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WWE Week in Review: Christmas 2014 Edition
December 26, 2014

by Rick Scaia
Exclusive to OOWrestling.com


I hope you all had a very merry Christmas. I mean VERY merry. Somehow, we -- collectively, as OO Nation -- need to have things work out so that our AVERAGE Christmas was merry. 
And since I didn't have any Christmas, at all (for the reason discussed several times in the last couple weeks), that means it's up to YOU to make the Baby Jesus proud!!! So I mean it: I hope this was as awesome a holiday as you've ever had.

For my part, I've been in Ft. Worth, TX, for the past 5 days, and it's looking like my original plan of being here for a month or two, taking care of my brother until he was back on his feet, is gonna turn into something substantially longer term. After a few setbacks, it's unlikely Alan will be out of the hospital for another month or two (complications in his busted hip, and an altogether worrisome lack of improvement in terms of his coherence; apparently the bonk on the head was worse than originally thought), so the doctors and nurses will be taking care of him for quite some time, before I can actually be of any use.
At this rate, Scaia Family Christmas might take place in April... and at that point, it does NOT count to our Collective OO Nation Holiday Merriment Quotient. At that point, it'll just be the relieving end to what's shaping up to be a depressing stretch of me being sad and isolated in a forieign city.

On the upside: they DO have In-N-Out Burger here, and the mood-heightening qualities of regular access to 2x2s with grilled onions are not insignificant.
Anyway, thanks for putting up with 4 paragraphs of me venting... but my reason for firing up the ol' keyboard from my new digs in Texas is to file a quick Week in Review of WWE's TV during the holiday week. Have at it:
RAW: Four Free Per View Matches

All in all, a satisfying show. It was almost like another "Tribute for the Troops," where they carted out seemingly big, marquee matches that could have been saved up and built up WAY better... but they just tossed them out there in a low leverage situation (in this case, TttT is never a "canon" show, it's a special extracurricual event where all the good guys win... but this RAW was a throwaway holiday week show where viewership is likely down, and WWE would prefer rehash rather than forward storyline progress, so they hot-shotted these matches, many of them PPV rematches).

So yeah, maybe WWE burned through 4 big matches that could have been spread out and built up better, over the course of 2 weeks (hell, even just doing Cena/Reigns vs. Rollins/Show as a tag match, instead of two singles matches, would have left you the option of using the singles matches next Monday)... but I'm not really complaining. It was a pretty entertaining night of TV.

Here are the short and sweet results:
  • OPENING SEGMENT. Ho-Ho-Hogan (Hulk Hogan in a Santa suit) comes out to kick things off, but is joined in short order by John Cena, who is quite displeased after losing a match to Seth Rollins last Monday. Cena wants a rematch. Rollins comes out and says he's not interested. But Hogan says he wants to see it, and he's in charge, so it's on. And it's next.
  • CENA DEFEATS ROLLINS. Gets off to a slow start, but after an ad break, things really heat up for an extended End Game. Both guys get very convincing near falls, and the crowd is red hot by the time the real finish hits. Interference from the New Stooges backfires, and Cena winss clean with the F-U. Very good 13 minute match.
  • FANDANGO DEFEATS JACK SWAGGER. Swagger didn't go down without a token fight, but let's not pretend this was something it wasn't.
  • R-TRUTH DEFEATS ADAM ROSE. Very short match that only served as the pretext for Rose attacking The Bunny after the match. And remember, the Bunny was still in a neck brace because of Kane, so that makes Rose an even bigger dick than the other 3 times he's attacked the Bunny. Or something like that.
  • ROMAN REIGNS DEFEATS BIG SHOW. A serviceable slobberknocker for about 5 minutes, and then the big finish saw Show take the brawl outside the ring... only to get Superman Punched over the announce table, so Reigns won by count-out. Pretty cheap for our alleged WM Main Event Babyface Hero...
  • NATALYA DEFEATS BRIE BELLA. It was a clean win, via pinfall (a roll-up when Brie tried to counter the Sharpshooter). After the match, Nikki tried a sneak attack, but it backfired, so we're looking at Nattie the #1 Contender, now, is my guess. Also after the match, Tyson Kidd was extra-douchey in trying to steal his wife's spotlight.
  • LOS MATADORES AND EL TORITO BEAT THE DUST BROTHERS. A harmless 5 minute comedy match. If you were deeply offended by it, I can only assume you view the Grinch as a protagonist.
  • DOLPH ZIGGLER RETAINED THE IC TITLE WITH A WIN OVER LUKE HARPER. This was Harper's obligatory title rematch, and even though there were no ladders this time, these two just knocked the ball out of the park with an awesome 15 minute match. Nothing revolutionary in terms of psychology/layout... just superbly executed monster heelishness by Harper, and even better underdoggery by Ziggler. Finish is a killer triple combo by Ziggler: superkick, rebound superkick, Zig Zag. Absolutely youtube-worthy if you didn't see it.
  • PIPER'S PIT. Making a special appearance, Roddy Piper brings out Rusev and Lana for the Pit. As is his wont, Piper had some fun at their expense. Predictably, this resulted in Rusev challenging Piper to fight. But Piper had a better idea. If Rusev wants a fight, Piper has a Christmas present for him... it's Ryback (who comes out WEARING A BOW, which is way funnier to me than it should be). After a brief brawl, Ryback gets the better of it, so Rusev bails out and retreats.
  • NAOMI/EMMA/ALICIA DEFEAT PAIGE/SUMMER/CAMERON. They're all dressed up like Santa's Helpers, except Paige, who is in her normal gear (and a black "Bah Humbug" Santa hat). I thought it'd be a showcase for either Naomi (another viable #1 contender) or Paige (we need one other credible heel act besides the Bellas), but nope. The finish is Alicia pinning Cameron because.... uhh, I can't finish that sentence.
  • MIZ DEFEATS JIMMY USO. Decent little 4 minute match, but then again, I'm always entertained whenever Sandow is on my screen. Finish was Miz winning with a handful of tights.
  • BRAY WYATT DEFEATS DEAN AMBROSE. This is a "Miracle on 34th Street Fight," so unlike Ziggler and Harper, these two basically DO get the benefit of the same extracurriculars as they had at the PPV. And they make good use of them (as well as the various gift boxes and pine trees, in addition to the tables, ladders, chairs, and candy-striped kendo sticks). Finish was Ambrose going for another off-the-ladder table spot, but Wyatt caught him by throwing a chair at his face, causing Ambrose to fall hard off the ladder. Then Wyatt hit another variation of the "Trachea Buster," but using a kendo stick instead of a chair. That was enough to get him the win.
Like I said, a surprisingly satisfying show, thanks to WWE giving away so many big PPV rematches in one place. And between the very solid opener, the even better main event, and the unequivically excellent IC Title Match, I have no reservations handing out a final grade of B+. Nothing noteworthy in terms of stories or "moments," but that's a damned fine collection of in-ring action.

SMACKDOWN: Ambrose Awesome Again

Per usual, SD was loaded with a lot of recap and filler... but it also featured a very good mid-show match, with Dean Ambrose putting on his second commendable match of the week.

Throw in a decent-if-formulaic main event and a bit of sizzle courtesy of more Hulk Hogan, and it wasn't an entirely hateful Friday night of rasslin' action

  • OPENING SEGMENT. Hulk Hogan, sans Santa outfit, is in charge again, and kicks things off by rattling off a list of his various SmackDown moments. Seth Rollins interrupts, and basically calls Hogan an old man who should get out of his ring, because he is the present and future of this business. Hogan disagrees; he thinks there are plenty of better options to be the Future of WWE. Rollins dares him to name just one. So Hogan picks Dolph Ziggler. Out comes Ziggler to accept the compliment, and to razz Rollins. Big Show comes out for no readily apparent reason (honestly, he basically just comes out at random, and threatens to KO Hogan and Ziggler), which brings out Roman Reigns. Hogan makes the obvious tag match for our main event.
  • RYBACK DEFEATS KANE. Another rematch from TLC, where these two had an overlong chore of a match. So this time, they kept it ultra-short. Rusev came out after about 2 minutes, and tried to attack Ryback, but it didn't work, and Ryback clotheslined him off the apron, then turned back to Kane to hit the Shellshock. But after the match, Kane and Rusev doubleteamed Ryback, and left him laying (after a chokeslam and the Camel Clutch).
  • NAOMI DEFEATS ALICIA. I can state, with authority, that this is a thing that happened. Miz was watching backstage, to remind us that THAT is also a thing that is happening.
  • ADAM ROSE DEFEATS R-TRUTH. A rematch from Monday, but this time, it's a new Adam Rose. No Bunny, and he cold shouldered the Rosebuds during his entrance. He's all business and rather lemon-y. As a result of this newfound focus, he was able to beat Truth, cleanly, with the Party Foul.
  • DEAN AMBROSE GETS A WIN OVER RUSEV, BUT IT'S VIA DQ, SO RUSEV RETAINS THE US TITLE. A really, really good match. These two had excellent chemistry, with Rusev physically superior by all objective metrics, but Ambrose doing any crazy thing that came into his head to keep it a believably close fight. The psychology played to their strengths, and the fact that both guys are red hot with the crowd -- individually -- meant that there was synergy on that front when they combined their efforts here. The result was several moments where you could actually believe that Ambrose was about to win the US Title and become the first man to pin Rusev. But of course, that's when Bray Wyatt comes into play, ruining Ambrose's night... on the cusp of a REAL victory, Ambrose has to settle for the DQ win when Wyatt runs out. Rusev bails out, happy to be off the hook, but the Ambrose/Wyatt brawl rages on for a bit. Then, as soon as Ambrose finds a cache of steel chairs, Wyatt decides to retreat, too. Dean gets both the literal and the moral victories (over Rusev and Wyatt, respectively), but he does not get the US Title.
  • JIMMY USO DEFEATS MIZ. After Miz got the cheap/handful-of-tights win on Monday, and then continued the pervostalking of Naomi earlier in the night, Jimmy pretty much kicked Miz's ass, in a very one-sided affair. Miz tried to beg off, at which point he ate two superkicks and a superfly splash for the squash loss. On the upside, the more Miz gets his ass kicked, the more hilarious Sandow is!
  • DOLPH ZIGGLER AND ROMAN REIGNS DEFEAT SETH ROLLINS AND BIG SHOW. Solid 12 minute tag match, sticking pretty close to the predictable formula. That is to say: a back and forth start, then Ziggler settles in as your Face in Peril, to get his ass kicked for the majority of the match. It's what he does best, and Rollins and Show looked like a million bucks while Ziggler engendered mucho sympathy. Then, hot tag to Reigns. He's a house o' fire. The New Stooges briefly swing things in Rollins' favor, but then it breaks down into a Pier Four braw, and Reigns spears Rollins into next week for the win.
The main event was pretty much paint-by-numbers (albeit very nicely painted by talented arteests), and the match of the night (Ambrose/Rusev) had kind of a cheap ending... so while the in-ring work was commendable enough, there wasn't nearly as much to sink your teeth into here, as there was on Monday.

Let's call it a C+.

Next week should be a step up in terms of noteworthy moments/stories... yeah, WWE won't ramp things all the way up until January 5 (with the traditional New Year's Free Per View RAW, including Lesnar making a rare appearance), but Monday's show will include Randy Orton's return, to set up his feud with Rollins.

And even better: Edge and Christian are the Guest GMs for both RAW and SD next week. Awesomeness!

I will endeavor to return OO to its normal schedule, which means I will see you kids again at Monday night around 11:30 (eastern).

Or, as I now call it, 10:30 (central). It's been almost a week, and I'm still not used to everything happening an hour earlier...

SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28



Rick Scaia is a wrestling fan from Dayton, OH.  He's been doing this since 1995, but enjoyed it best when the suckers from SportsLine were actually PAYING him to be a fan.



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