9 - 7-26-2016 at 03:00 AM

Just for the record, I do think Becky is getting the short end of the stick. I just don't think it's that different than WWE's previous poor treatment of talented and popular guys. Just saying that there's examples of people rising past those slumps(more often than not, it doesn't happen I admit that) but you shouldn't hold it against others for being positive and thinkign Becky will get her moment in the sun.

CM Crunk - 7-26-2016 at 06:22 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
When driving and a lane is ending/merging...

For every asshole that waits until the last second to switch lanes, there's an idiot who lets them. Unfortunately there are always more idiots than assholes so the asshole keeps doing what he's doing.

Royberto is the asshole.
Everyone who continues to quasi seriously engage him on this topic is an idiot.

I'd say stop....but some other idiot is just going to come along and enable him.

Welcome to the REAL ZONE.

Is it still cool if I continue to obliquely reference the inanity of any attempts to engage in polite, rational discourse with the bag of soiled clown hankies without directly engaging said bag of soiled clown hankies in polite, rational discourse?

Originally posted by First 9
Just for the record, I do think Becky is getting the short end of the stick. I just don't think it's that different than WWE's previous poor treatment of talented and popular guys. Just saying that there's examples of people rising past those slumps(more often than not, it doesn't happen I admit that) but you shouldn't hold it against others for being positive and thinkign Becky will get her moment in the sun.

I feel much the same way but I don't see any real negative writing on the wall for Becky. She's featured prominently just about every week, and has become a big part of WWEs PR campaign being sent to participate and raise brand awareness at huge events like SDCC. She appears to play well with others, and to genuinely be stoked about her lot in life. House show (whichtotallydontcountforshitIknow) reports regularly list her in the top 5 biggest pops of the night. Kids love her, little girls idolize her, she has an insanely marketable visual appeal with the whole steampunk aesthetic, moves a lot of merch. She's a reliable hand in the ring who has won over the fans to such an extent that it wouldn't take much to reignite the fire and make her a serious contender for the top of her division.

In a lot of ways I see her as the Ambrose of the Women's Division. Look no further back than Wrestlemania, followed by his feud with Jericho over a jacket and a potted plant, and the IWC's (mostly outside of OO) reactions to his supposed burial and how he'll never be able to make up the ground that he'd lost to Seth and Roman since The Shield was broken up. Look at him now, a few scant months later.

Oh shit, gotta go. Kool-Aids ready.

[Edited on 7/26/2016 by CM Crunk]

royberto - 7-26-2016 at 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Becky was in the title match at WM less than four months ago.
Whoopie. She was Ric Flair's daughter's bitch in that feud and had to once again do the job there. Becky should have been given the title at Wrestlemania. Perfect "Wrestlemania Moment" and Vince's ego wouldn't allow it. Because fuck ythe fans, that's why.

[Edited on 7-26-2016 by royberto]

CM Crunk - 7-26-2016 at 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Cunty McKnickertwist
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Becky was in the title match at WM less than four months ago.

[Edited on 7-26-2016 by Cunty McKnickertwist]

I...uh, I'm not sure what this revelation adds to the discussion but, uh... I guess it's nice to see you opening up like a real person. I'd offer you a hug but I'm still bothered that I have to share a planet with you.

Slick - 7-26-2016 at 02:25 PM

They should have the local talent, Britt Baker, who Nia Jax decimated last night, squash Becky Lynch the next 2 weeks. I'd enjoy that.

Thom - 7-26-2016 at 03:07 PM

royberto - 7-26-2016 at 08:47 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Becky getting a 1 on 1 match on the second hour of a pay per view.

Buried. May as well quit.
In the death slot/piss break after Zayn/Owens.

If you are going to troll, at least don't leave yourself so wide open to looking like an idiot.

salmonjunkie - 7-26-2016 at 08:55 PM

Dude, what is wrong with you?

CCharger - 7-26-2016 at 09:56 PM


GodEatGod - 7-26-2016 at 11:12 PM

Originally posted by CCharger


DKBroiler - 7-26-2016 at 11:17 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Becky getting a 1 on 1 match on the second hour of a pay per view.

Buried. May as well quit.
In the death slot/piss break after Zayn/Owens.

If you are going to troll, at least don't leave yourself so wide open to looking like an idiot.

It's on demand. Who takes a piss break without pausing?

G. Jonah Jameson - 7-26-2016 at 11:42 PM

And whose mid-show piss is so time-consuming that it outlasts the entrances and pre-match video package?

DKBroiler - 7-26-2016 at 11:48 PM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
And whose mid-show piss is so time-consuming that it outlasts the entrances and pre-match video package?

Concessions have buried Becky Lynch! It must be the nachos! Everyone knows that the only time to buy a beer and a hot dog is after the venue has likely stopped selling beer and hotdogs! It's science!

The science of burial.

DKBroiler - 7-27-2016 at 02:56 AM

Eva Marie ... Superstar.