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Author: Subject: 20/20 Hindsight for 2016 Rumble
Dominated by my love for Randy Orton

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posted on 2-2-2016 at 06:43 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
20/20 Hindsight for 2016 Rumble

I think we can all agree that the 2016 Royal Rumble sucked. �I didn't like the outcome, I didn't like the concept, I didn't like the Superstar Champion taking on 29 challengers in a One vs. All billing staying in the back for half the match... but as you know, I'm not an unreasonable man, nor am I someone who just whines and whines without presenting any alternatives or solutions. �Therefore, and for that reason, I present to you the 2016 Royal Rumble In 20/20 Hindsight. �I'm going to use the same 30 wrestlers, but come up with a completely different way of utilizing them.

The stilted way Roman Reigns got to be the #1 entrant was dumb, but if it's going to be 1 vs. All, I actually don't mind it as it gives him a chance to face, in theory, all 29 of his challengers. �And I liked Rusev at #2 as the last two men standing a year ago would start the match paired off. �And I don't mind the quick elimination by Reigns, either. �It establishes him as a strong champion and ready to take on the monumental task in front of him.

#3 - Goldust. �He comes out preening and posturing and doing all sorts of wacky stuff, but Roman doesn't have time for this happy crappy. �He throws Goldie over the top after about a minute, but Goldust lands on the apron. �Reigns goes to follow up and eats one of Goldust's trademark uppercuts. �That slows the pace and allows time for #4 to enter. �It's Stardust. �In a weird reunion, the two brothers realize that they would earn extraordinary cache with The Authority if they were to eliminate Reigns, so they go back to some double-teaming moves from their brief tag team experience. �The crowd kinda gets into it, until a double-clothesline attempt misses and Reigns double-clotheslines both brothers out. �Three eliminations already and Reigns has a few moments to rest before #5 comes out. �It's Tyler Breeze. �Preening like the douche that he is, he tells Roman to step back while he takes a selfie entering his first (?) Royal Rumble. �Reigns obliges, then grabs the selfie stick and beats Breeze into the ring with it. �He then pounds him into the corner, flips him over the top, Breeze lands on the apron, but gets Superman Punched to the floor. �Crowd is now firmly behind Reigns as Cole & Saxton gush over Reigns surviving the first 5 spots in relatively easy fashion. �JBL cools their jets saying there's still a long way to go.

#6 - Curtis Axel. �Same spot he was last year completing the longest Royal Rumble entrance ever. �You want to bring the rest of the Social Outcasts down and create a theme of outside interference and shenanigans, WWE? �I don't like it, but I'll play along to show I'm not inflexible. �Deal goes down basically the same way and Axel is eliminated and Reigns waits on #7. �It's Alberto Del Rio. �Vince pep talks him down the aisle trying to get him psyched up. �ADR comes in a house of fire, but eats the ring post on a corner charge. �Regins does his 10 corner clotheslines and ADR slows down. �Vince is not amused and gets up on the ring to distract Roman. �ADR looks to take out Reigns from behind, but a judicious sidestep sees Del Rio collide with Vince knocking him off the apron. �Alberto is horrified and apologetic, but the distraction allows Reigns to dump him over the top at Vince's feet. �The Roman Empire is going batshit. �The ringside doctor sprints over to check on Vince, whose pride is hurt more than anything it turns out. �He yells at Roman how much he hates him as the clock counts down while Cole notes that Reigns is already halfway to his elimination record. �

The buzzer sounds and #8 is Big Show. �Vince's evil smile returns to his face. �He exhorts Show to get Reigns, knock him out, and throw him out. �Show is like, "I got this, I got this." �Sure enough Reigns's momentum is slowed allowing for #9 to join the party in the form of Kane. �The two take turns on Roman briefly before turning on each other. �Ryback enters at #10 putting some serious beef into the ring. �The four pair off trading huge shots, but the punctuation is when Ryback shellshocks Kane just before Reigns spears Show. �Ryback is beating his chest like Tarzan which allows Roman to spear him, too. �Reigns stands alone as the clock counts down.

#11 - Dean Ambrose. �Now it's the two buddies united and they begin systematically attacking the others in the ring. �They're able to eliminate Ryback and are working on Kane when Sheamus enters at #12. �His house of fire slows the pace down and saves Kane. �The 3-on-2 now is beginning in earnest, but evens up when Chris Jericho enters at #13. �Y2J and Kane pair off in a corner as Show chokeslams Ambrose. �Sheamus has been pounding on Reigns and tells Show to come over and help him. �Show chokeslams Roman and then Sheamus tells him to hold him up for a Brogue Kick. �Roman sidesteps and Show takes the Brogue and is sent reeling into the ropes. �Reigns spears Sheamus as Ambrose scrambles up and lifts one of Show's legs up. �Roman comes and grabs the other leg and together they're able to hoist Big Show out of the ring. �The ex-Shield-mates high-five as the clock counts down.

#14 - AJ Styles. �Crowd goes apeshit as Styles takes his time. �Sheamus has recovered and blindsided both Ambrose and Reigns knocking them both down. �Styles gets in the ring and smiles at Sheamus and offers a handshake. �Sheamus is trying to figure out who this is, but accepts the handshake and turns to resume the Shield beating. �That's when Styles dropkicks him from behind. �Then the bicycle kick and the beating is on. �Jack Swagger comes in at #15 and his house of fire slows AJ's roll. �He kinda gets semi-booed until Kane chokeslams him. �Kane then tries to chokeslam Sheamus, but the Irishman wiggles out of it, only to be caught by Reigns on his shoulders who unceremoniously dumps him Samoan Drop style over the top. �Cole loses his mind pointing out we're only halfway through the Rumble and all 3 League of Nations entrants have been eliminated. �What's The Authority going to do?

#16 - Luke Harper. �The first Wyatt Family member enters and wastes no time. �He pounds Reigns into oblivion does the same to Ambrose, then Swagger tries to jump him from behind. �Mistake. �Swagger is discus clotheslined and tossed out. �#17 is signaled by a trombone as New Day comes out with Kofi Kingston as their horse in the Rumble. �Or so we thought. �Here comes Rusev, Sheamus, and Del Rio storming out of the back with Mr. McMahon right behind them. �They steamroll New Day in the aisle on their way to the ring. �Harper is beating on Reigns in one of the corners, but Rusev grabs Reigns by the ankle and takes him down. �Del Rio grabs the other ankle and they reverse crotch Roman on the ring post. �Not good enough for Vince. �They pull him under the ring and proceed to do the exact same beat-down through the announce table. �Reigns is laid out, but not eliminated. �

As medical personnel attend to Roman, R-Truth enters at #18. �He checks on New Day to make sure they're all right, then gets them pumped up to go and join the match, including trying to play the trombone, but unable to blow anything. �Undeterred he still buoys Kofi with his enthusiasm and they head to the ring. �Then Truth does the exact same bit thinking this is a ladder match. �Kane is the one who who pulls him off and grabs him by the throat as if he's going to chokeslam him over the top. �But Truth is screaming for mercy so Kane just drops him on the apron. �Truth thanks Kane profusely until the big red machine throat chops him off the apron. �As everybody's chuckling, Harper comes up from behind and dumps Kane out. �This moment of levity allows everyone to kind of forget about Reigns for a little bit who is still being attended to on the broken announce table. �#19 is Mark Henry and the big man starts throwing his weight around. �He's the only one big enough and fresh enough to slow the Luke Harper freight train down. �Unfortunately for the World's Strongest Man, Braun Strowman enters at #20. �Strowman and Harper become a 2-man wrecking crew. �They do the Kofi spot where Langston saves him with a chicken ride, allowing some hijinx around the ring. �The hijinx stops when Mark Henry almost lands on top of them, courtesy of Strowman and Harper. �Kofi yells at them for nearly killing them, at which point Strowman grabs Kofi by the head and shoves him, and New Day fall all over themselves eliminating Kingston.

#21 - Neville. �He explodes to the ring, and jumping beans around knocking everyone loopy, including Strowman who is staggered back into a corner. �After building the house of fire for a bit, he screams to the crowd pumped up at his impact and turns right around... and is face-to-face with AJ Styles. �The crowd ooo's for a moment, 'til Luke Harper ruins the party, blindsiding Styles. �#22 is Titus O'Neil who puts another big body in there for the face side. �He hits a couple moves, and really impress JBL when he knocks Strowman down with one clothesline. �That doesn't make Luke Harper happy, and he chop blocks Titus from behind settling things down again just in time for Erick Rowan to enter at #23. �The 3-way Wyatt Domination is in full effect. �They eliminate Neville and Jericho, and Titus. �They next decide to corner Ambrose. �They corner him in the opposite corner from where Roman is being removed from the announce table and about to be stretchered out. �But Roman sees his buddy in trouble and the adrenaline rush miraculously blocks out the pain. �He storms back in the ring and the Shield go bat crap on the Wyatts. �Styles joins in and it's a wild pier-sixer as Kevin Owens enters at #24. �He does his exact same hobbling bit and provides the edge for the heels and eliminates Styles in the exact same way. �Now it's 4-on-2 and what are The Shield to do?

#25 - Brock Lesnar. �Uh-oh. �Suddenly it's 4-on-3 and the 3 has the advantage. �Lesnar Beast Incarnates the Wyatts. �Owens is smart enough to avoid Brock, but finds himself on the wrong end of an Ambrose beating again. �Brock and Roman are winning the battle against the Wyatts, but can't eliminate any of them. �Miz comes down at #26 and does his exact same bit, bragging to the Cole & The Gang about his brilliant strategy to avoid the current carnage in the ring. �During the braggadocio, Lesnar eliminates Harper, Reigns eliminates Rowan, and Brock punctuates the Awesomeness that Miz is not a part of by F-5'ing Strowman. �From the department of bad timing, Bray Wyatt comes in at #27. �He gathers up Harper and Rowan in the aisle way and does some of that strong whispering in their ear. �Suddenly sprinting from the back, here comes Vince McMahon. �*HE* does some strong whispering in Bray Wyatt's ear. �Both Bray and Vince smile fiendishly and the 3 Wyatts head back to the ring. �Ambrose and Owens are in one corner, Lesnar and Reigns the other, Strowman is still laying prone just under the ropes on one side of the ring. �Bray aggressively whispers in Braun's ear and the big man's eyes open wide. �He stands up on the apron. The 4 Wyatts each pick a side of the ring to stand on. �The other 4 men in the ring see what's happening and move to the center. �The referees are trying to stop the eliminated Wyatt members from entering, but Harper and Rowan fling them to the floor. �The brawl is on. �Ambrose and Harper, Roman and Bray, Brock and Braun, Rowan and Owens. �

In the confusion, Sami Zayn makes a triumphant return at #28. �He goes completely undetected by the other 8 men and peels Owens off of Erick Rowan and chucks him out to KO's shock and chagrin. �Sami celebrates for all of about 8 seconds when Strowman grabs him and picks him up and tosses him right at Kevin Owens. �Owens catches Zayn, drops him to the floor, and then points and laughs before stomping a brief mudhole in him. �Dolph Ziggler comes in at #29 and decides to busy himself by chasing Miz around the outside. �He finaly chases him inside the ring and begins wailing on Miz as the Wyatts have now taken charge over the rest of the ring. �Brock suddenly hulks up and fights them off. �He tosses Harper and Rowan through the ropes and dumps Bray, but doesn't eliminate him as the cult leader hangs on the ropes. �Strowman comes to untie his boss, but that leaves him exposed and Reigns gets the big man half over himself. �Lesnar comes to join in and they finish him off. �Bray is saved, but he is incensed. �So his Braun. �Braun grabs Lesnar and Reigns each by an ankle. �Roman stumbles to the mat allowing Harper and Rowan to pull him out underneath the ropes and begin another beating of Reigns. �Lesnar doesn't budge, but he reaches over to swat Braun's arm away. �Strowman releases the ankle and now grabs Lesnar's arm. �Bray sees this and goes for Lesnar's legs. �Brock isn't going over easy, though. �Bray calls for help just as Harper and Rowan send Roman into the ring steps. �The pair climb back in the ring and and help Bray pick up Lesnar and toss him over. �Brock is stunned and tries to brawl with the Wyatt minions but eventually succumbs when they conk him off the ring post. �Just when Bray is exalting in his glory, somehow, Roman Reigns comes out of nowhere and Superman Punches him into next week. �Bray staggers off the ropes into Roman's fireman's carry, and he dumps him over the top. �Strowman tries to catch him, but can't and Wyatt is out as the clock counts down for #30.

#30 - HHH. �Before the Game can walk down the aisle, Wyatt and his men have already grabbed Roman and dragged him under the ropes again. �This time they bring him up the aisle to Triple H. �Hunter badmouths Reigns, slaps him a few times, and sets him up to Pedigree him on the stage. �Then he changes his mind and throws him to Bray and his goons. �They pick him up Shield style and Powerbomb him through the stage which collapses. �Medical personnel are out from the back like their hair is on fire. �People are trying to help Roman and get him out of the pit he's fallen into at the same time. �Meanwhile, the Game goes to the ring where Ambrose and Ziggler are trying to eliminate Miz, who has a death grip on as many ropes as he can. �The 4-man battle lasts for about 3 minutes with several false eliminations. �HHH's freshness and experience is winning out, though, and he's churning out a methodical pace, which included a Miz attempt to form an alliance, which Trips accepted for about 3 seconds before HHH slugged him. �Ziggler was the one to turn the tables, though, and had HHH teetering until Miz came from behind and dumped Ziggler instead. �Miz tries again to butter up to the boss and now he has a trump card that he saved Trips from elimination. �The two shake hands, but then Miz gets real wide-eyed. �Hunter tries to ask him what's going, but Miz is frozen. �HHH turns around to see a hobbling Roman Reigns, with his left arm practically limp by his side, coming back down to the ring. �HHH's eyes are saucers now, too. �Miz gestures very broadly that the two of them will team up to take out Roman once and for all. �They never get the chance because Ambrose clobbers HHH from behind. �Miz is left with Roman, a situation he'd not rather be in. �But Miz thinks about it, the guy's got a bad wheel and a bum wing, he can take this dude. �But you only need one hand to Superman Punch somebody. �Reigns picks up Miz with one hand and chucks him out. �HHH had dodged a corner charge and made his way to another corner, but now he's staring at Reigns and Ambrose, battered and beaten, but outnumbering him. �He slinks out of the ring just as they were about to grab him, goes under the mat and finds an equalizer in a sledgehammer. �He pounds the ring steps with it as he gets back in the ring. �Ambrose and Reigns take a few steps back. �Hunter is swinging it as if he intends to use it. �He yells at them to just go over the top rope and eliminate themselves and no one has to get hurt. �Ambrose doesn't buy it and is the one to foolishly charge first. �He gets a sledgehammer to the gut, but Roman is right in top of him and knocks HHH to the mat and the sledge falls to the floor. �Roman goes for his corner clothesline count, but at 3, Hunter ducks, grabs Roman by his good arm, turns that into a hammerlock and grabs Roman's head with the other hand and dumps him out. �Pelvic thrusts and Suck It and pointing and swearing and all that. �Roman stares in disbelief at all he had to fight through, only to get eliminated 28th and fall two spots short of an improbable win. �But he's smiling all of a sudden. �Like with Brock Lesnar? �No. �Turn around Hunter. �WHACK! �Ambrose has just clocked HHH in the skull with the sledgehammer! �Roman gets back in the ring and together, he and Dean throw Triple H's lifeless body over the top rope. �Anybody but Reigns... but Ambrose? �

Roman and HHH can still happen, just not for the title. �Ambrose is now also in The Authority crosshairs and the League of Nations can be their henchmen. �Miz can also beg for opportunities since he saved HHH, but Ziggler is always pestering Miz, demanding revenge. �Brock/Bray still happens with a lot more gravitas and who will be Lesnar's random partners in various tag matches (if anyone?). �Jericho/Styles can still happen and it can be part of them and the NXT crew fighting over the vacated I-C title. �Everyone just comes out so much stronger. �Even Roman's two "naps" during the match are legitimate, although a little silly since the League nor the Wyatts eliminated him. �But good grief this keeps a lot more interesting for the stretch run to WM.

And if you didn't like this, it's flexible. You could have Bray be the survivor at the end, or Lesnar, or even Reigns if you laid him out afterwards. Or somebody else you want to insert into the main event picture. And it would also give you the chance to ad lib over the next couple weeks if you wanted to change your mind as the winds of change blew throughout the Universe. You'd have the potential for a much more fluid situation than what we have now and use other people in the equation to stir various pots.

OK, my brain can rest now.

I do NOT love RKO, you sarcastic bastards.
"There are no politics in WWE." - Stephanie McMahon

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posted on 2-2-2016 at 07:27 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
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The Man

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posted on 2-3-2016 at 07:17 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I'm still fine with Triple H winning the Rumble. It was a fun one and Roman didn't "beat the odds". The problem I have (and a lot of people probably do, too) is they didn't even waste any time: they established we're getting Triple H/Reigns for the title at Mania by saying "Triple H is going to defend it at Mania against whoever wins this nonsensical Triple Threat". Unless they make Triple H defend the title at the 30 day mark and he loses the title then, or drops the title after Reigns wins the Triple Threat match and says "Congrats, you won a match to face me...just not for the title anymore," the aftermath of the Rumble was just done in the dumbest, laziest way possible.

But the Rumble itself was fine, even if the prospect of Reigns winning did kill our game.

[Edited on 2-3-2016 by nOOb]

"The Seahawks are cool. Me and Tubby here hung out with them once at a Bruno Mars concert."-Jay and Silent Bob representing the Broncos on FOX NFL Sunday.

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The Hitcher

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posted on 2-3-2016 at 08:42 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I think we can all agree that the 2016 Royal Rumble sucked


It was underwhelming, boneheaded and silly but "sucked?" No, it didn't suck.

I do prefer your version however although I think booking crowd reaction is probably not a good idea since it's not something that can be controlled without the prior legwork done (which it hasn't).

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posted on 2-3-2016 at 08:50 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
What Dom said!

Now why can't the writer monkey's think like that?

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posted on 2-4-2016 at 06:50 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by The Greek
What Dom said!

Now why can't the writer monkey's think like that?

Because "OOOK OOK OOK EEK EEK! *Flings feces at wall*", that's why.

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posted on 2-4-2016 at 07:11 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
They much prefer to be referred to as the 'riter dnonkeys.

You are a bastard. A daughter-fucking wildling bastard.

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Dominated by my love for Randy Orton

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posted on 2-5-2016 at 05:38 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Because you're trying to craft a faux sporting event with people who think the drama needs to be created. The drama of human competition and sport is more than enough in itself. Or did everyone miss last year's Super Bowl? Crafting the personalities around it is what the monkeys should be focused on. You can throw in your R-Truth ladder spots here and there, but how about coming hoop with the most compelling match possible? WWE clearly did not reach that. HHH costing Reigns? Fine. HHH winning the title? No way. Does anyone see HHH as champion after WM? If not, you can't book it that way.

I do NOT love RKO, you sarcastic bastards.
"There are no politics in WWE." - Stephanie McMahon

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Dominated by my love for Randy Orton

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posted on 2-5-2016 at 05:42 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by The Hitcher
It was underwhelming, boneheaded and silly but "sucked?" No, it didn't suck.

Underwhelming, boneheaded, and silly has purchased land on the border of suck. Arguing semantics, anyway. And you can book crowd reactions. Just look at Roman winning the title. WWE had tried to book that reaction all year.

I do NOT love RKO, you sarcastic bastards.
"There are no politics in WWE." - Stephanie McMahon

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posted on 2-6-2016 at 02:49 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Dominator
...but as you know, I'm not an unreasonable man...

"I'm gonna fix that last joke by taking out all the words and adding new ones..." - Mitch Hedberg

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Dominated by my love for Randy Orton

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posted on 2-6-2016 at 07:08 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Touch�, sir, but I have acknowledged that my anti-Orton stance is not entirely sane or rational. It just happens to be what I need to do in order to enjoy pro wrestling.

I do NOT love RKO, you sarcastic bastards.
"There are no politics in WWE." - Stephanie McMahon

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posted on 2-6-2016 at 02:29 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I finally watched the Rumble today. I enjoyed it (although, I already knew the outcome).

I do think they had a great opportunity to have Ambrose win, but I don't think that not happening ruins this Rumble.

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The Man

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posted on 2-6-2016 at 04:05 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Dominator
Because you're trying to craft a faux sporting event with people who think the drama needs to be created. The drama of human competition and sport is more than enough in itself. Or did everyone miss last year's Super Bowl? Crafting the personalities around it is what the monkeys should be focused on. You can throw in your R-Truth ladder spots here and there, but how about coming hoop with the most compelling match possible? WWE clearly did not reach that. HHH costing Reigns? Fine. HHH winning the title? No way. Does anyone see HHH as champion after WM? If not, you can't book it that way.

That's the reason you have a heel win a Rumble for a title: to lose it at Mania. If Dean Ambrose wins the title, that's not a story WWE knows how to tell. At this point in time, I think we all need to realize the writers for WWE have very small zones in which they can work. The Rumble starts the largest story they tell during the entire year: the "Road to Wrestlemania". Can a story be told using Dean Ambrose fighting the odds night after night and culminating in beating the system at Mania? Of course they can, but that requires more wrestling than writing, and that's not their wheelhouse.

What they do know is this: if you put a heel champ at the top of the company on the Road to Wrestlemania, then, ideally, people will want to see him lose the belt to the top guy at Mania. Or maybe see him get knocked off midway down the Road and watch the usurper defend his title against him at Mania. That story can be told with equal parts matches and backstage segments of the challenger fighting various odds. That's their wheelhouse (and, yeah, I know you can probably do that with a face champ/heel challenger, but I'd re-emphasize the you in that, and define that as "everyone not working for WWE").

The only problem that exists, from the aftermath of the Rumble, is that they're definitively saying "Triple H will be your champ at Wrestlemania," and they're leaving the challenger as "TBD". And, with how WWE has been trending, that TBD is a 99% chance of meaning Roman Reigns will be the challenger at Mania and will likely be a three-time WWE World Heavyweight champion at the end of the night.

Of course, there's always that 1%, where WWE does something no one expects them to do and listen to every audience they've performed for the past year and a half, whether they be smarky, semi-smarky, Universe drones, or dead, and make that challenger the most over face they have: Dean Ambrose.

Still, the Rumble only had two realistic options: Reigns overcomes everything ever or a heel champ arrives on the scene to rule over the Road to Wrestlemania. They chose the right option...the only issue is that they went and made it so the next night they painted themselves into the second worst option available.

[Edited on 2-6-2016 by nOOb]

"The Seahawks are cool. Me and Tubby here hung out with them once at a Bruno Mars concert."-Jay and Silent Bob representing the Broncos on FOX NFL Sunday.

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posted on 2-7-2016 at 04:15 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
A lot of this is really overestimating Reigns abilities.First off Reigns hasn't shown anything close that proves he can do the eliminating them as soon as they come in spot because that requires more stamina than he's shown and the creativity as you try to make the eliminations stand out with certain differences to keep things fresh. Also you don't have him eliminate perhps the most over lower midcarder in Goldust when the crowd already doesn't like him anway.

Overall that sort of opening for the Rumble would be pretty boring then I feel you created lesser moments for Styles and Zayn then what they actually got. Styles coming in at 3 when everybody was expecting a schmuck and staring down The Top Guy was a much better moment than him coming down and doing a stupid cheap trick with Sheamus(why would you even shake somebody's hand in a Rumble?). And for Zayn coming in quietly to chuck Owens is nowhere near as good as Owens being the center of attention just to be shocked at who was coming next and engaging him head on.

As for your finale, it's lame. A face shouldn't have his triumphant Rumble victory be by catching the heel by suprise and then eliminating with somebody else lending a hand. Austin won by exchanging near eliminations with the Rock, Cena won by overpowering HHH, Reigns won by having Rusev scouted and avoiding a cheap shot,etc. That win for Ambrose win wouldn't be worthy of being Dean's big epic victory.

Overall, a notch below the actual Rumble. No retarded Reigns walk to the back spot but a retarded strangers handshake for no reason, AJ's and Zayn's Rumble debut are less cool, and the opening and closing segments sound more lame.

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posted on 2-7-2016 at 05:05 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
So I finally read this and apparently Dom's theory on getting Roman over is to make him look super duper strong... I think hes been fast forwarding more than Orton for the last 18 months

"The North Cafeteria, named after Admiral William North, is located in the western portion of East Hall, gateway to the western half of North Hall, which is named, not after William North, but for its position above the South Wall. It is the most contested and confusing battlefield on Greendale�s campus, next to the English Memorial Spanish Center, named after English Memorial, a Portuguese sailor that discovered Greendale while looking for a fountain that cured syphilis."

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Count Zero

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posted on 2-7-2016 at 11:17 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Columbo
So I finally read this and apparently Dom's theory on getting Roman over is to make him look super duper strong... I think hes been fast forwarding more than Orton for the last 18 months

Yeah, I think we should take this way less-seriously than it was intended. He displays irrational & irrevocable hatred of Randall K. Orton, then tries to convince us that he can book with a fair & unbiased viewpoint. This is more like Royal Rumble Satire....

Has anybody ever seen Dom & Matt Hocking in the same place at the same time?

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posted on 2-10-2016 at 04:46 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
The goal was not just to make Reigns look stronger than how he came out (having the One in the One vs. All miss half the All, and doing so with an "injury" he never sold upon his return, is unconscionably shortsighted), but to make everyone stronger than they came out. Lesnar, Wyatt, Reigns, HHH, Ambrose, even Styles to a certain degree, all came out of this weaker in my eyes. How you can do that with your main event stars is stupefying.

If you want to have a heel champion, then fine. Have the Final 4 be Wyatt, HHH, Ambrose & Reigns and postpone the Wyatt Family beatdown until then. Ambrose and Reigns team up to eliminate HHH, a furious Game illegally re-enters and tosses Reigns out, Ambrose attacks Trips, Wyatt comes up from behind and tosses Ambrose out. Now you have the Shield & HHH still pissed at each other, Lesnar wants Wyatt and can go after the title at the same time, the Authority somehow has to co-exist with the Eater of Worlds as their champion, and you can still have the same Fast Lane main event, and, most importantly, the winner doesn't get to face a guy who's wrestled about as much the past 2 years as the guy who announced his retirement last night with the outcome a completely foregone conclusion.

I do NOT love RKO, you sarcastic bastards.
"There are no politics in WWE." - Stephanie McMahon

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