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RAW Presents Unforgiven   

September 19, 2003

by Matt Hocking    
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


My enjoyment of RAW is well known and knows no bounds, but I’m here to try to take as objective a view possible as to the past present and future of the matches at Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff Present WWE RAW Presents Unforgiven as possible.  I’ll look at the story behind ever match, what worked about that story, what didn’t, how I think it’ll all play out on PPV and what I think will happen after that.  Let’s get started.

Lita and Trish Stratus v. Gail Kim and Molly Holly

The Why:

Trish, Gail, and Molly have been feuding for a little while now, Gail and Molly have typically had the upper hand by double teaming Trish (who has suffered the wrath of the lack of over face women on RAW).  Gail and Molly’s problems are due to the perception that even though Gail and Molly have been the last two women’s champions, the division has failed to revolve around anybody but Trish.  Trish is looking for revenge for the aforementioned attacks.  Lita, on the other hand, is a bit of an X Factor.  She made her return to RAW on Monday, saving Trish from yet another beat down, but we’ve not been let in on her motivations for doing so. 

What’s Worked: 

Trish is at her best when she’s able to play the plucky babyface facing seemingly unbeatable odds, which this grouping has provided.  However, Molly has been the glue that’s holding this feud together.  She has been the most consistently entertaining of the bunch, and is really holding the inexperienced Gail afloat.  Lita, for her part, has just arrived back on the scene, but did so with a flourish, taking out both Molly AND Gail, so she’s got all the momentum coming in.

What Hasn’t:

Molly and Gails motives haven’t been explored as fully as one might have hoped coming in to a PPV match, nor have they really had time to build Lita into this match.  Trish has suffered from being the focal point of the division for too long, and Gail’s ringwork is somewhat suspect.  Speaking of suspect ringwork, we haven’t seen anything major out of Lita yet, but that’s more of a “What Might Not Work”, isn’t it?

My Prediction:

Lita’s too fresh to not get the win here…but…I can’t help but feel that they’ll try to stretch this feud on to Survivor Series, especially with the Women’s Title on Molly.  So, I’m going to go with the darkhorse here and pick Molly to get the pin on Lita after some nefarious actions.

Well, What Then?

Well, you’ve got Lita wanting revenge and the title from Molly, with Trish and Gail hanging on in the background.  It shifts the focus of the division off of Trish for once, and still lets everybody stay involved.  Stretch it out through November, and give Lita the win on PPV.

Test (w/ Stacy Kiebler) v. Scott Steiner
If Steiner Wins He Wins the Services of Stacy Keibler as Manager, if Test Wins He Wins the Indeterminate Services of Scott Steiner

The Why:

Test and Steiner have seemingly been feuding forever and ever over, of all things, My Darling Stacy.  This whole thing goes all the way back to last year when Stacy and Test were a pair, Stacy made a tag team between Test and Steiner, Test mistreated her, and Steiner came to the rescue.  The last time Stacy was on the line, Test took her home, but this time, Steiner is on the line as well.  Why?  Because Test asked for it, and because Steiner is stupid.  Well, that and because Test apparently doesn’t feel he’s humiliated Steiner enough.

What’s Worked: 

This is one of the longer running storylines in the entire WWE at this point.  It’s given Test, Steiner, and Stacy a story, which, if not entirely cohesive, has carried itself fairly well over all this time.  There’s a reason for both guys to hate each other, and reason enough for continued matches.

What Hasn’t:

THIS is one of the longer running storylines in the entire WWE at this point.  Why the men are allowed to keep passing Stacy around, and now Steiner as well, has never really been explained, other than “because Test and Steiner said so”.  Thus the story, and the matches, have lacked a little bit of luster.  The story has really kind of used up it’s usefulness.

My Prediction:

I’m not really sure WHERE they’re going with this one, so I’m just going to have to guestimate.  The guys are tied in matches for Stacy, so her stipulation is kinda moot at this point.  The Steiner thing is actually kind of intriguing in a way.  Perhaps Test can solidify the lower mid-card a little bit by “acquiring” himself a little stable.  A stable badly in need of a mouthpiece, but at least it’s something different from what these guys were doing.  Test by pinfall by hook or by crook.  Hey, you know…Maybe Stacy turns on Steiner here to get her tag team back together no matter what.  Nobody’s going to boo Stacy, but it’d be something interesting to think about.

Well, What Then?

Everything I’ve just said.  If nothing else, it’ll give Steiner some motivation to turn heel again, which is his most natural position.  I could even see a reunited heel TeSteiner team making a run at the Dudleyz later this year.

Bubba, D-Von and Spike Dudley v. La Resistance and Rob Conway
A Six Man Tables Match

The Why: 

The Dudz have had their sights on La Resistance since the Frenchmen won the titles.  Partially because the Dudleyz are interested in being Tag Champs yet again, and partially because they feel it’s their patriotic duty to take the titles away from the French.  Rob Conway inserted himself into this feud halting the Dudleyz progress last month, and has since officially allied himself with La Resistance.  Spike is, of course, the third WWE Dudley, and was injured by La Resistance during a badly blown table spot, and then again by Conway last week.  This is a tables match, because that’s the Dudleyz’ thing.

What’s Worked: 

The RAW staff has made the most of it’s admittedly limited tag team division by giving these guys an extended feud.  The WWE knows that Patriotism + Dudleyz + Tables = Pops, so we have this match.  I wouldn’t be all that surprised so see it at the top of the show to get the crowd started.

What Hasn’t:

While it might have worked in the short term, the “patriotism storyline” has gone on a bit too long, as has the Dudleyz woes.  La Resistance has gotten too many wins against the same opponent for this match to really have the weight it might have.  Also, the additions of Spike and Conway have muddied things up a bit TOO much.  Conway hasn’t had the opportunity to be as interesting as he might outside this feud, and Spike has never lost the aura of just being “The Other Dudley”.

My Prediction:

I think the Dudz FINALLY get a win here.  La Resistance feels like it’s on its way out, and they’ve done nothing to change that opinion.

Well, What Then?

Next Monday or shortly thereafter, The Dudleyz win the titles back.  La Resistance then either goes back to OVW for a little while or sits around on Heat collecting dust.  Possible feuds for the Dudz include Test and Steiner (as outlined above) or the more likely “Thuggin’ and Buggin’”.

Rob Van Dam v. Chris Jericho v. Christian
For the WWE Intercontinental Title

The Why:

None of these guys had matches on PPV.  Well…kinda.  RVD is fresh off his feud with Kane, and is looking for momentum.  Chris Jericho, meanwhile, is trying to prove to Steve Austin, Christian, and himself that he really is RAW’s MVP.  Meanwhile, Christian is suffering from match withdrawl after having quite a streak of not defending his title on RAW or PPV and away from his peeps, a fact which he blames on Austin.  After Jericho had a chance to play the tweener role in a sidebar match with his former tag team partner Christian, he’s set up between the solid face RVD and the solid heel Christian, as a kind of undecided.  Everybody is united in their want for the I.C. Title.

What’s Worked: 

Both Chrises have been very entertaining in the build to this match, especially when they’ve been set off against Steve Austin.  Jericho’s toying with facedom has been extremely well received, and should be a part of this match when he’s paired off against Christian.  While Van Dam is only just involved here, he was solid in his run against Kane, and his addition helps avoid the heel/heel dynamic that plagued the Jericho/Christian match a few weeks ago.

What Hasn’t:

As I’ve said a few times now, Rob Van Dam can barely be considered tangentially involved in this feud.  In fact, Steve Austin would likely, were he able to wrestle, be a much better choice for this match.  As it is, they needed a face, and RVD was the only one available.  The tension between Jericho and Christian hasn’t been fully explored, but there is time for that yet.

My Prediction:

This should be one of the best matches on the card.  Christian and Jericho can work a good match, and Van Dam can provide excellent transitional spots for the two heels.  My head is pulling me a couple different directions on this one.  One tells me that Christian wins it, but truthfully, I think Rob Van Dam will get the win here over Jericho.

Well, What Then?

Chris Jericho and Christian seem set to feud, and Christian losing his belt off a loss by his former tag team partner seems a good way to start it (with Christian being pissed and Jericho taunting him).  This will give Rob something to do that doesn’t involve Kane, and gives the Chrises a feud that will take them a while, possibly into early next year.

Johnathan Coachman and Al Snow v. Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler
The Winning Team Gets to Announce on RAW

The Why:

When J.R. was set afire by Kane a few months ago, Coach was all too eager to take his spot, and all too reluctant to give it up when J.R. came back.  After helping Eric Bischoff in a match against Shane McMahon, Coach became the favorite announcer of Bischoff (who has a history of hating J.R.).  Steve Austin came to J.R.’s defense, and a war between the two announcer choices of the co-GMs.  Jerry Lawler and Al Snow have since come to the respective aids of their partners, and now the announcer’s spot is on the line.

What’s Worked: 

With the addition of Lawler and Snow, the match has taken on the air of something resembling wrestling, and tacked on to that, the story has been fairly solid.  You believe that all four guys want the job, and the outcome is somewhat in doubt.  JR and Lawler have been the voices of RAW for seemingly forever, however, their skills have admittedly slipped since their heyday.  Coach and, to a lesser extent, Al Snow are up and coming announcers, but are they ready to take over the main show?

What Hasn’t:

This is a feud and a match about announcers.

My Prediction:

Coach and Snow will use their relative youth and ability to cheat to take J.R. and Lawler’s jobs, when Coach rolls up J.R..  Really, that’s the only reason I can see for having this match on PPV.  Austin and Bischoff for commentators giving them something to do. 

Well, What Then?

Austin will cut a deal that since he caught Coach and Snow cheating, one of his announcers will get to stay on.  J.R. accepts defeat (and comes back around Survivor’s Series), and Lawler stays on in a three-man booth with Coach and Snow OR J.R. stays on RAW, and Austin gets Lawler the Heat job.

Randy Orton v. Shawn Michaels

The Why:

Since returning to the Evolution, Randy Orton has dubbed himself the “Legend Killer” and has set his sights on taking out WWE Legend Shawn Michaels.  Shawn has grown tired of the cocky young Orton’s posturing and is ready now to take him out.

What’s Worked: 

Orton has done all he can to make himself seem more vicious and less meandering in his actions, and has really been helped by his elevation to the forefront of Evolution.  Michaels has carried the charisma end of this feud very well, and will probably do all he can to make his buddy’s understudy look as good as possible.  The Legend Killer storyline has been mostly decent so far, and legend Shawn is a good match for Randy.

What Hasn’t:

Randy Orton.  Ok, that one was for just for Jeb.  For whatever reason, the WWE seems to be reluctant to give this match any sort of serious build in recent weeks.  Tag matches, backstage confrontations, they’re all well and good, but they haven’t been as positive as they might have been.  Perhaps the WWE is holding back hoping to extend this feud even further, however, this has had the unfortunate side effect of holding back what could have been a much better build up.

My Prediction:

Here’s the deal:  I don’t think this feud is over yet, and so I don’t think this match is going to end clean at all.  So, I’m going to go Randy Orton by interference from Maven.  That’s right.  Maven.  Maven was told off by Michaels for not being ready for the main event (much like Orton was told off by Foley several months ago).  I’m thinking Flair gets involved, Maven comes out to make the “save”, but turns on Shawn.  Randy hits the RKO and gets the pin.

Well, What Then?

Lots of things.  Orton/Michaels marches on, maybe as far as Survivor’s Series, Maven is added to the ranks of Evolution, and something else which I’ll address later.

Kane v. Shane McMahon
Last Man Standing Match

The Why:

Shane and Kane have had issues since Kane attacked Shane’s mother a few months ago.  They’ve fought several times in recent weeks, with Kane almost always getting the upper hand.  Even when Shane DOES get a shot in (throwing Kane off the stage, into a fire, and through a table), Kane just shakes the damage off and comes back for more.  So now the plucky baby face goes after the classic horror villain in a battle to see who can finally put the other one away.

What’s Worked: 

There is an air around this match that says that it will be entertaining.  Shane is usually spot on in matches like this, and Kane is an entertaining brawler.  Kane has done quite well since losing his mask at finding his niche as a surreal badass, and Shane has the most babyface charisma of any McMahon, and has slid well into that role during this feud.  The feud has been very spirited so far, and one gets the feeling that that sense will carry over into the match.

What Hasn’t:

The writers have resorted to assorted gimmickry to move this feud.  Things like a raging inferno, an electric testicle shock, and the ilk were unnecessary to add substance to this angle.  It probably would have just as much fire behind it if those things didn’t happen.  However, with all that done, it really hasn’t taken much AWAY from the feud either, as the basic underlaying has still been quite entertaining.  Shane could have done more to position himself as a threat.

My Prediction:

It seems pretty clear that this match was conceived of meant to put Kane over, and I don’t think that’s changed at all.  The Last Man Standing stip seems made for many zombie sit ups and one final huge Shane bump that takes him down for good.  I’m thinking a really trashy entertaining brawl, maybe with a ball shock tease by Shane.  Vince interference isn’t completely out of the question, but I don’t think it’s likely, nor do I think it would effect the ending of the match.

Well, What Then?

Shane’s visit is probably over, as the big bump will take him out until the next time he comes back.  Kane will continue his monster run, likely against a transitional babyface for a few weeks (I’m not sure who, Nash maybe?) until Goldberg is ready for him.

Bill Goldberg v. Triple H (w/ Ric Flair)
If Triple H Wins Bill Goldberg Must Retire from Wrestling, if Bill Goldberg Wins He Recieves the WWE World Title, Triple H MAY Lose His Title if He is Disqualified or Counted Out

The Why:

Goldberg’s focus after defeating the Rock at Backlash has been the World’s Heavyweight Champion HHH.  HHH, who has defeated nearly every face and most of the heels on the roster, has proven undefeatable, leading to the proverbial “immovable object v. irresistible force”.  Of late, HHH and Evolution have made Goldberg’s life miserable (including costing him the Elimination Chamber), and Goldberg is out to finally put this one to rest.

What’s Worked: 

Goldberg and HHH have both really stepped up their performances in recent weeks, to the point that this has become one of the more anticipated matches in recent memory.  Both guys have been absolutely viscous and that will likely translate into the match.  The crowd has gotten behind Goldberg as a challenger they actually believe will defeat HHH.

What Hasn’t:

The extra stipulations have made the match a little too predictable, as has the knowledge (for us anyway) that HHH will soon be taking time off.  Goldberg’s promos (as always) have been a little off, and while HHH has been steady of late, he dropped the ball this week.  HHH’s injury may slow him from what may have been a really good, fast paced brawl.

My Prediction:

There is one of two ways the WWE could go with this:

  • A nice long match, Spear, Jackhammer, Pin.

  • The match is over booked, including interference that leads to HHH dropping the belt.

I’d like to see number 1, but if number two must happen, I have an idea on how it might.  Randy Orton runs in and attacks HHH, costing him a late match advantage, and allowing Goldberg to get the win.  Orton, then, would be poised to take over Evolution (with Flair and Maven) when HHH is gone, and it gives both HHH and Orton a feud (against each other) for the winter.  All Orton needs to do then, is to call HHH’s title reign “legendary”.

Well, What Then?

Really, I’ve already addressed both guys.  HHH is taking some time off now, so either he can get “injured” or be so distraught that he lost that he disappears for a while.  Goldberg meanwhile has a slew of guys that he can feud against ranging from Christian to Jericho to Kane.  I’d just throw guys at him until Kane is ready and let them go at it as the WWE heads towards WrestleMania.

And there you have it.  Four matches that will likely be very good, two with decent storylines and will likely get the crowd going, Lita’s PPV return, and Steiner/Test.  You can take it or leave it, but I think the good far out weighs the bad here.  Enjoy the PPV on Sunday!



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