Rumor Crap 2017, pt. 1: The First Hot Steaming Slice!
OORick - 1-2-2017 at 10:48 PM

Time to reset all these threads for 2017, kids.

I'll leave it to the less-snarky to kick off the TNA and Lucha Underground threads when it is appropriate to do so, and I'll take responsibility for this one and the first RAW one (today), the first SD/205 one (Tuesday), and the new NXT one (Wednesday).

A few news items (some may be from the old thread, a few may be new):

Last week, SmackDown both drew more live fans and more TV viewers than RAW, for the first time since the very first week of the brand split. Of course, this is being attributed internally to nothing other than John Cena. Which is probably (if depressingly) accurate.

Paige is in Tampa, FL, tonight, which is site of RAW. While nowhere near ready to compete, WWE is said to want to find some non-wrestling use for her, on the grounds that Paige sort of thought her behavior would lead to her getting to sit at home and collect her guarantee until her contract expired, and WWE doesn't want to let that happen.

Both the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels are being advertised for NEXT week's RAW. Michaels is steadfast in not working any actual match (despite the big tease that AJ Styles laid out a few months back), but could be a fit as a guest ref. Taker could enter the Rumble Match, or have some other, more active, role that sets the wheels in motion for his WM Storyline (widely rumored to be a match against Cena).

Out of nowhere, New Orleans has emerged as a leading candidate for WrestleMania 34. The SuperDome just hosted WM30 (unless you are the Hulkster, in which case, that was actually the SilverDome, brother!).

Ronda Rousey's KO loss on Friday may be the end of her UFC career. Contrary to Jonathan Coachman's mind-bending theories about Rousey being "broken merchandise" (and the silly schadenfreuede being exhibited by many of your douchier fans, who take pleasure in Rousey's fall from grace), this actually does nothing but improve her chances of lucrative future WWE appearances.

Kurt Angle is telling people he's headed back to WWE, and is not taking any indie bookings past late March.

WWE, obviously, skipped the Slammys this year. There was no clear vision on how to execute them, given the Brand Split. It is possible that after a year off, each brand will do its own version of an awards show, or that WWE will reboot the Slammys as a WWE Network standalone deal, geared a bit more towards non-rigged awards and the "smart" fans. The thinking is that WWE Network has already usurped the title of "best indie" with NXT, and trumped every other attemtped Hall of Fame with their own HoF presentation, so maybe, just maybe, in January 2018, you'll see an awards show where WWE actually tries to honor the best performers and performances across ALL their platforms (RAW, SD, NXT, 205, UK, and their semi-secret indie affiliations), and screw anyone for putting any stock in those PWI or Meltzer awards.

In the meantime, nudged things in that direction, by putting out their list of the top 25 matches of 2017. The top two matches were both from NXT (Zayn/Nakamura from Dallas, and Revival/DIY Best of 3 Falls), which is a definitely wink and a nudge in our direction. Maybe the entire LIST was a bit too much in that direction.... I mean, Shane/Taker was nowhere to be seen, and while it was a shitty "wrestling match," it was easily one of the top 25 "sports entertainment segments" of the year. And I definitely would have campaigned to get Ziggler/Miz moved up several spots, too.

That's enough to get the ball rolling, I think....


G-Spot - 1-2-2017 at 11:23 PM

Paige at RAM tonite....

[Edited on 1-2-2017 by G-Spot]

lz4005 - 1-3-2017 at 01:06 AM

Originally posted by OORick
I'll leave it to the less-snarky to kick off the TNA and Lucha Underground threads when it is appropriate to do so

We've been going season by season on LU. There's nowhere near enough posts to need a new one before they go on hiatus. Unless there's some admin thing that necessitates.

OORick - 1-3-2017 at 06:59 AM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by OORick
I'll leave it to the less-snarky to kick off the TNA and Lucha Underground threads when it is appropriate to do so

We've been going season by season on LU. There's nowhere near enough posts to need a new one before they go on hiatus. Unless there's some admin thing that necessitates.

Correct you are. LU Season 3 restored.

TNA, though? Ball's in your court, people who didn't think that episode 2 weeks ago was very silly!

Paddlefoot - 1-3-2017 at 08:52 AM

* ADR got arrested in Austria on Friday night Dec 30; he and his brother were involved in a brawl at a nightclub then they started fighting each other at the police station; ADR apparently popped the handcuffs or zip-ties they first had on him and they had to put ankle shackles on his wrists to restrain him

* interesting analysis here on why Ronda Rousey would be a poor fit in WWE

[Edited on 1/3/2017 by Paddlefoot]

royberto - 1-3-2017 at 10:11 AM

Finally viewed WWE's new PTI inspired show on the network, Bring it to the Table. I think it can work. OF ocurse, many smakrs all over the internet are already getting their panties in a major way because Paul Heyman gave them a savage verbal beatdown. It does seem to have a unusual mix of shoot and kayfabe talking and can't seem to decide which direction they want to go.

Gobshite - 1-3-2017 at 11:26 AM

"Finally viewed"??

It only debuted last night didn't it?

I'll watch it later, if for no other reason than Peter Rosenberg is hosting it.

Count Zero - 1-3-2017 at 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
"Finally viewed"??

It only debuted last night didn't it?

Yup, it did only debut last night after RAM, so as usual, berto is a good boy, he done nothins wrong.

I think that's how it goes? It's Janerd's line, not mine, but it fits.

merc - 1-4-2017 at 12:01 AM

If Berto in fact viewed the show, and evidence indicates he did... Why is it a rumor? FFSF lets start this year off right. SMFI

Paddlefoot - 1-4-2017 at 12:42 AM

* charges against Jimmy Snuka were fully dropped today as the judge in the murder & manslaughter case against him agreed with both the defense and prosecution that he is in no mental or physical shape to be tried and sentenced for the death of Nancy Argentino back in 1983

* WWE had an extreme attack of pettiness at last night's RAW and forced stadium officials in Tampa to move well-known super-fan Tye Dye Guy out of the camera's focus because he was dressed up like Hulk Hogan

* despite being under new ownership by Anthem, TNA staffers still haven't been paid yet for the work they did for the October Impact tapings; they have to wait until a payment from Sony Six in India is made before they get their pay

Flash - 1-4-2017 at 02:24 AM

If the WWE is punting Hogan fans off camera then I'm guessing that those rumours out of Hogan's daughter a few months back about how her dad was going to be at WM aren't true.

It's a shame that Snuka can't stand trial; I'm sure from everyone from the victims family, to Snuka and his family they would have all liked to see some closure from this... For the Argentino family they'll just have to make due with the fact that the grand jury inquest was said to be extremely thorough (owing as much to the 32 year delay in justice) and opted to proceed with charges probably being a decent chance that he would be found guilty, and that his days upright are numbered right now at about 6 months.

For what its worth his in ring legacy took a hit as well, as once the charges went through the WWE gave him the Hogan treatment and disappeared him from their HOF.

janerd75 - 1-4-2017 at 02:48 AM

Dunno about the Hogan one considering that the advertising for 'Bring it to the Table' last night on RAM regarding the type of questions that will be addressed on the show included one in the ballpark of "Will Hulk Hogan ever return to WWE?". Methinks that's about as Chekhov's Gun as WWE gets as far as telegraphing the answer. Which will eventually turn out to be 'yes' because otherwise why even mention his name in that context? If they shun him or just bring up his name just to say, "No, he'll never be back" he's got enough 'fuck you' money to be petty to Vince right back.

Outside of what I think of him as a person, he's still important to the historical aspects of the proceedings and considering they're on short supply when it comes to relatively non-offensive Legends like Dusty, Piper, and whatever remains of Flair's wetbrained psyche.

As an aside and in retrospect, Hogan's overall mental health (lol) relative to his more workrate capable peers basically indicts him as a useless load in the ring considering he's only really suffered physically from hip, back, and racist mouth issues while the rest of the boys ultimately got severe head trauma for their efforts. Geez, I can't wait until he's welcomed back with open arms.

Flash - 1-4-2017 at 03:22 AM

Oh I'm not saying Hogan won't ever be back, just that signs point to him riding the bench for while more... I've always thought that the WWE dropping Hogan because of private comments (however reprehensible it may be) was a mistake, as him going on speaking engagements as part of their be a star program, and rehabbing him publicly would have far more value; both to the company and to a greater good where we don't just sweep things under the rug pretend they didn't happen, and then when enough time goes by bring him back and really pretend it didn't happen. You could even suspend his legends contract and any merch' sales... anyway... old news, and we've all debated this already... but yeah, he'll be back... just probably not yet.

*In other news...

ADR is in shit again; a bar fight in Austria this time where he and his brother apparently quite badly beat up a third guy; ADR and his brother then either fought each other, or were taken to a local police station where they then fought one another.... man, what's this 3 fights in the last six months for ADR? Maybe the WWE was actually trying to be kind of a caring boss by getting Paige to split from ADR...

[Edited on 1-4-2017 by Flash]

williamssl - 1-4-2017 at 04:30 AM not only did ADR get in the fight you reference....but he ALSO got busted for an earlier fight that Pads referenced this morning? Shit...whoever set his bail didn't set it high enough....or some poor schmuck is out whatever they teed up as bail. money.

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* ADR got arrested in Austria on Friday night Dec 30; he and his brother were involved in a brawl at a nightclub then they started fighting each other at the police station; ADR apparently popped the handcuffs or zip-ties they first had on him and they had to put ankle shackles on his wrists to restrain him

Flash - 1-4-2017 at 04:43 AM

Yeah... that ADR, what a trouble maker....

That, or I missed Pad's post

royberto - 1-4-2017 at 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by Gobshite
"Finally viewed"??

It only debuted last night didn't it?

Yup, it did only debut last night after RAM, so as usual, berto is a good boy, he done nothins wrong.

I think that's how it goes? It's Janerd's line, not mine, but it fits.
I viewed it when I got home from works which was a few hours after it aired. So, I will

CamstunPWG187 - 1-4-2017 at 01:35 PM

Man, can't we just ban him? I got banned like twice between 2006 and 2010 (the second time was highly debatable), and I straightened my act up.

merc - 1-4-2017 at 03:19 PM

Now that's one spiffy pic Berto's got. I hear (see its a rumor (no "u") thread and this is a rumor (no "u") he stole it off the interweb and did not make it himself.

Cam, banning someone is sooo last decade. The OOUniverse is desperate for residents so law and order have gone to hell.

Thom - 1-4-2017 at 04:23 PM

If no ban, then how about a custom status of "Cunt"? Or would the custom status be too "cool" for him?

royberto - 1-4-2017 at 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Flash
If the WWE is punting Hogan fans off camera then I'm guessing that those rumours out of Hogan's daughter a few months back about how her dad was going to be at WM aren't true.
Ecept that they are punting any fans that are cosplaying. The last time The Rock was on Raw, they punted 4 guys who were cosplaying and one was dressed up as the Undertaker while one was dressed up as The Rock, neither of which are in a bad relationship with WWE. What is actually happening is they don't want cosplay people in front of the hard camera drawing attention away from what is happening in the ring. It does not matter who they are dressed up as.

royberto - 1-4-2017 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by merc
Cam, banning someone is sooo last decade. The OOUniverse is desperate for residents so law and order have gone to hell.
This is very fascinating. They take personal shots at me. Then when I respond and call out their trolling, they whine about wanting me banned. It seems they can dish it out, but they can't take it.

[Edited on 1-4-2017 by royberto]

Ortonmustdie - 1-4-2017 at 11:01 PM

I'm pretty sure it's a kind of hazing, roy. They give ya shit, and if you can keep up with 'em, sooner or later they'll either embrace you, or ignore you completely.

Of course, I could be wrong.

Paddlefoot - 1-4-2017 at 11:09 PM

It's the obsessive hatred for Charlotte and the belief in a massive bury-Becky-Lynch conspiracy that makes it all possible.

Count Zero - 1-4-2017 at 11:10 PM

Originally posted by royberto

That's fine. I was talking ABOUT you, not TO you. Though I can understand you don't know the difference, since you don't seem to handle rational discussions very well -- clinging to your opinions (which you often try-and-fail-to-disguise as "popular opinion" or "fact") wherever it suits you best.

If there were an ignore list here, I wouldn't even be aware you existed anymore. Take solace in that if you will.

royberto - 1-4-2017 at 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Ortonmustdie
I'm pretty sure it's a kind of hazing, roy. They give ya shit, and if you can keep up with 'em, sooner or later they'll either embrace you, or ignore you completely.

Of course, I could be wrong.
You are wrong. They can dish shit out, but they have proven they can't take it. So, I am just going to ignore their trolling from now on.

Paddlefoot - 1-4-2017 at 11:47 PM

merc - 1-4-2017 at 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by royberto

That's fine. I was talking ABOUT you, not TO you. Though I can understand you don't know the difference, since you don't seem to handle rational discussions very well -- clinging to your opinions (which you often try-and-fail-to-disguise as "popular opinion" or "fact") wherever it suits you best.

If there were an ignore list here, I wouldn't even be aware you existed anymore. Take solace in that if you will.

CZ that's the beauty of the bold name and AV (should Roy ever get one). Glance before reading and keep scrolling. More manual than clicking ignore but just as effective. I have two on my list and haven't had to read a thing they have typed.

No charge.

Ortonmustdie - 1-5-2017 at 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
It's the obsessive hatred for Charlotte and the belief in a massive bury-Becky-Lynch conspiracy that makes it all possible.

to be fair, i'm not that crazy about her either... Sometimes, especially when she "Wooo!"s, I find myself wondering if Reid wasn't really deceased, and actually pulled a Caitlin Jenner....

Just sayin'...

coxito - 1-5-2017 at 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Thom
If no ban, then how about a custom status of "Cunt"? Or would the custom status be too "cool" for him?

It's really not that hard. All I had to do was quote the 1st post in a thread as the 2nd poster. Just cacth a mod on the rag and you're set.

gambit3 - 1-5-2017 at 03:13 AM

Dixie out at TNA

Matte - 1-5-2017 at 04:03 AM

Originally posted by coxito
It's really not that hard. All I had to do was quote the 1st post in a thread as the 2nd poster. Just cacth a mod on the rag and you're set.

Will somebody please ban this fucking guy?

williamssl - 1-5-2017 at 04:13 AM

Gambit3 for av of the year

merc - 1-5-2017 at 04:26 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
Gambit3 for av of the year

Put it in fucking reminder thread.

Paddlefoot - 1-5-2017 at 07:15 AM

* Coach expanded on his comments earlier as to why WWE will not take on Ronda Rousey after her beat-down at the hands of Amanda Nunes at UFC 207; apparently Rousey lost two movies roles after the lost to Holly Holm because the producers were convinced her invincible image was shattered; basically it all revolves around that WWE is not in the business of rebuilding broken public images and also because there are too many indications that Rousey doesn't have the personality that can handle criticism, especially if multiple-thousands of fans get on her case at a venue like WrestleMania:

Realistically speaking the smart money would be to trust Coach and his still-existing connections inside WWE, unless all that Vince knows about Rousey is what he saw in that Expendables movies and he screams at someone to hire her while "she's still a hot item".

* Brock got a one-year suspension from the US Anti-Doping Agency that will be in effect for a year from the no-contest fight at UFC 200, so even if he wants to return to the MMA scene he can't appear in a sanctioned fight until after July 15, 2017

Gobshite - 1-5-2017 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by royberto
This is very fascinating. They take personal shots at me. Then when I respond and call out their trolling, they whine about wanting me banned. It seems they can dish it out, but they can't take it.

I think Cam wanted ME banned for 'trolling' you, but I could be wrong.

However, I wasn't trolling you, it was a genuine question. Typically, when someone says "finally got round to..." implies that said act has been possible for a while, and they've only just done it. For example, tonight I will finally get around to watching last weeks NXT and Rosenberg's show, even though they've both been available for days/ over a week in one case.

When you said 'finally' on Monday I assumed there was more than 1 episode, and you were catching up on last weeks show... I thought it debuted this week; so wanted to check I hadn't fallen two weeks behind, because if I had, I'd have prioritised watching it.

Just a miscommunication/misunderstanding, blown out of proportion by Cam- let's ban him for it

[Edited on 1-5-2017 by Gobshite]

merc - 1-5-2017 at 01:52 PM

The confusion is easy to understand. No one asks Berto legit questions. Doing so may get you banned.

royberto - 1-5-2017 at 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Originally posted by royberto
This is very fascinating. They take personal shots at me. Then when I respond and call out their trolling, they whine about wanting me banned. It seems they can dish it out, but they can't take it.

I think Cam wanted ME banned for 'trolling' you, but I could be wrong.

However, I wasn't trolling you, it was a genuine question. Typically, when someone says "finally got round to..." implies that said act has been possible for a while, and they've only just done it. For example, tonight I will finally get around to watching last weeks NXT and Rosenberg's show, even though they've both been available for days/ over a week in one case.

When you said 'finally' on Monday I assumed there was more than 1 episode, and you were catching up on last weeks show... I thought it debuted this week; so wanted to check I hadn't fallen two weeks behind, because if I had, I'd have prioritised watching it.

Just a miscommunication/misunderstanding, blown out of proportion by Cam- let's ban him for it

[Edited on 1-5-2017 by Gobshite]
Understood. With all the real trolling going on by certain others in this thread, the troll detector is susceptible to false positives now and again.

batsnumbereleven - 1-5-2017 at 11:36 PM

Originally posted by gambit3
Dixie out at TNA

Not sure that reads as Dixie being "out" of TNA, more that she'll also be taking on roles with TFN as a whole, potentially "as well"...

Count Zero - 1-6-2017 at 12:41 AM

Originally posted by merc
CZ that's the beauty of the bold name and AV (should Roy ever get one). Glance before reading and keep scrolling. More manual than clicking ignore but just as effective. I have two on my list and haven't had to read a thing they have typed.

No charge.
I'm glad you didn't charge, because I'm not paying for that. I'd prefer to not even waste time "roy-screening", because that's valuable seconds I could be using to pick my nose, or something more important. We live in the 21st century. If I can't have a flying car, I want ignore-lists dammit.

Originally posted by coxito

It's really not that hard. All I had to do was quote the 1st post in a thread as the 2nd poster. Just cacth a mod on the rag and you're set.
These days, that's like catching a leprechaun or something equally rare.

[Edited on 1-5-2017 by Count Zero]

Quentil - 1-6-2017 at 02:34 AM

Hmm, I have three possible posting ideas to this:

1) Maybe LuckyLopez will come back and save the day with his mod skills.

2) Wait, OO has moderation?

3) Just stop giving a fuck about the sandy vaginas of a couple posters and enjoy the good bits.

merc - 1-6-2017 at 02:57 AM

Damn you.

Matte - 1-6-2017 at 07:19 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod

There's a thread for that!

[Edited on 1-6-2017 by Matte]

GodEatGod - 1-6-2017 at 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by GodEatGod

There's a thread for that!

Yeah, the thing is, I don't really give a shit.

[Edited on 1-6-2017 by Matte]

Matte - 1-6-2017 at 08:02 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Yeah, the thing is, I don't really give a shit.

Overruled. Post relocated to NXT thread.


DKBroiler - 1-6-2017 at 01:39 PM

I'd ask to be a mod but I figure not doing so should keep me out of the eventual OO murder/suicide bullying class action lawsuit. Hopefully.

Anyway, can I get a new status thing? CUMedian may have ran its course ... all over your faces!

Also, can we start non-wrestling rumors here? Rumor has it my mom just took an ancestory test. Turns out I'm 2.5% African. Oh ... wait ... not a rumor. That actually happened. Bantu Tribe represent!

CamstunPWG187 - 1-6-2017 at 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Originally posted by royberto
This is very fascinating. They take personal shots at me. Then when I respond and call out their trolling, they whine about wanting me banned. It seems they can dish it out, but they can't take it.

I think Cam wanted ME banned for 'trolling' you, but I could be wrong.

However, I wasn't trolling you, it was a genuine question. Typically, when someone says "finally got round to..." implies that said act has been possible for a while, and they've only just done it. For example, tonight I will finally get around to watching last weeks NXT and Rosenberg's show, even though they've both been available for days/ over a week in one case.

When you said 'finally' on Monday I assumed there was more than 1 episode, and you were catching up on last weeks show... I thought it debuted this week; so wanted to check I hadn't fallen two weeks behind, because if I had, I'd have prioritised watching it.

Just a miscommunication/misunderstanding, blown out of proportion by Cam- let's ban him for it

[Edited on 1-5-2017 by Gobshite]

I was talking about berto, ass. Who else thinks YOU, of all people, need to be banned?

Fuck it, he ain't going anywhere. Times iz TOUGH!

[Edited on 1-6-2017 by CamstunPWG187]

Matte - 1-6-2017 at 08:27 PM

Rumor fuel:

@KennyOmegamanX there is no plan. My schedule is cleared and I'm weighing all options. I've a lot to consider. Thx for the patience/support

— Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) January 6, 2017

[Edited on 1-6-2017 by Matte]

DKBroiler - 1-6-2017 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Rumor fuel:

@KennyOmegamanX there is no plan. My schedule is cleared and I'm weighing all options. I've a lot to consider. Thx for the patience/support

— Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) January 6, 2017

[Edited on 1-6-2017 by Matte]

Rumor has it I thought Kenny Omega and Spirit Squad Kenny were the same person until about 2 months ago.

Count Zero - 1-6-2017 at 10:54 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Rumor has it I thought Kenny Omega and Spirit Squad Kenny were the same person until about 2 months ago.
Meltzer is reporting that this made me lol. ...Okay, maybe not Meltzer, but "sources".

DKBroiler - 1-7-2017 at 04:39 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Rumor has it I thought Kenny Omega and Spirit Squad Kenny were the same person until about 2 months ago.
Meltzer is reporting that this made me lol. ...Okay, maybe not Meltzer, but "sources".

Well for once "sources" got something right. For seriously like 8 years I thought that Spirit
Squad Kenny became an Indy sensation. I only Googled Kenny Omega out of confusion in like November.

Matte - 1-7-2017 at 04:55 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Well for once "sources" got something right. For seriously like 8 years I thought that Spirit
Squad Kenny became an Indy sensation. I only Googled Kenny Omega out of confusion in like November.

I think you're the reason WWE refuses to have two wrestlers with the same name.

merc - 1-7-2017 at 06:16 AM

For the longest time I thought Matte just hung around thresholds, mud rooms and front porches.

DKBroiler - 1-7-2017 at 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Well for once "sources" got something right. For seriously like 8 years I thought that Spirit
Squad Kenny became an Indy sensation. I only Googled Kenny Omega out of confusion in like November.

I think you're the reason WWE refuses to have two wrestlers with the same name.

Hahaha. +1 for accuracy.

Paddlefoot - 1-7-2017 at 08:35 AM

All I knew of Kenny Omega until recently was that clip someone here posted a while back of him getting beaten in a goof match by a 12-year old Japanese girl.

mooseheadjack - 1-8-2017 at 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Quentil
Hmm, I have three possible posting ideas to this:

1) Maybe LuckyLopez will come back and save the day with his mod skills.

2) Wait, OO has moderation?

3) Just stop giving a fuck about the sandy vaginas of a couple posters and enjoy the good bits.

1. Lucky Lopez is hopefully rotting in prison somewhere

2. Ain't no more mods, law just don't go 'round here, savvy?

3. Sandy vaginas? You have no idea. Back in MY day........lemme tell ya, this place was loaded with sandy vaginas!

CamstunPWG187 - 1-8-2017 at 12:07 PM

Oh man, there used to be some Pe-CAN Sandy's up in here...

There was more Sandy Vag in here at one time than NeoGAF, and there are a lot of Sandy Vag's over there.

bopol - 1-8-2017 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
All I knew of Kenny Omega until recently was that clip someone here posted a while back of him getting beaten in a goof match by a 12-year old Japanese girl.


The Men of Low Moral Fiber stuff in PWG was hilarious (Chuck Taylor is like the indy tag team specialist of all time). And there's a 24/7 championship match that was his way of getting DDT's attention:

Count Zero - 1-9-2017 at 04:45 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
All I knew of Kenny Omega until recently was that clip someone here posted a while back of him getting beaten in a goof match by a 12-year old Japanese girl.
He also carried a blow-up sex doll to a 4.5* match. That's how -I- first heard of Kenny Omega.

[Edited on 1-9-2017 by Count Zero]

CCharger - 1-9-2017 at 04:02 PM

He also carried a blow-up sex doll to a 4.5* match.

[Edited on 1-9-2017 by Count Zero]

So did I. That's how I got kicked out of Money In the Bank 2011.

ThePunisher - 1-9-2017 at 08:11 PM

Originally posted by mooseheadjack

1. Lucky Lopez is hopefully rotting in prison somewhere

2. Ain't no more mods, law just don't go 'round here, savvy?

3. Sandy vaginas? You have no idea. Back in MY day........lemme tell ya, this place was loaded with sandy vaginas!

Quoted for motherfucking truth!

Count Zero - 1-10-2017 at 03:58 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
So did I. That's how I got kicked out of Money In the Bank 2011.

Your avatar is well-trained.

Thom - 1-10-2017 at 03:57 PM

Quentil for PotY, simply because we get a moose sighting from it.

CCharger - 1-10-2017 at 04:59 PM

* Rumor is that Patriot Rob Gronkowski could be involved in Wrestlemania somehow

* Undertaker is penciled in to win the Rumble and face Roman Reigns for the Universal Title at Mania.

* With the new influx of cash from Anthem, TNA is preparing to start running house shows again and their tour of India is back on.

Chris Is Good517 - 1-11-2017 at 12:42 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Undertaker is penciled in to win the Rumble and face Roman Reigns for the Universal Title at Mania.

I would have bet the farm that we'd be getting Taker vs. Cena and Reigns vs. Strowman.

If Taker vs. Reigns happens instead, I'm really curious what they do with Cena, short of having him wrestle AJ yet again. And I'm also curious (albeit far less so) about what they'd do with Strowman, since they've given him a pretty not insignificant monster push.

nOOb - 1-11-2017 at 01:18 AM

Yeah, from what I've caught up on, those two matches seem to be the most likely: Cena/Taker mainly because it hasn't happened for the title before and Reigns/Strowman because I am apparently a psychic. Then again, Taker/Reigns does seem like another uninteresting, sure-to-fail way to get Roman over finally that WWE likes to do, so why not go against everything that makes sense?

Lizzyp224 - 1-11-2017 at 01:47 AM

Will Taker/Roman be well received? I can't imagine myself enjoying it. But that is just my opinion.

Paddlefoot - 1-11-2017 at 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Lizzyp224
Will Taker/Roman be well received? I can't imagine myself enjoying it. But that is just my opinion.

It seems like a great plan if their true intention is to have one of Taker's last matches be greeted with a chorus of boos from bell to bell.

lz4005 - 1-11-2017 at 02:58 AM

Originally posted by Lizzyp224
Will Taker/Roman be well received? I can't imagine myself enjoying it. But that is just my opinion.

I wouldn't be psyched to watch it either, but it does make sense through the old school business lens that Vince and Taker see through. .

Taker's last match being vs Cena, whomever wins or loses, doesn't do anybody any good. Cena's so far past being over he'll probably be on a Rock schedule in 5 years.

On the other hand, WWE has been desperate to get Romesey over as their top babyface forever. They want him to carry the flag for the next 10 years.

It isn't going to happen, but they aren't giving up on the idea.

Taker is of the generation, and is more than enough of a company man, that he'll most likely want his last match to mean something in terms of building up a younger guy who needs the rub. And that man is Reigns.

I don't think it'll work, but I think it makes sense that that's what they'll try.

Slade - 1-11-2017 at 04:09 AM

Originally posted by lz4005
I wouldn't be psyched to watch it either, but it does make sense through the old school business lens that Vince and Taker see through. .

Taker's last match being vs Cena, whomever wins or loses, doesn't do anybody any good. Cena's so far past being over he'll probably be on a Rock schedule in 5 years.

On the other hand, WWE has been desperate to get Romesey over as their top babyface forever. They want him to carry the flag for the next 10 years.

It isn't going to happen, but they aren't giving up on the idea.

Taker is of the generation, and is more than enough of a company man, that he'll most likely want his last match to mean something in terms of building up a younger guy who needs the rub. And that man is Reigns.

I don't think it'll work, but I think it makes sense that that's what they'll try.

I would argue that they don't think putting a new guy over in a retirement match is what is best for business. That hasn't been the way that they've done things in the past. For reference, see Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels and Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker. Also, see The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar, which was not The Undertaker's final match but just as significant in that it ended - retired - his legendary undefeated streak.

[Edited on 1-11-2017 by Slade]

DKBroiler - 1-11-2017 at 05:31 AM

I don't think Taker is winning the Rumble. Here is my way too early, totally sure to be wrong WM card.

WWE Championship: Miz (RR winner) v AJ v Cena (C)
WWEU: Reigns (C) v Goldberg
HHH v Rollins
Taker v Brown Stronghands
US: Jericho (C) v Owens
IC: Ambrose (C) v Evil Dolph
Lesnar v TBD
Show v Shaq
Andre Battle Royal: Bray Wyatt
RAMW: Charlotte (C) v Sasha v Bayley v Nia: Ref Rousey
SDW: Alexa (C) v Beckie v Nikki v Nattie

That's so many matches already but New Day has to be on there somewhere and I'm thinking there has to be a cross brand match other then the ATGMBR. Also tag, cruiser and ... shit ... UK champ? It's gonna be a 9 hour show.

Well at least the crowd will be too tired to boo Reigns.

Count Zero - 1-11-2017 at 06:42 AM

I'm not sure I like the Duelling 4-way Womens Titles Matches, but... Really, I can't do much better with what they're prioritizing right now. Unless this Nattie thing is about to be finished off at the Rumble, maybe? Like, drop her from the SDWScene via resounding loss to Nikki Bella-Cena, even though I hate to theoretically cost her a WM paycheque..

Hmm. What if they do a Ladies Royal Rumble at Mania? They do a 3-way title match for one belt, a straight up 1 v 1 match for the other, and then put the rest of the women from both brands in a 20-25 minute rumble-style match. The winner of the Inaugural Stephanie McMahon Womens Battle Royal gets to pick which belt she wants a future title shot at.

Errybody gets paid, we don't get easily-confused-by-similar-matches (because we can't have two Shanes, let alone similar matches) and it helps fill the 9hr show!

Matte - 1-11-2017 at 06:49 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
That's so many matches already but New Day has to be on there somewhere and I'm thinking there has to be a cross brand match other then the ATGMBR. Also tag, cruiser and ... shit ... UK champ? It's gonna be a 9 hour show.

Plus, Finn Balor has to be ready by Mania, right? In theory, he either comes back and goes right for the Universal Champion or right for Seth Rollins in retaliation for putting him out.

rranddm - 1-11-2017 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Slade
Originally posted by lz4005
I wouldn't be psyched to watch it either, but it does make sense through the old school business lens that Vince and Taker see through. .

Taker's last match being vs Cena, whomever wins or loses, doesn't do anybody any good. Cena's so far past being over he'll probably be on a Rock schedule in 5 years.

On the other hand, WWE has been desperate to get Romesey over as their top babyface forever. They want him to carry the flag for the next 10 years.

It isn't going to happen, but they aren't giving up on the idea.

Taker is of the generation, and is more than enough of a company man, that he'll most likely want his last match to mean something in terms of building up a younger guy who needs the rub. And that man is Reigns.

I don't think it'll work, but I think it makes sense that that's what they'll try.

I would argue that they don't think putting a new guy over in a retirement match is what is best for business. That hasn't been the way that they've done things in the past. For reference, see Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels and Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker. Also, see The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar, which was not The Undertaker's final match but just as significant in that it ended - retired - his legendary undefeated streak.

[Edited on 1-11-2017 by Slade]

Taker needs a someone who can work. Among youngish superstars that would be Seth Rollins or AJ. Seth as HHH's lackey surrogate getting Taker to do what the McMahons want would be a story with legs. Taker also brings a wild card to the Rumble. He and Brock have lingering issues. Taker isn't going to cozy up to Goldberg. Something happens at the Rumble to spark a fight between Rollins and Taker?

CheMateo - 1-11-2017 at 06:05 PM

I first heard of Omega during his time at DSW. Omega apparently left due to hating their cookie cutter manufacturing and Bill Demott being the jerk hole that he is.

But I did not see Omega till he started getting buzz in Canada and being the "King of Anywhere" match. Did you guys miss that?

" target="_blank">

Shortly thereafter, Omega debuted for PWG at BOLA 08. I recall during the group entrance, Omega got a light reception. Omega said, "Nobody knows who I am." My friend and I were in front row and he said that as he passed us. Like little teeny-boppers we screamed, "We do! We know you!"

Omega would steal the show with an Irish whip and top rope breaking. There was s scare as Omega took a nasty spill and went to the back. Omega would make a surprise return and be chased all over the Burbank Armory and outside as the King of the Anywhere brought that element to PWG. Then of course Men of Low Moral Fiber arose, Omega's feud/teaming up with Ibushi and their Golden Showers, DDT stint, wrestling blow up dolls/little girls, and now New Japan. It has been fun seeing this cool guy grow.

I really hope he becomes the new Sting, in that he never has a run in WWE. Omega is getting better and better and it would be cool to have another "indie darling" carve out a legacy without the WWE hype machine. Just a neat tidbit. Anyway, this is more than likely a case of Omega just taking some time off and playing with the IWC. Along with Cena trolling on his instagram.

Ugh, Taker v Rome? Jeez, that sounds like a main event that will be dead on arrival. WWE yet again forcing us to take our medicine that we do not want. The fans would just shit on Rome as Taker is a yearly special attraction. Plus, Rome is not a nimble or dynamic as Styles or Seth to help compliment a considerably older Taker. I hope this does not happen.

Cena has been cast in another film. It is called, "The Pact". Three parents who discover their daughters' pact to lose their virginity at prom. The parents launch a covert one-night operation to stop the teens. The film is scheduled to be released on April 8, 2018. So Cena will be gone for another stretch of time and keep this light schedule. Sounds like rubbish but I am sure Cena will rise above the material, much like he did with Trainwreck. So Cena may not walk out of Mania with a victory with whatever match he is booked in.

Slade - 1-11-2017 at 09:18 PM

Originally posted by rranddm
Taker needs a someone who can work. Among youngish superstars that would be Seth Rollins or AJ. Seth as HHH's lackey surrogate getting Taker to do what the McMahons want would be a story with legs. Taker also brings a wild card to the Rumble. He and Brock have lingering issues. Taker isn't going to cozy up to Goldberg. Something happens at the Rumble to spark a fight between Rollins and Taker?

You said that The Undertaker needs someone who can work and then offered up Seth Rollins as an example. I would say that the last thing The Undertaker needs is to work with someone who injures everyone he works with. Special care should also be taken to his age and susceptibility to suffering a career ending injury. The last time Seth Rollins worked with someone over the age of 50, a legend retired. I would hate to see that happen again.

lz4005 - 1-11-2017 at 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Slade
You said that The Undertaker needs someone who can work and then offered up Seth Rollins as an example. I would say that the last thing The Undertaker needs is to work with someone who injures everyone he works with. Special care should also be taken to his age and susceptibility to suffering a career ending injury. The last time Seth Rollins worked with someone over the age of 50, a legend retired. I would hate to see that happen again.

Seth has matches every week where nobody gets injured.

Were you that concerned when Taker had a match against Brock, who has injured a hell of a lot more people than Rollins has?

Chris Is Good517 - 1-11-2017 at 10:32 PM

I think in terms of just box office value, Cena is the best possible opponent for Undertaker, and let's be honest, at this point no matter how good or bad the worker, Taker is likely limited enough that it's going to be the same basic match regardless. I don't think we've gotten Cena and Taker in the 11 or 12 years that John Cena has been a legit, bona fide draw, so it'll feel like a big marquee match and is also a fresh pairing, in the sense that an almost 30 year vet and a guy who spent a decade on top can feel fresh.

I know Vince isn't ready to acknowledge that Reigns isn't going to pan out as the top guy, but in the end, Cena vs. Taker is a sure bet for getting buzz and making money.

denverpunk - 1-11-2017 at 10:41 PM

Originally posted by lz4005

Seth has matches every week where nobody gets injured.

Were you that concerned when Taker had a match against Brock, who has injured a hell of a lot more people than Rollins has?

Yesh, Brock works stuff as fuck, but he only person I can think of that Brock put on the shelf long term other than Orton was Bob Holly, and that was pretty much Holly's fault.

With Rollins, I think it's more the move than the wrestler. There's too much room for error with the turnbuckle bomb. If Sting or Balor land a few centimeters different, then they're both wrestling right now.

[Edited on 1-12-2017 by denverpunk]

G. Jonah Jameson - 1-12-2017 at 01:18 AM

Sometimes, I see a rumor and immediately think, "Man, this is just somebody at Titan Tower leaking something WWE definitely isn't going to do in order to make what they're going to do seem less obvious." WWE knows their plan of John Cena vs. The Undertaker for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania seems too obvious, so they throw out this out-of-nowhere Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns concept to cast doubt, because they know people will believe any rumor with even a hint of "WWE wants to give Reigns a rub."

For how long WWE has been considering a big Cena-Undertaker match at Wrestlemania, I find it hard to believe they'd change gears and put 'Taker up against Reigns. Especially since that leaves you with almost no options for Cena.

Flash - 1-12-2017 at 01:51 AM

Less rumour, and more news; Brock is getting sued (along with Dana White, and the UFC) by Mark Hunt.

Brock pocketed $2.5 million for his bout against Hunt (who made $700k)- hunt is alleging that for a nominal fee the UFC could have had his and Brock's test results the day before their bout, instead of a day after. Hunt is stating that "they affirmatively circumvented fair competition for their own benefit" and accusing them of racketeering and fraud. His suit is said to be for millions as he suffered physical damages and that his brand was damaged.

Hunt apparently still has a multi-million dollar multi-fight contract in place with the UFC, so curious how this will affect that going forward... sounds like his opponent Frank Mir also tested positive, so maybe there's something to Hunt's suit.

Slade - 1-12-2017 at 02:34 AM

With Seth Rollins, it isn't just the buckle bomb that does harm. He hasn't hurt anyone lately, but he put Finn Balor on the shelf in his first big match back from an injury, which he caused to himself. In addition to blowing his knee out, he ended Sting's career and broke John Cena's nose, all in a span of a few months.

My mind draws a blank when I try to think about guys that Lesnar injured in the ring before his Wrestlemania match against The Undertaker, except for Bob Holly, which Denverpunk already noted was not the result of sloppiness or poor execution. That is an entirely different problem, but one that The Undertaker didn't have to worry about.

Flash - 1-12-2017 at 05:14 AM

I think even Cena has admitted that the broken nose was his own fault as he leaned in too far.

DKBroiler - 1-12-2017 at 05:31 AM

Can we stop with the annual "Undertaker needs a good opponent to carry him" nonsense that's been going on for like 9 years now? Great build, or bad build ... good opponent or mediocre opponent ... there is a 99.99% chance that the Undertaker will be involved in a WM match that will be more memorable than anything else on the card. When was the last time he had a WM match that wasn't either a candidate for match or moment of the year?

HBK twice
HHH twice
Brock streak
Shane Crazy Insano Death Leap

Ok, Wyatt was meh. Still, that's 6 of 7.

If Cena fights Taker it'll go down as a classic.

Flash - 1-12-2017 at 05:35 AM

Also if it's worth anything I just watched two of the 2003 Taker vs Cena matches and one was great, the other was good... mind you they had a good story of young cocky punk challenging the veteran going for them, so finding some good reason for the two to lock up, and actually interacting beyond showing up once or twice and pointing at the WM sign will go a long way towards setting the stage for a great match... there's enough old footage of both interacting that there could be some good promo's that come out of this.

Definitely a match/feud I'm looking forward to.

Count Zero - 1-12-2017 at 06:09 AM

I'm going to sound like Merc here, but don't we have a WHOLE THREAD for 'streak/undertaker' stuff? It really is turning into the same old back-and-forth about him, just as soon as Mania Season (Rabbit season? Duck season?) rolls around.

Possible "rumornews":
ROH might be getting 'raided' (I use that word very loosely here) for some of its talent. Other sites (at least two different ones that Google Now thought I might be interested in) are reporting that (bleh) Kyle O'Reilly is being removed from all promotional material due to a potential change of workplace, and that Adam Cole BayBay might be just waiting for his deal to expire in order to change employers. Both men are reported to be on the WWE's shopping list.

I have absolutely no use for Kyle O'Reilly, despite the fact that he is apparently a fellow canuck. Adam Cole could end up on 205Live, or he could get the Seth/AJ treatment. Who can really tell anymore?

williamssl - 1-12-2017 at 06:38 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
I'm going to sound like Merc here, but don't we have a WHOLE THREAD for 'streak/undertaker' stuff? It really is turning into the same old back-and-forth about him, just as soon as Mania Season (Rabbit season? Duck season?) rolls around.


All bumpity-bumped for your convenience.

[Edited on 1-12-2017 by williamssl]

Count Zero - 1-12-2017 at 08:29 AM

now if a mod could just move all this stuff over there, we'd have a whole page of rumorcrap back. and we always need more room for rumorcrap.

Paddlefoot - 1-12-2017 at 09:26 AM

* where's CM Crunk these days?

royberto - 1-12-2017 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Slade
With Seth Rollins, it isn't just the buckle bomb that does harm. He hasn't hurt anyone lately, but he put Finn Balor on the shelf in his first big match back from an injury, which he caused to himself. In addition to blowing his knee out, he ended Sting's career and broke John Cena's nose, all in a span of a few months.
I don't believe it! Bret Hart posts here.

salmonjunkie - 1-12-2017 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
I think in terms of just box office value, Cena is the best possible opponent for Undertaker, and let's be honest, at this point no matter how good or bad the worker, Taker is likely limited enough that it's going to be the same basic match regardless. I don't think we've gotten Cena and Taker in the 11 or 12 years that John Cena has been a legit, bona fide draw, so it'll feel like a big marquee match and is also a fresh pairing, in the sense that an almost 30 year vet and a guy who spent a decade on top can feel fresh.

I know Vince isn't ready to acknowledge that Reigns isn't going to pan out as the top guy, but in the end, Cena vs. Taker is a sure bet for getting buzz and making money.

I don't think neither Cena nor Taker have had a "same basic match" in the past 4 or 5 years. Which is one of many things excites me about them having a WM match.

janerd75 - 1-12-2017 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* where's CM Crunk these days?


Rumour has it he's in training to fight Taker in a Spraycan Mural on an Underpass Match. I anticipate shenanigans from his manager Old Man Crunk. At least it will be more well-received than Taker/Reigns.

Paddlefoot - 1-12-2017 at 06:28 PM

Hopefully the chuds didn't get him whilst he was urban-arting.

Chris Is Good517 - 1-12-2017 at 11:30 PM

According to Meltzer, somebody has pitched an idea to Vince, which was apparently fairly well received, to get Samoa Joe onto the main roster, strap a rocket to his ass, and have him in one of the top matches at Mania. Obviously not something to put a lot of stock into, but it definitely could be a great answer to the "so what does AJ do at Mania?" question.

Count Zero - 1-12-2017 at 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Hopefully the chuds didn't get him whilst he was urban-arting.
If he's out doing graffiti-art, can we call him Crunksy? ...Hell, can we just start doing that anyway?

DKBroiler - 1-13-2017 at 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
According to Meltzer, somebody has pitched an idea to Vince, which was apparently fairly well received, to get Samoa Joe onto the main roster, strap a rocket to his ass, and have him in one of the top matches at Mania. Obviously not something to put a lot of stock into, but it definitely could be a great answer to the "so what does AJ do at Mania?" question.

Smells of ATGMBR.

CCharger - 1-13-2017 at 03:35 PM


* Some rumored names for this year's HOF class include: DDP, Rick Rude, Christian, William Regal, Mike Rotundo, and the Natural Distasters

* The WWE is looking to follow up on the UK Championship tournaments with similar tournaments in Asia and Latin America

* Despite rumors to the contrary, Vince McMahon and Bucky the Beaver call all the creative shots on 205Live

[Edited on 1-13-2017 by CCharger]

Flash - 1-13-2017 at 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
According to Meltzer, somebody has pitched an idea to Vince, which was apparently fairly well received, to get Samoa Joe onto the main roster, strap a rocket to his ass, and have him in one of the top matches at Mania. Obviously not something to put a lot of stock into, but it definitely could be a great answer to the "so what does AJ do at Mania?" question.

My only concern with that is that what do they do with him afterwards? The WWE doesn't always do that great with coming up with stuff for guys to do even when it's a planned push, never mind trying to shoehorn him into a WM story... mind you they do have like 3-4 months still to answer that question.

salmonjunkie - 1-13-2017 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

* Some rumored names for this year's HOF class include: DDP, Rick Rude, Christian, William Regal, Mike Rotundo, and the Natural Distasters

If Typhoon recreates his Shockmaster entrance for the HOF induction speech, that would be GOLD.

salmonjunkie - 1-13-2017 at 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Flash

My only concern with that is that what do they do with him afterwards? The WWE doesn't always do that great with coming up with stuff for guys to do even when it's a planned push, never mind trying to shoehorn him into a WM story... mind you they do have like 3-4 months still to answer that question.

If AJ or KO are any examples, have him be white hot at first beating some top guys, cool them off for a little bit by having them in a losing a feud to a upper-midcarder, let the internet complain for a while, then make him the top champion of his show.

Chris Is Good517 - 1-13-2017 at 10:29 PM

It's now rumored that Undertaker-Cena is off for WrestleMania, and Undertaker will not be wrestling for either championship at the show and his opponent is scheduled to be somebody from the Raw brand.

If there's no belt on the line, I welcome Reigns-Taker with open arms. If that's the case, I guess Owens retains at the Rumble and defends against Jericho or a returning Finn Balor?

Credit where it's due, this is the least predictable WrestleMania in recent memory from this timeframe.

gobbledygooker - 1-13-2017 at 11:42 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Originally posted by CCharger

* Some rumored names for this year's HOF class include: DDP, Rick Rude, Christian, William Regal, Mike Rotundo, and the Natural Distasters

If Typhoon recreates his Shockmaster entrance for the HOF induction speech, that would be GOLD.

Do you want to see the man cripple himself on live TV??

G. Jonah Jameson - 1-14-2017 at 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
It's now rumored that Undertaker-Cena is off for WrestleMania, and Undertaker will not be wrestling for either championship at the show and his opponent is scheduled to be somebody from the Raw brand.

If there's no belt on the line, I welcome Reigns-Taker with open arms. If that's the case, I guess Owens retains at the Rumble and defends against Jericho or a returning Finn Balor?

Credit where it's due, this is the least predictable WrestleMania in recent memory from this timeframe.

Even if we don't get John Cena vs. The Undertaker, we're still at least getting Seth Rollins vs. Triple H and Big Show vs. Shaq. So I don't know about least predictable, but the title matches are damn sure the least predictable in years. The last one that couldn't have been called by this point in time -- assuming you don't count Wrestlemania 30, where WWE had to change its very clearly laid-out plans -- was probably Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger, which WWE probably hadn't put any thought into by this point in 2013.

First 9 - 1-14-2017 at 06:18 AM

The rumor mill has been awfully quiet on what Reigns is doing for WM. Taker vs Reigns is a possibility but I'm thinking Reigns vs Miz. Miz wins the Rumble and tells Bryan to go fuck himself via jumping brands to challenge for the Universal Title. This isn't the best thing they could do but I feel the paths of those two seem to match (Reigns having burned through all of RAW's heels and Miz still at odds with Bryan with no resolution in sight).

If Cena vs Taker isn't happening I could see them interjecting Joe into Cena vs AJ for a triple threat. Wouldn't be any crazier than Balor's super push and Joe has history with both guys.

punkerhardcore - 1-14-2017 at 08:28 AM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
Even if we don't get John Cena vs. The Undertaker, we're still at least getting Seth Rollins vs. Triple H and Big Show vs. Shaq. So I don't know about least predictable, but the title matches are damn sure the least predictable in years.

Yeah I'd say the locks at this point are:

Seth Rollins vs. HHH
Big Show vs. Shaq
Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar
The 4th annual Andre Battle Royal of worthlessness
The 3rd annual Roman Reigns main event push of failure

Right below those, I'd put the pretty much locks as:
Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt
Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens

Plus they planted the seeds this past Raw for Taker vs. Braun Strowman, so we're likely getting that "match" as well.

Slade - 1-14-2017 at 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
According to Meltzer, somebody has pitched an idea to Vince, which was apparently fairly well received, to get Samoa Joe onto the main roster, strap a rocket to his ass, and have him in one of the top matches at Mania. Obviously not something to put a lot of stock into, but it definitely could be a great answer to the "so what does AJ do at Mania?" question.

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
It's now rumored that Undertaker-Cena is off for WrestleMania, and Undertaker will not be wrestling for either championship at the show and his opponent is scheduled to be somebody from the Raw brand.

Samoa Joe comes to RAW. Samoa Joe shows he's fearless by getting in The Undertaker's face. Samoa Joe vs. The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Samoa Joe makes The Undertaker tap out. Samoa Joe brags about how he made The Undertaker tap out and goes on to make everyone else he wrestles tap out between then and August setting up an epic encounter with Brock Lesnar.

Cherokee Jack - 1-14-2017 at 05:14 PM

In TNA news, the company has announced the return of one of its true founding fathers, a man sure to restore the company to its former glory...

[Edited on 1-14-2017 by Cherokee Jack]

anglefan85 - 1-14-2017 at 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
In TNA news, the company has announced the return of one of its true founding fathers, a man sure to restore the company to its former glory...

[Edited on 1-14-2017 by Cherokee Jack]

Smart move on TNA's part to bring back West.

First 9 - 1-16-2017 at 07:33 AM

With nobody asking for it, apparently Shane is set for a WM match against somebody from SD. Smart money is on AJ Styles.

As a Styles mark, I'd be happy to see him get one of the top 3 WM matches(which is given when involving a McMahon) but I think Miz would fit a lot better. The feud with Bryan escalates to the point Shane gets involved and unlike Bryan he can get in the ring and decides to put Miz in his place.

[Edited on 1-16-2017 by First 9]

Flash - 1-16-2017 at 11:12 AM

Given how many potential matchup's and how full the card could already be, it kind of makes you wonder what big plan they wanted to run with that maybe fell through leaving them to think they needed a bit more star power/attraction guy like Shane .

It's also being rumoured that they are planning some kind of ladder match at WM... so there's 6-8 spots taken care of if that's true.

Gobshite - 1-16-2017 at 02:42 PM

I would have thought if they were doing a 6-8 man ladder match, it should be for the CW championship...

I can't think of anyone who could have been in their plans 3 months or so ago that isn't in them now...

williamssl - 1-16-2017 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by First 9
With nobody asking for it, apparently Shane is set for a WM match against somebody from SD. Smart money is on AJ Styles.

This SHOULD have been against Brock. Fucking Goldberg fucking shit up.

CCharger - 1-16-2017 at 05:09 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Originally posted by First 9
With nobody asking for it, apparently Shane is set for a WM match against somebody from SD. Smart money is on AJ Styles.

This SHOULD have been against Brock. Fucking Goldberg fucking shit up.

Cageside Seats is reporting that Lesnar/Goldberg will be the main event.

Cherokee Jack - 1-16-2017 at 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite

I can't think of anyone who could have been in their plans 3 months or so ago that isn't in them now...
Baron Corbin perhaps? Started him out hot by winning the Andre BR last year, then pretty much forgot about him until starting to push him back into Smackdown's main event mix the last month or so.

Then John Cena pinned him clean. Wait, wrong thread... (But really, he did. WHY?!)

Anyway, possible that maybe they have Corbin vs Taker in mind?

lz4005 - 1-16-2017 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
If Typhoon recreates his Shockmaster entrance for the HOF induction speech, that would be GOLD.

He did some funny stuff for wwe's youtube channel last year when they released a Shockmaster action figure (it was upside down in the package).

The best one had Becky Lynch wandering around back stage wearing the helmet, bumping into things, the last of which was the man himself with his face out of frame. He took back the helmet and walked off, running into a wall right before the video ended.

salmonjunkie - 1-16-2017 at 07:44 PM

He also recreated it for Edge and Christian's show. He clearly had a great sense of humor about the incident.

lz4005 - 1-16-2017 at 10:07 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
He also recreated it for Edge and Christian's show. He clearly had a great sense of humor about the incident.

When you consider the details of what really happened, why wouldn't he?

It was someone else's dumb idea for a character, they put him in a mask he couldn't see out of, and most importantly the board he tripped over wasn't there when they rehearsed the spot earlier in the day.

batsnumbereleven - 1-16-2017 at 11:51 PM

Originally posted by First 9
With nobody asking for it, apparently Shane is set for a WM match against somebody from SD. Smart money is on AJ Styles.

As a Styles mark, I'd be happy to see him get one of the top 3 WM matches(which is given when involving a McMahon) but I think Miz would fit a lot better. The feud with Bryan escalates to the point Shane gets involved and unlike Bryan he can get in the ring and decides to put Miz in his place.

[Edited on 1-16-2017 by First 9]

How would Shane taking on AJ Styles put Miz in his place? You've lost me.

ETA - nevermind. I re-read it an see what you're talking about...

Still... Why AJ vs Shane?

[Edited on 16-1-2017 by batsnumbereleven]

G. Jonah Jameson - 1-17-2017 at 12:47 AM

If WWE does John Cena vs. The Undertaker for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania, and presuming we get the payoff of the Randy Orton-Bray Wyatt issue there too, that kinda leaves AJ Styles without many options. He's already faced Dean Ambrose a bunch of times, and all the other top names on SmackDown (The Miz, Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler) are heels. That gets you down into Kane territory in terms of opponent quality. So I can see how, on paper, Shane McMahon makes sense. Though I also think that match would be a huge waste of Styles, given what he's capable of.

denverpunk - 1-17-2017 at 01:37 AM

Agreed. Styles should be nowhere but in the World Title picture. I like Shane, but I'd like him not to take up a spot in the WM card that could go to someone else.

Flash - 1-17-2017 at 05:53 AM

While I personally think that they should save the cross-brand interactions/matches for Survivor Series, it's not beyond the WWE to look at setting something up out of maybe the Rumble match for some kind of cross brand one on one match.... have we had a double elimination finish in a while? That could also be a cheat to get you your brand championship challengers as well... it's an idea I wouldn't use but once a decade or longer, and I'd probably want to see the last two guys wrestle for a solid 10 minutes or so before you do the finish- but could be a neat finish.

CCharger - 1-17-2017 at 08:46 PM announced that Shane McMahon will kick off the Blue Show with a "HUGE announcement", but were sparse on details:

" has learned that Commissioner Shane McMahon will open SmackDown LIVE this week with some very big news. Under the leadership of Shane-O-Mac and General Manager Daniel Bryan, Team Blue has simply thrived. Although we are not sure what he has to say, the announcement will no doubt take SmackDown LIVE to the next level. Is it possible that the man in charge has something up his sleeve for the Royal Rumble? Which Superstar, or Superstars, will the big news concern?"

Some of the rumors floating around the interwebz include something to do with Kurt Angle and Smackdown, Smackdown going to TV-14, and Shane announcing the signing of Samoa Joe to the Smackdown brand.

Who knows?

Paddlefoot - 1-17-2017 at 10:28 PM

* Tajiri took a knee injury at a recent NXT show and is on the shelf

* Darren Young apparently took a bad arm injury at the Main Event taping prior to RAW last night where the ref had to put up the dreaded "X" signal

* Randy Orton blew up on a fan at a gym yesterday when the guy asked him for a photo; Orton said no so the guy took a photo of him anyway which set the big lug off on a swear-a-thon tantrum

CCharger - 1-17-2017 at 10:53 PM


* Randy Orton blew up on a fan at a gym yesterday when the guy asked him for a photo; Orton said no so the guy took a photo of him anyway which set the big lug off on a swear-a-thon tantrum

Randy later got even with the fan when he shit in the guy's gym bag after his workout.

Paddlefoot - 1-17-2017 at 11:01 PM

Bag-pooping is his last resort when threatening to throw some of Cowboy Bob's hepatitis blood doesn't work on a more obnoxious than usual fan.

salmonjunkie - 1-18-2017 at 12:05 AM

Originally posted by CCharger announced that Shane McMahon will kick off the Blue Show with a "HUGE announcement", but were sparse on details:

" has learned that Commissioner Shane McMahon will open SmackDown LIVE this week with some very big news. Under the leadership of Shane-O-Mac and General Manager Daniel Bryan, Team Blue has simply thrived. Although we are not sure what he has to say, the announcement will no doubt take SmackDown LIVE to the next level. Is it possible that the man in charge has something up his sleeve for the Royal Rumble? Which Superstar, or Superstars, will the big news concern?"

Some of the rumors floating around the interwebz include something to do with Kurt Angle and Smackdown, Smackdown going to TV-14, and Shane announcing the signing of Samoa Joe to the Smackdown brand.

Who knows?

Angle vs Bryan
Angle vs Joe
Angle vs AJ
Angle vs Bryan vs Joe
Angle vs AJ vs Joe
Bryan vs AJ
Bryan vs Joe
Bryan vs AJ vs Joe
Angle vs AJ vs Bryan vs Joe

CCharger - 1-18-2017 at 12:07 AM

Angle vs. Bryan would have all of WWE's attorneys making shivs and cornering Vince in a bathroom stall.

Thom - 1-18-2017 at 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Randy Orton blew up on a fan at a gym yesterday when the guy asked him for a photo; Orton said no so the guy took a photo of him anyway which set the big lug off on a swear-a-thon tantrum

Whenever I see/hear things like this, I almost always ask, "what's the context?"

Was Orton's "no" a flat out refusal? Or was it along the lines of, "not right now - see me after my workout?"

In either case, was the guy a douche about it, or did he just take a pic as he was walking away or something? Was there a flash involved, such that it distracted Orton while working? Also, when exactly did the guy ask Orton for the pic? If someone wanted my pic (not sure why, but if) and interrupted a set of mine? F that. In between sets? Sure, I suppose.

It's entirely possible that Orton was simply being an ass. It's also entirely possible that Orton was being reasonable, but the other guy was an ass. I suppose it's also entirely possible that this story is made up.

CCharger - 1-18-2017 at 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Thom
Whenever I see/hear things like this, I almost always ask, "what's the context?"

Was Orton's "no" a flat out refusal? Or was it along the lines of, "not right now - see me after my workout?"

In either case, was the guy a douche about it, or did he just take a pic as he was walking away or something? Was there a flash involved, such that it distracted Orton while working? Also, when exactly did the guy ask Orton for the pic? If someone wanted my pic (not sure why, but if) and interrupted a set of mine? F that. In between sets? Sure, I suppose.

It's entirely possible that Orton was simply being an ass. It's also entirely possible that Orton was being reasonable, but the other guy was an ass. I suppose it's also entirely possible that this story is made up.

Yeah, supposedly there is more to the story:

anglefan85 - 1-18-2017 at 06:34 PM

I'm totally on Orton's side here.

By this guy's own admission, Orton didn't agree to a photo, he just gave the dude a fist bump. Unless you're at a meet-and-greet session or Orton stated that he'd take a picture with the guy, just leave the man alone. I know that when I go to the gym, the last thing that I want is for someone to come bothering me while I'm doing my sets (the exception being if they just ask how many sets I have left to do).

Lance Storm also weighed in on this:

Flash - 1-18-2017 at 08:42 PM

Orton threw up some typical Orton comments on twitter to the jist of the guy being a whiney bitch; one of his followers made a joke about how he better take a pic with him when she see's him and his response was basically wait until I'm done then it's cool.

I know the gym I went to has massively strict rules about taking pictures inside the gym and that if caught it would be grounds for immediate membership termination, so the thing that would be funny to see come out of this would be for the guy to get booted from the gym... I mean also from the gym's POV having a bunch of celebrities pop into your gym on a regular circuit (assuming he's been there before and other talent follows suit) is probably better for business than some clown invading their privacy.

DKBroiler - 1-18-2017 at 08:56 PM

I absolutely love it when Orton goes full retard. Back in the day I used to do on field security for the Cubs in spring training so I saw really close up how some fans (i.e. overgrown manchildren) act when a celebrity won't sign their autograph, so I definitely know where Orton is coming from. Still, the epic Twitter rant was lightyears past unnecessary.

That said it was funny.

merc - 1-18-2017 at 10:47 PM

Lance Storm looks old...


bopol - 1-18-2017 at 11:02 PM

Good heavens, Canadians really love their Tim Horton's. What's so good about it?

Paddlefoot - 1-18-2017 at 11:23 PM

Apparently they put heroin in the cream they use for the coffee.

* Kevin Nash says he's donating his brain and spinal cord post-mortem to the CTE research center for concussion research:

�Chris Nowinski started the program, and I�ve had several concussions throughout my life and had scans done and stuff and knew that somewhere down the line, I�ve already had short-term memory problems. I decided to go ahead. The only way you can diagnose this is after you�re dead.�

* on the heels of the CWC and the WWE UK Championship, HHH says he's looking at having a women's tournament for summer 2017

batsnumbereleven - 1-18-2017 at 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot

* Kevin Nash says he's donating his brain and spinal cord post-mortem to the CTE research center for concussion research:

�Chris Nowinski started the program, and I�ve had several concussions throughout my life and had scans done and stuff and knew that somewhere down the line, I�ve already had short-term memory problems. I decided to go ahead. The only way you can diagnose this is after you�re dead.�

How will they know whether it was the drugs or the concussions that are causing him problems?

Paddlefoot - 1-18-2017 at 11:46 PM

I thought the same thing. Between Nash, Hall, and Waltman how can they tell which cells were destroyed by chair shots to the head vs the ones destroyed by all the booze/railing a couple of year's worth of the Bolivian national economy up their nostrils?

bigfatgoalie - 1-19-2017 at 12:11 AM

Originally posted by bopol
Good heavens, Canadians really love their Tim Horton's. What's so good about it?

Coffee flavoured coffee that is mostly consistent from location to location. MOTHERFUCKING TIMBITS. Fruit explosion muffins. Maybe the best oatmeal raisin cookies on earth. Good honey mustard.

And the rumour was nicotine in the coffee. But that was proven to be false.

Perhaps the biggest thing is they are EVERYWHERE. So on a road trip through Canada you have a spot to get a decent beverage, poop, and avoid gas station crappers and tar called coffee. Small town, big town, you can easily find a Tims.

salmonjunkie - 1-19-2017 at 12:25 AM

The few times I've been to a Tim's it's been for breakfast. They've got one of the better breakfast sandwiches in fast food land.

Paddlefoot - 1-19-2017 at 12:28 AM

Their potato wedges are pure tooth-shattering over-cooked garbage though. Avoid them at all costs. They don't warn you that a lot of the buns they use are way too crunchy. i.e. rock hard. Agree that the Timbits, especially the chocolate ones, are a piece of heaven though.

Count Zero - 1-19-2017 at 01:27 AM

Timbits are tiny little bite-sized AWESOME.

Slade - 1-19-2017 at 03:32 AM

Tim Horton's is very overrated. They used to bake everything fresh on site, but now all that their bakers do is take stuff out of freezers and stick it in ovens. Everything is made in some factory in Newmarket or Markham or some place like that.

And I wouldn't be surprised if there was nicotine in the coffee back in the day. Before municipal bylaws and then provincial laws were passed to ban smoking in restaurants, I bet everything had nicotine in it. If you ever walked into a Tim Horton's in the 1980s and spent 5 minutes in there ordering a box of Timbits, you would have breathed in enough second hand smoke to take a decade off your live. Tim's was essentially one gigantic ashtray 20+ years ago.

Count Zero - 1-19-2017 at 03:35 AM

Originally posted by Slade
The World was essentially one gigantic ashtray 20+ years ago.
Fixed that for you. It's not just Tim Horton's... It's Every Coffee Shop From That Period Of Time. People have been doing "coffee and cigarettes" since the time immemorial.

DKBroiler - 1-19-2017 at 05:53 AM

Go Team Wawa!

Columbo - 1-19-2017 at 04:18 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Go Team Wawa!

As a guy currently sipping on a WaWa coffee ^^^^^^^this^^^^^^^^

merc - 1-19-2017 at 08:09 PM

America runs on Dunkin

Fizz - 1-19-2017 at 09:15 PM

Originally posted by merc
America runs on Dunkin

But not very far. And then America stumbles to a stop, wheezing, and has to inject some insulin on Dunkin.

DKBroiler - 1-19-2017 at 09:44 PM

America runs on sugar.

nOOb - 1-19-2017 at 09:53 PM

This is more "speculation" than "rumor", but had a brief video bit asking Superstars who they'd like to see pop up in the Royal Rumble this year. Seth Rollins' response was "Kenny Omega". That video is now no longer available and the link leads to a video of Lita's retirement. So, while it could be nothing, the video being up and then not being up anymore gets you thinking.

janerd75 - 1-19-2017 at 10:23 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
America runs on sugar.

Yeah, booger sugar.

CCharger - 1-19-2017 at 11:24 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
America runs on sugar.

America has the runs.

[Edited on 1-19-2017 by CCharger]

Paddlefoot - 1-20-2017 at 08:03 AM

* lolwut?

janerd75 - 1-20-2017 at 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* lolwut?

Even in the the funnybooks Shawn is still fucking around behind the scenes and Haitch has got a boot on everyone's neck? Oh man I can't wait to see the movie adaptation of those scenes though. I wonder who will play Seth, Dean, Roman, Shawn, and Hai

CCharger - 1-20-2017 at 02:42 PM

My only quibble with this is that they didn't give Shawn Michaels his lazy eye.

Also, WWN is reporting that Vince's top priority is finding the best way to work Roman Reigns into a title match at Mania. According to them the situation is very fluid and suggestions for a title match include:

Reigns vs. Taker
Reigns vs. Lesnar vs. Goldberg
Reigns vs. Strowman
Reigns vs. Lesnar

Either way, the rumor suggests that Vince is all in on re-booting Reigns's major push.

[Edited on 1-20-2017 by CCharger]

janerd75 - 1-20-2017 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by CCharger



CCharger - 1-20-2017 at 05:45 PM

Fantasty booking:

Reigns pins Goldberg in a triple threat with Lesnar to win the title. Boos fill the stadium. Goldberg and Lesnar look at each other and then team up on Reigns and kick his ass to the biggest pop in Wrestlemania history.

derfsucks - 1-20-2017 at 07:29 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Fantasty booking:

Reigns pins Goldberg in a triple threat with Lesnar to win the title. Boos fill the stadium. Goldberg and Lesnar look at each other and then team up on Reigns and kick his ass to the biggest pop in Wrestlemania history.

I'd LOL.

salmonjunkie - 1-21-2017 at 06:08 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
My only quibble with this is that they didn't give Shawn Michaels his lazy eye.

Also, WWN is reporting that Vince's top priority is finding the best way to work Roman Reigns into a title match at Mania. According to them the situation is very fluid and suggestions for a title match include:

Reigns vs. Taker
Reigns vs. Lesnar vs. Goldberg
Reigns vs. Strowman
Reigns vs. Lesnar

Either way, the rumor suggests that Vince is all in on re-booting Reigns's major push.

[Edited on 1-20-2017 by CCharger]

You forgot the match Vince really wants. Reigns vs Reigns

mooseheadjack - 1-21-2017 at 07:03 AM

It Goldberg and Lesnar could/would work a full time schedule, that could be one hell of an old school heel ass kicking team right there

nOOb - 1-21-2017 at 05:38 PM

So a followup on the video where Seth Rollins made his pick for a surprise Rumble entrant as Kenny Omega on and where it was taken down within hours: it's back up, just with no Rollins anymore. Speculation. enhance!

GodEatGod - 1-22-2017 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
So a followup on the video where Seth Rollins made his pick for a surprise Rumble entrant as Kenny Omega on and where it was taken down within hours: it's back up, just with no Rollins anymore. Speculation. enhance!

All reports are that Omega's NJPW contract goes to Jan 31st. Maybe they didn't want to be seen to be tampering with his contract or any sort of potential legal bullshit? Not to say they couldn't potentially negotiate something with New Japan to mitigate those two days off the contract - I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's pretty unlikely still, I think. Much as I'd prefer it otherwise.

CCharger - 1-23-2017 at 03:03 PM

Kenny Omega making a surprise debut in the Rumble would go over like a fart in church IMO.

It's not because the guy is bad. It's that he isn't really well known in this country, and certainly not among WWE fans. I mean there are guys on this site - hardcore wrestling fans - who aren't familiar with his work.

He's not AJ Styles who fans knew, and the WWE Universe would collectively turn to each other and ask, "Who's that guy?"

nOOb - 1-23-2017 at 05:17 PM

I think we've gotten to that point now where, unless they're coming from NXT or were a part of WWE previously, most people won't know who indy guys are. Like, I think the only four people in the indies that people might recognize if they were to show up directly in WWE and bypassing NXT would be Abyss, Jay Lethal, Christopher Daniels, and Kazarian. And I'd re-emphasize "might" because it would be dependent on people remembering TNA in a year. Heck, the only reason I'm aware of the name "Kenny Omega" is because people here think he's good and this story exists. I'd have no idea who he was if I were to see him without someone telling me who he was.

G-Spot - 1-23-2017 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
I think we've gotten to that point now where, unless they're coming from NXT or were a part of WWE previously, most people won't know who indy guys are. Like, I think the only four people in the indies that people might recognize if they were to show up directly in WWE and bypassing NXT would be Abyss, Jay Lethal, Christopher Daniels, and Kazarian. And I'd re-emphasize "might" because it would be dependent on people remembering TNA in a year. Heck, the only reason I'm aware of the name "Kenny Omega" is because people here think he's good and this story exists. I'd have no idea who he was if I were to see him without someone telling me who he was.

But if....and this is a BIG 'but if...' the WWE ~was~ planning on bringing Omega in, they way they've been "introducing" him to their audience is actually great in this day and age! I mean...Cena posting his little tidbits to his followers gets them thinking, "Who is Kenny Omega and why does Cena think he's important?" and then they get on the interwebs and YouTubeIt's and start to find his matches and learn his history. When the WWE does a segment asking "Who would be a big surprise entrant?" and Rollins says "Kenny Omega." and then promptly remove and edit it, it gets the people who've seen it asking "Who is Kenny Omega and why does Rollins say he could be there?" it gets them looking, and also gets the dirt sheets talking, which gets more people talking and asking questions and looking things up.

It's a perfect way, with the resources available online, to get the WWE Universe interested and up to date on a seasoned "indy darling" without having to do a whole lot of work on their end.

DevilSoprano - 1-23-2017 at 08:21 PM

And it's not like he's debuting in the middle of the year at some random PPV. While the Rumble won't have as many smarks as a Mania weekend, they've built it up to be the 2nd or 3rd biggest wrestling weekend of the year which means a larger percentage of the crowd for the entire weekend will know who Omega is. While he might not get the pop of a Styles last year, if everything is timed right, it could be a damn good reaction.

Basically the perfect situation would have been if AJ was in the Rumble and had quieted the ring down so he was the only guy standing as Omega's entrance started as a nod to Omega taking over New Japan's Bullet Club from AJ. I guess you could do it if Finn is returning as well since they also had added history as juniors on both the singles and tag side.

Also, its 2017, I think the smart wrestling fan is a larger percentage of the audience than most people give credit for. The casual fan are the ones who go to house shows, might tune into or go to a live Raw/Smackdown now and then, could possibly have the network, but they're not shelling out the money needed to go to a big 3/4 PPV.

DKBroiler - 1-23-2017 at 09:25 PM

I'd like to see Omega in the Rumble ... in 2018.

Win or lose there is no reason not to have the spotlight directly upon Samoa Joe this year. Let Omega carry NXT for the next 1-2 years which, by the way, is an honor these days.

Wickedfrost - 1-23-2017 at 09:47 PM

With no build up and the Rumble being used to introduce some NXT guys Kenny Omega would get lost in the crowd. Oh - is that one of the 205s?

batsnumbereleven - 1-23-2017 at 11:13 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
And it's not like he's debuting in the middle of the year at some random PPV. While the Rumble won't have as many smarks as a Mania weekend, they've built it up to be the 2nd or 3rd biggest wrestling weekend of the year which means a larger percentage of the crowd for the entire weekend will know who Omega is. While he might not get the pop of a Styles last year, if everything is timed right, it could be a damn good reaction.

Not sure this bit makes sense - surely if it's the 2nd/3rd biggest wrestling weekend of the year then a much larger proportion of the crowd will be casual fans who only attend/tune in/buy a PPV 2/3 times a year? And therefore wouldn't know Kenny Omega from Kenny Dykstra/Doane.

SpiNNeR72 - 1-23-2017 at 11:31 PM

Originally posted by G-Spot
Originally posted by nOOb
I think we've gotten to that point now where, unless they're coming from NXT or were a part of WWE previously, most people won't know who indy guys are. Like, I think the only four people in the indies that people might recognize if they were to show up directly in WWE and bypassing NXT would be Abyss, Jay Lethal, Christopher Daniels, and Kazarian. And I'd re-emphasize "might" because it would be dependent on people remembering TNA in a year. Heck, the only reason I'm aware of the name "Kenny Omega" is because people here think he's good and this story exists. I'd have no idea who he was if I were to see him without someone telling me who he was.

But if....and this is a BIG 'but if...' the WWE ~was~ planning on bringing Omega in, they way they've been "introducing" him to their audience is actually great in this day and age!

This is very true, and it can work so long as (Roode is the best example of this) his music hits with a fucking massive KENNY OMEGA graphic...

Paddlefoot - 1-23-2017 at 11:37 PM

Omega's a lot more charismatic than the 205'ers are so he shouldn't suffer the same fate of audience indifference when he arrives. Then again so are Nakamura, Joe, Roode, and Aries. No reason not to have Kenny do NXT for a year or so to familiarize him more to the audience in the same way those other veterans have had to. It's not a minor-league punishment to be in NXT, not when it's such fun to watch and when the crowd is free to show their appreciation free of the big-circus Vince & Bukukky nonsense that consumes way too much of the time on RAW and SD.

Chris Is Good517 - 1-23-2017 at 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Omega's a lot more charismatic than the 205'ers are so he shouldn't suffer the same fate of audience indifference when he arrives.

I don't want to nitpick but Rich Swann, Jack Gallagher, and Brian Kendrick are all more charismatic than 3/4 of the roster. I'd argue TJ Perkins is a notch or two under them as charisma goes.

The cruiserweights (and probably more aptly, the cruiserweight division) aren't over, but it's not because of any lack of charisma, it's because of crowds full of casual fans not being familiar with them. Which will be the exact same problem Kenny Omega will run into if he debuts at the Rumble. Styles worked because he was already a legend in the business who had wrestled for a long time in other American promotions. Omega is just now hitting his stride. Casual fans haven't been listening to their hardcore fan friends talk about Omega for ten years like they did with Styles.

DevilSoprano - 1-24-2017 at 01:27 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
I'd like to see Omega in the Rumble ... in 2018.

Win or lose there is no reason not to have the spotlight directly upon Samoa Joe this year. Let Omega carry NXT for the next 1-2 years which, by the way, is an honor these days.

Joe should not be in the Rumble. Joe should be used during AJ/Cena to set up a match with Cena at Mania.

Sam Is Neat - 1-24-2017 at 04:17 AM

Chris Jericho sort of casually announced on his podcast last week, that he signed a new contract with WWE. Not sure how long/short said contract is...but he also ran through what he has planned for Fozzy this year and what was NOT on that list, was a tour.

So I am wondering if Chris ends up staying through the majority of 2017 (he did say he had some new songs to record for Fozzy and some "Hollywood projects" this year, so he very well still could take a hiatus), and if so, would it make sense to give him a run with the Universal Title?

I think he has earned a run at the top of RAW, considering how he is constantly re-inventing himself and continues to get things over (including a clipboard). Plus, it would TRULY give him all the titles.

[Edited on 1-24-2017 by Sam Is Neat]

Flash - 1-24-2017 at 04:50 AM

I didn't listen to the podcast, but the post I had read about it sounded more like it was an extension to carry him through Wrestlemania with an option of some future stuff, so I don't think a full 2017 run is in the cards... shame, as I agree 100% with you that a final title reign would be a nice cap on one of the all time greats careers.

First 9 - 1-24-2017 at 04:57 AM

Why would NJPW leave themselves open for another round of poaching? They must be promising Omega the world if they risked letting his contract run out.

AJ debuted in Orlando after being the signature guy of an Orland promotion that drew more than a third of the viewers WWE gets and the glass ceiling was temporarily a lot thinner with both Cena and Orton out. Kenny Omega is awesome but he won't reach AJ's level(at the same speed) without all the benefits AJ had.

CCharger - 1-24-2017 at 04:41 PM

* Per Cageside Seats:

"Linda McMahon�s Senate confirmation hearing is scheduled for today, and President Trump�s nominee to head the Small Business Administration is expected to be grilled about how WWE consolidated the territories, wrestler�s status as independent contractors and more."

* Also, Kurt Angle has cancelled all his indie bookings next weekend - Royal Rumble weekend. Let the speculation begin!

[Edited on 1-24-2017 by CCharger]

williamssl - 1-24-2017 at 04:50 PM

This one is worth watching. Not worth watching/reading: any news coverage of it that is going to be so chock full of wrestling-isms it will make eyes and ears bleed.

"Blah blah smackdown blah blah body slam blah blah attempted pin blah blah kick out blah blah finisher blah 1-2-3".

Sam Is Neat - 1-24-2017 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Per Cageside Seats:

"Linda McMahon�s Senate confirmation hearing is scheduled for today, and President Trump�s nominee to head the Small Business Administration is expected to be grilled about how WWE consolidated the territories, wrestler�s status as independent contractors and more."

* Also, Kurt Angle has cancelled all his indie bookings next weekend - Royal Rumble weekend. Let the speculation begin!

[Edited on 1-24-2017 by CCharger]

She should roll in there in her wheelchair, pretending to be in that coma of hers, again. Just completely no sell all the questions and then right at the end, get up and kick someone square in the nuts.

smokeeater - 1-24-2017 at 10:59 PM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Originally posted by CCharger
* Per Cageside Seats:

"Linda McMahon�s Senate confirmation hearing is scheduled for today, and President Trump�s nominee to head the Small Business Administration is expected to be grilled about how WWE consolidated the territories, wrestler�s status as independent contractors and more."

* Also, Kurt Angle has cancelled all his indie bookings next weekend - Royal Rumble weekend. Let the speculation begin!

[Edited on 1-24-2017 by CCharger]

She should roll in there in her wheelchair, pretending to be in that coma of hers, again. Just completely no sell all the questions and then right at the end, get up and kick someone square in the nuts.

I'd actually watch CSPAN for that

[Edited on 1-24-2017 by smokeeater]

Paddlefoot - 1-24-2017 at 11:08 PM

Just tell the truth that the old territories were run by a bunch of pedophiles, drug dealers, and dirty old closeted gay men that gave out jobs in exchange for sex, and that as chequered as he is as a businessman Vince McMahon is actually running the industry cleaner than any did before (or after) he became the biggest boss in the biz.

Count Zero - 1-24-2017 at 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Just tell the truth that the old territories were run by a bunch of pedophiles, drug dealers, and dirty old closeted gay men that gave out jobs in exchange for sex, and that as chequered as he is as a businessman Vince McMahon is actually running the industry cleaner than any did before (or after) he became the biggest boss in the biz.
....Truth is a strange and crazy thing. I mean, this IS basically true, for all we complain about Vince et al... it really DID used to be worse. ...What am I talking about "did"? Dixie did a lot of shady things, though I hope none of them as shady as the aforementioned.

Merc's good ol' days are kinda scary.

[Edited on 1-24-2017 by Count Zero]

royberto - 1-25-2017 at 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Just tell the truth that the old territories were run by a bunch of pedophiles, drug dealers, and dirty old closeted gay men that gave out jobs in exchange for sex, and that as chequered as he is as a businessman Vince McMahon is actually running the industry cleaner than any did before (or after) he became the biggest boss in the biz.
She could then show footage of Dixie Carter's testimony before Congress where she claimed any caught using drugs or caught with illegal drugs would be punished and then show TNA footage of all the times that proved Dixie was a liar. Vince would look like an angel next to that.

[Edited on 1-24-2017 by royberto]

Flash - 1-25-2017 at 03:30 AM

Well, Dixie could always say "hey, we're not actually paying any of these guys... technically you gotta get paid to be employed right?" Win for TNA by virtue of their many losses!

Meh, I'm sure the senate would just say "TN-who?"

CCharger - 1-25-2017 at 02:56 PM

* If you're wondering why Smackdown Live has better storylines and booking than RAM, the answer might be that the head writer is now Road Dogg. Vince is experimenting with having a wrestling insider, rather than a Hollywood guy, book the show to see if that will improve ratings overall for the company.

* WWE will display a statue of Ric Flair at Wrestlemania Axxess this year. Most likely, it will be made out of $100 bills, dried scotch, and gallons of encrusted semen.

merc - 1-25-2017 at 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Just tell the truth that the old territories were run by a bunch of pedophiles, drug dealers, and dirty old closeted gay men that gave out jobs in exchange for sex, and that as chequered as he is as a businessman Vince McMahon is actually running the industry cleaner than any did before (or after) he became the biggest boss in the biz.
....Truth is a strange and crazy thing. I mean, this IS basically true, for all we complain about Vince et al... it really DID used to be worse. ...What am I talking about "did"? Dixie did a lot of shady things, though I hope none of them as shady as the aforementioned.

Merc's good ol' days are kinda scary.

[Edited on 1-24-2017 by Count Zero]

Not sure Pad is 100% accurate. Off the top of my head...

Pedophile promoter was in ROH in the last several years. there was the Patterson resignation/firing that was tied to young men. Both wouldn't qualify as "old territories"

Barnett was not in the closet, he was public.

Wolfe/Burke was a public battle; more sexism of the generation.

Moolah wasn't a promoter...

The only widespread drug scandal was the PA roid doc, who's name escapes me, tied to Vince in the federal trial. IIRC, he was always available at the Hamburg TV tapings. I can't think of anything else tied to a promotion...maybe Fritz Von Erich and his kids?

There were many wrestlers, RR Buck Zumhoff being one of the biggest baddies, but he wrestled and eventually made it to WWF. I think HHH debut against him.

Again, off the top of my head...

CCharger - 1-25-2017 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by merc

Merc's good ol' days are kinda scary.

[Edited on 1-24-2017 by Count Zero]

Not sure Pad is 100% accurate. Off the top of my head...

Pedophile promoter was in ROH in the last several years. there was the Patterson resignation/firing that was tied to young men. Both wouldn't qualify as "old territories"

Barnett was not in the closet, he was public.

Wolfe/Burke was a public battle; more sexism of the generation.

Moolah wasn't a promoter...

The only widespread drug scandal was the PA roid doc, who's name escapes me, tied to Vince in the federal trial. IIRC, he was always available at the Hamburg TV tapings. I can't think of anything else tied to a promotion...maybe Fritz Von Erich and his kids?

There were many wrestlers, RR Buck Zumhoff being one of the biggest baddies, but he wrestled and eventually made it to WWF. I think HHH debut against him.

Again, off the top of my head...


Flash - 1-26-2017 at 10:25 AM

Some "News"....

*It is not expected that either Styles and Owens will be carrying their titles into Wrestlemania; it is likely one will drop their title at the Rumble and tie up their rematch at the respective final PPV between now and WM (be it EC for SD, or Fast Lane for Raw) and the other will probably drop their title at the next PPV.

*Orton vs Wyatt and Reigns vs Taker are the tentatively planned title matches, with Rollins v. HHH, Goldberg v Lesnar, Big Show v Shaq, and Owens vs Jericho rounding out the card. Orton is rumoured to be your RR winner.

*Styles vs Shane and Samoa Joe v Cena are also rumoured.

*Reigns recently gave an interview where he was asked if he would like to turn heel- his response was a no, stating that as a heel you just get booed, whereas where he is now with the mixed response there is a lot more noise. He also said that he thinks the Shield is in the top five of wrestling groups all time list largely because they did it as unknowns, and that he thought they were split up too soon as they probably had a good face run in them.

*There is said to be some heat on Sami Zayn and that this past weeks backstage spot with Rollins and Reigns was done to set him up as a major geek.


Wrestlemania looks like it's very much still in play with really only the Goldberg/Lesnar match etched in stone. Odds are after Sunday night we will have a much better idea of where they are going with the WM card but I think they have a couple of potential problems on their hands in that some of their top emerging stars are on the outside looking in for the Rumble leaving a short list of possible winners that's long on guys that will probably leave the fans frustrated and a rumble that's now what... the 3rd, or 4th in a row that has left a bad taste in everyone's mouths? I think they need to have a winning rumble; one that measures up against past fan favourites even if it doesn't fit the WWE "plan"... I also think that it would probably be a good idea to ride one of Owens or Styles into Wrestlemania as champ.. kind of throw a bone to the wrestling fans... Reigns vs Taker is a legit big match that the title would ad to (especially is Reigns were full heel), but at this stage I think Orton vs Bray is more of an opening match... a good one, but one that I think the title would weigh down some.

If they are going for Joe vs Cena then I think having Joe cost Cena the title and do a bit of a beat down would be a good way to d�but him... although if Cena wins and you hold off Joe for Fastlane and then either have him cost Cena the title back to Styles, or in a much worse idea blow off a legitimately great feud with a stupid DQ finish (yup, it's WWE, that's the way they'll do it) and maybe go with a triple threat at WM between Joe, Styles, and Cena... sure it will generate about a billion dumb texts from Dixie, but that would genuinely be a great match and the title component would be good too.

CamstunPWG187 - 1-26-2017 at 04:26 PM

-According to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, there has been a doctrine in recent weeks to keep the cruiserweight matches on Raw much shorter. It may be to poor quarter hour ratings, but that has not been confirmed. This Monday�s Swann vs. Dar match was around five-minutes long, and most of that took place during the commercial break.

I wonder why they failed, hmm? Let's just cut more of their time. Really let people know they don't matter.

salmonjunkie - 1-26-2017 at 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Flash

*Orton vs Wyatt and Reigns vs Taker are the tentatively planned title matches, with Rollins v. HHH, Goldberg v Lesnar, Big Show v Shaq, and Owens vs Jericho rounding out the card. Orton is rumoured to be your RR winner.

If all of this became true, would that mean RR winner Orton would be facing a World Champion Wyatt at WM?

First 9 - 1-26-2017 at 06:10 PM

Reigns vs Taker sounds like pairing up the spares. Also if all the part timers are tied up then Cena vs Joe is probably happening. What else is there for Cena to do?

DKBroiler - 1-26-2017 at 07:08 PM

I haven't watched this week's SD yet but, oddly, when watching last week's I did think, "They really have been jobbing Orton out a lot lately. It's almost like when someone loses for a month straight before winning the Money in the Bank briefcase ... wait ... fuck me ... Orton's gonna win the Rumble."

[Edited on 1-26-2017 by DKBroiler]

First 9 - 1-26-2017 at 07:45 PM

Wouldn't Wyatt as RR winner and Orton as Champion work better?

Flash - 1-26-2017 at 09:35 PM

I think generally having your face go in and in theory capture the title fits the mold of a big story better generally, but I think in this case for as tired as I am of Wyatt's gibberish promos that ultimate go nowhere I think him winning the RR hits a few beats a lot better:

*Orton taking the title at WM is kinda meh... Orton is not the top guy he once was, and even then an Orton title win never really set the world on fire (at least for good reasons)... even if Orton were to lose at WM it wouldn't have any kind of magnitude.

*Wyatt winning would be good for the Rumble; he's an up and comer, gets positive responses, and for once in his career it would feel like he actually did something that would back up his rants.

*Wyatt winning the title at WM (as champ, not the rumble winner) would be another building block and would help to solidify him as the top heel on SD and he could go on to face any number of guys that would be fresher matchup's higher up the card. His winning the title in the EC is nowhere near as good of a launch pad, and would be weaker.. it would almost become expected he retains against Orton at WM, as otherwise he's a one pump chump.

*Orton winning the RR feels like the rumble would be branded another fail for the 3rd or 4th year in a row.

I'm not a Wyatt fan largely because I think he's all talk, and that the WWE could have done a lot more with him and the Family gimmick (You could have brought in various jobbers as family members from time to time... make them like a true compound of followers, but still have the dedicated core of 4-5 guys... also the whole kidnapping and apparently just driving people to city limits and dropping them off thing was weak)... I honestly don't have a better rumble winner off the top of my head, but I can get behind Bray winning.

gobbledygooker - 1-26-2017 at 10:47 PM

If they do decide to go with Styles vs. Shane, my MAJOR problem with it (which was also my problem with Shane-UT in HIaC) is that this guy in his late 40's (I think? Or older?) who will be wrestling his second match of the past 10+ years, is going to go toe-to-toe with one of the greatest wrestlers in the world and we're supposed to believe he can hang with him. It's just stupid. I guess if nothing else, it gives Styles the "I wrestled a McMahon" rub but I'd really rather see him go against someone else.

williamssl - 1-26-2017 at 11:52 PM

Shane SHOULD be fighting Brock. You know - the end of Summer Slam and immediate aftermath.... that.

With Brock's dance card punched with Goldberg, Shane COULD be fighting Miz as the blow-off to the Miz/Daniel Bryan thingie. In the DB can't wrestle but picks proxy scenario, Shane is worst case as good as anyone else, and storyline probably better. At least they are the 2 authority figures on the show. And there's the added "Miz being really cocky about it since Shane isn't even a full time wrestler" part.

But hey - I like continuity-y things.

Sam Is Neat - 1-27-2017 at 04:15 PM

Has anyone heard anything on Hideo Itami? I know he had a neck injury back in October, but a quick google search gives me nothing new other than that he may be out for "months".

So, unless anyone has updated news, I am going to start the rumor that he is dead.

Gobshite - 1-27-2017 at 04:56 PM

He tweeted "I am ready" about 10 days ago, so expect him back in NXT soon...

CCharger - 1-27-2017 at 05:05 PM

Interesting tidbit:

* The entire NXT roster will be backstage at the Rumble. Two reasons for this. One, they want the newbies to experience a big PPV backstage so they are familiar with what goes on. Two, they want everyone to be available to be an entrant for the Rumble, even at the last minute.

* Also, Vince was furious over Goldberg's promo this past Monday describing it as a "debacle". Vince has reportedly been critical of Goldberg's mic work since his first stint with the company. That may be the last time you see Goldberg on the mic for quite a while.

[Edited on 1-27-2017 by CCharger]

Katie Vick killer - 1-27-2017 at 05:38 PM

Not a rumor in the slightest, I just wanted some high traffic eyeballs to say the OO Pick 'em comp is beginning this weekend with the Rumble. The matches are listed, feel free to play. I hope I can keep up with all the PPV/Network specials this year.

Gobshite - 1-27-2017 at 08:45 PM

With regards to the NXT crew being at the rumble:

The main benefit here is that they can debut whoever they want (i.e. roode, Shinshule, Dillinger) and then being in the building from 2pm isn't a spoiler.

I'd be amazed if they didn't already have the rumble mapped out to the minute. They know who's in it already.

nOOb - 1-27-2017 at 10:12 PM

All I want to know is will Shelton Benjamin and Carlito be in the general Texas area this Rumble or not?!

salmonjunkie - 1-27-2017 at 10:34 PM

If Tye Dillenger makes his debut at the Rumble, he needs to be entry No. 10.

Chris Is Good517 - 1-27-2017 at 10:36 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Also, Vince was furious over Goldberg's promo this past Monday describing it as a "debacle". Vince has reportedly been critical of Goldberg's mic work since his first stint with the company. That may be the last time you see Goldberg on the mic for quite a while.

If only there had been some historical precedent for Goldberg with a live mic being a bad idea.

In regards to Hideo Itami, I believe he was cleared last week. They may as well go ahead and bring him to the main roster because I don't know what there really is for him to do in NXT.

Here's a fun rumor: Rey Mysterio's contract with Lucha Underground is said to be done and there's speculation that he's been asked to appear in the Rumble. Don't know if that's true, but WWE would be smart to use Rey to legitimize the cruiserweight division. Added benefit: a potential Rey vs. Neville match at WrestleMania.

Slade - 1-27-2017 at 11:03 PM

Posted by williamssl
With Brock's dance card punched with Goldberg, Shane COULD be fighting Miz as the blow-off to the Miz/Daniel Bryan thingie. In the DB can't wrestle but picks proxy scenario, Shane is worst case as good as anyone else, and storyline probably better. At least they are the 2 authority figures on the show. And there's the added "Miz being really cocky about it since Shane isn't even a full time wrestler" part.

I would be happy to see The Miz vs. Shane McMahon, although I really want The Miz to compete for the WWE Championship. In either case, he deserves to be featured in an important match and not relegated to a ladder match or battle royal, this year. As far as I'm concerned, a leaked card without The Miz's name in one of the marquee matches can't be right because he's been consistently more entertaining than anyone else since the last Wrestlemania.

Posted by Chris is Good
In regards to Hideo Itami, I believe he was cleared last week. They may as well go ahead and bring him to the main roster because I don't know what there really is for him to do in NXT.

One could just as easily say that they may as well leave Hideo Itami in NXT because no one really knows what there is for him to do on the main roster.

williamssl - 1-27-2017 at 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Here's a fun rumor: Rey Mysterio's contract with Lucha Underground is said to be done and there's speculation that he's been asked to appear in the Rumble. Don't know if that's true, but WWE would be smart to use Rey to legitimize the cruiserweight division.

I would love it if Rey entered but got 'mistaken' by the announcers and crowd as Kalisto.

"Here comes Kalisto again. What's he doing? He already got eliminated!"

"That's not Kalisto, that's Rey Mysterio - Rey's back!"

"How do we know that's not Kalisto again? {comment about Trump's wall goes here}"

JBL obviously gets lines 1 and 3 in this one.

First 9 - 1-28-2017 at 12:01 AM

If they get Rey on a part-time basis just having a WM match putting over Neville would do them wonders.

bigfatgoalie - 1-28-2017 at 05:44 AM

So Kevin Owens is now the betting favourite to win the Universal title match.

Maybe this sets up Baylor vs Owens for the title, leaving Jericho open to actually defend the US title in a ladder match so guys like Sami, Rusev, and Cesaro have something to do.

Paddlefoot - 1-28-2017 at 06:08 AM

* the following matches will be appearing on the Rumble pre-show:

- Nia vs Sasha
- six-women tag team match for SD (Alexa/Mickie/Nattie vs Becky/Naomi/Nikki)
- Cesaro/Sheamus vs Anderson/Gallows

I can see outting the women's matches on the pre-show. Nia/Sasha is barely started as a feud and the new rivalries on SD are just beginning, plus there's a SD-centric PPV coming up quickly where they can feature them with more time. Kind of lame to have the RAW TT champs on the pre-show though, especially considering how entertaining Cesaro & Sheamus have been lately and also that they've been squaring up against Anderson/Gallows off and on for a few months now. That entrance C & S have is one of the best things on RAW in recent months, as well as the "yay! and "boo!" from the crowd for them after their matches. Kind of a bummer to see it relegated to the part of the show where half the audience isn't even in their seats yet.

GodEatGod - 1-28-2017 at 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* the following matches will be appearing on the Rumble pre-show:

- Nia vs Sasha
- six-women tag team match for SD (Alexa/Mickie/Nattie vs Becky/Naomi/Nikki)
- Cesaro/Sheamus vs Anderson/Gallows

I can see outting the women's matches on the pre-show. Nia/Sasha is barely started as a feud and the new rivalries on SD are just beginning, plus there's a SD-centric PPV coming up quickly where they can feature them with more time. Kind of lame to have the RAW TT champs on the pre-show though, especially considering how entertaining Cesaro & Sheamus have been lately and also that they've been squaring up against Anderson/Gallows off and on for a few months now. That entrance C & S have is one of the best things on RAW in recent months, as well as the "yay! and "boo!" from the crowd for them after their matches. Kind of a bummer to see it relegated to the part of the show where half the audience isn't even in their seats yet.

Part of that could also be that both Sheamus and Cesaro are going to be part of the Rumble match itself later on - putting them on early gives them time to recuperate before they go out there. Hell, I've seen speculation of them being #1 and 2 to start the thing off.

G. Jonah Jameson - 1-28-2017 at 02:42 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Part of that could also be that both Sheamus and Cesaro are going to be part of the Rumble match itself later on - putting them on early gives them time to recuperate before they go out there. Hell, I've seen speculation of them being #1 and 2 to start the thing off.

In an alternate universe where Sheamus and Cesaro aren't in the Royal Rumble match, their title defense definitely gets on the main show, while Rich Swann vs. Neville gets shunted to the pre-show.

royberto - 1-28-2017 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* If you're wondering why Smackdown Live has better storylines and booking than RAM, the answer might be that the head writer is now Road Dogg. Vince is experimenting with having a wrestling insider, rather than a Hollywood guy, book the show to see if that will improve ratings overall for the company.

* WWE will display a statue of Ric Flair at Wrestlemania Axxess this year. Most likely, it will be made out of $100 bills, dried scotch, and gallons of encrusted semen.
The statue will also blade.

Sam Is Neat - 1-28-2017 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Here's a fun rumor: Rey Mysterio's contract with Lucha Underground is said to be done and there's speculation that he's been asked to appear in the Rumble. Don't know if that's true, but WWE would be smart to use Rey to legitimize the cruiserweight division.

I would love it if Rey entered but got 'mistaken' by the announcers and crowd as Kalisto.

"Here comes Kalisto again. What's he doing? He already got eliminated!"

"That's not Kalisto, that's Rey Mysterio - Rey's back!"

"How do we know that's not Kalisto again? {comment about Trump's wall goes here}"

JBL obviously gets lines 1 and 3 in this one.

Unfortunately, JBL wil not be calling the Rumble. In one form the Smackdown team is calling the Rumble, currently. Last I heard it was Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Jerry Stupid Lawler.

bopol - 1-28-2017 at 07:34 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* If you're wondering why Smackdown Live has better storylines and booking than RAM, the answer might be that the head writer is now Road Dogg. Vince is experimenting with having a wrestling insider, rather than a Hollywood guy, book the show to see if that will improve ratings overall for the company.

It's funny because I never thought of Road Dogg as a great wrestling mind (of course, great wrestling family) based on his shoot interviews.

Sam Is Neat - 1-28-2017 at 09:18 PM

Originally posted by bopol
Originally posted by CCharger
* If you're wondering why Smackdown Live has better storylines and booking than RAM, the answer might be that the head writer is now Road Dogg. Vince is experimenting with having a wrestling insider, rather than a Hollywood guy, book the show to see if that will improve ratings overall for the company.

It's funny because I never thought of Road Dogg as a great wrestling mind (of course, great wrestling family) based on his shoot interviews.

I mean..he DID get over using two moves and a catchphrase.

Sounds pretty smart to me.

bopol - 1-28-2017 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Originally posted by bopol
Originally posted by CCharger
* If you're wondering why Smackdown Live has better storylines and booking than RAM, the answer might be that the head writer is now Road Dogg. Vince is experimenting with having a wrestling insider, rather than a Hollywood guy, book the show to see if that will improve ratings overall for the company.

It's funny because I never thought of Road Dogg as a great wrestling mind (of course, great wrestling family) based on his shoot interviews.

I mean..he DID get over using two moves and a catchphrase.

Sounds pretty smart to me.

Sure, but apply that to the entire roster and it's doesn't make for 3 hours of good TV.

Count Zero - 1-28-2017 at 11:24 PM

Originally posted by bopol
Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
I mean..he DID get over using two moves and a catchphrase.

Sounds pretty smart to me.

Sure, but apply that to the entire roster and it's doesn't make for 3 hours of good TV.
Maybe not, but if you translate "two moves and a catchphrase" into "knows how to play to peoples' strengths & hide their weaknesses", he might be one of the most brilliant bookers the WWE (not WWF) has ever had. (I'm not sure if the WWF had brilliant bookers or not, because I don't really remember/know much about the booking scene back when I was a little tiny Countlet.)

[Edited on 1-28-2017 by Count Zero]

Flash - 1-29-2017 at 03:16 AM

Road dogg should have been given one of the announcing spots, as the gift of gab is his real strength... In saying that; if they were to loosen the strings on over-scripting promo's that would be a step in the right direction, and that's where RD could help a lot maybe. As far as booking goes, all the major stories and finishes are all going to come through Vince, so whomever is booking it's like booking through a paint by numbers scheme... Look at even that Rumble from a few years ago where it was said that Jamie Noble booked it- sure maybe he got to say that a Cesaro eliminated Mark Henry (or pick any other at the time a rung above jobber wrestlers), but that isn't what made or broke that Rumble.

CheMateo - 1-29-2017 at 05:41 AM

Finally. Glad they are actually using an actual wrestling mind. They had some past great bookers in Patterson, Paul E., Cornette etc. It has been horrible the last decade and a half or so since they have been using those Hollywood Writer Monkeys. Hopefully this return to actual wrestling minds will continue.

I have been watching older footage. The build up to the first encounter between Warrior and Hogan in the Rumble was fantastic booking by Patterson. Something we have not seen in quite some time.

Sam Is Neat - 1-29-2017 at 11:50 PM

One thing I have seen on Smackdown (and Raw, actually), is that the IC and U.S titles are being defended in the main event of the programs. They have, essentially, become the flagship titles for their respective brands, while the World/Universal titles are held for special events, which I am fine with.

I think it helps build the credibility of the secondary titles and make the prestige of being the world universal champion of the galaxy, something greater than it was before.

This has nothing to do with anything else so to loop it back around...I give Road Dogg credit for that...I guess.

DKBroiler - 1-30-2017 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
I haven't watched this week's SD yet but, oddly, when watching last week's I did think, "They really have been jobbing Orton out a lot lately. It's almost like when someone loses for a month straight before winning the Money in the Bank briefcase ... wait ... fuck me ... Orton's gonna win the Rumble."

[Edited on 1-26-2017 by DKBroiler]

This guy is smart.

williamssl - 1-30-2017 at 09:52 PM

Thank you for reminding me who I need to hunt....

DKBroiler - 1-30-2017 at 10:54 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Thank you for reminding me who I need to hunt....

It's not all that hard to find or hunt me. Just follow the trail of Cheeto crumbs and BBQ sauce. That said, please don't. Haha.

Sam Is Neat - 1-30-2017 at 10:54 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
If Tye Dillenger makes his debut at the Rumble, he needs to be entry No. 10.

So is this guy.

ulsterphil - 1-30-2017 at 11:17 PM

This fantasy booking made 2 weeks ago also predicted Tye Dillinger and would have been far better to watch.

punkerhardcore - 1-31-2017 at 08:23 PM

During the latest Wrestling Observer Radio (via, Dave Meltzer said that John Cena�s match at Wrestlemania 33 �wouldn�t be celebrated� and that it�s �not necessarily good news� for Cena. Samoa Joe is no longer a possible opponent for Cena since he is involved in the Triple H/Seth Rollins angle, leaving Cena to face someone like Dolph Ziggler or Baron Corbin, according to sources.

It's probably just because at this point in his career, John Cena isn't part time enough. Pretty soon, he'll reach a point where he only wrestles once or twice a year, and then he'll get put back into a huge program for Wrestlemania.

Flash - 1-31-2017 at 10:47 PM

If that's true about Cena, then it feels like a bit of a waste- the guy has what... 20-30 matches left in his career (let's assume he does a couple mini-runs with TV matches here or there)... maybe far less than that? If you've got him even part time leading up to Mania then use him well, and don't just throw him out there... The guy is massively over with his long time segment, and even amongst the smarks his stock has probably never been higher.

I'm not saying Cena needs to close out the show, but all due respect to Ziggler he's gone from a rising star, to a held down guy fans rallied behind, to now almost written off... not saying he's not over, but the list of guys who Ziggler used in the fans eyes is deep now, and people have likely accepted that he isn't going to ever be a top guy (other than maybe occasional 1 month fill in spots). Corbin... I haven't watched weekly TV in a bit so I might not be as current with him, but the vibe I get from him at PPV's is he's just now starting to develop something... that should be a mid-card title chase at this stage, not a legend like Cena.

Honestly at this stage I'd be up for Styles and Cena having a final match... maybe Styles recaptures his title at EC which sets the stage for Cena to break Flair's record at WM... big stakes for an epic feud... I'd have Styles retain; but even just the tease of Cena breaking the title record would be a lot of juice added to maybe the feud of the year (well, mania to mania year anyway).... If you are going with Cena vs AJ, then I would close the show with it.

CCharger - 1-31-2017 at 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Flash
If you are going with Cena vs AJ, then I would close the show with it.

All signs point to Golberg vs. Lesnar for the title closing the show.

Count Zero - 1-31-2017 at 11:26 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by Flash
If you are going with Cena vs AJ, then I would close the show with it.

All signs point to Golberg vs. Lesnar for the title closing the show.
So the match will start at 5 minutes to Show'sEnd, and not even take up all 5 minutes?

Flash - 1-31-2017 at 11:45 PM

You would think they wouldn't chance Goldberg versus Lesnar closing out the show; I mean here's your most likely options...

1)Brock squashes Goldberg, nothing is resolved.

2)Goldberg squashes Brock... then retires, fans feel a bit cheated both by shortness of the match, and the cock tease the WWE has done 3 times by this point.

3)They have an actual match.... not exactly Goldberg's strength, and you close out the show with an okay match; the only thing in doubt will be will if Goldberg get gassed before Brock hits 10 suplexes or not. Depending on how the night goes in terms of passing the fans off, you would also allow more time for the crowd to see if they can top the WM 20 crowd for shitting on Brock and Goldberg.

I think the thing with WM- any show for that matter, but extra important with your biggest show- is that you want to both start and finish strong- Those two could very safely have a nice spot third, or second last from the top.

CCharger - 2-1-2017 at 01:28 AM

You have to have that "Wrestlemania Moment".

Like Heyman turning on Brock allowing Goldberg to win. Something along the lines of Rollins cashing in on Reigns. A big, shock so that people don't remember the match as much as they remember the moment.

williamssl - 2-1-2017 at 01:59 AM

Like last year when it ended with Reigns holding his newly-won title high.

CheMateo - 2-1-2017 at 07:14 AM

How are they going to conclude this Goldberg/Brock feud? Brock finally wins via a schmozz? It does not make sense for Goldberg to go over again. Initially, I enjoyed the true shock factor of Goldberg going over (despite loathing Goldbrick). But it feels like a waste at this point since I expect Goldberg to pretty much just leave after Mania and not really put over anyone else.

Paddlefoot - 2-1-2017 at 07:22 AM

Maybe Goldberg being the only one Lesnar can't beat is Brock's "punishment" for the failed drug test at UFC. Yeah, it had nothing to do with WWE but they still get some tarnish on them by association, especially when they're suspending and firing other performers when they fail the same kind of tests. It means nothing in a world of acting but at the same time it puts an end to the mystique of "The Beast".

Count Zero - 2-1-2017 at 07:51 AM

And if they do keep going with Berg > Bork, they could eventually play it out with Bork's future opponents watching the Borkberg matches in the attempt to figure out 'the secret' of beating Bork Lazor.

"I know I'm not Bill Goldberg... But maybe if I do some of the things he did, I might have a chance to defeat the Borkbeast!"

Sam Is Neat - 2-1-2017 at 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Maybe Goldberg being the only one Lesnar can't beat is Brock's "punishment" for the failed drug test at UFC. Yeah, it had nothing to do with WWE but they still get some tarnish on them by association, especially when they're suspending and firing other performers when they fail the same kind of tests. It means nothing in a world of acting but at the same time it puts an end to the mystique of "The Beast".

Yeah, but (see what I did there?) Brock is calling his own shots in the WWE. He is, essentially, allowing Goldberg to beat him because he sees money in a Lesnar/Goldberg program (and he is right).

So I don't think it it about punishing Brock, as much as it is Brock's willingness to put over his friend in an effort to make even more money.

GodEatGod - 2-1-2017 at 10:56 AM

Brock's made it pretty clear that he doesn't give a big shit about winning and losing in WWE because he knows the difference between real fighting and fake fighting.

The main thing I've gotten out of this feud is my wife's enjoyment: she loathes Brock and, while she doesn't care about Goldberg one way or another, seeing Lesnar repeatedly humiliated has given her more joy from wrestling than almost anything in recent memory.

CCharger - 2-1-2017 at 02:15 PM

* Sgt. Slaughter was on my local sports radio program this morning promoting Wrestlemania. During the segment, he was asked which match at Wrestlemania he was most excited for. He said Goldberg/Lesnar and then he said....Orton/Cena. He then kind of paused and added, "I think those are the only two announced so far." Now, this may have been him assuming that Orton would face Cena since Cena is champ and Orton won the Rumble, but it didn't come across that way. It seemed like Slaugher inadvertently dropped a spoiler, which if true, would confirm that Cena's opponent at Mania would be a "disappointment".

G. Jonah Jameson - 2-1-2017 at 02:56 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Sgt. Slaughter was on my local sports radio program this morning promoting Wrestlemania. During the segment, he was asked which match at Wrestlemania he was most excited for. He said Goldberg/Lesnar and then he said....Orton/Cena. He then kind of paused and added, "I think those are the only two announced so far." Now, this may have been him assuming that Orton would face Cena since Cena is champ and Orton won the Rumble, but it didn't come across that way. It seemed like Slaugher inadvertently dropped a spoiler, which if true, would confirm that Cena's opponent at Mania would be a "disappointment".

He could just be keeping kayfabe. Randy Orton won the Royal Rumble, John Cena is WWE Champion, ergo those two face each other at Wrestlemania unless circumstances change.

Also, I believe WWE announced Cena vs. Orton for SmackDown! next week, which suggests to me they aren't headlining 'Mania.

denverpunk - 2-1-2017 at 04:40 PM

The rags are saying Seth Rollins reinjured his knee during Samoa Joe's attack on RAW.

Work or not? And if not, can we start calling Joe careless in the ring?

First 9 - 2-1-2017 at 04:54 PM

If it's real then that means Joe debuted in NXT by nearly killing Tyson Kidd and now he moved up to the main roster to fuck up Rollins. That is some shitty luck.

[Edited on 2-1-2017 by First 9]

Cherokee Jack - 2-1-2017 at 05:18 PM

PWInsider reporting that he is indeed down in Birmingham, so sounds legit. Hopefully he doesn't have to miss (much) time this time around...would be really shitty to have to miss two Wrestlemanias in a row due to injury.

As far as Joe goes, if Rollins DOES have to go on the shelf, do they use this to push him right out of the gate as this dangerous killer? Or does Vince immediately sour on him and he's the third Uso within a few months?

Sam Is Neat - 2-1-2017 at 05:22 PM

I heard he blew out his ACL again.


Paddlefoot - 2-1-2017 at 05:55 PM

Joe's playing it like kayfabe so who knows at this point.

In hindsight it seems odd that Rollins missed the Rumble. Previously whenever someone lost a spot in a major PPV due to going up against Mr. McMahon or The Authority they'd write it so they got in somehow or the other, like winning a handicap match or foiling a crooked referee or something like that. They did this all the time with Stone Cold. Just when you thought he was down and out he pulled off a miracle and was back in the thick of things. Ditto with other guys, multiple times, like Cena or Daniel Bryan. Yet Rollins was off of the Rumble thanks to losing to Sami Zayn the previous week and that was that, with nothing about it mentioned again except for his pop-up at NXT to piss off Hunter? At this stage, if the injury is real, he could have been legit injured beforehand, aggravated it during the Zayn match, and they're using the Joe attack as a way to get him on the shelf. Just a thought, because anyone losing a spot on a PPV usually puts themselves through just about anything to get it back.

[Edited on 2/1/2017 by Paddlefoot]

anglefan85 - 2-1-2017 at 06:39 PM

You guys be the judge, but this seems to be the moment that Seth re-injures his knee.

EDIT: Seth posted this on his Twitter. Its legit.

[Edited on 2-1-2017 by anglefan85]

First 9 - 2-1-2017 at 07:35 PM

There's a chance this is could be a minor tweak and doctors will clear him for Mania.

Silver lining, this could finally give Seth some babyface fire after HHH made him look like a weasly bitch(saying he's always there so Seth didn't have to go far to find him) and make him find a better finisher.

bigfatgoalie - 2-1-2017 at 07:54 PM

I thought KO vs Joe should have been the title match at Mania before Seth got hurt. Now? If Baylor is healthy I'd have Hunter screw over KO at Fastlane and do Trips vs KO and Baylor vs Joe for the title.

You can even have KO lose to Trips but cost Joe the title later on to have a crowd pleasing title win at Mania.

Flash - 2-1-2017 at 09:20 PM is playing it up like a story for what it's worth- not that that means anything as they've gone into spin mode in the past.

Man, reading some of the comments on Seth's, and Joe's twitter feeds it just gets nasty... ranging from Joe being bad in the ring, to wishing it was Reigns instead... even Tyson Kidd jumps in, and it's not in defense of Joe either.

CheMateo - 2-2-2017 at 12:03 AM

What did Tyson Kidd say exactly? I was looking forward to a Joe/Rollins program. It sucks to see Rollins get injured again as he was gaining momentum and heading into another Mania. Also sucks for Joe being the accidental cause of another injury upon a debut.

The rumors I heard were that they were thinking of shipping Joe off to Smackdown to have a Mania program with Cena. Or Haitch and Joe have a falling out and have a match at Mania.

Owens is finally getting the chance to go one-on-one with Brock Lesnar. But it is for a house show at MSG on March 13th. It would be nice of the company to air it on the Network!

Flash - 2-2-2017 at 12:09 AM

It wasn't like he buried him, but more indicted by omission... someone kind of popped in to Joe's defense and said he read an interview where Kidd said the botch was his own fault as he didn't tuck his head- Kidd jumped in and said something to the effect that he definitely DID NOT say that. The guy with the misquote apologized, and Kidd tweeted back no problem.

Just my take, but generally these guys tend to protect one another on twitter- I think for Kidd to correct a misquote while offering no defense of Joe probably suggests that there are some hard feelings.

Count Zero - 2-2-2017 at 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Joe's playing it like kayfabe so who knows at this point.

In hindsight it seems odd that Rollins missed the Rumble. Previously whenever someone lost a spot in a major PPV due to going up against Mr. McMahon or The Authority they'd write it so they got in somehow or the other, like winning a handicap match or foiling a crooked referee or something like that. They did this all the time with Stone Cold. Just when you thought he was down and out he pulled off a miracle and was back in the thick of things. Ditto with other guys, multiple times, like Cena or Daniel Bryan. Yet Rollins was off of the Rumble thanks to losing to Sami Zayn the previous week and that was that, with nothing about it mentioned again except for his pop-up at NXT to piss off Hunter? At this stage, if the injury is real, he could have been legit injured beforehand, aggravated it during the Zayn match, and they're using the Joe attack as a way to get him on the shelf. Just a thought, because anyone losing a spot on a PPV usually puts themselves through just about anything to get it back.

[Edited on 2/1/2017 by Paddlefoot]
Y'know, I was thinking that same thing, about how weird it was that S.Freakin.R. wasn't in the RR. You mighta just Sherlocked your way to the heart of the matter, if indeed Mr. Architect is structurally unsound. I will send you a deerstalker cap, should the need arise.

Originally posted by Flash is playing it up like a story for what it's worth- not that that means anything as they've gone into spin mode in the past.

Man, reading some of the comments on Seth's, and Joe's twitter feeds it just gets nasty... ranging from Joe being bad in the ring, to wishing it was Reigns instead... even Tyson Kidd jumps in, and it's not in defense of Joe either.
Twitter is the new kayfabe, since all the marks are on it 24/7... Remember: "social media" is a tool the WWE is practically tripping over itself to tap into, by making things like #sixtyoneminuteman happen.

[Edited on 2-1-2017 by Count Zero]

Gobshite - 2-2-2017 at 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Flash
It wasn't like he buried him, but more indicted by omission... someone kind of popped in to Joe's defense and said he read an interview where Kidd said the botch was his own fault as he didn't tuck his head- Kidd jumped in and said something to the effect that he definitely DID NOT say that. The guy with the misquote apologized, and Kidd tweeted back no problem.

Just my take, but generally these guys tend to protect one another on twitter- I think for Kidd to correct a misquote while offering no defense of Joe probably suggests that there are some hard feelings.

Unless he's deleted them, these tweets weren't from him. They're 100% not there now...

What I did find interesting though was that he's no longer @KiddWWE or any mention of WWE on his twitter page- he's still verified, but now it's changed to @TJWilson...

CCharger - 2-2-2017 at 12:29 AM

I've looked for the Kidd tweets and all I find for a Tyson Kidd Twitter account is a bunch of unverified fakes.

Flash - 2-2-2017 at 12:36 AM

They were under the TJWilson handle; it wasn't on his twitter (although I guess it would show up there too... I don't really do twitter) but if you go through one of the links someone poster about Joe's in character response I think I saw them in there where you get all of the chatter attached to various tweets.

Twitter also being what it is, they might have been also taken down as well too.

ETA: Yup, taken down- I can see the other guys original tweet, but Kidd's are gone now.

[Edited on 2-1-2017 by Flash]

Matte - 2-2-2017 at 12:38 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
all I find for a Tyson Kidd Twitter account is a bunch of unverified fakes.

Here ya go.

CCharger - 2-2-2017 at 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by CCharger
all I find for a Tyson Kidd Twitter account is a bunch of unverified fakes.

Here ya go.

Thanks. Is Kidd no longer signed to WWE?

williamssl - 2-2-2017 at 02:36 AM

I read this and threw up a little:


-- One of the rumors going around backstage is that at WrestleMania 33, John Cena willl team up with Nikki Bella to take on The Miz and Maryse. This is not confirmed by any means but is something that has been discussed or at the very least, someone has thrown out there.

I am banking on the last part there and it was some dude in catering who came up with it and mentioned it to one of the wardrobe assistants who felt a need to share with dirtsheets.

Paddlefoot - 2-2-2017 at 08:48 AM

* Meltzer (hah!) is saying that the diagnosis for Rollins is a torn MCL on the previously injured knee and that he'll be out for eight weeks; this leaves him a bit of a window to return for Mania if the surgery and rehab go without any further problems

TonyTH - 2-2-2017 at 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Meltzer (hah!)

Yoo, I sub to his stuff, but I've seen snark directed his way a lot. Is there a reason way?? Not asking to be combative, just for education purposes. I don't feel bad if he's a scam artist or anything, subscribing for Alverez ranting is fun and worth it enough.

DevilSoprano - 2-2-2017 at 01:02 PM

He's right like maybe 30% of the time and only that much because he hedges everything. So people who take him and the Observer as gospel make him out to be this all-knowing Nostradamus when he's actually very inconsistent. Also, he has personal grudges against wrestlers and/or companies and it bleeds through into his "news."

williamssl - 2-2-2017 at 09:38 PM

There's a Smackdown house show in NY at MSG on 3/12 that has the following being advertised:

1) Cena vs Wyatt for the WWE championship
2) "Special Attraction" Universal championship match between Owens and Lesnar

blah blah blah card subject to change

This is after Fastlane (Goldberg vs. Owens for championship), so read into it what you will.

CCharger - 2-2-2017 at 11:25 PM

I'm going to make a bold prediction and say that Cena will carry the belt into Mania and defend it against Orton.

royberto - 2-3-2017 at 01:12 AM

Looks like Becky and Mickie have taken their feud to twitter:

Are we sure your "stable" isn't just a shed with three giant mirrors outside? @MickieJames

— Becky Lynch (@BeckyLynchWWE) February 1, 2017

Shots fired!

Count Zero - 2-3-2017 at 01:15 AM

Like I said the other thread... Twitter is the new kayfabe. Until it isn't, but even when they're being "honest on twitter" they're still trying to work the marks. SO SMART!!!!!!!!!

ETANEWSRUMORCRAP: WON is reporting the go-ahead has been tentatively given to the WWE Asian Championship Tournament, and potential participants have been told they WILL NOT be able to accept bookings from Other Promotions in the USA/Japan/And I Forget The Third. Apparently, the issue of external bookings became a semi-nuisance during the UK Tourney, so they are nipping that in the bud. Wait... Am I allowed to say "nipping" if Asian athletes are involved?

[Edited on 2-3-2017 by Count Zero]

williamssl - 2-3-2017 at 02:10 AM

It's only real if Becky starts making Arby's references.

punkerhardcore - 2-3-2017 at 02:55 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
It's only real if Becky starts making Arby's references.


CCharger - 2-3-2017 at 02:57 AM

*Dirt sheetz are reporting that despite the possiblity of Rollins being healthy by Mania, they are going to play it safe and keep him off the show. HHH is "deadset" on having a match at Mania and plans are now to have Samoa Joe turn on HHH to set up a match between the two at that showand book it as "The Creator vs. The Destroyer".

G. Jonah Jameson - 2-3-2017 at 03:32 AM

I acknowledge the possibility that this suggestion may cause me to be found and/or hunted, but if we have to have a Triple H match at Wrestlemania, and we have to have a Shane McMahon match at Wrestlemania, can we just have them face each other, and have it be over in like 10 minutes? That seems like a fairly economical use of both guys. And for HHH's sake, of course, that 10 minutes does not include his entrance.

williamssl - 2-3-2017 at 06:25 AM

You can continue to run free in the wild.

the goon - 2-3-2017 at 06:54 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
*Dirt sheetz are reporting that despite the possiblity of Rollins being healthy by Mania, they are going to play it safe and keep him off the show. HHH is "deadset" on having a match at Mania and plans are now to have Samoa Joe turn on HHH to set up a match between the two at that showand book it as "The Creator vs. The Destroyer".

I'd be fine with that if it happens, but I wonder who goes face for the feud? Since both guys are currently heels, does Joe "turning" on Triple H effectively make him the face or Triple H the face? I think the feud could work just as well either way, so I'd be curious to see which way they go with it.

EDIT: Not relevant to anything at all, but I just learned from Randy Orton's interview on ESPN that he has five kids. When the fuck did that happen?

[Edited on 2-3-2017 by the goon]

First 9 - 2-3-2017 at 07:42 AM

Ugh, HHH sucks as a face and Joe just debuted by crippling a top face. This doesn't sound good.

Count Zero - 2-3-2017 at 08:33 AM

If Joe is gonna kill HHH, I am completely and entirely on Joe's Side -- no matter what his 'alignment' in the feud is.

Flash - 2-3-2017 at 09:24 AM

I could get behind Shane vs HHH as a throw away one off match- I mean yeah they have some time to build something between HHH and someone else if they are dead set on him having a match, but it won't be as organic as Seth filling that spot would have been. Shane and HHH could easily play up the brand warfare, and be segmented to a quasi-entertainment style match.

royberto - 2-3-2017 at 01:39 PM

Originally posted by the goon
EDIT: Not relevant to anything at all, but I just learned from Randy Orton's interview on ESPN that he has five kids. When the fuck did that happen?

[Edited on 2-3-2017 by the goon]
Probably the same time we discovered he had like 18 different wives.

gobbledygooker - 2-3-2017 at 04:45 PM

I think the problem with turning Joe face is that you then kill the possibility of a returning Rollins seeking revenge on the guy who put him out of action. Unless they bring Rollins back as a heel which really may not be a bad idea given how horribly they've botched his face run.

CCharger - 2-3-2017 at 04:50 PM

Why not do both?

Have heel Joe turn on heel HHH. Make Joe a bad ass tweener who is willing to destroy ANYONE. You can have him kayfabe injure a couple of other guys. He becomes a complete loose cannon that even StepHHH can't control. A dangerous man whose existence is "bad for business". Maybe even HHH will put him over at Mania (hahaha) and then Rollins returns to get revenge and put an end to the scourge of the "Destroyer".

That makes Joe look awesomely strong, and sets up a really intriguing match against Rollins down the road.

salmonjunkie - 2-3-2017 at 07:23 PM

I'm with CCharger. It would be easy to have Joe turn on HHH and still have a program with a face Rollins when he returns. Joe could still always act like a heel (or tweener - face Joe and heel Joe haven't been that different from each other, in the past if I recall), but he'd definitely be cheered in a match vs HHH regardless of what he does leading up to the match.

batsnumbereleven - 2-3-2017 at 07:27 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Why not do both?

Have heel Joe turn on heel HHH. Make Joe a bad ass tweener who is willing to destroy ANYONE. You can have him kayfabe injure a couple of other guys. He becomes a complete loose cannon that even StepHHH can't control. A dangerous man whose existence is "bad for business". Maybe even HHH will put him over at Mania (hahaha) and then Rollins returns to get revenge and put an end to the scourge of the "Destroyer".

That makes Joe look awesomely strong, and sets up a really intriguing match against Rollins down the road.

What an absolutely stonking piece of booking!

Which means of course that there's zero percent chance of it happening now...

Slade - 2-4-2017 at 12:00 AM

Joe doesn't even have to turn on Triple H. He could just refuse to do some other hit job that Triple H wants him to do and say that he only punked out Rollins so that he wouldn't have to toil away in the obscurity of NXT any longer. He could say that he has one goal, which is to become the Universal Champion (because he wants to make big money in the main event, maybe?), then Triple H gets his payback for Joe being subservient, and then Joe vows to kill him. Joe's character doesn't change at all, but he's now in the face role in this feud. As soon as their match is over, Joe fucks up some other wrestler who is a face because he thinks that wrestler stands is blocking him from getting a match for the Universal Champion. In this case, his character doesn't change, his motivation remains the same, but he's immediately back to being in the heel role.

[Edited on 2-3-2017 by Slade]

williamssl - 2-4-2017 at 12:20 AM

You have to go back to WM 27 for the last time HHH lost an odd-numbered WM. Since then he's been win the odds, lose the evens.

Implication: HHH pins Samoa Joe at WM33.

[Edited on 2-3-2017 by williamssl]

G. Jonah Jameson - 2-4-2017 at 01:39 AM

He's still 8-11 at Wrestlemania. I like those odds.

And I think Triple H acknowledges that, at this point in his career, beating Samoa Joe at Wrestlemania would do him (HHH) more harm than good.

Paddlefoot - 2-4-2017 at 01:44 AM

Seems all moot at this stage because the dirtsheets (hah!) seem confident that they're going to build up to HHH vs Shane anyway. Which is what they'd have to do to re-cast Hunter as a full heel, putting him up against a definite fan-fave in Shane, considering the crowd pops he's been getting since he won the Rumble last year just because everyone desperately wanted him to fuck over Reigns.

williamssl - 2-4-2017 at 02:36 AM

Because we all totally want a StepHHH/Shane feud to be front and center as one of the major WM storylines. We've missed it since the brand split, even if we are reluctant to admit it. Deep down, we have.

Paddlefoot - 2-4-2017 at 02:49 AM

We're fans. This is the life we chose.

G. Jonah Jameson - 2-4-2017 at 03:20 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Seems all moot at this stage because the dirtsheets (hah!) seem confident that they're going to build up to HHH vs Shane anyway. Which is what they'd have to do to re-cast Hunter as a full heel, putting him up against a definite fan-fave in Shane, considering the crowd pops he's been getting since he won the Rumble last year just because everyone desperately wanted him to fuck over Reigns.

As long as I can apparently see the future, how about if the Shane McMahon-Triple H feud is sparked by Shane signing Samoa Joe to SmackDown! because HHH didn't bother with the paperwork before bringing in Joe to kill Seth Rollins? I think we all agree he'd be better off there than on RAW.

Paddlefoot - 2-4-2017 at 03:23 AM

Depends. There's a lot to be said for Joe on RAW, like mixing it up with Owens, Zayn, Balor, and then murdering Reigns.

punkerhardcore - 2-4-2017 at 04:38 AM

But if they shift him to Smackdown, he could do an IC Title program for Mania against Ambrose.

williamssl - 2-4-2017 at 05:33 AM

nothing to see. Move along. Post count +1

[Edited on 2-4-2017 by williamssl]

Count Zero - 2-4-2017 at 08:31 AM

Shouldn't all this wrestlemania-babble be in, y'know.... that specially-designated WM babble-thread?

I hate to keep being 'that guy', but it's getting hard to keep track of what discussions are where.

Flash - 2-6-2017 at 10:46 AM

The WM thread was a good idea, but a maybe touch too soon... it will probably start picking up some steam in the next few weeks, and I do believe Rick has in the past even made that the OOfficial WM thread.

Some news...

*Goldberg seems set on milking a bit more out of his renewed relevance as post-WM he is off to the UK for a non-WWE bit of business: "You're Next: An Evening with Bill Goldberg"... topics may include; how to have a 173-0 win streak without cracking a hundred matches in your career, cattle prods and why they suck, smashing windows hurt, and the splendid many uses of the word "ass".

*We'll just get this one out of the way; Orton was on Talking Smack recently where he said that when it comes to his pending WM match with Cena he had this to say; "I think that whether the fans know it or not, they want to see that again." He also did some other media over the weekend where he also referenced facing Cena at WM.... So now it's just not a match we've already seen before, it's a match we've secretly been clamouring for.... again.

So just how many times have Cena and Orton fought one another?

I found this:

It's from 2014, which to the best of my memory was the last time the two squared off in a meaningful way, but basically the numbers breaks own like this:

315 total matches... this number represents stuff all the way back to OVW and house shows, and can included everything from one on one bouts, to multi-man tag or singles matches.

120 one on one matches; including house shows and OVW.

84 TV and PPV matches, again, not just one on one matches.

20 PPV's and TV where they have faced one another in singles matches (21 maybe if you count the 2014 match this blurb was profiling). Cena has come out ahead 12-7 (8 if you count the 2014 match), and the biggest stretch where we didn't get any Cena or Orton was 2011-2013 where they only faced one another 1 time, but 2009 was their peak year with 5 matches.

Some context though in case you think the WWE is pushing this down our throats... Cena and Orton accumulated those numbers over 10 plus years, by comparison Bret and Owen Hart squared off in some shape or another between 1994 and 1997 an astounding 106 times! Hogan and Savage racked up 92 encounters in their time in the WWF together, and for a maybe more comparable career long feud Sting and Flair met 111 times between the NWA and WCW.

So while a lot can, and is likely to change between now and WM, contrary to what Randy is putting out there him facing Cena is not a match we want to see again.

GodEatGod - 2-6-2017 at 11:51 AM

I'm just not sure what else you'd expect from an interview segment, though. It's like he's going to be like "God, isn't that a stale feud?!?" or "We have kinda bad chemistry together, right?". Kayfabe-wise, he's heading towards facing Cena right now and, in theory, his job is to promote Wrestlemania. It may be what we get just because I find it hard to believe that Cena's just a transitional champ for his record-setting reign - they could have just as easily had AJ drop the belt in the Chamber if that's what they wanted to do.

Flash - 2-6-2017 at 12:12 PM

Nah, I get it... Orton's got to go out there and put the best spin on it he can, I just wish that the WWE didn't paint him into that corner, or at the least give him a bit more to work with.

I mean let's say the story they want to tell is going to be Cena versus Orton at WM- you'd have to imagine they know that there is going to be a sizeable segment of their viewership that this isn't going to excite. Couple this with while the WWE may not ultimately be beholden to fans rampant expectations and fantasy booking, they should be doing their best to manage that along the way... IE bring stuff back to reality as often as possible so the story doesn't start in a hole before you tell it... even if you are going to change it up to say Bray versus Orton at WM, why put Cena versus Orton out there as an idea to get at least partially shat upon and yourself in a position where you need to win your fans over instead of them already being on board. The WWE could have, and should have teased the idea of which champion is Orton going to face... a few clips of dialogue keeps everyone guessing instead of focused on are we going to get a match we've already seen 21 times? Even if the plan was/is always going to be throwing those two out there again together putting some heat on the match first would better serve them... instead you have Orton talking up a match that may, or may not happen, and why the WWE would want to lead with this again... all before the two ever lock up... that's not hype building, it's hole digging.

My brain is a bit sleep deprived at the moment so I hope the above makes sense, but I liken some of the WWE's moves to being a lot like the UFC's handling of CM Punk... let's send him out there to do a tonne of media but with nothing to say, literally no answers about anything UFC related at all, and at a time when there are still a lot of questions about him wrestling again.

punkerhardcore - 2-6-2017 at 06:01 PM

Well, Orton also recently said this--

Randy Orton recently said, in somewhat different words, that the Super Bowl doesn�t compare to WrestleMania. Orton spoke with NBC Washington following an appearance at the Washington Auto Show and talked about playing a heel and more. When asked to compare the Super Bowl to WrestleMania as the grandest stages in the NFL and WWE, Orton said,

�Wrestlemania is the Super Bowl of wrestling. Royal Rumble is getting in�winning the Royal Rumble is getting into the Super Bowl of wrestling. Screw the Super Bowl, we�re talking about Wrestlemania. Super Bowl ain�t got shit on Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania is the biggest show on earth, the greatest show on earth, and I feel like everyone knows that.�

Fucking lol. Although I guess technically he is right. The Super Bowl last night had an incredibly exciting final half/ending... whereas last year's Mania was a five hour fucking snoozefest with a shit ending.

bigfatgoalie - 2-6-2017 at 09:05 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
The Super Bowl last night had an incredibly exciting final half/ending... whereas last year's Mania was a five hour fucking snoozefest with a shit ending.

Football as a sport is a snoozefest, and OT where only one team gets the play offense is about as stupid as it gets.

People complaisant about all the stoppages of play in the last two minutes of an NBA game, meanwhile that an entire football game.


Dana Warrior has announced that she has come to terms with WWE on a multi-year deal, to become a brand ambassador for the company. So the Warrior award will keep being a thing for a while to come. And I'm guessing you'll see lots of Ultimate Warrior merch as the WWE machine gets behind restoring the "greatness" that was the Ultimate Warrior.

Count Zero - 2-6-2017 at 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Flash
The WM thread was a good idea, but a maybe touch too soon... it will probably start picking up some steam in the next few weeks, and I do believe Rick has in the past even made that the OOfficial WM thread.
Personally, I concur with the "too soon" theory. However, when the WWE is already telling us ONLY SIXTY-TWO (as of last RAM) DAYS UNTIL WM!!!!!!! I think that boat has already sailed.

royberto - 2-7-2017 at 08:20 PM

Looks like The Rock may have saved Paige's WWE career. He and his production company are making a movie about Paige and her family. He is even partnering with WWE Films to make it:

CCharger - 2-8-2017 at 02:14 AM

* Both Cageside Seats and Meltzer are reporting that Wrestlemania could be Nikki Bella's last match. The report is that she has tried to work a full time schedule with her neck injury, but it has gotten too much. She will reportedly sign a new deal that would allow her extensive time off, but allow her to work a few high profile events a year if her neck feels better.

* Meltzer is also reporting that "Seth is considered good for Wrestlemania" and Rollins vs. HHH "is on"

[Edited on 2-8-2017 by CCharger]

Paddlefoot - 2-9-2017 at 07:16 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Looks like The Rock may have saved Paige's WWE career. He and his production company are making a movie about Paige and her family. He is even partnering with WWE Films to make it:

There's actually some serious money behind this apparently because they just snagged Nick Frost and Lena Headey to play Paige's parents.

What the hell are Zombie Ed and Queen Cersei doing in a RAW ring, Graves?!?!?!?

* sadder note, we may have lost Janerd75 for reasons unknown

[Edited on 2/9/2017 by Paddlefoot]

Flash - 2-9-2017 at 09:11 PM

What do you mean we might have lost Janerd? Hope all is well.

Matte - 2-9-2017 at 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Flash
What do you mean we might have lost Janerd? Hope all is well.

Have we checked for him inside his own asshole?

Count Zero - 2-9-2017 at 10:09 PM

I hope he's mostly okay.. I don't "know" anything, but reading between the lines in some of his posts, I suspect that he's sometimes really busy with family-related things. I hope whatever it is passes, cuz he does bring a certain ja-nerd-say-queer (did I just misspell je-ne-sais-quoi? tsk. my french teachers would be so disappointed) to this place.

In news, "Tall & Bland" Donovan Dijak is apparently done with ROH. He tweeted some video thing, and is on the next EVOLVE card, or something. My phone informed me of this. It's providing me with lots of news and rumorz. You guys are being 'scooped' by a smartphone. Step up y'alls game!

Paddlefoot - 2-9-2017 at 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Flash

What do you mean we might have lost Janerd? Hope all is well.

Janny shut off his avatar. I'm ASS-uming the worst because chronic gif-ization of everything it's possible to gif-ize has always been so important to him.

Originally posted by Matte

Have we checked for him inside his own asshole?

denverpunk - 2-9-2017 at 10:16 PM

Hopefully Janny isn't going the way of Lucky. Sometimes his posts almost give me seizures, but I do like him and value his contributions.

Paddlefoot - 2-9-2017 at 10:46 PM

I told him not to take anything in the News thread too seriously but I think some of what got said in there in recent months was bothering him.

Chris Is Good517 - 2-9-2017 at 10:48 PM

Austin Aries is said to be cleared to wrestle, and is allegedly tentatively penciled in to challenge Neville at WrestleMania

GodEatGod - 2-9-2017 at 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
I told him not to take anything in the News thread too seriously but I think some of what got said in there in recent months was bothering him.

I hope not. I know I was one of the people who said some nasty shit to him down there, but I thought we'd mostly made peace, far as I could tell. Certainly no hard feelings on my end.

CCharger - 2-10-2017 at 12:00 AM

I put an email through to the guy and I hope he replies.

In other missing OOster news, merc hasn't been seen in these parts in a couple weeks either.

Paddlefoot - 2-10-2017 at 12:00 AM


[Edited on 2/9/2017 by Paddlefoot]

Paddlefoot - 2-10-2017 at 12:01 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
I told him not to take anything in the News thread too seriously but I think some of what got said in there in recent months was bothering him.

I hope not. I know I was one of the people who said some nasty shit to him down there, but I thought we'd mostly made peace, far as I could tell. Certainly no hard feelings on my end.

Our news section is more reactionary and angry than it should be. I nearly got punted out of here myself back when I first started for dissenting in some anti-Israel thread. Learned the hard way to not get too wound up about the news and walk softly because there are too many minefields to be set off in there.

CCharger - 2-10-2017 at 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Our news section country is more reactionary and angry than it should be.


Paddlefoot - 2-10-2017 at 12:06 AM

Yeah, it's a bad moment in time everywhere right now. Seems worse these days than it was even when things started going tits up in Iraq about 10-odd years ago. A lot more genuine despair is hanging over everything, even where events aren't justifying such a collective feeling.

[Edited on 2/9/2017 by Paddlefoot]

denverpunk - 2-10-2017 at 12:53 AM

I'm pretty sure I was with you in that anti-Israel thread. It's hard to be Jewish and not get triggered by that sort of thing, even if I do see the other side, and sometimes even agree with it.

Anyway, I like both Janny and Merc. I hope they come back.

[Edited on 2-10-2017 by denverpunk]

Matte - 2-10-2017 at 01:25 AM

For what it's worth�since this is now a janerd remembrance thread�he was logged on as recently as a few hours ago; so while he's not posting, he's at least checking in which would imply he's more ok than not.

salmonjunkie - 2-10-2017 at 01:44 AM

Maybe he's biding his time before he posts a long awaited super-mega gif storm.

[Edited on 2-10-2017 by salmonjunkie]

Count Zero - 2-10-2017 at 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
I told him not to take anything in the News thread too seriously but I think some of what got said in there in recent months was bothering him.

I hope not. I know I was one of the people who said some nasty shit to him down there, but I thought we'd mostly made peace, far as I could tell. Certainly no hard feelings on my end.

Our news section is more reactionary and angry than it should be. I nearly got punted out of here myself back when I first started for dissenting in some anti-Israel thread. Learned the hard way to not get too wound up about the news and walk softly because there are too many minefields to be set off in there.
This is kind of why I try to limit my activities to the "frivolous" topics. Sports, Wrasslin, Music, etc. Even if people don't "mean" every mean-thing that is said, you can't put genies back in bottles. No, I'm not slinging mud or accusing anybody of anything. This is just my own experience with the internet... Sometimes you read something that's not even intended for you, and end up thinking "Oh, wow.... I didn't think of... Oh dammit. I am a piece of shit."

I'm thinking Merc's disappearance could be logically explained in three words: Super. Bowl. Bender. Or at least that's the best case scenario! The worst case is that we chased him outta here with our young, hipster, liberal sensibilities. Actually, the worst case is he's now cellmates with Lucky, and catching (not pitching).

Matte - 2-10-2017 at 03:43 AM

merc was closing in on 126 years old. How long should we have expected him to hang on, really?

DKBroiler - 2-10-2017 at 01:33 PM

We need a Jan-Signal. It could illuminate the sky with a 1000 foot dildo. The Merc signal is tougher ... how do you project Viagra and not confuse Janerd? Tough questions than need answers.

Thom - 2-10-2017 at 03:18 PM

Maybe merc hung himself after the first half?

CCharger - 2-10-2017 at 03:34 PM

* Jeff Jarrett is reportedly in total control of TNA creatively and has brought in his own guys to fill out the creative team.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 2-10-2017 at 03:55 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Jeff Jarrett is reportedly in total control of TNA creatively and has brought in his own guys to fill out the creative team.

So what you are saying is that he is jumping ship from the powerhouse promotion known as GFW?

CamstunPWG187 - 2-10-2017 at 04:19 PM

Never learn, TNA. Never learn.

DKBroiler - 2-10-2017 at 05:34 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Jeff Jarrett is reportedly in total control of TNA creatively and has brought in his own guys to fill out the creative team.

Step 1: Make Jarrett booker.
2: Make Jarrett champion.
3: Make 12 sided ring.
4: Resign Sting.
5: Have Sting beat Jarrett for the championship.
6: Fire everyone.
7: Repeat

punkerhardcore - 2-10-2017 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
Never learn, TNA. Never learn.

Hey now... to be fair, Jarrett was in charge back in that pre-Hogan/Bischoff era that we all love to fondly recall. I think it's a pretty good move, especially if they want to get back to something like that. At this point, it certainly couldn't hurt any.

GodEatGod - 2-10-2017 at 06:52 PM

Jarrett's certainly not the -worst- person TNA's had in charge. And now that he's (mostly) retired from the ring, we shouldn't have to worry about him booking himself to the title.



CCharger - 2-10-2017 at 07:02 PM

Speaking of TNA/GFW...what the fuck happened to Magnus/Nick Aldis? He was one of the top guys in TNA, then defected to GFW and immediately won their title and then....nothing. Even his wikipedia page ends in 2015. I remember three or four years ago thinking he was a guy Vince would be drooling over. Did he get injured or incarcerated?

gambit3 - 2-10-2017 at 07:33 PM

According to the Twitters he's participating in something called the Pro Wrestling World Cup this March

punkerhardcore - 2-10-2017 at 07:52 PM

I thought for sure he'd be on WWE's radar, especially now that Mickie James is back with the company.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 2-10-2017 at 09:56 PM

Originally posted by punker
I thought for sure he'd be on WWE's radar, especially now that Mickie James is back with the company.

And deny John Cena of his side piece? way!

GodEatGod - 2-11-2017 at 05:40 AM

Originally posted by Frank Lloyd Wright
Originally posted by punker
I thought for sure he'd be on WWE's radar, especially now that Mickie James is back with the company.

And deny John Cena of his side piece? way!

Now there is a Total Divas storyline to get smarks watching the show - Nikki Bella, Mickie and Cena all in the same room. AWKWARD.

Paddlefoot - 2-11-2017 at 09:09 PM

* RIP Chavo Classic

williamssl - 2-13-2017 at 09:20 PM

Bill Simmons and WWE are producing an Andre the Giant documentary for HBO.

No estimated date, at least as far as I could tell. Looking forward to it.

G-Spot - 2-13-2017 at 09:43 PM

Road Warrior Animal went on a racist Twitter tirade about a Grammy award performance...

He tweeted...

�Once again Rappers ruin the Grammys with that stupid song with words like resist and no one can tell you what to do. Having people of color Muslim and Mexican come on stage, are you that stupid and can not see that where all the drugs are coming from the southern borders or all the Radical Islamic that promote death to America? Really well legends it�s your relative using those drugs ir getting killed by terrorists then you will get it. Insulting performance!�

He has since posted an apology...

"After reading what my post last night on the Grammys I see that I misspoken and I am embarrassed. What I wrote is not what I was trying to get across.

I should always do spellcheck on the manner in which I send my messages and I don�t for that, I am sorry , I was stupid. What I wrote by no means reflects how I actually feel, I am not a racist or a bigot or think things happen in certain parts of the country and they don�t happen anywhere else.

I am a realist I should�ve should�ve chosen my words more wisely for that I apologize. I feel horrible for hurting anyones feelings.

I have nothing against people of color, I have nothing against people of Muslim faith, I have nothing against people of Mexico, I have nothing against anybody. I was just making a statement about a song that I did not like that�s all.

I should�ve double checked my post. I should�ve checked my grammar and should have made certain aim what I was trying to say would come across that way. I made a simple mistake and regret it. I wrote it like a run on sentence.

I know it looks like I�m saying these people of certain backgrounds do certain things and I by no means feel that way, so if I offended anyone I apologize.

I should know better, you know we all at one time or another get thought in our heads that we want to put in print that when we think it sounds like what we want to say is coming out and after we read it we go omg, that�s what I did this morning.

It was a mistake I love and respect everyone I could care less if a persons origin or his or her beliefs as long as we all respect each other that�s all that matters.

Once again I apologize."

[Edited on 2-13-2017 by G-Spot]

Thom - 2-14-2017 at 02:24 PM

Yeah, spelling and grammar are the problems.

CCharger - 2-14-2017 at 04:43 PM

I won't go into the long, boring story of why, but Animal is a Facebook friend of mine. This story about him doesn't surprise me. His feed is full of right-wing memes and fake news.

royberto - 2-14-2017 at 06:37 PM

Rosa Mendes has announced her retirement:

Somewhere, Pyro weeps.

Paddlefoot - 2-14-2017 at 10:40 PM

Time for small businesses to start dying in their sleep in hotel rooms.

— Piss Potus Jeb Lund (@Mobute) February 14, 2017

, Jeb. That's cold.

CCharger - 2-15-2017 at 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot

Time for small businesses to start dying in their sleep in hotel rooms.

— Piss Potus Jeb Lund (@Mobute) February 14, 2017

, Jeb. That's cold.

Millions of small business owners are going to be quite confused when boxes of anabolic steroids and HGH begin arriving on their doorsteps.

CamstunPWG187 - 2-15-2017 at 04:28 AM

Fuck Animal.

CCharger - 2-15-2017 at 02:43 PM

* Cena is not currently booked to win his 17th title at Wrestlemania. On the contrary, Wrestlemania will likely be his last high profile appearance for the company until the summer as he has requested some time off.

* The Emmalina thing was scrapped at the last minute due to some poor rehearsals on the part of Emma. The WWE was going to turn her into a "Sable" type of character, but Emma apparently couldn't pull it off. WWE officials believed that Emma wasn't committed enough to the character change and there is heat on her as a result.

royberto - 2-15-2017 at 03:58 PM

As I enter my final days, proud of the Father Son Brother Football player Pro WrestlerThe Super Heavy Big Man Goat Im Grateful for the Time

— Big Van Vader (@itsvadertime) February 14, 2017

Not good at all

anglefan85 - 2-15-2017 at 07:10 PM

Don't you even think about leaving us, Vader!!

CCharger - 2-15-2017 at 07:11 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Don't you even think about leaving us, Vader!!

But if it's his time, then it's his time.

Count Zero - 2-15-2017 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

* The Emmalina thing was scrapped at the last minute due to some poor rehearsals on the part of Emma. The WWE was going to turn her into a "Sable" type of character, but Emma apparently couldn't pull it off. WWE officials believed that Emma wasn't committed enough to the character change and there is heat on her as a result.
If her delivery on TV was an example of how she wasn't pulling it off, I believe it.

It sounded like she was trying to get into that throaty/sultry vocal range, but she had some of that vocal fry stuff going on, like Ke$ha. She couldn't keep it steady, voicewise, and it kinda ruins the effect when a hot girl talks like the creature from some lagoon.

lz4005 - 2-15-2017 at 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by CCharger

* The Emmalina thing was scrapped at the last minute due to some poor rehearsals on the part of Emma. The WWE was going to turn her into a "Sable" type of character, but Emma apparently couldn't pull it off. WWE officials believed that Emma wasn't committed enough to the character change and there is heat on her as a result.
If her delivery on TV was an example of how she wasn't pulling it off, I believe it.

I have to wonder if the people who came up with the gimmick had ever met her or heard her speak. She's a goofball. Beautiful, smart and good in the ring, but a total goofball. That's why her first character worked so well. It was her.

I liked the mirror sunglasses heel-Emma, it was a really good look at least. Didn't see enough of her in the ring that way to know if it would work, but it was way better than trying to make her into a Kardashian.

Matte - 2-15-2017 at 11:16 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* The Emmalina thing was scrapped at the last minute due to some poor rehearsals on the part of Emma.

So they had the character idea for at least 17 weeks, but didn't have Emma rehearse it until what, the final two or three? Creative should get the heat for their poor time management on this one, if true.

G. Jonah Jameson - 2-16-2017 at 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by CCharger
* The Emmalina thing was scrapped at the last minute due to some poor rehearsals on the part of Emma.

So they had the character idea for at least 17 weeks, but didn't have Emma rehearse it until what, the final two or three? Creative should get the heat for their poor time management on this one, if true.

Maybe her inability to pull off the character is the reason WWE waited so long to bring her back to TV. They kept expecting her to improve and she didn't, so finally they just said "fuck it" -- that sort of thing.

G-Spot - 2-16-2017 at 06:03 AM

Cue the C.M. Punk chants again. Samoa Joe, while talking about how he a Punk are still friends and chat often, was asked if they would ever meet in a WWE match....
"It's funny, the thing about wrestling is that nothing is ever impossible, so you never know. You might see us united back in the ring someday."
He was then asked if it would be soon, and he grinned and said, "We'll see."

Mick Foley was on Lilian Garcia's podcast and told a story of Vince McMahon yelling at Braun Strowman backstage...
�I was about to go out there a couple weeks ago and I heard Braun Strowman say, 'I want a title shot.' Mr. McMahon�s behind the curtain at the board watching the monitor and he goes, 'Oh god, it�s not a title shot!' I was thinking to myself, then what is it? That�s exactly what I would call it when I would go out there. You want a title shot? He�s like, 'It�s a title match!! It�s a match!!' So if you ever wonder what it�s like to see a six-foot-eight, three hundred pound behemoth get chewed out, you should�ve been there!�

[Edited on 2-16-2017 by G-Spot]

Count Zero - 2-16-2017 at 07:04 AM

Originally posted by lz4005
I have to wonder if the people who came up with the gimmick had ever met her or heard her speak. She's a goofball. Beautiful, smart and good in the ring, but a total goofball. That's why her first character worked so well. It was her.

I liked the mirror sunglasses heel-Emma, it was a really good look at least. Didn't see enough of her in the ring that way to know if it would work, but it was way better than trying to make her into a Kardashian.
I don't think I can possibly agree with this any more than I already do. Like, maybe she had to eventually-sooner-or-later drop the "Emma Dance", but that was the only tweak that specific character needed. Somebody decided that we need moar heelz, and Evil Aviator Emma was born.. And it sorta-worked. Kind of. At least, as much (little?) as we saw of it seemed to work.

Y'know what they COULD do, to save two eggs in the same bush? Her & Nia Jaxx, doing the LadyHBK/Shiesel (that's like Diesel, only with a she) thing. Emma talks the smack, backs it up when she has to, and sends Destructa the Amazon out to do most of the heavy-beatings.

Paddlefoot - 2-16-2017 at 07:23 AM

Nia could actually be the better talker of the two of them though. I can't recall Emma ever doing a promo that was even remotely memorable. I don't doubt that she's been deeply dis-served by this terrible gimmick that ended up as pure wrestlecrap. Why they hell they'd do this, aside from it being another one of Vince & Bukukky's insane ideas of what "makes good TV", to someone who hasn't ever shown the chops at all to be able to elevate a personality change of this type is baffling. This is like a Maestro or The Artist Formerly Known As Prince Iaukea moment that WWE just tried to run with and it probably put an end to Emma's career.

Count Zero - 2-16-2017 at 07:28 AM

I don't know about Nia being the better talker. She's got the same problem Bobby Lashley had/has. The body and the voice don't really mesh very well. Emma was saddled with Santino when she was 'goofy', and then didn't get to talk much as Evil-Aviator. If they just let her be herself, maybe it'd work.

Cherokee Jack - 2-16-2017 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Shiesel (that's like Diesel, only with a she)
Thank you for clearing that up.
Emma was saddled with Santino when she was 'goofy', and then didn't get to talk much as Evil-Aviator. If they just let her be herself, maybe it'd work.
I think the problem is that, as someone else pointed out, her original character *is* herself. And it worked wonderfully in NXT. But when she got called up, they didn't tell you anything about who she was. Santino pulled her out of the crowd one night and it was just "here's Emma, a girl from NXT who does a silly dance," then they gave her a pink cobra and she really was just the female Santino from that point on.

Heel sunglasses Emma worked pretty well, and her and Dana Brooke made a pretty good team. But I think perhaps the reason she didn't get to talk much in that character was that again, it didn't come natural to her.

I was honestly kinda wondering if after she delivered the "transformation of Emmalina into Emma" line, if she was going to walk behind the curtain, several seconds of silence would pass, and then the old Emma music would hit and she'd come out dancing. Will be interesting to see who/what she is next time she appears.

royberto - 2-16-2017 at 04:43 PM

Apparently, WWE is going to allow Kurt Angle to wrestle. He just has to pass the physical:

Here we go...

royberto - 2-16-2017 at 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
think the problem is that, as someone else pointed out, her original character *is* herself. And it worked wonderfully in NXT. But when she got called up, they didn't tell you anything about who she was. Santino pulled her out of the crowd one night and it was just "here's Emma, a girl from NXT who does a silly dance," then they gave her a pink cobra and she really was just the female Santino from that point on.
IT was a little bit more than just pulling her out of the crowd. For weeks leading up to the Santinio thing, she was shown in the crowd with a sign that would have sayings on it like "That's Emmatainment" while Michael Cole would tell the viewers who she was and where she was from. So, they kind of did talk about her.

royberto - 2-16-2017 at 04:58 PM

IN the latest installment of LOLTNA, In order to air the Hardy's match vs. Psychosis & Super Crazy from CRASH in Meixco on tonight's IMPACT, they have to blur out the REFEREE because he is under contract to Lucha Underground and they sent a cease and desist order:

That's right everyone. For the first time in the history of this business, the referee has to be blurred out of a match and you can only see it on IMPACT!. Meet the new boss of LOLTNA. Same as the old boss of LOLTNA.

[Edited on 2-16-2017 by royberto]

SaiyaJinDX - 2-16-2017 at 05:50 PM

That's crazy. Granted TNA should be aware of contract statuses of everyone they have in the ring for a televised match, but at the same time, it's the referee! Who even notices the referee? Now, everyone will bc he's a big blur.

I don't know why LU would bother sending a cease and desist order for that. Unless it's just a really lame attempt to get people to google "why was the referee blurred out of the Hardy's Mexico match?" and get linked back to him being a part of LU. But if not that, what are they really protecting?

salmonjunkie - 2-16-2017 at 06:07 PM

They're probably protecting for precedent. Like, if they allow the referee to be on another show while he's on contract, what's to stop other talent from being allowed to be on another wrestling show despite what obligations and limitations are on that talent's contract.

If it's not the referee, it could be TNA using footage from another organization of a wrestler that is currently on LU. Like, say Johnny Mundo wrestled for a Mexican or Japanese organization against TNA talent, and TNA aired that footage. If LU wants to do a C&S; in that case, TNA can say they have no leg to stand on because of the referee in this match.

SaiyaJinDX - 2-16-2017 at 06:19 PM

Makes sense. If I were TNA I would have worked it out if they didn't know beforehand. Referees are supposed to fade into the background of a match. This is going to stick out badly having a giant blur running around in the background (unless Matt Hardy gives some funny excuse as to why the ref is blurred).

Cherokee Jack - 2-16-2017 at 06:29 PM

There already is precedent: when they brought back Hernandez a year or two back as part of the BDC and filmed their usual several months of material, then later found out that he was under contract to LU (which he apparently hadn't told TNA about).

After his first appearance on TV, LU sent a C&D;, TNA immediately let Hernandez go and attempted to reach some settlement with LU to use the footage they'd already shot. LU wouldn't budge, and TNA had to scrap the whole story, which pretty much was the end of the run for all of the guys involved.

SaiyaJinDX - 2-16-2017 at 06:49 PM

Yeah, I knew about that and that makes sense. I was just figuring it might be different between a wrestler and a referee (bc many people don't notice the ref) but Salmonjunkie made a good point.

punkerhardcore - 2-16-2017 at 07:13 PM

That is fucking hilarious, and actually makes me want to watch TNA tonight because of it.

bopol - 2-16-2017 at 07:57 PM

Originally posted by royberto
IN the latest installment of LOLTNA, In order to air the Hardy's match vs. Psychosis & Super Crazy from CRASH in Meixco on tonight's IMPACT, they have to blur out the REFEREE because he is under contract to Lucha Underground and they sent a cease and desist order:

That's right everyone. For the first time in the history of this business, the referee has to be blurred out of a match and you can only see it on IMPACT!. Meet the new boss of LOLTNA. Same as the old boss of LOLTNA.

[Edited on 2-16-2017 by royberto]

A blurred out referee would make a great new character for Matt Hardy's insanity.

Frank Lloyd Wright - 2-16-2017 at 08:00 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
That is fucking hilarious, and actually makes me want to watch TNA tonight because of it.

That would be a truly heroic act on your part.....good luck and God's speed!

Matte - 2-16-2017 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by royberto
IN the latest installment of LOLTNA, In order to air the Hardy's match vs. Psychosis & Super Crazy from CRASH in Meixco on tonight's IMPACT, they have to blur out the REFEREE because he is under contract to Lucha Underground and they sent a cease and desist order:

For those interested:

Not as bad as you'd think it would be, really. Great editing.

salmonjunkie - 2-16-2017 at 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
There already is precedent: when they brought back Hernandez a year or two back as part of the BDC and filmed their usual several months of material, then later found out that he was under contract to LU (which he apparently hadn't told TNA about).

Shitty thing about precedent, you have to keep establishing it. You can't just do it once and call it a day. Being inconsistent about it will screw you over.

[Edited on 2-16-2017 by salmonjunkie]

williamssl - 2-16-2017 at 09:58 PM

In other newsy rumorzzzzzzzz:

WWE officials are considering a Wyatt Family Triple Threat for the WWE title at WrestleMania.

AJ Styles being forced to compete in next week�s #1 contender battle royal will be part of the build to his match with Shane McMahon at Mania.

Regarding the first one....I guess the frustrating-yet-I-guess-I-shouldn't-be-surprised part about this is.....shouldn't they know what they're going to do at WM by now and be on the road to the build??? I get the "injuries happen and force scrambling and plan changing" element a la potential Rollins match and ripple effect coming from it. But this one???

Thom - 2-16-2017 at 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by royberto
IN the latest installment of LOLTNA, In order to air the Hardy's match vs. Psychosis & Super Crazy from CRASH in Meixco on tonight's IMPACT, they have to blur out the REFEREE because he is under contract to Lucha Underground and they sent a cease and desist order:

For those interested:


Not as bad as you'd think it would be, really. Great editing.

I just skimmed through it. From what I saw - yeah, it was good. It was a little odd, on some of the far shots, as it seemed a good deal was blurred. The closer shots, though? I think I only noticed it because I was looking for it.

gambit3 - 2-16-2017 at 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by royberto
IN the latest installment of LOLTNA, In order to air the Hardy's match vs. Psychosis & Super Crazy from CRASH in Meixco on tonight's IMPACT, they have to blur out the REFEREE because he is under contract to Lucha Underground and they sent a cease and desist order:

For those interested:


Not as bad as you'd think it would be, really. Great editing.

Well, SOMEone's awake in non-Titan Towers. Video's been blocked by TNA already.

[Edited on 2-16-2017 by Matte]

CCharger - 2-16-2017 at 11:35 PM

Honestly, I'd watch more TNA if they blurred out everything.

Slade - 2-17-2017 at 01:42 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
In other newsy rumorzzzzzzzz:

WWE officials are considering a Wyatt Family Triple Threat for the WWE title at WrestleMania.

Regarding the first one....I guess the frustrating-yet-I-guess-I-shouldn't-be-surprised part about this is.....shouldn't they know what they're going to do at WM by now and be on the road to the build??? I get the "injuries happen and force scrambling and plan changing" element a la potential Rollins match and ripple effect coming from it. But this one???

I don't see how you could blame WWE for not knowing what it is doing. The moment Randy Orton won the Royal Rumble, it became obvious that Bray Wyatt was going to win the WWE Championship. I wouldn't say that it is obvious that Luke Harper is going to win the battle royal, but the moment that Randy Orton gave up his title shot and Daniel Bryan announced a battle royal, Luke Harper became the most obvious choice to win the match. Whether it ends up being Wyatt vs. Orton or Wyatt vs. Orton vs. Harper makes no difference to me. Essentially, the Wyatt Family is falling apart and feuding over the top prize on the Smackdown brand. Having Harper in the mix makes total sense to me, and it makes the most sense to have him win the battle royal. Having someone else win the match and somehow interjecting themselves into the Wyatt Family Feud makes no sense at all.

williamssl - 2-17-2017 at 02:00 AM

My post and are about this:

Originally posted by williamssl
WWE officials are considering a Wyatt Family Triple Threat for the WWE title at WrestleMania.

They should know that they are going down the triple threat match route, not figuring things out now.

Yes to "WM is going to be "Wyatt's explode 3-way" and here's what we're doing to get there, starting with the Rumble, followed by...." etc etc

Not "oh hey maybe now that we've done these things well look maybe hey it could be a triple threat now".

salmonjunkie - 2-17-2017 at 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Slade
Having someone else win the match and somehow interjecting themselves into the Wyatt Family Feud makes no sense at all.

Except that this story isn't just about the Wyatt Family anymore. It's also about the WWE Championship. That's enough of a reason to insert someone like AJ Styles in to the match.

I love the idea of Luke Harper and making this a Wyatt Triple Threat, but I don't see them putting him in the main event match. I'd have no problem being proven wrong. Harper being a main event face? That sounds like a cool idea to me.

Could always do something schmozzy at the end where Randy Orton makes sure that no one actually wins the Battle Royal.

Or have Undertaker win it. Ha!

[Edited on 2-17-2017 by salmonjunkie]

CCharger - 2-17-2017 at 02:21 AM

Keep in mind that Erick Rowan is healthy and his return is imminent.

Slade - 2-17-2017 at 02:25 AM


And I said, "I don't see how you could blame WWE for not knowing what it is doing," after which I explained why I thought WWE knows what it is doing, which in turn would imply that it isn't considering anything - it knows what it is doing and is telling a story to get to where it wants to go. The evidence certainly suggests that a clear plan is place. I don't for a second think that WWE is still trying to figure out what it is doing with the Wyatt Family.


I think putting Luke Harper in a WWE Championship match a Wrestlemania is not such a far-fetched idea as I think it is highly unlikely that the WWE Championship match is the main event. Chances are Goldberg will be in the main event, whether he wins the Universal Championship or not (and there's a pretty good chance that he will). If the WWE Championship match was going on last, Harper definitely wouldn't be added into the match as a third competitor. However, Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt is pretty weak as far as Wrestlemania main events go, so I can't see it closing out the show. Especially not with Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar on the bill.

[Edited on 2-17-2017 by Slade]

CCharger - 2-17-2017 at 02:28 AM

Originally posted by Slade
Chances are Goldberg will be in the main event, whether he wins the Universal Championship or not (and there's a pretty good chance that he will).

I have been assuming that Goldberg wins it at FastLane and then Brock wins the title at Mania thus blowing off their feud.

salmonjunkie - 2-17-2017 at 02:42 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Keep in mind that Erick Rowan is healthy and his return is imminent.

It's in the back of my mind, but he's not nearly the talent that Harper, Orton, or Wyatt is, and won't be in the title match. If he gets inserted in to this story, it'll be as a supporting character. He might come in to be a big surprise, but it'll be a big surprise that'll help Wyatt, Orton, or Harper stay/become champion.

CCharger - 2-17-2017 at 02:43 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Originally posted by CCharger
Keep in mind that Erick Rowan is healthy and his return is imminent.

It's in the back of my mind, but he's not nearly the talent that Harper, Orton, or Wyatt is, and won't be in the title match. If he gets inserted in to this story, it'll be as a supporting character. He might come in to be a big surprise, but it'll be a big surprise that'll help Wyatt, Orton, or Harper stay/become champion.

Oh, agreed. But he could be a VERY interesting component in the storyline.

Slade - 2-17-2017 at 02:49 AM

I wouldn't be surprised if Rowan doesn't get written into the story. I think it is as likely that he stays off TV until Wrestlemania, and maybe even after it, than it is that he gets involved in the Wyatt Family Feud.

SpiNNeR72 - 2-17-2017 at 02:28 PM

I would suggest Orton may be heading over to RAW, he can challenge for any title after all..

CCharger - 2-17-2017 at 02:31 PM

Here are some fun (funny?) rumorz:

* They only put the Smackdown title on Naomi so she could go to Wrestlemania as champ because she is from Orlando.

* Expect a monster push on Baron Corbin including a run as IC champ as he is apparently Vince's new man crush

* Vince wants both Strowman and Reigns to look strong coming out of Fastlane so it's possible we'll some kind of screwy finish or post-match angle for that match

* It is likely that Kurt Angle's return to a WWE ring will be against Rusev

* The entire McMahon Family were invited to the White House following Linda's confirmation. Here's a photo:

Stone Cold Steve Austin has given the stunner to nearly half of the people in that photo including the President of the United States of America.

DKBroiler - 2-17-2017 at 03:58 PM

RE: Wyatt Drama

Just wondering how or if Brown Strongpants fits into it. I could envision a scenario where the Raw championship match is actually a 6 pack challenge at Wrestlemania. Goldberg v Brock v Reigns v Strowman v Orton v Owens. I know that Y2J messes that up but punting Owens v Jericho to Summerslam and having Jericho v Joe for the US Title at Wrestlemania could work just as well.

New WM card

6 pack
Wyatt v Battle Royal winner (Harper?)
AJ v Shane
HHH v Rollins
Undertaker v Cena (real main event)
Cruiser Ladder Match
Ambrose v Corbin
Jericho v Joe
2 Ladies Matches

G. Jonah Jameson - 2-17-2017 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
I would suggest Orton may be heading over to RAW, he can challenge for any title after all..

This crossed my mind, and it makes sense on paper, but it doesn't fit with the title picture on RAW. We're getting Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar whether or not Goldberg wins the title, so if Goldberg wins, Randy Orton can't jump. And if Kevin Owens retains, that's a heel-versus-heel match, and that won't work either.

I think WWE was trying to address this issue when they had Orton officially announce he was going after the WWE Title before the SmackDown! following his Royal Rumble win even started. I mean, if Orton knows Bray Wyatt might win the title, he'll set his sights on RAW, right? But at the point he made the decision, the Elimination Chamber line-up hadn't been set, so he'd have no way of knowing Wyatt was going to be in it.

Slade - 2-17-2017 at 10:40 PM

If Randy Orton goes to RAW, everything that has happened in the Wyatt Family since the Royal Rumble would have been for nothing at all. It doesn't make any sense at all to send him to RAW.

DKBroiler - 2-17-2017 at 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Slade
If Randy Orton goes to RAW, everything that has happened in the Wyatt Family since the Royal Rumble would have been for nothing at all. It doesn't make any sense at all to send him to RAW.

Unless the whole point of this story is that Orton actually ISN'T ever planning on turning against Bray. It might be odd but in a weirdly obscure, meta, 4th wallish way, it would be different and unexpected.

Count Zero - 2-17-2017 at 11:09 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Expect a monster push on Baron Corbin including a run as IC champ as he is apparently Vince's new man crush
So I was right, it seems? We can guess what Bearwolf Corbston is doing at WM. I hope this means they'll put Dean Ambrose back into the "upper-mid-card" and chasing the Big Blue Belt after 'mania is done.

And I'm with DK. It would be really Un-WWE for them to actually keep Orton's Promise, and thus really unique and sort of a "defining moment" in the history of Orton. He's been The Viper for so long that we =expect= him to bite everything. I wonder how come they haven't started off-handedly calling Bray "The Snakecharmer who controls The Viper". Yes, it sounds stupid. We all know they have no problems saying stupid things.

[Edited on 2-17-2017 by Count Zero]

royberto - 2-20-2017 at 06:16 PM

The Rock will be filming material for the movie on Paige's family today at the Staples Center which just so happens to be where Raw will be airing from this week:

Odds are good Rock appears on Raw tonight.

anglefan85 - 2-20-2017 at 08:11 PM

The Class of 2017 is about to feel the BANG!

Count Zero - 2-20-2017 at 10:54 PM

In other newzish things, a social media thingee has a picture of Ellsworth and Gillberg together, and "WWE is teasing" they might become a Smackdown tag-team.

Also, Cody Nightmare Rhodes and Caveman Trevor Lee had some kind of dust-up (hah! I make funny!) at a PWG show this weekend. Trevor apparently said "Fuck Dusty Rhodes" and that was a little bit too much for Cody's liking.

Cody has since tweeted that he didn't tell Mr. Lee that he's only got one thing he doesn't want opponents to use in promos, so he accepts his share of the responsibility for the match getting a little bit out of hand. The offending remark will be removed from the official video record of the event.

[Edited on 2-20-2017 by Count Zero]

CCharger - 2-21-2017 at 05:06 PM

* Vince and HHH were described as "giddy" after the Strowman/Show match. Word is that Strowman's performance in that match could be a "game-changer" and throw some previously promised pushes out the window in favor of Braun.

punkerhardcore - 2-21-2017 at 08:32 PM

Yeah, it was super impressive the way he did all those things last night, like... standing and walking. And doing body slams. Oh, and that dropkick that may have looked good, if he were facing Hornswoggle. What a game changer!

Oh, and he also slammed Big Show. Which would be amazing if:
a) We hadn't seen a dozen other (better) guys do it over the years.
b) Show wasn't 100 lbs. lighter now than when those other guys did it.

williamssl - 2-21-2017 at 08:53 PM

Count Zero - 2-21-2017 at 10:28 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Vince and HHH were described as "giddy" after the Strowman/Show match. Word is that Strowman's performance in that match could be a "game-changer" and throw some previously promised pushes out the window in favor of Braun.
I've been waiting for a reason to pull this out... Seems like a good time.

CCharger - 2-21-2017 at 10:47 PM

What's interesting about this particular rumor is that it plays into all he Vince McMahon tropes. His infatuation with big, brawny men. His capriciousness. His reputation as someone who will promise pushes to people only to renege if it suits him.

If true, Braun is now added to the list of Vince's Current Man-Crushes which now includes Roman Reigns and Baron Corbin. I'd look for these three to main event Wrestlemania sometime in the next two years (with some combination of Cena, HHH, and Taker of course).

Chris Is Good517 - 2-21-2017 at 10:49 PM

This is going to hurt my smark cred, I guess, but I thought it was a pretty good match given the limitations of the two opponents. Also, come on. That kip-up was impressive. I'm not asking Braun to be Seth Rollins in the ring, I'm just asking him to hang with guys like Rollins, and if last night was any indication that's now a fairly reasonable expectation. Plus, like, whose push are we worried he's going to get? The only guy getting a fucking push on Raw anyway is Reigns.

williamssl - 2-21-2017 at 10:58 PM

Strowman lost me when he abandoned his "I wet my pants" pants. Or when he stopped wetting his pants. Whichever.

Paddlefoot - 2-21-2017 at 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
This is going to hurt my smark cred, I guess, but I thought it was a pretty good match given the limitations of the two opponents. Also, come on. That kip-up was impressive. I'm not asking Braun to be Seth Rollins in the ring, I'm just asking him to hang with guys like Rollins, and if last night was any indication that's now a fairly reasonable expectation. Plus, like, whose push are we worried he's going to get? The only guy getting a fucking push on Raw anyway is Reigns.

I agree with all of this. The only thing I'd add is that they keep the Strowman matches ten minutes or under. Even with someone in as good a shape as the big lug is he will still get winded well before someone more normal sized will, as we could all see last night in the final few minutes of the match. This isn't to say that every match he has should be a squash but trying to extend him in the ring past a logical time limit won't help the end of the matches he's in. It also becomes dangerous to whoever's in the ring with him if they make him do power moves with his energy rapidly depleting after the ten to twelve minute mark because that's when he'd be most likely to botch and drop them on their head.

GodEatGod - 2-22-2017 at 12:16 AM

Lowered expectations might play a part, because I was fully prepared for that match to totally suck and was mostly pretty okay with it. It was entertaining enough for some hoss-on-hoss action. I did find it a little absurd when the crowd was chanting "This is awesome" during the fucking lock-up - calm down, nerds.

By the same token, I'm just fucking done with the "You deserve it!" chant. Bayley winning the title was perfectly in line with her push - she hasn't been held back, she's not a long-suffering favorite finally getting their chance at the belt, she probably actually should've held off winning it until WM, if I'm honest! Most of the wrestlers deserve it, they all work hard and most of them are pretty good.

the goon - 2-22-2017 at 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
This is going to hurt my smark cred, I guess, but I thought it was a pretty good match given the limitations of the two opponents. Also, come on. That kip-up was impressive. I'm not asking Braun to be Seth Rollins in the ring, I'm just asking him to hang with guys like Rollins, and if last night was any indication that's now a fairly reasonable expectation. Plus, like, whose push are we worried he's going to get? The only guy getting a fucking push on Raw anyway is Reigns.

I agree with all of this. The only thing I'd add is that they keep the Strowman matches ten minutes or under. Even with someone in as good a shape as the big lug is he will still get winded well before someone more normal sized will, as we could all see last night in the final few minutes of the match. This isn't to say that every match he has should be a squash but trying to extend him in the ring past a logical time limit won't help the end of the matches he's in. It also becomes dangerous to whoever's in the ring with him if they make him do power moves with his energy rapidly depleting after the ten to twelve minute mark because that's when he'd be most likely to botch and drop them on their head.

I remember someone here a little ways back (forgive me for not remembering who) saying something along the lines of how we've become conditioned to automatically hate big men in the WWE and I think Strowman is kind of unfairly suffering from that. And don't get me wrong, I didn't think he was anything special when he was in the Wyatt Family or when he was squashing jobbers every week on RAW. But now that he's been getting to do actual matches, he's been showing that he's getting better and has put on good matches with guys like Owens, Zayn, and Show (plus he does do some legit impressive stuff for a guy who's 6'8"/385).

Like CIG said, he doesn't need to be Seth Rollins, but just hang with guys like Rollins, and I think he's showing more and more that he's capable of doing that.

CCharger - 2-22-2017 at 12:29 AM

It's important to note that Reigns, Strowman, and Corbin are all "pure" products of NXT. None of them have any indy background. That might contribute to some of the wanker hate directed their way - as well as the Vince and HHH love.

Count Zero - 2-22-2017 at 02:15 AM

And I didn't mean to imply that -we- had lowered expectations. I was mostly poking fun at Vince's weathervaning from push-to-push-to-push, if that stuff is actually true about him wetting his pants with glee (he -really- likes everything Braaaaggh "MC Pee Pants" Strongestmancrushever does).

It really was a pretty darn good match. I think it's an example of how the "openweight" style of the WWE sometimes works against them. When Big Guys are put in the ring with Other Big Guys, it gives them a chance to do all the wrestly-things they were taught, instead of just growl and smash. If you put Big Stroh in there with King Eville, and they start trading wristlocks and monkeyflips, a significant percentage of the WWEUniverse tunes it out because "why isn't the big guy smashing the little guy?"

SaiyaJinDX - 2-22-2017 at 04:18 PM

I'll admit, I disliked Strowman at first as well, because it was obvious he was only there bc he was big and you could tell he was green.

However, he's had some decent matches lately and I started to come around to "ok, at least he's passable."

But then I heard him on Jericho's podcast- the Talkin Shop one. While that particular podcast may not be for everyone (I found it hilarious, but it is a bit wacky and juvenile), one thing that came to light was that Strowman reveals that he only had about 9 matches before his main roster debut. So considering he's learning pretty much EVERYTHING on the fly, he's made some great strides within the last year and earned some respect from me. If he can become a "decent big man" in one calendar year, imagine the possibilities after more seasoning?

That being said, I can understand some people still hating him, especially for that fact as he's some newbie hot-shotting over other people who've bled and spent years to get their opportunity, but it is what it is and if he can be anywhere from passable to decent to eventually good, I'd take that over another Great Khali.

Sam Is Neat - 2-22-2017 at 04:33 PM

I disagree with anyone who didn't like that match between Braun and Show. In all honesty, it would have been a perfect little match for Wrestlemania between two giants, and one where Show putting Strowman over on the biggest stage possible, would have been a nice passing of the torch.

The kip up was impressive, but I felt it was passed over by the announcers who could have used it as a chance to explain that Braun needed to change his style a bit, now that he was in the ring with someone larger than him.

I don't have any problem with Strowman, other than the fake intensity look that most wrestlers suffer from (fake-tensity?). If he can learn the subtly of being scary without growling and snarling, combined with his obvious improvement in the ring, then he will be a fantastic character for them, I think.

lz4005 - 2-22-2017 at 05:36 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Lowered expectations might play a part, because I was fully prepared for that match to totally suck and was mostly pretty okay with it. It was entertaining enough for some hoss-on-hoss action. I did find it a little absurd when the crowd was chanting "This is awesome" during the fucking lock-up - calm down, nerds.

WWE crowds like big sweaty men! WWE crowds like big sweaty men! WWE crowds like big sweaty men! /kingross

punkerhardcore - 2-22-2017 at 06:01 PM

So Bing Strawberryjam is some guy who had no business being on the main roster in the first place when he made his debut-- the nine matches thing doesn't surprise me, since he was brutal to watch back then. Now he's gone from "Jesus, this guy is fucking terrible, terrible dog shit," to, "yeah, I guess that match was passable." And that's supposed to be good enough? Sorry, but no. It's gonna take a lot more than putting on a couple C+ matches to impress.

And that isn't the point. The whole rumor was that his match on Monday was viewed by Vince as some sort of game changer. Um... how? Besides Vince's fetish for big hosses, what the fuck in that match proved that he's suddenly deserving of a huge push? Because I damn sure didn't see anything.

DKBroiler - 2-22-2017 at 06:50 PM

Hey look! DK was right again.

First 9 - 2-22-2017 at 09:22 PM

I think that rumor is bullshit. Show has basically become Braun's mentor and has been working house shows with him for months. They've probably had that fun Hoss battle with the same spots half a dozen times already. The fact that Vince and Co. made it the Main event probably means they've seen the match go well enough times to trust them to not get eaten by the LA smarks. Maybe they could be giddy at the fact that it was received well but there's no way Strowman/Show took them by suprise.Also Strowman punked the former top heel act(JeriKO) a few weeks back and then made the top face look like a bitch this week. He's already heavily pushed .

On the merits of the big lug. He's above the typical WWE hoss like Snitsky, Viscera, Ezekiel, because he moves like an actual athlete instead of being a slow, clumsy load. He tries that fake intensity that a lot guy do but with how cartoonish he is(his look, entrance theme, tough guy voice) it actually works. And his progression bar is pretty impressive. Not somebody that should be one of the center pieces but he's fine as a hoss bouncing around the midcard and Main Event.

Originally posted by the goon
I remember someone here a little ways back (forgive me for not remembering who) saying something along the lines of how we've become conditioned to automatically hate big men in the WWE and I think Strowman is kind of unfairly suffering from that. .

What proof is there that there's an unfair bias towards big men? Luke Harper was very well-received from the start. Big Cass hasn't gotten shit on. Strowman has been criticized but he undisputedly was a limited performer.

Slade - 2-22-2017 at 11:15 PM

I would imagine that no one was shitting on Luke Harper or Big Cass because neither of them were perceived nor rumoured to be on the fast track to the main event like Braun Strowman. As long as big men aren't booked like dominant monsters from day one, they won't suffer the wrath of people who like to talk about wrestling on the internet. When a big man is pushed as an unbeatable monster, that is when the vitriol comes their way.

First 9 - 2-23-2017 at 01:32 AM

To me, that just makes sense and isn't a bias. If you're on the fast track to the Main Event, you're performing on the biggest stage and getting the lion share's of the air time which easily exposes any flaws. His still developing mic and ring skills are being harshly judged because he's on the level occupied by the elite. To his credit Strowman has delivered in his spotlight matches so far( the falls account anywhere against Zayn and the Main Event match against Show) and unlike some tragic examples in the past, they're aware he's limited on the mic and keeping his time on it short but there's still a lot to work on.

the goon - 2-23-2017 at 03:17 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Originally posted by the goon
I remember someone here a little ways back (forgive me for not remembering who) saying something along the lines of how we've become conditioned to automatically hate big men in the WWE and I think Strowman is kind of unfairly suffering from that. .

What proof is there that there's an unfair bias towards big men? Luke Harper was very well-received from the start. Big Cass hasn't gotten shit on. Strowman has been criticized but he undisputedly was a limited performer.

Just to nitpick, I wouldn't put Luke Harper in the "big man" category; per Wikipedia he's 6'5"/275, which means he's the same height (and just 25 pounds heavier) than Randy Orton.

But regardless, my point was mainly that after years of enduring things like world champion Great Khali, King Of The Ring winner/SummerSlam main-eventer King Mabel, and Undertaker nemesis Heidenreich, I agree with the sentiment that we're conditioned to see these types of guys as untalented hacks who are only getting pushed because Vince has a hard-on for big monsters (and hey, I'm not saying that's an unfair or unwarranted conditioning). But as a result, when one of these prototypical untalented hacks that Vince loves like Braun Strowman actually shows signs of improving in the ring and puts on some good matches, he may not get the credit that he deserves from a portion of the smark crowd.

royberto - 2-23-2017 at 05:33 PM

In the "You Can't Make This Shit up" department, Brazzers has announced they are producing a porn parody of The Montreal Screwjob":

This certainly takes the phrase "Bret screwed Bret" in a completely different direction.

Paddlefoot - 2-23-2017 at 06:38 PM

Were you the mentally-ill guy going nuts in the 411 comment section saying Alexa has no ass?

[Edited on 2/23/2017 by Paddlefoot]

lz4005 - 2-23-2017 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by royberto
In the "You Can't Make This Shit up" department, Brazzers has announced they are producing a porn parody of The Montreal Screwjob":

This certainly takes the phrase "Bret screwed Bret" in a completely different direction.

The sharpshooter is very close to ....

Count Zero - 2-23-2017 at 09:40 PM

"Romi Rain as WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart"

"Romi Rain"


And that will be one porn I will not watch. It's bad enough wrestling has been ruined forever by Roman Reigns, now porn as well? FUCK YOU BRAZZERS. I'll bet that stupid bitch did named herself that on purpose just to further ruin everything I love.

^^^Made me laugh on the outside, and die a little bit on the inside too.

ETAsonobodyelsehastogoogle: Apparently Ms Rain has been using that name since before Mr. Reigns dropped his Leakee handle.

...christ. I think I just made a dick joke or something. Porn taints everything.
(Hey Beavis. You said 'Taint'. Heh.)

[Edited on 2-23-2017 by Count Zero]

PB-13 - 2-23-2017 at 10:57 PM

Sometimes it's perceived protection in the booking. Strowman has yet to be pinned/submitted on TV. It was a VERY long time before Roman took a clean fall on TV as well. Harper and Cass didn't get anywhere close to that level of strength.

Chris Is Good517 - 2-23-2017 at 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Slade
I would imagine that no one was shitting on Luke Harper or Big Cass because neither of them were perceived nor rumoured to be on the fast track to the main event like Braun Strowman. As long as big men aren't booked like dominant monsters from day one, they won't suffer the wrath of people who like to talk about wrestling on the internet. When a big man is pushed as an unbeatable monster, that is when the vitriol comes their way.

Pretty much this. I'd almost bet actual cash money that the virtual second Big Cass gets a serious push as a top singles guy, the smarks that "are totally fine with him" now will be crying foul and talking about how he's just an untalented big guy and why isn't Enzo getting the push?

CCharger - 2-23-2017 at 11:34 PM

I'm trying to think of a "big man" that received a push that wankers like us DIDN'T turn on...

I got nothing...

salmonjunkie - 2-23-2017 at 11:41 PM

Big Van Vader, 1992. That's all I got.

Jumbie - 2-23-2017 at 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
I'd almost bet actual cash money that the virtual second Big Cass gets a serious push as a top singles guy, the smarks that "are totally fine with him" now will be crying foul and talking about how he's just an untalented big guy and why isn't Enzo getting the push?

Why ISN'T Enzo getting the push?

denverpunk - 2-23-2017 at 11:49 PM

I know it took a long time for wankers to turn on Taker, Kane, and Big Show, all of whom are huge men. It took years for people to get sick of Taker. I'd argue fans got sick of Kane and Show mainly because of bad booking, although I know they both have their detractors.

I'd argue that the reason why that most people shit on the big guys is that most of them are slow, lumbering loads who are boring to watch. So when we get one who's pretty agile, like Kane or Harper, people tend to latch onto them.

Push Enzo over Cass? I know that was said tongue in cheek, but the only push I'd give Enzo is down a flight of stairs.

williamssl - 2-24-2017 at 12:28 AM

Originally posted by denverpunk
the only push I'd give Enzo is down a flight of stairs.

I'll help.

CCharger - 2-24-2017 at 12:35 AM

Originally posted by denverpunk
I know it took a long time for wankers to turn on Taker, Kane, and Big Show, all of whom are huge men. It took years for people to get sick of Taker. I'd argue fans got sick of Kane and Show mainly because of bad booking, although I know they both have their detractors.

This is good analysis. However, all three of the guys you mentioned started their careers either before the internet age or just as it was in it's infancy. The internet smart-mark wasn't a thing yet.

The other thing you mentioned was booking and boy was this true. Think about Kane. His debut and storyline with Taker was compelling TV. Compare that to Big Cass or Strowman. Nothing really compelling about their story at all.

Big guys CAN get over. Someone mentioned Vader. Then there's Hogan of course. And Taker. It just takes charisma, an interesting character and good storytelling.

First 9 - 2-24-2017 at 01:36 AM

Lesnar, Umaga, Harper&Rowan;, etc. Smarks will get behind any big guy if they just don't suck. Mark Henry was disdained for years until he dialed up into awesomeness.

EDIT: Hell Umaga's path is the contrary to what some have said. As he developed in the midcard with 5-minute squashes and short ppv matches the smarks disregarded him as another big guy with an old guy but once WWE got fully behind him and booked him in 25+minutes against Cena he became an overnight smark darling as Umaga stole the show.

[Edited on 2-24-2017 by First 9]

Paddlefoot - 2-24-2017 at 02:11 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
Originally posted by denverpunk
the only push I'd give Enzo is down a flight of stairs.

I'll help.

Gif of Sheamus booting Enzo in the side of the head needed ASAP!

The guy is hilarious but watching him get clubbered by the monsters from running his mouth off at them is sure a lot of fun.

janerd75 - 2-24-2017 at 02:57 AM

Originally posted by denverpunk

Push Enzo over Cass? I know that was said tongue in cheek, but the only push I'd give Enzo is down a flight of stairs.

Originally posted by williamssl
Originally posted by denverpunk
the only push I'd give Enzo is down a flight of stairs.

I'll help.

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by williamssl
Originally posted by denverpunk
the only push I'd give Enzo is down a flight of stairs.

I'll help.

Gif of Sheamus booting Enzo in the side of the head needed ASAP!

The guy is hilarious but watching him get clubbered by the monsters from running his mouth off at them is sure a lot of fun.

My powers are not at 100% yet so this will have to do. Besides, it's important to honor Mark this month anyway.

CCharger - 2-24-2017 at 03:03 AM

You're monsters. You are all monsters...

Count Zero - 2-24-2017 at 07:59 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Big guys CAN get over. Someone mentioned Vader. Then there's Hogan of course. And Taker. It just takes charisma, an interesting character and good storytelling.

Kevin Nash? I'm not sure if "we" turned on him or not, I'm just throwing the name into the discussion..

royberto - 2-24-2017 at 12:35 PM

Originally posted by janerd75
My powers are not at 100% yet so this will have to do. Besides, it's important to honor Mark this month anyway.

Because nothing says "Black History Month" like the black man getting his skull caved in by a white man.

Flash - 2-24-2017 at 02:58 PM

I think that in a lot of way it might be less the particular talent, and more the whole "unbeatable monster" bit that might be tired largely because it usually plays out the same way time and time again, and that it rarely offers up anything new. I think when you can see Vince getting excited about some particular talent (or at least rumoured to be), it might be a bit more palatable if we didn't already know how it will turn out.

The monster, the chicken shit heel, the bait and switch (I'll fight you... just not tonight) worked for years, but now that we've got what 18-20 PPV's a year, and 7 or 8 hours of wrestling TV per week the old tropes get trotted out too often... it's a problem that's been increasing for decades... or at least since what 1995 or 1996 when the WWE brought out the monthly IN YOUR HOUSE PPV's, and doubled up on Raw from 1 hour to two.

A good talent is entertaining for a few minutes at time in a match, an unbeatable monster that follows the same pattern over months is boring as shit, and apt to be turned on long before it plays out. Strowman having a good match on Raw (or passable) doesn't matter when the end result is the same thing we've been seeing for months, and know we'll continue to see for severable more months.

CCharger - 2-24-2017 at 03:19 PM


That's a great point. We as consumers of WWE are so over-saturated with the product and have been for nearly two decades that we are familiar with Vince's playbook to the point that it's boring. The two best things in the last 15 years of wrestling IMO have been the Summer of Punk and the Rise of Daniel Bryan. But Punk was an anomaly - an outlier, and Bryan was a grassroots rebellion AGAINST Vince's creative machine. Neither of those things have really been Vince's idea.

My point is that when Vince pushes another plodding big man or trots HHH out for a show opening promo or whatever, we as consumers kind of roll our eyes because we've seen it a million times before. The best parts of WWE these days is when they do stuff that isn't in Vince's typical playbook, like having a women's match main event RAW or have Lesnar defeated in under a minute or have Cena squashed in a match or have Taker end his Streak or have a guy like AJ Style not get buried. Those things resonate because they are DIFFERENT than what we are used to with WWE.

The problem is that those moments are few and far between.

[Edited on 2-24-2017 by CCharger]

The Greek - 2-24-2017 at 03:42 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by denverpunk
I know it took a long time for wankers to turn on Taker, Kane, and Big Show, all of whom are huge men. It took years for people to get sick of Taker. I'd argue fans got sick of Kane and Show mainly because of bad booking, although I know they both have their detractors.

This is good analysis. However, all three of the guys you mentioned started their careers either before the internet age or just as it was in it's infancy. The internet smart-mark wasn't a thing yet.

The other thing you mentioned was booking and boy was this true. Think about Kane. His debut and storyline with Taker was compelling TV. Compare that to Big Cass or Strowman. Nothing really compelling about their story at all.

Big guys CAN get over. Someone mentioned Vader. Then there's Hogan of course. And Taker. It just takes charisma, an interesting character and good storytelling.

Ah, yes...GOOD STORYTELLING.... Something the WWE has been lacking ALOT of the past few years.....

royberto - 2-24-2017 at 05:05 PM

*Today, February 24th, marks the 3rd anniversary of the launch of the WWE Network

Time sure flies.

janerd75 - 2-24-2017 at 06:41 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by janerd75
My powers are not at 100% yet so this will have to do. Besides, it's important to honor Mark this month anyway.

Because nothing says "Black History Month" like the black man getting his skull caved in by a white man.

No no, you've conflated honoring with violence against another because of the color of his skin. I would never imply such a thing as a man of peace and love. Here, join me in honoring Big E as we move on and attempt to begin healing from your terrible and unfounded implication.

Rumour is that I've still

Count Zero - 2-24-2017 at 09:57 PM

[Edited on 2-24-2017 by Count Zero]

Paddlefoot - 2-24-2017 at 10:34 PM

GodEatGod - 2-25-2017 at 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot

Wait...does this mean...Pad and janerd are the same...person...?!?

Paddlefoot - 2-25-2017 at 01:40 AM

Aw, son of a bitch!

I wish I was that skilled to pull off a creative gif-avalanche and have a drunken conversation with myself. Unfortunately I can't. I am a limited man, unhip to the youthful shitposting ways of today's modern teens.

[Edited on 2/25/2017 by Paddlefoot]

Slade - 2-25-2017 at 01:57 AM

Posted by CCharger
The two best things in the last 15 years of wrestling IMO have been the Summer of Punk and the Rise of Daniel Bryan. But Punk was an anomaly - an outlier, and Bryan was a grassroots rebellion AGAINST Vince's creative machine.

Neither of those those things happened without Vince allowing them to happen. He has the final say on everything. He had the power to cut the legs out from under the both of them, but he didn't because he saw that there was money to be made with both of them at the top.

Count Zero - 2-25-2017 at 02:13 AM

From Cageside Seats/SBNation/Whateverthehell:

*WWE might do roster-shakeups after WM to keep interest "up".
*Kurt Angle's wrestling farewell-tour may also be part of the Post-WM-Interest-Generating
*WWE is still interested in the Hardyz, and they haven't yet re-upped with TNA.
*Jeff Jarrett will (for the time being) NOT be an on-air talent for TNA
*Cody Rhodes & Zack Sabre Jr will be operating out of New Japan as their main base of ops. (credit on this one is given to the Observer.)

I feel dirty after rumorzing. Where's Janerd with my sponge bath?

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Wait...does this mean...Pad and janerd are the same...person...?!?
Paddlenerd? Jannlefoot? Bennifer?

[Edited on 2-25-2017 by Count Zero]

First 9 - 2-25-2017 at 03:55 AM

I wished they would have skipped a roster draft for this year to really let the alignments sink in. The original draft 2004 had so much hype because there were a whole 2 years for the hierachy to be established with RAW becoming the HHH/HBK/Jericho/Kane show and SD being Angle/Show/Eddie/Taker show and the thought of it being shaken up was monumental. The internte went crazy with possible dream matches or clashes that hadn't been done in years.

Chris Is Good517 - 2-25-2017 at 09:18 PM

One of today's fun rumors is that The Drifter will be the next NXT talent to be called up after WrestleMania. It's almost too absurd to believe, but it's actually pretty plausible; he's as good as he's going to get so they might as well call him up, though I can't imagine he'll get any kind of significant push since he's got jobber stink written all over him (did he ever actually beat a single established guy in his entire NXT run?). It's going to be hilarious watching some of the smarkier types go apoplectic if and when Elias Sampson shows up on Raw before Nakamura does, though.

salmonjunkie - 2-25-2017 at 09:49 PM

The Drifter on Raw? Well, they need someone for Curtis Axel to beat...

Slade - 2-26-2017 at 01:07 AM

I think there is real value in elevating jobbers onto the main roster. If you don't bring a guy like Elias Samson up to the main roster to put everyone else over, you're stuck reducing someone who still has real potential like Apollo Crews but isn't over into that role. Guys like Crews need guys like Samson around to give them wins while they try to figure out a way to make the fans care about them.

GodEatGod - 2-26-2017 at 06:57 AM

Originally posted by Slade
I think there is real value in elevating jobbers onto the main roster. If you don't bring a guy like Elias Samson up to the main roster to put everyone else over, you're stuck reducing someone who still has real potential like Apollo Crews but isn't over into that role. Guys like Crews need guys like Samson around to give them wins while they try to figure out a way to make the fans care about them.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree about Crews. Jobber duty seems just about right for him to me. He has some good athletic ability, but his personality stuff is SO bad that I can't imagine him getting anything resembling a push.

Zeyes - 2-26-2017 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by Slade
I think there is real value in elevating jobbers onto the main roster. If you don't bring a guy like Elias Samson up to the main roster to put everyone else over, you're stuck reducing someone who still has real potential like Apollo Crews but isn't over into that role. Guys like Crews need guys like Samson around to give them wins while they try to figure out a way to make the fans care about them.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree about Crews. Jobber duty seems just about right for him to me. He has some good athletic ability, but his personality stuff is SO bad that I can't imagine him getting anything resembling a push.

And considering Crews also went up to the main roster rather quickly, one could actually make those very same "won't get much better in NXT / serves a purpose in putting over others" points about him... He's better than Sampson, but in the eyes of WWE it might well be a difference of degree, not of kind.

williamssl - 2-26-2017 at 07:26 PM

Crews is very good at getting heel Ziggler and chair shots over. Solid niche for him to work in.

First 9 - 2-27-2017 at 01:56 AM

Have they tried to give Crews something to work with? I only remember the new guy push where he went over jobbers, and got a little winning streak. No character work or promo time but good enough to be fed to Miz for a ppv and then relegated to the lower midcard.

I'm not saying they're missing out on the golden opportunity by not doing anything with him but he could be an RVD/J. Hardy-lite white meat babyface who gets over on fancy moves and minimal mic work.

[Edited on 2-27-2017 by First 9]

Count Zero - 2-27-2017 at 02:08 AM

What they -could've- done with Crews was put him in a tag-team with Formerly-Good (as opposed to Evil, that is) Neville.

That woulda been much more interesting a Babyface Tag-Team than American Alpha have been. Bran Strawberry Muffins (actual muffins, this isn't a Braun Strohman gag) would be more interesting than AA(RP).

Slade - 2-27-2017 at 02:30 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
I think we'll have to agree to disagree about Crews. Jobber duty seems just about right for him to me. He has some good athletic ability, but his personality stuff is SO bad that I can't imagine him getting anything resembling a push.

I recognize that he has failed to connect with fans due to his poor character work. However, his blend of athleticism and power paired with a decent move set are the basis upon which I claim he still has potential. If he could get a personality coach to work on his on-air personality, then he may yet become a good all-round performer.

williamssl - 2-27-2017 at 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Slade
I recognize that he has failed to connect with fans...

You know what he hasn't failed to connect with? Chairs.

punkerhardcore - 2-27-2017 at 03:16 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
That woulda been much more interesting a Babyface Tag-Team than American Alpha have been. Bran Strawberry Muffins (actual muffins, this isn't a Braun Strohman gag) would be more interesting than AA(RP).

This is where NXT is a blessing and a curse. It's a fantastic way of introducing wrestlers and characters to an audience before calling them up... but then the problem is that a vast majority of the audience still doesn't watch NXT. So they're just brought up to the main roster with no backstory given, and the attitude of, "here's those guys you love from NXT, now on Raw!" When most people don't know anything about them.

Someone on here not too terribly long ago mentioned American Alpha specifically, and how their whole saga was awesome in NXT-- Jason Jordan's search, and repeated failure, to find a suitable tag team partner. His initial hesitance to take on Chad Gable as a partner, and his reluctance to warm up to him even after they were finding success together. And then finally them becoming friends with amazing chemistry both in ring and out, and them getting over as fuck in NXT.

Then they're just brought up to Smackdown without any of that. Just a simple, "here's American Alpha!" So I can't really blame people for not warming up to them right away. Which is a shame, really.

Slade - 2-27-2017 at 03:47 AM

That's a great point, punker. It is similar to something that I've been thinking for a little while now, which is that WWE needs to go back to the old way of introducing guys to the main roster shows. They need to do vignettes and promo videos hyping their arrival, just like they used to do, not just have them show up and expect everyone to know who they are already. That only works for the smarks who watch NXT all the time, but they aren't the entire audience. If the NXT fans were the entire fanbase, then those debuts would have gone over much better, John Cena wouldn't be a 16-time champion, Cesaro would get pushed to the moon, Roman Reigns would be a jobber, etc. And WWE knows that, so the fact that they debut the NXT call ups as if those rabid NXT viewers were the only audience is baffling.

First 9 - 2-27-2017 at 04:16 AM

It'll probably just lead to a run in ROH but Drew Galloway is no longer with TNA. I like the guy but I don't see anything in particular he could bring to WWE right now. Besides being a fixture in the planned UK show.

[Edited on 2-27-2017 by First 9]

Count Zero - 2-27-2017 at 05:49 AM

I agree -entirely- with what Punker wrote about AA (but I still find them easy to pick on), and similarly (but not exactly) Alexa Bliss.

She's been given a "character" at least, even if it is just Snotty-Boo-Boo-Face Heel Bitch. It's as tired as the Big Monster gimmick that Braaaaaggghhhhh Corbin are both sharing right now, but at least it is something to cut your teeth on.

They thought "The WWE Network" would be a must-have for EVERY member of the WWEUniverse, but since some people aren't interested in dropping nine-ninety-nine on it for whatever reasons, it's not got as much traction as they'd hoped. Thus, NXT isn't the "shortcut" to WWE they're trying to use it as, any more than any other indie-style fed with limited exposure. Plus, it seems that a lot of people say things like "I have the WWE Network so I can get PPVs without paying 50$ a month". So even among subscribers, 'original programming' is not what everybody's interested in.

It's not illogical to presume that if (for example) 3-in-10 members of the audience have access to it, they can grassroots (astroturf?) the rest of the crowd into liking/hating/reacting to something. It just doesn't seem to be working.


[Edited on 2-27-2017 by Count Zero]

DevilSoprano - 2-27-2017 at 08:42 PM

First, Drew McIntyre/Galloway would be on par with the upper echelon of workers in NXT or Raw/Smackdown so he brings a lot to the table other than just UK guy. That might be a good way to introduce him, maybe over WM weekend, current UK Champion has an open challenge for the Takeover show and Galloway is the one who answers. Or he shows up on Raw or SD after Mania. Either way, he'd be great on any of the 3 shows.

Second, I think it might have been me who originally mentioned the Alpha thing and it's such a disappointment that they haven't connected with the larger fanbase because the chemistry those two had in NXT was phenomenal. I'm hoping with Angle's return after Mania being rumored, he can help them get that fun personality back in the vein of when Angle was working with Edge & Christian.

Third, Apollo Crews has never had a personality on any level and WWE bringing him up without a story is on par with the disaster that bringing up Tyler Breeze to get sucked into a Summer Rae blackhole of suck was. The whole reason it took Sami and Finn and others so long to get called up, supposedly, was they were waiting for the right time/story. I wish that had been the case with Tyler, Apollo, Vaudevillains, among others because they've all gotten lost in the post-draft shuffle.

Fourth, Alexa Bliss is actually the opposite as after a few weeks of treading water on SD and possibly showing she wasn't ready, she might have been the best NXT draft pick from that entire draft. Finn, probably would have been, but the injury takes him out of the running, and the rest of the NXT draftees are all just kinda there. Bliss has taken the ball given to her and created a fun, dynamic character and she's progressively getting better in the ring.

G-Spot - 2-27-2017 at 09:42 PM

Rumors are the Hardy's may be heading back to the WWE. Their contracts with TNA are up and supposedly they feel disrespected by them and are not fans of Jeff Jarrett running things. Broken Matt has tweeted....

"I will DELETE the Bucks of Youth on April 1st at ROH, and all of MeekMahan's tag teams will follow."

"It shall be an INTRIGUING week for the professional wrestling industry."

ETA: They are also not taking any indy bookings after April 30th.

[Edited on 2-27-2017 by G-Spot]

First 9 - 2-27-2017 at 10:21 PM

I never said Galloway sucked. He's a strong talent who could be something special with the right booking behind him but you could say that with so many guys WWE already has.

Shame TNA is losing the Hardyz. They were a perfect mix with TNA giving them free reign to do what they wanted and having enough production values to make Matt's crazy ideas come to life. While the Hardyz, wether you like or hate what they did, brought buzz to a company that needed it.

[Edited on 2-27-2017 by First 9]

G-Spot - 2-27-2017 at 10:36 PM

More rumor info on the Hardy's feeling disrespected... ficials-their-tv-future-and-more

According to Pro Wrestling Sheet, Matt and Jeff Hardy will NOT be signing new deals with Impact Wrestling, and it�s reportedly because the brothers felt disrespected during contract talks.

Sources are reporting The Hardys agreed to terms on a new TNA deal back in December, but requested a few minor changes, and were simply waiting for the finalized offer.

The deal was supposed to be for 1-year, but weeks and weeks passed, with Matt constantly checking in, but they were consistently given the run around.

Eventually Matt and Jeff�s lawyer informed Impact Wrestling officials that they wanted a creative control clause written into their new deals, but that was shot down immediately. One source claims the Hardy�s lawyer told Ed Nordholm of Anthem Sports & Entertainment there was interest from other companies and he responded by saying, �Well, tell them to go to WWE then.�

This set Jeff Hardy off, who at that point said he was no longer interested in re-signing. Matt continued talks, but when they sent a new contract last week it was now a 2-year deal and terms had been snuck in which stated they�d receive 10% of all his profits outside of Impact.

Matt�s lawyer said he�d be a fool to sign, so he informed the company he wasn�t interested in doing so, but would still come to the tapings to write off his characters. However, he was told he was crazy to think they�d want him on TV without a contact.

Impact Wrestling officials are reportedly trying to get their tag titles back.

First 9 - 2-27-2017 at 11:34 PM

Shame they're leaving on bad terms. Would have loved one more goofy segment to tie it all up. Both Hardyz diving into the lake of reincarnation with the camera lingering on.

anglefan85 - 2-28-2017 at 01:19 AM

The name of the company may have changed, but the spirit of LOLTNA lingers on.

How the hell do you do that to arguably your most profitable wrestlers, the wrestlers who have pretty much kept the company relevant due to their over-the-top antics?


One source says their lawyer told Ed Nordholm there was interest from other companies and he responded by saying, �Well, tell them to go to WWE then.�

I don't ever really wanna see anyone lose their job, but that Ed Nordholm needs to get fired for this. Threatening your top talent (and the current tag champs, no less) to go to a place where they will actually be paid more money, be seen by more tv viewers, more fans in attendance, feature as part of huge stadium events, get put in a Hall of Fame that is actually credible and be part of a company that will definitely be around in a years time.

As of right now, their biggest name left is Lashley, and they better do everything in their power to make sure that he doesn't wanna leave.

As for Galloway, I would welcome him back into the WWE with open arms. He would do great on Smackdown.

[Edited on 2-28-2017 by anglefan85]

G-Spot - 2-28-2017 at 01:40 AM

Another wrinkle in the Hardy's/LOLTNA saga that could have an impact (no pun intended) on going to WWE, tho' one good thing is there is not a "no compete" clause in their expired contracts...

If Broken Matt wants to continue using that�name after leaving Impact Wrestling, he may have a fight on his hands � because right now there�s confusion over who owns the gimmick.

Sources close to Matt tell us his current deal�gives Impact the ability�to profit off of anything already filmed�having to do with ANY�gimmick he used throughout the course of his contract � but,�once that�s over, he retains ownership of his�name and characters.

However, our Impact Wrestling sources tell us that�s not the case at all. They claim the current deal�specifically states that their company owns all IP creations.

First 9 - 2-28-2017 at 02:04 AM

Or if the Hardyz are too expensive, why not part amicably? The company is an rebuilding phase and it'd be understandable if they only want to sign talent on the long term and/or can't afford to give out creative control.

Count Zero - 2-28-2017 at 02:31 AM

And wouldn't Vince just love it if the Hardyz (or anybody, really) show up & throw some belts into a trashcan? That "Alundra Blayzing" from the Nitro days probably gives him nightmares at random intervals.

CheMateo - 2-28-2017 at 04:52 AM

I have no real desire to see The Hardyz back in WWE. I was glad they were doing their own and kitschy thing in TNA. I was hoping they would stay there. It was the right playground for the brothers. I cannot imagine Matt getting free reign with wonky skits and story lines. We saw how poorly received WWE's attempt at a Hardyz style skit was.

But TNA just continues with the boners. I really wish Billy Corgan got control of the company. I would like to think Bill would have done a better job. Why would you not acquiesce and give your biggest names that have gotten you the most buzz what they want? Why would you disrespect them? Just another step backwards.

I suppose The Hardyz will return and get a stronger glorified nostalgia run than The Dudleys got.

Flash - 2-28-2017 at 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
And wouldn't Vince just love it if the Hardyz (or anybody, really) show up & throw some belts into a trashcan? That "Alundra Blayzing" from the Nitro days probably gives him nightmares at random intervals.

I was reading something* about how while there were a LOT of pissed off people at Blayze, Vince actually took it in stride... after all it was only what... 5 years before that he in a lot of ways did the same by having Flair carry around the NWA/WCW title on his show.

*I think it was in a Google books preview of Titan Sinking or some similarly titled book that basically went through the entire year... whoever wrote it ,wrote 3 of them, and the preview I read (basically maybe 30 pages or so) seemed to be pretty good and well researched.

First 9 - 2-28-2017 at 04:30 PM

Jeff is multiple time former World Champ and PPV Main Eventer. They definently won't get a glorified nostalgia run like the Duds. SD has Ambrose, part time Cena, and rising Harper as top faces and that's it. Jeff would fit in fine against Styles, Ziggler, Miz and against the Wyatts they could do both the Hardyz reunion and some big singles matches.

CCharger - 2-28-2017 at 04:37 PM

Originally posted by First 9
The company is an rebuilding phase

If this is "rebuilding", I'd hate to see what falling apart looks like.

Flash - 2-28-2017 at 05:50 PM

Originally posted by First 9
Or if the Hardyz are too expensive, why not part amicably? The company is an rebuilding phase and it'd be understandable if they only want to sign talent on the long term and/or can't afford to give out creative control.

The really weird thing about all of this is that TNA has been taking a different spin on their contracts for a while now, where basically they guarantee a certain salary, and dates, and then hire the talent out to other promotions with the fee going to them instead of the talent... so you'd think two guys with the name value, to say nothing of them being maybe the only positive news that's come out of your company in the last year or two, would be worth holding onto.

Now maybe with Anthem running things they aren't doing that style of contracts anymore, or at least the Hardy's have never been subject to this as suggested by the various contract newsbytes out there. A bit of digging into Ed Nordholm would suggest that he's around the #3 man at Anthem (one of a number of VP's... and honestly, for a shitty as the Anthem logo is, their website looks like an ever bigger piece of crap with outside of a few corporate press releases buried on the site absolutely no mention of TNA/Impact.) Per a press release he is the board appointed guy running TNA.

Of course all of this wouldn't surprise me if it was a work... only TNA would consider it a big swerve to further devalue their company in the eyes of their remaining fans just to say gotcha for 2 minutes.

I will say this about Anthem; going through their crappy website there are enough mentions of them acquiring a lot of smaller channels and making a variety of connections that they kind of give off that feel of existing between bargain basement and poised to do something big... like there's probably some secret billionaire behind the worlds dollar stores or something like that. Their CEO has been involved in a number of billion dollar transactions with prior companies, so there is a track record there. With the whole global world thing we live in now as well it looks like some of Anthem's "action" is spread around the world as well, so some foreign money coming into the company might make them more of a player.... not that this guarantees it would trickle down to TNA.

[Edited on 2-28-2017 by Flash]

SaiyaJinDX - 2-28-2017 at 06:59 PM

Going back to American Alpha, Crews and the issues of callups from NXT kind of falling flat- I agree with a lot that has been said. But I think WWE is missing out on taking advantage of their own intellectual property.

Basically, as was pointed out- AA had a great story... WWE OWNS that story and all video footage of it. This isn't like the days of guys coming over from WCW/ECW where they couldn't fully reference (or at least show) stuff from their past. WWE could easily make a great video package, taking bits of the journey of American Alpha, show that Jordan was around for years floundering, Gable pestering Jordan to be his partner, the struggles they overcame to become a great team, how over they got and the teams they beat, etc. You can do that in a nice 5-7 minute video package that you can AIR ON WWE TV- NOT the Network, I mean Smackdown (or Raw for future superstars).

I think this would help dramatically bc unlike back in the day when WWE would kind of recycle a superstar or teams "best hits" (see Summer of Punk, various things with the Dudleys, etc) you can't really do that with these NXT stars bc they JUST came off those stories less than a year ago. So you'd be putting off the fans that actually cared enough to follow NXT (plus what's the point of having your own farm system and having it televised for that matter, if you're not going to use it to it's fullest potential?)

But just bringing them up with ZERO buildup sucks. Like Bayley for instance. I think she's great and had a fantastic story and I remember her saying on a podcast a few months back (before her callup)- I forget if it was Jericho's or Austin's, but she was thinking about HOW'D she want to be called up and how'd she approach her character bc she couldn't repeat things but she also flat out said she'd dislike just being brought up "as is" bc the casual WWE Universe would have missed so much of what made her who she is. She said she thought about it a lot and even had some ideas of what she would do, but it looks like they didn't bother going to her for input, which is a shame.

I think video packages (with details of their rise through NXT which highlight WHY the WWE Universe at large should care about these superstars) + some actual longer interviews would do a world of difference for these wrestlers.

That being said, some people needed more seasoning before being called up. I'm a fan of Crews back from his Evolve days. He has insane in-ring capabilities, especially for his size. I truly think he could be a huge star (well... I definitely thought that when he showed up in NXT, now that they're wasting and jobbing him in front of that same general audience, they might have ruined him). He needed to stay in NXT and develop a character, bc he already had the in-ring skills. I remember as soon as he was called up, thinking he wasn't ready and this was going to go badly for him, which i find very unfortunate bc I think there is SO much potential there, but alas...

SaiyaJinDX - 2-28-2017 at 07:12 PM

As for the Hardy's and TNA mess. There's this from:

� The big news yesterday was the official departure of The Hardys from TNA. Matt�s wife and TNA character Reby Sky (Queen Rebecca) posted the following on Twitter, joking about keeping the TNA tag team titles hostage and melt them down into some gold hoop earrings and ripping into the company a bit�


� Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 27, 2017

Why try to do things the right way when you get bs & drama in return ? Matt is a nice guy. I'LL keep the shits "hostage". Fuck outta here.

� Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 27, 2017

2, but I'm claiming @ShaneHelmsCom on my taxes this year

� Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 27, 2017

If mfers don't start coming correct, I'm bout to melt some gold & have me some new gold hoops. Sigue y vas a ver.

� Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 27, 2017

I've said it many times:
TNA was the perfect situation for our family & how grateful I was for professionalism/open communication/respect�

� Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 27, 2017

�Now think about what kinda negative changes & straight fuckery would have to go down for us to leave 🤔

� Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 27, 2017

I hear company folks are pressed & wanna try & paint me in a negative light after today. Should I help em out & clarify a few things ?

� Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 28, 2017

SURPRISE ! Yes, I am a HUGE BITCH if you disrespect me or my family 😊 Are you surprised ? Oh, no ? Okay, can we move on now ? 🙄😆

� Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) February 28, 2017

It's sad, bc as a father of young children, having a job that's comfortable and being able to have them with you even if you travel is fantastic and not something I'd give up easily. Reby says it herself and continues that if they're willing to give THAT up, then you KNOW something sketchy had to have gone down in those talks.

Such a damn shame, bc the Hardys were the best thing TNA had going for them, I was loving all the Broken Matt stuff (as silly as it was). And it just won't be the same in the WWE (b/c once again, going back to some of the points i made in my last post- part of the appeal of that character is going through the journey). Many fans will just be like "what the heck is up with Matt Hardy? Why's he all weird now?" And it may take longer for casual fans to "get it" (if they even do, bc I'll admit, the Broken Hardys craziness is NOT for everyone's tastes).

Sigh... TNA...

Paddlefoot - 2-28-2017 at 07:23 PM

Did someone mention "dollar store" above? Screwing over the Hardys, who did about the only interesting thing TNA's done in the last three or four years, is really a genuine dollar-store thing to do. And really should have been expected from a genuine dollar-store of a company like TNA.

CCharger - 2-28-2017 at 07:54 PM

A couple TNA-related rumors:

* WWE is planning on Rusev to win the Andre Battle Royal. Moreover, they are planning on Kurt Angle making his return the following night on RAW to confront the Handsome Brute and set up their feud. WWE officials want Angle to debut in Orlando because of his time in TNA

* WWE has no plans acknowledge the Hardyz as TNA tag champs because the feel it would be giving an "unnecessary rub" to an irrelevant company.

First 9 - 2-28-2017 at 08:36 PM

That Rusev angle points to Angle being a RAW guy. So we could get Angle vs Joe in a WWE ring. I wonder if they'd reference their history?

Also, props for Rusev for having the talent to always stay over enough to be fed to the next big star/Main Eventer. He got demolished by Cena but after a while looked like a killer again just to put over Reigns and with a month or two of build up I can buy him as a fun opponent for Angle. He might be a jobber for the stars, but it's to THE mega stars.

EDIT:''debut'' in Orlando? Somebody doesn't understand what debut means.

[Edited on 2-28-2017 by First 9]

Flash - 2-28-2017 at 08:41 PM

Well with both Kane and Big Show getting pretty long in the tooth someone had to fill that role... it would not surprise me if Strowman finds himself in that groove in the next year or two.

CCharger - 2-28-2017 at 09:27 PM

Originally posted by First 9

EDIT:''debut'' in Orlando? Somebody doesn't understand what debut means.

[Edited on 2-28-2017 by First 9]

I do. But I had already used "return" and didn't want to be redundant. Also, "re-debut" sounds dumb.

salmonjunkie - 2-28-2017 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by First 9
That Rusev angle points to Angle being a RAW guy. So we could get Angle vs Joe in a WWE ring. I wonder if they'd reference their history?

They will in their own way.

"Angle and Joe are certainly familiar with each other as they've done battle in other organizations around the world. But this will be the first time these two powerhouses go one-on-one in a WWE ring!"

royberto - 2-28-2017 at 10:26 PM

Sasha Banks went on twitter and refuted Nia Jax's claims of having "Broken" her by stating that Jax is not Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy responded:

.@SashaBanksWWE @WWE

— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) February 28, 2017

nOOb - 2-28-2017 at 11:27 PM

I know Broken Matt doesn't work anywhere he doesn't have a good amount of control, but I am still a bit intrigued at the Hardy's coming back to WWE.

anglefan85 - 3-1-2017 at 03:42 AM

Add two more to the pile:

Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis-Bennett have departed TNA, has confirmed with multiple sources.

Their respective contracts expired in late 2016 and they had been working on per appearance deals over the last set of TNA TV tapings. TNA management had attempted to sign the pair to new contracts and according to one source, had agreed to terms with the company only to later inform TNA they would not be signing. So, the pair are already done and will not be working this week's TV tapings. The pair just appeared in the extremely entertaining Allie-Braxton Sutter wedding segment.

Maria Kanellis first broke into the business in 2004 as part of the WWE Diva Search. While she did not win, she impressed the company enough to be signed to a deal and by the end of the year, she was on the company's main roster. She left the company in 2010 and went on to record a musical project before making her way to Ring of Honor after becoming involved with her soon to be husband, Mike Bennett.

Bennett first broke into the business in the New England wrestling scene after being trained by Bob Evans. Bennett was hired by Ring of Honor in 2010. Bennett was initially rejected by the ROH audience but was able to take that rejection and use it to his advantage as he improved as a performer. Maria at his side only added to the heat and the pair soon became a very good act together, working for ROH and New Japan Pro Wrestling.
The couple left ROH at the end of 2015 when the company opted to let their deals lapse, leaving the door open for them to sign with TNA, where Mike was rechristened "Miracle Mike Bennett" and Maria became one of the central figures of the Knockouts division, doing some of her best mic work to date and being the impetus for the Allie character to get over with the audience.

Flash - 3-1-2017 at 10:17 AM

Couple of news items:

*Jericho is scheduled for a full WWE schedule through all of April, including Payback- He's got some Fozzy related touring through May, and the Download festival in early June, but is then expected to rejoin the WWE once that's concluded.

*Shaq versus Big Show at WM may be off- if it's not and the recent comments in the news are being done for feud building then that's a dumb way to go about it... Big Show struck first with some comments about how Shaq wasn't committing properly to their match, citing his frequent stops at Krispy Cr�me. Shaq has said the match probably won't happen, but keeps stressing that it's not because of him. Shaq stresses that outside of a vacation in March, he's working out like the match is going to happen.

The Jericho news is good news in my opinion, and the month and a half or so that'd he'd in theory be off TV is about the right time to sell a major beat down that would put heat on Owens. Assuming they are going to feud at WM, a Payback rematch seems likely, which would then maybe leave a return match once Y2J comes back making for a pretty well built and long standing feud.

The Shaq/Big Show thing seems dodgy... we're what... 32 days out from Mania, so you'd think that all the details, including any Raw lead up appearances would be all sewn up. While the match is apt to be more spectacle than competitive I'm hoping the match happens... Big show has been misused for huge portions of his career, but he's genuinely entertaining and gives it his all no matter how crappy the material he's given (If I never see crying and pleading Big Show for his job I'd be all the happier for it)... it'd be nice for the big guy to get one last big match before he goes off into the sunset (or Hollywood seems plausible).

Honestly I've always thought that Big Show as a GM would be a novel spot for him... he's got the mic' chops and presence that would serve him well in a non-wrestling role, and his sheer size and ability to return to the ring part-time would make him a completely different type of GM... it would beat the usual snivelling heel type we often get.

CCharger - 3-1-2017 at 05:57 PM

* Forbes is reporting that if the Hardyz return to WWE it will not be #Broken. Vince believes the characters and storyline are too "obscure" and "hipster" to connect with WWE fans. Moreover, as another poster pointed out previously, there is legal red tape that WWE does not seem interested in unraveling.

Frankly, if Matt and Jeff can't be #Broken, I'd rather they not return to WWE at all.

SaiyaJinDX - 3-1-2017 at 06:13 PM

Agreed, if they don't come in "Broken" then I have zero interest in the Hardy's. I was tired of them before they made that gimmick change. I hope they continue their procurement of Tag Titles and go to different companies. Or just stick it out in the US and go to ROH. The crowd popped huge for them at Hammerstein when I was there for Final Battle and that was just for a video message. They could just make a smooth transition there, I would think.

But if they do go to WWE... I'd be tempted to stick them in NXT. Maybe that'd be "niche" enough for Vince. The fans there would eat it up and it'd help out the younger talent there. I know it won't happen, but I'd enjoy that if it did.

salmonjunkie - 3-1-2017 at 07:10 PM

Yeah, I don't need the now-older Hardys to just rehash the young Hardy Boyz. It won't work. I'd rather not see them in WWE if they can't be #Broken. If they can do what they're doing in ROH, then great. Hell, if they can make #Broken work in Lucha Underground, that'd be awesome.

edit to clarify:

If they come back to WWE but they can't take the moniker "Broken Matt/Brother Nero" or "Broken Hardys" but can retain the characters, then great. If they can't use "Delete" or "Obsolete", then... I dunno. But what would be funny is if Matt and Jeff can't use them, but the audience uses them anyway?

But yeah, even if they retain the characters, and "Delete" and "obsolete" but don't have the ability to have the situations be as zany as they've been, then I don't see it work on Raw or Smackdown.

[Edited on 3-1-2017 by salmonjunkie]

First 9 - 3-1-2017 at 08:10 PM

Too ''hipster''? Is that why they ripped it off one week later? Jeff Hardy was killing it in 09 before he left so I wouldn't mind if he came back as a top face. He'd do great on RAW as the one top face who actually loses since Rollins and Reigns are so protected or mix it up with Ziggler and Bray on SD.

There's nothing ingenious about the Broken gimmick, it's all execution and performance. If they take away the gimmick but give Matt Jericho-like freedom to do what he wants, he could create something else that gels with WWE. Mick Foley had to do it when he became Mankind instead of debuting as Cactus Jack.

Thom - 3-1-2017 at 08:21 PM

#Damaged Matt Hardy?

janerd75 - 3-1-2017 at 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Thom
#Damaged Matt Hardy?

I'll dissolve off and categorize myself as archaic?

Doesn't really have the same catchy atonal ring, does it?

DevilSoprano - 3-1-2017 at 09:39 PM

Add another to the list of people leaving TNA as Mia Yim/Jade has been announced as leaving.

G-Spot - 3-1-2017 at 11:12 PM

The Broken Hardy's Saga continues as Matt sent a tweet to Kenny Omega leading to speculation they will be headed to Japan...

"Did someone say MAGIC?

Myself & the NEFARIOUS #BrotherNero have eyes on The ELITE & The New Wrestling in Japan.

We'll see you all soon."

Also Reby Hardy stated that Matt would not be willing to drop the Broken gimmick.

Matte - 3-1-2017 at 11:28 PM

Word is that Jack Swagger and WWE have parted ways. Remember that guy?

First 9 - 3-2-2017 at 12:10 AM

I wonder how big of a deal the guy would be on the indies. Former WWE World Champion should get him attention but it's Swagger.

G-Spot - 3-2-2017 at 02:51 AM

TNA is rumored to have locked in contracts for Bobby Lashley, EC3, Moose, Eddie Edwards, Eli Drake, and Davey Richards, but others are not because of the new pay structures, and the word is more will be leaving the company soon.

TNA contracts are now pay per date, instead of pay per episode, so if they record 4 episodes on one date, they will only be paid for that one date. TNA also gets 10% of any booking fees if talent wrestles outside the company, but it has to be approved by TNA first. There are also changes being made to royalty payments as well.

First 9 - 3-2-2017 at 06:32 AM

On one hand, Jesus is that a rough deal for the talent. On the other hand TNA probably was just not financially viable the way it was, with or without good management, and this Anthem just doing what'll keep their new acquisition alive.

Maybe the only way TNA sticks around is to strip it down to near ROH levels in terms of cost and be a cheap way to fill out air time on The Fight Network just like Sinclair does with ROH.

The 10% in outside apperances sounds pretty silly though. Is TNA going to help gte guys booked elsewhere?

G-Spot - 3-2-2017 at 07:49 AM

Originally posted by First 9
On one hand, Jesus is that a rough deal for the talent. On the other hand TNA probably was just not financially viable the way it was, with or without good management, and this Anthem just doing what'll keep their new acquisition alive.

Maybe the only way TNA sticks around is to strip it down to near ROH levels in terms of cost and be a cheap way to fill out air time on The Fight Network just like Sinclair does with ROH.

The 10% in outside apperances sounds pretty silly though. Is TNA going to help gte guys booked elsewhere?

Here's an article about TNA's new owner...

I thought this was interesting...

"I like sports. But I'm not doing this as a wrestling fanatic. It's a business decision," he said. "We want to own content as a company."

The content Anthem offers is starkly different than that of the legacy media that Canwest - which Asper's family built into the biggest media company in Canada at one point, before losing it during the global financial crisis - was made of, in both style and delivery.

Canwest came to it's ultimate demise "unfairly," he said. " I just think the idea (this time) was to try to do it again, on my terms."

Zeyes - 3-2-2017 at 09:18 AM

Originally posted by G-Spot
TNA is rumored to have locked in contracts (...)

Since it's TNA, I couldn't help mentally completing that with "...and now they can't get them back out".

Originally posted by G-Spot
TNA contracts are now pay per date, instead of pay per episode, so if they record 4 episodes on one date, they will only be paid for that one date.

Pretty safe bet that that will affect the booking and result in them trying to get by with the minimum number of performers on each shooting date and having each of them work as many matches/episodes as possible. Whether that's good or bad for the on-screen product...

With that structure in place, if I was a performer lower down the card, I'd worry that TNA might end up not using you much at all even though they've signed you, basically making you ride the bench unless they need you to fill in for a bigger name that's unavailable.

[Edited on 3-2-2017 by Zeyes]

Count Zero - 3-2-2017 at 10:04 AM

I didn't realize that Izzy Asper's kid was running TNA. That shows you how little attention I was paying to the deal.

The "kid" in question took Canada's second biggest private broadcaster from the penthouse to the poorhouse in roughly a decade. He got caught up in trying to fill the 500-channel universe with as many channels as they could churn out, and lost the company because it was so far in debt.

From "Media Player of the Year" (not Windows Media Player, but "he's a big player in this industry) in 2007, to "Canwest's debt load resulted in breaches of certain covenants in its loan documents and led to a filing under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) in September 2009." (source: wikipedia's article on Mr Leonard Asper, the 'kid' I keep talking about).

If anybody's interested in further reading, here y'are:

denverpunk - 3-2-2017 at 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Word is that Jack Swagger and WWE have parted ways. Remember that guy?

Man, I can't remember a champ going to afterthought harder than Swagger. Had a world champ leaving a company ever garnered less press or interest?

Count Zero - 3-2-2017 at 11:19 PM

I honestly don't remember which "World Champion" he was. Raw or SD? I know he had the ECW title at one point, I think? (Okay, I just checked wiki, and it was the Big Gold Belt.)

This is part of the 'brand extension/split' problem, especially when the WWE tends to put more emphasis on one side or the other based on who has which belt. Champions become afterthoughts.

anglefan85 - 3-2-2017 at 11:59 PM

Originally posted by First 9
On one hand, Jesus is that a rough deal for the talent. On the other hand TNA probably was just not financially viable the way it was, with or without good management, and this Anthem just doing what'll keep their new acquisition alive.

Maybe the only way TNA sticks around is to strip it down to near ROH levels in terms of cost and be a cheap way to fill out air time on The Fight Network just like Sinclair does with ROH.

The 10% in outside apperances sounds pretty silly though. Is TNA going to help gte guys booked elsewhere?

You would think so. Unfortunately....well...I'll just leave this here.;=456

[Edited on 3-2-2017 by anglefan85]

First 9 - 3-3-2017 at 12:20 AM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Man, I can't remember a champ going to afterthought harder than Swagger. Had a world champ leaving a company ever garnered less press or interest?

Khali? 07-10 was rough.

CCharger - 3-3-2017 at 01:41 AM

* There is talk of re-shuffling the RAW and Smackdown Live rosters after Wrestlemania through a draft.

* Alberto Del Rio was set to make his debut in TNA at this week's tapings, but the Jeff Jarrett/Bruce Pritchard/Dutch Mantell braintrust deemed him too old and expensive and cancelled his booking

* More TNA news, the long term plan is to get younger. This will allow them to purge the older, more expensive established stars while "re-booting" storylines with newer characters

* WWE is still currently negotiating with the indies in the UK - most prominently Insane Championship Wrestling - but Vince is waffling on whether they will pull the trigger. The idea is to have UK indies and later on US indies provide Network content for a nominal fee. WWE is floating the idea that these small companies will get massive exposure, while Vince will pay next to nothing for content, but then increase the monthly fee.

[Edited on 3-3-2017 by CCharger]

coxito - 3-3-2017 at 01:53 AM

Originally posted by CCharger

* Alberto Del Rio was set to make his debut in TNA at this week's tapings, but the Jeff Jarrett/Bruce Pritchard/Dutch Mantell braintrust deemed him too old and expensive and cancelled his booking

Not so much...

Paige is backstage as well, good luck in your future endeavors lady.

CCharger - 3-3-2017 at 01:57 AM

Originally posted by coxito
Originally posted by CCharger

* Alberto Del Rio was set to make his debut in TNA at this week's tapings, but the Jeff Jarrett/Bruce Pritchard/Dutch Mantell braintrust deemed him too old and expensive and cancelled his booking

Not so much...

Paige is backstage as well, good luck in your future endeavors lady.

HAHAHA...yeah, guess that fucks that rumor up, eh?

Paddlefoot - 3-3-2017 at 01:59 AM

Yeah, there's a reason to hate dirtsheets, like for when they change their minds about an hour or so after their last bit of "breaking newz". Sigh.

Exciting night ...

— Ed Nordholm (@EdNordholm) March 2, 2017

Hopefully Paige isn't that dumb to be caught in a Robbie The Highlander moment, especially when she and her family are looking at making a lot of money with WWE's help from that film Rock is making about them.

salmonjunkie - 3-3-2017 at 02:11 AM

Originally posted by coxito

Best thing about that link:

New Impact logo that isn't completely stupid.

[Edited on 3-3-2017 by salmonjunkie]

anglefan85 - 3-3-2017 at 03:54 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Yeah, there's a reason to hate dirtsheets, like for when they change their minds about an hour or so after their last bit of "breaking newz". Sigh.

Exciting night ...

— Ed Nordholm (@EdNordholm) March 2, 2017

Hopefully Paige isn't that dumb to be caught in a Robbie The Highlander moment, especially when she and her family are looking at making a lot of money with WWE's help from that film Rock is making about them.

She's backstage right now. If we found out about this, the WWE is definitely gonna hear about it.

Dammit Paige!

bigfatgoalie - 3-3-2017 at 04:28 AM

And Alberto wins the Impact title...because #loltna

Paddlefoot - 3-3-2017 at 04:48 AM

What's The Pale Queen Britney Night doing in the Anthem Zone, Josh?!?!?

CCharger - 3-3-2017 at 02:34 PM

* Expect Luke Harper to re-align with Bray Wyatt along with Erick Rowan to re-form the Wyatt Family prior to Wrestlemania as way to counter Orton

* One reason the Hardyz left TNA was because the request for complete creative control over their characters was refused. And now they want to go to WWE where the phrase "complete creative control" does nothing but causes sideways glances and giggles?

* Vince is STILL not settled on how to finish Reigns vs. Braun, and most of the Wrestlemania card is still up in the air at this point

First 9 - 3-3-2017 at 06:02 PM

Makes sense. If The Hardyz can't do their wacky promos then why not just go back to WWE and make money.

punkerhardcore - 3-3-2017 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

* Vince is STILL not settled on how to finish Reigns vs. Braun

Doesn't surprise me one bit. That match must be like Sophie's fucking Choice for Vince. I'm anticipating some sort of double DQ, or similar finish so neither guy has to lose.

williamssl - 3-3-2017 at 06:30 PM

Undertaker shows up. Something something. DQ or double countout or ??? Both look 'strong' because no one eats a pinfall.

williamssl - 3-3-2017 at 06:30 PM

EDIT: I swear I only hit "enter" once"

[Edited on 3-3-2017 by williamssl]

williamssl - 3-3-2017 at 06:30 PM

EDIT: see above

[Edited on 3-3-2017 by williamssl]

williamssl - 3-3-2017 at 06:30 PM

EDIT: whatever 'safeguard' that makes it so you can only post once every 30 seconds obviously was taking a nap.

[Edited on 3-3-2017 by williamssl]

williamssl - 3-3-2017 at 06:30 PM

EDIT: my post count is lots higher.

[Edited on 3-3-2017 by williamssl]

williamssl - 3-3-2017 at 06:30 PM

EDIT: now much higher +1

[Edited on 3-3-2017 by williamssl]

williamssl - 3-3-2017 at 06:30 PM

EDIT: Basically what I'm saying then is....Undertaker shows up. Something something. DQ or double countout or ??? Both look 'strong' because no one eats a pinfall.

[Edited on 3-3-2017 by williamssl]

CCharger - 3-3-2017 at 08:09 PM

Sorry, williamssl, I'm not really following what you're trying to say.

Can you post it again?

janerd75 - 3-3-2017 at 08:50 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
EDIT: Basically what I'm saying then is....Undertaker shows up. Something something. DQ or double countout or ??? Both look 'strong' because no one eats a pinfall.

[Edited on 3-3-2017 by williamssl]

bigfatgoalie - 3-3-2017 at 10:48 PM

Triple H is advertised as teaming with Samoa Joe & Kevin Owens to go up against Chris Jericho & Finn Balor & Sami Zayn at a bunch of house shows.

Not sure if this is going to lead to any matches at Mania outside of Owens vs Jericho (sadly...JeriKO was broken up too soon) but Balor/Sami vs Triple H/Joe could work out. Doubly so if Owen retains on Sunday and Balor is denied a shot at KO by Trips because Balor is injury pone just like Rollins.

Or it could just be Triple H working off ring rust for a bigger match. If everything is up in the air maybe Vince goes 100% Hardy and decides on Triple H vs Taker yet again.

First 9 - 3-3-2017 at 11:16 PM

Those six man tags sound amazing. Assuming Rollins is clear, I think we get KO vs Jericho, HHH vs Rollins, Joe vs Balor, and Zayn joins a multiman match.

Katie Vick killer - 3-4-2017 at 03:35 AM

Fastlane Pick 'em thread is up in the games section for those who are keen to play.

Not really a rumour.

Flash - 3-4-2017 at 06:25 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Originally posted by CCharger

* Vince is STILL not settled on how to finish Reigns vs. Braun

Doesn't surprise me one bit. That match must be like Sophie's fucking Choice for Vince. I'm anticipating some sort of double DQ, or similar finish so neither guy has to lose.

Since Rusev is apt to be relegated to the Andre Battle Royale or left off he card altogether maybe we get some kind of run in attack which see's the two faces team up and stand tall at the end; or maybe they just work Rusev right into the match and make it a three way... Reigns get's his strong spots, Taker gets the pin to pop the crowd.

Honestly Taker has looked old as hell, and seriously lacking in the mobility department in the last couple of runs he's had- he's going in there with a guy who can do better than just be carried to a good match, but doesn't inspire you with thoughts that this will be anything more than big spot, lay around for a few minutes, repeat a few times.... putting a third guy in there would cover a lot of blemishes in this one, and solve their problem of wanting to protect both guys.

GodEatGod - 3-4-2017 at 08:24 AM

Three way UT/Roman/Strowman at WM works for me. Roman fluke pins Strowman on Sunday, Strowman starts annihilating Reigns, Taker saves. Leads to Roman being the "I don't need your help, dead man" tweener - and puts him in there to bump around for both of the other guys at Wrestlemania and keep the match lively.

the goon - 3-4-2017 at 09:11 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Three way UT/Roman/Strowman at WM works for me.

The thought of those three in a match has crossed my mind, even though non-title triple threat matches are pretty rare (if not non-existent) at WrestleMania. But Braun currently has no program heading into Mania, so Taker interfering on Sunday and drawing the ire of both guys could be a way to get him involved in the presumed Taker/Reigns program.

Paddlefoot - 3-5-2017 at 06:59 AM

* looks like the Hardys have officially landed at ROH for the time being. Great vid clip attached with a "FUCK TNA!" chant.

the goon - 3-5-2017 at 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* looks like the Hardys have officially landed at ROH for the time being. Great vid clip attached with a "FUCK TNA!" chant.

Anytime I watch something like that, I still feel like I'm in some bizarre alternate reality where Matt Hardy is the more charismatic and over Hardy brother.

Count Zero - 3-5-2017 at 10:46 AM

To be fair to Matt, his "Matt Hardy V.1" character was pretty over. Mattitude even got Shannon Moore a regular pop. Matt Facts were so awesome that they even tried to recycle them with Curt Hawkins.

Jeff didn't really get himself over, it just sort of happened because girls were squeeeing and the Undertaker gave him a Respect Handshake. Oh, and he liked to dive off things like some kind of crazy methed-up bungee jumper with no tether.

the goon - 3-6-2017 at 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
To be fair to Matt, his "Matt Hardy V.1" character was pretty over. Mattitude even got Shannon Moore a regular pop. Matt Facts were so awesome that they even tried to recycle them with Curt Hawkins.

Jeff didn't really get himself over, it just sort of happened because girls were squeeeing and the Undertaker gave him a Respect Handshake. Oh, and he liked to dive off things like some kind of crazy methed-up bungee jumper with no tether.

I guess it's more just the fact that Matt has had this crazy renaissance and is arguably more over than he's ever been this late in his career, after being overshadowed by Jeff for most of it (I mean, how many wrestlers find their most popular gimmick at age 42?). I think most of us had written him off and it basically seemed like he was semi-retired at one point, so to see Matt mega-over in 2016/2017 and Jeff as kind of his sidekick is just surprising and a little surreal.

Paddlefoot - 3-6-2017 at 12:32 AM

The main thing about it was that it was so much damn fun while it lasted, the way wrasslin' is supposed to be. Like who could be such an unheralded genius to think up something like saving his brother from his ADDEECTION! by having him spar with a boxing kangaroo?

A lot of people are also giving Jeremy Borash the credit he deserves for handling most of the production duties for the Hardys over the last year. Like he's shown many times over the years in numerous TNA stories Borash has been an integral part in the things TNA managed to do right. I don't know if he'd survive in the larger corporate culture there, or even wants to work for them, but if the opportunity presents itself WWE wouldn't hurt themselves by giving him a shot. Get him on production and work with the road agents just to see what kind of magic might be lying there under the surface with a wrestler who, just like the Hardys, no one would ever expect it from.

bopol - 3-6-2017 at 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
To be fair to Matt, his "Matt Hardy V.1" character was pretty over. Mattitude even got Shannon Moore a regular pop. Matt Facts were so awesome that they even tried to recycle them with Curt Hawkins.

Jeff didn't really get himself over, it just sort of happened because girls were squeeeing and the Undertaker gave him a Respect Handshake. Oh, and he liked to dive off things like some kind of crazy methed-up bungee jumper with no tether.

I always thought that Matt Hardy understood wrestling better (how to get over). The only time I remembered him fucking up was the Lita/Edge thing, but I'm not sure it hurt him in the end and maybe even helped him. He understood social media long before anyone at the WWE did.

I agree on Jeff. He had the girls going 'oooo' and screaching for him like the new Ricky Morton. He was pure, 100% spot monkey, which worked fine as a tag team, but I always found that he didn't get the wrestling aspect on the mic or ring psychology.

Count Zero - 3-6-2017 at 04:22 AM

To go batshit crazy with the joke, I propose the following (bad, but at least not car) analogy:

Matt is a great 'character actor' who can be zany if the role calls for it, and more down-to-earth when that fits the needs. Jack Black-Hardy, if you weeel.

Jeff is that fringe 'artiste' who was not very good at acting, but was interesting when the circumstances around him just let him be him-crazy-self. The Russell Brand of wrestling, perhaps?

First 9 - 3-6-2017 at 10:33 PM

Matt was neck and neck with Jeff in 07 as he also got big pops, moved merch and involved in SD's 2nd biggest story. Then his appendix exploded and it was all downhill. He returned in bad shape, moving slower, less confident on the mic, and ending up turning into ''Fatt Hardy''.

gobbledygooker - 3-6-2017 at 10:55 PM

My brother and I were talking about this last night and how freakin' MINDBLOWING this career renaissance has been for Matt and, by proxy, for Jeff. I mean, I was even thinking back to Matt's completely lackluster run in ROH back in, what, 2010 or so? Which segued into his lackluster return to TNA and Big Money Matt, etc. (although he did win the title which isn't saying a whole lot). It's just amazing in this business how someone can strike gold out of nowhere, no matter how much you think they're counted out.

Count Zero - 3-6-2017 at 11:15 PM

Memberberries time!

I 'member when people were making fun of Matt & Reby for posting 'crazy' pictures on twitter. Now Queen Rebecca & Broken Matt are getting paid 'mad' bank (haha synonyms are fun!) for doing that same kinda crazy (admittedly with more clothes on, but still).

We, the people, (shout out to Future Endeavored Swagger) are a fickle lot.

CCharger - 3-7-2017 at 04:39 PM

* There is apparently huge heat on Konnan at Impact Wrestling because he was late for the taping and then was a huge dick to everyone including screaming at some of the younger wrestlers. One Impact official was quoted as saying that he "needs to learn that he can't treat the talent here like he does in Mexico".

* The Hardy's deal with ROH is only short term and ROH will only use them to elevate the Young Bucks whereas Bully Ray's deal is long term. Expect the Hardy's to go to New Japan after that rather than WWE.

* The long rumored Shaq/Big Show match for Wrestlemania appears to be on again. Orginally, Shaq blamed the WWE for not getting back to him in time. Big Show blames Shaq for being "too fat". The dirt sheetz are saying it's because Shaq was supposed to pin Show, but with Show's new physique and rejuvenated reaction from the fans, Vince changed those plans. Shaq didn't want to lose and backed out allegedly. However, today on a podcast Shaq said that he spoke with the WWE recently and negotiations are back on for the match.

ETA: There's a bit of a buzz that Vader's recent announcement of health problems was merely a ruse to gather sympathy for a WWE HOF induction. Now that his induction this year seems unlikely, he has begun to accept indie bookings.

[Edited on 3-7-2017 by CCharger]

Katie Vick killer - 3-8-2017 at 03:19 AM

Marty Jannetty is claiming he has had an offer to do porno.
$150K for 3 movies.

janerd75 - 3-8-2017 at 03:38 AM

Originally posted by Katie Vick killer

Marty Jannetty is claiming he has had an offer to do porno.
$150K for 3 movies.

May as well review his thought process too. Behold:

"To all my ninjas, I want y'alls advice..just got a call..$150,000 for 3 movies...porno movies..cant say the name but, they're big company...Im thinking my bruh Snoop had something to do with this.. check this though, I'd get to tear up some beautiful b*tches, but, as my brother said, my family could see thought is, why is my family watching porno then gonna judge me? What do y'all think on that?" - M. Jannetty

If Shawn's prayers for him didn't work, I suppose the next best thing Marty can do is take his advice on technique.

Slade - 3-8-2017 at 11:14 AM

If the offer is real, then I have no doubt that Marty will take it as he'll earn more money from appearing in those three films this year than he's probably earned over the last ten years combined.

G-Spot - 3-8-2017 at 06:41 PM

Following up from the Smackdown thread, on the 3/7 Talking Smack, Miz said to Daniel Bryan that he (Bryan) can't wrestle because of his head, to which Bryan replied, "I can't...or they won't let me? We'll see in a year and half and see what happens."

CCHarger then noted how at the end of the episode, Renee asked, "What's the deal?" and he replies, "I wish I could say more."

The dirtsheets are now saying Bryan's contract runs out in a year and a half and because outside doctors have cleared him already, while WWE docs refuse to, he will leave and wrestle in the indies. Maybe this is a sly "threat" to the WWE since they do not want to lose Bryan, and he can get them to finally relent and let him wrestle again?

[Edited on 3-8-2017 by G-Spot]

Matte - 3-9-2017 at 07:29 AM

Wrestling Observer is reporting that Kairi Hojo has signed a three-year WWE contract. Io Shirai is again considering signing.

First 9 - 3-9-2017 at 09:27 PM

For what's it worth, Meltzer claims this is all because Bryan is such a high profile star and it's been noticeable injuries and that there are guys in worse condition wrestling under the normal, hectic WWE schedule.

I don't think we'll see the return of Best Technical Wrestler in the World but Bryan being the most over guy in WWE(he still gets a bigger reaction than anybody else) can probably wrestle a toned down style in other promotions.

Chris Is Good517 - 3-9-2017 at 11:31 PM

Lots of current rumors swirling about that Nakamura won't be coming up right after Mania but will get drafted onto the main roster when they do the draft early in the summer.

CCharger - 3-10-2017 at 12:21 AM

More on the Daniel Bryan rumors per the Wrestling Observer:

* Meltzer notes that Bryan said in an interview with Jonathan Coachman last September that every concussion specialist he has met with has cleared him, but it was one test that forced him to retire. However, he said that after researching that one test, he now believes that it shouldn't have held as much credibility as it did.

* Meltzer is reporting that Bryan "was rushed" by Vince to make the retirement speech and Bryan has regretted it ever since and has become resentful towards the front office because of it.

* Meltzer is also reporting that Bryan continues to train and is in better ring shape now than when he last wrestled. He reports that Bryan has worked hard to alter his style to protect his head while still being hard hitting. Reportedly, Bryan would use a more ground-based, grappling, submission style while eschewing the high-flying bumps.

* Bryan has openly expressed the most interest in wrestling for CMLL where he wants to work a angle leading to a hair vs. beard match for CMLL's anniversary show in September 2018. New Japan is also a possible destination.

* Bryan's contract is no longer "frozen" because he is an ongoing, on-screen character and his contract with WWE expires in the summer of 2018 at which point he will be free to walk away from WWE immediately to wrestle elsewhere. Bryan has requested his release frequently in the last year and Vince has not even entertained the idea.

* Meltzer reports that WWE is expected to throw big money at Bryan to stay, but Bryan is a guy who is not motivated by money and he is expected to not re-sign with WWE.

* Meltzer reports that Bryan is "determined to wrestling again" and is "going to do what few would do" meaning walk away from a huge money contract to wrestle somewhere other than the WWE.

Now, say what you want about Meltzer, but this reports are rather specific, so if none of this comes to pass, Meltzer looks like a huge dumbass. Seems unlikely to me that he would be so detailed in this report if he wasn't confident that it was true.

First 9 - 3-10-2017 at 12:32 AM

It's the WWE machine, that can all be true but WWE could still find a way to keep Bryan. His family's tv show could be in for an awkward situation as they'd essentially be forced to show and promote a CMLL/NJPW star unless they cut out Brie Bella's life which would mean cut out her pay and hurt her brand. Or send him down to NXT for tag team matches and Goldberg-like bumpless singles matches.

He's the most over performer they have, this isn't another midcarder leaving for greener pastures this is the modern version of Randy Savage leaving to WCW because Vince wouldn't put him back in the ring.

CCharger - 3-10-2017 at 12:44 AM

Originally posted by First 9
It's the WWE machine, that can all be true but WWE could still find a way to keep Bryan. .

And yet, all Bryan has to do is say, "No." and walk away. As Meltzer said few guys do that, but Bryan is one of those guys who could have Vince offer him everything but the kitchen sink and still say, "No, thanks, I just want to wrestle again."

Now, maybe Vince caves a bit and allows Bryan to wrestle four or five times a year for special events. Maybe he gives him a Brock Lesnar like deal. But let's remember that Vince and StepHHH never really bought into Bryan as a "Face of the Company" level star. So, maybe their thinking would be along the lines of "Fine. Let him go wrestle luchadores in Mexico for $100 K a year. We've got other guys who can be Daniel Bryan."

bigfatgoalie - 3-10-2017 at 12:45 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Now, say what you want about Meltzer, but this reports are rather specific, so if none of this comes to pass, Meltzer looks like a huge dumbass. Seems unlikely to me that he would be so detailed in this report if he wasn't confident that it was true.

Seems to me like a lot of previous speculation, a sprinkle of common sense (WWE will try and resign Bryan??? Wow...that's shocking), and a slice of hot take.

Does Bryan want to wrestle again? No doubt he does.

Is Bryan healthy? Maybe?

Can people work a protected style? Sure...fucking Bret Hart has "wrestled" in multiple matches post stroke. But look at what started Bret on his spiral of bad health...a botched super kick. A ground style from Bryan isn't going to eliminate all bumps. Could it work? Sure.

But I'd counter everything with this....

The WWE is repeatedly letting Bryan tease his return. Vince is a notorious control freak. There's just as much a chance that Smarks are being worked as there is Bryan will wrestle outside the WWE ever again.


Can we stop the Vince never bought in to Bryan crap? They built a Mania around him winning the title. The next year they positioned him in the same roll as JOHN CENA with the IC title. They have him in the same position as Mick Foley. He's been featured on multiple E! reality shows.

The WWE sees value in Bryan Danielson. Pretending they don't is fucking obtuse.

[Edited on 3-9-2017 by bigfatgoalie]

Flash - 3-10-2017 at 02:41 AM

Likely a big part of the WWE benching Bryan is the ongoing lawsuits they have with those 52 former wrestlers (both class actions, and their own suits). While at the heart of these suits is just how informed former talent was (despite many of them wrestling the majority of their careers elsewhere or still wrestling), and that would be easily deflected in the case of Bryan, the optics would be bad, and the lawyer heading the class action suit Konstantine Kyros, has a history of grabbing any headline he can.

Cherokee Jack - 3-10-2017 at 04:45 AM

Can we stop the Vince never bought in to Bryan crap? They built a Mania around him winning the title.
That only happened at the last minute when Vince was staring down the barrel of his WM30 main event getting completely booed out of the building. They never intended him to be in the main event, I believe the original plan was that he was going to wrestle Sheamus in a meaningless singles match somewhere in the middle of the show.

Oh, and after that Mania he was immediately put into a feud with Kane while Evolution vs. The Shield was presented as the real top story on the shows.
The next year they positioned him in the same roll as JOHN CENA with the IC title.
John Cena ended Rusev's year long undefeated streak. Bryan won an eight-man ladder clusterfuck featuring R-Truth and Stardust. Not exactly the same level.
They have him in the same position as Mick Foley.
Namely, as supporting, non-wrestling characters.
He's been featured on multiple E! reality shows.
Because he happens to be married to one of the real stars of those shows.

I'll never say that they don't see any value in Bryan. Clearly they do, or they wouldn't have hired him (or called him up, or hired him again after the tie thing). But come on, you can't tell me that they ever really saw him as a top guy. All that "you're a B-Plus" talk always felt like more than just a line in a script, and the way they booked him bore that out.

[Edited on 3-10-2017 by Cherokee Jack]

First 9 - 3-10-2017 at 05:23 AM

In what might become yet another lifeline that keeps the TNA guys(Impact! Now) alive, ITV is negotiating with Anthem for a new tv show. They want wrestling but don't want the hassle of actually running a wrestling promotion. So they basically want a Lucha Underground-type deal.

This could end up as a simple win/win. A lot of the guys in the Impact roster bounce around other promotions after tapings so they likely could balance out Impact tapings with tapings over the UK(as long as Anthem aren't cheap fucks) and with how well wrestling is doing in the UK, they could draw good crowds and the whole endeavor could make money for everybody. Anthem could fuck up and not make it past the negotation phase but I really hope this all work outs.

GodEatGod - 3-10-2017 at 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
Can we stop the Vince never bought in to Bryan crap? They built a Mania around him winning the title.
That only happened at the last minute when Vince was staring down the barrel of his WM30 main event getting completely booed out of the building. They never intended him to be in the main event, I believe the original plan was that he was going to wrestle Sheamus in a meaningless singles match somewhere in the middle of the show.

Oh, and after that Mania he was immediately put into a feud with Kane while Evolution vs. The Shield was presented as the real top story on the shows.
[Edited on 3-10-2017 by Cherokee Jack]

Which would be the moment when Vince was fully convinced that Bryan was a top guy. If they weren't convinced by that, they could've put him in the spot and yet not had him go over. The Kane feud was clearly a placeholder feud and Bryan was likely being set up to hold the belt until BROCK at Summerslam.

Should they have been convinced sooner? Probably, but I think their reluctance to put him in that WM had less to do with Bryan himself and much more to do with them having already pre-planned the Batista-Orton main event far in advance and being stubborn about it. In part because of promises made to Batista to bring him back that they more or less had to renege on because the scrappy, goat-faced indie guy suddenly got uber popular and ate his push.

And Shield/Evolution -was- the biggest story on the show, rightfully so, and was an awesome little feud that created the biggest heel turn in the last decade.

Gobshite - 3-10-2017 at 03:10 PM

WWE's next U.K. championship TV tapings have been set- Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th May at the Epic TV studios in Norwich. This is where WAW, owned by Paige's family, do their TV tapings. It has a capacity of about 1500 so they'll be going for that NXT / Blackpool show vibe.

Announced for the shows: Akira Tozawa, Brian Kendrick, TJ Perkins, Tony Nese, Tyler Bate, Trent Severn,
Mark Andrews, Pete Dunne, and Wolfgang, plus a few others...

I expect they can tape six to eight weeks of TV in one weekend; so this will likely become a network show after May.

CamstunPWG187 - 3-10-2017 at 05:01 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
...... because the scrappy, goat-faced indie guy suddenly got uber popular and ate his push.

Bryan getting over wasn't sudden, and started two years before WM30.

Why do you think Batista was so pissed, anyways? It was because he was promised the belt because WWE never originally planned on Bryan staying in the main event or staying over with the fans.

Batista was supposed to win at Wrestlemania in what I imagine was going to be a barn burner with Orton.

CCharger - 3-10-2017 at 07:24 PM

Batista is on record blasting the decision to bring him back as a babyface. He has said it is the reason his run there was so short. He was disgusted with how the entire thing was booked.

G. Jonah Jameson - 3-11-2017 at 03:41 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Which would be the moment when Vince was fully convinced that Bryan was a top guy. If they weren't convinced by that, they could've put him in the spot and yet not had him go over. The Kane feud was clearly a placeholder feud and Bryan was likely being set up to hold the belt until BROCK at Summerslam.

Should they have been convinced sooner? Probably, but I think their reluctance to put him in that WM had less to do with Bryan himself and much more to do with them having already pre-planned the Batista-Orton main event far in advance and being stubborn about it. In part because of promises made to Batista to bring him back that they more or less had to renege on because the scrappy, goat-faced indie guy suddenly got uber popular and ate his push.

And Shield/Evolution -was- the biggest story on the show, rightfully so, and was an awesome little feud that created the biggest heel turn in the last decade.

WWE clearly saw Daniel Bryan as a top guy prior to the fans' rebellion against the planned Randy Orton-Batista Wrestlemania main event. Otherwise, they wouldn't have had him beat John Cena clean for the WWE Title in the main event of Summerslam seven months prior. Everything about the booking of his subsequent feud with Orton suggests that the plan was for him to win the Royal Rumble, then thunder back to beat Orton at Wrestlemania. In the meantime, WWE could unify the two world titles with a match between Orton and John Cena, its two biggest stars of the past decade.

Then, when WWE realized they could bring Batista back into the fold, they decided he was a better bet for that big 'Mania payday, as he was a much more proven commodity than Bryan, and he was about to star in a huge blockbuster superhero movie. It wasn't about not trusting Bryan, it was about thinking Batista would make a bigger impact, which, at least on paper, he should have. And look, swapping out Bryan for Batista was a stupid and tone-deaf thing to do, and they should have known better, but it's not because of any problem they had with Bryan.

And the Kane feud is a silly thing to use as an example. The one PPV Bryan had as champion, he and Kane main-evented over the Shield-Evolution match. The Shield-Evolution feud wasn't promoted as more important than the Bryan-Kane feud, it's just remember more fondly because it was booked way better. The writing for Kane was terrible, as was the involvement of Brie Bella as B horror movie final girl, while the Evolution feud elevated the Shield to even greater heights and led to its individual members becoming big stars who would all be world champions in the next two years.

Originally posted by CCharger
Batista is on record blasting the decision to bring him back as a babyface. He has said it is the reason his run there was so short. He was disgusted with how the entire thing was booked.

I've heard of Batista making this claim before, and every time I've thought he was full of shit. One of the biggest stars of the original brand split era, about to be a focal point of Guardians of the Galaxy, and he thinks crowds were going to be hot to boo him? Bring him back for literally anything other than a scenario in which he usurps Bryan's main-event title push, and he gets a monster pop. I mean, Orton was champion, and you know he was going to hold it until Wrestlemania, and even though the on-screen groundwork hadn't been laid yet, Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker was definitely planned for 'Mania. So who does Batista expect us to believe he, as a heel, was going to feud with? Cena, who he'd already feuded with multiple times? CM Punk, who definitely would have had a 'Mania date with Triple H had he stuck around long enough? Maybe Sheamus, but that match would have been, at best, fifth from the top, behind Orton-Bryan, Punk-HHH, Lesnar-'Taker and Cena's match, whoever his opponent may be. Bullshit. Batista was A-OK with challenging Orton for the title, he just didn't expect to be overshadowed by Bryan.

CamstunPWG187 - 3-11-2017 at 05:21 AM

Yeah, Batista's silence and suspiciously and usually never using Bryan's name during interviews always led me to believe that was all bullshit about him thinking he shoulda been a heel.

Gobshite - 3-11-2017 at 10:54 AM

So...WWE's twitter acknowledged the fact that Balor returned to action last night at a house show in Buffalo. He, Jericho & Zayn beat Owens, Joe and HHH. Jericho pinned Owens for the win.

Does this mean we can expect him back on Raw this week? Maybe inject himself in the Rollins/HHH/Joe angle to even the numbers?

nOOb - 3-11-2017 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson

WWE clearly saw Daniel Bryan as a top guy prior to the fans' rebellion against the planned Randy Orton-Batista Wrestlemania main event. Otherwise, they wouldn't have had him beat John Cena clean for the WWE Title in the main event of Summerslam seven months prior. Everything about the booking of his subsequent feud with Orton suggests that the plan was for him to win the Royal Rumble, then thunder back to beat Orton at Wrestlemania. In the meantime, WWE could unify the two world titles with a match between Orton and John Cena, its two biggest stars of the past decade.

The problem is that seven months after that victory at Summerslam, John Cena was still supposed to be injured. But he did what John Cena always does and pulled off a recovery that seems to defy any sort of medical explanation. And then, all of a sudden, WWE had a healthy John Cena with no title, a Randy Orton that had already inexplicably moved to a feud with Big Show because Bryan's "beef" was now a general one with the the Authority, and a Batista that was interested in making a return.

Maybe this was a master plan that was plotted from the beginning, but I kinda doubt it because of the variables that popped up when they did. People didn't even know Batista would wind up being Drax at that point, or that Guardians of the Galaxy would be a huge success and not a moderately successful fringe title like people seemed to think looking at the cast. If they did, WWE would have had him come back sooner and win the title twice. Hell, maybe if Cena stayed hurt the medically expected amount of time instead of coming back after 3 months at full strength, the titles would never have been unified, Bryan would be World champ to Orton's WWE champ, and we'd get Cena/Bryan 2 and Orton/Batista at Mania. And that's not even counting Punk quitting after the Rumble.

That was just a period with a lot of moving parts, people quitting, and an injury to a guy who may or may not even be human and instead a Westworld robot, and those are situations WWE does not excel in. I think every single part of it was "on the fly", and maybe in the end they did get to where they planned on getting. But probably not. But maybe.

First 9 - 3-11-2017 at 09:56 PM

So TNA is now costing other promotions money. They are threatening to sue any cable providers that show the Broken Hardyz and Dish Network didn't air a ROH ppv due to it.

Gobshite - 3-11-2017 at 10:32 PM

The fact that TNA / Anthem think they have a leg to stand on when Hardy has been selling Broken Hardy merchandise outside of TNA for ages makes me LOLTNA.

So what exactly is it they think they own? As far as I'm aware The Hardys didn't use the word Delete or Broken on the show... Matthew and Jeffrey Hardy are their actual names...

I had hoped the new management would be a bit more professional. Seems not.

[Edited on 3-11-2017 by Gobshite]

Flash - 3-12-2017 at 08:01 AM

Leg to stand on or not, this is the first message that Anthem is sending to their fans and potential talent that will one day decide whether or not to work for them.... not good.

Zeyes - 3-12-2017 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
I had hoped the new management would be a bit more professional. Seems not.

Shoddily run companies rarely attract interest by actual professionals. Doesn't surprise me at all that the new owners have the same bush league tendencies as Dixie et al. did, even if they do have (presumably) deeper pockets.

Paddlefoot - 3-12-2017 at 07:44 PM

Leave it to what-was-once-TNA to actually manage to make Dixie Carter into the lesser evil. Must be a Florida thing, to persistently and successfully do the exact opposite of anything normal or decent.

denverpunk - 3-12-2017 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Leave it to what-was-once-TNA to actually manage to make Dixie Carter into the lesser evil. Must be a Florida thing, to persistently and successfully do the exact opposite of anything normal or decent.

Quoted for truth, which is why I left.

Count Zero - 3-12-2017 at 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Zeyes
Originally posted by Gobshite
I had hoped the new management would be a bit more professional. Seems not.

Shoddily run companies rarely attract interest by actual professionals. Doesn't surprise me at all that the new owners have the same bush league tendencies as Dixie et al. did, even if they do have (presumably) deeper pockets.
Seriously. Leonard Asper is a 52-year-old kid who thinks he's still playing with Daddy's Money. Read his wikipedia bio for more details, but basically he's Dixie-with-a-dix.

[Edited on 3-12-2017 by Count Zero]

Sam Is Neat - 3-13-2017 at 01:53 AM

I mean...I think we all root for Matt and Jeff to continue doing what they do, outside of Impact, but Anthem also has to try and protect what they are claiming is their I.P., right?

I don't really blame them for trying to stop Matt and Jeff from bringing the gimmick/angle that they developed while in Impact, on Impact's television show, and taking it to ROH, WWE or any other wrestling promotion that has a television presence, nationally.

If they don't at least try, then a dangerous precedent is set and it becomes harder to stop more obvious cases in the future, should they appear.

Paddlefoot - 3-13-2017 at 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero

Seriously. Leonard Asper is a 52-year-old kid who thinks he's still playing with Daddy's Money. Read his wikipedia bio for more details, but basically he's Dixie-with-a-dix.

For those unfamiliar with the Canadian scene the Asper's were also among the biggest of the Liberal Party bagmen back in the Chretien days. It was a whole lot of laughs going on back then.

First 9 - 3-13-2017 at 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
I mean...I think we all root for Matt and Jeff to continue doing what they do, outside of Impact, but Anthem also has to try and protect what they are claiming is their I.P., right?

I don't really blame them for trying to stop Matt and Jeff from bringing the gimmick/angle that they developed while in Impact, on Impact's television show, and taking it to ROH, WWE or any other wrestling promotion that has a television presence, nationally.

If they don't at least try, then a dangerous precedent is set and it becomes harder to stop more obvious cases in the future, should they appear.

The issue is that when Matt was freely selling his Broken merch they didn't raise a fuzz. Now that the Hardyz turned them down and are heading to greener pastures they lawyer up and get all defensive. It looks less like a business move and more like pettiness. They didn't have an issue with letting Bubba keep the Bully Ray name. Konnan has been freely using LAX. The Motor City Machine Guns also never had an issue. If they were as strict about it as WWE, then there wouldn't be any controversy, but the way they've been so lax about it until now makes it look like a vendetta rather than a typical business move.

Paddlefoot - 3-13-2017 at 03:19 AM

Probably a case where Dixie, for whatever reason, was a lot more lenient than the new owners are. They might be trying to scrape every penny they can to keep the damn thing afloat hence them being so dickish at the Hardys, first for wanting probably a large sum to stay and also for depriving Anthem of revenue by taking their gimmick to other places.

Count Zero - 3-13-2017 at 04:53 AM

Which makes it sound like a VERY "professional" (I use that word perjoratively) decision. Instead of trying to work out some kind of friendly-arrangement, somebody hides behind "hey it's nothing personal; just biz" and then cries havoc & lets slip the dogs of law.

Paddlefoot - 3-13-2017 at 05:37 AM

Yeah, before it was merely managerial incompetence. Now it looks like incompetence with a side order of sheer malice added in.

CCharger - 3-13-2017 at 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
incompetence with a side order of sheer malice

Sounds like business as usual in corporate America.

Paddlefoot - 3-14-2017 at 01:26 AM

Business management is the perfect example that the human race has stopped evolving. It's nothing but a reward system for psychopaths that don't bother to disguise what they are. To wit:

* apparently the real reason that Anthem is going after Matt Hardy is because he tried to trademark the "Broken" gimmick; they claim that "others" helped him develop it which means he can't claim it all for himself even though the others involved like Dave Lagana, John Gaburick, etc also no longer work for the company anymore; check out Reby's tweetstorms over the past few days because she went fully nuts on Anthem calling them liars multiple times and claimed they even threatened to sue Senor Benjamin (her dad) who has no official contractual connection to the former TNA at all

* Rusev is out of Wrestlemania this year apparently to deal with some shoulder issues; they used the beat down by Big Show at Fastlane as the reason why he won't be around for a while

* Jack Swagger got his official "happy future endeavours" from WWE today and has been released as requested

CCharger - 3-14-2017 at 03:42 PM

* Kane is going to be stepping away from wrestling for a bit to focus on a run for mayor of Knox County, TN as the Libertarian candidate.

* Sami Zayn is not in the plans for creative for the near future and could get the Zack Ryder treatment. He is viewed by Vince as a "good hand", but doesn't fit in to any storylines right now.

royberto - 3-14-2017 at 06:24 PM

Reby Hardy, ladies and gentlemen:

The outpouring of support has been so tremendous that you guys have inspired me to release a little somethin...RT !

— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) March 13, 2017

salmonjunkie - 3-14-2017 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Sami Zayn is not in the plans for creative for the near future and could get the Zack Ryder treatment. He is viewed by Vince as a "good hand", but doesn't fit in to any storylines right now.

If this is true, then they need to send him to Smackdown.

Count Zero - 3-14-2017 at 08:55 PM

Smackdown could use Sami, but would just feed him to Baron Mancrush I suspect.

Sam Is Neat - 3-14-2017 at 10:08 PM

Originally posted by First 9
Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
I mean...I think we all root for Matt and Jeff to continue doing what they do, outside of Impact, but Anthem also has to try and protect what they are claiming is their I.P., right?

I don't really blame them for trying to stop Matt and Jeff from bringing the gimmick/angle that they developed while in Impact, on Impact's television show, and taking it to ROH, WWE or any other wrestling promotion that has a television presence, nationally.

If they don't at least try, then a dangerous precedent is set and it becomes harder to stop more obvious cases in the future, should they appear.

The issue is that when Matt was freely selling his Broken merch they didn't raise a fuzz. Now that the Hardyz turned them down and are heading to greener pastures they lawyer up and get all defensive. It looks less like a business move and more like pettiness. They didn't have an issue with letting Bubba keep the Bully Ray name. Konnan has been freely using LAX. The Motor City Machine Guns also never had an issue. If they were as strict about it as WWE, then there wouldn't be any controversy, but the way they've been so lax about it until now makes it look like a vendetta rather than a typical business move.

All under old management with those examples. Anthem is in charge now and is probably trying to protect their investment (much more so than the previous regimes tried, obviously). They basically have to in order to protect future employees from doing the same thing. As you pointed out, in happened under previous ownership, and once it was allowed, it was hard to stop.

Sam Is Neat - 3-14-2017 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Smackdown could use Sami, but would just feed him to Baron Mancrush I suspect.

Trade Sami Zayn, The Club and Dana Brooke to Smackdown for Baron Corbin, Carmella, and Breezango.

You can put The Club back with AJ, Carmella back with Enzo & Cass, Sami in an actual spotlight, and Corbin can hoss it up with Braun, Roman Show and the rest of the big guys.

Count Zero - 3-15-2017 at 01:14 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Trade Sami Zayn, The Club and Dana Brooke to Smackdown for Baron Corbin, Carmella, and Breezango.

You can put The Club back with AJ, Carmella back with Enzo & Cass, Sami in an actual spotlight, and Corbin can hoss it up with Braun, Roman Show and the rest of the big guys.

That would be a good idea, but I think the "trades" will not happen like that.

I can't see the WWE wanting to reunite "The Club" when "Bullet Club" is still a thing in two potentially-rival promotions, especially with NJPW's stated intent to become a global-level promotion with english-language website/content. They squeezed all the juice they felt they could out of that, and now we've got The Phenomenal One and the Good Brothers running wild. And the Demon-Kayng, if Finn Balor ever returns.

Bliss to RAM makes some sense, but then we're back in the same boat of Charlotte/Bliss/Whoever wrestling themselves until the Womens Divisions fill up.

Baron Mancrush will be given a chance to become the Roman Reigns of Smackdown, if Vince still loves him, so.... I agree that they should go semi-crazy with the "Big Hoss" division, because of that completely respectable wrestling match that Big Show/Big Stroh had a couple of weeks back. Give the big guys somebody their own size to pick on, and it can be impressive instead of squashtacular.

But, y'know, there's no L in WWE. L for logic, that is.


etaddmore: I shoulda had teh quote in place when I was typing up my response, because I just noticed now that you didn't mention Alexa Bliss at all. Carmella WOULD be a good choice to move, because her act is kinda stale as a heel. If she could go full-on dollface with the Certified Gs, I think it would work in a sort of Nu-Hardyz way.

And anything that gets Dana Brooke more exposure (heheh. hey beavis, he said 'exposure' ) is fine with me, and a lot of other peoples' pants.

As for Sami, I think he's going to have to take the Dolph Ziggler route: Resign himself to being job-fodder, and keep smiling through it until Vince/whoever realizes "Holy crap, what are we doing with this guy??? He deserves to semi-main event and be a transitional champion whenever we need one!"

Holy wall-of-text. I'll stop now.

[Edited on 3-15-2017 by Count Zero]

Paddlefoot - 3-15-2017 at 01:33 AM

Bliss needs to stay with the smaller girls though. She's too tiny to get any convincing wins over a gym-beast like Charlotte or a genuine moose like Nia.

Count Zero - 3-15-2017 at 01:37 AM

Brilliant, Pad! Let's have a FLYWEIGHT WOMEN'S DIVISION!!!! Another 3-person showcase with a belt!

But no, seriously, so what if it's not credible? Daniel Bryan beat Kane. A vegan submission machine beat the HELLFIREANDBRIMSTONE BEAST. Stop it with your credibleness.

Paddlefoot - 3-15-2017 at 01:48 AM

I know. It's almost like I never watched wrestling even once in my entire life.

Count Zero - 3-15-2017 at 02:03 AM

Are you 'bertin me?

Paddlefoot - 3-15-2017 at 02:08 AM

My tendency to logic leads me to incessant disappointment tragedy in this mad nonsensical world. Fair fights. Bankers not being criminals. Wrestling making sense. All lies I tell you!

Count Zero - 3-15-2017 at 04:37 AM

It sounds like you could use a hug. I would do so, but Janerd would no doubt prison shank me for touching his "friendo".

janerd75 - 3-15-2017 at 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
It sounds like you could use a hug. I would do so, but Janerd would no doubt prison shank me for touching his "friendo".

Shanking? Is that what they're calling poutine gravy themed rape these days? Lol, j/k all Canadiennes are welcome in #town.


#KurtAngle Busted At #SmackDownLIVE #Smackdown #WWE

— Randy Perkins (@randyperkins65) March 14, 2017

[Edited on 3-15-2017 by janerd75]

CamstunPWG187 - 3-15-2017 at 05:47 AM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Leave it to what-was-once-TNA to actually manage to make Dixie Carter into the lesser evil. Must be a Florida thing, to persistently and successfully do the exact opposite of anything normal or decent.

Quoted for truth, which is why I left.

Yeah, besides being where my team plays and whatnot, fuck my state.

PB-13 - 3-15-2017 at 06:38 AM

(apologies for image sizes)

Hey, I just saw Kurt last Saturday at WLW.

Also got my picture taken with this gentleman:

royberto - 3-16-2017 at 12:47 AM

WWE is bringing a new original program to the WWE Network, called Southpaw Regional Wrestling, a parody of 80's territory TV shows:

Coming this Friday... #SRW

— WWE (@WWE) March 15, 2017

Now this has potential.

punkerhardcore - 3-16-2017 at 05:13 PM

I love the last line--

According to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE is currently planning a Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns Universal title match for WrestleMania 34. The plan is to build the match for the entire year, with the goal to make Roman Reigns the next John Cena, which has been the goal since WrestleMania 31.

Yep, seems about right.

First 9 - 3-16-2017 at 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero

But no, seriously, so what if it's not credible? Daniel Bryan beat Kane. A vegan submission machine beat the HELLFIREANDBRIMSTONE BEAST. Stop it with your credibleness.

Well, yeah but Bryan hits like a motherfucker. I can buy those kicks taking down Andre.

Bliss on the other hand has some really soft offense and won't gel against anyone. Nia can maybe work just because of how clumsy and lumbering Nia can sometime be, Charlotte on the other hand would look weird.

CCharger - 3-16-2017 at 10:35 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
I love the last line--

According to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE is currently planning a Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns Universal title match for WrestleMania 34. The plan is to build the match for the entire year, with the goal to make Roman Reigns the next John Cena, which has been the goal since WrestleMania 31.

Yep, seems about right.

If this happens we will have reached peak Vince McMahon.

I mean we all knew this was the plan. We all knew it was going to happen. Let's not act surprised.

bigfatgoalie - 3-16-2017 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by First 9
Originally posted by Count Zero

But no, seriously, so what if it's not credible? Daniel Bryan beat Kane. A vegan submission machine beat the HELLFIREANDBRIMSTONE BEAST. Stop it with your credibleness.

Well, yeah but Bryan hits like a motherfucker. I can buy those kicks taking down Andre.

Bliss on the other hand has some really soft offense and won't gel against anyone. Nia can maybe work just because of how clumsy and lumbering Nia can sometime be, Charlotte on the other hand would look weird.

A small blonde girl going up against taller or beefier girls would look weird? Oh must have hated Trish beating Jazz, Victoria, and Molly Holly.

As for the Roman Reigns plans...

Roman was beating Brock. Etched in stone right?

And we ofcourse all knew that Goldberg was coming back at this time last year.

Point is, plans change.

With that in mind...ofcourse the current plan would be for Roman to headline next year. They are giving him the Undertaker match and they don't have an obvious top star in waiting outside of Roman/Seth/Dean. Seth has been prone to injury (and kinda sucks as a face just as much as Roman if we are being honest) and Dean is on the other show.

Maybe Finn or Nakamura catches fire. Maybe they turn Owens or AJ. Or maybe with a full year of planning they figure out what made Roman super over before the smart fans turned on him and he actually is a guy who can headline Mania. We don't really know. Yes it's tired to say "hey, wait to see what happens" but getting all raged up a year in advanced is just as tiresome.

williamssl - 3-16-2017 at 11:04 PM

Maybe Rollins' 'knee-issues-that-mess-up-Wrestlemania-plans' is contagious and Roman catches it.

CCharger - 3-16-2017 at 11:16 PM

I'm calling it now (actually I called it a few weeks ago in another thread):

Roman is going to pin Taker clean. Taker officially retires the next night on RAW.

Roman is now billed as the "Man Who Retired the Dead Man".

Think about what a feather in the cap BEATING THE STREAK was for Brock Lesnar. Now think about what a feather in the cap RETIRING THE UNDERTAKER would be. Now picture the size of Vince's boner when both of those guys wrestle EACH OTHER.

The IWC is going to lose it's collective mind.

Katie Vick killer - 3-16-2017 at 11:40 PM

I guess this is the benefit of two world titles. Vince, Bucky and the WWE universe can have their main event and the IWC can have our main event.

bigfatgoalie - 3-17-2017 at 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Katie Vick killer
I guess this is the benefit of two world titles. Vince, Bucky and the WWE universe can have their main event and the IWC can have our main event.

But Owens vs Jerico isn't for a world title.

First 9 - 3-17-2017 at 12:17 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie

A small blonde girl going up against taller or beefier girls would look weird? Oh must have hated Trish beating Jazz, Victoria, and Molly Holly.

As for the Roman Reigns plans...

Roman was beating Brock. Etched in stone right?

And we ofcourse all knew that Goldberg was coming back at this time last year.

Point is, plans change.

With that in mind...ofcourse the current plan would be for Roman to headline next year. They are giving him the Undertaker match and they don't have an obvious top star in waiting outside of Roman/Seth/Dean. Seth has been prone to injury (and kinda sucks as a face just as much as Roman if we are being honest) and Dean is on the other show.

Maybe Finn or Nakamura catches fire. Maybe they turn Owens or AJ. Or maybe with a full year of planning they figure out what made Roman super over before the smart fans turned on him and he actually is a guy who can headline Mania. We don't really know. Yes it's tired to say "hey, wait to see what happens" but getting all raged up a year in advanced is just as tiresome.

Eh, Trish wasn't a stiff fighter but she didn't look out of place exchanging blows with others. Heck, Trish vs Victoria in a street fight is a classic.

I agree that Seth isn't lightning the world on fire as a face. Part of it is the writing, but he could really step it up in the promo game. Kind of reminds me of Edge in 2004, a talented in ring guy who can come off as a try hard.

Reigns vs Lesnar with Reigns finally getting the win has been rumored since Rollins cashed in on them two years ago. I don't see them waiting till WM. That might be our SummerSlam Main Event though.

G. Jonah Jameson - 3-17-2017 at 03:45 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Reigns vs Lesnar with Reigns finally getting the win has been rumored since Rollins cashed in on them two years ago. I don't see them waiting till WM. That might be our SummerSlam Main Event though.

Yeah, seriously. I know as well as anyone else that WWE wants this moment to happen, but no way they're waiting as long as Wrestlemania 34 for it, especially given that Brock Lesnar is likely to walk out of Wrestlemania 33 the champion. He's not holding that title for an entire year. I figure we get one, maybe two defenses out of him before Roman Reigns takes the belt off him at Summerslam.

CCharger - 3-17-2017 at 01:21 PM

Rumor crap:

* AJ Styles firing from Smackdown is expected to result in him being re-hired for RAW

* Goldberg has only the "go home" RAW before Wrestlemania and Mania itself left on his appearance contract althought it's possible he could sign on for future appearances.

* Lesnar's inevitable title win at Mania will mean he will be working more shows than usual.

* Talks about William Regal being added to the HOF this year were premature as it's being reported he will not be inducted

* Some are speculating that Hulk Hogan could be appearing at Wrestlemania, possibly - and I am not making this up - in a segment involving the New Day.

derfsucks - 3-17-2017 at 02:32 PM

Originally posted by royberto
WWE is bringing a new original program to the WWE Network, called Southpaw Regional Wrestling, a parody of 80's territory TV shows:

Coming this Friday... #SRW

— WWE (@WWE) March 15, 2017

Now this has potential.

Oh my dear lord, this could be fantastic ...

nOOb - 3-17-2017 at 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Katie Vick killer
I guess this is the benefit of two world titles. Vince, Bucky and the WWE universe can have their main event and also find a way for Cena and Orton to finally have their yearlong Best of Seven series for the other title.


bigfatgoalie - 3-17-2017 at 05:03 PM

What happened is Braun asked the media department to make sure to choose a picture that makes him look like a great wrestler.

— Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) March 17, 2017

KO is the best.

-great humour
-catching chant "Fight Owens Fight"
-easy to sell "does it for his family"
-can easily be an Austin like anti-face

But nope...Seth and Roman, guys who would be WAY better off as heels...those are your faces to build around.

lz4005 - 3-17-2017 at 06:02 PM

Originally posted by derfsucks
Originally posted by royberto
WWE is bringing a new original program to the WWE Network, called Southpaw Regional Wrestling, a parody of 80's territory TV shows:

Now this has potential.

Oh my dear lord, this could be fantastic ...

There's 4 or 5 short youtube clips up now. Watching them later.
I hope it's good and constantly shits on Cornette.

Slick - 3-17-2017 at 06:39 PM

I just watched all 4 clips of Southpaw Regional Wrestling and need to see Big Bart get his revenge on that son of a bitch Banker!! Blood feud for the ages!!

derfsucks - 3-17-2017 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie

What happened is Braun asked the media department to make sure to choose a picture that makes him look like a great wrestler.

— Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) March 17, 2017

KO is the best.

-great humour
-catching chant "Fight Owens Fight"
-easy to sell "does it for his family"
-can easily be an Austin like anti-face

But nope...Seth and Roman, guys who would be WAY better off as heels...those are your faces to build around.

#1. Speaking platonically, this post makes me love you, BFG.

#2. Seth Rollins is the closest thing I can think of to God's Perfect Heel.

anglefan85 - 3-17-2017 at 07:30 PM

Just watched the Southpaw Regional Wrestling videos. That was glorious.

First 9 - 3-17-2017 at 07:45 PM

Well, Paige will probably be back in trouble. Nude pics and a sex tape with Brad Maddox are out in the wild.

anglefan85 - 3-17-2017 at 07:47 PM

If that sex tape was leaked by Brad Maddox, he would be smart to stay as far away from the UK as possible. The Knight family is not a family that you wanna get on the wrong side of.

CCharger - 3-17-2017 at 07:49 PM

Well, I for one am glad no one has posted these pictures and videos to the Divas section...

derfsucks - 3-17-2017 at 08:19 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Well, I for one am glad no one has posted these pictures and videos to the Divas section...

I'm not *NOT* refreshing constantly now.

Flash - 3-17-2017 at 08:59 PM

If it was either Paige or Maddox it strikes me as incredibly dumb... I mean what would a sex tape be worth... and with Hogan's Gawker win I'm sure releasing said tape is apt to make any the kind of companies that might release something like this and pay anything close to medium sized bucks pause at least a moment.... If I'm Maddox and didn't leave the WWE on terrible terms I wouldn't want to burn that bridge, and if I'm Paige and I have a Dwayne Johnson driven movie about me coming out odds are I could be looking at some prime cash for a WWE push.

royberto - 3-17-2017 at 09:40 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Just watched the Southpaw Regional Wrestling videos. That was glorious.

Clint is a big piece of[Technical Difficulties...Please Hang On]

Also this amazing reference:

[Edited on 3-17-2017 by royberto]

[Edited on 3-17-2017 by royberto]

janerd75 - 3-17-2017 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Well, I for one am glad no one has posted these pictures and videos to the Divas section...

What's done is done and cannot be unseen. Rumour has it I am a skeevy piece of shit.

First 9 - 3-17-2017 at 09:54 PM

[Edited on 3-17-2017 by First 9]

Count Zero - 3-17-2017 at 10:17 PM

As Michelle Tanner will attest, Janerd.. Well, I'll let her say it..

Sam Is Neat - 3-18-2017 at 12:02 AM

Seriously though...I want that Southpaw shirt.

anglefan85 - 3-18-2017 at 12:05 AM

She was on thin ice prior to this. Whoever leaked this shit just pretty much cost Paige any chance of returning to the WWE.

I occasionally chat with a woman who used to wrestle in England and personally knows Paige and her family. To say that she is crushed by all of this would be nothing short of an understatement, she has to live right now with the knowledge that this just happened to her friend. I don't even know what to say to her right now, to be honest.

EDIT: Sorry if this comes across as me trying to guilt-trip anyone, just a means of venting is all.

[Edited on 3-17-2017 by anglefan85]

bigfatgoalie - 3-18-2017 at 12:51 AM

The only thing Paige / Maddox* did wrong is using a pocket vibe for training. That's amateur hour.

*Assuming neither party released the pics & videos without the others consent.

royberto - 3-18-2017 at 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Seriously though...I want that Southpaw shirt.
Well good news then. WWE is planning to sell the shirt.

Paddlefoot - 3-18-2017 at 01:57 AM

The circle of Babylonian excess has been expanded to include Xavier Woods. And the one clip of her riding Maddox apparently happened in one of the training rooms at NXT. Plus there's some mention too of Tyler Breeze tappin' that thing as well. Hey, what was NXT really training them for?

Dead pool out of this:

- Paige's career
- Knight family's business (seriously, they're gonna want to put up with British hecklers after this?)
- Rock's film about Paige's family
- New Day

They better have Austin standing by with the zappers in the hospital again because Vince's heart must be about ready to pop.

GodEatGod - 3-18-2017 at 02:02 AM

Honestly, while I understand the personal embarrassment and feeling of violation on her part, I don't see any reason why she should be punished/have her career damaged by it. I know it's likely that it will, but Paige is really young and probably shouldn't have trusted an obvious sleazebag like Maddox with compromising pictures of herself. But...I mean, she's young and horny and did something that seemed exciting at the time without thinking about the consequences. MINDBOGGLING.

But it's not a scandal, not really, except to people who think beautiful, athletic humans who travel together in tight companionship aren't going to fall into the occasional bout of debauchery. Emma Watson and a few other celebs just had similar issues happen to them and nobody thinks their careers are damaged by it (and they have far more wholesome images to maintain).

If I were Maddox, I wouldn't want to run into Alberto at an indie show, though.

Paddlefoot - 3-18-2017 at 02:07 AM

Dunno about that. If this expands out to include more names from that generation of NXT'ers this could be a massive black eye for WWE, on par with the damage from a steroid/painkiller/concussion-related death. Attitude Era would go ahead and milk it for all it's worth. PG Era though and a publicly traded company to boot? No way. Heads are gonna roll for this debacle. The releases will just say a blunt "has been released" this time with no "wish them well in their future endeavours" attached.

Think of it. They're incensed when a "CM PUNK!" chant breaks out. There's no way in hell they're going to risk a "NEW DAY.....COCKS!" one from erupting at a live event, and you know that's exactly what's going to happen the second New Day's theme hits on RAW on Monday or, even better, when they begin their hosting duties at WM.

[Edited on 3/18/2017 by Paddlefoot]

Gobshite - 3-18-2017 at 02:22 AM

One of those videos is definitely not Maddox, and most likely Del Rio. The one where they're fucking on top of something in a mall changing room. If you had to take a guess as to who it was, I'd say it's him; so some of the videos are pretty recent.

The Hitcher - 3-18-2017 at 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Dunno about that. If this expands out to include more names from that generation of NXT'ers this could be a massive black eye for WWE, on par with the damage from a steroid/painkiller/concussion-related death.

[Edited on 3/18/2017 by Paddlefoot]

That's a bit much unless she was being exploited in which case it's probably worse.

Young people are gonna fuck, its a lot more understandable people are boning on the trainer's couch than turning a blind eye to and/or encouraging rampant, death causing drug use.

If Maddox leaked this stuff though? Yeah fuck that guy.

First 9 - 3-18-2017 at 02:34 AM

Eh, it's just naked pics and sex videos. Seth Rollins is second only to Roman Reigns and he has nude pics for the world to see.

New Day is a merch machine so they won't touch Xavier and you know once The Rock movie is out they'll dust out Paige because WWE are publicity whores. Fans hate Roman Reigns and he didn't get roid chants or anything like it during his little scandal, a beloved act like New Day will be fine.

Paddlefoot - 3-18-2017 at 02:41 AM

This can't judge it by individual morals though. It'll be decided by an emergency meeting of a huge publicly traded company that's made having a clean public image one of their highest priorities of the past seven to eight years. There's no way anyone in the top ranks at WWE right now has "they're just young people being stupid so we should give them a break" in their heads right now. All they'll be thinking is pure damage control. Linda McMahon was CEO of WWE and all it's subsidiaries, including FCW/NXT while this was going on. How is this going to play for her, with her position in a GOP administration that owes it's existence to the bible-thumping Christian right-wing, considering that she was thoroughly embarrassed during her Senate campaigns when her opponents brought up risque footage of in-ring performances from the Attitude days?

Give it a couple more days to see what happens as/if more vids are released. This one could end up being the biggest scandal in WWE history.

[Edited on 3/18/2017 by Paddlefoot]

G-Spot - 3-18-2017 at 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Gobshite
One of those videos is definitely not Maddox, and most likely Del Rio. The one where they're fucking on top of something in a mall changing room. If you had to take a guess as to who it was, I'd say it's him; so some of the videos are pretty recent.

I've read a few places that could be Tyler Breeze. One thing seems pretty sure by all reports is that scene was filmed in the NXT building.

[Edited on 3-18-2017 by G-Spot]

bigfatgoalie - 3-18-2017 at 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Give it a couple more days to see what happens as/if more vids are released. This one could end up being the biggest scandal in WWE history.

Yeah. Chris Benoit suggests otherwise.

cardscott5 - 3-18-2017 at 03:38 AM

I can't imagine anyone would get punished for this. It's not like 100% of the audience knows. It would be preIty shitty of WWE to fire Paige for someone illegally posting her private content online. Her movie wouldn't come out until next year anyway, so it's not like this will still be a hot topic.

janerd75 - 3-18-2017 at 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The circle of Babylonian excess has been expanded to include Xavier Woods.

I...I don't think I'll look for that one. Lol j/k you know I will 'cause you guys know I'm like Cartman needing to sing 'Sail Away' in its entirety whenever The Porno is brought up.

Yeah no, no yeah I would love to hear some hypocritical backlash and scolding outta Stamford regarding New Day given how they're ostensibly geared toward children with their bright, shiny colors and ice cream carts and yet got away with talking about how they're gonna skeetskeetskeet stickers all over said cart.

People fuck, they film it, it gets stolen/published by an aggrieved party, shit gets disseminated by fucks like me and then here we are. Vince and Co. can suck Show's big floppy hammer if he starts severely messing with talent over this. Outside of Maddox (already fired) himself leaking it, what is there to say? Make everyone sit through some tedious 8-hour This Is Why We Don't Record Ourselves Banging And Then Put It On Any Ol' 'Puter Hoping It Will Stay Safe Forever training seminar is all that's really necessary.

If StepHHH have a problem with it I would die to be a fly on the wall when they lie through their teeth to their children regarding how they got together and then explain away the wholesome storyline of him marrying him after he drugged her. Yeah yeah I know I know kinda apples and assholes comparison and privately vs. publicly traded company, butt fuck 'em. Outside of overt racist shit, severe drug or spousal abuse, it's just gettin' some stank down on hanglows and honeyhollers.

Count Zero - 3-18-2017 at 04:13 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Dunno about that. If this expands out to include more names from that generation of NXT'ers this could be a massive black eye for WWE, on par with the damage from a steroid/painkiller/concussion-related death. Attitude Era would go ahead and milk it for all it's worth. PG Era though and a publicly traded company to boot? No way. Heads are gonna roll for this debacle. The releases will just say a blunt "has been released" this time with no "wish them well in their future endeavours" attached.

Think of it. They're incensed when a "CM PUNK!" chant breaks out. There's no way in hell they're going to risk a "NEW DAY.....COCKS!" one from erupting at a live event, and you know that's exactly what's going to happen the second New Day's theme hits on RAW on Monday or, even better, when they begin their hosting duties at WM.

[Edited on 3/18/2017 by Paddlefoot]
... I'm gonna join in, and say you're going full-Schiavone on this one. THE BIGGEST no no no no. Yeah, it's kind of really-embarassing. But this isn't snuff video or anything like remotely like that. If somebody can DEFINITELY & CONCLUSIVELY (with proof that cannot be refuted) figure out who leaked this, it could even spin positively for the 'E.. "Revenge Porn" is not a good thing, and the social-blame is shifting ever so slightly towards the perp and away from the victim in such cases.

[Edited on 3-18-2017 by Count Zero]

First 9 - 3-18-2017 at 04:20 AM

Just checked the new batch of pics and there's one with Paige buck naked only wearing the NXT Women's belt. Hahaha that's fucking great.

Paddlefoot - 3-18-2017 at 04:39 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Give it a couple more days to see what happens as/if more vids are released. This one could end up being the biggest scandal in WWE history.

Yeah. Chris Benoit suggests otherwise.

Benoit was a tragedy, not a scandal.

Paddlefoot - 3-18-2017 at 04:45 AM

This isn't moralizing on my part. I'm just putting forward the belief that as a corporation WWE isn't going to tolerate this, not when their main revenue source is still live events where they can't edit what the fans are going to be shouting at the performers. This is massively different from Vince's multiple affairs or the activities of the Kliq in hotel rooms or anything that happened in the locker rooms before everyone had a goddamn camera built into their phone and was incessantly taking pictures of themselves. It's a sea-change between now and even a decade ago before the selfie effect got so prevalent.

bigfatgoalie - 3-18-2017 at 04:47 AM

Benoit killing Nancy and their son was a tragedy...that turned scandalous when his mental health, and reliance on drugs became an issue. It's the reason for the Wellness Policy.

But if that doesn't do it for you...Vince being accused of distributing drugs. Patterson fucking minors working as ring crew. Lots of things much worse than Paige having video of her attempt to out do Sunny and Melina.

First 9 - 3-18-2017 at 04:58 AM

I mean even if they want to punish Paige they ain't shit they can do. She's not a featured performer so a depush is out of the question and if you fire her, get ready for the shitstorm that they would get for punishing the victim of the whole situation.

This is just sex videos. Paige and Xavier aren't criminals, they're not drug addicts, they're just victims. And I wouldn't worry about fan chants. People actually like Xavier so the hecklers would be in a very low number and by the time Paige is back onscreen this would have dissipated.

Paddlefoot - 3-18-2017 at 05:00 AM

The next few days will tell the truth. Either nothing happens or there'll be a handful of roster spots opening up ASAP. Regardless of all that, right now there's probably a few dozen WWE talents in a panic wiping out the picture and video galleries of the last five years worth of smart phones they've owned. And desperately asking for help from any tech-savvy buddies on how to clear out anything that they think might have been uploaded to a storage cloud.

janerd75 - 3-18-2017 at 07:51 AM

Regardless of whatever side you take, there is definitely going to be fallout of some kind. Just been pervin' on some of the new footage. Graphic footage. And one of the participants is 1/3 of the hosts of Wrestlemania. Y'know, the one two weeks from now? If it were, say, Battleground or Extreme Rules, yeah maybe the rap they get booked for is Administrative Kerfuffle feat. Wrist Slap. But "The Grandest Stage of Them All"? Oy.

Unless they milk it (heh) and go hard (heh heh) for the millennial sex tape demo, I'd be curious how they just shrug their shoulders and tell Xavier to go out there and ignore the "You took Paige to �town and Brad filmed it!" *clap clap clapclapclap* Okay, the chant needs work but you get the idea.

There must be a non-stop train of kittens flying out of Vince's arse right now. To Golly! and Beyonnnnnnnd!

ETA: Oh yeah, RAM (heh) is in Brooklyn this Monday and the go home RAM (heh heh) before WM is in Philly.

ETA2: I was only peripherally paying attention to the stuff Rock was doing for that Knight family movie a few weeks ago after that RAM when he called Punk and left a voicemail. It just dawned on me how truly fucked this all is when WWE and The Family were going back and forth over her suspensions yet somehow they're all working together on a story about The Family's life, and now this? Well, they're got mainstream publicity for the film now.

Welp, I'm calling it: Vince is now in Chicago personally beating Dr. Chris Amann to death with a barbwire-wrapped bat and throwing bars of gold-pressed latinum through Punk's windows just to get him to show up for the thunderous CMPUNKCMPUNKCMPUNK! chants that will short circuit any other naughty thing the crowd comes up with.

[Edited on 3-18-2017 by janerd75]

First 9 - 3-18-2017 at 09:19 AM

And now there's a pic where Paige's face and the NXT CHAMPIONSHIP getting jizzed on. I think there's a 50/50 chance Vince is beyond pissed or is laughing his ass off.

I think you're all making the crowds sound more rowdy than they really are. Rollins was fine after dick pics, Reigns(who fans are prediposed to want to fuck with) didn't get roid chants. Woods is a lot lower in the totem pool and enough people probable won't care to get a big cheer going.

Plus, Philly cheered Roman Reigns 2nd title win for fuck's sake, they're no longer smark central

royberto - 3-18-2017 at 11:08 AM

Originally posted by First 9
And now there's a pic where Paige's face and the NXT CHAMPIONSHIP getting jizzed on. I think there's a 50/50 chance Vince is beyond pissed or is laughing his ass off.

I think you're all making the crowds sound more rowdy than they really are. Rollins was fine after dick pics, Reigns(who fans are prediposed to want to fuck with) didn't get roid chants. Woods is a lot lower in the totem pool and enough people probable won't care to get a big cheer going.

Plus, Philly cheered Roman Reigns 2nd title win for fuck's sake, they're no longer smark central
Exactly. Nothing is going to happen on Raw from the crowd over this. I think people are taking what the want the crowd to do and are trying to make it what the crowd will do.

royberto - 3-18-2017 at 11:57 AM

Is there Tag Team Gold for #HouseHardy to PROCURE in #SouthpawRegionalWrestling?

— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) March 17, 2017

Surf Dudes with Attitudes vs. Broken Hardy's at Lethal Leap Year > Wrestlemania.

[Edited on 3-18-2017 by royberto]

Paddlefoot - 3-18-2017 at 05:24 PM

Who was taping Brad Maddox taping Xavier and Paige? 🤔#WWE

— Jeff Miguel (@JeffMiguel_YYC) March 18, 2017

Aww, son of a bitch!

anglefan85 - 3-18-2017 at 09:42 PM

Originally posted by First 9
And now there's a pic where Paige's face and the NXT CHAMPIONSHIP getting jizzed on. I think there's a 50/50 chance Vince is beyond pissed or is laughing his ass off.

I think you're all making the crowds sound more rowdy than they really are. Rollins was fine after dick pics, Reigns(who fans are prediposed to want to fuck with) didn't get roid chants. Woods is a lot lower in the totem pool and enough people probable won't care to get a big cheer going.

Plus, Philly cheered Roman Reigns 2nd title win for fuck's sake, they're no longer smark central

I'm pretty sure Vince secretly loves it. However, I'm pretty sure that Triple H has gotta be fucking livid, seeing how NXT is his baby, and the NXT Women's title was basically used as a jizzrag.

EDIT: I just learned that the next Raw is gonna be in Brooklyn. Oh...oh I do not envy anyone that's gonna have to be around Vince in the next few days. If Woods comes out, the crowd is gonna be ravenous.

[Edited on 3-19-2017 by anglefan85]

Flash - 3-19-2017 at 03:21 AM

From the sounds of things, Vince is in his own little world at the moment as shortly after some of the Woods related leaks started happening he sent a tweet out saying "New Day Rocks". The tweet was aimed at Woods's up up down down show hitting a million youtubers, but would have to assume that Vince was not in the know at the time he sent out that tweet.

I was out with my teenage niece at a Leafs game a few weeks ago and she must have shot and uploaded maybe a couple dozen selfie of herself to instagram or whatever it is that kids do... it got me thinking that in this era when everyone has a camera with them at all times this and probably the last generations sense of privacy is virtually nil... what with tweets, Facebook and all that other crap service as an outlet for constant pictures and stream of consciousness thoughts hitting the public domain without a thought about what tomorrow might hold... not to sound like an old man (I'm 38), tin foil hat wearing guy thinking the government is watching us all, or a luddite, but it genuinely scares me this whole cloud thing and how haphazardly people just throw any sense of privacy they have out the window... or in this case into the ether... I mean yeah, we're a wrestling board so its shocking its Paige and a few others, but weren't there like 4 other celeb private pictures/vids go out this week as well... I mean soon everyone will have a sex tape or something like that out there.... not only that there's the joke about say Facebook where if the government knocked on your door and said hey tell me about yourself you'd be hesitant... but you just throw it out there on FB with pictures, and are kind enough to label everyone's names in there to boot.

Paddlefoot - 3-19-2017 at 04:58 AM

Roster reaction should be hilarious. If they kick someone out of the locker room for a year for not saying hello to the veterans in a respectful enough manner or eating a chicken wing over someone else's travel bag what would the wrassler's court verdict be for defiling the locker room by shooting jizz where other people have to walk or sit down? And for using a title belt as a cum-sponge that four women who carried it afterwards were oblivious to how Paige had treated it?

These are the sorts of things hovering over the issue that make me believe it's not going to be forgotten or forgiven any time soon.

Count Zero - 3-19-2017 at 05:24 AM

In today's technonvrionment, one thing is very important to remember. *Puts on Count Obvious hat*

'The Cloud' is just 'somebody else's computer/server rack'. That's something most people don't always consider when they upload their everything to it.

First 9 - 3-19-2017 at 06:06 AM

No way the suits let the wrestlers do any sort of punishment like throwing people out of lockerooms. Anything like that can and will be misconstructed as WWE condoning the punishment of victims who got hacked. Yeah, wrestlers might be pissed but PR managers are going to tell them to stuff it.

The only thing they can do is wait for her contract to run out or if the movie becomes a hit and they want to cash in, hope it's all died down.

G-Spot - 3-19-2017 at 06:45 AM

Former WWE wrestler JTG tweeted...

"So @SevenBucksProd Who do I talk to about auditioning For the role of Xavier Woods in the Upcoming Paige movie?"

Gobshite - 3-19-2017 at 01:00 PM

Didn't Paige already ask for a release once before, and was denied? If they really want to punish Paige for this, they just have to Rey Mysterio her, and extend her contract to cover while she's been out injured. Yeah they'll lay her, but it probably won't be a lot and it'll keep her from working Indy shows / impact, UK stufff etc.

Caesar guy - 3-19-2017 at 01:45 PM

Too bad New Day wasn't still feuding with Rusev. Would have been hilarious to hear Woods tell Lana to be quiet or she would become another "Page" in his book.

drmuerto - 3-19-2017 at 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Yeah they'll lay her, but it probably won't be a lot and it'll keep her from working Indy shows / impact, UK stufff etc.

That is one hell of a Freudian slip right here!

CCharger - 3-20-2017 at 05:00 PM

In non-Paige related news, the International Business Times is reporting that Vince McMahon's plan after Wrestlemania is to spend the next year making Brock Lesnar the most dominant, unbeatable monster heel in the history of the business - and then have him lose clean to Roman Reigns next year at Wrestlemania. That way, the IBT reports, fans will just HAVE to cheer for Roman and it will inevitably lead to Roman Reigns becoming the next John Cena. Vince will literally being printing money.

At least that's the WWE's plan.

lz4005 - 3-20-2017 at 05:53 PM

Back to Paige related news...there are also new stolen/leaked pics over the weekend of Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin), Summer Rae and Christy Hemme. There's some question that the Summer ones might be faked, but the others aren't. Not that interesting a revelation, since nudes of both have been available everywhere for years.

anglefan85 - 3-20-2017 at 07:34 PM

Paige's father Ricky Knight wrote the following on his Facebook page regarding the private photos/videos that were recently leaked online:

my last say on the scandal surrounding my daughter I have just spoken to her over Facebook and I am worried for her mental health or worse ffs world get a grip she has not killed anyone robbed anyone she was having sex in a private situation between consulting adults and then has been betrayed by some low lifes as her dad I urge people to back off as I say I am very worried for her it will be no good backing her when its too late like many other celebrities who have left us."

Paige's mother also commented with the following:

"I cannot lose my little girl!! The whole family has taken so much shit, being blasted from all angles. But none of this is worth it. There is a broken soul here. I am on the verge of breaking over this and I cannot deal with anymore. We are crushed. I really don't know how much more I can take, well done to those that thought this was a great idea, well done to those tagging us in pics and videos. You have done what you wanted to do let's hope to God you don't take from me one of my most treasured gifts."

Paige's mother also added the following comment on Twitter:

Sat with my husband, he is sobbing, he can't even speak. I'm losing everything I love, the business we love will kill us it seems.

This story is not going to have a happy ending.

[Edited on 3-20-2017 by anglefan85]

DKBroiler - 3-20-2017 at 07:47 PM

I dunno ... seems to me that this story has had plenty of "happy endings".

derfsucks - 3-20-2017 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
I dunno ... seems to me that this story has had plenty of "happy endings".


This is the best post I've seen all year.

Tye Dillinger gives this post 10 out of 10 happy endings ...

anglefan85 - 3-20-2017 at 07:59 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
I dunno ... seems to me that this story has had plenty of "happy endings".

Ah man, I knew it was gonna happen, I knew someone was gonna make that comment. And yet I still posted it. Really should have known better.

DKBroiler - 3-20-2017 at 08:10 PM

What Janerd is to legally questionable GIFs, I am to one sentence replies.

janerd75 - 3-20-2017 at 08:22 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
What Janerd is to legally questionable GIFs, I am to one sentence replies.

DKBroiler - 3-20-2017 at 08:39 PM

You complete me.

janerd75 - 3-20-2017 at 08:54 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
You complete me.

We all cOOmplete each OOther here.

DKBroiler - 3-20-2017 at 09:17 PM

Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by DKBroiler
You complete me.

We all cOOmplete each OOther here.

Which one is Paige? These iPhone videos just keep getting better!

nOOb - 3-21-2017 at 12:03 AM

Yeah, a lot of this stuff is just a bit sickening. I get that she did something stupid, it seems like most people around her age do. But it's not like she wanted this stuff to get out to the public. It got leaked, and it feels like she just needs to get her life in a better place, surrounded by better people. I hope for her sake she gets everything turned around, stops being around people she doesn't need to be around, and, hell, maybe her not being in the public eye for a while would do her good.

Laruecifer - 3-21-2017 at 01:11 PM

So Paige is 20-21 in some of those clips? Brad Maddox is 8 years older than her, 27-28. Guess he found it easier to tap a youngster. I'm not saying she was na�ve, but I'm sure she was pretty open to try anything.
I get the feeling the WWE knew about his dirtbaggery. That could be what led to his release.

CCharger - 3-21-2017 at 03:15 PM

A 27/28 year old man having sex with a 20/21 year old woman is not that scandalous. Pretty, uh, normal actually...

Laruecifer - 3-21-2017 at 03:30 PM

Yea, probably. I just prefer women closer to my own age or a touch older. To each his own.

royberto - 3-21-2017 at 05:17 PM

Jim Ross's wife was seriously injured when a car struck the Vespa she was riding:

Not good at all. Prayers to Jim and his family.

Count Zero - 3-21-2017 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Laruecifer
So Paige is 20-21 in some of those clips? Brad Maddox is 8 years older than her, 27-28. Guess he found it easier to tap a youngster. I'm not saying she was na�ve, but I'm sure she was pretty open to try anything.
I get the feeling the WWE knew about his dirtbaggery. That could be what led to his release.
Is Brad Maddox not the one whose previous gimmicks included "Beef Wellington"... Well hell, I'll just quote from wiki, instead of trying to paraphrase.
Originally posted by Wikipedia
Kluttz debuted on April 2, 2008 on the OVW tapings teaming up with Galvin Garrison against Dewey and Adam Revolver, which they lost, he used the name Brent Wellington. He won his first match on October 1, 2008 in an Eight-Man Tag Team match, alongside Galvin Garrison and Moose, they called themselves Theta Lambda Psi. On December 24, 2008 Kluttz had a title match for the OVW Heavyweight Championship against Aaron "The Idol" Stevens, which he lost.

After he was defeated, he adopted the nickname "Beef" and changed his gimmick to that of a necrophiliac.
I know that it probably wasn't HIS idea, and I also understand that when "the boss" gives you a gimmick, you take it and make lemonade. But I also know that sometimes "the boss" needs somebody to stand up to him/her/them and say "No, this is a stupid idea. Let's try something else, because I don't want to pretend to be a necrophiliac."

Katie Vick killer - 3-21-2017 at 09:44 PM

They called him Beef Wellington, in 2008 and gave him a necrophile gimmick.

Beniot had a tag partner named Biff Wellington, back in the Stampede days. Biff died of heart attack and his body was found the same day as the Beniot tragedy.

Sounds like wiki bs or sick rib.

bigfatgoalie - 3-21-2017 at 11:07 PM

So Meltzer is reporting no action will be taken against Woods or Paige UNLESS a major sponsor specifically brings up a complaint. So either they are trying to pass the buck, or nothing is to come of this.

First 9 - 3-21-2017 at 11:17 PM

All the ''hero/the man/yeaah'' internet memes and comments on Xavier Woods are making me wonder if he won't walk out this in a better spot. Rowdy Brooklyn just did ''We want Woods' chants when it came to him and gave him one of the loudest reactions of the night when he appeared onscreen.

anglefan85 - 3-22-2017 at 01:02 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
So Meltzer is reporting no action will be taken against Woods or Paige UNLESS a major sponsor specifically brings up a complaint. So either they are trying to pass the buck, or nothing is to come of this.

Good move by the WWE.

DKBroiler - 3-22-2017 at 09:54 AM

The high horses some of you ride on are quite impressive. Here are the rules ... 18 to party, 21 to drink. When people assign arbitrary rules to what consenting adults can do with each other, you're way more disgusting than any two adults (or 3 in this case) who have sex with each other.

CamstunPWG187 - 3-22-2017 at 12:23 PM

I completely agree with everything Broiler just said.

...and that's just in America.

Mind your own business, you high-horses nancies. Let the girl fuck whomever, WHENEVER she wants and let the guys bang whomever, WHENEVER they want.

Stolen phones are private property and they shouldn't be punished for it.

denverpunk - 3-22-2017 at 02:10 PM

Yes, those people who say "Hey, cell phones get stolen and hacked all the time so maybe it's a really bad idea to take pics and videos on it that can drastically change the course of your life if stolen" are disgusting pigs.

I give zero fucks about who anyone fucks, but anyone who films or takes sex pics is asking for a lot of trouble, and that goes for anyone in them. Right or wrong, thems the facts.

Paddlefoot - 3-22-2017 at 02:56 PM

Not putting yourself in the position to be a victim of theft used to be considered pro-active common sense. Now if you say to someone "lock up your bicycle in the garage at night so it won't get stolen" gets you labelled as almost as much of a villain as the one who inevitably steals the bike.

bigfatgoalie - 3-22-2017 at 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Not putting yourself in the position to be a victim of theft used to be considered pro-active common sense. Now if you say to someone "lock up your bicycle in the garage at night so it won't get stolen" gets you labelled as almost as much of a villain as the one who inevitably steals the bike.

Really? I don't think I've ever heard anybody crucify somebody for saying "Why wasn't he wearing a seat belt?"...I mean you either hang out with some overly sensitive assholes, or are projecting to support your belief that Paige did something wrong.

So either your choice of company sucks, indicating you have bad judgment...or you want to blame the victim.

Congrats on being an ass I guess.

CamstunPWG187 - 3-22-2017 at 03:49 PM

Yeah, but maybe she wants that on her phone for her own personal reasons. My ex wanted to keep a sex tape we had because she loved watching herself suck dick. She LOVED watching herself give head.

Ok, I take back the part about agreeing with calling those people "disgusting pigs" for getting on her about it.

Common sense, yeah, but still, if she's put the videos on her phone, chances are she really wants them there and might have not minded the videos getting out. Honestly, she gets more media attention than any of the other Divas, which for her, might be something she likes. We really don't know the reasons for any of this stuff happening or why they choose for it to happen.

The girl isn't shy about letting us know how batshit she is, so really, what's the point of continuing to criticize her about it? For me, she's fucking nuts, but I don't think she should ever be punished for that. Same way I never felt Hogan should be punished or criticized for his sex tape.

How we, as humans, choose to act and be intimate with each other is an extremely private thing. We can easily say "you're asking for trouble by putting that on your phone", but really, it's still her business, and Xavier and Maddox obviously agreed to it, which makes it their business, too.

Is she a disgusting pig? Not at all. People can bang whoever they want and have people nut, piss, and shit on them all they want. If it makes her happy, then that's great.

If anything, just blame her for being dumb enough to get her cell phone stolen, which lead to this getting out there.

Paige MIGHT BE a careless idiot, not a pig. And neither are any of you. But I think some of you should focus more on how careless she might be rather than focusing on her willingness to bang on camera. We don't even know how it got stolen. Maybe some dude broke into her locker. I know most people don't just leave their phones unattended. Most people lock up their phones or hide them somewhere safe.

If it was out in the open, then yeah, boo on her. But that's a stretch, so I think blaming her for this at all is kinda shitty.

At the end of the day, some asshole (The real villain here) stole her shit. How would you feel if you had a sex tape and someone stole it from your ex or something and showed it to the world? Would you blame yourself, or curse the asshole who actually went through the trouble to be a malicious enough to steal your property?

[Edited on 3-22-2017 by CamstunPWG187]

anglefan85 - 3-22-2017 at 04:06 PM

^Nice post.

denverpunk - 3-22-2017 at 04:15 PM

But the term "victim" as lots of different shades. Is Paige a victim? Of course. She has been humiliated worldwide and she doesn't deserve that. I really don't think anybody would say otherwise, and I truly feel horrible for her (and Xavier for that matter, even though via double standards and fucked up social mores, it will affect him much less).

But unless if she was in those videos via force, impairment, or hidden camera, then let's not act like she bears no responsibility in this. Yes, the true dirtbag is the one who hacked and released the videos, but from what I can tell she agreed to star in an amateur porn and had no problem with it before it got leaked, so that's on her too. I really don't think pointing that out makes someone an asshole.

[Edited on 3-22-2017 by denverpunk]

Paddlefoot - 3-22-2017 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187Would you blame yourself, or curse the asshole who actually went through the trouble to be a malicious enough to steal your property?

If someone doesn't take at least a few steps to protect themselves, especially after the storage cloud got raided the last time and especially when someone is a celebrity and they absolutely know some scumbag is targeting them for a hack then, yeah, they should shoulder some of the blame. Erin Andrews was a pure victim. The other ones who left things in the iCloud under their own names and with the password 1234? Not so much, not when all this hacking and stealing has been in the news every damn day for the last couple of decades. Guys like BFG can leave their cars running outside the 711 with the windows down and a stack of $100 on the dashboard in the shittiest part of town all they want. If they get nailed then, yes, they're a victim. It's also true if they did all that and expected nothing at all to happen to them that then they're not particularly bright either.

CamstunPWG187 - 3-22-2017 at 05:02 PM

Well, I did mention all of the points previously...

I mean, yeah, she might have been totally careless. Which is why I said "if so, boo on her"

But at the end of the day, we don't know exactly how this happened. When those details get out and it's concrete, then we will have an idea of how dumb/careless she may or may not be.

Paddlefoot - 3-22-2017 at 05:12 PM

Good to see then, just like Maddox and Xavier, that we're kind of on the

That's it for tonight, folks. You've been a wonderful audience. Drive home safely and I am outta here!

CamstunPWG187 - 3-22-2017 at 05:51 PM

I'll ride my horse carefully through Hyrule and promise not to run over a dog

janerd75 - 3-22-2017 at 07:39 PM

I agree with a lot of issues raised by different posters here. I believe in the absolute sanctity and inviolability of personal property as much as is humanly practical. Sure you should be able to keep that recording of you at the donkey show in Tijuana inserting ping pong balls into Felina's chocha with your mouth and feel safe that it's for Your Eyes Only. But it doesn't change the fact that, especially in this day and age, one must must be careful, especially hot chick celebrities that every sleaze out there is looking to get the goods on, when it comes to digital storage of illicit acts.

Coming from a different angle (golly these are getting too easy), while I think that some of the participants may have shown a sliding scale of mild-to-medium grade bad judgment regarding where they recorded their acts, the biggest issue I can see for the WWE is what item of theirs was involved in said acts. While I'm absolutely 100% sure there have been insane sexual escapades going on backstage in locker rooms probably since the beginning of pro wrestling, for much of that time there were no cell phones available to capture the action. Unless, of course, Cornette's got a bunch of VHS tapes degrading away somewhere with some (more) twisted Sunny shit on them.

Regardless, many wrasslers weren't dumb enough to record themselves getting trained in the training room like our beloved yet beleaguered dumdum Paige. Who gives a fuck about the who and what they were doing. Again, from WWE's perspective, it's the where. Regardless, it's a pardonable "sin" as it was just fucking betwixt consenting adults and thank Chuck neither Woods nor Maddox were slamming fat rails of white lightening off her tits and ass in any of the videos, which would have most certainly moved the dial into unpardonable toot sweet in WWE's eyes.

Of all the "bad" things to come out (goddamnit) from this, I think the biggest issue for WWE, the icing on the cake if yew wheeyul Daddeh, is the DNA hosing of the title belt that stings their eyes the most. Again, while I'm certain some twisted shit has happened with and to WWE belts over the years, precisely none of said incidents (that I'm aware of) in all those years were ever recorded and presented to the public. Hell, a Jurassic Park-esque mad scientist could probably make clones of just Shawn and Hunter, let alone anyone else, by getting some swabs of The Juice of Life off the old belts they held. Agayn, no footage, no problem.

Sure, when diagrammed out it's a fine line between getting blame shamed by getting caught with a jizzed up title belt next to your face and the higher ups knowing this shit has gone on for years with other wrasslers, but agayn agayn, in the latter case there's no footage while in the former the WWE's brand has a no-no bodily fluid proudly displayed all over it. Certainly, people can fuck, but if said people are involving one of their employer's coveted branded props in their romps, it may not be wise to record such a thing.

Unfortunately for her, while she did absolutely nothing wrong on her adventures in Poundtown, that image of her and the belt are out there forever and realistically I think WWE has to hold that as the strike against her going forward. It is, as they say, a sticky situation for everyone, especially with the Rock's movie about her family still being filmed right now.

Paddlefoot - 3-22-2017 at 07:49 PM

Golly, that's a lot of words. King BOOKAH! says basically the same thing, with nary a shucky-ducky-cum-cum-quack-quack in there:

Once the images are out there then they're out there for good, as witnessed by the legions of losers still wanking it to old night-vision footage of Paris Hilton. Normal life not possible afterwards, as testified to by the periodic story here and there of a porn star trying to leave the business behind and live quietly. They inevitably get outed and end up losing their job once it's found out who they are. Not fair maybe but that's the world as it is.

First 9 - 3-22-2017 at 09:44 PM

I'tll just be a case of positive momentum vs Paige's lowered stock. If the movie is a hit or a string of injuries gives Paige a short boost back on top and she leverages that into becoming a key player again.

WWE ran the risk of ''WWE Champion fired due to drug testing'' becoming a news headline when they made Jeff Hardy Champion several times but they just couldn't miss out on that sweet merch money. If the movie or Paige herself makes her stand out the company at the very least will keep her.

anglefan85 - 3-23-2017 at 12:07 AM

Welp, Paige isn't coming back any time soon. Or possibly ever.

[Edited on 3-22-2017 by anglefan85]

Paddlefoot - 3-23-2017 at 12:53 AM

Looks like they could get some more mileage out of the old I'm Your Papi t-shirts by having all the guys in the locker room wear them.

janerd75 - 3-23-2017 at 01:50 AM

Sorry to bring the room down from all the Paige-ifying, but if there was anything that I wish was a rumour it would be this. Doesn't look like J.R.'s wife is doing too well after her accident.

royberto - 3-23-2017 at 01:59 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Sorry to bring the room down from all the Paige-ifying, but if there was anything that I wish was a rumour it would be this. Doesn't look like J.R.'s wife is doing too well after her accident.
Sadly, she has now passed away:

Condolences to JR and his family.

anglefan85 - 3-23-2017 at 02:40 AM

Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by janerd75
Sorry to bring the room down from all the Paige-ifying, but if there was anything that I wish was a rumour it would be this. Doesn't look like J.R.'s wife is doing too well after her accident.
Sadly, she has now passed away:

Condolences to JR and his family.

Oh man...may she rest in peace. Poor JR.

When you're married for that long and you still call your wife your little angel..that's a true kind of love. I hope that JR and his family can get through this horrible situation alright.

[Edited on 3-23-2017 by anglefan85]

SaiyaJinDX - 3-23-2017 at 03:15 AM

I'm legit heartbroken for the guy. Even though I've never met him, being on my TV and listening to podcasts and reading blogs, I've grown fond of him. Like you said, the way he speaks of his wife, shows a rare kind of love. My deepest condolences go out to him. Poor guy has had it rough over the years.

Paddlefoot - 3-23-2017 at 03:49 AM

Condolences to JR and his family. Hopefully WWE has enough grace to give him and his late wife a moment for a shout-out on RAW next week.

CCharger - 3-23-2017 at 03:52 AM

* Multiple sources are reporting that the Hardy's have been extended a contract offer from the WWE. They would appear the Raw after Mania. No terms are being reported and no word on if Matt and Jeff have signed.

futurelegend91 - 3-23-2017 at 05:17 AM

In non-Paige related rumorz, According to, WWE is in talks to buy out Ring of Honor. If the deal goes through, ROH would continue running their weekly shows for the Network.
Here's the link for those inclined to read the report:


I'm taking this one with a large dose of salt, but stranger things have happened.

ETA: Oops. Didn't see the other thread. Nothing to see here. Move along.

[Edited on 3-23-2017 by futurelegend91]

royberto - 3-23-2017 at 01:36 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Paige's father Ricky Knight wrote the following on his Facebook page regarding the private photos/videos that were recently leaked online:

my last say on the scandal surrounding my daughter I have just spoken to her over Facebook and I am worried for her mental health or worse ffs world get a grip she has not killed anyone robbed anyone she was having sex in a private situation between consulting adults and then has been betrayed by some low lifes as her dad I urge people to back off as I say I am very worried for her it will be no good backing her when its too late like many other celebrities who have left us."

Paige's mother also commented with the following:

"I cannot lose my little girl!! The whole family has taken so much shit, being blasted from all angles. But none of this is worth it. There is a broken soul here. I am on the verge of breaking over this and I cannot deal with anymore. We are crushed. I really don't know how much more I can take, well done to those that thought this was a great idea, well done to those tagging us in pics and videos. You have done what you wanted to do let's hope to God you don't take from me one of my most treasured gifts."

Paige's mother also added the following comment on Twitter:

Sat with my husband, he is sobbing, he can't even speak. I'm losing everything I love, the business we love will kill us it seems.

This story is not going to have a happy ending.

[Edited on 3-20-2017 by anglefan85]
Those two have enabled Paige for years in making excuses for everyting bad she did and NOW they are finally worried? Maybe if they had been responsible parents from the start instead of going on facebook and other social media outlets to make excuses for her in the past things wouldn't have escalated to this point. They can't seem to realize they played a part in the out of control spiral they now think Paige is in.

Wickedfrost - 3-23-2017 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by roybertoThose two have enabled Paige for years in making excuses for everyting bad she did and NOW they are finally worried? Maybe if they had been responsible parents from the start instead of going on facebook and other social media outlets to make excuses for her in the past things wouldn't have escalated to this point. They can't seem to realize they played a part in the out of control spiral they now think Paige is in.

Dude. Get over it. Becky Lynch is midcard at best.

anglefan85 - 3-23-2017 at 06:22 PM


Mauro Ranallo missed his second straight Smackdown on 3/21, this time said to be due to illness after the previous week it was said to be due to travel issues. Ranallo has suffered from terrible depression dating back to being a teenager. He�s spoken about it frequently and in depth, including articles on the Sherdog MMA site and in Fighting Spirit magazine. He�s been out of contact with people he�s known for years dating back to 3/13, although two of his closest friends have said that he�s okay and resting up. He once missed an Invicta event over depression before coming to WWE. Ranallo has done many in-depth articles on the subject including one just recently with Fighting Spirit magazine and it�s a subject he has talked openly about, to the point he has been something of a spokesperson and advocate in teaching people not to stigmatize people with mental health issues. Years ago he was self-nicknamed The Bipolar Rock & Roller. Ranallo is super active on Twitter, but hasn�t posted anything since 3/13.

First 9 - 3-23-2017 at 06:35 PM

Bundle of news,

-Bray Wyatt is pushing for his brother to join the Wyatt Family

-Mauro has missed the last few SDs due to depression. No clear idea on when he's coming back.

-Maria and Mike Bennett might be WWE bound.

-The whole point of Cena and Nikki vs The Mizanis might be for Cena to propose to Nikki after the match.

-TNA might coozing up to AAA for a business relationship.

-WWE asked Shawn if he wanted to come back for a WM match against AJ. Shawn turned them down.

Paddlefoot - 3-23-2017 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Wickedfrost
Originally posted by roybertoThose two have enabled Paige for years in making excuses for everyting bad she did and NOW they are finally worried? Maybe if they had been responsible parents from the start instead of going on facebook and other social media outlets to make excuses for her in the past things wouldn't have escalated to this point. They can't seem to realize they played a part in the out of control spiral they now think Paige is in.

Dude. Get over it. Becky Lynch is midcard at best.

Burn of the Day award winner right there. Sorry Roy, that's a second-degree scorch ya just got.

[Edited on 3/23/2017 by Paddlefoot]

royberto - 3-23-2017 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Wickedfrost
Originally posted by roybertoThose two have enabled Paige for years in making excuses for everyting bad she did and NOW they are finally worried? Maybe if they had been responsible parents from the start instead of going on facebook and other social media outlets to make excuses for her in the past things wouldn't have escalated to this point. They can't seem to realize they played a part in the out of control spiral they now think Paige is in.

Dude. Get over it. Becky Lynch is midcard at best.

Come on, you can do better than that! That was pathetic!

That aside, good news everyone! Southpaw Regional Wrestling T-Shirts now available at

Buy Buy! Buy! /HBK

[Edited on 3-23-2017 by royberto]

royberto - 3-23-2017 at 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by Wickedfrost
Dude. Get over it. Becky Lynch is midcard at best.

Burn of the Day award winner right there. Sorry Roy, that's a second-degree scorch ya just got.

[Edited on 3/23/2017 by Paddlefoot]
You have a very low standard then. That was as pathetic as it gets.

Paddlefoot - 3-23-2017 at 07:28 PM

royberto - 3-23-2017 at 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot

I assure you I am laughing at you.

Paddlefoot - 3-23-2017 at 08:30 PM

No where near as funny as your comment on 411 that Alexa Bliss doesn't have a good ass. You sick FREAK!!!

First 9 - 3-23-2017 at 09:46 PM

Cena gave Fallon a SouthPaw T shirt on thet Tonight Show. I think they'll definently do another batch of episodes.

[Edited on 3-23-2017 by First 9]

lz4005 - 3-23-2017 at 11:55 PM

Originally posted by First 9
Cena gave Fallon a SouthPaw T shirt on thet Tonight Show. I think they'll definently do another batch of episodes.

Not unless KFC makes with more sponsorship $$$.
I'm sure promoting on the Tonight Show appearance was part of the contract.

First 9 - 3-24-2017 at 12:01 AM

Kane is oficially running for mayor. It's a small town so just might stand chance.

Count Zero - 3-24-2017 at 05:56 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Bundle of news,

-Bray Wyatt is pushing for his brother to join the Wyatt Family

-Mauro has missed the last few SDs due to depression. No clear idea on when he's coming back.

-Maria and Mike Bennett might be WWE bound.

-The whole point of Cena and Nikki vs The Mizanis might be for Cena to propose to Nikki after the match.

-TNA might coozing up to AAA for a business relationship.

-WWE asked Shawn if he wanted to come back for a WM match against AJ. Shawn turned them down., sorry, i mean POINT FOOOOORM!

- Bo Wyatt? Yes please.
- I hope Mauro gets un-depressed soon. As much as I give him a hard time around here, I don't wish depression on anybody. It's a hell of a thing.
- Goddammit I hope Mike Bennett falls over and bursts into flames. (TM Cornette)
- That Cena/Nikki thing would be .. I really can't tell how I feel. Douchechilly, maybe? Like, yay for them as people, but this doesn't need to be a thing that happens, does it?
- TNA^4? aTaNaA? AAATNA? TAAANA? A-Cuble (think Austin Aries here)?
- Shawn vs AJ would make the internet's collective head explode for a thousand reasons, no matter what outcome happens. "Big Deal they put AJ over an old guy/How dare they pull a screwjob finish/They couldn't give him some REAL opposition/I hate Old Wrestlers at Mania/etc"

Sorry Dom, didn't mean to steal your gimmick. :-(

bopol - 3-24-2017 at 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero

- TNA^4? aTaNaA? AAATNA? TAAANA? A-Cuble (think Austin Aries here)?


First 9 - 3-24-2017 at 06:52 AM

It won't come even close to touching Savage/Miss Elizabeth but I think it'll be a harmless segment. Nikki is a terrible actor but Cena cheesing it up should make up for it.

punkerhardcore - 3-24-2017 at 07:09 AM

I dunno, I could see the boos bring pretty heavy for that segment. Not as bad as it'll be as when Reigns beats Taker, but pretty bad.

Kobolos - 3-24-2017 at 11:55 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Kane is oficially running for mayor. It's a small town so just might stand chance.

As a loyal Tennesseeian I have to point out it's for the County Mayorship. Jacobs has done a ton of charity work in the area over the years and has a very good head for politics. No less than Ron Paul has encouraged him to run for Senate in the past. More than just standing a chance, If I lived in Knox I'd vote for him, and I'm certain many in Knox will.

royberto - 3-24-2017 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by First 9
Cena gave Fallon a SouthPaw T shirt on thet Tonight Show. I think they'll definently do another batch of episodes.

[Edited on 3-23-2017 by First 9]
He said they weren't available anywhere. Someone forgot to mention to him they were available on

Count Zero - 3-24-2017 at 10:46 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
I dunno, I could see the boos bring pretty heavy for that segment. Not as bad as it'll be as when Reigns beats Taker, but pretty bad.
This is sort of.. Like, not that I expect it to get shat on, but it's a completely staged thing and... For example, when some guy proposes to his girlfriend at Sporting Event On Big Screen, she usually doesn't know about it before the fact, and there's the pressure to say yes or make everybody involved look stupid.

This is non-spontaneous, we're pretty sure we all know what her answer will be, and they have ZERO (until recently) on-screen love-story/history, unlike Macho/Liz. It's a manufactured "private" moment on the Grandest Stage Of Them All, and for what? The TV show? It just feels forceder-than-forced, I guess is my ultimate reaction. And if the live crowd turns on it, it's completely awkward.

Originally posted by bopol

I can't believe I missed that one. Man, I must've been half-stupid when I was point-forming.

[Edited on 3-24-2017 by Count Zero]

First 9 - 3-24-2017 at 11:10 PM

I think Cena is savy enough to avoid a bad reaction. Dude, was pretty much the only one who could control the rabid Daniel Bryan fans while HHH and others had to talk over them. He just stick with the mic through out the whole segment and pipe in with smartass comments if fans are getting restless.

In other news:

-ROH sent an email to their talent saying the WWE negotiations are for archived footage.

-JR will be in Orlando for the WM weekend.

-Hardyz coming to WWE seems more likely as there are's no news regarding them after the ROH appearance in April and the Hardyz shut down their own merch website.

-In what might end up being a statement Stephanie retracts, she said that the ''Women's Revolution'' started due to the movement ''Give Divas a Chance'' which was chanted and trending Twitter 2 years ago. If you remember ''Give Divas a Chance'' was all AJ Lee's doing.

-''The Era of Wyatt'' is apparently a new WWE trademark. Getting that done is chump change for WWE but it might a small, hopeful sign they go all in with Bray Wyatt as Champion and have him retain at Mania.

Count Zero - 3-24-2017 at 11:33 PM

This isn't a "typical Cena promo". This is, supposedly, the biggest moment in an actual real-world-relationship. I bet girls really LOOOOOOVE it when assholes heckle their ring-acceptance moment.

Like, I understand what you're saying, and I'm even willing to give the audience the benefit of the "awwww! cute!" moment, but this is really really really forced, and seems like it's just something designed to eat up 15 (or 30, when you include the video package) minutes of a 8-hour show. What? It's not actually eight hours? I bet it's gonna feel like it, at least.

Zeyes - 3-25-2017 at 04:36 AM

Originally posted by First 9
-''The Era of Wyatt'' is apparently a new WWE trademark. Getting that done is chump change for WWE but it might a small, hopeful sign they go all in with Bray Wyatt as Champion and have him retain at Mania.

WWE's most recent "Will you resubscribe to the Network, pretty please?" email in my inbox today has come with a big "Welcome to the Era of Wyatt" banner along with the WM broadcast date...does that make it more or less likely that this'll be a thing beyond WM?

PB-13 - 3-25-2017 at 04:39 AM

Was there an indie thread at one time? It's become my thing in recent years, particularly in the very busy St. Louis-area scene. I've been to over a hundred live shows in the past two-plus years.

Throwing this one out there, two of the up-and-coming tag teams in the Midwest. The Blood Brothers are better known elsewhere as Davey Vega and Mat Fitchett, the Besties In The World. The Royal Blood are clearly inspired by the Young Bucks except smaller and both blond-haired(as identical twin brothers, though they're considerate enough to have their names on their gear).

(Not sure how to embed a YouTube video.)

GodEatGod - 3-25-2017 at 10:33 AM

Originally posted by PB-13
The Royal Blood are clearly inspired by the Young Bucks except smaller

I mean, the Bucks already look like junior high kids who snuck into the building half the time. How little are these guys?

Slade - 3-25-2017 at 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
This is non-spontaneous, we're pretty sure we all know what her answer will be, and they have ZERO (until recently) on-screen love-story/history, unlike Macho/Liz.

Just because the wrestling writers haven't paired up John Cena and Nikki Bella until recently and have not forced their relationship to be a central part of RAW or Smackdown in the past doesn't mean that their relationship is new to the WWE Universe. Their relationship has been acknowledged and documented on-screen for the past 3-4 years on Total Divas and whatever that other show is where Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan moved into John Cena and Nikki Bella's house (which presumably resulted in much hilarity and drama). Therefore, it wouldn't be weird for John Cena to propose to Nikki Bella, whether for real or for WWE Universes purposes.

PB-13 - 3-25-2017 at 02:28 PM

I pride myself on the fact that I haven't watched a second of Total Divas/Bellas. WWE has managed to latch onto a fanbase more categorically insane than pro wrestling fans: Reality TV fans. Oh well, thus is life.

I wanted to ask why Tyler Breeze was dressed up as Nikki Bella on Smackdown, but I REALLY didn't want to know the answer. I can only suspect that the answer involves some combination of the words "YAS", "QUEEN", and "SLAY".

bopol - 3-25-2017 at 06:30 PM

Originally posted by PB-13
Was there an indie thread at one time? It's become my thing in recent years, particularly in the very busy St. Louis-area scene. I've been to over a hundred live shows in the past two-plus years.

Throwing this one out there, two of the up-and-coming tag teams in the Midwest. The Blood Brothers are better known elsewhere as Davey Vega and Mat Fitchett, the Besties In The World. The Royal Blood are clearly inspired by the Young Bucks except smaller and both blond-haired(as identical twin brothers, though they're considerate enough to have their names on their gear).

(Not sure how to embed a YouTube video.)

That was a good match - thanks for sharing. I'd like to see both teams in Chikara (sometimes, they will get midwest wrestlers to come to their Chicago events). Both teams are a bit raw (well, the Royal Blood are really raw), but have a lot of potential.

If I were booking, I'd like to see Fire Ant and Silver Ant against the Royal Blood and the Blood Brothers against 3.0 (if 3.0 could wrestle in the states).

Count Zero - 3-25-2017 at 08:56 PM

I was being hyperbolic about WM turning into an 8-hr show, but..:

According to WWE Network's schedule for that day, a four hour time slot was given for Wrestlemania 33. Including the Kickoff Show, that's six hours for Wrestlemania. However, it could run longer. Industry-insider Dave Meltzer tweeted that the show will run six and a half hours.

Sweet Jovis Grud that's gonna be a lot of filler and hype.

Originally posted by Slade
Just because the wrestling writers haven't paired up John Cena and Nikki Bella until recently and have not forced their relationship to be a central part of RAW or Smackdown in the past doesn't mean that their relationship is new to the WWE Universe. Their relationship has been acknowledged and documented on-screen for the past 3-4 years on Total Divas and whatever that other show is where Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan moved into John Cena and Nikki Bella's house (which presumably resulted in much hilarity and drama). Therefore, it wouldn't be weird for John Cena to propose to Nikki Bella, whether for real or for WWE Universes purposes.
Oh, well yes, we ALL know they're bangin', whether or not we've watched a second of TotDivs. As you've said, the larger share of their relationship has happened off-screen, until the inception of That Which OO Does Not Etc Etc. So why does the proposal have to be on-screen? Why not have a nice private moment, like they've had a semi-private relationship?

Answer: to fill a half-hour of a six+ hour marathon, apparently. It's kind of spectacle for spectacle's sake. The cynic in me expects some kind of SHOCKING SWERVE, and the rest of me figures this is part of the show where I can go for a snack.

[Edited on 3-25-2017 by Count Zero]

Gobshite - 3-25-2017 at 11:31 PM

Including the pre show, the show ran almost seven hours last year:
On the network, the pre show is 1 hour 52 minutes, and the PPV itself was 4 hours 51 minutes. So if anything, a six hour show (if it includes the ore show) will be shorter than last year.

Also: John & Nikkis relationship has been anything but private. It has been all over multiple TV shows and has always been referenced in interviews. It just hasn't happened on Smackdown. There's no harm in a proposal happening at Mania, and even if it does, there's no guarantee it'll be part of the PPV, it may happen backstage and be filmed for Total Divas.

It's quite possible / highly likely that a proposal has already taken place, in private, and a second one will take place just for the TV show; which is how these things tend to happen anyway in the "structured reality" TV world.

[Edited on 3-25-2017 by Gobshite]

royberto - 3-26-2017 at 12:09 AM

Originally posted by First 9

-In what might end up being a statement Stephanie retracts, she said that the ''Women's Revolution'' started due to the movement ''Give Divas a Chance'' which was chanted and trending Twitter 2 years ago. If you remember ''Give Divas a Chance'' was all AJ Lee's doing.

No it wasn't The hashtag was already trending and the chanting started before AJ ever uttered the phrase. AJ threw a couple of tweets about fair pay at Stephanie that were largely ignored. It wasn't until the Bella's ripped the company publicly after the :30 second match that caused the trending and chanting that Stephanie and Vince finally responded with tweets of their own.

It wasn't all AJ's doing. The Bellas had just as much to do with it.

[Edited on 3-25-2017 by royberto]

DKBroiler - 3-26-2017 at 05:39 AM

If Cena proposes on live TV at Mania doesn't it basically validate everything Miz has said about them?

Paddlefoot - 3-26-2017 at 06:06 AM

I lud you, Eliddabit, err Nikki. Plid mary meh! Ooohhh yeah!

First 9 - 3-26-2017 at 08:46 AM

Originally posted by royberto
It wasn't all AJ's doing. The Bellas had just as much to do with it.

[Edited on 3-25-2017 by royberto]

Just double checked and you're right(not on the Bellas, but on AJ) it wasn't an AJ creation. AJ was raising noise over unfair treatment and the #givedivasachance message spread at the same time but it has no original author.

royberto - 3-26-2017 at 05:15 PM

Originally posted by First 9
Originally posted by royberto
It wasn't all AJ's doing. The Bellas had just as much to do with it.

[Edited on 3-25-2017 by royberto]

Just double checked and you're right(not on the Bellas, but on AJ) it wasn't an AJ creation. AJ was raising noise over unfair treatment and the #givedivasachance message spread at the same time but it has no original author.
The Bella's went public right after the match on twitter, basically ripped the company for the 30 second match, then endorsed #givedivasachance as did a few other talents. Almost immediately after that, Stephanie and Vince put out their tweets. I'm pretty sure if the Bella's hadn't gone after them publicly the way they did, Vine and Stephanie would ahve ignored it. It is easy to ignore AJ as she was no longer with the company. It is much harder to ignore the Bella's because they were still on the payroll.

The Bella's gave the movement a face.

[Edited on 3-26-2017 by royberto]

royberto - 3-26-2017 at 08:10 PM

Cena is going full tilt on Southpaw Regional Wrestling:

A post shared by John Cena (@johncena) on

PB-13 - 3-27-2017 at 08:48 AM

Originally posted by bopol
Originally posted by PB-13
Was there an indie thread at one time? It's become my thing in recent years, particularly in the very busy St. Louis-area scene. I've been to over a hundred live shows in the past two-plus years.

Throwing this one out there, two of the up-and-coming tag teams in the Midwest. The Blood Brothers are better known elsewhere as Davey Vega and Mat Fitchett, the Besties In The World. The Royal Blood are clearly inspired by the Young Bucks except smaller and both blond-haired(as identical twin brothers, though they're considerate enough to have their names on their gear).

(Not sure how to embed a YouTube video.)

That was a good match - thanks for sharing. I'd like to see both teams in Chikara (sometimes, they will get midwest wrestlers to come to their Chicago events). Both teams are a bit raw (well, the Royal Blood are really raw), but have a lot of potential.

If I were booking, I'd like to see Fire Ant and Silver Ant against the Royal Blood and the Blood Brothers against 3.0 (if 3.0 could wrestle in the states).

At the very least, Davey Vega/Gibson has worked Chikara as part of the Submission Squad. So have Gary Jay(NWL = Jay Lutz) and Evan Gelistico(NWL = Buddy Shepherd).

Check out the Buddy Shepherd promos on NWL's YouTube channel. Entertaining character, sort of an over-the-top mega-preacher with double entendres thrown in.

CCharger - 3-27-2017 at 01:58 PM

* Rumors are that Mick Foley is done as an on-screen character for the WWE. Word is that Foley was too outspoken for StepHHH's tastes and frequently clashed backstage with Stephanie. Once Foley's hip heals, he will not be asked to return.

* Baron Corbin is scheduled to win the IC title from Dean Ambrose and will receive a monster push. This has been rumored before, but this just confirms that Vince and Co. are high on him.

* Hulk Hogan was booked to make a surprise appearance at Wrestlemania but those plans changed after the Paige leaks. WWE does not want to draw attention to either situation.

anglefan85 - 3-27-2017 at 02:34 PM

I am all in for a Corbin IC title run.

bopol - 3-27-2017 at 02:46 PM

Originally posted by PB-13
Originally posted by bopol
Originally posted by PB-13
Was there an indie thread at one time? It's become my thing in recent years, particularly in the very busy St. Louis-area scene. I've been to over a hundred live shows in the past two-plus years.

Throwing this one out there, two of the up-and-coming tag teams in the Midwest. The Blood Brothers are better known elsewhere as Davey Vega and Mat Fitchett, the Besties In The World. The Royal Blood are clearly inspired by the Young Bucks except smaller and both blond-haired(as identical twin brothers, though they're considerate enough to have their names on their gear).

(Not sure how to embed a YouTube video.)

That was a good match - thanks for sharing. I'd like to see both teams in Chikara (sometimes, they will get midwest wrestlers to come to their Chicago events). Both teams are a bit raw (well, the Royal Blood are really raw), but have a lot of potential.

If I were booking, I'd like to see Fire Ant and Silver Ant against the Royal Blood and the Blood Brothers against 3.0 (if 3.0 could wrestle in the states).

At the very least, Davey Vega/Gibson has worked Chikara as part of the Submission Squad. So have Gary Jay(NWL = Jay Lutz) and Evan Gelistico(NWL = Buddy Shepherd).

Check out the Buddy Shepherd promos on NWL's YouTube channel. Entertaining character, sort of an over-the-top mega-preacher with double entendres thrown in.

Oh, yeah. Vega and Gibson are better now than when I remember them from the last time they were in Chikara. I saw Jay and Gelistico in Chicago. I was very impressed with Jay; lots of charisma.

I will check more of this out - thanks for pointing me to it.

GodEatGod - 3-27-2017 at 02:59 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
I am all in for a Corbin IC title run.

Yeah, I've got no problem with this. That's clearly what was going to happen as soon as they set the feud up. IC title's a good place to give him a run, see what he's got and let him sink or swim. He needs a lot more polish if he wants to get to main event level, but he's a perfectly good midcard monster.

royberto - 3-27-2017 at 08:21 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Hulk Hogan was booked to make a surprise appearance at Wrestlemania but those plans changed after the Paige leaks. WWE does not want to draw attention to either situation.
If you didn't want to draw attention to Hogan's situation, why book him in the first place? Second, how is that the leaking of Paige's nudes causes WWE to change their mind on booking Hogan? Makes absolutely no sense.

royberto - 3-27-2017 at 08:24 PM

WWE has putout it's Wrestlemania week schedule, which includes 4 sellouts of the same arena(Amway Center) in 5 days(HOF, NXT Takeover, Raw and Smackdown):

Slick - 3-27-2017 at 08:44 PM

Oh myyyyyy....

Pitbull is going to perform live with Flo Rida at "The Ultimate Thrill Ride" �

WWE loves them some Flo Rida for some reason.

First 9 - 3-27-2017 at 09:49 PM

I think it's because the love is mutual meaning that Flo Rida comes cheaper than some other artists.

anglefan85 - 3-27-2017 at 09:57 PM

Embedding the image seems to mess up how the page looks.

Man, Alberto has lost it. This basically sums up Alberto and Paige's goodwill nowadays:

[Edited on 3-27-2017 by anglefan85]

Count Zero - 3-27-2017 at 10:35 PM

If that's the chick from "Frozen" that Paige is about to punch, she just earned a frostload of my goodwill.

Goddamn I hate "Let it Go".

G-Spot - 3-27-2017 at 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
If that's the chick from "Frozen" that Paige is about to punch, she just earned a frostload of my goodwill.

Goddamn I hate "Let it Go".

Dude...just let it go. It was 4 years ago.

G-Spot - 3-27-2017 at 11:08 PM

Speaking of 2013...seems that was when Eva Marie was hired, and word is spreading the WWE will not be renewing her contract. I forgot she was suspended Aug. 2016 for a Wellness Policy I know I won't miss her.

janerd75 - 3-28-2017 at 01:30 AM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Embedding the image seems to mess up how the page looks.

Man, Alberto has lost it. This basically sums up Alberto and Paige's goodwill nowadays:

How can you guys keep falling for this? They're all working us you stupid marks.

Count Zero - 3-28-2017 at 03:23 AM

Originally posted by G-Spot
Originally posted by Count Zero
If that's the chick from "Frozen" that Paige is about to punch, she just earned a frostload of my goodwill.

Goddamn I hate "Let it Go".

Dude...just let it go. It was 4 years ago.

I bet you wear Disney Princess dresses in your spare time!

G-Spot - 3-28-2017 at 03:54 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
I bet you wear Disney Princess dresses in your spare time!

Nah....I wear this....

...and this IS actually me two years ago on Halloween standing in an alley at an abandoned house and waving at everyone walking by!

Count Zero - 3-28-2017 at 03:58 AM

..And now, presto-cadabra (cadaver-a?), you're back on my good side!

But seriously folks, murder-clowns are scary! Don't be a murder-clown unless you are in a designated murder-clown area!

G-Spot - 3-28-2017 at 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
..And now, presto-cadabra (cadaver-a?), you're back on my good side!

But seriously folks, murder-clowns are scary! Don't be a murder-clown unless you are in a designated murder-clown area!

I was just glad I did this before they started shooting clowns!

PB-13 - 3-28-2017 at 09:32 AM

royberto - 3-28-2017 at 08:05 PM

An early photo of the entrance ramp:

So, they are actually putting the entrance above the seating bowl. Quite the setup. I will say UNdertaker better get started walking down the ramp now if he wants to make it to the rung by the time his match is on.

bigfatgoalie - 3-28-2017 at 10:08 PM

Originally posted by royberto
I will say UNdertaker better get started walking down the ramp now if he wants to make it to the rung by the time his match is on.

Cart + darkness + smoke = Taker "floats" to the ring without winding himself.

Slade - 3-28-2017 at 11:05 PM

It looks like Andr� The Giant is wrestling on the Wrestlemania 33 Kick-Off show. My guess is he'll be competing against Braun Stroman for the chance to win the Andr� The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.'s Wrestlemania 33 Kick-Off Show Preview

[Edited on 3-28-2017 by Slade]

lz4005 - 3-28-2017 at 11:14 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Originally posted by royberto
I will say UNdertaker better get started walking down the ramp now if he wants to make it to the rung by the time his match is on.

Cart + darkness + smoke = Taker "floats" to the ring without winding himself.

I was thinking extra long trench coat and one of these:

First 9 - 3-28-2017 at 11:39 PM

-Hardyz in WWE seems certain.

-No draft changes have been mentioned except AJ going to RAW for Reigns. With the idea being of Roman anchoring SD. There was no mention if that meant AJ would soon turn face to take up Roman's spot or Rolling would become the top face.

-Recent HHH quote on Enzo, " Is he ever going to make you money from an in-ring performer standpoint? Probably not. But he's money on the mic."

the goon - 3-29-2017 at 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Slade's Wrestlemania 33 Kick-Off Show Preview

I was afraid that Neville/Aries was going to be relegated to the pre-show, so it's a bummer to see it's official now. It would have been nice to see the Cruiserweight title get the spotlight by being on the main card (especially with a pretty high-profile match like Neville vs Aries), so of course the WWE decides to not do that.

But hey, at least that means we'll have the appropriate amount of time for Flo Rida and Pitbull.

First 9 - 3-29-2017 at 12:23 AM

To be fair, that is better than making it to the main card and only having 4 minutes like what happened to Matt Hardy and Mysterio in 03.

Watch WWE punish me for viewing the silver lining and give Aeries/Neville 5 minutes.

punkerhardcore - 3-29-2017 at 12:24 AM

This fucking show is going to be like five hours long, and they have to move three of the matches into preshow? Christ.

Sucks for the Smackdown women. Especially if they were going to bring in some surprises/alumni to pop the crowd and give the match some extra oomph. Seems pointless to do that now, since when the match goes on, the arena will be mostly empty.

Sucks for the Cruiser division as well, since that has the potential to be an awesome match, but again, will get WAY less eyeballs on it.

The Andre match, however, deserves to be on the preshow since it's worthless.

I feel like calling this Wrestlemania "the ultimate thrill ride," is like when a giant guy is nicknamed Tiny.

Paddlefoot - 3-29-2017 at 12:49 AM

Originally posted by the goon
But hey, at least that means we'll have the appropriate amount of time for Flo Rida and Pitbull.

Must be a payoff of some sort to the local Floridians because devoting extra time to a brain-dead nightclub rap act instead of giving the spotlight to the actual performers could only be seen as a good thing in an abattoir of a society like Florida's. Hey, Janny, how you doin'?

We all gotta keep one thing in mind, and it's been over twenty years since Vince said it himself. He's not running a wrasslin' promotion, he's running an entertainment giant. God knows why he thinks certain things are entertaining, because I imagine the line ups for piss-break will be three times as long from people wanting to get away from the Pitbull/Flo-Rida noise than they will be for the SD women or even the mess of the Andre battle.

janerd75 - 3-29-2017 at 01:32 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by the goon
But hey, at least that means we'll have the appropriate amount of time for Flo Rida and Pitbull.

Must be a payoff of some sort to the local Floridians because devoting extra time to a brain-dead nightclub rap act instead of giving the spotlight to the actual performers could only be seen as a good thing in an abattoir of a society like Florida's. Hey, Janny, how you doin'?

I have mostly no idea why FloRida and Pitbull are still A Thing in these parts. Well, I kinda do but it's 2017 and I'm not allowed to speak of such things freely anymore. Even though I would have been equally revolted were it Florida-Georgia Line or Luke Bryan or somesuch other melanin-deprived bedazzled hootenanny horror. Shit, since it's Orlando I would have preferred an N'Sync or Backstreet Boys performance. No really, I'm looking forward to giving Mr. Rida's and Mr. Bull's performances a chance. Why look, here's a preview of my reaction now.

I'll go ahead and put this here just in case--->

CM Crunk - 3-29-2017 at 01:40 AM

[edit: wrong thread]

[Edited on 3/29/2017 by CM Crunk]

salmonjunkie - 3-29-2017 at 01:42 AM

I Pitbull's music is silly, derivative, and pretty worthless. Despite that, his music is totally a guilty pleasure of mine.

Doesn't mean I want him at WrestleMania, but they've done much worse.

Count Zero - 3-29-2017 at 03:36 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
This fucking show is going to be like five hours long, and they have to move three of the matches into preshow? Christ.
and I'mma bet that 5hrs is pretty evenly split between "actual wrestling" and "video recaps to bring the casual-once-a-year audience up to speed, plus the ENTERTAINMENT SEGMENTS, plus the in-show commercials."

So it'll be a 2h30 minute =wrestling= show, typical of a NetworkSpecialPerView, but padded (heh, I said butt-padded, and I wasn't even talking about Naomi ) out to fill five fucking hours.

[Edited on 3-29-2017 by Count Zero]

CCharger - 3-29-2017 at 01:34 PM

* There is heat on JBL backstage for allegedly "bullying" Mauro Ranallo and contributing to the depression that has kept him off TV

* Braun Strowman is expected to win the Andre Battle Royal and resume his feud with Reigns immediately after.

[Edited on 3-30-2017 by CCharger]

nOOb - 3-30-2017 at 04:01 PM

Hah, doing something with the winner of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal...nice try, internet.

royberto - 3-30-2017 at 07:31 PM

HHH acknowledges his own internet meme of "posing with himeslf":

Don't need to photoshop this one... see it @WrestleMania #Axxess

— Triple H (@TripleH) March 30, 2017

DKBroiler - 3-30-2017 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by royberto
HHH acknowledges his own internet meme of "posing with himeslf":

Royberto posts matter.

bigfatgoalie - 3-30-2017 at 11:24 PM

That's his best post ever. In celebration, I'd like to remind folks that Becky Lynch was surpassed by freaking Naomi on the SmackDown depth charge, and is close to cementing her place as the poor man's Natalya.

Gobshite - 3-31-2017 at 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
I'mma bet that 5hrs is pretty evenly split between "actual wrestling" and "video recaps to bring the casual-once-a-year audience up to speed, plus the ENTERTAINMENT SEGMENTS, plus the in-show commercials."

So it'll be a 2h30 minute =wrestling= show, typical of a NetworkSpecialPerView, but padded (heh, I said butt-padded, and I wasn't even talking about Naomi ) out to fill five fucking hours.

[Edited on 3-29-2017 by Count Zero]

Yeah, because god forbid those poor bastards that have literally paid thousands to be there get anything resembling a break during the 7 hours they're going to be at the stadium. Let's just have nothing that makes it look different from every other event at all, and make every single person who needs to eat/drink/piss miss something important.

Every sports event has down times; whether it's half time, or down time between fights in boxing / UFC. I'm a semi regular viewer and even I need / like the video packages; and I completely understand why pitbull and the HOF'ers get arena time- it's necessary for the pacing of the show.

First 9 - 3-31-2017 at 01:12 AM

I think part of what made WM17 so good was how even it's breather segments were killer. Instead of celebrity perfomances or showing the same video packages through out the night we had a segment focusing on the WCW guys being present and watching from the crowd and the nostalgic Gimmick Battle Royale. One hyped you up and the other was a fun distraction.

[Edited on 3-31-2017 by First 9]

Count Zero - 3-31-2017 at 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Yeah, because god forbid those poor bastards that have literally paid thousands to be there get anything resembling a break during the 7 hours they're going to be at the stadium. Let's just have nothing that makes it look different from every other event at all, and make every single person who needs to eat/drink/piss miss something important.

Every sports event has down times; whether it's half time, or down time between fights in boxing / UFC. I'm a semi regular viewer and even I need / like the video packages; and I completely understand why pitbull and the HOF'ers get arena time- it's necessary for the pacing of the show.
Yeah, I understand that people want to go to the concession stands, and the bathrooms, and and and. So don't schedule the goddamn show for 5 fucking hours in the first place. Wrestlemania used to be "a big event" at 3 hours. They made THAT work for years. Then, in order to semi-justify the ridiculous PPVPrice Hikes, they felt like 4 hours was 'value-added benefit'. Now, however, we have to fill 5+ hours of WWEnetwork time because why? They can't even really fall back on the "well we're charging 60$ for it, so we gotta go overtime" excuse, since "PPV Sales" are a laughably-small part of the business plan as it stands.

So, back to the point I was essentially making. Stop trying to do a 5+ hour show if you only have 50% of that amount of content readily available, and you're already moving some of said content into a 'pre-show' show. It turns into a ridiculous test of endurance for those in attendance, and a channel-surfing marathon for those watching on the WWE Network. Tighten up your "five hour show" into 2.5-3.5 hours, and everybody wins. That would do a lot more for the 'pacing' than padding it with fluff. There is a reason that the creative fields (writing, film-making, etc) have things called EDITORS, not PADDERS.

Gobshite - 3-31-2017 at 11:18 AM

Blame the NFL & US sports culture in general. You don't get this "60 minutes of game time takes 4 hours to play" crap over here

This is the Super Bowl of wrestling after all.

[Edited on 3-31-2017 by Gobshite]

G. Jonah Jameson - 3-31-2017 at 12:16 PM

I'm not sure WWE is exactly struggling to fill the five hours it has allotted for Wrestlemania. Yeah, it has elements that we, as dedicated fans, would consider filler -- video packages, Pitbull concert, etc. But I think the bulk of Wrestlemania's ever-burgeoning run time is due to two factors that we should be happy about:

More storylines. This has only intensified with the brand split. I know we've all been kvetching about how the build this year is the worst of all time, like we do every year, but there's nothing on the card that hasn't received a considerable amount of build except maybe the Andre the Giant Battle Royal, which I'm loath to count as it's pretty transparently just a way to get everybody a payday.

Longer matches. This is what people overlook about Wrestlemania's halcyon early years and its Attitude Era heights. Big matches are a hell of a lot longer nowadays, because that's what we, the fans, have been clamoring for. Compare everyone's favorite Wrestlemania, X-7, to last year's show. Each had 12 matches, including pre-show. At X-7, only five matches out of 12 passed the 10-minute mark; at 32, it was eight out of 12. At X-7, four matches didn't even surpass the five-minute mark, while at 32, that only happened once (and it was the just-to-officially-get-him-on-the-card six-second the Rock match). How many of this year's matches are going to be satisfying if they don't pass the 10-minute mark?

First 9 - 3-31-2017 at 07:08 PM

So the solution is to make everybody study WCW Cruiserweight matches? I don't get why something has to go 15+ to be good. Malenko, Mysterio, Ultimo Dragon and the rest could give you a show in 8 to 10 minutes. Hell, one of the greates matches of all time(top 8 according to our pOOsters), Guerrero vs Mysterio went for like 13 minutes.

GodEatGod - 3-31-2017 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by First 9
So the solution is to make everybody study WCW Cruiserweight matches? I don't get why something has to go 15+ to be good. Malenko, Mysterio, Ultimo Dragon and the rest could give you a show in 8 to 10 minutes. Hell, one of the greates matches of all time(top 8 according to our pOOsters), Guerrero vs Mysterio went for like 13 minutes.

1 out of the top 8 would make that the exception rather than the rule.

It all depends on the match, obviously, but to build a good story, draw in the audience and suffice to be a 'PPV worthy' match, most of the best work will be in the fifteen minute plus range. It's also just a general shift in the product - matches are longer now on average, for good or ill. Some people use that extra time to make their matches that much better and some end up spending a lot of time stalling or hanging around in chinlocks.

To me, Wrestlemania's different than other PPVs. It's almost like a music festival, only wrestling. It's basically three or four days of festivities now, culminating in Sunday night. Plus, they no longer have time restrictions since they have the Network now and, well, what else are they going to put on?

The other benefit of the Network is, if the running time bothers you so much, pause it a bit so you have the ability to fast forward when it gets slow.

anglefan85 - 3-31-2017 at 08:48 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* There is heat on JBL backstage for allegedly "bullying" Mauro Ranallo and contributing to the depression that has kept him off TV

* Braun Strowman is expected to win the Andre Battle Royal and resume his feud with Reigns immediately after.

[Edited on 3-30-2017 by CCharger]

Hoping nothing but the best for Mauro. I've battled depression for years, its nothing to fuck around with. You can be fine for so long, and then it can take only one event for your battle to resume all over again.

SpiNNeR72 - 3-31-2017 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Originally posted by CCharger
* There is heat on JBL backstage for allegedly "bullying" Mauro Ranallo and contributing to the depression that has kept him off TV

* Braun Strowman is expected to win the Andre Battle Royal and resume his feud with Reigns immediately after.

[Edited on 3-30-2017 by CCharger]

Hoping nothing but the best for Mauro. I've battled depression for years, its nothing to fuck around with. You can be fine for so long, and then it can take only one event for your battle to resume all over again.

Likewise, which is why its hard not to go off on a rant about how fucking ignorant it is to even suggest that anything but the disease is to blame. But thats dirt sheets for ya..

Paddlefoot - 3-31-2017 at 09:43 PM

Ditto here with the depression. It ain't fun when the outside stress builds up to make certain moments that much darker. And unfortunately something like workplace bullying will definitely exacerbate it. Mauro probably needed to take what JBL says with a grain of salt but that too is kind of difficult when someone feels they've been singled out by the office asshole and have no support. Tack on seasonal affective disorder too which a hell of a lot of depressives also have. Winter's darkness and cold makes it worse and that late-season blizzard that got him stranded at the airport could have been the tipping point for him.

It's really sucks that JBL feels the need to take it beyond the announce desk kayfabe and acts like that for real towards his co-workers. He's been a terrific colour-man for years now and makes the announcing that much better so there's really no need for him to behave that way any more. It's not like he's obligated to tune up the announce crew the way he had to every once in a while with big-headed rookies backstage anymore when they got out of line or wouldn't go with the in-ring plan. Giving Mauro an excessively bad time is pretty much the same as flipping out on one of the costume ladies and making them cry.

Sam Is Neat - 3-31-2017 at 09:46 PM

Nakamura is slated to debut on the SD after Wrestlemania, according to rumors.

Do you start hi off with an obvious opponent like AJ? Or put him in a program with say, Miz, and let Miz's natural heel heat transfer to even more shine on Nakamura?

Or do you have him come out and squash Ziggler, and come up with a plan later?

Flash - 4-1-2017 at 02:47 AM

Given that SD is now live on Tuesdays, it will be interesting to see if they really try and ramp up on making the Tuesday after WM also a thing.

As for JBL and Mauro... tough to judge JBL given that it is alleged bullying at this point... odds are the rumours started after the Bring it to the Table from a few weeks ago when JBL made some tongue in cheek comments about Mauro and twitter. If it turns out that JBL is a dick then so be it, but let's see what more comes out beyond JBL has a reputation that may, or may not be part work over the years, and that Mauro is off due to depression.

First 9 - 4-1-2017 at 05:50 AM

Nakamura vs AJ/Miz is a coin flip really. Both AJ and Miz will probably be starting new feuds after Mania so either one can work against Nak.

First 9 - 4-1-2017 at 03:29 PM

Biggest rumor heading into WM, JR will be brought back to call Golberg vs Lesnar. Which will be the start of a new deal where JR will call a few special matches per year.

That's one part-timer I don't mind taking the spotlight. I hope they give JR his own entrance so he can soak up the love.

CamstunPWG187 - 4-1-2017 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Flash
As for JBL and Mauro... tough to judge JBL given that it is alleged bullying at this point...

...a reputation that may or may not be part of a work

I think JBL has enough of a reputation for bullying on multiple occasions and actual testimony behind said moments that we can safely say "most likely".

As for it possibly being a work? I don't see how JBL bullying anyone can be a work to benefit anyone.

First 9 - 4-2-2017 at 02:06 AM

In a big show of humility, in Jericho's podcast Roman said he always hugs Sheamus when he can because he helped him get cheered on Philly for his Title win and that meant the world to him. This along with the rumors that he left the HOF early due to the boos really paints a sympathetic picture of the guy.

EDIT:Still hope his possible win over Taker gets shit on of course.

[Edited on 4-2-2017 by First 9]

TonyTH - 4-2-2017 at 10:04 AM

I keep hearing interviews with the dude, and he seems really cool. And I've made numerous posts shitting on the dude's booking, but the more I hear from him, and the more awesome matches he has, the sadder the situation makes me. If they turned the guy heel for a little bit, this would have already subsided. Hell, they can still do it.

But that's been talked to death. Would just like to throw out, I've come around on the man more and more lately. The booking still sucks ass, and I hope they destroy him at RAW the next day if he wins.

The Hitcher - 4-2-2017 at 10:54 AM

To defend JBL...

Again, as someone with depression, I've worked in "ladish" environments and honestly some people just dont get how damaging the male culture of constantly giving each other shit can be to someone with a mental health problem, especially if Mauro didn't tell anyone he was struggling and just laughed it off.

JBL has a rep as a bit of a douchebag but I'm not sure someone who passionately talks about acceptance and tolerance as much as he does in his HoF speeches would knowingly "bully" a guy with depression.

He's a meathead jock at times but he's not a monster.

royberto - 4-2-2017 at 01:14 PM

Originally posted by The Hitcher
To defend JBL...

Again, as someone with depression, I've worked in "ladish" environments and honestly some people just dont get how damaging the male culture of constantly giving each other shit can be to someone with a mental health problem, especially if Mauro didn't tell anyone he was struggling and just laughed it off.

JBL has a rep as a bit of a douchebag but I'm not sure someone who passionately talks about acceptance and tolerance as much as he does in his HoF speeches would knowingly "bully" a guy with depression.

He's a meathead jock at times but he's not a monster.
Agreed. Also, deleting his tweet would go with that as JBL probably wasn't aware of the real reason Mauro missed that show. When he was made aware, he deleted the tweet.

G. Jonah Jameson - 4-2-2017 at 01:35 PM

Originally posted by TonyTH
I keep hearing interviews with the dude, and he seems really cool. And I've made numerous posts shitting on the dude's booking, but the more I hear from him, and the more awesome matches he has, the sadder the situation makes me. If they turned the guy heel for a little bit, this would have already subsided. Hell, they can still do it.

I don't agree with this. The fans who hate Roman Reigns would be over the moon for him if he were turned heel, but I think they'd hate him just as much when he turned face again. It'd be all "Oh, I knew they were going to force another face turn, and he's still terrible, and blah blah blah." The only way the boos die down for face Reigns is for another top face the fans hate even more to come along, as happened with John Cena.

lz4005 - 4-2-2017 at 03:24 PM

In an Upupdowndown video yesterday Xavier/Austin said there would be "big changes" coming in later this month that would mean Ram and Smackdown folks would be able to play games against each other more often than at the big 4 ppv shows....possible brand unsplittening?

nOOb - 4-2-2017 at 04:30 PM

I think, with Roman, this is why I keep coming to the conclusion of "We'll never get to find out." When I see Roman, I see what Vince would have done with Rocky Maivia had WCW not existed. Rocky got booed because there was no good reason to cheer him other than "He's a blue-chipper, by gawd!" Because WCW existed, and WWF was trying to catch them, Vince was able to press the reset button, turn Rocky heel, and then we got the Rock, who for a brief period in that Post-Nation/Pre-Corporation span of time, was able to just kind of easily transition to face without any real change to his character. Of course, he then turned heel and stayed there for another 6 months, but then he broke away from the Corporation and became one of the two top faces in the company for years before his act started to grow stale and necessitated another brief heel turn.

When I look at Roman, the tools are there. The guy has "it", that much was apparent when he was in the Shield and was able to get over without actually saying anything. And he's more than capable of talking. But I see him as "This is the route Vince wanted to go with the Rock but couldn't because he had to worry about WCW." Vince has no reason to turn Roman heel because he has no competition and can look solely at bottom line figures like Network subscriptions. Those stay the same, he doesn't need to cater to anyone. Now he can do what he wanted to do twenty years ago and, as long as they're making money, who cares about fan reactions?

Gobshite - 4-3-2017 at 03:12 PM

Also- he gets that Cena reaction. Cena is taking time off more frequently, is 39, and has had many injuries- he's not long for this gig; and they need someone who can go do those 150 make a wish visits a year, and I'll bet Reigns is a popular request behind Cena.

It took them about 4-5 years to break through the hate with Cena. Yes it was only after he won the US title that the internetz started to LOVE him, but he got through the "we're going to boo you because the office
Likes you" crap by about WM 25/26, having won his first world title at 21. Reigns is almost through that stage, and is moving towards the "we hate the way he's booked but the dude generally has great matches" territory; and that's right where they want him- respected but hated by some, loved by everyone else. Great, attractive corporate spokesman. Young- dude is only 31, he's got 10 years left at least.

lz4005 - 4-4-2017 at 02:54 AM

Originally posted by lz4005
In an Upupdowndown video yesterday Xavier/Austin said there would be "big changes" coming in later this month that would mean Ram and Smackdown folks would be able to play games against each other more often than at the big 4 ppv shows....possible brand unsplittening?

Aaaand I was right. Sort of. Redraft. Or at least tradesies.

Count Zero - 4-4-2017 at 04:59 AM

Originally posted by lz4005
Aaaand I was right. Sort of. Redraft. Or at least tradesies.
It's a "shakeup" so they don't have to make fair/even trades, or alternate draft picks. They can just put all the "good talent" (as far as they're concerned) on one show, and fuck the other guys over right proper.

First 9 - 4-4-2017 at 05:23 AM

RAW has an additional hour to fill(feels like the CWs only cover 30 minutes) and probably fetches the more lucrative pay from USA without even counting the extra hour. Makes sense they'll do loopsided trading so RAW is always a notch above SD in star power.

Count Zero - 4-4-2017 at 06:26 AM

That's all probably true. But to the layperson, it feels like "all the good guys are on one show" (based on what you consider to be a "good" sports-entertainer, your mileage may vary, shipping&handling; not included).

PB-13 - 4-4-2017 at 07:59 AM

Originally posted by The Hitcher
To defend JBL...

Again, as someone with depression, I've worked in "ladish" environments and honestly some people just dont get how damaging the male culture of constantly giving each other shit can be to someone with a mental health problem, especially if Mauro didn't tell anyone he was struggling and just laughed it off.

JBL has a rep as a bit of a douchebag but I'm not sure someone who passionately talks about acceptance and tolerance as much as he does in his HoF speeches would knowingly "bully" a guy with depression.

He's a meathead jock at times but he's not a monster.

A lot of people in wrestling talk out of both sides of their mouths.

SpiNNeR72 - 4-4-2017 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by The Hitcher
JBL has a rep as a bit of a douchebag but I'm not sure someone who passionately talks about acceptance and tolerance as much as he does in his HoF speeches would knowingly "bully" a guy with depression.

Thats why he shouldnt have stopped. When you have even a small degree of understanding what depression actually is, you know it makes absolutely no difference whether you bully someone or not, and acting differently (deleting tweets etc) is actually worse.

royberto - 4-4-2017 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by lz4005
Aaaand I was right. Sort of. Redraft. Or at least tradesies.
It's a "shakeup" so they don't have to make fair/even trades, or alternate draft picks. They can just put all the "good talent" (as far as they're concerned) on one show, and fuck the other guys over right proper.
Except that both shows are Live and on USA Network. USA Network insisted Smackdown go live to help ratings. They now have a heavy interest in the success of both show. Vince isn't about to piss USA Network off by screwing either show.

salmonjunkie - 4-5-2017 at 02:15 AM

Just occurred to me while thinking about the Hardys WM return. That big TLC match from WM 17, The three big tag teams of that era, The Hardys, E&C;, and the Dudleys - the only one of those 6 men who did not end up winning a world title was D-Von Dudley.

First 9 - 4-5-2017 at 03:15 AM

NJPW's first batch of solo shows in USA has sold out. From what I've read it's a venue that holds 3,000 people so that's really impressive for a foreign promotion.

Let' see if WWE gets in the mood to raid two top stars plus a tag team all at once again.

bigfatgoalie - 4-5-2017 at 03:21 AM

Originally posted by First 9
NJPW's first batch of solo shows in USA has sold out. From what I've read it's a venue that holds 3,000 people so that's really impressive for a foreign promotion.

Let' see if WWE gets in the mood to raid two top stars plus a tag team all at once again.

So you are suggesting NJPW is competition for the WWE??? Just. No.

Gobshite - 4-5-2017 at 12:07 PM

I have a feeling the Indy promotion "North east wrestling" frequently pull anything between 2and 5,000 to show sight on WWE's doorstep in CT, so I doubt they care TOO much about this.

In other news...

WWE created at least 1,257 minutes of original programming this weekend. That's 21 hours. Jeez.

They announced on 205 live that there will be a weekly U.K. Show debuting on the network very soon.

CCharger - 4-5-2017 at 01:24 PM

New Japan Pro Wrestling revenue for 2016: $32 million

WWE revenue for 2016: $792 million

I would love for New Japan to make in-roads into North America and actually provide competition for the WWE, but clearly they have a LONG way to go.

First 9 - 4-5-2017 at 02:49 PM

Never said they were competition, just pointing out WWE has had their eyes on them and now that they're building up in-roads into USA they'll be a lot more focused.

You don't have to be comeptition for WWE to care.

gobbledygooker - 4-5-2017 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Just occurred to me while thinking about the Hardys WM return. That big TLC match from WM 17, The three big tag teams of that era, The Hardys, E&C;, and the Dudleys - the only one of those 6 men who did not end up winning a world title was D-Von Dudley.

May I remind you that he was TNA champion, good sir! Possibly the more prestigious belt of the two.

Cherokee Jack - 4-5-2017 at 03:56 PM

D-Von was never TNA World champ. Matt and Bubba held world titles in TNA, Edge held them in WWE, and Christian and Jeff did both. D-Von had a run with the TV title during (I think) the Aces and Eights run, but that was it.

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2017 at 04:28 PM

* Damien Sandow/Aron Rex is no longer with TNA; he hasn't been used since the tapings in January, and is hinting at retirement

First 9 - 4-5-2017 at 05:11 PM

Shame, Sandow was a terrific character worker and deserved so much more. Killed it as an Intellectual, made the old imitator gimmick work with some memorable moments(Magneto vs Wolverine, ''The Elbow is coming!'' ) and absolutely killed it as Mizdow. They saddled him with being Macho Man full time and that was one shitty gimmick he couldn't make work and he got fired.

[Edited on 4-5-2017 by First 9]

CamstunPWG187 - 4-5-2017 at 05:43 PM

Well, Sandow found out the hard way that it doesn't matter if you work hard in the WWE, because if you aren't meant to succeed, your spirit will be crushed.

bigfatgoalie - 4-5-2017 at 06:32 PM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
Well, Sandow found out the hard way that it doesn't matter if you work hard in the WWE, because if you aren't meant to succeed, your spirit will be crushed.

Can we stop with this crap. There are plenty of folks who weren't suppose to succeed who put up with crap, stayed with it, and ended up getting fairly big pushed from the WWE.

New Day wasn't suppose to be the tits.

Daniel Bryan wasn't suppose to be a multiple time champ (with a clean pinfall over John Cena on the 2nd biggest show of the year).

Yeah, it sucks that Ryder was depushed and his die hard fans forgot about him immediately.

Sure a case can be made for Ryback, Sandow, Cody, or Alberto as missed opportunities. But of those 4, NONE of them would have a case to have been on the main card of WrestleMania over Joe, Sami, or Dean Ambrose.

Fuck...I think Ziggler is over rated and would be better served not being a WWE employee...but are any of the non-Punk recent misused midcarders better than Dolph?

First 9 - 4-5-2017 at 07:03 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Can we stop with this crap. There are plenty of folks who weren't suppose to succeed who put up with crap, stayed with it, and ended up getting fairly big pushed from the WWE.

New Day wasn't suppose to be the tits.

Daniel Bryan wasn't suppose to be a multiple time champ (with a clean pinfall over John Cena on the 2nd biggest show of the year).

Yeah, it sucks that Ryder was depushed and his die hard fans forgot about him immediately.

Sure a case can be made for Ryback, Sandow, Cody, or Alberto as missed opportunities. But of those 4, NONE of them would have a case to have been on the main card of WrestleMania over Joe, Sami, or Dean Ambrose.

Fuck...I think Ziggler is over rated and would be better served not being a WWE employee...but are any of the non-Punk recent misused midcarders better than Dolph?

New Day were introduced as a big deal with two months of vignettes and a considerable conbo of promo time and ring time for their first official match. Issue is the gimmick sucked and it took months to retweak it, then they started on their path to tag team gold. They weren't working against being pigeonholed in the lower card, they were working against a shitty gimmick.

It took months of jobbing out and being made an ass off for Ryder's popularity to die down. You shouldn't brush it off as a quick depush. WWE was out to kill him.

Not sure what you're point is with the 12-13 generation vs today. Like, today's more talented midcard gets shaft so we shouldn't be suprised the ones before get the same? Yeah, somebody like Sandow would have eventually gotten demoted with the elite class of talent that followed but he still should have gotten his moment instead of being stuck with a Macho Man gimmick.

Yeah, we get it, some guys pushed way past what they were meant to and made themselves a success. It's still disheartening to see guys who give it their all, get over, and then get fucked over.

CCharger - 4-5-2017 at 07:09 PM

This has been discussed on this week's RAW thread, but it would appear that a superstar's push is directly related to how much merch he or she sells, rather than how "good" a wrestler they are or what kind of crowd reaction they get.

Sandow/Rex was a good worker who got decent reactions, but it's likely nobody bought his T-shirt.

That's likely true for other guys like Ryder, Ziggler, Swagger, or Cesaro. On the other hand, New Day and the Bellas sell shit like crazy.

It's time to realize that hard work, or being over with the crowd, or being a good worker in the ring don't mean shit to Vince. How well you sell merch and how well you sell tickets/subscriptions is what he cares about.

royberto - 4-5-2017 at 07:15 PM

The Vaudevillians are no more. Simon Gotch has been released:

PB-13 - 4-5-2017 at 07:25 PM

If nothing else, Midwest fans could get a reunion of Ryan Drago(Gotch) and Elvis Aliaga: Stache & Burns. (Yes, that was their team name.)

First 9 - 4-5-2017 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
This has been discussed on this week's RAW thread, but it would appear that a superstar's push is directly related to how much merch he or she sells, rather than how "good" a wrestler they are or what kind of crowd reaction they get.

Sandow/Rex was a good worker who got decent reactions, but it's likely nobody bought his T-shirt.

That's likely true for other guys like Ryder, Ziggler, Swagger, or Cesaro. On the other hand, New Day and the Bellas sell shit like crazy.

It's time to realize that hard work, or being over with the crowd, or being a good worker in the ring don't mean shit to Vince. How well you sell merch and how well you sell tickets/subscriptions is what he cares about.

Ryder did sell merch...

Anyway, Gotch being gone might actually help Aiden English. The VVs weren't gaining any traction, maybe as a solo act he'll get another chance.

PB-13 - 4-5-2017 at 08:24 PM

Would Aiden fit on 205 Live? He's listed as 215 lbs. but they've fudged on billed weights before.

Would like to see a few other undercard guys make that move, specifically Chad Gable. (Checking, Chad's billed at 203 so he makes the cut.)

[Edited on 4-5-2017 by PB-13]

nOOb - 4-5-2017 at 09:46 PM

Aiden English could just be "The Vaudevillain", where they retool the entrance video for just him. Wasn't he the charismatic one of the two anyways? Maybe that act works better as a singles act (because, let's face it, tag teams on Smackdown just feels forced, since none of them get any real promo time).

And on the "selling merchandise" bit, do any of these guys that are constantly called under-valued actually have merchandise to sell? And, if so, is it actually any good? Like, kids might buy a Roman Reigns T-Shirt if it has a cool slogan he never uses or a cool design that has nothing to do with him over a T-Shirt for, say, Sami Zayn, where it's just a picture of Sami Zayn. Heck, just looking at some of the merchandise, most of the stuff for non-main event guys just looks dumb. If I had to wear a piece in public, I might lean more towards an Orton, Cena, or, ugh, Reigns shirt because they seem acceptable, or a retro shirt since retro is alway cool. Maybe even a James Ellsworth shirt for an ironic look. But those other shirts? No way I'm dishing out $25 for things they seemed to half-care about.

salmonjunkie - 4-5-2017 at 10:06 PM

I always thought that Simon Gotch had the more "vintage" look of the two and that Aiden English just complemented Gotch's gimmick that made them the Vaudevillains. He should just get repackaged.

Count Zero - 4-6-2017 at 01:03 AM

Justin Robers (the tie-choked guy) did some kinda social-twittery-AMA thing. 411's Csonka has a summary of the event here. Highlights include Roberts' opinion of JBL's "antics", how difficult it was working with people screaming "GODDAMMIT" in your ear all the time, and most interestingly-to-some-people, the following:

Kevin Dunn sits on headsets during the show and just berates everyone. He�s kind of on a throne there. Just talks down to everyone, very negative, very high strung. Just heartless, and not a man of his word. I�m thankful that he hired me, but he�s not a good person in a company full of great people.


First 9 - 4-6-2017 at 01:35 AM

The Chris Benoit portion is a bit creepy. ''Yes, he was crazy. I talk about that in the book. He had different personalities.''

Also, he said hazing and pointless bullying still happens. I guess we just don't hear about it as often.

chefb - 4-6-2017 at 03:25 PM

Originally posted by nOOb

And on the "selling merchandise" bit, do any of these guys that are constantly called under-valued actually have merchandise to sell? And, if so, is it actually any good? Like, kids might buy a Roman Reigns T-Shirt if it has a cool slogan he never uses or a cool design that has nothing to do with him over a T-Shirt for, say, Sami Zayn, where it's just a picture of Sami Zayn. Heck, just looking at some of the merchandise, most of the stuff for non-main event guys just looks dumb. If I had to wear a piece in public, I might lean more towards an Orton, Cena, or, ugh, Reigns shirt because they seem acceptable, or a retro shirt since retro is alway cool. Maybe even a James Ellsworth shirt for an ironic look. But those other shirts? No way I'm dishing out $25 for things they seemed to half-care about.

Just took a look through the shirts on the WWe shop, and maybe if I was younger I would think they were cool but for the current superstars they are not very good. The retro and vintage ones are the most wearable. Just from a looks perspective maybe the Gallows and Anderson shirt is ok. Also the KO Mania 2 and the other Owens shirt with the old Raw logo but I wouldnt buy any of them. ]

Gobshite - 4-6-2017 at 04:55 PM

I'm 34 and would quite happily wear the new Balor Club one (can't think of who, but it looks like a band logo I see a lot) and and the southwest regional wrestling one...

Paddlefoot - 4-6-2017 at 05:31 PM

* tons of Meltzer's "inside scoop" crap making the rounds about the shake-up next week, including AJ to RAW, New Day to SD, Charlotte to SD, Alexa to RAW, and a push for Aiden English; take it for what it's worth

* Jeff Hardy will be allowed to travel to Britain for the next round of WWE shows over there; there was some concern that he couldn't but because he's gone over five years without any legal problems since his last one in 2011 any travel ban he was under has now expired

First 9 - 4-6-2017 at 08:30 PM

So the Revival comes in, cripples Kofi, and New Day go on their merry way? I guess there just isn't enough space for New Day and The Hardyz on the same brand.

The AJ-Shane moment seemed to set up a face turn so I wonder if Rollins or Balor are heading to SD to accomodate AJ. Also, RAW is TNA!

Count Zero - 4-6-2017 at 09:15 PM

I take Da Meltz's scoops with a hefty dose of salt. No relatively-immediate payoff to the Revival/New Day thing? Aiden English getting a push? Having AJ say "I want to stay here", and then moving him to RAM?

Wait. This is the WWE. As somebody once sorta-said, doing things un-right is their move, Maggle.

First 9 - 4-6-2017 at 10:50 PM

Actually, AJ being the guy who cut a big promo about not wanting to move having to deal with getting moved makes sense drama wise. He can be the first big ''oohhh'' change as the guy who bleeds blue is the first new acquisition of Monday Night RAW.

Count Zero - 4-7-2017 at 01:07 AM

I guess they could do that, but it just feels like it would be like "ripping the heart" out of SD! fans. "He's finally & officially not-a-whiny-heel anymore! I'm gonna love watching him main event SD shows .... What? They're putting my favorite guy on Monday so he can do the job to Heelish Roman and BRAAGGGH STRONGBAD? Aw nertz. "

Dominator - 4-7-2017 at 11:40 AM

Did anyone else notice that during the 6-woman tag match on RAM they announced Nia Jax's weight? (272 if I heard right) When was the last time they did that? And is that to enhance her "dominant" status?

Gobshite - 4-7-2017 at 12:58 PM

JBL on twitter:

"I won't answer Net rumors-but I didn't take Justin Roberts passport. Could have been anyone/he was hated by the whole crew. He's an idiot."

My only other experience of Justin Roberts is his bitching and moaning about How he basically felt he didn't get enough attention / credit for the Connor situation. I'd have to agree, takes someone of a certain calibre to complain they don't get enough credit for a situation like that.

Now, if we could just get JBL to comment on Mauro...

Paddlefoot - 4-7-2017 at 06:56 PM

* looks like ADR embraced his inner Chyna and had some kind of drunken meltdown during an internet session:

Yesterday night, Alberto El Patron did a Periscope while in Times Square and went on an apparent drunk rant on a number of topics, including his former employer and when he and Paige are looking to get married. Alberto said near the start:

"If you're wondering if I'm a little bit drunk? Yes, I'm a little bit drunk, and, you know that's when the good stuff comes."

In regards to the wedding, Alberto asked Paige "When are we going to get married?" She responded by saying "In June," which he then echoed. Alberto turns to the "Keyboard Warriors" who talk negatively about Paige and himself:

"You remind me of one of the bosses in WWE, with the big f--kin' nose, big f--kin' pu--ies."

El Patron continued to talk about his former employer, by saying:

"Ya know, I'm close to the next town. Stamford. I could pay a visit to somebody. Stamford is only forty-five minutes away. That's where all the pu--ies live, right? I could go there and just knock on someone's door, 'Hey, big nose with the small d--k.'"

Paige attempted to end the video a number of times unsuccessfully, you can see the full video here.

denverpunk - 4-7-2017 at 07:55 PM

Can we add ADR to people who will never be in the WWE Hall of Fame? I've defended the guy a lot on here, but he's clearly a clown in his own right.

Paddlefoot - 4-7-2017 at 08:06 PM

Hunter has to be wondering why he always gets blamed for everything that goes wrong in these morons lives whenever one of them gets lit up during an internet rant.

anglefan85 - 4-7-2017 at 08:21 PM

How sad is it that out of the two of them, Paige comes across as the mature one in this situation?

denverpunk - 4-7-2017 at 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Hunter has to be wondering why he always gets blamed for everything that goes wrong in these morons lives whenever one of them gets lit up during an internet rant.

Well, he's the boss, and my experience with bosses is that they get blamed for everything, even if they're good bosses (I'm not saying Trips is or isn't, btw). In this case, it's a lot easier for ADR to blame Hunter than to admit to himself that he's an entitled, overrated loose-cannon malcontent asshole with a serious drinking problem.

Chris Is Good517 - 4-7-2017 at 10:27 PM

Fresh hot rumorz of the day:

- Sounds like Mauro will officially not be returning to WWE. Thanks, JBL.

- Finn Balor will likely be transitioned into a feud with Kevin Owens, possibly facing him in Jericho's stead at Extreme Rules.

- Drew McIntyre is expected to take over Nakamura's role as the main babyface of NXT.

First 9 - 4-7-2017 at 11:27 PM

So do they go full steam into Roode vs McIntyre or do we get another round of Ohno vs Roode?

anglefan85 - 4-8-2017 at 04:12 AM

Ranallo deleted all references to being a WWE announcer on his Twitter account. As of right now, he is under contract to WWE through 8/12.

John Layfield may have put his foot in his mouth this morning. When asked about Justin Roberts and when they stole Roberts' passport while he was in Europe, Layfield said, "I won't answer net rumors, but I didn't take Justin Roberts passport. Could have been anyone. He was hated by the whole crew. He's an idiot." In an article hours later, John Hennigan (Mundo) was quoted as saying that on that trip, Layfield asked he and Joey Mercury to steal Roberts' passport. Hennigan talked in the article about how he knew if he did it he'd no longer be bullied, but he wouldn't do it because he wouldn't have wanted something like that done to him, and figured he got heat for not doing it.

There's more on that in this Deadspin story about Layfield. Forbes has a story on Layfield as well.

[Edited on 4-8-2017 by anglefan85]

anglefan85 - 4-8-2017 at 04:23 AM

Also, to add onto the Del Rio story, he talked about his drunken rant after he sobered up. And somehow, he came across as more sane while he was drunk off his ass.

First 9 - 4-8-2017 at 04:56 AM

Wonder what happens if the JBL hate train reaches Demott levels. WWE caved in and got rid of Demott, would the same thing happen with JBL?

Just a hypothetical of course since what fucked Demott over was the stories of him slapping around guys with concussions and the number of ex-employees who turned up with their own ''Demott is an asshole'' stories.

Paddlefoot - 4-8-2017 at 06:32 AM

My guess is probably not. DeMott was an outsider from WCW and even if he kinda became a friend of HHH he still wasn't old school WWF/E the way JBL's been for his entire career. And JBL, as far as we know, apparently never pulled crap like slapping someone with a head injury. Big difference between that, which can fuck someone up for life, and going stiff on them during match just to send a message over misbehaviour or non-co-operation with the overall company plan.

All this really does is make WWE look like the hypocrites they've always been about the anti-bullying publicity campaign. That actually irks me more than stories about guys like JBL. I expect a company that's basically a cluster of jock shitheads to act like a place that's run by a cluster of jock shitheads. That should be no surprise to anyone who survived high school because we all know what the dickwads on the sports teams will get away with. If I'm offended by anything it's by WWE pretending to be something they aren't. The guy at the top is one of the worst bullies of all time; say what we want about what a dick JBL is but how much of Mauro's breakdown was caused by working show after show with Vince screaming in his ear like a lunatic ever since he was hired? Vince's daughter's entire screen character is basically being a total cunt all the fucking time to anyone who runs afoul of her. Vince's son had to disappear from the company for half a decade partially because the backstage and office politics were getting to him. With this kind of nonsense going on all the time, and everyone knowing about it too, there's zero credibility for WWE if they pull some "we're nice, we care!" propaganda campaign on the media and their gullible shareholders and marketing partners.

TL;DR - JBL ain't going anywhere because he's too much of an insider and favourite of the head guy. He'll only get gassed if someone from outside like a sponsor kicked up a major fuss about him and I highly doubt that would happen, considering every other goddamn major corporation (including the ones that advertise with WWE) out there is also top-loaded with bullies and psychos of their own among their executive ranks and department managers. 'Tis working life in this world, unfortunately.

Paddlefoot - 4-8-2017 at 07:10 PM

ADR hilarity continues, hints in latest rant he knows who leaked the filthy Paige videos and that he'll get them:

"You [Paige] work for that company that is 'PG,' I don't work for that f-ckin' company, anymore. Thank God," El Patron said. "So I'm not 'PG.' Changing the subject, I know it was you, motherf--ker, I know you did this to me, to my baby, but... I'm gonna prove it was you, piece of sh-t."

bopol - 4-8-2017 at 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
ADR hilarity continues, hints in latest rant he knows who leaked the filthy Paige videos and that he'll get them:

"You [Paige] work for that company that is 'PG,' I don't work for that f-ckin' company, anymore. Thank God," El Patron said. "So I'm not 'PG.' Changing the subject, I know it was you, motherf--ker, I know you did this to me, to my baby, but... I'm gonna prove it was you, piece of sh-t."

You know, it is amazing to me that the WWE couldn't make ADR (AeP) the top heel he should have been because the dude is a tremendous jackass reaching Scott Steiner levels of "I would be scared to be in the same room with and really want to see him get his ass kicked" outside of the WWE.

GodEatGod - 4-8-2017 at 09:45 PM

Originally posted by bopol
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
ADR hilarity continues, hints in latest rant he knows who leaked the filthy Paige videos and that he'll get them:

"You [Paige] work for that company that is 'PG,' I don't work for that f-ckin' company, anymore. Thank God," El Patron said. "So I'm not 'PG.' Changing the subject, I know it was you, motherf--ker, I know you did this to me, to my baby, but... I'm gonna prove it was you, piece of sh-t."

You know, it is amazing to me that the WWE couldn't make ADR (AeP) the top heel he should have been because the dude is a tremendous jackass reaching Scott Steiner levels of "I would be scared to be in the same room with and really want to see him get his ass kicked" outside of the WWE.

They weren't very successful doing that with actual Scott Steiner either. I think Steiner was a unique case because he was in the dying days of WCW where you had a) a series of bookers who loved 'shoot' angles and b) the inmates were running the asylum plenty.

First 9 - 4-9-2017 at 03:58 AM

Looks like Mauro won't be coming back and they'll just wait for his contract to quietly expire. Meanwhile, Meltzer ain't letting up in linking JBL with this. To think this could have all been avoided if they had kept JBL RAW to pal around with Maggle and shit on Byron.

[Edited on 4-9-2017 by First 9]

hardwayjuice - 4-9-2017 at 08:57 AM

I always suspected a Ted Haggard-like thing going on with JBL. And possibly Vince too. But, I was bullied at school and my coping mechanism was that all bullies were repressed homosexuals angry at themselves for being "different" (not that there's anything wrong with that) Oh, and that they bullied me because they fancied me and were conflicted about it.

So come out, JBL, be gay and happy and let the bullied live in peace!

G. Jonah Jameson - 4-9-2017 at 01:30 PM

Originally posted by First 9
Looks like Mauro won't be coming back and they'll just wait for his contract to quietly expire. Meanwhile, Meltzer ain't letting up in linking JBL with this. To think this could have all been avoided if they had kept JBL RAW to pal around with Maggle and shit on Byron.

[Edited on 4-9-2017 by First 9]

Up until this stuff with Mauro Ranallo came out, I thought JBL was doing a lot better on SmackDown!. Some combination of not having as much time to fill and not having Vince McMahon in his ear as much seemed to be helping. I get why WWE sent him there. And the sucky thing is, it's part of the reason why WWE couldn't simply split him and Ranallo up. They can't send Ranallo to RAW because he's play-by-play, so they'd have to swap him for their No. 1 announcer on their flagship show, and they can't send JBL to RAW because he sucks there (and it might be seen, from the outside, as a reward).

I could see JBL getting slowly de-emphasized, the way Jerry Lawler has been, but I think it's more likely he'll muster up a heartfelt apology and WWE will forgive him.

DKBroiler - 4-9-2017 at 02:27 PM


Bullying stories between grown ass men. C'mon.

GodEatGod - 4-9-2017 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler

Bullying stories between grown ass men. C'mon.

Which, of course, is what JBL and Vince think, which is why no one will ever do shit about it. Of course, they're retrograde assholes.

G. Jonah Jameson - 4-9-2017 at 07:08 PM

"I don't think that would bother me, so logically, it shouldn't bother anyone else."

Count Zero - 4-9-2017 at 07:28 PM

I wasn't a big fan of Mauro's style, but this "losing a job because of working with assholes" situation sucks. If the WWE had some sort of "union" or "HR department", this sort of thing could be managed much better. The industry needs an enema to get rid of all the shitheads in the wrong positions.

First 9 - 4-10-2017 at 01:52 AM

And now outside websites are linking this with Be A Star. This story is just one notch away from becoming something WWE has to acknowledge.

I just hope WWE doesn't fuck around in the draft to give smarks something else to be pissed at. ''Finn Balor and The Club go to SD, reunion with AJ !'' 2 hours later,''The last pick is AJ to RAW and he's inmediately feuding with Braun Strowman ''.

Paddlefoot - 4-10-2017 at 02:06 AM

Vince is probably all like "why am I in trouble for something I didn't care about in the first place?" regarding the Be A Star crap. Aside from the gullible attendees at the meetings Steph spoke at for this campaign is there really anyone who took WWE seriously about this?

Paddlefoot - 4-10-2017 at 06:52 AM

* Ric Flair got booted out of a bar in Ft Wayne Indiana on Sunday; apparently he was only in the establishment for about five minutes before he was escorted out after he threw a tantrum and called the bartender a "fat ass"

* Justin Roberts' stories about working in WWE get more fascinating, with the newest one being so existentially stupid it has to be true; he said he got in trouble if his announcing got the crowd too excited because he was told that "the audience only has so many cheering pops in them per show"

[Edited on 4/10/2017 by Paddlefoot]

Flash - 4-10-2017 at 08:47 AM

Not saying Roberts isn't credible, but he does have a book coming out in a month or so, so it does serve his purposes to keep his name out there.

Behind the scenes situations are always tough because in wrestling you have a world where keeping stuff secret and from the public is still not only ingrained in their history, it's still the order of the day... except now it's not only a Meltzer publishing a monthly dirt sheet for the odd story to be leaked out, everyone has twitter, and is doing various podcasts never mind the net being what it is with the endless speculation, dissection, and rumour foster all on its own.

I mean the whole keep the fans mellow as they only have so many pops in them... who told him that? Was it only once? What was the context (IE was he really winding up the crowd, did the WWE have something big planned for the next segment... not that I buy the whole "so many pops in them" thing, but they do purposefully build in piss-break segments in PPV's so maybe the next segment was a big one and they wanted a chill atmosphere at the preceding moment where Roberts was winding people up... ect)... I think it's easy to latch onto a comment that is so dumb that it is likely true and take it on its surface as evidence that Vince is out of touch, but without a bit more info I think it's a bit meritless.

Speaking of Vince I was reading some book excepts for an interesting series (titan sinking and a couple of others) that I'm thinking of ordering which covers a few years in the WWE around 1995-97 and it kind of paints a picture of a Vince McMahon who is both omnipresent at all levels of his business, but also out of touch with his locker room at times... It makes sense to me... I mean Vince is there, but if it's anything like when one of the higher ups wanders into my neck of the woods at my job it doesn't matter how cool they act, down to earth, or one of the gang vibe they throw off they still aren't out on the road, in the trenches, or really one of us... that is to say that probably 99% of what gets to Vince is second hand word of mouth, and of that probably 80% of that is via his family or a yes man like Dunn... I guess what I'm trying to say is that yes Vince sets the tone and there may be a lot of boys will be boys in the locker room that Vince wilfully turns his back on, there's probably just as much that if he read this thread would be news to him.

Where I'm going with this is that with a guy like JBL Vince probably has a bit of a dilemma on his hands... I mean JBL has a history of being a Dick, but he also has a long list of doing some stuff with at risk boys in Bermuda where he calls home, as well as his mountain climbing ventures for charity (and some good WWE PR) a few years ago... on the slip side has Mauro (assuming all the JBL is giving him grief rumours are true) go to the boss? HHH? Steph'? For the record the WWE does have an HR department... did he go there? Not everyone is the same so I can only give some context with my own trials and tribulations with depression and anxiety but I'm sitting here still off work for the past 5 months on disability dealing with this monkey on back for the second time in the last two years and third time in my life and I still can barely bring myself to talk about it other than to a few key people in my company and even then just enough so they know my being off is justified... So for me, being forthcoming about depression and anxiety isn't high on my list... if anything it's probably the thing I lie the most about... I'm alright, I think I have the flu and will be out a few days... ect. I'm getting ramble here and probably more personal then I meant to when I set to throw my own two cents in here but I think what you've got is a giant mess of a situation where Vince might not know anywhere near as much as we credit him with... that situations like this are probably a giant fracture of rumours, lack of full story, agendas, bias... I mean a story where JBL is being a Dick is easy to believe... all of this may be true, but we are probably never apt to get the full story.

So coming back around to Roberts- JBL did have that interesting comment about him and Connor... Was Roberts right in saying hey... I was the one who did this and the WWE stole my "thunder" or should he have kept his mouth shut because at the end of the day while Roberts may have made the connections there were a lot of other people who made Connors dreams come true? Roberts has a book coming out, so odds are we are going to be seeing a lot of his name in the next little bit linked to a plethora of behind the scenes comments that a ripe for dissection and further evidence that Vince and the WWE are all dicks... doesn't mean its all true though, or that the company's sum is just a handful of stories. In saying that there is probably a good chance I'll pick up his book.... rumours and gossip is fun.

janerd75 - 4-10-2017 at 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Ric Flair got booted out of a bar in Ft Wayne Indiana on Sunday; apparently he was only in the establishment for about five minutes before he was escorted out after he threw a tantrum and called the bartender a "fat ass"

Still livin' the gimmick. What a fuckin' pro. WOO.

Flash - 4-10-2017 at 10:46 AM

As far as Reigns now being the de facto top merch seller (behind the now part-time Cena); it would be interesting to see a breakdown of what kind of numbers the various full time WWE talent is moving in terms of merch', that way you could kind of do an apples to apples comparison.... It would also be interesting to see what kind of distribution push everyone on the roster is getting...

In other words let's say everyone has a t-shirt or two, signed pictures, and everyone gets an action figure.. but does everyone get say a spot in the WWE's mobile games, wrestling buddies, bath mats, and other nick-knacks? If let's say K-mart and WalMart and whatever other superstore ending in Mart is willing to put up a column or two (or however stores name their in store sales territory for various product lines) in their toy department... odds are if they have room for 50 figures, you are going to see like 15 Cena's and Reigns, 5 Undertakers, HHH's, Rocks... and then the last 5 spots are going to be a mix of everyone else... wouldn't this directly affect a wrestlers ability to move merchandise? Or look at it this way... You know Reigns is getting the prime spots in all the retail stores and on WWE Shop while say Goldust is lucky if his shirt shows up by page 3 on the website...

Reigns might be the top merch seller which supports Vince's thought process that fans or good booking be damned keep pushing Reigns... but isn't the supply being jigged with, which in turns kind of fuels the demand? Don't get me wrong I understand that even in giving Reigns more merch than everyone else and if it all found it's way to the landfill odds are they would get cold feet on Reigns... but still, cash cow or not I'm curious to see what kind of numbers Reigns puts up across the board, and more importantly historically compared to true top guys.... Is a guy you have to try so hard with really your long term solution?

Paddlefoot - 4-10-2017 at 05:36 PM

* in shades of Samoe Joe's debut attack that injured Seth Rollins, The Revival's debut last week on RAW ended up legit injuring Kofi Kingston; Kofi says he felt something break in his ankle; he's undergone surgery for it and is expected to miss at least several weeks of in-ring activity

* part of the reason that Enzo Amore's been stuck into a tackling dummy role isn't just because of his wrestling skills, or lack thereof: apparently Vince apparently really likes how Enzo portrays getting smacked around and ragdolled by his opponents

[Edited on 4/10/2017 by Paddlefoot]

salmonjunkie - 4-10-2017 at 06:45 PM

That Kofi ankle break might be a work for actual ankle surgery Kofi needed:

Kingston apparently had �fragments of bone� break off of his ankle, and the surgery is meant to clean those chips away and allow the joint to heal. What�s unclear is whether he actually was injured during the assault by Dash and Dawson, or if this was just a convenient way to write him off of television for a few weeks so he could recover. The fact we�re so far removed from the initial date of the Revival attack suggests this wasn�t planned, but maybe it�s an injury WWE and Kofi knew needed cleanup for some time, and it was always planned for now.

And The Revival had some kayfabey tweets re: the ankle angle:

#TopGuys taking top spots. #MondayNightRevival#NoFlipsJustFists#TheRevival
� Scott Dawson (@ScottDawsonWWE) April 10, 2017

Break the ankles of the guys breaking the records we should be breaking.
� Dash (@DashWilderWWE) April 10, 2017

[Edited on 4-10-2017 by salmonjunkie]

First 9 - 4-10-2017 at 07:11 PM

According to PWInsider Vince wanted to bring Del Rio back and if Del Rio is to be believed, he just isn't taking their calls.

I'm sure he wasn't Rey Mysterio but Del Rio must have been killing it on those Mexico tours.

salmonjunkie - 4-10-2017 at 07:42 PM

Originally posted by First 9
According to PWInsider Vince wanted to bring Del Rio back and if Del Rio is to be believed, he just isn't taking their calls.

I'm sure he wasn't Rey Mysterio but Del Rio must have been killing it on those Mexico tours.

I could see Vince salivate at the idea of a based-on-real-life HHH/Steph vs. Del Rio/Paige feud and match.

Chris Is Good517 - 4-10-2017 at 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
I wasn't a big fan of Mauro's style, but this "losing a job because of working with assholes" situation sucks. If the WWE had some sort of "union" or "HR department", this sort of thing could be managed much better. The industry needs an enema to get rid of all the shitheads in the wrong positions.

Yeah, but if the WWE had a union or an HR department, then the wrestlers would be employees and not independent contractors, and have to be treated as such.

The bright spot to this is that Meltzer seems ready to go to war with WWE to make sure this story doesn't just fade away. And now that Justin Roberts and Johnny Nitro are speaking out, I'm wondering if maybe a few other disgruntled ex-employees might speak out in the coming days. I'm sure CM Punk has some stories. I'd love to see this turn into a PR nightmare for them just so that they have to do away with JBL. That shit flew in the 90s, but in a publicly traded company you can't turn a blind eye to this kind of fuckery.

janerd75 - 4-11-2017 at 12:00 AM

A couple weeks old, but relevant...

@Dearth17 @mauroranallo he's the best, what are you talking about? THE BEST! Meaning, nobody is better! JBL? Haha, would love to meet him

— Bas Rutten (@BasRuttenMMA) March 18, 2017

@Dearth17 @mauroranallo in person, and than we talk "Mauro" wow, what a douche. Please attack me for that comment JBL, PLEASE!

— Bas Rutten (@BasRuttenMMA) March 18, 2017

@Dearth17 @mauroranallo I'm not! I'm flaming those Ahole(s)(JBL, whatever is his name)! Not you my friend!

— Bas Rutten (@BasRuttenMMA) March 18, 2017

Here's what happens when JBL fucks with non-wrestlers...

Skeeter McFeeb and his Animal Husbandry All-Stars can fuck with the Poindexters all they want, but it's nice to know when he comes across real tough guys he tends to get his ass beat. Well, tough guys and Joey Styles. Fine, you wanna jock-off with other muscle guys in the locker room? Cool, keep it fair and go after the Lesnar types. But to sadistically torture the normies that already have Vince shouting in their ear? FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

gobbledygooker - 4-11-2017 at 12:37 AM

RE: Kofi's injury -

Before I even knew the surgery is apparently legit, I was really wondering if that was the first shot fired in some sort of restructuring of The New Day. I mean, they've basically lived beyond their usefulness as a team, short of still getting comedic pops. I'm sure the three of them are ready for something new. I was thinking this could lead to Kofi coming back a heel against Big E/Xavier or whatever other myriad options they could take. That said, he'll probably come back with nothing changed and they'll continue hawking New Day ice cream.

Count Zero - 4-11-2017 at 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Originally posted by Count Zero
I wasn't a big fan of Mauro's style, but this "losing a job because of working with assholes" situation sucks. If the WWE had some sort of "union" or "HR department", this sort of thing could be managed much better. The industry needs an enema to get rid of all the shitheads in the wrong positions.

Yeah, but if the WWE had a union or an HR department, then the wrestlers would be employees and not independent contractors, and have to be treated as such.

Yeah, that was kind of the point I was making. Treating the situation like the people involved are human beings, not expendable resources. It's good that you clarified the argument, though, for people who may not have realized the situation as it stands.

First 9 - 4-11-2017 at 05:33 AM

Originally posted by gobbledygooker
RE: Kofi's injury -

Before I even knew the surgery is apparently legit, I was really wondering if that was the first shot fired in some sort of restructuring of The New Day. I mean, they've basically lived beyond their usefulness as a team, short of still getting comedic pops. I'm sure the three of them are ready for something new. I was thinking this could lead to Kofi coming back a heel against Big E/Xavier or whatever other myriad options they could take. That said, he'll probably come back with nothing changed and they'll continue hawking New Day ice cream.

Always thought they'd work as a DX -type unit who eventually break off into singles goals but are they still loosely allied. Xavier during an interview said that they've fought to stay together and always want to stay together as a unit.

I'd love if it they mocked the notion and one night they'd hinted the turn just for all 3 to get chairs and try to turn dramatically.

williamssl - 4-11-2017 at 05:52 AM

I'll throw this here because PFFFFTTTT

I got a survey from WWE Fan Council today about the House of Horrors match. My takeaway from it is....WWE has no fucking idea what a House of Horrors match is and is trying to get feedback on how to shape it.

The questions were along the lines of..

...was I aware of this match
....was I excited about it
....where I thought this type of match should be held (in a ring, in a graveyard, etc)
....what types of things would best belong in this match including things like fog, spooky music and effects, weapons, snakes..
...what I expected to see in a House of Horrors match (my answer = Randy lose the title)
...anything else I wanted to share about a House of Horrors match (my answer = that Bray regain the title)


bopol - 4-11-2017 at 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Ric Flair got booted out of a bar in Ft Wayne Indiana on Sunday; apparently he was only in the establishment for about five minutes before he was escorted out after he threw a tantrum and called the bartender a "fat ass"

Honestly, if Ric Flair were insulting my 'fat ass', I would just lean back and enjoy it. It would be like getting roasted by Don Rickles and probably the most entertaining thing to happen in Fort Wayne since, well, ever.

bigfatgoalie - 4-11-2017 at 09:28 PM

Coming Soon: WWE Pint Size Heroes & Pop!

— Funko (@OriginalFunko) April 11, 2017

On the subject of buying things to support guys you like...those Balor POPs are pretty cool.

Paddlefoot - 4-11-2017 at 09:57 PM

If there's a Paige one everyone should know that's not whipped cream or mayonnaise it's covered with.

Count Zero - 4-11-2017 at 10:11 PM

Am I accurate in saying there are 3 different Finn Balors in those 6 Popthings? Jesus. Rko. Christ.

Sorry, I don't really dig the daemon kayng, and would suggest making one of them a Nakamura. Sure, have a Finn Regular and Finn Bodypaint, that I understand. But does there need to be Longhair Finn Bodypaint and Shorthair Finn Bodypaint?

Now I have to go get some of those damn kids off my lawn.

Flash - 4-11-2017 at 11:47 PM

I don't know how Funko might be doing it, but if it's anything like some toys and comics it may be that say the short hair demon is a variant that's only packed into like one for every 50, 100, or 500 boxes full of Funkos shipped to sellers.

Flash - 4-12-2017 at 02:02 AM

Looks like Mauro is active on twitter again, and for the most part seems to be letting others do the talking for him: lots of support for him and him giving thanks in turn but no setting the record straight type comments about JBL. He did tweet once though in response to someone posting Bart Gunn knocking out JBL that he loved it back than, and loves it more now.

JBL for his part seems to be blocking anyone who sends some love Mauro's way, and in some instances even those who seem to follow both.

A few notable names have commented: Bischoff essentially said that despite being the guy who most deserved to be treated poorly given his history, he was treated well by everyone in the WWE locker room including JBL... He said that not everyone liked him, but there was no hazing for him. He could not comment on the current situation as he knows nothing about it. ADR also spoke out in support of JBL being a stand up guy... saying that there are many people he does not like in the WWE at the moment, but that JBL was always good to him. He does however admit that he has no knowledge of what is currently happening in regards to the two announcers.

Without any direct first hand details this is a tough one... I mean the most direct story is that on Bring it to the Table JBL did a mini-rant where he said "we get it, the internet loves you Mauro".... not exactly a tar and feathering level of hazing. Still JBL seems to have an alleged history of being a Dick, but stuff like soap rape seems to have grown in legend and rumour if it even was him, while the rest seems to range from dickish joking that's off mark to stuff that is usually found in a frat house pledge week...

People in this day and age are a bit weird... I don't want to blame the victims, but there is a lot of stuff that gets turned into a major case which in years past would and probably still should be put on the victim for having too thin of skin... plenty of dicks in the world, better to learn to shrug the lightest of it off than to die a death of a thousand cuts. I remember being a 14 or 15 year old kid sitting in art class at a table with my buddy and two other people... we all riffed on each other, ourselves... kind of a boys will be boys ribbing... not meant in cruelty, just some jabbing humour... the one guy just wasn't very good at it and eventually left after a few weeks and must've said something to the teacher... in my more contemplative moments I wonder if I was unknowingly (or maybe ignorantly) part of a 3 on 1 bullying or did that other kid just sit at the wrong table and misread the room/table that he was ill-equipped to be apart of... I mean the jabs were as self directed as they were at one another expense just as often.... had that same situation played out now odds are I'd have been suspended from school, and some bizarre reverse bullying would be happening where I'd be trashed on twitter forever... or at least until the next whatever non-story happens. I don't know if the current course we are on is as good for us as a civilization either... Don't get me wrong, let's get rid of people having to live in fear and being victims, but at the same time a level of adversity is good for us... in school if Billy calls you a jerk you can run and tell the teacher, in the workplace if your boss dresses you down for screwing up not much you can do about. In life it's probably healthy to have gone through life accumulating at least a couple of metaphorical stubbed toes and bloody noses, let's you know what the real pain is.... in saying that, it is all relative I guess isn't it?

In saying the above there is definitely "real" bullying, and people who get off on genuinely causing others as much grief, worry, stress, and fear as possible... been a victim of that myself, not fun... I don't know what category this whole Mauro-JBL stuff took, and in the absence of any direct stories it's tough to say what transpired... I mean were any words exchanged before (Hey, JBL... I don't like it when you....) this hit twitter and Mauro's sitting at home? Was this a personality clash, or wedgies and I'll be waiting for you after school type behaviour?

First 9 - 4-12-2017 at 06:43 AM

Story has made it to Yahoo's Front Page and Sports Illustrated. If this all a big unfortunate event and it turns out Mauro just didn't gel with WWE, then they are in a pickle.

The very best thing JBL could do is clear up he never had issues with Mauro and wishes him all the best which he already did. Luckily for them this story doesn't have concrete statements besides snarky comments on-air and at this point probably nothing else will come up.

Gobshite - 4-13-2017 at 03:09 PM

Otunga won't be appearing on Raw just yet, he's going to make a movie first- and god forbid they have a 2 man team on commentary, so they need a 3rd person. won't say who, but graves and Cole will have a guest this week.

I hope it's JR.
I expect the king.
I'd settle for McGuinness.

The Greek - 4-13-2017 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Otunga won't be appearing on Raw just yet, he's going to make a movie first- and god forbid they have a 2 man team on commentary, so they need a 3rd person. won't say who, but graves and Cole will have a guest this week.

I hope it's JR.
I expect the king.
I'd settle for McGuinness.

The way Raw has been lately, A Guinness (or 2 or 4) would go well......

GodEatGod - 4-13-2017 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Flash
I don't want to blame the victims, but...

This sentence never ends well.

Rather than get into a pedantic "people today are SAWFT" back and forth, I'll just address Mauro's specific case. One of the main factors involved is Mauro's very public struggles with bipolar disorder. His difficulties were well-known long before he signed with WWE. Contrary to what some people might believe, mental illnesses are actual illnesses. Picking on someone with this kind of condition is the equivalent of kicking the crutch away from a guy in a cast. If you're going to hire a person with a mental illness, you damn sure better make sure your employees aren't prone to exacerbating it for their personal amusement.

I don't know what JBL said precisely to Mauro, at least in private. What I do know is that he has a long, well-documented history of treating people over whom he has position and advantage badly, from multiple sources and including with our own eyes (the Blue Meanie incident). Whatever the carny and locker room origins of WWE, it is a business in the modern world and, in such an environment, people are expected to treat their co-workers professionally and be respectful of their boundaries and their personal limitations. JBL, a fiftyish year old grown ass man who claims to be a business expert, apparently can't be bothered to do that because he has to get his chuckles in.

Paddlefoot - 4-13-2017 at 05:17 PM

* some "it's real to me, dammit!" types started an online petition to have Braun Strowman fired from RAW for his backstage attack on Roman Reigns on Monday; Braun replied to them on his twitter feed with "GGGGRRRAAAAUUUGGGGHHHHHH!"

* Rene Young and Dean Ambrose were married in Vegas on Sunday just before they were broken up by WWE sending Dean to RAW and leaving Renee on SD

* Bas Rutten has been joined by another MMA star in publically supporting Mauro Ranallo. Pat Miletich, Mauro's broadcast desk partner from his MMA announcing days, also wants to meet JBL face to face and have a chat "about strong arming my boy Mauro"

* the final straw for Simon Gotch in WWE might have been an incident in catering on April 4th, the day before he was released; apparently he tipped over and fell backwards in his chair and got up spitting angry, swearing, and throwing a scene-stealing tantrum in front of everyone

[Edited on 4/13/2017 by Paddlefoot]

punkerhardcore - 4-13-2017 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod

Rather than get into a pedantic "people today are SAWFT" back and forth, I'll just address Mauro's specific case. One of the main factors involved is Mauro's very public struggles with bipolar disorder. His difficulties were well-known long before he signed with WWE. Contrary to what some people might believe, mental illnesses are actual illnesses. Picking on someone with this kind of condition is the equivalent of kicking the crutch away from a guy in a cast. If you're going to hire a person with a mental illness, you damn sure better make sure your employees aren't prone to exacerbating it for their personal amusement.

What is it that JBL allegedly did, exactly? Because ever since this whole saga with Mauro started with him missing Smackdown because of a snowstorm, the only thing I can even remember seeing was some tweet from JBL saying, "well the rest of us made it here." Wow. Harsh.

Beyond that, all I've seen are these generic reports of, "well, JBL bullied him," as well as a few people coming out of the wordwork to mention things JBL did... but all those incidents are from over a decade ago. I still haven't read anything about what JBL supposedly DID to Mauro to cause him to leave the company. And I'm not saying this sarcastically, I'm honestly curious if I've missed something here. Because so far, a lot of this seems like a case of the internet being the internet... by which I mean, "we like X but not Y, so X is in no way blameless in this situation."

It's unfortunate that Mauro suffers from bipolar disorder, and I'm a hugely in support of mental illness awareness. That said, maybe, just maybe, he isn't completely innocent in this situation.

First, working for that company must be stressful as fuck for ANYBODY. The odd (and long) hours and travel alone are probably murder. Factor in all the crazy demands and rules that Vince has in place for announcers (say this!/don't ever say that!), along with having him and Dunn screaming in their ears all damn show must be just delightful.

Second, we don't know what Mauro is like. For all we know, he's the type you have to walk on eggshells around, never knowing what sort of innocuous comment will set them off into becoming angry/upset/hurt. And I'm sorry, but that can also be very annoying. Maybe JBL (and a ton of others backstage) just have a certain way of acting around/speaking to one another, and have for years. This new guy comes in and they have to all change that up for him? Or should the new guy accept that's what happens, not take it personally and move on? Hard to say, and there's really no correct answer.

My only point with all this is that at the end of the day, maybe the WWE just wasn't the company for him. I'd be willing to bet that it was a shitload of stress that got to him, and something finally set him off into leaving. I know you say there's a lot of danger in "blaming the victim," and I'm not exactly doing that per se... but maybe what actually happened wasn't even that big of a deal, but it was enough for someone with a mental disease to fixate on and use as their excuse for leaving.

[Edited on 4-13-2017 by punkerhardcore]

lz4005 - 4-13-2017 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* some "it's real to me, dammit!" types started an online petition to have Braun Strowman fired from RAW for his backstage attack on Roman Reigns on Monday; Braun replied to them on his twitter feed with "GGGGRRRAAAAUUUGGGGHHHHHH!"

Brown Strongman is a beautiful and elegant person.

Actually, that response is funny as hell.

Too bad the ambulance flip was ridiculous looking. And too too bad he probably wasn't in a position to say anything about how dumb it was.

First 9 - 4-13-2017 at 06:37 PM

It's not victim blaming to say WWE is a shit place to work with and somebody with mental illness isn't suited for it.

It'd be enough to say JBL busted Mauro's balls relentlessly but all the insiders can't even say that. It's just a vague bullying accusation. Meltzer has moved up to saying WWE will try to reach an agreement so Mauro doesn't disclose the incident. How the hell has the story moved to this point and nobody has said what's happened. Twitter is filled by Mauro's MMA buddies saying they'll fuck JBL but none mentions what happened. Is there some legal issue that if the story makes it public WWE will directly punish Mauro and that's why everybody is tongue tied? Is it an issue of Mauro just having issues with one person and doesn't want to put the company in a bad light?

I can perfectly believe JBL is an asshole and decided to fuck with Mauro for shits and giggles but he still is innocent and a victim of a wish hunt until everything clears up.

First 9 - 4-13-2017 at 07:14 PM

In truly disturbing news, after Orton-Wyatt is done the next feud is going to be Orton-Corbin. I don't hate either guy but ugh.

Also this probably means Corbin is destroying Zayn to be a credible challenger.

Paddlefoot - 4-13-2017 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* some "it's real to me, dammit!" types started an online petition to have Braun Strowman fired from RAW for his backstage attack on Roman Reigns on Monday; Braun replied to them on his twitter feed with "GGGGRRRAAAAUUUGGGGHHHHHH!"

Brown Strongman is a beautiful and elegant person.

Actually, that response is funny as hell.

Too bad the ambulance flip was ridiculous looking. And too too bad he probably wasn't in a position to say anything about how dumb it was.

Actually I was just kidding about that. Braun's real response was some kind of word salad. My idea would have been a lot more hilarious though, kind of like on Beavis & Butthead when the leader singer fat-guy from Crowbar sing/screamed "aaauuuugggghhhhh!" while looking straight into the video camera and Butthead said something like "that guy was singing on the toilet and just took a huge dump".

G. Jonah Jameson - 4-13-2017 at 07:41 PM

I've thought a few times, when people asked who there was left to feud with Randy Orton on SmackDown!, that everyone was forgetting about Baron Corbin. I'm sure Corbin-Orton won't be setting anyone's world on fire, but Corbin makes sense as a placeholder opponent while WWE holds off on putting Orton up against AJ Styles or Kevin Owens. Is Extreme Rules a SmackDown! PPV? Because I could see a knock-down drag-out fight between Orton and Corbin being entertaining.

Originally posted by First 9
It'd be enough to say JBL busted Mauro's balls relentlessly but all the insiders can't even say that. It's just a vague bullying accusation. Meltzer has moved up to saying WWE will try to reach an agreement so Mauro doesn't disclose the incident. How the hell has the story moved to this point and nobody has said what's happened. Twitter is filled by Mauro's MMA buddies saying they'll fuck JBL but none mentions what happened. Is there some legal issue that if the story makes it public WWE will directly punish Mauro and that's why everybody is tongue tied? Is it an issue of Mauro just having issues with one person and doesn't want to put the company in a bad light?

Innocent typo or subtle reference to those soap-related accusations about JBL? Only Mean Gene at the Superstar Line knows for sure.

On the one hand, I'm inclined to point out that there doesn't have to be a specific act on JBL's part to push Mauro Ranallo into a downward spiral of depression. I'm no expert on depression, but it seems likely to me that a series of harmless-seeming jabs would affect Ranallo far more than any one incident of noticeably shitty behavior on JBL's part. So I doubt there actually is an explicit story of "JBL did this thing, and it clearly hurt Ranallo." And laying the smaller incidents out would only draw out backlash against Ranallo: "JBL made an off-handed comment about Ranallo's announcing, and Ranallo took it this hard? What a wiener!"

On the other hand, it does seem like a lot of the heat on JBL is based on assumptions: Ranallo found the work environment hostile, JBL's name has been associated with hostile work environments in the past, they were on the SmackDown! commentary team together, therefore JBL must be the culprit. As others have pointed out, there are dozens of other factors that could make WWE a lousy place to work. And as bad a person as stories seem to suggest JBL is, there's no sense blaming him if the only evidence against him is "Well, it seems like something he would do."

lz4005 - 4-13-2017 at 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* some "it's real to me, dammit!" types started an online petition to have Braun Strowman fired from RAW for his backstage attack on Roman Reigns on Monday; Braun replied to them on his twitter feed with "GGGGRRRAAAAUUUGGGGHHHHHH!"

Brown Strongman is a beautiful and elegant person.

Actually, that response is funny as hell.

Too bad the ambulance flip was ridiculous looking. And too too bad he probably wasn't in a position to say anything about how dumb it was.

Actually I was just kidding about that. Braun's real response was some kind of word salad. My idea would have been a lot more hilarious though, kind of like on Beavis & Butthead when the leader singer fat-guy from Crowbar sing/screamed "aaauuuugggghhhhh!" while looking straight into the video camera and Butthead said something like "that guy was singing on the toilet and just took a huge dump".

Dammit. Him responding in character would have been perfect.

Count Zero - 4-13-2017 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* some "it's real to me, dammit!" types started an online petition to have Braun Strowman fired from RAW for his backstage attack on Roman Reigns on Monday; Braun replied to them on his twitter feed with "GGGGRRRAAAAUUUGGGGHHHHHH!"

Dammit. Him responding in character would have been perfect.
It would've been even hypothetically better if he had written "BRAAAAGGGGHHHH" as a nod to OOur support of his Romancidal nature.

royberto - 4-14-2017 at 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Otunga won't be appearing on Raw just yet, he's going to make a movie first- and god forbid they have a 2 man team on commentary, so they need a 3rd person. won't say who, but graves and Cole will have a guest this week.

I hope it's JR.
I expect the king.
I'd settle for McGuinness.
They have now. It is Booker T:

Count Zero - 4-14-2017 at 08:42 PM


First 9 - 4-14-2017 at 11:55 PM

Booker T 's reactions to the Broken Hardyz would have been golden.

SpiNNeR72 - 4-15-2017 at 12:35 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Contrary to what some people might believe, mental illnesses are actual illnesses. Picking on someone with this kind of condition is the equivalent of kicking the crutch away from a guy in a cast.

Man I've tried to ignore this but that statement is a perfect example of the ignorance causing this situation. Yes, bipolar depression is a real illness, but that's what it is. Nothing anyone can say or do has any effect whatsoever. It is the disease that affects us, not the actions or events around us. It is far more offensive when someone thinks something has caused it as it shows they have zero understanding of the condition.

GodEatGod - 4-15-2017 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
Originally posted by GodEatGod
Contrary to what some people might believe, mental illnesses are actual illnesses. Picking on someone with this kind of condition is the equivalent of kicking the crutch away from a guy in a cast.

Man I've tried to ignore this but that statement is a perfect example of the ignorance causing this situation. Yes, bipolar depression is a real illness, but that's what it is. Nothing anyone can say or do has any effect whatsoever. It is the disease that affects us, not the actions or events around us. It is far more offensive when someone thinks something has caused it as it shows they have zero understanding of the condition.

I'm not saying it caused the illness, anymore than I'm saying kicking the crutch caused the broken leg. I'm saying the pre-existing illness makes one more vulnerable. I suffer from intense anxiety, depression and avoidant personality disorder. Do the stresses in my life cause it? No. But does it make navigating those difficulties more difficult than it would for someone without those conditions? You better fucking bet it does.

Sorry if it nagged at you, but you clearly didn't understand what the fuck I was saying.

DKBroiler - 4-15-2017 at 07:18 PM

This thread has triggered me. I will now retire to the corner of my bedroom and pet my scary feelings cat.

Paddlefoot - 4-15-2017 at 07:22 PM

Nah. Mental and emotional issues or disturbances are real, man. The things that snowflakes at college make up in order to be perpetually offended are generally fake.

First 9 - 4-16-2017 at 01:20 AM

At this point you're an ignorant idiot if you downplay mental illness. It's not some recent fadcreated by whiners, science treats it as a legitimate disease.

janerd75 - 4-16-2017 at 03:19 AM

You sorry lot are a buncha' pussies. Just handle it the Janerd Way* and you'll all turn out fine like me.

*Maintaining eye contact is CRITICAL!!!

Paddlefoot - 4-16-2017 at 04:52 AM

That kid pulping his meat Florida-style is the one playing the Flash in the upcoming (lol) JLA movie.

janerd75 - 4-16-2017 at 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
That kid pulping his meat Florida-style is the one playing the Flash in the upcoming (lol) JLA movie.

And the mom is The Ancient One from Dr. Strange...even though it's kinda strange that's she's not Asian in any way! Also, if you ain't pulpin' it Flo-Rida-Style, then I don't know why you'd even want a dick to punish. Meth-Lube, yo, it's actually A Thing. Speaking of which, there's no 'A' in 'JLA' because we're now revered as the 'JBL' of the world. Which, to be honest, is kinda cool until we get our petrodollar comeuppance hopefully long after I'm dead because as a Professional Lilywhite there's no chance I'm not getting torn apart limb from limb in the Future Ethnic Majority for my imaginary crimes agaynst whatever the fuck. Also, this the Drunk Thread or have I inadvertently exposed The Plot� to the Normies on the main stage yet agayn?


Man, these rumours are gettin' really weird these days.

Oh look, a gif...

Wu-Tang!!! and R.I.P. in peace Charlie Murphy!

Disclaimer: Florida - Not Even Once.

Flash - 4-16-2017 at 07:57 AM

Some news...

*ADR is at it again, chirping away at HHH calling him a p*ssy who just married well, and ranting about discrimination in the WWE during a Periscope interview. Paige was there beside him and had to remind him she still works there. For what it's worth he also apparently insulted patrons of his restaurant for not being able to speak two languages.

*As part of Linda's new government appointment the McMahon's wound up doing a joint filing which disclosed their finances. They are worth upwards of $1.1 billion jointly with various multi-million dollar properties in Greenwich, Stamford, New York, Florida, and Vegas. They've got about $12 million in cash spread out over various bank accounts, $25-50 million in a Morgan Stanley account, and the bulk of their fortune... some $782 million tied up in WWE stock. Curiously they also reported between $5-$25 million out there as a personal loan to a family member.

*WWE's lawyers and Mauro's are presently working out some kind of settlement agreement that will see Mauro keep mum on the subject of JBL and backstage WWE stuff... his contract currently is said to have a clause which limits any unapproved WWE interviews, which is in part why Mauro has largely been directly mum about what transpired. The WWE for their part is said to have instructed JBL to act like less of a heel on TV in an effort to change his image some... probably not going to entirely work as their were "Fire JBL" chants at the last SD.

Lawler recently weighed in stating that he doubted JBL would be fired and coming to his colleagues defense describing JBL as a big boisterous guy who is crude and loud, and if you don't know him you could be offended by him, but that he is a big fan of JBL's.

*Lawler also let slip that the WWE hired a security guard to guard Undertakers coat, hat and gloves at the hotel for fear that someone might try and steal them.

*Justin Roberts recently did an AMA to promote his new book... a few highlights:
-He legit thought the WM finish of Lesnar going over Taker was a screw up of some kind until he was told to announce Lesnar as the winner.
-He puts most of the problems with the bullying culture in the WWE at the feet of Vince, HHH, and Dunn saying that they see it more as a rib and find humour in it, so they encourage the culture.
-After the whole Daniel Bryan tie-choking incident even Vince praised everyone backstage.
-Kevin Dunn is a Dick
-JBL is a Dick
-HHH is a Dick, and for years buried Indy guys but is now posing for pictures with them so the internet will like him.
-Benoit was crazy... kind of off even before he went crazy crazy. Sometimes he'd be all heart, other times when on the pills and booze he'd be very dark.
-He puts over Bruce Prichard's podcast for anyone who wants a better understanding of Vince.
-He names Bob Holly and Orlando Jordan as two of the biggest assholes backstage during his time there... Jordan in particular he plugs as a JBL stooge.

janerd75 - 4-16-2017 at 08:45 AM

In addition to what Flash posted, here's some additional video from the past week regarding Alberto and Linda. Not, like, together or anything grotesquely awesome like that would be. But as far as individual slices of the State of the Culture go, one's pretty weird and creepy while the other involves Paige and 'Berto.

I think whomever is allowing Alberto, much like Shia LeBeef, to film their descent into madness is not a very good friend but at the same time should be awarded whatever the fuck prize one gives to Outstanding Achievement in Documentary Filmmaking.

Paddlefoot - 4-16-2017 at 08:56 AM

You hurt my baby, perro!

Count Zero - 4-16-2017 at 07:34 PM

From the dirtsheetz:

"A report from Pro Wrestling Unlimited is claiming that Bray Wyatt is frustrated because WWE has been consistently telling him one thing only for the opposite to happen. For instance, WWE kept changing their minds about him walking out of WrestleMania33 with the WWE Title and later book him to lose before the match.

Not only that, but Wyatt�s move to Raw was also a last minute decision that cancelled plans for a long feud between him and Orton over the WWE Title. Ultimately, WWE keeps bouncing him from thing to thing, which has caused Bray to become frustrated and vocal backstage lately."

First 9 - 4-16-2017 at 09:15 PM

Bray Wyatt is only 29 years old. He could try to leave and travel the world to get the loser stink off him and return in a couple of years. As a former WWE Champion still in his prime, he'd likely command top dollar and get bookings that are at least as good as Del Rio's.

Another idea is that since he still has so much time. They could and should go for a full makeover and just reset him. Kind of like Kane losing the mask and turning into a very different kind of monster.

Either way if the guy will be anything more than a punching bag for the real stars Bray Wyatt needs a drastic change.

Flash - 4-16-2017 at 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
From the dirtsheetz:

"A report from Pro Wrestling Unlimited is claiming that Bray Wyatt is frustrated because WWE has been consistently telling him one thing only for the opposite to happen...

It's still a bit early to maybe call Wyatt a failure, but as far as crafting a full on character that the fans were interested in (as opposed to just say Fandango's music), and then dropping the ball so completely has there been a bigger "failure" than Wyatt?

Yeah I know people still pay attention to him, and the whole cell phone firefly's thing still happens, but go back a couple of years between the standoff between the Wyatt family and the Shield that say Bray and Reigns staring down, and some promo's that while ultimately proven to be gibberish there was a groundswell of interest in what Bray could be... I mean people were talking about him as possible the next Undertaker in that he had a cool gimmick which could be tweaked if he were a heel or face, and evolve in other ways... people are still behind Bray.

What we got was a guy who seems a bit injury snake bitten, as mentioned promo's that once sounded cool but more often than not wound up making no sense and going absolutely no where, and honestly his most heinous acts as a heel seemed to be kidnapping guys, driving them out to the country and then just letting them go. Even his title win seemed to be completely backwards to actually building a guy up to the next level, and at least now as of this writing seems to be yet another stalled abort as he was quickly disposed of as a transitional champ at best.

Bray is salvageable, but the clock is ticking... him taking a bit of time off from the WWE might be the best thing for him.

First 9 - 4-17-2017 at 03:54 AM

-Mauro seems to be done with WWE but promises he will keep being a pro wrestling announcer. NJPW would probably take him back with open arms.

-Austin says he wants his next appearance to ''mean something''. I assume that he wants to do something that affects an angle or maybe even starts one.

-The last sanctuary for Roman Reigns, house shows, is also starting to give him bad reactions.

AmericanNightmare - 4-17-2017 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by First 9

-The last sanctuary for Roman Reigns, house shows, is also starting to give him bad reactions.

My son and I went to the NXT live event here in Atlanta this past Thursday and the crowd started a "Roman sucks" chant during the Ember Moon/Asuka match. That's probably not indicative of anything other than the crowd being too into themselves since Roman wasn't even there, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Also, the show itself was great. I didn't know if the call-ups would be there or not, but Tye Dillinger, The Revival, and Nakamura all had matches. Aside from the Roman chant and the douchenozzles beside us yelling "KENTA" at Itami and various other "look how smark we are" bullshit, it was a fantastic show. My son isn't even that into wrestling and wanted to stay until the very end. I had to buy him a Bobby Roode shirt, much to my dismay (I accept Roode now, but I was watching TNA back when he debuted and up through Beer Money and never saw what other people saw in him).

The matches, if you're interested, were:
-Kassius Ohno vs. Dan Matha
-Mandy Rose & Daria Berenato vs. Kimberly Frankele & Ruby Riot
-Kona Reeves vs. Alesteir Black
-Patrick Clark vs. Tye Dillinger
-DIY vs. The Revival vs. AoP for the belts
-Ember Moon vs. Asuka for the belt
-Cien & Roode vs. Itami & Nakamura

Nakamura got the biggest pop of the night by far, but Dillinger had the longest sustained reaction. Clark and Reeves were excellent heels that worked hard to get their opponents over (not that Dillinger needed it).

And maybe I should've posted this in the NXT thread. This is why I don't post much.

CCharger - 4-17-2017 at 02:26 PM

10 posts in 11 years. Make them count, buddy!

[Edited on 4-17-2017 by CCharger]