Jacked by Hugh ... what devastation are the Muppets capable of?
Dyn-O-Mite - 9-23-2011 at 01:58 AM

Didn't see this on here yet ... maybe Hugh didn't get the memo that "sports entertainment" doesn't = break someone's jaw...


This really ups the ante for guest hosts on Raw ... what will happen next? Will Gonzo give John Cena a concussion?

Does Ziggler feel this way about Mr. Jackman now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlMWVwAHll0 (2:40, specifically speaking)

[Edited on 9-23-2011 by Dyn-O-Mite]

cardscott5 - 9-23-2011 at 02:51 AM

It was on TMZ of all places that this was a work by Dolph. It worked.

Gobshite - 9-23-2011 at 07:36 AM

Yeah it did, made several mainstream newspapers over here too. He'd better show up with his pretend mouth protector next week.

G-Spot - 9-23-2011 at 09:28 AM

I had posted about this in the Raw thread ( http://www.oowrestling.com/OOForums/viewthread.php?tid=25606&page;=1 ) after Dolph made his original tweet...

"land in Bikini Bottom 9:30 am, MRI scheduled for 1 pm.....possible fractured jaw #thanksBatman"

*Loved the "Thanks Batman" tag!*

Just read before coming here that it wasn't true.

Ziggler posted a few hours ago on Twitter...

"kept my mouth shut all day figuratively and literally! luckily for Game, I'm a company guy.... #LuckyForBatmanToo"

DKBroiler - 9-28-2011 at 04:32 PM

Jackman vs Ziggler at Wrestlemania. Book it!

The funny thing is that I'm only half joking. I think this might happen.

Flash - 9-28-2011 at 04:49 PM

I would be a big fan of this.

I think Hugh really took the ball and ran with it in terms of impromptu interactions and bouncing around the ring. He's a long time stage actor so I think he's comfortable with the crowds, and he's got a good enough rep for a willingness to do a lot of his own stunts that I think he could put together a quick match and look good doing it.

On the WWE side Jackman's a pretty A-list guy, and someone at Ziggler's level (or any level for that matter, but if you wanted you could throw together a tag team) could really use that exposure to say nothing of really adding that extra star power to WM.

The only reason I can't see this happening is that short of perhaps the DVD release of Real Steel I think Jackman's next couple of movies are drama's not lending themselves to WWE tie-ins, and the second Wolverine movie is probably too far off for this to still be relevant for Ziggler to keep milking it (unless they make it a Kane/Pete Rose re-occuring type thing where Jackman routinely shows up to clock Ziggler just for fun...).

So yeah, I'd be a fan of this, but don't see it happening.

salmonjunkie - 9-28-2011 at 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Flash
(unless they make it a Kane/Pete Rose re-occuring type thing where Jackman routinely shows up to clock Ziggler just for fun...).

That would be hilarious!

Flash - 9-28-2011 at 08:18 PM

Expecially if it becomes increasing bizarre or random, like if Ziggler just finds a big present back stage for him and Jackman jumps out like a Jack-in-the-Box and pops him one yelling "suprise", and then runs away....