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Author: Subject: Book your 20 Man Dream roster...

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Mood: The Upper Crust

posted on 5-21-2010 at 11:14 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Book your 20 Man Dream roster...

I've been thinking about ever since I read the original thread.

The format is pretty simple, book 4 weeks of programming (a standard two hour program once a week and one PPV)

Personally, I couldn't really think of anything to do with my mid-card on down so I'm just focusing on the main event.

I'm also foregoing focusing on a single show or series of complete shows. Instead, I'll outline the main events and key threads affecting them.

Of course, anyone can use any format they choose with regards to how deep they go, it doesn't matter. I'm just looking forward to how we armchair bookers do with our "dream roster".

Note: manimal pointed out in the original thread that he (like most you) were under the assumption that we were using wreslters that are active today and/or, you know. alive. I happen to think that the more realistic roster's would pose a far more significant challenge, as opposed to my roster. In mine, people have well defined personalities. And though most of everyone's list includes performers with the same, many of them also have tremendous room to grow and change and I can say I honestly look forward to any and all ideas that or put forth here.

Here goes:

Week One

The first show opens with the almost the entire roster assembling on the entrance stage. Shortly after the Generic Owner/GM comes out and thanks the crowd in attendance and hypes up the brand.

Before he can continue, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" fires up and Flair/Anderson come out. They attempt to go down the ramp but Dynamite Kid blocks their way, Anderson wants to fight but Flair backs him down. As they they take their places, Owen Hart's music hits and he does walk down the ramp.

He too thanks the fans and then talks up the roster before stating his goal: To win the world title.

This prompts Flair and Anderson to storm the ring and attack Hart. DK and the rest of the roster come down, quickly breaking down among the expected heel/face lines.

All save for Raven and Roberts who simply share a laugh and head to the back. The clusterfuck ends when Savage clears the ring with his scepter.

The Generic Owner/GM gets on the mic and informs the entire roster that the main event will be a battle royal to determine the top two contenders for the World Heavyweight Title. And since everyone is in a fighting mood, it might as well start then and there.

Everyone enters the ring, including Raven and Roberts and the battle royal begins.

The end game occurs when Anderson and Flair double team Magnum TA and dump him out, leaving Flair, Anderson, Hart and, improbably, Scott Cardinal. Quickly realizing he is outnumbered, Hart goes berserk and in the resulting commotion Flair accidentally eliminates Anderson to his shock and horror.

After taking a breather, the heels align and begin double teaming Hart, but Flair takes a powder after Owen counters a double suplex into a double DDT.

Eventually, Cardinal attempts to powerbomb Hart out of the ring only for Owen to headscissor him over the top, but both land on the apron. Owen gets back in and Flair attempts to dump him out but Owen intercepts with a low blow.

Flair begs off into the corner but Owen doesn't take the bait. Cardinal gets to his feet on the apron using the ropes and suddenly Owen mounts the top rope and missile dropkicks Cardinal off the apron!

Since Cardinal goes down first, the official call is Flair/Hart as the two finalists, but Owen also banged up his knee on the way down.

Week Two

In the next show, Flair and Hart face off in the main event. Predictably, Flair brings Anderson but Owen brings Dynamite Kid, albeit in bad shape after losing a three way dance (also involving Taz) to Kenta Kobashi.

Instead of waiting around, Dynamite simply assaults Anderson and they brawl to the back.

The match begins and is generally back and forth with Flair maintaining a slight edge until Owen lands a enzuigiri. Owen then goes in for the kill pulling out big move after big move but can't keep Flair down.

At this point, a bloody Dynamite stumbles onto the entrance stage. An equally bloody Anderson follows and hurls him off the stage through a table.

Anderson grabs a chair and heads towards the ring but Owen leaps over the ref with a somersault senton to intercept, in the process the ref is bumped.

Owen recovers and grabs the chair, sees the ref, shrugs his shoulders and heads into the ring. As he is entering, Scott Cardinal runs in and as soon as Owen is vertical, superkicks the chair into his face.

Anderson slips in, pulls Flair on top of Hart and then pulls the ref over to the two. After a moment, he counts but Hart puts a foot on the rope.

Flair recovers first, though the ref is still mostly out. He piledrives Hart onto the chair and Anderson pulls it out. The ref comes to and counts the pinfall.

Flair and Anderson stumble down the ramp and eye Cardinal warily while surveying the carnage. They shake hands and Flair and Anderson make their exit without him.

The next week, Hart demands a match with Cardinal, stating his sure he will eventually get another shot at the title but has other business.

They meet in the main event and Owen dominates the less experienced Cardinal, who's standard brawling is no match for Hart's offense. The tide turns when Owen gets too fancy and goes for (and misses) a top rope missile dropkick. Cardinal takes over and begins working Owen's knees.

Owen survives a kneebar and figure four, so Cardinal changes tact and goes for an inverted swinging neckbreaker, but Owen spins through, holds on and hits a northern lights suplex for the win.

Cardinal keeps up the assault as Dynamite Kid and his new tag team partner Samoa Joe hit the ring. Flair and Anderson also hit the ring, but instead of attacking they pull Cardinal out and to safety.

Week Three

The Generic Owner/GM opens the show and announces that, due to last week's events, the main event is Flair/Anderson/Cardinal vs Hart/DK/Joe.

The Flair/Anderson/Cardinal triad has a stroke of good luck when DK/Joe are taken out during the course of the show by Raven/Roberts for no readily apparent reason.

Hart elects to go it alone in the main event, but Generic Owner/GM says that's not a good idea. Instead, he declares the match a four way dance. If Flair wins, he doesn't have to defend his title the next week. If anyone else wins, they get a shot.

Owen questions how that helps him and it's explained that this will be conducted under tag in/tag out rules. He accepts the offer.

In said main event, Anderson, Flair and Cardinal work as a team with Cardinal doing most of the grunt work. Things change when Hart blind tags Anderson and rolls out of the ring.

Cardinal and Anderson are at a loss and Cardinal goes to consult Flair. Anderson takes this chance to Pearl Harbor Cardinal and go for an elimination.

Cardinal manages to endure and Owen trips Anderson. The distraction allows Cardinal to nail a superkick and eliminate Anderson.

Owen gets in the ring and faces off with a now wounded Cardinal. He eventually hits the Owen Driver and eliminates him. Flair charges the ring and eats a leg lariat. Owen then proceeds to go for a series of quick pins but can't put Flair away. Flair turns the tide by cheating and works the knee.

Flair ends up going for the figure four, but Owen gets a small package. Flair kicks out. Owen gets a school boy, Flair kicks out. Backslide and Flair kicks out again. Flair gets some separation and then charges but gets a drop toe hold, floated over into a Sharpshooter.

Flair tries to hang on, but eventually taps. As Owen celebrates, Roberts makes his way down the ramp. Owen goes out to meet him and he stops and they trade words. Raven slips up behind and DDT's Owen on the floor.

Flair then storms up the ramp with his title and Raven and Roberts follow. The are met at the entrance by Cardinal and Anderson.

The five celebrate to close the show.

Week Four

Flair, Anderson and Cardinal open the show. Flair assures Cardinal that what happened last week was just business and they aren't sorry. Regardless, Cardinal showed them that he has a good head on his shoulders by not going into business for himself. They invite him to join them formerly and he accepts.

They then briefly touch on Owen Hart's impending title shot, but dismiss him as weak contender who got lucky. What they really want to know is what the hell Raven and Roberts are up to.

This draws them out and Jake explains, simply, they enjoy causing chaos and seeing people kept from what they desire most. Since their lives have been a series of chaotic events and terrible disappointments and they wish to inflict as much of that on everyone else as possible.

Raven gets the mic and reaffirms their position and adds that it's all a game to him and since he and Jake are the only ones who know the rules, they are the only one's who can win.

Flair extends an offer for them to join them formerly and Raven agrees, but Roberts does not.

He powders out and Raven just laughs. Anderson clearly questions the decision but Flair assures him it's all good.

The Generic Owner/GM comes out and explains that, regardless of the outcome, the champion will be tasked with defending his title the upcoming Sunday at the PPV. If Owen wins, Flair get's his rematch. If Flair wins, he is to face the next challenger in line which is the winner of Angle/Perfect who are the only undefeated men on the roster.

Furthermore, the winner of said match will be given a title match at a later date should Owen win both matches.

This de facto number 1 contender's match opens the show, and Angle comes out on top after he "breaks" Perfect's ankle with ankle lock because Perfect refused to submit.

During the main event, it is clear that Owen is suffering due to Raven's DDT the week before. Flair forgoes his usual knee based attack to focus on this. When it proves to be somewhat ineffective, Flair begins to work the knee as well. Flair dumps Owen and hopes for a count out win, but when Owen gets to the ring apron Flair heads out for more punishment, only for Owen to trip him, causing Flair to land back first on the ring apron. Capitalizing on the opportunity, Owen begins working Flair's back and in the process does more damage to his knee. The knee gives out during a samoan drop attempt, and Flair clips the knee and stomps away. After taunting Owen and the crowd, he goes for the figure four in the middle of the ring, but Owen counters with a one legged monkey flip. Instead of letting go, he hangs on and ends up on top of Flair and locks in a sharpshooter after some jockeying for position. Unable to reach the ropes, Flair once again taps to the move.

The Generic Announcers question why no members of Flair's alliance came down to interfere, preserving the title for Flair. It all becomes clear soon after when the Heel Alliance takes to the ring with Anderson, Flair and Raven assaulting Owen viciously with chairs and such as Cardinal and the "non member" Jake the Snake hold Owen's friends at bay with chairs. Satisfied with what they have done, Flair and Anderson depart but Raven isn't done.

He drags a bloody and badly beaten Owen to the floor, pulls up the mat, and DDT's him again. He then adds two more before Flair and Anderson, both shocked and angry pull him off. Jake steps between them and they head up the ramp arguing, leaving a confused Cardinal alone at the bottom.


Generic Owner/GM comes out at the top and announces that Owen's injuries will obviously keep him out of action for some time and that starting now, Raven has been suspended. Since Owen can't compete, the title has been vacated. He then states that he gave Owen the opportunity to name his replacement, and that he (not surprisingly) chose Dynamite. This draws out Angle who claims that, while what happened to Owen is unfortunate, he is the next man in line for a shot. The Owner/GM agrees and makes the match a one fall to a finish triple threat. Much to Angle's chagrin. He also notes that all other wreslter's are banned from ringside and that if someone so much as steps onto the entrance stage, they are suspended.

In that main event, Dynamite viciously assaults Flair at every opportunity and Angle takes advantage of both men when he can. Desperate, Flair willingly works with Angle and actually doesn't turn on him at any point, doing whatever it takes to neutralize DK.

The final sequence kicks off when Kurt Angle has been tossed outside and DK hits a German suplex on Flair, Angle breaks it up by kicking DK in the groin. DK recovers quickly and tackles Angle to the outside, slams him into the ring steps and then kicks him in the head, driving it into the steps as well.

He returns to the ring, hits another german suplex but can't bridge properly and Flair kicks out. He head up top and hits the swan dive headbutt but again can't capitalize. At this point, a groggy Angle mounts the top turnbuckle and attempts to hit a moonsault on both men, but Flair rolls out of the way. Angle is too injured to cover and Flair seizes the opportunity to try and lock on a figure four. Angle attempts a small package, but Flair shifts his weight and lands on top for the pin and the title.

The entire Heel Alliance comes out along with Jake Roberts. He and Raven remain at the top of the ramp while Anderson and Cardinal attempt to celebrate with Flair. Instead of celebrating, he offers a handshake to both Angle and DK. Angle accepts warily but DK spits on him. Flair tells his cohorts to let it go.

The show ends with Flair staring down Raven and Roberts from the ring, clearly conflicted about the events leading up to this title win.

(My god, that was long....)

Apparently Amanda Bynes and Charlie Sheen are related, because she's full of the same kind of crazy.

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The Immortal One

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posted on 5-25-2010 at 09:19 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Cool idea, even if I've never heard of Scott Cardinal and don't know the rest of your roster.

Here's mine. I've laid out full storylines for 5 weeks (2 shows each) and a PPV. My rosters got 24 guys (I cheated with tag teams), all current, plus I added some women into the mix for shits and giggles. No space to list the roster but you'll see it all by week 4. Announce team is Taz and Stryker.


General Manager Jim Cornette comes out to say that this company isn�t about the past, it�s about the future. It�s not about politics, it�s about wrestling. It doesn�t matter who you know or what you�ve done. You�ve got to earn your spot here and the only way to the top is by winning. Now the first order of business is crowning a champion and that�s going to be done with a double-elimination tourney (hopefully this math will work) to decide who qualifies to compete at the PPV and we�re going to start with a doozy. (That�s pretty much the whole promo, so that it can last for only 2 or 3 minutes before kicking off the promotion with a huge match).

Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles � 15 to 20 minutes. Joe goes for a musclebuster, AJ wriggles out, lands on his feet and hits a neckbreaker. He goes for a springboard forearm but Joe sidesteps and locks on the Kokina Clutch. AJ staggers to the ropes, then hits Joe with a Flair-style low blow that the ref can�t see. One springboard 450 later and it�s over.

Brian Danielson vs Sheamus � Brutal match. Sheamus gets some huge clotheslines and power moves but Danielson won�t quit. He gets Sheamus in some submissions for a near tap and kicks the hell out of him (leaving nasty welts on his pale body). Eventually, Sheamus picks him up for the Irish Cross (or whatever it is now), but Danielson somehow turns it into that rollup where he hooks his heels under Sheamus� armpits and flips him over then bridges for the pin. Danielson celebrates but Sheamus flips out, beats the shit out of him, powerbombs him in the ring and then on the floor. Refs try to intervene but Sheamus tosses them into the crowd and powerbombs Danielson 1 more time, this time through a table.

The Motor City Machine Guns come out and talk about how, even though they�re the world�s greatest tag team, they�re also worthy of singles gold and they�re going to prove it by fighting each other. The actual World�s Greatest Tag Team comes out and says not only is that a lie but it is copyright infringement because they are the WGTT. MCMG calls them nerds, they argue back and forth for a bit until Cornette comes out and says fine, they�ll reschedule Sabin/Shelley and let these 2 teams settle their differences right now. But a few minutes into the awesomeness, Beer Money comes out, cracks a beer bottle over Sabin�s head and beats everyone down.

Main Event starts with 30 minutes left in the show:
John Cena vs HHH � Crowd should be going wild, even if they are 50-50 on Cena. If possible, they even do the thing like Rock/Hulk where they milk it for a bit. Then they lock up, HHH forces Cena to the corner, makes a clean break, pats Cena patronizingly on the cheek and then�rolls out of the ring? Crowd boos like hell as he gets counted out.

Jim Cornette runs out and yells at HHH, but HHH just crotch chops him and leaves. Cornette gets in the ring and says Cena gets the win but no way in hell is this show ending without a match. �Angle, Jericho, get your asses down here right now!�

Real Main Event:
Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle � 15 to 20 minutes and�Angle wins after an Angle Slam from the top.


Cornette confronts Beer Money about their interference from last week and says maybe they�ll stop laughing during their match tonight�against each other. Roode laughs it off and tells Storm to keep drinking.

Low-Ki vs Matt Morgan � End game starts when Low-ki dodges a Carbon Footprint in the corner and Morgan winds up in the Tree of Woe. Ki wears him out with kicks to the midsection and then a dropkick to the face. Ki goes up top to do the Warrior�s Way but Morgan somehow manages to sit up and crotch Ki on the top. Eventually, he manages to sit up again and do a modified Super Belly-to-Belly, tossing Ki across the ring and allowing him to hit a Carbon Footbrint for the win.

In the back, John Cena confronts HHH for walking out on him last week. HHH says that he shouldn�t have to play these games, and neither should Cena. Then he walks out.

Cornette comes out and runs down the matches for the night. CM Punk vs The Miz is announced as the main event. Also, Beer Money are shown backstage as Roode keeps feeding beer to Storm.

Amazing Red vs Evan Bourne � Ridiculously fast paced and flippy. Bourne wins.

Robert Roode vs James Storm � During the ring entrance, Storm is clearly intoxicated. Roode slaps him in the face and then runs in circles as Storm chases him. Storm eventually gets dizzy, Roode picks him up for a quick airplane spin, then puts him down and lets him collapse for the easy pinfall.

John Morrison vs Austin Aries � This match starts with almost an hour of show left. They go back and forth with crazy aerial maneuvers and counters. At 20 minutes, Morrison hits Starship Pain but Aries gets his foot on the rope. After some dueling pins, Aries gets the upper hand and hits the 450, but Morrison gets his foot on the ropes! Aries starts working over Morrison�s arms and locking on submissions, but Morrison won�t quit. At this point, the announce team (Taz and Styles) start wondering if Morrison shouldn�t just save something for the next round. Morrison dumps Aries to the outside and then does a springboard shooting star. Both men are knocked out and barely make it in before the 10 count. Now the announcers are wondering how much longer this can go and if we�ll have time for the main event. As the match continues, they announce that CM Punk/Miz is postponed to next week but we�ll stay on air until the match ends. Eventually, Morrison sets up for the Moonlight Drive, but Aries does a front-sweep, pounces on him, and locks on the Rings of Saturn for the win.

Show 3

Doug Williams comes out and asks who his opponent�s going to be? Is it going to be some high-flying daredevil some risk taking stuntman, or a real wrestler? His question is answered when Shelton Benjamin comes out.

Shelton Benjamin vs Doug Williams � Technical masterpiece. At the end, Williams goes for a Chaos Theory but Benjamin lands on his feet and hits Paydirt for the win. Postmatch, Benjamin offers his hand and Williams reluctanctly accepts.

Cornette confronts HHH in the back and asks why he screwed up his main event with Cena. He starts saying HHH is going to have to shape up if he wants to earn his spot, but HHH cuts him off and says �I�ve already earned my spot, and I don�t have to prove anything to you or any of these fans.�

Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley � Sabin wins.

Jack Swagger vs Charlie Haas � Another technical masterpiece. Swagger wins with the gutwrench powerbomb.

Main Event:

CM Punk vs The Miz � During his entrance, CM Punk runs down Miz for all his Real World partying and his celebration of intoxication. Punk wins.


Cornette comes out and runs down where we are after Round 1 (Cena, Angle, Sabin, Benjamin, Swagger, Aries, Danielson, Punk, Roode, Bourne, Morgan, Styles all have a win, everyone else has 1 loss) and says we�re going to start Round 2 by letting the losers pick their own opponents.

John Morrison comes out and picks�Austin Aries. �I know I can beat you.� This leads to another 30 minute+ match. At the end, Morrison goes for the Moonlight Drive and Aries tries to counter with the front sweep, but Morrison jumps over and then pele kicks him in the face, setting him up for Starship Pain and the win. Both guys are 1-1.

The Miz comes out and says he wants to prove himself by fighting someone that everyone thinks is better than him, Brian Danielson. Danielson comes out all bandaged up, still selling the beating from Sheamus, as Miz smirks and points to his own brain. But then Sheamus� music hits and he comes out say �Hey fella, I�m the one that did all the work and I�m going fight Danielson.� They jaw a bit, Cornette comes out to set Sheamus straight, Miz does that condescending �shoo� move to get Sheamus out of the ring, but gets kicked in the head as soon as he turns his back. This lets Danielson lock on a submission hold for the win. Miz is eliminated, Danielson is 2-0. Sheamus runs back in and takes out Danielson.

James Storm takes the mic to make his pick, but Punk�s music hits. Punk comes out and says that he can�t let Storm choose an opponent because Storm is intoxicated and everyone knows that you can�t make decisions when you�re drunk. So Punk will make the right decision for him and save him by eliminating him from the tournament. Storm accepts and dominates the match, but Punk wins after breaking a bottle over Storm�s head. Storm is eliminated, Punk is 2-0.

Jericho says that he�s the best at what he does so he�s going to pick the toughest opponent he can think of�HHH. HHH comes in, but then steps out of the ring and starts letting himself be counted out. Jericho smiles and dances around, broadly gesturing about how smart he is, and then HHH sneaks back in and nails him with a chair for the DQ. HHH is eliminated, Jericho is 1-1.

Main Event:
Samoa Joe challenges Jack Swagger and wins. Both guys are now 1-1.


Low-ki starts off the show by challenging Sheamus to teach him not to bully smaller opponents. Sheamus says �you�re making a mistake fella� but Low-ki is like �Not the size of the dog yadda yadda.� Same style match as Danielson/Sheamus from Week 1 until Miz comes out and starts talking about how awesome he is. Sheamus gets distracted then charges Low-ki in the corner. Low-ki dodges and knocks Sheamus out with a brutal kick for the win. Sheamus is eliminated, Ki is 1-1.

Amazing Red challenges Chris Sabin and wins. Both are 1-1.

HHH asks Angle why he�s even in this tournament. �You�re an Olympic gold medalist, you�ve won almost as many championships as me, you don�t need to prove anything.� Angle disagrees and says �if you stop proving yourself and start living in the past, then you suck.�

Charlie Haas challenges Robert Roode and wins. Both are 1-1.

Alex Shelley challenges Evan Bourne and wins. Both are 1-1.

Main Event:
Doug Williams comes out and he�s disappointed that all the flippy little monkeys have had matches tonight and he won�t be able to teach them a lesson. On the other hand, it�s a good thing because now he can challenge someone he�s always admired�Kurt Angle. After a nice competitive match, Doug goes for the Chaos Theory but Kurt stops him midroll and somehow gets a pin. Postmatch, Angle offers his hand and Williams reluctantly accepts. Williams is eliminated, Angle is 2-0.


AJ Styles comes out to crow about how nobody had the balls to challenge him. Cornette comes out and says that just means that he gets to pick AJ�s opponent and he picks Matt Morgan. AJ is apoplectic. Morgan wins to go to 2-0, AJ is 1-1.

Cena is disappointed that he didn�t have a match last week and that he disappointed the fans in week 1. He challenges HHH to a match, but HHH says �I fight for championships, or I don�t fight at all.� Cena looks crestfallen until Benjamin walks in and says he�ll fight him, and he�ll do it tonight in the main event.

MCMG vs Beer Money � MCMG wins.

Sheamus vs The Miz � No contest as they fight through the crowd.

Christy Hemme confronts Cornette and asks why there are no female wrestlers. Cornette says we don�t need �em. We�ve got a female announcer (Savannah), a female interviewer (Hemme), a female ref (Miss Tessmacher, why not?), some females in the makeup room and maybe we�ll even get some valets. This shows not about divas or knockouts, it�s about wrestlers. And wrestlers are men.

Benjamin vs Cena � Cena wins to go to 2-0, Shelton is 1-1.


Time to start Round 3 of the tourney. Everyone who is 2-0 (Angle/Morgan/Cena/Danielson/Punk) have qualified to be at the PPV, but tonight they�ll be in a 10 man tag match against those who have been eliminated (Sheamus/Miz/Williams/Storm/HHH). As for the people who are 1-1, losers from last round get to pick their opponent.

Jericho picks Red, then mocks his size for a bit until Red kicks him in the head. In the end, Red goes for a standing shooting star but Jericho rolls under it, then locks him in the Walls for the win. Red is eliminated.

Aries is about to pick his opponent when John Morrison comes out, points out that they need to have a rubber match. Aries agrees and says that�s why he chooses to fight J�J�Jack Swagger. Aries laughs but walks into a heel kick, followed by StarShip Pain, which lets Swagger run in and get the pin. Aries is eliminated.

Christy Hemme approaches Cornette and asks about whether women will be represented at the PPV. Of course not, he says, because they want to sell PPVs and women don�t sell them. Why pay $35 to see women wrestle when you can pay half as much and get something much better on the other channel?

AJ picks Evan Bourne and wins. Bourne is eliminated.

Robert Roode picks Charlie Haas and loses. Roode is eliminated.

Main Event:
Angle/Morgan/Cena/Danielson/Punk vs Sheamus/Miz/Williams/Storm/HHH � HHH immediately gets off the apron and walks back up the ramp. Angle and Williams start the match with a handshake. Eventually, Miz and Danielson get tagged in and Danielson goes to town on Miz. Miz goes for the tag on Sheamus but he jumps off the apron. Miz takes a step back, then quickly tags Storm and dives out of the ring onto Sheamus. They fight to the back as the match continues. Danielson eventually has to tag out to Morgan, who turns around and clocks Cena, but walks into a superkick from Storm and falls back to the corner where Danielson tags himself in. Danielson locks Cattle Mutilation onto Storm, but Punk reaches out and tags himself in then goes for the pin and only gets 2. Punk turns to Danielson and shrugs so Danielson jumps in and tackles him out of the ring. Everything�s out of control now, eventually ending in Cena giving Morgan the FU and letting Storm take the pin.

Show 8

Jim Cornette wants to show everyone that we�ve got a by-god tag division, but Beer Money�s the only tag team that�s been completely eliminated from the tourney. Amazing Red/Bourne come out and say they�ll take them on.

Beer Money defeat Amazing Red/Bourne.

Shelley picks Low-ki. Low-ki wins and eliminates Shelley.

Doug Williams approaches Kurt Angle in the back and thanks him for the fantastic competition over the past few weeks. He�s glad to see a real wrestler get to the top and hopes he wins the tourney.

Shelton Benjamin picks Sabin and wins. Sabin is eliminated.

Some hot chicks have started a picket line to get women wrestlers in the promotion. Foolishly, they are all wearing white shirts and Cornette turns the hose on them.

Cena/Danielson vs Punk/Morgan. Morgan pins Danielson with the Hellevator.

Morrison and Samoa Joe are the only ones left so they have to have a match. Joe wins a tough battle and eliminates Morrison.


Cornette comes out and says this is it. We�re going to have 3 matches to find out who is going to join Morgan/Cena/Danielson/Punk/Angle at the PPV. Joe vs Low-ki, AJ vs Shelton Benjamin, and, since Cornette messed up the math, the final match will be a triple threat with Haas vs Swagger vs Jericho. Jericho comes out to yell at Cornette about how unfair it is but Cornette tells him to deal.

AJ vs Shelton Benjamin � AJ wins and qualifies.

Jericho runs into HHH in the back and complains. He says that he shouldn�t put up with this stuff because he�s like HHH and doesn�t need to earn his spot. HHH laughs, says �Yeah, right,� and walks away.

MCMG vs Red/Bourne � Red/Bourne win.

Joe vs Low-ki � Joe wins and qualifies.

Angle/Williams vs Sheamus/Aries � Williams hits Aries with the Chaos Theory for the win.

Jericho vs Swagger vs Haas � Jericho wins and qualifies


Cornette comes out to run down the card for the PPV. First, we�re going to crown a tag team champion. It�s going to be a 4-way match with MCMG vs Red/Bourne/Beer Money/WGTT and it�s going to be a ladder match. Everyone else who was eliminated from the tournament (Aries/Morrison/Miz/Swagger/Low-ki/Williams/HHH/Sheamus) will compete for the TV title in a Survival-of-the-Fittest style match (elimination rules). As for the Heavyweight Championship of the world, that will be decided in a single elimination tournament. Christy Hemme comes out again to complain that there are no women wrestling at the PPV. Cornette says �Fine, fine, if it�ll shut you up. I mean, we�ve got a stacked card so we may as well get some stacked women. Besides, we�re going to need a piss break.�

Low-ki/Williams vs Swagger/Sheamus � Swagger/Williams start with a handshake. Miz interferes, allowing Ki to roll up Sheamus. Post match, Swagger watches while Sheamus takes out Ki, but interferes when he goes for Williams. Swagger/Sheamus stare down allowing Miz to slide in and hit the Facecrushing Finale on Sheamus.

Williams bumps into HHH in the back and says he�s always respected his cerebral approach and would be honored to have a match with him. HHH tells him to get a title or get lost.

WGTT vs Beer Money � WGTT win.

John Morrison comes out and calls out Aries for their rubber match. Cornette comes out and says �Great idea. This match is on.� Aries isn�t happy about it but he comes down to wrestle. After about 15 minutes, Aries lets himself get counted out. He grabs a mic and says he doesn�t have to prove he�s better than Morrison because everyone knows it, and he�s saving himself for the PPV. Morrison grabs a mic and says he�d better rest up because he�s not winning that title without going through Morrison.

Main Event:
Angle/Cena/Joe/Danielson vs Punk/Morgan/Jericho/AJ �Crazy shmozz at the end. Punk dodges a flying shoulder from Cena who crashes into Joe. Punk takes advantage and hits the GTS on Joe for the win. Cena tries to apologize but Joe will have none of it.


CM Punk defeats Brian Danielson

Samoa Joe defeats Matt Morgan

AJ Styles defeats Kurt Angle

John Cena defeats Chris Jericho

MCMG win the tag team titles in the 4-way ladder match

Samoa Joe defeats CM Punk

John Cena defeats AJ Styles

Survival of the Fittest Match � HHH immediately rolls out of the ring and goes to the announce table. They ask why he isn�t fighting and he says these guys aren�t worth my time etc. Occasionally he gets up and trips someone or somehow causes someone to be eliminated. Eventually we come down to just Morrison/Aries. They�re leery of HHH but eventually forget about him in the heat of the competition. After 10 minutes or so of 1-on-1 action and nearfalls, Morrison whips Aries to the ropes and HHH hits him with a chair. Morrison doesn�t notice and hits Starship Pain for the win. He celebrates and turns around into a pedigree. HHH is the new TV champ!

Hemme asks HHH why he didn�t compete harder for the heavyweight title and HHH says it doesn�t matter. Whatever title he has is the biggest title in the company. As far as he�s concerned, he�s the champ and the face of the company.

Cornette comes out and announces that it�s time for the women�s match that �everyone� was asking for. And the competitors are Velvet Sky and Angelina Love. But before they start, Cornette takes off his jacket and reveals that he�s the special referee of the match. He rings the bell and then stops the match to announce that this is a Bra and Panties match. Velvet says she isn�t wearing panties and Cornette says �Well, then you better not lose.� He starts laughing until Awesome Kong�s music hits. She comes out and Cornette wets himself (literally). He tries to run but Velvet and Angelina hold him back. Kong whips him into the corner, gives him a stinkface (without hiking her shorts up) and then a Yokozuna Splash. All the women come out to celebrate.

Main Event:
John Cena vs Samoa Joe for the heavyweight title � Back and forth match with Joe taking the best that Cena can give him and dishing out some punishment. The announcers talk about how Cena has never fought anyone like Joe. Joe counters the STF into his own STF and Cena barely makes the ropes. Cena goes for the 5-knuckle shuffle but Joe pops up and hits the powerslam for 2. Eventually, Cena hits the FU but Joe pops right back up. Cena is stunned and terrified and eats some rapid-fire slaps. Cena counters an irish whip and catches Joe with a sleeper. Joe quickly counters and locks on the Kokina clutch but Cena scrambles for the ropes before Joe can get him on the mat. Cena rolls outside looking terrified. Joe gives him room to come back in and they lock up again. Cena picks up Joe for another FU but winds up knocking down the ref before hitting it. Cena doesn�t notice and goes for the pin anyway and Joe kicks out. The announcers say that kickout would have beat 3-count anyway and Cena is stunned. Suddenly, HHH runs out and throws a chair into the ring. Cena picks it up, looks at HHH, then looks at Joe, and then blasts Joe with a chairshot for the win. Cena is the heavyweight champion and a full-on heel!


Obviously, I'm a workrate guy but I think there's some real nice storylines in here too.

Cena/HHH are now the new 2 Man Power Trip. They hold all the gold and consider each to be equally valuable. Others like Jericho/AJ try to prove their value and join the group but are rebuffed.

Sheamus/Miz hate each other but they also hate Danielson and Low-ki (who could also be a sweet tag team). Williams doesn�t like any of the cruiserweights, but he respects Swagger, WGTT, and Angle (who could form some kind of stable, like The Purists�I know I stole that�with Angle as the leader).

We�ve got Aries/Morrison as a big rivalry at the top of the midcard and a pissed off Samoa Joe and everyone else trying to take down the Power Trip.

I don�t know where the Women�s stuff would go but it cracks me up.



Also, I'd put in a ranking system for both titles. For the TV, it would be based on order of elimination in that match (so, Morrison/Aries would be #s 2 and 3) and then a losers bracket from the tourney to set the heavyweight ranks. 7 contenders in each division and you move up by beating someone higher than you, but TV title contenders can only move up after winning the TV title. Once they lose the TV title, they have to beat a heavyweight contender to get his spot. Spots only open up in the TV title rank if someone loses 3 matches in a row, and then 2 other guys have a match for his spot.


After rethinking, that ranking system might be a bit too complicated. I'd keep the TV title requirement to go for heavyweight gold, but just change the rankings after each PPV based on win/loss and some vague =/- and strength of competition variable (which of course wouldn't really exist).

Also, I'd throw in some tension leading up to the PPV with people like Morgan talking about how Cena got an easy win and didn't deserve to be in. Plus, when Cornette announces himself as special referee for the women's match, he has to check them for foreign objects (lucky bastard).

[Edited on 5-26-2010 by theflammablemanimal]

[Edited on 5-26-2010 by theflammablemanimal]

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posted on 5-26-2010 at 03:47 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote some pretty awesome booking.

I love Cena/HHH as the Two Man Power Trip and I actually think that is something that could work in WWE right now.

I also love the way you managed to book your entire roster in a pretty logical manner. Everyone is allowed to shine.

The best part? HHH sounds like Dr. Doom or something, a real supervillian character.

The long term ramifications of my (now anemic looking) Main Event storyline would have been Raven being ejected from the heel alliance. [After being reinstated, obviously..]

Dynamite turns heel at his inability to win big matches and ends up in a second triple threat, this time with Raven and Flair.

Flair again would retain, but Roberts would then cash in a hitherto unheard of guaranteed World Title Shot given to him in his contract and promise to take all measures to keep it from anyone else.

Just in time for Owen Hart to return.

[Edited on 5-26-2010 by southermagu]

[Edited on 5-26-2010 by southermagu]

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posted on 5-26-2010 at 09:43 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Why does Raven get ejected?

Thanks for the compliment. It's amazing how fun it is to do these things. And it's cool how sometimes you have these ideas/directions but then the characters kind of take it in a new way.

I really like the 1st Aries/Morrison match because it would be awesome and also build the feeling of anything can happen.

I'm not ready to go back in and fantasy book weekly shows yet, but here's some ideas of what could happen over the next few months:

Cena/HHH would explain forming their alliance because they'd already earned the spot and shouldn't have to face the likes of Joe. Others like Punk/AJ/Jericho/Morgan/Miz would try to point out that they're also established main eventers and should be able to join but would be dismissed. This would lead to friction in some cases while others would become lackeys who do The Power Trip's bidding in hopes of being allowed to join.

At first, The Power Trip (TPT) would be feeling the pressure from Joe and Aries/Morrison who would be going for HHH. There would eventually be a triple threat between Aries/Morrison/HHH that HHH would escape because the other 2 couldn't coexist. Cena would also defeat Joe by nefarious means.

HHH/Cena would also go for the tag belts so that they have all the gold. MCMG would beat them the first time (which would be huge for them) but then lose the belts due to some shenanigans. Cornette would be furious and book a rematch for the PPV where TPT would also have to defend their other titles. TPT retains after interference from Morgan/Sheamus who also interfere in the other 2 title matches. Then TPT let Morgan/Sheamus join and give them the tag belts, keeping the gold in The TPT while keeping Cena/HHH from fighting twice on 1 PPV.

Aries/Morrison team up to go for tag gold but fall short because they can't coexist and then go back to their rivalry.

After Samoa Joe loses to Cena, TPT begin throwing challengers at him and interfering in his matches, causing him to go on a losing streak than ends with him at the bottom of the rankings. Over the next few months, Cena moves on to challengers like Angle and Danielson, while Joe slowly works his way up the rankings.

Cornette decides their will be a tag team tourney and Low-ki/Danielson form a tag team because they hate Morgan/Sheamus. This tourney also causes some friction amongst The Purists (Swagger/WGTT/Williams/Angle) because WGTT want the belts but Swagger/Williams also enter the tourney. WGTT eventually win the tourney and the tag belts, leading to friction between TPT and The Purists (who can also have Angle go for heavyweight while Williams/Swagger try for the TV title).

Low-ki/Danielson confront Punk about trying to join the TPT because, like them, he knows about how important it is to work your way to the top. Punk disagrees and they have some sweet triple threat matches.

Also, Doug Williams invites Danielson to join The Purists but only if he ditches Low-ki (who isn't good enough for them). Danielson disagrees and Ki/Danielson feud with The Purists. After beating WGTT and Swagger/Williams, Ki/Danielson also beat Angle/Willaims with Ki somehow getting the pin on Angle. Postmatch, Angle shakes Ki's hand, causing Williams to flip out and attack Angle. The next week, Angle starts running down Williams' and saying there's no reason to disrespect other wrestlers. Williams' disagrees and the rest of the Purists join him in beating down Angle. Angle now makes it his mission to take them out (though he gets some help from Ki/Danielson).

Aries/Morrison settle their feud in a 3 Stages of Hell match that Aries wins. HHH offers him a spot in the TPT but Aries tells him to go to hell and eventually beats him for the TV title.

Samoa Joe finally works his way back to #1 and then gets Cena in an Iron Man match. It's 0-0 (after multiple false finishes and surprising kickouts) with a minute left when Joe locks on the Kokina Clutch. Cena fights it but passes out with 10 seconds left. However, Joe doesn't break the hold and gets DQ'd with a second left. He celebrates the win, not realizing that it's a draw, and then flips out when the ref tells him they're going to sudden death OT. He pummels the ref into oblivion, allowing HHH to run in and hit him with a pedigree and then lay Cena on top of him. A new ref runs out to make the count, but Joe rolls Cena over the the quick 3-count. NEW CHAMP! Samoa Joe then goes on at least a 6 month (maybe even a 1 year) tear as champion beating everyone in his path.

[Edited on 5-27-2010 by theflammablemanimal]

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posted on 5-29-2010 at 04:02 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Raven would be ejected for his insane behavior and becoming a detriment to the group. (Which of course, was the plan all along.)

Also, for the record, this is Scott Cardinal.

I totally agree with the sentiment that what you plan out changes based on what actually happens.

It wasn't until the end of the battle royal that I realized that Cardinal could have a place as the cannon fodder of the Heel Alliance.

Then after that it all made sense to me that his character would be more lucky than good and clearly be in over his head.

Raven joining the group wasn't part of the plan until I realized that it would be a perfect way for he and Roberts to turn their plan into a reality.

Dynamite's involvement only occurred because I noticed how bad ass he must have been for Flair not wanting to engage him, even with Anderson.

Everything I booked sort of just came out of that first segment.

I believe my original plan had Raven/Roberts taking advantage of a worn out Randy Savage after running him through a gauntlet of other wrestlers.

It kind of dawned on me that this would leave Owen's business unfinished when he returned so it got delayed again.

After having tried (and failed) to book an entire 20 man roster and ending up struggling to book just the main event, I have a new respect for what bookers actually have to do.

At the same time, after having read yours, fuck those guys. It can be done, done well, and without too many problems.

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posted on 5-31-2010 at 12:57 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Thanks Magu. I know I had some advantages over the real writers (awesome roster, previously defined characters, no limits or politics) and I stole some ideas (The Purists, the finish to WM X7), but I'm still amazed at how easy this is. It only took me a few hours to book a month of shows (10 shows and a PPV).

But if you think that stuff is good, check out the Alternate History of the WWE thread. That guy's been doing some good work too.

I think I might go back and start doing this some more just because it's so much fun. Almost feels like we should just start a u2u thing, but I'll keep posting it here.

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posted on 5-31-2010 at 01:12 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
If you guys like fantasy booking so much, why not fantasy book yourself or characters of your own creation into the awesome OOWF. It's just a little bit above this thread. Check it out.
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