Rumor Crap 2016, Pt. 2
OORick - 3-31-2016 at 06:20 AM

Old thread hit 1000 replies, at which point it runs the risk of tasking the database, depending on how many posts-per-page people are using.... ergo, the tradition continues, and we start a fresh thread!

As I recall, the last on-topic matters discussed in the old thread had to do with:


[Edited on 3-31-2016 by OORick]

TomS - 3-31-2016 at 09:08 AM

Soooo, what's the chances of Steph claiming the new Woman's Championship as her idea and making the presentation?

After all, as we all know she did start the Diva's Revolution.

merc - 3-31-2016 at 11:40 AM

The women's belt change rumor ties nicely to a Shane win. -not really but don't use logic-

As new leader of Raw, imma make sum changes startin with dis joke of a belt...

Lay some money on Shane-o-mac... Assuming you trust The Rick's sources.

CCharger - 3-31-2016 at 02:06 PM

Tons of Wrestlemania rumor crap:

* Cageside Seats is reporting that Strowman may no longer be in line to win the Andre Battle Royal. His planned main event match with Brock is now off the books as well. Word is that Vince loves his size, but thinks his face doesn't look intimidating enough to be a heel.

*Snoop Dogg is set to perform Sasha Banks's entrance music at Mania.

* The Wyatt Family will almost certainly be involved in the finish of the Lesnar/Ambrose match

*The new Divas belt is more than just aesthetic. The division will be re-branded as the "Women's Division" and there will be more emphasis on actual wrestling and less emphasis on Total Divas style drama. With the upcoming departures of the Bellas and the influx of great workers from NXT last summer, the WWE brass felt they needed to take the division in a completely different direction. Basically, it sounds like they are finally going to do what they should have done last summer for the "Revolution".

*There are still major re-writes going on for the Shane-Undertaker match. The current plan calls for the Authority - together with Shane - to turn on Undertaker. This will set up the shift of the Authority's attention away from the new champ Reigns and on to the Undertaker. Plans are for HHH-UT for SummerSlam. Either way, there is no way Shane is walking out of Wrestlemania as the babyface GM of Raw.

The Grindfather - 3-31-2016 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Tons of Wrestlemania rumor crap:

*Snoop Dogg is set to perform Sasha Banks's entrance music at Mania.

*There are still major re-writes going on for the Shane-Undertaker match. The current plan calls for the Authority - together with Shane - to turn on Undertaker. This will set up the shift of the Authority's attention away from the new champ Reigns and on to the Undertaker. Plans are for HHH-UT for SummerSlam. Either way, there is no way Shane is walking out of Wrestlemania as the babyface GM of Raw.

Does this mean new music for Sasha? Tough seeing Snoop singing "had a dream I, hadn't made it..." Either way, I'm always a mark for live music + entrance combo at Mania. Seems like we'll get quite a few special entrances this year.

Re: The Shane swerve; that outcome has sorta been in the back of my mind as a worst case scenario for the outcome of that match, but going by WWE logic it makes sense they'd go that way. IMO the #1 thing WWE needs to do to refresh everything isn't turning Reigns or getting behind the NXT talent, it's shelving the Authority & the heel GM concept for awhile. Hell, having Reigns be the guy that finally takes them out of power may be their best bet of getting the crowd behind him. But until then, even if Balor, Bayley, Cena, Cesaro, Rollins, RKO, Hogan, the Mountie, Andre & Glacier all show up over the next few days, it won't mean dick because that Authority anchor will still be attached to everything going on.

And HHH-Taker!?!? I love Taker & get pumped every time he wrestles but with that one.

royberto - 3-31-2016 at 03:53 PM

WWE announces a new show for the WWE Network entitled "Holy Foley" starring Mick Foley and his daughter Noelle. Apparently it will chronicle Noelle training to make it to WWE:

It has Mick, so I am already in, but I have the distinct feeling everyone will be watching to see Noelle.

[Edited on 3-31-2016 by royberto]

Thom - 3-31-2016 at 04:28 PM

Considering it sounds like the show is actually about her, well, yeah.

DKBroiler - 3-31-2016 at 05:04 PM

Originally posted by royberto
WWE announces a new show for the WWE Network entitled "Holy Foley" starring Mick Foley and his daughter Noelle. Apparently it will chronicle Noelle training to make it to WWE:

It has Mick, so I am already in, but I have the distinct feeling everyone will be watching to see Noelle.

[Edited on 3-31-2016 by royberto]

Has there ever been a hardcore female WWE wrestler? Not talking about Chyna or Sunny hardcore (even though I'm all for Noelle Foley going that route as well). It would be interesting to see her try and live up to her dad and to see a super hot chick use thumbtacks, barbwire and fire when the situation calls for it. Living up to Ric Flair is one thing for Charlotte; living up to Mick Foley is something else entirely.

Sam Is Neat - 3-31-2016 at 05:52 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by royberto
WWE announces a new show for the WWE Network entitled "Holy Foley" starring Mick Foley and his daughter Noelle. Apparently it will chronicle Noelle training to make it to WWE:

It has Mick, so I am already in, but I have the distinct feeling everyone will be watching to see Noelle.

[Edited on 3-31-2016 by royberto]

Has there ever been a hardcore female WWE wrestler? Not talking about Chyna or Sunny hardcore (even though I'm all for Noelle Foley going that route as well). It would be interesting to see her try and live up to her dad and to see a super hot chick use thumbtacks, barbwire and fire when the situation calls for it. Living up to Ric Flair is one thing for Charlotte; living up to Mick Foley is something else entirely.

Luna Vachon comes to mind. I think her and Ivory had a hardcore match, albeit sort of a joke/cartoon type match.

But she would be the closest I can think of to being a "hardcore" type of wrestler and she certainly fit in with the Vachon family credo of being weird.

Paddlefoot - 3-31-2016 at 06:11 PM

Didn't Lita put on the crimson mask in the indies a few times before she joined WWF? I think that as close as they ever got to having a female performer who would work those kinds of matches.

merc - 3-31-2016 at 06:21 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by royberto
WWE announces a new show for the WWE Network entitled "Holy Foley" starring Mick Foley and his daughter Noelle. Apparently it will chronicle Noelle training to make it to WWE:

It has Mick, so I am already in, but I have the distinct feeling everyone will be watching to see Noelle.

[Edited on 3-31-2016 by royberto]

Has there ever been a hardcore female WWE wrestler? Not talking about Chyna or Sunny hardcore (even though I'm all for Noelle Foley going that route as well). It would be interesting to see her try and live up to her dad and to see a super hot chick use thumbtacks, barbwire and fire when the situation calls for it. Living up to Ric Flair is one thing for Charlotte; living up to Mick Foley is something else entirely.

You tube "crazy Mary Dobson". You'll see staple guns and what not. I think she's in NXT now

DKBroiler - 3-31-2016 at 06:38 PM

Thanks for the insight. I gotta say, I think one thing that is holding women's wrestling back a bit is the lack of gimmic matches. A woman's Money in the Bank match, an occasional cage match, maybe even a mini-Royal Rumble would work wonders to put them all over. If they are to be treated equally than treat them equally.

lz4005 - 3-31-2016 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Has there ever been a hardcore female WWE wrestler? Not talking about Chyna or Sunny hardcore (even though I'm all for Noelle Foley going that route as well). It would be interesting to see her try and live up to her dad and to see a super hot chick use thumbtacks, barbwire and fire when the situation calls for it. Living up to Ric Flair is one thing for Charlotte; living up to Mick Foley is something else entirely.

Since WWE fines people for intentionally drawing blood in matches nowdays there is no chance of there ever being another character built around a style of match they no longer have. Male or female. Unless they stop being a PG product.

The Hitcher - 3-31-2016 at 10:56 PM

She's indeed in NXT at the moment as "Sarah Dobson," hopefully she can elbow her way out of the (thankfully) crowded sea of talent there and make a go of it because she's wonderful.

SpiNNeR72 - 3-31-2016 at 11:27 PM

So no big surprise but the news is out that the HHH/Reigns match is now no DQ.

Seems like they may still pimp out the Rock...

Chris Is Good517 - 3-31-2016 at 11:40 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Word is that Vince loves his size, but thinks his face doesn't look intimidating enough to be a heel.

This is the most Vince reason to decide to not push somebody ever.

That said, I am not upset to hear this news. Strowman's bad.

Paddlefoot - 4-1-2016 at 12:19 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Tons of Wrestlemania rumor crap:

* Cageside Seats is reporting that Strowman may no longer be in line to win the Andre Battle Royal. His planned main event match with Brock is now off the books as well. Word is that Vince loves his size, but thinks his face doesn't look intimidating enough to be a heel.

OK, this is just plain dumb if it's true. It's not like he looks like the Blaster half of Master Blaster and people laugh at him the minute they see him. They also had plenty of big guys that looked naturally intimidating (Kozlov, Heidenreich, Ezekial, etc) that got put into fuckheaded face roles despite their looks. Christ, it's like Vince & Bucky think up nonsense on purpose just to derail things because they're bored. Or sitting around half-drunk laughing like idiots at their own product and going "hey, you know what might be funny, lets put that psycho-lookin' guy in a rabbit suit and have the nightclub-lookin' guy beat him up!". It never ends with this company (costanza-ing intensifying).

williamssl - 4-1-2016 at 12:24 AM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
So no big surprise but the news is out that the HHH/Reigns match is now no DQ.

Seems like they may still pimp out the Rock...

And/or Undertaker if the above rumorzzzzzs has any truth to it. UT gets fucked with in his match, return the favor here Better chance of cheers for UT getting involved than another forced "hey let's put the Rock out there because SAMOANZZ and CHEERZ, even though it didn't work last time.

GodEatGod - 4-1-2016 at 01:15 AM

TNA had some hardcore women's wrestling now and again - I know Daffney did some (and got hurt doing it) and I think Cheerleader Melissa (whose TNA names I can't remember, plus some of the Gail/Kong stuff got pretty no-DQ. I think Mickie Knuckles on the indies has also done some hardcore stuff.

That said, I don't see that for Noelle generally - her dad's physical condition is the best advertisement against hardcore and I can't imagine him supporting his daughter pursuing that style.

punkerhardcore - 4-1-2016 at 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Christ, it's like Vince & Bucky think up nonsense on purpose just to derail things because they're bored.

Reminds me of Better Call Saul, when the assistant is showing Jimmy that commercial, and talks about how the thing the partners spent the most time on was the background swirl. That's how I picture Vince sometimes... just obsessing over the most pointless minutiae that doesn't even matter.

GodEatGod - 4-1-2016 at 01:46 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Christ, it's like Vince & Bucky think up nonsense on purpose just to derail things because they're bored.

Reminds me of Better Call Saul, when the assistant is showing Jimmy that commercial, and talks about how the thing the partners spent the most time on was the background swirl. That's how I picture Vince sometimes... just obsessing over the most pointless minutiae that doesn't even matter.

I mean, I don't know how many old people you know, but that's pretty much what old men are like, yeah.

the goon - 4-1-2016 at 01:57 AM

Regarding the Shane heel turn speculation: it seems like that would go over really bad with the crowd after a month of "if Shane wins, things are going to get better around here!" talk. Just the thought of Vince and Shane coming out on Monday to gloat about how they fooled everyone and that the Authority isn't going anywhere...Jesus, that's depressing.

Though one fantasy booking thought that popped into my head (which will never happen in a million years, of course): Shane turns heel and defeats the Undertaker through some kind of nefarious means. Then in the main event, Shane comes out and screws over Triple H, helping Roman Reigns win the title. You then have Shane as the new evil head of RAW and Roman as his freshly heel golden boy (though where that would live Triple H and Steph, I have no idea).

janerd75 - 4-1-2016 at 02:25 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by CCharger
Tons of Wrestlemania rumor crap:

* Cageside Seats is reporting that Strowman may no longer be in line to win the Andre Battle Royal. His planned main event match with Brock is now off the books as well. Word is that Vince loves his size, but thinks his face doesn't look intimidating enough to be a heel.

OK, this is just plain dumb if it's true. It's not like he looks like the Blaster half of Master Blaster and people laugh at him the minute they see him. They also had plenty of big guys that looked naturally intimidating (Kozlov, Heidenreich, Ezekial, etc) that got put into fuckheaded face roles despite their looks. Christ, it's like Vince & Bucky think up nonsense on purpose just to derail things because they're bored. Or sitting around half-drunk laughing like idiots at their own product and going "hey, you know what might be funny, lets put that psycho-lookin' guy in a rabbit suit and have the nightclub-lookin' guy beat him up!". It never ends with this company (costanza-ing intensifying).

CM Crunk - 4-1-2016 at 06:22 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Christ, it's like Vince & Bucky think up nonsense on purpose just to derail things because they're bored.

Reminds me of Better Call Saul, when the assistant is showing Jimmy that commercial, and talks about how the thing the partners spent the most time on was the background swirl. That's how I picture Vince sometimes... just obsessing over the most pointless minutiae that doesn't even matter.

I mean, I don't know how many old people you know, but that's pretty much what old men are like, yeah.

Can we get merc to confirm this or is he too busy angrily shaking his fists at the kids down the street who keep defacing the BERTO 2016 signs in his yard and listening to their rippity raps too loud?

Originally posted by janerd75

and to anybody who takes umbrage with our brOOmance...

janerd75 - 4-1-2016 at 09:39 AM

You'll always be my First Mate, Crunkers.

CM Crunk - 4-1-2016 at 12:15 PM

Janerdy, your recent exhibitions of gif mastery have officially made you the ass-burgery Abed of this duo. I'll make sure to edit in something entertaining and chortle-worthy once I wake up and am not completely drunk.

Aaaand when I finish my criminally underlooked hip hop album. REFERENCES!



CCharger - 4-1-2016 at 01:18 PM

Couple nuggets of rumor crap on a slow Friday:

*WWE will begin rebranding their biggest show of the year next year. Wrestlemania will be known as "WWE Mania" or simply "Mania" beginning at next year's show in Orlando. WWE announced in a press release that this new name is to "emphasize the sports entertainment aspect of the product rather than just the wrestling and to further brand it as a week-long event rather than a one-night wrestling show".

* In an interview with CBS Sports Radio, Paul London confirmed that he was set up for a huge push prior to Benoit's murder-suicide. He said that he was to be revealed as the one who set the bomb in Vince's limo, and was going to be given a long run as WWE champion. This explains why he had the huge smile as Vince walked down the hall prior to being "blown up". Beniot's issue changed those plans and London was eventually released.

* CM Punk set social media ablaze yesterday when he tweeted - then quickly deleted - "I wonder what the weather in Dallas is this time of year?" leading to speculation that he was in town for a surprise Mania appearance.

[Edited on 4-1-2016 by CCharger]

The Hitcher - 4-1-2016 at 04:44 PM


denverpunk - 4-1-2016 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

* In an interview with CBS Sports Radio, Paul London confirmed that he was set up for a huge push prior to Benoit's murder-suicide. He said that he was to be revealed as the one who set the bomb in Vince's limo, and was going to be given a long run as WWE champion. This explains why he had the huge smile as Vince walked down the hall prior to being "blown up". Beniot's issue changed those plans and London was eventually released.

* CM Punk set social media ablaze yesterday when he tweeted - then quickly deleted - "I wonder what the weather in Dallas is this time of year?" leading to speculation that he was in town for a surprise Mania appearance.

[Edited on 4-1-2016 by CCharger]


Dominator - 4-1-2016 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
*WWE will begin rebranding their biggest show of the year next year. Wrestlemania will be known as "WWE Mania" or simply "Mania" beginning at next year's show in Orlando. WWE announced in a press release that this new name is to "emphasize the sports entertainment aspect of the product rather than just the wrestling and to further brand it as a week-long event rather than a one-night wrestling show".

If not April Fool's, this is an extraordinarily stupid idea. It's like changing Super Bowl to NFL Super Week. Get over the need to constantly re-brand everything every 4 days.

Paddlefoot - 4-1-2016 at 08:28 PM

This needs more input, boys, so get to steppin' damn you.

Wickedfrost - 4-1-2016 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by the goonThough one fantasy booking thought that popped into my head (which will never happen in a million years, of course): Shane turns heel and defeats the Undertaker through some kind of nefarious means. Then in the main event, Shane comes out and screws over Triple H, helping Roman Reigns win the title. You then have Shane as the new evil head of RAW and Roman as his freshly heel golden boy (though where that would live Triple H and Steph, I have no idea).

I'm kind of on board with something like this. I think you've got to push StepHHH away from Vince - and I think they've been planting the seeds for a month or so. I think the endgame has to be Vince retiring and Steph taking over for real - but I think the goal is to try to put her over in a more friendly light.

ulsterphil - 4-1-2016 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Originally posted by CCharger
Word is that Vince loves his size, but thinks his face doesn't look intimidating enough to be a heel.

This is the most Vince reason to decide to not push somebody ever.

That said, I am not upset to hear this news. Strowman's bad.

He didnt like pushing Christian because he thought he looked like a rat.

He even went as far as wanting his face censored as part of an angle.

CM Crunk - 4-1-2016 at 10:42 PM

Well this is interesting: in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Dallas earlier this afternoon Sting said that the TMZ report was bogus and he won't be retiring until he gives his fans the match with The Undertaker that they've been waiting for.

ETA: Yes I realize what day it is but this story looks to be legit. Doesn't mean it'll ever actually happen but it does appear as if Sting might be going into business for himself a bit to get the ball rolling.

[Edited on 4/1/2016 by CM Crunk]

SpiNNeR72 - 4-1-2016 at 11:41 PM

Thats not exactly new, there was a video of him saying just that a week or so ago.

royberto - 4-2-2016 at 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Dominator
Originally posted by CCharger
*WWE will begin rebranding their biggest show of the year next year. Wrestlemania will be known as "WWE Mania" or simply "Mania" beginning at next year's show in Orlando. WWE announced in a press release that this new name is to "emphasize the sports entertainment aspect of the product rather than just the wrestling and to further brand it as a week-long event rather than a one-night wrestling show".

If not April Fool's, this is an extraordinarily stupid idea. It's like changing Super Bowl to NFL Super Week. Get over the need to constantly re-brand everything every 4 days.
IT is an April Fools joke. The other two "rumors" are a dead giveaway.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-2-2016 at 12:29 AM

Originally posted by the goon
Though one fantasy booking thought that popped into my head (which will never happen in a million years, of course): Shane turns heel and defeats the Undertaker through some kind of nefarious means. Then in the main event, Shane comes out and screws over Triple H, helping Roman Reigns win the title. You then have Shane as the new evil head of RAW and Roman as his freshly heel golden boy (though where that would live Triple H and Steph, I have no idea).

Dammit! I was waiting until the OOfficial Wrestlemania thread to whip a similar theory out there. It does seem like a hell of a plan, because either the popularity of Shane McMahon helps Roman Reigns out, or the hate of Roman Reigns magnifies as fans feel a complete betrayal of Shane's message by siding with Reigns, making him a megaton-more fresh heel authority figure than the HHH-Steph one right now. We could really use some time off from a heel head, but if its interesting, what the hell.

That said, my end of this involves Seth Rollins.

HHH picked a new heir, in Sheamus...and when that didn't work, he picked himself. Rollins, you know, THE ARCHITECT [h/t Michael Cole], sees this and realizes that he is no longer being backed. He needs a new front. He devises bringing back Shane, BECAUSE HE'S THE ARCHITECT (c), and becomes the devil in Roman's ear as the fans start turning on him.

At Mania, the newly incredibly convenient NO DQ rule allows for not only HBK and The Rock to help out their sides, but much to the dismay of the Rock, Reigns' old running mate comes from the crowd, and Shane from the back, to help. Reigns wins...and when The Rock comes to ask him about it...SPEAR...heel turn.

Two guys behind Reigns to keep him strong and mostly quiet as a highly protected top heel (you can add an enforcer like Samoa Joe in the meantime as well), and you have a completely new side to Raw tomorrow night.

[And at the end of the day, you can still get to your Rollins face return when he's healed, when again, the "authority figure" refuses to give him a title match against their hand-picked champion (Reigns in the Orton role).]

As you said...NONE of this will likely occur (and there's probably more than enough other "on the plan" fantasy bookings they can go with instead)...but the tide seems to be turning...and there are A HELL of a lot of faces sitting there to be run at a heel at the top of the card........

royberto - 4-2-2016 at 12:56 AM

Cena did a Q&A; with where he states he is medically cleared to return:

While some of it may come off as company guy, it really is a candid interview. Of course, the interviewer decides to ask Cena about turning heel and Cena absolutely owns him with this exchange:

Interviewer: When are you turning heel?
Cena: Okay, this is where your inside baseball mind gets put to an abrupt stop. What is the job of a heel?

I: To make people boo.
C: Is that what I do?

I: Most of the time.
C: Okay, so that happened in 2005.

Cena just needed to add a mic drop at the end of that. That was masterful.

Dyn-O-Mite - 4-2-2016 at 01:05 AM

Actually, what I found most interesting was him possibly setting the stage for feud at next WM - should Undertaker lose on Sunday:

As a fan, what match are you most looking forward to?
Shane-Undertaker because of what�s at stake�the stakes are what determines how important a match is. Yes, we all want to be champion, but Shane returning after a seven year absence to only have one match and if he loses, he�s gone. If he wins, things change drastically. If he beats the Undertaker I can confidently say that�s probably the last time we are going to see the Undertaker because if the Undertaker is as good as he says he is, for him to lose to someone coming off a seven year sabbatical, maybe you�ve lost a step kid. Maybe its time to move aside.

Paddlefoot - 4-2-2016 at 03:19 AM

Possibly. Cena vs Taker is the last remaining feud for the deadman. For Cena too, as he's faced off against most of the significant talent on the roster, both old and new.

I'll fly my wanker flag by saying that it would be the perfect opportunity to have Cena finally do that long awaited heel turn. Make-A-Wish aside there's no merch reason not to, not after Hogan turning heel in WCW led to the NWO shirts becoming the second best selling t's of all time behind Stone Cold 3:16. I have no discomfort at all in saying that I cheer Cena now and that if he shows up at Mania to screw either Shane or Taker he'll get a huge pop too. Fuck, if he turns on Reigns it'll be the biggest backfire of all time, maybe the one that destroys forced-pushes and kayfabe forever. If that happened Cena would get the hugest pop of his entire career because there's no way, not even turning the biggest babyface of the last decade heel, that the Reigns experiment can be saved. No matter what circumstances they try to arrange the crowds simply aren't going to go along with it at all.

* Nikki Bella is definitely not going to be able to return to the ring full time and might not even be able to return part time. Doctors are keeping her out of appearing ringside at the women's tag match at WM because even a small bump could wreck her recovery. Next major examination is set for July with a CAT scan but word is that her in-ring career is essentially over.

[Edited on 4/2/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Flash - 4-2-2016 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by the goon
Though one fantasy booking thought that popped into my head (which will never happen in a million years, of course): Shane turns heel and defeats the Undertaker through some kind of nefarious means. Then in the main event, Shane comes out and screws over Triple H, helping Roman Reigns win the title. You then have Shane as the new evil head of RAW and Roman as his freshly heel golden boy (though where that would live Triple H and Steph, I have no idea).

I'd actually go the other way a bit; maybe tease a Shane turn by having him go over in their match... you could find some way to make it happen, maybe the authority/Vince send someone in to screw Shane when it looks like he's about to win, but they take out Taker by accident and Shane get's the win.... Anyway, the end game would be either be after we get a winner in HHH vs Reigns, or mid-match; Shane wants to make it up to Taker so now he's in the main event and takes home the title. Yeah, it's a bit like last year, but it'd be a way to A) get rid of the heel authority for a while, B) Keep Shane a face and change things up a bit, and C) Send the crowd home happy.

SpiNNeR72 - 4-2-2016 at 06:47 PM

Several sources saying the HIAC match is going to close the show. That will certainly take the heat away from Reigns title win and I guess if there is ever a time for the championship match not to close the show, having the boss and the guy who must know he is better off not being the main even do it.

If Cena/Taker happens, it could easy be a "year in the making" similarly to the Rock. And the fact is Cena will be the heel, he doesn't have to "turn" as he put it so perfectly himself in the interview mentioned above.

He is the default heel against Taker but carries on granting wishes and selling wristbands for kids without missing a beat.

the goon - 4-2-2016 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
Several sources saying the HIAC match is going to close the show. That will certainly take the heat away from Reigns title win and I guess if there is ever a time for the championship match not to close the show, having the boss and the guy who must know he is better off not being the main even do it.

If the WWE is smart and doesn't want the main event to completely bomb, they'll put Taker/Shane on last. But Taker/Shane just seems like such an odd WrestleMania main event to me; not necessarily a bad main event, but just odd to have a 46 year-old guy who hasn't been on WWE TV in seven years and isn't even really a wrestler headlining the WWE's biggest PPV of the year against the Undertaker.

With all that said, I wonder if Taker/Shane going on last gives any hint to the outcome. It doesn't really seem like Shane turning heel and winning the match is the way the WWE would want to close out WrestleMania (especially after they did the "heel swoops in and wins the WWE title" swerve finish last year), unless they really did go for a "holy shit" moment like Cena turning heel and costing Taker the match.

Paddlefoot - 4-2-2016 at 10:24 PM

Dayam Scotty!

57...12 Rehabs later . Bad times don't last BUT Bad Guys do #WrestleMania32

— Scott Hall (@SCOTTHALLNWO) April 1, 2016

janerd75 - 4-2-2016 at 11:28 PM

Oo la la! Golly Scotty. I shoulda gone on the booze-to-DDP yoga excercise regimen myself.

Paddlefoot - 4-3-2016 at 12:01 AM

Musta been the yogurt that worked for him.

Nah Thcotty Hawl, he gat a prollem witda thauth ageeyun. Git heeyum somma dat Faggy dat Bobba Fley sell alla thiime t'werk ot tha deminth.....

janerd75 - 4-3-2016 at 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Musta been the yogurt that worked for him.

Nah Thcotty Hawl, he gat a prollem witda thauth ageeyun. Git heeyum somma dat Faggy dat Bobba Fley sell alla thiime t'werk ot tha deminth.....

Awwwwww yeah, Bobba Fley daddeh!!! Rub somma dat Faggy all ova ya fayth anna awl ova mah Axxtheth sthatchew, baybeh! Thingth gonna git awl Faggy wit Jan Thena runnin' eyun ta hep ol' ShaynaMac beat da dedman an' tha Rack gonna hep Romin Reyns beet Trippa Aicth!!!

CM Crunk - 4-3-2016 at 12:16 AM

Big news here, the "WHAT?" chant was finally used in the name of good to shut down some Westboro adjace protesters outside of Axxess.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-3-2016 at 12:31 AM

Confirmed at the Hall of Fame Red Carpet Show, long rumored match placement for Wrestlemania we've all been waiting to find out answered:

Ryback-Kalisto will go on first at Wrestlemania, according to Ryback.

S Kid J E T S 48 - 4-3-2016 at 12:51 AM


That should probably be the header of the eventual Mania thread.

janerd75 - 4-3-2016 at 01:02 AM

Is that the "shocked face" dude from when UT lost to Brock? Taker, uh, looks not so spry in that pic. Good that his name is the Deadman, I guess.

janerd75 - 4-3-2016 at 08:04 PM

Cageside is reporting the possibility of a big return for WM that, well...please god no........

Please let this floating rumour stay the floater that it is until it can be properly flushed after tonight's show.

Paddlefoot - 4-3-2016 at 08:52 PM

I guess that's one way to guarantee that someone there will get booed more than Roman is gonna be.

CCharger - 4-3-2016 at 10:18 PM

With WWE's recent history, they'll bring him in as a babyface ala Batista.

williamssl - 4-4-2016 at 12:10 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Cageside is reporting the possibility of a big return for WM that, well...please god no........

Please let this floating rumour stay the floater that it is until it can be properly flushed after tonight's show.

If this happens....

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 12:51 AM

Originally posted by williamssl

If this happens....

...Ryback should find me. He should cunt me...

That makes no sense-ish, but standing on my head and intestinally chugging Crown doesn't either...

Paddlefoot - 4-4-2016 at 01:25 AM

It would be one of the most Dixie Carter things WWE has ever done.

Dyn-O-Mite - 4-4-2016 at 06:12 PM

Are we on the precipice of the long clamored for heel turn?

What happens when the boos of begrudging admiration go 1-on-1 with the boos of apathy?

Ladies & Gentlemen: Summer Slam 2016!

royberto - 4-4-2016 at 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Dyn-O-Mite
Are we on the precipice of the long clamored for heel turn?

What happens when the boos of begrudging admiration go 1-on-1 with the boos of apathy?

Ladies & Gentlemen: Summer Slam 2016!
Cena actually got cheered last night. I'm actually inclined to think Cena will get cheered in this unless Roman turns heel in which Roman will be cheered.

royberto - 4-4-2016 at 06:56 PM

Watching the show again, they already dubbed over "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC used during the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders dance. If they are going to automatically dub over a song they use, how about not use it to begin with?

Dirty Rhodes - 4-4-2016 at 07:30 PM

If they don't turn Roman (hee hee, I first typed Ramon) - If they don't turn Ramon tonight they're not going to turn him. So fuck it, let's wait and see if common sense or complete ignorance of reality wins out...

"Come on heel turn, hey batta' batta' batta'.....Swing!!"

Dirty Rhodes - 4-4-2016 at 07:34 PM

Wait, I got it. There's your next parallel WWE universe feud....

Ramon Reigns vs Juan Cena.

royberto - 4-4-2016 at 08:59 PM

WWE announces they have reached a record 1.82 million subscribers to the WWE Network:

We will see how the numbers change after the free trials for those that signed up to watch Wrestlemania expires, but damn, that is an impressive number.

salmonjunkie - 4-4-2016 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Watching the show again, they already dubbed over "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC used during the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders dance. If they are going to automatically dub over a song they use, how about not use it to begin with?

What did they dub it with?

CCharger - 4-4-2016 at 10:02 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Originally posted by royberto
Watching the show again, they already dubbed over "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC used during the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders dance. If they are going to automatically dub over a song they use, how about not use it to begin with?

What did they dub it with?

The Benny Hill Show theme song.

merc - 4-4-2016 at 10:20 PM

I am graphically incompetent.

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by merc]

merc - 4-4-2016 at 10:24 PM

Originally posted by janerd75
Cageside is reporting the possibility of a big return for WM that, well...please god no........

Please let this floating rumour stay the floater that it is until it can be properly flushed after tonight's show.

Janny ole boy ya know I marginally tolerate ya, but this is the most recent example. FFS peeps, for,the love of the interweb, can we please leave the stupid shit from other wrassling webplaces right where it's festerin?

In this case, as most it was wrong, no one had

[Edited on 4-4-2016 by merc]

janerd75 - 4-4-2016 at 11:45 PM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by janerd75
Cageside is reporting the possibility of a big return for WM that, well...please god no........

[img]http/:thankchristgoldbrickdidn'tshowup.jpg[ /img]

Please let this floating rumour stay the floater that it is until it can be properly flushed after tonight's show.

Janny ole boy ya know I marginally tolerate ya, but this is the most recent example. FFS peeps, for,the love of the interweb, can we please leave the stupid shit from other wrassling webplaces right where it's festerin?

[img]http/:jesuschristthisimageisyuuuge.jpg[ /img]

But...but...something...something...Rumor Crap...

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 06:43 AM

Probably more reality than rumor given its accuracy, but here's a fun lil' Reddit AMA dump from someone apparently behind the scenes. Interesting Q and A session to be sure.

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 07:54 AM

Hmmm. Someone who likes gyros and says Emma is really mean. Who could it be?

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 08:05 AM

Vince: Boys you have to grab that brass ring
Dean: Hey Vince let me beat the snot out of Brock with a Brass Ring.

Vince: Put that away Dean. Brass Rings are for people who grab them!
Dean: But I'm holding it, I grabbed it.

Vince: No Dean you have to be given the Brass Ring to grab it, damn it! Look at Roman over there he figured it out (stares admiringly).

Dean: But... nevermind...
That's from one of the askers, not the answerer, but it's just as true as the rest of the very apparently-true insider stuff.

royberto - 4-5-2016 at 01:00 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Originally posted by royberto
Watching the show again, they already dubbed over "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC used during the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders dance. If they are going to automatically dub over a song they use, how about not use it to begin with?

What did they dub it with?
Some generic music that vaguely sounds like AC/DC.

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 02:55 PM

Sami Zayn injured again? Is he this generation's Wade Barrett?

CamstunPWG187 - 4-5-2016 at 03:21 PM

I've been saying it for years: WWE's picking these guys from the indies too late. It seems only now they have their eyes on he indies with much less focus on developing home-grown talent, so hopefully they start picking guys out before they ruin their bodies back in the indies. If you followed Generico/Zayn's Indy career like I did, you know what he did to his body.

If he's actually injured, this is reaaaaalllly shitty and will affect his career going forward

CCharger - 4-5-2016 at 03:37 PM

* The Sami Zayn injury was simply an angle to allow Cesaro to return in the main event according to PWI insider

* Rumors abound that the end of the Authority angle is at hand. Word is that both HHH and Steph will be taking a long break away from TV.

* Wade Barrett's contract expires in late spring and he has already sent feelers out to Japan.

* Brie Bella's retirement will be used as a major plot point in next season's Total Divas

*Apparently, the boos at Mania and last night at RAW really bothered Reigns and he need to be "counseled" by Vince and others on how to handle the negative reaction properly. Nevertheless, there are no plans for a heel turn and will keep the belt at least until SummerSlam.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by CCharger]

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
*Apparently, the boos at Mania and last night at RAW really bothered Reigns and he need to be "counseled" by Vince and others on how to handle the negative reaction properly......

Bah gawd! That's a human being underneath all that wreckage of a failed storyline, King.

williamssl - 4-5-2016 at 05:12 PM

Somehow I envision that Vince/Roman convo going like this:

ulsterphil - 4-5-2016 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
*Apparently, the boos at Mania and last night at RAW really bothered Reigns and he need to be "counseled" by Vince and others on how to handle the negative reaction properly. Nevertheless, there are no plans for a heel turn and will keep the belt at least until SummerSlam.

If it has seriously taken until now for him to realise exactly how he is viewed by the majority of fans then he is a lot dumber than i expected and deserves them for being an empty headed assclown.

royberto - 4-5-2016 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

*Apparently, the boos at Mania and last night at RAW really bothered Reigns and he need to be "counseled" by Vince and others on how to handle the negative reaction properly. Nevertheless, there are no plans for a heel turn and will keep the belt at least until SummerSlam.
[Edited on 4-5-2016 by CCharger]
Don't buy that one for a minute. He handled the crowd perfectly at Raw. In fact, I dare say that the character he showed on Raw is the type of character he needs to have. Smug, arrogant and cocky asshole who thinks he is better than everyone else.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by royberto]

williamssl - 4-5-2016 at 05:28 PM

I still choose to believe that the "Buck up, little camper" line was delivered from Vince to Roman.

janerd75 - 4-5-2016 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
*Apparently, the boos at Mania and last night at RAW really bothered Reigns and he need to be "counseled" by Vince and others on how to handle the negative reaction properly. Nevertheless, there are no plans for a heel turn and will keep the belt at least until SummerSlam.

punkerhardcore - 4-5-2016 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
*Apparently, the boos at Mania and last night at RAW really bothered Reigns and he need to be "counseled" by Vince and others on how to handle the negative reaction properly. Nevertheless, there are no plans for a heel turn and will keep the belt at least until SummerSlam.

"Don't worry Roman... we're gonna book you in a match against that Styles guy. You're tall and handsome, nobody is going to cheer him over you."

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 05:41 PM

The only way out for him now is to be caught by the cops in a car by the side of the road doing lines with Hacksaw Jim and Sabu. Shhhh! I'm trying to get fired!

CCharger - 4-5-2016 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by royberto
In fact, I dare say that the character he showed on Raw is the type of character he needs to have. Smug, arrogant and cocky asshole who thinks he is better than everyone else.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by royberto]

A heel, in other words. What we have all been calling for him to be for almost two years?

Paddlefoot - 4-5-2016 at 06:10 PM

Rick Martel and Tyler Breeze both do it way better.

royberto - 4-5-2016 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by royberto
In fact, I dare say that the character he showed on Raw is the type of character he needs to have. Smug, arrogant and cocky asshole who thinks he is better than everyone else.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by royberto]

A heel, in other words. What we have all been calling for him to be for almost two years?
Actually, a tweener. There are those that cheer him. Have him treat heels the same way as he treats faces as Stone Cold used to. Let the fans that like him cheer him, cheer him. Lets the fans that hate him boo him. Don't try to make him either or.

CCharger - 4-5-2016 at 07:00 PM

"Smug, arrogant and cocky asshole" is not a tweener. That's a heel.

What he needs to be is a stoic, "lone wolf", asskicker.

royberto - 4-5-2016 at 08:02 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
"Smug, arrogant and cocky asshole" is not a tweener. That's a heel.

What he needs to be is a stoic, "lone wolf", asskicker.
It can be a tweener. He just has to stay away from blatant heel tactics. Take on heels and faces. Treat them the exact same way. Last night was a great start to what it can be.

CCharger - 4-5-2016 at 08:10 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by CCharger
"Smug, arrogant and cocky asshole" is not a tweener. That's a heel.

What he needs to be is a stoic, "lone wolf", asskicker.
It can be a tweener. He just has to stay away from blatant heel tactics. Take on heels and faces. Treat them the exact same way. Last night was a great start to what it can be.

Blatant heel tactics like being a smug, arrogant, cocky asshole?

Columbo - 4-5-2016 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
"Smug, arrogant and cocky asshole" is not a tweener. That's a heel.

What he needs to be is a stoic, "lone wolf", asskicker.

I found a picture of Berto watching wrasstlemania...

Foxcalibur - 4-5-2016 at 08:37 PM

Soooooo, I've never been convinced "tweener" is an actual thing. Like, it's a meta thing. A term to describe a phase between the two real alignments, "face" (someone the fans love) and "heel" (someone the fans hate.)

Lemme start over: the real arbiters of who is and is not the "hero" of a wrestling story are the fans. Primarily the live fans in attendance, but also the fan-base worldwide. The days of designated "faces" and "heels" have pretty much been over since Steve Austin became a thing. Just giving a wrestler a "nice guy who doesn't cheat" gimmick doesn't work, especially if it doesn't suit his personality. The fans will decide who they root for, even if that character is an obvious bastard by any reasonable standard.

Now, you can make the fans' guy a good guy. This cab involve a thing called character development. I popped my brains out when Stone Cold rescued poor little Stephanie from the Ministry or when the Rock finally stuck up for Mankind. It can also involve giving a nice-guy gimmick to an actual nice guy. Apollo Crews radiates niceness. So does Finn Balor when he's just being himself. In good stories, people LOVE virtuous heroes. I say again, Captain America is the most popular avenger.

But the first step is to understand, "the fans decide the heroes and villains." You let them tell you who they like and don't, and you book accordingly. The fans either love a guy, hate him, or don't care.

So the only thing a Tweener can really be is someone who gets a mixed reaction. And a mixed reaction is usually a sign of failed booking -- the audience doesn't know how to treat this person. John Cena's the best example. Otherwise, a character's BEHAVIOR has nothing to do with Tweenerness.

Brock Lesnar has never changed his behavior since his return a few years back. He's a big bad bullying conqueror-beast. He likes to hurt other humans and is uniquely equipped to do so. His biggest "babyface" moment was turning the arena inside out and F-5ing various noncombatants. Our hero...? Yes. Because the crowd lost their minds cheering for it and the fans worldwide were in love. From that moment on, Brock Lesnar should've been the goddamn Superman of the WWE (ugh) universe. But he's not a "tweener," he's a face. He gets a positive reaction. Tweeners aren't really a thing. An anti-hero is just a face. A designated hero is just a heel.

What I'm saying in my roundabout Foxylicious way, is that Charger is right REGARDLESS of how Roman Reigns behaves: He's not a Tweener, he's a heel. The fans largely want him to die in a fire. Sadly, I don't believe any amount of stoic, lone-wolf badassery will earn him less boos, as he is the designated scapegoat for all the IWC and hardcore fans' frustrations.

Thus, making him a "cocky, arrogant asshole" is posilutely, absotively the correct step. The sooner you make his behavior suit his reaction, the sooner the fans are allowed and encouraged to ENJOY their reactions, and thus enjoy his presence. He's going to be a rage-sink anyway. He may as well lean into it with his considerable presence. He can have the GIMMICK of a tweener. I like the "Not a good guy, not a bad guy, just THE guy" slogan quite a bit. But in narrative terms, there is no such thing as a tweener.

Tweener. Tweener. Fun word.

bigfatgoalie - 4-5-2016 at 08:42 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by CCharger
"Smug, arrogant and cocky asshole" is not a tweener. That's a heel.

What he needs to be is a stoic, "lone wolf", asskicker.
It can be a tweener. He just has to stay away from blatant heel tactics. Take on heels and faces. Treat them the exact same way. Last night was a great start to what it can be.

Blatant heel tactics like being a smug, arrogant, cocky asshole?

Maybe he should think he's hot? Know he's sexy. Have the moves...that drives the girls wild? So yes, much like HBK a face can be smug, arrogant, and a cocky asshole. Hell, there was a great Crashing The Boards about the faces being jerks.

I get that royberto is not tackling the subject well...but faces that use heel tactics is not a new concept.

CCharger - 4-5-2016 at 08:47 PM

Foxy's right.

By royberto's measure, Seth Rollins is a tweener. He's a smug, arrogant, cocky asshole.

But he clearly is not. He gets booed - even by fans who think he's the tits in the ring.

Can a smug, arrogant, cocky asshole be cheered? Sure. HBK like you said. Flair is another. Even the Rock. But that doesn't make them babyfaces necessarily. Brock is a "heel", but a lot of what he does gets cheered. Does that make him a babyface? No.

Nevertheless, Reigns doesn't have the charisma to even come close to pulling off an HBK-Flair-Rock mashup.

Foxcalibur - 4-5-2016 at 09:04 PM

I don't think Reigns will ever be like HBK/Flair/Rock. He's not a flashy, flamboyant guy. He doesn't have Big-C Charisma the way those guys do. Reigns as a heel is the arrogant blue-chipper. The gifted athlete who knows how good he is and doesn't give a shit if you like him or not. He's Marshawn Lynch. He shouldn't have to say much, and should just let his body-language do the talking. Which, thus far (as in, after one day!) he has been.

I'm a big fan of Roman Rayguns. I wish they'd let him cut loose a bit more in the ring like he did with Daniel Bryan. But he's got a great look, fun moveset, and wonderful presence and intensity. I think there's a great babyface within Roman Reigns. But they've booked him into a corner, and he needs to judo his way out of it. He does that by turning his hated "chosen one" status into a positive.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 09:54 PM

I thought we had a Reigns Talk thread so we could debate his value there? Or did we gif-spew the crap out of it and ruin the sandbox to the extent that nobody wants to play in it?

CCharger - 4-5-2016 at 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
I thought we had a Reigns Talk thread so we could debate his value there? Or did we gif-spew the crap out of it and ruin the sandbox to the extent that nobody wants to play in it?


Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 10:04 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by Count Zero
I thought we had a Reigns Talk thread so we could debate his value there? Or did we gif-spew the crap out of it and ruin the sandbox to the extent that nobody wants to play in it?



[Edited on 4-5-2016 by Count Zero]

Foxcalibur - 4-5-2016 at 10:11 PM

Oh, I saw that. I just figured the current debate about Reigns's tweenerness or otherwise was happening here, so I kept my thoughts here. I have other things to say in the Reigns-specific thread.

Count Zero - 4-5-2016 at 10:13 PM

I just figured I'd try to be "helpful" and point people in that direction so we don't end up with Rumor Crap, Volume 3 sooner instead of later. Carry on however you wish, gentlebOOardies.

Matte - 4-5-2016 at 10:22 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by royberto
In fact, I dare say that the character he showed on Raw is the type of character he needs to have. Smug, arrogant and cocky asshole who thinks he is better than everyone else.

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by royberto]

A heel, in other words. What we have all been calling for him to be for almost two years?
Actually, a tweener. There are those that cheer him. Have him treat heels the same way as he treats faces as Stone Cold used to. Let the fans that like him cheer him, cheer him. Lets the fans that hate him boo him. Don't try to make him either or.

So like Kevin Owens but with less walk-outs.

nOOb - 4-5-2016 at 10:51 PM

Idea: how about we expand Reigns Talk to also be the revealing place for any rumor substantially involving Roman Reigns? Cause we've already had this conversation, too, like a hundred times. "Something something Reigns, something something cocky, something something else heel turn? Something something else he's not that bad, etc." Obviously this wouldn't be doable immediately, since having CCharger review his rumors for mentions of Reigns and then editing them accordingly to keep mentions of one person out both ruins the integrity of all future Rumor Crap and also is downright unconstitutional (or whatever the Canadian, UK, and Indian equivalents to that are...I'm an inclusionist).

Most of us are better than this. Let's keep Roman where he belongs: an entire topic devoted strictly to the discussion of him as though he were the most important person on the entire roster even though the majority of our discussions about him are regarding how he shouldn't be but the topic needing to exist in the first place is a bit of irony in and of itself.

Matte - 4-5-2016 at 11:15 PM

The problem with the Roman-specific thread is that he's bound to come up in conversations involving rumors, Raw, SmackDown, and all other things WWE because he is a big part of all of those things. Someone will see what's said about him and will want to add their thoughts on it, so they naturally reply in the same thread because it would be silly to quote the post and drag it over to the Roman thread to reply. Chances are that the person they're replying to won't even see it there. He's going to be talked about and I don't think there's really any way to stop it unless a "don't talk about Roman or you'll be banned" rule is implemented which would also be silly.

Columbo - 4-5-2016 at 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Matte
He's going to be talked about and I don't think there's really any way to stop it unless a "don't talk about Roman or you'll be banned" rule is implemented which would also be silly.

It worked for Jersey shore.

bigfatgoalie - 4-5-2016 at 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Matte
He's going to be talked about and I don't think there's really any way to stop it unless a "don't talk about Roman or you'll be banned" rule is implemented which would also be silly.

williamssl - 4-5-2016 at 11:32 PM

I third the motion.

Foxcalibur - 4-5-2016 at 11:56 PM

Could we rename the thread Reigns-crap?

williamssl - 4-6-2016 at 12:00 AM

Done (kinda)

the goon - 4-6-2016 at 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Or did we gif-spew the crap out of it and ruin the sandbox to the extent that nobody wants to play in it?

I'm pretty sure that's every thread here on the bOOards these days.

CM Crunk - 4-6-2016 at 12:48 AM

Originally posted by the goon
Originally posted by Count Zero
Or did we gif-spew the crap out of it and ruin the sandbox to the extent that nobody wants to play in it?

Paddlefoot - 4-6-2016 at 12:58 AM

But we're having fun while we wreck it.

when you tell the manager they run the best Subway in town

— Subway WWExperience (@WWESubway) April 5, 2016

CamstunPWG187 - 4-6-2016 at 01:47 AM

Word straight from Meltzer's Twitter: Rowan has a lot of heat for apparently threatening The Rock all night about shooting on him and potentially going for a small package.

Columbo - 4-6-2016 at 01:58 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
Word straight from Meltzer's Twitter: Rowan has a lot of heat for apparently threatening The Rock all night about shooting on him and potentially going for a small package.

I misread Rowan as a similar name with an M replacing the W and was about to insist one of our lovely moderators ban your blasphemous ass.

Flash - 4-6-2016 at 02:13 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
Word straight from Meltzer's Twitter: Rowan has a lot of heat for apparently threatening The Rock all night about shooting on him and potentially going for a small package.

I'm going to guess that RoWan was joking.... I mean if Titus grabbing Vince by the arm in the last seconds of a throw away segment nets him a 6 month, reduced to 3 month suspension and a tonne of cash, you'd have to imagine he's smart enough to that going into business for himself during the WWE's biggest show, against it's biggest guest would probably be the quickest ticket out of town, cost him a good deal of money,.... and it likely wouldn't do a whole lot for him on Indy bookings either.

I mean I tell my boss that if he even thinks about firing me I'll burn his house down... and sometimes I stand out front of his house flicking matches at it.... but we both know I'm just kidding....

CCharger - 4-6-2016 at 02:16 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
Word straight from Meltzer's Twitter: Rowan has a lot of heat for apparently threatening The Rock all night about shooting on him and potentially going for a small package.

Imagine an alternate universe where this actually happened...Rowan shoots on the Rock and rolls him into a stiff small package and pins him for the win at Wrestlemania in front of 100,000 fans. Imagine the screaming and gnashing of teeth that would have occurred backstage. Imagine the reaction of the Rock and the referee. Imagine how quickly Rowan would have been fired.


[Edited on 4-6-2016 by CCharger]

Foxcalibur - 4-6-2016 at 02:21 AM

So much for that genius IQ, eh? He was obviously joking, but it's an obviously stupid joke.

Of course, I'd be frustrated too if I were a Wyatt.

To be honest, I'm not sure how well that would've gone down for Big Red. The Rock's a big strong dude who could probably shoot right back if he so chose.

[Edited on 4-6-2016 by Foxcalibur]

CM Crunk - 4-6-2016 at 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Foxcalibur
So much for that genius IQ, eh? He was obviously joking, but it's an obviously stupid joke.

Of course, I'd be frustrated too if I were a Wyatt.

To be honest, I'm not sure how well that would've gone down for Big Red. The Rock's a big strong dude who could probably shoot right back if he so chose.

[Edited on 4-6-2016 by Foxcalibur]

Perhaps, but doesn't Rowan have a background in strongman contests? I know Braun obviously does, but I seem to remember Rowan having at the very least dabbled in it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Rowan probably has a lot more "useful" muscle mass than The Rock's, who as impressive as his physique is, is probably a lot more for "show."

G. Jonah Jameson - 4-6-2016 at 02:51 AM

I wonder how many games of telephone "Erick Rowan made a joke about shooting on the Rock" had to go through before it got reported to Meltzer the way it did.

First 9 - 4-6-2016 at 03:01 AM

Still can't cope with the fact that AJ Styles is challenging for the WWE Title at a ppv four months into his WWE career.

Four months into their career Punk was feuding with Bob Holly in WWECW and Daniel Bryan was back in the indies after getting fired for choking an announcer.

Foxcalibur - 4-6-2016 at 03:02 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Perhaps, but doesn't Rowan have a background in strongman contests? I know Braun obviously does, but I seem to remember Rowan having at the very least dabbled in it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Rowan probably has a lot more "useful" muscle mass than The Rock's, who as impressive as his physique is, is probably a lot more for "show."

Oh, sure. This is all just conjecture. I'm just saying Rock's probably more formidable than other "body builder" types. Being part Samoan and all.

CM Crunk - 4-6-2016 at 03:02 AM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
I wonder how many games of telephone "Erick Rowan made a joke about shooting on the Rock" had to go through before it got reported to Meltzer the way it did.

My thoughts exactly. Probably started harmlessly with Rowan joking that he was a fan of Rocks when he was still in school before turning into "Rowan threatens to shoot on Rock and schoolboy him purple monkey dishwasher."

williamssl - 4-6-2016 at 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Columbo
Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
Word straight from Meltzer's Twitter: Rowan has a lot of heat for apparently threatening The Rock all night about shooting on him and potentially going for a small package.

I misread Rowan as a similar name with an M replacing the W and was about to insist one of our lovely moderators ban your blasphemous ass.

Yeah. Can we either call him Eric (just like they call him Roman and not Reigns) or do this when referring to him:

R-o-W (as in Wang Chung)-a-n

Sure it's hard to type, what with all the html code and stuff, but trust me it's so much better and easier to tell we're not talking about that OTHER guy.

Paddlefoot - 4-6-2016 at 03:52 AM

Ahmed Reigns? Roman Johnson? Roman Helmet?

Count Zero - 4-6-2016 at 04:46 AM

I vote for R**** J****** as an alternate spelling of Brocktoon's name.

[Edited on 4-6-2016 by Count Zero]

Thom - 4-6-2016 at 02:55 PM

Originally posted by nOOb

Most of us are better than this.

CM Crunk - 4-6-2016 at 07:47 PM

Admitedly Brocktoon is my favorite codename as it covers my all important usage of obscure late eighties/early ninties SNL reference criteria but might I suggest

Acclaimed Children's Book Author, R.L. Spears
Not a Good Anoa'i, Not A Bad Anoa'i, AN Anoa'i
Dick Kryptonite
Duckface McWethead
The Emoji For Skiing: 🎿
Ahmed Dhrogo
Man Mountain Girdle
Famed Nevada Law Man, Arlington J. Pussyfeather
Nappy-Time Joe
Hufflepuff AND Ravenclaw
Popeye's Cousin, Cockarm The Wrassler Man
Vest For Business
The Duke Of Deathpunchies

Or we could just go with what 90% of the crowd calls him: BOOOOOOOOOOOO

Dominator - 4-6-2016 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Or we could just go with what 90% of the crowd calls him: BOOOOOOOOOOOO

I second this.

Wait, does this means Roman eats only half of his Booty-O's cereal?

Paddlefoot - 4-6-2016 at 08:18 PM

Too bad Cunt Dunkleman is already taken.

Flash - 4-7-2016 at 12:24 AM

Some... ugh.... actual "news" in the news and rumours thread....

*Former TNA wrestler Crimson was arrested for domestic violence.... He apparently headbutted his wife while drunk. Seriously, who headbutts your wife? Don't get me wrong, I'm not providing an education on how your dish out a whipping to a lady, but aren't headbutts general reserved for catching someone off guard while you're doing the whole pre-fight stare down?

*John Cena has joined the ranks of those pledging to donate their brains to science for concussion research. Mick Foley and Jeff Hardy have both previously made the same pledge.

*Bray Wyatt did some media recently where he confirmed that he and Brock were supposed to tangle at both the Roadblock PPV and at Wrestlemania. Bray's back is in pretty rough shape, which is why the matches were ultimately called off. He also had some interesting comments about:

The WWE not knowing how to use the Wyatt's:

�I don�t think, when we set out and finally got the call up, I don�t know if they really understood what they had. Like, we knew the NXT crowd had responded so well to us and they kind of like attached themselves to us and when we came up here we, never in a million years, thought it was going to explode the way it did. And it did. It exploded. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was just that kind of thing, the right place at the right time. And we were so different, man. We were so different that I don�t think the company knew even how to use us. �What are these things?� Like, we were so different and in the promos [and] so different in the way we looked and how we moved. We were big and we would fly and do all this crazy stuff. Like, I don�t think anyone expected us to be so complete. And they still don�t know how to use what we are.�

Luke Harper's recent injury:

�Without him it�s so weird because it [has] never been without him. He�s my captain. It was mine and his before Rowan and Braun were ever involved. And it�s going to be hard. But a soldier falls and drops his flag, the next soldier comes by, picks it up. Hopefully, we�ll get more Wyatts. They can�t replace Harper. That�s impossible, but just an army of Wyatts. We never need to have any titles. We never need to feud with anyone. We should just come out every show, just 20 Wyatts and just mutilate someone for no reason because that�s who we are.�

Apparently the WWE has been testing the waters at house shows for a face turn for Bray.... It's not a bad idea, as personally I think Bray has become pretty stale; but if you are going to turn him face don't just do so because you have no heel ideas for him.... give him something to do. Honestly, what I'd do is do a mini-face turn.... tease it to the point the fans are begging for it; do the big turn, but then have him turn on whichever face you want him pitted against.

Flash - 4-7-2016 at 12:24 AM

Some... ugh.... actual "news" in the news and rumours thread....

*Former TNA wrestler Crimson was arrested for domestic violence.... He apparently headbutted his wife while drunk. Seriously, who headbutts your wife? Don't get me wrong, I'm not providing an education on how your dish out a whipping to a lady, but aren't headbutts general reserved for catching someone off guard while you're doing the whole pre-fight stare down?

*John Cena has joined the ranks of those pledging to donate their brains to science for concussion research. Mick Foley and Jeff Hardy have both previously made the same pledge.

*Bray Wyatt did some media recently where he confirmed that he and Brock were supposed to tangle at both the Roadblock PPV and at Wrestlemania. Bray's back is in pretty rough shape, which is why the matches were ultimately called off. He also had some interesting comments about:

The WWE not knowing how to use the Wyatt's:

�I don�t think, when we set out and finally got the call up, I don�t know if they really understood what they had. Like, we knew the NXT crowd had responded so well to us and they kind of like attached themselves to us and when we came up here we, never in a million years, thought it was going to explode the way it did. And it did. It exploded. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was just that kind of thing, the right place at the right time. And we were so different, man. We were so different that I don�t think the company knew even how to use us. �What are these things?� Like, we were so different and in the promos [and] so different in the way we looked and how we moved. We were big and we would fly and do all this crazy stuff. Like, I don�t think anyone expected us to be so complete. And they still don�t know how to use what we are.�

Luke Harper's recent injury:

�Without him it�s so weird because it [has] never been without him. He�s my captain. It was mine and his before Rowan and Braun were ever involved. And it�s going to be hard. But a soldier falls and drops his flag, the next soldier comes by, picks it up. Hopefully, we�ll get more Wyatts. They can�t replace Harper. That�s impossible, but just an army of Wyatts. We never need to have any titles. We never need to feud with anyone. We should just come out every show, just 20 Wyatts and just mutilate someone for no reason because that�s who we are.�

Apparently the WWE has been testing the waters at house shows for a face turn for Bray.... It's not a bad idea, as personally I think Bray has become pretty stale; but if you are going to turn him face don't just do so because you have no heel ideas for him.... give him something to do. Honestly, what I'd do is do a mini-face turn.... tease it to the point the fans are begging for it; do the big turn, but then have him turn on whichever face you want him pitted against.

GodEatGod - 4-7-2016 at 01:08 AM

I am an admitted Wyatt mark and I have to agree with Bray's general assessment. They've had some great moments, but the booking for them has been wildly inconsistent (most notably just sacrificing them randomly to the Brothers of Destruction last year).

I'd be in for a face turn, but you have to do it without changing them fundamentally. Just have them start going after heels and stop ripping on the audience (just acting like they're his followers now, rather than his enemies). It would help freshen them up, that's for sure.

williamssl - 4-7-2016 at 01:24 AM

The only other face-y thing would be for someone to initiate shit with them instead of it always being the Wyatts doing the instigation. Not saying all feuds need to start that way....but it wouldn't be hard for someone or a group to band together and call the Wyatts out. They've gone soft. Lost their intimidation factor. Are a shell of what they were. Or just punk 'em out. Boom.

Matte - 4-7-2016 at 01:37 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
The only other face-y thing would be for someone to initiate shit with them instead of it always being the Wyatts doing the instigation. Not saying all feuds need to start that way....but it wouldn't be hard for someone or a group to band together and call the Wyatts out. They've gone soft. Lost their intimidation factor. Are a shell of what they were. Or just punk 'em out. Boom.

I think the Social Outcasts did this somewhat recently. Maybe around Rumble time.

the goon - 4-7-2016 at 02:45 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Former TNA wrestler Crimson was arrested for domestic violence

Add Crimson to the list of former TNA wrestlers that I completely forgot ever existed until reading his name just now.

Originally posted by GodEatGod
I am an admitted Wyatt mark and I have to agree with Bray's general assessment. They've had some great moments, but the booking for them has been wildly inconsistent (most notably just sacrificing them randomly to the Brothers of Destruction last year).

I'd be in for a face turn, but you have to do it without changing them fundamentally. Just have them start going after heels and stop ripping on the audience (just acting like they're his followers now, rather than his enemies). It would help freshen them up, that's for sure.

I've said it multiple times here before (and probably sound like a broken record at this point), but my biggest knock against Bray Wyatt is that he's been doing the exact same gimmick/schtick for three years now in the WWE. There is literally no difference between 2013 Bray Wyatt and 2016 Bray Wyatt and no matter how great the character, it gets boring after a while getting the same thing for that long. Hell, I've long since stopped caring about the guy's promos just because they're so redundant to me at this point.

Paddlefoot - 4-7-2016 at 02:45 AM

* Sunny back in rehab, noticed that the booze had started to taste too much like cum

With her running around using the term "The Original WWE Diva" I'm wondering is that is part of the reason WWE finally pulled the pin on their use of Diva. Hard to explain in the PG Era why when a young fan looks up "WWE Diva" to get information on Sasha or Paige that one of the first links to pop up will be to Vivid's homepage with it's banner clip of Sunny getting painted white.

Gobshite - 4-7-2016 at 11:06 AM


I've said it multiple times here before (and probably sound like a broken record at this point), but my biggest knock against Bray Wyatt is that he's been doing the exact same gimmick/schtick for three years now in the WWE. There is literally no difference between 2013 Bray Wyatt and 2016 Bray Wyatt and no matter how great the character, it gets boring after a while getting the same thing for that long. Hell, I've long since stopped caring about the guy's promos just because they're so redundant to me at this point.

I do generally agree with this - but lets not forget that after making his debut and winning the world title, Undertaker also suffered a few years of shitty booking - Kamala, Giant Gonzalez, Taker vs Taker, Taker vs Mabel... it's not uncommon for them to take forever to realize what to do with a character like this.

JR has been saying on his podcast for as long as I can remember that he feels the Wyatts should be character babyfaces - with Taker closer to retirement with every passing day, I think is time the Wyatts turned. They are MUCH more likely to avoid losing all the time as faces, and that will help them way more than any tweak to the character just now.

Also... he did a couple of interviews last weekend that have been quoted endless over the weekend, about how he is frustrated etc. I've listened to the ones he did with Cheap Heat and Sam Roberts... they're both half in character kind of, and he doesnt seem especially frustrated. He knows these things can take a long time. At the point in time he did these interviews, he must have known what he was doing as far as interacting with Rock and Cena goes, so some of this may have been deliberately misleading. Although he's "lost" them all, he's been on the main roster for 3 years, and has had WrestleMania matches/segments with Cena, Taker and Rock. That's pretty damn impressive.

royberto - 4-8-2016 at 02:19 PM

Rene Dupree sues WWE over royalties from WWE Network:

Dupree is attempting a class action suit hoping to get paid for WWE using his likeness on the WWE Network. He claims language in his 2003 contract entitles him to royalties from the network. Jerry McDevitt claims that Dupree signed a contract in 2011 with this clause and failed to tell his lawyers:

7.5 No Royalties Paid to WRESTLER. Except as specifically set forth in Section 7.1 through 7.3 above, WRESTLER shall not be eligible for any payment or royalties with respect to any other goods, services or otherwise including without limitation to the following: television license fees; television subscription fees; internet subscription fees; subscription video on demand fees; magazine subscription fees and/or advertising; and/or distribution fees of any kind paid to PROMOTER by any entity in connection with the exploitation of the Intellectual Property.

If McDevitt is telling the truth(the fact he supposedly sent a copy of it to Dupree's lawyers seems to lean that way) then Rene is boned. He is also an idiot if he didn't tell his lawyers about the 2011 contract.

[Edited on 4-8-2016 by royberto]

Paddlefoot - 4-8-2016 at 03:03 PM

Plus he's French too. Sue former employer, now have less of a chance of any return or HOF induction than the Heartthrobs or the Basham Brothers do. Shoulda just stuck with your hoppy-hop victory dance, Rene*.

* can't have two Rene's in the company anyway, even if one's a boy and one's a girl; fans might get confused something something something something something

gambit3 - 4-9-2016 at 01:07 AM

According to the latest issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE Fastlane 2016, which was the lead-in pay-per-view for this year's WrestleMania 32 event, drew only 43,000 buys -- 18,000 in North America and 25,000 outside of North America.

The 43,000 figure would make Fastlane the least-ordered pay-per-view event in WWE history.

merc - 4-9-2016 at 01:52 AM

👆🏽 buy rates?

With the network, I'm surprised there is still such a thing. Doesn't feel overly compelling.

CM Crunk - 4-9-2016 at 03:23 AM

Kinda what I was thinking. I was surprised by the paltry number outside of the US, but then again I'm not entirely sure how many countries they've rolled The Network out in at this point. If most of their primary overseas markets have it at this point then there obviously isn't any cause for alarm.

Given that it was WWE's previous holder of such an ignominious "honor" I wonder how many buys December To Dismember would've done if The Network was around 10 (Jesus, 10!?) years ago? According to Wiki The event did 90k in buys, 55k of it domestically and was the lowest bought PPV until the introduction of The Network, which is to be expected. Any math whizzes out there want to posit a theory?

Flash - 4-9-2016 at 07:13 AM

Yeah, this one feels like a whole lot of nothing....

Basically Fast Lane did 46k buys in 2015... so the drop to 43k really isn't that big of a deal. This is down from 2014's Elimination Chamber that Fast Lane replaced, which did 183k buys.

The Royal Rumble... definitely one of the big PPV's for the WWE saw it's 2014 number of 467k PPV buy rate drop to 145k.

Even the big whale of PPV's; Wrestlemania, dropped from 690k in 2014 (WM30) to 259k in 2015.... Except the combined numbers for the 2015 WM31 saw a combined network and PPV purchases come in at a staggering 1.326 million... UP from 2014's 1.185 million purchases.

The network launched in February 2014 in the U.S. and for all intents and purposes Wrestelmania 30 was the first PPV to show on the network, which helps explain such a steep drop off for the Rumble and Fastlane from 2014 to 2015. It's important to note that the WWE has upwards of 1.5 million paying network subscribers, with another 340k that signed up for the free offering of this years wrestlemania....

So bottom line.... 43k people used an out-dated model to consume WWE content, but upwards of 1.84 million people watched Fastlane in addition to that 43k.... I'm sure the WWE has the means to tell how many people are watching what on the network, and it's not likely they'll share that info, but bottom line is about 1.5 million people paid money to them whether they watched Fastlane or not.

I mean another way of looking at it is that in 2015 the WWE reported $9 million in earnings for the first QUARTER from PPV earnings..... Under the network model they are pulling in about $15 million PER MONTH.

So "LOWEST PPV EVER" must make for a more click bait worthy headline than "WWE NETWORK A SUCCESS".

Here's where I got some of the numbers from:

CM Crunk - 4-9-2016 at 01:55 PM

CamstunPWG187 - 4-9-2016 at 03:57 PM

Flash just killed it

Foxcalibur - 4-9-2016 at 06:32 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk

All of our nigga, Crunkie. In this moment, he is all of our nigga.

Seriously, Flash. I third the praise of that post. Good stuff.

To return to the topic of Bray & the Flyin' Wyatts -- they don't need to turn face. We think we want them to turn face, because they're doing bountiful fuck-all as heels. Maybe turning face will give them a fresh direction, right? Change things up?

... will WWE lock creative poison like Kevin Dunn and stopped clocks like Vince out of the writer's room just because the Wyatts are faces? Will the creative team suddenly know what the blue fuck to do with Characters Who Have Gimmicks? Is the answer no? Then a face-turn won't do much for the Wyatts. They're basically a big old third wheel to the creative process: great at what they do, very over doing what they do, utterly directionless.

I don't think the fans really want to cheer for the Wyatts. They enjoy the Wyatts as bad guys. Against poorly booked babyfaces like Cena & BROCKTOON, the Wyatts will get babyface reactions, but against solid faces like Ambrose and Brock-non-toon, they'll be heels.

JR is right in that Bray Wyatt could turn face and do well. But not the whole family. Bray Wyatt on his own is a radical leader who's outgrown even his own message. The Wyatt Family are hulking backwoods degenerates... for justice*? And even if Bray turned face, it would hopefully only be to build up some audience trust to betray for even more delicious evil later.

There is a way to make the Wyatts more compelling. Make them effective at being bad guys. Have them take out the ineffectual authority so anarchy reigns in WWE. Slather them in gold. Add more Wyatts. Bo Wyatts a fine idea. Maybe bring over Elias Samson as Musical Wyatt (y'know, like Gusto Gummi, but evil!) Get them a Girl Wyatt. She doesn't need to be called Sister Abigail. The Wyatt family being the scariest force in a lawless WWE would be rad.

But Bray Wyatt as redneck Skeletor who shows up every month to pick a new hero by whom to be curses-foiled-again is dumm.

The cure for shitty writing is not a face turn. The cure for shitty writing is better writing.

* Addendum: I could totally see Rowan and Strowman doing a wrestling take on Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. Everyone is terrified of them, but they're actually perfectly decent dudes. Rowan is even really smart and well-spoken.

Flash - 4-9-2016 at 06:39 PM

Ah thanks guys; I really just stole what was in that link and cobbled it together with the recently reported network enrollment figures.... but none the less, thanks for the love.

Paddlefoot - 4-9-2016 at 07:26 PM

Not odd at all in that the wrestling "news" media is completely ignoring what Vince himself said at a corporate conference call just over a month ago, in that ratings and buy-rates are no where near as important as they used to be. Revenues are significantly up, thanks almost entirely to the Network, so the weekly/monthly ratings stats mean fuck all now. Maybe the newsboys will catch up on it someday, that a Neilsen box installed in an Iowa farmhouse or in a Florida retiree's condo apartment doesn't represent jack-shit anymore. Yeah, it was also pretty cool back in the day when a single-piston-engine propeller-driven fighter plane could hit 500 mph in a dive. Doesn't mean anything when a dual-engine fighter jet travels at Mach 1.5 as it's basic cruising speed.

* someone help Gambit re-size his av. the lovely Alexa is borking the board size.

[Edited on 4/9/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Flash - 4-9-2016 at 07:37 PM

I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that ratings mean shit.... they still make a crap load of money off of selling Raw and Smackdown around the world, and the better the ratings, the more money it makes.

While I'm sure we'll one day see the Raw replays drop down to a week or so, in lieu of the current month wait before it get's uploaded to the network, having those shows out there is basically a money making commercial for the network.... as while there'd be nothing stopping them from going live with Raw on the network and still selling the show.... it likely wouldn't mean as much money coming in anymore as why watch it on TV with commercials when you could watch it on the network relatively ad free.

Plus; if they stopped using Raw/Smackdown to sell the network, it would mean that they'd have to put a crazy amount of money into advertising the network otherwise in order to grow.... might be a bit tougher to snag those non-wrestling fans to sign up for something on a chance, than it is to hook them when they flick through the channels and get hooked that way.... bonus, someone is paying you for your shows.

PPV buy rates are really just gravy at this point (43k buys isn't nothing after all); so agreed they are pretty much a thing of the past.

Gobshite - 4-10-2016 at 11:32 AM

I think the WWE Network is the way forward, and they will slowly move more and more across to it - the first thing they may do is try to monetize NXT a bit more by putting just 1 or 2 adverts in the first run version, so that if you want to watch it pretty much live, you can't skip it. It's advertising during live sports that keeps the TV industry going these days, and I think it is only a matter of time before you can get ESPN as a stand alone set of channels in an over the top network.

You can already get the UK top tier sports channels through an over the top app for playstation, roku etc - so if say there were two big games on any one day you wanted to watch, you could buy a 24 hour pass, if its a big week you can get a 7 day pass etc - thats for about 6 sports channels combined, and if you're a casual viewer its a great way to dip in and out of stuff, and I think ESPN will go that way sooner rather than later too.

Then you have the issue that NBC are probably currently concerned about as far as Raw goes, and whoever has the TV rights as far as NFL goes - what if they want to break away? What if they do want to move Raw, Smackdown etc all to the network, and keep the smaller advertising revenue for themselves? They already have SOME adverts on the network, so its not impossible they'll go this route.

There was an interesting article on this the other day in the New York Times:

WWE, leading the way again - first it was PPV, now it's this...

Flash - 4-10-2016 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
WWE, leading the way again - first it was PPV, now it's this...

It's funny; if wrestling didn't have the stigma that it did, I wonder just how much of a pioneer/respected businessman Vince would be in the business world. Don't get me wrong.... he is to an extent, but he's also the wrestling guy...

I mean the CCTV thing was big, PPV was massive, the Network is maybe going to be historically overshadowed by Netflix, but is otherwise a game changer.... He's created a global brand, tens of thousands of hours of original content, and generated billions of dollars in revenue while staying pretty much on top of a field that he's dominated for 30 years.

I'm curious how history will remember him.

First 9 - 4-10-2016 at 04:42 PM

I think the man's personality will overshadow his accomplishments similar to Richard Branson. He'll be remembered more as the guy who did an unthinkable amount of things for a man of his status and age all in the name of providing entertainment to his audience along with so many rumors and myth surrounding his personal life.

ulsterphil - 4-10-2016 at 08:17 PM

When Vince eventually dies (and the scenario involves him lying in a hospital bed with a doctor dropping his arm three times to check hes dead) i think there will be a deluge of stories about him.

Paddlefoot - 4-10-2016 at 08:24 PM

^ Best funeral ever. THIS IS AWESOME! chant builds up steam in the back pews of the church.

williamssl - 4-10-2016 at 09:15 PM

If he dies in a way that doesn't involve an exploding limo, then his body needs to be put in a limo and then said limo explodes as the finale to his funeral. Or alternately the hearse bearing his coffin explodes en transit from the memorial to the burial. All covered on the WWE Network of course.

"If you missed the explosive finale to Vince McMahon's funeral, you can catch the replay on the WWE Network. Not a subscriber? No worries. It's just $9.99 a month, and if you're a first time subscriber you get your first month free."

Allowing his death to become sports entertainment and drive network subscriptions is how Vince would want it. You know it's true.

[Edited on 4-10-2016 by williamssl]

Flash - 4-10-2016 at 09:45 PM

You know Vince is forward thinking and money driven enough that it would not surprise me if the guy already has an autobiography, and dozens of hours of candid on screen thoughts recorded just waiting for a year to the day after he dies to go to print.

Ah hell, who are we kidding; Vince has probably found a way to download his consciousness into some kind of clone body, or at least recorded literally thousands of "decisions" that are set to be played for countless possibilities... yeah it'll be dated thoughts on what makes for a good champion, but when has that stopped Vince?

Honestly though, dude's looking old.... Could probably still kick most of our asses, but the last few years have seen some changes in him.

CM Crunk - 4-11-2016 at 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Foxcalibur
* Addendum: I could totally see Rowan and Strowman doing a wrestling take on Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. Everyone is terrified of them, but they're actually perfectly decent dudes. Rowan is even really smart and well-spoken.


ETA: Some actual news items on a slow weekend...

Paige did a Q&A; at Wizard World Madison and had a few interesting things to say:

MVP has already been released from Lucha Underground after being signed just last week. He posted a video to YouTube discussing the situation and that he violated a nondisclosure clause in his contract that he was unaware of by announcing his signing.

Cody Hall took a pretty scary bump at NJPW's INVASION ATTACK show last night leading to a lot of concern for his wellbeing.

HOLY SHIT, @NickJacksonYB!!! #NJPW #njattack

— LARIATOOOOO!!! (@SenorLARIATO) April 10, 2016

皆さんが心配してるコーディこんな感 376;でした #njattack

— 挨 (@timeofai) April 10, 2016

If you believe in GOD please pray for @Cody_Hall1 . He was injured last night at a NJPW show

— Scott Hall (@SCOTTHALLNWO) April 10, 2016

Thankfully Matt Jackson was able to update everyone with some good news:

We just left the hospital. @Cody_Hall1 is going to be okay. No fractures. No concussion. But he's pretty banged up. He sends his love.

— The Young Bucks (@MattJackson13) April 10, 2016

Annnnd in "oh this doesn't seem fishy at all" news Jeff Jarrett is using his GFW brand to sell you (yes, YOU) gold.

[Edited on 4/11/2016 by CM Crunk]

Paddlefoot - 4-11-2016 at 02:13 AM

* some ambiguity in his comments but it looks like Bobby Roode is going to NXT

Jumbie - 4-11-2016 at 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Vince has probably found a way to download his consciousness into some kind of clone body

Somebody warn Shane. Now we know why Vince is keeping him around.

Also hide Shane's 3 kids too, just in case.

- - - -

Of course, this being WWE, he's probably going to be in Steph's body...

Katie Vick killer - 4-11-2016 at 02:39 AM

I just want the Undertaker to be in charge of all the funeral arrangements.

Flash - 4-11-2016 at 03:00 AM

Best to keep Kane away from the body though....

Katie Vick killer - 4-11-2016 at 03:21 AM

Alternatively if Vince were to be cremated. As he is placed into the oven, the entire roster can shout out...

[Edited on 11/4/2016 by Katie Vick killer]

Fifth Horseman - 4-11-2016 at 03:31 AM

Originally posted by Jumbie

Of course, this being WWE, he's probably going to be in Steph's body...

Well, that DOES fit that discarded incest storyline.

CM Crunk - 4-11-2016 at 03:50 AM

I'm more concerned with whether or not Dunn's relationship to is Vince is a parasitic one, and if not whether there are any doctors in the Stamford area who would be able/willing to perform a Kuato-ectomy. Y'know, just so they could release him into a river or something. Native habitat and such.

Edit:autocorrect fuckery

[Edited on 4/11/2016 by CM Crunk]

Paddlefoot - 4-11-2016 at 04:30 AM

Start the reactor*, Shane!

* and by 'reactor' we really mean the wood chipper we want Bukkky put feet-first in

The Hitcher - 4-11-2016 at 06:41 AM

Shame the ravages of time denied us Bossman dragging Vinces coffin round the cemetery with Shane clinging to it.

CM Crunk - 4-11-2016 at 11:13 AM

Originally posted by The Hitcher
Shame the ravages of time denied us Bossman dragging Vinces coffin round the cemetery with Shane clinging to it.

Yeah, although I'd almost prefer that he be cooked and served to an unsuspecting member of the roster. McMahon ala Pepper anyone?

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Start the reactor*, Shane!

* and by 'reactor' we really mean the wood chipper we want Bukkky put feet-first in

I see what you did there. Well played.

[Edited on 4/11/2016 by CM Crunk]

Flash - 4-11-2016 at 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Start the reactor*, Shane!

* and by 'reactor' we really mean the wood chipper we want Bukkky put feet-first in

Yeah, wouldn't want those teeth jamming things up before the real fun starts!

merc - 4-11-2016 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Katie Vick killer
Alternatively if Vince were to be cremated. As he is placed him into the oven, the entire roster can shout out...

Well done sir!

CM Crunk - 4-11-2016 at 07:00 PM

WWE tweeted earlier this morning "BREAKING: Due to overwhelming social media support, @shanemcmahon will once again be in control of #RAW TONIGHT!"

I really hope they're going somewhere with this creatively instead of just having their cake and eating it too and just hoping we won't notice. I know the mantra these days is that wins and losses don't matter but this is getting ridiculous. I'm really hoping that I'm being played here because as it stands right now it seems as if this past Wrestlemania isn't going to mean shit in the long run.

bigfatgoalie - 4-11-2016 at 07:57 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
WWE tweeted earlier this morning "BREAKING: Due to overwhelming social media support, @shanemcmahon will once again be in control of #RAW TONIGHT!"

I really hope they're going somewhere with this creatively instead of just having their cake and eating it too and just hoping we won't notice. I know the mantra these days is that wins and losses don't matter but this is getting ridiculous. I'm really hoping that I'm being played here because as it stands right now it seems as if this past Wrestlemania isn't going to mean shit in the long run.

A lot of WrestleManias mean shit in the long run. It's all about creating a Mania moment, and then moving on. Ryder got his moment, but we've moved on to the Miz. There was a solid run of Manias where the main event was the conclusion of a story. Now? Not so much.

CM Crunk - 4-11-2016 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Originally posted by CM Crunk
WWE tweeted earlier this morning "BREAKING: Due to overwhelming social media support, @shanemcmahon will once again be in control of #RAW TONIGHT!"

I really hope they're going somewhere with this creatively instead of just having their cake and eating it too and just hoping we won't notice. I know the mantra these days is that wins and losses don't matter but this is getting ridiculous. I'm really hoping that I'm being played here because as it stands right now it seems as if this past Wrestlemania isn't going to mean shit in the long run.

A lot of WrestleManias mean shit in the long run. It's all about creating a Mania moment, and then moving on. Ryder got his moment, but we've moved on to the Miz. There was a solid run of Manias where the main event was the conclusion of a story. Now? Not so much.

I suppose you're right, yeah. But it seems like we're moving farther and farther away every year from Mania being the big "season finale" and more just a bloated version of every other show. Hell, think of how many things were undone the very next night?

-Shane was put in control of Raw for the night because REASONS
-The Dudleys got their win back over The Usos
-New Day got their win back over The League Of Nations
-AJ got his win back over Jericho to become #1 contender to BROCKTOON
-Brock/Dean was basically swept under the rug
-And as you mentioned, Ryder got a one day IC title reign.

I guess I should clarify that I'm not necessarily shocked to see this type of thing happen, just surprised at how many instances of it occurred last week. A couple of them have storyline potential (Ryder and Styles chasing titles, reestablishing The Dudleys to put over Enzo and Cass) but it's just kind of...jarring, I guess?

I suppose we can just chalk this up to the manner in which this years Mania had to be booked due to injuries and such...

eta: I think what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is that I'm glad that show only cost me $9.99 because certain expectations come along with paying $50-60 for a show that doesn't seem to have implemented any serious lasting change for the upcoming booking year. The cost/return ratio is different now, and maybe this is just going to be the standard moving forward.

[Edited on 4/11/2016 by CM Crunk]

Count Zero - 4-11-2016 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
I suppose you're right, yeah. But it seems like we're moving farther and farther away every year from Mania being the big "season finale" and more just a bloated version of every other show. Hell, think of how many things were undone the very next night?
Thank you. I think you just helped me figure out why I'm mostly dissatisfied with the past couple of WMs. It used to be The Final Act. They figured out what they wanted to have happen at WM, and then wrote backwards from that. The recent trend -does- seem to be "well shit, what's going on now, and how can we get to a WrestleMania Moment from here?". Hopefully this -is- due to the injuries they suffered, but that too is a bit of a problem. They will most-likely-always have "injuries" to "key performers", because that's the nature of the physical-entertainment-business. If you're relying on people to stay healthy, and have to scramble when they're not.. Well, I guess this is what we get?

merc - 4-11-2016 at 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by CM Crunk
I suppose you're right, yeah. But it seems like we're moving farther and farther away every year from Mania being the big "season finale" and more just a bloated version of every other show. Hell, think of how many things were undone the very next night?
Thank you. I think you just helped me figure out why I'm mostly dissatisfied with the past couple of WMs. It used to be The Final Act. They figured out what they wanted to have happen at WM, and then wrote backwards from that. The recent trend -does- seem to be "well shit, what's going on now, and how can we get to a WrestleMania Moment from here?". Hopefully this -is- due to the injuries they suffered, but that too is a bit of a problem. They will most-likely-always have "injuries" to "key performers", because that's the nature of the physical-entertainment-business. If you're relying on people to stay healthy, and have to scramble when they're not.. Well, I guess this is what we get?

I can see it now ...the Monday after the next wrestlemania ... 8:00pmEST. A ROWDY SOLD OUT arena. OUt come Vincent Kennedy McMahon. He struts to the middle of the ring. He grabs a mic.
"Well, there you have it! We heard you loud and clear! We listen to our fans and here you go!"

He heads to door he strutted from.

Fans chant, "WE ARE AWESOME" clap clap clapclapclap

The house lights come on.

Fans seem confused...

Fans discombobulatedly chants "What the fuck"

The door reopens VKM emerges. In a Ferris Bueller disbelief he says, "what are you still doing here?!?"

Fans pissed off start a "we want wrestling" chant, it grows deafening

VKM looks bemused. Then roars, "WE CALL IT SPORT ENTERTAINMENT! And every one of you wanted storylines to end with a nice neat bow at WWWRRRESTLEMANIA! Well they did. The stories are over, you got what you want, go home."

Mic drop.

Count Zero - 4-11-2016 at 10:25 PM

Well, it would be trollishly-funny if he pulled that. Jericho did it for a couple of weeks and it worked. It is possible, however, to end one story and then start another. Other tv shows do it all the time.

Isn't that where the writer dnonkeys come from? "Other tv shows"? It's really hard to tell.

[Edited on 4-11-2016 by Count Zero]

williamssl - 4-11-2016 at 10:46 PM

Rene Dupree's lawyer dropped the royalties lawsuit against WWE because his client failed to mention a 2011 contract Rene signed that specifically addressed the topic.

That's one way to unnecessarily torch whatever bridge you might have had:

I'm suing your asses!
Oops - nevermind.

Also, congratulations people! The talk-that-has-its-own-thread has not produced talk here in 5 consecutive days!

Count Zero - 4-11-2016 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by williamssl

I don't think I noticed this at the time (and I liked the hell out of Barry Horowitz) but he's got the wrong hand on the back of his vest. When he's self-congratulating with his right hand, the thumb is in the wrong place. Barry, get the Little Things right!

williamssl - 4-11-2016 at 11:14 PM

That or he's supposed to be using his left hand to do the self-back-pat. Either way, we know of at least 1 wrestler who can't be accused of having OCD. And a bOOard member who can

merc - 4-11-2016 at 11:22 PM

No wonder he stayed enhancement.

williamssl - 4-11-2016 at 11:52 PM

Not a rumor, but Titus O'Neil is going to be on this Friday's 100th episode of Tanked. The episode also apparently features the guys visiting the WWE training facility.

Flash - 4-12-2016 at 12:29 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
I suppose you're right, yeah. But it seems like we're moving farther and farther away every year from Mania being the big "season finale" and more just a bloated version of every other show. Hell, think of how many things were undone the very next night?

I think they've always played fast and loose with Wrestlemania being the "end of the season"... or at least as far back as the old Backlash PPV that effectively made Wrestelmania the opening or middle act to the likes of Rock versus Austin.

It's a shame; as I think if they did treat Wrestemania as the end of their year of stories it'd build in a lot of free must see hype for the matches.... I mean who doesn't want to see how it all ends?

I'd almost mirror Summer Slam and Wrestlemania as your two high points.... Make (I think's it's) TLC into KOTR with the winner getting the Summer Slam title shot in a way akin to the Rumble being the kick off of the road to Wrestlemania... they did that once with Billy Gunn I do believe, and while he may not have been everyone's first choice, the idea is still a great one that set's up, furthers, or potentially ends several feud's while building anticipation to your end point.

Paddlefoot - 4-12-2016 at 12:44 AM

* TNA can't afford rent anymore, moving into dad's garage.

Flash - 4-12-2016 at 01:20 AM

I know this looks like the last edition of #TNAfail, but I don't fault them for this one... things are tight for them, so trimming some of the fat of running two locations is a good move.

What is troubling is that they seem to be surrounded by a few deep pockets, but no one is willing to buy in.... So either they know internally enough that the future is bleak, or there's some conflict over selling themselves off/someone wants to stay in charge.

I'm also surprised that at a time when various sports entities like Fox Sports is looking for cheap live content they keep winding up on fringe channels... that again suggests that maybe someone is hard to work with or doesn't have their act together.

Paddlefoot - 4-12-2016 at 01:38 AM

Maybe they'll eventually go full circle and have to set up the ring in Jeff and Jerry's back yard again.

derp dee dee tumblity tumbly derpy dee der derp

GodEatGod - 4-12-2016 at 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Flash

I'd almost mirror Summer Slam and Wrestlemania as your two high points.... Make (I think's it's) TLC into KOTR with the winner getting the Summer Slam title shot in a way akin to the Rumble being the kick off of the road to Wrestlemania... they did that once with Billy Gunn I do believe, and while he may not have been everyone's first choice, the idea is still a great one that set's up, furthers, or potentially ends several feud's while building anticipation to your end point.

Billy didn't get a title shot, but he did get a marquee feud with the Rock that King of the Ring always seemed like a better idea/concept than it's ever actually executed. While they made a few stars with it as a launching point, the tournament itself was rarely very good or watchable. They could probably do a great tournament now, but they'd have to be willing to actually put the great guys into it to have show-stealing matches and drag it out over weeks, rather than the one-night toss off tourney they've been doing.

Katie Vick killer - 4-12-2016 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Flash
I'd almost mirror Summer Slam and Wrestlemania as your two high points.... Make (I think's it's) TLC into KOTR with the winner getting the Summer Slam title shot in a way akin to the Rumble being the kick off of the road to Wrestlemania... they did that once with Billy Gunn I do believe, and while he may not have been everyone's first choice, the idea is still a great one that set's up, furthers, or potentially ends several feud's while building anticipation to your end point.

KOTR winners who did go on to ME SS
Owen 94
Mabel 95
Kurt 00
Brock 02

ulsterphil - 4-12-2016 at 02:29 PM

Two are dead, one is insane and the other is a windup toy that only responds to cold hard cash.

Bit of a jinx, old KOTR.

CM Crunk - 4-12-2016 at 06:38 PM

You'd probably have to go back to King BOOKAAAH back in the mid-Aughts to find the last time a KoTR was booked legitimately. Regal was his successor and lined up for a monster push as the arena-lights hating heel GM and reigning King but...unfortunately we all know what happened there.

That aborted Regal push still ranks right up there towards the top of my own personal list of greatest "what-ifs" during my near-lifetime of wrestling fandom.

royberto - 4-12-2016 at 07:36 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Rene Dupree's lawyer dropped the royalties lawsuit against WWE because his client failed to mention a 2011 contract Rene signed that specifically addressed the topic.

That's one way to unnecessarily torch whatever bridge you might have had:

I'm suing your asses!
Oops - nevermind.

Jerry McDevitt is like "come on, man! At least give me a challenge!".

TomS - 4-12-2016 at 08:13 PM


Shane-O is being sued over YOD Securities trading. I'd be lying if I said I understood it beyond it being about the money. Moneymoneymoneymoneymoney dolla dolla

salmonjunkie - 4-12-2016 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
That aborted Regal push still ranks right up there towards the top of my own personal list of greatest "what-ifs" during my near-lifetime of wrestling fandom.

Same here. To the point that every time it gets brought up, it actually bothers me that we never got to see that push. I don't think there's any non-death related "what-if" in wrestling that bothers me quite like this one does.

nOOb - 4-13-2016 at 12:03 AM

Originally posted by TomS

Shane-O is being sued over YOD Securities trading. I'd be lying if I said I understood it beyond it being about the money. Moneymoneymoneymoneymoney dolla dolla

I read the documents and for a second my head was about to explode. And then I actually understood them? I tried to do a bit more research but everything out there is just people sharing the story and then their eyes rolling back in their heads before trying to get back into wrasslin'.

Anyways, looking up the Short Swing Profit, here's what I found:


Via Investopedia
What is the 'Short-Swing Profit Rule'
A Securities & Exchange Commission regulation that requires company insiders to return any profits made from the purchase and sale of company stock if both transactions occur within a six-month period. A company insider, as determined by the rule, is any officer, director or holder of more than 10% of the company's shares.
BREAKING DOWN 'Short-Swing Profit Rule'
The rule was implemented to prevent insiders, who have greater access to material company information, from taking advantage of information for the purpose of making short-term profits. For example, if an officer buys 100 shares at $5 in January and sells these same shares in February for $6, he/she would have made a profit of $100. Because the shares were bought and sold within a six-month period, the officer would have to return the $100 to the company under the short-swing profit rule.

With Shane being rich and all, this seems like one of those things that's more a "financial penalty" type of rich person crime and not the prison kind, unless there were accusations he was making said profit using inside information, which, if he was, would probably have had a bigger deal made of it.

merc - 4-13-2016 at 02:14 AM

I only see the first three pages. But between that and your description it's an Insider Trading allegation.

There are increasing levels of "insiders"

Most companies post Windows that those with knowledge of the inner profitability of a company are restricted to trade in. They are usually the day after an earnings release and extend out a few weeks.

Trading can be done outside of the Windows, But must be on a predetermined schedule that is filed...with I assume the SEC.

More senior insiders may resort to blind management of options, where they swear ignorance of the investment group that trades their options. I'm uncertain if this is still an acceptable practice.

The plaintiff alleges that Shane's profited on quick trades based on info Joe Q. Public didn't have access to. Theoretically damaging the stock price via natural trading. It looks like the remedy is to recoup from Shane any profit he made from said trades.

Regardless of what the say about the company not really being a defendant, Fault is also laid on the Company as they did not address it internally. I would think this should be an SEC complaint and not litigation, perhaps the SEC is ignoring any complaints, or not acting fast enough to allow litigation before the ...mind blanks...time limit expires.

Non legal opinion, no big deal, it's civil litigation for a nine figure millionaire. Yawn...

[Edited on 4-13-2016 by merc]

Paddlefoot - 4-13-2016 at 03:17 AM

* Scott Steiner interviewed by local media in Georgia after witnessing an attempted murder, which has to come as a great shock/disappointment to those of us who were expecting him someday to be the one that did the attempting.

Too bad it wasn't a female reporter because that eliminated any possibility of Scotty going for a "be with a real man!" try to pick her up.

* also, it's been pretty much confirmed that TNA had to move their offices to their warehouse because they were going to be evicted from their former lease rental.

[Edited on 4/13/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Katie Vick killer - 4-13-2016 at 04:03 AM

Balls Mahoney passes away age 44

Police and ambulances seen at the scene, sounds bad.

I got to meet Balls at an Indy show in 2010, he came across as a genuine nice dude, who had time for the fans.

The Hitcher - 4-13-2016 at 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Scott Steiner interviewed by local media in Georgia after witnessing an attempted murder, which has to come as a great shock/disappointment to those of us who were expecting him someday to be the one that did the attempting.

To be fair: I'm not entirely sure he's not speaking from the third person perspective he projected his consciousness to so he could admire the pump he got while choking the guy screaming "I said Holla if ya hear me Jeff, WHY AIN'T YA HOLLERING JEFF!" .

If the murder weapon was a pogo stick: He's ya hook up.

[Edited on 4-13-2016 by The Hitcher]

Paddlefoot - 4-13-2016 at 06:59 PM

* Jeff's too busy doing some work for the latest ponzi scheme to help out Scotty:

* WWE posts new vid of the ten new Performance Center trainees

[Edited on 4/13/2016 by Paddlefoot]

williamssl - 4-14-2016 at 12:56 AM

Bray Wyatt injured himself again. Discussion started on it in the Raw thread, but I'm also posting it here so my post count can be one higher.

Count Zero - 4-14-2016 at 01:16 AM

At least it's not his back. It's apparently a calf injury, and reported by, in case you actually want to find out here instead of in the Raw Thread.

First 9 - 4-14-2016 at 01:19 AM

Well, shit

Atleast, this leaves room to do something with the remaining Wyatts. With Bray out of the pciture, somebody else takes Rowan and Strowman under their wing(a more serious Stardust?) to become the ''new Face of Fear'' setting up a strong return angle for Babyface Bray Wyatt which we already saw can work.

Paddlefoot - 4-14-2016 at 02:09 AM

Shades of Neville's injury because apparently all that happened to Bray was that he slipped awkwardly in the corner. I had something similar happen to me once. Foot skiffed a bit off the grass during a badly positioned golf shot and pain ripped through my lower leg like someone just shot me in the back of the calf with a broad-tipper arrow. Hurt like fuck and was limping like an idiot for at least a week afterwards.

CM Crunk - 4-14-2016 at 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Shades of Neville's injury because apparently all that happened to Bray was that he slipped awkwardly in the corner. I had something similar happen to me once. Foot skiffed a bit off the grass during a badly positioned golf shot and pain ripped through my lower leg like someone just shot me in the back of the calf with a broad-tipper arrow. Hurt like fuck and was limping like an idiot for at least a week afterwards.

In your defense though you were dealing with more than your fair share of distraction.

punkerhardcore - 4-14-2016 at 06:47 AM

I was wondering why they brought up so many NXT guys last week. It's because everyone is, or will soon be, fucking injured.

Gobshite - 4-16-2016 at 03:48 PM

Adam Rose and Konnor have both been suspended for 60 days for their 2nd wellness violations...

denverpunk - 4-16-2016 at 04:50 PM

That's probably the end of both of them in WWE. Neither will be missed much, although Rose has some potential that hopefully another promotion can tap.

Flash - 4-16-2016 at 05:55 PM

I never really saw Rose or Konnor in NXT; and while there were obvious signs of a misfire in how they handled on Raw, neither guy set the world on fire.... I'll cut them some slack and put it as much on the WWE, but there didn't seem to be any way they weren't destined for enhancement talent.

Hanging by a thread like that gotta wonder what they were thinking... mind you a Wellness violation doesn't have to be just sticking needles in your butt, but still.... hanging by a thread like they both probably were you'd think they cash those cheques for as long as they could.

Paddlefoot - 4-16-2016 at 06:08 PM

Hey, what's Alan Flowers - Nightclub DJ Extraordinaire, doing in the Impact Zone, Josh?

Stands to reason they'll be going. They're getting close to the annual post-WM pre-SS culling of the extras anyway.

Foxcalibur - 4-16-2016 at 08:33 PM

I maintain both Rose and the Ascension were utter botches on the part of WWE whose failure had little to do with performers' abilities. Neither was going to be a main event megastar, but both had solid upper midcard potential.

AFAIK, WWE is no longer doing the yearly culling. I think now they're just letting contracts run out without renewals, yeah?

[Edited on 4-16-2016 by Foxcalibur]

salmonjunkie - 4-16-2016 at 09:30 PM

Adam Rose was a huge misfire, IMO. I think the gimmick had legs, but it wasn't booked very well at all. I don't think he'd have become a main eventer, but I thought he could have been at least an entertaining mid card contender.

The Ascension would've had a chance until that promo killed them. It's stupid - they were booked as a throwback to big bruiser 80s tag teams and they ran down the classic teams because they're heels and that's a totally legit thing to do is to run down legends that remind viewers of you - but no, the sensitive egos of those old guys couldn't be ruffled and that was it for The Ascension.

At the same time, I was never a big fan of them even in NXT (although their finisher was cool), so I don't feel like I missed out on anything.

[Edited on 4-16-2016 by salmonjunkie]

merc - 4-16-2016 at 09:32 PM

I think the Ascension suck ass.

I had not seen them til WWE, but their look is jobber, and their act weak.

Buh bye

Count Zero - 4-16-2016 at 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Foxcalibur
AFAIK, WWE is no longer doing the yearly culling. I think now they're just letting contracts run out without renewals, yeah?

[Edited on 4-16-2016 by Foxcalibur]
I forget exactly where this was discussed, but to the best of my recollections, I second your thought-processings. I won't lie, I'm gonna miss Adam Rose a little bit. I enjoyed the Prince of the Party Bus. I even like his weird spaced out superfriend #SocialOutcast incarnation.

salmonjunkie - 4-16-2016 at 09:37 PM

Thought about it a little more - I wonder if The Ascension's career path in WWE would've been the same even without the infamous promo. They're really not that impressive in the ring, their size isn't nearly as imposing as it seemed in NXT. Hell, for all we know, the promo didn't affect them as much as we (or I) think and they were still given a chance but dropped the ball?

denverpunk - 4-16-2016 at 09:47 PM

What's the story on that Ascension promo? Did they go off script with the whole LOD direction? Because if they were told to say that, and then got buried for saying it, then that would be the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

Count Zero - 4-16-2016 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
What's the story on that Ascension promo? Did they go off script with the whole LOD direction? Because if they were told to say that, and then got buried for saying it, then that would be the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.
I wonder if it was a case of them being told to go say it, and then Vince getting a few phone calls the next day from the gentlemen in question. Or, even worse, creative didn't "clear it" with Vince somehow. But this is just me making words of hypothetical.

salmonjunkie - 4-16-2016 at 10:03 PM

Yeah, I have no idea if it was scripted or not. I only know that Bradshaw, Animal, and maybe one or two more people made a stink of it, and then we started see them losing. If it was scripted - if they were told to say that and got repercussions for saying that then that's really fucked up.

I guess we'll all find out when post-future-endeavored Konner does a podcast on Colt Cabana's podcast or something.

CM Crunk - 4-17-2016 at 01:05 AM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
I guess we'll all find out when post-future-endeavored Konner does a podcast on Colt Cabana's podcast or something.

Hopefully he confirms my long held suspicion that he, Colt, and Pete Gas are related...and then reveals plans for them to start a Huey, Dewey and Louie gimmick in CHIKARA.

janerd75 - 4-17-2016 at 01:26 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Originally posted by salmonjunkie
I guess we'll all find out when post-future-endeavored Konner does a podcast on Colt Cabana's podcast or something.

Hopefully he confirms my long held suspicion that he, Colt, and Pete Gas are related...and then reveals plans for them to start a Huey, Dewey and Louie gimmick in CHIKARA.

Don't...don't do this to me, because now I expect it. Alternate Universe Wrasslin' Wormholes Are The Worst And Most Tragic of All Wormholes.

[img]InsertSadCornetteFaceHere.gif*[ /img]

*lol, there's no such thing as a sad Cornette face you stupid marks

CM Crunk - 4-17-2016 at 01:36 AM

Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by CM Crunk
Originally posted by salmonjunkie
I guess we'll all find out when post-future-endeavored Konner does a podcast on Colt Cabana's podcast or something.

Hopefully he confirms my long held suspicion that he, Colt, and Pete Gas are related...and then reveals plans for them to start a Huey, Dewey and Louie gimmick in CHIKARA.

Don't...don't do this to me, because now I expect it. Alternate Universe Wrasslin' Wormholes Are The Worst And Most Tragic of All Wormholes.

[img]InsertSadCornetteFaceHere.gif*[ /img]

*lol, there's no such thing as a sad Cornette face you stupid marks

Damnit, you might be right. Closest I could find more closely resembles 'vague consternation' than anything else.

Slade - 4-17-2016 at 02:09 AM

The Ascension is a terrible tag team and they were terrible before they got called up from NXT, too. Nothing about the team was impressive. All they did was punch, kick, punch, kick, punch, kick, BODYSLAM, punch, kick, restholds, punch, kick offense. They looked dumb and were only booked as the most dominant tag team in NXT history because they were the only tag team in NXT for a large portion of their run as tag team champions. It was so bad at one point that Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Master Sexy were paid to put them over on one of the first Takeover specials. The NXT tag team scene has come a long way from when the Ascension set the longest reign as tag champions.

janerd75 - 4-17-2016 at 02:23 AM

Yeah, pretty much ^this. I had a bit of sympathy for them because of The Promo, buuuut they always seemed like a Gimmick Out of Time to me. Fare thee well in your future endeavours, fellas, but you were not the rush we were looking for.

Paddlefoot - 4-17-2016 at 02:40 AM

I can see the same sort of effect happening with The Vaudevillains, even if they're significantly more talented in-ring than the Ascension is. That kind of gimmick might work well with the smark fans at NXT who are more knowledgeable and able to appreciate it. Not so on the main roster where their appearance on SD so far was a big "meh" for the most part from the casuals in the crowd. If they're on SD for good it'll get even worse when they take the show to Latino crowds in the southwest states because I'm sure that the viewers down there if you asked them what Vaudeville was the majority of them would just look confused and respond "que?". Between that, the Ascension, and Adam Rose they're kind of putting the kiss of death on some of these NXT call ups by giving them gimmicks that are best described as dumb-fuck.

Foxcalibur - 4-17-2016 at 03:01 AM

Meh. I think Ascension were fun to watch and had a lot of presence. Viktor especially seems to have decent chops and stiffer dudes than Konnor have played Hot Tag Catcher in good teams. They had a fun retro gimmick, though could never compete with LoD and Demolition for sheer roidy hugeness.

I thought their transitional promos were great fun, but had hoped it was all a setup to debut as stealth faces, playing on that nostalgia vibe, the way Kurt Angle debuted as a stealth heel. "The Promo" wasn't even a bad promo, and the dudes who got butthurt about it and demanded vengeance are ridiculous. But of course, as soon as they were fed to a gang of olds, that was pretty much that for the Ascension.

A well-booked Ascension could've been thoroughly entertaining, even if they never kept up with guys like the Usos and New Day.

Quick rule of thumb: If you're not enjoying a WWE performer, the fault is at least 50% with WWE's objectively terrible writing and character work. At least. In the case of Adam Rose, it was more like 78%. A non-moron could put together hours and hours of wonderful TV with the talent pool WWE has. So yeah, the Ascension ended up sucking. That has relatively little to do with the Ascension.

merc - 4-17-2016 at 03:06 AM

Originally posted by CM Crunk

Damnit, you might be right. Closest I could find more closely resembles 'vague constipation' than anything else.

I fixed this for you

CM Crunk - 4-17-2016 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by CM Crunk

Damnit, you might be right. Closest I could find more closely resembles 'vague constipation' than anything else.

I fixed this for you


Uh, I mean, thanks.

Katie Vick killer - 4-17-2016 at 02:23 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
What's the story on that Ascension promo? Did they go off script with the whole LOD direction? Because if they were told to say that, and then got buried for saying it, then that would be the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

What is the story?

Flash - 4-17-2016 at 03:14 PM

To my recollection it was a pretty standard "we're the greatest tag team of all time.... better than LOD, Demolition... ect" promo(s) and JBL pretty much buried them right away on commentary, and then a week or two later they were destroyed by a combination of the APA, NAO, NWO, CIA, FBI, NAACP, and I think WWF (the animal one, not retro WWE).... There was some word.... and I specifically remember Animal from LOD doing some online bitching; but I think it was because it was that the WWE had these guy's do it in less of a getting heat fashion that would lead to a payoff, and more of a disrespectful way where they served up a far lesser copy and tried to call it the real deal (I think there was something about the departed Hawk getting buried as well....).

Honestly; 2 up and coming talents got beaten down by 7 "legends" of varying degree's; 2 of which (the NAO) they'd go on to beat at the Royal Rumble.... not as damning from an objective POV as it seemed at the time.

Did the WWE and JBL more specifically do them wrong.... probably; JBL is your heel colour guy, so he probably should have played up their greatness and potential instead of getting his panties in a twist (JBL whale tails like nobodies business BTW) and verbally burying them for weeks.... the big "legends" beat down probably should have happened after they beat the NAO's as well.... one of those missteps where you look strong first, then lose to superior numbers in lieu of getting beat down, and then eking out a win over the only semi-active team left.

I also think the WWE didn't find the right tone for the Ascension's gimmick.... it should have been tongue in cheek; over the top, and camp in a lot of ways... maybe throw out some very 80's style training video's and a work out montage or two.... People might have been in able to get in on the joke a bit more and click with the gimmick instead of it looking like two Road Warrior knock off's being no where in that league but being force-pushed as such... You knew the joke was there, or the parody.... but you weren't sure if it was intended that way, or if the WWE was really just out of touch and thought that's what worked so do it again.

Lastly, and a lesson that the WWE hasn't quite learned yet (ahem.. Tyler Breeze, Adrian Neville) is that not everyone watches NXT.... this would have been more true in 2014 when the network was in it's infancy... that you do still need to work a gimmick when calling a guy up instead of just throwing them out there.... you need to give guy's a chance to sink or swim before deeming them a complete failure to be relegated to Superstars or picking up Vince's laundry.

Paddlefoot - 4-17-2016 at 06:26 PM

To me it seems like more of a weird game that Vince and (probably) Bukukky decided to play with them, maybe to stick it in Hunter's eye for some insane reason. There's no way the Ascension did that promo without it being scripted by Creative. Also JBL isn't trashing on them during the promo without Vince yapping away at him over the headset telling him to do it. So what happened here exactly? These guys got the call-up to the main roster, practice their first promo like good noobs should, and then without their knowing it Vince uses JBL to tank them in the middle of it? Because it was all downhill for them after that. A few minor wins over cannon fodder like impromptu Fandango/R-Truth team-ups and then that was it. What was the point of even bringing them up if they were just going to get the Public Enemy treatment with them being made into a running joke?

As previously mentioned the inevitable Colt Cabana podcast or YouTube shoot interviews with these two guys should be fascinating. I wanna hear whose corn flakes it was that they pissed in for WWE to decide to ruin them after giving them a year or whatever in NXT building them up as a major force to then just to wreck them for laughs.

The Hitcher - 4-17-2016 at 07:39 PM

Was the guys first wellness violation in between those promos? That'd make sense I guess.

Otherwise. Yeah.

Foxcalibur - 4-17-2016 at 10:12 PM

My theory is that the tanking of the Ascension and Tyler Breeze and Adam Rose is less a malicious "burial" than the natural result of a general disdain for Gimmicks.

WWE creative generally dislikes outlandish characters and likes athletic competitors. As a reaction to laughable nonsense like Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz and Duke "the Dumpster" Droese, they tend to think wrestlers who aren't purely about wrestling are obviously just joke characters, to be treated as jokes.

(This barring obviously successful Gimmicks like the Million Dollar Man, who they try to recreate all the time, and the Undertaker, likewise.)

So if you show up as, say, an Instagram narcissist, or a party dude, or an 80s throwback, the creative team will think, "Lol, joke character!" and treat you accordingly. They'll just have nothing worthwhile for you. Wrestling is Serious, and wrestlers must take it, and themselves, seriously. If they don't, they are simply the opposite of serious, and thus are comic relief.

It's not retribution against what they did, it's creative prejudice against what they are.


The Ascension thing I really don't think was a burial. I think it was legit meant to get them over as heels. You know why? Because Vince assumes people think (or should think!) like he does, and to him, nothing is more sacred than his successes, and anyone who bags on them is a real shit, and should be hated and should lose. Hell, he even let them get over on the NAO before sending them back to jobbertown.

Here's how the Ascension-vs-Olds storyline should've gone.

1. Ascension bags on classic teams
2. NAO challenge Ascension
3. Ascension beats NAO
4. Olds gang up on and beat up Ascension
5. Ascension hunts down each and every person involved in said beatdown
6. Bradshaw tries to save Ron Simmons from Ascension, gets his shit pushed in
7. Ron Simmons manages some young team like Prime Time Players to beat up Ascension
7a. Ron Simmons, having been a member of two monster teams, betrays Bradshaw and manages Ascension. Because fuck Bradshaw.

[Edited on 4-17-2016 by Foxcalibur]

CCharger - 4-18-2016 at 01:49 PM

* A couple sites reporting that Rock turned down guest reffing the Mania main event because he didn't want to be associated with Reigns's boos when he won.

* Dixie has narrowed the field of TNA investor's down to two. She wants to remain majority owner and primary creative voice which has been the main sticking point in negotiations.

* There is a great deal of vitriol in the Lucha Underground lockerroom over MVP's termination. He is close friends with several guys on the LU roster such as Vampiro, Mundo, Chavo and Striker, and they were all shocked and incensed at his dismissal. The decision was apparently made at the corporate level by attorneys rather than handled backstage by the boys.

salmonjunkie - 4-18-2016 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

* Dixie has narrowed the field of TNA investor's down to two. She wants to remain majority owner and primary creative voice which has been the main sticking point in negotiations.

Dixie: Can I get you to invest in my company?

Potential Investor: Sure, but we need to take your character out of the show

Dixie: No. I want to be on the show.

PI: But you suck.

Dixie: I don't care!

PI: You really, really suck.

Dixie: Too bad!

PI: Ok.

Dixie: But wait, we need the money.

PI: Get off the show.

Dixie: NO!


* There is a great deal of vitriol in the Lucha Underground lockerroom over MVP's termination. He is close friends with several guys on the LU roster such as Vampiro, Mundo, Chavo and Striker, and they were all shocked and incensed at his dismissal. The decision was apparently made at the corporate level by attorneys rather than handled backstage by the boys.

I could see MVP being a great character in LU. Too bad.

[Edited on 4-18-2016 by salmonjunkie]

salmonjunkie - 4-18-2016 at 06:57 PM

Here's the Ascension getting their assess handed to them by the legends.

My GOD, I forgot how terrible Konner is on the mic. Viktor is ok, too bad for him he's the smaller of the two and therefore is always the one pinned. In fact he's pretty much the smallest person in the ring when all of the legends are in there, tied with X-Pac. Konner is about the size of Billy Gunn. How the hell are these two guys supposed to be imposing?

royberto - 4-18-2016 at 07:47 PM

Stone Cold Steve Austin reveals he participated in his Wrestlemania segment with a torn rotator cuff:

He said he was able to catch all the beers because he was on adrenaline but couldn't drink a beer after he got backstage. Well if you can't drink a beer, then what is the point of life?

bigfatgoalie - 4-18-2016 at 08:54 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Well if you can't drink a beer, then what is the point of life?


williamssl - 4-18-2016 at 09:34 PM

E! has announced the new series �Total Bellas� with Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network�s hit series �Total Divas.�

I swear....if one of you is responsible for this....I will find you. I will hunt you.

Slick - 4-18-2016 at 09:38 PM

Oh my....

Paddlefoot - 4-18-2016 at 10:03 PM

* Finn Balor main roster debut is being teased for tonight's RAW

* Bret Hart is supposed to be in Nattie's corner tonight as well as she has another round with Charlotte and Old Man Flair

* Virgil is the guest tonight on the E&C; show

* Bellas show is only supposed to be six episodes so there's a limit to how much trauma it will be causing

janerd75 - 4-18-2016 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
E! has announced the new series �Total Bellas� with Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network�s hit series �Total Divas.�

I swear....if one of you is responsible for this....I will find you. I will hunt you.

Wait, wait, wait, hold on one goddamn second. Johnny F. Ace is in that promo picture and was on the vid. A quick wiki search into TWOODNAAVE lore indicates he's shacked up with and engaged to the Bella's mom, thusly putting him on course to be D-Bry's father-in-law?!?

royberto - 4-18-2016 at 10:24 PM

Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by williamssl
E! has announced the new series �Total Bellas� with Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network�s hit series �Total Divas.�

I swear....if one of you is responsible for this....I will find you. I will hunt you.

Wait, wait, wait, hold on one goddamn second. Johnny F. Ace is in that promo picture and was on the vid. A quick wiki search into TWOODNAAVE lore indicates he's shacked up with and engaged to the Bella's mom, thusly putting him on course to be D-Bry's father-in-law?!?

Actually, as of March 24th he is now married to the Bella's mom. So, he is Daniel Byran's Father in Law.

If Cena gets married to Nikki, that would means Cnea, Bryan, Johnny Ace and Road Warrior Animal will all be related.

The fact that he is a part of this means i'm in.

[Edited on 4-18-2016 by royberto]

williamssl - 4-18-2016 at 10:26 PM

I would watch that Thanksgiving special: A Very Bella Thanksgiving - Turkey with the Bellas and their Extended Family

[Edited on 4-18-2016 by williamssl]

nOOb - 4-18-2016 at 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Finn Balor main roster debut is being teased for tonight's RAW

This one doesn't happen.

royberto - 4-18-2016 at 10:31 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
E! has announced the new series �Total Bellas� with Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network�s hit series �Total Divas.�
Meanwhile, at the TNA wharehouse, Dixie Carter cries herself to sleep.

CM Crunk - 4-18-2016 at 11:04 PM

Johnny Ace back on TV? I haven't been this excited since Super Dave Osborne was regularly doing specials on Fox back in the 90's. What role will he play? Flummoxed patriarch in a houseful of nitwits? Will he eventually transition and become Connie Laurinaitis*?

*just want to pat myself on the back for spelling that right on my first try even though it gave my phones autocorrect a goddamn panic attack.

[Edited on 4/18/2016 by CM Crunk]

Slade - 4-18-2016 at 11:51 PM

Posted by The Hitcher
Was the guys first wellness violation in between those promos?

According to Dave Meltzer, Konnor's first wellness policy violation occurred in 2006. It occurred when he was first working in developmental. He was initially signed and worked in Deep South Wrestling and Florida Championshionship Wrestling from 2005-2007. Then he was released and brought back in on a new developmental deal in 2010.

What is interesting about this, if it is true, that his first violation occurred 10 years ago indicates that WWE does has no sunset clause on wellness policy infractions. Put another way, it doesn't forgive past infractions after someone has passed tests for at least a decade. Also, even more interesting is that, when someone is no longer under contract, it does not reset that individual's wellness policy record.

Another thing that I find interesting about this news, unrelated to the wellness policy, is that Konnor has been around as long as he has and is still a terrible wrestler. One would like to think that someone who has been plugging along at his craft for over a decade would have learned more moves than I can count on the fingers of one of hands. And why on Earth did a talent scout think so highly of him to want to give him another try after he was so unimpressive in his first stint in developmental? Considering his lack of talent, Konnor is incredibly lucky to have lasted as long with WWE as he has. He may be the luckiest guy on the payroll.

Flash - 4-19-2016 at 01:40 AM

The WWE actually puts it's Wellness policy online;

Sounds like you don't even get a chance to burn off one of those violations until you rack up two of them.

gambit3 - 4-19-2016 at 04:03 AM

Per, which does not name its source:

* A Nashville-based marketing agency named Aroluxe is in the running to buy TNA. Ron & Don Harris are involved in the company, which TNA reportedly owes money to. To update on this, PWInsider reports that there may be a corporate takover if TNA doesn't pay them what's owed.

Aroluxe reportedly handles all of Impact Wrestling's production including expenditures, and TNA is to reimburse them and pay for services. PWInsider claims that TNA owes Aroluxe at least one payment, and based on their contract, if the payment isn't made, Aroluxe would then be able to claim majority ownership of TNA. This would leave Dixie Carter a minority owner, and likely bring drastic management changes.

Aroluxe has been handling Impact Wrestling's production since January 2016. PWInsider reports that Ron and Don Harris have been working in different areas of TNA so regularly that there likely wouldn't be any transitional issues if their company does take over.

CamstunPWG187 - 4-19-2016 at 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Flash
The WWE actually puts it's Wellness policy online;

Sounds like you don't even get a chance to burn off one of those violations until you rack up two of them.

It's not surprising, given how WWE had to twist and mangle the wellness policy entirely around Randy F. Orton' adolescent 20-something fuck-ups.

Count Zero - 4-19-2016 at 04:23 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
Originally posted by Flash
The WWE actually puts it's Wellness policy online;

Sounds like you don't even get a chance to burn off one of those violations until you rack up two of them.

It's not surprising, given how WWE had to twist and mangle the wellness policy entirely around Randy F. Orton' adolescent 20-something fuck-ups.
Another reason Vince&Co; don't want wrestlers unionized: can you imagine colletively-bargaining for something like this??? Jesus H. Chris F'n Masters On A Merry-Go-Round Christ.

TomS - 4-19-2016 at 08:06 AM

Originally posted by gambit3
Per, which does not name its source:

* A Nashville-based marketing agency named Aroluxe is in the running to buy TNA. Ron & Don Harris are involved in the company, which TNA reportedly owes money to. To update on this, PWInsider reports that there may be a corporate takover if TNA doesn't pay them what's owed.

Aroluxe reportedly handles all of Impact Wrestling's production including expenditures, and TNA is to reimburse them and pay for services. PWInsider claims that TNA owes Aroluxe at least one payment, and based on their contract, if the payment isn't made, Aroluxe would then be able to claim majority ownership of TNA. This would leave Dixie Carter a minority owner, and likely bring drastic management changes.

Aroluxe has been handling Impact Wrestling's production since January 2016. PWInsider reports that Ron and Don Harris have been working in different areas of TNA so regularly that there likely wouldn't be any transitional issues if their company does take over.

The Harris Brothers? Selling the company to actual Nazis is the most TNA thing TNA could ever do.

Paddlefoot - 4-19-2016 at 08:23 AM

Did someone mention TNA?

Hitler, errrr, Dixie Carter had a lot of great ideas, y'know.

CM Crunk - 4-19-2016 at 11:38 AM

Did NAZI that coming.

CCharger - 4-19-2016 at 03:07 PM

Ryback had a very candid interview where he expressed frustration at how he is being used, and implied that he may not return to the WWE when his contract expires later this year.

Here's the interview:

Here is a snippet:

�I�ve heard in this business hard work doesn�t always pay off. So maybe The Big Guy has to go find another world where that does pay off. But you work really, really hard at something and you dedicate yourself, and you sometimes have to be told you�re somewhere else. That�s a tough pill to swallow time and time again but I�ve never stopped believing in myself and I never will. Next year should undoubtedly be a big year for The Big Guy.�

SpiNNeR72 - 4-19-2016 at 03:34 PM

If the big guy grows a tiny mustache he could head up the newly acquired TNA

CCharger - 4-19-2016 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
E! has announced the new series �Total Bellas� with Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network�s hit series �Total Divas.�

I swear....if one of you is responsible for this....I will find you. I will hunt you.

LOL...this sounded familiar so I searched this.

I actually reported this almost exactly a year ago:;=11

"*Speaking of the Divas, the WWE is in talks to do a spin-off focusing on the Bellas twins called, naturally, Total Bellas. The show will focus on the Bellas relationships with the two biggest stars in the compnay as well as their transition away from wrestling full time."

[Edited on 4-19-2016 by CCharger]

GodEatGod - 4-19-2016 at 03:56 PM

I mean, it makes sense for the Bellas to try and transition into a reality show focused specifically on them, especially since neither is on the road with the company at the moment. I know it's not to the taste of most of the people who frequent this board, most notably our glOriOus leader, but I doubt it will have any impact on WWE TV at all.

CCharger - 4-19-2016 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
a reality show focused specifically on them

Some would say they already have one. It's called Total Divas.

Paddlefoot - 4-19-2016 at 06:09 PM

Take it for what it's worth but here's some more alleged details on the TNA/HarriSS Brothers situation.

royberto - 4-19-2016 at 06:48 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
I mean, it makes sense for the Bellas to try and transition into a reality show focused specifically on them, especially since neither is on the road with the company at the moment. I know it's not to the taste of most of the people who frequent this board, most notably our glOriOus leader, but I doubt it will have any impact on WWE TV at all.
They will be in for a shock when they find out the reasons why people will actually watch it are named Daniel Bryan, John Cena, and Mr. John Lauraniatis.

Paddlefoot - 4-19-2016 at 07:03 PM

People Power! is in effect in the Bella household, and what the people! want is to see Nikki walk around topless for the entire day.

salmonjunkie - 4-19-2016 at 07:58 PM

Originally posted by TomS
The Harris Brothers? Selling the company to actual Nazis is the most TNA thing TNA could ever do.

I don't get this. Is it a joke or are the Harris Brothers neo-nazis?

salmonjunkie - 4-19-2016 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
E! has announced the new series �Total Bellas� with Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network�s hit series �Total Divas.�

I swear....if one of you is responsible for this....I will find you. I will hunt you.

Here's the publicity photo of the happy family

Anyone know who the other Bella sister is and the guy she's with?

[Edited on 4-19-2016 by salmonjunkie]

jefft221 - 4-19-2016 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Originally posted by williamssl
E! has announced the new series �Total Bellas� with Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network�s hit series �Total Divas.�

I swear....if one of you is responsible for this....I will find you. I will hunt you.

Here's the publicity photo of the happy family

Anyone know who the other Bella sister is and the guy she's with?

[Edited on 4-19-2016 by salmonjunkie]

All I know is don't the Bellas have a brother? Maybe the guy is the brother and the woman his wife? Though scary how much the wife does look like his twin sisters.

Harris Brothers/Neo-Nazis.... on that black tank top is a symbol that basically a stylized "SS", and that "SS" is also "hidden" on their arm tattoos, it's Nazi imagery. Sooooo.....

SpiNNeR72 - 4-19-2016 at 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
People Power! is in effect in the Bella household, and what the people! want is to see Nikki walk around topless for the entire day.

Wrong Bella, but I get the sentiment.

If this spells the end of Total Diva's, then thats fine. The fringe reality show can carry on (god knows there is an audience for these things i guess) but with everyone inactive except Cena it wont impact on WWE so much.

CCharger - 4-19-2016 at 08:32 PM

Steve Austin went on his podcast and reviewed Wrestlemania. In doing so, he criticized the main event:

�It was way too long. That match should have been 15 minutes. I mean, from bell to bell, 15 minutes, and, that being said, all the bells and whistles and action that needed to happen within that 15 minutes. And just, this is a deal where, okay, if it�s Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels and you�re out there, hey, give them 30 [minutes] because they can go 30 [minutes]. But here�s a case, and Triple H can go any amount of time you want him to go. But what needed to happen on this, just to make Roman, because if you�re going to let Roman go over clean in the middle of the ring, shine him up like a million bucks. Let him bounce Triple H all over kingdom come. Finally, let Triple H just get a frog�s hair of heat on him. And then boom, big finish, bam, 1-2-3. Make an impact with that match. Make an impact with the finish. And make a statement for the kid! It�s about getting this kid over and at least within the confines of the 20 x 20..."

�You�re trying to make Roman Reigns. I don�t think you make him in a 28-minute chess match. This match needed to be all about excitement, explosion, and testosterone out of Roman and that�s how I think they should have booked it...making Roman Reigns work this long exposed more holes in his game than we�ve already known that exist.�

I think this is a fair critique. Love him or hate him, it's clear that Reigns has shortcomings in the ring But so did Sting early in his career. Yet, in 1988 Flair let Sting bump him all over the ring to get him over. This should have been the pay off for Reigns. Let him semi-squash HHH and bump him all over the ring to blow off the feud with the Authority and begin his era with, well, authority.

salmonjunkie - 4-19-2016 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by jefft221
All I know is don't the Bellas have a brother? Maybe the guy is the brother and the woman his wife? Though scary how much the wife does look like his twin sisters.

Harris Brothers/Neo-Nazis.... on that black tank top is a symbol that basically a stylized "SS", and that "SS" is also "hidden" on their arm tattoos, it's Nazi imagery. Sooooo.....

Oh, I zoomed passed those pics that Pad posted and didn't catch that.

anglefan85 - 4-19-2016 at 08:44 PM

I for one cannot wait for the Harris Brothers to introduce the new American History X-Division.

williamssl - 4-19-2016 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

Yet, in 1988 Flair let Sting bump him all over the ring to get him over. This should have been the pay off for Reigns. Let him semi-squash HHH and bump him all over the ring to blow off the feud with the Authority and begin his era with, well, authority.

The old-school definition of "bump" is "fuck", which makes the above make a lot more sense.

CCharger - 4-19-2016 at 09:05 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
I for one cannot wait for the Harris Brothers to introduce the new American History X-Division.

POTY candidate

salmonjunkie - 4-19-2016 at 09:05 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
I for one cannot wait for the Harris Brothers to introduce the new American History X-Division.

I'm looking forward to the rechristening of their second singles title to the Grand Wizard Of The Mountain Championship.

CCharger - 4-19-2016 at 09:19 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Originally posted by anglefan85
I for one cannot wait for the Harris Brothers to introduce the new American History X-Division.

I'm looking forward to the rechristening of their second singles title to the Grand Wizard Of The Mountain Championship.

Their first PPV will be named the Great American Gay Bash, and their first women's champion will be Becky..ahem...Lynch.

[Edited on 4-19-2016 by CCharger]

royberto - 4-19-2016 at 09:45 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Originally posted by williamssl
E! has announced the new series �Total Bellas� with Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network�s hit series �Total Divas.�

I swear....if one of you is responsible for this....I will find you. I will hunt you.

Here's the publicity photo of the happy family

Anyone know who the other Bella sister is and the guy she's with?

[Edited on 4-19-2016 by salmonjunkie]
The guy is the Bella's brother JJ Garcia and the gal is his wife.

royberto - 4-19-2016 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by SpiNNeR72
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
People Power! is in effect in the Bella household, and what the people! want is to see Nikki walk around topless for the entire day.

Wrong Bella, but I get the sentiment.

If this spells the end of Total Diva's, then thats fine. The fringe reality show can carry on (god knows there is an audience for these things i guess) but with everyone inactive except Cena it wont impact on WWE so much.
Nope Total Divas is on for another season with the Bellas out while Maryse & Miz are in.

First 9 - 4-20-2016 at 12:38 AM

Geez that must suck for Cena. The show will probably force the entire goddamn Bella family to basically move in to his house.

Guy must be itching to come back.

Flash - 4-20-2016 at 01:12 AM

Yeah; while I'm sure Cena doesn't mind the extra paycheques, between his WWE responsibilities, and squeezing in various movie roles on his days off, I'm sure one of the last things he wants to do is have the camera's there in his private life too.

But otherwise; lookout A'noi family, out of the way Hart family, and beat it McMahon-Helmsley brood.... We've got a new power family stepping up!

So.... Wrestlemania 55 can feature such legacy kids like the Cenalsion's taking on StepHHH's kids.... and Beth Phoenix and Edge's daughter in there for good measure.

First 9 - 4-20-2016 at 05:34 AM

What the fuck is wrong with the marketing department?!

Anyway, slight chance we might get Lesnar earlier than anticipated?

[Edited on 4-20-2016 by First 9]

janerd75 - 4-20-2016 at 06:06 AM

No, no, I think you're mistaken. The WWE is TV-PG. Otherwise their motto wouldn't be WWE: It's For Fucking Children. Wait, no...

Paddlefoot - 4-20-2016 at 06:13 AM

Revived nightmares of ODB and Cody Deaner's date night, except with some fucked up ladybugs or something. Blarf.

The Greek - 4-20-2016 at 06:14 PM

The newest WWE World Heavyweight Champion......

Paddlefoot - 4-20-2016 at 06:29 PM

Seventy year old clip and it's still booked better than Reigns.

merc - 4-20-2016 at 09:44 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

Yet, in 1988 Flair let Sting bump him all over the ring to get him over. This should have been the pay off for Reigns. Let him semi-squash HHH and bump him all over the ring to blow off the feud with the Authority and begin his era with, well, authority.

what the hell...

The 88 NoC match was a 45 minute draw. Sting just hanging was what put him over.

Comparing 88 Flair (or later) to Haitch isn't good. Ric had pretty much become a same match guy regardless of who he went up against. As chickenshit heel, he called the match the same way with the same move sets. He didn't really care about the faces strengths. It got worse, the older he got, but late 80's was the start.

I've read a couple of books where the view on Middle-late Flair was less than complementary on in ring psychology. He just wanted to run his moveset and move on.

I think Haitch still works a story and will adapt to his opponent. I agree he should have taken the beat down /quasi squash; but what's good for business isn't always what's done.

CCharger - 4-20-2016 at 10:04 PM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by CCharger

Yet, in 1988 Flair let Sting bump him all over the ring to get him over. This should have been the pay off for Reigns. Let him semi-squash HHH and bump him all over the ring to blow off the feud with the Authority and begin his era with, well, authority.

what the hell...

The 88 NoC match was a 45 minute draw. Sting just hanging was what put him over.

Comparing 88 Flair (or later) to Haitch isn't good. Ric had pretty much become a same match guy regardless of who he went up against. As chickenshit heel, he called the match the same way with the same move sets. He didn't really care about the faces strengths. It got worse, the older he got, but late 80's was the start.

I've read a couple of books where the view on Middle-late Flair was less than complementary on in ring psychology. He just wanted to run his moveset and move on.

I think Haitch still works a story and will adapt to his opponent. I agree he should have taken the beat down /quasi squash; but what's good for business isn't always what's done.

I wasn't comparing matches apples to apples, not was I comparing Ric Flair to HHH. I was using Clash '88 as an example of how the Mania main event should have been booked.

My point was that Flair got Sting over in that match by having Sting bump him all over the place. Watch the match. Flair got very little offense. Sting just bounced Flair all over with power moves. That is what HHH should have done - allow Reigns to use macho power moves and bounce the heel all over the ring and pin him emphatically to get him over.

williamssl - 4-20-2016 at 10:14 PM

I still say replace "bump" with "fuck"and it reads better.

Paddlefoot - 4-20-2016 at 11:12 PM

Everything goes better with fuck.

Paddlefoot - 4-21-2016 at 12:04 AM

Also today:

* Viktor is being added to the Social Outcasts to replace Adam Rose

* career suicide in progress? Adam Rose challenging test results and the overall wellness policy? Statement here:

[Edited on 4/20/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Flash - 4-21-2016 at 12:18 AM

Rose probably knows he isn't going to slink any lower on the card short of selling popcorn, and can probably guess that he's on the short list of "we're not calling it future endeavouring anymore".... So why not try and right his name if he truly believes in what he's saying. Plus, he was about as diplomatic as you can get...

We can't attest to how things play out behind the scenes, but the WWE (on some issues) has let some people challenge them publicly.... Darren Young called them out on their Dubai (I think it was there?) tours, and while she left on her own accord shortly thereafter, AJ didn't seem to suffer too much over slagging the women's division much to Stephanie's chagrin... Foley's smashed a TV over how crappy Raw has been, and get's a new show on the network.

royberto - 4-21-2016 at 01:07 AM

Becky Lynch jumped at Conor McGregor's retirement announcement and nabbed herself an ESPN headline by inviting Conor to WWE:

Congrats, Becky. One tweet gets you an ESPN SportsCenter moment.

Flash - 4-21-2016 at 02:05 AM

If this is about McGregor not wanting to take part in all the promotion for UFC 200 as Dana is saying, then the WWE is probably the last place he'd want to go.

merc - 4-21-2016 at 05:03 AM

Thinking about Adam Rose (Stop it you perverts!),I struggle with the independent contractor concept in WWE. They behave as if the talent are employees, for example the "suspensions" or former future endeavors. Neither are appropriate terms for severing or failing to renew a contract.

I think if those in the talent pool that desired to "unionize" focused their efforts on having the DOL or Connecticut's equivalent (perhaps in the revenue arena {think income tax}) focus in on W2 v. 1099 relationships they would find a fairly quick path to government changing the relationship. The hurdle would be the amount of income earned outside of the Nutmeg State; so talent with established residence in CT. would play a key role.

Just thinkin and typing.

Foxcalibur - 4-21-2016 at 06:55 AM


[Edited on 4-21-2016 by Foxcalibur]

Count Zero - 4-21-2016 at 07:44 AM

Originally posted by merc
I think if those in the talent pool that desired to "unionize" focused their efforts on having the DOL or Connecticut's equivalent (perhaps in the revenue arena {think income tax}) focus in on W2 v. 1099 relationships they would find a fairly quick path to government changing the relationship. The hurdle would be the amount of income earned outside of the Nutmeg State; so talent with established residence in CT. would play a key role.

Just thinkin and typing.
So the Mean Street Posse might change the biz after all? I always knew Pete Gas had it in him to make potential-history.

[Edited on 4-21-2016 by Count Zero]

CM Crunk - 4-21-2016 at 08:35 AM

Not really "news" since it happened at a house show and it doesn't "count", but it makes me happy to see Dean Ambrose getting a win over Triple H. If only this were to have happened at Road Block

Dean Ambrose beats Triple H with Dirty Deeds 😱 #WWENewcastle

— KD Sweets (@ProjectKenny) April 20, 2016

merc - 4-21-2016 at 01:41 PM

Not really a rumor either...

I'm surprised HHH is doing house shows. Do you know if it was a major city?

jmble - 4-21-2016 at 07:25 PM

Originally posted by merc
Not really a rumor either...

I'm surprised HHH is doing house shows. Do you know if it was a major city?

Wasn't it state on here somewhere earlier that HHH was replacing Bray Wyatt on the overseas tour because of Bray's injury?

I think it was just a matter of he was the best guy for the job who was already travelling overseas.

CCharger - 4-22-2016 at 12:39 AM

* Word is that TNA is literally in it's death, no...I know we've heard that before, but seriously...they are dead ass broke.

Meltzer had this to say:

"They clearly need to make a deal to get some money in, because they don't have any money. That's been obvious for a while ... Financially, it's really bad. You wouldn't believe how bad it is. When I say they're out of money - they're out of money."

It sounds like a deal needs to be made soon, or TNA will file for bankruptcy and go out of business. Rumors have been that Dixie wants to remain majority owner and be in charge of creative. It will probably get to a point where one of the interested groups will call Dixie's bluff and she will be forced to sell it all.

Either way, we will see TNA cease to exist or some dramatic change in ownership. I'm guessing we will see it sooner rather than later.

Flash - 4-22-2016 at 01:37 AM

For as LOL as TNA has become...

ECW- 1992-2001
WCW- 1988-2001
TNA- 2002-?
ROH- 2002-?

Out of that crop post-Vince McMahon changing the wrestling landscape they really aren't fairing all that badly in terms of longevity... and that would only be if they completely closed up shop tomorrow.

ROH is maybe going to have a legacy of being a developer of stars, a wrestling factory, but really hasn't grabbed that big national attention yet.

WCW was massive... competing with Vince is their legacy.

ECW.... obviously the extreme stuff is their legacy, with a nice side order of giving a platform to a lot of future stars.... but I'd argue that the biggest thing about ECW..... is their initials. Smarks aside, probably the thing that most rank and file fans know about ECW is to chant it's name over and over when someone goes through a table.

This is where I think TNA falls down... and why they are a bit LOL.... I'm not sure if in a decade plus they really carved out a legacy aside from the "What's former WWE star ____________ doing in the impact zone?" Don't get me wrong, there was probably some nice stuff in there... the 6 sided ring was an effort to set themselves apart, the X division and the Knockouts.... but those seem to have been so badly mishandled at some points that it's muddled their legacy a bit... and honestly, those things are probably still a bit overshadowed by the WWE.

The last rumour I heard was that there were two serious offers on the table for TNA, but that Dixie didn't want to give up control.... pride cometh before the fall?

CCharger - 4-22-2016 at 01:52 AM

I see it as two TNA's...pre-Hogan/Bischoff and post-Hogan/Bischoff.

Pre-Hogan, TNA could have really challenged Vince for viewers, and were carving out a niche as the anti-WWE. They had the cool 6-sided ring, the innovative X Division, and a great tag team division. They were everything the WWE was not at the time. In fact, prior to Hogan, you could argue TNA had a better women, better cruisers, and better tag teams than WWE. They had young talent that they had developed and built and a loyal fanbase. I believe that if they had continued on that trajectory, they would be in much better shape and would have changed the course of wrestling history.

When Hogan and Co. rolled in, the 6-sided ring was ditched, the X Division was made a joke, the tag team division suffered, and the "TNA guys" were buried in favor of Hogan loyalists or over the hill former WWE guys. It became WWE Lite rather than a viable alternative to WWE TV. Even when Hogan and Bischoff bailed, Dixie never changed the course they set and now here they are.

In hindsight, Dixie Carter hiring Hulk Hogan might be the biggest business blunder in wrestling history.

Flash - 4-22-2016 at 02:07 AM

I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that TNA might have changed the course of wrestling history, as I think Vince had gotten so big by that point that the dollars might not have been there to compete with him, and the rise of MMA probably grabbed a lot of attention that Wrestling once basked solely in.... but otherwise yeah, I think the rest of your assessment is spot on.

It's funny; I remember right before Hogan et al came to TNA there were a lot of stories going around about Paul Heyman being approached and he basically gave them a take it or leave it deal.... How different history might have been.

Meh, we could play what if all day, but I still think that if TNA got their shit together with the handful sports channels out there looking for cheap programming or even live original stuff, TNA could be a viable entity.

williamssl - 4-22-2016 at 02:38 AM

Bray Wyatt's injury is supposedly not serious and he'll be out of action "only" 4-6 weeks.

He got injured about a week and a half ago, so factor that into whatever math and speculation you want to do about when he might return to the ring.

Gobshite - 4-22-2016 at 08:27 AM

Originally posted by merc
Not really a rumor either...

I'm surprised HHH is doing house shows. Do you know if it was a major city?

It was Newcastle, England. I believe he's also doing Malaga, in Spain. Basically, a couple of months ago, the few European places that were struggling with ticket sales had a big name added to them, to give them a boost - first it was Daniel Bryan, then it was Taker, then straight after Mania Taker pulled out, then was back on again... HHH is kind of the damage limitation measure for people who purchased tickets with the expectation of Bryan or Taker - they still got to see a major star who doesn't really wrestle any more.

McGregor in WWE would likely work similar to the way Brock does - show up, 1 match every few months, that's it. I don't think it'd happen for another 5 years at least, as he's going to be a UFC guy for a while, but I could definitely see it happening at some point in time.

I assume Wyatt could still appear on TV - so maybe give him one week off, then after whatever happens with Balor/Bullet Club/AJ/Reigns at Payback, they can pick up form there.

[Edited on 4-22-2016 by Gobshite]

ThePunisher - 4-22-2016 at 06:52 PM

@wwebalor See you soon, buddy.

— Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) April 22, 2016

merc - 4-22-2016 at 07:14 PM

Originally posted by ThePunisher

Surprised they are sending Owens back to NXT. I thought he was doing OK

Count Zero - 4-22-2016 at 07:21 PM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by ThePunisher

Surprised they are sending Owens back to NXT. I thought he was doing OK
This made me lol. You, sir, win a cookie.

Paddlefoot - 4-23-2016 at 07:29 AM

Holy shit! They're copying Our Sport!

Sam Is Neat - 4-23-2016 at 08:35 PM

Sounds like Jack Swagger is done with WWE. Alluded to such on Twitter and his wikipedia page has already been updated to reflect that he is leaving.

If true, it is a bummer for me as I really enjoyed just about everything he did. I thought his gimmicks fit him perfectly, as did his name (to match his face). Solid in the ring and had the size that WWE likes. Never sure where it went wrong for Jack, as I thought he had a shot to be a solid main eventer. But maybe I am in the minority and he pretty much lived up to his potnetial where he as at?

Matte - 4-23-2016 at 08:44 PM

Swagger was horrible on the mic which aided in his inability to be taken seriously as a realistic threat. He was also boring in the ring and his American pride gimmick is something from the 80s that just doesn't have the same propelling power nowawadays. I never saw him as anything but a big, goofy guy with a lisp and a dumb face with a ceiling only as high as the slanted walls of an attic. It's embarrassing that he has World Heavyweight Championship reigns to his name.

williamssl - 4-23-2016 at 08:56 PM

For those keeping score, it is
Yay Swagger 1
Boo Swagger 1

I put Matte in the boo camp since he seemed to tilt that way more so.

Count Zero - 4-23-2016 at 09:15 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
For those keeping score, it is
Yay Swagger 1
Boo Swagger 1

I put Matte in the boo camp since he seemed to tilt that way more so.
Is this a Swagger on a Poll match?

royberto - 4-23-2016 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by williamssl
For those keeping score, it is
Yay Swagger 1
Boo Swagger 1

I put Matte in the boo camp since he seemed to tilt that way more so.
Is this a Swagger on a Poll match?
Depends. Is he Vince Russo?

Dyn-O-Mite - 4-23-2016 at 10:09 PM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by ThePunisher

Surprised they are sending Owens back to NXT. I thought he was doing OK

Well played Merc, well played.

I've been watching lately under the assumption is that this is where the Bullet Club angle is headed. "Balor Club" is already a "thing" in NXT/WWE, so I assume Gallows/Anderson are leading to taking out both Reigns/Styles, to be revealed that it's Balor, as leader of Balor club, who they've been administering beat downs on behalf of. Instant feud with Usos, Styles, Reigns... And if Balor vs. Styles is where that goes, perhaps soon-ish opens the door for a returning, face-Rollins gets in the title picture, to get "his" belt back...

merc - 4-24-2016 at 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Matte
American pride gimmick is something from the 80s that just doesn't have the same propelling power nowawadays.

Matte! Who knew you were a political analyst in wrestling disguise. Remove "gimmick" and you couldn't be more correct on so many levels.

BTW, thanks for the cookie Count!

Sam Is Neat - 4-24-2016 at 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Swagger was horrible on the mic which aided in his inability to be taken seriously as a realistic threat. He was also boring in the ring and his American pride gimmick is something from the 80s that just doesn't have the same propelling power nowawadays. I never saw him as anything but a big, goofy guy with a lisp and a dumb face with a ceiling only as high as the slanted walls of an attic. It's embarrassing that he has World Heavyweight Championship reigns to his name.

So...borderline Hall of Famer, right?

Slade - 4-24-2016 at 01:21 AM

Posted by Sam Is Neat
Never sure where it went wrong for Jack...

Are you serious?

I'm pretty sure it all went wrong for him on February 19, 2013, when he was arrested for DUI and possession of drugs. It probably could have all gone much better for him had he not gotten arrested at a time when he was getting a major push going into Wrestlemania, of all events!

Injuring everyone he wrestled in subsequent years was probably another strike against him.

royberto - 4-24-2016 at 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Sounds like Jack Swagger is done with WWE. Alluded to such on Twitter and his wikipedia page has already been updated to reflect that he is leaving.

If true, it is a bummer for me as I really enjoyed just about everything he did. I thought his gimmicks fit him perfectly, as did his name (to match his face). Solid in the ring and had the size that WWE likes. Never sure where it went wrong for Jack, as I thought he had a shot to be a solid main eventer. But maybe I am in the minority and he pretty much lived up to his potnetial where he as at?
Turns out, Swagger is NOT leaving WWE. What he was referring to with his tweet was the last day of WWE's tour of Europe, not his last day with WWE:

Paddlefoot - 4-24-2016 at 03:59 AM

That's a good thing that Jack's staying because all I could think up was "Hey, what's Jake Strutter doing in the Impact Zone, Josh?!?!?!?" and it sounded way too lame. That and TNA's likely to be out of business altogether before Swagger even arrived at Dixie's new office above her dad's garage for his first interview for the job.

Count Zero - 4-24-2016 at 04:07 AM

Dixie strikes me as the kind of person who would do job interviews via Skype, or FaceTime. Maybe that office above the garage only has one chair?

Paddlefoot - 4-24-2016 at 04:24 AM

Probably via e-mail because I doubt that TNA can afford the fancy Windows XP or Vista (student editions) programs that they'd need to run something like Skype.

[Edited on 4/24/2016 by Paddlefoot]

the goon - 4-24-2016 at 05:24 AM

Originally posted by Slade
Posted by Sam Is Neat
Never sure where it went wrong for Jack...

Are you serious?

I'm pretty sure it all went wrong for him on February 19, 2013, when he was arrested for DUI and possession of drugs. It probably could have all gone much better for him had he not gotten arrested at a time when he was getting a major push going into Wrestlemania, of all events!

I remember reading on the gossip sites at the time that Swagger was slated to win the world title off of Del Rio at WrestleMania, but that was nixed after his arrest. And in retrospect, Del Rio/Swagger is a really weird WrestleMania world title match and it only happened three years ago!

And while we're on the subject of Swagger, I've always liked the guy. I think he moves really well in the ring for a big man and he has had some great matches that have long since been forgotten about. If anything, the WWE completely botched his world title run by more or less booking him as a jobber after he won the belt (including getting pinned by Rey Mysterio multiple times before dropping the belt to him). If he had been booked as a more serious badass, he could have become something more akin to Kurt Angle than a lifelong midcarder who was briefly world champion.

Flash - 4-24-2016 at 05:30 AM

I think Swagger fits into the category of "good hand"- he's very serviceable, could carry his end of a feud so long as he had a mouth piece, has a good look and move set, but at the end of the day just didn't have that comfort on the stick, or it factor to be a top guy.... his booking after his first world title was terrible, and even that Wrestlemania spot he got a few years back was so out of left field that it was hard to take it serious.

GodEatGod - 4-24-2016 at 02:30 PM

Jack Swagger is a -really- awesome wrestler name that I always felt kind of got wasted on that guy.

I always remember when he won MitB at WM years ago and, with seven people there all doing a pool on the card, literally no one picked him to win the case and at least three people went "Wait, who is that guy anyway?!?" Just completely took the air out of us when he won because it seemed just...random. A little how I felt when Zack Ryder won the IC belt this year.

He's fine in the ring, but never spectacular. I dunno, he's a guy. It was funny watching him lose the Madden tournament to Rollins last year, partly just because Rollins is SUCH a sore winner and took great joy in burying him.

Paddlefoot - 4-24-2016 at 06:20 PM

* today in history, Trish Stratus had sex with a table

williamssl - 4-24-2016 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Flash
I think Swagger fits into the category of "good hand"

The only thing I can think of re this is "he's good at jerking other people off. Urban Dictionary somewhat agrees with this definition. I hadn't heard that about him before so I'm left wondering if you are speaking from personal experience.

Seriously though, wtf does this mean here? I've heard "you're in good hands" meaning the person you are working with is an expert / highly dependable / trustworthy and I see at least 2 of those not applying here.

EDIT: if you were to say Trish was a good hand, that pic would provide all the evidence needed to support the claim.

[Edited on 4-24-2016 by williamssl]

Quentil - 4-24-2016 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
For those keeping score, it is
Yay Swagger 1
Boo Swagger 1

I put Matte in the boo camp since he seemed to tilt that way more so.

Notch me in as a Swagger supporter. I like him more often than not, and the "We the People" tagline seems to be fairly popular. Also, I utterly love his entrance music.

[Edited on 4-24-2016 by Quentil]

Paddlefoot - 4-24-2016 at 07:10 PM

I like the part where Jack gets intense and the lisping during "we thhhhh PEOPLE!" looks like he's spitting the words out. Odd in hindsight how the patriot gimmick with Swagger and Zeb ended the way it did. With Rusev and Lana emerging victorious is was probably the first and only time in WWE history that a USA vs. the foreign baddies ended up as an overall American loss.

First 9 - 4-24-2016 at 07:49 PM

Swagger just had the rotten luck of coming in the dark era shortly after the rise of Cena/Batista/Orton and before the rise of Punk/Bryan with WWE was hyper-controlling and tried to make every single promising guy fit into a Orton-like mold.

Kennedy,MVP,Rhodes,Dibiase,Swagger, all of these guys were made to be interchangeable with how WWE booked them.

Swagger has impressive credentials, but his body language, facial expressions and voice make him come off as too goofy. WWE should have turned it into a strength instead of trying to present him as something that he's not. And then, there's him not being a responsible adult and hurting his chances even more.

His first World Title Reign wasn't any worse than Sheamus' or Miz's(yeah he got a WM Main Event but it's gone down as history as one of the worst) and it's shame he couldn't recover it and vindicate it like the other two did. Now, he's probably only second to Khali as the most WTF World Champions ever.

gobbledygooker - 4-24-2016 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Swagger was horrible on the mic which aided in his inability to be taken seriously as a realistic threat. He was also boring in the ring and his American pride gimmick is something from the 80s that just doesn't have the same propelling power nowawadays. I never saw him as anything but a big, goofy guy with a lisp and a dumb face with a ceiling only as high as the slanted walls of an attic. It's embarrassing that he has World Heavyweight Championship reigns to his name.

I cosign on every single word of this post.

merc - 4-24-2016 at 09:10 PM

This spot is empty for now.

[Edited on 4-24-2016 by merc]

Count Zero - 4-25-2016 at 01:27 AM

This Space For Rent.

Please contact merc for more details.

bigfatgoalie - 4-25-2016 at 03:54 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* today in history, Trish Stratus had sex with a table

Paddlefoot - 4-25-2016 at 04:10 AM

Trishie gifs here.

and here

Don't anyone ever say that I don't care.

bigfatgoalie - 4-25-2016 at 05:17 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Trishie gifs here.

and here

Don't anyone ever say that I don't care.

I�m a simple man. I like pretty Canadian women and breakfast food.

[Edited on 4-25-2016 by bigfatgoalie]

janerd75 - 4-25-2016 at 08:05 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie

I�m a simple man. I like pretty Canadian women and breakfast food.

So doesn't everybody.

Paddlefoot - 4-25-2016 at 08:12 AM

Now who in their right mind could have had anything against that match?

CCharger - 4-25-2016 at 02:28 PM

There was a lot of discussion about bleeding in the NXT thread. Cena had some recent comments about blood in the WWE and the TV-PG product overall. I thought they were interesting, especially coming from a guy who has personified the TV-PG product for 10 to 12 years.

"I'd much rather it be a program geared toward me, whether that's TV-14 or sometimes even more graphic than that, which is what I like. For one thing, profanity brought fire out of people with personalities that backed the language. It's very difficult to say, 'Oh, you're being poopy,' especially when they're meant to be fighting words. And now, if someone starts to bleed, the referee intervenes to stop the bleeding. But before, you'd just let it fly. Blood is one of the things that made fights cool. Like, you knew it had gotten serious. I understand why we don't do it anymore. Vince has been a coach to me, a father figure, a boss and a friend, and his goal and my goal are the same: to make the company be as big as it can be. But, yeah, the blood is one thing I miss."

bigfatgoalie - 4-25-2016 at 04:12 PM

Getting things back on the right track (aka pretty Canadian women), Renee Young spoke with Planeta Wrestling indicating that while she'd be OK with being involved in an angle, she has no desire to wrestle.

Flash - 4-25-2016 at 05:37 PM

In terms of me calling Swagger a "good hand" I just meant he's a serviceable enough guy that you can either relegate to Superstars/Main event, or prop him up to somewhat convincingly look like a short term threat (the Rusev feud probably ended that...). I'm not talking champion level; but short term utility guy I'm fine with.

I also think Swagger has gotten a bit of a bad name in terms of being unsafe to work with; to the best of my knowledge he's "only" hurt Ziggler and Barrett since coming into the WWE in 2008.... that's a lot of matches where stuff went right. I mean even some of the all time greats like Edge, or Owen have delivered some pretty major injuries to their opponents.... it happens unfortunately.

Some guys aren't main eventers; maybe they could have been if not for whatever reason(s), but we still need those convincing jobbers; Swagger is that for me.

gambit3 - 4-25-2016 at 07:42 PM

* posted the following today:

The Champ is here. Well, almost. John Cena announced via his official Twitter account today that he would be making his return to WWE on the Memorial Day edition of Raw.

The WWE Universe has not seen Cena compete in a match since January when he injured his shoulder. As he mentioned in the tweet, original projections had him being out of action for upwards of nine months, but following intensive rehab and his surprise appearance at WrestleMania 32, The Leader of The Cenation will defy all expectations and make his official return to WWE next month.

Sam Is Neat - 4-27-2016 at 06:33 AM


Apparently, in the heat of a promo on Smackdown, Ric Flair told Nattie to go kill herself. This was in response to Nattie's claims that her uncle, Bret Hart, could handle Ric Flair, come Sunday at Payback, to which Ric started prattling on about how he has beaten Bret Hart everywhere and ultimately ended with the line above.

While I assume it is edited out, I do wonder, if the reports are true, if this is the beginning of the end of Ric Flair as a weekly character. Dude is crippling his own legacy each week he goes out there as it is. He would do himself a huge favor to disappear for while, let his daughter grow as a performer, and save whatever fan fare he has left for truly special moments and events.

CM Crunk - 4-27-2016 at 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat

Apparently, in the heat of a promo on Smackdown, Ric Flair told Nattie to go kill herself. This was in response to Nattie's claims that her uncle, Bret Hart, could handle Ric Flair, come Sunday at Payback, to which Ric started prattling on about how he has beaten Bret Hart everywhere and ultimately ended with the line above.

While I assume it is edited out, I do wonder, if the reports are true, if this is the beginning of the end of Ric Flair as a weekly character. Dude is crippling his own legacy each week he goes out there as it is. He would do himself a huge favor to disappear for while, let his daughter grow as a performer, and save whatever fan fare he has left for truly special moments and events.

Ugh. I hate to say it, but personally I haven't had much respect for Flair since he was blading on Impact every other week a few years back. I agree, he needs to get away from Charlotte sooner rather than later, but I think they'll need to get as much bang for the buck as possible. To do that I wouldn't mind seeing a stipulation added to the (inevitable?) Charlotte/Sasha title match at Summerslam that would exile Ric if Charlotte loses...

Even though I'd prefer to see Becky be the one to send Ric packing since he's been such a lechy thorn in her side.

[Edited on 4/27/2016 by CM Crunk]

CCharger - 4-27-2016 at 01:33 PM

* File this under WWE officials obsessing over trivial shit: apparently Lilian Garcia announced Colin Cassady as "Colin Cassady". She was apparently harshly reprimanded by Bucky the Beaver backstage for it because the WWE is now billing him as "Big Cass". If it makes anyone feel any better, Lilian reportedly gave him shit back and it turned into a rather heated argument.

[Edited on 4-27-2016 by CCharger]

Paddlefoot - 4-27-2016 at 02:49 PM

Even as the shadows deepened over Theoden's degenerate court at Meduseld, Lady Eowyn was one of the very few who had the tenure and enough spine to be able to tell the wretched Grima to go fuck hisself and get away with it. Good for you, lovely horse-faced lady.

Psychocop - 4-27-2016 at 02:51 PM

Calling a wrestler by his wrestling name is bad? They should train the talent to not say "in the WWE". THAT makes no sense.

denverpunk - 4-27-2016 at 03:50 PM

Given WWE's track record with Flair, Natalie will get fired for Ric being a batshit moron.

punkerhardcore - 4-27-2016 at 04:42 PM

They were always billed as "Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady" on NXT, and Big Cass was just his nickname. I forgot that once guys are brought up to the main roster, they aren't allowed to have first and last names anymore.

Also, for a company that was always so damn concerned with having multiple guys with the same name, they sure don't care about having a bunch of dudes whose first name is Big.

Re: Ric Flair... I agree that I'm beyond sick of his gimmick with Charlotte, and I wish he would go the fuck away, but the promo thing isn't THAT bad. He probably got worked up and went into old school mode for a minute. Not kosher in today's WWE, but nothing that can't just be edited out and easily ignored. Let's not act like he called Nattie a "fucking cunt" on live TV or something.

CCharger - 4-27-2016 at 06:58 PM

When it rains, it Flairs...

Paddlefoot - 4-27-2016 at 07:49 PM

Sounds kind of serious if it isn't alcohol-related. Hate to think it but maybe he's entering that stage where some kind of dementia from the career head injuries is beginning to manifest itself.

williamssl - 4-27-2016 at 08:04 PM

Earlier reports had him being loud in a bar prior...and then erroneously stating that he was detained and not allowed to board because of intoxication. Even though the back half of that has been updated to make this injury-related and him being able to board the plane, the drinking part is still out there. This was an a.m. flight/incident too. Not that having a drink(s) in the morning by itself is always a bad thing, but in Flair's case....I think we can pretty much universally agree that it was.

lz4005 - 4-27-2016 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
When it rains, it Flairs...

The update says he bumped his head on something and some cops got him a bandaid (because his skin is made of paper at this point). Apparently he also hurt his hand a little. No charges were filed.

I don't get the issue.

[Edited on 4-27-2016 by lz4005]

Paddlefoot - 4-27-2016 at 09:54 PM

I dunno. Between that welt on his head on RAW this week, and now this incident with another possible head injury involved, there could be something mentally or physically wrong happening with him. Unless he's really hitting the bottle lately and they're only saying this as a cover about him needing to head off to dry out for a while. Cops wouldn't participate in this kind of thing though. If they said he wasn't drunk at the airport bar where this all began then he wasn't. One of the top wrestlers of all time means nothing to them because Ric Flair is no where near moneybags enough to be able to get police co-operation on smoothing things over when something stupid happens in public. Fucking embarrassing as hell for Charlotte though because it can't be a lot of fun for her having him prominently involved in the storyline if he's going through some kind of meltdown.

Flash - 4-28-2016 at 01:15 AM

I don't know; if I was a cop, and a fan, and I ran into a guy like Flair who's maybe being a bit loud I'd probably see if I could calm him down and sweep it under the rug so long as I thought he got the message, and wasn't in too bad of shape.

I think most cops will try to cut people a break, and when it comes to celeb's maybe even a bit more so given all the shit they have to deal with for stuff that isn't that big of a deal but get's blown up by TMZ.... also, were I a cop I'm not sure I'd want my picture or name plastered all over marching maybe one of my childhood heroes out in cuffs.

Hell, look no further than the last few post where rampant speculation is in play, and unlike other stories we've been given an official statement.

Paddlefoot - 4-28-2016 at 02:28 AM

I can see that if it's some lone cop pulling someone over in the middle of the night with no one else around. I can't see the local detachment commander doing it though, not in a busy place like an airport with enough witnesses where there's no way it won't hit the news. Even if the local squad is full of wrestling fans from top to bottom they wouldn't put their jobs on the line for Ric Flair, because there's too many cop-haters out there watching who could use an incident like this for some scalp hunting. This day and age they wouldn't fib and say he wasn't drunk if he really was because too many tempests in a teapot get kicked off by cutting someone a break

Probably making a discussion out of nothing. Still seems like Old Man Flair's got some issues one way or another that have reached a breaking point. WWE should sit on him for a while and force him to go for help either way so it doesn't hurt Charlotte or come back to bite them on the butt. "Thet Ricky Flay-uh, he got thome kind of a problum wit thh thawth....".

[Edited on 4/28/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Count Zero - 4-28-2016 at 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Even as the shadows deepened over Theoden's degenerate court at Meduseld, Lady Eowyn was one of the very few who had the tenure and enough spine to be able to tell the wretched Grima to go fuck hisself and get away with it. Good for you, lovely horse-faced lady.
This is so goddamn literary, I feel like I gotta go read some Shakespeare (or Tolkien) now. BRAh-VO!

janerd75 - 4-28-2016 at 04:10 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
"Thet Ricky Flay-uh, he got thome kind of a problum wit thh thawth....".

Whilst the Grima Bucktongue ref was the tits, the above quote is elegant and highly descriptive in its simplicity and should be taught in schools or AA meetings.

merc - 4-28-2016 at 05:06 AM

NESN (New England sports network) has been working the story.

They should have just put him in a rocker and sat him by a window. He could have grinned.

Paddlefoot - 4-28-2016 at 05:14 AM

Bath Salt King of SoFla posted:

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
"Thet Ricky Flay-uh, he got thome kind of a problum wit thh thawth....".

Whilst the Grima Bucktongue ref was the tits, the above quote is elegant and highly descriptive in its simplicity and should be taught in schools or AA meetings.

I only steal internet stuff from the best.

[Edited on 4/28/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Flash - 4-28-2016 at 10:40 PM

Bit O' news today....

*The WWE wants more money....
Well, that's pretty much the long and short of it, so no more sharing your password with your friends, they'll have to get their own WWE accounts as the WWE has tossed out the Netflix playbook of allowing you to share the love depending on your account type you have, and wants everyone to get their own.

Meh, I can't really knock them on this one- but the language is pretty heavy handed.

*Bret Hart is.... well, Bret Hart.
Bret wouldn't be Bret if he didn't take the opportunity in a recent interview to complain about something, and this time it's HHH... who apparently only likes, and pushes body builders.... despite, you know.... NXT. HHH was also apparently never a real wrestling fan like Bret was.

Bret being Bret did however actually bury some good thoughts after a wack of griping, and this time up it was all the part timers taking all the biggest, and best paying spots at Wrestlemania.

*Michael Cole 2.0 given the boot...
Rich Brennan has apparently been given the old heave ho from the WWE after getting replace by Mauro on Smackdown. Word going around is that he was fired for not wanting to get ugly tattoo's of Cole's family all over his body a la Cole, so Vince thought that people would eventually be able to tell the apart.

Vince planned eugenics program is still in full swing though; as evidenced by the new Bella's super-family show, and the eventual plan to breed the McGrand-kids with the Cebellyanaurinitis progeny.

*Chyna's manager dishes dirt...
He says she died of an accidental overdose of Ambien and Valium. The official report is still some time off.

*May Flair was just trying to out crazy Janetty?
Apparently Marty Janetty was kicked out of several Dallas bars over WM weekend, while also no showing a show. He was also spotted.... by Lance Storm's daughter no less.... walking around in a hotel fountain.

*Nobody loves Tna....
Apparently Dixie has now gone around offering %10 shares in TNA to it's UK and India based broadcast partners, but had no takers.... TNA is now moving from their merchandising warehouse to a local YMCA.

*er.... maybe someone loves TNA...
There are two names that have come out as potential buyers; one is Aroluxe, which a Google search pegs as some kind of marketing slash TV production company.... Dixie is apparently rejecting them as being too professional sounding, and that they might know what they are doing.... the other is rumoured to be Sinclair Broadcasting, which is apparently where the CEO of Aroluxe used to work, and is also the parent company of ROH. Should Sinclair grab them up there is talk of it being a very Turner/WCW type arrangement, and that TNA would likely be moved from POP.

Paddlefoot - 4-28-2016 at 11:15 PM

Bret sure knows how to hate, like he's turned into someone's nutcase Rush Limpbaugh/FOX News-addicted grand-dad. It's like he needs it or something to give his life meaning. He can't rip on HBK anymore after the rapprochement between him, Shawn, and Vince so HHH remains the last Screwjob-involved target standing. It's as if Bret has been pissed off and bitter for so long that he can't imagine not living that way, which is pretty fucked up. If he's at home still stewing over Montreal '97, and making up braindead shit in his mind like "Hunter only loves bodybuilders!" then there's probably not much anyone can do to get through to him. Gonna have to leave Bret behind because life is too short to listen anymore to someone that mentally messed up with their alternative optics on how the world is.

Wonder if anyone had any thought about intervening on Chyna before that stupid show on A&E; was ready to premiere. Y'know, to save her life and shit. Surrounded by leeches at the very end apparently, the kind of users committed only to their own profit no matter how much it ended up hurting her. Sick fucking world, these "reality" show bottom-feeders have made for themselves, way fucking worse than the regular Hollywood freakshow is.

CCharger - 4-29-2016 at 12:19 AM

*Per Meltzer, Eric Young has officially signed with NXT.

Matte - 4-29-2016 at 01:42 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
*Per Meltzer, Eric Young has officially signed with NXT.

Piggybacking off this.

BREAKING NEWS: @TheEricYoung has arrived to @WWENXT!!!

— WWE (@WWE) April 28, 2016

The new era of @WWENXT... @TheEricYoung @SamoaJoe #WeAreNXT

— Triple H (@TripleH) April 28, 2016

CCharger - 4-29-2016 at 01:44 AM

#WeAreNXT #WeWereTNA

anglefan85 - 4-29-2016 at 02:35 AM

I can get behind NXT picking up Young. Under-rated talent, plus his veteran status can help with the up-and-coming talent.

Slade - 4-29-2016 at 02:37 AM

Posted by CCharger
#WeAreNXT #WeWereTNA


bigfatgoalie - 4-29-2016 at 04:17 AM

Originally posted by Slade
Posted by CCharger
#WeAreNXT #WeWereTNA


Oddly, they seem to care more about ROH experience. And based on spoilers, the Young thing is only slightly above James Storm in NXT.

bopol - 4-29-2016 at 02:44 PM

Two reasons for the WWE signing of TNA talent

1) Ultimate troll. To show how to make money off of this roster.

2) To get in the good graces of all the TNA wrestlers for when Vince buys the TNA tape library for $20 at the garage sale they are about to have, the WWE can make a box set of "The fall and fall of TNA" with great matches and great stories about how screwed up the place was.

CM Crunk - 4-29-2016 at 05:18 PM

Any word on a "TNA: Best of Eric Young" dvd boxset being fast-tracked for release...?

I'm not gonna lie, and I honestly don't mean this to sound as negative or persmarkity as it probably will, but the signing of Eric Young does absolutely nothing for me. Doesn't move the needle one bit, so to speak. Granted my opinion doesn't matter much seeing as how I've been off the TNA bandwagon since around the time Hogan and Bischoff mucked things up, but I never really "got" EY. I appreciate him for what he is/was, and that's someone who does decent character work, throws himself into his role etc. I just never found myself able to take him seriously, which is almost by design given the way he was booked back when I was regularly watching.

I don't know... It's like finding out that Santino Marella signed with ROH. Sure it'd be surprising, but I feel like after that initial pop wore off it'd be like "where do we go from here?" "What exactly will he bring to the product?"

And you know what? Judging by the results from the tapings, it doesn't exactly look like they're planning on building the brand around him. Which I'm sure was exactly nobody's concern/expectation. And sure he'll be another veteran to have around to help guide the rookies, but how much wisdom can a guy who spent the past 12 years or so (and 99% of his career) in TNA provide? Aside from making sure the rookies' bank accounts have overdraft protection?

But I'm digressing into snarkiness, and that's not my intention. My intention was actually to say that this signing initially puzzled me, but then I took a step back and realized that NXT doesn't really have any homegrown male singles talent ready to step up into the main event. With all of the great work that they've been doing developing the Womens and Tag division, it's easy to overlook the fact that there isn't anybody ready to step in as a dance partner for Samoa Joe. B�lor's getting his rematch at the next Takeover in June, and after that I have to imagine he's full-time, main roster bound in time for Summerslam. In that time frame I hope that maybe they decide to go with Joe/Nakamura for Takeover: Brooklyn.

So it makes sense that they're padding their roster with some vets, and folks with indie street-cred (even if it's "just" TNA experience) from outside the system to bolster their World Title scene. I'd rather have legitimized workers vying for the title than have them hotshot the belt onto works-in-progress. And thankfully with the combination of their taping schedule, vibrant Womens and Tag divisions, and their additions of ROH/TNA/etc workers they won't have any trouble padding their cards with quality matches while they develop their next class of viable singles competitors. While they're busy doing that, I won't mind seeing guys like Joe, Nakamura, or Aries holding keeping that World Title scene afloat and further legitimizing that belt.

Oh, and when the fuck are they going to get around to signing the MCMGs?

Flash - 4-29-2016 at 05:29 PM

I still say that for as much as it the general sentiment is LOLTNA; if this is the end they've had a good run.... and I could probably count on one hand how many times I've seen TNA since they moved away from the old PPV exclusive model they started out with.

They've lasted longer than ECW, and WCW, and have achieved a bigger global presence than ROH has. I mean TNA has had a lot of failings and a head scratching lack of a good business plan at times; but in terms of going from nothing to a global presence in 14 years it's been a fairly impressive run.

I know history will show that signing Hogan and Bischoff is probably that moment when they screwed up the worst.... less because it was Hogan and Bischoff for as much as the IWC likes to mock the orange goblin, but more because it was probably that moment where they basically turned their back on the workrate and Indy flavour that was their niche.... but at least you can see where looking at the money those two have made in their time in the business it would be a bit seductive to get in bed with them.

I dunno... no one is probably ever going to be able to compete with the WWE; they are quite simply the Kleenex, or Google of Wrestling at this point and have been for a long time; but a good second tier promotion that offers something different isn't a bad thing to get behind.

First 9 - 4-30-2016 at 02:01 AM

I think being thin on NXT Title challengers has simply been a combination factors rather than them choosing hot signings over building up talents. Two guys who could have challenged got called up at the same time(Corbin,Crews), Itami taking longer than expected to come back, and certain new acts like the Drifter and Heel Riley not really catching on.

bopol - 4-30-2016 at 05:12 AM

Personally, I think that the day TNA blew any chance to compete (i.e., strong #2) with the WWE was November 19, 2006 when Kurt Angle went over Samoa Joe at Genesis. Joe was the one guy that could have been built into a superstar and Angle could have freaked out and began trying to kill everyone for another shot at Joe. That feud could have been legendary, but TNA hot-shotted it and did severe damage to Joe's mystique in the process.

GodEatGod - 4-30-2016 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by bopol
Personally, I think that the day TNA blew any chance to compete (i.e., strong #2) with the WWE was November 19, 2006 when Kurt Angle went over Samoa Joe at Genesis. Joe was the one guy that could have been built into a superstar and Angle could have freaked out and began trying to kill everyone for another shot at Joe. That feud could have been legendary, but TNA hot-shotted it and did severe damage to Joe's mystique in the process.

I totally agree with this. That said, I can understand that they were more interested in being in the Kurt Angle business than the Samoa Joe business at the time. While his star may have waned over the years with the obvious health and legal problems, Kurt Angle was a very big deal at the time and easily TNA's biggest signing to date. Plus, I'm sure Kurt didn't want to make a big splash by coming into the company and jobbing right out of the gate.

Again, I totally agree, that would've been a way more interesting story. But it's easy to understand why it's not the story they told.

bopol - 4-30-2016 at 02:25 PM

Originally posted by GodEatGod
Originally posted by bopol
Personally, I think that the day TNA blew any chance to compete (i.e., strong #2) with the WWE was November 19, 2006 when Kurt Angle went over Samoa Joe at Genesis. Joe was the one guy that could have been built into a superstar and Angle could have freaked out and began trying to kill everyone for another shot at Joe. That feud could have been legendary, but TNA hot-shotted it and did severe damage to Joe's mystique in the process.

I totally agree with this. That said, I can understand that they were more interested in being in the Kurt Angle business than the Samoa Joe business at the time. While his star may have waned over the years with the obvious health and legal problems, Kurt Angle was a very big deal at the time and easily TNA's biggest signing to date. Plus, I'm sure Kurt didn't want to make a big splash by coming into the company and jobbing right out of the gate.

Again, I totally agree, that would've been a way more interesting story. But it's easy to understand why it's not the story they told.

I would have been ok if they had gone the route were Joe got the rivalry even after Turning Point and walked away from it for a while. There was an episode of Impact were Angle wanted the rematch and was threatening SoCal Val while demanding a rematch. Personally, I would have sent out Lo Ki to go after Angle and protect SoCal Val.

My fantasy booking had Joe winning the TNA title from Abyss at the next PPV and Angle winning the X division championship from Lo Ki. Angle would believe he was on a secret mission from VKM to destroy TNA and would wreck the X division for a while until Styles beat him. In the meantime, Joe rolls with the title. After Angle loses the X division title (and realizes that VKM isn't returning his calls) then he realizes he must destroy Joe to get back into the WWE good graces and you've set up that title (and rubber) match and used Angle to solidify the star power of Joe and Styles.

Frankly, TNA at this point had a lot going for it, including Gail Kim being very hot, a strong tag division (I loved LAX and AMW) and the best work of Christian. it's sad how badly they blew it.

Quentil - 4-30-2016 at 02:52 PM

I am one of the people that blame Hogan and Bischoff and crew for ruining TNA for me and many others. They flipped the show from a decent up and coming product trying to establish itself into an obvious backstage shitshow based on Ego and vanity, in which idiots like the Nasty Boyz were now back on tv and winning matches. They removed the 6-sided ring, and instantly became "shittier 2001 WCW" overnight. After their aborted attempt to switch to Monday Nights, I never watched TNA again. It was obvious where it was going. And sure, blame Dixie Carter too.

A shame, to be honest. At one point TNA was better than WWE in enjoyment, rivaled it in stories (even if TNA always ran them too long), better in the ring, and had a real energy to it. Then it all ended pretty much all at once. Oh well.

[Edited on 4-30-2016 by Quentil]

nOOb - 4-30-2016 at 03:03 PM

Over the course of the last 10 years, I bought 3 episodes of Impact on my X-Box: the gauntlet episode, the post-Pacman Jones Angle Family Thanksgiving Extravaganza, and one other one between the two. Even with WWE guys like Booker, Angle, and Christian, it still managed to be fun. So, naturally, when I tried to rewatch one of them Thursday, I got really depressed because that'll never happen again in anyone's lifetime. It's WWE or bust, and it is mostly the faults of Hogan, Bischoff, and Dixie.

And I can't wait for that 3-disc DVD set where WWE reveals they purposely let Bischoff and Hogan go because they knew Dixie would give them that much control to do whatever they wanted, because I still can't believe anyone could think that programming was a good idea.

bopol - 4-30-2016 at 05:08 PM

I think that's what bugs me is that from 2005-7, TNA was really good. And then they blew it. And then they've lingered on for a decade as a stinking corpse basically advertising to the world that no alternative to WWE can exist.

First 9 - 4-30-2016 at 08:13 PM

I was perfectly fine with Angle coming in and beating Joe, the only issue was that the match was somewhat underwhelming and the bad follow-up.

Joe was TNA's Ace, the guy who beat the World Champion on a B PPV before the big show, he had literally beaten every big name in the company with the exception of Sting. Running into the brick wall that was an Olympic Gold Medalist, a guy who had a WM World Title match the same year was a fine way to end his Streak without hurting him.

They just didn't follow it up, the first Joe-Angle match drew twice the buyrates they should usually did and it deserved a proper rematch rather than the quick one it got. Joe-Angle 1, Joe finally meets his better, Joe-Angle 2 Joe gets even, and then Angle wins the belt via some multiman match and they build for the BOFG Main Event Joe-Angle 3 for the gold.

Paddlefoot - 4-30-2016 at 10:48 PM

I remember being so pissed off at the arrival of Hogan that I gave up on TNA right then. I kept following the Knockouts because it was the one aspect of the show, the fight between Kong and Bubba The Cum-Sponge notwithstanding, that Hogan left to itself and didn't ruin. For all the great single performances that guys like AJ, Daniels, the X-Div guys, Joe, Christian, Beer Money, and Angle were still putting in, the writing was clearly on the wall. It wasn't just going to be a repeat of how WCW was destroyed either, it was going to be even worse. It wasn't a golden goose situation like WCW, it was like watching a bright and healthy teenager with a hell of a lot of potential get stricken with cancer and slowly start dying right in front of everyone. I take no satisfaction in saying we detractors turned out to be correct on the issue but at the time here in OO we certainly took a lot of shit, even having our posts mangled by TNA sk8rbois with mod powers, when we began to bring up the WCW comparisons to what was happening. Pessimists aren't appreciated very much, even when they turn out to be right. As for TNA at this moment there's no point to any of it at all anymore. I'd rather go back to watching the old all-kayfabe Saturday afternoon wrestling shows from the 1970's and '80's than give any of my time to Dixie's mistake.

ETA: comment here from Chris Sabin on TNA's current situation

It�s hard to think about the talent roster that TNA had at one time and look at what they went on to doing nowadays. If they would have realized the star power and potential that the guys actually had and put their resources and their TV time to getting these certain guys over � the guys who were pretty much over with the fans. I don�t think who the fans wanted to see mattered to TNA. I don�t think 100-percent. I think it influenced it, but it had to do more with what they perceived. It was what they perceived the fans wanted them to see, but not what the fans actually wanted to see.

It'll be interesting over time to hear what the other former TNA guys and gals think about what's happened there, especially when long-timers like AJ, EY, Roode, Joe, and others that have now entered the WWE/NXT system. It'll probably be exactly like all those old "what happened to WCW?" shoot interviews on YouTube, where the overall consensus will be if someone in charge had been using their fucking brain then none of it would have happened at all.

[Edited on 4/30/2016 by Paddlefoot]

anglefan85 - 4-30-2016 at 11:49 PM

While we're talking about TNA, here's another one for the rumor pile.

If you are one of the very few people still wondering why TNA is so damaged as a brand, watch PWR host Dameon Nelson and David Herro talk about TNA�s problems on the Pro Wrestling Report. Herro is the founder of Great Lakes Championship Wrestling and he has a ton of contacts in the wrestling business.

In regards to TNA�s issues with paying talent and perception by fans, Hero said, �When they do pay their talent, they�re paying them nothing. Their biggest stars [are] Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy and EC3.� He added, �Their TNA Wold Heavyweight Impact Wrestling Champion is a guy that was doing 2-minute jobs on Monday Night Raw 2 and a half years ago.� Hero noted that Galloway is a stud and a great wrestler. He added, �You�re telling the wrestling world that was watching 3MB doing jobs to Hornswoggle, [that Galloway] is now the champion of your wrestling company.�

Hero pointed out that it�s not a dig on Drew and it�s the fault of the way he was booked. He also pointed out that EC3 was fired from NXT and is now one of TNA�s biggest stars.

Another interesting tidbit from the show came at the 11:35 mark. Apparently, Bobby Roode and Eric Young left the company because of issues with pay. Herro said, �Bobby Roode and Eric Young left because they were owed a combined six-figures. How do you not pay those two guys? You let Bobby Roode go� a guy who could have gone to WWE but he wanted to be loyal to the company. Thank God he left. He�ll be a big star in NXT. He�ll make the main roster in a year from now. Same with Eric Young.�

How can you fix TNA? Herro says, �you need to bury TNA.� He says that they need to write it all off and be done with it. He added, �I wish Ring Of Honor would buy TNA. They already have the infrastructure in place. They already have the TV deal alone. They�re already in more markets than Pop TV. TNA does not get paid by Pop TV. They bartered for time.�

Herro noted that TNA was running house shows in the cheapest buildings and the worst towns. Herro said that there was a time when he helped TNA for house shows in Racine, Wisconsin and Chicago, IL and they sent him the posters with Grand Rapids, Michigan printed on them. The problem with that is that Grand Rapids is a 6 and a half-hour drive from Wisconsin.

TNA has not run a domestic house show since October 2015 and there are none scheduled, according to their website. Herro also noted that none of these problems are the fault of the talent because they are so handcuffed on so many things.

Flash - 5-1-2016 at 01:42 AM

I genuinely don't know the answer to this as we only have some occasional stories that they do well internationally; but I wonder what the value in salvaging the TNA brand name is?

On one hand, it's a very tarnished name on the domestic front; on the other they do seem to have some international presence that likely isn't as trashed as it is over here.

Even with a tarnished name there is some value there.... I mean if they got some positive news behind them (Dixie out, new sets, touring... ect) would people actively avoid them because the name is so far gone? Would it be harder to get people to give an unknown entity a chance than it would be to win back some fans? Like, years ago.... the whole partnering with the NWA was a bit of a mixed bag as on one hand it tied them to a known quantity, on the other everyone knew that the once powerful NWA went from millionaires running it to being run out of some guys mom's basement.

How far to the bone would TNA have to cut to "win" back it's name...? Obviously Dixie and Jarrett would have to be flown to Antarctica so that neither could ever be rumoured as being in conjunction with a resurrected brand. Should whomever buy's it let it go dark for a good period of time and maybe just start by running a house show circuit to build up some buzz first? Is there a guy out there that you could jump start things with.... someone not named CM Punk?

CCharger - 5-1-2016 at 01:50 AM

TNA needs a massive influx of money. WCW/NWA was in a similar situation before Turner took over. They were struggling competing with Vince and then Turner's bottomless pockets led to the Monday Night Wars. Unfortunately, I don't see any billionaires with a massive media corporation eager to buy and resurrect a moribund wrestling promotion.

Paddlefoot - 5-1-2016 at 02:03 AM

I don't think it can be saved. And maybe even shouldn't be, because everything they've done for so long has been such a colossal failure it kind of deserves to be put out of it's misery. There's no way the name doesn't carry a bad stigma to it now. All I want is for Vince to scoop the rights up so those great matches from that definitive TNA crew won't be forgotten. That stuff needs to be archived and made available on the Network and on DVD. Just going by the omnibus X-Division matches, especially things like Ultimate-X, that would give fans access to the archetype of what a cruiserweight division should have looked like and, yeah, WWE botched their own division pretty badly too. Other than that which can be mined from their corpse there doesn't seem to be much point in TNA remaining alive. Hopefully WWE strikes quickly because when TNA gets evicted from their warehouse all the vids are just gonna either get seized by their creditors or end up in Bob Carter's garage and disappear into the mists of history.

Flash - 5-1-2016 at 02:10 AM

I wonder if Dixie will try to sell only a 10% share in TNA's video archives, and that they have to leave her in charge of them.... that's how being the head of a failing business works right? You get to dictate terms?

ETA: You know the big difference I think that exists now, which would pretty much crush any future national alternative brand, is that when TNA started out 15'ish years ago, there was an extremely healthy supply of top end Indy talent out there, the wrestling landscape wasn't so far removed from ECW and WCW being a thing, and there genuinely "felt like" there was a void.

There's always going to be the anti-WWE/support the little guy fans out there, but by and large the WWE has diversified itself well enough with not only NXT, but that for as much as the WWE is where the giants roam, a good chunk of it's stars and recent stars are guy's that 10 years ago we'd have said there was little to no chance they'd be on the WWE's radar, never mind it's top guy (Hell, what was it... 4 years ago that Seth Rollins was destined to be the next Kofi Kingston perennial mid-card high spot guy?).

Now.... ex ECW and WCW guys are pretty much a kiss of death as talent on your roster... not that all of them universally suck, but the whole "what's so and so doing in the impact zone" is a bad joke, and we've seen it kill a few companies now.... and for as badly used and not his fault that Drew Galloway's WWE run was; the post above that talked about how this is TNA's champion and it's a bit of an image problem is spot on.

Lastly; not saying that the Indy scene is a barren wasteland now, but the WWE isn't just grabbing up the ripe fruit anymore, they are going to the tree themselves more and more... so while there is some talent out there still, there isn't quite as much of it as there was once; and that talent knows it... so they can either sit on the Indy scene and make a good amount of cash waiting for the potential offer from the WWE to come, or they can take a chance by throwing in with a start up/recovery project like TNA and possibly risk hurting their profile....

I'm actually a bit saddened in writing this... up to even a few days ago I thought that if maybe an entity like Fox Sports wanted to develop some cheap content that could deliver better ratings than Men's over 65 national lawn bowling championships while they scramble to pay a crap load of money for Soccer or some other not quite tapped out big time sport in the US, that there was a genuine hope for a 2nd, big time wrestling organization if put in the right hands....

Never say never in life, but after writing this I'm becoming a bit more convinced about just how hard it could be to get this off the ground.

[Edited on 5-1-2016 by Flash]

CamstunPWG187 - 5-2-2016 at 02:29 AM

Originally posted by bopol
Personally, I think that the day TNA blew any chance to compete (i.e., strong #2) with the WWE was November 19, 2006 when Kurt Angle went over Samoa Joe at Genesis. Joe was the one guy that could have been built into a superstar and Angle could have freaked out and began trying to kill everyone for another shot at Joe. That feud could have been legendary, but TNA hot-shotted it and did severe damage to Joe's mystique in the process.

Oh my God, this.

NOT ONLY was the match hot-shotted, but it was only 14 minutes, to boot, killing Joe's mystique even more so. AND Joe tapped out. All of this, followed by Joe and Angle having a slightly better match the next month and then a really weird and unecessary build to the January match (which involved Angle pulling Joe's girlfriend out and giving her an Ankle lock) that wasn't very good....TNA really fucked that whole deal up. Joe losing should have been a monumentous occasion and instead they showed the patience of a Chinese person watching a western movie.

Paddlefoot - 5-2-2016 at 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Flash... so they can either sit on the Indy scene and make a good amount of cash waiting for the potential offer from the WWE to come, or they can take a chance by throwing in with a start up/recovery project like TNA and possibly risk hurting their profile....

That is really the saddest thing about TNA's decline, in that anyone coming in can now be seen as taking a career step backwards by going to Orlando. If I were indy I'd rather stay on ROH, Lucha, or PWG to at least have some fun and not be made to look like an idiot by Dixie's booking. Same with the gals, who I'd advise to stay in Shimmer or Lucha until they get a call from NXT for a try out. I don't deny my own anti-TNA & Dixie biases but from a career standpoint TNA's gone from being a joke to a kiss of death.

Correction,because my bias blinds me too often: not a kiss of death but certainly not an advancement the way it was a few years back. More of a side-step or a small step back, which is why the newcomers are probably content to wait and build up skills in ROH, Japan, or Shimmer and wait for NXT to call. There's not much point to jumping in the air and going WOO-HOO! in celebration if TNA calls.

[Edited on 5/2/2016 by Paddlefoot]

williamssl - 5-2-2016 at 04:22 PM

Jericho confirmed he's done with this latest round:

Thanks @wwe....its been real. See you next time.

— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) May 2, 2016

G-Spot - 5-2-2016 at 08:28 PM

Rumors going around about the Vaudevillians...

"Vince McMahon has already soured on the Vaudevillians. He thinks Aiden English and Simon Gotch's throwback gimmick is stupid. This has added to McMahon's frustration that NXT isn't focused enough on developing talent that fit well on the WWE main roster."

...and I'm sure if this is true, Bucky's in Vince's ear about it as well.

Flash - 5-2-2016 at 08:38 PM

That's a pretty out there complaint... I mean outside of the Vaudevillian, Adam Rose, and Ascension most of the NXT talent don't really have all that out there of a gimmick....

I mean it's not like Stardust, and Goldust don't contribute.... let's not forget comedy acts like Santino and the Boogeyman. There's also the fact that the Undertaker is likely the greatest gimmick/talent the WWE has ever produced.

Not every guy coming into the main roster is ever intended to be the next Cena... five hours of TV a week is a lot of time to fill.

Chris Is Good517 - 5-2-2016 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Jericho confirmed he's done with this latest round:

Arrive, job out AJ and Zayn, put over the one guy on the roster who is too massively over to benefit from the rub, leave.

Cool, Jericho. Thanks for playing.

Flash - 5-2-2016 at 10:58 PM

Normally I'd agree with you CiG, but as evidenced by last night and the short term booking that we can see; the wins and losses to Jericho didn't hurt anyone in the slightest, and were all entertaining in ring and storywise, so it's tough to complain too much.

In a vacuum it seems weird to have Jericho go over a few guys like he did unless you were building him up to have him job in a bigger more meaningful way; but maybe they were just using Jericho as a big name filler? (ie they had AJ pencilled in for Reigns at payback, and have bigger plans for Ambrose, but needed to buy some time as other opponents were tied up...)

I don't know... there's times when losing hurts a guy (well, I actually think it's what they do after a big loss that's what really makes or breaks a guy), but dropping a match to a high profile legend like Jericho every now and then so that each time Jericho comes back it's not an automatic that he's just there to put over a guy (which would then essentially make it useless) isn't a bad thing.

bigfatgoalie - 5-2-2016 at 11:28 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Originally posted by williamssl
Jericho confirmed he's done with this latest round:

Arrive, job out AJ and Zayn, put over the one guy on the roster who is too massively over to benefit from the rub, leave.

Cool, Jericho. Thanks for playing.

Yup...losing to Jericho sure did hurt AJ. Sucks we got good matches just so Jericho could bury talent.

williamssl - 5-3-2016 at 12:02 AM

RUMORZ say the original WM plan was for Jericho and Ambrose to square off....and if that's the case, we got that in mini edition last night.

If memory serves, Jericho and Styles split their series, each with a RAW/SD win and each with a PPV win. If that's what jobbing out to someone looks like, I bet there's a lot of folks on the roster who are gonna be fighting to be first in line for that treatment.

bopol - 5-3-2016 at 12:05 AM

Originally posted by G-Spot
Rumors going around about the Vaudevillians...

"Vince McMahon has already soured on the Vaudevillians. He thinks Aiden English and Simon Gotch's throwback gimmick is stupid. This has added to McMahon's frustration that NXT isn't focused enough on developing talent that fit well on the WWE main roster."

...and I'm sure if this is true, Bucky's in Vince's ear about it as well.

There's a fine line between entertaining and stupid. Not sure which side the Vauevillians fall on (they smack of a Chikara gimmick, so I kind of like them, but I am not a typical consumer).

This reminds me of the interview with one of the writers where he felt like everything went, so he proposed a resurrected Nazi and Vince looked at him like he was insane. He got fired not long after.

G. Jonah Jameson - 5-3-2016 at 12:10 AM

AJ Styles is getting a lot more out of a Wrestlemania loss to Chris Jericho than Fandango got out of a win.

gobbledygooker - 5-3-2016 at 01:39 AM

I've gotta agree with CiG on this one, mainly regarding AJ losing to Jericho. I thought that win for Jericho was pointless and counter-productive in the first place and now I feel that way x 1,000!

Is AJ still in a really good place? Yes. But when we look back in 20 years and see that AJ lost his Wrestlemania debut match against an aged (and soon-to-be-leaving) Chris Jericho will we say "What the fuck??" Yes.

williamssl - 5-3-2016 at 01:56 AM

And has been said, we're all looking back at Fandango's WM win and saying "yep - THAT put him on the WWE map!"

Opinions. Assholes. IWC R Us.

anglefan85 - 5-3-2016 at 04:17 AM

This is just breaking, but:

Ryback, who lost to WWE United States champion Kalisto last night during the WWE Payback Kickoff Show, is not at Raw in St. Louis tonight.

The word making the rounds, according to multiple sources, is that Ryback was sent home and will be, as of this writing, off TV indefinitely. One version of the story is that Ryback himself asked to be pulled from TV.

Ryack's contract with the company expires this summer and the two sides have been, according to several sources, at odds over negotiations for a new contract.

Ryback first worked for WWE in 2004 as part of The Million Dollar Tough Enough season that was integrated into Smackdown. He was signed to WWE developmental in 2006 and debuted on the first season of WWE NXT. After extended time off TV due to a badly broken angle, he returned as the current incarnation of Ryback and has been a regular on the main roster, and at times a PPV main eventer, since.

More as we get it.

Flash - 5-3-2016 at 04:39 AM

Tough one for Ryback;

I'm working my way through Raw from 2012 onwards, which of course features his first main event level push... Yeah he'd had his limitations, but there was a stretch there where he was massively over... So I could see how he could think he's still worth what they were paying him (or more) as he's probably a decent push away from holding down an upper mid-card spot (especially if the brand split happens). He probably also knows that depending on how lowball of an offer the WWE is making, he could likely work less dates for equal money overseas and on the various domestic Indy's. He could also be looking at Hollywood... he's probably not a leading man, but grabbing a few bad guy muscle-bound henchman roles wouldn't be out of the question.

On the other hand from the WWE's POV he's limited in the ring, has suffered a few injuries, and of course the ultimate trump card he's a disposable talent to a company that's the biggest game in town.

The WWE is always going to have the promise of making millions a year going for them, and being the dream of many a young person to perform in, but they've lost, and appear to be losing a good amount of talent over the last few years who've had no problem telling them to stick it.

Honestly, good for him for standing up to the WWE... while they are the biggest, and highest paying game in town, you start letting too many name guys go (or see them walking out the door) .... Well that's not good for the old image.

Slade - 5-3-2016 at 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Originally posted by williamssl
Jericho confirmed he's done with this latest round:

Arrive, job out AJ and Zayn, put over the one guy on the roster who is too massively over to benefit from the rub, leave.

Cool, Jericho. Thanks for playing.

As William mentioned, they split decisions right down the middle. Then, Jericho laid down for AJ Styles in the fatal fourway match that made him number contender for the WWE World Title. I think if you asked AJ Styles what he thinks, he would not hesitate to let Jericho job him out, straight into the WWE Payback main event, again. And again. And again. And again.

Originally posted by gobbledygooker
I've gotta agree with CiG on this one, mainly regarding AJ losing to Jericho. I thought that win for Jericho was pointless and counter-productive in the first place and now I feel that way x 1,000!

Is AJ still in a really good place? Yes. But when we look back in 20 years and see that AJ lost his Wrestlemania debut match against an aged (and soon-to-be-leaving) Chris Jericho will we say "What the fuck??" Yes.

AJ Styles' loss at Wrestlemania was so counterproductive that it set up Jericho going out the next night on RAW and demanding a WWE World Title match only to end up getting put in a fatal fourway match where Styles pinned him to become the #1 contender and get at least two PPV World Title main event matches out of it.

What the fuck were they thinking, indeed!

[Edited on 5-3-2016 by Slade]

CCharger - 5-3-2016 at 03:05 PM

I posted a link a few days back of an interview Ryback did in the UK, and he sounded downright despondent. He was very candid about how terribly he's been booked, and that he was willing to walk away from the WWE when his contract expired. I think Ryback would get over huge in Japan. He's a giant, scary-looking American who works stiff as hell.

salmonjunkie - 5-3-2016 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by gobbledygooker
I've gotta agree with CiG on this one, mainly regarding AJ losing to Jericho. I thought that win for Jericho was pointless and counter-productive in the first place and now I feel that way x 1,000!

Is AJ still in a really good place? Yes. But when we look back in 20 years and see that AJ lost his Wrestlemania debut match against an aged (and soon-to-be-leaving) Chris Jericho will we say "What the fuck??" Yes.

I think when we look back in 20 years and see the AJ vs Jericho match at WM 32, we'll simply watch it and think "that was a pretty decent match", and that's about it.

salmonjunkie - 5-3-2016 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
I posted a link a few days back of an interview Ryback did in the UK, and he sounded downright despondent. He was very candid about how terribly he's been booked, and that he was willing to walk away from the WWE when his contract expired. I think Ryback would get over huge in Japan. He's a giant, scary-looking American who works stiff as hell.

I could definitely see Ryback doing well in Japan. I bet he'd be a good pick up for LU as well, but Japan would be a really good fit for him.

Paddlefoot - 5-3-2016 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
I posted a link a few days back of an interview Ryback did in the UK, and he sounded downright despondent. He was very candid about how terribly he's been booked, and that he was willing to walk away from the WWE when his contract expired. I think Ryback would get over huge in Japan. He's a giant, scary-looking American who works stiff as hell.

Probably all but over for him in WWE because apparently he had a contract meeting with Vince this morning that went pretty badly. Looks like Vince got pissed off and told him to go home.

* some questions also about Heath Slater and Jack Swagger as well. Both were promo'd for last night's battle royal on RAW but neither of them entered. Slater wrestled a pre-show match last night but there's no word yet if he was injured and couldn't do the battle royal

CCharger - 5-3-2016 at 09:41 PM

Ryback issues statement on his dispute with WWE:

Flash - 5-3-2016 at 10:26 PM

Talk about falling on your sword for others;

There's some really interesting stuff in that link above, and Ryback comes off very well.... yeah I know he wrote it, but between his twitter and this it's clear that the "Big Guy" has a lot more to him that he's been allowed to show on TV.

Taking him at his word the whole WWE pay system is a problem... a very archaic territory/promoter style system that leaves everyone unclear about who's getting what, and depending on what time you went on, or if you win or lose, the take home can be very different. I know Jericho wrote a bit about this in his book for when he wrestled HHH at Wrestlemania and he got wind of what HHH took home.... only to be told that the pay was determined by who they thought the fans wanted to see, and who they wanted to win... Turns out HHH had a couple more zeroes in his take home than Jericho did until Jericho bitched to Vince.

Anyway; can't see the WWE taking this public discussion of stuff well; and the two were likely heading for a split anyway (although to be fair, Ziggler leaving was a lock a year or so back as well, and that didn't happen)... But good for Ryback for dragging something like this out into the light.

CCharger - 5-3-2016 at 10:31 PM

No doubt the pay system in WWE is strange. Guys get paid a base minimum, but what they get from PPVs and house show tours is basically up to the discretion of Vince McMahon. It is completely arbitrary. Prior to guaranteed minimums, it was even worse. I can't imagine the anxiety of not knowing what your income will be month to month. You could make $50,000 one month and $5000 the next.

ETA: Ryback's post is already hitting the mainstream:

Also, one of the sticking points is control over the trademark "The Big Guy". Both sides claim they have a right to it.

[Edited on 5-3-2016 by CCharger]

Chris Is Good517 - 5-3-2016 at 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Slade
AJ Styles' loss at Wrestlemania was so counterproductive that it set up Jericho going out the next night on RAW and demanding a WWE World Title match only to end up getting put in a fatal fourway match where Styles pinned him to become the #1 contender and get at least two PPV World Title main event matches out of it.

What the fuck were they thinking, indeed!

Are you trying to suggest they couldn't have gotten there without Jericho winning at WM? Because I'm not buying that at all. Yes, they made chicken salad out of some chicken shit booking but that doesn't justify the booking. There's just no benefit at all to anybody for Jericho going over AJ. Maybe it doesn't hurt AJ in the long run (or even the short-term, as it turns out, although it certainly could have), but how does it benefit Jericho? He doesn't need to go over a rising babyface at Mania, he's already Chris Freaking Jericho.

And I see you guys in the back bringing up Fandango, and that makes it that much worse: Jericho was willing to put over a nobody like Fandango at Mania, but not an already confirmed semi-established Something Special like AJ?

I like Jericho but there's no positive spin on this for me and no compelling reason why he needed that win at Mania.

Flash - 5-4-2016 at 12:06 AM

I think Jericho going over is going to be one of those questions that can't really be answered for quite some time.... ie I think a good reason for him to go over is that it was unexpected and keeps us know it all fans on our toes. Jericho letting every up and comer go over him helps no one as it devalues him putting them over.... us outright expecting him to put so and so over is almost just as bad (it's similar in a lot of ways to this past Sunday.... NO ONE could imagine a scenario where AJ was taking home the title). Now yeah it sucks that Jericho is heading out for another one of his sabbaticals (although maybe not quite yet, as apparently he might be doing a Highlight real this Tuesday on SD).... but this is just as much about throwing some doubt on the next time he's back, or even setting up something for Summer Slam. In short, we aren't going to know the answer to any of the above until the next time he's back and we see what the WWE does with this.

The other way of looking at it is why does it matter? We got an entertaining little feud, even if AJ hadn't gone on to face Reigns his staying over or not would likely take a few feuds to accomplish that... This isn't aimed at CiG but we all spend a lot of time looking at what the WWE should have done, how it hurt someone despite often times other evidence to the contrary, and how much better someone would have been off but for some event.... instead of just enjoying what we got. It's nice to see the guys we like on top, but the WWE has continued to truck along making money and keeping a show on the air that we all love for a few decades now, so they are probably doing far more right than wrong.

It's like in a lot of ways the old bit about HHH burying guys.... I can't find the link but someone basically went through and looked at all of those guy's careers and the numbers just didn't pan out the myth... but we have whole heartedly embraced it.

First 9 - 5-4-2016 at 01:21 AM

I just saw it as a consequence of moving so fast with AJ. He beat Jericho in his debut, he beat Jericho in their first PPV encounter and then he would beat Jericho again at WM? That would be way too much.

Something better balanced would have been AJ beating Jericho in his debut, losing the following matches and getting his second, decisive win until WM.

Flash - 5-4-2016 at 02:24 AM

Ryback isn't the only one making waves for the WWE and calling out some of their practices publicly; Adam Rose has now tweeted out a picture of his doctors note prescribing Adderall as he promised to do when he took to twitter to call shenanigans on his wellness policy suspension.

GodEatGod - 5-4-2016 at 02:58 AM

Jericho winning hurts AJ not a bit because Jericho is a legitimate and respected legend who can still go in the ring. I also agree that him jobbing for every young guy he feuds with means constantly diminishing returns (even if AJ isn't exactly young). That's what happened to Mick, unfortunately, because he only ever came back to lay down, albeit in spectacular fashion. Jericho can still be a worthwhile tool in WWE's box and there's no reason to throw him out just yet.

Slade - 5-4-2016 at 03:14 AM

Posted by Chris Is Good 517
Are you trying to suggest they couldn't have gotten there without Jericho winning at WM? Because I'm not buying that at all. Yes, they made chicken salad out of some chicken shit booking but that doesn't justify the booking. There's just no benefit at all to anybody for Jericho going over AJ. Maybe it doesn't hurt AJ in the long run (or even the short-term, as it turns out, although it certainly could have), but how does it benefit Jericho? He doesn't need to go over a rising babyface at Mania, he's already Chris Freaking Jericho.

I was not suggesting that at all. I was stating what happened. And what happened worked out really well for everyone involved. I think that it probably makes better sense for AJ Styles to win the match at Wrestlemania. Then again, it makes even better sense not to have them compete against each other at Wrestlemania because they've already had a three match set and Styles went over. However, there were other circumstances that probably led to them having another match and it does Jericho no good to go down 3-1 to Styles, then 4-1 to him the next night on RAW. It doesn't set him up to be a credible threat to Dean Ambrose. The writers did a good job of handling things by putting a bit of shine on Jericho, having him take the fall to put over Styles the next night and still look good enough to go into his next program against a guy who is higher up the card. The way in which they traded wins, with Jericho winning at Wrestlemania and Styles getting elevated into a main event feud, everyone came out a winner. That's smart booking.

[Edited on 5-4-2016 by Slade]

the goon - 5-4-2016 at 03:37 AM

Originally posted by First 9
I just saw it as a consequence of moving so fast with AJ. He beat Jericho in his debut, he beat Jericho in their first PPV encounter and then he would beat Jericho again at WM? That would be way too much.

Agreed, and if you go back to the WrestleMania XXXII thread, that's the exact reason why I picked Jericho to go over AJ, even if AJ seemed like the obvious winner. And I was one of the more vocal people around here during the buildup to Mania about how Jericho/AJ would have seemed like a much bigger "dream match" type of deal had we not already seen it on RAW, Smackdown, and a PPV (and with each match having a clean finish). The WWE kind of booked themselves into a corner with that, where we either get AJ dominating the series 3-1 or the "incorrect" choice of Jericho beating AJ at his first WrestleMania.

Originally posted by Flash
Jericho letting every up and comer go over him helps no one as it devalues him putting them over.... us outright expecting him to put so and so over is almost just as bad

I agree with this as well and I commented in the Payback thread that I liked how Jericho had been booked stronger during his latest go-round with the WWE. If he comes back solely to put over anyone and everyone each time (which he has multiple times before), beating Chris Jericho stops being any kind of accomplishment. You need to give the guy some big victories here and there to keep him more in "legendary veteran" territory and less in "jobber to every new and/or young guy" territory.

williamssl - 5-4-2016 at 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
And I see you guys in the back bringing up Fandango

I'm just going to go ahead and assume you meant something different, or something that didn't come across in such a dicktastic way, because obviously you're not THAT kind of person.

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Arrive, job out AJ and Zayn, put over the one guy on the roster who is too massively over to benefit from the rub, leave.

Cool, Jericho. Thanks for playing.

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Jericho was willing to put over a nobody like Fandango at Mania, but not an already confirmed semi-established Something Special like AJ?

Twice now you've seemingly put this all squarely on Jericho, as if he and he alone drove the booking, or exercised some veteran-given veto clause that gave him the ability to dictate outcomes in matches.

Do I believe Jericho has input on things? Absolutely. One would be a fool not to believe that. Do I believe he has Clique-esque HHH/HBK-level direct or indirect control of booking? Hell no. Given the seventy-gazillion times they write and rewrite stuff and then Vince coming in and pissing all over it and re-doing things in the final week another eleventy-billion, I'm sure there were plenty of scenarios with AJ winning, but in the end they went with not.

One of the attributes that WWE wants in their PPV's is surprise moments or event outcomes - the unexpected happens. They survey it all the time, including pre-PPV surveys asking who we think is gonna win which probably got 80% AJ (heck - look at our PPV picks - that match was the ONLY one that had unanimous picks on it, and all for AJ winning. For all we know, this was them throwing a swerve in that to deliver on "unexpected moments.

In the end, as most people (including people in the back...) have already said, the majority of people aren't going to be looking back at that match and judging WM32 as a whole, or AJ's debut period into the WWE, based on the outcome of that match. Dude came in, got a big push, had great matches and a solid feud with Jericho, and then was (deservedly) propelled in to the main event scene. Not too shabby for a "non-WWE" guy that no one ever thought would be in a WWE ring in this lifetime.

Paddlefoot - 5-4-2016 at 04:41 AM

Originally posted by First 9
I just saw it as a consequence of moving so fast with AJ. He beat Jericho in his debut, he beat Jericho in their first PPV encounter and then he would beat Jericho again at WM? That would be way too much.

Something better balanced would have been AJ beating Jericho in his debut, losing the following matches and getting his second, decisive win until WM.

It could be as silly as them thinking that they owed Jericho a WM to make up for his WM to Fandango, whose gimmick turned into a major jobber clownshow not too long afterwards. WWE is silly that way. Silly, silly people thinking up silly things.

Overall AJ hasn't been hurt any. His reception by the fans has been great, his merch sales are up there, his friends are now on the scene too, and he's now in a major program with the freakin' champ. Not too bad at all. The loss to Jericho will rate an asterisk at best some day. He might not beat Reigns at the end of their feud but he'll have gold soon, will be the centerpiece in a devastating stable, and most likely a win at least at one or two Manias. Not too bad for an older guy who had to flee to Japan before TNA goofballed the remainder of his career.

Paddlefoot - 5-4-2016 at 05:59 AM

* Adam Rose sez he was suspended for Adderall, and that WWE knew he had been taking it for a year

* Here's Maria Kanellis being cheeky in a Supergirl costume

denverpunk - 5-4-2016 at 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Tough one for Ryback;

I'm working my way through Raw from 2012 onwards, which of course features his first main event level push... Yeah he'd had his limitations, but there was a stretch there where he was massively over... So I could see how he could think he's still worth what they were paying him (or more) as he's probably a decent push away from holding down an upper mid-card spot (especially if the brand split happens). He probably also knows that depending on how lowball of an offer the WWE is making, he could likely work less dates for equal money overseas and on the various domestic Indy's. He could also be looking at Hollywood... he's probably not a leading man, but grabbing a few bad guy muscle-bound henchman roles wouldn't be out of the question.

On the other hand from the WWE's POV he's limited in the ring, has suffered a few injuries, and of course the ultimate trump card he's a disposable talent to a company that's the biggest game in town.

The WWE is always going to have the promise of making millions a year going for them, and being the dream of many a young person to perform in, but they've lost, and appear to be losing a good amount of talent over the last few years who've had no problem telling them to stick it.

Honestly, good for him for standing up to the WWE... while they are the biggest, and highest paying game in town, you start letting too many name guys go (or see them walking out the door) .... Well that's not good for the old image.

However this works out for Ryback, I'll say this: Kid's got some fucking guts.

I also love how Adam Rose's proof of innocence is a handwritten doctor's note. If he ended up forging it, it might be the most hilarious thing I've seen in wrestling in a long time.

williamssl - 5-4-2016 at 06:50 PM

The day after WM, Chris Jericho stays in kayfabe mode and responds to criticism of him winning.


"So angry that Jericho beat Styles. 'Oh, Jericho buried Styles.' You're damn right I did! I buried him! I'm going to bury everyone I work against! ... I will bury everybody from this moment forward."

Chris Is Good517 - 5-4-2016 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
I'm just going to go ahead and assume you meant something different, or something that didn't come across in such a dicktastic way, because obviously you're not THAT kind of person.

Well of course not. I wanted to acknowledge the guys mentioning the Fandango debacle but didn't feel like quoting. I didn't mean to come off as dismissive or anything.

First 9 - 5-5-2016 at 04:00 AM

Something that just poped into my head, is Jericho currently the top heel? HHH is gone, Stephanie is hanging around on smaller doses, Lesnar and Wyatt are not currently there.I think the only other guy who could be argued to hold the spot is Kevin Owens.

janerd75 - 5-5-2016 at 05:05 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Something that just poped into my head, is Jericho currently the top heel? HHH is gone, Stephanie is hanging around on smaller doses, Lesnar and Wyatt are not currently there.I think the only other guy who could be argued to hold the spot is Kevin Owens.

I was thinking that the other night watching Raw. Anyone LON is or could be a top mid-level or temp top heel. Haitch has the Authority stank all over him, as well as NXT love, so he's almost a "special attraction" like Brock as far as having a non-traditional wrestler role. As far as consistent top tier heels, Jericho and Owens are it. Which got me to thinking, why wasn't Jericho inserted in the Haitch position, or their Authority representative as ReBOOOO's main foil? I guess his schedule was initially wonky, but hell's bells when he's motivated he really is the best in the world at what he does. I'm kinda a Jericholic so I'm likely a bit biased, but I now wonder how different the trajectories of StepHHH, Vince, Shane, and ReBOOOO would have been if Jericho were the evil heel whut needed a' vanquishin' instead.

williamssl - 5-5-2016 at 05:15 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Something that just poped into my head


Thom - 5-5-2016 at 01:59 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Originally posted by First 9
Something that just poped into my head


gobbledygooker - 5-6-2016 at 02:13 AM

"What is Elijah Burke doing at Raw, Cole??"

Sam Is Neat - 5-6-2016 at 06:01 AM

Rumors that WWE is releasing people tomorrow (Friday May 6th). No word on who those releases will be but supposedly they are guys who have been with the WWE for "several years."

I suppose this could technically be Ryback, Adam Rose, the one dude from Ascension. Or perhaps Barrett and Mark Henry but their contracts are expiring soon, so I assume they will just have those guys on the roster until they officially expire.

Any guesses as to who might get the axe on Black Friday?

I could see Hennig/One Man Band being let loose, as could Damien Sandow.

CCharger - 5-6-2016 at 01:20 PM

I would expect Sandow, Hennig, and Fandango to be tops on that list. That's a shame too because I think all three of them are very talented, but were shamefully mishandled. Bad gimmicks and bad booking.

G-Spot - 5-6-2016 at 04:45 PM

Looks like Hornswoggle, Alex Riley, and Zeb Colter have been released in the first round of Black Friday.

CCharger - 5-6-2016 at 05:02 PM

Feel bad for Zeb. He's a legend. Alex Riley was talented but never really had IT.

I could not care less about the others.

williamssl - 5-6-2016 at 05:17 PM

Not surprised with any of them.

Cameron seemingly came out in support of Ryback earlier this week and then clarified her comments yesterday to be broader than speaking to Ryback's specific situation. Linky

Insert retaliation theories here.

CCharger - 5-6-2016 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Not surprised with any of them.

Cameron seemingly came out in support of Ryback earlier this week and then clarified her comments yesterday to be broader than speaking to Ryback's specific situation. Linky

Insert retaliation theories here.

She also recently went on a politically incorrect rant against the IWC and "cyberbullying". She ended her rant by telling WWE fans to "say hi to your mom when she comes downstairs with your dinner".

Insulting members of the WWE Universe is probably not the best way to stay employed by the WWE.

And, my mother's meatloaf was fucking delicious, by the way.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by CCharger]

Slick - 5-6-2016 at 05:28 PM

El Torito also sent packing. Dark day for midget wrestlers....

And also Santino.

jefft221 - 5-6-2016 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Rumors that WWE is releasing people tomorrow (Friday May 6th).

Is it a missed opportunity to not wait a week and make the releases on Friday the 13th?

anglefan85 - 5-6-2016 at 05:53 PM

Barrett's gone, albeit on mutual terms

Flash - 5-6-2016 at 05:54 PM

Barrett is the latest "casualty".... well, they probably just asked him if he wanted out early, but still....

The return of "future endeavouring" came out of nowhere

ulsterphil - 5-6-2016 at 05:55 PM

Barret gone now as well, he had until the end of the month but negotiated to get out now.

EDIT: Three at once. Kinda like Melina and cocks.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by ulsterphil]

CamstunPWG187 - 5-6-2016 at 05:55 PM

And just like that, Cameron might have just paid for her big mouth with a nice Future Endeavoring.

Say hello to unemployment.


salmonjunkie - 5-6-2016 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

Insulting members of the WWE Universe is probably not the best way to stay employed by the WWE.

Aaaand she's on the list of future endeavored now.

williamssl - 5-6-2016 at 06:08 PM

The original list was:
Alex Riley
Zeb Coulter
El Torito

Barrett was (as of this moment) the only add to the list. Probably a "hey if we're gonna be in the news cycle for folks getting let go, let's agree with him to do it now and do full rip the band-aid off instead of making the news cycle again whenever his contract expires."

Makes sense that he would be a day-off add instead of part of the initial batch since I'm sure today being Endeavoring Day was not on everyone's calendars and once things broke, then they spoke with him rather than risk him being in the know and potential loose lips.

If anyone else gets added, my bet would be folks similar to Barrett's situation e.g. Mark Henry .

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by williamssl]

salmonjunkie - 5-6-2016 at 06:15 PM

On the one hand, Barrett had a pretty good career in WWE. Multi-time IC Champion, on TV a lot, KOTR... On the other hand, I think he could've had a better one. I think many of us agree he should've beat John Cena during the Nexus angle. He had a few back-to-back injuries that derailed good programs for him as well. The League of Nations was a good idea with absolutely terrible execution. A lot of bad luck for Bad News. I'm sure this isn't the last we'll see of him, though. I have a feeling he'll be on our radar in some form or fashion sooner than later.

CCharger - 5-6-2016 at 06:17 PM

My understanding was that Barrett was legit frustrated with his character's direction in the WWE and wants to start fresh elsewhere (Japan, etc.) I think the WWE would have kept him, had he wanted to stay.

jefft221 - 5-6-2016 at 06:34 PM

Sandow gone. That one's a shame for sure.

ulsterphil - 5-6-2016 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
He had a few back-to-back injuries that derailed good programs for him as well... A lot of bad luck for Bad News.

I think that's what landed him in this situation, WWE most likely grew tired of getting something decent setup for him and it going sour so he was destined to tread water.

ulsterphil - 5-6-2016 at 06:39 PM

Originally posted by jefft221
Sandow gone. That one's a shame for sure.

This is a shame and a disgrace. Sandow had the fans eating out of his fucking hand from very early on. I really liked the guy and I feel that its a complete waste.

nOOb - 5-6-2016 at 06:55 PM

There's something very wrong if Curtis Axel is also cut today and WWE brings Hulk back in the next few months. Granted "Macho Mandow" was way out of Sandow's wheelhouse (then again he was never supposed to get over in the first place), but the only reason both guys stopped their Mega Powers bit was because Hogan got caught saying racist things.

Then again, classic Hogan: at least one person loses their job and he gets rich and forgiven for saying racist stuff.

salmonjunkie - 5-6-2016 at 07:05 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
My understanding was that Barrett was legit frustrated with his character's direction in the WWE and wants to start fresh elsewhere (Japan, etc.) I think the WWE would have kept him, had he wanted to stay.

That I can totally understand. I imagine the emotional rollercoaster of his last few years:

"All right, this Bad News thing is taking off! The company likes it! IC Champ again, nice! Goddammit! An injury before a PPV! Ok, back at it again, shit! Another injury right before a big program with Daniel Bryan! Ok, back at it again, I'm winning the King of the Ring? Yes! Wait, I'm not winning any matches? What the hell? Ok, tag team with my boy Sheamus! Big stable with Sheamus, ADR, and Rusev? Nice! Wait a minute, I'm the one taking all the pinfalls? Wait, we started with two belts and now have none? We lose all our feuds? Our group really sucks!"

I'd be frustrated too. His momentum in the company has been really up and down. With his style and size along with his character and personality, Japan would be really good for him if he can stay healthy. I wouldn't doubt that a few years away would make an big impact on if and when he returns to WWE.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by salmonjunkie]

salmonjunkie - 5-6-2016 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by jefft221
Sandow gone. That one's a shame for sure.

I can't believe they didn't have more for him to do after the Miz story. He's never been a favorite of mine, but he was talented. His did the arrogant genius character well and they seemed to be behind him a lot back then. I keep wondering what it was about him that had the powers that be get sour to him. They gave him a chance with that Miz impersonator story, which was really good. The Macho Mandow thing was stupid, especially since it sucked the wind out of the conclusion of the storyline with Miz and really should've been the end of his impersonations. But at least he was on TV. It sucks that he was pretty much off of TV after the Hulk scandal. Hell, he could've easily been in the Social Outcasts not that it would've helped him much, but at least he would've been on TV. Either way, sucks for him.

On the other hand, he could easily become the next TNA champion after a few months in the company.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by salmonjunkie]

CCharger - 5-6-2016 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie

On the other hand, he could easily become the next TNA champion after a few months in the company.

That's assuming TNA lasts for a few more months.

salmonjunkie - 5-6-2016 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

That's assuming TNA lasts for a few more months.

Then he's getting hotshotted to the title next week.

CCharger - 5-6-2016 at 07:22 PM

By next week TNA will be running shows out of the VFW Hall in Gatlinsburg.

punkerhardcore - 5-6-2016 at 07:25 PM

How is Santino released? I thought he retired a while ago due to injuries. Plus it seems weird to straight up release a guy who is a great favorite and could always be an ambassador to the company.

Planet Starbucks - 5-6-2016 at 07:36 PM

Originally posted by ulsterphil
This is a shame and a disgrace. Sandow had the fans eating out of his fucking hand from very early on. I really liked the guy and I feel that its a complete waste.

QFT. There's only one word to describe how badly 'creative' handled Sandow - incompetence. I know it's unrealistic to expect anyone to get everything right, but how they managed to fuck up so badly with him I'll never know.

ThePunisher - 5-6-2016 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
By next week TNA will be running shows out of the VFW Hall in Gatlinsburg.

Cool! Finally close enough for me to go to a show.

Sam Is Neat - 5-6-2016 at 07:42 PM

To be honest, most of these guys I thought were already unemployed. My guess is WWE did too. They probably had someone finally look at the books and go "Wait what? We are still paying the midget leprechaun and midget bull?"

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by Sam Is Neat]

bigfatgoalie - 5-6-2016 at 08:46 PM

Sandow's upside was his feud with Cody. Maybe he goes to TNA, ROH, or Japan and finds another gear.

Barrett needs to go to Japan, figure out his character, nail down a finisher that doesn't suck, and either make a bunch of money in Japan, or come back to the WWE for an AJ like push.

salmonjunkie - 5-6-2016 at 09:13 PM

I imagine Zeb/Dutch could easily get an office or backstage job at WWE if he wanted to.

I'm also surprised with Santino. I wonder if he'll have a backstage job at some point.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by salmonjunkie]

salmonjunkie - 5-6-2016 at 09:19 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Sandow's upside was his feud with Cody.

That culminated with him screwing over Cody to win Money In The Bank. Him having MITB hurt him more than helped him, I think. They did a shit job booking him as a convincing MITB holder. If he didn't have that, he could've at least had a stronger push as a mid-carder guy instead of an obvious non-main-eventer.

niles81 - 5-6-2016 at 11:08 PM

Personally speaking - this is my destination wishlist for certain released or soon to be released performers:

Ryback - New Japan
I'm sure I've seen other people echo this sentiment and Michael Elgin has tweeted openly about wanting him to come over - I actually find myself more excited about the prospect of Ryan Reeves in New Japan than I ever could have anticipated. I'm not a huge Ryback fan by any means. I don't mind the character as he can be fun at times. The guy behind the character seems genuinely likable if not necessarily super bright. A tour of Japan could do wonders for him.

Damien Sandow - Lucha Underground
With the character work he's shown that he's capable of doing, I can't really imagine why they wouldn't jump at him. I would love to see what kind of character they attach to him and watch him dive right into it. I could see him potentially playing off Dario Cueto as either a lackey or foil.

Wade Barrett - Hollywood
I don't need to see Wade Barrett wrestle again but I would love to see him try his hand at acting. He's got a great look and voice that could potentially take him places in that realm. Especially if he's playing a villain. I'd love to see him in a Bond film.

CamstunPWG187 - 5-7-2016 at 12:10 AM

This is one of those things (with Sandow) when I really hate when users say things like "yeah, he was involved in an angle with HBK super kicking him to open up RAW and holds MITB. His spot is so bad right now" while never trying to look at the reality of the booking.

As Ryback has said: if you are jobbing, you aren't getting paid nearly as much as the winners, and your stock in the company is a lot lower than others.

People need to stop assuming that just because these guys are rubbing the spotlight with legends who make them look foolish in segments, that it actually means they have a career to stardom for themselves.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by CamstunPWG187]

denverpunk - 5-7-2016 at 12:28 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
And just like that, Cameron might have just paid for her big mouth with a nice Future Endeavoring.

Say hello to unemployment.


Probably, although she may have seen the writing on the wall and thought she had nothing to lose. Bitching at the fans does not work out anywhere, though. Kind of weird of how she was in the right and then totally in the wrong in so short a time.

Originally posted by Planet Starbucks

There's only one word to describe how badly 'creative' handled Sandow - incompetence. I know it's unrealistic to expect anyone to get everything right, but how they managed to fuck up so badly with him I'll never know.

I'll take it a step further and call it sabotage. The only reason why Sandow is not a permanent midcard player in WWE is because they didn't want him to be. He constantly made lemonade our of some pretty shitty lemons, and was a better talker than most of the roster. If they don't want a team player who can actually wrestle, connect with the fans, and think on the fly, then they don't deserve him. I hope he does well somewhere else.

Originally posted by williamssl
The original list was:
Alex Riley
Zeb Coulter
El Torito

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by williamssl]

I kind of wavered with Barrett, from "man, this guy's getting fucked over" to "man, this guy's not very good". His lack of a good finisher did not help him, nor did injuries (thanks, Jack Swagger), but he had some genuine upside with the aborted Bad News gimmick, and he was white hot out the gate with Nexus. I hope he does better somewhere else too.

I think Riley got hotshotted too soon. He was great at the Miz's sidekick, and got shockingly good reactions when he beat up the Miz, but in hindsight, that was more on Miz than Riley. It seemed like he had improved in NXT, but making an enemy of Cena doesn't usually bode well for anybody.

Like everyone else, I thought Santino had retired, so I won't miss him much. Both midgets can go, and Zeb being endeavored definitely does not bode well for Swagger's future.

I'm pretty surprised Tyler Breeze isn't on the list. Swagger won't be far behind, but I think Vince will find a way to keep Ryback around. He's got the kind of build that wets Vince's scrotum.

EDIT: Adam Rose is probably gone soon, too. I can't see how this drug suspension fallout ends up in his favor.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by denverpunk]

PB-13 - 5-7-2016 at 01:30 AM

Sandow was still getting good crowd reactions. I saw him at the St. Louis Raw on Monday, still getting a good response despite losing to Darren Young with little fanfare on the Superstars taping and then being an afterthought in the battle royal.

GodEatGod - 5-7-2016 at 01:47 AM

Originally posted by denverpunk

I think Riley got hotshotted too soon. He was great at the Miz's sidekick, and got shockingly good reactions when he beat up the Miz, but in hindsight, that was more on Miz than Riley. It seemed like he had improved in NXT, but making an enemy of Cena doesn't usually bode well for anybody.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by denverpunk]

I actually think they did about as well with Riley as they could. Before he was Miz's flunkie, he was wearing a letter jacket and trying a high school bully gimmick. It was unbelievable the kind of pops he got right after turning on Miz. The problem with Riley, and I know we tend to be reluctant to blame the worker, is he just wasn't good enough. Not enough charisma to keep up with Miz and not enough ring skill to hang in even the midcard. He might've done better back in the 2000s when generic muscle guys were the standard, but as the company shifted to a higher workrate midcard in the 2010s, he couldn't keep up and got left behind. It happens. He'll do fine on the indies, I'm sure.

niles81 - 5-7-2016 at 02:09 AM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
And just like that, Cameron might have just paid for her big mouth with a nice Future Endeavoring.

Say hello to unemployment.


Probably, although she may have seen the writing on the wall and thought she had nothing to lose. Bitching at the fans does not work out anywhere, though. Kind of weird of how she was in the right and then totally in the wrong in so short a time.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by denverpunk]

Ok so did anyone here actually read the whole "politically incorrect rant" that Cameron posted? You know - the one where she told the fans to say hi to their moms when she served them dinner in the basement? Because here's that whole quote in context:

"I know some may read this rant of mine and bash me even further. I accept that. I do not intend to disrespect anybody with this rant. I merely want to share my feelings with you all since a lot of you feel the need to bash talent and bully them on a daily basis with your tweets and posts. The passion you have for our business is respectable but the way some of you express it is deplorable. For those fans who are respectful and spend their precious time and money on us I thank you and love you with all my heart. For those who are not fans of me and voice their opinions in a respectful and constructive way I thank you and appreciate your criticism. For those who do nothing but bash talent in a disrespectful, cruel and personal way I have nothing to say to you except give your mother my love when she comes downstairs with your dinner"

The whole thing is a rather well written and constructed critique on the way some people in the IWC express their opinions. She took time to separate people who commented on her career to 3 separate groups - people who are fans, people who aren't but don't give that much of a shit and the type of people who call her a bitch.

I'm not exactly a Cameron fan here - I think I've probably fast forwarded most of the matches she's been involved in as I usually watch RAW it airs. But if you're coming down on her for this "rant", you clearly didn't read the whole thing as it's a pretty thoughtful piece.

Now I'll be willing to eat crow here if someone posts a link to a rant I have not seen yet but all the posts I read indicate that the people posting here have read the same article about it on Cageside Seats that I did.

Paddlefoot - 5-7-2016 at 02:37 AM

Originally posted by niles81
Wade Barrett - Hollywood
I don't need to see Wade Barrett wrestle again but I would love to see him try his hand at acting. He's got a great look and voice that could potentially take him places in that realm. Especially if he's playing a villain. I'd love to see him in a Bond film.

Not sure if this was ever mentioned in the Movie thread but Cinemax is apparently working on a cable series adaptation of the infamous The Boys comic book from Garth Ennis. I thought about this earlier and I figured that if there was anyone who deserved a shot at portraying The Boys dangerously Machiavellian leader Billy Butcher it should be Stu Bennett/Wade Barrett. Advantages, in no particular order, are: English, great talker, intelligent, tall & big, and capable of comedy, intense anger, incredible violence, and real darkness.

Probably not going to happen even if the series is a go but it'd be nice to see someone from WWE like Wade have a major breakout into film/TV like The Rock had.

Dare to dream that it happens, Wade-fans!

[Edited on 5/7/2016 by Paddlefoot]

First 9 - 5-7-2016 at 05:18 AM

Jesus, how many of the original NXT guys are left? I think it's Darren and Slater from Season 1, Axel, Wyatt, Titus, from season 2, Naomi season 3, and Fandango from season 4.

I mean, I'm not that suprised since there were only like 6 or 7 guys who adapted to WWE and became legit stars(Bryan, Barrett, AJ Lee, Ryback, Kaityln) and besides that you either had talented guys who never found their footing(Kaval, Justin Gabriel, Bateman) or performers who weren't ready yet.

But still, the roster is massively different to what it was 5 years ago.

Paddlefoot - 5-7-2016 at 05:32 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Jesus, how many of the original NXT guys are left? I think it's Darren and Slater from Season 1, Axel, Wyatt, Titus, from season 2, Naomi season 3, and Fandango from season 4.

I'd also say that no one would be surprised in the least if some/all of those except Wyatt and Naomi that you listed also got nailed over the next week or so. Add in Bo Dallas too, and possibly even both Ascension guys. They're all unfortunately expendable because between the last few months worth of NXT call-ups, the hirings from Japan, and the veteran TNA talent that's coming on board they're going to need the space at the PPV's and the TV shows that the current seat-fillers/"enhancement" talent are occupying. Hate to call anyone redundant but that's just the way it is in a business where the careers can be notoriously brief in length.

I have my doubts that Mark Henry would ever be let go. He's got lifer status like Kane or Orton, plus they kind of owe him forever for not flipping out about those idiotic comments Michael Hayes made at him a few years back. Speaking of Orton, there was a glitch today on where his profile page couldn't be accessed. That got some minds acting like he was on the list of releases. WWE fixed it later and the disappointed gun-jumpers had to calm down.

Nobledictator1278 - 5-7-2016 at 06:37 AM

I wonder how they come up with their fire list....why Sandow and not Darren Young or the ascension? Of all the talent Ive seen in years that makes no sense to me Sandow is one of the oddest cold shoulders Ive seen the WWE give. I wonder if he legit pissed a higher up off. There has to be more to the story than this, because he was clearly getting over and loved even though he had little TV time. I thought he was the last dude trained by the dude that trained HHH and that HHH really liked him.

janerd75 - 5-7-2016 at 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Speaking of Orton, there was a g̶l̶i̶t̶c̶h̶ hack today on where his profile page c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶c̶c̶e̶s̶s̶e̶d̶ was replaced with an add for rape-scented Axe Body Spray. That got s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶m̶i̶n̶d̶s̶ c'mon we all know who a̶c̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ praying he was on the list of r̶e̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶s̶ untreatable cancer patients in an A.I.D.S ward. WWE fixed it later and t̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶a̶p̶p̶o̶i̶n̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶g̶u̶n̶-̶j̶u̶m̶p̶e̶r̶s̶ Dom had to calm down.


Quentil - 5-7-2016 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
By next week TNA will be running shows out of the VFW Hall in Gatlinsburg.

So that'll be an upgrade, then?

First 9 - 5-7-2016 at 07:37 PM

Maybe Sandow was being payed more than guys like Young and that's why WWE decided to cut him off since he was at their level anyway.

Nobledictator1278 - 5-7-2016 at 10:26 PM

yeah that would make know the more I think about Rybacks letter, the more he makes sense. I use to back McMahon in the Bret vs McMahon feud because I figured Brets job was to do what was best for business (you know for real), and that meant if you were asked to do a JOB you do it, because hes your boss, and thats how it all works. Everyone works together for the common goal of promoting the best show. Everyone that jobs is important to the over character or they never become over to start with.

Watching these wrestlers like Bo Dallas, Heath Slater, Damien Sandow, Cody Rhodes all do these jobs and watch their character just take hit after hit in a way washes up who they can be and without any major changes they have no chance of being a big time player. Seems kinda crazy they base pay on your wins and losses. I always thought contracts were based on where you were on the card (Adam Ryland must have made me think that way) I figured there were like rookie contracts that everyone gets, and then they give you a contract based on where you were on the card and you got paid the same reguardless...and all the money was split from shows based on your contract and the type of contract you have. Its kinda of crazy the way they pay, and while I can see it being a huge motivating factor to move up the card, these guys for the most part are fairly hungry and in excellent shape....I don't think drive is a problem for them.

Ryback has really changed the way I think of wrestling...and I know from a owners point of view they don't want to have to give more money to the talent, and its easy for me or any wrestler to say they should. It does seem like whatever money is given to the talents...needs to be distributed in a manner that acknowledges the main eventers wouldn't be main eventers without the ones that put them over.

Matte - 5-8-2016 at 01:07 AM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Ryback has really changed the way I think of wrestling...

Out of context, this may be the strangest quote I've seen on these boards.

GodEatGod - 5-8-2016 at 01:42 AM

I generally agree with Ryback's thinking, although I suspect there's a certain chicken and the egg aspect to the whole thing (is this guy getting paid more because he's booked to win or is he getting booked to win because he's better paid and so they have more invested in him?). But certainly for anybody short of the main event, it doesn't make much sense for anyone to be paid more than others, except perhaps based on seniority. But they've worked very hard for a long time to try and keep that stuff opaque - I know Kevin Nash in shoots talked about one of the things the Kliq did to change the game for themselves is to share what they got paid to make sure none of them are getting screwed.

The problem is, you need a guy higher up the food chain with the leverage to help you do that and most guys are, understandably, selfish and mostly concerned with what they make, not raising the pay for the guys below them (even if, again from Nash, doing so usually pushes YOUR rate up, too). It's utterly clear that, as well paid as WWE guys are to some degree, they're certainly undercompensated for elite athletes at the top of their field.

DevilSoprano - 5-8-2016 at 06:54 PM

I didn't know where else to put this, but the WWE/Evolve relationship got very interesting at the Evolve show last night when EC3 showed up to align with Galloway against Johnny Gargano, Drew Gulak, and TJP (3 guys now working for NXT). EC3 cut a pretty good "shoot" promo on the independent wrestling world and becoming showcases for WWE/NXT. Could lead to some pretty good matches and possibly a return for EC3 & Galloway to WWE.

merc - 5-8-2016 at 07:57 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
I didn't know where else to put this, but the WWE/Evolve relationship got very interesting at the Evolve show last night when EC3 showed up to align with Galloway against Johnny Gargano, Drew Gulak, and TJP (3 guys now working for NXT). EC3 cut a pretty good "shoot" promo on the independent wrestling world and becoming showcases for WWE/NXT. Could lead to some pretty good matches and possibly a return for EC3 & Galloway to WWE.

You could have made a thread for it. Sadly we have all gotten lazy and everything is a rumor.

Since there is some discussion around pay- this article takes rumors & assumptions to a new level:

[Edited on 5-8-2016 by merc]

PB-13 - 5-8-2016 at 11:26 PM

I find it amazing that the whole generation that complains about "millenials" blaming everyone but themselves for their problems...tends to whine about how everything is other people's fault.

Paddlefoot - 5-8-2016 at 11:43 PM

Further, it is only fair that the old timers who were never under WWE contract deserve something from those midnight viewings of old NWA and AWA matches

Really? What is this, lifelong reparations for old wrasslers? Kind of opens up an unending legal morass to say that because they own an archive WWE is now perpetually obligated for whatever royalty agreements were in the employment contracts Bill Watts, Stu Hart, or Fritz Von Erich signed people to back in 1982. That $9.99 a month for the Network is going to shoot up to $49.99 a month PDQ if the argument is successful that WWE has to take care of whoever worked for them, and whoever didn't work for them, for the rest of their lives because they have a warehouse full of grainy old footage from defunct companies that they put on the internet. I got severed twice in my career from companies that later went out of business. Am I now able to go after whoever it is that bought out those companies remnants because it would be the "fair & nice" thing to do?

CM Crunk - 5-9-2016 at 01:42 AM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by DevilSoprano
I didn't know where else to put this, but the WWE/Evolve relationship got very interesting at the Evolve show last night when EC3 showed up to align with Galloway against Johnny Gargano, Drew Gulak, and TJP (3 guys now working for NXT). EC3 cut a pretty good "shoot" promo on the independent wrestling world and becoming showcases for WWE/NXT. Could lead to some pretty good matches and possibly a return for EC3 & Galloway to WWE.

You could have made a thread for it. Sadly we have all gotten lazy and everything is a rumor.

Since there is some discussion around pay- this article takes rumors & assumptions to a new level:

[Edited on 5-8-2016 by merc]

Video of EC3's promo has been posted and it's worth a watch. Still can't believe they let him go. Both guys, really. But Bateman/EC3 just seems tailor-made for WWE. Was his release under Johnny Ace's blunder years as head of talent relations?

Paddlefoot - 5-9-2016 at 02:40 AM

Did Ace have control over NXT? I thought it's been Hunter's project since they made the change-over from FCW or whatever the fuck it was called.

Good way to get Hunter's attention for a possible rehiring with a major fuck-NXT diss-promo. Don't know if there was any personal friction between the two of them but it should be buried. From what EC3's done over the last several years, turning himself into one of the best heels in the business as well as being one of the few bright lights that TNA has now, should be enough to get him a second chance. Christ, if they can have Punk on the roster for seven years with him doing an excellent job on the mic and in the ring but not getting along with anyone backstage then they can certainly afford to give another shot to Bateman even if he has some kind of tension with Trips. Bring along Spud too as his sidekick too while they're at it because there's no way that little goofy jabroni isn't gold for anyone he works for.

[Edited on 5/9/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Paddlefoot - 5-9-2016 at 05:15 PM

* more WWE future endeavourings are expected to occur throughout May

* talk is that the road stress is what's setting off some of Ric Flair's recent bad behaviour (i.e. the Logan Airport incident) so he'll be doing the TV shows only and no longer appearing at untelevised events, with more time at home hopefully being sufficient to calm him down/sober him up

* idiocy with Colin Cassady's name still happening; Vince is wavering on Big Cass because they've already got a Big E; they're trying to decide between his real name and "Colin Cass", how about D.H. Smith because no one's using that at the moment

[Edited on 5/9/2016 by Paddlefoot]

coxito - 5-10-2016 at 12:43 AM

[Edited on 5-9-2016 by coxito]

Flash - 5-10-2016 at 01:58 AM

For some of the talent that got released it wouldn't entirely surprise me to see them back down in NXT in a year... if this is being done as part budget cuts, and part razing of the mid card to make room for NXT talent that is ready, then it might be a bit damaging/make no sense to just demote some guys.... On the flip side, letting them loose where they can go out and still earn a good living in Japan, Mexico, and on the Indies, and then come back into the fold in some capacity.

I'm not saying that for everyone; but a guy like Sandow is maybe a good example of this. He doesn't have a huge upside in the eyes of the WWE, but he's very serviceable, and because of his history in the WWE could probably come in for some shows in NXT and look like a very credible threat.

CCharger - 5-10-2016 at 07:58 PM

* Word is that they are making a move about Andre the Giant's life. WWE is reportedly not involved in the production. Most interesting detail is that it is rumored that former WWE wrestler Kurrgan will play Andre.

nOOb - 5-11-2016 at 12:54 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Word is that they are making a move about Andre the Giant's life. WWE is reportedly not involved in the production.

Meaning it'll actually be good. And Robert Maillet (Kurrgan) is a more-than-serviceable action-oriented actor who does have the "generalized European" accent available (crafty Canadians), so maybe this would wind up being a breakout for him?

Slade - 5-11-2016 at 03:27 AM

Robert Maillet is a super cool dude, too. I met him when he was wrestling as the Acadian Giant in Atlantic Canada about 15 years ago. He was the nicest guy. Although, he was absolutely frightening when he was screaming at me and threatening to put me in the Kurrgan Claw because I was talking trash at him from ringside. He was the heel, so it was my duty to give him hell. Anyhow, I hope he gets the role. He's done a great job with the other roles I've seen him play.

On a completely unrelated note, Cage Side Seats is reporting that Steve Lombardi, aka the Brooklyn Brawler, has also been released by WWE. This comes as a big surprise to me because he hasn't had an on-screen role in forever and he had been employed by the company for 30 years. You would think that someone with that much tenure might not have to worry about losing his job.


I've also read that some wrestling fans in Hawaii have noted that a local advertisement for a house show on June 29 had announced John Cena vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Brock Lesnar vs. Kevin Owens for the event. It's like WWE is booking a Wrestlemania card in Honolulu for an exclusive crowd of about 8000 people. is not confirming that these matches will take place and Brock Lesnar is not even confirmed on the list of performers expected to appear at this house show, so it is far from certain that the announced matches will take place. Still, talk about a pair of fantasy wrestling dream matches on the same bill!

[Edited on 5-11-2016 by Slade]

Paddlefoot - 5-11-2016 at 03:53 AM

Charlotte vs Asuka is apparently on that card too.

bigfatgoalie - 5-11-2016 at 04:30 AM

Isn't that show rumoured to be a Network Special?

punkerhardcore - 5-11-2016 at 04:58 AM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie
Isn't that show rumoured to be a Network Special?

I sure hope it is... I want to see those matches.

williamssl - 5-11-2016 at 05:38 AM

Included in the releases last week was Steve Lombardi aka the Brooklyn Brawler. 30 years with the company and he doesn't even get wished best of luck in his future endeavors.

bopol - 5-11-2016 at 06:24 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
Included in the releases last week was Steve Lombardi aka the Brooklyn Brawler. 30 years with the company and he doesn't even get wished best of luck in his future endeavors.

What's the Staten Island Scrapper doing in the Impact Zone?

anglefan85 - 5-11-2016 at 04:16 PM

Raymond "Adam Rose" Leppan was arrested this morning by The Hillsborough, Florida Sheffiffs office at 1:30. He was charged with Tampering With a Witness and Battery Domestic Violence. As of this writing, he has not been released yet.

Obviously, this not a good thing for a person already serving a 60 day WWE suspension.

He's not getting out of this one with his job still intact.

[Edited on 5-11-2016 by anglefan85]

Sam Is Neat - 5-11-2016 at 04:17 PM

Adam Rose went and got himself arrested on witness tampering and domestic battery charges. Welp...looks like he is most likely next on the chopping block.

CCharger - 5-11-2016 at 04:22 PM

My best guess is that his girlfriend was being a lemon and not a rosebud, baby.


* Vince confirmed via shareholders conference call that Cena, Orton, Rollins and Wyatt will all be back in action within the next 30 days.

[Edited on 5-11-2016 by CCharger]

Paddlefoot - 5-11-2016 at 05:20 PM

Official Florida Man booking photo. Only slightly less of an embarrassing team than the Social Outcasts to belong to.

CCharger - 5-11-2016 at 05:26 PM

That is the look of a man wondering if TNA is hiring.

Sam Is Neat - 5-11-2016 at 05:37 PM

Honestly, he looks terribly depressed. Easy to say since he was just arrested, but look at his eyes. He looks defeated. Between getting suspended a 2nd time, arrested on some serious charges on top of everything he has to deal with regarding his son's health...I feel bad for the guy.

Might be cracking under the pressure.

Paddlefoot - 5-11-2016 at 06:00 PM

What's Roy Leppard doing in the Impact Zone, Josh?

I don't know, Josh, but he's just been attacked from behind by someone in a guinea pig costume!

nOOb - 5-11-2016 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by bopol

What's the Staten Island Scrapper doing in the Impact Zone?

Plus side (?) to this scenario is that Steve Lombardi winds up with a title, though the TNA World Title is probably about the equivalent of the Hardcore Title towards the end of the 24/7 rules in terms of value and prestige.

CCharger - 5-11-2016 at 06:48 PM

I honestly couldn't tell you who the TNA World Champion is right now.

williamssl - 5-11-2016 at 06:57 PM

I actually find myself in that position with the US Title in WWE. A (the) problem with having it be held by guy who is in a tag team.

I know the challengers.

And then I get reminded who has it because his partner gets sent out on a Raw or SD to get the shit kicked out of him by said challenger to set up whatever upcoming title match there is (see: Ryback, this week's SD).

Caesar guy - 5-11-2016 at 08:14 PM

Sad to say, I watched the show.
* Currently, Drew Galloway is the TNA champion. Number one contender is Bobby 'brought to you by the makers of Nyquil' Lashley. Man, that guy could pull a Crocodile Dundee with a charging wildebeest but instead of two fingers, they hand him a microphone and the whole herd collapses.
* Jeff Hardy and James Storm teamed up as the 'Charismatic Storm' to take on Decay. They ended up losing when the first of 3 Willows appeared to distract Jeff. He took the dreaded mist and the Black Hole Slam from the beautiful Abyss for the loss. Jeff heads to the back where he finds one Willow, then another shows up and then another. One of them could have even been Jeff it was so confusing.
* And speaking of James Storm and Bobby Lashley, how long can they defy the odds and wrestle entire matches with head bands on? New Jack must be in the back with his staple gun adhering these things to their heads.
* Ethan Carter, fresh after getting pinned for the first time in over 30 months by Michael Bennett with that sweet ass by his side, wants a rematch and he is not leaving until he gets one. Instead, Bennett with that sweet ass by his side, tells him he has to basically run a gauntlet of opponents and if he beats them all, he will get his rematch. The first one is Rock Star Spud in a 6 sides of steel match. Guess there was no one else available as they are all in NXT. But come on, find someone close to his weight class at least. Anyway, Spud and his 'bedazzled belt of doom(not a championship belt, the one holding his pants up)' give Carter a run for his money but eventually lose. duh No announcement of who he has to beat next week, although since Hornswoggle and El Torito just got released, speculation has started.
* Oh, and Al Snow is back front in center, 'screaming' a promo from his wrestling school about respect and earning your spot. He gets beat by Shera after a distraction from Grado. Not sure who they are and admittedly, don't really care. Sure there will be more to follow on that though.
* Some other stuff happened but I have bored everyone enough.

[Edited on 5-11-2016 by Caesar guy]

royberto - 5-11-2016 at 08:33 PM

According to "The Coach" Jonathan Coachman on The Ross Report, ESPN is producing a "30 for 30" film about the XFL:

Now that I have to see.

[Edited on 5-11-2016 by royberto]

Slick - 5-11-2016 at 08:38 PM

I also would love to see a 30 for 30 on the XFL.

Was actually a fan of the league and went to see NY/NJ Hitmen games in the cold and party with friends. It was a good time back in the day.

Shoot they XFL made the cover of Sports Illustrated, which was a legit accomplishment then.

[Edited on 5-11-2016 by Slick]

Sam Is Neat - 5-11-2016 at 09:07 PM

XFL gave us the overhead cam that the NFL stole for kickoffs and returns. That is probably the longest lasting impression and legacy that the XFL left. They are also responsible for resurrecting the career of Tommy Maddox and launching "He Hate Me" Rod Smart.

Other than that, I am not sure what else there is to cover, other than a back story of Vince McMahon and his craziness, how the deal was struck with Dick Ebersol and why and when it failed.

Actually...that is plenty to cover.


I should probably just delete this since I have had this revelation.

Quentil - 5-11-2016 at 11:09 PM

I honestly didn't mind the XFL as a thing. I like football, and I watched some of the games. The sports entertainment parts were sort of dumb, and they had too short of a preseason and it showed in the first few weeks. But by the end of the season, the games themselves were decent to watch.

I was a bit sad when it dissolved, to be honest. It wasn't ever going to replace the NFL, but it certainly could have survived in a fashion similar to what Arena football manages.

salmonjunkie - 5-12-2016 at 12:26 AM

I went to the XFL Championship Game aka "The Million Dollar Game" between the LA Xtreme and the San Francisco Demons at the LA Coliseum. It was a lot of fun. $20 for a championship football game where everyone had a 50 yard line seat (because there were roughly only 2000 of us in a 93,000+ capacity stadium) with UCLA Bruin Tommy Maddox leading his team to victory? That was fun. Championship football in Los Angeles? Hell yeah. There should have been a goddamn ticker tape parade for the Xtreme.

Slade - 5-12-2016 at 12:44 AM

WWE has issued a statement announcing that it has suspended Adam Rose indefinitely. According to the statement, WWE has a zero tolerance policy for matters of domestic violence.

I wonder if he Ray Leppan will now try to publicly defend himself by blaming his suspension for this. Like maybe he could get his doctor to write him another note, this time absolving him of responsibility for him violating WWE's domestic violence policy and post it to Twitter.

Flash - 5-12-2016 at 01:21 AM

Man, you beat me to it with the doctors note joke.... Oh well...

I'm a big conflicted about the response we sometimes take to domestic violence situations; don't get me wrong, hitting women and using violence to solve your problems are not okay in my books.

No, where my conflict comes from is okay we've fired the big bad wife beater (or permanently suspended them) but isn't this in some ways also hurting the "victim" as well? Isn't taking away a man's job just adding more pressure to an already volatile situation?

This isn't about protecting the offender, or excusing them; more just a question about is there maybe a better way to sometimes deal with these situations. Can we look at a situation that might be a one off bad day nightmare moment for Rose, versus a serial batterer? We don't quite know all the details about Adam Rose's situation so it might not be the best example, but I look at something like that football player a year or two ago (Lewis?) who knocked out his wife in an elevator. Clearly she forgave him as they got married afterwards, and she has said that this was just a one off event that reached a heated conclusion.... and yet the media jumped all over this probably victimizing her far more than that one moment did, and on top of that they (the NFL) suspended the player which also took millions of dollars away from his family.... the victims they were trying to protect. (looking at in a sarcastic way what person out there wouldn't take a punch to the head in exchange for millions of dollars?).

I dunno.... messed up planet we live on where there are no perfect answers, and sometimes reacting quickly to appear on side, than it is to take a difficult path.

the goon - 5-12-2016 at 02:01 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
What's Roy Leppard doing in the Impact Zone, Josh?

Forming a tag team with Bram?

Sam Is Neat - 5-12-2016 at 02:54 AM

Originally posted by the goon
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
What's Roy Leppard doing in the Impact Zone, Josh?

Forming a tag team with Bram?

Yet, ironically...they can't beat anyone.

anglefan85 - 5-12-2016 at 03:17 AM

All joking aside, I'm worried for the guy's mental health through all of this.

I hate that I even had this thought, but I'm hoping that nothing further happens, whether it be to himself or others.

I'm thinking that they might been thinking the same, which is why he's suspended indefinitely instead of being let go entirely.

punkerhardcore - 5-12-2016 at 03:42 AM

Originally posted by anglefan85
I'm thinking that they might been thinking the same, which is why he's suspended indefinitely instead of being let go entirely.

Apparently their policy is a suspension upon arrest, immediate firing upon conviction.

merc - 5-12-2016 at 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Man, you beat me to it with the doctors note joke.... Oh well...

I'm a big conflicted about the response we sometimes take to domestic violence situations; don't get me wrong, hitting women and using violence to solve your problems are not okay in my books.

No, where my conflict comes from is okay we've fired the big bad wife beater (or permanently suspended them) but isn't this in some ways also hurting the "victim" as well? Isn't taking away a man's job just adding more pressure to an already volatile situation?

This isn't about protecting the offender, or excusing them; more just a question about is there maybe a better way to sometimes deal with these situations. Can we look at a situation that might be a one off bad day nightmare moment for Rose, versus a serial batterer? We don't quite know all the details about Adam Rose's situation so it might not be the best example, but I look at something like that football player a year or two ago (Lewis?) who knocked out his wife in an elevator. Clearly she forgave him as they got married afterwards, and she has said that this was just a one off event that reached a heated conclusion.... and yet the media jumped all over this probably victimizing her far more than that one moment did, and on top of that they (the NFL) suspended the player which also took millions of dollars away from his family.... the victims they were trying to protect. (looking at in a sarcastic way what person out there wouldn't take a punch to the head in exchange for millions of dollars?).

I dunno.... messed up planet we live on where there are no perfect answers, and sometimes reacting quickly to appear on side, than it is to take a difficult path.

Not Lewis, he aided and/or may have murder someone and came back to play. Ray Rice knocked out his now wife. Both Baltimore Raven players.

GodEatGod - 5-12-2016 at 06:25 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Man, you beat me to it with the doctors note joke.... Oh well...

I'm a big conflicted about the response we sometimes take to domestic violence situations; don't get me wrong, hitting women and using violence to solve your problems are not okay in my books.

No, where my conflict comes from is okay we've fired the big bad wife beater (or permanently suspended them) but isn't this in some ways also hurting the "victim" as well? Isn't taking away a man's job just adding more pressure to an already volatile situation?

This isn't about protecting the offender, or excusing them; more just a question about is there maybe a better way to sometimes deal with these situations. Can we look at a situation that might be a one off bad day nightmare moment for Rose, versus a serial batterer? We don't quite know all the details about Adam Rose's situation so it might not be the best example, but I look at something like that football player a year or two ago (Lewis?) who knocked out his wife in an elevator. Clearly she forgave him as they got married afterwards, and she has said that this was just a one off event that reached a heated conclusion.... and yet the media jumped all over this probably victimizing her far more than that one moment did, and on top of that they (the NFL) suspended the player which also took millions of dollars away from his family.... the victims they were trying to protect. (looking at in a sarcastic way what person out there wouldn't take a punch to the head in exchange for millions of dollars?).

I dunno.... messed up planet we live on where there are no perfect answers, and sometimes reacting quickly to appear on side, than it is to take a difficult path.

This may be a waste of breath, given that you felt the need to put victim in quotation marks, but here goes.

The times when it's an isolated incident are pretty clearly a minority - people lose their tempers often enough that someone who's prone to violence when angered probably has done this before. I don't know why we're looking at Ray Rice knocking his wife straight the fuck out and dragging her down the hallway as if the publicity victimized her more than, y'know, being punched in the fucking head by a man who says he loves her. It's not hard not to hit someone, much less someone you're supposed to care about. It's just fucking not.

Do they need counselling, compassion, a chance to redeem themselves? Absolutely - my grandfather was a serial abuser who changed his ways and spent the rest of his life making it up to my grandmother. But he did that because they finally put his ass in jail for it for a few years and he sobered the fuck up.

WWE superstars, like NFL players, have doing publicity and being representatives of the brand as part of their job. Getting busted for domestic violence most definitely is being BAD at that part of the job, so strictly from an employment perspective, he should consider himself lucky he's only suspended.

Paddlefoot - 5-12-2016 at 06:53 AM

He'll be on the list for help from WWE when the time comes to get it to him. Right now though? They'd be insane not to suspend him indefinitely until the crisis moment is over. There's no way they're going to drop their due diligence and let themselves get Benoit'd again if Rose is going through some kind of mental and emotional breakdown.

punkerhardcore - 5-12-2016 at 08:07 PM

Ric Flair is in even worse shape than any of us thought:

In an interview with, Ric Flair spoke about his favorite current WWE star and more. Here are highlights:

On his favorite WWE stars: �Roman Reigns for sure. Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose. I�m also a big fan of Dolph Ziggler. I�d really love to work with Roman Reigns, though.�

Jesus. I know we've had our concerns in recent years about his age and mental state, but I don't think any of us realized he was this far gone.

jefft221 - 5-12-2016 at 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
He'll be on the list for help from WWE when the time comes to get it to him. Right now though? They'd be insane not to suspend him indefinitely until the crisis moment is over. There's no way they're going to drop their due diligence and let themselves get Benoit'd again if Rose is going through some kind of mental and emotional breakdown.

Yes, the current suspension is good... but I don't see how that precludes him from getting help at the same time...?

Paddlefoot - 5-12-2016 at 08:18 PM

* Adam Rose to be released from custody on a $1000 bond after his wife pleaded in court for him not to be served with a restraining order

* Ryback's contract will be allowed to die out without an official release; apparently he wanted a guaranteed contract with full payout if terminated, something that hasn't been done since the end of WCW and which WWE has never done; he also wanted an all-expenses-paid guarantee as well

* Cameron apparently wasn't even on the chopping block until she tweeted support for Ryback which apparently pissed off WWE big time, hence her rapid dismissal afterwards

* police confirmed that they arrested Chyna outside her apartment back in November 2015 for public drunkeness when she was found passed out on the sidewalk

* Christian is still with WWE for the E&C; Network show but has officially been released from his in-ring contract which puts an end to his career as an active performer

* AJ Styles is fighting some nagging injuries and will see less in-ring action in the build-up to Extreme Rules

Paddlefoot - 5-12-2016 at 08:27 PM

Originally posted by jefft221
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
He'll be on the list for help from WWE when the time comes to get it to him. Right now though? They'd be insane not to suspend him indefinitely until the crisis moment is over. There's no way they're going to drop their due diligence and let themselves get Benoit'd again if Rose is going through some kind of mental and emotional breakdown.

Yes, the current suspension is good... but I don't see how that precludes him from getting help at the same time...?

Who says they aren't going to help him during this time? After Benoit I doubt they'd be so blind to bag the guy and turn their backs on him when his personal crisis has become public. They haven't retaliated against Sunny when her nonsense gives them negative attention and they always held out the offer of help to Chyna that she never bothered to take. They're not going to abandon Adam Rose with so much bad publicity possible if something really bad were to happen inside the Leppan household, and especially not after several years now of them trying to boost their profile as a responsible with everything from the well-known paid rehab through to the anti-bullying campaigns. Maybe it's as much self-interest on their part as it is genuine concern for Rose, or any of the others, but the days of them casting troublesome talent or former talent adrift to get through it on their own is long over.

lz4005 - 5-12-2016 at 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Christian is still with WWE for the E&C; Network show but has officially been released from his in-ring contract which puts an end to his career as an active performer

I thought he retired like 2 years ago.

jmble - 5-12-2016 at 08:33 PM

Bad news for Dolph Ziggler, or rather, his brother.

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The man accused of killing a Marine Corps veteran at a downtown Cleveland hotel shot him during a drug deal, according to court records.

Donald Nemeth pleaded not guilty Wednesday in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court to aggravated murder, murder, kidnapping and felonious assault charges in the death of Joshua Mascol.

He is being held on $1 million bond.

Nemeth, 29, and another man police have yet to identify met Mascol Jan. 23 at a room at the University Hotel and Suites on Euclid Avenue to complete a drug deal, according to court records.

Police previously said that Nemeth tried to rob Mascol during the encounter. The men got into a fight.

Nemeth pulled a pistol and shot Mascol three times, records say.

Paramedics found Mascol shot in a seventh-floor hallway. They later pronounced him dead.

Police obtained an arrest warrant charging Nemeth April 26. He was arrested two days later. A grand jury indicted him May 6.

Nemeth is the brother of WWE superstar Dolph Ziggler, according to public records and social media posts.

Ziggler, 35, was born Nick Nemeth and attended St. Edward High School in Lakewood. He wrestled at Kent State University and signed with WWE in 2004.

Public records show the two men lived at the same West Side Cleveland address in the past.

Cleveland police are still working to identify the second suspect in the slaying.

Edited to add the link in case anyone wants it.

[Edited on 5-12-2016 by jmble]

Paddlefoot - 5-12-2016 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Christian is still with WWE for the E&C; Network show but has officially been released from his in-ring contract which puts an end to his career as an active performer

I thought he retired like 2 years ago.

They apparently have several different levels of 'official' to go through when injuries result in retirement. Who knows? I'd like to be their contract lawyer. Never be unemployed just to figure out what they hell they put in some of their paperwork. Billion-dollar corporation and large parts of it are probably still operate the same way from forty years ago when Linda and her mom worked weekends putting the payroll together.

Paddlefoot - 5-12-2016 at 09:31 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Ric Flair is in even worse shape than any of us thought:

In an interview with, Ric Flair spoke about his favorite current WWE star and more. Here are highlights:

On his favorite WWE stars: �Roman Reigns for sure. Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose. I�m also a big fan of Dolph Ziggler. I�d really love to work with Roman Reigns, though.�

Jesus. I know we've had our concerns in recent years about his age and mental state, but I don't think any of us realized he was this far gone.

"Say nice things about Roman, old man, or we'll make your daughter wear a weasel suit. And then job her out to Eva Marie!".

G. Jonah Jameson - 5-12-2016 at 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Cameron apparently wasn't even on the chopping block until she tweeted support for Ryback which apparently pissed off WWE big time, hence her rapid dismissal afterwards

The one main-roster woman WWE didn't book at Wrestlemania wasn't on the chopping block? OK, sure, wrestling "news" site.

salmonjunkie - 5-12-2016 at 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Christian is still with WWE for the E&C; Network show but has officially been released from his in-ring contract which puts an end to his career as an active performer

What's Christian Cage doing back in the Impact Basement, Tazz?

Real question - do you think we'll see Christian get in to the WWE Hall of Fame sometime in the next 5 years?

janerd75 - 5-12-2016 at 10:42 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Christian is still with WWE for the E&C; Network show but has officially been released from his in-ring contract which puts an end to his career as an active performer

What's Christian Cage doing back in the Impact Basement, Tazz?

Real question - do you think we'll see Christian get in to the WWE Hall of Fame sometime in the next 5 years?

Easily. I'd say either this year or next. If the E & C show stays relevant and popular for a bit I'm sure the E would continue to boost its popularity by promoting one of its hosts for the HoF while the other host does the inducting for obvious reasons. That and it seems like they're running out of quality "old timers" to put in so that's my guess as to why we'd see him sooner rather than later.

CCharger - 5-12-2016 at 10:46 PM

For those wondering, Brooklyn Brawler has been working behind the scenes for quite a few years. He is a producer who helps wrestlers put together matches and is on the creative team. In fact, it was believed that Vince was quite loyal to Brawler and Brawler's like or dislike of a particular wrestler went a long way on whether Vince would push them or not.

denverpunk - 5-13-2016 at 12:03 AM

There are very few performers in WWE history with more titles than Christian. He's for sure a Hall of Famer, but not a headliner.

Paddlefoot - 5-13-2016 at 12:19 AM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Cameron apparently wasn't even on the chopping block until she tweeted support for Ryback which apparently pissed off WWE big time, hence her rapid dismissal afterwards

The one main-roster woman WWE didn't book at Wrestlemania wasn't on the chopping block? OK, sure, wrestling "news" site.

They did put more effort into her lately though, with having her train with Paige at the Performance Center and even gave her matches against Asuka and Alexa on NXT. She might have been on the bubble but it didn't look like they'd given up on her entirely until the tweets for Ryback happened.

CCharger - 5-13-2016 at 12:38 AM

CageSide Seats is reporting that the next round of releases will occur shortly after the Extreme Rules PPV. Some names being bandied about:

Darren Young
David Otunga
Tyson Kidd

Flash - 5-13-2016 at 12:39 AM

*I think Christian is a great "B" guy to put in the HOF, and given the amount of tag titles him and Edge racked up could maybe even squeak in a second time... long shot, but he's going in sometime soon.

*Just to clarify my comments on the whole domestic abuse thing (and thanks for pointing out that it was Ray Rice); I didn't mean to put Victim in quotation marks; that's my bad.... I don't think we should ever turn a blind eye to violence regardless of gender; I just think we need to sometimes think about how we approach it a bit differently. I na�vely hope that as we continue to evolve and become more educated and aware of social problems like this it will be less and less of a problem.... but then there's that whole pesky human nature thing.

Bottom line; here's hoping that Rose get's some help, and that maybe the WWE considers some kind of subsidy for at least Rose's family during this suspension... I mean if the guy reacted the way he did to the Wellness suspension, what's he thinking after this destroys his name? Yeah he's maybe made some money in the WWE thus far, but with a kid with health problems that money could be going out the door just as quick, and now he's stuck in a position where he can't go work for other promotions as he's only suspended, but he's not getting paid by the WWE.

*Apparently before Sandow was released he was assured by the WWE that it was not due to anything that he did, but more a victim of them wanting to freshen things up on the roster. Damien already has several Indy bookings lined up.

I still think Sandow is a guy that we haven't heard the last from; he's only 33- maybe not an age for a long term investment should they later bring him back, but not exactly in the twilight of his career either. He's great on the mic', and very serviceable in the ring. Honestly, I'd even consider letting him keep the name as well, barring any TV related stuff. If he fizzles out there's no loss with the name, if he makes a bit more of a name for himself on the Indy's then the name also get's elevated.

Flash - 5-13-2016 at 12:55 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
CageSide Seats is reporting that the next round of releases will occur shortly after the Extreme Rules PPV. Some names being bandied about:

Darren Young
David Otunga
Tyson Kidd

Otunga is probably a lock; I think I last heard he was working at WWE HQ in their legal department most of the time anyway.

Letting Kidd go would be a bit shitty given that he was hurt on their clock.

Nattie could probably go as they never did a whole lot with her anyway, and she's been treading water for a long time. It'd be a waste of a good performer, but time away only to come back as a serious ass kicker in the women's division might help her in the long run.

Fandango never quite seemed to get it together, or recover from having great theme music... but the fault for this probably lies with mismanagement from the WWE... the crappy gimmick maybe didn't help either. Again, maybe some time away would help, but really; for the role Fandango would fill on the card the WWE would probably be as likely to take a chance on someone younger.

Darren Young is a bit curious to me, and I hate to say it (but I will) Young is a HR person's wet dream, so for that reason alone you'd think they let him keep collecting some cheques until they get a bit more of a diverse roster. If Young goes, then I'm guessing Titus won't be long with them either... again, Titus is a guy who generates nothing but positive headlines for you, so he's probably worth keeping as he's a PR goldmine with all that he does.

I'd probably throw names out there like Heath Slater, both the Ascension, and it's about damn time they cut that Gobbledygooker.

G. Jonah Jameson - 5-13-2016 at 01:26 AM

David Otunga's been on borrowed time for years, and I could see WWE letting Natalya go after spending so long without really giving her anything to do. I don't know about the other three, though. Darren Young just started that training angle with Bob Backlund, Fandango just formed a team with Tyler Breeze and dumping Tyson Kidd while he's still recovering from that brutal spinal injury would be a pretty serious dick move.

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
They did put more effort into her lately though, with having her train with Paige at the Performance Center and even gave her matches against Asuka and Alexa on NXT. She might have been on the bubble but it didn't look like they'd given up on her entirely until the tweets for Ryback happened.

Mea culpa. I look up NXT matches to watch often, but I don't watch the shows in their entirety, and so I wouldn't have noticed if WWE put any effort into Cameron there. Though I'd endeavor to say the fact that WWE chose to call up Eva Marie for Wrestlemania instead couldn't have boded well for Cameron.

First 9 - 5-13-2016 at 04:08 AM

AJ Styles has been taking off house shows due a back injury. No real confirmation on how serious it is.

As a guy who publicly said he wants to retire at 41 and signed with WWE at 38 I never had high hopes of AJ Styles , WWE Champion. But it still sort of sucks how good he's looked chasing for the belt, only for this to happen.

Sam Is Neat - 5-13-2016 at 04:40 AM

In terms of people who could be let go and not really change much of the on air product:

Jack Swagger
Adam Rose (for obvious reasons)
Alicia Fox (nothing special and nothing to do with The Bellas gone)
David Otunga
Curtis Axel
Ryback (assuming he wants to get out early ala Wade Barrett)
Zack Ryder

I don't think anyone would really miss any of those guys. Ryder and Swagger would be the only real names that might garner an eyebrow raise since Ryback's situation is already known.

The rest are just sort of there with no real consequence.

Quentil - 5-13-2016 at 06:28 AM

Does Ryder still sell higher-than-you'd-expect levels of merch? I know, at least a few years ago, he was worth keeping around just for that and the NY/NJ area shows.

Personally, I am a pretty big fan of Zack Ryder. I watched his old youtube show and cheered his internet championship antics and the skits with his dad and John Morrison as being truly good stuff. I'd be kind of sad to see him go, to be honest.

ulsterphil - 5-13-2016 at 10:31 AM

Something smells funny about this Ryback situation. To have a specific set of contract demands that are most likely for well established top stars it looks like he was either

A) chancing his arm to see what he would get and more likely gauge his position (as if he didnt pre-know) or
B) using these negotiations to self sabotage his deal and make as much polite noise going out the door so he can go somewhere else.

My thought is that the likes of Barrett can go elsewhere with ease, but Ryback is a thicker lunk of fish altogether.

As for Darren Young i hope they do release him because hes fucking useless. He was for the chopping block long ago and played a trump by coming out so it was media suicide for them to release him so soon after, but now its time to cut losses.

Matte - 5-13-2016 at 12:30 PM

Apparently Paige and ADR are dating. Odd couple.

jefft221 - 5-13-2016 at 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Originally posted by jefft221
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
He'll be on the list for help from WWE when the time comes to get it to him. Right now though? They'd be insane not to suspend him indefinitely until the crisis moment is over. There's no way they're going to drop their due diligence and let themselves get Benoit'd again if Rose is going through some kind of mental and emotional breakdown.

Yes, the current suspension is good... but I don't see how that precludes him from getting help at the same time...?

Who says they aren't going to help him during this time?

Ummm... You did with the "when the time comes" bit. "When the time comes", at least to me, implies that "now" is precluded from that since "now" has already come. If you don't mean to preclude him getting help from WWE currently, great, no disagreement here.

CCharger - 5-13-2016 at 02:12 PM

Originally posted by ulsterphil

As for Darren Young i hope they do release him because hes fucking useless. He was for the chopping block long ago and played a trump by coming out so it was media suicide for them to release him so soon after, but now its time to cut losses.

Are you suggesting that Young came out as gay to save his job?

salmonjunkie - 5-13-2016 at 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Apparently Paige and ADR are dating. Odd couple.

Showed up on my Facebook feed today.

Katie Vick killer - 5-13-2016 at 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Darren Young is a bit curious to me, and I hate to say it (but I will) Young is a HR person's wet dream, so for that reason alone you'd think they let him keep collecting some cheques until they get a bit more of a diverse roster. If Young goes, then I'm guessing Titus won't be long with them either... again, Titus is a guy who generates nothing but positive headlines for you, so he's probably worth keeping as he's a PR goldmine with all that he does.

I'd probably throw names out there like Heath Slater, both the Ascension, and it's about damn time they cut that Gobbledygooker.

No way man! Gooker is a Marquee HoF'er!

Agreed about The Prime Time Players those dudes are a PR goldmine! I also really enjoyed that one time Titus was on commentary and talking about "washrags"!

williamssl - 5-13-2016 at 05:22 PM

re: Darren Young

Dude got new life breathed into him with the as-of-last-week Backlund pairing. Until and unless that fizzles, he's safe from endeavoring.

anglefan85 - 5-13-2016 at 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Apparently Paige and ADR are dating. Odd couple.

So since returning, Del Rio's gotten one of the highest-paying contracts (a guaranteed 1.45 million per year), a run with the US title, and is now sleeping with Paige. Add to the fact that he's arguably one of the most handsome male talents on the roster, and life seems to be going pretty good for Del Rio.

punkerhardcore - 5-13-2016 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
re: Darren Young

Dude got new life breathed into him with the as-of-last-week Backlund pairing. Until and unless that fizzles, he's safe from endeavoring.

I dunno... it wouldn't be the first time something like that was dropped and forgotten about without any explanation.

ulsterphil - 5-13-2016 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by ulsterphil

As for Darren Young i hope they do release him because hes fucking useless. He was for the chopping block long ago and played a trump by coming out so it was media suicide for them to release him so soon after, but now its time to cut losses.

Are you suggesting that Young came out as gay to save his job?

Yes i am. When you look at how closeted the wrestling industry was (and still is), there was zero incentive to do it other than make himself untouchable, at least for a while.

williamssl - 5-13-2016 at 06:34 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Originally posted by williamssl
re: Darren Young

Dude got new life breathed into him with the as-of-last-week Backlund pairing. Until and unless that fizzles, he's safe from endeavoring.

I dunno... it wouldn't be the first time something like that was dropped and forgotten about without any explanation.

I'd argue that "dropped and forgotten with no explanation" is very different from "starting up a whole new gimmick for someone that includes associating him with a 'legend' and is timely re: current events and what it is presumably satirizing...for someone you are actively talking about and heavily considering cutting from the company within the next 3-4 weeks".....

....but then even with that...this is WWE, and I couldn't type/say the above with a straight face.

anglefan85 - 5-13-2016 at 09:09 PM

I can't even joke about TNA much anymore, I'm too dumbfounded at how they still get people that wanna work for them.

TNA will be returning to Orlando in one month for Slammiversary and TV tapings with an upset and frustrated TV production crew if they do not catch up on payments.

PWTorch has learned from multiple sources that TNA is behind paying some production workers going back to January and March TV tapings.

After struggling to make payments on-time throughout 2015, TNA handed over the system to the Harris Twins through their production company Aroluxe, payable by TNA. Since then, payments have continued to be late. The situation has especially been exacerbated by TNA leaving their long-time office in Nashville and relocating to the merchandise warehouse.

Also, production workers have been met with resistance when inquiring about payments. PWTorch has also learned that some production workers have been told they will or might be replaced at the next tapings in June, likely in favor of independent production workers who do not have a history of late payments.

All of this comes while TNA is seeking an outside investor to pump money into the company. In the absence of a monthly live PPV, TNA�s main revenue streams right now are an Impact ad-share with Pop TV, international TV deals, and the �One Night Only� PPVs distributed in the U.S. and internationally.

TNA is also trying to reduce costs, such as moving out their Nashville office, and moving their TV post-production to the local Skyway Studios. The cost-cutting to make the company more attractive to investors is continuing to affect production workers who are vital to creating the content.

The next month will be significant for the company, both in terms of whether they get investment funds and whether they make right on paying production workers with the next PPV and TV tapings on the horizon.

[Edited on 5-13-2016 by anglefan85]

kiez - 5-13-2016 at 09:56 PM

Can I put a company in the dead pool? If it hasn't already been done.

CamstunPWG187 - 5-14-2016 at 12:02 AM

Yet, TNA will still survive.

I've been calling for their death for the past 2 years, and they somehow trudge along, continuing to get away with their sleazy ways while still encouraging their wrestlers to publicly praise them.

So strange.

bopol - 5-14-2016 at 03:07 AM

Originally posted by anglefan85


After struggling to make payments on-time throughout 2015, TNA handed over the system to the Harris Twins through their production company Aroluxe, payable by TNA.

[Edited on 5-13-2016 by anglefan85]

I swear, I read that line and thought the article was a satire. That's real? The Harris Twins are in change of paying people. Russo couldn't have come up with that.

Flash - 5-14-2016 at 03:17 AM

I can't quite remember the story, but I do believe Young was outed, and then just kind of came out wherein it became a bigger story.

Honestly though, there's this demented part of me that thinks it would be absolutely hilarious if Young were not gay, and is just really committed to keeping his job by any means necessary.... I mean I know if I'm ever taken into a room with two managers (cause when they turf you, it's always two) that I'm prepared to either feign a heart attack or blurting out that I'm gay right before they start talking, just so that I can later claim that they only fired because I told them I'm gay. Meanwhile I continue to keep pictures of Jesus and Charlton Heston around my desk with a drawer full of chicken bones so that they worry about what will happen if they even think about firing me.

Sigh... if only I'd put as much work into my job instead of cultivating a personality of "Inepticrazy".... too inept to give any real work to, and too crazy looking to risk firing.

As for TNA... I'm surprised no one has gone to the labour board, or whatever you guy's have down there that you can complain to when your employer doesn't pay you. That really sucks for production people; talent can still pull in some cash with Indy dates, but barring a day job, those production people are probably dependent on this job.

G. Jonah Jameson - 5-14-2016 at 03:31 AM

Originally posted by Flash
I can't quite remember the story, but I do believe Young was outed, and then just kind of came out wherein it became a bigger story.

That's fairly accurate. I want to say it was TMZ -- one of their "reporters" asked him a really pointed question on camera, and he came right out with it. I doubt it was done to save his job, because at that point in time, WWE pretty much wasn't releasing anyone, just letting their contracts expire. For context, when Darren Young came out in summer 2013, Curt Hawkins, Yoshi Tatsu, Ezekiel Jackson and JTG were still employed despite none of them having done anything of consequence for years.

Paddlefoot - 5-14-2016 at 03:37 AM

Maybe one of the OO Universe's Florida Men can confirm it but I believe that Rick Scott successfully turned the place into a payment-optional state where an employer can basically do whatever he wants to the employees short of locking them up at night. And they're working hard at the state house to get around that particular annoying-to-the-job-creators hurdle as well.

TNA should save money by working out of the "warehouse". The monthly payments on a 15' x 20' storage locker can't be that much. The merchandise contents (soon to be owned by Dave Hester) shouldn't take up much space to begin with. They never did big production runs on their swag because, realistically, what in the hell kind of incredibly rare and demented sk8rboi would buy a t-shirt from TNA anyway?

lz4005 - 5-14-2016 at 03:39 AM

Originally posted by G. Jonah Jameson
That's fairly accurate. I want to say it was TMZ -- one of their "reporters" asked him a really pointed question on camera, and he came right out with it.

It was during the tenure of the first out NFL player. They were asking every athlete in every sport about it.

They asked him if a gay person would be accepted in the WWE locker room and he took a looong pause and said "yes because I'm gay".

Apparently he had been considering coming out for a year or so and had already cleared it with Steph personally. Essentially he was looking for an opportunity to get it off his chest.

Paddlefoot - 5-14-2016 at 03:49 AM

The Michael Sam era? What a time to be alive.

Paddlefoot - 5-14-2016 at 07:09 AM

* Jimmy Snuka trial details below, with his attorney playing the brain-injury card and even going as far as to blame Snuka's current "condition" on Roddy Piper for whacking him on the head with the coconut in the infamous Piper's Pit segment; prosecution countered with footage of Snuka playing in a celebrity poker tourney in 2012 and showing no signs of injury-related dementia at all

* some speculation that WWE might have quietly released Lillian Garcia; she's been away for a while due to illness in the family but hasn't yet updated her social media accounts; could this be true, especially after she yapped back at the notoriously vindictive Bukukky the other week for "fucking up" and calling Big Cass by his real name?

* talk of some backstage heat between ADR and HHH; Del Rio is allegedly getting pissed off because of the lackluster way his stories with Zeb Colter and the LON ended and because he hasn't gotten into the main title scene as he was promised when he returned to WWE; HHH allegedly doesn't think he's up to the task of going up against Roman/Cena/Bork/Orton/whoever else at the top of the card; there is some additional talk of keeping ADR happy if they can hire Melissa Santos** away from LU to act as his mouthpiece

** as the gremlins kept saying in the movie, yum-yum!

GodEatGod - 5-14-2016 at 08:29 AM

Since they're a couple now, they should hook ADR and Paige together in a From Dusk Til Dawn gimmick.

Lillian's writing's been on the wall for a little while to me - not that she's bad, it's just clear they think really highly of Eden and they tend to not be afraid to push forward now that they think she's ready. And they have Jojo to sing the Anthems now. Still, I know that it will hurt The Rick right in the...let's say heart...if LG really is gone for good.

CM Crunk - 5-14-2016 at 11:00 AM

Paige and ADR has now supplanted AJ Lee and Cesaro as being the sex tape that--no, I'd still rather watch the latter two fuck. Nevermind.

Katie Vick killer - 5-14-2016 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Flash

Honestly though, there's this demented part of me that thinks it would be absolutely hilarious if Young were not gay, and is just really committed to keeping his job by any means necessary...

Living the gimmick!

First 9 - 5-14-2016 at 04:49 PM

I sort of wonder what exactly was the plan with Del Rio. They bring him back with a big money contract, have him beat Cena in his first night back, and then nothing.

Was it just wanting to keep him away from Mexico or fix the bad PR they got when they fired him?

merc - 5-14-2016 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Paige and ADR has now supplanted AJ Lee and Cesaro as being the sex tape that--no, I'd still rather watch the latter two fuck. Nevermind.

Didnt see you for a baldy lover....

I'd think production for the upcoming TNA Universal is contracted by Universal, They shoot a bunch of stuff there, I'd guess many of the same players.

ulsterphil - 5-14-2016 at 06:30 PM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by CM Crunk
Paige and ADR has now supplanted AJ Lee and Cesaro as being the sex tape that--no, I'd still rather watch the latter two fuck. Nevermind.

Didnt see you for a baldy lover...

Look how quick Cesaro strips for the ring, that is a man who is prepared to fuck. Del Rio loses points for bringing a towel, dude probably gets moister than a nuru massuer.

anglefan85 - 5-14-2016 at 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Jimmy Snuka trial details below, with his attorney playing the brain-injury card and even going as far as to blame Snuka's current "condition" on Roddy Piper for whacking him on the head with the coconut in the infamous Piper's Pit segment; prosecution countered with footage of Snuka playing in a celebrity poker tourney in 2012 and showing no signs of injury-related dementia at all

lz4005 - 5-15-2016 at 04:34 AM

Originally posted by First 9
I sort of wonder what exactly was the plan with Del Rio. They bring him back with a big money contract, have him beat Cena in his first night back, and then nothing.

Was it just wanting to keep him away from Mexico or fix the bad PR they got when they fired him?

He was too good in LU. Actually motivated and with charisma out the wazoo.

All that went right back out the window about a week after he got back to WWE.

GodEatGod - 5-15-2016 at 06:12 AM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by First 9
I sort of wonder what exactly was the plan with Del Rio. They bring him back with a big money contract, have him beat Cena in his first night back, and then nothing.

Was it just wanting to keep him away from Mexico or fix the bad PR they got when they fired him?

He was too good in LU. Actually motivated and with charisma out the wazoo.

All that went right back out the window about a week after he got back to WWE.

It really is kind of startling, the contrast. Some of it's obviously crowd - ADR was hugely over in LU the second he arrived and didn't need the crowd sold on how great he was. I think he did better in the very stylized, taped production bits, where he could get it just right and didn't have to go on the fly.

But his push in WWE has largely been botched on his return. With his look and skills, he should be pushed as the kind of legit MMA-style badass they all seem to salivate over, but it's like they just cannot get over the fact that he's Mexican. All the stuff with Colter and the League of Nations is just not an optimal use of him.

Flash - 5-15-2016 at 07:01 AM

Lillian has set the record straight; she's been off the road for the past few weeks helping to take care of her father who's health isn't so hot at the moment. She should be back at Raw this Monday.

bopol - 5-15-2016 at 07:24 AM

Originally posted by GodEatGod

It really is kind of startling, the contrast. Some of it's obviously crowd - ADR was hugely over in LU the second he arrived and didn't need the crowd sold on how great he was. I think he did better in the very stylized, taped production bits, where he could get it just right and didn't have to go on the fly.

But his push in WWE has largely been botched on his return. With his look and skills, he should be pushed as the kind of legit MMA-style badass they all seem to salivate over, but it's like they just cannot get over the fact that he's Mexican. All the stuff with Colter and the League of Nations is just not an optimal use of him.

There is also something fundamentally swarmy about him when he turned up in heel mode. Sort of a Scott Steiner, I really want to see him get his ass kicked, but he looks and acts in a way that it probably won't happen. Also, a little of a I'm scared of this big Latino guy. He seems like the type of guy that would hit on your girl in front of you knowing damn well you won't do anything about it. And he wouldn't have three guys have his back.

You know, you really can't teach that. He'd play great as an upper mid-card heel that can be elevated to the main event when if you have the need. Given the lack of upper mid-card heels, I really don't understand what they aren't running with him.

Honestly, the E has a roster right now that is an embarrassment of riches. Reigns, Styles, Ambrose, Cesaro, Zahn, Ziggler, Owens, Miz, Del Rio, New Day, Ascension, Dudleys, Enzo and Cass and the Vaudevillians, Charlotte, Sasha and Lynch. That's a lot to work with and I'd say the best roster they've had in more than 10 years.

salmonjunkie - 5-15-2016 at 07:30 AM

I'll tell you where they screwed up with Del Rio with his return. They should've had him as a face after he beat Cena. He's a good heel no doubt, but he showed us in LU that he can play a badass face quite well.

royberto - 5-15-2016 at 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Lillian has set the record straight; she's been off the road for the past few weeks helping to take care of her father who's health isn't so hot at the moment. She should be back at Raw this Monday.
And Court Bauer, who was responsible for initially reporting that she had been released, has apologized to Lillian for running a false report:

CCharger - 5-16-2016 at 02:43 AM

The heat between ADR and HHH stems from HHH reported casual racism especially towards Latino wrestlers. I know HHH is an IWC favorite now because something....something....NXT, but fuck him for being an ignorant bigot.

Flash - 5-16-2016 at 04:02 AM

This seems to be a case of old news being news again;

The ADR-HHH story made the rounds back when ADR got turfed over the whole slap-gate thing wherein a WWE employee made a comment to ADR (I seem to remember it was something about clearing a tray a lunch or something like that), wherein ADR slapped the guy and was promptly fired.

The quote in the link above is an older one dating back to then (which is says as much in the link); where ADR said something to effect of HHH setting the tone from above, which by behaviour gave leave for the lower down the ladder types to make comments.

I remember getting a bit curious about this way back when it came out and they (meaning the mysterious source of all rumours coming out of the WWE) said that there was other behaviour from HHH.... so "they" pretty much went around asking all the usual Latino names that passed thru WWE about this, and it broke down as such:

HHH has called Ricardo Rodriquez "Bumble-Bee man" on several occasions, and may have called other Hispanic wrestlers this in the past.... He may have also buried Essa Rios.... which is of course further evidence that HHH hates all Latinos.

So; misguided term of affection, or unwelcome mocking I don't know... In a corporate environment probably not the best stuff to come out of one of your higher ups; On the other hand the WWE has evolved out of the old locker room nick-names and boys club life on the road... The fact that it's the boss doing it, and the power differential that this creates, further complicates things more... I don't know if "Bumble Bee Man" is one of those "OMG I can't believe you said that" comments that HHH should (if true) have know right out of the gate would be taken offence to, and it would depend on the situations it was used in, or what Ricardo's reaction to it was.... You know, all that messy stuff that makes people people that in a world where you recognize harm isn't intended, but instead it's just a clumsy negotiation of people interacting and not the next OMG SYSTEMATIC RACISMS headline.

Don't get me wrong, racism = bad, and if HHH was doing it to be a Dick, or was completely missing the fact that he was making another human being uncomfortable, then he needs to be sat down and given the long form HR tutorial and a swift kick n the ass, but otherwise I try to give the benefit of the doubt, especially on such things that I didn't witness with my own two eyes.

Nobledictator1278 - 5-16-2016 at 01:00 PM

Ive always thought that wrestling could do a mafia type gimmic....a good one. I know its not cool but I see Del Rio and I think of the dude from Weeds..... who was a pretty bad ass Mexican overlord for a season before we find out its his chick that's running the show. I think Del Rio would excel at this gimmic. There is all sorts of angles you can run out of, from wrestlers refusing to lay down (for gambling purposes) to others being indebted to him for stuff (maybe interference, helping to win titles ...etc from his mob). Id have him keep the elitist character....but have him be subtle with his criminal dealings. Its got to be clear to the audience he is this guy...but they can't ever have the evidence on him. In the future you could debut someone who wants revenge on him for what they did to their family....all sorts of cool mob stuff you could do. Give him a stable (Id stay way from a all hispanic one), and he would definitely need a bad-ass silent bodyguard who never fights. You could do a angle where one of the members eventually wants to get out....but once your in your in for life.....all sorts of side stuff you can do to keep him and his stable busy for years.

CCharger - 5-16-2016 at 01:20 PM

CM Punk is reportedly doing "poorly" in his MMA training, and the belief among many in the know is that Mickey Gall will "run through" him when and if they fight.

However, the Observer speculates that Punk will never fight and his low media profile as of late is indicative of that. r />
[Edited on 5-16-2016 by CCharger]

denverpunk - 5-16-2016 at 03:24 PM

Similar to what GEG and bopol said, ADR is badly in need of a gimmick change. Maybe pairing him and Paige together on TV would be good for both of them, but I'd like that idea of a mafioso gimmick in a non-PG landscape. Or make him the new Eddie Guerrero?

lz4005 - 5-16-2016 at 04:42 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Similar to what GEG and bopol said, ADR is badly in need of a gimmick change. Maybe pairing him and Paige together on TV would be good for both of them, but I'd like that idea of a mafioso gimmick in a non-PG landscape. Or make him the new Eddie Guerrero?

What he needs is to not have a gimmick.

He's a badass Mexican who can go as well as anyone in the ring if they take the 50lb sack of bullshit that is WWE "creative" off his shoulders and let him be a wrestler.

Let him cut an in-ring promo about not being kept down by the man and his racist BS anymore and then actually have some good matches. He'll be over as hell in no time.

williamssl - 5-16-2016 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* Vince confirmed via shareholders conference call that Cena, Orton, Rollins and Wyatt will all be back in action within the next 30 days.

Cena is supposedly coming back on May 30th RAW, and Rollins 1 week later.

Paddlefoot - 5-16-2016 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Similar to what GEG and bopol said, ADR is badly in need of a gimmick change. Maybe pairing him and Paige together on TV would be good for both of them, but I'd like that idea of a mafioso gimmick in a non-PG landscape. Or make him the new Eddie Guerrero?

Don't say things like that because it'll just give them stupid ideas. They'd probably put Hayes behind it and he'd resurrect this:

Eyetalians, Messicans, whatever. They're all the same, right?

denverpunk - 5-16-2016 at 11:53 PM

Ah yes, Salvatore Sincere. For ADR, I was thinking dangerous sicario, not goofy goomba, but good point. That said, Razor Ramon was a rip on Scarface and was great, so maybe?

Flash - 5-17-2016 at 12:45 AM

I always thought that they needed to throw ADR a curve when it came to his first go around with the WWE.... Maybe through some kind of happenstance Ricardo wound up with all of ADR's money;

Which would give you:

1) A bit of a character reset on ADR; move him away from the Million Pesos Man gimmick.... Now he'd be much angrier, or even humbled, having lost everything and driven to succeed.

2) Ricardo doing a variety of entertaining stuff out on his own, but having absolutely no idea how to actually be rich... like super tacky purchases as he Brewster's millions his way through ADR's fortune.

I also thought at one point before they got into all the cars week after week that it would have been funny if ADR were only Mexican rich... that the millions he had were only pesos... (yes I'm aware the worlds richest man is Mexican). Probably a dumb idea as it would turn a pretty bad ass wrestler into a bit of a comedy gimmick.


I do like the idea of him heading up the "cartel"... which could be a great name for a stable (Primo and Epico maybe), but with the WWE not really having a major Latino face they could counteract the inevitable accusations of racial stereotyping I don't know that they'd run with that.

Honestly, I think he works better as a face... he can work well as a heel, but his ceiling as a face could be higher... No gimmick, just a guy who can take care of business.

bigfatgoalie - 5-17-2016 at 03:34 AM

ADR needs a good finisher. Give him the figure four. Give him the TKO. Hell, go the Eddie tribute route and give him the frog splash. A good finisher would greatly help.

williamssl - 5-17-2016 at 05:05 AM

Eddie's death brought Chavo's Kerwin White gimmick to a premature end. Let's finish what we started through ADR.

CM Crunk - 5-17-2016 at 09:00 AM

First off, Flash, I'd be all for them bringing back Ricardo. ESPECIALLY if they plan on turning him into Latino Zoidberg. As for ADR's finish? I still don't know why he dropped that spinning capture armbar that he used to do. But I get the feeling that the bigwigs don't want too many people running around with submission finishers at the same time. But don't get me started on that because then I'll just be complaining about the Anaconda Vice being a better finish than the Go To Sleep that that one guy who writes comics and watches The Walking Dead used to do.

Paddlefoot - 5-17-2016 at 02:34 PM

* Emma took a bad injury at a house show on the weekend and has to have surgery for a ruptured disc

* AJ Styles is more banged-up than he's been letting on, with an ankle and a back injury bothering him right now

CCharger - 5-17-2016 at 04:46 PM

Here's an ASSLOAD of ADR rumors. They all seem a litte pat to be true, but they were reported on Cageside Seats:

* ADR is pissed because he was promised a main event run when he returned, and that hasn't been the case

* Meanwhile, WWE brass - particularly HHH - is pissed at ADR for his bad attitude, and HHH has never been a fan of ADR anyways.

* ADR reportedly fucked Charlotte sideways right before getting together with Paige, and this has caused some awkward heat between the two women.

* Vince has decided to capitalize on this real life heat, and has asked writers to develop a story line to re-boot the Paige/Charlotte feud.

CamstunPWG187 - 5-17-2016 at 06:36 PM

Wow, ADR is DTF

Paddlefoot - 5-17-2016 at 07:17 PM

ADR vs Cesaro in a grand BTF/F FTW tournament. Sex tapes to be released followed by widespread future endeavoringings as the PR value of over a thousand Cena make-a-wish visits is destroyed in a flurry of thrusting, squealing, and grunting.

[Edited on 5/17/2016 by Paddlefoot]

CCharger - 5-17-2016 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
destroyed in a flurry of thrusting, squealing, and grunting.

[Edited on 5/17/2016 by Paddlefoot]


I'm glad I'm not your girlfriend.

janerd75 - 5-17-2016 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
destroyed in a flurry of thrusting, squealing, and grunting.

[Edited on 5/17/2016 by Paddlefoot]


I'm glad I'm not your girlfriend.

Then you'll also be glad he didn't add in the part of what they do when a Canadian female is "presenting". Molson's and maple syrup for lube, dude. They are a strange and mysterious people.

CCharger - 5-17-2016 at 08:31 PM

So Canadians are the Dothraki to our Westeros?

Count Zero - 5-17-2016 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by janerd75
Then you'll also be glad he didn't add in the part of what they do when a Canadian female is "presenting". Molson's and maple syrup for lube, dude. They are a strange and mysterious people.

Wha happen when Florida Man meets Canadian Woman?

No, that's not a setup for a joke.. well, okay, if it is, I don't have any punchlines. Fill your boots, and come up with your own. Or just tremble in fear. Whatever seems most appropriate.

Paddlefoot - 5-17-2016 at 10:31 PM

They call me Rubberneck! And there's nothing sick at all about watching tapes of Paige and the Flehr girl getting their happy places matchka'd to oblivion either. Not everything is poor ol' Tater Total levels of disturbing dontcha know.

Chris Is Good517 - 5-17-2016 at 11:06 PM

Saw a rumor today that Vince is ready to concede that the Roman Reigns project is not working and pull the plug, but HHH is still fighting to make Reigns the guy (no pun intended). Vince is also reportedly very impressed with Nakamura and wants him on the main roster sooner than later.

Take that with the appropriate amount of salt.

CCharger - 5-17-2016 at 11:07 PM

Vince giving up on Roman Reigns? LOL

I'd take that rumor with more salt content than a Canadian's ejaculate.

williamssl - 5-17-2016 at 11:35 PM

Just gonna take your word that the latter has a lot of salt content to it. I trust you on this one.

bopol - 5-18-2016 at 01:43 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
So Canadians are the Dothraki to our Westeros?

He's from Regina. They drink a lot of hand sanitizer in Regina.

Flash - 5-18-2016 at 01:49 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Vince giving up on Roman Reigns? LOL

I'd take that rumor with more salt content than a Canadian's ejaculate.

Wait is that a thing?

I mean I knew about the whole excessively polite thing, or our bizarre obsession with hockey.... but that salty semen shot rumour is maybe hurting our ability to score internationally.... dammit, now we're going to have to start being seen drinking pineapple juice by the kilolitre.

As for Vince giving up on Roman....

I don't know, unless his merch' is massively in the toilet or nowhere near where they expected it to be, I just can't see them giving up on him so quickly into his reign after so massively doubling down on him the last two years... I mean Vince, for as delusional as he is, probably would have called the audible before Wrestlemania when fan revolt was at it's worst, as opposed to now when there's less on the line and you are only a month and a half from sticking to your guns on running with Roman.

Now I could see Vince deciding to diversify a bit more and actually realize that he has about 5 hours of TV a week to fill and an exceptionally talented roster...

Anyway, gotta go melt some ice with my semen...

janerd75 - 5-18-2016 at 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Wha happen when Florida Man meets Canadian Woman?

You send 'er on down and I'll let you know. Got a nice little place in the Everglades where we can find oot.

Originally posted by bopol
Originally posted by CCharger
So Canadians are the Dothraki to our Westeros?

He's from Regina. They drink a lot of hand sanitizer in Regina.

Speaking of drinking hand sanitizer, that's what Vince would have to be drinking if he cut Roman off at the knees right now. I may be mistaken, but I thought Roman did a decent job of fighting for his life through the RoBOOOOOOOOOO's while on the mic against another relative non-talker in A.J. Styles. It wasn't Punk or Cena or Rock crowd redirect mastery, but I liked when he went after the fans for chanting for Rollins. He's in the hot seat, fer chrissakes, lets see how he handles it. It'd help if they took the...goddamnit...things literally used on horses people figuratively use to describe someone taking control of something...and let him sass it up on the mic a bit. The tweener-to-heel thing is "working", now let him have his full heel "fuck the fans" Poi Bomb moment and let that fucker go nuclear. And whomever slays him in the future shall be the droid we are looking for. Something something bath salts...

ETA: Hot of the rumor mill from CSS, but a discussed possible headlining match for Summerslam this year would be Roman Reigns vs. you guessed it...Frank Stallone....
...oh dearie me, the lulz. Cena. It's fucking Cena. Versus Reigns. In Brooklyn. Brooklyn. Yes, that Brooklyn. New York. Yes, that New York. The one with the pimp and C.H.U.D. problem. Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease, Vince...

[Edited on 5-18-2016 by janerd75]

CCharger - 5-18-2016 at 02:50 PM

* It's almost certain that Reigns vs. Cena will headline SummerSlam.

Paddlefoot - 5-18-2016 at 04:32 PM

I'll mark out for it. I like Cena. Reigns is a good wrestler no matter how much they've botched just about everything about him. The crowd will be memorably insane. What's not to like about this scenario? Yes, I want AJ to someday hold the WWE title, and I think he will given how popular he's been since he arrived. Realistically though it's too soon, they have a lot for him to do with the Bullet Club guys, and he has some nagging injuries to deal with as well. All in all Cena-v-Reigns for a while isn't something that needs a mass freak out of complaining attached to it.

williamssl - 5-18-2016 at 05:27 PM

1) Reigns/Cena was going to happen. There is no sense fighting this, or if you do/were, you were doing it at your own futility against something that was near 100% inevitable.

2) SummerSlam was where it should/would. This is a WM or SummerSlam match. Not one to be "wasted" on a lesser PPV (and yes I"m including Survivor Series and Rumble in that batch). SummerSlam and WM are the two that get the big media/fan access/etc treatments. If there's still consideration for WM33 picking up WM32's intended Cena/UT match, then SS it is.

3) Reigns needs his big match/feud with someone, well, big, to legitimize his championship. Yeah, people are going to pick apart my word choice in that statement, but it's true. He needs a signature feud and win, and this fits that bill perfectly. No disrespect to AJ at all, and many others on the roster, but Cena is a/the top dog and assuming Roman goes over (even if full heeling in the process), this would be the signature win.

4) Holy shit the crowd reactions. I could care less about points 1-3, or this being a match I was clamoring for for any other reason. The fan reactions to this - the build and the event itself - is a pure "get your popcorn, grab a seat, and prepare to be entertained in a big way."

In conclusion, it makes sense but more importantly,

PS -I know you're dead and all, but chew with your fucking mouth closed, pal. That's disgusting.

Paddlefoot - 5-18-2016 at 05:53 PM

Nevertheless there's still gonna be way way too much of this going on. WWE! They're ruining my whole fucking life!

williamssl - 5-18-2016 at 06:17 PM

Assuming there are IWC meltdowns over this, the popcorn applies there as well.

"Finn Balor should have gotten that spot, and Reigns should have put him over. I'm sick of veterans getting all the main event spots...and when a newer guy actually gets one, they get buried. See: AJ Styles at WM and now against Reigns, where he'll probably lose at Extreme Rules and have an 0-3 PPV streak going. "

CCharger - 5-18-2016 at 06:20 PM

Regardless of what the IWC thinks or wants, this match will make Vince a fuckton of money and will garner lots of mainstream attention.

I also second the thought of the crowd reactions. My mind whirls.



williamssl - 5-18-2016 at 06:28 PM

For those without their converters,

Fuckton > fuckload > boatload > lots

Paddlefoot - 5-18-2016 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Assuming there are IWC meltdowns over this, the popcorn applies there as well.

"Finn Balor should have gotten that spot, and Reigns should have put him over. I'm sick of veterans getting all the main event spots...and when a newer guy actually gets one, they get buried. See: AJ Styles at WM and now against Reigns, where he'll probably lose at Extreme Rules and have an 0-3 PPV streak going. "

This has the makings of a great diss-the-IWC-sk8rboi's mockery-mania, with a daisy chain of fuck-you, written all over it. To wit:

"Ziggler should have broken Taker's streak at WM five years ago"

"CM Punk (380 day title reign, 8 cumulative title reigns, 2 x MITB winner) got treated worse by WWE than anyone's even been in the entire history of being treated worse"

Keep 'er going.

williamssl - 5-18-2016 at 06:58 PM

May I enlist you, sir, as my brother-in-troll, to...well....troll the heck out of this everywhere and every time it happens? We've got a solid 3 months until SummerSlam, and then a good 1-3 weeks afterwards, where the kvetching and moaning and gnashing of teeth will be going on, peaking in July/early August in the weeks leading up to the PPV.

Perhaps the gOOd community will surprise us and profess their love of popcorn and spectacle and have that exceed their inherent IWC purity and overwhelming need to tell us repeatedly how horrible this is and will be and that it is DOOM! DOOM I tell you for the now and future of wrestling EVER and that this is the last straw and WWE shall never (EVER!*) have their eyeballs gazing upon it.

This is potentially a very big job and, while I am strong and capable....I do not think I can do this alone.

* never (EVER!) = 1-2 weeks

[Edited on 5-18-2016 by williamssl]

anglefan85 - 5-18-2016 at 07:01 PM

I'm probably looking too far into this one, but nonetheless:

From the PWtorch

Pop TV did not include TNA Impact in their Upfronts listing for the 2016-2017 slate of TV programming.

�The network�s upfront programming line-up includes over 400 hours of original content and a diverse mix of eight original shows,� Pop noted in a press release. TNA did not make the cut.

At the very least, it indicates that Impact is not a priority to pitch to advertisers, especially in light of Pop battling uphill to draw ad revenue for two hours of original Impact programming on Tuesday nights.

In the Upfronts announcement, Pop stressed their original series �Schitt�s Creek� starring Eugene Levy and other programming in the works they are proud to present to advertisers and think could draw in new ad dollars.

At worst, it means Pop is not planning to renew Impact when their deal expires.

Most likely is Pop has soured on Impact, both in terms of not drawing enough revenue and not coming close to the 1.0 million viewership mark that Pop president Brad Schwartz unrealistically predicted before Impact debuted. If ratings were good, Pop would emphasize Impact as their most-watched program.

Further capturing Pop�s lack of attention to Impact, there is currently no mention of the TNA Hvt. Title match between Drew Galloway and Bobby Lashley airing on tonight�s Impact. Also, there is no graphic or general notice for Impact airing Tuesday nights on Pop. The website is highlighting Schitt�s Creek and their �New Kids On The Block� program.

Overall, Impact has struggled to fit in on Pop TV since debuting in January. Pop�s programming skews toward female viewers, whereas Impact reverses to a 65/35 split of males 18-49 vs. females 18-49. Impact has not drawn consistently enough viewers to make up the difference and appeal to Pop�s standard advertisers.

Pop tried to shift the Tuesday night replay to Saturday mornings to create a second audience, but the replay timeslot only lasted four weeks. The first airing drew decent viewership, but the last three airings drew about half of the audience.

Through the first 19 weeks of 2016, Impact averaged 372,000 combined viewers on Tuesday nights, DVR viewership added an average of 43,000 viewers per episode, and the the total audience average was about 415,000 viewers.

nOOb - 5-18-2016 at 09:35 PM

I imagine they still have two or three more complete failures before they finally go under. Why WWE hasn't just bought them out yet is beyond me: you get a library AND you can explain both long gaps in history for guys disappearing as well as being able to say more about AJ Styles other than "He was in Japan for a little bit and other places".

CCharger - 5-18-2016 at 09:38 PM

Here's a legit, non-snarky question:

What is TNA worth? Vince bought WCW for just $24 million. I'd doubt TNA is worth half that.

Paddlefoot - 5-18-2016 at 10:08 PM

Good question and the only answer is probably a combination of what Vince thinks it's worth and what Bob Carter can get to avoid being humiliated when it's over. I guess one of the things that is different from when WCW went under is that with TNA Vince doesn't have a personal stake in it this time. Whatever jibes TNA might have aimed at him have fallen so short that they could quite literally be completely beneath his notice. It was different with WCW because they could have put WWF out of business. And the insults were personal too, from first hiring Hogan to signing Bret to Bischoff's challenge for Vince to show up at a PPV. Paying only $24 million for WCW when a couple of years before they were probably worth three times that probably still makes him laugh out loud when he remembers it.

With TNA Vince has no reason to be vindictive, not when he has his own 100% WWE-brand feeder system in NXT that's pretty much inarguably superior to TNA. It'll probably be a handshake deal with Bob Carter and handing over maybe two to five million when the time comes and that'll be it. The only real impetus WWE will have will be to get control of the TNA archive so that it doesn't end up in the hands of some old timer NWA flake who thinks he can extort $10 million for it later on. If that happens WWE won't even bother negotiating any further and all those great matches that happened under the TNA banner will get tucked away in a basement somewhere, or get sold as third-rate DVD's over the internet without the added sales benefit of being backed by the WWE merchandising machine. That would be a tragedy because just from the X-Division and Knockouts sections of the archive alone they could probably put together about ten compilations in the first year of ownership that would earn them back the money they paid for it.

anglefan85 - 5-18-2016 at 10:26 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Here's a legit, non-snarky question:

What is TNA worth? Vince bought WCW for just $24 million. I'd doubt TNA is worth half that.

Not to mention that buying TNA also means taking on their debts, which at this point have to be around how much the company is worth.

janerd75 - 5-18-2016 at 11:18 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
May I enlist you, sir, as my brother-in-troll, to...well....troll the heck out of this everywhere and every time it happens? We've got a solid 3 months until SummerSlam, and then a good 1-3 weeks afterwards, where the kvetching and moaning and gnashing of teeth will be going on, peaking in July/early August in the weeks leading up to the PPV.

Perhaps the gOOd community will surprise us and profess their love of popcorn and spectacle and have that exceed their inherent IWC purity and overwhelming need to tell us repeatedly how horrible this is and will be and that it is DOOM! DOOM I tell you for the now and future of wrestling EVER and that this is the last straw and WWE shall never (EVER!*) have their eyeballs gazing upon it.

This is potentially a very big job and, while I am strong and capable....I do not think I can do this alone.

* never (EVER!) = 1-2 weeks

My preferred SS Card:

Owens vs. Zayn for the IC Title OR Zayn vs. Orton for the IC Title which could potentially give us...

Bork vs. Owens just for shits and giggles.

Cena vs. Cesaro for the U.S. Title. Maaaaaaybe add Rusev and Hot Lana to the proceedings.

Thusly leaving the Main Event to the SHIELD...

Reigns vs. Rollins vs. Ambrose for the Heavyweight Title.

Buuuuuut, since I'm all aboot trainwrecks and have an impeccable shitposting record, if it's Reigns vs. Cena in Brooklyn you want...

Slade - 5-19-2016 at 01:22 AM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Originally posted by CCharger
Here's a legit, non-snarky question:

What is TNA worth? Vince bought WCW for just $24 million. I'd doubt TNA is worth half that.

Not to mention that buying TNA also means taking on their debts, which at this point have to be around how much the company is worth.

If the company has more debts than assets, which I think it is fair to assume it does, then wouldn't that mean that the company is worthless?

bopol - 5-19-2016 at 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Slade
Originally posted by anglefan85
Originally posted by CCharger
Here's a legit, non-snarky question:

What is TNA worth? Vince bought WCW for just $24 million. I'd doubt TNA is worth half that.

Not to mention that buying TNA also means taking on their debts, which at this point have to be around how much the company is worth.

If the company has more debts than assets, which I think it is fair to assume it does, then wouldn't that mean that the company is worthless?

Yes, that's why you sometimes see companies bought for free because the new owner assumes the debt.

As far as what TNA is worth, who knows? It'll be worth what someone will pay for them. I wouldn't be surprised if VKM buys them for $1 M if he can get their debtors to accept 50 cents on the dollar.

salmonjunkie - 5-19-2016 at 02:31 AM

If Vince buys TNA, do you think they make a deal of it at all on TV? Do they then recognize the TNA championship reigns that some of their current roster have? I imagine they would in the case of AJ and the Dudleys, and maybe Christian would be allowed to say he was champ when he does a HOF speech.

Do they count their NWA Championship reigns during TNA as well? I assume that maybe they would since they count those the NWA/WCW championship reigns, but I would also argue that NWA-TNA championship reigns aren't as prestigious in their eyes as NWA/WCW championship reigns.

OORick - 5-19-2016 at 03:23 AM

On WWE TV? No. Just no.

But a TNA "invasion" of NXT? Yes, please. My reasons:

(1) It would be "beneath" Vince, so it's likely a story to be told by competent writers/bookers, and would give us a chance -- albeit on a smaller stage -- to see what a GOOD inVasion might look like. My read is that you could acknowledge TNA went out of business, and WWE gobbled up all its assets, but those TNA talents are NOT happy about being treated like second class citizens (just because their previous ownership was inept does NOT mean they are not world class performers; or something like that), and so they decide to band together to gain some modicum of power/respect. Not "we sincerely intend to take WWE down," but more "WWE treats us like TNA is a stigma, and they bury us, but we sincerely intend to show everybody that if you throw politics out the window, we belong here."

It'd be neat if HHH would visit a bit more to treat NXT like "his baby" and be the Uber Politician trying to keep TNA guys down, but it could work just as well with Regal, so long as you make it clear that Regal is receiving guidance from Corporate, and is gladly doing their bidding, since he, too, has a vested interest in "his" crew getting preferential treatment over interlopers.

(2) Samoa Joe as NXT Champ creates a lot of options for shifting allegiances and drama. He and Styles are really the only two guys (unless Jeff Jarrett materializes) who really have TNA in their DNA to the extent that they might be TNA "moles" or whatever. None of the WWE guys who slummed it in TNA has any reason to reveal "Oh, hey, I LIKED it when I left the big time, and got paid sporadically to wrestle in front of 400 people" (for Flair or Foley or the Dudleys or Hardys or Angle, it's main roster, and pretend-TNA-never-happened, and that's that). And we've already seen that not even TNA's next-step-down guys like Storm and Young are really all that over on their own. A big SLEW of Storms/Youngs/Roodes/Galloways/EC3s/etc can make a splash, and then -- since AJ's not coming down from the main roster any time soon -- Joe is the perfect guy to make sure the entire concept has traction and legs.

It could even be a subtle sort of deal where Joe has no loyalty to TNA (they treated him poorly at the end), but he IS loyal to a lot of the GUYS from TNA, who he considers great wrestlers in their own right. Regal/HHH could keep forcing him to do damage to the "insurgents," and Joe keeps feeling guilty for beating up his friends, until NXT drives him into the arms of TNA. It's but one way you could do it, without the forced face/heel dichotomy that existed with WWF/WCW or WCW/NWO. There would be faces and heels on each side, because their motivations for being on that side would be different.

(3) Instant repopulation of the NXT women's division. Right now, the only ready-for-TV women left in NXT are Bayley, Asuka, Jax, and Alexa. There's no quick fix for that; it's just a case where they'll have to grind away for 12-18 months to get another handful of women who are both good enough and over enough. That is, there's no quick fix, unless you just bring in a few women claiming TNA affiliation (yes, this means keeping Gail Kim, then quietly signing a few who haven't been around TNA lately, for money or political reasons, and then claiming they were TNA all along).

But even if you do this, it's basically a 6-9 month story, and you're still buying TNA for the tape library, and not much else. I can't see the price tag being much more than low 7 figures.


First 9 - 5-19-2016 at 03:35 AM

I disagree about Storm not being that over on his own.He got a great reception in his debut and it seemed to generate hype. It all just fizzled out quickly when he left two weeks later for more money in TNA.

Anyway, my favorite part of a possible NXT invasion is what they could do with EC3. Yeah, he's not a big name but he's a quality performer who would thrive as the backstab-happy dick between TNA and NXT.

Flash - 5-19-2016 at 03:36 AM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Originally posted by CCharger
Here's a legit, non-snarky question:

What is TNA worth? Vince bought WCW for just $24 million. I'd doubt TNA is worth half that.

Not to mention that buying TNA also means taking on their debts, which at this point have to be around how much the company is worth.

It'd probably depend on how their company is structured, and when TNA becomes available... I'm guessing if they go into bankruptcy then their assets (which is a grand total of their library) would probably get tied up... if they swoop in now and buy up the catalogue and trademarks then it'd probably be on the cheap, and debts be damned.

Let's face it, TNA's library really only has value to one person, and that's Vince. If he's going to grab the whole library then the name would probably need to be bought as well...

Just out of curiosity where is the $24 million figure for WCW coming from? Is that including the various contracts he did take on? I'm only asking as I'd heard numbers that were far lower, and Jericho once famously said that if he'd known in advance how cheaply Vince got WCW for he would have bought it himself... Y2J has done well for himself, but I don't know if he's done that well.

merc - 5-19-2016 at 04:29 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Here's a legit, non-snarky question:

What is TNA worth? Vince bought WCW for just $24 million. I'd doubt TNA is worth half that.

You are incorrect & correct in the same post!

WWE bought the WCW tape library & name for 2.5m and also picked up $1.8m in liabilities.
(;=10-K&d;=498a2b58b94c536c ) - scroll down to page 10.

So yeah,TNA ain't worth 12 million.

Wait for the filing and buy at auction. There is no Turner Broadcasting prolong this puppy up.

bopol - 5-19-2016 at 04:31 AM

Personally, I'll say if they do a TNA invasion, then do it right.

1) The wrestlers are a personal stable of Jim Cornette & James Mitchell.

2) They are only doing this because Jim and James promised them back pay that they are owed by Dixie.

3) They all travel in a rent-a-car that's way too small for the stable and they regularly stop at Dairy Queen drive-throughs. Needless to say they stay in dives and all share the same room.

4) Jim Cornette has hired them basically to go after sports entertainers that he hates. Needless to say, Santino needs to be hired back for the group to destroy him. Then they can go after guys who represent everything Jim Cornette hates it wrestling (it's really to him, dammit) like reality stars (the Miz), high flyers (Neville), fat asses (Owens), guys who fucked him when he wanted to put the entire company on his shoulders (Zahn), big muscleheads that remind him of Batista (Ryback). And because it's Cornette, you know he'll be mad at someone.

5) In the meantime, James Mitchell can unleash evil stuff on Bray Wyatt because you're not legit until you blow off your finger.

6) With the right mix of TNA talent (Samoa Joe, Eric Young, EC3, James Storm, Bobby Roode, Abyss, Spud), you've got a variety of talents that can put on good match with WWE wrestlers.

If done right, you can give guys a chance to have a storyline in between big rivalries. Basically, a Paul Jones army from the Mid-Atlantic days of the 80s. Sure, I don't know why he was so mad at Jimmy Valient, but it kept the lower card fresh and created an awesome freak show when contrasted with the 4 Horseman/Dusty-Magnum work.

GodEatGod - 5-19-2016 at 04:48 AM

I would probably take 3 things from current TNA and scrap the rest

EC3 - He's blossomed since leaving NXT and has shown he has the kind of talent to make it on the big stage.

Drew Galloway - See EC3 - he's been a maniac and shown a ton of charisma that he never got to show in WWE. I suspect going through the depush/firing loosened him up a bit and took the pressure off.

Maria - I mean, she can bring Mike, I guess, but I just want Maria on my TV, like, all the time. Maybe the hottest woman ever in wrestling, my personal opinion, your mileage may vary.

Foxcalibur - 5-19-2016 at 04:56 AM

I also am fine with a TNA "invasion" of NXT, though I don't actually see why NXT brass would be opposed to any such thing.

I think part of making NXT its own unique brand is to dispense with the idea that NXT management gives a shit about home-grown vs. foreign performers the way Vince does. One thing I've loved about General Manager William Regal (besides his ability to glower as t-shirts bounce off his face) is he welcomes everyone from indy darlings to Japanese legends to TNA mainstays.

So I can see him surprising the NXT roster with an infusion of new blood from TNA, and making the competition to see who's the best a driving factor for NXT TV for the next year. Just let chaos reign a bit as everyone forms factions and the TNA guys prove their stuff.

Then you'd escalate the storyline over time as the sides calcify and dig in and get territorial. Maybe someone from TNA forms a pretty good tag team with someone from NXT, and both sides get irked. Maybe Samoa Joe falls under pressure to choose sides. And the whole time Regal just sits back and smiles as competitors get competitive and characters create drama.

Eventually the whole thing comes to a head at a knock-down drag-out war at Takeover, with both sides scoring points.

Then the next night, TNA is "buried with honors," everyone agrees they're all NXT now, and all the WWE legends who set foot in TNA come out and give it a round of applause. Maybe Jeff and Jerry Jarrett even show up to take a bow.

What I DON'T want is Evil Corporate Overlords dictating arbitrarily that "These competitors must be Kept Down because The Man prefers These Other competitors." Because actual corporate executives would want the best competition possible. Because money. And I'd be fine with Triple H secretly being in on Regal's plan to just let NXT and TNA duke it out.

Not saying Rick's idea is a bad one. I'd watch it. I'm just sick as a bloody parrot of Evil Irrational Corporate Overlords. I like my Corporate Overlords Xanatosy: Reasonable, rational, and capable of enlightened self-interest. Why would they give a shit if former TNA guys currently under their employ outshine long-time NXT guys also under their employ?

[Edited on 5-19-2016 by Foxcalibur]

Paddlefoot - 5-19-2016 at 05:39 AM

As there's no real need for Vince to engage in any final humiliation of TNA, because they never came even slightly close to being a competitor to him, I can't see how any of these scenarios would ever come to pass. There's just nothing in it for him to insert TNA's existence into any storyline. And maybe that's a good thing too. From the WCW Invasion through to the handling of booooooo-Reigns as examples, do we really want them scripting out something for an entity as inept as TNA turned out to be, when on the cosmic scale of things their own Creative department shows themselves to be as fucked up as TNA is on far too many occasions? Just buy the fucking archive already, get EC3, Spud, Storm, and some of the residual Knockouts into the ranks, and move past it all like finally ejecting an annoying burrito that's been producing bad gas and disturbing stomach rumbles for far too long.

Foxcalibur - 5-19-2016 at 05:46 AM

Oh Pad. I know. Nothing good will come of expecting WWE to book things well. NXT booking feels like good booking because it's simple, but it's by no means capable of any sort of riveting, bravura storytelling with structure and layers or anything. All of this is just fantasy booking spitballing.

merc - 5-19-2016 at 11:31 AM

timing is bad for the talent in TNA. Right now there's a lot of new blood on TV, with injured old blood due back (how many days for Orton Dom? ). From a talent = inventory perspective, Supply is high and demand is low. I doubt there will be a lot of money in any deals.

SpiNNeR72 - 5-19-2016 at 12:13 PM

There are some great shows in the TNA archive from 2005-2007, when Style, Joe and Daniels were on fire, and some great tag team stuff shortly after, but as already mentioned it really means nothing to WWE.

Even the current runs of AJ, Joe etc can easily have highlight package clips sourced from other indies so even that isn't much use to them.

Also, why associate yourself with the dying company when the best of the talent are going to end up with WWE anyway?

In other news, Cena is being advertised in the dark match for the 30th May RAW, whether thats a hint he will be working with Reigns after AJ's run is up to your interpretation but I'd go for it as a rare chance for Cena to be cheered for a bit..

[Edited on 5-19-2016 by SpiNNeR72]

denverpunk - 5-19-2016 at 06:59 PM

According to his Twitter feed, Cena is booked to host the ESPYs. As bad as that show is, it's still a really high profile booking for Superman.

royberto - 5-19-2016 at 08:11 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
According to his Twitter feed, Cena is booked to host the ESPYs. As bad as that show is, it's still a really high profile booking for Superman.
ACcording to ESPN too:

coxito - 5-20-2016 at 12:45 AM

Vince could still buy the library and hold on to it for 5-10 years so when some of their recent acquisitions start to retire and they want have network specials and dvd collections. They still have plenty of footage in the archive so they arent in need of the content currently. Its always been mentioned that he is preserving the history of professional wrestling and i understand that its partly so he can control what history remembers but i dont think TNA did anything to piss him off enough for him to want to whitewash it from history.

[Edited on 5-19-2016 by coxito]

CCharger - 5-20-2016 at 12:59 AM

The focus of WWE right now is the Network. If they think they can get more subscribers by offering TNA content, they will snatch it up in a heartbeat.

bopol - 5-20-2016 at 02:16 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
The focus of WWE right now is the Network. If they think they can get more subscribers by offering TNA content, they will snatch it up in a heartbeat.

So, since TNA can't get viewers right now, how many subscribers you figure TNA will get you and, by extension, what is the content worth?

CamstunPWG187 - 5-20-2016 at 02:26 AM

I haven't read the entire topic, but that 24 million figure is ridiculously false. Vince paid such a paltry amount of money for WCW that Chris Jericho admitted that he would have bought it outright had he had known the negotiated price.

Wasn't it revealed to have been around the 3 million mark?

I don't see Y2J having 24 million at the time.

futurelegend91 - 5-20-2016 at 02:49 AM

Originally posted by CamstunPWG187
I haven't read the entire topic, but that 24 million figure is ridiculously false. Vince paid such a paltry amount of money for WCW that Chris Jericho admitted that he would have bought it outright had he had known the negotiated price.

Wasn't it revealed to have been around the 3 million mark?

I don't see Y2J having 24 million at the time.

If memory serves me correctly, your figure isn't that far off the mark. Since there was no TV time attached to WCW, Vince was able to acquire it for a song.

Paddlefoot - 5-20-2016 at 05:21 AM

As a result, AOL Time Warner sold the copyrights to WCW's name to the WWF for $2.5 million, in 2001. Shortly after the purchase, Vince McMahon purchased the entire WCW videotape library for an additional $1.7 million, bringing the final tally of World Championship Wrestling's sale to $4.2 million.


Did Vince get stuck with the contracts of the guys who refused to wrestle at the time (Goldberg, Nash, Hogan, etc.) or was that still AOL Time Warner's responsibility? Can't see Vince being the kind of guy not for force them to show up for appearances if he was paying them, and those contracts would have been the only way that overall purchase price could have ballooned up to $24 million.

[Edited on 5/20/2016 by Paddlefoot]

anglefan85 - 5-20-2016 at 06:07 AM

Due to lack of budget and money, TNA had to cancel two dates next month in which they were to tape TV shows. The originally plan was to tape every day of the week after Slammiversary but because of the severe shortage TNA is going through, they are only taping three days instead of Monday thru Friday.

Taping over 5 days was bad enough for the wrestlers who had to work multiple times during that time period and getting burned out in the process, and now TNA's cramming more into 3 days?

If nobody gets hurt during these tapings, its gonna be a miracle.

Slade - 5-20-2016 at 07:28 AM

The likes of Hogan, Savage, Nash, Hall, Luger, Sting, Goldberg and Flair, as well as a few others, were still collecting their guaranteed contracts from AOL Time Warner after WCW was sold. I don't think there were many wrestlers on the lower part of the card with those same contracts. However, DDP and Booker T opted out of their guaranteed contracts to try to become stars in WWF. I remember DDP once said that he figured he didn't have many years left in him and thought that he might have been able to make more money as one of the biggest names to make an immediate cross over. Booker T may have also assumed that his chances of stardom and bigger pay days were greater by jumping earlier while all of those other guys were sitting on the sidelines. I think it is fair to say that the decision worked out wonderfully for Booker T and didn't really pan out for DDP.

Gobshite - 5-20-2016 at 01:19 PM

I wouldnt say it failed for DDP, it just didn't go as well as he might have hoped.... But then we have no idea what DDP's goals were, how long he had left on his WCW contract, and what he accepted as the buy out value on that contract. Plus, he definitely bagged himself a bunch of goodwill by being prepared to take the chance, and that still sees him tied to the WWE to this day.

Paddlefoot - 5-20-2016 at 03:12 PM

And we'll never now what might have happened for him if it hadn't been for that career-ending injury. The crowd marked out great for his debut against Taker and his "and that's a good thing!" lifestyle-coach gimmick was picking up steam before he got permanently hurt. He'd probably be retired by now but there was no way that he wouldn't have held the IC or US titles at least once, and maybe even been able to brush up against the main belts during the brand split too. He was just too good at his job and well liked by everyone not to get a chance at something significant. Hell, put him on SD permanently and those would have been some great Smackdown Seven matches against Angle, Edge, Eddie, Benoit, and the others that were there at the time ten-odd years ago.

Dominator - 5-20-2016 at 09:50 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Originally posted by denverpunk
According to his Twitter feed, Cena is booked to host the ESPYs. As bad as that show is, it's still a really high profile booking for Superman.
ACcording to ESPN too:

This could be the greatest ESPYs ever. Especially if Cena goes off-script a bunch. Like he should.

He should MUST reprise the Doctor of Thuganomics for his monologue.

Cherokee Jack - 5-21-2016 at 06:45 PM

Per his Twitter, Cody Rhodes/Stardust has requested his release from WWE.

Il Palazzo - 5-21-2016 at 06:52 PM

Part of me is hoping this is just playing into him changing things up again and getting a fresh run in WWE, but I'm more than prepared to take it at face value.

merc - 5-21-2016 at 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
Per his Twitter, Cody Rhodes/Stardust has requested his release from WWE.

So this is a rumor? (Channeling my inner Matte)

Paddlefoot - 5-21-2016 at 08:38 PM

Eden's twitter gives him "full support" so it could be legit. Hope not. He still has way too much to offer and should be a perennial competitor for the mid title belts.

vonLampertheim - 5-21-2016 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
Per his Twitter, Cody Rhodes/Stardust has requested his release from WWE.

What's Cody Dreamer doing in Korakuen Hall with the Bullet Club, Yoshi Tatusu?

[Edited on 21-5-16 by vonLampertheim]

Matte - 5-21-2016 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by merc
So this is a rumor? (Channeling my inner Matte)

Thanks for doing my part.

Also, I'm currently petitioning to name all future iterations of the rumor thread "Rumor/News Crap [year], [part]" in order to resolve this pressing issue once and for all.

anglefan85 - 5-21-2016 at 10:10 PM

Wow, when I was coming home today, I had this feeling that I was gonna go online and read something I didn't wanna see. My feeling was correct.

Such a wasted talent, Cody should have been a main-eventer.

Flash - 5-21-2016 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Cherokee Jack
Per his Twitter, Cody Rhodes/Stardust has requested his release from WWE.

If this is true, then that's a shame; to use an NHL comparison Rhodes is that perfect 3rd line two way player who can also play second line minutes. He's had quite a few distinctly different gimmicks/characters in his almost 10 years (he's only 30, so think about that for a second)...

Off the top of my head;
*The blue chip rookie mentoring under Bob Holly
*Dr. Doom Cody
*Mustached Cody
*Just Cody w/ Goldust

I guess I kinda wonder if how long he's been around as a mid carder is hurting him... I mean 10 years treading water around the mid card for that long probably hurts your ability to really break out; for the WWE to find something fresh about you and really shake off that much time doing 3 minute matches as a semi-disposable guy.

Still; despite that maybe stigma, Rhodes has managed to reinvent himself time and time again and get over... so maybe this is a case where you've got to go away to come back bigger thought process that's going through his mind. At age 30, and with his legendary pedigree he's got a lot of years with the WWE ahead of him if he'd want it I imagine, and while he's maybe not quite got that it factor to be at the very top of the card, some time away might give him and the WWE an opportunity to have him come back in a high profile way.

Then again there's still nothing up on the homepage about Rhodes taking a walk, and it is a bit weird for this to come out while it's still in the asking phase... So maybe this a case of a "real" story playing out... Not that we've seen a lot of tantalizing names get recently endeavoured, but how cool would it be if all these endeavours were just a work and you've got a new kind of Outsiders faction brewing?

GodEatGod - 5-21-2016 at 10:40 PM

Yeah, I feel like this might be a work of some sort. Cody's wife, for one, is also a WWE employee and I don't see him going from that to working some random indy road schedule while she's on tour with WWE. Also, his brother works there and they have his father's legacy. That isn't to say he shouldn't want more or want to progress further. More likely, I think it means that Stardust may be coming to an end. I love Stardust, but I get that he's kind of become more of an anchor around Cody's neck than a help. But I'm a big fan of Cody and hope, whatever comes, that he gets a chance to be on TV more.

First 9 - 5-21-2016 at 10:59 PM

Could be a number of reasons besides his place on the card. All the traveling getting to him, wanting to try his hand at acting, stand up, or other feds to raise his stock, or wanting to rehab an injury that he simply couldn't while working for WWE.

Dominator - 5-21-2016 at 11:07 PM

Cody will be fine when he returns at the Rumble feeling refreshed as the American Kid Cody Rhodes and goes 55 minutes and steals the show with a 3rd place finish all will be right with the world.

First 9 - 5-21-2016 at 11:58 PM

Remember when the hottest prospects on the roster where Wade Barrett, Cody, and Ziggler?

merc - 5-22-2016 at 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by merc
So this is a rumor? (Channeling my inner Matte)

Thanks for doing my part.

Also, I'm currently petitioning to name all future iterations of the rumor thread "Rumor/News Crap [year], [part]" in order to resolve this pressing issue once and for all.

That could work, or maybe just the " 2016 thread for those to lazy to create a thread and rumor thread"

Flash - 5-22-2016 at 04:31 AM

Couple of rumours;

*As of right now, there are no plans for a second season of Edge and Christians show.

Meh, I don't think this is exactly like networks doing their up fronts; I think the WWE just throws ideas at the wall and see's what sticks, and otherwise do things on their own schedule. The show is likely cheap enough to produce that once they string together enough ideas we could see the whole "no plans" thing change on a dime.

*Babyface Stephanie McMahon here to stay?

Steph' has an autobiography coming out shortly, so there's some expectation that she'll stay as a face when and where she appears on TV over the next stretch as they are planning a pretty major promotional tour of the book. The book itself is part of a succession strategy to raise her profile outside of the company (in addition to all the other stuff she's been doing lately) to soften any turmoil that might come with the aging Vince's passing one day.

Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of a Steph' biography; she's not exactly a rags to riches story of overcoming hardship. I won't deny that she's probably done a lot of shit jobs in the WWE (I know she used to work the sales phone lines and fill t-shirt orders back in the day) but for as competent and hard working as she may be, there was probably a certain inevitability that she was going to have a seat at the top table in some shape or form.

This probably also isn't going to be a backstage shocker either where we find out once and form all Macho Man was black listed because of ploughed the bosses daughter either...

At a guess?

Nice stories about Andre, slogging it out in the mail room, and maybe overcoming some kind of personal tragedy like bulimia.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it will be at times interesting, but this feels like a crafted puff piece coming out way.

Now the 7 tomb Vincent Kennedy McMahon: How I took over the world is the one I'd be waiting for.

Paddlefoot - 5-22-2016 at 05:12 AM

Dunno if I'm capable of that cynicism, man. Watched the opening for Raw the night after Owen died on YouTube yesterday and Stephanie's crying almost made me start crying (again). I don't doubt that she knows her corporat-ese by know and won't deny she has to shoulder her own fair share of responsibility for botched pushes and dumb plotlines over the years. With some of the other characters in this business though, including some that are also still inside of WWE, if it were my line of work I don't think that I'd mind working for StepHHH. Not being a suck-up, just acknowledging that there's way worse out there to be employed by.

* apparently both Cody and Dustin Runnels left this week's SD tapings early before they began filming; their profiles as Stardust and Goldust are both still up on but then again so is Adam Rose's

[Edited on 5/22/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Flash - 5-22-2016 at 07:39 AM

My post wasn't a criticism of Stephanie; I do genuinely believe that for as much as she was probably always going to draw a salary as an executive of some kind, she's definitely put in the work to make sure she's a respected leader (for the most part), than an outright act of nepotism. I'm also not suggesting that her life has been perfect and free from drama either....

My point was I'm just not sure of how compelling a story that might be, coupled with the fact that this book is being put out with a clear agenda in mind.... that often tends to lead to a kind of false drama.... I dunno; it's like that Disney movie Remember the Titans... great message, decent acting, overall a good movie... but you could feel the "...and cue sad music now" moments coming a mile away.... on the flip side a movie like Schindler's list was also exposing you to something, but it was in the hands of a master story teller so you really experience that emotion....

Eh... I think it's too late and I've just devolved into gibberish.... when somehow you go from Stephanie McMahon being compared to desegregation and the holocaust you know it's time to go to bed.

bopol - 5-22-2016 at 03:43 PM

Maybe she'll fess up about the relationship with the Macho King.

Chris Is Good517 - 5-22-2016 at 05:03 PM

I think Cody's done, at least for the immediate future; he went to school for acting and my guess is he wants to try his hand at that rather than just leave to wrestle elsewhere. I don't think it's out of the question that maybe he pops back up in 3-4 years and I think having the stench of midcard joke washed off of him will be great for his career.

But if he's done, leave 'em wanting more, I guess. He'll be one of the bigger "what could have been"s of the current era, but that actually seems depressingly standard for the last ten years of WWE.

TomS - 5-22-2016 at 07:49 PM

I think he may be working us:

All the reports I've seen are 100% false & just speculation.

Hope to provide answers by this evening.

Huh, I wonder what else is happening this evening?

Paddlefoot - 5-22-2016 at 09:08 PM

* Rollins is now fully medically cleared for his return and will be backstage at the PPV tonight, and hopefully he gets one of the biggest pops of all time tomorrow if he shows up at the end of Raw tomorrow and clocks Reigns from behind

* Sasha Banks apparently was injured at a house show back on May 15 when she got concussed after being accidentally kneed in the head by the referee; no word on her return date

* Naomi is close to being medically cleared to return from her knee injury

First 9 - 5-22-2016 at 09:56 PM

It might not be the most daring decision, but I hope the next chapter in AJ's uneasy alliance with the Club is Anderson and Gallows ditching him in favor of Rollins. Leading to a long run of AJ vs Rollins classics.

Matte - 5-22-2016 at 10:12 PM

"WWE has come to terms on the release of Cody Rhodes as of today, May 22, 2016. WWE wishes Rhodes the best in all his future endeavors."

salmonjunkie - 5-22-2016 at 10:43 PM

I always thought it sucked that Stardust and Goldust never got to properly finish their feud at Wrestlemania or even the following PPV.

the goon - 5-22-2016 at 10:55 PM

Originally posted by salmonjunkie
I always thought it sucked that Stardust and Goldust never got to properly finish their feud at Wrestlemania or even the following PPV.

Agreed, not to mention that Goldust/Stardust were really entertaining as a tag team.

With that said, I'm not quite as high on Cody as a lot of people seem to be. He just screamed "perennial midcarder" to me and even though he's a talented performer, I just feel like he was missing that certain something that separates the main-eventers from the rest of the card.

denverpunk - 5-22-2016 at 11:51 PM

Wow, not even two years ago would I have ever thought that Cody would be misused to the point that he quit. Maybe it's more of a Christian situation, and he can come back later after elevating himself in Japan or Lucha.

In any case, this should be a cautionary tale for most of the roster.

Paddlefoot - 5-23-2016 at 12:06 AM

Full Cody statement here via the twatter machine.

Flash - 5-23-2016 at 12:08 AM

"Tell-all nonsense" OMG secret jab at CM PUNK!!!!!

Paddlefoot - 5-23-2016 at 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Flash
"Tell-all nonsense" OMG secret jab at CM PUNK!!!!!

Kind of interesting how that one will play out over time. Those who wrestled Hogan say he's a diva and arrogant as fuck. Macho was paranoid beyond belief. Warrior was insane but basically all talk. Orton a pure moron but safe as hell. Punk though? Probably everyone who isn't named Colt Cabana will say something along the lines of him being one of the greatest of all time but a genuinely miserable son of a bitch with a personality like a bag of broken glass.

Count Zero - 5-23-2016 at 12:55 AM

And as for "no tell all", he kinda went full-silo on the "head writers". One of them "pretending" to be Brian G and the other chasing develeopmental divas around, allegedly. That's telling something, I think?

ulsterphil - 5-23-2016 at 01:37 AM

First Barrett and now Rhodes with a bit of bang. I would say that theres a few more guys backstage sick of treading water hoping for a spot that isnt coming. Who do you think is next?

Insert popcorn gif here.

CCharger - 5-23-2016 at 03:32 AM

Originally posted by ulsterphil
First Barrett and now Rhodes with a bit of bang. I would say that theres a few more guys backstage sick of treading water hoping for a spot that isnt coming. Who do you think is next?

Insert popcorn gif here.

Don't forget Ryback going rogue too. It would appear that lockerroom morale leaves a bit to be desired.

bopol - 5-23-2016 at 04:04 AM

I bet it has to do with guys like Styles, Owens and Zahn getting immediate pushes into good programs while they spin their wheels.

Matte - 5-23-2016 at 04:12 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Don't forget Ryback going rogue too. It would appear that lockerroom morale leaves a bit to be desired.

Flash - 5-23-2016 at 05:58 AM

Originally posted by bopol
I bet it has to do with guys like Styles, Owens and Zahn getting immediate pushes into good programs while they spin their wheels.

I'm sure it's a combination of things; those guy's they'd maybe say paid their dues; but who knows....

I'd personally peg it down to a few things;

*Reliance on part time guys taking prime spots on what were some of the guy's biggest pay day PPV's.

*Not a dig at Roman Reigns; but is there a more clear example of the WWE brass just going ahead and running with their plans instead of giving opportunities to guys who are getting over. Before you get over, you draw more... you draw more, you get to run with the ball a bit.... now you either get over on the WWE's terms, or you get shuffled further down the card.

*Money.... who doesn't like it, and I'm sure it made for a bit of temporary cure-all for locker room discontent... I think it was a couple years ago talent saw some of their "bonus" revenue streams like video game payouts shrink among other things, and now it's the Network taking away what might have been some lucrative PPV profit sharing in favour of bonuses.

*The Road.... that's always going to be the big pain in the butt in being in the WWE, but the days of a UK only PPV and a few house shows once or twice a year are long gone in favour of several tours all over the world. On top of that I'm sure that the WWE no doubt pushes the whole social media thing which means a few more hours on the clock without pay.

*Other opportunities being out there.... WWE is probably the big dog when it comes to pay, even on the down side, but there is still a lot of other money out there that would let you live a very comfortable life no doubt, minus about 80% of the work and hassle... plus, who thought Batista was going to be a star in Hollywood... if he can do it, why shouldn't others try their hand at it.

TomS - 5-23-2016 at 09:15 AM

Speaking of talent spinning their wheels, I wonder how Ziggler is feeling right now? (I've not seen Extreme Rules yet, so I'm going on the assumption he lost )

But yeah, Cody seemed like one of those "can't miss" talents. And they missed several times over with him.

ulsterphil - 5-23-2016 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by ulsterphil
First Barrett and now Rhodes with a bit of bang. I would say that theres a few more guys backstage sick of treading water hoping for a spot that isnt coming. Who do you think is next?

Insert popcorn gif here.

Don't forget Ryback going rogue too. It would appear that lockerroom morale leaves a bit to be desired.

I had totally forgot about Rubsack indeed. Although i think thats more indicative of him as a worker than anything else.

CCharger - 5-23-2016 at 02:58 PM

Well, if it is a morale issue, the explanation isn't complicated. WWE presents itself as a company in which if you work really hard and are great at what you do, you will be recognized. If you grab the "brass ring", you will get a push.

However, their actions have demonstrated quite the opposite. They tried to bury Daniel Bryan who was the most over guy since Steve Austin and was a phenomenal in ring worker. Then they insisted on pushing Roman Reigns despite his lack of ability and crowd reaction. That frustration for guys who are busting their ass and trying to grab the brass ring and then getting passed over for a poor worker with zero charisma can be defeating. CM Punk expressed as much.

When your boss tells you to work hard and you'll be recognized only to work hard and have your promotion go to the new guy two cubicles away who can't tie his shoes, you start getting the "who gives a fuck" attitude.

denverpunk - 5-23-2016 at 03:58 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Well, if it is a morale issue, the explanation isn't complicated. WWE presents itself as a company in which if you work really hard and are great at what you do, you will be recognized. If you grab the "brass ring", you will get a push.

However, their actions have demonstrated quite the opposite. They tried to bury Daniel Bryan who was the most over guy since Steve Austin and was a phenomenal in ring worker. Then they insisted on pushing Roman Reigns despite his lack of ability and crowd reaction. That frustration for guys who are busting their ass and trying to grab the brass ring and then getting passed over for a poor worker with zero charisma can be defeating. CM Punk expressed as much.

When your boss tells you to work hard and you'll be recognized only to work hard and have your promotion go to the new guy two cubicles away who can't tie his shoes, you start getting the "who gives a fuck" attitude.

Quoted for fucking truth.

salmonjunkie - 5-23-2016 at 05:36 PM

It's so shortsighted of the writers to not listen to Cody's idea of shedding Stardust and going back to Cody Rhodes, especially if he had a what, why, and how involved. There could have been some great storytelling involving others. That they'd ignore him goes counter to the long thought notion of the top brass being open to people's ideas.

Also, this reads like Stardust wasn't his idea, either. Although, he definitely did a good job with establishing the character. Unfortunately, for him, the character only got pushed so far. I was hoping that after the program with Stephen Arnell, he would have gotten a decent push. Adding the Ascension as his goons could've been a good idea if they did more with it - that they kinda suck didn't help, but being his goons could have been a good thing for them as well.

Anyway, if Cody wants to go to Japan, ROH, or Lucha Underground, I think he'd do very well in any of those. Hell, even stupid TNA. He'd be world champ his first month in.

Speaking of stupid TNA, Ryborg's tweet was great (quoted from above if you're too lazy to scroll up).

#FeedMeMore during #ExtremeRules if you want to see Ryborg in the Impact zone...��

� The Big Guy (@Ryback22) May 23, 2016

[Edited on 5-23-2016 by salmonjunkie]

Paddlefoot - 5-23-2016 at 05:57 PM

* word is that Cody might not be working for a while as WWE is going to hold him to the non-compete aspect of his contract until it's officially expired; apparently Cody wanted to ditch the Stardust gimmick at WM32 but Vince and Hunter said no

* apparently Adam Rose asked for and was officially granted his own release by WWE in order to address his personal issues

[Edited on 5/23/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Matte - 5-23-2016 at 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* apparently Adam Rose asked for and was officially granted his own release by WWE in order to address his personal issues

"WWE has granted Adam Rose�s request to be released, as of today, May 23, 2016. WWE wishes Rose the best in all his future endeavors."

anglefan85 - 5-23-2016 at 06:03 PM

No way is Cody ever going to TNA, and I can think of at least two reasons that are aside from TNA basically being a sinking ship.

For one, his brother and wife still work for the WWE, and having him jump to their "competitor" might make things worse for them and their career.

And secondly, his brother worked for them, and he won't even speak publicly about his time there. Goldust had a pretty big drug problem while working for TNA, a problem that TNA didn't seem to do anything about. If my sibling was in that situation, I wouldn't wanna work for a company that didn't seem to care for their well-being.

Paddlefoot - 5-23-2016 at 06:12 PM

I'm not sure if I want to see any of the released/future endeavoured end up in TNA because:

1) it won't do them any good because TNA won't stop being stupid just because some more WWE castaways arrive
2) it won't do TNA any good because none of these guys are big or talented enough to save TNA
3) odds are that Dixie will do something with them so moronic that it makes their last days in WWE look like fun for them in comparison
4) they aren't exempt in the slightest from getting shafted on their paycheques the way that too many other TNA people are, including ones that are still there

All in all it's like being a bench-warmer in baseball or a fourth-line center in hockey looking for yet another team to sign to in the off-season. Get old enough and they all turn into Crash Davis before too long. Happens to everyone who wasn't lucky/talented/favoured enough to be one of the genuine stars. That feeder system at NXT is turning out to be far too good at creating fresh stars so the odds of any of the released ones being brought back at all are much lower now than they were for veterans from the late 1990's who could cycle through WWF then WCW then ECW and then come back in some capacity. The writing is really on the wall if WWE is so steeping in talent right now that they can legitimately tell Kurt Angle or the Hardys that, no, you're not coming back because we simply don't need you and we're not obligated to put up with your crazy bullshit again. At that stage with all those kind of obstacles, if I were young enough still and relatively uninjured, I'd pack it in and move onto the next part of my life. Fun's fun and all but at some point they need to get serious and do something else.

Agree too with Anglefan about TNA simply not giving a damn at all about most of the people that work for them. Ask Daffney and the one Wolf who was basically at the point of being Dynamite Kid-levels of crippled, and they still forced him to work, about how well TNA regards anyone with an injury.

salmonjunkie - 5-23-2016 at 06:25 PM

I don't think Cody is stupid enough to go to stupid TNA. Just saying he'd be hotshotted to the main event if he did. But really, I see Japan, ROH, LU, or even NWA-affiliated indies as much more likely places he'll spend the next two or three years, rather than stupid TNA.

That applies to Wade, Ryback, Adam Rose, etc. No one who was released from WWE should go over to stupid TNA until they get their business shit back together - and I honestly don't think that will happen. (exception - Wade's buddy Drew is champ over there. So I do think there's a slight chance we'll see him show his face there briefly, even though I don't think it's the best move for him)

I pretty much can't type "TNA" without typing "stupid" in front of it these days. Stupid stupid stupid TNA.

Anyways, sorry I brought them up. Let's not talk about that silly company anymore for now. I'd much rather focus on just talking about the individuals rather than stupid TNA.

[Edited on 5-23-2016 by salmonjunkie]

williamssl - 5-23-2016 at 06:30 PM

But isn't TNA at this stage by definition stupid, in which case you could just type TNA and everyone would know you're talking about stupid stupid TNA?

It's like when people say "close proximity". Proximity means "near or close".

Word economy.

vonLampertheim - 5-23-2016 at 06:33 PM

I know any kind of "What is so-and-so doing in the /insert second tier bingo hall/, /insert third tier announcer/?" reply gets dismissed as not being serious, but Cody having monster two year run in NJPW as part of the Bullet Club would seriously be the best thing for his career. He would get to learn all the intangibles about getting/staying over from a similarly-sized Kenny Omega, his stock rises exponentially and he breaks through that midcard ceiling, NJPW gets one of WWE's best rough diamonds after losing talent to the recent WWE raid, and Cody can come back to the delight of the WWE crowd in two years a la Luke Gallows. Plus, all the Iron Chef reruns he can stomach---Sakai ftw.

[Edited on 23-5-16 by vonLampertheim]

Flash - 5-23-2016 at 07:23 PM

I can't see any of these guys going to TNA... I mean they'll have bills to pay, which would require actually being, you know, paid.

I don't see Cody ever coming back as a main eventer, but a consistent upper mid-carder once he can shake the quasi-jobber status with a few years away is very likely... plus; who knows what two years from now might hold... I'm not talking about some mystical new promotion rising to the level of respectability, but with the network, a true brand split isn't out of the question. Cody Rhodes probably isn't ever going to be the Raw champ, but a Smackdown, or NXT champ isn't out of the question (and for the record him being Raw champ shouldn't be either).

Anyway.... best of luck to Cody; you were a master of turning the crap they gave you into some pretty entertaining stuff.

As for Adam Rose this was probably his only play... He likely knew once he came back from suspension he was destined for the chopping block, and while he was suspended he couldn't make money.

anglefan85 - 5-23-2016 at 07:43 PM

Hmm, Cody Rhodes in the Bullet Club. I could get behind that.

salmonjunkie - 5-23-2016 at 08:57 PM

Originally posted by anglefan85
Hmm, Cody Rhodes in the Bullet Club. I could get behind that.

I second this

anglefan85 - 5-23-2016 at 09:42 PM

Now for some positive news for TNA: in-on-the-network

They've got a multi-year deal. The network just forgot to mention them.

Paddlefoot - 5-24-2016 at 12:56 AM

In Pop-TV's defense keeping TNA is now about as significant as keeping the same custodial company for another year that sends cleaners out at night to spruce up their office bathrooms and empty the waste bins. It's nice for the janitors but who the hell else really gives a fuck about it.

salmonjunkie - 5-24-2016 at 01:43 AM

Stupid TNA just won't die, will they? Ok, Fine.

My terrible prediction: Cody, Wade, and Ryback will all ambush Drew Galloway and be known as "The Group".

Paddlefoot - 5-24-2016 at 02:05 AM

Jesus Christ, Josh! What are Moonrock, Ward Bennett, and The Large Man doing in the Impact Zone?!?!?!?

I don't know, Josh, but they seem to be taking their frustrations out on the other newcomer Ray Leppard, the Extreme Badger!

Flash - 5-24-2016 at 02:07 AM

Couple of rumours, or at least stuff getting fleshed out a bit more...

*Cody's departure from the WWE was apparently not on good terms, and there is talk that the WWE might try and stick it to him not just for the old 90 no compete period, but for the length of time that was left on his contract. Apparently this beef was coming from Vince reneging on letting him go back to being Cody.

I can see the 90 no compete, but the rest is probably just noise... The WWE hasn't had a lot of luck enforcing that stuff in the past, and starving out the son of a legend, and a guy who gave you 10 years in his own right is heavy handed by even WWE standards.

*Mayor Kane? Apparently Kane, who's 49, is giving some serious thought to running for the mayor of Knox county Tennessee. Kane has been fairly prominently attached to some different public positions in the past, lending his name in support to others who've run, and appearing in some conservative papers/interviews.

At 49 the guy can't be long for the ring, although you wouldn't know it... is a mayor spot going to be the one that he opts to hang up the mask for? The guy also owns an insurance agency for the past several years, so he seems like he's been planning for life after the WWE for a while now.... although the idea of Kane selling you home insurance, completely with coverage for HELL FIRE... makes me laugh a bit.

*George "the animal" Steel is dealing with some pretty serious health conditions right now per his twitter... no details, but here's hoping he pulls through.

*After Extreme Rules went off the air Rollins celebrated with the belt for a few moments and then left. Reigns then woke up from his nap and was promptly booed out of the building. Apparently Bubba Ray took offense to the anti-Roman chants, and took to twitter to air his grievance.

*We may be getting a women's MITB match this year.... I just don't think they have enough depth to warrant this yet.

ejspoon - 5-24-2016 at 12:54 PM

Adding Cody to the Bullet Club, at least the Elite version, might be a bit much considering Cole and Page just joined. But Cody vs. Lethal? All sorts of awesome.

jefft221 - 5-24-2016 at 03:29 PM

I think WWE would have to keep paying Cody the rest of the contract if they want to keep him not wrestling for that plus 90 days.

I wonder if he'd be able to be Cody Rhodes elsewhere or have to be Cody Runnels.

Team Street Smarts?: Cody Streets & Damon Sandien?

I had thought about a Women's MITB match, but thought a twist on it would be different. I had dreamed up a "Bank-Vault" match instead. Still have a contract but it's at the top of a cage. So confined to being in a ring, ~4-5 women would be plenty so depth of ~6-8 wouldn't be an issue, might be a bit safer trying out a cage match than a ladder match with the women and would give it it's own identity apart from a MITB ladder match.

But then WWE makes an Asylum match the month before and now that'd feel redundant.

CCharger - 5-24-2016 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Couple of rumours, or at least stuff getting fleshed out a bit more...

*Cody's departure from the WWE was apparently not on good terms, and there is talk that the WWE might try and stick it to him not just for the old 90 no compete period, but for the length of time that was left on his contract.

I thought the CM Punk and ADR situation's both proved that independent contractors cannot be held to a no compete.

Paddlefoot - 5-24-2016 at 04:54 PM

Cody has to keep in mind that if he doesn't co-operate that they might take it out on Dustin and Eden, just like when AJ Lee had to bail out on them when their fight with Punk just got too intense for her to stick around any more. Whether they actually would try to take some kind of petty revenge is debatable but the apprehension will always be their with some of the potentially vindictive personalities at the top of the WWE food chain. Kind of typical with all bosses everywhere. If you're lower on the totem pole than they are you never can full trust any of them.

CCharger - 5-24-2016 at 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
CWhether they actually would try to take some kind of petty revenge is debatable.

Yeah, I can't imagine Vince or HHH ever being petty, vengeful, or vindictive.

Paddlefoot - 5-24-2016 at 05:27 PM

All I said was there's probably apprehension about revenge being taken and that's a healthy feeling for anyone anywhere in an inferior power position to have, not just at WWE. Anyone who fully trusts their boss is a fucking idiot, and that applies to every employee or sub-contractor on the planet. That being said when it comes down to the belief that Vince & StepHHH are extra-vindictive and out to nuke any employee that goes astray there's a real lack of supporting evidence. They didn't do anything to derail Owen after Bret punched Vince out after the Screwjob; if anything, going by some of those YouTube shoot interviews, both Vince and HBK said that the bad blood stopped with Bret and assured Owen it wouldn't affect him at all. AJ probably would have been in more trouble for mouthing off at Stephanie on Twitter than she would have for being married to Punk. Cody might not push the issue and just take the time off in order to ensure there's no repercussions for Dustin and Eden even though in all likelihood they wouldn't do anything to them anyway.

I'm just guessing here but I assume that most of your venom for WWE comes from your support for CM Punk and how he was "mistreated" by WWE even though he was a central figure and multiple-times title holder during his six or seven years there. Just wondering why you feel this way considering, as I've stated, there's a clearly lack of evidence that WWE is out to "get" anyone. There's people they'll clearly never hire again (Jarrett, Angle, Dupree) and they'll still botch more than enough storylines because they far too often can't see a great talent even when it's standing right in front of them (Bryan). That's a far way from proof though that they're insanely revenge-driven and out to mash those that fall into to their bad books into the ground. For all their quirks and eccentricities there's a hell of a lot of other wrestling bosses out there that have been significantly worse to work for than the McMahons have been.

CCharger - 5-24-2016 at 06:41 PM

I don't know if WWE is extra-vindictive. But apply it to the real world of business. If you work for a multi-million dollar media company and one member of a married couple quits in a huff, how often does that company attempt to destroy or harm he remaining spouse? Not many. Why? They'd get sued up the ass. WWE can get around this by blaming any burial on "creative direction" rather than any acrimony.

Paddlefoot - 5-24-2016 at 07:13 PM

Not really. Not when it was widely available public information that the relationship between Punk and WWE had turned to shit long before he made his final departure. I highly doubt that AJ was in any lasting trouble at all, even with the Twitter beef with Steph that happened, and that she'd be in the thick of things for the women's title right now if she had stayed. She was simply too talented and visible and popular to downgrade her to a Tamina or Rosa Mendes status, not when all those matches she could have had with the NXT call-ups were just begging to happen. When it gets down to it I'd bet far more that she left simply out of loyalty to Punk, and to put an end to any internet soap opera over the issue, than because of any problems she might have had with WWE management.

CCharger - 5-24-2016 at 08:50 PM

I'm not talking about Punk. You're talking about Punk.

bigfatgoalie - 5-24-2016 at 10:43 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
I don't know if WWE is extra-vindictive. But apply it to the real world of business. If you work for a multi-million dollar media company and one member of a married couple quits in a huff, how often does that company attempt to destroy or harm he remaining spouse? Not many. Why? They'd get sued up the ass. WWE can get around this by blaming any burial on "creative direction" rather than any acrimony.

How often does WWE?

AJ got a prime spot on the Mania card AFTER Punk left.

Lana's social media blunders didn't hurt Rusev.

Drew McIntyre was just as involved in his wife's mania meltdown...and his depush had as much to do with injury.

On the subject of morale, what is interesting is that a lot of the guys speaking out recently had kinda peaked. Ryback, Barrett, and Cody were all usable guys to have on the roster. But they were quickly out classed by guys like Owens, Rollins, Ambrose, and even Roman. But Rhodes has made it clear that he thought he had shown he was a top talent. Which bring up an easy to answer question: is Cody Rhodes capable of being the blue chip guy you build RAW around?


On the same scale...Ryback complained about money, and how the guy who loses shouldn't be paid more. And I don't doubt the WWE pay scale is bonkers...when you look at the top 10 paid does make sense. Should Ryback be making as much as Cena? Dear lord no. But if we are basing it on value...he shouldn't be making as much as Ambrose or even Sheamus. I mean...has lacking Ryback hurt RAW or Smackdown?


Will not having Cody hurt the product?


Do I agree with Cody that he could have been better used? 100%. Do I accept that the writers probably ignored him because his ideas weren't there own? Sure. Is a writer trying to hook up with young talent while avoiding his job deplorable? Very much. All of these are valid points.

But at the end of the day the main disagreement the leaving or soon to be leaving talent has is that they think they are more valuable (either in turns of pay, push, or WM main event worthiness) than the WWE does. Does it completely discredit their complaints about how the WWE works? No. But it is a reminder to take their bitterness in stride.

The Hitcher - 5-25-2016 at 05:35 AM

Edens apparently asked for and been granted her release as of my Facebook feed so, probably a non starter on the en-shaftening.

First 9 - 5-25-2016 at 06:44 AM

Yeah, they're vindictive but only when they get hit in their wallet. Punk left in the middle of WM season forcing them to rearrange a huge portion of their biggest event of the year and left them without one of their top players.

Cody asked for his release, Vince and HHH probably won't feel any real effects of his sudden departure, and they probably couldn't give a fuck about Cody violating the 90 day no-compete clause. There's no avenue for Cody to compete that puts him in direct competition with WWE. It's either Japan, Mexico, or the small American feds. The closest thing they might give a shit about is LU or TNA, who both have money issues and probably couldn't afford him. Not to mention the shitload of tapings they sandwich together so who knows when the debut of Cody Runnels would make it on the air.

Now Adam Rose on the other hand might get blacklisted for trying to make their drug policy look like an unfair and ineffective system. That's their public image that runs of the risk of being tarnished, now that they probably won't just forget if Rose tries to come back.

SpiNNeR72 - 5-25-2016 at 02:14 PM

Lets face it, Cody was a good hand but, as the chants many years ago went, "you're not gold dust" I was shot down when I mentioned the end of Stardust due to AJ Styles arrival, and still can't imagine anyone could have missed how much Cody based his character on Styles, but whatever.

Fact is he can be a big name due to his heritage almost anywhere else, and will raise his value to return one day (we all know bridges get rebuilt)

However, something I have thought about a lot would seem to apply to a lot of these recent releases - we often hear the "if you dont wanna be champ and lead the company then why are you here" type lines, but thats incredibly narrow minded.

There is nothing wrong with being a solid midcarder, and even a solid jobber. If I could be any wrestler on the current roster I'd pick Heath Slater! Gets lots of cool spots without the presure of being in the top spot, or trying to stay/get there.

CCharger - 5-25-2016 at 02:19 PM

* PWInsider reporting that the brand extension is returning and that Smackdown will go to live TV on Tuesdays

* Mickey Gall, CM Punk's scheduled opponent, posted that he has been told he will fight Punk in "late summer" which would mean UFC 202 or 203. It should be noted that is the same date that Dana White is trying to re-schedule the Diaz-McGregor fight.

* The Rollins-Reigns feud is expected to continue all summer leading to a blow off match at SummerSlam. There are no plans to take the belt off of Reigns before then.

* AJ Styles is still very much in the plans for WWE. It's likely he will get a run with the IC belt.

* Word is that Vince likes the Social Outcast gimmick and that they could get a big push moving forward

williamssl - 5-25-2016 at 04:42 PM

Extension goes live June 19 per WWE. Looking forward to it. With all the talent including returning stars, this is the best possible way to include more peeps in storylines/give tv time. Not saying the concept will be realized. But best possible concept. Now go make it so.

EDIT: This topic rightfully has its own thread since it is NEWZ and big. Go post there:

[Edited on 5-25-2016 by williamssl]

williamssl - 5-25-2016 at 10:17 PM

Cody's wife is gone from WWE

She asked for her release and in social media posts she's said she's leaving to pursue an opportunity outside WWE. I'm sure this was well in the works and factored into Cody saying "fuck it" as well.

We can end any of the speculation on petty retaliation yes/no effective immediately....unless we want to extend that to Dustin.

CCharger - 5-25-2016 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by williamssl

We can end any of the speculation on petty retaliation yes/no effective immediately....unless we want to extend that to Dustin.

Countdown to Dustin Runnels wearing a black singlet with large gold polka dots and having an older, developmentally delayed African-American valet in three...two...

Flash - 5-26-2016 at 12:34 AM

Booker in drag maybe?

bopol - 5-26-2016 at 02:56 AM

Originally posted by Flash
Booker in drag maybe?

This is terrible to say, but that would be all sorts of awesome.

The whole Cody Rhodes reminds me of the trouble of no competition and a benefit of the old territory days. In the past, he could go to Portland for a year or two and come back freshened up. Not so much these days.

Paddlefoot - 5-26-2016 at 03:03 AM

R-Truth in drag instead because he's nutty enough to make it work.

G. Jonah Jameson - 5-26-2016 at 03:08 AM

If the booking team decided to take out its frustration on Goldust by making him look like an idiot and jobbing him to everything in sight, would anyone notice?

Originally posted by bopol
The whole Cody Rhodes reminds me of the trouble of no competition and a benefit of the old territory days. In the past, he could go to Portland for a year or two and come back freshened up. Not so much these days.

Funny thing is, another way he could have been freshened up a bit is by jumping brands back when that was an option. That's how he transitioned from generic Legacy goon to Dashing Cody Rhodes in 2010.

lz4005 - 5-26-2016 at 03:32 AM

Originally posted by williamssl
[url=]Cody's wife

God dammit. She's crazy hot.

janerd75 - 5-26-2016 at 07:09 AM

Cody to Dustin: Stay gold, Ponyboy...

A lot of people asking me if I'm leaving. NOT planning on it. #GoldenTruth #DontReadTheDirtsheets #ImInMyPrime #BenjaminButton . #HomeWWE

— GOLDUST (@Goldust) May 25, 2016

ThePunisher - 5-26-2016 at 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Booker in drag maybe?

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
R-Truth in drag instead because he's nutty enough to make it work.

Then they just need to run a storyline about them being confused about which bathroom to use.

[Edited on 5-26-2016 by ThePunisher]

Paddlefoot - 5-27-2016 at 03:36 AM

* both Enzo Amore and Sasha Banks have been medically cleared and will be wrestling this weekend at house shows

the goon - 5-28-2016 at 02:20 AM

So no discussion yet about the cryptic "#Hatch" pictures that WWE is posting on Twitter?

The first one, with the caption "Locked Away. #Hatch"

The second one, with the caption "Extraction #Hatch"

So is this the world heavyweight title being taken out of storage in preparation for the brand split? Because the second picture definitely makes it seem more like they're hyping a "what" instead of a "who."

Matte - 5-28-2016 at 02:25 AM

WWE Films presents: Hatch. The origin of the Gobbledygooker.

Paddlefoot - 5-28-2016 at 02:26 AM

The return of IED Man?

Count Zero - 5-28-2016 at 03:28 AM

Hatch Lives?

the goon - 5-28-2016 at 03:47 AM

Or just a classic case of Vince being ten years behind the times and deciding to capitalize on that hit show Lost?

Paddlefoot - 5-28-2016 at 05:07 AM

One of the twatter comments said it looked like "Bray" written on the right door so maybe it has something to do with the Wyatts. They've been gone for a while now so maybe they're finally unleashing Sister Abigail.

nOOb - 5-28-2016 at 03:00 PM

Classic Chris Jericho vignettes.

salmonjunkie - 5-28-2016 at 07:16 PM

Originally posted by the goon
Or just a classic case of Vince being ten years behind the times and deciding to capitalize on that hit show Lost?

That's the first thing I thought of too. Next week, there will be a mysterious vignette that showcases these numbers:
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

Matte - 5-29-2016 at 03:44 AM

Cody Rhodes with a set list for "after 8/19" when his no-compete is up.

CamstunPWG187 - 5-29-2016 at 05:54 AM

That list is dope

Planet Starbucks - 5-29-2016 at 12:18 PM

Originally posted by nOOb
Classic Chris Jericho vignettes.

The man's a genius! He's done every return in the book, so now he's going to do his latest return BEFORE he actually leaves!

Cue mysterious LOST end of episode music.

nOOb - 5-29-2016 at 03:55 PM

This doesn't deserve its own topic but The Marine 5 is shaping up to be the most Marineiest of all the Marine movies..


WWE Studios and Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions (SPWA) today announced that the two studios will partner on the upcoming action film, �The Marine 5: Battleground.� Directed by James Nunn (�Eliminators�), the film will feature WWE Superstars The Miz, Maryse, Heath Slater, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel and Naomi. The film will begin production this Tuesday, May 31, in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

The Miz returns as Jake Carter, an ex-Marine who served in the Middle East and is now saving civilian lives stateside as an EMT. After responding to an emergency call in an abandoned parking lot, Carter finds himself protecting an injured man from a ruthless biker gang. With the odds stacked against him, Carter utilizes his unique Marine skills to stop the bikers� rampage before any more innocent blood is shed.

�The �Marine� series is a true fan-favorite and we are thrilled to join with Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions and director James Nunn to launch this next installment,� said Michael Luisi, President of WWE Studios. �For the first time ever, we will have six WWE Superstars in one live action film to ramp up the excitement and thrill audiences worldwide.�

williamssl - 5-29-2016 at 06:30 PM

Miz and Maryse filming beginning Tuesday? Typically this means "disappear from TV for several weeks to 2-3 months.

Either he'll have a lighter wrestling schedule that minimally keeps him on whatever brand he ends up on's flagship show and perhaps nothing else......or someone's gonna be losing their title real soon. Like maybe tomorrow. Booooo if so.

EDIT: ok - he says "production" and not "filming", which potentially buys a little time but not much.

[Edited on 5-29-2016 by williamssl]

nOOb - 5-29-2016 at 09:22 PM

The Dudleys are getting a producer credit on this one, as it is based off the true story of Aces and Eights: a jobber group that took to being a biker gang that accomplished nothing and bored audiences to tears quickly into the journey.

janerd75 - 5-30-2016 at 11:49 PM

Rumor has it Kevin Owens is aboat to cross some lines with me. Hey...hey...easy there, pal, eh?

. @FightOwensFight is awesome.

— Anthony Abbas (@TheAJUniverse) May 30, 2016

Gobshite - 5-30-2016 at 11:55 PM

I'm guessing this could be the last NXT live special that's branded as Takeover...

Ticketmaster no longer have NXT Takeover: Brooklyn listed.
WWE have removed it from their schedule.


Barclays centre still have it listed and, more

It's pretty much already sold out anyway. WWE released travel packages for SummerSlam weekend back in March, with packages offering tickets to all 3 events (plus other stuff). I imagine they sold quite well, and that plus regular ticket sales has likely almost sold the place out (SummerSlam is also pretty much sold out). No way they're cancelling the show,

I guess this is similar to WWF dropping the In Your House name... Can't call every major NXT show "takeover" forever...

Count Zero - 5-31-2016 at 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Cody Rhodes with a set list for "after 8/19" when his no-compete is up.

I just saw this today. It =is= pretty goddamn awesome. I would go apeshit crazy for a Stardust/Dalton Castle feud, but I'm fully aware that Cody probably can't ever do the 'Dust outside of a WWE ring.

Yayyyy for watching ROH & even sometimes seeing TNA! I know who & what most of these list items mean! Also, does Cody ever have some sharp penmanship.

CCharger - 5-31-2016 at 06:29 PM

He can cross Angle off that list. Northeast Wrestling has booked Angle vs. Rhodes on August 27th.

DKBroiler - 5-31-2016 at 08:45 PM

Yahoo revealed that at the end of the 2k17 Goldberg commercial you can see the words "Suplex City" in the reflection foreshadowing a rematch of arguably the worst WM match ever involving main eventers.

williamssl - 5-31-2016 at 09:17 PM

If it stays in the game, that's fine.

If he steps foot in the ring / on TV as part of the game promotion (e.g. cover reveal) and, say, gets confronted by Social Outcasts or the like and quickly dispatches them, that's worse than above but still tolerable.

If they bring him back in an active wrestling capacity - however long the duration - as part of promoting the game, or ever, that's not fine.

Hear me, WWE, for I have spoken.

Count Zero - 5-31-2016 at 10:23 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
If it stays in the game, that's fine.

If he steps foot in the ring / on TV as part of the game promotion (e.g. cover reveal) and, say, gets confronted by Social Outcasts or the like and quickly dispatches them, that's worse than above but still tolerable.

If they bring him back in an active wrestling capacity - however long the duration - as part of promoting the game, or ever, that's not fine.

Hear me, WWE, for I have spoken.
These are the words of a hunter. The words of a finder.

You have been warned, WWE. (seriously, I am backing you up here.)

williamssl - 5-31-2016 at 10:28 PM

WE will find them. WE will hunt them.

I'll take on the WWE. I'll let you handle Goldberg. Cool?

DKBroiler - 5-31-2016 at 10:42 PM

Please don't hunt or find me.

I still want to see Goldberg vs Ryback.

I'll let myself out.

bopol - 5-31-2016 at 10:56 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Please don't hunt or find me.

I still want to see Goldberg vs Ryback.

I'll let myself out.

The amount of no-sell would create a singularity and collapse the universe.

But I agree. For all out spectacle, it could be awesome. I'd pay really money to see Bret Hart in Ryback's corner and CM Punk in Goldberg's.

Count Zero - 5-31-2016 at 11:13 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
WE will find them. WE will hunt them.

I'll take on the WWE. I'll let you handle Goldberg. Cool?
I think I can get my hands on a rental car with lots of windows. Ought to neutralize the big lug in no time at all.

G. Jonah Jameson - 5-31-2016 at 11:56 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Yahoo revealed that at the end of the 2k17 Goldberg commercial you can see the words "Suplex City" in the reflection foreshadowing a rematch of arguably the worst WM match ever involving main eventers.

Which you could already relive in WWE 2K14's Road to Wrestlemania mode.

This is why the Goldberg announcement fell flat for me. With Sting, it was his first appearance in a WWE game. Goldberg's been in several, at least one recently.

Paddlefoot - 6-1-2016 at 02:00 AM

With his last appearance for WWE being less well received by fans than the birth of the rubber hand or the hatching of the Gooker were. There aren't many of the old guys still out there that want "one more round with WWE" but Goldberg's one of them. I respect what he did when he was new in WCW with the unbeaten streak and parts of his first WWE visit were OK too. I see no need or purpose to have any of the guys that came up from NXT or any of the TNA/Japan hires get jobbed out to him though. WWE doesn't need to do this anymore to catch attention. Sting was one thing because he's pretty much universally respected but that should be it for the old timers. They gotta leave this sort of thinking behind about what kind of single-moment big splash they can get out of these sorts of hirings.

If they can keep him sane for six months or a year the last one this should happen with should be Kurt Angle. That's not because they owe him anything but simply because he's a huge part of the history of the their best and most dynamic era, and because he put on some of the best matches from anyone that ever worked for them. Ditto with the Hardys too maybe. Can't say that about Goldberg though, so it should be time for them to move on and let the nostalgia go. Alumni deal? Why not? Worth twenty minutes a night on RAW/SD, or gets to take up a half-hour at a PPV? Nah, there's no point to it anymore.

[Edited on 6/1/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Paddlefoot - 6-1-2016 at 02:40 AM

* Viktor from the Ascension is being mildly repackaged as The Demonic Viktor as he goes it solo due to Konnor's wellness violation and Stardust's departure

* shades of how Highlander Robbie got fired after being seen in the audience at the TNA Impact Zone? Apparently part of the reason for The Brooklyn Brawler's firing after thirty years with the company was that he apparently called in to Taz's podcast to shoot the shit; Taz is on WWE's persona non grata list so Brawler doing that pissed some of the management types off

* contrary to popular belief Vince is very positive on Sasha Banks; he's worried though that she only has one speed, like Daniel Bryan, and that the injuries she's had in her first year on the main roster prove it

Flash - 6-1-2016 at 06:28 PM

Yeah, that whole hatch thing was a pretty big let down for the various reasons people have outlined above.

I kinda figured that if the WWE were going to do a swan song with Goldberg the time was about 2-3 years ago for a one off with Ryback.

Now? I dunno... he just doesn't feel like he could bring much to the table. Maybe for Summer Slam do some kind of all-star 6 man tag team match? Like Goldberg, Taker, .... yeah I've got nothing else, which just goes to show that even that is a questionable use of a limited talent.

Do they maybe pump up Baron Corbin just to job him out to Goldberg?

CCharger - 6-1-2016 at 06:49 PM

The most obvious booking scenario is to do Roman vs. Goldberg at SummerSlam or Survivor Series (whichever is closer to the release date). Roman wins obvi.

Vince & Co. are happy because their boy beat a huge name. Everyone else is happy because Goldberg lost.

Everyone's happy.

And if you don't think Reigns vs. Goldberg is a marketable match, you're nuts. It would probably suck BALLS, but it would sell.

punkerhardcore - 6-1-2016 at 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Viktor from the Ascension is being mildly repackaged as The Demonic Viktor as he goes it solo due to Konnor's wellness violation and Stardust's departure

Jesus, how many demons does this company need? Kane, Finn Balor and now Viktor. That's just as bad as all the Bigs they have. Someone get the creative team a fucking thesaurus, stat.

CCharger - 6-1-2016 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Viktor from the Ascension is being mildly repackaged as The Demonic Viktor as he goes it solo due to Konnor's wellness violation and Stardust's departure

Jesus, how many demons does this company need? Kane, Finn Balor and now Viktor. That's just as bad as all the Bigs they have. Someone get the creative team a fucking thesaurus, stat.

They should call him "Big Demon Viktor".

Then you would have all three WWE name tropes in one.

1. Big
2. Demon
3. Just the first name

williamssl - 6-1-2016 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
The most obvious booking scenario is to do Roman vs. Goldberg at SummerSlam or Survivor Series (whichever is closer to the release date). Roman wins obvi.

Vince & Co. are happy because their boy beat a huge name. Everyone else is happy because Goldberg lost.

Everyone's happy.

And if you don't think Reigns vs. Goldberg is a marketable match, you're nuts. It would probably suck BALLS, but it would sell.

Its release is October, which puts it somewhere between Night of Champs (9/25) and Hell in a Cell (10/30).

I'd be amazed if Goldberg agreed to come back for 1 match and have it be a loss. He just seems like one who continues to have an overinflated sense of worth and relevance that would prevent him from "lowering himself' to doing a comeback only for it to be a one and done loss. Also, he seems like one who's pricetag is or would be much higher than it actually is in value.

The combination of "you pay me a lot more than you think I'm worth" and "and I win because I'm Goldberg" are not good negotiation positions.

His comments in the past (2014) fuel my perceptions:

"Would I love to do it again and have my son and my wife, who has never seen me wrestle? Abso-damn-lutely. Would I jeopardize what I�ve done in the wrestling world just to make that happen? No. So if I wasn�t ready to do it, physically ready to do it, and it wasn�t the right situation, I wouldn�t do it just to do it. If that was the case, I�d probably be at WrestleMania this year. It just has to be right and if it�s not right, then I�m retired, for good."

"Until WWE realizes that I'm not just another wrestler signing a deal, I don't expect any progress. I don't expect any progress. Sorry."

CM Crunk - 6-1-2016 at 07:39 PM

I honestly wouldn't put too much stock in Goldberg having one more match in him. From what I've read, and it may have been mentioned here already but I missed it, his deal was signed through 2K via WWE and is not a Legends contract or anything more than him allowing his likeness to be used.

As williams said above, Goldberg simply has too much of an ego to just be brought in to the favor for somebody. Never was his thing, and judging by recent interviews (like his barely there appearance on David Shoemaker's still unnamed Ringer podcast yesterday) it still isn't. Could I see this turning into him maybe signing a Legends deal in the near future and getting into the Hall Of Fame? Totally. But beyond him showing up to promote 2K17 and spearing the shit out of Heath Slater in the process, I don't think we'll being seeing much more of him in the ring than that.

Paddlefoot - 6-1-2016 at 08:42 PM

* Judge ruled today that Jimmy Snuka is not competent to stand trial for the 1983 death of his then girlfriend; the case will be re-examined in six months but the defense says that Snuka's mental condition is deteriorating badly and he'll be in worse shape by then

Count Zero - 6-1-2016 at 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Do they maybe pump up Baron Corbin just to job him out to Goldberg?
I would... This is something.... How can you... Okay, honestly, I would find this terribly amusing. But is is the ONLY way I will 'enjoy' a Goldberg nostalgia trip. Besides, I bet Goldberg & Corben Bernsen are Hollywood-Buddies. They probably met on the set of a tv show, and exchange phone calls. They'd have great in-ring chemistry.

Flash - 6-1-2016 at 09:23 PM

I'm sure that whatever match they would throw Goldberg into garner some attention.... I'm just thinking that if I'm Vince, Goldberg isn't going to move the needle a whole lot either with network subscriptions on a one month shot, or main stream attention. So it comes down to merchandise; which might be something Goldberg could help with.... but to the tune of what.... a million dollars... two million... What's Goldberg worth?

Remember, this is a guy that they decided to let walk away after only one year, so I'm willing to guess that in Vince's mind that number is going to be significantly less than the million mark.

On top of that you've got a guy who's quite a bit of a pain in the ass. I mean has Goldberg ever really shut up about that one year in the WWE (you know, the one where they paid him a crap load of money, gave him the title, and put him over a good chunk of their upper card)? Hell, he's not even under contract and he's already talking about what kind of spot he would only come back for.

For what it's worth Goldberg has probably made enough money that he can stay home and not lose any sleep over not coming in for a farewell match in the WWE.... so really this is a case of two entities that don't really need one another, but if they could find a common number there might be room for something fun for the fans.

.... So that probably means we're getting Goldberg versus Big Show?

DKBroiler - 6-1-2016 at 10:41 PM

More like we're probably going to get Goldberg winning the Royal Rumble.

Edited to add: Please continue to not hunt me.

[Edited on 6-1-2016 by DKBroiler]

Paddlefoot - 6-2-2016 at 02:55 AM

* all sorts of new batshit from Teddy Hart on Colt Cabana's podcast recently

* Vince want's Taker to work SummerSlam this year but apparently Taker's not even returning his phone calls

Flash - 6-2-2016 at 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Vince want's Taker to work SummerSlam this year but apparently Taker's not even returning his phone calls

This is one of those rumours that just doesn't make sense to me... I'm going to guess that Taker and Vince are at the pick up the phone and call one another directly level.... I mean we know other guys like CM Punk, Austin, and Jericho are/were.

So is Vince running around the locker room bitching about how Taker won't return his calls? Is Taker someone who's not been consummate professional/locker room leader for decades in the past? I don't see Vince running around bitching, and I don't see Taker not returning the boss's calls.

G. Jonah Jameson - 6-2-2016 at 03:29 AM

Yeah, I think if the Undertaker weren't returning Vince McMahon's calls, McMahon's reaction would be less "that ungrateful son of a bitch!" and more "geez, I hope he's OK."


Paddlefoot - 6-2-2016 at 03:42 AM

Sounds like it's something the two of them do every once in a while as a game. Taker's contract says he has to only work once a year but that doesn't mean he can't work more if he agrees to. Depending on how beat up he is after WM he probably is physically able to do it by the time SS comes around. Given the drawing power he still has if announced at any event Vince would be kind of a fool not to at least talk to him about it. Taker being silent might mean that he's actually serious this time about this year's WM being his last event ever though. Who knows? I still think we'll see Taker/Cena next year as that is his last hill to conquer and then that'll be it for him.

CCharger - 6-3-2016 at 02:06 PM

* The plan is that for post-brand split RAW will be led by Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose while Smackdown will be led by Cena, Styles and Orton. The idea is that RAW will be the brand with the younger, newer stars while Smackdown will be the brand with the older, more established stars.

* It's being discussed internally to having the Cena-Styles feud lead to a match for the yet-to-be named Smackdown championship

* The name for the NXT Takeover show is subtitled "...The End" leading some to speculate if it is the last NXT special event or if NXT will somehow be re-branded

The Hitcher - 6-3-2016 at 09:19 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
* It's being discussed internally to having the Cena-Styles feud lead to a match for the yet-to-be named Smackdown championship

I really hope they don't do this.

Having two world champions was one of the dumber things of the last brand split, it devalues both belts and it'll make Reigns look even more of a lame duck if he's one of "the guys" as apposed to "the guy."

Paddlefoot - 6-4-2016 at 12:02 AM

* Cena confirmed on his twatter account that he'll be against AJ in an official match at MITB on June 19.

anglefan85 - 6-4-2016 at 02:11 AM

Man, things just keep going from bad to worse:

"Inside TNA�s new business name, official connection to Aroluxe Media & �notice of determination� issued this week" by James Caldwell

"On August 7, 2015, TNA Wrestling filed a new business name of �Impact Ventures LLC� with the State of Tennessee�s Business Division.

Since then, TNA has been doing business out of Nashville as Impact Ventures, LLC, as well as TNA Entertainment, LLC and TNA Wrestling � their original company names dating back to 2002.

In 2016, Aroluxe Marketing came into the picture on an official basis. Not only was Aroluxe assigned TNA�s payroll for the production side, but records show the company took on the name �TNA� last month.

Records with the Tennessee business division show Aroluxe Media, LLC assumed the name �TNA� on May 3. It was a five-year registration covering the period of May 3, 2016 to May 3, 2021.

Aroluxe Media, LLC is now conducting business under �TNA,� �Aroluxe Media,� and �AMSM Productions,� which was also a new five-year registration on April 25.

This week, all four companies � Impact Ventures LLC, TNA Wrestling, TNA Entertainment, LLC, and Aroluxe Media, LLC � were tagged with �notices of determination� dated June 1.

Essentially, the business division conducts an annual review of Tennessee businesses. If a company�s fiscal year ends in December, which is the case for all four companies, then those businesses have until April 1 to file their annual report for the previous year. For example, the annual report for 2015 is due on April 1, 2016.

The State of Tennessee�s business department noted on their website that as of June 2, the department had processed all filings received as of June 1. It appears all four companies did not file their annual report by the deadline.

Businesses that receive notices of determination have until August 8 to file their annual report with the Business Services Division or risk losing their official registration.

Records show the only time in TNA history that the company missed deadline and received a Notice of Determination was the first year in June 2003. TNA subsequently filed their 2002 annual report on July 29, 2003, a few weeks before the deadline. TNA has been on-time with their annual report every year since then.

Also of note, the business names �TNA Wrestling� and �TNA Entertainment, LLC� expire on March 12, 2017, unless they are renewed."

So basically, unless they deal with those notices, it'll be illegal for them to run any shows.

[Edited on 6-4-2016 by anglefan85]

First 9 - 6-4-2016 at 02:35 AM

I don't think they're going to introduce another new main belt and let the current one have the combined lineage of two. They're going to undo the unification. Plus it'd be silly for SD to have the SD Championship and for RAW to get the WWE Championship.

merc - 6-4-2016 at 02:54 AM

I'm hoping for US on one, Intercontinental on the other and WWE champ floats depending on feud/ratings need.

It would be cool if titles meant something. So US or IC is competing to face WWE On a PPV (or whatever they are now considered).

Back when I watched WWWF on a 13" B/W on a UHF station, I NEVER saw The World Champion wrestle. I bet, including tag/six man if he did wrestle on the televisions it was less than 25 times, from WWWF birth to the Hogan era.

Im all for making the WWE champ wrestling a special event in itself. Is there a vote?

williamssl - 6-4-2016 at 03:10 AM

I'm convinced we're going to see both flavors of 1 overall title and show-specific titles. It's really just a question of which one they start with.

Do they start with one, and then one brand gets pissy and establishes their own (see: last brand split)?

Or do they start with 2, and then there's some brand rivalry shit that results in unification?

Flip a coin, and then bet on the over/under for how long it lasts before going the other way.

First 9 - 6-4-2016 at 04:53 AM

The last few times they've booked the Champion like the old school World Champions who rarely wrestled was when they forced to with Rock and Lesnar.

If Lesnar was Champion again you could definently do a roaming World Champion who isn't tied to any brand, but only Brock is booked like that period. Roman Reigns can't have a long term with Rollins if every other ppv he's facing SD's no.1 contender which nobody will care about because we know it's filler.

Planet Starbucks - 6-4-2016 at 08:58 AM

As much as I dislike Reigns, I hated the 2 World titles even more. Ok, just one title does limit opportunities for guys, but personally I would rather wait years for someone to finally climb the mountain than be considered a World champ by winning a weaker belt, especially with MITB in play.

Let's be honest, Swagger, Khali, Henry, Christian and even Ziggler would never have been World champs without the 2nd title. Nothing to do with whether they deserved it or not, plenty of deserving guys never got to be champ (Perfect, Jake, Dibiase) because the top title was for the absolute elite. Just look at how many lame duck World champs there have been in Boxing since the Undisputed Heavyweight championship was split into different versions.

As for how to introduce the 2nd title, surely nothing can be worse than Bischoff just handing the BGB to HHH. Reigns vs Cena at Summerslam, simultaneous pin, belts split back up?

AscendantSean - 6-4-2016 at 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Planet Starbucks
As for how to introduce the 2nd title, surely nothing can be worse than Bischoff just handing the BGB to HHH. Reigns vs Cena at Summerslam, simultaneous pin, belts split back up?

Triple threat, 2 falls. Cena pins Rollins, then Rollins pins Cena. Reigns left with nothing despite not giving up a fall - same way Kurt dropped the "Eurocontinental" title.

williamssl - 6-5-2016 at 01:55 AM

TEH BIG RUMORZ of the day is about Brock not only making a UFC comeback, but doing so at UFC 200 on July 9. Details still being sorted out, opponent TBD, blah blah blah all the ambiguous statements that accompany RUMORZ.

Nobledictator1278 - 6-5-2016 at 04:25 AM

Would be kinda hard for UFC to aquire Brock...if he is under contract with WWE...unless WWE wants to be free of his huge contract....or he didn't sign a 2 year deal. This seems kinda flaky. Or Vince wants to risk his HUGE draw to lose or get injured both would be disastrous for the WWE.

[Edited on 6-5-2016 by Nobledictator1278]

nOOb - 6-5-2016 at 04:44 AM

Seeing as how UFC 200 is a month away and the training camps needed for a fighter that has been fighting actively to be ready for a fight is around one and a half to two months, I would venture a guess and say some site just needed to pad their article count. Otherwise, who's going to click there to find out who got tossed out of the WWE locker room this past Monday, which three superstars are going to be suspended for Wellness violations, plus hot pics of *insert currently popular Diva's name here* and more?

OORick - 6-5-2016 at 05:30 AM

For the record: Lesnar at UFC 200 is for real. It's happening. Just announced at UFC 199.

WWE has OK'd it, which raises eyebrows about exactly what Lesnar will do; he has a LOT of contractual leeway to do stuff outside of WWE without WWE's permission, but he's only 1/3rd of the way through his current WWE contract, so he's not gearing up for a "real" MMA comeback, in which every fight is essentially a 6 month commitment. Instead, it puts one in the mind of an "exhibition" that is 100% on the level, just against a lesser opponent that everybody expects Lesnar to beat, or against a similarly inactive/older guy, just to sell tickets. It's something that would be idiotic on most any UFC show, but for UFC's 200th, I think anybody other than the absolute top 1/10th of 1 percent of hardcore MMA Wankers can see the value of an extra bell or whistle or glitz or glamour on a show that only happens once every 100 PPVs.

Brock's ability to make the quick turn-around should not be in doubt. He has not been seen in WWE in 2 months, and when he revealed his new WWE contract last April, he said he had spent the entire run-up to his RR-to-WM return training an MMA style, just for shits and giggles, to see how his body would react. He didn't seem to think he had a "real" UFC return in him, but the fact that he trains that style during lay-offs from WWE means he's never entirely out of practice, either. Assuming this isn't top-notch/title-caliber competition, he should be able to notch a win that pleases a lot of fight fans, while returning some value to WWE, too.

Obviously, this eliminates any chance of Brock making the previously advertised WWE shows on their Pacifica Tour in early July (including one that's getting broadcast on the Network, I believe), but it's a small price to pay if Lesnar is back in WWE for SummerSlam, with the stink of credibility back on him after a UFC fight.

To me, unless you really open yourself up to some kind of conspiracy theory, in which Dana White is laying a trap for Brock, and uses up Lesnar's last bit of PPV drawing power to bang a huge number for UFC 200 while secretly conspiring to send Brock back to WWE as damaged goods, this is actually a rock solid business move on both sides. A win/win. Maybe something that paves the way for a similarly beneficial deal for Rousey (she wants to do WWE, and more importantly, FANS want her in WWE, but Dana White is every bit the self-absorbed dick Vince is, so far)....

Not a story I expected to materialize today, but in a lot of ways, it makes good sense for both sides....


Flash - 6-5-2016 at 05:34 AM

I was about to call bullshit on this one too.... turns out it's legit, and Lesnar is going to UFC 200 against an opponent to be named.

What's more... The WWE appears to be on board with this as a one-off.


I'm kind of wondering about this; I'm not as up on UFC not being a fan and all, but didn't that Irish guy (MacGregor?) pull out on them at the last minute-ish? I get why the UFC would want a big name for their big event, and why Brock would be willing to take that mountain of cash they no doubt are offering him... I'm just curious as to what Vince's angle is on this...

1) Is it like Rock's early days in Hollywood where Vince got a cut for the use of the Rock's name? IE Brock can go fight for UFC provided UFC gives Vince a few million?

2)Is the fix in... Brock beating a non-chump fighter would make him even bigger in the WWE... is that possible?

3)Does the publicity make it worth it?

I dunno.. this just feels weird, and maybe a case of them re-jigging Brock's deal where if he loses Vince get's a discount on future WWE appearances, if Brock wins at UFC 200 then Brock is already richer and his deal with Vince stay's the same?

Let the rampant speculation begin.....

Screw it.... Brock versus CM Punk best 2 out of 3 matches.... Match 1: UFC 200, Match 2: Summer Slam, Match 3: Wrestlemania....

Nobledictator1278 - 6-5-2016 at 09:16 AM

Man ....Vince has some serious balls to allow this. I get there is no such thing as bad publicity....but what if Brock gets his ass kicked. Thats going to really in my opinion hurt his appeal. If he wins it just shows he is still a bit legitimate, which no one ever really doubted in the first place. Unless WWE is going to get some sort of talent change out of this deal or UFC is going to throw some $$$ Vinces way to help offset that contract, I don't see the upside for the WWE.

DKBroiler - 6-5-2016 at 09:49 AM

You don't get the upside?

How about Brock Lesnar greatest superstar of all time. Yeah, I said it. If he gets his ass kicked you can worry about that later. Bravo to all involved.

Gobshite - 6-5-2016 at 10:59 AM

What if Brock is the 7th MITB entrant, wins it, cashes in, and in the semi main event of what is likely to be UFC's biggest ever PPV, the WWE Champion defeats a UFC legend like Mark Hunt?

It's a big gamble, but just imagine the Internet meltdown of the WWE Champion beating a legitimate UFC fighter.

Meanwhile, Punk is still at home reading comics and watching hockey...

ulsterphil - 6-5-2016 at 11:07 AM

I wouldnt completely rule out Vince agreeing to this to piss on Punk.

We all know what hes like.

DKBroiler - 6-5-2016 at 12:07 PM

Even if he gets his ass kicked then the downside is that he's still got the biggest set of balls imaginable for even trying, and then they can run a "does Brock still got it" storyline where he can even lose 1 on 1 to a guy like ReBoooooo or Rollins.

The upside is that he solidifies himself as the baddest man in WWE history. Hell, if he decimates his UFC opponent Dana White will almost assuredly try to cash in by offering him a championship match and Vince could do the same. That, of course would open the door for Rousey and McGregor. Shit, for all we know it could lead to Mayweather in WWE too.

While much of this is highly unlikely the fact that the door is open for any of it is a coup for WWE.

royberto - 6-5-2016 at 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
What if Brock is the 7th MITB entrant, wins it, cashes in, and in the semi main event of what is likely to be UFC's biggest ever PPV, the WWE Champion defeats a UFC legend like Mark Hunt?

It's a big gamble, but just imagine the Internet meltdown of the WWE Champion beating a legitimate UFC fighter.

Meanwhile, Punk is still at home reading comics and watching hockey...
ANd if Brock gets his ass kicked? The WWE title is a complete and utter joke. Not even Vince is dumb enough to take that chance. Dixie Carter probably would, but she never had brains to begin with.

royberto - 6-5-2016 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by ulsterphil
I wouldnt completely rule out Vince agreeing to this to piss on Punk.

We all know what hes like.
I would rule it out. A clause was put in Brock's contract back at Wrestlemania time as a compromise to Lesnar trying to hold Vince up for money. From that point on, it was pretty much a given that Brock would get back in the octagon. Punk was irrelevant.

royberto - 6-5-2016 at 03:37 PM

Originally posted by OORick

To me, unless you really open yourself up to some kind of conspiracy theory, in which Dana White is laying a trap for Brock, and uses up Lesnar's last bit of PPV drawing power to bang a huge number for UFC 200 while secretly conspiring to send Brock back to WWE as damaged goods, this is actually a rock solid business move on both sides. A win/win. Maybe something that paves the way for a similarly beneficial deal for Rousey (she wants to do WWE, and more importantly, FANS want her in WWE, but Dana White is every bit the self-absorbed dick Vince is, so far)....
It's a very plausible conspiracy theory because Dana White is a big enough dick to be willing to do it. That said, I don't believe for one second that he actually would do it.

In other news, Edge and Beth Phoenix announce the arrival of their second child, Ruby:

Congrats to the happy couple.

[Edited on 6-5-2016 by royberto]

First 9 - 6-5-2016 at 03:50 PM

Remember how that other MMA company tried to make Kimbo Slice their star and feed him only scrubs? I'm sure everyone involved is hoping this is a Lesnar exhibition but there's a chance things can go spectacularly wrong here.

Anyway, I'm hoping we get a Heyman promo live at UFC 200.

denverpunk - 6-5-2016 at 04:08 PM

Speaking of Dana White being the biggest fucknut imaginable, he just banned three MMA reporters' credentials "for life" for breaking the Lesnar news (i.e., doing their job).

nOOb - 6-5-2016 at 04:08 PM

Unless he's been training non-stop since the day after Wrestlemania, this could very well end badly for Brock. Unless, of course, the UFC opts to do what they did for Punk and have a reality show on the internet determine which 1-0 amateur heavyweight will get the "chance of a lifetime" to fight a former UFC champion.

I would also like to make mention that the last time Brock fought, a kick to the liver did him in. Because, even though he's been Brockin' it for the past few years in WWE, his insides are still the victim of a disease that almost killed him. So he could very easily get put on the shelf for a few months win or lose after UFC 200.

punkerhardcore - 6-5-2016 at 05:26 PM

Vince is only allowing Brock to do this to further build up his aura as the baddest, most unstoppable beast ever in the WWE... he can make him job cleanly to Reigns at Summerslam.

Nobledictator1278 - 6-5-2016 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by denverpunk
Speaking of Dana White being the biggest fucknut imaginable, he just banned three MMA reporters' credentials "for life" for breaking the Lesnar news (i.e., doing their job).

Personally Id ban them too.....this was a pretty big leak. This is how you manage your media. Call it communist Russia or whatever...but this was a huge surprise from UFC and WWE for that matter..... I get his frustration.

G. Jonah Jameson - 6-5-2016 at 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Originally posted by denverpunk
Speaking of Dana White being the biggest fucknut imaginable, he just banned three MMA reporters' credentials "for life" for breaking the Lesnar news (i.e., doing their job).

Personally Id ban them too.....this was a pretty big leak. This is how you manage your media. Call it communist Russia or whatever...but this was a huge surprise from UFC and WWE for that matter..... I get his frustration.

Then maybe he ought to punish the people who divulged that information in his own camp, not the people they told.

Nobledictator1278 - 6-5-2016 at 08:52 PM

He probably did. He strikes me as a no nonsense guy. Im surprised as much information leaks out of the WWE as it does. Thais one thing if I was in charge of WWE I would do way different, if I even caught any story line leaks or really any leak going to the websites I didn't' want out there heads would roll. I would do it publicly and I would do it very harshly, Id fine the wrestlers huge if it was someone I didn't want to cut. I would make it clear though it wasn't tolerated.

DKBroiler - 6-5-2016 at 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
He probably did. He strikes me as a no nonsense guy. Im surprised as much information leaks out of the WWE as it does. Thais one thing if I was in charge of WWE I would do way different, if I even caught any story line leaks or really any leak going to the websites I didn't' want out there heads would roll. I would do it publicly and I would do it very harshly, Id fine the wrestlers huge if it was someone I didn't want to cut. I would make it clear though it wasn't tolerated.

That's very noble, dictator.

Slade - 6-5-2016 at 11:58 PM

I believe that WWE brass approves the majority of their leaks. They allow news to get leaked out and fabricate rumours that they also leak. They probably have someone on staff whose job it is come up with all of the leaks and get them out into the news cycle so that there is also something for us to be talking about. They may even throw some ideas out there that they aren't too sure of and monitor fan reactions to see if the idea is any good or not. In some cases, I think they put out rumours that piss off a lot of the internet just for the sake of having a laugh. However, WWE never lets surprises get leaked ahead of time. I mean the big ones. The company has been really good in recent years about keeping its biggest surprises out of the dirt sheets. It was understood that Seth Rollins was close to returning, but his return at Extreme Rules was not spoiled. Cesaro's post-'Mania RAW appearance was not spoiled. Shane McMahon's return to the company was not spoiled. Sting's debut at Survivor Series 2014 was not spoiled. That time Chris Jericho was a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble, 3-4 years ago, was not spoiled. When WWE wants to get a certain reaction and blow the minds of everyone in attendance, it does an excellent job of getting what it wants. I think of that as more evidence that WWE is in control of the information that is supposedly leaked to the dirt sheets.

Paddlefoot - 6-6-2016 at 12:20 AM

There's probably no way that WWE hasn't warned everyone quite thoroughly that after TMA leaked the Lana/Rusev engagement that botched the plot with Ziggler/Summer that heads will probably roll if it happens again. That one with TMZ getting involved on a minor story made Vince hit the ceiling. If it ever happened on a major reveal just before a PPV he'd probably kill someone. I've noticed lately that a lot of the social media activity by the performers, especially ones like Lana or Paige that really laid their entire days worth of activity online, has been curtailed significantly. Now it's back to mere pictures on Instagram and much less commentary. They seem to have learned because if it happens again, even by a benchwarmer or C-list performer, there'll probably be an immediate firing (e.g Cameron getting bagged instantaneously after tweeting support for Ryback).

Nobledictator1278 - 6-6-2016 at 04:55 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
He probably did. He strikes me as a no nonsense guy. Im surprised as much information leaks out of the WWE as it does. Thais one thing if I was in charge of WWE I would do way different, if I even caught any story line leaks or really any leak going to the websites I didn't' want out there heads would roll. I would do it publicly and I would do it very harshly, Id fine the wrestlers huge if it was someone I didn't want to cut. I would make it clear though it wasn't tolerated.

That's very noble, dictator.

Hey Id wish them well in their future endeavors ....see I'm noble :-)

CCharger - 6-6-2016 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Originally posted by denverpunk
Speaking of Dana White being the biggest fucknut imaginable, he just banned three MMA reporters' credentials "for life" for breaking the Lesnar news (i.e., doing their job).

Personally Id ban them too.....this was a pretty big leak. This is how you manage your media. Call it communist Russia or whatever...but this was a huge surprise from UFC and WWE for that matter..... I get his frustration.

Imagine the NBA banning Brian Windhorst for reporting a rumor that LeBron was going back to Miami before he announced it.

Imagine a scenario where the NFL bans John Clayton for reporting on a rumor that the NFL was adding a team in Canada before they announced it.

Imagine MLB banning Dan LeBetard for reporting on a rumor that the Marlins were trading Giancarlo Stanton to the Yankees.

Ariel Helwani isn't a UFC employee who leaked inside info. He's a sports reporter doing his job: digging up scoops and reporting on news.

Banning him for doing his job is small, petty, and ridiculous. UFC deserves all the criticism they are getting for this.

Count Zero - 6-6-2016 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

Banning him for doing his job is small, petty, and ridiculous. UFC deserves all the criticism they are getting for this.
I could not agree more with this comment. These aren't "state secrets" that he's revealed. He just scooped the organization's press releases/conferences, which is WHAT a good investigative reporter is supposed to do. I really don't like where "the media" finds itself these days, with a lot of 'interviews' and 'access' basically turning into 'you say what we tell you to say, or we tell you nothing.'

note: I don't even -like- Ariel Helwani (something about his TV persona just bugs me), but I will defend to the death his right to properly do his job.

Slick - 6-6-2016 at 04:27 PM

Brock announced on ESPN that his fight will be against Mark Hunt.

That should be an entertaining fight!

williamssl - 6-6-2016 at 04:48 PM

I bet one of the higher ups at the UFC runs a private e-mail server out of their bathroom and that's the source of this leak. People never learn....

bopol - 6-6-2016 at 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by CCharger

Banning him for doing his job is small, petty, and ridiculous. UFC deserves all the criticism they are getting for this.
I could not agree more with this comment. These aren't "state secrets" that he's revealed. He just scooped the organization's press releases/conferences, which is WHAT a good investigative reporter is supposed to do. I really don't like where "the media" finds itself these days, with a lot of 'interviews' and 'access' basically turning into 'you say what we tell you to say, or we tell you nothing.'

note: I don't even -like- Ariel Helwani (something about his TV persona just bugs me), but I will defend to the death his right to properly do his job.

Good way to make sure that you get the press you want. Just tell them that they won't have a job if they don't kiss your ass because you'll restrict their access. Pretty much guarantees that any news that the UFC doesn't want out there (suppose one of their fighters doesn't pass a drug test or beat his wife), won't be.

Paddlefoot - 6-6-2016 at 05:37 PM

"Small, petty, and ridiculous". Kind of fits Dana White perfectly. Every interview and post-fight comment I've seen from the man shows him to be a complete piece of garbage as a person. Forget a minor character like Vince McMahon for comparison. White is on par with Don King as far as almost all the bad aspects of a promotion owner go. All he needs to do is get caught fixing a fight or getting charged with assault by using a couple of the goons to beat someone up and he'll be identical to King. This is where I figured where CM Punk has to be some kind of a genuine moron in plotting out the next stage of his life. He shits all over WWE when he leaves, calls everyone there the worst people in the world, only to get into business with a creature like Dana White? I wonder how the accidental concussions he got in WWE are going to compare to the real one Mickey Gall gives him, not to mention what it's going to feel like after he gets scraped off the octagon mat and White's only reaction will be "it's all OK because I made a lot of money off this thing". It'll kind of put WWE (allegedly) misdiagnosing the pimple on his ass into a better perspective when he's forced to lie down in a dark room for three months after the fight and White's only response to him will be "when can you come back because I figure you owe me another appearance".

This is why I generally stay away from the fighting leagues. The people who run those joints are almost all uniformly awful beyond description.

[Edited on 6/6/2016 by Paddlefoot]

bigfatgoalie - 6-6-2016 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by Nobledictator1278
Originally posted by denverpunk
Speaking of Dana White being the biggest fucknut imaginable, he just banned three MMA reporters' credentials "for life" for breaking the Lesnar news (i.e., doing their job).

Personally Id ban them too.....this was a pretty big leak. This is how you manage your media. Call it communist Russia or whatever...but this was a huge surprise from UFC and WWE for that matter..... I get his frustration.

Imagine the NBA banning Brian Windhorst for reporting a rumor that LeBron was going back to Miami before he announced it.

Imagine a scenario where the NFL bans John Clayton for reporting on a rumor that the NFL was adding a team in Canada before they announced it.

Imagine MLB banning Dan LeBetard for reporting on a rumor that the Marlins were trading Giancarlo Stanton to the Yankees.

Ariel Helwani isn't a UFC employee who leaked inside info. He's a sports reporter doing his job: digging up scoops and reporting on news.

Banning him for doing his job is small, petty, and ridiculous. UFC deserves all the criticism they are getting for this.

I agree 100% CCharger.

Pretty sure that means Nobledictator1278 automatically wins a special, limited edition bOOardie of Obtuseness for that.

CM Crunk - 6-6-2016 at 09:18 PM

For anybody interested, Paul Heyman is going to be conducting a live interview with Brock over on his Heyman Hustle YouTube channel today an hour before Raw goes live.

Flash - 6-6-2016 at 11:39 PM

I wonder if you'll see other media outlets band together and refuse to cover the UFC over this?

scott19buckeye - 6-6-2016 at 11:47 PM

I think the Lesner going to UFC is a win for everyone. Even if he gets his ass kicked, he's still in a small percentage of people in WWE that can make the jump. It doesn't hurt his wrestling because, let's be honest, he doesn't "wrestle". All he does is MMA kicks/punches/knees, and throws people around with "suplex city". If he wasn't a badass MMA dude, I don't think people would care about him; they would be pissed that he is getting pushed and not having a "move set". I would think his WWE training is staying in shape by doing MMA training.

Flash - 6-7-2016 at 01:27 AM

My initial thoughts on Lesnar possibly losing weren't so much that's it, he'd be a laughing stock... more that it could be a little damaging to the WWE; as in "see that fake shit over there.... it's real in the UFC".

But really... people know wrestling is "fake"... it's not a secret. This also isn't CM Punk going over there and getting fed his lunch; it's Lesnar, he's been the king of the mountain over there before... plus, Lesnar's a freak... he ain't losing that he could totally kick my ass vibe that he's got going. So Lesnar losing probably isn't ideal, but it's probably not the end of the world either.

The more I think about it the more I can see how this would get the WWE a healthy amount of attention, maybe it's a secret Lesnar for Rhonda trade, and should Lesnar win... well then it's a "WWE guy" doing well over there; even if like I said before it's a guy that's already done that.

CCharger - 6-7-2016 at 02:22 AM

As a follow up to the UFC bans Helwani story: he went on his own podcast today and admitted that he was a paid shill for the UFC. When he was working at Fox, his checks were signed by UFC not Fox. That's probably the first rule of journalistic ethics. Don't take money from the people you're reporting on.

So, yeah, fuck that guy.

Flash - 6-7-2016 at 03:13 AM

I've read some different stuff; where yeah his salary was coming from the UFC coffers, but it was being filtered through Fox.... and it sounds like he was off of the UFC's leash most of the time anyway, to the point that he was fired.

Normally I'd say working for the entity you're covering is a pretty big no-no for journalistic ethics, but I think in this case the UFC is a bit of a different entity that doesn't have the history of the other major sports, and have probably had to grow themselves a bit; up to and including seeding the media a bit.

I kind of think the UFC has taken a page out wrestling's playbook in that there's probably a bit more of a tit for tat relationship with those that cover it than there is in other sports.

I mean the UFC is covered; when they have an event or make some news, but by and large I can open the sports section and even up here in Canada find at least a story a week about the major sports even in their off season.... not so much with the UFC.

Gobshite - 6-7-2016 at 07:54 AM

The thing I don't buy is that he claims he confirmed with multiple sources that Lesnar was close to signing... that's bullshit. Lesnar was signed some time ago. His trainers have known for a long time, even the guy in production who put the UFC200 advert together knew...

I think he, and several other reporters knew ahead of time, and were told to keep it off the record... but that he wanted to get the scoop first, so reported it as a "rumour" to try and get away with it, and it's backfired.

He was on the UFC payroll, whilst pretending to be an indepenent journalist... find it hard to believe anything else the guy says to be honest.

Do I think Dana is a stand up guy? Hell no. But I don't think Ariel is the clean as a whistle guy he claims to be.

CCharger - 6-7-2016 at 10:20 PM

* Epico and Primo are reportedly on the chopping block and could be released any day

* Triple H and WWE are very high on Ring of Honor's Moose and Roderick Strong. Both of their contracts are up soon, and could appear in NXT soon after.

*The rumor that just won't die. As has been reported other times, Alexis Bliss apparently has a a graphic sex tape that she made with a boyfriend when she was underage. Very underage. Like 15 underage. It has yet to go mainstream, but has been floating around the darker parts of the web for a couple of years. WWE attorney's are working hard to keep the lid on it.

[Edited on 6-7-2016 by CCharger]

royberto - 6-7-2016 at 10:26 PM

Originally posted by bopol
Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by CCharger

Banning him for doing his job is small, petty, and ridiculous. UFC deserves all the criticism they are getting for this.
I could not agree more with this comment. These aren't "state secrets" that he's revealed. He just scooped the organization's press releases/conferences, which is WHAT a good investigative reporter is supposed to do. I really don't like where "the media" finds itself these days, with a lot of 'interviews' and 'access' basically turning into 'you say what we tell you to say, or we tell you nothing.'

note: I don't even -like- Ariel Helwani (something about his TV persona just bugs me), but I will defend to the death his right to properly do his job.

Good way to make sure that you get the press you want. Just tell them that they won't have a job if they don't kiss your ass because you'll restrict their access. Pretty much guarantees that any news that the UFC doesn't want out there (suppose one of their fighters doesn't pass a drug test or beat his wife), won't be.
It can also guarnatee they will get no press if they piss off everyone.

Anyway, the UFC lifted the ban on Ariel when they realized the were coming out of this looking like pedantic fuck sticks:

Gobshite - 6-8-2016 at 02:55 PM

OR... they lifted the ban on them after went cap in hand, begged for forgiveness, and promised that Ariel will run news past them in future.

The fact that MMAFighting wouldn't even stand up for themselves in this situation for ONE DAY screams to me that they knew they did wrong, apologized, and I'll bet any money they don't 'break' another story like that, during a PPV, again.

There are PLENTY of MMA "News" sites, and UFC doesn't need at it's press or Live events when ESPN, The Ringer, Sky Sports, and BBC are starting to cover it more and more.

These smaller MMA Sites need UFC way more than UFC need them these days. Its just the way things have gone...

Do I think UFC Over reacted? Hell yes.

Do I think Ariel and his site are telling the truth about what they knew, and at what times? Hell no.

CCharger - 6-8-2016 at 03:44 PM

The sad thing is that UFC's reaction to Helwani completely overshadowed Brock's return. All the talk on sports radio and sports blogs, etc. was about Dana White and Helwani, not Brock. That's a shame, but that's what UFC gets for it's petulant response.

Had they just let this ride, people would have forgotten who broke the story and the focus would have been on Lesnar, not on other things.

lz4005 - 6-8-2016 at 04:27 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
*The rumor that just won't die. As has been reported other times, Alexis Bliss apparently has a a graphic sex tape that she made with a boyfriend when she was underage. Very underage. Like 15 underage. It has yet to go mainstream, but has been floating around the darker parts of the web for a couple of years. WWE attorney's are working hard to keep the lid on it.

How hard do they have to work when anyone hosting, distributing or downloading is committing a felony?

I mean, there's a number of underage celebrity sex tapes out there of people way more famous than her and none of them go wide because jail. Lots and lots of jail.

CCharger - 6-8-2016 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by CCharger
*The rumor that just won't die. As has been reported other times, Alexis Bliss apparently has a a graphic sex tape that she made with a boyfriend when she was underage. Very underage. Like 15 underage. It has yet to go mainstream, but has been floating around the darker parts of the web for a couple of years. WWE attorney's are working hard to keep the lid on it.

How hard do they have to work when anyone hosting, distributing or downloading is committing a felony?

I mean, there's a number of underage celebrity sex tapes out there of people way more famous than her and none of them go wide because jail. Lots and lots of jail.

You make it sound like kiddie porn and other awful things are not available for the internet at large which is false.

Also, I have never heard of any other celebrities with an "underage sex tape". Then again, I'm not really looking.

Dyn-O-Mite - 6-8-2016 at 05:07 PM

Not 100% sure this belongs here, but there's not another good spot, I ain't starting a thread for it, and well, we put everything else in here soooooooo...

Was at Universal Studios Hollywood yesterday with my nephew. Hitting up Harry Potter World and The Simpsons land with him - when we stumbled into a stunt show based on the movie Waterworld. (yes, that abomination starring Kevin Costner) It's a show with pyrotechnics, jet ski "tricks" (quotes used because they were pretty weak stunts), etc.

Anyway, the individual playing the lead heel (this is a wrestling board, we don't use the word villain) -- none other than: the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. Oh yes. After the show, he played the cast's version of lead singer in the band, introducing all of the actors and a piece of their place in pop culture (movie/tv) you might recognize them from. Finally gets to himself and his piece? "Ring of Honor Wrestling" I definitely took a picture with him, absolutely referred to it as a "picture with the 'Fallen Angel'" and he 100% was not as psyched about it as I was.


[Edited on 6-8-2016 by Dyn-O-Mite]

CCharger - 6-8-2016 at 09:33 PM

Toss a whole lotta kosher salt on this rumor, but apparently the entire motivation for the brand split was StepHHH's reluctance to share on screen role of GM with Shane. Stephanie (more than Trips) complained to Daddy McMahon and he agreed to a compromise where Shane would run Raw and Stephanie (and probably HHH) would run Smackdown. This goes back to the rumors from when Shane first appeared that StepHHH were irritated by Shane and threatened by his re-appearance on TV. Apparently they are both unhappy sharing the on-screen leadership role with Shane.

merc - 6-8-2016 at 10:45 PM

I miss Sheriff Matte

RUMOR has it he is too busy looking for Lucky Lopez to be bothered with non rumors in his rumor threads.

Count Zero - 6-8-2016 at 11:08 PM

Originally posted by merc
I miss Sheriff Matte

RUMOR has it he is too busy looking for Lucky Lopez to be bothered with non rumors in his rumor threads.

royberto - 6-8-2016 at 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
OR... they lifted the ban on them after went cap in hand, begged for forgiveness, and promised that Ariel will run news past them in future.
I would put money on they didn't want to look like pedantic fuck sticks. As was mentioned by another poster, all people were talking about was Dana and Ariel, not Lesnar. Then, Dana went out publicly and acted like a dick in an interview over it. Ariel and MMAFighting had no reason to go back to UFC cap in hand at that point. It was becoming very bad PR for UFC.

[Edited on 6-8-2016 by royberto]

Chris Is Good517 - 6-9-2016 at 03:53 AM

Originally posted by CCharger
Toss a whole lotta kosher salt on this rumor, but apparently the entire motivation for the brand split was StepHHH's reluctance to share on screen role of GM with Shane. Stephanie (more than Trips) complained to Daddy McMahon and he agreed to a compromise where Shane would run Raw and Stephanie (and probably HHH) would run Smackdown. This goes back to the rumors from when Shane first appeared that StepHHH were irritated by Shane and threatened by his re-appearance on TV. Apparently they are both unhappy sharing the on-screen leadership role with Shane.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to stick with "USA wants Smackdown ratings up" for this one.

I fully believe StepHHH may not be thrilled about Shane's presence backstage. I doubt they give one flaming hot shit about sharing storyline power with him, and certainly not enough to necessitate a freaking brand split.

First 9 - 6-9-2016 at 05:24 AM

Guy can't even committ to appearing weekly, no way are they rearranging the whole way they operate just so he doesn't have to share air time.

A part of me wishes it was true since by making SD their brand, HHH and Steph would have a personal interest on making it stand out and maybe Shane would take a bigger role trying to make sure RAW keeps up. Not a war, but atleast some competition between brands.

Thom - 6-9-2016 at 02:32 PM

I'd think that if that rumor were true, wouldn't Shane end up on SD, while StepHHH ran Raw? That would make the most sense, to me.

ThePunisher - 6-9-2016 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by merc
I miss Sheriff Matte

RUMOR has it he is too busy looking for Lucky Lopez to be bothered with non rumors in his rumor threads.

We shall not speak the name Lucky Lopez on these boards. He has joined the ranks of Ah**d Jo***son as "those who shall not be named".

Cherokee Jack - 6-9-2016 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Yeah, I'm gonna have to stick with "USA wants Smackdown ratings up" for this one.

I fully believe StepHHH may not be thrilled about Shane's presence backstage. I doubt they give one flaming hot shit about sharing storyline power with him, and certainly not enough to necessitate a freaking brand split.
Agreed, though I'm also having flashbacks to the early/mid 2000s when Stevie Richards was (as usual) making chicken salad out of the chicken shit that WWE gave him, having proclaimed himself the GM of Sunday Night Heat and doing some really great stuff on that show. It went on for a little while under (as legend has it) Stephanie got wind of it and put the kibosh on the whole thing, as she felt that his antics on Heat were making a mockery of the (completely fucking worked) position of General Manager, which she was on SD at the time.

That said, it's one thing to kill a C-show gimmick over petty reasons, it's another to do this whole thing that they're doing. I can't imagine that this is all to stroke Steph's fragile little ego.

Wickedfrost - 6-9-2016 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by ThePunisher
Originally posted by merc
I miss Sheriff Matte

RUMOR has it he is too busy looking for Lucky Lopez to be bothered with non rumors in his rumor threads.

We shall not speak the name Lucky Lopez on these boards. He has joined the ranks of Ah**d Jo***son as "those who shall not be named".

No, damn you. That magnificent bastard will be remembered.

DevilSoprano - 6-9-2016 at 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Wickedfrost
Originally posted by ThePunisher
Originally posted by merc
I miss Sheriff Matte

RUMOR has it he is too busy looking for Lucky Lopez to be bothered with non rumors in his rumor threads.

We shall not speak the name Lucky Lopez on these boards. He has joined the ranks of Ah**d Jo***son as "those who shall not be named".

No, damn you. That magnificent bastard will be remembered.

That magnificent bastard is a legitimate fucking thief. He vanished with Fantasy Baseball money from a lot of the old school members of this board, including Pun and myself.

Paddlefoot - 6-9-2016 at 09:25 PM

Maybe he needed that money to buy smokes or twins in prison.

Matte - 6-9-2016 at 09:50 PM

Maybe his entire run as a poster here was just a long con to earn everyone's trust and then steal the money right from under their nose.

merc - 6-9-2016 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Maybe he needed that money to buy smokes or twins in prison.

Originally posted by Matte
Maybe his entire run as a poster here was just a long con to earn everyone's trust and then steal the money right from under their nose.

You guys are doing it wrong!

RUMOR has it he just re-registered under a different name. There are several candidates that joined just prior to or after his final post...

Sam Is Neat - 6-9-2016 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Originally posted by Wickedfrost
Originally posted by ThePunisher
Originally posted by merc
I miss Sheriff Matte

RUMOR has it he is too busy looking for Lucky Lopez to be bothered with non rumors in his rumor threads.

We shall not speak the name Lucky Lopez on these boards. He has joined the ranks of Ah**d Jo***son as "those who shall not be named".

No, damn you. That magnificent bastard will be remembered.

That magnificent bastard is a legitimate fucking thief. He vanished with Fantasy Baseball money from a lot of the old school members of this board, including Pun and myself.

Is THAT the story? I was wondering what exactly DID happen to Lucky. Never got a straight answer but figured it was something nefarious.

williamssl - 6-9-2016 at 10:50 PM

"Straight" is the wrong word to be using when referring to one who has been giving and receiving prisonrape for the past several years.

The Hitcher - 6-9-2016 at 10:59 PM

Does he wake his girlfriend* so they can cry about it together?

*prison equivalent.

the goon - 6-10-2016 at 12:26 AM

I think it's funny that Lucky always seemed to be a moral police/on a high horse type of guy and then he disappears with a bunch of fellow bOOard members' money. Classy.

CCharger - 6-10-2016 at 12:43 AM

So Lucky is a mash-up of Jerry Sandusky and Bernie Madoff?

CamstunPWG187 - 6-10-2016 at 04:16 AM

How much money could one estimate he got away with? 300? 500?

ThePunisher - 6-10-2016 at 01:31 PM


Wickedfrost - 6-10-2016 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by DevilSoprano
Originally posted by Wickedfrost
No, damn you. That magnificent bastard will be remembered.

That magnificent bastard is a legitimate fucking thief. He vanished with Fantasy Baseball money from a lot of the old school members of this board, including Pun and myself.

Well in that case I hope they take his Vaseline away.

Gobshite - 6-10-2016 at 07:32 PM

I can't be bothered to link it, but


gawker just filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy

janerd75 - 6-10-2016 at 07:41 PM

Uh, nice work, Ter. I guess.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-10-2016 at 10:11 PM

Jesus Christ, even at 62 years-old and in court Hogan won't fucking put anybody over.

Jokes aside, I totally get why people might feel schadenfreude about this based on some of Gawker Media's ethical and editorial decisions, but I don't like the precedent this case sets. It sticks in my craw even more because Hogan is an objectively shitty person.

Sam Is Neat - 6-10-2016 at 10:22 PM

It is less about Hogan and more about Peter Thiel, who is the financial backer for Hulk in this lawsuit. He has had a (justifiable) vendetta against Gawker ever since they outed him years ago and vowed to get his revenge.

When Hogan's shit hit the proverbial fan, Peter jumped in and financed Hogan's case to the tune of millions. Hogan's lawyers repeatedly kept refusing settlement offers from Gawker and Hogan lost reportedly close to 70 percent of his assets in his divorce from Linda. So there is simply no way he was funding this himself.

In other words, without Thiel's deep pockets and never ending axe to grind, Hogan never drops the leg on the big, stinky giant known as Gawker Media.

CM Crunk - 6-11-2016 at 01:21 AM

Geez. Add Gawker to the list along with WCW of companies destroyed by a "Poke of Doom" involving Hogan.

Edit:As Gawker crumbles, Mr. Gawkmerica launches

[Edited on 6/11/2016 by CM Crunk]

Flash - 6-11-2016 at 03:12 PM

In light of the whole rumours about Taker not returning Vince's calls; Michelle McCool recently posted a pic on twitter of her with her hubby.... just an observation on my part, but Taker is sporting black hair, and as we've seen in the past when he's not prepping for Wrestlemania he's generally reverted to his natural gray haired grampa look...

Now Summer Slam is still a bit off, and maybe the guy just wants to look younger, but let the speculation begin!

bopol - 6-11-2016 at 04:48 PM

I hate to say this, but I really have no desire to see UT in-ring anymore. He's too old and too broken down and I can't be drawn in to enjoying it because I think he's just going to get hurt. I've enjoyed his work for a long time and want to see him have a happy and healthy retirement.

As far as VKM calling him, this is a complete failure to build new characters in the last ten years that fans will pay to see. There's a place for nostalgia, but if you are continuously selling your biggest shows of the year of an UT match or a Stone Cold Steve Austin/Rock appearance, something's severely wrong.

the goon - 6-11-2016 at 07:22 PM

I didn't really feel like this warranted it's own thread, but Golden Truth's new shirt is pretty amazing:

First 9 - 6-11-2016 at 07:58 PM

I used to dislike this Old Taker comebacks but really enjoyed his last run against Lesnar. Instead of potraying the invincible figure doing his same old act only with less speed and power, he was a scrappy, old warrior who'd fight dirty knowing that he wasn't what he used to be. Sort of like Terry Funk in his later days.

If they keep that potrayal I can dig a few more Taker matches

Flash - 6-11-2016 at 10:27 PM

The thing with the Undertaker is I find it's hard to not like seeing him simply because we know that his in ring days are numbered... I mean what've we got left... 5 Taker matches... 10? Even that is probably way way on the high side too unless he comes back and actually works a schedule for a few months.

There's also some Undertaker pairings that I'd love to see... not all of them are Wrestlemania matches, but they are one's that we never really got, or would just be cool to see...

This is obviously the big one, and I'd say the kind of big time match that you'd run at a Wrestlemania.

*Seth Rollins
I think they could work well together... Seth is the kind of guy I'd have rather seen end the streak, but it'd be an entertaining match otherwise.

Aside from maybe a throwaway Raw, or multi-man match did these two ever feud, or have a big match? It's one where you'd know Jericho would lose; just because it wouldn't matter... but it's also one of those last era matches out there that never really happened.

*Kevin Owens.:
Just because it'd be awesome

Okay, not one last Kane match... although there is part of me that thinks these two should retire each other, but maybe a small run with the brothers of destruction re-uniting like they did at Raw 1000

[Edited on 6-11-2016 by Flash]

williamssl - 6-11-2016 at 11:40 PM

Let's all agree that Cena/Undertaker is happening in the next year, that it won't be a bad thing, and that it will be Undertaker's last thing.

There - now we can move on.

gobbledygooker - 6-11-2016 at 11:52 PM

Originally posted by williamssl
Let's all agree that Cena/Undertaker is happening in the next year, that it won't be a bad thing, and that it will be Undertaker's last thing.

There - now we can move on.


williamssl - 6-12-2016 at 06:32 AM

Have fun bitching, whining, and moaning!

Matte - 6-12-2016 at 06:56 PM

I actually think it's usually the gookers and other Taker talkers discussing ideas and predictions and then you bitching, whining, and moaning about them doing so. I do, however, fully admit that I could be wrong on this, as I often skip over posts once I realize they don't interest me.

williamssl - 6-12-2016 at 08:09 PM

Go back to playing with your she-male parts.

Paddlefoot - 6-12-2016 at 09:42 PM

* Interesting (no she-male parts involved though) thing here. Apparently Rollins used the Vertebreaker, which WWF/E banned fifteen years ago when Hurricane Helms had it as his move, in a house match against AJ. Rollins fuck up without knowing it was banned? AJ OK'd it anyway? Vince approved it?

Haven't seen this move in a while omg

A video posted by @revolverambrose on

* Also, Bobby Roode made his debut this weekend at an event in the UK called the Download Festival that NXT ran a show at.

[Edited on 6/12/2016 by Paddlefoot]

ulsterphil - 6-12-2016 at 10:38 PM

No way did Rollins and/or AJ not know that move was banned, especially with Rollins having the Curb Stomp taken away hes bound to have known the banned list. It also seems a bit of a waste for Vince to ok such a move for a mere house show.

New finisher for Seth maybe?

[Edited on 6-12-2016 by ulsterphil]

royberto - 6-13-2016 at 12:36 AM

Matt Hardy showing absolute class by using the Orlando shootings to plug his match tonight:

I'm in Orlando, where the horrific shooting took place. My condolences to all.

Let me entertain u with my handling of #BrotherNero tonight.

— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) June 12, 2016

OF course, this dumbass is now backtracking as people have called him on it. Just another edition of LOLTNA.

ETA: Apparently he has lost 200,000 followers over this tweet. Good. The dumbass earned it.

[Edited on 6-12-2016 by royberto]

[Edited on 6-12-2016 by royberto]

Matte - 6-13-2016 at 12:49 AM

That's just people looking for a reason to hate on him because they desperately want him to be a piece of shit even though he's not. It's the same people who stick to their guns that both Hardys are meth addicts and to this day hold themselves up in arena bathrooms to get their fix before their bell time.

What that tweet is, is Matt Hardy giving his condolences to those affected by the shooting and encouraging people to escape from the sadness and pain for a night by watching wrestling, saying he's going to do his best to entertain them and occupy their minds so they aren't focused on the tragedy.

I get pretty annoyed with all this deep reading into things that people do. He had 140 characters for that tweet and used them as best he could, then clarified himself for those who misinterepteted him either mistakenly or purposefully. In other words, his tweet was "sucks what happened here in Orlando, it's a tragedy and my heart goes out to everyone affected, I hope I can take your mind off of the bloodshed for a little while tonight while I'm wrestling here in Orlando" and that's seriously nothing to get all pissy about.

People need to stop searching for ways to be pissed off about everything. I apologize for the rant, but I almost posted the tweet and a summarized version of this rant before royberto even posted it to be one of those people.

Paddlefoot - 6-13-2016 at 01:04 AM

I agree with that. No malice intended, just extremely poor wording caused by a 140-character limit. Twitter's good for jokes, insults, and triggering freak outs. And not much else.

Flash - 6-13-2016 at 04:01 AM

I think it's the "handling of brother Nero" part that probably seemed a bit too much like a plug... but that's twitter though isn't it? You link to whomever... I personally say cut the guy a break; I try not to react until I see the follow up post, and Matt made his intentions very clear that he wasn't plugging a show, just offering people an escape from what is no doubt a tough time for many.

CCharger - 6-13-2016 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Twitter's good for jokes, insults, and triggering freak outs. And not much else.

So it's a lot like TNA then?

Paddlefoot - 6-13-2016 at 08:14 PM

Not sure what TNA triggers anymore but it certainly isn't excitement.

* HHH is in what could be final negotiations with the remnants of the official NWA to acquire the Paul Boesch Houston Wrestling archive for WWE. It's the last significant archive from a defunct promotion that's outside of WWE's control. Judging from the attached article there are a lot of goodies in there, including matches with Jake Roberts and Sean Michaels before they made the leap to WWF.

Zeyes - 6-13-2016 at 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Matte
I get pretty annoyed with all this deep reading into things that people do. He had 140 characters for that tweet and used them as best he could, then clarified himself for those who misinterepteted him either mistakenly or purposefully.

Nobody forced him to cover both topics in a single tweet. Give your condolences in one, then talk about your entertainment job in another. It's not rocket science, except to self-absorbed people like Matt Hardy who don't stop to think for five seconds before hitting the submit button. Of course it's not malicious, just moronic.

[Edited on 6-13-2016 by Zeyes]

Matte - 6-13-2016 at 11:20 PM

Still, that's just being nit-picky. And either way, it's not a deal, especially a big one. Even more so for people like me who understood him. *shrug*

Paddlefoot - 6-15-2016 at 01:06 AM

* Chris Warren, who did the vocals for the D-X "Break It Down" and original Triple-H "My Time" entrance themes as well as some work for TNA, passed away on Sunday at age 49

* all domestic violence charges against Adam Rose have been dropped after his wife refused to co-operate with the police and filed documents to drop the case; she says they're in professional and church counselling together and things between them are getting better

* Neville is expected to be back in action by no later than mid-July

[Edited on 6/15/2016 by Paddlefoot]

coxito - 6-15-2016 at 02:08 AM

Billy Corgan to the rescue of TNA.

Paddlefoot - 6-15-2016 at 02:11 AM

The (wrestling) world is a vampire.

Count Zero - 6-15-2016 at 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The (wrestling) world is a vampire.
A vampire that looks like this:

royberto - 6-15-2016 at 06:44 PM

John Cena parodies Hulk Hogan on NBC's Maya & Marty:

Well, he does have the arms for it.

He also did a fireman sketch:

[Edited on 6-15-2016 by royberto]

Chris Is Good517 - 6-18-2016 at 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The (wrestling) world is a vampire.

I made these jokes on my dumb podcast but since I assume none of you listen (understandably) the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins and TNA is a pairing that makes perfect sense.

"1979" is roughly where you can find Pop TV on most cable packages.

"Bullet With Butterfly Wings" sounds like a rejected idea Jeff Hardy had for a gimmick.

"Zero" is a number that represents the amount of people still watching TNA.

"Tonight, Tonight" is when TNA will probably finally die off for good.

Paddlefoot - 6-18-2016 at 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The (wrestling) world is a vampire.

I made these jokes on my dumb podcast but since I assume none of you listen (understandably) the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins and TNA is a pairing that makes perfect sense.

"1979" is roughly where you can find Pop TV on most cable packages.

"Bullet With Butterfly Wings" sounds like a rejected idea Jeff Hardy had for a gimmick.

"Zero" is a number that represents the amount of people still watching TNA.

"Tonight, Tonight" is when TNA will probably finally die off for good.

This is why you should post here more often because *clap-clap-clapclap you still got it! clap-clap-clapclap you still got it! clap-clap-clapclap*

Paddlefoot - 6-18-2016 at 06:37 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
Originally posted by Paddlefoot
The (wrestling) world is a vampire.
A vampire that looks like this:

It's like something from that X-Files episode where they found some descendants of Spanish conquistadors living in the Southern woods who had basically turned into some kind of tree-men with red eyes and bark for skin that were eating people.

First 9 - 6-18-2016 at 04:38 PM

According to Dave, WWE is quickly scouring what former stars are available as they just realized they don't have enough talent to fill out two rosters.

Hope EC3 makes his way back.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-19-2016 at 01:25 AM

Originally posted by First 9
According to Dave, WWE is quickly scouring what former stars are available as they just realized they don't have enough talent to fill out two rosters.

I don't think the bridge between Cody and WWE is too badly burned to be repairable eventually, but I would imagine it's too raw of a wound on both sides for us to see him back in the immediate future. Sandow, on the other hand, will hopefully get a phone call.

They're all aging, but MVP and Shelton Benjamin are both out there doing nothing noteworthy. Brian Kendrick's involvement in the cruiserweight tournament could easily transition into a full-time gig. He wasn't any kind of huge star in his cup of coffee with them but I recall Low-Ki leaving on decent terms and I know his ego tends to trip him up but he could be a really valuable contributor now with a ton of guys his own size getting good pushes and being good match-ups for him. EC3 and Drew McIntyre seem like no brainers to rescue from TNA.

But I doubt they're going to recruit too heavily outside of the company if they can figure out how to just draft Roman Reigns to both shows

Flash - 6-19-2016 at 02:22 AM

Just a thought; but at least on one brand, why not bring back the local jobbers (or mid level Indy guys) a bit for a match a night... It'd be a good way to introduce someone into the mix, and really... maybe the depth isn't there in the way we want, but we're talking about the hockey equivalent of fourth liners that they are looking for... yeah you want the guys who can play higher in the line up, but they already have some of that there who just need an opportunity to see what they can do... the five minute match guys don't need to be filled by bigger names who'd be wasted.

I've always thought that the Wyatt family thing could have been used in this way.... you could have your core 3-4 guys, but just have a whole compound worth of jobbers and others that would make the family, and thus Bray, seem like a much bigger deal.

mark markham - 6-19-2016 at 05:33 AM

If it's true, then quickly bring back Sandow. He's over, he's not burning bridges, and he wasn't asking for a release.

punkerhardcore - 6-19-2016 at 06:40 AM

From 411:

UPDATE: According to Forbes (via, WWE has reportedly contacted Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Goldberg. They say that WWE would like to use Angle on Smackdown, and possibly team him with NXT tag team American Alpha. WWE is also reportedly interested in ringing back Carlito, John Morrison, JTG, Shad Gaspard and Shelton Benjamin.

ORIGINAL: Dave Meltzer posted on Twitter that WWE is contacting �lots of 40+-year-old guys� to help fill up the WWE�s roster the upcoming return of the brand split to the company.

janerd75 - 6-19-2016 at 06:47 AM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
From 411:

UPDATE: According to Forbes (via, WWE has reportedly contacted Kurt Angle...

I stopped reading after that name. Don't...don't do this to me...

J/k, I lied. I'm kosher with errbody 'cept Goldbrick. Fuck that guy.

Flash - 6-19-2016 at 06:57 AM

I don't know if it's a bit of spin doctoring or not, but Sandow gave an interview last week where he said about a month before getting released he had actually asked for some time off.

There was also word going around at the time of his release that Sandow's release was simply because they didn't have anything for him, and not due to any kind of backstage issue.

So it wouldn't surprise me to see Sandow back, but I think for all parties involved some time away from one another might not be the worst idea. Sandow can recharge and tackle whatever side projects he might want to scratch off his list, and the WWE can work on coming up with something for him while the whole comedic/jobber stink goes away.

If we are throwing names out there for possible calls the WWE might make; how about John Morrison (age 36)... I know he wasn't much on the mic' but if they offered him a bit of a part time contract so he can continue to do his straight to DVD knock off movies he could do worse for some entertaining mid-card matches. Although Lucha Underground is probably working well for him

I can't confirm this, but word was that Chris Masters (age 33) actually got pretty decent in the ring... or at least far above the they brought him in too young and pushed him too hard version that we got when he first started out. If he has improved, then he's still young enough that he could be better than just a jobber with an occasional TV match.

Joey Ryan is another Lucha guy, but he seemed to be on the WWE's radar not too long ago working a bunch of try out matches for them.

DKBroiler - 6-19-2016 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
From 411:

UPDATE: According to Forbes (via, WWE has reportedly contacted Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Goldberg. They say that WWE would like to use Angle on Smackdown, and possibly team him with NXT tag team American Alpha. WWE is also reportedly interested in ringing back Carlito, John Morrison, JTG, Shad Gaspard and Shelton Benjamin.

ORIGINAL: Dave Meltzer posted on Twitter that WWE is contacting �lots of 40+-year-old guys� to help fill up the WWE�s roster the upcoming return of the brand split to the company.

I just read this, and it made my day. Especially Angle. I truly don't care what kind of backstage nonsense comes with any of this or the Internet backlash for pushing these guys would be. Every one of them listed would result in my reaction ranging from, "Ha! They brought that guy back? Funny." to "Holy Shit! Fuck yeah!"

Too bad Muhhamed Hassan probably won't be making an appearance.

janerd75 - 6-19-2016 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler

Too bad Muhhamed Hassan probably won't be making an appearance.

Vince more often than not has missed the target when it comes to having his finger on the pulse of what trends tend to blow up in WWE. Dunno though, maybe if he came back it could be da bomb, yo.

DKBroiler - 6-19-2016 at 05:18 PM

Originally posted by janerd75
Originally posted by DKBroiler

Too bad Muhhamed Hassan probably won't be making an appearance.

Vince more often than not has missed the target when it comes to having his finger on the pulse of what trends tend to blow up in WWE. Dunno though, maybe if he came back it could be da bomb, yo.

That's top shelf Janerd right there!

First 9 - 6-20-2016 at 05:53 AM

Angle and American Alpha vs The New Day would be fucking incredible. Throwing J Hardy into that report doesn't let me fully entertain the thoughtthough. I don't see WWE ever bringing him back for more than very few appearances and eventual HOF induction.

Count Zero - 6-20-2016 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by First 9
Throwing J Hardy into that report doesn't let me fully entertain the thought. I don't see WWE ever bringing him back for more than very few appearances and eventual HOF induction.
Totally Fake Rumor That I Just Made Up:

The WWE is interested in opening discussions with Willow The Wisp.

The problem is that all those discussions have to be conducted in emoetry (that's emo-poetry).

[Edited on 6-20-2016 by Count Zero]

Paddlefoot - 6-20-2016 at 10:53 PM

* Paige arrested last night after MITB due to fight in public with ADR? Shades of the Drew Galloway/Tiffany disaster?

* ADR got examined at the hospital for a possible knee injury at MITB; no word on his condition but he will be backstage at RAW tonight anyway

* Memphis judge ordered Jerry Lawler and his girlfriend not to communicate with each other for the time being as the case against them for their domestic disturbance works it's way to court

* Orton is being advertised for tag-team matches in late August for his official return from shoulder rehab

GodEatGod - 6-20-2016 at 10:55 PM

According to a poster Drew Galloway put up on his social media, Mr. Anderson and Billy Gunn are now wrestling in the indies as a team called the New Age Assholes and for some reason that pleases me immensely. (edited to add image).

[Edited on 6-20-2016 by GodEatGod]

ulsterphil - 6-20-2016 at 11:31 PM

Thats a tag team thats already a lot cooler than it has any right to be.

nOOb - 6-20-2016 at 11:42 PM

The Paige thing is very likely a Total Divas angle, per what other sites I cared to actually check (two of them).

Dyn-O-Mite - 6-21-2016 at 08:10 PM

I imagine this gets its own thread shortly when it goes from rumor to confirmed, but for now:

Roman Reigns wellness violation?

ETA On that note, already did:

[Edited on 6-21-2016 by Dyn-O-Mite]

jefft221 - 6-21-2016 at 08:19 PM

With Battleground 5 weeks away, I guess it works for Roman to be done with the 30 days and back for the show, but still seems like the triple threat should be saved for Summerslam.

Katie Vick killer - 6-22-2016 at 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* Paige arrested last night after MITB due to fight in public with ADR? Shades of the Drew Galloway/Tiffany disaster?

But will her mug shots be as epic as Kaitlins?

Paddlefoot - 6-22-2016 at 07:10 AM

Maybe someday. Turns out she was just detained and not charged hence no mug shot. The incident is described only as a "woman running around erratically in traffic" so maybe it just was a few hours in the drunk tank only for her until she sobered up.

More details here and it doesn't look like it was some kind of gimmick for Total Divas. Girl might have some issues like getting too wild and not in a good/fun way when she gets drinking.

* speculation is that Nattie will be leaving WWE soon to spent more time with the injured Tyson Kidd and her recent push over the last few weeks is basically her farewell program with the company

[Edited on 6/22/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Sam Is Neat - 6-22-2016 at 08:14 AM

New info suggests that Paige and Alberto were confronted by fans, which started this whole story/non-story.

and I still stand by my sources (mainly my eyes and high definition television) that Paige has a yellowy colored vagina.

What? This IS the rumor thread, is it not?

janerd75 - 6-22-2016 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
and I still stand by my sources (mainly my eyes and high definition television) that Paige has a yellowy colored vagina.

That probably comes from her fanny's pH being thrown off by all the loads of Spanish seasoning she eats, perro.

ThePunisher - 6-22-2016 at 01:48 PM

Presiden t Rock?

Paddlefoot - 6-22-2016 at 03:05 PM

Why not? After this current election lowered the bar so much merely not being a lunatic, an imbecile, or a crook should be seen as a positive for any future candidate.

ThePunisher - 6-22-2016 at 03:29 PM

And imagine the pop in Congress when "IF YA SMELLLLLLL...." hits right before "Hail to the Chief" during the State of the Union.

Paddlefoot - 6-22-2016 at 03:35 PM

Being able to beat up all the other world leaders can only be seen as a bonus. Rock's intelligent, witty, lives fairly decently, and thoughtful. All of those are advantages to have from the start. If we're going to have celebrities vying for important offices from now on in it'll be good if the ones who try aren't psychos and idiots (i.e. unlike Trump).


* Seth Rollins will have a role in Sharknado 4

* word is that CM Punk's UFC debut will be pushed back again from UFC 202 in August to UFC 203 in September

* Balor & Nakamura will be facing Aries & Joe at a WWE main roster show in Orlando this Sunday

[Edited on 6/22/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Count Zero - 6-22-2016 at 08:05 PM

I say this with no sarcasm (but as a non-american, so my opinion carries little weight): The Rock is easily the most likeable celebrity candidate since Ah-nold, and definitely as likeable as Ronald Reagan. The former couldn't run for president, and the latter was for two terms. If Jesse Ventura can get everybody to "get over" his "The Body" persona, I think The Dwayne can climb even greater mountains.

Flash - 6-22-2016 at 08:32 PM

The Rock's also managed to go like 20 years in the lime light without any scandals, and bonus.... although shirtless Putin pic's Russia puts out to show up Obama will be put to shame.

ThePunisher - 6-22-2016 at 11:09 PM

His past as a Muslim sympathizer with the Nation of Domination would come into play, though. Sadly, I'm only half joking.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-22-2016 at 11:19 PM

*Rock paces with frantic energy in front of the foreign dignitaries*

"Now the thing you jabronis need to understand is that The Rock is a very busy President, so you'll have to forgive The Rock for asking, but what is your name?"

"My name is Vladimir Pu-"


*Putin is Rock Bottomed*

"Dwayne, you promised you'd stop doing this."

"Know your role and shut your mouth, Vice President Taylor Swift."

ThePunisher - 6-23-2016 at 12:24 AM

President Rock appoints a new Press Secretary, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, who decides to move all State of the Union Adresses to Pay Per View.

President Rock's time in office will be remembered for his long running feuds with Speaker of the House, Steve Austin and Chief Justice, Triple H.

[Edited on 6-22-2016 by ThePunisher]

greynlds - 6-23-2016 at 04:25 AM

Originally posted by ThePunisher
President Rock appoints a new Press Secretary, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, who decides to move all State of the Union Adresses to Pay Per View.

Only on the WWE network, of course...

Sam Is Neat - 6-23-2016 at 06:16 AM

Rumored PPV schedule after the brand split.

WWE SummerSlam � August 21st in Brooklyn, 7pm ET start time, both brands
* WWE Backlash, September 11th in Richmond, 8pm ET start time, SmackDown event, WWE Network exclusive
* WWE Clash of the Champions, September 25th in Indianapolis, 8pm ET start time, RAW event
* WWE No Mercy, October 9th in Sacramento, 8pm ET start time, SmackDown event
* WWE Hell In a Cell, October 30th in Boston, 8pm ET start time, RAW event
* WWE Survivor Series, November 20th in Toronto, 7pm ET start time, both brands
* WWE TLC, December 4th in Dallas, 8pm ET start time, SmackDown event
* WWE Roadblock, December 18th in Pittsburgh, 8pm ET start time, RAW event

CheMateo - 6-23-2016 at 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat

* WWE Clash of the Champions, September 25th in Indianapolis, 8pm ET start time, RAW event

I am happy to see the return of the Clash. It was always a fun treat on The Superstation TBS.

With that said, WWE needs to bring back the ramp connected to the ring.
They talk about two brands being distinct from each other. Prove it! Give us a different set for the almighty Clash of the Champions and bring back the ramp.
Where is the ramp?
Show me the ramp!

Sam Is Neat - 6-23-2016 at 08:23 AM

I'm gonna need you to slow down on the ramp...

...because it's a ramp...and you could fall.

Slick - 6-23-2016 at 03:15 PM

I think he needs to ramp it up!

royberto - 6-23-2016 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by punkerhardcore
From 411:

UPDATE: According to Forbes (via, WWE has reportedly contacted Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Goldberg. They say that WWE would like to use Angle on Smackdown, and possibly team him with NXT tag team American Alpha. WWE is also reportedly interested in ringing back Carlito, John Morrison, JTG, Shad Gaspard and Shelton Benjamin.

ORIGINAL: Dave Meltzer posted on Twitter that WWE is contacting �lots of 40+-year-old guys� to help fill up the WWE�s roster the upcoming return of the brand split to the company.

Adding to this, Kurt Angle himself confirmed that HHH was in contact with him. Also it is confirmed that WWE has talked with MVP, Carlito, and Stevie Richards as well:

williamssl - 6-23-2016 at 08:20 PM

I know we're dealing with rumors, but since the brand split has its own thread, can we use that to, you know, talk about the brand split?

The ppv schedule and names, and the people potentially coming back, are being discussed in both.

[Edited on 6-23-2016 by williamssl]

Count Zero - 6-23-2016 at 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* word is that CM Punk's UFC debut will be pushed back again from UFC 202 in August to UFC 203 in September
This was just announced during a "sports update break" segment on Sportsnet East/West/North/South/Omega/B-Team, so I guess that makes it an official news release now? I'm sure it has one of those Card Subject To Change disclaimers, but that's where we stand for now.

Flash - 6-24-2016 at 12:22 AM

Brock has done enough legit stuff, up to and including holding the UFC title, that win or lose at UFC 200 I think he'll still be held up as someone who could survive "in a real fight", and a legit bad ass (I'm sure there will be some comments if he loses none the less)... but I wonder if Punk now having to fight on the heels of Brock winning or losing raises the stakes a bit for him and the perception of wrestlers as legit tough guys.

I mean the general consensus has been that Punk is probably going to get his butt kicked, but to now have a date locked* in, and for it to be so close on the heels of Lesnar coming back it just feels a bit more perilous for Punk now**

*Well as locked in as what, the third or fourth reschedule can be....

** I'm sure this is exactly what Punk wants, to be underestimated, and doesn't give a shit what others think.

jmble - 6-24-2016 at 03:23 PM

Not sure if this is worthy of a new topic, so I'll just post it here in case anyone is interested.

Talk is Jericho just put up a Podcast with Sandra Toffoloni who is the sister of Nancy Benoit and it's all about the Benoit tragedy.

I haven't listened yet, so I can't comment on the quality of the discussion, but it should be an interesting listen.

Sam Is Neat - 6-24-2016 at 07:22 PM

Read somewhere that WWE officials confirmed that Kurt Angle WILL NOT be coming back.

Might have been 411.

ulsterphil - 6-24-2016 at 11:29 PM

Thats a damn shame if true, Angles return would have been great to coincide with the Olympics in a few months.

Chris Is Good517 - 6-25-2016 at 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Read somewhere that WWE officials confirmed that Kurt Angle WILL NOT be coming back.

Might have been 411.

Tough to say, really.

On the one hand, Angle is kinda known for playing fast and loose with the truth. So just because he claims that they were in conversations doesn't make it necessarily true.

On the other hand, if WWE does want to bring him in and make his return a huge surprise moment that blows the roof off a building, then of course they're not going to show their hand. They should deny it. A Kurt Angle return on a live show is one of the last remaining true "HOLY SHIT!" moments they've got left right now. Advertising it in advance would be ludicrous.

CM Crunk - 6-25-2016 at 12:45 AM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Originally posted by Sam Is Neat
Read somewhere that WWE officials confirmed that Kurt Angle WILL NOT be coming back.

Might have been 411.

Tough to say, really.

On the one hand, Angle is kinda known for playing fast and loose with the truth. So just because he claims that they were in conversations doesn't make it necessarily true.

On the other hand, if WWE does want to bring him in and make his return a huge surprise moment that blows the roof off a building, then of course they're not going to show their hand. They should deny it. A Kurt Angle return on a live show is one of the last remaining true "HOLY SHIT!" moments they've got left right now. Advertising it in advance would be ludicrous.

Totally agree on both points. I've wanted Angle back for years. Initially I understood his departure from WWE because of the strain he was living under physically and mentally, so I was really disheartened when he almost immediately jumped over to TNA. In the years that have passed since then I've barely kept up with TNA so I can't speak with any real authority regarding his current state in-ring or on the mic. What I do know is that the rollercoaster he was on prior to leaving WWE hasn't really let up and that concerns me if they're *ahem* angling for him to make an in-ring return. I have to imagine he would have just BARELY passed the current physical for performers if he were in the same shape he was back when he left. Now? I don't know of that's possible unless there is some sort of loophole pertaining to "special attraction" style contracts or whatever...

Could he come back in a managerial, or GM-style role? Hell yeah he could. One thing that Kurt always had in spades was personality (on top of his freakish in-ring ability.) But once again, I'm not familiar with his current body of work to be able to say that that would be a proper role for him either. With all the abuse this guys put himself through over the years I can't help but wonder if he'd be the same guy on the stick. I liken it to Ric Flair who we can all mostly agree is a borderline trainwreck these days but once was one of if not THE best all-around performers in the history of the business. You don't have to look back any further than his run as GM during the first draft to see that he still was managing to keep it all together and do competent work. He still had his faculties about him. Granted he's at a more advanced age than Angle but this business can do bad things to a performers mind if they're allowed to go full-tilt for so long without anyone to rein them in. And Angle hasn't had a whole lot of people telling him "no you shouldn't do that" since making the move to TNA.

Maybe I'm overthinking this. But I think some of my concerns are valid. I'd love to see Angle back in the fold and be properly acknowledged for the stellar work that he put in (even if it's only for the years that "count" in Vince's eyes) but I don't want to see him come back and taint his legacy or flame out in a brushfire of wellness violations and other random weirdness. I think at the very least he needs to comeback under a Legends contract and accept his rightful place in the Hall of Fame. If he isn't reliable enough at this point to be a regularly featured performer on TV I think he would be an excellent addition to the coaching staff at the Performance Center.


ulsterphil - 6-25-2016 at 12:35 PM

The way i see it, Angle is too good a talent to not use on TV in some capacity.

If (and its a big if now that Reigns' suspension has probably changed plans) Cena was to head up the Smackdown roster it would have been perfect sense to bring in Angle as GM of the show under the premise that he will bring in new talent to try and get rid of Cena in a long callback to Cena's debut against Angle under the ruthless aggression phase.

You get some good to great promo work from Cena and Angle and then call ups and rubs to some NXT guys. American Alpha, im looking at you.

[Edited on 6-25-2016 by ulsterphil]

GodEatGod - 6-25-2016 at 02:11 PM

I would imagine the difficulty would be in terms of value. Kurt would probably want a big money deal, something similar to what, say, Sting got at the very least, maybe even more. And I'm not sure WWE would be willing to give him that, especially if they want to use him simply as a figurehead/manager and not as an active wrestler. I'm not sure Angle could pass a WWE physical to be an in-ring competitor, given his neck issues alone.

I'd like to see him back, too, for a myriad of reasons, but I just wouldn't hold my breath.

To me, and I know he's involved in something ludicrous right now in TNA, Jeff Hardy's probably the big get. The crowd really would go nuts for him and there's a ton of guys for him to work with. As goofy as he seems, all indications are that he's been clean and sober for a few years now and he's said he wants to come back to WWE.

Matt, however, can stay home.

nOOb - 6-25-2016 at 04:13 PM

You know, judging from how motivated RVD was for the first run in his post-TNA career, I don't think I'd mind two-three months of Matt Hardy, too. Granted, two of those months would have to be in a WWE Hardy Boys reunion and one as the Sensei of Mattitude passing on his art to a new student, but it does look like a few of these ex-WWE guys coming from TNA actually show up motivated for a brief bit until they decide to get fat again.

Flash - 6-25-2016 at 06:21 PM

It might not be a huge deal, but I'm sure "WWE star's brother found guilty of murder" is a headline they might want to avoid with Angle... Who's brother just plead guilty to murdering his wife... So maybe they are waiting for the sentencing part to be over?

Be it Angle, the Hardy's, or Goldberg, I'm cool with them bring any of them back; provided it's in the right situation, and if they are used in a way that adds something to the program.... Rey Mysterio coming back and doing 10 matches with the same tired 619 set up and finish is not what I'm looking for... a Rumble spot, a small tag run, whatever... can all be fun.

Like I wrote in the brand split thread; I don't think it's the former "A" or even necessarily "B" guys they need... it's guys who can fill those five minute matches... start using the guys you already have in a meaningful way. Is Zack Ryder your next world champ? No, but he could probably hold down 10 minutes a week for you... 3,4, or 6 months from now if you see that you've got holes in your roster and some guys who have now been given a chance don't pan out then you can plug those holes with some former upper mid-card guys... who if you play your cards right and show Steph' and Shane bidding over them a bit, would make them seem like that much more of a big deal (although I totally agree that if you get a guy like Angle he should be a surprise walk on during a live show)

CM Crunk - 6-25-2016 at 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Flash
It might not be a huge deal, but I'm sure "WWE star's brother found guilty of murder" is a headline they might want to avoid with Angle...

Hey! Don't forget Dolph Ziggler! Who do you think you are? WWE creative?

Chris Is Good517 - 6-25-2016 at 09:41 PM

Potential NXT spoilers for the next 2-3 weeks, beware

Sounds as though American Alpha and Finn Balor were both "written off" at the NXT tapings last night, so their involvement with the 7/19 live Smackdown draft is probably as imminent as we all already assumed it was.

CM Crunk - 6-25-2016 at 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Chris Is Good517
Potential NXT spoilers for the next 2-3 weeks, beware

Sounds as though American Alpha and Finn Balor were both "written off" at the NXT tapings last night, so their involvement with the 7/19 live Smackdown draft is probably as imminent as we all already assumed it was.

Welp. So much for my avoiding NXT results as I get caught up. I suppose I can't complain though, I mean it's not like we have a section of the board dedicated to spoilers. Pity, that.

ETA: But seriously I wish there was a bbcode for spoilers, potential and confirmed alike.

[Edited on 6/25/2016 by CM Crunk]

Paddlefoot - 6-28-2016 at 07:51 AM

Anyone remember what match against Angle this was from? Hunter usually only scowled in the ring most of the time. I can't recall him ever getting this animated.

janerd75 - 6-28-2016 at 11:04 PM

Kurt comeback nooz.

�I had a talk with WWE,� said Angle. �It�s confidential. I will not be returning for the draft. Possibly in the future, most likely next year, but that is not a guarantee. It was a loose conversation but I will be in touch with Triple H [Paul Levesque] in the future.�

TL;DR: Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe go fuck ourselves.

[Insert Walter Sobchak 'GodDAMNIT!' gif here]

Paddlefoot - 6-29-2016 at 06:14 AM

Mattel releases new Lana figure. Motivation behind giving her Nicole Bass' face not clear.

kiez - 6-29-2016 at 07:01 AM

That face hair combo could pass for Rikishi. Draw a pencil thin blonde beard and some yellow sunglasses an voila.

Sad thing is it was probably 3D scanned, so should be proportionally correct. Looks like a cheap knock off.

Count Zero - 6-29-2016 at 07:14 AM

So that's what Tyler Breeze is doing these days?

CM Crunk - 6-29-2016 at 08:28 AM

Originally posted by kiez
That face hair combo could pass for Rikishi. Draw a pencil thin blonde beard and some yellow sunglasses an voila.

Sad thing is it was probably 3D scanned, so should be proportionally correct. Looks like a cheap knock off.

It's highly likely that the 3D scan is flawless, but its just the cheap paint applications that aren't doing the headsculpt any favors. I'm pretty sure a lot of the mass production toy companies save money in the long run with the 3D scanning and printing of liscensed likenesses but they always look wonky as hell with the cheap paint apps. I'd almost prefer them to do something a little more stylized that doesn't require the color depth required to make the most out of the scans.

Just a few examples of what some skillful paint apps can do for a sculpt. Even iffy ones.

Man Repaints Movie Dolls to Look Lifelike
Star Wars Black Series (surprisingly not all Lando variations) repainted

Sorry, I used to sculpt and paint custom heads for action figures so this all kinda hits a bit closer to home for me.

ThePunisher - 6-29-2016 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Mattel releases new Lana figure. Motivation behind giving her Nicole Bass' face not clear.

I'm more confused as to why they used her outfit from an angle that lasted 2 weeks.

lz4005 - 6-29-2016 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by ThePunisher
I'm more confused as to why they used her outfit from an angle that lasted 2 weeks.

It was the last thing she wore before she was out injured for months, wasn't it?

Paddlefoot - 6-29-2016 at 08:15 PM

In this age with what Todd McFarlane and the other comic/video game companies have done with their top-notch figures and toys Mattel going half-assed cheap with the WWE people is fucking unforgivable. Especially wit da wimmenz.

CM Crunk - 6-30-2016 at 12:56 AM

Apparently Dean Ambrose has been pulling double-duty a lot as of late defending the WWE World Title at both A & B house shows on the same day. The figure that I saw claimed that he's wrestled 7 times in the past 4 days. I know they're probably still scrambling to make adjustments while Roman is in the doghouse but you can't help but think CM Punk's recent comments about WWE viewing their workers as indentured servants has a certain amount of validity buried beneath all of the saltiness.

I mean seriously, how can they expect these guys and gals to work the schedules they work and not get injured? Hopefully the brsndsplit will afford both rosters some more downtime toaddress fatigue and lingering injuries, but I gave the sinking feeling that that won't happen.

mistabinks - 6-30-2016 at 03:36 AM

Double duty is double duty. That's a lot of punishment on the body. At least one of the double shots were both in Florida. I don't think the two tours usually run that close together.

CM Crunk - 6-30-2016 at 04:02 AM

Originally posted by mistabinks
Double duty is double duty. That's a lot of punishment on the body. At least one of the double shots were both in Florida. I don't think the two tours usually run that close together.

Good point, I just feel like WWE expects a whole lot more out of their performers than they should. I know a lot of it is a reflection of Vince's work ethic. In the sports and entertainment world I honestly can't think of a gig that'd take as much out you physically and emotionally as being a WWE Superstar. I'm a lifelong fan, but I can't speak with any authority on how the houseshow schedules were booked in bygone eras, which makes me curious as to how strenuous they may or may not have been compared to todays model. It seems with the global expansion and tours of Europe, parts of Asia, and Australia now regularly occuring things, the stress of travel has to be significantly heightened even if the amount of untelevised events remain more or less the same.

Could WWE ever adopt a less harsh touring schedule?

Paddlefoot - 6-30-2016 at 04:29 AM

Curse of the fighting champion schtick. That's the way they billed Ambrose after he won the belt so it obligates him to wrestle in any appearance he's billed at. Maybe they could soft pedal it by having more schmozzes, like Rollins or AJ coming out and cutting the match short by interfering and triggering a DQ, or using a chair to lay him out before he even gets to the ring. If it's burning him out to wrestle that much, which is still a big maybe, then cut his appearances except for RAW and SD. Other than that he'll have to show up like this as billed, until the extension happens or more of the wounded bodies like Orton return to take up the slack with main eventing the house shows themselves.

[Edited on 6/30/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Flash - 6-30-2016 at 04:48 AM

From what I've read the schedule in bygone era's was more gruelling in terms of logging road miles, and doing more shows, but I think modern wrestling probably demands more than the old grappling style.. be it top rope moves, out of ring spots, or whatever. Modern guys are on the road as much, but I believe if the trips are more than 200 miles the WWE flies talent (although airports are a whole other kind of pain in the ass).

Not saying some of those old NWA matches weren't rough and tumble with guys giving colour during a lot of matches; just that the tempo is pretty ratcheted up now a days. You were probably also working with the same guys, doing the same spots and matches in bygone years; now they probably change things up every few shows just to prep for TV and PPVs feuds.

Could the WWE run with a less gruelling schedule?


I think there is always going to be a certain pressure put on the top guys as those are the headliners that fans pay to see. There's a reason those guys also get the big bucks. Taking certain guys out of the act would be like going to the circus and not getting the tightrope show, or the elephants...

In saying that in lieu of the brand split you could have run with rotating seasons; which would also keep the product and various match ups and pairings fresh. It would also allow you to build and develop new stars. I think you could also find better ways to write guys out for small stretches... maybe not write them out, but find a way to make the out of ring just as important... feuds can start and simmer for weeks or months before violence erupts.

Really though, let's say guys currently work 3-4 days a week. Yeah PPV's and TV matches are a bit rougher, but it's still only maybe a hour or two of combined bumping a week. In training, and other sports the physical toll is probably worse as you are generally putting in fuller days. The travel and hours in a car is probably harder on your body (not saying matches don't hurt). Overall the lack of down time is probably what takes the bigger wear and tear on the body... If they maybe rotated guys out from all but TV tapings (and really, if you don't need a guy at TV you should know this well before hand, not the day of) that's not so bad... if you are going on a foreign tour then they should give guys time off before and after the tour.

The flip side of this is maybe guys don't want time off. I'm sure they miss their family and all, but their careers and prime earning years are short for most guys, and my understanding is that the WWE still does the whole cut of the gate bit like promoters did in the past... so each show is probably worth a nice chunk of change for a 20 minutes work. I'm also guessing that if you don't have a wife and kids (or hell for some even if you do) the road can probably be a pretty fun place with the boys and lady's throwing themselves at you.

CM Crunk - 6-30-2016 at 04:49 AM

I don't think you'd ever hear Ambrose complain. Or anybody on the roster really. It's probably safe to say that most of the roster is addicted to the lifestyle and the rush they experience in front of a live crowd. At least Ambrose's working style isn't as high impact as a lot of his peers so he's got that going for him. I'm just a fretful Jewish mother when it comes to all the injuries and potential for them to occur while working these types of schedules year-round. I honestly believe the mental fatigue is far more dangerous and responsible for injuries and mishaps than anything else.

Paddlefoot - 6-30-2016 at 05:04 AM

Maybe that's why WWF/E never did a TV Champion title. Getting goofy with the short-lived Hardcore title with the can-get-pinned anywhere aspect was as close as they got to a TV title. It was one thing for the NWA to do it because travelling from Chattanooga to Charlotte in a week was no big deal. With WWF/E bopping back and forth across the entire US though, and Canada, and then the yearly European appearances, suddenly those appearances and travel time and wear & tear on the belt holder add up exponentially.

merc - 6-30-2016 at 04:11 PM

So back in the day...

You might see 7 matches in 6 days, with Sunday being a double shift. I think matches went longer, as Main events might run 60 minute "Broadway" time limit draws. The style was different, as today there are "routine" moves that were "kill them dead" finishers.

Today's audience doesn't have the patience, for the "dreaded" arm bar, for lengthy matches that play with emotional energy. btw at one point a Japanese arm bar was a submission hold.

So shorter more intense matches today vs. longer slower matches of yesteryear.

I'm reading Terry Funk's book and he says over 200 miles were a flight in the 70's, travel was easier then. Territories made travel more condensed, today the two (three) touring groups have to cover the globe.

Either way, not an easy way to make a living.

Paddlefoot - 7-1-2016 at 07:02 PM

* all charges against Jerry Lawler and his girlfriend for their drunken domestic incident have been dropped and the case dismissed; no word on when/if Lawler will return from his suspension from WWE, or if WWE/the cops finally told him to grow the fuck up already

PB-13 - 7-1-2016 at 10:33 PM

If Ambrose does get injured, well then he must be injury-prone and can't be relied on. Belt goes back on Roman or Cena.

royberto - 7-2-2016 at 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
* all charges against Jerry Lawler and his girlfriend for their drunken domestic incident have been dropped and the case dismissed; no word on when/if Lawler will return from his suspension from WWE, or if WWE/the cops finally told him to grow the fuck up already
WWE has already lifted the suspension effective immediately according to Jerry's lawyer.

royberto - 7-2-2016 at 12:50 AM

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan has now joined twitter:

This is the real deal and has been verified by Bobby's wife and Mick Foley.

He has found a voice. He can't talk, but his mind still works and he can still type. He has already gotten an "Arriba McEntyre" reference in.

Paddlefoot - 7-2-2016 at 03:06 AM

New-old footage from the late 1990's of HHH and Mike Chioda beating the crap out of a fan in Germany who got into the ring and went at Austin.

Also, tales of Meng!

Jake "The Snake" may have said it best during one of his shoot interviews: "If I had a gun and was sitting inside a tank with one shell left and Meng is 300 yards away, he's mine, right? Well the first thing I'm going to do is jump out of the tank and shoot myself because I don't want to wound that son of a bitch and have him pissed off at me."

[Edited on 7/2/2016 by Paddlefoot]

Matte - 7-2-2016 at 09:04 PM

Originally posted by royberto
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan has now joined twitter:

This is the real deal and has been verified by Bobby's wife and Mick Foley.

Stay posted; reports are saying it's not really Heenan.

royberto - 7-2-2016 at 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by royberto
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan has now joined twitter:

This is the real deal and has been verified by Bobby's wife and Mick Foley.

Stay posted; reports are saying it's not really Heenan.
Sad. Seems they had a lot of WWE people snowed like Joey Styles.

Matte - 7-2-2016 at 11:54 PM

Sites are reporting that Tajiri has signed with WWE and will remain with them post-CWC.

the goon - 7-3-2016 at 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Sites are reporting that Tajiri has signed with WWE and will remain with them post-CWC.

I always loved Tajiri, so that's awesome news if true. Though considering I haven't seen the guy on TV in about 10 years, does anyone know if he's still as awesome as he once was or have the years caught up with him (he is apparently almost 46, so I guess that makes me slightly less enthused about him returning)?

CM Crunk - 7-3-2016 at 08:04 AM

I've always loved Tajiri. I wonder what in what capacity he's going to be used? To pad out one of the rosters after the split, or in a Rhyno-esque role in NXT (and in close proximity to Regal, natch)? Both? It'll never happen but I'd love to see a rematch between him and Asuka.

royberto - 7-3-2016 at 03:52 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
I've always loved Tajiri. I wonder what in what capacity he's going to be used? To pad out one of the rosters after the split, or in a Rhyno-esque role in NXT (and in close proximity to Regal, natch)? Both? It'll never happen but I'd love to see a rematch between him and Asuka.
Well, WWE has uploaded a video of Tajiri and Regal's reunion:

Regal is absolutely hilarious

DKBroiler - 7-4-2016 at 06:09 PM

Can someone please make a GIF with Kevin Durant's head on Seth Rollins body during the SHIELD breakup? Westbrook as Reigns of course.

The Internet needs you now more than ever wise GIF makers.

Gobshite - 7-4-2016 at 11:16 PM

Those two should be what you're after. Sorry I'm shit at embedding stuff.

DKBroiler - 7-5-2016 at 03:38 AM

Perfect! Hahaha

CM Crunk - 7-5-2016 at 04:57 AM

So over on Reddit the guy who broke Shane vs. Taker before anyone else did is back with news that will make Dom super happy. Happy? No. Filled with rage, yes. He's saying that Brock's SummerSlam opponent will be Randy Orton. Yay?

Flash - 7-5-2016 at 05:55 PM

Probably not a popular stance with the IWC, but I like the idea of Brock versus Orton....

Like it or not Orton is one of the most decorated wrestlers in history, and he's pretty over... so I think he's way overdue for a big match situation, as he's full time enough that whatever rub he gets from that he can still spread around.

Would this have been better 2-3 years ago... yup- but it's a fresh match up that could conceivably go either way (it probably won't, but there's just enough doubt in there to let you enjoy what they do in the ring without calling it completely predictable.... and that's without any side story elements, turns, runs ins thrown into the mix). It's also not the kind of match that would have to eclipse the show either while still adding a big match to the card... it could go on in the middle just fine, or it could main event (probably not).

Don't get me wrong; there are a handful of Brock pairing I'd rather see in lieu of this, but I also don't think it's the worst idea in the world either.

First 9 - 7-6-2016 at 04:48 AM

Eh, Lesnar is the new Undertaker which means you just can't throw anybody at him and not have it be a semi-squash. I'd love to see Zayn/Cesaro/Balor vs Lesnar, but it's the same as saying I'd love to seeing them be World Champion, it won't just happen from one night to the next. Out of the batch of new generation guys, I feel only Styles and Owens should have a competitive match with Lesnar as of right now.

Orton the character is stale but he's fine as a wrestler and I think he can have great match with Lesnar and he's big enough name that hopefully they have Brock go all out. The underwhelming matches against Ambrose and Harper were a waste.

the goon - 7-6-2016 at 04:58 AM

I would be completely fine with Lesnar/Orton if it happens. I think it's an intriguing match up, not to mention one that we've never seen before, and Orton is arguably the biggest name in the WWE that Lesnar hasn't feuded with at some point since his return a few years ago.

Matte - 7-6-2016 at 05:27 AM

Originally posted by the goon
I would be completely fine with Lesnar/Orton if it happens. I think it's an intriguing match up, not to mention one that we've never seen before


First 9 - 7-6-2016 at 06:34 AM

Orton reminds a lot of Dennis from Sunny in that pic. Man, if Orton could have ever gotten comfortable mic he could have killed it as the narcissitic sociopath who doesn't understand he is a fucked up psycho.

punkerhardcore - 7-6-2016 at 07:21 AM

"It's all about the implication..."

OORick - 7-6-2016 at 07:35 AM

FWIW, WWE didn't reveal Lesnar's opponent during TV tapings tonight, which means it'll be a secret pre-taped insert, not some live in-ring spectacle. Well, either that, or it just doesn't happen at all....

And this is where I'd have a problem if it's Orton. I'm on board with Lesnar/Orton in a general sense: it's a mountain Lesnar hasn't really climbed, and a guy with enough past glory that you'd believe WWE would do a 3-match arc where Orton could believably get one up on Brock OR have Orton just take a loss (a la Ambrose) and he'd be pretty much undamaged by it. [I think this flexibility is handy, too, because what you do with Brock at SummerSlam might be contingent on if he wins or loses at UFC200. If he wins, he can have a competitive first feud back; if he loses, though, it better be a pretty decisive win.]

Intellectually, I know it's sort of inevitable, and other people will want to see it, but for me, it's Orton, so, you know, bleh.... in other words, pretty much how a lot of internet types felt about Lesnar feuding with HHH, even though that worked out pretty well.

But back to why THIS introduction of the match irks me: nobody is clammoring for it. Nobody has ever once said "Boy, what would happen if Lesnar faced Orton?" You can't just have WWE throw out a video package and declare HERE IT IS, BASK IN THE GLORY OF THE DECISION WE MADE FOR SUMMERSLAM! and expect it to click. But apparently that is the presentation they are choosing for the reveal, and even if you dress it up as a Shane or Steph power play to pull a main event caliber match out of thin ar, that doesn't solve the problem of why anyone would want to see Lesnar/Orton other than "because it's on SummerSlam."

For Lesnar/Orton to work, you have to do an actual pro wrestling storyline, instead of just lazily banking on the vague hope that if you have Lesnar's next pro wrestling match as a hot topic just as he competes at UFC200, somehow that will entice MMA fans to transfer over to watch Brock at his "day job." Dana White can just wave his wand and go "Mmmmmmm, Brock vs. Some Random Guy Not Ranked in the Top 5 But Who Isn't a Total Schlub," and it works, because that's MMA. WWE can't do that with a similar opponent in Orton.

Now, have Orton show up and do the actual in-ring, put the bad mouth on Lesnar, and give us a valid reason for why he demands the match? Then you have something. It may not be much, because speaking isn't Randall's strong suit, but if he can plant the seed (and he just missed almost a whole damned year of his career due to back-to-back movie-then-injury, so it's not like he shouldn't be ultra-motivated to do something massive), then Paul Heyman will take over the very next week, and cultivate that thing into a redwood by SummerSlam.

Just my own damned opinion, but a slick corporate reveal of a "focus group dream match" that doesn't actually have any traction or "wanty" with the fans isn't gonna get Orton/Lesnar off to much of a hot start....


janerd75 - 7-6-2016 at 07:47 AM

Clownbaby - 7-6-2016 at 10:21 AM

I have long thought that "The Gang" (complete with a Frank-type manager) could make for a great wrestling gimmick. I could see someone at the level of The Social Outcasts pulling it off. The right "Dee" would be awesome.

CM Crunk - 7-6-2016 at 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Clownbaby
I have long thought that "The Gang" (complete with a Frank-type manager) could make for a great wrestling gimmick. I could see someone at the level of The Social Outcasts pulling it off. The right "Dee" would be awesome.

*cough*Summer Rae*cough*

Gobshite - 7-6-2016 at 11:54 AM

I don't believe this UFC shows is a 1 off thing for Brock, IF HE WINS.

If he loses - back to WWE he goes.

If he wins - Dana's going to want to milk that cash cow, and Junior Dos Santos doesn't currently have a fight lined up...

CCharger - 7-6-2016 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by OORick
You can't just have WWE throw out a video package and declare HERE IT IS, BASK IN THE GLORY OF THE DECISION WE MADE

Why not? They do it all the time. It is literally their entire booking mentality.

Slick - 7-6-2016 at 02:55 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
Originally posted by Clownbaby
I have long thought that "The Gang" (complete with a Frank-type manager) could make for a great wrestling gimmick. I could see someone at the level of The Social Outcasts pulling it off. The right "Dee" would be awesome.

*cough*Summer Rae*cough*

She looks like a bird

merc - 7-6-2016 at 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
I don't believe this UFC shows is a 1 off thing for Brock, IF HE WINS.

If he loses - back to WWE he goes.

If he wins - Dana's going to want to milk that cash cow, and Junior Dos Santos doesn't currently have a fight lined up...

If he wins and comes back for Summer Slam before Dos Santos, think of how the E can abuse him... BROCK LESNER v. Zack Ryder with a Ryder win... Then off you go to UFC....

Ain't gonna happen, but what fun it could be... Maybe even a big return match against one of the Social Outcasts...with a surprising upset.

The list of how to fuck with Brock's newfound success in UFC is long and entertaining.

DKBroiler - 7-6-2016 at 05:10 PM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by Gobshite
I don't believe this UFC shows is a 1 off thing for Brock, IF HE WINS.

If he loses - back to WWE he goes.

If he wins - Dana's going to want to milk that cash cow, and Junior Dos Santos doesn't currently have a fight lined up...

If he wins and comes back for Summer Slam before Dos Santos, think of how the E can abuse him... BROCK LESNER v. Zack Ryder with a Ryder win... Then off you go to UFC....

Ain't gonna happen, but what fun it could be... Maybe even a big return match against one of the Social Outcasts...with a surprising upset.

The list of how to fuck with Brock's newfound success in UFC is long and entertaining.

Why would they even contemplate this? Your suggestion is literally one of the most stupid posts in OO history. WWE stands to make tens of millions of dollars off of Brock win or lose till the end of time. He's not jobbing to anyone who isn't on the fast track to being a first ballot hall of famer.

Besides, do you honestly think he'd go along with losing to a guy like Ryder in anything but the most insanely over booked schmooze? If they even suggested this chances are he'd say no, and then have Vince fire the guy for stupidity.

Flash - 7-6-2016 at 05:51 PM

If the promo were in more capable hands... ie not Randy's, and the whole lack of respect thing hadn't been his big selling point as the face of the company/authority a couple years ago... I'd say that the whole I'm a legend but never got the respect bit would be a way to go. There's enough real stuff there with Orton getting passed over for all the big matches, or even really paying much attention to him when he gets some mainstream success (the RKO videos). Eh... maybe Heyman can shine that turd up a bit to get into Randy's head.

Honestly what they should do is go with a heel Orton... the legend killer gimmick was gold for the guy, and right now the big white buffalo out there is Brock. Orton winning could also give you a good launch pad for him paying that forward to the rest of the roster... maybe a guy like Zayn can go over Orton... not big enough to go over Brock, but Orton's jobbed enough times that he can spread the rub around.

merc - 7-6-2016 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by Gobshite
I don't believe this UFC shows is a 1 off thing for Brock, IF HE WINS.

If he loses - back to WWE he goes.

If he wins - Dana's going to want to milk that cash cow, and Junior Dos Santos doesn't currently have a fight lined up...

If he wins and comes back for Summer Slam before Dos Santos, think of how the E can abuse him... BROCK LESNER v. Zack Ryder with a Ryder win... Then off you go to UFC....

Ain't gonna happen, but what fun it could be... Maybe even a big return match against one of the Social Outcasts...with a surprising upset.

The list of how to fuck with Brock's newfound success in UFC is long and entertaining.

Why would they even contemplate this? Your suggestion is literally one of the most stupid posts in OO history. WWE stands to make tens of millions of dollars off of Brock win or lose till the end of time. He's not jobbing to anyone who isn't on the fast track to being a first ballot hall of famer.

Besides, do you honestly think he'd go along with losing to a guy like Ryder in anything but the most insanely over booked schmooze? If they even suggested this chan
ces are he'd say no, and then have Vince fire the guy for stupidity.

DK, I'll trust you speed read the post and missed "ain't gonna happen". If not, then you just surpassed my "stupidest post in OO history."

I was just playin with VKM getting a woody over having one of his jobbers beat a UFC stud.

hardwayjuice - 7-6-2016 at 07:57 PM

Is it showing too much respect for the audience's memory span/intelligence just to use the fact that Orton usurped Lesnar's "omg youngest evar heavyweight champ" accolade (back in 2004 in one of Vince's blatant acts of spiteful booking after Bork went to try his hand in the NFL?)?

Not that I can explain why Black Lesbo has waited 4 years since his return to bring the matter to young Randolph's attention...

Count Zero - 7-6-2016 at 10:02 PM

Originally posted by CCharger
Originally posted by OORick
You can't just have WWE throw out a video package and declare HERE IT IS, BASK IN THE GLORY OF THE DECISION WE MADE

Why not? They do it all the time. It is literally their entire booking mentality.
I think My Signature even pretty much encapsulates that? Not the drugs part, that's about .. Well, y'all know who. The non-drugs part, I mean. That's the booking philosophy in a nutshell.

Thom - 7-7-2016 at 02:04 PM

I read this quickly:

Originally posted by Flash
Eh... maybe Heyman can shine that turd up a bit to get into Randy's head.

and somehow thought it said, "maybe Heyman can shine that turd up a bit to get Randy hard."

Dyn-O-Mite - 7-7-2016 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
I don't believe this UFC shows is a 1 off thing for Brock, IF HE WINS.

If he loses - back to WWE he goes.

If he wins - Dana's going to want to milk that cash cow, and Junior Dos Santos doesn't currently have a fight lined up...

He's under contract with WWE, so he can't just decide to stick around and line up more UFC fights without:
Express permission from WWE; Some clause in the contract that allows for this that we don't know about; Says "fuck it," and breaches the contract.

But it's not a binary situation: Wins - more UFC; Lose - back to WWE.

denverpunk - 7-8-2016 at 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Matte
Originally posted by the goon
I would be completely fine with Lesnar/Orton if it happens. I think it's an intriguing match up, not to mention one that we've never seen before


I actually remember this match from so long ago. Behold this fucking sweet F5 spot....

Flash - 7-8-2016 at 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Thom
I read this quickly:

Originally posted by Flash
Eh... maybe Heyman can shine that turd up a bit to get into Randy's head.

and somehow thought it said, "maybe Heyman can shine that turd up a bit to get Randy hard."

Hey; if shiny turds get Randy hard, that's his business

Paddlefoot - 7-8-2016 at 03:08 AM

Maybe Randy thought hard shiny turds got Rochelle Loewen wet and that's why he left some in her luggage.

Give the doofus some credit though, going by that F5. He always knew how to sell good. His matches maybe always don't make him look like the best but the other guy usually comes out of it looking fairly decent. He does the two basics of the game very well. Don't make your opponent look like crap and do the performance efficiently & safely enough that no one gets hurt. Even his own injuries always seem to be either the result of flukes (like when he broke his collarbone) or from simple wear & tear (his shoulder) from too many performances per year.

bigfatgoalie - 7-8-2016 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Don't make your opponent look like crap and do the performance efficiently & safely enough that no one gets hurt.

This right there is why there is a HUGE disconnect between how the IWC or smart fans see Orton, and how the people inside the wrestling business see Orton. Whenever there's a bunch of people talking about who they love to work with, Orton ALWAYS comes up. And most of the time comments, tweets, and forum posts claim that the WWE is pushing guys to say that.

But maybe, just maybe guys like a guy who is willing to sell, and make sure nobody gets hurt.

Also remember this?

Here's Rollins on that:


�Randy and I kept missing it and missing it. And neither of us were interested in [taking] the bump itself on a Thursday afternoon or whatever, because it kind of sucked, in a practice ring in front of nobody, so we never got it one time practicing that day. We got the popup, but we never actually did the full thing. We come back to �Mania [on] Sunday and we�re talking and we had come up with a Plan B, like he was going to get me out of a springboard or something like that, which we�ve done and everyone [has] seen it. And Randy�s one of these guys who likes to play it safe sometimes. He likes to bat 1000, he said, and I have no problem with that. I have no problem with that. I was like, �screw it, dude. I get it. You want to bat 1000.� And he was like, �yeah, you know what? I always play it safe.� He was like, �I always play it safe. Every time! And that�s great, but lets just try it. To hell with it.� And I�m like, �are you sure?� And he�s like, �yeah! You know what? I play it safe. I have plenty of WrestleMania matches that are fine, but lets just try it. If we can hit it, it�ll be awesome. It�ll be the greatest thing. Lets just do it.� So we get out there, we�re doing the match.� Rollins continued, �I ran and I hit. It was just one of those things. I hit it and I knew it. I got up in the air. I got super flat. We made eye contact. He hits the thing and he forgets to cover me. If you watch it back, he hits it, he stands up immediately, starts Randy firing up however he does, which was a complete shoot, and I think [John] Cone was our referee or maybe [Mike] Chioda and he�s like, �cover him, cover him!�. He was so excited that it worked.�

Orton still has a LOT of faults. But it's kinda easy to see why they'd give him this match. RKO out of the F5 would be a really good hope spot for Randy before Brock picks up the win.

royberto - 7-8-2016 at 06:45 PM

WWE put out another survey on potential WWE Network Shows

The list is:


* Ask Me Anything Live � Live, interactive Q&A; with WWE talents.

* Everyone Has A Price � Reality series scouring the country for the most memorable WWE memorabilia, the origin of the items and determining their price.

* Extreme Eats � Tommy Dreamer and Bubba Ray Dudley tour the United States to show off their favorite food locations, sample odd and strange food combinations and take part in eating challenges.

* 50 States, 50 Dates � a �WWE bachelor� goes on 50 dates to find romance. This would be a reality show about finding true love while also living your life on the road as a WWE talent.

* Goldberg�s Garage � Reality show about Goldberg, his wife and their mechanics restoring American muscle cars at their North Carolina garage.

* History of WWE � 10 Part documentary series taking fans from the beginning of WWE through the launch of the Network.

* Legends House: Attitude � A sequel to the initial WWE Network series, placing 1990s legends together under one roof.

* Miz & Mrs. � A reality series following Miz and Maryse.

* Talking Summerslam � A Post-PPV Talk Show (think �Talking Dead�)

* Tapout Fitness � WWE stars share their training tips.

* The Third Wheel � Two WWE Fans go on a blind date without knowing they are going to be joined by a WWE star.

* Totally NXT � A reality/competition series as six women try to make their way through the developmental system for a chance at a main roster slot and a Total Divas cast membership.

* The Wives of Flair � Documentary series on the love life of Ric Flair and his four ex-wives.

* WWE All Access � Reality series following main eventers as they prepare for Wrestlemania/Summerslam level major matches.

* WWE Game Night � WWE stars face celebrities in games outside the ring (listed were dodge ball, obstacle courses, Pictionary)

* WWE Investigates � Each segment would be a 3-5 episode mini-series going deep into a real subject in the history of pro wrestling. The life & legacy of Eddie Guerrero was suggested as a sample mini-series.

* WWE Goes Viral � Best WWE viral videos including ones submitted by fans.

* WWE Kids! � Kids interview WWE stars, compete against them in games and call the action for in-ring action.

* WWE Promo Battle � WWE Talents go head to head in �improv wars� in a tournament style setting where the audience and social media as well as a panel of judges determine who moves forward until they crown a promo battle champion.

* WWE Roast � John Cena would be roasted in a no holds barred tribute.

* WWE Superstars Search � Hosted by Lita & Trish Stratus, a competition reality series with 10 women competing for a WWE contract.

I would gladly pay double for the WWE Network for The Wives of Flair. That would be a trainwreck of epic proportions that would be well worth the network subscription price alone.

salmonjunkie - 7-8-2016 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by bigfatgoalie

I'll never get tired of watching that spot. That was executed perfectly, and I'd never seen a spot like that before. That was a bonafide holy shit moment and the only thing that eclipsed it that evening was the other holy shit of Rollins coming in later to win the title.

Still.... Randy vs Brock as it stands isn't really the match I want to see Brock in. However, the more I think about it, the more I think that regardless of how the match is built up, it won't matter - I do think these two are capable of a really good match together. It will remain to be seen if that will actually happen, but I won't automatically be negative about it.

First 9 - 7-9-2016 at 04:22 AM

Ambrose wasn't good enough to get a serious match out of Lesnar. They obviously only want guys at a certain level to have competitive matches with Lesnar. You can't have the most dominant monster in history and have him have back and forth matches with any popular rising star. If Owens or Cesaro are to have serious matches with him, they have to be at a World Title before hand. It's the guy who ended the Streak, squashed Cena and beat the ass out of the new top guy at the WM that was supposed to estalblish him.

Heyman was able to make something of the Reigns vs Lesnar build up, a match that some people didn't even want. Lesnar vs Orton is a lot more palable. And unlike Lesnar vs HHH, this actually qualifies as two guys who paralled each other and characters who contrast(the guy who is above the business vs the guy who lives and breathes it) while Lesnar vs HHH was the top dog of an era vs the distant no.3 of the guy of a previous era.

After spending a career in the shadow of HHH and never really surpassing Cena or Taker, decisively beating Lesnar is the one thing that can finally catapault Orton above his greatest rivals. A smug Heyman feeling WWE is keeping Lesnar away from the belt and attaching him to pointless attraction matches and letting it be know, litting a fire under Orton's ass for being seen as a sacrificial lamb. Shane motivatin Orton as a fellow multiple generation star who wants him to beat the guy who treats wrestling as a second thought despite being given everything.

I dunno, looking at the pieces they have to work with, I like this match.

DKBroiler - 7-10-2016 at 05:45 AM

In case you were wondering Lesnar just beat the piss out of Mark Hunt. Credit to Hunt for not giving up but the first and third rounds were basically Brock using his head for batting practice. He looked better than ever.

First 9 - 7-10-2016 at 06:23 AM

Jesus fuck, Orton is going to get mauled. No way they don't ride THAT all the way to WM.

scott19buckeye - 7-10-2016 at 04:48 PM

I was hoping they would use that to bring up Nakamura. I think a Nakamura/Lesner feud could be fun if WWE keeps it where they are kind of equals because of SN's MMA past.

Well anyways, hopefully the writer monkeys can make some sort of story line that evens up the odds for Orton with a stable or just the ability to quasi-hang in there like Cena and HHH did. The "RKO out of no where" always seems to keep Orton in matches. An idea would be for Orton to hit it at the start to level the playing field in the beginning of the match.

I'm going to let the feud play out before I crap on the idea.

Flash - 7-10-2016 at 05:18 PM

Eh, I don't think Brock's winning changes things a whole lot;

*Brock was already presented as the super unbeatable monster by virtue of how he's been presented since day 1 in the WWE, breaking top level bones (HHH, HBK, Vince's hip), ending the streak, and decimating Cena at Summer Slam a couple years ago.

Unbeatable is one thing; but MMA the WWE ain't; so in order to tell a story.... and the always winning Brock who's a special attraction already and rarely loses... isn't all that exciting.

So I don't think you have to strike while the iron is hot with Brock, because the that Iron has been hot for a while now, and there's really not much higher you can go with a guy with limited dates on his contract.

*Mark who?

I don't watch UFC, I watch wrestling; so I have no idea who Mark Hunt is. That's not a slight against the guy, but just the reality that not all wrestling fans watch UFC, and that Mark Hunt isn't a bigger than the sport kind of guy. I googled him and while he looks like a big enough dude that you wouldn't want to get into a bar fight with, he's also kind of flabby looking... I get that some guys get cut looking and others don't, and that this doesn't preclude someone from being a top level ass kicker; just that Brock and Hunt standing side by side the optics look like Brock should (and did) win.... and in the WWE with Vince's big man fetish, looks go a long way.

*Randy Orton.... 11 time world champion, a name you can trust.

Okay; tongue in cheek comments aside; Orton is a known quantity, and by virtue of the amount of gold he's worn in his career puts him on paper as one of the greatest of all time, and on top of all that he's got that whole family legacy thing behind him as well.

From the way Orton's been generally booked over the years as the number 2 or lower guy you can tell that he's not quite Vince's go to guy... maybe that's because Cena has been a bottomless cash cow, and Orton hasn't quite hit the same heights either because of an early career over push or his own backstage issues; but the guy is still a top guy with some mainstream cache to his resume (those RKO videos are pretty big).


So are Brock and Orton on the same level right now? No; but that's why I like Wrestling more than MMA... the right story and that doesn't matter... I think by virtue of last night, Brock's random appearances, and that Orton is typically a heel, Brock is probably going to be the perceived face in all of this out of the gate; but a bit of work on both sides, and a master spokesperson like Paul Heyman in the mix and I can see them selling this either way.

My lone hope is that IF Orton is a heel, and even if you decide he needs a bit of backup, that they avoid the whole chicken shit heel thing that Vince loves... Brock is a monster, but the idea of a legend killing lone wolf Orton stepping up appeals to me so much more... it makes everyone involved a bigger deal.

royberto - 7-10-2016 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
In case you were wondering Lesnar just beat the piss out of Mark Hunt. Credit to Hunt for not giving up but the first and third rounds were basically Brock using his head for batting practice. He looked better than ever.
It incredibly entertaining going around on the internet seeing all those who were crowing about how Hunt was going to knock Lesnar the fuck out now claiming that Hunt is old, the whole match was a fluke, or any other excuse they could think of. The butt hurt is flowing out there.

That aside, Vince got a hell of a deal out of UFC 200 with WWE 2K17 get promoted several times(Mike Goldberg hyping how you can play Goldberg making me giggle for some reason), A UFC style promo for SummerSlam which was introduced by Chuck Liddell, and Brock winning. So surreal seeing WWE getting that much mention on an UFC PPV.

[Edited on 7-10-2016 by royberto]

DKBroiler - 7-10-2016 at 10:34 PM

Flash: To answer your question Hunt is the 8th ranked heavyweight fighter on earth. He's known for 1 punch knock out power and good take down defense. Basically he should have been the worst possible opponent for Brock and he beat him decisively. Yes, he is a bit flabby but that is more common than you may imagine. Daniel Cormier, for example, isn't ripped at all and is a very dominant fighter. Probably 1 out of 4 UFC guys looks like this. Doesn't mean they can't absolutely destroy someone. Oddly Joe Rogan even said last night that Lesnar looks like "the guy non UFC fans would think the UFC champion would look like but only Brock actually does."

Regardless, he was certainly no tomato can or gimme. Lesnar will probably get ranked in the top 5 pretty quickly. I still don't think he can handle Cain Velazquez (another guy who doesn't look as impressive) but the list of people that will be favored against him can now be counted on one hand. It was a legitimately impressive performance.

Paddlefoot - 7-10-2016 at 11:23 PM

More proof that KO is probably one of the best shit-talkers of all time. Extra relevant due to the swipe at Lesnar.

GodEatGod - 7-11-2016 at 02:58 AM

To me, Owens is the guy you feed Brock to when the time comes to sacrifice all that mystique to put somebody over. Owens has every it factor in the world and has managed to win over WWE management in spite of not looking like their usual 'guy'. I agree that Nakamura would be a phenomenal opponent for Brock, but he doesn't need the shine that Owens would get from dethroning Brock. I mean...just imagining Owens promos afterward makes me happy.

Flash - 7-11-2016 at 03:11 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Flash: To answer your question Hunt is the 8th ranked heavyweight fighter on earth. He's known for 1 punch knock out power and good take down defense. Basically he should have been the worst possible opponent for Brock and he beat him decisively.

Sorry; maybe my post was a bit muddled with me being a bit tongue in cheek about it....

I'm not slogging Hunt; I just meant I didn't know who he was, and that I doubt I'm alone in that regard. For the WWE to come back and sell this as Brock now being an even bigger deal is a bit of a no sale to me for many of the reasons I outlined in my other post (IE Brock can't be a bigger deal than he is already for a part time guy, and that a lot of wrestling people aren't going to know the guy he beat.)

Now on the flip side does this, outside of the promotion they did during UFC 200, help the WWE.... IE does a UFC fan having watched cross-over guy Brock Lesnar take out a legit bad ass decide to follow him over to the WWE? Maybe; and in that regard I think last nights win was a good one for Brock and the WWE... and as I outlined I think you can sell Randy Orton as a big deal, and thus a selling point for other non-fans to get curious about the match... probably not droves worth of fans, but maybe a few curious eyes and lapsed fans.

First 9 - 7-11-2016 at 03:17 AM

I think another worthy contender would be Seth Rollins especially if they turn him face. The Brock/Punk match showed how a fast on his feet, skilled little guy can work around Lesnar in a believable match. I'd love to see Rollins going all out with his crossfit over the top moves and clever little tricks to finally put down Lesnar. It would also follow a similar narrative to Taker-Lesnar, as the super face once again clashes with the guy he never really beat and looks set to finally get his big win until he loses in a big way.

CamstunPWG187 - 7-11-2016 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Flash
Originally posted by Flash
probably not droves worth of fans, but maybe a few curious eyes and lapsed fans.

Yeah, I wish WWE would stop booking things in such a way that would only get "a few curious eyes" on a one-month subscription for. Like someone else said (maybe Rick), this isn't a match you heard rumblings about from the IWC or thought to yourself as some mega match for Summerslam. It's kind of a waste.

At best, it should be super short and WWE should go puro style and have Orton beaten rather decisively in his comeback match, as is the status quo for Japanese wrestlers when they come back after a long hiatus. It'd be short and sweet at 9-10 minutes, and give Orton some color for being back and being rusty, something to work with in his promos.

On the note about how most WWE fans probably didn't know who Mark Hunt is, most WWE fans couldn't probably tell you the names of other guys Brock was in the Octagon with, either, because all that really matters to them is that Brock went over to that real fighting company on their 200th show and legit beat his ass.

I think the whole mystique of having this one guy go over to a legit fighting company and winning after not having done it in 5 years is more than enough to sell to them. I mean come on, it was UFC 200. Their biggest show ever, on paper.

DKBroiler - 7-11-2016 at 05:02 PM

Maybe I'm weird but I don't need a backstory for all of my big matches. I used to be a 2nd tier Orton hater (I ain't touching Dom on this one haha), but I've come around on him. Now I'm at a point where I genuinely miss what he brings to the product on a weekly basis. Personally I think just randomly throwing out a "dream match" between Brock and the biggest non-Cena star of the last decade is a good idea. It doesn't need a bunch of bells and whistles to get me interested in a match between the most dominant guy of this generation versus a 12 time champion when we haven't seen it since they were rookies.

Besides, couldn't Orton just say he asked for it? We have 6 weeks to sort it out.

Paddlefoot - 7-12-2016 at 05:33 AM

* word is that Vince is really down on Roman Reigns and the wellness policy bust has made him even more sour on continuing the Reigns push; he allegedly is favouring giving the boost to Rollins and AJ Styles, who he really likes and has been heard to say that they should have signed him ten years ago; talk also is that Rollins and AJ will possibly become the new faces of RAW and SD as Cena begins to move more towards part-time status and Reigns gets de-pushed

* HHH is reportedly low-balling the mid-card and jobbers whose contracts are coming up for renewal or not offering them new contracts at all in order to create the space on the roster for call-ups from NXT

[Edited on 7/12/2016 by Paddlefoot]

ThePunisher - 7-12-2016 at 04:50 PM

Daniel Bryan as Smackdown GM?

lz4005 - 7-12-2016 at 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Paddlefoot also is that Rollins and AJ will possibly become the new faces of RAW and SD as Cena begins to move more towards part-time status and Reigns gets de-pushed

There's no way in hell they'll have heels at the top of both brands, or do face turns on both in the next few weeks.

DKBroiler - 7-12-2016 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by Paddlefoot also is that Rollins and AJ will possibly become the new faces of RAW and SD as Cena begins to move more towards part-time status and Reigns gets de-pushed

There's no way in hell they'll have heels at the top of both brands, or do face turns on both in the next few weeks.

Disagree. While they often have the face win the main event of WM the rest of the calendar is usually dominated by heels. Been this way for like 20 years. Faces chase and win in the end, while heels stir the pot on a week to week basis.

The only face with a long title reign the last 20 years was Cena. Even Punk's historically long one included a heel turn.

First 9 - 7-13-2016 at 02:10 AM

Damn, the supposed top guy has been a bust, the real top guy won't be a regular, and Vince would rather make the current top heels face than consider Ambrose as a long term face of a brand. That's so shitty that's it probably true.

DK, heels usually hold the Title but faces are 90% of the time the featured face of the brand is a face. 05 to 13 was pretty much the Cena era(as far as RAW is concerned, SD had more variety), mid90s was Bret's time, and of course there's the Attitude Era with Austin and Rock as the featured performers. The only real exceptions are only in HHH's reign of terror, JBL's reign on SD, and Lesnar who was already top face switching to top heel in 03.

merc - 7-13-2016 at 03:29 AM

Originally posted by First 9
Damn, the supposed top guy has been a bust, the real top guy won't be a regular, and Vince would rather make the current top heels face than consider Ambrose as a long term face of a brand. That's so shitty that's it probably true.

DK, heels usually hold the Title but faces are 90% of the time the featured face of the brand is a face. 05 to 13 was pretty much the Cena era(as far as RAW is concerned, SD had more variety), mid90s was Bret's time, and of course there's the Attitude Era with Austin and Rock as the featured performers. The only real exceptions are only in HHH's reign of terror, JBL's reign on SD, and Lesnar who was already top face switching to top heel in 03.

Well the good wrestling times had Bruno, Pedro & Bob holding the belt from 63 to 84 with about a year of heels total reign. So...yeah...there's that...

[Edited on 7-13-2016 by merc]

GodEatGod - 7-13-2016 at 07:20 AM

Originally posted by merc
Originally posted by First 9
Damn, the supposed top guy has been a bust, the real top guy won't be a regular, and Vince would rather make the current top heels face than consider Ambrose as a long term face of a brand. That's so shitty that's it probably true.

DK, heels usually hold the Title but faces are 90% of the time the featured face of the brand is a face. 05 to 13 was pretty much the Cena era(as far as RAW is concerned, SD had more variety), mid90s was Bret's time, and of course there's the Attitude Era with Austin and Rock as the featured performers. The only real exceptions are only in HHH's reign of terror, JBL's reign on SD, and Lesnar who was already top face switching to top heel in 03.

Well the good wrestling times had Bruno, Pedro & Bob holding the belt from 63 to 84 with about a year of heels total reign. So...yeah...there's that...

[Edited on 7-13-2016 by merc]

Ah, yes, the good wrestling times. When men were men and you knew it because you could smell their armpits from holding one another in ten minute headlocks.

CCharger - 7-13-2016 at 01:49 PM

* To follow up on rumors of Vince being very high on AJ. There is apparently some heat on John Laurinaitas and to a lesser extent Triple H for not targeting Styles sooner. Vince believes that Styles is a talent that you can make money with and is upset that he missed out on Styles in his prime, and blames Talent Relations for the oversight.

*There is also some heat on HHH for his handling of the Cody Rhodes exit. Vince felt that it could have been avoided with better communication, something Vince frequently get on him about.

[Edited on 7-13-2016 by CCharger]

gobbledygooker - 7-13-2016 at 03:51 PM

Originally posted by lz4005
Originally posted by Paddlefoot also is that Rollins and AJ will possibly become the new faces of RAW and SD as Cena begins to move more towards part-time status and Reigns gets de-pushed

There's no way in hell they'll have heels at the top of both brands, or do face turns on both in the next few weeks.

I definitely don't see them turning AJ since he just went heel a few weeks ago but I could still easily see them turning Rollins, especially with the brand split and/or giving him a fresh start. The crowd is just chomping at the bit to cheer the guy.

CM Crunk - 7-13-2016 at 06:07 PM

I know I'm a little late to the Lesnar/Orton discussion, but I just wanted to bring up something that just came to my mind that I don't think has been addressed yet: Anybody else think that it's kind of a bad idea to have the guy who's coming back from shoulder surgery and has had a history of problems with his shoulders due to hyper-mobility take on the big murder giant who basically just german suplexes his opponents for 10-20 minutes straight in his first match back from a long layoff?

Gobshite - 7-13-2016 at 06:23 PM

I'd like to think they've thought of this, and have Lesnar copy his UFC style of just grounding a guy and punching / kneeing them until Orton literally can't move any more...

CM Crunk - 7-13-2016 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Gobshite
I'd like to think they've thought of this, and have Lesnar copy his UFC style of just grounding a guy and punching / kneeing them until Orton literally can't move any more...

Yeah that would be a practical solution. My only problem with it, which probably puts me in the minority given UFC and MMAs popularity in general, is that I find two guys rolling around on the ground simulating a nuru massage or circling each other for minutes on end to be a tad boring. UFC 200 as a whole had the effect of a handful of valium on me and I don't relish the thought of them trying to recreate that same fight aesthetic in a WWE ring. Sure they can spice it up a bit, but you can't change the fact that it's a predetermined entertainment product. I mean, I get a kick out of the whole "Suplex City" thing but I miss the days when Brock's offense was more varied and he was more unpredictable.

If UFC and say, Final Deletion, are on opposite sides of the spectrum then my eyebrows are getting singed from being too close to the roman candles.

GodEatGod - 7-13-2016 at 07:24 PM

Originally posted by CM Crunk
I mean, I get a kick out of the whole "Suplex City" thing but I miss the days when Brock's offense was more varied and he was more unpredictable.

Oh god, so much this. I was okay with Ambrose getting slaughtered by Brock at WM - Dean is pretty bulletproof and taking beatings is part of what he does. But it was such a BORING beating. Suplex. Stand around. Suplex. Stand around. Throw a clothesline. Hell, where's the old double powerbomb? Ever since Suplex City became a thing, Brock seems to have literally just stuck his matches into one gear. I don't know if Orton is the guy that's going to change that. Someone like Rollins I can see having the energy and innovation to really liven him up - or Owens to inject the character required to fire him up and build heat during the match itself.

Count Zero - 7-13-2016 at 08:24 PM

If we're doing this like a "thing", then I'm going to join in. SUPLEX CITY IS THE MOST BORING CITY ON EARTH OH MY GAWD.

I'm in full-agreement with y'all. I don't expect Bork to be busting out the Shooting Star Presses or anything, but there is more to a match than 15 german suplays (tm Gordon Solie?).

First 9 - 7-14-2016 at 03:30 AM

I think WWE simply assumed that after the Cena squash, seeing Lesnar squash everybody would get more of the same reaction. Seeing Lesnar dominate the living shit out of Cena and Reigns was impactful because he was literally ripping away their invincibility aura. When he's not facing an untouchable, it's just a boring old squash.

He briefly ditched the Suplex City stuff to have real matches with Taker, I think Orton will receive a similar treatment.

DKBroiler - 7-15-2016 at 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Count Zero
If we're doing this like a "thing", then I'm going to join in. SUPLEX CITY IS THE MOST BORING CITY ON EARTH OH MY GAWD.

I'm in full-agreement with y'all. I don't expect Bork to be busting out the Shooting Star Presses or anything, but there is more to a match than 15 german suplays (tm Gordon Solie?).

Yes ... 16 German suplexes!!!

I've come to notice that my wrestling fandom is the polar opposite of Count Zero's. Which is totally fine. He's probably in the majority. Personally I'd watch Brock suplex someone 30 times and not get bored of it. That Cena match was one of my favorite matches of the last 5 years. I love some Brock smash.

I'm also excited about the rumored Big Show vs Shaq match so yeah ... um ... there's that.

Paddlefoot - 7-15-2016 at 04:16 AM

Brock smash? Yes. Brock grapple? Not so much.

Foxcalibur - 7-15-2016 at 06:02 AM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
Yes ... 16 German suplexes!!!

I've come to notice that my wrestling fandom is the polar opposite of Count Zero's. Which is totally fine. He's probably in the majority. Personally I'd watch Brock suplex someone 30 times and not get bored of it. That Cena match was one of my favorite matches of the last 5 years. I love some Brock smash.

I'm also excited about the rumored Big Show vs Shaq match so yeah ... um ... there's that.

Dude, sign me up as a proud citizen of Suplex City. Borkington of House Laser is one of the handful of truly larger-than-life wrestling characters in the 'E and I could watch him maul folks for hours. And yeah, his destruction of John Cena was one of the best wrestling anythings I've seen in years. As was his Brockzilla rampage following Wrestlemania.

WWE is full of excellent workers who throw together roughly one four-and-a-half or five-star Workrate! classic a month. I've forgotten pretty much all of them, but I'll remember Brock Lesnar wafflestomping John Cena for a long time.

You don't need a big vocabulary of moves to be a great wrestler. You need to do what you know with authority and use it to tell a great story.

I mean, in my very own oh-so-humble opinion.

CCharger - 7-15-2016 at 02:28 PM

* The Rock is now the highest paid actor in Hollywood

* There are still no firm plans for the WWE draft. The names are still in flux and will not be finalized until the day of the show. It's highly likely that names from the past will be used to fill out rosters. Names like MVP, Carlito, and JTG have been mentioned.

* Cody Rhodes appearance in ROH is imminent.

royberto - 7-15-2016 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by CCharger

* There are still no firm plans for the WWE draft. The names are still in flux and will not be finalized until the day of the show. It's highly likely that names from the past will be used to fill out rosters. Names like MVP, Carlito, and JTG have been mentioned.

Probably to keep the sheets from spoiling anything.

Count Zero - 7-15-2016 at 10:39 PM

Originally posted by DKBroiler
I've come to notice that my wrestling fandom is the polar opposite of Count Zero's. Which is totally fine. He's probably in the majority. Personally I'd watch Brock suplex someone 30 times and not get bored of it. That Cena match was one of my favorite matches of the last 5 years. I love some Brock smash.

I'm also excited about the rumored Big Show vs Shaq match so yeah ... um ... there's that.
The first time Bork went Suplexman on John Cena? That was fucking awesome. The umpteenth time I've seen him do it? It's One Move Of Doom. If Apollo Crews did it, people would be wanting him to go back to the minors and learn2wrassle. I don't insist on everybody being a Neville, and I loves me some epic beatdowns on occasion, but I also like more than Greco-Roman Olympic Suplexing For Infinity, All The Time. It's the 'real-world' equivalent of That Guy who knows One Fighting-Video-Game Move, and uses it exclusively and STILL somehow wins.
Originally posted by DKBroiler
Yes ... 16 German suplexes!!!
You missed a prime opportunity to throw in a "AH HA HAA!!!!" a la Count Von Count.

[Edited on 7-15-2016 by Count Zero]

Paddlefoot - 7-15-2016 at 11:30 PM

Be a great moment if Brock ever faced Cesaro. Have a countdown of Cesaro Swings before the inevitable trip down downtown Suplex City happens.

Sam Is Neat - 7-16-2016 at 12:04 AM

Brock may have been popped for PEDs.


nOOb - 7-16-2016 at 12:45 AM

Just gonna move this over to the new thread...

[Edited on 7-15-2016 by nOOb]

DKBroiler - 7-16-2016 at 07:12 AM

Count ...

I totally agree on both of your points. Brock is the real life video game spam guy. I think that's precisely why I like it. Kind of like when Family Guy tells a joke for so long it goes from funny to stupid to awkward until it's somehow funny again. I think Stolkholm Syndrome sets in around the 8th suplex.

And, yes, an evil Count Von Count laugh should have been made.

Lastly it's important for me to point out that I've always enjoyed wrestlers based primarily on 3 things in order. 1) Do they look like they can beat the shit out of someone. 2) Do they make me laugh. 3) Can they work a good match.

I'd prefer to watch Big Show over Bret Hart every time.