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Circle Jerks and Big Bags...  
It's not as Dirty as you Think!
December 24, 2001

by Lee Filas
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Happy Holidays!! (I would say Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad and all of those other great sayings that come out, but according to the PC Guide to America, Merry Christmas is not politically correct anymore. Instead, it should be replaced with the watered –down "Happy Holidays" due to our Jewish friends out there. So, Happy Holidays to everyone that gets offended by Merry Christmas.)

As you all know, Christmas Eve and Raw coincide on Monday, and because I am a member of one of the largest families on this side of the Northern Hemisphere, I will be forced to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day on the road travelling from home to home to home – let’s not forget the soon-to-be in-laws as well – which will leave me NO TIME to file a column this week

However, the writer in me felt miserable because I enjoy doing the column, and knowing that I could only do one column this week instead of two, I felt like I was letting my public down.

So, I decided at the last minute that the one thing I can do is release ALL OF THE MAIL that I have received from my column, and try to answer everyone in a simple forum. So…without further adieu…

From the Bag O’ Hate:

From Eli –

Ever since I read your "professional writer" spiel, I have disliked you. Is it enough that the things you say in your column are uninteresting, lame and otherwise completely lacking in substance and/or appeal, but you must also continue to contribute to the growing stereotype that Internet writers are pricks who can never be pleased.

The Internet wrestling community is swamped with writers who care more about flexing their overblown egos than actually providing insightful commentary. It's a wonder why some of these guys even watch the stuff (wrestling) in the first place. There are plenty of asshole writers out there. The few who have carved a nitch for themselves deserve their place. Do we really need another? Do we really need YOU?

Writers are egotistical by nature (that's a given), but to spend as many paragraphs as you did in your premier article on how privileged we should feel by reading your writing is just plain asinine. Asshole overkill.

Lee, thank god taxes are withdrawn from you paycheck, otherwise you would be completely useless.

Love Ya,

Dear Eli –

Thanks, Dad. And Merry Christmas to you, too.

From the Bag O’ Oops:

From Desjunior –

Hello! I love the column, you are pretty much right on it. But, in the summary area, you missed a "points to self" bit. Chuck Palumbo (who seems to be taking on more of Scot Hall's mannerisms [perhaps a good thing?]) got one off with his thumbs as he and Gunn hit the ramp after the victory.


Dear Desjunior –

So, what you’re saying is Palumbo is going to get fired for being drunk and disorderly and find himself wrestling in Japan with a refusal to work more than 12 shows a month. Hmmm… very interesting.

From the Bag O’ Hate – er – Hey, I know you!!!:

From Loco –

I was just catching up on the 'Jerk', and realized that you NEED some hate mail. So I figured for the holidays I'd cut a promo on your ass, for old times sake! Whether or not you'll print it, it doesn't matter, I'm home for the holidays, and bored outta my skull. (and of course I leave plenty of room for a rebuttal ass chewing if you so desire.)

I do enjoy the column, keep up the good work, and happy holidays...

Now to your Christmas Hate Mail:

To quote 'The Duane'. What in the blue hell are you doing, you sick freak? It is truly is a sad day for writing in wrestling... reading a column like this makes me miss Vince Russo! Seriously, when is the comedy supposed to begin? My only guess? The blurb at the bottom that states that Mr. Filas is a professional writer! Also let me clarify that a 'professional writer' is NOT someone who gets 10 dollars from mommy for every rasslin' column he churns out. You managed to squeeze in a plug for an efed... and after looking - an UNIMPRESSIVE one at that. This 'Stellar One' you talk of... could probably win this fed's world strap in a coma! In the end you said one amazing thing... that is - that you are a struggling writer, Nuff said.

Dear Loco –

You sound like the Crowned Prince of Cruiserweights, but how do I know it’s REALLY you?

From the Bag O’ "Lovin' the Bossman":

From Hannibal -

Hey, I liked watchin' Big Boss Man drive that casket around with the car from the movie Blues Brothers and bad mouth Big Slow's family on the roof speaker.. It was funny as hell. Even funnier was watching the Big Slow chase after him, jump on the casket, and then fall on his head. That was one of the funniest skits ever. Hey he oughtta feud with T too. Yeah here goes the storyline. Big Boss Man is the cop who wants to bust T for his little crime spree.

Dear Hannibal –

I have a feeling we’ll be seeing you in the news someday: you’ll be the one who’s sitting on top of a bell tower with an AK-47 screaming something about not getting fries with your value meal as you pick off innocent by-standers.

From the Bag O’ Censors:

From Frank –

*Insert standard "Your column rules' sucking up here* Regarding the use of the word ass on Smackdown, I seem to remember Vinnie Mac saying in an interview at some point that (the WWF) voluntarily bleeps the word during the 8-9 PM hour. My guess would be that they have discretion as to bleeping it. Obviously, they couldn't interrupt the important stuff like Rock's promo with a *BEEEP* Hope that clears things up.

Dear Frank –

You work for the UPN Censor bureau, don’t you?

From the Bag O "See the Archives":

From Matt -

Hi Lee, I didn't read all of your column yet, but could you find it in your heart to forward the picture you mentioned in the beginning of your column to my email address? I'll kiss your ass if you want... "you're the greatest!" "Fuck Scaia! I come here for Filas!" "Your shoot from the hip style has me in stitches... keep up the good work!" I can come up with more if need be.


Dear Matt –

This is truly amazing. I’ve been telling Rick this exact statement for three weeks: "Fuck Scaia, they come here for me!!" Now I have proof!!!

From the Bag O’ Stalkers:

Again, from Hannibal –

I LOVE watching Lita take spills. God, she looks hot crumpled on the ground like that. She's hot anyway. So's Lillian. The girl in the confession booth is a hot little number too. Stacy's awesome. And Torrie, words don't do her justice. I wish WWF would focus more on these luscious vixens and less on people to stuff up Rikishi's ass. As for Booth Chick's tape...I'm kinda looking for that myself.

Dear Hannibal –

Dude, you are the reason why restraining orders were created.

From the Bag O’ Sucking Up:

From Zach -

Today's column was such a great column. I have never read such a masterpiece before in my life. What are some of your secrets? Was that enough kissing up to get you send me the photo of the Kat? OK, honestly, I really do enjoy your columns and I think that they are a pretty innovative way of recapping RAW and Smackdown!. Keep up the good work and send me the photo of the KAT.


Dear Zach –

It just goes to show you that giving is more important that receiving during the holiday season.

From the Bag O’ Mistakes:

From Paul E. –

J.R. also threw out "beating like a government mule" at us, making it 2 J.R.isms for the night... Later.


Dear Paul E. –

Hey, it’s no fair for you to correct my mistakes!! I’m just a lowly writer and you work for the WWF. (This better be Heyman or else I’ll look like a real dork.)

From the Bag O’ "Whoa, slow down":

From Josh –

I have decided to write you a little letter to put in the Bag O'Love.
FIRST OFF, you miscounted the J.R.-isms. Once again we found JR saying "like a government mule".
SECOND - send me that stuff on The Kat.
THIRD - Rocky Stellar, champion of COWO? Hah! Look no further than to ME when referring to a world champion!
FOURTH - who WAS that super hot babe in the confessional? I scanned over the results as WWF.com, and they don't help much.
Also, I want a shameless plug for deathclock.com - why? because it's about time. lol, damn I'm witty.

Dear Josh –

This week I had a list of groceries I had to buy!!! I had a list or presents I had to buy for Christmas!!! I had a list of shit to do at work before I could take four days off!!! I had a list of places to stop during my holiday weekend!!! And, now, you send me another list?!?! Jesus!!! Give me some space!!!!!!!!!!

From the Bag O Theories:

From Frank –

I have a theory. Call me crazy, but I think that fist not moved around, but is actually the latest staring role for the Adams Family’s "Thing." Word I’m getting is that Russo originally wanted him to play the David Arquette role and take the WCW World Title a while ago, but Vinny Mac signed him out from under him. Naturally, the WWF abused and underutilized his talents – but if you look back on 1999 tapings of Metal (yeah, I know – who watches that, right?), you’ll see a generally well received match between Thing and Savio Vega. Thing won the match following a Mandible Claw, natch. It was only this year that they found the perfect role for him on the Smackdown set.

Dear Frank –

Well, that explains everything – I think.

From the Bag O’ Huh:

From Corey –

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Dear Corey –

Well, you got half right.

From the Bag O’ Puberty:

From Mike -

I think APA was correct to suspect Jeff Hardy would know if Lita was a natural red-head or not. I mean, someone has to do her hair, right? Wouldn't Jeff be the most likely person?


Dear Mike –

I think Farooq was wondering if the carpet matches the drapes. But, um, if you don’t understand what that means – it, um, refers to…um….ask your Dad or Scotty 2 Hotty.

From the Bag O’ Morrus:

From ConcreteTG –

Good recap, sounds like I'm on a cell phone with you! My only complaint, and it's minor, is how you dissed Morrus and his rather....unique take on the holiday season. You should know better, Morrus is a loon, a brain-fried hyena and a kook. what did you EXPECT from him? Lemme guess – you never watched WCW after 1998? 

Dear Concrete TG – Did anyone watch WCW after 1998? 

From the Bag O’ Fist: 

From Corey -

Hey man, I just wanted to say I really like your column, it's good shit, and I've been wondering about that damn fist since they first changed the set.

Dear Corey, I knew it wasn’t just me. That thing pisses the whole world off!!! 

From the Bag O’ Discussions: 

From Triple Emmm – (regarding my assessment of a pin in a cage match) -

I started watching wrestling in the early 80's also so I know where you're coming from when you say the cage match symbolized brutality. For better or worse, however, wrestling has evolved beyond that perception. The sleeper isn't a credible submission, the DDT isn't a convincing finisher in most cases, and the cage match isn't the height of brutality anymore. Nowadays the cage match is not the height of brutality by a long shot. Hell in the Cell has taken over the cage's place as the most brutal match...a more evolved cage match for the evolved product. And Hell in the Cell is won by pinfall/submission. I do recall the match between Hart and Michaels that you reference. I hardly think it's fair to envoke two gods to support a claim. I stand by my position that a cage match with escape the cage only rules is typically less climatic. This doesn't necessarily mean less exciting. The endings of most of Hulk Hogan's matches in the 80's were not climatic...everyone knew what would happen...but they were exciting nonetheless. -MMM

Dear MMM – You seem to have a point, however, I still believe that a cage match was and should remain an escape only venture. For some reason – it makes sense to me. Well, that’s pretty much it. The rest of the e-mails were from people just looking for the Kat picture, and – in case you missed it - check the Squared Circle Jerk Archives for it. 

In the meantime, I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and I’ll see you on Thursday.



Lee Filas is a 32-year-old newspaper reporter and wrestling fan from the Chicago-land Area.


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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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