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Lots of Eddie... plus Some Other News 
November 14, 2005

by Rick Scaia
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


I did take Friday off, so there is some other news backlogged that I'll tag on at the end of today's column. But obviously, the wrestling world is kind of at a standstill as fans, friends, and co-workers of Eddie Guerrero's come to terms with his sudden death.

So today, Eddie remains the primary 

topic of discussion for us. We'll cover a bit of news about Eddie's death and the fall-out it'll have on WWE, and a few OO staff members have decided to share some of their own feelings about Eddie. 


  • Since I embarked on yesterday's Eddie Guerrero Tribute, there has been a lot of additional information about the precise circumstances of Eddie's death.
    What we know:
    Eddie flew into Minneapolis on the same flight as his nephew, Chavo. They checked into their hotel shortly after midnight on Saturday night, and Chavo reports that Eddie was just fine and the two made plans to eat breakfast together and go to the gym on Sunday morning before heading to the arena. Shortly after 7am, hotel security became concerned when Eddie did not answer a wake-up call. Chavo was informed, and along with hotel security, entered Eddie's hotel room. Eddie was found, collapsed in the bathroom. Chavo attempted CPR and 911 was called, but Eddie could not be revived.
    At present, the time and cause of death are unknown. According to media reports, though, police are convinced there was no foul play, nor was this a suicide. Some reports say Eddie was found with a toothbrush in hand, which would suggest something sudden hit Eddie out of nowhere, as he brushed his teeth (either before bed or when he woke up).
    As seems reasonable in any case where a seemingly healthy man dies at such a young age, people are speculating about possible causes. Most of that seems to center on Eddie's past drug abuses... though Chavo is quoted in the media as saying Eddie had just celebrated his fourth anniversary of living clean, the damage his body might have suffered during those years of abuse could well have been a contributing factor to Eddie's early death. Vince McMahon himself acknowledged this possibility in a press conference yesterday.
    On top of that, there are whispers that while Eddie may have cleaned himself up with regards to recreational drug use, he may have (like so many other wrestlers) continued with performance- or cosmetic-enhancing substances. Those who bring this up reference the case of Rick Rude, who died in part because (while contemplating a return to the ring and wanting to get back in shape) he started taking heavy doses of fat-burning drugs that his body just couldn't handle.  Rude's case involved a controlled substance, but even legal, over-the-counter supplements could cause serious problems.
    And while this is all idle speculation at this point, it's hard not to think that Eddie's early death is going to end up being somehow attributable to the rigors he put his body through, not just in the ring for 18 years but also his behavior outside of the ring. Somewhere, Noted Dillhole Phil Mushnick is probably licking his lips at the thought of getting to scribe another self-important missive about how he and he alone is a good and decent person for calling attention to how Vince McMahon is personally assassinating at least 2 current or former wrestlers a year, or whatever his asinine position is regarding wrestling deaths. Meantime, I think I speak for all the sane and reasonable people when I say that it is up to the individual to decide for himself what he's gotta do to get through life... but at the same time I say that, I follow it up by wishing that -- for their family, for the fans, for the quest of not giving Mushnick anything to proselytize about, and for the OWN good -- guys would just start making some better decisions.
    And start making them NOW. If Eddie's death can somehow be spun into an object lesson, the moral of the story might be that you can't afford to wait till you're 34 years old with more than a decade of various abuses behind you to start making the better decisions. Which might seem a bit insensitive to say, but I swear I mean it as a cautionary tale to anybody (wrestler or otherwise) who might be leaning towards going down the wrong path than I mean it as belittling Eddie's remarkable turn-around of four years ago.
  • Funeral services for Eddie will be held Wednesday in Scottsdale, AZ. Eddie had just moved his family there, and Eddie's wife apparently also has lots of family in Phoenix.
    Arizona newspapers indicate this will be a private service; at the present time, I'm unaware of any gathering that would be open to fans or the public. I kinda think that's what last night's TV tapings were for: giving fans a chance to gather and remember Eddie.
    That might also have to suffice for Eddie's friends on the WWE roster... RAW and SD! tours of Europe kick off tomorrow, I believe. While one must assume that exceptions will be made for Chavo, Benoit, Rey, and Eddie's closest friends, the "show must go on" mentality dictates that half the roster can't stay behind and join the crew in Europe on Friday. 
    For Eddie's close friends, though, I can't imagine WWE asking them to skip services. All that matters is that they catch up with the WWE crew in the UK in time for TV tapings that'll be taking place (I believe) on next Sunday and Monday.
  • Speaking of last night's TV taping in Minneapolis: it was a dual "Supershow" taping, covering both RAW and SmackDown! for this week, before the crews headed over to Europe.
    Rather than attempt to do any normal storylines, WWE blurred the roster lines, and just presented a series of matches and spoken tributes to Eddie. Matt Hocking was there, in person, and filed this detailed report.
    You know me: I'm anti-Spoiler. But this week, I don't consider these spoilers. Who wins and loses doesn't matter. Either you want to see Eddie's friends and co-workers pay him tribute, or you don't. Knowing ahead of time who'll be appearing on each show, in this case, doesn't really spoil things.
    For whatever it's worth, it kind of seems to me that the RAW half of the tapings are gonna be the parts that tug most at your heartstrings... but the SD! half sounds like it's got a few moments that'll make you smile. That's kind of an odd dichotomy, but it's also human nature: you can't help but feel sad, but you also can't stop remembering all the good times. Stealing a line from myself (in a post to the OO Forums), I'm gonna be watching these two Eddie Tribute shows, and I don't know which'll be bigger at any given time: the lump in my throat, or the smile on my face.
    Tonight's RAW shapes up to probably be more of the Lump In The Throat... with fans still numb and trying to wrap their heads around this loss, WWE will tug at your heartstrings more than present the feel-good dream matches. You'll have Chris Benoit crying as he talk about his friend; you'll have the entire roster assembled for a 10-bell salute; and everybody who saw it and has e-mailed me says that an amazing Eddie Video Montage set to Johnny Cash's cover of "Hurt" will threaten to reduce even the manliest man to tears. 
    Wrestling-wise, the main event will be John Cena facing Randy Orton, which strikes me as just about the only bad news/misstep of the four hour tapings. On a happier note, we'll also get to see Rey Mysterio vs. Shawn Michaels.
    Cross-over matches will also continue on Friday's SmackDown!, with Chris Benoit vs. Triple H and Chavo Guerrero vs. JBL standing out as the two best matches of the entire double-taping.  Again, if you want more "spoiler" details than what I'm providing, Matt's report is linked above.
  • It might be selfish to think about wrestling storylines at this point, but Eddie's death has left a gaping hole on SD!'s roster. Most people believe that Eddie was, in fact, slated to win the World Title last night at TV tapings to set up Batista's time off to heal his back injury.
    Now, it looks like the World Title will still be Batista's come Survivor Series, unless WWE just outright admits "Batista was hurt last week, and so now we're stripping him of the title" or something. The alternative would be if Batista changes his plans and joins the Europe tour, at least long enough to appear at TV tapings and do a match/angle dropping the title. For all I know, this could be the case: already, there is talk that Batista has now changed his mind about surgery, and will try to rehab in back injury so as to help fill the hole left by Eddie.
    Still, the rehab option (instead of surgery) still requires a month or so off for Batista. Try to limp by, keeping the title on Batista and limiting him to non-wrestling appearances in hopes that he can wrestle again by December's Armageddon PPV? Or move the title and keep it a going-concern, allowing Batista time to recover out of the spotlight?
    I don't know which I prefer, and I don't know which way WWE is leaning. But I think the best idea I've been able to come up with as I grapple with the guilt of trying to Fantasy Book so soon after Eddie's death, is for Edge to take the title from Batista in an unexpected/unannounced match, either on next week's SD! or at the PPV. Wait until Batista is vulnerable and beaten after a match, have Edge sudden cash in his Money in the Bank, and have Edge take the title in short order. Even if Edge isn't 100% either, he should be able to handle something like that. Then, you do what just about every card-carrying internet jack-off has already thought about: you do whatever it takes to sign Benoit to a new contract, and you have him start chasing Edge down to win the World Title in memory of his friend.
    Just an idea.... I'm sure as our heads clear and whatnot, better ideas may occur, too.
  • Media coverage of Eddie's death has been pretty remarkable. I've had countless e-mails from all over the US telling me their newspaper, radio station, or TV station had picked up the story.
    For the most part, the coverage has been very staid and respectful. Even articles that mention Eddie's past abuses immediately go on to say he'd been sober for four years, and credit Eddie with accomplishments such as being "only the second man of Hispanic descent to hold the WWE Title." Huh; and just like that, I had an excuse to think of the name "Pedro Morales" for the first time in about 7 years.
    Eddie's obit was also the lead story on Yahoo's Entertainment News module this morning, which surprised me; I figured you'd have to go slogging through various news searches to find a newswire item about Eddie. Then again, maybe it shouldn't have surprised me: there is no earthly reason I should know that somebody died on "Lost" last week, but I do, because "LOST SHOCKER: So-and-so killed" was the headline story on Yahoo's Entertainment News module at one point last week. Can anyone explain to me how that's fucking news? 
    WWE.com is also loaded with a ton of material about Eddie. There are video clips, career highlights, messages sent in by fans, and even comments from Eddie's wife and an extensive interview with Chris Jericho. It's unfortunate that it takes such a sad occasion for WWE to present a ton of worthwhile content on their website, but it's all definitely worth checking out.


I said my piece yesterday in the lengthy Eddie Guerrero Career Retrospective... a few other OO staff members have Eddie stuff coming at you this week (starting with Matt's experience at last night's TV tapings). But the rest of the crew? Well, a number of them offered up their thoughts and feelings upon hearing of Eddie's death. I'll know pass them along to you...

Erin Anderson writes:

I spent all of my Sunday at work. I always look forward to the few hours after I get home, because I can wind down, check e-mail, and peruse the OO Forums at my leisure. But the first thing I saw online when I got home was an e-mail in my inbox from Rick titled, "Eddie Tribute." My heart sank. The e-mail said, "I'm sure you've heard the news by now..." But I hadn't, and I didn't believe it, and it wasn't real. It still isn't real.

Just like my tears aren't real, because I don't cry. I can think of two times in the last decade that I've shed real tears at a real-life event or situation. Well, this makes three, and I don't understand why it's hitting me so hard. Maybe it's because I know that other wrestlers whom I love and respect -- Chavo Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Rey Mysterio, and others who have worked closely with him -- just lost a great friend. Maybe it's because in a time when my interest in wrestling is waning, Eddie embodies everything that I still love about it. Maybe it's because I know about his personal struggles and that he had the strength to work through them and overcome them. Maybe it's because I'm thinking about his wife and children.

Eddie Guerrero is part of my favorite wrestling memory: the final moments of Wrestlemania XX. I remember watching that and being so proud to be a wrestling fan; anyone who loves it will always catch grief from non-fans, and the product can be embarrassing at times. But Eddie and Benoit standing in the middle of that ring was something that anybody could appreciate, something I could point to and say, "See this? This is why I watch."

God, he was so talented. He could brawl, he could fly, he could go to the mat, he could talk, and had charisma to spare. He was incapable of having a bad match. Fans couldn't bring themselves to boo him because he was so entertaining and charming, and obviously having a blast doing it. Simply put, Eddie Guerrero was a joy to watch.

I wish I could write more, but I don't know what I would say. I'm just some hack kid pretending to be a writer; I'm not good at this sort of thing. I don't know how to adequately explain how amazing a performer Eddie was and how much I'll miss watching him, or even understand why this is affecting me so much. I hate that I can't do that, because he deserves it. I hate that I'm using the word "I" so much, because this isn't about me. But I guess it is, in a way; Eddie's job as an athlete and entertainer was to evoke a reaction from fans and make them care about his matches, his promos, his storylines, and most importantly, him. And I did, and I do, and I will. That's quite a mark to leave on this world.

Adam Gutschmidt writes:

In looking back on Eddie’s career, the thing that impresses me the most is his consistency.  Unlike a lot of guys who have signature moments created by the WWE hype machine (Austin screaming with blood pouring down his face, Foley falling from the Hell in a Cell, etc.) Eddie never had that, yet you could never point to a time in his career where he wasn’t entertaining.  He was constantly entertaining, and not just in the ring, but in all facets of wrestling:

- He provided some great skits that we’ll always remember.  Who can forget his visit to the Playboy mansion when Chyna was doing her first shoot?  Or the vignettes to establish Los Guerreros?  Even his recent stuff, like being “examined” by Batista’s doctor were entertaining because of what he put into them.

- Aside from skits, he had plenty of good promos as well.  His more recent ones stick out right now.  His speech about addiction to Brock before No Way Out ’04.  His pep talk to Benoit before his match at Wrestlemania XX.  And his promo behind the cage wall to Rey a few months back.  Face or heel, he could deliver the goods.

- He gave the fans plenty of fodder for creative signs to bring to the arena.  There’ve been “Cut the mullet”, “Eddie stole my…” “Viva La Raza”, “Eddie is my father” etc.  There are very few other superstars that can generate that many signs with so many varied ideas.

- In addition to sign ideas, his character allowed for a number of really cool t-shirts to be designed too.  From the original “Latino Heat” shirt, there was also the “Scarface” one, the Tabasco sauce one and his recent “I’m your papi” one.  He was the first of the Radicalz to get a t-shirt and easily has the most.

- When it came to his matches, it will be hard for people to come to a consensus as to which is his best.  And that’s because, he was consistently good in all of them.  He had a lot of great feuds and no matter who he was facing, you always knew that he could always deliver a match of the night candidate.

- Besides being a good athlete in the ring, he also had a solid moveset that contained a lot of memorable signature moves: the frog splash, Three Amigos, the Lasso from El Paso and that nasty sunset flip into a powerbomb from either the top turnbuckle or a ladder.

- Finally, Eddie had the natural ability to keep the audience entertained throughout the match.  From the beginning when he came out in his low rider, to his “Hulk up” moments when he started his dancing, to the creative ways he would cheat to win.  It was never a dull moment.

I am thankful as a wrestling fan that I got to see as much of Eddie’s career that I did.  He has provided a lot of great memories.  I am also saddened because he still had so much to offer and it seemed like he was just about ready to be rewarded for his efforts again.  He might not have the achievements that others in this business have, but he will be remembered just as fondly.

Eddie will not have to lie, cheat or steal his way into heaven.  His ability to overcome his demons and provide joy into a lot people’s lives allows him easy access.  We will miss you Eddie.  May you rest in peace.

Jason Longshore writes:

I had to work on Sunday and got the news in a phone call.  It’s hard to explain how I felt.  The rest of the day just seemed to go by in a fog.  I guess I didn’t really know how to feel.  It’s not like we actually know these guys, but it feels like we do because of the amount of time we spend watching them and reading about them. 

I got back into wrestling during the summer of ’99.  I got back into by watching WWF though, I wasn’t into WCW during their boom period.  I knew of their guys, but didn’t watch enough to tell you much about them.  I remember when the Radicalz debuted on Raw, it was obvious they were a big deal, even if I didn’t know much about their careers.  I felt awful when Eddie was injured during his debut match.  It had to be terrible to make that kind of a career move and then have an injury happen. 

When he came back, it was with the Chyna storyline.  The thing that I noticed about Eddie really quick was that no matter how stupid the storylines were, he rose about them.  He made the most of the Chyna story, the silly stereotyping of his character, he made the most of everything that was thrown at him.  It just wasn’t possible to keep Eddie in the mid-card.  It wasn’t even really possible to keep Eddie heel, the fans just wanted to love the guy. 

I knew I wasn’t going to be able to make it through the whole Cheating Death, Stealing Life DVD, but I wanted to pick at least one match to watch.  I didn’t have to think about it too long, I picked my favorite match of Eddie’s and one of my favorites of all time.  I picked the No Way Out 2004 match against Brock Lesnar where he won the WWE Title. 

I remember watching that match at Hooters with a big group of friends and I’ll never forget everyone’s reaction when Eddie won the title.  The place went absolutely nuts, which of course paled in comparison to the scene at the Cow Palace live.  As I was watching the match tonight, I was really struck by the look on the fans’ faces.  Everyone was just so happy, not so much for the outcome, but happy for Eddie himself.  After all he had dealt with in his life, it really seemed like he deserved that moment.  I thought I was going to make it through, but Eddie hugging his mother and brother at ringside was just too much. 

It doesn’t matter why this happened.  That’s not important anymore.  I guess I’m happy that Eddie doesn’t have to struggle with his problems anymore, I’m happy that he’s at peace now.  I feel terrible for his family and friends for their loss.   I hope that everybody keeps them in their thoughts and remembers the smiles and happiness that Eddie brought you.   

"The Immolator" Calum Macbeth writes:

I was at a training session Sunday afternoon with about eight current and would-be NWA-ECCW wrestlers. To say the mood was sombre would be a gross understatement.

I never got a chance to meet Eddie, but he is one of my stronger influences as a wrestler. His is one of the few WWE DVD's I have in my collection. Even as I write this, despite the public knowledge of his past troubles and
despite the countless untimely deaths that preceded Eddie's, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he's no longer with us.

Eddie was a key figure in two of my favorite WWE moments: the arrival of the R4dicalz and the moment when he and Chris Benoit both stood as champions at
Wrestlemania. As a wrestler, I've become an even bigger fan of his earlier work with the likes of Benoit, Rey Misterio Jr. and Dean Malenko. But it doesn't get much better than what he and Kurt Angle gave us when they
squared off.

Beyond the tributes, there's something that needs to be said. Nobody should put their bodies through the same chemical rigors as Eddie did - not just recreationally, but also professionally. Have we (wrestlers and promoters
alike) finally learned that the way we've been doing business is unacceptable?

Rocky Swift writes:

To any who would listen, I have often stated that Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit were largely responsible for the launch and early success of WCW Monday Nitro. It might sound like fanboy selective retrospect, but I know from my own experience that it was Nitro's fast-paced, wrestlecentric opening matches that caused me to consider the show might actually be better than the WWF program it was cloning.

In those very early days of the Monday Night Wars, a lot of fans would flip back and forth between the USA and TNT products. Guerrero and a few other talented wrestlers anchoring Nitro's opening matches gave viewers a reason to keep watching WCW. To most of the mainstream, it was their first time seeing Guerrero and Benoit, so they had to establish in just a few moments who was heel and who was face. They had no backstory, so they had to tell their own story in the ring. In fulfilling those requirements, both men were well up to the task, but their status as relative unknowns gave their matches an interesting advantage: You didn't know who was going to win.

Wrestling had largely lost that joyous unpredictability that enlivens sports, and Guerrero helped restore that factor with his performances on the early Nitro. WCW went on to use surprise and chaos as a running theme, and Nitro's endless swerves eventually contributed to the company's doom. Nevertheless, the show changed and improved wrestling forever by reinjecting athleticism and chance into the spectacle, and perhaps no one epitomized those two traits more than Eddie Guerrero. Right up to the end.

If you'd like to share your own thoughts about Eddie, or check out how other OO Readers are remembering Eddie, this thread in the OO Forums is where you need to be.


  • Believe it or not, there are a few things to talk about today that don't involve Eddie Guerrero.
    First and foremost, TNA held their Genesis PPV last night. As expected, Christian debuted for the company as their "Major Acquisition." His participation on the show included a big promo putting over TNA as The Place To Be, being courted by Team Canada, and ultimately rebuffing Team Canada to a huge babyface pop at the end of the show. Could it be that Christian is advancing directly to Jeff Jarrett without passing Go and without collecting $200?
    FYI: he was billed as "Christian Cage," which is the name he used before debuting for WWE, and which Jay Reso apparently trademarked mere days after officially parting ways with WWE. Clever bastard.
    In addition to Christian emerging as a fan favorite and likely challenger to Jeff Jarrett, Samoa Joe executed what apparently counts as a "heel turn" by TNA standards (of course, this meant the fans kept cheering him) as he's positioned to be AJ Styles' next competition for the X Division Title. Jackie Gayda did not appear, but the former Justin Credible *did* (wrestling Raven under his real name, PJ Polaco, and reportedly stinking up the joint something awful).
    You can get the full details on Christian's huge debut and all the other action in Jason Longshore's TNA Genesis PPV Recap.
  • This weekend's SmackDown! did a 2.7 rating, roughly in line with the past couple weeks. SD! has apparently found a couple extra tenths every week as they continue to produce strong shows... but they're still down more than 20% from what SD! could be counted on to draw earlier in the year.
    For whatever it's worth, I thought it was a pretty solid show that did a great job with making the RAW vs. SD! elimination match seem like a big deal. And I'm not just saying it because it turned out to be his last wrestling match ever, but Eddie's win over Ken Kennedy was priceless, and that's another little mini-feud that I'm betting would have been tons of fun to watch play out.
    That match was for a spot on the Survivor Series SD! Team, too... which means that there are now two vacancies on the team: Eddie and Batista. More than likely, you put Benoit in there. And if you do that, then you're probably canceling his US Title match for the PPV, which means you put Booker on the team, too. Unless Batista's gonna tough it out in a limited capacity for some storyline purpose...
  • Canada's TSN has announced their plans for airing RAW starting next fall when they pick up ESPN's Monday Night Football. RAW will air Monday nights at 12:30am (or immediately after football), and again on Tuesday evenings at 9pm.
    I guess I'd be sympathetic, Canucks, but I consider this karmic realignment after you get (at least) one year of seeing SmackDown! 24 hours before us Yanks do.
  • WWE has officially announced that Candice Michelle will be featured in Playboy next March. Which I guess is supposed to send me into a testosterone-fueled orgy of monkey spanking, or something.
    Except, you forget: I'm not a 13-year-old hornball with a maladjusted sense of hotness. No monkey spanking here. And plus: Boobies McTitsalot has already been in Playboy. And been seen lezzing it up on Skinemax After Dark. If women who excel at nothing besides standing around mutely looking chesty are your speed, then by all means: conduct a little internet research, and you'll find all the nekkid Candice Michelle you can handle.
    I do not look forward to next year's road to WrestleMania. Last year proved that, in the name of trying to squeeze a few extra magazine sales out of a diva that fans just didn't give a crap about, WWE will push the hell out of said diva, just to spite me. Could we really be looking at Boobies McTitsalot in a Women's Title Match at WM22? 
    Probably not, but I'm still going to set my expectations to "low" just to be on the safe side. At the very least, you know Candice will be getting a shit load of TV time to contribute nothing useful come next March. WM22 match or no, that's gonna suck.
    But that's WWE for you: pimp out one of your girls to Hef, and try to use her nakedness as the reason why fans should care about her. Which is ass-backwards: first you give a woman a chance to show us why we should care about her, and then when she goes off to pose for Playboy, we fall all over ourselves to see the bOObies. Or at least, that's how I'd do it if I actually wanted to, you know, sell magazines or have a viable women's roster, two things which I'd kind of think should be priorities for WWE when they make decisions like this.
  • The Rock is one of three nominees for the People's Choice Award for "Favorite Male Action Star." He's up against Brad Pitt and Noted Hippiefied Man-Bimbo Matthew McConaughey.
    Voting is already open for the awards (which are handed out in early January). You can skip directly to the voting page for Rock's category by clicking here. What you do while you're there is your business... vote for the Rock if you want him to keep making crappy movies, I guess.
    And if you decide to vote on any other categories: please, I'm begging you, don't vote for anything that sucks. Don't be Part Of The Problem...
  • I think that's about enough for today. I will probably have a recap of RAW tomorrow, though I'm not sure what form it'll take... how I feel and what I'm comfortable presenting will have a lot to do with exactly how RAW handles things. Hearing "spoilers" and getting the intangibles of the emotional undertones are two different things. It's entirely possible that there's nothing I could add to the show, other than just quickly recounting the straight facts.
    For one week, I think you'll forgive me if that's the case.
    Then, hopefully, we can get back to a LITTLE bit of business as usual on Wednesday. See you then, folks.

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28



Rick Scaia is a wrestling fan from Dayton, OH.  He's been doing this since 1995, but enjoyed it best when the suckers from SportsLine were actually PAYING him to be a fan.




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