OOfficial Discussion Thread for: SmackDown LIVE (August 23, 2016)
OORick - 8-24-2016 at 12:18 AM

Tonight on SmackDown: SD's top matches at SummerSlam had an air of finality to them: AJ once and for all won his feud with Cena, Ambrose dispatched Ziggler cleanly and decisively, and Miz retained the IC Title without too much funny business.... all of which is well and good, but also is a bit suspicious, given that SD now has just 3 short weeks to get its ducks in a row for the SD-exclusive Backlash PPV....

That's a PPV name that used to be in place after WM, as the "clean up the mess and tie up loose ends" show before Extreme Rules was inserted as the "tie up loose ends with ALL STIPULATION MATCHES" show.... so one can wonder how "final" those SummerSlam matches actually were....

It'd be fairly easy for Ziggler to pull off a full heel turn and squeeze one more match out of that WWE Title feud.... likewise, if Cena really never gives up, he could press for a rematch, and we could all pretend like he wins the feud, 1 win to 2, when he finally does beat AJ, before moving on....

But just as easily, you could have Styles step up and be installed as the new #1 Contender to Ambrose's WWE Title, which is clearly the next step for AJ (all while Cena is scheduled to be MIA for a bit to shoot season 2 of his TV show).... it's just a question of now, or next month...

A step down, it appears as though they will be prepping Bray Wyatt for his own return to main event heel status, by feasting on his own family: Wyatt turned his back on Erick Rowan last week, and could turn that into a full blown feud in short order.... and win it in just as short an order... it'd be a wise time to do the long rumored introduction of Sister Abigail, too, if that's ever gonna happen at all... Bray could have a very productive couple of weeks, and when Randall Orton returns after selling the beating he took from Lesnar, the two could be paired up for a long-form feud (remember the staredown from last week?).....

Nikki Bella's return probably means there's a new frontrunner for the eventual SD Women's Title that isn't Becky Lynch.... but it also means SD now has a nicely balanced 6 woman roster with two very over characters (one heel, one face), two talented-but-underappreciated performers (one heel, one face), and two up-and-comers (one heel, one face)... but who knows how long that will last once Eva Marie returns, and I can't really see her and Nikki co-existing on the same side...

The Usos pulled a little dick move on American Alpha last night to steal the pinfall in a 12-man match, despite Alpha doing the heavy lifting... those two are obviously the two best and most over teams in the division, and if you put a new pair of tag belts out there, they're the two who should fight over them.... but will there be a heel turn, too?

Miz awaits a new IC Challenger, and while I would personally give Kalisto a shot, WWE seems to think that Kalisto vs. Baron Corbin is A Thing (or, more specifically, WWE problematically seems to think Baron Corbin is A Thing, and other problems stem from that original source).... I don't know if a KFC commercial can count as a "spoiler" but if so, we might be in store for Miz vs. Ziggler, with Miz as the Family Guy Chicken and Ziggler as Colonel Sanders... it feels like we've seen Miz/Ziggler feud ad nauseum, but if they wear the costumes, I'd give them one more chance on PPV......

And of course, Shane McMahon will have to respond to what Brock Lesnar did, which I'm sure will include an update on Randy Orton's medical status, and something a little saltier with regards to the F-5 that Brock gave to Shane.... in sillier business, Shane and Daniel Bryan will probably continue toying with the One Man Brand, Heath Slater.....

That is all. End communication....

The flOOr is yours, OO Nation. Don't wait till after 10pm to post, either. Pre-show previewing and prognosticating is certainly welcome. So discuss, debate, and rate!

Foxcalibur - 8-24-2016 at 12:47 AM

Please don't do Brock-Shane, please don't do Brock-Shane, please don't do Brock-Shane...

... they're gonna do Brock Shane, aren't they?

I for one was hoping for a Dolph Ziggler heel-turn and real-deal title run, but given how hot AJ is, that ain't gonna happen. Maaaybe still the heel-turn, but it'll be a midcard heel turn to build himself back up. Oh well. Ziggles has kinda been lost product for me ever since he stumped for Trump. I know, it's not rational to conflate the performer with his political views, but it's been hard for me not to take this particular election a bit personal.

Seriously, tho, don't do Brock-Shane.

the goon - 8-24-2016 at 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Foxcalibur
I for one was hoping for a Dolph Ziggler heel-turn and real-deal title run, but given how hot AJ is, that ain't gonna happen.

Yeah, it's bad luck for Dolph that he's on the same show as AJ, who is really on a roll right now. You have to figure that Ambrose/AJ is planned at some point for the title, which means we won't be getting "Dolph Ziggler: heel WWE champion."

I am curious to see where Ziggler, AJ, and Cena all go though after their matches on Sunday.

Foxcalibur - 8-24-2016 at 12:59 AM

Originally posted by the goon
I am curious to see where Ziggler, AJ, and Cena all go though after their matches on Sunday.

To go spin his wheels in the midcard, to challenge for the belt, and to film American grit, respectively.

janerd75 - 8-24-2016 at 01:09 AM

I am a Heath Slater mark, baybay.

ETA: NXT > Smarkdown > RAM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Moolah's Pimpin' and Rapin' Festival of the Damned OO Argument and Yellfest Emporium

[Edited on 8-24-2016 by janerd75]

Slick - 8-24-2016 at 01:15 AM

It's bury Becky time baybay!

Come on Alexa!

bigfatgoalie - 8-24-2016 at 01:18 AM

Do people not know Becky was buried and her career is over? Why are they chanting for her?

lz4005 - 8-24-2016 at 01:22 AM

6 women is not a deep enough roster by half to deserve it's own title.

There are literally only 15 different possible matchups.

There are so many other ways they could have done it.

All women on one show. Balance it with all cruisers on the other show.

Let the title holder float between shows.

Title on one show, have the women on the other show concentrate on #1 contender status and an automatic title shot at the next pay per view.

Hell, just have all the women on both shows FFS.

Dyn-O-Mite - 8-24-2016 at 01:32 AM

Originally posted by lz4005
6 women is not a deep enough roster by half to deserve it's own title.

There are literally only 15 different possible matchups.

There are so many other ways they could have done it.

All women on one show. Balance it with all cruisers on the other show.

All of this. I'd have even taken it a step further -- all tags/women on the 3 hour show + US title + Universal (assuming that name isn't negotiable)

Other show
Cruiserweight + IC + WWE Title.

3 hours - 4 titles, plenty to keep interested in.
2 hours - 3 titles, plus fresh new division -- makes Smackdown unique and in line with Daniel Bryan being the commish.

Instead, SD already feels like the easiest show to catch a recap of, at best, to stave off fatigue.

Quentil - 8-24-2016 at 01:32 AM

I see we're back in an era of too many championships again. Ah well.

CCharger - 8-24-2016 at 01:42 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Moolah's Pimpin' and Rapin' Festival of the Damned OO Argument and Yellfest Emporium

[Edited on 8-24-2016 by janerd75]

It's OK, we've decided to turn internet outrage into a fundraiser! All proceeds to buy Kareemoftweet a fedora and Paddlefoot some lavender bath salts.

janerd75 - 8-24-2016 at 01:50 AM

Bath salts, you say?

My beloved Poopiefeets ain't scurrd a' no bath salts. I'mma get y'alls some bath sluts to take the edge off.

Paddlefoot - 8-24-2016 at 01:50 AM

Angry Ziggler needs a haircut. A ferocious Sammy Hagar look just doesn't work.

G. Jonah Jameson - 8-24-2016 at 01:52 AM

Looks like Vince McMahon just found out about Chuck Norris Facts.

bigfatgoalie - 8-24-2016 at 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Angry Ziggler needs a haircut. A ferocious Sammy Hagar look just doesn't work.

By haircut you mean a wellness suspension? Vacation? Release?

The truth is Ziggler isn't that much better than Breeze. And he peaked years ago. He's not believable as a top guy, and it makes no sense to use him as s mid card talent over guys who may have a higher upside.

Outside of bring off tv for an extended period I just don't see anything that will make the guy worth having around.

Paddlefoot - 8-24-2016 at 01:58 AM

(a lot of that red liquid is no longer) In My Veins

Ziggler is good to keep around. Unfortunately when it's over for him it'll probably be a case of, for whatever reason, they just couldn't pin down a successful character for him.

[Edited on 8/24/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Count Zero - 8-24-2016 at 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Quentil
I see we're back in an era of too many championships again. Ah well.
We were in a position of having 8 or 9 viable holders of 4 (eta: 5? I may have forgot about the IC or US originally) championships (I'm talking about tag-teams as a "single" viable holder, in my accounting). Now we have 8 championships for 9 viable holders. But we needed to split the brands, because we had ...something.

[Edited on 8-24-2016 by Count Zero]

janerd75 - 8-24-2016 at 02:15 AM

Fine, I'll say it here. I get Bork Borking people. He's a m-m-m-monster. Neat. I do not like him coming in and fucking up my hot sweaty men fantasy comic book hero stories grapple fest by interjecting 'real world' MMA into the fantasy world of pro wrestling.

Popularity or at least societal awareness of MMA and WWE are as high as they've ever been. People know the difference betwixt real and fake. Bork coming in and fucking guys up (or making it look like they are as was the case with RKO) that otherwise are at the top of the pro wrasslin' world is fucking dumb. Especially when Brock never shows ass. Ever. At least in recent WWE event memory.

Possible poor analogy alert, but what if Bork showed up on set for the Justice League movie cast as Bane and started fucking up Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, and Jason Momoa while they were dressed up in costume with no comeuppance? Kinda would plant the seed of taking the luster off them being the badass Superman, Batman, and Aquaman, yes? No?

Yeah, that's a shit analogy, but damn shoot hell, I dunno, I just don't like the blurring of lines between a real fighter and/or brute that is Bork with a realistic skill set of deadly moves intended to actually injure people vs. the stylized acrobatics of pro wrestlers that are trying to tell a story while not hurting people.

Count Zero - 8-24-2016 at 02:31 AM

That's a very funny hat Dean was wearing. Also, Dean Ambrose is no longer his name.

Quentil - 8-24-2016 at 03:21 AM

Holy shit, Talking Smack is amazing.

GodEatGod - 8-24-2016 at 03:32 AM

It's kind of hard for me to accept the argument that Dolph Ziggler isn't worth a damn when he can have that kind of match with AJ Styles. God damn, those two were bumping like maniacs for each other and I was loving the hell out of it.

AJ's the monster now, he's like a shark swimming through Smackdown. Dean Ambrose is one of my favorite wrestlers of the current moment. AJ Styles is one of my top five favorite wrestlers of all time. He's the only reason I watched TNA for as long as I did (and it's no coincidence that my interest in that product descended quickly after his departure). Right now, he's on that kind of golden, do-no-wrong run you want out of your champion.

The other stuff was kind of up and down:

- Carmella heel turn is good because her patter was annoying as hell and she'll be better suited in this role.
- Becky/Bliss was a very good little women's match that was hard to watch because Naomi and especially Natalya were stinking it up on commentary.
- Breezango should be the top heel team on Smackdown, not jobbing in the first round to anybody. Good match, though.
- Heath/Rhyno is a team I like. And I'm glad to hear chants for Heath and see him genuinely get over.
- Bray/Orton is a feud I've wanted to see for a while - I only worry that Bray gets jobbed again because they want to rebuild Randy post-Brockination.

OORick - 8-24-2016 at 03:36 AM

Credit where it's due: that was a very strong SmackDown, their best since going live (well, not counting the Draft itself).

Styles/Ziggler was the through-line from the very opening pre-tape, to a mid-show promo, until the very end of the main event (which was just an outstanding match), and on the strength of that 40 minutes of content tent-polling a 2 hour show, everything else came off well, too.

I can't believe it I'm saying this, but I'm genuinely convinced that AJ Styles is now less than 3 weeks away from becoming WWE Champion. They threw Ziggler out there in a context where the good guy ALWAYS wins to make it a 3-way, but instead, they totally reverse psychology'd us, and Styles goes over clean (after going over Cena twice).... that's Reigns Strength Power Booking, folks!

I never quite understood all of the Ziggler love 5-6 years ago... but now, I don't get the Ziggler hate. Dolph is a fringy proposition at the main event level, but not all of that is on him. Twice, he actually had me sold that he was ready to headline: once, an untimely injury derailed him, and the second, WWE just flat dropped the ball after Survivor Series 2014 when Dolph was red hot. Less than 2 years ago, he had "it" (tm, Jericho), so I refuse to buy into the notion that he no longer belongs on TV in a meaningful capacity.

That said, a heel turn is needed if for no other reason than to freshen up the character so that people don't find it quite as easy to be as dismissive as they are right now.

Concur that the new titles are not necessary, but at this point, I see no reason to complain about something that's been a foregone conclusion for over a month. I/we already won that argument back in July with our common sense, but WWE's deadset on doing the wrong thing, anyway.

Good for Heath Slater. Not the pointless tag team with Rhyno. Just in general: good for him, WWE's undisputed champion of turd polishing (now that Sandow is gone)....


anglefan85 - 8-24-2016 at 04:10 AM

Excellent show tonight. Easily a 9 out of 10 for me.

Also, if people here don't watch Talking Smack, try to find a way to find Miz's promo that he cut on there. That may have been the best promo that Miz has cut in his entire career.

the goon - 8-24-2016 at 04:50 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
It's kind of hard for me to accept the argument that Dolph Ziggler isn't worth a damn when he can have that kind of match with AJ Styles. God damn, those two were bumping like maniacs for each other and I was loving the hell out of it.

Originally posted by OORick
I never quite understood all of the Ziggler love 5-6 years ago... but now, I don't get the Ziggler hate. Dolph is a fringy proposition at the main event level, but not all of that is on him. Twice, he actually had me sold that he was ready to headline: once, an untimely injury derailed him, and the second, WWE just flat dropped the ball after Survivor Series 2014 when Dolph was red hot. Less than 2 years ago, he had "it" (tm, Jericho), so I refuse to buy into the notion that he no longer belongs on TV in a meaningful capacity.

Totally agree with these statements and I don't really understand the big "meh" response Ziggler's been getting here lately. Okay, I do get that his onscreen character has gotten a bit stale and a heel turn would probably do a lot of good for the guy, but otherwise it's not Ziggler's fault that he's been stuck in shitty angles like the Rusev/Lana thing and jobbing to Baron Corbin. The guy is still more than capable in the ring, so I'm fine with him hovering around the main event/WWE title scene.

Speaking of titles...I really, really don't get what they're doing with the title belts right now. Why are the new titles introduced tonight show-specific (Smackdown Tag Team titles and Smackdown Women's title), but on RAW it's still the WWE Tag Team titles and WWE Women's title? Does that mean that Charlotte is the women's champion of the entire WWE, but Becky Lynch would only be the women's champion of Smackdown? And the fact that the belts all look identical minus the coloring makes it even weirder to me...it's like the WWE decided to make the whole title picture as non-streamlined and illogical as possible.

Okay, now that my title belt rant is out of the way, that was a really good Smackdown. I was kind of hoping they would find their footing once SummerSlam was out of the way and it looks like they are. And the rise of AJ Styles in the WWE has been awesome to watch and he really has a chance to be the top guy on Smackdown (and it sounds like he's already getting a 50/50 crowd reaction, so I'm wondering if he'll be turned back face at some point).

And part of me wonders if Ziggler interferes in the main event of Backlash. After back to back losses to Ambrose and AJ, I just kinda feel like we haven't seen the last of him being involved with those two.

janerd75 - 8-24-2016 at 04:56 AM

I am a Miz mark, baybay. A Mizark, if you wheel, daddeh. Also, here's Miz going salted fucking ham on D Bry. Absolute Certified 100% Grade-A GOLLY!!!

Foxcalibur - 8-24-2016 at 05:15 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
I am a Miz mark, baybay. A Mizark, if you wheel, daddeh. Also, here's Miz going salted fucking ham on D Bry. Absolute Certified 100% Grade-A GOLLY!!!

Holy shitsnacks. That's how you make a work look like a shoot. That's how you mix reality with wrestling. Miz is another guy like Roman Reigns who was ruined by a stubborn push at a bad time. He's easily one of the best sticks and character guys in the 'E (Mizdow's success was half Miz) and gets very little love from smarkdom. That was better than any of Charles Montgomery Punk's worked shoot promos by a country mile.

Well played, the Miz. (And Renee and Maryse and D-Bries, whose reactions really sold it.) Well played.

anglefan85 - 8-24-2016 at 05:31 AM

Miz just cut the promo of his life, that was raw unbridled emotion. However, seeing how Bryan took it, even if that was a work, I really feel bad for the poor guy, having to live with the fact that his in-ring style had caused him to accumulate injuries that cut his career short, and just had that fact thrown back into his face again.

cardscott5 - 8-24-2016 at 06:30 AM

Really enjoyed SD. The wrestling was pretty enjoyable. The crowd wasn't into some matches at first, but really got into them by the end, which is the goal. Alpha/Breeze/Fandango was really good. I'm digging the Breeze/Fandango team and am also disappointed that was a first round match because all four can put on a solid match. Give them 5 more minutes and they could have torn the building down. Okay, that was a wild overstatement, but the crowd was into it.

I'm in the Team Ziggler camp. He's been so good since getting his last chance that it's revived my interest in him. I don't know who else SD has for him to challenge since he's currently out of the title picture and Orton and Wyatt are off on their own thing. Cena is there but it seems like he's gone. WWE is great at heating people up and then cooling them off forever, I hope they don't do it with Ziggler now.

AJ Styles is carrying a WWE brand that's not NXT. Mind blowing a year ago, awesome now.

Mentioned in the Summerslam thread that I was getting into Ambrose as the cocky prick champ, disappointed he reverted back to lame ass Ambrose because the story for the Ziggler match is over. Ambrose needs a heel turn to save us from his horrible comedy themed promos.

EDIT: God damn that Miz promo was fire

[Edited on 8-24-2016 by cardscott5]

CCharger - 8-24-2016 at 01:15 PM

Most interesting thing about that Talking Smack segment was Bryan saying, "If they would let me come back, I would."

Foxcalibur - 8-24-2016 at 05:21 PM

Isn't that pretty well-known? Or do you think they were hinting at a possible return?

scott19buckeye - 8-24-2016 at 05:35 PM

That Miz promo was unreal! I want to know the backstage politics but again...I don't. Absolutely blown away.

CCharger - 8-24-2016 at 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Foxcalibur
Isn't that pretty well-known? Or do you think they were hinting at a possible return?

That's not the official line, no.

During his good bye promo he said, "...I took a test that said that maybe my brain isn't as okay as I thought it was. And I have a family to think about, and my wife and I want to start having kids soon."

Then during the media rounds he said he had a "small, sub-acute lesion" on his brain that resulted in post-concussion seizures. That entire time he made it seem as if at first he wanted to keep wrestling no matter what, but doctors finally told him that he shouldn't and he agreed.

The narrative since then has been that "Yeah, it sucks I have to retire, but I have no choice but to choose my health and family and I am at peace with it."

His statement during Smack Talk was more, "It sucked I had to retire, but WWE gave me no choice."

Big difference.

Also, Bryan (unless WWE grants him his release, which isn't happening) is under contract until 2018. So, he won't be able to wrestle again until then.

[Edited on 8-24-2016 by CCharger]

G-Spot - 8-24-2016 at 06:00 PM

That Miz promo was as "old-school" as it gets! Brings me back to the 70's when they made it "real!" Good job everyone involved in that segment!!!

Frank Lloyd Wright - 8-24-2016 at 07:50 PM

I agree with G-Spot, that is about as old school as it gets when cutting a promo. That was the shit!!

Dominator - 8-25-2016 at 06:23 AM

* I caught Alexa Bliss having way too much fun doing the Yes chant. Like she's wanted to do it in a ring her whole life.
* I am pretty much a fan of all things Becky Lynch, but that new outfit of hers is dreadful.
* When was the last time Natalya had any character development promo material that was worth two shits? I wish I had a chance to help re-write her career. Naomi needs to relax and just be herself.
* I'm baffled by the lack of success/relevance the Ascension have had in the WWE.
* That Breezango/Alpha match was pretty sweet. Tyler Breeze continues to be a very underrated superstar.
* The place to interview Nikki Bella was on the ramp, not in the ring with her opponent standing right there. Nikki, blame Renee for that beatdown. And no, the women's division is presently not big enough for two belts, WWE.
* Slater/Rhyno is intersting.
* Ziggler/Styles was fantastic. Styles proving to be everything WWE hoped he'd be at this stage of his career and more. I agree that Ziggler never found a true role to be comfortable in and I don't know why that's been the case. He coul'dve been Rick Rude 2.0 in a heartbeat, but WWE never pushed him over that hump for whatever reason. Ziggler interjecting himself at Backlash seems logical, setting up a 3-way dance for the next Smackdown PPV, now that there are 7 billion of them a year. I say Styles eventually wins with Cena getting his 16th world title from him upon his return.

ETA: Miz/Bryan promo was excellent. Could've been epic if Miz had been a little more fact-stating and a little less repetitive, but his near-foaming at the mouth kinda made up for it.

[Edited on 8-25-2016 by Dominator]

Paddlefoot - 8-25-2016 at 09:00 AM

Yeah, it's kind of difficult to say that Carmella cracking Nikki from behind was unjustified when she was so blatantly dissed by a pre-match interview in the ring. At least making her into a heel has raised the interest in her, which was kind of non-existent due to her fairly awful white-girl-rapper entrance. She's got one hell of a tight little body on her too, probably going around with all of 2% body fat, with those Angelina Love variety of abdominal muscles that look like you could shoot a small-caliber gun at them and the bullet would just bounce off.

batsnumbereleven - 8-25-2016 at 05:07 PM

Confused @ DBry's logic.

1. AJ you're the number one contender.
2. You and Ziggler have a match.
3. IF you win you challenge Ambrose @ Backlash.
4. IF Ziggler win's it's a triple threat.

Um... so (3) if you lose presumably you don't challenge Ambrose @ Backlash ergo per (4) who else is in the triple threat cuz it's not AJ...

Dyn-O-Mite - 8-25-2016 at 05:27 PM

Originally posted by batsnumbereleven
Confused @ DBry's logic.

Um... so (3) if you lose presumably you don't challenge Ambrose @ Backlash ergo per (4) who else is in the triple threat cuz it's not AJ...

Nah, it was win and preserve 1on1 matchup earned vs Ambrose.
Lose, and it's a triple threat, where your odds (in a vaccuum) of victory decrease by ~20%.

Slick - 8-25-2016 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by batsnumbereleven
Confused @ DBry's logic.

1. AJ you're the number one contender.
2. You and Ziggler have a match.
3. IF you win you challenge Ambrose @ Backlash.
4. IF Ziggler win's it's a triple threat.

Um... so (3) if you lose presumably you don't challenge Ambrose @ Backlash ergo per (4) who else is in the triple threat cuz it's not AJ...

I was thinking the same thing.

I think the announcers tried to make sense of it later.

I might be misremembering but I thought someone later said AJ needed to win the match, so it would be a straight one on one with Ambrose at Backlash, rather than a triple threat, "where his odds of winning would be greatly diminished."

Or something like that. I was in and out of a vegetative state though.

Dominator - 8-25-2016 at 08:50 PM

Yeah, I didn't quite get that, either. D-Bry needed to word it better.

"A.J., your performance and your win over Cena last night combined with the run you've been on, clearly makes you the #1 contender for the WWE Championship. However, it seems to me like the guy who came oh-so-close again last night wants to fight you. So here's the deal. Dolph, you want another shot to prove you're the man on Smackdown? You beat Styles tonight, and you can join him in challenging Dean Ambrose for the World Title in a Triple Threat Match at Backlash."

A.J. really had nothing to lose in the match, so you if you wanted to add gravitas, you just should've had them fight for the #1 contendership.

the goon - 8-26-2016 at 12:33 AM

Regarding the AJ/Ziggler match: I agree it should have just been a straight up number one contender's match and the "AJ is already in, but if Dolph wins than he's in too" stipulation was a little weird, since Dolph had way more to be fighting for. But as Dyn-O-Mite mentioned, I guess the idea was that AJ was fighting to keep Dolph out of the Backlash main event and Dolph was fighting to get in.

Regarding the Miz promo: it was of course great (I especially loved how he really put over the IC title), but I'm not quite sure where they go next here. Daniel Bryan obviously isn't returning to the ring, so it's not like it's going to set up a match between the two of them. And the Miz has been a comedic heel for the past couple of years, so to have him suddenly cutting this intense, pissed off promo was kind of odd to me; does this mean he's completely ditching the comical "delusional D-Lister who thinks he's an A-Lister" gimmick and is going to be an intense, serious heel from now on? Or will the WWE treat this as a one time "shoot" moment and Miz will be back to having fake conversations with Stephen Spielberg about playing Indiana Jones next week?

punkerhardcore - 8-26-2016 at 12:36 AM

Originally posted by the goon
does this mean he's completely ditching the comical "delusional D-Lister who thinks he's an A-Lister" gimmick and is going to be an intense, serious heel from now on? Or will the WWE treat this as a one time "shoot" moment and Miz will be back to having fake conversations with Stephen Spielberg about playing Indiana Jones next week?

I think we both know the answer to that.

Dyn-O-Mite - 8-26-2016 at 01:12 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Originally posted by the goon
does this mean he's completely ditching the comical "delusional D-Lister who thinks he's an A-Lister" gimmick and is going to be an intense, serious heel from now on? Or will the WWE treat this as a one time "shoot" moment and Miz will be back to having fake conversations with Stephen Spielberg about playing Indiana Jones next week?

I think we both know the answer to that.

Was thinking about that today. (I earn paycheck from this company on a daily basis, clearly) But honestly, I think it's super likely there's no forward movement from this -- and instead it was a pretty sneaky genius way after 4 days and 11 hours of wrestling, to keep people talking about the product in fresh, non-recapy, fatigued way...

Or am I giving them too much credit and they stumbled into it bc they let talented talkers talk with no script...

GodEatGod - 8-26-2016 at 01:21 AM

I'm honestly not sure where you go with that in kayfabe terms anyway - don't get me wrong, it was a great promo, but Daniel Bryan's not coming out of retirement and, if he was, it sure wouldn't be to feud with Miz over the IC title.

Miz's douchey character is just fine and doesn't need tweaking. It's nice for them to throw a bone to smart fans with stuff like that on the Network, but edgier, real-er Miz isn't really likely.

There's also the possibility of someone standing up for Brian and telling Miz he really is a coward and starting a feud from it, but I'm not exactly sure who that would be on Smackdown.

gobbledygooker - 8-26-2016 at 02:36 AM

Yeah I could completely see them abandoning it since it was on a show that 99% of the audience doesn't watch but what do I know? It's gotten mainstream press whether they're ready or not.

As for my thoughts, maybe it was too built up for me before I actually watched it, but I wasn't completely blown away. I mean, it was damn good for a 2:40 promo but I didn't feel like it shifted worlds or anything, mainly due to how short it was. Good on Miz though.

merc - 8-26-2016 at 03:00 AM

If Brett Hart had cut that promo the interwebz would be screaming Brett is Brett's biggest mark.

Miz made it real to Miz...hopefully it was just in the moment. Maryse does have a slightly panicked look to off camera and I don't think she is that good an actress.

the goon - 8-26-2016 at 03:52 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Miz's douchey character is just fine and doesn't need tweaking.

That's my thinking as well. Miz is doing quite well as the douchey, celeb wannabe heel and I really don't have much desire to see serious, "real" Miz. Like the gooker mentioned, it is getting some buzz on non-wrestling sites (Deadspin had a lengthy article about it saying it was the most interesting promo in years, for instance) so I wouldn't be shocked if the WWE thought "hey, we're generating a lot of buzz with this...let's keep rolling with pissed off, edgy Miz!"

williamssl - 8-26-2016 at 04:02 AM

Originally posted by merc
Maryse does have a slightly panicked look to off camera and I don't think she is that good an actress.

ya know....I think her acting is just fine.