Alberto Del Rio Violates WWE Wellness Policy, Suspended 30 Days... also Paige... and Eva...
Frank Lloyd Wright - 8-17-2016 at 10:43 PM

On Wednesday, August 17th, WWE announced that they have suspended Jose Rodriguez, better known to fans as Alberto Del Rio, for violating the company's Wellness Policy.

Rodriguez will be serving a mandatory 30-day suspension effective tomorrow, Thursday, August 18th, for his first violation of the WWE Wellness Policy. He joins Roman Reigns as another well-known, top active WWE Superstar to violate the Wellness Policy.

[Edited on 8-18-2016 by Matte]

anglefan85 - 8-17-2016 at 11:32 PM

Talent may not be sexually transmitted, but apparently, Wellness violations are:

CM Crunk - 8-17-2016 at 11:36 PM

This might be his first strike, but it's not hard to imagine that this is the final nail in the coffin for his current WWE run. Right? Taking into consideration his lack of motivation (I won't put all of that on him), which probably stems from his tenuous relationship with creative and management I don't think either party will have any compunctions about parting ways when his contract is up. I think the real question here, moving forward, is whether or not he decides to ask for his release BEFORE his contract is up.

He's got plenty of options out there in the world. Work in Mexico is only a phone call away, and I'm sure LU wouldn't mind having him back.

edit: Just now saw Anglefan's post. Goddamnit Paige.

[Edited on 8/17/2016 by CM Crunk]

anglefan85 - 8-17-2016 at 11:43 PM

Yeah, I have no doubts whatsoever that he's gone after his contract is up in a few months, if not sooner than that. I'm sure that Lucha Underground would pick him back up in an instant.

As for Paige, I might be a fan of hers, but in this instance, I've got no sympathy. She made her bed and now has to lie in it. I was thinking at first that this was another AJ/Punk scenario, but AJ left of her own accord, she didn't get Wellnessed alongside Punk, although if Punk did get Wellnessed, that'd be a whole different issue in and of itself.

[Edited on 8-17-2016 by anglefan85]

CM Crunk - 8-17-2016 at 11:46 PM

It's unfortunate, but hopefully this is the boot to the ass that gets Paige's act back together. I'm fearing this might be the continuation of a downward spiral.

bigfatgoalie - 8-17-2016 at 11:58 PM

So they got busted for coke and/or something like that right? I know Paige has been trying to get in shape, but peds would seem out of place.

Add in nobody knowing what Roman was dinged for...and 80's HBK is smiling while modern HBK...not so much.

anglefan85 - 8-17-2016 at 11:59 PM

Unfortunately, I'm thinking its more of the latter rather than the former. Paige just made history with this as well, since she's now the first woman to get a Wellness violation in the WWE.

Also, if things get really out of hand, Del Rio's gonna be in some shit since Paige's family does not seem like the kind of people that I'd wanna get on the bad side of.

[Edited on 8-17-2016 by anglefan85]

CM Crunk - 8-18-2016 at 12:14 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
So they got busted for coke and/or something like that right? I know Paige has been trying to get in shape, but peds would seem out of place.

Add in nobody knowing what Roman was dinged for...and 80's HBK is smiling while modern HBK...not so much.

As far as I know, and this comes from living in a community that gets a lot of Marines from the 29 Palms base in town partying it up on weekends and NOT from personally trial & error, cocaine has a really short half-life in your blood and urine and is supposed to be undetectable after 24-48 hours. Whether that's an old (hard partying 80's) wives tale or not, I don't know. I suppose I could Google it, but I do so enjoy the natural ebb and flow of civilized discussion.

It would make sense that she (and he, obv) could have been busted for some sort of fat-burning, amphetamine-based product. It's been noted elsewhere here on the bOOards that ADR is looking a lot more cut than we've been used to seeing him, so there's that.

Also something that could have played a factor is ALCOHOL. My understanding of the wellness policy is that performers aren't allowed to be under the effects of alcohol while performing, or conducting business under the WWE banner. Is it possible that maybe they partied it up a little too much on the recent overseas tour? Had a hangover bad enough to trip a drug test?

Who knows at this point, but it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Originally posted by anglefan85
Unfortunately, I'm thinking its more of the latter rather than the former. Paige just made history with this as well, since she's now the first woman to get a Wellness violation in the WWE.

Also, if things get really out of hand, Del Rio's gonna be in some shit since Paige's family does not seem like the kind of people that I'd wanna get on the bad side of.

[Edited on 8-17-2016 by anglefan85]

Christ, I didn't even think about that. If I was ADR I'd DEFINITELY avoid taking bookings in the UK for the foreseeable future. I imagine Saraya and/or Ricky Knight has it within themselves to pull a Brick Top and feed him to some hungry pigs.

gobbledygooker - 8-18-2016 at 12:19 AM

After listening to Saraya Knight's Colt Cabana podcast, I would be inclined to agree.

Alberto El Patron could always return to ROH!

janerd75 - 8-18-2016 at 02:04 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk

As far as I know, and this comes from living in a community that gets a lot of Marines from the 29 Palms base in town partying it up on weekends and NOT from personally trial & error, cocaine has a really short half-life in your blood and urine and is supposed to be undetectable after 24-48 hours. Whether that's an old (hard partying 80's) wives tale or not, I don't know. I suppose I could Google it, but I do so enjoy the natural ebb and flow of civilized discussion.

Christ, I didn't even think about that. If I was ADR I'd DEFINITELY avoid taking bookings in the UK for the foreseeable future. I imagine Saraya and/or Ricky Knight has it within themselves to pull a Brick Top and feed him to some hungry pigs.

Yayo info:

My hard partying neighbor used to do coke every once in a while and he thought it didn't stay in your blood that long. He also had an idea they would take a hair sample. So, on that note, he partied hard one weekend a few days before he had a major job interview at a bank. Even though he's mostly bald he shaved his head and goatee and figured he was okay. He didn't figure on them sampling his chest hair. He did not get the job.

As for the Saraya stuff:

Paddlefoot - 8-18-2016 at 02:05 AM

Fire ADR now and get him out of the company. Sit Paige down and scare the shit out of her to get her head back on straight. Fuck, when she gets back from rehab make her room-mate with Death Ray (who's being called up soon to the main shows as a producer) or even hire her incredibly scary-looking mom to keep her contained. This is fucked and she has too much potential to waste by becoming this generation's Sunny.

Paddlefoot - 8-18-2016 at 02:11 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Also something that could have played a factor is ALCOHOL. My understanding of the wellness policy is that performers aren't allowed to be under the effects of alcohol while performing, or conducting business under the WWE banner. Is it possible that maybe they partied it up a little too much on the recent overseas tour? Had a hangover bad enough to trip a drug test?

I suspected for a while now that there was something going on besides the injuries she had the last few months. There was a backstage clip from about this time last year where Road Dogg took her aside and told her to lose the attitude backstage. Her in-ring decline/shift-to-jobber began not longer after she and Alicia got booted out of a restaurant for nearly getting in a fight with some hecklers. For awhile most of her own social media accounts were full of pics of her with a drink in her hand. Then there was that thing in Vegas with ADR where the cops showed up and put her in a van and they tried to explain it off as some nonsense they were doing for Total Divas.

Kid's got issues, probably from life on the road with no one looking out for her. They can save her if she wants to be and hopefully will before she wrecks her career.

Count Zero - 8-18-2016 at 03:27 AM

What's Jose Escobar doing in the Impact Zone, Josh???

Paddlefoot - 8-18-2016 at 03:52 AM

Does hashtag activism work? We gotta get together to #SavePaige, mostly because of things like this.

Come back to us, baby girl, before it's too late.

Slick - 8-18-2016 at 06:57 PM

I think we know who all red everything Eva Marie will be pushed at the expense of down the road!!

Caesar guy - 8-18-2016 at 07:04 PM

Thought I saw Del Rio wearing tights that said "El Patron" on them on Smackdown this week. Never noticed them before. Was wondering if that might have made management enforce said wellness policy so quickly.

anglefan85 - 8-18-2016 at 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Slick
I think we know who all red everything Eva Marie will be pushed at the expense of down the road!!, about that....

Slick - 8-18-2016 at 08:17 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Originally posted by Slick
I think we know who all red everything Eva Marie will be pushed at the expense of down the road!!, about that....

Dammit all!!! We have to wait another month for her debut now? This ruined my day.

cardscott5 - 8-18-2016 at 08:26 PM

More like all PED everything

CM Crunk - 8-18-2016 at 08:41 PM

I had to doublecheck and make sure that wasn't a Kayfabe News article.

[Edited on 8/18/2016 by CM Crunk]

Wasimhosen - 8-18-2016 at 09:01 PM

Add Eva Marie to the list for 30 days in this round of testing according to TMZ.

merc - 8-18-2016 at 09:12 PM

Seems like we need a wellness violation thread.

CM Crunk - 8-18-2016 at 09:17 PM

Guys, guys. Eva Marie didn't do anything wrong. How was she supposed to know whatever she tested positive for could be absorbed Vicks Vapor-Rub style from her chest. The REAL culprit could still be at large.

royberto - 8-18-2016 at 09:59 PM

Originally posted by cardscott5
More like all PED everything
There may be foulness afoot: The last 3 wellness violations are:

Eva Marie
Del Rio

Their intials spell PED. It's a conspiracy! C-O-N-Spiracy!

CM Crunk - 8-18-2016 at 10:02 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by cardscott5
More like all PED everything
There may be foulness afoot: The last 3 wellness violations are:

Eva Marie
Del Rio

Their intials spell PED. It's a conspiracy! C-O-N-Spiracy!

Team P.E.D. BOOK IT!

anglefan85 - 8-18-2016 at 10:10 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Guys, guys. Eva Marie didn't do anything wrong. How was she supposed to know whatever she tested positive for could be absorbed Vicks Vapor-Rub style from her chest. The REAL culprit could still be at large.

I know its legit, but part of me was hoping that this is part of a storyline and that Heath Slater is shown to be behind all these suspensions, showing he's willing to do just about anything to get a spot on the roster.

Paddlefoot - 8-18-2016 at 11:16 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Guys, guys. Eva Marie didn't do anything wrong. How was she supposed to know whatever she tested positive for could be absorbed Vicks Vapor-Rub style from her chest. The REAL culprit could still be at large.

New entrance theme announced for EM when she returns.

You know somewhere that after the last two days Vince is just livid. The punishments coming up are going to make the thing with Titus look like a yearly bonus instead.

salmonjunkie - 8-18-2016 at 11:40 PM

Team PED needs to have the same voiceover guy for Eva Marie introduce all of them, with him doing the Albertoooooooooooooooo Del Riiiiiioooooooo that Robert Rodriguez did.

royberto - 8-18-2016 at 11:43 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Originally posted by CM Crunk
Guys, guys. Eva Marie didn't do anything wrong. How was she supposed to know whatever she tested positive for could be absorbed Vicks Vapor-Rub style from her chest. The REAL culprit could still be at large.

I know its legit, but part of me was hoping that this is part of a storyline and that Heath Slater is shown to be behind all these suspensions, showing he's willing to do just about anything to get a spot on the roster.
It's going to be almost impossible to ever be a story line anymore now that ESPN reports every single one that WWE announces:

royberto - 8-18-2016 at 11:45 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
So they got busted for coke and/or something like that right? I know Paige has been trying to get in shape, but peds would seem out of place.

Add in nobody knowing what Roman was dinged for...and 80's HBK is smiling while modern HBK...not so much.
Roman was dinged for Adderall.

Quentil - 8-19-2016 at 01:02 AM

What I want to know is what all of this has to do with Becky Lynch being buried.

In all seriousness, though, I don't understand what they are thinking sometimes. The wrestlers, I mean. Oh well. See you three in 30 days. Or never again. I used to have high hopes for Paige, and that part does touch my sads a bit.

[Edited on 8-19-2016 by Quentil]

Paddlefoot - 8-19-2016 at 01:23 AM

And coincidentally, in a decision not made at all in a state of panic and double suspended-diva embarrassment, Nikki Bella just got cleared by WWE to return to the ring.


Count Zero - 8-19-2016 at 02:29 AM

I wish I could take credit for this joke, but I can't.

"It's going to be awesome if they play Eva Marie's music next week on SmackDown anyway."

Also, "All suspended everything!!!"

Cherokee Jack - 8-19-2016 at 02:45 AM

Well this should certainly help her standing in the company...

Eva Marie's husband tweets:

When the public finds out why my wife was unjustly suspended they will be absolutely outraged! Official statement and facts coming soon.
So what are the facts? That WWE supplied her with tainted hair dye?

CamstunPWG187 - 8-19-2016 at 03:01 AM

Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by cardscott5
More like all PED everything
There may be foulness afoot: The last 3 wellness violations are:

Eva Marie
Del Rio

Their intials spell PED. It's a conspiracy! C-O-N-Spiracy!

Stealing quotes from 411, I see.

CM Crunk - 8-19-2016 at 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
Well this should certainly help her standing in the company...

Eva Marie's husband tweets:
When the public finds out why my wife was unjustly suspended they will be absolutely outraged! Official statement and facts coming soon.
So what are the facts? That WWE supplied her with tainted hair dye?

Her husband, diptard that he is, should know better-- you NEVER go full Adam Rose.

royberto - 8-19-2016 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
And coincidentally, in a decision not made at all in a state of panic and double suspended-diva embarrassment, Nikki Bella just got cleared by WWE to return to the ring.


Umm, Nikki got cleared weeks ago. July 20th in fact:

She has already been doing in-ring training with Bayley for a month now. So, there was no state of panic.

[Edited on 8-19-2016 by royberto]

[Edited on 8-19-2016 by royberto]

Paddlefoot - 8-19-2016 at 09:51 PM

She was medically cleared by the doctors that did the surgery on her. She wasn't cleared until yesterday by WWE itself for return to in-ring work.

royberto - 8-19-2016 at 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
Well this should certainly help her standing in the company...

Eva Marie's husband tweets:
When the public finds out why my wife was unjustly suspended they will be absolutely outraged! Official statement and facts coming soon.
So what are the facts? That WWE supplied her with tainted hair dye?
He deleted the tweet. The rumor going around is that the culprit for Eva Marie's welness violation is that it was an ingredient in the supplement Shredz. Eva Marie's husband apparently has a financial stake in, and is sponsored by, Shredz. So, his "outage" is over the fact that she got a suspension for supplements he makes money off of and gave to her. Apparently, he also gave free samples to other WWE talent. Here is the supplement in question:

Take with a grain of salt, but if true, it would not be good for Eva.

royberto - 8-19-2016 at 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
She was medically cleared by the doctors that did the surgery on her. She wasn't cleared until yesterday by WWE itself for return to in-ring work.
But she has been down at the Performance Center training in the ring with Bayley for the past month. That means she was probably close to being ready for TV to begin with.

Heck, WWE even posted a video last month of a chat with Nikki talking about stepping back in the ring and clearly showing Nikki in the ring training with Bayley:

What they just cleared her for was to return to TV. She was actually cleared to get back in the ring a month ago.

[Edited on 8-19-2016 by royberto]

[Edited on 8-19-2016 by royberto]

CM Crunk - 8-19-2016 at 11:03 PM

I seem to remember hearing that Daniel Bryan was regularly training down at the PC In anticipation of a potential return before getting the news that he had to retire. I would imagine there is a difference between being medically cleared by a doctor to resume training at the PC (or any other facility) and OFFICIALLY being cleared by WWE's doctors to resume WORKING. That's my take, at least.

royberto - 8-19-2016 at 11:13 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
I seem to remember hearing that Daniel Bryan was regularly training down at the PC In anticipation of a potential return before getting the news that he had to retire. I would imagine there is a difference between being medically cleared by a doctor to resume training at the PC (or any other facility) and OFFICIALLY being cleared by WWE's doctors to resume WORKING. That's my take, at least.
Oh, I agree, but I was just debunking this clearance being a panic move. It's pretty clear she has been taking bumps and training for a month already. It wouldn't take her long to get into TV ready form.

salmonjunkie - 8-20-2016 at 12:34 AM

The 8-pack on the dude in the main page of Shredz's website is just fucking ridiculous (and likely enhanced by photoshop)

GodEatGod - 8-20-2016 at 12:54 AM

Honestly, I know a lot of people are down on her, but I'll be very glad to have Nikki back on the shows. She can keep up just fine in the ring and is plenty over, heel or face. It'll be an interesting dynamic to have her be full solo, with Bri retired.

I also wonder what her new finisher is going to be, since she can't do the Rack Attack anymore.

First 9 - 8-20-2016 at 01:17 AM

Her Alabama Slam is pretty damn impressive. I hope that it gets upgraded to finisher.

anglefan85 - 8-20-2016 at 02:57 AM

Personally, I think she should use the elbow strike:

Paddlefoot - 8-20-2016 at 07:27 AM

EM says it was Adderall, that she has a prescription for, and that the error occurred because she didn't submit some kind of forms to WWE to approve her being on it. Odds are she's on it to lose weight as one of it's side-effects is to stifle hunger. It would be ironic though if she ended up on it because all the relentless booing from the smarks in the NXT crowd ended up giving her a legit anxiety disorder. Words hurt tOO, you bullying OO Universe fucks!

Her meathead of a husband has also backed off from his bullshit threats to "blow the lid off" of whatever the hell it was he was ranting about which would indicate that someone told him to knock it off before he ended up Adam Rose-ing his wife's career. Way to go, genius.

First 9 - 8-20-2016 at 05:13 PM

Adderall is the least damning and embarassing substance to be caught on, coincedentally it's the most common substance that people get caught on across all sports.WWE and the wrestlers don't have a legal obligation to reveal what they got caught on, and could just throw something out there to stop people from assuming and digging.

Not saying this is the case with absolute certainty but we shouldn't take them on face value when they say why somebody was suspended.

Paddlefoot - 8-20-2016 at 06:11 PM

All I know about Adderall is what Billy Bob Thornton said to a drug dealer in the first season of Fargo, as he was poisoning Oliver Platt's character with it to drive him nuts. "I want him bouncing off the walls like a 300-lb twelve-year-old on Adderall", or words to that effect. Where can I get some?

royberto - 8-20-2016 at 06:48 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Honestly, I know a lot of people are down on her, but I'll be very glad to have Nikki back on the shows. She can keep up just fine in the ring and is plenty over, heel or face. It'll be an interesting dynamic to have her be full solo, with Bri retired.

I also wonder what her new finisher is going to be, since she can't do the Rack Attack anymore.
She does have the forearm smash. One of the last ones she delivered to Paige looked stiff as all hell.

royberto - 8-20-2016 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Her meathead of a husband has also backed off from his bullshit threats to "blow the lid off" of whatever the hell it was he was ranting about which would indicate that someone told him to knock it off before he ended up Adam Rose-ing his wife's career. Way to go, genius.
Probably Eva Marie herself.

DevilSoprano - 8-20-2016 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Honestly, I know a lot of people are down on her, but I'll be very glad to have Nikki back on the shows. She can keep up just fine in the ring and is plenty over, heel or face. It'll be an interesting dynamic to have her be full solo, with Bri retired.

I also wonder what her new finisher is going to be, since she can't do the Rack Attack anymore.

Keep up in the ring??? With who? I hope you don't think she's even in the same ballpark as Sasha, Bayley, Becky, or Paige or even has anywhere near the potential of Charlotte who I still think has the chance to get better. If you wanna say she's on par with Jax, Bliss, Carmella, Nattie...that's fair but she can not keep up with the upper echelon.

GodEatGod - 8-20-2016 at 10:53 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Originally posted by GodEatGod
Honestly, I know a lot of people are down on her, but I'll be very glad to have Nikki back on the shows. She can keep up just fine in the ring and is plenty over, heel or face. It'll be an interesting dynamic to have her be full solo, with Bri retired.

I also wonder what her new finisher is going to be, since she can't do the Rack Attack anymore.

Keep up in the ring??? With who? I hope you don't think she's even in the same ballpark as Sasha, Bayley, Becky, or Paige or even has anywhere near the potential of Charlotte who I still think has the chance to get better. If you wanna say she's on par with Jax, Bliss, Carmella, Nattie...that's fair but she can not keep up with the upper echelon.

She's not as good at Charlotte, Becky, Sasha (or Bayley or Nattie). But she's better than Carmella, Bliss, Jax. I think she's comparable to Paige - Paige is much younger and has more time to grow but, despite being on the main roster longer, hasn't had matches.

When I say 'keep up', I don't necessarily mean she's in the elite tier of workers in the division, but she's one of the better non-elite talents they have. She's not dragging anybody down and, given that she's been training for her return with Bayley, might have even improved. She could have stepped away along with her sister and just pursued modeling and real estate. I think she deserves credit for busting her ass and working to get back in the ring.

DevilSoprano - 8-21-2016 at 03:50 AM

Paige is at best only behind Sasha and Becky in terms of actual ability in the ring. To even put Nikki in that atmosphere hurts.

First 9 - 8-21-2016 at 08:44 AM

Maybe prime indy/NXT Paige, but there's nothing to prove she's on the elite level right now. Maybe she hasn't fully recovered from an injury, maybe she's been lazy, maybe she can't keep a high quality of work with the WWE schedule, but just slightly below Becky/Banks she ain't.

Becky/Charlotte at the Rumble, the WM Triple Threat, and the big Charlotte vs Sasha match from a few weeks ago are a league above Paige's Main Roster work. The only thing I remember about Charlotte vs Paige was the controversial Reid promo and Paige vs AJ feud was decent and definently a highlight for it's time but nowhere near as good as what the new batch have served up.

She ain't that far from Nikki.

royberto - 8-22-2016 at 02:53 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Honestly, I know a lot of people are down on her, but I'll be very glad to have Nikki back on the shows. She can keep up just fine in the ring and is plenty over, heel or face. It'll be an interesting dynamic to have her be full solo, with Bri retired.

I also wonder what her new finisher is going to be, since she can't do the Rack Attack anymore.
IF you said "TKO" step up and collect your internet cookie.

I do know that she did cause some people to think she was going to hit the Rack Attack and fear for her health, so kudos to her for that.