Assorted Newsbites 2018: The Rumors and the Crap, Part 1
OORick - 1-1-2018 at 10:17 PM

It all begins again.

When we last left the rumors and the crappening, John Cena was rumored to be involved in something SUPER BIGGZTASTIC at WrestleMania. The Undertaker and Batista were specifically mentioned. And then JonJon went and declared for the Royal Rumble, officially.

Also, Paige suffered some kind of neck trauma at a house show last week, and will not be cleared to compete by doctors until next Monday at the earliest.

Count Zero - 1-2-2018 at 12:29 AM

I don't have anything productive to add, but since it's a slow news day and I'm bored.... Might as well settle in here.

I'm open for biz at the above rates, to any & all interested individuals. I also work parties, bar/bat mitzvahs, and gallery openings.

CCharger - 1-2-2018 at 04:04 PM

* Shane McMahon is penciled in for a "major match at Wrestlemania"

* A Cena/Taker match is "not definite, but not off the table" according to Dave Meltzer which is the most Dave Meltzer thing ever.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 1-2-2018 at 04:14 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Shane McMahon is penciled in for a "major match at Wrestlemania"
Shane needs to give it up. Why would you continue to take the place of a young and up-and-coming talent, at your biggest show of the year? His jumping off a 40 foot high whatever has played itself out.

* A Cena/Taker match is "not definite, but not off the table" according to Dave Meltzer which is the most Dave Meltzer thing ever.
Nothing says exciting WM matchup like a "should be" retired wrestler vs. a "part time" wrestler. Again the WWE doing something a decade late.

GodEatGod - 1-2-2018 at 04:28 PM

Basically, because everyone popped like nuts and freaked out when Shane showed up again two years ago, WWE has become convinced he's a draw and a major star, so they want to put him on shows. That he's actually pretty terrible and is burning away that good will match by match hasn't really entered their minds.

That said, if he's the only way we get them to clear Daniel Bryan, I'm fine with that.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 1-2-2018 at 04:31 PM

Don't get me wrong, I like Shane. But we do not need to see him as an in-ring performer anymore. Even if it means getting Daniel Bryan back in the ring, you are doing him a major disservice by putting him opposite of lame, rabbit punching Shane.

DKBroiler - 1-2-2018 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Frank Lloyd Wright
Don't get me wrong, I like Shane. But we do not need to see him as an in-ring performer anymore. Even if it means getting Daniel Bryan back in the ring, you are doing him a major disservice by putting him opposite of lame, rabbit punching Shane.

Every Shane match is fun. That�s reason enough to do another one. Not everything has to be Savage v Steamboat. This is also why they should continue to bring back guys like Goldberg instead of giving their spots to non-entity quasi up and comers. There are 11 months of the year to push those guys. Mania is for the casuals, we all need to get used to it.

The worst matchup I could think of would be Shane v Goldberg and I 100% guarantee it would be more fun for 95% of the audience than a work rate classic between two randoms. I loved Bate vs Dunn 2. Doesn�t mean it has any place on a Mania card. I�d much prefer a 2 minute Goldberg squash in that environment.

salmonjunkie - 1-2-2018 at 04:45 PM

If the WM match is Shane vs. Daniel Bryan, I would be all in for that.

Every Shane match is fun. That�s reason enough to do another one.


DKBroiler - 1-2-2018 at 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Frank Lloyd Wright
Originally posted by CCharger
* Shane McMahon is penciled in for a "major match at Wrestlemania"
Shane needs to give it up. Why would you continue to take the place of a young and up-and-coming talent, at your biggest show of the year? His jumping off a 40 foot high whatever has played itself out.

* A Cena/Taker match is "not definite, but not off the table" according to Dave Meltzer which is the most Dave Meltzer thing ever.
Nothing says exciting WM matchup like a "should be" retired wrestler vs. a "part time" wrestler. Again the WWE doing something a decade late.

Please name the up and coming talent that could logically take his place? Shinsuke has shown nothing in 6 months. Fin weighs 165 pounds and is in the wrong weight class. Elias was never supposed to happen. The only marquee feud Zayn has had was with his current tag partner. Roode is farther away from main events now than Braun was 365 days ago (which it you felt like it could find posts from me saying he was 6 months away from it and I nailed that one). Is there any other �young� or �new� guy that�s even worth mentioning?

It�s a totally viable argument to say that WWE should spend more time developing new hands throughout the year but none of these guys I mentioned has the name value in WWE as Shane or any retired/part time Hall of Famer like Taker/Batista/Goldberg/Angle or Cena.

Seriously, book any fantasy WM card with just the every day roster and it would be underwhelming to all but hardcore fans and, to repeat, WM is for the casuals, not the hardcore fans.

Count Zero - 1-2-2018 at 09:10 PM

Broiler, I can't deny that "WM is for the Casuals", but they rely awfully fucking heavily on the "hardcores" to fill the goddamn building. Like, do you see "casuals" planning Wrestlemania trips EVERY YEAR LIKE CLOCKWORK?

It's just another case of shitting on the customers you have to chase the customers you'll never get. There was a time when the inverse was the case (ie, keeping your existing customers loyal by catering to them), and I'm wondering if we might be nearing that tipping point again. If so, "WM is for the Casuals" is going to backfire horribly. If the hardcores don't show up to fill the house, and the casuals are going to leave halfway through the 92 hour show.. Is -that- what we want the Wrestlemania Moment to be? A two-thirds empty arena? Note, this isn't going to happen anytime "soon" (unless there is some kind of radical change in the WWEUniverse), but it is a dangerous possibility to keep courting.

GodEatGod - 1-2-2018 at 09:18 PM

I mean, WM may be for the casuals, but fuck them, I don't care what they like.

DKBroiler - 1-2-2018 at 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Broiler, I can't deny that "WM is for the Casuals", but they rely awfully fucking heavily on the "hardcores" to fill the goddamn building. Like, do you see "casuals" planning Wrestlemania trips EVERY YEAR LIKE CLOCKWORK?

It's just another case of shitting on the customers you have to chase the customers you'll never get. There was a time when the inverse was the case (ie, keeping your existing customers loyal by catering to them), and I'm wondering if we might be nearing that tipping point again. If so, "WM is for the Casuals" is going to backfire horribly. If the hardcores don't show up to fill the house, and the casuals are going to leave halfway through the 92 hour show.. Is -that- what we want the Wrestlemania Moment to be? A two-thirds empty arena? Note, this isn't going to happen anytime "soon" (unless there is some kind of radical change in the WWEUniverse), but it is a dangerous possibility to keep courting.

Your argument is totally logical but easily countered. The hardcores will still show up and plan 4 day vacations. That�s what hardcore fans do. That in and of itself has nothing to do with wrestling. Hardcore MMO players get angry at easy casual dungeons. Hardcore DFS players get angry at rule changes implemented to help casual players. I�ve seen each of these happen first hand the last few years. If you�re truly hardcore you�ll keep on coming and coming and coming if only to bitch about how you could do a better job.

I guarantee there hardcore football fans who hate buy their season tickets and we all know that there are hardcore political junkies who hate everything but still watch the news daily. Pick a topic and you can find a group of people who are hardcore fans of it and someone in that group is mocking the casuals.

But at the end of the day, if you can easily project that 95% of your core 10% will never go anywhere (especially with WWE when the other options are like watching single A baseball from a production standpoint) why not program for the people who only might show up?

For example ... the best pure match that the WWE could put on would likely be AJ vs Finn with all of the handcuffs taken off. Let�s say it�s a 1 hour Ironman Match, or whatever you feel is the bar for best workrate example. What is more likely to result in a bigger gate ... that or Batista v Goldberg? It�s the later without question. You can sell Drax versus that guy from the 90s that you remember from high school much easier to a casual than you can the workrate classic.

Sure, we�ll likely shit on it as a terrible demotion for the full time guys that worked all year, but we�ll still watch ... because that�s what hardcore fans do.

And if they ever think that the hardcore base is truly in jeopardy they will throw us our every 5 year bone that we�ve been getting since HBK v Hart, like the HBK - HHH - Voldemort match and YestleMania.

DKBroiler - 1-2-2018 at 09:41 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
I mean, WM may be for the casuals, but fuck them, I don't care what they like.

Hahaha - I fucking love you guys. At least you�re honest!

First 9 - 1-2-2018 at 09:54 PM

It's funny how Hogan gets shit on(both by fans and wrestlers) by timing his returns and off time around Football season so he'd consistently look like a draw and yet it feels like a lot of these old ''superstars'' do the exact same shit.

Goldberg and Shane O Mac weren't top sellers who left a shallow hole in the roster after their departure. They were top acts but not mega superstars and if either had to perform weekly and do ppv matches on a montly basis their intangible ''star power'' would burn out by month three.

I'm not their biggest fans but I won't deny that Taker and Cena are heads and shoulders above the rest of the roster in terms of connection with the audience and(if their health/schedule permitted it) they'd leave 99% of the roster eating dust in merch sales/live attendance if they were a weekly presence. But along with Brock I feel they are the only ones at that level. All the other old farts rely on that once a year factor to stay special.

DKBroiler - 1-3-2018 at 12:30 AM

Originally posted by First 9
It's funny how Hogan gets shit on(both by fans and wrestlers) by timing his returns and off time around Football season so he'd consistently look like a draw and yet it feels like a lot of these old ''superstars'' do the exact same shit.

Goldberg and Shane O Mac weren't top sellers who left a shallow hole in the roster after their departure. They were top acts but not mega superstars and if either had to perform weekly and do ppv matches on a montly basis their intangible ''star power'' would burn out by month three.

I'm not their biggest fans but I won't deny that Taker and Cena are heads and shoulders above the rest of the roster in terms of connection with the audience and(if their health/schedule permitted it) they'd leave 99% of the roster eating dust in merch sales/live attendance if they were a weekly presence. But along with Brock I feel they are the only ones at that level. All the other old farts rely on that once a year factor to stay special.

Nailed it. I think it�s pretty safe to assume that we�ll get a returning star every year around this time for the foreseeable future in a limited but high profile role assuming there are enough healthy vets around. Sting and Goldberg combined for 6 matches total I think. Hardly over staying their welcomes.

I think Shane has been in, what, 4 matches in 2 years? That�s fine. HHH gets 1 to 3 a year but aside from them the pickings are slim and expensive. The Rock could sell out 100k stadium but has to be expensive as hell. Many of the 80s guys can�t walk so they are out, and the 90s guys are rapidly dwindling. I�m racking my brain but I can�t think of any 90s guy who would be worthy of a special run not already having it. Of course HBK is the exception.

Of the 2000s guys ... unfortunately many of them that are not still in WWE are hurt or, unfortunately, dead already.

If we are gonna have these anyway, do you guys have any old names you�d like to see make one final main event run? I mean it�s gonna happen, so may as well throw some names out there.

salmonjunkie - 1-3-2018 at 12:56 AM

Hardcore wrestling fans, and even moreso - hardcore WWE fans all buy their WrestleMania tickets before the first match is even announced. They were on sale Survivor Series weekend this year, and the travel packages - which include hotel accomodations, WrestleMania Axxess, the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, NXT TakeOver, Monday Night Raw and SmackDown. were on sale in October. And that's not to add the local events by local indy feds for the hardcorest of the hardcore wrestling fans.

That live event and the spectacle around it is already mostly sold out before the event happens. They've got all those eyeballs. Selling to the casuals is important for those PPV and Network buys. But it's not just that. Because, again, it's not just hardcore wrestling fans. It's hardcore WWE fans. WWE Axxess isn't just "spend 4 hours asking Finn Balor and Kevin Owens questions about their favorite matches in Japan/ROH/PWG/Etc." It's getting signatures from Bayley and Zack Ryder.

The family of 4 who goes to all 6 or 7 of the WWE WrestleMania week events and spend the week hanging out in the city are going to love John Cena vs the Undertaker. The hardcore fans who are at the event may shit on it online, but they're going to cheer the hair-tingling entrance of the Undertaker and sing along with "John Cena Sucks!". They're going to chant "you deserve it" or "welcome back" or "holy shit" to someone, and cum in their pants when AJ Styles retains his WWE Championship.

Count Zero - 1-3-2018 at 05:21 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
(lots of good words about the "hardcore" mentality)
Oh, I know that "we" keep coming back and bitching about how we could do it better, etc etc etc. But, man, there's always a breaking point and a fall-off. Just cuz we ain't seen it -yet- doesn't mean it will never happen. Again, I don't see it as being a "2018 is make or break" situation at the moment, but when does "a ratings slump" become "we're losing our core audience in droves"? And how many times can you pull out HBK/John Cena/Undertaker/Whoever before we catch on to the fact that they're just throwing bones to the hardcores?

And when you DO break those hardcore hearts, are they not the ones most likely to drive the casuals away from your product? "Oh man, no, don't give your money to those guys, they give no fucks about their customers/fans." And since the person I asked is a "wrestling fan", I'll trust them to steer my casual-ass towards something I might appreciate.

I find myself being one of the "hardcore" who is losing a lot of my core because it's hard to get engaged in WWE-These-Days. If the WWEUniverse had more of Me, we'd be approaching my hypothetical tipping point. To use a bad analogy: I was in love with this girl named WWE, but then she turned out to be a crazy psycho who fed off any & all attention from anybody. So, like, after a dozen heartbreaks, I kinda gave up on trying to date her. It's nice when she smiles at me & tells me a funny story, but I don't think that her doing so is any commitment of any kind to me-and-her-having-a-future.

TL;DR -- Human beings only take so much shit before they decide to do something else. If they take more than that set amount of shit, they're masochists. Yes, I know masochists make up a large part of this fanbase, sooooo... Maybe y'alls right. I'm just exploring the options.

DKBroiler - 1-3-2018 at 05:55 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by DKBroiler
(lots of good words about the "hardcore" mentality)
Oh, I know that "we" keep coming back and bitching about how we could do it better, etc etc etc. But, man, there's always a breaking point and a fall-off. Just cuz we ain't seen it -yet- doesn't mean it will never happen. Again, I don't see it as being a "2018 is make or break" situation at the moment, but when does "a ratings slump" become "we're losing our core audience in droves"? And how many times can you pull out HBK/John Cena/Undertaker/Whoever before we catch on to the fact that they're just throwing bones to the hardcores?

And when you DO break those hardcore hearts, are they not the ones most likely to drive the casuals away from your product? "Oh man, no, don't give your money to those guys, they give no fucks about their customers/fans." And since the person I asked is a "wrestling fan", I'll trust them to steer my casual-ass towards something I might appreciate.

I find myself being one of the "hardcore" who is losing a lot of my core because it's hard to get engaged in WWE-These-Days. If the WWEUniverse had more of Me, we'd be approaching my hypothetical tipping point. To use a bad analogy: I was in love with this girl named WWE, but then she turned out to be a crazy psycho who fed off any & all attention from anybody. So, like, after a dozen heartbreaks, I kinda gave up on trying to date her. It's nice when she smiles at me & tells me a funny story, but I don't think that her doing so is any commitment of any kind to me-and-her-having-a-future.

TL;DR -- Human beings only take so much shit before they decide to do something else. If they take more than that set amount of shit, they're masochists. Yes, I know masochists make up a large part of this fanbase, sooooo... Maybe y'alls right. I'm just exploring the options.


CCharger - 1-3-2018 at 01:37 PM

As CM Punk has famously said, "It doesn't matter what the main event of Wrestlemania is. Wrestlemania is the draw itself, not the matches."

The main event could be Vince Russo vs. David Arquette for the re-established WCW title and they'd still sell 65,000 tickets.

First 9 - 1-3-2018 at 05:08 PM

I think most of these part-timers special matches are old guys jerking each other off but what Punk said is factually incorrect. First Rock vs Cena match smashed buyrate records.

But that's the Rock, a blockbuster movie star. All the others are only special because WWE props them up like that.

Cherokee Jack - 1-3-2018 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by First 9
I think most of these part-timers special matches are old guys jerking each other off but what Punk said is factually incorrect. First Rock vs Cena match smashed buyrate records.

But that's the Rock, a blockbuster movie star. All the others are only special because WWE props them up like that.
�Smashed� is a stretch. It did do their highest number, but not by a wide margin. It improved on the previous year�s Mania (Cena vs Miz, with Rock as the host) by about 100K buys. And it just barely beat out WM23 in 2007 (which featured the current president of these United States). But yeah, it�s a bit different when you�re talking about having the biggest movie star in the world on your show.

As far as �the casuals,� yeah a lot of people who quit watching full time come back for Mania season and i get booking for them to some extent, but it seems like it�d make sense to also try and book things that will get the casuals to want to come back more often. Like you can give them Cena vs Undertaker somewhere on the card, and Lesnar and Angle and so forth can have their place as well, but then you let (for example) AJ and Nakamura go tear the house down for 30 minutes in the main event, and maybe you get some of those fans who came back to see all their old favorites to go �holy shit these guys are awesome, I�ll tune in Tuesday to see them again!�

The current guys need to be treated as just as (and truthfully, more) important than the old guys coming back. It�s the opposite of what they did last year with Kevin Owens. Brock/Goldberg didn�t need the belt. I can�t believe that involving the title in that match sold one buy that the match wouldn�t have sold anyway. You could�ve done Brock/Goldberg on the show while Owens and Jericho went to war in a title vs title match that would�ve had way higher stakes and importance than it did by having Goldberg squash KO and turning their match into an opening contest for a midcard belt.

Book for the casuals, fine. But also book the current generation as being on that same level of importance and maybe some of the casuals stop being just casuals.

First 9 - 1-3-2018 at 07:45 PM

Smashed was a strong word I admit, but just wanted to point out that real mega stars do make a difference. But Rock is in a class of his own. All of these other legends sort of just blend together.

CCharger - 1-4-2018 at 03:03 PM

* Bobby Lashley, Ricochet, and Tess Blanchard are all expected to sign with WWE soon

* There is apparently a great deal of infighting regarding the booking for the Rumble and beyond. While Vince will have the final say on everything, he has been noticeably absent from several important creative meetings recently. That lack of creative direction could begin to appear on WWE TV very soon in the form of strange pushes for people, storylines developing and dying out of no where, and unusual character changes.

gobbledygooker - 1-4-2018 at 04:40 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* That lack of creative direction could begin to appear on WWE TV very soon in the form of strange pushes for people. storylines developing and dying out of no where, and unusual character changes.

In other words, the normal status quo.

BA-DUM-DUM. I'll be here all week!

DKBroiler - 1-4-2018 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Bobby Lashley, Ricochet, and Tess Blanchard are all expected to sign with WWE soon

* There is apparently a great deal of infighting regarding the booking for the Rumble and beyond. While Vince will have the final say on everything, he has been noticeably absent from several important creative meetings recently. That lack of creative direction could begin to appear on WWE TV very soon in the form of strange pushes for people, storylines developing and dying out of no where, and unusual character changes.

Just give The Miz his �with a tear in my eye� moment. Philly would lose their damn minds, and the very next night super hero Miz can revert right back into the world�s greatest chickenshit by ducking Brock and challenging AJ Styles. And then you can kill 2 birds with one stone ... Miz gets his Hall of Fame moment (instead of it being that time he happened to retain the WWE Championship at WM as a third banana to Cena and Rock) by winning The Rumble and AJ gets his by going over Miz at WM to retain. They can easily fold this into the KO/Zayn/Shane/Bryan story as well. Raw can hold its Roman coronation the following month at Elimination Chamber.

Wickedfrost - 1-4-2018 at 06:36 PM

The main event could be Vince Russo vs. David Arquette for the re-established WCW title and they'd still sell 65,000 tickets.

[Edited on 1-4-2018 by Wickedfrost]

royberto - 1-4-2018 at 07:43 PM

John Cena posts a picture of "Woken" Matt Hardy:

A post shared by John Cena (@johncena) on

which Matt Hardy responds by declaring John "Woken" and dubbing him "Brother Felix":

Brother Felix, I'd knew you'd come.

DKBroiler - 1-4-2018 at 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Wickedfrost
The main event could be Vince Russo vs. David Arquette for the re-established WCW title and they'd still sell 65,000 tickets.

[Edited on 1-4-2018 by Wickedfrost]

Needs more RVD.

Matte - 1-4-2018 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by royberto
which Matt Hardy responds by declaring John "Woken" and dubbing him "Brother Felix":

So Cena's initials are JFC. Jesus Fucking Christ, that explains a lot.

janerd75 - 1-5-2018 at 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by royberto
which Matt Hardy responds by declaring John "Woken" and dubbing him "Brother Felix":

So Cena's initials are JFC. Jesus Fucking Christ, that explains a lot.

G. Jonah Jameson - 1-5-2018 at 12:12 PM

Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by royberto
which Matt Hardy responds by declaring John "Woken" and dubbing him "Brother Felix":

So Cena's initials are JFC. Jesus Fucking Christ, that explains a lot.

Able to turn water into APPLE DOUGH!

CCharger - 1-5-2018 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by royberto
which Matt Hardy responds by declaring John "Woken" and dubbing him "Brother Felix":

So Cena's initials are JFC. Jesus Fucking Christ, that explains a lot.

This would explain his ability to make superhuman-like comebacks.

Count Zero - 1-5-2018 at 08:54 PM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
Able to turn water into APPLE DOUGH!
I love this post.

Also, OOur new lOOrd and saviOOur kinda looks like the lovechild of AJ Styles & John F. Cena.

Matte - 1-5-2018 at 09:00 PM

War Machine and Ricochet are supposedly signed to WWE.

DKBroiler - 1-5-2018 at 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Matte
War Machine and Ricochet are supposedly signed to WWE.

I need full scouting reports on my desk by the close of business. Until then I will just call them �Not Rhyno� and that guy that �purists� hate cause he�s fun or something.

Count Zero - 1-6-2018 at 12:48 AM

If War Machine are coming, I can't wait for Hansen Vs Braaaggggghhhh matches. I'm serious. Hansen's Cartwheels and Sentons vs BRAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH's freakish speed? It's gonna look like Luchazilla in there.

Wickedfrost - 1-6-2018 at 02:55 AM

Originally posted by DKBroilerNeeds more RVD.

[Edited on 1-6-2018 by Wickedfrost]

nOOb - 1-6-2018 at 01:54 PM

I thought War Machine was in jail for beating up his porn star girlfriend? Bad hire, WWE. Bad hire.

phansett - 1-6-2018 at 02:15 PM

This War Machine is a tag team (Hanson and Rowe), right? And wiki says their combined weight is 550lb, so i gotta think either that�s wrong or they are more monsters on the indy circuit but wont be near as impressive toe to toe with the Brauns and Brock�s if the WWE. Not saying they can�t be good or interesting, but i get more of an Ascension feel then a brothers of destruction feel. But I�ve never watched them, so who knows...

bigfatgoalie - 1-6-2018 at 03:31 PM

Raymond Rowe is listed at 6'2", 258 lbs. Hanson is billed as 6'3' 293 lbs. In comparison, Killian Dain (the big guy from SAnitY) is billed as 6'4", 322 lbs.

So yeah...they aren't really monsters by WWE standard. But interestingly, they almost match the Dudley Boys EXACTLY for weight and height. So plenty big enough to be booked as ass kickers.

Ricochet is 5'10" and 197 lbs. Compared to Balor, he's only giving up an inch, but is a little heavier. So I could see him being a main guy in NXT with potential for a solid push on the main roster if he connects with at least two of the audience/Vince/Hunter/Bucky.

And before anyone says that Ricochet is destined to 205 Live and Balor should go there come nobody says that Seth Rollins (6'1", 217 lbs) or AJ Styles (5'11", 218 lbs) are too small? Both would have been able to compete along Jericho, Eddie, and Benoit in the WCW Cruiserweight division as the weight limit was 220 lbs.

SpiNNeR72 - 1-6-2018 at 04:56 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalieAnd before anyone says that Ricochet is destined to 205 Live and Balor should go there come nobody says that Seth Rollins (6'1", 217 lbs) or AJ Styles (5'11", 218 lbs) are too small? Both would have been able to compete along Jericho, Eddie, and Benoit in the WCW Cruiserweight division as the weight limit was 220 lbs.

It has nothing to do with actual measurements, when a wrestler is on the smaller side its more about whether they can make you believe they stand a chance. This is Balors problem. He just doesn't look believable against bigger opponents. And I'm not talking Brock or Strowman, even against Rollins he never looked like he should be there.

Perhaps its moveset, attitude, or whatever, I can't claim to know what *IT* is, but the likes of Eddie vs Big Show and Brock were a great example of *IT* working. More recently the series between Bayley and Nia Jax was another good example.

On the rumour side : Rajah etc is reporting a potential heel turn for Bryan in case he leaves. If even remotely true that's such a stupid idea, as everyone will still love him and hate WWE even more.

CCharger - 1-6-2018 at 07:17 PM

* Rumors began circulating that Omega vs. Jericho Part II would be at Wrestlemania after Jericho complained during the post-match press conference about the Japanese crowd and the "home field advantage" Omega had.

* Those rumors were later proved false when Jericho attacked Naito to set up a match between the two at the next big NJPW show and Jay White hit Omega with his finisher when White refused Omega's invitation to join the Bullet Club.

* Not a rumor, but an observation that WWE should do post-match press conferences after PPV matches.

williamssl - 1-6-2018 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
n the rumour side : Rajah etc is reporting a potential heel turn for Bryan in case he leaves. If even remotely true that's such a stupid idea, as everyone will still love him and hate WWE even more.'s not even positioned as a rumor - just speculation. "Hey they could turn him heel and hey that could hurt him if he leaves WWE because then everyone would hate him because who doesn't hate them some heels?"

This is one of the things I hate the most about rumorz.....the ones where it's just based on some guy sitting around and thinking something. This is one of the many things that could happen ever. Write it up. Rumor! Clicks! Get Paid!

Paddlefoot - 1-6-2018 at 09:34 PM

Apparently the one about DB came from Meltzer, he of the 20% accuracy rating, so take it with a grain of salt about the size of a basketball.

Count Zero - 1-6-2018 at 09:42 PM

And yeah, I'd put Hans(o/e)n and Rowe in the Dudley Basket. Or, possibly, If Bam Bam Bigelow had both a taller brother and a slightly more ripped brother. I'm hoping they get a slight makeover, though, because "War Machine" is really just Legion Of Demolition On The Ascension. I say clean 'em both up. Ditch the Crazy Beardo Warpaint look, and turn into goons in suits. I mean, "Raymond Rowe" is a pretty classy name, if you look the part.

SpiNNeR72 - 1-6-2018 at 10:03 PM

Edit : Re DB rumour..

Yeah I was more commenting on the even more stupid level of said rumour than the content itself.

Great memories of finding Online Onslaught and The Rick after a few years of Meltzer and RSPW. Was great to find someone I could relate to.

I still live hope of a CRZ return. Rick, if you're reading this, any chance of giving him a shout about the 25th Anniversary RAW?

Edit 2 : Hell yes it's still online!

[Edited on 1-6-2018 by SpiNNeR72]

williamssl - 1-6-2018 at 10:15 PM

Apologies if it in any way came across like I was bagging on you for having posted that. It was bagging on the nature of that rumor. I had seen it on rajah yesterday and was like....really? I can make shit up like this.

There is a chance the WWE might turn Bryan heel. Also there is a chance that they won't. Also there is a chance he will wrestle, but there is a bigger chance that he won't. If they do turn him heel it would be for reasons. Or maybe not. But probably reasons. Maybe. Stay tuned for more on this developing story.

Paddlefoot - 1-7-2018 at 06:25 AM

* say goodbye forever to the Flying Firecrotch Guillotine because former WWE and TNA hottie Christie Hemme gave birth to quadruplets today

* it's been three years already since Roman Reign's "Sufferin' Succotash" promo

[Edited on 1/7/2018 by Paddlefoot]

nOOb - 1-7-2018 at 04:44 PM

There isn't really a good place to ask this question, so I'll ask it here: have they established a potential winner for the Royal Rumble yet? I'm going purely off of highlights and results, but so far it doesn't look like they've tipped their hat yet, and usually by now there's at least one or two guys they've built momentum with that you could say "Yeah, it's probably him or him." So far, it seems like the only two names I've seen here are Roman Reigns (because Roman Reigns) and the Miz (because his level of quality apparently sticks out more than ever nowadays).

Granted, last year they didn't exactly throw Randy Orton out there as a potential winner (it was more him being in a program with Bray Wyatt that would culminate around Mania time and may or may not have included the title). I'm just curious since this is the one time of the year I actually give WWE money and, with WWE seeming to be an afterthought both to me and, well, WWE, I'm not sure how excited/awake I should be for this one.

First 9 - 1-7-2018 at 06:17 PM

If it's not Roman, then the odds are firm on it going to whoever will challenge AJ for the Title at Mania.

Last summer there were big news about WWE wanting to do AJ vs Nakamura at WM and fi that plan is still firm you'd think that means Nakamura is winning the Rumble but there hasn't been any more news about it the last few months. Styles and Nak are definently pushing it for it though as they tease staredowns in house shows.

denverpunk - 1-7-2018 at 07:28 PM

Sheets today are saying that the winner will be from Smackdown, so that would coincide with the AJ/Nakamura rumors. I can't think of anyone else from Smackdown who would be a viable candidate, other than maybe Roode, but that would be quite the hotshot. Just please don't let it be Orton, Mahal, or Baron F Corbin.

Cherokee Jack - 1-7-2018 at 07:42 PM

Yeah, Roman vs Brock feels as set in stone as anything could be at this point, and I have a feeling that they won�t use the Rumble to get there, it seems like a more obvious story to go the �I�m the IC Champ, I�m here every week, I�m the true champion of Raw� route to set that one up.

So unless they want to go the way that I think someone here mentioned and have Miz win, cut a promo after the Rumble suggesting he�s coming for Brock, then turn back into a chickenshit on Raw and declare he�s going to SD to challenge AJ, feels like it�ll have to be a Smackdown guy. Nakamura is the hot rumor and it feels like he�d be the most likely option. Roode feels too soon, Corbin�s not ready for that high profile a spot, Owens and Zayn are both involved with the Rumble title match, and probably more likely to be involved with whatever Shane/Bryan do at WM. Who else?

I�d say Joe or Braun could make good options on the Raw side as well if they hadn�t had Brock run through them already over the summer.

[Edited on 1-7-2018 by Cherokee Jack]

royberto - 1-7-2018 at 08:03 PM

Christy Hemme gave birth to quadruplets:

Amazingly, they were born on the same day as Christie's first child who is now 3.

[Edited on 1-7-2018 by royberto]

the goon - 1-7-2018 at 08:33 PM

RAW also has the Elimination Chamber PPV before WrestleMania, which could always be used to set up whoever is going to face Brock (*cough* Roman *cough*), so it makes sense that someone from Smackdown would win the Rumble.

EDIT: I 99% doubt it will happen, but I wonder if there's a chance Ziggler could win the Rumble. He's been kind of forgotten about since being off of TV and it would play into his whole "I told you all I'm too good for you!" persona.

[Edited on 1-7-2018 by the goon]

Paddlefoot - 1-7-2018 at 11:19 PM

Strowman is the most obvious choice for RR winner. If they choose to delay him until Summerslam though I'm going to go with what are probably dark horse candidates at the moment. The one from SD should be Nakamura. From RAW though I think it'll be one of three guys - Rollins, Joe, or Cesaro. All three have had a good year but haven't been near the main title scene. With Ambrose out long-term and the Shield reunion aborted because of his injury that opens up room to move Rollins back into the big title scene because I don't think his tag-teaming with Justin Jordan will last much longer. Joe's gone through a lot of guys already and is more than prepared for a real shot at the main title. The Bar will last as long as it needs to but they can't ignore Sheamus' real-life neck issues for much longer; he'll either need a considerable rest period before too long or will have to retire altogether. That means Cesaro has to be put back into singles competition and a win at RR would signal the start of it.

All three RAW guys are over so that means the show would end with the crowd happy with the result if any of them won. If Vince is determined to re-trigger all the booing and anger again with Roman though, well, whatever we say here is next to meaningless.

the goon - 1-7-2018 at 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Strowman is the most obvious choice for RR winner.

He's in the Universal title match though, so is he even in the Rumble (though I guess it wouldn't be unprecedented for him to do double duty)?

Paddlefoot - 1-8-2018 at 12:01 AM

My error. I forgot all about the three-way.

Count Zero - 1-8-2018 at 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
My error. I forgot all about the three-way.
*insert Paige joke?*

(bonus metajoke points for using "insert" and "paige"?)

First 9 - 1-8-2018 at 01:51 AM

Personally, I'd like Joe to win it and make up some BS reason for him to choose AJ over Brock and have the best of TNA in a Wrestlemania WM WWE Title match.

G. Jonah Jameson - 1-8-2018 at 12:26 PM

I figure RAW uses Elimination Chamber to set up a No. 1 contender for the Universal Title. Bonus is that means Roman Reigns, who you know is going to be that No. 1 contender, doesn't have to win the Rumble, and I have to think WWE is going to be gun-shy about having Reigns win the Rumble.

I was still thinking Shinsuke Nakamura so he could challenge AJ Styles at Wrestlemania, but local advertising for Fastlane -- for whatever it's worth at this point in time -- has the main event being a Fatal Five-Way featuring Styles, Nakamura, Randy Orton, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and I doubt they'd have Nakamura challenge at Fastlane after winning the Rumble. Now I'm starting to come around to thinking the Miz, and having him jump from RAW after he wins.

DKBroiler - 1-8-2018 at 01:18 PM

The Rumble is in Philly. Booking Roman to win it would be an awful idea. They invented ReBoooo at this event.

If they really want to troll us have Miz hide under the ring for 45 minutes and then have him re-emerge to throw both Reigns and Batista over the top rope for the win.

nOOb - 1-8-2018 at 02:46 PM

I think the concept of not doing something �because Philly� isn�t something WWE worries about anymore. They ran out a Rumble where Roman Reigns won (twice), had Daniel Bryan eliminated halfway through, and had lifers Big Show and Kane team up to eliminate multiple IWC favorites on the way to said Reigns victory, and even though the social media backlash jumped on board with the negative Philly response, no one cancelled their WWE Network subscription (I didn�t renew mine but I wasn�t going to anyways until the next Rumble). No one stopped watching that wasn�t already. Philly booed the main event to their first PPV of the year and they responded by mocking the fans who booed the next live show, then went on with the year. Something being in Philly means they�ll react how most of us would, and that�s about it.

DKBroiler - 1-8-2018 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
I think the concept of not doing something �because Philly� isn�t something WWE worries about anymore. They ran out a Rumble where Roman Reigns won (twice), had Daniel Bryan eliminated halfway through, and had lifers Big Show and Kane team up to eliminate multiple IWC favorites on the way to said Reigns victory, and even though the social media backlash jumped on board with the negative Philly response, no one cancelled their WWE Network subscription (I didn�t renew mine but I wasn�t going to anyways until the next Rumble). No one stopped watching that wasn�t already. Philly booed the main event to their first PPV of the year and they responded by mocking the fans who booed the next live show, then went on with the year. Something being in Philly means they�ll react how most of us would, and that�s about it.

Very true in the micro but they just spent like 2 full years on character rehab and the easiest way to undo all of that is for a Reigns boo storm in Philly.

CCharger - 1-8-2018 at 03:34 PM

* Dolph Ziggler is expected to return at the Rumble, complete with a gimmick/character change.

williamssl - 1-8-2018 at 03:52 PM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
I was still thinking Shinsuke Nakamura so he could challenge AJ Styles at Wrestlemania, but local advertising for Fastlane -- for whatever it's worth at this point in time -- has the main event being a Fatal Five-Way featuring Styles, Nakamura, Randy Orton, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and I doubt they'd have Nakamura challenge at Fastlane after winning the Rumble. Now I'm starting to come around to thinking the Miz, and having him jump from RAW after he wins.

They often advertise dark matches for these things as it lets them promote something well in advance that�s easy to deliver on. I would bet this is what is happening here...and that this match will be post SD and post 205 filming for the audience only. I wouldn�t read into this as a storyline spoiler.

GodEatGod - 1-8-2018 at 04:52 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Dolph Ziggler is expected to return at the Rumble, complete with a gimmick/character change.

I mean, what would that even be, exactly? His character was literally just "I am a great wrestler who is underappreciated". I feel like he's just going to come back with, like, short hair and plain trunks and I'm going to think OH SHIT HE'S FOR REAL NOW. I like Dolph, but he genuinely needs to go away for a while, not through any fault of his own, but because they've booked him like dogshit for far, far too long and a few cosmetic shifts aren't going to do much (and he's too long built and established to do a full character shift a la Husky Harris/Bray Wyatt)

SpiNNeR72 - 1-8-2018 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
The Rumble is in Philly. Booking Roman to win it would be an awful idea. They invented ReBoooo at this event.

If they really want to troll us have Miz hide under the ring for 45 minutes and then have him re-emerge to throw both Reigns and Batista over the top rope for the win.

How exactly would that be trolling anyone? Sounds fucking great to me!

Believe it or not, a Reigns/Lesnar WM match is something I would actually look forward to now, so long as it doesn;t involve a rumble win and there is minimal interaction beforehand (IE let Heyman do ALL the talking)

Rumble wise I really dont care who it is with the exception of Nakamura and Balor. I know thats probably not popular and setting myself up to be disappointed but neither are a WM worthy match for Styles. Fine for a 3 week run on SD, or a minor PPV, but not WrestleMania.

DKBroiler - 1-8-2018 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
Originally posted by DKBroiler
The Rumble is in Philly. Booking Roman to win it would be an awful idea. They invented ReBoooo at this event.

If they really want to troll us have Miz hide under the ring for 45 minutes and then have him re-emerge to throw both Reigns and Batista over the top rope for the win.

How exactly would that be trolling anyone? Sounds fucking great to me!

Believe it or not, a Reigns/Lesnar WM match is something I would actually look forward to now, so long as it doesn;t involve a rumble win and there is minimal interaction beforehand (IE let Heyman do ALL the talking)

Rumble wise I really dont care who it is with the exception of Nakamura and Balor. I know thats probably not popular and setting myself up to be disappointed but neither are a WM worthy match for Styles. Fine for a 3 week run on SD, or a minor PPV, but not WrestleMania.

Haha ... I should have said swerve, not troll. But Batista v Reigns as �the last 2� would be a boo storm of epic proportions until the payoff, which would be the largest pop since probably YestleMania.

CCharger - 1-8-2018 at 05:32 PM

If you are throwing out plausibility and going for sheer HOLY SHIT pop-fest, then have it come down to HHH and Reigns and then the countdown to #30 begins followed by Flight of the Valkries and Daniel Bryan YESing all the way to ring, followed by a spot that eliminates Reigns and HHH without Bryan taking a bump.

Philly would...well....

[Edited on 1-8-2018 by CCharger]

DKBroiler - 1-8-2018 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
If you are throwing out plausibility and going for sheer HOLY SHIT pop-fest, then have it come down to HHH and Reigns and then the countdown to #30 begins followed by Flight of the Valkries and Daniel Bryan YESing all the way to ring, followed by a spot that eliminates Reigns and HHH without Bryan taking a bump.

Philly would...well....

[Edited on 1-8-2018 by CCharger]

Slight edit, Philly loves HHH. It�s not a �pure� smark audience. They just really fucking hate Roman.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 1-8-2018 at 07:29 PM

I've never understood why Elimination Chamber follows the Royal Rumble. EC determines which wrestler from the RAW brand will get a crack at the title at Wrestlemania. Does this not tip WWE's hat that the Rumble winner will more than likely be someone from the Smackdown brand?

TownOfDalem - 1-8-2018 at 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Frank Lloyd Wright
I've never understood why Elimination Chamber follows the Royal Rumble. EC determines which wrestler from the RAW brand will get a crack at the title at Wrestlemania. Does this not tip WWE's hat that the Rumble winner will more than likely be someone from the Smackdown brand?

Except that last year Elimination Chamber was a Smackdown show and a Smackdown wrestler still won the Rumble. The Chamber has gone back and forth between being a championship match and a #1 contender match quite frequently based on need.

DKBroiler - 1-8-2018 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Frank Lloyd Wright
I've never understood why Elimination Chamber follows the Royal Rumble. EC determines which wrestler from the RAW brand will get a crack at the title at Wrestlemania. Does this not tip WWE's hat that the Rumble winner will more than likely be someone from the Smackdown brand?

I don�t think so at all. The Rumble Champ has always had the brand hopping option and with Lesnar as Champ easily 80% of the field would kayfabe choose AJ to fight. Also the 6 man gives one final hard reset if what they want is going sideways.

I always looked at it like the Rumble winner gets a bye in the playoffs and homefield advantage by choosing their opponent. The Chamber is more like qualifying for the MLB playoffs but as a 1 game wildcard. Basically, congrats, you�re in the playoffs after 10 months of trying ... now enjoy watching all of that come down to 1 game where all hell is breaking loose.

Side note: we�re totally getting a Women�s elimination chamber this year. Source: the WWE Supercard mobile game that ONLY allows you to play as a woman.

Flash - 1-8-2018 at 09:47 PM

I think even if just to protect the rumble, the WWE would do well to make the winner someone the audience can really cheer for... Bonus if it comes in a way that seems like we're destined for another "boo" finish only to get a guy we can cheer going over.

Vince can put his other matches together in other ways just as easily; but after what... 4 years of pissing the fans off the rumble is starting to feel less like a golden anything can happen ticket, and more like the start of yet another round of Vince versus the fans. A fan friendly win where the WWE doesn't severely miss the boat would help wash some of that stink that's developing off

CCharger - 1-8-2018 at 09:54 PM

With this being WWE and all, I can imagine a scenario where Vince makes IC champ Reigns vs. Raw champ Brock vs. SD champ AJ as the WM main event.

And somehow Reigns pins both men to claim all the belts.

Ortonmustdie - 1-8-2018 at 11:18 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
With this being WWE and all, I can imagine a scenario where Vince makes IC champ Reigns vs. Raw champ Brock vs. SD champ AJ as the WM main event.

And somehow Reigns pins both men to claim all the belts.

Basically, you're saying Reigns will become this era's HHH?

Paddlefoot - 1-8-2018 at 11:27 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by CCharger
* Dolph Ziggler is expected to return at the Rumble, complete with a gimmick/character change.

I mean, what would that even be, exactly? His character was literally just "I am a great wrestler who is underappreciated". I feel like he's just going to come back with, like, short hair and plain trunks and I'm going to think OH SHIT HE'S FOR REAL NOW. I like Dolph, but he genuinely needs to go away for a while, not through any fault of his own, but because they've booked him like dogshit for far, far too long and a few cosmetic shifts aren't going to do much (and he's too long built and established to do a full character shift a la Husky Harris/Bray Wyatt)

Nick Nemeth, That 90's Guy!

Flash - 1-9-2018 at 01:58 AM

The shame with Reigns is that if they just book him in solid feuds focused on all the guys in the match he's everything they could want... His feud with Braun this year was amongst the best, ditto for when he's been in some multi man matches. It's when they try to give him these "omg moments" that I think he fails... The Cena and undertaker matches only look good on a resume as stats years later. He's there too guy so he's gotta have a certain amount of moments, but maybe Vince would be better putting him in a position to succeed, because Reigns can wow you, instead of manufacturing these moments which more often than not leave Reigns looking dumb, and just suck in the moment.

So have Reigns headline, but have him work to get there (besides... The rumble is not his strength as he seems to lay there or need to be written out for long stretches)... Don't "hand him" the main event via the rumble... Take the long way; my bet is in those cases he's got the talent to deliver.

As an aside, I'd love to see an out of left field win... Like Santino from years ago almost winning... Make the story the authority trying to take the spot off the guy, but through luck, pluck, and story shenanigans he hangs in there so you ultimately get a three way match at wm... I wouldn't have them win, but it would get the rumble back to being anything can happen, and make a bigger star (ultimately destined for the mid card) to use later without taking away from a title match.... For the record thinking more Slater than Enzo.

Otherwise... Miz is my pick.

G. Jonah Jameson - 1-9-2018 at 02:16 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
They often advertise dark matches for these things as it lets them promote something well in advance that�s easy to deliver on. I would bet this is what is happening here...and that this match will be post SD and post 205 filming for the audience only. I wouldn�t read into this as a storyline spoiler.

This is Fastlane I'm talking about, which won't have a post-show dark match. I realize the card is always subject to change, and it would be super easy to swap out Shinsuke Nakamura for, say, Baron Corbin. I'm just saying it's a factor in my thought process. If WWE seemed to be more behind Nakamura than they are, it might not be as much of a factor.

Also, John Cena is being advertised for Fastlane, which could suggest his Wrestlemania program is going to be with a SmackDown! guy.

CCharger - 1-9-2018 at 03:19 PM


* Finn Balor is rumored to be the name currently penciled in to win the Rumble and wrestle Brock at Mania

* Cena is expected to placed against Styles and Nakamura in a three-way main event at Mania

DKBroiler - 1-9-2018 at 04:26 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

* Finn Balor is rumored to be the name currently penciled in to win the Rumble and wrestle Brock at Mania

* Cena is expected to placed against Styles and Nakamura in a three-way main event at Mania

Fuck that.

TownOfDalem - 1-9-2018 at 04:44 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

* Finn Balor is rumored to be the name currently penciled in to win the Rumble and wrestle Brock at Mania

* Cena is expected to placed against Styles and Nakamura in a three-way main event at Mania

I don't even remotely believe it, because then what is Roman doing?

On the other hand, I'd watch those two matches.

denverpunk - 1-9-2018 at 05:10 PM

Samoa Joe was legit injured last night on RAW, according to the sheets. No word on severity, but he'll be pulled from the Mixed Match Challenge at least. I'm hoping he doesn't become the next Wade Barrett.

WWE is also interested in bring in back Serena Deeb. I'd be all for that. She has a certain look and feel to her that made her stand out during her time with Punk.

SpiNNeR72 - 1-9-2018 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by CCharger

* Finn Balor is rumored to be the name currently penciled in to win the Rumble and wrestle Brock at Mania

* Cena is expected to placed against Styles and Nakamura in a three-way main event at Mania

Fuck that.

I concur most vehemently.

SpiNNeR72 - 1-9-2018 at 06:34 PM

Originally posted by FlashSo have Reigns headline, but have him work to get there (besides... The rumble is not his strength as he seems to lay there or need to be written out for long stretches)... Don't "hand him" the main event via the rumble... Take the long way; my bet is in those cases he's got the talent to deliver.

I disagree. Even more than ever this will just piss everyone off as the outcome is so obvious. Far better to just wait till the Rumble is done with an SD winner then just make Reigns/Lesnar for mania.

Then, just relegate it to a graphic and occasional Heyman promo, basically keep Roman the fuck away from a microphone, and just do the match.

First 9 - 1-9-2018 at 07:26 PM

Joe's injury made them put the kibosh on a planned Joe/Bayley team for the Mixed Match challenge. That could have been fantastic.

gobbledygooker - 1-9-2018 at 08:27 PM

My concern with Joe is that he's just been wrestling for SOOO long at this point (and at his, um, "inflated" weight level vs. someone like AJ) how long until his body just starts breaking down for good? Especially given his history of injuries.

Debbie Downer - Out.

[Edited on 1-9-2018 by gobbledygooker]

DKBroiler - 1-9-2018 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by gobbledygooker
My concern with Joe is that he's just been wrestling for SOOO long at this point (and at his, um, "inflated" weight level vs. someone like AJ) how long until his body just starts breaking down for good? Especially given his history of injuries.

Debbie Downer - Out.

[Edited on 1-9-2018 by gobbledygooker]

I�m 36 and have never wrestled 1 match. 1 year ago I was 304 pounds and today I am 224 so I do understand what carrying extra weight is like. The difference between EVERYTHING now vs one year ago is astounding. The main issue is that when you are morbidly obese (and like it or not Joe is even as an amazing athlete) is that pain becomes the new normal. Joe might very well not even know what it�s like to feel good because I don�t know if he ever has. Add in the thousands of matches he�s wrestled and it�s highly likely that he�s a walking injury waiting to happen.

You�re not being Debbie Downer, you�re being right. If Joe wants any part of a really long WWE run he needs to drop 50 pounds ASAP. It�s just a fact.

williamssl - 1-9-2018 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
Originally posted by williamssl
They often advertise dark matches for these things as it lets them promote something well in advance that�s easy to deliver on. I would bet this is what is happening here...and that this match will be post SD and post 205 filming for the audience only. I wouldn�t read into this as a storyline spoiler.

This is Fastlane I'm talking about, which won't have a post-show dark match. I realize the card is always subject to change, and it would be super easy to swap out Shinsuke Nakamura for, say, Baron Corbin. I'm just saying it's a factor in my thought process. If WWE seemed to be more behind Nakamura than they are, it might not be as much of a factor.

Also, John Cena is being advertised for Fastlane, which could suggest his Wrestlemania program is going to be with a SmackDown! guy.

I derped that one pretty hard.

Note to self:
Respond as appropriate.
Don't skip that second step.

Count Zero - 1-9-2018 at 11:02 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Samoa Joe was legit injured last night on RAW, according to the sheets. No word on severity,
WWE Themselves are reporting it to potentially be a plantar fascia rupture, pending the results of medical imaging.

If that is indeed the case, all I can add is that "plantar fasciitis" is a nuisance that is hard to completely-cure. I don't know much about ruptured plantar fascia, but ruptured ANYthing is probably not good.

From the report:
�During his match, [Samoa Joe] felt a pop at the bottom of his [right] foot,� explained WWE Senior Ringside Physician Dr. Chris Amann. �We took a look and believe he has a plantar fascia rupture, which is a thick tissue rupture under the foot. We will get an MRI to confirm. Treatment includes a period of immobilization in a boot with crutches and platelet rich plasma injections.�

Paddlefoot - 1-9-2018 at 11:27 PM

Fast-track therapy means Joe could be back in two weeks for the RR. If they decide to go with a full healing period it's six to eight weeks which means he wouldn't be back until Mania.

G. Jonah Jameson - 1-10-2018 at 02:37 AM

For whatever it's worth, Samoa Joe was previously announced for the Royal Rumble match, but the match graphic they just showed on SmackDown! didn't have him in it, which might bode ill for his chances of competing.

CCharger - 1-10-2018 at 03:30 PM

* Heath Slater had to be extricated from a bathroom aboard a Delta flight to Miami.

DKBroiler - 1-10-2018 at 05:13 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Heath Slater had to be extricated from a bathroom aboard a Delta flight to Miami.

Hahaha! He�s got kids! Save him!

[Edited on 1-10-2018 by DKBroiler]

royberto - 1-10-2018 at 06:05 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
Originally posted by FlashSo have Reigns headline, but have him work to get there (besides... The rumble is not his strength as he seems to lay there or need to be written out for long stretches)... Don't "hand him" the main event via the rumble... Take the long way; my bet is in those cases he's got the talent to deliver.

I disagree. Even more than ever this will just piss everyone off as the outcome is so obvious. Far better to just wait till the Rumble is done with an SD winner then just make Reigns/Lesnar for mania.

Then, just relegate it to a graphic and occasional Heyman promo, basically keep Roman the fuck away from a microphone, and just do the match.
Raw has Elimination Chamber. That will be for a shot at the UNiversal Title since Bork is not scheduled to be there. Roman wins that.

royberto - 1-10-2018 at 11:33 PM

*According to PWInsider former WWE superstar Molly Holly is set to appear as one of the 30 women in the upcoming first ever women�s rumble at the Royal Rumble.

Paddlefoot - 1-11-2018 at 01:29 AM

* Matt Hardy now officially owns all of the Broken Universe characters after reaching a final deal with Ed Nordhom & Impact

* Impact is rumoured to be ditching the six-sided ring again and returning to the traditional four-sider

* Paige hasn't been cleared medically after being injured when Sasha Banks kicked her in the back at a house show a couple of weeks ago, and it looks as of today that she won't be participating in the Women's Royal Rumble

bigfatgoalie - 1-11-2018 at 01:59 AM

No spoilers...but LOL TNA / IMPACT / GFW / whatever they call themselves.

derfsucks - 1-11-2018 at 02:44 PM

Fucking foot injuries. I was totally looking forward to the Mugger and the Hugger in the Mixed Match Challenge.

Count Zero - 1-12-2018 at 02:05 AM

Hey! It's that John Cena Heel Turn we've all been... Wait, it's not? He's just a villain in the new Ninja Turtles cartoon? Eeeeehhhh, that's probably as close as we're ever going to get, I guess.

ulsterphil - 1-12-2018 at 12:31 PM

If they are intent on having Joe tussle with Cena at some point, which Joe's post match promo pointed at, they could just have him come out at the Rumble to get Cena eliminated in the same way Trips did to Owen Hart in the '98 rumble.

Christ that doesn't feel like 20 years ago.

G-Spot - 1-12-2018 at 10:12 PM

Nothing official yet, so rumor for now....

Word is that Paige was informed her WWE in-ring career is now over. The injury she recently received is worse than originally reported, similar to Edge's, and they will not clear her to return.

There's always porn!

*Yeah...that was cheap shot, especially in light of what's happened now. But c'mon....everybody is thinking it too!!

[Edited on 1-12-2018 by G-Spot]

bigfatgoalie - 1-12-2018 at 11:18 PM

That sucks for well as Mandy and the other one.

Maybe try the Corey Graves play and have her go to NXT as part of the announce team?

Count Zero - 1-13-2018 at 12:38 AM

Paige could replace herself with that.. Nikki Cross, is it? And then spend the next little while giving people rubs with a variation on "My parents literally RAISED ME in this business. I think I know what talent is, Stephanie, and you've got no bloody clue."


And, if anybody wants to read the "reports" for themselves, here's the PWInsider version.

Also, from Teh DirtSheetz, we have a NEW ENTRANT for the 30 Women Rumble: Dana Brooke!

Dana Brooke announced on social media this afternoon that she had officially entered the first women's Royal Rumble match on 1/28 in Philadelphia, PA.

Officially announced as competing are Asuka, Bayley, Becky Lynch, Carmella, Lana, Liv Morgan, Mandy Rose, Mickie James, Naomi, Natalya, Nia Jax, Paige, Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan, Sasha Banks, Sonya Deville and Tamina.

WWE is bringing in names from the past to take part in the 30 Woman match as well.

[Edited on 1-13-2018 by Count Zero]

Paddlefoot - 1-13-2018 at 05:05 AM

All the jokes about the dirty videos aside, I feel really bad for her. Been a damn difficult couple of years for her, both in terms of her own bit of self-destruction as well as what scumbags did to her. The female GM role worked well both for Taryn Terrell in WWECW and for Vickie Guerrero so here's hoping that Paige gets a chance at a job like that with WWE/NXT, just to make use of her personality strengths as well as to build up a financial nest egg, because she's going to need one if she's forced to retire at such a young age.

* in other retirement news, it also looks like Mark Henry is done as an in-ring performer with WWE for good; no in-ring farewell moment is planned for him as of this moment; he's going to appearing at an indy show in March but not in a wrestling capacity

* in a moment as touching as when R2D2 woke up in The Force Awakens, Matt Hardy posted a drone-POV video of Vanguard-1 coming out of it's long hibernation. wOOt!

They absolutely need to have Vanguard-1 fly through the arena at RR just so the Philly faithful can have something to really pop over. Or to throw D-cell batteries at.

Flash - 1-13-2018 at 06:33 AM

I know Mark Henry's career has alternated between Vince actively trying to get him to quit due to his once fairly iron clad contract, and him turning his later career into a pretty bad ass character with the hall of pain bit... but the dude has been in the WWE since 1996... that deserves at least a nice 5 minute retirement moment (although I would love for Henry to just do the whole swerve retirement thing again only to slam Cena again, and then legit retire).

Mind you Bob Holly was also a long time employee and upon retiring he said he didn't even get so much as a goodbye out of Vince, and when Dreamer retired apparently Vince tried pencilling him in for a match a few weeks later... so unless you are one of his cash cows he probably doesn't even remember who's there week to week.

22-ish years is pretty impressive to be with one wrestling company; that's a lot of miles traveled and a lot of fans he's performed in front of... so here's hoping that before showing up for the odd WWE retrospective, and as the heavy in various TV and movie projects he takes some well deserved time to put his feet up.

SpiNNeR72 - 1-13-2018 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Also, from Teh DirtSheetz, we have a NEW ENTRANT for the 30 Women Rumble: Dana Brooke!

Just noticed Rajah reporting this breaking news too. The breaking news that was previously announced on Smackdown and NXT...

denverpunk - 1-13-2018 at 07:17 PM

What a rough, rough break for Paige. I really do hope they find a non-wrestling on screen role for her. They can keep her where she is in a Heyman-esque manager role. Just add one more wrestler from NXT (Bazler? Moon?) to join the current group and make Paige the manager.

[Edited on 1-13-2018 by denverpunk]

Chris Is Good517 - 1-13-2018 at 09:33 PM

Wait, did people actually think Dana wasn't going to be part of the Rumble?

Cherokee Jack - 1-13-2018 at 11:07 PM

Yeah, I think all these declarations of entry are more to make it seem like even the undercard women are �good enough to qualify� rather than �we literally don�t have enough main roster women to fill the match.� I counted a while back and got 19 not counting the two champs. With Paige apparently out of the picture that knocks you back to 18, so it�s probably safe to say that they�ll all be in, plus the Bellas will probably show up as well along with a handful of other �legend� cameos (seen it rumored/reported that Molly Holly and Michelle McCool are all but confirmed) and at least 2-3 NXT/Mae Young Classic women.

And speaking of Dana, I�m loving her as part of Titus Worldwide. She never did much for me in NXT, always seemed like everything she did came off really forced and scripted (yeah I know most of it was probably scripted, but she wasn�t good enough to make any of it seem natural). Putting her with this group where she can loosen up and even be a little goofy is definitely bringing more personality out of her.

Paddlefoot - 1-14-2018 at 01:34 AM

* in something that has nothing but win for WWE written all over it if they're smart enough to seize the opportunity, Ethan Carter III (formerly Derek Bateman in WWE's old OVW/FCW/NXT days) has been given an early release from Impact/Anthem and will be available on the market ASAP; as his old NXT mentor would most likely say, if they grab the ball and put EC3 in the RR in two weeks,

DKBroiler - 1-14-2018 at 02:42 AM

Rumor: I started tailgating for the Eagles playoff game at 10:30 despite the 4:30 PM kickoff and spent the 2nd half asleep on the concorse.


Count Zero - 1-14-2018 at 04:17 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Wait, did people actually think Dana wasn't going to be part of the Rumble?
I hope not, but this is the WWE Universe we're talking about. Some members thereof really -can't- count to 30, and thus don't realize that "the whole entire womens' rosters of both shows" are already pre-entered, and we still have, like, 8 entrants to find.

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Rumor: I started tailgating for the Eagles playoff game at 10:30 despite the 4:30 PM kickoff and spent the 2nd half asleep on the concorse.

I watched that "game" on TV. You really didn't miss much, Bro(iler). 15-10 is a volleyball game, not a football game. And a mediocre volleyball game, at that.

[Edited on 1-14-2018 by Count Zero]

Paddlefoot - 1-14-2018 at 12:21 PM

DK's probably more upset that he brought a big bag of doorknobs with him to throw at the enemy sideline and never got to toss any of them, all because he couldn't hold his liquor and passed out on the concourse. wOOt! Philly represent!

[Edited on 1/14/2018 by Paddlefoot]

DKBroiler - 1-14-2018 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
DK's probably more upset that he brought a big bag of doorknobs with him to throw at the enemy sideline and never got to toss any of them, all because he couldn't hold his liquor and passed out on the concourse. wOOt! Philly represent!

[Edited on 1/14/2018 by Paddlefoot]

Nah, I�m old now. Haha. I mostly just found a warm chair.

CVD39 - 1-15-2018 at 12:50 AM

Never underestimate a warm chair.

Paddlefoot - 1-15-2018 at 05:28 PM

* reports say that Jason Jordan is injured; he didn't work any of the WWE events on the weekend and it hasn't been confirmed if he will be in the ring on tonight's RAW

* the non-stop roller-coaster of drama that is Mauro Ranallo has another vivid moment on Sunday; apparently he choked on some food at dinner and MMA legend Frank Shamrock saved his life by applying the Heimlich manuever

* on the heels of Ethan Carter III getting an early release from his contract, Bobby Lashley is also now apparently done with Impact as well

royberto - 1-15-2018 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by G-Spot
Nothing official yet, so rumor for now....

Word is that Paige was informed her WWE in-ring career is now over. The injury she recently received is worse than originally reported, similar to Edge's, and they will not clear her to return.
Well, if the symbolism of her tweet means anything, this is more than rumor:

Flash - 1-15-2018 at 11:00 PM

Sucks for Paige, but I'm guessing that Rock produced Paige movie just got it's ending/post-script now.

royberto - 1-16-2018 at 12:59 AM

*WWE has officially announced that J.R. and THe King will be handling the commentary desk for the Manhattan Center matches for Raw's 25th Anniversary.

*Eric Bischoff is apparently set to appear at Raw's 25th Anniversary as well

CCharger - 1-16-2018 at 02:16 PM

* It is almost a certainty that Neville will reappear at the Royal Rumble.

* Also, expect some kind of angle at the RAW 25 show involving Austin and Reigns will involve some kind of sign of respect from Austin. WWE wants Austin to give the fans his seal of approval and rub to Roman.

PB-13 - 1-16-2018 at 04:53 PM

@WWENXT has confirmed Ricochet's signing. Woo.

Lot of TNA departures: James Storm, EC3, Lashley, and Laurel Van Ness(who was wanting out while still Knockouts Champion, ouch).

royberto - 1-16-2018 at 05:38 PM

Matt Hardy is now teasing his whole family coming to WWE TV:

PB-13 - 1-16-2018 at 05:54 PM

War Machine now confirmed by NXT's Twitter as well.

Flash - 1-16-2018 at 06:34 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Also, expect some kind of angle at the RAW 25 show involving Austin and Reigns will involve some kind of sign of respect from Austin. WWE wants Austin to give the fans his seal of approval and rub to Roman.

Prediction: Austin get's booed alongside Reigns... then, thanks to some timely tweet that will get thrown into some sports story (that would normally have just been about yet another failure for project Reigns) appearing on an ESPN or something like that Austin's whole domestic violence background will get dragged up and lumped into the me too stuff, the following days will be filled with #metoo stuff that will also spill over into others like Vince. It won't get quite as big of widespread headlines as other cases, but the WWE will still over react and make it an even bigger story.

Honestly these "Reigns moments" the WWE wants to create always seem to go far worse for the guy than if they just had him come out and kick a little person or something... Reigns can, and is pretty great sometimes, but these over engineered benchmarks the WWE tries to give the guy never turn out well for them... well, I guess the truth is they figure they can get it in the can then in a year or two just plop in new sound, or throw a song over top of it as part of a montage of false greatness and just forget the reality of what really happened.

PB-13 - 1-16-2018 at 09:09 PM

Candice LeRae confirmed to have signed (@WWE).

Count Zero - 1-16-2018 at 09:20 PM

I thought I knew the Hardyverse fairly well, but... I can't find a face (or animal) to go with Lord Wolfgang. Who dat?

Paddlefoot - 1-16-2018 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
I thought I knew the Hardyverse fairly well, but... I can't find a face (or animal) to go with Lord Wolfgang. Who dat?

The Scribe maybe? Pretty sure the giraffe at the Broken Zoo contained the spirit of George Washington.

*CORRECTION - Wolfgang is the new baby

[Edited on 1/16/2018 by Paddlefoot]

Count Zero - 1-16-2018 at 09:40 PM


Though, shouldn't King Maxell's bro be Prince Wolfgang?

Paddlefoot - 1-16-2018 at 09:43 PM

Don't know. Don't really want to know. Scared to ask in case one of them gets offended and bites me.

bigfatgoalie - 1-16-2018 at 09:45 PM

Nakamura is still odds on favourite...but (and this should be taken with the entire shaker of salt) Daniel Bryan is now one of the favourites to win the Rumble on multiple betting sites.

Freak out. Get excited. Disregard. But it is out there.

ulsterphil - 1-16-2018 at 10:28 PM

Same tease every year...

G-Spot - 1-16-2018 at 10:42 PM

Jey Uso was arrested for DUI in Texas.

Seems the WWE can't catch a break...injuries, arrests...what's next?!?

G-Spot - 1-16-2018 at 10:42 PM


[Edited on 1-16-2018 by G-Spot]

Paddlefoot - 1-16-2018 at 11:04 PM

Too bad Jimmy wasn't there for them to deploy the Twin Magic tactic to fool the gullible cops.

Big G - 1-17-2018 at 01:39 AM

Originally posted by royberto
*Eric Bischoff is apparently set to appear at Raw's 25th Anniversary as well

He should give away the finish of the main, just for old times sake.

Iron Claw - 1-17-2018 at 02:19 AM

Was Jey locked the Uso......PENITENTIARY!?!?!?!?

......or just Bryan County Jail?

royberto - 1-17-2018 at 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Big G
Originally posted by royberto
*Eric Bischoff is apparently set to appear at Raw's 25th Anniversary as well

He should give away the finish of the main, just for old times sake.
I have just received word that Roman Reigns is going to win WWE's World Title. That'll put butts in the seats".

DKBroiler - 1-17-2018 at 10:24 PM

Rumor: The racist Alabama video girl is essentially from my hometown.

CCharger - 1-17-2018 at 10:40 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Rumor: The racist Alabama video girl is essentially from my hometown.

Who? Can you provide context?

ETA: Never mind.

[Edited on 1-17-2018 by CCharger]

Cherokee Jack - 1-18-2018 at 06:54 PM

Per PWInsider, EC3 was spotted at the Performance Center on Tuesday.

Additionally, a Houston indy has announced that he will be unable to make their 1/28 show. Yep, same day as the Royal Rumble.

Let the speculation begin...

bigfatgoalie - 1-18-2018 at 08:36 PM

I�ve seen people suggest he EC3 should be rebranded as Ethan Carter Williams, aka ECW.

First 9 - 1-18-2018 at 11:11 PM

I know the rumors have said EC3 is NXT bound while Spud is going to go straight to 205 live but man it'd be great for those two to appear together and let a bigger audience witness their magic. Their act was without a doubt one of the best things from 2014.

Matte - 1-19-2018 at 01:11 AM

This is pretty cool.

Count Zero - 1-19-2018 at 01:40 AM

WWE Superstars Recreate Attitude Era Raw Moments And It's Amazing is a headline I have shamelessly stolen (SHAMELESSLY!) from GameSpot. The pictures are all kinds of fun and funny. I think my favorite is Y2Mella, but I haven't finished perusing the gallery yet.

[Edited on 1-19-2018 by Count Zero]

royberto - 1-19-2018 at 12:42 PM

Triple H, Stephanie and The New Day appeared on The Tonight Show Monday night and participated in lip sync battle:

Now, why can't we have that version of Steph and HHH on WWE TV? Because that is actually entertaining.

[Edited on 1-19-2018 by royberto]

CCharger - 1-19-2018 at 03:35 PM

* The Observer is reporting that Reigns beating Brock clean for the Universal title is still the plan for Mania

*The US title tournament was fast-tracked to avoid any timing issues with the Rumble match and to boost Smackdown's sagging ratings lately.

* During a speech at a conference in Vegas, WWE CFO George Barrios said that the WWE was in "shock" over how much traditional, in-ring wrestling subscribers watched. Imagine that...wrestling fans actually enjoying and watching, you know...wrestling.

[Edited on 1-19-2018 by CCharger]

Frank Lloyd Wright - 1-19-2018 at 04:29 PM

Can't tell if this image was taken in the Uso Penitentiary...

Paddlefoot - 1-19-2018 at 06:37 PM

Jey looks like the screw behind the mugshot camera resembles Mojo Rawley and is yelling "you ain't hype! you ain't hype!" at him.

* Impact had another "this could only happen to Impact" moment in the Knockouts division this week; they hired Hania The Huntress and she only lasted one taping after refusing to job out to Su Yung (aka Rich Swann's wife who jumped out of a moving car to get away from him just before he got arrested last month); apparently Hania did a couple of matches with Rosemary first with no incident but got pissed off at asking to do the job afterwards and refused to co-operate so they fired her

* ADR is showing what a real man he is again by blaming Paige for all the anti-WWE comments he's been making over the last couple of years; he's basically saying that she and her family were putting all the blame on the company and Triple H in particular for everything bad that happened to her since her injury in 2016, including Trips being directly responsible for the leaks of her dirty videos with Brad Maddox and Xavier Woods; ADR also did a suck-up to WWE as well when he made these comments, saying he'd like "one last run" with them

[Edited on 1/19/2018 by Paddlefoot]

SpiNNeR72 - 1-19-2018 at 09:08 PM

Originally posted by G-Spot
Jey Uso was arrested for DUI in Texas.

Seems the WWE can't catch a break...injuries, arrests...what's next?!?

Reigns gets busted again? Nah that'll neve....

SpiNNeR72 - 1-19-2018 at 09:08 PM

Bollocks, double post.

Can't be arsed to make up a rumour to fil the space, or rather can't think of anything daft enough that you'd believe it came from the sheetz..

[Edited on 1-19-2018 by SpiNNeR72]

bigfatgoalie - 1-19-2018 at 10:11 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Triple H, Stephanie and The New Day appeared on The Tonight Show Monday night and participated in lip sync battle:

Now, why can't we have that version of Steph and HHH on WWE TV? Because that is actually entertaining.

[Edited on 1-19-2018 by royberto]

Because Vince was a bad guy, and the WWE doesn�t like long term face authority figures? But yeah...the leader of face DX could just as well be used as a good guy.

And Steph as a face would make sense from a corporate stand point too.

royberto - 1-20-2018 at 12:55 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* ADR is showing what a real man he is again by blaming Paige for all the anti-WWE comments he's been making over the last couple of years; he's basically saying that she and her family were putting all the blame on the company and Triple H in particular for everything bad that happened to her since her injury in 2016, including Trips being directly responsible for the leaks of her dirty videos with Brad Maddox and Xavier Woods; ADR also did a suck-up to WWE as well when he made these comments, saying he'd like "one last run" with them

Not that I believe him, but Paige and her family are big enough pieces of shit to make it plausible. Remember, they were the ones enabling her bullshit initially.

anglefan85 - 1-20-2018 at 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* ADR is showing what a real man he is again by blaming Paige for all the anti-WWE comments he's been making over the last couple of years; he's basically saying that she and her family were putting all the blame on the company and Triple H in particular for everything bad that happened to her since her injury in 2016, including Trips being directly responsible for the leaks of her dirty videos with Brad Maddox and Xavier Woods; ADR also did a suck-up to WWE as well when he made these comments, saying he'd like "one last run" with them

[Edited on 1/19/2018 by Paddlefoot]

There's a few ways here that Del Rio is full of shit here, just off the top of my head.

First is the fact that he threw Paige, the woman who was smitten with him and seemed willing at the time to sacrifice her job in the WWE to be with him, to the wolves to try to get a third chance in the WWE. Just the fact that he tried to place blame on her is bad enough and should just disqualify him from getting another shot since there's no way they'd take him over a woman that, despite all of this, they were willing to give another shot and is well-liked by Triple H, the man he called a pussy and wanted to physically assault.

Secondly, he blames her family as well, the same family who has spoken out against Del Rio and stated that they wanted to get her back from him. Both of these instances are just nothing but spiteful, he knows damn well that he'll never be brought back and is just trying to twist the knife deeper into a woman that is already suffering enough as it is right now due to possibly suffering a career-ending injury.

Third, suppose all of this was true and Paige was enabling him [to me, its bullshit, but just playing devil's advocate here]. Even if that was true, Del Rio is a 40-year old man AKA old enough to know better. This would just mean that he can't take responsibility for his actions.

And lastly, he's saying all of this while still employed by Impact Wrestling, their "competition". Stating that he's willing to jump back to the WWE is not gonna look good for them, and they've already got plenty about them to look bad from.

So at the very best, he's got an immature mindset with zero company loyalty, and at the worst, he's a controlling sociopath that refuses to take responsibility for his actions and is willing to hurt anyone that gets in his way. No doubt to me that its very much the latter.

Paddlefoot - 1-20-2018 at 04:36 AM

When it's all said and done ADR could end up being regarded as a big of a POS in this industry as Moolah and Buck Zumhofe. Everything about him now just screams out that on every level he's a total scumbag, with the best evidence (along with his own recorded words that condemn him) being that Paige went into her decline when she began going out with him and climbed out of it when they split up.

the goon - 1-20-2018 at 04:50 AM

I was a big fan of Del Rio during his initial WWE run, but yeah, he seems to be a pretty shitty guy in real life. At this point, I think CM Punk is more likely to return to the WWE than Del Rio is.

Flash - 1-20-2018 at 06:58 AM

Del Rio seemed to me like a guy that had all the tools to be a really good top level talent, but was saddled with a tired gimmick, and was given probably some of the worst promos in wrestling... I know the whole "Destiny" bit was supposed to be heat inducing, but it was tired, repetitive, and wound up being more of a turn off (as in turn off the TV) than it was something you'd pay money to see beat out of him. Still; the guy did a lot of great little things from that little disdainful push off he'd do after his submission, to really opening up his offense when he worked as a face...

It's funny, because while he wasn't my favourite guy by any stretch, when his first departure from the WWE happened over the whole racist comment, backstage punch thing he came out looking like the pretty clear cut good guy, albeit maybe a bit hot tempered... but then the various stories seemed to start leaking out; missed shows, a general bad attitude, and while not an uncommon phenomenon in wrestling (but still an unflattering one) he seemed to believe his own shit more and more.... The real turning point on the boards seemed to be (in my hazy recollection) his fight he had which caused him to miss an impact show (or maybe it was another fed), when the details seemed to not add up, and immediately be called into question... rightly, or wrongly, it seemed like more and more people were adding up things that he had some big problems.... then the Paige stuff hit, and it just seemed like the crazy train was kicking up into high gear... now that that has gone off the tracks his latest comments just seem even further off... like he's either lacking the class to keep his mouth shut, or he can't keep his story straight...

Were I the WWE I don't think I'd use him again... he's got talent to be sure, but he's also got ego, baggage, and probably an inflated sense of his self worth for pricing... He might be a good draw in Spanish speaking countries, but you could easily build up another, probably more stable, star... Let the hand grenade that is ADR go off on someone else dime... even if he (hopefully) turns out to be a dud, better to put years and miles between you and him.

Count Zero - 1-20-2018 at 08:15 AM

I can say that the only time I really "enjoyed" Del Rio was when he had Ricardo with him. And that was 99% due to Ricardo, the Limo, the Mexican JBL touches, etc. I never really dug the moveset, and his promos were okay-to-good, but... Yeah, I'd say he got a lot of where he is by being born who he was, and taking advantage of those opportunities. (ie, a macho guy in a macho wrestling familia with connections in the macho system.)

GodEatGod - 1-20-2018 at 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
a macho guy in a macho wrestling familia with connections in the macho system.

The macho system is notoriously unreliable:

Cherokee Jack - 1-20-2018 at 02:14 PM

Honestly, even if the issues with Del Arik are overblown, if you�re WWE what do you really gain from bringing him back? His second run didn�t exactly set the world on fire...a cool surprise return against Cena, and after that he just faded into the midcard (Mex-America?) until they stuck him in the League of Nations which never really went anywhere either.

The potential headaches seem real, but even if you overlook that, how much value does he really bring at this point?

bopol - 1-20-2018 at 03:10 PM

The thing with del Rio is that he is such an unlikeable person that you think he could translate that to be a great heal. Because, while he isn't a criminal (Buck and Moolah), he has one of the worst personalities in all of wrestling and you could write his life into an angle and I would love to see him get his ass kicked and hate it if he went over.

anglefan85 - 1-20-2018 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
Honestly, even if the issues with Del Arik are overblown, if you�re WWE what do you really gain from bringing him back? His second run didn�t exactly set the world on fire...a cool surprise return against Cena, and after that he just faded into the midcard (Mex-America?) until they stuck him in the League of Nations which never really went anywhere either.

The potential headaches seem real, but even if you overlook that, how much value does he really bring at this point?

Even if they still wanted to use him as their big Mexican superstar, they've got Andrade "Cien" Almas to fill that role. If I was in a booking position, that'd be the wrestler that I pushed in that capacity. Great look, can go in the ring, has zero baggage, he's a 3rd-generation lucha libre wrestler, and is only 28. Add in the fact that he's got a great manager in Zelina Vega and it'd be a sure-fire hit.

First 9 - 1-20-2018 at 06:46 PM

You know, we read a lot about how so and so guy is valuable for WWE because of their appeal to Hispanics but I don't think their that concerned. They've raided Japan(Nakamura, Itami, Asuka, Kairi) a lot more than they've Mexico these last few years. Eddie and Rey were huge for them but it seems their popularity in Mexico was just a bonus and not a vital spot WWE needs to fill. Hell, Rey never got a real spotlight match at WM. Even his World Title win was a rushed 10 minute match.

And yeah I remember how hard they tried with Sin Cara, but that could have been HHH not wanting his first big signing to be a dud rather than creative being determined to have their next Mysterio.

Flash - 1-21-2018 at 12:06 AM

I always thought they could have done some fun comedy stuff with ADR and Ricardo; like that maybe ADR's vast millions was actually only pesos thus his lavish lifestyle was only mediocre at best, but because of his ego he was both delusional about how rich he was, and had a chip on his shoulder... probably not something that would have flown in PC WWE.

The other idea I thought would have been really fun would have been if Ricardo somehow mishandled ADR's fortune thus bankrupting him, only for the money to later be found hidden in Ricardo's name thus making him rich... but having no real idea of how to be rich so he just buys a lot of overpriced but really gaudy stuff... ADR would have had to work for Ricardo just getting more and more pissed off along the way to the point he was just picking fights with guys who would laugh at him behind the scenes.

I think the whole "rich" wrestling thing has probably long played it's course... when you have so many authority figures that are kind of snotty, and Vince kind of being the first and last word on that given his real life billionaire status while being a heel, coupled with the fact that it is well known that most of the WWE talents pull in some pretty good coin it might be time to leave that particular heel staple in the past.

royberto - 1-21-2018 at 07:06 PM

WWE tweets out what will be the opening for Raw 25:

Matte - 1-21-2018 at 07:44 PM

Posting this here for the maximum number of eyeballs:

There seems to be a board error stopping new threads from appearing. The thread title itself appears and you can click into it, but the original post and any other attempted posts inside the thread don't show up. I sent a message to Rick, and assume he will show up and read it by tomorrow night at the latest. Let's hope it's a simple fix, and I'll let him follow up with any further explanation.

Paddlefoot - 1-21-2018 at 08:29 PM

* Pete Dunne is now on the assumed surprise entrant list for the RR as he just cancelled his appearance at a UK indy event scheduled for next weekend

janerd75 - 1-21-2018 at 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Posting this here for the maximum number of eyeballs:

There seems to be a board error stopping new threads from appearing. The thread title itself appears and you can click into it, but the original post and any other attempted posts inside the thread don't show up. I sent a message to Rick, and assume he will show up and read it by tomorrow night at the latest. Let's hope it's a simple fix, and I'll let him follow up with any further explanation.

Columbo - 1-22-2018 at 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Posting this here for the maximum number of eyeballs:

There seems to be a board error stopping new threads from appearing. The thread title itself appears and you can click into it, but the original post and any other attempted posts inside the thread don't show up. I sent a message to Rick, and assume he will show up and read it by tomorrow night at the latest. Let's hope it's a simple fix, and I'll let him follow up with any further explanation.

And here I thought DK finally went full retard from drinking too much battery acid and being anally violated by one too many crisco poles last night after the stupid fucking iggles won.

DKBroiler - 1-22-2018 at 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Columbo
Originally posted by Matte
Posting this here for the maximum number of eyeballs:

There seems to be a board error stopping new threads from appearing. The thread title itself appears and you can click into it, but the original post and any other attempted posts inside the thread don't show up. I sent a message to Rick, and assume he will show up and read it by tomorrow night at the latest. Let's hope it's a simple fix, and I'll let him follow up with any further explanation.

And here I thought DK finally went full retard from drinking too much battery acid and being anally violated by one too many crisco poles last night after the stupid fucking iggles won.

Hahaha. I wasn�t getting near that clusterfuck.

Heel Turn: I�m actually a Giants fan. I just like to party. I do love the Sixers, Phillies and Flyers though. My one buddy drank 31 beers yesterday.

[Edited on 1-22-2018 by DKBroiler]

Paddlefoot - 1-22-2018 at 02:59 PM

POTY nominee right there.

I'm guessing most folks are going for the Eagles, just to see someone finally beat the NFL's Evil Empire franchise. I know I am, but for selfish reasons, and that's just to see the list of public insane batshittery the Philly fans get up to.

DKBroiler - 1-22-2018 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
POTY nominee right there.

I'm guessing most folks are going for the Eagles, just to see someone finally beat the NFL's Evil Empire franchise. I know I am, but for selfish reasons, and that's just to see the list of public insane batshittery the Philly fans get up to.

I�ll summarize my attempted PSA.

If you�re going to The Rumble, expect apex Philly drunken insanity. Do not be that guy who wears a Cowboys jersey. You�ll get assaulted by a teenager, a grandmother or even potentially a teenage grandmother.

I cannot stress enough that Philly is going to be Mardi Gras x NYE x The Final 4 x Hedonism x Wing Bowl (oh fuck, when is Wing Bowl?) x 10,000,000,000 over the next 2 weeks. It will be fun, arguably the most fun in the history of recorded times, but be smart. Don�t get yourself stomped to death by Joey from Chalmont because you think this is the time to argue that Dak Prescott is good. It�s not.

Elias may not survive the weekend.

Paddlefoot - 1-22-2018 at 04:26 PM

Is Philadelphia Man the new lovable and dangerously violent lunatic for our times, the challenger that will finally knock the seasoned veteran Florida Man off his throne of wildly entertaining blood-soaked batshittery? Stay tuned to the Super Bowl to see if that question will finally be answered.

[Edited on 1/22/2018 by Paddlefoot]

DKBroiler - 1-22-2018 at 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Is Philadelphia Man the new lovable lunatic for our times, the challenger that will finally knock the seasoned veteran Florida Man off his throne of wildly entertaining batshittery? Stay tuned to the Super Bowl to see if that question will finally be answered.

For what it�s worth, Always Sunny in Philadelphia is way more accurate than everyone seems to think.

Paddlefoot - 1-22-2018 at 04:31 PM

How hard would it be to smuggle a few bottles of rock-hard frozen piss into the stadium in Minnesota? Just asking for a friend, yeah, that's right. A friend.

CCharger - 1-22-2018 at 05:19 PM

* The top three matches penciled in for Wrestlemania are:

Reigns vs. Lesnar (Universal title)
Cena vs. Undertaker
Nakamura vs. Styles (Smackdown title)

williamssl - 1-22-2018 at 06:18 PM

#3 excites me.

#1 is the final scene in a very long movie where the ending has been known forever.

#2 is letting the Undertaker have his final match be a win so he can retire and have body parts replaced with metal things.

Slade - 1-22-2018 at 06:37 PM

Rumour has it that The Undertaker has been around for about 4000 years.

Source: #Woken Matt Hardy

DKBroiler - 1-22-2018 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
How hard would it be to smuggle a few bottles of rock-hard frozen piss into the stadium in Minnesota? Just asking for a friend, yeah, that's right. A friend.

2 zip lock bags, and butt cheek it to keep it body temperature. Answering for a friend.

DKBroiler - 1-22-2018 at 07:02 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
#3 excites me.

#1 is the final scene in a very long movie where the ending has been known forever.

#2 is letting the Undertaker have his final match be a win so he can retire and have body parts replaced with metal things.

#3 does nothing for me. When is face vs face a good idea? Seriously ... what has Nakamura done? Give AJ a strong heel to work with, not a super face who can�t talk. Shinsuke needs to have this punted till SummerSlam at least. Just a bad idea in every respect even if the match is great ... which it won�t be cause the crowd won�t know who to cheer for.

#1 will be a huge crowd reaction but it will be in favor of the heel (Brock) and against the face (Roman). Still, a much better option than #1 even if the match is awful, which it won�t be cause Roman will bust his ass regardless of Brock�s motivation level.

#2 will unquestionably be the main event and be the most memorable thing on the card using every bell and whistle imaginable. Cena will absolutely be the heel here regardless of if he turns or not.

williamssl - 1-22-2018 at 07:04 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
How hard would it be to smuggle a few bottles of rock-hard frozen piss into the stadium in Minnesota? Just asking for a friend, yeah, that's right. A friend.

2 zip lock bags, and butt cheek it to keep it body temperature. Answering for a friend.


DKBroiler - 1-22-2018 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
How hard would it be to smuggle a few bottles of rock-hard frozen piss into the stadium in Minnesota? Just asking for a friend, yeah, that's right. A friend.

2 zip lock bags, and butt cheek it to keep it body temperature. Answering for a friend.


On the contrary. He didn�t say he needed it to remain frozen, just a way to sneak it in. I mean, yeah, if frozen piss misiles are your thing, I digress, but I took it more as a way to smuggle in said piss in general. Haha.

2 ziplock bags are key, regardless.

salmonjunkie - 1-22-2018 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
#3 does nothing for me. When is face vs face a good idea? Seriously ... what has Nakamura done? Give AJ a strong heel to work with, not a super face who can�t talk. Shinsuke needs to have this punted till SummerSlam at least. Just a bad idea in every respect even if the match is great ... which it won�t be cause the crowd won�t know who to cheer for.



suplex, repeat

Paddlefoot - 1-22-2018 at 08:16 PM

This is why I'm going with Philly. Their fans are like the Johnny Knoxville of supporters. *crashes flaming golf cart filled with dog shit right into the Patriots team bus*

AJ's as popular as a face as he was as a heel so they should leave him as it. The thing to do would be to turn Nakamura bad. It would refresh him incredibly in the eyes of the fans and give SD another heel to take some of the pressure off of Owens & Zayn, especially while Owens has to deal with some nagging injuries lately.

[Edited on 1/22/2018 by Paddlefoot]

CCharger - 1-22-2018 at 09:40 PM

Supposing that those are the top three matches for Mania, what other matches do you think would be on the card?

Mania has usually 8 matches, not including the pre-show, so that would leave about 5 more matches to fill it out.

You have to have one or two women's matches. A tag match or two. Then the US and IC titles will probably be defended. You can't leave Braun off the card.

So what other matches do you suspect could make up the rest of the line up?

I'm thinking:

Shane vs. Bryan

HHH vs. Kurt Angle

Owens/Zayn vs. Rollins/Jordan (Champion vs. Champion)

Charlotte vs. Ronda Rousey (Smackdown Women's Championship

The Miz vs. Braun Strowman (IC Championship)

Count Zero - 1-22-2018 at 10:14 PM

Looks like it's time to start the WM MegaThread of Mania!!!!!11111oneoneeleven

I suicided cuz, y'know, it's for the casuals.

Katie Vick killer - 1-24-2018 at 01:01 AM

The Pick 'ems for TakeOver Philly and the Royal Rumble are both up in the games section. Fact!

Paddlefoot - 1-24-2018 at 10:23 PM

* Steph will be joining the commentary team at RR for the women's rumble match; heads - you'll be using that mute button a lot during that match after "women's revolution" gets said thirty times in the first ten minutes, tails - now you get to sit through the entire match in a state of total paranoia wondering if the damn thing will be decided by some kind of a fucked up fun-killing botch just to get a female heel into The Authority

* the XFL (or whatever the fuck it's going to be called) is slated for it's debut in 2020

* apparently Heath Slater's role at RAW 25 was a last-minute re-write change; Enzo Amore was the one originally slated to receive the Wassup and 3D from the Dudley's at the show but Slater ended up eating the table when Enzo's firing resulted in a new victim being needed for the Boyz

[Edited on 1/25/2018 by Paddlefoot]

CCharger - 1-25-2018 at 06:39 PM

* Daniel Bryan has confirmed that when his contract expires in 9 months he will leave WWE and wrestle elsewhere if WWE doctors won't clear him. In an interview with Peter Rosenberg, Bryan has this to say:

"If I get a bad test somewhere along the line, I won't wrestle. But I also will probably, when my contract is up, I'd probably - if I'm still General Manager at that point - I'd probably step away from that part of it because just being around it, I love it a little too much and I need to transition.... So yeah, assuming everything continues as it has been going, when my [WWE] contract is up I would wrestle elsewhere if WWE would not clear me."

anglefan85 - 1-25-2018 at 07:10 PM

Mike Ryan on the Dan LeBatard Show joked that instead of a coin toss, the opening possession in the XFL will be decided by an arbitrator who will determine how patriotically each team stood for the national anthem.

Another comment that I saw is that the anthem will play on a loop all game long like New Jack�s theme when he used to do a run-in.

[Edited on 1-25-2018 by anglefan85]

DKBroiler - 1-25-2018 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Mike Ryan on the Dan LeBatard Show joked that instead of a coin toss, the opening possession in the XFL will be decided by an arbitrator who will determine how patriotically each team stood for the national anthem.

Another comment that I saw is that the anthem will play on a loop all game long like New Jack�s theme when he used to do a run-in.

[Edited on 1-25-2018 by anglefan85]

Am I the only person who fully expects this league to be built around Tim Tebow and Colin Kaepernick? I also will bet that Johnny Football is the star of it all by the end of the first season.

anglefan85 - 1-25-2018 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by anglefan85
Mike Ryan on the Dan LeBatard Show joked that instead of a coin toss, the opening possession in the XFL will be decided by an arbitrator who will determine how patriotically each team stood for the national anthem.

Another comment that I saw is that the anthem will play on a loop all game long like New Jack�s theme when he used to do a run-in.

[Edited on 1-25-2018 by anglefan85]

Am I the only person who fully expects this league to be built around Tim Tebow and Colin Kaepernick? I also will bet that Johnny Football is the star of it all by the end of the first season.

Funny you should mention that.

DKBroiler - 1-25-2018 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by anglefan85
Mike Ryan on the Dan LeBatard Show joked that instead of a coin toss, the opening possession in the XFL will be decided by an arbitrator who will determine how patriotically each team stood for the national anthem.

Another comment that I saw is that the anthem will play on a loop all game long like New Jack�s theme when he used to do a run-in.

[Edited on 1-25-2018 by anglefan85]

Am I the only person who fully expects this league to be built around Tim Tebow and Colin Kaepernick? I also will bet that Johnny Football is the star of it all by the end of the first season.

Funny you should mention that.

ulsterphil - 1-25-2018 at 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Steph will be joining the commentary team at RR for the women's rumble match; heads - you'll be using that mute button a lot during that match after "women's revolution" gets said thirty times in the first ten minutes, tails - now you get to sit through the entire match in a state of total paranoia wondering if the damn thing will be decided by some kind of a fucked up fun-killing botch just to get a female heel into The Authority

I dont know about female heel in the Authority but i would put money on Stephanie being an entrant.

Paddlefoot - 1-25-2018 at 10:54 PM

I genuinely hope not. If the women's RR is going to be that bad then just resurrect the idiocy of WrestleMania 25 and use Tyler Breeze as the new Santina Marella.

First 9 - 1-26-2018 at 12:18 AM

The Steph character is always obnoxious when in confrontation mode, always needing to be center stage, get certain buzzwords in, and not showing any weakness.

Maybe as an announcer with no horse in the race she can do a decent job. Just put over the talent and the match. Even in Mr.McMahon mode, Vince was always pretty good as a guest play by play.

DKBroiler - 1-26-2018 at 12:43 AM

Originally posted by ulsterphil
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Steph will be joining the commentary team at RR for the women's rumble match; heads - you'll be using that mute button a lot during that match after "women's revolution" gets said thirty times in the first ten minutes, tails - now you get to sit through the entire match in a state of total paranoia wondering if the damn thing will be decided by some kind of a fucked up fun-killing botch just to get a female heel into The Authority

I dont know about female heel in the Authority but i would put money on Stephanie being an entrant.

Technically she should want to get revenge on Rousey, but I�m not sure I can wrap my mind around the mental gymnastics required to convince myself that Stephanie of all people would be surprised by a surprise entrant. Steph distraction leading to a Rousey elimination could work though. Hmm...

Paddlefoot - 1-26-2018 at 12:51 AM

The whole women't match is turning into a perfect brew of botchfest schmozzamania and that's just from all the stupid that the Steph/Rousey nonsense is generating. Seriously, it couldn't just be a simple battle royale with no "because it's money" starfucking crossovers for the MMA crowd or the need to inject some more patented McMahon derpy-derp shenanigans into yet another story? Fer fucks sake....

* all charges were dropped today against Rich Swann for the domestic incident between he and his wife; so, is he coming back or does he get the Adam Rose treatment?

* apparently a few months back WWE was already discussing bringing in a manager for 205 Live and the now-since released Summer Rae was considered as one of the potential bosses; the idea for her was dropped though when it was pointed out that she's taller than almost everyone in CW division

anglefan85 - 1-26-2018 at 02:24 AM

I don't see them bringing Swann back to TV, they'll probably just let his contract run out

Count Zero - 1-26-2018 at 03:00 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The whole women't match is turning into a perfect brew of botchfest schmozzamania and that's just from all the stupid that the Steph/Rousey nonsense is generating. Seriously, it couldn't just be a simple battle royale with no "because it's money" starfucking crossovers for the MMA crowd or the need to inject some more patented McMahon derpy-derp shenanigans into yet another story? Fer fucks sake....
WWE Booking Philosophy dictates a reliance on starfuckery whenever possible. I have (just this very second) named it The Snooki Paradigm. Or, if you'd prefer, The Hugh Jackman Juxtaposition.

Big G - 1-26-2018 at 03:04 AM

Akebono's Axiom?

Count Zero - 1-26-2018 at 03:07 AM

I was really looking forward to the Shaquille O'Neal Postulate, but... Welp, that didn't happen.

Paddlefoot - 1-26-2018 at 04:08 AM

Federline's Fenomenon?

lz4005 - 1-26-2018 at 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The whole women't match is turning into a perfect brew of botchfest schmozzamania and that's just from all the stupid that the Steph/Rousey nonsense is generating. Seriously, it couldn't just be a simple battle royale with no "because it's money" starfucking crossovers for the MMA crowd or the need to inject some more patented McMahon derpy-derp shenanigans into yet another story? Fer fucks sake....

If they had 30 main roster women who were available to be in the match maybe. But since they're 10 light....

Now that I think about it, male wrestlers who have done multiple rumbles say it's difficult to keep track of what you're supposed to do in the match. Considering it will be everyone's first one in the women's I wonder how much clusterfuckery risk there is from that end of things.

I mean I know there's multiple refs with earpieces and Vince or Trips or whomever directing from back stage, but that shit's hard to pull off flawlessly in the best of circumstances.

[Edited on 1-26-2018 by lz4005]

Paddlefoot - 1-26-2018 at 05:36 AM

I guess. Add maybe five from NXT and maybe a couple of the more popular one-offs (like Blue Pants) from the Mae Young Classic and they're closer though. Maybe even a surprise Emma return too. I doubt that any of the ex-Divas could come back as most of them have left the business altogether and the ones still working elsewhere are the troublemaker types like Melina that they probably don't want back at all anyway. Will be pretty damn cool though if somewhere around the #20 entrant Lita's music hits. Even moreso if AJ Lee shows up too.

GodEatGod - 1-26-2018 at 06:56 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The whole women't match is turning into a perfect brew of botchfest schmozzamania and that's just from all the stupid that the Steph/Rousey nonsense is generating. Seriously, it couldn't just be a simple battle royale with no "because it's money" starfucking crossovers for the MMA crowd or the need to inject some more patented McMahon derpy-derp shenanigans into yet another story? Fer fucks sake....

But...none of that's what been presented. There are rumors and such, but nothing WWE has promoted about the Women's Rumble has even hinted at Rousey or MMA. Stephanie's involvement has been announcing its existence and being on commentary, but she hasn't wrestled in over a decade and doesn't show any signs of changing that. Yet some people are absolutely certain she's going to be in the match? Based on what?

I'm not saying it's impossible that Rousey shows up in some capacity, but it's far from a dead certainty and the company has given jack all implication that it's the case (and, frankly, the whole point of having Rousey on the roster would be to sell her name to draw attention, so why keep her secret?).

It seems like people are just getting really worked up over rumors and the usual McMahon-hatred (and hey, I get it, they're annoying, although I reserve most of my loathing for glory boy Shane).

Paddlefoot - 1-26-2018 at 07:09 AM

I concentrated more on Steph being annoying as all hell on commentary and really didn't say anything much her getting in the match. That being said though I'd say there's at least a 50/50 chance that about two-thirds of the way through her music hits and she gets in the ring. We'll be able to tell by how she's dressed, if they put a camera on her as she goes to the commentary desk, as to what happens.

It could be a good match because they definitely have the talent on hand to make it into one, especially if they opt for either a Becky or Sasha win. And for me the mark-out will happen if/when Nikki Cross enters. Odds though, with them being WWE and just not able to keep themselves from doing something stupid when they really don't have to, I still think that this is going to be a buzzkill of a mediocre match. The signs are just there IMO, from remembering how lame the two women's MITB matches were over on SD last year through to the sad reality that Vince can never be fully trusted not to botch the booking with what he thinks is a "neat" swervy idea. It might not be Santina Marella levels of bad but at the same I just can't see it being treated as seriously as the men's match and not getting the dumb ol' schmozzolla inflicted on it.

Paddlefoot - 1-26-2018 at 07:22 AM

* sorry, DP (and not the fun kind either)

[Edited on 1/26/2018 by Paddlefoot]

CCharger - 1-26-2018 at 02:49 PM

* There were serious negotiations to bring Hulk Hogan to NJPW as a member of the Bullet Club, but those negotiations broke down because Hogan was demanding too much money and wanting the option to break his contract if WWE came calling again.

* Despite the announcement that she will be on commentary for the Women's Royal Rumble. there are rumors that Steph is actually penciled in to WIN the Rumble.

* Jamie Noble is expected to be named the 205 CW GM.

[Edited on 1-26-2018 by CCharger]

[Edited on 1-26-2018 by CCharger]

TownOfDalem - 1-26-2018 at 03:10 PM

Jamie Noble would be a great choice.

punkerhardcore - 1-26-2018 at 05:13 PM

That Steph rumor sounds like total bullshit, but now I kinda hope it happens... just because the backlash from the fans would make Ellsworth helping Carmella win MITB look like nothing. Not to mention how the live audience in Philly would react.

First 9 - 1-26-2018 at 05:28 PM

Is the Rumble not for a title shot a match at WM? So Steph will chase the Title? That's so damn random.

SpiNNeR72 - 1-26-2018 at 06:00 PM

Steph vs Charlotte? Nothing random about that and it would be great in many ways. Add Vince/Ric in thier corners and on the mics? Damn, not much to touch it at this point.

Saw the Hogan rumour too. What a stupid move if true. Getting fairly big exposure elsewhere ("Racist Wrestling Legend back in action in Japan" headlines for a year or so would be the best thing he could do to get back with WWE.

royberto - 1-26-2018 at 06:34 PM

King Maxel is introduced to the WWE Universe and he has a message for Bray Wyatt::

[Edited on 1-26-2018 by royberto]

Count Zero - 1-27-2018 at 01:02 AM

Tiny Matt Hardy (Maxel in costume) is amazing. TINY DELETE!

Also, Matt was wearing a "Public Enemy" shirt. Given the recent quoting of Weezer's "El Scorcho" in these parts, I suspect that Matt is a visitor to this website and is letting us know.

Paddlefoot - 1-27-2018 at 03:17 AM

Matt asked Reby to go to the Green Day concert but she said she'd never heard of them. How cool is that?

* latest rumour on Enzo is that he wanted out of his WWE contract anyway so he could concentrate fully on his dream career of becoming a big time asshole, err, white rapper

[Edited on 1/27/2018 by Paddlefoot]

CVD39 - 1-27-2018 at 10:44 AM

I wish I could get my head out of the sand when it comes to this Delete stuff, but that's just a stupid dream that I won't realize.

And if Steph enters and wins the Rumble, it would be a slap in the face to the actual performers and it'd set the Woman's Movement back a ways. So I wouldn't rule it out.

bigfatgoalie - 1-27-2018 at 08:09 PM

I may get snark for this...but Trish vs Steph is the first good women's match I can recall in my time watching WWF/WWE. Yes there was great matches outside Vince's kingdom (and some freaking insane stuff in making ECW look PG kinda awesome), but Steph was a big part in women's wrestling in the WWE getting to where we are. So her winning would be no more absurd than a Trish or Lita winning.

Although honestly...Trish winning would be awesome.

ulsterphil - 1-27-2018 at 08:42 PM

Do you know what I wouldn't rule out? WWE being stupid enough to have Harvey Whippleman in the womens rumble.

He's a former Women's champ and was on RAW so goodness knows what shitbrained booking may have happened.

Matte - 1-27-2018 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
I may get snark for this...but Trish vs Steph is the first good women's match I can recall in my time watching WWF/WWE. Yes there was great matches outside Vince's kingdom (and some freaking insane stuff in making ECW look PG kinda awesome), but Steph was a big part in women's wrestling in the WWE getting to where we are. So her winning would be no more absurd than a Trish or Lita winning.

Although honestly...Trish winning would be awesome.

My issues with Steph winning would be more her current position and (through no fault of her own) her family ties than her ringwork or something along those lines. "Bosses daughter wins first ever women's rumble" just doesn't sound impressive. Neither does "Chief Brand Officer who has wrestled only a few times in the past 15 years wins first ever women's rumble." And while Steph, Lita, Trish, etc. are all legends with great legacies, there's a point where we should be able to move on from that. Having them in the rumble is fine, but having one of them win it only pushes the idea that the current crop just can't hold up to the stars of yesteryear, which shouldn't be an idea they want to push.

royberto - 1-28-2018 at 06:44 PM

*Meltzer is reporting that Bobby Lashley is headed back to WWE and that his first feud will be with Brock after Wrestlemania.

G-Spot - 1-29-2018 at 04:04 PM

In another round of "Meltzer Sez"....supposedly WWE made a last minute change to Bobby Roode's Royal Rumble open challenge and switched Mojo Rawley and Dolph Ziggler's spots.

This one I can believe.

Paddlefoot - 1-29-2018 at 04:31 PM

* Jonathan Coachman is permanently rejoining the RAW announce team tonight; Booker T is being moved off into WWE Legends/ambassador/preshow work

* Alicia Fox suffered a significant injury during rehearsals for the women's RR match and will be out for a few months

TownOfDalem - 1-29-2018 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Jonathan Coachman is permanently rejoining the RAW announce team tonight; Booker T is being moved off into WWE Legends/ambassador/preshow work

I'll miss Booker spewing his incomprehensible nonsense and the way he was so effective at talking while adding almost no value. I found him thoroughly entertaining. Shucky ducky quack quack Booker.

DKBroiler - 1-29-2018 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by TownOfDalem
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Jonathan Coachman is permanently rejoining the RAW announce team tonight; Booker T is being moved off into WWE Legends/ambassador/preshow work

I'll miss Booker spewing his incomprehensible nonsense and the way he was so effective at talking while adding almost no value. I found him thoroughly entertaining. Shucky ducky quack quack Booker.

I�m a huge Booker mark but I love it in all sports when a 3 man booth has a crazy old guy. I�m sure Coach will do well but they�ve basically given his gimmick to Byron Saxton so that could be a bit weird.

salmonjunkie - 1-29-2018 at 05:06 PM

wrong thread.

[Edited on 1-29-2018 by salmonjunkie]

GodEatGod - 1-29-2018 at 05:08 PM

Coachman is basically Byron Saxton's original model, which doesn't bode well for me. Byron is currently the most annoying person at any of the desks by a pretty wide margin.

CCharger - 1-29-2018 at 05:53 PM

* Daniel Bryan and Vince McMahon reportedly had what was described as an "major argument", a "disagreement" or a "conversation that did not go well". Apparently this all went down on the last RAW when McMahon offered Bryan a big money contract on the condition that he stop pursuing a return to the ring. McMahon sweetened this deal by saying he would get WWE doctors to clear him for a match at Mania. The match would be him and Shane vs. Owens/Zayn. However, the plan was for Bryan to remain on the apron for "90%" of the match and only have him come into get the hot tag and the win. Bryan was apparently insulted both by McMahon's belief that he could "buy off" Bryan and the plan for the match. Bryan's contract expires in September and based on earlier statements, he will be wrestling SOMEWHERE again by then.

* Vince McMahon's 2006 arrest on sexual assault against a tanning salon worker have resurfaced in the news. The police report was released which reveals a lot of damning details. It also reveals that the police believed their was "probably cause" to charge McMahon, but prosecutors refused to move forward and dropped the charges.

bigfatgoalie - 1-29-2018 at 06:19 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Coachman is basically Byron Saxton's original model, which doesn't bode well for me. Byron is currently the most annoying person at any of the desks by a pretty wide margin.

Coach will be 1,000,000 times better than Booker. So yeah, it's an improvement. If nothing else, Cole and Graves won't be making fun of Booker's mistakes over calling the match.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 1-29-2018 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by BFG
Coach will be 1,000,000 times better than Booker. So yeah, it's an improvement. If nothing else, Cole and Graves won't be making fun of Booker's mistakes over calling the match.

^^^^^This! It's become tiresome to hear them taking jabs at a mostly incoherent Booker T. To think that the only reason he Wally Pipped David Otunga was because he went off to do a movie. Not that Otunga was any great shakes, but at least he didn't distract from the action every 30 seconds.

DKBroiler - 1-29-2018 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Frank Lloyd Wright
Originally posted by BFG
Coach will be 1,000,000 times better than Booker. So yeah, it's an improvement. If nothing else, Cole and Graves won't be making fun of Booker's mistakes over calling the match.

^^^^^This! It's become tiresome to hear them taking jabs at a mostly incoherent Booker T. To think that the only reason he Wally Pipped David Otunga was because he went off to do a movie. Not that Otunga was any great shakes, but at least he didn't distract from the action every 30 seconds.

I�ll admit that incoherent punch drunk rambling announcers probably aren�t everyone else�s cup of tea but, I for one, will miss Booker. I also miss JBL so ... yeah.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 1-29-2018 at 08:15 PM

I miss JBL too, but not the one we were getting in his last stint, that had Vince constantly talking in his ear.

royberto - 1-29-2018 at 09:36 PM

Everyone, meet Creeper H:

ulsterphil - 1-29-2018 at 10:11 PM

Is that Trips or Jeff Bridges as Obidiah Stane in Iron Man?


G. Jonah Jameson - 1-29-2018 at 11:47 PM

Originally posted by G-Spot
In another round of "Meltzer Sez"....supposedly WWE made a last minute change to Bobby Roode's Royal Rumble open challenge and switched Mojo Rawley and Dolph Ziggler's spots.

This one I can believe.

I have a tough time believing Mojo Rawley was going to be No. 30. He'd have been the least impactful No. 30 since Duke Droese.

First 9 - 1-30-2018 at 01:50 AM

I can see it,

Comes in, acts like a big deal and gets inmediately trucked by whoever.

With Dolph, it was awkward. The token elimination, a few superkicks, and then eliminated like a punk.

[Edited on 1-30-2018 by First 9]

ulsterphil - 1-30-2018 at 09:22 AM

The number 30 spot is going to be heavily boo'd while Bryan is in the company so it makes sense for it to go to a heel now. As for Ziggler, i think they are as sick of him as we are and are just going through the motions now.

First 9 - 1-30-2018 at 03:01 PM

Jeremy Borash is apparently the newest WWE hire.

I think WWE can has enough TNA originals to do a entire ppv based on them.

Cherokee Jack - 1-30-2018 at 03:03 PM

Jeremy Borash has signed with WWE. Impact loses a key player who�s been there since the beginning and done damn near everything at one point or another. Also WWE picks up Impact�s current lead announcer, who will continue to be on TV for them for the next several months on taped shows.

Also of note: WWE also now has one of the minds behind the Broken Universe (Borash handled a lot of the producing and editing on those segments), which could be a boost if/when they start heading out to the compound.

anglefan85 - 1-30-2018 at 05:27 PM

Aside from being a ring announcer/commentator, as far as backstage is concerned, he was basically the glue that held the company together. Producer, creative member, live event coordinator, and also one of the brainchildren behind the Broken Universe.

I think this now leaves Abyss as the only one left from the first days of TNA.