The UFC/MMA thread
Jheaton - 5-21-2006 at 07:07 PM

With UFC 60 coming up I was wondering if any one else will be seeing the PPV?

They have Gracie vs Hughes on top with a strong under card with undeafted Brandon Vera, TUF winner Diego Sanchez, and Joe Riggs taking on Mike Swick.

Also theirs lots of MMA of free TV too. FSN is running Pride FC fights. And the new IFL starts tonight on FSN.

GatorBait - 5-22-2006 at 07:40 PM

not sure if we should make a separate thread for this or not, but i've been having a blast with The Ultimate Fighter 3...

before i knew their personalities, i was a huge Shamrock fan and thought Ortiz was an ass... after watching the show, though, my views of both guys are now the polar opposite...

Ortiz seems like a guy I could actually be friends with... always encouraging his guys while at the same time working them out to the highest level... he's very down-to-earth and doesn't have an inflated sense-of-self... very grounded in reality and is grateful for all the opportunities he's had... sure, he trashtalks a lot... but he'll then say to the camera he's just doing it to get under his opponents' skin...

the same can't be said even remotely for Shamrock... his training has been awful (his guys have lost 6 straight matches after winning the first)... he gives guys days off for no reason at all... and he just seems like a genuine asshole with his "god's gift to mankind" attitude...

i REALLY hope Tito makes his face a bloody pulp when they meet again...

Jheaton - 5-23-2006 at 12:38 AM

I'm enjoying the TUFIII as well. I was suprised that Tait lost as he's been getting so much screen time and he's a 10th Planet Jui-Juitsu guy (He trains with Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo).

I'm looking for ward to the Semis. It seems as thought theirs some really good talent here that should have good matches. Kalib, Rory, Mike Bisbing, Kendall and Josh all have talent. Plus we still have to see Matt who wasa gold medalist in the deaf games anda Div.III wrestler and Ed Herman who trains with team quest (Randy Couture's team). At this point pretty much all the "cans" are gone. (Well Jesse came back but I expect him to lose again)

GimmickMan - 5-25-2006 at 05:36 AM

Well, if you're interested, head on over to and read my preview of the UFC 60 preliminary bouts.

Coming Friday: the main card!

[Edited on 5-25-2006 by GimmickMan]

Jheaton - 5-26-2006 at 06:17 PM

MMA preview for the weekend.

Friday @ 10:30 ( FSN also says 9 so I'm not sure) local time FSN.
Best Damn Beatdowns
50 of the greatest ass whoopin's in Pride, UFC and Boxing.

Sunday. International Fight League episode II 6pm (Central)
Renzo Gracies Pitulls take on Maurce Smiths Tiger Sharks with the winning team to advance to the championship to take on The Silverbacks.

9pm(Central) Best Of Pride FC. Main Event Don Frye vs Ken Shamrock

Also FSN is running a heavywheight boxing match of Javier Mora vs. Fres Oquendo

GimmickMan - 5-27-2006 at 01:23 AM

UFC 60 Main Card Preview and weigh-in results!

Check it!

Jheaton - 5-27-2006 at 06:27 PM

The Lineups For the TUF final and the next UFN are being posted on some websites.


-Light-Heavyweight Finals of The Ultimate Fighter 3
-Middleweight Finals of The Ultimate Fighter 3
-Kenny Florian vs. Sam Stout
-Keith Jardine vs. Wilson Gouveia
-Josh Neer vs. TBA

Main card airs live on Spike TV on Saturday, June 24th from 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM Eastern Time


-Stephan Bonnar vs. Rashad Evans
-Anderson Silva vs. Chris Leben
-Luke Cummo vs. Jonathan Goulet
-Josh Koscheck vs. Dave Menne
-Jon Fitch vs. Thiago Alves
-Jorge Gurgel vs. Mark Hominick
-Justin Levens vs. Jorge Santiago

Main card airs live on Spike TV on Wednesday, June 28th from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time

Im interested to see Cumo, Florian, and Gurgel. It will be interesting to see how well Jardine does after that close lose to Bonnar.

Bonnar should be able to beat Evans. Id like to see Bonnar get a "Legends" fight against Mark "The Hammer" Coleman now that hes done with Pride. COuld be a good PPV debut for The American Psycho.

Also UFC 61 is being annouced as Shamrock vs Tito and Arlovski vs Silvia for the title HW title.

GimmickMan - 5-27-2006 at 07:50 PM

Bonnar vs. Coleman won't work because Coleman won't want to cut down to 205.

Bonnar vs. Vitor or Shamrock? I'm in.

Jheaton - 5-28-2006 at 06:53 PM

I heard a rumor that Coleman thinks he can make 205, if he can't do that I'd put him in a heavywheight bout against Brandon Vera.

globalsmack - 5-29-2006 at 06:07 AM

I have to say, Evans and Koshchek are two of the boringest fighters that have come out of the TUF series.

Just bought my tiks for 61. Thats going to be swetness.

Shaggy - 5-29-2006 at 09:40 PM

Hopefully the TUF Finals are solid bouts, because the finale card, main evented by Florian vs Stout is rather lacklustre. Florian just doesn't capture ones imagination. Stout should maul him.

Ideally the TUF finals would have Mike Bisping vs Matt Hamil for the light heavyweight contract and Kendall Groves vs Kalib Starnes for the middleweight contract. Actually any middleweight final will probably be a good match, however the light heavies already have a couple of cans in the semi's(Josh Haynes and his zero gound game and inaccurate strikes/ Jesse Forbes and his loss to a rather slow armbar). If Nickels upsets Hamil, the division is shot, not to take anything away from Nickels though as he is a tough kid, just said to be really lacking in skills(especially given his age).

Ultimate Fight Night on the 28th looks to be a solid card. The fight I'm most looking forward to is Mark Hominick vs Jorge Gurgel and of course Anderson Silva vs Chris Leben. Bonnar didn't impress me versus Keith Jardine(I think he lost actually), and Evans is a one trick pony who had his hands full with Sammy Hogar. Jonathan Goulet is looking to avenge his 11 second loss to Bang Ludwig on UFN3, I'd like to see him beat Cummo.

I wonder which fights will air though...

[Edited on 5-29-2006 by Shaggy]

GimmickMan - 5-30-2006 at 01:56 AM

I think Stout/Florian will be better than anticipated. The thought of Kenny Florian in a UFC main event does make me chuckle, though.

As for UFN, I am PUMPED. This card is one of the best cards the UFC has produced PPV or not in a long time, which is saying something.

You can also add Jason Lambert vs. Branden Lee Hinkle to that UFN card. Lambert said on MMAWeekly Radio the other week that that fight is signed.

As for UFN, though, it will be tight. I'm looking forward to seeing Goulet again. He's a great fighter. I was afraid that was flash KO would be the end of him in the UFC. I'm surprised that he hasn't fought in TKO since then. Obviously, Cummo is tight, too.

Silva/Leben should be SICK. Bonnar/Evans is more of a "meh" fight for me right now. Stephan should take it with ease. Koscheck/Menne should be interesting.

But the fight I'm looking forward to the most is Jorge Gurgel vs. Mark Hominick. I just hope it's on the main card.

I'm surprised that Gurgel hasn't gotten a shot yet, unless he hasn't been completely healthy. And I'll be very glad if Hominick isn't pulled because of his loss in TKO a few weeks back.

I don't know what it is about Gurgel, but I think he can be a force. We'll have to wait and see.

Justin Levens is also an exciting fighter. That won't be on the main card, though.

My main card:

Anderson Silva vs. Chris Leben
Stephan Bonnar vs. Rashad Evans
Jonathan Goulet vs. Luke Cummo
Jorge Gurgel vs. Mark Hominick

And if they figure out a way to include five bouts: Josh Koscheck vs. Dave Menne.

And is anyone else as excited about the Lightweight division as I am?

Word on the street is that the winner of Stout/Florian will face Sean Sherk for the LW Title. I've said it on Sherdog, but I think the LW Title should become a main event staple of Ultimate Fight Night. That would be pretty cool, but it would create time problems because of having to include a possible five round fight in a 2-hour broadcast. Or they could just make it 3-hours long, which would be A-OK in my book.

And UFC 61 is shaping up to be an amazing card, as well. As is UFC 62 with Liddell vs. Babalu and Diego vs. Karo and hopefully BJ Penn fighting someone.

What a great time to be a fan of MMA!

Jheaton - 5-30-2006 at 05:49 PM

I'm pumped about the LW division my self. I was hoping they'd do an 8 or 16 man tourny spread over a few PPVs and UFNs for the belt instaed of this 4 fourman minnie tourney they seems to be running.

I was impressed in Florians last outing where he busted that guys face open.

I've been waiting to see Gurgle (He's Rich Franklins cornerman for those who don't know.) Back in the UFC since he lost to Jason Von Flue in dramtic fashion.

I'd like to see him compete for the LW belt some day.

Goulet has something like 6 loses by KO so Luke should be able to handle him. It make sence that Zuffa would want to protect Luke thought. I could see him developing into a Jeremy Horn or Evan Tanner type of gatekeeper. He won't be the best fighter in the division, but hecan beat any given fighter on a given day just not everyday. You'd have to beat him to prove you deserve a shot and win or lose its exciting.

I don't think Evans Bonnar willl be a FOTY year but it will be interesting to see who comes out on top and how they look it doing so. Could be fun if they stand and trade.

UFC.TV has confirmed UFC 61 as Silva vs Alrovski III and Shamrock vs Ortiz II

GatorBait - 5-30-2006 at 06:02 PM

i'm definitely envisioning the Evans/Bonnar fight to be better than expected... wasn't a huge fan of Evans during TUF2, but seeing his Ultimate Fight Night fight at a more natural weight for him is promising... very very agile... and this is coming from a Bonnar mark...

I think Bonnar will take the match if/when it gets to the ground... Rashad's shown he's got a good chin, but he's also shown he's got plenty of work to do when it comes to the submission game... i say Bonnar wins by OMG~!!! Armbar in the 3rd round...

and HELL YEAH we get to see more of Luke Cummo!!!... he was far and away my fave guy to come out of TUF2... probably just the "inner nerd" in me... i agree that I don't think he'll ever be champion, but he'll never be an easy W for any of his opponents...

Jheaton - 5-31-2006 at 12:18 AM

Has anybody been watching the IFL on Fox Sports Net? It's MMA in a team format, no elbows or knees to a down fighter.

you can read all about it here

The fighters aren't as good as the ones in the UFC but its fun none the less and the unusal format is interesting. I just wish they could get FSN to give them a 90minute or two hour spot so they didn't have to edit some of the fights for time.

GimmickMan - 6-1-2006 at 05:46 PM

In some very sad news, former UFC interviewer Ryan Bennett of and the host of MMA Weekly Radio died last night in a car crash on I-15 in Utah.

He was travelling with his family (wife and four kids) when a tire popped, causing him to lose control, rolling five times. He was partially ejected and died at the scene. His wife is in surgery, two kids are in the hospital and two checked out fine (physically, of course).

I had just got in to listening to the radio show with him and Frank Trigg. It was a great, great show. In fact, I had won a DVD on their 1,000th show a few weeks back that was sent out to me by Bennett. Kinda weird now. Hopefully his wife and kids pull through as well as possible.


Jheaton - 6-3-2006 at 05:47 PM

Theirs going to be another UFN on August 17th. This will be headkined by Karo Parisyan vs Diego Sanchez.

The UFN will leading to TUF4. TUF4 will feature veterans who have previously been in the UFC trying to earn their way back in.

UFC 62 will likely be Chuck Liddell vs Babalua and the Winner of Stout-Florian vs Sherk
UFC 63 will Be Matt Hughs vs George St. Peirre

[Edited on 6-4-2006 by Jheaton]

GatorBait - 6-8-2006 at 03:32 PM

interesting couple of quips from Dana White, here:

Dana White talks UFC, Boxing, McCain and WWE



The Man Behind the UFC Discusses The Ultimate Fighter Reality Show, Why He Credits Senator John McCain for the Existence of the UFC

and Why the UFC Crushes the WWE

UFC President Dana White is about to add two new pros to his stable of fighters on the June 24th season finale of The Ultimate Fighter 3, the popular Spike TV reality series which features16 fighters who live together as they prepare to compete for UFC contracts. White will then return to television on August 17 as host of The Ultimate Fighter: The Comeback. The success of The Ultimate Fighter has other networks such as Fox Sports, BET and Oxygen scrambling to develop fight-related series of their own. White is proud of the reality show and how it has turned the UFC around: "We got on TV and suddenly people were watching mixed martial arts without realizing they were watching it because they got caught up in the story lines," said White in Playboy's July 20Q (on newsstands Friday, June 9th).

Following are selected quotes from White's 20Q, conducted by Playboy contributor Jason Buhrmester:
On Spike TV's The Ultimate Fighter: "You also get to learn about the characters and see that these guys aren't a bunch of f*cking gorillas who just rolled in off a bar stool. You can see how hard they train and that they have real lives and families."

On Senator John McCain's opposition to the UFC: "I'll tell you what about Senator John McCain. He's a boxing fanatic and he went after the UFC, and thank god he did. I credit Senator McCain with our having this sport today. The bottom line is this sport needs to be regulated...If it weren't for McCain, we wouldn't be where we are today."

On how Mike Tyson would do in a UFC fight: "He would get destroyed. I know it. He's been getting destroyed in boxing lately. I'm not trying to slam Mike Tyson, because I'm still a huge fan. I like real fighters."

On why he didn't become a pro boxer: "I found out early in my career that I didn't have it. I was about 26 or 27 when the window started closing. For a long time it really messed with me that I hadn't fought a pro fight. But to fight pro is a lot of work, a lot of money and a lot of sacrifice. I didn't take that step. I always felt I didn't have the balls to turn pro."

On why he hates golf: "I happen to f*cking hate golf. Golf is the most useless f*cking sport of all time. It's a waste of f*cking time. It's a waste of f*cking land. It's a waste of everything. Homeless people are sleeping in the streets, and these rich dicks are out there golfing. Give me a f*cking break. They ought to build houses for the homeless on all the golf courses."

On why the UFC is better than the WWE: "...Because it's real. I think the WWE is fantastic. It's amazing when you're 12 to 15 years old. But when you hit 16 or 17, you realize it's fake, and you want to see something real. I was a huge WWE fan as a kid. I got to an age when I got tired of the sh*t. It was just acting."

On why he doesn't want his kids to be fighters: "I love my kids so much. Do I want them to be fighters? No way. But I don't want them to be football players, either. And I don't want them to stub their toes. I don't want them to get hurt at all. This is how f*cked up I am, that I sit around and think about this, but I dread the day when they get into a fight at school. I have two boys, so it's inevitable, but I dread that day."

On the most vicious thing he's ever seen during a UFC fight: "Nothing really makes me cringe. I love fighting. But when Frank Mir broke Tim Sylvia's arm with that arm bar, it was pretty crazy. Hell, we have four f*cking DVD's of Ultimate Knockouts, so there have been some awesome knockouts."

On what makes a guy want to become a UFC fighter: "It's the competition. These guys are real athletes and real fighters. It doesn't matter if they used to be schoolteachers or accountants. They love to compete. It's great when you're part of a team and you run out onto the field and the crowd is cheering. But when you walk into a f*cking arena with 17,000 people and your music is playing and everybody is looking at you and going crazy, it's an amazing feeling. It's a high you can't even imagine."

On whether someone will inevitably get seriously injured or killed in the UFC: "I fear it. I really do. To be honest, I don't know how I would deal with something seriously happening to one of these guys I f*cking love and care about."

mooseheadjack - 6-8-2006 at 04:33 PM

I read something about PRIDE being forced to shut down, something about shady dealings, losing their TV slot and ties to the yakuza. The article mentioned that you could compare this to WCW going out of business, only much, much larger. I am not a big fan of the MMA stuff, is this really that kind of deal? And is any of this true, or just rumors?

GimmickMan - 6-8-2006 at 04:40 PM confirmed fights for upcoming events:

Ultimate Fighter 3 Ultimate Finale - June 24 - 9 p.m.

Kenny Florian vs. Sam Stout - Winner to face Sean Sherk at UFC 62 in August to determine new UFC Lightweight Champion

TUF3 Middleweight Final
TUF3 Light-Heavyweight Final

Ultimate Fight Night 5 - June 28 - 8 p.m.

Chris Leben vs. Anderson Silva
Rashad Evans vs. Stephan Bonnar
Jonathan Goulet vs. Luke Cummo
Thiago Alves vs. Jon Fitch
Dave Menne vs. Josh Koscheck
Branden Lee Hinkle vs. Jason Lambert

UFC 61: Bitter Rivals - July 7 - 10 p.m.

Tim Sylvia vs. Andrei Arlovski
Tito Ortiz vs. Ken Shamrock
Frank Mir vs. Dan Christison
Josh Burkman vs. Josh Neer
Gilbert Aldana vs. Cheick Kongo

Jheaton - 6-10-2006 at 06:03 PM

Pride FC is in the middle of a scadal about being linked to organized crime. They have been kicked off their Japanese Televison station. Its a little early to be calling this the death of Pride fighting as there have been other scandals in the Japanese MMA/Pro wrestling industry.

GatorBait - 6-28-2006 at 02:23 PM

I thought the Ultimate Fighter 3 Finale had 3 awesome fights and 2 shows of pure domination.

The 2 show finals were great, and I have no objection to Dana White offering Ed Herman a contract, too (even if it's just ***bEEcOZZ*** I wanna see SOMEbody kick his ass). Kudos to Kendall for pulling the upset.

Bisping is going to be a star. He's got a complete set of tools, and he's shown he's got a pretty solid chin, too. The Light Heavyweight division is fucking loaded right now.

And in the show's "extra time" Matt Hamill completely obliterated Jesse Forbes. He showed he was in a different class when it comes to wrestlign and was fucking relentless with the pounding once Jesse made a mistake. He still needs to get a little more training in submissions and striking, but he'll be a force to be reckoned with, too. Would've been VERY interesting to see he and Bisping make it to the finals.

LuckyLopez - 6-29-2006 at 09:21 AM

When was the Hammill/Forbes fight? I completely missed that. Only fight I saw with Matt was the one with Nichols where he stayed on his feet the whole way because he was hurt.

The Herman/Groves fight was awesome just to see Ed manage to not tap out to all those submisions Kendall locked on him. That was sick. The rear naked choke he had on him late in the match looked like it had him dead and he managed to last to the bell.

And I love Bisping. Love him. I think if UFC makes a point to feature him in their Spike programming he might single handedly make me a dedicated UFC fan. I was praying that he'd destroy Josh because it seemed like he was nothing but a wild swinger. So I'm glad he did. And that flying knee he pulled out of his ass against Ross in the semis made me leap out of my seat.

GatorBait - 6-29-2006 at 01:30 PM

Lucky, due to the extreme brevity of the "main event", they had a few minutes extra to give us the Hamill/Forbes fight. Extreme fucking domination by Hamill, even if his only "skills" right now are wrestling and relentlessly pounding the fuck out of people. You could tell Forbes was wanting to keep it on his feet because even HE is afraid of Hamill's wrestling. I think he remains under Tito's tutelage, learns the submission side of things better, and learns to keep his hands up during boxing. He will be a dangerous, dangerous fighter. I could see a few years from now the division being dominated by him and Bisping.

Here's a quick list of the Light Heavyweight division:
Michael Bisping
Stephan Bonnar
Rashad Evans
Forrest Griffin
Matt Hamill
Sam Hoger
Keith Jardine
Chuck Liddell
Dean Lister
Tito Ortiz
Ken Shamrock

That's a ridiculous list of quality fighters at that weight class. No wonder Rich Franklin is staying in the Middleweight class. And honestly, I don't see Kendall Grove staying there, either. It just doesn't look like a comfortable weight for him, being 6'6" and all. But hey, if he can stay there he's got a much better chance than he does at Light Heavyweight.

DVR'd the Ultimate Fight Night from last night and only got through the first fight so far, so I'll have my insight on those fights tomorrow.

And I couldn't agree more with you about Bisping. He seems ready for the spotlight, already. Was very comfortable and mature when being interviewed even immediately after his fight. He's got all the skills needed, and he's not afraid to bust them out when other things don't seem to be working (see: flying knee on Ross). Oh, and his g/f is hot as hell, too

LuckyLopez - 7-9-2006 at 02:02 AM

So I watched all of Ultimate Fighter 3 and every wrestling fan I know who did the same came out with the exact same opinion. "I was a Shamrock fan going in but Ortiz seems like such a better guy." And while I agree that Ortiz clearly went into that thing with a hell of a lot more desire to help these guys (and him taking Kendall Groves under his wing as Goldberg was saying at the finale proves that even more, as do his claims that he was taking Matt Hamill under his wing presuming they were real) and Shamrock just didn't give a shit. That was the difference between the two teams, clearly. But Tito sure as hell never came off as a good guy to me. Shamrock admitted that most of his blowups were calculated to inspire his team or get under Ortiz' skin but Tito clearly did everything he could to get under Shamrock's. And he was constantly taking shots at Shamrock's guys. It just seemed like Tito was as big of an ass as Shamrock but did it in a much calmer way.

Then you say the clip of Ortiz laughing like a little girl during his press conference with Shamrock. And you hear all his "Shamrock's nothing, he's old and beaten down, I'll kill him" stuff. And I read somewhere that part of the hate these guys have for each other is that Shamrock was hurt during their first bout and had a rematch written into the contract but Tito kept dodging him (I have no idea how true that is, its just what I read). And Tito more and more came off like an ass to me.

That's why I loved reading this:

A final incident between Ken Shamrock and Tito Ortiz took place at yesterday's UFC 61 Weigh-Ins. After Shamrock weighed in at 206, Ortiz threw a fit, arguing that the fight contract was clear about the weight limit being 205. Nevada State rules, however, allow a fighter in a non-title match to go over the limit by one pound, so Shamrock's weight was perfectly fine.

Interestingly enough, Ortiz then weighed in at 206.5 and had to drop the half-pound before weighing in again.

Its not that I don't think Shamrock's an ass. Its just that Tito seems like a big one himself. He just actually did some good with the UF3 guys and is smarter about how he handles himself.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have 1 hour to try and convince my poker buddies that they really like UFC and are totally pumped for Ortiz/Shamrock and want to split the bill on UF� 61.

courtney - 7-9-2006 at 07:18 AM

So yeah, popping into the sports forum for the second time ever just to comment about the PPV tonight.

I hated the Sylvia/Arlovski fight. For two guys who have had great battles before, even if they do have mutual respect now, nobody paid to see them box for 25 minutes. That was bullshit!

I'm torn on Ortiz/Shamrock. Unlike a lot of people I've met, I love Tito Ortiz. Sure, he's an asshole, but at least he doesn't pretend he's not, like Shamrock does. One part of me thinks that Herb should not have stopped the fight so soon, but the other part looked at the replay and saw how Tito was bashing him with elbows and Ken clearly wasn't protecting himself. So I'm stuck between wanting to see these two guys give a great fight and not wanting one of them to get seriously injured. However, I do think Shamrock should retire.

The doctors made a good decision on the Stevenson fight. Yves was bleeding like a stuck pig.

Question, why the hell did they put the Burkman fight after Ortiz/Shamrock? Was it just for a palette cleanser or was there another reason?

GimmickMan - 7-9-2006 at 04:01 PM

Yeah, Court, it is a palette clenser. The UFC calls it the "swing fight". They have one for every PPV.

G-B - 7-10-2006 at 05:57 AM

The "swing fight" is one that might not be on the PPV, time permitting. Since the Tito-Shamrock fight ended so fast, they put it on. It may have been taped earlier, I'm not sure. The order may get changed on the DVD, not sure if UFC does that.

From the UFC website:

"Q: What Does "May not be broadcast" mean? What is a "Swing Fight"?

A. Fights labeled as "may not be broadcast" are scheduled to take place before the live broadcast begins. These pre-recorded fights are inserted into the broadcast if time permits. However, due to broadcast time constraints some of these undercard bouts may not be seen on a broadcast. These additional bouts can be found as bonus footage on the event DVD and online at

A "Swing Fight" is a bout scheduled during the live event, but under very rare circumstances, may not be shown. Swing Fights may also take place out of order from listed programming."

Found here:

Columbo - 7-10-2006 at 04:19 PM

Originally posted by courtney

I'm torn on Ortiz/Shamrock. Unlike a lot of people I've met, I love Tito Ortiz. Sure, he's an asshole, but at least he doesn't pretend he's not, like Shamrock does.

Apparently my mother and father were in Atlantic City on Thursday night and they somehow ended up sharing an elevator with Kenny Shamrock. According to the folks Mr. Shamrock was quite the gentleman and spent 10 minutes chatting them up about his fight, so maybe he�s not actually the biggest dick face in the world.

Anyway just wanted throw that out there because it seems like there is a lot of negativity about Shamrock in this thread.

[Edited on 7-10-2006 by Columbo]

courtney - 7-11-2006 at 05:13 AM

It's just any time I see him in an interview or on TV, he's just comes across as a guy who thinks too much of himself. At least to me anyways.

Jheaton - 7-11-2006 at 08:12 PM

"Here's a quick list of the Light Heavyweight division:
Michael Bisping
Stephan Bonnar
Rashad Evans
Forrest Griffin
Matt Hamill
Sam Hoger
Keith Jardine
Chuck Liddell
Dean Lister
Tito Ortiz
Ken Shamrock

That's a ridiculous list of quality fighters at that weight class. No wonder Rich Franklin is staying in the Middleweight class. And honestly, I don't see Kendall Grove staying there, either. It just doesn't look like a comfortable weight for him, being 6'6" and all. But hey, if he can stay there he's got a much better chance than he does at Light Heavyweight. "

You forgot to list Babalu (whos got the next shot at Chuck) and Brandon "The Truth" Vera. Personaly I wonder how long Rich Franklin will be able to make 185? At the wheigh ins he allways looks gaunt.

I think the best thing for kendal to do would to try add about 10-15lbs of muscle and then stay at LHW by dropping water wheight. He jsut looks too skinny to be fighting at Heavywheight.

GimmickMan - 7-11-2006 at 08:49 PM

Franklin's not leaving 185. If you look at the first time he went to 185 at UFC 50, he looked bad. If you look at him at UFC 53, 56 or 58, he looks good. They got the weight cutting down pat.

Jheaton - 8-7-2006 at 11:19 PM


"As reported on Friday, the Ultimate Fighting Championship has been negotiating with Tito Ortiz (Pictures) and Ken Shamrock (Pictures) to promote a third installment of their blood-feud.

Apparently the talks went well.

UFC president Dana White is quoted in Sunday�s Las Vegas Review-Journal that the trilogy-making bout will take place.

�[Ortiz-Shamrock II] had a lot of buildup and a lot of hype and it ended in a minute,� White told Kevin Iole. �Nobody got to see the fight they paid to come to see, so we�re going to give it to them.� has learned through sources close to both fighters that the show was scheduled for October 10 at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Fla., and would have aired live on SpikeTV.

However, there has been a holdup on securing the venue and the particulars of the event remain up in the air at this time.

According to one source, the card has been finalized but no contracts have been sent out to any of the fighters due to the venue issues.

It would seem likely that the show could be held at the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas � where Diego Sanchez (Pictures) fights Karo Parisyan (Pictures) on August 17�s UFC Fight Night � if things are not resolved in Florida. The resort is the newest piece of UFC owners Lorenzo and Frank Fertitta�s hotel and casino empire. "

[Edited on 8-8-2006 by Jheaton]

Jheaton - 8-8-2006 at 06:47 PM

On Aug 17th we get the lates installment of Ultimate Fight Night followed by TUF4:The Comeback.

The card for UFN has Diego Sanchez Vs. Karo Parisyan and Chris Leben Vs. Jorge Santiago on top. (Leben is sure coming back quickly from that KO) also fighting are Dean Lister (Tito's grappling coach on TUF),Jason Von Flue Vs. Joe Riggs, and Josh Koscheck Vs. Jonathan Goulet . Another solid card allright.

TUF 4 has fighters who have all ready been in the UFC returning with the winner of the whole thing getting a title shot. Some of the more notable fighters are Matt Serra (who trains Luke Cummo), Shonnie Carter (whos in his 40's), and Gideon Ray. Randy Couture and George St. Pierre (whos fighting Matt Hughs at UFC 63 so this will be used to promote that card) are the coaches this season.

UFC 62 has a great pair main events in Babalu vs Chuck Liddell for the world lightheavy wheight strap. Liddell knocked out Babalu a few years ago and since then Babalu has been on a ten win tear with 3 of those wins being inside the UFC.

Also on this card is the rematch of Bonnar and Griffen. With both men coming off loses (Griffen to Tito and Bonnar to Rashad) this could be a bit if a cross roads fight with the winner going towards an eventual title shot and the loser going back to the drawing board.

UFC 62 has allmost nothing of note on the undercard altho there is rumor of a Frank Mir vs Brandon Vera fight.

Another rumor circulating the net is that the next fight for heavywheight Tim Sylvia will be against Jeff Monsoon. UFC 64 will possibly feature Rich Franklin (who will be coming off a broken hand) defending against Anderson Silva (the fellow who knocked out Leben) also rumored is the fight for the vacant light wheight title between Sean Sherk and Kenny Florian (Florian wanted more time to train so the bout got pushed back)

The IFL returns to FSN in september. I'm not sure exactly when it will air.

The Outdoor Living Network has signed a deal with top rank promotions to show live fights on thursday nights. This week features Oylimpian Brian �Hawaiian Punch� Viloria vs Omar Nino for the WBC Light Flywheight title plus the undercard.
Viloria has been featured on ESPN's friday night fights and is allways fun to watch.

OLN (which is changing its name to Versus in september) is showing live fights on alternate thursdays and "Legends of the Ring" which will feature past superstar of the sport. Tonight at 11 there is an Ali vs. Bonavena match.

Finally the Oxygen network is showing a two hour documentary "Fight Girls" about several young ladies training to go to Tailand to fight for Muy Tai championships. Its very good and well produced. Its shot in a similar "reality show" style that is used by The Contender and TUF. I watched it last night and highly recomend it to anyone whos a fight fan.

GimmickMan - 8-18-2006 at 04:46 AM

Holy crap was UFC Fight Night exciting! Probably the best installment to this point.

Diego Sanchez has earned my respect. His fights with Nick Diaz and now Karo Parisyan have been two of the best fights of the past year. I had my first markout MMA moment today with Karo's judo throws. Usually, I'm reserved and concentrating watching fights, but those throws nearly had me out of my seat. Despite the L, Karo freaking rocks.

Diego was very, very explosive the whole fight. I cannot believe the twats over at Sherdog are actually complaining about this decision. I can understand being annoyed over the judge scoring it 30-26 for Diego, that's brutal, but the other two scored it exactly as I did, 29-28 Diego. Diego took round one, Karo took the second and Diego dominated the third. I love these exciting technical bouts.

Josh Koscheck made quick work of Jonathan Goulet, which, if you were basing it off the odds, would not seem like that big of a surprise, but Goulet is a solid fighter. It seems that Koscheck has improved a lot since the last time we saw him on TV in October when he was pretty much KO'd by a last minute knee by Drew Fickett and choked out. I will now look forward to seeing his name on the main card.

The Lister/Sasaki fight was pretty cool and technical. My favorite part, though, by far, was Joe Rogan saying that Lister had "blown his wad" after two rounds from all the submission attempts.

I had the same feeling during the Leben/Santiago fight that I had during Liddell/Couture III. I was nervous for Leben, especially when he took that hard shot that staggered him early in the fight and kept keeping his hands down. But he came back and scored one of the biggest KTFO's of the year.

And color me surprised by the Diesel! Who knew he could choke somebody out?

All in all, an awesome card. It was made even better when they announced that they will be broadcasting the UFC 62 weigh-ins live next Friday at 10 pm on Spike, in which they will officially announce (presumebly) Tito-Ken III for the Oct. 10 SpikeTV card.


Two thumbs up from this corner!

Jheaton - 8-18-2006 at 07:08 PM

I thought it was a very good UFN.

I had the frist two rounds of Sanchez vs Parisyan to close to call. However Diego took the fight with the final round. Possible fight of the year right there.

Lister vs. Sasaki was dramatic. Lister has bad standup and Yuki has a bad ground game. I was watching to see if list was going to be able to avoid getting knocked out. I thought Lister took the frist two rounds and Yuki took the third. However I was thinking that the judges might have given the second to the Karate Kid bcause they often seem to value striking more than grappling.

These last two fights have exposed Chris Leben. Sure hes got sledgehammers for arms but he has not technique. If he was to fight some one like Franklin he'd either get knocked out or picked arpart over the course of the fight for a desision loss.

Josh Korcheck was impressive but I haven't seen too many of his fights to see how good he really is. Zuffa does seem to be giveing him the "Leben" push as well so I guess Ill have to wait and see.

TUF4 should be good. I don't think that theres going to be that complete and udder lack of heart as disiplayed on the last season.

Jheaton - 8-19-2006 at 07:17 PM

The UFC top ten raking according to JHEATON. The opinions expressed in here in are mine and mine alone.


Champ Tim Sylvia
1. Jeff Monson
2. Andre Arlovski
3. Brandon Vera
4. Mario Cruz
5. Frank Mir
6. Gabriel Gonzaga
7. Paul Buentello
8. Dan Christison
9. Brad Imes
10. Brandon lee Hinkle

Comments: After Sylvia regaining the title Arlovski drops to number 2 behind Monsoon. Brandon Vera is number three he would be higher if he decided to stick with a weight class. Marico �Pe De Pano� Cruz is in 4th due to his win over form champ Mir. The rest are just sort of filling out a weak weight class, Paul Buentello trying to comeback after being knocked out by The Pitbull, Christison , and Imes are trying to make a name for themselves after coming off TUF.

Light heavy Weight

Champ Chuck Liddell
1. Rento Sorbral
2. Tito Ortiz
3. Forrest Griffen
4. Rashad Evans
5. Stephan Bonner
6. Brandon Vera
7. Keith Jardine
8. Jason Lambert
9. James Irvin
10. Michael Bisbing

Comments: Bablua is fighting this month for the title. Tito Ortiz is number 2 after his close win Forrest Griffen. Forrest is at 3 where I feel that his lose legitimized him. Rashad takes the fourth spot with a win over Bonnar. Brandon Vera could be higher but he fights in two divisions. Keith Jardine has a close loss to Bonnar but a good win following that. Jason Lamebert is a potential sleeper at 8 with two wins in the octagon one over Rob MacDonald. James the Sandman Irvin has a knock out win against Terry Martin and loss against Bonnar. Michael Bisbing rounds out the list with his win of the TUF contract all thou in doing so he beat two fighter who weren�t that good (Ross and Christian) and one that should be fighting at 185 or 170 (Josh). All in all this is probably the strongest division in the UFC with major shake ups coming with the rematches on Bonnar Griffen and Babalu Iceman.


Champ Rich Franklin
1. Jeremy Horn
2. Anderson Silva
3. Chris Leben
4. Mike Swick
5. Nate Marquardt
6. Evan Tanner
7. Dean Lister
8. David Loiseau
9. David Terrell
10. Kendal Grove

Comments: Another solid division in the UFC. Rich is champ. I put Horn at number one even thou he won�t fight Franklin. He might be done with the UFC as he�s fighting Matt Lindland at the IFL. Anderson Silva made a huge debut by knocking out top ranked contender Chris Leben. Silva is rumored to get the next title shot at Rich Franklin. Chris Leben ends up at 3 with his long winning streak coming to an end at the hands of Silva. Swick is a young up and comer whose 3 and 0 in the UFC. Nate Marquardt is the same story as Swick being two and 0 in the octagon. Evan Tanner looked strong in his victory over Levens. Dean Lister is two and o in the UFC and is a possible contender. David Loiseau has been inactive since his defeat at the (broken) hands of Franklin. Kendal Grove is 20 with his win over Angry Ed at the TUF final.


Champ Matt Hughes
1. George St. Pierre
2. Diego Sanchez
3. Karo Parisian
4. Josh Burkman
5. Josh Neer
6. Josh Koscheck
7. Joe Stevenson
8. Joe Riggs
9. Thiago Alves
10. Nick Diaz

Comments: Matt Hughes is scheduled to face #1 contender GSP in the long awaited rematch at UFC 63. Diego Sanchez will apparently get the next shot after that by defeating Karo Parisian who will have to wait that much longer for his shot. Josh Burkman stopped the win streak of Josh Neer so he�s at number 4. Josh Koscheck is at six with his win at UFN. Joe Riggs is trying to climb the rankings with his win over Jason Von Flue and win over Nick Diaz. Thiago Alves was on a role until he lost at UFN and Nick Diaz is on a three fight losing streak no matter and may be out of the UFC. If BJ Penn fights in this division again then he could make the rankings. Until then he hasn�t won so he out.

Champ Vacant
1. Kenny Florian
1. Sean Sherk
3 Sam Stout
4 Spenser Fisher
5 Jens Pulver
6 Mark Hommick
7 Yevs Edwards
8 Vacant
9 Vacant
10 Vacant

There still re building this division so it�s hard to rank it. Florian and Sherk will be fighting for the Vacant UFC light heavy weight title At UFC 64. Sam Stout has lost to Florian but beat Fisher. Jens Pulver has yet to fight in his return but he never lost the title to begin with, However I can�t justify ranking him above the fighter who are actually fighting. Mark Hommick beat Yevs Edwards at UFC 58 in a 155lbs contest. Its going to be interesting to see which welterweights drop down (Melvin Guilard and Diego have been rumored but I don�t think Diego will with him getting a WW title shot in the future)and what talent get brought in. TUF 5 may have lightweights (I think they should do LW and HW as both those divisions need to be built up) with Jens Pulver as a coach. The whole season will build towards Jens getting a title shot. Also BJ Penn has said he�s going to drop down but with him who knows.

GimmickMan - 8-20-2006 at 12:37 AM

GimmickMan's Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-5 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Tim Sylvia, Champion
1) Jeff Monson
2) Brandon Vera
3) Frank Mir
4) Andrei Arlovski
5) Cheick Kongo

Light-Heavyweight - Chuck Liddell, Champion
1) Babalu
2) Tito Ortiz
T-5) Forrest Griffin
T-5) Jason Lambert
T-5) Rashad Evans

Middleweight - Rich Franklin, Champion
1) Nathan Marquardt
2) Anderson Silva
3) Mike Swick
4) Evan Tanner
5) David Terrell
6) Dean Lister
7) David Loiseau
8) Chris Leben
9) TUF4 Winner

Welterweight - Matt Hughes, Champion
1) Georges St. Pierre
2) BJ Penn
3) Diego Sanchez
4) Karo Parisyan
5) Jon Fitch
6) Joe Riggs
7) Josh Burkman
8) Josh Neer
9) TUF4 Winner

Lightweight - Vacant
1) Sean Sherk
2) Spencer Fisher
3) Mark Hominick
4) Kenny Florian
5) Jens Pulver
6) Melvin Guillard
7) Joe Stevenson
8) Hermes Franca
9) Yves Edwards

GimmickMan - 8-24-2006 at 02:41 AM

Well, with bad news comes some decent good news.

The bad news: Georges St. Pierre had to pull out of his Sept. 23 Welterweight Title fight against Matt Hughes with a severe groin pull.

The decent good news: Taking his place:

That is the man who never actually lost the Welterweight Title after beating Hughes in Jan. 2004, BJ Penn.


Jheaton - 8-26-2006 at 05:30 PM

Tomorrow (Sunday Aug.17) Fox Sports Net is airing Pride Bushido. (check your locl scedual for air times). Featured on the card are Dennis Kang, Takanori Gomi, Dan Henderson, Akihiro Gono, Gilbert Melendez.

All the fights are welter weight or below so there should be lots of action and excitement. FUN WILL BE HAD BY ALL~!

Jheaton - 8-29-2006 at 11:16 PM

Quick UFC 62 thoughts.

Babalu Vs Chuck. Babalu got knocked the F out. I couldn't believe that he went down that fast. I ahd thought that this would be a late round stoppage or desicion for Chuck. I like Babalu and I kinda feel bad for him that he lost in this fashion. I wonder if Dana will keep him around after a loss like that.

Griffen vs Bonnar. Griffen proved to be the supior fighter. Not the war that the frist fight was but not a bad fight either. Bonnar may have more tools in his tool box but Griffen is simply better. Griffen moves up in another step towards the elite LHW. Bonnar will probably be keep around, hes still a draw and his personality and heart will keep him fans.

Nick Diaz finally lived up the "future of the welterweight division" that Mike Goldberg says ever time he fights. neither Diaz or Josn Neer are ever in a bad fight and this was no exeption.

The undercard was quite good. Kongo looks like a solid addittion to the HW scene.Hermes Franca Vs. Jamie Varner was good and I'd like to see more from both men. Wilson Gouveia looked impressive coming off his loss to Jardine.

On a personal note this was actually the frist UFC PPV I've ever seen live. Every other on that I've seen was either on Video or A PPV rerun. Me and a couple of fellows went to hooters and drank a ton of beer (the table behind us had a group of girls who seemed intent on engaging their homoerotic fanticys everythim the fighter fought on the ground, They practically lost it when one of the fighters took rear mount). I went home at 1 got up at 7 and ran a 5K in 21:30.

Anyone else see the PPV?

Also Hughes vs GSP is now Hughes vs Penn. And the PPV after that is now Franklin vs Silva and Sherk vs Florian for the lightweight title.

GatorBait - 8-30-2006 at 05:58 PM

I didn't get to see the PPV, but my GOD did Edwin Dewees lose more blood than anybody else I have ever seen in any sport. I wish the boards weren't sucking all week so I could HIGHLY recommend to anybody out there to catch a replay from last Thursday's episode.

Seriously, think Flair times 10. It just started SPURTING out onto the mat.

Edit: Here are a coupla pics from the fight, and even these don't do justice to the amount of bloodshed.

[Edited on 8-30-2006 by GatorBait]

GimmickMan - 9-11-2006 at 04:41 AM

MIRKO CROCOP!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2006 PRIDE Open-Weight Grand Prix Champion.


As he says:

Right kick: Hospital
Left kick: Cemetery

[Edited on 9-11-2006 by GimmickMan]

folby - 9-11-2006 at 03:07 PM

Hell yes. Cro Cop is ridiculously bad ass. Poor Silva just got put OUT by the kick. You know it's coming, but shit, it doesn't make one bit of difference. That kick was gorgeous. And Barnett is a bitch, so it was awesome to see him get some. In the post-fight interview he was already making excuses. Oh, I might have over trained, oh, he accidentally hit me in the eye, all kinds of shit except "I'm a loser and Cro Crop hit me so hard I went blind." (Also, "Oh, I had his knee and heard him yelling, I thought I submitted him" shut the fuck up, dude.) Hopefully Cro Cop vs. Fedor for the New Years show does happen, because my two favorite fighters going at it would make me pretty happy.

Other thoughts: Is it just me, or do Pride refs wait considerably longer than UFC refs to stop a fight? Aleksander was murdering the other russian THEN hit some knees before the ref was in there. I guess Pride doesn't have to worry about proving itself as a safe, legit sport like UFC does.

Diabate's pre-fight interview was hilarious. Talking about how his biggest asset was his brain, and how Shogun probably has better kicks and knees and shit. He got brought in to get killed and he knew it. And sure enough, a stomp to the face spells doom for him. My buddy was over, and he had never seen Pride before. I told him before it started, "Less elbows, more stomps." Even after it happened, he couldn't believe that man would just stomp on that other man's face like that.

Overeem talks a good game, but that doesn't do him much good as Arona does exactly what he was accused of doing - controls the fight on the ground. Then Overeem's leg explodes, so he gives up.

As much as I like ragging on Barnett (and I really do because he is a crybaby and a loser) his fight with Nog was tons of fun, a great fight, and I was impressed with his performance in the final.

I throughly enjoyed this presentation of the fighting and look forward to the next show I will watch. (Which is first, The Real Deal, or the next UFC? Speaking of The Real Deal, Mark Coleman: The only fighter with THE COURAGE to face Fedor.

GimmickMan - 9-11-2006 at 08:30 PM

Upcoming schedule:

Sept. 23 - UFC 63: Hughes vs. Penn
Oct. 10 - UFC Fight Night: The Final Chapter, Ortiz vs. Shamrock
Oct. 14 - UFC 64: Franklin vs. Silva/Sherk vs. Florian
Oct. 21 - PRIDE 32: The Real Deal - Fedor vs. Coleman/Shogun vs. Randleman
Nov. 5 - PRIDE Bushido 13: Welterweight GP Finals
Nov. 11 - The Ultimate Fighter 4 Finale
Nov. 19 - UFC 65: Sylvia vs. Monson
Dec. 30 - UFC 66: Liddell vs. Ortiz
Dec. 31 - PRIDE Shockwave 2006: Fedor vs. CroCop?

folby - 9-11-2006 at 09:12 PM

Thanks for that schedule, Gimmick. Fedor/Coleman is all of a sudden non-title, which lends itself to Fedor/Cro Cop for the title at Shockwave.

GimmickMan - 9-14-2006 at 10:46 PM

Get pumped for UFC 63 with my faux UFC 63 video intro video!

[Edited on 9-14-2006 by GimmickMan]

Firebreaker Chip - 9-14-2006 at 11:55 PM

Originally, I was just going to tell you to fuck off folby, but I am actually kind of interested in your point of view. Barnett is my favorite fighterbecause he shows actual personality outside of the ring and seems to be areally cool guy. I think that he is very determined and good at what he does. I will admit that I don't know nearly as much about MMA as I do wrestling, but I have never seen any article where Barnett comes off as a baby. You seem t makiung him out to be the Matt Hardy of MMA, which would not be good. What really threw me for a loop was that I thought you would be proud of Barnett. I mena he is showing the pro-wrestling/shoot wrestling/catch wrestling (whatever you want to call it) is a viable style and you are all about bringing tremendous realism to wrestling. And Barnett is raising the stock of pro-wrestling realism.

[Edited on 9-14-2006 by Firebreaker Chip]

GimmickMan - 9-15-2006 at 12:00 AM

I got the same exact impression that folby got from Barnett, Chip, but I still like him.

GimmickMan - 9-23-2006 at 03:37 AM

UFC 63 Weigh-In Results:

Matt Hughes (170) vs BJ Penn (166.5)
Mike Swick (184) vs David Loiseau (185.5)
Gabe Ruediger (155) vs Melvin Guillard (156)
Jason Lambert (205.5) vs Rashad Evans (204)
Joe Lauzon (155.5) vs Jens Pulver (154)
Jason Dent (155.5) vs Roger Huerta (155)
Mario Neto (235.5) vs Eddie Sanchez (223)
Danny Abbadi (155.5) vs Jorge Gurgel (154)
David Lee (153.5) vs Tyson Griffin (155)

Jheaton - 9-24-2006 at 07:34 PM

Went to Buffalo Wild Wings last night to see the UFC. And the place was packed.
Remember all those casul WWF fans form 98-2001? I'm pretty sure that there now casual UFC fans. One thing that completly took me by suprise was how into the gound fighting everyone was. Ever time someone got a take down a huge cheer went up, you certainly wouldn't have seen that a few years ago.

I'm in sourthern Illinois not to far from Hillsboro so people where reacting to Hughes as though he was the second coming.

As for the card. One of the best in a while.

Hughes in my opion is the nuber two pound for pound in the world. he weathered the storm and when BJ gassed he took advantage. Great display of heart to not tap to the tiangle at the end of the second.

Rashad really improved his game. He actually finsihed a fight. People really reacted strongly to his slams. I think Pro Wrestling has made people think that body slams are much more devesating than they actualy are.

The Crow vs. Swick fight was underwelming. Not a bad fight but a bit dissaponting seeing how David didn't engage untill the final round.

On the undercard Tyson Griffen showed that he's a beast and will be a force to be reckonded with at 155. Same with Lauzon.

Melvin Guillard is still one dimensional but hits like a truck.

G-B - 9-27-2006 at 12:48 AM

I didn't realize there were so many fights at lightweight on this card. They are really focusing on building that division.

GimmickMan - 9-27-2006 at 01:25 AM

Lightweight is such a fucking badass division right now. Look who you have:

Sean Sherk
Spencer Fisher
Mark Hominick
Kenny Florian
Jens Pulver
Melvin Guillard
Joe Stevenson
Hermes Franca
Tyson Griffin
Joe Lauzon
Roger Huerta
Jorge Gurgel
Matt Wiman

(Misc.: Yves Edwards has been released, according to MMA Weekly. I think we'll see Matt Serra back at 155 after TUF4.)

That is the UFC's deepest and sickest division. It'll be interesting to see the cream that rises to the top. If I'm Joe Silva, I'm making these matches (or they've already been made. I note those with a *).

Sean Sherk vs. Kenny Florian* (UFC 64, Title fight)
Mark Hominick vs. Joe Stevenson* (UFC 65)
Spencer Fisher vs. Melvin Guillard
Jens Pulver vs. Matt Wiman/BJ Penn?????
Tyson Griffin vs. Jorge Gurgel
Hermes Franca vs. Joe Lauzon

Those are some badass fights right there. Any combination is sweet. I wonder if Hominick/Stevenson is going to be a No. 1 contenders bout?

And the thing about these guys is that most of them are YOUNG. This division is going to be sweet for a long time.

folby - 10-1-2006 at 11:56 PM

The two big questions, in my mind, are as follows:

1) Can Tito Ortiz finish Ken Shamrock in under a minute? The first time it took 5 minutes, but in the most recent bout it took less than a minute and a half. I think Tito is up to the challenge.

2) How fast is Shamrock going to pop back up and complain that he wasn't getting killed?

Bonus Question: Should they keep running this fight until Tito can put Shamrock down just as fast as Shamrock can come back up?

GimmickMan - 10-2-2006 at 12:01 AM

(Psssst, folby, the first fight was 15 minutes.)

1) No
2) He's not getting up fast this time.

I am excited for UFC Fight Night 7.

folby - 10-2-2006 at 12:07 AM

Yes, it was, I misread some results. Thanks for setting me straight.

folby - 10-11-2006 at 11:49 PM

I have spoken to two people now who claim to have been disappointed by Ortiz/Shamrock. Both went in knowing what was going to happen (as anyone paying attention did), and yet both left wanting more than they got. Does anyone else here feel that way?

Me, I got exactly what I expected. A takedown, some defensive manuvers, but inevitably, several substantial shots and a stoppage. The fights preceding it were not objectionable, and I rather enjoyed McDonald's win. What's to be disappointed about?

The only really interesting thing from the show was Shamrock's demeanor. I had asked Gimmick in chat (probably more than once) if he thought Shamrock was 'shoot crazy' or just working people to get a good audience for the third fight. After last night, I'm a lot more convinced he was just fucking around the whole time. His demeanor walking down to the ring suggested to me that he wasn't taking the fight seriously, and the only reason he wouldn't take it seriously is because he knows what's going to happen. I don't think Shamrock thinks Ortiz is some pushover, so one can reasonably assume Shamrock knew he was going down. His post-fight actions are even more telling. Suddenly, all his hatred for Tito was gone, and even the middle fingers from that goon failed to set Ken off. All he wanted to do was shake Tito's hand and remind him that they made a lot of money together. His post-fight behavior is more fitting coming from an "I was playing along because that's how this works" perspective than a "I was just beaten into retirement by a man I despise" perspective. While I don't doubt that there was (or is) some bad blood between these two men, at this point I think that much of Ken's recent umbrage in regards to Tito was, to be frank, phoney. And good for Ken, his bank account is better off for it and I had a grand time sitting in the chat last night typing out "HE GONNA GET IT."

I'm curious as to what the rest of you think, though. Was the fight disappointing? Is Ken Shamrock crazy, or crazy like a fox?

P.S. 'shoot crazy' is a joking term I do not actually talk like that. 'shoot slut' is also pretty good.

Edited because I always spell disappointed wrong.

[Edited on 10-11-2006 by folby]

LuckyLopez - 10-12-2006 at 12:29 AM

During TUF almost EVERY time Shamrock acted out against Ortiz you then had him talking to the camera about how he did it to get under Tito's skin or light a fire under his team. So yeah, I do think the "crazy stuff" was a lot of acting or psychology. But I can imagine that he genuinely did dislike Ortiz. Lord knows I do. Ortiz doing his idiocy could certainly have set him off a time or two, but I'd probably agree with you for the most part.

Then again Shamrock could have just come to terms with everything. It was the end of his career in front of a big audience. And he had to have some idea of what an underdog he was, even if he was delusional enough to think he could win. So going out with some dignity might have just inspired him to let it go and be the man. Because if nothing else, despite losing in almost the exact same match as he did 2 he comes out looking like the better man after the way Ortiz behaved. Tito walks away looking like a clown.

I got what I was expecting from Shamrock/Ortiz but I probably was a little disappointed. I hoped Shamrock would put up a better fight. And of course I hoped that the match wouldn't end with another ref stoppage. But I got pretty much what I expected.

The undercard REALLY underwhelmed me. Hammil didn't impress me at ALL. I could wait for that match to end. Lots of hype that didn't look like it held up. I like Groves but that fight wasn't much of anything.

Herman/McDonald seemed like the only fight worth watching. I dig Herman but I'm getting the sense that he's not that good. That's 2 in a row to Groves and McDonald and I imagien McDonald isn't exactly a major blue chipper considering this show seemed designed to push the Shamrock/Ortiz TUF guys (which made sense since I was pumped when I realized that). Still, I was impressed with how long he held on locked into a triangle choke, kimora arm bar, and bleed from the head (while catching elbows). If I remember correctly didn't he fight out of a bunch DEEP submissions in the Grove fight too? If nothing else it seems like the guy can take a beating.

Show did nothing for me. One match I felt was worth watching, Ortiz making an ass of himself, and Hammil looking worthless. And if this was a big TUF3 reunion where was Bisping, damn it!? I don't see anything on the web about the guy since his TUF victory. I would think UFC would feature him last night if they could. I know its only been 4 months so its not like he's dissappeared or anything, but just curious.

GimmickMan - 10-12-2006 at 12:47 AM

I liked the show last night. Nothing flashy, but nothing overly offensive, either. It's free MMA. I dig it.

Lucky, Bisping was hurt but he will be fighting on the TUF4 Finale on Nov. 11 against Eric Schafer (who fought and won at UFC 61 or 62).

There's a lot of MMA coming in the next few weeks.

Oct. 14 - UFC 64
Oct. 21 - PRIDE 32
Nov. 5 - PRIDE Bushido 13 (WWGP Finals)
-NOTE: Bart Freaking Gunn is fighting on this card!
Nov. 18 - UFC 65

Should be a good one!

In some hilarious news from PRIDE, known for their "freak-show" fights, one of the bouts of their card next week has been changed to a boxing match! The Nevada State Athletic Commission will not allow the Mark Hunt/Butterbean fight to be contested under MMA rules. That is hilarious. First time that has ever happened. (It has never happened to the UFC).

There is also a UFC Fight Night scheduled for Dec. 6 featuring Diego Sanchez vs. Joe Riggs(!!!) and Chris Leben vs. TBA.

The rumor for PRIDE Shockwave on NYE is not Fedor/CroCop, it is for Fedor/Shogun. Dumb, dumb matchmaking by PRIDE if true. Yeah, let's run our most promising middleweight star out there against our undefeated Heavyweight Champion.

Jheaton - 10-12-2006 at 01:05 AM

From what I've heard Bispings out with a hand injury. You can expect to see him Headline the TUF4 Finals against Eric Schafer.

I think this was the weekest of the UFN/TUF Finals shows on spike. I'm not too dissapointed because 1. It was free and I avoid bitching about free fights unless they suck out loud (I had fun watching this show even if it wasn't as good as Bonnar/Griffen, Cummo/Stevens, Leben/Silva ect)2. It was to be expected, none of the adviertised fights where going to be barn burners.

As for the fights.

Matt Hammil is boring to watch. I started the fight cheering for him and by the end wanted to see him get caught in a submission. He's 30 so I don't know how much time he has to get to the elite level of fighters in his weight class. If nothing else they can promote himas the guy who didn't get his right full shot on the TUF show and feed him to Bisping or something.

Unlike Hammill Kendell Groves looked very impressive. The fight was to short to be anything great but I'm looking forward to seeing him fight better opposition.

I liked seeing Macdonald tap Angry Ed. Thats what Ed gets for being sucha cocky bastard. He believes his own hype to the point where he blinded. Much like the groves fight he under estemated the fighter across the octagon and paid for it.

The Tito/Shamrock fight was as expected.
As for Shamrocks true feelings towards Ortiz? I think its a little from column A a little from column B. He truly dislikes Tito but at his heart Shamrocks a bit of a carny. He wants to get paid and knows he can by playing up the hatred part. Remember Ken wasa pro wrestler before he got into MMA so he knows how to work a feud. And I think hes big enought to bury the hatchet as well.

Early reprots have the show drawing a 3.1 which is great for Spike.

GimmickMan - 10-12-2006 at 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Jheaton
Matt Hammil is boring to watch.

Dude, you gotta remember he's only been training for 11 months and he's 2-0. 11 months!!!! Add that to the deaf thing and I think he's coming along nicely.

Give the man some time. We've seen Rashad improve greatly with each fight and he is a similar fighter and he had more pro fights under his belt already.

Just give him some time.

GatorBait - 10-12-2006 at 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Jheaton
I liked seeing Macdonald tap Angry Ed. Thats what Ed gets for being sucha cocky bastard. He believes his own hype to the point where he blinded. Much like the groves fight he under estemated the fighter across the octagon and paid for it.

I microplay. Of all the guys we've seen go through the seasons, Ed Herman and Chris Leben are the 2 guys I've wanted to see get their asses handed to them. Cocky, arrogant motherfuckers who think they're impervious to what others might throw at them. Dont get me wrong, they've shown they're definitely tough guys, but they've also got weaknesses. Thank you, Mr. McDonald for putting Ed in his place.

Kendall still surprises me. He doesn't have the look of a guy who should be able to compete in this sport, but man does he give it his all out there. He's showing more and more how focused he's become, and his conditioning was showing, as well.

As for Hamill, I'm still torn on this one. I love an underdog story, and I was rooting for him heavy early on in his season. But his matches have been VERY boring. I really think Bisping would eat him alive, right now. Let's hope he continues to improve since he's still pretty inexperienced.

And Spike, let's get Luke Cummo out there one more time, please

DevilSoprano - 10-12-2006 at 03:52 PM

Technically Shamrock was a UFC fighter before he was a wrestler who went back to UFC.

He's never impressed me in either realm, the only thing that disappoints me from reports from this show is that Ortiz didn't flat out kill the man. But now that Shamrock may finally be out of the MMA world, any chance of getting Dan Severn in the octagon so Ortiz could kill him too.

GimmickMan - 10-12-2006 at 04:01 PM

Severn is pushing 50, so there's no way that would happen. Ever.

folby - 10-12-2006 at 04:03 PM

What about Don Frye? He's only 41 and he fought last week. I'm not so sure he could pass a test, though.

Denny Burkholder - 10-12-2006 at 11:33 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Technically Shamrock was a UFC fighter before he was a wrestler who went back to UFC.

Actually, Shamrock was training to be a pro wrestler with Dean Malenko before he got into MMA. I think Shamrock even had some pro wrestling matches under his belt before he started his MMA career (I forget his gimmick name in the early days, but it wasn't Ken Shamrock.)

Regarding Matt Hamill's fights being boring, that is unfortunately the case for most fighters with amateur wrestling backgrounds. Wrestling is not particularly exciting to watch in the context of an MMA fight. Josh Koscheck is also a skilled wrestler, and while he is a pretty good MMA fighter, his fights tend to be boring when he put his wrestling background to use.

Lastly, having been at the Shamrock-Ortiz fight, I encourage everyone to catch Rory Singer vs. Josh Haynes and Thiago Alves vs. John Alessio, neither of which aired on Spike, but in my opinion, the two most exciting fights on the entire card.

UFC's web site has an On-Demand service where you can watch them right now, although I don't know how much it costs (nor am I familiar with the quality of the service). Hopefully both fights wind up on a future UFC Unleashed.

G-B - 10-14-2006 at 05:46 AM

Ken Shamrock wrestled on the indys as Vince Torelli for a while, and Wayne Shamrock before that. I saw him live as Vince Torelli as a cocky heel, and he did pretty well with it.

I can't imagine what he'll do next though...maybe work some TNA?

GimmickMan - 10-15-2006 at 06:06 AM

Wow, just wow.

Rich Franklin was absolutely DESTROYED by Anderson Silva. Unbelievable. 3:59 of the first round.

A knee bent Franklin's nose so far I can't even describe it. He just didn't look right.

For Silva, I'd think his first defense will be against the TUF4 winner on Super Bowl weekend, so that'll give them some time to scramble some interested contenders since they can't rely on Frankiln to sell the fight anymore. After the TUF4 winner, it's probably Nate Marquardt then David Terrell, Mike Swick, Dean Lister (?) and then maybe Evan Tanner, but who knows about him. He's currently going psycho. They might need to swollow their pride and bring back Matt Lindland or Ivan Salaverry. I'd like to see Franklin fight Mike Swick or Dave Terrell on the same card that Silva defends his belt on.

Pretty decent card. UFC 65 is shaping up to be pretty awesome, though, as is PRIDE 32 on Saturday.

Jheaton - 10-15-2006 at 09:15 PM

Franklin just got destroyed. Wow. Interesting that a few the months ago there wasn't much going on in the division. Now we have a new champ and quite a few contenders Mike Swick, Nate Nathan Marquardt, Chris Leben still a round, Dean Lister and Kenndal grove coming up. Things will be interesting.

I wonder what was up with Rich thou? he seemed off as thought he had over trained or over depleted making his cut. Even before he started eating knees he didn't seem to have the fire and intensity of his fights with Shamrock, Tanner, and the Crow.

I think you could run Silva vs Swick, then the winner of that vs TUF4 winner and have Rich vs Nate in a number one contenders match.

I think Kenflo vs Muscle Shark could be fight of the year. That was a lot of fun, With Kenny getting pounded and yet still fighting back.

If Kongo had one he probably would have been looking at a title shot. Now its back to the drawing board. Sucky fight either way.

One thing I was kicking around was with the way UFC: USA VS CANADA was promoted a while ago if UFC would consider running a TEAM MFS vs TEAM QUEST or a MFS vs THE WORLD. I think both could be fun esspecially considering that MFS has enough fighters to fillout a card.

[Edited on 10-15-2006 by Jheaton]

GatorBait - 10-19-2006 at 07:40 PM

Dude, Sean O'Haire will be fighting Butterbean at the Pride "The Real Deal" PPV this Saturday.

Pride is truer MMA than K-1, right? I've hated seeing O'Haire in those kickboxing matches, and I believe he's still undefeated in true MMA matches.

But Butterbean?!? How/why in the holy blue fuck is he fighting Butterbean?!?

LuckyLopez - 10-19-2006 at 07:48 PM

Sherdog say's he's 1-1. But I have no idea where the best source for MMA records is or what different places count into records and don't.

He lost to Min Soo Kim in K-1 Hero's (which I believe is the MMA branch of K-1?).

GatorBait - 10-19-2006 at 07:50 PM

Ah, ok. I've always thought that most K-1 fights were that stupid kick-boxing shit. I knew he had the one loss from the guillotine, though. I had read somewhere (and I'll try to find it) that he was 10-0 or 11-0 in MMA before he became a wrestler.

Still, Butterbean?!?

Jheaton - 10-20-2006 at 06:31 PM

Yes Pride is MMA. they have a show on FSN that is worth checking out.

K-1 is a kickboxing orginization. K-1 Heros is their MMA division (They have Royce Gracie under contract and UFC had to go through them to get him to fight Hughs). and Full Contact Fighter have data bases for records (

Pride is owned by people who have a history in the pro wrestling buissness so you often see these freakshow type fights on the undercard.

[Edited on 10-20-2006 by Jheaton]

GatorBait - 10-20-2006 at 07:09 PM

Well then for those of you who may have seen Butterbean in an MMA fight, how does he hold up? Will he put up a good fight for O'Haire, or will it be over quickly one way or the other?!?

LuckyLopez - 10-20-2006 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
Ah, ok. I've always thought that most K-1 fights were that stupid kick-boxing shit. I knew he had the one loss from the guillotine, though. I had read somewhere (and I'll try to find it) that he was 10-0 or 11-0 in MMA before he became a wrestler.

O'Haire's site says he had some sort of career before wrestling and that he was undefeated. But he doesn't seem to provide any names of people he beat, any places he fought, or record. So if I had to guess I'd imagine that he's either partly BSing or overblowing some amateur stuff. Maybe he DID fight in some MMA, kickboxing, and toughman stuff but it wasn't on the level or the legitimacy as the MMA world today.

That's what I meant when I said I don't know how these guys keep records. There has to be some line as far as what counts as a real fight and what doesn't. I've noticed that none of the Ultimate Fighter matches count on these guys' records except for the finals that happen on the UFC event. And obviouslly if I've got a local Fight Club in my town that I'm 10-0 in that probably wouldn't impact any MMA record if I somehow fought my way into UFC. There's obviouslly got to be some sort of sanctioning agreement and I'm guessing whatever matches O'Haire won simply weren't up to snuff.

GatorBait - 10-20-2006 at 08:45 PM

Yeah, that's what I was figuring, too regarding the level of competition he faced before wrestling.

And you're in a fight club, huh? I 've thought about training up the street at the local place, here, if for no other reason than to get into better shape. For my frame, I should be a 205-lb fighter, and I'd love to cut the 20-lbs of weight necessary to get there. I'm just not motivated enough to ride a bike more, and my knees are too fucked from volleyball in high school to run for long distances. Fighting seems like it'd be a lot more fun and i wouldn't think of it as working out. Am I on the right track?

LuckyLopez - 10-20-2006 at 08:49 PM

I have NO idea. I was just making that up. I have a friend of a friend who is in the Naval Academy and trains/fights and I've sparred with him once or twice just for the hell of it (and gotten my ass kicked) but that's it. Sorry.

GatorBait - 10-20-2006 at 08:59 PM

Heh no prob. I'm at least waiting until my wife and I get the porch finished so that I have some extra $$$ to throw into it. But I've actually been giving it serious thought, lately.

I'll keep you guys posted if I do. And if Shonie Carter can pull off the "Flags of the World" Speedo look, I'm sure I'll be able to pull off fighting in the Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake tights I have. Heh heh.

(on the Shonie topic, I didn't see last night's ep of TUF 4 (have it DVR'd), so please don't mention any results until 4:30 Eastern time, today! A whole extra 30 mins!)

folby - 10-22-2006 at 07:54 PM

It is my understanding that fights go on the record when they are sanctioned by the local athletic commission or governing body. Obviously a kickboxing match wouldn't count towards your MMA record, because it's not an MMA match. What makes an MMA match I would assume has to do with rule sets and the like. The Ultimate Fighter fights aren't real fights, they're exhibition bouts. They do that because the non-final fights are taped, and if it's a sanctioned fight the results have to be immediately reported and available. Since that would spoil the show, they run exhibition bouts so they don't have to put out the results.

GimmickMan - 10-27-2006 at 12:12 AM

Bas Rutten is the fucking man.

Thom - 10-27-2006 at 11:08 PM

"Hey! Drawer Number 3 - a Glock!"

Sometimes, the stupider, the better...

Jheaton - 10-28-2006 at 09:40 PM

I figured I do a UFC 65 preview and Post it here

Main Events

World Welterweight Championship
Matt Hughes (41-4-0) vs. George St. Pierre (12-1-0)

Two years ago these men fought with Hughes winning via arm bar in 4:59 of the first round. Since then both men have been on winning streaks leading up to this fight, GSP looks to avenge his loss while Hughes looks to put loss number 2 on GSP. This fight was supposed to take place at UFC 63 but �Rush� had to pull out due to injury.

Matt Hughes has been one of the most dominate champions that the UFC has ever seen. Over the past several years his list of victories reads like a who�s who of the MMA Welterweight scene, Carlos Newton (twice), Frank Trigg (twice), GSP, Royce Gracie, Sean Sherk, Joe Riggs, BJ Penn, and Hayato Sakurai.
GSP not to be out done also has a fine list of vanquished competitors including Frank Trigg, BJ Penn, Jason �Mayhem� Miller, Sean Sherk, Pete Spratt, and Karo Parisyan.
Matt Hughes gamelan is simple use his wrestling ability (he�s a four time colligate all American wrestler) along with his incredible strength to get his opponent down then ground and pound his way to victory. One thing to remember his he's not a one dimensional fighter he has 14 wins via TKO however he has 18 wins coming from submissions. Being a MFS fighter you know he�s well rounded. He�s shown the ability to go into deep water with a several decision wins and late round stoppages. His one weakness would be his stand up ability. Although in recent years he has proven to be an adequate stand up striker although he is much more comfortable in a ground war.

GSP is a fighter who is a bit more diverse in his attack. Of his 12 wins he has four submissions 2 RNC, 1 Kimura and 1 arm bar. He has 5 TKOs and 3 decisions. A student of Kyokushin karate he has no problem with fighting on his feet. He also has trained in boxing, Maui Tia, Jiu-Jitsu and works out with the Canadian National Wrestling team. He has gone the distance 3 times but never a 5 round fight against a fighter of Matt Hughes caliber. He�s never seemed to be out of shape but it will be interesting to see what happens if the fight goes into rounds 3, 4, and 5.

Both these fighters have a different approach to the fight game Hughes prefers to focus on his strengths (wrestling and ground fighting) while GSP seems to be interested in becoming a more well rounded fighter. GSP will likely want to keep the fight standing up and may have the takedown defense to do so. He�s held off wrestlers such as Frank Trigg and Sean Sherk. And if it does go to the ground he may be able to work for a submission.
Matt on the other hand will want to take the fight to the ground he�s willing and able to trade to set up the shot and if he gets GSP down there he�s more than able to get a stoppage from strikes or pull of a submission.

My Prediction: GSP. He�s younger and more well rounded. I think he�s shown that he�s improved from the Hughes loss and will be able to keep it standing. At UFC 63, before BJ Penn injured his ribs he was defending Matt�s takedown attempts and out boxing him. I feel that GSP can do the same either getting a late round knock out or a decision.

World Heavyweight Championship
Tim Sylvia (24-2-0) vs. Jeff Monson (24-5-0)

This fight probably won�t be a barn burner but it will be interesting. Big Tim is coming off his second victory in a row over Andre Arlovski. Jeff Monson hasn�t lost a fight since he lost a decision to Forrest Griffin in 2002. Since then he�s won 16 straight. Along with picking up the ADCC championship. For those who don�t know what that is it�s the most prestigious submission wrestling championship in the world.
This fight ahs a lot of what can be called intangibles first is Moson simply good enough to beat Tim Sylvia. Jeff has looked impressive when fighting sub par competition but has struggled to beat to top guys at light heavyweight and now heavy weight. He�s lost decisions to Forrest Griffin and Chuck Liddell and been TKO by Ricco Rodriguez (who was knocked out by Big Tim.) The most impressive win on his r�sum� is his decision win over Mario Cruz, a decorated Brazilian Ju-Jitsu black belt but in experienced MMA competitor.
The next thing is can Tim Sylvia knock out the Snow Man? Jeff Monson has only been TKO�d once in 27 fights. Tim loves to throw heavy leather but can he KO Jeff? By the same token can Jeff Monson submit Tim? In addition to his ADCC title Jeff trains with American Top Team Ju-Jitsu and has 13 submission victories to his credit. Tim Sylvia claims to have a decent grappling and has two victories via choke. I don�t think he can last on the ground with some one the caliber of Jeff Monson thou. Both of Tim's losses come from being caught in submissions (Arm bar vs. Frank Mir, Straight Ankle Lock vs. Arlovski).
When you look at experience Tim Sylvia has fought and beat much better competition than Jeff Monson. Tim has victories over Mike Whitehead (twice), Andre Arlovski (twice), Jason Lambert, Ricco Rodriguez, Wessely �Cabbage� Correia, Tra Telliman, and Gan McGee. While not all of those names are exactly world class he has fought and beaten level of fighter that Monson hasn�t.
We don�t know how Jeff�s cardio will hold up if the fight goes long. On the other hand while not the body beautiful Tim Sylvia has shown the ability to go five rounds with Arlovski and a few other 3 round decisions.

My Prediction: Many people don�t seem to like Tim Sylvia for what ever reason. I suspect it�s because he doesn�t look like what they think a champ should look like. He�s chubby, knock kneed and a little bit dopey looking. But the thing is he wins, he has this ability to come out on top of his fights. I pick Tim to win via knock out.

Main Card

Brandon Vera (7-0-0) vs. Frank Mir (9-2-0)

This will most likely determine the next number one contender to the title. Frank Mir was heavyweight champion when he broke his leg in a motorcycle accident. Since returning he really hasn�t been the same. He�s showed up looking uninspired, overweight and slow. He was stopped on a cut against Mario Cruz and got an uninspired win against Dan Christison. On the side of the octagon Brandon Vera has gone 7 and 0 in impressive fashion, with the last 3 in the UFC. Both of these men have the potential to be champion but who will pull the trigger? Frank has fought and beat better opposition (Tank Abott, Tim Sylvia, and Pete Williams) but Brandon Vera appears to be better rounded with several TKO victories to his name.

My Prediction: In my opinion Frank Mir is a second generation fighter, he�s great on the ground and has cross trained enough to be reasonably proficient in there areas of the fight game (like Matt Hughes). Brandon Vera is a third generation fighter one who can handle the fight no matter where it ends up (like GSP). I think Vera comes in better shape, is the one hungriest for a win and knocks out Frank.

Alessio Sakara (14-4-0) Vs. Wilson Gouveia (7-4-0)
Light heavyweights

Sakara is a striker who is coming off a win against Elvis Sinosic and a loss against Dean Lister. Gouveia is a ju-jitsu practitioner coming off a loss to Keith Jardine and a win against Wes Combs. This is a bit of a cross roads fight, seeing as both men have had a bit of mixed success in the octagon look for the winner to go on to bigger and better things. High profile fights, being shown on Unleashed, and maybe a title shot down the road. The loser will drop quite a bit. Maybe back to the under card maybe out of the UFC all together. Although Alessio has fought slightly more fights Gouveia has fought slightly better competition including a win over Jon Fitch.

My Prediction: Alessio Sakrar is a boxer who has adopted leg kicks, Wilson Gouevia is a BJJ black belt who can strike as well. Plus he is the better finisher of the two. I see Gouvia ending the fight early either in the feet or on the round.

Joe Stevenson (25-7-0) vs. Dokonjonosuke Mishima (17-4-2)
Light weights

Stevenson won the TUF2 welterweight competition. Since then he has some mixed success Losing to Josh Neer and winning against Yves Edwards. DM is a submission fighter out of Japan. He has had a lot of success fighting in Pride and Shooto so he�s not a can brought in for Joe to make his debut at 155 against. You can expect this fight to go to the ground early as Stevenson is a wrester who likes to pound on his opponents until the ref pulls him off or he can grab a submission like wise DM is a ground fighter a well who likes chokes and leg locks. Neither fighter is the strongest finisher in the world so don�t be surprised if this one goes the distance. Both fighters are about equal in experience thou Joe ahs more total fights but both fighters have fought against fighters who are good and bad and have won and loosed.

My Prediction: Stevenson is able to out wrestle his opponent getting and maintaining top position en route to a decision.

Prelim Fights

Brad Imes (3-2-0) vs. Antoni Hardonk (4-2-0)

I can safely assume this fight exists for two reasons. One UFC needs Heavyweight contenders. Two Dana hopes to get something out of his investment of Brad Imes. Both fighters have remarkably similar records. Neither man has ever been knocked out. Imes has a decision loss against Rashad Evans and a submission loss against Dan Christison. Hardonk has two decision losses. Neither man has victory over any man of note but Imes did perform well on The Ultimate Fighter show making it to the finals. Both men also have submission victories on there record as well.

My Prediction: Back when Imes lost to Rashad I thought to my self sure he doesn�t have all the tools yet but he�s big and athletic and that could cause him to go a long way. I think in this fight that happens. I believe that Zuffa brought in Hardonk to lose to Imes. Hardonk has never knocked anyone out and he�s beaten nobody. I expect Imes to win via knockout. If this happens then expect it to make the PPV Dana would love to fashion Imes into a pseudo heavyweight contender.

James Irvin (11-3-0) Vs. Hector Ramirez (6-1-1)
Light heavyweights

This is another cross roads fight. James Irvin needs to win and be impressive in doing so if he wants to stay in the UFC. Hector Ramirez has an opportunity to get notices and make a name for himself. In the UFC James �The Sandman� Irvin has lost to Mike Kyle, beaten Terry Martin, and lost to Stephan Bonnar. Since then he has gone 2-1-1 outside of the UFC. He gets another shot here and he better make something of it because unlike at Heavyweight there�s too many potential match ups that can be made for a so so fighter to be kept around.
Ramirez one loss has come against Rashad (who won a decision, surprise, surprise) Evans he also holds a win over Kendall Groves. Both men are strikers who have had most of there success come via TKO although there is only on TKO loss between them.

My Prediction: Hector Ramirez is a slightly better fighter than James Irvin He won�t be able to stop him but e will be able to get the decision win.

Jake O�Brien (5-0-0) vs. Josh Shockman (2-0-0)

Somebodies O has got to go!!! Once again UFC needs heavyweight contenders. With the Kongo experiment seemingly running out of steam the UFC needs some one else to step up. Obviously with only 7 fights between these two there�s not a lot of experience however with those 7 wins are 7 knock outs.

My Prediction: Based solely on the fact that he ahs slightly more experience I�m picking Jake O�Brien to win. If we get a quick knock out we might it on the PPV however with two title fights and the possibility that some of the other fights on the main card go the distance I don�t know if that will happen.

Nick Diaz(14-6-0) vs. Gleison Tibau (23-2-0)

I don�t think this will show up on the PPV but I hope it makes air on Unleashed in the future. This is a battle between two Ju-Jitsu fighters. Tibau has fought more fights bit Diaz has faced better opposition. Although he has come up short when facing the likes of Karo Parisiyan, Shawn Sherk, Diego Sanchez, and Joe Riggs he improves every time we see him. Nick Diaz also has fairly good stand up as seen against Josh Neer and Robbie Lawler. Time and time again we�ve heard Mike Goldberg call him �the future of the welterweight division� but he hasn�t exactly lived up to that name. Although Diaz is versatile he sometimes fights the wrong fight like when he tried to grapple with Diego Sanchez and tried to Strike with Joe Riggs. Zuffa obviously thinks he�s a marketable personality so they keep bringing him back. I suspect that although not much is know about his opponent that they feel Nick can beat Gleison and continue to rehab his image as a world class fighter.

My Prediction: I think Diaz is a fighting a fighter who ahs had some success on a lower level but hasn�t fought at his level yet. There for I expect Diaz who had 6 TKO victories on his resume getting the win either by knock out, submission, or decision. And I expect him to try to KO his opponent, then submit him, and as a last resort get the decision.

[Edited on 10-28-2006 by Jheaton]

folby - 11-10-2006 at 11:38 PM

So, am I way off in my assumptions that the guys who win the title shots on TUF will just get murdered by the champs?

GimmickMan - 11-10-2006 at 11:46 PM

Welterweight, yes.

Middleweight, not so fast my friend.

If Travis Lutter wins, I think he could give Anderson Silva some serious problems because he's not dumb enough to stand there and trade with him. His fight plan is going to be 1) Takedown 2) Takedown 3) Takedown.

If Patrick Cote wins, he'll just be another notch on Silva's belt. I like Cote and if Franklin were still champ, I'd want Cote to win. But now that Silva is the champ, I think Lutter would make for a much more competitive fight.

As for welterweight, Chris Lytle is the definition of a journeyman. In reality, he's one of my favorite fighters, has been for a while. He's always in exciting fights, but just isn't good enough for the top competition.

Matt Serra is a weird case. If he wins, is he allowed to take his title shot at the 155-pound champion? Or is he required to fight the 170 champ? Serra would have no chance against Hughes or St-Pierre. They're both way too big and way too strong for him. His natural weight is 155. And while Sherk would be bigger than him, it would be a better fit and while, more than likely, Sherk would win, it would be more competitive (read: decision) than Serra getting stopped by Hughes or St-Pierre. I think Serra's style could give Hughes some issues, but Hughes would just be waaaay too strong for him.

The other fights on the live card tomorrow night:

Rich Clementi vs. Din Thomas

Jorge Rivera vs. Edwin Dewees

I'm looking forward to it.

EDIT: Double post

posted on 11-12-2006 at 12:21 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote Report Post to Administrator
Interesting TUF4 Finale.

I enjoyed the card. They packed in a lot of fights.

Everyone looked good and Pete Sell/Scott Smith was by far the fight of the night.

I'll try to have a clip of it soon.

EDIT: Here's the clip (3.1mb, AVI)

[Edited on 11-12-2006 by GimmickMan]

[Edited on 12-3-2006 by LuckyLopez]

GatorBait - 11-13-2006 at 03:03 PM

Yeah, Smith's "Oh shit, I think you broke my ribs but I've got a knockout punch left in me" was a serious markout moment. I'll admit I thought he seemed like a pussy during the season, but he looked like a fuckin' maniac out there, even against Drago.

Edit: Am I the only one hoping Matt Hughes gets his ass handed to him by GSP on Saturday?

Also, I dont' know much about the guy other than there will be a HUGE height difference. But what are Monson's chances against Sylvia? I think the heavyweight division is utter shit, right now, and I'd love to see somebody other than Sylvia or Arlovski on top. All I know about Monson is that he's a submissions expert.

[Edited on 11-16-2006 by GatorBait]

GimmickMan - 11-16-2006 at 09:14 PM

Matt Hughes isn't very high on anyone's charts right now.

As for Monson, if he gets Sylvia down to the mat, he has a chance. You have to remember that Sylvia was submitted twice in less than two minutes against Frank Mir and Andrei Arlovski at UFC 48 & 51. But if Tim can keep it standing, Monson has zero chance of winning, just on the basis of the reach advantage. I could see Tim winning this one with a "high" kick. I'd like Monson to win because it'd be interesting, but I can't see it happening. He's going to have to get in close to get a takedown, and chances are he's going to get hit coming in.

I'd be very interested to see how Sylvia is game planning for this fight.

EDIT: Double post

posted on 11-19-2006 at 12:41 AM


[Edited on 12-3-2006 by LuckyLopez]

Jheaton - 11-19-2006 at 07:56 PM

Updated Jheaton Rankings...

Champ Tim Sylvia
1 Brandon Vera
2 Andre Arlovski
3 Jeff Monson
4 Mario Cruz
5 Frank Mir
6 Carmelo Marrero
7 Cheick Kongo
8 Eddie Sanchez
9 Gabriel Gonzaga
10 Dan Christison

Comments: Monson Drops and Vera rises. I could seriously see AA vs Big Tim part four if they contiue to clean out the division from opposite ends (assume that AA beats Cruz next month).

Light Heavyweight
Champ Chuck Liddell
1 Tito Ortiz
2 Forrest Griffen
3 Rashad Evans
4 Keith Jardine
5 Jason Lambert
6 Stephan Bonner
7 Rento Sorbral
8 Wilson Gouveia�
9 Michael Bisbing
10 James Irvin
Comments: Next for Chuck is Tito. After that? Forrest and Rashad are the top guys but while the UFC give each of them a shot or make them face ach other in a Number One contenders fight? James Irvin returns after his win last night and Vera appears to have settled on heavyweight. Mike Bisping and Keith Jardine are two other contendrs in divison who could end up in title shots eventualy.


Champ Anderson Silva
1 Travis Lutter
2 Mike Swick
3 Rich Franklin
4 Chris Leben
5 Nate Marquardt
6 Evan Tanner
7 Dean Lister
8 Kendal Grove
9 Yushin Okami�
10 Rob MacDonald

Comments: Travis Luttter is the new Number One contender, he could give the champ problems as Silva has had trouble with ground fighters before.

Champ George St. Pierre
1 Matt Serra
2 Diego Sanchez
3 Matt Hughes
4 Jon Fitch
5 Karo Parisian
6 Josh Burkman
7 Josh Koscheck
8 Nick Diaz
9 Joe Riggs
10 Thiago Alves

Comments: Matt Serra has the most upside for the UFC out of any of the fighters on TUF4. In addition to being the biggest star of the season he has his shot against St. Peirre, the (asumming he loses. I think GSP is just to big for him) He can have money matches with Shonie Carter and possibly Matt Hughes. (I'd book Matt Hughes vs Serra and have Deigo as GSP first challenger) After that Serra can drop down to 155 and become a challenger there. With Hughes losing the belt we might see BJ Penn vs Hugh 3 as well.


Champ Sean Sherk
1 Joe Stevenson
2 Spencer Fisher
2 Kenny Florian
4 Sam Stout
5 Hermes Franca
6 Joe Lauzon
7 Mark Hommick
8 Melvin Guillard
9 Tyson Griffin
10 Clay Guida

A lot happened after the last couple of PPV. We crowned a new champ and had a ton of foghts in this divison. I think Stevenson and Spencer Fisher are the top challengers. Florian can be rebuilt towards a rematch with Sherk and you have Melvin, Joe Lazon, Tyson Griffen, and Clay Guida all looking to make a name for themselves.

Shaggy - 11-20-2006 at 02:02 AM

Isn't BJ Penn dropping down to 155 as well?

Serra is going to get destroyed by Georges, I wonder if he could cash in his title shot in the 155lb division. Sherk vs Serra would be a much better bout.

I'd like to see a Diego Sanchez vs Matt Hughes No.1 contender match, if Hughes wants back in the game. Of course he probably deserves a title shot without having to fight for it given his reign.

Anderson Silva dominated Franklin, however Franklin didn't fight a smart fight and was rocked early. Lutter shouldn't stand a chance either, however if he gets him on the ground...

Jheaton - 11-20-2006 at 10:11 PM

With Penn who knows?

I was thinking about non title matches that could main event or co-main event a show. (Seeing as Zuffas gonna need them with all the new shows they have).

The ones I can think of.
Penn vs Hughes III
Carter vs Serra III
Rashad vs Forest for a shot at the title.
Forest vs Tito II
Hughes vs Serra
Franklin vs Leben
Diego vs Hughes for a title shot.
Although in my little fantacy booking senerio you have GSP vs Serra (Serra Loses) Diego beats Joe Riggs (this is happening at the next UFN) Serra vs Cartar(Serra wins) Diego vs GSP at the Montreal show. Serra vs Hughes on the under card.(Serra loses drops down in weight) Hughes vs GSP. Hughes vs Penn (title or not doesn't matter)

EDIT: Understandable double post to bump the thread. Thread's bumped now so double post can go.

posted on 11-28-2006 at 02:42 PM

If you like Boxing theres going to be a hell of a bout on Versus (formerly OLN).

This Thursday at 9ET/8CT
Miguel Cotto vs. Paulie Malignaggi
This should be as good as it gets for fights on free TV.

[Edited on 12-3-2006 by LuckyLopez]

GimmickMan - 11-29-2006 at 04:40 AM

GimmickMan's Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-5 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Tim Sylvia, Champion
1) Brandon Vera
2) Andrei Arlovski
3) Marcio Cruz
#3 is a total reach...horrible, horrible depth.

Light-Heavyweight - Chuck Liddell, Champion
1) Tito Ortiz
2) Forrest Griffin
3) Rashad Evans
4) Michael Bisping (sad)
5) Keith Jardine?
This is ridiculous...

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1a) Travis Lutter
1b) Nathan Marquardt
3) Mike Swick
4) Rich Franklin
5) Dean Lister
6) David Terrell

Welterweight - Georges St-Pierre, Champion
1a) Matt Serra
1b) Diego Sanchez
1c) Matt Hughes
4) Nick Diaz
5) Karo Parisyan
6) Jon Fitch
7) Josh Koscheck
8) BJ Penn (not actual "skill" rank, but everyone above deserves a title shot before he gets another one)
9) Joe Riggs

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) Spencer Fisher
2) Mark Hominick
3) Hermes Franca
4) Joe Stevenson
5) Melvin Guillard
6) Tyson Griffin
7) Jens Pulver
8) Joe Lauzon
9) Clay Guida

Jheaton - 12-6-2006 at 11:05 PM

News on the UFC heavyweight front...

As most of you know the outside of the top 2 or 3 UFC Heavyweight divison is a whos who of who cares. But that may be changing.

Mirko Cro Cop a former top K1 fighter and Pride Grand Prix Champion has on fight left on his contract and is currently entertaining a large offer form the UFC.

Jerome Le Banner is one of the top fighters in the K1 promotion and he has expressed interest in fighting in the UFC. Mainly he wants to challenge Tim Sylvia. Now he's undercontract to K1 but the UFC and K1 have worked together in the past(thats how Royce Gracie was able to fight Matt Hughes).

Pride Champ Fedor Emelianenko is going to be fighting Jeff Monson at the next Bodog foght PPV. His current Pride contract has expired and his is only taking single fight deals. UFC would love to get him with either a short or a long term deal.

Also Alex Emelianenko (Fedors brother) is on the open market and Heath Herring is under a short term contract to the WFA. Alex has said he wants to fight in the UFC for the title. While neither of these men where the top dog when they where in Pride they certainly could help shore up a lack luster divison in the UFC.

folby - 12-7-2006 at 10:00 PM

Man, it'd be like, a classic UFC PPV, all outside the country and shit. Because Alexsander (convicted felon) isn't going to have an easy time getting a visa.

GimmickMan - 12-12-2006 at 03:09 AM

Some huge news went down today as the UFC has bought BOTH the WFA and WEC.

The WEC will be used mainly as a minor league and maybe to cock-block another promotion from getting a TV deal.

The WFA, on the other hand, is a HUGE acquisition.

Essentially, the UFC is buying contracts of their choosing from WFA. Which ones, we don't know, but two of the biggest ones will surely be Quinton "Rampage" Jackson and Matt Lindland. And there's a rumor that BAS RUTTEN has one fight left on his WFA contract, so if they picked that up, that would be fucking amazing.

The WFA also has some very stellar fighters under contract, so it will be interesting to see who they pick up.

Hopefully, they nab Mayhem Miller and Urijah Faber. There's some conflicting reports about whether Heath Herring was under contract or not, but if they signed him, that would be awesome for the HW division. And it would be nice if Ricco Rodriguez stopped being a fatass and wanted to be a contender again and then there's Ivan Salaverry and Lyoto Machida, who would be extremely solid additions.

folby - 12-12-2006 at 10:18 PM

So Fedor and Cro Cop are both off of the Pride New Years show. Cro Cop says his leg is still hurt and Fedor hurt his toe.

Maybe Pride is falling apart, maybe it isn't.

On a side note, Gimmick, the other night in chat I mentioned that Fedor in the UFC would run into a serious problem, as elbows are like razors to his delicate Russian skin. SO: Does this prevent Fedor from fighting in the UFC? Or do you think he'd just fight there and make an extra effort to not get pounded (in the event he were grounded.) I realize this is all speculation but I mean, if he's superman he's superman and he ain't got no reason to be scared of elbows.

GimmickMan - 12-13-2006 at 02:23 AM

Well, you actually have to get hit with said elbows before they cut you. You could just as well get hit with a soccer kick to the face that had the same effect. But he doesn't.

Think back to Rich Franklin-David Loiseau at UFC 58. Everyone was like, "Rich, you gotta watch out for Loiseau's elbows!" and you know what happened? I don't think Franklin got hit with one elbow.

Although getting hit with an elbow from the bottom could be potentially devestating for Fedor, as he would be on top a lot (see Joe Riggs/Chris Lytle at UFC 55 for an awesome example of this). I think he would be fine. But he does have a serious problem with getting cut.

But, honestly, I think we're going up a creek without a paddle here. Fedor ain't coming to the UFC anytime soon.

CroCop, on the other hand...

folby - 12-13-2006 at 04:57 AM

Nah they will both get half a billion dollars from Calvin Ayers to fight in front of 15 people live and another 75 on PPV.

Man, is there anything better than a money mark?

GatorBait - 12-14-2006 at 02:56 PM

Short right hook. Running knee to the face. Good night, Mr. Diesel. Diego Sanchez is a fucking monster. If he doesn't get a title shot at GSP, he deserves at least a shot against Hughes.

After watching all the guys tonight, the UFC and Matt Serra would be of the best mind to have Serra use his title shot on Sherk and not have him anywhere NEAR the Welterweight division. Although I'd love to see him fight Hughes.

Jheaton - 12-15-2006 at 04:50 AM

Originally posted by folby
Man, it'd be like, a classic UFC PPV, all outside the country and shit. Because Alexsander (convicted felon) isn't going to have an easy time getting a visa.

That could very well happen. Dana White wants to run events in Canada, England, possibly mexico and other foriegn locals. If they couldn't get Alex in cause of his felony status he could simply fight on the cards out side of the US. Anyway on to UFC 66

UFC 66
Liddell Vs Ortiz II

Title Fight

Light heavy weight championship of the world
Chuck �The Iceman� Liddell (19-3)
�The Huntington Beach Bad Boy� Tito Ortiz (15-4)

In their first fight Chuck knocked out Tito at 3:10 of the second round this time Tito wants a different ending. The first match took place back in 2004 since then chuck has faced a murders row of light heavyweights Randy Couture (twice), Babalu, Jeremy Horn, (Blown up middle weight but a threat at what ever weight he fights at), dangerous Lions Den fighter Vernon �Tiger� White. Tito lost to Randy Couture and Chuck Liddell back to back. He then got a decision wins over Patrick Cote and Victor Belfore. He then had a falling out with Zuffa over contract matters. After being gone for a year he came back to win a hard fought yet close decision over Forrest Griffen and twice stomped ken Shamrock.

On paper this is your classic grappler vs. striker match up. You have the collegiate wrester, Tito taking on the Kempo black belt Chuck Liddell. Obviously the crux of this fight is who will determine where it takes place. Chuck obviously wants to stand and if the fight ends up being on the feet Chuck wins by knock out. You see the thing is, Chuck knocks out people who otherwise don�t get knocked out. First and only man to knock out Tito, First and only man to knock out Babalu (and do it twice), First man to KO Jeremy Horn (The only other was Matt Lindland), only man to KO Randy Couture standing, He knocked out Vernon White while moving backwards!!! Also on his list of KO victims are Kevin Randleman, Allistar Overeem, and Guy Mezger. Now I actually believe Chucks striking is underrated. A lot of people talk about him having piss poor technique but study of his fights show that�s not the case. Sure he loves to throw a looping over hand right but he�s not some barroom brawler throwing windmill punches with his head down there�s a method to his madness. Chuck is an excellent counter puncher throw a lazy jab he�s there with the overhand right. Throw wide straight up the middle. He knows how to pick his spots and he knows how to make the most of his opportunities. He finished Jeremy Horn with straight punches up the middle, the shot he caught Babalu with in there second fight wasn�t sloppy but calculated and crisp. And there�s always the excellent combination he finished Tito with.
Of course if Tito can get him to the matt it�s another story. Tito�s game plan is to get a take down and either ground and pound out a victory or ride his opponent to a decision win. The thing is we don�t know if Tito can take down Chuck. He didn�t go for a take down at all in their first fight, plus you have Chuck�s uncanny takedown defense to deal with. Tito best bet might be to try to avoid getting hit with the KO shot from chuck long enough to make it to the later rounds and get a takedown then after Chucks worn out. Tito is known for being a cardio machine and Chuck has picked up a reputation for being somewhat lack in his conditioning (of course Chuck usually wins in the first couple of rounds.) Tito has had plenty of fights go long. He�s been in three 5 round decisions, three 3 round decisions. Went into the fourth round with Frank Shamrock, and went 3 full rounds in his first fight with Ken Shamrock. And on the other side of things he�s won 9 fights in the first round showing how deadly he can be if he gets you down.
Chuck on the other hand has not had a fight got to a decision in 4 years. He won his first two fights by decision in times of 30 minutes and 12 minutes respectively. But that was back in 98 and I don�t think anybody believes he has that sort of cardio anymore.
Since then he�s had 4 three round decisions but he�s never gone 5 rounds. The longest fight he�s had recently was when he stopped Jeremy Horn in round 4. And to show how dangerous he can be he�s got 11 KO wins coming in less than 2 full rounds.

My prediction: Chuck gets the KO again it�s only a matter of time. It�s fully possible that he catches Tito in the 1st or 2nd round. However I think Tito will be able to last a bit longer than that and Chuck knocks him out some time in then third.

Main Card

Andre Arlovski (9-5) vs. Marcio Cruz (2-1).

When we last left Double A he suffered back to back losses against Tim Sylvia one via KO and one via Decision. Marcio Cruz has had all of his three MMA fights in the UFC. This might seems a mismatch on paper but Mario Cruz is a jiu-jitsu world champion. So if the fight goes to the ground it becomes Cruz�s ju-jitsu versus Arlovski�s Sambo (Andre Arlovski is a black belt in the Russian military art of Sambo. Sambo is grappling style that uses a lot of leg locks and derives techniques from various styles of wrestling, judo and ju-jitsu). Macrio Cruz has beaten what�s left of Frank Mir and has lost a split decision to Jeff Monsoon. Arlovski�s big weakness is his chin he has been knocked out in 4 of his 5 losses. Although Cruz displayed a strong jab and a decent leg kick in the Monsoon fight I doubt he has the power to knockout Arlovski. This feeds into one of Arlovski's greatest strengths his boxing. He started as a grappler but has really progressed into a top notch striker with 6 KOs 5 coming in the first round.
My Predication: Arlovski round one KO. Arlovski is a much better striker and is way more well rounded. Cruz never gets a chance to take it to the ground Andre gets the win and takes a step towards a fourth match with Sylvia.

Forrest Griffin (13-3) vs. Keith Jardine (11-3-1)

Both these guys are looking the possibility of getting a title shot. So if they both come ready fight with that in mind and throw hand then expect a hell of a fight. As every one knows Forrest Griffin won the TUF light heavy weight crown. Since then he has beaten veteran journey men Elvis Sinosic and Bill Mahood, lost a razor thin decision to Tito Ortiz, and Beaten Stephan Bonnar in a rematch. His reality show status hides the fact that he has fought some very tough opposition to get where he�s at, Dan Severn (back in 2001), Jeremy Horn, Travis Fulton, Jeff Monsoon and Chael Sonnen. He�s good standing up although he seems to lack true knock out power, is good on the ground with 6 wins coming by submission, all ways comes to fight in great shape and has a ton of heart.
Keith Jardine on the other hand came out of the second season of the Ultimate Fighter and has since beaten Kerry Schall, beaten Mike Whitehead, lost a razor thin decision to Stephan Bonnar, and rebounded to beat Wilson Gouveia. He has good hands with 5 knockouts to his credit. Both these men are a tough fight for each other. They both can bang but if it goes to the ground who has the advantage? Jardine has submission skills but we�ve never seen them tested before in Octagon where as Forrest has shown us that he can go to the ground if necessary.

My Prediction: In a wild swinging war Forrest picks up the win via decision. The result of the fight will be close enough to send the internet into a fury of debate over who actually won.

Chris Leben (15-2) vs. Jason Macdonald (17-7)

At a recent UFN Jason Macdonald submitted Ed Herman via triangle choke. In this bout Chris Leben attempts to avenge his fall team mate. Can Macdonald make it 2-0 in the UFC versus Team Quest?
This just in Chris Leben hits hard. Really hard. He has 8 wins via KO, 4 of those coming in the 1st round. He has submission skills (4 submissions) but most recently has relied solely on his punching power. He throws wide looping shots that can get him in trouble with a more technical striker (like what happened against Anderson Silva). His biggest win to date has been against Mike Swick several years ago. This is his PPV debut and a shot to step up.
Jason MacDonald is a submission specialist winning 15 via tap out. His weakness seems to be striking. He�s lost to strikers such as Shonie Carter although lately he seems to have patched up the holes in his game. He was brought in to be a showcase fight for Ed Herman he played spoiler there and be sure he plans on doing it again. This only his second fight on the big stage so he�s going to try to make it mean something.
My Prediction: Leben can knock out chumps and bang out decisions against b grade fighters but often his opponents seem bad for losing to him as opposed to him looking good. I expect that at some point Macdonald chokes Leben out.

Michael Bisping (11-0) vs. Eric Schafer (9-1-2)

This Fight was supposed to go down at the TUF4 Finale unfortunately Bisbing had visa problems. Now that�s all cleared up both men are ready to get it on. Bisping has a wide array of striking and submission skills. He�s never had a fight go the distance with four submission victories and seven knock outs. He�s won MMA titles in Britain, won a silver medal in the world jiu-jitsu championships, and is a 3 time British kickboxing champion. In other words the total package.
Eric Schafer is a ju-jitsu brown belt. Unlike some fighter he actually uses his ju-jitsu skills with the majority of his wins coming by a wide array of submission techniques. If this fight goes to the ground it will be interesting to see which of these talented grapplers come out on top. How ever if it remains standing Bisping most likely will have the advantage.

My Prediction: Bisping keeps it on the feet and gets another knock out victory.

Under card

Rory Singer (10-6) vs. Yushin Okami (18-3)

Rory Singer is an interesting case. He�s a talented fighter who has quite a few tools in his tool box. He�s a former golden gloves boxer, a Muay Thia champion, jiu-jitsu brown belt and a former high school wrester. With that type of back round you would think he would have a better record with out losing to some of the no name fighters he has. Perhaps he lacks heart as seen in his TUF3 loss. He reminds me of Stephan Bonnar who seemingly had a large tool set but came up short against Forrest Griffin and Rashad Evans. Rory can box but he lacks power the majority of his wins have been by submission.
Yushin Okami has defeated Kalib Starnes and Allen Becher in the UFC. He�s primarily a striker who�s had quite a bit of success fighting on the smaller shows around the world.
My Prediction: Since TUF Rory Singer has been beaten Ross Pointon and Josh Haynes two limited fighters. However Okami is not that limited and he won�t be able to get him in a submission. Yushin Okami via Decision.

Tony DeSouza (9-2) vs. Thiago Alves (15-4)
Thiago is a Muay Tai fighter who has gone 3-2 in the UFC. His two losses have come to Spencer Fisher and Jon Fitch which is nothing to be ashamed about. He�s a well rounded fighter with enough submission skills to handle himself even though he�s a striker by trade. Tony DeSouza is fighting for the fifth time in the UFC with a current UFC record of 3-1. He�s a ground fighter with 6 submission wins and only KO. Both these guys are talented fighters who lack a signature win to get them noticed. A strong showing by either fighter would do a lot to move up the ladder in the ultra packed welterweight division. DeSouza is going to want to submit Thiago and Thiago wants to knock out DeSouza. So who wins?
My Prediction: I�m picking Thiago by Decision. He won�t be able to get the KO but will be able to do enough to get the W.

Carmelo Marrero (6-0) Vs. Gabriel Gonzaga (6-1)
The winner of this fight could very well end up next in line for a title shot or at least fight for a title shot against one of the other winning heavies on this card. Which doesn�t speak to the depth of the division. Cheick Kongo came into the UFC highly ranked and with a big KO win looked to be the next flavor of the month heavyweight contender. Then Carmelo Marrero came in and beat him. Gabriel Gonzaga has won four straight with the most recent two in the UFC and is looking for that win to put him over the top.
Marrero is a college level wrester who likes ground and pound. He�s has the takedown to get his opponent to the ground. Once he gets you down there he can hold out for the win.
Gonzaga is a submission specialist with strikes to match. He�s dangerous no matter where the fight takes place. He finished all his fights either by KO or tap out.
My Prediction: Gonzaga is simply to good a fighter for Marrero. He win either knock out or tap out and takes one step closer to a title shot.

Anthony Perosh (5-2) Vs. Christian Wellisch (7-2)
This match up is the latest in the never ending quest to find some decent heavyweights. Perosh has all 5 of his wins coming by submission. Most recently he was knocked out by Jeff Monsoon at UFC 61. 4 of his opponents have winning records but he has spent most of his career fighting in Australia. Often times the competition in other parts of the world just isn�t up to snuff with what�s going on in the UFC. Here he tries for a second time in the big leagues to get a win.
Wellisch is the guy who Kongo knocked out at UFC 62. This is also his second fight In the UFC. All of his fights have ended early either by KO or Submission. He�s a knock out of be knocked out kind of fighter. 5 of his opponents have winning records.
My Prediction: Each of these fighters has stepped up in class once and both have been knocked out. However Christian Wellisch has slightly more experience and has fought slightly better opposition so I expect his to get the Submission victory.

GimmickMan - 1-2-2007 at 05:23 AM

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 66 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-5 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Tim Sylvia, Champion
1) Mirko CroCop
2) Brandon Vera
3) Heath Herring
4) Andrei Arlovski
5) Gabriel Gonzaga

Light-Heavyweight - Chuck Liddell, Champion
1) Quinton Jackson
2) Rashad Evans
3) Keith Jardine
4) Lyoto Machida (if his contract was bought)
5) Michael Bisping
6) Renato Sobral
7) Forrest Griffin
8) Tito Ortiz

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1a) Travis Lutter
1b) Nathan Marquardt
3) Mike Swick
4) Rich Franklin
5) Dean Lister
6) Yushin Okami
7) Jason MacDonald
8) David Terrell

Welterweight - Georges St-Pierre, Champion
1a) Matt Serra
1b) Diego Sanchez
3) Karo Parisyan
4) Nick Diaz
5) Matt Hughes
6) Jon Fitch
7) Josh Koscheck
8) Thiago Alves

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) Spencer Fisher
2) Mark Hominick
3) Hermes Franca
4) Joe Stevenson
5) Melvin Guillard
6) Tyson Griffin
7) Jens Pulver
8) Joe Lauzon
9) Clay Guida

thegenerator - 1-2-2007 at 05:48 AM

Geez there's been a lot of things going on in the last couple of days, huh? Genki Sudo retires, Kid Yamamoto goes back to Olympic traning, Cro Cop and Quinton Jackson to fight in UFC, Liddell knocks out Ortiz again, Jardine upsets Griffin.

Cro Cop in UFC is an awesome prospect. Time for some purely American MMA fans to learn about Mirko.

[edit: They've signed Matt Hughes vs GSP for an April title defence pending GSP defeating Serra. Don't know if that affects your 'realistic' rankings.]

[Edited on 1-2-2007 by thegenerator]

GimmickMan - 1-2-2007 at 05:55 AM


That fight has not been signed. The UFC in Montreal that was supposed to go down isn't now and has been moved to Houston.

Matt Hughes is fighting on the March card in Columbus.

thegenerator - 1-2-2007 at 05:57 AM

My mistake, I hadn't seen the update.

I still believe in either case Diego Sanchez requires either a title shot or a match with a top-rated welterweight ASAP. Having someone 18-0 knocking around part-timers is pointless.

GimmickMan - 1-10-2007 at 07:07 AM

Jesus Christ.

Tim Sylvia vs. Randy Couture

March 3 - Columbus, Ohio

I have to be there.

Thom - 1-10-2007 at 02:46 PM

What?!?!? Couture is coming out of retirement to face Sylvia? He's gonna get destroyed. I hope he's getting a HUGE fucking paycheck for it.

benoitbrokemyneck - 1-10-2007 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
Jesus Christ.

Tim Sylvia vs. Randy Couture

March 3 - Columbus, Ohio

I have to be there.

FFC and I were talking about going... tickets however run between $200 and $50. I dunno about paying $50 to be in the nose bleeds. I imagine its hard to see through the cage at that distance

blackdragon - 1-10-2007 at 06:11 PM

I'll definitely be ordering that one. Couture is one of my absolute favorites. I am scared that Slyiva might kill him though. I just watched Rocky IV last night and I'm getting that vibe.

Jheaton - 1-10-2007 at 06:18 PM

Two of the most historic things in MMA history happening this week.

Couture vs Sylvia and Ken Shamrock changes his facial hair.

GimmickMan - 1-10-2007 at 06:26 PM

Jheat, I thought that was Arlovski on quick glance.

Shammy looks weird!

folby - 1-12-2007 at 03:53 PM

So not only is Couture back, he's back for 4 fights over two years. I think this could go one of two ways: He fights cherry-picked opponents from time to time to bolster weak cards, and everyone can enjoy a great fighter past his prime, or he fights top-shelf heavyweights and just gets killed, four times over two years. The fact that they are opening with a shot at the Heavyweight title does not give me much hope for option 1.

G-B - 1-12-2007 at 04:40 PM

Several sources on the MMAWeekly board are reporting that Zuffa is buying Pride, but I'm not up on MMA sources. I'd imagine this would be huge.

I wonder if UFC would bury Pride, even though they are keeping the WEC going...

GimmickMan - 1-12-2007 at 04:57 PM

Yeah, that's over on the Underground, too, where it started.

Who knows, though. I guess we'll see.

blackdragon - 1-20-2007 at 01:24 AM

I don't see Zuffa pulling a WWE. They brought out WEC (a lesser known fed) and basically just do challenge exchanes with them. WEC gets to use the Octagon at their big events and UFC gets to pick from their best fighters for UFC events.

If they did that with WEC, I could see them doing it with Pride and doing like a brand split sort of thing with them. I mean they already exchange talent from what I undestand.

And the next PPV, which I'm looking at getting, is hyping the hell out the involvement of Cro Cop and Quinton "Rampage" Jackson. Speaking of which Quinton is one scary looking dude and I want to see him fuck somebody up.

GimmickMan - 1-23-2007 at 04:51 AM

In BODOG in April:

Fedor (#1 HWT) vs. Matt Lindland (#1 MW)


And I still need to find a way to get duckets to UFC 68 in C-Bus.

-Tim Sylvia (#5 Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Randy Couture
-Matt Hughes (#2 Welterweight)* vs. Chris Lytle
-Rich Franklin (#5 Middleweight)* vs. Jason MacDonald
-Renato "Babalu" Sobral (#6 Light Heavyweight)* vs. Jason Lambert
-Mike Swick vs. Yushin Okami
-Jon Fitch (#7 Welterweight)* vs. Luigi Fioravanti
-Matt Hamill vs. Rex Holman
-Martin Kampmann vs. Drew McFedries
-Assuerio Silva vs. TBA

UFC Fight Night on Thursday should be amazing. Spencer Fisher vs. Hermes Franca will be off the hook.

Then, UFC 67 is Feb. 3 and will be awesome.

-Mirko Cro Cop (#2 Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Eddie Sanchez
-Anderson Silva (#2 Middleweight)* vs. Travis Lutter
-Quinton Jackson (#7 Light Heavyweight)* vs. Marvin Eastman
-Ryoto Machida vs. Sam Hoger
-Tyson Griffin vs. Frank Edgar
-Melvin Guillard vs. Dustin Hazelett
-Scott Smith vs. Patrick Cote
-Jorge Rivera vs. Terry Martin
-Roger Huerta vs. John Halverson

I am pumped.

G-B - 1-23-2007 at 09:03 AM

It'll be interesting to see how 68 shakes out. MacDonald vs. Franklin and Lytle vs. Hughes...I wonder if either guy can pull off the upset. I really like MacDonald, and i hope he can match-up with Franklin.

He's the Batista of the UFC. They didn't expect him to be a breakout star, but when it happened, they immediately rode it out.

Jheaton - 1-26-2007 at 05:23 PM

UFN thoughts...

I'm not a really a fan of "Sugar" Rashad but I'd be a liar not to notice how much he is improving. Thats two KOs in two fights. He came back after being out worked in the 1st round to win with that high kick. Shows that hes interested in becoming a more well rounded wreslter.

Looks like Angry Ed learned a thing or three about humility and respecting your opponents. I hope he contiues to win so we can get a re match between him and Kenndall. He looked really good to night and showed that if his head is screwed on right he has the talent to go places and do things.

I wasn't that suprised that Jake O'Brien beat Heath Herring. I said it before in this theard that Herring wasn't exactly a world beater in Pride so I don't think its that big of an upset. Jake showed that he has the tenacity, talent, stamina ,and heart to grind out a win over anybody. It wasn't pretty but he showed he could get the job done. A few more wins and the UFC got another contender.

I hope Franca gets a shot. This was a good showing by both men. Sorry Spencer tonight wasn't your night. The more fights from Franca I see the bigger a fan of his I am.

GatorBait - 1-29-2007 at 04:29 PM

For those interested, here's the Rashad fight. I completely agree that he's been more and more impressive each time out. That was a NASTY high kick. Salmon was out on his feet, and the way he was (not) reacting afterwards, I thought he might've been dead. Seriously.

Jheaton - 1-29-2007 at 09:21 PM

UFC 67: All or Nothing

Title Fight

World Middleweight Championship
Anderson Silva (17-4-0) vs. Travis Lutter (12-3-0)

Not much to be said about this one. Silva showed up in the UFC to fight Chris Leben. He promptly put his knee through poor Chris�s face. The he did the same thin to Rich Franklin.

On the other side of the octagon Travis Lutter won the right to fight for the title by winning the TUF via submitting Patrick Cote in the finals. He�s 2-2 in the UFC with Wins over Cote and Marvin Eastman and losses to Matt Lindland and Trevor Prangley.

Now a lot of people expect Silva decimation but out of all the fighters on TUF Lutter might be the worst match up for Silva. Lutter is a world class submission fighter with strong wrestling. With two of Silva�s 4 losses coming from submissions that could be a problem. Unlike Franklin and Leben he won�t try to stand with Silva. Also when the fight starts on the Lutter can throw hands as witness by his highlight reel KO of Marvin Eastman. Silva is going to want to strike, as he has ten KOs on his record. How ever he won�t be a fish out of water on the ground as he has a Black Belt in Jiu-jitsu and two wins coming from submission. Lutter has only been KO�ed once so he has a chin. Silva has never been Ko�d either so this could be quite the compelling contest where ever it takes place.

Too compare opponents Silva has KO victories over Rich Franklin, Chris Leben, Tony Fryklund, Jorge Riveria, and Carlos Newton. He also has Decision victories over Jeremy Horn and Hayato Sakurai.

Lutter has Ko�d Marvin Eastman and Sub�ed Patrick Cote. But other than that he lost each time he�s stepped up in class. He�s lost to Jorge Riveria, Matt Lindland, and Trevor Prangley.

My prediction: Another Anderson Silva KO. Lutter will probably manage to last longer than Franklin and Leben (and maybe last longer than Franklin and Leben combined) but he will eventual fall to the Knee of Silva.

Main Card.

Mirko Cro Cop (21-4-2) vs. Eddie Sanchez (6-0-0)

Awww Hellsss Yheaaa!!! Cro Cop in the UFC. If Cro Cop wins then he�s eventually going to get a shot at the title. How ever should Dirty Sanchez get the up set then we have another undefeated heavyweight prospect.

Sanchez made his debut KOing Mario Neto at UFC 68.Cro Cop is considered the most dangerous striker in the heavyweight division in the world. Last year Cro Cop won the 2006 PRIDE Open Weight Grand Prix.

This should be an interesting (and most likely exciting) affair. Eddie has never been to a decision with 4 KOs and 2 Submission wins. Also He�s undefeated so he won�t lay down for Mirko. On the other hand Cro Cop has 14 KO�s in 21 wins. He�s beaten Fujita, Josh Barrnet, Yoshida, Wanderlei Silva, Kazushi Sakuraba, Kevin Randleman, Mark Coleman and Alex Emilanko.

He�s only losses come to a who�s who of top heavyweights, Fedor, Randleman (and He latter got the win back), Nogeuria, and Mark Hunt. His biggest weakness is his ground game. He�s worked to improve it but he�s never seemed totally comfortable on the ground. Sanchez is quite capable on the ground so he will want to move the fight there.

My Prediction: It may come early it may come late but sometime during the fight Mirko Cro Cop lays out Sanchez with the Left High Kick.

Marvin Eastman (13-6-1) vs. Quinton Jackson (25-6-0)

This fight was originally going to happen in the WFA before Zuffa bought it.
Two interesting stories here. The first one is that Quinton �Rampage� Jackson is making his UFC debut. He beat Chuck Liddell in the 2003 Pride Gran Prix and is the only man to beat Chuck and not get beaten in a rematch.

The second is that this fight has happened before. Way back in Rampages 3rd fight he lost to Eastman now 6 years latter he looks for revenge.

This will be Eastman 3rd fight in the UFC with losses coming against Travis Lutter and Victor Belfor. Eastman has lost a number of fights to no name fighters with the biggest wins against Rampage and Vernon White.

Jackson on the other hand has been able to slam and Ground and Pound many a fighter but has had limited success against up level talent.
He�s beaten Chuck Liddell, Kevin Randleman, Igor Vovchanchyn, Ricardo Arona, Matt Lindland, Murilo Bustamante, and Murilo Rua.

He�s lost two Marvin Eastman, Kazushi Sakuraba, Wanderlei Silva (twice), and Mauricio Rua. He�s a very talented fighter who sometimes seems a bit like Kevin Randleman in that he relies two much on his wrestling and therefore sometimes comes up short.

My Prediction: At this point in his career Marvin �The Beastman� Eastman is simply a journey man. He�s a fighter that other fighters fight in order to make a name for them selves. Quinton gets the slam and KO�s Eastman most likely in the 1st round.

Sam Hoger (6-2-0) vs. Lyoto Machida (8-0-0)

Another UFC debut and one that seems to have flown under everybody�s Radar. Why should you care? Remember when there was that commercial that was showing Rich Franklin as having a record of 22-1? That one loss� Machida.

Lyoto has an unblemished record of 8 wins. Those win include victories over such guys as Rich Franklin, Vernon White, BJ Penn, and Stephan Bonnar. He has 3 KO�s and Submission.

Sam Hogers record is nowhere near as impressive. He beat Bobby Southworth at the TUF Finale, Lost to Stephan Bonnar, beat Jeff Newton, and lost to Rashad Evans. He has 4 submission victories and has never been knocked out or submitted himself. Basically he being brought in to make Lyoto look good, in return he has a chance to make a name for himself.

My Prediction: Hoger is a lamb being led to the slaughter. Lyoto gets the KO.

Patrick Cote (9-4) vs. Scott Smith (10-2)

Patrick is an interesting case. He�s a perfect 9-0 outside the octagon and a perfect 0-4 inside the UFC. The best thing you can say is that all his losses come to contenders in the UFC. He�s lost to Tito Ortiz, Chris Leben, Travis Lutter and Joe Doerkson. He has two wins over Bill Mahood and a win over Jason Macdonald. 6 of his victories have been either KO or Submission. He maybe the best fighter in the UFC with a losing record (in side the octagon).

Scott Smith got the win over Pete Sell in the famous double KO fight at the TUF4 Finale. All ten of his wins come from either KO or submission. He�s lost to David Terrell and James Irvin so this will be a test to see how well he can do against top competition.

My Prediction: Both guys are very strong finishers so this should make for an entertaining fight. Patrick Cote finally gets the W he�s been searching for in side the Octagon.

Roger Huerta (17-1-1) vs. John Halverson (13-4-0)

Roger is a wrester and a BJJ guy. John is a puncher with a strong chin.
Both guys have strong records, but neither has faced anybody of real consequence. This fight is somewhat interesting as Roger Huerta is some one who I have heard a lot of good things about.

My Prediction: Huerta by submission.


Tyson Griffin (8-0-0) vs. Frankie Edgar (5-0-0)
We last saw Tyson choke out David Lee on the undercard of UFC 68. He�s a beast who has 5KO�s and 3 submissions he has wins over Duane Ludwig and Urijah Faber.

Edgar is making his UFC debut. He�s a well rounded fighter who will provide a good test for Tyson.

My Prediction: Tyson by Sub.

Terry Martin (14-2-0) vs. Jorge Riveria (14-5-0)

This is bit of a cross roads fight. The winner goes up the loser fall off.
Terry martin was undefeated when he made his UFC debut. At 10-0 he got knocked out by James Irvin he had two tune up fights then fought in the UFC again but got TKO�d by Jason Lambert. He really needs the win here to continue his UFC career.

Jorge is approaching journeyman status. He�s beaten Travis Lutter, Solomon Hutchinson, David Louieau, Dennis Hallman, and Edwin Dewees. He�s lost to Anderson Silva, Rich Franklin, Chris Leben, Lee Muray, and Brandon Lee Hinckle. If he losses here there�s not much the UFC can do with him as he�s lost to pretty much all the top guys at 185. He�s 3-3 in the UFC and has somewhat rehabilitated his career on TUF4 and the win over Edwin Dewwes. He needs this win or he�s a talented fighter who can be exciting but ultimately can�t hang with the A-level fighters. He�ll be someone like Marvin Eastman who young fighters look at as someone they can beat and out on there resume.

My Prediction: This one could go either way. I think Terry Martin wins in a stand up war.

Final thoughts: Only eight fights on this card. Yet there�s a lot of guys making there UFC Debuts. I wouldn�t be surprised if 6, 7 or even all 8 fights make the air. A lot of these guys are strong finishers and we could have a night of KO�s.

folby - 2-3-2007 at 05:32 AM

Q: Travis Lutter, is it true you're a giant shithead who pissed away the biggest opportunity of his entire career?
A: I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my fat.

[Edited on 2-3-2007 by folby]

GimmickMan - 2-3-2007 at 09:11 PM

Main Card Predictions:

Smith dec. Cot�
CroCop KO Rd. 1 Sanchez
Jackson TKO Rd. 2 Eastman
Huerta Sub. Rd. 3 Halverson
Silva KO Rd. 1 Lutter

GatorBait - 2-5-2007 at 03:24 PM

I loved this re-cap of UFC 67 on Sherdog. Especially the parts about CroCop:

folby - 2-5-2007 at 04:13 PM

There was a point in the Cro Cop fight where it became less exciting and more sad. For me, it was right when Mirko drilled him with a left and Sanchez looked scared, then started backpedaling. Luckily he eventually kicked Sanchez in the ribs and it sounded like a tree cracking, and the fight was exciting again. Still, it was a trip to watch a man so clearly being picked apart. Also, I got a huge kick out of Mirko's post fight interview.

I enjoyed the show, but nothing really astounded me. I won a tiny bit of money by betting on Cote for no real reason aside from my buddy wanting to bet on Smith. I have yet to see Edgar/Griffin, which everyone is saying was the fight of the night. I got a pretty good laugh out of Travis "Fat Ass" Lutter taking the fight where he needed to take it and still getting beat.

GimmickMan - 2-21-2007 at 05:12 AM

PRIDE has a pretty good card coming up this weekend:

PRIDE 33: The Second Coming LIVE! from Thomas & Mack Centre in Las Vegas.

PRIDE World Middleweight Championship
Wanderlei Silva (c) vs. Dan Henderson
Prediction: Henderson by decision

"Welterweight" Fight (at 160 lbs.)
Takanori Gomi vs. Nick Diaz
Prediction: Gomi by TKO?
--This is going to be the fight of the night, I think. This is just awesome. I have no clue who is going to win, but Gomi isn't the PRIDE Lightweight Champion for nothing.

Light-Heavyweight Fight
Mauricio Shogun vs. Alistair Overeem
Prediction: Shogun by TKO
--A rematch of the semifinal of the 2005 MW Grand Prix. Shogun wins again.

Middleweight Fight
Frank Trigg vs. Kazuo Misaki
Prediction: Trigg by decision

Other fights:
-Hayato Sakurai (#2 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Mac Danzig
-Antonio Rogerio Nogueira (#5 Light Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou
-Joachim Hansen (#7 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Jason Ireland
-Sergei Kharitonov (#10 Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Mike Russow [Kharitonov's opponent was scheduled to be Gilbert Yvel, but the Nevada State Athletic Commission has denied Yvel's request for a fighters' license due to his previous assault of a referee]


GimmickMan - 2-24-2007 at 10:26 PM

Sorry for the double post...

UFC has announced the following bouts for UFC 70: Nations Collide, its first card in the UK since UFC 38.

This is going to be sick. MMAWeekly rankings are the by the fighters

Mirko CroCop (#2 HW) vs. Gabriel Gonzaga
Fabricio Werdum (#7 HW) vs. Andrei Arlovski (#6 HW) (!!!)
Michael Bisping vs. Elvis Sinosic
Forrest Griffin vs. Lyoto Machida

In addition, MMAWeekly has the following bouts rumoured:

-Assuerio Silva vs. Cheick Kongo
-Dennis Siver vs. Jess Liaudin
-Alessio Sakara vs. Victor Valimaki
-Tito Ortiz (#8 LHW) vs. TBA
-David Lee vs. TBA

Werdum-Arlovski is going to be awesome. Werdum trains with CroCop so this makes for a natural signing. He's 9-2-1 in his career with the only losses coming to Sergei Kharitonov (split decision - PRIDE 30) and Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira (unanimous decision - PRIDE Critical Countdown Absolute). He holds wins over Aleksander Emeilanenko, Alistair Overeem, Roman Zentsov and Gonzaga (his only career loss).

So that'll be a good card.

GimmickMan - 2-25-2007 at 06:32 AM

Sorry for the triple post...


I missed the first two fights because of Comcast, but Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, what I saw on PRIDE 33 tonight was fucking amazing.

First you have unheard-of Sokoudjou knocking out Rogerio Nogueira in the first 30 seconds! This is the first time a Nogueira has EVER been knocked out.

Then, later on, you have Nick Motherfucking Diaz using PRIDE Lightweight Champion Takanori Gomi's head as a speedbag and then, after Gomi takes him down, submitting him with a fucking gogoplata! Rarely do fights have me jumping out of my seat. This one did. And let's put it this way: There had NEVER been a gogoplata submission in UFC or PRIDE until PRIDE's NYE show two months ago. Now there's been two.

Then, in the main event, Dan Henderson becomes the first double champ in MMA history when he KTFO's Wanderlei Silva in the third round with a left hook to win the PRIDE Middleweight Championship. Just unbelievable. This had me out of my seat as well. Silva was, up until 20 minutes ago, the only Middleweight Champion in PRIDE's history, beating Sakuraba for the newly created belt at PRIDE 17 on 11/3/2001. So this is a big accomplishment for Henderson. Afterwards, he pulled out the quote of the night:

"I'm going to my after party at Body English at the Hard Rock. Either there, or at Wanderlei's after-party at the hospital!"

This was a great night of fights. I'd highly suggest ordering the replay if you're interested.

And, to talk about Wanderlei, he is in some serious trouble. He clearly wasn't the fighter he was before CroCop kicked his head into the 5th row last September. Someone on Sherdog brought up a great point that he still might be suffering from some post-concussion issues. This is a guy who had NEVER, in his career, been KO'd before that fight. Now it's two in a row. That's something to be afraid of. If you look at someone like Rampage Jackson after Wanderlei brutalized him, he is just now getting back to where he was before that and that fight was in Oct. 2004.

Wanderlei needs to take a long time off before he fights again, heal up, get straight mentally and then come back.

But is there now any doubt who would win between him and Chuck Liddell?

Overall, a sweet event.

I'll be there live (with media credentials!!!) for UFC 68 next Saturday in Columbus. They have a lot to live up to!

EDIT: I think the next logical fight, and it'd have a "revenge" factor is Wanderlei's teammate Mauricio Shogun finally getting his title shot against Henderson.

[Edited on 2-25-2007 by GimmickMan]

GatorBait - 2-26-2007 at 05:53 PM

Had to check them out for myself. Nice quick knockout on Nogueira. And HOLY SHIT on the Diaz/Gomi fight. How in the hell is Diaz so ineffective in the UFC? Surely the cage doesn't make that much a difference:

For those of you who want to watch for yourselves:

thegenerator - 3-4-2007 at 09:18 AM


Just, wow.

joerizal - 3-4-2007 at 04:55 PM


Yeah, I betted on Sylvia too.

GimmickMan - 3-4-2007 at 10:38 PM


And I'll fill everyone in on my UFC 68 adventure tomorrow or something. Short preview: I had a media credential and had my picture taken with Dana White and OMG RANDY~!!!

benoitbrokemyneck - 3-5-2007 at 01:28 AM

That's awesome gimmick. You have to post a pic.

FFC and myself tried to watch it at BW3s, but had no luck since UFC blocked the show from being shown in the city it was being held at. I did catch alot of hype for Silva/Couture and wanted to see it. Glad to see the old guy beat the giant young guy.

folby - 3-5-2007 at 02:24 AM

Tim Sylvia looked so bad at one point I wondered if the fight was fixed. It was absurd. The rest of the show I thought was okay, nothing really exciting, but the main event was fucking awesome.


GimmickMan - 3-5-2007 at 10:09 AM

My UFC 68 Story:

So, for the hell of it, I decided to apply for UFC 68 credentials. To my surprise, I was approved, so I was all set to head out to the sold out Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio for the event.

I got to Columbus around 5 p.m. and the city was already rocking because of UFC and the Arnold Classic. All the restuarants were packed in the downtown area. I called up my buddy who works for the Blue Jackets and we found one that wasn't so packed and grabbed a bite to eat. At about 7 p.m., I headed into the arena.

I grabbed my credential and went into the media center, where there was a huge buffet available. Sadly, I had already eaten. After dicking around for a while, I headed out to my seat (a lot of media were assigned actual seats in the building), which was in Sec. 107 in one of the corners of the lower bowl. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either.

I went out around 8 p.m. and the place was already packed and buzzing. The first fight was scheduled to begin at 8:15. The first three fights went on without a hitch and then for the fourth preliminary bout, Matt Hamill fought Rex Holman. Hamill was crazy over with the crowd, getting a thunderous ovation. He said in the post fight press conference that he could actually feel the vibration and that's the first time that's ever happened for him.

The prelims ended around 9:40, so, with 20 minutes to go before the live broadcast went on the air, I headed back to the media center to grab a drink. When I was in there, Dana showed up and was talking to people, as was Rachelle Leah, host of UFC All Access. Rachelle peaced out pretty quickly, but Dana stuck around and took some pictures with people, including myself.

After the picture, he told us all to enjoy the fights and went back out. He was really super cool.

I then went back to my seat and they showed this really freaking bad ass highlight video set to Teenage Wasteland. I don't know why that's never made the air.

Then the live show went up and we sat for about 15 minutes before the Babalu-Lambert fight. There were a lot of Babalu fans in the house. This was a pretty exciting fight.

Next up was Hughes/Lytle. Hughes was way over. Eventually the crowd started booing.

Next was Franklin/MacDonald. A lot of Canadian flags in the house for MacDonald. Then Franklin, essentially a hometown hero, came out to a very loud ovation. He pretty much dominated MacDonald and MacDonald's corner had seen enough after the second round.

Post fight, Anderson Silva came in to hype the rematch between he and Franklin. Crowd booed Silva a ton, but Rich and his corner tried to discourage that.

Next up was Kampmann/McFedries. McFedries was in big time control early, but got taken down and Kampmann sunk in a sweet arm-triangle that put McFedries to sleep.

Then it was time for the main event. I have never been been so nervous for a fight. I'm a huge Couture fan and was scared for his well-being. Randy came out first to a thunderous ovation. Then came Big Tim, who was booed mercilessly. Chants of "Randy! Randy!" rang through Nationwide before the fight. The fans went nuts for Randy and killed Tim during the intros. When Randy dropped Tim with the first punch of the night, the place went apeshit. The place exploded with every takedown and whenever Eddie Bravo's scoring showed Randy winning a round. And the thing was, despite Randy taking the fight to the ground, there were no cat calls for a stand up or booing because people actually like Randy.

From about 30 seconds down in the fifth round, the crowd noise kept building and building until the final horn.

When Rogan interviewed Sylvia after the fight, the crowd was not getting over Sylvia that much until he casually brought up that he was injured, the crowd booed the everloving shit out of him.

Personally, if I were Tim Sylvia, I'd be more pissed off that I was just tooled by a guy that I had six inches, 13 years and 60 pounds on. But that's just me.

This was just amazing to see in person. If there is a more motavational person than Randy Couture in sports, I'd be surprised. I watched the final few minutes of the fight on DailyMotion and even Joe Rogan was mentioning how the crowd was.

Randy was the hot commodity at the post-fight press conference. Lots of questions for him. I'll post the bits of news Dana delivered when I listen to my tape, but when I talked to him personally, he said they'd be in New York by the end of 2008, in Michigan "soon", and that an event in July will be held in Ireland.

Here's me and Randy after the press conference.

We left Nationwide at about 3 a.m. and got back to Indianapolis (where I was doing my real job and covering the Big Ten women's basketball tournament) around 5:30 a.m. I slept until 2:30 and that is why this post is coming at the time it is because I'm not tired.

So, to sum this up: One of the coolest days of my life. OMG RANDY~!!!

[Edited on 3-5-2007 by GimmickMan]

Thom - 3-5-2007 at 02:33 PM

Awesome, Gimmick - but, I gotta say - Dana looks cocked in that picture, like he's had a wee bit too much to drink. Still, good shit.

Teenage Wasteland - are you talking about The Who's "Baba O'Riley"? Maybe they were trying to tie in Baba to Babalu? Just a thought...

SuperRob - 3-5-2007 at 06:47 PM

It was a fucking outstanding fight, and Silvia had the biggest knot on his eye that I think I've ever seen (save for Monson after his fight with Silvia).

Crowd at the Seattle Hooters was pumped for the show, and the roof nearly blew off the place when Randy won.

I gotta say, while it might have been crazy for Couture to come out of retirement for this fight, I can see why the UFC was pushing for it. Silvia just doesn't look like a champion. He's big, sure, but he's gangly, soft around the middle, and just doesn't have the aura of a champ. Couture, on the other hand, looks every bit like a champ, and I think this might have just been Dana's way of getting the belt off Silvia since Arlovsky just couldn't get the job done.

Jheaton - 3-5-2007 at 08:10 PM

Couture taking apart Sylvia seemed to akin to a smaller kid standing up to a bully on the playground and kicking said bullies ass.

It's pretty amazing that Couture continues to improve at this stage in his carrer. For a guy whos been known as a ground and pounder his striking was phenominal.

A lot of questions thought about what happens in his next fight. Gonzaga vs Cro Cop is for a shot at Randys belt and it will be interesting to see what happens. Neither man is as big as Sylvia but Gonzaga has better submissions and Cro Cop is a better striker.

Matt Hughes put on a clinic. That was classic Hughes, take a man down, hold him there pound the shit out of him. If he can do this in 3rd fight against GSP he has a good chance of winning.

Franklin should try to do less Muay Tia and more Karate/Boxing. He has more success striking from the outside than from the clince. It was a nice victory over a tough opponent. He looked like the Rich Franklin that beat Evan Tanner twice not the shell of Rich that got in the cage with Anderson Silva.

GatorBait - 3-5-2007 at 08:32 PM

Damn, the next card looks fun as hell.

-GSP should tear Serra apart, but Serra's got heart, so he's got a chance.

-Diego Sanchez vs. Josh Koscheck should be a very fun encounter. Both guys (from what I've seen) have insane stamina, so it should be an intense battle beginning to end. I'll give the edge to Diego because he's got a more balanced game, but Koscheck is still world-class at the takedowns.

-Okami/Swick... 'nuff said.

-Imes/Herring COULD be a better-than-expected heavyweight fight. I wasn't impressed with Herring's performance at the latest Ultimate Fight Night, but he's still far more traveled than Imes. Imes is still a huge motherfucker, though.

-And very glad to see that Luke Cummo is still around. He should run circles around Josh Haynes.

GimmickMan - 3-12-2007 at 02:13 AM

Dave Meltzer wrote an awesome, awesome column in the LA Times about Couture's win. Read it, monkeys!,1,7988710.story?coll=la-headlines-sports-boxing&ctrack;=1&cset;=true


If mixed martial arts is here to stay as a sport in the United States, then years from now people will look back and marvel at how much of the sports media missed what would have to be one of the great sports stories and moments of the era.

In an octagon cage and with the UFC's world heavyweight title at stake, seven seconds into the fight, undersized heavyweight Randy Couture, the most admired and popular fighter in the history of the sport in the United States, threw a low kick, and then came over the top with the hardest overhand right of his career.

The least popular champion in UFC history, the monstrous Tim Sylvia, was knocked on his back. At the same moment, a sellout crowd of 19,079 fans leapt to their feet. For the next half hour, they never sat down again. With the exception of 21 seconds, Couture dominated the fight. With ten seconds left, the crowd, in unison, reacted like they were in Times Square, and New Year's was coming early. "Ten, nine, eight...." The pop built and exploded as the clock hit zero. The first seven seconds, and the last ten seconds are sports moments that none of the people there live, nor the two million or so watching on PPV or in sports bars around North America, will likely ever forget.

Randy Couture, at nearly 44 years old, came out of retirement to become the UFC's world heavyweight champion for a third time. Giving up seven inches in height, a foot in reach, and probably in the range of 60 pounds when they got in the ring, Couture told a story that even Sylvester Stallone didn't dare tell in "Rocky Balboa," a movie that in many ways inspired the fight.

In the days since the fight on March 10th at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio, the few sportswriters who did realize they saw something that will become legendary struggled to find a sports comparison. In the end, there isn't one.

Jack Nicklaus won the Masters at 46. But you simply can't compare golf with fighting. Golf is a skill sport that older men have been able to compete with younger men at. With the exception of Couture, the oldest man to ever win a major promotion championship in MMA was Dan Severn, at 37, and that's when the sport was in its infancy. Couture is the only man over 40 in history to be truly competitive at the top level.

George Blanda won the NFL MVP award at 43. That was an improbable series of miracles week after week where Blanda either threw a touchdown pass, kicked a field goal or a conversion to lead the Oakland Raiders to wins (or in one case a tie) six straight Sundays. But that was still a team effort.

Muhammad Ali beating George Foreman in Zaire is the comparison many have made. In both cases, you have a bigger and more powerful knockout artist who was heavily favored to not just beat, but possibly hurt badly, a beloved but aging former champion. But the aging Ali was all of 32 years old at the time, and he was not coming out of retirement, nor had he been knocked out in two of his three prior matches at light-heavyweight before retirement.

Foreman himself was older, 45, when he knocked out Michael Moorer in 1994 to become the oldest heavyweight champion in boxing. But Foreman was much bigger and stronger than Moorer, and had incredible physical gifts that Couture simply couldn't match. He could take punishment like few heavyweights, and he may have been the hardest punching heavyweight in history. The fact was, Moorer was making Foreman look like he had no business in the ring with him for nine rounds, until Foreman tapped Moorer's chin and ended the fight.

Couture was dominant in every aspect of the game from start to finish.

Even when Stallone made "Rocky Balboa," which in a small way inspired this match (the main inspiration is they simply had no other match that would do the kind of business this one would, and the logical contender for Sylvia, Brandon Vera, was involved in a contract dispute with UFC), in the end, Rocky didn't beat Mason Dixon. That was too much for even a scripted movie. But the movie character proved himself a champion by defying logic, having his moment where he was competitive, and leaving with pride and dignity. The perfect venue to capitalize on the movie was pro wrestling. On paper, the UFC is probably the worst place to try and reenact a Stallone movie.

Without question, from a business standpoint, this was the right call. It's pretty well guaranteed it will be the biggest PPV event of any type for at least the first quarter of this year.

But what if Couture was completely shot? Sure, Couture is an excellent wrestler, but Sylvia had eaten younger wrestlers like Ricco Rodriguez and Jeff Monson for lunch. He left UFC's hope for their own Mike Tyson-like scary heavyweight---Andrei "The Pit Bull" Arlovski---whimpering like a cocker spaniel.

Worse, the theme of MMA in 2006 was that the legendary champions of the past, Ken Shamrock, Mark Coleman, Royce Gracie, Kazushi Sakuraba, Mark Kerr, and Couture himself, were all shown that time had moved on. A new generation of fighter---younger, faster and better trained in the sport from their youth, as opposed to converted wrestlers and Jiu Jitsu practitioners---had taken over. Couture was one of the last of the two-hand set shot guys still trying to compete with the slam dunkers.

But there was no mistaking people loved Couture, and even more, loved a good story. Ticket sales took off in the days after Couture went on "Inside the UFC" and announced the match. It sold out farther in advance than any major MMA show in history. But the experts feared he was a little lamb being led to a giant slaughter.

Sylvia was 6-8, and had to dehydrate himself down to make the 265-pound heavyweight limit. He weighed in officially at 263. In the cage, he was probably between 280 and 285 pounds. Couture came in at 222.5 pounds, a weight most modern light-heavyweights are going into battle at after rehydrating. The gate topped $3 million, the first time such a figure had been reached outside of Japan or Las Vegas, and broke a record set by the Rolling Stones for the largest indoor entertainment gate ever in the state of Ohio.

Even Couture's friends quietly hoped for simply a good showing. The hope was that he would show himself to at least be competitive, and come out of it retaining his dignity, and more importantly, his physical health. As long as he got a takedown or two, got a little bit of offense in, and lasted until the third round, it would be a huge moral win. He'd leave with an even bigger standing ovation than when he announced his retirement on Feb. 4, 2006, after being knocked out by Chuck Liddell.

Of course everyone knew what an incredible thing it would be for both the sport and for business for him to win, but it really wasn't all that hard to get people in UFC to talk about Sylvia's probable upcoming title defense later this year against Mirko Cro Cop.

Ironically, Couture would have disagreed with both statements. A week before the fight, it was noted to him what a great thing for the sport it would be if he won. He'd give the sport a champion the older sports establishment couldn't shun because it didn't look like the boxing they grew up with. An army vet, college grad and Olympic team alternate couldn't be dismissed as a tattooed, Mohawk-haircut bar-room brawler, who they saw as a thug simply cleaned up with rock music, flashy lights and 10,000 screaming fans to look legit.

Instead, the UFC, of all places, would have a hero for post-40 men by proving hard work and smart strategy can overcome all kinds of physical and age disadvantages in one of the physically toughest sports in the world.

But Couture was there to win, not just to show up, try not to embarrass himself, and collect a big paycheck at the end.

He wasn't the best athlete, the biggest, nor the strongest, nor the best in the world at any specific discipline. He was hardly unbeatable, and perhaps that made him that much more admired. He hadn't had one fight in the last seven years that if he didn't bring his A game, he would have won. And there were several days, due to bad strategy, and perhaps outside stresses and issues in life, where he didn't bring his A game, and he did lose, and in some cases, lose badly.

He was a very normal high school coach (before UFC took off, Couture was a high school wrestling coach in Gresham, Ore.), who, aside from being a remarkably fit older guy, hardly looked like the kind of guy who would fight the baddest men on the planet. But on more than one occasion, he was capable of doing things decidedly not normal. He had been the underdog in nine previous UFC fights, and won eight of them, including stopping Chuck Liddell and spanking Tito Ortiz at the age of 40.

If he was the best at anything, maybe it was at knowing how to train for his own strengths and limitations. Maybe it was at avoiding abusing his body, to where he didn't have the injuries that would have doomed people younger than him. Whether it was through smart training, lack of drug abuse, or simply genetics and luck, he was a 43-year-old athlete who had competed at a top level for a quarter-century. Yet he had never had a major joint or muscle operation. Except for winning two world titles after the age of 40, that is probably his most amazing athletic accomplishment.

Nobody at 40 can dominate a highly physical sport at the top level simply on natural athletic ability. Very few can even survive to play at the top level. Michael Jordan was the greatest athlete of our generation, and he couldn't do it. Muhammad Ali couldn't. Dan Gable couldn't. Even the famed Russian wrestler, Alexander Karelin, the single most physically dominant athlete over a long period of time in any combat sport in modern history, couldn't do it. Think about this. Karelin is four years younger than Couture. He came from the same sport about at the same time as Couture, and was throughout his prime, so far superior it's not even worthy of discussion. Yet even his body broke down to the point he retired seven years ago.

If anything, maybe he was the guy who puts down on paper the best strategy to beat people who expect their athletic ability, size, power and mostly youth, to guarantee them a win. Most likely, he trained that much harder, and ate that much stricter. And none of the success went to his head. Perhaps what kept him competitive was the knowledge he really wasn't better than anyone else, and his success came by working harder than his competition. And these last few months in training, when his body was telling him he couldn't work harder, he listened, and worked smarter.

To the people who saw it, it was one of the greatest fights of all time. Unfortunately, it's one of those things that could only be fully comprehended in the moment they took place. People will tell their kids, and grandkids about this one night, and this normal man who did things that weren't normal, and this unreal night where a movie script nobody would dare write happened in real life. Undoubtedly, there will some day be a movie chronicling this story about the 21st century "Cinderella Man."

Of course, the real fight and real night will be easily accessible on a DVD, or whatever technology will exist in those days. People will watch it, and unfortunately, it's very doubtful they'll be able to even come close to understanding what the fuss is all about.

Sure, the crowd was going crazy for the match, but why? Why was Couture already a Hall of Famer when he only had a 15-8 record? They may even see it as a boring match. Aside from that first punch, there were no telling blows, no near submissions, and not even any true reversals. Couture was never in trouble, but after the opening seconds, Sylvia was never in danger of being finished either. It wasn't even close going down the wire. One guy was old, although he was in great shape. The other was just goofy looking. Sure, the announcers were putting it over as something unreal and the fans seemed to think they were seeing something special. But people looking back won't understand, and think it just shows how little the fans in 2007 must have understood the sport.

Of course, those of us who saw it will never be able to fully explain it. But we'll know it has something to do with concepts like time and context, and the moment. In 2007, there was this movie. And there was this match to take advantage of the movie. And there was this normal man, whose main talent is that when the odds say he can't possibly win, he almost always does. There was this sport at a crossroads, that could have either gone up or down depending on what happened. There was this giant opponent. And there was this night. And there was this crowd. And there was this fear that this legend's comeback was going to be embarrassing, or worse, he'd get badly hurt.

And there was this moment, when an overhand right connected. And for the next half hour, it was all euphoric magic. And everyone celebrated until 3 a.m. And they woke up later in a stupor, still not being able to fully grasp what they just saw happen and why they were feeling the way they were feeling. But they knew that for the rest of their lives, that moment would be etched in their memories, and frozen in time.

Dave Meltzer is the creator and author of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, a leading publication in coverage of pro wrestling and mixed martial arts. For more information, go to

Gobshite - 3-13-2007 at 01:59 PM

according to this article, UFC 70 is going to be on spike TV in the US - I don;t know if they'll be able to pull it off live (due to time differences, it'll be a 2pm start time for the east coast), but still, avoiding the internet on a saturday afternoon is pretty easy!

stewieisgood - 3-19-2007 at 09:22 PM

According to several sources, the Fertitta Brothers (owners of the UFC and WEC) have bought Pride FC for 65 million.

TarheelMike - 3-27-2007 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by stewieisgood
According to several sources, the Fertitta Brothers (owners of the UFC and WEC) have bought Pride FC for 65 million.


NEW YORK -- The majority owners of Ultimate Fighting Championship have agreed to buy their biggest mixed martial arts rival, Pride Fighting Championships, in a deal that will establish megafights among the outfits' titleholders and possibly attract huge pay-per-view audiences.

Company executives declined to comment on the sales price, but a person familiar with the negotiations told The Associated Press that brothers Lorenzo and Frank Fertitta will purchase the Japan-based Pride for less than $70 million. The person was not authorized to speak to reporters and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The deal was completed Tuesday and was announced during a news conference in Tokyo, where Lorenzo Fertitta has been negotiating with Nobuyuki Sakakibara, the majority owner and chief executive of Dream Stage Entertainment Inc., Pride's owner.

"We have been talking to Pride for probably about 11 months," Lorenzo Fertitta said. "It's been a long, drawn-out process but we finally were able to put the two brands together."

To buy the company, the brothers created a new entity called Pride FC Worldwide Holdings LLC. The newly formed company will take over Pride assets, including its trademarks, video library and valuable roster of fighters, from Dream Stage. The Fertitta brothers, who own Las Vegas-based Zuffa LLC, the parent company of UFC, intend to keep the well-known Pride name and promote fights under that brand.

The acquisition marks a new phase in the brothers' quest to dominate the burgeoning world of mixed martial arts since they bought the struggling UFC in 2001.

"This is really going to change the face of MMA," Lorenzo Fertitta said. "Literally creating a sport that could be as big around the world as soccer. I liken it somewhat to when the NFC and AFC came together to create the NFL."

The deal allows the Fertitta brothers to broker the biggest MMA fights possible in the near future, increasing their influence in this sports entertainment business.

"We will be able to literally put on the fights that everyone wants to see," Lorenzo Fertitta said. "It will allow us to put on some of the biggest fights ever."

In the past, there has been at least one case in which Pride and UFC couldn't hammer out a deal to put their top fighters in the ring together. With Pride in their pocket, the Fertitta brothers intend to ensure that never happens again.

The sale gives Pride more financial backing to expand the business internationally after suffering a recent financial blow.

Major sponsor Fuji Television Network Inc. dropped Pride in June after a tabloid linked Pride to the Japanese mob -- something Sakakibara has denied vigorously. To help bolster Pride, the company staged two PPV fights in Las Vegas. Neither was a financial success. The fights gained exposure for Pride but lost money, making the sale of Pride more likely.

"I think it certainly weakened their position," Lorenzo Fertitta said. "One of our goals is to get back on a major platform back here in Japan."

Lorenzo Fertitta said he'll be looking to expand Pride internationally.

Buying Pride is the latest in a series of acquisitions that the brothers have made in the last six months. Zuffa snapped up World Extreme Cagefighting and World Fighting Alliance last year.

Similar to Pride, buying WFA gave UFC the rights to a popular fighter named Quinton "Rampage" Jackson. Jackson will face UFC's most popular fighter, Chuck Liddell, the current light heavyweight champ in Las Vegas, on May 26 on PPV.

In the combat world, the Pride deal leaves a fragmented group of upstarts and K-1, another Japanese company that promotes fighters skilled in various forms of kick boxing.

Thanks to a surge in popularity, the brothers' investment in UFC and MMA in general has begun to pay off.

Last year, UFC cracked $200 million in PPV revenue, putting it on par with World Wrestling Entertainment Inc.

UFC stages fights in arenas across the country and airs a clutch of successful television shows on Spike TV. It has also opened an office in London, looking toward establishing itself internationally.

The brothers also run Station Casinos Inc. in Las Vegas. Lorenzo Fertitta is president and Frank Fertitta is chairman and chief executive of Station Casinos, a public company that was recently agreed to be purchased by a private equity investor group that includes key members of the Fertitta family.

I don't follow MMA, but I would assume that this is kind of a big deal.

stewieisgood - 3-30-2007 at 01:29 AM

Originally posted by TarheelMike
I don't follow MMA, but I would assume that this is kind of a big deal.

It's kinda like when the NFC and AFC joined into the NFL, but different, in that Dana White has stated the two companies will continue to be run independently.

Gobshite - 3-30-2007 at 03:47 PM

Just like when Vince bought WCW, and promised to keep them seperate...

I think their ultimate goal HAS to be to own all the MMA promotions, or at least the big / noteworthy ones. That way, they can have a UFC Champ, Pride champ and something else the way Boxing has the WBA, WBC and IBF(?) champs.

The only thing that I think will keep them from this is K1/Cage Rage - the two brits that own cage rage look like they're up for taking on UFC, even if it is alot like TNA competing with WWE (quarter of the fan base, only one or two really good fighters).

MMANews or MMAweekly (I forget which) has an article claiming that Cage Rage will have a presence on US TV by the end of April. Believe it when you see it?

GimmickMan - 4-7-2007 at 02:10 AM

Everyone made weight for tomorrow night's UFC 69: Shootout from Houston.

There was a ton of tension between Diego Sanchez and Josh Koscheck � Diego almost shoved Koscheck on his ass after they got in each other's faces during the staredown. A lot of heat between the two. You can watch the video on

Main Card:

UFC Welterweight Championship
Matt Serra (169.5) vs Georges St-Pierre (169.5)
Josh Koscheck (170.5) vs. Diego Sanchez (168.5)
Yushin Okami (184) vs. Mike Swick (184)
Alan Belcher (184) vs. Kendall Grove (185.5)
Leonard Garcia (154.5) vs. Roger Huerta (155)

Preliminary Bouts:
Brad Imes (260.5) vs. Heath Herring (245)
Thales Leites (186) vs. Pete Sell (186)
Marcus Davis (169.5) vs. Pete Spratt (170.5)
Josh Haynes (171) vs. Luke Cummo (170)

I'm pretty excited for the card, especially coming off a pretty good night last night with UFN and TUF5.

Thom - 4-8-2007 at 01:00 PM


Matt Serra - your new UFC Welterweight Champion. Didn't see that one coming... I'm glad to see Rush took the loss in stride.

Also, while a pretty boring fight, it's good to see Diego Sanchez brought down a notch.

folby - 4-8-2007 at 02:38 PM

When I finished watching PRIDE and sat around waiting for the dawn, it occured to me that the sun might not even rise today. The whole world has gone crazy and for all I know, the only thing that was going to come over the horizon Benny and Billy McCrary.


GSP got hammered, Butterbean WON by submission, and Obviously-Would-Have-Been-Champ-If-Not-For-Teammate-Holding-Title Arona got killed by the African Judo Champion.

Fedor. Fedor will save us. He is not human, he will not suffer whatever voodoo curse is wreaking havoc on everyone else. A Russian Cyborg to put a cold stop to Team Quest FURY. I can't wait. OH GOD IF FEDOR LOSES I'LL JUST DIE.

Jheaton - 4-8-2007 at 06:13 PM

also pretty big news... Sportscenter covers UFC!

In Honor of Matt "The Terror" Serra victory I'll post this. Matt Serra in the first MMA match to be shown on ESPN back in 1998.

[Edited on 4-8-2007 by Jheaton]

salmonjunkie - 4-8-2007 at 09:15 PM

Yeah, I saw that last night on Sportscenter. I was amazed. Finally, ESPN thinks this is worth reporting on. How long will it take for UFC footage to overtake the spelling bee footage?

GatorBait - 4-9-2007 at 02:54 PM

Not sure how long it'll be up, but here's the GSP/Serra fight for anybody who wants to see it:

I've always been a big fan of both of these guys, so it was hard for me to root either way. I guess I was pulling for Serra because he was in the "underdog" role, though. And I'd love to see him go ballistic on Matt Hughes if they don't do a rematch, first. The 2 of them have a genuine disgust for each other.

GimmickMan - 4-9-2007 at 10:42 PM

Phil Baroni arrested in Miami:

Jheaton - 4-10-2007 at 11:59 PM

Figured I'd post my updated rankings...

Champ Randy Couture
1 Tim Sylvia
2 Brandon Vera
3 Gabriel Gonzaga
4 Andre Arlovski
5 Jake O'Brian
6 Mario Cruz
7 Frank Mir
8 Mirko Cro Cop
9 Carmelo Marrero
10 Cheick Kongo

Comments: Couture debuts by winning the gold. Brandon Vera is supposed to be fighting Jake O'Brian and if he signs his contract extension he'll be getting a shot soon rather than latter. Cro Cop and Gonzaga will be fighting over a chance to become #1 contender latter this month.

Champ Chuck Liddell
1 Rashad Evans
2 Keith Jardine
3 Jason Lambert
4 Tito Ortiz
5 Forrest Griffen
6 Michael Bisbing
7 Wilson Gouveia�
8 Rento Sorbral
9 James Irvin
10 Lyoto Maciado

Comments: Not a lot changes here. Chuck beats Tito so that pretty much leaves Rashad and Jardine as top contenders, Although Rampage will be getting the next shot seeing as he holds a win over the Iceman. Look for Bisbing and Lyoto to continue to climb the rankings.

Champ Anderson Silva
1 Yushin Okami�
2 Nate Marquardt
3 Rich Franklin
4 Mike Swick
5 Jason Macdonald
6 Dean Lister
7 Travis Lutter
8 Chris Leben
9 Kendal Grove
10 Martin Kampmann

Comments: Okami now has four straight wins in the UFC inclding one over Swick so hes my #1. Nate the Great is getting the next shot, which is good he deserves it. I'd like to see Okami get the next shot after that as I feel that Franklin needs at least one more fight before a rematch with Silva.

Champ Matt Serra
1 George St. Pierre
2 Josh Koscheck
3 Matt Hughes
4 Diego Sanchez
5 Jon Fitch
6 Josh Burkman
7 Karo Parisian
8 Thiago Alves
9 Joe Riggs
10 Drew Ficket

Comments: Serra takes the Belt off of GSP. So whats next? Serra vs Hughes? Does Dana give Kos a shot after that lackluster preformance? GSP vs Hughes III? GSP vs SerraII?

Champ Sean Sherk
1 Joe Stevenson
2 Hermes Franca
2 Kenny Florian
4 Sam Stout
5 Spencer Fisher
6 Joe Lauzon
7 Mark Hommick
8 Melvin Guillard
9 Frank Edgar
10 Tyson Griffin

Comments: Stevenson and Franca have stepped out ahead of the pack withFlorian looking for another crack at the title. Behind them you ahve a long list of talent who are looking to make a name for themselves.

GimmickMan - 4-12-2007 at 12:48 AM

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 69 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-5 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Randy Couture, Champion
1) Mirko CroCop
2) Gabriel Gonzaga
3) Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
4) Andrei Arlovski
5) Tim Sylvia
6) Fabrico Werdum
7) Brandon Vera
8) Heath Herring

Light-Heavyweight - Chuck Liddell, Champion
1) Quinton Jackson
2) Rashad Evans
3) Keith Jardine
4) Lyoto Machida
5) Michael Bisping
6) Jason Lambert
7) Forrest Griffin
8) Tito Ortiz
9) Renato Sobral
10) Wilson Gouveia

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1) Nathan Marquardt
2) Yushin Okami
3) Rich Franklin
4) Ivan Salaverry
5) Marty Kampmann
6) Terry Martin
7) Mike Swick
8) Kendall Grove
9) Jason MacDonald
10) Chris Leben

Welterweight - Matt Serra, Champion
1) Matt Hughes
2) Georges St-Pierre
3) Josh Koscheck
4) Karo Parisyan
5) Diego Sanchez
6) Jon Fitch
7) Josh Burkman
8) Drew Fickett
9) Chris Lytle

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) Hermes Franca
2) Joe Stevenson
3) Spencer Fisher
4) BJ Penn/Jens Pulver
5) Roger Huerta
6) Melvin Guillard
7) Kenny Florian
8) Frank Edgar
9) Tyson Griffin
10) Din Thomas

[Edited on 4-11-2007 by GimmickMan]

Thom - 4-19-2007 at 05:33 PM

For anyone who's interested Sportsline has an interview with Brock Lesnar about his upcoming MMA fight here.

There's really not all that much of substance in there, but it's a nice read of about 5 minutes...

GatorBait - 4-19-2007 at 06:08 PM

Shit, I don't care what anybody says about it, I'd still LOVE to see he and Angle go at it in a real fight. That'd probably be what it takes for me to actually order an MMA PPV. I mean I love the UFC right now and I'm getting more on board with Pride, but I don't even buy wrestling PPV's.

On a different note, FREE UFC PPV-caliber event this Saturday night on Spike. We'll finally see how Bisping fares post-TUF. Can't wait!

GimmickMan - 4-22-2007 at 05:17 AM

Hoooo-lee shit.

What happened to Mirko?

LuckyLopez - 4-22-2007 at 05:22 AM

He just got knocked the fuck out!


I'm amazed he was standing and walking after the way he fell back on his knee and ankle. That was sickening to watch and I thought for sure his knee and/or ankle was destroyed.

And Bisping brought it! And Cerra called Hughes a dick on national TV!

[Edited on 4-22-2007 by LuckyLopez]

stewieisgood - 4-22-2007 at 06:28 AM

Whoa, who had the betting lines on Gonzaga KO'ing Cro Cop with a head kick in under 5 mintes? I will be beyond amazed if Cro Cop doesn't have something torn/broken/fucked in half after that fall. Oh, and Pride totally has the best fighters in the world, even though i've been telling anyone who will listen for over a year that UFC would rule. I <3 vindication. And I <3 head kicks.

LuckyLopez - 4-22-2007 at 09:45 PM

When something like this happens does everyone spend $10 minutes cursing at themselves for not having the foresight to lay some money down?

Remember kids. When Gonzaga wants to tap gloves, you better tap gloves.

GimmickMan - 4-23-2007 at 03:48 AM

The image of that kick is still haunting me today. I cannot get it out of my head.

I mean, wow. CroCop doesn't land a single punch to my recollection, just that one kick. What the fuck. I know Anderson Silva didn't land (or throw, I believe) a single punch against Travis Lutter, but that worked out for him.

That whole thing last night was unreal. I was telling everyone that would listen that Gonzaga had a heck of a chance, but I never said anything about him winning by a KTFO head kick.

As for Mirko, he got up and walked out, so I guess it just looked bad, or the dizzyness was masking the pain. Reports are that he was limping today.

MMA is crazy right now. First Couture dominates Sylvia, then Serra over GSP and now this. This is simply unreal. And it's not just the fact that these guys are winning, but it's HOW they're winning. Couture drops Sylvia? No way. I've never seen him drop anyone in my life. Serra KO's GSP? Unbelievable. Gonzaga KO's CroCop with a friggin' high kick? Jesus Tittyfucking Christ.

Fedor is next when he fights a man his own size.

[Edited on 4-23-2007 by GimmickMan]

GatorBait - 4-23-2007 at 02:14 PM

Is anybody else fearing for Couture's life after seeing Gonzaga in that fight? Couture himself said that Gonzaga is a far worse matchup for him.

And as Joe Rogan said, somebody PLEASE kidnap Congo and take him to a wrestling camp for 6 months. The guy's standup is sick, and with even a semblance of a ground game could do wonders for the guy.

Bisping didn't disappoint. And Sinosic may be the best jobber evar. EVAR!!!

GimmickMan - 4-23-2007 at 03:19 PM

What did the five fingers say to the face?


folby - 4-23-2007 at 04:17 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
Is anybody else fearing for Couture's life after seeing Gonzaga in that fight? Couture himself said that Gonzaga is a far worse matchup for him.
Haven't you learned anything? How are you going to doubt that man?

Fedor is next when he fights a man his own size.
Your mistake is one of logic. See, Fedor isn't human; whatever's effecting everyone else won't bother him.

Thom - 4-23-2007 at 05:01 PM

^^^^ What folby said.

I once doubted The Natural. Then, he wailed on Sylvia, and I became a True Believer.

That being said, I'm not counting Gonzaga out of anything. Even Randy noted that Gonzaga's got a good ground game to go along with his striking - making coming up with a strategy difficult.

As for Gonzaga-Cro Cop, I was surprised when Herb Dean stood them up. I thought Gonzaga was doing enough to keep things grounded. Yes, he slowed down some, but I thought he was still getting enough shots in to warrant not getting stood up. Apparently, Dean thought otherwise...

And with the Bisping fight, my brother and I were keeping our own scorecards. I had the first round at 10-8 Bisping, but my brother had it 10-7. I can't recall ever seeing a 10-7 round, unless it was due to a point being taken away. Have any of you guys seen a round scored 10-7?

GimmickMan - 4-23-2007 at 05:22 PM

Yeah, there was one a few months ago on a UFN. It was a decision win, a total domination and I believe one of the scorecards read 30-23 (10-8, 10-8, 10-7, I'd assume). I wanna say it was Forrest Petz vs. Sammy Morgan. (A quick check of the NSAC report tells me it was at the Aug. 17 UFN. It was scored 30-27 by Adalaide Byrd, 30-26 by Doc Hamilton and 30-23 by Marcos Rosales

But I think that was 10-8, tops in the Bisping fight.

As for the officiating, the stand-up in the main event was definitely too quick, but after the Arlovski fight that Dean had just officiated, can you blame him? But, for the first time since I've been a fan, I was actually yelling for a stand-up in the Silva-Kongo fight because Assueiro was doing nothing at all. We pretty much had the entire spectrum on this card.

GimmickMan - 4-23-2007 at 10:25 PM

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 70 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-8 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Randy Couture, Champion
1) Gabriel Gonzaga
3) Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
3) Andrei Arlovski
4) Tim Sylvia
5) Mirko CroCop
6) Fabrico Werdum
7) Brandon Vera
8) Heath Herring

Would like to see in UFC: Emelianenko Fedor, Brock Lesnar, Josh Barnett, Mark Hunt (can he cut to 265?)

Light-Heavyweight - Chuck Liddell, Champion
1) Quinton Jackson
2) Rashad Evans
3) Keith Jardine
4) Lyoto Machida
5) Jason Lambert
6) Michael Bisping
7) Forrest Griffin
8) Tito Ortiz
9) Renato Sobral
10) Wilson Gouveia

Would like to see in UFC: Mauricio Shogun, Wanderlei Silva, Sokoudjou

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1) Nathan Marquardt
2) Yushin Okami
3) Rich Franklin
4) Ivan Salaverry
5) Marty Kampmann
6) Terry Martin
7) Mike Swick
8) Kendall Grove
9) Jason MacDonald
10) Chris Leben

Would like to see in UFC: Dan Henderson, Evan Tanner, Matt Lindland, Denis Kang, Robbie Lawler

Welterweight - Matt Serra, Champion
1) Matt Hughes
2) Georges St-Pierre
3) Josh Koscheck
4) Karo Parisyan
5) Diego Sanchez
6) Jon Fitch
7) Josh Burkman
8) Drew Fickett
9) Chris Lytle

Would like to see in UFC: Jake Shields, Nick Diaz

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) Hermes Franca
2) Joe Stevenson
3) BJ Penn/Jens Pulver
4) Spencer Fisher
5) Roger Huerta
6) Kenny Florian
7) Melvin Guillard
8) Frank Edgar
9) Tyson Griffin
10) Din Thomas

Would like to see in UFC: Shinya Aoki, Gilbert Melendez, Tatsuya Kawajiri

Jheaton - 5-6-2007 at 11:24 PM

The Biggest Money fight in the history of the sweet science.

I had it scored 115-114 Floyd


round 1

round 2

round 3

round 4

round 5

round 6

round 7,8,9

round 9,10,11,12

GimmickMan - 5-22-2007 at 10:26 PM


GatorBait - 5-23-2007 at 01:30 PM

Well, if he's not HIV positive, he's certainly on drugs:

Remember Chuck Liddell�s infamous appearance on that Texas morning news show? Yeah, the one where he appeared to be drugged but was just high on pain and cold medication? Well, remember how Chuck said he wanted to fight Tommy Morrison for his next fight? Looks like Tommy�s practicing� The World Fighting Championship announced today that Tommy Morrison will make his MMA debut on June 9 against 340lb. John Stover at the Cliff Castle Casino in Arizona. Personally, I doubt if this is anything more than a money-grab by Morrison and a promotional hype for the WFC.

May 10, 2007 - Tommy �The Duke� Morrison, one of the most intriguing boxers to even step into the squared circle, shocked the MMA world this week by announcing his intention to fight 340 lb. John Stover, an experienced cagefighter with 8 professional fights, on June 9, 2007 at the Cliff Castle Casino ( in Arizona in Gino Carlucci�s World Fighting Championship (

Morrison�s bombshell announcement comes over a decade after his previous bombshell announcement that rocked the boxing world that he had tested positive for AIDS. Morrison, however, has been symptom free for 10 years now and claims that he was the victim of a false positive test result. He recently started boxing again and was cleared to return to the ring by the West Virginia Athletic Commission after passing a battery of medical tests in Arizona, the results of which were forwarded to West Virginia.

Best known to the general public for his role as Tommy Gunn in Rocky V, Morrison was on top of the boxing world before a single test result in 1996 took it all away. But Morrison (46-3-1, 40 KOs) was no celluloid tiger and was a significant fighter and box office draw. George Foreman, for example, lost to only five fighters in his career and Morrison is one. Morrison also held a share of the heavyweight title on two occasions.

�I had just signed a three-fight deal with Don King,� Morrison recalls, �that was going to lead to showdown with Mike Tyson that was worth $38 million. My first fight was against Stormy Weathers in Las Vegas, but then came the test result and the fight was cancelled. I estimate that cost me around $100 million in fight purses over the past 10 years.�

Morrison was spurred to start cagefighting by an interview that Chuck Liddell gave on Good Morning Texas where Liddell called out Morrison and said he wanted to fight him. �I couldn�t believe that,� Morrison says. �It�s one thing to talk about fighting someone but another thing to actually do it. Let�s see if Chuck Liddell�s heart is as big as his mouth. He is crazy to want to get into the cage with me. I beat George Foreman. Nobody in the history of boxing hit harder than George Foreman. So why would I be afraid to get hit by Chuck Liddell? He should be the one to be afraid. Liddell has never been hit by anyone like me. Dana White always talks about how a top cagefighter like Liddell could beat a top boxer so here�s a chance to make it happen. I want to know if Liddell and Dana White really mean what they say or if they are just full of talk. I will take on Chuck Liddell anytime, anyplace, anywhere.�

Morrison�s first step in his mixed martial arts career will be followed and reported on around the world and �The Duke� is dead serious about his upcoming fight. �I�m really excited to be fighting in the WFC and I feel like a whole new world has been opened up to me. If you want to see the future of mixed martial arts then come to the Cliff Castle Casino in Camp Verde Arizona on June 9, 2007�because that future is me.�

Looks like he's still cut, at least.

Thom - 5-23-2007 at 05:34 PM

"On June 2 in L.A., Johnnie Morton, a former Detroit Lions receiver, and Brock Lesnar, a former NCAA heavyweight wrestling champ turned professional wrestling star, are fighting on a K-1 Dynamite card."

Johnnie Morton? Really??? Huh - I wonder how he'll fare...

GatorBait - 5-23-2007 at 05:37 PM

I assume they mean fighting against other opponents, not each other.


Thom - 5-23-2007 at 06:26 PM

Right - not against each other, just on the same card. According to the site, Morton faces Bernard Ackah, while Lesnar faces Hong Man Choi.

GimmickMan - 5-23-2007 at 06:40 PM

God, Johnnie Morton was bad at the end of his Lions tenure.

I hope he gets speedbagged.

GatorBait - 5-23-2007 at 07:09 PM

Well, he at least looks like he's in shape:

I was reading another forum and found it funny. One guy (jokingly) said that Lesnar will have no problem with Choi (who is a legit 7'2" to Lesnar's 6'2") since he was able to F-5 The Big Show. And the part that REALLY made me chuckle was the next guy who predicted a Choi victory via Fame-Asser. Now try to tell me THAT mental image doesn't make ya chuckle a bit!

GimmickMan - 5-23-2007 at 08:46 PM

Choi was medically denied by the California State Athletic Commission today.

This event is a total gong show. FEG (the promoter) hasn't even secured a promoter's license yet. The Showtime part of the card from 9-10p is set to go, but the actual PPV from 10-1 is not looking good.

If Choi wasn't cleared, there's no fucking way Sakuraba is going to get cleared. I highly doubt the Sakuraba-Royce Gracie fight will happen.

Not to mention there will be 2,000 fans in a 90,000 seat stadium.;=13

GatorBait - 5-23-2007 at 09:24 PM

Agree? Disagree? You decide.


HEAVYWEIGHT DIVISION (over 205 pounds)

#1 Heavyweight Fighter in the World: Fedor Emelianenko

2. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira

3. Mirko Cro Cop

4. Josh Barnett

5. Randy Couture

6. Gabriel Gonzaga

7. Tim Sylvia

8. Andrei Arlovski

9. Fabricio Werdum

10. Aleksander Emelianenko



#1 Light Heavyweight Fighter in the World: Chuck Liddell

2. Mauricio "Shogun" Rua

3. Dan Henderson

4. Wanderlei Silva

5. Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou

6. Ricardo Arona

7. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira

8. Quinton Jackson

9. Tito Ortiz

10. Kazuhiro Nakamura



#1 Middleweight Fighter in the World: Matt Lindland

2. Anderson Silva

3. Paulo Filho

4. Rich Franklin

5. Dan Henderson

6. Denis Kang

7. Nathan Marquardt

8. Robbie Lawler

9. Kazuo Misaki

10. Frank Trigg



#1 Welterweight Fighter in the World: Matt Serra

2. Georges St. Pierre

3. Matt Hughes

4. Josh Koscheck

5. BJ Penn

6. Diego Sanchez

7. Karo Parisyan

8. Jon Fitch

9. Jake Shields

10. Akira Kikuchi


LIGHTWEIGHT DIVISION (160 pounds and lower)

#1 Lightweight Fighter in the World: Takanori Gomi

2. Hayato Sakurai

3. Gilbert Melendez

4. Tatsuya Kawajiri

5. Shinya Aoki

6. Vitor "Shaolin" Ribeiro

7. Joachim Hansen

8. Mitsuhiro Ishida

9. Norifumi "Kid" Yamamoto

10. Sean Sherk

EDIT: More fightin' words from Mr. Morrison.

I think he [Chuck Liddell] must have had a double dose of cold medicine!� Morrison says. �I�ve never met the guy. He shouldn�t have done that. People are talking about it now. The thing people don�t understand is these UFC guys, if they�re going against another UFC guy, they�re probably pretty good, but a skilled boxer�Butterbean is putting guys in the f*cking hospital. And Butterbean in the boxing world is below mediocre, but in UFC he�s mowing through guys like a knife through hot butter. And (Ray) Mercer is making the transition, Mayweather�s talked about it, and I�m going to do it. Once fighters (boxers) start planting these f*ckers, that sport will go down the tubes in six months. You wait. It�s gonna happen, and we�re going to cash in on it before it happens and ride the waves and expose them.

[Edited on 5-24-2007 by GatorBait]

GimmickMan - 5-26-2007 at 04:19 AM

Well, here we go.

All fighters made weight for UFC 71 and, after much deliberation, I'm going to pick Quinton "Rampage" Jackson to win the UFC Light-Heavyweight Championship tomorrow night.

But with that, let me say this: This is about as close to a 50/50 UFC main event that we've had in a long time. Just going through in my head, the only other ones in the past two years that have been this hotly contested on paper have been Matt Hughes-Georges St-Pierre at UFC 65 and Matt Hughes-BJ Penn at UFC 63. Other than that, I can't think of another main event that has a lot of people on both sides confused about a possible outcome.

Over the past few days, I have become increasingly excited for this bout. Very few fights have me nervous the day before when listening to radio shows about it or reading columns about it.

Keeping with the theme of the past few months (and then some), I keep seeing this one ending abruptly and shockingly, much like CroCop-Gonzaga last month.

If you look at Rampage's losses, he really hasn't been one-punched, which is what Chuck has been doing lately.

His KO losses (three of six) have come mainly from knees (Wanderlei Silva x2, Mauricio Shogun), not punches. I don't really forsee Chuck throwing Chute Boxe thai knees.

On the other hand, if you look at Chuck's losses, all have come from ground-and-pound, more or less one of Rampage's strengths. If Rampage can wear him down and make it so Liddell doesn't have the energy to pop right back up, then Chuck is going to get GNP'd into next week and that's a fact.

If you look at the first fight between these two and the first Couture fight, they were nearly carbon copies of each other. Since Rampage, I think you could count the number of punches Chuck's opponents have landed on him on the ground on one hand. Nobody has been able to take him there.

But Rampage can.

Jheaton - 5-26-2007 at 06:39 PM

MMA Evolution HL
Uploaded by mma-tv

Great video showing the Evolution of MMA throught out the years.

[Edited on 5-26-2007 by Jheaton]

thegenerator - 5-27-2007 at 11:09 AM

Rampage in 1:53 by punches.

Finally PRIDE gets a bit of...well, pride back.

Jheaton - 5-27-2007 at 08:53 PM

Last week I was thinking Chuck was goign to win. Yet last night I had a bad feeling in my gut about what was going to happen to Chuck. I wonder how mcu he has left in the tank at age 38.

GimmickMan - 5-28-2007 at 12:57 AM

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 71 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-8 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Randy Couture, Champion
1) Gabriel Gonzaga (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Randy Couture)
2) Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira (Next fight: UFC 73 in July vs. Heath Herring)
3) Andrei Arlovski
4) Tim Sylvia
5) Mirko CroCop
6) Fabrico Werdum
7) Brandon Vera
8) Heath Herring
9) Frank Mir

Dropped out: N/A
In the mix: Frank Mir

Light-Heavyweight - Quinton Jackson, Champion
1) Dan Henderson (Next Fight: TBA vs. Quinton Jackson)
2) Chuck Liddell
3) Rashad Evans (Next Fight: UFC 73 in July vs. Tito Ortiz)
4) Lyoto Machida
5) Jason Lambert
6) Keith Jardine
7) Michael Bisping
8) Forrest Griffin
9) Tito Ortiz
10) Wilson Gouveia

Dropped out: Renato Sobral
In the mix: Dan Henderson
Incoming? : Maurico Shogun, Wanderlei Silva, Houston Alexander

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1) Nathan Marquardt (Next Fight: UFC 73 in July vs. Anderson Silva)
2) Yushin Okami (Next Fight: UFC 72 in June vs. Rich Franklin)
3) Rich Franklin
4) Terry Martin
5) Marty Kampmann
6) Ivan Salaverry
7) Mike Swick
8) Kendall Grove
9) Jason MacDonald
10) Kalib Starnes

Dropped out: Chris Leben
In the mix: Kalib Starnes

Welterweight - Matt Serra, Champion
1) Matt Hughes (Next Fight: TBA vs. Matt Serra)
2) Georges St-Pierre (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Josh Koscheck)
3) Josh Koscheck
4) Karo Parisyan
5) Jon Fitch (Next Fight: UFC Fight Night 11 in June vs. Roan Carneiro)
6) Diego Sanchez
7) Josh Burkman
8) Drew Fickett
9) Chris Lytle
10) Jeff Joslin

Dropped out: N/A
In the mix: Jeff Joslin

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) Hermes Franca (Next Fight: UFC 73 in July vs. Sean Sherk)
2) Joe Stevenson (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Kurt Pelligrino)
3) BJ Penn/Jens Pulver
4) Spencer Fisher (Next Fight: UFC Fight Night 11 in June vs. Sam Stout)
5) Roger Huerta
6) Kenny Florian
7) Frank Edgar
8) Tyson Griffin
9) Din Thomas
10) Melvin Guillard

Dropped out: N/A
In the mix: N/A

Gobshite - 5-29-2007 at 11:56 AM

most of those fights were weird. I think the ref stopped the lidell fight too quickly. I�ve watched it a dozen times now (downloaded the match, it was only 26mb!), and whilst lidell was �knocked out� by the time the ref stood over him (with his arm out on the canvas), the ref got there too quick for my liking. And 5 seconds later lidell was up and looking well annoyed. That�s probably the better thing about boxing, you have to really knock them out to stop the fight. That would have been a five count, and he'd get up and we'd at least get one round - I think in time they might have to amend the rules there to extend match time. In ufc, you just knock em down, and the ref stops it. Fair enough if Rampage had hit like 7 or 8 unanswered shots, but three? No fun.

I don�t know if I like this or not though. It all seems to be getting very dodgy. Its as if all these upsets are happening too co-incidentally, and setting up at least another years worth of fights. Think about the two top draws: Heavy weight, and light heavy weight titles:

Start of the year: Champ = Silva (or silvia, whatever). Possible opponents = nothing exciting, he�s already beaten everybody.

The fix: make Couture champ. Legend gets one last title run, opens up new matches with everyone the old champ beat, a big rematch, and a possible big name showdown with one of the PRIDE guys - he might not be the number one contender, but if Cro-cop only has 3 fights left before he retires, one of them should be against Couture.

The future: Cro Cop is awesome, but wants to retire next year. Bring him in, job him out, make people famous off him. Easy enough.

Light Heavyweight: Same problem. Iceman�s beaten everyone, Couture is tied to heavyweights, and lidell / Ortiz 4 won't draw like the third did.

Solution: new champ! Rampage can now fight Ortiz amongst others, and at the end of the year we get Rampage vs Lidell 3, where Lidell vows to retire if he can�t beat Rampage. Lidell retires for 6 months, like Couture did. And Foley. And Nash. And Hogan.

Its like UFC is being ran by an on-form Vince Mcmahon!!!

Thom - 5-29-2007 at 01:51 PM

A few potential problems with this scenario...

1: Cro-Cop vs. Couture should be nice, but it loses most of its sizzle if Couture doesn't get by Gonzaga. Without the title, it's still a fight many would want to see, but it doesn't mean quite as much without the title.

2: Jackson over Liddell wasn't really an upset. As we all know, Jackson had previously beaten Chuck, and was expected by many to win.

3: Even had Liddell won, there's still a ton of opponents for him to face. Sure, if Tito can get by Evans (which I have the bad feeling Rashad's first loss is coming) and face Jackson, sure - it'd be better than another Chuck-Tito match.

That being said, I see your point, in that it almost seems like someone's actually writing a script. However, do you think the E's creative team would be this capable?

GatorBait - 5-29-2007 at 02:20 PM

Somebody please fill me in because I haven't seen the fight announced anywhere: where is the info coming from that Tito will be fighting Rashad?!?

Thom - 5-29-2007 at 05:33 PM

UFC 73 -Stacked

Supposedly, Tito said he was going to make Rashad his "nappy-headed ho."

Jheaton - 5-29-2007 at 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
most of those fights were weird. I think the ref stopped the lidell fight too quickly. I�ve watched it a dozen times now (downloaded the match, it was only 26mb!), and whilst lidell was �knocked out� by the time the ref stood over him (with his arm out on the canvas), the ref got there too quick for my liking. And 5 seconds later lidell was up and looking well annoyed. That�s probably the better thing about boxing, you have to really knock them out to stop the fight. That would have been a five count, and he'd get up and we'd at least get one round - I think in time they might have to amend the rules there to extend match time. In ufc, you just knock em down, and the ref stops it. Fair enough if Rampage had hit like 7 or 8 unanswered shots, but three? No fun.

You obviously don't watch much boxing. Very few Boxing matches end with someone not being able to answer the ten count. Usually stoppages in boxing just have the ref stepping in after someone is taking punch after punch. Even without a knockdown. Also Chuck was clearly laid out cold, Ramapage was landing shots on an unconsious man who wasn't defending himself. Stoppage was jsutified. Also stopping fights this way is safer, in boxing a fighter gets knocked down then gets an 8 count to recover. Then he gets hit more this is how brain damage occurs.

salmonjunkie - 5-29-2007 at 09:07 PM

I should've taken your pick, Gimmick. We were in Vegas for the fight, and I lost $140 to Lidell's loss. But I do agree, it was very 50/50. I definitely thought Rampage had a chance but that Lidell was going to take it to him. Ah well. Congrats to Rampage. He's probably just as good of a spokesperson for the sport as Lidell, but in a different way.

benoitbrokemyneck - 5-29-2007 at 09:48 PM


Also Chuck was clearly laid out cold, Rampage was landing shots on an unconsious man who wasn't defending himself. Stoppage was justified. Also stopping fights this way is safer, in boxing a fighter gets knocked down then gets an 8 count to recover. Then he gets hit more this is how brain damage occurs.

Yea, they have to stop a fight completely even if someone looks fine a minute after getting dropped. A concussion is bad enough, but multiple concussions can kill someone. And then the whole sport is dead too.

Jheaton - 5-29-2007 at 10:40 PM

Arturo "Thunder" Gatti vs "Irish" Mickey Ward was one of the most excitng and memorable trilogies in boxing history. if you in any way shape or form a fight fan then you owe it to yourself to check it out

Highlights from Youtube!!!

Arturo Gatti vs Mickey Ward was one of the best trilogies in Boxing History. heres a look back.

Gatti vs. Ward 1 Highlights Rocky Style!!!

fight 1 round 5

Round 9 round of the year 2002

Gatti vs Ward 2 Highlights Rocky Style!!!

Fight 2 round 10

Gatti vs. Ward 3 Rd. 7

Triology Highlights

GatorBait - 5-30-2007 at 03:35 PM


And here's a very good article on Lesnar from Sherdog.

Using the antiquated body mass index provided by our good friends in Washington D.C., we can make absolutely certain of one fact: Brock Lesnar (Pictures) is a morbidly obese individual.

Fluctuating between 265-300 pounds, the former collegiate wrestling champion's body mass seems ridiculously disproportionate to his 6' 2" frame, more suited to perpetual rotation at a fast food drive-thru than any athletic endeavor.

That's the story on paper. In reality, Lesnar is a mammoth human being, layered in enough muscle to put Hasbro's sculpting department to shame.

Unlike most men of his dimensions, his physique is functional: as a high school senior, he amassed a 33-0 record on the mat; in 2000, he placed first in the NCAA Wrestling Championships; in four years of college, he lost five bouts and won 106.

He is, in short, a very scary man.

With a reputed mean streak and a deep-sea diver classification in the waters of grappling, Lesnar seemed a good fit for MMA, where hard-nosed wrestlers had dominated. Unfortunately, his graduation in 2000 ran parallel to a poor year for the sport, with limited exposure on television and weak crowds stateside.

Professional wrestling courted Lesnar � understandably eager to inflate the traditionally empty bank account of collegiate grapplers, he listened.

To the dismay of fight fans, Lesnar became a sentient action figure, competing in faux matches that had more in common with cartoons than professional sports. He traveled the world for three years, playing the Bearded Lady to Vince McMahon's P.T. Barnum, before realizing that he hated it, hated the schedule and hated the theatrics.

And then Lesnar simply quit.

There was the attempt at playing professional football, though no one since Vince Papale had managed to walk off the street and into the league. (Lesnar had never played college ball, making his NFL hopes suspect at best.) There were the lawsuits against WWE, which had hoped to tie up Lesnar in a no-compete clause through 2010. (He eventually extricated himself from the agreement.)

Nearing 30, Lesnar was approaching that valuable window of physical opportunity for a combat artist, where a career that starts at 35 is likely not going to be a career that lasts very long.

So it comes down to Saturday, where, after roughly one year of training, Lesnar will strap on four-ounce gloves and attempt to spike Min Soo Kim (Pictures) -- who, rumor has it, has replaced Hong-Man Choi in the "Dynamite USA!!" main event -- through the mat. No points are given for a pin, and no script is memorized before the party.

And with a win or a loss comes a realization: either we'll witness the beginning of a tyrannical heavyweight legacy, or we'll be shaking our head at yet another alleged tough guy who couldn't hack the peerless rigors of an MMA ring.

Is Lesnar the most credentialed wrestler to compete in the game? Not hardly. Kevin Jackson, Kenny Monday, and Matt Lindland (Pictures) all have Olympic medals in their display cases. Is he the most athletic? Doubtful. Egypt's Karam Ibrahim (Pictures) has more fast-twitch muscle fibers than an African safari.

But what Lesnar does have is the kind of complete physicality that anyone in any athletic pursuit should envy: despite his bulk, he's incredibly quick. (Using a highly complex mathematical formula, we can deduce that "speed + power" = "hospitalization.") And though strikes make greater demands on the cardiovascular system, Lesnar's lungs seem up to the challenge of oxygenating his considerable muscle mass.

There was a time when that was all a wrestler needed to dominate. Mark Coleman (Pictures), a fellow collegiate champion, came into the UFC in 1996 and ran roughshod over his opponents, to the point where you actually began pitying the next one; Kevin Randleman (Pictures) was a multi-time UFC champ because no one could reverse his positional control; and Randy Couture (Pictures) � well, hell, it's easier to recommend you read his forthcoming autobio for that story.

But because MMA's landscape is under consistent tectonic shift, wrestlers who remain wrestlers are no longer the buzz saws of the genre. Strikers learned how to defend a takedown, and promoters learned that the glorified dry-humping that some grapplers engaged in on the mats were anathema to fans.

If you're a wrestler, you'd better know how to punch. And if you're a puncher, you'd better know how to wrestle. That's the mandate for 2007.

We don't know if Lesnar can punch. We don't know if he can take a punch. (Though that bull neck shouldn't hurt the cause.) We don't know how formidable his ground striking is, and we don't know if he can defend submissions, or apply them.

The training is more than respectable: Lesnar started out spending time with Pat Miletich (Pictures), who is arguably the most effective coach in the game today, the same Miletich who took another farm boy in Matt Hughes (Pictures) and turned him into the most decorated welterweight of all time.

Greg Nelson then settled in as Lesnar's primary coach; his prot�g�, Sean Sherk (Pictures), became the UFC's lightweight champion.

The pedigree is impressive and indicates that Lesnar understands he's a ball of clay at this point, mostly potential and no real work of art. But how effective Kim is going to be in sculpting him remains to be seen.

Kim presents with a far different approach than what Lesnar had been training for in Choi, a gigantic South Korean kickboxer with a background in modified wrestling. An Olympic silver medal judoka during the 1996 Atlanta Games, Kim will happily engage Lesnar in the clinch.

In the wrestler's favor is the fact that Kim is, to put it mildly, a wet washcloth of an MMA fighter, with a 2-5 record and no significant wins to his credit. Against strikers, he's been knocked out four times. Against reformed pro wrestler Sean O'Haire, he pulled off a submission win. (O'Haire is 1-2 in the sport; Kim's other submission victim, Yoshihisa Yamamoto (Pictures), is 6-16.)

He's bulbous, with the physique of an athlete who enjoys his cheat meal on a daily, rather than weekly, basis. Completely ineffectual on his feet, he doesn't like being in the pocket: against Mighty Mo, he was positively bashful, keeping his distance before kissing canvas.

It's obvious that a fight between Lesnar and the unheralded South Korean won't pack the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, but K-1, mindful of financial support from Asian TV networks, needs Kim's ethnicity. And Lesnar, being a debuting MMA athlete, needs to cut his teeth with a pillow fight rather than a gunfight.

But a punch to the face is a punch to the face, and Kim has the benefit of being a ring veteran.

The closest approximation to this bout in terms of experience and style is a 2004 clash between Olympic wrestler Rulon Gardner and judoka Hidehiko Yoshida (Pictures). While Yoshida had logged plenty of time in the PRIDE ring, Gardner was making his MMA debut. The rookie battered Yoshida from ring post to ring post, laying heavy hands and imposing his will when it went to the ground. He won a decision.

Lesnar would certainly enjoy a similar outcome; beholden to the erratic and obtuse K-1 for only one bout, an impressive win would leave him open for generous offers from the UFC, Pro Elite, and other suitors. The elephant in the room is undoubtedly Kurt Angle, whose rivalry with Lesnar from their WWE days would make for explosive box office in a reality setting.

"I humbled him," Angle told Real Fighter magazine of their grappling contest behind closed doors. "Everybody knew who the man was."

Imagine that kind of talk from both men for months on end, and you can understand the kind of business a showdown would generate.

Future plans aside, the idea that a decorated wrestler with a desire to compete and the most complete athletic tools of any heavyweight fighter to date should be enough to bait observers into seeing what the "Next Big Thing" can do, regardless of their distaste for his prior vocation.

As for the outcome? Common sense gives the advantage to the bigger, stronger grappler, but that's the appeal of this bout: no one really knows what Lesnar has to offer. And that ignorance breeds a certain kind of suspense among fans, one that recalls the single-discipline ninjas and death-touch practitioners in the early days of the Octagon.

Lesnar may be turn out to be a mediocre mixed martial artist, but he possesses something that no amount of training, diet, or drills can teach: he's a charismatic presence that people will pay to see, an enigma that piques curiosity.

He is, in short, an attraction -- even if the FDA thinks he could drop a few pounds.

Jheaton - 5-30-2007 at 11:15 PM

6/23/2007 World Extreme Cage Fighting makes it's debut on Versus.;=76

(LIVE) Urijah Faber vs. Chance Farrar
'The California Kid' Urijah Faber, 27-years-old, who holds a 18-1 record and is the current WEC Featherweight Champion takes on Chance Farrar (3-0) of San Diego in the Featherweight Title Fight. From the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. Card subject to change.


World Extreme Cagefighting ( is dedicated to delivering top-quality mixed martial arts action, with an eye toward delivering an unmatched product that fans simply can�t get enough of.

Founded in 2001, WEC quickly built a reputation as a quality organization, featuring hard-nosed fighters and no-nonsense matchups. Managed by Scott Adams and Reed Harris, the WEC sold out 22 of 24 cards.

A recently signed deal with VERSUS positions WEC as a major player in the MMA scene, with the cable network committed to airing three live fights and a half-dozen highlight shows, beginning this summer. These broadcasts will usher more fans into the fold than ever before, with fighters and fights that deliver a memorable bang, pitting the best against the best. WEC is poised to tap into the exploding growth of the sport by delivering the kind of fights that fans remember, and want to see again. There�s no soft touches. No filler fights. And no excuses. While the talent base in the sport continues to expand, the WEC is committed to finding tomorrow�s champions while putting today�s to the test. Because of our commitment to top-level action, you�ll see a commitment to showcasing fighters in lower weight classes like lightweight (155), featherweight (145), bantamweight (135) and more. And in the WEC, you can rest assured the deserving contenders will get their shot at a champ as soon as they�ve proven they�re worthy -- we will strive to uphold the highest ethics, integrity, and respect for the sport and in the process set the standard for others to follow.

And the talent? It�s there. The WEC already has a number of top fighters, including 155-lb. champ �Razor� Rob McCullough, a potent striker who has won 12 of his last 13, and recently knocked out world champion Thai Boxer Kit Cope in his latest defense. And the featherweight champ Urijah �The California Kid� Faber is emerging as one of the top 145-lb. fighters in the world, with a punishing ground-and-pound attack that defines high intensity. Welterweight sensation, Carlos Condit is considered one of the best Welterweight fighters in the nation. Throw in tough veterans like John Alessio, Alex Karalexis, and plenty of unbeaten young talent, and it�s clear that the WEC is setting the bar high. World Extreme Cafefighting -- the future of mixed martial arts. And the future is now.

Press Release

STAMFORD, Conn. (January 19, 2007) � VERSUS, the network that celebrates real competition in all its forms, today announced a major partnership with World Extreme Cagefighting (WEC), which is owned by Zuffa, LLC. to televise the mixed martial arts league on VERSUS starting in the summer of 2007. As part of the initial coverage of WEC, VERSUS will air three live fights and six one-hour highlight shows.

The WEC brand is recognized as one of the best mixed martial arts organizations in the United States in its category and is owned by the premier organization in the sport. Founded in 2001, the WEC features many of the most prominent athletes in the sport of mixed martial arts today, including Urijah Faber, Rob McCullough, Alex Karalexis, Richard Crunkilton, and John Alessio. The WEC organization has produced 24 professional mixed martial arts events with an impressive 22 total sell-outs.

�This is a partnership that will propel VERSUS and the WEC to the top of the mixed martial arts world,� said Gavin Harvey, President of VERSUS. �With other full-contact, high-impact sports like the NHL and the PBR on the network, VERSUS is a place like none other for mixed martial arts. This genre fortifies the competitive core of the VERSUS brand�it�s in VERSUS� blood to bring real, pure and raw sports to our viewers�and we intend to be an aggressive leader in this category.�

�VERSUS is one of the top sports networks and World Extreme Cagefighting is the premier brand in the world of mixed martial arts, making this a perfect fit for both of us in 2007,� said Peter Dropick, Vice President of Operations & Production. "The WEC, much like the highly popular Ultimate Fighting Championship, will have tremendous success in putting on top quality mixed martial arts events. We�re proud to be a part of the VERSUS family, and viewers should get ready to witness some exciting competitive fights every time they tune in.�

�World Extreme Cagefighting will continue to put on the best fights in the world,� said Scott Adams, General Manager of WEC. �The fighters make the fight and we have the best talent in the nation in all of our weight divisions.�

MMA is a universal sport that combines techniques from a variety of combative sports disciplines including boxing, wrestling, judo, jiu-jitsu, kickboxing and others. MMA techniques can be broken down into two categories, striking and grappling. The types of strikes permitted include blows with hands, feet, knees or elbows. Grappling involves submissions, chokeholds, throws and takedowns. Nearly all techniques used in WEC competition are allowed by some form of Olympic sport. Today�s fighters are skilled in many martial arts, an aspect due in part to the evolution of the sport. No single discipline reigns.

�We are thrilled to be aligning with the company that has the number one position in the sport to bring the WEC franchise to our viewers,� said Marc Fein, Senior Vice President of Programming and Production for VERSUS. �They organize great fights and they consistently deliver a huge television viewing audience. The WEC fights on VERSUS will feature the best fighters in the category in an extreme action environment and it�s the quality of the fights and fighters in the WEC that sets them apart from the competition.�

One of the fights that will be featured on VERSUS will take place on January 20 at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas�the first ever Las Vegas fight card for the WEC. The fight will include two WEC Championship bouts featuring a main event matchup between Kit Cope vs. Razor �Rob� McCullough in a battle for the vacant WEC Lightweight title. In the other championship bout WEC Featherweight Champion Urijah �California Kid� Faber will defend his WEC Featherweight title. Details about future matchups as well as the announcing team will be released as details become available.

VERSUS ( celebrates real competition in all its forms. The network is the national cable home of the National Hockey League (NHL) and the Stanley Cup Playoffs as well as best-in-class events like The Tour de France, the America's Cup, the Dakar Rally, the Professional Bull Riders (PBR), Professional Boxing, the Boston Marathon and Davis Cup. Now in more than 70 million homes, the network features the best field sports programming on television and is a destination for sports fans, athletes and sportsmen to find exclusive, competitive events that audiences can't find elsewhere. The network offers unique, competition-themed original programming and is the exclusive home of Survivor in syndication. VERSUS, a wholly owned company of Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ: CMCSA, CMCSK), is distributed via cable systems and satellite operators throughout the United States.

Jheaton - 6-1-2007 at 11:07 PM

Promotional Poster

[Edited on 6-1-2007 by Jheaton]

benoitbrokemyneck - 6-2-2007 at 04:04 AM

So Brock is fighting his first MMA fight and he's at a completey insane 265lbs. That is about 25lbs less then when we saw him in a wrestling ring. He's going to be so cut it will be scary. Hopefully he can take a punch, and destroys his opponent with ease.

Also on the card is Gracie vs Sakuraba, and Johnie Morton... yea the football player, vs some guy. Looks interesting.

Jheaton - 6-3-2007 at 05:00 PM


LOS ANGELES, CALIF. � K-1 made their U.S. mixed martial arts debut as they presented K-1 Dynamite!! USA, in conjunction with EliteXC at the L.A. Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, Calif.

In the main event, former WWE star Brock Lesner made his MMA debut against late replacement Min Soo Kim. Lesner immediately scored a takedown and mounted Kim, dropping several punches that forced Kim to tapout at 1:09 of the first round.

The most anticipated fight of the night was the rematch between Royce Gracie and Kazushi Sakuraba, who waged a classic ninety-minute war seven years ago. Both fighters received a huge reaction from the crowd as they made their way to the ring. The match would go the distance, but it wasn�t as compelling as the first time they meet. Both fighters were cautious throughout the fight as neither imposed their will on the other, although Gracie later commented, �The fight went exactly as we planned.�

The majority of the fight played out with both fighters clinched along the ropes, waiting for the other to make a mistake that neither fighter would end up making. In the end, Gracie was the aggressor throughout the majority of the fight and that swayed the judges in his favor, taking the fight by unanimous decision.

benoitbrokemyneck - 6-3-2007 at 05:11 PM

Brock's fight

I was let down since I expected Lesnar to rip an arm or two off.

GatorBait - 6-4-2007 at 01:24 PM

What? No F-5?!?

I keeeeeeed! I keeeeeeed!

And Johnnie Morton (formerly of the Detroit Lions) got KTFO!

salmonjunkie - 6-6-2007 at 09:15 PM

goddamit, I need to be in the loop more about this. I forgot that this fight was happening last weekend in LA until last night. I would've love to have seen Brock's debut and Morton getting Biff Tannen'd. Once a Detroit Lion, always a Detroit Lion, eh?

[Edited on 6-6-2007 by salmonjunkie]

Jheaton - 6-11-2007 at 09:24 PM

Live fights on SpikeTV tomorrow!!!

[Edited on 6-11-2007 by LuckyLopez]

GimmickMan - 6-13-2007 at 04:08 AM

Wow, I'd have to say that this installment of UFC Fight Night, while not the strongest card on paper, totally delivered with a Fight of the Year Candidate between Spencer Fisher and Sam Stout.

Fisher took a unanimous decision victory and Stout's nicename should be changed from "Hands of Stone" to "Head of Stone" after that performance. That was pretty incredible.

And we have another great fight on SpikeTV is less than two weeks when Jens Pulver and BJ Penn square off again, but between that, we have UFC 72 on Tuesday.

Jheaton - 6-13-2007 at 08:43 PM

Well, it didn't have footage of an exploding limo or a ten bell salute. But a Really good night of fights.

The main event was a lot of fun. I guess Spencer is back in the title contender picture. You could give Spencer and Stout another fight or two each and then have part three on PPV or you could have Spencer fight Joe Stevenson for a title shot. BJ vs Pulver is supposed to be for a title shot. But after that fight I would rather have BJ go back up to 170 and have thrid fight with Matt Hughes or a second fight with GSP. And I like to see Jens drop down to 145 and start the featherweight divison against someone (Bring in Uriah Fabber from WEC perhaps?)

Jon Fitch is a really fun fighter. Some wresters are boring who end up doing lay and pray but Fitch allways put on fun ground based fights.

Spinch - 6-13-2007 at 08:50 PM

I tuned in just as Stout/Fisher started, and I have to say that was an INTENSE fight. When Stout's corner guy said that he was winning every exchange, I chortled a bit, but... damn. It's a pity that it only went three rounds... I could've watched those two beat the hell out of each other for another half hour.

GatorBait - 6-14-2007 at 01:31 PM

Sam Stout may have the best "chin" I've ever seen, because ANY of those dozens of punches Fisher hit him with would've KO'd a normal man. I'd love to see those 2 guys in a no-rounds go-until-it's-over bloodbath. Rogan was SOLID on commentary with calling how Fisher kept mixing EVERYTHING up. Stout had no idea what was coming next, but yet he still came forward the entire time.

GimmickMan - 6-17-2007 at 01:01 AM

Yes, I know UFC 72 went live at 3 pm this afternoon, but I am waiting for the 10 pm replay to watch with friends and thus have avoided results, even though I've friggin' clicked the "Sherdog" link on my bookmarks bar twice tonight out of habit. So, here are my predictions for the main card:

Rich Franklin def. Yushin Okami TKO Rd 3
--Honestly, I'm pulling this one out of my ass. I have no idea how this one will shake out. This should be a good fight, although I could see it going to a decision.

Forrest Griffin def. Hector Ramirez by Decision

Tyson Griffin def. Clay Guida Submission (Rear Naked Choke) Rd 2

Jason McDonald def. Rory Singer Submission (Triangle Choke) Rd 1

Ed Herman def. Scott Smith Submission (Rear Naked Choke) Rd 2

So we'll see how those work out for me.

Jheaton - 6-18-2007 at 12:44 AM

Linkies..Get em' While there hot!!!

Marcus Davis vs.Jason Tann

Ed Herman vs. Scott Smith:;=1

Jason MacDonald vs. Rory Singer:

Tyson Griffin vs. Clay Guida:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Forrest Griffin vs. Hector Rameriz:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Rich Franklin vs. Yushin Okami:

GimmickMan - 6-20-2007 at 04:23 AM

Big post here:

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 71 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-8 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Randy Couture, Champion
1) Gabriel Gonzaga (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Randy Couture)
2) Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira (Next fight: UFC 73 in July vs. Heath Herring)
3) Andrei Arlovski
4) Tim Sylvia
5) Mirko CroCop
6) Fabrico Werdum
7) Brandon Vera
8) Heath Herring
9) Frank Mir

Dropped out: N/A
In the mix: Frank Mir

Light-Heavyweight - Quinton Jackson, Champion
1) Dan Henderson (Next Fight: TBA vs. Quinton Jackson)
2) Chuck Liddell
3) Rashad Evans (Next Fight: UFC 73 in July vs. Tito Ortiz)
4) Lyoto Machida
5) Jason Lambert
6) Keith Jardine
7) Forrest Griffin
8) Tito Ortiz
9) Michael Bisping
10) Wilson Gouveia

Dropped out: Renato Sobral
In the mix: Dan Henderson
Incoming? : Maurico Shogun, Wanderlei Silva, Houston Alexander

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1) Nathan Marquardt (Next Fight: UFC 73 in July vs. Anderson Silva)
2) Rich Franklin (Next Fight: TBA vs. Silva/Marquardt)
3) Terry Martin
4) Yushin Okami
5) Martin Kampmann
6) Ivan Salaverry
7) Jason MacDonald
8) Kendall Grove
9) Drew McFedries
10) Ed Herman

Dropped out: Mike Swick (mainly because he has announced intentions to move to 170lbs), Kalib Starnes
In the mix: Drew McFedries
Incoming?: Evan Tanner

Welterweight - Matt Serra, Champion
1) Matt Hughes (Next Fight: TBA vs. Matt Serra)
2) Georges St-Pierre (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Josh Koscheck)
3) Josh Koscheck
4) Karo Parisyan
5) Jon Fitch
6) Diego Sanchez
7) Josh Burkman
8) Drew Fickett
9) Chris Lytle
10) Jeff Joslin

Dropped out: N/A
In the mix: Jeff Joslin

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) Hermes Franca (Next Fight: UFC 73 in July vs. Sean Sherk)
2) Joe Stevenson (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Kurt Pelligrino)
3) BJ Penn/Jens Pulver
4) Spencer Fisher
5) Roger Huerta (Next Fight: TUF5 Finale Saturday vs. Doug Evans)
6) Kenny Florian
7) Frank Edgar
8) Tyson Griffin
9) Din Thomas
10) Clay Guida

Dropped out: Melvin Guillard
In the mix: Clay Guida
Incoming?: Sam Stout


This Saturday, we have The Ultimate Fighter 5 Finale, LIVE at 9pm ET on SpikeTV.

Main event:
Jens Pulver vs. BJ Penn

Tournament Final:
Nate Diaz vs. Manny Gamburyan

Lightweight Bout:
Roger Huerta vs. Doug Evans

Middleweight Bout:
Thales Leites vs. Floyd Sword

Preliminary Bouts:
-Joe Lauzon vs. Brandon Melendez
-Gray Maynard vs. Robert Emerson
-Leonard Garcia vs. Allen Berube
-Cole Miller vs. Andy Wang
-Matt Wiman vs. Brian Geraghty

This will be a great night of fights.
On Friday, EliteXC and Strikeforce present Judgment Day live on PPV.

-Frank Shamrock vs. Phil Baroni
-Joey Villasenor vs. Falaniko Vitale
-Paul Buentello vs. Carter Williams
-Josh Thomson vs. Nick Gonzalez
-Cung Le vs. Tony Fryklund
-Paul Daley vs. Duane "Bang" Ludwig (swing bout)

This, too, is going to be a great card. I would be buying this if I were home. I will be following it online for sure, though.

Predictions for both to come Friday...

nOOb - 6-20-2007 at 05:27 AM

Diaz/Gamburyan has to be the least compelling Finals match yet (mostly cause I don't count last season). Diaz just seems to wildly throw submission attempt after submission attempt out there, hoping to catch somebody in one of them while Gamburyan just tanks his way to a takedown, then grinds his buzzed head into any cuts that he may have opened on the other guy. I'm not entirely familiar on everyone in the 155 lbs weight class, but the really good guys there are going to absolutely handle either of those two.

Personally, I think that, especially since he's a Couture trained guy, that Gray Maynard will have the best shot at long term success in the UFC (don't even get me started on why Corey Hill won't last...he needs to bulk up to make it and there's very little chance he can do that and remain at 155, where he'd have success).

Jheaton - 6-22-2007 at 09:55 PM

Corey Hill has a huge reach at 155 that will allow him use his jab and striking to win fights. Bulk up to go where though? 170? This isn't WWE where you need mass to get a push. He has a great advantage being over 6 feet tall in a division where many of fighters are 5'5" to 5'8".

Alos Diaz vs. Manny is a great match up. Nate like his older brother has pretty good boxing but is great on the ground. And he doesn't just wildly throw submission attempts out there. he attempts subs from his back and is very good at it.

On the other ahnd you have Manny who is strong as hell, with good wrestling and great judo. A great top player vs a great bottom player. Sounds like a great match up to me.

Plus you have the whole Diaz brothers vs. Armenian cousins angle. Jui-Jutsiu vs. Judo.

nOOb - 6-23-2007 at 04:56 PM

Hill has huge reach in the division, sure, but he lacks any sort of knockout power. His fight against Emerson was him tagging Emerson with punches and Emerson unwilling to move in closer because he feared getting hit by a knockout blow. But when Diaz went in, attempted take down after take down (and was kind of tossed away on the first few attempts), it became clear that Hill didn't have the ability to hurt Diaz. And I'm sure any experienced 155 lbs. fighter would see that and become less afraid to shoot in, take Hill down, and start pounding away at him (or throw him into a submission, which Diaz did easily).

Now I'm also sure that with the offers he got from Pulver and Horn to train with them will help him improve his ground game, but ultimately he needs to put some "oomph" behind those punches for that reach to help him. Otherwise, it's just a whole lot of arm for someone to throw in an armbar.

--Post Finale Edit:

Nate Diaz is now the least convincing winner of any professional sport ever. He gets his ass absolutely kicked for the first five minutes and wins because his opponent dislocates his own shoulder. On a side note, I'm sold on Manny Gamburyan, and after watching Gray Maynard, I'm even more sold on him (not to mention Joe Lauzon is probably the smartest fighter around).

[Edited on 6-24-2007 by nOOb]

Jheaton - 6-24-2007 at 08:34 PM

BJ Penn looked very impressive last night.
If he comes in shape and doesn't get injured mid fight there are not to many fighters that I see BJ losing too.


Champ Randy Couture
1 Gabriel Gonzaga
2 Tim Sylvia
3 Brandon Vera
4 Andre Arlovski
5 Jake O'Brian
6 Frank Mir
7 Cheick Kongo
8 Mirko Cro Cop
9 Eddie Sanchez
10 Heath Herring

Comments: Cruz is gone so Heath debuts at #10. Couture is going to defend against Gonzaga next. Cro Cop and Kongo are rumored to face off as well. I'd like to see the winner of that going against Arlovski to be top contender while Bumbling idiot Big Tim is chaseing revenge against frank Mir for breaking his arm.

Champ Quinton Jackson
1 Chuck Liddell
2 Rashad Evans
3 Houston Alexander
4 Keith Jardine
5 Jason Lambert
6 Tito Ortiz
7 Michael Bisbing
8 Wilson Gouveia�
9 Forrest Griffen
10 Lyoto Maciado

Comments: Quinton debuts by taking the top spot from Chuck. Houston Alexander debuts by KO ing Jardin and claims the third spot. Rashad Evans is taking on Tito in an attempt to get that one step closer to the title while the cahp is going to be faceing off against Pride champ Dan Henderson. Interesting weight class where theres a bunch of guys who ahve fought and lost against each other. I'd like to see Alexander vs. forrest and Jardine vs. Jason Lambert with the winners facing off. Then you have a clear cut number guy ready to step up and challenger for the belt after Rampage vs Hollywood Dan and before Chuck and Rashad are ready for there title shots.

Champ Anderson Silva
1 Nate Marquardt
2 Rich Franklin
3 Yushin Okami�
4 Mike Swick
5 Jason Macdonald
6 Dean Lister
7 Travis Lutter
8 Kalib Starnes
9 Chris Leben
10 Kendal Grove

Rich Franklin secured his title shot with the winner of Marquet vs. Anderson. After those fights its interesting to see what happens as everyone else has either lost to the top four fighters or is jst on cusp of becoming a challenger.

Champ Matt Serra
1 George St. Pierre
2 Josh Koscheck
3 Matt Hughes
4 Diego Sanchez
5 Jon Fitch
6 Karo Parisian
7 Marcus Davis
8 Josh Burkman
9 Thiago Alves
10 Drew Ficket

Comments: Matt Hughes and Matt Serra are the next coaches on TUF and then fight for the title. GSP and Kosceck are going to be fighting for the nest shot in the up coming months. You also ahve up and comer Jon Fitch whos getting more and more ready for a shot and Karo who never get a shot. Marcus Davis also has a streak of 4 wins in a row.

Champ Sean Sherk
1 Joe Stevenson
2 Hermes Franca
2 Kenny Florian
4 Spencer Fisher
5 Joe Lauzon
6 Sam Stout
7 Frank Edgar
8 Tyson Griffin
9 Thiago Tavares�
10 Roger Huerta

Comments: The hardest weight class to rank. So many guys coming in and some many of them haven't fought each other. I really want to see some of the newcomers like Griffen, Huerta, Edgar and Guida fight some of the top guys like Fisher, Stout, Stevenson, and Florian

GatorBait - 7-2-2007 at 06:05 PM

And likely to get his ass kicked, again. Sean O'Haire will be taking on Mark Kerr (who my parents went to HS with) on August 17th.

In unrelated news, Matt Hamill will be fighting Michael Bisping at UFC 75. Now why exactly would they put two of their most promising undefeated talents in there together this early in their careers?!?

EricOMac - 7-2-2007 at 06:15 PM

OK, I've been atching some of the UFC Fight Nights, and trying to get involved by watching soem stuff on youtube and I've decided that I'm ready to order my first UFC PPV. Only thing is, I want it to be a PPV worth ordering, because I plan on inviting all of my friends over and everything. So, with that in mind, I come here - I'm not sure when the next UFC PPV is, but when the next, really big kickass UFC PPV is scheduled, someone let me know. Because I'd like to get involved with all of the conversation around here about it.

GatorBait - 7-2-2007 at 06:27 PM

This Saturday's (7/7/07) would not be a bad choice to make your first. You get 2 potentially awesome title fights in Marquardt/Silva (even though Silva should dominate) and Franca/Sherk (which has the potential to be a FOTY candidate). And the even better part about tha Sherk/Franca fight is that they're lightweights. While the lightweights don't typically hit as hard, they move a helluva lot quicker and make up for with speed what they often lack in brutality.

Additionally on the card there's a potentially AWESOME match between Rashad Evans and Tito Ortiz. This match will finally tell us if Tito really is past his prime because Rashad can really bring it (not to mention he's undefeated). If you haven't already, find some footage on Tito. When he's on, he's absolutely devastating.

You also get a should-be-quality heavyweight fight between two PRIDErs in Heath Herring and Nogueira. And the "may not be broadcast" fights should provide some excellent filler with Nickels/Bonnar and Saraiva/Gurgel.

If that's not up to your taste, UFC 74 may provide you with the in-ring death of Randy Couture at the hands of Gabriel Gonzaga. Also on the card are what should be some dynamic fights between Josh Koscheck and GSP, & Pellegrino versus Joe "Daddy" Stevenson. (with more fights yet to be announced).

Thom - 7-3-2007 at 01:42 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
If that's not up to your taste, UFC 74 may provide you with the in-ring death of Randy Couture at the hands of Gabriel Gonzaga.

Hey, now - remember what happened last time we doubted The Natural. In the immortal words of The Who, "Won't get fooled again!"

GatorBait - 7-3-2007 at 02:27 PM

Oh, believe me, I'm not doubting Couture.

But Gonzaga is not the bumbling oaf that Sylvia is. Gonzaga nearly decapitated Cro-Cop with his own finishing move! That's pure humiliation!

GimmickMan - 7-4-2007 at 08:42 PM

MMA News and Notes:

-Phil Baroni tested positive for two types of anabolic steroids following his TKO loss to Frank Shamrock on June 22. He has been suspended for one year and fined $2,500 by the California State Athletic Commission. Baroni's management contends he did no such thing (of course).

-Although the first rumor was that Diego Sanchez would be facing off against PRIDE star Hayato "Mach" Sakurai at UFC 74 in August, it has been confirmed by that Sanchez will instead face none other than BJ Penn on that card. With Penn seemingly giving up his title shot at 155, I would have to think that if Joe Stevenson wins his fight on the same card, he would be the No. 1 contender.

-Mauricio Shogun is said to be making his UFC debut at UFC 76 in Anaheim on Sept. 22. No opponent has been named yet and it's really tough to speculate at this point.


Middleweight Championship
Anderson Silva vs. Nathan Marquardt

This will be Silva first title defense and it will be interesting to see where this fight takes place. Silva, obviously, wants to keep it standing. If Marquardt becomes a bonehead and keeps it there, as well, he will be in for a long night.

Marquardt needs to take this to the ground. If he does, I can see him getting a rear naked choke victory.

With that being said, I'm going to go with Silva by TKO in the third round.

Lightweight Championship
Sean Sherk vs. Hermes Franca

Sherk will make his long-awaited return to the Octagon for his first title defense since winning the vacant title against Kenny Florian at UFC 64 in October.

It will be interesting to see what Franca's strategy is here. I doubt he'll be able to take Sherk down and I doubt he'll be able to stop Sherk's takedowns. Yes, he would submit him from the bottom, but I think Sherk is savvy enough to stay out of those.

Obviously, Sherk will want to unleash his ground and pound offense on Franca. Franca has some weird strikes that I'm sure Sherk will want to avoid. We'll see how this one goes, but I can see it being another fast-paced lightweight war.

One of two things will happen in this fight: Sherk will win by decision, or Franca will gas and Sherk will win by TKO in the third or fourth round.

Light-Heavyweight Bout
Tito Ortiz vs. Rashad Evans

Tito Ortiz is coming off a TKO loss to Chuck Liddell at UFC 66 while Rashad Evans is coming off a crushing KO win over Sean Salmon at UFC Fight Night in January.

This is an interesting bout. The winner of this fight could be Shogun's first opponent in a No. 1 Contender bout.

Despite his strong wrestling, I think Rashad will want to keep this standing. I have no idea what Tito has planned.

Essentially, these two are the same fighter style-wise - that's what makes this fight hard to predict.

Evans has improved by leaps and bounds each fight. Tito, on the other hand, hasn't finished anyone under 40 in five years.

Evans by TKO, Rd. 1

Heavyweight Bout
Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Heath Herring

Another one of my man-crushes, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, makes his UFC debut against a man he already holds two wins over, Heath Herring.

Herring, in two UFC fights, hasn't exactly been impressive and I can't see this one going any other way than a win for Big Nog.

Nogueira by submission (rear naked choke) Rd. 3

GatorBait - 7-5-2007 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
This will be Silva first title defense and it will be interesting to see where this fight takes place. Silva, obviously, wants to keep it standing. If Marquardt becomes a bonehead and keeps it there, as well, he will be in for a long short night.

Corrected for accuracy.

And for those who may have been confused about this being Silva's first title defense, his previous win over Travis Lutter was not a title fight due to Lutter not making weight.

GimmickMan - 7-7-2007 at 04:20 AM

I would like to invite whoever to join my group on, a free MMA fantasy game site.

You can make picks on cards and they give you a fantasy bankroll that you can bet against the actual odds on the fights. Seems pretty cool.

So, sign up and go here ( to join my group!


[Edited on 7-7-2007 by GimmickMan]

GimmickMan - 7-11-2007 at 04:49 PM

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 73 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-9 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Randy Couture, Champion
1) Gabriel Gonzaga (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Randy Couture)
2) Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
3) Andrei Arlovski
4) Tim Sylvia
5) Mirko CroCop (Next Fight: UFC 75 vs. Cheick Kongo)
6) Fabrico Werdum
7) Brandon Vera
8) Heath Herring
9) Frank Mir

Light-Heavyweight - Quinton Jackson, Champion
1) Dan Henderson (Next Fight: Sept. 8 vs. Quinton Jackson)
2) Mauricio Rua (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Lyoto Machida)
3) Chuck Liddell (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. TBA)
4) Wanderlei Silva
5) Rashad Evans (Next Fight: UFC 77 in October vs. Tito Ortiz)
6) Lyoto Machida
7) Jason Lambert
8) Tito Ortiz
9) Forrest Griffin
10) Michael Bisping

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1) Rich Franklin (Next Fight: UFC 77 in October vs. Anderson Silva)
2) Terry Martin
3) Nathan Marquardt
4) Yushin Okami
5) Martin Kampmann
6) Ivan Salaverry
7) Jason MacDonald
8) Kendall Grove (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Patrick Cot�)
9) Drew McFedries
10) Ed Herman

Welterweight - Matt Serra, Champion
1) Matt Hughes (Next Fight: UFC 79 in December vs. Matt Serra)
2) Georges St-Pierre (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Josh Koscheck)
3) Josh Koscheck
4) Karo Parisyan
5) Jon Fitch (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Diego Sanchez)
6) Diego Sanchez
7) Josh Burkman
8) Chris Lytle
9) Drew Fickett
10) Jeff Joslin

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) BJ Penn (Next Fight: UFC 78 in November vs. Sean Sherk)
2) Joe Stevenson (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Kurt Pelligrino)
3) Spencer Fisher (Next Fight: UFC Fight Night in Sept. vs. Din Thomas)
4) Roger Huerta (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. TBA)
5) Din Thomas
6) Kenny Florian
7) Frank Edgar
8) Tyson Griffin
9) Clay Guida (Next Fight: UFC 74 in August vs. Marcus Auerilo)
10) Hermes Franca

[Edited on 7-13-2007 by GimmickMan]

stewieisgood - 7-11-2007 at 05:07 PM

So i'm reading that Chuck Liddell and Wanderlei Silva have a verbal agreement to fight at UFC 76. I knkow to wait till the ink is dry, but I would pay 20 bucks for that fight alone.

GimmickMan - 7-14-2007 at 04:28 AM

Well, Wanderlei Silva has "pulled out" of his scheduled main event at UFC 76 against Chuck Liddell.

This fucks the UFC over because it leaves them without a true main event and all the other top 205-pounders are committed to another fight.

So, instead of matching Liddell up against Forrest Griffin, which, from a drawing standpoint would be worthy of a main event, they call up Keith Jardine, who is fresh off being KTFO'd by an old man with seven professional fights.


nOOb - 7-14-2007 at 07:27 PM

Wow...really? I mean, I know Chuck just lost to a guy that they expected him to revenge his previous loss against, but this fight makes it seem like they're saying Liddel somehow "lost" it and they're giving him this fight to make him look legitimate again. As much as I may dislike the "stand and fight followed by a vicious ground and pound" fighting style, I can never really say Liddel has lost "it". Of course, Jardine beats him, then maybe they look a bit smarter for this fight...

GatorBait - 7-16-2007 at 01:52 PM

Don't slight Jardine for that one loss. Sure, it was a brutal loss, but you expect one or two of those when you're basically a standup fighter. Liddell is the same way. I look for Liddell to win decisively, but Jardine will at least make it fun to watch somebody throw the leather with Liddell.

Edit: UFC 75 to be Free-per-view on Spike!


[Edited on 7-18-2007 by GatorBait]

GimmickMan - 7-19-2007 at 08:17 PM

Well, Sean Sherk and Hermes Franca have tested positive for various steroids, according to The Jordan Breen Show on the Sherdog Radio Network. They are citing an report. Right now I can't get to MMAWeekly.

Personally, I get the feeling that Sherk's might be a false-positive (or from tainted supplements) while Franca has already issued a statement admitting to use because of an ankle injury.

If Sherk's test does hold up, expect him to be stripped of the Lightweight Title, per UFC history.

It would be most unfortunate.

globalsmack - 7-23-2007 at 03:12 PM

Frank Mir should not be in any top 10. Plain and simple. He has lost two of his last three in brutal fashion and barely escaped a decision vs a lesser fighter in the lone win.

GimmickMan - 7-23-2007 at 03:23 PM

If it were an MMA top-10, I'd agree. He's not in the top-25 worldwide, but in the UFC he is top-10 and, really, in that division, that doesn't mean much and I'm hesitant to rank Cheick Kongo in the top-10.

folby - 8-16-2007 at 08:57 PM

All the talk of Butterbean in the wrestling forum got me thinking about the last Pride show where he subbed that other guy. I mean, he's Butterbean! He beat a guy by submission! It's nuts!

I guess what I'm trying to say is this thread has fallen too far. Gimmick, what are you most looking forward to in MMA? Is Wanderlai Silva totally broken, or do you think he can do some damage in the UFC? If he is broken, is he broken enough for Rampage to beat him? Do you think that they'll be able to find Rich Franklin's head after Anderson Silva takes it off?

And last, but not least: How do you see Randy vs. Gonzaga going down? I know we all learned that you're never supposed to pick against Captain America, but I don't know...

GimmickMan - 8-16-2007 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by folby
I guess what I'm trying to say is this thread has fallen too far. Gimmick, what are you most looking forward to in MMA? Is Wanderlai Silva totally broken, or do you think he can do some damage in the UFC? If he is broken, is he broken enough for Rampage to beat him? Do you think that they'll be able to find Rich Franklin's head after Anderson Silva takes it off?

And last, but not least: How do you see Randy vs. Gonzaga going down? I know we all learned that you're never supposed to pick against Captain America, but I don't know...

1) I am looking forward to Mauricio Shogun winning the UFC Light-Heavyweight Championship. And Wanderlei Silva vs. Chuck Liddell.

2) I think Wanderlei has a lot to give. This time off will really pay off, I think. Him putting his foot down and not fighting in September was awesome. He deserves (and needs) the time off and should come back better than ever.

3) While I can't say I'd be totally down on a Wanderlei-Rampage III, what's the point? Wandy handed him his ass twice already, just like Rampage handed Chuck his ass twice. Do you want to see that fight again?

4) No. Haha.


folby, you should join my "fight camp" on MMA Playground, the MMA prediction site. I'll U2U you with the specs (or they might be on the last page).

P.S. - Wanderlei is now training with Randy, at least for a few weeks. How awesome is that?

SuperRob - 8-16-2007 at 09:25 PM

I hate to say it, cause I have a massive man-crush on Couture, but Gonzaga is going to destroy him.

By the way, anyone in the Seattle area want to see the show at my place, drop me a line. Hopefully Comcast will have it in HD over here.

Jheaton - 8-18-2007 at 04:36 PM

Wandy to the UFC!!!!

GatorBait - 8-20-2007 at 01:54 PM

The Global Fighting Championships debut card was canceled an hour before showtime on Friday. This was of note to me because Sean O'Haire was to fight Mark Kerr (who went to high school with my parents). From Meltzer:

The debut show of Wayne DeMilia's Global Fighting Championships scheduled for tonight at the Mohegan Sun Casino was canceled one hour before the 8 p.m. start time.

It was announced the show was canceled due to not having enough matches. Multiple fighters, including headliner Mark Kerr, failed to pass their medical testing yesterday and at last minute, the promotion was unable to get replacements.

Kerr was scheduled to face Sean O'Haire in the main event. It had been rumored Kerr was nearly 300 pounds going into the fight. His weight yesterday at weigh-ins was 289.5 pounds, and after weigh-ins, he was not allowed to fight due to high blood pressure.

Edwin Dewees, who had to cut significant weight because he came in heavy, after cutting, failed to pass his testing as well believed to be from high blood pressure. Dewees weighed 193 pounds for a fight contracted at 185, and was given two hours to make weight. He came less than a pound from making it.

8/24/07 Edit: This may be the final full-day of Randy Couture's life. Let us all take a moment to ponder that.

Is it too late to add him to my deadpool list?

[Edited on 8-24-2007 by GatorBait]

GimmickMan - 8-25-2007 at 12:27 AM

Gator: You're a moron.

The weigh-ins just concluded, here are the results:

HW: Champion Randy Couture (228.5 lbs.) vs. Gabriel Gonzaga (252 lbs.)
LW: Alberto Crane (155 lbs.) vs. Roger Huerta (155 lbs.)
WW: Georges St. Pierre (170 lbs.) vs. Josh Koscheck (170 lbs.)
LW: Joe Stevenson (155 lbs.) vs. Kurt Pellegrino (155 lbs.)
MW: Patrick Cote (184.5 lbs.) vs. Kendall Grove (184 lbs.)
MW: Ryan Jensen (185 lbs.) vs. Thales Leites (188 lbs.)
LH: David Heath (205 lbs.) vs. Renato �Babalu� Sobral (204 lbs.)
HW: Antoni Hardonk (244 lbs.) vs. Frank Mir (255 lbs.)
LW: Marcus Aurelio (155 lbs.) vs. Clay Guida (155 lbs.)

Thales Leites has two hours to drop two pounds to make weight.

Also of note, Gabriel Gonzaga is coming into this fight 10 POUNDS heavier than he did when he defeated Mirko CroCop in April, which I find very interesting.

To me, it says he plans to take Couture down and wants some more weight to put down on him. Either way, I don't think he's been that heavy in any of his fights. (He weighed in at 255 in UFC debut, but had a personal situation going in, 244 for his next fight and 244 again for his next fight.)


Attitude Adjuster - 8-25-2007 at 01:27 AM

Gimmick: Based on your rankings and opinions, I have Gonzaga -120 Saturday night. Good bet or does the weight gain concern you?

And do you see any other sleepers?

[Edited on 8-25-2007 by Attitude Adjuster]

GimmickMan - 8-25-2007 at 01:59 AM

I honestly have no idea what to think of the weight gain. I'm very surprised by it. The only other time Gonzaga came in that heavy is when he couldn't train the last few weeks before his fight with Kevin Jordan because his wife had to give birth prematurely to twins, one of which died. So is he hiding an injury that has caused him to not train properly? Or is it a strategic ploy in that he plans to take Couture down and impose that extra weight on Couture?

So like I said, I'm not positive, but betting on Gonzaga is not a bad thing here. But like I said, if the weight gain is anything but strategy, I would be concerned.

As for some good 'dogs, I'm looking at the lines on Bodog and the one that stands out to me is Josh Koscheck at +200. The lines on the other fights I would consider close are too close to make an underdog bet on.

Attitude Adjuster - 8-25-2007 at 06:24 AM

Koscheck +220 over St. Pierre it is. I've heard good things about Koscheck at other places. We'll see how it goes.

GimmickMan - 8-26-2007 at 06:28 AM

Holy shit.

Randy Couture is STILL the UFC Heavyweight Champion! He absolutely OWNED Gabriel Gonzaga, pounding him out with a 3rd round TKO. Randy got hit with some hard shots and ate Gonzaga's RHK and then took him down and pounded him out.

Randy stunned Gonzaga twice in the opening seconds, as did Gonzaga.

The real turning point was in the first round when Randy corralled Gonzaga and got a violent takedown which busted open and broke Gonzaga's nose. After this, to me, Gonzaga's will was all but broke.

Gonzaga had the fight stopped in the second round, complaining he couldn't see, so they cleaned out the cut. If you complain you can't see, the fight should be stopped (just my opinion, you shouldn't be able to complain and then be cleaned out during the round). Then Gonzaga was deducted a point for grabbing the fence (no warning -- thank God, it's about time!).

Just an incredible event. Patrick Cot� TKO's Kendall Grove, Joe Stevenson beats Kurt Pellegrino and Georges St-Pierre runs over Josh Koscheck, although two of the judges gave one round to Koscheck. GSP totally ran him over.

Roger Huerta put on another exciting fight, defeating Alberto Crane by 3rd round TKO. A great ground war and another great 155-lb fight.

Just a great, great night of fights. Every Couture fight is becoming a big, big event. I was at Hooters and the place was off the hook (lead by me, I think) for Randy.

Just wow.

I'll be back with my updated rankings tomorrow.

BBMN - 8-26-2007 at 02:49 PM

Only caught half the card, but that was a great show. Randy is the fucking man. Very early in he did a very subtle trip on Gonzaga that showed how ahead he is in experience and technique. Plus he completely rocked Gonzaga with a hard but short punch that looked brutal as all hell. I've only seen a little bit of Randy, but he's my fucking hero for crushing these guys in every aspect of the game. Plus I kinda hate Gonzaga for what he did to my man crush, Cro Cop. And I agree about the 'I can't see' bullshit that was pulled by Gonzaga. I didn't know you could do that in a fight and I was surprised the ref let him... it seemed he was just trying to buy some time and figure out what to do.

GimmickMan - 8-26-2007 at 03:20 PM

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 74 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-9 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Randy Couture, Champion
1) Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
2) Brandon Vera (Next Fight: UFC 77 vs. Tim Sylvia)
3) Andrei Arlovski
4) Tim Sylvia
5) Gabriel Gonzaga
6) Mirko CroCop (Next Fight: UFC 75 vs. Cheick Kongo)
7) Fabrico Werdum
8) Frank Mir
9) Heath Herring

Light-Heavyweight - Quinton Jackson, Champion
1) Dan Henderson (Next Fight: Sept. 8 vs. Quinton Jackson)
2) Mauricio Rua (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Forrest Griffin)
3) Chuck Liddell (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Keith Jardine)
4) Wanderlei Silva (Next Fight: UFC 79 in Dec. vs. TBA)
5) Kazuhiro Nakamura (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Lyoto Machida)
6) Rashad Evans (Next Fight: TBA vs. Tito Ortiz)
7) Lyoto Machida
8) Jason Lambert
9) Tito Ortiz
10) Michael Bisping

Notes: I had a hard time ranking the incoming Nakamura. I went with where I did because, even though he's 11-6, here are his losses: Shogun, Barnett, Wanderlei, Hendo, Rogerio x2).

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1) Rich Franklin (Next Fight: UFC 77 in October vs. Anderson Silva)
2) Terry Martin (Next Fight: UFC Fight Night in Sept. vs. Chris Leben)
3) Nathan Marquardt
4) Yushin Okami (Next Fight: UFC 77 in October vs. Jason MacDonald)
5) Jason MacDonald
6) Martin Kampmann
7) Ivan Salaverry
8) Thales Leites
9) Drew McFedries
10) Ed Herman

Welterweight - Matt Serra, Champion
1) Matt Hughes (Next Fight: UFC 79 in December vs. Matt Serra)
2) Georges St-Pierre (Next Fight: TBA vs. Welterweight Champion)
3) Karo Parisyan (Next Fight: UFC 78 in Nov. vs. TBA)
4) Jon Fitch (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Diego Sanchez)
5) Josh Koscheck
6) Diego Sanchez
7) Josh Burkman (Next Fight: UFC 77 in Oct. vs. TBA)
8) Chris Lytle
9) Drew Fickett
10) Marcus Davis

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) BJ Penn (Next Fight: UFC 78 in November vs. TBA)
2) Joe Stevenson
3) Spencer Fisher
4) Roger Huerta
5) Din Thomas (Next Fight: UFC Fight Night in Sept. vs. Kenny Florian)
6) Kenny Florian
7) Frank Edgar
8) Tyson Griffin (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Thiago Tavares)
9) Clay Guida
10) Kurt Pellegrino

Jheaton - 8-26-2007 at 05:59 PM

Great, Great UFC...

Apperently Babalu is having his purse withheld.,42967

I think the second round of Couture/Gonzaga was a 10-8 round. That was just Randy laying a whooping on the man. Its amazing that Randy is preforming at this level.

I think Kenddal Grove was kind out from the big punch from Cote that dropped him. I didn't see him offer up any sort of mount defence.

Roger Huerta is just and another in a long line of Mexican Warriors. You can see why Dana White wants to make him the UFC's version of Oscar De La Hoya.

Stevenson put on another good display in his fight. I'd like to see Joe Daddy fight the winner of Kenflo/Din Thomas either for a number 1 contender spot or the belt if sherk vacates.

GimmickMan - 8-26-2007 at 11:46 PM

The second round of the title fight WAS a 10-8 round because Herb Dean deducted a point from Gonzaga for holding the fence.

GatorBait - 8-27-2007 at 02:32 PM

Kudos to Couture for proving me completely wrong. Not to say that Couture wouldn't have still won, but I'd be interested to see how that fight would've panned out had Gonzaga not had his nose busted. It's one thing to be conditioned for 10 rounds as Gonzaga claimed to be, but that goes out the window if you're forced to constantly breathe through your mouth.

I think the extra weight on Gonzaga was strategy. Probably his knowing about Couture's Greco-Roman background and wanting to make it harder for Randy to throw him. Not a bad strategy at all, if you ask me (which you didn't). Gonzaga's still a young guy. If Couture can be "the man" with a 16-8 record, then I think Gonzaga's career is FAR from over.

As for the other fights, I was sad to see Grove taken out so quickly. Cote is such as 1-dimensional fighter, but that was all he needed Saturday night.

I'm officially on the Huerta bandwagon. Crane is a world-champion at BJJ, and Huerta just worked him and escaped from everything Crane threw his way. Huerta is far far more versatile that I had realized. He should be the Lightweight champ in no time.

Also on the lightweight side of things, Joe Daddy Stevenson continues to impress since dropping in weight. The fucker even threw a german suplex! I'll try to find a clip of it. Stevenson/Huerta is a money match in the lightweight division.

I'm fully convinced that when GSP is motivated, he's unbeatable. He was out-wrestling the wrestler in Koscheck. He was beating him to the punch. Just completely fucking worked him. Whichever of the 2 judges who gave a round to Kos need to have their licenses revoked.

And does anybody know who's blood was painted all over the mat from an earlier fight?

GimmickMan - 8-27-2007 at 02:55 PM

That blood belonged to David Heath.

My thoughts on Randy Couture:

gemini - 8-27-2007 at 05:18 PM

Roger Huerta = Smartest guy in UFC.
I watched the show with the usual crowd and someone picked up on him watching the big screens to deliver those elbows even before the announcers caught it.


GimmickMan - 8-27-2007 at 05:45 PM

That really was smart and hilarious. Other than Randy's win, that was my favorite moment of the card. It was so obvious, you could see it in his eyes. What a great maneuver.

I wonder if we're going to see people doing that now. You always see people looking to the board for the time, but never to find out where their opponent was positioned.

It's also good to know that Huerta is smart enough to figure out that everything is opposite on the screen.

GatorBait - 8-27-2007 at 05:47 PM

And was I seeing things, or did it seem like Huerta was humping Crane's head at one point?!?

folby - 8-28-2007 at 04:18 AM

I finally got around to watching the title fight with Gonazaga and I'm in awe of how smart Randy fights. There wasn't more than 10 or 15 seconds at a time where he wasn't holding Gonzaga in the clinch and pressing him against the fence, rendering his reach and powerful shots moot. Much like Tim Sylvia, Gonzaga simply had no answers for the questions Couture presented. He's a phenomenal athlete and an incredible fighter. If he fights Fedor, whoever wins is unquestionably the greatest fighter to this point in the history of the sport.

rk - 8-29-2007 at 06:01 PM

I don't know how long this link will last, but the German suplex is around 30 seconds and again in slow motion a little after a minute into the video.

GatorBait - 8-29-2007 at 08:10 PM

Thanks for finding it, rk!

I marked out like a little bitch when I saw it, even though I'm not much of a Joe Daddy fan. (I was really pulling for Luke Cummo to pull the upset in the TUF finale.)

Thom - 8-30-2007 at 02:18 PM

Couture broke his arm blocking Gonzaga's high kick.



What�s happening in the world of mixed martial arts now �

By Loretta Hunt ([email protected]) and Brian Knapp


Even Superman feels it from time to time.

Following yet another feather-in-his-cap performance Saturday at UFC 74 in Las Vegas, real life superhero Randy Couture (16-8), was informed Sunday by doctors that he�d broken his arm during his third round TKO stoppage of Gabriel Gonzaga (8-2).

Couture, 44, sustained the injury Saturday blocking a Gonzaga right high kick with his left forearm, cleanly separating the ulna bone with a �nightstick fracture,� a break common in law enforcement circles. The injury placed the UFC heavyweight champion�s arm in a splint for six weeks. The appendage will not need a cast.

�It�s not displaced, so the doctors think it will reattach in about a week and a half,� said Couture, who embarks on a South African adventure to shoot a leading role in major motion picture �The Scorpion King � The Akkadian� in nearly six weeks. It is believed the injury will not effect Couture�s shooting schedule.

Damn - suffers a broken arm, and still dominates Gonzaga? Not that we needed any more reason to love Randy, but he's the mutha-fuckin' man!

GimmickMan - 8-30-2007 at 08:23 PM

Dana White, as usual, has done the right thing and released Babalu from his UFC contract.


rk - 8-31-2007 at 06:47 PM

�The Scorpion King � The Akkadian�?

Taking over for The Rock? Now those are big shoes to fill for any athlete crossing over into film.

Thom - 9-1-2007 at 01:21 PM

It says that he's in a leading role - I was thinking that Randy might be the bad guy. Who knows, though?

And good riddance, Baby-Lu! I think you taught Heath some respect by totally dominating him. Now, I'm sure the guy (as well as the rest of us) has lost any respect for you that he had left.

EDIT: I looked on IMDB, and there's nothing listed for a new Scorpion King film, but there are two films with Randy coming out next year - "Redbelt" and "Big Stan" - the latter also has Don Frye and Bob Sapp.

Yes - he's the bad guy.


�It�s my first lead in a feature film,� Couture told �I�m playing the Rock�s nemesis, but it�s a teenage Rock in this movie. It�s a prequel to the others, and I�m the bad warrior king. I leave Oct. 3 for South Africa to begin shooting.�

[Edited on 9-1-2007 by Thom]

Jheaton - 9-1-2007 at 09:02 PM

Note: I do my ranking a little bit different than Gatorbait. My ranking are based on accomplishment inside the UFC. I don't give guys who coming into the UFC with a lot of hype or a lot of crediblity from fighting in Pride (which is why I feel that at this moment Frank Mir is more deserving of a title shot than Big Nog, if Nog wants that spot beat him for it). I don't rank guys based on talent (which is why BJ Penn isn't ranked) only who they beat. Guys go up and down the ranking based on who they beat. (An exception to this rule is when a #1 contender loses to the champ he drops with out losing to the guys below him). Also when some one leaves the UFC ( or gets a drug related suspension) they lose there spot and thea created a vacantcy. Finally some times I will movea figter based on inactivity and/or another fighters activity. basically you have to defend you spot or someone who fights more will get it. On a side note I will on occasion give a former champion a higher ranking than an unproven commodity in a close situation.


Champ Randy Couture
1 Tim Sylvia
2 Brandon Vera
3 Andre Arlovski
4 Gabriel Gonzaga
5 Jake O'Brian
6 Frank Mir
7 Cheick Kongo
8 Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
9 Mirko Cro Cop
10 Eddie Sanchez

comments: Nog Debuts at #8. Gonzaga falls to #4. No real clear cut contender at the moment but Vera and Big Tim will be fighting to settle that while Randy recovers and makes movies. Frank Mir still hanging around trying to get a rematch for the belt he never lost, he's now 2 for 4 in his comeback.


Champ Quinton Jackson
1 Chuck Liddell
2 Rashad Evans
3 Houston Alexander
4 Keith Jardine
5 Jason Lambert
6 Tito Ortiz
7 Michael Bisbing
8 Wilson Gouveia�
9 Forrest Griffen
10 Lyoto Maciado

Comments: Quinton debuts by beaing the Champ. Next for him is Dan Henderson. Lots of new blood incoming with Shogun and Kazuhiro Nakamura.


Champ Anderson Silva
1 Rich Franklin
2 Yushin Okami�
3 Mike Swick
4 Nate Marquardt
5 Jason Macdonald
6 Dean Lister
7 Travis Lutter
8 Kalib Starnes
9 Chris Leben
10 Patrick Cote

Comments: Anderson Silva still looking strong by knocking Nate the great down to fourth. Rich Franklin earns the #1 spot by beating Okami. Cote Debuts at # 10 by knocking out Kenndal Grove.
Just missing the top ten cut are Kendal Grove, Martin Kampmann, Ed Herman
and Thales Leites. All up and comers who could be contenders to the King but need that big win.

Champ Matt Serra
1 George St. Pierre
2 Matt Hughes
3 Josh Koscheck
4 Diego Sanchez
5 Jon Fitch
6 Karo Parisian
7 Marcus Davis
8 Josh Burkman
9 Thiago Alves
10 Drew Ficket

Comments: Possibly the deepest divison in the UFC. GSP secures his position as #1 Contender by dominating GSP.


Champ Sean Sherk
1 Joe Stevenson
2 Kenny Florian
2 Spencer Fisher
4 Joe Lauzon
5 Frank Edgar
6 Sam Stout
7 Tyson Griffin
8 Thiago Tavares�
9 Roger Huerta
10 Din Thomas


Sherks Championship status is still pending his Appeal of the PED charge.
Din Thomas and Kenny Florian are both on winning streaks and are going to collide with the winner being a top contender to the title. Joe Stevenson is stillw aiting for his shot and BJ Penn may or may not show up here again.

joerizal - 9-2-2007 at 03:58 AM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
That blood belonged to David Heath.

[Edited on 9-2-2007 by joerizal]

Jheaton - 9-5-2007 at 04:52 PM

Tonight on Versus 9e/8c

Richard Crunkilton Jr. Vs. Rob McCullough

Rani Yahya Vs. Chase Beebe

Then on Spike its Countdown to UFC 75 at 11e/10c

Then on Saturday its UFC 75 Champion vs. Champion 9e/10c live on Spike TV


Quinton Jackson Vs. Dan Henderson
Matt Hamill Vs. Michael Bisping
Mirko Cro Cop Vs. Cheick Kongo
Houston Alexander Vs. Alessio Sakara

GimmickMan - 9-6-2007 at 04:53 AM


We go over all the main card bouts at UFC 75 with analysis, predictions and random conversation about some UFC issues.

So, please, I beg you, check us out. Spread it to your friends. Send us questions! Post some feedback!

I promise...


folby - 9-8-2007 at 12:41 AM

I keep going back and forth on whether or not Hendo can do it. I think Team Quest is probably the best fight team to ever exist, but the two people I think would help Hendo the most here have moved on. Is Dan a smart enough fighter to rely on his wrestling?

If Dan Henderson could fight that fight with his own right hand but everything else from Matt Lindland, I think he'd take it no problem. As it stands...I think he might decide to stand and bang with Rampage and Page might get the better of him there.

GimmickMan - 9-8-2007 at 05:04 AM

I, too, have been wavering on the main event.

Now, I've pretty much settled into thinking that I've seen Henderson sucking air after 10 minutes too often. I say Rampage takes a decision or a TKO in the fifth round.

So we'll see.

Jheaton - 9-8-2007 at 07:33 PM

Originally posted by folby
I keep going back and forth on whether or not Hendo can do it. I think Team Quest is probably the best fight team to ever exist, but the two people I think would help Hendo the most here have moved on. Is Dan a smart enough fighter to rely on his wrestling?

If Dan Henderson could fight that fight with his own right hand but everything else from Matt Lindland, I think he'd take it no problem. As it stands...I think he might decide to stand and bang with Rampage and Page might get the better of him there.

I don't know if you saw it but Rampage fought The Law last year. I feel that is Matt Lindland couldn't out wrestle Jackson than neither will Hendo.

Basically I see Rampage being better in pretty much every area. He's bigger (remember Henderson is coming up from 185) stronger, a better technical striker, younger, and I feel a better MMA wrester (sure Henderson has the Oylmpic credentials but rampage uses his wrestling better in MMA). The only area isI would give to Dan is he mught have a little more one punch KO power. I feel that Rampage is in a place where Randy Coture is. Everythings coming together so much that where going to see an absolutly phenominal preformance. I pick Rampage by DEC, although Rampage getting a stoppage wouldn't suprise me.

chrissul - 9-8-2007 at 08:31 PM

Here is how I see the matches going down:

Rampage winning before the 4th round. Henderson outstruck Wanderlei and that makes him AWESOME in my book, but Rampage is a freaking monster, younger, faster, and driven. That counts for a lot and I think he's going to pound out a victory before the 4th. I would not be surprised or sad if Henderson wins, but either way, i don't see this being a 5 round decision.

Hamill vs Bisping: I am hoping to see Hamill win. Bisping gets a little overzealous in the ring in front of his home crowd and he got absolutely rocked the last time and was only saved bc the opponent didn't capitalize well enough. Hamill is a machine and just seems more focused/dedicated. Either way, I am going to be satisfied with this fight.

Cro Cop vs Kongo: Cro Cop has something to prove, NEEDS a decisive victory, and has finally started training with elbows and a cage. Kongo is dangerous, but the edge definitely goes to the one man highlight reel.

Alexander/Sakara: I'm almost betting that this will be the KO/TKO of the evening with Alexander doing exactly what he did to the Dean of Mean. I see Alexander simply overwhelming Sakara and taking it to a 1 round highlight reel fight.

The funny thing is that those 4 fights, imho, make this a much better card than the upcoming UFC76....and this one is FREEEEEEE.

That said, i'm wanting to see Lidell destroy Keith Jardine. I don't even see that as an even or decent matchup and i'm not sure why it's headlining a PPV. Well, other than it's Lidell. I love his fights, so who knows.

folby - 9-9-2007 at 05:26 AM

1) Cro cop looked like shit and I think he's pretty much done as a fighter at this point. You were pretty fun for a while Mirko, thanks. (You can go home now.)

2) Anyone who gave that fight to Bisping is a fucking limey sympathizer bullshit addict. Hamill had that won, plain and simple.

3) Rampage surprised me, in a good way. Hendo took that fight where he needed to, relying on his wrestling, and Rampage still beat him. And Rampage has jiu jitsu! Can anyone stop this man? It was a decisive win for the LHW champ, and I was happy to see it.

chrissul - 9-9-2007 at 08:40 AM

So alexander starts off with a HUGE bang and that match was simply exciting. I'm glad I got that right and i can't wait till he's against lidell or tito or heck, any of the top 205 lb people, there are quite a few.

Marcus davis got rocked with a beautiful kick...and turns around and wins, how freaking awesome is that.

Cro Cop...I don't know WHAT that was or what is wrong, but his transition to the octagon has just sucked. Kongo simply owned him..on the ground, on the feet, didn't matter and there is NO way Kongo was supposed to be anything but canon fodder. I don't know what's going on with that. Highly disappointing loss for Cro Cop.

Hamill/ judge has it 30/27, which is exactly what i had it, the other two somehow have it 29/27 or 28/27..Somethin's fishy, that's for sure. I don't know how they can sleep at night after just mugging a deaf dude. There is no way Hamill didn't win that match and didn't definitively win that match. He owned on the ground, he owned on standup, he took bisping down at will and landed more punches. I don't get it and i have no clue what the judges were watching.

jackson/henderson. Jackson went from highlight reel to insanely intelligent/well rounded fighter...That was a classic chess match/perfect matchup between two champions. No one dominated the other wholeheartedly, and most of the fight was spent jockeying for position. Great stuff and Rampage was hilarious as always.

I love rampage's staredowns, but it was in stark contrast to Henderson's smile and attempt at shaking hands. Then the 'touching gloves' at the beginning of the first round was kinda funny. Rampage really is two diff people before and after the bell.

Overall, awesome PPV for free, i'm STILL pissed at the judges decision for Bisping. hamill was robbed after an amazing performance. I hope bisping fails his drug test and they reverse the decision...

globalsmack - 9-9-2007 at 02:30 PM

Rampage has now ascended into the land of the greats. He has beaten some top notch fighters in Linland, Liddell and Henderson. That was a great fight.

As for the Bisping decision it looks kind of funky but as you can see with the Rampage decision the judges were not rewarding take downs. Hammill basicly lay and prayed once he took Bisping down. I though Bisping did enough to win the second round. Oh well. Until Bisping drops a weight class he will be the best of the rest in the 205 division. He is just too small.

Crop Cop has not transitioned well at all. He looks very one diminsional now and rather easy to beat. This was the guy who was supposed to redefine the UFC's HW division. Wow. This guy was the Open Weight Grand Prix Champion a year ago. What the hell happened?

The worst part of the event was Fedor was in attenedance and thought to have a special announcement of his signing. No such luck.

75 was a great event. The loads of commercial breaks were excessive. I may watch the next free Spike event on a 30 minute delay next time.

Does anyone feel that Bisping lost some of his shine with the trash talking after the fight?

Thom - 9-9-2007 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by globalsmack
Does anyone feel that Bisping lost some of his shine with the trash talking after the fight?

Absolutely. "...Back to wrestling!" WTF??? Hey, Mike, even though the two judges basically just gave you a handout, Hamill thoroughly kicked your ass. You're lucky you got any shots in in the first round, or it could have been a 10-8. You're also lucky you were able to score points in the 3rd round, because that was the only round that you might have won.

And I think Hamill won a good deal of respect with his post-match interview, stating that Bisping beat him fair-and-square. You could tell that he wasn't happy about the decision (and I'm sure didn't truly mean what he said), but he took the high-road and gave his opponent credit. That is classy, and I'm glad to see the fans applaud him.

An open letter to Dana White:

Please don't let either of the two fools who scored the fight for Bisping EVER judge another UFC event. I have no idea what the fuck they were watching, but it sure as shit wasn't Hamill handing Bisping his ass for 10+ minutes. Did they think they wouldn't make it out of there, had they scored the fight honestly? When one fighter controls the fight for two rounds, and is able to do pretty much whatever he wants, when he wants, it's pretty easy to score. The third round was pretty even, with Bisping being the agressor and landing more shots, but Hamill was able to take him down almost at will. Unlike the first two rounds, where Hamill simply let Bisping up, Bisping actually was able to escape in the 3rd round, as Hamill seemed to be tiring. So, it was 29-28 (at worst) for Hamill. And just because the crowd oohed and ahhed every time Bisping threw a big punch, doesn't mean he should necessarily be scoring on those punches. The thing is, Hamill blocked about 90-95% of the big punches Bisping threw at him, that the crowd seemed to love. Judges need to actually watch the fight, and see what's actually happening, and understand the game, rather than react simply to crowd noise. I would say that I wonder how the scoring would have been had the fight happened ANYWHERE other than England - but I think it's fairly obvious that "The Count" would have come away with his first loss.

Thank you,
UFC Fans everywhere (except in England)

joerizal - 9-9-2007 at 03:42 PM

I am glad to see that the overwhelming sentiment (well, 3 of you) on this board is that HAMILL WAS FUCKING ROBBED because that's how I felt too. Methinks judges gave it to Bisping to somehow pacify/make the crowd happy after the previous 2 "hometown" boys, Cro Cop and Taylor, lost in their respective fights. Fuck you, Cecil Peoples and the other judge!

Poor Mirko. He's like the Lance Storm of MMA. Serious as sin. Credible threat in the other promotion, but once he made the jump, never really found his niche. And they look alike too.

Okay, I just wanted to make the "they look alike" comment.

Houston "doesn't work by the round" Alexander may be explosive, but he was hella winded after just 61 seconds of action. Don't think he'll win in an extended fight.

The 2 marquee fights (Rampage VS Henderson, Cro Cop VS Kongo) were disappointing to me. Lots of dragging moments and lulls. Although, Rampage with his "jiu jitsu" 1-liner (with camera stare) was hilarious!

folby - 9-9-2007 at 04:16 PM

If you thought Rampage/Hendo was boring, watch it again. If you still think it was boring, well, you and me might have beef. That was a phenomenal fight with two superior fighters battling back and forth to exert control. Henderson fought the fight he needed to fight, relying on his wrestling, and Rampage did more than hold his own in the clinch and on the ground. I was seriously impressed with Rampage last night, and I'd be curious to know why you weren't.

joerizal - 9-9-2007 at 05:22 PM

Too many restholds and not enough Shooting Star Presses.

Seriously, though, well, first off, folby, I've got to admit that I'm not an MMA mark. I watch all the UFC I can (because it's free here), but outside of UFC, I don't know much.

It's that I keep seeing these reels of Rampage: powerbomb here, powerslam there, explosive offense, you know? And ever since arriving in UFC, I've yet to see any of those. Granted, he's been in a grand total of 3 fights, but I keep waiting for that moment of devastation, of "rampage", if you weeeeell.

I see it from the perspective of someone who heard all this hype for Rampage (and Mirko) but who've never seen them in actual competition prior to the UFC, outside of clips and reels. The hype was these men are 2 of the most EXPLOSIVE competitors in their respective divisions. Not technical, but hella* EXPLOSIVE. And this is the reason why I watch Rampage/Cro Cop matches. I keep waiting to see what the "hype" is/was all about, and I still am.

*I just watched the Cartman "hella" episode. Sue me.

Anywho, for serious fight fans, I understand where you're coming from. The technical side, the development of Rampage's wrestling skills and how he was able to control Henderson on the ground, the all-around maturity as an MMA fighter, that's good and all. I'd just like to finally see Rampage win a UFC fight using POWER~!

On another note, what about that "Brock Lesnar" mention from the commentators, huh? I think Couture himself name-dropped Brock when talking about possible contenders to the HW Title.

folby - 9-9-2007 at 06:03 PM

Rumor has it Lesnar is going to sign with the UFC.

For the record, many of the guys that Rampage slammed and Cro-Cop murdered were guys who weighed anywhere from 25 to 40 pounds less than they did. I wouldn't count on that happening in the UFC, on account of rigid weight classes and athletic comissions.

salmonjunkie - 9-9-2007 at 07:09 PM

Rampage is fucking money. Not only is he badass, his outside ring persona is likeable, and I think UFC has a guy they can market as their champ just as much as Lidell.

Alexander - DAMN! I love fighters that use Muay Thai knees. I'm a fan of this guy. He also looks like a mean version of the rapper, Common.

I thought Hammill had that fight won. Ah well.

Is this the first time Cro Cop fought someone taller, bigger, and with a longer reach than he? I never saw his Pride matches.

Jheaton - 9-9-2007 at 07:22 PM

I think Hendo vs. Rampage was an exciting fight to watch as it happened but it may not be that exciting if I was to rewatch it. A great technical dispaly for sure. Rampage is just on another level right now. I wonder who he gets next? I could see the winners of Rashad/Tito and Shogun/Griffen faceing off with the winner getting a title shot. however will Rampage be idle until then or will he face a lower ranked LHW light Lyoto or Lambert?

Another great preformance by Houston Alexander. However hes in his mid 30s so The UFC needs to make hay while the sun is shining with him. His next fight should match him up against one of the top LHWs. Lyoto, Lambert, Shogun, Griffen, Liddell, Jardine would all be fine match ups.

Another good win for Marcus Davis. he's now in postion like Jon Fitch where hes the top of the bottom in the Welterweight division. A good matchup for him could be Thiago Alves with teh winer going on to fight Josh Koscheck or Karo Parysian.

Hamill vs. Bisbing. At first I thought Hamill got jobbed however in retrospect he really only dominated the 1st round. I don't know maybe the desision wasn't that bad. However what I do know is that both guys looked like shit. Hamill got some take downs and did pretty much nothing with them. He work a slow jab. Bisping got out jabbed by Matt Hamill. when he was on the ground he misses a ton of submission opertunities for chokes and armlocks. When standing he was one dimensional. he never through any kicks which Hamill was open for too the body and to the head ans never through any punchs to the body at all. Both guys really ahve some work to do if want to make a dent in the endlessly deep LHW divison.

Hamill coming out to "Born in the USA" was cool. You ahve to love a guys whos willing to play the heel. And Bisping countering it by coming out to "London Calling" was great.

Cro Cop was mentally broken after about the middle of the second round. You have to wonder what's left for him. Does he still have it in him to be a fighter? And who does he fight next? I wouldn't be suprised to see him booked to fight the lower HW like Eddy Sanchez, Jake O'Brien, Anthony Hardonl, or Justin McCully. Either he gets few wins against lesser opponents or he helps make some new stars. I could alos see him being put against Arlovski or Mir to help rebuild them.

[Edited on 9-9-2007 by Jheaton]

salmonjunkie - 9-9-2007 at 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Jheaton
Hamill coming out to "Born in the USA" was cool. You ahve to love a guys whos willing to play the heel. And Bisping countering it by coming out to "London Calling" was great.

Agreed. That was pretty awesome on an entertainment level.


Cro Cop was mentally broken after about the middle of the second round. You have to wonder what's left for him. Does he still have it in him to be a fighter?

I hope so. This isn't the Cro Cop that we've been hyped about all the months. Hopefully, he's just hitting a slump that will be overcome.

chrissul - 9-9-2007 at 08:56 PM

a lot of people on mma boards are pissed at the bisping/hamill highway robbery. I know I am. When one judge has it 30/27 for one and the other two are 29/28 for the other, you gotta question something. Hometown hero, whatever, fact is, hamill was robbed.

I've seen CroCop destroy several people his size or bigger, the dude really is a machine, but he really has not found his groove in the UFC. It was "odd" seeing him trying submission moves on the mat, but on the ground during the first round was the only time he was even convincing as a fighter. Heck, i would HATE to see what couture would have done to him.

Rampage, however, is probably their most marketable guy alongside Couture at the moment. He's hilarious on the mic, puts on great matches, makes a scene where ever he goes, and is just 'likable'. "I GOT JIU JITSU" . I just rolled at that. I think that match was probably the closest i've ever seen to two perfectly matched competitors. It was a chess match from start to finish, not the most exciting to watch in the 'OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE THAT" department, but more in just wondering who was going to get a dominate position.

Houston Alexander is fast becoming one of my favorites. He may have been winded at 61 seconds, but my god, what a 61 seconds he put in. Heck, he could die of a heart attack at 63 seconds, but if he gets the job done in less than that, i'll still be cheering him. He did an interview where he basically said he just goes out to be exciting, and i think he does that very well. I'd like to see him against bisping next.

If i'd known there were going to be so many commercials, though, i would have watched a delay or just found a feed somewhere. 1 2 minute match in the first half hour, 1 4 minute match in the 2nd half hour. I would have loved to have seen some of the undercard matches as i heard a couple of those were blowouts.

Sorry for repeating myself. thanks for reading

GimmickMan - 9-9-2007 at 11:46 PM

Quick thoughts:

-Houston Alexander is gaining a ton of fans.
-Marcus Davis is, too.
-CroCop sucks shit.
-Hamill got robbed.
-Rampage is awesome.

Find out the rest at... !!!!

mooseheadjack - 9-10-2007 at 12:34 AM

I tried watching this to get into UFC and such, and maybe I am missing the nuances of the fight, but holy shit was that main event boring!

chrissul - 9-10-2007 at 12:38 AM

a lot of people on mma boards are pissed at the bisping/hamill highway robbery. I know I am. When one judge has it 30/27 for one and the other two are 29/28 for the other, you gotta question something. Hometown hero, whatever, fact is, hamill was robbed.

I've seen CroCop destroy several people his size or bigger, the dude really is a machine, but he really has not found his groove in the UFC. It was "odd" seeing him trying submission moves on the mat, but on the ground during the first round was the only time he was even convincing as a fighter. Heck, i would HATE to see what couture would have done to him.

Rampage, however, is probably their most marketable guy alongside Couture at the moment. He's hilarious on the mic, puts on great matches, makes a scene where ever he goes, and is just 'likable'. "I GOT JIU JITSU" . I just rolled at that. I think that match was probably the closest i've ever seen to two perfectly matched competitors. It was a chess match from start to finish, not the most exciting to watch in the 'OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE THAT" department, but more in just wondering who was going to get a dominate position.

Houston Alexander is fast becoming one of my favorites. He may have been winded at 61 seconds, but my god, what a 61 seconds he put in. Heck, he could die of a heart attack at 63 seconds, but if he gets the job done in less than that, i'll still be cheering him. He did an interview where he basically said he just goes out to be exciting, and i think he does that very well. I'd like to see him against bisping next.

If i'd known there were going to be so many commercials, though, i would have watched a delay or just found a feed somewhere. 1 2 minute match in the first half hour, 1 4 minute match in the 2nd half hour. I would have loved to have seen some of the undercard matches as i heard a couple of those were blowouts.

Sorry for repeating myself. thanks for reading

GimmickMan - 9-10-2007 at 03:53 AM

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 75 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-9 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Randy Couture, Champion
1) Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
2) Brandon Vera (Next Fight: UFC 77 vs. Tim Sylvia)
3) Andrei Arlovski
4) Tim Sylvia
5) Gabriel Gonzaga
6) Cheick Kongo
7) Fabrico Werdum
8) Frank Mir
9) Heath Herring

Light-Heavyweight - Quinton Jackson, Unified Champion
1) Mauricio Rua (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Forrest Griffin)
2) Dan Henderson
3) Chuck Liddell (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Keith Jardine)
4) Wanderlei Silva (Next Fight: UFC 79 in Dec. vs. TBA)
5) Kazuhiro Nakamura (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Lyoto Machida)
6) Rashad Evans (Next Fight: TBA vs. Tito Ortiz)
7) Lyoto Machida
8) Jason Lambert
9) Houston Alexander
10) Tito Ortiz

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1) Rich Franklin (Next Fight: UFC 77 in October vs. Anderson Silva)
2) Terry Martin (Next Fight: UFC Fight Night in Sept. vs. Chris Leben)
3) Nathan Marquardt
4) Yushin Okami (Next Fight: UFC 77 in October vs. Jason MacDonald)
5) Jason MacDonald
6) Martin Kampmann
7) Thales Leites
8) Drew McFedries
9) Ivan Salaverry
10) Ed Herman

Welterweight - Matt Serra, Champion
1) Matt Hughes (Next Fight: UFC 79 in December vs. Matt Serra)
2) Georges St-Pierre (Next Fight: TBA vs. Welterweight Champion)
3) Karo Parisyan (Next Fight: UFC 78 in Nov. vs. TBA)
4) Jon Fitch (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Diego Sanchez)
5) Josh Koscheck
6) Diego Sanchez
7) Josh Burkman (Next Fight: UFC 77 in Oct. vs. TBA)
8) Marcus Davis
9) Chris Lytle
10) Drew Fickett

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) BJ Penn (Next Fight: UFC 78 in November vs. TBA)
2) Joe Stevenson
3) Spencer Fisher
4) Roger Huerta
5) Din Thomas (Next Fight: UFC Fight Night in Sept. vs. Kenny Florian)
6) Kenny Florian
7) Frank Edgar
8) Tyson Griffin (Next Fight: UFC 76 in Sept. vs. Thiago Tavares)
9) Clay Guida
10) Kurt Pellegrino

LuckyLopez - 9-10-2007 at 05:14 AM

Well, I could make a post but I can just quote this.

Originally posted by GimmickMan
Quick thoughts:

-Houston Alexander is gaining a ton of fans.
-Marcus Davis is, too.
-CroCop sucks shit.
-Hamill got robbed.
-Rampage is awesome.

I love Bisbing, I hate Hamill. Hamill got robbed. He looked like a completely different (if still raw) fighter than I remember but that was 18 months ago or something. So that shouldn't have been as surprising. And Bisbing just seemed so less impressive then he has with each fight. And his personality is awesome when he's laying people out with flying kicks. Its grating when he's kinda sucking.

I think I'm over my Bisping crush. My new love is Rampage. He's awesome.

Cro Cop blows. This is all the hype? Wow. This would be easier to take if all the Cro Cop fans had been saying "he might be done" when he got to UFC rather than 2 shitty fights in. All that "CRO COP! CRO COP! FUCKING CRO COP!" and this?

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Alexander - DAMN! I love fighters that use Muay Thai knees. I'm a fan of this guy. He also looks like a mean version of the rapper, Common.

HA! I rewatched his fight just to see that. He does! AWESOME! He needs to come out to "The Bitch in Yoo" or something. I wish I could think of another Common song that isn't light.

I'm kinda heartbroken over Bisbing but I think I saw it coming. I had such a man crush on the guy after Ultimate Fighter. But he just talks so fucking much and has done so little. And he didn't look that good last time I saw him. I read somewhere that it was almost Shamrock instead of Hamill and I was scared shitless. I mean, Shamrock may be done but I worried about him killing Bisbing. And then it was Hamill and I worried that the guy I hated during that show would humble his ass. Didn't expect the home town screwjob.

GimmickMan - 9-10-2007 at 05:35 AM

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
Cro Cop blows. This is all the hype? Wow. This would be easier to take if all the Cro Cop fans had been saying "he might be done" when he got to UFC rather than 2 shitty fights in. All that "CRO COP! CRO COP! FUCKING CRO COP!" and this?

To be fair, the guy was just coming off the most impressive point of his career, winning the PRIDE Open-Weight Grand Prix and looking like he was headed for a rematch with Fedor that would be of epic proportions. Add to that the fact that he had the highlight reel of all highlight reels and fans had a right to be excited.

Now, three extremely unimpressive performances inside the Octagon later, he looks like he's done.

This is the guy who ran through the OWGP like a hot knife through butter almost a year ago to this day. He totally slaughtered Wanderlei and beat on Josh Barnett, two top-5 fighters, in one night.

I just don't get what happened. I really don't.

globalsmack - 9-10-2007 at 05:40 AM

Anyone who thought the main event was boring doesn't understand MMA. That was an awesome fight.

While UFC Cro Cop sucks horribly the Pride Cro Cop is a top 3 HW in the world. Apparently the cage isn't for him. He trained with Dean Lister yet still showed no BJJ skills or ground and pound skills. He could have submitted Kongo at least 3 times.

Rampage looks as good as he has ever looked. However he is a Chute Boxe bitch with a 0-3 record against Shogun and Wand.

You guys that love Rampage did you ever see him talking on his cell phone while the star spangled banner was playing before his 205 pound Grand Prix ass whooping at the hands of Wand? Talk about no class. His trainer had to tell him to get off of the phone.

mooseheadjack - 9-10-2007 at 05:44 AM

I guess i don't get it then because two guys barely moving on the mat for five minutes at a time is not my idea of an awesome fight.

Which sucks too because I really want to like UFC. I guess I will just have to watch more.

LuckyLopez - 9-10-2007 at 05:53 AM

Meh. I try and time my bathroom and beer breaks during the anthem. I'm classless too. Yet if I'm stuck in my seat I take my hat off and refuse to talk to my friend. But I also never talk in church and never talked in class right up until the final days of college. I'm weird like that.

I get the "the main event was boring" people. I was one of them 2 or 3 years ago. I've slowing been learning MMA as I watch more and more. I want to see the nasty knockouts and crazy shit. Alexander rocked in that way. But I've managed to learn enough that I can jump up in my seat when I see Henderson locking an arm bar onto Jackson even if it amounts to nothing. But I've watched those fights with others and they don't see it. I REALLY enjoyed the main event but I wouldn't have 2 years ago.

And I've watched fights with folks who saw thinks I didn't. Hell, early in Rd2 of the Bisbing/Hamill fight Rogan and Goldberg freaked over some combination Bisbing delivered to Hamill. I couldn't see it. I was lost. I rewinded it twice and couldn't see it. It was weird. I still don't know if I just completely missed it or if they were overdoing it for the hometown favorite who was clearly sucking.

GM, I get the Cro Cop stuff. I don't mean to say he sucked before UFC. He just REALLY sucks in UFC. And this is the only real exposure I've had to him. I've read the stuff and I've seen the highlights. But I've only seen him in UFC. And its such a crazy dud I'm shocked. I don't know if he's just a complete fish out of water but he just seems lost. And Gonzalez basically "CRO COPPED" him. Maybe I'll go back and watch that crappy Kongo fight. It didn't strike me that the cage was fucking with him. But maybe I missed it. The match was dull and I just sort of zoned out waiting for something to draw my attention.

How different are the UFC and Pride rules beyond the cage? Is there no mat wrestling in Pride? But again, didn't Gonzalez basically beat him on his feet?

[Edited on 9-10-2007 by LuckyLopez]

GimmickMan - 9-10-2007 at 05:55 AM

Moose, that was an awesome fight.

It sounds like you entered your viewing with negative perceptions of what's-what and that altered your view of the fight.

What you saw was a fight between two of the top 3 fighters at that weight in the world. Extremely competitive, extremely tactical and extremely good.

I can see, as a new fan, how you'd find that fight lacking, but really, it was a great display of will.

Like when Rampage had top control and Henderson slapped on a kimura to get Rampage to roll out of it. That was a great reversal. Or the work in the clinch the entire fight.

Dan Henderson is a friggin' world-class Greco-Roman wrestler, so for Rampage to control him in the clinch and on the ground like he did was something to behold.

And then those two landing bombs on each other and only producing one knockdown...that's two high-level fighters with tremendous chins right there.

If you want a list of fights to watch that display what MMA is about, let me know.


Originally posted by LuckyLopez
How different are the UFC and Pride rules beyond the cage? Is there no mat wrestling in Pride? But again, didn't Gonzalez basically beat him on his feet?

The main differences between PRIDE and UFC:

-Ring in PRIDE
-Every fight was 10 min. first round/5 min. second round/5 min. third round
-Stomps, soccer kicks and knees to the head on the ground allowed in PRIDE
-Yellow cards for inactivity in PRIDE (10% purse deduction for each)
-Two minutes in between rounds as opposed to one minute
-Fights judged as a whole with no point system. Different scoring criteria (Effort to finish the fight by KO or submission is No. 1; In fights with a big weight difference, the smaller fighter will get the decision if it is a close fight.)
-Weight classes often ignored
-Titles rarely defended
-Random Japanese cans

I'm sure there are a few more but that's all I can think of at the moment.

[Edited on 9-10-2007 by GimmickMan]

mooseheadjack - 9-10-2007 at 06:00 AM

I did appreciate some of the ground stuff that they did, and the one you mentioned the armlock thing to get him to roll was pretty sweet. For me, it was just too much jockeying for position on the mat and throwing little punches to the head. I am not saying it wasn't good, but as a new viewer it really didn't do much to get me to go "I HAVE TO SEE MORE OF THIS!!!!" though the last few seconds of round five was pretty good.

Now the match between the Deaf guy and the Guy Who Screwed Him (still learning names) was pretty good. If memory serves, there was not AS much on the mat stuff, and a lot more of trying to kill each other. I like that.

Like I said, I am not shitting on it, I will watch more because I kind of want to eventually get into this, but as an outsider, I appreciate what Rampage did, but it was not real exciting to watch.

And I hate Joe Rogan

LuckyLopez - 9-10-2007 at 06:03 AM

That's not Moose going in with a negative perception, GM. That's him not truly recognizing the mat game and what he was seeing. That's all. Its natural. I was there 2 years ago and I still probably am not half as good as most of you guys at recognizing this stuff.

On the other hand that Hamill/Bisbing fight was pretty sloppy and both guys seemed a bit lost. But there were lots of strikes and scary moments. CLEAR moments where someone was in trouble. That's the problem with the mat game. So often a guy is trouble on the mat and its hard to recognize for a novice. I can't tell you how many times I watched a fight end with an arm bar that seemed to come out of nowhere. Eventually I learned to recognize the steps that came before the submission.

Moose, if you really want to get into MMA I suggest following the same route I did. Watch Ultimate Fighter and the Spike shows. They show good fights of varying styles. There will be kick ass knockouts and some other stuff. But if you watch enough of it and listen to Goldberg and Rogan you start to get what's happening. Its the same as when I was learning boxing. Originally I just wanted Gatti to knock someone the fuck out. Then I learned how to appreciate BOXING instead of fighting. Mind you, I still don't care for it that much. And Gatti's done.

Ultimate Fighter was just fun to watch because I got to get into the personalities and a lot of the stuff was being taught to me. Some fighter who sucked at submissions had someone saying he sucked at submissions. And then he fought a fight where it cost him the win. It was a "lecture" and "practice" experience. It worked for me. Then again it seems like I got the right season that seems to have been the consensus best one. But I intend to give this Cerra/Hughes one a go.

GatorBait - 9-10-2007 at 01:45 PM

Pretty much everything I've wanted to comment on has already been said. I'll echo some of it, though.

I used to love Bisping, too. He seemed like a very confident, yet humble guy who was going out there to support his family. Then we get the bouncy, thoroughly unconcerned with a FIGHT that is starting in 2 minutes guy who just oozed arrogance.

I was always impressed with Hamill, but I hated that Tito seemed to baby him. Yes, Hamill showed a ton of potential and was always eager to learn, but Tito should've saved that for after the season. Fast-forwarding, Hamill has improved by leaps and bounds. AND he had the balls to come out in London to fucking "BORN IN THE USA"!!! That provided us with the commentary gem of the night that I was thinking to myself right before they said it:

Goldberg: "Oh, that song's not going to go over well. Listen to the crowd booing."

Rogan: "It's not like he can hear them, anyway."

Then the fight starts and Hamill fucking obliterates Bisping in the first round. On top of that, he kept coming forward for the entire 15 minutes, even when he was a bit winded. He just kept coming. Bisping actually looked SCARED in the first round. I personally scored the fight 30-27 for Hamill, but I could've conceivably seen it as 29-28 with Bisping getting the 3rd round. The ONLY thing I could think of was that the "bad" judges were scoring based on defense rather than offense, as Bisping did seem to control the ground and get back to his feet when he needed. Oddly, I saw that more as Hamill being ballsy and saying "Okay, I'll beat you at your own game, you limey prick" (not sure what the sign language for "limey" would look like).

And then the post-fight interviews solidified my new preference for Hamill and utter distaste for Bisping. Arrogant prick. And Hamill was all class. I'll be rooting for Hamill now no matter who he faces. And I'll be rooting AGAINST Bisping.

I second the idea presented that they feed Bisping to Houston Alexander next. That guy is all heart, and Bisping could really learn a lesson from that.

Thom - 9-10-2007 at 03:15 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
The ONLY thing I could think of was that the "bad" judges were scoring based on defense rather than offense, as Bisping did seem to control the ground and get back to his feet when he needed. Oddly, I saw that more as Hamill being ballsy and saying "Okay, I'll beat you at your own game, you limey prick" (not sure what the sign language for "limey" would look like).

But that goes in direct opposition to the UFC's rules for scoring, as lain out at the beginning of each show - points are awarded for aggression. Thus, the aggressive style displayed by Hamill should gave garnered him more points, not the defensive Bisping.

Also, I agree, as does just about everyone else, that except for the 3rd round, Bisping wasn't actually controlling anything on the ground - rather Hamill simply let him get back up. I wonder what would have happened, had Hamill not decided to try to score by taking Bisping down a number of times. Yet, once he got him down, give him a good ground and pound or whatever. Would Peoples and the other judge still have awarded it to Bisping, or would Hamill have forced their hands?

GatorBait - 9-10-2007 at 03:33 PM

Thom, I agree completely with the aggression part, which is why the decision is even more baffling. Hamill did not stop coming forward for all 3 rounds. He never took any big shots, rather he delivered all the punishment. Anybody who looked at their respective faces at the end of the match could tell who deserved to win.

Jheaton - 9-10-2007 at 06:43 PM

Well its not just aggresion but effective aggression. I guess they felt that Hamill really didn't do much of anything on ground and that Bisping was more effective striking on the feet. Bisping seemed to throw more in the 2nd and third round even if most of the shots where blocked. Bisping seemed to land enough solid shots at the end of round 3 to take that one.

As for rules in prine. One of the biggest rules is in pride no elbows where allowed.

GatorBait - 9-10-2007 at 06:55 PM

I can see the "effective aggression" argument being relevant, but I'd still give the first 2 rounds to Hamill based on that. And if that's the main basis, then he'd have gotten a 10-8 out of round 1 from me.

GimmickMan - 9-10-2007 at 11:03 PM

I'm not sure how many of you guys listen to Beatdown on or not, but Nick Diaz was on for about 50 minutes today and was just ranting about everything under the sun. I mean, these topics were as random as they come. I can't even begin to explain it, but some of the highlights were:

"Healthy food and healthy weed are good things and if you don't agree...FUCK YOU!"

"The perservatives will fuck with you!"

"They're feeding it to your kids, feeding Red-40 to your children, giving them a chemical imbalance."

"You gave them too much fucking red Kool-Aid with red-40 in it and they're bouncing off the fucking walls."

"I'll flush my system out quicker fucking faster than anyone else"

"If they wanna start taking my hair out of my head, that's another story"

After listening to that, I am reminded of this quote from Billy Madison:

"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

chrissul - 9-11-2007 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by GatorBait

I was always impressed with Hamill, but I hated that Tito seemed to baby him. Yes, Hamill showed a ton of potential and was always eager to learn, but Tito should've saved that for after the season. Fast-forwarding, Hamill has improved by leaps and bounds. AND he had the balls to come out in London to fucking "BORN IN THE USA"!!! That provided us with the commentary gem of the night that I was thinking to myself right before they said it:

Goldberg: "Oh, that song's not going to go over well. Listen to the crowd booing."

Rogan: "It's not like he can hear them, anyway."
I second the idea presented that they feed Bisping to Houston Alexander next. That guy is all heart, and Bisping could really learn a lesson from that.

Yea, i would pay to see bisping against alexander. I'd even pay to see alexander stand over him and talk sh*t for an hour while bisping tries to remember where he is and why he's laying on the mat with his jaw in his left pocket.

And i was just marking out when hamill came out to Born in the USA. It takes some ballz to truly play into the heel role. Too bad he was just set up to;kfjsdkfj

Oh, and for the person who didn't see what rogan/goldberg were screaming about in the was a combination of overhyping bisping. He basically threw a left/right combo that hit hamill's forearms, then an uppercut/straight something err other (hard to make out) that barely connected. IE, hamill didn't even register the hit.

I still can't believe rogan didn't scream about the judge's decision. When the london crowd is booing bisping..and 1 judge has the match 30/27 for hamill...cmon, something's up.

As for anyone thinking the main event was boring..i'll have to say i understand. When i first started watching, i wondered how a match would end just bc someone was sitting on them and punching them repeatedly. I wasn't aware the fighters always had to show an intelligent defense, not, as couture puts it, going fetal. it also took me a LONG time before i started to understand why the person on bottom of a ground fight is not always in a bad position. I kept wondering how these people were pulling out submissions so quickly when it looked like they were getting hammered. After a while, you start looking for fighters to 'pass guard' get side control, get good wrist control, leave an arm in, etc, and how that can lead to a quick end to a fight.

Now, don't get me wrong, i'd almost rather see a houston alexander fight as it is more exciting on a base level, but if you want to see how that is flipped quickly, watch Mir vs tank abbot.

as for a boring fight, watch GSP vs Frank trigg. It's boring in that GSP just totally overwhelmed and dominated trigg in a way that should never...ever..happen in a properly matched up fight. it's one thing for a fighter to get caught after making a mistake, but for one to just be completely dominated start to finish is just obscene.

joerizal - 9-11-2007 at 08:43 AM

Originally posted by chrissul
as for a boring fight, watch GSP vs Frank trigg. It's boring in that GSP just totally overwhelmed and dominated trigg in a way that should never...ever..happen in a properly matched up fight. it's one thing for a fighter to get caught after making a mistake, but for one to just be completely dominated start to finish is just obscene.

You mean like Couture VS Ortiz, or Ortiz VS Shamrock?

salmonjunkie - 9-11-2007 at 09:06 AM

Ok, I finally saw the Rampage/Henderson fight (I had this on my DVR, but didn't get to watch the main event yet). I enjoyed it. It wasn't as dramatic as the Hamill/Bisbing match, and it didn't have the oh holy shitness of Alexander's match, but it was solid as all hell. Rampage looked like the real deal out there, especially being able to hold down Henderson on the mat with his ju-JIT-su the way he did.

Rampage has the best post-match interviews ever. He is my new favorite fighter. What an awesome motherfucker. "He got a rock head, man!"

And oh yeah, he won a match with a fucking powerbomb once:


[Edited on 9-11-2007 by salmonjunkie]

joerizal - 9-12-2007 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Alexander - DAMN! I love fighters that use Muay Thai knees. I'm a fan of this guy. He also looks like a mean version of the rapper, Common.

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
HA! I rewatched his fight just to see that. He does! AWESOME! He needs to come out to "The Bitch in Yoo" or something. I wish I could think of another Common song that isn't light.

Funny you guys mentioned that.
Houston Alexander, also known as "The Assassin" (born March 22, 1972) is an American mixed martial artist, currently fighting at light heavyweight for the Ultimate Fighting Championship.He is also a well-known hip-hop artist in his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska.

Link to Wiki article

chrissul - 9-13-2007 at 05:37 AM

Originally posted by joerizal
You mean like Couture VS Ortiz, or Ortiz VS Shamrock?

couture/ortiz...ok, at the time, i don't think ANYONE had a clue that couture would or could just PWN ortiz like he did. I mean, couture just embarrassed him and spanked him in the 5th. At least he was putting on a great show. Trigg/GSP was a more complete domination, GSP mounted, sidemounted, basically just did whatever he wanted..although, once again, i don't think anyone could have seen that coming,so it was not the best example.

And shamrock/ortiz...ok, that was just a reason for the matchup other than it was just a feud. gsp/trigg was set up for the title contendership, so you'd reasonably expect it to be more evenly matched.

or you could have liddell/rampage...stalk stalk, 1 punch, ko.

MOD: Don't double quote.

[Edited on 9-17-2007 by LuckyLopez]

Venomhawk - 9-17-2007 at 06:31 PM

I think Bisping has realized that he didn't truly win that match and he's already calling for a rematch with Hammill.,,3-2007420960,00.html

I think it's funny too if you look on the main page of the UFC's site there is a poll asking who people thought won the fight and the last time I saw it it was something like 90% thought Hammill won.

GatorBait - 9-17-2007 at 08:27 PM

Well at least he acknowledged he was being a dick in the post-fight interview by not giving Hamill any credit.

I actually re-watched the fight with a little more focus on effective striking the second time around. In that viewing, I gave round 3 to Bisping, but STILL 1 and 2 clearly for Hamill.

Make the rematch happen, Dana White!!!

nOOb - 9-20-2007 at 03:37 PM

In other news, Nate Diaz finally made his post-Ultimate Fighter debut last night on a Wednesday night fight special and managed to pull of a win...against a guy I'm almost positive Joe Rogan (EDIT-Probably Joe Morgan too) said specialized in Caiporeia (that Jamaican Dance fighting). I'll give it to Dana White: he knows the kid sucks compared to a good portion of the other guys on that show and he's hiding him from sight.

[Edited on 9-20-2007 by nOOb]

rk - 9-21-2007 at 12:49 AM

Man, I'm glad TUF is back. This should be a fun season because I'll never get tired of Serra calling Hughes a dick.

The Fight Night had some interesting matches too. Leben may not be the most talented guy, but he looked like a completely different fighter last night. (Until he got punched in the face and reverted back to his wild swinging ways.) KenFlo looked good as well.

And was I the only one questioning Pete Sell's decision to go with "Condom Depot" on the ass of his shorts?

GatorBait - 9-21-2007 at 12:39 PM

Originally posted by rk
Man, I'm glad TUF is back. This should be a fun season because I'll never get tired of Serra calling Hughes a dick.

Quoted for absolute motherfucking truth. I'd pay $100 right now to get a free punch on Matt Hughes and his holier-than-thou attitude. "I can't let my kids watch because of Serra's cursing." Fuck you, Matt Hughes.

There were some GREAT fucking fights on Wednesday:

-The Drago/Quarry match was phenomenal, I thought Quarry was out. It was exactly the match I was expecting from the 2, and I'd love to see another. Drago's lost what, 4 or 5 in a row? Maybe the "Condom Depot" ad on the back of his shorts is appropriate, afterall.

-Nate Diaz vs. Junior Assuncao was pretty much what I expected. Why the lack of love for Nate? He's a matchup problem for everybody in that weight class with his height, especially since he likes to wrap people up with his legs. Was nice to see 2 very gifted guys working a mainly ground fight, for once.

-Leben/Martin. Holy Shit. I used to DESPISE Leben, but I could really come around and root for the guy with his newfound outlook on life. He seems like something (other than being KO'd by Anderson Silva) has humbled him along the way. Watching the final 10 seconds of the fight reminded me of fighting Glass Joe in Punch-Out. Martin got all cocky with his "come on" taunt, only to get seriously popped and KTFO. And Leben now has my favorite sponsorship: Pit Bull Mortgage School.

-FenFlo/Din was shaping up to be a very very good fight until Din blew out his knee. It looked like Kenny was getting the better of the exchanges in the first round, at least, but I think the advantage would've shifted to Din the longer the fight went.

-From what I read on the undercard, there were also 2 additional KO fights. Luke Cummo ([Napoleon Dynamite]he's pretty much my favorite fighter[/Napoleon Dynamite]) stopped the random over-cocky Brazilian of the week in under 2 minutes, and Gray Maynard knocked out some other dude in 9 seconds flat. Anybody have video of these fights or know where I can find them?

Edit: nOOb, Capoeira is Brazilian.

[Edited on 9-21-2007 by GatorBait]

Thom - 9-21-2007 at 02:03 PM

I completely forgot about Fight Night Live. I hate myself.

Originally posted by GatorBait

I used to DESPISE Leben, but I could really come around and root for the guy with his newfound outlook on life.

QFT. As I didn't see the fight, or his comments before/after, I don't know how much he's changed. But, if he's overall a better person than he seemed to be previously, I can probably get behind him.

GatorBait - 9-21-2007 at 02:29 PM

Thom, definitely catch a replay. My "spoilerizing" of the results for you will not affect your enjoyment of the event.

Thom - 9-23-2007 at 06:01 AM

Well, damn...

Griffin with a dominating win over Shogun, and Jardine bounces back nicely and goes over Liddell.

Is it too soon to ask if Liddell (who is getting a bit older - nevermind Couture and his age) is just about done? I mean, Rampage handed him his ass, and Jardine takes it right to him. How much does he have left in the tank? And - yes - I know Chuck would kick my ass, so I'm just wondering...

ETA: Where did the term "catch weight" originate? I know it happens when (at least) one fighter can't make weight. And does it simply mean that the fight doesn't take place "in (xxx) division?" Actually heard the term for the first time (or at least, picked up on it) tonight, and wasn't quite sure what it meant.

[Edited on 9-23-2007 by Thom]

GimmickMan - 9-23-2007 at 07:54 AM

I fucking hate MMA right now.

folby - 9-23-2007 at 01:20 PM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
I fucking hate MMA right now.

Chute Boxe is a team with less gas in the tank than your average Bally's Cardio Kickbox class. Dana White's gotta be the happiest guy in the world right now and I'm amazed at his restraint. If I were him I'd register on Sherdog as "DANA FUCKING WHITE YOU FUCKS" and post endless "Who has better fighters, PRIDE or UFC?" topics. They should run David Heath vs. Wanderlai in December.

Chuck looked like a fucking idiot out there, with no defense for what Jardine was throwing. He needs to reevaluate how he trains and what he trains for (not just how hard) and lay off the partying.

Very, very exciting time to be a fan.

nOOb - 9-23-2007 at 04:12 PM

Shogun lost? Well shit, I'm glad I didn't take that bet.


Nate Diaz vs. Junior Assuncao was pretty much what I expected. Why the lack of love for Nate? He's a matchup problem for everybody in that weight class with his height, especially since he likes to wrap people up with his legs. Was nice to see 2 very gifted guys working a mainly ground fight, for once.

I dislike Diaz for the very simple reason that he won his last three fights seemingly by accident. I mean, that Cory Hill (is that his name? who cares, we'll never see him again) just kind of tossed him around until he made a rookie mistake, Gray Maynard basically beat the shit out of him for two rounds until he overshot a takedown and got guilotined, and Manny Gamburian absolutely destroyed him in every aspect of his fight until he seperated his shoulder on a takedown. On his own merits, Nate Diaz will be a good fighter. But he won a contest accidentally and will have that title to hang his hat on for the rest of his career (well, until Manny comes back for revenge and beats the tar out of Diaz...again).

Also, I called Caiporeia Jamaican because Eddy Gordo used it in Tekken and he seemed to be a cool cat.

joerizal - 9-23-2007 at 04:12 PM

Was 76 the "Night of Upsets" or what?

Jardine over Lidell. Fitch over Diego. To a lesser extent, Tyson Griffin over the undefeated Tavares.

But, man, the upset of the night for me was FOREST GRIFFIN OVER SHOGUN BY FUCKING TAPOUT! All that hype, and AGAIN! the crossover guy loses.

What is up with all these top and massively-hyped crossover guys (with the exception of Rampage) getting their Pride/K1 asses handed to them in the UFC?? "OMG! Mirko Cro Cop", Dan Henderson, and now Shogun..I mean, dude, like wow, can somebody explain this to me?

Who's gonna be Wanderlei's opponent in December?

folby - 9-23-2007 at 04:24 PM

Hendo didn't get his ass handed to him.

Edited to address the 'explain it to me' bit. Japanese MMA is pretty different from American MMA. To address the specific shortcomings of the fighters, the two biggest things I would point to are steroids and weight classes. Steroids, while technically not allowed in Japan, were never tested for and according to some fighters, outright encouraged by promoters. There's nobody saying other drugs weren't involved either. If you want to be a super fast and aggressive fighter there's plenty of things to take that will help you with that.

The weight class thing is part of why they all looked so dominant. It's easy for Rampage to powerbomb a guy when the guy is 25 pounds lighter than he is. It's easy for Mirko to bully and destroy a guy when he's got 4 inches and 15 pounds on him. I was talking to Gimmick about it and he pointed out that PRIDE fighters weren't really tested or challenged in 75% of their fights. Once a year they fought the absolute best in the world, but the rest of the time was stuff like Fedor pounding on a 350 pound African guy.

Before last night, Shogun's matches always ended in the first round, except for one loss and one decision win. He hadn't been tested in a long, long time and guess what? He came up really, really short.

PS hey gimmick I heard that cyborg santos failed a breathlyzer test because he couldn't stop sucking wind

chute box suxxxx

[Edited on 9-23-2007 by folby]

joerizal - 9-23-2007 at 07:08 PM

So folby/Gimmick, given the above, is there any crossover guy that you think is gonna excel or at least be significantly competetive in the UFC?? I think Rampage's got more to offer than what we've seen from him, but what of the others? I know it's early, but what does the UFC future hold for Hendo, Shogun? I read Mirko's thinking of quitting soon but, given his back-to-back losses, I think he'll be looking for redemption before finally calling it quits.

Will Wanderlei Silva live up to his hype?

GimmickMan - 9-24-2007 at 01:20 AM

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 76 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-9 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Randy Couture, Champion
1) Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
2) Brandon Vera (Next Fight: UFC 77 vs. Tim Sylvia)
3) Andrei Arlovski
4) Tim Sylvia
5) Gabriel Gonzaga
6) Cheick Kongo
7) Fabrico Werdum
8) Frank Mir
9) Heath Herring

Light-Heavyweight - Quinton Jackson, Unified Champion
1) Forrest Griffin
2) Wanderlei Silva (Next Fight: UFC 79 in Dec. vs. TBA)
3) Lyoto Machida
4) Rashad Evans (Next Fight: TBA vs. Tito Ortiz)
5) Keith Jardine
6) Dan Henderson
7) Mauricio Rua
8) Chuck Liddell
9) Houston Alexander
10) Jason Lambert

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1) Rich Franklin (Next Fight: UFC 77 in October vs. Anderson Silva)
2) Yushin Okami
3) Nathan Marquardt
4) Jason MacDonald
5) Terry Martin
6) Martin Kampmann
7) Thales Leites
8) Drew McFedries
9) Chris Leben
10) Ed Herman

Welterweight - Matt Serra, Champion
1) Matt Hughes (Next Fight: UFC 79 in December vs. Matt Serra)
2) Georges St-Pierre (Next Fight: TBA vs. Welterweight Champion)
3) Jon Fitch
4) Karo Parisyan (Next Fight: UFC 78 in Nov. vs. TBA)
5) Josh Koscheck
6) Diego Sanchez
7) Josh Burkman (Next Fight: UFC 77 in Oct. vs. TBA)
8) Thiago Alves
9) Marcus Davis
10) Luke Cummo

Lightweight - Sean Sherk, Champion
1) BJ Penn
2) Joe Stevenson
3) Spencer Fisher (Next Fight: UFC 78 in November vs. Frankie Edgar)
4) Roger Huerta
5) Kenny Florian
6) Tyson Griffin
7) Frank Edgar
8) Din Thomas
9) Clay Guida
10) Thiago Tavares

GatorBait - 9-24-2007 at 01:15 PM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
10) Luke Cummo

You are my friend

You may wanna think one ranking, though. Leben just beat Terry Martin last week.

So who is actually next in line to face Rampage? Most of the "top" contenders still seem to be 1 fight away from a title shot. Houston Alexander still needs one or 2 more fights, and at least 1 that will test his stamina a but more. Jardine was un-prepared for Alexander, but definitely redeemed himself against Liddell. Forrest Griffin may be the logical choice (and my personal choice for matchup I'd like to see), but he was taken out by Jardine recently, as well.

Maybe just throw The Axe Murderer out there against Rampage in December? And throw in Griffin/Jardine 2 for the next title shot?

GimmickMan - 9-24-2007 at 08:38 PM

UFC 76 thoughts: You should listen!!!

rk - 9-28-2007 at 01:39 PM

TUF continues to be great.

Between Matt Hughes' Bible Study, and Dorian's wish that he'd passed out instead of tapping so he could have dreamt about "fat hookers and a little Latino midget" this show has been great fun.

And it appears that they totally demolish the house next week, so that should spark an always-entertaining-expletive-filled Dana White rant.

Anyone else watching?

GatorBait - 9-28-2007 at 01:59 PM

Definitely watching. Still love Serra. Still hate Hughes. Actually, I think I hate Hughes more and more each week. Didn't think that was possible.

Serra's little bitch Joey really needs to either be a man about things or get the fuck off the show, though. He's annoying the piss out of me.

folby - 9-28-2007 at 02:22 PM

I generally only catch the last 15 minutes of the show or so, because I find everything except for the fights unbearably boring. I gave the most recent episode another another chance and was reassured that I wasn't missing much. They edit one guy to look like a whiner, Matt Hughes is pompous (and a closet jew), and Matt Serra is a loudmouth. Next week a bunch of guys figure they can make their name by acting all crazy.

more fighting less reality show plz

nOOb - 9-28-2007 at 03:26 PM

I honestly thought after the first episode that they were just going to focus on five guys (the replacment and each team's first two picks) because those are the only guys they talked to or even featured that episode. But hey, I learned who another guy on the show was and almost learned who they guy who beat him was.

GatorBait - 10-1-2007 at 02:09 PM

Well Sean O'Haire got a win back to bring his record to 2-2. Sounds like he was fighting a shlub, though. At least the Hooters' girls seemed impressed:

SAVANNAH -- Muhsin Corbbrey had no one to throw a punch against, but he watched his crew choke, kick and pulverize their competition.

Hilton Head Island resident Sean O'Haire, thrust into the makeshift main event, earned a first-round victory with one blow, and the rest of Corbbrey's fighters dominated their bouts at Saturday's mixed martial arts event at the Savannah Civic Center. In the night's nine bouts, six Champion Training Center fighters who are coached by Corbbrey went 6-0.

The only one missing from the party was the Bluffton-based Corbbrey, the billed main event for the evening.

Corbbrey, who is 11-2 as a professional mixed martial artist, is in the middle of a three-fight deal with Los Angeles-based EliteEC to appear on Showtime's mixed martial arts programs. Saturday was supposed to be his tune-up for his next televised fight Oct. 26 against Bobby McMasters.

Last week, the Georgia Athletic and Entertainment Commission deemed Corbbrey's opponent, Californian Larry Jaxson, not competitive enough for the bout, according to Kevin Odom, co-owner of Champions Fight Promotions.

The decision left Corbbrey void of time to find a replacement and ultimately crestfallen.

"I really wanted to put on a show for the crowd," he said.

So did his fighters.

"He's slicker than slick and hits like a brick," said Champion Training Center 150-pounder Lawson McClure. "Trust me, I know."

Three other fighters were removed from the 15-bout card because they didn't produce mandatory blood-test results in time, leaving a few of Corbbrey's fighters without foes, too.

The ones left with opponents dented pride and a few jaw bones, starting with O'Haire.

The 265-pound former World Championship Wrestling tag team champion faced Darrell Wood, who stood 8 inches shorter and was originally scheduled to fight earlier on the card. After the fighters shuffled around the ring for about 30 seconds, O'Haire landed a left jab onto Wood's chin. Wood staggered back and to the ground, and before O'Haire could pounce, the referee shielded Wood and called the fight.

"I knew it was going to be a one-something," said O'Haire, who drew the loudest cheers of the night before, during and after his match, and even compelled a few "Hooters" girls, working as waitresses, to stand on chairs and scream.

The rest of his Champion Training Center mates earned their own yells, too.

In their pro debuts, McClure, Derek Schroeder, John Juarez and Stephen Bass won in very impressive and very different fashions. The wiry McClure won in the second round against Beaufort resident Larry Landry, taking control with an early right jab and repeated knee blows to the face.

"I really shocked him with my right hand," said McClure, who sported a green mohawk. "I knew he was real tough in the first round ... but it's tough to keep my pace."

The 135-pound Schroeder won by unanimous decision against Shane Weinischke in a very technical bout. Schroeder controlled most of the action by staying on top of Weinischke on the ground.

Juarez didn't need three rounds, or even most of the first. The 265-pound brute pummeled Lindsey Rouse with early punches, then wailed away to the back of his head while pinning him down on his stomach. It didn't take long for the referee to halt action.

And 145-pound Stephen Bass won his debut in 30 seconds, throwing a triangle choke on Chris Thorne, who submitted.

In the other professional fights, Willie Smalls earned a first-round tap-out by Alan Calkins, and 150-pound Josh Odom defeated Harris Norwood in the second round.

In the two amateur fights, Demetrice Turner and Champion Training Center's Chris Scott earned submission victories.

He's sportin' a new do, too:

Thom - 10-1-2007 at 02:55 PM

Finally got around to watching the replay of the lates Fight Night Live, and two things I loved:

1. Kenny Florian, after getting taunted by Din Thomas, beating the crap out of Thomas and getting him to tap.

2. Terry Martin, after taunting(? - or was he just surprised Leben didn't go down after that rockin' right-hand?) Leben, gets laid out immediately.

And, yes, I liked the kindler, gentler Crippler, but I'll give him another fight or two of being humble before truly being a fan.

GatorBait - 10-1-2007 at 03:07 PM

Thom, did The Terry Martin taunting thing not remind you of Glass Joe in Punchout?!? Fucking loved it.

And in case you didn't know already, Thomas blew out his knee when he shot in on Florian, so that's why Kenny looked like he was dominating him after that. Not to say that Florian wasn't already winning, but that's why the fight ended how it did.

GimmickMan - 10-1-2007 at 03:23 PM

Well, Thom, to be fair to Din, he did blow out his knee going for the takedown.

Thom - 10-1-2007 at 05:11 PM

Oh, yeah - I knew his knee was fucked up - it's just that I loved seeing Florian pummel him after he got taunted.

And I don't really remember Knock-Out all that well, so I don't remember Glass Joe doing anything like that. But, I'll take your word for it.

GatorBait - 10-1-2007 at 07:07 PM

Looked similar to this, but with both gloves taunting:

Thom - 10-11-2007 at 05:19 PM

I know we have a week+ to UFC 77, but the card for UFC 78 has been released. Bisping vs. Evans is the main event? Really? Huh... Doesn't sound like a "must-see" event, even though I like Rashad.

nOOb - 10-11-2007 at 09:49 PM

No it really doesn't. And it also means that the fights that most of us would like to see rematches to, Tito vs. Rashad and Bisping vs. Hammil, will have to wait. Of course, if they want to throw Tito/Hammil out there too, I'm all for it, but that won't happen.

Attitude Adjuster - 10-11-2007 at 10:02 PM

Just saw this at LV Forums and was shocked it wasn't mentioned here yet by Gimmick:

Thursday, October 11, 2007
by Josh Gross ([email protected])

Randy Couture (Pictures), the face of the Ultimate Fighting Championship and one of mixed martial arts most revered fighters, notified the UFC via fax from South Africa at 11 o'clock Thursday morning that he has chosen to resign from the UFC, "The Natural" confirmed with

"I sent the letter of resignation to the UFC today, resigning not only from my position in the company as a commentator and as an ambassador, but also as the heavyweight champion," Couture said over the phone from South Africa, where he is currently filming a movie.

"The motivation for the decision is two-fold," he continued. "I know Fedor (Emelianenko) just signed with another organization and that's the only real fight that makes sense for me at 44 years old as the heavyweight champion of the UFC. That's the fight I wanted and if that can't happen it doesn't make sense for me to compete with all these other guys. And then obviously that's not going to happen now. And, two, I'm tired of being taken advantage of, played as the nice guy and basically swimming against the current with the management of the UFC. I have a lot of other things going on in my life that I'm doing just fine with. I don't need the problems. I don't feel like I get the respect I deserve from the organization, and that's motivation No. 2 for the letter of resignation that was sent today."

Couture (16-8) is the only fighter in UFC history to hold belts in two weight divisions. The current UFC heavyweight champion, he recaptured the belt in March by coming out of retirement to out-point Tim Sylvia (Pictures). Couture defended the title in August, stopping challenger Gabriel Gonzaga (Pictures) in the third round.

The Sylvia win came after a year away from the sport after Couture suffered the second of two knockouts to then UFC light heavyweight champion Chuck Liddell (Pictures). Couture won the first bout in the trilogy by capturing an interim UFC light heavyweight title in June of 2003, stopping Liddell in the third period.

Couture's ledger in the UFC reads like a who's who. "The Natural" first captured UFC heavyweight gold against Maurice Smith (Pictures) in 1997 before doing it for the third time against Sylvia in 2007.

A day after news broke that Fedor Emelianenko (Pictures), the widely regarded top heavyweight in the sport, had apparently declined to sign with the UFC, Couture submitted his resignation.

"I want that fight and would have waited if the fight was offered to me," Couture said. "Knowing what they offered him, I would have made demands to get paid equally or better than him as the champion. Whether or not those would have been met is another question."

Couture will have to wait nine months for his current UFC deal to lapse before he can go after Emelianenko. Over that span Couture said he will concentrate on acting, continuing to franchise his Xtreme Couture training facilities, as well as growing his Xtreme Couture clothing line.

His success outside the ring is proof of his success inside the Octagon. But Couture said it was a lack of respect by the UFC, in particular its president Dana White, that led him to resigning.

"I think the final straw for me was meeting with White and Lorenzo (Fertitta, UFC co-owner) where they claimed I was the No. 2 paid athlete in the organization, which I know is a bold-faced lie," Couture said. Polling other athletes, said Couture, he learned that his compensation -- some $250,000 a fight with pay-per-view bonuses, according to the Couture camp -- was nowhere near what other top UFC fighters were making.

"All us athletes are all pretty tightly intertwined," he said. "You hear what other guys were paid signing bonuses and what other guys were paid on the record and off the record with bonuses. I've heard Chuck's numbers. Tito's numbers. Hughes' numbers. Quinton's numbers. Cro Cop, Wanderlei. I heard what they were offering Fedor, and it's insulting."

Couture's rocky history with the Zuffa-owned UFC began in 2001.

"I think what set us off on the wrong foot was that my management [at the time] wasn't willing to give up ancillary rights across the board with no option for some sort of compensation," said Couture, alluding to a reason cited by Emelianenko's representatives as to why the Russian did not end up with the UFC. "All the other athletes at that time were signing those contracts. That created a lot of animosity and got me pulled out of the Carmen Electra campaigns to promote the athletes and the sport and the video game and all that stuff."

Beyond the money, both Couture and his wife Kim stressed Thursday's resignation from the UFC was about respect. It's a move "The Natural" acknowledged could have far-reaching effects.

"Certainly there's personal motivation for resigning and taking stand for myself," he said. "If it sets a precedence that down the road requires athletes to be treated better than that's icing on the cake."

Attempts to reach the UFC for comment went unreturned.

folby - 10-11-2007 at 10:07 PM


Also Fedor ducked him and signed with M-1.

ThePunisher - 10-12-2007 at 12:03 PM

So, I came across this today.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
by Staff (Photo Courtesy of ProElite)

Backyard brawler turned mixed martial artist Kevin Ferguson (Pictures) has signed an exclusive multi-year, multi-fight deal with EliteXC, reported on Thursday afternoon.

Ferguson, who is known by the moniker "Kimbo Slice," was scheduled to face veteran David "Tank" Abbott on Oct. 12 in Atlantic City, but the card was cancelled after Cage Fury Fighting Championship president Felix Martinez announced that the event would be cancelled due to the "loss of a major investor."

Reports swirled in the following days that the main event would be picked up another promoter, most notably Lemoore, Calif.-based Palace Fighting Championships and Hardcore Championship Fighting out of Calgary, Canada. But in the end it was EliteXC that scored the rights to Ferguson, who gained fame with several Internet broadcast bare-knuckle boxing matches held in Miami, Fla.

Slice is expected to debut for the promotion on Nov. 10 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Sam Caplan, a blogger for, stated that possible opponents include Abbott and UK heavyweight James Thompson (Pictures).

Financial terms were not disclosed.

OK, so I've only seen this guy on the Internet, but he doesn't seem to have much technique. He just looks like a big guy who can hit and take a punch. Is this a big deal in the MMA world?

GatorBait - 10-12-2007 at 01:07 PM

No, not really a big deal in the MMA world. Especially not with the same-time news of Couture's retirement. He beat Ray Mercer, but that's about it.

And with the Couture news, anybody else think this would be the perfect time to announce they've signed Brock Lesnar? No, I'm not saying to put him right into a title fight. No way in hell. But that'd still be great "face-saving" news for all.

folby - 10-13-2007 at 03:49 AM

Hey remember that guy you all loved who was champion? He's gone. BUT HERE'S A GUY WHO MAIN EVENTED WRESTLEMANIA ONCE~!

As for Kimbo, it's not just that he beat Ray Mercer, it's that he kind of sort of looked like he was serious about training for MMA. Kimbo's never going to be a world-class anything, but if he takes his training seriously he could be a very entertaining guy in some mid-level promotion.

Thom - 10-13-2007 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by folby
As for Kimbo, it's not just that he beat Ray Mercer, it's that he kind of sort of looked like he was serious about training for MMA. Kimbo's never going to be a world-class anything, but if he takes his training seriously he could be a very entertaining guy in some mid-level promotion.

Kimbo Slice: MMA's ButterBean

folby - 10-13-2007 at 03:24 PM

Excuse me, Butterbean is MMA's Butterbean. In case you didn't know, motherfucker knows submissions now!

GimmickMan - 10-13-2007 at 03:46 PM

I can't really even compose thoughts about this whole Couture situation. It's been almost two days and I still don't know what to say.

As for Kimbo, I'd love to see Kimbo vs. James Thompson and I'd take Kimbo by KO in about 15 seconds. I love James Thompson.

Thom - 10-14-2007 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by folby
Excuse me, Butterbean is MMA's Butterbean. In case you didn't know, motherfucker knows submissions now!

Holy shit - Butterbean got JUJITSU?!?

folby - 10-18-2007 at 10:06 PM

My only pick this weekend is that Vera will lose by decision or late KO.

GatorBait - 10-19-2007 at 01:29 PM

I'm with ya on that, folbster. Seems like there are nothing but "toss-up" matches on the card. That's definitely a good thing.

And as much as I HATE Tim fucking Sylvia, I see him coming out on top, too.

joerizal - 10-21-2007 at 03:30 PM

Aww, I was rooting for Vera (Filipino Pride, baby!). Okay fight, dragged initially but picked up in the end.

I am officially an Anderson Silva-convert. I liked when he was dodging Franklin's attacks WITHOUT defending his face. And those combos were just fluid and deadly, man! "The Spider", indeed.

folby - 10-21-2007 at 05:23 PM

Tim Sylvia: Boring, not stupid.

I feel kind of bad for Franklin. He's in the same position Cro Cop was when he couldn't beat Fedor. He just has to accept that he doesn't have what it takes.

Edited to add the fear of God in Rich's eyes:

[Edited on 10-21-2007 by folby]

GatorBait - 10-22-2007 at 01:20 PM

Was it so obvious that Brock was gonna sign with the UFC that nobody comments on the news?

Best known as a pro wrestling star for the WWE, Brock Lesnar (Pictures) stormed his way into mixed martial arts in June, making his professional debut on K-1's "Dynamite!! USA" card at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

On the strength of his 69-second trouncing of Min Soo Kim (Pictures), the physically gifted heavyweight, who in 2000 was an NCAA champion wrestler for the University of Minnesota, has entered the UFC.

"If you want to go with the NFL of the fighting game, it's the UFC, and it was an easy choice for me," said Lesnar in a prepared statement. "Obviously I don't think I'm ready for a title shot right away, but I will be there, and I'm not gonna turn down any opponent because I'm here to prove myself. I'm not here to pick and choose my fights. I'll fight whomever they want. I don't make the fights; that's not my job. I've got one job to do and that's to fight."

Lesnar makes his home out of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., and works with Sean Sherk (Pictures)'s trainer Greg Nelson.

"For me, my amateur roots and everything, I've always loved this sport," said Lesnar during Saturday's UFC 77 broadcast from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he watched from cage-side. "I've always wanted to participate in it, and I thank God that I'm able to do this."

No date or opponent was announced for the 30-year-old Lesnar's UFC debut.

"I don't think there are any other pro wrestlers that can make the transition to MMA, except for Brock Lesnar (Pictures)," UFC president Dana White was quoted as saying in a prepared statement. "And if you look at his amateur wrestling credentials, his size, and what he's done, this guy can end up being a force in the heavyweight division of the UFC."

Gobshite - 10-22-2007 at 02:22 PM

Dude, theres a whole thread on it in the current events section.

Anyway, Randy's got a press conference tomorrow. I know it sounds obvious, but he'll either a) announce he's re-considered reirement (rather than 'coming out' of it again), or b)hand over the title, and he'll vanish from UFC history quicker than Benoit from WWE.

I don't know about alot of you, but I feel like UFC is in a pretty weird position: as a group, they've never been so popular, but they're struggling to find stand out main event stars, especially in the heavyweight class.

So they really need Couture, and Dana will fuck him over royally and make him pay if he retires. I'll bet there was some sort of stipulation in his contract that if he retired before making all of his fights, he has to forfeit a bucketload of cash - or offer him shit loads to face Lesnar in February. It may sound like a stupid move, but it wouldn't really suprise me.

GatorBait - 10-22-2007 at 02:31 PM

Thanks for that. I'm heading over to CE right now.

Gobshite - 10-24-2007 at 10:13 AM

Well, UFC / Dana White announced last night that Wanderlei Silva will face Chuck Lidell on the December 29th card.

Anyone else worried that this may end Lidells career? So far Pride guys (with the exception of Jackson) have looked like they're in over their heads - so if Lidell suffers a third loss in a row to an inferior outsider, I think he'll have to step away for a year or so.

GatorBait - 10-24-2007 at 12:46 PM

Or forever.

I wouldn't mind that one bit. I've never liked Chuck as a fighter.

Nice guy. I just hate watching his fights.

Except his last 2 where he got his ass beat.

GimmickMan - 10-24-2007 at 04:55 PM


It's all over for Chuck! Come join the Chuck Liddell Retirement Party at UFC 79 on Dec. 29 in Las Vegas!

Denethor - 10-24-2007 at 07:24 PM

I like Chuck, but he's definitely lost the eye of the tiger. Somebody needs to have him put Rocky III in his Netflix cue before December.

He's almost 40, so I don't see him coming back if he steps away now.

globalsmack - 10-31-2007 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Well, UFC / Dana White announced last night that Wanderlei Silva will face Chuck Lidell on the December 29th card.

Anyone else worried that this may end Lidells career? So far Pride guys (with the exception of Jackson) have looked like they're in over their heads - so if Lidell suffers a third loss in a row to an inferior outsider, I think he'll have to step away for a year or so.

Rampage didn't come from Pride directly. He had a few fights in a cage before UFC acquired his contract. Most notably against Matt Lindland.

Lets not forget that Anderson Silva fought six of his fights in Pride but he also had some Cage experience before signing with the UFC.

Dan Henderson looked good in the cage. He lost a close decision to Page but he still looked good.

GimmickMan - 10-31-2007 at 05:59 PM

Sean Sherk's appeal was heard by the California State Athletic Commission starting an hour ago. No word yet. I'm really hoping they overturn the suspension because I don't want to see him out of action until July.

If it is upheld, we're looking at a BJ Penn/Joe Stevenson Lightweight Championship fight, possibly on Dec. 29.

EDIT: Welp, since the CSAC is a bunch of dumb twats, the appeal has been pushed back to, I think, Nov. 13.

God dammit.

[Edited on 11-1-2007 by GimmickMan]

Thom - 11-6-2007 at 04:23 PM

So, Brock Lesnar gets Frank Mir in his first UFC fight. Somewhat surprising, as Mir isn't a pushover. Mir may not be as good as he once was, but at least Lesnar is going against a name opponent.


Yes, I posted this in the other thread, too - and I'm ready to get an ass-whooping from a Mod for posting the same thing twice. I just wanted to make sure people who may not read both threads actually got the news...

GimmickMan - 11-6-2007 at 04:34 PM

I'll mark out if Brock comes out to his WWE theme and Joe Rogan says "Welp, here comes the pain!"

Thom - 11-6-2007 at 06:38 PM

The funny thing, GM, is that I can totally see Rogan doing just that. I can also see Goldberg being completely lost at the reference - "Pain? What?"

GatorBait - 11-7-2007 at 01:26 PM

Thom, in reading that post, it made me think of BILL Goldberg, not MIKE Goldberg.

It would be totally hilarious to see Brock come out to his WWE music and then a quick pan to Bill in the crowd with a "HUH?" reaction on his face.

GimmickMan - 11-10-2007 at 04:28 AM

EliteXC: Renegade LIVE tomorrow night at 10 p.m. on Showtime from Corpus Christi, Texas featuring the EliteXC Lightweight (160-lb) Title fight between Nick Diaz and KJ Noons and featuring the MMA debut of Kimbo Slice along with a sweet welterweight bout between Jake Shields and Mike Pyle.

Lights Out Radio EliteXC: Renegade PREVIEW! (Please listen!)

GatorBait - 11-12-2007 at 02:06 PM

So Kimbo mauled a late replacement who was 10-11 coming into the fight:

rk - 11-12-2007 at 02:28 PM

I happened to catch most of this on The Fight Network on Sunday.

Kimbo was so impressive that the guy tapped out in anticipation of a beat down. Pretty tomato-can-like.

And what is the deal with the goofy weight limits? I wish MMA would keep standard weight classes so it's easier to compare fighters and champions. 160 lbs? When I hear "lightweight", I've been taught to think 155. In any event, K.J. Noons looked good, and while I think Diaz could have continued, he was pretty cut up so I wasn't too distressed by the stoppage. (Unlike Diaz, who threw a nice temper tantrum.)

GimmickMan - 11-14-2007 at 05:06 PM

Lights Out Radio presents its UFC 78: Validation PREVIEW show!

Should be a good one!

Shaggy - 11-15-2007 at 05:06 PM

Didn't Wanderlei leave Chute Boxe? I believe he's training at Extreme Couture now.

Validation looks weak as hell. Bisping/Evans is not a PPV main event - maybe a UFN ME or TUF Finale ME.

However the next few fight cards after Validation look stacked. If money is tight, skip Validation to make sure you have the cash to get the next two.

[Edited on 11-15-2007 by Shaggy]

GimmickMan - 11-15-2007 at 05:54 PM

Shaggy, Shaggy, Shaggy.

Validation is f'n awesome. You shouldn't judge an entire card by the main event alone. This is a sweet ass card. If the main event was Evans/Bisping and it had the UFC 77 undercard, I'd be upset.

These fights, though, should be some of the most exciting and competitive fights in UFC history. I've never seen a card where I've been unable to pick a clear winner.

Let's look at this main card:

-Rashad Evans vs. Michael Bisping
-Evans has a clear advantage in my book, but Bisping is dangerous. Should be a solid fight, but at the same time, I'm probably less pumped for this fight than for any other fight on the card.

-Karo Parisyan (#6 Welterweight in the World)* vs. Ryo Chonan
-The Shark makes his UFC debut at 170 lbs after fighting at 183 in PRIDE. Chonan fought the best of the best at 183 in PRIDE and is a solid competitor.

-Spencer Fisher vs. Frankie Edgar
-Jesus Tittyfucking Christ will this be fucking awesome. So, so pumped. This will be off the hook.

-Houston Alexander vs. Thiago Silva
-This will be a slugfest of a ridiculous nature. Somebody is going down and somebody is going down hard in round one.

-Joe Doerksen vs. Ed Herman
-Was supposed to be Dave Terrell vs. Herman, but, like always, he got injured. Doerksen already holds a technical submission win over Herman back in 2004. This is a tough fight.

So, this card will be friggin' sick and I'm so excited. Plus, the chance to see Thiago Alves vs. Chris Lytle on the prelims along with Joe Lauzon, Akihiro Gono and Marcus Auerilo against good opposition.



Also, I should mention the Strikeforce event that'll be going down tomorrow and be streamed LIVE!!!! on Yahoo! Sports for those of us who reside 150 miles or more outside of San Jose.

-Cung Le vs. Sam Morgan
-Paul Buentello vs. Alistair Overeem
-Bobby Southworth vs. Anthony Ruiz
-Sean Salmon vs. Dennis Hallman
-Luke Stewart vs. Bryson Kamaka
-Nam Phan vs. Billy Evangelista
-Brian Schwartz vs. Lemont Davis

4-Man Middleweight Tournament
-Falaniko Vitale
-Trevor Prangley
-Jorge Santiago
-Yuki Sasaki

That'll be tight, as well. I think it starts at 11 p.m. ET.

[Edited on 11-15-2007 by GimmickMan]

GatorBait - 11-16-2007 at 01:45 PM

Shaggy, listen to Gimmick on this one. This card is fucking loaded. And the main event may lack "star quality", but it should still be a helluva fight. People have really been hating Bisping lately, and I have a feeling he'll be getting a TON of heat from the fans.

folby - 11-18-2007 at 05:00 PM

lololol best undercard of the year my eye. I'm so glad I didn't pay for this show.


-Spencer Fisher vs. Frankie Edgar - I'll give Edgar all the credit in the world, he was a fucking beast here. This was enjoyable just because of how relentless he was, taking Fisher down at will and pushing the pace for all three rounds. Good for him. However, his laying on top of Fisher got old by round three.

-Joe Doerksen vs. Ed Herman - This was the only thought I actually found exciting. It was a hell of a fight with Herman throwing bombs and Doerksen getting SO FUCKING CLOSE to a submission victory. Good stuff here, I hope these guys got the FOTN bonus from Dana (though barring any amazing prelims I'd be shocked if they didn't.)

-Karo Parisyan vs. Ryo Chonan - Karo makes Chonan look like a fool for 3 straight. I'm used to seeing Judo guys get schooled in MMA so it was cool to see one trip and weight-shift his way to victory. Joe Rogan sure was enjoying it but the rest of us thought it was kind of boring. Hey Chonan, what are you doing under there? GETTING LAYED ON BY KARO!

-Houston Alexander vs. Thiago Silva - This was pretty funny just because Silva was so offended that anyone would think Alexander could face him. I HAVE NINE KNOCKOUT! And lo and behold, Alexander was absurdly outclassed and got his face beat in. Thanks for coming, Houston! Guy's got heavy hands and if he weren't 35 I'd say a great future. Who knows what happens now?

-Rashad Evans vs. Michael Bisping - Both of these guys should be taken out back and shot. I had trouble staying awake during this abortion of a contest. I'd call it a fight, but, well, I didn't really get that feeling from what these lads were doing. I had breakfast this morning with Rashad Evans and about what I thought was halfway through the meal he got up and put on his coat. "What are you doing," I asked, "There's still a bunch of eggs on that plate." Rashad looked at me and replied "Oh, I guess I just couldn't finish."

People have really been hating Bisping lately, and I have a feeling he'll be getting a TON of heat from the fans.
Whoops, nobody in the arena gave a shit about that pushing contest!

[Edited on 11-18-2007 by folby]

Shaggy - 11-18-2007 at 06:07 PM

Sweet vindication.

Best part of the night, other than the Herman vs Doerkson fight was Dana telling the main event fighters what to say during the post-bout interviews.

Anybody who bought into the Houston Alexander hype is a rube. With his punching power, if he had any semblence of a ground game he would have been "discovered" long before his 33rd birthday.

Next couple of cards look promising and worth the buy.

Jheaton - 11-18-2007 at 10:27 PM

I don't feel that this card ended up being as bad as a lot of people seem to thing. Nothing was great but nothing was too horrible either.

Ed Herman looked good knocking out though veteran Joe Doerkson. I'm curious to see who ends up being the better fighter after it's all said and done Herman or Kendal Grove.

I think people are being a bit hard on Houston Alexander. He showed decent ground defence for a while and I think his loses had more to do with Thiago Silva being really good than anything to do with Houston being exposed. Plus he's the same age now that Randy was when he started. Randy lost a few fights early in his career as well. Alexander's no spring chicken but I would call him done yet.

Frankie Edgar looked good in controlling Fisher. I thought this fight was kinda fun but again not great. Theres so many quality lightweights that it really is a shame that the belts tied up with the Sherk situation.

Joe Lauzon gets another solid win. I'd want to see him fight one of the top LWs. I say lets put him and Edgar in together.

GatorBait - 11-19-2007 at 02:02 PM

I wouldn't say I was buying the "Houston Hype", but it was fun rooting for the 1-dimensional American Underdog (maybe that should be his new nickname?). I think people were backing him due to Rocky-like reasons. Put the guy in there against another pure striker and you'll have an exciting bout with a guaranteed KO one way or another. I don't think Dana's done with him, yet.

And I'm kinda glad I stayed home sick Saturday instead of going out to the bar to see this. Doesn't seem like it lived up to my expectations.

GimmickMan - 11-19-2007 at 04:49 PM

That guy was the biggest star on the show. There's no way in hell he's gone. This guy will never be a serious contender, but he can be a big star if they match him up correctly. I don't care if this guy fights the 205-lb version of Bo Cantrell everytime, I just want to see this guy in there.

GatorBait - 11-19-2007 at 04:51 PM

Houston Alexander vs. Stephan Bonnar, anybody?

Edit: Hell, Alexander vs. Liddell would be entertaining as fuck.

Silva-Henderson Announced for UFC 82

Dan Henderson fell short in his first attempt to unify UFC and PRIDE titles. He'll get a second chance, UFC president Dana White announced Saturday, when the only man to hold the PRIDE 183-pound title fights UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva March 1 in Columbus, Ohio.

Silva, the top pound-for-pound fighter as ranked by, has dominated since entering the UFC in June 2006. Using what many consider the most dangerous standup game in mixed martial arts, the 32-year-old Silva brutally finished each of his five fights in the Octagon while raising his overall record to 20-4.

Henderson, 37, returned to the UFC in September and put his PRIDE 205-pound title on the line against UFC light heavyweight champion Quinton Jackson. After five hard-fought rounds, Jackson walked away a unanimous decision winner.

Though he balked at the idea of dropping weight to fight Silva at 185 pounds, Henderson (22-6) eventually agreed to the bout after signing a contract extension with the UFC, has learned.

[Edited on 11-19-2007 by GatorBait]

Shaggy - 11-19-2007 at 09:22 PM

I wonder how much more Dana had to pay to get Hollywood to cut. There is a belief that Hendo is a better 205 fighter, however the Middleweight Division is hurting for a top contender for Spider otherwise.

Bisping is reportedly dropping down to 185lb as well, which is probably his natural fight weight to begin with. He doesn't look like he cuts too much to get to 205, which puts him at a detriment.

Rashad Evans should probably join him down there in a year once he gets blown out by the top guys in 205 and decides he's closer to the title in 185.

GatorBait - 11-19-2007 at 09:40 PM

I may be alone on this, but I always thought Hendo was a better fit at 185 given his size and fighting style. He can push those guys around in a way he couldn't against the likes of Rampage. Just my 2 cents, though.

Bisping dropping to 185 will be a good idea, not Rashad, though. Again, I say this based on their relative frames. Bisping looks like he has some mass he could lose, but Rashad does not. Rashad already looks REALLY puny compared to his TUF heavyweight days, and I don't see another 20 pounds getting knocked off.

Shaggy - 11-19-2007 at 10:44 PM

I see it exactly opposite in that Bisping isn't really built for 205, however Evans has a lot of muscle packed on his frame. FWIW Evans wrestled at 174 at MSU according to his wiki entry.

Either way, Bisping is rumored to be dropping down, I don't believe Evans has ever entertained the idea.

GimmickMan - 11-23-2007 at 02:57 PM

Well, bad news kids.

Matt Serra suffered a herniated disc in his back and is now out for his UFC 79 Welterweight Title fight against Matt Hughes.

Get GSP in there and fight for another interim title.

Shaggy - 11-23-2007 at 04:23 PM

Serra is just ascared is all. Not that I like Hughes, I hate Hughes, I just hate Serra more.

So is the fight just pushed back 6 mos? That will mean the WW title hasn't been defended in a friggin year. Whatajoke.

[Edited on 11-23-2007 by Shaggy]

GimmickMan - 11-25-2007 at 04:54 AM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
Get GSP in there and fight for another interim title.

Quoted for truth.

UFC 79 on Dec. 29 - Matt Hughes vs. Georges St-Pierre for the UFC Interim Welterweight Championship.


Shaggy - 11-25-2007 at 10:26 PM

I assume it's for an interim title in order to allow it to have championship rounds - I mean the winners next fight will likely be Serra in six months time.

I'm sort of glad this happened in a way because I saw Hughes beating Serra for the title and then Serra dropping fown to 155lb and GSP never getting to avenge his loss.

This way I see GSP beating Hughes and going on to stomp Serra. Serra will still fight Hughes in a future grudge match of sorts because he talked too much shit not to do so now.

GatorBait - 11-26-2007 at 02:15 PM

Yes, GSP/Hughes 3 will be a 5-round match.

And dammit. I was really wanting to see Serra humble that smarmy motherfucker Hughes. At least GSP can do that, now.

GimmickMan - 11-27-2007 at 06:20 AM

My show, Lights Out Radio, is conducting some End of Year awards balloting. If you'd like to participate, U2U me for the ballot/suggestions.

Thom - 12-5-2007 at 06:54 PM

Last night, I caught the tail end of a replay of FSN's Sports Science(?)

They basically took a whole shitload of various hits and measured their forces of impact. Off the top of my head - a KO punch, a blindside blitz/sack, a check into the boards, and a powerbomb. There probably were others, but I can't recall.

The winner, with most impact force? Rampage's Powerbomb (although they called it a body slam). 400Gs, with a Head-Injury-Criteria of 3500.


GatorBait - 12-5-2007 at 08:02 PM

He got JIU JITSU!!!

And a heads up to all who may have been ignoring The Ultimate Fighter this season. Even if you haven't been following, check it out tonight. It's just gonna be the 2 semi-final matchups, and they should be damn good fights.

Thom - 12-6-2007 at 05:34 PM

Can anyone remember exactly what Dana White has said in interviews regarding the differences in violence levels between boxing and MMA? Or was it boxing and UFC? I know he's stated that nobody's died due to sanctioned bouts, but I can't remember if he was talking about UFC, explicitly - or MMA, in general.

The reason I ask, is because It just happened last week.


MMA fighter dies weeks after being injured in Houston bout
Dec. 3, 2007 wire reports

HOUSTON -- A mixed martial arts fighter has died in a hospice about six weeks after he was injured in a sanctioned bout, a rare fatality for a combat sport that is growing in popularity.

Sam Vasquez, 35, of Houston, was injured at the Toyota Center on Oct. 20 and died Friday. The Harris County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed Vasquez's death, but spokeswoman Stacey Mitchell said it could be several days before the official cause is determined.


Vasquez was hospitalized after he was knocked out by Vince Libardi of San Antonio in the third round of a fight at the Renegades Extreme Fighting show. He lost consciousness and suffered a seizure.

So, how much ammo will this give boxing supporters? If the cause of death really is due to injuries sustained during the fight, what will this mean - if anything - for future MMA sanctioning. I fear that anyone who doesn't like MMA is going to use this as their main offensive weapon and may garner support.

GimmickMan - 12-6-2007 at 05:46 PM

It's a tough loss, but it's not something that's going to damn the sport. Texas has already started that they aren't going to stop regulating MMA fights.

Jheaton - 12-6-2007 at 07:10 PM

Well if you use UFC 1 as the starting point of MMA then MMA has had two deaths in 14 years (this most recent one and an one in an unsanctioned event in russia).
Whereas boxing averages 8 deaths a YEAR. So I don't hink this is going to be much of anything.

Joeldacat - 12-6-2007 at 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Thom
Last night, I caught the tail end of a replay of FSN's Sports Science(?)

They basically took a whole shitload of various hits and measured their forces of impact. Off the top of my head - a KO punch, a blindside blitz/sack, a check into the boards, and a powerbomb. There probably were others, but I can't recall.

The winner, with most impact force? Rampage's Powerbomb (although they called it a body slam). 400Gs, with a Head-Injury-Criteria of 3500.


Who's Rampage? Was this show basically saying that a powerbomb is more dangerous than any of those other kinds of hits from various sports- or specifically someone's ultra-violent version of the powerbomb? I guess this is a weird question for a UFC thread, but I want to know.

UFC-wise: I'm only a casual fan sucked into the occasional Ultimate Fighter show- but has Brock Lesnar's first fight been announced in terms of date? That might be the first PPV I order in months.

Gobshite - 12-7-2007 at 01:50 PM

Rampage is Quentin "Rampage" Jackson, the bad ass looking dude in the picture above. He joined UFC from Pride and is the only real success story of the buy out so far. He knocked Chuck Lidell out to win the light heavyweight title earlier in the year.

Brock Lesnar makes his UFC Debut on Superbowl Saturday, facing former world champion Frank Mir.

Thats all. Any more questions? If you don't ask, we can't tell you.

GimmickMan - 12-8-2007 at 06:01 AM

Everyone made weight for TUF6 Finale, headlined by Clay Guida vs. Roger Huerta (!!!) in a lightweight showdown.

That fight will also be the last fight that "Big" John McCarthy will officiate, as he is retiring to become an analyst for The Fight Network.

It's too bad because I would've liked to see him go out officiating Wanderlei Silva vs. Chuck Liddell.

MOD: Double Post.

In big news, Dave Meltzer is reporting that the UFC has stripped Sean Sherk of his Lightweight Championship since the CSAC held up part of his suspension.

BJ Penn vs. Joe Stevenson is now for the UFC Lightweight Championship.

But, in reality, Sherk will fight a can in two months and be the No. 1 contender again.

[Edited on 12-9-2007 by LuckyLopez]

Shaggy - 12-9-2007 at 12:57 AM

And just think how much force a worked powerbomb would still have on pro-wrestlers.

Rampage and Forrest Griffin are rumored to be the next coaches on TUF. Of course with a fight after the show.

While I think Forrest and Rampage could be great on TUF. I hate the idea of the TUF schedule mucking up the UFC title scenes. Of course Rampage is hurt, so maybe it's not really effected this time around. I believe they don't start taping the next season until Feb, and who knows when it will air and finish. So we're looking at eight months before a light heavyweight title fight?

salmonjunkie - 12-10-2007 at 09:46 PM

The fight between Guida and Huerta was pretty awesome. Guida was doing great with takedowns but Huerta just kept getting out. I thought Huerta was done for after he got rocked by that uppercut, but man, that finish was really nice.

salmonjunkie - 12-10-2007 at 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Joeldacat
Who's Rampage? Was this show basically saying that a powerbomb is more dangerous than any of those other kinds of hits from various sports- or specifically someone's ultra-violent version of the powerbomb? I guess this is a weird question for a UFC thread, but I want to know.

UFC-wise: I'm only a casual fan sucked into the occasional Ultimate Fighter show- but has Brock Lesnar's first fight been announced in terms of date? That might be the first PPV I order in months.

Here ya go:

Here's a video

There was a powerbomb in one of the fights on the Ultimate Fighter finale this weekend, too, but it wasn't as devestating as this one.

[Edited on 12-10-2007 by salmonjunkie]

Joeldacat - 12-10-2007 at 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Rampage is Quentin "Rampage" Jackson, the bad ass looking dude in the picture above. He joined UFC from Pride and is the only real success story of the buy out so far. He knocked Chuck Lidell out to win the light heavyweight title earlier in the year.

Brock Lesnar makes his UFC Debut on Superbowl Saturday, facing former world champion Frank Mir.

Thats all. Any more questions? If you don't ask, we can't tell you.

February 3rd, awesome. I'll probably be flicking on UFC as much as I watch TNA- seeing as the only show I watch weekly is Raw out of habit; but hopefully by then I'll have a decent idea of the rest of the guys on the card.

So- Rampage does a friggin powerbomb in a UFC environment? I wouldn't think that would work! I mean, I know the lift / drop motion must look a little different, but I'd love to see this. I always get off on watching wrestling moves done in non-pro wrestling environments: for that reason I love King and Marduk in the Tekken games. Based off that picture, the dude sorta looks like Marduk, too.

Is there a specific event or match I should be looking up tonight when I get home to see the guy in action?

Edited to add: Salmonjunkie just posted those pics while I was posting my post. Ho. Lee. Fuck!

Re-Edit: Did he nail anything like that (the slams in the video) on Chuck Lidell?

[Edited on 12-10-2007 by Joeldacat]

[Edited on 12-10-2007 by Joeldacat]

folby - 12-10-2007 at 11:05 PM

the powerbomb in question is from Quentin Rampage Jackson vs. Ricardo Arona, if you're searching on one of the popular video sharing sites that Zuffa doesn't patrol.

Or you could just use this link.

GimmickMan - 12-11-2007 at 04:51 AM

GimmickMan here once again to pimp my radio show.

In our first of two shows this week, we talk the TUF6 Finale and look ahead to Wednesday's huge WEC show featuring Jens Pulver vs. Cub Swanson, Urijah Faber vs. Jeff Curran and Paulo Filho vs. Chael Sonnen.

Check it out!

Lights Out Radio~!!!

GatorBait - 12-11-2007 at 03:56 PM

Hly Fuck was that a fun TUF finale. While the Guida/Huerta fight was probably even better than advertised, we got another MOY candidate from the show, and I can't believe nobody is talking about it!

J-Roc vs. War Machine was all kinds of fucking awesome. War seemed like he was close to passing out from exhaustion about 7 different times, and then he'd fire off 3 or 4 HARD shots in a row. Then J-Roc was going fucking apeshit with the elbows, even from the guard! The finish was fucking fantastic, too.

And the WEC card this Wednesday is probably the best card I've ever seen them have. Those of you who haven't seen Faber or Filho in action owe it to yourselves to check this one out. Sonnen, Pulver, and Curran aren't schleps, either.

blackdragon - 12-11-2007 at 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Joeldacat

Re-Edit: Did he nail anything like that (the slams in the video) on Chuck Lidell?

Unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to do so. Both times they fought, Chuck got knocked out. The one in UFC ended in less than 2 minutes into the first round.

Rampage also didn't get to slam Henderson, and even said in a post interview that it's hard to pick up guys with Grecco-Roman wrestling backgrounds.

GimmickMan - 12-11-2007 at 06:54 PM

The WEC card is probably the best card broadcast on free TV this year (and, in this purpose, I'm not counting the two numbered UFC's that aired on Spike).

It features three title fights and Jens Pulver's redebut at 145 pounds.

Tomas Rios of has a bang-up preview here.

Paulo Filho (and his FLANNEL POWER!) will smash Chael Sonnen.

Urijah Faber will be taken deep by Jeff Curran but will ultimately retain his title.

Doug Marshall will lose his Light-Heavyweight Title.

Jens Pulver will win and we will have a mega-fight between Faber and Pulver early next year.


GatorBait - 12-11-2007 at 06:59 PM

Sherdog actually had an article (if anybody wants to hunt it down for my lazy at-work ass) claiming Filho may be an even better pound-for-pound fighter than Anderson Silva. I can't argue that too much.

folby - 12-13-2007 at 07:43 PM

Gator, let me know when Sherdog issues a retraction.

Paulo Filho (and his FLANNEL POWER!) will smash Chael Sonnen.
Sonnen made a stupid mistake. Filho got the win, but there wasn't much smashing involved. How do you feel about Chute Box being a bunch of fairly decent but certainly beatable chubby dudes when not on the gas, Gimmick? Chuck Lidell is going to smash Silva's face in. USA USA USA

Good night of fights for sure, I really enjoyed that show. Faber is a beast.

[Edited on 12-13-2007 by folby]

GatorBait - 12-13-2007 at 08:05 PM

Count me in as being very disappointed with Filho's performance. Chael was working him pretty well, and he was winning the fight until he got caught. He was clearly tapping, though, so I didn't appreciate his babying afterward.

Jens Pulver took advantage of Cub Swanson's inexperience. For those of you who were watching Swanson for the first time, don't take that as an indicator of his overall abilities. He's a great up-and-coming fighter who just happened to get caught.

And Faber is a fucking maniac. Jeff Curran is no slouch, and Faber basically neutralized the best that Curran threw at him. I loved Frank Trigg's comment "I think I've only seen that move in The Matrix, before" when he hit Curran with a jumping knee from the clinch.

Faber vs. Pulver? Count me in. If Faber gets the win, they really need to move him to the UFC and help flesh out the rest of the lightweight division (yes, I know he'd have to put on 10 more pounds). Faber could have serious money-matches with Joe Stevenson, BJ Penn, Sean Sherk, Mac Danzig, and Kenny Florian. Actually, that's a nice little round robin of matches right there.

For those of you who missed the show, you also missed a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!!!

As for Wanderlei/Liddell, I hope Chuck gets KTFO yet again and that the ref doesn't step in to save him as he gets his skull bludgeoned and spread in tiny bits across the blood-soaked mat. Is that wrong of me?

Jheaton - 12-13-2007 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by folby
Gator, let me know when Sherdog issues a retraction.
Paulo Filho (and his FLANNEL POWER!) will smash Chael Sonnen.
Sonnen made a stupid mistake. Filho got the win, but there wasn't much smashing involved. How do you feel about Chute Box being a bunch of fairly decent but certainly beatable chubby dudes when not on the gas, Gimmick? Chuck Lidell is going to smash Silva's face in. USA USA USA

Good night of fights for sure, I really enjoyed that show. Faber is a beast.

[Edited on 12-13-2007 by folby]

That wasn't Sonnen making a mistake as much a Paulo is a superior fighter. Sonnens a guy whos all ways lost when he's steped up in class (He's lost to Horn, Babalu, Terry Martin, ect) and has allways had lousy submission defence.

folby - 12-14-2007 at 07:27 PM

I call BS. He was winning the fight in a big way on his feet. Going for the takedown was a mistake. Had he not shot in a second time he never would have gotten caught. Credit where credit is due: Filho is a tough motherfucker who stuck with it to win the fight. That said, it was Sonnen's mistake (shooting in, sticking his arm out) that swung the direction of the fight.

salmonjunkie - 12-14-2007 at 09:28 PM

I heard about the release german, oh but that youtube link no longer works.

Finally got around to watching the first half of TUF last night on my dVR. Holy shit, the 3rd round of War Machine/J-Roc was amazing. Shit like that is why I love MMA. Wow.

folby - 12-15-2007 at 06:01 AM

Here you go, friend:

Jheaton - 12-15-2007 at 11:07 PM

[Joey Styles] No Bridge All Impact!![/Joey Styles]

GatorBait - 12-17-2007 at 09:34 PM

On 12/7, Sean O'Haire got another victory in a league that Sherdog doesn't even recognize. Looks like he's finally getting himself into shape, again. BRING ON BROCK! (I keed! I keed!):;_page=18

Pics from his fight start on page 16.

GimmickMan - 12-19-2007 at 03:44 AM

If you have an HDTV and can get HDNet, I would suggest doing it now.

This weekend they'll have Sportfight: Season's Beatings from Portland

Dec. 29 they'll have the IFL Grand Prix Finals.

Then, to cap it all off, on Dec. 31 they have YARENNOKA from Saitama Super Arena in Japan featuring these confirmed bouts:

Fedor Emelianenko (#1 Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Hong Man Choi
-Hayato "Mach" Sakurai (#2 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Hidehiko Hasegawa
-Gilbert Melendez (#3 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Mitsuhiro Ishida (#9 Lightweight in the World)*
-Tatsuya Kawajiri (#4 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Luiz Azeredo
-Shinya Aoki (#5 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Gesias "JZ" Calvancante (#6 Lightweight in the World)*
-Kazuo Misaki (#8 Middleweight in the World)* vs. Yoshihiro Akiyama (#10 Middleweight in the World)*
-Murilo Bustamante vs. Makoto Takimoto

By my count, that's four OMG~!!! bouts.

Hopefully the show will use PRIDE rules. I haven't had that special feeling I get when I see someone get soccer kicked or stomped in a long time. I miss that. (It'll never be better than seeing Wanderlei stomp Yuki Kondo's face in at Final Conflict 2004.)

Also, I love Mayhem and Tim Kennedy (from Saturday's pretty good HDNet Fights show):

[Edited on 12-19-2007 by GimmickMan]

GatorBait - 12-19-2007 at 01:52 PM

Yeah, it fuckin' sucks that I've got Cox for my cable provider. I've been wanting HDNet for awhile.

Here's hoping that big goofy Korean can knock Fedor's teeth out!

folby - 12-19-2007 at 03:27 PM

Gimmick, at what point are you going to stop ranking Fedor #1 based on inactivity and/or quality of opposition? Fedor is my favorite fighter ever but I'm not going to deny he's kind of a bitch about some things.

GatorBait - 12-19-2007 at 03:51 PM

Has anybody decisively de-throned Fedor atop the heavyweight division, though? Couture has been winning against sub-par (for now... I still see big things from Gonzaga) competition.

I completely see the arguments against him being the pound-for-pound champ, but nobody in the heavyweight division can hold Fedor's jockstrap at the moment.

GimmickMan - 12-20-2007 at 12:08 AM

Originally posted by folby
Gimmick, at what point are you going to stop ranking Fedor #1 based on inactivity and/or quality of opposition? Fedor is my favorite fighter ever but I'm not going to deny he's kind of a bitch about some things.

Well, folbster, I have been wavering on this for a long time now. If there was a solid No. 2 choice, it would be a lot easier to give him the boot.

Randy Couture will never claim the spot now, Josh Barnett hasn't fought in a fucking year (man, that sucks) and you can't put Nogueira above him for obvious reasons and CroCop is a joke at this moment.

I think you could make an argument for Tim Sylvia if he beats Minotauro and Fedor looks subpar against Choi.

And I can't believe I just typed that last paragraph.

But, aside from the loss to Couture, he has proven himself as a top-level heavyweight.

GatorBait - 12-26-2007 at 09:33 PM

Good article here:

Telling the media that he had "accomplished all that I could as a fighter" following his Dec. 8 bout with Ricky Hatton, Floyd Mayweather intimated that he would be happy to retire with a perfect 39-0 record and the unofficial title of best pound-for-pound boxer on the planet.

But if Mark Cuban is to be believed, the 30-year-old pugilist has a prescient sense of history and wants to add one more chapter to his inevitable self-congratulatory autobiography -- Mayweather could become the first boxer in his career prime to risk hyper-extended ligaments in a mixed martial arts contest.

Mayweather, Cuban said, will be involved in some capacity with the billionaire's fledging HDNet Fights promotion and will visit MMA gyms in the coming months to gauge his interest in an open-style fight.

Perhaps Mayweather, who is nothing if not shrewd, sees that there is increasing debate about the superior combat sport, and that his participation would prompt a lot of people to fork over a lot of money for resolution. Or perhaps he believes that observers in the future will question why none of boxing's royalty ever made the transition, especially now that the UFC's media saturation has made good paydays feasible.

Alternately, he could be under the woeful delusion that if he can hurt people with 16-ounce gloves, then four-ounce gloves would be akin to sanctioned homicide. (More likely, his notoriously brittle hands would suffer more than his opponent's jaws.)

However you slice it, Mayweather's move would be spectacular business for Cuban, who may have just found himself the only athlete that could make a legitimate attempt to outpace the UFC for pay-per-view clicks. Mayweather versus Athlete X is more than the sum of its parts; it would be boxing versus MMA, ingrained institution versus upstart eyesore. It's the kind of territorial promotion that boxing made its bones on, with countries rallying behind their athletes and fights being more socio-political in nature than just two jocks exchanging jabs.

It could be, in short, the first goosebump-inducing attraction in years, a spectacle that both sports have struggled to provide, with their respective mega-fights taking place years after their expiration dates. (Randy Couture (Pictures) will be cashing Social Security checks before he ever steps in the ring against Fedor Emelianenko (Pictures); Roy Jones Jr. versus Felix Trinidad is a running punchline in boxing circles.) Mayweather himself is running out of options in his native sport, with the Hatton bout drawing only a third the TV business of the De La Hoya meeting.

For Floyd, the question won't be how much money he can make stuffing takedowns (it'll be a lot), but if the purse justifies the risk to his reputation. Boxers who have stepped into MMA in the past have either been too old (see: Ray Mercer), too one-dimensional (see: Art Jimmerson), or too ill-prepared for the task at hand (see: Francois Botha (Pictures)). Boxers that have seen a modicum of success (Jeremy Williams, LaVerne Clark (Pictures)e) also happen to have substantial wrestling backgrounds. Hardly a coincidence.

Whether Mayweather realizes it or not -- and his handlers will inevitably clue him in -- walking into a mixed-style arena with his only current abilities is a dangerous arrogance. His vaunted defensive style assumes his oversized gloves will help block attacks; in MMA, the thin membrane of leather and stuffing will leave him exposed. His boxing stance doesn't need to concern itself with kicks or flying knees; in MMA, strikes will come from impossible angles courtesy of appendages he didn't even know existed. Worse, punches that begin at his feet and use his entire body for support and power will only leave him planted and ripe for takedowns.

In short, the Floyd Mayweather we see now has no practical application in MMA. If he's serious, he'll need to begin shaping Floyd 2.0: a striker with quick, devastating hands who has jet fuel in his gloves and the agility and reflexes to defend shots and kicks.

Mayweather might find inspiration in Mirko Filipovic (Pictures), a Croatian kickboxer who was a dangerous -- if not elite -- participant in K-1 that went on to beat people bloody in MMA. Filipovic had no collegiate wrestling background, but was eager to learn, was brought up slowly and had undeniable athleticism. Sure, Mayweather doesn't have Cro Cop's lower-body arsenal � but the kickboxer doesn't have Mayweather's hands, either.

Marrying Mayweather's hand speed with takedown defense and submission awareness is one thing, but applying it is another. I don't think there are enough years on the calendar for Mayweather to equip himself well enough to deal with the wrestling prowess of a Urijah Faber (Pictures) or Sean Sherk (Pictures). (Then again, I've seen Filipovic stuff takedowns from Mark Coleman (Pictures), so who knows?) It's far more likely he would take inspiration from someone like Cung Le (Pictures), who has been matched with athletes in MMA that are predisposed to stand up and trade with him.

Assuming he goes that far, the boxer's Sherdog record won't consist of any Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belts or NCAA champions. To even imagine him in the same contained space as a "Kid" Yamamoto is sadistic. Instead, he's likely to oppose a spastic, undisciplined combatant on the level of a Charles Bennett (Pictures) or Melvin Guillard (Pictures), someone who is just as apt to make positional mistakes as he is.

But I'm not sure Mayweather's legendary work ethic would be inspired by mid-level competition; nor am I sure the fights between champions like Sherk and Faber would be entertained by Zuffa.

That leaves fights that have little to do with rankings, but a lot to do with emotional investment. The historian in me would love to see Helio Gracie's wish for Joe Lewis come to life in the form of Mayweather versus Royler Gracie (Pictures). The grappler versus striker conceit would be presented in its purest form; the 40-ish Royler would create some kind of doubt as to whether he's still nimble enough to wrestle an antagonist to the ground.

And the Gracie name has obvious promotional implications. From all perspectives, it's the perfect fight.

But until Mayweather proclaims his commitment to the sport, it's also just fantasy. Mike Tyson used K-1 -- and K-1 used Tyson -- just to get press for years. Lennox Lewis considered it (a co-promotion with the WWE and Brock Lesnar (Pictures)), but ultimately rejected the notion of getting mounted and elbowed in the face; Michael Moorer said he'd do it, but out-priced himself; Shannon Briggs trained at American Top Team, and obviously, he must've seen something there he didn't like.

Not exactly encouraging precedents. Mayweather might follow the same path of having an ego bigger than his skill set.

Or perhaps he'll follow the classic archetype of the fighter who has everything to lose, but still keeps coming forward.

folby - 12-27-2007 at 10:30 PM

If Floyd Mayweather takes an MMA fight within the next three years I'll eat my hat and the hats of several of my close friends.

Attitude Adjuster - 12-27-2007 at 11:40 PM

Gimmick: There's an MMA card Saturday night, right? Liddell/Silva, I think? Any thoughts on who will win anywhere on that card...for news matter only and not to be used in violation of any Federal, State or Local law(s).

Yeah, I'm heading to Reno for New Year's.

GatorBait - 12-28-2007 at 02:56 PM

Well while we wait for Gimmick's OOficial predictions, I'll toss mine out. If any of you can catch the fights Saturday, it should be one hell of a card. And at least the top 2 fights are big BIG name matchups:

Matt "The Douche-Jock" Hughes (43-5-0) vs. Georges "Rush" St-Pierre (14-2-0)
This was supposed to be Hughes vs. Matt Serra for the title in a fight where 2 guys really REALLY don't like each other. Instead we're left with what should be one hell of a rubber match between two amazing fighters. Hughes won the first one in '04 with an OMG ARMBAR~!~~!! as time was running out in the first round. GSP took the second fight just over a year ago, stopping the fight with strikes. Hughes is wanting to push hard for his final few fights, and he REALLY wants to get his hands on Serra, but GSP is in his prime.

Prediction: GSP again via strikes, but in round 4 this time.

Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell (20-5-0) vs. Wanderlei "The Axe Murderer" Silva (31-7-1)
This was a fight that was supposed to happen about 47 years ago in Pride. Both of these guys love to strike, and both love to go for the KO. Silva has the "age and experience" advantage, being the younger fighter by 7 years. And he's got a more versatile striking offense, as well. Chuck has been reeling of late.

Prediction: Silva by KO early in round 2.

Lyoto Machida (11-0-0) vs. "The African Assassin" Rameau Sokoudjou (4-1-0)
For you boxing fans, Machida is the Chris Byrd (old-style) of MMA. He's a boring fighter who goes for "points" over finishes. At least that's been the trend lately. 6 of his last 7 fights have been full-time unanimous decision wins. Blah. Nevertheless, he's still undefeated in MMA.

Sokoudjou is a ball of fire and will likely push this fight from the get-go. And he's black, so we know he likes to punch people. Apparently, he knows some judo. He knocked out Big Nog in :23, too.

Prediction: Machida finally falls. KO toward the end of Round 1.

Rich "No Love" Clementi (37-12-1) vs. "The Young Assassin" Melvin Guillard (39-7-3)
One word: EXPLOSIVE. Both are rather inconsistent fighters, and that's what is going to make for one hell of a fight. Both can strike. Both have solid ground games. And both have everything to gain AND lose from a win or a loss.

Prediction: Clementi by split decision in the Fight of the Night.

Soa "The Hulk" Palelei (8-1-0) vs. "The Manic Hispanic" Eddie Sanchez (9-1-0)
Sanchez hasn't really beaten anybody of note, with the only name fight on his resume being a TKO loss to CroCop. Soa hasn't really fought anybody, either, but he does have a 2-inch and 35 pound advantage on Sanchez.

Prediction: Soa via ground-and-pound in round 3.

Also, a pretty decent non-broadcast portion of the card with these fights:
Luiz "Banha" Cane (8-0-0) vs. "The Sandman" James Irvin (12-4-1)
Nate Mohr (8-4-0) vs. "The Pitbull" Manny Gamburyan (5-3-0)
Jordan Radev (16-2-0) vs. "The Boogeyman" Dean "Tito's Bitchboy" Lister (9-5-0)
Roan "Jucao" Carneiro (11-6-0) vs. Tony DeSouza (10-3-0)
Mark "No Nickname" Bocek (4-1-0) vs. "No Nickname" Doug Evans (6-1-0)

GimmickMan - 12-28-2007 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Attitude Adjuster
Gimmick: There's an MMA card Saturday night, right? Liddell/Silva, I think? Any thoughts on who will win anywhere on that card...for news matter only and not to be used in violation of any Federal, State or Local law(s).

Yeah, I'm heading to Reno for New Year's.

Hmmm...(odds from Bodog)

Tony DeSouza +120
Sokoudjou -115
Georges St-Pierre (ALL DAY) -240

I can't really condone action on the Silva-Liddell fight. I'd say that Chuck is an extremely live 'dog at +110 at this point, so make a play on that one at your own risk. I guess I'd play whoever is the 'dog. It's too close to call either way.

And even though I haven't personally seen him, I've heard good things about Luis Cane (-200) and he's facing James Irvin who's been a tad inconsistent throughout his UFC career and is coming off a knee injury. Again, at your own risk here.

Also, Fedor -1500. Yes, he is -1500 against Hong-Man Choi on Tuesday. That's down from like -1700, though.

GatorBait - 12-28-2007 at 08:56 PM

I hope Choi embarrasses him.

GimmickMan - 12-29-2007 at 12:05 AM

Well, you also hope Sean O'Haire will become a respectable MMA fighter.

Neither will ever happen.

salmonjunkie - 12-29-2007 at 12:20 AM

AA, I think Silva will win.

GimmickMan - 12-29-2007 at 03:29 AM


Reppin' Chute Boxe & Xtreme Couture, my two favorite gyms.

Also, I grabbed tickets for UFC 82: PRIDE of a Champion in Columbus, Ohio today!!!

March 1 cannot come soon enough.

[Edited on 12-29-2007 by GimmickMan]

GimmickMan - 12-29-2007 at 07:54 PM

Hey, any Chuck Liddell fans willing to make an av bet?

One week or so?

folby - 12-30-2007 at 05:09 PM

Wish I had seen that yesterday. You and some Hammer House fans should start a support group Gimmick, SSWS - San Steroids We Suck.

joerizal - 12-31-2007 at 12:35 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
AA, I think Silva will win.

Sal, you owe AA some cash, man

The Iceman cometh, bitches!!!!! Stone Cold Chuck Liddell took over that match, no questions asked. The question is whether he'll be able to sustain that intensity in later matches.

GSP over Hughes in convincing fashion. That was a sweet transition from the kimura/triangle combo into the armbar.

Rich Clementi is a prick, and I love it! This guy could be a professional wrestler. He sounds like Jamie Noble, he knows how to apply the Masterlock(!), and he even had that little "Suck it" at the end! Awesome!

Bummer about the African Assassin. Machida was just spot-on last night. I did dig Assassin's Predator mask entrance though

In conclusion, GSP's gonna OWN Serra.

GimmickMan - 12-31-2007 at 06:37 AM

First off: BOOM!

Now, onto my UFC 79 thoughts (full thoughts here)

Rich Clementi vs. Melvin Guillard
-This was fun. I knew about the backstory between these two but wasn't really expecting what happened. Clementi got rocked but stayed in there and got it where he needed to be - the ground. From there, he pretty much had his way. The crotch chop was nice as was the post-fight interview. I laughed.

Sokoudjou vs. Ryoto Machida
-This was very interesting. Sudoku rocked Machida really early but after that, he couldn't do much. Mario Yamasaki continues to show why he is the absolute worst big name referee out there, standing them up right when Lyoto was locking in an arm-triangle. And although I had my $1 (our group bets on the fights) on Sokoudjou, I can't complain with a submission victory that has the word "triangle" in it.

Wanderlei Silva vs. Chuck Liddell
-Jesus Tittyfucking Christ did this ever live up to the hype and more. This was utterly awesome. Maybe the reason I had so much fun because I was so into it, but regardless of that, this was fun to watch. These two were landing total bombs on each other. I loved Wanderlei baiting Chuck in the first round and then firing off a hard shot. Liddell shooting a straight double had me laughing my ass off. That actually took a lot of the edge off for me. It was like the strangest thing I've ever seen in the Octagon.

While I love Wanderlei, I was not disappointed in the end result. What we saw was two fighters going at it for 15 minutes, toe-to-toe and never backing down or quitting. Wanderlei showed so much heart and has nothing to be ashamed of. Sure, he's lost three in a row, but I'd like to see any fighter not named Fedor get through Mirko CroCop, Dan Henderson and Chuck Liddell without losing at least two of three, if not all three.

This was one of those fights that I'm glad went to a decision and we had the pleasure of seeing them in there for all 15 minutes. In my eyes, this was one of the top-2 most-anticipated fights in MMA history along with Fedor/CroCop. Both were similar in that they were skilled battles between two top fighters that went the distance with a pretty much clear-cut winner. While this may not have been the most technical fight ever, I'd be lying if I said I thought it was anything other than extremely awesome.

Georges St-Pierre vs. Matt Hughes
GSP just ran a figurative train on Hughes in this one. This was 13 different types of awesome. I knew coming in that, judging by the first two fights between these two, that Hughes' chances in this fight were slim to none and slim never left the farm. GSP never gave him a chance. If the first round was 10 seconds longer, we would've had the same finish except in the first round.

According to CompuStrike, GSP landed 77 total strikes while Hughes landed FIVE. This was just a complete and utter domination. I said on my show going in that I just couldn't see a way in which Hughes could win. That materialized.

GSP is just a man on a mission right now. I love him dominating people at their own games. Right now, he's tooled Trigg, Sherk, Hughes x2 and Koscheck at wrestling and it's been hilarious. He's blown all these guys out of the water. The guy is just constantly improving. I loved him passing Matt's guard like a hot knife through butter. Hughes offered absolutely nothing. That throw was hilarious. I would've never imagined I'd see Matt Hughes � the longtime powerhouse of the UFC Welterweight Division � getting ragdolled like that in a fight.

There was just so much awesomeness in this fight. I loved GSP's post-fight interview as well. This guy gives the best fucking post-fight interviews ever. I think it's impossible to not love this guy.

I pray to God that GSP dispatches of Serra rather easily and that sets up what should be a mega showdown between he and Fitch in the summer. That would be amazing.

Great night of fights. UFC has a lot of good things to look forward to in January/ highlights:

BJ Penn vs. Joe Stevenson
Gabriel Gonzaga vs. Fabricio Werdum
Drew McFedries vs. Patrick Cot� (!!!)
Tim Sylvia vs. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
Frank Mir vs. Brock Lesnar

And MORE!!!

Good shit right here.

SuperRob - 12-31-2007 at 07:12 AM

Man, what an awesome card. From that crazy opening fight right down to GSP giving the fans a master's class in MMA, there wasn't anything in this card not to like. Wow.

GatorBait - 12-31-2007 at 03:35 PM

Wrong. Wrong. WRONG.

40% of the card absolutely blew goatsac. Michida is still the Chris Byrd of MMA, but at least he finished a fight. And the Soa fight was one of the worst fights I've ever seen.

That being said, I think I may finally have a favorite fighter in the lightweight division. Rich Clementi is just awesome. He at least gets me interested to see his fights. Not that the Penn/Stevenson fight will be anything to shrug at, but I'm really curious to see what Clementi would do against a little better competition. He's got a very well-rounded arsenal if nothing else.

The Chuck/Wanderlei fight was what it was. Nothing much more to be said about it. I don't see this being the "great comeback" for Chuck, though. And Silva's still gonna have a couple fun fights against some guys who aren't pure strikers.

GSP may be the best fighter alive, today. Pound-for-pound. Any sport. I don't know why I forgot about him when I said the same about Anderson Silva. Anybody think there's a chance GSP will ever bump up a class to take on Anderson Silva? After Silva plows through Hendo, he won't have any more worthy challengers.

GimmickMan - 12-31-2007 at 04:30 PM

I don't think GSP needs to move to 185. There's still so much for him to do at 170.

Maybe in time, but not now.

Although I think Matt Hughes could possibly give Anderson a run for his money at 185. I mean, he'd just revert to straight wrestler mode and pray to God he'd never be on the bottom.

GatorBait - 12-31-2007 at 04:42 PM

I was actually thinking a move for Hughes in the other direction might not be bad for him. There are plenty of other interesting matchups for him at Lightweight. Silva would obliterate him.

DevilSoprano - 12-31-2007 at 06:37 PM

I'm not the biggest MMA fan around and barely get around to watching much except for the real big cards. I know the big names that have been around like Liddell, Ortiz, CroCop, Rampage, etc. but I have no real in depth knowledge of styles and who meshes with who, but that was an awesome show.

GSP fucking owned Hughes and made him look like a bitch. I remember watching the Serra/GSP fight and how everyone I was with was in absolute shock that Serra won, now I see why. If GSP is that damn good on a consistent basis I can't see how he ever loses.

And Chuck Liddell is fucking awesome. That match was brutal, but anytime I see someone throw a spinning back fist and it connects at all, that person becomes an all-time great. He didn't hit it clean because if he had Silva gets knocked out right there. If Silva didn't take a small step forward, that spinning back fist connects clean across Silva's face and he goes down without question. But the fact is, both guys took the absolute best of each other but Liddell just wanted it so much more.

GimmickMan - 1-1-2008 at 01:22 AM

Originally posted by GatorBait
I was actually thinking a move for Hughes in the other direction might not be bad for him. There are plenty of other interesting matchups for him at Lightweight. Silva would obliterate him.

Gator, Gator, Gator.

Matt Hughes cuts to 170 from 190. There's no way in hell he can make 155.

SuperRob - 1-1-2008 at 06:02 AM

Originally posted by GatorBait
Wrong. Wrong. WRONG.

40% of the card absolutely blew goatsac. Michida is still the Chris Byrd of MMA, but at least he finished a fight. And the Soa fight was one of the worst fights I've ever seen.

That being said, I think I may finally have a favorite fighter in the lightweight division. Rich Clementi is just awesome. He at least gets me interested to see his fights. Not that the Penn/Stevenson fight will be anything to shrug at, but I'm really curious to see what Clementi would do against a little better competition. He's got a very well-rounded arsenal if nothing else.

The Chuck/Wanderlei fight was what it was. Nothing much more to be said about it. I don't see this being the "great comeback" for Chuck, though. And Silva's still gonna have a couple fun fights against some guys who aren't pure strikers.

GSP may be the best fighter alive, today. Pound-for-pound. Any sport. I don't know why I forgot about him when I said the same about Anderson Silva. Anybody think there's a chance GSP will ever bump up a class to take on Anderson Silva? After Silva plows through Hendo, he won't have any more worthy challengers.

lol ... I must have mentally blocked out the Soa fight after the awesomeness that was GSP. As for Michida, I considered his finishing a fight a real highlight.

joerizal - 1-1-2008 at 06:21 AM

Yeah, after reading Gator's pre-match comments regarding Machida, I was expecting a subpar semi-snoozefest (only offsetted by my anticipation of what the African Assassin could do). But Machida was spot-on with his strikes, the ground stuff didn't last too long, and as mentioned, that Arm Triangle finish was niiiice.

salmonjunkie - 1-1-2008 at 11:43 AM

Rich Clementi vs. Melvin Guillard
- Fun. Decent opener

Sokoudjou vs. Ryoto Machida
- Sokoudjou sucked ass.

Wanderlei Silva vs. Chuck Liddell
- SO. FUCKING. GOOD. These guys gave it their all. I thought Silva would win, but Liddell finally got out of the slump. Which is good. Hopefully we'll see these gusy fight again. It'll be a lot of fun again, fo sho.

Georges St-Pierre vs. Matt Hughes
GSP just DOMINATED. He kicks so much ass right now and is on the top of his game. He will beat Serra.

I am looking forward to all the matches Gimmick is looking forward to too. I predict 2008 is going to be an awesome year for UFC.

[Edited on 1-1-2008 by salmonjunkie]

globalsmack - 1-1-2008 at 05:53 PM


Sokoudjou knocked out little nog, not Big Nog. Bad set of predictions as well.

As for the card, I liked the 3 advertised fights. Machida is the real deal. Even though most MMA fans find him boring I think his fights are exciting. The guy avoids damage while striking for real power. Damn he looked so small next to Sokoudjou.

Chuck and Wand delivered. Nice show of respect at the end of the fight by Chuck. Wand was beaten and looked like he didn't know where he was. Chuck took him down and let the time expire.

GSP has said he would move up to fight Anderson Silva at 185. That would be an awesome fight. Hopefully Anderson keeps the belt long enough for it to happen.

MrTootles - 1-4-2008 at 06:45 AM

I finally caught this one, and it reminded me why I don't like UFC.

First, I'll admit I'm a huge Silva fan. His explosive style got me into MMA, and I was hoping he'd bring it back and kick the shit out of Liddell. That being said, Chuck definitely won the fight via points, however:

- I think the fight was MUCH closer than the announcers and judges gave Wandy credit for. I think he controlled like 75% of the 2nd round, and yet Rogan and Goldie said something like, "Chuck, always the stalker," when Liddell finally got some offense in. They also said he "slipped" one of the times he fell, when a replay showed Wand nailing him with a punch.

- Did anybody else think the replays were VERY bias toward Chuck?

Again, I'm not arguing the winner, but I definitely think there was some really clear bias shown toward the home team.

Edited for clarification.

[Edited on 1-4-2008 by MrTootles]

GimmickMan - 1-4-2008 at 08:44 PM

No doubt. I completely agree.

I was telling my friends at the end of the fight when Goldberg was in his crazy hyperbole mode about Chuck that you'd think by the way they were acting that Chuck knocked him out three times in the fight but he was saved by the bell each time.

With each passing event, I hate Mike Goldberg more and more.

folby - 1-4-2008 at 09:40 PM

gimmick just mad cuz his brazilian boyfriends is bogus

GimmickMan - 1-5-2008 at 07:59 AM

Dear folby:

Go fuck yourself.



GimmickMan - 1-19-2008 at 05:29 AM

Getting this in under the wire, but this is my preview of UFC 80 that I wrote for my paper:


Although not rich on big names, this weekend�s UFC 80: Rapid Fire card from Newcastle, England should provide plenty of excitement.

The card will air live at 3 p.m. Saturday on pay-per-view. Here is my breakdown and my predictions of the main card.
In the main event, former UFC Welterweight Champion BJ Penn will face Joe Stevenson for the UFC Lightweight Championship.

I�m having trouble seeing a way in which Stevenson wins this fight. Stevenson is a competent fighter and should be challenging for a title, but when Penn is on his game, he is one of the top three fighters in the world. His chin is rock hard, his submission skills are outstanding and his striking is dangerous.

Everything that Stevenson does, Penn does better. While Stevenson�s wrestling is one of his strengths, Penn�s takedown defense and insane flexibility should let him keep the fight standing if he chooses.

While I don�t expect this to be a complete blowout, Penn will systematically pick apart Stevenson, culminating in a third round submission victory via a rear-naked choke.

In the co-main event, Gabriel Gonzaga will collide with Fabricio Werdum in a heavyweight bout. These two have fought before � Werdum came out on top with a third round TKO.

I expect things to be different this time.

Gonzaga had a ton of momentum going before his loss to UFC Heavyweight Champion Randy Couture back in August. I�d look for Gonzaga to gain some revenge here with a second round knockout.

Also on the card, Marcus Davis will knockout Jess Liaudin in the first round, Jason Lambert will pick up a unanimous decision over Wilson Gouveia and Kendall Grove will return to form with a second round submission of Jorge Rivera.

GimmickMan's Picks - For Entertainment Only
(Lines from Bodog)

James Lee +105
Gabriel Gonzaga -225
Jason Lambert +115


folby - 1-23-2008 at 03:32 PM

Despite being light on names I thought UFC 80 was pretty fun. What's not to like about a night full of flash knockouts and blood? When the show first started and BJ said "Bad time...bad time to fight BJ Penn right now." I wanted him to finally be for real. I wanted all the talk about him taking everything seriously and training hard and eating right to finally be legit and for him to come out and just fuck Stevenson up. The look on his face before the fight started made me thing it was all finally coming together, and while he didn't knock him clean out of the cage or anything it was a dominating performance and I'm excited to see what BJ does going forward.

Congrats to Werdum but goddamn is the heavyweight division a mess.

Thom - 1-23-2008 at 03:48 PM

I don't know what to think of Penn. Obviously, he's a great fighter, and I used to really like him - but the more he talks, the less I like him. Yeah, he won, so he's earned the right to talk. But there's just something about the way he handles himself while doing so. The fact that he kept the choke on Pulver in their last fight doesn't help, either. If Sherk hadn't been busted for PEDs, I'd want him to win, I think. As it is, I'm just pulling for Kenny Florian to work his way back up and put some respect back into BJ.

Gobshite - 2-2-2008 at 07:53 PM

Anyone know any websites that stream UFC? I wanna watch it live if possible, but its not on over here till tomorrow...

folby - 2-2-2008 at 08:28 PM

Check your U2Us.

nOOb - 2-2-2008 at 09:28 PM

Can Brock Lesnar actually lose this fight? I mean, they've built this up pretty well to the point where I'm going to get this like I did Rampage/Liddell. And from the UFC Countdown show and the Brock Lesnar Spotlight show, I can see Frank Mir throwing Brock in an armbar, trying to break it in half, and Brock just looking down at him confused and throwing down a punch with his other hand, knocking the bejesus out of Mir.

folby - 2-2-2008 at 10:49 PM

There are plenty of ways an accomplished BJJ guy can beat a wrestler. Armbars, triangles, chokes, etc. It's all about how well Brock has transitioned to MMA. If he's still relying mostly on wrestling skills I can see him getting caught. If he's worked hard on submission defense it should be a cakewalk for him. It's not a given at this point. It also depends on how "back" Mir is. Mir was a good fighter once, at this point he might be a washed up hack. Brock may turn his face into pudding inside of 15 seconds. We shall see!

Edited to add that Randy Couture (who is as good at picks as he is at fighting) has picked Mir to win. Here's hoping!

[Edited on 2-2-2008 by folby]

GimmickMan - 2-2-2008 at 11:46 PM

Brock Lesnar by TKO (G&P;) Rd. 3
Antonio Rodrigo "Minotauro" Nogueira by Submission (Armbar) Rd. 4

folby - 2-3-2008 at 12:08 AM

I want Big Nog to win the title. But it won't happen. There's no way. I feel so strongly about this that I will put my legendary avatar on the line.

Avatars - 1 week, Gimmick. If you've got the stones for it.

GimmickMan - 2-3-2008 at 12:12 AM

We all know that PRIDE has the better heavyweights. That will hold true tonight.


nOOb - 2-3-2008 at 12:22 AM

Oh I wasn't even talking about the wrestling. Lesnar, even at 265, is still built like a tank. Just watching them show Mir breaking Sylvia's arm, then comparing the size of Sylvia's arm to that of Lesnar, it just makes me wonder HOW it's possible. Sure, he could make a sloppy shot like he did in his first NCAA title shot, but his neck is close to being not there for him to get thrown in a guilotine, his arms are thick to the point where Mir may not even be able to bend them to cause the pain needed for a tapout...and that's not even considering most of Lesnar's workouts revolve around exploding out of situations where if he does get caught, he might just overpower his way out of the hold and start pounding away. Watching his workout was like watching a combo of all the good parts of Rocky and Ivan Drago's workouts from Rocky IV times 10.

Also, I found it pretty funny that he ordered the XXL gloves they use in UFC and they still don't fit.

folby - 2-3-2008 at 06:18 AM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
We all know that PRIDE has the better heavyweights. That will hold true tonight.

Well, I have never been happier to look the fool. Gimmick, I will take whatever you come up with.

GimmickMan - 2-3-2008 at 09:17 AM



Morgoloth - 2-3-2008 at 01:25 PM

So who won?

Gobshite - 2-3-2008 at 01:37 PM

Big Nog by submission (guillotine choke) in round 3, and Mir by submission (knee bar) in round 1.

Guess Brock wasn't was ready as he thought.

They showed Angle, Taker and Austin all in the crowd...

Morgoloth - 2-3-2008 at 01:41 PM

Wow. And all of my friends and me had placed money (imaginary) on Brock. Just goes to show that just because you're built like a tank and can do Spider-Man push ups doesn't necessarily mean you can win a fight.

Morgoloth - 2-3-2008 at 01:50 PM

Okay, sorry for the double post, but I finally got to watch the video on YouTube. This definitely was a matter of experience and over eagerness. Brock kept going into Mir's guard who turned that into a great kneebar. Wow.

bd - 2-3-2008 at 03:08 PM


Joeldacat - 2-3-2008 at 05:02 PM

I watched this at a restaurant / bar, it was my first UFC PPV experience. I enjoyed it- I got a huge kick out of seeing the Undertaker, Kurt Angle and Stone Cold in the crowd, and was really hoping for some total chair-thrown-in-the-ring shenanigans that would've completely pissed off my hardcore UFC only friend.

Alas, Brock lost pretty quick, although I thought he looked pretty vicious in there. It would've done the UFC well to have him win; while he was dominating, he looked like a monster, and it would've kept the mystique alive at least for another fight to see if he could do it again.

Oh well, viva Mir, good job, sir!

borntorun - 2-3-2008 at 05:37 PM

Brock was a little slow to put the sharpshooter on Mir.

nOOb - 2-3-2008 at 06:47 PM

Anyone who bases Lesnar's readiness on the fact that he lost in the first round is a fool. Yeah, he should've stood up Mir instead of trying to pass his guard, but cmon: Mir was knocked out. Steve Mazzagati continues to piss me off with his ability to make stupid ass calls, like the one in the Ultimate Fighter 5 finale between Gray Maynard and random douche where random douche was slammed to the ground, tapped out, yet it was ruled a no-decision because Maynard was unable to get away from him quick enough and therefore was ruled to have knocked himself out. That punch to the back of the head didn't make him woozy: the vicious punches following the punch to the back of the head did. And it wasn't even an intentional punch; Lesnar was already commited to the punch and all Mir could do to defend himself was try and turn to his back. He couldn't lock an armbar or a guilotine, and the only way he could tap him was unavailable since he was in a bad position.

But hell, Lesnar said it best: you can't win em all. I really want to see him take on another heavyweight contender in a few months. This fight kind of reminded me of his first NCAA title shot where he made that sloppy shot that cost him the match: he keeps training like he does, no way he gets caught like that again. And oh yeah, no way Mir ever wants to fight him again.

Also, I'm not thinking Big Nog loses the title any time soon. You really can't seem to knock him out, and for some reason when they do, they always let him back up, and I just don't think he can be caught in a submission: he'd just be content to take punches rather than to move into a bad position.

folby - 2-3-2008 at 06:52 PM

I don't agree with the point deduction but I don't think it's so clear cut as to say it was an accidental blow. Mir was squirming and he turned away from Brock, then Brock threw the punch. I think a warning would have been fine. And despite Mazagatti's predilection for letting people die out there, I don't think Mir was finished at all.

Figure Foreskin - 2-3-2008 at 07:23 PM

Bull fucking shit. That was the worst penalty call I've ever seen in UFC. No warning? One hit and he's penalized? Fuck that.

Brock looked good, but his inexperience showed at the end. Guy's gotta get a better ground game. Oh well, I think he could be a factor later.

A lot of people don't know, but Frank Mir got jiu-jitsu.

salmonjunkie - 2-3-2008 at 11:14 PM

Brock looks like he'll do fine. He just got caught, that's all. That's less Brock's inexperience but more Mir's quick thinking and the caliber of fighter he is. Good job by both.

GimmickMan - 2-4-2008 at 12:31 AM

folby: Here you go. Size it down.

nOOb - 2-4-2008 at 03:32 AM

I still would like to know who's face ultimately looked worse after the show was all said and done: Big Nog or Mir? I mean, Nog took a steady line of shots, but Mir took a lot more vicious shots and his face looked like it was swelling as he left..

GimmickMan - 2-4-2008 at 04:09 AM

It's Nog by a mile.

Go to Sherdog and look at their pictures.

drmuerto - 2-4-2008 at 04:26 AM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
It's Nog by a mile.

Though you have to admit that he went into that contest with a distinct advantage.

What I loved about the event was the end of the Boetsch v Heath fight.

David Heath vs. Tim Boetsch - UFC 81

Just tossed him right on his head-- bad ass.

folby - 2-4-2008 at 05:49 AM

Gimmick, you should have given me something I would be ashamed of. I like Nog, and I'm happy he won. If I were you, I would have made me rock that fat, awkward sissy I thought was a winner.

GimmickMan - 2-4-2008 at 05:51 AM

Man, Boetsch laid a straight ass-whoopin' on Heath.

That was a great fight and I can't wait to see him again.

Best thing to happen to his career.


folbs: Hells nah. I ain't looking at that ugly ogre each time I see you post for a week.


[Edited on 2-4-2008 by GimmickMan]

GimmickMan - 2-4-2008 at 07:22 PM

GimmickMan's Post-UFC 81 Realistic (And Correctly Spelled) Top-9 (or more) UFC Rankings:

Heavyweight - Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Champion
1) Randy Couture
2) Fabrico Werdum (TBA vs. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira)
3) Andrei Arlovski (UFC 82 vs. Jake O'Brien)
4) Tim Sylvia
5) Cheick Kongo (UFC 82 vs. Heath Herring)
6) Frank Mir
7) Gabriel Gonzaga
8) Heath Herring
9) Brock Lesnar
10) Mirko CroCop

Light-Heavyweight - Quinton Jackson, Unified Champion
1) Forrest Griffin (TBA vs. Quinton Jackson)
2) Lyoto Machida (UFC 84 vs. Tito Ortiz)
3) Rashad Evans (UFC 84 vs. Thiago Silva)
4) Keith Jardine (UFC 84 vs. Wanderlei Silva)
5) Chuck Liddell (UFC 84 vs. Mauricio Rua)
6) Thiago Silva
7) Mauricio Rua
8) Wanderlei Silva
9) Wilson Gouveia
10) Sokoudjou

Middleweight - Anderson Silva, Champion
1) Dan Henderson (UFC 82 vs. Anderson Silva)
2) Yushin Okami (UFC 82 vs. Evan Tanner)
3) Ricardo Almeida
4) Nathan Marquardt
5) Patrick Cote
6) Rich Franklin (UFC 83 vs. Travis Lutter)
7) Martin Kampmann
8) Jason MacDonald (UFC 83 vs. Joe Doerksen)
9) Thales Leites
10) Alan Belcher

Welterweight - Matt Serra, Champion
1) Georges St-Pierre (Next Fight: UFC 83 in April vs. Matt Serra)
2) Jon Fitch (UFC 82 vs. Chris Wilson)
3) Karo Parisyan (UFC Fight Night vs. Thiago Alves)
4) Matt Hughes
5) Josh Koscheck (UFC 82 vs. Dustin Hazelett)
6) Marcus Davis
7) Thiago Alves
8) Diego Sanchez
9) Chris Lytle
10) Mike Swick

Lightweight - BJ Penn, Champion
1) Sean Sherk (UFC 84 vs. BJ Penn)
2) Roger Huerta
3) Frankie Edgar (UFC Fight Night vs. Gray Maynard)
4) Kenny Florian (UFC Fight Night vs. Joe Lauzon)
5) Joe Stevenson
6) Tyson Griffin
7) Spencer Fisher (UFC Fight Night vs. Marcus Auerilo)
8) Clay Guida (UFC Fight Night vs. Samy Schiavo)
9) Thiago Tavares
10) Joe Lauzon

[Edited on 2-4-2008 by GimmickMan]

folby - 2-4-2008 at 07:53 PM

How are you going to do Fedor like that, Gimmick? I know inactivity is a bitch but come on, he beat Cro-Cop when he was on roids for chrissake. Herring, Werdum, Arlovski, Fedor is a heavy favorite over all of them. I'm not going to insist he be #1 forever and ever (well I mean maybe in my heart) but he deserves top 10.

Who are you all picking in Silva/Hendo? I want to say that the longer the fight goes the more it favors Hendo, but the truth is Silva's conditioning is a question mark. It might be great for all we know, nobody's been able to test him. I think Henderson has the best chance of taking out Silva - he's got a good chin (never been KOed) and great conditioning. He's been tapped twice, but only by the Nogueira brothers, and Silva's BJJ isn't quite at their level.

I'd pick Silva out of habit but if anyone's going to beat him it's probably Hendo.

GimmickMan - 2-4-2008 at 08:06 PM

Those are straight UFC rankings, not MMA.

I'm still on the fence about Silva/Hendo. If Dan Henderson can't beat Anderson Silva, nobody will beat Anderson Silva. He needs to go to the takedown early and often and try to work some GNP. If he stands and trades with Silva, he'll get out-pointed.

If the long list of guys that Dan Henderson has faced have never knocked him out, Anderson Silva won't. Dan has to work his wrestling and his best chance of winning this fight is by decision. I just can't see, right now, either of these guys finishing each other. So where the fight takes place will dictate who wins the decision.

But make no mistake: It will be fucking awesome.

folby - 2-4-2008 at 09:13 PM

Hendo isn't the smartest fighter in the world though, and it wouldn't surprise me to see him try and stand & bang.

nOOb - 2-4-2008 at 09:18 PM

I'm just going to go with Henderson simply because he's due and Silva seems to be a little too dominant for his own good.

folby - 2-5-2008 at 03:40 AM

Can you elaborate on that a bit? I get that Hendo is coming off of a loss, but he had two wins before that, one of them a massive upset. (though now that we know how chute box does without roids I think that result is less stunning.) He's won 6 of his last 8 and generally only gets beaten by top guys who outweigh him. I'm also not sure the concept of being 'due' applies in MMA. In my mind there are two things that make fights: styles and strategy. Some guys are a bad match for other guys. Fedor is the best fighter who's ever lived and he's ducking Tim Sylvia for chrissake. Strategy is just as important, you play it right and you can do things you by all rights shouldn't be able to. (Couture, Big Nog, etc.)

Using that criteria, Hendo has a good chance. He's got as good a style to beat Silva as anyone, good wrestling, good submission defense, etc. But he's got to be smart about it, if he wants to rely on his big right hand I can see him getting caught like everybody else.

GimmickMan - 2-5-2008 at 03:46 AM

I just can't imagine Silva putting Henderson down.

Vitor couldn't do it, Wanderlei couldn't do it twice (!!!) and neither could Yvel or Ninja.

Franchiser5150 - 2-5-2008 at 04:58 AM

Brock is gonna be good. Once he developed his submission defense and learn some jiu-jitsu, he's going to be a force to reckon with. Mir is no pushover, so Brock shouldn't be ashamed of the loss. It was a good learning experience, if not humbling. And Sable still looks good.

These upcoming fights look pretty good. Hendo and Silva will kick ass. I think GSP will best Serra.

nOOb - 2-5-2008 at 06:24 PM

Ugh...did I type "He's due"? I'm not even going to edit it: I think he's due is what I meant. I like Henderson and think he's too good to suffer back to back losses to two world class fighters. It's more of a gut-instinct than anything. Then again, my gut said Brock and Tim Sylvia were going to win pretty dominantly and I only got the dominant half of that right in the both of those fights. So my gut is telling me Henderson will win period.

Gobshite - 2-6-2008 at 04:40 PM

I've watched the Lesnar fight numerous times now, and have to say whilst it was his inexperience that did him in, I think it was in a totally different way: not just by letting himself get caught in the leg lock, but in trying to force the fight into an early finish.

When I think of this fight I think of the Rampage / Lidell fight - Rampage knew he could win, but planned to take his time, and got lucky with that quick punch early on. Lesnar was the opposite, and WANTED to end the fight early on, and seemed to be forcing it. I don't know if this was just desire to impress, or what, but I think he should have gone for a slower approach when every time Mir was on his back and Brock was struggling at his feet, he should have stepped back quickly, let Mir up, and charge him down again.

However, I like, others, have no idea why the ref jumped in.

Finally, I think the undertaker looked badass. That is all.

BBMN - 2-16-2008 at 08:17 PM

If you subscribe to Showtime, is the event just in not a ppv.

folby - 2-17-2008 at 01:50 AM - Please enjoy these momentos hil�rios do Vale-Tudo!

nOOb - 2-17-2008 at 07:06 PM

Here's Tank/Kimbo, pretty much what you'd expect:

That was slightly embarassing to listen to. The ref sounded like he wanted to be just as much of a highlight as the fighters and the announcers seemed to have no grasp on the rules of MMA (Kimbo starts pounding at the back of Tank's head while he's down and the announcer excitedly proclaims it's over...are you retarded??). And really, Tank's washed up and Kimbo seems like he'd get torn to shreds by an real UFC or Pride heavyweight, so yeah...

mooseheadjack - 2-17-2008 at 07:23 PM

So, to someone relatively new to the whole MMA thing, whats the difference between UFC and EliteXC? There was also something on last night that was Elite Cagefighting or something.

[Edited on 2-17-2008 by mooseheadjack]

nOOb - 2-17-2008 at 07:29 PM

It could easily be described using 90's pro wrestling terms: UFC is the WWF, PRIDE is WCW, the WEC or whatever its called on the Versus channel is ECW and the one on Showtime would be an Indy type of deal; but instead of all the competition, and exclusive contracts, you can expect a fighter to show up on all three shows if he wanted to...just not the big names, or at least not very often.

rk - 2-19-2008 at 01:14 AM

Originally posted by folby - Please enjoy these momentos hil�rios do Vale-Tudo!

Who was the guy featured in the first half of the video doing the flip off of the ropes (among other things)?

I saw the EliteXC show, and despite Kimbo-mania, the best part was most definitely the crazy knockout knee from Yves Edwards.

Pardon the narration:

folby - 2-19-2008 at 03:03 PM


Who was the guy featured in the first half of the video doing the flip off of the ropes (among other things)?
Charles "Krazy Horse" Bennett, a guy who's a better showman than fighter. He was supposed to be on the EXC show but wasn't. I'm not sure why, it's possible he got arrested or had a court date or some shit. (He has missed fights in the past for similar reasons.)

Figure Foreskin - 2-20-2008 at 06:00 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
Kimbo seems like he'd get torn to shreds by an real UFC or Pride heavyweight, so yeah...

What exactly makes him seem like he'd get torn to shreds by anyone? Unless he Brocks up and gets caught in a submission, he's a fucking destroyer.

Kimbo Slice/Brock Lesnar: make it happen UFC.

GimmickMan - 2-20-2008 at 06:06 AM

That's NOT gonna happen.

What might happen, though, and would be a great fight is Kimbo Slice vs. Paul Buentello.

UFC 82 is in less than two weeks. I will be there. I will have trouble sleeping until then.

folby - 2-20-2008 at 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Figure Foreskin

What exactly makes him seem like he'd get torn to shreds by anyone? Unless he Brocks up and gets caught in a submission, he's a fucking destroyer.
You're kidding, right? He's 34 years old, and he's been training for what, 2 years? At this point the only thing Kimbo has shown as a fighter is that he throws wild, heavy punches. Anyone with a decent wrestling background would make a fool of him, and a good BJJ guy would make short work of him as well. Add in that he's not that big for a heavyweight and I could see any number of tough big guys giving him fits.

Don't believe the hype, friend. Kimbo's a great brawler, no doubt, but he's not a good MMA fighter.

Edited to add a link to the best bit on Kimbo I've seen so far, thanks to the folks at Total MMA.
Here�s what we really know about the man at this point in his career - he can knock out bad heavyweights who stand in front of him. That�s it. End of list.

[Edited on 2-20-2008 by folby]

Thom - 2-28-2008 at 07:21 PM confirmed this last week, but here's the official announcement.


LOS ANGELES -- Mixed martial arts will air on one of the major television networks for the first time.

CBS announced a deal Thursday with ProElite, which produces MMA events, to broadcast in prime time a sport that has been growing in popularity. The plan is to televise two-hour live specials four times a year on Saturday nights.

ProElite CEO Douglas DeLuca called it a "pivotal moment for the sport."

ProElite already produces MMA events for its EliteXC fight division on the Showtime cable channel, which is owned by CBS.

"Mixed martial arts is one of the fastest growing sports in the country and a wildly popular entertainment vehicle for upscale, young adult audiences," Kelly Kahl, CBS Primetime's senior executive vice president, said in a release.


Supposedly, Dana White is to make a "major announcement" with a "special guest" at the press conference that is going on right about now. I gotta figure it's either that they've reached some sort of agreement with Randy, or they got their own network slot - probably with NBC.

EDIT: So, the "major announcement" is that Bud Light is now the official beer of the UFC? Sure, it's nice that the UFC has another major sponsor, but as far as a "major announcement" goes - lame.

[Edited on 2/28/08 by Thom]

GimmickMan - 2-29-2008 at 10:26 PM

UFC 82: Pride of a Champion weigh-ins just concluded from Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio. Here are the results (and bout order):

John Halverson - 155
Jorge Gurgel - 154.5

Diego Sanchez - 169.5
David Bielkheden - 170

Josh Koscheck - 169.5
Dustin Hazelett - 170

Luke Cummo - 170
Luigi Fioravanti - 170.5

Andrei Arlovski - 241
Jake O'Brien - 231.5

Chris Leben - 185
Alessio Sakara - 185

Jon Fitch - 170
Chris Wilson - 169.5

Evan Tanner - 185
Yushin Okami - 184.5

Cheick Kongo - 233.5
Heath Herring - 248

Unified Middleweight Championship
Dan Henderson - 184.5
Anderson Silva - 185

GimmickMan - 3-1-2008 at 06:57 PM

Headed down to Columbus shortly. Here are my picks for the main card.

Silva by UD
Kongo by UD
Tanner by Rd.3 Sub
Fitch by Rd.2 Sub
Leben by Rd.1 KO

Although the experience will not likely top last year's UFC 68, I am still mega-pumped.

Should be a good one!

folby - 3-3-2008 at 07:17 PM

What was your reasoning behind Silva by decision? I had figured it was going to go Hendo by decision (he keeps it on the ground and grinds it out) or Silva by KO (Hendo gets dumb and gets caught.) Neither of us were right but I'm curious as to the logic behind your call.

oh yeah and no one will ever beat silva for the rest of his life and in a few months I expect mark coleman to get busted for submitting lemonade instead of urine

Gobshite - 3-4-2008 at 04:46 PM

So, having seen NOTHING of Coleman, what are Brock's chances this time around? If he's just going up against a ground and pound guy, is Brock likely to pick up the win?

Why are they putting him up against established guys? Is it to justify putting him on PPV? Are they hoping for the Rich Franklin effect, hoping that he'll beat a legend and be taken seriously, and just forgetting the experience Fanklin had before the Shamrock fight?

MMA is coming to 'terrestrial' / Network tv over here in May. Its gonna be on ITV4, a free to air 'freeview' channel. I guess its what USA is to NBC over there, but its a bit bigger due to the way everyone receives tv channels over here.

And Lidell is headlining UFC 85 over here in London in July. Whoo!!

salmonjunkie - 3-4-2008 at 10:06 PM

I haven't seen Coleman since the early UFCs. Never seen his Pride fights.

As far as Brock being put into matches with big names, I think it makes sense. They don't want Brock losing to a nobody because of inexperience.

I can say that I don't think I saw enough of Lesnar in that Mir fight to really judge his chances against Coleman. Coleman is VERY experienced, but a bit over the hill. Would he be able to think as quick and have as hard of a head as Mir did to find an out while getting pummelled by those hamhock fists? And will Brock learn from his mistake from the last match and not be in too much of a rush to win the fight?

GimmickMan - 3-5-2008 at 03:08 AM

Originally posted by folby
What was your reasoning behind Silva by decision? I had figured it was going to go Hendo by decision (he keeps it on the ground and grinds it out) or Silva by KO (Hendo gets dumb and gets caught.) Neither of us were right but I'm curious as to the logic behind your call.

You know, honestly, I had put the thought of a submission out of my mind, so I didn't see him finishing Hendo that way and the guy has NEVER been finished by punches before, so he had that going for him.

I saw it playing out just like Rampage-Hendo did. I reasoned that if Rampage could not finish Hendo, Anderson Silva wasn't going to, either.

I suppose I just completely dismissed his jits. As the kids say, my bad.

As for Coleman/Lesnar � there is no chance in hell that Brock Lesnar loses that fight. While I am amped for it and thought the in-arena buildup for it Saturday was sweet, there's no way Coleman wins. At this stage, Mark Coleman is a poor man's Brock Lesnar and that might be offensive to Lesnar.

This is probably the fight they should've booked for Lesnar's first fight but I think it'll work out.

And the fight will be in Minneapolis.

folby - 3-9-2008 at 03:50 PM

"Buzz Berry" sounds like a flavor of YJ Stinger.

"Ken Shamrock" sounds like 230 pounds (give or take) hitting the canvas.

GimmickMan - 4-18-2008 at 03:39 AM

UFC 83: Serra vs. St-Pierre II

GSP by first round TKO (ground and pound)

salmonjunkie - 4-18-2008 at 10:15 AM

I concur

GimmickMan - 4-18-2008 at 04:01 PM


nOOb - 4-20-2008 at 05:33 AM

Took a little longer than a round (only two, though), but GSP showed what he can do when he isn't underestimating the winner of a reality show solely for washed-up fighters fighting for a title shot.

Also, I had all but forgotten about "Rock" Quarry, and was impressed with what he could do with an opponent that did nothing but run from him. Seriously, that 30-24 was well deserved. AND he pulled out some Rocky 4 in the end, which automatically made him my favorite fighter ever until Lesnar fights again.

blackdragon - 4-23-2008 at 03:40 PM

A little old, but funny to me. I have a little Sunday MMA column over on 411 and so I've been keeping up with and researching a lot of MMA. A couple of weeks ago, a group called Yamma had an event and get this, one of the headliners was Butterbean. Marvel as Butterbean pulls a Vader and just falls down.

salmonjunkie - 4-23-2008 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
Seriously, that 30-24 was well deserved. AND he pulled out some Rocky 4 in the end, which automatically made him my favorite fighter ever until Lesnar fights again.

"If I can change and you can change, then we can change."

That was so awesome.

nOOb - 4-23-2008 at 07:14 PM

Just an aside: is it just me or is MMA becoming the new Jackass? I only say this because a former teammate of mine in highschool started doing MMA a year or two back and became a champion at 145, and now, at his title defense this weekend, the undercard is stacked with all the losers, meatheads, and adrenaline junkies. And not to mention all these scrub wrestlers in high school now have at least one story of how they got disqualified for throwing forearms at their guy in lieu of a crossface or for choking a guy out...mind you all of this happened well before the UFC instituted actual rules and became as popular as it is today, but whatever.

GimmickMan - 4-25-2008 at 05:53 AM


blackdragon - 5-7-2008 at 07:08 PM

Saying MMA is like the new Jackass is like saying "Ace of Cakes" is the new Jackass. If it's on t.v., for better or worse, someone is going to emulate it. I still don't think television ever told me to shoot someone in the face, but I can't deny that the main reason I started training in jiu jitsu is because of what I saw on t.v. Just like my girlfriend tries new recipies from the million and a half cooking shows out there.

Ignoring all that, even if you just meant to equate the two as something that appeals to loser/meathead/jock/jerks, then again, it's not accurate because MMA appeals to a much broader demographic than Jackass ever has, so of course there's some crossover with the sort of person that might view illegally elbowing a downed opponent is just as fun and brilliant as stapling your nuts to your thigh.

I had a point, I think, but in the end all that matters is that MMA is not the new Jackass.

nOOb - 5-8-2008 at 02:25 AM

Yeah, I see what you're getting at. It kind of makes me a little bit angry to go to the bars and see all these losers from high school who maybe had a bit of JV wrestling all of a sudden think they know Jiu Jitsu, though I will say it also makes me very happy when said losers sign up for amateur fights in undercards of my friend's fight and promptly get beaten as badly as I would expect/hope. And I guess I made the connection because these are the same losers that, in high school, were videotaping themselves jumping into mall water fountains or driving through the neighbor's lawn.

Also, to make this not worthless, here is the best summary of the Starnes/Quarry fight ever assembled, with probably the best ending to a fight ever.

GimmickMan - 5-22-2008 at 04:47 PM

UFC 84: Ill Will Preview!

Thom - 5-28-2008 at 05:19 PM

So, Coleman's injured and won't be facing Lesnar. Although I haven't seen confirmation from UFC, supposedly Heath Herring will step in to face Brock.

Unless Herring catches Lesnar early, I can't see anything other than Lesnar taking him down and pounding out a victory.

Now that I've said that, watch Herring show us something new and make Lesnar submit again...

nOOb - 6-1-2008 at 10:00 PM

EliteXC had their National TV debut yesterday on CBS starring Kimbo Slice...what a fucking embarassment to MMA. The showboaters got knocked out and the only good fight ended with a stupid No Decision in the 3rd round. And Kimbo Slice was completely exposed as an incomplete project, which also made EliteXC look like the MMA version of the XFL.

For those who didn't see it, the guy they put Kimbo against (an Englishman they called Colossus) came into the fight with a huge bout of Cauliflower ear that we (correctly) predicted would explode on first hit. However that hit did not come until early in the third round. What did take place was a first round where Kimbo landed a few of his power blows but could not take Colossus down, but was taken down by Colossus, who showed a complete inability to lock in any sort of submission hold despite Kimbo's piss poor ground defense. The second round saw a winded Kimbo throw a few more power blows before being easily taken down by a sloppy shot and then pounded by elbow and punch after elbow and punch for the last full minute of the fight, while the ref maintained a large distance from them, clearly showing they had no intentions of stopping the fight in the other guy's favor (this coming from a ref and a promotion that stopped two fights after punches knocked guys down to the ground, but not completely out). And then the third round ended in the first minute or so when a very, very, very winded Kimbo made contact with the Cauliflower ear, the ear exploded, and the ref really quickly ended the fight.

Oh yeah, and then the post fight interview guy came in and verbally blew Kimbo while the other announcers made it sound like Kimbo was the second coming of Jesus. Meanwhile, the audience booed. A lot.

The thing that blew the most, though, is that EliteXC was so horrible that the one gem of the night, Gina Carano showing that girls can be hot and still kick ass, was completely overshadowed by poor officiating, piss poor decision making, a Kimbo Slice fight that seemed very close to fixed, and the worst self-fellating announcing this side of WWE.

[Edited on 6-1-2008 by nOOb]

DevilSoprano - 6-1-2008 at 10:36 PM

The thing I'm going to say is that FULL MINUTE of Kimbo getting pounded may have been the weakest combination of punches a MMA fighter has thrown. Not one of those punches did any damage whatsoever to Kimbo. That's not to say Kimbo looked good at all because he looked like crap, but for everyone thinking the fight should have been stopped during the end of the second round, they're quite wrong. If anything there were a few times before that where Thompson completely looked out on his fight and the ref could have been totally justified in stopping the fight.

And no matter what anyone says, a popped eardrum might be one of the most legitimate reasons to stop a fight. The fight as a whole was a joke, it completely exposed Kimbo, but I have no issue with the decision-making by the refs. I have an issue with Elite XC making their debut and having it focused on a very bad MMA fighter. Kimbo isn't Tank Abbott and if you want to spotlight him, put him in the undercard and then focus on what was sure to be the fight of the night, Lawler/Smith.

I'm pretty sure CBS signed a deal for 3 or 4 shows, and if the 2nd one isn't main-evented by Lawler/Smith someone should be shot in their PR department.

In other MMA news, Heath Herring isn't a cupcake and Lesnar's going to have problems with him. UFC needs him to win, but it isn't a guarantee. They really need a boost to their heavyweight division at this point and Lesnar has to be the key to that. The LHW division does not have that issue as their are a ton of matchups I really am exicted to see if they can happen...Jackson/Griffin, Liddell/Silva 2, Liddell/Jackson 3, Liddell/Jardine 2, anyone/Machido just to end the fucking boringness of Machido, Jackson/Silva, just an awesome division right now and it may just get better.

Tonight should be an awesome fight in the WEC though as Faber takes on Pulver. I'm looking forward to it.

EricOMac - 6-2-2008 at 12:37 AM

I'm not MMA expert, so what I'm gonna say is probably ridiculous, but I enjoyed what I saw of the production last night. I saw the title fight and the main event, and I enjoyed it. If EliteXC is as bad as you guys say it is, then it should only get better for me. I'm checking out the fight on Versus tonight and hopefully, after I get my living arrangement situated, maybe I'll start purchasing UFC PPVs.

nOOb - 6-2-2008 at 05:05 AM

The MMA on the Versus network is pretty much UFC-lite, with the plus of a 145-lbs division that makes it very watchable. I highly recommend it.



The thing I'm going to say is that FULL MINUTE of Kimbo getting pounded may have been the weakest combination of punches a MMA fighter has thrown. Not one of those punches did any damage whatsoever to Kimbo. That's not to say Kimbo looked good at all because he looked like crap, but for everyone thinking the fight should have been stopped during the end of the second round, they're quite wrong. If anything there were a few times before that where Thompson completely looked out on his fight and the ref could have been totally justified in stopping the fight.

The punches were weak. In fact, they were very weak. But I still think it should've been called. I like to call it the Vandiver Rule, which came from a wrestler from Northern Illinois winning a professional fight after taking down his opponent and raining down weak punches on him. The punches didn't really hurt his opponent, but they called the fight regardless because his opponent made no attempt to defend himself. It's one of those rules that's designed to prevent fighters from getting brain damage, but at the same time is annoying when a tired fighter gets a lucky mount that prevents his opponent from getting out of the way of the weak punches thrown at him.

And like I said, the fact that at least two fights were called on that same card at even the slightest hint that the other guy was hurt or out (watching it again, neither were, but they fought so shitty that they might as well have been) and then that happens, the fact that the announcers verbally fellated Kimbo after the fight, and the fact that they let this Colossus guy fight with such horrible cauliflower ear that you knew was going to explode on first contact, it just really made the whole show seem about as legit as Kimbo's YouTube's fights.

Still. we're all agreed Kimbo was completely exposed, so that's that.

rk - 6-2-2008 at 11:53 PM

It's very unfortunate that the WEC card wasn't the one being spotlighted to the masses as an example of MMA.

I missed the first hour, but the last three fights were excellent, and the bantamweight match was beyond excellent. The main event may have been slightly overshadowed by the sheer awesomeness of Torres/Maeda, but Faber/Pulver was still 5 very entertaining rounds.

The little guys really put on a show.

DevilSoprano - 6-3-2008 at 04:04 PM

Yea, I was hoping for even more from Faber/Pulver but the fight was exceptional. I still need to watch the fight before it since I heard it may be the fight of the year. I'll get to that soon. I just hope Pulver can win his next fight against whoever it may be and we can get Faber/Pulver 2. That will be great.

For the bigger followers of MMA, what are the chances of Faber going up a weight class or Penn/Sherk going down a weight class and giving us that fight. I know Penn is currently itching to actually move up and face GSP again, but is it plausible for him and Faber to ever face off?

nOOb - 6-4-2008 at 12:23 AM

I would think it'd be a bit better for BJ to move up than Faber. Penn going up to welterweight will give him a lesser number of challenges, so the road to GSP won't be too long, but he'll have to go through Serra (which he would) and Hughes (which would be fun). But Faber moving up to 155...I mean, he'd be a big fish coming into the weight class, but the idea of a small pond does not exist at 155. That weight is stacked top to bottom with plenty of top guys who both deserve to be there and don't.

I would think Faber would be smart to stay at 145 for a while, see who fades out of the 155 weight class to move either up or down a class, and then time it so he could go up, get noticed, and not have to wait two-three years for a title shot. Also, I'm hearing Chase Beebee might be moving up to 145 and, as someone who had both friends and family members wrestle with him from grade school on up, I'd be excited to see where the 145 weight class goes from there.

GimmickMan - 6-4-2008 at 06:14 AM

Faber has no business at 155 for now.

blackdragon - 6-4-2008 at 09:41 PM

I love Faber and will follow him to whatever weight class he goes to, though, I do hope someone drops down to fight him.

The Bantam weight match was off the charts good. That dueling heel hook spot was incredible and the beating they gave each other was tremendous. Maeda's eye was fucked at the end of the fight, so you can't complain about it like the EliteXC middleweight fight.

Joeldacat - 7-18-2008 at 03:08 PM

So... Rampage wasn't fucking kidding about his name, huh!

I just heard the news secondhand and don't know where to post it from. This should NOT make me like this man more... but it does, just a little bit, and only cause no one was hurt.

Oh fine, here:


Former UFC light heavyweight champion Quinton Jackson was arrested Tuesday afternoon in Newport Beach, Calif., and charged with felony evading, reckless driving and hit and run, according to the Costa Mesa Police department.

According to a press release from Costa Mesa Police, the prolonged incident began in the city of Costa Mesa at the intersection of Newport Boulevard and Broadway, when a motor officer monitoring traffic saw Jackson driving south bound, weaving in and out of traffic with a flat front left tire and speaking on his mobile phone.

The officer then turned his lights and siren on and attempted to initiate a traffic stop. Jackson allegedly ignored the officer and kept on driving south on 17th street, weaving in and out of traffic to avoid the traffic stop. Jackson then drove over the raised center portion of the roadway at Cabrillo Avenue and subsequently lost control of the Ford F250 pick-up truck he was driving and drove onto the sidewalk, causing pedestrians to "flee for their lives," according to the document.

After regaining control of his vehicle, police say Jackson continued driving southbound in the northbound lanes of Newport Blvd. and as he crossed through the intersection with 17th St., he collided with a vehicle driving legally in the intersection.

Jackson continued southbound on Newport Blvd., running multiple red lights as the rubber from his left tire began to disintegrate, according to the release. Continuing southbound onto the Balboa Peninsula, a narrow roadway near the Newport Beach piers, Jackson ran more red lights, causing additional pedestrians to "flee in terror," according to the official police statement.

Jackson eventually stopped at 18th St. and Newport Blvd. in the city of Newport Beach, where he left his vehicle, surrendered to police and was taken into custody "without incident," according to the document.

Police say that prior to the original motor officer's actions, Jackson had been involved in two separate collisions on the southbound 55 freeway. After his arrest, Jackson was transported to the Costa Mesa City Jail, where he was booked on the three charges and then transported to the Orange County Jail, where he was held in lieu of a $25,000 bail.

The police document lists Jackson as having no injuries and not being hospitalized immediately after his arrest.

A public access inmate search by InsideFighting through the Orange County website Wednesday did not list Jackson as an inmate, so it appears that he has posted bail. Jackson's felony evading charge may be the most serious he faces, as we've been told by local police that the particular nature of the charge is meant to describe someone not only attempting to evade police but also doing so in a matter that endangers the lives of others.

Jackson's hit-and-run charge is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to six months in county jail, a $1,000 fine or both, should he be found guilty.

The best news for all involved, and for Jackson personally at the moment, seems to be that, at the present time, no pedestrians are being reported as struck, hurt or killed by the vehicle.

Jackson was not immediately available over the phone.

Venomhawk - 7-18-2008 at 07:53 PM

Looks like losing the title and the police chase has Rampage all messed up. I wonder how the UFC will deal with all this. I have a feeling there will be no rematch with Forrest Griffin until all this is taken care of. So who is going to get the first shot at Forrest now?,0,7145840.story


By Dan Arritt, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
July 18, 2008
Popular mixed martial artist Quinton "Rampage" Jackson was hospitalized Wednesday for a mental health evaluation after acquaintances flagged down a patrol car outside his Irvine home, telling police they were concerned for his well-being.

It was the second brush with the law in two days for Jackson, who lost his Ultimate Fighting Championship light-heavyweight title July 5 by unanimous decision against underdog Forrest Griffin.

In the latest incident, Irvine police were alerted to Jackson's home while on routine patrol in his Woodbridge neighborhood around 4:30 p.m. Acquaintances in the home told officers they were "concerned about his behavior and some remarks he was making," said Lt. Rick Handfield.

Jackson, 30, was cooperative when contacted by the police, who took him to an undisclosed hospital for evaluation.

Jackson's trainer, Juanito Ibarra, who lives in Lake Forest, did not return a message seeking comment.

Jackson was arrested Tuesday in Newport Beach after a three-mile chase that began with a hit-and-run in neighboring Costa Mesa. Authorities said Jackson was traveling south on the Costa Mesa Freeway about 1:30 p.m. when he sideswiped two cars in his new pickup truck, slightly injuring a pregnant woman in one of the cars.

Costa Mesa police officers later spotted Jackson behind the wheel while talking on his cellphone. They attempted to pull him over, but Jackson began driving even more erratically.

During the pursuit, he drove over the raised median separating traffic on busy Newport Boulevard, then drove on the sidewalk, causing several pedestrians to flee.

Jackson was driving on one tire rim when he finally pulled over on Balboa Peninsula. He was arrested for investigation of felony evading, reckless driving, and hit and run, and was released on $25,000 bail.

After the first incident, authorities said they did not believe Jackson was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

A UFC spokesperson referred inquiries to law enforcement.

GimmickMan - 7-19-2008 at 03:14 AM

Is there an echo in here?

atothej - 7-19-2008 at 05:17 PM

No, Rampage is having numerous incidents that are only related inasmuch as they're caused by some apparent mental illness.

DevilSoprano - 8-10-2008 at 03:25 AM

UFC 89 with Brock Lesnar vs. Heath Herring and GSP vs. Fitch...come chat.

nOOb - 8-10-2008 at 06:09 AM

Jesus...Brock Lesnar knocked Heath Herring across the Octagon with his first punch, and then completely dominated him. That was a big evolution between his fight with Mir and this, and it is almost scary to think where he'll be by the time his next fight comes along, what with the BJJ instructors and what not.

Also, GSP/Fitch was as one-sided as I thought it would be, but damn was Fitch unbreakable. And Florian/Huerta was a bit more one sided than I thought it would be...and in the wrong side too. I'm just curious to see how long Florian waits to get a shot at Penn.

BBMN - 8-11-2008 at 08:48 PM

Best part of the night was Heath's taped interview where he mentioned how Brock was probably going to try to "Donkey Kong" him.

The whole fight was so brutal. That opening punch made me wince then laugh. And then following it up with the whole charging like a bull was truly awesome looking. What a fucking beast. Three fights and nobody has even landed a good shot on Brock. Unreal. I'm hoping he fights Congo soon. That could be nasty.

Rest of the card was really good to. This show made up for the abomination that was the Rampage/Forrest ppv. Speaking of, it was nice to see Rampage in attendance and not locked up in a mental ward. I hope to see him fight soon.

punkerhardcore - 8-12-2008 at 06:11 PM

So I didn't see the fight, but on the radio yesterday they were talking about it... and quite a few callers, and the host, were upset about Brock's post-fight actions... calling him disrespectful and carrying on like a douchebag. What exactly did he do?

nOOb - 8-12-2008 at 11:50 PM

Remember when Tito would beat Ken Shamrock and then mimick shoveling out a plot for his grave? Well, Brock, after the third round, whoo'd, and then pretended he was a cowboy lassoing up Heath and the win. Then he went over and gave him a pat on the shoulder...not to mention he gave him the sign of respect for making it to the third round previous to that. And the fact Herring was a lot cockier in prefight interviews than Brock was.

So yeah, nothing to bitch about is the short answer.

BBMN - 8-13-2008 at 03:12 AM

Brock was kind of a dick, but then again Brock is kind of a dick.

I imagine he would've been less cocky if he hadn't spent the last 6 months hearing how he wasn't going to cut it after losing to Mir... even though he destroyed Mir. I think he's a very competitive guy and was letting off some steam towards all the doubters. Either way, I don't expect or want a class act from Lesnar. Remember now, he does have meat hooks tattooed on his back, along with a huge demon face. Not classy. Kinda fucking crazy.

Thom - 8-13-2008 at 02:57 PM

Also, supposedly Herring was whining to Dana White, pre-match, about having to face someone as inexperienced as Lesnar. And word got back to Lesnar's camp. So, sure, I can see rubbing it in a little. Also, I'm willing to at least consider that perhaps Lesnar was excited and maybe just over-exuberant at getting his first "BIG" win.

I'll find the link shortly...

EDIT: Here's the link and story...


MINNEAPOLIS � Brock Lesnar is about the size of a small SUV and as powerful as a large one.

But what will one day make Lesnar the best heavyweight mixed martial artist in the world isn't going to be his size or his strength. It's going to be the quickness and the athleticism he shares with a guy who was sitting at ringside at the Target Center Saturday, watching him annihilate Heath Herring at UFC 87, Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson.

Lesnar won a unanimous decision over the PRIDE and UFC veteran, taking the bout 30-26 on all three cards.

He's only won one fight in the UFC and only two of his three career mixed martial arts bouts. A title isn't imminent, but have no doubt, Lesnar will one day have a championship belt strapped around that massive body of his before he's through.

"I was blown away by how good he looked tonight," UFC president Dana White said of Lesnar, the former NCAA heavyweight wrestling champion at the University of Minnesota and the one-time WWE pro wrestling champ.

If Lesnar's weight doesn't spiral out of control � and if he can continue to make the heavyweight division's 265-pound limit � he's going to be just as good in MMA as he was in amateur wrestling.

The fight with Herring � who had been in with greats of the game such as Fedor Emelianenko, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic � ended essentially after the first punch.

Lesnar stormed from his corner, as he did in his UFC debut in February when he fought ex-UFC champion Frank Mir. But instead of shooting on Herring, Lesnar faked the shot, flicked a jab and then landed a crunching right flush on Herring's eye.

Herring went down and somersaulted backward, with the massive Lesnar in hot pursuit.

Lesnar spent much of the rest of the bout pummeling Herring, making his eye a mess.

"That punch definitely set the tone for the fight," said Erik Paulson, one of Lesnar's many coaches.

Lesnar said he had an advantage because Herring had little tape of him to dissect, while he had many fights of Herring's he could break down. Because of his wrestling background, Lesnar suspected Herring would expect him to shoot for a takedown.

Instead, though, he used the threat of the takedown to set up his powerful right.

"I came with the right hand and I put it where I needed to put it," Lesnar said. "It's one of those things. I was stunned for a second."

He wasn't nearly as stunned as Herring, who offered little offense for the rest of the fight. Herring had expressed his displeasure with having to fight the inexperienced Lesnar to White privately before the fight, but word had gotten back to Lesnar's camp.

Herring, who came into the bout with a 29-13 record and was fresh from an impressive win over Cheick Kongo, didn't land a punch of consequence.

Three fights into his MMA career and Lesnar really hasn't tasted a solid shot from an opponent.

He's not ready for the elite guys in the class like Emelianenko, Nogueira and Randy Couture yet, but he's got the size, the strength and the athleticism to get there once he gets the cage time.

There are few MMA fighters who can outwrestle him now and few who are anywhere near as strong or as athletic. He's susceptible now, as Mir proved, to good jiu-jitsu fighters and probably would struggle with a heavyweight who had a quality standup game.

Lesnar did show some good combinations on Saturday and there were few prettier or more perfectly executed punches thrown on the card than the right Lesnar opened his bout with against Herring.

Even given that, a quality striker who had the ability to fend off his takedowns would cause him problems now.

Give Lesnar another seven or eight fights, though, and there are going to be few guys who want to get into the cage with him, let alone who will be able to beat him.

He's a neophyte in the sport, but will be a significant part of its future. On Saturday, he was simply relieved to have finally won in the UFC.

He was describing the significance of his first UFC win when he noted that his background is as an amateur wrestler and said he considers himself an amateur wrestler. He spoke disdainfully of his WWE stint as a time when he was a "professional entertainer."

White heard where Lesnar was going and quickly interrupted with one of the most salient points of the postfight news conference.

"Let me tell you, Brock Lesnar is a mixed martial artist," White said admiringly. "Heath Herring was 29-13 and he's fought all over the world: Holland, PRIDE. He's been here for two years and he's fought the best fighters in the world. He got dominated tonight. Dominated, by Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar is a mixed martial artist, no doubt about it."

He's likely to fight Kongo next, though White would not commit to that so soon after the card.

Whoever is next is going to have a heap of trouble on their hands.

Two years from now, he may be close to unstoppable.

Unquestionably, he's the sport's next big thing.

[Edited on 8/16/08 by Thom]

Joeldacat - 9-2-2008 at 02:20 PM

Well, might as well keep the thread going as the "Brock Thread..."

The rumors are Brock Lesnar v. Randy Couture in November. I watched the last one for Brock, and chances are I'll see the November one for the same reason - what do I have to look forward to from Couture? I'm familiar with his name, and I know he has a reputation, but nothing else.

Gobshite - 9-2-2008 at 04:20 PM

You get to look forward to him getting killed - I think White has a bit of blind (?) faith in Lesnar here - if Lesnar beats Couture, and beats him badly, the Couture vs Fedor fight becomes a bit worthless, and will be overshadowed by Lesnar vs someone for the Undisputed HW title early next year (couture is champ, so any fight in November could potentially go to five rounds - I REALLY think he'd beat couture, who hasnt fought in ages).

Although, the uproar of basically making Brock HW champ in his 3rd fight, even if he is "disputed" might be a bit much for White to talk his way out of...

BBMN - 9-2-2008 at 11:59 PM

I admire Randy's ability and I hope he doesn't fight Lesnar. I want Lesnar to keep winning. No reason for him to fight the champ so early. I can't see an outcome that will be good for the UFC.

And what to expect out of Randy? He's a very deliberate and slow paced fighter. He's a thinking fighter that knows how to keep it as his pace and work the clinch. He isn't a striker and his best matches seem to be him just wearing down and out classing his opponent. Much like Lesnar did to Heath. I think that Lesnar could crush him if given an opening, but he could just as easily get made to look foolish.

I hope this fight doesn't happen for at least another fight or two for each man. Lesnar ought to fight Congo, and Fedor needs to fight Randy like yesteryear.

nOOb - 9-3-2008 at 01:40 AM

Try UFC 91 November 15th 2008


Las Vegas, NV (USA) � On November 15th, the champ is back.

Ultimate Fighting Championship President Dana White today announced that after a year away from the game, UFC� heavyweight champion Randy "The Natural" Couture will make his long-awaited return to the Octagon to defend his title against rising star Brock Lesnar in a clash of titans destined to shake the foundations of the sport. This championship bout, the biggest heavyweight title fight in years, will headline UFC 91: COUTURE vs. LESNAR, live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008.

"I am happy to announce that UFC heavyweight champion Randy Couture will be returning to action in the Octagon," said Dana White, UFC President. "He's a legend in the UFC, and one of the fighters that helped build this sport. I have always said that wrestling is one of the best bases you can have in MMA and not only is Randy a top level wrestler but his opponent is as well. Brock Lesnar showed the MMA world that he is for real in his last fight, dismantling the far more experienced Heath Herring. His combination of speed and power was absolutely devastating. It is a fascinating matchup: the crafty, multiple-time heavyweight champion versus the younger, bigger, and stronger challenger. This is one that will go down in the history books."

Ticket information for UFC 91: COUTURE vs. LESNAR will be announced shortly.

UFC 91: COUTURE vs. LESNAR will be available live on pay-per-view at 10 p.m. EST/7 p.m. PST on iN DEMAND, DIRECTV, DISH Network, TVN, Bell ExpressVu, Shaw Communications and Viewer�s Choice Canada for a suggested retail price of $44.95 for standard definition or high-definition broadcasts (where available).

A UFC Hall of Famer whose name is synonymous with mixed martial arts, Randy �The Natural� Couture (16-8) is the only fighter in history to win the UFC world heavyweight title three times, and that�s not even mentioning his two UFC light heavyweight titles. Owner of heavyweight wins over the likes of Maurice Smith, Vitor Belfort, Kevin Randleman, and Pedro Rizzo (twice), the 45-year old Las Vegas resident turned back the clock in 2007 with a stirring win over Tim Sylvia at UFC 68 that netted him his third heavyweight crown. Couture defended his title for the first time at UFC 74 with a third round TKO of number one contender Gabriel Gonzaga, and now the man often referred to as �Captain America� will look to prove once again that he should never be counted out in a fight when he takes on Brock Lesnar.

�I have a lot of respect for Brock as an athlete and a collegiate wrestler, but I know exactly where he�s at, he�s trying to make the transition from a wrestler to mixed martial arts,� said Couture. �I�ve been there, done that, and I know what the pitfalls are. This will be an interesting matchup, and it will be very nice to be home in the Octagon for this fight.�

A physically gifted athlete with the size, speed, and power to impose his will on any opponent, Brock Lesnar (2-1) made an immediate impact in the UFC when he debuted here in February of 2008, and he has his sights set on shocking the world on November 15th. A four-time All-American, two-time Big Ten Champion, and 2000 NCAA Division I National Champion in wrestling, Lesnar made a name for himself internationally after college as a professional wrestler, but he soon found his true love in mixed martial arts
in 2006. After a 69 second win in his pro debut a year later, Lesnar entered the UFC and made a positive impression in a loss to former heavyweight champion Frank Mir at UFC 81, but at UFC 87 in August, the Minneapolis-St. Paul resident showed why he is rapidly becoming one of the most feared fighters in the sport today and an immediate threat to the heavyweight throne.

"It's an honor to fight Randy Couture, he's a legend in this sport, and to get the chance to test myself against him is a gift," said Lesnar. "A lot guys would love to have this opportunity, Randy is the UFC heavyweight champion. There is one goal that I've had since I started training in MMA and that is to capture the title. Now that I'm getting the chance, nothing is going to stop me. I'm walking out of the Octagon with the belt around my waist."

About The Ultimate Fighting Championship
The Ultimate Fighting Championship is the world�s leading professional mixed martial arts organization and offers the premier series of MMA sports events. Owned and operated by Zuffa, LLC, and headquartered in Las Vegas, Nev., UFC produces over twelve live pay-per-view events annually that are distributed residentially through North American cable and satellite providers including iNDEMAND Networks, DIRECTV, DISH Network, TVN Entertainment, Shaw Pay-Per-View, Bell ExpressVU, Viewers Choice, SaskTel Max� and via the Internet worldwide on Yahoo! Sports, and commercially through Joe Hand Promotions in the U.S. and Canadastar in Canada. In addition to its North American distribution, UFC programming is distributed in over 100 countries and territories throughout the world. For more information, or current UFC fight news, visit or or

Ultimate Fighting Championship, Ultimate Fighting, UFC, The Ultimate Fighter�, Submission�, As Real As It Gets�, Zuffa�, The Octagon� and the eight-sided competition mat and cage design are registered trademarks, trademarks, trade dress or service marks owned exclusively by Zuffa, LLC in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other marks referenced herein may be the property of Zuffa, LLC or other respective owners.

Lesnar/Kongo would've made for a great Co-Main Event for any title bout, but Lesnar/Couture? I may not like the timing, but I'm psyched for this. It's a month before Mir/Nog, and makes for an easy setup for the undisputed title match months later. And really, any combination of Lesnar, Couture, Nog, and Mir is another great fight I'd pay to see. I'm pumped for this.

[Edited on 9-3-2008 by nOOb]

BigEasyE - 9-3-2008 at 05:22 PM

It's a month before Mir/Nog, and makes for an easy setup for the undisputed title match months later.

That looks to be Dana White's plan.

From Yahoo! Sports:
White declined to specify how the deal was reached (with Couture) and instead took a celebratory tack. He said the Couture-Lesnar fight will be for the heavyweight title, with the winner of the Dec. 27 fight between interim champion Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Frank Mir to face the Couture-Lesnar winner for the outright belt sometime in 2009.

I can't wait to see this fight. If Lesnar gets that big right hand shot in early again, he has a really good chance of taking the belt from Couture. And how cool would it be to have a Lesnar/Mir part II for HW Unification?

BBMN - 9-3-2008 at 09:33 PM

I might be only person not happy with this turn of events. I'm annoyed that Randy left and forced the UFC to have an interim champion. Now we have Randy as a champ, and Nog, and somehow Mir is in contention as is Lesnar. Randy and Nog should fight to get the title sorted out. The winner should get Mir. And Lesnar shouldn't be near Randy at this point. Maybe if he had at least one more fight for experience. Randy has a way of being the underdog and coming out on top after making people look stupid. I don't want to see Lesnar get that treatment.

Seems like a forced cluster fuck of a scene... kinda like the old WWF Invasion angle

edit; I said Randy was not a great striker. I lied. I just re-watched his match against Tim Silvia and he used the guy's face as punching bag, despite Tim having a massive height and reach advantage. Yea, Randy's awesome.

[Edited on 9-3-2008 by BBMN]

DevilSoprano - 9-4-2008 at 06:33 PM

Randy is awesome.

Randy's also going to get killed in this fight.

joerizal - 9-7-2008 at 08:11 PM

Never doubt Captain America. I did that twice and got burned. That said, Brock VS Couture is a really tough match to call, what with the wrestling background of both men, Brock's obvious power advantage, and Randy's experience and in-ring smarts and adaptability (as shown in his matches with Sylvia and Gonzaga).

Obviously, given his amateur wrestling background, Brock is more technically-sound and mobile than Sylvia, so he should fare better on the ground than Tim if/when Randy is able to take him down. Still, it's Randy F'N Couture.

I'll go with Randy as my initial pick to win, just because I didn't give him a chance against Sylvia and Gonzaga (or even Tito), and I was made to look like a fool. Either way, I'm stoked for this.

And also, Liddell VS Evans. Can you say "huge upset"?

nOOb - 9-8-2008 at 03:01 AM

I can't imagine Liddel has anything left now. Yeah, he's only lost three of his last four, but between Jardine and Evans, neither one of them had too much of a problem figuring him out. Maybe he has a few fights left, but if he does, he's probably best off spending them against some middle-of-the-road guys at Light Heavyweight. Or he could try jumping up to Heavy...

BBMN - 9-8-2008 at 10:01 PM

That KO on Chuck was insane. I can't recall the last time someone was out for that long. And was it me, or was Evans doing the 'Red Fox' afterwards?

Overall 88 was a good show I thought. And you guys might want to check out their website right now. The 'fight of the night' was un-aired and they're showing it for free. It's pretty crazy.

Thom - 9-9-2008 at 02:58 PM

Wow. I don't think Evan Tanner even crossed anyone's mind for the deadpool...

UFC Story

I was never a big fan of Tanner's, but I always respected him as a dangerous fighter, and seemingly a good guy, from what I've read. This sucks.

salmonjunkie - 9-10-2008 at 05:26 PM

Just watched the Lidell/Evans fight yesterday.

Wow. KTFO.

What was up with Evans rubbing his nipples before the beginning of the match?

BBMN - 9-10-2008 at 07:53 PM

I always rub my nipples before fighting. Or when in line at the grocery store.

Gobshite - 9-14-2008 at 09:09 PM

Apparently, its an inside joke between Team Jackson fighters...

nOOb - 10-4-2008 at 10:41 PM

So tonight is the fight/execution between Ken Shamrock and Kimbo Slice on CBS. It looks like EliteXC has done a little bit to get this to be interesting other than that fight by bringing in Arlovski for a fight, but really, this'll live and die on Kimbo/Shamrock. The big question: if Kimbo loses this fight, how badly does the kill his credebility as a fighter? Shamrock isn't near the same fighter he was before, and, really, I don't think he's had too much success in any sort of modern MMA fighting to begin with, so he's a very big long shot. But if he catches Kimbo and makes him tap, I imagine that'll end EliteXC right there.

Also, Gina Carrano had to dress down a bit more to make weight...and I wish there were some videos for that, or someone higher up in the building with a camera. Damn, I miss all the good stuff.

nOOb - 10-5-2008 at 04:26 AM

Well, nevermind on the Kimbo Slice escapade: gets knocked out in 14 seconds by a UFC reject replacing Ken Shamrock, who upon further review, probably was never his intended opponent anyhow. So yeah, there goes the credibility of Kimbo.

On the flip side, this link here has the best view of that Carano weigh in...about 3 minutes in.

OOVF - 10-5-2008 at 05:02 AM

So what happened to Ken Shamrock?

And why was Matt Hardy in the fight against Slice?

bd - 10-5-2008 at 01:11 PM

Shamrock couldn't go because of a cut over his eye before the fight.

Instead: The most incredible! Victory! In the history of Mixed Martial Arts!

Watch through the replay to see that Kimbo does, indeed, try to take down the ref.

[Edited on 10 5, 08 by bd]

[Edited on 10 5, 08 by bd]

Chris Is Good517 - 10-6-2008 at 12:16 AM

Well, I'm betting that's the last we'll ever see of EliteXC on CBS.

If I'm Kimbo, I'm trying to get a fight with Tito immediately, because he needs a high profile win desperately after getting beat by some pixie with pink highlights that weighed about half of what Slice does.

BBMN - 10-8-2008 at 04:44 PM

Rumors are flying that Shamrock and Seth were both told/paid to stand and strike with Kimbo. Doesn't look great for Elite right now, but that's what you get when you base your promotion around a street boxer.

And all of this sucks in my opinion. I want competition for the sake of the fans. I just don't want idiotic competition. It will be interesting to see if this affects their new relationship with Affliction, as Affliction seems to be so much better run after just one PPV.

GimmickMan - 10-14-2008 at 05:39 AM

Diego Sanchez is out against Thiago Alves on the 25th at UFC 90.

But the UFC comes through again with JOSH KOSCHECK to replace Sanchez.

So it's still a huge fight, thank God.

williamssl - 10-22-2008 at 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Well, I'm betting that's the last we'll ever see of EliteXC on CBS.

Fixed. Linky

GatorBait - 10-23-2008 at 05:09 PM

Every single aspect of Saturday's main event seems to favor Silva. And that is exactly why I am taking Cote to win the fight.

My gut is just telling me this will end with a KO out of nowhere from Cote.

(Actually, I think I'm just predicting this so I can say "I told you so" if it happens. I don't think Cote has a chance in hell, even with loaded gloves.)

nOOb - 10-24-2008 at 01:53 AM

Yeah, I think Cote this week has about as much of a chance as Leben did next week, skill difference in opponent aside. Also, seeing as how we have to Middleweight Main Events back-to-back like the Heavyweight Main Events we have coming up in the next two months, I have a feeling we get Bisping/Silva next (or the more competitive and unlikely Bisping/Cote)

BBMN - 10-27-2008 at 08:13 PM

Sherk and Griffin were a blast to watch. Awesome fight!

And Cote's injury just plain sucked. He did better than anyone has against Anderson in a long time. He looked out classed, but not defeated in the least. Hope he gets a rematch soon.

GatorBait - 10-28-2008 at 01:26 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
He did better than anyone has against Anderson in a long time.

I call bullshit on this one. If anything, Silva looked just plain bored. Seriously, after the Ali antics and actually offering to help Cote up off his back, I was half-expecting him to bust out some Eddie Gordo capoeira moves.

Silva looked like he was just trying to stretch the fight out and make things entertaining. Cote realized this and played along, and for that, I give him credit. But I wouldn't in any way say that Cote did better against Silva than anybody else has. Sure, he lasted longer than all his other opponents, but you could just tell Silva could've worked him over in the first round if he really wanted to.

I can't claim full originality for the following comments, but they definitely echo my sentiments: Silva needs to be challenged. Plain and simple. I think Dana's toying with the idea of him at 205 is a very good idea. There are rumors that Dana is entertaining the thought of throwing Silva vs. Liddell out there next. Now, I've never been a huge fan of Chuck, but the guy can definitely box. Cote can, too, but he was at a major reach disadvantage against Silva. Chuck would be a more fair matchup range-wise.

And hell, after that there could be a few other very interesting possibilities at 205. Wanderlei, Rampage, and even Forrest immediately come to mind (not to mention Shogun if he returns to form. Silva has shown he can throw people around at 185, so let's see if he can do the same with the stronger 205 fighters.

And after that, give me the match I've been dreaming of: Silva vs. GSP. GSP is the only guy I've thought could match Silva skill-wise for quite some time. (Reasonably, weight-wise, at least. I know BJ and Faber have sick skills, too.) And being that they mainly fight in different divisions, I think either guy could handle the loss on his record.

And why not have some sort of annual "super fights" at catch weight? No titles on the line, just very interesting matchups. Hell, I'd love to see the gameplan BJ would come up with in a fight versus Silva. Or even something weird like Rich Franklin vs. Sean Sherk. If there's one thing I really miss about Pride is that you could have all these possibilities.

Anyway, that's enough babbling for me, for now. Who wants to talk Lesnar vs. Couture?

nOOb - 10-28-2008 at 10:27 PM

UFC 91, in general, looks to be very interesting, with Florian/Stevenson, the first actual test for Ultimate Fighter winner Amir, Gabriel Gonzaga's probable last chance to see if he can survive at heavyweight or needs to move down a weight, and "Rock" Quarry fighting in, what I hope, moves him way up in Middleweight title contention.

But obviously, Lesnar/Couture will be huge: either we see the beginning of the reign of BROCK~! among the heavyweight class, or Couture proves how invincible he is and possibly guarantees he'll never see Lesnar again in his lifetime.

Also looking to be awesome? UFC 92. Any event that's so stacked that a title fight that happens to also be the official end of an Ultimate Fighter season is only the number two fight of the night tells me it'll be a "Can't Miss".

GatorBait - 10-29-2008 at 06:19 PM

These are my thoughts I posted in the SportsGamer forums in response to a poster who thinks Couture will submit Lesnar early:

Now wait a second. Who has Couture submitted? He's had two (yes only TWO) submission victories ever. One was an Anaconda Choke over Mike Van Arsdale 3 years ago and the other was a Rear Naked Choke on Tony Halme back in 1997!

And in the standup game, I have to give the edge to Lesnar. The guy is relentless. Ask Frank Mir and Heath Herring how it feels to eat his fists. Both guys got rocked early and rocked HARD. For Couture to have any chance in this fight, he'll have to find a way to pin Lesnar up against the cage and work his dirty boxing (as in his match with Gabriel Gonzaga). Just keep in mind that Brock is 20 lbs heavier than even Gonzaga is, and Brock is pure muscle, so pinning him against the cage will be a victory in and of itself.

Back to the submission game, yes I would give Randy the slight edge. But that's like saying Patrick Cote would have a submission advantage over Houston Alexander. Lesnar only lost to Mir because he got caught by a submission MASTER. Randy is nowhere near Mir's caliber in the submission game.

The bottom line is this is a HORRIBLE matchup for Couture. It's really hard to put a value on experience, but Randy has that at least going for him. Other than that, I can't really give him an edge anywhere else. Lesnar will get on top at some point early and his 265 lbs weighing down on Randy will sap the life out of him as Brock rains down the leather.

Lesnar by TKO ref stoppage in round 2 or 3.

***An added note: their Win-Loss percentages are even at 67% with Randy being 16-8 and Brock being 2-1.

BBMN - 10-29-2008 at 07:18 PM

Yea, I was being a bit giving in saying that Cote did better than others... he did last longer, but he really didn't do too much while he lasted. And one could tell that Anderson was getting ready to drop the hammer, but we didn't get to see that outcome.

And Lesnar might just walk on Randy. Randy's only hope is the clinch against the cage, and given that Brock will be entering the cage around 280lbs, that's a hard strategy to pull off. I'm so pumped for November 15th.

GatorBait - 10-29-2008 at 07:28 PM

The disturbing part is that Randy thinks he's got the speed advantage over Lesnar!

Link y

�The more I can make a big guy like that move and make him work, and threaten to take him down � just because he�s 270 pounds doesn�t mean I can�t take him down. I�ve taken down bigger guys,� Couture said. �So, I can create that threat and that fear in his mind that he�s going to end up on the bottom, which is someplace he�s not used to being. Those are things that I can focus on, and use speed and mobility and those things as advantages for me.�

Getting a little senile in his old age!

DevilSoprano - 10-29-2008 at 08:13 PM

The big credit I'd give to Cote in that fight is that he took two HUGE shots (the kick and the knee) that Silva has basically knocked a ton of guys out with. I don't think Silva was ever in danger, but I think Cote probably had the strongest chin of anyone Silva has ever faced.

Silva/Liddell could be awesome...IF Liddell takes it serious and trains as hard as he ever has. Silva/Jackson could be tons of fun too.

I think Dana has said don't ever expect to see Silva/Penn but that Silva/GSP was possible but I think GSP will have to beat Penn first. Not a foregone conclusion at all.

Thom - 10-30-2008 at 02:36 PM

I don't think Couture's too far off base with his thinking that he has a speed/mobility advantage over Lesnar. He'll definitely be lighter, and therefore probably a little quicker. That being said, I don't think he'll be so much quicker that he'll be able to tire Lesnar out. I think the biggest thing for Couture will be like in the Sylvia fight, Randy was able to keep moving his head, avoiding the big hit. That, I believe, is where his biggest chance probably lies. Avoiding the big hit, sprawling and maybe stuffing the takedown (although I think Lesnar will be able to power through a sprawl and take him down, anyway), and generally frustrating Lesnar into making a mistake. If nothing else, if he can avoid the big punch and stuff some takedowns, Couture should be able to take the decision victory.

Of course, I still think Lesnar will be able to take Couture down and dominate him. Of course, I wouldn't put it past Randy to be able to escape - something it seemed Herring would have been able to do, but didn't try. And just the fact that Randy might be able to get back standing could score him points with the judges. All that said, I still think Lesnar will win, but as we've learned before - don't count Randy out just yet.

GatorBait - 11-13-2008 at 04:29 PM

Apparently Couture opened as a 7-4 favorite when the fight was originally announced. So many people bet in favor of Brock that the line has swung to 5-4 in his favor.

doctorb - 11-13-2008 at 08:12 PM

I'm surprisingly anxious about it. If Lensar wins I might have to take back all the times I called him a loser, and I would put my money on him (if I had any to put down). It seems pretty sudden to get brock in a match that big seeing as how he's 1-1, but I assume ratings drive the match-ups even more than who "deserves" it.

[Edited on 11-13-2008 by doctorb]

BBMN - 11-13-2008 at 09:47 PM

Its all about ratings and money, not a pecking order. And I can't wait for this match. I wanted more matches for each guy first, but whatever, this was bound to happen, so it might as well be for the gold.

I really hope Randy doesn't get hurt, and that Lesnar's value doesn't drop.

DevilSoprano - 11-16-2008 at 03:29 AM


nOOb - 11-16-2008 at 06:20 AM

All that can be said now: All Hail King Brock. Heavyweights everywhere are in a no-win situation right now, with a constantly improving Brock Lesnar as the "official" World Champ and either Nog or Mir going to be meeting him as interim champ. I say that because, in all reality, Lesnar/Mir 2 may not work too well for Mir if Lesnar continues to improve to the point where he develops a submission defense of any sort, while the prospect of Nog/Lesnar is not good for any Heavyweight, because I don't any heavyweight not named Fedor can beat either of them.

On that note: UFC, give me Lesnar/Fedor NOW.

BBMN - 11-16-2008 at 05:56 PM

I can't wait to hear what my brother's lady is saying about this. I dropped Brock's name to her a couple years back. She seemed intrigued, but as time moved on she seemed to hate the idea of him because he 'fake fought'. Its funny seeing all these smart UFC fans being reduced to fanboys (and girls in her case). Last I talked to her she was still claiming that Mir had a great win over Lesnar.... ugh. Nevermind that it was his first UFC fight, and it was against a former champ, and that his only mistake was being too aggressive, but she can't simply say that Mir got his ass beat to hell that night.

And now look who has the gold. That match was truly impressive. Brock answered the question about if he has a good chin. Yes he does. And it appears he's just gotten even more freakishly strong. The hammer fists that ended the fight where so short, but so strong. The second he landed them I knew it was over. Brock scored extra points for coming out to Enter Sandman as well.

Outside of Nog and Fedor, I don't see anyone having a chance.

doctorb - 11-17-2008 at 05:41 PM

I can't find any videos. Surely somewhere there's illicit downloads that the ufc hasn't scrubbed.

Did it only go one round?

williamssl - 11-17-2008 at 05:49 PM

BBMN - 11-17-2008 at 05:49 PM

salmonjunkie - 11-17-2008 at 11:08 PM

He won because he's BROCK!

gemini - 11-18-2008 at 02:13 AM

I've been cautious about getting too excited about Brock being in UFC. I'll believe until the day I die Brock was 'fed' to Frank Mir (former champ, Jujitsu Black Belt) for his first UFC match.

Stand-up - Brock's good (due to raw power)
Wrestling - Brock's AWESOME
Jujitsu - Brock's N/A

He faced Mir to show him that you need to be well rounded at all three. Result: Lesnar Taps

In his second UFC match he faced a brawler in Herring and we all saw what happened. I saw NO noticeable change in his Jujitsu. He had Herring's back a few times and didn't even TRY to do anything.

Against Couture there were some things he did that are finally showing a little improvement. Even if he can learn more submission defense it might be enough to keep him in some close fights.

Either way he's back to facing some SOLID Jujitsu in Nogueira OR Mir. It's gonna be GOOD!

BBMN - 11-18-2008 at 02:25 AM

He really wasn't fed to anyone. He demanded the best and that is what he got. And he is so big that getting a rear naked choke in is going to be hard. So hard that he might as well not risk it, and instead do what he knows works... which is what he does. He doesn't need to be trained in BJJ, just BJJ defense.

And even his loss to Mir had less to do with Mir's skill and more to do with Lesnar's eagerness to finish. I blame adrenaline and being green.

[Edited on 11-18-2008 by BBMN]

nOOb - 12-11-2008 at 05:59 AM

For those of you who love their super-violence, be sure to catch Fight for the Troops on rerun, DVR, or illegally. In just three fights, there was a broken arm via armbar, the nastiest looking swelling I've ever seen due to onslaught of knees, and probably the most vicious knockout on free TV. DEFINITELY worth a second view.

BBMN - 12-12-2008 at 01:34 AM

I wanted to see the whole card but fell asleep because I'm lame. I woke up just in time to see Kos do that crazy two punch KO from hell.

And I don't know if it was televised last night, but Corey Hill and Dale Hartt had a fight which is currently on right now. It ends when Joe Rogan begins screaming, "STOP THE FIGHT STOP THE FIGHT STOP THE FIGHT NOW!!!"

Its fucking wrong.

Thom - 12-12-2008 at 06:28 PM

I DVR'd the show and watched it last night. The KOs were nasty, but I just caught the Hill leg-snap on


GimmickMan - 12-25-2008 at 12:38 AM

UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008 is this Saturday from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

It will be awesome.

Light-Heavyweight Championship - Forrest Griffin vs. Rashad Evans

Interim Heavyweight Championship - Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Frank Mir

Wanderlei Silva vs. Quinton Jackson

Cheick Kongo vs. Mustapha al-Turk

CB Dollaway vs. Mike Massenzio

This is tight.

For a preview of the show, check out

Should be a good one!

BBMN - 12-25-2008 at 01:04 AM

I'm anxiously awaiting all of these fight. I kinda hope that Rampage and Silva beat one another half to death. And I don't have anything against Mir, but I really want to see Nogueira put on a clinic. At the same time I want Mir to somehow win so that Lesnar can rematch him.

Can not wait.

Figure Foreskin - 12-28-2008 at 06:29 AM

Damn. What a night.

Good for fuckin' Mir. He deserved that.

BBMN - 12-28-2008 at 07:00 AM

Everything I wanted/expected to happen did. I wasn't sure if Mir would win, but I wanted him to. Now Brock gets a chance to kill him in the rematch.

Rampage gets some revenge. Fuck yea!

And I won $5 off FFC when Evans won. yay!

Figure Foreskin - 12-28-2008 at 08:16 AM

I was talking to Thai about the event before it took place and I was 3 for 3 on my predictions. Rashad is a badass, man. Not to take anything away from Forrest, he did a great job, but Rashad is on his game right now.

So Lesnar/Mir 2. That's gonna rule. Both fighters are better now so it should be a great fight. I'm looking forward to it. I wouldn't mind Brock winning at all, but how great of a story is Frank Mir? The guy never lost the title and he came back from an injury that he was never supposed to come back from. He was decent at best when he came back but he's gotten really really good again. I would be incredibly happy for him if he manages to beat Brock again.

atothej - 12-28-2008 at 09:38 PM

This was the first UFC PPV I've watched in a long time, and it was a good card. I was a bit disappointed in Rampage/Silva, both in the length of the fight and in the very cautious beginning. Rampage looked good, though, and a fight between him and Evans would be really fun.

I concur with everyone who's said that Mir looked really good, and who's excited for the pending Mir/Lesnar rematch. Given the vast improvement in Mir's standup game, the fight looks intriguing even without the notion of Brock getting revenge.

ETA: I'm also intrigued with Brock/Kongo no matter the outcome of Lesnar/Mir. I thought that Kongo looked really good, and he's a good size matchup for Brock.

[Edited on 12-28-2008 by atothej]

salmonjunkie - 12-29-2008 at 12:44 AM

Rampage was very cautious to begin, but I could understand it. Silva had beaten him twice and Rampage had just lost his title. I'm glad to see him back and winning. That was one hell of a punch.

I was rooting for Forrest, but Rashad fought a good fight and looks unstoppable. Imagine Rashad/Rampage for the title.

Mir looked DAMN good, and Mir/Lesnar 2 is gonna be off the hook!

[Edited on 12-28-2008 by salmonjunkie]

BBMN - 12-29-2008 at 06:35 PM

Did anyone else notice Evans when he taunted Forrest mid-fight? He grabbed his junk and told Forrest to basically suck it. Pretty classy guy.

And after re-watching the Congo/Al Turk fight I really hope their ref (Mazzagatti) gets punished or something. The beat down at the end was just fucking wrong. Like it made me feel sick wrong. I've watched a lot of UFC and Pride and can't recall a fight going on so long when it was CLEARLY over. I like exciting fights, but fucking A. Dude was done at least 5 seconds earlier and just kept eating elbow after elbow after punch after punch. It was like a street fight.

And fuck Congo and his intentional ball shots. Christ. And are fighters allowed to do downward elbows?? Thought that was a no no.

[Edited on 12-29-2008 by BBMN]

joerizal - 1-20-2009 at 04:09 AM

MMA isn't really this board's thing, huh?

Thoughts from UFC 93 - Franklin VS Hendo

So, was UFC 93 any good? I fell asleep during the 1st round of Kang-Belcher. Don't cry for me, though. We get UFC PPVs for free, over here.

I caught Marcus "The Irish Hand Grenade" Davis VS Chris "Lights Out" Lytle (gotta love the nicknames), and with all the pre-match hype from both fighters that they were gonna leave everything in the Octagon and tear each other apart..boy, was that fight underwhelming. Great pop for Davis' entrance, though.

Hey, Dana decided to hire Dan Mirgliotta (sp?) back from Elite. Good for him.

Fuck, I was rooting for Kang over my namesake. I like Kang's look and I like what I saw from him. From the recap I read, it seems he made the classic mistake of getting caught in a Guillotine while going for the shoot. Too bad.

It amazes me that Coleman's still going at 44. He's like the Undertaker of MMA, sans the ability to put on captivating matches. I keed, Hammer fans. Coleman does seem to have lost a ton of muscle, particularly in the face, since the last time I saw him compete in the UFC.

The dirtsheets are reporting that Shogun is gonna face Liddell at UFC 97 (Anderson Silva VS Thales Leites). While Liddell is currently 1-3 in his last 4 fights, I don't think you can ever count The Iceman out of any fight. Also, the general sentiment seems to be that Shogun disappointed again during the Coleman fight.

I'm disappointed I missed Franklin's entrance. Did he use "Welcome to the Jungle"?

My friend told me Hendo got in some eye gouges and lowblows. "Okay fight" was his rating. Yeah, really descriptive, I know. Hendo won, but what did this fight accomplish (other than a chance to coach in TUF)? Where do both men go from here? After his destruction at the hands of The Spider, Franklin had been contemplating retirement. Maybe this is the straw that broke his back?

Random musings:

Rampage VS The Dean of Mean (sounds like an indie match) is also set for UFC 96. I think, with the change in training camp, Rampage should take this one easy en route to his eventual collission with Jardine's teammate, the LHW Champ "Sugar" Rashad Evans.

Did we ever get the rubber match between Rampage and Iceman? If not, book it Dana, UFC 100.
- Anderson Silva VS GSP
- Rampage VS Liddell
- BJ Penn VS (oh, lets say) KenFlo
- BROCK~! VS Fedor (yeah, I know..)
- Can we bring in Kimbo to get KO'ed by Wandy or Chuck, as well?

Hoops80 - 1-20-2009 at 08:17 PM


Did we ever get the rubber match between Rampage and Iceman?

No need for a rubber match. Rampage - 2, Iceman - 0 (decisively in both)

Thom - 1-23-2009 at 06:58 PM

Call me crazy, certifiably fucking insane, or just a moron who doesn't know jack shit - but I have this odd feeling that Arlovski's going to somehow beat Fedor, this weekend. I know Andrei hasn't looked all that great in his past few fights, but it's not like he was fighting top competition and had a real reason to be "up" for the fight. Now, he does. And, just a hunch, but I think that Sambo loss is probably in Fedor's head a little, and he'll be questioning himself somewhat.

EDIT: I just read over at that Arlovski's boxing trainer is claiming that Andrei is going to move into boxing after this fight. So, now it looks as though Andrei's heart isn't totally into this fight after all. So, forget what I said earlier - Fedor wins in Rd. 1.

[Edited on 1/24/09 by Thom]

BBMN - 1-26-2009 at 05:28 PM

... A gif is worth a shit ton of words.


atothej - 1-27-2009 at 03:10 AM

I'm glad you posted that gif, because the knockout punch didn't look all that impressive from the original angle. After seeing the gif, though, it's clear that Fedor got all of it, but the original angle just didn't catch the real velocity of the punch.

salmonjunkie - 2-1-2009 at 09:21 PM

Man, GSP just KILLED Penn! That was brutal!

joerizal - 2-3-2009 at 04:19 PM

French-Canadian domination, baby!

What impressed me about GSP was his strategy which he talked about in the post-fight interview with Joe Rogan - how he exposed Penn's "boxer's build", so targeted and tried to weaken Penn's shoulders in the first rounds to soften him up for the latter rounds. I mean, I'm no sportsman, but damn, that's a really well-thought out strategy.

You could see that strategy working as well. In the 1st round, GSP had considerable trouble taking Penn down, but in the 3rd and 4th rounds, he just took him down seemingly at will, and easily shifting to side control.

Thiago Alves is next for GSP, and as much as I dug Thiago's last few performances, I don't know if he has enough to derail the Rush Express (ok, that was horrible).

KenFlo's next for Penn, right? That should be awesome, too. And, while many aren't too fond of Diego Sanchez's "too-serious, almost-cocky" vibe, I think the guy's awesome, and I hope he climbs up the LW ranks and challenges for the LW Title someday.

And now that the GSP-Penn dream match is decisively over, can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have Anderson Silva VS GSP, even if it's non-title and at catchweight?!?!?!

On the other fights I caught..

That was the first Lyoto Machida fight I didn't hate, though I was rooting for Thiago Silva. Fantastic diving punch at the end there, kinda reminded me of Marty Jannetty.

Bones Jones with, what can be considered, an upset over The American Psycho. Kid's got skills. I thought his moves were fluid. Only time will tell where he'll end up. I'm wondering where this leads Bonnar, though.

BBMN - 2-4-2009 at 11:20 PM

The GSP/Penn fight was unexpected, yet not at all. Penn is just smaller, plain and simple. What was surprising was how defeated he looked mentally after talking so much shit.

And Jon Jones was so amazing. I was pissed that the announcers didn't go ape shit like i was for the textbook German he dished out. Also he did some kind of facelock throw that was brutal, as was that spinning elbow, and the insane throat punch. Just fucking painful to watch.

The end of the Lyoto fight was epic.

And the Guida fight was truly great. Sure it ended on a slow note, but I loved the first two rounds.

joerizal - 2-5-2009 at 03:21 PM

There's apparently some controversy regarding the GSP-Penn fight. GSP's cornermen allegedly rubbed Vaseline on GSP's shoulders and back, in effect, greasing him up and, I guess, making it harder for Penn to cling to GSP in a rubber guard. This was seconded by an official from the State Commission.

Matt Hughes recently said that he thought GSP felt "greasy" during their past fights, as well. Of course, many will question why it took Hughes this long before making this statement.

Fuck if this is true. And even if it isn't. An ugly blemish on an otherwise fantastic victory for GSP.

[Edited on 2-5-2009 by joerizal]

BBMN - 2-5-2009 at 03:55 PM

I think it was between the 2nd and 3rd rounds, you can see a guy rubbing GSP's shoulders, and then one of the guys with the red coats walks over and grabs a jar of vasoline and walks away with it.

I doubt it would've made a huge difference, but it does suck.

Figure Foreskin - 2-5-2009 at 06:49 PM

Anybody catch Thiago requesting a "shitle tot" in the post-match interview?

BBMN - 2-6-2009 at 07:31 AM

Uploaded by chuteboxe57

Thom - 3-14-2009 at 06:20 PM

Time to liven this thread up a little. However, some pundits would disagree that the news livens up the thread...

Anyway, I had no idea that Rampage was going to have surgery. I was looking forward to seeing Rampage-Evans. Instead, and replacing Lesnar-Mir II, we have Evans-Machida.



The Evans vs. Machida bout replaces the originally scheduled Heavyweight Championship bout between Brock Lesnar and Frank Mir, which has been postponed due to injury. Current top contender Quinton �Rampage� Jackson, who will undergo arthroscopic surgery to repair ligament damage in his jaw, will face the winner of Evans vs. Machida on a date to be determined.

I'm very interested to see how this fight plays out. Will it be the "boring" Machida vs. the "boring" Evans? Or will we see more action, as both seem to have been a little flashier in their last few bouts.

BBMN - 3-19-2009 at 04:46 PM

I don't think Evans is boring at all. He just has a hard time getting the "OMG Knockout!" punches to land in the first round. I wanted to see him vs Rampage so bad. I think Rampage isn't as polished, but could take his head off if given the chance. I have no idea how the new fight will play out... probably a long tedious fight thanks to Machida.

I'm also really pumped to see Houston Alexander fight again on that card. I've only seen a little bit of him, but he was exciting as fuck to watch.

And I'm disappointed that Mir has to delay the fight. I think the champs don't fight enough. Brock got that belt in November... Then again the long wait probably is only due to the need to unify the belts. But still... I want Mir to get pummeled today!

[Edited on 3-19-2009 by BBMN]

nOOb - 3-19-2009 at 05:17 PM

The wait shouldn't be too long. Apparently, from what I've gathered, the injury to Mir kinda worked out for the UFC, since they seem to be rescheduled for UFC 100 now, along with GSP/Thiago. I remember hearing they wanted to have three different titles up for grabs at 100, but with Evans/Machida the month before, with Silva fighting next month, and with BJ trying to find someone to sympathize with him before fighting again, they're probably going to have to settle with two.

Joeldacat - 3-22-2009 at 07:30 PM

I don't know if anybody saw the piece of crap PPV that was the Roy Jones sponsored event with Lashley fighting, but he was not impressive at all.

I hear some people say that if it was in a cage instead of in a boxing ring, that Lashley would've done better. There were some times that Guida ducked into the ropes, and the ref separated them or re-situated them in a fashion that very much helped out Guida. That said- the highlight of the match is going to be Lashley escaping a guillotine after a scary moment for him in the third round. That's not exactly the kind of thing you want on your highlight reel if you're trying to show bad-assery.

The main event of the card was a boxing match between Roy Jones Jr. and a shlep named something-Sheika. It reeked of fishiness; the match was stopped on TKO in the fifth round- this despite the fact that Sheika was still coming at him, and there was nothing on Sheika that made it seem like he was under threat of going to the mat. There were some other questionable calls by the judges in the MMA fights as well... and one fight in the early card that ended with a sweet knee to the face.

Sorry I don't have more names or insightful commentary; I am a very casual fan- but I'm hoping someone else on here saw the thing last night and left it as frustrated as I did. I now know a bit more of what MMA looks like outside of UFC and the big leagues, and I am not impressed!

BBMN - 3-25-2009 at 11:15 PM

I gotta called bullshit on your notion that Lashley wasn't impressive or badass.

For starters... the opening of round one, Lashley goes for a huge double leg and Guida grabs the ropes, then he holds the ropes, then he tries to hook Lashley's arm as the ref tries to break it up. Such a shitty display that negated what just might have been a game ending take down less than a minute in.

Lashley then gets pissed and throws a huge combo. Like huge. Not like Brock's retard strength '1,2' punches, but like a flurry of well put together strikes.

Much of his strategy was about trying to take Guida down in the cinch. But the ropes negated much of that. If it were a cage that didn't give like a rope, it would've been much more successful. But he showed good strategy here. He didn't get overly aggressive and make any mistakes. It seemed very much like Lesnar's fight with Heath. Slow and deliberate and smart.

He had a couple of big take downs, and big punches and a couple nice combos. He didn't gas either, which is huge!

Also, the choke he got caught in was just fine. We might not ever know how close he was to tapping, but I doubt he was close at all. I've seen deeper guillotines that went on much longer than that. Plus he needs that. To learn from mistakes, yet not lose because of them.

If this had been another 1 minute fight it might look impressive, but it wouldn't give him valuable time learning in there. Fifteen minutes is great for him and like I said before, he didn't gas which is crucial. He's still very green, but he looked solid as fuck. I was really impressed in that he was about the same size as he was in the E. Thought he'd lose 20lbs, but no, he was still has massive as ever, and cut as all hell. You could even make out muscle striations in his lower back. That was freaky. He's a beast.

nOOb - 3-26-2009 at 01:00 AM

Jason Guida is, has been, and always will be a turd. I kinda wish Lashley roughed him up more.

But I agree with you BBMN. Had it not been for the addition of ropes, then Lashley probably would've been a bit more successful. But going three rounds, even with a shit opponent, gives you a good idea as to how well conditioned he is. The fact this is only his second match (realistically, it might as well be his first), is also pretty good, and if he improves even more, I have a feeling Lashley may beat Mir, Couture, and Lesnar in the race to put a blemish on Fedor's record. Then again, Fedor is Fedor, so who knows: maybe he winds up beating all four of them. At the same time. With one hand.

Joeldacat - 3-26-2009 at 03:17 PM

To my admittedly untrained eye, all I know is that Lashley's opponent sucked, and he should've been able to take him out without going to the judges. I saw the stuff going on with the ropes, and my MMA friend was complaining about them all night; but I wanted him to be smarter than that and win.

I'm glad his conditioning is good, glad he's learning and all that... but I wanted to see him win decisively, and Guida didn't even look hurt or tired at the end of the thing.

Did you see the whole PPV or just the fight? 'Cause seriously, the show as a whole � man, boxing hurts to watch after an MMA fight.

nOOb - 4-19-2009 at 06:13 PM

I sure hope no one bought the PPV yesterday...boy did that suck. Anderson Silva is starting to get on my nerves: it seems like he knows he's better than these scrubs they're putting against him and does just enough to get ready for them, but that's about it. There was a second I thought Leites might have caught him off guard, but all it took was Silva throwing elbows from the bottom to remind Leites "Holy shit, I have no business fighting this guy". And then they pretty much just walked around for five rounds.

And yeah, Liddel's done.

BBMN - 4-19-2009 at 06:14 PM

All aboard the 'I hate Anderson Silva' train! My god that was a boring ass fight. I wish this would have been Pride so that the ref could've fined them both for sucking the life out of the show. Silva just does nothing for me at all. I want to see him get destroyed because I really think he needs to.

Overall it was an okay show. It was weird knowing that I might have just seen Chuck fight his last fight. I hope he hangs it up.

nOOb - 4-19-2009 at 11:20 PM

My only big hope now is that Wanderlei beat Franklin in a few months so they can make a case to throw him at Anderson. Outside of the Axe Murderer, I just don't have too much faith in the rest of the top contenders: Maia is too focused on not hurting opponents and finishing them off with submissions to be a legitimate threat to a guy who's meanest offense has him elbowing guys in the head repeatedly when they take him down, Bisping's pretty much universally agreed as a non-threat, and Okami only beat Anderson by DQ and, for all we know, Silva could just tear through him in one round.

Joeldacat - 4-20-2009 at 09:57 PM

I went and saw this at the local Burger restaurant / bar that shows UFC events. There was a real, in-person fight that broke out between a table full of a guys wearing "KARATE DOESN'T WORK" T-shirts, and a guy who looked like an army dude with two girls around his arm. People got knocked over, there were punches thrown, there was a pull-apart- and even a sucker punch AFTER the pull-apart. It was disturbing, a little scary, and entertaining.

I talk so much about this because this was followed by the Anderson Silva fight. That was REALLY frustrating to watch.

I feel like I watch it to complain now, seeing as I had such a negative reaction to Lashley's MMA debut and PPV; that said- it was like watching the opening of an Undertaker vs Santino Marella match... only dragged out over 25 minutes. I kept screaming at the TV for the other guy to just fucking DO something. He looked terrified to throw a freakin' punch. Mega-painful to watch.

I missed Liddell's hayday, so all I've seen of him has been in this losing streak. The place I was at went nuts for him, though, and it seemed like the crowd really loved him. Sucks that's the way he's going out!

There was one fight in there that was pretty good- the guy with the hair he had to keep flipping out of his face versus the other guy. (Sam Stout v. Matt Wiman, just stopped being lazy and looked it up). That was my evening's high-point. Outside of the fight happening 5-feet from me.

I check this board a lot, and it helps my UFC enjoyment to know what's going on when I go to the events... I encourage you guys to keep chatting here and keeping me (a noob to the sport) in mind when you bring up happenings.


nOOb - 4-20-2009 at 10:13 PM

I will say that, at the very least, 98 should be a good one, or as good as you can get leading into the supercard that is 100. Evans/Machida is such a chess match on paper that you know it's going to end with a spectacular knockout, there's going to finally be closure to the whole Matt Serra/Matt Hughes feud (that, admittedly, no one should care about since their last fights have been awful, one-sided beatdowns), and it looks like they're going to give Yushin Okami a shot at being considered #1 contender for Silva.

My only question is what does the UFC have against Mini-Brock, Brock Larson (I call him Mini-Brock because he's a bit like Lesnar, trains at the same place, but actually has a huge MMA background)? He filled in as a replacement for Josh Koscheck, and, almost immediately, they knock the fight between him and Sam Wilson (both guys who have large winning records) to the undercard in favor of a fight between James "The Guy Who Silva Knocked Out in His 205 Debut" Irvin and Drew "When I Lose This One, I'll Be at .500" McFedries. So much for giving GSP any immediate conteders, I suppose.

Thom - 4-21-2009 at 03:35 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
He filled in as a replacement for Josh Koscheck, and, almost immediately, they knock the fight between him and Sam Wilson (both guys who have large winning records) to the undercard in favor of a fight between James "The Guy Who Silva Knocked Out in His 205 Debut, even though I was on PEDs at the time" Irvin and Drew "When I Lose This One, I'll Be at .500" McFedries.

Fixed, for ya, buddy. And I'm definitely psyched about Evans' first title defense. I'm not sure what it is, but Rashad is my favorite fighter, now. Maybe it was that he was the definite underdog on TUF; maybe it's because I can appreciate his strategy/style of not wanting to get hit, and don't think of it as boring - I don't know, exactly. Of course, I kinda like Machida, too.

BBMN - 4-21-2009 at 04:22 PM

I think Evans if about the most disrespectful fighter to come around since Tito. I want his head to get crushed by somebody... anybody.

Joeldacat - 4-22-2009 at 02:16 PM

Lashley's next proposed opponent in MMA is Bob Sapp. His name sounds familiar, I looked at a picture, and the dude is huge.

Someone fill me in on Sapp and how this fight might go down!

BBMN - 4-22-2009 at 04:49 PM

Is Sapp coming to America? Or is Lashley heading to Japan?

Sapp is a giant guy that was a beast for a short while in Pride, then decided to stop being a beast and has been very, very mediocre ever since. Its hard to even grasp how a man so big, can get his ass kicked so bad. He basically holds his arms in tight and slowly stalks his opponent, while they throw nothing but huge strikes at his head, usually with much success.

I don't know if Bobby can out wrestle a man that size, so he will probably be going for punch combos the whole time if he's smart. Sapp's chin is weak.

He latered claimed he was dropped due to a eye poke, not the punch. I don't buy it.

Joeldacat - 4-22-2009 at 08:26 PM

The whole story from 411mania:

quote: is reporting that Bobby Lashley has agreed to fight MMA veteran Bob Sapp on June 27. Lashley (2-0), who won a decision over Jason Guida in his last bout in March, signed the bout agreement late last night. It will be Lashley's first time taking on a much bigger fighter, Sapp is 6'5" and weighs around 350lbs, which gives him about a 100 pound weight advantage over the former WWE superstar.

Sapp holds an MMA record of 10-3-1, with his most notable fight coming against Antonio Rodrigo "Minotauro" Nogueira in which Sapp was submitted in the second round. He was last seen on the FieLDS Dynamite!! show, where he won by TKO in the first round.

The report goes on to note that while Lashley did appear on TNA Wrestling's "Lockdown" PPV on Sunday, there are currently no plans for him to wrestle with the company.

The bout will take place on an event promoted by an as-of-yet announced upstart MMA promotion and will air on PPV.

This leads me to believe it would be in the United States, but really I have no clue. I also read another article that says Sapp has the contract, but hasn't signed anything yet, so this isn't a done deal.

The video re-iterated it: holy shit, that guy is huge. No way there hasn't been body-enhancing drugs in his past. I will go ahead and get excited by the prospect of this matchup, despite the huge likelihood I'll be letdown by it either not happening or the fight being lame.

nOOb - 4-22-2009 at 09:12 PM

The Sapp/Lashley fight might make Kimbo Slice a bit angry, since he's been throwing out the idea to fight Sapp in his next fight for Strikeforce.

BBMN - 4-23-2009 at 01:20 AM

I guess I am way wrong on him. Thought his record was much worse. And for some reason I can't find his loss to Cro Cop being on record?

Could be a decent fight...

nOOb - 4-23-2009 at 01:42 AM

He's currently 10-3-1 in his professional MMA fights. The fight against Cro Cop did happen, but it was K-1 Kickboxing, and K-1 Kickboxing isn't recognized in professional MMA fights; just kickboxing.

Win Akihito Tanaka TKO (Punches) K-1 - Dynamite!! Power of Courage 2008 12/31/2008 1 5:22
Loss Jan Nortje TKO (Punches) Strikeforce - Strikeforce At The Dome 2/23/2008 1 0:55
Win Bobby Ologun TKO (Punches) K-1 - Premium 2007 Dynamite!! 12/31/2007 1 4:10
Win Jong Wang Kim TKO (Punches) K-1 HERO's - HERO's 2005 in Seoul 11/5/2005 1 0:08
Win Alan Karaev KO (Punch) K-1 - Hero's 2 7/6/2005 1 3:44
Win Min Soo Kim KO (Punch) K-1 - Hero's 1 3/26/2005 1 1:12
Draw Jerome LeBanner Draw K-1 - Premium 2004 Dynamite!! 12/31/2004 4 3:00
Loss Kazuyuki Fujita Submission (Soccer Kicks) K-1 MMA - ROMANEX 5/22/2004 1 2:15
Win Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren Towel (Foot Injury) K-1 - Beast 2004 3/14/2004 1 5:00
Win Stefan Gamlin Submission (Guillotine Choke) K-1 - Japan Grand Prix 2003 9/21/2003 1 0:52
Win Yoshihiro Takayama Submission (Armbar) Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2002 - K-1 vs. Inoki 12/31/2002 1 2:16
Loss Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira Submission (Armbar) PRIDE - Shockwave 8/28/2002 2 4:03
Win Kiyoshi Tamura TKO (Punches) PRIDE 21 - Demolition 6/23/2002 1 0:11
Win Yoshihisa Yamamoto TKO (Punches) PRIDE 20 - Armed and Ready 4/28/2002 1 2:44

And here's the Cro Cop fight:

[Edited on 4-23-2009 by nOOb]

Gobshite - 4-23-2009 at 04:57 PM

I wondered why they ahd boxing gloves on, not the MMA style ones that let your fingers through.

The fact that Cro-Cops fingers are inside the glove make it laughable that Sapp claimed he lost to an eye poke though!

The fight should be good - IF it happens. Does this mean that Lashley will never actually fight in TNA? Because if he isn't going to, he's a waste of money.

Joeldacat - 4-24-2009 at 03:36 PM

This feels like a bait and switch, but the Sapp fight in June might still be on:

According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer, Bobby Lashley has signed to face Mike Cook (7-3). The fight will take place on May 15th for Maximum Fighting Championships in Edmonton. The show will air live on HDnet.

What's this guy's deal? Is it Dane Cook's beefier brother? Or perhaps the one who's embezzling him?

BBMN - 4-26-2009 at 05:20 PM

Ah, so the K1 stuff is under a different record. Wiki has that at 10-7. Which lines up with my recalling him have quite a few losses. Combined, he is 20-10, which isn't terrible by any stretch, but is still kinda bad given how much ass you expect a man of his size to kick. And he has been KO'd a lot. the more it happens, the more likely it is to happen again. Maybe if he does fight Lashley, we'll get to see him get smashed.

I guess the Cro Cop fight resulted in a broken orbital bone, which explains everything as to why he just dropped and was in too much pain to do anything. I always loved Cro Cop, but respect him even more now.

Thom - 5-1-2009 at 02:21 PM

Can't get enough Jose Canseco? No problem! He'll be fighting at Dream 9.


Jose Canseco used his mammoth muscles to take pitchers deep and trade blows with Danny Bonaduce.

Now the former MVP will step onto the mat and try MMA.

In his latest attempt to cash in on his flagging post-baseball career, Canseco is set to make his mixed martial arts debut on May 26 in Japan. The former Oakland A's slugger and tell-all author is fighting South Korean Hong Man Choi on the Dream 9 card in Yokohama Arena.

Choi is a 7-foot-2, 330-pound super heavyweight and has a 1-2 record in MMA.

"I have no idea if I can do it," Canseco said Thursday night. "It's a tough sport."

Canseco has written two books, starred in a pair of reality shows, and had two celebrity boxing bouts since his 17-year baseball career ended. He boxed Bonaduce, a former Partridge Family child star, to a majority draw in a match in January. Canseco was listed at 6-4 and 260 pounds for that exhibition bout that featured only three, 1-minute rounds.

Canseco, who named names of alleged steroid abusers like himself in his two books, lost to former Philadelphia Eagle Vai Sikahema in his first foray into celebrity boxing.

Canseco's girlfriend, Heidi Northcott, said the MMA deal was presented to Canseco about two weeks ago. The 1988 AL MVP is part of a card that includes an eight-man open-weight tournament and is being called the Super Hulk Tournament.

By his acknowledgment, the baseball outcast needs the money. It's one reason why Canseco has accepted a wide variety of offbeat jobs to make ends meet.

Choi seems to be a decent kickboxer - even beating the aformentioned Bob Sapp, although he's only faced 3 guys in MMA - Fedor (loss, duh), Cro-Cop (loss, well, yeah), and he beat some guy I've never heard of. Still, I can't see Jose doing anything other than try to punch the guy, and getting his ass handed to him. That being said, I actually feel a little bad for Jose. It seems like he realizes he's going to get his ass kicked, but needs the money so bad, he's willing to do it, anyway.

BBMN - 5-1-2009 at 05:17 PM

I heard something about Jose 'boxing' on some reality show and not being able to to handle some dude half his size. So he wants to legit fight an actual giant. What?

This is the lamest MMA story I've ever heard.

folby - 5-2-2009 at 02:21 PM

Don't let that 1-2 MMA record fool you, Hong-Man Choi is 12-6 in K-1. Canseco is fucked.

This is the greatest MMA story I've ever heard.

nOOb - 5-6-2009 at 06:12 PM

Oh, by the way, that Sapp/Lashley fight is finalized.

nOOb - 5-24-2009 at 06:50 AM

And so begins the reign of the Dragon. Lyoto was every bit as dominant as I expected him to be and, if he remains the same fighter, always improving, he may never lose.

Also nice to see Frankie Edgar establish himself as the number two contender for the Lightweight title, since another Sherk/Penn fight'd be boring and Sherk/Florian didn't sound like the greatest.

Really, though, the show was about as good as you'd expect with the card provided. Only Krzysztof Soszynski and Brock Larson came off as though they'll make impacts higher up at their weight classes besides those mentioned, so maybe there was a bit of good to come out of all this.

Still, this was probably better than the next card will be, but what can you expect when 100 is a few cards away?

BBMN - 5-24-2009 at 10:49 PM

atothej - 5-26-2009 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by folby
Don't let that 1-2 MMA record fool you, Hong-Man Choi is 12-6 in K-1. Canseco is fucked.

This is the greatest MMA story I've ever heard.

Well, do enjoy then:

Hong Man Choi vs Jose Canseco dream 9
Uploaded by michael_dwayne_jr. - Discover the latest sports and extreme videos.

Thom - 6-2-2009 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
The Sapp/Lashley fight might make Kimbo Slice a bit angry, since he's been throwing out the idea to fight Sapp in his next fight for Strikeforce.

Well, I'm not sure if that will be happening or not - Kimbo's on his way to UFC.

Sort of...


The Ultimate Fighter, anyway. And I guess there's a media day today that is supposed to have another surprise or two. How awesome would it be to see Fedor on TUF? Or, better yet, how humiliatingly awesome would it be to see Tim Sylvia as a contestant?

nOOb - 6-2-2009 at 04:07 PM

Fedor's got an August bout with Josh Barnett, but even then, they'd never make him do TUF. You know what, though? Kimbo Slice being announced for TUF 10 makes it, potentially, the highest rated season of the series. Tell me you're not interested in, at the very least, putting Kimbo together with either Rampage or Rashad Evans and seeing how well they'd be able to at least train him.

Hoops80 - 6-15-2009 at 04:08 PM

Tim Sylvia got KTFO by Ray 9 seconds!! Unbelievable!

madiq - 6-17-2009 at 12:46 PM guys have MMA discussion going.

Shao Khan - 6-17-2009 at 11:45 PM

Apparently Shaq has called out that guy that kicked Canseco's ass

BBMN - 6-18-2009 at 01:20 AM

When the lady started talking about Shaq, and had the 'host' title underneath her, I read it as 'hot'.

Also, did anyone even see UFC 99? What a drab show it felt like. I'm pissed at whoever told Silva to cut 12 pounds in a day. He was falling over all over the place from exhaustion. Such a poor training choice. He should've only needed to cut like 3-4 pounds instead and then his body would have been ready for the fight. Such a shitty was to lose a fight. And then Crocop wins via accidental eye poke. Fuck. Poor Al Turk guy can't catch a break to save his life.

nOOb - 6-18-2009 at 03:40 PM

Not to mention Cro Cop immediately burnt the UFC by backing out of a two-fight negotiation to sign with someone else. So much for Cro Cop mattering anymore.

madiq - 6-18-2009 at 06:13 PM

To be fair, though, CroCop's level of popularity in Japan is higher than it is here, so "relevance" is relative. He can get big-time main event fights in DREAM, closer to where he lives, and not have to deal with Zuffa's desire to put guys like Velasquez, Lesnar, and Carwin over him to build those fighters' resumes.

Agreed that Filipovic is past his prime, but if he wants to make the most of that position, fighting outside the UFC is a better career move. He just has to make sure he doesn't take any fights against 47-year-old former heavyweight champion boxers...

GimmickMan - 6-21-2009 at 07:34 PM

If you did not see the Diego Sanchez-Clay Guida fight, do so now.

nOOb - 6-22-2009 at 07:41 PM

That was one of the most insane things I've ever seen. It was like the first Griffin/Bonnar fight, except both guys absolutely wanted to kill each other from the time they made their entrance up to the time the final bell rang. There was no loser in that fight (well,except for Guida, who actually lost), but that was friggin' awesome and made up for the fact that TUF 9 totally sucked.

At least TUF 10 will breathe new life into the Heavyweight division.

BBMN - 6-22-2009 at 10:57 PM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
If you did not see the Diego Sanchez-Clay Guida fight, do so now.

That fight is why I love Clay Guida. One of the best fights I've ever watched. The only thing stronger than Clay's heart is that fucking granite chin. He should've been KTFO like 23 times.

drmuerto - 6-28-2009 at 04:50 PM

Anybody catch Lashley v Sapp? It's not much of a match beyond Lashley's initial takedown. Sapp does almost nothing benyond try to control Lashley's arms and tap out (twice). Submitted for your enjoyment:

Bob Sapp vs Bobby Lashley
Uploaded by michael_dwayne_jr. - More professional, college and classic sports videos.

BBMN - 7-1-2009 at 05:28 AM

Or you can just glance at the following photos and get the picture really fast.

Good god, Lashley's gonna hurt the fuck outta someone...

nOOb - 7-1-2009 at 10:34 PM

It's even sadder if you imagine Sapp is playing the character he played in the Longest Yard movie and talking in that voice. Stupid Lashley.

doctorb - 7-8-2009 at 10:00 PM

So Lashley is 3 and 0 in MMA? I was surprised everyone seemed to be booing him, maybe they were booing a boring fight as opposed to the expectation of a stand-up slobber-knocker, but it seems like people aren't too keen on Lashley. Why is that?

And what's next for him?

nOOb - 7-8-2009 at 10:10 PM

For Bobby Lashley? Don Frye

I think people are just realizing Bobby's not Brock. And, well, four fights in, Brock had already beaten Heath Herring AND Randy Couture, may very well have been robbed a victory over Frank Mir, and only one scrub. Bobby Lashley, in four fights, has beaten a guy who's a sideshow in Japan, the shittier brother of an actual good fighter, had a ten second stoppage on a freak gash, and will now fight a 40+ year old Pride vet who's probably not in nearly as good of shape as, say, Couture or even Dan Severn.

Gobshite - 7-9-2009 at 02:33 PM

Just thought I'd pass along for all the UK Sky viewers that UFC 100 is going to be live on a 'temporary UFC Channel' on sky.

Its channel 433. No idea what that is on Virgin Media, if you get it at all. But those without sky can watch it live, for free, on UK.UFC.COM

Coverage / Channel goes live at 9PM Saturday, with the five back to back episodes of "UFC's top 100 fights". Then you get the 1 hour hype show, and the show proper. Should be a good night!!

DevilSoprano - 7-12-2009 at 02:46 AM


It's UFC 100...

Come chat

Chris Is Good517 - 7-12-2009 at 05:53 AM

As a new and casual MMA fan, I thought overall it was a hell of a card. Belcher got screwed, and Lesnar is overdoing the heel act just a little bit, but I think I got my money's worth.

Actually, I got my money's worth just out of that Henderson KO. Damn.

nOOb - 7-12-2009 at 06:04 AM

I am 99.9% positive that Dan Henderson just solidified for himself another title shot. I'm also 100% positive that Michael Bisping will not be anywhere close to any title shot for the next three years.

And Brock's a bit of an asshole. Then again, I disliked Mir more. But damn if I won't buy round 3 from those two.

Chris Is Good517 - 7-12-2009 at 06:09 AM

Well, I imagine that Brock probably is a pretty big asshole in real life. But what we got tonight, I think, is about 90% Brock trying to market himself. Like I said, I'm really just beginning to get into UFC so I'm not really familiar with the history, but I don't think they've ever had a real villian like Brock is trying to sell himself as. It's kind of contrived but I think a lot of casual fans will be watching whenever Lesnar fights just to see him get his comeuppance. That formula has served fake fighting well for decades, I don't know how it's going to fare for UFC, but over the top or not, people are talking about what Brock did tonight.

Thom - 7-12-2009 at 06:56 AM

Hendo - Bisping?

And, yeah, Brock seems to be more than a bit of an asshole. I'd hope that someone like Randy might stop by and have a chat with Brock. Sure, it's OK to embrace the negativity from the fans, but Brock's really close (if not there already) to alienating many of the fans. Brock, IMHO, needs to learn how to casually provoke a reaction, ala Matt Hughes.

But, hey, as long as he's got the belt, I guess he can do almost anything he wants. Just hope he doesn't totally dominate and alienate too many fans - if he truly seems invincible, and the fans don't want to see him, I doubt they/we'd buy the PPVs he's on.

On somewhat of a side note, any chance that after Affliction: Trilogy, Fedor finally signs with UFC and we see Fedor-Brock in December?


From the Post-Fight Press Conference,

Apparently, Brock apologized for his behavior. Of course, this was after Dana White gave him shit after the fight. So, who knows? I know he talked some shit before the fight, but I don't recall him really saying much or being overly disrespectful (perhaps the Herring fight, but Herring had whined about having to face Brock in the first place, so fuck Herring) in his other fights. So, I'm not really sure what to make of Lesnar's antics here.

In a noteworthy moment, Brock Lesnar apologized for the way he acted after the fight. He said it was unprofessional. He explained that he is a sore loser, and didn't like the first loss to Frank Mir. He said there was a lot of emotion. He explained he wants to be a fighter and a part of the company and has wanted to be a fighter since he was a kid. He said he went to the entertainment business and brought a little bit of it back. He apologized to Bud Light (for talking about how he prefers Coors Light). He said he is used to selling pay-per-views and was trying to do his job. He explained he had a talk with Dana White after the fight where Dana was angry with him. He said he was amped up and has nothing against Frank.

[Edited on 7/12/09 by Thom]

fx772k1 - 7-12-2009 at 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
As a new and casual MMA fan, I thought overall it was a hell of a card. Belcher got screwed, and Lesnar is overdoing the heel act just a little bit, but I think I got my money's worth.

Actually, I got my money's worth just out of that Henderson KO. Damn.

I didn�t think Belcher got screwed as much as it was a close fight that could have gone either way. Despite being dropped in the 1st round, Akiyama�s multiple takedowns throughout the match probably sealed the deal.

Henderson and GSP were impressive. GSP�s exchange with his trainer made me laugh:

GSP: I�ve injured my groin
Trainer: I don�t care

Brock seems to really embrace the heel role. If anything, it just adds to the variety of personalities.

OORick - 7-12-2009 at 07:19 AM

This is the first UFC PPV I've watching in a coon's age. Whatever that is.

You know how I bitch about filler and "stickiness" and stuff on WWE shows? Let me assure you that I was stunned into annoyance when it was 22 minutes into the PPV tonight (let me repeat that: TWENTY-TWO MINUTES) before they even shot it down to the ring. And then there were lengthy ring entrances and shit from two guys who were jerking the curtain.

I mean: I know UFC is "real" and stuff, and they need to pad things out in case of 20 second knock-outs, and they don't have weekly TV to tell stories and get personalities over, and all that... but even *I* as a part-time philistine fringe-fan was insulted by all that crap. Just give me two guys beating the shit out of each other, OK?

And behead Joe Rogan as soon as humanly possibly, unless somebody can build a time machine and send him back to "NewsRadio" which was the only time he's ever contributed anything to society.

I won't say much about the fights, themselves, since unlike Meltzer, I don't consider myself a knowledgeable guru in All The Arts That Involve Half Nude Men Hugging (I'm only an expert in the one). But I don't think that split decision was TOTALLY a rip-off like it's been discussed so far, I loved the vicious KO by Henderson (that might be the most visceral UFC KO since the one where there was an Elbow Smash Flurry by some guy named "Big Daddy"; that was 12 years ago, at least), and I think it's hilarious that Brock Lesnar is a "heel" for being so dickish as to endorse one lite beer over the sponsoring lite beer.

I'm glad THAT is the kind of shit that Dana White's got time for. Protecting Bud Light in the face of Brock Lesnar's preference for the Silver Bullet. High-larious....

Brock on!


DrBoz - 7-12-2009 at 11:25 AM

This was the first UFC PPV I ever watched, and one thing that really annoyed me was the extensive amount of time hyping fights I'd already paid to see. I mean, I spent a good hour or so prior to purchasing the PPV seeing all that stuff on the preview show, so that kind of stuck in my craw. But I also really don't watch much PPV stuff, so maybe that's just the way it goes? As far as long ring entrances, I don't care so much about that since it feels a little more organic to the show, even if they had entrances for every fight rather than maybe just title bouts. It does seem like they could put on a couple more fights if they cut back on some of that unnecessary fluff.

Part of the reason I bought the PPV was in the hopes that Lesnar would somehow get beat again. The preview show did a nice job selling him as a dick (intentional or not), and Brock further added to that persona with his antics post fight. Whether he is being a "heel" or not, his response made me hate him. It also makes me want to see someone come along and knock him the fuck out, so it was effective in selling me on him. Since I'm still kind of new to MMA, IS there anyone even remotely capable of knocking him the fuck out (other than Fedor maybe)?

I love Hendo. I don't exactly know why, but I do. He's like the anti-Brock to me, although that extra punch when Bisping was OUT seemed out of character. I could watch Hendo fight all day.

GSP was amazing again last night. Where does he go from here? The guy is just so dominate. And yeah, his trainer was cracking me up. It was like having a sports psychologist in his corner. I felt like I was talking someone through some type of relaxation exercise every time the trainer opened his mouth. Maybe he is a lamaze coach in his spare time.

I didn't necessarily think Belcher got robbed. I DO think that whoever had him losing all three rounds was smoking some serious crack during the bout. 29-28 either way sounded about right to me.

Finally, why was Fitch/Thiago on last? Did I miss some explanation for that? It was almost like they expected Brock to win and to do something dickish, so they put another bout on afterwards to cleanse everyone's palate. Just seemed really odd to me.

Overall, I guess it was a decent first time for me watching a UFC PPV. I'm not sure I'll buy another one anytime soon, but pretty much every fight was enjoyable for me in some form or another.

drmuerto - 7-12-2009 at 02:25 PM

Originally posted by fx772k1

GSP: I�ve injured my groin
Trainer: I don�t care. I want you to hit him with your groin

That's what the line actually was. Hilarious stuff.
Henderson's KO of Bispig was brutal. Bispig's head bounced off the mat like three time when he went down and that falling punch look like it almost landed across his throat. The GSp fight was technically really solid, but I wish it had had more of a dramatic end. I tend to think that Mir's maybe more of an ass than Lesnar, so I didn't quite mind Lesnar's promo at the end, though I can see how the company would have been pissed. It'll be a fine line for Lesnar to tread playing a heel, but it'll probably be a money maker as long as they can legitimately make it look like the next guy can take it.

Rick, as much as I've wanted to hate Joe Rogan, I think he actually brings quite a bit to the table. His voice is kinda grating (or maybe I've just associated it so much with /News Radio that it always feels like its part of a sitcom), but what he says actually seems pretty solid and ads to my enjoyment of the fight. I feel that as a color commentator he does a good job explaining what's happening, especially during the grappling and that I actually have a better sense of what I'm looking at when he's talking during a fight. His interviews tend to be pretty unremarkable, but that seems to be as much a factor of the fact that he's trying to get guys who just spent up to 15 minutes getting punched in the head to string together a set of coherent thoughts.

Thom - 7-12-2009 at 02:27 PM

I would say that almost any heavy-handed HW has a chance to KO Brock. The only problem, as evidenced by the 2nd round last night, is that if you don't get him with one or two punches - or a knee, as in Mir's case - Brock will take you down to the mat, where it's almost academic now. And while Brock may not be the most well-rounded fighter, he definitely learned from the last fight and took his time in punching Mir's face in. Almost total body and arm control, so Mir couldn't really use his jiu-jitsu.

eta: And the Fitch fight went on last so that they would be sure to have enough time for the HW Title Fight, had it gone five rounds. They got burned once - a long time ago - by having too many fights, and one main event got cut off in the middle. I want to say it might have been a Tito fight? So, they wanted to make sure that the fans didn't get screwed out of a complete title fight. Of course, proper scheduling ahead of time would have ensured that...

[Edited on 7/12/09 by Thom]

salmonjunkie - 7-12-2009 at 03:11 PM

I like Rogan as a commentator. I actually like him quite a bit. He knows his stuff, adds a lot to the program.

Also... BROCK!!!

Joeldacat - 7-12-2009 at 04:23 PM

I believe my first UFC show was the first Mir v. Lesnar match- I feel like last night was an anniversary or a homecoming. That was a pretty solid show all-around.

Brock is a beast, I dug the heel thing- and Mir's face looked like mush afterwards. Brutal.

That Henderson KO on Bisping was also just sick- I didn't have the Ultimate Fighter trash talk experience that my friends witnessed- so I just kinda felt bad for Bisping when he ate that extra punch once he was down. That was a serious, serious KTFO.

I also hadn't seen a George St. Pierre fight before. He was really dominant, and I can see now why people want him to fight Anderson Silva. Where Silva annoyed the crap out of me with his main event fight recently, I can see St. Pierre being aggressive enough to make the matchup really good.

As for Rogan, I went my first UFC events with a general, mild dislike of him, but warmed up to him after listening to him know his stuff and generally be un-douchey. The fact that he called out Carlos Mencia as a talentless joke thief (in his stand up comic life) only makes things better. It's also fun to watch the other commentator try to stare into his soul (through his ear) in the opening segment of each PPV. It's intense!

Chris Is Good517 - 7-12-2009 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by DrBoz
Overall, I guess it was a decent first time for me watching a UFC PPV. I'm not sure I'll buy another one anytime soon, but pretty much every fight was enjoyable for me in some form or another.

I won't buy another one anytime soon either, but I definitely enjoyed it enough that I'll drive an hour to Hot Springs to watch UFC 101 at Buffalo Wild Wings. And I'm apparently the only person in the room last night ignorant to think Forrest Griffin actually has a chance at beating Silva.

nOOb - 7-12-2009 at 06:09 PM

I don't know if I'd call that one gave Griffin a chance to beat Shogun and he handled that pretty well. In fact, I think if there were ever a great opponent to put Silva against at 205, Forrest would be the guy, because he's not going to let Silva determine the fight.

BBMN - 7-12-2009 at 10:41 PM

Brock devoured Mir. Brock made him ugly, and bragged about getting laid later on. Hilarious.

And I do like Henderson, but that was a dick move to put an extra punch of the ending.

doctorb - 7-13-2009 at 01:53 AM;=yhoo&type;=lgns

Wetzel doesn't know the difference between prone and supine. I'm pretty sure prone would mean a giant fine for hitting someone in the back of the head.

I hate Brock. Always have. I hate him more because he seems like he's genuinely good at this. I wanted to see a repeat of his football career.

LuckyLopez - 7-13-2009 at 02:16 AM

Brock just seems too damn big to fight. I mean, yeah, a good/hard hitting striker could drop him with a good shot or two but all he needs to do is fall on top of you and the round is over. He's so damn huge it seems impossible for anyone but the ref to get him off his opponent. The announcers were basically saying as much when they were talking about how Mir was guarding against him but that's all he COULD do. And it doesn't seem like a skill or ability thing, just "you can't do it unless you load up on steroids and gain 50 lbs." It makes me, the casual fan, wonder why there isn't a higher weight class division.

I mean, I KNOW why there isn't a higher weight class division. Because the larger fighters get the less entertaining their matches tend to become. And you split up the pool of talent. Brock wouldn't have as many name opponents and he'd be fighting a bunch of slugs. And of course Brock being a monster is good for business and MMA, like boxing, is plenty carnival no matter how much it wants to distance itself from that idea. But still, as a sports fan I just watch and think "That's a super heavyweight beating a heavyweight."

I'm not sure I buy the idea that Brock being a "heel" is good for business. I mean, that works in wrestling because we all know its a story and we know that ultimately, good WILL win out and someone WILL stop the "unstoppable" monster. But that's fiction and this is reality and it just plain doesn't look like people can beat Brock. Mir could be sold because he had done it once but if Brock has a couple of more fights like this I'm just losing any belief that he can be beat. And I'm not paying to watch Brock beat someone up. He works as a "heel" if he has opponents who can take him down. But if he's dominant then you just have a heavily favored monster no one likes.

I mean, obviously the biggest concern for Dana White was that Brock pissed on the sponsor and that was just a moronic and asshole (to UFC) thing to do. And I'm sure that's the primary reason Brock came out tail between his legs apologizing. But I have to think Dana doesn't want to make Brock too hated too quick because the cash cow could dry up.

Here's Brock's apology if you care.

BBMN - 7-13-2009 at 03:58 AM

Originally posted by doctorb
I hate Brock. Always have. I hate him more because he seems like he's genuinely good at this. I wanted to see a repeat of his football career.

You got to remember that he was injured with a messed up groin when he tried out. They said he had heart and gave it his all. If he had been 100% I think we'd be watching him in the NFL. I really think the guys a freak and would've dominated. But now he's in MMA, and will probably do well for sometime. I can see him getting KO'd someday by possible CroCop or Shane Corwin... but its not probable.

DevilSoprano - 7-13-2009 at 07:26 AM

Rogan is the best commentator in wrestling/MMA and it's not even close, so I have no idea what you were listening to Rick.

And you can't seriously think CroCop would give Brock a challenge, especially after how he's been exploited in most of his UFC fights.

The fight that has to happen is Fedor; because as my friend said, the only person who can beat Brock is Fedor...BUT the only person whop stands a chance at beating Fedor is Brock.

nOOb - 7-13-2009 at 02:57 PM

I don't think Brock is unstoppable one bit. Rewatching that fight, Mir was testing out Brock's chin in that second round and Brock did not really pass the test. In fact, I think it's safe to say that the only reason Mir didn't get more offense in is because Brock is such a good wrestler and, combined with his sheer size, there's just no stopping his takedowns if he wants them bad enough. You get a guy who can strike as hard as Mir AND has enough size and a good enough wrestling background to stuff Brock's takedowns (or at least the ones that would count)? Brock is very beatable.

Unfortunately, I can only think of two guys who could do that: Fedor (like everyone mentioned) and possibly Shane Carwin if he beats Cain Velasquez (Cain, on the other hand, not so much of a chance).

blackdragon - 7-13-2009 at 04:24 PM

Been doing the message board round up and wow, Brock is one hated son of bitchm, ain't he?

Me, I don't know quite how I feel about him. I don't hate him in the least, but he's far from my favorite heavyweight, let alone fighter.

As far as him playing the heel, well I see where Lucky's coming from, but it's still early so I can see them finding some guy (Carwin as mentioned, Bobby Lashley in a year or two) that can match him in wrestling and is closer to his size.

The only thing that's been bothering me is the type of internet fan that thinks "this proves nothing, he's still a joke." It's like before every fight his opponent is the one that will destroy Brock, but once they lose, said opponent wasn't all that good in the first place.

Herring: Pre-fight - too much experience//post fight, he sucked anyway, wait until Brock fights Randy.

Randy: post-fight : he's old and it's been too long since his last fight.

Blah, blah, blah.

My favorite commentor said that Brock's post match antics make Tito Ortiz look humble.

And maybe I need to see Brock's antics myself, but am I crazy for thinking they don't quite live up to the "Oh My God I Killed Kenny" and "Guy Metzer is my bitch" T-shirts? Or the crotch chops? Or the "grave digger" pantomine?

Man I wish I had got to see this. I was supposed to go to a bar, but I fucked up and fell asleep after a long day and woke up with only an hour to get dressed and to the bar if I wanted to catch the main event and I just figured it wasn't meant to be.

BBMN - 7-13-2009 at 04:26 PM

I know he's past his prime, but if he were allowed to sit and strike with Brock for even 20 seconds, I think Crocop would go for the head kick. Its very unlikely that it would happen, as Brock would be going for a takedown knowing how lethal Crocop is on his feet. Also, Carwin has crazy KO power, I could see him maybe getting the upset, then getting mauled to death in a rematch.

There is no good answer in the UFC to Brock. Fedor is the only name that seems to have a legit chance.

edit; And that sucks you missed out on the post fight antics, Dragon. It was pretty great. Aside from talking shit to a half alive Mir, and then telling the red coat security guys that he'd calm down if they gave him room, he managed to have the scariest face ever in UFC history. There's a slow mo clip (I want this in gif form so bad) where Lesnar turns to a camera that's outside of the cage and he screams as a mouthful of spit pours out and his mouth guard falls and he slams his face into the cage and screams again. Just fucking crazy and evil.

[Edited on 7-13-2009 by BBMN]

LuckyLopez - 7-13-2009 at 08:45 PM

He also flipped off the crowd, pissed on the sponsor, and made me a little scared for Sable's life when he talked about mounting her later.

I've always thought Ortiz was a total douchebag so I feel comfortable calling Brock a total douchebag. But at the same time I have no doubt there are MMA fans who will hold the two different. Because at its heart Ortiz is one of theirs and Brock is a pro-wrestler. Ultimately my guess is that if Brock ever shakes that image its going to take more than 5 fights, no matter how good he is in them. Its not really a logical response from MMA fans, but its an understandable sort of emotional response I think. The interesting thing about us is that we're wrestling AND MMA fans so we don't have the disdain for pro-wrestling that most do nor do we hate that the stigma has been moved on to MMA. But ultimately I'm guessing we (wrestling fans) are a pretty small portion of the overall MMA audience.

Brock's gonna be the "WWE guy" for awhile even after winning the title, beating Couture, and avenging his loss. And to that end he won't get the same treatment other reaming assholes get from MMA fans because he isn't one of theirs to protect.

And no, I don't think Brock's necessarily "unbeatable" yet. Like i said, I think its still at least 1 or 2 more fights before "NO ONE CAN BEAT HIM!" goes from hyperbole to real opinion. But the thing of it is that while serious MMA fans might see the flaws in Brock's game and know the couple of fighters who could exploit it that's serious MMA fans. The reason Brock's making so much money for UFC is the casual fans who are intrigued by him. But the more you convince us he won't be beat the less likely I think we're going to be to keep watching. You throw Nog or someone out there against him next time and your PR department says how he saw the weakness in Brock's game and Brock's over confidant. And then Brock beats him. Then you run this Carwin guy out there as the guy who really can do it, and Brock wins. And then all that's left is the "dream" match with Fedor. But it strikes me as a real tricky rope to walk between pushing Brock as the monster everyone hates... and keeping him from becoming the unstoppable monster no one wants to pay to watch win again.

nOOb - 7-13-2009 at 09:08 PM

Just a slight change off of Brock, but since we're sitting here wondering where Brock goes next, how about GSP?? He's pretty much run all over the welterweight division, and other than maybe two or three potential challengers (the two WEC guys, Brock Larson and Carlos Conditt, are safe bets for challengers, as is Martin Kampmann, who I believe the matchmakers told Joe Rogan during the GSP fight would get a contenders match pretty soon), there's nothing left for him to prove.

At the same time, he's a guy walking around naturally at 185 while Anderson Silva's walking around at 205+, not to mention Henderson's got to get another shot at Silva now, so that match could very likely not happen. I'd be interested to see where he goes now.

BBMN - 7-13-2009 at 10:17 PM

I love how 'MMA fans' react to Brock. Its hysterical seeing people more idiotic than wrestling marks reacting to something they're ignorant of. I recall humbling a couple of them awhile back when Brock was coming in to the UFC. They of course hated him and said wrestling is teh stoopidz, and that Brock would ruin the sport. They seemed completely unaware that (at the time) two of the UFC's five Hall of Fame members had pro-wrestling backgrounds. Shamrock went between the two for quite sometime, and was largely viewed as the sport's poster boy of the angry crazy bad ass. And Severn actually WORE a wrestling belt into the octagon. Neither one destroyed MMA. In fact they brought in a lot fans and money. The fans I told this to were baffled. So yea, I just laugh at people when they flip out over Lesnar... they're bigger marks than any of us I feel. It funny seeing people boo him for his antics, when they're just feeding into the entertainment angle that they profess to hate.

I really don't want Fedor to come in just yet. Brock needs another fight or two first. The belt needs it too.

LuckyLopez - 7-13-2009 at 10:52 PM

In fairness Severn and Shamrock were MMA guys who wrestled. Brock is a wrestler who fights. Sure, the previous two had backgrounds but they achieved their fame in MMA and THEN became stars in wrestling. Hardcore MMA fans who hate wrestling probably resented Severn's "side project" and thought Shamrock was "slumming" or something, but its not the same thing.

I'm not saying MMA fans aren't idiots or "marks." But they just seem like every other obnoxious fan of a niche sport or entertainment form (including wrestling) who gets super defensive and over protective and generally doesn't WANT "casuals" coming in because they don't "get it." Its a moronic approach but its basically the standard for any niche entertainment form that spends enough time being looked down on by the masses to build the large enough chip on the collective shoulder of the fanbase.

Ultimately when MMA fans spend years trying to distance themselves from pro wrestling its going to sting when a pro wrestler comes in and dominates like he has and brings a ton of pro wrestling fans with him. Especially when he happens to be a gaping asshole and took down a legend along the way who is more or less the antithesis of Brock in their eyes. Basically a lot of us wrestling fans are reacting to Brock because he's making MMA a little more like wrestling and that's engaging us. Whether its him "playing heel" or "cutting promos" or just his presence. And MMA fans liked the product they had and didn't want it to be more like pro wrestling.

EDIT: Also...

Originally posted by BBMN
There's a slow mo clip (I want this in gif form so bad) where Lesnar turns to a camera that's outside of the cage and he screams as a mouthful of spit pours out and his mouth guard falls and he slams his face into the cage and screams again. Just fucking crazy and evil.

[Edited on 7-13-2009 by LuckyLopez]

jackmnemonic - 7-14-2009 at 12:25 AM

Brock's size makes up for an awful lot of technique, and ultimately a win is a win (quoth the Brain).

For sizable opponents: Josh Barnett? Is Ricco Rodriguez on anyone's radar?

Brock acts like someone who didn't feel good enough as a child. Petulant and with a need to prove himself.

Chris Is Good517 - 7-14-2009 at 01:15 AM

Looks like the dream match with Fedor is gonna be a-happenin

BBMN - 7-14-2009 at 02:16 AM

Originally posted by jackmnemonic

Brock acts like someone who didn't feel good enough as a child. Petulant and with a need to prove himself.

But he does have a need to prove himself and it stems from his surroundings. Everyone has continued to talk shit about him and the WWE, while ignoring his obvious athletic talent, drive, and D1 record and championship. I'd be an asshole too if I where him. If Mir hadn't talked so much shit, especially the bit where a sparring partner mocks Brock for being big, then he'd probably be more chill. Notice how he's only been a dick twice to opponents, and both times the opponents were trash talking before the fight. Mir watched the Heath fight... Mir knew better.

Not that its an excuse for being a dolt. But its a reason.

And thanks for the gif, Lucky!!! So awesome!

[Edited on 7-14-2009 by BBMN]

atothej - 7-14-2009 at 02:17 AM

I don't know. I like deadspin and all, but I wouldn't trust that as a scoop. It's just White saying the obvious, he wants Fedor and it would be a huge fight. With Trump backing Affliction, though, they may want to prevent that huge card from happening, and may spend a ridiculous amount to do so.

I think in the long run that Fedor/Lesnar has to happen. I'm just not sure that it will be that soon after Fedor's next fight.

Biff_Manly - 7-14-2009 at 07:29 AM

I think what a lot of current MMA fans try to ignore is that 80% of MMA is basically toughman fights. They are people beating the shit out of each other. The same people who look down on pro wrestling are the same that cheer when there is a massive exchange of blows and they start to boo when a fight has been on the ground too long.

I could be wrong but didn't the modern era of MMA start with fights across weight classes and various skill levels? I kinda remember a sumo guy fighting some little guy and getting owned because he couldn't get his fat ass up.

I do think in its second generation (or would this be the 3rd generation?) MMA is evolving to where it takes more than just a good chin and heavy hands to win. But for every Lyoto Machida or GSP there are a few guys who didn't have the footwork for boxing but can throw a sweet right.

I think Lesner's skills can only get better as long as he stays hungry to prove himself. He keeps working on his ground game and striking and he will be mostly unstoppable. I think the longer Fedor waits to fight him the worse it will be for him. Lesner can only get better and Fedor can only get older.

And if you have any doubts about Lesner's chin, remember this is the guy who damn near killed himself with a moonsault and got up to continue the match. I'd put money on Lesner submitting before being knocked out. But it does only take one punch, doesn't it.

Thom - 7-14-2009 at 03:26 PM

Two things:

It was announced (yesterday, I believe) that Lesnar's next opponent will be the winner of the Carwin-Velasquez fight. I think Carwin will win, but I wouldn't be shocked if Velasquez was able to get Carwin on the mat and ground-n-pound his way to victory.

And it's widely believed (but I don't think confirmed) that the winner of Kampmann-Swick is to face GSP next. Of course, if GSP's groin takes too long to heal, who knows what happens. For this fight, I really have no idea who will win. I can't stand Swick, but there's no denying he's good - potentially very good. But Kampmann is one of those gutsy guys who seems like he can at least hang with almost anyone. If I had to bet, I guess I'd go with Swick, just because he's seemed so dominant against most of his opponents, and seems more likely to finish the fight. But, again, I wouldn't be shocked if Kampmann beat him. Of course, I give both guys little shot at beating a healthy GSP.

nOOb - 7-15-2009 at 04:26 AM

Oh, the Kampmann/Swick winner IS confirmed. I rewatched 100 just about an hour ago and picked that up in the commentating. Joe Rogan was just curiously asking what was next for GSP, he asked Joe Silva (the UFC matchmaker) who he thought should go next, and Silva just point-blank said the winner of Kampmann/Swick will get GSP. No questions at all.

Also...Did you want to know (or care) what Paul Heyman thought about the Brock fight (the actual article has more visuals)

We want them to engage in what can be near-mortal combat, and to either curl up their hands, and swing at a human being's head with malicious force in the desire to knock the other competitor into unconsciousness; or to physically manipulate the opponent's body in such a degree that either pain or fear of permanent injury causes a paid athlete to "tap out," aka "to quit," aka "to forfeit the right to continue competing in this particular contest."


And then we want them to shake hands, be nice, and say all the politically correct things like "I respect my opponent," and "it was a privilege to fight an athlete of his caliber."


When you fight, you fight.

And when you do fight, the object of said battle is to knock out or tap out your opponent before that opponent does it to you.

Pretty simple equation, if you're the one who stands as a bulls eye for the trained bad ass standing across the Octagon from you.

What type of mindset does it take to enter the cage, knowing your opponent has trained feverishly in the art of intricately locking up the human body so that if you don't submit/surrender/quit/tap, your ligaments can rip, your tendons can tear, your bones can snap (remember Frank Mir breaking Tim Sylvia's forearm en route to winning the UFC Title)?

What type of mindset does it take to enter that cage, with the knowledge that you're exposing yourself to such risks, and to have the uninhibited willingness to inflict such pain, suffering, and damage to another human being?

Think about that for a moment.

And then ask yourself, "should I truly expect such a person to be the consummate sportsman?"

It doesn't matter the sport has become a billion dollar enterprise, cleaned up to an extent for the athletic commissions to regulate, or that MMA --or, more specifically-- UFC's version of Mixed Martial Arts has become the fastest growing sport on the globe.

What matters is, at the core, the name of the promotion is still Ultimate FIGHTING Championships.

It's a fight. And in the world of the Ultimate Fight game today, there is no one who has created the level of interest for the sport more than the UFC Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World, Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar is a professional fighter, and he is quite comfortable accepting the risks associated with his choice of vocation. He's even more comfortable protecting himself from those risks, and doing damage to the opponent before the opponent does damage to him. As a matter of fact, Brock enjoys doing damage. He likes to hurt living creatures.

An enthusiastic hunter and ice fisher, Brock achieves a spiritual orgasm in pursuit of, and completion (let's not say "climax" and "orgasm" in the same sentence) of the kill.

He's not a sweet, kind, gentle man who has decided to feed his family by entering a sweet science, a gentleman's brawl, a civilized competition to determine which man has mastered the Octagon.

He's a vicious, brutal, mean spirited competitor whose obsessive drive with pushing himself past his own
glass ceiling of "this is how high Brock Lesnar can go" (even if he's already number one) creates an atmosphere so intense, most people in their right minds just can't hang with it.

Brock Lesnar is not Mike Tyson. He's not out at night, looking for trouble, trying to quench an insatiable need for the adrenal rush of being "on the brink" at all times.

Nor is Brock Lesnar another version of Muhammad Ali. The former Cassius Clay was a calculating, manipulative media sensation who used the power of the television medium to unravel his opponents (most famously the man he taunted as a"big ugly gorilla" Joe Frazier), all in the frame of smiling, telling jokes, and once reinstated, trying to present himself as flamboyant and colorful, but never dangerous.

lesnarBrock Lesnar IS dangerous. Brock Lesnar IS a scary human being. He IS frightening, even to those who know him. But Brock is not going to be a thug. He's not going to go "looking for trouble." Brock has taken his aggression, his competitiveness, and his love for physical dominance and has carefully crafted a multi-million dollar career around it.

So, now let's talk about Brock's actions on Saturday night. First, even the most extreme Anti-Lesnar critic would have to give him his props regarding the manner in which he turned Frank Mir into a freakin' pinata.

Here's Frank Mir, the former UFC Champion and current Interim Champion, in the best shape of his life, with as much motivation to be the Brock Killer as Lesnar had to be the vengeful warrior. Mir, as Brock learned the first time around, is no joke.

But if we're going to use pro wrestling terminology such as "heel" in regards to Brock Lesnar, let's add another term to describe the Brock Lesnar vs Frank Mir main event at UFC 100: SQUASH MATCH.

Brock Lesnar didn't just beat Frank Mir bloody. Brock Lesnar humbled Frank Mir. The man everyone booed after one of the most impressive Championship displays of "Ultimate Fighting" bloodied Frank Mir, beat him unmercifully, and left referee Herb Dean no options but to step in and stop the fight.

In order to throw another man such a beating, imagine how ramped up Brock had to be. Imagine having that adrenaline pulsating through your veins, and knowing that everything you believed about yourself being the best in the world was true.

And then you get booed out of the building.

Hey, you want a bad guy, a "heel?" Well, the 265 (+++) pound bad ass who lives in the woods because he truly doesn't like people can play the heel, and he can play it well. Brock Lesnar is not a fictional character, although anyone who knows him will tell you he's one step away from "Texas Chainsaw Massacre."

So, the UFC audience (and, unfortunately, the main title sponsor of the night ... oops) got a taste of a real life heel. Don't like me? Here's two fingers for ya! Want to boo me after that awesome display of "who's da man?" Bring it!

Want to continue booing me? Talk trash? Hey, screw you, screw the sponsor, and while you people are talking about ME later on, I'll be "on top of " my gorgeous 3X Playboy Covergirl wife. And guess what, I won't be thinking about YOU!

No, he was not nice. No, he was not a gentleman. No, he was not the consummate sportsman. He was amped, ramped, and in his kill mode. He wanted to fight Frank Mir again. He wanted to let Frank Mir know that all the trash talking coming from Mir's side about "teaching Brock" and how Brock was a "WWE wrestler" was coming out of Frank's ass.

Brock Lesnar has become the most controversial athlete in the fight game today. Even Floyd Mayweather Jr, whose larger than life "pro wrestling style" interviews created an extraordinary amount of interest for his boxing match with Oscar De La Hoya, and whose family drama was the key to the launch of HBO's "24/7" series, doesn't come across as anything but just "hamming it up" for the cameras now that people have seen Brock's explosive volatility.

Along with being the most controversial athlete in sports today, Brock Lesnar is now the biggest pay per view attraction in the world. From all indications, UFC 100 will sell more pay per views than Wrestlemania XXV. The boxing world can not offer a bout that is going to achieve this level of interest, certainly not in this calendar year.

And it's all because not only is Brock Lesnar truly the Champion of the Ultimate Fight, but because he knows how to be the heel. The bad guy. The one you love to hate.

And, most importantly, the one you pay to see.

Biff_Manly - 7-17-2009 at 04:05 AM

Ever wonder what kind of money the fighters can make on a PPV?;_ylt=AhQroTaoDTfoSGjta0LyDeRXEo14?slug=mmajunkie-UFC100_fighters_salaries&prov;=mmajunkie&type;=lgns

BBMN - 7-19-2009 at 12:15 AM

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
In fairness Severn and Shamrock were MMA guys who wrestled. Brock is a wrestler who fights. Sure, the previous two had backgrounds but they achieved their fame in MMA and THEN became stars in wrestling. Hardcore MMA fans who hate wrestling probably resented Severn's "side project" and thought Shamrock was "slumming" or something, but its not the same thing.

It still doesn't make sense to me. Back in the mid to late 90's, there were tons of crossover fans. There weren't really these hardcore MMA fans like today as well, because the whole thing was so new to everyone that was remotely interested. The big MMA fans came later, like really the past 5 years or so. Back in the day, it was nothing but a blood sport. There were no really well trained martial artists that did well, save Gracie. Everyone else was just a giant ass kicker with a chip on his shoulder.

As time moved on and weight classes came into play, actual rules, true sportsmanship, and an evolved hybrid of ass kicking and martial arts then it seems that the big fans began to get very protective of 'their' sport. Until then it was just a reason to watch guys fuck each other up, and appealed to the same crowd that the Attitude Era of the WWF did. The UFC was pretty much a horrific sideshow attraction for drunk 20-30 somethings to watch every few months. It was hardly what it is today.

I just see all these fans that are rallying against Brock today as being pretty ignorant of the past. Shamrock and Severn didn't destroy MMA. And Tito didn't ruin MMA either by being a giant asshole. It just seems like everyone is screaming that the sky is falling because of Brock and I find it hilarious because he's just the same thing that the UFC was born out of... bigger than life monsters killing each other and acting like dickheads on occasion.

[Edited on 7-18-2009 by BBMN]

Thom - 7-19-2009 at 04:53 PM

The part that gets me is that these same people praise Royce Gracie, like he was a noble and honorable fighter.


That dickhead always - and I mean always - kept his submissions locked in after his opponent had tapped and the ref had ended the fight. Yeah, real class there.

LuckyLopez - 7-19-2009 at 06:37 PM

I don't get your confusion, BBMN. You say that Brock is a throwback to the early days of big dickhead ass kickers. You say that these hardcore purist fans didn't come along until AFTER the sport evolved past that era of big dickhead ass kickers. Why wouldn't you understand why these hardcores don't like Brock and think he's bad for the sport? He's (in your interpretation) dragging them backwards to something that UFC had gotten away from and which many of these fans not only didn't like but didn't become the fans they are until after it was gone. The way you describe it actually sounds as simple and clearly as possible, IMO. I don't think I could have put it so simply. Brock is NOT what these fans want the sport to be. It really doesn't matter that Brock would have fit in 10 years ago. The fact that he's different from what the sport is TODAY is the issue. Your point about the way the fans evolved with the sport only strengthens that point.

Agree, disagree. Like I said, I think pro wrestling fans are going to naturally prefer the way Brock is jazzing UFC up and adding some more "sports entertainment" to it. Because that's what we watch and we have no real stigma against it. Sports fans who don't care for wrestling will feel the other way and see this as getting too close to the circus and sideshow of wrestling that is largely ignored by the sports world and thoroughly mocked and degraded when it is mentioned. These MMA fans don't want UFC to be wrestling. They want it to be boxing. The CLASSIC idea of boxing where champions were household names and respected amongst the greatest athletes in the world.

The days after UFC 100 Brock was all over ESPN and from Vince McMahon's viewpoint that would be a good thing. But much of the coverage was comparing UFC to WWE and boxing and sport analysts brushing UFC off as barbaric and a carnival, not much better than pro wrestling and no where near what boxing was. Most of them didn't even believe UFC WANTS to be anything other than WWE's "legitimate" alternative. And from the standpoint of a LOT of MMA fans... that's bad pr.

BBMN - 7-19-2009 at 10:36 PM

I'm just getting at how the current hardcore UFC fan base seems to feel that Brock is everything they don't want, and seem to not be aware that the UFC came from this, and even with Brock as a champion, it will still be the UFC except with maybe 2 or 3 cards with Lesnar per year... Hardly the end of their world. Its not like a singular man can alter/destroy MMA. That's what I keep hearing and reading. Just one guy that has a couple fights a year and all the sudden he's going ruin everything with a single post fight spectacle. Sure.

I just see them going off on him and everything he is, but never acknowledging that MMA was around before Brock, and will be around after Brock. He's just one guy in MMA out of scores, and while he's a big deal right now, he won't be forever. Plus if they don't want his style of entertainment, then they probably shouldn't play into it. Booing him before the fight, during the fight, after the fight... they're just encouraging the thing they claim to hate.

At the end of the day its about fighting and people like to romanticize MMA like its some super elitist art form. The same people that boo Brock are the same ones that jumped for fucking JOY when Henderson dropped all of his entire body's weight with his forearm across a completely defenseless and unconscious opponent's jaw and throat. If Brock had done that he'd have started a riot. Gracie is viewed as an icon and he used to practically rip people to pieces after they were tapping. BJ Penn has held a fellow fighter in a choke for 4 seconds after the match was over and is a deity... Tito was a classless fucker and still managed to be uber popular and never hurt buy rates. Its a silly double standard and lack of understanding about where the UFC was, and where it will be with or without Lesnar that makes me wince/laugh.

The champ is a dumbass. The sky still isn't falling.

Chris Is Good517 - 7-19-2009 at 11:28 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
I'm just getting at how the current hardcore UFC fan base seems to feel that Brock is everything they don't want, and seem to not be aware that the UFC came from this, and even with Brock as a champion, it will still be the UFC except with maybe 2 or 3 cards with Lesnar per year... Hardly the end of their world. Its not like a singular man can alter/destroy MMA.

I would disagree with half of that last sentence. I think a single man can alter a sport, at least somewhat, in terms of fan perception. Jordan did it for the NBA, Austin did it for pro wrestling, and I think to a lesser degree Tiger has done if for golf. I think the crux of your typical MMA fan's beef with Brock is that he might be the guy that really captures the casual fans' interest in UFC, and they're mad because he isn't one of theirs. I don't think it's the stigma of being the ex-WWE guy all by itself, I think it's more along the lines of "he's an ex-WWE guy that's doing something none of our guys could". Brock's post 100 antics are inconsequential because those fans already hated him; his behavior after that fight just gives them something to point to and say "see, that's what we mean!" Had Brock just shook Mir's hand and said a few nice words and gone on with his business, there'd still be an equally negative backlash against him by those same fans, they just wouldn't have spent as much time talking about 100 on PTI the next week.

I do agree that it takes more than one guy to destroy a sport. Mike Vick didn't do much damage to the NFL's popularity, and the NBA is actually thriving a few short years after Ron Artest and Tim Donaghey. So yeah, I agree with you that there isn't much Brock can do that's going to hurt UFC in any significant way.

LuckyLopez - 7-20-2009 at 04:23 AM

Obviously Brock Lesnar in and of himself will not change UFC or MMA. He could however be the trigger that leads to others changing the sport. Other fighters start to act more like him to get attention. Dana starts to encourage more of these types of "heel" characters and stories. Matches start getting booked for a monster heel run. And perhaps most importantly the one thing that has clearly already happened is media coverage. Because, yes, Tito Ortiz is a douchebag too. And Henderson was WAY out of line with that cheap shot on Bisping. But neither of those get multiple segments on PTI Monday afternoon. That's not what sports radio and TV talk about. Brock they talked about.

And that sort of coverage poses 2 threats to the hardcore MMA fan. (1) UFC starts thinking like Vince McMahon and going for the publicity, good or bad. (2) MMA, a sport that has only barely started to gain some respect and traction in the sports world, will lose all its ground and fall back to the way it was regarded 10 years ago. Or even 3 years ago. And this is a genuine threat to MMA as MANY MMA people want it to be.

They're not worried that UFC or MMA will die tomorrow. They're worried it will change. And it doesn't mean a thing that what they worried about it changing into might be similar to where it started. Its something they don't want. So why wouldn't they be unhappy. And telling them to not boo the heel strikes me as kind of silly because... this is real. They're not playing into his heat. They hate the guy because what they think he's doing to their REAL sport with their REAL title. You're telling them to stop caring about the biggest title in their sport. When that happens MMA dies for them.

And comparing UFC/MMA to the NFL or NBA just seems silly to me. MMA is a growing sport struggling for respect. Those are established cornerstones of our sports world. When Wilpon and Bob Ryan debate the Brock stuff on PTI and Wilpon has to try and convince Ryan that UFC isn't a pathetic barbaric carnival that wants to be nothing more than WWE and that Brock's behavior is really just what they want and are... THAT's what MMA fans don't want. They want to be boxing, not pro wrestling. And in the eyes of many they were getting there over the last few years and Brock is a setback. The flipside is of course that he's getting them more exposure and fans but MMA fans think this is the wrong kind of exposure that does more harm than good in the long term. Its a reasonable enough argument, whether you agree or not. Its all about what you see UFC being and what you want it to be.

[Edited on 7-20-2009 by LuckyLopez]

Biff_Manly - 7-20-2009 at 09:32 AM

I also think that one thing that pisses core fans off about Brock is that the dude is five fights in, champ, and there doesn't look to be anyone on the horizon who can touch him except for a guy who doesn't even fight for UFC, Fedor. The fact that an ex-pro wrestler can come in and dominate sticks in their craw.

And I guess it is easy to see why. As UFC gets bigger and attracts more world class athletes if the outside guys who haven't paid their dues come in and dominate, what does that say about the UFC? I am not saying that will happen but the spectre of that does present some interesting questions.

I would also say that contrary to popular thought the "casual" UFC who has watched for awhile and buys an occasional PPV will be even more encouraged to support UFC. Like him or hate him I think Brock will bring people to the UFC. Even people who only follow UFC and not MMA in general.

BBMN - 7-20-2009 at 04:56 PM

From what I've seen, and heard, the fans that are railing against Brock aren't doing so over the coverage. They have had an irrational hatred of him from day one, because he was a wrassler. I distinctly recall telling one such fan that a guy was on his way named Brock, and that he was the biggest mother fucker they'd ever seen and he was going to take the belt. They were interested. Then I said that Brock had a D1 championship and he was like 'cool, really?' Then I told him about the WWE background.... "Ahh fuck that. He won't do well LOL!" And I've seen the same resentment from half the posters on Sherdog, as well as plenty of people at bars. It always is about the WWE. Always. To me that's as silly as it can get. I've haven't seen this concern over how the sport appears to others, just concern over "OMG WWF!"

If they're worried about the sport changing faces to being more entertainment based then that will take the effort of Dana, not Brock. Lesnar has already had to apologize for his actions after getting scolded by Dana, so I really don't see others trying to mimic Brock, nor do I see Dana (or Brock) wanting a repeat episode in anyway. Dana knows what he's doing and I think all this worry is fucking laughable. You might in time see bigger personalities and such, but those personalities will be promoted or not based on what Dana wants to see the UFC as.

All the hate is based around one main thing as far as I have seen, stigma over a man's pervious job as a wrestler. Its hilarious. Especially when the sports good guys are assaulting defenseless 'bad' guys and getting cheered. They don't really care about the coverage, as its already 'their' sport and not anyone elses. I see the same 'mark' mentality in the UFC fans, as I do in the WWE fans (which are half their age mind you) and to me that's ironic as it gets.

"No way can a pro wrestler do well in MMA!"

"He's a D1 Champ."

"He's going to get fucked up!"

"He just steam rolled the competition."

"Fuck the WWE!"

[rinse and repeat]


I also think that one thing that pisses core fans off about Brock is that the dude is five fights in, champ, and there doesn't look to be anyone on the horizon who can touch him except for a guy who doesn't even fight for UFC, Fedor. The fact that an ex-pro wrestler can come in and dominate sticks in their craw.

Exactly. Its all about an 'ex wrestler' being champ, especially in such a short time spam.

"BOOOOO!" [thumbs down motion]

[Edited on 7-20-2009 by BBMN]

Thom - 7-20-2009 at 06:38 PM


Most of what BBMN has said.

Also, the fans were already booing Lesnar - before, during, and immediately after the fight, before any of his antics. When they booed him before, during, and after the Couture fight, you (not you, just in general) brush it off because everyone loves Randy. But here, Mir isn't nearly as loved as it might seem.

The funny part is that for a few years, now - there's been the thought that the UFC needed a dominant HW champ. Now that there seems to be one, it's like people are saying, "yeah, but not him." And they've seemed to think that since his debut. Or at least, the general populace has been looking for something tangible to hate about him. Contrarily, look at Tito. He was a major dick and completely disrespectful towards his opponents, but many fans seemed to like him, anyway. So, I'm not buying that everyone hates Lesnar just because he was disrespectful.

LuckyLopez - 7-20-2009 at 06:53 PM

I don't know how you guys think being a wrestler isn't directly related to these other things I'm mentioning. You don't think a LARGE part of the reason sports people can laugh at Brock is because he's a WWE alum? Being a pro wrestler IS the issue because pro wrestlers are jokes. Fake wannabe athletes who no one in the world respects outside their business. Roided up drug using clowns with no discernible skills or abilities. MMA is supposed to be for athletes. The evolution of the boxer. A pro wrestler taking over the UFC world confirms the suspicions of a lot of people. MMA is a joke and nothing more than a wannabe WWE.

I just don't think you're actually looking at the argument here. And I'm not even saying I agree with it, but its kind of clear. Wrestling is a pathetic joke. MMA has been working hard to get respect. A pro wrestler dominating MMA is a HUGE setback for these efforts and threatens to make MMA just as big of a joke as wrestling.

BBMN - 7-20-2009 at 11:10 PM

I understand where the stigma comes from... But that in no way negates that its an irrational and laughable stigma when you look at someone that 1)has legit credentials outside of pro-wrestling, and 2) never uses this pro-wrestling background to justify his presence in the sport of MMA.

Brock didn't come in and say, "I'm a former champ on Smackdown! I have wins over Hulk Hogan, The Rock and Kurt Angle! I'm the best in the world!" But that's how his detractors view him. Its their stigma they choose to hold, not his. Like I said, I told a person waaaay before they knew who Lesnar was, that he was a super athlete with an insane collegiate wrestling career, that would one day hold the UFC belt, and they could only focus on "OMG WWE!!1! HE SUCKS AND WILL LOSE LOLOL!!!" If one can look at irrational hatred and justify its existence, then I don't know what else to say.

The focus on the E stems from MMA fans, not Brock, not Dana. If sports media wants to pick up on that too, that's their doing as well, not Brock's, not Dana's. I remember hearing UFC fans saying "Great, now I bet Stone Cold will get into the UFC." I mean... come on now. These fans are bigger marks than most wrestling fans, and part of that is holding illogical and idiotic positions for about every aspect of 'their' sport. Nevermind the fact the Brock was interested in MMA out of college, never mind his agility vs strength, never mind his inherent athletic gifts.... nope. He's just a wrassler!

If UFC diehards wanted to truly protect their sport, they'd be talking about Lesnar's non-WWE credentials, instead of working to achieve what they claim to hate, making the rest of the HW division look pathetic by whining that a wrassler walked in and had such easy success. But they don't. They'd rather hate the E, even when it has nothing to do with anything. They're the ones promoting his WWE background, not him. Oh sweet irony.

Chris Is Good517 - 7-21-2009 at 01:27 AM

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
I don't know how you guys think being a wrestler isn't directly related to these other things I'm mentioning. You don't think a LARGE part of the reason sports people can laugh at Brock is because he's a WWE alum? Being a pro wrestler IS the issue because pro wrestlers are jokes. Fake wannabe athletes who no one in the world respects outside their business. Roided up drug using clowns with no discernible skills or abilities. MMA is supposed to be for athletes. The evolution of the boxer. A pro wrestler taking over the UFC world confirms the suspicions of a lot of people. MMA is a joke and nothing more than a wannabe WWE.

I just don't think you're actually looking at the argument here. And I'm not even saying I agree with it, but its kind of clear. Wrestling is a pathetic joke. MMA has been working hard to get respect. A pro wrestler dominating MMA is a HUGE setback for these efforts and threatens to make MMA just as big of a joke as wrestling.

It's a valid point you're making. But it's a really closed-minded argument, too. Because that argument discounts the possibility that maybe Brock just, y'know, has an aptitude for this. Maybe I'm reaching a bit with this (and I probably am but this is the best way I can think of to make this point) but let's say, oh, David Beckham suddenly decided he wanted to play in the NFL, got signed by the Browns, and became one of the NFL's leading receivers next year. Do you think there'd suddenly be a ton of NFL fans whining about how the NFL is not legit anymore because some pussy soccer player came in and succeeded? And yeah, I know I'm grasping at straws there but I think the people making this argument are grasping at straws too. It just seems ridiculous to think that just because Brock's background was in WWE means he can't possibly possess the athleticism, the aggression, the talent, and the drive to be successful in MMA. Sure, "anyone" can be a wrestler but not anyone can be good at MMA. I think Austin Aries is the shit but he's not lasting 30 seconds with Forrest Griffin, ya know? Batista is a huge motherfucker like Brock but I'm pretty sure that even past his prime and giving up 50 pounds Couture would eat his shit alive. But people are refusing to step away from "OMG FUCKING FAKE FIGHTER" for a minute to consider the idea that maybe Lesnar just happens to be good at this.

Brock didn't come in and say, "I'm a former champ on Smackdown! I have wins over Hulk Hogan, The Rock and Kurt Angle! I'm the best in the world!" But that's how his detractors view him. Its their stigma they choose to hold, not his. Like I said, I told a person waaaay before they knew who Lesnar was, that he was a super athlete with an insane collegiate wrestling career, that would one day hold the UFC belt, and they could only focus on "OMG WWE!!1! HE SUCKS AND WILL LOSE LOLOL!!!" If one can look at irrational hatred and justify its existence, then I don't know what else to say.

The focus on the E stems from MMA fans, not Brock, not Dana. If sports media wants to pick up on that too, that's their doing as well, not Brock's, not Dana's. I remember hearing UFC fans saying "Great, now I bet Stone Cold will get into the UFC." I mean... come on now. These fans are bigger marks than most wrestling fans, and part of that is holding illogical and idiotic positions for about every aspect of 'their' sport. Nevermind the fact the Brock was interested in MMA out of college, never mind his agility vs strength, never mind his inherent athletic gifts.... nope. He's just a wrassler!

To argue the other side of that, let's be fair. You acknowledge that wrestling fans are probably as elitist as MMA fans, so I'm probably preaching to the choir, but when TNA signed Pacman Jones I don't remember too many people looking at it from the perspective of "well he's an athletic guy that might be able to draw in some casual fans and NFL fans". I think 95% of us had the reaction of "Fuck! A fucking football player? No way he could possibly learn to be good at this. I want to see him fail!"

So even if we can see the inherent stupidity in some of these fans having this reaction to Brock, we have to at least be able to understand where they're coming from.

nOOb - 7-21-2009 at 02:04 AM

I don't think anyone looked at Pacman Jones as a "football player". Felon definitely. Jackass probably. But no football player.

And to save this from becoming the "Brock" thread, here's some actual MMA news. Apparently, Hendo doesn't want to wait to get into any title contention, cause he's got Rich Franklin again at UFC 103. The man is definitely a wrestler: he knocks out a guy who said he was going to run through him, then puts an exclamation point on it, and now he's immediately going after a guy who thinks he beat him and was cheated out of a decision. They haven't announced a weight class for the fight yet, but I have to imagine that whoever wins gets to the front of the line of whatever weight class they want a shot at (for Hendo, that would be 185 and for Franklin, that would probably be 205).

BBMN - 7-21-2009 at 03:14 AM

You acknowledge that wrestling fans are probably as elitist as MMA fans, so I'm probably preaching to the choir, but when TNA signed Pacman Jones I don't remember too many people looking at it from the perspective of "well he's an athletic guy that might be able to draw in some casual fans and NFL fans". I think 95% of us had the reaction of "Fuck! A fucking football player? No way he could possibly learn to be good at this. I want to see him fail!"

Nah. Everyone was upset because we all knew it was a cheap publicity stunt for both parties. However, over the years so many guys have come from football backgrounds into wrestling and its never been an issue, in fact its usually been an accolade.

So even if we can see the inherent stupidity in some of these fans having this reaction to Brock, we have to at least be able to understand where they're coming from.

I understand the basic principle up and to a point. If someone rolls their eyes at the prospect of a wrestler being in MMA, that's good and fine. But after that man has proved that he is a true athlete, and after he has never bragged about his WWE career, and people are still getting defensive, its clear that the problem is their bias. Its called stigma, and its irrational.

Thom - 7-21-2009 at 05:12 PM

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
I don't know how you guys think being a wrestler isn't directly related to these other things I'm mentioning. You don't think a LARGE part of the reason sports people can laugh at Brock is because he's a WWE alum?

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think anyone disagrees with that point. In fact, I think most (if not all) have said just that, or at least implied that that's a big reason why "MMA fans" have largely been down on Brock since day one.

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
I just don't think you're actually looking at the argument here. And I'm not even saying I agree with it, but its kind of clear. Wrestling is a pathetic joke. MMA has been working hard to get respect. A pro wrestler dominating MMA is a HUGE setback for these efforts and threatens to make MMA just as big of a joke as wrestling.

I disagree with this, for the reason(s) BBMN (or was it Chris) mentioned. The idea is that a physically large and imposing athlete, with good (if not great) credentials - collegiate wrestling, that is - is the norm in MMA. And the point I think BBMN was trying to make is that (regardless of where, exactly, they started) there have been a number of guys who have crossed over between the "real" and "fake" fighting worlds, and hardly an eye has been batted - thus, the "irrational" hatred.

And the point that I was trying to make was in regards to how much of a negative impact Brock's actions would make towards how casual people viewed MMA. People have been going over the top and saying that Brock's actions would be highly detrimental/destructive to MMA. I say, if Tito and Nick Diaz (and others, to lesser extents) being complete douchebags didn't kill MMA, and Gracie, actually trying to hurt people post-fight (as opposed to just trying to win the fight), is revered as an icon by MMA fans, then Brock's actions mean little, if anything. While it may hurt a little in trying to garner new fans, current fans will just go on hating him. He only gave them more of a reason to, although it's pretty obvious they're going to hate him, anyway.

Let's not forget - Brock is only one champion of five in UFC. While it may be easy to focus on him, it's just as easy to point out Anderson Silva, Lyoto Machida, GSP, or even Penn as the "model" MMA fighter. And that doesn't even take StrikeForce or Affliction into account.

salmonjunkie - 7-21-2009 at 06:57 PM

I really don't think that for most of the Brock-haters that it goes any deeper than "he was in WWE". Some may have analyzed it more, and might have their personal feeling that "he doesn't deserve it" or "he's going to ruin MMA" (which is totally hyperbole), or "he's a douche", or "he beat my guy, Randy!" but I really do think overall that for most of the fans booing him and talking smack online, they just don't like that he used to be in a "fake-sport", and that's it. They all know his D1 history, Rogan and Goldberg repeatedly bring it up in all of his matches. They didn't like him when he first came in, and refuse to change their mind about him.

Honestly, I think you guys are wasting your time trying to analyze and argue about why the fans dislike him. Each of you guys are correct, as you can probably find an individual Brock-hating fan that feels the way you theorize.

I love that he wants to be hated.

I've never seen a Fedor match, so I have no opinion on his chances of beating Brock. I just know Brock is a freaking beast and wipe the floor with guys like Kongo, Arlovski, and Cro Cop.

Also, I'm happy that Hendo is coming back. I actually had thought he had gone over the hill, and that Bisping would beat him. I'm glad I was wrong about that.

So there's talk that Dana White wants to put together GSP vs. Anderson Silva in 2010. I think that would be a killer fight, and GSP has no one left to fight in the Welterweight division. What do you guys think of that?

[Edited on 7-21-2009 by salmonjunkie]

Thom - 7-21-2009 at 07:42 PM

Wait a minute... I thought Cro-Cop was moving on and away from UFC - pissing White off enough to say that Cro-Cop fucked UFC.

But, now, according to CBSSports and fiveouncesofpain, Cro-Cop will be fighting at UFC 103, too.


The UFC's second venture into Texas officially has a main event.

According to an announcement made on their website, former UFC middleweight champion Rich Franklin has been given an opportunity to avenge a razor-thin split decision loss to Dan Henderson from this past January.

Henderson is freshly off a UFC 100 highlight reel knockout of his foil on last season's Ultimate Fighter, Michael Bisping. "Ace" last thrilled fans in Germany for three rounds en route to a unanimous decision over Wanderlei Silva at UFC 99.

UFC 103 will take place on Sept. 19 in Dallas.

Other bouts announced for the card include Mike Swick fighting for welterweight title contendership against Martin Kampmann, Josh Koscheck welcoming veteran Frank Trigg back to the Octagon, and a lightweight clash between Tyson Griffin and Hermes Franca.

Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic and Sean Sherk are also reported to be in action at the event.

Huh? Did I miss something?

salmonjunkie - 7-21-2009 at 07:55 PM

When Cro Cop left and went to Japan, he stated he wanted to eventually come back to UFC to prove that it was that was a "bad period" for him.

In fact, he already fought in UFC 99, beating Al-Truk by TKO

Hendo-Franklin - NICE!

[Edited on 7-21-2009 by salmonjunkie]

Thom - 7-21-2009 at 08:35 PM

Yeah - it was after UFC99 that CroCop was supposedly leaving for DREAM. But, according to mmafrenzy, CroCop ended up re-signing with UFC, after all.


LAS VEGAS -- It seemed after last month that Mirko Cro Cop walked out of the UFC for good, napalming his relationship with the organization on the way out the door.

Not so fast.

The Croatian heavyweight star has apparently signed a three-fight deal with the company, Zuffa co-owner Lorenzo Fertitta told UFC fans during a question-and-answer session during Saturday's pre-UFC 100 Fan Expo.

The 34-year-old returned to the UFC at June's UFC 99, defeating Mostapha Al-Turk after orally agreeing to a deal with UFC President Dana White over the phone. At the time, White said that Cro Cop had given his word that he planned to remain with the UFC.

But later on that night, in the post-fight press conference, White told the media that Cro Cop had bolted for a contract with the Japanese-based DREAM promotion. A DREAM representative even confirmed the signing shortly afterward. But apparently, the deal was never sealed, as Fertitta has brought the master of the left-high kick back into the fold.

So, it looks like CroCop has his eyes set on a run at the UFC HW Title. After Dos Santos, assuming he wins, who would he fight before getting to Brock? Randy? Big Nog? Mir? Any other ideas, provided Fedor doesn't end up in UFC, after all?

salmonjunkie - 7-21-2009 at 08:49 PM

Is Randy going to fight anymore?

I could see them putting him in with Nog. Maybe a rematch against Gonazaga or Kongo at some point?

Looks like the winner of Cain vs. Carwin at 104 is going to be the next opponent for Brock for now, though.

Thom - 7-21-2009 at 09:06 PM

IIRC, Randy vs. Big Nog at UFC102. I don't remember how many fights he has left on his contract after that, so if he loses, that may be all for Randy. Of course, not being the champ, Randy could just retire afterwards, anyway. And I think everyone would be just fine with that.

BBMN - 7-21-2009 at 10:45 PM

CroCop basically fooled EVERYONE when Dana found out that he 'was going back to Japan.' Turns out it was a ploy to get more money and whatnot. I guess it worked and didn't alienate Dana. As for Brock wiping the floor with him... I think CroCop actually has a better chance than most in the UFC, with his brutal KO power. That said, Brock would probably negate that with a single take down, but still CroCop isn't a chump even if he's past his peak.

And Sal, you never seen Fedor? That's a shame. The most important thing about Fedor is his mind. The guy can be in the worst spot imaginable, and never panic. He simply shows ZERO emotion even when throwing punches and eating them, and he is very smart and able to adapt on the fly to just about anything. He's a cyborg. Also the fact that he has retarded KO power in his hands and the ability to armbar anyone helps too. He very well might be the greatest fighter to ever live.

Here he decides to not die... because cyborgs can do that. He won about a minute later...


Originally posted by Thom
IIRC, Randy vs. Big Nog at UFC102. I don't remember how many fights he has left on his contract after that, so if he loses, that may be all for Randy. Of course, not being the champ, Randy could just retire afterwards, anyway. And I think everyone would be just fine with that.

I believe Randy had four fights contracted when he re-upped. Tim, Gonzaga, Brock, and now Nog. He will probably be done after this fight. And i have little hope that it will be a great fight by any means.

[Edited on 7-21-2009 by BBMN]

nOOb - 7-22-2009 at 01:25 AM

Sherdog had been saying for a while that it was more likely the winner of Nog/Couture would get Brock next than Carwin/Velasquez. I would have to imagine that, if Couture wins, he'd be more than willing to renegotiate his contract to add two or three more fights. Of course, if he loses, then he probably retires before embarrassing himself.

And on the Cro Cop situation, White's been telling people that DREAM was responsible for all the Cro Cop stalls. Apparently, they announced the deal, Cro Cop attempted to tell White that it was false, DREAM started fabricated contract and fight details for Cro Cop's supposed "new deal", Cro Cop still denied, and eventually Cro Cop decided the only way to silence the rumors was to make an official signing. Kinda shady, but that's usually how it goes with Japan MMA politcs.

nOOb - 7-22-2009 at 05:07 PM

With his fight a little more than a week away, Josh Barnett has tested positive for PED's

Apparently, the news came as a shock to Barnett, who said he's going to clear his name, but the California State Athletic Commission is saying they won't license him to fight.

This is even more relevant since:

1) This is Fedor's last fight, and if they suspend Barnett, he'll have to wait for a year to fight what is basically the last good heavyweight left outside the UFC.

2) There are already two backup's in line for Fedor, at least in Affliction's eyes anyways. One is Vitor Belfort, who has been training for a fight on the same card at middleweight (that's 185 lbs). The other? Bobby Lashley. Brett Rogers from Strikeforce is a distant 3rd contender, because it's doubtful that their CEO would allow their top heavyweight prospect to potentially lose his first fight in another organization.

3) Bobby Lashley, other than Barnett, is the only guy anyone was able to get a hold of for comment on this. And, basically, Lashley wants no part of the fight. According to him, he hasn't been training since his last fight. Basically, his focus is on TNA. So if you wanted another reason why MMA fans aren't as big on Lashley as they are on Brock (which isn't saying too much, but you get what I'm getting at), this is it.

Editted to add #4) On Vitor, if he takes the challenge, he'll be weighing in at 215 max. However, that's about 20 lbs. lighter than Fedor usually weighs. If that's the case, it is very reasonable that Vitor could not only give Fedor a run for his money, but possibly even beat him. And if Vitor does pull it off, since Dana White has already targetted Vitor, that's going to make negotiating with Fedor a bit easier and with Vitor a bit harder. And chances are he'll wind up with both after the card ends.

[Edited on 7-22-2009 by nOOb]

Gobshite - 7-23-2009 at 01:32 AM

Did I dream that Randy said he was interested in dropping back down to 205 to fight Machida?

Lashley vs Fedor would ony be about money on Lashleys part, and he doesnt need it. Not when unlike Brock, he could still work his way to a title without a loss.

BBMN - 7-23-2009 at 11:08 PM

I did recall Randy talking about dropping to 205 after the Brock fight. At this stage in his career, with how guys like Machida have evolved the sport, he'd get dismantled in short order. I hope he didn't restate this wish about Machida.

nOOb - 7-24-2009 at 06:17 PM

See ya Affliction

Dana White has destroyed his office in jubilation after this. Now, he won't have a problem getting an untarnished Vitor Belfort AND an untarnished, and a bit angry, Fedor. Just a matter of how long now.

Thom - 7-25-2009 at 02:46 PM

As of that writing (Noob's link, that is), Affliction had just cancelled Trilogy. A few hours later, Affliction is done as a fight promotion.

Earlier today, in writing about Affliction cancelling the Trilogy pay-per-view that was set to be headlined by Fedor Emelianenko vs. Josh Barnett, I ended with a bit of speculation : "Three months from now, will there be an Affliction MMA promotion?"

As it turns out, Affliction's demise only took another three hours.

After cancelling their Aug. 1 Trilogy event, Affliction reportedly cancelled their entire future as an MMA promotion. Kevin Iole of Yahoo! Sports reported Friday night that Affliction had kissed and made up with the UFC, agreeing to get out of the fight promotion business in exchange for the UFC allowing Affliction to sponsor fighters in the Octagon once again.

So now the BIG question is whether or not Fedor really will end up in UFC, or will he go off to some other organization, such as M-1 or Strikeforce. I have a nagging feeling (hoping I'm wrong) that he'll end up somewhere other than UFC.

Gobshite - 7-27-2009 at 04:08 PM

Dana said that Fedor would get an instant shot at Lesnar if he signed, but I think Lesnar could do with another fight before that - unless they put Lesnar vs Fedor on the December card to pop another huge buyrate - it has to be Dana's goal now to crack the top 3 PPV record.

They also immediately re-signed as a clothing sponsor - be interesting to see what happens to the other clothes companies that supported UFC in the gap.

Apparently some of the fights will now take place on the M1 card in August?

Raises the question too of whether Affliction were always planning on this being their last show?

blackdragon - 7-27-2009 at 08:16 PM

I always thought Trilogy was an odd name of a PPV event anyway. Once you label something as part of a trilogy, doesn't that mean it ends at 3? Maybe that was the plan the whole time. Eh, don't really care as I had little interest other than watching Fedor in action and his last two fights lasted a combined 3 minutes if that.

The fanboys are firing off shots over on 411 about the potential Brock/Fedor match.

I love how someone actually said that everyone's scared to fight Fedor, not taking into account that a)who the hell fights the top ranked fighter in their division with seven days notice? b)contract status and c)general health of the prospective opponents

As stated, I dug "Next Big Thing" Lesnar and am still on the fence about MMA guy Lesnar, but as much as I respect Fedor, I want Lesnar to ground and pound him to mush. Someone actually compared Brock to Kevin Randleman as far as how the fight would turn out. For you guys that don't know Randleman at his heaviest, juiced to the gills is like 220. So he was lighter than Fedor, lacked Brock's (albeit still limited) striking; and more importantly the freakish strength Brock has. Is that all it's going to take to beat Fedor? No, but to discount it just makes my head hurt.

BBMN - 7-30-2009 at 04:48 PM

So we all know the deal with M-1 and what they are saying about co-promotion. I'm not here to say who's right and wrong in this deal, but I can tell you some of the specifics that were offered to Fedor.....

- The UFC offered Fedor a 6 fight, 30 million dollar contract. That's 5 mil a fight

- The UFC offered Fedor an immediate title shot

- Lesnar/Fedor would be the biggest PPV in MMA history (we assume), and the UFC offered M-1 Global a cut of the PPV on top of Fedor's purse.

- Fedor was free to wear as many M-1 logoed items as he wished.

- The UFC also relented on allowing Fedor to compete in combat sambo.

Apparently, for good or bad, M-1 refuses to sign a deal unless the UFC agrees to co-promote.

I can tell you right now, the boys at ZUFFA will never, EVER agree to that. So if M-1 doesnt relent on that item alone, the Fedor to UFC talks are dead. Look for Team Emelianenko to turn to Strikeforce next. With co-promotions already in the books with Affliction, that shouldnt be a stopping point.

I will have more comprehensive coverage on my show tonight at 9pm PST. You can stream live at Northern California's Sports Station KHTK - Homepage and call toll free at 1-800-920-1140. Twitter updates to the minute at

Who knows if this goes through, but its a start. A $30 million contract in MMA is completely crazy. Fedor will be insane to not take it. I think M1 is the major obstacle here in terms of wanting to co-promote with the UFC.

blackdragon - 7-31-2009 at 05:57 PM

M1 needs to give up on the co-promotion thing. Those fuckers aren't even a promotion. Everything would be on UFC's shoulders. They'd have to book the venue, pay all their other fighters, pay for advertising, and most importantly, make Fedor matter to American fans.

The Fedor situation strikes me like an indy/puresou darling that internet fans go crazy over but the dude sitting next to me on the train has no fuckin' clue who they are. That guy is more likely to BUY a PPV and not just stream it.

What would M1 be bringing to a partnership other than Fedor? Numbers tell us that Brock is THE biggest draw in MMA and maybe third biggest (behind Mayweather and Pacquiao) in PPV sports period. What kind of numbers has Fedor put up?

The fan in me really would like to see how Fedor would do against Brock. Brock isn't a 7 foot lug or a 205 lbs wrestler with nothing else.

Fedor beat the best Pride had to offer years ago, but what has he really done lately?

Beat a 7 foot freak? A blown up middleweight? Two former UFC champs? One that got dominated by a 45 year old almost 2 years ago and knocked out by another, less in shape, 40+ year old this year in a third of the time it took Fedor? The other, who has a suspect chin, basically knocked himself out by jumping into a punch that would have had the same result as a heavy handed middle weight.

I get it, Fedor is Pound for Pound best, blah, blah, blah. No disrespect for his pedigree, but even his big wins (Cro Cop and Big Nog) don't look so big in 2009 when one was destroyed by a less regarded heavyweight and the other got finished for the first time by the guy that just got raped by the current champ. Fedor didn't manage to finish either of those guys. If you point out that he won unanimous decisions when those guys were at their peak, then I counter with, then if those guys got finished this year/late last year, what's to stop someone from giving Fedor a rough time or cause the internet to explode and actually beat him?

In today's MMA climate, Fedor is Bryan Danielson. Hardcore fans have a high regard for them, but until they ply their trade in the big companies of their respective industry, fewer people will realize how great they are.

There are people deluded enough to believe UFC NEEDS Fedor. How? The company has out performed WM numbers on at least two occassions with the talent roster they have.

Fedor has yet to prove he is a draw. Fedor doesn't need UFC to make good money, but he does need them to cement his reputation amongst the everyday fan that may hate Brock, but realize he's a fuckin' beast and will eat anything they put in front of him.

nOOb - 7-31-2009 at 07:17 PM

I kinda hope Strikeforce partners up with M-1. And then Fedor loses, convincingly, to someone like Alistair Overeem or Brett Rogers or Fabricio Verdum. And, basically, those are the only three guys out there not in the UFC who are legitimate contenders to beating Fedor. Cause let's face it: Josh Barnett was good, but he wasn't going to beat Fedor.

blackdragon - 7-31-2009 at 07:50 PM

I don't know Noob. Roided up Josh probably could have power bombed him a couple of times and actually try to finish him unlike Randleman.

nOOb - 8-1-2009 at 06:58 PM

So the big July 31st Dana White Conference Call Took Place and, yeah, Fedor's Not Coming

Key points of the read:
-Fedor got offered a lot of money to fight, was allowed to do the Sambo stuff, but the co-promoting deal killed it. White equated it to them coming in and believing themselves to be on an equal promotion footing as the UFC, so they wanted a 60/40 type of deal. Needless to say, White is not that dumb. Strikeforce, on the other hand, can afford to do that for now (and promptly go under as well).
-Dana resigned Tito Ortiz, who'll fight Mark Coleman in December most likely.
-Dana resigned Vitor Belfort, who'll fight Rich Franklin in September.
-Dan Henderson will NOT fight Rich Franlkin anymore, and depending on how Anderson Silva does against Forrest Griffin, could get his title shot relatively soon.
-Zuffa also picked up what they thought were the best available Afflicition survivors and spread them throughout the WEC and UFC.
-Dana has no interest in ever signing Arlovski or Tim Silvia again, and probably rightfully so.

Chris Is Good517 - 8-9-2009 at 04:57 AM

Wow. At least if I die tomorrow, I can die knowing I've never been humiliated in public as bad as Forrest just was. Jesus H., man

nOOb - 8-9-2009 at 06:09 AM

I'd be incredibly pissed off if I was Amir Saddolah: a year of injuries to get your first fight, only to get a shitty, premature stoppage in under a minute?? Please.

As a whole, I'm glad I didn't buy this one and just caught glimpses elsewhere. On the plus side, it took Silva so little time to win that Henderson's gotta be excited to get a title shot pretty soon.

Jheaton - 8-9-2009 at 08:09 AM

Anderson Silva is Amazing. I recently read a book on box called The Sweet Science written in 1951 that talked about Joe Louis Beating 6 former or current world champions. Anderson Silva has beaten former UFC LHW Champion Forrest Griffen, Former/Last Pride 205 & 185 Champion Dan Henderson (Who also won a fourman UFC tournement back in the day), he won the UFC Middleweight Title from Rich Franklin and beat him in the rematch, And he Beat UFC welterweight Champion Carlos Newton. Add to that beat multiple time King of Pancrase nate Marquardt and winning the shooto 167lb belt from Sakurai. Impressive stuff.

Other than Silva's KO of Griffen (reminisent of Liddells KO of Tiger White) and George S. beating George Roop with a pretty swank display of grappling nothing else really stood out. UFC has had a run really good PPVs but it came to an end tonight. Nothing WFOTYC bad but the undercard fights really wheren't all that thrillling. I thought Neer/Pelligro and Ricardo/Kendall where a lot closer than some people thought. and I could have seen them going either way. Kendell grovecould have won his fight due to the armbar in the second and the heavy strikes in the third. Neer did a really good job fighting off his back with striking and sub attempts. However the afformentioned fights plus Penn/Florian and nelson/Riley where mainly contests of takedowns/avoiding takedowns.

salmonjunkie - 8-9-2009 at 01:13 PM


[Edited on 8-9-2009 by salmonjunkie]

Chris Is Good517 - 8-9-2009 at 03:32 PM

I don't know if you saw the whole fight, Thai, but it wasn't that punch that did Forrest in. It was the pounding he took leading up to that punch.

It was just a weird, sloppy fight for him and watching it made me think Forrest just completely gave up. I dunno. Credit to Sylva, though, that guy is an absolute animal and they would probably make an unholy ton of money if they put him in there with GSP.

Jheaton - 8-9-2009 at 05:30 PM

Yhea Forrest got rocked pretty badly before that and then ran straight in while his head was still full of cobwebs.

DevilSoprano - 8-9-2009 at 08:17 PM

He ran because his jaw was dislocated. At least, that's what reports are saying.

salmonjunkie - 8-9-2009 at 09:27 PM

I didn't see the whole fight, but I did see the first punch that rocked Forrest. - They have it on ESPN/Sherdog

My "wow" was for Silva's putting his arms down and moving evading those punches like he was Little Mac from Punch Out.

[Edited on 8-9-2009 by salmonjunkie]

BBMN - 8-10-2009 at 06:51 AM

Anderson is a freak. Its like he is so mentally and physically in tune with the fight that he's just a step ahead at all times. Its like he could literally tie a hand behind his back and still crush his opponent.

And he knows it. Poor Forest. Poor everyone.

drmuerto - 8-10-2009 at 05:00 PM

Damn. I forgot that this thing was happening saturday. How was the Bj Penn fight?

salmonjunkie - 8-10-2009 at 11:17 PM

here's the first knockdown.

Look at how Anderson just dodges everything. Damn!

Found this and had to share it.

[Edited on 8-10-2009 by salmonjunkie]

nOOb - 8-16-2009 at 05:48 AM

So, Gina Carano lost in the first round and was destroyed by Santos. And on that note, Strikeforce just lost half of its marketability, because with Carano's big loss, women's MMA just lost it's hopes of ever becoming mainstream.

Carano was pretty much the poster child of women's MMA for two reasons: she was hot and, only a bit more importantly undefeated. She lost the latter. Now all she is is a hot chick who isn't the best fighter in the world. That leaves a bunch of average looking women beating each other up over the right to be the best. In essence, it just became pretty much as relevant to people as the WNBA, probably even less so.

If I'm the head of Strikeforce, I'm making sure God is on my side for all of Fedor's fights, because if he loses Ricco Rodriguez, Brett Rogers, Verdum, or Overeem, they're finished.

Chris Is Good517 - 8-16-2009 at 06:08 AM

Yeah. Fuck Cyborg Santos. I heard that whole fight was kinda controversial anyway

nOOb - 8-16-2009 at 06:51 AM

Meh, she wasn't defending herself and it was the end of the round. If anything, Strikeforce should have told its refs to be a bit more lenient before calling a stoppage for either fighter, but especially Carano. Cyborg did seem like the better fighter, but, as I mentioned, women's MMA wasn't exactly popular outside of Carano simply because she was hot and could fight. Having an, at best, average looking woman who can fight is not going to bring in ratings or be marketable in any way.

I'm not saying she should have taken the fall or the refs should have rigged the fight, but it would have been in everyone's best interest had the fight at least gone to decision. A convincing first round stoppage means the next time Carano fights, it's going to be lacking a whole lot of the interest her previous fights had. And, as I mentioned, there won't be nearly as many people lining up to see Cyborg fight as they would for Carano.

Jheaton - 8-16-2009 at 06:52 AM

I think the most logical answer would be Cyborg defends against Erin Toughill. She's large enought to be competive at 145 and has the skills to go with it. She was actually the back up in case either woman pulled out. Gina can work her way back up by fighting someone like Meisha Tate and eventually fight a rematch on CBS.

Bobby Southworth was supposed to rematch Babalu awhile back I think he'd be a good first title defend opponent as anybody to get Mousasi established.
On the undercard Scott Lighty apperantly beat the he'll out of someguy. he's 5-0 in MMA and a K-1 level kickboxer. maybe you have Kyle go back down to 205 to fight Lighty for a titleshot. You also have Rafael Cavalcante if he can rebound from his TKO in his last fight.

Thoughts on the show...
Was a little disapointed that Jay heiron vs. JT Money didn't get shown. For some reason I'm a fan of Heiron. Hopefully he's in the mix for the 170lbs belt.

Werdum is very hit and miss in his fights. Has apair of wins over Gonzaga, that really stinky fight with AA, and the KO by Junior. Looked good here thought.

Poor Babalu, he got handled. This was like Rogers/Arlovski II. Mousari has to be considered in hte P4P rankings now. Like a previous posted said, I want to seek out more of his fights. I've been awareof him cause I follow all the results, but have sen precious little footage. Hopefully with this Dream partnership we can have Gesias "JZ" Cavalcante, Eddie Alverez, Aoki, Mayhem and Hansen fighting in Strikeforce.

"El Nino" looked good. Hopefully we get him vs. Josh thompson at some point.

The main event was pretty great. Reminded me of Haglar/Hearns. Maybe one of the greatest single round mma fights? I wonder where female MMA goes from here? Obviously there was more money in gina being the champ so can Cyborg be a draw? Especially after she beats Gina again? The crowd was really into it as so thats a positive,I'll be interested to hear about the live gate and showtime rating. I had a friend there live who said it was packed. I wonder if Strikeforce will strat a 135lbs womens division?

On a side note who where they talking about after the fight to challenge Cyborg I missed the name. something about a Dutch Kick boxer?

After seeing Fedor on Showtime adds I wonder if Showtime is footing part of the bill. I think the best thing in 1st fight on Showtime 2nd on CBS third on PPV.

You have Fedor fight guys like Ricco Rodzigues (rumored) and have Werdum, Oveerem and Roger fight it out to deside to gets to facehim at the first Strikeforce PPV.

nOOb - 8-16-2009 at 10:23 PM

I was kinda hoping they would put Fedor against Rodriguez and then see Rodriguez beat Fedor. I would imagine that M-1 would go under almost immediately and 99% of the MMA fanboys on the internet would commit mass suicide. Then their owner showed he had half a brain and debunked the rumor, instead saying he'll take on either Rogers or Verdum.

blackdragon - 8-17-2009 at 05:28 PM

As a guy that would probably take a small amount of joy in seeing Fedor beat, Ricco isn't going to do it.

Fedor would have to have his right hand tied behind his back, with lead boots weighing him down before I'd even give even odds Ricco would last past the first round.

What sucks is, as little as I care about Fedor, I'm a sucka for "he's coming' promo videos. So good job on that Strikeforce

What sucks more is that there were only 3 televised fights. Or was it four? Either way, that sucks since none of them went to decision and according to my DVR they had time to add in two whole episodes of Pen and Teller in the allotted time frame.

The main event probably did set women's MMA back, but I'd like to think not just because the "hot" one lost, but because it was too rushed. Not the fight itself, but making it a main event.

Giving it headliner status casts an inescapably bright spot light on a division that's really only these two ladies. Few other women in the world of MMA even weight 145, let alone fight at it, and these two cut lots of weight to get down to it. And even if we pretend five or ten pounds won't make that much difference, they have built up no one as a potential challenger - which is bad for a Gina, but worse for Cyborg because she just mauled Gina in a way that makes even those that aren't turned off by her contemplate who in MMA even stands a chance.

I don't know, I just wish it had grown more ogranically, cycling in more women fighters so you don't have to be a keyboard warrior to know who they are other than "cute Asian; tiny Asian that got murdered by Cyborg; plain jane that got beat by Gina; or not quite as hot as Gina"

Anyone else think the concept of "keys to victory" is nice but the execution sucks? I mean, the striker's key to victory was an arm bar; Babalu's was a clinch elbow (sans the clinching part for some reason) and another striker was supposed to try to go for a triangle. Though I did find it funny on another website that the fight should have been a No Contest because the guy didn't even attempt a triangle.

Quick UFC notes: Jon Jones is fun to watch and I can't wait to see him fight again. I'm actually looking forward to Tito and Coleman.

Jheaton - 8-18-2009 at 01:31 AM

Would have liked to see Scott Lighty's fight and Jay Heiron's fight make the broadcast. But Strikeforce never shows the undercard so i wasn't too dissapointed.

I think Ricco could possibly win a decision if he fought Fedor the way he fought nog. Beach him self in Fedors gaurd for 3 round and get a desicion for "top controll".

Your right that Gina was more marketable as champion than Cyborg. however I don't think this really hurts womens MMA. Yhea you won't see a female fight of this maganitude because this may have been a once in a lifetime deal. However Strikeforce has both Marloes Coehen and Erin tougthill (youtube them( who have the size to be competive at 145 and teh skill to be competive with Cyborg. As I think I mentioned Strikeforce is plannning on running a 135lbs womens tournement to crown a champion and a 145lbs to crown a top contender for Cyborg so i think the division will be all right.

Biff_Manly - 8-19-2009 at 01:23 PM

I had never really seen the Cyborg before but when I did I have to say my first reaction was Brazilian Tranny. I am not trying to make any kind of joke but I don't think she/he/it was born female.

I've read online people talking about her possible steriod use and how steriods are rampent in MMA. I am sure we can have that discussion for days. But is there any check on the gender of female athletes?

There have always been hints of stuff like that during the Olympics. Probably more back during the good ole' days of the Soviet union and maybe to a lesser degree nowadays.

I have always been good at picking out trannys on talk shows and in real life and I just get that vibe off the Cyborg. Sometimes you can just tell.

nOOb - 8-19-2009 at 03:43 PM

I'm glad someone else said it.

blackdragon - 8-19-2009 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Jheaton
Would have liked to see Scott Lighty's fight and Jay Heiron's fight make the broadcast. But Strikeforce never shows the undercard so i wasn't too dissapointed.

Interesting. This was only my second Strikeforce event so I had no idea they didn't televise the undercard stuff.

I think Ricco could possibly win a decision if he fought Fedor the way he fought nog. Beach him self in Fedors gaurd for 3 round and get a desicion for "top controll".

Isn't Fedor some sort of "arm bar God?" I can't really see him just letting Ricco lay and pray. Especially not for 3 rounds. If anything, it would end like Henderson/Silva where Henderson may have won the first round by pinning Silva down, but the second round Silva blew him away and didn't give him a chance to even attempt to repeat the strategy of the first.

I know he has probably even less chance than Ricco, but I'd love to see Don Frye fight Fedor. Especially if he talks trash about Fedor being a "waffle house chef" that gets served "hams, eggs, and canned tomatoes."

Your right that Gina was more marketable as champion than Cyborg. however I don't think this really hurts womens MMA. Yhea you won't see a female fight of this maganitude because this may have been a once in a lifetime deal. However Strikeforce has both Marloes Coehen and Erin tougthill (youtube them( who have the size to be competive at 145 and teh skill to be competive with Cyborg. As I think I mentioned Strikeforce is plannning on running a 135lbs womens tournement to crown a champion and a 145lbs to crown a top contender for Cyborg so i think the division will be all right.

I wasn't even talking about marketability, but as you mentioned, the hotter chick is always more marketable. Such is life.

I'm not even saying there can't be another headlining fight (because I would like to see one at a lower weight class, like the 135 class where Hitomia Akano usually fights)

My comment was more that they blew their wad too early. The tournaments and the emergence of Erin Toughill and Coehen should have happened first in my opinion. As soon as Cyborg destroyed Carano, they should have been talking up either Toughill or Coehen as next in line.

It's like how Dream had tournaments for each division before crowning a champ.

[Edited on 8-19-2009 by blackdragon]

Jheaton - 8-20-2009 at 03:32 AM

I would be on Fedor if Fedor vs Ricco. However Riccos a BJJ Blackbelt who know enough to stay out of submissions.

Nogueria is great at fighting off his back. He's got possibly the best offensive guard in MMA (he literaly wrote the book on the MMA guard) and he's one of the few Heavyweight Jui-jutsui players whos a guard player as opposed to a top player. But he couldn;t do a thing against Ricco.

However he won a desicion in Japan that was based on hijm being the one looking to finish more. However in the states judges tend to give the rounds to the guy who gets the take downs and ends up on top (see a number of fights at UFC 101). I don't think Ricco beats Fedor, however if your trying build Fedor up as a US draw I think ricco's a dangerous opponent who's good enough to win a borring desision over Fedor.

As for the women's MMA. I see where your coming from. Ideally it would be nice to have someone "waiting in the wings" to challenge the new champ. However This fight was something like 15 months in the making. it was supposed to happen in eliteXC, then eliteXC collapesed, then you had legal issues with Strikeforce buying up the contracts. I just thing with that kind of situation you don't wait even longer, you get while the getting good.

And as a glass half full type of guy I see that they did a great gate (13,000+), over half a million viewers on showtime, plus whom ever bought the internet feed. All those people say a great womens bout with a good display of skill. That might have "primed the pump" for womens MMA. Now that people have had a taste they might be more interested in seeing Cyborg vs. Toughill/Coehen, a 145lb tournement to crown another contender, and a 135lb tournement to crown a champion. I don't think there was a whole lot of people interested in those thing who might be now.

blackdragon - 8-20-2009 at 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Jheaton However This fight was something like 15 months in the making. it was supposed to happen in eliteXC, then eliteXC collapesed, then you had legal issues with Strikeforce buying up the contracts. I just thing with that kind of situation you don't wait even longer, you get while the getting good.

I can't quite agree with this because other than injuries, I don't see where this month was any better than a month or two from now where they could have found an opponent for Fedor (who, if you don't mind me using MMAth destroyed the guy that Ricco could only stop from beating him) and had a bigger win-win situation.

Everything else I see your point, but "striking while the iron is hot" doesn't really apply here because regardless of your Toughills and who have yous, Carano/Cyborg was going to be the fight and they were going to protect that fight regardless. I just would have had two ladies in waiting put on a couple of good performances each, then say if you thought they were dominant, check out this Cyborg chick. Something like that.

And as a glass half full type of guy I see that they did a great gate (13,000+), over half a million viewers on showtime, plus whom ever bought the internet feed. All those people say a great womens bout with a good display of skill. That might have "primed the pump" for womens MMA. Now that people have had a taste they might be more interested in seeing Cyborg vs. Toughill/Coehen, a 145lb tournement to crown another contender, and a 135lb tournement to crown a champion. I don't think there was a whole lot of people interested in those thing who might be now.

No doubt, they did great business. I'm just thinking more short-term in my long term thinking if that makes sense. The prospect of a tournament does seem more appealing after this fight, but the Toughill/Coehn match I would have prefered to see before Cyborg whiped that ass, because now one of these woman has a lot of presure on their hands because if they don't look like they can hang after Cyborg's performance, no one's going to be too excited.

Though it is nice to see a guy on-line give the women praise. All I've noticed lately is how "untechnical" and "sloppy" the fight was. Which could very well be true, but I enjoyed it all the same. Then again, like with wrestling, I'm weird in that I will cheer just a loudly for a slick guard pass as I will a jumping knee to the head or bombs away hooks to the face.

nOOb - 8-20-2009 at 07:34 PM

If you asked me to name someone in women's MMA that wasn't Gina Carano, chances are I probably couldn't name you anyone good. And I'm only slightly more "in the know" than your casual fans. And the big difficulty with women's MMA is you're dealing with a sport that's catering to 99% "manly" man audience. I would be willing to bet that the Carano weigh-in was only slightly less watched than the actual fight for reasons that, well, I don't really need to mention.

Who knows, maybe Victoria can actually do good with her training and become a real fighter? She's a notch below Carano in the looks department, but that's nothing to be ashamed about.

blackdragon - 8-20-2009 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by nOOb

Who knows, maybe Victoria can actually do good with her training and become a real fighter? She's a notch below Carano in the looks department, but that's nothing to be ashamed about.

Of course, we'll have to agree to disagree here, but it's no secret I want to have Victoria's babies.

LuckyLopez - 8-20-2009 at 09:12 PM

I'm just going to back nOOb and go one step further. This is the same thing we as wrestling fans lose sight of a lot of the time. Chasing the MMA fan isn't the big deal. Offer a good product and the MMA fan SHOULD follow. They're already sold on the sport so all you need to do is sell them on the specific show, match, title, or whatever. The casuals are what will make MMA grow and become a staple of sports like boxing. They're the ones who are drawn in by names like Brock Lesnar, Randy Couture, and Quinton Jackson. There's about a dozen MMA guys I could probably name off the top of my head. There are guys and situations where I can turn to a friend and say "Mirko Cro Cop is fighting" and he knows what I'm talking about or "Brock vs Couture, want to watch at the bar?" and he's interested. Meanwhile I've never heard of Carwin off a messageboard and never seen him fight. Not even sure I got the right name.

I'm sure there's a bunch of much better fighters than Carano but she's the only one I knew. And its not just that she's hot, its also the mainstream exposure she got from Gladiators. That was the ONE woman in MMA that I could see a commercial for or an internet banner ad and not only recognize who it was but actually put some thought to watching the fight. That's a tough blow to have her lose face, especially if the stuff I read is true that she's really not bad, just kind of had a bad fight.

blackdragon - 8-20-2009 at 10:08 PM

Gina's the real deal from what I understand, it's just there were three major factors against her:

1) Short training camp - I think she barely did two months and that's insane for a match of this magnitude, even if Randy fuckin' Couture is one of your trainers.

2) Long lay off - She hadn't fought since EliteXC on CBS and that was almost a year ago. Long time to not be competive then get thrown to someone with a size advantage.

3) Psychological - Maybe it was a case of nerves on her part, hell maybe she knew what was riding on this match and just couldn't focus. And just to toss this in there, If I'm Cyborg and every time I look up someone is saying I look like a man, I'm going to punch the shit out of the pretty girl.

LuckyLopez - 8-20-2009 at 10:37 PM

Yeah, that basically backs what I read. That she's a much better fighter than she showed in that fight. But its just a tough blow because people are still going to walk away with the impression of her looking bad and with the thought she might be the "Anna Kournikova" of MMA. And plenty of MMA fans seem to be pushing that notion (although they also seem to be the sort of MMA fan who freaks out over Brock or whatever popular fighter or fad they think undermines the sport) so its one that's going to linger. She basically has to be rebuilt for the casual fans, I think. Or at least the ones who bought into that hype and watched that match as their first real exposure to her and women's MMA.

BBMN - 8-23-2009 at 06:10 PM

Just re-watched Fedor/Arloski last night and noticed the greatest thing I've ever seen in regards to Fedor. In the training montage leading into the fight, they show a clip of Fedor lifting weights with a lit cigarette in his lips. He's like Big Show from a few years back! I like him even more knowing that he can get away with being a bit plump and being the type of guy that trains by smoking and lifting.

Snyder41 - 8-25-2009 at 09:24 PM

All I have to say is... GSP is the best fighter in the world!

drmuerto - 8-26-2009 at 03:40 AM

All I have to say is... Snyder41 is the 42nd worst Snyder in the world!

Stone Cold Steve Autism - 8-26-2009 at 03:50 AM

Originally posted by drmuerto

Uh, wow, aggressive much? I think if you have a problem with a poster you should report it to a moderator via the REPORT function instead of doing something about it yourself. That kind of vigilantism is what breaks down civility on message boards faster than anything else. I don't think the mods need your backseat modding for them, and I think if you'll look at the rules threads, it's pretty clear that Snyder didn't break any of them. Maybe you should consider stepping away from the computer and cooling down?

Just my two cents.

williamssl - 8-26-2009 at 03:59 AM

This is Dr. Muerto*. Totally serious. You wonder why he's so full of venom sometimes when people with numbers in their screennames post things on message boards? Shit...he's holding back. But go look for posts on Youtube by the same guy. I'm sure you'll find a few where he's just yelling away at some poster here with numbers in his name, like ChrisisGood517. Once he gets it out of his system he calmly (relative term) comes here and takes care of things by saying something about the person's screen name and playing off the number in it.

* I think Dr. Muerto is a Mexican or at the very least is one of those brown-skinned people. So he put on a lot of makeup to make this video. He's THAT mad.

drmuerto - 8-26-2009 at 05:19 AM

Nice try, but this is actually me.

BBMN - 8-26-2009 at 06:02 AM

I like you a lot SCSA, but you telling people to not be aggressive is like williamssl telling people not to cuddle men.

williamssl - 8-26-2009 at 06:06 AM

Damn you. I was all set to post this in response to MexiMuerto's post:

But then you went and messed it up.

Wanna spoon?

Chris Is Good517 - 8-27-2009 at 03:44 AM

Where the fuck are her parents?

OOMike - 8-27-2009 at 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Where the fuck are her parents?

Holding the muther fucking camera for their mother fucking daughter, you got a problem with that nigga you can say it to their myspace page bitch.

williamssl - 8-27-2009 at 05:40 AM


nOOb - 8-27-2009 at 11:13 PM

It's official: Fedor's first opponent is Brett Rogers

If any non-UFC guy is going to beat Fedor, it's Rogers. And if it happens, the UFC just got a much easier target, because chances are Brett Rogers isn't going to want M-1 tagging along with him or anything like that. Of course, if Fedor beat Rogers, there really isn't anyone left out there that I'd actually consider a real threat: he should roll past Werdum, Overeem, Barnett, and just about every other unaffiliated heavyweight that is out there.

nOOb - 8-29-2009 at 10:23 PM

Also, Lil J up there is apparently dead.

Joeldacat - 8-30-2009 at 07:51 PM

I *still* don't watch enough UFC to know people's names, but the 7 second KO at UFC 102 last night was insane.

My more hardcore fan friend was really into the Couture main event, and was passionately pulling for him. He looked pretty decent in losing; there was a lot of drama in that match, and I hope it's not his last one. Does anyone ever retire on a win?

Outside of that boring first match, UFC 102 was pretty solid last night

nOOb - 8-30-2009 at 08:07 PM

It did lack "pizzazz" with no title fights on the card, but it does make some good stories coming out of it. For starters, do we still get Hendo/Silva, or do we get a mix of Hendo/Marquardt and Silva/Mir? Because Marquardt certainly earned title contention by knocking out Demain Maia in 20 seconds...let alone at all. On top of that, both Couture and Nog looked awesome last night and, though they may have been moving at a slower pace with the age of the two that just looked fast when they fought, and while Couture didn't get a title shot, he certainly looked good enough to get some interesting fights at LH and Heavy. And Nog is right back in line for a shot now, too, though probably not right away.

Chris Is Good517 - 8-30-2009 at 10:48 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
Also, Lil J up there is apparently dead.

I'm going to need to see some proof, sir.

nOOb - 8-30-2009 at 10:57 PM

This was the most popular "similar video" to the original. And I'll tell you, if you can't trust a homemade internet video featuring pictures of random Ginger kids as a homage to the person they say died of "sinus cavities", who can you trust??

Chris Is Good517 - 8-31-2009 at 02:56 AM

R.I.P. Lil J. I never knew you personally but you changed my life. I know you're up in Heaven not being scared of none of y'all motherfuckas.

atothej - 8-31-2009 at 03:15 AM

Fret not, CiG, she's not dead:

LuckyLopez - 8-31-2009 at 03:23 AM

Oh shit! Youtube Investigative Journalism! That's something I never really expected to see.

Of course the random 15-year-old butt shot was something I expected to see.

nOOb - 8-31-2009 at 03:32 AM

She's so gangsta in that red hoodie.

Chris Is Good517 - 8-31-2009 at 05:00 AM

Originally posted by atothej
Fret not, CiG, she's not dead:

Well, it looks like taking next week off for bereavement may have been a bit premature.

BBMN - 9-11-2009 at 10:03 PM

Gobshite - 9-14-2009 at 12:56 PM

For those of you who love some free MMA goodness, apparently Randy Couture vs. Brandon Vera has been added to UK's UFC 105 card in Manchester on November 14th. Being an international event, this will of course be airing for free on Spike TV...

I'm guessing they'll use this to test how good Randy is if he drops back down to LHW. He's too small for the heavies these days, and if he wins this, they could use this to justify a match with Machida in early 2010 - and if he loses... they could always put him against Lidell just for shits and giggles.

blackdragon - 9-14-2009 at 04:41 PM

Randy was too small for the Heavies every time he won the title. This is probably Vera's last chance to live up to his potential. If he doesn't decisively beat Couture or at least have an entertaining decision, he's off main cards for a while.

Todd Duffee (7 second knock out guy) I think is getting a main card spot on the next Fight Night. Not Wednesday's (which I was unawre of until last night) but the one after that. Possibly one of the PPV cards. I'd have to look into that.

Am I the only one excited about The Ultimate Fighter this season? I saw the trailers and set the season pass for the DVR. Between Kimbos "Dana talked a lot of trash, but now he's paying me." to Marcus Jones saying "what an honor it is to be in the octagon" to half the contestants looking at Kimbo and saying "fuck that guy" to Roy Nelso believing he was the big announcement for the season, I'm ready.

nOOb - 9-14-2009 at 04:58 PM

I fully expect Roy Nelson to win this one. The man had Andre Arlovski beat back on that last EliteXC show, and only lost because the refs there weren't real refs, but rather guys who wanted to be part of the show, so when the audience that knows nothings about MMA starts to boo because a fight isn't moving fast, they had to stand you up. Granted, beating Arlovski now isn't that big of a deal, but it certainly would have given Fedor one less credible opponent a while back.

Gobshite - 9-15-2009 at 03:31 PM

I'm looking forward to it, going to make an effort to watch this season.

For the UK people on here, UFC has started popping up on Five (UK's equivalent of the CW). There was an 80 minute highlight show of UFC 102 on Sunday night, I'm going to watch it tonight and will report. They've apparently also got some original programming and TUF on a delay. Which is good news if you don't feel like paying even more money for ESPN.

nOOb - 9-17-2009 at 01:56 AM

If you're not already watching UFC Fight Night right now, do it now. So far, two fights in, they're pretty intense.

williamssl - 9-17-2009 at 05:26 PM

This probably better belongs in the Youtube thread but it's more relevant to folks who follow this thread.

A funny commercial featuring Kimbo:

Thom - 9-17-2009 at 07:15 PM

OK, I got a laugh out of that. I especially like the look on Kimbo's face after getting his arm shot off.

nOOb - 9-17-2009 at 09:34 PM

So CBS is actually going to have a fight very much worth watching headlining their first November

Fedor's going to be fighting Brett Rogers, and Strikeforce could very well be committing Hara Kiri on a very large national scale much like EliteXC did when they put all their eggs into the Kimbo basket. Needless to say, if Brett Rogers beats Fedor, things will change in MMA. If Brett Rogers beats Fedor on national television, Strikeforce will be best suited attempting to make Brett Rogers the richest athlete in the world if they want to survive.

Biff_Manly - 9-19-2009 at 03:41 AM

The more MMA they can get on regular TV the better for the sport IMO. I think part of the reason that boxing is in so much trouble is because of the limited exposure it gets. Yes you have fight nights on ESPN and then you have Showtime and Cable once in a while. It just seems like back in the day boxing was on more often on shows like Wild World of Sports and Sportsline (wasn't that on CBS?).

folby - 9-20-2009 at 05:21 AM

I think watching Rich Franklin get knocked out, beat up or otherwise embarrassed might be my favorite think about MMA.

Gobshite - 9-21-2009 at 10:20 AM

Whilst I haven't seen UFC 103 yet, TUF10 did start Saturday night on FiveUSA over here in the UK (so its not much of a delay at all!).

My first thought: Rashad Evans was either really confident or really dumb. Jackson made it clear he was picking Kimbo first, and Evans had no interest in having him on his team. So why when he won the coin toss did he not opt to pick the first two fights? Was he that sure he'd win the first fight and gain control anyway?

I preferred it when TUF was for guys who had never been in UFC before. Now it includes 4 guys who have already fought with them. Why!?

That's all for now. I read on 411 or somewhere that Jackson's out until March now? Has he injured himself on set already?

folby - 9-21-2009 at 11:28 PM

They're using guys that have already fought for them because the talent pool in American MMA isn't that deep, and it's especially shallow at heavyweight.

LuckyLopez - 9-21-2009 at 11:44 PM

Yeah, it does seem inherently more logical from a business standpoint that if you're using a show to make stars that you want these guys to be legitimate players who can best make use of this star platform. A veteran fighter on the bubble who is improved by coaching or made a star is probably more valuable than a rookie kid who may never be good enough to seriously compete. And if you grabbed 20 kids every season you're naturally drying up the pool and getting less talent. The first year maybe you found the best 20 prospects around. By the 10th year you're not.

Plus I think you're basically showing your subjective opinion. Its actually Kimbo and the prospect of real fighters that has me interested in this season after not watching for a long time. So ultimately it comes down to the reality that kids might be more appealing to you but not to me.

BBMN - 9-21-2009 at 11:55 PM

"I f***ed up and that's all there is to it. Maybe the ones who i've said that I'm done are right. Obviously i can't break my mental block in the octagon. Besides, I've been training like a spartan for 20 years now, my body is worn out. The years cought up to me, I've been worn out.


Dos Santos punched me in the eye and tore my eye-lid. Blood and sweat completely blurred my vision. I was standing there like a blind man. At one moment i confused my opponent and the referee.


No, I didn't stop it and I didn't ask the judge to stop it. But it wasn't an early stoppage, he won that fight and would have won it by decision.

Simply put he is younger, more hungry, more aggressive. He wanted to win a lot more.


Yeah, I landed a few good shots and cut above his eye but all together I failed big time.


The mat was slippery like glass. I almost fell down trying to do the LHK. But I'm not looking for an alibi. This was not the performance the public would pay for.


I don't feel the hunger anymore. I started playing it safe, I'm not ready to take risks. I would like to thank everybody that supported me and stood by me and everyone who helped me to prepare for this fight.


I've been living a military life for 20 years now. Getting up at 6 am and having physically challenging task up to 8pm. I want a normal life. I'm entering a cage and thinking about fishing in Privlaka. You can't win that way.


Maybe I shold've quit after i won OWGP. "


Time for me to re-watch some Cro Cop highlights from Pride and cry a little.

Best part of the Franklin/Belfort fight was the post fight interviews.

Joe; "This is a huge victory over a huge name in Rich Franklin... tell us how you feel right now."


Joe; "Now do you go back and think about what's next? Do you have a plan now? Are you just gonna let the dust settle and figure out what you do next?"

Rich; "Well losing wasn't part of my plan... so I guess I have to let the dust settle and figure out what's next."

Gobshite - 9-23-2009 at 02:40 PM

I guess I just felt like the concept should be that they're trying to find the best guy that's never been in the UFC. But I realise that REALLY limits your options. I guess using it as a way to find the best guy not signed to the UFC right now is just as good

I'm also drawn in by Kimbo - dude looks scary.

It seems that as of yesterday, Rampage has quit / retired. He's posted the following as part of a big blog on his own website:


I'm not like Randy Couture. My body has been getting so many different injuries that I wont be able to fight until my forties & neither do I want to fight that long... (referring to earlier in the blog where he blasts Dana for trashing his movie before they're even done filming etc)...So I feel like my second career could be in jeopardy.. so I'm done fighting. I've been getting negative reviews from the dumb ass fans that don't pay my bills or put my kids though college. So I'm hanging it up. I'm gonna miss all my loyal fans but hopefully they'll follow me to my new career & I will gain more loyal fans along the way.

I can't blame Rampage really. I hadn't thought about how much he fought when he first came in, and do feel he owes Dana the Evans fight for the shit he put up with last year - but everyone should be entitled to move jobs / look at different career paths, and if White had kept his mouth shut he could have had his big fight soon enough anyway.

I would have liked it if he could have found a way to do both - but as with Dwayne Johnson, physical torture for 1 million dollars or a movie star pain free lifestyle for anything close (and possibly millions more). I know which one I'd choose every day.

BBMN - 9-23-2009 at 06:17 PM

Damn. Rampage has always struck me as an emotional guy, so perhaps he will change his tune in a few months? I really was looking forward to some 'black on black crime' as he put it for his fight with Evans. This pretty much sucks.

LuckyLopez - 9-23-2009 at 08:57 PM

And of course Dana publicly responds by calling him a baby and a clueless child so it ends up justifying what he says just a LITTLE bit more.

nOOb - 9-24-2009 at 04:43 PM

Well, next week's the week: Kimbo finally fights. And Spike being Spike, they're not holding back on advertising it. There's two guarantees there:

1) This next episode of the Ultimate Fighter surpasses the first episode of the season in ratings, which in turn was the most watched episode of any original series Spike has produced.
2) The fight doesn't last two rounds.

I, for one, find this fight interesting solely because both Kimbo and Roy Nelson were not just on that last EliteXC card, but were both part of some sort of controversy. In Kimbo's case, we all know that there were allegations that the heads of the company told his opponent there'd be bigger payouts for standing with him, but Roy Nelson's case was more indicative of why EliteXC failed as an overall MMA entity, since he was actually controlling Andrei Arlovski and was stood up by the ref simply because the fans in the audience who wanted to see Kimbo started booing. I still think Roy Nelson would have beaten Arlovski had he not been fighting a cage operated by retards, and that argument kinda gives itself a bit more strength based on Arlovski's next two fights (the losses to Fedor and (much quicker) to Brett Rogers).

Thom - 9-24-2009 at 05:38 PM

I had heard a rumor, but I can't remember exactly where, that Kimbo wins via split decision.

So, we'll see if your second guarantee comes to fruition.

Also, over at this site, there's an interview with Roy Nelson. When asked about Kimbo, he says that he learned something from Kimbo, and that he'll be in MMA for quite a while.

blackdragon - 9-25-2009 at 06:07 PM

I don't know much about Big Country other than his belly is mesmerizing. On one of the MMA sites I frequent, there are people that think you're a complete moron if you think Nelson doesn't destroy Kimbo in less than three minutes. I'm not going to be like Rampage and think titties = can't fight, but damn, anyone can get caught standing. It doesn't matter how good your ground game is if it doesn't make it that far. Just ask Maia how having the best functional bjj in MMA helped him with Nate the Great knocked him the fuck out.

As a guy that was sort of hard on Kimbo in the beginning, I want to see the guy succeed. If it's at the expense of Big Country, so be it.

I'm not a Fedor hater, but I do want to see Rogers obliterate him. It would actually be in SF's best interest if they can tout they have the man that beat the man and he's all American and probably should be starring in A-Team because he just played Clubber Lang all on Fedor's face.

Speaking of, the Rampage thing is crazy. I don't begrudge the guy living out a dream. If I was offered the role, I'd be pitying fools 12 hours a day for the next 90. But I'm still a dick for ruining a big fight and the biggest pay day my opponent will see for quite some time. Yeah Dana exacerbates things with his mouth and I won't play the "Rampage owes him beause he got him out of jail card" but this has been Dana's m.o. from the beginning and none of the fighters complain when it's directed at Tito or Baroni. Rampage is delusional if he thinks he did more for the UFC than they've done for him. Would he have this role if not for UFC? Highly unlikely. And someone brought up the Rock and that's completely different. The Rock didn't star in Scorpion King after WWE went out of their way to schedule Mania or SummerSlam in Miami against Austin. Rampage has every right to take that roll, but he fucked Dana out of a big event and fucked Rashad out of a huge pay day.

BBMN - 9-25-2009 at 06:36 PM

Originally posted by blackdragon
Yeah Dana exacerbates things with his mouth...

I think you meant with his endless whining to the world via blogs and twitter. Dude acts like a 15 year old school girl that just discovered the internet last week. Its fucking funny and pathetic.

And I love Rampage, but it does indeed suck for us fans that are left hanging. If Dana had spent less time tweeting, and more time actually having fighters sign contracts for fights that he promotes via TUF than we wouldn't be here.

That said, I do think Dana and Rampage can 'hug it out' and get his fight with Rashad someday. God knows the world would be a better place if Rashad got his head smashed again, especially if Rampage gets to be the one standing over him howling like a fucking wolf in celebration.

It really sounds like Rampage is an emotional guy, and in a way a smart man. If he can get some time off to make some good money, and let his body get back to 100%, and get Dana to pay a shit ton of money for him to return than he will have ended up the winner here, even if he ends up losing to Rashad.

salmonjunkie - 9-25-2009 at 07:44 PM

but didn't Rampage get hurt, and that that's the reason why he couldn't initially fight Evans?

I mean, I know it would just be postponed, and that maybe his movie thing keeps the postponment from happening.

As an MMA fan, I'm sad that Rampage and Sugar don't get to fight. I really wanted to see that happen.

LuckyLopez - 9-25-2009 at 09:13 PM

I can NOT call Rampage a dick at this stage for backing out of the fight. To do so is amazingly selfish and misguided. I mean, we're not talking about a musician backing out of a concert or something. We can't reasonably call someone wrong for decided that its not in his best health to get the shit kicked out of him.

If Rampage is using this as leverage to get more money... or if in 6 months time he signs for another fight? Ok, he's a dick. But if he actually IS retiring from the business, even if just for a short time that he'll change his mind about later... then who are we to call him wrong for that? If the guy can make a life for himself outside MMA then good for him. Sure it will be less entertaining for us fans most likely, but who cares about us? Its a man's health and life we're talking about. He really shouldn't HAVE to go through the rigors and dangers of fighting just to satisfy Evans, Dana, and the fans.

[Edited on 9-25-2009 by LuckyLopez]

blackdragon - 9-28-2009 at 03:14 PM

I'm not saying it from a "he owes me" perspective. I'm saying it from a "the contract was signed, they produced an entire season of a show to promote this fight, and they put it in his hometown, they gave him a guy he wanted to/felt he could beat" perspective.

Yes, fighting is more rough than a concert, but we're not talking about a guy turning down a fight. You can turn down fights all day long and I'll be the first one on your side. But when you make that commitment to the company and your opponent, then I think that's a dick move.

You can rationalize it all you want. I don't disagree with his decision. I don't think he owes me or any fan shit other than our money's worth when he does fight, but can you honestly say that a professional fighter being concerned about potentially getting his grill rearranged AFTER the fight was signed and all these concessions were made for him, isn't a dick move?

Help me out here Lucky. You know I love and regard your opinions pretty highly. I just don't see how this was, okay, let's not say dick, and go with unprofessional, at the very least?

BBMN - 9-28-2009 at 10:44 PM

From what I gather, Rampage and Evans never actually signed for the fight. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If this is correct, then it is well within his rights to say 'fuck it' and move on. At any rate, having your boss take care of you after mentally breaking down, and then having him give you a fight in your hometown, and then bailing is pretty fucked up. But hey, its not my body on the line so I can't judge. Jackson's body has been pretty fucked up and now he has Hollywood knocking... I can't say I'd do anything different.

nOOb - 9-28-2009 at 11:07 PM

Agreement or no agreement, the whole point of going on the Ultimate Fighter as a coach is with the understanding that you will be fighting the other head coach after the show finishes airing. That's been a standard since the Ortiz/Shamrock season: they're not justing building another star, but they're building hype for a future fight, too. If he wanted to do movies, he should have never done the Ultimate Fighter.

Gobshite - 9-30-2009 at 11:59 AM

Just read on 411 that on December 12th in Alabama there's an MMA card featuring DMX (the rapper), Butterbean and Tank Abbott. That's worth $10, right?

blackdragon - 9-30-2009 at 06:18 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
From what I gather, Rampage and Evans never actually signed for the fight. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If this is correct, then it is well within his rights to say 'fuck it' and move on. At any rate, having your boss take care of you after mentally breaking down, and then having him give you a fight in your hometown, and then bailing is pretty fucked up. But hey, its not my body on the line so I can't judge. Jackson's body has been pretty fucked up and now he has Hollywood knocking... I can't say I'd do anything different.

I think that's the problem. Right now, there are no confirmations from either Dana or Rampage that an actual contract was signed. Just that all the provisions were in place. As I said, Hollywood asks me to play a cult action hero, I'm pitying more fools than anyone ever has. But I still feel that if I made a committment than bailed even for a life changing opportunity, I'm being unprofessional. I hope I didn't sound like I was judging Rampage, because as I said in response to Lucky, he doesn't owe me anything except maybe a good performance when he's actually in the cage and even that's debateable.

I was more approaching it from the "if I'm Dana and I did all this for a guy and he fucks up months worth of promotion" I'm thinking he's a dick. It's like you filmed 12 episodes (or whatever the standard is these days) of a hit show, but instead of "in two weeks the season finale will shock you" it's "at some undetermined time in the near future, perhaps we may get around to that conclusion you were excited for. Maybe."

doctorb - 10-1-2009 at 05:44 PM

1) Rampage as BA makes me even more excited for the movie version of the greatest show ever made.

2) I've never been a huge follower of TUF, just watching for a few minutes when I happen to pass it, but this year I've been more apt to pay attention. Partly due to this thread, partly due to it being all heavyweights, partly due to some of the guys being experienced fighters already, and partly due to Kimbo.

Last week was bad enough with Wes looking like he was about to pass out 90 seconds in and the other, "in shape" guy not doing much better. This week was horrible. I can't figure out why the bothered to even advertise the fight let alone bill it as the biggest TUF fight ever. The best part was Dana saying it reminded him of letting his daughter pin him and punch him in the head. The fat guy's just letting gravity do the work of punching for him, and Kimbo was just laying there. I'm sure he was frustrated that he wasn't being hurt but couldn't move the mountain of fat on his temple, but if he'd have just kicked his legs around something might have happened. Or he sucks. I'm not sure, but I'm disappointed that he's out already, I'm disappointed in the last 2 fights, even the first one wasn't much to watch but for all the blood. I don't know, it's losing me already.

Thom - 10-1-2009 at 06:05 PM

Doc, it's basic TUF. Let's face it - the reason these guys are on TUF is because they aren't good enough (yet) to be under contract with UFC. So, I'm not surprised to find that the fights aren't all that great. Also, it's still early in the process - although I don't really know how long they train before the first fight, or how much time really is between fights - so anyone who comes in not already fully conditioned and has to fight early on is likely to be winded.

And, to answer the question, yeah - Kimbo kinda sucks. At least at this stage on TUF. Also, Rampage really sucks as a coach. I'm not sure why they thought bringing him back was a good idea.

BBMN - 10-1-2009 at 09:00 PM

"Kimbo sucks..."

I don't think he sucks. I think his ground game is kinda weak though... then again, Nelson out weighed him, and capitalized by holding him down and tickling him into a TKO. Seriously WTF? I didn't get that stoppage. You have to defend yourself when you're taking damage, but it didn't look like he took any fucking damage. Laying on top and doing almost nothing shouldn't earn a victory. It was embarrassing to watch.

"Rampage sucks as a coach... why did they pick him"

Because he's occasionally hilarious and is a good foil to Evans. Rampage is a terrible coach, but he and the UFC don't care. Why on Earth did he send his top guy to fight a former champ in Nelson? Because he doesn't care apparently. Or is dumb. Or both. He just gets ratings so they went with him. But yea, "You gotta do something!!!" is fucking laughable coaching.

As for the guys not doing well in general... I'm not surprised at all. The biggest hurdle to heavy weights is going to be cardio. I've thought for ages that the heavyweights should have 4 minute rounds to keep shit lively, but it will never happen. They just need to train harder before showing up at the house. I could have beat up either guy last week if I was allowed to jump in after the first round. It was tough to watch, but not surprising. Being 250lbs and ripped is a handicap if your heart can't handle two 5 minute rounds, let alone three or even five rounds.

nOOb - 10-1-2009 at 10:07 PM

Rashad picked Kimbo to go against Nelson.

Also, that's all MMA rules where, if you remain inactive on the ground while your opponent is offensively active, they end the fight. I watched a friend of mine win his only MMA fight by taking down a much more experienced fighter, catching him in a position that allowed him to pin down his arms with his knees, and then rain down punches that were a little weaker than what Roy Nelson threw last night. It was even to the point where the the guy on the bottom started to laugh at the futility of the punches right before the ref stopped the fight and gave him the loss.

It's one of those rules that is enforced to keep fighters from getting head injuries, but sometimes has problems like these.

blackdragon - 10-1-2009 at 10:29 PM

The stoppage in of itself may sound lame and it probably sucks to have TKO loss instead of Decision, but how boring would a fight be if the guy litterally trapped the guy from the first minute in a crucifix and the bottom guy didn't do anything to advance his position? Imagine watching Roy do that for three more minutes because the moment he stops tickling Kimbo it gets stood up.

I fell for the hype. I've been reading all these blogs with snippets of "I respect Kimbo" this and "It was one of my best fights" that and I expect a war with the occassional take down in Roy's favor with a real finish.

Thom - 10-2-2009 at 04:44 PM

BBMN apparently missed the statement after the "Kimbo sucks" part that he misquoted.

At this point of what we see on TUF, Kimbo kinda sucks. He has good boxing, OK (only OK) take-down defense, and nothing else.

I'm sure that as of now - real time - he's a better fighter.

blackdragon - 10-2-2009 at 07:56 PM

The thing that gets me about the "horrible" ground game remarks people have been harping on around the net is that they discredit Roy Nelson a bit. Yes Kimbo's ground game leaves a lot to be desired, but remember Abe from Wk1? He got taken down at will for three rounds. Kimbo stopped a few of Roy's, who least we forget is a Gracie Black Belt. You don't get one of those from your strip mall BJJ school. This guy has beaten Frank Mir, one of the consensus HW BJJ guys right up there with Big Nog. As someone elsewhere pointed out, he would have made your Kongos, Cro Cops, and Al Turks look just as bad from top mount.

Not to make excuses for Kimbo, but I've rolled with at least a dozen guys (from white to purple belt) and even with me being anywhere from 20 - 60 lbs heavier than me, I've gotten tired trying to buck and sweep them. I can only imagine that Kimbo must have damn near died having a black belt with 35 lbs weight advantage sitting on him. And that's after probably exerting a lot of energy trying to keep him against the cage with those punches.

Had this been against James Thompson, yeah, throw Kimbo under the bus. But I guarantee you, Kimbo of Today would have either a)never gotten taken down by Thompson, or b) that little cage sweep would have worked and he woudl have had top control.

nOOb - 10-2-2009 at 08:00 PM

Two articles for the price of one. First, my guarantees both paid off, since Kimbo/Roy was a ratings monster. But second, Roy Nelson seems intent on throwing away his UFC chances and may not have won the competition

Basically the summaries are simple:

1) Kimbo/Roy Nelson got 6.1 million viewers, blowing away virtually anything Spike TV has ever shown on its network.
2) Roy Nelson believes the fight against Kimbo may have been a bit geared towards not making Kimbo look bad, since he believes, had it been anyone else, they would have stopped the fight in the first round. He goes so far as to call Herb Dean a horrible ref and insinuate Dana may have threatened Herb's job had he stopped it early.

LuckyLopez - 10-4-2009 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by blackdragon
You can rationalize it all you want. I don't disagree with his decision. I don't think he owes me or any fan shit other than our money's worth when he does fight, but can you honestly say that a professional fighter being concerned about potentially getting his grill rearranged AFTER the fight was signed and all these concessions were made for him, isn't a dick move?

Help me out here Lucky. You know I love and regard your opinions pretty highly. I just don't see how this was, okay, let's not say dick, and go with unprofessional, at the very least?

Sorry about not responding to this, bd. I got busy and then I was avoiding MMA threads until I could watch TUF. Didn't mean to ignore you.

I think its really simple. Do I understand the logic of "he signed a contract and backing out of that is unprofessional"? Yes, of course. Assuming he signed a contract I suppose he was unprofessional. But I believe the context matters. If I agree to take a job but then tragedy strikes my family and I'm forced to leave it am I being unprofessional? Perhaps. But do I have a GOOD reason for doing so? Absolutely. This may not comfort the company who needs to deal with me pulling out or the customer who now has to find a new way to get what they need, but ultimately while I try to give 2 weeks notice and be professional and all that sometimes that's simply not possible or in the best interest of the individual. And ultimately I'm happy to concede that an individual's life, health, sanity, or what have you is more valuable than professionalism or the short term damage to a company.

So ultimately I have no problem with ANY fighter pulling out of a contracted fight at almost ANY time. As long his reasons are "This is fucking dangerous and I don't want to do it" then I'm more than happy to put his health above the promotion or even the fans who already dropped money on a ticket. Does it blow if you spent money to see a big fight that now won't happen? Absolutely. Is it damaging if you are a promoter left with wasted money and no main event? Of course. But ultimately I don't believe either is bad enough to warrant the guy just fighting against his better judgment purely to be professional.

You're professional when it makes sense and it doesn't hurt you. If getting the better job demands you can't give 2 weeks notice, then so be it. If the real life situation that takes you from work doesn't allow you to slowly transition out, then that's life. If professionalism demands a genuine risk to your health, sanity, sobriety, or whatever then I'm willing to just give it to you. All of those things are more important than the business.

And again, this is all based on the idea that Rampage is being honest about this being about his health and livelihood. If he signs back on with UFC in 2 weeks for more money or just does a fight with someone else that makes more sense for him than he's a dick. But as long as this really was a decision to at least temporarily walk away from MMA for his health then I simply wish him the best.

It should probably be realized that this comes back to my basic belief that every single wrestler, MMA fighter, boxer, football player, or what have you is basically psychotic and would be better off retiring today. And while I'd miss all those things I suspect I'd basically realize it was for the best.

EDIT: Also, I fucking HATE heavyweight fights and unless someone can tell me that it will probably get better I do believe I'm done with TUF for this season. I understand that there's a reason these guys are in the house and the fights aren't going to be the best. But they were better than THIS in past seasons and there was always the reality of a few guys who really were the best of the bunch who you'd want to see fight or match up against each other. Its like watching prospects. You know they're going to struggle and you know they might fail. The fun is watching them develop and discovering new stuff about them. But sometimes the prospects just suck and are absolutely no fun to watch. And a house of fat ass dudes who all resort to taking a guy down and doing NOTHING for 4 minutes just plain sucks.

[Edited on 10-4-2009 by LuckyLopez]

Gobshite - 10-5-2009 at 01:54 PM

I get the impression this season was supposed to be geared around a Kimbo Slice victory, feed him two guys, then he could fight Brock next year. His losing fluffed that up, but as Dana said "you never know, there might be an opportunity further down the line for Kimbo to come back".

Cue the closing trailer for "Next week"... which has a guy passing out and having dizzy spells, and the teased 'return' of Kimbo. That lasted as long as Nash's retirement...

folby - 10-5-2009 at 03:15 PM

knowing what we know about kimbo the idea that he could beat two consecutive middling heavyweights is a pretty tenuous bet

nOOb - 10-5-2009 at 05:33 PM

I'm not sure if this season was so much to hype Kimbo as much as it is to restock the heavyweight division. I mean, the UFC game kinda highlighted its weak point: you have Noguera, you have Mir, and you have Velasquez, but then what? They didn't have Carwin in the game, but that's about it. The other heavyweights in the UFC game were Mirko Cro Cop (not going to be in contention anytime soon), Fabricio Verdum (not in the UFC), and Justin McCully and Eddie Sanchez (journeyman gatekeepers).

Hell, even outside the UFC, you have Fedor and Brett Rogers as the only legitimately good heavy's, and then you have Alistair Overeem (who I don't think could stand up to the big names), Josh Barnett (who I think was overhyped so he could seem like a legit threat to Fedor), and Bobby Lashley (who hasn't really shown anything).

I think Kimbo was brought in to bring in the viewers so that they could become familiar with a Wes Sims, a Roy Nelson, a Brendan Schaub, or a Demico Rogers. That's not to say Kimbo won't become a big part of the heavyweight division as well: as long as he keeps training, he could be a contender in the future. But since he probably won't win, the next best step is to make the rest of the guys bigger names so that the UFC gets a heavyweight division that people will want to see if for no other reason than name familiarity.

LuckyLopez - 10-6-2009 at 04:30 AM

Yeah. Dana's smarter than that. Kimbo was clearly the draw. He's what got me watching after a few seasons not. He was all over the ads and was the big surprise for the coaches. But obviously while I'm sure the ideal would be for him to win and become marketable he's still serving his purpose if he loses. Then the goal is that you stick around anyway and a few of the other guys make names for themselves or show something.

I just know I've seen 2 horrible fights and every time I say it to a MMA fan he says "Heavyweights" giving me zero hope it will improve. Which doesn't give me much reason to keep watching. But I'm sure there's plenty of much bigger MMA fans who will watch and ideally for UFC a few guys will stand out and become marketable.

BBMN - 10-7-2009 at 04:37 PM

Damn. Brett Rogers might be in over his head.

nOOb - 10-7-2009 at 06:25 PM

Yeah, but keep this in mind:

And the fact that Roger beat Arlovski standing up, the fact that Arlovski controlled Fedor while standing up, and the fact Rogers beat Arlovski faster than Fedor. Rogers is probably going to come into this fight as a huge underdog, deal with a lot of Fedor hype, and more than likely shock the world.

folby - 10-7-2009 at 11:54 PM

the fact that Arlovski controlled Fedor while standing up
this is a dirty fucking lie propagated by nattering nabobs of no-nothingism. in all seriousness, watch the fight again.

BBMN - 10-8-2009 at 03:55 AM

Yea... if you watch the match in slow mo (I just re-did that) you notice that pretty much all of AA's punches are just glancing at best. Fedor does this little parry with his left hand that most people miss because its so fast and subtle. Seriously AA did nothing of note except for the single front kick to the belly, which of course preceded him getting KTFO. Fedor is dangerous whether on the offensive or the defensive... just cause he back peddled as AA move forward doesn't mean AA controlled shit.

And Rogers' win showed me nothing except that he can swing hard. Not saying he's shit, I just have seen very little of him. I know every fighter can lose, but in this fight I just see Rogers having a puncher's chance... which is still a chance.

nOOb - 10-9-2009 at 12:32 AM

Effective or no, Fedor's significant offense was that hook that knocked Arlovski out in midair. Arlovski's offense may not have done damage, but judges don't get instant replay and have to score the fight as it goes. To the casual eye, Arlovski would have won the round if he had just kept doing what he was doing while Fedor continued his path. Obviously, Fedor still would have won without a decision, but the human factor would probably have won Arlovski that singular round.

Gobshite - 10-9-2009 at 01:27 PM

well, while still posting impressive numbers, TUF is back down to 2.2 this week.

More importantly right now though, Mark Coleman is now out of UFC106 and is being replaced by Forrest Griffin. A Huge match for both men, this should help the buy rates an awful lot. Forrest is already on a 2 loss streak, and Tito's coming back from a long break. I just hope they can go like they did a few years ago!

Thom - 10-9-2009 at 04:33 PM

I think we all know the real reason Rampage has called it quits - his team really does go 0-8.

If I were on his team, after his (non)actions after the fight, I think I'd go to Dana White and ask for a new coach.

folby - 10-25-2009 at 03:49 PM


What an infuriating decision. I got talked into Shogun having a chance and so I totally got all WAR SHOGUN with the people I was watching the PPV with. After the first round we were all a bit shocked and by the third I was going "GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS" By the end I was kind of flipping out and then they laid me down low with that fucking decision. I was furious. I want to rewatch the fight because I cannot believe they saw that fight for Machida.

BBMN - 10-25-2009 at 05:01 PM

Worst Decision Ever.

He out struck a guy that nobody can seemingly touch. He fucking won that by a mile.

Gunner12 - 10-26-2009 at 06:48 AM

The fight I'm most looking forward to is Mark Hominick vs Jorge Gurgel and of course Anderson Silva vs Chris Leben. Bonnar didn't impress me versus Keith Jardine(I think he lost actually), and Evans is a one trick pony who had his hands full with Sammy Hogar. Jonathan Goulet is looking to avenge his 11 second loss to Bang Ludwig on UFN3.



dossier surendettement

nOOb - 10-26-2009 at 06:05 PM


BBMN - 10-26-2009 at 10:35 PM

I think he meant to say, "Click on my sig so you can learn about getting out of debt... in French."

nOOb - 10-26-2009 at 11:39 PM

Anyways...on to relevant news:

I now have 33% less MMA I care to watch in November, cause Lesnar is out with what could very possibly be the Swine Flu.

Thankfully, the UFC AND Strikeforce have overloaded November with MMA, what with Fedor/Rogers on CBS next weekend, followed up by Couture/Vera and more on Spike a week or so later. Still, kinda sucks, cause I wanted to see Lesnar and Carwin, and can't really talk myself into buying a PPV solely based on Forest Griffin and Tito Ortiz.

Biff_Manly - 10-27-2009 at 01:04 AM

I just watched the Machida/Rua fight. Say what you want but I don't think Rua won. I don't think Machida won either.

Shogun hung in there with a Machida who looked gassed from the first round. Shogun kicked Machida's legs sore. Machida wasn't in legitimate trouble once in the fight.

If you don't beat the champ I don't think you should get the belt. Rua fought the last round like he had won the fight already just walking through it.

The rematch should be f'n outrageous.

So Lesnar has Swine Flu?

Insert Sable jokes here:

BBMN - 10-27-2009 at 03:24 AM

Yea... I too am going with Shogun on this.

There is still no reputable source who supports the Machida victory.
Only Josh Thomson, via Twitter, defended and agreed with the Machida decision.


FOR RUA: 35 (28 writers, 12 fighters, 1 Joe Rogan)

FightMetric: 49-47 Rua
CompuStrike: Rua outlanded Machida 89-50 in Total Strikes landed including 73 Leg Strikes landed. Rua dominated the fight and did just about everything he needed to do to beat the undefeated Machida, including outlanding Machida in every round, but apparently it wasn't enough for the judges.
Yahoo Sports / Cagewriter: 48-47 Rua
Joe Rogan: "I thought Shogun won."
BloodyElbow : 48-47 Rua
USAToday: 48-47 Rua, 49-46 Rua
Savage Science: 49-46 Rua
ESPN / Jake Rossen: 49-46 or 48-47 Rua
MMA Fanhouse / Michael David Smith: 48-47 Rua 48-47 Rua
CagePotato: 49-46 Rua
Fightline (thanks karatelarusso): 49-46 Rua
MMATorch : 48-47 Rua
MMAJunkie : 49-46 or 48-47 Rua
MMAMania : 50-45 Rua
Slam Sports: Rua ("For all intents and purposes, the �Machida era� should have come to a screeching halt last night.")
5 Ounces of Pain : Rua (no score given)
Fightlinker : Rua (no score given)
MMAConvert: Rua ("Machida was given a gift")
ProMMA.Info: 50-45 Rua
Jordan Breen -- 48-47 Rua
Brian Knapp -- 48-47 Rua
Mike Fridley -- 50-45 Rua
Sports Illustrated (thanks jamers):
Ben Fowlkes - Rua ("They say you have to clearly beat the champion if you want to take his belt. Mauricio "Shogun" Rua seemed to have done just that at UFC 104 on Saturday night, but the mere fact that UFC light heavyweight champ Lyoto Machida was still conscious at the end was apparently enough for the judges to give him the victory")
Detroit Free Press: 49-46 Rua
Baltimore Sun: 49-46 Rua
CBS Sports / Denny Burkholder: 49-46 Rua
Joss Gross: 48-47 Rua
MMARising / Robert Sargeant (thanks TheEnigma): 49-46
Loretta Hunt (thanks On Letting Go): Rua ("I am very disappointed in the decision. Very upsetting. The sport owes Mauricio "Shogun" Rua a big apology.")
Joe Lauzon: "This is why... You NEVER leave it to the judges, when you finish your opponent, you don't need to worry about judges!"
Shane Carwin: "great night of fights. further proof you have to finish as the judges just can't score MMA"
Frank Trigg: "he [Shogun] got robbed, was looking 4 don king"
Roy Nelson: "I just lost $5 on shogun, I am mad, shogun won 4 rounds to 1"
Kenny Florian: "I love Machida but Shogun won that fight!!"
Efrain Escudero "I'm sorry but shogun won that fight easy"
Rumble Johnson: Rua
Joe Stevenson: Rua
Jorge Gurgel/]: "Wow. I was cheering for Machida, but believe Shogun just got robbed... That is the very worst feeling in the world. Suck,"
Brendan Schaub: "Shogun won that fight."
Denis Kang: "Shogun got robbed last night IMO."
Joe Doerkson: "Shogun won four rounds out of five ... I am disgusted."
(thanks to Aertz, JRide & karatelarusso for fighters)


Anderson Silva... (lol)
Josh Thomson: 48-47 Machida ("Watch the dam fight again. Machida won 3rnds an shogun won the last 2. Shogun did get rocked an mayb u cldnt see it as well on tv.")
+ a couple guys with too many accounts on sherdog.


please note, we all know dana white supported a shogun victory, but i won't be adding him to the list because there are plenty of people who can argue that dana's got an agenda or something. trying to keep all sources as uncontroversial as possible. winner by a landslide: shogun.
Last edited by dystemper; 10-26-2009 at 02:03 PM.

Gobshite - 10-27-2009 at 04:33 PM

Am I the only one who sees a conspiracy in Lesnar's 'illness'?

He was due to defend the title at something like UFC 98, and then got moved to their biggest show ever and popped a huge buyrate for them.

Now he's due to fight in November, but has 'flu', and will magically be able to fight just in time for their biggest card of the year at their end of year / start of year show.

We know this show usually does well, and that Lesnar draws well. With UFC 106 going up against some good competition in November (isn't it survivor series weekend too?), Lesnar is magically removed from the scene and instead placed in a position that to me, from a buyrate perspective, benefits the UFC?

nOOb - 10-27-2009 at 05:42 PM

WWE isn't "strong competition", though. UFC has outsold WWE PPV's every step of the way. If they really wanted to bolster a card, the November card needs bolstering. Right now, the two televised fights advertised for it are Forest Griffin/Tito Ortiz and Karo Parisyan/Dustin Hazlett, with fights from Ben Saunders, Amir Saddolah, Kendall Grove, and Brock Larson as the only fights that really can be moved to the PPV portion of the card.

Gobshite - 10-29-2009 at 03:01 PM

Well I caught up with TUF last night (episode 6). Rampage is the worst coach EVER. He must have said 'titties' 127 times. I really hope he goes 8-0.

Why are all the losers still in the house? Why is it assumed that if a member of Rampage's team can't fight, Kimbo is automatically in? There are two guys left. One guy gets his eye cut, the other untested dude should step in - NOT the 3rd guy to get eliminated.

I also preferred the challenges from season 1 to determine who picked the fight. Bring that back.

Thom - 10-29-2009 at 05:27 PM

You guys are a week behind in England? Last night was Episode 7 here.

Without spoiling too much for you, Jackson and Mtirione both reinforced their utter and complete douchebagginess in ep-7.

eta: I didn't realize until today that Brendan Schaub was doing a blog over at MMAJunkie. He's got a somewhat interesting take on Mitrione that paints him a bit less of a douchebag. Meh, I still don't really care for him (Matt), though.

[Edited on 10/29/09 by Thom]

GatorBait - 10-29-2009 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
I just watched the Machida/Rua fight. Say what you want but I don't think Rua won. I don't think Machida won either.

Shogun hung in there with a Machida who looked gassed from the first round. Shogun kicked Machida's legs sore. Machida wasn't in legitimate trouble once in the fight.

If you don't beat the champ I don't think you should get the belt. Rua fought the last round like he had won the fight already just walking through it.

The rematch should be f'n outrageous.


I think a lot of people who watched the broadcast probably had their take on the fight at least slightly influenced by Goldberg's & Rogan's commentary. If any of you get the chance to catch a replay of the fight with the sound off, it's much clearer that this match was a total toss up from a judging standpoint. And I think Cecil Peoples defended his judgment quite well.

I also think that a lot of people who were "outraged" by the decision felt that way because it was the first time (other than the end of the Ortiz match) that Machida has looked even remotely vulnerable, and that's a huge "win" for Shogun as is, even if he didn't get the decision.

nOOb - 10-29-2009 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
Well I caught up with TUF last night (episode 6). Rampage is the worst coach EVER. He must have said 'titties' 127 times. I really hope he goes 8-0.

I'll take it a step further and say Wolfslair isn't really worth a crap in developing fighters. Case in point, look at their two current UFC guys. Michael Bisping has looked terrific against the crappy scrub guys they fed him, but against Matt Hammil, an above-average fighter, and Dan Henderson, a legend, he's looked weak. And Rampage, since moving to Wolfslair for his training, has managed to beat a Wanderlei Silva far past his prime by abandoning any ground game and just throwing bombs, and going to distance against Keith Jardine in a dull match.

I mean I know they're heavyweights and get gassed easy (see: last night; second fight of the season), but at least Rashad is using a gameplan. Then again, the coaching staff he's going against also includes Greg Jackson, so maybe it's a no-contest.

Gobshite - 11-2-2009 at 12:55 PM

Is Spike a week ahead of the UK? Saturdays show here was the last but one prelim fight (Ex-UFC guy Scott Junk vs Crazy dude that talks to 'his wife' in his head - Matt?).

Man that fight was crap. Junk looked like he was going to get knocked out the entire fight and ended up the mat far too easily. No wonder he was let go.

Rampage wouldn't have done that to a real door. Corrugated Cardboard shit.

Yeah, the training team in general seem to be lame. Rampage really was more concerned about a stupid picture than he was developing his guys. I dare say Rashad held back on using matt to give him mroe time to train and improve, shoulder injury or not.

These guys do seem like a bunch of knobs to be fair. I hope that after the prelims they kick team rampage out the house and focus more on the fighting. This year (may have been this way for a while) they seem to focus a bit too much on making it 'reality tv friendly' (see Ninja Nonsense) and less about the competition. Show them training, and improving their game. Even Tough Enough in its forst few seasons showed training sessions in a better light.

GatorBait - 11-2-2009 at 03:40 PM

Most of the fights thus far have been incredible suckfests. Either horribly 1-sided or obviously out-of-shape guys getting jelly-armed halfway through the first round (like the Mitrione/Junk fight).

About the only fight I've really enjoyed was Kimbo vs. Big Country. I'm sure it was partially due to the hype, but I also think they're probably 2 of the better conditioned guys on the show. And making that statement about Big Country should be a joke.

I am really excited to finally see Big Baby fight, though.

Thom - 11-2-2009 at 03:53 PM

OK - apparently Spike is only a few days ahead of whatever shows it over in the UK. That episode was first-run Wednesday, here.

I find myself in a bit of a predicament. I really want to see"Team" Rampage go 0-8, but I also want Marcus to win. Not that I particularly dislike anyone from Team Rampage, but I can't fucking stand Jackson, now.

blackdragon - 11-2-2009 at 09:47 PM

I'm with Thom, I want to see the sweep, but Big Baby is such a great guy you want to see him win his fight.

I don't know, maybe the bar was just too low, but the first few minutes of Mitrione wailing on Junk had my attention. And what's with Junk's pathetic takedown attempts? Reminded me of me when I got knocked loopy in my last fight and instant dove at the first thing that looked like a leg.

No love for Wes Sims in a gi and going all Ninja on Mitrione? That shit was hilarious.

Thom - 11-2-2009 at 10:11 PM

Yeah, I enjoyed that from Sims. My wife doesn't care for him much, though. She doesn't like that he's always joking, and not taking too much seriously. But, I figure, if Sims can't get out of the first round, he can at least get me to laugh. And it's better than watching a douchebag like Junie Browning (sp?) cause trouble just because he's a dick.

GatorBait - 11-4-2009 at 08:09 PM

Anybody wanna weigh in on their thoughts of Brett Rogers' chances Saturday against Fedor?

I'd say he's got the ever-present "puncher's shot", but that's about it. And I'm not even a huge Fedor fan.

blackdragon - 11-4-2009 at 09:39 PM

You know, if I wasn't on-line so much, I'd just kick back and watch two relatively unknown heavies go at it. But since I'm not, I'm rooting for Rogers to shatter the myth. Will he? Hard to say. Can he? Yes. Anyone can fall to a good punch. Despite the Rogers haters on other boards, I don't think Rogers will make the Fujita mistake where you rock Fedor, but fail to follow up. You know he's expected Fedor to throw hands so he won't wait around like Tim Sylvia did. He's not going to do something stupid like attempt a flying knee ala Arvlosky. His ground game is untested, but I hate when people use that as his "weakness" Until it's tested, how do you know it's a weakness? You rarely see Anderson Silva go to the ground, but he's a BJJ black belt and has choked out Dan Henderson who people said had a superior ground game.

I don't know, I like Rogers, and I'll be the crazy one and say I like his chances. If he throws a flurry like he did against Arvlosky, I think he takes it. Fedor's best chance is to get it to the ground and try something before Rogers sees it coming. I saw the Fight Camp. Rogers has seen where the arm bars can come from and unless he gasses, I see him defending well enough to get back to his feet.

Either way, I don't see this fight going past the middle of Rd 2. Either Rogers KOs him at th end of the first/beginning of 2nd or Fedor KOs him in the first or subs him in the second. I lean towards Rogers by INTERNET EXPLODER PUNCH and he takes his place as the new MMA GOD!

GatorBait - 11-4-2009 at 09:45 PM

I'm rooting right there with ya, bd. I just re-watched the Arlovski fight, and Rogers correctly threw his flurry THROUGH Arlovski's head. Brutal.

And I watched a couple more fights, too. Rogers doesn't get taken down easily, at all, and when he rarely does, he gets right back to his feet. Could limit Fedor a bit, but Fedor is a fucking master of the transition.

I'm going to agree with your assessment of how things will go down, and I too will be rooting for a Buster Douglas moment out of Rogers.

The "wild card" here will be the cage. If I'm not mistaken, this will be Fedor's first fight inside one.

nOOb - 11-4-2009 at 11:22 PM

It is indeed his first. And count me on the Brett Rogers fanwagon for this weekend. I don't dislike Fedor, but watching him lose a fight on national TV is a big "Fuck You" to M-1 and their extremely insane management style, as well as the countless "know-it-all" internet fanboys who consider Fedor to be their one true god and call Brock a joke because he's a former fake wrestler. The amount of virgin blood that will be spilt Saturday night from Fedor-loss-induced Hara Kiri could bring about the end of the world.

Gobshite - 11-5-2009 at 12:28 PM

I want Fedor to lose, just because his demands were so ridiculous to join the UFC, it'd be nice if someone shows him up as not being worthy anyway.

Speaking of Heavy's, Lesnar has mono, not swine flu. He's out of UFC 108, with no new date scheduled.

BBMN - 11-5-2009 at 07:22 PM

Fedor's demands? As far as I've heard, he doesn't make demands, his people do. Its weird but nobody has ever really come up with a good reason as to why his agents would sign with anyone other than UFC, given that UFC surely has more money to offer. Its sucks for me as a fan that just wants to see him in the UFC, but hey, I wasn't at the contract negotiations, so I can't bash him over shit I don't truly understand. And as far as rejecting the $30 million offer, he and his people claim it was never even on the table.

If you want Rogers to win, I can get that. But wanting Fedor to lose over reasons that you probably (and face it, none of us) really understand is silly.

As for wanting to see him lose because of all of his hype... there's a reason why he's held in high regard, and its not imaginary. He's a fucking wrecking machine and has never been submitted, TKO'd, KO'd, or lost a decision. And no, a cut from an illegal elbow isn't a legit TKO. He's human and can lose, but he hasn't thus far, hence the fan base he has. It just bothers me when people make it sound as if he's more hype, than substance, given his performances. I personally admire his cold personality. Dude doesn't even make a face when he's punching someone as hard as he can... just an empty robot like expression like a Terminator.

At any rate, I can't wait for this fight!

Bonus Picture!!!1

GatorBait - 11-5-2009 at 07:37 PM

Yeah, I think all that negotiating with the UFC going through "Fedor's people" is what has really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

If they absolutely 100% have to have the M-1 co-promotion, then so be it. I understand they're wanting to grow as a company, too. But Dana didn't bend on that, and he shouldn't have. If it was purely about dollars and cents, I think the UFC would've given him just about whatever he wanted because they'd quickly recoup it from Fedor/Lesnar and Fedor/Couture matches.

But it's how the negotiating went down that's bothersome. It really didn't seem like Fedor had any say in the matter. I understand fighters having agents to negotiate deals and stuff, but Fedor was portrayed as a complete puppet in the whole fiasco. I'm wondering if he sold his soul to the Russian mafia years ago.

I also hope Strikeforce has a solid showing on Saturday. They have 4 intriguing matchups on the main card, and I hope this can help push MMA as a credible mainstream sport (although Mayhem's entrance probably won't help that matter much). They will quickly run out of heavyweight contenders for Fedor, though. They've likely got Werdum and Overeem (provided he can pass any American drug tests). As much as I'd love to see Overeem/Fedor, that's not very deep, at all.

folby - 11-6-2009 at 01:56 AM

I love Fedor more than most but I've come to the conclusion that he isn't interested in fighting in a cage where it's legal to use elbows. The man has delicate skin.

(also I'm open the possibility that he's scared of Brock)

Gobshite - 11-6-2009 at 10:16 AM

Well it seems that Affliction may have a lawsuit on its hands, as M1 and Fedor are suing them


The complaint alleges that Strikeforce, Affliction, and M-1 reached an agreement with M-1 to allow Brett Rogers to fight Fedor Emelianenko at Affliction: Trilogy. But at the time, it was unknown to Fedor and M-1 that Affliction was working on a renewed deal with the UFC that would force Affliction out of the MMA business.

So maybe M1 are just trying to protect themselves, or thought that because UFC had just screwed them over, they'd pay anything to get Fedor into the cage?

If ever there was going to be a MMA match that could draw 2 million buys, it'd be Fedor vs Brock. Too bad it won't happen for a while.

As for this fight - I don't hate Fedor, although I do think its weird how UFC have managed to get everyone else in, including solving Couture's issues, but couldn't get Fedor in. Maybe he really is in the Russian Mafia!

GatorBait - 11-6-2009 at 02:10 PM

Hendo to Strikeforce?

CHICAGO � Dan Henderson, the power-punching ex-two division PRIDE champion, will be at the Sears Centre on Saturday for the Strikeforce mixed martial arts card that will air on CBS.

Whether he will have a signed Strikeforce contract when he appears to work the corner of Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou is another matter entirely.

A source close to the situation told Yahoo! Sports on Monday that Henderson had signed with Strikeforce, spurning the Ultimate Fighting Championship, for whom he has fought since 2007. Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker on Tuesday admitted to having talks with Henderson, but denied he has been signed.

Enter into the fray UFC president Dana White, who had been personally involved in the negotiations with Henderson.

White said Wednesday, �I guarantee you 1,000 percent that Dan Henderson is signed by Strikeforce.�

Appraised of White�s stance after Wednesday�s news conference to promote Saturday�s card featuring a heavyweight bout between Fedor Emelianenko and Brett Rogers, Coker grinned wanly.

�Honestly, I got a call from Dan�s management a couple of days ago telling me Dan had turned down the UFC�s offer,� Coker said. �I guess the UFC made an offer and put a deadline on it. They turned it down and were calling to talk to me, but I told him I have this huge fight and there�s a tremendous amount going on and I couldn�t really deal with it at this point.�

Henderson, 39, remains one of the world�s top middleweights, though he also can fight at light heavyweight. He is 25-7 overall and 5-2 in the UFC, and is coming off a one-punch knockout of Michael Bisping at UFC 100 on July 11 in Las Vegas.

White said he wanted to re-sign Henderson, but not at the price Henderson proposed. Henderson had been in the mix to fight UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva. White said he had no hard feelings toward Henderson.

�Dan and I have been friends and we will continue to be friends, but it just didn�t work out and he went to Strikeforce,� White said.

Coker conceded he�d love to have Henderson under contract, but said White�s information is incorrect.

�Everyone who watches MMA knows the kind of fighter Dan Henderson is,� Coker said. �He�s a tough, aggressive, fun guy to watch. Who wouldn�t want a guy like that? Of course we do, and that�s why we�ve spoken with them.

�Honestly, though, we don�t have a deal with him yet. I�ve been up to my eyeballs working on this fight and I just haven�t had time to deal with that yet.�

blackdragon - 11-6-2009 at 06:22 PM

I think part of it is that I do hate the hype (as well deserved as it is) around Fedor, but mostly, I just like Rogers more. He's just this big black guy that throws bombs and as much as I love the technical side of fighting (it's why I work harder on my ground transitions and setting up combos in striking instead of focusing on knockout slams/punches) I can get behind a Clubber Lang.

All due respect to Fedor, I just want to see him against a guy that projects the sort of aura that Rogers does. Tim Sylvia looked like he knew he was going to lose.

GatorBait - 11-6-2009 at 06:35 PM

The sad part is that I can easily name 5 or 6 UFC guys who possess that same aura of "non-intimidation" who have a far better all-around skillset than Rogers.

BBMN - 11-6-2009 at 06:40 PM

Yea, I guess my comment was more directed at the attitude I see from some people on Sherdog. You mention everything Fedor has done and they say "you're drinking Kool Aid" as if he never beat the shit outta everyone he faced.

And I know little about Rogers, but I can see the allure... Giant black dude that throws bombs... I like it too. But not enough to displace my man-love for Fedor. I seriously get chills watching that highlight video of him that I posted about a page ago. Fucking wrecking machine.

And you're totally right about Tim vs Rogers... Tim looked like he knew it was over before it began. Rogers looks like he has a chance and he knows it. Then again being in good shape at 275lbs will do that to a man.

blackdragon - 11-6-2009 at 11:23 PM

Gator, point taken, but those guys aren't leaving the higher paying UFC for a fight with Fedor so all I have is Roger's aura to go with.

BBMN, I dig that you have a man crush on the guy that isn't pure lunacy. It's one thing to respect his skill and think it's highly unlikely he'll be beat. It's another thing entirely when people think if any fighter (including a Brock or Shane Carwin) so much as say "I think I can beat Fedor" they're delusional and will be destroyed and you're an idiot for thinking anyone can last longer than five minutes before getting arm barred because FEDOR IS GOD!"

I just want this fight over with. I'm rooting for Rogers, but I'm not deluded into believing he will definitely win. But I'm rooting for him like I did the Phillies. Either way, two more fights and the UFC heavies get their shot at Fedor. Book it.

Thom - 11-8-2009 at 05:09 AM

nOOb - 11-8-2009 at 05:29 AM

There's no one left outside the UFC to beat Fedor. Once he rolls through Verdum, Antonio Silva, and Alistair Overeem, that's it. But it may work out for Fedor because, after watching Fedor fight Rogers, I noticed the one thing that will prevent him from beating Brock Lesnar: size. Rogers is smaller than Brock, with this ground game, and he prevented Fedor from transitioning into armbars by simply using his weight. Throw Brock in that role, or even Shane Carwin, and you're dealing with a guy who can not just use his weight to prevent a transition, but has the skill and speed to reverse it into a full mount. And as you saw with that ten or so seconds of Brett Rogers pummeling Fedor from the mount, he's not completely invulnerable.

A good wrestler with big power and big size can beat Fedor. The UFC has two of them. But then again, there's always Bobby Lashley...

Biff_Manly - 11-8-2009 at 10:24 AM

Rogers walked into that cage with a plan of how to fight and a fear of Fedor.The fear was winning but then he seemed to snap out of it.

The problem is he didn't stick to the plan. The dude seemed to be waiting for Fedor to bring it to him instead of attacking. Fedor brought it Rogers and took his frakkin head off.

Rogers seemed to have the physical tools to win but he lost the mental game before he entered the cage in my opinion.

Or Fedor's Russian mob people had is family hostage.

BBMN - 11-8-2009 at 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Thom

I texted on of my friends "DAMN" after that fight. Jesus that was crazy. The most noteworthy part of the KO is how it was a mirror image of the Arloski KO. Fedor lowers his hands all the way for like a split second, like he's finding his happy place, and then drops that huge right with his entire body behind it. Fucking crazy.

Rogers seemed to have the physical tools to win but he lost the mental game before he entered the cage in my opinion.

I couldn't disagree more. He looked great and confident. Rogers nearly beat him and he was visible angry at the end for getting so close and not getting it. If they fight again I can see him winning it... Then again, Fedor commented that he was basically learning about his opponent for the opening round (as well as trying to survive). Perhaps he has the big guy figured out and would get a KO even faster in a rematch.

At any rate, it was a great fucking fight. Fedor has Ka-BOOM hands.

I take back the 'nearly beat him' statement about Rogers' performance. He did well, but he didn't nearly win that. I guess upon second and more importantly sober viewing I see that the ground and pound that Rogers delivered in the first round was impressive looking, but didn't do that much damage. Fedor really owned him in pretty much every aspect except getting ground and pounded for a few seconds. But Rogers did hurt him and did escape some submission attempts, so good for him. I hope he comes to the UFC... wanna see more of him. I think Gonzaga would be a good fight.

Also, Rogers was a bit dirty and is lucky he didn't get a point taken and a pull apart. He held the fence three times in a row in front of the ref, and not to keep his balance, but to keep Fedor pinned. He did it again in the next round too...

[Edited on 11-8-2009 by BBMN]

Thom - 11-9-2009 at 09:35 AM

One thing I took from this fight - Fedor lowered his head, going for the bomb, quite a bit. There were a few times that he opened himself up and seemed off-balance, but Rogers didn't take advantage of it - he looked like he was waiting for Fedor to recompose himself. I really think that, had Rogers realized it, he could have landed a huge KO uppercut on one of the occasions that Fedor missed on the bomb.

blackdragon - 11-9-2009 at 02:38 PM

All props to Fedor. Man has fuckin' TNT in his hands. I've never seen Rogers staggered before and Fedor dropped him like he found Rogers wiping his ass with his favorite sweater.

That fight had me pretty excited and damn I hate to admit it, but Fedor is probably the calmest guy in the game. He was bleeding from the opening minute and never got sloppy (for him, anyway, he always throwing those crazy looping, I must break you - haymakers.)

All in all, pretty nice night of fights. Silva and Werdum showed that all heavies don't gas two minutes and Werdum was throwing some nice knees that had me thinking Silva was a second away from going to sleep. Big Foot is one ugly, scaring looking dude. Why can't we have him on SmackDown instead of Khali?

Consider me surprised as hell that Sokudju lasted longer that Babalu against Mousasi. Still don't understand why the champ is fighting at his weight but not for the title, but we were having this discussion on another forum of how someone can not be worthy of a title shot but worthy to face the champ and it hurt my head.

Shields and Miller went about as well as I expected. It was kinda like a pro-wrestling match actually. The charismatic guy looked to be keeping the audience into the fight while the more technical guy seemed boring by comparision. Shields is lucky as hell that Miller locked that RNC in at the very last seconds of the round or it would have been lights out. But Shields called it and he's now the new Champ.

GatorBait - 11-9-2009 at 02:56 PM

Fedor always looks like he's off-balance when he throwing, though. He's a looping power-puncher, not a refined boxer. That's why I was pissed as hell that Arlovski went for that flying knee, because I think a "refined" boxer would pick him apart. Fedor's proven to have a rock-fucking-solid chin, though.

And I think Fedor WAS in trouble with that first round GnP (or maybe it was just me jumping out of my seat and throwing my hands in the air while it was going on). Eating a fist from the front and the canvas from the back 4 times successively isn't good for anybody. I think a couple more bombs from Rogers in that position and the fight was over. Either that, or Fedor really is a cyborg with a titanium skull. I wouldn't be shocked.

And Rogers said himself he wasn't intimidated at all before the fight, but he was once it started and he saw how calmly Fedor stalked him. His plan was to be the aggressor, but he was really thrown off when Fedor kept calmly pushing. I was pleasantly surprised with Rogers' ground game, though. I do believe he's a much more rounded fighter than people believe, we just haven't seen it, yet.

Other than a Rogers' rematch, I'm not too excited for any other potential challengers for Fedor. Werdum would get mauled in the standup. Bigfoot (while he did impress me for the first time in his career) would be dominated all-around. Overeem would stand the best chance if he keeps his striking disciplined (like Arlovski didn't), but I don't think he's got the self-control for that. So that being said, I'd be most excited for a Rogers' rematch.

And I really enjoyed the rest of the card, too. Werdum/Bigfoot was a very solid opener, even if Werdum did my LEAST favorite thing in laying on his back and trying to lure the other guy in way too much. Mousasi is just plain sick. I was also really impressed with Mayhem's all-around skills. Shields bores me mainly.

And we now know Kimbo's next opponent.

The pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together.

A long-rumored contest between UFC sluggers Houston Alexander (9-4 MMA, 2-3 UFC) and Kevin "Kimbo Slice" Ferguson (3-1 MMA, 0-0 WEC) will take place at The Ultimate Fighter 10 Finale on Dec. 5 in Las Vegas.

That explains why Alexander is applying for a license to fight with the Nevada State Athletic Commission, but what about the weight difference between "The Assassin" at 205 pounds and Slice as a heavyweight? The Times of Northwest Indiana has the answer.

Citing sources close to Alexander's camp, Matt Erickson is reporting not only confirmation that the bout will take place in Las Vegas rather than the previously rumored UFC 107 event in Memphis, Tenn., but also that the pair will meet at a catchweight of 215 pounds. ( has since verified the location of the bout but has been unable to get official word of the catchweight agreement.

Slice fought at 230 pounds when he met Roy Nelson on the third episode of "The Ultimate Fighter 10: Heavyweights." Following the loss, Slice told AOL FanHouse he'd be willing to try his hand at a light heavyweight contest, though he apparently hasn't made it all the way down to 205 pounds just yet.

Alexander seeks his first UFC win since September 2007. After earning devastating knockout victories over Alessio Sakara and Keith Jardine in his first two trips to the octagon, the Nebraska native has suffered three-straight UFC defeats. Alexander was allowed to take a fight outside of the UFC in September, earning a TKO win over Sherman Pendergarst under the Adrenaline MMA banner.

Slice, who recently joined American Top Team, seeks victory in his first UFC appearance. Despite being eliminated on "TUF 10" in a TKO loss to Nelson, the former streetfighting legend has shown the ability to garner huge ratings during his stint on the show and previous fights under the EliteXC banner.

The bout seems a lock for the evening's Spike TV-broadcast main card.

Featuring two heavy handed punchers who have shown little interest in ground attacks, the Alexander vs. Slice bout is the odds-on favorite for "Knockout of the Night," though either fighter could conceivably claim the prize.

doctorb - 11-9-2009 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by blackdragon
All props to Fedor. Man has fuckin' TNT in his hands. I've never seen Rogers staggered before and Fedor dropped him like he found Rogers wiping his ass with his favorite sweater.

That fight had me pretty excited and damn I hate to admit it, but Fedor is probably the calmest guy in the game. He was bleeding from the opening minute and never got sloppy (for him, anyway, he always throwing those crazy looping, I must break you - haymakers.)

And afterward, too. I'd never heard him speak before. His diminutive little voice, "I feel pretty good, I'd like to thank all of the orthodox people for praying for me." My wife was flipping channels and since we lost cable (until thursday) she couldn't find anything and this fight was just starting. She's saying over and over how horrible this is, he's bleeding so badly, his nose is broken, oh this is awful...holy crap, what a punch, he knocked that guy out cold!! Then she laughed at his interview.

blackdragon - 11-9-2009 at 06:03 PM

Gator brought up a good point. I really hope that shuts people up about Roger's ground game. When Fedor "arm bars are Us" gets swept, not just muscled, but textbook BJJ swept out of a kimura, this guy isn't exactly Kimbo Slice on the ground.

GatorBait - 11-9-2009 at 06:04 PM

And is it just me, or did Fedor look even pudgier than usual?

blackdragon - 11-9-2009 at 09:23 PM

Well, all that ice cream has to go somewhere....

GatorBait - 11-9-2009 at 10:09 PM

Speaking of size, I've been thinking for a long while now that MMA needs to break up the heavyweight weight class into 2 separate classes. Fedor is the rare exception of a fighter who can seem to handle the guys who walk around over 265 on a daily basis. No other weight class shows SUCH a drastic discrepancy in its fights than the heavyweights. Like we saw in the Kimbo/Big Country fight, size alone CAN win a fight for guys at that level.

The jump from 145 to 155 is 10lbs.

The jump from 155 to 170 is 15 lbs.

The jump from 170 to 185 is 15 lbs.

The jump from 185 to 205 is 20 lbs.

The jump from 205 to 265 is 60 lbs!!!

Why not split it at either 230 or 235? At least in the UFC you've got plenty of guys who could make this a very fun weight class. Couture, Nogueira, Kimbo, and Mir immediately come to mind as "smaller" heavyweights who would be logical candidates. And you could probably convince some of bigger 205's to move up, as well. Forrest, Vera, and Rampage immediately come to mind.

Thoughts on this? Are there too few quality guys closer to 265 to keep that weight class interesting if the extra class was to be added?

DevilSoprano - 11-9-2009 at 11:22 PM

The problem with the UFC heavyweights until recently was that it was its weakest division. Splitting it up would have been a disaster since they didn't even have a legit 205-265 decision, let alone enough to have a 205-230/235 and above divisions. Now, maybe they could, but I'm not still not positive its enough. The 185-205 division is a bit lacking at the moment and if you take the bigger guys and move them into a 205-235 division, who exactly is left in the 185-205 division? Evans, Silva?

For now, I think they're okay with what they have.

Gobshite - 11-10-2009 at 03:00 PM

The only other thing they could do would be to limit the HW's to 240lbs (at weigh in). How much does Brock weigh?

I see Fedor has a fair bit of damage to his hand again after the fight, and will be out for at least four months. That's gotta suck, but builds a sense of occasion around the 1-2 fights a year he does put in (although having written that, I realise that A LOT of guys only fight twice a year).

GatorBait - 11-10-2009 at 03:51 PM

Guys like Brock and Carwin already cut a lot of weight to make it to weigh-ins at 265. I believe Brock at least "walks around" closer to 300.

BBMN - 11-12-2009 at 04:49 PM

I was thinking during the Fedor/Rogers match that Fedor's biggest weakness is being smaller. I truly think if he fought Brock he'd be in deep shit, not because Brock is some god, but because Brock would be the most athletic man he's fought that was much larger than himself.

I wouldn't mind seeing another class at 230, but understand that its not gonna happen soon if ever, since there's just not that many heavyweights to start with.

GatorBait - 11-12-2009 at 06:21 PM

Well, there are PLENTY of heavyweights out there. Only a few who are worth half a shit, though.

And I'm calling Vera over Couture by 2nd round Muay Thai knee to the skull as Couture tries to work in some dirty boxing on Saturday.

Thom - 11-12-2009 at 07:03 PM

i just noticed something I find very funny...

This Saturday, it's Brandon Vera vs. Randy Couture at UFC 105.

Next Friday, it's Kerry Vera vs. Kim Couture at StrikeForce Challengers.

Each husband/wife* team going against each other? Huh...

*Well, the Coutures are still technically husband and wife, right?

eta: MMA schedule LINKY

[Edited on 11/12/09 by Thom]

blackdragon - 11-12-2009 at 07:36 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
Guys like Brock and Carwin already cut a lot of weight to make it to weigh-ins at 265. I believe Brock at least "walks around" closer to 300.

I read that Carwin rarely walks around over 260 and has come into fights as small as 250.

I'm not a fan of a crusierweight division for the simple fact that it leaves Brock and maybe Oversteem as the only true Heavies that don't look like there training regiment is to see how many six packs they can curl.

Maybe 5-10 years from now when guys that would be playing linemen in the NFL decide they want to fight, go for it.

Right now, Brock is an anomaly. Carwin is smaller than him and he's the next biggest heavy on the roster. Every other heavy, include Velasquez and Dos Santos, routinely fight at 230/240 as it is.

Any divide the Brock couldn't cut to (say below 250) wipes out any match ups for Brock outside of you Hong Man Chois and Gran Mcgees and Butterbeans and you know Dana ain't having none of that shit in his UFC.

GatorBait - 11-12-2009 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Thom
i just noticed something I find very funny...

This Saturday, it's Brandon Vera vs. Randy Couture at UFC 105.

Next Friday, it's Kerry Vera vs. Kim Couture at StrikeForce Challengers.

Each husband/wife* team going against each other? Huh...

*Well, the Coutures are still technically husband and wife, right?

eta: MMA schedule LINKY

[Edited on 11/12/09 by Thom]

Nice article from Meltzer on it all.;_ylt=Ascb4Qi9yJaNLl37yZrTNVI9Eo14?slug=dm-vera110909&prov;=yhoo&type;=lgns

nOOb - 11-16-2009 at 09:14 PM

God must really have it in for MMA heavyweights. First, Lesnar gets the bubonic plague or whatever he has and gets hospitalized. Then, Fedor breaks his hand on Brett Rogers and will also miss about 4-6 months. So, naturally, the plans of an interim UFC Heavyweight title match between Cain Velasquez and Noguera is off because Nog has a staph infection in his knee.

I guess they could have Velasquez take on Shane Carwin for an interim title and have the winner of that take on Brock when he comes back, but other than that, there seems to be a complete void in the top of the heavyweight division.

GatorBait - 11-16-2009 at 09:40 PM

That would be all nice and good if Carwin didn't go and have knee surgery when he found out the Lesnar fight was being pushed back.

I say Cain Velasquez vs. Junior Dos Santos for the interim belt.

BBMN - 12-7-2009 at 12:28 AM

Kimbo did a suplex.

Jon Jones tried to cave in Hamill's face, and got DQ'd.

Some fat guy wins it all.

Decent show for free.

GatorBait - 12-7-2009 at 02:27 PM

Consider me very impressed with the overall improvement Kimbo has made, especially with his ground game. Granted, that's not saying much, but he is clearly trying to learn MMA as a whole. The suplex was just sick.

And Jones didn't wanna keep bludgeoning Hammill. He kept looking up at fucking Mazzagatti, who should've stopped it after the first 37 GNP shots.

blackdragon - 12-10-2009 at 11:44 PM

KIMBOPLEX for the win. I wish I could find a gif of that. Taz would be proud. Kimbo is officially UFC certified. What the fuck happened to Houston? Really, really timid in the opening round. The whole world knows Kimbo has at least one bad knee and the Muy Thai guy doesn't destroy them?

Roy Nelson is a great, great man. The dude came out to "Fat" knocked out a striker that everyone figured he'd take down and pitter patter to sleep, then rubbed the Buddah and told the world that he was off to eat. This guy is money in that he's a good fighter with a unique look without having to dye his hair pink. The mullet probably helps too.

Kimbo needs another win, maybe Paul "Headhunter Buentello (however you spell his name) and then we can get the anticipated Slice/Big Country rematch: This Time It's For Real. Kimbo needs to stay far, far away from Jardine, because Jardine would cripple him in the literally sense.

Can't think of much else. I was disappointed in Big Baby. I don't know if Mitrione hits that hard are if starting a career as a fighter in your mid 3os make it harder to take a punch, but Big Baby just collapsed from that punch. I had no idea that was Mitrione's first official fight. Could have sworn he had a record on the show.

Anyway, bring on Penn/Sanchez Saturday.

nOOb - 12-11-2009 at 02:30 AM

I think that it's very likely that one of Kimbo's next fights will probably be against his old nemesis Seth Petruzelli. He's been on a roll ever since he beat Kimbo, has been in contact with the UFC matchmakers for a bit, and is in actual good standing with Dana White. Plus, it's an easy PPV sell for the UFC if they ever wanted to give people a reason to buy a Kimbo fight.

salmonjunkie - 12-11-2009 at 04:42 AM

Originally posted by blackdragon
What the fuck happened to Houston?

No shit! He went from being a knee strike KO wonder to this half-assed chump. I thought Houston would've gotten his fire back and just try to take him standing up since we all know Houston has no ground game, but he didn't even do that. Just what was his gameplan anyway?

blackdragon - 12-11-2009 at 02:06 PM

The fucked up thing is, I like Houston. By no means is he even my favorite 1 dimensional fighter, but he's usually fun to watch. That chokeslam on Thiago Silva was awesome. Even in defeat he usually at least looks good. That was, something else. That's, what, his third loss in a row? Much like Wanderlei Silva (wow, they could set up an entire main card where half of each match contains a Silva) wins and losses aren't as important to the match makers as exciting fights. If you're going to win, win. But if you're going to lose, go out spectacularly. Houston failed to do so and I don't think he's long for UFC.

GatorBait - 12-11-2009 at 07:28 PM

Ask and you shall receive, bd.

That thing looks even MORE brutal after repeated viewings. Kinda surprised Houston wasn't out cold.

And I'm predicting Penn gets his head nearly lopped off his body early in Round 1 by Sanchez. All-around, though, this has the potential to be one of the best top-to-bottom cards they've had in awhile.

Blown Spot - 12-12-2009 at 01:46 AM

That my friends is indeed.... sick. I'm shocked Alexander is alive.

Maybe it just looks worse in slow motion.

BBMN - 12-13-2009 at 05:49 PM

It is always a treat to see BJ fight and 107 was more of the same. He's just a maniac.

GatorBait - 12-14-2009 at 01:39 PM

I was very very VERY wrong about how I thought that fight would go. Diego is a serious threat with ground and pound, but if you can't get teh guy to the ground, you can't work it. Absolutely sick performance from BJ. Kinda reminded me of how dominating GSP was over Jon Fitch: the clear-cut #2 just being rag-dolled for 5 rounds.

And Frank Mir looked disturbingly good in his brief bout with Chieck. He's obviously taking another crack at the belt very seriously as he looks to have added some heavy muscle and weighed in at 264.5 without looking bloated like he has in the past. Brock better consider himself officially warned.

nOOb - 12-17-2009 at 10:28 PM

Proof that Playboy is, in fact, run by gay men


Since stopping Gina Carano in August, Cristiane "Cyborg" Santos has been moving to the forefront of women�s MMA. In addition to winning a title belt and plenty of praise, she has received coverage in various MMA and fitness magazines. One offer from outside the industry caught her by surprise, though: an invitation to pose for Playboy.

�Actually we are still talking, and I�m thinking about that possibility,� she said. �After all, only one man saw me naked in my entire life and I have to think deeply about that.�

Cyborg returns to MMA on Jan. 30 in Sunrise, Fla., where she�ll defend her Strikeforce women�s title against Marloes Coenen.

�I�m pretty much focused on the training,� she said. �I�ve trained so hard to get this belt, I�ll do anything to keep it with me.�

Cyborg would not compare Coenen to Gina Carano, whom she defeated to win the title.

�I don�t like to compare fights,� she said. �I believe that each fight is a different story. I�m training really hard and getting prepared to give another show to my fans and represent the Chute Boxe name well, always keeping my main focus on the knockout.�

Eh...they kinda went with the wrong person from that last fight, it seems. This is like Chyna v2: an issue fans of trannies will pick up, but not so much everyone else. Is Gina Carano really that hard to talk into getting naked?

blackdragon - 12-17-2009 at 11:39 PM

I'm more shocked that only one man has seen her naked in her whole life. That might just me being American and thinking "girl that most guys don't find attractive = throws her pussy at anyone remotely interested."

Yeah, I'd look for the scans of that issue. I like naked women.

GatorBait - 12-18-2009 at 01:17 PM

I think it'd be more of a case that she realized early on she's a raging lesbian.

Biff_Manly - 12-19-2009 at 06:34 AM

Ah, Brazilian Trannies...What can't they do?

GatorBait - 1-14-2010 at 06:19 PM;_ylt=AvocSxS2L7k29CXQt3P0KiU9Eo14?slug=ki-abudhabi011310&prov;=yhoo&type;=lgns

The growth the Ultimate Fighting Championship made in the past nine years was mind boggling, as it went from a marginalized sport on the verge of collapse to a company that was estimated to be worth in excess of $1 billion.

That growth, though, could seem miniscule 10 years from now when analyses are made of the company�s second decade of the 21st century.

The sale of 10 percent of the UFC�s parent company, Zuffa LLC, to Flash Entertainment, a wholly owned subsidiary of the government of the emirate of Abu Dhabi, will permit the UFC to do things unimaginable even five years ago.

Abu Dhabi controls the world�s largest sovereign wealth fund, which UFC chairman and CEO Lorenzo Fertitta estimated at between $800 billion and $1 trillion. That�s a partner with a lot of influence.

The move will make it significantly easier for the UFC to make headway in countries like China and India, where it has been desperate to grab a foothold but had been doing little more than spinning its wheels. The UFC has television programming in China, but it is on regional networks. Fertitta expects Flash to be able to help UFC quickly make inroads on the more influential national networks like CCTV.

�It�s really dealing at a different level,� Fertitta said. �We go in and we can do a television deal on kind of a regional set of networks, but Flash, which is owned by the government of Abu Dhabi, has a long-standing relationship with the government of China, a long-standing relationship with the governments of India, Korea and all these different countries.

�It�s hard to give specifics, but it�s at a different level. If they want to go in and have a meeting with CCTV, they�re going to get the meeting with the right guy at the right time vs. me going over there and trying to meet with a major broadcaster in China. It�s two completely different meetings.�

The result of Flash�s influence with those entities will be something tangible for fight fans. The sport will expand dramatically and that will lead to significantly better athletes opting to become mixed martial artists.

Eventually, that will lead to a significant increase in the talent of skill of the fighters.

�It�s going to be a huge positive for us [in terms of developing talent],� Fertitta said. �We see what�s happened in the [United Kingdom]. When we first started going over there [in 2002], there were a few U.K. fighters, but the fighters in the early stages didn�t seem to have the updated technology from a ground game standpoint and an overall skill standpoint.

�Compare where we were then in terms of U.K. talent to today, where the guys they have over there coming up are very well-rounded. MMA has exploded in the U.K., and I think you�ll see the same thing in places like China and the Middle East, where you will have talent eventually begin to emerge. That will drive the business in those regions.�

The UFC is expected to hold its first live event in Abu Dhabi on April 10. Fertitta said that because of the short plane trip to Abu Dhabi from Eastern Europe and some parts of Asia, the fan base at that show will be more diverse than any previous UFC card.

One of the formulas the UFC has relied upon in North America is bringing a live card to a particular area and having that serve as an impetus for growth in interest in the sport. It worked exceptionally well in Montreal, which is now one of the company�s prime markets.

Fertitta expects that same thing to occur once the live event, probably UFC 112, will be held in Abu Dhabi. He eventually expects it to expand to the other states in the United Arab Emirates as well as possibly to Qatar and Saudi Arabia, among others.

�[Abu Dhabi] is so close to places like India and parts of Eastern Europe that it�s literally just a couple of hours in an airplane,� Fertitta said. �That�s why Dubai has really taken off from a vacation standpoint. I think we�ll draw people from all over the region who have never had a chance to experience a UFC live event before.�

A vision of what may be to come for the UFC is Flash�s investment in Ferrari. Flash bought five percent of Ferrari in 2005. Now, there is a Formula 1 race in the United Arab Emirates and Ferrari World, the world�s largest indoor theme park, is slated to open sometime this year.

The government of Abu Dhabi is one of the most sought-after capital sources in the world. It has invested in major companies like Ferrari, computer chip manufacturer AMD and General Electric.

Now the UFC has been added to that list and Fertitta is convinced this is going to accelerate the UFC�s 10-year plan exponentially.

�To think we�re in that kind of category [with those other companies they�ve invested in], it�s pretty amazing,� he said. �These guys are making investments all around the world at a massive scale. It puts us in a completely different category being associated with that group.�

Dana White has said in the past that he foresees MMA (and specifically the UFC) being the biggest sport in the world sometime in the next 10-20 years, even bigger than soccer. Now the soccer part I'm not so sure of, but I'd venture to say MMA is more popular than soccer in the US, so maybe he's not so crazy.

The act of "fighting" is pretty much universal within cultures (as I see more and more ever time I watch "Fight Quest"). So that means it's a sport hard-wired to our anatomy, and it can be done regardless of weather or location. Hell, the rules also tend to be pretty simple in MMA: beat your opponent by knocking him out, making him give up, our generally outperforming him over the course of the fight. 3 main rules. (MANY "no-no's", of course.) And without getting too far into the minutiae, most people understand what those rules entail by description alone, and don't need much further explanation.

So I agree wholeheartedly it has potential to be the biggest sport in the world. Sure, it will still fall behind other sports regionally (I don't see it being more popular than football in the US, "football" on England, or cricket in India), but among the global community, I think it's got a major shot. This deal with Abu Dhabi just speeds up that process tenfold.

2HoT - 1-14-2010 at 06:56 PM

While I definitely agree that the UFC has room to grow a lot more than it currently is, the notion that it will become more popular than football (soccer) within 10 years or ever, is utterly absurd. The WWF/E and it's "superstars" are recognized world wide. There was a time when Bret Hart was the most recognizable athlete world wide but to say that popularity ever came even close to touching soccer is ludicrous. Hopefully the world cup this year will bring that back in to perspective for people that in most countries in the world that soccer is second only to God.

BBMN - 1-17-2010 at 06:21 PM

GatorBait - 1-19-2010 at 05:03 PM

Fun fact for the day: Herschel Walker was valedictorian of his high school, and he is a 6th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Thom - 1-20-2010 at 07:18 PM

Apparently, it's all but official that Brock returns this summer.


No date has been set for Lesnar�s return, but speaking on ESPN on Wednesday morning, UFC president Dana White said that Lesnar�s return will take place over the summer.

�The winner of that fight [Mir-Carwin] will be the interim champion and will face Brock Lesnar this summer,� White said. �We�re hoping Carwin or Mir wins the fight and will face Brock, champion vs. champion.�

Funny, it seems to me that either Carwin or Mir must win the fight... Yeah, I know what he means, reading further into the article. But still, this particular choice of wording made me chuckle.

Glad to see he'll be back, and that he seems healthy again.

folby - 1-21-2010 at 04:56 AM

If Mir and Carwin fight in March and Lesnar is back to defend his title by the summer, why bother with an interm champ?

nOOb - 1-21-2010 at 05:08 AM

I think it has more to do with timeframe between title defenses and the fact that he had to pull out of a title fight more than anything. And there's the slim chance Brock could not be ready by the summer. Plus there were clear-cut contender's for Brock's title that, had they waited for Brock, would have spent a lot of time doing nothing while they waited. There's a few factors that make this different than, say, there not being an interim title match for the Welterweight division despite the fact that GSP hasn't fought in as long a period of time as Brock (unlike Brock, GSP really didn't have a clear-cut #1 or #2 contender lined up and, by the time they did, GSP was already healthy and ready to fight).

GatorBait - 1-21-2010 at 02:57 PM

Also, they can make it a 5-round fight. Granted, I don't see it going past the first or second (Carwin's KO power in the first, or Mir taking advantage of Carwin's lack of experience and submitting him in the second).

Thom - 1-21-2010 at 03:53 PM

Well, there's that - and it makes the fight/show feel more important by saying that there's a championship involved.

Even if we all know that, well, not really...

GatorBait - 1-21-2010 at 04:02 PM

I'm actually curious to see what a 40-lbs lighter (rumored weight he lost) would be speed-wise. He was already freakishly fast for the division.

***Nevermind. I just read that he's already gaines 30 of it back.

[Edited on 1-21-2010 by GatorBait]

Gobshite - 1-22-2010 at 06:47 PM

Yeah, he'll gain that weight back no problem. The Dana quote above: the reporter is dumb, not Dana. Mr White said the hope was that either Mir or Carwin win without injury, and can go straight back into a training camp for lesnar. My guess is they want lesnar to fight twice in 2010, and if they have to put off the title unification fight he won't be able to.

Not that I think fighting Mir or Careun free a year off is a good idea!!

nOOb - 1-22-2010 at 08:52 PM

Well they already have a contingency plan for Lesnar to fight in the winner of the Velasquez/Nog fight next month, which I think is actually pretty smart and should just be what they go with to give it more of a tournament feel like they did with the Nog/Mir/Couture/Lesnar grouping last year. Just have Carwin/Mir on schedule, put the winner of Nog/Velasquez vs. Lesnar in June, and then put the winners of both matches together in December to unify the titles. And in the process, you make the heavyweight title picture a lot more interesting with the limited selection the UFC has to work with.

Gobshite - 1-26-2010 at 06:52 PM

Reading that article G-B posted... It's very easy for them to expand back into Japan now, as the UFC or under the Pride banner. MMA as a sport definitely has the potential to explode soon; and could also give spike a weekly fight night style show to run with on Thursdays if they do indeed move TNA to Mondays.

GatorBait - 1-26-2010 at 09:02 PM

For the record, I am a different person than G-B.

Anybody else somewhat curious to see how Herschel Walker does on Saturday for Strikeforce?

[Edited on 1-26-2010 by GatorBait]

nOOb - 1-26-2010 at 10:10 PM

I'm interested insofar that I'll check Sherdog Sunday to catch the results, but I don't have nor want Showtime, and have no real reason to go to a sports bar to watch it. Though they do have a decent enough card with the Brazillian tranny vs. some Norwegian chick and Bobby Lashley vs. crazy ol' Wes Sims, which should actually be Lashley's first real test, since Sims has nearly beaten Frank Mir twice and is probably pretty pissed about his quick exit from TUF (though probably not any better from it since he was on Rampage's team).

nOOb - 1-31-2010 at 07:23 AM

Two things:

1) I didn't realize that Wes Sims was basically taking the Lashley fight on a week's notice. Tie that into the fact that he's definitely lost a step, and Lashley still hasn't had a competent opponent yet. And realistically, working with Strikeforce isn't going to provide him with the greatest challenges (they can most likely attract Arlovski or Tim Sylvia to fight Bobby, but both are also on a decline after their losses, so they're semi-legitimate challenges at best, while his other options are Fabricio Werdum, Brett Rogers, and Fedor...which is kinda like a deep-end of the pool type of deal). Still, I thought it was hilarious when I read Wes Sims tried to do a "Test of Strength" to start out the fight, even if it did lead to him being taken down.

2) Women's MMA is kinda DOA now with the he-Cyborg as the champ. From everything I read, Cyborg just completely destroyed the Dutch chick with ease, and that was their best choice to throw out for the fight. There is no one else. Carano didn't really look all that great against Cyborg. The next viable challengers are either too light or not nearly good enough to take on Cyborg. Cyborg's only weakness is wrestling, and that's not really the strength of a female fighter, as 99% of all good wrestling-based fighters were actually real good wrestlers in high school and college (that 1% exception is the freak of nature that is GSP, who has never actually wrestled before, but can handle himself well against very good wrestlers and is apparently Olympic-caliber now).

As far as I can tell, there's just no real way for me to see Women's MMA becoming even somewhat mainstream now. They can still produce some fairly competitive matches, but once one of them sets themselves up as a Number One Contender, they have to deal with someone who actually trains with, and can hold her own against, men heavier than her, punches as hard as a man at the same weight, and only needs to do the bare minimum to train against her one weakness, the takedown, because there just aren't any women fighters (or, honestly, wrestlers) that can produce enough power to take her down, meaning she only has to defend against sloppy shoot-ins and clinch trips.

So basically right now Women's MMA is about the same as the men's Lightweight division, except there's at least a small chance BJ Penn might lose to someone.

nOOb - 1-31-2010 at 07:24 AM

Editted: double the posting, double the fun.

Since I'm not one to cope to mistakes and ask mod's to delete double posting, I guess I'll throw in one last thing: if you told me Herschel Walker was a 47 year old ex-running back who never fought in his life before this, there's no way I'd believe you. Sure, he fought a bit of a scrub, but he just dominated every aspect of the fight.

[Edited on 1-31-2010 by nOOb]

Columbo - 1-31-2010 at 04:47 PM

Not really a huge MMA fan, but I accidentally saw this fight last night and well HOLY SHIT!!!

salmonjunkie - 2-1-2010 at 06:37 AM

man, that was a pretty awesome fight

GatorBait - 2-1-2010 at 02:59 PM

I concur with basically everything noob said, especially regarding Walker. I'm hoping we get to see him fight at least one more time (even if it was one of my Hungarian lineage in Nagy whom he dominated). That fight can be found on Youtube, as well.

And yeah, I felt really bad for Manhoef after that fight. He completely dominated Lawler. Obliteration, almost. Perfect gameplan (and shows how underestimated leg kicks usually are). But Lawler once again proved he's got 1-punch KO power.

blackdragon - 2-2-2010 at 11:21 PM

I officially nominate myself to fight Walker. Or Lashley. Neither of them showed me anything I couldn't stop. Walker looked incredible physique wise did a lot better than i expected, but Nagy didn't look like he was even trying to push the pace. What was his background again? Dude couldn't throw a leg kick at those shuffling old ass legs? It's like, I don't want to hate on Walker, just that wow, the guy that beat me last May would have killed Walker and we're both better than we were last year.

And Wes Sims is useless without mic time. He had like a foot of reach over Lashley and didn't do anything with it. Though hell I'd let Lashely tap me in the face a few times for 30 gs. Hell, the announcers were joking that Sims was better suited for Pro Wrestling than Lashley.

It wasn't the best card, but it had it's moments. Cyborg is a beast and damn near gave that chick a "Sky High" like spinebuster. I loved when she got in that one good solid punch that echoed through the arena and Cyborg just walked throught.

I just knew Lawler was going to lose the way Manoef was tearing up those legs and landing those combos. The Ruthless one does it again.

And Nick Diaz throws an insane amount of strikes. I think his hits landed equaled the guys total amount thrown. I'm interested in who they give him next, though the weed is messing with his head if he thinks beating the Dream Welterweight Champ means he could be BJ Penn or GSP.

Gobshite - 2-4-2010 at 02:34 PM

I saw the lashley fight last night - he has a long way to go before he can square off against the best, but he's getting better. His punches were quick and effective - and on target.

He claims that after 10 fights he wants a fast track to the best? I'd think that if they do put him against Rogers next, by ten fights he'll be no1 contender anyway!

BBMN - 2-4-2010 at 07:29 PM

Hershel needs to fight on every card for every promotion. The bizarre baby steps, and the yelling/barking were hilarious, yet they didn't overshadow the fact that he looked fucking great. I really was expecting next to nothing when they hit the ground and instead he just looked amazing. His take downs were great too.

And that punch outta nowhere by Lawler. Wow! That was a good fight, with a crazy ending.

Lashley looked.... I dunno. Wes is a shit opponent so its too hard for me to see if Lashley has progressed much. Sims going for the 'test of strength' was pretty fucking ridiculous. On one hand I think he's a disrespectful idiot, on the other he cracks me up with his 'I don't give a damn' attitude. If the ref had let it go on, Sims would have eaten punches till he was drooling on himself... and that's not fun to watch so I was cool with the call.

GatorBait - 2-4-2010 at 08:00 PM

Walker needs to learn 3 basic submissions if he does fight again: rear-naked choke, kimura, hammerlock. That fight would've been over in the first round if he knew any of those 3.

But for only having trained for 9 weeks, I was very damn impressed.

blackdragon - 2-4-2010 at 10:42 PM

I give lots of credit to Walker. Not only is this off 9 weeks of training (I think after nine weeks I did a grappling tournament so I didn't have to worry about getting hit in the face - not that Walker did either in retrospect), he did it in front of thousands of fans and on television. He looked, weird, but he looked like was having fun, which I can always respect. I'd love to see him get another fight - I'm free in July so that gives him a solid sixteen weeks to put together a better training camp and fight me after I've had an acutal eight week camp and not the 2 day - 3 week notice stuff I've done before. I'd love to fight Walker after four months more of training, I bet he'd improve a great deal.

Still, I wish Nudge had done, something to show that he actually has had more fights than Walker. Even if they were in his basement in front of his friends. He looked more lost than anyone I've ever seen, and I've been to some tiny shows with guys that looked like they were pulled out of the crowd.

GatorBait - 2-5-2010 at 03:02 PM

The "weirdest" thing about Walker to me is how calm he looked. A little awkward, sure, but very calm and relaxed. Compare his fight with Lesnar's first two, and you'll see what I mean.

And anybody else think Couture is just gonna steamroll Coleman? I honestly couldn't care less for either guy, but Coleman has looked incredibly unimpressive since his "return".

BBMN - 2-6-2010 at 02:01 AM

I don't know if Coleman will be steamrolled, but if his cardio sucks, and Randy's is in normal super human form, than Coleman might be in for a very long 2nd and 3rd round.

I'm more interested in seeing Nate the Great possibly murder a guy.

folby - 2-6-2010 at 04:34 PM


And anybody else think Couture is just gonna steamroll Coleman? I honestly couldn't care less for either guy, but Coleman has looked incredibly unimpressive since his "return".
this is crazy. mark coleman has been a one-skill fighter since the day he started, and he's been washed up since 2000, maybe even earlier. He held his own against Shogun for more than 10 minutes and this is unimpressive? he's a million years old and was a bloated guy with no gas and no submission defense when he started, what on earth were you expecting? the fact that Coleman can do anything other than get blasted in the face and armbarred is a miracle. unimpressive, honestly.

war hammer house. fuiud.

[Edited on 2-6-2010 by folby]

nOOb - 2-7-2010 at 09:32 PM

Well, most of those fights went exactly the way I expected: Serra rolled over a guy that's even more washed up than he is, Maia got back to winning, Couture crushed Coleman, and I didn't care at all about Swick/Thiago.

The only fight that did surprise me, and also makes for an interesting fight down the road, is Chael Sonnen beating Nate Marquardt. Dana White seemed pretty sold on the fact that the winner of this would meet Anderson Silva or Vitor Belfort next for the Middleweight title. And yeah, Sonnen is only in this role because Dan Henderson wanted to contribute to the fast bankrupting of Strikeforce instead of waiting for a guy he already beat convincingly to get a title shot. But if Silva wins, his weakness was wrestling. Had Henderson had a better weight cut that first fight, he would have beaten Silva (as a former wrestler, I can tell you weight cuts are hell, and I'm positive he would have won the rematch had it happened). Sonnen may not possess Hendo's wrestling pedigree, but his ground game is as good as Henderson's, plus he's been at 185 for a while.

I'm sure Silva will beat Vitor, but I'm not so sure about Sonnen.

GatorBait - 2-8-2010 at 02:06 PM

Sonnen will pose the most stylistic difficulty for Silva, but Sonnen has a gaping hole in his game and that's submission defense. Silva will choke him out or break his arm from the bottom.

And does Couture coming out to the Octagon to "Stranglehold" qualify as "calling his shot"?

folby - 2-11-2010 at 06:32 AM

The Hammer got his walking papers today. There's just no room in this crazy world for a man with a great double-leg and prescriptions for testosterone deficiency from six different doctors. RIP Mark Coleman.

nOOb - 2-12-2010 at 12:22 AM

Remember that Belfort/Silva match that was supposed to happen? It's off now.

Apparently, Belfort hurt his shoulder, so they're not having the match. What's more, Chael Sonnen has a 30 day "No-Contact" medical suspension since he cut a nasty cut this past Saturday. Since Nate Marquardt just lost and also has the 30 day medical suspension, as does Demian Maia, it looks like Silva is going to have to wait until one of those three can fight again before he gets to.

Meanwhile, Dan Henderson still has a pretty big contract with Strikeforce and is a few months away from meeting their champ, Jake Shields, and probably beating him (nothing I saw in Shields' fight against Mayhem Miller made me think he could outwrestle one of the best wrestlers in MMA, not to mention Henderson already showed he can knock people out with his fight last year).

nOOb - 2-13-2010 at 04:13 AM

Well, I was half right. Marquardt and Sonnen aren't eligible, but Demian Maia jumped all over the opportunity to get a title shot

I guess what it breaks down to is that Maia's medical suspension was negligible, since he didn't suffer really any damage in his fight Saturday. Realistically, the man is on a one fight win streak and lost to the guy who's pretty much the #3 contender for the title right now in very convincing fashion. I get flashbacks to the Silva/Leites fight and find myself thankful that this is an overseas PPV, meaning I'll know who won before it airs. Tough break for the UFC, but it was their call to catapault Vitor ahead of Henderson and Marquardt, so they have to sleep in the bed they made.

folby - 2-21-2010 at 06:45 AM

Big Nog...he was, uh, he was something special once.

nOOb - 2-21-2010 at 06:46 AM

So, ummm, I think Big Nog might be finished now. For a guy who was never knocked out before late 2008, the Mir and Velasquez fights have shown a completely different fighter than the one who has weathered storms and lured people into submissions galore. On the other hand, I think Velasquez has put himself near the top of the heavyweight division now and earned whatever title shot is coming his way (either at Brock right away or whoever wins Brock vs. Mir/Carwin).

And I think Ryan Bader's arrived quite nicely with that vicious knockout of Keith Jardine. Heck, Jardine looked almost as dead as Rashad dead when Lyoto got him.

salmonjunkie - 2-21-2010 at 11:21 AM

I guess BIg Nog vs. Brock is out of the question now, eh?

nOOb - 2-21-2010 at 07:07 PM

Well look at it like this: Mir finished Nog with some good boxing. Velasquez ran through Nog with vicious punches and ground n' pound. Do you reallywant to watch what Brock would do to him?

Semi-related, I feel iffy on Velasquez most likely facing Brock next. He's certainly earned his shot, no question. My big concern is that Velasquez is a wrestler, but Brock is a bigger and better wrestler. But right now, I think Velasquez may strike with the iron hot as far as fighting Brock goes, because Brock is coming off of having a near-life threatening condition that caused him to lose a bit of body mass, so the Lesnar that Velasquez may face this summer could be different than the one that sent Heath Herring rolling backwards and finished off Randy Couture AND Frank Mir with relative ease.

Of course, this all become irrelevant if Carwin or Mir beat the other in the first round with no injury. Then they'll probably get thrown in there this summer.

BBMN - 2-22-2010 at 01:11 AM

What did you guys think about Wand's performance? It was like anytime he wanted to go berserk, he did damage, but only did a few times mostly at the very end of a fight. And did you notice how it wouldn't have been a decision if it were under Pride rules? At the very end he knocked Bisping down and almost kicked his face in, but pulled away.

Nog got fucked. And I'm not surprised. People always seem surprised when new guys come in and demolish veterans. I thought Cain was going to win, just like I thought Rashad was going to take down Chuck.

And it was nice seeing Cro Cop look good for a change.

[Edited on 2-22-2010 by BBMN]

nOOb - 3-19-2010 at 03:24 AM

Just a heads up for those of you that don't know, but this Sunday starts a long string of consecutive fight shows.

It starts Sunday on Versus with a live UFC show with a main card that features Brandon Vera vs. Jon Jones, Kongo, Gonzaga, and, inexplicably, a match between Alessio Sakara and James Irvin (while, not completely inexplicable, because I think the idea is that the fight will last all of a minute, since the undercard features Clay Guida and Brendan Schaub, among others). Being free (to those who have Versus), it's a good start.

Then next Saturday, it's UFC 111, which features a completely one-sided fight between George St. Pierre and Dan Hardy (seriously, anyone expect Dan Hardy to be taken lightly here after the Matt Serra incident?) and a completely balanced Interim Heavyweight Title fight between Shane Carwin and Frank Mir. The rest of that card isn't so exciting, unless you're a big Jon Fitch or Ben Saunders fan, but the two title fights should be exciting nonetheless.

That following Wednesday is a UFC Fight Night on Spike TV, which I can only suspect is a lead-in to the next season of the Ultimate Fighter. This one features Kenny Florian fighting Takanori Gomi, a guy the UFC has been making a slightly big deal about obtaining and is supposed to be pretty good, and I fully expect to be named the next contender for BJ Penn should he beat Kenny Florian. Also, Roy Nelson fights for the first time on this card in the UFC after winning the Ultimate Fighter.

After that, there's about a week layoff until that next Saturday for UFC 112, which originally featured Anderson Silva versus Vitor Belfort, but because Vitor gets hurt a bit (SHOCK~!), and because two of the next top contenders just had a brutal fight a few weeks back in Chael Sonnen and Nate Marquardt, and also because they inexplicably gave Vitor Belfort an instant title shot over a guy who convincingly beat him in Dan Henderson that lead to him leaving the UFC, it's now Anderson Silva versus Demian Maia in a fight that is sure to bore. Whats more, BJ Penn fights Frankie Edgar in a fight he's sure to win and Matt Hughes fights a Gracie in a fight that is sure to mean nothing. On the plus side, it's in Abu Dhabi, so you can read the results of all the fights hours before it airs on PPV. Really, it's probably one that can be missed.

Finally, the next weekend will have a Strikeforce card on CBS that will feature Dan Henderson fighting Jake Shields in a title match that seems very one-sided in favor of Henderson, another title match featuring Shinya Aoki versus Gilbert Melendez in a fight that may involve Aoki snapping another person's limbs in half, a third title fight featuring internet lovechild Gegard Moussasi versus Muhammed "King Mo" Lawal, who I've been told is much more entertaining to watch with his entrances that Jason "Mayhem" Miller, and Bobby Lashley agreeing to yet another heavyweight fight on a month's notice, guaranteeing that his opponent is probably not going to be very good.

And then you get a few weeks off before UFC 113. But that's pretty much it: two fights on free TV, one fight on semi-free TV, one PPV that seems worth buying, and one that you can read all about on the internet before it airs. That's a lot of fights.

Gobshite - 3-26-2010 at 05:36 PM

Anyone ordering UFC over WWE this weekend? anyone splashing out on both, or seeing both live somehow?

I get ESPN over here, so will catch the UFC first thing Sunday. WM26 is a toughie - no way can I saty up till 4am, man's gotta work monday. I'm torn between avoiding the internet on monday and ordering a replay, or just spoilering myself and downloading it for later in the week...

BBMN - 3-27-2010 at 12:39 AM

BW3s used to show WWE stuff, but I have no idea if they still do. They usually show UFC events (just call one to make sure).

Also, Jon Jones is a fucking wrecking ball. That elbow to Vera looked decent enough, but it managed to fracture Vera's face in three spots. Fuck!

I was a bit disappointed to see Gonzaga go down like that, but hey, shit happens. The HW division is so nuts right now. Can't wait for Mir vs Carwin. As for GSP vs Hardy, I just hope that GSP makes it faster than the Alves fight. I have a feeling GSP wins via whatever he wants in the 3rd.

edit; Shit. I forgot you were overseas. I have no idea if you guys have something similar to BW3s or not... just call some sports bars.

[Edited on 3-26-2010 by BBMN]

Chris Is Good517 - 3-27-2010 at 01:28 AM

This is going to sound pretty dumb, but I've really never watched TUF (meant to last year to see Kimbo, but didn't) and this seems as good as season as any to start. How does it work exactly?

nOOb - 3-28-2010 at 07:49 AM

Am I the only one who actually saw Shane Carwin knocking out Frank Mir coming tonight?? After all the pre-Carwin/Lesnar talk about how Carwin was basically a "more compact" Lesnar, and then listening to everyone talk about how Carwin stood "no chance" against a newly-muscled Frank Mir, I figured from the get-go there was no chance Carwin was losing.

Also, Chris, TUF works like a tournament. They have a coin flip that lets the coaches decide who has decision over the first fight or the first pick, and once teams are selected, the coach who got first fight choice makes the first fight. Whichever team wins said fight gets next choice of fight. This continues until the first round is over, then Dana White and the coaches sit down and make the next two rounds up. Also, in recent seasons, participants have had to fight their way onto the show.

You can pretty much determine whether a season is worth watching or not from the quality of the fighters wins after the first half of the first round (example: US versus Britain was not really worth watching because the fighters didn't show much of anything while the heavyweight season was worth watching because they often ended with a finish).

BBMN - 3-30-2010 at 07:15 PM

I disagree with the HW season being worthwhile. It sucked. Totally sucked. Almost every fight had one or two guys sucking air after 4 minutes and tossing half powered hay makers. Terrible. Plus it had Kimbo (after taking almost no damage) losing to Nelson in the most underwhelming fight I have ever seen.

And Carwin is a fucking wrecking ball. I thought he had a chance and was not surprised at all. Besides going Tyson all over Mir's skull, I found the most impressive part of the match was when the two men clinched against the cage, and Carwin with ZERO effort, turned Mir around and backed him into the cage. He literally moved the now 275 Mir like it was nothing at all. Then went bonkers. Really explosive power when he opens up with a flurry. Mir got fucking mangled by about 40 unanswered shots. Fuck. Can't wait for Brock vs Shane... although I'm pretty sure we will see no stand up fighting, as Brock will look to take it to the mat within seconds.

[Edited on 3-30-2010 by BBMN]

Chris Is Good517 - 4-10-2010 at 12:11 AM

Is anybody else watching TUF? And does anybody else want Jamie Yager to die as badly as I do?

nOOb - 4-11-2010 at 01:09 AM

Chris-If you think Yager is bad, you never met/saw Junie Allen Browning. Talk about a turd.

Also, I was half-right: Anderson Silva/Demian Maia was as one sided and uncompetitive as it was built to be, though Silva seemed to be trying damn hard to make it entertaining by throwing different stances and looks at Maia and even opening up his stance to present weaknesses and make Maia react. Unfortunately, Maia just isn't the right fighter to put against someone dynamic like Silva, so other than Silva yelling/taunting/dancing around Maia, it was pretty boring.

But who saw Frankie Edgar beating one of the top pound-for-pound guys in MMA coming?? That's really big for Edgar, reopens the door for Kenny Florian to get back into the title picture, and helps Shinya Aoki out a bit next week to become the #1 lightweight in the world if he wins his fight. Now the question is does Penn move to Welterweight and get GSP or does he move and become defacto champ when GSP moves up to fight Silva?

nOOb - 4-18-2010 at 04:42 AM

Well, that was the single worst set of fights I've ever seen. Gegard Moussasi/King Mo was really slow and predictable after Round Two when Moussasi's strategy of allowing his wrestling opponent to get takedowns and tire himself out backfired when he also tired out. Shinya Aoki/Melendez was horrid, with poor officiating being the only thing keeping the fight a full five rounds of Aoki chasing after Melendez on his ass. And Jake Shields may be the single worst winning fighter I've ever seen. Between his inability to finish off freakin' Mayhem Miller and his getting full mount on Dan Henderson umpteen times in five rounds and responding by throwing the absolute sissiest punches I've ever seen a grown man throw, I just cannot see him surviving when he signs his big money UFC deal and gets thrown to GSP, who promptly jump kicks his head off. And that's not even mentioning that Jake Shields was knocked out in the first round and Big John decided to let the fight continue; when a man falls face first flat onto the mat, that is unconscious.

If Strikeforce wanted to convince me to buy Showtime to watch their fights in the future, they failed miserably. Heck, they're going to have to put together a better card just to get me to bother tuning in next time.

Chris Is Good517 - 4-18-2010 at 04:49 AM

^ That.

I really regret wasting a Saturday evening on that.

Thom - 4-19-2010 at 11:34 AM

While I agree that the SF:Nashville show sucked donkey balls, I disagree somewhat on the Hendo-Shields fight. Only in that Shields wasn't out - just down. As soon as he hit the mat, he covered up and then was fairly quickly looking to get Hendo down. I think it was a good non-call by McCarthy.

And even though they apologized, the Diaz brothers and Mayhem Miller fucking blow. I want to never see any of those pieces of shit ever again.

gemini - 4-21-2010 at 01:34 PM

I catch a lot of the UFC PPV's and most of the guys I watch with tend to rip on Rogan's announcing. I thought I was hearing Tony Schiavone Saturday night. "This is the most prestigious event on Dan Henderson's carreer" and nonstop hyperbole/shilling.

All the constant mention of 'arm bars' reminded me of this place, only on TV...

Thom - 4-21-2010 at 03:17 PM

Yes, the CBS guys fucking suck at announcing. At least Frank Shamrock has some sort of clue about what he's looking at. The other two? Pfft...

blackdragon - 4-21-2010 at 07:19 PM

Been out of the loop with the new baby and forgeting to set the DVR so I missed all this fighting goodness. Only question I have is, was there anyone on the card Frank fought? He has a tendacy to talk more about the time he fought a guy than what is going on in the cage.

nOOb - 4-21-2010 at 10:45 PM

Frank Shamrock talked about two things of interest:

1) How he talked with Gilbert Hernandez about aiming his punches at Shinya Aoki's throat to get a better aim at his head.

2) How much he hates Jake Shields.

Any "smart" things he may have said were drowned out by the fact that their announcers suck.

DevilSoprano - 4-22-2010 at 12:13 AM

Originally posted by gemini
I catch a lot of the UFC PPV's and most of the guys I watch with tend to rip on Rogan's announcing.

The guys you watch with are morons. Rogan is one of the best sports announcers in the world. He knows more about his sport at this stage than I'd say a lot of major sports announcers know about theirs. And he's funny. And he's passionate. If the world had more Joe Rogan's announcing, I'd enjoy watching/listening to sports more.

Chris Is Good517 - 4-22-2010 at 07:16 PM

Joe Rogan's stand-up comedy, on the other hand... not so good.

I seriously can't get over how much I fucking hate Jamie Yager. I really want to see that guy get mauled by a tiger or something.

nOOb - 4-23-2010 at 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517

I seriously can't get over how much I fucking hate Jamie Yager. I really want to see that guy get mauled by a tiger or something.

Now that he's made it to the Quarterfinals, get ready to watch him at least two more times, because there's no chance he isn't making the Finale's main card, finalist or not. Dana usually grabs the two semi-finalist losers as well as whoever the finalists beat in the quarter-finals to join the show. And if the house loudmouth/dick isn't in that group, he'll grab him, too, then throw them all into fights and give the winners contracts.

That said, I was kind of expecting him to lose. I mean, I really expected him to lose, because I still don't understand why Tito/Chuck has been replaced by Chuck vs Rich Franklin. I'm still trying to fathom what would have driven Tito off the fight, and according to Dana, something happens.

Biff_Manly - 4-24-2010 at 10:27 PM

Maybe Tito punches another door and it punches back?

BBMN - 4-24-2010 at 11:52 PM

I thought it was due to issues at home with his wife having a miscarriage.

Gobshite - 4-28-2010 at 02:14 PM

Maybe Dana had a dream where Tito got arrested for beating his wife up, only for her to change her story twice during the night it happens, and for her to be revealed as a possible drug addict who has relapsed; and decided to pull him from the card.

Love the TMZ shot of Tito in jail. Where the hell do they find this stuff?

nOOb - 5-7-2010 at 10:10 PM

The winner of tomorrow's Josh Koscheck/Paul Daley fight, who will get the coach spot on the next Ultimate Fighter season opposite George St. Pierre

The winner does get to take on GSP, true, but the next Ultimate Fighter seems like a real lopsided affair for everyone. GSP is, without a doubt, one of, if not the, best pound for pound fighter in the world. On the other hand, Paul Daley and Josh Koshcheck are both above average wrestlers with a surprising amount of power for a guy at 172 lbs. If I were one of the contestants on the next Ultimate Fighter, I think I already know what team I want to be on.

Biff_Manly - 5-8-2010 at 03:33 AM

Skill at a sport has very little to do with being a good coach at it. In fact lots of times it detriment due to ego issues.

Chris Is Good517 - 5-8-2010 at 04:15 AM

Speaking of TUF, so this week's episode... how in the hell did that fight not go 3 rounds? I understand Nick Ring getting the first round, but how exactly did he get the second round?

nOOb - 5-8-2010 at 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
Skill at a sport has very little to do with being a good coach at it. In fact lots of times it detriment due to ego issues.

That may be so, but GSP's coaching staff is widely regarded as one of the best, not to mention, from all accounts, GSP is pretty selfless and competent when it comes to teaching others. Meanwhile, Daley's coaching staff is one of the British "teach technique, but emphasize brute strength" hit-or-miss camps and Koscheck has AKA (American Kickboxing Academy), that may have produced Cain Velasquez and Jon Fitch, but hasn't really blown me away with the overall talent produced.

And Chris, it should have. But Dana White didn't emphasize "Don't leave it to the judges" for nothing. A lot of these judges are either boxing judges or converted-boxing judges. I don't think there's a single judge out there that is strictly MMA-based, and that probably won't change as long as boxing is the primary standard of setting combative athletic commissions. I remember my old buddy Chase Beebee got fucked out of a decision in some podunk local show in Alabama or somewhere around there because the judges counted punches landed on the feet more than ground control. And the judge who scored the BJ Penn/Frankie Edgar fight 50-45, when asked why he scored all five rounds for Edgar, gave some contrived, self-important answer about jabs, despite the fact Penn controlled at least two rounds.

nOOb - 5-9-2010 at 07:55 AM

Well, I've never seen someone get fired immediately after losing, but Paul Daley sure deserved it. That was pretty low to attack someone after the bell.

And I'm kinda glad I wasn't expecting another five round masterpiece from Lyoto and Shogun, though I picked the wrong guy to score the first round KO. Still, good on Shogun, and all of a sudden the winner of Rashad/Rampage gets a realistic shot of winning their title shot match.

Chris Is Good517 - 5-9-2010 at 05:25 PM

I didn't recognize any of those guys last night, but WWE should do PPVs like that more often.

Seriously, what a sideshow. Daley sucker punches Koscheck after the fight, the crowd cheers him for it, and Koscheck goes heel all over the Canadian crowd. McMahon couldn't have scripted it any better.

The rest of the show was good. I was expecting Machida to get KO'd in the first round. I feel bad for Kimbo: I really wanted to see him win and it looked good for him for the first few minutes. I think it's pretty clear now that Kimbo really isn't able to compete on this level. He's old, and his knees are shit. I hate to make two wrestling references in an MMA thread, but if I was Kimbo, I'd be calling WWE to see if they had any interest. Better to be a somebody in the world of fake fighting than a punchline in real fighting.

Also, I like Alan Belcher but he might think about beating someone with a little more relevance before calling out Anderson Silva. Beating the Toronto Raptors does not mean you're ready to challenge the Lakers.

LuckyLopez - 5-10-2010 at 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
Skill at a sport has very little to do with being a good coach at it. In fact lots of times it detriment due to ego issues.

I don't think its the ego thing which is the problem, so much as it is an inability to empathize with your student/trainee. I read a thing on Ted Williams serving as a batting coach once. Arguably the greatest hitter in baseball couldn't teach other people a thing about hitting because it wasn't some kind of lesson to him. He just KNEW how to hit. It came naturally. He couldn't explain to kids how he did something because it wasn't how he approached it. On the other hand most professional sports coaches tend to be journeymen who played intellectual positions and spent most of their careers fighting to stay relevant and help others. So they're the guys who KNOW how to analyze a problem and address it for more than just themselves and their natural God given ability.

But modern day MMA seems different to me. So many of these guys train together and there's so many aspects to the training that it seems like to make it to the top you really kind of HAVE to be a student of MMA somewhere along the line and be truly learning stuff from other folks. Plus, when you consider that the most important part of coaching/teaching is understanding what the "student" is doing wrong and addressing it... and when you consider how much of recognizing what your opponent is doing wrong and responding to it is what leads to a MMA win... it seems like an ideal match. So I think the transition is probably a bit easier. Granted, there's still going to be egomaniacs or dense guys or folks who just can't teach, but in general I think the sport lends itself to coaching more than most.

DevilSoprano - 5-10-2010 at 10:47 PM

Unless your Rampage.

LuckyLopez - 5-11-2010 at 12:06 AM

Or Ken Shamrock. But it can probably be said that Shamrock was part of the old UFC before it evolved into all of these styles so he might not really be equipped the same way I'm saying a lot of these guys are.

But as Jackson proved, you could just be an egomaniac, or indifferent, or crazy and suck because of that.

theflammablemanimal - 5-11-2010 at 04:23 PM

Hey, that's B.A. Baracus you're talking about!

(and according to Wiki, also possibly Snake Pliskin. WTF?)

MadStepDad - 5-13-2010 at 09:41 PM

By the way, something I've been thinking about through out the week (after I re-watched UFC 113 3x). I haven't seen it mentioned on the internet either, so I wonder if I'm alone here (or just really high).

But everybody is giving explanations why KIMBO SLICE was released after going 1-1 in his UFC career. But nobody has mentioned his first round eye-gouging of MATT MITRIONE. I truly wonder - especially in the wake of the PAUL DALEY banishment - if this ultra lame, cheesy, corny and shady move by KIMBO SLICE played a part in his release.

Upon re-review of the tape, the ref DID catch it at the time and admonished him on the mat. Then came up to him again in between rounds and warned him again, saying "you got away with it once, one more time and it's a DQ".

Your thoughts? Think this may have been "THE" reason KIMBO was cut?

nOOb - 5-14-2010 at 12:30 AM

Kimbo was gone regardless, unless he took Mitrione down fast, made a series of beautiful transitions, and finished the fight with a gorgeously transitioned almaplata. Because Kimbo is old. Not just age old, but body old. Randy Couture can get away with fighting past 40 because his conditioning and technique is steps ahead of guys half his age. Same is true to a lesser extent for Liddell. But then there's a bunch of older guys like Randleman, Coleman, Rizzo, and Monson that are beating heavyweights on the independent level, but won't be finding jobs with the UFC because they just simply can no longer compete at the highest level.

For Kimbo to have made it as far as he did is an accomplishment in itself. But his shelf life wasn't long for the UFC simply because the UFC wants every guy on their roster to be in competition for a title. And Kimbo is in his upper 30's with two bad knees that is just starting to get from basic to intermediate levels.

Now, does that mean Kimbo is never coming back to the UFC? Doubtful. Strikeforce thinks itself above Slice and his asking price despite the fact they have all of one guy they can draw on, so Kimbo will more than likely go to Japan. And he will more than likely become as big as Bob Sapp over there. And if he is truly serious about improving, that is the place for him to be since they will put him up against smaller, slightly less talented competitors to make him look unbeatable. That means he can build his skills in live combat and, maybe, eventually get to the point where he can work around his bad knees and develop a skillset that puts him at a gatekeeper level for UFC heavyweights.

But no, no I do not think the eye poke had anything to do with him being fired.

theflammablemanimal - 5-14-2010 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by nOOb And if he is truly serious about improving, that is the place for him to be since they will put him up against smaller, slightly less talented competitors to make him look unbeatable. That means he can build his skills in live combat

But wouldn't that just let him rely on his size and power and negate the need to improve?

nOOb - 5-14-2010 at 04:11 PM

Yeah, see, there's the trick to it. The Japanese love their unique look tough guys. So, as mentioned, they'll feed him a few guys for him to beat on. The trick, though, is discipline. We already know Kimbo can beat people up. If he wants a big paycheck, he can go about knocking out tiny little Japanese guys and get himself Bob Sapp-level endorsement deals. But if he wants to be a good MMA guy, he'll take the opportunity to test out his technique against a few of them. I'm not saying he has to turn every match into a wrestling match or a jiu-jitsu clinic, but he can get a bit better rounded. Then, instead of being fed knockout fodder, they'd more than likely give him increasingly better competition, something the UFC can't afford to do because they want their guys to all be contenders.

Really, it all depends on how Kimbo handles it. Either he becomes the new Bob Sapp or he risks being a slightly above average fighter for the hopes of winning a title one day.

nOOb - 5-16-2010 at 06:03 AM

Allistair Overeem pushed back the collapse of Strikeforce's heavyweight division by a year or so by making sure Brett Rogers didn't wind up their champion coming off a loss to the guy who should have had the title match but felt he needed to have his management become the equivalent of Don King in MMA.

So, for those of you keeping track at home, there are now three heavyweights out there that Fedor has yet to completely destroy, as well as one that is, apparently, still in training purgatory: Overeem, Antonio Silva, Fabricio Werdum, and Bobby Lashley. Next month, we can cross Werdum off the list leaving just Overeem, Silva, and Lashley left, and, naturally, Fedor will wind up facing off against Overeem after Werdum. That means that after Strikeforce has Fedor's title match, they will have exactly two guys to cart out for Fedor to destroy before the last drawing chip they have drains the company completely of any challengers (especially since Dana White seems intent on keeping any and all the heavyweights of any considerable talent in his employ).

Of course, there's the 99.999% unlikely occurrence that Werdum beats Fedor, and then the 80% unlikely chance any of the other three do. All the same, if I was Strikeforce, I'd be getting Herschel Walker ready ASAP so they can milk him for all he's worth.

BBMN - 5-21-2010 at 10:21 PM

Yea, the Strikeforce event was decent, but really we all know that they're running out of HW fighters. I kinda feel bad for Rogers too... dude gets a string of wins, then gets to take on the #1 fighter in the plant, Fedor. And after losing there, has to take on another huge name, Overeem. I don't know if even Brock could win those fights back to back... I don't think anyone could really.

And in the freakshow department; Tonight, Tim Sylvia is fighting some giant 'Strong Man' in Mariusz Pudzianowski. Pud is one of the strongest men on Earth. And Tim is coming off a 9 second loss to a retired and over the hill boxer in Ray Mercer. Its pretty much do or die for his career, and he's the only one to blaim. He looked like shit at the weigh ins. About 305 pounds of shit to be exact. Pud meanwhile looks like a comic book character come to life, weighing about 273 and probably 5% body fat, if that... If Tim can't land a magic punch, or somehow drag this match into the 2nd round where Pud might gas, then he might just get raped to death in there.

Here Pudzianowski takes his ride to work...


[Edited on 5-21-2010 by BBMN]

nOOb - 5-22-2010 at 12:34 AM

I've never really been impressed with Rogers to the point where I thought he was a legit Top 10 Heavyweight. I thought he might beat Fedor solely on the fact that he has Carwin-esque knockout power (evident in his fight against Arlovski and his other fights in EliteXC), but when I saw him fight Fedor, his lack of any other skills became apparent. Had Rogers been replaced with a heavyweight his size with above-average wrestling ability when he had Fedor down, they would have controlled Fedor in the mount and potentially even won the fight. Instead, Rogers used his bulk to hold Fedor down for as long as he did, but eventually that failed, because unless you have ground game to back up any size you may have, size is worthless. I wouldn't be at all shocked if Rogers split his next fights, went to the UFC, got thrown to someone like a Stefan Struve, and was absolutely smothered by their Jiu-Jitsu. Heck, people say they want to see Rogers/Arlovski 2, I think Rogers/Werdum would be a better fight to gauge Rogers' actual skill level.

And on Pudzianowski: he may be the scariest prospect in all of MMA. I read all these experts saying "there's strongman strong and then there's wrestling strong"...bullshit. Any man who can drag a train has the power to crush a man's skull with his fist or curl a guy trying to armbar him. The fact is I've read Pudzianowski's interviews and every time he states that he knows he's nowhere near the best in the world, but given two years' time, he thinks he can beat Fedor. Any Strongman douche with no determination in the sport is going to come in and immediately want to fight the best guys. Pudzianowski wants to fight a downward spiraling Tim Sylvia as an improvement match.

It just really seems like the internet is getting on Pudzianowski like they got on Brock when he first started. Look how well that went for them. I say jump on the Pudzianowski bandwagon now, because he could very well be very big in a year's time.

BBMN - 5-22-2010 at 07:19 PM

Well the Syliva/Pud fight is on youtube.... Its not all that exciting. As I thought, Tim does his best to drag the fight out and gas Pud. He does so and wins. Pud has no future in MMA, so long as rounds are longer than 1 minute. Which is funny, because Tim talked about Pud's gas tank, exploited it with his game plan, and then acted like his victory was somehow anything more than a critical flaw of Pud's cardio, when he declared post match, "I'm back!" Sure, Tim... sure. As long as you have opponents that gas in a minute, you're totally back.

Biff_Manly - 5-23-2010 at 03:52 AM

I agree with what you guys said. I didn't see Sylvia's comments after but if he is taking credit for beating him outright he should seriously watch the fight again. It is generous saying that Pud made it to a minute without being gassed. I think that the training styles for fighting and powerlifting are just too different. One is short intense burst of energy and the other is sustained effort for possibly a quarter of an hour. It's like a 10 mile race between a dragster and a stock car.

If Pud changes his training he could have a chance. I mean, Tim didn't exactly test his chin but the guy was coherent all the way to the end and took the opportunity to tap when it came up. You have to figure for a guy to be a champion at any sport he will have a level of discipline that could serve him well if he really wanted an MMA career.

nOOb - 5-23-2010 at 09:02 PM

And to his credit, Pud did state that he knows it was his cardio he needs to work on. Of course "knowing" and actually "working on" are two different things, but I'm still going to remain hopeful he pans out. The only way you can really expect to be undefeated in MMA is if you do what Bobby Lashley's doing and take on a bunch of scrubs. Kudos to him for taking the fight and realizing he still has work to do, and now comes the next step of doing it.

Speaking of Lashley, he's part of the next Fedor card on Showtime, paired up against Ron Sparks, who, to his credit, possesses wins previous to fighting Lashley, though I've heard absolutely nothing about him so he isn't some "elite prospect" or anything of the sorts and seems to be one of those guys who faces local heavyweights in sports complexes and can knock them out. For all intents and purposes, this is probably his best test, but it still strikes me as a "tune-up".

BBMN - 5-23-2010 at 10:05 PM

Eh, Pud has no real future in MMA. He's 32 or so, and unlike a lot of the new guys coming up, has not spent the past 10+ years of his life learning how to wrestle or how to practice BJJ. He's just a giant fucker. For him to be relavent, he must get his cardio up, by losing a LOT of mass. A 250lb Pud is not nearly as brutal a prospect as a 280lb one. If he lost all that mass, he'd be no different than a lot of big guys in the MMA, excpet most already have a background of some sort. If he was 25 or something, and wanted to really alter his lifestyle and body to become a smaller, and leaner man, then it might work... but he's just too late in life to learn all he needs to know, and to get his cardio up to par.

He has another freakshow fight or three left in him. That's it.

[Edited on 5-23-2010 by BBMN]

GimmickMan - 6-3-2010 at 02:52 AM

Reading items:

Chris Is Good517 - 6-3-2010 at 07:07 AM

What was the greatest part of TUF this week?

Seeing Tito get "fired" from the show?

Seeing Jamie Yaeger literally quit at the beginning of the third round?

Or seeing Kris McCray (the second biggest douche in the house) call Yaeger out for quitting?

DevilSoprano - 6-3-2010 at 04:00 PM

If Yaeger learns from this fight and really puts his mind to being a fighter, he's going to be a star. The guy has such a unique offense that he's going to be trouble for a lot of people. Way too quick and athletic, but he needs to make a decision if this is the life he wants because that was a disgrace.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-3-2010 at 04:46 PM

Yeah, I get ya. His style is unorthodox so he could be really dangerous, but in that fight he was just reckless. Also, as Dana pointed out he just had no idea how to handle a fight he couldn't finish out in the first couple of minutes, and he damn sure didn't enjoy getting hit. And I'm no MMA expert or anything but Josh doesn't look like the hardest striker so if Yaeger didn't like taking some licks from him what's going to happen when he gets in there with someone who can really pound on him? I think the problem with Yaeger is- as his personality throughout the show has proven- the guy is far more concerned with looking and sounding like a badass and making noise than any kind of discipline. I mean, you can't go around talking all that shit and pissing off everybody in the house and then just quit when the going gets tough. Seeing him get chewed out by McCray was equally great, too.

At this point, I'm really hoping for a Court McGee-Josh Bryant final. I really like both of those guys. The other two are douchebags. Not on the scale of Yaeger, but douchebags nonetheless.

BBMN - 6-3-2010 at 05:23 PM

I think it was the short elbows at the end of round 2 that broke him. I truly believe most people, myself included, want absolutely no part of elbows to the face. It takes a special type of person to eat a dozen of those and say, "I can't wait to have another." I'm glad he quit.... he's a character, not a fighter. Stupid hair and stupid tats don't mean shit when a dude elbows your nose in.

[Edited on 6-3-2010 by BBMN]

nOOb - 6-3-2010 at 05:31 PM

He'll get at least one fight in the UFC. The two semi-final losers will most likely face two other guys, one of which has to be Yager, and the other, I think, has to be Hammortree or Nick Ring. So we'll probably get to see sooner rather than later whether or not he learned anything from this.

Thom - 6-4-2010 at 02:28 PM

I think Jason Brilz may be my new favorite fighter...

Link to partial transcript

"I don't like rematches," Brilz said. "I'll face whoever Joe Silva would like me to face, and I'm not going to duck anyone, however I'm not going to seek the rematch with Nogueira. He beat me, the judges call was the correct one."

While I disagree that the decision was correct, it's great to see a guy not whine about it or make excuses.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-10-2010 at 05:57 PM

So the TUF finale comes down to Court McGee vs. Kris McCray, and I'm really hoping Court wins.

Also, was it me, or did Forrest look high as balls on that show last night?

DevilSoprano - 6-10-2010 at 06:11 PM

He def. looked fat as fuck.

nOOb - 6-10-2010 at 09:29 PM

Obvious Spoilers if you haven't watched yesterday's show yet, but...

Obviously, the finals are Kris McCray vs. Court McGee. Both of these guys have UFC deals ready made for them, so you'll see more of both.

The other TUF guys to make the telecast is a match between Jamie Yager (obviously) vs. Rich Attonito (the guy who won but broke his hand in winning). Kind of a weird matchup. Winner will stick around, loser not so much (even if it is Yager).

And then in the undercard, there's a rematch between Seth Baczynski and Brad Tavares, a fight between Kyle Noke and Josh Bryant, and Josh Hammortree and Chris Camozzi. Pretty much the three guys who win those fights will stick around on the undercard for a while longer while the others will go away.

Kinda shocked Nick Ring's not getting another look, but he's probably either not healthy or Dana considers him a quitter.

But those are the guys who all get at least one fight in the UFC. Barring any Stephan Bonnar decisions, if anyone other than McCray or McGee loses, they're out.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-11-2010 at 03:45 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
Kinda shocked Nick Ring's not getting another look, but he's probably either not healthy or Dana considers him a quitter.

If Dana considers Nick Ring a quitter but will give Jamie Fucking Yaeger another fight, then Dana is a fucking idiot.

Thom - 6-13-2010 at 02:45 PM

So, Chuck gets KTFO.... again.

And with the Danzig-Wiman stoppage, Yves Lavigne is looking to take over the worst ref title from Mazzagati. He's still got a little way to go, though.

Interesting that Cro-Cop changed to RNC - and won.

And one really good fight between Condit-MacDonald, although it sucks, since I had MacDonald winning the first two rounds.

Overall, an OK night of fights, but really, those are the only things that really stand out the morning after.

[Edited on 6/13/10 by Thom]

Bonestein - 6-13-2010 at 04:23 PM

I liked the card in the end last night, I thought it was fun. McDonald looked so good through 2, for his age he's solid. Didn't think Kampmann would dominate Thiago like that, but now I wonder how far that performance will push him up the ladder. I thought Cro Cop and Barry was a really good fight for what it was - two midlevel heavies who just went out and tried to bash. It's too bad that Barry seemed to gas and just have nothing for Mirko in the 3rd, I have grown to like Barry a lot.

This IS the end of Chuck, no doubt about it. I don't think there's any way Dana lets him in the Octo again, you just can't let him keep getting knocked out like that. It's not like it was a solid headkick, or a big overhand right... even in slo-mo, that punch didn't look devestating enough to put him down for 5 minutes. It needs to stop. Franklin didn't exactly look like a house of fire either, his leg kicks looked like they were thrown by a drunk, so I don't see that fight moving him up too far. He may get a "contender's" match with another name like Rampage, but anyone in the top 7 at LHW could beat him at this point I think.

Like I said though, I still thought it was a fun card.

nOOb - 6-13-2010 at 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517

If Dana considers Nick Ring a quitter but will give Jamie Fucking Yaeger another fight, then Dana is a fucking idiot.

Difference between the two is Ring quit without another fight and Yaeger quit during a fight. When Ring told Dana that his doctors told him he could damage his knee, but not he would damage his knee, it's very likely he considered that a cop-out. Meanwhile, Yaeger at least fought twice before he quit mid-fight. It's a "fighter mindset", I guess you could say: as long as you make the attempt, you have nothing to feel bad about. It's stupid, but it makes sense when compared to everything else done in the sport (or just sports in general).

Then again, Ring could just not be rehabbed and he'll show up in a half a year on an undercard. Who knows?

Also, if this is the end of Chuck, is it the end of Tito? Because that fight seemed to be what they had intended for Tito. And if Chuck isn't going to fight anymore, what use do they have for Tito? Fight Rampage?

MadStepDad - 6-13-2010 at 06:55 PM

Chuck Liddell went out like Shawn Michaels last night, Wrestlemania 26 style.

BBMN - 6-14-2010 at 07:23 PM

Opening fight was nuts. Loved it. They kept mirroring each other.

I loved the CroCop fight. Absolutely loved it. He was going all Jackie Chan and tossing out crazy kicks. I mean a fucking ax kick at point blank? But I do hope this is the last we see of Mirko. His best days look long gone... it was like he just wanted to end on a good fun note. He looked like a kid learning to spar. Just played around and only turned it up because Pat about blinded his ass at the end of the 1st.

Chuck looked great. But whatever, its over I think. He was too eager to charge and not counter-punch... I felt the KO punch was very solid. Franklin turned his hips right as Chuck moved forward into it. Great shot. But the fact that it took Chuck so long to get up is what's bothersome.

Everything else was entertaining as hell.

Thom - 6-14-2010 at 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Bonestein
It's too bad that Barry seemed to gas and just have nothing for Mirko in the 3rd, I have grown to like Barry a lot.

I don't know how much it was that Barry gassed, as opposed to having broken both his right hand and right foot.


In either case, he should have jumped on Mirko and finished him when he had to chance(s).

nOOb - 6-18-2010 at 09:51 PM

Not sure how many people are actually aware of Bellator or its existence, but its an MMA tournament that they have that plays late night on Comcast Sportsnet on Thursdays, as well as on whatever the name of the Spanish Language cable channel is. There's not really a slew of great fighters in their tournaments (Roger Huerta signed with them and got beat by a random), but there are two guys that you should probably learn more about: Joe Warren and Ben Askren.

Joe Warren fights at 145 and is probably going to be the biggest free agent that weight class has ever seen when his contract runs out. He's a wrestler, but he's also mean and unbelievably strong. He's taken on a few submission-oriented fighters and has escaped armbars, guillotines, and other submission holds not by technique, but literally just picking the guy up and slamming him repeatedly against the ground.

The other guy is Ben Askren, who was an Olympic wrestler back in China for the US, and he's simply going to be the biggest free agent on the market period when his contract runs out. Askren's been fighting for only a few years and is building on his Olympic wrestling by getting his Black Belt in BJJ (not there yet, but he's already got a purple belt). His big problem is that in his first few fights he showed the punching power of a ten year old girl (like Jake Shields), but apparently he's fixed that, because last night he absolutely tore apart a more accomplished fighters when he figured out he had elbows and he could throw them really fast.

BBMN - 6-19-2010 at 10:42 AM

A scary display of athleticism....

Key stuff that I missed the first viewing...

The throw, and instant 180 spin around 3:15-3:17. Jesus.

The escape and stand-up around 3:24.

And the barbells at 4:05... holy fucking fuck.

nOOb - 6-27-2010 at 05:14 AM

Fedor has lost. The internet is imploding. And Brock Lesnar is now the number one heavyweight in the world. Next few days should be interesting.

Editted to fix words because my Droid decides that I didn't mean to say them.

[Edited on 6-27-2010 by nOOb]

Thom - 6-27-2010 at 01:29 PM

Fedor rocked Werdum hard, but left himself in a bad position. Twice. He got out of it the first time, but he seemed maybe a little too anxious to finish the fight early.

Still, hats off to Werdum.

nOOb - 6-27-2010 at 02:28 PM

I think the best part of last night's loss is that it is a loss that Strikeforce will survive, but not so much M-1. Their whole mystique revolved around having a guy who only lost the one time on a questionable ref stoppage, but never clean. He just lost a guy the UFC let go for losing. Their negotiating chip is gone after Fedor's next fight. The UFC is never going to consider co-promotion now, and I doubt Strikeforce will, either.

This does make Strikeforce a little less appealing now. Now they're just a promotion with a roster that has a lot of guys the UFC released for not fighting well. They've already seemingly lost Jake Shields and will eventually lose Nick Diaz and Cung Le to the UFC. Their women's division is unappealing and its not helping that their champ regularly trains and holds her own against men and they're putting her up against women smaller and less talented on a regular basis. And Dan Henderson and Andrei Arlovski aren't exactly the most exciting guys anymore.

So I guess on the plus side you don't have to go out of your way to watch them on CBS anymore. But at least they won't collapse after the fall of Fedor.

BBMN - 6-28-2010 at 12:05 AM

I can't believe Fedor was that eager against a BJJ guy... well I can actually given his fights with Nog, but still, he put himself there and paid. With any luck, Overeem will fight Werdum and win, then lose to Fedor. Then the rematch.

MadStepDad - 6-30-2010 at 04:51 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
I think the best part of last night's loss is that it is a loss that Strikeforce will survive, but not so much M-1. Their whole mystique revolved around having a guy who only lost the one time on a questionable ref stoppage, but never clean. He just lost a guy the UFC let go for losing. Their negotiating chip is gone after Fedor's next fight. The UFC is never going to consider co-promotion now, and I doubt Strikeforce will, either.

This does make Strikeforce a little less appealing now. Now they're just a promotion with a roster that has a lot of guys the UFC released for not fighting well. They've already seemingly lost Jake Shields and will eventually lose Nick Diaz and Cung Le to the UFC. Their women's division is unappealing and its not helping that their champ regularly trains and holds her own against men and they're putting her up against women smaller and less talented on a regular basis. And Dan Henderson and Andrei Arlovski aren't exactly the most exciting guys anymore.

So I guess on the plus side you don't have to go out of your way to watch them on CBS anymore. But at least they won't collapse after the fall of Fedor.

You just described WCW to a T. The similarities are too strong to ignore. So do we have an 83 week run with Strikeforce topping the UFC in our future??? Maybe Strikeforce just needs Hulk Hogan. Or Batista.

LuckyLopez - 6-30-2010 at 07:44 PM

Err? Wasn't WCW a deep roster of talent that included some guys WWF released because they didn't "make the cut" but also included a ton of exciting international talent WWF wasn't interested in because of myopic hiring practices but which WCW showcased and changed the industry with? And then made their big jump by acquiring some of WWF's top talents at the prime of their careers and crafting a compelling and exciting story that roped everyone in?

And doesn't that last part kind of illustrate why this MMA/Wrestling comparison consistently falls apart?

[Edited on 6-30-2010 by LuckyLopez]

theflammablemanimal - 6-30-2010 at 10:32 PM

Vuvuzelas have been banned from the UFC.

From the Associated Press
"This decision was pretty simple," White said. "Vuvuzelas make the most horrific sound I've ever heard. I'd rather let Brock punch me in the face than hear 15,000 people blow on those things.

Quoted for truth.

MadStepDad - 7-1-2010 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
Err? Wasn't WCW a deep roster of talent that included some guys WWF released because they didn't "make the cut" but also included a ton of exciting international talent WWF wasn't interested in because of myopic hiring practices but which WCW showcased and changed the industry with? And then made their big jump by acquiring some of WWF's top talents at the prime of their careers and crafting a compelling and exciting story that roped everyone in?

And doesn't that last part kind of illustrate why this MMA/Wrestling comparison consistently falls apart?

[Edited on 6-30-2010 by LuckyLopez]

Yes. And no.

Strikeforce deep roster filled with talent that included some guys UFC released... and a ton of exciting international fighters that may someday change the MMA industry. Then Strikeforce aquired top UFC talent (like Dan Henderson most recently) and crafted an exciting story that has everybody roped in (Fedor = G.O.A.T.)

What Noob described sounds an awful lot to me like WCW 1999. Which is exactly why the MMA/wrestling comparison still lives.

nOOb - 7-1-2010 at 09:13 PM

Originally posted by MadStepDad

What Noob described sounds an awful lot to me like WCW 1999. Which is exactly why the MMA/wrestling comparison still lives.

Not even a little bit? The only reason THAT particular comparison came up is because we're currently on a forum that primarily discusses and criticizes professional wrestling. If I were to go up to someone and ask them if they thought pro wrestling and MMA were similar, and they said "yes", chances are very good that if they weren't internet wrestling fans, the WCW roster comparison wouldn't even enter their mind.

Gobshite - 7-2-2010 at 10:33 AM

I'd have thought a modern day TNA comparison would have been more appropriate: They used to be an entertaining and exciting company content to be a profit-making no 2 in their industry, then signed a bunch of guys who got cut from the top league, and are still very watchable, but there's just something 'different' there now, and its not necessarily a good thing.

Do M1 still do their tournaments? What is Fedors contract with them like? If Fedor HAS to work for M1, but Strikeforce and UFC lose interest in co-promotion, Fedor may be screwed. Hopefully the UFC will just buy them, and re-start Pride in Asia with all the leftover talent.

Happy July 4th Weekend to all by the way - Who's ordering the Brock fight?

MadStepDad - 7-2-2010 at 11:02 PM

I am!

To further the hype, here's an MMA interview with Paul Heyman RE: Brock Lesnar.

BBMN - 7-2-2010 at 11:31 PM


Happy July 4th Weekend to all by the way - Who's ordering the Brock fight?

Watching it with my big brother and celebrating his birthday... and drinking heavily.

As long as its more exciting than the last time him and I did this for the Rampage vs Forrest fight...

nOOb - 7-4-2010 at 05:27 AM

Brock Lesnar may never lose again. No human being should be able to take that amount of punishment and survive, and yet not only did he, but he still had energy left to pull off a submission win using technique that would only work with a guy Brock's size. I mean, wow, that head and arm choke wasn't really tight at all and then one step over and bicep flex later and Carwin was losing air fast. And it didn't help matters any that Cain Velasquez looked like he was about to poop his pants afterwards.

the goon - 7-4-2010 at 05:30 AM

I don't really follow UFC, but do keep an eye on Lesnar, and I doesn't seem like the guy is ever gonna lose. And I'm basically talking out of my ass here since I don't know anything about UFC, but every time Lesnar has an opponent I think "Hmm, maybe this guy can beat him" and they never do.

nOOb - 7-4-2010 at 06:02 AM

Just look at it like this: you know how Lesnar looks simply through pro wrestling. Shane Carwin was about an inch shorter than Lesnar, but close to the same physique with bigger hands, similar wrestling ability, and a 12-0 record that had all 12 fights ending in the first round easily. Shane Carwin had also just beat Frank Mir, the only guy to beat Brock, in a first round knockout using primarily very short punches with minimal torque on them.

Shane Carwin was the only guy close to Brock's physical stature or skillset. His next opponent is under 6 feet and will only be 40 pounds lighter than Brock at the weigh-in's, and is an All-American wrestler, but not on Brock's level. The only thing that prevented Lesnar from taking down Carwin in the first round other than Carwin's desire to beat on Brock was Carwin's size and strength, two things Cain Velasquez does not have.

And after Cain, he gets the winner of Junior Dos Santos and Roy Nelson. So yeah...maybe Bobby Lashley better hurry up and decide if he's serious about this MMA stuff, because until Shane Carwin comes back improved, Lesnar has very little competition.

Still, he'll keep selling shows. And I'll keep buying.

MadStepDad - 7-4-2010 at 02:13 PM

Me too, Noob. Great great show punctuated by the Chris Leben fight of the night. Wow, he's the REAL "Zombie" of MMA!!! Unbelievable. And his opponent Yoshiro Akiyama definitely won by losing. Madd, madd props to him.

But Brock Lesnar proved he was King of the heavyweights. In the first round he looked nervous, skittish, unconfident, unsure and he got pummeled unmercifully for almost the entire round. By then it appeared Carwin had gassed significantly, and Brock turned a seeming rest-hold into a lights-out tap. THEN he completely reinvented himself in the vein of ALL great heel pro wrestlers returning from injury - as a babyface! Kurt Angle, Triple H and most recently Edge are an example of this booking phenemenon. Hopefully the fans bought the new "humble" Brock Lesnar and continue to support him. I know I will!!!

Joeldacat - 7-4-2010 at 02:40 PM

I was in a room full of people pulling for Carwin. They all fell silent when Brock won. I did not. Thanks Brock for letting me be an obnoxious WWE fan one more time!

My more knowledgeable UFC friend says had Carwin put a little more into the show on beating on a downed Brock, whether he was hurting him or not, he would've won. Agree?

[Edited on 7-4-2010 by Joeldacat]

nOOb - 7-4-2010 at 04:56 PM

Carwin lost that because he overexerted himself with his punches. I mean, I know Brock said that he felt each punch get weaker, but you could kinda tell he was getting a bit more winded with every punch. If there's anything for him to learn off of this, it's that next time he pounds a guy, he needs to get a more dominant position. Because he was hovering over Brock, Brock was able to use his feet to push Carwin away. In fact, his best mount still had him standing over Brock rather than laying on him, meaning Brock could extend had the ability to move him torso up and grab at Carwin's head.

A better mount and Carwin probably wins that fight, although he probably doesn't knock out Brock, he probably just gets the stoppage because Brock wouldn't be able to defend himself. Scary thing is that Carwin's going to see that, learn that, and improve. And Lesnar's only going to get better too. So that rematch is going to be an explosion.

BBMN - 7-5-2010 at 12:03 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
Brock Lesnar may never lose again. No human being should be able to take that amount of punishment and survive... And it didn't help matters any that Cain Velasquez looked like he was about to poop his pants afterwards.

This and this. Me and my brother laughed when they showed Cain struggling to keep bowel control. The biggest threat to Lesnar is getting KO'd. And its going to be hard for anyone to do it if Shane couldn't. I think only Fedor's casting punch can KO him.

LuckyLopez - 7-5-2010 at 12:31 AM

Here's the impression I have of that fight from listening to and talking to a bunch of people.

Carwin had him... for like 30 seconds. He put him down and Brock didn't have the ability or knowledge to get him up. But in doing so he used up all his energy. Whether its because he beefed up to match Brock's power at the cost of his cardio, that he never had much cardio to begin with, or what. Once Brock got back on his feet due to the start of a new round Carwin didn't have it in him to get him down again. And then he was easy pickings for a non-submission move.

Is that accurate?

If that's the case doesn't it really kind of speak poorly of Brock as a fighter? I mean he's a mountain of a man with cardio and power. We all know that. So he could take a beating and go all Rocky/Ali on the guy. But it sounds like he's not unbeatable, you just have to find the right guy.

A guy with enough power/skill to take Brock down and keep him down (which Carwin) had but with the cardio to keep it going long enough to end the match. I'm not a MMA guy but in the little I've seen I've seen some really variant cases of the ref stopping the match, but I'd guess its safe to say a ref won't stop a fight to give Brock his first loss unless Brock's eye has fallen out. Yes? So maybe a dude who has a little submission skill and can catch Brock once he's weakened him a bit?

Is that guy just a unicorn who doesn't exist? I know heavyweights fucking suck. I can't watch them fight. People are saying Cain is that guy, but then again they said Carwin was that guy. And Frank Mir. So clearly there's a good bit of wishful thinking at play, but still, I don't HEAR any analysis of Brock that suggests he's TRULY unbeatable. He SOUNDS to me like a very flawed fighter who could be beat by the guy with the right skills/assets. Whether that guy exists is another question entirely, but surely some muscled up heavyweight with decent cardio is watching that match and saying "If I improve my cardio so I can ground and pound his ass for 2 rounds I could win", no?

Or am I just way off? Intelligent analysis of Brock as a fighter seems REALLY hard to find. Its either pro-wrestling fans being all "HE'S UNBEATABLE! HAHA, MMA!" or MMA fans being all "HE'S A FLUKE! XXX WILL EXPOSE HIM!" I'm just trying to piece together the truth with bits and pieces.

BBMN - 7-5-2010 at 01:35 AM

Originally posted by LuckyLopez
Is that accurate?

Basically Brock ate one big uppercut and immediately retreated. Shane unloaded and got him down. Brock looked worse than he really was. The ref did a fantastic job in letting the action continue... it did look bad, but from what Brock said, he was never in that much danger. He just absorbed everything and most of the damage appeared to be cosmetic. Shane should have backed off and forced Brock to stand back up. But really now, Shane's fights are short for a reason, so he clearly thought he had him in a worse position than he did.

If that's the case doesn't it really kind of speak poorly of Brock as a fighter?

Nope. To be a fighter you should be able to take it as well as you can give it. What happened surely looked bad for Brock, yes, but it was in fact a major statement about how good he is. Everyone Shane has punched has been defeated. That's scary and rare. So here we have one of the most brutal strikers we've seen in the heavyweight division, and when he turned it up to 11, Brock took it.

Although I will concede that Brock's standup is second rate compared to Shane's but that doesn't mean he's a poor fighter. He's arguably a poor boxer, not a poor fighter.

But it sounds like he's not unbeatable, you just have to find the right guy.

Fedor. That can be said of any man on the planet however.

... but surely some muscled up heavyweight with decent cardio is watching that match and saying "If I improve my cardio so I can ground and pound his ass for 2 rounds I could win", no?

One will need to be able to get Brock on his back. Shane did it with striking, but Brock ate it all. Its not that Shane's cardio is shit. Its just that being that big (big enough to drop Lesnar) means you lose cardio. Brock was mauled by some truly nasty GnP and it didn't really hurt him. So GnP (super-human cardio or not) only goes so far. And nobody can out wrestle and out muscle Brock for 2 rounds. Nobody except Brock's clone from 2003.

He is too big and strong to be out wrestled. He's too tough to be GnPed to a TKO loss. It will be hard to submit him with his massive frame and strength. His striking is weak, but so what? He will take you down... no getting around it. The best shot is for someone to land a massive KO punch (or kick) early in the 1st. Like I said earlier... Fedor and his casting punch can do it.

[Edited on 7-5-2010 by BBMN]

Biff_Manly - 7-5-2010 at 04:33 AM

I think we also have to say that when Brock was on his back, even when he covered up, he was still pushing with his legs, moving his head, or reaching up blocking/counterpunching. As soon as he could he started tried to jump up. All credit to the ref though. You get a jittery ref in there and who knows, he might have called the fight.

Carwin threw the kitchen sink at Brock. At the start of the second he was gassed and Brock F'n smiles at him. The fight was lost right there.

I've heard people say Shane can train and build up his cardio but we've all seen those videos of Brock training. Hell, we've seen him do 20 minute matches. I honestly don't know many fighters at any level that have that cardio endurance to match Brock. I'm not trying for hyperbole here it's just the dude is a specimen. I hope the military clones Lesner. Can you imagine how badass a thousand Lesner clones would be? Just kidding but then again, not really.

I would really like to see a Roy Nelson--Brock Lesner fight. Roy does have some power in his fat body and if he did end up on top of Brock that could get very interesting very quick.

Gobshite - 7-5-2010 at 09:25 AM

I don't think you can really Judge Lesnar's punching / boxing ability based on the few punches he threw on Saturday, because he stated ata press conference on Wednesday that as part of his game plan, he was switching to a south paw stance. I think he'll go back, because to me, he looked too un-natural, and couldn't really throw anything big at Carwin - unless he wasn't intending to.

The fight as a whole answered two questions though - yes he can take a punch, and yes he has a back up plan when he's going against big guys and GnP won't necessarily work. I think they were two of his bigest criticisms coming off his first few fights, so it's good to see he's developing into a well rounded fighter - and it'll be a good two years before he loses, in my opinion.

After the fight, when he walked into the crowd - how weird / cool was it to see Austin, Goldberg, Heyman and JR together? A bit of a random group, but it was good to see JR looking healthy... and never missing a promotional opportunity!! Buy some sauce!!!

doctorb - 7-5-2010 at 03:09 PM

And I can't find the video. Does UFC do that good a job of scrubbing the videos?

whyme - 7-5-2010 at 03:50 PM

That's him talking about how WWE helped him out.

Gobshite - 7-5-2010 at 04:19 PM

Yeah, I used to struggle to get streaming video, your best bet is to try pirate bay for a torrent of that one fight on its own (shouldn't be huge, build up / fight / interviews is 20-25 minutes tops).

I'm guessing they protect new content especially because UFC on demand will have it, there will still be people ordering replays and the dvd isnt out yet. Luckily it's on ESPN over here!!

BBMN - 7-5-2010 at 06:13 PM


I recommend getting this before downloading anything... UFC is sending out notices to ISPs, that in turn are sending out notices to customers... just saying.

I installed this on a flash drive that I can take with me. I actually installed it on the flash drive because I prefer to not have tons of programs installing stuff on my C drive's registry. Basically this program is a slow moving browser. It shifts your 'location' around the world to various servers. If you install it, at one point it will ask for a card number. I'm pretty sure you just chose the other option available (tor network I think). It runs slow, as data is bounced all over the place. But it seems to work well. I occasionally restart it after say 30 minutes of browsing. Then again, you should be able to get in and get out in less than 5.

Qonas - 7-6-2010 at 05:33 PM

And here's a video of Jim Ross, Austin, Heyman, and Goldberg being interviewed after the fight. They're asked about the fight, and about Brock.

Thom - 7-6-2010 at 06:47 PM

Thanks, Qonas.

I found it kinda funny that Heyman was giving props to Rosenthal, and then Rosenthal shows up talking to Buffer and Goldberg over Heyman's left shoulder.

BBMN - 8-2-2010 at 06:37 AM

Jones' fights make me scared that he's going to send someone to a wheelchair.

MadStepDad - 8-2-2010 at 03:50 PM

I agree. Jon Jones throws better elbows than Randy Savage ever did. On a related note, the Fireball Kid has finally arrived in the UFC and last night during the Versus show I saw for the first time the ad for the next UFC PPV (Sonnen versus Anderson).

Man - Chael Sonnen is the Rowdy Roddy Piper of MMA pre-fight hype. Swear to God.

theflammablemanimal - 8-2-2010 at 09:22 PM

Even Samoa Joe is scared of Jones

BBMN - 8-3-2010 at 09:41 PM

Jones... I want to see this guy fighting top 10 names NOW. If he were to get a couple wins over top names, I'd like to see him fight Anderson Silva at whatever weight they agreed on. I'd pay for that. Barring injury, this guys getting the gold within 2 years.

BBMN - 8-4-2010 at 07:38 PM

Bloodsport Karma

Its very long and very awesome.

Thom - 8-4-2010 at 09:35 PM

I wasn't sure if I should post this here, or the youtube thread...

But, I bet Gordo's glad Roger Huerta wasn't around when he thought he'd fight some fat chicks.

Huerta nearly kills a guy that cheap-shotted a girl in the middle of the street.

edit: Video is shot (apparently) from a cell phone camera, and the "good" action is missed, but we see the why and the aftermath.

[Edited on 8/4/10 by Thom]

MadStepDad - 8-6-2010 at 10:50 PM

Would post just the pics, but I can't right now. Check these out:

Batista training with the Skrap Pack!!!

BBMN - 8-7-2010 at 06:59 PM

Too old, too big. He'll gas in 4 minutes. Plus he has no 'bread and butter' like boxing or wrestling to fall back on. Bad idea all around.

MadStepDad - 8-8-2010 at 03:36 AM

Junior Dos Santos just pummeled Roy "Big Country" Nelson for 3 rounds. Roy weathered an incredible storm of stiff strikes, jabs and knees. He got steadily worn down, yet never gave up. Crowd even started a "USA" chant in the 2nd round but it wasn't enough. By the end of the 3rd Roy was gassed and couldn't even raise his arms. Good showing by Roy, but Dos Santos looks like the Prototype.

Winner by Unanimous Decision: JUNIOR DOS SANTOS (he will now fight the winner of Cain Valasquez/Brock Lesnar later this year).

MC HAMMER in the audience! He recently started his own MMA management company.


Caught him with a left hook that felled him, jumped on him with the head/arm choke and just SQUEEZES the shit out of it, drags him to the mat until his body flops dead to the mat and ref stops it.

MATT HUGHES wins in the first round by chokeout. Is Hughes the 2010 Gracie Hunter? First Royce, then Renzo. Now Gracie-affilated assassin Ricardo Almeida is put to sleep. Crowd pleased with the All-American victory.

Clay "the Carpenter" Guida just submitted Rafeal Dos Anos in a really weird way. They slugged it out for 3 rounds, until Guida hit an exploding take down and ground Rafael into the cage where he sudenlly and frantically began tapping out. Replays showed a shoulder to the jaw, pressing down. Further replay reveals Guida actually broke Rafael's jaw in the first round with a wicked punch. Looks like Guida's trademark is a huge burp in between rounds.

Winner: Clay Guida by submission, 3rd round.

WOW WHAT A COMEBACK! Stefan "skyscraper" Struve wins by 2nd round KO!!! He spent the whole first round on his back getting absolutely BEATEN by newcomer Morecraft. He had a few scrambles and Gumby-like triangle attempts, but Struve was THROTTLED. 2nd round took a while to start because Struve's bottom lip was destroyed. Doctors overhead saying "if you get a good surgeon you'll be allright". Then he came out in the 2nd round, caught him with a combo, folded him and followed him to the mat with a punch of wide open unprotected short right hooks to Morecrafts FACE.

Stefan Struve by 2nd round KO.

JON FITCH wins a decision over Thiago Alves. Story of the match had Alves completely unable to defend Fitch's myriad takedown attempts. In typical fashion, Fitch smothered his opponent for 3 rounds nullifying all of Alves explosive striking.

Winner by unamious decision: Jon Fitch.

WOW Chael Sonnen has completely dominated the first round!!!! Fight not over yet, but Anderson Silva just got the worst beatdown of his entire CAREER! CRowd was chanting for Silva to start, but Sonnen took the fuck over and was getting a standing O by the end of the first! Stand up, take down, ground and pound... Chael took it to Silva every which way! 2nd round starting now... Wow what a start.

2nd round. This is what we paid to see! Sonnen brings the FIRE out of Silva and he comes out swinging but quickly gets scooped by Sonnen and dropped on the mat again! Sonnen on top all round, dopping heavy shots. Silva defending, but he's on the bottom and clearly at the disadvantage. "USA" chants again. Sonnen will not let him rest. Ear boxes, hammer fists, shoulder thrusts... Even a Charlie Horse to face elbow combo! This is remarkable! Rowdy Roddy Piper aka Chael Sonnen is looking like a world beater tonight! That's two rounds on the judges score cards for Sonnen for sure. 16 seconds left and Sonnen escapes a last ditch kimura attempt from Silva to great applause.

3rd round, Chael runs RIGHT at him and eats a punch. Uh oh, Silva doing his little avoiding routine but Sonnen won't let him! Scoops the champ back to the mat again and takes his back! Knees to the body and punches to the head from behind. Sonnen is relentless. Silva trying to look unaffected but the punches are constant. Scrambles and Silva pulls guard. But Sonnen STILL won't stop pounding his face into the mat. Loud "Sonnen" chants now from the audience. Rapid fire rabbit punches and hammer fists. Both men wearing down considerably but Sonnen is perpetual motion. Silva just can't get off the ground. End 3rd round and this is looking like a shut out for Sonnen!

4th round. Silva on the comeback! Elbows, kicks, hard punches! Sonnen staggered. TAkedown fails, and Silva takes top control!!! Silva in control! But how much does he have left??? Sonnen fighting to his feet and reverses the take down! Sonnen is back on top! "That's wrestling, baby!" chimes in Joe Rogan! Continue Sonnen suffocation seminar. Silva is eating some bombs on the mat. Another "USA" chant gains steam in the audience. Wow, Sonnen got split open pretty ugly from a few Anderson Silva elbows from the bottom. End of the 4th and another unanimous victory for Sonnen. Entering the end game now...

Oh wow. In between rounds, Sonnen has a huge deep slit over his left eye from that elbow. 5th and final round, crowd on their feet! Sonnen fails a takedown, Silva still very light on his feet. Sonnen rocks him AGAIN and Silva collapses to the mat just like round one! Sonnen BACK on top and this will probably end right here. Side control by Sonnen, trying for the choke but Silva pulls guard. Rogan says that last punch DIDN'T rock Silva, he just slipped on the duck down. Doesn't matter, Sonnen is still on top peppering and hammering away. Announcers already prepping for a new champion announcement. OH NO deep triangle from the bottom on Sonnen!!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!! It's tight!!!! Kimura!!! WTF!!!! Just happened!!!! DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Madd controversy!!! Sonnen tapped but didn't, but he really did! anderson with a last ditch triangle choke and Sonnen tapped one time and tried to play it off! Replays showed he tapped! Oh man, he lost the fight in the last few minutes of the fight he was winning all night!

ANDERSON SILVA retains his title in the STIFFEST defense of his pro career! He REALLY earned this one. Sivla actually bows at the feet of Sonnen and they hug for a long time.

GREAT fight! Great PPV!

[Edited on 8-8-2010 by MadStepDad]

nOOb - 8-8-2010 at 05:10 AM

Watching right now, jeez, Jon Fitch is most boring fighter alive.

MadStepDad - 8-8-2010 at 05:53 AM

Anderson Silva just tried to blame his weak 4 round performance on sore ribs, and said his doctor didn't even want him to fight. Wow, talk about a come from behind victory. He really snatched it from the jaws of defeat. Sonnen gives Silva his props post fight, but for real - he did better than ANYBODY ever did against Silva in the UFC.

MadStepDad - 8-8-2010 at 02:19 PM

So much to still say about that main event last night. Fans and critics alike are already calling it an instant classic like Christian Cage. Anderson Silva proved why the traditional pro-wrestling money making formula is still intact nearly 100 years after Toots Mondt invented it. Babyface champion (Silva got the first pro-crowd chants in his favor) gets pounded on the entire time by the heel (in this case, Chael Sonnen aka MMA�s Rowdy Roddy Piper) before pulling off the improbable, come-from-behind, emotional victory. But it was ALSO a display of pro wrestling�s �looking good by losing� paradigm as well. Chael Sonnen came off remarkably well in that fight, so much he even started getting his OWN pro-crowed chants during the middle of the fight! (like when fans started cheering Piper before it was �cool� to cheer heels). He looked so good, so dominating, he practically wrote his own ticket for his immediate UFC future. They�re already talking �immediate rematch�, with Sonnen himself chiming in with a bid to coach TUF against Silva in the future. Overall, awesome awesome night. Reminds me why we love MMA and pro wrestling so much.

Here�s our (IWC�s own) Dave Meltzer on the fight:;_ylt=ApC.IGIz.t4nEV3pGh183XQ9Eo14?slug=dm-rematch080810

theflammablemanimal - 8-8-2010 at 04:41 PM

Thanks for the recap MSD. But how is Chad Sonnen the heel when you say that he was getting USA chants all night?

MadStepDad - 8-8-2010 at 05:00 PM

He started out as the heel by being a belligerent, ignorant, pompous ass with all his pre-fight shit talking (CLASSIC Roddy Piper, if you ask me).

When he first came out last night he was roundly booed. BECAUSE most people thought his MOUTH was the only thing that would get any work in this match. EVERYBODY expected him to get MURDERED. But when he didn't, sentiment changed. Not only did he NOT get his ass kicked in swift order - he actually beat the champ to within an inch of his life!!! THAT's when the crowd started cheering for him. When they realized he was no joke. But Silva was still the favorite, especially after the submission.

But Sonnen retained his heel heat with that confusing last segment. He tapped, but didn't acknowledge it and kept fighting Silva, confusing even the ref. Kinda like when Shamrock tapped against Gracie MANY MANY years ago - kind of denied he did - the match stalled - confusion - until the replays clearly showed he did tap, so he accepted it.

nOOb - 8-8-2010 at 06:40 PM

As an ex-wrestler, I loved a lot about last night. The most established wrestler in MMA beats a jiu jitsu guy via submission and another exposes Silva's greatest weakness as wrestling. I don't know if Sonnen had the ability to finish that fight as much as he did draw out a lengthy decision, but regardless of the loss, he showed that Silva is beatable and, if he doesn't get another shot, he laid out the groundwork to get the job done for whoever does. Granted, there's only, like, three middleweights in MMA right now that have that wrestling pedigree to follow the gameplan (Sonnen, Dan Henderson, who is both not in the UFC anymore and moving permanently to Light Heavyweight, and Yushin Okami, who's already beaten Silva once before).

And regardless of the outcome, Sonnen should get major props for selling an otherwise average looking PPV as much as he did, especially after Lesnar/Carwin (and that's going to help the UFC out huge considering that after this Penn/Edgar 2 fight card, they're going to have Noguera/Mir 2 headline a card, which is completely uninteresting to me and probably a lot of others, as well as a British based card that'll probably be tape-delayed on Spike).

Biff_Manly - 8-8-2010 at 11:25 PM

Pretty good card all around. I hope this gets Big Country to drop a few pounds. He doesn't have to get chiseled but he ran out of gas and lacked mobility. Was it me or did he look bigger than on TUF?

They don't call Silva The Spider for nothing, he waited for his chance to strike and took it.. It looked like the second Sonnan let his attack falter for a second Silva was right there to put on the lock. I think Sonnan was out of it when he tapped and didn't really realize he had nodded out. I don't think he was trying to pull anything.

The only question is if we get a quick rematch or they stretch it out. I think if they are smart we get something before the end of the year. If either one of them loses to someone else before they fight each other it knocks down the PPV anticipation.

I do think Vince might need to bring Chael into the WWE in a purely manager roll. He talks some awesome smack.

MadStepDad - 8-9-2010 at 12:07 PM

Oh my goodness, after all this talk. Y'all know Sonnen's from Oregon right? He just recently admitted to meeting and hanging out with Roddy Piper and his son before the Silva fight!! Alot of speculation that Piper may have actually taught him the art of cutting a promo! Seriously! Awesome!

MadStepDad - 8-16-2010 at 06:58 PM

More on Batista in MMA:

Former WWE wrestler Dave Batista says one of the main reasons he's making the transition to MMA is because he didn't like the direction of pro wrestling. Batista parted ways with WWE in May after being one of the top stars in the promotion to start the year.

"It wasn't like a sporadic thing. I've been thinking of it for a long time. Kind of following the footsteps of Brock (Lesnar) and Bobby Lashley. Before I get too old, I wanted to give it a try," Batista told Fight Magazine in an interview.

"I just really want to make that cross-over. I want to be a legitimate fighter. I didn't like the direction pro wrestling was going on. I want to legitimize myself as a mixed martial artists against true legit fighters. This is not like a joke to me; this is something I take real seriously."

Batista also talked about WWE's full-time schedule and the constant travel catching up to him physically. He said he's enjoying the MMA training schedule at the Cesar Gracie camp in California where he can focus on one thing and not be constantly on the road.

"The (MMA) training part is fun. I'm a physical guy. I love to train," he said. "The traveling and the wear and tear that comes along with professional wrestling is what takes a toll on you. I always tell people the hardest thing about professional wrestling is the travel. It just beats you up, man. Just dealing with traveling coast to coast and cramped up in tight spaces for hours, plus a lack of sleep (and) lack of good food. If I can center myself in one place for eight to ten weeks, that's a dream come true for me."

Despite a history of injuries during his pro wrestling career, Batista said he thinks he's very durable, which he believes will be a strength for him during his MMA career. "Resilient" might be a better word to describe Batista, who returned from several major muscle and ligament injuries during his WWE career.

"I'm real durable. I think I've proven that over the years in WWE; I think any professional wrestler is nothing else, durable," he said. "Brock has proved that. Bobby has proved that. I think a lot more fighters than you realize are also professional wrestlers. If there's one requirement in professional wrestling, it's durability. And I'm as durable as they come."

Batista said he has eight-to-ten more weeks of training at the Gracie camp before he signs a contract with Strikeforce. He said he's looking at early 2011 for a debut fight in MMA after missing a window of opportunity this year. Batista said he's also concentrating on TV and movie projects, including what he says is a "big budget" movie opportunity.

"Early 2011," Batista said when asked when he plans to have his first fight. "Negotiations are going good; it's just when we started talking, I had a very small opportunity leaving wrestling and being freed up from that and doing other projects. I have TV projects and movie projects. One is a really big priority for me because it's a big budget film. My window of opportunity closed. Now, we're looking to early 2011."

Batista also addressed skepticism of him making the transition and whether he has the chops to make it in MMA. "I'm legit. I'm a fighter. I want to learn how to be a professional fighter," he said. "I'm not coming in here like a celebrity. I don't mind earning people's respect. I don't expect to have it handed to me."

theflammablemanimal - 8-19-2010 at 04:18 PM

Batista has proved he was durable? When was the last time he went a full year without being injured somehow?

All his talk about being centered in one place and not traveling makes me fear that he'll go to TNA once he loses a few MMA matches.

nOOb - 8-19-2010 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
All his talk about being centered in one place and not traveling makes me fear that he'll go to TNA once he loses a few MMA matches.

This is going to happen win or lose.

BBMN - 8-19-2010 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
Batista has proved he was durable? When was the last time he went a full year without being injured somehow?

Well to be fair, he heal quickly it seems. Then again, a lot of people heal quickly with the use (prescribed or not) of steroids.

He better hope they match him up with a b-level striker with no BJJ credentials.

nOOb - 8-19-2010 at 11:43 PM

To get back on the MMA topic (slightly), Bobby Lashley is fighting Saturday on Showtime against some dude named Chad Griggs. Guy looks jacked in his Sherdog photo, and he is 8-1, but he hasn't really beaten anyone good (then again, neither has Lashley). This fight is just interesting enough for me to look up results later Saturday night.

MadStepDad - 8-20-2010 at 11:34 PM

I'll try to post another on-the-spot real time result. I've watched every single one of Lashley's fights - I even ordered the Roy Jones PPV with him on it. I'm a mark.

GimmickMan - 8-21-2010 at 07:23 AM

Two links for y'all:

I spoke with Strikeforce light-heavyweight champion King Mo Lawal on my radio show earlier this week. He fights Rafael Feijao tomorrow at Strikeforce. Here's some highlights/audio from the interview.

First link talking about the fight and other serious business:

Second link talking about him going into pro-wrestling, who would be the MMA Four Horsemen and who he'd pick from MMA to reform Harlem Heat with:

MadStepDad - 8-22-2010 at 03:31 AM

Sick links Gimmick Man.

Live 8/21 fuck Bobby Lashley.

Underdeveloped, underwhelming. He was professionally announced as being a 2x WWE champion. On commentary, they spoke of his pro wrestling background many times. Frank Shamrock said pro wrestlers work way harder and make more money, whereas MMA fighters work twice a year.

Griggs looked like a regular big white stiff, with silly Honky Tonk Man sideburns. Lashley telegraphed his entire fight. Shoot in for the double leg takedown. Crowd booed him madd times. He's like the Jon Fitch of heavyweights. He layed on Griggs, pounded him a little . Get seperated and stood up by the ref for inactivity.

Bobby had one sick over thes shoulder standing slam on Griggs to open the 2nd round, but after that he was winded beyond belief. He suffered a gash under his eye that severely impeded him, but nothing worse than what we've seen in MMA before. By the time the 2nd round came, Lashly did his double got dominant ground n pound position, but couldn't finish. When the ref seperated them again, it was clear Bobby was ready to quit. He got caught with a few stiff hammer fists at the end of the 2nd, after it was CLEAR he was only going to shoot for the double (very slowly and weakly now from exertion). So Griggs pounded him as he desperately clutched his ankle, and the refs cackled "This is real! This isn't pro wrestling!" The bell ended the second, and Bobby quit immediately after.

Winner Griggs by TKO

Loser Pro Wrestling

nOOb - 8-22-2010 at 03:35 AM

Yep...that was what I expected when he took on an opponent with slightly decent credentials. Griggs wasn't even what I'd consider a special type of fighter, but he was a typical heavyweight: good at what he needed to be good at, great at nothing, and lacking in technique. And he won.

I kinda saw it coming after the Jason Guida fight where he didn't really get too serious about the sport after nearly losing to a heavyweight in horrible shaped that possessed just enough know-how to be a threat. I don't like to get too premature, but things don't look great for Lashley after that.

BBMN - 8-25-2010 at 10:29 PM

Biff_Manly - 8-25-2010 at 11:45 PM

I want Randy to beat Toney's bloated ass. Unfortunately Randy's chin doesn't seem to be there anymore and I fear one good shot and he's going down. I hope he wins and retires. Stick to doing movies and training people.

MadStepDad - 8-27-2010 at 02:49 PM


BJ Penn regains his title from Frankie Edgar, 4th round submission.
Couture beats Toney by decision.
Florian beats Maynard, 2nd round TKO (ref stoppage due to cuts)
Nate Diaz submits Marcus Davis.
Joe Lauzon KO's cake man Gabe Ruediger.

Prelim winners:
Andre Winner
Joh Salter
Nick Osipczak
Amilcar Alves

Who's Next on the Prediction band wagon???

MadStepDad - 8-29-2010 at 05:52 AM

Joe Lauzon wins. Marcus Davis and Kenny Florian lose. Couture chokes out Toney in the first round and Frankie Edgar retains against BJ Penn, 5th round decision. During the brief Couture/Toney fight, immediately after Randy sunk the quick take-down, Boston MA initiated a first in MMA by chanting "UFC! UFC!" Even the announcers have to acknowledge it.

the goon - 8-29-2010 at 06:13 AM

I really don't know shit about UFC, but I'm proud to say that I bet my brother tonight (while we were hanging out at a bar that was showing the PPV) that Couture would beat Toney in the first round.

I'm drunk and that's all.

GimmickMan - 8-30-2010 at 03:24 AM

Boy, your predictions were pretty bad MSD.

For the record, I drilled three of the main card fights on the nose:

Edgar DEC
Maynard DEC
Couture SUB 1

Matte - 8-30-2010 at 06:57 AM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
Boy, your predictions were pretty bad MSD.

But in his opinion, he had the BEST PREDICTIONS EVER!!!


Just kidding, MSD. You know you're my bro. :)

MadStepDad - 8-30-2010 at 02:36 PM

And NOW you guys see why I always wind up getting trashed on fight night!

MadStepDad - 8-30-2010 at 07:05 PM

Ok, let's talk about this. Did anybody see it? I think this ends the UFC's hot streak of events. Man, the opening prelim was BRUTAL. Just a slow, grinding, suffocating affair. I'm NOT the guy who boos the second a fight hits the mat, and I did appreciate the work that went into that match. But I also know ALOT of borderline fans (cuz I watch every event with them) would hate it. Bad looks for a free fight that's supposed to make you buy it.

But thank god for Joe Lauzon (North Bridgewater stand up! - that's "Brockton" before it became Brockton). He won in exciting, dramatic fashion and repped for Boston the way it should have been. Davis and Florian were EMBARRASSED. Davis showed there is an age limit in MMA (he's 37). This was a live Rocky fight - he got MURDERED in the stand up, I mean his eye was BAD. Even some of my drunk friends were disgusted by the abuse. Then he got choked out BUT DIDN'T TAP. So he didn't give up, he didn't quit, but he got the hell knocked out of him. Florian got bullied, but the worst thing was Dana White calling him a "choker" after the show! Ouch.

Couture/Toney was to be expected. The BJ Penn fight was Ok too. I don't think we saw one KO that night, and in hindsight.... what was the UFC thinking? Nik Lentz, Damian Maia, Gray Maynard AND Randy Couture all on the same card??? Were they TRYING to put us to sleep??? Only thing missing was Jon Fitch and Josh Koscheck and it would have been a matress marathon.

Not a dud, really. But not awesome. Before the fight I was all like "yo I'm going to buy this on DVD! Boston baby!" Afterwards? I even deleted the DVR recording.

Gobshite - 8-31-2010 at 12:27 PM

I saw the vast majority of this live at a bar in Manhatten (I've just come back from a weeks vacation there). Atmosphere was really good, definitley a unique experience. If you live near a bar that shows it for free, I'd recommend going. If anyone needs to know it was the House of Brews of 51st & 8th that was showing it. Its the only place in central NYC that I saw advertising it, let alone for free.

No KO's but plenty of domination - Couture managed to basically fall over in his first takedown attempt, but still have time to recoup and take Tonney down. Man, he was out of shape and out of his league.

BJ Penn is done as a top level fighter unless he makes some serious adjustments. I think he's cruising on his reputation now, which is never a good thing. He expected to win the belt back in a walkover, and he paid for it. I'd like to see him train, or move a weigh class now. He may become the new Iceman if he carries on just as he is.

Biff_Manly - 8-31-2010 at 01:13 PM

It was a boring card. The one good thing? Randy can now retire for reals and on a relative high note instead of his last fight ending with him on his back. He defended the honor of MMA. Now he can go on to training people and acting full time. There really is no need to see Captain America back in a MMA ring again.

nOOb - 8-31-2010 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
It was a boring card. The one good thing? Randy can now retire for reals and on a relative high note instead of his last fight ending with him on his back. He defended the honor of MMA. Now he can go on to training people and acting full time. There really is no need to see Captain America back in a MMA ring again.

Why retire though? It isn't like he's Chuck Liddel getting knocked out every fight. He's won 3 of 5 and one of those losses was a semi-competitive one vs Brock.

Biff_Manly - 8-31-2010 at 04:40 PM

Because like it or on the guy is 47 and has no reasonable expectation at making a championship run. He has nothing to prove and only can be a stepping stone for other fighters to make their bones on. Also, he seems like a semi-decent guy and it'd be best if he quit fighting before he got hurt permanent and ended up a slurring punchy mess like Toney.

(Even though I am aware that in MMA you are less likely to end up that way just due to the lack of repeated shots to the head as incurred by boxers.)

Gobshite - 8-31-2010 at 04:41 PM

If he had any intention of retiring, he'd have announced it there and then. I think he's the kind of guy that could retire on a loss if he wanted to. He'l keep going until he's 50 (I didnt realise he was 47 already) - its just fitness and technique with him, as long as he doesnt start getting knocked out all the time he could go on and on...

BBMN - 8-31-2010 at 07:38 PM

Is BJ Penn past his prime? Edgar was just soooo fast... I can't tell if its his speed, or BJ's age catching up to him. Edgar is pretty much the fastest LW I've seen. And he even was getting TDs on BJ, a man known for his TD defense. Kinda surreal to see Edgar pull off the same fight twice.

And the Randy/Toney fight... I predicted Randy would shoot in within 15 seconds. I was right. I liked how Toney said he wasn't going anywhere... sure. You looked so great. Dana will surely sign you to a 5 fight contract.

gobbledygooker - 8-31-2010 at 08:41 PM

Originally posted by MadStepDad
Ok, let's talk about this. Did anybody see it? I think this ends the UFC's hot streak of events.

Not a dud, really. But not awesome. Before the fight I was all like "yo I'm going to buy this on DVD! Boston baby!" Afterwards? I even deleted the DVR recording.

I was watching the Panthers game (at the aforementioned bar that Goon mentioned) with my girlfriend and her friend so when the UFC event started, we figured we'd give it a chance and check it out. Unfortunately the girls started shitting all over the first couple of fights so much, I was afraid that some of the hardcore UFC fans there were going to come after me! Definitely not a good event to introduce them to UFC. They were bored to tears.

MadStepDad - 9-9-2010 at 07:25 PM

From yahoo:

Todd Duffee's career with the UFC lasted 12 minutes and 39 seconds. The heavyweight who shot into prominence after knocking out Tim Hague in seven seconds was cut from the UFC.

The 25-year-old couldn't sustain the meteoric rise that happened after he broke the UFC fastest knockout record. He suffered an injury before a scheduled bout with Paul Buentello at UFC 107. At UFC 114, Duffee beat up on Mike Russow for 2 1/2 rounds before Russow came back to land a perfect right, knocking Duffee out.

Sports Illustrated's Josh Gross reported that there were some problems between UFC president Dana White and Duffee, but that this is hardly the end of Duffee's MMA career. Duffee's manager Alex Davis said that Todd will continue to fight.

"It's unfortunate, but Todd's an asset and he will keep on fighting. He is a young kid and gets a lot of attention," Davis said.

Duffee's appeal to any MMA organization is clear. He's a young and exciting fighter who looks like he was the hero of a 1950s movie about truth, goodness and the American Way. Strikeforce is strongest at heavyweight, so he would be a natural fit there.

MadStepDad - 9-15-2010 at 08:37 PM

UFC Fight Night 22 live on Spike TV tonight. Don't forget. Also, for the benefit of the few MMA fans here on this board.... here's a suggestion: MMA Fantasy League. I'm just gonna throw this out there and see if it sticks. Here's how it will work:

- You start with 50 points (dollars, shots whatever you wanna call it)
- you assign each fighter a point value between 0(min) and 25(max)
- you must spend all 50 points each event
- example of point distribution:
----- 2 fighters get 25 points each = 50 total (higher risk but only two guesses to max points)
----- 5 fighters get 10 points each = 50 total (put equal points on each fight)
----- 10 fighters get 5 points each = 50 total (you will always win 25!)
----- any random combination that equal 50 total!

We'll pick 5 fights for the night, starting now. Here's my rundown of Fight Night 22

Nate Marquardt vs. Rousimar Palhares (10 points on Nate for me)
Efrain Escudero vs. Charles Oliveira (15 points on Escudero for me)
Jim Miller vs. Gleison Tibau (5 points on Jim Miller for me)
Ross Pearson vs. Cole Miller (15 points on Pearson for me)

OK that's the 4 main fights, but remember I said we bet on 5. So pick one Prelim. In this case:

Yves Edwards vs. John Gunderson (5 points on Edwards for me, who had to be involved in the bloodiest match I've ever seen in UFC history)

Now let's watch the show and see how our points add-up. Process continues for the season (a few shows? All year? One night? We'll see...) Just throwing this out there to see if anybody has interest, if so maybe we can breathe some new life back into the dead-ass "Games" board upstairs.

MadStepDad - 9-16-2010 at 01:29 PM

See guys? I'm fun to play with cuz I always lose!!!

Cole Miller suprised the hell out of me with an insane flying knee followed by a flurry of strikes that floored Pearson (a former TUF winner) before choking him the hell out.

Escudera got choked out in the 3rd.

BUT at least Marquardt won (KO), Jim Miller and Yves Edwards. So I think that's a total of 20 out of 50 points for me last night. And the saga continues as MIR vs CRO COP is the next event on the horizon.

[Edited on 9-16-2010 by MadStepDad]

nOOb - 9-16-2010 at 05:40 PM

I don't think anyone could care less about Cro Cop vs. Mir than they already did for Nog vs. Mir Round 2. I get that they have the UK Free-Per-View and Brocktober (UFC and Spike made that title and I love it) on the horizon, but Frank Mir just isn't that marketable a PPV attraction, let alone a main event attraction. The Noguera brothers fighting on the same card had a limited appeal since only one of them seems to be able to hang in their division (Little Nog). But Mir knocked out Big Nog, and then Cain Velasquez did it quicker.

And Frank Mir hasn't exactly been a world killer, either. His last few fights consisted of him getting pounded on by Brock before the ref inexplicably restarted the match from the feet with no warning and documented bias, knocking out a guy who was on his last legs as a viable contender in Big Nog, getting obliterated by Brock with no inexplicable restart the second time, beating Cheick Kongo who is basically a gatekeeper, and then getting pulverized by Shane Carwin. Chances are he'd get killed by Dos Santos or Velasquez as well. And let's face facts: Cro Cop isn't exactly in his prime, either.

Long story short, the second Big Nog went down with an injury, they probably should have restructured the card a bit. UFC's hype machine did a serviceable job trying to make Cro Cop vs. Frank Mir sound important, but it really isn't. Neither guy has any business near Brock if they win (cause let's just get that out of the way: Brock isn't losing to Velasquez). Brock already pulverized Mir twice and chances are Cro Cop would be on the ground within a second and finished off within the first minute. Their best bet would have been make Bader/Lil Nog a top contender's match and then gone from there.

MadStepDad - 9-17-2010 at 04:45 PM

Very interesting, and I agree with pretty much everything you said. This may be the first PPV in a while I don't actually buy (I like wilding out in the privacy of my own home) but will probably hit it up at the Charlie Horse or something. Anyways! I'm throwing this game out there one more time! Let's give it more than a nights notice.

50 points, spread 'em as you like. Max 25 min 5. Here's the 5 fight line-up we will use for UFC 119:

Heavyweight bout: Frank Mir vs. Mirko Cro Cop (10 points on Mir)

Light Heavyweight bout: Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs. Ryan Bader (10 points on Little Nog)

Welterweight bout: Matt Serra vs. Chris Lytle (5 points on Lytle)

Lightweight bout: Sean Sherk vs. Evan Dunham (5 points Dunham)

Lightweight bout: Melvin Guillard vs. Jeremy Stephens (20 points on the Young Assassin Melvin Guillard!!!)

Any other takers?

Bonestein - 9-18-2010 at 12:21 AM

Originally posted by MadStepDad
Very interesting, and I agree with pretty much everything you said. This may be the first PPV in a while I don't actually buy (I like wilding out in the privacy of my own home) but will probably hit it up at the Charlie Horse or something. Anyways! I'm throwing this game out there one more time! Let's give it more than a nights notice.

50 points, spread 'em as you like. Max 25 min 5. Here's the 5 fight line-up we will use for UFC 119:

Heavyweight bout: Frank Mir vs. Mirko Cro Cop (10 points on Mir)

Light Heavyweight bout: Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs. Ryan Bader (10 points on Little Nog)

Welterweight bout: Matt Serra vs. Chris Lytle (5 points on Lytle)

Lightweight bout: Sean Sherk vs. Evan Dunham (5 points Dunham)

Lightweight bout: Melvin Guillard vs. Jeremy Stephens (20 points on the Young Assassin Melvin Guillard!!!)

Any other takers?

I'll play.

15 point on Mir
5 points on Bader
15 points on Lytle
10 points on Dunham
5 points on Stephens

I'm an accountant and I still don't know if that adds up to 50, but it seems like it should.

gobbledygooker - 9-18-2010 at 01:02 AM

Why do all the accountants I know suck at math?

Biff_Manly - 9-19-2010 at 03:56 AM

Because it's all about computers nowadays.

Bonestein - 9-19-2010 at 07:36 PM

That is correct. I rarely work with detailed numbers as well, more just estimates, so anything other than basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication confuses me (by basic, I mean 2 numbers at a time). Anyway, gl to anyone else trying this game out.

MadStepDad - 9-19-2010 at 08:03 PM

Thank you, Bonestein.

Now c'mon everybody else!!! You don't even have to be an MMA fanatic to play! It's easy, and is mostly guess-work. Look at me! I watch every MMA show and I STILL lose constantly! That's the most fun part! We got one week left before the big show, let's get a few other players in the mix. Cast your points now!

Gobshite - 9-21-2010 at 06:14 PM

I'll post my bets tomorrow, but for now, attention UK people!!

TUF 12 Starts tonight- on Sky Sports 2, NOT ESPN!!

Sky have the first run rights this time. So lets give it a good viewing number, and hopefully next year they'll take up the PPV rights as well!!

10pm, sky sports 2 & HD.

This is a big step for ufc, getting back on a much broader viewed network. Good times all round!

Gobshite - 9-23-2010 at 11:01 AM

Originally posted by gobbledygooker
Why do all the accountants I know suck at math?

I'm an accountant and good at math - BUT Accountancy was not my first choice of profession. I wanted to be a software engineer or similar, but when I was at university I decided against it after a year of hell studying (I don't mind the work, I just hated the subject).

Anyway, here�s my picks for UFC 119:

Heavyweight bout: Frank Mir vs. Mirko Cro Cop (20 points on Cro Cop)

Light Heavyweight bout: Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs. Ryan Bader (10 points on Little Nog)

Welterweight bout: Matt Serra vs. Chris Lytle (5 points on Lytle)

Lightweight bout: Sean Sherk vs. Evan Dunham (5 points Sherk)

Lightweight bout: Melvin Guillard vs. Jeremy Stephens (10 points on Melvin Guillard)

I really hope, and honestly think Cro-Cop will pick up the win here, and face Lesnar in about February/March � if they put a massive show in within a few weeks of Wrestlemania I think they�ll save him for that.

Thom - 9-23-2010 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite

Anyway, here�s my picks for UFC 119:

Heavyweight bout: Frank Mir vs. Mirko Cro Cop (20 points on Cro Cop)

Light Heavyweight bout: Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs. Ryan Bader (10 points on Little Nog)

Welterweight bout: Matt Serra vs. Chris Lytle (5 points on Lytle)

Lightweight bout: Sean Sherk vs. Evan Dunham (5 points Sherk)

Lightweight bout: Melvin Guillard vs. Jeremy Stephens (10 points on Melvin Guillard)

You know what's funny? I'm going the exact opposite. Take all Gob's points, but put them on the guy he said is going to lose.

20 - Mir
10 - Bader
5 - Serra
5 - Dunham
10 - Stephens

MadStepDad - 9-23-2010 at 02:28 PM

This is great, thanks for trying this out with me. I posted it on the NOChampions thread and got KILLED. Maybe that's why it's better suited for MMA? Cuz WWE is too predictable? But then again, at the Boston UFC show I definitely would have put the whole 25 (max points) on Randy Couture so there ARE some sure-fire things in MMA. Right???

Anyways, looking forward to see how this whole thing unfolds! Thinking I may actually order the fights too. Anybody been watching this season of TUF? Just aired Episode #2 yesterday, and if you haven't seen it yet, GSP outsmarts and outplays Kos on the team selection tip HARDCORE. Hilarious, has to be seen to be believed. In conclusion, I got two words for ya....



And let's get more point spreading going on in here! C'mon I know y'all are reading! Drop some points! It's all guesswork anyways, so don't feel bad. Let's get it on like Big John McCarthy singing Marvin Gaye's greatest hits!!!

MadStepDad - 9-23-2010 at 05:26 PM

OK, maybe this will inspire all you non-committers. Here is former #1 Contender SHANE CARWIN with his picks for 119 (no point totals, unfortunately)

From: Shane Carwin
Posted: 21 minutes ago
Member Since: 10/11/06
Posts: 776

I have a soft spot for Cro-Cop too but I think Mir will be too much.

My picks:

Stephens, Sherk, Serra, Nog, Mir

If you're unsure how to place your points, go with the pros picks!

Gobshite - 9-24-2010 at 12:56 PM

I've seen Episode 1 of TUF 12, it's on a week delay over here and I'd rather wait and record it on my TV in glorious HD than download it and watch it on a laptop or in poor quality.

Did GSP go for Bruce Leroy? He looked good in his fight. I'm guessing if Kos won the toss he went for the 13 second knock out kid first, or pulled a Rampage and went for his 'mates' / people he thinks look cool but lose all the time.

MadStepDad - 9-26-2010 at 02:21 PM

I don�t know what was up with the Indiana crowd, but I was a little disappointed in their mid-west reception. They booed and jeered for pretty much the whole show. And it wasn�t even for groundwork; it dudes on the stand-up exchange. Just weird. It started during the opening fight featuring my boy the Young Assassin (TUF Season 2 alumni) duking it out with Jeremy Stephens. 3 round decision, which would be the harbinger of things to come this night. But it was all exciting stand-up (in my drunken, smoked out haze) and Guillard is just always such a thrill to watch. A sheer natural (or �Gold Standard� if you want to remember Shelton Benjamin most recently) in MMA, every move is crisp and precise � and throwing Greg Jackson and his camp in the mix and hopefully this kid lives up to his potential. So Guillard wins by decision but the crowd tone is set.

The crowd was totally off the charts (rightfully said, in this case) during the Sean Sherk/Evan Dunham decision. Very fun, good hard exciting fight that even had Bill Goldberg (and at a later point, Joe Rogan as well) excitedly exclaiming �THE FIGHT IS OVER� before it actually was. They really got caught out there by the thrilling action (and a few Evan Dunham choke holds that Sherk was lucky to escape with his life). Sherk opened a cut on Dunham�s head that resembled a ratchet blow � something no pro wrestler in history could ever aspire to inflict upon themselves. But Dunham was fiya during the last two rounds and really earned the crowds approval. That�s why they were devastated when he lost the split decision (and BOOED Sherk unmercifully � even Rogan had to acknowledge it on the house mic). Evan Dunham�s first loss in the octagon, but he won a lot of love from the crowd.

The Lytle/Serra fight seemed to have an unspoken pact between the two fighters to try and earn �Fight of the Night� honors (a whopping $70k this night) by only throwing punches. I think even Joe Rogan had to mention it on commentary. I mean, there was like one kick thrown and zero grapple or takedown attempts in the fight. And really, this fight illustrates to me the major differences between MMA and pro boxing. These guys were fighters who were brawling and slugging it out. None of the panache, style, foot work or technique associated with the �sweetest science�. Just two guys clubbing away. Lytle the hometown guy got the loudest cheers of the night in his decision victory (sensing a theme? Not one finish yet).

Lil Nog got bodied by Bader pretty much all fight enroute to ANOTHER decision victory. This time for undefeated Bader who has fellow up and coming prospect Jon Jones to contend with in the future. And finally, the �main event� which wasn�t even that hype to begin with. But man alive, did the Indiania crowd shit on this one again. Boo boo boo. Joe Rogan said the two fighters weren�t fighting passionately or aggressively. I think Cro Cop�s training-related eye injury was worse than they say. Suddenly out of the blue, late in the 3rd, Cro Cop missed a punch and Mir brought him into a knee that KOd the Croatian fighter in dramatic fashion. A surprising ending to a rather paint-by-numbers match-up.

Meanwhile over on the OO, the first MMA Open Weight Grand Guessing Championships came to it�s controversial conclusion.

Mir beats Cro Cop
Bader beats Lil Nog
Sherk beats Dunham
Guillard beat Stephens
Lytle beats Serra

MSD: 35 points
BONESTEIN: 35 points
Gobshite: 20 points
Thom: 30 points


: 1 � 0


THOM: 0-1

Bonestein - 9-26-2010 at 04:21 PM

100% agree on the crowd. It was maddening, they just booed like dicks for everything that took a bit to get going.

Even more maddening was the Sherk / Dunham decision, as I had laid money on a 4 fight parlay (Dunham, Lidle, Bader, Mir), so the decision cost me a decent amount of money.

Cro Cop looked horrible. Disappointing he was back to his slow and disinterested self in the cage. I don't know what was going on, but he really looked like he didn't want to be there.

In the end, I wished I hadn't really bothered watching this one. I wrestled with whether I should buy it or steal it, in the end I chose to commit my television to the Boise St. game and watch UFC on the internet, and was glad I didn't pay for that one.

Gobshite - 9-27-2010 at 09:57 AM

I've only watched the Mir/Cro Cop fight as it's on at 3am here and other commitments mean I havent had time to watch the rest yet - did Goldberg commentate early on?

There was a 'big' MMA night over here too, with BAMMA champion Tom 'Kong' Watson going up against Alex Reid, who is famous for being married to 'Jordan' / Katie Price, who is famous for being a whore, basically. Glamour Model and porn star turned reality TV 'star' and numerous other things. It'd be like some no name guy marrying Tia Tequila and getting a Strikeforce title shot after a three year absence (this was his first fight in three years). He also had the most over the top / gay entrance for MMA I've ever seen.

Anyway, keep track of BAMMA - that was BAMMA4, and 5 is going to be in December, featuring the company debut of Bob "The Beast" Sapp!!

MadStepDad - 9-30-2010 at 04:47 PM

Just a reminder, that WEC 51 will be live tonight (Thursday Sept 30th) at 9 pm EST on the VERSUS channel. Line-up looks really good and it should wash away the stink of UFC 119.

Featherweight bout: Leonard Garcia vs. Mark Hominick

Featherweight bout: Chan Sung Jung vs. George Roop

Bantamweight bout: Miguel Torres vs. Charlie Valencia

Lightweight bout: Jamie Varner vs. Donald Cerrone

Featherweight Championship bout: Jose Aldo (c) vs. Manvel Gamburyan

If we're still playing points, 25 on Garcia, 10 on Torres and 15 on Cerrone for me.

nOOb - 9-30-2010 at 05:13 PM

I'm amazed how far Miguel Torres has fallen. He was virtually unstoppable up until he got...stopped. And then he goes into his next fight and gets dominated. It occurs to me that every weight class from 155lbs down is too crazy to call any of those fighters the "best ever". But it works out because they're all pretty damned good nonetheless.

On the opposite side, I'm glad Manny Gamburyan rebounded from his TUF loss that he shouldn't have really lost. I do like how some of the TUF losers are going on to do bigger and better things than some of the TUF winners, though dropping in weight class to fight in the UFC's minor leagues is another story, I guess.

MadStepDad - 9-30-2010 at 05:49 PM

I completely agree with your assessement on Torres (and the lightweight rosters in general), that's why I'm banking on Torres rebounding strong tonight. C'mon Noob! Throw down some points! Let's me and you go to head to head! You don't even have to watch the show, results will be everywhere. Bring it on!!!!

Thom - 9-30-2010 at 05:51 PM

I got 20 on Torres, 20 on Aldo, and 10 on The Korean Zombie.

MadStepDad - 10-1-2010 at 11:59 AM

Thanks Thom!!! Good show overall. Better than UFC 119 I would say.

Hominick beat Garcia by decision.

Korean Zombie gets MURDERED by a Roop head kick.

Torres taps out Valencia

Cerrone by decision.

Aldo retains by TKO stoppage over Gamburyan in the 2nd!!!

MSD: (is an absolute IDIOT because he transposed "Garcia" with "Aldo". Goddman that would've been the easiest 25 of my life. I can't believe I made that mistake): 25

THOM: 40 (awesome job, that friggin headkick came outta nowhere).





THOM: 1-1

Next up is STRIKEFORCE: Diaz vesus Noons II, coming up on October 9th!!! C'mon all you ice cold killers out there! Step up to the plate! Me and Thom are the grizzled veterans these days! Bonestein I know you hate me: bring it to me in the cage! Noob your insight is precise - use it to KO the entire board! BRING IT ON!!!

[Edited on 10-1-2010 by MadStepDad]

Thom - 10-1-2010 at 03:46 PM

Originally posted by MadStepDad

If we're still playing points, 25 on Garcia, 10 on Torres and 15 on Cerrone for me.

Um, yeah, dude. Garcia lost. Which means, you lost with only 25 points, while I had 40. Fix the records, bitch!!!

MadStepDad - 10-1-2010 at 04:00 PM

Oh... my... fucking... GAWD!!! How friggin EMBARASSING!!! 25 on Garcia???? FUCK I meant 25 on ALDO!!! Of COURSE I did!!! OMG I am fucking dipshit!!! MAN, Thom I am so sorry. Editing that right now!!!

MAN how did I make that FUCKING mistake!!! Posting before thinking... man I'm an idiot. Blame it on the... yeah you know the rest.

Thom, you the man. You know it. I'll be back though!! I'LL BE BACK!!!!

MadStepDad - 10-3-2010 at 06:15 PM

Ok, disregarding the insanity and embarrassing stupidity of my previous post, let's keep this hype train rolling down the tracks. Next up STRIKEFORCE: Diaz versus Noons 2 LIVE October 9th 2010. I believe it will be on Showtime, but again you don't really need to "watch" to play. Just post your points and the results will take care of the rest. Here's what we got to play with:

Strikeforce Welterweight Championship: Champion Nick Diaz vs. Challenger K.J. Noons

Lightweight: Gesias Cavalcante vs. Josh Thomson

Strikeforce Women's 135 lbs. Championship: Champion Sarah Kaufman vs. Challenger Marloes Coenen

Welterweight: Tyron Woodley vs. Andre Galvao

Supposed to have "5" fights to cycle through, I know. But the prelims looked really lame so let's go with 4 fights this round.


25 points on NICK DIAZ (yes, I double checked and everything I really mean Diaz this time).

15 points on Josh Thomson

10 points on Sarah Kaufman to retain her title.

Any other gamers wanna roll the dice on another chance to take me out??? Don't let me win by default!!! Cast your points! Again, 50 points to spread.... to a max of 25 per fighter. Let the rumble begin!!!

Thom - 10-5-2010 at 04:32 PM

No fucking clue.

But, I think Noons beats Diaz again. Or, at least I hope he does.

I have an odd feeling that Coenen wins.

And Cavalcante, all the way.

Just for the hell of it, I'll go with Galvao, too.

5 on Galvao
20 on Cavalcante
15 on Coenen
10 on Noons

Again, I really have no clue, but what the hell...

MadStepDad - 10-8-2010 at 08:33 PM

Thanks, Thom. Me and you are getting to be quite the Shamrock/Ortiz, Liddel/Couture, Orton/Cena combo here!!!

Just wanted to drop a random note on Paul Heyman - I think we can officially cross him off the list of any pro wrestling stuff in the future. He's totally crossed over.

Friday, October 8 11:50 am PT: spoke exclusively with Hustler De Tuti Hustlers Paul Heyman, whose new 360 Media Agency inked a deal with EA Sports to profile five elite fighters from its upcoming �MMA� title.

Heyman, a legend in the world of pro wrestling and no stranger to mixed martial arts (he nearly threw his hat in the ring with the Strikeforce promotion in 2007 and is currently working on UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar�s autobiography), told that he was excited to work with compelling personalities like welterweight ace Nick Diaz, who is featured in 360 Media Agency�s first profile for EA.

�I have a lot of respect for MMA,� said�s Heyman. �This is the natural progression of what pro wrestling was and what MMA could become from a branding standpoint.�

Heyman teamed with Emmy Award winning director Mitchell K. Stuart to launch season two of �The Heyman Hustle,� which is available for view below.

�Nick Diaz is one of the most controversial figures in MMA today,� said Stuart. �And he's a complete bad ass. So we knew this was going to be explosive!"

Stay tuned to for more from Heyman in the coming weeks as we approach the Oct. 19 release of EA Sports �MMA.�

Thom - 10-10-2010 at 01:55 PM

Wow. I really screwed the pooch on this one. At least I got the Coenen-Kaufman fight correct for 15 points. Not a complete shutout.

MadStepDad - 10-12-2010 at 03:32 PM

Ok, with the disappointment that was TNA Bound for Glory and stuff, I'm just gettin around to update this now. Yeah, Strikeforce was better than TNA but not by much. I love Nick Diaz, he's a great, exciting talented fighter... but he doesn't sell tickets. This show was one of Strikeforce's least effective efforts in a while.

Diaz won by decision.
Thomson beat Cavalcante by decision in a fight alot of people thought should have went the other way.
Kaufman LOST her title to Marloes Coenen by vicious arm bar.


: 2 � 1



THOM: 1 - 2

Next up the free UFC PPV from England!!! Ufc 120 October 16th. Let's get it on!!!

MadStepDad - 10-14-2010 at 02:19 PM

Ok boys, it's that time again - fight time! This time it's UFC 120 from England, and here's the best part... it's FREE! Catch it on Spike TV this coming Saturday night. Here's the 5 fight line-up we'll (maybe just *me*) will be playing with this weekend:

Michael Bisping vs. Yoshihiro Akiyama
Dan Hardy vs. Carlos Condit
John Hathaway vs. Mike Pyle
Cheick Kongo vs. Travis Browne
James Wilks vs. Claude Patrick

Can you see now why this card is free? Looks good, promises some great action, but not one real "pay per view" attraction. That said, there are a lot of jewels on this card. Here's my picks for the night:

25 points on the Hitman John Hathaway.
10 on Bisping
10 on Dan Hardy
5 on James Wilks.

Who else is down to get their bell rung! Step up and place your points! TOTAL of 50 - max of 25 on any one fighter, minimum of 5. Whoever has the most points at the end of the show wins the fight!


If you want to learn more about the card, or the individual fighters check out this link (click on fighters name for more info):

[Edited on 10-14-2010 by MadStepDad]

Thom - 10-14-2010 at 02:42 PM

I'm in.

10 on Kongo
5 on Patrick
20 on Hathaway
10 on Condit
5 on Sexyama

Gobshite - 10-15-2010 at 09:34 AM

I'm in...

20 on Hathaway
20 on Hardy
10 on Bisping

Will be nice to watch this live for once, UFC is usually on at 3am over here! We got one next month from Germany too, but it reeks of 'house show' - NO 'name' fighters on there that I can remember, but I'm sure it'll be a good fight.

Interesting interview with UFC UK 'prsident' who ackowledges that this card was placed a week before the big PPV to build interest for Lesnar over at 411... I'll post it in a bit

Thom - 10-17-2010 at 03:59 AM

Wow. We all sucked pretty badly on this one. At least I didn't suck quite as bad as you guys - woohoo!

And while I had Condit winning, I figured it'd be by submission, not a KTFO of Hardy.

theflammablemanimal - 10-17-2010 at 05:46 AM

Hardy just got beat worse than D-bo.

And Bisping was just wailing on that guy at the end. Now I wish I'd actually watched this.

MadStepDad - 10-18-2010 at 01:11 AM

Wow, of all the times to go all jingoistic and shit, this would have been the time. What were we thinking? Should have been at home with a mixed drink and a blunt wearing an American flag shirt chanting "USA!! USA!!!"

3 brits fell to their American counterparts on England soil! Despite being serenaded by boos and weird English songs, the good ol boys showed Europe isn't quite up to our standards of violence yet.

Former TUF winner James Wilk got ground out in a decision loss that didn't even make the show. My boy, the young gun Hitman Hathaway got pummeled for three rounds. When he was locked in that thigh triangle thing, just EATING those punches and elbows unrestrained, I would not have begrudged the ref if he had stopped it. Brutal. But of course, the highlight was Dan Hardy getting hit with a Condit hook that treated the "Outlaw" like a gunshot victim. Utter devestation.

In other news, was Kongo heeling it up or what? Browne ate dude alive in that first round, but for some reason stalled out at the end and didn't go for the finish - which was clearly in his grasp. Kongo was totally wobbly and out of it. Instead, they bumped and grinded for 3 rounds until Kongo gets called for grabbing the shorts??? One point deducted? Can't remember the last time we saw something like that. And then a draw??? Wow.

The Bisping/Sexyama fight was exciting; good headliner. Wonder if Bisping will get his rematch with Wanderlei Silva next. And Sexyama has looked good in both his recent losses, despite JUUUUST missing the finish line each time. As for the OO rankings, the action continues to unfold:


: 2 � 2



THOM: 2 - 2

Congratulations Thom on winning again this round (if I did my math right). It really seems like you've got the hang of this game - read what MSD predicts, and pick opposite. Instant success!!! Flam, you're reading - get on this! Everybody else that has 5 seconds and a few guesses, jump on in! We're gonna skip Strikeforce Challengers, so the next big event we'll be playing with is...

dun dun DUNNNNN....

UFC 121: Lesnar vs. Valasquez!!!!

I expect there to be a much bigger turnout for this one! Next Saturday 10/23/10!!!

[Edited on 10-18-2010 by MadStepDad]

BBMN - 10-18-2010 at 02:17 AM

Kongo looked totally lost once he wasn't able to impose his will. I don't care for him and his nut shots.

The KO on Hardy saved the show from being too tedious. For being such a supposedly good striker, Hardy was sloppy there and paid.

And did anyone else pay attention to Cain's interview with Rogan? At the end he was so soft spoken and almost timid sounding... Like he knows that he may get eaten next week? I dunno, probably reading too much into an interview, but I will not be surprised if Brock fucking handles him. I think he might end up doing this to Cain.

[Edited on 10-18-2010 by BBMN]

nOOb - 10-18-2010 at 03:21 AM

Cain Velasquez can probably outbox Brock. But that's about it. His wrestling pedigree is significantly less than Brock's and a bit smaller than Shane Carwin's. Add onto that that he's smaller and lighter than Carwin. Cain's only hope is on his feet. Brock is always evolving and will not want to keep the fight there. I expect that Brock will bulldoze through Cain and probably be able to sleepwalk through Junior Dos Santos a few months later.

Gobshite - 10-18-2010 at 11:58 AM

Damn, messed up again - I was confident that after a good showing vs GSP, that Hardy would win on home soil...

I'm tempted to steer cleer of putting points on Brock next week, I don't want to jinx him!

MadStepDad - 10-18-2010 at 06:32 PM

Word on the streets is Brock Lesnar is planning a very special entrance for his big main event match against Mr. "Brown Pride" Cain Valasquez. It should go a little like this...

Thom - 10-19-2010 at 02:04 AM

I seriously do not remember that at all. And I nearly pissed myself laughing so hard just now - the dog was barking at me. I guess she thought something was wrong.

MadStepDad - 10-22-2010 at 02:02 AM

Lol, glad you liked that. Yeah, saying shit like "I'll drink Coors cuz Bud didn't pay me" is NOTHING compared to the heat that Mexican entrance would gather! Too bad Lesnar is (at least trying to be portrayed as) a babyface these days.

So are we ready for the big show yet???

UFC 121 - Lesnar vs. Velasquez!!!!

Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez
Jake Shields vs. Martin Kampmann
Paulo Thiago vs. Diego Sanchez
Tito Ortiz vs. Matt Hamill
Brendan Schaub vs. Gabriel Gonzaga

STACKED card. Ready to blow the buyrate roof off. Combined with the coverage of "Brocktober" and all the hype shows, and you're looking at some really serious expectations. This is the big one, guys!!!

Here's my pointage: (again, Max 25 points on any one fighter - minimum of 5. Total of 50 points spread... winner is the player with the most points at the end of the show!!!) Sign up now!!!

BROCK LESNAR 25 points!!!! Yes I said that!!!
Jake Shields 10 points
Tito Ortiz 5 points (I'm still a believer)
Brendan Schaub 10 points


Thom - 10-22-2010 at 02:22 AM

Originally posted by MadStepDad

UFC 121 - Lesnar vs. Velasquez!!!!

Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez
Jake Shields vs. Martin Kampmann
Paulo Thiago vs. Diego Sanchez
Tito Ortiz vs. Matt Hamill
Brendan Schaub vs. Gabriel Gonzaga

I'm in again.

25 - Lesnar
10 - Gonzaga
5 - Hamill
5 - Kampmann
5 - Thiago

Most of this card is too close to call, I think. It wouldn't shock me if I walk away with 0 points - and that's (obviously) including the Lesnar-Velasquez bout.

Biff_Manly - 10-22-2010 at 02:25 AM

Lesner 25points. (if Brock continues on his improvement no problem. he's almost like a new fighter each match)

Shields 10
Gonzaga 5
Hamill 5 (loved him in Starwars)
Sanchez 5

BTW--Loved the Ultimate Fighter this week. GSP's team with the choke-out-athon was beautiful.

I hope that doofy bastard gets a chance to choke out Bruce Leroy at some point just cuz I hate that guy.

DevilSoprano - 10-22-2010 at 03:00 AM


Gobshite - 10-22-2010 at 08:51 AM

As Long as Lesnar wins, we'll all be fine...


BBMN - 10-23-2010 at 08:12 AM

MadStepDad - 10-24-2010 at 05:29 AM

Brock Lesnar just got... SMASHED.

cardscott5 - 10-24-2010 at 05:45 AM

I don't think smashed is strong enough. It looked like Cain took a razor to his cheek. That was a great performance. The people who said Cain would cash in where Carwin failed were right. I don't see him losing for a while

Biff_Manly - 10-24-2010 at 05:54 AM

Well, you know what they say, it's easier to win the title than to hold the title...

Damn fine performance by Cain. That was a by the numbers almost robotic example of how to fight a guy like Lesner. Now it's to see who is next if Cain can hold on.

Do you think immediate rematch or does Brock have to win again to earn one? If not Brock, who for Cain?

Does Brock ever wear a beard again?

BBMN - 10-24-2010 at 06:14 AM

Cain punched the back of Brock's head (?)

"With 2:18 remaining in the round, Velasquez was standing behind Lesnar and punched Lesnar directly in the back of the head. Lesnar looked very disoriented after that. Lesnar deserves an immediate rematch. "

Now I must re-watch it. I'm actually sad and hope this explain his performance.

BBMN - 10-24-2010 at 06:23 AM

Holy effing shit @ 2:18.

TheMakerSaidTaker - 10-24-2010 at 06:28 AM

Lesnar definitely deserves an automatic rematch, but there's a matter of when it happens. SOunds like he was planning on taking a break, and Dana may want Cain to defend sooner rather than later.

As far as the fight? I saw a Lesnar that was wild, yet predictable. He was agressive, but met with an equal amount of resistance. Lesnar's strikes were not creating damage. Cain was just a smarter, more prepared fighter. He showed patience and control when Lesnar came out like a bull.

As a Lesnar fan in MMA, and not really much of a fan of his as a WWE guy -- I'm worried.

I think this fight moreso than the Carwin fight, exposed Brock as a one dimensional fighter -- great on the ground with the pound and smother -- soso at best as a puncher -- and surprisingly lacking in cardio. And I say surprising because throughout Brock's entire career, collegiate to now, cardio should not be an issue. Especially in this fight -- he looked awesome, and didn't need to cut since he was already 265.

Brock also showed no fight in his interview -- he sounded beaten, which he was -- and soundly. But he sounded almost sheepish, and definitely embarassed.

And lastly -- Joe ROgan... you are a fucking moron. Two interviews all night that mattered and he totally fucking looked like a college TV student.

Holy shit man -- Cain, you just won the title congrats! No, he lobs two dumbass questions at the guy and barely lets the moment be a moment. And the Lesnar interview was one question and a Rogan statement with Brock agreeing and walking away.

DevilSoprano - 10-24-2010 at 07:16 AM

No, they won't give Brock an immediate rematch because there's a bigger fight out there for him without the belt. They can do a Mir/Lesnar 3 with Cain/Dos Santos super show that would be huge. With regards to a punch in the back of the head, maybe but it wasn't intentional by any means so I won't hold that against Cain. Brock was already in deep, deep trouble by then.

Also, Rogan is one of the best announcers in sports and I had no issue with his interviews. He's a brilliant color commentator, as well.

BBMN - 10-24-2010 at 07:21 AM

With shots to the back of the head, intention is not a deciding factor when it comes to reffing.

Also, I don't know if it was intentional or not on Cain's part. I don't care either.

Brock was in trouble, but that quickly changed to 'fucked' with that shot.

DevilSoprano - 10-24-2010 at 08:14 AM

It was 1 shot; not shots. Brock turned and started to run mid-punch, at worst it should have been a situation where the ref said watch those shots to the back of the head, Cain. It wouldn't have been a warning, or a point deduction or a stoppage in the action at all. Brock got mauled. And he won't get an immediate rematch. Too much money can be made off Lesnar/Mir 3. And it doesn't need a belt. They can sell two separate fights and make double the money.

BBMN - 10-24-2010 at 08:23 AM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
It was 1 shot; not shots.

I never said that Cain threw multiple shots. I was talking the about punches in general.

it should have been a situation where the ref said watch those shots to the back of the head, Cain. It wouldn't have been a warning, or a point deduction or a stoppage in the action at all.

Not accurate. If the ref had caught the shot at 2:18, it would have been a possible DQ. Bare minimum point reduction and separation. Warnings go out the window with a single strike that's that hard. Not that Lesnar wasn't in trouble already, but that shot sealed it. Fucking brutal.

I struggle to recall when someone was drilled like that in the back o'the head. Christ.

Biff_Manly - 10-24-2010 at 09:35 AM

Brock charging out at the start of the match might say a lot if he was trying to end things quick. I am going to have to look at his other fights but I don't remember him doing that before.

To be honest Brock taking a little time, working on his striking and boxing might not be the worst thing he could do. He needs to put a little more danger behind his punches because right now, no one with any kind of a chin respects his striking. And if Brock can't get a guy down and keep him down, well, we saw what happened tonight.

Conspiracy Alert--the internet is already a buzz with people saying Brock was told to throw the fight. A Mexican (American) heavyweight champ could be the UFC's key to Mexico where boxing is still king.

I don't believe it but I guess it has at least as much cred as the glancing blow to the back of the head.

TheMakerSaidTaker - 10-24-2010 at 02:13 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
It was 1 shot; not shots. Brock turned and started to run mid-punch, at worst it should have been a situation where the ref said watch those shots to the back of the head, Cain. It wouldn't have been a warning, or a point deduction or a stoppage in the action at all. Brock got mauled. And he won't get an immediate rematch. Too much money can be made off Lesnar/Mir 3. And it doesn't need a belt. They can sell two separate fights and make double the money.

There's no money in Lesnar/Mir 3. There is money in Lesnar/Carwin 2.

EDIT: and Dev, watch the interviews, they are terrible. I never said anything about his commentary which is the best in MMA. He botched the two most important interviews of the night -- period.

[Edited on 10-24-2010 by TheMakerSaidTaker]

nOOb - 10-24-2010 at 02:55 PM

Originally posted by TheMakerSaidTaker

There's no money in Lesnar/Mir 3. There is money in Lesnar/Carwin 2.

Agreed. Brock had Mir beat the first time if not for Steve Mazagatti. Fight #2 was completely one sided. Between Fight #2 and now, Frank's devolved a bit as a fighter. So I get the feeling Lesnar/Mir 3 would be very much the one sided, Brock-Rebound I expect it to be. Though Shane Carwin has to beat Roy Nelson first...and I think that might be a bit closer than it should be, especially with how gassed Carwin got after the first round last time and how Nelson survived Dos Santos pummeling him three rounds.

Coincidentally, I have a bit of interest in Velasquez/Dos Santos based off something Roy Nelson said about Dos Santos being "better than Carwin". Dos Santos seems like he could make that title reign a lot shorter.

Joeldacat - 10-24-2010 at 03:04 PM

Weird exchange between the Undertaker and Brock Lesnar right after Lesnar's loss. I see a Wrestlemania main event!

Biff_Manly - 10-24-2010 at 03:16 PM

That clip makes me think there could be all kinds of strange fallout from this fight.

drmuerto - 10-24-2010 at 08:13 PM

I kept hearing Undertaker say "Kane" in that clip.

MadStepDad - 10-25-2010 at 04:41 PM

Wow, ok what to say about this. Been a few days to marinate. CRUSHING defeat, both to the man and his fans (mostly me; I feel like I did when the Celtics lost to the Lakers). It must be the wrestling thing that keeps us connected like this (we all dropped near to maximum points on the guy) when there are so many MORE fans that are just as vehemently opposed to him. He was greeted by thunderous boos in the main event, despite trying to craft a babyface image for himself. I'd say for every 4 people I partied with that night, one was anti-Lesnar. That's two or three people out of a dozen that were cheering against Brock. Yet was Cain Velasquez ever really the underdog? FIGHT Magazine has their pro magazine picks and they ALL picked Velasquez. Going into the fight, everyone knew dude's stamina was off the charts. But the key should have been when they revealed his takedown strategies and training. In all those shows leading up to it, they said he's practicing his takedown d, he's on the mat all day practicing getting up. That's all he does. He isn't on the mat for but a few moments. And that practice clearly paid off in that fight. He ate the early onslaught (that running knee was enough to fold anyone of us in half) and bombarded him with steady, unrelenting strikes. That clearly discombobulated Lesnar, but not being able to keep Cain down is what destroyed his psyche. That whole tumble, circle, roll, fall over thing he did toward the end was combination cage-rattled/exhausted/confused. Dana White said he saw Lesnar scream "STOP!" at the end, like a friggin rape victim or something. Cain Velasquez destroyed Brock Lesnar. That crushed my whole night.

To top it off, the whole PPV top to bottom was pretty lame. I think Court McGee had the only finish of the night, and it took him until the 3rd round to get it. And that was on the free prelims! A bunch of boring decisions, mixed with a little Nightmare action, before the harsh and abrupt finish. There were SOME that were happy, but most where I saw were not. As for the rest, apparently Dana White is already calling for Lesnar/Mir III first - and the internet is following suit by saying "that's where the big money match is". The Undertaker/Lesnar interlude was interesting, and the last thing I could've sworn was those guys were really good friends. Falling out or some kind of manufactures BFF beef for the cameras? Either way, it will NOT culminate in some kind of pro wrestling finish. ESPECIALLY the way that fight went down. People are already calling Brock "pussy" - a retreat to WWE or TNA would only solidify that.

Meanwhile, the OO battle lines continue to be drawn:

MSD and Biff_Manly tie with 20, while Gobshite brings up the rear with 15 and Thom with 5. Devil Soprano wins his first fight with the simple strategy of not putting all your eggs in one basket. That 5 points the rest of us gambled on Lesnar was the same 5 points that brought him to victory. Devil Soprano finishes with 25, congratulations on your thrilling finish!!!


: 2 � 3



THOM: 2 - 3


Next up, WEC 52 - Faber vs. Mizugaki on November 11th, live from the Palms Casino Resort in LV. Faber headlines, Joseph Benavidez, Javier "Showtime" Vazquez & Josh "The Fluke" Grispi are all on the undercard. Again, half the fun of picking points on events like this is the sheer randomness. Look at how we score when we *think* we know what we're doing. We're probably better off all flipping a coin, so let's all meet back in here with predicitons and points as the event counts down.

southermagu - 10-25-2010 at 06:19 PM

I'm not the biggest MMA fan in the world, but I felt compelled to go back and at least check some highlights of this match. Mainly due to just how bad the beating Lesnar took was made out to be.

Velasquez looked great, Lesnar looked desperate. It also appears to me that Velasquez probably nailed Lesnar in the back of the head more than once.

I've read much of the criticism of Lesnar and I think a lot of it was brought to light. Velasquez showed no fear of Lesnar's strikes.

He seemed to take some liberties with gray area between nailing someone in the side of the head and strikes to the back of the head.

In most of the MMA I've seen, a ref probably would have pulled Velasquez off of Lesnar when he had his back and warned him. But I'm not sure exactly how much leeway UFC refs usually allow in this circumstance, especially considering that the shots were on the opposite side and kind of hard to judge.

(In regards to UFC ref's, I was going to cite GSP/Hughes in which GSP hit a couple of low blows on Hughes and where the ref warned Hughes to quit turning into them. But the official records state that GSP got warned instead. How did I misremember that one?)

BBMN - 10-26-2010 at 03:07 AM

I don't want to sound like I'm giving Lesnar excuses... he was getting beat. But that shot at 2:18 is fucking wrong. Some are saying it was 'behind the ear'... well technically everything behind the ear is the back of the head... it nailed like halfway between the direct back of the head, and immediately behind the ear. Its not legal if the ref sees it. Ref didn't see it. Honestly I wonder what would have happened if the ref had... DQ? No contest? Its not like you can just walk off a haymaker to back of the skull... I dunno.

If Lesnar had used a better game plan, then he would have done much better. I can't believe his plan included 'bull rush for a double from 6 feet away' and 'JUMPING KNEE!' wtf? Why the need to finish so fast?

southermagu - 10-26-2010 at 03:45 PM

I think, in such a big fight, the ref could have easily stepped into the action and checked Lesnar at that point. He was already in deep trouble and a case could be made for calling the TKO right there.

So could momentarily stopping the action and warning Lesnar not to turn his head or risk getting himself DQ'ed.

And further, just calling the match a "No Contest" would have been appropriate. However, doing so would be unpopular and would most likely have necessitated stripping Lesnar of the title.

As far as his strategy goes, I have no idea what he was thinking. Who on Earth decides to go at such a frenzied pace with brawler like Velasquez?

BBMN - 10-27-2010 at 05:58 AM

It was pretty even, until the short left as Lesnar went for a take down... it all spiraled (literally) out of control from there.

Notice the 1-2 punches at 2:18 remaining.... fucking A.

doctorb - 10-27-2010 at 07:21 PM

Thanks. I saw a clip of the fight and thought the shot you've been talking about was when Lesner was on his knee and Cain was hitting him in the side of the head. A few of those might have technically been behind the ear but not really anything worth writing home about. Now seeing the whole fight, damn, that was a swinging hay maker right to the occiput as he was running away.

But there's no instant replay, the ref either didn't see it or didn't think it looked that bad. But that was a shot worth complaining about.

BBMN - 11-6-2010 at 08:51 PM

Better late than never...

In practice, he apparently would spin in circles till he got dizzy, and then have King Mo try to fuck him up on the ground. Pretty genius.

Werdum Discusses Fedor Fight

MadStepDad - 11-9-2010 at 02:15 AM

OK, so it turned out the big news was UFC finally (and officially) merging with the WEC. So we'll be seeing a boon in high-speed, low weight fights taking up space on UFC PPVs from now on. Coming up this Thursday - live on Versus - the second to last WEC event before the merger. Here's the 5-fight line up we'll be scoring:

Urijah Faber vs. Takeya Mizugaki
(Faber's first fight after his drop to 135 lbs, he really needs this win to raise his stock in the midst of the UFC merger)

Chad Mendes vs. Javier Vazquez

Erik Koch vs. Francisco Rivera

Joseph Benavidez vs. Wagnney Fabiano

Damacio Page (No. 7 BW) vs. Demetrious Johnson

My points:

25 on Faber
10 on Koch
10 on Benavidez
5 on Page

Let's get it on!!!

Thom - 11-9-2010 at 03:18 PM

I've got:

15 on Faber
5 on Koch
10 on Page
15 on Benavidez
5 on Mendez

MadStepDad - 11-12-2010 at 04:55 PM

Wow, good show! I'm even more excited about the quality of UFC PPVs in the future. A lot of good finishes, mild upsets (Johnson choking out Page), a good KO and a scary main event finish (after they peeled Faber off Mizugaki I thought the kid was dead! He spent WAAAAAY too long in that rear naked choke). Good night of fights. Even more exciting, Thom and I were near-perfect on our quest!!! First time that's EVER happened I think!

So of course, double check my math but if I'm not mistaken it's:

MSD - 45
Thom - 40


: 3 � 3



THOM: 2 - 4


Next up... UFC 122 from Germany!!! THIS SATURDAY NIGHT!!! GET BUCK!!!

Thom - 11-12-2010 at 05:38 PM

Ya know, I almost picked Johnson. Alas, I didn't. Of course, since I was considering him, I have no idea why I ended up putting 10 on Page. Hell, I don't know why I made any pick in that fight.

Stupid me.

MadStepDad - 11-13-2010 at 06:14 PM

I'm dropping this day of, unfortunately. Hopefully Thom will get to this in time (and the rest of you scrams too! Step up!)

Nate Marquardt vs. Yushin Okami
Alessio Sakara vs. Jorge Rivera
Krzysztof Soszynski vs. Goran Reljic
Amir Sadollah vs. Peter Sobotta
Dennis Siver vs. Andre Winner


15 on Marquardt
5 on Jorge Rivera
5 on Sakara (see what I did there?)
5 on Reljic
10 on Sadollah
10 on Winner

MadStepDad - 11-13-2010 at 11:35 PM

This just in regarding UFC 122:

UFC 122 co-main event competitor Alessio Sakara has withdrawn from his middleweight bout with Jorge Rivera due to illness. Because of Sakara�s last-minute departure from the card, UFC officials have scrapped the bout altogether.

UFC 122 takes place today in Oberhausen, Germany, at the Konig Pilsener Arena. The news of Sakara�s illness and withdrawal from the card was confirmed by UFC officials just hours before the Italian was to step into the Octagon against Rivera. According to an report, Sakara intended on competing despite his flu-like symptoms, but the bout was terminated due to Sakara vomiting backstage.

With the co-main event now off the bill, a preliminary welterweight matchup between Duane Ludwig and Nick Osipczak has been moved to the main card.

So I will revise my pointage in anticipation of no other players showing up and me winning by default:


15 on Marquardt
5 on Bang Ludwig
5 on Osipczak (see what I did there? I did it again)
5 on Reljic
10 on Sadollah
10 on Winner

Thom - 11-14-2010 at 01:45 PM

Totally spaced out on this. At least I DVR'd the fights, so I can go watch now.

Even though they don't count, I would have gone 25 on Marquardt, 10 on Ludwig, 5 on Sos, 10 on Siver.

I would have put 15 on Rivera over Sakara, but Sakara pulled out.

BBMN - 11-14-2010 at 08:38 PM

Faber looked fucking amazing. I guess he put a TON of weight back on with just half a day after the weigh-ins. That choke was gross... no idea why the ref didn't start checking sooner. I don't like seeing fuckers get brain damage...

And Nate managed to do the only thing of note in the match.... Okami was standing there measuring and measuring and measuring, and then he leaps in for a flying something, and Nate fucking blasts him right in the face. It was very similar to what he did to Maia. But Okami was tough and ate the pucn and spat it back out like it wasn't shit. Kinda boring match. The UFC is getting flooded with wrestlers that can't finish fights. Starting to miss the old days of headstomps and yellow cards... What makes it worse is that Okami has nothing for Anderson (my words that I might eat) and will probably get picked apart. I'd much rather see Nate fight him again. Then again, I'm talking out my ass. I guess Okami beat Anderson years ago... need to track that fight down and see how and how bad he did so.

Overalll it was rather meh. But if you combine the best matches for both events, you have an excellent card.

Next week Hughes vs Penn III. FUCK YEA.

Biff_Manly - 11-15-2010 at 05:12 AM

Dammit, I missed the WEC even and I missed the UFC event last night to make my picks. I need to watch those events tomorrow. Hope there was something good.

BBMN - 11-15-2010 at 08:06 AM

There's good stuff. Davis vs Taurosvinius on WEC was GOOOD! Faber was impressive too... earned an unfortunately gruesome HL sub.

The aired prelim on UFC with Seth Putzelli was good too. Don't skip that.

MadStepDad - 11-15-2010 at 04:41 PM

I agree with BBMN, the rest was kinda lame. UFC 122 in particular was pretty lackluster to me. The WEC event was much better. All the reason why we should be more excited about the WEC/UFC official merger! As for the REAL big show, let's get things underway early this time. Maybe more heads will join the party.

Quinton �Rampage� Jackson vs. Lyoto Machida
B.J. Penn vs. Matt Hughes
Aaron Simpson vs. Mark Munoz
Gerald Harris vs. Maiquel Jose Falcao Goncalves
George Sotiropoulos vs. Joe Lauzon

Oh man oh man oh MAN what to say!!! If this card doesn't blow shit out of the water I don't know what will.

My points:

10 on Rampage
5 on Penn
5 on Hughes
5 on Simpson
10 on Harris
15 on Lauzon (Money Mass stand the fuck up!!!)

DevilSoprano - 11-15-2010 at 07:07 PM

I hate the dude but 15 on Machida
5 on Rampage
15 on Hughes
5 on Penn
10 on Soto

Thom - 11-15-2010 at 07:12 PM

I'm here for this one...

20 on Machida
15 on Hughes
10 on Munoz
5 on Harris

Not touching the Lauzon/Sotiropolous fight.

MadStepDad - 11-19-2010 at 11:04 PM

Would Rampage Jackson join the WWE??? Check it out at around the 3:45 mark...

BBMN - 11-20-2010 at 08:50 AM

MadStepDad - 11-20-2010 at 07:59 PM

Still looking for more betters (takers? chumps? marks?) to put some pointage on UFC 123. In case you forget, here are the simple MMA Fantasy Rules:

- You start with 50 points (dollars, shots whatever you wanna call it)
- you assign each fighter a point value between 0(min) and 25(max)
- you must spend all 50 points each event
- example of point distribution:
----- 2 fighters get 25 points each = 50 total (higher risk but only two guesses to max points)
----- 5 fighters get 10 points each = 50 total (put equal points on each fight)
----- 10 fighters get 5 points each = 50 total (you will always win 25!)
----- any random combination that equal 50 total!

MadStepDad - 11-21-2010 at 05:50 AM


BBMN - 11-21-2010 at 07:08 AM

That's gonna be the name of the event when it goes to DVD. Top to bottom just holy shit.

I love Rampage but I had no hope of him winning a decision. Astounding performance... probably the best of his career.

Everything else was just as amazing all the way through the card.

I'm on the Falcao bandwagon of awesomeness.

And BJ gave Hughes the Caol Uno treatment. Holy shit.

DevilSoprano - 11-21-2010 at 07:10 AM

I think I'm 2-0 if my math is right. Gotta love hedging my bets on the two big matches even if I thought both would go the other way.

MadStepDad - 11-21-2010 at 04:52 PM

Joe Lauzon isn't really from Brockton; he's actually from one of the Bridgewaters. So that's that. And young bwoy got schooled pretty good by old man. Can't even blame it on the tights this time. And that's the story of this entire game for me, always going with my heart instead of my head. On the plus side, who can't help but love Mr Wonderful??? If that's not pro wrestling enough, my man Phil Davis came through with the bubblegum pink Bret Hitman hart trunks when he tapped out Tim "I look like a jobber from Georgia Championship Wrestling circa 1982" Boetsch with a one armed kimura. Im-fucking-pressive. On the flip, my dude Gerald Harris from TUF pretty much got beat the fuck up. Can't say I was suprised, but damn another disappointment. Still, great fight and I'm loving this card so far. Then comes Hughes/Penn III. The drunken pinacle of the night. Best $50 ever spent. That's all it took to put an exclamation point on the night and send everybody home happy right there. Perfect lead-in to the main event and the guy with the best entrance in the business (and going back to his Pride days with that song) Rampage Jackson. Awesome fight, it held everybody's attention. Rampage said himself he feared it may be a "boring" fight because of the clash of styles, but he stayed active and beasted through Machida's flurries. Attempted powerbomb and everything. Great fight even if Rampage downplayed his performance at the end. Overall this was a great card, comes close in my mind to matching 113 in sheer entertainment value top to bottom. As for points, not my night. Again. The sure fire way to win this game is to pick the opposite of whatever I have.


: 3 � 4



THOM: 2 - 5


Congratulations on your victory, Devil Soprano! May we all meet again in the future, right here on the bloodstained sands of OO MMA Arena. Perhaps on December 4th on split card appreciation night! For the UFC, it's The Ultimate Fighter Finale LIVE on Spike from Las Vegas. Those punk kids from TUF will be duking it out, plus Stephan Bonnar vs. Igor Pokrajac, Demian Maia vs. Kendall Grove and Leonard Garcia vs. Tyler Toner.

Meanwhile in St Louis (land of the Viper), Strikeforce is countering with a pretty stacked card. Dan Henderson vs. Renato �Babalu� Sobral headlines, with Robbie Lawler vs. Matt Lindland and Antonio Silva vs. Valentijn Overeem. Plus, the English kid that got BANNED from the UFC (at 113 when he threw a postfight punch at Josh Koscheck - another example of 113's awesomeness) Paul Daley is fighting "Hands of Steel" Scott Smith (another TUF alum) and they're advertising HERSCHEL FN WALKER in a fight against Scott Carson! Which one will we be watching?? Which one will we be casting points on? One? Or Both? You decide! Coming up December 4th!

BBMN - 11-21-2010 at 06:41 PM

Yea, Phil with the bright pink was fucking awesome. "I'm so much of a man that I wear pink, bright fucking pink mother fuckers!" Tim did do quite well though... better than I expected.

And I've caught Harris fight a couple times and was impressed. As him and Falcao opened the first round, I was just thinking, "This guy better get in close and OPEN UP on Harris if he's gonna be able to do shit against that reach advantage. And then it happened. Woa.... Falcao does his best Vitor Belfot impersonation and hits him like a train. Great fight.

It was kinda sad seeing Karo come in looking a tad chunky, and then getting TKO'd in the first minute. But hey, it was at least quick and painless for him and us.

Bonus; Sherdog's forums are insane right now. Machida fans are saying that he won clearly. I dunno. I was pretty sober actually for this one and remember thinking that Rampage clearly had the 1st and 2nd. He pressed the whole time, and Machida only did well in the 3rd because he knew for a fact he would lose a decision if he didn't charge in go for a KO. Its funny going there and witnessing people flip out.

BBMN - 11-26-2010 at 11:27 PM

UFC 123 was the first I had heard of the guy. After rewatching it and paying attention to Rogan's comments on the guy I looked into his career a bit. The guy is scary as fuck. Coming into the Harris fight he was 25-3, with 21 of those wins via KO/TKO, many in the first round. But it gets better. He has over 30 boxing bouts too, and trains at mother fucking CHUTE Box... yea, the same place that turned Wand and Shogun into brutal machines.

He talked to MMA Junkie about coming out strong and then becoming timid in the 3rd...

"I would like to say thanks to the UFC, Dana White and Joe Silva for trusting in me as a fighter. I want to thank all the fans that have been showing a lot of support all over the world. Also thanks to my sponsors Musclepharm and Hayabusa for all the support. I love you all, and I will pay you all back by giving everything I have inside the octagon.

"Sometimes just winning is not enough. Now that all the pressure of the UFC debut is gone I will be able to fight the way I like: finishing people and cementing my place in the elite of the middleweight division."

I wish this guy had been in the UFC a couple years ago. I truly hope he hasn't already peaked, because with his vicious power combined with true boxing training, he's as dangerous as they come. I want to see this guy again very soon.

He clearly likes fucking people up...

MadStepDad - 11-28-2010 at 02:49 PM

Sick. Nice video tribute too.

ROY "Big Country" NELSON

This is from an interview Big Country Roy Nelson did recently:

GM: A lot of times on your Twitter you talk about pro wrestling. Can you talk a little bit about it, are you a pro wrestling fan?

RN: Oh yeah, old school with the you know, with Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, I mean, Big Van Vader, Junkyard Dog. I'm an old school wrestling fan.

GM: People try to draw, similarities between pro wrestling and MMA and the business models and things like that. What do you think about that, are there a lot of similarities in your eyes?

RN: I think MMA's business model is WWE. You got Vince McMahon who is Dana White. You've got to have a face or a front man. And then after that you've just got the stars to build up and then you've got your... I would say definitely. I think Vince McMahon wrote the road map for how to make a successful MMA show.

GM: Would you ever consider, let's say hypothetically your MMA career doesn't work out, would you ever consider a career in pro wrestling?

RN:: Actually, my fighting career will work out and I'll still do professional wrestling.

MadStepDad - 12-1-2010 at 04:52 PM

December 4th is upon us, and in the grand tradition of Monday Night Wars and shots across the bow, Strikeforce and UFC will be holding competing cards.


Stephan Bonnar vs. Igor Pokrajac
Demian Maia vs. Kendall Grove
Johny Hendricks vs. Rick Story
Dave Branch vs. Rich Attonito
Ian Loveland vs. Tyler Toner


Dan Henderson vs. Renato �Babalu� Sobral
Robbie Lawler vs. Matt Lindland
Antonio Silva vs. Mike Kyle
Paul Daley vs. Scott Smith
Benji Radach vs. Ovince St. Preux

I say we take it two-for-one, just like the old school days of one night tournaments. We can bet on both events at once, just like we're competing two times in the same night. Each event ranked seperately, so if you choose to vote for one and not the other that's fine too. It just gives you the opportunity to earn two "W"s for one night of work. Here's my picks:

10 on IGOR!!!
15 on Grove
5 on Maia
10 on Hendricks
10 on Tyler Toner


25 on Henderson
15 on Lawler
10 on Daley (but I love Scott Smith)

Biff_Manly - 12-2-2010 at 11:11 AM


Stephan Bonnar 15
Kendall Grove 10
Johny Hendricks 5
Rich Attonito 10
Ian Loveland 5

I'm going to add Micheal Johnson for 5


Dan Henderson 20
Matt Lindland 20
Antonio Silva 5
Paul Daley 5

MadStepDad - 12-2-2010 at 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
I'm going to add Micheal Johnson for 5

(slaps forehead)

D'oh! What an idiot! I forgot to add the finalists! Thanks Biff!!!

BBMN - 12-4-2010 at 12:04 AM

Thom - 12-5-2010 at 12:46 AM


Stephan Bonnar vs. Igor Pokrajac
Demian Maia vs. Kendall Grove
Johny Hendricks vs. Rick Story
Dave Branch vs. Rich Attonito
Ian Loveland vs. Tyler Toner

No clue...

15 on Igor
10 on Maia
10 on Hendricks
10 on Attonito
5 on Toner


Dan Henderson vs. Renato �Babalu� Sobral
Robbie Lawler vs. Matt Lindland
Antonio Silva vs. Mike Kyle
Paul Daley vs. Scott Smith
Benji Radach vs. Ovince St. Preux

Even less of a clue...

15 on Babalu
10 on Lindland
15 on Silva
10 on Daley

nOOb - 12-5-2010 at 03:22 AM

So one round into the TUF 12 finale right now, and have I mentioned how happy I am the 145 lbs division is in the UFC now?

BBMN - 12-5-2010 at 10:56 PM

Really crazy and sloppy fight, but it was decent I guess. Brookins must learn to box if he's gonna have a remote chance of surviving in the UFC.

Maia beats Grove in a decent fight. I really really like Maia these days. Just a fun guy to watch.

Phan vs Garcia = Robbery
Garcia desperately swings wild for the entire fight until he's gassing hard. His goal is either to look like the most unskilled fighter in the past decade, or get a FOTN bonus by fighting so wild. Phan takes his time and hits a BEAUTIFUL leg kick while Garcia is of course throwing haymakers, and Garcia is down. The embarrassment continues for the rest of the fight and Phan clearly wins 30-27, but not according to the judges. Crowd erupts and Garcia is left trying to explain he's not a judge to the angry crowd. Wow. Why in the fuck do they make the winner give a speech in circumstances like this????? Come on UFC, get the show moving forward, don't make the 'winner' deal with this shit.

Also, Rogan's commentary during the third round of Bonnar's fight is simply a must-listen 5 minute breakdown of MMA rules and their purpose vs shortcomings. Rogan is the man.

nOOb - 12-5-2010 at 11:43 PM

They had Rogan in the cage before the decision was announced, so he was talking to whoever won. I'm just glad Rogan is Rogan and he grabbed Nam Phan after he got done talking to Garcia. And credit to Garcia that he went right for the "rematch" deal.

Also, out of all the TUF guys this season, I get the feeling Cody McKenzie might be the one who sticks out of all the non-winners. His guillotine follows no real standard technique, yet it is pretty effective. If he improves the rest of his game while focusing on the guillotine, well, I'll say it: he's a contender in 2-3 years time.

BBMN - 12-5-2010 at 11:57 PM

Yea, I forgot about McKenzie's victory. I love proper technique, but can still appreciate raw power too. He pretty much just squeezed the guy's head/jaw until it was gonna break. Awesome shit! I believe waaaay back in the day, a guy named Carlos Newton did a similar thing and pretty much submitted Guy Mezger with an basic school yard headlock. Sometimes power is greater than technique and it results in nasty subs. Although he MUST learn more. Being a one trick pony will not go over well in the super competitive UFC.

Bonestein - 12-6-2010 at 01:09 AM

I have to disagree that McKenzie will be a contender, for the reasons just said. You can have one dominant part of your game, but that's not going to be enough to defeat the higher ranked UFC lightweights. That guillotine may get a few of the gate keepers, but there's no way guys like Maynard, Edgar, Florian, Ben Henderson, Dunham, or Sotiropolous would get caught in that before they punished him.

And that Garcia-Phan decision was of course a joke, but who wasn't nervous when the scores were read? Garcia is making a career out of winning fights in decisions he had no business getting, because judges are retards. Garcia vs. Korean Zombie was fun to watch, but there's only so many times I can watch Garcia getting gassed in the first and putting his stupid block-head down and swinging wild overhands while getting upcutted repeatedly. Rogan was 10000% right when he said judging is killing MMA. Every card seemingly has one of those horrible decisions, and it's tough to take it seriously after awhile.

MadStepDad - 12-6-2010 at 02:21 AM

Originally posted by BBMN
I believe waaaay back in the day, a guy named Carlos Newton did a similar thing and pretty much submitted Guy Mezger with an basic school yard headlock.

Carlos Newton versus Pat Miletech, UFC 31.

PS, I have only watched two Strikeforce fights and 0 fights from the Finale so far (thank you DVR) so I'll be back with a better analysis when I finish watching them.

MadStepDad - 12-6-2010 at 04:21 AM

Goddamn this Strikeforce ROCKED! Stacked card to begin with, even with the injury bug biting hard (Herschel Walker and Overeem were scratched). UNBELIEVABLE card! You guys need to watch this whole thing, top to bottom totally worth it! There's just too much to say about this. Bigfoot showed why he's a brand name heavyweight by absorbing a massive beatdown before making the comeback look so easy. Definitive finish with a head crushing TKO finish. Awesome, come from behind battle. Then Matt Lindland gets absolutely SAVAGED by Ruthless Robbie Lawler! I mean, knocked the fuck out in brutal fashion in the first round! Super exciting finish, almost like "how can anybody top this?" The answer - Paul Daley versus Scott Smith next! ANOTHER unbelievable 1st round finish with Paul Daley taking Smith's head off with a left hook! One of the greatest KO's I've ever seen, with Smith smashing face first onto the mat! You need to find a clip of that finish, if anything! AWESOME! And THEN Dan Henderson pummels Babalu to death in the 1st round of the main event! "H-Bomb" they're calling his overhand right. ANOTHER scintilating, aggressive, definitive finish! THREE in a row! When's the last time that ever happened???


MSD - Straight 50!!! Perfect finish!

Biff - 30

Thom 25


Now it's off to watch TUF finale, but I wonder how it can ever compete with this fucking card. I swear to God y'all need to steal, beg, borrow, download this muthaphuccking thing cuz it's goddamn worth it.

[Edited on 12-6-2010 by MadStepDad]

MadStepDad - 12-6-2010 at 02:56 PM

Guys, I can't get over this Strikeforce card. Just getting to work now and reading everybody elses thoughts too... you really need to see this card! The entire thing top to bottom was so exciting!

On the flipside, I finally watched the Nan Pham / Garcia fight from TUF finale... WTF? Like, seriously? I am a Martian. I always thought those calls were crooked because they always seem to subtly advance UFC storylines. And you couldn't ask for a better way to turn Nan Pham into the penultimate babyface underdog with that performance. I am totally rooting for him in the future. I will watch the rest of the show later, but I'm hearing they were ALL decisions??? That's the problem I'm having with the UFC lately, most of their fights are going to decisions. Why?

It's not the judges so much as it is the rules. It's a strategic usage of the rules that just seems to sap the life out of a "fight" (like dropping to your knee to prohibit knee strikes from your opponent) and little things like that. And it's funny, because Saturday afternoon I was burning an old cache of VHS tapes that I found in my moms basement onto DVD (old UFC tapes I had) so I was re-watching Ultimate Ultimate, Ultimate Ultimate 2 and UFC 4: Revenge of the Warriors all afternoon. Muthaphuckkers fight to the finish with no time to rest. Keith Hackney pummeled Joe Son's crotch with unrestrained blows during their fight... nowadays fighters get a 5 minute rest period for accidentally tapping their cup. Jeez. But then something like STRIKEFORCE: Henderson v Babalu 2 comes around and you remember why we're fight fans to begin with.

MadStepDad - 12-6-2010 at 04:56 PM

TUF Finale Scoring:

MSD - 5

Biff - 20

Thom - 10

WINNER: Biff Manley


: 4 � 5



THOM: 2 - 7



[Edited on 12-6-2010 by MadStepDad]

MadStepDad - 12-9-2010 at 03:33 PM

Just to recap the rules...

- You start with 50 points (dollars, shots whatever you wanna call it)
- you assign each fighter a point value between 0(min) and 25(max)
- you must spend all 50 points each event
- example of point distribution:
----- 2 fighters get 25 points each = 50 total (higher risk but only two guesses to max points)
----- 5 fighters get 10 points each = 50 total (put equal points on each fight)
----- 10 fighters get 5 points each = 50 total (you will always win 25!)
----- any random combination that equal 50 total!

The line-up for UFC 124:

Georges St. Pierre vs. Josh Koscheck
Thiago Alves vs. John Howard
Jim Miller vs. Charles Oliveira
Joe Stevenson vs. Mac Danzig
Stefan Struve vs. Sean McCorkle

My points:

St Pierre - 20 (Hesitant to put a full 25 on him just because I have an irrational fear of jinxing him, but I'm pulling for him mentally and spiritually. I WANT him to win and I THINK he will win)

Doomsday Howard - 10 (BOSTON STAND THE FUCK UP!!!)

Daddy Stevenson - 10 (mac danzig impressed the hell out of me during the season he won TUF, but it's time for a Joe Daddy resurgence)

McCorkle - 10 (Big Sexy is big, but he's kinda old. He's undefeated, but he hasn't been insanely tested. Yet he is hands down the most entertaining internet presence in the MMA community - and I think he will body the young giant Struve).


nOOb - 12-9-2010 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by MadStepDad

It's not the judges so much as it is the rules. It's a strategic usage of the rules that just seems to sap the life out of a "fight" (like dropping to your knee to prohibit knee strikes from your opponent) and little things like that. And it's funny, because Saturday afternoon I was burning an old cache of VHS tapes that I found in my moms basement onto DVD (old UFC tapes I had) so I was re-watching Ultimate Ultimate, Ultimate Ultimate 2 and UFC 4: Revenge of the Warriors all afternoon. Muthaphuckkers fight to the finish with no time to rest. Keith Hackney pummeled Joe Son's crotch with unrestrained blows during their fight... nowadays fighters get a 5 minute rest period for accidentally tapping their cup. Jeez. But then something like STRIKEFORCE: Henderson v Babalu 2 comes around and you remember why we're fight fans to begin with.

No, we're fight fans because of the fact that the fights are not fought with any sort of pure malice and it is pure competition. I equate watching those old UFC events with watching something like "Faces of Death" or CKY videos (mainly because when video stores still existed 10 years ago, that's the section they kept the UFC stuff in): they appeal to a group of people that likes very raw, very base stuff. Other than that, the old UFC, before the rise of the wrestler that actually brought around more intelligent fights. There's a reason GSP is one of the most popular fighters in the world and not Tank Abbott.

The Strikeforce card was something I would have had no intention to watch even if I did have Showtime (which, why would anyone bother having Showtime?). Dan Henderson vs. Babalu was the only fight on the card that seemed to be designed to be competitive. Matt Lindland has steadily been on his way out for a while now and Scott Smith's decent, but he had no real shot at beating Paul Daley. Those two fight, capped with the fact that the guy Antonio Silva fought was a guy they figured was going to have to go for the kill every round taking the fight on a week's notice, and it kinda seems like those first three fights weren't even designed to be competitive, but rather give people a highlight reel of brutal knockouts. And while I can get excited over nasty looking knockouts, I'd at least like them more if they were fights actually designed to be competitive and it seems like they weren't.

MadStepDad - 12-9-2010 at 04:29 PM

Interesting. I can't really disagree with you either. Equating earlier UFC shows to snuff films and Faces of Death is somewhat appropriate too. There's NO disputing the talent and skill level today is the highest it's ever been. And I can't disagree with your assessment of the Strikeforce line-up either, but therein lies the conundrum (for me at least). Do I honestly want to watch a card full of 3 - 5 round Jon Fitch draws? Lay and pray style? Which it SEEMS the UFC is only hosting these days. Watching the Smith/Daley fight it was like "jeez, what do you expect???" Of course they match two dynamic strikers like that because fireworks are guaranteed! Yet Daley was smothered, suffocated and laid on for 3 rounds in a decision loss to Josh Koscheck proving once again the most exciting fights/fighters aren't necessarily the best. Can't agree with you there. I'm just saying, as a true money spending (wasting?) fan who drops God knows how much on UFC PPVs every year, I'm a little tuckered out from entire cards of decisions. Hence my earlier statements about the rules of earlier UFCs. They just allowed for more finishes. And I'm not even saying "kick him in the head when he's down", I just like the idea of one 15 or (10 minute 1st round like Pride used to do) instead of 3. I think. And Noob, you're just an MMA expert - drop some damn points for once, will ya??? Sheesh!

PS Showtime = Weeds, Dexter, Strikeforce, Nurse Jackie, The Big C, Inside the NFL, Californication and that new show Shameless looks fun. So I completely disagree with you on that one.

Double PS - Tank Abbot WAS one of the most popular fighters in the world during his prime! It could be argued he was one of the earliest big-ticket movers in the sport.

Thom - 12-9-2010 at 06:32 PM

Time for Thom to get his ass kicked again...

Short and sweet:

25 on GSP
15 on Miller
10 on Danzig

BBMN - 12-9-2010 at 11:06 PM

Finally got around to watching the SF event at a friend's place...

I enjoyed it and its numerous highlight reel KOs, but did anyone else feel that the delivery was a bit off? I know the fights aren't fixed, and even if they wanted to do so, there's no way to fake the KO that Daley gave to Smith, but still, the commentary was really weird.

Daley is being interviewed and immediately it's brought up that he had a great KO... just like the guy before him. I've never seen a post-fight interview where the previous fight was referenced. Odd.

Then Henderson wins and its the same thing. The commentators are all, "What a night of great knockouts!" and Henderson joins in and says he 'hopes everyone enjoyed all of our knockouts tonight..." Just fucking weird. That and in general the main announcer guy tries waaaaaaay too hard to comeup with his persona and catchphrases. Fucking brutal to listen to for 2 hours. Makes me appreciate Rogan and Goldy.

Kinda felt like TNA when they say, "You won't see action like this anywhere else!" It felt forced and desperate. Were they watching the UFC event and someone in production decided to tell everyone to make light of the KOs?

Anyway, the fights were decent and the KO's brutal. Daley got the KO of a lifetime when Smith just straight up Flair-flopped on his face. Fucking great stuff.

MadStepDad - 12-9-2010 at 11:28 PM

"Dan Henderson has rung more bells than a monk in a monastery!!!"

Honestly, I love that dude's commentary. "MAMMA MIA!!!" when Scott Smith gets his head knocked off. High-larious. But what you're saying about the pacing, is kind of what I was trying to say in my earlier post. I think it's just smart booking and match placement. I mean, even Noob said those fights were pretty much set up from the beginning to end in a dramatic KO finish. And honestly what's wrong with that? Strikeforce will never compete with UFC as far as talent and pure skill is concerned... but if they keep dropping consistently entertaining cards like this? Sky's the limit. Also remember, Herschel Walker was supposed to be on it too so that would have been an even bigger draw (but probably jipped us of our 3 KOs in a row streak).

DevilSoprano - 12-10-2010 at 01:34 AM

GSP-20 (What I want and what I think will happen is GSP by some sort of choke)
Koscheck-10 (What I'm afraid, Koscheck by ground and well, lay there)

Biff_Manly - 12-10-2010 at 08:50 AM

Eggs in to one basket.

GSP 50.

I have the feeling he wants to hurt Kos badly. I am thinking this could be an epic first round. We can only hope.

MadStepDad - 12-10-2010 at 05:03 PM

Hey Biff, max 25 points on any one fighter - so you may want to spread that additional 25 points around.


Brock Lesnar�s next fight in the UFC still has not been determined, but one place he won�t be in 2011 is making a guest appearance in the WWE come Wrestlemania time.

Following his title loss to Cain Velasquez in October, Lesnar went on sabbatical to go hunting and get away from the fight game for a little while and also to spend time with his family. Since then, the questions continuously come in about when Lesnar could return. While UFC president Dana White has said nothing is on the table that might soon change.

Speaking to the media on Thursday, White plans on having a conversation with Lesnar�s team next week to start ironing out some details.

�Brock�s in the woods somewhere, in the middle of somewhere, and I haven�t talked to him,� White said. �He gets back this week or next week. I just talked to his guy when I was pulling in here today and they�re going to call me on Monday and we�ll figure out what�s next for Brock.�

No names have been mentioned as far as potential opponents yet, but despite a backlash from fans when the UFC suggested a third fight between Lesnar and former champion Frank Mir, it still may be in the cards.

�We were going to do the Frank Mir fight and it wasn�t very popular. We�ll see what happens; it could be Frank Mir,� White said. �I don�t know, we�ll see what happens.�

From real confrontations to scripted confrontations, Lesnar�s former employers at the WWE are reportedly interested in having him come back for an appearance at their annual show �Wrestlemania,� but White says that is one thing he is sure is not going to happen.

�He will not wrestle in Wrestlemania. Won�t happen, cause he�s under contract with me,� he stated.

The simple fact for the UFC president is having a former pro wrestler in mixed martial arts brings up enough questions without that person going back and doing more scripted performances for the WWE. While Lesnar has been successful as a fighter, White doesn�t want to take the chance that someone misconstrues his legitimacy if he goes back to pro wrestling� even for one night.

�I don�t want to blur those lines,� White commented. �First of all, him coming over and making the choice to leave the WWE and come here, we gave him that shot, which was a big risk on our part, the guy was 1-0. He�s done incredibly well. I don�t want him going back to the WWE, blurring the lines between what�s real and what�s not.�

Lesnar has posted pictures of his hunting trip online, but outside of that, the former UFC heavyweight champion has made little comment since his fight with Velasquez. He will likely return in the first half of 2011, but until the UFC has the official announcement, nothing is set in stone

GatorBait - 12-10-2010 at 07:27 PM

Georges St. Pierre - 20 (hopefully via crucifix or Salaverry followed by relentless elbows)

John Howard - 5 (DOOMSDAY!!!)

Charles Oliveira - 15 (the next Jon Jones continues his upwards ascent, making it look even more impressive over a very talented Miller... this is his Vera fight)

Joe Stevenson - 5

Sean McCorkle - 5

TexShark300 - 12-10-2010 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
Georges St. Pierre - 20 (hopefully via crucifix or Salaverry followed by relentless elbows)

John Howard - 5 (DOOMSDAY!!!)

Charles Oliveira - 15 (the next Jon Jones continues his upwards ascent, making it look even more impressive over a very talented Miller... this is his Vera fight)

Joe Stevenson - 5

Sean McCorkle - 5

HEY! I thought you were BANNED

GatorBait - 12-10-2010 at 08:08 PM

So did I!

Turns out somebody just changed my password!

And to make sure I continue here with my gimmick, here's a GIF!

Matte - 12-10-2010 at 08:11 PM

Some new guy is infringing on your gimmick. I do not respect him for it.

MadStepDad - 12-10-2010 at 08:17 PM

Gary Goodridge versus Paul Herrara! I'll never forget that fight!!! Awesome gif!

GatorBait - 12-10-2010 at 08:30 PM

That's exactly what I hope happens in the GSP/Kos fight.

Paddlefoot - 12-11-2010 at 01:11 AM

The pure level of cross-spectrum hatred for Koscheck is refreshingly amazing. I can't think of a single positive about the guy except for when he made Chris Leben look more retarded than usual way back in Ultimate Fighter 1.

Biff_Manly - 12-11-2010 at 01:22 PM

Hey Biff, max 25 points on any one fighter - so you may want to spread that additional 25 points around.

Doh! My bad.

GSP 25
Stefan Struve 5
Charles Oliveira 5
Joe Stevenson 10
John Howard 5

That should be better.

[Edited on 12-11-2010 by Biff_Manly]

MadStepDad - 12-12-2010 at 03:11 PM

Not bad! Went into the show with slightly lowered expectations and wound up being pleasantly surprised. The main event went as I assumed (5th round decision, of course) but I was pleasantly surprised by the midcard. A streak of exciting early finishes that left plenty of room to showcase Matt Riddle�s bizarre cyborg assault on Sean Pierson from the prelims (which consisted of him no-selling a flurry of punches to his face while �shadowboxing�, as Joe Rogan called it). Pierson won by unanimous decision. Smart booking decision to open the PPV with Doomsday Howard and Thiago Silva � much like the Daley/Smith Strikeforce match-up it was guaranteed fireworks. Even though it went to a decision, it was an exciting decision. But my dude Doomsday got beat the fuck up all 3 rounds. He looked like a rank amateur in there with Thiago, who showed why his �Pitbull� moniker is so apt (relentless and vicious). But the party didn�t really get start moving until former TUF winners clashed in the next fight. Mac Danzig shocked my house with his stunning �Paul Daley on Scott Smith�-esque KO on Joe Stephenson in the first round! Complete with face first Flair-flop! Then in the same hemisphere of �awesome� (just a slightly different plateau), Jim Miller shocked the hell out of a lot people by tapping out rising superstar Charles Oliveira in the first round! Trapped the kid in an anklelock, before shifting to a solid knee bar for the quick tap. Another exciting finish! The McCorkle/Struve fight was exciting while it lasted, but is it just me or did McCorkle looked gassed 10 seconds after his first exchange? Old man just didn�t have what it took to keep Struve down, and Stefan knew it. TKO by punches, another 1st round finish. Some would consider that a rip-off, I consider it money well spent. The main event was exciting and nerve racking just out of sheer anticipation, but thankfully the end result was what we all wanted. Even though he was never finished, Josh Koscheck was fucking PUNISHED. His eye was gone, his face was butchered and his legs were welted. And he even cut a pseudo babyface �aww shucks� promo post fight that got a surprising number of cheers. The inevitable comparisons between GSP and Anderson Silva are even stronger in the wake of this fight, with many people still considering Silva the more exciting fighter (�GSP get a finish� I�ve heard multiple times). Overall, I was pleased with the card though I can�t even consider it my favorite MMA card of the month. Next up: WEC.

Meanwhile, the points for UFC 124 have been tallied�

So-called MMA pros MSD and GatorBait bring up the bottom with 20 points each. Devil Soprano with 25, and Biff_Manly with 30. But muthaphuckkin THOM comes through with the rare �Perfect Score� � 50 points!! Congratulations on your victory in one of the deepest fight pools we�ve had for a show yet!


: 4 � 6



THOM: 3 - 7


: 1 � 2


GatorBait - 12-13-2010 at 09:24 PM

That was NOT at all how I expected the Miller/Oliveira match to go. Miller is for real.

Thom - 12-14-2010 at 04:42 PM

That was almost exactly how I saw the Miller fight going. Not by kneebar, but some sort of submission. I was actually thinking guillotine. But, hey - whatever is available is good.

GatorBait - 12-14-2010 at 05:31 PM

Anybody else incredibly excited for the 2 title fights we get on Thursday night?

Henderson/Pettis is a battle of 2 of the most well-rounded lightweights in the world, and I fully believe either will be a handful for the Maynard/Edgar winner.

And Cruz/Jorgensen for the bantamweight title will be a shitload of fun. Well, it'll be fun if Jorgensen can close the distance on Cruz with his wrestling. I'm actually gonna call the upset here and take Jorgensen by stoppage in the championship rounds.

Also have some other fun matches on the card with one on the main card being Donald Cerrone vs. Chris Horodecki. For whatever reason I'm expecting Cerrone to come out flat and unmotivated against the unassuming (and boyish) looking Horodecki. Cerrone will wake up after taking a few pops to the jaw though and finish him with some sick strikes. Would absolutely love to see Diego Sanchez bounce between 155 and 170 so I could see a potential Sanchez/Cerrone fight.

MadStepDad - 12-14-2010 at 06:37 PM

I am super-amped, and anybody that doesn't regularly follow WEC - now would be the time (what with the impending merger and all). Personally, I'm waiting to see what Ben Henderson is really all about. If he can make it past Pettis (which I believe he will) it's going to be a FUN ride watching him prove himself in the most stacked division in the UFC. So let's try a points run with this one (bigger UFC cards are easier to get players, but smaller cards like this always get low turnouts). Let's change that!!!

WEC 53: Henderson vs Pettis

Benson Henderson vs. Anthony Pettis
Dominick Cruz vs. Scott Jorgensen
Donald Cerrone vs. Chris Horodecki
Jamie Varner vs. Shane Roller
Brad Pickett vs. Ivan Menjivar

My points:
25 on Ben Henderson
15 on Cruz
5 on Cerrone
5 on Shane Roller

Let's get it on!!!!

GatorBait - 12-14-2010 at 06:46 PM

10 on Henderson
10 on Jorgensen
25 on Cerrone
5 on Varner

Thom - 12-15-2010 at 03:14 PM

Eh, MSD and I have almost the same picks - but with a few minor differences.

25 on Ben Henderson
10 on Cruz
10 on Cerrone
5 on Varner

GatorBait - 12-15-2010 at 04:19 PM

You guys are really not high on Pettis, are you? Or do you just think Henderson is that much more impressive? I see that fight being a LOT closer than you guys do, apparently.

Thom - 12-15-2010 at 04:30 PM

Me, I just think Henderson is too good for Pettis. Submit Cowboy in Round 1? Yeah - you're getting my vote.

DevilSoprano - 12-15-2010 at 07:55 PM

10 on Pettis
10 on Henderson
20 on Cerrone
10 on Varner

Bonestein - 12-17-2010 at 06:55 AM

So... the Pettis ninja kick.

What a great way to wrap up WEC. I'm a big Bendo fan, but between Pettis' kick and Henderson's less than graceful reaction to the loss, I was a little turned around. Wish I could have seen Varner getting choked out. And apparently a vicious slam KO that I would have liked to see but understand why they didn't show it - they're saying the guy didn't move at all through being stretchered out, but he's also already been released from the hospital, so good news there.

GatorBait - 12-17-2010 at 02:20 PM

I'll just let these speak for themselves:

nOOb - 12-17-2010 at 04:18 PM

Everyone's saying that kick was the reason Pettis won. I say even had he been losing, he deserved to win for pulling that off. It'll be interesting to see how he does against a Frankie Edgar or Gray Maynard next, but yeah, best way to end the WEC for sure.

GatorBait - 12-17-2010 at 04:48 PM

Nah, he was winning the round, anyway. At least that's the way I was seeing things. And he got the better of Henderson for most of the fight, too. Henderson just seemed, I dunno, "tentative" the whole fight. He's a guy who likes to capitalize on his opponent's mistakes, and Pettis didn't make very many. I really thought it was over when he snatched the RNC on Pettis, though. Both of those guys (along with Cerrone) are going to add nicely to what is already arguably the best stable at any weight class in the world.

And I'll eat my prediction and give credit where credit is due. Dominick Cruz is an absolute beast at 135. He's not on Aldo's level just yet, but he's getting there. His biggest problem is that he's not a finisher, but that hasn't stopped people from praising GSP. It's gonna take somebody who can match his pace AND keep him on his back when they get a takedown. I see Faber matching his pace, but Cruz is so damn slick on the ground. I think barring any sort of flash KO, Cruz will be the bantamweight champ for awhile.

And I had almost completely forgotten how sick Cerrone's ground game is. Would be very interested in his proposed match with Cole Miller. And his calling out of Nate Diaz would be fantastic fun, especially with the pre-fight trash talk to hype things, too.

nOOb - 12-17-2010 at 05:04 PM

I am really interested to see how Henderson, Pettis, and Cerrone do with in the big leagues, that's for sure. I would have had Varner on that list too, but yeah...he didn't quite make it. Obviously Pettis is already in line for a title fight now, but I think Henderson and Cerrone could get a lot better just by virtue of taking on all the guys they got at 155 in the UFC.

Biff_Manly - 12-18-2010 at 05:40 PM

Dammit, I hate midweek MMA shows. I always miss the poll and the show. I am downloading it now. That kick looks badass just for the attempt. I don't see why it would be illegal. Fighting with your body on the cage is ok as long as it's not grabbed. I'll check it out sometime today.

MadStepDad - 12-19-2010 at 12:42 AM

Wow, whatta way to go out. You guys said it all about the show clinching ninja kick, I couldn't have said it better myself. I agree with Gatorbait that Henderson seemed to be missing something in that fight, but Pettis really proved that "Showtime" moniker is no joke. Pettis actually got a big write up in the newest issue of FIGHT! magazine (published before the event). As usual, the magazine also does a Rising Blood section where they highlight some under the radar fighters worth keeping an eye on. In this same issue (with Vitor Belfort on the cover) they highlighted "The Prince of Persia" Kamal Shalorus as a guy to watch. Quote of the night from Cerrone: "tell the UFC the Cowboy's comin and he's bringing Hell with him". Can't wait to see what's next for him. Pettis is the truth, Cruz was good and Varner is finished.

As for the points, if I did them right, MSD and Gatorbait tie with 25 while Thom clocks in with 20. Leaving the WINNER and sole survivor Devil Soprano with a 30 point total! Amazing performance, wisely hedging his bets and earning the triumph once more.


: 4 � 7



THOM: 3 - 8





Also in relation to Biff's comments, when I watched the fight live I didn't have a second thought about it. Sick manuever, totally awesome, highlight reel material. It wasn't until I went to work the next day (ranting and raving like a maniac per usual) and I showed that clip to a bunch of semi or non-MMA fans and the FIRST thing they asked was "wasn't that illegal!?!? You can't use the cage!!!" Huh, I didn't even question the the legality of that move. Anyways, next up is the 1/1/11 UFC show, 125: Resolution. I'll be hosting as usual, expect allot of goose shooters and sour diesel smoke. See you then!

[Edited on 12-18-2010 by MadStepDad]

GatorBait - 12-29-2010 at 02:51 PM

Overeem better not take Duffee too lightly or he can be in for a painful night. I still expect Alistair to roll, but if he comes in laxed thinking he's just gonna roll in the fight, we could be in for a major upset.

nOOb - 12-29-2010 at 04:45 PM

Only the Japanese could not only book an Overeem/Duffee match on three weeks notice, but get both guys to agree to it. This match seems like it will be a big stopping notice for the loser: Overeem loses and he looks that much weaker for not taking title fights (and Strikeforce looks bad, too), and if Duffee loses, Zuffa has that to point to as to why they let him go.

Biff_Manly - 12-29-2010 at 05:17 PM

So the next MMA event is on New Year's Day?

That's cool. I will keep checking back to see if someone puts up the card. Haven't had time/effort to check the net much lately. Damn Pneumonia hospitalization cut my internet time. I think I may now have a reason to invest in an android phone however. Internet withdrawls are not funny.

GatorBait - 12-29-2010 at 05:31 PM

Actually, Sengoku is airing their year-end supercard on Dec 30, DREAM on Dec 30 (on HDNET), and UFC on Jan 1 (PPV) with the live prelims on ION (broadcast station formerly known as PAX).

I don't think the "fallout" of the Duffee/Overeem fight will be black-and-white based on who wins or loses. I think it'll really come down to how both guys perform. 3-round slugfest war? Both would "win" regardless of the outcome. Overeem has more to lose by a loss of any kind, though. And Duffee can at least save face by not getting KO'd early in the fight. Not many guys out there who would take this fight on 3-weeks notice, so I give credit to both men and I hope they're both in good shape for the fight.

[Edited on 12-29-2010 by GatorBait]

Thom - 12-29-2010 at 05:36 PM

Screw it - since MSD is gone, I'll take over his best contribution to the boards...

UFC 125: Resolution

Since Frankie Edgar has now defeated BJ Penn twice, he gets to defend his Lightweight Championship on New Year's Day against Gray Maynard. While I kinda like Edgar, I think he loses this fight. His only previous loss was to Maynard, and I think Gray's going to push the pace. I wouldn't be surprised to see it go 5 rounds (in which case, Edgar may end up pulling out a decision), but I think Maynard ends up with the TKO in either the late 3rd round, or early 4th. The rest of the Main Card looks like it should be good, too. The undercard is supposedly being shown on ION-TV, instead of Spike. Check local listings to verify.

UFC 125: Resolution

LW Championship: Frankie Edgar (c) vs. Gray Maynard
MW: Chris Leben vs. Brian Stann
LHW: Brandon Vera vs. Thiago Silva
WW: Nate Diaz vs. Dong Hyun Kim
LW: Clay Guida vs. Takanori Gomi

My points:
10 on Maynard
15 on Leben
5 on Diaz
5 on Silva
5 on Vera
10 on Gomi

Thom - 12-29-2010 at 05:37 PM

Overeem should be in fighting shape - or close to it, as he just won the K-1 Grand Prix back on December 11th.

GatorBait - 12-29-2010 at 07:47 PM

20 on Diaz
20 on Silva
10 on Guida

nOOb - 12-31-2010 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Thom
Overeem should be in fighting shape - or close to it, as he just won the K-1 Grand Prix back on December 11th.

Do we consider "knockout Todd Duffee in 19 seconds with a near-flawless combination of punches after dodging the first flurry" in fighting shape?

Editted to add:

Knee, right hand, measure up left hook. Took a nice little uppercut then basically throws away everything else thrown at him. If he were a bit more stable schedule-wise, Overeem might be a top three heavyweight.

[Edited on 12-31-2010 by nOOb]

Biff_Manly - 1-1-2011 at 10:13 PM

LW Championship: Frankie Edgar (c) vs. Gray Maynard
MW: Chris Leben vs. Brian Stann
LHW: Brandon Vera vs. Thiago Silva
WW: Nate Diaz vs. Dong Hyun Kim
LW: Clay Guida vs. Takanori Gomi

Let's see:

Maynard 10 Dude looks seriously pissed and I don't think Edgar will stop Maynard's takedowns.

Leben 15

Vera 5

Dong Hyun Kim 5

Clay Guida 15

Yes, submitted in time. Well, still have like 7hours, but you know what I mean.

DevilSoprano - 1-1-2011 at 10:52 PM

20 on Edgar
20 on Leben
10 on Guida

Thom - 1-3-2011 at 03:52 PM

UFC 125: Resolution - The Results

Keeping this short and sweet...

I was the bottom feeder with only 5 points from Thiago Silva;
Dev sucked too, but not as bad as me - 10 points from Clay Guida;
Biff put up a respectable 20 points from Guida and Dong Hyun Kim;
And Gator is the winner, with 30 points from Guida and Silva.





THOM: 3 - 9




Gator's off the schneid!!!

I'm not going to do one of these for StrikeForce Challengers, but so the next one on my list is UFC Fight For The Troops - taking place on January 22.

GatorBait - 1-3-2011 at 08:19 PM

So apparently Jon Jones tweeted that he wasn't happy with Thiago Silva's bitch-slapping of Brandon Vera. Am I the only one who would love to see the 2 of them face off once Jones man-handles Bader?

Biff_Manly - 1-4-2011 at 12:07 AM

I don't care who Jon Jones fights. It's just fun as hell watching him.

I cannot believe Edgars chin. Shit, his chin, guts, ballsack of f'n steel. The dude seemed to have taken three beatings in that first round that should have put his ass down and he didn't stop. I don't mind the draw decision at all.

Stann is the real deal. I'd liked him from before but who'd have thought that he could take down Leben, and so thoroughly?

Good card overall.

GatorBait - 1-4-2011 at 05:26 PM

Stann is the real deal as long as the fight's on the feet or he's got somebody dazed and on his back from a shot from him. His weakness has already been his ground game. It's certainly improving, but I'll reserve judgment until I see more from him in that department.

Thom - 1-5-2011 at 05:18 PM


StrikeForce Heavyweight Grand Prix

Beginning Feb. 12 at the IZOD Center in East Rutherford, N.J., Fedor Emelianenko fights Antonio Silva and Andrei Arlovski is matched against Sergei Kharitonov. Current Strikeforce heavyweight champion Alistair Overeem will meet Fabricio Werdum, and Brett Rogers tangles with Josh Barnetts will likely take place in April.

Several sources close to the talks told that Showtime took the lead in negotiations

Emelianenko's signing, which was delayed at the end because he's training in a remote mountain location in his homeland without access to computers or fax machines, allowed the brackets to take shape and the tournament to move forward.

Neither the semifinal nor final rounds have firm dates or locations. "If there's not any injuries, we think we could wrap it up by the end of September," Coker said.

Beginning with Overeem's quarterfinal bout against Werdum, each Strikeforce title fight throughout the tournament will be a five-round contest.

I dare say, whomever wins this should be ranked #1 HW in MMA - maybe even #1 in MMA period.

nOOb - 1-5-2011 at 05:49 PM

Werdum, Overeem, and Fedor are the only three guys in that whole tournament that I'd actually consider "good". Rogers isn't really good (lacks any sort of ground game, and if he had any, he may have beaten Fedor; coincidentally, when I got on Rogers after his Fedor fight, I believe I said a good wrestler or any sort of good ground game would beat Fedor...). Silva also has left me unimpressed, especially when Werdum ran circles around him on CBS. Arlovski's washed up, Barnett is still riding the internet over-hype he got to make him seem like he was a legitimate threat to Fedor, and Kharitonov, from what I've seen of him, strikes me as "remarkably average", which is only going to be compounded by the fact that this is really going to be his first real fight in nearly two years.

This does have me interested, though, for a number of reasons. First, if Silva beats Fedor, I think we establish that Silva does belong as a top ten heavyweight, as well as the fact that Fedor is, for all intents and purposes, done as one if he loses. Also, Werdum and Overeem meeting in the first round is a great idea and a well-deserved shot for Werdum. Werdum is undoubtedly a top 5 heavyweight, but if Overeem beats Werdum, we have to recognize Overeem as a top five fighter. And finally, I'm interested to see if tournaments can work featuring so many big names. We know Bellator works, but those guys are fighting for their names, so unless they get seriously injured, they're not sitting out. These guys already have their names, so if they get hurt, how long do they milk the injury?

I won't say #1 heavyweight for the winner, just because Arlovski, Barnett, and Rogers seem like they should be run over. But top three? Maybe even #2 in the world? I could see that.

GatorBait - 1-5-2011 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Thom

I dare say, whomever wins this should be ranked #1 HW in MMA - maybe even #1 in MMA period.

You're kidding, right?

Overeem, Fedor, and Werdum are the only ones on that list who belong anywhere in the Top 10, and Cain would eat them all for breakfast. Hell, Junior Dos Santos already steamrolled Werdum and sent him packing to Strikeforce in the first place.

Brock would still be a handful for any of those 3 with Overeem I see likely to take him out with the precision striking. He'd ground and maul Werdum with no problem. And while Fedor has 1-punch KO-power and a sick ground game, he still throws looping punches that will allow Brock to get in close for the takedown and maul him there.

And I still haven't mentioned Mir or Roy Nelson whom I think would also cause fits for any of those guys for different reasons. And you couldn't count Randy Couture out against any of those guys, either.

The way I see it, you could make arguments for Overeem and Fedor to be in the Top 5. I'd buy that easily. But the mythos of Fedor has been exposed, and I think any of those guys I've just mentioned would stand a good shot against him (and I think Dos Santos would obliterate him). Overeem has lethal striking, but he hasn't been pressed in MMA in years, and his ground game is still very suspect.

In the end, "who could beat who" really comes down to matchups with the HW's. But the way I see it, the guys most likely to be able to dictate the fights no matter what type of opponent they're facing are Cain and Junior. They'd be my #1 and #2, respectively.

Thom - 1-5-2011 at 08:55 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait

You're kidding, right?

Not at all. Granted, that's provided Fedor, Overeem, or Werdum win, which is as close to a sure thing as there is in MMA. Overeem gets to prove that he's the top dog in SF against Werdum. Fedor should beat Silva. Then, you either have the rematch of Werdum-Fedor, or Fedor-Overeem. Whichever way that happens, I think it's hard to argue that whomever comes out on top isn't at least in the top 2, if not #1.

And while JDS beat Werdum, and I think he'd probably beat him again, I think the idea of Werdum beating Fedor, Overeem, and Fedor again would be more impressive than JDS' resume.

If Overeem wins it all, and of course is clean, then he'll have beat just about every top HW that he's been able to face. And Fedor, while I don't think he's the god many put him up to be, will have one "real" loss on his record, but will have more or less proven that he's not done.

But to say that Cain would eat them all for breakfast is a bit much, IMO. He beat Big Nog, whom many say is pretty much done for, and Brock, who doesn't like to get hit. I think Brock would have lost to Carwin, had he not gassed himself out in the first round. So, while it's definitely a great win for Cain, it's not like he exposed anything there. I don't necessarily think he'd lose against any of the top SF guys, but I'm not convinced he (or JDS) would beat two of those guys in succession, either.

It's probably all a moot point, anyway, as we're unlikely to ever see how Cain or JDS would fare against Fedor or Overeem. And it's not like the rankings really mean anything, as such.

ETA: But, sure - if Cain or JDS (whenever they fight) wins decisively, I'd probably lean towards that winner as #1.

[Edited on 1/5/11 by Thom]

GatorBait - 1-5-2011 at 09:53 PM

It's really unfortunate in that the only legit "measuring stick" between the 2 promotions is Werdum. He's beaten both Fedor and his brother, and he's also got a victory over Overeem (kimura) back in 2006. But he was steamrolled badly by JDS and has decision losses to Arlovski, Kharitonov, and Big Nog.

Of those guys, I believe we can say JDS and Overeem have improved since their fights with Werdum while the rest have faded.

Again, my main argument is that with all these guys it would really come down to the matchups. But the guys I see as having the fewest weaknesses are Cain (amazing cardio, wrestling, and much-improved striking) and JDS (best striking at HW (possibly even with 'Reem), tremendous chin, and phenomenal takedown defense).

Bonestein - 1-6-2011 at 12:32 AM

I'll get more excited if it actually goes through. At least three of those guys are going to be extremely hard to schedule - Fedor because of his handlers and their potential insistence that his fights air on PPV (which is unlikely to happen), Overeem because of his desire to continue focusing on K-1, and Barnett because who knows where he can even get licensed. I guess it's great that they are structuring a tournament, but that's essentially what the UFC already does by scheduling winners against winners up to title shots.

GimmickMan - 1-6-2011 at 09:04 AM

If Overeem, Fedor, Werdum or Silva win the GP, they should be the No. 1 heavyweight in the world without a doubt.


[Edited on 1-6-2011 by GimmickMan]

GatorBait - 1-6-2011 at 04:12 PM

What do you mean "if"? Do any of the others really stand a legit shot? And those guys are all on the same side of the bracket. 2 "tougher" fights then essentially a patsy in the "finals".

New division rankings from Here are their Top 10 HW's:

1. Cain Velasquez
2. Fabricio Werdum
3. Fedor Emelianenko
4. Brock Lesnar
5. Junior Dos Santos
6. Alistair Overeem
7. Shane Carwin
8. Frank Mir
9. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
10. Antonio Silva

I can't argue (well I can, but opposing arguments would be most likely as valid) with most of it, but Werdum at #2? Really???

[Edited on 1-7-2011 by GatorBait]

nOOb - 1-11-2011 at 04:25 AM

Justice: Nam Phan/Leonard Garcia 2 is gonna take place on free TV in March

Welp, looks like I know what I'm watching that night.

GatorBait - 1-12-2011 at 05:35 PM

Lesnar vs. Dos Santos on the next TUF. Should be fun.;_ylt=Ah.o6.7Muxn0737q49thef89Eo14?slug=mmaweekly-a702780fe400d031efc7dd6f45a767bf

Let's hope Lesnar changes his "don't punch me in the face during training" stance, or he's in for a very very short night against JDS.

BBMN - 1-18-2011 at 02:02 AM

Thom - 1-19-2011 at 05:23 PM

Yeah, unfortunately, though - Scott Coker came out and said that the Heavyweight Title won't be on the line during the Grand Prix. Instead, the winner will have first shot at Overeem. Of course, who knows what happens if Overeem wins?

But, this weekend: UFC Fight For The Troops!!!

Live from Fort Hood in Texas:

LW: Evan Dunham vs. Melvin Guillard
HW: Matt Mitrione
vs. Tim Hague
FW: Mark Hominick
vs. George Roop
HW: Pat Barry
vs. Joey Beltran
LW: Cole Miller
vs. Matt Wiman

This looks to be a bunch of good - potentially great - matchups. So much so, that I'm having a hard time picking winners. But, here goes...

Reminder: 50 total points; 25 max per fight; 5 min per fight (but you don't have to pick every fight - unless you want to).

15 on Dunham
10 on Mitrione
5 on Hominick
7.5 on Miller
5 on Wiman
7.5 on Beltran

GatorBait - 1-19-2011 at 05:43 PM

25 on Mitrione
10 on Hominick
10 on Miller
5 on Guillard

Anybody else excited to see if Cody McKenzie can pull off another guillotine against Yves Edwards, too?

Thom - 1-19-2011 at 06:09 PM

Yes. Yes, I am. Too bad it's on the undercard. Perhaps, if there's time, it will end up as one of the "filler" fights?

GatorBait - 1-19-2011 at 06:25 PM

Well, assuming at least 1 of the main card fights ends in a stoppage, I think they'll be able to squeeze in the time to show another 1-minute guillotine finish.

GimmickMan - 1-22-2011 at 12:13 AM

I preview Hominick/Roop and the undercard bouts for MMA Mania. Dunham/Guillard coming tomorrow:

Peep them!

Thom - 1-24-2011 at 03:16 PM

UFC Fight for the Trooops - The Results

An impressive 40-point night gives Gator the win. Nice fights, but really one thing stood out - Mark Hominick - WOW.





THOM: 3 - 10




I'll put up a thing for the StrikeForce event for this weekend probably Tuesday - maybe Wednesday.

GatorBait - 1-24-2011 at 03:19 PM

Hominick & Guillard can now be considered full-fledged contenders in their respective divisions.

Guillard has really REALLY impressed me since "growing up" and joining Jackson's camp (2 separate comments there, but not a stretch by any means to see a connection between the 2). He's always had tremendous athleticism and a great skill set, but his ego and lack of preparation always got the better of him. Now he's disciplined and focused. I'm not saying he'd beat everybody in the division, currently, but I do think he'd be a handful for all of them, Edgar & Maynard included.

And I had forgotten who Hominick was until I saw him step into the cage on Saturday. Then I remembered him completely dismantling whomever I saw him fight in his previous fight. And I believe that was a submission finish off his back. If his striking stays that clean, I think he may be the 1 guy with a skillset rounded enough to give Aldo some fits. Suddenly looking very very forward to that match. And Hominick will have the home country advantage, as well.

Mittrione continues to evolve, and I'm excited to watch his continued improvement. I figure he broke his hand when he threw the straight right to the crown of Hague's head as he was ducking. Nice to see him still able to fight through the pain and finish Hague with the same hand. I really think he was a case on TUF where being "cooped up" like that really hindered his on-show performance and behavior. I'd like to see him get a step up in competition versus somebody like, say, Gabriel Gonzaga (who seems to be the current division gateholder) or Chieck Kongo (who is likely the next gateholder). Although Pat Barry would make for an interesting leg-kick extravaganza of a fight.

Speaking of Barry, holy fuck did he blast the hell out of The Mexicutioner's left leg. And he was fucking relentless with it, especially with the hammer fists to the same spot when things got to the ground at the end. When Barry is focused and doesn't break a hand or foot early in the match, he'll be a handful for anybody who decides on a standup fight with him. If he can work on similar levels of takedown defense as Junior Dos Santos, he could be a contender in the division.

And even in his loss, McKenzie impressed me. I mean I think he's still only 21 or 22 (too lazy to look it up), and he's already got lots of weapons in his arsenal. On his feet he kind of reminds me of the lightweight version of Keith Jardine in his loose and unpredictable standup. Edwards is an incredibly technical and experienced striker, and he was having trouble getting clean shots in on him. I think he's gonna have fights that look very similar to this one for a bit until he gets into a "real" camp and refines his weaknesses. He's got that "heart of a fighter" that can't be taught, though.

And to cap off my comments for the night, Wiman was absolutely dominant. How those final 2 rounds weren't scored 10-8 is beyond me. I get the feeling that judges are so hesitant to score 10-8 rounds because they don't want the losing guy to "feel bad" or something like that. Fuck that. 10-9 for a round win, and 10-8 for a 1-sided round win isn't too much to ask. I know this may lead ultimately to more draws than usual, but those 10-8 type rounds don't usually go in favor of the guy who lost the previous 2 rounds.

Thom - 1-24-2011 at 04:10 PM

Re: Wiman... I agree that the 2nd round could have easily been scored 10-8. The third round, though - it seemed like he either tired a little, or started playing it safe and just controlled things for a while on the ground. Thus, I think 10-9 was right. I just want to know who the moron was that scored a round for Miller.

GatorBait - 1-24-2011 at 05:53 PM

Depending on the angle he was viewing from, I could almost see how somebody could've given Miller round 1. Definitely not either of the final 2, though.

Thom - 1-28-2011 at 02:29 PM

Dammit! Not only am I 2-3 days later than I had planned, but somehow, the whole post just got erased...

Strikeforce: Diaz vs. Cyborg

Live from San Jose, CA on 1/29/11.

WW Championship: Nick Diaz (c) vs. Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos
MW Championship: Ronaldo "Jacare" Souza (c)
vs. "Ruthless" Robbie Lawler
HW: Herschel Walker
vs. Scott Carson
LHW: Roger Gracie
vs. Trevor Prangley

Yes, only 4 fights listed on the main card. As usual - 25 points max per fight, 5 points min. You may, but don't have to, put points on every fight.

This doesn't seem like a real good card, to me. The Jacare-Lawler fight is really the only one that interests me - although I guess I am kinda interested in Walker - but I don't really expect it to be a good fight.

My picks:
25 Points on Diaz
10 Points on Walker
10 Points on Gracie
5 Points on Jacare

GatorBait - 1-31-2011 at 04:21 PM

Herschel once again looked quite impressive for his age and relative lack of experience. Not sure what else can be said, though.

Biff_Manly - 2-5-2011 at 06:38 AM

First time doing this--Hopefully someone will clean this up later but for now--

UFC 126

Anderson Silva vs. Vitor Belfort
Rich Franklin vs. Forrest Griffin
Jon Jones vs. Ryan Bader
Carlos Eduardo Rocha vs. Jake Ellenberger
Miguel Torres vs. Antonio Banuelos

I think these are the ones that are on the PPV. 50 point, no higher than 25.

Silva 10
Griffin 15
Jones 15
Ellenberger 5
Torres 5

There you go. Hope everyone else can chime in.

Oh, BTW, I probably won't be adding up the totals and such after the fight so whoever is good with numbers can handle that. I refuse to do Math unless it's for grades or money. Which is probably why I got shitty grades and had no money. OH Well.

[Edited on 2-5-2011 by Biff_Manly]

Biff_Manly - 2-7-2011 at 06:53 AM

Silva vs Belfort? This says it all.

GatorBait - 2-7-2011 at 03:33 PM

Who would have thought Seagal actually DID have some moves to offer Silva?

And I can officially declare Jon Jones as my "next big thing". Loved watching his fights up until now, but I was cautiously optimistic until seeing him get to face some higher-level talent. Well he made Bader look like an amateur. An undefeated Bader who had essentially steamrolled through his opposition. He embarrassed Bader.

I've always thought it will take an elite-level striker to take out Jones, and we'll get to see that in Shogun. I still don't like Shogun's chances in the least, though. Jones will take a division regarded as one of the best in the world and make it seem as 1-sided as GSP and Spider have. I think Jones won't really be challenged too much until he makes the inevitable jump to heavyweight, and aside from Cain, I'm having trouble coming up with anybody in that division who will be much of a challenge.

Welcome to the future, MMA fans.

joerizal - 2-8-2011 at 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
Silva vs Belfort? This says it all.

Did Spider follow up with an Atomic Leg Drop?

GatorBait - 2-10-2011 at 04:11 PM

A little alteration on the theme. I think Rex Ryan would approve.

nOOb - 2-13-2011 at 03:32 PM

Well, so much for Fedor. I think that Werdum fight made him look human and Silva definitely took advantage. It sucks because Fedor, for all intents and purposes, seems like a great guy, but this is a fun blow to the diehard know-it-all MMA fans.

Bonestein - 2-13-2011 at 06:53 PM

Silva looked really good in that round, Fedor was just helpless through the whole thing. If Silva hadn't have gone for the side choke, he likely would have forced a stoppage (he showed good stamina for a guy that size). I don't know if it's just that he's going to struggle a ton against a bigger fighter (remember that Brett Rogers looked good against him for a round) or just that he has fought about once every 8 months the last 5 years. I certainly wouldn't say he's not a high level fighter anymore if he wants to keep fighting, but if he doesn't want to fight every 4 months anymore or cut weight and fight 205 (which isn't happening), I can't see him beating any top 5 HWs at this point. I'm not sure what fights even make sense for him at this point, since the HW division is so divided into the "haves" and "have-nots". Maybe a career ending match with Werdum if he loses to Overeem. If Overeem loses to Werdum, lots of people would like to see him against Fedor, but Overeem would destroy him.

GatorBait - 2-14-2011 at 03:07 PM

I also liked how the announcers immediately questioned whether he should drop down to 205. I definitely see him hanging them up entirely before dropping to 205.

And I also loved Dana White's post-fight tweet of "".

Thom - 2-14-2011 at 04:07 PM

Wow... Forget Hamburger-Face Mir.

BBMN - 2-14-2011 at 07:17 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
I also liked how the announcers immediately questioned whether he should drop down to 205. I definitely see him hanging them up entirely before dropping to 205.

And I also loved Dana White's post-fight tweet of "".

The announcers are retards.

Dana is a retard.

Qonas - 2-14-2011 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
And I also loved Dana White's post-fight tweet of "".

Forget just that; it seemed every Strikeforce and Fedor fan on the planet was tweeting him, and he responded right back. To every one of them.

I'm not that huge into MMA, but I do know how dickish and skeevy Fedor's M1 people are. So to see Dana get so gleeful and then go on a Twitter rampage after Fedor's loss, it was pretty hilarious. And a fun counterpoint to the political bland nonsense of every other sports commissioner.

GatorBait - 2-14-2011 at 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Qonas
Originally posted by GatorBait
And I also loved Dana White's post-fight tweet of "".

Forget just that; it seemed every Strikeforce and Fedor fan on the planet was tweeting him, and he responded right back. To every one of them.

I'm not that huge into MMA, but I do know how dickish and skeevy Fedor's M1 people are. So to see Dana get so gleeful and then go on a Twitter rampage after Fedor's loss, it was pretty hilarious. And a fun counterpoint to the political bland nonsense of every other sports commissioner.

And you can read more about it, here:;_ylt=AoL.z4M4Oo1Q7lKaAEvxIKo9Eo14?urn=mma-321061

BBMN - 2-14-2011 at 07:55 PM

Dana + Twitter = fucking embarrassing

I guess once you are the head of a successful sport's empire, you can revert to the 4th grade.

Qonas - 2-14-2011 at 08:01 PM

So basically you would've been one of the victims of Dana's Twitrage then.

BBMN - 2-14-2011 at 08:52 PM

Not at all. I look at MMA as a sport, not teenage "Group A" vs "Group B" fucktard bullshit. You must have missed my entire point I guess.

If you actually know about Dana's antics on Twitter and in general when it has comes to Fedor, you would already have found him to be somewhat embarassing. Unless of course you like taking sides, rather than appreciating skilled fighting no matter what banner it happens to fall under. Acting "happy" at the loss of another is immature as all get out. If Dana had acquired Fedor, and then seen him lose, you would be treated to a long video blog about the pros and cons of Fedor's game, and an overall good natured tone. But since he didn't sign him, it's time to act like a moron. Sad really.

I can't believe I had to explain that. [sigh]

edit- spellin

[Edited on 2-14-2011 by BBMN]

nOOb - 2-15-2011 at 03:32 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
Not at all. I look at MMA as a sport, not teenage "Group A" vs "Group B" fucktard bullshit.

But isn't that really the nature of sports? Obviously there's no united MMA league, but I could see looking at UFC/Strikeforce as Bears/Packers, Yankees/Red Sox, Cavaliers/Heat (because of the Lebron thing, I don't actually think they're rivals nor do I care because I do not watch the basket hoops). It's rivalry: you want to see something bad happen to the other team. Fedor losing, as good a person as he might be, is a blow to Strikeforce because Fedor was one of their big drawing points (so much so that they're unwisely co-promoting with another lesser organization as equal partners), UFC fans want to see Strikeforce fail because of the sport because, when it does, it means the guys over on Strikeforce they WANT to see (Henderson, Diaz, Jacare, Melendez) would suddenly become available to fight in the UFC. It's not like the sport of MMA thrives on external competition or anything. And it's not like its limited just to the UFC fans. But that's sports.

GatorBait - 2-15-2011 at 04:37 PM

Not meaning to defend Dana's childishness in this case, but from everything I've read from him and in following his Twitter, he's an honest business guy. When Dan Henderson left for SF, he didn't bash him. He saw it as a legit business move for Hendo to make. They parted ways amicably, and Dana didn't bash him.

But the whole Fedor fiasco was another story all together. Dana had gone above and beyond trying to work with a fighter's "demands" in trying to sign him, and he even went so far as to offer him comfortably the most lucrative contract in MMA. But where Dana's "rage" comes from in this case stems more from the ludicrous business demands that Fedor's management were making. Dana wants the guys who want to fight for the UFC, and he (and the company) tends to reward those guys very fairly for their efforts. For M-1 to come in and make all these demands of the #1 MMA organization in the world was out very questionable on their part.

Basically, M-1 was valuing their fighter more than the UFC was, and stubbornly so. I view Dana's reactions -- while a bit childish -- as an "I told you so", and very warranted in this case.

MTA: I know I worded that very poorly, but I think you all get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

[Edited on 2-15-2011 by GatorBait]

BBMN - 2-15-2011 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
Not meaning to defend Dana's childishness in this case, but from everything I've read from him and in following his Twitter, he's an honest business guy. When Dan Henderson left for SF, he didn't bash him. He saw it as a legit business move for Hendo to make. They parted ways amicably, and Dana didn't bash him.

But where Dana's "rage" comes from in this case stems more from the ludicrous business demands that Fedor's management were making. Dana wants the guys who want to fight for the UFC, and he (and the company) tends to reward those guys very fairly for their efforts. For M-1 to come in and make all these demands of the #1 MMA organization in the world was out very questionable on their part.

Basically, M-1 was valuing their fighter more than the UFC was, and stubbornly so. I view Dana's reactions -- while a bit childish -- as an "I told you so", and very warranted in this case.

Dana has continually talked down Fedor for years. I his mind, any compeition is bad for him. Therefore all competition needs to be belittled. It's fucking inbred. Once he signs a guy and has him onboard, he'll hype the shit out of him. But if he can't sign him he goes full 4th grader. It's embarrassing to the sport and degrading to the profesional athletes that put their health on the line for the sport.

And the MAIN reason Dana has spent soooooooooo much time (seriously just go through his youtube videos and look up his interviews... there is PLENTY of this to find) slamming Fedor, is because Fedor is often heralded as one of the top fighters, if not thee top fighter on the planet. How can you have the best organization, without the best fighter? You can't (in his mind apparently) so you must do everything to discredit that fighter. And if he's so fucking overrated, why spend so much energy trying to get him under contract? Speaking of contracts...

You do not know what the negotiations entailed, so let's not use that as argument fodder. Dana says he offered one thing, Fedor says it was another. You don't actually know who is telling the truth. Not that it matters really when one looks at the entire situation from where I'm coming from. You simply must stop saying "this is all about the contract negotiations that failed" as Dana has talked down Fedor for YEARS. It's about how has the biggest house and the coolest car. Just an ego that needs stroked. I truly don't feel that such an attitude is good for MMA at all.

Originally posted by nOOb
It's rivalry: you want to see something bad happen to the other team.

And I want businessmen to not act like chilrden. I understand that not getting Fedor was maddening, but being a Twitter troll isn't exactly what I expect from the biggest man in MMA. It's sad. Seeing the head of the UFC stick with the "Fedor suxors and Brock is the bestest ever!!!1!" routine like some kind of Sherdog retard is just so fucked up and lame on so many levels.

williamssl - 2-15-2011 at 08:59 PM

The very use of Twitter makes you a loathesome person to begin with. I guess there are then degrees of accelerating loathesomeness depending on what you do with it

But baseline suck.

GatorBait - 2-15-2011 at 09:33 PM

You're right. We don't know the exact details of the negotiations, but we do know the main sticking point that kept Fedor from being signed: M-1 co-promotion. Obviously, Fedor's business self (or whatever happened in his past that led him to sell his sould to M-1) took precedence over his wanting to face the best competition in the world.

Has Dana been childish about how it all went down? Sure. But M-1 is equally guilty in that regard.

BBMN - 2-20-2011 at 04:47 AM

Here's a video of Alistair that helps take the pain of Fedor losing away...

BBMN - 2-25-2011 at 09:50 AM

This is just fucking wacky and actually kind of funny. So random...

nOOb - 2-27-2011 at 02:31 AM

Following the prelim results online and, um...not only is Mark Hunt fighting tonight, but he just won? Where the hell did that come from?

nOOb - 2-27-2011 at 03:23 AM

Also, for those of you that are actually aware of ION TV, that's where the prelims are. And, well, Nick Ring's still undefeated. He shouldn't be, but he is. At this point in time, I think it is apparent MMA judges are the most retarded people on the planet.

BBMN - 2-27-2011 at 09:55 PM

I too wanted to see Hunt on tv...

I guess he hit a sweet inside uppercut that was pretty slick. Want to see....

And fuck Fitch. His corner apparently told him that they didn't know what the score cards were, so he decided to just lay and toss out 100 ineffective punches from the side. Never tried to mount or submit. Just fuck that guy.

And BJ is too small for 170. Way to small. If he ever fought Rumble at that weight, he'd maybe die if he didn't finish within 15 seconds.

nOOb - 2-28-2011 at 02:11 AM

I'm not thrilled at the prospect of another Fitch/Penn matchup. Mainly because we all know Fitch doesn't finish fights and, even though his camp will be much improved, he'll improve just enough to drag out a decision against Penn in the rematch.

Also, that Hunt knockout was pretty badass when I caught it online: he basically throws a combo ending with an uppercut that clips Tuscherer and, before Tuscherer even hits the ground, Hunt has already started walking away with his hand up in the air.

GatorBait - 2-28-2011 at 03:41 PM

Dumb question: do you guys not watch the extra fights they show after the main event? Time permitting, the UFC is always awesome and shows whatever unaired fights they can squeeze into the remaining PPV time. The Hunt fight was one of those. Fantastic KO finish.

So it's widely publicized that BJ brought in Matt Hughes to help him train for the fight, and Fitch & Co don't even THINK he'll try any takedowns? He deserved to lose if he came in with that mindset. That being said, I scored it exactly as the 2 majority judges did, a 28-28 split. I see things playing out as GSP beating Sheilds and moving up to 185, then Fitch & Penn rematching for the 170 title. Fitch is so goddamn boring and it's not what I WANT to happen by any means, but it's what I expect to happen. And Fitch will adjust his game and grind out a 5-round borefest that looks just like Rd 3 from Saturday.

Other than that, I got a very "meh" feeling from the card, even if it wasn't boring. Not sure what it was. Ebersole is a bit of a clown, but it was fun to watch him, at least; was not expecting him to take out Lytle like that. Bisping did exactly what I expected to Rivera; he's sill a classless fuckhead, though. And I was very very shocked that Dennis Siver pulled the upset over Sotiropolous; insane takedown defense which is the reason I see the potential for a JDS vs. Cain title fight so intriguing.

nOOb - 2-28-2011 at 04:44 PM

I caught the prelims I could on ION and figured that I'd catch whichever fight seemed interesting the next morning somewhere on YouTube. Sidenote: ION is not a bad little network, but obviously it is not standard to basic cable, so it's a good thing the prelims go back to Spike full-time.

You know, it pains me to say it, but I'm rooting a bit for Jake Shields. I always wanted to see if Yushin Okami could actually do anything against Silva, but now I really don't want there to be a possibility of Jon Fitch: Welterweight Champion. I mean, I know they say it's a "human chess match", but as someone who was a wrestler in high school and could watch wrestling matches and be mildly entertaining, Fitch is boring as shit. It was pretty funny, though, that Dana White did a behind-the-scenes of the next Ultimate Fighter and he asked both coaches who they thought would win, and they both had differing opinions on the fights except Fitch/Penn: Fitch by decision.

GatorBait - 2-28-2011 at 07:09 PM

ION is a broadcast station, actually. Not cable.

That being said, it's NOT available everywhere, though.

GatorBait - 3-4-2011 at 02:01 PM

Holy shit did Diego look FAT and SLOW. He in no way deserved to win that fight. I could possibly have given him Round 3, but definitely not the first 2. The only thing I can fathom is that the judges just had bad viewing angles compared to what we got to see on TV.

Kudos to Diego for pulling off at least 0.7-Muta last night, though:

BBMN - 3-6-2011 at 12:20 AM

It seriously looked like Diego got hit by a truck. How the fuck he won that I don't know. The judging is so fucked at this point.


And about the Hunt fight being a prelim.... Yea, I know that they sometimes show a fight after the main event, but I was at a bar and it fucking sucked so I bailed out to early for my own good. I was stuck between a hot but fucking RETARDED blonde doing her best Anna Nicole impersonation and an even crazier bitch on the other side. At one point a girl tried to get us to order for her as it wa tough getting service. Before I could even respond to the girl's polite request, the crazy girl next to me says, "Yea, I'll order that as soon as this guy eats my out! Do you know how many people keep fucking bugging us to get drinks? No fucking way!" Just fucking wow. So yea, it was my goal to get the fuck out the second a decision was rendered. But I did see a gif of Hunt's uppercut... AWESOME.

[Edited on 3-6-2011 by BBMN]

Thom - 3-7-2011 at 03:38 PM

Stephan Bonner had the best analysis of how Sanchez won, IMO. He said that often times, the judges award fighters for moving forward, even if they're eating punches on the way in. And one of the guys - maybe Helwani? - mentioned how Sanchez was throwing a lot of punches, but not really connecting on a lot of them, while Kampmann pretty much picked Sanchez apart as he came towards him. And Todd can'trememberhislastname pondered that Kampmann was, perhaps, too calm throughout the fight.

I'm OK with the decision, although I gave the first two rounds to Kampmann, too. Sanchez did have Kampmann pretty well stunned at one point in the second round, so I can see where the judges probably gave him that round, as well as round 3. Especially since Kampmann seemed to slow down a little in round 2. But, I think Kampmann's ability to stuff all those takedowns and keep the fight standing, as well as his precision striking should have been enough.

In the end, though, Dana White supposedly gave them both additional $100k bonuses - in addition to Sanchez's win bonus and the $60k FotN bonuses.

GatorBait - 3-7-2011 at 04:42 PM

Yeah, I agree with Dana in that there were no real losers in that fight (Diego's face and Martin's right hand, aside). But clearly the judges had some skewed angles if they thought a lot of those Diego punches were connecting/effective.

Bonnar's explanation is the only one that sounds close to reasonable, to me. And once again, that goes to show you what can happen if you don't finish the fight.

BBMN - 3-7-2011 at 05:30 PM

I just don't get the criteria. There's too much of it really. Too many variables creates too much vagueness as they apparently all carry different weight. The winner should just be the guy that most people (and hence judges) think won. I can see extremely close fights have split decisions, but this wasn't that close. Martin ruined him standing, and avoided almost every take down. I understand that being aggressive can give someone the edge, but come on, now. Being aggressive doesn't mean too much if your opponent rips you to pieces in the process. The Leonard Garcia matches with Pham and Zombie exemplify what's wrong about the criteria. He won both because he was 'aggressive' which means he ran out like a 12 year old and tossed haymakers that mostly missed while his opponents landed more shots, better shots, and did so with greater efficiency. But going ape shit and swinging wildly while getting beat to shit is all it takes to win. Seriously now, you can take anyone with a decent chin and tell them to go fight like an idiot for 3 rounds and they'll take the decision.

I think Just Bleed Guy is a now a judge...

Thom - 3-7-2011 at 07:45 PM

Here's a (relatively old) rundown of the judging criteria.

Admittedly, I don't know if a) this is accurate - although I've seen it elsewhere; and/or b) outdated. In either case, it's a little confusing (poorly worded/organized), as what they deem "effective aggressiveness," "octagon control," and "effective grappling" are often tied into each other. The most "confusing" part is that clean takedowns are considered "effective grappling" - one of the two most important criteria. But takedown defense is only (apparently) considered as "octagon control" - which is the third criteria. It would seem that takedown defense is just as important to "effective grappling" as the actual takedown itself.



No judge will have a financial interest in any fighter he judges.

B. No judge will be a manager/trainer of any fighter he judges.

C. In a bout goes to it's full time limit, the outcome will be decided by a majority decision of three, (3), MMAC judges.

D. A judge is accredited, sanctioned and selected based upon his character, experience, stature in the MMA world, knowledge of MMA systems and impartiality.

E. Judging Criteria
1. Judges are required to determine the winner of a bout that goes to it's full time limit based upon the following criteria:
-Clean Strikes
-Effective Grappling
-Octagon Control
-Effective Aggressiveness

F. Clean Strikes
1. The fighter who is landing both effective and efficient clean strikes.
2. There are two ways of measuring strikes:
-the total number of clean strikes landed (more efficient) -the total number of heavy strikes landed (more effective)

G. The heavier striker who lands with efficiency, deserves more credit from the Judges than total number landed.
1. If the striking power between the fighters was equal, then the total number landed would be used as the criteria.
2. The total number of strikes landed, should be of sufficient quantity favoring a fighter, to earn a winning round.

H. Strikes thrown from the top position of the guard, are generally heavier and more effective than those thrown from the back.
1. Thus a Judge shall recognize that effective strikes thrown from the top guard position are of "higher quality", than thrown from the bottom.
2. The Judge shall recognize that this is not always the case.
However, the vast majority of fighters prefer the top guard position to strike from. This is a strong indication of positional dominance for striking.

I. Effective Grappling
1. The Judge shall recognize the value of both the clean takedown and active guard position.
2. The Judge shall recognize that a fighter who is able to cleanly takedown his opponent, is effectively grappling.
3. A Judge shall recognize that a fighter on his back in an active guard position, can effectively grapple, through execution of repeated threatening attempts at submission and reversal resulting in continuous defense from the top fighter.
4. A Judge shall recognize that a fighter who maneuvers from guard to mount is effectively grappling.
5. A Judge shall recognize that the guard position alone shall be scored neutral or even, if none of the preceding situations were met.(items 2-4) 6. A Judge shall recognize that if the fighters remain in guard the majority of a round with neither fighter having an edge in clean striking or effective grappling, (items 2-4), the fighter who scored the clean takedown deserves the round.
7. A clean reversal is equal to a clean takedown in effective grappling

J. Octagon Control
1. The fighter who is dictating the pace, place and position of the fight.
2. A striker who fends off a grappler's takedown attempt to remain standing and effectively strike is octagon control.
3. A grappler who can takedown an effective standing striker to ground fight is octagon control.
4. The fighter on the ground who creates submission, mount or clean striking opportunities

K. Effective Aggressiveness
1. This simply means who is moving forward and finding success.(scoring) 2. Throwing a strike moving backwards is not as effective as a strike thrown moving forward.
3. Throwing strikes and not landing is not effective aggressiveness.
4. Moving forward and getting struck is not effective aggressiveness.
5. Shooting takedowns and getting countered and fended off is not effective aggressiveness.

L. Criteria Evaluation
1. Each judge is to evaluate which fighter was most effective. Thus striking and grappling skills are top priority.
2. Evaluating the criteria requires the use of a sliding scale. Fights can remain standing or grounded.
Judges shall recognize that it isn't how long the fighters are standing or grounded, as to the scoring the fighters achieve ,while in those positions.
3. If 90% of the round is grounded one fighter on top, then:
-effective grappling is weighed first.
-clean striking is weighed next. If clean strikes scored in the round, the Judge shall factor it in. Clean Striking can outweigh Effective Grappling while the fighters are grounded.
-octagon control is next (pace, place & position)

4. The same rational holds true if 90% of the round were standing. Thus:
-clean striking would be weighed first (fighter most effective) -clean grappling second (any takedowns or effective clinching) -octagon control which fighter maintained better position? Which fighter created the situations that led to effective strikes?

5. If a round was 50% standing and 50% on the ground, then:
-clean striking and effective grappling are weighed more equally.
-octagon control would be factored next

6. In all three hypothetical situations, effective aggressiveness is factored in last. It is the criteria of least importance. Since the definition calls for moving forward and scoring, it is imperative for the Judges to look at the scoring first.

7. Thus for all Judges scoring UFC fights, the prioritized order of evaluating criteria is:
-clean strikes and effective grappling are weighed first.
-octagon control
-effective aggressiveness

M. Domination Criteria
1. A Judge may determine that a fighter dominated his opponent in a round. This can lead to a two point or more difference on a Judge's scorecard.
2. The definition of a dominating round is a fighter's ability to effectively strike, grapple and control his opponent.
3. A Judge may determine a round was dominating if a fighter was adversely affected by one of the
-knocked down from standing position by clean strike -by submission attempt -from a throw -from clean strikes either standing or grounded.

N. Judge's Scorecard Procedures
After each round:
1. each Judge will determine and record a score each round 2. a MMAC official will collect the scorecard after each round 3. the MMAC official will track and add each Judges score by round 4. If the fight goes the time limit, the MMAC official will add each Judge's scorecard and double check total 5. the fighter with the greater number of points wins the fight on each Judges scorecard 6. the fighter who won on the majority of the Judges Scorecards, wins the fight 7. the MMAC official will hand the decision to the PA announcer

O. Types of Judge's Decisions
1. If all three scorecards agree Unanimous 2. If two of three scorecards agree Split 3. Two scorecards agree and one draw Majority 4. two scorecards agree on draw Draw 5. all scorecards different Draw


The MMAC and UFC have adopted a 10 point must system.
The Judge will use the criteria to determine a winner each round. The three step procedure per round is as follows:
-determine winner of round (can be draw) -determine if winner dominated round -fouls then factored in (subtract one point per foul from fighter)

B. Draws are again acceptable in MMAC events

C. Point Totals
1. two fighters who draw are given a score of 10-10 2. the fighter who wins a round is given a score of 10-9 3.The fighter who dominates a round is given a score of 10-8 (a score of 10-7 is possible for a dominant round) 4.For each foul a fighter commits, a point is subtracted. This deduction can change a winning round to a draw. 9-9

According to this criteria, which is how I generally try to score the fights, I gave rounds 1 and 2 (emphasis on effective striking and takedown defense) to Kampann and round 3 to Sanchez. Section L-4 seems like it would be obvious with the more effective strikes from Kampmann (look at Diego's face...) and the fact that it didn't go to the ground until round 3 (even though Sanchez kept shooting) that Kampmann held the edge in the first two rounds. That being said, I mentioned this before - I guess I can understand how the judges may have felt that Sanchez's striking in round 2 (since Kampmann, at one point, seemed stunned) was more effective.

Also, finally, according to this criteria - we should really see many more 10-8 rounds than we do.

BBMN - 3-8-2011 at 12:26 AM

Such a needlessly complex yet still incredibly open to interpretation system. And it just gets more complex as each round is judged, instead of the fight being viewed as a whole. The more shit they make as rules, means the more wiggle room for bad calls. Although this decision wasn't nearly the abortion that was Garcia vs Pham/Zombie, the fans' boos should be enough to clue one in as to who won.

The only remedy is to simply have 5 judges instead of 3. This would make the majority stronger. And if 3 out of 5 judges were to rule in favor of Garcia in these fights, then they all should be released. It really doesn't take a list of criteria to understand who won a fight.

nOOb - 3-8-2011 at 01:07 AM

You know, I think, for as bad as Pham/Garcia was, Ring/Fukuda from the UFC 127 prelims may have been worse. With Pham/Garcia, an idiot could at least have contended that Garcia was always moving forward and, thus, won. Ring/Fukuda, after reading the rules, becomes an even bigger abortion. To be clear, Fukuda and Ring could have very well split the first round: it was a bit back and forth, with Ring landing a good amount of shots on Fukuda and Fukuda getting one or two takedowns and controlling Ring for at least two minutes. Rounds 2 and 3, though, were all Fukuda. He was the one moving forward. He took one or two combinations from Ring, but always fired back with a meaner combination, and, between those two rounds, completed 4 or 5 takedowns and kept Ring on his back for at least 8 minutes, time spent with Ring simply struggling to get up (not throwing any strikes from his back) and Fukuda occasionally peppering Ring with a punch or two and attempting to change position, but not really doing anything more than controlling the pace of the fight. Heck, the final 10 seconds of the fight, Joe Rogan said it best: Nick Ring did not even show any sign of distress, he just threw a leg kick or two but was either stationary or moving back.

Looking at those rules, the very most that could have been discussed on that judging is whether to have given it 30-27 to Fukuda or 29-28 to Fukuda. Fukuda won that fight by every standard measurable in that set of rules: he was always the one moving forward and landed more effective (and just more in general) strikes for two of the three rounds and dictated the pace of the fight on the ground for all three. But regardless of whether you look at Phan/Garcia or Ring/Fukuda, I think we're all in agreement that MMA judging is inept at best.

GatorBait - 3-8-2011 at 02:22 PM

3. A Judge shall recognize that a fighter on his back in an active guard position, can effectively grapple, through execution of repeated threatening attempts at submission and reversal resulting in continuous defense from the top fighter.

This isn't scored favorably nearly enough. I've seen on many occasions where a wrestler has been given a round because he took a guy down and had top position, even though the guy on the bottom had him in more danger from elbow strikes and submission attempts.

2. A striker who fends off a grappler's takedown attempt to remain standing and effectively strike is octagon control.

Sounds exactly like what Kampmann did for the first 2 rounds, to me.

1. This simply means who is moving forward and finding success.(scoring)
3. Throwing strikes and not landing is not effective aggressiveness.
4. Moving forward and getting struck is not effective aggressiveness.
5. Shooting takedowns and getting countered and fended off is not effective aggressiveness.

Again, rounds 1 and 2 easily in favor of Kampmann.

I agree with the need for more 10-8 rounds, too. I forget who mentioned it (may have been Iole at Y!, or it might've been Dana, himself), but I really like the idea of allowing half-points in scoring. Make a 10-9.5 round for a closely contested round win, 10-9 for a clear round win, and then 10-8.5 and 10-8 for different levels of dominant round wins. Sure it may lead to more draws (1 guy having a clean round win but losing the other 2 closely), but if the judges are still apprehensive to score 10-8 rounds, then that may entice them to change up the scoring a bit.

Or they could just go to the Japanese scoring system and score the fight as a whole. I'd be fine with that.

Oh, and the idea of having 5 judges instead of 3 is still moot in a lot of cases as a lot of these baffling decisions have been unanimous in favor of the apparent loser. 2 more would still make it, at best, 3-2. If anything, I think the judges need to be presented with better angles for viewing the fights. If there's something going on on the opposite end of the cage, let them go to their monitor to make sure they've got at least a better view of the action. Hell, they could even adopt another Japanese trend if they want and have the refs wear cameras to provide additional angles.

Oh, and I thought you all might enjoy this:

[Edited on 3-8-2011 by GatorBait]

Bonestein - 3-12-2011 at 07:44 PM

Holy shit, Zuffa has purchased Strikeforce...

nOOb - 3-12-2011 at 09:22 PM

Reading the article on Sherdog and the fact that there hadn't really been a lot of negotiations going on, this deal strikes me as Dana White woke up this morning, said to himself "I think I want to buy Strikeforce", called up, got a price, and took it. I do like the fact they're keeping Scott Coker around, and that they're letting Strikeforce fulfill their contracts, and giving them full decision making on talent, because that would suck for guys like Paul Daley, Josh Barnett, and potentially Fedor if they woke up this morning and found out they probably weren't going to have jobs for very much longer.

Of course, the fact that all the contracts with Showtime and M1 and what not are still existing, that reinforces my "This idea was thought up this morning and happened this afternoon" idea.

GatorBait - 3-14-2011 at 02:45 PM

I basically see Strikeforce running like the WEC for a couple years until the bulk of its current contracts expire. Should a guy show enough promise (say, Mousasi, Overeem, Bigfoot, King Mo, Melendez, etc.) before the full-fledged SF dissolution, I see the UFC moving them up to the "big leagues" when their SF contract runs its course.

mastermind - 3-18-2011 at 04:50 PM

Anybody care about Jon Jones winning the belt this Saturday? Everybody's talking about GSP vs Anderson Silva as some kind of 2011 Dream Match. But the REAL dream match will be Jon Jones vs Anderson Silva in 2012, and we will finally see the end of Silva's reign of dominance. Or am I counting eggs before they hatch?

nOOb - 3-18-2011 at 06:21 PM

IF Jon Jones wins tomorrow, he absolutely has to be put in the top 5 pound for pound fighters. That's a big if, though, because everyone and their mother swears that "Shogun is back with a vengeance", forgetting that Forest Griffin beat him pretty thoroughly. And if he can defend the title two or three times, I'd say list him as one of the top 5 best fighters ever. Because Jones hasn't just beaten guys: he's beaten them convincingly. That he can't go undefeated anymore due to Steve Mazzagati's liberal use of disqualifications vs. no-contests and inability to warn a fighter they're doing something illegal rather than throw seven 12-6 elbows at a guy before calling it works in Jones' favor because he doesn't have to worry about perfection anymore. The sheer fact he has nothing to worry about in this fight, knowing if he loses he'll be back makes for a dangerous opponent.

GatorBait - 3-18-2011 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by mastermind
Anybody care about Jon Jones winning the belt this Saturday? Everybody's talking about GSP vs Anderson Silva as some kind of 2011 Dream Match. But the REAL dream match will be Jon Jones vs Anderson Silva in 2012, and we will finally see the end of Silva's reign of dominance. Or am I counting eggs before they hatch?

I don't think you're over-anticipating this, at all. I think you're dead on. The first thing that came to mind when Jones destroyed Bader was "damn, I'd love to see him fight Anderson". The other logical cross-weights match to me would be in the other direction, though. Jones vs. Velasquez.

Now that Cain's learned how to finish fights, I see him being as dominant at HW as Jones is at LHW. And interesting that we'll (more than likely) get to see them next facing fighters with the only skill they haven't been tested against: world-class standup. Rua presents a very similar opponent to what Cain would face in Dos Santos.

2 or 3 years from now, Jones' future is definitely at HW. He can't keep cutting forever with that frame. And he'd have some insanely fun matchups at HW, especially with the possible influx of Strikeforce fighters, too. Bones vs. 'Reem would be fantastic.

mastermind - 3-20-2011 at 02:29 PM

Jon Jones is the Dexter of MMA. For anybody unfamiliar, that�s the show about a serial killer masquerading as a (semi)normal member of society. His precision, concentration and ability to disconnect emotionally from the brutal task at hand is downright chilling. Not to mention Bones chased down and subdued a robber just hours before his championship fight! He�s the stuff hero�s are made of. But just watching Jones dissect Rua last night, he�s so cold and clinical. He fights like it�s an out of body experience. Meanwhile Shogun Rua looked like scared and overwhelmed before the first round was even over. The Jon Jones freight train of hype exceeded expectations. Shogun Rua actually tapped out from the beating, reminding me a little bit of the one-sided drubbing GSP once gave Matt Serra. Now everybody�s talking about Jones vs Anderson Silva, even though in the most blatantly WWE-designed closing segment ever, friends and training partners Jon Jones and Rashad Evans were brought into the ring to announce their upcoming fight (was Rashad Evans the only one surprised by the voracious chorus of boos he received?) I for one, do not foresee a challenger on the horizon worthy or capable of upending Jon Jones. That�s just the main event; the rest of the card was good too. But Jon Jones, man. He makes it look so easy to kill. Just like Dexter.

theflammablemanimal - 3-20-2011 at 05:57 PM

Why are they saying Jones needs to be cleared to fight again? Did he get a concussion or something?

Sounds like he absolutely killed and embarrassed Rua.

Bonestein - 3-20-2011 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal

Sounds like he absolutely killed and embarrassed Rua.

He did. It was pretty sick how easily he handled Rua, even when you could see some nerves from Bones in the first minute or so.

mastermind - 3-20-2011 at 06:15 PM

Post fight, Shogun Rua looked like Diego Sanchez/Fedor did recently -aka "facially destroyed". Jones on the other hand, looked like he just finished a quick pick-up game of basketball. I haven't heard of any serious injuries, Jones just earned a well-deserved break after having two fights so close together.

GatorBait - 3-21-2011 at 01:53 PM

Absolute destruction. Jones made Rua look like an amateur.

The Rashad fight will be the only interesting one for Jones at 205, and only because he's got the one thing we haven't seen in a Jones opponent yet: speed. Do I think it will wind up mattering, though? Absolutely not. I mean there are a lot of fights for him that we haven't seen, but none that I think would be compelling enough to lead me to believe Jones' title would be in Jeopardy. He's an absolute steamroller and division-killer.

I said it before and I'll re-emphasize it: Jon Jones won't be challenged until he moves up to HW. And even there I'm having trouble coming up with viable challengers. Size can be a tremendous equalizer in some fights at HW, but I don't see the likes of Frank Mir, Brendan Schaub, JDS, or even Brock matching up well at all with Jones. I only think Cain has shown an all-around game and cardio to be able to match up with Jones, and even he's shown a suspect chin on a couple of occasions.

Also of note from the card:
-Man, when Cro-Cop gets KTFO, he crumples like a sack of Croation potatoes
-Jim Miller is a beast. Enough with the Edgar rematches, there are lots of guys at LW who deserve their shots at the belt.
-Kudos to Wineland for his takedown defense. I was thinking after the first round that we may be seeing a replay of Dennis Siver taking out George Sotiropolous. Kudos to Faber for pulling it out, though, even if it was an underwhelming UFC debut.

Thom - 3-21-2011 at 03:47 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
-Jim Miller is a beast. Enough with the Edgar rematches, there are lots of guys at LW who deserve their shots at the belt.

Preaching to the choir, my brutha! Jim Miller has quietly become one of my favorite fighters. His UFC fights are evenly split between decision and finish - 4W by dec; 1L by dec; 2W by TKO; 3W by sub - so it's reasonable to go into a Miller fight expecting to see a finish. And even if he doesn't finish, it's likely to be a pretty entertaining fight, IMO.

As far as the Jones suspension goes, it's because Rua's face hurt his hand.

Despite the victory, Jones was placed on indefinite suspension pending an X-ray, MRI and orthopedic clearance of his right hand.

GatorBait - 3-21-2011 at 04:54 PM

That fight also made me question why more guys don't try to throw a spinning back elbow as they're deciding to create distance after having the opponent pressed against the cage. They don't have room to back up to evade it, they can't really duck either, and the one throwing the shot isn't in any real danger of being countered from that position.

And I know everybody's got the proverbial "puncher's chance" at a KO in the fights, but does anybody see any legit competition for Jones at LHW?

mastermind - 3-21-2011 at 05:48 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
And I know everybody's got the proverbial "puncher's chance" at a KO in the fights, but does anybody see any legit competition for Jones at LHW?

No. And I agree completely with you about the move to HW. It's disheartening to hear however (especially after all the initial hooplah) that Anderson Silva does NOT want to make the move to 205? Am I reading that right? Dana White said Anderson Silva stuck his toe in the 205 division because Dana was harping on him about it, but Silva has supposedly made it very clear to Dana he does NOT want to be a 205 fighter. Wonder if he'll change his mind since Jon Jones' ascension?

GatorBait - 3-21-2011 at 05:51 PM

Actually, I think Jones would be more of a deterrent than incentive for Silva to make the jump to 205. If GSP takes his belt, though, things may change.

BBMN - 3-21-2011 at 06:31 PM

Did anyone else notice how fast Shogun ran out of steam? Not taking anything away from Jones who gave arguably the best performance of his career given the level of competition he was facing, but goodness Shogun's gas tanking hitting empty with 2 minutes left in the opening round was saddening for me. I knew that outside of a Hail Mary shot, he was gonna lose.

We'll never know if it was the knee surgery that slowed down his cardio training or if it was the body shots that Jones delivered early on, or both, but damn that sucked to see. He just wilted. I've never seen Shougn just stand and take damage like that... that's how amateurs react, not veterans. He was just standing and eating shots against the fence at one point.

And I'm not saying that the result would have been different if his cardio had been better. Jones has the tools to really fuck up every 205er on Earth. He's too big, too long, too young for anyone to really be a legit threat.

GatorBait - 3-21-2011 at 06:46 PM

Yeah, Rua gassed a hell of a lot earlier than I'd have expected. but like you, I'm not sure what to attribute that to, and I think the outcome still would've been similar.

For those who didn't get to see the fight, or just want to watch it again:

mastermind - 3-21-2011 at 07:00 PM

After that takedown Jones executed in the first round, and worked on Rua on the mat, is seemingly what drained Rua of his passion, stamina and confidence. And it definitely seemed Jones was trying for an Anderson Silva-styled front kick flash KO a few times as well. I think after just a few moments of sizing up Jones, and realizing his reach and size was just too much - it sapped Shogun's will completely. He knew he was overmatched, and that's why he wound up tapping out before he even realized the ref was already stopping it. Didn't know about Jones hand though, so thanks for the info Thom.

BBMN - 3-21-2011 at 07:39 PM

That front kick he did numorous times is the same kick that nearly ended the fight with Hamill. It was so fast in the Hamill fight that nobody noticed (plus the whole elbow situation overshadowed everything else that happened at the start of the fight). He throew it so fast and missed Matt's head by like an inch. You can kinda see Matt's reaction being "wow... wtf was that?" And he used it at least three times I think against Shogun. It's a dangerous kick straight out of Dhalsim's moves in Street Fighter... standing fierce kick, but faster.

Click here to see it on Sherdog

GatorBait - 3-21-2011 at 07:56 PM

And for those too lazy to click the link:

theflammablemanimal - 3-21-2011 at 11:09 PM

Whoa, that would have been a serious KO.

GatorBait - 3-22-2011 at 06:45 PM

Nice article discussing Jones' possible slayers:

The only ones on that list I give much of a chance to would be Silva and Davis. Rashad is fast and nimble, but Jones' wrestling will neutralize his and the size/reach advantage is massive in that matchup. I fully expect Rampage to lose to Hamill. And we all just saw what Shogun brought to the table.

BBMN - 3-22-2011 at 07:03 PM

I think an eventual fight with Davis will happen and it will be good regardless of the belt.

Silva could be interesting, but I recently saw a quote where he pretty bluntly said that he wasn't interested in fighting at 205. At all.

Evans would/will get slaughtered.. probably a sub or tko, or even a standing KO, whatever Jones wants.

As for Rampage losing to Hamill, why? I love Hamill but he is quite mediocre, and Rampage has shown to be one of the top 10 LHWs of all time, if not top 5. And what really took me by surprise was his handling of Machida. If he still can hang at the top of the division after all these years, then he can beat Matt. I don't see him beating Jones. Jones would get him down and beat him up. I'd be sad.

Shogun I feel can beat him if his tank is in perfect shape. Having a long layoff and then defending a belt was a big issue in my opinion and hurt him. Not that Jones couldn't beat his ass again.

Randy might, might, be able to grind Jones down against the cage. Or he'd eat one of those front kicks and get retired.

Jones very well may keep that belt for longer than anyone else since the days of Chuck wreaking havoc in the division. It's going to be interesting and brutal the next couple years.

GatorBait - 3-22-2011 at 07:23 PM

I don't know why, but I just see Hamill being a terrible matchup for Rampage. Rampage is a shadow of his former self, and his skillset has been seriously deteriorated it would seem since he lost the belt to Forrest. I think his win over Machida was due to his being smart and not playing into Machida's game rather than him being the simply better fighter. I don't see Rampage taking Hamill down at all, but I do see it happening easily the other way. Serious ground-and-pound in store for Rampage in the same way it was in store for Tito.

Thom - 3-23-2011 at 02:01 PM

Hot damn, I was wondering if we had a new filter on board, looks like we do.

That, or just about everyone is in on the wrestling - entertainment joke.

[Edited on 3/23/11 by Thom]

BBMN - 3-23-2011 at 08:17 PM

So I guess Barboza vs Njokuani got Fight of the Night honors, but was a prelim... Did this fight air at all on ppv or on Spike? Has anyone here seen this fight?

The prelims are just killing me anymore. It seems that some of them are on Spike, some make it to the main card, some air after the main event, some are apparently never seen, and some are aired on Facebook which hasn't worked for me.

I guess you can now pay per fight too. But you don't get to download the fight... just have it stream for 24 hours. Kinda fucking lame.

GAAA! Too many options. So frustrating knowing that the best fight that night is something I can only get via streaming for one day.

Anyone here ever use this VOD service from the UFC?

GatorBait - 3-23-2011 at 08:34 PM

It was the first fight on Spike. Pretty solid back-and-forth standup match. If you miss any fights, you can usually find them here the next day:

And that fight is on there.

Otherwise, just do a simple Google search for, say, "jones rua fight video". Shit's all over the place.

BBMN - 3-23-2011 at 09:01 PM

Nice. Thanks for the link. I'm aware of simply looking around the net, but a little cautious when it comes to just going to a new site and looking for illegal shit... that tends to expose one to malware and shit like that. So really thanks for this safe website.

I'm just confused by the UFC's structure for showing these fights I guess.

Are they now permanetly airing prelims for each PPV on Spike? I swore they didn't for a few recent events. And even if they are showing these fights for each show, they don't show them all in an hour, right?

Bonestein - 3-23-2011 at 11:40 PM

They only show prelims for some cards on Spike, something like 7/year. The ones they don't air on Spike often are aired on the PPV channel I believe, but I think you have to order the PPV to see them (going from memory I think the Koschek vs. GSP prelims were done this way).

GatorBait - 3-24-2011 at 12:42 PM

The majority of the prelims will still be on Spike, but they've also now got a small deal going with broadcast station ION (formerly PAX). Not sure if they have it formally planned out which will air on which station, though. But it's been a good while since they've done a PPV card without the Prelims in some fashion.

You can check and look at the card listing to see which matches will be on the PPV and which on the Prelims (and subsequently on which station the prelims will air). They've also started doing 2 or 3 pre-prelims live through Facebook for the past couple PPVs. They also designate on their main site which fights those will be.

mastermind - 3-24-2011 at 03:35 PM

Mr Wonderful is about to take the Jon Jones elevator to the top, and Dan Hardy is going to get choked out this Saturday night. Fight Night 24 don't forget, and they're running another facebook stream for the Bruce Leroy fight immediately before the start of the show.

BBMN - 3-25-2011 at 11:41 PM

BBMN - 3-25-2011 at 11:50 PM

Anyone else excited?

Davis vs Lil Nog
Hardy vs Rumble
Garcia vs Zombie II

Plus Morecraft who appears to a beast of man, Johny Hendricks whom is promising, and Bruce Leroy fights a scary looking man that is called Da Menace, are all on deck too. Sounds like we may get some really good free action.

I'm kinda hoping Rumble comes in over weight and finally realizes that he should just fucking move up to 185 already. And Davis is on free tv? Get outta here! Can't wait...

mastermind - 3-27-2011 at 02:02 PM

Eh, it was ok. I'm still a Mister Wonderful fan, but he's no Jon Jones. Still less disappointing than Bobby Lashley (who recently won his last fight but didn't look good doing it). So yeah, Phil Davis wins but it's kind of anticlimatic. Dan Hardy continues to suck, Anthony Johnson bored and Bruce Leroy got smoked. But at least Amir Sadollah and The Korean Zombie delivered.

GatorBait - 3-28-2011 at 01:55 PM


Originally posted by mastermind
Eh, it was ok. I'm still a Mister Wonderful fan, but he's no Jon Jones. Still less disappointing than Bobby Lashley (who recently won his last fight but didn't look good doing it). So yeah, Phil Davis wins but it's kind of anticlimatic. Dan Hardy continues to suck, Anthony Johnson bored and Bruce Leroy got smoked. But at least Amir Sadollah and The Korean Zombie delivered.


BBMN - 3-28-2011 at 08:25 PM

Brock on Fallon Tonight

I talked to my old wressling buddy about the twister... I guess its an old folk wrassling move. He was a lil confused though, as it can literally break necks and spines and thought it was illegal. At any rate, it was pretty amazing. Zombie needed redemption here.

Rumble continues to be obnoxiously big.

Lil Nog continues to struggle against wrestlers.

And I missed Leroy getting beat up...

edit - annoying ass board filters.

[Edited on 3-28-2011 by BBMN]

mastermind - 3-28-2011 at 08:38 PM

Definitely a sick move. I think it was Wade Keller that suggested some pro rassler should consider stealing it for a finisher.

Thom - 3-29-2011 at 03:30 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
the twister... I guess its an old folk wrassling move. He was a lil confused though, as it can literally break necks and spines and thought it was illegal.

Spinal submissions (such as various neck cranks - including Twister) are illegal in most BJJ and other grappling competitions, but are legal according to the Unified Rules of MMA, which UFC (and now StrikeForce) adhere to. Submission wrestling competitions typically allow spinal attacks, as well.

GatorBait - 3-30-2011 at 04:25 PM

I know Meltzer isn't a favorite of most, but this is a pretty good rundown of the state of every division currently in the UFC:;_ylt=Agj96OM9vLvSS1BWwyARhAA9Eo14?slug=dm-meltzer-ufc_title_forecast032911

BBMN - 3-31-2011 at 07:38 PM

From the commercials for this I was expecting Brock to come in slightly smaller. Nope. He's still massive. The highlight clips of Dos Santos always worries me. The dude is a killer. Possibly the best striker of all the HWs, with maybe only Overeem being an exception. The first minute of their fight will be huge.

GatorBait - 4-1-2011 at 01:44 PM

I actually see their fight playing out very similarly to Brock/Cain in the opening minute. JdS has fantastic takedown defense. If Brock wanted to tackle this fight differently, he'd enlist the help of Randy Couture some more and learn how to pin JdS up against the cage with some Greco to help eliminate Junior's legs and the extra punching power they can provide. If Brock just tries to take him down off the bat again, we'll see a very similar fight as his last one.

Thom - 4-1-2011 at 02:26 PM

I watched the season premiere of TUF last night - odd, is all I can think of to describe it. But, I'll try to elaborate...

It was kinda weird seeing Brock like this. He really seemed like a normal guy, for the most part - and I don't think I've ever really seen him like that.

JDS seemed like the happy-go-lucky type. I'm not sure why, but that's not the (seeming) personality I attributed to him. Maybe that's just because he kicks so much ass in the octagon.

I thought it was weird that Dana White told the fighters who had been picked, as opposed to the coaches coming out and picking like you'd see in a pickup hoops game.

It is weird that I understood JDS - who said that he didn't speak very good English - more (even without subtitles) than the British dude - whose primary (and only, for all I know) language is English?

Oh, and that fight sucked.

GatorBait - 4-1-2011 at 04:30 PM

Nice observations. I mostly had the same ones.

The fight was god-awful, but hopefully Brock can use it to hammer his statement of "wrestling is very powerful in this sport" into the guys' heads. I have a feeling it's gonna be really hard for me to root against either of these guys during the season and in their fight. I am a big fan of both. Very nice to see this calm/humble side of Brock, too.

Oh, and Fitch is out against Penn:;_ylt=ApLqV7NK_iqPaN39dvJuKnI9Eo14?slug=mmajunkie-Jon_Fitch_withdraw_UFC_132_B.J._Penn

GatorBait - 4-5-2011 at 04:09 PM

Leben vs. Wanderlei. Consider me very excited.;_ylt=Alv4ySSmq5x5VeE9_hAHRRo9Eo14?slug=mmaweekly-2536cc1cbf1753a9beb4e175f312d8fb

mastermind - 4-8-2011 at 11:35 PM

The first Strikeforce show under the UFC banner is this Saturday night on Showtime, don't forget. Nick Diaz defends against Paul Daley in the headliner.

Bonestein - 4-9-2011 at 12:17 AM

I don't think it's under the UFC banner at all though, is it? I think there is to be no noticeable difference than prior to it being under Zuffa (not UFC) ownership, other than you may see UFC ads during it.

Diaz vs. Daley should be excellent though.

BBMN - 4-9-2011 at 02:42 AM

Well I did hear that they were getting rid of the pyro (thank god) and the ramp (why?) So Zuffa is indeed augmenting the look and feel.

BBMN - 4-10-2011 at 09:13 PM

One of the most exciting 1 round fights ever. I love Diaz's body shots.

And after the fight they had this on the screen. And I read somewhere that Coker said that crossover matches could be here within 8 months.

nOOb - 4-10-2011 at 09:49 PM

Yeah, it's not UFC yet, they're still different brands, but you can tell from some of the performances last night that a few of the guys realized it's only a matter of time before Strikeforce is no more. Melendez in particular obviously went right for the "let's merge titles" idea after his win, but they still haven't merged the WEC and UFC titles yet at lightweight.

I dunno, Strikeforce feels like an opposite version of what the WEC was before they decided to start merging divisions with UFC. WEC had the bevy of lighter weight class guys they could throw into a large assortment of fights (especially having the exclusive rights to the feather and bantam weight guys), but only a few big guys, so they just took Condit, Larson, and the other few bigger guys and threw them into the UFC.

Strikeforce, on the other hand, is top-heavy at the large weight classes. They have a heavyweight TOURNAMENT going on that actually had enough guys on their roster that they could have alternate qualifiers. Heck, between 180 to 265, they could easily put on shows with just those guys. And they may as well just do that. Because, after last night, Melendez and Nick Diaz kind of just emptied out their weight classes. Diaz has no one left in Strikeforce to challenge him, and pitting him against GSP to merge the titles (if GSP beats Shields) is really the only move left at Welterweight. And Melendez really has nothing left to prove in Strikeforce, since he already handled Aoki and, pretty much, everyone else (though he probably has to wait for Pettis to get his merger shot first).

BBMN - 4-11-2011 at 12:44 AM

Bonestein - 4-11-2011 at 01:52 AM

Last night was very, very interesting. I never imagined they would go balls out on bringing up the new Zuffa ownership, and once they put the poll up I think it's almost confirmed that there is a merge of the rosters coming in the near future.

I have to think that a network deal can't be far right now either for a weekly show. They have an insane roster to work with, and could absolutely beef up their exposure. It seems to make perfect sense to have a friday or saturday night weekly show for a network too, guaranteed ownership of the 18-34 males. I really hope that's what comes of all this as opposed to Zuffa having to cut a lot of good fighters after 1 or 2 losses because they don't have the space for them.

Diaz/Daley was awesome. Cosign on Diaz's body punches, so fun to watch him picking a guy apart one punch at a time.

GatorBait - 4-11-2011 at 02:16 PM

If nothing else it was an entertaining card.

I think Melendez can finally lay claim to at least being considered the #1 LW in the world. Absolute domination and great skills in every aspect of MMA. I say if Pettis happens to lose against Guida, then go ahead and have the merger fight. If Pettis wins, give Pettis his due and have Melendez bide his time with another random Japanese import while you do Pettis vs. Edgar/Maynard. And goddamn is LW stacked as ever. Probably the most stacked division in MMA.

As was mentioned, they could probably "dissolve" SF at 155 and 170. They've basically got Melendez & Nick Diaz and maybe a couple others. Maybe bring along Jason Miller & Shinya Aoki for UFC "tryout" matches to see how they'd fare (I'd take something like Miller/Condit and Aoki/Sotiropolous).

A 170 title-merger fight wouldn't be as much of a given as many would think. Jake Shields is very game, and Nick Diaz has said he would never fight his teammates. I still expect GSP to roll through Shields and make this a moot point, but as we saw with Matt Serra, anything can happen.

And nice to see "aggressive" Mousasi make his return. Kudos to Jardine, also, for taking that fight and performing as well as he did in 10 days notice. If Hendo/Fedor doesn't happen for whatever reason, I'd be very happy with Hendo/Mousasi.

And speaking of Fedor, I never really bought into his hype at HW, but I definitely could if he's serious about dropping to LHW. I could see some GREAT matchups for him at 205, especially if they could finally work something out with the UFC. Fedor/Couture may finally be a possibility, and it would be a very logical matchup to make. And if Fedor handles the cut well, I think he's the one man with the right tools to potentially give Jon Jones some fits.

BBMN - 4-11-2011 at 09:55 PM

What "hype"? He has the best record of any HW ever.

If I may ask a serious question here, how many of his fights have you seen? If you've seen a lot of his fights then you're aware that he has the most explosive right hand perhaps in the world, ridiculous hip movement which is again probably the best in the world at heavy weight, the ability to deliver insane power with very short punches from the ground, and the ability to improvise on the fly. The guy is fucking amazing. Oh yea, armbars out of nowhere too...

And I'm not sure that he would go to LHW, and I'm not sure it would suit him well. HWs benefit from not having to cut weight (well most don't), so he never comes in to fights worrying about cutting and hydration, and being drained, or anything. He just simply trains to fight. A lot of people feel that he needs to have a different type of camp, and that's possibly true, but I don't get the 205 talk really.

Rogan talked about how he needed to move to 205 recently and raised some great points, however he overlooked that weight cutting isn't something one just does out of nowhere. The guys that do it best have been doing it for half their life. For a man his age to begin cutting at this point in his career, he very well may ruin his cardio.

And all this talk stems from him losing twice, but mostly due to the Silva fight. Guys like Silva didn't exist 5-10 years ago. HWs that actually have to cut to 265, and are good athletes with blackbelts simply didn't exist. Fedor didn't have to deal with this type of fighter in the past. It's an uphill battle when you're outweighed by 50lbs and the guy isn't some lumbering oaf, but is actually very skilled. This, coupled with him being out of his prime years means its a very difficult time for the guy, but I think 205 talk is short-sighted. If he had been matched up in that opening round against anyone besides Sivla, there would be little to no talk about 205. Really now, he's fair game and all given the weight class, but I didn't get the match up of him and Silva from the start... they put the smallest guy in the tourny against the biggest... anyone else would have probably been defeated by Fedor (well they aren't going to just up and give us Fedor/Overeem in the opening bracket). So really, if they had placed anyone else against him, I'm pretty damn certain there would NO talk at all about 205.

Only Silva today, and Brock of 2009, are skilled guys fighting at 265+. So really unless I'm missing someone, there's just two guys that will have a decidedly huge weight advantage on him. I'm not sure if he has to go to a different class because of one loss and two men.

Plus on top of that, he's getting older. He will slow down and he's not in his prime. Not to take too much away from Silva after fighting a great fight and crushing Fedor, but Fedor peaked years ago, and its natural that after a fighter's prime ends, he is more likely to lose. I just find the 205 talk premature. Then again, maybe he is planning on cutting, and maybe his body will handle it fine and his cardio won't suffer. I dunno.

One thing I've wanted for years was for a 225 class. In the past this would have meant extremely thin divisions, but now that a SF merger seems inevitable, it's possible. I've just always found that the having classes jump by 10 pounds, then 15 pounds, and then out of nowhere a huge 60 pound difference, was odd. It didn't matter to guys that were 225-235lbs in the past, as there weren't that many skilled guys that were over 250, but now that there are, I'd love to see a 225 division.

GatorBait - 4-12-2011 at 02:39 PM

Maybe "hype" was the wrong word to use there, but you definitely solidified my point for me. When Fedor was the dominant fighter in the world, it was a completely different era at HW. The skilled guys weren't very big and the big guys weren't very skilled.

I couldn't agree more with you about the potential cardio issues for him at LHW, but at the same time, I'm with Rogan on his assessment that that Fedor would be in BETTER shape cutting down. Yes, yes... I'm fully aware that some people are just built differently and we all have different frames. But Fedor is pudgy, plain and simple. But he's not like Roy Nelson pudgy (265ish) where it would take some very serious adjustments to get down to 205; I believe he came into the Bigfoot fight at 231 or so. Just looking at Fedor's gut, he's got 15lbs he could easily lose and get to about 215 walking around. From there, cutting an extra 10 pounds shouldn't be much of an issue, regardless of whether the guy has made cuts before or not. Hell, I could go into a sauna right now, sweat off 10-15lbs, and feel perfectly fine this time tomorrow.

Again, it's not Fedor's skills that I'm doubting, it's just that the HW division has really caught up in terms of skill AND size. Brock and Carwin are massive and skilled wrestlers with heavy hands. JdS and 'Reem are massive pinpoint strikers. Then you've got the well-rounded guys like Cain, Werdum, and Bigfoot.

Do I think Fedor CAN compete at HW? Absolutely. No question about it. But I think he could be more successful (still) and even more devastating at LHW. As I said, he may be the only one I could see giving Jon Jones any sort of fits at 205.

Edit: Glad to finally hear I'm not the only one who would love a 225 or 230 division (cruiserweight?) Like you said, there are now PLENTY of guys who would flesh out that weight class very well. The 60lb range for HW is just unnecessary.

[Edited on 4-12-2011 by GatorBait]

BBMN - 4-21-2011 at 01:54 AM

Note the low blow at 2:36...

And Wand tees off on a sparing partner about 90 seconds into this training clips, and does stomps at the end.

GatorBait - 4-21-2011 at 12:54 PM

Wow, that was a pretty obvious low-blow from that angle. Absolutely did not see that at any time before. Brock was definitely reeling already at that point, but he clearly crumples from that point on.


And for the funnies:

[Edited on 4-21-2011 by GatorBait]

Biff_Manly - 4-22-2011 at 09:24 AM

Brock certainly isn't going for the baby face roll on TUF this year. He seems to be playing the asshole card while Dos Santos is being made the good guy.

This weak was kind of weird because they gave the guy who jokes around alot of airtime. It seems usually when they build a guy up he loses the fight. Like let's get to know this dude before he is gone. This was different.

They should add some extra challenges to the show. Give away a little money. Something to round out the episodes. Like a protein challenge. They got Joe from Fear Factor on payroll, bring his ass over.

This is about the clip a post or two above---
What the hell is up with Wand going off on his sparring guy ? That shit normal? It's like watching one of those movies where the rich asshole beats on the Kung-fu guys maybe even killing a couple of them. Come on, I mean who is going to go full speed on the boss? I'm sure no one went full out at Elvis during Karate practice. That's a dick move even if the guy pissed you off being a little too vigorous.

[Edited on 4-22-2011 by Biff_Manly]

[Edited on 4-22-2011 by Biff_Manly]

GatorBait - 4-22-2011 at 01:27 PM

See, I don't see them as portraying Brock as an asshole in the least. I think they're showing him as a compassionate, standup guy. But even "good guys" can get frustrated as hell when it seems like they guys you're trying to help are half-assing it.

Just my take, but I can see how others could see him being made out to be the "bad guy". I'm not hating Brock as coach NEARLY as much as guys in the past like Hughes or Koscheck.

BBMN - 4-22-2011 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
What the hell is up with Wand going off on his sparring guy ? That shit normal?

The guy tossed out an axe kick to his face. That can really bust one's eye or nose open... a really moronic move on his part. Wand responded as I would expect. At this point in time everyone of his sparring buddies knows his history at Chute Box and I would be very surprised if this guy was really that upset that Wand went stiff on him. Hell, I'd be honored to get worked over by him... seriously Wand comes from one of the most violent camps ever and this was nothing in comparison to what they did back in the day.

GatorBait - 4-26-2011 at 08:36 PM

Soooooo... how do you guys see the big fights going down on Saturday?

mastermind - 4-27-2011 at 03:51 PM

Jake Shields by 5th Round Decision.

Couture smothers Machida for a 3rd round decision, then happily retires (and stays there).

Aldo retains and Nate Diaz gets a submission victory on the undercard.

In other words:

25 points Aldo
25 points Couture

GatorBait - 4-27-2011 at 05:57 PM

Ya know, with every other fighter I've thought posed a threat to GSP, I was vastly vastly wrong. Not gonna make that mistake again. Way way WAY too good on the feet as we saw in the Koscheck fight. I'll actually be very surprised if GSP even tries for takedowns early in the fight. Kampmann had Sheilds beat with the crisp striking on the feet (before he got too aggressive), and GSP is even crisper. Jab jab jab a la the Koscheck fight, then go for the takedowns and GNP in the later rounds.

The thing about GSP is that he doesn't have an ego when he goes out there. By that I mean he doesn't feel the need to try to beat his opponent at his opponent's strength... just ask Dan Hardy and Josh Koschesk what GSP did against their strengths. If he doesn't clip and finish Shields in the first or second, I see him grinding out all 5 rounds another dominant decision.

If I'm gonna call a big upset on the card, I'll take Hominick over Aldo via flash KO. I'll probably be terribly, terribly wrong, though.

The Couture/Machida fight is a damn tough one for me to call. For once, I don't see Randy being successful in pinning somebody up against the fence as Lyoto will gladly "run" to a neutral part of the cage before he lets that happen. My gut is telling me that Machida frustrates and outpoints Randy from the outside for a decision win and sends him unceremoniously packing (until a fight with Fedor is offered). Randy is another guy I've been vastly wrong about in the past too, though.

Why the Matyushenko/Brilz fight is on the main card while the Diaz/Macdonald fight is on the prelims baffles me a bit. Maybe it's to drum up last-minute buyers for the PPV proper? Should be a hell of a fight, and I see Macdonald pulling out a split-decision win. Ben Henderson vs. Mark Bocek also makes for a potentially great fight, and could have Fight of the Night written all over it.

Gobshite - 4-30-2011 at 10:51 PM

20 Machida
20 GSP
10 Aldo

Love the fact they're giving the lower card guys exposure by putting all of the fights on facebook / spike.

Other Prediction: Couture announces that he's retiring AFTER his NEXT fight. He'll also call out Fedor.

ETA: Watching the Prelims on ESPN here in the UK. FUCK ME that place is massive and jammed. They've just announced the attendance as 55,000. I had wondered how long they'd settle for small 12,000 seater venues when they could probably pull massive crowds in for the right event. I guess they just needed GSP in Canade to pull it off.

[Edited on 5-1-2011 by Gobshite]

mastermind - 5-1-2011 at 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
20 Machida
20 GSP
10 Aldo

Winner! My initial impression upon completion of the card - wow, that place looked pretty! Well worth it for the PPV-worthy entrances of Machida and Couture alone, so gob I feel you on your visual amazement. Disappointed in Nate Diaz' performance a little, but Rory's series of German suplexes would have made Kurt Angle take to twitter and complain of copywright infringement. Ben Hen did what I figured against Bocek and tried to keep the crowd engaged the whole time (with he did more with his showboating), but he pretty much outclassed Bocek throughout. Poor Jason Brilz, poor Sean Pierson. I think they lasted less than one round combined. But the Pablo fight was fun. What an ending to the Couture fight, dude popped a tooth on that one too. Should he have ended his career with Machida kicking his face in? Or choking out James Toney? Either way, Dana White seems to think we'll see Couture in the octagon again. And GSP/Shields. I wanted Shields to win (because I think him and GSP are so similar, but at least Shields is American) but it went exactly as we knew it would - 5th round decision. GSP lost his steak of rounds won too. Now he's blinded or something in his left eye, something his coach is saying is pretty bad. But that extra muscle or whatever he added didn't do much to make him better in this fight, and I honestly think GSP vs Silva has officiallly moved into the realm of "not gonna happen. Ever".

GatorBait - 5-2-2011 at 01:52 PM

Will post more thoughts later, but I just wanted to say that Mr. Miyagi would be proud:

And Kurt Angle could file for gimmick infringement after this Hat Trick:

[Edited on 5-2-2011 by GatorBait]

BBMN - 5-5-2011 at 02:15 AM

Easily one of the best events of all time.

When you toss in the prelims this was an amazing event start to finish. I really liked the cameras they used for some of the replays. They are called x-motion cams and can hit 500 frames per second, which means they can play footage back at super slow motion and still have the picture remain sharp. You can see it that gif of the crane kick. I hope they keep using them for every show.

And that kick... wow!

Nobody gave Hominick a chance but me. What a disgusting but awesome fight.

And GSP wins again. Not surprised, but I must admit, he never ceases to amaze me. He took an eye poke in the middle of the fight and still didn't lose composure. And I found it noteworthy that all GSP did for the first 10 minutes was head hunt with the overhand right. He clearly wanted to finish to shut everyone up. Also, he was doing a spinning back kick that Joe Rogan of all people helped him learn.

Great card, great performances, great stuff all around. And thank you Randy... thank you.

GatorBait - 5-5-2011 at 02:25 PM

Look up 5 posts, BBMN. I definitely gave Hominick more than a "chance".

nOOb - 5-10-2011 at 12:25 AM

Looking forward to UFC 130? Hope it wasn't for Edger/Maynard 3.

Yeah, long story short: both guys got hurt, so the fight is off for now. At the very least they had Rampage and Frank Mir both on the card against opponents that match up against them, but yeah...all of a sudden UFC 130 looks a bit less inviting.

GatorBait - 5-10-2011 at 08:13 PM

Feeling less bad about missing the card, now (will be on vacation). Although it's nice that the world will be graced with Hamill's domination of Rampage in the main event slot.

BBMN - 5-10-2011 at 08:20 PM

I love Hamill, but he's never fought a man the caliber of Jackson. And more importantly, he's not as good a boxer. He's never had to fight someone with the crushing power that is Jackson's right hand. It will be an uphill battle. I wrote Rampage off before he fought Machida... not gonna do that again. Plus I don't think I want to see Hamill vs Jones ever again.

Thom - 5-11-2011 at 01:51 PM

Jim Miller vs. Ben Henderson? FUCK YEAH!!!

Jim Miller will get his next chance this August to stake his claim for a title shot in the crowded lightweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

The Whippany-based mixed martial artist is expected to face former World Extreme Cagefighting champion Ben Henderson, sources close to the UFC confirmed to New Jersey Press Media late Tuesday.

The bout is scheduled for "UFC on Versus 5" on Aug. 14 at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, Wis.

Henderson (13-2) made his UFC debut last month, defeating Mark Bocek by decision.

Miller (20-2) is riding a seven-fight win streak after stopping Kamal Shalorus at UFC 128 in Newark this March. The 155-pound former Sparta High School wrestler and AMA Fight Club product is a top contender in the division, but the title picture is unclear.

Earlier this week, champion Frankie Edgar's title defense against Gray Maynard � originally scheduled for later this month in Las Vegas � was postponed due to injuries to both fighters. The final WEC lightweight champion Anthony Pettis was originally supposed to unify the titles against the winner of the Jan. 1 bout between Edgar and Maynard � but that bout went to a draw.

This has the potential for FOTY written all over it. Henderson, as we all know, is a beast, and I love (in a manly way) Miller.

GatorBait - 5-11-2011 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
I love Hamill, but he's never fought a man the caliber of Jackson. And more importantly, he's not as good a boxer. He's never had to fight someone with the crushing power that is Jackson's right hand. It will be an uphill battle. I wrote Rampage off before he fought Machida... not gonna do that again. Plus I don't think I want to see Hamill vs Jones ever again.

Yeah, but Machida doesn't have the takedown game that Hamill's got. Jackson's on the downward end of his career, and even he admits to not being motivated for this fight. Hamill will get him on his back and deliver some lay-n-pray mixed in with a little ground-n-pound to keep things on the mat. Won't be super-exciting, but it'll be a win.

And man, I WANT to be excited for the Miller/Henderson fight. And I AM really excited about the fighters. But damn every time I've thought it's going to be a good fight involving Miller, he basically shocks me again and dominates somebody else. I love watching him fight, I really do, but I don't think Henderson has the tools (yet) to pull that fight out.

Also on that card, Dan Hardy vs. Chris Lytle should be fun for a couple minutes until Lytle remembers he NEEDS a win and dominates on the ground. And Bonnar better be prepared to weather an early barrage from Vemola, who was undersized at HW but is an absolute beast at 205. Also a nice matchup between Duane Ludwig and Amir Sodallah. Should be a hell of a card.

[Edited on 5-11-2011 by GatorBait]

Matte - 5-13-2011 at 12:00 AM



UFC president Dana White just announced today that Brock Lesnar has been forced to pull out of UFC 131 due to health issues. According to White, Lesnar's ongoing problems with diverticulitis have flared up again. Shane Carwin will replace Lesnar in the main event of UFC 131 and will face Junior dos Santos on June 11th.

Lesnar spoke out about his future: "I'm not retiring. This isn't the end of my fight career. I believe there's a solution to every problem. This isn't the end of Brock Lesnar. This is a speed bump in the road."

GatorBait - 5-13-2011 at 02:38 PM

I actually think Carwin is a bigger threat to JDS than Brock was. Far more heavy-handed, and he can take a shot, too. Consider me very, very intrigued.

Gobshite - 5-13-2011 at 10:18 PM

Im guessing they've been monitoring Brock closely, and have caught this early. So you get the Carwin/JDS fight now, and if Lesnar is good to go by end of the summer, he could actually jump the gun for a rematch if things fall his way.

Either way, I think he'll be back by the end of the year and still in the title pictue.

Anyone think he pulled out because TUF's ratings are falling?

Damn, UFC's next two PPV's just took a nose dive as far as PPV buys go...

[Edited on 5-13-2011 by Gobshite]

Biff_Manly - 5-14-2011 at 10:36 AM

I'm kind of glad that Brock is gone. Watching him on TUF was starting to make me really not like the guy. JDS seems to be a good guy compared to Brock. I didn't want to see Brock beat his ass.Now that Carwin is in the fight I hope JDS beats his gassed out ass down.

BBMN - 5-15-2011 at 11:34 PM

Paul Heyman will be working on the new UFC Countdown series to promote the Shane Carwin vs. Junior Dos Santos. Heyman will be working with Carwin, coaching him on interviews so Carwin comes across better when speaking to the camera for the series. As of now, this is just Heyman working on the one project, not him signing to work with UFC full-time.

BBMN - 5-15-2011 at 11:50 PM

BBMN - 5-31-2011 at 07:19 AM

Struve got Struve'd.

Rampage vs Hamill in 10 seconds...

The first 30 seconds or so is priceless, as is the end.

"he gave me some low kicks, he gave me a headbutt, he hit me wit a jab..." hilarious and accurate.

And yea, Nelsonattempts a headkick... right.

GatorBait - 5-31-2011 at 02:28 PM

Yeah, I was way way off about the Hamill/Rampage fight. I'll eat my serving of crow on that one. It looked like Matt only had a Plan A which was to get the fight to the ground; no backup plans. I would've at least liked to have seen him say "fuck it" in the third round and start banging away with Rampage as he's been shown to be pretty heavy-handed. Kudos to Rampage, though, for executing his gameplan. I still contend, however, that Rampage is well past his prime and would be hard-pressed to get a win against the top of the 205 division, though.

Mir/Nelson went exactly as I expected.

Brown/Struve went exactly as I expected (and Browne appears to be ready to step up in level of competition at HW).

Brian Stann continues to evolve impressively. If Okami somehow falls out of the title fight against Silva, I'd have zero objection to the UFC slotting Stann into the mix. Brutally crisp striking is what people thought could give Silva problems (aside from powerhouse wrestling, of course) and I don't think Belfort is what he used to be in that regard. Stann may be the new guy to fill that role.

And if I may mini-rant for a moment, the decision in the Torres/Johnson fight was utter bullshit and once again I'm calling for an update to the rules. They really need to update the ground-fighting rules to be more reflective of overall aggression and dominance rather than just "guy on the top is in the dominant position". I love Mighty Mouse, but even though he was in the top position for most of the fight, he was defensively grappling the whole time. I no longer think it's a case of the judges being "uneducated" as much as it is now them just following the prescribed scoring requirements that were previously posted. I had that fight 30-27 for Torres but was fearing the whole time we'd get the exact outcome that we had.

Thom - 5-31-2011 at 05:36 PM

^^^ What he said.

When the fight was over, Mighty Mouse got up and yelled like he was the man. I looked at the TV and asked, "why are you happy? You just lost." Joke's on me, I guess. For most of the fight (in my eyes) Johnson was fighting off submission attempts from Torres. And a few times, it looked like Torres was close to locking something in. At no time, really, did it appear that Torres was in trouble. And, finally, sure - Johnson got the takedowns - but I sure remember Torres sweeping him a bit and ending up on top, himself. I don't remember off the top of my head which round I thought Johnson might have won, but I thought it was either 29-28 or 30-27 Torres.

BBMN - 5-31-2011 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by GatorBait
I would've at least liked to have seen him say "fuck it" in the third round and start banging away with Rampage as he's been shown to be pretty heavy-handed.

Yea I was disappointed in Matt for not trying that once the 3rd began. Hell, once the 2nd began he should have tried. And it's important to note that Matt did not try to stand and trade, and Rampage did not get a KO. A lot of folks point to the fact that Rampage hasn't been getting tons of KOs lately, as a sign of his decline, and that's shit. If you want to stand and trade with him then we see people getting rocked and KO'd. I'm fairly positive that if Matt had tried, we'd have a highlight KO for Jackson.

I still contend, however, that Rampage is well past his prime and would be hard-pressed to get a win against the top of the 205 division, though.

Who do you consider the top?

I see Rampage being a handful for the everyone not named Jon Jones. And even then, he'd have a puncher's chance.

I don't think Davis or Bader are ready for him yet. The best they'd do is laying and praying the entire time.

Thiago Silva interested me, but without steroid power on his side, he'd be outclassed and out-muscled. Badly.

While he didn't look great vs Rashad, Rampage was literally two missed punches on the ground away from winning. Not a bad fight for Rampage by any means.

His loss to Forrest angered me then, and now. I found it a shitty decision and a shitty match. I'd have to rewatch the whole thing, but all I recall Forrest doing was a few nasty kicks to win the 2nd round, and then somehow holding on to life with a couple takedowns to get the nod. Again, the judging basically says, just get one takedown in a given round and win that round. And if you can't get it, somehow end up on top of the opponent... doesn't matter if you do fuckall for the rest of that round, as long as you just lay there on top you're clearly a great fighter.

Rematch with Lyoto? No thanks. Lyoto had no idea what to do once it became clear that Rampage was able to defend his leg kicks. Truly embarrassing performance. And Rampage won. Hard for me to say that Rampage can't hang with the top of the division given his victory over Machida.

Shogun vs Rampage intrigues me. This is what I truly believe is the best of the 205 division contenders.

So that's my take. Shogun might smash Rampage, but then again Rampage might do the same back as Shogun's performances seem to be all over the place. Rampage beat Machida. The Forrest fight was shit. Rashad should consider himself lucky as hell. I really do see Rampage fitting in with these 5 guys as the top of the contenders to Jones.

If Shogun, Rashad, Machida, Forrest, and Rampage aren't your top 5 contenders, then who is? Bader? Davis? Thiago? Bonnar? Rampage would hurt all those men. Bonnar would do the best simply because he's possibly the toughest man in the company.

GatorBait - 5-31-2011 at 07:39 PM

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one, then. The aforementioned Jones seems to be currently head-and-shoulders above the rest of the division, so we'll ignore him for this discussion.

I contend that "something was up" with Machida in that fight. Yes Rampage won (and I agree with the decision), but Machida looked REALLY off his game in that fight. Just my take, although I know a lot disagree.

I think Shogun would be too fast for Rampage. Would be a hell of a fight, but Rampage just isn't as quick as he used to be.

I think Rashad would handily take Rampage in a rematch. Again, it's the speed issue.

Forrest has been too injured of late to get into any sort of groove with his fighting, so I think a matchup soon between the 2 would favor Rampage. I think "healthy Forrest" handles Rampage again, though.

I'm with you in thinking that Bader & Davis aren't quite ready yet (although I know a couple months back I was praising Davis as the next big thing). It's seeming that takedown defense is the new "must have MMA skill", and great strikers like Rampage (Sam Stout and Denis Siver for other examples) have added this to their arsenal to really dominate pure wrestlers. Bader, at least, has decent standup (better than Hamill's, at least) and may be able to mix things in to get Rampage on his back, but I don't think he's quite there.

Like you said, Bonner is always a fun option against guys who like to stand and bang, but he's not "near the top of the division". Another who would make for a good fight would be Matyushenko, but I don't think Rampage would want to settle for another lower-profile opponent.

Again, just my take on things. And I was way way off with the Hamill fight. Could I see Rampage beating the top guys of the division? Sure. But I wouldn't put my money down on it.

Bonestein - 6-1-2011 at 02:58 AM

I strongly agree with BBMN here. If Rampage is motivated, he can beat anyone. Not saying he will, but he can... I don't see anyone decisively beating Rampage. I think he would be a handful and more for Bones even, just by the fact that he doesn't get rocked easily at all and can weather some storms. I saw a thread at Sherdog today about Rampage being on the verge of LHW GOAT, and I tend to agree. Basically, he's been stopped by Rua and Wanderlei in their primes, not too shabby, and beaten a LOT of history's top LHWs. However, I reserve the right to change my mind if he takes a movie role and bails on a title shot only to come back in the way he did against Rashad (tentative).

Also, Mayhem vs. Bisping on the next season of TUF is going to be really, really good I think.

GatorBait - 6-1-2011 at 03:30 PM

Maybe that's the word I've been looking for for Rampage of late: "tentative". I'm sure part of that can be attributed to the evolution of MMA in general and the importance of gameplanning for fights at the highest level, but he just doesn't seem to have that same "I'm gonna fuck you up" attitude once the cage door closes. He's still entertaining as all hell, though, and if he's fighting tentatively so as to not get too messed up and jeopardize other entertainment avenues once he retires in a few years, then I can't say I really blame the guy.

BBMN - 6-1-2011 at 08:53 PM

Once people get the deep end of the talent pool, I can't blame them for fighting tentatively. GSP gets a lot of shit in particular for this, but fuck that. He fights to win, and he wins. People love crazy brawls, but you can't expect to make it to the top, and stay there with that strategy.

This actually makes Rampage more interesting to me, as he is very willing to stand and trade if people want to stand with him. He wanted to with Hamill. He wanted to with Machida. He wanted to with Rashad... ect. When Chuck and Wanderlei tried to they got crushed, and now most people don't want to, so we don't see these crazy exchanges. I truly believe that Jackson is one of the few people in MMA that if given the opportunity to stand in the pocket and go toe to toe with another fighter, will do so for virtually anyone, and get the better of them most of the time. He somehow manages to still deliver intelligent counter hooks and combos, despite the appearance of just tossing haymakers at random.

I think it's more his opponents that are tentative. The only thing I think he holds back on his going for takedowns and his seemingly retired slams that made him a star. Back in Pride a lot of those guys weren't used to powerful wrestlers and he caught people off guard with this new way to approach a fight. Now there are more wrestlers, and more people that are very good on the ground, so I think he just understands that it's often better to not even go for the slam or the takedown. In a way he has progressed by taking that aspect out of his usual game. At one point he almost had Matt in a german suplex attempt, but quickly gave up, because why should he take it to the ground, when he's doing so well on his feet?

Thom - 6-2-2011 at 02:31 PM

You mention GSP...

GSP vs. Diaz in October

UFC President Dana White�s tweet Wednesday afternoon was short and sweet � �U wanted it! U GOT IT!!!

What the fans wanted was a showdown between UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre and the STRIKEFORCE welterweight title holder, Nick Diaz. So on October 29 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, the UFC 137 Superfight becomes a reality.

Fuck yeah. That is all that needs to be said.

GatorBait - 6-2-2011 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Thom
You mention GSP...

GSP vs. Diaz in October

UFC President Dana White�s tweet Wednesday afternoon was short and sweet � �U wanted it! U GOT IT!!!

What the fans wanted was a showdown between UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre and the STRIKEFORCE welterweight title holder, Nick Diaz. So on October 29 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, the UFC 137 Superfight becomes a reality.

Fuck yeah. That is all that needs to be said.

Damn straight.

[Edited on 6-2-2011 by GatorBait]

GatorBait - 6-2-2011 at 05:38 PM

And for a few laughs:

BBMN - 6-6-2011 at 09:25 PM

So what is the verdict on this show? I missed it when it aired, and there have been no torrents as of now (bizarre).

I heard the main event was somewhat underwhelming, but that most of the other fights were somewhat exciting?

Sound about right? Is this worth tracking down or maybe trying to just catch the replay?

mastermind - 6-6-2011 at 11:24 PM

Helllll no. Decline. I mean, the fights were aiight - but it was decision, decision, decision as usual. Yeah Kingsbury broke his orbital bone in a grueling slugfest, but otherwise the decisions were pretty mundane. The Guida/Pettis was especially disheartening - through NO fault of Showtimes. He TRIED. I counted at least 3 kick attempts (including another fence-leaping kick that ALMOST connected!!!) that were spectacular in nature, but Guida played wet blanket and held him down for 3 rounds.

The Ed Herman finish was emphatic and the highlight of the night. But you should try to catch the main event, if not for the KO - but for Ramsey acting STR8T BITCHMADE and crying like a girl afterwards! It was so bad, Hackleman had to hug him like a fucking female and usher the cameras away from him. Hiding behind a towel and everything, I mean we've seen dudes lose and then cry a little in the dressing room or something. That's understandable. But what Ramsey did was completely out of line and embarrassing! Other than that, skippable.

GatorBait - 6-7-2011 at 02:03 PM

Yeah, first very underwhelming card I've seen in quite some time. If anything, find the Guida/Pettis fight somewhere to watch. It reminds you of how dominating Guida's cardio can be, and how exciting Pettis is going to continue to be. The cage kick he missed was a launched spinning back kick.

Actually, no need to find the fight if you don't want, then. That's the main highlight. The rest of the fight was Guida pinning Pettis down and avoiding his dozens of sub attempts.

GatorBait - 6-13-2011 at 03:40 PM

Well that was a solid card all-around on Saturday.

When I thought more about it, Carwin vs. Dos Santos went about as you'd expect. Carwin does have heavy, heavy hands, but he's often tentative to throw, and that led to his demise on Saturday. The couple times he pressured JdS with bullrush punches, he was very effective. But I think he only tried that twice. JdS basically picked him apart. Damn excited for the Cain fight, now. And damn would I love to see JdS fight Overeem.

KenFlo seemed to handle the cut well, but damn do I feel he's gonna get mauled by Aldo in his third shot at a title.

Einemo vs. Herman was far more fun than I was expecting. Einemo looked like a legit pissed-off viking, and Herman looked like a 12-year-old who had been dared to pick a fight with the class bully. I get the feeling that Herman has a ton of potential, but he'll need to figure out if he wants to pack on a little more weight to hang with the big boys or cut down to 205. I'd push for the latter, but 205 is damn stacked.

And Donald Cerrone looked incredibly bored out there. You could just tell he was really disappointed not to be fighting Danzig. Obliterating leg kicks, though.

Edit: Forgot to add that Demian Maia looked awesome in a LOSS. Kudos for him to committing to heavy standup training, and kudos to Munoz for adjusting and taking it right back to him. One of the best all-around technical fights I've seen in a long time.

[Edited on 6-13-2011 by GatorBait]

Biff_Manly - 6-13-2011 at 06:37 PM

Dos Santos did turn Shane's face into hamburger:

I have to wonder if Brock would have done a little better just catching up to Dos Santos? Shane seemed a step behind the whole fight.

GatorBait - 6-13-2011 at 06:52 PM

If anything, Brock would've pressed the action more. You could tell Carwin was loading up and waiting for an opening to land a big shot. Brock tends to bullrush from the get-go, so it would've been more interesting in that sense, at least.

But once things settled down, JdS would've knocked him back onto his ass and finished things in the first round.

BBMN - 6-15-2011 at 08:33 PM

The opening round of Maia vs Munoz was fucking awesome. Maia totally lit Mark up with a baby jab in the first minute. Then Mark later goes for a high head kick, so Maia ducks under and blast him in the face as he spins back around. For being considered sub par in striking for so long, Maia looked like he was taking moves from video games. FOTN. I couldn't even tell how won really. Maia took the first, Mark the second, and the third was close...

Sam Stout continued to move up the ladder. I'm not sure how long it took to Yves off the mat. Those are the KOs I don't like seeing. But he is at least living up the the hands of stone monicker.

And I see JDS vs Cain being pretty much the best HW fight the UFC has had in several years. Don't get me wrong, Brock is fun to watch, but these two are gonna be amazing when they meet. Carwin looked great with less weight, but he's too slow for JDS. I don't see him getting another shot at his age. Kinda sucks in a way. I don't know if I want to see Brock fight him or not when he potentially returns in about 6 months. Fucking medical issues have ruined his career to an extent.

I can't even figure out what is happening with Shane's face right here

Junior is scared of what he just did

Fucking A

BBMN - 6-15-2011 at 08:53 PM

Stipe Miocic Signs Multi Fight Deal with UFC

Stipe Miocic, the NAAFS Heavyweight Champion, widely considered MMA’s top heavyweight prospect, has signed a multiple fight contract with the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

Miocic, who is undefeated in eleven MMA bouts and 6- 0 as a professional has finished all eleven opponents in under two rounds. A former division one national wrestling qualifier at Cleveland State, Miocic has become known for his devastating striking and highlight reel finishes.

“Stipe has worked extremely hard to earn his spot in the UFC and we are extremely happy to see him get his shot to compete against the worlds best fighters.” stated NAAFS CEO Greg Kalikas. “Stipe is undoubtedly a special talent and a quality human being as well.”

Miocic, who recently signed with B3 Sports Management, is a member of the Strong Style Fight Team based in Independence, Ohio. Miocic is a former teammate of UFC fighters Forrest Petz and Jeff Cox.

“My goal has been to become a UFC champion.” I am grateful to Joe Silva and Dana White for the opportunity to live my dream.” said Miocic. “I am anxious and ready to begin my UFC career and to show the UFC and fans around the world what I’m all about.”

Miocic’s UFC debut date and opponent are expected to be announced soon.

nOOb - 6-17-2011 at 11:02 PM

Just in case you forgot about Strikeforce, their Heavyweight Grand Prix finishes the first round tomorrow night with Brett Rogers vs. Josh Barnett and, probably the biggest heavyweight fight in MMA this year (until Dos Santos/Velasquez) in Allistair Overeem vs Fabricio Werdum (not for the title, though the title may be irrelevant now that Strikeforce is Zuffa owned).

I dunno: with Brock on the shelf for a while, Frank Mir not really that big a match for a Cain Velasquez or Junior Dos Santos, Shane Carwin still hamburger meat-faced, and Roy Nelson needing to get back to some health before fighting any of those three, I would have to say the winner of the Strikeforce Grand Prix has to be the #1 contender after Velasquez/Dos Santos. There's still some good guys left in the UFC's heavyweight division, but between Bigfoot, Overeem, Werdum, Rogers, Barnett, and, hell, even Sergei Kharitnov, Strikeforce has a pretty respectable upper-echelon themselves.

[Edited on 6-17-2011 by nOOb]

BBMN - 6-19-2011 at 01:39 AM

They fucking ruined their own tourney. They should have had all first round fights on the same card. The second round should have been scheduled immediately following it to know for sure that everyone was still uninjured, and set up for 3-4 months later. The final fight should have 3-4 months after that. Overeem should not have been in it. Fedor, as the smallest man there, should not have been matched with the largest. Arloski should have rematched Rogers to answer questions about both men. In the meantime Overeem should have been given a kickboxing bout. Yea, a kickboxing match to stay busy, not lose the belt, and more then likely smash someone on PPV.

What a debacle of a tournament compared to what it could have been. My bracket would have fucking ruled...


Someone, anyone, Duffee?



Or am I retarded?

nOOb - 6-19-2011 at 05:15 AM

That Arlovski, Fedor, and, as of an hour ago, Rogers were as thoroughly finished off as they were, I think the brackets were fine: they served the purpose of proving those three guys weren't better than the three that beat them, and putting them against each other to have them face the guy who would eventually beat them anyways seems like a bit of a waste.

That said, I agree that they should have done a round per card. Today should be the semi's, and we should be having the finals in October or November. Heck, even with that, there'd be a clear cut #2 heavyweight in the world that you could put against the winner of Dos Santos/Velasquez (not saying you have the rounds per card in anticipation of that match's winner vs the winner of the tournament, rather it being a tournament makes more sense to do this and have the unification match as a nice bonus in 2012).

I will also say this: Chad Griggs needs to be moved over the UFC like now. I know he's pretty much the "undisputed tournament alternate" but an injury seems unlikely. And he's pretty much bulldozed through as much of the non-UFC fodder as he can without delving into the tournament participants.

BBMN - 6-20-2011 at 07:50 AM

I disagree vehemently.

Originally posted by nOOb
Arlovski, Fedor, and, as of an hour ago, Rogers were as thoroughly finished off as they were, I think the brackets were fine: they served the purpose of proving those three guys weren't better than the three that beat them

I've been wanting a 225-230lb class for a long time. We don't have one. This is why I, as a promoter, would never place a 235lb man against a 285 lb man in the opening bracket. That fight had less to do with 'who is better' and more to do with, "Holy shit, I'm good, but this dude has 50 fucking pounds on me because he is a literal giant.... Uh fuck this is kinda bullshit. Wait the match is over? What the fuck happened to the 3rd round? This shit is confusing and weird. This was the main event? Uh...." Awkward match to say the least.

and putting them against each other to have them face the guy who would eventually beat them anyways seems like a bit of a waste.

How do you know that Fedor would have run into Bigfoot in my bracket, or any other potential bracket for that matter? You don't know. It is not an inevitability at all. Same for Overeem running into Werdum...

After not having 50lb weight differentials, I would be most concerned with keeping the fights entertaining. I see Barnett vs Bigfoot as being better than Barnett vs Rogers. I see Rogers vs AA in a rematch as being more entertaining, plus I want one of them to keep their name intact. A loss for both after coming off losses hurts both men, as well as the company I think. I'd rather have one fighter's stock plummet, than two.

Also, Overeem vs Werdum went as I expected, but worse. This match fucking sucked because styles make matches, and Werdum knows this. He knew he had little chance on the feet so he prayed (actually prayed mid-match) to have a ground fight. This match was fucking terrible and hurt Werdum, Overeem, and Strikeforce. But it went down how I kinda thought it would. Terrible match making.

Maybe my bracket would have resulted in some of the same matchups as it ran its course. But it also would have given more entertaining fights in the opening bracket. So far 2 of the fights (Fedor/Bigfoot & AA/Sergei) were dramatic (even if one was between a man on one side of the division's weight spectrum and the other man on the opposite.) Weight can play a factor, but there's a reason why all the other classes are separated by 10-20lbs and not 60lbs. One match was okay (Barnett/Rogers), and was rancid shit (Werdum/Overeem.)

I dunno. I've been really let down. Fedor vs Bigfoot = barely fair. Overeem vs Werdum = Why is the champ in the tourney... oh shit is hard to watch. Barnett vs Rogers = Yawn. AA vs Sergei = that was pretty badass. 1 of 4 has been cool in my book.

They've managed to destroy Fedor's mystique by giving him an uphill battle of a fight right after his first legit loss. And somehow managed to hurt Alistair's image, and simultaneously put together one of the worst fights I have ever seen, that headlined a major show. Fuck!

GatorBait - 6-20-2011 at 02:23 PM

Who'd have thought that Bigfoot appears to be the most well-rounded fighter SF has at Heavyweight? (Fedor not included, but not included because he's small and got bludgeoned by Bigfoot).

Barnett/Rogers went about as expected.

And Overeem/Werdum was a disgrace. There's nothing I hate more than a BJJ guy basically laying there and daring the other guy to come down to the mat. Like it or not, fights start on the feet. You've gotta work to get the fight to the ground if that's where you want it to go. Wanna try it a couple times to see if the guy will follow you there? Fine. But after the 2nd or 3rd time of him telling you to get your ass up, you should be deducted a point if you try it again. And the saddest part is that Werdum seemed to be getting some solid shots in on Overeem when they were trading.

nOOb - 6-20-2011 at 05:48 PM

Here's my thing: Fedor against any of the other guys that were in the tourney seem to be "iffy", with the exception of Josh Barnett. He already beat Rogers, and Rogers hasn't improved his wrestling nearly enough to stand a chance in a rematch just yet. Same with Arlovski, except Arlovski has gotten worse since facing Fedor. Werdum beat him, so giving that away in the first round kinda seems like a waste. Same for a matchup with Overeem. And putting him against Sergei...well, I know Sergei from the appearances he's made as a top/mid-level henchman in a few movies, but he hadn't fought anyone decent in 2 years (and beat a guy completely mismatched in his only other fight, which was a year layoff anyways), so he would have come off as "cannon fodder". It was a tricky situation with the tournament to begin with and, for what they have at heavyweight, they made the best of it.

All that being said, adding another weight class seems to be a bit of a waste. Instead, why not increase the weight limits for Light Heavyweight to 215 and the middleweight limit to 195? I mean, it only seems like a mismatch with 265 vs 235 until stuff like Velasquez knocking out Lesnar happen. The weights work a bit because they seem to be at least partially built on amateur wrestling weight classes and, really, there are a number of good heavyweights walking around at 240 that know how to make their weight work for them.

Also, Fedor/Dan Henderson next month is going to be awesome.

Editted to add: Yeah, I'm also a bit sick of BJJ guys trying to ass-race guys (i.e. Aoki) or just trying to goad guys down to the ground. You don't see wrestlers trying to get their opponent to start in referee's position or boxers trying to make their opponents stand back up so they can fight standing. There's a reason it's called MIXED Martial Arts.

[Edited on 6-20-2011 by nOOb]

Thom - 6-20-2011 at 07:50 PM

What SF should have done, was simply set this up as a HW Championship contendership bracket. They could have still called it the GP - just with the winner ultimately being the champ. And I'm fine with the brackets the way they are. Sounds a little weird, so let me explain.

Werdum-Overeem made complete sense, as Overeem had already beaten Rogers and Werdum had beaten Fedor. So, let that be a first round fight of the GP. Whomever wins is the champ.

His first title defense would be against the winner of Fedor-Bigfoot (#1 contender match). So, you'd have either the Werdum-Fedor rematch for the championship, Fedor-Overeem (which nearly everyone had wanted, anyway), or Bigfoot would have won a title shot. No problems in any of those scenarios. Bigfoot had lost via decision to Werdum, so that could have been an interesting matchup. And since Bigfoot mauled Fedor, I'm pretty excited to see Overeem-Bigfoot - should be a good fight.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the bracket, it's basically a bunch of guys that need to prove themselves further. Whomever came out of that side would get the next title shot. And, realistically, after Werdum-Overeem-Bigfoot-Fedor get done with each other, it really does make sense that someone else get a shot at the title. So, ultimately, the other side of the bracket would end up being a de facto #1 contender tournament, with the winner facing the winner of the other bracket.

Of course, that's not what we got, so Bigfoot, Barnett, or Sergei, could end up beating Overeem and winning the Grand Prix and not become champion. Then, they'd have to face Overeem again in order to win the title. And what happens if Overeem wins the whole thing, other than proving himself the best HW in SF? Of course, I think, at that point, it will be time to probably merge SF and UFC. So, who knows?

As far as putting all the 1st round fights on one card? While I wouldn't be opposed to it, I think I'd have put two fights on consecutive cards, instead. My reasoning for that is because I think, if all four 1st round fights were on the same card, it would hurt the other weight classes, as they'd kinda get "ignored." With two consecutive cards with two HW fights, each member of the GP field would have fought close enough together that there wouldn't be a distinct advantage with rest. Also, the other weight classes would get time to shine and hopefully get more eyeballs on them, as those who might not normally watch SF may end up tuning in to see the GP.

BBMN - 6-21-2011 at 05:09 AM

I guess I'm alone in my thoughts. I really do find this tourney to be kinda lame. The managed to set up fights that damaged Fedor, Overeem, and Werdum. if they weren't being folded into the UFC in the next year I'd be more upset. I guess the fan in me is let down more than anything.

Fedor vs Henderson does sound intriguing though. If Fedor drops 3 in a row... fucking A. Henderson and his granite chin and brutal right are no walk in the park for anyone.

mastermind - 6-22-2011 at 07:02 PM

I like your brackets, BBMN. But I don't agree with removing Overeem nor do I like the idea of putting the title up for grabs in the tourney. The Grand Prix to me represents kind of like the MMA version of "King of the Ring" (just to make a pro wrestling reference). And Overeem HAS to be in a Strikeforce version of a Heavyweight tourney because without him you're not discovering who's the TRUE Giant of their division. Building to a #1 contender for Overeem is anticlimatic - but using this tourney to make a new contender for the UFC Heavyweight title is a good idea. But I was excited when the brackets were first announced, though in hindsight they've been a little "eh". BBMN's brackets do look a bit more promising.

GatorBait - 6-22-2011 at 07:16 PM

At first I didn't like it, but after thinking on things more I do like how they did the brackets. Werdum/Overeem could've been viewed as a "title fight", with Fedor/Bigfoot being the #1 contender's match. And after that, they'll be facing somebody on the opposite side of the bracket coming in with 2 wins in a row, regardless of who it is. Smart planning.

BBMN - 6-23-2011 at 12:26 AM

I don't follow. At all.

They put the biggest guy vs the smallest, which resulted in their top name getting devastated. Plus it is yet ANOTHER asterisk on his record, as he actually didn't get KO'd or submitted.... sigh. It looked like he might not have understood what the doctor was saying. Total anarchy in the cage. He even stood up for the next round. Match should have never happened and nobody will change my opinion on it.

Overeem vs Werdum was an abortion of a match that went worse that I expected it to. The man that gave Fedor his first legit loss looked like a one trick pony, plus their new top name was hesitant to engage with the endless take down attempts coming his way. I wonder if their execs were FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT backstage during this shitfest. Probably this worst fight I have seen in years.

Any mileage they had left in both Rogers and Arloski was spent.

Just terrible opening bracket. Just 1 of 4 fights is worth even watching ever again. 1 of 4...! So just 2 of the 8 fighters came out looking decent. Wow.

The only saving grace for SF is that they're already bought out. If they weren't I'd expect them to collapse after this, plus losing Mayhem and Nick Diaz. Kaput.

GatorBait - 6-23-2011 at 01:11 PM

It turned out terribly, sure. But I can still see why they set things up the way they did.

And I don't think it was just size that led to Bigfoot taking out Fedor. It was size AND skill. He'd fought and beaten 350-lb plus guys. Just none of them had close to the aptitude and skillset that Bigfoot brings to the cage. And it's also a sign that Fedor doesn't belong in there with the new breed of heavyweights.

Biff_Manly - 6-23-2011 at 07:13 PM

Part of the problem is once you weed out the guys at heavyweight who don't go down at just one punch you have a lot of big, fat, gassed out guys, on a downward curve of stamina plundering around the ring. Very few of them have anything like actual BJJ or other submission based skill. The ones with a smidge of an actual ground game can't seem to shoot worth a shit so you end up with one guy who won't fight on the ground vs another guy who can't bring the fight to the ground. The only thing worse is the fat guy who lays on top of the other fat guy and neither one has any idea how to actually end a fight on the ground. Some of these fights echo back too much to the days of toughman fights that some of these guys probably started in.

GatorBait - 6-23-2011 at 07:22 PM

Which is exactly why Cain Velasquez vs. Jon Jones is the only logical conclusion.

Gobshite - 6-23-2011 at 08:08 PM

With more experience, will Lesnar be the exception? He's a big guy who can win by submission or ground and pound, and can throw a punch, he's just gotta try not to take so many directly to his cheek bones. He's no BJJ guy but he does have a bit of a submission game, and isnt afraid to just rush people to try and get them to the ground if he needs to.

I'm also guessing that as both he and JDS have beaten Carwin, Shane's out of the title scene until he gets a win or two back. JDS vs Cain will be sorted by the end of the year, so do you go straight back to champ vs Lesnar, or do you make Lesnar fight for the title shot? If so, who does he need to beat? Do you give him a slugger like Nelson, or have Lesnar vs Mir 3 at around the same time as WrestleMania?

I see Jones is right on the upper limit for LHW - if he put a few pounds on, how do you all think he'd do as a heavyweight? He'd be like Couture, at the 'light' end of the scale, but would that work for him, or against him?

DevilSoprano - 6-23-2011 at 08:17 PM

I'm trying to understand the points here, but I seem to be coming to one conclusion and I just want to know if I'm wrong. BBMN, are you just upset that the almighty Fedor lost because based on everything you're saying, you just want to make sure he had the easiest road to win thinking he'd get a pancake first and that someone else would have taken out Bigfoot for him.

GatorBait - 6-24-2011 at 02:53 PM

Gobshite: I think Jon Jones would easily be Top 3 at heavyweight... right now. He quickly re-hydrates to at least 220 after weigh-ins., so my guess is he "walks around" somewhere in the 230-235 range, and not worrying about having to cut weight would likely give him even more energy.

Just look at the Herman/Einemo fight a couple weeks back for evidence that size is NOT everything at HW. And Bones is still young, so an extra 10-15 pounds of muscle in a couple years isn't that far of a reach. He's already comfortable taller than a good bit of the division, and I think only Struve would have the reach advantage on him.

About the only guys in the division I could see giving him any sort of issues currently are the 2 guys at the top. And that's because they present 2 things we haven't really seen Bones up against. JdS can bring the precision striking game AND size that Jones hasn't seen (Rua has the striking game, but size was a major mismatch). And Cain brings the relentless cardio paired with top-notch wrestling to dictate the fight taking place where he wants it to. We haven't seen Jones taken deep into a fight to have his cardio tested, and we haven't seen his chin tested, either. I think those are currently the only 2 guys in the HW Division (Strikeforce included) who might be able to test him in those ways.

BBMN - 6-24-2011 at 08:47 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
BBMN, are you just upset that the almighty Fedor lost...

Ugh. I'm not sure how you came to conclusion. I have said a couple things that I will repeat again.

1) I hate the 60lb weight differential of the HW division. Hate it. The differential is actually more like 80-90lbs depending on how well a fighter can weight cut. Therefore I find the matching of a 235lb man, vs a 285lb man ridiculous. The 235lb man is fair game under the current weight class system, but that doesn't make it really a fair fight. This didn't matter 5-10 years ago, as super heavy weights generally sucked. But now it does matter. I simply want fair match making because I'm a very fair person and enjoy like fair matches. Take GSP vs Penn II for example. I had no interest in watching. GSP had about 20 lbs of pure muscle on BJ in this rematch. Maybe more. Why would I want to watch that? It went as expected, as one guy was fighting basically outside of his weight class. Same with matching Fedor vs Bigfoot. Why? Was I remotely surprised by the turnout? No.

2) Aside from my desire to see logical match ups, if I were a promoter, I would want to get return for my tournament. If my main attraction just lost, would I want him to lose again? No. Am I suggesting he have a 'tune up' fight for an easy victory? No. I'm merely reiterating what I already said. I would not pin my main fighter's back against the wall by giving him literally the biggest weight handicap in the opening bracket. It's pretty much setting someone up to lose. And not just someone, the biggest name you have under contract. Why on Earth would you want to destroy your main draw?

3) The bracket setup also managed to hurt the next biggest star, Overeem. And Werdum too (well that is his own fault really, but I still expected a shitty match... just had no idea they would have the worst match I can remember.) As well as spend any star power left in both Rogers and AA. I honestly don't think it would have been possible to have a worse opening bracket. I really can't think of a worse setup and outcome than what we have gotten.

So in a nutshell - barely fair match up - ruining of your main talent's drawing power - weak overall match ups.

Biff_Manly - 6-26-2011 at 01:55 PM

Nate Marquardt fails medical test, pulled from fight, and FIRED from UFC

Ultimate Fighting Championship standout Nate Marquardt has been scrapped from his main event fight tonight against Rick Story and released from the organization after failing a prefight medical screening.

Marquardt was to make his welterweight debut (170 pounds) after competing almost his entire career at middleweight (185).

"(Marquardt) failed his medicals," UFC president Dana White said. "Not only is he out of this fight and out of the main event on Versus, he will no longer be with the UFC."

The cause of Marquardt's screening failure was not disclosed, but he tested positive for nandrolone -- a performance-enhancing drug -- in Nevada in 2005.

A heavyweight bout between Pat Barry and Cheick Kongo now will serve as the main event for "UFC on Versus 4" in Pittsburgh. The four-fight main card will air live at 6 p.m. on Versus (38).

Story will face Charlie Brenneman, who was left without an opponent when T.J. Grant pulled out last week because of an undisclosed injury.

Story is riding a six-fight winning streak and trying to make his case for a title shot. A win over Brenneman wouldn't do as much to that end as a victory over Marquardt would have.

The 26-year old from Washington state has perhaps as much momentum as any other contender in the organization. Story is fighting less than a month after upsetting Thiago Alves for the biggest win of his career, at UFC 130 on May 28.

Kongo has just one win in his past four fights, losing two in a row before knocking out Paul Buentello last year. The French kick-boxer settled for a draw against Travis Browne when he was deducted a point for holding onto the cage.

Barry, also a kick-boxing specialist, usually finds himself in exciting bouts, and this one should be no different.

In another heavyweight matchup, unbeaten former NFL player Matt Mitrione will meet Christian Morecraft.

And John Howard will take on Matt Brown in a welterweight bout after an injury left Martin Kampmann unable to fight Howard.

The entire undercard, which includes the featherweight debuts of Joe Stevenson and Tyson Griffin, will air live on Facebook. Stevenson and Griffin both lost their final three fights at lightweight.

I'm thinking he must have been on something harder than performance enhancing drugs to just fire him. Does meth help you cut weight?

Gobshite - 6-26-2011 at 03:38 PM

Seeing as how ufc is full of guys guilty of drug use, maybe he's caught hepatitis or something and can't risk bleeding in a match. Seems that when they have drug failures they just let them sit out the suspension. I'm also pretty sure they do their drug testing after a fight- to fail a medical he'd have to you know, have something wrong with him.

nOOb - 6-27-2011 at 01:31 AM

Watching the pre-game on Versus, Dana's on and has used the terms "disgusted", "second chances", etc, while praising the Pennsylvania Athletic Commission for its testing practices. This, to me, is pointing to drug usage, especially since he said he'd give him a second chance if he "manned up".

GatorBait - 6-27-2011 at 02:23 PM

Thom - 6-27-2011 at 03:05 PM

They had the guy from the Penn. AC (Sirb?) on, and he said that they (and Marquardt) had known about the situation/condition for about six weeks. So, it doesn't sound, to me, like steroid use or anything. I suppose it could be, but it sounds like something was actually wrong. But, I'm not sure what it could be that would make Dana "disgusted" and outright release Nate. Supposedly, Marquardt has announced via twitter (I think) that he'd have an announcement Tuesday.

So, we'll see, I guess...

Biff_Manly - 6-27-2011 at 09:27 PM


Yeah. That fight. Wow.

Dude's head bounced off the mat like 4 times when he hits the ground.

BBMN - 6-28-2011 at 12:05 AM

Joe Stevenson just would not do anything in the 3rd round. Not looking good for him.

Joe Lauzon had a very pretty sub and finished with almost no damage taken.

Story may have won and been one more fight away from GSP (or Nick) if Nate hadn't been fired, but instead lost in convincing fashion to Brenneman. Brenneman has only had a few UFC fights, but seems to be a talented at 14-2. He's had a few UFC matches, but they seem to be all un-aired.

Tyson Griffin beat Manny in a rather uneventful fight. Odd given how I love watching these guys typically tear it up.

Apparently the MOTN was Lentz vs Olveria, but I missed it. I didn't see it on FB which sucks for me I guess. Olveria won, but it took an illegal and intentional knee for it to end. I believe it has been ruled a No Contest...

Mitrione looked decent, but not great as usual. Still though, he is undefeated in the UFC and seems to never really take damage. It was kinda funny that when Morecraft went down, and ref went to check on him, he immediately went to defend any incoming strikes. He didn't even know who was coming up to him...

And holy shit, Kongo vs Barry was why I love the heavyweights! I was rooting for Barry, but Kongo showed some serious heart in there. The initial punch the felled him was to the back of the ear/neck. Devastating. Great job by the ref to let it go. There are tons of people screaming 'bullshit' on Shertard but they're clueless. I re-watched it and Kongo never fully went out. He was close but still awake the entire time. Good job by all. Even in his loss Barry showed he finally has the willingness to brutalize someone.

Mitione vs Kongo in 4 months?

Gobshite - 6-28-2011 at 12:30 AM

I think if Kongo had ever been laid out on the floor, he'd have stopped it; but Kongo rolled over as he hit the ground and immediately tried to grapple with Barry.

Mitrione now has a better record than Brock - maybe that'd be a fight for early 2012? The WWE guy vs the NFL guy? Not sure whether they'll put Brock right back in the title picture or whether he'll have to earn it.

another UFC PPV next week - is Faber for the featherweight title the main event?

GatorBait - 6-28-2011 at 02:06 PM

Yeah, not sure what they're planning to do yet with Mitrione. My gut, though, is telling me they won't push him too far too fast, so a fight with Kongo or somebody like Roy Nelson or Stefan Struve would be more logical than Brock. I'm almost tempted to say they'd consider Mitrione/Carwin, but I think Carwin is still at least moderately marketable at this point, and they don't want to risk him losing a third in a row (I think Carwin gets a tomato can next when he's cleared).

A match that would be fun, though? Mitrione vs. Dave Herman. If for nothing more than the trash talk that would leave up to the fight.

And yes, Faber/Cruz is the Main Event on Saturday. Not liking Faber's chances in the least.

Edit: and now we know it's not drugs for Marquardt.

Anybody else thinking HIV? He's always seemed a little light in the loafers, to me. (And yes, I'm aware that straight people can get it, too. Just a larger propensity among the male homosexual community.) If he knew about it for 6 weeks and didn't say anything and was intending to fight anyway, then I'd say that's definite cause for immediate firing.

[Edited on 6-28-2011 by GatorBait]

Gobshite - 6-28-2011 at 03:03 PM

Unless it's just something that Nate and the Penn State commission knew about, and their privacy laws meant that Nate didn't have to tell the UFC. He kept it from them knowing in all likelyhood he wouldn't be able to fight, allowed them to promote the show etc knowing he couldn't go - then when Dana found out and also found out that Nate knew, he just went apeshit and fired him.

Thom - 6-28-2011 at 03:15 PM

I've heard that thought (the HIV), but I don't see how he could possibly get that "cleared up."

As far as Kongo-Barry goes, Big Dan jumped in, like he was going to stop it. But, my guess is that Kongo did enough by grabbing Barry's legs/waist that he had a change of heart.

Thom - 6-28-2011 at 06:16 PM

Technically, this is a double-post. Deal with it.

Marquardt Busted for PED

Nate Marquardt was fired on Saturday, just 24 hours before his main event at UFC on Versus 4, for failing over a six week period to provide the Pennsylvania SAC with some medically related requirement for him to fight. The nature of the requirement is pretected by federal HIPAA rules, and not definitively known at this point. Nate Marquardt's spokesman reveals why Marquardt has taken to long to respond.

We weighed all the options and presented them to Nate. We felt it was better to wait until he was comfortable. He'd just been fired. He lost a huge pay day. We wanted to respect his wishes and give him time to collect himself. He needed time to talk to his family and to inform his coaches and teammates. He'll tell the whole story today.

At 1 p.m. ET the former middleweight number one contender, accompanied by manager Lex McMahon, broke his silence on the MMA Hour.

Marquardt says he was not medically cleared for his UFC on Versus 4 main event versus Rick Story because of a snafu with his Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

So, it sounds as though, having known for 6 weeks that all he had to do was basically get a doctor's note, and not doing so, that Marquardt obtained the TRT illegally. I mean, if this had been 6 hours before the deadline, sure - a SNAFU may be right. But 6 weeks? Uh, not buying it, Nate.

BBMN - 6-28-2011 at 06:45 PM

I'm not a hormone expert, but from what I'm reading, it appears certain PEDs fuck up your testosterone for years, meaning one will have to take replacement therapy. And one might be so inclined to undertake therapy before a fight to keep there testosterone high, even abnormally high, which could give an edge. Nate has been busted in the past with PEDs.

mastermind - 6-30-2011 at 04:25 PM

Don't forget...

Strikeforce / M-1 Global - Fedor vs. Henderson
July 30, 2011
Sears Centre,
Hoffman Estates, Illinois, United States


Dan Henderson vs. Fedor Emelianenko

Strikeforce Womens Welterweight Championship
Marloes Coenen vs. Miesha Tate

Tim Kennedy vs. Robbie Lawler
Paul Daley vs. Tyron Woodley
Tarec Saffiedine vs. Scott Smith

GatorBait - 6-30-2011 at 04:35 PM

Nice article here:;_ylt=AjbIgwJoGhNw58cWmvrZeHc9Eo14?slug=mmajunkie-MMA_testosterone-replacement

The specter of performance-enhancing drugs is very high in elite-level sports. The desire to win and be rewarded � especially financially � has further fueled the "win at all costs" and "if you're not cheating you're not trying hard enough" mentalities.

Testosterone-replacement therapy (TRT) primarily is intended to treat fairly uncommon conditions of teenage boys who were not maturing properly because of genetic abnormalities, chronic illness, pituitary-gland dysfunction, testicular trauma, etc.

The legitimate use of TRT, as it pertains to elite-level athletes, is a relatively new phenomenon � and potentially a very slippery slope and ripe for abuse.

The normal range of testosterone is quite broad (250 to 800 ng/deciliter), and it varies by time of day and age of the subject. Testosterone levels normally decline with age. Diagnosis is not simply related to results of the blood test. Multiple vague subjective symptoms (as told to the doctor by the patient but cannot be objectively proven) are also taken into account when making the diagnosis.

Many men in their mid-40s and early-50s, rightly or wrongly, are diagnosed and treated for low testosterone (low T) because they want that old "fire" back. Big pharma has spent a fortune on marketing to convince this demographic of men that they are suffering from "male menopause" and can live a much happier and more vigorous lifestyle by purchasing and taking their drugs. Rrrr!

This normal age-related decline has nothing to do with young, amazingly fit, male elite athletes � other than creating the mindset that everything is a disease that must be treated with a drug.

The world and U.S. anti-doping (WADA and USADA) guidelines are very clear and strict when it comes to proper diagnosis, qualification of physicians (endocrinologists), testing intervals, and approved drugs and treatment regimens for the safe and acceptable administration of TRT in elite athletes.

Why is the process so strict? Because high-dose testosterone administration producing levels significantly higher than the normal range may potentially provide performance enhancement. Furthermore, if the athlete gets caught, he simply says, "Not my fault. My doctor made a mistake."

It is not unheard of or particularly uncommon for an athlete with a somewhat low or borderline testosterone level to seek out and befriend an endocrinologist (or local doctor because they are far more abundant and often easier to influence), recite a litany of symptoms that cannot be disproved, and thus be deemed appropriate for TRT.

For these reasons (and many others that I will not bore you with), I believe that TRT should not be allowed in elite-level competition. It is too easy to cheat and very difficult and time consuming to monitor the proper treatment process.

The bottom line is that TRT was developed and intended for the medically necessary treatment of a small subset of young boys who need this hormone to develop normally and have a shot at a more normal life � and not, amazingly, healthy young men who want a shot at the title.

Like it or not, everyone is not fit to be an elite-level athlete � despite big pharma marketing to us otherwise and attempting to sell us better living through chemistry.

Did I just say that? What am I doing? No more free golf trips for me!

Thom - 6-30-2011 at 08:09 PM

Chocolate Al, FTW!!!

GatorBait - 6-30-2011 at 08:33 PM


mastermind - 7-3-2011 at 04:37 PM

UFC 132 - pound for pound one of the best UFC shows ever in my opinion. Myriad definitive finishes, surprising results (TITO ORTIZ???), exciting main event (screwjob ending? You decide)... this show had it all. Even the prelims were sick. Highly highly recommended viewing here.

denverpunk - 7-4-2011 at 07:28 AM

Originally posted by mastermind
Exciting main event (screwjob ending? You decide)

This was actually the first UFC PPV I've ever watched (late to the game, I'm more of a boxing guy). I don't know any of the politics at all, but on face value Cruz won that match handily. He landed a lot more punches and had more takedowns -- most of those in the last round. I don't think there's any question about it just based on what I watched. That was a GREAT fight, though. Both Cruz and Faber are excellent fighters.

mastermind - 7-4-2011 at 04:27 PM

Yeah, I guess you're right. Even Urijah Faber's DAD watching on TV at home said he thought Cruz won the decision. That being said - is it time for Wanderlei to retire?

BBMN - 7-4-2011 at 08:03 PM

Wand should retire... in Japan. The UFC is in negotiations to return to Japan next year for a PPV. But yes, he should retire. He can still bring the fight, but his chin can't take it...

Congrats to Tito for winning, then acting like a douche.. never change man.... never change you moron. Cruz and Faber both are amazing. Condit is awesome and I think I'm going to track down all of his fights. Stiver is the man, and I kinda want a rematch already. Melvin - I want to see him fight BJ, Edgar, and Guida right fucking now. Njokuani is very skilled and if he can get some finishes dtrung together could be one of the top strikers in the world I think.

GatorBait - 7-5-2011 at 03:39 PM

Kudos to Tito for showing he's still got it, even if just for a night. And if he really has got his life in order, then extra kudos to him for that, too.

I thought Cruz easily handled Faber, and that fight went pretty much as I expected. Gave Cruz every round I saw (I missed the third).

BBMN: Condit has been one of my favorite fighters for a few years, now. Definitely check out some of his WEC fights too if you can. He really lives up to the "Natural Bork Killer" moniker, and I'd LOVE to see him take on GSP. That's one of my personal dream fights, currently.

Melvin needs to be fighting top 5 guys, now. No question about it. And he's called out Dan Miller. That'd be one HELL of an awesome fight.

Absolutely fantastic card all-around.

GatorBait - 7-7-2011 at 02:59 PM


I know I often exaggerate about potential Fight Of The Year matchups around here, but I don't see how this one will be anything short of insane. Cerrone is at his best when he's being pushed, and Oliveira doesn't let up. Damn. Just damn damn.

nOOb - 7-8-2011 at 12:03 AM

You know what other fight is on that card? Ben Henderson and Jim Miller. That those two fights are on a free card is a testament to UFC giving fight fans what they want. That Dan Hardy and Chris Lytle are still currently the main event tells me they still have work to do on this card.

GatorBait - 7-8-2011 at 06:32 PM

You can add Ed Herman vs. Kyle Noke to that card now, too:

GatorBait - 7-11-2011 at 02:56 PM

Barnett beats Lashley via armbar:

salmonjunkie - 7-11-2011 at 08:50 PM

Just watched UFC 132 last night. Cruz/Faber was an awesome fight! Cruz most definitely won the fight, IMO.

Glad to see Tito won. I didn't see the douchebaggery that BBMN saw unless you're talking about his celebration pantomiming. I thought that was fun.

GatorBait - 7-11-2011 at 08:56 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Just watched UFC 132 last night. Cruz/Faber was an awesome fight! Cruz most definitely won the fight, IMO.

Glad to see Tito won. I didn't see the douchebaggery that BBMN saw unless you're talking about his celebration pantomiming. I thought that was fun.

And that may be because BBMN is unfamiliar with Ortiz actually winning fights. He's always done that.

GatorBait - 7-12-2011 at 04:43 PM

Condit vs. Penn? Yes, please!;_ylt=Ath.5tjptR3QTMlhqPnFhkQ9Eo14?slug=mmaweekly-db1eefbd8099f3d984b451df0a47fd1c

BBMN - 7-12-2011 at 07:43 PM


Interesting news... I'm scared though that this may be easy for Condit. He will be about 15-20lbs bigger on fight night... That's a fucking weight class. Penn is crazy to a degree. Really he is.

And yea guys, I'd seen Tito's grave digger celebration years ago. Back then it came off as disrespectful but highly entertaining nonetheless. Now it just doesn't fit... with him not being a wrecking machine and all at this age. Yea, he wrecked Bader, but still it just felt dated and silly. I guess I've been overexposed to Tito the past year, despite him doing next to nothing of note inside the cage, save one victory.

GatorBait - 7-12-2011 at 07:54 PM

Fitch was massive compared to Penn, too, and BJ held his own for the most part. I don't think BJ will be able to handle Condit's range on his strikes, though. And Condit is just as lethal on the ground should it (likely) go there.

mastermind - 7-14-2011 at 04:32 PM

For the record BBMN, Tito Ortiz wasn't burying Ryan Bader - he was digging up his own career! I never stopped liking Tito, and now... he's supposedly stepped up to fight Rashad Davis - and I for one sincerely hope he wins! Also, thinking of Roddy Piper circa 1984 heat, has anybody read Cro Cop's outburst about Chael Sonnen??? WOW. Guess those old stories Freddie Blassie used to tell about heels getting shanked, shot at and tortured by uneducated marks are still alive!

nOOb - 7-14-2011 at 09:51 PM

And when Phil Davis goes down, Tito steps in for the save.

This may be the smartest move Tito has made for two reasons:

1) Even though he is riding a win streak, a lot of his losses have been of the "tough fought loss" variety. He held his own against Forest in match #2, he held his own kinda against Lyoto, and he beats Rashad in their first match if he didn't get penalized, so it isn't like he's lost a step. With that, all it takes is for him to "avenge his draw" to Rashad and he's instantly in title contention.

2) With him saving the UFC by stepping in (because, let's face it, the rest of that card is pretty PPV-unfriendly), he at least earns himself a two-loss cushion before they consider firing him.

BBMN - 7-14-2011 at 10:26 PM

BBMN - 7-19-2011 at 08:38 PM

The UFC just had a press conference for their upcoming fight at 135, and when they did the stare down, Jones did his usual "awkward look away" thing, so Rampage pulls this on him... fucking perfect. Dana in the background nearly falls over.

[Edited on 7-19-2011 by BBMN]

nOOb - 7-19-2011 at 09:48 PM

Overeem out, Cormier in


In a surprising turn of events, Strikeforce heavyweight champion Alistair Overeem has been removed from the promotion�s 2011 heavyweight grand prix.

Brazilian website broke the news Monday, only hours after Overeem made strong remarks regarding his rumored Sept. 10 semifinal matchup against Antonio Silva.

�That is not going to take place,� Overeem stated in a Monday interview with �What�s going to happen next, I don�t know. I�ve had some threats of cutting me out of the tournament if I don�t participate. I don�t know if they�re going to do it. Personally, I don�t like to be threatened.�

Overeem went on to state that he felt the September date was too soon for him to return, and that he needed time to rest and heal after his June 18 quarterfinal decision win over Fabricio Werdum. The 31-year-old Dutchman�s words apparently did not sit well with the brass at Strikeforce and parent company Zuffa, LLC, who on Monday swapped out Overeem for unbeaten up-and-comer Daniel Cormier. has confirmed with Silva�s manager, Alex Davis, that his client will no longer fight Overeem.

�Unfortunately, it�s true,� Davis told �Overeem decided not to fight. We don�t know why, but Antonio is pretty much disappointed. ... I can�t confirm who will replace Overeem, but I can guarantee Antonio will be ready. He just arrived in Rio de Janeiro to train with Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and his team for the upcoming fight.�

Silva, 31, currently rides a three-fight win streak in the Strikeforce cage. In February, the Brazilian �Bigfoot� stunned former Pride Fighting Championships heavyweight ruler Fedor Emelianenko, battering the Russian great to force a medical stoppage after two rounds.

A former U.S. Olympic wrestling team captain, 32-year-old Cormier has turned away all comers since beginning his MMA career in 2009. The American Kickboxing Academy fighter is 3-0 in Strikeforce, most recently notching a unanimous decision over tough veteran Jeff Monson in June.

And me saying it loses steam isn't a slight against Cormier, because, quite honestly, he's a wrestler at heavyweight, so of course he'll be good. Problem is they just pulled their champ out of a tournament designed to determine the best non-UFC heavyweight because he was not wanting the turn-around time he was given from a very anti-climatic fight.

BBMN - 7-19-2011 at 10:17 PM

Overeem is a fucktard.

This tournament continues to be the drizzling shits.

GatorBait - 7-20-2011 at 12:34 PM

Cormier's gonna get mauled in much the same way Fedor did. The size (and skill) difference from Bigfoot is just too much to overcome.

GatorBait - 7-21-2011 at 04:12 PM

How Couture, Lesnar, Griffin and Henderson helped one student turn his grades around

As the head of the Ohio Athletic Commission since 2004, Bernie Profato has been in close contact with some of MMA's best, and he told Cagewriter that he has always been impressed with the fighters. No episode impressed him more than when three former UFC champs all played a hand in turning his grandson's grades around.

"When Randy [Couture] was in Columbus, my grandson was having some problems in algebra, and he's a big MMA fan. I talked to Randy about it. Later, when he was in town for the WEC, he asked, 'Hey Bernie, how's your grandson?' and when you think about all the people around him, he remembered that. I said, 'Hey, he got that D to a B.' Randy says, 'Let me give him a call.' I gave him my cell phone and he left a message because he was in school.

"That night we were having dinner, and it was Randy, Brock [Lesnar] and Forrest [Griffin], and Randy asks if my grandson got the message. I said yes, and thanked Randy because my grandson really appreciated it. Brock said, 'What's that?' and I said, 'Well, he brought his D to a B.'

"'He didn't get an A?' he said, so I gave the phone to Brock, and he called my grandson and said, 'I'll come and kick your butt if you don't get that grade to an A.' Then Forrest got on the phone and said, 'Listen, Daniel, you're doing a great job, son. If this big guy gives you any more [expletive], me and Couture will kick the hell out of him. One of us can't, but both of us can!'

"Last year, during Strikeforce, Dan Henderson called and talked to him. Do you know what that does for this kid? He went from a D in three subjects to a B+ average. That's because these guys took the time to talk to the kid and say, 'You've got to get to school and learn.'

"Because these guys are educated. You're not dealing with a bunch of dummies. You're dealing with a bunch of guys with college educations. That's what they're telling my grandson. Football is second, but an education is first. When he's hearing it from these guys, he's going out and putting his nose to the grindstone. They turned him around."

Gobshite - 7-23-2011 at 02:20 AM

Dana White claims that Overeem pretty much took himself out of the tournament by refusing to fight in September due to a 'bad toe'...

And then gets very cagey when asked why he was visiting Vince McMahon recently... I was thinking that if the UFC / Spike deal is drawing to an end and the WWE is launching it's own 'sports entertainment' network... maybe they're looking at joining forces? We all know the library WWE has amassed but UFC are building their own library up nicely too - endless build up shows, unleashed, 13 seasons of TUF, 26 Fight Nights, 130+ PPV's... 48(?) WEC Shows... the entire Pride back catalogue... I assume they have the few Affliction shows... a WWE/UFC Network could be awesome. They may also be thinking of making agreements not to run shows the same weekends.

Anyway, heres the interview:


mastermind - 7-24-2011 at 03:36 PM

I heard the WWE/UFC link may have something to do with further "building Brock Lesnar's brand".

GatorBait - 7-25-2011 at 01:13 PM

Oh, c'mon. They're CLEARLY just setting up the Lashley/Batista fight we've all been clamoring for...

BBMN - 7-31-2011 at 02:33 AM

Zuffa LLC, the parent company of Strikeforce, has severed ties with heavyweight champion Alistair Overeem, according to a report by

The news was first reported Friday night on HDNet, which said Strikeforce exercised its option to eliminate the final fight on Overeem's contract.

That decision became effective July 22.

"He got cut because he declined to fight on Sept. 10 because he was injured," Overeem's trainer, Martijn de Jong, told "He accepted the United Glory fight after he was cut. He was non-exclusive anyways." has not yet been able to confirm the report with Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker.

Overeem (35-11-0, 1 no contest) was scheduled to compete Sept. 10 against Antonio "Big Foot" Silva during a Strikeforce World Grand Prix heavyweight tournament semifinal bout in Cincinnati.

But Overeem, with the support of his management team Golden Glory, withdrew from the event after complaining of a toe injury.

Overeem, who defeated Fabricio Werdum during a World Grand Prix first-round bout in June, claimed he needed more time to completely recover and conduct a full training camp.

De Jong said "serious" toe and rib injuries kept Overeem from participating in the semifinal leg of Strikeforce's Heavyweight World Grand Prix.

It was Overeem's desire to have his next fight delayed until October, but no date was available to Strikeforce during that month. All of the promotion's bouts air on Showtime, and the cable network did not have any open dates in October.

The dispute between Overeem and Strikeforce led to the champion being replaced in the World Grand Prix heavyweight tournament by highly touted Daniel Cormier, who is 8-0-0 as a professional. Cormier will face Silva (16-2-0) on Sept. 10.

Overeem is scheduled to appear in the United Glory World Series. That event is tentatively scheduled for October, though no official date has been set. It is expected to be held in Moscow.

Wanderlei weighs in on Fedor vs Hederson

salmonjunkie - 7-31-2011 at 10:58 PM

Wow. I never want to hear another Wanderlei Silva interview again.

And I hate that cheesy voice over announcer with his "horror show" voice.

salmonjunkie - 8-1-2011 at 02:42 AM

So, is Fedor done?

And has Dana White gone out and trash talked Fedor yet?

BBMN - 8-1-2011 at 06:19 AM

You do understand that the video I posted was fake, right? Perhaps you do and just thought it was not that funny. I found it fucking hilarious.

And a quick check of Dana's twitter didn't turn up anything too over the top for Fedor... yet. He did manage to downplay Hendo however by saying he is "a 40 year old 185 lber."

Such a professional.

GatorBait - 8-1-2011 at 03:38 PM

Credit to Fedor for coming into that fight "in shape", at least. Why he hasn't been fighting at 205 is really beyond me.

I've never been a Fedor-ite, but I respect the skills the man has. That fight with Hendo really could have gone either way, and I think he'd still be a major matchup problem for a lot of the 205 guys in the UFC. I think Dana would still be willing to bring him in, and the UFC now has all the negotiating power if things go that route. I don't see it happening, though.

BBMN - 8-1-2011 at 09:27 PM

Fedor has never cut weight. Doing so now at this stage in life would be insanity on his body and cardio. He is naturally about 230-235. He was too big in his prime to be at 205, and he's too old now to start extreme weight cutting. Sure he shed some fat for this fight, but he also lost muscle. He simply shrunk. It wasn't a catch weight bout, but I wouldn't be surprised if he simply felt it was the right thing to do as Henderson openly said what he wanted to weigh in at (right about the 207 that he did hit.) So just because they announcers said he was in great shape, doesn't mean he was.

Here he is in great fucking shape... this must have been around 2005 when he was about 235. Don't think he is in great shape despite some baby fat... bullshit. This is the same physique that humiliated Kevin fucking Randleman, and Coleman twice. It also defeated Nog and CroCop and Heath. We've been programmed to equate muscles to 'great' and 'a little bit of fat' to terrible. Just ask Kevin how that worked out.

No way is the man in that pic hitting 2005. And even if he could cut that hard... why? He went undefeated for almost a decade weighing about 235 or so. Why change something that is not broken.

As far as I can see, people will freak out of him losing 3 times in a row, but I am not. The Werdum loss was a legit loss, but not because he is not good anymore. He simply went into the fight with arrogance and fought stupid. One mistake in 9 years is okay in my book. The Bigfoot fight... meh, I already said my peace on why having 230lb men fight 285lb men is fucking retarded in this age of skilled super heavy weights. And as for Henderson... well Fedor lost. He wanted a slugfest and got it. All credit to Henderson.

I just don't think this means its the end of the world for the guy. But I also understand unlike his detractors, that he is several years out of his prime. He either needs to bulk up to what he was looking like 5 years ago and hope match makers don't place him against men that have to cut to make 265, or he should consider 205... even if he looks like death at the weigh ins... This would only work if he got with the best of the best when it comes to weight cutting... GSP, Rumble, Tibua. Personally I wish we had a 225 class, but that is pure fantasy for now. It could happen if the UFC soaks up all the Strikeforce guys... it could and would be amazing.

Edit - Fedor says he would have liked to fight on, but is not upset. Such a mellow mother fucker.

[Edited on 8-1-2011 by BBMN]

BBMN - 8-1-2011 at 09:35 PM

GatorBait - 8-2-2011 at 02:43 PM

He's termed that move the "Flying Squirrel Takedown".

Fedor's gotten older, and I don't think he could carry 235 lbs the same way he did in 2005. And like you said, the "skilled" Heavyweights back then were roughly in his weight range. But the sport and fighters have evolved, and it doesn't seem like Fedor has evolved with them. Like I said, he's still a very dangerous man; and like you said, the only "bad" loss was the Werdum fight.

I've been right there with you in thinking they need a cruiserweight division at 230 or 235. Jones, Fedor, Griffin, & Dos Santos would be a solid, solid foundation to build from.

nOOb - 8-5-2011 at 01:26 AM

Welp, Fedor's gone

I like the move personally. It makes sense business-wise because the man lost three fights in a row and was making too much money for a guy who just lost to two unheralded heavyweights and a middleweight/light heavyweight, and it gets rid of the M1 stink. From a fan's perspective, this means if Fedor is still into this fight game, he's going to have to start from scratch. Sure, he can fight Overeem over in Japan or M-1 or some independent promotion, but outside of Overeem, there's not a whole lot of "world class talent" left. And, hell, if he decides to go to Bellator, M-1's negotiating power just became a whole hell of a lot weaker (though, really, M-1 and Bellator seem like they'd mesh well).

BBMN - 8-12-2011 at 10:36 PM

Okay card... Nothing too noteworthy.

I'm just glad that Rashad beat Tito. If tito had won the 205lb picture would become even more confusing than it already is. So at least that is out of the way.

134 in a couple weeks -
I'm very excited for Rampage vs Jones. Rampage has a video up saying that he is living inside a gym and training extremely hard. The gym is also high altitude, so his cardio should be good. He says he isn't worried about the reach or the spinning elbows at all. I guess he's studying film and truly feels he can hurt Jones. He basically feels that nobody has tested Jon's chin, and that's very true. I can see the fight playing out in several ways, and one of those is Rampage opening up inside and knocking Jones silly with a right hook to the jaw. So pumped!

If Rampage loses I want to see Rampage fight Shogun, and Machida get a shot at Jones. My logic for both fights is 'why not?'

BBMN - 8-12-2011 at 10:53 PM

The 5 Greatest Revenge Matches in MMA History

nOOb - 8-16-2011 at 09:33 PM

Cause they just lost the UFC to Fox

I can't see this working out well for Spike. Last I checked, the UFC's 1.5 million viewers for the prelims and Ultimate Fighter shows and the million or so more they get for the actual MMA cards were a very large chunk of their overall ratings. And I seriously don't think TNA and Manswers are going to float that boat for very long.

BBMN - 8-17-2011 at 07:59 PM

Spike was held together by the UFC. Minus them, its a terrible channel.

Hardy's chin and Chris Lytle's left hand were best friends? Who knew? Great showing by Lytle and he got two bonuses for it as he retired. Great career, great fighter.

And Jim Miller losing sucks. I love this guy. I was worried though when I saw the apparent size difference between him and Henderson.

And I felt the same way when Donald Cerrone got into the cage with Charles Oliveria. Donald looked like he was half a weight class larger. It wasn't shocking at all really how he handled him with his power.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 8-20-2011 at 10:24 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
The 5 Greatest Revenge Matches in MMA History

Where is GSP dismantling Serra?

BBMN - 8-21-2011 at 01:02 AM

Yea Kongo/Barry should have been replaced (wasn't even a revenge match) with GSP/Serra.

That was fucking brutal. Those knees to finish it... I peed blood just watching.

Thom - 8-26-2011 at 07:51 PM

Other than the fact that I don't live in Korea, I can't believe I've never seen this:

BBMN - 8-26-2011 at 08:26 PM

Thom - 8-26-2011 at 08:42 PM

Yeah - that's what got me to notice the Fedor spot. Of course, Silva's got a 2nd one. I wish I spoke Portuguese - too bad my wife's grandmother isn't still around...

nOOb - 8-27-2011 at 10:17 PM

Okay, call me crazy, but all the talk so far has been on Silva tonight as far as how he's breaking all the UFC records for consecutive wins and title defenses, yet they very rarely mention the fact that all Yushin Okami has been working on for this fight has been purely wrestling/ground and pound. I know Okami isn't going to knock out Silva, but I'm thinking Okami improves on Chael Sonnen's approach and beats Silva tonight.

Also, I am not even going to close to a casino for the next 6 hours.

BBMN - 8-28-2011 at 12:04 AM

If I knew jack shit about online gambling and had a $100-$500 to spare, I'd drop it all on Okami.

Upsets happen.

Okami looks to be a bigger version of Sonnen, so there is potential for anything to happen.

I'm just pumped for Palhares and Shogun to be in action.

And for whatever reason I don't give a damn about Big Nog vs Schaub. At all. Nog has declined a lot, just like all the old guard it seems. Of the legends of Pride, only Rampage remains at the or near the top of his game.

Shogun does too, but is just too inconsistent anymore with endless knee problems to be able to predict how well he does... His career has been so messed up due to his injuries. I can see Forest beating him again. He has no take down defense and Forrest is a big fucker.

nOOb - 8-28-2011 at 04:55 AM

Well, that's why I don't bet on MMA: fighters do stupid stuff (or don't do smart stuff). You know Silva's weakness is wrestling. It is well documented that the two guys who did the best against him outwrestled him. And yet you go in and try to stand with Silva? Okami deserves his loss and should rest easy knowing he will likely never get another title shot.

Shogun did show that he's still got it and, if someone can figure out Jon Jones, maybe he should get another title shot. And Noguera was Noguera: never, ever count the guy's career as being over.

joerizal - 8-29-2011 at 06:57 PM

Whew! Anderson Silva's gonna knock you down and knock you out. And he's gonna look damn good doing it.

Is it too much to ask for a catchweight match between Spider and Bones (best tandem-related movie/sitcom title ever), while Spider is still at his prime and before Spider hangs it up?

nOOb - 8-29-2011 at 10:28 PM

I don't think Silva needs to do catch-weight. The man walks around at 220 and thoroughly whooped on both James Irvin AND Forest Griffin with relative ease.

I will say this though: I've read Fox wants to do Silva/Henderson for their inaugural show. If (and that's a huge if) Henderson shows up at a conditioned 185 (ie doesn't get winded after two rounds), that is a fight I want to see.

Thom - 9-2-2011 at 06:09 PM

UFC on FOX just got fucking real.

Cain-JDS on FOX

atothej - 9-2-2011 at 07:09 PM

This is a few days old, but it's pretty interesting: Anderson Silva, Muhammad Ali and the Anchor Punch.

The article compares Silva's knockdown against Okami and Ali's famous knockout of Liston in their second fight. Worth a look if only for the slowed-down video of the Liston knockout.

[Edited on 9-4-2011 by atothej]

BBMN - 9-2-2011 at 08:39 PM

Thanks so much for posting this.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 9-2-2011 at 08:54 PM

mastermind - 9-5-2011 at 04:54 PM

Strikeforce - Barnett vs. Kharitonov
September 10, 2011
U.S. Bank Arena,
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Has anybody seen the KTFO footage of Dan Severn out here in Worcester MA from a few months ago? Brutal.

Also, would there be any interest here in a Fantasy MMA draft game, similar to those of the pro-wrestling style? Draft a roster from MMA history, book the card, etc...?

nOOb - 9-6-2011 at 10:24 PM

First, The Fox show just got a little better with the addition of Clay Guida/Benson Henderson. The winner of this fight just has to be #1 contender for the lightweight title, there's just no getting around it: Benson beat Miller and Guida beat Pettis, and those were the two top contenders at the time.

Second, Brock versus Overeem. Enough Said.. I'm taking it this means Overeem's locked in with the UFC now, and this is obviously a huge, albiet extremely masochistic, "Welcome Back" for Brock to get.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 9-6-2011 at 11:30 PM

I believe this is the last fight on Brock's contract, unless he re-upped. I know the JDS fight was going to be his last fight before he had to pull out. This means to me that Dana and Co. are looking to cash in on Brock's reputation/popularity to build the next contender more than they expect him to win.

Truth be told, this should have been the Fox fight, and have Cain vs JDS on Dec 30th. But then maybe not as Brock could be sent break dancing around the ring in the first couple minutes again.

DevilSoprano - 9-7-2011 at 12:15 AM

There's no way this will be Brock's last fight though. He and the UFC have been through too much together at this point and he makes them way too much money. Also, there's no way it could have been the Fox fight as this is even earlier than rumors had Brock back in fighting shape. His intestinal problems have been a real hinderance with regards to his training and fighting and I really expected a semi-easier fight in his first fight back (Mir, Carwin, Nelson, Cro Cop)...Overeem...that's a tough one.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 9-7-2011 at 01:49 AM

One thing you gotta respect Lesnar for is he doesn't look for easy fights.

Regarding Bendo vs Guida on the Fox card - The UFC needed a barn burner prelim in case JDS vs Cain ends early. I hate Guida, but he is perfect for this job as he's got a great chin and will slug it out for three rounds.

mastermind - 9-7-2011 at 03:03 PM

UFC seems to believe in zero tomato can match-ups, which was a point of contention between them and Strikeforce. But the results were mixed, and I know we've debated this here before. Brock Lesnar has fought nothing BUT tough-match ups, just like pretty much everybody else in the UFC post-2006. But that said, yeah it sure does feel like leading the lamb to the slaughter on this one. Demolition Man via 2nd round TKO.

But if everything goes according to plan this weekend (and Silva and Barnett both triumph) - I think Josh Barnett will go on to win the Grand Prix, and that a Brock Lesnar versus BigFoot match sometime thereafter would be big business and a fun fight.

Also, I found a game that's similar to the fantasy wrestling draft, but for MMA. Would anybody be interested in trying that out here? Looks pretty cool.

BBMN - 9-7-2011 at 07:47 PM

Either Overeem KO's him in the opening round, or Brock fucking murders him via GnP in the 2nd. Huge fight.

mastermind - 9-7-2011 at 10:44 PM


Super disappointed.

nOOb - 9-7-2011 at 11:01 PM

Diaz is out, Condit's in, Penn is pissed

The short of it is that Nick Diaz did what he did to get himself fired the last time: not show up to stuff. And, let's face it, we all saw this coming.

The longer story is that Dana White immediately had a backup plan in Carlos Condit, who, personally, I think was a better choice anyways, and Condit immediately accepted. Naturally, this leaves BJ Penn opponent-less for his fight, and, personally, I wouldn't mind seeing White throw Diaz to Penn.

And still: when GSP beats Condit, he's dried up the welterweight division completely at that point.

BBMN - 9-8-2011 at 12:11 AM

I'm more amped for Condit vs GSP... but still this is stupid.

MMA is having an odd year... SF bungles their HW tourny, Fedor loses twice, Overeem gets booted from SF and into a fight with a returning Brock, Jon Jones becomes the next big thing, the UFC returns to Brazil, and the WEC and SF comes into the fold. And we get Cain vs JDS. The next few months are gonna be nuts.

mastermind - 9-8-2011 at 06:13 PM

OK, no go on the MMA Fantasy Warfare. Does anybody have interest in rekindling the old "Point System" MMA game for each individual PPV/Super show event? I have an idea that might make one-on-one match ups between players more feasible. This thread is getting slow again.

[Edited on 9-8-2011 by mastermind]

nOOb - 9-8-2011 at 10:02 PM

You're right. About an hour between posts...this place is dead anyways.

Thom - 9-9-2011 at 02:17 PM

Well, huh... Diaz-Penn is on for 137

Shortly after he booted Nick Diaz from a title fight with UFC welterweight champ Georges St-Pierre, UFC president Dana White told ( that reporters would "flip out" if they knew whom he was putting opposite B.J. Penn, whose original opponent Carlos Condit was promoted to meet St-Pierre.

And considering the past 48 hours, White is not too far off the mark.

The UFC president today tweeted that Diaz (25-7 MMA, 6-4 UFC) has been re-booked to meet Penn (16-7-2 MMA, 12-6-2 UFC) in the co-main event of UFC 137, which takes place on Oct. 29 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas.

I guess no-showing the press conferences only got Diaz away from the title fight, and not gone for good.

Gobshite - 9-9-2011 at 05:50 PM

Well I guess he's still marketable enough, and hasn't failed any tests etc. White seems to be kinda understanding if they're depressed or have any sort of normal problems. Plus if Diaz beats Penn, it'd make the eventual fight a bigger draw. It almost seems to coincidental, actually!

This forum has only gone slow because nothing has really happened over the summer, and no amount of games / competitions will fix that. With the upcoming PPV's and happenings there will be much more to talk about- starting with me catching my first ever live MMA card as BAMMA hits Birmingham on Saturday. Frank Trigg is on the main event, and Paul Daley is on the card too. I'm quite excited, especially as I won the tickets!

Lesnar should beat Overeem. They wouldn't put him in there otherwise (unless he's already agreed to head to Wrestlemania, then re-join UFC in the summer).

Biff_Manly - 9-16-2011 at 07:41 AM

The last Strikeforce event wasn't too bad. Daniel Cormier handled Antonio Silva quiet easily. Josh Barnett also had very little trouble with Sergei Kharitonov. When they finally get to fighting (Cormier broke his hand) it could be a good one.

BBMN - 9-16-2011 at 07:45 PM

Sorry I'm not gonna do any point games or fantasy stuff... not my cup of tea. I like my mma with shitty beer and fatty foods.

So Overeem as replaced by Daniel Cormier, as Overeem had a 'broken toe' and wanted a month to heal. I don't get it either. I knew little about Daniel coming into the fight and out of ignorance I gave him no chance. He made Silva look like a retard and blasted him over and over before getting the TKO.

Barnett also advanced in dominating fashion. He was just too big for Sergei to get away from when it went to the mat.

I watched most of the fight between Luke Rockhold (no idea who he is) and Jacare. Very good stuff from both men. It felt like Shogun vs Machida I with its non-stop striking exchanges. Very good match.

And King Mo, another guy I haven't seen much of, knocked Roger Gracie the fuck out. Gracie had no idea what to do on the feet it looked like. He just kept tossing jabs out as Mo got in closer and closer and then blasted him in the temple. Saw it coming a mile away. So that's why you want your BJJ masters to hang out in the minors for a few matches before getting into the big leagues...

Also, this event had about 275k viewers, and ranked as the second lowest watched event the promotion has aired. This is bad news for SF. I think part of it is that Overeem was off the card and replaced by a relative unknown. And yea, Fedor wasn't there either.

nOOb - 9-16-2011 at 09:39 PM

Daniel Cormier was the captain of the Olympic Greco team back in 2004 and, according to most wrestling people, he's as good, if not better, than Dan Henderson. I honestly didn't give Silva a chance, because nothing I've seen of Silva struck me as him being ready for an Olympic-caliber Greco guy. Of course, Cormier didn't actually use that, which make him even scarier.

Beeker - 9-21-2011 at 01:46 AM

Not sure to how to embed this but here's a fun link from Jackson/Jones on Jimmy Kimmel last night.

Part 1

Part 2;=relmfu

[Edited on 9-21-2011 by Beeker]

Gobshite - 9-25-2011 at 04:59 AM

Well, that was awfully one sided. Jon Jones is "the man". I thought he and Evans were friends? Jones seemed really pissed off that they carted Evans out for an interview after the fight... or is this just going to be used to hype their match?

Good win by Koscheck. Not sure where he goes from here though because as he moves back up the rankings, he just gets closer to another mauling from GSP.

nOOb - 9-25-2011 at 06:04 PM

And now the UFC is faced with a dilemma between 170 to 205: their champs seem unbeatable. Out of the three, Silva is the only one with a glaring weakness: wrestling. However, all he has to do is beat Chael Sonnen convincingly and see if Dan Henderson wants to fight at 185 and, all of a sudden, he's out of challengers. GSP only has Condit and Nick Diaz left to challenge him and, quite honestly, of the two, Condit is the one who could possibly give him a fit since he's going to go out and try to take GSP's head off (and can do so better than Diaz). And Jon Jones just dominated a guy that, when he does lose, usually looks at least somewhat threatening in his losses...just not this one.

At the very least, Jose Aldo looked beatable in his last fight, Dominick Cruz is a part of a weight class that seems to have a title change every other fight, and Cain Velasquez hasn't defended his title yet. But the time to push for "superfights" between GSP and Silva, and very possibly Silva and Jones, seems to be coming soon.

joerizal - 9-26-2011 at 08:20 AM

You forgot to mention Frankie Edgar. Not sure if that was intentional or not. But I agree on GSP, Spider and Bones being "division killers".

GSP's discipline and the humility with which he approaches each fight is his key to success. If GSP loses, it's going to be because his opponent was flatout just better than him.

If Spider loses, it's going to be because of a combination of old age and overconfidence, which he has a tendency to have. Skills-wise, I believe he really is the best.

If Bones loses, it's going to be because of inexperience and carelessness. Sometimes, he can be too flashy for his own good, and it'll only take a split second for a hit to the temple to connect.

I just have one question coming out of UFC 135: is Rashad Evans the Floyd Mayweather of MMA the way he garners crowd heat?

BBMN - 9-26-2011 at 11:53 PM

Man, I was kinda down after Rampage lost. Really. I expected it and was actually in a way happy that he didn't get destroyed. He lost simply due to the glaring reach difference. He stuffed most of the takedowns that ragdolled everyone else. He didn't take any damage from the spinning elbows or front head kicks. He actually looked great in defeat when you look at what happened to Vera, Bader, Bonnar, Vlad, Hamill, and Shogun. Rampage is still an elite. He just has a 73" reach.

Another thing that has been bothering me for ages - foot stomps, throat grinds/grabs/strikes, kicks to the knee, and blocking the airway via mouth covering... Jones has done all of these now, especially in the last two fights. I want to like the guy. And I do, but he's making it hard for me. I have thought for years that covering the mouth has no part in fighting. I can't even understand why it's allowed. It's fucking retarded. And toe stomps are just flat out the lamest shit you can do. I get it's a fight to win, but Jesus I hate this shit. I will always enjoy seeing Jones fight, but he'll never be one of my favorites to see win if he keeps it up. The throat shit with Shogun was especially weak. Surprised the ref didn't point him on it. But I digress...

Coming to ABC this fall - The Rampage and Ariel Show

BBMN - 10-13-2011 at 06:02 AM

At the post fight presser, Florian looked like he was gonna just walk out. It's sad in a way that he came so close. He controlled Aldo so well for the first two rounds, then lost some steam.

Edgar getting a decisive TKO was nice.

Sonnen going all WWE after the win was great in a terrible kinda way.

Seemed like a lot of people were surprised that Joe beat Guillard, but I wasn't all. Guillard was fighting like a maniac that always gives a good BJJ guy a shot, or even just a guy with decent striking.

Apparently Jones is signed to fight Machida. Wow.

BBMN - 10-24-2011 at 01:41 AM

Pride: Critical Countdown 2006

Pride 33 � The Second Coming

Pride 2003 GP: Complete 4-Disc Edition

PRIDE Mega Saver

The PRIDE Mega Saver includes:
PRIDE 19 - Bad Blood
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PRIDE 25 - Body Blow
PRIDE 26 - Bad to the Bone
PRIDE 27 - Inferno
PRIDE 28 - High Octane
PRIDE Bushido 1
PRIDE Bushido 2
PRIDE Bushido 3
PRIDE Bushido 4
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PRIDE Total Elimination 2004
PRIDE Critical Countdown 2004
PRIDE Final Conflict 2004

PRIDE Shockwave 2005

PRIDE Final Conflict 2005 Deluxe 2 DVD Set

PRIDE Total Elimination 2005 Deluxe Double DVD Set

PRIDE Critical Countdown 2005 Deluxe Double DVD Set

PRIDE Grand Prix 2000 Deluxe Collectors 3 DVD Set

PRIDE Super Saver - I believe I won't be getting this... it's probably out of stock for good.

PRIDE 1 - The Beginning w/ Rickson Gracie
PRIDE 2 - Marco Ruas, Sakuraba, Kerr, and More
PRIDE 3 - Sakuraba, Kerr, Goodridge
PRIDE 4 - Rickson vs Takdada II
PRIDE 5 - Sakuraba, Belfort, Vovchanchyn, Coleman
PRIDE 6 - Sakuraba, Vovchanchyn
PRIDE 8 - Sakuraba vs. Royler
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PRIDE 18 - Cold Fury 2

PRIDE Shockwave 2004 Double DVD Deluxe Set

75 Percent off all in stock Pride items ($504.38)
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Grand Total: $168.13

$673 worth of dvds for $168. Although I expect that I won't get the package that has roughly 1-18...

Gobshite - 10-30-2011 at 01:00 PM

UFC 137 was a great card, lots of good fights. Nelson is losing a bit of weight and looked in good shape (for him), and easily defeated Cro Cop by TKO, in what many expected and Cro Cop confirmed will be his last fight.

Diaz then held on through a BJP heavy first round, and came back to knock him silly! By the end of the second round Diaz was actually playing with Penn. BJ's left eye was completely swollen shut by the end of the night, and after taking the unanimous decision loss, declared that he only wanted to fight at the highest level, but couldn't keep going home to his kids like this (he has another child on the way). He's done too.

Two legends leave, but UFC is shaping up for some monster fights in 2012: Hopefully Brock is healthy again, Sonnen vs Silva, GSP vs Diaz, and the heavyweight division is getting stacked with guys who could be top contenders. Nelson called out whoever is champ at the end of November, let's see if he even gets a sniff - I think a #1 contenders spot vs Kongo would be an interesting fight.

Biff_Manly - 10-31-2011 at 03:43 AM

I thought Diaz didn't even look as crisp or on point as he has been in past fights and he still handled BJ pretty well. The only scary for him was when BJ had his back but the dude put on a textbook on how to block a hook being set and got out of it. Diaz vs GSP? Yes Please.

What can you say about Big Country Roy Nelson? He's always been a legitimate threat yet considered a joke because of his belly. In his last fight he did show he was a step behind and it cost him. Now, if Roy can build up that speed to go with his cardio and power? Add in his chin and ground game and I don't see how Roy can be overlooked. He has been a champ in the past and it would be foolish to think he couldn't do it again especially if he is going at it for real. Roy also has a pretty hard core fan base which might help earn him a shot.

CreativeInternetAliass - 10-31-2011 at 04:01 AM

I'm gonna disagree with you biff. Most of the Nelson fights I've seen have involved him laying his fat ass on his opponent and lightly tapping on them until he got a cheap decesion win. He has a strong chin, but I don't think he is really a strong fighter. Put him against Cain, Junior or even Carwin, and I don't think he matches up at all.

Biff_Manly - 10-31-2011 at 11:23 AM

Maybe so, Maybe so. But Fat Ass Roy Nelson has gone through a lot of the top fighters in the game and he has gone the distance with others. If you add some speed to his skill set so no one can use his own game on him (get him down, get on top) I think he could take the title. As long as he doesn't lose power with the weight or the somehow loses the ability to take a shot losing the 40 lbs can only make him better.

nOOb - 10-31-2011 at 02:04 PM

Those shots he threw against Schaub and Struve hardly seemed cheap. And he took a bit of a beating from Dos Santos but never got finished and still moved forward for parts of the fight up until and including the first half of the third round. I like Nelson as a change of pace kind of guy from other heavyweight, because the division is basically focused around knocking out the other guy. Nelson can actually knock you out, submit you, or...well yeah...just "neutralize" you. I'd like to see him versus a guy like Kongo next as Kongo doesn't seem like the type of guy you can "neutralize", and the fight itself just doesn't seem like it would be designed to last three rounds.

Also, still not sold on Diaz. Especially since Penn immediately retired after his fight. I dunno, Penn always struck me as a fickle kind of guy that, if he put his mind to something during a fight, the rest of the fight was going to reflect that decision (like when he was sold on GSP greasing himself, then decided to concede in the fourth since he was so sure of that fact). And we already know how Diaz is going to take this fight (if his last fight stands up...who knows, Diaz is a bit of a pothead): he's going to try and box GSP, so GSP will bust up his eye. Then he's going to try and out-grapple GSP, and GSP will constantly throw him to the ground. And then Diaz is going to try for submissions, and GSP will neutralize them with ease. This will go on for five rounds, and GSP will win.

I'd much rather have stuck with Condit, because that guy has no gameplan other than "finish fight".

BBMN - 11-8-2011 at 12:04 AM

What did you guys think?

Fucking fantastic card if you ask me. It had mostly lesser known guys, but it turned out awesome. Etim set the mood with his amazing sub less then 20 seconds. Alves vs Papy was very interesting. Papy looked good in defeat and hopefully he will stick around at 170... dude is fucking huge. Munoz vs Leben was a lot of fun while it lasted. I continue to hate elbows to downed fighters because of fights like this. That said it was a great fight.

And did anyone else watch the prelim they aired after the main event? Maguire vs Edwards was outstanding. Never heard of either guy before this fight.

Gobshite - 11-12-2011 at 03:46 PM

2nd of 3 consecutive UFC weekends, and once again, it's a freebie! However, unlike last week's Spike card, this is the big one - the 'top' title in the company, the undisputed heavyweight championship. Theres been several interim title fights over the last two years, but now that everyone is healthy and active, the division is looking competative as hell, and anyone could beat the champ if given a shot. I'm guessing Nelson will have to wait until next summer for his shot, as I imagine the winner will face the Lesnar/Overeem in spring 2012.

My money is on Cain, I think he's justa bit too vicious for JDS. Then hopefully Lesnar will have improved his striking enough by April to handle a rematch.

[Edited on 11-12-2011 by Gobshite]

ThePunisher - 11-13-2011 at 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
My money is on Cain, I think he's justa bit too vicious for JDS.


Why in the world did he try to go toe to toe with him? Velasquez should have been trying to take him down from the opening bell and use his wrestling background. That was just ugly. Good job by Dos Santos, though.

nOOb - 11-13-2011 at 02:50 PM

Problem with that is if you take the shot from too far away, the other guy can sprawl, has your back, and starts teeing off on you. Take the shot from too close and all the other guy has to do is widen his legs and he can start hitting you with short elbows and punches. And, since Velasquez is a freestyle wrestler and not a Greco-based wrestler, his takedowns are all going to be base on waist-down leverage (as opposed to getting the guy against a fence, getting underhooks, and then throwing him on a takedown focused above-the-waste). It's one of the reasons why any wrestler who gets into MMA immediately learns boxing: it's purely there as a setup for takedowns as opposed to the new ay they're going to fight. Of course, unless you're one of the best wrestlers out there, chances are you're going to learn boxing and do it the opposite way: punches to end the fight and takedowns as a backup plan. Velasquez kinda showed in his last few fights he was more towards the latter camp.

Gobshite - 11-13-2011 at 10:09 PM

Yeah, my bad. I did not think Cain would be so stupid. Dana must be kicking himself that the fight was that short - and equally pissed that seemingly everywhere else in the world also got the awesome Clay / Henderson fight.

Apparebtly this drew about 5 million viewers... less than Kimbo's fight on CBS. Not sure how that will be received, but it was up against football, and the pacman fight build up. Maybe if they'd had the full card on TV, it would have done much better - what better way to educate the public about MMA than by showing them a bunch of good fights?

Biff_Manly - 11-14-2011 at 10:20 AM

True, not having the full two hours boned them. At the very least they should have had something on tape. Call them example matches for the new viewers, just in case the match went quick. Hell, even a package showing the top ten UFC pound for pound with some knock outs. I also think having Dana, Brock and the Fox guy was a mistake. Joe and the other guy would have been much better to welcome people to MMA.
I need to rewatch the Guida/Henderson fight and the main event again, I blinked.

Thom - 11-14-2011 at 06:47 PM

I figured they would have spent more time on the rules - maybe even give a brief history to try to disspell the idea that MMA is still barbaric with no rules.

I would have shown the Hendo-Guida fight, maybe with Edgar on guest commentary. Since it was a #1 contender fight, they could have used that to promote the other divisions. Ah, well...

BBMN - 11-15-2011 at 04:12 AM

Yea, talking about the rules and even their evolution would have been cool.

I missed much of the broadcast, but did they mention the 4oz gloves compared to boxing's 12oz?

I actually understand fully why they only had a single fight. It's a gamble, and in a way it might not have paid off - short match, instead of back and forth 10 minute match, but I get why. If they had another match leading into the main, there is a chance that it would be a boring 3 round decision, which would possibly make people flip channels and forget to tune back in. So I get it. Sadly, a one minute fight ensued.

Not that I truly care mind you. I'm just fan. It's not going to effect me UFC continues to grow rapidly, or just stays where it's at. The number of people watching means little to my appreciation of the sport.

I found a torrent for the rest of the card. It's in Spanish. It's a damn good card.

Bonestein - 11-22-2011 at 04:35 PM

BBMN - 11-28-2011 at 12:43 AM

Finally getting around to giving this a proper thread.

Holy shit. I think this is an all time classic that ranks up there with Fedor vs Cro Cop. Just amazing performance by both men. Both were taken to the hospital after the fight due to exhaustion and blood loss and probably because someone called 911 during the fight to report that two men were trying to murder each other for fun.

Cung vs Wanderlei was also very good. Cung has since complained about shots to the back of the head. Not sure if there were any or if it would have effected the outcome. He was in deep shit. But crazier things have happened. It was obvious though that Wand needs to hang it up. He was almost KO'd several times and only mounted a comeback after Cung was gassed out. Great fight though...

Kampmann looked very good as usual. He weathered an early storm and settled into his technical groove and outclassed Story.

Faber vs Bowles was fun as hell.

Bonnar had a rather boring affair with Kyle Kingsbury.

I guess the undercard was good too...

Biff_Manly - 11-28-2011 at 02:27 PM

For the Fox card, they should have had the guys ready to go for ten minutes after the hour. That gives time to say hello, welcome, yadda. Have the fight. If it goes long or short you have have a few fights on tape that you cut to and maybe a few "New to UFC" shorts. It was just sloppy for then which is unusual. It's like when you watch another wrestling organization do a live show and you realize how good the WWE production really is. UFC didn't meet their own standards.


The last PPV? Was very good, very solid. I don't know about Dan Henderson winning. I think I would have called that fight a draw. I do think Hendo barely squeeked the win. Urijah Faber on the other hand. I've liked watching him fight for a while now.

UFC 140

Jones vs Machida Dec 10

Jones has been so unstoppable I don't give Machida much of a chance. But everytime you step in the octogon you have a chance.

nOOb - 12-11-2011 at 01:33 PM

Well, this is a bit interesting: I think Jon Jones only has to beat Henderson, Evans, Davis, and Griffin and he's cleaned out the entire Light Heavyweight division convincingly after last night. Machida kinda gave a blueprint in the first round, but Jones seemed to immediately adapt in the second.

I just don't know if Jon Jones is even capable of losing.

Biff_Manly - 12-11-2011 at 07:23 PM

Damn fine card.

The Korean Zombie stepped forward and was missed allowing his own punch to land and land hard. Not really much else to the fight.

Tito Ortiz got brutalized. I�ve seen people beat with a sack full of oranges in less pain. Jenna�s face is less messed up than Tito�s insides. Time for Tito to wrap it up I think. Maybe he can fight a football player or some other lump of meat who thinks they can be a UFC fighter and go out on a high note.

Frank Mir has Big Nog�s arm mounted over his fireplace today. He ripped that damn thing off and took it home with him!
I thought Mir was done. He looked out of it there, barely hanging on, but Nog wanted to play on the ground. Lots of good reverses by Mir. He basically gave a clinic in how you get that body part and don�t let go. And if the person doesn�t want to tap when you have their arm, rip that fucker off.

Jones vs Machida.

What can be said? Jon Jones stood up to what could be his hardest fight. Machida did not go down without a fight.There were times when it seemed like given the right set of punches and Lyoto could win. Once Jones dropped those elbows and cut open that huge cut on Machida�s forehead it was the beginning of the end.
Jones has such a two fold nature. He looks like a baby face, but his fists are screaming bad intentions. The way he got Machida in the standing choke and used his other arm to push against the choking arm? Brutal. Than he just drops him.
That should seem rude, or disrespectful, but what else do you do over a fallen foe? If they had fought on a battlefield with swords would we expect anything else? I don�t see it as disrespect. I think it is basically the warrior�s mindset that this opponent is done on to the next.

Very good show. If you are a fan at all it would be a good one to watch. Coming up on December 30 is Brock Lesnar vs Alistair Overeem. Should be interesting.

nOOb - 12-11-2011 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly

Jenna�s face is less messed up than Tito�s insides.

Intentional or not, this was pretty funny.

BBMN - 12-12-2011 at 09:07 AM

Fuck Jones for that. The way he let go could have resulted in a blown out knee and the ending of a career. You don't do shit like that period. You've won the match, now you're holding an completely vulnerable body up. Way to drop one of the most skilled and genuinely honorable fighters in the world on his head. Pure class.

Mir vs Nog II was one of the best 1 round fights I've seen. Especially when you factor in the history.

Zombie winning that fast was a big let down. This could have been a 15 minute long FOTY candidate.

Poor Tito. That shit hurt me.

Most disturbing post fight interview of the year award goes to Hallman when he basically prayed for the rapture to happen.

salmonjunkie - 12-12-2011 at 06:21 PM

I just watched 139 on Saturday and 140 on Sunday. Back to back, great cards. Hendo vs Rua was all kinds of awesome! I'm ok with Hendo winning, but also know that if it was Pride, Rua would have won the decision. Here's hoping for a rematch!

I was hoping Cung Le would win his UFC debut, but he put up a good fight (even if Wanderlei is past his prime).

Mir's a trooper. Snap! Each time they replayed that I cringed.

Jon Jones is a machine. Unbeatable. I like Lyoto a lot, but man, Jones is a beast. And no, I don't think him dropping Lyoto unconcsious was disrespectfuul.

C.MontgomeryPunk - 12-12-2011 at 09:32 PM

Nog and Machida should have both tapped. They didn't they face the consequences. If UFC is supposed to be a sport, all this warrior BS about not tapping is nothing but lack of sportsmanship. Tap and admit your were caught because having a shoulder/arm destroyed or being choked unconscious isn't a good look when attempting to become more mainstream with the Fox deal.

BBMN - 12-12-2011 at 10:56 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
...I don't think him dropping Lyoto unconcsious was disrespectfuul.

I'm more concerned with the whole knee being potentially twisted in an abnormal position and then having the full weight of a body falling onto it. That was some very dangerous shit right there. Maybe I'm more thoughtful of what can happen to one's knee, as my knees suck, but this was in fact a very stupid and dangerous move by Jones.

I was half expecting to see his knee or foot bent the wrong way ala CropCop after getting KO'd by Gonzaga's head kick. I just cringed at the way Machida went down. There is no good reason to do such a thing, even with respect playing no role in his actions.

But if you do want to talk respect, it was pretty shitty as well. These guys train very hard with very intelligent trainers for years on end. They know the dangers of certain situations, top among them, dealing with a person that is unconscious. I would put money down that if anyone just dropped an unconscious training partner like that in the gym on to the floor they'd be punished. There is simply no way a pro-fighter can do something like this without knowing the danger. There's no way he would do that to Arloski in training. So he shouldn't do it an opponent in an actual fight. But he just didn't give a fuck enough to make sure his opponent was put down safely. If fighters don't care about the health of other fighters, then I don't know if they know what respect is.

To top it off he didn't think to check on Machida until Jackson ordered him to.

Originally posted by C.MontgomeryPunk
Nog and Machida should have both tapped. They didn't they face the consequences. If UFC is supposed to be a sport, all this warrior BS about not tapping is nothing but lack of sportsmanship. Tap and admit your were caught because having a shoulder/arm destroyed or being choked unconscious isn't a good look when attempting to become more mainstream with the Fox deal.

Machida and Nog's situations are very, very different. Nog knew his arm was fucked. He had the chance. Furthermore, he probably doesn't feel that it was unsporting of himself at all. There is a certain level of machismo built into fighting and never giving up. Pretty sure UFC's deal on FOX was the last thing on his mind.

The kimura is vastly different than a choke. In a kimura you know you're trapped at a certain point. It's literally impossible to escape from with how Mir had it locked. But a standing front choke is a different world. One can either muscle out, or instead pry the hands open. It's not a 'done deal' like a deep kimura is. Machida probably didn't even know how close he was to going out as he tried unclasp the hands of Jones.

It's impossible to know if Machida knew he was done for or not. I've seen fighters escape similar positions hundreds of times.

[Edited on 12-12-2011 by BBMN]

gobbledygooker - 12-31-2011 at 02:01 PM

Welcome back Brock.

Biff_Manly - 12-31-2011 at 06:38 PM

It's probably for the best. Brock never did get a striking game.

TownOfDalem - 12-31-2011 at 08:20 PM

The fight was actually a little scary to me since I knew he had internal issues then he just got rocks with a couples knees and a kick to the stomach and then was down. I'll be interested to see if the loss was related to the prior issues, but I hope it wasn't.

nOOb - 12-31-2011 at 10:30 PM

It was weird watching him take the kick and what happened after. Overeem hit him with a nice, solid body kick that looked like it hurt Lesnar, so Lesnar backpedalled. But then, a good three seconds after he got away, he held his side and went down, and looked like he almost immediately covered up just so he could get out of there. I don't know if the kick was just that well-placed or if it was related to his condition, but once Lesnar was hurt, he seemed like the pain was to the point where he knew he was done fighting at that point.

BBMN - 1-11-2012 at 12:09 PM

Well at least I can look back at this poster I made and still smile.

Overeem actually found this and put it on his FB page! So I'm happy about that.

And kudos to Overeem. Good game plan and execution. I however am still confused as to what was going on with Brock. Not with the end of the fight, but with the beginning. This was the first time he looked timid ever in a fight. He only shot for one single leg, and immediately let go. Perhaps he felt a choke coming on and did the smart thing. But the fact that he didn't go for another take down was bizarre. As for the end, it looked like a classic organ shot. People take those and sometimes it takes a moment for the pain to register. Then it's overwhelming.

I was also pleased to see Fitch get Ko'd like that. Nothing personal, but he won't beat GSP and I don't want to see that rematch.

And I was hugely disappointed with Cerronne. He lost the fight after the first round. Diaz landed a Compustrike record number of accurate strikes.
After seeing Diaz eat a trio of German suplexes at 129, I figured Cowboy would have tried to out muscle Nick. But nope.

Thom - 1-11-2012 at 03:45 PM

That's the problem - Cerrone did try to out-muscle Nick. Too bad he was fighting Nate.

I keed, I keed...

In other MMA news, Cyborg tested positive for PEDs. Shocked, I tells ya. And she and her management team are playing it off as if it was just an accident from some diet aid. Double shocked, I tells ya.

nOOb - 1-12-2012 at 11:13 PM

Cyborg testing positive for PED's is the best thing that could have happened to women's MMA, because any time you throw a fighter that is really good at everything into a division where the rest of the fighters are simply above average at one thing, it get boring fast. First thing they need to do though is they need to scrap their "two weight division" deal, because most people (myself included) can barely care about one women's division. I think right now it's like, what, 135 and 145? That would be fine and all, but realistically, as someone who grew up wrestling, I don't care if you're male or female: anything under 140 is light, and there's not a whole lot of muscle mass difference you can create between a 125 lbs person and a 135 lbs person (probably one of the reasons I find myself not that enthused about the Bantamweight division and caring even less about the new Flyweight division. I always watched our 105 pounder slam our 135 pounder at practice with relative ease, and then watch the 135 pounder get back up as quickly as the 105 pounder.

Just making the women's division a 140/145 lbs or less division, lump all of them together, and get the Zuffa hype machine behind them as much as possible. That's how you make Women's MMA actually mean something and catch on.

BBMN - 1-13-2012 at 11:22 AM

I just ordered it for FREE on the UFC app on Live. This 'free order' is something they turn on and off at random it seems...

I guess last PPV they decided to give away a ton of free purchases thru this app literally an hour before it began, which fucked the servers up... I'm not sure if they are doing the same thing (several random openings for free orders on the app) or not. I just hope it works.

Side question, has anyone here watched a UFC event on the app? If so, can you re-watch it for a few days after it airs? my old buddy FFC got the Shogun vs Henderson show, but we watched it live, so he doesn't know if replays are possible. I have to work on Saturday night, but pray it's still viewable the next day.

[Edited on 1-13-2012 by BBMN]

Thom - 1-13-2012 at 10:29 PM

Just saw the weigh-in results for UFC 142...

Anthony Johnson, after struggling to make weight at welterweight (170 lbs), is scheduled to fight Vitor Belfort at middleweight (185 lbs). Dude weighs in at 197 lbs.


Vitor supposedly told Dana White that he'd only fight Johnson tomorrow night if Johnson - at the time of the fight - weighed less than 205 lbs. Can't say as I blame him. And while I typically like(d) AJ's fights, as he's pretty exciting, fuck him for still not being able to even come close to making weight. I hope Vitor kicks the shit out of him.

BBMN - 1-14-2012 at 12:12 PM

I've been sifting through a bazillion thread about AJ being overweight on Sherdog... From what I can tell, it appears that he was closing in on the target weight, but was feeling awful. I assume under doctor orders, with Dana in the know, he was told to stop the weight cut, and rehydrate or risk damaging his body. Then he put weight back on with water.

So he got close to weight, but his body couldn't take it, so he put weight back on. This gives me hope that he wasn't just being lazy and won't be cut for this. People often have issues when they change weight classes, so I'm not surprised.

It seems they both want to stand and trade. If so, I don't think a weight advantage for either man will make much of a difference... first to land flush could win. I hope this is the case and we see a 1st round TKO.

Bonestein - 1-14-2012 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
People often have issues when they change weight classes, so I'm not surprised.

Not usually when they move UP a weight class though. Rumble has a history of missing weight too. It was a gong show when he was at 170. How ridiculous is it that Vitor is only requesting he weigh in at 205? I hope Vitor destroys him and sends him packing. I don't blame Dana one bit for freaking about this.

theflammablemanimal - 1-15-2012 at 04:22 PM

Outside the Lines this morning is going after UFC for being a monopoly and not paying fighters enough.

This seems pretty one-sided and ridiculous.

UFC is an innovator and pretty much made the business what it is today, so of course there aren't going to be any competitors on their level. What are they supposed to do about that, prop up their competitors?

As for the money, $6000 for the first fight is great. Yes, these fighters are taking a big risk getting in there and full time training is expensive, but that's way more money than entry level boxers. UFC can't pay a lot to every single fighter, but they give them an opportunity to prove themselves and get the big paydays.

ESPN even admitted they pay more than boxing, then compared UFC to the minimum salaries of NFL and NBA, which is an absurd comparison. Those players are involved for months at a time, in team training camps and dozens of games. Fighters have maybe 4 fights a year? Each individual fighter, at least at the lower levels, makes a much smaller contribution to the success of UFC than a 10th man in the NBA or a special teamed in the NFL.

The only thing that was said that actually does seem wrong is UFC keeping people from getting their own endorsements.

I do think it's funny that Dana refused to be interviewed, then went on twitter and said a bunch of stuff, as if ESPN wasn't going to pick up on that, which of course they did.

[Edited on 1/15/2012 by theflammablemanimal]

BBMN - 1-17-2012 at 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Bonestein
Not usually when they move UP a weight class though. Rumble has a history of missing weight too. It was a gong show when he was at 170. How ridiculous is it that Vitor is only requesting he weigh in at 205?

Well Rumble did miss before, but one of them was because he had a like a week notice for the fight and wasn't in shape. As for other times... I think they are exactly why he moved up to a larger class.

As for how he missed after moving up - I'm not surprised. He has cut weight many times to hit 170, but not to hit 185. This means that it's all new to his body and his trainers. He used to going from about 195 down to 170, but now he is closer to 205 and is going to 185. It's less weight, but he's never stayed this heavy during a camp and had to hit this weight after a cut. It's less stressful than what he did to himself to hit 170, but nonetheless, it's brand new to him.

And to be clear, a day before the fight, both him and Vitor were roughly the same size (187 & 185), and when they entered the cage they were basically the same size (205 & 206.) The whole thing was a non-issue, as they were extremely close in weight, height, and strength. It was a nutty fight that I enjoyed while it lasted.

Outside the Lines this morning is going after UFC for being a monopoly and not paying fighters enough.

This seems pretty one-sided and ridiculous.

As for the money, $6000 for the first fight is great. Yes, these fighters are taking a big risk getting in there and full time training is expensive, but that's way more money than entry level boxers. UFC can't pay a lot to every single fighter, but they give them an opportunity to prove themselves and get the big paydays.

[Edited on 2-29-2012 by BBMN]

nOOb - 1-17-2012 at 01:02 AM

Also, this was the only shocking thing to come out of the last UFC show:

BBMN - 1-17-2012 at 09:04 AM

Sadly it's already taken down... but here it is in still form -

Also, Gonzaga returned and won via submission -

Palhares continues to be last guy on Earth I would want to fight -

Vitor vs Rumble was short lived, but I figured as much. The kick that Rumble caught could have easily been the end of the match for Vitor. I believe that the swelling his face took was the result of crashing head first when Anthony tossed him here. Pretty scary moment actually.

Aldo going all DDP after his victory was insanity.

A really great card for Brazil. It looks like UFC Japan is shaping up quite nicely too.

[Edited on 1-17-2012 by BBMN]

Bonestein - 1-17-2012 at 04:46 PM

UFC Japan should be awesome. Bendo vs. Edgar could be a classic. Henderson has been so impressive for the last 3 years now, especially his last 3 fights in the UFC. I don't know if he can beat up on Frankie, but it should be a very fast paced fight. There's nothing not to like about Rampage going back to Japan. We know we're getting a KO out of Kongo-Hunt. Sexyama vs. Shields could be a little boring. Lauzon vs. Pettis should be amazing, could be a second "fight of the year" candidate with Henderson-Edgar. It will be a "must-see" card.

nOOb - 2-5-2012 at 02:27 PM

So...UFC 143 is in the books and Carlos Condit beat Nick Diaz. True to form(s), Condit expressed his respect for fighting Nick Diaz and the effort he brought and stated how thrilled he was to fight GSP when he was healthy, while Nick Diaz immediately bitched about how he was the guy moving forward the entire fight and retired on the spot. This was the result I was hoping for.

[Edited on 2-5-2012 by nOOb]

GimmickMan - 2-11-2012 at 07:54 PM

And then Diaz tests positive for pot! Hurray!

nOOb - 2-11-2012 at 09:46 PM

Yep, I'm convinced Nick Diaz is the MMA version of Jeff Hardy: shows up to work high and his brother is a dick (though, to be fair, so is Nick).

Thom - 2-13-2012 at 06:48 PM


Thom - 2-17-2012 at 03:22 PM

Just a heads up - UFC Ring Girl Brittney Palmer is in the next (I think?) Playboy.


And for anyone wondering why Chandella Powell wasn't at UFC Fight Night this week? Well, it turns out she did some softcore porn (ostensibly) before getting to UFC, and the news came out. So, she got fired. For anyone wondering, she went by the name Mariah Ashton and can be found at

Biff_Manly - 2-18-2012 at 10:45 PM

BBMN - 2-29-2012 at 03:15 PM

Did anyone get to see the prelims on FX? Very good stuff. Combined with the PPV, the card was 5 hours long. Which is normal for most cards, but most don't have such solid prelims lined up. Gomi and Kid fought on them. Gomi won, Kid lost.

Pettis lived up to the terrible back tattoo of his nickname, Showtime.

Boestch vs Okami was a really fun fight. Tim looked totally outclassed for 10 minutes then just walked out and floored Okami for the win. He landed a silly amount of uppercuts before Thunder's knees gave out. Fucking epic comeback.

In case you can't lip read - Tim does the greatest 'God' shout out of all time...

I was severely let down that Sexyama couldn't get his standup to come together. He looked so good at points, but couldn't just keep any rhythm. Which is a shame as he looked like he could be good at 170. The judges didn't even give him the 1st round... fucking Jake Shields...

Rampage is saying he hurt his knee due to the endless grappling he was doing in preparation for Bader. Big win, but mediocre performance from Bader. Kudos to him for not getting FUCKING PARALYZED though... idiot move trying to stop his body with his arm and head. Just tuck and brace...

Hunt continues to deliver ass whoppings with near ease.

I want to see Hunt vs Pat Barry!

And it was a good main event for sure. Edgar seems bitter which is unfortunate. I need to rewatch it to see if he has some merit or not, but I remember feeling it felt very expected when Henderson had his arm raised.

Good win for Henderson. Edgar is kinda crazy. He could easily cut to 145. It's insane that he is so much smaller than Henderson. He did well despite the size difference, but still it's insane that we refuses to cut when it's clear that some guys like Henderson and GSP can cut a lot and still have good cardio for 5 rounds.

nOOb - 2-29-2012 at 04:55 PM

I think Henderson/Edgar was a lot like Henderson/Pettis in that the fight could have gone either way, but just one move (that upkick from Benson in the second round) was the turning point. I'm confused how two judges saw the fight 49-47, because there was only really one round that had a clear cut winner (the second, and that was Henderson), but I guess those two probably scored the fifth round based on who looked like they took the least damage after the whole fight was over.

On the prelims: I caught it, and most of the fights were pretty good. Gomi is damned lucky his guy ran out of gas in at the end of the first, and I'm still confused as to what he was trying to do when he got Gomi down. I mean, Gomi gave up his back to the guy, it was an easy rear naked choke (or at the very least he could have taken his back and thrown punches until the fight stopped), but instead he went towards his head and tried to look in some sort of triangle choke. The only explanation I have for it is he wanted a bonus, knew he wasn't going to get Knockout of the Night with a TKO, and wanted to lock in a more complex hold than what Vaughn Lee used to beat Kid, and it wound up costing him the match. On the other hand, Vaughn Lee fought the type of fight that I want to see from these lighter weights: he used boxing to keep Kid at bay, used his legs to wobble him (Joe Rogan was the only person who caught that initial flying knee that wobbled Kid), threw haymakers to knock him down, and used submission skills to finish.

Only other thing that stood out from UFC Japan was Mark Hunt. The guy has won three in a row now, and one of them was against a guy who was rolling with some pretty big wins himself and was an established guy in Cheick Kongo. I know Hunt was only given fights more out of obligation to the PRIDE buyout than to anything he had recently done, but if Mark Hunt is racking up wins, eventually he may have to be considered a contender. I say give him a guy on a huge roll right now, like Stefan Struve or maybe even Frank Mir, and, in the unlikely case he wins, maybe its time to make him a contender.

Bonestein - 2-29-2012 at 05:07 PM

Main event was awesome. Although it was a close fight, I still saw Bendo as the clear winner. Frankie complaining sucked. Yeah, he landed a few more strikes, which did no damage, and some takedowns, all of which Bendo just bounced back up from. What I really loved from Bendo was when Frankie would take his back standing and have to release because Bendo had his arm... such a smart move.

Henderson is just sick. He's been one of my favorites since the first Cerrone fight (those submission escapes...), but I always get the sense he could get knocked out any time, he just has that look to him. But he's actually shown a pretty amazing chin. Even with the Showtime kick he got knocked down but recovered really fast. And I'm pretty sure he could go 9 rounds and not get tired. Love watching him fight.

Hunt vs. Struve would be great. Hunt vs. Barry would be great. I don't want to see him in with Mir yet but if he pounds out another striker, then it's time for Mir. Who would have thought anyone would be saying that a year ago?

Overall, this card was one of the best cards in history. A ton of fun to watch.

Figure Foreskin - 2-29-2012 at 05:12 PM

Anybody interested in doing an MMA podcast on the Flawedcast Network? I need someone funny and reliable.

BBMN - 3-1-2012 at 06:00 AM

Kid did get fucking smoked by the knee. I almost forgot that. Unrelated note I totally dig his tats. The shaking hands he has are so damn great.

You guys really want to see Struve vs Hunt? Really? I see Hunt demolishing Struve with no problem. It would make the Browne KO on him look like a good time...

Originally posted by Figure Foreskin
Anybody interested in doing an MMA podcast on the Flawedcast Network? I need someone funny and reliable.

I'm interested. I'm occasionally funny, and occasionally reliable. Hell, it might be fun to see of the old FusionFistCutter would help out. His hobby is basically getting drunk and talking shit on sports/wrestling/mma/everything.

Figure Foreskin - 3-1-2012 at 06:57 AM

I've got Cole Escovedo interested in participating. He's a fan of Flawedcast. Nutty, right?

nOOb - 3-3-2012 at 03:32 PM


Apparently, the judges for the Ian McCall/Demetrious Johnson fight forgot how to do math, so instead of the draw they thought it would be, they gave the fight to Johnson (which they shouldn't have). Dana White did get the problem fixed and the decision was reversed into a draw, but now the Flyweight Tournament is in limbo because someone couldn't add and they couldn't get a definitive round 4 in the same night.

Thom - 3-3-2012 at 11:34 PM


My DVR stopped recording with about two and a half minutes in the third round of Kampmann-Alves.

I wasn't too worried, so I looked online, expecting to see that Alves won by decision. Dammit - at least Fuel is rerunning the show Sunday night, so I can see the finish.

BBMN - 3-4-2012 at 02:14 PM

Originally posted by nOOb

Apparently, the judges for the Ian McCall/Demetrious Johnson fight forgot how to do math, so instead of the draw they thought it would be, they gave the fight to Johnson (which they shouldn't have). Dana White did get the problem fixed and the decision was reversed into a draw....

Holy fucking shit. I mean.... really. WTF? Math - How does it work? I thought the decision was weird, but what an explanation...

Originally posted by Thom

My DVR stopped recording with about two and a half minutes in the third round of Kampmann-Alves.

I wasn't too worried, so I looked online, expecting to see that Alves won by decision.

That's shitty. It was good finish. I was rooting for Kampann though and loved the finish. I like Alves, but I want to see Kampann fight for the title sooner then later. Alves got close and lost, where as I feel Kampann's last true loss was in Sept '09 vs Daley. He seemed confused as to how to deal with Alves' pressure, but kept calm and won. Alves completely gave him that win by being stupid. He was a minute away from winning and just had to finish...

Good show. I'm loving the international push the UFC is doing.

mastermind - 3-5-2012 at 03:15 AM

"Rowdy" Ronda Rousey. WTF. How did Miesha Tate even last that long in the armlock? Word to Alberto Del Rio!

Thom - 3-5-2012 at 03:02 PM

The Johnson-McCall decision wasn't a math error - it was a copying error. Apparently, one of the judges scored the last round 10-8 for McCall, but it got copied onto the tally card as 10-9. Still ridiculous, though.

Anyway, I recorded the replay last night, and the end of Alves-Kampmann was... weird? Alves was in total control, and had Kampmann rocked there at the end. I see how he thought he could ensure the win by taking Kampmann down and working a little GnP, thinking that Kampmann wouldn't be able to land a lucky shot at the end. Unfortunately for Alves, he made the error of leaving his neck exposed, and Kampmann was able to take advantage of it.

I really liked Chael Sonnen's studio commentary. I was amazed at how much I liked him when he wasn't being a clown. That being said, I loved how he poked a little fun at himself at Alves's expense. Sonnen, in discussing how Alves was surely to win, said something like, 'you've got to be a real boob to get caught at the end of a fight like that.' Awesome.

For those that haven't seen it - Rousey vs. Tate is below. I'm still trying to figure out how Tate got out of that first armbar. That was fuuuuuuuugly.

nOOb - 3-6-2012 at 12:58 AM

That fight had enough buildup that it could be the shot in the arm that Women's MMA needs to transition to mainstream MMA coverage rather than disappear with Strikeforce. However, I will say this: when Strikeforce goes away, Zuffa should leave its announcers and refs behind. The ref's pre-fight speech annoyed me and the announcers constantly either calling out obvious things or just being wrong on stuff kinda strike me as one of the reasons it was as easy as it was for Zuffa to buy it out.

BBMN - 3-6-2012 at 06:02 PM

Is she double-jointed? That was clearly hyper-extended. I've never seen anything like that not lead to an fighter screaming and having a busted arm.

Thom - 3-16-2012 at 05:57 PM

How in the blue fuck have I not seen this before?

Pat Barry & Cro-Cop on a Road Trip.


nOOb - 4-5-2012 at 01:35 AM

And Overeem has elevated testosterone levels

On one hand, it was smart of the UFC to do these tests NOW, because if/when they find out it was because Overeem is doing PED's (which kinda seems likely), they have a pretty good amount of time available to get a replacement for him to fight Dos Santos...who that replacement would be is beyond me, since Brock is back in WWE, Cain Velasquez lost pretty convincingly and needs to win a fight or two before a rematch, Frank Mir isn't a contender with only wins over Rodrigo Noguera, Cro Cop, and a decision win over a sick Roy Nelson, and Werdum...well, Werdum might work if it weren't for the fact I think him and Dos Santos are in the same fight camp and, thus, won't fight each other. So yeah...this might suck.

DevilSoprano - 4-5-2012 at 01:56 AM

It's gonna be Mir.

nOOb - 4-5-2012 at 02:04 PM

Looking at their heavyweight roster, the fact he's on the same fight card, and that fight card is stacked with other heavyweight fights, that actually seems like Mir makes the most sense. The only other options on that card that are actually on winning streaks are Shane del Rosario, who's going to need one or two UFC wins before a title shot is warranted, Stefan Struve, who is going to be ready one day, just not that PPV, and, heh, Mark Hunt, who I do think is two or three convincing wins away from actually being a legitimate contender, but I fully expect to fall into the same rut Cro Cop and Big Nog fell into (can beat low-to-mid level guys competitively, not so much the top guys).

Thom - 4-5-2012 at 02:41 PM

The UFC doesn't have jack to do with the testing - it's the ACs.

But, yeah, Mir makes the most sense. The only other guys I can think of that would make sense would be Barnett or Cormier, but I can't see Dana bringing in Barnett - at least not yet, with his history of PED usage. And I'm not sure Cormier is a big enough name yet. It's too bad the SF-HW-GP wasn't over, because then the winner (Barnett or Cormier) would be a no-brainer as a replacement. As it is, I think Mir has done enough since his last loss to get another shot at the belt.

nOOb - 4-8-2012 at 02:30 AM

Well, this is becoming more interesting, as Dana White says Cain Velasquez vs. Frank Mir is happening for sure and will be a #1 Contenders match.

Dana has only made two things known:

1) Junior Dos Santos will fight on UFC 146
2) It won't be Frank Mir or Cain Velasquez.

So, naturally, that only leaves a few guys left. Daniel Cormier and Josh Barnett seem to be ruled out simply because the entire Heavyweight tournament has been built up for as long as it has. Apparently, Werdum seems pretty intent on fighting in Brazil, so he may be out too. Mark Hunt's been getting a fairly large Twitter surge to get the shot himself (#RallyForMarkHunt), however it doesn't change the fact that he's Mark Hunt, and it took this current win streak of his to get over .500 for his career.

But the most interesting thing out of that story, which also seems a bit unlikely since Dana sees him as a middleweight still, is Dan Henderson, who said that he would be all for stepping in if needed. Personally, I'd be all for seeing Henderson take the shot and winning a world title at three different weight classes, and I'd give him a shot, since he did beat Fedor and all, but, again, it seems pretty unlikely.

I'll say this: they're taking a potentially bad situation and making it fairly interesting.

Thom - 4-13-2012 at 04:47 PM

Female MMA fighter Felice Herrig - has she been to OO?

nOOb - 4-21-2012 at 03:47 PM

Well, Dev was right: Frank Mir/JDS is your new Heavyweight Title fight.

It's only weird because Dana White said that that match was remaining unchanged and, well, now it's changed. The fight itself makes sense, since Mir was the only guy on a credible win streak (Hunt's win streak isn't exactly title shot worthy just yet), since Dana White sees Dan Henderson as a middleweight anyways, and since that Strikeforce Heavyweight Tournament final features a guy who still needs a big victory or two under his belt taking on a guy Dana White may or may not still considered banned from the UFC.

I wonder where this puts Overeem now (likely either against Cain Velasquez or fired/banned).

BBMN - 5-7-2012 at 12:33 AM

Facebook Prelims

Vemola is a scary wrestler and has huge potential. He has some serious power on the ground and used it to set up a RNC on Mike Massenzio, who is coming off a loss to Palhares (who happens to fight later tonight.) Vemola is a 6 times Czech wrestling champion, and comes out to this insane remix of a the T2 theme. Very scary mother fucker.

Roland Delmore and Nick Denis then fought at Bantamweight. Super crazy 1 round war that many people missed. Both men were rocked and fought back to recover. Delmore looked to be done, but pulls out a choke and gets the win with 1 second left in the round.

Fuel Prelims

Pablo Garza vs Dennis Bermudez
Exciting first round with huge upkicks that nearly KO Bermudez. After this, the fight turns into a lackluster decision victory for Bermudez that sees him control the fight on the ground, but never really do all that much.

Danny Castillo vs Josh Cholish
The two trade strikes for roughly an eternity. I don't recall who wins... Don't care either.

Louis Gaudinot vs John Lineker
The two 125 pounders strike hard and fast. Lineker thorws over 200 punches by the midway point of the fight. Louis is losing by a very small margin in a match that far outshines the previous 2 fights. Eventually Gaudinot lands a takedown against the cage, and after eating a lot of answered shots, Lineker explodes to his feet, but is caught in a guillotine as he tries to overpower Gaudinot with a slam. Very solid fight.

John Hathaway vs Pascal Krauss
A decent 3 round decision goes to Hathaway. Both looked good, but nothing really stood out...

Tim Elliott vs John Dodson
Another flyweight fight. Dodson, the winner of TUF, and Elliott go fucking bonkers in this one. Elliott throws out a crazy array of spinning kicks and knees that appears to keeps Dodson from settling into his groove for a few minutes. As the fight wears on, Dodson uses better technical striking that proves more accurate than Elliott's crazy capoeira-esque strikes. Elliott pushes the pace and wins the 3 round as far as I could tell. A quick look at fight metric shows that the striking was nearly even, but Dodson landed and defended the takedowns much better. Dodson wins vs unanimous decision. The Jersey crowd boos like idiots after the decision is read.

Very good and entertaining fight. I don't think I've ever seen anyone fight like Elliott did here. I want to see more of this guy!

Michael Johnson vs Tony Ferguson
Ferguson is the TUF season 13 winner, with a 14-2 record. Johnson comes in with a modest 11-6 record. On paper this should be Ferguson's fight. After 3 rounds the judges give Johnson a 30-27 victory. Huh. Does this mean that the TUF 13 guys kinda sucked, or that Johnson is getting better? I dunno. Alright fight.... mostly a kickboxing match where Johnson controlled the striking.

Main Card on Fox

Lavar Johnson defeated Pat Barry in a brutal, brutal, match. Both men got some shots in, but at the end of the opening round, Pat had his back against the corner and just tried to absorb as much as he could. But Johnson's uppercuts are just too fucking much. Great show by Johnson. He set up the barrage with a nice head kick, and tossed in a knee to keep it chaotic. Barry is probably asking himself why he gave up the full mount he had at one point. I know I was. I love Pat, but I don't know what he can do at this point. He's kinda small for HW, despite being 240. But he's so thick I don't know if he can cut to 205. I dunno. I just want to see him fight for the UFC because his fights are always entertaining.

Alan Belcher defeats Palhares, by blocking the heel hook attempts and just blasting the shit out his head while on the ground. Fucking A... I'm sad about this. I want to see Palhares grapple Silva to death. But with this loss I doubt the two will ever cross paths. So sad...

Kos loses to Hendricks in a close fight. Hendricks is moving up, and Kos is moving down. It was awkward that Hendricks was obviously poked in the eye early on, but the ref wouldn't let him catch a break. Whatever, as it didn't cost him the match. Goldie points out that only one other fighter has defeated Kos and Fitch - GSP. Hmmm...

Nate Diaz defeated Jim Miller by just being lankier and better. In the second round Diaz opened up on strikes and began his taunts. Miller got desperate and went for a take down, but gets choked out instead. Nate looked so damn good tonight.

Solid night of fights with some good finishes.

[Edited on 5-15-2012 by BBMN]

mastermind - 5-7-2012 at 03:13 PM

Great review, man. I agree with everything you said. I just wanted to chime in and say I also watched the the fights from New Delhi yesterday, headlined by Bobby Lashley vs James Thompson. I was eagerly anticipating the bout, solely because Lashley is one of "our guys" and despite his bad loss to the Gravedigger, I still want to see him succeed (even I think the �Colossus� James Thompson is a complete scram).

My initial reaction was GOOD! When did Lashley turn into George Forman?? Huge, heavy slugging that looked really good and crisp. He wobbled Thompson a bunch of times (more of a testament to Thompson�s weak jaw than anything), but Lashley could never secure a takedown. The went the whole 3 rounds, and both guys looked like they would die by the end. I mean, Lashley just put both hands on his knees and couldn�t event walk back to his corner after the fight. Thompson looked BUBBLED in the face, while Lashley didn�t look scratched� yet Bobby STILL LOST BY DECISION! He was clearly pissed too.

I watched the fight free and live streaming but on mute, so I don�t know if the commentary (also provided by Phil Baroni playing the Joe Rogan role) explained Lashley�s loss better � but I thought he was robbed. He didn�t look GREAT, but I thought he won that fight. Overall it was a good show, with quality fights (even if they�re second or third-tier guys), good production values, an enthusiastic Indian audience and awesome entrances (Anup �Pitbull� Kumar�s was the best). But Bobby Lashley lost a disappointing decision.

Thom - 5-14-2012 at 08:51 PM

Want the M-1 LHW Belt?

If you want an MMA championship belt -- a valid one not sold at local toys stores -- you can either train for years and win it, or be the highest bidder on the M-1 belt that Vinny Magalhaes is selling on eBay.

UFC veteran Magalhaes won the M-1 light heavyweight belt last April and defended it in October, but then found himself in a long, public squabble with M-1 management. He and M-1 director of operations Evgeni Kogan have exchanged nasty insults over Twitter after Magalhaes was not happy with the fights the Russian-based promotion was making and Kogan supposedly coached one of Magalhaes' opponents from ringside, a huge no-no for a promoter who should be unbiased.

Since Magalhaes said he is through his contract and wants to move on from the promotion, he has no reason to hold onto the belt. He put it on eBay, starting bids at $0.09. At the time of writing, it's up to $2,605. Magalhaes tweeted the link and told Kogan, "Hey buddy, you wanted your belt back? #placeyourbid it's on @ebay "

I love Vinny. As of this posting, the bid is up to $14,100. Awesome.

BBMN - 5-26-2012 at 09:21 PM

I will edit this in later...

BBMN - 5-26-2012 at 09:24 PM

mastermind - 5-27-2012 at 01:16 PM

Just a few thoughts about UFC 146:

� Could the �All-Heavyweight� card last night be considered a gimmick PPV, in the vein of �Elimination Chamber� or �TLC�?

� Stefan Struve gets taller every time I see him, and at such a young age (with so much experience) already we�re bound to see him as a main eventer soon enough. The crowd reactions to his ring intro and victory were thunderous.

� This was Del Rosario�s 1st fight in over a year, after a bad auto accident. After last night I�ll call him Mass Transit for the way Stipe Miocic split his shit open like New Jack.

� Speaking of split his shit open � Cain Valesquez. OMG thank goodness this guy didn�t show up to UFC Fox 1. His match with Big Foot is what anti-MMA advocates use as an example. Straight bull-in-a-china shop rushing, culminating in a ground and pound exchange that turned the octagon into a crime scene. One of THOSE gushers, with deep red pools of blood everywhere. Cain held him down and punched his face and head in until the ref stopped. Absolute barbaric savagery. Loved it. If that�s what he can do to JDS (and we don�t doubt it, cuz of Cain�s wrestling pedigree)� well I eagerly await that rematch as well.

� Big Country turned off Dave Herman�s light, and didn�t even have to use jiu-jitsu to get the victory (which would have been poetic justice considering Herman�s supposed anti-jiu-jitsu stance). Could have been considered an objectionable stoppage � Dave certainly complained � but the refs ain�t waiting for total blackouts anymore, even a little flicker and the refs are pulling the plug. So good stoppage in my opinion.

� Prior to his main event title defense, Junior Dos Santos wrote a blog where he said he would beat Frank Mir in the 2nd round. Last night in the 2nd round, Frank Mir rolled over and played dead. In what was a pretty basic stand-up fight (the first round reminded me a little of Mir/Cro Cop � aka �zzzzz�) JDS caught Mir with a few good shots that wobbled him and he never recovered. Is THIS a harbinger of things to come if Cain & JDS square off again? Mir said his goal was to ground JD in the fight � and he tried � but never could. Will Brown Pride Cain Velasquez�s takedowns be met with the same failure? JDS got boxing skills for days and even says he could box at a pro level given some time. After last night � and his own blog prediction � I don�t doubt him.

� Just heard Arianny Celeste got arrested in Las Vegas on some �Tiffany on Drew McIntyre�-type domestic violence.

� Brock Lesnar was in the crowd with the Fertittas at the PPV.

� On an equally important note � Boston Celtics got a 7th game victory against the 76rs last night in a game that was WAAAY too close for my comfort until the 4th quarter. I hoped and prayed for this moment, but with the rash of injuries, loss of Avery Bradley, Rondo�s unpredictable temperament, I hope it�s not setting them up to be cannon fodder against the Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals. Still I�m going with my heart � Celtics in 6. See you in June.

[Edited on 5-27-2012 by mastermind]

Biff_Manly - 5-27-2012 at 11:38 PM

Levar Johnson to Struve: Crack! Hey that's my arm!

I like Big Country, I cannot lie. He rag-dolled that guy, than punched him back awake. There is a title in Roy's future, bet.

The ground and pound was in the house tonight--the Bud Light sign should have been Blood Light.

So what happened to Mir? He looked like the Frank Mir of old. Not like he felt like he had a chance. Not that he did but we have seen him better.

Oh, Brock. No. Unless you learn to punch and can take 100 punches to your fragile guts, no.

Overall, decent card I thought. Better than six little guys rolling around to worried to throw

BBMN - 5-28-2012 at 08:02 AM


Varner gave Barboza (the guy that wheel kicked Etim into stone in Rio) his first loss via charging in and going bonkers for the TKO.

Dan Hardy defeated his long time idol Duane Ludwig with a nice left hook knockdown and TKO. This was a very much needed win for Hardy after losing 4 in a row.

Former WEC champ, Mike Brown, defeated Daniel Pineda in a decent 3 round war.

Also, Mayhem Miller got beat up by CB Dollaway, and apparently did something naughty backstage that got him canned by Dana.

Main Card

Big Johnson got tapped with ease by Struve. Being middle aged, in the UFC, and not in possession of any BJJ is a bad place to be. He looked upset and held his arm, but I didn't see it hyper extend or pop... not sure though if he was fine or not.

The Croatian, Stipe Miocic ate several nasty kicks to the liver,

got angry about that and pounded Shane Del Rosario down for a quick win.

Note to self.... never ever fuck with Stipe Miocic.

Big Country.... Pee Wee... Boom! HEADSHOT!

Cain dismantled Bigfoot like it was his calling. Cain terrifies me. It's unnerving the look on his face after the ref stops it. It's not a look of satisfaction or celebration. It's just a blank look like, "Work is done for today. Time to go home and eat dinner." Fucking BAD ASS.

One second it was all...

and then it was all this 20 seconds later...


He was channeling Fedor tonight with his calm emotionless walk away. Easily one of the most brutal and amazing displays ever in MMA history.

JDS vs Mir

Dos Santos was just too fast for Mir. The former two time champion tried to lure Junior into a ground battle over and over, and eventually it appeared he was trying to play possum one to many times and the ref called it after a big unprotected shot landed to a near defenseless Mir. Masterful performance by JDS.

[Edited on 5-28-2012 by BBMN]

nOOb - 5-28-2012 at 04:35 PM

I couldn't justify spending money on a card that had to be retooled numerous times due to Overeem's elevated testosterone and two of their main card guys getting hurt (Hunt and Gonzaga), since it seemed like only two of the matches had outcomes that were in question (Nelson/Herman and Stipe/Del Rosario). But I was hopeful that the matches would end in a way that would justify looking them up on YouTube, and most of them did. What's more, I think that the guys that did win won as they should have: quickly and convincingly. Struve in particular surprised me, since I thought he'd weather a first round storm before submitting Johnson in the second, and instead he simply pulled him in, got into position for an armbar, and pulled it off.

I feel a bit bad for Bigfoot because that was an awful first match in the UFC for him. He got handled by Daniel Cormier, and Velasquez is a meaner, quicker striking version of Cormier (especially since they train together). Mir was outclassed, and I think he has to be a gatekeeper at this point, because he's only beating guys that really aren't top guys, but losing to the top guys in the division quickly. And Nelson...I really hope he stays motivated and healthy, because I'm a huge fan of the guy, and I would love to see him get to the top of the UFC.

Also, any word on what Mayhem did? I figured he was gone if he lost, which he did, and Joe Rogan and Adam Goldberg calling the match a "must-win" for him kinda solidified that. Though I will admit, the noogie in the first round was pretty funny (while putting him against a guy that was mostly a wrestler and was coming off of hip surgery probably wasn't going to make the fight that entertaining, which it wasn't).

mastermind - 5-29-2012 at 04:34 PM

RE: Mayhem retiring and the "incident" backstage...

For his part, "Mayhem" said there was no incident backstage after the bout. Rather, Miller said that as he was making his way to the Octagon for the fight, he was interrupted by the UFC's backstage director, Burt Watson. Miller claims Watson got on his case for the gas mask Miller was wearing underneath a paper bag-mask he had over his head.

"It was my mask," Miller said. "Burt suddenly started yelling about my mask. I had a gas mask for the troops underneath my paper bag, and Burt started telling me right as I'm walking out for the fight. I'm trying to get focused instead of arguing about a paper bag. Maybe it was my fault for, I don't know, I thought we had an understanding once I start walking out to the cage that now I'm working, but obviously we're not on a playing field of mutual respect.

"I wish I would have heard about it before so it would be easier to deal with. But here I am walking to the cage, and suddenly I started getting yelled at. I'm like �what, I'm trying to focus here.' Things don't always go the way you want. That's life and you have to deal with it."

Also, check out this cut from UWF 3... oh you didn't know? They use battle axes in the UWF... lol

BBMN - 6-22-2012 at 08:00 PM

Will edit in later...

BBMN - 6-22-2012 at 08:02 PM

Will edit in later...

BBMN - 6-22-2012 at 08:06 PM

[Edited on 6-22-2012 by BBMN]

BBMN - 7-5-2012 at 08:42 PM

History Of MMA: Fred Ettish from Bobby Razak on Vimeo.

nOOb - 8-23-2012 at 10:09 PM

[url=]Dan Henderson tore his MCL, and now things are getting interesting[/url.

So, for cliff notes:

1) Dan Henderson tore his MCL sometime last night or this morning.
2) Since UFC 151 was already a weak card without Jones/Henderson, Dana White scrambled to find a ready opponent.
3) Chael Sonnen, who recently moved to Light Heavyweight, was more than willing to take the match on eight days notice.
4) Before the match became finalized, Jones turned it down, instead opting to take a fight 21 days later against Lyoto Machida.
5) Since UFC 151 was already a weak card, it has been cancelled and UFC 152 will now be 151.

Naturally, once it became known that Jones turned the fight down, Sonnen hit Twitter immediately, basically coming up with different ways of calling Jones a coward. White didn't exactly help the situation (nor would he be expected to), since he let it be known Jones was the one who turned the fight down. And, I gotta say, Sonnen may have a bit of merit for once. I mean, yeah, I get the argument that he was training for Dan Henderson, who is a Greco-Roman wrestler/boxer. And Freestyle is a completely different type of wrestling than Greco. But the way I see it, if a training camp is a big deal, then why, exactly, is he willing to take a fight with Lyoto Machida, who is a karate guy, on less than a month's notice, outside of the reason that Jones knows he's already beaten Machida once?

At this point in time, I kinda hope Machida wins.

theflammablemanimal - 8-24-2012 at 01:50 PM

This may wind up being a smart move by Jones that White will probably end up thanking him for. It sounds like UFC 151 was going to be a low-performing dud and a slapped together main event wouldn't have saved it.

But now, with a few more months of speculation and fingerpointing and tweeting, plus a heated press conference where Sonnen calls him a fussy to his fact, there could be major heat for Sonnen/Jones. So a throwaway fight gets turned into a money match.

It's like Austin refusing to fight Brock, except these guys might eventually fight.

Bonestein - 8-27-2012 at 06:21 PM

The problem is that this was their one shot at Sonnen/Bones. Now Sonnen will have to go through the rankings to get a shot, and I doubt he can win 3 or 4 straight in the LHW division. I think even on 8 days notice Sonnen would have driven a decent number of PPV sales, and while I get why Bones didn't do the fight, I think for the sake of Jackson's camp's future with the UFC he should have just done it. Sonnen was basically no threat at all to Bones.

Thom - 8-27-2012 at 08:06 PM

I had posted this elsewhere, but my thoughts were that, if knowing the entire card was going to get scrapped, Dana/Joe could have offered Bones-Sonnen as some sort of non-title fight. Maybe make it a 210 or 215 catchweight fight.

Sonnen wins? HUGE payday when they do the rematch. Also, Bones still keeps his title and has a few built-in excuses for why he lost.

Bone wins? No harm no foul.

Either way, I'm sure Bones and Sonnen would have done just fine with the numbers.

Finally, similar to what was mentioned here, maybe we'll all be thanking Bones in a couple of years. Maybe Dana/Joe/Lorenzo will realize that they need to have more than just one (and sometimes two) big fights per card - just in case something goes awry.

nOOb - 8-27-2012 at 08:41 PM

We might be thanking Bones Jones, or we might be wondering if he was better off taking Sonnen on 8 days notice now that Lyoto dropped out.

I know Jones has taken out a long list of good fighters at Light Heavyweight, but taking on Vitor Belfort on less than a month's notice is typically not the greatest of moves. Taking on a Vitor Belfort that feels humiliated after his loss to Anderson Silva and has gone on to take apart two pretty good fighters in the first round since that loss to earn his way to another title shot? Either this winds up making Jon Jones' status as one of the potential all-time greats nearly solidified, or it winds up being a very short night for Jones that leads to him going to the very back of the line for another title shot.

mastermind - 10-1-2012 at 02:41 PM

What happened to this thread? It�s ironic that there is more and more MMA on TV now than ever before - and this thread is monumentally quiet. Why is that? Are you guys not watching any more? Or is there just a lull in exciting moments to discuss? I personally haven�t popped in here for a while for kinda that reason. I�ve watched everything (in real time too - not DVR�d like wrestling) but haven�t been super inspired by any of it.

OK a couple of things:

* I was not pissed at all by Jon Jones decision to withdraw from the fight with Sonnen. All signs definitely pointed to a set-up, and having watched and studied wrestling history long enough I wouldn�t be surprised if it was a promotional conspiracy to get the title on Sonnen. A) Sonnen didn�t deserve the title shot B) Hendo knew about the injury long before he admitted it C) Sonnen had time to prepare for Jones while Jon did not. I think it all has something to do with Dana White�s hatred of Greg Jackson (the coach) - although he has recently admitted he will NOT discuss Jackson in public, per an agreement he made with Jones. I think it was a bitch move by Dana White to throw his greatest champion under the bus in the wake of that fiasco and try to turn him �heel� in front of the �UFC universe� by claiming Jones was responsible for the first card cancellation ever (and NOT the fact they�ve oversaturated the market).

* I can see Dana�s beef with Jackson though, and his ultra-defensive (aka �boring�) fight strategy. I see that same conflict with Dana White and Roy Nelson on the new TUF season (anybody watching that?) Nelson has the belief that you should just do what you have to do to win (see his *win* over Kimbo Slice on TUF previously) - while White is a proponent of *HOW* you win being more important. More �entertainment� than �sportz� and it�s definitely an interesting conundrum. As a viewer of course I agree with White (I want KO�s! Not hugfests!) but at the highest highest level of championship matches that�s not always feasible. It�s a tough balance, but the post fight bonuses certainly help.

* Speaking of TUF this season - it�s one of the lowest rated, but it�s not *BAD*. Just more of the same old same old. That Smiley Sam fight last episode was crazy though - went 180 degrees different than anybody expected and was pretty thrilling. But boy, Dana White�s dislike of Roy Nelson cannot be disguised. I heard Carwin got hurt but hasn�t pulled out of his fight with Nelson� yet.

* Everybody�s turning down fights and Dana White is not keeping secrets. Matt Mitrione raised his ire recently, and of course his public complaints about Shogun are common knowledge too. And now Rashad Evans has refused to take a fight after Rampage dropped out with injury. It makes sense when you look at it from a serious fighter�s perspective, but Dana White still uses that magic pro-wrestling fairy dust to turn these guys �heels� in the minds of the fans. They can�t ALL be fighting champions like Bret Hart! The loss of Frank Mir in the Cormier fight was disappointing though.

* UFC 152 didn�t blow me away after it�s awesome start (the Cub Swanson delayed fall KO of Oliveria rivals that spin kick that killed Etim a while back). I wasn�t one of the guys booing the Benavidez/Johnson fight but I wasn�t WOWED by it like Dana clearly was (angrily telling fans that booed to stop watching and keep their money). But damn - the 1st round of that main event had me BUGGIN. When Belfort got ahold of Jones arm I thought it was OVER! And I could feel disappointment creeping in - until Jones extracted himself and laid a whooping on Belfort. Another finish for the greatest fighter alive (I like him better than Anderson Silva).

* I actually caught a live stream of the Fuel card too (Comcast doesn�t have fuel channel)� that was a great card! I thought the British commercials were hilarious too. I�m no Handsome Matt Wiman fan (I still remember him most from trying to no-sell a punch - wagging his finger like Dikembe Mutombo - then eating a flying knee KO immediately after), but he used a sick Alberto Del Rio arm breaker to submit an unbeaten guy in exciting fashion. The Dan Hardy fight was cool (for a decision) but man I really like Stefan Struve. I think he�ll get killed by Werdum if he gets that fight - but for a young kid (24? 25? Something like that) he�s got a lot of room to grow. And he�s always in exciting fights, even if he�s losing.

* I�m looking forward to Anderson Silva slaying the American Psycho in the next UFC PPV.

Biff_Manly - 10-16-2012 at 04:55 PM

Originally posted by mastermind

* I�m looking forward to Anderson Silva slaying the American Psycho in the next UFC PPV.

That fight was ugly. Ugly in an adult beating up a child kind of way. Bonner just had nothing that Silva feared. He stood in front of him and basically stuck out his chin. Silva almost look bored.

I don't know if Jon Jones has stuff to beat him even if he was so inclined.

mastermind - 10-17-2012 at 06:34 PM

I am *OUTRAGED* over the decision to award Chael Sonnen a title shot against Jon Jones. While Jones arm injury is still healing (see his recent defense against Vitor Belfort), the two will coach opposite each other in the next season of TUF. Great draw, awesome ratings, can�t wait to watch� but outraged this is fucking happening. I�m too mad to think *who* I would make Jones next challenger, so let me get back to you on that. I�m just so pissed that it is Chael Sonnen. For no statistical reason other than he�s the closest thing to a pro wrestling, money drawing heel character we�ve ever seen. What pisses me off the most? The rash of recent �fun� or �fans want it� fights (like Silva/Bonnar). Oh yeah? I tell ya what the fans REALLY want to see - ANDERSON SILVA VS NICK FN DIAZ! Everything Dana White says doesn�t matter in the Chael Sonnen choice - are the exact things holding him back from making the Diaz fight! Clearly losses don�t matter, right?? Is it cuz Sonnen �plays the game� and Diaz �does not�? LAME. Make the fight! That would be the most incredible, dazzling, exciting fight we may ever see! I implore MMA fans to get vocal about it - especially in the wake of this ridiculous Chael Sonnen decision.

DevilSoprano - 10-17-2012 at 07:31 PM

Nick Diaz is a fucking disgrace. And I'd be totally okay if he never fought in UFC again.

mastermind - 10-17-2012 at 07:37 PM

The exact same thing can be said about Sonnen. Which is my point. Hypocrisy.

nOOb - 10-17-2012 at 10:51 PM

Chael Sonnen isn't a stupid pothead that smokes weed before every major match he's in, nullifying the results of all his wins and giving his idiot followers a built-in excuse when he loses. And he also never promised to do a BJJ tournament with all his winnings going to a charity for kids, then, on the day of the event, decided not to show up (probably because he was stoned)...which is the moral equivalent of showing a needy kid a bundle full of money, having the kid wash his car to get it, then, upon completion, burning the money, pisses on the flames, and making the kid scoop the ashes up and rolling it into a blunt for him to smoke.

Diaz is a douche. He made his brother a douche simply by sharing the same DNA and a similar face. He made his entire camp look like douches simply by daily physical contact (and may have turned Jake Shields into a pothead, judging from his latest suspension). I'd be all for watching Anderson Silva beat the shit out of him, but that would also mean that he got a title shot, which he should never get.

mastermind - 10-17-2012 at 11:14 PM

You're right. Sonnen is a stupid ex-PED abuser who got fined and suspended for it. He lies about tapping out which gives his idiot followers a built-in excuse everytime he loses. Also didn't he promise to retire if Silva beat him? Sonnen is a douche too. Yet he is getting a title shot and Diaz is not - even though (even you must admit) that would be a GREAT fight (Diaz vs Anderson Silva). Even for the reasons we won't mind paying to see Chael vs Jones (with the hope Jones permenantly cripples him). I'm just saying if you're gonna give Sonnen a title shot - now there is NO REASON in the world not to give one to Diaz as well. In a "dream match" that promises a much more exciting fight. I remember when the rumors of the Diaz/Silva fight came up I was amped. But when Dana White explained the reasons *WHY* we won't see that fight I agreed with him. But then he went in the face of everything he said about that case to support Chael's title shot! Foul and it aggravates me!

nOOb - 10-18-2012 at 01:21 AM

Because Nick Diaz also hasn't beaten anyone worth a shit? He beat a BJ Penn that was being his usually headcase self and thinking of retiring before the fight (at a weight class above what Penn usually fights at). Then he lost to Carlos Condit. And before the UFC, he beat a bunch of glorified journeymen. Meanwhile Chael Sonnen has actually beaten a few title challengers before both of his title shots at Silva.

And, no, I don't want to watch Diaz/Silva. Because Nick Diaz isn't a wrestler, which is pretty much the only real weakness Anderson Silva has. We just saw a fight where Anderson Silva beat a guy a weight class above him and let him punch him in the face a few times for kicks. That's the extent of what Diaz is good at. Considering he'd be moving up a weight class to fight Silva, I'd imagine that a Diaz/Silva fight would be the first time Silva got to play Mike Tyson's Punchout! at his regular weight class rather than having to move up a weight class to do it.

Also, I really dislike having to defend Chael Sonnen, because he's a bit of a douche, but how does his "lying about tapping" give fans an excuse to defend him? I can only recall him tapping out twice (once against Silva in the first fight which I'm pretty sure he went on record as to saying "was a lucky move", and once against Demian Maia, which was a pretty open and shut case of tapping out ). If you're going to get petty and copy someone's argument, at least go with something with merit. I know you seem to get a bit antsy when it comes to "reppin' the streets, yo", but you don't win this argument, at least not here: Chael Sonnen is a big douche. Nick Diaz just happens to be a bigger douche who's douche-baggery has affected people outside of MMA.

mastermind - 10-18-2012 at 02:03 AM

Lol, oh please. There is no argument here. It's bullshit in your eyes to give Nick Diaz a title shot against Silva... and it's the same amount of bullshit to give Sonnen one against Jones. The whole thing just reeks to me and I'm sick of Chael Sonnen. And even with your eternal Nick Diaz hatred - can you honestly say you wouldn't pay $60 to see him get Soda Popinkski'd by Anderson Silva?? Isn't that the point of a PPV buy? Plus he has a notable track record of putting on exciting fights, when not smothered into submission. Sonnen's heel card has been pulled too many times in my eyes for him to be a credible threat still. And I'm not feeling Dana's decision to nix the Hendo fight for this (he couldn't wait). It sounds like he's protecting Henderson and screwing Jones.

mastermind - 10-18-2012 at 02:06 AM

And as far as the heelish "I didn't tap out/ I didn't know I was tapping out" whatever funny reason he wants to give, I was thinking of that old WEC thing. I can't even remember but it was something about Sonnen denying the final call or some other cheap heelish bullshit. Not really a big deal but it's one of the first things I remember about him, before he became the "mouth that roared (and convinced Dana White to give him an undeserved title shot)". Can we all just agree that NEITHER Diaz or Sonnen deserve a title shot? And neither more than the other?

Biff_Manly - 10-18-2012 at 06:05 PM

It's kind of moot now but ideally you would have them fight it out. I honestly just want to see some good fights. A fighter who wants to be there is always a better fight than someone who just happened to have not lost in a while.

[Edited on 10-18-2012 by Biff_Manly]

mastermind - 11-17-2012 at 05:20 PM

mastermind - 12-9-2012 at 05:45 PM

I missed the first two hours of the prelims, but caught the Edwards/Stephenson fight live. Great stuff and I�m a longtime Yves Edwards fan (ever since I saw that one where he bled from the head like a faucet - it was the bloodiest fight I ever saw) so I was pulling for him against Lil Heathen. Jeremy Stephens had some trouble with the law recently too, and he�s always kind of rubbed me as a douchey, egotistical bully - so it was gratifying to see him get KTFO (including trying to continue the fight a little bit with the ref after the fact). We had just enough time in broadcast to show the Jorgenson fight from earlier, and that kid looks MUCH better since he bleached his skin or whatever to get rid of that skin condition. It was an ill finish because he made his opponent tap out at literally the 4:59 � second mark of that round. Like RIGHT as the buzzer was sounding. Edwards and Jorgenson both won fight bonuses for that.

The actual FOX card was big - the kind of 4 fight card you could sell as a PPV. Immortal Brown set things off proper with a sick KO finish of Swick (caught him with a left hook and then another punch before Swicks body even hit the mat). The two �legends vs. up-and-comers� fights were disappointing if you�re strictly in the �old school� wagon. BJ Penn looked overwhelmed and uninterested about 3 mins into his fight with Rory McD. He just had nothing for him, and Rory treated him like a useless punching bag. Kinda reminded me of Penn�s lost against Nick Diaz in that he just got completely overwhelmed. Shogun too is on the downward slide.

The main event was a great 5 round clash, even if it didn�t go the way I wanted it too (I�m a huge Diaz mark - don�t be scared, homie) and I have a new level of respect for Ben Smooth. He�s kind of a weird creepy dude himself (with tons of religious references like a new school Kimo, and some weird tooth-pick fetish that he doesn�t want to discuss - anybody else see that awkward and bizarre post fight exchange with Joe Rogan??) - and this fight was a signature win for him. I�m hearing Nick takes on GSP next, with Anderson Silva saying he�ll only fight Jon Jones if Dana White puts the company itself on the line (at least 50% of it). See you at UFC on FX 6 on December 14th.



[Edited on 12-9-2012 by mastermind]

joerizal - 12-30-2012 at 06:59 PM

Sucks for us JDS fans who thought Dos Santos would be a dominant multi-year champion along the lines of Anderson Silva and GSP. JDS' face was so swollen, he was talking like Matt Hamill during the post-fight interview. Yikes.

Pretty much a one-fight card (in terms of sellability), but Nate Diaz vs Jim Miller (Miller via UD) and Consta Phillipou (sp) vs Tim Boetsch (Phillipou via 3rd Rd TKO) were both exciting and action-packed.

On a wrestling-related point, if UFC fans don't explode with "Yes!" chants (with accompanying hand motion) during Diego Sanchez's entrance and fight in March 2013, I will be very very disappointed in humanity.

nOOb - 12-30-2012 at 10:33 PM

Phillipou/Boetsch was boring as shit, much like most of the card was. Boetsch tried to get aggressive early, then broke his hand to end the first. When he couldn't punch effectively in the second, he slowed the fight down and turned it into a wrestling match, which probably would have worked except Phillipou busted Boetsch open above his left eye, then poked him in his right eye. So by the end of the third round, you had a very game Boetsch that couldn't punch, could barely see, and was losing a pretty noticeable amount of blood. All Phillipou needed to do to win was trip him, get on top of him, and throw enough punches to get them to stop the fight, which they did.

In fact, outside of Lauzon/Miller, it seemed like everyone got gassed on that main card in the second round, which is very confusing seeing as how they're all professional athletes. If Dos Santos didn't get knocked loopy in the first round, he probably could have made a fight out of it in the fourth or fifth, because Velasquez was gassed by the end of the first (you could tell because he had Dos Santos' back and started slowing down with his punches...he wasn't as gassed as everyone else on the card got, but he definitely didn't have the full tank Joe Rogan and Other Guy kept saying he had).

knuckleballschwartz - 2-3-2013 at 10:42 AM

Overeem vs Silva: wow. that was brutal.

nOOb - 2-3-2013 at 06:07 PM

That negative drug test that kept Overeem out a year might come back to bite him as far as future employment. I'm sure he'll come back strong in his next fight (unless it winds up being against Dos Santos, in which case he won't), but if he loses again, he's probably banished to Japan or Bellator for the remainder of his career.

Thom - 2-7-2013 at 06:16 PM

Anybody watching this season's The Ultimate Fighter?

That head kick by Hall on Cella?

Dude was supposedly out for 4 minutes.

mastermind - 2-24-2013 at 06:13 AM

Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey...

knuckleballschwartz - 2-24-2013 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by mastermind
Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey... Rowdy Ronda Rousey...

That might have been the ideal first women's fight in UFC - it went how we all expected in the end and the icon survives in Rousey but that neck crank from Carmouche looked epic.

mastermind - 2-24-2013 at 04:10 PM

I just lost all respect for Jose Aldo. Refusing to fight Showtime Pettis cuz he "doesn't deserve it". Weak heart. Str8t pussy move. Dana White said it best, "if Aldo moved up to 155 he wouldn't immediately be #1 contender?" Of course he would. Showtime is my favorite fighter and #1 contender at 155 right now. After Aldo's last victory HE said he wanted to drop to 145 and take that fight. He saw how sick, ill and tough Aldo was and said I want a piece of that. Now Aldo says "no". Fuck him.

And my long awaited GSP vs Nick Diaz bout is finally happening! I'm pretty sure GSP will just grind him out for 5 rounds like he usually does, but still. I'm more amped over that fight than Jones vs Sonnen.

drmuerto - 2-24-2013 at 07:59 PM

Armbar! Take that Chris Jericho circa 1998.

knuckleballschwartz - 2-25-2013 at 12:26 AM

Originally posted by mastermind
And my long awaited GSP vs Nick Diaz bout is finally happening! I'm pretty sure GSP will just grind him out for 5 rounds like he usually does, but still. I'm more amped over that fight than Jones vs Sonnen.

Dana seemed to spend most of the presser talking about how diaz was blowing off media appearances and causing them trouble again. I can still see this fight not happening.

Thom - 2-26-2013 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by mastermind
I just lost all respect for Jose Aldo. Refusing to fight Showtime Pettis cuz he "doesn't deserve it". Weak heart. Str8t pussy move. Dana White said it best, "if Aldo moved up to 155 he wouldn't immediately be #1 contender?" Of course he would. Showtime is my favorite fighter and #1 contender at 155 right now. After Aldo's last victory HE said he wanted to drop to 145 and take that fight. He saw how sick, ill and tough Aldo was and said I want a piece of that. Now Aldo says "no". Fuck him.

It's on. And if Aldo wins, he gets a LW Title Shot.

theflammablemanimal - 3-1-2013 at 04:15 AM

Was Rousey vs Carmouche better than Melina vs Alicia Fox?

BBMN - 3-7-2013 at 10:11 PM


It was a very intense filled match. The champ nearly lost via having her jaw cranked into dust, and got out of the situation and landed an submission of her own as the opening round was ending. Very exciting fight.

I don't know why I stopped posted in this thread so much... I will start back up with some recaps soon - Barao vs Macdonald, Wanderlei vs Stann will be addressed.

Until then, here is Mark Hunt shattering Struve's jaw from this past weekend.

theflammablemanimal - 3-8-2013 at 06:11 PM

How did Rousey become champ? I thought this was the first female UFC match.

DevilSoprano - 3-8-2013 at 06:19 PM

She was the champ in Strikeforce.

Biff_Manly - 3-13-2013 at 04:23 PM

The Hunt knockout and walk away. Basically saying to the Ref "yeah, he's done".

That knockout on TUF was brutal. Actually a really good season so far. I like how Sonnen is messing with Jones. Too bad for him Jones is going to win in their fight.

GSP and Diaz. They have real good weed in Canada. All I am saying.

knuckleballschwartz - 3-17-2013 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
The Hunt knockout and walk away. Basically saying to the Ref "yeah, he's done".

That knockout on TUF was brutal. Actually a really good season so far. I like how Sonnen is messing with Jones. Too bad for him Jones is going to win in their fight.

GSP and Diaz. They have real good weed in Canada. All I am saying.

I'm really enjoying Sonnen's use of the honorific "Coach Jones" - sounds so insincere.

Diaz took the pounding I was hoping.

Thom - 3-21-2013 at 05:10 PM

Women and men, together in the TUF house?

Recipe for disaster.

Or greatness.

Not yet sure.

BBMN - 3-21-2013 at 11:20 PM

knuckleballschwartz - 4-4-2013 at 10:30 PM

So I'm not sure how far behind the US we are on this season of TUF but I just saw the second Uriah Hall knockout (the Bubba McDaniels one).

This guy has some scary striking.

nOOb - 4-4-2013 at 11:27 PM

Nope, you're right with us. And yep, Uriah Hall is a beast. I'll be shocked if he doesn't win it, let alone make the finals. I don't think UFC has had a surefire winner for TUF since Mac Danzig (though that one didn't work out particularly well, maybe because he immediately changed weight classes).

Thom - 4-5-2013 at 02:02 PM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
So I'm not sure how far behind the US we are on this season of TUF but I just saw the second Uriah Hall knockout (the Bubba McDaniels one).

This guy has some scary striking.

A couple of jackasses over at seemed to think Bubba took a dive, because he didn't really want to fight Uriah.


Bubba's face is broken in three places. How could anyone consider that a dive?

Biff_Manly - 4-5-2013 at 06:18 PM

Uriah reminds me of Mike Tyson. The dude will probably win it all, and like Sonnan was saying, he is probably a contender for the actual belt within a year...


The dude is kind of touched in the head. At least the way they have presented him you get the feeling he is a powder keg about to go boom. When he was talking to those guys and got all offended I had a flash of an abusive husband who takes what his wife says wrong. Like he is marking her for beating later. Yes, he maybe a good fighter but I get a weird vibe from him.

knuckleballschwartz - 4-12-2013 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Biff_Manly
Uriah reminds me of Mike Tyson. The dude will probably win it all, and like Sonnan was saying, he is probably a contender for the actual belt within a year...


The dude is kind of touched in the head. At least the way they have presented him you get the feeling he is a powder keg about to go boom. When he was talking to those guys and got all offended I had a flash of an abusive husband who takes what his wife says wrong. Like he is marking her for beating later. Yes, he maybe a good fighter but I get a weird vibe from him.

Having watched his semi-final I'd say he's a contender for the title now - not because I think he can beat Anderson (although it's a match I'd love to see) but because I think he could beat anyone else in the division. Knock out power from the bottom rather damages the probable gameplan a lot of wrestlers would look to use against him.

nOOb - 4-12-2013 at 07:47 PM

Hall's only two defeats are to Costas Phillipou and Chris Weideman. Weideman beat him pretty convincingly, but I get a feeling he may be able to beat Phillipou in a rematch.

knuckleballschwartz - 4-14-2013 at 12:38 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
Hall's only two defeats are to Costas Phillipou and Chris Weideman.

Not any more....

FWIW I thought he did enough to take it into the sudden death decider 4th but I could see others going either way depending on how heavy they thought the two fighters' respective offense was.

BBMN - 4-16-2013 at 07:26 PM

nOOb - 4-28-2013 at 01:49 PM

Broken toes, dislocated thumbs, and bloody eye pokes: that event really was cursed.

joerizal - 4-28-2013 at 04:08 PM

The best part was Bruce Buffer's blooper. Lol.

joerizal - 4-28-2013 at 04:16 PM

That Bruce Buffer video needed its own post.

Roy Nelson continues to be outstanding in providing highlights.

Belcher was tough. He took a shitload of hits to the head, but just refused to go down. Unless Bisping hits like a 13-year old girl. That eye gouge was nasty!

I'll be honest. I was rooting for Sonnen. What can I say? Dude's grown on me. I'll probably be always rooting for Sonnen from this point on, unless his opponent is Anderson Silva.

That said, Bones was just taking him down at will! Beast mode! An MMA juggernaut who comes out all chill and singing to Bob Marley. Swank!

Would anyone be against Chael trying his hand in the WWE?? He's certainly got the character for professional wrestling.

Biff_Manly - 4-29-2013 at 02:32 PM

Did we all see the toe break?

Wow. Just wow. He didn't even realize until the interview with Joe. He was doing the shadow boxing than kind of looks down as Joe walk over and you can see him during the interview like he starts to look like he is going to puke.

It's fun watching Big Country fight.

Rest of the card wasn't bad. Someone seriously needs to do some good voodoo next time the UFC goes to that arena though.

joerizal - 5-26-2013 at 08:02 AM


knuckleballschwartz - 7-6-2013 at 05:14 PM

can't believe so many fighters and talking heads are picking Weidman over Silva for tonight. I, for one, will not be breaking my "never bet against Anderson Silva" rule.

nOOb - 7-6-2013 at 06:28 PM

It's because of what Sonnen and Dan Henderson were able to do to Silva when they stuck to their wrestling game plans. Sonnen won rounds from Silva in both of their fights before making mistakes (more obvious mistakes in their second fight) and Henderson beat Silva for the first round of their match before he ran out of gas. Weidman's a pretty good wrestler (to the point where people in the wrestling community knew who he was before he showed up in the UFC), but, like you mentioned, you can't really bet against the best in the world. It also helps out that two of Silva's last five matches have involved him being beaten by wrestling, so there's no way he hasn't spent the past year working on his wrestling defense.

CamstunPWG187 - 7-7-2013 at 05:37 AM

Anderson Silva just got knocked out.

There you go, Knuck.

knuckleballschwartz - 7-7-2013 at 05:43 AM

Originally posted by knuckleballschwartz
can't believe so many fighters and talking heads are picking Weidman over Silva for tonight. I, for one, will not be breaking my "never bet against Anderson Silva" rule.


A lot of people are gonna talk about Anderson clowning, playing, being hubristic or whatever. I've always thought that was part of his offensive arsenal in that he draws people into positions he wants. I guess tonight we saw the downside.

mastermind - 8-18-2013 at 04:27 PM

Great promo from Chael Sonnen to close the night in Boston. Sucks that stupid channel wasn't available in most Boston-area homes but for those who bore witness it was good. Much better then the last (and 1st) Boston card with Toney vs Couture. JLo & Uriah Hall were huge disappointments, though I can't hate on Doomsday pulling out the win. Doomsday Howard has been ALL over the news recently to the point even non-fans know him as "the MMA guy who broke the Boston Marathon Bombers nose".

Overeem again gets his big head kicked in, Uriah Faber proved the white boy still got it & Matt Brown is still the Immortal king of Trailer Park trash (his bout with Mike Pyle looked like a domestic dispute issue from an episode of COPS in 1993). I wonder if this will be the last UFC card in Boston, as Mr. White didn't seem too enthused about all the bureaucratic red tape (including a last minute effort to ban minors from attending). But Chael Sonnen's pitch-perfect promo at the end of the show was the perfect capper for a drunken night of revelry.

nOOb - 8-18-2013 at 06:38 PM

I would hope that both Brown and Browne just put themselves at the top 5 of their divisions with their performances: Matt Brown because that's six dominating performances over pretty good talent from a guy who was a win over .500 before and Travis Browne because he just did everything great fighters do, with weathering a beating, staying active while being beaten on, and ending it all with a finish. Typically I'd say Browne should get a title shot pretty soon, but I think they need to rematch him against Bigfoot so he can get that win back (which he would have got in meeting one had he not hurt his knee).

And Faber still has it, but that win also shows how unnecessary it is for the 135 and 125 pound divisions to exist. Right now, 135 is Barao, then Faber, and then everyone else, with a noticeable talent difference between Barao and Faber, and a huge talent difference between Faber and everyone else. And Demetrious Johnson has already proven he's better than everyone else at 125, which is doubly sad since 125 has all of five people on the roster. They may as well merge the divisions: that 10 pound weight difference isn't really that big a deal, and Johnson improving at the rate he has just means he should be able to at least hang with Faber, if not Barao, too.

joerizal - 10-20-2013 at 03:01 PM

Do yourselves a favor and find Round 3 of Diego Sanchez vs Gilbert Melendez from UFC 166. I haven't cheered that loud since Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at WM 25.

knuckleballschwartz - 10-21-2013 at 07:24 PM

Originally posted by joerizal
Do yourselves a favor and find Round 3 of Diego Sanchez vs Gilbert Melendez from UFC 166. I haven't cheered that loud since Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at WM 25.

I spent much of that round cringing at the unnecessary punishment Sanchez was taking.....and then he connected with that uppercut and I was all in.

JDS looked pretty poor - not really sure what the game plan was, didn't really seem to have any idea how to stop Cain driving him to the fence, putting his head on his chest and dominating.

theflammablemanimal - 11-19-2013 at 03:21 AM

Just read about Dana White's comments regarding GSP saying he needed a break after getting his face ruined. Dana White is a jackass.

CVD39 - 11-21-2013 at 09:44 AM

After watching this season of TUF, I've come to realize Ronda Rousey is pretty much a bully twat. Never followed women's fighting too much and Meisha Tate seems like an immature little prankster bitch but I honestly don't care if she wins or loses any fight going forward. But Rousey? Yeah, she's pretty cunty.

mastermind - 12-29-2013 at 07:26 AM

Holy crap what a finish to that main event. Is this the literal END of Anderson Silva's career?? They showed that replay *ONCE* and that was enough. Goddamn. Weidman was humble in victory though. Same canNOT be said for Rousey. Seriously, I never heard a crowd react like they did tonight during her victory prattle. The booing was so loud even Joe Rogan had to acknowledge it. Is she MMA Heel #1 now that Chael Sonnen has seemingly moved on to the commentator booth??

CamstunPWG187 - 12-30-2013 at 03:40 AM

this is even worse news.....Silva apparently was screaming and freaking out backstage, apparently similar to how someone would sound while being eaten by a zombie.

No joke, he was apparently in too much pain to comprehend. There was even a picture of him screaming while on the stretcher, but I don't want to post it.

Gobshite - 12-30-2013 at 04:43 PM

Having broken my leg in a similar fashion to the way he did... I don't blame him. All those people that say "I think I've broken something"- you haven't. When it's snapped like that you know about it big time, and the only thing I did for the first fifteen minutes was grab my leg or try to pull my hair out and scream "fuck!" As loud as I could over and over again.

Actually just makes me respect how fucking tough Sid is for finishing his match in WCW, even if he did just lie there!

vonLampertheim - 1-1-2014 at 11:52 PM

Originally posted by theflammablemanimal
Just read about Dana White's comments regarding GSP saying he needed a break after getting his face ruined.

Has there been any information/rumour/decent speculation on what in GSP's personal life has caused him to go dormant in the UFC? Dude looks like he is losing his shit over something. He definitely doesn't have it together and is giving off that "my lawyer has reliable information that the feds have me dead to rights and I'm never going to answer my door and my phone is tapped and the plants have ears and why are you looking at me like that and don't touch me and I gotta go bye" vibe.

[Edited on 2-1-14 by vonLampertheim]

mastermind - 1-2-2014 at 12:27 AM

Early warning signs of pugilistic dementia was the gist I got from the whole GSP debacle.

Jheaton - 1-9-2014 at 07:53 AM

The Future of Women�s MMA

In the early 2000�s I got really into boxing largely because I had a roommate who was a huge boxing fan, I had always been a fan but he insisted on watching all the big fights and most of the small ones. This was an interesting time to be fan of the sweet science you had Floyd Mayweather back when he was still �Pretty Boy Floyd�. Oscar De La Hoya, Bernard Hopkins, and Roy Jones Jr all in their prime, and the last great heavyweight fight Lenox Lewis vs Vitali Klitschko.
You also had an interesting push for the sweeter science women�s boxing of course highlighted by Laila Ali (and here fight against Joe Frazier�s daughter Jacqui; essentially Ali � Frazier 4). You had women�s fights on various PPV outlets (never on HBO though) and regularly on ESPN�s Friday night fights. You had other stars too; Christy Martin �The Coal Miners Daughter�, Mia St. John (who could be compared to Gina Carrano as being more famous for being a good looking model and Playboy centerfold than a fighter), Ann Wolfe, and perennial jobber to the stars Valerie Mahfood. I remember seeing Vonda Ward (sometimes referred to as a female Ivan Drago) win the Women�s heavyweight title.
But then women�s boxing seemed evaporate. Laila retired in 2007, Anne Wolfe in 2006. No new stars. What happed? Perhaps the stars where spread out across too many weight classes and the talent wasn�t there. HBO never got on board with women�s fights and that would have helped. And maybe the fan bases wasn�t there, I always enjoyed seeing the ladies scrap (not to be all hipster but I was following women�s mma before it was cool) but did the average fight fan?
And now roughly a decade later we are seeing women�s MMA taking off. According to Dave Meltzer Rowdy Ronda is the 5th biggest PPV draw the UFC has ( and will probably get bigger as GSP is apparently ready to ride off into the sunset. But can the sport survive with out her. She�s all ready talking about( retirement ) and will probably have opportunities to make money that don�t involve her getting her head kicked in. Now she has plenty of money fights left in my opinion, assuming she wins the Meisha Tate rematch, you have Cat Zingano (who�s undefeated �Somebodies 0 has got to go!), and of course Sara McMann where you could do undefeated Olympic medalist vs undefeated Olympic medalist.
But will the sport survive here lost. Can you survive the lose of a popular champion in another star doesn�t emerge? Is the talent out there and are the fans will to support the women�s divisions (135 and 115 which doesn�t have a household name for a champion) if there are no stars. And most importantly will Dana nurture the division after the meal ticket is gone or will he kill it?

nOOb - 1-9-2014 at 10:29 PM

Women's boxing stood less of a chance surviving than men's boxing does. Men's boxing is lasting because there's plenty of billionaires willing to pour money into the one sport they like betting on, but regular interest in the sport is almost non-existent and dropped off significantly after Manny Pacquaio lost twice and Floyd Mayweather opted not to fight him.

MMA is still strong, and women's MMA, though it's been around a while, is basically new right now because UFC is doing it new. And the thing working in the UFC's favor that never worked in boxing's favor is that it's an easy transition for any athlete to make from whatever sport they don't want a part of anymore, so long as they start the transition early (or are a freak athlete like Herschel Walker). That MMA training is now a regimen in the training schedules of professional football, baseball, basketball, and hockey players also means there won't be a shortage of fighters.

Since there really aren't any sports out there that have the public's eye for women, Women's MMA is going to start getting a lot of Olympians. McMann and Rousey are two of the best right now, but that's because they started early. Now that the way is open, they're going to have more competition coming their way. And that's not even including the women that are out there still that are eventually going to find ways to adjust to Rousey (Caramouche and Tate already set that up in their recent losses: she's not winning in Round 1 anymore). Plus they always have the ability to sway Carano into coming back.

So long as moderately hot, elite level athletes continue to compete, the UFC Women's Division will survive.

GimmickMan - 2-25-2014 at 03:20 AM

So who's looking forward to this HOT TUF: China show on Saturday? Should be a good one!

CamstunPWG187 - 2-25-2014 at 10:04 AM

That last PPV was pretty generic. Definitely one of the weaker offerings from UFC in a long time.

mastermind - 2-25-2014 at 02:04 PM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
That last PPV was pretty generic. Definitely one of the weaker offerings from UFC in a long time.

Agreed. It reminded me of the old Saturday Morning WWF shows with squash matches galore. Daniel Cormier & Ronday Rousey crushed their opponents like they were jobbers. I'm more looking forward to Pettis and Gilbert Melendez as opposing TUF coaches. "Straw weight females" or something like that? Maybe too many chicks already. I think Dana was right by sticking with the 135 bantamweight and leaving it at that. We'll see if Cyborg can make the weight cut without it "killing her".

mastermind - 3-16-2014 at 03:35 PM

Thom - 3-17-2014 at 02:39 PM

Condit had screwed his knee up earlier from a takedown. Woodley's kick just sealed the deal. You can see in that first gif, that Condit was favoring it a little. And in the second gif, it looks more like Condit might have been OK, until trying to turn, but his foot stayed planted.

Ugly, in any case.

edit: 2nd gif...

[Edited on 3/17/14 by Thom]

mastermind - 8-5-2014 at 02:19 PM

Jon Jones & Daniel Cormier get into it during a staredown.

GIF here:

BBMN - 9-19-2014 at 10:48 PM

Bigger upset;

TJ defeating Renan or Benson getting clocked by Dos Anjos ?

janerd75 - 9-20-2014 at 02:06 AM

Originally posted by BBMN
Bigger upset;

TJ defeating Renan or Benson getting clocked by Dos Anjos ?

I'll give the edge to TJ on this one. He nailed Renan and then owned him the rest of the fight, something, I think, almost no one saw coming. Benson seems to be showing some cracks in the armor in never getting past Pettis. It was shocking how he got got by Rafael, but not surprising.

On a side note, I sure as hell am looking forward to the Ortiz-Bonnar trainwreck, a textbook case of why MMA is not and should not try to be WWE. LOLBellator!

BBMN - 9-23-2014 at 03:12 AM

Here you are telling me why I don't want to watch Bellator... It seems they have had their share of decent fighters and fights, but are now trying to poach yesterday's stars from the UFC.... kinda lame. At least its not Ken Shamrock...

As for Benson or Renan being the bigger upset - It's hard for me to call. On one hand Renan was basically thee biggest stud of the lower classes for ages. However, I'm still stunned that Benson lost to a guy that really has been around forever, and never struck me as Top 5 material. It was really surreal to see Anjos look so sharp. Same could be said for how perfect TJ looked...

janerd75 - 9-23-2014 at 04:04 AM

Holy balls, this was intense. Peace out, Wandy.

BBMN - 11-17-2014 at 12:49 AM


My jaw dropped when Hunt got dropped. Werdum easily has had the greatest improvement in striking that I've ever seen in such a short time. Cain vs Werdum could be closer than I had anticipated.

And did anyone watch the prelims? A woman almost had her ear ripped off. And a dude pooped himself. Not exactly television material.

Not even gonna post the ear stuff.

janerd75 - 11-17-2014 at 01:46 AM

Originally posted by BBMN

My jaw dropped when Hunt got dropped. Werdum easily has had the greatest improvement in striking that I've ever seen in such a short time. Cain vs Werdum could be closer than I had anticipated.

And did anyone watch the prelims? A woman almost had her ear ripped off. And a dude pooped himself. Not exactly television material.

Not even gonna post the ear stuff.

I saw both the Bellator and UFC fights and all in all they were pretty damn good. Between both cards I can't recall a time when I saw so many submissions and stoppages.

I got to my friend's place late after earmageddon and he couldn't wait to rewind it and show me. That chick's ear exploded like a blood squib in Robocop.

Yeah, I couldn't believe Hunt got dropped like that. He seemed unfazed up until the knee and was just waiting for the right moment to drop a bomb.

The only match that outright sucked from either promotion was Ortiz-Bonnar. The entrances for both were horrid abominations in execution. I'd prefer seeing Shockmaster's debut looped for ten hours straight than the shit they pulled. Poor man's Sonnen had some sub-ICP lip-synching buffoon rap him to the ring. They both looked out on their feet within a minute of the first round. Both of you, stahp.

Bellator Results:

BBMN - 12-11-2014 at 12:27 AM

Man crush on Robbie Lawler following his capture of the WW title...

And Pettis looked so impressive. I think he might be the most dominant champ right now.

janerd75 - 12-11-2014 at 01:03 AM

BBMN, what was your overall impression of the Hendricks/Lawler fight? I had it slightly for Hendricks, but I really couldn't understand that 'head down between Lawler's crotch takedown' move he kept doing. They're pretty even at ten rounds of fighting, but I don't know if another five is fair with Rory in the wings.

I sure wish Faber would have outright said the fight should have been a 'no contest' for that unintentional eye gouge. But, heat of the moment, so what the hell can you do? I'd say rematch for those two, at least.

BBMN - 12-13-2014 at 09:19 PM

I need to rewatch it. At the time was surprised. Mainly because judges typically score take downs very highly. Which is something I hate. If it doesn't do anything to really hurt or threaten the opponent, a take down is really just a pause in action. I've felt they were valued too highly for years. So if this is in fact judges moving away from take down centric scoring, I'm incredibly happy. Time will tell.

I guess it was one of the middle rounds that went Lawler's way. Those are what I need to watch closest.

By the end Lawler was on fire and Hendricks was running away almost, something he has never done. If Hendricks is to be believed, he weighed 218 before camp. Injured or not, he could've watched his food, and had a good cardio routine. This is unacceptable for a champion and would explain why he was trying to run away. Lost a lot of love for him after those last two rounds. He simply didn't want it enough to stop eating junk food.

Here he was a few months back... looking like me, not like a champion. 5'9" and 218lbs? Ugh. I hope Uncle Dana had a really serious talk with him.

Moving forward, I think an aggressive Rory, Woodley, and Condit all could be fun title fights.

nOOb - 12-14-2014 at 03:11 PM

I like how CM Punk is already messing with people's heads. Nate Diaz took the opportunity this week to trash talk him to the point where he forgot to make weight. So, naturally, he did what all Diaz brothers do when things don't go their way and put a half-ass effort into a fight he was likely going to lose anyways.

BBMN - 12-14-2014 at 09:02 PM

To be fair, anytime I see a guy that always makes weight, miss by a few pounds, I suspect they're injured. He has confirmed he was, but won't say how badly. I would think he had a hurt ankle or knee, given that he was so slow to adapt to the leg kicks.

As for him ranting about Punk. Every single thing he said was spot on. He's actually really on point about it.

"UFC's Nate Diaz slams CM Punk in profane rant..."

He really isn't going after Punk. He's attacking how truly stupid this situation is. And it is stupid.

As for it being inevitable that he would lose to Anjos? It's hard to say really. I could tell he wasn't 100% during the fight. That said, saying its inevitable that Anjos would beat most anyone in the division is actually a pretty easy prediction. He's evolved this past year into a killer. So even if Diaz losing was bound to happen, that speaks more to Dos Anjos' evolution than to Diaz's abilities.

DevilSoprano - 12-15-2014 at 01:16 AM

Nate Diaz really isn't the one who should be talking shit. He's a talentless fucking hack who continues to stay relevant because he knows how to get his name out there, but any & every time he's been in a major fight he's been severely outclassed. And there's always some bullshit excuse like he took the fight lightly or he was looking ahead or he was injured. Here's a novel idea, Nate Diaz just fucking sucks and is seriously an embarrassment to anyone who's ever studied martial arts.

janerd75 - 12-15-2014 at 06:24 AM

Tru dat on everything Dev said. If your last name is Diaz and your first name begins with the letter 'N', you're pretty much the last person who should be commenting on professionalism in any sport.

However, speaking as the complete and total brain-addled savage that he is, he did bring up some interesting points that I have been thinking about and have actually begun to sway me over into the 'Punk's gonna get fucked up' camp. Certainly, he made valid points about the stuff he said regarding Punk coming right in for the payday and the PPV draw and the business aspects of it, etc., being a bit silly. But I also noticed the twinkle in his eye when he was talking about Punk's 'virgin nose' (about 5:23 in), like he was one of the Sisters sizing up Andy Dufresne the first time he stepped off the bus to into Shawshank. I'm wondering if all the other well-wishers were being less forthcoming in their intentions than Nate when they were welcoming Punk aboard? You grab a brass ring in the UFC by beating your opponent with it right before you shove it up their ass.

I looked at all the guys faces at this last UFC event really well and I'll be goddamned if all of them, even the chicks, weren't rearranged from fighting in one way or another. Cauliflowered ears, broken noses, calloused up faces...Punk ain't got none of that on his fresh fish face. At least he won't be fighting with that fucking lip ring whenever he finally gets in the Octagon.

I also am reading about how Punk's BJJ training regimen hasn't been as thorough or consistent as I imagined it to be. Which kind of makes sense considering his previous occupation. Hard to train like you mean it fo' realz when you're on the road and/or injured in some fashion most of the year for over a decade straight.

I'm even more curious to know why, if money ain't no thang, he's at least not going through TUF or some other such low level MMA farm type system? I realize a proper training camp is roughly the equivalent of the latter, but they could've certainly made bank with him on TUF. I dunno, but something's fucky about all of this.

I still am hoping that Lesnar's actually healed up proper and makes another run in the UFC. I would shit to see them both in at the same time, though I don't think we'll ever get to see Rogan call the action on something like this...

BBMN - 12-15-2014 at 06:45 PM

So we are gonna play shoot the messenger regarding Diaz's comments. That's nice. Doesn't.change the fact that he's correct. The top mma promotion has signed a guy based on his name, not his ability. It's laughable. Punk has no business in there. Go to Bellator or some no name indie promotion and get a fight or three in. Then its not a joke. Literally every thing Diaz said is right.

As for Diaz being talentless - LOL. Dude has wins over Cerrone, Miller, and Gomi. Those are all very good and dangerous men. Calling one of the top lightweights over the past half decade talentless.... Oh lawd.

And so what if he's unprofessional? He's not ddressing another fighter's professionalism. Hell, one could not even be a fighter and see the obvious truth in what he's saying. It's all about marketing, not merit. What other sport in the world would allow this? Bowling?

[Edited on 12-15-2014 by BBMN]

BBMN - 12-15-2014 at 07:16 PM

Like Diaz, I wish Punk good luck. And if you somehow come across our little conversation, Punk, make sure not to pull guard if you ever fight Munoz. Please don't do that.

Honestly Punk gets destroyed by any of the top 15 at 185. Good thing there's a lot of "talentless hacks" in every division's top 15. LOLs.

His best chance is a fighting a guy with questionable sub defense and poor take down defense and shit striking and no power. I have no idea who this would be. Probably some kids that's fighting on the undercard in a Midwestern promotion we've never heard about.... Some kid thats like 1-4 and is 20 years old.

The reason they didn't put him on TUF is simple. Don't break that cash cow before you cash it in... A lot of guys on TUF are good fighters before the show begins. They aren't people with zero experience. Punk is. He'd probably lose to most of them.

I like Punk. I do. He's been one of the best things to happen in pro-wrestling in the past ten years.

[Edited on 12-15-2014 by BBMN]

mastermind - 1-3-2015 at 03:46 PM

On the eve of perhaps the most anticipated fight in recent history (at least according to uncle Dana, or at least until Anderson Silva returns), it's a must that we bring back the point-voting system. 2015 and beyond!

(I'm gonna stick with UFC cards for now, unless something huge comes up elsewhere)

Brief Recap of the Rules:

- You start with 50 points (dollars, shots whatever you wanna call it)

- you assign each fighter a point value between 0(min) and 25(max)

- you must spend all 50 points each event

- example of point distribution:
----- 2 fighters get 25 points each = 50 total (higher risk but only two guesses to max points)
----- 5 fighters get 10 points each = 50 total (put equal points on each fight)
----- 10 fighters get 5 points each = 50 total (you will always win 25!)
----- any random combination that equal 50 total!

UFC 182: Jones vs Cormier
January 3, 2015
MGM Grand Garden Arena
Las Vegas, Nevada

Fight Card:

Light Heavyweight Jon Jones (c) vs. Daniel Cormier [a]
Lightweight Donald Cerrone vs. Myles Jury
Middleweight Brad Tavares vs. Nate Marquardt
Flyweight Kyoji Horiguchi vs. Louis Gaudinot
Welterweight Hector Lombard vs. Josh Burkman

My point selection:

20 on Jon Jones (I wanted the whole 25 but don't want to curse one of my top 3 fave fighters ever)

10 on Cowboy Cerrone

15 on Josh Burkman

5 on Brad Tavares

Who is next to jump and get beat down!?!?

janerd75 - 1-4-2015 at 01:56 AM

Light Heavyweight Jon Jones (c) vs. Daniel Cormier [a]
Lightweight Donald Cerrone vs. Myles Jury
Middleweight Brad Tavares vs. Nate Marquardt
Flyweight Kyoji Horiguchi vs. Louis Gaudinot
Welterweight Hector Lombard vs. Josh Burkman

My point selection:

20 on Cormier (I wanted the whole 50 but don't want to curse the guy that's gonna 'Weidman' Jones)

10 on Jury

5 on Nate Marquardt

5 on Horiguchi

10 on Lombard

mastermind - 1-4-2015 at 05:31 PM


That was my overall impression of the card. It was all top-heavy to begin with, seemingly relying strictly on the main event. Some pretty boring decisions. Even in the main event lacked some luster. I can see why people may say Bones is "fake", or even if the heat between him and DC was really fake, because Jones feigned politeness (even touching gloves to start) and sincerely apologized for his eye poke (according to Rogan on commentary). But DC looked broke by the 2nd round when he couldn't stop watching the clock, and just waiting for it to end. He was already beat when he cried "I'm trying!" in his corner between rounds. Jones embarrassed him in the end with the takedowns and posing too, very Anderson Silva-ish. The most exciting part was the last 3 seconds when it looked like Herb Dean caught a punch to the face! I think the most impressive part of the entire night was the Irish Dragon, and that was on the prelims.

Oh well, on to Boston (I'll be there live for that!) and then Anderson/Diaz at the end of the month. I'm definitely looking forward to those.


Jon Jones (c) def. Daniel Cormier Decision (unanimous)

Donald Cerrone def. Myles Jury Decision (unanimous)

Brad Tavares def. Nate Marquardt

Kyoji Horiguchi def. Louis Gaudinot Decision (unanimous)

Hector Lombard def. Josh Burkman Decision (unanimous)

So the final results of our first reader showdown of 2015 is:

MSD (35 total points) def. Janerd75 (15 total points)

MSD 1/0/0

Janerd75 0/1/0

Who's next to jump up and get beat down! See you in Beantown!!

mastermind - 1-7-2015 at 01:51 AM

LAS VEGAS � UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones announced Tuesday that he has entered a drug treatment facility.

The announcement came just days after Jones defeated Daniel Cormier on Saturday in the main event of UFC 182 at the MGM Grand Garden in a five-round decision that left many considering him as the greatest mixed martial arts fighter of all time.

But in a random drug test given to him on Dec. 4 by the Nevada Athletic Commission, Jones tested positive for benzoylecgonine, the main metabolite in cocaine.

The Nevada commission follows the World Anti-Doping Agency code and benzoylecgonine is not banned out-of-competition. As a result, the commission was unable to penalize Jones or prevent him from fighting despite knowing of the positive test.

It conducted a follow-up test later in December that Jones passed. Yahoo Sports was unable to get the exact date of the second test that Jones passed.

Jones released a statement to Yahoo Sports through his attorney acknowledging his problem.

"With the support of my family, I have entered into a drug treatment facility. I want to apologize to my fianc�e, my children, as well as my mother, father, and brothers for the mistake that I made. I also want to apologize to the UFC, my coaches, my sponsors and equally important to my fans. I am taking this treatment program very seriously. Therefore, at this time my family and I would appreciate privacy."
The UFC released the following statement in regards to Jones:

�We support UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones� decision to enter a drug treatment facility to address his recent issue. While we are disappointed in the failed test, we applaud him for making this decision to enter a drug treatment facility. Jon is a strong, courageous fighter inside the Octagon, and we expect him to fight this issue with the same poise and diligence. We commend him on his decision, and look forward to him emerging from this program a better man as a result.�
Nevada commission chairman Francisco Aguilar said the commission is going to discuss out-of-competition drug tests at its next meeting and whether to break from the WADA code in similar situations.

"I am pleased that Mr. Jones is addressing this issue and seeking help for his problem," Aguilar said.

The test given to Jones was analyzed for anabolic agents, peptide hormones, growth factors and related substances, beta-2 agonists, hormone and metabolic modulators, diuretics and other masking agents, stimulants, narcotics, canabinoids and glucocorticosteroids.

mastermind - 1-9-2015 at 08:01 PM

Brief Recap of the Rules:

- You start with 50 points (dollars, shots whatever you wanna call it)

- you assign each fighter a point value between 0(min) and 25(max)

- you must spend all 50 points each event

- example of point distribution:
----- 2 fighters get 25 points each = 50 total (higher risk but only two guesses to max points)
----- 5 fighters get 10 points each = 50 total (put equal points on each fight)
----- 10 fighters get 5 points each = 50 total (you will always win 25!)
----- any random combination that equal 50 total!

UFC Fight Night: McGregor vs Siver
January 18, 2015
TD Garden
Boston, Massachusetts

Featherweight Conor McGregor vs. Dennis Siver
Lightweight Donald Cerrone vs. Benson Henderson
Middleweight Uriah Hall vs. Louis Taylor
Lightweight Norman Parke vs. Gleison Tibau

My points:

25 on Conor McGregor
20 on Benson Henderson
5 on Norman Parke

Who's next to jump up and get beatdown??

[Edited on 1-9-2015 by mastermind]

janerd75 - 1-9-2015 at 10:46 PM

20 on Conor McGregor
15 on Donald Cerrone
10 on Uriah Hall
5 on Gleison Tibau

BBMN - 1-12-2015 at 12:52 AM

Interestingly both Jones and DC had highly unusual T levels after the fight. According to those in the know, this could mean masking agents to hide doping. Jones was at 0.2 and DC was 0.4, whereas it was expected they would be closer to 1, as most men are. Odd. Cocaine I guess can account for low T...

Shitty ending to a mediocre fight. Jones needs to move to HW to keep me interested.

Thom - 1-12-2015 at 04:37 PM

Taylor's out. As far as I know, Hall doesn't have an opponent.

janerd75 - 1-14-2015 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by BBMN
Interestingly both Jones and DC had highly unusual T levels after the fight. According to those in the know, this could mean masking agents to hide doping. Jones was at 0.2 and DC was 0.4, whereas it was expected they would be closer to 1, as most men are. Odd. Cocaine I guess can account for low T...

Shitty ending to a mediocre fight. Jones needs to move to HW to keep me interested.

Yeah Jones needs to get to HW. His frame can certainly handle the weight. The only guy that's truly handled him in this division was Gustafsson.

To add to what Mastermind posted and you followed up with...

Though the Deadspin article starts off with the not quite accurate, 'brilliant title defense', it does raise some interesting issues. It seems to add to what Cormier was saying about Jones being a different person off camera than on. As to what he was referring to...? Dunno, being a hypocritical dick necessarily doesn't and shouldn't preclude someone from being a success in their chosen field. Yeah, we can call them out on it, like I did with Diaz, but that doesn't change the fact that they're good at what they do.

What I'm curious about is the drug factor. What do you fellow MMA fans find as acceptable substances? I'm not talking about the rules as they stand now, but if you were the hypothetical Commissioner of the MMA Universe. What drugs would you accept in a brutal sport where guys generally, and sometimes very specifically, cause grievous bodily harm to one another?

As an example, Joe Rogan's said he could never fight due to all the drugs coursing through his system at any given time, but I sincerely believe he could legit fuck some good fighters up due to his skill set and training background. But the stuff he's on seems tame compared to anything his buddy Doug Stanhope does and is mostly relegated to hallucinogens like DMT and weed. I'm fairly certain he's on HGH too if I recall correctly. I suppose logic would dictate that if, say, HGH were allowed, everyone would be forced to go on it to be competitive because eventually the HGHers (Or TRTers like Vitor) would win out over the non-HGHers. I think that coke would be a no go because as Pro Wrestling fans, we all know how that story ends. Weed, sure, but how much and how often? I suppose it would depend on the fighter.


mastermind - 1-20-2015 at 01:21 AM

Not to change the topic too much around here, considering the Pats just made a mockery of their opponents allegedly using deflated footballs. But that same rainy night in New England, the UFC came to town too. I'll refrain from speaking on it too much (other than to say there is nothing better than being drunk in Boston with a bunch of fight fans), but the Pats win sure helped spike local emotions. Speaking of which, I am convinced Benson Henderson had the fight won until he donned a Seahawks jersey in the aftermath. What the heck was he thinking? "White Muhammed Ali" McGregor more than lived up to the hype, and I don't know if it was the drinking, drugs or delirium, but I had the same buzz and vibe the night I saw Anderson Silva humiliate Forrest Griffin on PPV. Just an absolute, star-making demolition. Great show, and I'm ready to for Rumble/Gustaffson!


Conor McGregor def. Dennis Siver TKO (punches)

Lightweight Donald Cerrone def. Benson Henderson

Middleweight Uriah Hall def. Ron Stallings TKO (doctor stoppage)

Lightweight Gleison Tibau def. Norman Parke Decision (split)


MSD: 25 points
janerd75: 50 (PERFECT SCORE!!)

Updated records:

MSD: 1-1-0
janerd75: 1-1-0

BBMN - 1-20-2015 at 08:25 PM

I really think HGH would be fine in an honest world. There are guys arguably.could gain from it... Guys approaching 40 or with something that affects their testosterone. But people can and will abuse it, so I'm on the fence.

As far as cocaine goes, if it is used a month out, I have no issues. But if its used in the days leading up a fight as a means to cut weight, that's bullshit.

Weed... Whatever. Offers no real benefits that a couple legal painkillers can if one wants to deal with the pain of an intense camp.

mastermind - 1-21-2015 at 12:10 AM

I'm not quite McGregor vaulting over the cage wall to get in Jose Aldo's face, but I guess I'm calling janerd75 out! Let's have our rubber match!

Brief Recap of the Rules:

- You start with 50 points (dollars, shots whatever you wanna call it)

- you assign each fighter a point value between 0(min) and 25(max)

- you must spend all 50 points each event

- example of point distribution:
----- 2 fighters get 25 points each = 50 total (higher risk but only two guesses to max points)
----- 5 fighters get 10 points each = 50 total (put equal points on each fight)
----- 10 fighters get 5 points each = 50 total (you will always win 25!)
----- any random combination that equal 50 total!


UFC on FOX: Gustafsson vs Johnson
January 24, 2015
Tele2 Arena - Stockholm, Sweden

Light Heavyweight Alexander Gustafsson vs. Anthony Johnson
Middleweight Dan Henderson vs. Gegard Mousasi
Light Heavyweight Phil Davis vs. Ryan Bader
Featherweight Akira Corassani vs. Sam Sicilia

My points:

20 on Rumble
15 on Gegard
10 on Mr Wonderful
5 on Sam Sicilia

Anybody else feel free to join in!

Who's next to jump up and get beatdown??

janerd75 - 1-21-2015 at 02:21 AM

Originally posted by mastermind
I'm not quite McGregor vaulting over the cage wall to get in Jose Aldo's face, but I guess I'm calling janerd75 out! Let's have our rubber match!

20 on The Mauler
15 on Mousasi
10 on Darth Bader
5 on Sam Sicilia

mastermind - 1-27-2015 at 12:17 AM

Simply put: wow. Rumble did exactly as I predicted and put an epic-level beatdown on an entire nation, breaking their will and making them shed tears in the center of the octagon (Gustafsson at least). The foreign refs seemed to be a bit of a hassle earlier in the night (one prelim fight sticks out as being so egregious that even Joe Rogan had to repeatedly point it out in the post fight interview to the point he basically degraded the dudes big win). The Dan Henderson stoppage is another case in point. But there is no denying the fact that Rumble is finally looking like the unstoppable beast he was projected to be so many years ago. PS Sam Sicilia is still nice and getting nicer. Same can't be said for Mr Wonderful though.

Anthony Johnson def. Alexander Gustafsson TKO (punches)

Gegard Mousasi def. Dan Henderson TKO (punches)

Ryan Bader def. Phil Davis Decision (split)

Sam Sicilia def. Akira Corassani

Points BreaKDOWN:

MSD: 40
Janerd75: 30

This was like a metaphorical unanimous decision, with me exerting my will over janerd75 while he still gave me a respectable fight. Good match my worthy foe, and we will meet again like Diaz and the Spider in due time! Don't be scared, homie!

Updated records:

MSD: 2-1-0
janerd75: 1-2-0

janerd75 - 1-27-2015 at 12:33 AM

While watching sweet memories of Gustafsson/Jones in my rearview, I failed to recognize the beating Rumbling towards me. I shant make that same mistake again! I shant!!!

I shall see you on the battlefield soon, pahtna!

mastermind - 1-30-2015 at 01:16 AM

Chills. That's the best way for me to describe my anticipation for this bout. Jones/Cormier may have hit a crescendo in fan frenzy, but their bout was a bit of a disappointment. Color me the eternal optimist, but I just can't fathom how Anderson Silva vs Nick Diaz could be a boring or poor fight. I just can't see that. I'm hedging my bets on a potential "Fight of the Year" candidate. Not to mention the rest of the card, that is way deeper than the one that preceded Jones/Cormier. UFC Saturday - Superbowl Sunday... it's time to go full heel and cheer for the villains. Let's go Patriots and Nick Diaz! Get it on!

Brief Recap of the Rules:

- You start with 50 points (dollars, shots whatever you wanna call it)

- you assign each fighter a point value between 0(min) and 25(max)

- you must spend all 50 points each event

- example of point distribution:
----- 2 fighters get 25 points each = 50 total (higher risk but only two guesses to max points)
----- 5 fighters get 10 points each = 50 total (put equal points on each fight)
----- 10 fighters get 5 points each = 50 total (you will always win 25!)
----- any random combination that equal 50 total!

UFC 183: Silva vs Diaz
January 31, 2015
MGM Grand Garden Arena
Las Vegas, Nevada

Middleweight Anderson Silva vs. Nick Diaz
Welterweight Tyron Woodley vs. Kelvin Gastelum
Lightweight Joe Lauzon vs. Al Iaquinta
Middleweight Thales Leites vs. Tim Boetsch
Welterweight Jordan Mein vs. Thiago Alves

My points:

20 on Diaz
10 on Gastelum
20 on Lauzon (North Bridgewater stand up!)

Who's next to jump up and get beatdown!?!?

nOOb - 1-30-2015 at 01:39 AM

Given how easily GSP took down and beat on Diaz for most of their fight and how Carlos Condit just kicked the shit out of Diaz's legs to win his fight, plus how easily unmotivated the Diaz brothers are in just about every occasion and how unmovtivated Nick Diaz already seems to be for this fight (skipping media day workouts and cutting interviews talking about how much he doesn't actually dislike Anderson Silva), I would say there's a very, very, very good chance Diaz/Silva will be one-sided and very boring.

So I'm going to put 50 towards Silva.

mastermind - 1-30-2015 at 04:37 AM

Hey you can only post a max 25 points per fighter! You need at least one more pick! But point well taken, this could be a complete a dud. Or.... it may not be. My faith, hope & $60 is riding on it!

janerd75 - 1-30-2015 at 09:11 AM

I am really looking forward to this one. Even if Anderson puts clown shoes on Nick within a minute, Diaz gonna Diaz and it'll be entertaining either way. Amped to see two premium grade taunters go at it and curious to know where Silva's head and leg are at after The Snappening.

Anderson Silva - 20
Tyron Woodley - 10
Al Iaquinta - 10
Thales Leites - 5
Jordan Mein - 5

DevilSoprano - 1-30-2015 at 04:32 PM

25 on Silva, 15 on Gastelum, and 10 on Iaquinta

janerd75 - 2-4-2015 at 09:08 AM

Oh. Oh golly. Anderson popped for juicing. Diaz popped for being Nick. Kid's growin' on me. He gave no fucks in that fight. Curious to know how much of Vitor's stash Silva got into and if Nick would have had a better chance otherwise.

Oh Mastermind, are you done celebrating Pete Carroll's play calling aneurysm yet? I believe you've got some acknowledgements and accolades to bestow, pahtna.

mastermind - 2-4-2015 at 11:15 PM

roflmao, where do you get this stuff janerd75? I love that Diaz shot. While I may have been way off in my predictions (leading with my heart and not my head again), I am *not* disappointed in the Main Event fight. Nick Diaz continues to prove why he's one of my favorite fighters (especially *after* the fight, see janerd75's notes from above) and put on an awesome show. I really thought he was gonna bring the fire out of Anderson Silva, but nobody got burned liked I hope they would. But Diaz gave one of the best rambling, boo-inducing post fight speeches I ever heard. Great stuff. I also loved seeing the Pitbull let the air out of the Mein hype train (please no "deflate gate" jokes!)

on to the results:

Anderson Silva def. Nick Diaz Decision (unanimous)

Tyron Woodley def. Kelvin Gastelum

Al Iaquinta def. Joe Lauzon TKO (punches)

Thales Leites def. Tim Boetsch

Thiago Alves def. Jordan Mein TKO (body kick and punches)

Final Scores

janerd75: 45 out of 50 (awesome!)

and featuring a return to the fray of Devil Soprano, turning this into the Brock Lesnar/John Cena/Seth Rollins Royal Rumble 2015 triple threat bout: 35

For the winner, and anti-Pete Carroll, janerd75! Now a Valentines Day Massacre awaits us all (UFC Fight Night coming Feb 14th!)

Final Records:
MSD: 2 - 2 - 0
Janerd75: 2 - 2 - 0
Devil Soprano 0 - 1 - 0

< br />

(janerd75 I posted this pic in your honor!)

[Edited on 2-4-2015 by mastermind]

janerd75 - 2-5-2015 at 08:17 PM

Mah Nickker...

mastermind - 2-28-2015 at 12:26 AM

I loved what I saw Frank Mir do to Big Foot at the last fight night, but it's pretty clear that Big Foot has an Arlovski-sized glass jaw these days. Good looks on Ben Henderson getting back in the win column with his submission victory on Valentines day. Now we get back to the PPV scene for February!

Brief Recap of the Rules:

- You start with 50 points (dollars, shots whatever you wanna call it)

- you assign each fighter a point value between 0(min) and 25(max)

- you must spend all 50 points each event

- example of point distribution:
----- 2 fighters get 25 points each = 50 total (higher risk but only two guesses to max points)
----- 5 fighters get 10 points each = 50 total (put equal points on each fight)
----- 10 fighters get 5 points each = 50 total (you will always win 25!)
----- any random combination that equal 50 total!

UFC 184: Rousey vs Zingano
February 28, 2015
Staples Center, Los Angeles California

Women's Bantamweight Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Cat Zingano
Women's Bantamweight Raquel Pennington vs. Holly Holm
Welterweight Jake Ellenberger vs. Josh Koscheck
Welterweight Alan Jouban vs. Richard Walsh
Lightweight Tony Ferguson vs. Gleison Tibau

My points:

25 on Rousey
25 on Tony Ferguson

I'm going all in on this one! Should be a foregone conclusion, if you let the media tell it, so I'll throw in this bonus poll question that seems to be burning up the sports talk radio lately.

It evolved from a sarcastic Dana White comment into a real debate, so how about:

"Would you be opposed to letting Ronda Rousey fight a man in MMA Competition?"

The floor is yours!

Who's next to jump up and get beatdown!?!?

janerd75 - 2-28-2015 at 07:59 AM

I should try to play this one to the inherent weaknesses of your insane bet Mastermind, but I'll show you what playing it safe looks like! I shall now pummel you with timidity!

Zingano - 10 (WHAAAAA?!?!?) She's a hard luck story, what can I say?

Holm - 15

E̶l̶l̶e̶n̶b̶e̶r̶g̶e̶r̶ ̶-̶ ̶1̶0̶ no wait K̶o̶s̶c̶h̶e̶c̶k̶ ̶-̶ ̶1̶0̶...shit...both on a 3 loss streak...I'll just watch Arianny and Brittany work their magic. Ah, fuck it, Ellenberger - 5

Jouban - 10

Ferguson - 10

Would you be opposed to letting Ronda Rousey fight a man in MMA Competition?

If this were for realzies, I'd say go fight Fallon Fox to put that debate to rest first. While I agree with Rowdy in principle, her comments regarding Fox about a tranny's literal manly skeletal structure n' whatnot would have to make that a prelim fight before taking on an actual dude. But then you get to the issue of what guy would fight her and at what weight class? I don't see her dropping a whole bunch of weight, so she could only really be paired with a Bantamweight or Featherweight. Jose Aldo or T.J. Dillashaw would silence the "Anything you can do I can do better" feminist brigades within thirty seconds when they'd start throwing pieces of Rhonda out of the ring. A lower tier guy in those weight classes...maybe. Now, if she were to Judo some sloppy fucker out of his jock strap and get him on the ground...maybe. And the incentive from the guy's perspective? Same old if he wins he beat a girl or he lost to a girl argument. Again, if it's 'for real' or as 'for real' as it can get under the circumstances, I kinda would like to see her and a dude go at it 50% to 75% in an exhibition.

In all fairness to reality, all of Rousey's opponents thus far hit like girls...because they were. And yes, yes, I'm sure most, if not all of those delightful ladies could put me on my ass the second I told them they hit like girls. And after I woke up I would quickly summon Aldo or Dillashaw through a mouthful of shattered teeth and then have them go reclaim my manhood for me when they show them what getting hit by a boy is like. Hey, don't blame me for speaking truth to power, blame the inherent sexism of body mechanics and physics. Hopefully you'll learn more about that shit in your STEM classes, honey.

Uh, Rousey doesn't read OO does she? If so, the above comments were masterminded by someone other than me. Hell, go trade leather with Overeem for all I care.

DevilSoprano - 3-1-2015 at 02:26 AM

I really think Cat will give Rousey a bigger battle than she's expecting but with that being said...

15 for Rousey
15 for Pennington
10 for Ellenberger
10 for Ferguson

janerd75 - 3-1-2015 at 06:49 PM

Dear Ms. Zingano,

Originally posted by janerd75

Would you be opposed to letting Ronda Rousey fight a man in MMA Competition?

I̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶z̶i̶e̶s̶,̶ ̶I̶'̶d̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶ ̶g̶o̶ ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶F̶a̶l̶l̶o̶n̶ ̶F̶o̶x̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶d̶e̶b̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶.̶ ̶W̶h̶i̶l̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶g̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶R̶o̶w̶d̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶p̶r̶i̶n̶c̶i̶p̶l̶e̶,̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶r̶e̶g̶a̶r̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶F̶o̶x̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶t̶r̶a̶n̶n̶y̶'̶s̶ ̶l̶i̶t̶e̶r̶a̶l̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶s̶k̶e̶l̶e̶t̶a̶l̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶u̶c̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶n̶'̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶l̶i̶m̶ ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶ ̶d̶u̶d̶e̶.̶ ̶B̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶s̶u̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶w̶e̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶c̶l̶a̶s̶s̶?̶ ̶I̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶d̶r̶o̶p̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶w̶h̶o̶l̶e̶ ̶b̶u̶n̶c̶h̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶w̶e̶i̶g̶h̶t̶,̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶p̶a̶i̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶B̶a̶n̶t̶a̶m̶w̶e̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶F̶e̶a̶t̶h̶e̶r̶w̶e̶i̶g̶h̶t̶.̶ ̶J̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶A̶l̶d̶o̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶T̶.̶J̶.̶ ̶D̶i̶l̶l̶a̶s̶h̶a̶w̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶s̶i̶l̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶"̶A̶n̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶I̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶"̶ ̶f̶e̶m̶i̶n̶i̶s̶t̶ ̶b̶r̶i̶g̶a̶d̶e̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶r̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶'̶d̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶o̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶p̶i̶e̶c̶e̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶R̶h̶o̶n̶d̶a̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶i̶n̶g̶.̶ ̶A̶ ̶l̶o̶w̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶i̶e̶r̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶w̶e̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶c̶l̶a̶s̶s̶e̶s̶.̶.̶.̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶.̶ ̶N̶o̶w̶,̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶J̶u̶d̶o̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶s̶l̶o̶p̶p̶y̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶j̶o̶c̶k̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶a̶p̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶g̶r̶o̶u̶n̶d̶.̶.̶.̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶.̶ ̶A̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶c̶e̶n̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶'̶s̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶s̶p̶e̶c̶t̶i̶v̶e̶?̶ ̶S̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶l̶d̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶n̶s̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶g̶i̶r̶l̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶a̶ ̶g̶i̶r̶l̶ ̶a̶r̶g̶u̶m̶e̶n̶t̶.̶ ̶A̶g̶a̶i̶n̶,̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶'̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶'̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶'̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶'̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶i̶r̶c̶u̶m̶s̶t̶a̶n̶c̶e̶s̶,̶ ̶I̶ ̶k̶i̶n̶d̶a̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶d̶u̶d̶e̶ ̶g̶o̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶5̶0̶%̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶7̶5̶%̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶x̶h̶i̶b̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶.̶ ̶
̶I̶n̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶f̶a̶i̶r̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶i̶t̶y̶,̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶R̶o̶u̶s̶e̶y̶'̶s̶ ̶o̶p̶p̶o̶n̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶u̶s̶ ̶f̶a̶r̶ ̶h̶i̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶g̶i̶r̶l̶s̶.̶.̶.̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶.̶ ̶A̶n̶d̶ ̶y̶e̶s̶,̶ ̶y̶e̶s̶,̶ ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶,̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶d̶e̶l̶i̶g̶h̶t̶f̶u̶l̶ ̶l̶a̶d̶i̶e̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶p̶u̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶ ̶I̶ ̶t̶o̶l̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶h̶i̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶g̶i̶r̶l̶s̶.̶ ̶A̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶o̶k̶e̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶c̶k̶l̶y̶ ̶s̶u̶m̶m̶o̶n̶ ̶A̶l̶d̶o̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶D̶i̶l̶l̶a̶s̶h̶a̶w̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶m̶o̶u̶t̶h̶f̶u̶l̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶s̶h̶a̶t̶t̶e̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶e̶e̶t̶h̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶g̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶c̶l̶a̶i̶m̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶h̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶t̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶o̶y̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶.̶ ̶H̶e̶y̶,̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶s̶p̶e̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶o̶w̶e̶r̶,̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶h̶e̶r̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶s̶e̶x̶i̶s̶m̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶b̶o̶d̶y̶ ̶m̶e̶c̶h̶a̶n̶i̶c̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶h̶y̶s̶i̶c̶s̶.̶ ̶H̶o̶p̶e̶f̶u̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶l̶l̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶r̶n̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶S̶T̶E̶M̶ ̶c̶l̶a̶s̶s̶e̶s̶,̶ ̶h̶o̶n̶e̶y̶.̶ ̶


BBMN - 3-2-2015 at 09:16 PM

This was the most impressive transition into a sub that I think I've ever seen.

janerd75 - 3-3-2015 at 12:32 AM

Unless some chick can box with her, she'll be out of MMA undefeated and onto movies or the WWE within two years. Forget 'Rowdy' as a nickname. She needs to be called 'The Thing' or 'Flypaper'. You can't go near her or you'll stick to her and she'll absorb your essence.

I think the E is onto something with the $9.99 deal. Here's to saving $55 for those of you who didn't see the fight because you didn't order it or you blinked:

The fight kind of reminded me of this:

BBMN - 3-3-2015 at 02:58 PM

They must have a suicide pact!

God, I love that flick..

BBMN - 3-3-2015 at 03:05 PM

mastermind - 3-16-2015 at 01:04 PM

Very very disappointing finish to the UFC 185 Main Event. Showtime is still (one of) my favorite fighters, but he was just smothered, stuffed and plucked by Dos Anjos, who - as it turned out - tore his MCL prior to the fight. The Nelson/Overeem fight was aiight, but overall the show was not as good as UFC 184.

In short, I agree with everything everybody said about Ronda. I loved that 14 second fight, we paid for the HD version of that show, and it was well worth it. I did NOT purchase UFC 185 and I'm glad. I will do composite scores and stuff later. Dillashaw/Baraoa 2 coming up next.

BBMN - 3-16-2015 at 10:59 PM

Dos Anjos just put in one of the greatest performances of all time. He is a really peculiar athlete. Most of the smaller guys seem to have a real short amount of time to be in their prime physically speaking. I recall the first time I noticed Anjos was when Jeremy Stephens uppercutted the snot out of his nose on the night of Lesnar vs Couture. Somehow despite aging several years since then he has gotten even faster and stronger. A lot faster and stronger based upon his domination of both Benson and Pettis. It's really a remarkable thing to see him peak at this age.

His body kicks were fucking insane and the speed he moved in and out was stunning. Pettis looked slow and confused. Benson was completely fucked.

I don't want it to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if he tested positive for steroids. That's how good he is... I can barely believe his performances over the past two years. 9-1 since May 2012... Boss Level Status.

CCharger - 4-1-2015 at 04:38 PM

Conor McGregor and Jose Aldo had a bananas press conference today. The conference took place in front of a wildly partisan crowd in Dublin. The highlight included the two almost coming to blows after McGregor stole the belt from Aldo. Later, fans hijacked the show and began asking insulting questions of the two. It was hilarious and out of control.

Here is the video of the whole thing:

Here is video of the near-brawl. That's a "1999 Austin pop" right there:

nOOb - 4-1-2015 at 07:46 PM

I'm buying this fight. Either McGregor is the real deal or Aldo puts an epic beating on him. Either way, I want to see it.

nOOb - 4-28-2015 at 01:11 AM

Jon Jones is in the news for the wrong reasons...again.

Cliff notes: he's now a suspect in a hit-and-run in Albuquerque, they found weed in his car, and he may or may not have fled the scene. I would get the feeling that, if he's actually responsible for the hit-and-run, he won't be a champion for much longer between this and his two day long rehab stint for coke.

mastermind - 4-29-2015 at 01:38 PM

UFC stripped him of the belt. Huge shame. Daniel Cormier set to get KTFO by Rumble for the real strap (not Interim). I'm deeply saddened by this turn of events.

nOOb - 4-29-2015 at 09:52 PM

Jones has demons he has to work out before he can justify spending any time preparing for a fight. His decision to run away from the accident bumped him up to a felony because the person he hit broke her arm. That was not worth whatever misdemeanor he might have received had he stuck around and took the hit on the pot. And that's not even mentioning his two day rehab stint for coke. He's got things he obviously has to work out, and then he can get back to being a UFC fighter.

mastermind - 6-10-2015 at 03:19 PM

I was critically disappointed after the Anderson Silva / Nick Diaz / Jon Jones debacles, though I haven't failed to catch a show. I just haven't been as hype about it as usual. Especially after Cormier stopped Rumble Johnson. MAN that was disappointing! But then Carlos Condit, and then Dan Henderson. Wow. I just really wanted to shout out the ENTIRE "Henderson vs Boetsch" fight card for being AWESOME top to bottom! Amazing, concise & violent finishes throughout, not a single decision on the entire main card. Shout out to Joe Proctor for his historic submission victory on the prelims! Pembroke / Brockton / Boston connection! My favorite fight was the Ortega vs Tavares SLOBBERKNOCKER, the only one that went 3 rounds! Unbelievable, blood soaked and emotional victory for Ortega, but Tavares loses NOTHING in defeat. Rothwell seems to have tapped into a bit of that Chael Sonnen/Brock Lesnar/pro-wrestling shtick, creating a creepy new public persona for himself that paid character dividends with his submission over Mitrione. Meathead panicked like a bitch in that hold, and was tapping out almost immediately! Hilarious stuff. Then BAM - HBomb in the main event, and down goes the Barbarian. That was a frickin exclamation point on the whole night right there. It's kinda reminds of "Henderson vs Babalu 2" from Strikeforce, in that EVERY fight on the card had an exciting finish. And it all ends with an HBomb! Great show, and I'm looking forward to Cain vs Werdum this weekend in Mexico. It's gonna be a wild weekend! UFC on Saturday Night, then NBA Finals AND WWE MitB at 8pm EST on Sunday night! Let's get it on!

janerd75 - 6-10-2015 at 04:49 PM

Thought you were gone because you still might be in mourning over Aaron Hernandez.

Yeah, much like when shit goes down in the E with bad behavior it kinda casts a pall over the whole affair for me. Fortunately, there's enough decent people there for me to wander back. And the ultraviolence, so there's that.

The fights this past weekend were a rare one, no? I usually go to my UFC friend's house to watch and we have a pretty regular routine where we let some of the prelims and even the main fight card casually roll while we shoot the shit or he goes and takes a smoke break. That method didn't work this time. Every time we thought we had a three rounder, POW it's over.

He DVR's it to power through the intros and post-fight confabs, so we don't really miss anything, but we went out for a break during the prelims and then came back in and half the main was done. We got pissed because we thought the DVR fucked up and didn't record some stuff. Nope. They were all done that fucking fast.

Thought the Henderson match would go a bit longer though. And while I'm looking forward to Cain/Werdum, I'm kinda looking past it to 189 with Aldo vs. Sheamus, Jr.

nOOb - 6-11-2015 at 12:04 AM

You know which one I'm looking forward to? Kimbo/Shamrock next Saturday. Kimbo disappeared to amateur boxing/Japan in general for the last few years, and Shamrock has kinda just been around. But, apparently, Ken Shamrock realizes they want to make him feeder for Kimbo, so he's in the same shape as he was 15 years ago when he was with WWE. The guy looks jacked, which means he's either in the best shape he's been in since leaving WWE or PEDs (which Bellator has had a few issues with). Also Bobby Lashley is defending the TNA world title...I mean fighting, too.

It won't be a good show for purists but it'll be fun to watch.

janerd75 - 6-11-2015 at 02:29 AM

Oh man, thanks for reminding me, nOOb. I saw that ripped Shamrock pic in passing and figured he was up to something soon but I didn't realize it was next weekend. And I utterly forgot it's against Kimbo with all the years of back and forth between those two riding on it.

I don't watch Bellator that much mainly for the same reason I don't watch TNA in that my card is kinda full with NXT/WWE. Come to think of it, I see Bellator as what would happen if someone tried to meld pro wrestling aesthetics with actual combat fighting. Like if Brawl For All was allowed to evolve into a fighting league. S'okay, I guess, but it ain't UFC. #LOLBellaTNA!

And because I have great timing, here's historic post #100...5?!? FUCK!

It's a celebration!

BBMN - 6-17-2015 at 10:59 PM

Cain losing in such fashion might be the worst and most disappointing thing I've seen. Dana has confirmed that half a dozen fighters puked after their matches. Hopefully the UFC has learned never to hold a high altitude event ever again. Its frustrating to see it happen to Cain on his return fight. Why would you have heavyweights fight at 7000+ feet, for a five rounder? Da fuck?

Everyone looked gassed and Cain gassing so hard does nothing to make Werdum look legit. I would've been fine with my beloved Cain losing a good back and for brawl, but seeing him toss leg kicks at 25% speed was tragic.

And it gets better. Cain apparently is scared of getting kidnapped in Mexico. That's how fucked Mexico is. It's a real concern for a guy of his wealth I guess. So he only trained for a few days at altitude. Ugh. Of course he could've found a gym somehwere higher than AKA's 82' above sea level. It's a mix of shitty cartel and poor planning. Such an epic failure. If only it had been in good old Vegas...

edit - Can someone unbreak this page? Something is causing it to go super wide...

[Edited on 6-17-2015 by BBMN]

williamssl - 6-20-2015 at 07:46 AM

Man - not sure what Shamrock was thinking re: attempting to throw punches in there vs. getting the fuck out of close range....

edit: video down.
The end:

[Edited on 6-20-2015 by williamssl]

janerd75 - 6-20-2015 at 08:05 AM

Geez, they even started out with a near collar and elbow tie up before the old man shenanigans kicked in. Shamrock physically looks good, but he sure showed his age in gassing himself on a locked-in rear naked choke. If he didn't have the arms for that then there wasn't much threat of him doing much else against Kimbo. Yeah he's virtually useless anywhere he's not fighting literal bums behind a Circle K, but you don't hand a galoot like him the gift of your totally spent arms within the first minute of the match.

So, Shamrock's WWE return imminent now?!?!?!?!

the goon - 6-20-2015 at 08:31 AM

I watch hardly any UFC/MMA stuff, but that fight resembled a classic pro wrestling type of finish: guy appears to be locked into a hold and completely doomed, somehow manages to summon the strength to break out of the hold, and then comes back to win.

janerd75 - 6-20-2015 at 08:46 AM

From beginning to end that match easily could have killed on the Superstation in the mid-eighties. I'm surprised Tony Schiavone wasn't there to do the pre-fight interviews.

Goon, if you don't watch too much UFC/MMA, I'm sorry you had to see that. There is better, though. Like this:

Thom - 6-20-2015 at 02:26 PM

Originally posted by the goon
I watch hardly any UFC/MMA stuff, but that fight resembled a classic pro wrestling type of finish: guy appears to be locked into a hold and completely doomed, somehow manages to summon the strength to break out of the hold, and then comes back to win.

Here's the recap of the fight, since the video's down:

nOOb - 6-20-2015 at 03:21 PM

That's funny because it's almost completely true (if you sub out punched for the jawbreaker it is). That show in general was a bit of a mess. At the very least they were smart enough not to headline the show with the title fight, because the amount of people who would have left after Shamrock/Kimbo would have been a disservice to the fighters in it. But I got reminded real quick why I don't care for Bellator: it seems too theatrical with its entrances and it seems like the announcers are always trying to hard to emulate the UFC stuff, not to mention I don't need the ring announcer telling me to cheer for anyone.

If they put Kimbo up against a few more past-their-prime, name guys, they've got guaranteed viewership for however long they have Kimbo (for those fights, at least). Once they put him against a fighter in their prime, it'll hurt them almost as much as it hurt EliteXC (though Bellator will probably just go under on their own, and thankfully the announcers aren't homers that will hype Kimbo losing as "the greatest upset in MMA history").

Also, Bobby Lashley didn't look that bad, but it was against a late fill-in, and the guy he was supposed to face has already beaten him (though he couldn't beat Kimbo...go figure). If he gets away from wrestling in general and focuses solely on MMA, then I think he can do really, really well for himself, possibly even getting a UFC contract and having a good run there that he could potentially turn into a nice Wrestlemania payday.

nOOb - 7-9-2015 at 02:34 PM

This has been news for a few weeks, but Jose Aldo hurt himself. Again. And had to pull out of a main event. Again. This has been a bit of a story since it takes a few things of note:

-Aldo's training regimen is stupid. He sent a video to the UFC to prove he was really hurt and it involved him taking a spinning back kick to the ribs (which caused the injury) while wearing no protection two weeks before the fight. I know they like to hype up how brutal their training is with their camp (people get legit knocked out, etc) but this is just stupid risky and has caused problems before

-Chad Mendes, the legit #2 guy at featherweight, now fights McGregor Saturday. This now goes from a fight that had the potential to be competitive to a match that could very easily involve five rounds of takedowns and heavy pressure, which is not as exciting and could quickly expose the UFC's "golden goose".

-Sinc Aldo is injury prone in training, and since this is a fight of two tops guys in the division, this fight is now for the interim title. Aldo hates this and thinks it is disrespectful, but at this point he's got no one else to blame.

The plus side to all this is that this card also has a less hyped Lawler/MacDonald title fight at welterweight, so it's still a good card. It just also has the ability to make or break the immediate future of the UFC Featherweight division.

nOOb - 7-12-2015 at 02:05 PM

Now THAT was a fun card. When Matt Brown caps off your prelim show by being Matt Brown (takes a few shots, you think he's out, and one neck crank later he's got the win), you get a good feeling. Then the Pickett/Almeida "who's got the better knee" contest that Almeida won, Gunnar Nelson's masterful ground work, Stephens/Bermudez, the destruction of faces contest that was Lawler/MacDonald, and to cap it off with just the overall atmosphere of McGregor/Mendes (the opening entrance duel, Mendes sticking to his gameplan and winning one and two thirds of a round, but McGregor picking that right moment to get out, do what he does best, and win).

That overall card was a great way to spend $60.

janerd75 - 7-16-2015 at 04:45 AM

Some behind the scenes from that amazing and ridiculous card...

BBMN - 9-11-2015 at 07:07 PM

Sorry I haven't been posting much here. There really has been so much MMA its hard to even keep up on it some weeks.

Just got done listening to the Joe Rogan podcast with Ronda. Very interesting. Her coach sounds like a great commodity.

Big take away points:

Her family is/was super intense as fuck about being the best at whatever you do

She was winning on the international judo circuit without a coach

She had her elbow dislocated, and popped it back in, twice in a match and still beat her opponent

Her coach has a penchant for predicting the finish to her fights

She says her worst trait is her incredibly small and fragile hands - had a pin put into her thumb after breaking it in a fight

Is 28 and may retire at 31

BBMN - 9-16-2015 at 05:41 PM

Holy shit. Thoughts?

I find it ridiculous.

So does Rogan...

Dana is keeping his head down...

Lots of fighters aren't keeping their heads down. Tito, Mir, Cote, and Gustafsson are among the guys speaking up.

denverpunk - 9-16-2015 at 09:08 PM

I've got to think it's not just the weed with Diaz. A more respectable (in their eyes, not in general) fighter would not have gotten that sort of punishment. Basically, they decided to blacklist Diaz for being a dick and a general embarrassment to the sport, and the weed was their excuse in doing it. I personally can't stand anything about the guy, but that doesn't mean he didn't get a raw deal.

nOOb - 9-16-2015 at 10:11 PM

Yeah, the wording of the statement makes it sound like it was the principle of thing rather than the thing. Weed is weed: it's not going to give you any boost and states are legalizing it. At the same time, it's not really addictive, so there's no reason Diaz couldn't have just stopped after, say, suspensions #1 or #2. Until the company you work for says it's okay to take, assume it isn't. Because, even though states are legalizing it, the government hasn't.

But 5 years is too much, even if it is a "principle of the thing" suspension. Suspend him for a year, and maybe he can fight again (I doubt he wants to). But five years is a bit ridiculous.

BBMN - 9-17-2015 at 05:33 PM

I love Diaz. He's a true character and really does shit his way. The Strikeforce brawl withstanding, I think he's not a bad guy. And after the hearing he was interviewed stating that most the guys in MMA are or were on steroids, and how he's been clean his whole career. That's the mindfuck.

Keep in mind, Anderson tested positive for roids. This was his only failed test in the UFC. But it was his only test at all in the UFC. It's possible he was roiding his whole career. With how bad testing was, the same could be said about many guys. We can't be certain. It's a shame that weed has anything to do with testing. It makes no sense. As for him testing positive more than once. That's his lifestyle. He really does live on his terms.

What's fucked is the commission didn't even follow their own terms. He was supposed to get at most three years. They tossed on another two because they're fucking awful humans that shouldn't be governing athletics at the high school level, let alone professional level.

And I really don't care if you love or hate him and his ways. He's a skilled fighter and deserves to be seen. Who else would get into a cage with Anderson fucking Silva and lay down and taunt him? One in a million fighter right there.

The only just thing that can be done (if his appeal fails) is for Dana to cut him free. Then he can go and fight in Japan or Russia.

the goon - 11-15-2015 at 07:51 AM

I don't really watch MMA, but Ronda Rousey got knocked the fuck out tonight. Discuss.

janerd75 - 11-15-2015 at 08:45 AM

What's Honda Housley doing on the opening segment of RAW, Byron?!?!?

True story: All week I've been telling my buddy that I watch UFC with, "Holm in the second". No way, she'll put up a fight and it'll be RR late in the first when she gets a hold of Holm and yokes her up for good, he replied. Nope, "Holm in the second", I kept saying. Not that I've done it much in my life, but I was seriously considering putting an easy $100 to $200 down on the fight. Guess how many bets I placed? Thisfuckingmany.---> Ze-fucking-row. I'll take nothing for $0, Trebeck.

[Edited on 11-15-2015 by janerd75]

nOOb - 11-15-2015 at 02:20 PM

I thought the exact same. The fight just had a Rocky 3 feel to it. Holly Holm had been winning all her fights with no real hype, Rousey was "unbeatable" and talking about doing movies after the fight, and every expert was picking "Armbar in the first". It also feels like this isn't the first time this has happened. I really need to figure out how/where to gamble.

GodEatGod - 11-15-2015 at 02:43 PM

Honestly, it's the best thing that could've happened for UFC. Undefeated Ronda's drawing power was going to wane with no legitimate challengers - now she's got an obvious rematch and may even have to fight Tate again to prove she's worthy after the way she got beat. Plus, Holm's a new champ yet to be tested and they have a chance to make a new star. She's not going to be a breakout crossover star like Ronda, but no one in UFC at the moment is. At the very least, a lot of people are suddenly going to want to know who she is.

Better for UFC that Ronda lose and they get a chance to promote these fights than retire undefeated in a year or two when she decides to go full Dwayne Johnson and step away from getting punched in the face. Hell, this probably puts off Ronda's retirement - I know some people think she's done, but given the amount of pride and ego Rousey has, I can't believe she's not going to try and get her title back.

nOOb - 11-15-2015 at 05:08 PM

I did breathe a sigh of relief that Joanna Champion is still champ. Partially because I don't want to go and try to spell her real last name. Also because she is hella charming and pretty hot in her own right, maybe moreso than Ronda IMO.

janerd75 - 11-15-2015 at 05:57 PM

I just pronounce her last name Chekchekchek because that's what it sounds like to me and am quite grateful my own dumb Polack last name bought some vowels from Pat Sajak on its journey from the home country to here. My buddy, on the other hand, says it sounds like Jerkadick, which is probably why women need #feminism, but I digress...

Just thinking about the fights and letting it get settled in, but I think Ronda is ultimately in danger of going the way of Anderson Silva. Both highly touted, hyped, and accomplished undefeated fighters that pretty much had their way with most everyone they faced...until they came across somebody whose fighting style was a natural defense against what they previously used to intimidate and destroy people with. Anderson got caught clowning, the rope-a-dope technique he used to confuse so many fighters, by Weidman, and Ronda the Bull got in the ring with an accomplished bullfighter and got O-fucking-l�'d.

It's been said that Ronda's striking game was the weakest part of her game and Holm boldfaced underscored how accurate that assessment was. Apparently, Ronda's mom was pretty close to the truth about her trainer Edmond Tarverdyan not being accomplished enough of a trainer to get her prepped to become a more well rounded fighter, especially with her striking game. But now that cat's out of the bag that she's waaaaay behind in her stand up skills, girls are just going to key off on that. Certainly that's a lot more easier said than done, because I think if Ronda had calmed down a bit and stopped doing all the charges and bum rushing and somehow really got Holm on the ground we'd probably be having a different conversation right now. But still, she got exposed badly last night.

GodEatGod - 11-15-2015 at 06:04 PM

The whole idea of anybody being undefeatable in these kind of sports is kind of ludicrous anyway - even the best fighters usually have a few losses on their resume. The only thing that got exposed, to me, was the hype machine and publicity that surrounded Ronda - some of which she no doubt encouraged, but, honestly, it takes a pretty wise person to be able to separate themselves from that kind of talk around themselves, especially when they've been as dominant as she'd been up to this point. I roll my eyes a little bit at the glee some people are taking in her defeat - I get that she talked smack a lot but this obsession people have with athletes being humble is mind-numbing, especially given how much adoration is often given to guys like Tyson and Ali who were anything but in their primes.

And yeah, definitely need more of the straw-weight champ all around - the new Polish Hammer's pretty awesome. I spent some of yesterday afternoon watching some of her old fights and yowza.

mastermind - 11-15-2015 at 06:28 PM

janerd75 - 11-15-2015 at 06:57 PM

As a gificionado, ^this^ makes me squeal with delight. As to what GEG, mentioned, spot on. The trolls are out in force with glee over Ronda's defeat, which is kinda startling to me because there really wouldn't be a women's division to even bitch about without her. She's a warrior in a combat sport for Christ sake. Pretty much a mouthy lady CM Punk. Mouthy Ronda Rousey, if you wheel. But that's part of the 'charm'. Though it's nice to see Holly 'Daniel Bryan' Holm run with it for a while.

And yeah, the undefeated thing* is just an overall useless objective for people to obsess over in any sport. Winning and losing are just a natural ebb and flow to sports. Sure going undefeated is pretty cool and exceptional in retrospect, but worrying about it in the moment adds a ridiculous amount of unnecessary pressure.

*Except for the Undertaker's Streak, dammit! He shoulda never lost!!!

williamssl - 11-16-2015 at 03:05 AM

Full fight is here (for now) if you haven't seen it

BBMN - 11-16-2015 at 04:43 PM

I am truly upset at myself for not placing a bet. I registered with an online betting site for Aldo/Conor over the summer. With that canceled I haven't yet used the site. They keep trying to lure me to place a bet and were going to give me 25% bonus on my bet. So if I had bet $50, they would've tossed in another $12. And if one can place a bet and have the odds stick and not change (I don't know if it works that way), I would've put $62 on Holm and profited $620. Damn it.

And I saw it coming to a degree. Ronda is surrounded by yes men and people praising her, but we've now seen she hasn't grown much at all. I knew weeks ago her striking was shit as evidenced by the footage and gifs of her shadowboxing. And people like Rogan keep saying her form is great (is he paid to say that?!) won't help the situation.

It's a pretty easy break down. Ronda thinks she's able to stand and trade with a large and powerful kickboxer, and if that fails, she will simply clinch and judo toss Holm down and work for the arm. But Holm is fucking stronger than probably anyone Ronda has clinched with. Seriously she is a big lady and Ronda couldn't really clinch. She got one good clinch, but Holly simply adjusted and got behind her and then popped up the moment it hit the ground. Outside of a few decent looping swings, Ronda had nothing. She never blocked the straight left either, which did a ton of cumulative damage. All Holm had to do was boxing 101... circle and jab. She added oblique leg kicks too, which probably frustrated Ronda, but didn't hurt too much. By the end of round 1, Ronda was tired from eating all that damage, and Holly was mostly fresh and relaxed.

And that's were it gets crazy. Ronda's trainer Edmond says "Beautiful" to her. WHAT THE FUCK. Rogan called it out immediately. And there you have it. Her coach is a yes man and she doesn't know it. Everyone around her is saying she shits rainbows and diamonds, and she believes it. So she goes out there for the next round and there is no game change. Not that she really has a chance at this point with her face eating almost every straight left and her heart and lungs going 100%.

It was interesting seeing this at a bar. I think I was the only hardcore fan there in a sea of casuals. Between the footage of Ronda being a dickhead at the weigh ins, not touching gloves, and throwing a late punch, many of them had changed their minds on her as the second round began. There was a lot of "OH MY GOD!" and "HOLY SHIT!" when Ronda ate that kick, and a bit of applause too. Her fan base is mostly casuals and I think a lot of them just abandoned ship.

[Edited on 11-16-2015 by BBMN]

BBMN - 11-16-2015 at 04:49 PM

Thom - 11-16-2015 at 06:52 PM

Say what?

Edmond is a fucking moron.

I wouldn't say in the striking game she was getting the best of Ronda, you know, but I have to watch it again.

No wonder Rousey lost. I swear, her striking has gone backwards ever since this douchenozzle became her striking coach.

BBMN - 11-16-2015 at 07:30 PM

I've learned everything I know about him between her podcast with Joe and now. He's a snake oil salesman. Ronda's mom was right. He's garbage.

Saying she was doing well during and after the fight is fucking bonkers. It's like he has a spell on her. Sadly I think (I might be reaching......) that Ronda has some serious daddy issues and that's why she seems to surround herself with shitty men.

GodEatGod - 11-16-2015 at 11:51 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
I've learned everything I know about him between her podcast with Joe and now. He's a snake oil salesman. Ronda's mom was right. He's garbage.

Saying she was doing well during and after the fight is fucking bonkers. It's like he has a spell on her. Sadly I think (I might be reaching......) that Ronda has some serious daddy issues and that's why she seems to surround herself with shitty men.

"Daddy issues" sounds pretty dismissive, so I'm not sure that's the phrase I'd go for there. She probably does have significant issues revolving around her father's suicide when she was still a child - she's said as much on numerous occasions and it's obviously something that shaped and changed her life in profound ways. Hopefully, she's had significant therapy, but I wouldn't be surprised if she just channeled her rage/pain into her fighting (and, again, some features/documentary footage on her has definitely been spun this way).

Does that make her vulnerable to an older guy who tries to play the nurturer while giving her bad advice for money? That doesn't seem like a huge stretch, although it's obviously speculative. What isn't speculative is that, yeah, his coaching and analysis seems to be at best oblivious/bad and at worst manipulative/deceitful.

BBMN - 11-17-2015 at 01:29 AM

I know I'm probably reaching, but maybe I'm not.

When she was like 17 or so she was seriously dating and I assume fucking a dude that was like 21 or 22. That's fucking gross on the guy. Then she dated a dude that she caught taking nude photos of her while she slept. Gross. She is on the record saying that Edmond ignored her for weeks when she went to his gym... I can see this turning into "Why is he ignoring me?! What do I have to do to prove myself?" It's possible he was playing her like a guy plays girl he's into, but pretending not to be interested so the girl that everyone wants to be around gets jealous and throws herself at him (not sexually necessarily). She had never had people ignore her since she became known for being a world class judo player, and it might have driven her crazy to be ignored by old Edmond.

And we also have her dating Browne, a guy that is accused of domestic violence. I HATE accusations being treated as fact, but for arguments sake what if he did beat his wife? Then we would be on shithead number four. I dunno. It just seems like she has been preyed upon by multiple guys and can't see it happening. I can see this playing into Edmond's hands. He is very fucking creepy if you listen to him. He says he can foresee what the fight will look like.... sure, bro. Let me guess, your golden egg gives you 10% of her winnings no matter the outcome? Dude is delusional as fuck too. He has a mural up in his gym where he is standing next to Ali. Yes, that Ali.

And watch him after she is KO'd. Weird as shit. He's holding her like a child and she's acting like a child. The whole thing was fucking uncomfortable and I honestly feel a bit bad for her to be surrounded by yes men and have everyone telling her she's "ONCE IN A LIFETIME!" Bullshit. She's a decent brawler with a good judo toss and armbar. When you compare her to how advanced even your average 155lb guy in the top 15, it's laughable.

[Edited on 11-17-2015 by BBMN]

nOOb - 12-13-2015 at 07:03 AM

Dana White is the happiest man in the world right now. His golden goose just pulled out his best Brad Pitt from Snatch impression in the first ten seconds of the fight.

the goon - 12-13-2015 at 08:10 AM

I don't regularly follow MMA, nor would attempt to say I know the first thing about it, but...I don't get it. You train for months for a fight, only to throw a few punches, fall on your face like an idiot, and get knocked out in 15 seconds. I guess I don't get how you can compete at the highest level of something, put in countless hours training, and that is your end result.

And yes, I'm sure I'm being an ignorant dickhead when it comes to the science of the sport but I could have gone out there and literally lasted as long as Aldo did.

nOOb - 12-13-2015 at 04:57 PM

The punch he got before falling actually knocked him cold. When he was trying to get back up he looked very cross eyed and the hammerfists definitely didn't help. Training is definitely helpful, but that punch was perfectly timed and perfectly placed.

the goon - 12-13-2015 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
The punch he got before falling actually knocked him cold.

Ah, okay, that makes more sense than (because when I saw the footage it looked like he had just fallen down). Though I guess that still goes back to my original point though, where if you train for months for one fight, shouldn't you be good enough to not get punched in the face and knocked out within 15 seconds?

BBMN - 12-14-2015 at 05:41 PM

He is good enough not to get punched in the opening exchange, but we have to consider a couple things first.

He was too amped up and charged out. Conor said he was expecting a big right hand just on how Aldo was carrying himself. The mind games paid off. Aldo is a very smart fighter so for him to rush into this shows he let Conor get under his skin.

Second, another issue here is Conor himself. There are a handful of extreme weight cutters in the UFC, and he is the king of them at 145. He has openly talked about how he is bigger than his opponents. It's part of the sport, and it fucking sucks. Some guys just can do it better than others, and it does have a huge impact even though it has zero to do with skill or training.

So when you see him, keep in mind he is more or less a 155lb fighter, beating on 145lb fighters. That's the reason his chin is so fucking good. He can eat a shot (which he did here) and not worry as long as he lands too. He did this a lot with Mendes. He knows he will get hit. He just knows his chin will probably take it.

Not to totally take this away from him though. His timing is like Anderson Silva in 2010. Magnificent.

BBMN - 12-14-2015 at 05:45 PM

BBMN - 12-14-2015 at 05:59 PM

And poor Chris Weidman. Hopefully this puts away the notion that you can get by with cutting little to no weight. He was way smaller than Luke, and when he made a mistake by throwing a spinning kick, he paid so dearly. I felt awful for him.

Hat's off to Luke though... He's a giant well rounded machine.

And the Romero vs Jacare fight kinda fucking sucked. I am fan of both, but not so much after it ended. Romero cheated blatantly and repeatedly. Rogan even called it out during a round break... He said his corner would probably dump water on him and they did. Shit like this that is so blatant should result in a point deduction. In case you don't know why, they did so because it takes time to get him dried back off. They wait until the end of the break to do it... this gives the winded fighter an extra few seconds to breathe. They were warned not to, and did it anyway. Blatant as fuck.

Hell, they were even giving him advice during a time out and the ref had to scold them for it. Just all and all terrible cheating. And then Jacare lost

Was a bit of a let down of card really. Maia dwarfed and manhandled one of my new favorites guys in Gunnar Nelson. He should maybe move down a weight class.

And Holloway vs Stephens didn't even come close to delivering what I was expecting.

[Edited on 12-14-2015 by BBMN]

BBMN - 12-19-2015 at 07:28 PM

Anyone else pumped for this?

Anjos has been on FIRE lately. Hopefully he is 100% clean and can bring the same game tonight. I like Cerrone too. This could be great.

And JDS vs Overeem aka mini-Reem should be interesting. This could very well be lights out for Alistair in the first minute of the fight. I think JDS has found all the muscles that Overeem has lost.

And Nate Diaz vs Michael Johnson could be gold. Johnson is hitting his stride nowadays.

janerd75 - 12-19-2015 at 08:33 PM

I sure as hell am. This is a fairly well stacked card and I'm surprised it's not a PPV. Merry Christmas to us, I guess. I like RDS and think he'll take it, but I love the Cowboy and hope he can pull out a win to get him closer to a mythical possible bout with McGregor. I think Overeem's chin is pretty wonky and JDS takes this with a Mortal Kombat style finishing move.

Always a hoot to see a Diaz brother get nutz in the cage, win or lose. It's just too bad his brother's suspended for being a cokehead and getting in that hit-and-run accident and injuring that pregnant lady then returning to the scene of the crime to remove evidence. What's that? Ohhhh, apologies. That was Jon Jones and he's allowed to fight soon. Good on "Bones" to not do something as horrific and evil as Nate by smokin' doobies. But I digress.

Looking forward to Dollaway and that Tex Cobb lookin' muhfugger Marquardt on the undercard. Those dudes don't have much time left in the cage, at least Nate doesn't, but they can still fucking bang so I'm looking to that one for a pretty good brawl. Hell, the whole undercard looks pretty stacked with decent matchups, or at the very least with "name" guys and gals. Tis the season for a beatin'!

BBMN - 12-19-2015 at 10:35 PM

Yea, I wish Nate Marquardt on Fox tonight. I don't have FS1

I agree about JDS. It could be a very short fight.

[Edited on 12-19-2015 by BBMN]

nOOb - 12-20-2015 at 04:54 PM

Cerrone is beaten rather easily and Nate Diaz beats a guy I still am not sure how he got ranked in the top 5, let alone 10 (Michael Johnson is decent, but his four fight win streak previous to his well earned loss prior to this fight were against a gatekeeper, Melvin Guilard, streaky Gleison Tibau, and Edson Barboza, who can't seem to win a fight unless he fights guys who have no specialty), meaning he's relevant again until he takes on a real top ten guy and/or smokes too much weed before weigh-ins and gets another huge case of the munchies (though, as with all Diaz brothers, this decision is still TBD until the drug tests come back). That card was a bit of a disappointment as far as the results, but still a fun free card.

BBMN - 12-20-2015 at 10:30 PM

RDA is a fucking nightmare. I never would've expected such a late spike in any lightweight's career. He's in my top P4P list for sure. In some ways he is way more talented than Jones. He doesn't play it safe. There's no massive reach advantage to exploit. He just goes in and throws some of the hardest and fastest strikes a 155lb man has ever thrown.

Poor Junior.... poor Junior.

janerd75 - 12-20-2015 at 11:21 PM

Yes, Nate Marquardt doesn't have much left and JDS FTW!!! Wait, wat?

Also, McGregor/Diaz just for shitzengigglez, please.

What a fucking caveman. Savage af.

BBMN - 1-19-2016 at 05:36 PM

And the king returns to once again rule over the little guys as the most boring high level fighter I have ever seen.

I kinda half watched Pettis lose to Alvarez.

Poor fucking Matt Mitrione.

Most entertaining moment of the night was probably Ilir Latifi smashing another man.

mastermind - 1-19-2016 at 08:18 PM

Wow. Ok just wow.

First off, I was IN the building Sunday night for the big show. I was there from 5:30 to closing, strictly for the diehards. Interesting aside BBMN, the sledgehammer fight happened during the Fight Pass prelims. At the point I was standing in one of the Loge's watching the fight, when this skinny bald dude asked if he could take some film of the Latifi fight. Apparently I was standing next to one of Latifi's homeboys, and we bugged out when he came away with such a dominating victory. That was pretty cool.

The rest of the card? MAN bitter disappointment from this fans perspective! Showtime is my favorite fighter, and he did get off one bit. Boring Eddie with the lay and pray, holding my dude down and boring the fuck out of everybody (except the green-clad bunch of loud-mouthed loons in the Balcony section who kept chanting "EDDIE! EDDIE!") Ugh. Then I watched my man Dillishaw get robbed, IMO. Cruz did NOT do enough to BEAT the champ! I hate that shit man! If that's all it takes, then Gustaffson should have won the belt from Jon Jones already. It was razor thin, super close, and I think TJ did enough to warrant a split decision win. And now what? Cruz is already complaining about his foot. Are we gonna wait another 3 years for him to fight again? Anyways, it was a great night, super fun. My seats were awesome and the snow wasn't that bad.

BBMN - 1-20-2016 at 08:42 PM

I assumed they would give the win to Cruz, because MMA scoring is skewed heavily towards awarding take downs. It's been a huge problem for years. If a take down does nothing to help one win, it's pretty much a moot technique as far as I'm concerned.

But if a take down can lead to you dealing out significant ground and pound, and or lead to submission attempts, than it's important.

I hate it when I see a guy go for a take down with no meaning behind it. I don't think Cruz even wanted to keep TJ down with his take downs. Just do it so the judges notice, and let the opponent up a second later. It's about as useful as a jab. But this is how judging goes. I think spamming take downs with no effort to capitalize should be looked down on by judges.

So now we have the most boring fighter I've seen, back on top at 135. Fucking yay.

mastermind - 1-21-2016 at 01:22 PM

Originally posted by BBMN
So now we have the most boring fighter I've seen, back on top at 135. Fucking yay.

[heard multiple times from the drunks directly behind me:]


In other words BBMN, I couldn't agree with you more. Though the Showtime fight was just as lackluster because of Eddie's insistence on more or less doing the same thing.

williamssl - 2-20-2016 at 02:01 AM

Kimbo Slice vs. DADA 5000 pre-fight press conference

Apparently, trash talking now involves talking about the size of your nuts vs. your competitor's, where big nuts > tiny nuts.

nOOb - 2-20-2016 at 03:16 PM

If you missed the three round classic that was Kimbo/Dada 5000 yesterday night, this is about the level of energy both men had after Kimbo scored a takedown 30 seconds into the fight:

That entire show may have done more harm than good for Bellator.

merc - 2-20-2016 at 05:18 PM

The Gracie-Shamrock debacle that followed was better; if only because it was over in less than five minutes. The knee was close to a nut strike, shamrock didn't respond...knee hits (big)head shamrock goes down and grabs his groin. Gracie with weak hammer strikes ref stops fight.

Hosts call BS on Shamrock while he is whining about an intentional grounding strike. Finally replay goes back far enough to see it (and shamrock not respond). Merc turns back to Celtics game...drama TV is for the wife.

nOOb - 2-20-2016 at 09:58 PM

Bellator reminds me of why I like the UFC: if a fight sucks, the announcers (usually) call them out on it. The Bellator announcers...not so much. They still try to sell whatever story they're trying to tell, like, in this case, which one of the two is going to wind up being "King of the Streets" (spoiler: the answer is "neither"). They constantly seem to be wrong about just about everything (whoever the guy was taking on Melvin Guillard was, according to the announcers, not the one pressing the fight and not starting the exchanges, despite very clear evidence to the contrary, where he'd even throw a series of punches at Guillard every time the guy said it just to seemingly prove him wrong).

If Mauro wasn't on Smackdown, I'd say Bellator's first right step would be to hire him and Bas Rutten as their announce team. Their second, and one that is actually something they can do, is never again put two "specialty" fights on the same card. They could have had Kimbo and Dada main event this card, then sucker in the audience next week with Shamrock/Gracie. Instead, they put two sideshow fights on the same card, and both of them sucking stands out a lot more now than if each one sucked on a separate show that also had four better fights on them (and, again, ideally two better announcers).

janerd75 - 2-24-2016 at 06:12 AM

I don't think the fight will amount to more than Nate jollydicking around the ring in an attempt to taunt Conor with his fearsome middle fingers before Mystic Mac lights out the muhfugger, but the frenzied build-up over the next week-and-a-half should provide for some extremely memorable, top shelf, Grade-A Certified shit talking out of those two.

GimmickMan - 2-25-2016 at 02:03 AM

I lasted posted at OO exactly two years ago to this day. And I just happened to come back to browse today. Wild.

Anyway, am I the only one more intrigued by McGregor/Diaz? Also, wouldn't the best end game here be McGregor vs. GSP at welterweight at UFC 200? TAKE MY MONEY.

janerd75 - 2-25-2016 at 10:02 AM

So it is written, so it shall come to pass. This is AWE-some *clap clap clapclapclap*

Hmm, kinda looks like Nate got ooh-nder Mac's skin, mate? N�, cannit?

BBMN - 3-2-2016 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by GimmickMan
I lasted posted at OO exactly two years ago to this day. And I just happened to come back to browse today. Wild.

Anyway, am I the only one more intrigued by McGregor/Diaz? Also, wouldn't the best end game here be McGregor vs. GSP at welterweight at UFC 200? TAKE MY MONEY.

Sup, homie

I'm very intrigued by Conor vs Diaz. It's a more fun match on paper with their ability to talk shit, however I am kinda annoyed with it. Diaz has been posting photos of himself vacationing, while Conor was getting ready for dos Anjos. Diaz is probably not totally out of shape, as him and Nick are both health nuts, but still... And I don't buy into the FW vs WW shit AT ALL. Conor is a huge FW, and realistically is a 155lb man. He just can cut so freakishly well. And Diaz isn't a solid WW by any means... he's just a slightly out of shape LW.

So that's the fight - In shape 155 vs Kinda out of shape 155.

If Conor wins everyone will declare him the greatest thing ever, despite it not truly being a two weight class jump. And let's be totally clear here... Conor will be smaller than almost any true welterweight. He might be able to give trouble to rusty GSP, but then again GSP is outstanding. Conor has never been in there with a guy that can wrestle like GSP. It could be a boring 50-45 match, that sees Conor's stock drop way down.

A better fight (in terms of potential excitement, and less predictability, is Carlos, Rory or Robbie. Still, in all these match up, he will be smaller by at least 15lbs... a full weight class.

That said, I would want to Robbie give him a crack. I LOVE Robbie. But he can't keep fighting forever and having these brutal wars. His jaw will fade sometime. A fight, win or lose, with Conor, could give him enough money to retire comfortably. That's what the unselfish fan in me wants for him, and really most of these folks. Conor's has changed the game and anyone that fights him will get paid.

Nate has admitted it will be nice to finally get paid for a change. He was getting $20k + $20k just a couple months ago. He could easily crack a million or two if negotiated a PPV bonus.

I'm pissed at dos Anjos. He's been incredible lately. But he like so many guys keeps training too hard in the weeks right before the fight. Like stop it you idiots. Please?

And part of me wonders if Conor is trying to set up a match with Nick Diaz next. He kept referring to Nate as Nick's little brother. That would be some crazy shit if Conor was a huge fan of both of them and wanted to give each brother a huge payday to make up for the low pay Nate gets, and the fuckery that Nick had to go through with the commission.

[Edited on 3-2-2016 by BBMN]

janerd75 - 3-4-2016 at 03:17 AM

Fuck. Yes.

Still meditating on it, but who's errbody taking? Right now I think Miesha takes Holly into the 3rd before she gets caught. Can't even crystal ball Conor/Nate yet. My mind's telling me it'll be a Conor left in the 1st or it'll go the distance because Nate can take a beating. No clue.

ETA: Ah-HEM. Why the fuck is it when I passively meditate on fight outcomes, like off the cuff "oh yeah, so and so by x, y, z" and I've got a pretty decent track record of accuracy. But when I go all in mouthy, bigshot, know-it-all, smrtguy style, I get my ass handed to me in a slop bucket? I called precisely nothing right tonight. Good times.

[Edited on 3-6-2016 by janerd75]

nOOb - 3-6-2016 at 10:01 AM

That sound you just heard was every potential money fight UFC had planned between 135-170 flushing down the toilet for both genders.

BBMN - 3-7-2016 at 04:12 PM

BBMN - 3-9-2016 at 09:07 PM

nOOb - 3-12-2016 at 12:43 AM

Good news for Dada 5000 now that he's out of the hospital: he's still undefeated. That was Kimbo enhanced? Wow...

And, as it turns out, Royce Gracie's groin strikes wouldn't matter, either, because Shamrock also failed his drug test.

BBMN - 3-12-2016 at 08:36 AM

It's like a cruel joke.

Hopefully Bellator finally realizes the error of their ways.

nOOb - 3-12-2016 at 04:08 PM

I think the funniest part of it all is the news bit at the end: since it's Texas, the max penalty they could get is 90 days. I assume that's Shamrock's penalty, since it's not his first strike, which still means that he could very easily fight again by the end of the year. I would expect Kimbo gets maybe 30 days, which, given his advanced age and poor conditioning, means that he'll just have an excuse to be fighting his next fight at his normal pace. And, given that he's Kimbo, people will still watch because, even though he's a sideshow, he's an amusing sideshow (granted for all the wrong reasons last time).

I kinda hope that Bellator is seriously considering signing Kurt Angle. If they were to sign him and put his first fight against Kimbo Slice, that may be one of the most watched fights ever...and also a bit of a slaughter since Kurt may be a former pro wrestler, but has also forgotten more about wrestling than the best MMA wrestler out there knows.

janerd75 - 3-12-2016 at 07:06 PM

With LOLBellaTNA! continuing to circle the drain with shit like this, I wonder if the UFC has press release/damage control contingency plans in place once someone dies in a Bellator ring. I'm sure they have something ready to go given the nature of the sport and in the event something happens to one of their fighters. Though I suppose the guilt-by-association aspects are diminished given how obviously reckless they are with these old man slap fights.

It was cute at first when Tito fought Bonner and they huffed and puffed to a dud of a fight. But now they've had a guy pretty much "die" in the ring only to get revived in time and they don't seem to be pumping the brakes with this nonsense. Think god the UFC has the good sense to only use professionally trained fighters as opposed to internet strongmen washouts and pro wrest...oh shit.

BBMN - 4-20-2016 at 05:12 PM

Not a knock on Hunt, but Mir looked fucking AWFUL. Like he was just stepping in for a paycheck. Hunt looked almost disgusted as he walked away after dropping him. And Mir has since been popped for PEDs. Not a good look to come in way fat, get cracked immediately, and then get busted. Rough year so far for Mir.

Performance of the night was really Neil Magny surviving a brutal first round with Hector Lombard, and turning it all around for a great great finish. Fucking Lombard is the most flat footed guy I have ever seen.


Fuck Hector. He's a known cheat and total dick to people in the gym. It was fun watching the skinny (by comparison) Magny beat his ass. Like watching a high school bully get his ass kicked by a nerd.

BBMN - 4-20-2016 at 05:21 PM

Well JDS put an end to Big Ben's Train of Destruction. Kinda mixed feelings on this, as JDS is a totally great dude, and Ben has kinda of built this reputation of silencing the critics of late.

JDS is still a nightmare for most of the division.

Best/Worst of the night was Derrick Lewis going Black Beast all over the veteran Gonzaga.

Time to hang em up Gabe...

BBMN - 4-20-2016 at 05:36 PM

Great card from top to bottom!

Michael Chiesa shocked everyone with a rear naked choke (well more of a crush) victory of Dariush who is excellent everywhere.

John Dodson returned and floored Gamburyan in like 30 seconds, then practically back flipped into orbit in celebration.

Cub Swason finally returned! And won! Fuck yea. Great fight. Glad he got a year to heal and come back strong. Love this guy's style.

Khabib Nurmagomedov returned as well and won as well. Awesome. Hope all these guys stay healthy for a change. Also him winning gave us this image...

Rose defeated Torres in a match I really didn't watch. I feel like a shitty fan, but the talent just isn't there for women's straw weight. Meh.

And the main event went pretty much like I expected. Evans has been too inactive and inconsistent to bet on. At this point he may be past his prime. Plus he really seems small for LHW. I always have wished there was a 200lb division for guys like Rashad. It would reduce the 20lb jump between MW and LHW... and then a 215 cruiser division could be made. When Jones vacated the title it would've been a perfect time to make that happen. That's neither here nor there as there probably aren't enough guys over 200 to fill two divisions.

Glover did what was expected. I was stunned when I saw that 55% of fans texted that Evans would win. Then I remembered that most new fans don't know shit. Glover walked right through him. Fucking scary dude.

[Edited on 5-20-2016 by BBMN]

BBMN - 4-20-2016 at 05:43 PM

From the sounds of it he couldn't come to a deal for the paycheck of his rematch with Nate Diaz at UFC 200. He may have asked for upwards of 10 million and been denied.

Also he had a friend get beat into a coma in front of him last week at a MMA fight. He may not want to risk his well-being for less than many millions ever again. Can't be too upset. Although it sucks as a fan of the sport. I truly wanted to see him have a run at 155, where he has always belonged, but avoided like the plague until recently.

BBMN - 4-20-2016 at 11:47 PM

And now it sounds like Conor was simply upset at the PR tour they had lined up. Hopefully they sort it out. I don't get why the UFC thinks they need to do these INSANE promotional events. It's UFC 200. It's a massive rematch with Conor. Tickets will sell themselves.

[Edited on 4-20-2016 by BBMN]

williamssl - 4-21-2016 at 12:02 AM

WWE promotes the hell out of Wrestlemania....

From what I read, every fighter is equally inconvenienced. It's not like McGregor had to do x more dates than anyone else and would as a result have less training time. Also, the event is 3 months away.

Stupid power struggle between two big egos. Perhaps the extent of the promotional requirements is excessive. But at the same time essentially demanding preferential treatment over everyone else on the card is GREAT BIG BABY GOO GOO GA GA.

BBMN - 4-21-2016 at 03:32 AM

I'm not sure of the details of the tour, but I believe Dana has stated that's an almost unprecedented tour. If so, I don't blame Conor. He already is the king of self promotion. I have never heard Conor even let out a peep at the idea of promoting. He's always being a yes man when it comes to these things.

And I just don't think there's a need to go out of the way to promote him or the fight. Ironically the UFC stands to lose out more than Conor by not having him at all. I just think the model is unnecessary. And its not easy to do it either. Conor has to step up his ground game enormously and may want/need to train in different at different camps. With how far behind his grappling is he needs to focus and not have to travel just to speak about a fight everyone will watch anyways. And I don't even like him.

Edit - thought about it a little more and if the tour is to blame, then I'm feeling less and less empathetic to Conor. Not because I suddenly think the promotional stuff is great, but because he could've done this event and then as time went on made more and more of an issue about it, until the UFC understood how pissed he was. If they were a month out and he had been telling them he was pissed they would probably let him off the hook for an event or two which is what he wants. And they would get him to fight which is what they want. So I agree to an extent with his motivation, but not execution. Seems kinda dumb actually that he got so worked up so early on.

[Edited on 4-21-2016 by BBMN]

BBMN - 5-20-2016 at 10:47 PM

Great card.

Well Jon is back and looked exactly like I expected - calm, focused, and cautious. And jacked. His power lifting routine was evident as hell. To OSP's credit he fought most of the fight with a broken arm and survived. Winning in a loss is a big feat.

And he landed one of the best moves I've ever seen... "Fuck your eye pokes, Jon."

Mighty Mouse looked insane vs Cejudo...

I was hoping for a war with Barboza vs Pettis but it was shockingly lopsided. Barboza put in his best performance I can recall and literally left foot prints on Anthony...

Outstanding show that moved Barboza way up the 155 chart.

Whitaker vs Natal was great too... so much good action in this one. Need to rewatch it. Some wild exchanges.

Yair Rodr�guez vs Andre Fili - KO of the Year Potential - Jumping Side Kick KO

BBMN - 5-20-2016 at 11:06 PM

Calculated like a Terminator.... Overeem is seemingly having a resurgence. With the "horse meat" long gone, he's fighting so smart and deliberate these days. It's really scary to see. Pretty much the same match he had with Junior dos Santos.

On the opposite side of this is TRT-less Bigfoot Silva. He had one of the greatest wars ever at heavyweight with Mark Hunt a couple years back, and he even beat Overeem. But now with out TRT he looks like a shell of his former self. Just 16 seconds for Skyscraper Struve to finish him off. He ran in like a nutjob and got floored. It was pretty amateurish and sad really. Please don't hunt me down and kill me if you lurk here, Mr. Bigfoot.

My favorite part of the night was Gunnar Nelson rebounding from his defeat to Maia with a great win over Albert Tumenov. He outstruck him a few times and eventually got the back for the RNC. And he looked fucking shredded for the first time ever. Huge change in lifting.

BBMN - 5-20-2016 at 11:45 PM

Crazy fucking card for Brazil. Sadly Anderson needed emergency gall bladder surgery and his fight with Uriah Hall was pulled. I was super into this match and really sad to see it scrapped. Anderson hasn't won in forever it seems like and and this would have been very crazy if he decided to not showboat and simply kill. I digress.

Werdum loses in horribly idiotic fashion...! Running in for no good reason against a guy's who best hope is for a brawl early on. WTF? He even had his left hand down when Stipe's only good shot would be a right hand, as his own left side was too close to the cage to wind up. Nerves? Adrenaline? I dunno, but that was bad.

Jacare disposed of TRT-Less Vitor Belfort almost with ease. This kinda made me sad. Jacare opened up a cut on Vitor's nose that caused blood to pool into both his eyes as they grappled. Fucking brutal and very unfortunate. Belfort looked lost on the ground, and I can't fault him, as Jacare has "world class Brazilian Jui Jitsu, Mike!"

This man terrifies me.

Sadly he's slightly hurt and can not fill in for the now injured Chris Weidman (vs Luke Rockhold rematch.)

Cyborg mauls Leslie Smith

Poor Smith... she was brought in to lose, as the UFC didn't want the 140 Cyborg to murder any of the other top women's players in her debut. on top of being a massive underdog, that was noticeably smaller, the ref stopped the beat down a bit early with threw her into a rage. 9 times out of 10 the result is the exact same, but I felt for her.

If she can slowly lose a few more pounds and be able to threaten Miesha Tate, Holly Holm, or Ronda Rousey we might see some savagery soon.

Shogun beat Corey Anderson in a match I will only remember because Corey fought so hard to not get knocked out in the third. Ugh. Shorgun refused to go away.

And Bryan Barberena beat Warlley Alves in a match between guys I don't know or care about, and missed completely.

BBMN - 5-20-2016 at 11:48 PM

Created by some dude on Reddit named Nihilistic_Snail.

Fucking awesome. Love Lawler. I believe they are setting up a fight with him and Woodley for some inexplicable reason.

janerd75 - 6-5-2016 at 08:29 AM


Also, never count this guy out. I said, never COUNT this guy ou...ah, fuck it. Rule Britannia. Which, come to think of it, would make an excellent stripper name. "Oi m8, 'and me foive quid an' ye can bollocks me wif yer bangers n' mash. Wot's that then? Ain't got tha stones ta square up in me quim like ye dun wif yer mum?" Such an elegant language and people. #regalshit #drinkingproblem

BBMN - 6-6-2016 at 03:12 PM

The story of Brock coming to the UFC is actually a story in itself. I watched UFC 199 this weekend it was fantastic. Simply great fights and crazy matches all over the place. And none were more satisfying for me than Bisping vs Rockhold. Weidman was pulled due to injury, because he appears to be the most injury prone guy they have. Bisping was the only logical choice with Jacare slightly hurt, and Romero suspended. Nobody, including myself gave him a chance of pulling the upset. Turns out the person that underestimated him the most was Luke. He fought reckless and waded in early with poor form and Bisping smashed him.

Good on you, Mike.

Sadly the only fight of the night that wasn't for me was the co-main - Cruz vs Faber. Cruz is the least entertaining fighter they have. I don't care about his "neo-footwork" or whatever. He bores you to sleep with the relentless bouncing and once in a while catches his sleepy opponent of guard with a flurry. Oh well. His body is shit and falling apart. Father time will hopefully pull the belt from him sooner than later.

Ricardo Lamas vs Max Holloway. Holloway is one of my favorites right now. This match ruled. Will watch again today. And that final ten seconds...

I believe this is where the Brock announcement was. I marked out a bit hearing it. So did Rogan. The UFC did a great job keeping it under wraps, but apparently not good enough. Unbeknownst to me, Ariel Helwani tweeted about it during the show, and was tracked down, tossed out, and banned for life. There's a big uproar over it. It's pretty fucked up that the UFC wants to keep a stranglehold on reporting on their product, but I'm not shocked for a second that they banned him, and neither should he. He's been in deep shit for much less with them before, so this is not surprising in the least.


I'm going on record and predicting Struve as his opponent. However there are people thinking it's Fedor for some reason... something about a hint the UFC may have dropped... At any rate he's going to on ESPN in about 2 minutes. Probably will let us know then.

Dan Henderson vs Hector Lombard was fucking amazing. WW2 predicted the action.


Here's the vid...

Brutal fight, insane finish.

Justin Poirier vs Bobby Green was a nice little scrap. Bobby tried to go all Nate Diaz and talk shit mid-match and was punched in the mouth for his trouble. This lead to a quick finish for Dustin.

All the prelims were good too. Brian Ortega finished Clay Guida in the final seconds of their fight. This card had everyone winning that I wanted, in often spectacular fashion. Well except Cruz. He sucks.

[Edited on 6-6-2016 by BBMN]

BBMN - 6-6-2016 at 03:16 PM

Here's a link since I can't embed. It's on in 15 minutes. I will update with any big revelations in this post.

He is fighting Mark Hunt at UFC 200.

Oh man, I'm conflicted. Last thing I want is Hunt to walkoff KO Lesnar.

[Edited on 6-6-2016 by BBMN]

williamssl - 6-6-2016 at 11:55 PM

I'd be interested in your perspective (as well as others who more closely follow UFC than I do) on the fight and on his opponent. I've seen him fight a couple times on Fight Night and he's no slouch, but neither is he dominant. I guess his record accurately reflects that at "slightly-above-.500-through-career" i.e. not like he started racking up a bunch of wins and then more recently has been evening up w/ losses.

janerd75 - 6-7-2016 at 12:38 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
I'd be interested in your perspective (as well as others who more closely follow UFC than I do) on the fight and on his opponent. I've seen him fight a couple times on Fight Night and he's no slouch, but neither is he dominant. I guess his record accurately reflects that at "slightly-above-.500-through-career" i.e. not like he started racking up a bunch of wins and then more recently has been evening up w/ losses.

He's a reliably indestructible tank with pretty decent endurance for a big guy. Brock's strong suit is more ground and pound and he has to get inside Hunt's monster punching power in order to have a chance. I don't see Brock out power-punching Hunt. Yeah, Hunt's been hobbled by KO's relatively lately, but he did floor Antonio Silva and Frank Mir in the first rounds of his last two fights. His last loss was a mauling by the current HWC Stipe Miocic, but it took 5 rounds for him to end it.

To be honest, this kinda seems like a bad match up for Lesnar. Like, getting knocked out within 30 seconds of the first round bad. I guess his guts are all healed up now?

williamssl - 6-7-2016 at 04:38 AM

Hunt opened as a favorite. He is -195 (bet $195 to net $100 ) and Brock +166 (bet $100 to net $166).

Paddlefoot - 6-7-2016 at 07:19 AM


[Edited on 6/7/2016 by Paddlefoot]

BBMN - 6-7-2016 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
I'd be interested in your perspective (as well as others who more closely follow UFC than I do) on the fight and on his opponent.

He's one of the most experienced and dangerous guys in the world. His draw with TRT-Bigfoot easily could've been a win, making him 13-10. As for the rest of his record it requires context. He had several losses in a row, but with the exception of Sean McCorkle, all were legit killers - Barnett, Fedor, Overeem, Manhoef, and Mousasi are all great, and the idea of fighting them all in a row is insane. There's no shame here. He was just not a Top 5 guy at the time and he was given nasty fights. Melvin crushed him in less than a minute, but he is one of the hardest punchers in history, so don't listen to anyone saying "A middleweight KO'd him."

If anything he's hard to pin down, as are many heavyweights. He has the technical skill and monster power to end any fight in one punch, something he has mastered doing to lesser skilled strikers. He could very very easily floor Brock with an uppercut as Brock shoots (he will shoot) for a double leg. It could literally be a one punch fight.

As for his ground skills - I dunno. He's been around forever and getting tapped a few times by high level isn't surprising for anyone. I am unsure of his BJJ credentials. He has zero submission wins, but it wouldn't be surprising if he was a brown belt given how long he's fought.

His real concern is getting taken down early and made to carry Brock's weight, as he eats shots as his cardio is zapped.

This is coin toss for me. Either Mark wins early in brutal fashion, or Brock mauls him for 10+ minutes and gets the decision or even a TKO.

I'm a HUGE fan of Hunt, but Brock's like the best thing since sliced bread, so I don't know who to root for. It's going to be brutal no matter what. I wanted him to get Skyscraper Struve for a true freakshow fight that's more winnable. Hunt is a tough match up for the sloppy handed Lesnar. And Lesnar is tough match up for the questionable ground game of Hunt. On top of all that, Hunt has an iron jaw. If Lesnar is able to impose his ground and pound, he might not be able to actually put Hunt to sleep. This could result in Hunt getting busted open and bleeding everywhere for a prolonged beating before the ref is forced to call it a TKO. Might get gross.

edit - I forgot to mention the mental aspect. Hunt is a natural fighter. He will come into the cage calm and relaxed. Brock is a nut and will enter in with all cylinders at 100%. This could hurt Brock more than help. The best fighters fight calm. The odds I'm seeing of Hunt being a slight favorite feel right to me. This will just be another day at the office for Mr. Hunt.

edit again - That above video of him getting beat down by Stipe is a tad misleading. The reason I said heavyweights can be hard to pin down is because of their size. These are big guys and if they gt lazy for a month or two it can totally fuck them up in the next fight. For whatever reason Hunt was way out of shape going into the Stipe fight. The outcome may have been the same, or not if he was in shape... I dunno. After that he got into crazy shape and has looked very sharp as of late. Will he coast in for a paycheck? Probably not. And Brock you know will be in top shape. It will be interesting to see Lesnar at or near 100%.

[Edited on 6-7-2016 by BBMN]

nOOb - 6-7-2016 at 10:45 PM

Stipe has the closest skillset to Brock, but is far more advanced as far as his MMA-wrestling blending. Like BBMN stated, Hunt wasn't in the best shape for that fight, but even considering that, Hunt was able to stop a few takedowns. And besides that, Hunt was at his best in that fight for the first two rounds before Stipe started destroying him in Round 3. Since this will only be a three round fight, Hunt's cardio would probably hold up if he were at the same level as he was during the Stipe fight. But he won't be. Besides the fact that he's on a two-fight win streak, he's also fighting at UFC 200, which is a pretty big deal for everyone on that card since it'll be a huge milestone event (and Brock probably upped the buys by another half million).

Lesnar likely has nothing to offer Hunt that he hasn't seen better from Stipe or Werdum or even Frank Mir as far as standup. If he can't bring an above average standup game to setup his wrestling, Hunt probably starts wailing on him, Lesnar will make an ill-advised takedown attempt, and game over: Hunt by KO Round 1.

janerd75 - 6-8-2016 at 12:29 AM

Originally posted by nOOb
Hunt vs. KO.

FTFY. Also, I gave Tex the whatfors, fellers. No need to keep gilding the lily.

BBMN - 6-10-2016 at 09:20 PM

A post I made on Sherdog in a thread about what if Lesnar had gotten into MMA after college instead of the WWE.


He'd have gone like 4-1 in small promotions before getting signed to the UFC. His only loss is from being tapped out for being too aggressive and green with a decent BJJ guy. Seeing this weakness he focuses heavily on integrating his wrestling with BJJ. He'd have slowly worked on his entire game and not been in a rush.

I see him getting into the UFC right around the same time he got into the WWE - Early 2002. There were only a few Heavys back then - Freeman, Mir, Randy, Barnett, Arlovski, Rizzo.

His lack of refinement would be less noticeable in 2002 compared to 2009. He would've mauled probably everyone in his path, except Arlovski. I see him and Andre having a couple fights and going 1-1.

I imagine by 2005 he would be the champion after beating the holy shit out of Barnett. His record is 11-2. His presence would have derailed Tim Silvia's career considerably. Brock would fight him at UFC 54 for the belt and smashed him into meatloaf. He would later be upset in a shocking submission loss to Jeff Monson. WTF. I know right. He would rematch and get the belt back. A few more defenses and he is now 15-3, and the reigning champion. Enter Pride. Enter CroCop. He loses to CroCop in 2007 after eating a headkick. But CroCop's reign is short lived with him on the decline and guys like Arlovski, Werdum, and JDS rising thru the ranks.

Here it gets hazy. How good is his striking at this point? His BJJ? It's hard to know what happens here. I see him being a perennial Top 5 threat. By the time 2010 rolls around he has gotten the belt back and is a three time champion with a record of 20-5. He loses to Cain and retires in 2010 as three time Heavyweight Champion, with a career that spanned eight years.

He comes out of retirement in 2013 to fight Fedor in Japan.

BBMN - 6-29-2016 at 01:21 PM

BBMN - 7-7-2016 at 05:14 AM

Fight is off. Hunt vs Lesnar is the new Main Event.

nOOb - 7-7-2016 at 11:30 AM

That sucks for DC. Meanwhile, Jon Jones may have just ended his MMA career with that one. Hopefully he gets his head straightened and doesn't turn into another Johnny Manziel.

CamstunPWG187 - 7-8-2016 at 05:31 AM

Actually, word is that Tate and Nunez are gonna main the show, and that Silva has stepped up to face Cormier.

Interesting, to say the least

BBMN - 7-8-2016 at 05:35 AM

I did it. I got Fight Pass for this card. Well the free trial at least. Probably will delete the subscription after this weekend (early prelims for UFC 200 are on Fight Pass and include Gomi vs Miller and Lauzon vs Sanchez....!)

I will go back tomorrow and possibly recap more, but for now two things stand out. RDA got caught and lost the belt. I'm very very bummed by this. His past few performances were legend. And he got sloppy and lost this belt. Shit.

And Derrick Lewis might very well be the coolest fucker the UFC has. He won a split decision to Roy Nelson, which pissed off some fans. I was more than cool with the judges. He worked more, landed bigger shots, and wanted to fight. I really don't give a shit if Nelson hits a dozen take downs, if the take downs never go anywhere. They mean fuck all if you can't do shit with them. And Black Beast felt the exact same way. I'm loving the judges moving away from scoring each take down as if it was some huge moment.

"Shit... it is what it is... heart of a champion.... Shit. Fuck what ya'll talkin bout."

Indeed Mr. Black Beast.... Fuck what y'all talkin bout."

Fucking CLASSIC.

janerd75 - 7-8-2016 at 06:14 AM

Jesus Christ. Now DC is fighting Anderson Silva instead. UFC 200 is still gonna be wild without Crackhead Jones.

BBMN - 7-8-2016 at 06:34 AM

Listen, I'm all for bizarro fights... Lesnar vs Hunt is bizarro. But I don't want to see titles in these fights. Make it open weight and non-title. Just for shits and giggles. But Anderson belongs NOWHERE near the 205 belt. He belongs nowhere near the 185 belt for that matter.

janerd75 - 7-10-2016 at 01:13 AM

Don't see too many surprises tonight.

Ronda's beard.

Only fight that worries me because I live in the world of UFC y WWE:

Please Bork don't get knocked out
please Bork don't get knocked out
please Bork don't get knocked out...

ETA: Neat, wrong already with Browne. Extrapolating wrongness, looks like we'll have some shittalking Randall promos to look forward to.

ETA2: Holy shit Mike Goldberg just introduced a promo for Lesnar vs. Orton at Summerslam. I could almost hear Rogan's teeth grinding into powder during the announcement...

[Edited on 7-10-2016 by janerd75]

Matte - 7-10-2016 at 05:43 AM

And Brock gets the win by decision after pounding Hunt's head in.

janerd75 - 7-10-2016 at 05:45 AM

Randall: Prepare your butthole.

Dom: Relax your butthole.

CM Crunk - 7-10-2016 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Randall: Prepare your butthole.

Dom: Relax your butthole.

First time posting here in Sports and it's to suggest that Janerd tags the end of his new avatar gif with the tail end of this one:

[Edited on 7/10/2016 by CM Crunk]

BBMN - 7-10-2016 at 03:47 PM

BBMN - 7-10-2016 at 06:49 PM

First time I recall seeing Choi Doo-ho, aka The Korean Superboy, and he did look super. Wins via KO, making it TWELVE consecutive KOs for the super one.

Will Brooks made his debut and beat Ross Pearson in a really good back and forth match. Great showing by Pearson even in loss. He kinda spoiled the former Bellator champion's debut. A lot of people were hoping and expecting Brooks to smash the older Pearson and make a huge splash, but he was unable to get the finish. Will he be Top 5 material in the UFC's 155 class? I would wager no after this good, but not great performance.

Tatiana Suarez wins the Women's Strawweight TUF winner. First time for me seeing any of this years TUF cast... She looked great on the ground. And she's pretty damn hot too.
The UFC will definitely be promoting this lady.

Andrew Sanchez defeated Khalil Rountree to become the LHW TUF winner.

And here is where I repeat myself - They have fucked up so bad with TUF. It's been 11 years since the first season, and we have now had 23 seasons with 51 winners. LIKE WTF CALM YOUR TITS DANA. I can't even remotely keep track, and hence don't give a shit. TUF used to be a huge deal, now it's just kinda there. They should've only had one winner per season, and one season per year. Make it a big deal. Now it's akin to getting Employee of the Month and is endemic of the UFC's desire to build the brand, rather than focus on truly having the best of the best talent. Ugh.

Joanna Jędrzejczyk retained her title in a decent scrap with her super duper arch nemesis Cl�udia Gadelha. Not too much to say other than it was good fight and Joanna really has perhaps the best two weapons to help her keep that belt for a long time - cardio for days, and good technique. She's clearly a dedicated athlete and there aren't too many women that can keep up with her. If she can improve her BJJ she'll be extremely difficult for anyone to topple.

[Edited on 7-10-2016 by BBMN]

CCharger - 7-12-2016 at 02:44 PM

I haven't seen this posted or discussed elsewhere on the bOOards, but UFC was sold for $4 BILLION

That's more than the Yankees and more than what Disney paid for the rights to Star Wars.

Thom - 7-12-2016 at 06:47 PM

The first time I saw the headline, I saw that it was bought by WME and thought WWE.

Thom - 8-5-2016 at 02:41 PM


UFC 203's card shows Punk as CM Punk, not Phil Brooks.

CCharger - 8-9-2016 at 09:42 PM

Punk has stated numerous times that he will fight as CM Punk because CM Punk is a more recognizable brand. I think he has even said that he will come to the octagon to Cult of Personality.

BBMN - 8-16-2016 at 08:28 PM

Miesha Tate vs Nunes headlines following Jon Jones being busted for PEDs. Fantastic. Great job, Jon.

Tate loses her 135lb belt in shitty fashion in the opening round. This should not be the headline of UFC 200 and it shows. I dunno. I like Tate. Well actually I've read a few things about her being possibly a truly shitty human, so maybe I don't.

Brock Lesnar handles Hunt with ease, and looks good, albeit unexciting - something I didn't know was possible from the freak. Annnnnnd he's popped for PEDs shortly following the fight. Fantastic. Great job, Brock.

DC easily beats Anderson Silva in a match that should have never been made. To absolutely nobody's surprise, the 205 Olympic wrestler grapples his way to decision against the 185 out of his prime Anderson. This shit was boring and boring and sad and pointless.

So that the top three fights for 200 and they're all just kinda there. Not a good PPV for what was supposed to be 'The Biggest PPV Ever!'

Aldo beats Edgar in a five round scrap that was solid, if not slightly forgettable. This is the match that should've been a three round war for the Co-Main. Instead it's nowhere near the top of the card, and both men are forced to go for 25 minutes and pace themselves. Again, the UFC had the ball and dropped it with the 5 round nonsense. Unless it's a main event, or a title fight, skip the 25 minute matches. Please, Dana, please.

And the highlight of the night was Cain Valesquez returning to the cage in tip top shape and MURDERING Travis Browne. No offense to Travis, but Cain in peak form is one of the best things in all of MMA. Great show by the Mexican American Terminator.

Not a bad main card by any means, but they messed up what they had to work with, and Brock and Jon messed up too. Who knew, the biggest mother fucker we've ever seen was on roids. Oh well. Fact is, half these dudes are and I ain't mad.

BBMN - 8-16-2016 at 08:40 PM

Some good stuff here, some not good too...

Cat Zingano returned to the cage, and lost. Damn it. She looked outclassed by Pena. And fuck Pena. She's a fucking shit stain and I can't believe she's in the company.

Imagine if some dude that was a professional fighter pulled this shit. They've be serving time in prison. Fuck her.

Hendricks continues to decline, after losing to Gastelum. TJ Dillashaw and Sage Northcutt both won in their somewhat entertaining matches.

And the early prelims were bitter sweet. Joe Lauzon easily crushed Diego Just Bleed Sanchez, in a match that surely must be an indicator of Diego's career trajectory. He's taken too much damage. A very sad moment to see him go down so quickly. Joe, to his credit, landed clean and consistent.

Great show by Lauzon. And likewise with Miller defeating Gomi. It would've been fine if it was a war, but Gomi is done, folks.

Gegard Mousasi crushes Thaigo Santos in a match that played out like I expected and hoped. Middleweight needs Gegard to stay relevant.

BBMN - 8-16-2016 at 08:48 PM

UFC sells for 4 billion dollars. I'm not too sure about the investment group that owned 11%, but I know the Fertitta Brothers are done. They had 40% each, and are walking with 1.6 BILLION. EACH. Try not to fuck too many perfect 10 prostitutes on the beach. Skin cancer is a real thing, so keep you coke-fueled orgies inside of your golden yachts.

Dana is now valued at 360 million, and will continue on as the UFC President, and angry-bald-guy-screaming-at-teens-on-Twitter.

Speaking of the beach... DANA IS JACKED TO SHIT. I would be too if I had all the money and time for personal trainers and HGH.

janerd75 - 8-18-2016 at 05:39 AM

Certified 100% Grade-A GOLLY!

Also, I think Dana would have been the perfect model for a modern day Lex Luthor.

Matte - 9-22-2016 at 04:30 AM

Thought this was pretty cool. Joe Rogan reacting to the CM Punk fight in such a Joe Rogan-type way. Dude is classy.

janerd75 - 9-22-2016 at 04:48 AM

Cool that he kept it respectful and actually defended Punk's position ageenst Schaub's probro goonery. Joe's an entertainer but also a rugged individualist that's been in and out of Hollywood and understands the branding machine so I think he 'gets' where ol' Ornery Phil is coming from and what he wants to do.

Honestly, I think the Punk in UFC experiment is over and if he wants to take a few years off his life in a lesser venue, hey, that's his thing and if A.J. wants to change his diapies at 48 and it's something they've agreed on, then who am I to judge? Okay, I'll judge a lil' bit because I want to see that HHH "You legit tapped out, bruh" promo and/or him facing 5-time WWEHWC A.J. Styles sometime in 2018.

Paddlefoot - 9-25-2016 at 06:34 AM

Cyborg won the fight but who knows if she'll win the piss test post-match. Scariest female I've ever seen. Looks exactly like Pittsy's insane sister from the Punisher comics. Gah!

[Edited on 9/25/2016 by Paddlefoot]

CVD39 - 9-25-2016 at 10:49 AM

^^^^^Kinda looks like a pissed off Steven Tyler.

Also, that Cyborg lady is pretty good for being 65 years old.

williamssl - 9-25-2016 at 05:17 PM

That's Carrot Top

BBMN - 11-15-2016 at 04:34 PM

(slowly getting caught up on these old recaps)

I actually missed this event initially and tracked it down a week ago.

Main thing I took away from this was there is a new guy in town named Lando Vannata and he's amazing. He was brought in last minute to face Tony Ferguson and what an entertaining striker he is. Truly interesting boxing and head movement. He looked like he was a UFC veteran with a couple dozen fights under his belt. He eventually was outmatched by Tony's range and grappling, but I can't wait to see more of this man.

And his chin was insane...

And the main event - Lineker crushed McDonald half way thru the first round. Not surprised. Dude hits like a truck.

LOL at Lineker's back tat...

BBMN - 11-20-2016 at 07:07 PM

Not a whole of important stuff here aside from the last two fights.

Edson Barboza defeats Gilbert Melendez in a fight that I can't really remember. So yea... Gilbert's stock definitely took a hit here.

And the main event saw the now former champion, Holly Holm get dominated for the vast majority of 25 minutes by Valentina Shevchenko. Valentina looked very fast and sharp here. She improves to 13-2. Tough fight for Holm... two losses in a row for arguably the most decorated female fighter in MMA history.

BBMN - 11-20-2016 at 07:21 PM

Jake Ellenberger mauls Matt Brown. He comes out early with a huge punch that almost ends the match within seconds. Brown manages to get back up and they begin to trade. Jake lands a devastating liver kick. It's so loud that Bas Rutten hears it a thousand miles away and yells out, "Bang! Right in da liver!" Jake pounces on a balled up Brown and it's done.

There were several decent fights on this card, but all I really cared about was the main event with Lawler vs Woodley. Lawler being one of my favorites always gets me pumped up for a war. But Woodley is having none of that war. Woodley fakes a level change early in, and as Robbie briefly looks to drop down, Woodley hits him hard. Like really fucking hard. AND NEW UFC WELTERWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD...


BBMN - 11-20-2016 at 07:58 PM

Bermudez defeats Rony Jason in an okay but forgettable decision bout.

Really fucking good main event. For as unorthodox and talented a striker Caceres is, Yair is on a different level. Caceres frequently smiles and tries to pretend he's really having fun in there, but it's very clear that Yair is getting the better of the exchanges.

Yair wins via split decision. God, he's fucking good on the feet.

BBMN - 11-20-2016 at 08:31 PM

Well here we go. Despite being two of the more entertaining fighters in the entire world, I don't want to be here watching this fight. There is no reason for Conor to be here not defending his 145 belt. It's been eight months since he flash KO'd Aldo, and no defense in sight. If he wins here, I (this is exactly what I was thinking back in August) assume the UFC marketing machine will match him up with the 155 champion to help further establish Conor as a brand, and bury the entire 145 division. Great.

Gripes aside, it was a great fight. And a great card. Four consecutive finishes leading into the five round main event war.

Just gonna skip to Cerrone going all Mortal Kombat on Story. I'm loving Cerrone at 170. Such power and confidence at this class.

Co-Main is Anthony Rumble Johnson vs Glover Texeria. Sitting with my friends at the bar I said "This may be a one minute fight. Both guys hit like trucks and if either connects early, it's probably over... Rumble has a slight speed advantage if he wants to close the distance and fire..."

13 seconds later...

Jesus.... Rumble is one of my faves at this point. Such a monster, that's so soft spoken and humble out of the cage. Love him.

The main event was fun, albeit frustrating. Conor's game plan was to strike fast and retreat faster... lots of running here.

And lots of damage too...

Conor landed a few big knockdowns on Nate, and that was probably what got him the judges' nod. Excellent fight. Now Conor can further bury the Featherweight belt.

BBMN - 11-20-2016 at 10:56 PM

Decent free card.

Jim Miller vs Joe Lauzon - both coming off wins on UFC 200 Prelims. Both veterans and both guys I really dig. Decent back and forth fight with Miller getting the decision.

Move of night goes to VanZant! Jumping switch head kick.


Anthony Pettis finally drops down to 145 and debuts there against Charles Oliveira. Amazing display of BJJ here by Anthony. Charles is regarded as probably the best BJJ guy in the division and Anthony subs him. HUGE win for Pettis. Demoralizing loss for Oliveira.

Condit vs Maia goes sadly the way we all expected. Maia goes all boa constrictor on Carlos and gets a textbook submission. Fuck. I like Maia. He's a good dude and he's very talented at grappling. I just don't want to see him with the belt because JUST BLEED! Seriously though, we've been spoiled with highly exciting title fights at 170 since GSP left. And now we have Maia looking to blanket submit his way to the belt.

BBMN - 11-20-2016 at 11:10 PM

Ryan Bader vs Ilir Latifi - Very excited for this fight. I think Latifi is one of the most imposing and dangerous new guys at 205 and I am rooting for him. No offense meant to Bader, he's just been there and done that and I want new talent to rise up.

And Bader absolutely obliterates my hope for Latifi....

Damn it. Good striking by Bader though...

We then get to see Alexander Gustafsson return to the cage after some soul searching. He takes on newbie Jan Błachowicz and easily coasts to a decision. Happy to see The Mauler back in there looking sharp and ready for top shelf opponents.

The real story of the night was Barnett doing very well on the feet versus the veteran and elite level kickboxer in Arvloski.

He gets Andrei down and subs him after some GnP. Poor poor Andrei... A win here would've put him back in the title mix, but this makes three in a row and his time may be done in the UFC. Fuck.... I was really hoping to see him fight for the belt one last time.

[Edited on 11-21-2016 by BBMN]

BBMN - 11-20-2016 at 11:45 PM

CM Punk is fighting for some reason. Everyone is really happy for him and he's really happy. And the crowd is going ape shit and yay! He is fighting a unknown Mickey Gall. Punk runs in like a dumbass and is instantly taken down. HUGE ground and pound by Gall. And it's all over as quickly as it began. Punk does this weird post-fight pep talk to Gall and this is just Pride FC levels of circus sideshow shit.

Please God, don't make this happen again. Punk has literally no business being in a professional cage fight with no amateur or pro fights under his belt. Not even any BJJ tournament bouts. Like nothing.

Werdum is looking to get back on the horse tonight by beating Travis Browne. A very weird fight. To start Werdum runs out with a leaping side head kick straight out of Bruce Lee's playbook.

Here's an eye poke that will make you vomit....

Somehow Werdum just shrugs off the fact that his eyeball was just molested by Browne, and the two continue on with a rather volatile match.

It's very clear that Werdum gives no fucks and has no respect for Travis as a fighter and probably a person.

Werdum wins via decision and then almost gets attacked by Browne's corner due to confusion and language issues, and the fact that Edmond Tarverdyan is a total dolt with no good reason to ever be in or near a fight.

Stipe defends his new belt against Overeem. Fuck yes. This is gonna be good. Overeem catches Stipe with a huge shot as he runs away, and drops the champ. He goes for a sub but Stipe gets out and they're circling each other once again. Stipe continues to pressure and just throw good punches in bunches. Alistar is hurt and his defense is looking sloppy. He goes down and Stipe does some Gnp...

And it's over. Wow. Stipe's fundamentals are so solid. He fights very clean and calm and dispatches the former champion with near frightening ease after being hurt early.

And Cleveland goes ape shit.

BBMN - 2-4-2017 at 07:03 PM

Derrick Brunson pressures Uriah Hall (the correct gameplan) and gets an early TKO victory. There is no denying that Brunson is a well rounded guy that can finish at this point.

There is a lot of shit talking going into the main event. Dustin is looking to rejuvenate his career at 155 and has been looking solid. Johnson is coming of a decision loss to Nate Diaz and wants to show everyone that he still has some of the best hands at 155. And he does just that. He's simply too fucking fast for Dustin.

95 seconds into the fight and it's ALL OVER!

BBMN - 2-4-2017 at 10:09 PM

Decent fee card.

Roy Nelson crushes Bigfoot Silva.

TRT Bigfoot was one of the most terrifying heavyweights of all time. Non-TRT Bigfoot... not so much. He's taken some serious damage and not had a good record over the past couple years. He needs to hang it up. The real story after the fight was Roy Nelson lightly kicking John Mcarthy for not declaring it a TKO sooner. It wasn't a late stoppage and I believe Nelson didn't get into too much trouble, but it was seriously stupid and uncalled for.

Barao vs Nover. I don't know shit about Nover. Barao, being a former champion, looked good, but not like a champ. He's fallen from grace so fast. It goes the distance.


Main event goes exactly the way it's expected to. Cyborg is fighting at catchweight 140 against some chick named Lansberg. Basically nobody wants to fight her at all, and she can't make 135 without fucking dying, so we get this mismatch.

Cyborg is well paced and slowly beats her down for a second round stoppage.

She celebrates like she won the Olympics and I get confused. Ultimately this match was a reason for the UFC to build a womens 145 division. The talent pool will be shallow, but they will finally get Cyborg some ladies to fight.

BBMN - 2-5-2017 at 01:30 AM


Dodson and Lineker go the distance and it's kinda forgettable. It's a decent and close fight but I really don't recall much. Split decision for Lineker.

The co-main was Alex Oliveira vs the up and coming Will Brooks. Cowboy weighed very heavy and Brooks took exception during the weigh-ins. I've always dug Cowboy, but he really kinda looks bad here. He comes in heavy, gets called out, and then after the TKO win, does a crotch chop and refuses to apologize. Not a good look.

BBMN - 3-20-2017 at 11:09 PM

Jimi Manuwa stops OSP with a calculated combination of strikes. Jimi is catching fire...

Vitor Belfort, coming off a brutal stoppage by Jacare, loses to Mousasi. I feel bad for him...

And Bisping gets revenge by put pointing Henderson in a somewhat decent, yet unremarkable title defense.

BBMN - 3-20-2017 at 11:17 PM

Lamas submits in a somewhat shocking finish, Charles Oliveira.

Ferguson out points dos Anjos in a match that let me down in terms of quality and victor. Tony is awesome, but I was hoping for RDA to return to the top of the division...

BBMN - 3-20-2017 at 11:54 PM

The Women's 135 division continues to transform at breakneck speed. Miesha Tate gets somewhat dominated by Raquel Pennington.

Poor, poor, poor Chris Weidman... I like the guy, and it's a lions' den at the top of 185, but holy fuck this was bad. After being slightly ahead on points against Yoel Romero, Weidman decides to go for a take down in the final round. This is something he told himself not to do, because of the the very real possibility that Romero, with his freak reflexes and power, would maybe counter with a flying knee.

By the time he hit the mat, there was a large gash in his hairline that was POURING blood. Like hide your kids, hide your wife blood.

Joanna Jędrzejczyk retains her 115 Strawweight title against Karolina Kowalkiewicz. They need to make her title fights 3 rounds....

In a decent Welterweight Title fight, Woodley retains in a draw, yes a draw, against Stephen Wonderboy Thompson. Not too much to write home about....

And in a moment we all (Dana and Conor) have been dreaming of, Conor McGregor defeats Eddie Alverez for the Lightweight Title. Because, if you're 1-1 at 155, you must get a title shot, despite not defending the 145 title for a year.

Congrats to Conor though. He looked sharp here and I hope this means he drops the 145 belt and stays at 155.

So now he has two belts and wants time off. And to fight Mayweather. Two divisions are fucked.

[Edited on 3-20-2017 by BBMN]

BBMN - 3-21-2017 at 10:41 PM

13 fights and I only cared about the main...

Hall uses his reach for most of the opening round and keeps Mousasi at bay. Eventually Gerard tires of this and takes him down and pounds him out. Again, Hall seems to freeze up when pushed on. He makes little effort to get to his feet and just gets wailed on till the ref has enough...

CamstunPWG187 - 12-4-2017 at 07:48 PM

I dunno who said it here, but Overeem's glass jaw proved worthless against that monster Ngannou.

Gaethje Vs. Alvarez, though...Man, what a fight!!!

CCharger - 4-5-2018 at 11:39 PM

So, Conor McGregor and about a dozen of his boys stormed the media day for UFC 223 and caused chaos.

A lot of the commenters are complaining that UFC is "becoming like WWE".

Funny thing is, WWE hasn't done anything nearly this compelling in over a decade.

CamstunPWG187 - 4-6-2018 at 10:57 AM

Conor McGregor is a piece of shit

It just reinforces the notion that most of these guys would be in constant legal trouble if not for MMA.

Floyd really broke him.

nOOb - 4-6-2018 at 01:15 PM

This actually has some bigger repercussions now, so I made a topic for it on its own.

nOOb - 4-6-2018 at 11:19 PM

In actual fight news, Khabib now has an opponent for a "kinda" title match in Al Iaquinta. It's "Kinda" because Iaquinta took the fight on short notice and weighed in a whopping .2 pounds overweight, so if he wins, no champ. But if Khabib wins, new champ. Apparently Sergio Pettis realized he probably wasn't the best choice to get a title shot, what with 2 wins in 7 fights. And yet, all this is only the second or third most ridiculous thing to happen in this sport this week.

CCharger - 9-25-2018 at 10:26 PM

Khabib vs. Conor McGregor

Khabib is the early favorite at +155, but Conor is arguably the best striker in the game right now. If he clips Khabib a few times, this could be done early. On the other hand, Khabib is probably the best wrestler Conor's has ever faced. If Khabib takes it to the mat, I think he submits McGregor.

I think they spend the first round feeling each other out, then Conor tags Khabib hard in the second and wins by TKO. I base this on nothing more than my being an irrational Conor McGregor fanboi.

Paddlefoot - 10-7-2018 at 08:47 AM

Well, that was quite the to-do at the end of the show. Golly!

CVD39 - 10-7-2018 at 09:30 AM

Jesus, I saw the brawl and I�m not sure what to say. You win with grace and you lose with grace. I wouldn�t be surprised if Khabib was just fine for if he�s never allowed back in the UFC again. Dana already said KN�s buddies who got involved are forever done and good on Conor for not pressing charges.

Flash - 10-8-2018 at 02:25 AM

So did UFC just go full on WWE last night to end the show?

I mean between the bus attack, the whiskey bit, the hate the evil foreigners bit (I know that Connor is Irish, but there's foreign and then there's foreign) and the a post match rematch setting up circus... Someone's been taking notes from Vince.

CCharger - 10-8-2018 at 05:45 PM

[Edited on 10-8-2018 by CCharger]

Laruecifer - 1-30-2019 at 05:16 PM

Jack Swagger (Jake Hager) won his pro debut over the weekend in Bellator. He fought some guy I think they literally pulled out of a bar somewhere. He is still using the whole We the People schtick and had R Truth rap his entrance song.