Catch-As-Catch-Can: The Non-Specific Wrestling Thread
janerd75 - 8-4-2017 at 11:43 PM

There's been some discussion regarding threads getting too cluttered with chicanery and foolishness of late, so I figured we could try out a non-specific, mostly wrestling related thread in an effort to take the pressure off the main threads. In days gone by, most of this shit could be relegated to the hinterlands of Parts Unknown down in the bowels of OO, but it's a bit hard holding fOOlks attention down there considering how little traffic it gets.

Mabey you have something wrestling related to discuss that goes off into esoterica and minutia which may make most dizzy if they attempted to keep up or you're keen on being a gif-posting shithead that exhausts the patience of peOOple that just want some quick and easy wrasslin' info, well, that shit can go here.

So, if it isn't directly related to the main threads regarding RAM, SD, and especially Rumo(u)rs, most wrasslin' pontificatin', theorizin', shit, gifs, videos, winking in-jokes/conversations go here. That's not to say these things still can't be done in those threads, but mayhap tightening things up with some self-traffic-copping and specificity can Make OO Great Agayn! #MOOGA

Also, if The GiFury strikes and you think what you're posting may too NSFW for guys that might want to click on this stuff at work, please use yonder bb code hidery here with a NSFW tag so the fellOOws may OO responsibly. [url=]Home Page of PHP[/ url] (<----no space betwixt the / and url, of course)

Also2, some futher bb code OO info for your future posting needs...

First 9 - 8-5-2017 at 01:03 AM

I like the mix of serious analysis mixed in with(or getting derailed by) goofyness and madness about she-males, hate boners for Enzo and random shots at Paige and Berto.

It's probably how WWE's creative meetings go.

janerd75 - 8-6-2017 at 07:48 AM

Originally posted by First 9
I like the mix of serious analysis mixed in with(or getting derailed by) goofyness and madness about she-males, hate boners for Enzo and random shots at Paige and Berto.

It's probably how WWE's creative meetings go.

Hate boner for Enzo: Check (Aboot 6:40 in)

Random shots of Paige and Berto: Discount Double Check

Shemale goofiness and madness: Check yo self befo' ya wreck yo self.

Flash - 8-6-2017 at 05:48 PM

That Gotch interview actually looks like it could be pretty good; he doesn't look like he's coming across as overly bitter (at least in the clips) like a lot of guys do when they burn some bridges by slagging HHH or Cena.... most of his criticisms seem to be directed at disorganization in the WWE, and Enzo being a spaz in the ring, which is already the general consensus.

GodEatGod - 8-7-2017 at 02:34 AM

Luke Harper and Sin Cara have been teaming up at house shows.

I hereby dub them Team Eyes Without A Face

First 9 - 8-7-2017 at 03:39 AM

For fuck's sake when they are taking that mask off Hunico's face? It's been 6 years Triple H, project Sin Cara is a failure.

Paddlefoot - 8-7-2017 at 04:17 AM

King of Dong Style! King of Dong Style!

Mick Foley had some fun in Ireland with Joey Ryan.

[The extended clip]

— Joey Ryan (@JoeyRyanOnline) August 6, 2017

And the following highlight was Killjoy Jim Cornette having his usual shit-fit about it later. Like, "it's insulting to wrestling" because wrestling is so serious, like the opera and all. Foley gave Jim a shot back later, pointing out that several hundred people in the audience had a great time, as the entire thing is supposed to be all about anyway.

lz4005 - 8-7-2017 at 04:50 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
I hereby dub them Team Eyes Without A Face

They've got no human race?

williamssl - 8-7-2017 at 05:12 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
King of Dong Style! King of Dong Style!

Mick Foley had some fun in Ireland with Joey Ryan.

[The extended clip]

— Joey Ryan (@JoeyRyanOnline) August 6, 2017

And the following highlight was Killjoy Jim Cornette having his usual shit-fit about it later. Like, "it's insulting to wrestling" because wrestling is so serious, like the opera and all. Foley gave Jim a shot back later, pointing out that several hundred people in the audience had a great time, as the entire thing is supposed to be all about anyway.

Matte seemingly refuses to enter this into the finishers showdown. Does Matte have a thing for tennis rackets? Does Cornette have a thing for trannies? Have Matte and Cornette ever been seen together in the same place at the same time?

Paddlefoot - 8-7-2017 at 05:13 AM

les yeux sans visage. Great, now I've got that fuckin' Billy Idol song stuck in my fuckin' brain.

janerd75 - 8-7-2017 at 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot

And the following highlight was Killjoy Jim Cornette having his usual shit-fit about it later. Like, "it's insulting to wrestling" because wrestling is so serious, like the opera and all. Foley gave Jim a shot back later, pointing out that several hundred people in the audience had a great time, as the entire thing is supposed to be all about anyway.

Love me some Jimmy C, but motherfuck dude, it's just guys with a multi-million-dollar production budget reaching into the minds of their 9-year-old-selves grab-bagging some slap-and-tickle antics thusly divesting middle-class-jabronis of their hard-earned discretionary entertainment dollars. Duh.

I'm all out of hope,
One more bad dream could bring a fall,
When I'm far from home,
Don't call me on the phone,
To tell me you're alone,
It's easy to deceive,
It's easy to tease,
But hard to get release...

Diane, all is going according to plan. Next I conVince them to enter the Black Lodge by enticing them with vaguely trans-esque Chyna gifs and then the full-on Braziladyboy experience. Today I didn't even have to use my A.K., I got to say it was a gOOd day.

Also, I ship Harper/Sin Whatever. Big Generic White Guy + Whippity-Dippity Hispano Guy pairing always gets my support*.

*Offer not valid in New York/New Jersey/Marble-Mouthed Everything's-Better-In-The-City/Nuke-Bait/Goomba Cancer-Themed Regions Of The U.S. By Which I Mean The Entirety Of The Northeastern United States.

Paddlefoot - 8-7-2017 at 06:50 AM

Someone seriously needs to tell Jimmy during one of those shoots to knock it the fuck off already. No one except real marks agree with him and, despite all the endless fucking bitching via sentences so long he's out of breath when he's finally finished saying them, he's just another damn carny himself.

GodEatGod - 8-7-2017 at 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Someone seriously needs to tell Jimmy during one of those shoots to knock it the fuck off already. No one except real marks agree with him and, despite all the endless fucking bitching via sentences so long he's out of breath when he's finally finished saying them, he's just another damn carny himself.

As I've said before, I think it's, to some degree, a gimmick. Cornette's hardcore fans and subscribers lap that shit up. You're right, he absolutely is a carny - which means he is trying to sell you something all the time. Nothing more oldschool than kayfabin' on the smarks.

Flash - 8-7-2017 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by First 9
For fuck's sake when they are taking that mask off Hunico's face? It's been 6 years Triple H, project Sin Cara is a failure.

I get that on one hand it's nice that the WWE owns the Sin Cara gimmick (and that you could throw pretty much anyone into the mask), and the masks are probably a nice seller with the kids, but you would have figured that Kalisto would have filled that spot by now.

Maybe he's there to be to Mexico tours, and Latinos in general what Jinder is to the Indian crowds.

salmonjunkie - 8-7-2017 at 07:01 PM

Originally posted by First 9
For fuck's sake when they are taking that mask off Hunico's face? It's been 6 years Triple H, project Sin Cara is a failure.

I'd much prefer him stay as mid-level JTTS luchador Sin Cara over super jobber vato Hunico.

DKBroiler - 8-8-2017 at 12:01 AM

Originally posted by janerd75

*Offer not valid in New York/New Jersey/Marble-Mouthed Everything's-Better-In-The-City/Nuke-Bait/Goomba Cancer-Themed Regions Of The U.S. By Which I Mean The Entirety Of The Northeastern United States.

janerd75 - 8-10-2017 at 07:08 PM

From the Rumors thread:

Originally posted by CCharger
I'm sure janerd can make a meme out of this somehow:

Seth Rollins breaks Cena's nose, nearly cripples Sting, dislocates Finn Balor's shoulder, and no one says a word.

Shin Nakamura gives Cena a headache and EVERYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS

First 9 - 8-10-2017 at 09:29 PM

Not to sound callous, but should the Cena injury really be held against Rollins, especially on the same level as the fuck ups with Sting and Balor?

Orton once fucked Batista's nose in a regular brawl and CJ Parker almost drove Kevin Owens's nose into his brain with an open palm strike. Timing a nice looking shot to the face is fucking hard.

Caesar guy - 8-10-2017 at 10:04 PM

It almost looks as though Cena thought it might just be a simple belly to back suplex.

DKBroiler - 8-10-2017 at 10:41 PM

Amazing GIF work Janster.

Now if you can make one with Carmella and Beckie scissoring that'd be much appreciated!

janerd75 - 8-11-2017 at 02:50 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Amazing GIF work Janster.

Now if you can make one with Carmella and Beckie scissoring that'd be much appreciated!

Ah, the siren song of my mentor Eric Cartman hearing 'Sail Away' by Styx or The Lawnmower Jan reading, "Do a funny movin' pitcher 'puter storee, Jantard!". Despite my desire to see the entirety of Broiler's Northeast Region of the U.S. irradiated off the map notwithstanding, how can I not oblige?

Don't be hatin' on Janners 'cause I'm down with the latest,
Hate me 'cause like Rickey Henderson...

DKBroiler - 8-11-2017 at 05:32 AM

You deserve an Oscar.

And potentially an ankle bracelet but definitely an Oscar.

salmonjunkie - 8-11-2017 at 08:55 AM

Scissor me timbers!

Paddlefoot - 8-11-2017 at 09:22 AM

Coulda used a donut bumpin' scene. Maybe they'll have one in the sequel.

CamstunPWG187 - 8-11-2017 at 06:22 PM


Count Zero - 8-11-2017 at 07:50 PM

The tacos make me hungry.

janerd75 - 8-12-2017 at 04:04 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
I formally request a Janerd-ification of the lyrics to Nia Jax' entrance theme.

I'm not like most girls
Who only take just what they're given
Like some little skinny bitches
Lumpy like me
I'm not like those girls

Who only take one plate for granted
Unlike who goes two-handed
Lumpy like me
I'm not like most girls

My ass too thick to feel dick in it
Run the buffet an' never quit it
Lumpy like me
I'm not like those girls

Toss my salad burn your faces
My density's a force of weightness
Lumpy like me...

Paddlefoot - 8-12-2017 at 04:22 AM

Good enough. Was hoping for something along the lines of "my tights make me look like a salami hanging from the ceiling of a deli" but that's kind of hard to make up a rhyme to.

janerd75 - 8-14-2017 at 05:14 PM

Sorry 'bout yer damned luck and SS match, Shinsky.

When we as a people can genuinely support each other amazing is possible. I was able to watch The Maharaja do his thing in Vancouver and now I'm excited to announce @wwe Champ @jindermahal will be taking time away from his busy schedule to accompany the Team for my debut fight in his home province of Alberta. Shout out to the boss @danawhite for hooking up the VIP treatment #indian #onebillionstrong #punjabi #pride #support #loyal #humble #respect #wwe #ufc

A post shared by Arjan Singh Bhullar (@theonearjansinghbhullar) on

Count Zero - 9-29-2017 at 11:39 PM

This has barely-anything to do with wrestling, but since Janerd loves us NorthOfTheBorderites (not to be confused with FloridaSodomites), I figure he can pretend these guys are Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn at every single meal they share.

DKBroiler - 10-6-2017 at 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
This has barely-anything to do with wrestling, but since Janerd loves us NorthOfTheBorderites (not to be confused with FloridaSodomites), I figure he can pretend these guys are Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn at every single meal they share.

I need a Philly version of this ASAP.

�Let me pay.�
�Hey, go fuck yourself buddy. You paid last time.�
�I know your mother is a slut, but I�m paying.�
�Remember that time I fucked your sister in high school? It�s on me.�
�Yo, last Saturday, c�mon. Those lap dances weren�t free and neither were the shots of fireball.�
�Fine, you can pay. I still fucked your sister.�

Count Zero - 10-6-2017 at 06:59 PM

Golly. Philly really DOES sound like a magical place!

DKBroiler - 10-6-2017 at 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Golly. Philly really DOES sound like a magical place!

Always Sunny in Philadelphia is closer to real life than you�d imagine.

Paddlefoot - 10-16-2017 at 04:44 AM

Man, watch enough Scott Steiner promos and interviews and it's almost enough to make someone eat a gun. Hilarious enough but so thoroughly anti-human.

GodEatGod - 10-19-2017 at 02:44 PM

Weird random thought: has Dolph Ziggler ever really been in a tag team? Most guys who've been in WWE for as long as he has have had major partnerships and factions in their history. He had Spirit Squad at the very beginning, but that was five guys. He had his brief faction with Big E and AJ Lee, but they didn't tag much, it was more Big E being his Diesel.

It just seems weird. Like, Edge had Rated RKO and his brief partnership with Jericho and, of course, Christian. Even Punk had a reign with Kofi Kingston of all people. Ziggler seems like he'd be a great Ricky Morton on a face team or a good half of a smarmy pretty boy team. Hell, he and Miz would fit together perfectly. It just seems weird for a guy to have been in the company that long and never hold a tag belt.

First 9 - 10-19-2017 at 09:39 PM

Ziggler and Swagger were a thing fo a while but it was really more Vickie's Client A and Client B.

Speaking off, I miss Vickie. A lot of the lost midcarders today could use a heat lightning rod like her.

williamssl - 10-19-2017 at 09:48 PM

WWE started going down a Miz + Ziggler pairing a few years back - the premise being disgruntled former champions who weren't getting the credit they deserved e.g. getting stuck in stupid midcard-at-best feuds.

They never ran with it. Not because either of them went on immediately to a more compelling storyline because they didn't. Probably because storylines are hard and a writer can only do so many at a time and do them 'well' and they were already pressed to fit all those storylines into 4-5 hours of weekly TV time.

Pssst.....there is some sarcasm in there in case you didn't pick up on it.

Paddlefoot - 10-19-2017 at 11:13 PM

Those 'riter dnonkeys have families, dammit!

GodEatGod - 10-22-2017 at 12:30 PM

Apparently, Avril Lavigne likes WWE, based on her Halloween costume this year:

CCharger - 10-22-2017 at 04:33 PM

Recently, I saw Dolph Ziggler play a magician on an episode of Adam Ruins Everything.

janerd75 - 10-24-2017 at 02:12 AM

Kurt getting ready for TLC.

janerd75 - 10-25-2017 at 08:00 AM

Money quote at 1:24 in - "When you go to bed with the big boys, you're gonna feel some pain in the mornin'!" Fuckin' A, Ric!

Paddlefoot - 10-25-2017 at 10:28 AM

Paddlefoot - 10-27-2017 at 09:06 PM

Becky a thicc bish.

janerd75 - 10-28-2017 at 03:55 AM

That first pic of Lana is no bueno because the photographer made her look preggo. Either the photog needs a Chokeslam to Hell or Lana does because why would you want to mess up a flat stomach like that with a dick demon?

Yes yes, TMZ, but who else would cover this stunad? He's seriously just gross and skeevy as shit in a day and age where that doesn't really fly anymore. My hope is that he "lives the gimmick" like Naitch or even moreso like other unfortunate souls that put the plane right into the fucking mountain because they were too busy being distracted by the delightful odors they discovered with their heads willfully shoved up their own asses. Not sure you can overdose on jizz though. Not that there's anything wrong downing hot loads. But gallons and gallons of it at a time? And getting high on your own supply? That...that's just not right.

Future crime scene footage from Enzo's violent horrible death. I should NSFW this, but your bosses, wives, and children need to see this is what happens when you New Jersey too much.

Paddlefoot - 10-28-2017 at 04:39 AM

Some of these Enzo photos make him look like he broke out of the same shitty part of hell along with similar looking wigger garbage like Riff Raff or Stitches (and please forgive me for actually knowing who those two pieces of shit even are). Good comment section though. I gave up on TMZ after the election for being way too pro-Trump and for making every forgettable scummy little rapper in Hollywood look like some kind of mega-star. I do miss the comment section there though. Disqus has it's good moments at sites like that what with the way the readers go all wild-west with the comments on how disgusting most celebs, and sites like TMZ, usually are.

Fifth Horseman - 10-29-2017 at 07:18 PM

Outwardly, at least, Kevin Owens thinks as highly of Randy Orton as some of our favorite posters here.

janerd75 - 10-30-2017 at 12:54 AM

I guess the WWE finally made their own version of the Broken Hardys afterall.

Paddlefoot - 10-30-2017 at 01:07 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
I guess the WWE finally made their own version of the Broken Hardys afterall.

Yes, that was quite brilliant. Hopefully the ghost of Big Boss Man didn't eat mittens.

Flash - 10-30-2017 at 05:19 AM

Love the complete lack of respect that Konnor and Viktor get in the credits compared to the self-love Fandango heaps upon himself.

Paddlefoot - 10-30-2017 at 06:54 PM

In case they've never thought about it before here's an example as to why they should just fire all the 'riter dnonkeys and let Miz script the promos for everyone else

Hey @BaronCorbinWWE ....

— The Miz (@mikethemiz) October 30, 2017

janerd75 - 10-30-2017 at 08:36 PM

I think more wrestlers need to get kicked out of locker rooms.

Paddlefoot - 11-2-2017 at 07:44 AM

Found this gem courtesy of a Deadspin article on TNA/Anthem/GFW. Yes kids, there really is an entire Wiki-type entry courtesy of the /wooo/ board at 420Chan. Behold, in all it's glory, LOLTNA, a dedicated list off all of TNA's many fuck-ups since their founding back in 2002! Yeah, it's all eye-of-the-beholder but it's still good for more than a few yucks, and sheer amazement that they managed to keep going for fifteen years despite falling down from tying their shoe's laces together seemingly every day for their entire existence.

GodEatGod - 11-2-2017 at 08:33 PM

I finally got around to trying some of that WOO CRISPY WOO TANGY WOO HONEY MUSTARD chicken at KFC and I gotta say: the Ric Flair imitator is right, that shit's pretty good.

Big G - 11-7-2017 at 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot

Thanks so much for sharing this. I've read the entirety now. With the hypothetical what if posed in the other thread, it seems to me that LOLTNA was the spiritual successor of '01 WCW.

Also reminded me that during the period of '06 through to maybe '08, I actually preferred watching TNA PPV to WWE ones.

TownOfDalem - 11-8-2017 at 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Big G
Also reminded me that during the period of '06 through to maybe '08, I actually preferred watching TNA PPV to WWE ones.

I agree. I call it the Christian Cage era, but there was a while there where I really love what they were doing. This is the main reason why i just want TNA to die so WWE can buy the tape library.

Having less promotions for wrestlers to work isn't great, but TNA just dying might open the door for a new promotion or continued growth from New Japan or RoH.

Speaking of, whatever happened to Dragon Gate USA?

janerd75 - 11-10-2017 at 06:28 AM

Blast from the past.

Paddlefoot - 11-10-2017 at 06:36 AM

I love that song. Too bad that's as far as Union Underground ever got.

Paddlefoot - 11-21-2017 at 04:06 PM

Will some of you guys fix your fucking avatar sizes already? It ain't that fucking difficult to do.

DevilSoprano - 11-23-2017 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by TownOfDalem
Speaking of, whatever happened to Dragon Gate USA?

I believe the relationship with DG and Gabe Spolsky fell apart and Gabe transitioned from the DGUSA brand to Evolve and a larger partnership under the WWN umbrella.

First 9 - 11-23-2017 at 07:35 PM

Just wanted to mention Drew Gulak and Tozawa had a bitchin' streetfight on the last episode of 205 live and it's become one of my favorite matches recently. Gulak dressing exactly like Dean Ambrose and then looking upset Tozawa appeared in his regular gear was great. Match is a perfect example of no dq working in the more restricted era. Instead of blood and grittyness, they use the props for innovative spots.

This match along with Tozawa's no dq match against Kendrick(possibly the best match 205 Live has produced) has convinced me that he's one of the top ten in ring guys in the company. He's my personal pick to end the reign of Enzo.

janerd75 - 11-29-2017 at 07:39 AM

In the biggest "no fucking duh" of the year...

Paddlefoot - 11-30-2017 at 06:58 PM

A good reminder that Vince is/was a nut/pervert.

Also during the podcast, Lawler shared a story about how he chewed out Michael Cole for saying that 'The King' had suffered "anal bleeding" from a slam delivered by Mark Henry. Apparently, Cole told the legend of Memphis pro wrestling that the call was WWE Chairman Vince McMahon's idea.

"We could do a whole show about the things we know that Vince either told [Ross] to say or told Michael Cole to say. The most embarrassing one that I can remember, and later on I went to him and I went, 'what the hell, man?' and he said, 'I swear, Vince told me to say it. I swear. You know I never would have thought about it.' And it was the time Mark Henry picked me up, and I don't know if I was wrestling Mark or what happened, but anyway, he picked me up and slammed me through the announce table and they carried me out or whatever. And then, after the break, he said, 'we want to give you an update on 'The King'. He's not doing too well' and then he says, 'he's suffering from anal bleeding.' So that's when I went to Cole afterwards and said, 'what the hell are you doing.' He said, 'I swear, Vince told me to say it.'"

TownOfDalem - 11-30-2017 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Originally posted by TownOfDalem
Speaking of, whatever happened to Dragon Gate USA?

I believe the relationship with DG and Gabe Spolsky fell apart and Gabe transitioned from the DGUSA brand to Evolve and a larger partnership under the WWN umbrella.

Thanks Dev. I bought a bunch of there dvds a few years ago and they put on some great shows. In addition to some of the great japanese talent (love me some Dragon Kid and Masato Yoshino), it was also my first exposure to some future WWE talent like Harper and Rich Swann.

CCharger - 12-1-2017 at 09:01 PM

Any subscribe to this?

SpiNNeR72 - 12-4-2017 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by TownOfDalem
Originally posted by Big G
Also reminded me that during the period of '06 through to maybe '08, I actually preferred watching TNA PPV to WWE ones.

I agree. I call it the Christian Cage era, but there was a while there where I really love what they were doing. This is the main reason why i just want TNA to die so WWE can buy the tape library.

Christians arrival was the beginning of the downward spiral for TNA, when "made stars" became flavour of the month. Prior to that there was the genuine drive of the AJ/Daniels/Joe X-Division series culminating in that being given the main event spot. Jarrett mat have hogged the world title picture but he had the savvy to take a step back when it mattered.

But yes, at this point the TNA library is the only thing it has going for it, and would be a great resource for WWE documentaries and video packages.

[Edited on 12-4-2017 by SpiNNeR72]

GodEatGod - 12-4-2017 at 03:43 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
Jarrett mat have hogged the world title picture but he had the savvy to take a step back when it mattered.

[Edited on 12-4-2017 by SpiNNeR72]

How is the World Title picture not 'when it mattered'? And the early stuff when the X-division was dominant also included tons of garbage matches and Russo stunt booking. There was still a lot of great stuff going on after Christian and Angle came in -and- Jarrett took more of a backseat than he had before sparing us his crippling mediocrity. Christian could still go and was always underutilized in WWE so I never understood people bitching about him anyway. The Christian Coalition of him, Tomko and AJ was one of my favorite factions they ever did

TownOfDalem - 12-4-2017 at 04:04 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Christian could still go and was always underutilized in WWE so I never understood people bitching about him anyway. The Christian Coalition of him, Tomko and AJ was one of my favorite factions they ever did


Even bringing in Angle was incredibly smart, they just then made the mistake of having him immediately end Samoa Joe's streak rather then build to it.

Heck even having Sting around was smart, they just couldn't stop themselves from having him main event Bound for Glory every year.

Paddlefoot - 12-4-2017 at 07:46 PM

Christian worked with other guys in TNA, he didn't bury anyone the way the old fossils from WCW did when Dixie brought them in. And Christian elevated people too, most notably AJ Styles who became much better on the mic and as a heel just from him working with Christian as a member of the Christian Coalition. Even Tomko was head and shoulders above what he was in WWE, simply from being allowed to talk more and from playing a straight man to Christian's heel antics.

I'd wager that if TNA had continued the path it started with Christian, and then Angle, but never got into business with Hogan (or even with Sting) that they'd be a rock-solid company right now, in terrific financial shape, and might now be providing the competition that WWE desperately needed to get rid of their own complacency. There was nothing but upside with the way TNA was proceeding at that point in time, and they wrecked it all completely thanks to Dixie being a fucking mark for the guys who bear a huge portion of the responsibility for ruining WCW.

Flash - 12-6-2017 at 11:30 AM

Christian is probably the exact kind of signing that a company would want to make at that stage: he had name value, a bunch of hustle on his resume, could talk, and had that untapped top guy potential while also being the kind of guy who could also slide down the card to elevate when and where needed. He also wasn't so big a name that he would overshadow anyone else and force you push him right to the top. So maybe if this were a hockey analogy he'd be that veteran 2nd line scoring winger who can also play first line minutes, who's coming over from a team where he was getting pushed out because of up and coming rookies.

Angle for me at that time was A) not someone they should have scooped up right away as it sent a bad message about substance abuse, but ultimately B) that kind of finishing piece you get to put your team over the top... the superstar who's proven goal scorer; still a good pick up because it made people pay attention to your "team", and that guy you pick up for the playoff run but not the kind of guy you keep around for the long term either.

Hogan and the others... that's like the old timers league that you're supposed to trot out once a year as a goodwill ambassador, not make your first line.

You look at the guys that passed through TNA, and just in a lot of ways the complete lack of expectations that was put on them and it's mind boggling that they failed the way they did, or let so many guys slip through their fingers... to cap off the hockey analogy I'd say they were the New York Islanders of wrestling.

Paddlefoot - 12-6-2017 at 04:09 PM

Or the Maple Leafs for most of the last fifty years. Loaded with first-round draft picks but incessantly self-sabotaging because their management/ownership was basically insane.

First 9 - 12-12-2017 at 03:39 AM

Paige had an emotionally charged discussion on Lilian's podcats discussing almost everything. Her shitty childhood, her last few shitty years, how she came close to commiting suicide among other heavy topics.

But the ending with her admitting she almost cried live on air when the fans popped huge for her return will warm any cold bastard's heart.

GodEatGod - 12-16-2017 at 05:23 AM

As someone pointed out on Twitter tonight, how the hell has Ring of Honor managed to exist for this long and not have a proper women's division, with a champion and such? Isn't that kind of weird? What the hell, RoH?

Count Zero - 12-16-2017 at 07:06 AM

As somebody who pretty-regularly watches the RoH (it's easy to dvr & consume), I must admit I have wondered the same thing. Why _don't_ they go all out with the Women Of Honor thing? They've had a pretty consistently-decent string of ladies, from what I've seen. I think that some of the WoH even work in.. Shimmer? Shine? And apparently one of the joshi promotions in Japan?

PB-13 - 12-21-2017 at 09:25 PM

At Final Battle they finally announced that they're starting a championship for Women of Honor.

P.S. Thinking I should finally deep-six my dumb Indie thread and move that stuff here. LOL.

[Edited on 12-21-2017 by PB-13]

janerd75 - 1-3-2018 at 11:37 PM

Dadgummit, Big Bank Hank, where'd you go off to? I sent you a U2U but here's your requested gif...

williamssl - 1-3-2018 at 11:53 PM

Bah. I think I'm supposed to be burned by that, or it's part of something bigger that has burn.

Seth MacFarlane is a wretched vile unfunny creature and nothing anyone says or does is going to make me regret or think twice about the good-for-humanity-but-bad-for-Seth things I've wished upon him.

janerd75 - 1-4-2018 at 02:06 AM

It definitely has a shelf life of ten years ago, but I get hard for makin' them gifs so whatevs I guess. *siiiiiigh*

He had to miss that flight...

Big Bank Hank - 1-4-2018 at 11:59 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Bah. I think I'm supposed to be burned by that, or it's part of something bigger that has burn.

Seth MacFarlane is a wretched vile unfunny creature and nothing anyone says or does is going to make me regret or think twice about the good-for-humanity-but-bad-for-Seth things I've wished upon him.


janerd75 - 1-21-2018 at 11:29 PM

Some interesting tidbits heading into WrassleWeek 2018!

Fiction vs Reality #Raw25

— The Miz (@mikethemiz) January 21, 2018

Really liking this Pete Dunne fella more and more.

First he battled the father and now he battles the son. Matt Hardy truly is immortal. I think it'd be cool if they brought Goldust into the Broken Universe and let them run wild for a bit until Jeff gets back. Remarkable for two guys that have been around that long to still be watchable and non-sucky in a ring.

And to close 'er out, gotdayum did Maryse have a sweet DDT or what? All the Gollys!

Count Zero - 1-24-2018 at 06:15 AM

Soooooo... The Rick started the OOficial NXT Sticky. (heh. wankers get sticky over NXT.) He also said that We, The People, are free to start Lucha Underground/TNA Sticky Places, whenever The People should desire to do so.

My question to yOOu, fellow members of the OOverse, is:

Do we maybe want a Ring Of Honor thread? I've kind of wondered why there isn't one, considering that (not counting NXT) they're probably the biggest "little" fed in the Canada/USA wrestling marketplace.

We need a place to praise Dalton Castle. There should be tributes to THE VILLAIN~!, Marty Scurll for saving Bullet Club from jumping the shark. There's a NEW WOMENS' TITLE about to join the long & inglorious history of Womens' Titles In North America! They have a TRIOS tag championship! There's stuff going on in RoH, and I, for one, enjoy it enough that I have dared to step out of the shadows and ... suggest that somebody else do something.

Paddlefoot - 1-26-2018 at 07:18 PM

Year-round Happy Rusev Day calendar now available at Can it get any better than this?

CCharger - 1-26-2018 at 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero

Do we maybe want a Ring Of Honor thread? I've kind of wondered why there isn't one, considering that (not counting NXT) they're probably the biggest "little" fed in the Canada/USA wrestling marketplace.


salmonjunkie - 1-26-2018 at 09:23 PM

Two fun bits from

three matches added to the Rumble Kickoff show:
Bobby Roode US Championship Open Challenge

Gallows & Anderson vs The Revival

Kalisto, Gran Metalik, & Lince Dorado vs TJP, Jack Gallagher, and Drew Gulak.

Plus, they have a poll on the main page that asks who you think will win the Rumble. The choices:

- John Cena, The Miz, Shinsuke Nakamura, or Finn Balor
- one of the other 26 Royal Rumble entrants.

Count Zero - 1-31-2018 at 10:05 PM

I gotcher hot meme garbahj right here: (I did not make this, I stoled it.)

Anybody who can name all the memes in this metameme will get a memejob in the alleyway from 'Nerd?

PB-13 - 2-7-2018 at 05:42 PM

Deciding whether to post my indie match videos here or in the other thread. Hope at least a few people are taking a look. Lot of really talented people around here, including Mat Fitchett and Savanna Stone who were just on SD and Raw respectively.

Count Zero - 2-13-2018 at 12:56 AM

Somebody understands why we like BRAAAAGGGHH and his cartoonish feats.

[Edited on 2-12-2018 by Count Zero]

Paddlefoot - 2-13-2018 at 05:10 AM

Well, this is/was a thing. Ride on Space Mountain goes terribly wrong, PR-wise:

UPDATE: Well, that didn�t last long. The previously-mentioned �WOOOOO Compromise� contract of sexual consent is no longer available from, as Wrestling Inc reports.

In addition, the tweets made by Ric Flair�s Twitter account advertising the contract have been deleted. Flair has not yet commented on the item being pulled from the store.

ORIGINAL: Ric Flair is going all-out for Valentine�s Day, announcing that the �WOOOOO Compromise,� a contract of sexual consent, is available for sale. The contract is up for sale on and is autographed by Flair, running $50. The contract reads as follows:

�By Signing This Compromise, both parties involved agree to ride Space Mountain and engage in sexual relations on this night. This contract adheres to guidelines of informed consent, and both people in the relationship must be present and not in an intoxicated state before signing. No party shall be pressured or persuaded into something that they do no want to do, and they reserve the right to terminate the contract if need be. This contract has the signed and sealed approval of The Nature Boy Ric Flair, who has taken many women for a ride on Space Mountain, and has the utmost respect for women.�

You see, it's called being a dry-drunk, where you're no longer drinking but you still have the same complete fucking lack of common sense like you were still constantly pissed to the gills......

(+5 virtual points though for headlining the contract with a pic from what was probably Ric's most coked-up WCW promo of all time )

[Edited on 2/13/2018 by Paddlefoot]

Count Zero - 2-17-2018 at 07:30 AM

I know most people (rightfully) don't like Nickelback. However, without them, we wouldn't have THIS. This is "How I got Over", by Nickelbraun.... Strowmanback? Either/or, take your pick and enjoy the tune.

[Edited on 2-17-2018 by Count Zero]

PB-13 - 2-19-2018 at 04:36 PM

Did solo commentary for Glory Pro last night. Daunting task and one I hadn't done in a while, but hopefully I did the show some level of justice.

Also, Naito.

A post shared by Patrick Brandmeyer (@patrick.ab7) on

Count Zero - 2-19-2018 at 09:51 PM

....You are seriously my hero. Tranquilo.

PB-13 - 2-19-2018 at 11:33 PM

A post shared by Trey Miguel (@thetreymiguel) on

My exact quote on commentary: "THAT WAS RIDICULOUS!" It's no "OH MY GOD!", but it seemed appropriate.

Paddlefoot - 2-22-2018 at 10:14 AM

WWE Comics - The Women! And it is terrible!

(struggled for a moment to link this here or in the I'm Ashamed thread)

salmonjunkie - 2-22-2018 at 05:57 PM

Woah, that is terrible.

Has there ever been a WWF/WWE or WCW comic that wasn't terrible?

TownOfDalem - 2-22-2018 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
WWE Comics - The Women! And it is terrible!

(struggled for a moment to link this here or in the I'm Ashamed thread)

I don't understand what's terrible about it. It clearly demonstrates who Bayley's character is. It does the best job of anything I can remember of attempting to combine real life with kayfabe. The artwork is solid. It's clearly targeted towards the younger audience, but so what? The Asuka part was a bit dumb, but inoffensive.

I guess I'm not seeing whatever your seeing.

Big G - 2-23-2018 at 05:39 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Has there ever been a WWF/WWE or WCW comic that wasn't terrible?


[Edited on 2-23-2018 by Big G]

GodEatGod - 3-1-2018 at 12:42 AM

Just a fun bit on the social media: Bayley and Sasha both wished Norman Smiley a happy birthday on Twitter today using the same picture - except they both cropped the other one out of the photo. Cute bit of subtle kayfabing.

CCharger - 3-1-2018 at 05:14 PM

CM Punk and Wade Barrett will be hosting a Netflix reality show called "Ultimate Beastmasters" which I am guessing by the title is like American Ninja Warriors but with dinosaur skeletons and ferocious tigers as obstacles.

salmonjunkie - 3-1-2018 at 05:43 PM

I saw the first few episodes of that show. It's ok, not as good as American Ninja Warrior. Perhaps the format/presentation has improved and they've worked out the kinks by now. I'll give it a chance just to see if Punk and Barrett/Bennett say any sports-entertainey things to each other during the show.

First 9 - 3-1-2018 at 08:33 PM

Originally posted by TownOfDalem

I don't understand what's terrible about it. It clearly demonstrates who Bayley's character is. It does the best job of anything I can remember of attempting to combine real life with kayfabe. The artwork is solid. It's clearly targeted towards the younger audience, but so what? The Asuka part was a bit dumb, but inoffensive.

I guess I'm not seeing whatever your seeing.

Agreed, it's not particularly good but it's decent art and decent stories and it's hilarious how they dance around non-pag issues. In the comic book universe Roman wasn't suspended for failing the drug test, he was suspended for property damage caused by his brawl with Ambrose in Stonehenge.

[Edited on 3-1-2018 by First 9]

Count Zero - 3-2-2018 at 04:27 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
I saw the first few episodes of that show. It's ok, not as good as American Ninja Warrior. Perhaps the format/presentation has improved and they've worked out the kinks by now. I'll give it a chance just to see if Punk and Barrett/Bennett say any sports-entertainey things to each other during the show.
From what I have read, Punk's doing the North America one with the current host, and Wade is doing UK-Only? I sped-read, though, so I mighta got the deets wrong.

janerd75 - 3-3-2018 at 12:07 AM

For my dearest 'Berto...

GodEatGod - 3-24-2018 at 12:46 AM

This week's Edge & Christian podcast is well worth a listen: Bret and Austin together dissecting their submission match from WM 13 for an hour and a half. Awesome hearing some of the behind the scenes stuff and what goes into their mindset into that kind of classic match.

I will warn that you have to have a certain tolerance for Bret patting himself on the back, as with any Bret interview, but it's pretty well deserved in this case.

[Edited on 3-23-2018 by GodEatGod]

First 9 - 3-24-2018 at 06:26 PM

Yeah, Bret's self love comes off as pretty seamless this time.It's the greatest match of all time(according to OO!) and Bret did insist to work with micard Stone Cold and take him to the next level.

Christian's glea at hearing their breakdowns makes it a fun listen.

[Edited on 3-24-2018 by First 9]

PB-13 - 3-24-2018 at 11:18 PM

Wait, is Royberto Rovert?

CM Crunk - 3-25-2018 at 12:43 AM

Just listened to the Anatomy of a Match on E&C; yesterday while I was at work, and thoroughly enjoyed it. One thing I wanted to chime in on and see if I'm the only one who noticed this or not, or if I'm just crazy: Does Bret sound...less Canadian? He almost sounded like Scott Hall in non-Razor mode at a few points.

GodEatGod - 3-25-2018 at 03:27 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Just listened to the Anatomy of a Match on E&C; yesterday while I was at work, and thoroughly enjoyed it. One thing I wanted to chime in on and see if I'm the only one who noticed this or not, or if I'm just crazy: Does Bret sound...less Canadian? He almost sounded like Scott Hall in non-Razor mode at a few points.

I thought his voice, in general, sounded different, I didn't even recognize him at first.

CCharger - 3-27-2018 at 05:16 PM

Yikes. Fucking *cringe*

cardscott5 - 3-27-2018 at 06:46 PM

What an incredibly odd way to ask that question.

+10000 to Rousey for taking that as a serious question of if she could time travel.

-8 for her being an aloof goof

Count Zero - 3-27-2018 at 06:59 PM

Don't be too rough on her. She's living the Rowdy gimmick:

Just when you think you have all the answers, SHE CHANGES THE QUESTIONS!!!!