Rumors & Crap 2017, Vol. 3
DKBroiler - 9-8-2017 at 07:26 PM

It's been 40 pages. Recent stuff was mostly Janerd posting his own eulogy and everyone still hates Roman.

[Edited on 9-10-2017 by Matte]

salmonjunkie - 9-8-2017 at 09:04 PM

from the other rumor page

Originally posted by Count Zero
I didn't even realize the Rikishi/2 Cool song even had a name... Like, all the years I heard them using it, and I didn't realize the guy was saying "you look fly today".

I also never knew that the singer sang "you look fly today" either until this thread. Rikishi's music as a heel "Bad Man" was a good one. Too bad his heel run sucked.

Another production song I've heard outside of wrestling was the theme The Hollywood Blonds, Stunning Steve Austin, and Marty Jannetty both used in WCW. I can't quite remember where I heard it though. Maybe Kids in the Hall used it too? I also want to say I heard it in a cartoon (my brain seems to remember slow-motion headbanging). I found that the song is called "Satan's Sister".

(I don't know if this embed worked because Youtube acts weird at my work computer)

[Edited on 9-8-2017 by salmonjunkie]

[Edited on 9-9-2017 by salmonjunkie]

Paddlefoot - 9-8-2017 at 09:18 PM

Didn't work. Error 404 came up.

Here's Janerd75 being FLORIDA STRONG today! Give 'er hell, Janny!

DKBroiler - 9-8-2017 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Didn't work. Error 404 came up.

Here's Janerd75 being FLORIDA STRONG today! Give 'er hell, Janny!

That's so American my dick moved.

Count Zero - 9-9-2017 at 12:00 AM

That is so American, but not only that.... It is so METAL. Like. Put a different flag in that guy's hand, and he could be a metal fan from anywhere. METALLLLL!!

janerd75 - 9-9-2017 at 02:03 AM

Count Zero - 9-9-2017 at 08:05 AM

I'd ask where to send flowers or donations, but... I feel like dildos would be more fitting.

GodEatGod - 9-9-2017 at 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
I'd ask where to send flowers or donations, but... I feel like dildos would be more fitting.

I think it would be hard to find dildos to fit Janerd.

Paddlefoot - 9-9-2017 at 10:10 AM

Flash - 9-9-2017 at 06:04 PM

^^^ What's really creepy about Janerd's butt, is that Tom Arnold is what's looking OUT at you.

PB-13 - 9-9-2017 at 06:15 PM

I've read reports of adults harassing Cena/Roman fans at live events, including women and children. Like who you want, but that's a bit much in my book.

Flash - 9-10-2017 at 12:24 AM

Hey for thread title wouldn't it only be %50 less "U's" in Rumour, because there's still a "U" in there?

Paddlefoot - 9-10-2017 at 12:33 AM

No "u" equals anti-Canadian racism and a deep disrespect for the Queen's proper English.

Matte - 9-10-2017 at 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Hey for thread title wouldn't it only be %50 less "U's" in Rumour, because there's still a "U" in there?

This is true. Title changed to one more visually pleasing.

williamssl - 9-10-2017 at 05:36 AM


Count Zero - 9-10-2017 at 08:13 AM

We don't even have rumorz in here yet. Just crap. ALL TRAINWRECK, ALL THE TIME.

ADAM COLE, BAYBAYYYYYYYYY!!!! (he has nothing to do with anything, and I don't even really dig him, but that IS fun to sing-along with).

janerd75 - 9-10-2017 at 09:41 AM

Rumouour has it this really fucking sucks.

But I still have wifi going for me, which is nice.


DKBroiler - 9-10-2017 at 01:08 PM

Rumor: Math is a liberal lie.

Fact: Murrica

denverpunk - 9-10-2017 at 03:44 PM

Rumor: Christy Hemme is pregnant with quadruplets.

Fact: I may or may not be the father.

EDIT: For goddamned autocorrect.

[Edited on 9-10-2017 by denverpunk]

Matte - 9-10-2017 at 05:20 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Rumor: Christy Hemme is pregnant with quadruple.

Just so this doesn't get lost in the shuffle of crap, this one is actually true.

Count Zero - 9-10-2017 at 07:29 PM

If it's true, it's not a RMR!!! (Fuck vowels. Because I say so, that's why.)

This thread is so doomed.

[Edited on 9-10-2017 by Count Zero]

First 9 - 9-11-2017 at 01:51 AM

Bundle of rumors and news,

On the blue brand,Roode vs Ziggler is going to be a thing, Corbin time in the doghouse seems to be about over as he's set to face AJ at HIAC and be his long term dance partner for a good while and Vince is just popping by SD to oficially make Shane vs Owens a HIAC match.

Over on RAW, Reigns vs Cena is happening early because they want to make it a long term thing with the final big match taking place at WM. Expect Joe to go after Braun once Lesnar disappears after No Mercy. Matt Hardy did another Youtube promoting the new ''Woken'' nickname. Jesus, it's been so long that I really don't care anymore. The Hardyz Nostalgia run shouldn't have gone past a month and a half.

Other stuff, there's been a little uptick in viewership on 205 live with Enzo's presence so while the lockeroom might not like him, management will probably make him Champ soon. WWE hired a prospect that sounds like somebody from an efed. The 6'7 indy darling workrate horse Donovan Dijak. I just watched a few matches from Beyond wrestling so no clue how good is on the mic, but if he's decent, this guy is probably getting a monster push once he settles in.

Finally, Steph vs Rhonda Rousey might happen at WM. On one had, ugh but on the other, there's no way Rhonda gets good at adapting to pro wrestling that fast so a quick squash against a non-wrestler is probably the best way to start.

williamssl - 9-11-2017 at 05:28 AM

Hey now - there's no need to use that kind of language.

Let's get this trainwreck thread back off tracks.

janerd75 - 9-11-2017 at 08:33 AM

It is with great sadness and tremendous regret that I must inform you all that I survived. I am so so so sorry guys. That's not the outcome I was hoping for either.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled trainwreck. #CockyJohn #Cenutz

Paddlefoot - 9-11-2017 at 02:38 PM

Originally posted by janerd75......I survived.......

Truly the hands of the lord were at work.....

PB-13 - 9-11-2017 at 03:11 PM

Sure that's not Unicron?

CCharger - 9-13-2017 at 08:42 PM

* Apparently, there is a fair bit of heat on Paul Heyman due to the fact that he often makes changes and ad libs much of his promos and segments with Brock. Creative provides Heyman with a script, but Heyman is allowed by Vince to make changes as he sees fit. Apparently the writers dislike being overruled and have passed their grievances on to management.

Matte - 9-13-2017 at 09:10 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Creative provides Heyman with a script, but Heyman is allowed by Vince to make changes as he sees fit. Apparently the writers dislike being overruled and have passed their grievances on to management.

The writers are quite often terrible at making compelling wrestling drama. Heyman is basically a legend and has a decent track record in making compelling wrestling drama. The writers need to know their role and shut their mouths.

CheMateo - 9-13-2017 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Matte
The writers are quite often terrible at making compelling wrestling drama. Heyman is basically a legend and has a decent track record in making compelling wrestling drama. The writers need to know their role and shut their mouths.

Seriously! The contrived and stilted dialogue they force upon the talent is atrocious and appalling! I hate how the block talent during backstage segments. If someone is watching the monitor backstage or having a conversation, they are always standing at an angle, facing the camera, and talking with staring sideways. Then the dribble comes out. "When you [first name, last name] almost beat me within an inch of my life and WWE's Great Balls of Fire..."

Complaining to management? Get the F outta here. They should be thanking management for allowing Paul E. to use his Midas touch and turn their shit into gold.

First 9 - 9-13-2017 at 10:08 PM

I wonder if it's just petty jealously. The writers work overtime writing a show and then rewriting to accomodate Vince's ideas and whims constantly shuffling back and forth to appease their masters while Heyman has the blessing from the man himself to do whatever.

Flash - 9-13-2017 at 10:12 PM

The blocking thing reminds me a bit of what I thought was a good idea from Nash in one of those you-shoots or guest booker he does all of the time; the WWE (and as I've said before the brand split was a perfect time to test some of this out both to make the shows distinct and to just even try out new ideas for the whole company) should introduce two different camera filters- go to HD for the in ring action- something for the interviews, and then some different look for the behind the scenes, breaking the fourth wall bit- He gave an example about how you could start with a backstage promo, but then follow two guys passing by after the promo for their scheming bit.

I liked this as I thought the colour differential would solve the whole age old why are the heels scheming in front of the camera and no one notices as they could recondition this with the fans that this is "real" behind the scenes stuff... the story telling stuff- it would also let you package more stuff together for your entertainment story building stuff, and then let you have longer matches in the ring without the need to constantly cut to the back for different things.

Watching the Cena and Reigns free for all and Roman struggling at times is probably just going to underscore in Vince's mind the need to stay with scripted promos... which is a shame, as you listen to a lot of the industry guys talk about this and they say that those awkward sink or swim moments are the best teacher and make you better in the long run... plus; the WWE has no excuse for guys to not be a bit better on the mic as they run several house shows a week where you could give guys a free hand to try out promos minus the TV... not saying everyone is going to turn into the Rock, Dusty, or Flair, but it would go a long way towards helping them to get better, and every arena has a PA system.

Wickedfrost - 9-13-2017 at 11:12 PM

You know - with the Cena - Reigns stuff - if Reigns has the chops to ad lib they really need to let him do it. Another segment of the two of them going back and forth and Reigns stopping and saying something along the lines of "This writing is shit." and then cutting his own promo is the way to save his character and this angle from going to shit. Roman winning after looking like a chump for the whole program is going to be terrible payoff.

CCharger - 9-13-2017 at 11:19 PM

The scripted promos are here to stay for two reasons:

1. The WWE doesn't want someone going out and ad libbing and saying something offensive to sponsors or shareholders.

2. Since NXT, all new talent have been conditioned to deliver word for word scripted promos. There are very few guys on the roster anymore capable of going out and delivering a kick ass, improvised promo.

Count Zero - 9-14-2017 at 12:13 AM

I tend to agree that Scripty McPromoface is going to be a WWE Universe Member forever, but there's one thing I wonder.

HHH loves him some 'classic' wrestling. When somebody in the Dev Center studies "The Masters" (i.e. those generally regarded as great mic artists), and can demonstrate proficiency to The Hs, will that person get to John Cena on people?

Basically, what I'm saying is that it's -possible- (but not necessarily likely) that the WWE homegrows some promo wizards. The existence (and 'acceptance' ) of scripted promos does, however, seem to give them a way to cover up somebody's weakness without having to employ a manager: if Wrestler X can manage the bare-minimum WWE Talking Style, then s/he can rely on other attributes to tip the scales.

Yes, we miss managers, but they've also decided that they're not interested in that -- a whole other discussion, that one is.

[etfix brackets turning into emoticon, oh, and to add]

Fuck the writer monkeys. Seriously though.

[Edited on 9-13-2017 by Count Zero]

Flash - 9-14-2017 at 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Wickedfrost
You know - with the Cena - Reigns stuff - if Reigns has the chops to ad lib they really need to let him do it. Another segment of the two of them going back and forth and Reigns stopping and saying something along the lines of "This writing is shit." and then cutting his own promo is the way to save his character and this angle from going to shit. Roman winning after looking like a chump for the whole program is going to be terrible payoff.

This whole Reigns being left to sink or swim against a guy who can genuinely talk is yet another in a long line of the WWE not doing any favours for someone they push as their top guy... I mean just the number of times where they have put him in a position to fail, or further alienate fans is bizarre...

This whole feud is a bit weird, which is a shame because it should be a good match, and it's very much a generational matchup; but:

*It's happening with little build up on a "off" PPV.

*Reigns is being left out to dry looking like he's inept

*The guy skewering him is/has been painted for years as being over pushed by the company at the expense of others as well.

*They are forcing the two guys biggest supporters- women and children to choose between them

*At 40, and with one foot out the door to a burgeoning post-WWE career Cena's whole I still need to be here, came back to be here because you couldn't get the job done is crap as we know he's leaving again.

*Their main fight seems to be over who sells more tickets and T-shirts... does anyone outside of the WWE care about this? What's more- claims about how business has never been better are weak when pictures of the arena from Anaheim (last week... two weeks ago) show MANY empty seats and whole sections roped off.

*They seem to want to win fans over to Roman by having him beat respected legends, while simultaneously putting him in positions to be booed so we'd boo others less (Orton, Rumble), and putting him out there on his own when you know talking isn't his best strength. Meanwhile he's at his most loved when he gets beat down, or does something pretty heelish like driving the ambulance into a truck with Braun inside.

I can honestly say that Reigns has busted his ass and had some of the years best matches over the last stretch- Can't say I love the over-push he gets, but the guys work is up to par for it and he's won me over.... but I can't for the life of me figure out why the WWE keeps putting him in spots where you can't help but hate the guy.... not in a heel way, but in a I don't want to see him or the WWE succeed (in this particular instance) kind of way.

Paddlefoot - 9-14-2017 at 03:13 AM

I won't claim to be objective about any of this but I think that these last three promo sessions are actually the best Reigns has ever done. Yes, Cena is much better and Roman definitely botched the one moment. But he's also getting his own shots in too and, as has been said before, the weakness is coming from the scripted lines he's forced to use and not from his overall delivery and presentation. I'm not going to condemn the guy anymore over things like this just because it's the smark trend of the moment to do so. Getting tired of this in general, being pulled one way to the other by an IWC composed of fuckwits* trying to get the last word in on everything that the industry produces. Yeah, they botched the Reigns booking with pushing Daniel Bryan down and followed it up with the Royal Rumble debacles. That's not forgivable with this trend it kicked off but it's also about 95% WWE's fault and maybe 5% Reigns. But then they followed up with the Reigns/Strowman feud which (most of the time) was humming along at about a 4 out of 5 level of quality in terms of great matches, terrific RAW segments, holy fuck! moments, and overall fun/hilarity. There's a limit on how logical or sensible the group-hate on Reigns can go and it's gone past the point where it had any justification, so count me out of it from now on in.

* not aimed at anyone here, more just a fatigue with the kind of wankers (I'm assuming college-age males who are going to be dicks at any given time anyway just for laughs) who show up to boo just so they can have the show focused on them instead of on the performers; if it's really bad then complain, if it isn't then quit making up reasons to be unhappy

[Edited on 9/14/2017 by Paddlefoot]

Cherokee Jack - 9-14-2017 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Wickedfrost
You know - with the Cena - Reigns stuff - if Reigns has the chops to ad lib they really need to let him do it. Another segment of the two of them going back and forth and Reigns stopping and saying something along the lines of "This writing is shit." and then cutting his own promo is the way to save his character and this angle from going to shit. Roman winning after looking like a chump for the whole program is going to be terrible payoff.
Yeah, and then they can bring in Tony Schiavone to sit in commentary and freak out about how "this isn't in the script!" Actually no, let's not do that.

I guess the horse is out of the barn already with regards to this angle, but one thing WWE does not need to do is fall into blatant "everything else on the show is fake and scripted, but THIS part is getting real!" storytelling.

Paddlefoot - 9-15-2017 at 06:04 PM

* Hulk Hogan confirms his piece-of-shit status on his Twitter by calling people in Florida who are "only" without power and water a "bunch of crybabies"; does "crybabies" include the six seniors who basically baked to death after the storm when the winds and fallen trees knocked out the generator their rotten for-profit nursing home was using to power the air conditioners?

* NXT's Lacey Evans lost her home and possessions to Hurricane Irma

* "Sexy Star? YOU JUST MADE THE LIST!" - Y2J Chris Jericho, after an interview with Taya Valkyrie that detailed the shenanigans going on with Vampiro and Sexy Star at the Mexican AAA promotion (that led up to Star deliberately injuring Rosemary during a match), announced that Star is permanently banned from his podcast:

�If that�s true, Sexy Star, you�re a sexy piece of s�t and so is anybody that books you from now on. [In pro] wrestling you�re giving each other your body. There�s a lot of trust and to do something malicious like that, on purpose, I don�t care what the circumstances are � that�s just bad, bad news, man. I don�t know where her mind is at. I�ve never met her. At this point, I don�t think I want to. Sexy Star, you are now going to have a lifetime ban from Talk Is Jericho. Sexy Star is banned from Talk Is Jericho for life. There you go. That�s my little piece of the pie. That�s what I say about that.�

[Edited on 9/15/2017 by Paddlefoot]

royberto - 9-15-2017 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Flash
I can honestly say that Reigns has busted his ass and had some of the years best matches over the last stretch- Can't say I love the over-push he gets, but the guys work is up to par for it and he's won me over.... but I can't for the life of me figure out why the WWE keeps putting him in spots where you can't help but hate the guy.... not in a heel way, but in a I don't want to see him or the WWE succeed (in this particular instance) kind of way.
In this case, I think they are tring to avoid both cena nd Reigns getting completely booed. Cena preaching the the smark crowd is a way to do that. No, there won't be a thunderous pop for Cena, but at least SOMEONE will gets some cheers here.

royberto - 9-15-2017 at 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Hulk Hogan confirms his piece-of-shit status on his Twitter by calling people in Florida who are "only" without power and water a "bunch of crybabies"; does "crybabies" include the six seniors who basically baked to death after the storm when the winds and fallen trees knocked out the generator their rotten for-profit nursing home was using to power the air conditioners?
If you read the actual tweet he is referring to those who are complaining about losing power and water, not simply people with out power or water. He actually makes a point, but he has no clue how to articulate it in 140 characters or less and should stop using Twitter because of it.

First 9 - 9-15-2017 at 06:50 PM

I think they're just comfortable with where Reigns is at and don't mind putting him in unflaterring situations here and there. Sort of like when w were in the first years of Super Cena and HHH would shit on him by saying he wasn't a good wrestler and mocking his young fanbase. Instead of having Cena counter those arguments constructively he'd just spew lame atempts at a burn or get all pissed.

royberto - 9-16-2017 at 12:01 AM

From the "You Finally Figured Out This Might Be A Bad Idea, Dumbasses?" file, gambling sites are considering dropping the ability to bet on WWE matches after one person won over $45,000 off a 10 match parlay at SummerSlam:

I am shocked that an insider could use his knowledge of the finished to WWE matches to win big money. Shocked I tells ya!

CCharger - 9-18-2017 at 05:40 PM

* WWE is set to bring back Starrcade for a live event in Greensboro, NC. on Novemeber 25th. No word on if it will be a Network special.

* Brie Bella is training with Daniel Bryan for a return to the ring. They had filmed some behind the scenes videos of her training, but WWE forbid them to be released because it showed Bryan taking bumps. Bryan is not allowed by the WWE to do anything wrestling-wise while he is under contract.

[Edited on 9-18-2017 by CCharger]

First 9 - 9-18-2017 at 06:25 PM

Bringing back WCW's legendary event as a glorified house show. Vince might think it's another blow to WCW's legacy but it'll probably be betetr than the last few SCs under Vince Russo.

salmonjunkie - 9-18-2017 at 08:31 PM

I would not be surprised if they do one of those unexpected title changes at a house show deals that they like to do in Europe to make this event a bit more special. Here is the card per

WWE Championship Steel Cage Match
Jinder Mahal vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

SmackDown Women�s Championship Steel Cage Match
Natalya vs. Charlotte Flair

United States Championship Triple Threat Match
AJ Styles vs. Baron Corbin vs. Rusev

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Texas Tornado Match
The New Day vs. The Usos

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler

Breezango vs Aiden English & Mike Kanellis w/ Maria Kanellis

The Hardy Boyz are also confirmed to appear at Starrcade in their home state of North Carolina, as are WWE Hall of Famers and Starrcade legends Ricky �The Dragon� Steamboat and The Rock �n� Roll Express!

[Edited on 9-18-2017 by salmonjunkie]

GodEatGod - 9-18-2017 at 09:28 PM

Given that card, having Charlotte win the Women's title there would seem appropriate.

First 9 - 9-18-2017 at 09:32 PM

Having Charlotte blade would also be appropriate.

Matte - 9-19-2017 at 07:39 AM

This will probably get here eventually, so here it is...

So Cody, UR right we should have Goldy on the show, by the way, what R U doing that night??? Wanna team with UR Brother?

— Michael PS Hayes (@MichaelPSHayes1) September 18, 2017

janerd75 - 9-19-2017 at 08:00 AM

CCharger - 9-19-2017 at 04:05 PM

* Sasha Banks is apparently not happy with her current situation on RAW. She had a very telling interview with Sam Roberts where she says she pretty much gave a big middle finger to all things WWE:

Regarding preferring NXT over RAW:

"We kind of always knew where we were going, so it helped me prepare and think of ahead of time, like, 'how can I make this better?'. But when I go to RAW, it's legit, like, 'I have no clue what I'm doing.' I don't even know what to prepare for. I'm just, like, handed something or told something. And I was like, 'okay, I have one hour to get ready. Oh, okay. Alright. Let's just do it!' So, honestly, I wish we had the opportunity to know what we're doing in the next three months. If we're going with a storyline, I would like to know, 'yeah, we're going with you and Alexa and this is where we want to take it and where we want to go' instead of just being, 'oh, maybe you'll have a tag match. Maybe you'll have a promo. Maybe you'll have this random match that doesn't make any sense or whatever. Who knows? Or maybe you'll just sit in catering. Who knows?"

Regarding being jerked around as champion:

"I'll be honest about something. I'm a three-time RAW Women's Champion, right, which is awesome. Within a whole year, I'm a three-time Women's Champion, which, to me, is a lot. I am a three-time two-week holder of a championship, so that took away my confidence so much."

Meanwhile, Sasha recently removed any references to the WWE on her Twitter account.

denverpunk - 9-19-2017 at 07:40 PM

She's 100% right, for what it's worth.

Paddlefoot - 9-19-2017 at 07:56 PM

Can't see Sasha sticking around long term for WWE. And I highly doubt that she's the only NXT grad who wishes they were somewhere else after dealing for a while with the beyond-frustrating manner with how the big TV shows are run.

Flash - 9-19-2017 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Meanwhile, Sasha recently removed any references to the WWE on her Twitter account.

I imagine the twitter comment was part of the story as well, but the business inquiries line in her blurb, and lack of WWE comments long pre-dates this story as I remember seeing that on there several months ago and thought it was weird then.

Also for what it's worth her last tweet was from December 2016, so I don't think the twitter part of the story is that big of a deal, or at least as immediately tied to the story.

As for her speaking out against the WWE; here's hoping some good of it comes out... I mean last time a female WWE star spoke out (AJ Lee) it caused a quasi-panic mode in the company to try and spin things in a more positive light, and probably in a big way helped lead to the ladies getting more time.

In saying that, the problem above all others is how the WWE handles their booking and story plotting, and I don't see Vince changing that any time soon... I get you probably need to fine tune stuff week to week to stay relevant and work around injuries or other stuff that comes up, but there's no reason that they shouldn't have a big board planned out months in advance to varying degrees of completion... I mean even from a saving money on travel for talent instead of bringing some in to sit there in catering, or what have you, or even to just... you know, make shows better as the talent can be more involved in stories if they know where they are going.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 9-19-2017 at 11:12 PM

In regards to quote Edge...."Hit the bricks toots!" She is a good hand in the ring, but the woman can never stay healthy for long stretches. Also, everything you hear is that she is a real diva and has a real bad attitude towards fans outside the ring. Don't approach her at the airport, or she will take your fucking head off!!

SpiNNeR72 - 9-20-2017 at 01:52 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
I would not be surprised if they do one of those unexpected title changes at a house show deals that they like to do in Europe to make this event a bit more special. Here is the card per

Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler

Whoa! As if his current angle isn't bad enough they go and spoil the punchline!

Gobshite - 9-20-2017 at 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Originally posted by CCharger
Meanwhile, Sasha recently removed any references to the WWE on her Twitter account.

Also for what it's worth her last tweet was from December 2016, so I don't think the twitter part of the story is that big of a deal, or at least as immediately tied to the story.

Her last tweet was 9 hours ago. She uses twitter every day, to talk about shit on Netflix, just like the rest of us.

Whilst I understand that winning it and losing it can be frustrating, more so than Sasha's comments on Sam Roberts show, look closer to home and I think you'll find the actual reason for the short runs lies in an episode of bring it to the table, where discussing the real life tension between Bliss and Sasha, Corey Graves said (and has mentioned again since) "Sasha Banks is her own worst enemy".

It's been hinted at A LOT on WWE TV that Sasha is not necessarily a popular figure backstage. Whether it's her attitude towards co-workers or airport stalkers; or a belief she's entitled to a lengthy title run- it seems she's rubbing people up the wrong way; and I think giving her the title only to snatch it away from her is just to remind her who's actually "the boss".

PB-13 - 9-20-2017 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Meanwhile, Sasha recently removed any references to the WWE on her Twitter account.

Noticed that, particularly her putting up her e-mail address for "business inquiries"...usually a practice of someone on his/her way out and looking for indie bookings.

denverpunk - 9-20-2017 at 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Her last tweet was 9 hours ago. She uses twitter every day, to talk about shit on Netflix, just like the rest of us.

Whilst I understand that winning it and losing it can be frustrating, more so than Sasha's comments on Sam Roberts show, look closer to home and I think you'll find the actual reason for the short runs lies in an episode of bring it to the table, where discussing the real life tension between Bliss and Sasha, Corey Graves said (and has mentioned again since) "Sasha Banks is her own worst enemy".

It's been hinted at A LOT on WWE TV that Sasha is not necessarily a popular figure backstage. Whether it's her attitude towards co-workers or airport stalkers; or a belief she's entitled to a lengthy title run- it seems she's rubbing people up the wrong way; and I think giving her the title only to snatch it away from her is just to remind her who's actually "the boss".

That in itself shows the value, or lack thereof, that WWE has for Sasha. There are plenty of entitled pricks in WWE that get what they want, so why doesn't she?

[Edited on 9-20-2017 by denverpunk]

Flash - 9-20-2017 at 10:32 PM

My bad on the old tweets- I only saw the ones she "pinned", which were from 2016.

The business inquiries bit is older than this interview though.

First 9 - 9-21-2017 at 12:00 AM

Isn't Sasha right in contention with Bayley as the top merch seller from the women's division? Sure, part of it management's own doing as they turned Charlotte to face to do jack shit with her so the only fellow babyface she's outperformed is Naomi.

However, even disregarding that, I don't think she's an easily replaceable solid hand. Bliss, Bayley, Nia, Becky, and Charlotte have all had their best matches with her. Sure between each other they'd had some solid stuff like Charlotte vs Becky but by far almost all the best women's matches in the last 3 years have been with Sasha.Bliss vs Bayley was forgettable and at times straight up bad,after two months of that Bliss works against Sasha and the matches are a lot better. This is just one example of Sasha'seemingly universal chemistry. She's pretty much the workhorse of the women's division, thrown in her ability to cut better promos than the other babyfaces and it paints a picture of Sasha being a valuable part of the division. Sure the company might not want to center it around her like they did with Charlotte and now with Bliss, but they've also haven't fed her to the wolves like they did with Bayley(decimated by Blis) and Becky(dropped down to enhancement talent).

At worst, I think they'll punish her with a temporary demotion before her overness and talent forces management to push her again just like AJ Lee and at best Sasha has added some anti-corporate cred to her name to prevent fan backlash if the company finally gets behind her as the top woman.

GodEatGod - 9-21-2017 at 12:26 AM

They're still trying to work things out with Paige, I'm pretty sure they can handle Sasha being a bit grouchy. If they part ways, it'll probably be her doing, not WWE's.

Paddlefoot - 9-21-2017 at 12:55 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Isn't Sasha right in contention with Bayley as the top merch seller from the women's division? Sure, part of it management's own doing as they turned Charlotte to face to do jack shit with her so the only fellow babyface she's outperformed is Naomi.

However, even disregarding that, I don't think she's an easily replaceable solid hand. Bliss, Bayley, Nia, Becky, and Charlotte have all had their best matches with her. Sure between each other they'd had some solid stuff like Charlotte vs Becky but by far almost all the best women's matches in the last 3 years have been with Sasha.Bliss vs Bayley was forgettable and at times straight up bad,after two months of that Bliss works against Sasha and the matches are a lot better. This is just one example of Sasha'seemingly universal chemistry. She's pretty much the workhorse of the women's division, thrown in her ability to cut better promos than the other babyfaces and it paints a picture of Sasha being a valuable part of the division. Sure the company might not want to center it around her like they did with Charlotte and now with Bliss, but they've also haven't fed her to the wolves like they did with Bayley(decimated by Blis) and Becky(dropped down to enhancement talent).

At worst, I think they'll punish her with a temporary demotion before her overness and talent forces management to push her again just like AJ Lee and at best Sasha has added some anti-corporate cred to her name to prevent fan backlash if the company finally gets behind her as the top woman.

Sasha's essentially now the CM Punk of the women's division in that she naturally drags the others to a great match, and ends up just like Punk too in being booked wrong because the powers-that-be just can't (or won't) bother to see the resource that they have in her.

Hopefully it's not a case of a couple of someones deciding that it's all because Sasha's too short/not white enough, not after the mental collapse they just had last night with Jinder's psycho-bigot promo on Nakamura. With the ridiculous reasons that become known about why Vince and Dunn do anything though I guess all options are possible when it comes to dissecting exactly why they do the things that they do.

CamstunPWG187 - 9-21-2017 at 04:48 AM

Sasha is pretty awesome and deserved way more than what she's gotten in terms of a title reign.

I can't blame her for being shitty.

As others have said, everyones best match has been with her.

She's a winner in more ways than one. I don't care if she has a shitty attitude. She's good at her job.

Slade - 9-21-2017 at 07:11 AM

Wanting to be left alone when you are in an airport doesn't mean you have a shitty attitude.

[Edited on 9-21-2017 by Slade]

CCharger - 9-21-2017 at 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Slade
Wanting to be left alone when you are in an airport doesn't mean you have a shitty attitude.

[Edited on 9-21-2017 by Slade]

It does if you work at the airline check-in counter.

Paddlefoot - 9-22-2017 at 11:37 AM

* Paige is almost ready to return; she is working out at the Performance Centre and is rumoured to be going to Smackdown

First 9 - 9-22-2017 at 03:45 PM

They're probably bringing her back as a face but man she'd do the roster so much good if she was immediately placed as the top heel. Carmella is fine but still has ways to go, Nattie is a competent bit player but doesn't have the charisma or in ring skills to be on top of the division, so Paige coming in to finally give a proper foil to face Charlotte would be great.

Paddlefoot - 9-24-2017 at 05:57 AM

* Jeff Hardy suffered a shoulder injury on RAW this past Monday: it's not being reported as a serious injury and he could be out long-term after surgery

CCharger - 9-25-2017 at 06:15 PM

From Cageside Seats:

"Pro Wrestling Sheet�s James McKenna is saying a Shield reunion will take place at TLC next month, apparently to boost ticket sales. The Miz TV segment will be the start of the angle, which may lead to a PPV match between The Shield and The Miztourage."

GodEatGod - 9-25-2017 at 06:38 PM

I'm not looking forward to Miz/Reigns. It's going to be YET ANOTHER shooty shoot feud where Miz talks about Roman not being deserving and blah blah blah. It's so fucking boring. I get enough of talking about Reigns being overpushed online - hell, I ranted about it myself in my post No Mercy rage cloud last night - but I don't need it being talked about in the actual product itself on top of it. I think Miz might be better at such feuds than Cena is, so it might not annoy me quite as much, but I dunno. I'M NOT OPTIMISTIC. I AM FEELING BAD, MAN.

CCharger - 9-25-2017 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
I'm not looking forward to Miz/Reigns. It's going to be YET ANOTHER shooty shoot feud where Miz talks about Roman not being deserving and blah blah blah. It's so fucking boring. I get enough of talking about Reigns being overpushed online - hell, I ranted about it myself in my post No Mercy rage cloud last night - but I don't need it being talked about in the actual product itself on top of it. I think Miz might be better at such feuds than Cena is, so it might not annoy me quite as much, but I dunno. I'M NOT OPTIMISTIC. I AM FEELING BAD, MAN.

But...but...but...there are only so many superstars Reigns HASN'T beaten and titles he HASN'T won.

Gobshite - 9-25-2017 at 08:27 PM

Maria Kanellis won't be on TV any time soon: she's 13 weeks pregnant. There must be something in the water they're giving out backstage...

First 9 - 9-25-2017 at 09:30 PM

The Shield vs the Miztourage is a hilarious mismatch. If they do plan on reuniting the Shield, I think an uneasy alliance between Braun and the Bar to oppose them would be awesome.

And if not that ,Joe returning with the Authors of Pain as his enforcers could be great aswell.

[Edited on 9-25-2017 by First 9]

DKBroiler - 9-25-2017 at 10:18 PM

Originally posted by First 9
The Shield vs the Miztourage is a hilarious mismatch. If they do plan on reuniting the Shield, I think an uneasy alliance between Braun and the Bar to oppose them would be awesome.

And if not that ,Joe returning with the Authors of Pain as his enforcers could be great aswell.

[Edited on 9-25-2017 by First 9]

I think they should reform the SHIELD for a month or two and then have Ambrose and Rollins kick out Reigns for Cena. Actually I would have done this last night in the main event but what do I know. Instead we got WWE paint by numbers.

Count Zero - 9-25-2017 at 10:37 PM

Cena in the SierraHotelClub??? That's... You so crazy. I mean, it'd be 'interesting' on a bunch of levels, but... wow. You so CRAZY!!!

royberto - 9-25-2017 at 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Flash
As for her speaking out against the WWE; here's hoping some good of it comes out... I mean last time a female WWE star spoke out (AJ Lee) it caused a quasi-panic mode in the company to try and spin things in a more positive light, and probably in a big way helped lead to the ladies getting more time.
They ignored AJ Lee. It was #GiveDivasaChance" that caused them to panic, especially after the Bella's and than other talents started endorsing it.

royberto - 9-25-2017 at 10:41 PM

I think they should reform the SHIELD for a month or two and then have Ambrose and Rollins kick out Reigns for Cena. Actually I would have done this last night in the main event but what do I know. Instead we got WWE paint by numbers.
Considering Cena is gone for the rest of the year, doing an angle like that would have been pointless.

Gobshite - 9-25-2017 at 10:55 PM

If they're re-uniting the shield, it better be a Kurt Angle made survivor series "dream match" of the Shield vs 2013 version of Bullet Club. I'd love him to just announce that he's going to blow smackdown out of the water, and no match they can put together would top it.

They also need to put Wyatt back with Harper & Rowan. Shield vs Wyatts again, please.

[Edited on 9-25-2017 by Gobshite]

DKBroiler - 9-25-2017 at 11:47 PM

Originally posted by royberto
I think they should reform the SHIELD for a month or two and then have Ambrose and Rollins kick out Reigns for Cena. Actually I would have done this last night in the main event but what do I know. Instead we got WWE paint by numbers.
Considering Cena is gone for the rest of the year, doing an angle like that would have been pointless.

Pointless is my thing Roy. It's my thing!

First 9 - 9-26-2017 at 06:57 PM

Maybe it's because 2 thirds of the Shield are already reunited or maybe it's because all 3 have been basically married with each other, interacting with one another every few months but it feels like not enough time has passed for a Shield reunion to be special.

Paddlefoot - 9-26-2017 at 07:01 PM

They need a major enemy too to warrant a Shield reunion anyway. As fun as they've been so far the Miztourage ain't it.

Paddlefoot - 9-26-2017 at 08:08 PM

* Paige has been fully cleared to return to in-ring action and is expected to join SD next month

* Jeff Hardy's been diagnosed with severe rotator cuff damage requiring surgery and is not expected to be back until after WrestleMania next year

* Bubba Ray got a head injury in a table spot in ROH on Friday; Jay Briscoe stood a table on end and when he threw it the table twisted oddly and hit Bubba corner-first in the forehead, pretty much knocking him out for real

* Crazzy Steve will not be joining WWE as he has been released from his try-out contract

DKBroiler - 9-26-2017 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Paige has been fully cleared to return to in-ring action and is expected to join SD next month

Everybody get your hand sanitizer ready!

Paddlefoot - 9-26-2017 at 08:25 PM

The way Enzo was behaving last night I bet there's more cum stains on the CW belt now than were on the old NXT women's one that Paige had. New WWE directive - black lights are banned from being used on any equipment as what they might reveal is just too disturbing.

DKBroiler - 9-26-2017 at 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The way Enzo was behaving last night I bet there's more cum stains on the CW belt now than were on the old NXT women's one that Paige had. New WWE directive - black lights are banned from being used on any equipment as what they might reveal is just too disturbing.

I don't know what's more amazing. The fact that we both signed up on the OO Forums during the same week in 2008 or that you've somehow made 6000 more posts than me in that time. Haha.

janerd75 - 9-26-2017 at 09:40 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Paige has been fully cleared to return to in-ring action and is expected to join SD next month

Everybody get your hand sanitizer ready!

You use hand sanitizer to ? Fucking savages, the lot of you.

lz4005 - 9-26-2017 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Paige has been fully cleared to return to in-ring action and is expected to join SD next month

My prediction: Her return will peak when they do the obligatory awkward "so, um, hi" bit backstage with her and Woodsy on like week 2.

DKBroiler - 9-26-2017 at 10:58 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Paige has been fully cleared to return to in-ring action and is expected to join SD next month

My prediction: Her return will peak when they do the obligatory awkward "so, um, hi" bit backstage with her and Woodsy on like week 2.

You mean week 1, segment 2. No way they wait a week for that one.

salmonjunkie - 9-27-2017 at 12:19 AM

Can't wait to see Alberto's twitter the day after that!

Flash - 9-27-2017 at 01:04 AM

In a recent interview with People magazine Ric Flair has claimed to have slept with 10000 women.... at 68, and let's say he started being sexually active at a really young age like 12; that would work out to be 2.044 women a day... considering he's been married several times; and probably wasn't racking up the ladies at a pace of 2+ a day when he was 12-16, and that he didn't probably starting ploughing through multiple women a day until he started wrestling at 23 he's definitely in Wilt Chamberlain Gene Simmons territory of probably being full of it.

For what it's worth Flair later said he regretted saying that because his grand children might read it.... although I'm guessing probably not the ones he knows he has, but the countless other ones that might want a cut of his estate.

Paddlefoot - 9-27-2017 at 01:13 AM

Hate to think of the quality of some of the ones he was tapping when in full-blackout beer-goggles mode. See the world through the eyes of a drunk!

janerd75 - 9-27-2017 at 01:35 AM

It has been said that the lowest hanging fruit is often the sweetest.

Paddlefoot - 9-27-2017 at 02:13 AM

Charlotte's probably got some real hair-raising tales for the others at the Adult Children of Alcoholics meetings. Yow.

Sam Is Neat - 9-27-2017 at 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Flash
In a recent interview with People magazine Ric Flair has claimed to have slept with 10000 women.... at 68, and let's say he started being sexually active at a really young age like 12; that would work out to be 2.044 women a day... considering he's been married several times; and probably wasn't racking up the ladies at a pace of 2+ a day when he was 12-16, and that he didn't probably starting ploughing through multiple women a day until he started wrestling at 23 he's definitely in Wilt Chamberlain Gene Simmons territory of probably being full of it.

For what it's worth Flair later said he regretted saying that because his grand children might read it.... although I'm guessing probably not the ones he knows he has, but the countless other ones that might want a cut of his estate.

Unless I am missing something, I don't think the math above is correct. 10,000 divided by 365 = 27.4 years. Which means if he averaged one lady a night for 27 years, he would hit that 10,000 women number. So if he was a virgin when he became a pro wrestler at 23, which I am sure he wasn't, he could afford to take a day off here and there and still get that number. Especially when you consider that Flair probably didn't mind sharing the bed with more than one woman from time to time.

janerd75 - 9-27-2017 at 05:09 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Originally posted by Flash
In a recent interview with People magazine Ric Flair has claimed to have slept with 10000 women.... at 68, and let's say he started being sexually active at a really young age like 12; that would work out to be 2.044 women a day... considering he's been married several times; and probably wasn't racking up the ladies at a pace of 2+ a day when he was 12-16, and that he didn't probably starting ploughing through multiple women a day until he started wrestling at 23 he's definitely in Wilt Chamberlain Gene Simmons territory of probably being full of it.

For what it's worth Flair later said he regretted saying that because his grand children might read it.... although I'm guessing probably not the ones he knows he has, but the countless other ones that might want a cut of his estate.

Unless I am missing something, I don't think the math above is correct. 10,000 divided by 365 = 27.4 years. Which means if he averaged one lady a night for 27 years, he would hit that 10,000 women number. So if he was a virgin when he became a pro wrestler at 23, which I am sure he wasn't, he could afford to take a day off here and there and still get that number. Especially when you consider that Flair probably didn't mind sharing the bed with more than one woman from time to time.

Your math checks out.

Flash - 9-27-2017 at 06:07 AM

Uh... that was the uh... Canadian math answer?

I went with his age 68, less 12 years (way too young, but if I said 16 Flair would probably magically show up on here and say he's been taking chicks to space mountain since he was 8)... anyway, 56 years x 365 days a year gave me 20440 total days which I then divided by the claimed 10k for 2.044 a day average.

Me no so good with the math, but not sure where I went wrong?

Bottom line, Flair has divided a lot of vaginas over the years.

I'm curious for those that grew up watching Flair (Where'd you go Merc?) has modern day multiple time divorced, broke, wrestling far too long past his expiration date, frequently drunk in public Flair overshadowed the legend that is Flair from his earlier days? I grew up on WWF, so outside of Flair's year or so run with Vince, and then late 90's WCW Flair occasionally I mostly know Flair from his good run in the early 2000's and via various retrospectives... so he's kind of 60/40 for me in terms of taking the shine off of his legacy versus being an acknowledged legend.

I've always been curious about how guys will be remembered... Like Nash for example is a multiple time world champion, but it would seem that his outside the ring persona will overshadow his work... oddly enough though for a historical stand point the guy is pretty smack dab in the middle of some of the biggest changes in the business though. HBK was able to come back and rewrite his legacy and cement himself as maybe the best ever... Hart's bitterness seems to have taken away from his legacy a bit. Hall seemed to peak at the upper mid card, has the same being in the heart of massive changes to the business that Nash has, but of course his troubles outside of the ring are often going to be the biggest part of his story (although I hope this changes for the guy). HHH might be the most interesting... his years on top might make him one of wrestling all time greatest heels, and easily top ten of all time... his rep behind the scenes seems to follow him, but he's also in the mist of a second career that could entirely change how he's remembered.

Flash - 9-27-2017 at 08:40 AM

*Last nights Smackdown in Glendale was really empty... I seem to remember this was also the case when they were in Anaheim(?) a few weeks ago as well. If you google the pics it's quite shocking how empty the place was.

*Mick Foley has been added to Jericho's Rock and Wrestling rager; thus far his line up includes Jim Ross, Ricky Steamboat, DDP, Mysterio, Raven and others. Various bands including Fozzy will also be playing on the 5 day cruise from Miami to Nassau. I took a look on the cruise's website and it's not priced too badly if you book multiple people; maybe a bit more than your average cruise.. if you are going alone it's pretty pricey. Looks like it's been held on a Norwegian Cruise Lines ship (The Jade). I've been on a couple of NCL cruises in the past and they are nice ships.

*The rumoured Shield match is expected to involve Miz, but not the Miztourage... it will instead feature Strowman and someone else. My take is that if this is true it boosts the balance of the match as you would now have guys who are more equal, plus you could have Axel and Dallas causing trouble from outside the match... the down side is do you bring the Shield together to have them lose? So if the Shield goes over then do you really want to job out Strowman yet again? Miz is pretty Teflon, but (and I'm not saying two losses would completely ruin the guy) I would think you'd be kind of reinforcing that ceiling over Strowman.

DKBroiler - 9-27-2017 at 01:49 PM

If they are consistent then the SHIELD should go over even Strowman and it wouldn't hurt him. The SHIELD (Why am I trying that in all caps? Fucking Marvel ...) always win. That's their thing.

Besides, we all know that Miz will eat the pin.

Caesar guy - 9-27-2017 at 01:54 PM

Flash, I'm no mathmagician but you should have divided girls by days. 10,000/20440=.48 girls per day. This works out to 3.4 girls per week. Just wondering if the Alexa Bliss type count as 1 or .5 and the Nia Jax type count as 1 or 1.5???

Slick - 9-27-2017 at 03:03 PM

I figured they had to be doing something with Strowman being involved in a Shield reunion given his decimation of Ambrose on Monday and the fact he is taking on Rollins this Monday.

Having him in the match makes it bigger obviously than The Miztourage.

But who's the 3rd man?? Hollywood Hogan?!

Thom - 9-27-2017 at 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Caesar guy
Flash, I'm no mathmagician but you should have divided girls by days. 10,000/20440=.48 girls per day. This works out to 3.4 girls per week. Just wondering if the Alexa Bliss type count as 1 or .5 and the Nia Jax type count as 1 or 1.5???

Yeah, what this Caesar guy said.

CCharger - 9-27-2017 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Flash
I'm curious for those that grew up watching Flair (Where'd you go Merc?) has modern day multiple time divorced, broke, wrestling far too long past his expiration date, frequently drunk in public Flair overshadowed the legend that is Flair from his earlier days?

I grew up watching Georgia Championship Wrestling, NWA, and later WCW as a kid. I was Flair fan before I was a Hulkamaniac.

I can say that for me, Flair has ALWAYS been that over-the-top party guy. His persona was always that flashy guy climbing out of the limo with the Armani suit and the Rolex strutting into the club with two hot chicks on each arm and then proceeding to do lines of coke interspersed with expensive vodka and cranberry juice - all while shouting WOOO! with each snort.

Flair lived the gimmick.

So, no, it doesn't diminish his legacy at all in my mind. Flair will always be considered among the top five wrestlers of all time and if you ask other wrestlers, they will invariably include Flair as one of their favorites as well.

denverpunk - 9-27-2017 at 03:36 PM

I'd argue that it hasn't tarnished his wrestling legacy, no. But I'd say the past decade or so of his life shows what living the gimmick actually did to him. I'd love to be Ric Flair, the wrestler. I would never want to be Richard Fleir, the man.

CCharger - 9-27-2017 at 03:46 PM

* In an effort to counter RAW's sagging ratings, the WWE is considering bringing back the Authority.

DKBroiler - 9-27-2017 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* In an effort to counter RAW's sagging ratings, the WWE is considering bringing back the Authority.

Doesn't this happen every fall? It's the NFL, it'll always be the NFL, and no matter what for most 18 to 35 year old males (fuck, I'm no longer in the target demo) watching Monday Night Football live will trump Raw 99 times out of 100.

And I say this as roughly the only internet person who likes the Authority.

[Edited on 9-27-2017 by DKBroiler]

DKBroiler - 9-27-2017 at 04:00 PM

Rumor: CCharger's avatar may actually be someone literally dying.

Sir ... you didn't just raise the bar, YOU ARE THE BAR!

CCharger - 9-27-2017 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Rumor: CCharger's avatar may actually be someone literally dying.

Sir ... you didn't just raise the bar, YOU ARE THE BAR!


He survived with minor injuries.

CVD39 - 9-27-2017 at 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Slick
I figured they had to be doing something with Strowman being involved in a Shield reunion given his decimation of Ambrose on Monday and the fact he is taking on Rollins this Monday.

Having him in the match makes it bigger obviously than The Miztourage.

But who's the 3rd man?? Hollywood Hogan?!

Harry Lime

DKBroiler - 9-27-2017 at 08:03 PM

Originally posted by CVD39
Originally posted by Slick
I figured they had to be doing something with Strowman being involved in a Shield reunion given his decimation of Ambrose on Monday and the fact he is taking on Rollins this Monday.

Having him in the match makes it bigger obviously than The Miztourage.

But who's the 3rd man?? Hollywood Hogan?!

Harry Lime

I think Cena is out because they did the whole mutual respect thing (even though a month is more than enough time for him to grow a beard and learn some Jimi Hendrix lyrics), so who are the likely candidates?

Brock? Nope.
Samoa Joe? Maybe.

Is there a retired guy in the video game that's coming back?

CCharger - 9-27-2017 at 08:16 PM

Re-unite the SHIELD, do all the dream matches, then bring back the Authority and have them court and seduce each member of the SHIELD to be the "new Chosen One". Then at the Rumble, you have the Final Four as Rollins, Ambrose and Reigns and HHH. Reigns eliminate HHH and as they celebrate, Reigns tosses Rollins and Ambrose. HHH comes back in the ring and raises Reigns hand as the new "Chosen One", cementing his heel turn.

[Edited on 9-27-2017 by CCharger]

First 9 - 9-27-2017 at 08:28 PM

I feel Reigns going heel would be way above the corporate stooge level. He retired Taker, mauled Cena and is destined to be the Beast Slayer. He'd have to be somebody like Hollywood Rock or 14' Brock. Getting along with the heel authority figures but not being subservient to them at all and not needing stooges.

CCharger - 9-27-2017 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by First 9
I feel Reigns going heel would be way above the corporate stooge level. He retired Taker, mauled Cena and is destined to be the Beast Slayer. He'd have to be somebody like Hollywood Rock or 14' Brock. Getting along with the heel authority figures but not being subservient to them at all and not needing stooges.

Rock was literally the "Corporate Champion" in 1997-98 and even Undertaker joined the McMahons to form the Corporate Ministry.

CVD39 - 9-27-2017 at 09:05 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by CVD39
Originally posted by Slick
I figured they had to be doing something with Strowman being involved in a Shield reunion given his decimation of Ambrose on Monday and the fact he is taking on Rollins this Monday.

Having him in the match makes it bigger obviously than The Miztourage.

But who's the 3rd man?? Hollywood Hogan?!

Harry Lime

I think Cena is out because they did the whole mutual respect thing (even though a month is more than enough time for him to grow a beard and learn some Jimi Hendrix lyrics), so who are the likely candidates?

Brock? Nope.
Samoa Joe? Maybe.

Is there a retired guy in the video game that's coming back?

Was an Orson Welles joke. They usually bring out ALL the giggles.

Ortonmustdie - 9-27-2017 at 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Slick

But who's the 3rd man?? Hollywood Hogan?!

Add another H, probably.....

GodEatGod - 9-27-2017 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Ortonmustdie
Originally posted by Slick

But who's the 3rd man?? Hollywood Hogan?!

Add another H, probably.....

I presume HHH is being saved to feud with Kevin Owens, as the McMahon's ultimate weapon after KO gets done annihilating Shane. Shane gets killed at HiaC, leads a team at Survivor Series against KO's team and then gets destroyed again the night after. Stephanie comes to take his place as commissioner and harasses KO, eventually leading to him snapping and either threatening or actually laying hands on her. Cue The Game.

HHH-KO at WM sounds like a good match, although I worry that Trip has laid down at too many Manias and might wanna notch a win on his belt. On the other hand, Kevin IS a heel, so him finally losing would be the natural finish to such a feud.

[Edited on 9-27-2017 by GodEatGod]

First 9 - 9-27-2017 at 10:31 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Rock was literally the "Corporate Champion" in 1997-98 and even Undertaker joined the McMahons to form the Corporate Ministry.

It's why I specified Hollywood Rock and Taker joining the Corporation was stupid.

Jumbie - 9-28-2017 at 02:15 AM

HHH comes back in the ring and raises Reigns hand as the "new" Chosen One.

DKBroiler - 9-28-2017 at 04:38 AM

What about Batista? I have no idea if he wants to ever wrestle again but the Shield did kind of retire him. I gotta think that Draxtista would be received much better this time around. Also, he is pretty Hollywood and wouldn't be subservient to Miz or Braun.

Slick - 9-28-2017 at 04:21 PM

Not sure of the injury timeline, but I guess if it times out right Samoa Joe could possibly be the 3rd guy in a match vs. The Shield?

Fifth Horseman - 9-28-2017 at 11:26 PM

Third man = Daniel Bryan.

gobbledygooker - 9-29-2017 at 01:28 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod

I presume HHH is being saved to feud with Kevin Owens, as the McMahon's ultimate weapon after KO gets done annihilating Shane. Shane gets killed at HiaC, leads a team at Survivor Series against KO's team and then gets destroyed again the night after. Stephanie comes to take his place as commissioner and harasses KO, eventually leading to him snapping and either threatening or actually laying hands on her. Cue The Game.

Dude you and me are usually on the same page but I must admit I'm appreciating your optimism here. I've been thinking Shane will go over at HiAC, likely with something like a moonsault off the cage to really make all the boys look like crap (but avenge his FATHER, DAMMIT!!).

DKBroiler - 9-29-2017 at 01:57 PM

Originally posted by gobbledygooker
Originally posted by GodEatGod
I presume HHH is being saved to feud with Kevin Owens, as the McMahon's ultimate weapon after KO gets done annihilating Shane. Shane gets killed at HiaC, leads a team at Survivor Series against KO's team and then gets destroyed again the night after. Stephanie comes to take his place as commissioner and harasses KO, eventually leading to him snapping and either threatening or actually laying hands on her. Cue The Game.

Dude you and me are usually on the same page but I must admit I'm appreciating your optimism here. I've been thinking Shane will go over at HiAC, likely with something like a moonsault off the cage to really make all the boys look like crap (but avenge his FATHER, DAMMIT!!).

Any chance that Owens does the super insanity spot this time around? Frog splash from the top of the cell anyone?

You know that somewhere over the last month someone said in a WWE meeting, "well, if Shane can survive a helicopter crash, how about a frog splash from 20 feet up?"

Thom - 9-29-2017 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Any chance that Owens does the super insanity spot this time around? Frog splash from the top of the cell anyone?

You know that somewhere over the last month someone said in a WWE meeting, "well, if Shane can survive a helicopter crash, how about a frog splash from 20 feet up?"

Might be a little too Snuka-like at this point.

DKBroiler - 9-29-2017 at 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Thom
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Any chance that Owens does the super insanity spot this time around? Frog splash from the top of the cell anyone?

You know that somewhere over the last month someone said in a WWE meeting, "well, if Shane can survive a helicopter crash, how about a frog splash from 20 feet up?"

Might be a little too Snuka-like at this point.

I dunno. Sure there is the whole jumping off the cage thing, and the whole potential negligently man-slaughtering Shane thing, and the whole Vince trying to cover it up afterwards thing, but I guess I just don't see the connection.

Count Zero - 9-29-2017 at 05:34 PM

Paddlefoot - 9-29-2017 at 06:44 PM

* TRIGGER ALERT FOR TEXICANS! - due to the (unfortunately) undeniable effect that he's had on boosting 205 Live's ratings, word is that we can expect to see a lot more Enzo on both the CW show as well as RAW; the beating he took from Strowman, Neville, and the CW's is being described as his "punishment" for his various locker-room and travel bus violations of the unwritten code of behaviour and that the heat on him is more or less finished

DKBroiler - 9-29-2017 at 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* TRIGGER ALERT FOR TEXICANS! - due to the (unfortunately) undeniable effect that he's had on boosting 205 Live's ratings, word is that we can expect to see a lot more Enzo on both the CW show as well as RAW; the beating he took from Strowman, Neville, and the CW's is being described as his "punishment" for his various locker-room and travel bus violations of the unwritten code of behaviour and that the heat on him is more or less finished

We win! We win! We win!

janerd75 - 9-29-2017 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* TRIGGER ALERT FOR TEXICANS! - due to the (unfortunately) undeniable effect that he's had on boosting 205 Live's ratings, word is that we can expect to see a lot more Enzo on both the CW show as well as RAW; the beating he took from Strowman, Neville, and the CW's is being described as his "punishment" for his various locker-room and travel bus violations of the unwritten code of behaviour and that the heat on him is more or less finished

We win! We win! We win!

Don't forget the FLORICUNTS too.

I'm warning you all now, if you don't rise up and collectively take a stand against this Guido menace...

DKBroiler - 9-29-2017 at 09:46 PM

Reporting live from Orlando, New Jersey*** it's Janerd!

*** I'm just assuming you live in Orlando due to your child friendly gifs. Disney would be proud.

williamssl - 9-29-2017 at 09:48 PM

janerd75 - 9-29-2017 at 10:39 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Reporting live from Orlando, New Jersey*** it's Janerd!

*** I'm just assuming you live in Orlando due to your child friendly gifs. Disney would be proud.

Narp. Further down the shaft where the piss and discharge comes out.*

In rumournooz:

- Cena should be back by Survivor Series

- A titbit that should make Pad happy (lol, j/k not possible) the gigantic breasts masquerading as a female wrestler known as Kaitlyn might be coming back to WWE. Hmm, first Paige, now Kaitlyn...if only they could get that skippy kicks-wearing danger-monkey back to complete the pre-Women's Revolution trifecta of returns.

*Don't click it you pussies.

First 9 - 9-29-2017 at 10:49 PM

So since Cena semmed so content with Reigns kicking his ass and taking his spot, it's looking super likely that we're getting Cena vs Joe at Mania right? Can't think of many other possible big matches for John.

[Edited on 9-29-2017 by First 9]

janerd75 - 9-29-2017 at 11:14 PM

Originally posted by First 9
So since Cena semmed so content with Reigns kicking his ass and taking his spot, it's looking super likely that we're getting Cena vs Joe at Mania right? Can't think msny other possible big matches for John.

My preference would be that they ice Roman for a bit (HA!) with a Shield reunion, let John get his win back at WM, especially if Reigns has the title, and let Joe, Braun, and Brock Hossfest each other up for a while. Or at least have a Joe/Cena +1 faction to go against the Shield while Brock and Braun play slap and tickle. Or turducken Enzo up Reigns squatter and fire them into the sun would be fine by me too.

Paddlefoot - 9-30-2017 at 01:35 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
*Don't click it you pussies.

I clicked it and now I'm in love with Florida!

(not sure what happened with Kaitlyn if she comes back; she had a divorce from her juicehead husband that was allegedly pretty bad and it might have cost her the clothing line they were marketing; as such she could be coming back for the paycheque more than a desire to compete again because she didn't hide the fact that she hated the WWE travel schedule)

* quote of the day from Diva Dirt - "Impact discussion posts be dryer than Tammy Sytch's ran-through cooch"; it's funny because it's true

* concussion lawsuit against WWE falling apart, judge orders plaintiff to amend it within thirty-five days of it'll be dismissed

Bryant�s ruling notes that despite previous instructions from the court, the plaintiffs have now �filed a 335 page complaint with 805 paragraphs that includes numerous allegations that a reasonable attorney would know are inaccurate, irrelevant, or frivolous.� These include the filing of a 2015 study on CTE, which would be irrelevant because none of Kyros� clients were working for WWE at that time, claiming that a female wrestler was told not to report a sexual assault while on a WWE tour, which has nothing to do with her claims about her neurological injuries. Bryant noted that Kyros also used the fictional post-concussion angle between Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart from 1996 as proof that WWE was aware of the dangers of concussions and CTE. CTE was not specifically discovered until 2006.

WWE has asked for sanctions against Kyros in the past. The company argued that he and other attorneys in the case plagiarized parts of an NFL concussion lawsuit for this lawsuit, and that he had made provably (and already-proven) false claims over the course of discovery. The company had responded to the most recent filing by the plaintiffs asking to dismiss the existing lawsuits and rule in favor of World Wrestling Entertainment.

Konstantin Kryos (from I Can't Believe It's A Law Firm!) responded with, "well you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy".

[Edited on 9/30/2017 by Paddlefoot]

Flash - 9-30-2017 at 04:56 AM

Yeah, McDevitt seems to routinely hand Kyros his lunch, and Kyros seems to keep finding ways to slink back in... honestly the real victims are the guys and gals who signed on with Kyros, and who have probably black balled themselves from ever getting to do any business with the WWE again... not all of them; but you'd have to imagine that if say a King Kong Bundy hadn't signed on with him he'd be in the HOF by now.

Also; I have a hard time feeling much sympathy for some of these CTE class action suits (such as the one going on with the NHL right now)... I mean even if CTE wasn't such a buzz word/acknowledged thing in sports right now, everyone knew that getting punched in the head for a living probably wasn't the best for you before that. When I look at some of the people who signed on with Kyros it's baffling that this is even being listened to as some of them were only in the WWE for a cup of coffee and continue to wrestle elsewhere to this day... how do you put it all on one match you had in the WWE as opposed to the 1000 other chair shots you've taken in VA halls and gymnasiums since the 1980's.

[Edited on 9-30-2017 by Flash]

DKBroiler - 9-30-2017 at 01:51 PM

Rumor: I may have just woken up with 1 sock on thinking how weird it was that I dreamt about puking all over my living room in a drunken stupor last night.

Rumor confirmed. Not a dream. Fucking everclear.

On a positive note at least I wasn't searching backpage for hookers when I passed out.

Oh wait, that's inaccurate too. Goddamnit drunk DK.

[Edited on 9-30-2017 by DKBroiler]

DKBroiler - 9-30-2017 at 01:55 PM

Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by First 9
So since Cena semmed so content with Reigns kicking his ass and taking his spot, it's looking super likely that we're getting Cena vs Joe at Mania right? Can't think msny other possible big matches for John.

My preference would be that they ice Roman for a bit (HA!) with a Shield reunion, let John get his win back at WM, especially if Reigns has the title, and let Joe, Braun, and Brock Hossfest each other up for a while. Or at least have a Joe/Cena +1 faction to go against the Shield while Brock and Braun play slap and tickle. Or turducken Enzo up Reigns squatter and fire them into the sun would be fine by me too.

Using turducken and slap and tickle in the same post automatically qualifies if for the post of the year. Someone please bookmark this one before my CTE makes me forget about it.

DKBroiler - 9-30-2017 at 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Yeah, McDevitt seems to routinely hand Kyros his lunch, and Kyros seems to keep finding ways to slink back in... honestly the real victims are the guys and gals who signed on with Kyros, and who have probably black balled themselves from ever getting to do any business with the WWE again... not all of them; but you'd have to imagine that if say a King Kong Bundy hadn't signed on with him he'd be in the HOF by now.

Also; I have a hard time feeling much sympathy for some of these CTE class action suits (such as the one going on with the NHL right now)... I mean even if CTE wasn't such a buzz word/acknowledged thing in sports right now, everyone knew that getting punched in the head for a living probably wasn't the best for you before that. When I look at some of the people who signed on with Kyros it's baffling that this is even being listened to as some of them were only in the WWE for a cup of coffee and continue to wrestle elsewhere to this day... how do you put it all on one match you had in the WWE as opposed to the 1000 other chair shots you've taken in VA halls and gymnasiums since the 1980's.

[Edited on 9-30-2017 by Flash]

Awesomely ironic that I just made a CTE joke before I read this.

Real Talk: I've had at least 6 full blown medically diagnosed concussions starting with 2 in 1994 playing Pop Warner football. I'm 100% sure that I've got some CTE type damage. In all honesty 99% of the time I'm fine, but even at 36 ... and even when I'm 100% sober ... there will be times where I COMPLETELY blank out on how to do everyday tasks. Usually it passes after a few seconds but that shit is VERY real and unlucky enough for me, I don't have some large conglomerate to sue. I'm certainly not gonna be the dickhole who sues Pop Warner football.

That said, in 1994, in 8th grade and only 13 years old I fucking knew the dangers of concussions. It boggles my mind how any adult can pretend that they had no idea. Because that's what they are doing, pretending. Any person who has ever had a serious concussion and not instantly realized there is a big fucking problem long term is a god damned liar or an idiot.

So believe it or not I'm on the WWE's and NFL's side of this. It's fucking laughable to say that someone who has suffered a major concussion wouldn't know that concussions are dangerous long term. Complete and total bullshit.

[Edited on 9-30-2017 by DKBroiler]

[Edited on 9-30-2017 by DKBroiler]

denverpunk - 9-30-2017 at 02:35 PM

I hear that, but the NFL routinely downplayed concussions and actively fought research and reporting on them. Why? For fucking money. I agree with you that players ought to know what playing can do to them, but isn't the NFL also culpable for downplaying the situation and deliberately ignoring and hiding the problem?

[Edited on 9-30-2017 by denverpunk]

DKBroiler - 9-30-2017 at 05:36 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
I hear that, but the NFL routinely downplayed concussions and actively fought research and reporting on them. Why? For fucking money. I agree with you that players ought to know what playing can do to them, but isn't the NFL also culpable for downplaying the situation and deliberately ignoring and hiding the problem?

[Edited on 9-30-2017 by denverpunk]

Oh yes, that is true. My issue is just with people pretending that no one knew. The NFL clearly did their best to lie about it and THAT should be punished but about a year before I got my first one both Troy Aikman and Steve Young had to retire from concussions. Once the two most famous quarterbacks on earth (at that time) did that the plausible deniability for most of the players should have been out the window. Like I said, if I knew, the adults should have.

Then again I've had to call in to sports radio more than once to inform "experts" that it's possible to get a concussion in high school or earlier. So ... yeah ...

Flash - 9-30-2017 at 07:34 PM

Just to be clear I do have sympathy for those suffering from the effects of CTE and other long term concussion symptoms; anything that robs years or quality of life from people sucks.

But; and yeah it sucks that the NFL hid and downplayed stuff from players- but I don't know that it should open the flood gates for lawsuits on all acts of athleticism... Even before CTE was actively discussed we had come a long way from "getting your bell rung" and walking it off, to "hey.. getting your head beat in constantly might not be the best thing for us". I mean people have been dying, or impaired from head injuries for as long as humans have been walking upright. Athletes suffering numerous concussions, or watching their teammates suffer from them probably knew this best, but many of them traded this for a chance at (or did earn) millions. I don't have much respect for those who knew the risks (minus calling it CTE), didn't make the millions (or did) and are looking at cashing in... worse still are those like Kyros who are preying on those who might genuinely be suffering (working in insurance I have no use for personal injury lawyers who are predatory leaches for the most part).

Now I am glad we are talking about this more; as you are seeing lower developmental and children leagues taking better steps to protect those who are genuinely most vulnerable... and who knows; maybe even those super crazy parents who over push their kids into sports and dominate their lives are going to pause now... but a lot of sports entities/leagues were still learning about this stuff alongside the players; or just starting to say hey... maybe we should look into this stuff, or start compiling years worth of data to see what it might say... but yeah... getting punched, kicked, rammed, dropped on, or whatever impact to your head hurts... that should have been the first clue it probably wasn't good for you.

G. Jonah Jameson - 9-30-2017 at 08:52 PM

Is anyone really claiming that the NFL or WWE pretended concussions were no big deal? I mean, it's been pretty well established for quite some time that they're harmful and have long-term effects. I thought the issue was with companies indirectly punishing athletes for getting concussions, so they come back before it's safe or don't acknowledge them at all. Bret Hart knew he should have taken time off after Goldberg scrambled his brains, and his guaranteed contract meant he wouldn't have taken a big financial hit for it, but he still kept getting back in the ring because WCW said they needed him and he had no idea where he would end up in the late 1990s/early 2000s hellscape of WCW storytelling if he disappeared for a few weeks. Yeah, maybe he should have known better, but at the same time, the company shouldn't have put him in a position where he had to make that choice. And even though WWE's been a lot better about it since the whole Chris Benoit thing, I seem to recall TNA coming under fire a couple years ago for making one of the Wolves wrestle with a concussion, so the attitudes are definitely still around.

None of this is to say that I think Konstantine Kyros' lawsuit has merit. He appears to be far more interested in attention and/or squeezing money out of his clients than actually trying to help anyone. Even a competent lawyer would have a hard time proving any legitimate wrongdoing on WWE's part; they're too smart to actually tell someone "go out there and wrestle with a concussion, you pussy," and they've definitely made some strides in recent years. And they haven't had the spate of concussion-connected deaths that the NFL has, if only because the years of drug abuse tend to bring down the wrestlers first.

Caesar guy - 9-30-2017 at 09:08 PM

At the risk of being "WAY too soon", perhaps that is why they are not standing for our national anthem. They just simply forgot they are supposed to.

coxito - 9-30-2017 at 10:00 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Rumor: I may have just woken up with 1 sock on thinking how weird it was that I dreamt about puking all over my living room in a drunken stupor last night.

Rumor confirmed. Not a dream. Fucking everclear.

On a positive note at least I wasn't searching backpage for hookers when I passed out.

Oh wait, that's inaccurate too. Goddamnit drunk DK.

[Edited on 9-30-2017 by DKBroiler]

Hahahahhahaahhahahahaahahahah greatest post evar!!!!

When you get popped for the hookers blame the CTE.

Flash - 10-1-2017 at 01:08 AM

I think that's always going to be the thing with athletes and injuries... That deadly mix of the maybe implied pressure from the team that if they sit out they might or will lose their spot (or at the very least their own imagined version of this), not wanting to let teammates, and the organization down, and their own perceived invincibility/walk it off princess attitude that was prevalent in sports for years.

I just read Bob Holly's book and in it he mentioned how prior to his death Eddie Guerrero kept asking for time off, and the office wouldn't let him have it- so prior to matches you'd see Eddie stretched out backstage in agony- he also mentioned how the normal really friendly Eddie was more and more a bit snarly with everyone... Now was Eddie just asking for time off without explanation, or was he telling them hey I'm in serious pain here who knows.. you also have to wonder why someone like Vince or some other big shot backstage didn't notice (or conversely they did notice but turned a blind eye to it) why guys are limping around... Eddie (or another person to keep this broad) could have also gone to a doctor and had them take them off... but of course- see the above paragraph about every pressure that might entail in a business where if you aren't on the road you don't earn money.

Athletics is a crazy world when getting your teeth knocked out (or ripping your quad, or hearing a pop in your neck) and finishing the match is a point of pride...

royberto - 10-2-2017 at 10:58 PM

This T-Shirt is a thing:

And, yes, they are selling it on WWEShop.

salmonjunkie - 10-2-2017 at 11:14 PM

that's goddamn brilliant

CCharger - 10-6-2017 at 04:38 PM

* From the "WOW THAT'S SO DUMB IT'S PROBABLY TRUE" files, word is that the plan is for Lesnar to beat everyone with one F-5 until Wrestlemania when he faces Reigns. The hope is that when Reigns kicks out of the F-5 at Mania, the crowd will pop huge and make Reigns look really strong.

* Another take it with a giant shaker of salt, is that the WWE is exploring options on how to match Daniel Bryan against Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania is a way that would protect both of them and not leave WWE open to a lawsuit or criticism.

Flash - 10-6-2017 at 05:59 PM

Maybe get them those giant inflatable sumo suits and oversized hamster balls

GodEatGod - 10-6-2017 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Maybe get them those giant inflatable sumo suits and oversized hamster balls

...y'know, if anyone could make that work...

Count Zero - 10-6-2017 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by Flash
Maybe get them those giant inflatable sumo suits and oversized hamster balls

...y'know, if anyone could make that work...

YES! YES! YES! IT'S DAMN TRUE. (the ultimate merged catchphrase of overness?)

[Edited on 10-6-2017 by Count Zero]

williamssl - 10-6-2017 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* From the "WOW THAT'S SO DUMB IT'S PROBABLY TRUE" files, word is that the plan is for Lesnar to beat everyone with one F-5 until Wrestlemania when he faces Reigns. The hope is that when Reigns kicks out of the F-5 at Mania, the crowd will pop huge and make Reigns look really strong.

This will totally work. I knew there was just one thing that was holding me back from going all-in on Reigns and firmly joining the Roman Empire....I just didn't know what it was.

Now I do.

I am so excited for the main event of WM!

Count Zero - 10-6-2017 at 06:48 PM

I can hear you saying all of the above in the most dead-to-the-core-of-your-very-soul voice ever.

denverpunk - 10-6-2017 at 07:09 PM

When hasn't Lesnar beaten everyone with the F5? I can think of maybe two matches where he won via the Kimura.

janerd75 - 10-6-2017 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

* Another take it with a giant shaker of salt, is that the WWE is exploring options on how to match Daniel Bryan against Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania is a way that would protect both of them and not leave WWE open to a lawsuit or criticism.

Count Zero - 10-6-2017 at 07:13 PM

Is one of those thumbs wrestling in blackface???? That's pretty tasteless, I gotta say.

(this is fake-outrage for throwaway-comedy; please do not treat this as anything else. )

Count Zero - 10-6-2017 at 07:22 PM

New post for an actual (four-day-old) rumor I just heard now:

Bradley Cooper has been offered the starring role in an upcoming movie about the life & times of Vince McMahon. A bunch of different 'sources' are reporting it, just google the relevant words & pick your favorite outlet.

[Edited on 10-6-2017 by Count Zero]

DKBroiler - 10-6-2017 at 08:03 PM

Re: Angle and Bryan

Here�s the thing, aside from HBK or Hart these two might be the most likely people in wrestling history to be able to pull off a �safe� match and have it be good.

That said ... they are both crazy people who would gladly die for our entertainment.

They could plan this out for 5 months and there would still be NOTHING to stop them from deciding together, 2 minutes before the bell, that they are going to put on a 11 star classic for the 25 minutes they�ve been allotted. What�s Vince gonna do? They have literally nothing to lose aside from their own health and both of them have proven to not give one shit about that.

If they have a match there is a zero percent chance that both guys don�t dig deeper than we need them to in an attempt to have the greatest in ring match in Wrestlemania history. And they could ... or one of them could straight out die on our TV.

DKBroiler - 10-6-2017 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
New post for an actual (four-day-old) rumor I just heard now:

Bradley Cooper has been offered the starring role in an upcoming movie about the life & times of Vince McMahon. A bunch of different 'sources' are reporting it, just google the relevant words & pick your favorite outlet.

[Edited on 10-6-2017 by Count Zero]

False rumor. Bradley Cooper only plays Eagles fans.

DKBroiler - 10-6-2017 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Is one of those thumbs wrestling in blackface???? That's pretty tasteless, I gotta say.

(this is fake-outrage for throwaway-comedy; please do not treat this as anything else. )

I�m outraged at your outrageous outrage!

Cherokee Jack - 10-6-2017 at 08:58 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
When hasn't Lesnar beaten everyone with the F5? I can think of maybe two matches where he won via the Kimura.
Think the key word is �one.� Trouble is, we�ve already seen Roman (and Cena, and Undertaker, and Triple H, etc) kick out of F-5s. So the audience has long been conditioned that it takes more than one finisher to beat top guys.

So after Brock�s finished off Joe and Braun and maybe one or two other popular up-and-comers with a single F-5, and then Roman kicks out of it as he�s done before, does that make Roman look stronger, or these others look weaker?

williamssl - 10-6-2017 at 09:09 PM


Flash - 10-6-2017 at 09:29 PM

I think it's also a long way to go to get to a place that Reigns already occupies... ie you're sacrificing a lot of guys for a payoff that isn't going to mean anything. Hell; it's just as likely that Reigns kicking out of the F5 at Wrestlemania is going to elicit boos, not the cheers they want.

From a long term POV, or even a short term view, Reigns has gotten more development, respect, and credibility (to say nothing of being far more entertaining) when he's faced guys lower on the card than him/on their way up, or who were at the time equal to him, than these so called contrived benchmarks (HHH, Rock lifting his arm, the Rumble wins, Undertaker, Cena) with maybe the exception of the Lesnar matches... but even in those cases those were more memorable because the WWE either pulled a fast one on us (Rollins winning) or was a multi-man match that just kicked ass all around (the recent four way).

Honestly I think the best thing you could do for Reigns is never let him beat Lesnar... if he keeps failing and you give that big Lesnar send off loss to someone else it's heat you can use between Reigns and that guy who beats Lesnar (well, the guy who joins the list of guys who've beat Lesnar anyway). In saying that Lesnar's got what... 2 feuds; 3 matches left on this current deal with maybe a 50/50 chance of him resigning... I'd just as soon the two not cross paths again and they use Lesnar elsewhere for guys who could use the exposure/elevation.

williamssl - 10-6-2017 at 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Hell; it's just as likely that Reigns kicking out of the F5 at Wrestlemania is going to elicit boos, not the cheers they want.

It's gonna be that torch-passing UW pinning Hogan. Everyone will cheer. Everyone. This means you too.

I'm just looking forward to the Reigns/Lesnar version of this:


GodEatGod - 10-6-2017 at 11:07 PM

I mean, I'll definitely pop for it, mostly just because I fucking hate Brock now. So...I guess that worked?

Flash - 10-7-2017 at 12:53 AM

My bad... I meant, yes of course I will cheer... I'm going to get the fireworks now... I'll also start practicing cheering now too as I wouldn't want to mess up for Roman.

Count Zero - 10-7-2017 at 02:19 AM

*starts making a banner for the Roman Festival taking place next springish* Janerd can be in charge of obtaining properly ... Roman ... party favors?

CCharger - 10-7-2017 at 05:10 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
*starts making a banner for the Roman Festival taking place next springish* Janerd can be in charge of obtaining properly ... Roman ... party favors?

I think Janerd would be better at finding...[clears throat]...GREEK party favors...

janerd75 - 10-7-2017 at 07:43 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by Count Zero
*starts making a banner for the Roman Festival taking place next springish* Janerd can be in charge of obtaining properly ... Roman ... party favors?

I think Janerd would be better at finding...[clears throat]...GREEK party favors...


In rumournooz:

- Fashion Files: Possible payoff to who's been attacking them at Hell in a Cell. However, their potential revamped opponents may suck the wind from your loins and/or sails considering what they used to be. If true, I hope it works for them. Somehow.

Also, in recent memory, has there ever been two wrasslers that have gotten over on backstage skits alone? Seriously, outside of SD what have 'Dango and Breeze done in-ring lately? I'm assuming they're dark match/house show staples? Whatevs, they're one of my bright spots on the main shows.

- Bayley heel turn? With that pre-op Chyna chin and seeming inability to blow her nose? Works for me.

- The future of the crusierweight division is blackness, death, and torment as it looks likely that it will be Kalisto vs. Enzo for the title at TLC. One can only hope the Cartels have spoken to Kalisto and have emphasized that for the good of his family, an "accident" must befall Enzo in the ring. Preferably involving chainsaws and pure uncut coke. Somehow.

punkerhardcore - 10-7-2017 at 07:58 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
In rumournooz:

- Fashion Files: Possible payoff to who's been attacking them at Hell in a Cell. However, their potential revamped opponents may suck the wind from your loins and/or sails considering what they used to be. If true, I hope it works for them. Somehow.

And it is...?

janerd75 - 10-7-2017 at 08:41 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Originally posted by janerd75
In rumournooz:

- Fashion Files: Possible payoff to who's been attacking them at Hell in a Cell. However, their potential revamped opponents may suck the wind from your loins and/or sails considering what they used to be. If true, I hope it works for them. Somehow.

And it is...?

Don't wanna spoil it.

SPOILERT!: They haven't been around in a while. He's got a-you and me brother in His hands...

Paddlefoot - 10-7-2017 at 08:47 AM

I would have preferred a response that included a repeating moving picture of a t-girl titty fuck.


[Edited on 10/7/2017 by Paddlefoot]

Count Zero - 10-8-2017 at 12:28 AM

I have a guess, but I'm too sheepish to elucidate further.

[Edited on 10-7-2017 by Count Zero]

royberto - 10-8-2017 at 01:08 AM

Getting back to wrestling news, Jim Cornette got into another altercation with Santino Marella at a wrestling convention:

Of course, Cornette explained with this gem:

Sorry to anyone I missed at Cobo, some comedy midget wanted me to slap him AGAIN so he could sue since he's unemployed. Walked out instead.

— Jim Cornette (@TheJimCornette) October 7, 2017

Yes, Jim, the owner of a martial arts school is trying to sue you because he is unemployed. What a maroon.

janerd75 - 10-8-2017 at 02:19 AM

Originally posted by royberto
Getting back to wrestling news, Jim Cornette got into another altercation with Santino Marella at a wrestling convention:

Of course, Cornette explained with this gem:

Sorry to anyone I missed at Cobo, some comedy midget wanted me to slap him AGAIN so he could sue since he's unemployed. Walked out instead.

— Jim Cornette (@TheJimCornette) October 7, 2017

Yes, Jim, the owner of a martial arts school is trying to sue you because he is unemployed. What a maroon.

Motherfuckin' carny folk, man.

Also, and this is entirely [email protected]'s fault, but here's another hint aboot Breezango's opponents that should satisfy all lovers of SPOILERS! and deviant sexual behaviors. Don't click any of these if you wish to remain pure.

'Dango gittin' it on with his opponent at HiaC

The End Stage of Pad's Demented Fantasies

PB-13 - 10-9-2017 at 01:01 AM

Harper and Rowan.

Count Zero - 10-9-2017 at 06:01 PM

This is too finger lickin' good to post in the video games thread, and must be on display for all & sundry to see.

Gamespot says Colonel Sanders will be a playable character in WWE 2K18. You already know this if you were paying attention to Hell In A Cell last night, but if you're like me & missed it (either the event or the announcement) this will be rumors crap to you.

Flash - 10-9-2017 at 07:45 PM

The article said it would be a shame if the Colonel's finisher wasn't the Cross Face Chicken Wing... I just hope they have recorded separate commentary for Mr. KFC including a whole list of moves like The greasy fingers (chops) or the finger lickin' good (mandible claw).... others?

CVD39 - 10-9-2017 at 07:49 PM

[Licks fingers and then punches opponent in the corner] "FINGER LICKIN' GOOD!"

SpiNNeR72 - 10-9-2017 at 08:31 PM

Anyone care to explain to us here in the UK why the fuck you would want a fast food advertising character in a wrestling game?

I mean I get its a fun marketing tool, but...

CVD39 - 10-9-2017 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
Anyone care to explain to us here in the UK why the fuck you would want a fast food advertising character in a wrestling game?

I mean I get its a fun marketing tool, but...

Vince likes money. That's literally the only reason.

Cherokee Jack - 10-9-2017 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
Anyone care to explain to us here in the UK why the fuck you would want a fast food advertising character in a wrestling game?

I mean I get its a fun marketing tool, but...
You answered your own question.

And the article also said that the Colonel would be available �through the Create-a-Superstar mode,� which would suggest to me that he won�t actually be a part of the roster, but rather simply that all the pieces (hair, glasses, outfit etc) will be there if you want to build him yourself.

It�s dumb, but still better than Fred Durst.

Paddlefoot - 10-9-2017 at 09:23 PM

Fred Durst as the chicken, Braun Strowman as the Colonel.......

Il Palazzo - 10-10-2017 at 01:08 AM

Well, now I have one more reason to snag the game. WOO. And I have fond memories of Durst in games. Although I mostly just remember him in Raw on Xbox. Which sucked. Convenient pairing, really.

Wickedfrost - 10-10-2017 at 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Flash
The article said it would be a shame if the Colonel's finisher wasn't the Cross Face Chicken Wing... I just hope they have recorded separate commentary for Mr. KFC including a whole list of moves like The greasy fingers (chops) or the finger lickin' good (mandible claw).... others?

I'm going to hell for this.

janerd75 - 10-10-2017 at 01:58 AM

Heck. You're going to Heck. God bless you but Hell is my territory.

bigfatgoalie - 10-11-2017 at 02:36 AM

Apparently Neville, Bo, and Bray may be looking to leave WWE.

Paddlefoot - 10-11-2017 at 02:39 AM

Yeah, allegedly Neville walked out before RAW began last night according to the rumour mill.

First 9 - 10-11-2017 at 02:41 AM

Bray is going to fucking kill it whereve he goes. Former WWE Champion who had WM programs against Cena and Taker. Depending on how you feel on Del Rio, Bray would easily be WWE's biggets lost since Punk/Rey.

Also he's around 29 years old so from certain perspective, it'd be the best for his long tmer career to leave for a few years, get the loser stink off him, and come back at an opportune time.

GodEatGod - 10-11-2017 at 03:12 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Also he's around 29 years old so from certain perspective, it'd be the best for his long tmer career to leave for a few years, get the loser stink off him, and come back at an opportune time.

I agree with this totally. He needs time away from WWE. Years of repetitive booking have done damage. He might not be able to bring the whole character, but Windham Rotunda is a pretty good pedigree and he can still be a crazy country bastard - you can't trademark redneck. Cody's done pretty damn well as an independent and Bray's better than Cody is.

Plus, give him a few years away and the pop for the first time he showed up again would be nuts.

[Edited on 10-11-2017 by GodEatGod]

denverpunk - 10-11-2017 at 03:21 AM

Good for all three if they decide to jump. Neville especially deserves better, as he's one of the most talented guys on the roster. Bray should be the new Undertaker, instead of being the new Waylon Mercy. Bo I'm not as high on, but he's certainly better than just being a jobber or lackey.

anglefan85 - 10-11-2017 at 05:43 AM

Neville is my pick for Superstar of 2017, so that'd be a big loss for the WWE. He'd be practically a made man in any wrestling organization.

Flash - 10-11-2017 at 05:51 AM

Bray and Bo potentially jumping at this point in time seems to be a bit weird... at first I was going to suggest that maybe it's just some sort of family issue, but Mika Rotunda (who I believe is their sister?) has been tweeting just usual crap all day...

Bo could probably do okay on the Indies, but outside of his NXT title run as a showcase of what he's capable of he definitely lacks the cache of his older brother... he's also been getting the closest thing to being used that he's been in the last few years... not that I think Miz lackey has a high ceiling, but it has meant steady TV time with the odd chance to open his mouth.

Definitely agree that Bray Wyatt would clean up on the Indies- apparently Cody does quite well, and outside of the Rhodes name Bray definitely has a higher profile and bigger matches under his belt than Cody does... but Bray is also in the midst of what is likely to be a costly divorce; so you would think he'd maybe want to play it safe and collect those (near) guaranteed WWE cheques... which given his spot on the card would probably be pretty good... maybe even more than what he'd make on the Indies. Although; maybe time off and a reduced schedule to try and improve the family life is more important to him... still; he's less than a year removed from being the WWE champion; probably frustrating that his run sucked, but it was still a decent sign that the WWE is/was behind him.

If the three of them are jumping ship good for them... the WWE will obviously soldier on just fine without them, but it might be enough of a wake up call to use talent a bit better, and notice to them that while the lure of big paydays is nice for talent... maybe the WWE needs to address a few other issues as well.

Not for nothing; and you can certainly argue the WWE is better off without some guys ... but we've seen what ADR, Swagger, Ryback, Cody, and maybe a few others all decide that life is better outside of the WWE in the last 2 years or so... that should give them some pause.

GodEatGod - 10-11-2017 at 08:03 AM

And I think Drew Galloway/McIntyre shows it can be a good blueprint for rebuilding your career. He'd gotten stuck in 3MB and without much to do, so he went to the indies, built a brand, kicked some ass and came back as a hot prospect that they obviously believe in. I imagine Cody will have a similar return in a couple of years and will be much higher on the card as a result of it. If you have the passion and energy to do what they did, it's not a bad business plan to go out, show the company you can build your profile and come back re-energized.

Flash - 10-11-2017 at 11:35 AM

Not that many are clamouring for another Balor versus Wyatt match up; but one would hope that Wyatt (assuming this is a walk out/quitting) shows up to do business and lay down on the way out the door... the WWE is a pretty forgiving place, but you would have to imagine leaving mid angle with two weeks left until the PPV, for a story they put time and effort into would probably not sit well with them... forgiving or not, they (Vince, HHH, Steph) do seem to have long memories. You would also have to imagine that if he did bail like that it would affect some promotions business dealings with him as well.

[Edited on 10-11-2017 by Flash]

SpiNNeR72 - 10-11-2017 at 01:05 PM

No question Wyatt and Dallas would benefit from an Indy run, they could walk straight in to a main event tag team spot in Japan.

Neville is a bit more of a head scratcher. There is no question Enoz has boosted the profile of the cruisers, and he's still the main guy with a great, unique, character.

While he would do well on the Indie scene, he already has, so he is the one who will be taking the bigger step back.

Then again, this could all be bullshit...

DKBroiler - 10-11-2017 at 02:43 PM

When I see a half dozen posts about how someone leaving a job they�ve earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in, a company that put them in championship matches against future hall of famers and, in Neville�s case an entire show, is somehow a good career move it cracks me up.

You guys should just go with the full Royberto/Beckie defense at this point.

CCharger - 10-11-2017 at 02:46 PM

Apparently, Neville has been upset since he returned from injury. Rumors are that he was not keen on turning heel because his merch numbers (and subsequent income) went down. A couple of weeks ago, he tweeted his disgust at the WWE's design for his new T-shirt. He was also disgusted by his recent booking. Meltzer is reporting that he was booked to lose clean to Enzo on RAW, but instead walked out of the show.

I've always thought a heel Neville was dumb. His style is perfect for a babyface - all that holy shit high flying, flippy stuff is tailor made for a face pop.

Bray, Bo, and Neville are all guys who have had their characters criminally mishandled by creative. In a larger sense, that's what's ailing WWE right now - mishandled characters. I mean, hell, that's the reason they reformed the SHIELD - all three of those guys have been booked in such a ham-fisted way that they need to go back to square one.

Other than maybe Kevin Owens or AJ Styles, is their any wrestler in WWE who has been booked properly?

Flash - 10-11-2017 at 03:05 PM

It sounds like what may have precipitated Neville's "walk out" (assuming this is all true) is that he was scheduled to face Enzo in a lumberjack match, where he would put Enzo over... Enzo would then go on to face Kalisto at the PPV.

Maybe he just saw the writing on the wall... he's in a division that is a mess and seems to be a few bad ratings segments away from oblivion, he's lost his title to a guy who most of the roster hates and who broke his leg trying to get out of a wrist lock while in NXT, and he probably realized that while Kalisto and Enzo feuded he was likely destined to either regular Superstars duty or jobbing in five minute matches on an as needed basis until the next time they remember him for either a randomly thrown together tag team, need to put someone else over, or maybe worse still... some terrible idea like turning him into mighty mouse.

A quick look at WWE shop and it looks like the guy has 3 pieces of merch', and I'm betting they don't get heavy rotation at the kiosks at Raw and SD either... so if he's not going to be making TV as much, not going to be seeing much or any PPV time, isn't getting a lot of merch in circulation (seriously, retired guys have more stuff on there)... actually funny enough I just checked his twitter feed and he trashes one of his own shirts as being an atrocity not on the Neville Level... The King deserves better... although it does seem to be his twitter thing to insult everything, so who knows... So; lots of travel, lives away from home in the UK, probably has a good idea by this point as to what endless days on the road with the WWE is like while probably mostly collecting downside or slightly better pay versus calling most of his own shots and probably doing pretty well with less dates on the Indies... to say nothing of the merchandise possibilities some Indy guys get rich with (Cody is said to be making a killing off of American Nightmare tee's).

Honestly I don't know why the WWE doesn't consider using some of these guys like Neville who they know they probably don't have big plans for in some kind of NXT/Indy hybrid deal... like you've got NXT touring now, and touring internationally... Use a guy like Neville in NXT for TV, and big shows, but then let him go and work in Japan or elsewhere once a month... or if you are building up the UK thing do it there... it's win win for both as someone like Neville would be given a chance to make bigger money, and the WWE gets star power and a guy who can work with their up and comers for them to learn from... if you latch onto some kind of gimmick for him that catches fire swing him back into a Raw/SD contract.

lz4005 - 10-11-2017 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
I've always thought a heel Neville was dumb. His style is perfect for a babyface - all that holy shit high flying, flippy stuff is tailor made for a face pop.

By that logic there wouldn't be a single heel on the cruiserweight show.

Which is not to say you're wrong. They don't know how to book a cruiser heel very well, depending on the more experienced people people like Kendrick and Neville to make ill-conceived heel story lines work because they know the younger guys don't have the experience to pull it off.

Gobshite - 10-11-2017 at 05:01 PM

Wwe are starting to cancel BluRay releases of their home video offerings. Mostly due to poor performance of their offerings, but also due to a lack of retail support.

I'm not sure if the lack of support is just for WWE BR's, or the industry in general as streaming online takes more and more market share.

As long as they put the documentary and matches available on the network, is actually prefer
Them going straight to Network.

salmonjunkie - 10-11-2017 at 05:43 PM

Neville did an awesome job as a heel, though, especially when he would stop doing the Red Arrow "for the fans" and would end matches with the Rings of Saturn instead.

PB-13 - 10-11-2017 at 05:52 PM

So Mickie used what is now better know as the "Presidential Greeting".

I'll show myself out.

Matte - 10-11-2017 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
When I see a half dozen posts about how someone leaving a job they�ve earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in, a company that put them in championship matches against future hall of famers and, in Neville�s case an entire show, is somehow a good career move it cracks me up.

You guys should just go with the full Royberto/Beckie defense at this point.

It's a good career move if it's what they want to do. Cody falls into your category of earning thousands, winning titles, and wrestling future HOFers, but he wasn't happy with the direction that his career was going, so he left. And that was a good career move for him because he's happier at his job now. The door is (usually) always open for a return, and who's to say that he won't have a bit more leverage if he decides to come back?

Originally posted by CCharger
I've always thought a heel Neville was dumb. His style is perfect for a babyface - all that holy shit high flying, flippy stuff is tailor made for a face pop.

The problem with Neville was that he didn't have a personality until turning heel. His moveset was over, but I don't think he himself necessarily was. Turning heel saw his personality shine through and that's when people really started investing in him. For a top talent, moveset shouldn't dictate alignment, and Neville is a good example of that. Either way, he is a guy who can run the indies wherever he goes.

Paddlefoot - 10-11-2017 at 06:18 PM

I thought Neville was great as both face and heel, and hopefully he does exactly that and sets the indies on fire if he's left WWE. Apparently The Young Bucks have already offered him a place in Bullet Club if he wants it.

First 9 - 10-11-2017 at 07:16 PM

I was going to say Cody is a special example of a WWE guy making it in the indy scene because he got to jump into the Bullet Club gravy train but hey if they welcome Neville then good for him.

DKBroiler - 10-11-2017 at 07:42 PM

Matte - As usual you make good points. Please allow me to retort.

Yes, there is an avenue where leaving can improve your career. Cody is seemingly doing as much right now. I understand that much.

The overall sandiness in my vagina is not about that. It�s directly squarely at people who think that being on TV, in a job that makes you famous all over the world, and one that pays better than 99.9% of other careers is somehow something that should just be summarily thrown away because they �aren�t used right�.

Aside from Brock, Reigns, Strowman, and Jinder who has been pushed more than Bray or Neville? On TV every week? Check. On most PPVs? Check. Championships? Check.

If Neville is such a cunt that he can�t lay down for Enzo then fuck him. Good riddance. Doing the job is part of the job. I�m sure TJP would have liked to beat him once or twice at some point but he did his job and helped establish Neville by laying down.

If Hogan and Austin were called on the carpet for not laying down then how the hell is everyone ok with Neville doing as much?

Anyway, I guess my arguments are that they have been pushed better than 90% of the roster, and quitting a really well paying job over the fact that you�re only getting pushed at the 90% level is stupid, and if Neville walked out for not wanting to lay down I�d fire his ass today.

Paddlefoot - 10-11-2017 at 08:11 PM

Because Neville's still in his prime, not effectively retired or near retirement the way Hogan and Austin were. And at least Hogan and Austin were asked to job to other upcoming performers of substance, not someone like Enzo who's as bad at wrestling as any valet or chickenshit manager's ever been. Neville should be pissed off, especially if all points were leading to a long-term Enzo domination of the division at the expense of the other CW's. It was long overdue for someone to go up to Vince & Dunn and call bullshit on what they've done with these guys.

Putting a belt on Enzo is WWE's David Arquette moment. Maybe even worse because Arquette was a short-term gimmick, not something that had the awful potential to be dead-horse beaten for months on end. The biggest cheer that comes out of this will be when Big Cass returns and lawn-darts Enzo through a Titantron to put an end to it.

DKBroiler - 10-11-2017 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Because Neville's still in his prime, not effectively retired or near retirement the way Hogan and Austin were. And at least Hogan and Austin were asked to job to other upcoming performers of substance, not someone like Enzo who's as bad at wrestling as any valet or chickenshit manager's ever been. Neville should be pissed off, especially if all points were leading to a long-term Enzo domination of the division at the expense of the other CW's. It was long overdue for someone to go up to Vince & Dunn and call bullshit on what they've done with these guys.

Putting a belt on Enzo is WWE's David Arquette moment. Maybe even worse because Arquette was a short-term gimmick, not something that had the awful potential to be dead-horse beaten for months on end. The biggest cheer that comes out of this will be when Big Cass returns and lawn-darts Enzo through a Titantron to put an end to it.

Paddlefoot, normally I love you but I disagree 100% with essentially everything you said.

This isn�t about who is a better wrestler. Enzo makes more money for the WWE than he ever will. Laying down in a match for him would only benefit Enzo�s push which, in turn, can be used to give the win back to Neville down the line. 50/50 booking happens with them constantly.

As for the rest ...

- Hogan and Austin didn�t lay down in their primes much either. Hogan went almost undefeated for like 5 years and he certainly won every feud except for the one with Warrior. Austin once quit IN HIS PRIME instead of jobbing to Brock. While the political games only got worse as time went along they were certainly there the whole time, Hogan especially.

- The rest of the division had an Enzo free year to get itself over. It didn�t. Enzo has made it relevant.

- David Arquette moment is the height of hyperbole. This is in no way comparable to that. You know what was? The time that John Cena jobbed cleanly to Kevin Fucking Federline. Pretty sure John got by that one with 10.000% more professionalism than Neville. Enzo as lower midcard champion of small people might not be your cup of tea but it�s really not something matters in the big picture.

I get that people hate Enzo. He�s still a homegrown WWE professional wrestler who generates buzz. Neville should have enough respect to put him over just based on that.

[Edited on 10-11-2017 by DKBroiler]

CCharger - 10-11-2017 at 08:38 PM

Imagine, if you a will, a future - a future so amazing that it beggars the imagination. A future not that far off. Imagine a future where you sit ringside at Ring of Honor event. The card at this event headlined by:

Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk

Bray and Bo Rotundo vs. The Briscoes

The Dust Bros. (Cody and Dustin) (c) vs. The Young Bucks

Neville (c) vs. Johnny Mundo

Ryback vs. Michael Elgin

Austin Aires vs. Colt Cabana

You look around dazed and confused with a smart mark boner throbbing in your pants. Then suddenly you're not in the're in the FUTURE ENDEAVORED ZONE.

DKBroiler - 10-11-2017 at 08:41 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Imagine, if you a will, a future - a future so amazing that it beggars the imagination. A future not that far off. Imagine a future where you sit ringside at Ring of Honor event. The card at this event headlined by:

Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk

Bray and Bo Rotundo vs. The Briscoes

The Dust Bros. (Cody and Dustin) (c) vs. The Young Bucks

Neville (c) vs. Johnny Mundo

Ryback vs. Michael Elgin

Austin Aires vs. Colt Cabana

You look around dazed and confused with a smart mark boner throbbing in your pants. Then suddenly you're not in the're in the FUTURE ENDEAVORED ZONE.

The power of the WWE machine: put that lineup together with a WWE logo on it and you�ll sell out a 90,000 seat stadium.

Put that lineup out with a ROH logo and you�ll draw like 1300 ... maybe.

DKBroiler - 10-11-2017 at 08:48 PM

Adding: if only there was a charismatic cruiserweight in NXT who could give that evil Enzo a wrestling lesson. Is there a guy who isn�t boring and is still good at wrestling?

Maybe like ... Johnny Wrestling?

Isn�t that how this works? Someone let�s the evil jerk win and then at some point later they get sweet revenge? Maybe Neville should think about that in between his fits of roid rage.

CM Crunk - 10-11-2017 at 08:55 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler

I think the biggest argument that can be made here in Neville's favor, is that unlike an Austin or a Hogan, Neville wasn't given the keys to the company he was given a thankless task. It can be argued that in the beginning he might not have been up to it, but I think it's undeniable to say that it didn't take long for him to become more than overqualified for it.

I do think that a lot of us, myself included, at times take for granted the level of pride that the men and women in this industry take in their jobs. I think we don't appreciate the fact that much like anyone of us with any degree of drive some of these folks might not be content with just "working for WWE." I think if you go in there day-in, day-out at your retail job and bust your ass so that your supervisor looks good, or your store manager gets to impress the district manager thanks in no small part to your efforts; You might get a little salty when someone who just phones it in for the paycheck gets to cut to the front of the line for a promotion, or an outsider is brought in to head the department that you've been holding together for a year plus.

Even take the Jinder example, he's been a career jobber in WWE until they caught a whiff of those sweet, sweet rupees. Now, I'm sure that Jinder has faced MANY obstacles in his career, certainly some race-related ones that I'm sure Neville hasn't, but he is now a World Champion. I know there's a lot to be said in his reception as champ here stateside, but he's being successfully pushed in an entirely new market as the face of WWE and it sounds like it's working over there. Sure it's a made up title in a pretend sport, but it's recognition.

I can totally understand why guys like Neville or Punk would have chips on their shoulders. Hell, with the backgrounds that most guys like that had from the pre-Performance Center era, having to scratch and claw their way to respectability for a shot to even be a jobber in a big man's game I'm surprised any of them make it out with their sanity intact.

Sure, Neville has been a regular fixture of Monday nights and he has been presented in a fairly consistent and legitimate manner. But I can see how he would feel like an afterthought when WWE can only bring themselves to care about the CW division and 205 Live! maybe 10% of the time. What good is it being the face of an entire division when that division is being neglected by creative writ large? What good does it do to wrestle matches that rank among the highlights of whatever PPV they're on, when it leads to another lather-rinse-repeat feud with another challenger and if you're lucky a pre-show match at Wrestlemania?

What about stepping up your game in what was always considered your biggest weakness, the character department, and becoming one of the most consistent, believable characters on the roster? You've got the body, the moveset, and now a character that's on-point but no, you're going to the back of the line while some demented Fraggle that never came home from Rumspringa in New Jersey gets the spotlight.

I'd recommend giving a listen to one of Colt Cabana's old Art of Wrestling episodes with PAC, and you can get a good idea for what the guys like as a person. He's very humble, even shy, and he's battled with self esteem issues not just his whole career, but his whole life. IF this whole ordeal is in fact real, then I could easily see this being the culmination of something that's been brewing a lot longer than the CW division has been around. Neville has worked his ass off to get where he is today, and by all accounts should be a lot more prominent a figure on the roster if that sort of thing was measured by merit alone.

For me, I honestly don't see this as being a dick move on Neville's part. He knows his own worth far more than the creative and management team that's failed him. I say good for him. The industry needs people like this who will speak up and step out to prove their own worth. To show that there can be greener pastures out there beyond the auspices of WWE. Otherwise we're just going to be left with mindless drones who don't want to rock the boat, do what they're told, and leave us with a blander product as a resul--ohshitthatsalreadyhappenedhasn'tit?

Just my 2 cents and 8 paragraphs

edit: Just in case this read as a diatribe against you DK, it's not, I'd just like to clarify that it's more against the general notion a lot of the IWC seems to have that wrestlers should just shut up and do as they're told. While it wouldn't do anyone any good to have a locker room full of prima donnas telling Vince to sit on it, there is something to be said about folks who know their self-worth and are willing to speak out and fight for their spots on the card. You never would have had Stone Cold Steve Austin if The Ringmaster just did as he was told.

Also, I'd like to have the whole "they get to travel the world and get paid for it" thing to get put to rest for good. They have to pay for their rental cars, accommodations, their food. There is no per diem for a WWE Superstar. And traveling on it's own can be an arduous process, and that's not taking into consideration it being for a job where you put your body through several small car accidents-worth of trauma every night before even getting behind the wheel of one. kthanxbai!

[Edited on 10/11/2017 by CM Crunk]

denverpunk - 10-11-2017 at 09:25 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Matte - As usual you make good points. Please allow me to retort.

Yes, there is an avenue where leaving can improve your career. Cody is seemingly doing as much right now. I understand that much.

The overall sandiness in my vagina is not about that. It�s directly squarely at people who think that being on TV, in a job that makes you famous all over the world, and one that pays better than 99.9% of other careers is somehow something that should just be summarily thrown away because they �aren�t used right�.

Aside from Brock, Reigns, Strowman, and Jinder who has been pushed more than Bray or Neville? On TV every week? Check. On most PPVs? Check. Championships? Check.

If Neville is such a cunt that he can�t lay down for Enzo then fuck him. Good riddance. Doing the job is part of the job. I�m sure TJP would have liked to beat him once or twice at some point but he did his job and helped establish Neville by laying down.

If Hogan and Austin were called on the carpet for not laying down then how the hell is everyone ok with Neville doing as much?

Anyway, I guess my arguments are that they have been pushed better than 90% of the roster, and quitting a really well paying job over the fact that you�re only getting pushed at the 90% level is stupid, and if Neville walked out for not wanting to lay down I�d fire his ass today.

The idea that people who are famous and make money shouldn't want out of a job they hate is literally insane to me. For me, self-respect has a currency far and away worth more than money or fame. People who go the other route often become the most miserable bastards imaginable. Why? Money and fame don't make you happy. Hate on Neville if you want, but I give him props for knowing his value.

Regarding Neville's push or lack thereof, when he looks back on his career, he won't give a shit about his CW titles because nobody has given him reason to. He's an A talent in a C league, and that role doesn't do it for him. Like it or not, the cruiserweight division is a joke and he knows it. The only time it's ever mattered to me was when Tozawa was hanging out with Titus, and when you're getting a rub from fucking Titus, things aren't good. He WILL, however, look back fondly on his NXT reign, because that title actually matters and he got to show what he could really do in winning it.

Regarding Enzo, I know you're a fan and that's cool, but to me he's an absolute cunt. He's the worst wrestler on the roster, and everyone there despises him. He's James Ellsworth, but infinitely more annoying with a worse haircut. Seriously, he's one smart comment away from a Booker T-style beat down of epic proportions. He's only good at getting beat up, and Neville barely ever gets to do that without losing first. Given the choice of putting over an incompetent fool who can't lace his boots twice, or showing yourself the door, I'd go for the door.

GodEatGod - 10-11-2017 at 10:17 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
When I see a half dozen posts about how someone leaving a job they�ve earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in, a company that put them in championship matches against future hall of famers and, in Neville�s case an entire show, is somehow a good career move it cracks me up.

Generally, I would agree with you - most guys who are in the WWE should absolutely stay there. Bray/Bo I think have the benefit of being generation guys with the connections to leave the company and be able to almost certainly secure a spot back there in the future, much like Cody has. Guys like Ryder or Ziggler don't have that - if they go, they're gone and whatever they make on the indies, they're at the tail ends of their careers. But if you can walk into an uppercard/main event style spot in RoH/New Japan, you may not make quite as much money as WWE (although Cody says he makes more), you can make plenty -and- you can help WWE by refreshing your character.

That said, I think this is much more an option for Bray than Bo. Bo doesn't have the credibility and aura that his brother does, at this point, so he'll probably end up being his brother's flunky/tag partner outside of the E.

DKBroiler - 10-11-2017 at 10:35 PM

Crunk ... it�s all good man. Nothing wrong with not agreeing all the time. I appreciate all of your opinions and same for the 20 or so guys who also post a bunch. No worries.

Let me separate a few things ...

- If someone is unhappy with their job for any reason they should have every right to do something else. I�m not salty at Neville for quitting. That�s his choice and right.

- I have an issue with people who consistently say things along the lines of �(fill in the blank wrestler) has had bad (writing, matches, push, music, tv time ... whatever) and they should quit because of it. I think THAT is ridiculous. It is a fact that most of the WWE wrestlers make much more money and have more life perks than 99.9% of people. It�s a GREAT job in comparison to most other jobs that many people could obtain. I bet there are a lot of people who view being on tv, even if to lose or do something campy, as a fantastic way to earn a living. So when someone suggests quitting over an angle or result I just shake my head. For all we know Kurt Hawkins is the happiest man on Earth.

- I still believe that any pro wrestler who refuses to lose a match to another pro wrestler is failing at his job. The fact that they have grown up in the company together and he�d still do it is just ridiculous. I would say the same thing regardless of which wrestler we were talking about. Enzo might not be someone you like, but he�s still in there taking bumps. Neville should have shown more respect for the business and just taken the loss.

[Edited on 10-11-2017 by DKBroiler]

[Edited on 10-11-2017 by DKBroiler]

First 9 - 10-11-2017 at 11:12 PM

It's an eye catching coincidence that Neville is trying to ditch WWE on a show it was rumored he was going to lose to Enzo while they saved Enzo vs Kalisto for a later date but as of right now that's all it is. I think an industry veteran and a guy whose been in the WWE system for like 5 years would have better reason to leave for greener pastures than just one measly loss.

On wether he has the right to pressure the office to not lay down for a particular guy, it's easy say that it's a dick move to avoid doing the job for somebody else but history has shown that wrestlers need to look out for themselves. The issue is you better know how to do it if you don't want get despised by the roster and the office.

CCharger - 10-11-2017 at 11:15 PM

I'm assuming that they had Kalisto beat Enzo for the belt as a kind of "Fuck you" to Neville as well.

Wrestling is a weird business.

Matte - 10-12-2017 at 12:27 AM

Some places are reporting that Jimmy Jacobs was let go by WWE. The "final straw" was him posting a picture of himself with Bullet Club when they "invaded" Raw a couple weeks ago.

First 9 - 10-12-2017 at 12:33 AM

I thought it was so cool when WWE hired an indy vet to be part of creative. It's a shame it didn't last but atleast he gave us The List of Jericho.

bigfatgoalie - 10-12-2017 at 01:38 AM

Jacobs did a REALLY stupid thing. Like that�s just idiotic.

It�d be like LeBron James hanging out with a bunch of guys drinking 7-Up wearing Adidas jumpsuits on the set of a Nike commercial.. You are being paid to represent a brand. Don�t give other people shine while they are actively trying to disrupt your show.

As for the Young god, besides being bad workers they are trying so hard to be DX or the nWo of the Indy�s. Way to aim high and be original.

CCharger - 10-12-2017 at 04:28 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie

As for the Young god, besides being bad workers they are trying so hard to be DX or the nWo of the Indy�s. Way to aim high and be original.

Wow, I'm so glad someone else had the balls to say what I've been thinking. Somehow these smarmy, douchey twits became indie sensations and IWC man crushes.

Somehow they got over with fans by simultaneously parodying and copying two 20 year old acts and calling it "so meta, bro".

I'd like to legit superkick them both in their faces.

Matte - 10-12-2017 at 05:18 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Wow, I'm so glad someone else had the balls to say what I've been thinking. Somehow these smarmy, douchey twits became indie sensations and IWC man crushes.

I'd like to legit superkick them both in their faces.

You worked yourself into a shoot here. The smarmy, douchey twits that you hate are characters.

GodEatGod - 10-12-2017 at 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by CCharger
Wow, I'm so glad someone else had the balls to say what I've been thinking. Somehow these smarmy, douchey twits became indie sensations and IWC man crushes.

I'd like to legit superkick them both in their faces.

You worked yourself into a shoot here. The smarmy, douchey twits that you hate are characters.

Yup. This is literally their schtick. When they make you mad, they are doing it deliberately.

CCharger - 10-12-2017 at 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by CCharger
Wow, I'm so glad someone else had the balls to say what I've been thinking. Somehow these smarmy, douchey twits became indie sensations and IWC man crushes.

I'd like to legit superkick them both in their faces.

You worked yourself into a shoot here. The smarmy, douchey twits that you hate are characters.

There's a name for this. It's called "X Pac Heat".

It's not a good thing. Moreover, this is who they are in real life too. They are entitled millennials who get over by mocking the business and it's history and legends.

First 9 - 10-12-2017 at 01:22 PM

I can't tell if you're being serious.

CCharger - 10-12-2017 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by First 9
I can't tell if you're being serious.

About which part?

First 9 - 10-12-2017 at 03:26 PM

About how they somehow got over.

They do a lot of stupid shit to entertain druken smarks in small shows but they're legitimately talented. Bucks vs Hardyz in a Ladder match was a masterclass in providing an entertaining match while being as safe as possible as the Hardyz were returning to the WWE the very next night. They're series against the Machine Guns in TNA was always fun and they've done solid work against the Briscoes aswell.

Bullet Club took DX/nWo elements and repurposed it as part of an obnoxious American stable to make them the perfect foils for the faces of a Japanse, sports-driven company.

Cherokee Jack - 10-12-2017 at 03:35 PM

I guess the first C in CCharger must stand for �Cornette�?

Hi Jim!

CCharger - 10-12-2017 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by First 9
About how they somehow got over.

They do a lot of stupid shit to entertain druken smarks in small shows but they're legitimately talented. Bucks vs Hardyz in a Ladder match was a masterclass in providing an entertaining match while being as safe as possible as the Hardyz were returning to the WWE the very next night. They're series against the Machine Guns in TNA was always fun and they've done solid work against the Briscoes aswell.

Bullet Club took DX/nWo elements and repurposed it as part of an obnoxious American stable to make them the perfect foils for the faces of a Japanse, sports-driven company.

First, I wasn't the first one to say they were bad workers. That was BFG. But I do agree with him. Most of the shit I've seen them do have been overbooked, spot-monkey fests with way too many insider comedy bits.

Maybe, as Cherokee Jack implied, I'm just too old and I don't "get" it.

Also, they've earned themselves a fair bit of backstage heat with guys like Booker T and RVD for their lack of respect and attitudes. That's not a news flash.

Not a fan. #sorrynotsorry

SpiNNeR72 - 10-12-2017 at 04:26 PM

Hmm. Sounds exactly like RSPW did about DX...

bigfatgoalie - 10-13-2017 at 05:51 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
First, I wasn't the first one to say they were bad workers. That was BFG. But I do agree with him. Most of the shit I've seen them do have been overbooked, spot-monkey fests with way too many insider comedy bits.

People complained about RVD not selling or switching which leg was hurt DURRING the match...Bucks are worse.

People complain about super Cena getting his ass handed to him and then looking a-OK while he hits one move and win....Bucks are worse.

People with better mic skills than the Bucks include Candice Michelle and Snitsky.

There was more storytelling in the Natayla/Charlotte match at HIAC than the Bucks do in a year.

People talk about Jericho's "come on man" and other Attitude Era stick being played out, yet the Bucks gimmick is "borrowed" from nWo/DX stick that got over in Japan due to OTHER FUCKING GUYS. Anderson is more responsible for the Bullet Club being over than the fucking Bucks.

New Day, Usos, The Bar, The Sheild, The Revival, DIY, America Alpha have all been better or are currently better than the Bucks.

The Bucks suck.

Flash - 10-13-2017 at 07:16 AM

Small update on the Neville situation/what the dirtsheets are saying thus far...

*Unclear if he wasn't booked for, or no showed weekend house shows as well.
*He didn't walk out of Raw pre-show, he just didn't show up.
*He has been said to have asked for his release a few times in the past already.
*He was recently upset about being left off the WM33 DVD- he was in the kickoff show and being left off means no additional money.
*He wanted to leave the WWE to go to Japan and the Indies again in homes of rebuilding/re-inventing his name much like guys like McIntyre have done.

The WWE is still saying that Neville is employed.

I glanced at the next few live shows on and no Neville, but Bray Wyatt was still being advertised.

GodEatGod - 10-13-2017 at 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Flash

I glanced at the next few live shows on and no Neville, but Bray Wyatt was still being advertised.

The Bray thing seems to be mostly smoke, while there's more fire with the Neville stuff. It may simply be that he wants a release and they're simply saying no. I imagine in part it depends on how much is left on his deal and how much money he'd still be owed.

Much as I spoke of it being a good idea for Bray, I don't think it's a good idea for Neville. Simply put, his size is always going to be a factor and he's not super pretty like Finn Balor to make up for that lack of size. He has a great, dynamic ring style but it's not SO high above everyone else that he's a must have. I feel like he'd be better off trying to keep the WWE money as long as he can. But hey, it's his life, man.

salmonjunkie - 10-13-2017 at 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Flash

*He was recently upset about being left off the WM33 DVD- he was in the kickoff show and being left off means no addiFiona money

Isn't this one of the main reasons Austin Aries left WWE?

Flash - 10-13-2017 at 09:31 AM

I remember reading something about Aries being unhappy about this as well, but I had thought Aries was cut loose due to a rumoured bad attitude backstage, and that he had not asked for his release... grain of salt though, as who can really say what happens in these situations.

I never can tell if a guy is better off on the Indy scene/Japan or not... I mean you read about stuff where guys like Mysterio were asking like $25k a date (or maybe it was for a series of dates?) and maybe getting it... on the other hand you hear about others like Melina asking for $3k a date and being laughed at by everyone... granted big difference between the two's star power, but it just illustrates how all over the map it is for some talent. I think I read a comment for Colt Caba�a in regards to Melina's asking price that he should start asking for that.

Maybe the best comparisons I could find for a more current range would be Swagger ($4k) and Ryback ($4.5-5k)... Neville might be more talented, but both guys had more accolades and TV time, so that's likely a ceiling price for what he could charge... I would imagine hotel and transportation might be over and above that, but really... are there that many Indy promotions out there that could afford that on a regular basis? Even if you are swinging a few multi-date discount deals together (Like say $10 k for 3 guaranteed dates) your dance card is probably not full... But as mentioned in this thread before Cody, who struck gold with the American Nightmare and Bullet Club stuff, seems to be making more than he did in the WWE.

Most of the downsides you hear about in the WWE seem to be in the $200k and up range... which for some guys floundering on superstars, no PPV time, and doing the odd Raw/SD squash match is probably all they earn less hotel and car rental costs while being on the road 3-4 days a week... yeah there's some extra gravy in there like video games, ad spots, event gate cuts, and the odd PPV cheque... but the biggest selling point for a WWE talent seems to be the chance to make a lot of money as opposed to the guarantee of getting rich.

I guess it comes down to a personal decision for some of these guys; stay in the WWE jerking the curtain waiting for your eventual release and be on the road for a crazy amount of time (although some of that can be a perk, like getting to see the world) or roll the dice on yourself, be your own boss, maybe make a bit less but work less dates... Good for a guy for believing in himself and walking away from guaranteed good money, which as we've seen doesn't necessarily buy you happiness... but at the same time there is something to be said about even the downside life of a WWE talent, hoping you are just one good match, backstage scene, slogan, or t-shirt away from making millions.

rranddm - 10-13-2017 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Flash

Most of the downsides you hear about in the WWE seem to be in the $200k and up range... which for some guys floundering on superstars, no PPV time, and doing the odd Raw/SD squash match is probably all they earn less hotel and car rental costs while being on the road 3-4 days a week... yeah there's some extra gravy in there like video games, ad spots, event gate cuts, and the odd PPV cheque... but the biggest selling point for a WWE talent seems to be the chance to make a lot of money as opposed to the guarantee of getting rich.

Tommy Dreamer has mentioned on a podcast (Either SCSA or Jericho) that if he got called to TV and wound up not being used it was $400 guarantee from which he had to pay two nights in a hotel and feed himself. I think that was before the WWE Network, so ymmv. Merch sales and outside media are still certainly a draw to being a WWE talent, but maybe if you ain't in the spotlight it's a different story walletwise.

Paddlefoot - 10-13-2017 at 06:13 PM

They can claim all those costs as business expenses as independent contractors on their taxes which effectively wipes out anything they might owe to the government. At the same time they're really not getting ahead at that kind of wage and the hand-to-mouth existence on the road (shit motels instead of good hotels, driving instead of flying) for such a low payout still has to be really discouraging and depressing.

Flash - 10-13-2017 at 07:06 PM

WWE does pay flight costs, but I think I read somewhere it's like a 400 mile rule or something... ie the next town down the road needs to be so far away before they pony up a plane ticket.

I don't know about the Dreamer thing (I didn't hear it) but back in the day the WWE did have a think called a "draw" which was $400 a week, and which came out of your downside but was intended to cover your hotels and travel expenses- I think it was either in a Nash interview, or Bob Holly's book that they basically said that while waiting for the Wrestlemania cheque, and other merchandise royalties this is what a lot of guys lived off of. Now granted that's a long time ago, and from at least the attitude era onwards most of the roster is probably doing quite well what with the regular cycle of PPV's and other revenue streams coming from what is now a global brand... but it wouldn't' surprise me to find out that lower card guys like Dreamer and others might have still been going through feast or famine stretches.

Just as a cool tip of the hat to Batista as the above reminds me of a story in Holly's book; but I guess he'd often spring for the room in nicer hotels that were out of their price range for guys he'd travel with like Holly... I also remember a story Jericho told about how after Vince's no blading edict and Batista went ahead and did it in a match with Jericho- Vince fined him like $100k, Jericho like $15k and Malenko (the agent) $5k... Jericho tells it that Batista paid everyone's fines for them.

First 9 - 10-13-2017 at 09:50 PM

It's not like that WWE gravy train will last forever. As a hot prospect who abandoned WWE he can start strong somewhere else and become an established element of a promotion that can pay pretty well which he'll last for a long time(compared to the limited amount of years one can perform under WWE's schedule).

Count Zero - 10-13-2017 at 10:12 PM

Okay, not that anybody really cares, but I think I've finally figured out what I think about Neville.

I heard about this "PAC" guy who put gravity in a headlock, and when he turned into "Neville" and showed up on the TV where I could see him, I liked his moves. I think he's pretty good at being a face, and even though I didn't really dig the King Of The Cruisers thing as much as some of y'all, I will defer to the popular opinion as proof that he was goodish at heeling too.

Since the WWE is just going to try to stunt-book the cruiserweight division into relevance, I don't have any real problem with somebody who wants to get away from that. I have a slight gripe with a "refusal to job" in general, so -if- that's a factor here it'll count as a negative. Overall, however, I won't personally "miss" him from my TV (since there are other proficient flippy guys whose characters I like more), and I hope that if he DOES go his own way, he profits immensely by doing so.


First 9 - 10-14-2017 at 06:18 AM

In a hilarious mismatch, one of the rumored SS matches is Brock Lesnar vs Jinder Mahal in a Champion vs Champion match. Seeing Lesnar obliterate the Singh Brothers should be fun.

GodEatGod - 10-14-2017 at 06:32 AM

Originally posted by First 9
In a hilarious mismatch, one of the rumored SS matches is Brock Lesnar vs Jinder Mahal in a Champion vs Champion match. Seeing Lesnar obliterate the Singh Brothers should be fun.

I would contain my two least favorite acts into one match at least...

Flash - 10-14-2017 at 07:24 AM

I think what I hate most about that rumour is that it supposes that BOTH Mahal and Lesnar will still be champions come next August.... shudder....

Apparently Owens is next in line to face Mahal- I should be excited to hope that this means that Owens is going to get the title he senselessly dropped to Goldberg back (er, well another title anyway)... but one kinda thinks there's another shoe to drop with Zayn, and it still doesn't feel Vince is quite done with project Mahal yet... Which "might" be good... I mean if you want any sense to come of the last few months of his reign then they should probably do right by the title and a guy they are trying to build up and have him losing the title mean something.

ETA: My bad; I read SS as Summer Slam... Survivor Series is a bit more palatable.

[Edited on 10-14-2017 by Flash]

Paddlefoot - 10-14-2017 at 07:25 AM

Gotta admit that it would be one of the few things remaining I want Lesnar to do. That and come out after another beatdown and clobber the crap out of Enzo the way Strowman did.

Flash - 10-14-2017 at 10:24 AM

Speaking of Mahal; apparently he is a bit injured and while at house shows is taping up his shoulder- the WWE doesn't want him looking hurt on TV, so he is foregoing the wrap while the cameras are rolling.

CCharger - 10-14-2017 at 03:10 PM

Originally posted by First 9
In a hilarious mismatch, one of the rumored SS matches is Brock Lesnar vs Jinder Mahal in a Champion vs Champion match. Seeing Lesnar obliterate the Singh Brothers should be fun.

Obviously this is part of Vince�s master plan of getting all the belts to Roman at Wrestlemania.

the goon - 10-14-2017 at 06:45 PM

If the Lesnar/Mahal rumors for Survivor Series are true (and I'm assuming they probably are), that means Mahal is going to hold the WWE title until at least December, which will put his title reign at seven months at that point. Somebody please kill me now.

punkerhardcore - 10-14-2017 at 08:19 PM

The tour of India is in December. Of course Jinder will be champion then.

Paddlefoot - 10-14-2017 at 08:24 PM

Someone hurry up and tell Vince that the rupee is only worth like 1.5 cents US so we can get this shit over with already.

the goon - 10-15-2017 at 03:53 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
The tour of India is in December. Of course Jinder will be champion then.

I didn't realize the India tour was in December (was thinking it was coming up sooner than that), but yeah, Jinder is 100% holding the title until then and probably all the way to the Rumble Rumble.

And the thought of Jinder being WWE champion for at least three more months and having a pointless match with Brock at Survivor Series alternately bores and depresses the shit out of me.

GodEatGod - 10-15-2017 at 03:59 AM

Originally posted by the goon

And the thought of Jinder being WWE champion for at least three more months and having a pointless match with Brock at Survivor Series alternately bores and depresses the shit out of me.

Between having the Universal on Brock, who's never around, and the WWE title on Jinder, who is a black hole of suck, it's like there isn't even a champion at this point.

janerd75 - 10-15-2017 at 07:03 AM

Good.....goooooood...I can feel the hate flowing through all of you. In the meantime, please enjoy this blast from the past showcasing a former World Heavyweight Champ, the current WWE and NXT Champs, Hornswoggle, Santino, and Pelvis Wesley. Fellas, the Brass Ring does indeed exist. Talent just has to go retrieve it from roundst Vince's grapefruits in order to attain it. Jinder must really be good at snake charming.

Flash - 10-15-2017 at 10:05 AM

What a weird kind of time capsule that match above is... I mean in Khali you've got a guy who's fallen way down the card, Mahal and McIntyre will be out of the WWE soon enough only to come back and prove that it is sometimes a good idea to leave the WWE, and then you've got Santino who at the time was the most over of all of them.... maybe still is.

I think someone needs to tell Vince that a month long feud with a guy who isn't there half the time, and another guy who does have his promo's in Punjabi does not make for compelling television... even if it is going to be what... the fourth match down on the card behind the inevitable brand SS match, and each shows respective SS match.

CVD39 - 10-15-2017 at 11:27 AM

I stopped watching for 6 or 7 years. What the fuck was that shit?

Paddlefoot - 10-15-2017 at 05:30 PM

That was what they were doing with the air time they weren't giving to women's matches. It was 50% the greatest thing ever and 50% "I'm ashamed to be watching this" with both portions being equally valid. Santino made almost everything he touched awesome but still.........

Great gif though. Almost like the killer phone signal from Cell, in terms of driving someone nuts who watches it.

the goon - 10-15-2017 at 11:34 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by the goon

And the thought of Jinder being WWE champion for at least three more months and having a pointless match with Brock at Survivor Series alternately bores and depresses the shit out of me.

Between having the Universal on Brock, who's never around, and the WWE title on Jinder, who is a black hole of suck, it's like there isn't even a champion at this point.

Yeah, I mentioned in another thread (can't remember which one, maybe the HIAC PPV thread?) that this is perhaps the most irrelevant that the WWE title has ever been and Brock being a part-time Universal champion since WrestleMania definitely doesn't help matters.

And the thought of a Brock/Jinder program for Survivor Series with no titles on the line is about the most soul-crushingly depressing thing I can think of right now in WWE.

SpiNNeR72 - 10-16-2017 at 11:12 AM

Heyman is really gonna have his work cut out for him this time..

ulsterphil - 10-16-2017 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by CVD39
I stopped watching for 6 or 7 years. What the fuck was that shit?

The reason.

First 9 - 10-16-2017 at 09:55 PM

I think the one Jinder program that would excite me is McIntyre popping up to challenge him. The surreal image of how far they've come and the absurdity of it all could be fun.

salmonjunkie - 10-17-2017 at 01:01 AM

With a special appearance by Heath "I've Got Kids" Slater!

bigfatgoalie - 10-17-2017 at 04:35 AM

So in an incredibly stupid move...they are thinking of turning Dean on Seth for a Mania program. Sure. You finally figured out the thing that works with your Roman Reigns face push...but let's toss that because Dean and Seth as a tag team isn't interesting enough.

As for the Jinder/Brock problems...they'd seem less of an issue if you trade Jinder for Brock. Not only would it get the traditional title back on RAW, you can get by with AJ, Owens, Sami, and Nakamura in the main event battling over the US title. But you have Rusev, Dolph, and Orton you can feed to Brock in the mean time.

As for RAW...Joe, Balor, or Seth/Dean could eat a pin to Jinder and it wouldn't be as bad as Nakamura laying down clean for Project India.

Plus in a match of SHEILD Roman vs Jinder at Mania, there's no way Roman gets booed out of the building. Hell even Brock vs Cena for the Universal title (the one world title Cena hasn't held) would work a lot better than Cena vs Jinder.

Flash - 10-18-2017 at 04:39 AM

Few tidbits about the MIA WWE talent:

*Nothing new to report about Neville other than they still remain apart; Jericho touched on Neville leaving in one of his podcasts and put Neville over as being a guy with brains, talent, and character to succeed outside of the WWE.

*Bo Dallas is said to be suffering from some kind of illness... although it is unclear from what, and why Bray is missing as well. A look at some of the other Rotunda family members twitter feeds doesn't suggest anything news worthy about he brothers of... I'm not sure what they are the brothers of... Jobbing?

At any rate; one would assume the WWE is still in contact with Bray and Bo as otherwise you would think that they would have kyboshed his angle with Balor last night instead of doubling down on it.

*Nia Jax can maybe be added to the list of those who are MIA from the WWE; apparently she was quite upset backstage recently and has been granted a personal leave... Checked her twitter feed and nothing newsworthy there, and she was tweeting yesterday pretty positive WWE related stuff... the only reason this story would seem to have any interest is because it's coming from the same person who broke the Neville walk out.

*Cena is apparently selling his Lamborghini for $148k... Yup; low point in the rumours thread; hypothetical car sales!

williamssl - 10-18-2017 at 06:16 AM

I�d so much prefer to have Seth turn on Dean. Again. The mileage from �you knew my stripes yet you believed me anyhow / joke is on you� feels more satisfying than role reversal.

But otherwise, what BFG said. Roman as a part of Shield is getting cheered. By as much of everyone who could possibly cheer for him, because there�s always gonna be the no way never uh uh segment. Ride this for a bit. And �a bit� has to be longer than Sunday (no timeline on the rumorzzzz so I�m just throwing the next possible opportunity out there).

Flash - 10-18-2017 at 08:55 AM

While it's probably from the land of make believe to say turn Reigns; if you are going to have someone from the Shield turn (one day) then Reigns is the best choice IMO... back when the Shield split the first time their status/being over was probably like Reigns 40% and the other two 30% each (like in terms of dominance, and potential)- they've built Reigns to such a point that it's now like Reigns 80% (I hope this makes sense)- so be it Rollins or Ambrose that turns I think it would underwhelming in a lot of ways... like their options are likely to be fed to Reigns, or move down into a B feud against one another... which I don't know if flipping their heel/face roles would suddenly make that feud exciting again.

I know having a super over group stay as heels is hard, but I'd even say turn the group heel... a dominant group is always more exciting to match up against when done right, and can help make more guys even if they aren't successful against them.

CCharger - 10-18-2017 at 03:12 PM

* WWE has not been able to contact Neville as he is not returning their phone calls and texts. Word backstage is is that he "quit" the company.

* There is speculation that the Undertaker will return to team with Kane against the SHIELD at Survivor Series

Paddlefoot - 10-18-2017 at 03:20 PM

Someone check the pool room yet to make sure Neville's dogs are alright? Too soon?

denverpunk - 10-18-2017 at 03:26 PM

If Chavo is the last person who has heard from him, then call the cops.

First 9 - 10-18-2017 at 05:55 PM

Kind of weird they'r being so hush-hush about this. Are they trying to set the precedent that you can't just walk away whenever you feel like? Is Neville leaving due to a scandalous reason?

G. Jonah Jameson - 10-18-2017 at 07:04 PM

Originally posted by First 9
Kind of weird they'r being so hush-hush about this. Are they trying to set the precedent that you can't just walk away whenever you feel like? Is Neville leaving due to a scandalous reason?

I doubt it's any more complicated than "WWE hasn't written Neville off as a loss yet and isn't going to acknowledge his departure until they're sure they can't convince him to stay." I think they did pretty much the same thing with CM Punk.

gobbledygooker - 10-18-2017 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
I�d so much prefer to have Seth turn on Dean. Again. The mileage from �you knew my stripes yet you believed me anyhow / joke is on you� feels more satisfying than role reversal.

But otherwise, what BFG said. Roman as a part of Shield is getting cheered. By as much of everyone who could possibly cheer for him, because there�s always gonna be the no way never uh uh segment. Ride this for a bit. And �a bit� has to be longer than Sunday (no timeline on the rumorzzzz so I�m just throwing the next possible opportunity out there).

My brother and I were talking about this the other night, as far as "How long is this Shield reunion gonna last/is it just a one-and-done at TLC/etc.?" They sure as hell were making it sound like it would last past TLC with all of their "The Shield is back, babay!!" hoopla on Raw. But yeah, that's a big question as far as when/if they break back up. Will it be an amicable "well this was fun but it's time for us each to go back on our own!" thing or is someone going to turn? Seth's latest face run has been so lame and heatless, I really wouldn't mind him going heel again but really, any of the three of them I think could turn heel and it would work (with Reigns obviously being #1 in what it would do for him and his character by a mile).

CCharger - 10-18-2017 at 08:36 PM

Rollins and Reigns are both natural heels. Reigns might be able to turn face somewhere down the line with right opponent and good storyline. Ambrose is really the only one who I have trouble seeing as a heel. His current character is just too nuts to be disagreeable. Now, if you have him become a corporate stooge and cut his hair and shave his stubble and make him wear fancy suits, and basically sell out - that could work.

TownOfDalem - 10-18-2017 at 09:13 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Rollins and Reigns are both natural heels. Reigns might be able to turn face somewhere down the line with right opponent and good storyline. Ambrose is really the only one who I have trouble seeing as a heel. His current character is just too nuts to be disagreeable. Now, if you have him become a corporate stooge and cut his hair and shave his stubble and make him wear fancy suits, and basically sell out - that could work.

I'm not saying I disagree, but this is pretty hilarious. The general consensus during the Shield's initial run was that Ambrose was going to be the breakout heel and Rollins the face who might be stuck as an upper midcarder. Ambrose was Pillman crossed with Jake Roberts and Rollins was Jeff Hardy meets CM Punk with less charisma and less crazy.

Count Zero - 10-18-2017 at 09:31 PM

Town, your assessment aligns nicely with my view of the SHIELD. To expand further, I've always thought Dean was the "best one", and that Rollins was generic-midcardy-stuff, and that Roman would be a perfectly good Hulk Smashing things that somebody tells him to. It's weird how they sort-of-miscast them when they broke up the gang. Can y'all imagine the nuclear heat Roman could have if =he= had been working for StepHHH all along?

First 9 - 10-18-2017 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by TownOfDalem
Rollins was Jeff Hardy meets CM Punk with less charisma and less crazy.

Ah man ,this is why I've had a hard time caring about face Rollins. He's good in the ring, has charisma and can do some impressive stuff but he doesn't just excel at it.

CCharger - 10-18-2017 at 09:56 PM

I don't give a flying fuck what the general consensus was 5 years ago. All three have had a chance in the spotlight since then, and this is how I view them now.

The general consensus 5 years ago was that Hillary Clinton would succeed Barack Obama as president too.

First 9 - 10-18-2017 at 10:29 PM

It's more a matter of talent rather than character. Ambrose's laid back wisecracker with killer intensity under the surface gimmick can eaisly be twisted around. Stone Cold made it work in 2001.

And yes, I know how many view Austin's heel run as a creative botch but that's because it WWE didn't have the balls to push guys like RVD and Jericho all the way who were white hot and getting Austin booed.

CCharger - 10-18-2017 at 11:08 PM

Originally posted by First 9
It's more a matter of talent rather than character. Ambrose's laid back wisecracker with killer intensity under the surface gimmick can eaisly be twisted around. Stone Cold made it work in 2001.

And yes, I know how many view Austin's heel run as a creative botch but that's because it WWE didn't have the balls to push guys like RVD and Jericho all the way who were white hot and getting Austin booed.

I still don't get your point.

Matte - 10-18-2017 at 11:45 PM

Face Ambrose is a little too "wacky goofball" for my tastes. Heel Ambrose would be able to dial that back and turn up the angry intensity.

Originally posted by CCharger
I don't give a flying fuck what the general consensus was 5 years ago.

You seem a little irritable.

CCharger - 10-18-2017 at 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Face Ambrose is a little too "wacky goofball" for my tastes. Heel Ambrose would be able to dial that back and turn up the angry intensity.
Originally posted by CCharger
I don't give a flying fuck what the general consensus was 5 years ago.

You seem a little irritable.



First 9 - 10-19-2017 at 01:54 AM

New rumor about IRS's kids.

They're being kept from tv and house shows because of meningitis, also included is Jojo.

Paddlefoot - 10-19-2017 at 02:10 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by Matte
You seem a little irritable.



Take two t-girls home and let us know how you're feeling in the morning.

GodEatGod - 10-19-2017 at 02:56 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot

Take two t-girls home and let us know how you're feeling in the morning.

janerd75 - 10-19-2017 at 03:14 AM

Originally posted by First 9
New rumor about IRS's kids.

They're being kept from tv and house shows because of meningitis, also included is Jojo.

Oh, so women can't give diseases now? It could be womeningitis too you sexist pig.

Also, did someone say t-girls and viruses!?!?

Back in reality: I'd almost trade both Rotunda Boys for one (1) Neville.

And as far as real rumououours go I'll just straight up copy and paste this:

***In response to an interview Triple H's nutritionist, Dave Palumbo, gave saying WWE wrestlers are allowed hormone replacement, the company sent out a statement that approximately 7-percent of talent have exemptions due to "certain medical conditions." Dave Meltzer later noted on Wrestling Observer Radio that 14-15 people have a Therapeutic Use Exemption.***

Outside of Familial Massacre Concerns, fucking find a way to make the guys and gals literal superhumans without the rage and I don't give a shit what off-brand Chinese tiger dick shark ball sauce they inject into their taints to get large and in charge. Me wanty bread and circuses. Fucking co-sign with Johns-Hopkins and R & D that shit for the benefit of the rest of us for all I care. You produce entertainment, I pay to see said entertainment. Just don't fuck any kids or beat the shit out of 120lb. chicks is all I ask.

Fuck's sake enough of this, "Do these Amazing Feats of Strength!!!, travel every second of your life without a moment's rest and oh by the way you're only allowed an aspirin for the ouchie you got where you got powerbombed though a flaming table that made upper management gajillionaires while you carry all the risk of being labeled a steroid freak".

[Edited on 10-19-2017 by janerd75]

Flash - 10-19-2017 at 03:47 AM

In Bob Holly's book he talked about steroids and copped to using them; he said it had nothing to do with gaining a certain look (although he did talk about how HHH jab at Masters weight loss was off base all things considered) but instead that a lot of the talent used them to help heel faster. Edge also talked about experimenting with them after his neck surgery, so it doesn't surprise me to find out that a lot of WWE talent is finding ways to get around the rules.

That's kind of the thing with modern sports... pretty much every athlete is on something now... it might not be performance enhancing in a direct way, but most of them are taking some supplement, vitamin, or what have you. Most of the time it's just a case of staying ahead of whatever banned substance list as athletics constantly shifts between guys looking for an edge, and the rules catching up to that edge.

janerd75 - 10-19-2017 at 04:08 AM

TL;DR in a performance art like wrasslin' or say, whatever the fuck Stallone is doing to look good at 71 I'm good with. For other "real world" sports and certainly MMA, yeah sure maybe dial it down a bit, especially when it's time for the match, game, fight, donnybrook, etc.

Paddlefoot - 10-19-2017 at 05:05 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by Paddlefoot

Take two t-girls home and let us know how you're feeling in the morning.

Kimber James was more, ahem, interesting before the surgery addiction got out of control.

punkerhardcore - 10-19-2017 at 05:27 AM

My favorite story from the dirtsheets today was Reby Sky telling the WWE costume designer that her pussy smells.

Paddlefoot - 10-19-2017 at 05:40 AM

It was made even better finding out that the seamstress is Shannon Moore's former old lady and that she wants Matt Hardy dead.

CCharger - 10-19-2017 at 01:40 PM

* Biggest news of the day is the rumored mass exodus of wrestlers from the WWE. According to Voices of Wrestling AND Dave Meltzer "several WWE talents" have reached out to Cody Rhodes to inquire of transition to the independent scene. Apparently, the success of Del Rio, Cody, Ryback and even the successful return of Jinder Mahal from outside of the WWE have done a lot to dispel the long held belief that the WWE was the end all and be all of pro wrestling. With New Japan making inroads to the US and ROH planning a huge expansion, it is more likely than ever that WWE will lose some good talent. It's reported that Cody is making more now than he has ever made in career and has almost full creative control. Ryback and Del Rio are making $5000 per appearance. The bottom line is that there are several WWE wrestlers who are fed up with their current booking and storylines and are now beginning to feel that they can confidently walk away from their WWE contract and make as much or more on the independents. Some rumored named include Neville (obviously), Nia Jax, Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt, Bo Dallas, Gallows and Anderson, Titus O'Neill, and Rusev and Lana.

[Edited on 10-19-2017 by CCharger]

GodEatGod - 10-19-2017 at 02:13 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Some rumored named include Neville (obviously), Nia Jax, Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt, Bo Dallas, Gallows and Anderson, Titus O'Neill, and Rusev and Lana.

[Edited on 10-19-2017 by CCharger]

Okay, let's do the list:

Neville - Would do well in Japan and RoH, could make good money. Probability of WWE return: low.

Nia Jax - Would probably do fine, but women don't have as many options as men and aren't likely to earn as much. I feel like she's the least likely to actually leave. Probability of return: High, as with any Samoan.

Daniel Bryan - I don't even wanna talk about this.

Bray and Bo - previously discussed. Bray should go now if he can, I think, he needs the cleansing. Bo I have no idea, he's got talent, but I have no sense of his ceiling. Probability of return: Pretty certain.

Gallows & Anderson: Obviously they'd walk right back into the Club and that sweet Hot Topic money. Would receive a welcome as underappreciated conquering heroes freed from the evil corporation on the indy scene. Probability of return: Low

Titus O'Neill: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO Probability of return: Fuck no

Rusev & Lana: He'd be Impact Wrestling champion like a week later, for sure. I could see him being big in Japan. But I don't think he's reached his WWE ceiling yet and can still see the company trying to give him another shot down the line. Might be better off biding his time. I think Lana probably would want to stay and keep making that Total Divas money. Probability of return: 50/50

Honestly, beyond those listed, I wouldn't be surprised if Finn thinks twice in a year or two if he doesn't start moving up from the freakshow level of the card. He'd be main eventing WrestleKingdoms against Okada if he'd stayed in Japan and not dressing up like a god damn pumpkin to jerk the curtain.

That said, I still do agree with the general wisdom: WWE contracts are fatter than most and, while some guys have found a way to do well and there's nothing wrong with betting on yourself, some guys are going to stumble where others succeed. That said, I wouldn't have picked Ryback as a success story, so maybe I don't know shit.

bigfatgoalie - 10-19-2017 at 02:46 PM

How much would the WWE miss any of the suggested names?

Neville - replaced by Enzo as top heel of cruisers...good worker, but easily replaceable by Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Itami, Gargano, Kyle O'Reily, Pete Dunn, Ciampa, etc...

Nia Jax - did you watch the Mae Young Classic? Lots of BETTER workers out there.

Daniel Bryan - if "healthy" than I can see why he would leave. But not sure Brie is training to become ROH women's champ and leave behind Total Divas/Bellas. Clearly missed right now as active wrestler, but replaceable as SmackDown Live GM.

Bray Wyatt - very much misused. Breaking up the Wyatt family was not a good idea. Could easily be pushed as WWE champion. Surpassed by Miz, Braun, Joe, Sheamus, and Cesaro on RAW. Would be on same level as Baron Corbin on RAW. If the writer's aren't super invested, likely better for Windham and WWE to take a break from each other.

Bo Dallas - hasn't really been missed as a Miz lackey. Heath Slater could easily replace him in that roll by turning on Rhyno because Miz offers $$$, and he's got kids damn it.

Gallows and Anderson - would have a home in NJPW and/or ROH. If The Revival could stay healthy, they are very replaceable. If they don't want to do the Japan thing anymore, they should stay though.

Titus O'Neill - was he missed while suspended? Nope. He'd be foolish to leave, although WWE would likely be better off without him.

Rusev and Lana - is being stuck between midcard and main event heel status better or worse than being Impact champion? Not sure CJ Perry would be getting more or less acting work without the WWE. Likely better off staying. But I'm not sure they both couldn't be replaced. Andrade �Cien� Almas and Zelina Vega are obvious replacements, but teaming up Mandy Rose with somebody could fill the Miz/Maryse role on SmackDown.

So if any of the suggested think they would be better off...great. Go for it. Happiness is very much under rated. But in the long run, this isn't John Cena leaving. Hell, I'd think the on air product would be more affected by Renee Paquette deciding she doesn't want to be Renne Young anymore.

CCharger - 10-19-2017 at 02:53 PM


I think your list is spot on with the exception of Balor. I think the WWE is high on him, and I expect to see him back in the main event scene by the end of the year.

All in all, if this is true, I think it is a good thing. The WWE having a virtual monopoly on pro wrestling is bad for the wrestlers because it restricts their opportunities and it is bad for the WWE because it removes any incentive for the WWE to provide a better product. No one is going to topple or even really compete with Vince for the foreseeable future, but if New Japan can make in roads into the US and ROH expands as they appear ready to, it will offer the wrestlers options and will hopefully push WWE to BE BETTER so they don't lose eyeballs and revenue. Every "golden age" of wrestling was a result of feirce competition - the 1980's with Vince attempting the conquer the territories and NWA/WCW mounting a strong defense and the late 1990's with the Monday Night Wars.

The next ten years are going to be very interesting in terms of the wrestling industry.

royberto - 10-20-2017 at 12:39 AM

Originally posted by First 9
New rumor about IRS's kids.

They're being kept from tv and house shows because of meningitis, also included is Jojo.
Bo is the one who is sick from viral meningitis while Bray and Jojo are being kept way as a precaution.

Meanwhikle, JoJo's mother goes off on a dirt sheet writer after he erroneously reported JoJo as being sick:

So other names are personal info? however you mentioned Bo, Bray and JoJo. Are they NOT qualifIed for personal info? FYI JOJO IS NOT ILL...

— alexie offerman (@Lexrivera2) October 19, 2017

[Edited on 10-19-2017 by royberto]

janerd75 - 10-20-2017 at 12:50 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
My favorite story from the dirtsheets today was Reby Sky telling the WWE costume designer that her pussy smells.

I figured you were talking about some standard issue adorable #crazygonutz from Reby about her sassing the costumer for being unclean or something along those lines that got conflated into the more locker room proper "your pussy smells". Lol, fuckin' nope. Never change, Rebs!

- *you're
- I don't claim NC
- your pussy stink

Thx for initiating the 50th twitter BS in 6yrs, ms "I don't give a crap" 🙄😆 This was fun

— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) October 18, 2017

Paddlefoot - 10-20-2017 at 01:13 AM

Getting to the point where war should be declared on Meltzer. All these bogus reports can usually be traced back to him. Read enough of the dirt sites and pretty much every article some days has "according to Meltzer" or "Meltzer says....", which then gets altered with more "told to Meltzer" garbage. I guess it would take away from us something to do but it's kind of BS when all this goes back to one guy with horrible reporting standards only to get doubled-down on by the shrimps at 411, Ringside Seats, or (especially) those fucks at Sportskeeda.

Kind of wish Teh Rick was more interested or physically more able to get back into the game and bring back some of the standards that existed back in the early oughts. Things right now are barely worth mention when it's a flip of the coin as to whether or not Meltzer or Rajiv from Bangalore even know what the fuck they're talking about.

As per Big Kev:

First 9 - 10-20-2017 at 02:36 AM

I mean that guy always prefaces everything with ''plans could change'' so you can never hold him accountable. He throws out educated guesses and people eat it up.

bopol - 10-20-2017 at 03:34 AM

I am honestly surprised to not see Cesaro on any lists of pissed off/willing to go back to the indy wrestlers. Was a star on the indys and would be great in Japan.

GodEatGod - 10-20-2017 at 03:53 AM

I think one thing we underestimate about going back to indies is the amount of work involved. Yeah, you don't have the house show schedule but you have to suddenly become your own booking agent and travel agent. You have to vet indy promoters to make sure they're on the up and up, do all your own promotion, set up your own merchandising. While there are various ways to mitigate and make those things easier, it's a lot to take on that the WWE machine will just do for you if you're under contract. Not every great wrestler necessarily has the mind for business that makes that stuff possible (and that's not a criticism - I, for example, am a smart and good employee but I am shitty at being somebody's boss).

First 9 - 10-20-2017 at 04:40 AM

Updated report,

That disjointed list of names is apparently due to all of these guys except for Neville and Nia just have their contracts expiring soon and they're exploring options rather than being dead set on ditching WWE. It might even be negotation tactis, purposefully leaking news to pressure WWE for a pay bump.

With the exception of Rusev, Lana, and Nia, I can easily buy all of those names having solid exit plans. Bray and Bo as a package deal(get a former WWE Champ but with his brother as an add on) to rebuild their stock and return in their mid30s, Neville can fit in the British scene, Japa, and/or Mexico, Titus is in his 40s so going for a lighter schedule for a coule years before calling it a career makes enough sense,Gallows and Anderson can go back to Japan and of course Bryan can pick where to go.

Also, WWE apparently is giving in to Nia's demands and will give her a pay bump.

Flash - 10-20-2017 at 05:51 AM

Titus strikes me as the kind of guy who could probably wind up back in the WWE as a booking agent, on screen non-wrestling role, or some other role... outside of his overblown snafu with Vince the guy has been nothing but gold PR wise for them, and seems to be well liked. He also seems to be down for doing just about anything else backstage for them like various network stuff.

I just wish he'd get out of the manager stuff, or at least with the smaller guys... When the dude looks like he could legit beat the shit out of the whole division he seems miscast as a manager.

As for not being surprised about Cesaro being amongst those who might want out... I would guess that given how much TV time he is regularly given, and that he's rarely left off a PPV card, he's probably at that level where the Indies would be a pay cut. Bray would also fall into that boat... although I guess you can't put a price on happiness.

I'm actually surprised that the WWE is letting anyone else control this story... I get that they might not want to comment on Neville, but if the story about Bo having viral meningitis is true, and that Bray and JoJo are being kept away from the rest of the locker as a precaution you could probably comment on that. Nia Jax keeps retweeting Bella/Dancing with the stars stuff, and is said to be on a personal leave of absence (although Alexa Bliss is saying it's more a taking a breather type thing, as life on the road can be gruelling and wear you down)... her leaving would strike me as weird as she's been getting title matches and plenty of time, and is likely in line for a title run at some point in the near future... what more beyond not being on the road so much could she want?

Long story short; yeah there are likely a number of people unhappy in the WWE, and who do look at the grass on the Indy side of things maybe being greener if they are lower down the card, or making huge money but burnt out... but what if all of this is just either a conflux of events (ie Neville is legit out of there, the Wyatt are sick, and Nia is just burnt out) happening close together... or (and shooting for the stars here) some kind of weird WWE worked shoot thing where the lot of them come back as some kind of faction... angry at the man, and wanting to change things...

Gobshite - 10-20-2017 at 10:32 AM

Nia has missed what, one week of TV? People need to calm the fuck down. I know WWE ain't a desk job, but in most walks of life, it's very common (and good for you!) to have a couple of weeks off every now and then. Hell I take a 3 week vacation most summers and my job is relatively easy!

Cesaro? Really? Dudes been on a great run all year, and is at a career high at the moment. About to headline PPV's, and let's not forget- he was never a singles champion anywhere else of note, he's always been a tag team guy. That's NOT a bad thing. I think he'll stay.

Ziggler has been saying he'll leave for years now. I wish he would.

Gallows & Anderson. Didn't they go into Mania as tag champs? Haven't they only been here for what, one year? I bet they signed 3 year deals and aren't going anywhere in the near future.

As much as there's talk about the "success" of guys when they leave WWE...

Who has done it?
Cody is currently doing the best of any guy to leave WWE probably since angle/Christian.
Ryback has a podcast. Whopee. He's priced himself out of most bookings.
Mahal has been back with WWE for a while now, but hardly st the world on fire while he was gone.
Drew was pretty successful whilst gone, but was the 'most' WWE looking guy to get released (tall, white, muscular). He was possibly the last but one guy to get a big money contract out Impact.

There's only so many big money spots in ROH, and Cody just took one of them on a long term deal. They never run even 10k stadiums let alone 15k ones, so the money they offer will be limited.

NJPW have the same issue- only so many spots, and until Omega & Bullet Club depart, they have no need/cash for more top level guys (exceptions may be made for Bryan, but not just anyone).

In short: a few people may think about it, but I can't see many actually leaving. Unless you're young and single, theres too much at risk by leaving and potentially never returning.

CamstunPWG187 - 10-20-2017 at 10:48 AM

Cesaro was PWG World Heavyweight Champion for nearly a year. PWG is considered a major indy and actually produces Blu-Ray's (something no other indy company does to my knowledge, not even ROH).

He's been recognized for his greatness in a place that's worth a damn, is what I'm saying.

GodEatGod - 10-20-2017 at 11:05 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
Cesaro was PWG World Heavyweight Champion for nearly a year. PWG is considered a major indy and actually produces Blu-Ray's (something no other indy company does to my knowledge, not even ROH).

He's been recognized for his greatness in a place that's worth a damn, is what I'm saying.

Sure but he probably got paid in hot dogs and coupons.

And they produce Blu-Rays because they do that instead of PPVs. It's not some badge of honor, it's just their only major revenue stream. Those Blu-Rays also usually look like they've been shot in a high school gym or a local YMCA. Good people wrestle there, I will not argue, but it would undeniably feel like a disheartening minor league place after you've performed at, say, Wrestlemania.

[Edited on 10-20-2017 by GodEatGod]

ulsterphil - 10-20-2017 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Ziggler has been saying he'll leave for years now. I wish he would.

This really needs to happen. Dolph had a real chance to make an impact a few years ago when he was going to leave the first time. Now its been teased so much that I wished he would fuck off into the night and never return. He has done himself so much damage with all the yearly talk of leaving to pursue other interests that I think nobody is surprised when he doesn't get pushed at all because who would have faith in him?

GodEatGod - 10-20-2017 at 01:43 PM

I only want Dolph to leave so he can stop clogging up the midcard. He's like a wad of hair stuck in the drain - sure, he was glossy and shiny once upon a time, but now he's just tangled and needs to go because he's getting in the way. I thought the heel turn would revitalize him but he's somehow become even more irrelevant than ever.

First 9 - 10-20-2017 at 02:26 PM

There's more to the wrestling world than ROH and NJPW. The British indy scene is on fire,and other Japanse promotions are finding their footing. NOAH seems to be stabilizing ,Wrestle-1 is doing some fine numbers in attendance and AJPW is slowly but surely building itself back up again and it's only a matter of time before they start booking foreigners in big spots like always(and following NJPW's success), Mexico is always a good place to do a round of shows.

You can't just stay in one promotion(unless it's NJPW or CMLL) but guys can tour a handful of promotions and do just fine.

GodEatGod - 10-20-2017 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by First 9
You can't just stay in one promotion(unless it's NJPW or CMLL) but guys can tour a handful of promotions and do just fine.

Absolutely, you can. But it's a lot harder and a lot more work than a WWE contract for, at best, close to the same amount of money and possibly significantly less. Also: a lot of wrestlers, especially younger ones, have WWE as an actual career goal - they grew up largely post-WCW, in a WWE world. To them, wrestling for smaller promotions is like playing football in the CFL or arena leagues - yeah, you can do it, but only if you really love it and you'd always rather be in the NFL.

CCharger - 10-20-2017 at 03:50 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by First 9
You can't just stay in one promotion(unless it's NJPW or CMLL) but guys can tour a handful of promotions and do just fine.

Absolutely, you can. But it's a lot harder and a lot more work than a WWE contract for, at best, close to the same amount of money and possibly significantly less. Also: a lot of wrestlers, especially younger ones, have WWE as an actual career goal - they grew up largely post-WCW, in a WWE world. To them, wrestling for smaller promotions is like playing football in the CFL or arena leagues - yeah, you can do it, but only if you really love it and you'd always rather be in the NFL.

I think this is the heart of the rumor. Some WWE guys have seen some former WWE guys have success on the indies and they are reaching out to find out how to do it and if it's worth it. I'm sure some of those guys talk to Cody and decide, fuck much work. Others will decide, I can do...fuck this place.

SpiNNeR72 - 10-20-2017 at 03:54 PM

If - *IF* it could be coordinated, Bryan not renewing his contract and showing up in ROH, wrestling or not, with a few ex-WWE guys of ANY level would be the biggest wrestling angle this century.

Also, though rightly rarely mentioned in these parts, I wonder how it would play out with the Bellas reality TV show? Does WWE have much influence?

denverpunk - 10-20-2017 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Getting to the point where war should be declared on Meltzer. All these bogus reports can usually be traced back to him. Read enough of the dirt sites and pretty much every article some days has "according to Meltzer" or "Meltzer says....", which then gets altered with more "told to Meltzer" garbage. I guess it would take away from us something to do but it's kind of BS when all this goes back to one guy with horrible reporting standards only to get doubled-down on by the shrimps at 411, Ringside Seats, or (especially) those fucks at Sportskeeda.

Kind of wish Teh Rick was more interested or physically more able to get back into the game and bring back some of the standards that existed back in the early oughts. Things right now are barely worth mention when it's a flip of the coin as to whether or not Meltzer or Rajiv from Bangalore even know what the fuck they're talking about.

As per Big Kev:

I like Nash and it seems he'd be a ton of fun to hang out with, but it's hard for me to take his opinion on this topic without a mountainous grain of salt, mainly because he acts like such a dick about it. Al Snow's version speaks more to me because he had a rational conversation about it without resorting to personal insults (which usually means that person doesn't have much else to argue about). Nash's history kind of speaks for itself. The idea that critics are worthless also bothers me. If an Adam Sandler movie sucks, then a critic should say that it sucks. People can disagree and make Sandler a lot of money, and good for them. That doesn't mean that Meltzer doesn't make shit up, because I'm sure he has and does, but Kev's take rubbed me the wrong way.


Count me in on the Ziggler Needs to Go Bandwagon. The heel turn could have worked if WWE was really behind it and didn't constantly make him look stupid. It's clear, via bad injury luck and lack of faith, that WWE has no interest in doing more with Ziggler than they already have, and he just can't compete anymore with the Styles/Owens/Roode/Nakamura (and now, maybe even Zayn) juggernaut on Smackdown. It'd be good for him to get out of there.

Paddlefoot - 10-20-2017 at 05:38 PM

Nash's point stands firm though, even if he said it in his usual sarcastic style, simply because Meltzer isn't just some fan talking water-cooler rumours to other fans at work. He calls himself a journalist and is making money off of it. Like, has anyone who pays money to subscribe to WON ever felt ripped off when on Day One of a rumour Meltzer says something like "____ _____ blew up backstage the previous week and didn't show up at RAW this week" yet on Day Five it's been downgraded to something like "____ ____ didn't quit and all is OK, the reason he/she wasn't at this week's RAW was because they were at home with the flu"? This is all just classic fake news, and we all know now what that can lead to.

CCharger - 10-20-2017 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
If - *IF* it could be coordinated, Bryan not renewing his contract and showing up in ROH, wrestling or not, with a few ex-WWE guys of ANY level would be the biggest wrestling angle this century.

Also, though rightly rarely mentioned in these parts, I wonder how it would play out with the Bellas reality TV show? Does WWE have much influence?

At the risk of being a pedantic asshole, I'm pretty sure the WCW/ECW Invasion angle would be bigger than some mid-card WWE guys led by Daniel Bryan invading ROH.

Paddlefoot - 10-20-2017 at 07:06 PM

* Kevin Owens got pulled from this weekend's live events in South America for "personal reasons"

Speculate away, IWC, until we're all covered in that sweet 'n' salty speculation-gravy goo.

CCharger - 10-20-2017 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Kevin Owens got pulled from this weekend's live events in South America for "personal reasons"

Speculate away, IWC, until we're all covered in that sweet 'n' salty speculation-gravy goo.

Herpes. It's herpes. It's always herpes.

janerd75 - 10-20-2017 at 08:00 PM

Both of you are fake news.

First 9 - 10-20-2017 at 08:23 PM

Meanwhile, Nia is set to take part in the European tour. Looks like she just wanted time off, took it and had enough pullt to not get in trouble for it.

Count Zero - 10-20-2017 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
I only want Dolph to leave so he can stop clogging up the midcard. He's like a wad of hair stuck in the drain - sure, he was glossy and shiny once upon a time, but now he's just tangled and needs to go because he's getting in the way. I thought the heel turn would revitalize him but he's somehow become even more irrelevant than ever.
I microplay this, with minor exposition of my own. Yeah, Heel Ziggler Metagimmick is... just too much meh. It feels like he's workshopping a bit for improv, instead of actually being a wrestler (sports-entertainer, Superstar, whatever). It doesn't play in Peoria, really.

It would be sort-of-neat if he decided that he was going to NXT, where the fans actually seem to appreciate WRESTLING~! and do the honors in the upper card there for a bit. Mabey?

Paddlefoot - 10-21-2017 at 06:02 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Both of you are fake news.

Kind of disappointed in my fellow wrestling fans right now. There isn't much WWE can do about the mini-epidemic working it's way through the company. The re-writes and new bookings are the only response they have right now. So they give us two things that the fandom has allegedly been anticipating for a very long time. One, the return of Angle to in-ring action and, two, a meet-up between two of the Bullet Club's best in Balor and Styles. So what is the reaction. In the first case it's ranging from "Kurt's too old!" to "But I want Roman there so I can boo him!". In the second one it's "this makes no sense, what about Sister Abigail (a storyline which most of the IWC hates anyway and wants to see ended), like Daniel Bryan would let AJ challenge someone on a RAW PPV - it's like bogus, man!".

This isn't fandom that cares about the business or the performers or even about the matches. This is just whining for the sake of whining by a bunch of dickwads who entirely deserve the label of "snowflakes". Seriously, if this is the kind of person some of these "fans" apparently are then they should stick to flipping out over plotholes on the CW's silly superhero shows or the new Star Trek series. All they're doing with this kind of incessant complaining is making wrestling significantly less fun for anyone who simply wants it to be, well, fun.

bopol - 10-21-2017 at 06:09 AM

With regards to leaving the WWE for the indys, yep, got to agree it wouldn't be for everyone. But there are benefits for both the wrestlers and the WWE.

1) Gives wrestlers a change of scenery. I was at my first career job for 11 years. I was burned out and hated work by the end, but was slow to make a move because $$. They made it for me (lay off). Best thing for me; forced a change and I got my mojo back. Now, 7 years into the 2nd job I feel like I'm getting a little antsy again. I think getting away can be a really positive thing.

2) How can I miss you when you won't leave? Remember the mark-out moments when a long time wrestler returned unexpectedly (a la Hardys at WM). Used to be a lot more common. Now you get guys hanging in lower mid card for a decade. Having people come and go would create anticipation and open up the upper card for wrestlers to come and go.

3) Chance for reinvention. How many wrestlers saddled with bad gimmicks don't get a chance to come back as something different?

Personally, if I were the WWE, I would be happy to see wrestlers be able to make a living outside of the WWE so they can let guys go and improve with an eye for them coming back if I see money to be made.

DKBroiler - 10-21-2017 at 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by janerd75
Both of you are fake news.

Kind of disappointed in my fellow wrestling fans right now. There isn't much WWE can do about the mini-epidemic working it's way through the company. The re-writes and new bookings are the only response they have right now. So they give us two things that the fandom has allegedly been anticipating for a very long time. One, the return of Angle to in-ring action and, two, a meet-up between two of the Bullet Club's best in Balor and Styles. So what is the reaction. In the first case it's ranging from "Kurt's too old!" to "But I want Roman there so I can boo him!". In the second one it's "this makes no sense, what about Sister Abigail (a storyline which most of the IWC hates anyway and wants to see ended), like Daniel Bryan would let AJ challenge someone on a RAW PPV - it's like bogus, man!".

This isn't fandom that cares about the business or the performers or even about the matches. This is just whining for the sake of whining by a bunch of dickwads who entirely deserve the label of "snowflakes". Seriously, if this is the kind of person some of these "fans" apparently are then they should stick to flipping out over plotholes on the CW's silly superhero shows or the new Star Trek series. All they're doing with this kind of incessant complaining is making wrestling significantly less fun for anyone who simply wants it to be, well, fun.

People are cunts.

GodEatGod - 10-21-2017 at 03:52 PM

Eh, I dunno. Context matters. WWE errs towards the entertainment side of sports entertainment and the stunt booking, while entirely understandable as a way to try and salvage the PPV, is still thin in terms of any story involved.

I'm an unabashed Shield mark, so missing out on their big reunion match does reduce my interest in that main event. Angle I care less about - I am one of the few people who actually watched TNA for a long time so Kurt Angle wrestling isn't -that- novel to me. He should bring it just fine and the match will still be good because it's a huge cluster of a trainwreck match. But I frankly would've preferred Roman and I don't care if that's not a popular opinion.

AJ/Finn only feels like a waste because there IS so much story potential that could be put into it and instead it's kind of being thrown out there in a desperate attempt to draw eyes. Will the match be great? HELL YEAH. Will I enjoy watching it? YOU BETCHA. But sometimes anticipation is part of the meal and I missed out on my appetizers in this case. And dammit, I like my mozzy sticks.

Again, I completely understand them doing it from a business perspective and I fully anticipate that the end result will be very enjoyable. But I'm allowed a little sour, too. I don't have to feel just one way. SHADES OF GREY.

First 9 - 10-21-2017 at 07:57 PM

Lamenting the lack of epic build up for Angle putting on his singlet again and Styels vs Balor happening without Bullter Club seasoning is understandble.

Bitching about how it doesn't make sense is just absurd. I mean Jesus, does every little thing have to be explained? RAW's roster took a hit so Kurt Angle, maniac that he is, inserts himself to replace one guy and WWE subs in somebody from SD to cover the other one, not needing Bryan's approval because why the fuck would they?

Paddlefoot - 10-21-2017 at 09:19 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler

People are cunts.

If Hunter came back for one night only (or two PPVs, depending if the epidemic affects the next SD show too) the first thing a major of these sk8rbois would say is "there he goes, burying the young guys again". Dealing with this kind of thinking is as frustration as fighting against the capillary action of a raw sewage leak and it's desire to flow to the nearest clean body of water to pollute it.

Note that I didn't mean any of this against anyone here. It was more a spasm against the kind of dumb-assery that's seen in the comment sections of the dirt sites.

janerd75 - 10-21-2017 at 09:30 PM

Looks like we'll be able to test that theory.

My boots are packed and I�m coming for a fight. #WWESantiago, I�m headed your way. Chile, get�s #GameTime.

— Triple H (@TripleH) October 21, 2017

[Edited on 10-21-2017 by janerd75]

Paddlefoot - 10-21-2017 at 09:38 PM

Talk about a classic dirty glass ceiling move from a guy who only has the job because of the boss's daughter purple monkey dishwasher........!

SpiNNeR72 - 10-22-2017 at 12:41 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Lamenting the lack of epic build up for Angle putting on his singlet again and Styels vs Balor happening without Bullter Club seasoning is understandble.

Bitching about how it doesn't make sense is just absurd. I mean Jesus, does every little thing have to be explained? RAW's roster took a hit so Kurt Angle, maniac that he is, inserts himself to replace one guy and WWE subs in somebody from SD to cover the other one, not needing Bryan's approval because why the fuck would they?

Angle is a good shout, but with AJ its not that it doesn't make sense in a kayfabe way, but why bring in AJ when there are plenty of RAW (or NXT) guys who could fill the spot, or just do a gay spooky or "mysterious beatdown" angle, or hell even pay Lesnar. Its just a curious choice.

First 9 - 10-22-2017 at 01:23 AM

During peak Cena super years, when Cena had to be pulled out at the last second from a house show, WWE offered refunds. ''The Guy'' being advertised and not showing up is a big deal, to them atleast.

In and out of kayfabe, the face of the company and 3 time WM Main Eventer being pulled out of an advertised ppv means they got to overcompensate. Pulling out a SD star and pairing him up against a RAW star is them trying to prop up the show as much as possible.

[Edited on 10-22-2017 by First 9]