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Author: Subject: PPV DISCUSSION: WWE Wrestlemania 33 (April 2, 2017)
Steers and Queers

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posted on 4-3-2017 at 09:55 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
The preshow matches were a combined 40 minutes of the 2 hours, so 33% of the time.

For the combined 7 hours then, wrestling was 41.5% of the time.

At the 54% = wrestling mark, that takes the show down to 5.5 hours for all 13 matches instead of the 7 that we got.

Don't Mess With Texas

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The Man

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posted on 4-3-2017 at 10:42 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Here's the Hardys' first promo post-return. Looks like Matt is intending to keep a bit of the craziness, but we'll see how long until WWE WWE-izes it and makes it intolerable.

"The Seahawks are cool. Me and Tubby here hung out with them once at a Bruno Mars concert."-Jay and Silent Bob representing the Broncos on FOX NFL Sunday.

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posted on 4-4-2017 at 12:54 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I thought it was a pretty good Mania, albeit long. Man, waking up this morning was a fucking chore.

My favorite matches of the night were:

Rollins-HHH: They told a hell of a story, and while I think we can all agree that Styles is the BITW right now, I was more impressed with Rollins than anybody else. Part of me feels like him re-injuring his knee in January was a bit of a work just to add gravitas to this match. Depending on your mileage, it didn't add that much, but Rollins was selling/moving out there like a GD champ, and HHH worked over the knee and was picture perfect with the methodical beat down. And Steph flew through a table, meaning she's cooler than all our wives and GFs.

Jericho/KO: Solid work from these two, yet I think there's one more show-stealing match in this program, which hopefully will be saved till Summerslam.

AJ/Shane: What everyone else said. AJ is the man, and Shane was more than game.

Raw Tag Titles: I doubt a pop will happen this year that will even come close to what the Hardys got. I admit I wasn't jazzed about them coming because I hated the idea of them dumbing down the weird shit Matt Hardy was doing. But that was a hell of a moment, a great match for everyone, and a cool finish.

WWE title match was the hottest of garbage.
Universal title: It happened. See ya, Bill.

Everything else was good-ish. Cena and Miz carried the match, then Maryse did her one bump; well played, indeed. I don't watch either E! show, but I like Cena-Bella enough as a couple, so good for them.

I think the IC and CW title matches deserved Mania slots, but whatever.

Taker is the man, and I'm stoked he got a good sendoff. That said, the match was brutal to watch, and not in the fun, bloody way Reigns-Lesnar I was. Reigns did everything he could, and showed he's got it in him to carry a match if his opponent is, you know, of able body.

Reigns had to win because we all know he and Lesnar are main eventing next year for the belt as the two men to beat Taker at WM in the building where The Streak ended. It writes itself.

I like Reigns, and as great a heel as he would be, he needs to be left well enough alone and have his character be written better. That'd be a good start. Also, judging by some of the comments here, am I to assume that it was someone on this board that had the bright idea to make a VERY VISIBLE sign last night at Mania that said, "Roman Reigns is a Holocaust Denier"?

Cause that sign was RIGHT in camera view, and it was some crass, classless shit that should have gotten torn apart as soon as the show went live.

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posted on 4-4-2017 at 10:39 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Was it just me, or were the referees really miked up? Especially early on, I could hear plenty of what they were saying.
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Dominated by my love for Randy Orton

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posted on 4-6-2017 at 12:04 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
* Shane/Styles was phenomenal. Everything you could've hoped for. Kudos to Shane for letting that kick off the show.
* JeriKO was good, but I think they can do better.
* Women's match felt a little compressed, but they told a great compressed story. Charlotte's corkscrew moonsault was Liger-esque in its elegance.
* The Hardy's appearance brought high shock value to what was really a pretty pedestrian ladder match by WM standards. That said, it was still very solid.
* HHH/Rollins was decent albeit a little plodding as is often the case with HHH matches. His "methodical beatdowns" have always seemed a tinge slower than most heels to me. That said, I didn't get the kind of satisfaction Seth's win should've brought. Lead up not as good?
* OK, John Cena just had the worst Wrestlemania performance of his career and no one will care, because awwww... I'm guessing Nikki thought it might come with the Total Divas crew or backstage somewhere and not in the ring because she looked genuinely surprised. Miz's work in this match cemented his status as one of the great old school heels of his generation. He played the crowd and played to the crowd brilliantly.
* Everyone said Goldberg/Lesnar would suck. I was hoping they'd be wrong. They weren't. The match literally consisted of FOUR (4) offensive maneuvers. No story, no drama, no build-up, no crescendo, no climax. It was like playing heads-up blackjack where the only way you could win was getting 21 with two cards. That said, the barricade spear where the ringside wall ACTUALLY EXPLODED was a stunning visual. I was searching to make sure no one was impaled by the metal.
* Naomi's win was another telegraph that was told decently. Been the theme of the night pretty much.
* BTW, yes, I did FF Orton. The fact that he is a double-digit world champion makes me want to vomit and never stop vomiting.
* This is an odd placement for Reigns/Taker.
* OK, for all those who feel my Orton hatred is unjustified, I offer this counter. Much like Orton's success, I don't like the story that was told here, mostly because the young fan in me doesn't want to see Taker retire, no matter how old he gets. Much like when Orton succeeds, I don't like who is telling the story here, that Roman Flipping Reigns is the one who is, for all intents and purposes, retiring Taker. However, the way story was told, the old lion's body betraying him, the young lion (who has looked better than I thought he could the last half-year) proving his mettle and showing it was in fact his time, but still needing multiple signature moves to defeat the old lion even though he was a shell of his dominant self, the Going Out On Your Shield narrative JBL spoke about during the match... it all added up at the end to where... I was OK with it. Reigns became, in my eyes, a true Sports Entertainer, even if it still nags at me a smidge that he's 1 of the 2 in 23-2. Taker's departure was the Sports Entertainment Spectacle we all hoped it would be, and it ultimately was an instant salve to as unsatisfying a WM Main Event finish as there's been. But I was OK with it in the end.
* Two other side notes; I thought the ring set with the giant fake ring on top of the real one was excellent and should be used for all future outdoor Wrestlemanias, and God bless Jim Ross for undoubtedly remaining steadfast to his commitment after the tragic passing of his wife. I'm sure Taker had requested him personally to call the match long before the accident, and the fact that he stayed firm blew me away. I'm sure being in the company of his old wrasslin' pals might've helped heal some of his scars.

Godspeed, JR.

I do NOT love RKO, you sarcastic bastards.
"There are no politics in WWE." - Stephanie McMahon

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posted on 4-10-2017 at 03:08 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
I had nothing more important to do today, The Year of Our Lord 2017, than to mention this important day in history...

Mood: RKOFree Since 4/9/13


...Bippity Boo and Skibbity Bop or whatever the fuck. - punkerhardcornette


I expect a company that's basically a cluster of jock shitheads to act like a place that's run by a cluster of jock shitheads. - P. Foot, Esq.

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The Great One

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posted on 4-11-2017 at 06:03 AM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Seth vs Triple H has been good...but the crowd just isn't in to it.

I think the over-long build up to this, coupled by the are they or aren't they going to be able to work around Rollins injury maybe made everyone kind of off in terms of either tempering their expectations, or just not knowing what to expect... In the end I liked the match, but they (and admittedly for reasons maybe outside of their control) just couldn't quite nail the emotional aspect of the feud that was so promising when this started what... a year ago?

Overall having just watched the show while nursing a wicked sunburn and in need of a vacation from my week long get away, I think this was a solid Wrestlemania, but maybe one where they were more often just a step out of rhythm... the early matches and moments nailed it, but the later matches either were just there, or they played it maybe too safe?

I'm trying to think if we as "Smart" fans have become too over-wrapped up in talking about, dissecting, and fantasy booking the shit out of stuff so that any sense of emotional investment or build up the WWE is trying to do actually gets lost on us, or if they have legitimately moved away from Wrestlemania being this kind of supremely built up big feud spot, and more of just a spectacle/celebration instead.

Quick hits:

*Was watching the last bring it to the table on the network and I think JBL threw out like a 5-6 million YouTube hits figure on the pre-show, so while it sucks to see someone like Ambrose "demoted" to the pre-show I'm wondering if with those kind of numbers (although curious to see how long it took them to get those numbers) is the WWE looking at the pre-shows as being a bigger deal than we are.

*The ladies did well out there... I wish the WWE would make use of the 4 way elimination concept more in lieu of the fatal four-way first pin fall wins... both have their merits so I'd tailor it to the particular feud before deciding on which match type to run with... Still, I wish they had of gone with at least one of the matches as a one on one, even if it meant some of the others ladies might have been bumped from the show and moved to a pre-show role.

*The Hardy's were a nice surprise... it is astonishing to me that you have essentially had all the top TNA talents from a few years ago when they were at their peak now in the WWE... Throw that in with the WWE's own talent development and at least in terms of in ring talent we've got a bit of a golden era happening.... Weird that all of this is overshadowed by one man... are we too fixated on Reigns, or is the WWE hurting themselves by insisting on holding onto a one superstar standard bearer model even if that idea is out-dated, or at least in terms of Reigns un-wanted.

*I like what they tried to do with the visuals for RKO-Wyatt, but kind of a cool idea that just misfired... the whole feud was/is like that a bit anyway.

*Tough call as a full on Reigns turn would have likely made this a fantastic WM, but at the same time if this is truly the end of Taker I get how they might not have wanted to overshadow Taker hanging it up.

*Brock versus Goldberg was better than expected... the Brock leap frog legit made me shout a holy shit.... still, bit of a flat ending to a... can you call three encounters with a combined 12 minutes of ring time a feud?

*Overall I think what hurt this WM was a kind of kaleidoscope booking approach... they had an idea of what the various matches and the card might line up to be, but they kind of kept twisting the lens into something that came into focus... at least when they locked up an idea it was a little late in the game. I'd call it a solid B show... stuff happened, but I don't know that they presented in a way to maximize the emotional element of things... plenty of good in ring action, nothing too terrible, but outside of maybe the first two matches probably not something that would go on a best of either....

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The Rowdy One

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posted on 4-11-2017 at 08:24 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Flash

I think the over-long build up to this, coupled by the are they or aren't they going to be able to work around Rollins injury maybe made everyone kind of off in terms of either tempering their expectations, or just not knowing what to expect... In the end I liked the match, but they (and admittedly for reasons maybe outside of their control) just couldn't quite nail the emotional aspect of the feud that was so promising when this started what... a year ago?

Overall having just watched the show while nursing a wicked sunburn and in need of a vacation from my week long get away, I think this was a solid Wrestlemania, but maybe one where they were more often just a step out of rhythm... the early matches and moments nailed it, but the later matches either were just there, or they played it maybe too safe?

I'm trying to think if we as "Smart" fans have become too over-wrapped up in talking about, dissecting, and fantasy booking the shit out of stuff so that any sense of emotional investment or build up the WWE is trying to do actually gets lost on us, or if they have legitimately moved away from Wrestlemania being this kind of supremely built up big feud spot, and more of just a spectacle/celebration instead.

The reactions and acclaim to Owens betraying Jericho proves even the smart fans are willing to sit back and become invested as long as the story is you know, GOOD. Rollins vs HHH was just a terrible build up. The Authority had to fuck Seth over twice for Seth to grow a pair and take the fight to them and HHH's reasoning was stupid. He kept harponing on and on about how this was about Seth getting injured during his Title reign and showing he wasn't built to be a flag bearer. Yet, when Rollins came back he got inmediate Title shots(even got himself an additional reign) and it was around Title shot no.8 that HHH popped in and screwed him over. If Rollins was dead to him due to the knee injury, why the fuck did he wait so long to kick him to the curb? There was an easy solution there, HHH setting up a new golden boy(Kevin Owens) before dithcing the old one but they never really solidified that. Furthermore, the Authroity had an ass backwards approach towards their disdain towards Rollins. Title shot after Title shot freely given but a spot in the Royal Rumble? No way!

The story made everybody come off as passive agressive and when we finally moved on to Rollins vs HHH directly, Rollins got injured and story never really moved to a higher gear. Props to both guys for still having a solid match but the writing just dragged down what should have been Seth's crowning moment as a Top face.

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