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WWF IYH: Mind Games
January 26, 2005

by Adam Gutschmidt
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Welcome back OOld Tymers!  Before we get started here today, I need to take care of a little matter I addressed in last week’s revue.  I had mentioned my uncertainly about the storyline that led up to the Marc Mero and Goldust feud.  I had said that I thought it dealt with Sable and Marlena, but I really didn’t have a good idea.  Well, one of our readers wrote to me and provided some more information.  He writes, “I'm not 100% certain on this, but I do know that they briefly teased an angle in which Sable was clearly hitting on Marlena.  This ran for a couple of weeks, and then stopped cold.  From what I heard after the fact, it was Bret Hart who actually objected to the angle, and since Bret was in negotiations for re-upping his contract, McMahon thought it best to bury the angle.  That is certainly interested and I don’t recall that at all.  Although, that doesn’t completely shock me as I believe Russo was taking a stab at some of the writing at this point.  If anyone else has more to add to this story, I’d love to hear from you.  Hopefully we can get a definitive answer, one way or another.  OK, I’ve taken care of business, now let’s move onto the matter at hand, shall we?

OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue for WWF In Your House: Mind Games

Emanating from the Corestates Arena in Philadelphia, PA

Your commentators are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross and Mr. Perfect

Caribbean Strap Match: Savio Vega vs. Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw

These two have had issues for about a month now, but this 

match wasn't made until the Free For All when Savio was wrestling Marty Janetty.  During said match, Bradshaw first conducted an interview where he complained about never having a PPV match and then later came out and attacked Savio.  Angered, Savio demanded that they have a match and Gorilla Monsoon gave the ok.  Match begins with Bradshaw attacking Savio with the strap before it's even attached to Savio's arm.  Finally, the referee puts the strap on Savio's wrist as Bradshaw begins to touch the corners.  1 turnbuckle...2 turnbuckles.  Savio pulls Bradshaw back before he can get anymore, but Bradshaw just comes over and continues to put the boots to Savio.  Both men go to the floor and Bradshaw begins to choke Savio with the strap as an "ECW" chant breaks out amongst the crowd.  Savio uses the strap to ram Bradshaw's shoulder into the post.  As Savio whips Bradshaw on the floor, a fan sprays beer in Savio's face.  But that's no ordinary fan.  It's actually ECW's own, Sandman, who is sitting front row with Tommy Dreamer and Paul Heyman.  Security escorts them out as action continues in the ring.  Bradshaw, with Savio in a headlock, goes for the turnbuckles.  1 turnbuckle...2 turnbuckles...3 turnbuckles.  Savio gets Bradshaw in a back suplex before he can touch the last one.  Savio really begins to whip Bradshaw with the strap.  Now Savio begins to make the rounds.  1 turnbuckle...2 turnbuckles...3 turnbuckles.  Bradshaw pulls Savio down before he can get the win.  After hitting Bradshaw with a spinning heel kick, Savio goes for the win again.  1 turnbuckle...2 turnbuckles...3 turnbuckles.  Once again, Bradshaw pulls him down.  A big clothesline by Bradshaw.  1 turnbuckle for Bradshaw...wait, 1 turnbuckle also for Savio....2 turnbuckles for each...3 turnbuckles for each.  Then in a most unexpected moment, Bradshaw actually pulls Savio forward and Savio touches the 4th turnbuckle first to get the win.

Bottom Line: Absolutely no creativity here and certainly a far cry from the strap match Savio had with Stone Cold a few months ago.   I do find it interesting, though, that you could say that Bradshaw learned from this mistake and used that knowledge to help him win the WWE title.  As for this match, it wasn't horrible and each man got their shots in on the other.  Typically, this would be a suitable opener, but in a hostile crowd like Philly, they don't want to see matches with cowboys and men from the Caribbean.  **

- We actually get a video package for the Jim Cornette/Jose Lothario match.  This consists of Lothario training and Cornette telling "He's so old..." jokes that even Jay Leno wouldn't find funny.

Jose Lothario vs. James E. Cornette

As Cornette comes down to the ring, we cut to the back and see "Diesel" and "Razor Ramon" attacking Savio.  Sadly, I'd probably rather watch that than this next match.  Cornette's pearl harbor attack fails and Lothario goes to work on him.  Two big right hands drop Cornette and that's enough to put him away.

BL: Well, I think this can be summed up as time well spent.  I mean, who wouldn't want to see two aging, overweight men throw fake punches for a minute or two?  If I ever receive wishes from a genie, my first one will be a request to give me back the time I wasted on this match.  -*

- We get a Superstar Line ad that shows Marc Mero and Faarooq Asad on the phone.  Vince informs us that they will meet tomorrow night on RAW to determine the new Intercontinental champ.  So Cornette/Lothario: PPV worthy.  Finals in the Intercontinental title tournament: not PPV worthy.  Got it!

- Brian Pillman comes down to ringside to liven things up.  After ripping apart Philly, he calls down Owen Hart.  It should be noted that Pillman had been promising for weeks that he was going to bring back Bret Hart tonight for the PPV.  Bret Hart did a video interview the week before the show and called Pillman a liar.  So now Owen and Pillman rip apart Bret and Owen says that the reason Bret didn't show is because he's scared of Stone Cold Steve Austin.  They bring out Austin and he also has some unkind words for Bret.  I should complain about PPV time being wasted with interviews, but I couldn't help but enjoy watching three of my favorite performers interact here.

WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Smoking Gunns (champs) vs. Owen Hart and the British Bulldog

Some interesting prematch happenings: 1) Cornette isn't with Owen and the Bulldog, but we do cut away and see him in the back being tended to medics after the "beating" he received.  Clarence Mason is also back there and has Cornette sign something.  2) As the Gunns come to the ring, it's obvious that Bart is upset that Billy is more focused on walking with Sunny than on hurrying to the ring.  3) When the Gunns get in the ring, that huge poster of Sunny is unveiled again, but this time it's been defaced, presumably by Owen and the Bulldog.  Clarence Mason walks down to ringside as Billy rolls up Owen for a two count.  A pair of armdrags and a crossbody give Owen a nearfall.  Jim Ross and Vince begin to snip at each other as to who will be a bigger factor in this match: Owen or the Bulldog.  This would of course be the beginning of the failed J.R. heel turn.  A lot of nearfalls for both teams early on.  As the Bulldog holds Bart, Owen chopblocks him.  The Bulldog and Owen now take turns working over Bart's leg.  Owen locks on a Boston Crab, but Bart grabs the ropes.  A delayed suplex by the Bulldog and his team is in firm control.  After a legdrop, the Bulldog covers but Billy breaks up the pin.  Bart actually catches Owen in a small package for 2, but Owen comes right back and nails Bart with an enziguri.  Billy again comes in to break up the pin.  As the Bulldog comes off the ropes, Billy grabs him.  This allows Bart to hit him from behind.  Billy takes the Bulldog to the floor and attacks him some more.  The Gunns now make frequent tags to work over the Bulldog.  After the Gunns hit the Sidewinder on the Bulldog, Mason gets on the apron to distract the referee.  This allows Owen to come off the top rope and nail Billy.  That actually gets a face pop from the crowd.  Wild!  The Gunns still remain in control by making frequent tags.  Bart goes for a running powerslam, but the Bulldog escapes and shoves Bart into Billy.  Billy shoves Bart and the Bulldog picks Bart up and hits him with the running powerslam.  The Bulldog covers and gets the 3, which gets a huge face pop.  New champions! 

Postmatch: Sunny throws a tantrum and fires the Gunns, which seems to upset Billy more than it does Bart.

BL: A surreal match all around with the heel/heel dichotomy.  Both teams were cheating to win and allowed for the match to break out of its traditional style.  Then you had the Philly fans making Owen and the Bulldog crazy over.  Finally, the announcing was interesting as all 3 guys were arguing with each other and not staying in their traditional roles.  Not the best match but something you have to see to believe.  **3/4

- Newcomer Kevin Kelly gets the unenviable task of interviewing Mankind and Paul Bearer in the bowels of the arena.  I guess this is Dok Hendrix and Todd Pettingil's way of hazing the new guy 

Mark Henry vs. Jerry "the King" Lawler

After some typical berating by Lawler, Henry locks up with him and shocks Lawler by escaping a headlock.  Henry then puts a headlock on Lawler.  When Lawler escapes Henry's headlock however, Henry is still able to shove him to the corner.  Lawler goes for a slam, but that doesn't work, so instead Henry press slams Lawler.  Lawler tries to charge at Henry, but Henry sidesteps him and throws him through the ropes.  That was actually a pretty decent bump for Lawler.  Back inside, Lawler reaches in his tights and nails Henry with a "weapon".  Henry no sells the shots and drives Lawler back to the corner.  Henry locks Lawler in a backbreaker and he quickly submits.

Postmatch: The New Rockers and Hunter Hearst Helmsley come out for no apparent reason and try to attack Henry, but he disposes all of them quickly.

BL: Another useless match.  They tried playing "anything you can do, I can do better" but that got tired after the first 15 seconds.  A poor debut for Henry, which isn't surprising since Lawler's not the guy to use to get him over.  DUD

Final Curtain Match: The Undertaker vs. Goldust

Oh my god!  Not these two again!  I don't know if I can make it through another one of their matches.  This now makes four PPV matches between them if you count their dark match at February's In Your House.  The stipulation for this match is that there must be a winner and it must be via pinfall.  Yee haw!  Taker finally wises up from those previous matches and doesn't allow Goldust to stall for 10 minutes to begin the match.  Instead, he goes right to work on him.  A legdrop by Taker gets 2.  Goldust tries to bail, but Taker pulls him back in.  Goldust actually counters by dropping Taker across the top rope.  Marlena then adds a slap for good measure.  Goldust hits a swinging neckbreaker, but Taker sits up.  A big boot and a suplex by Taker give him a nearfall.  Taker connects with the ropewalk and then dumps Goldust to the floor.  On the outside, Goldust grabs some gold powder from a bag and throws it in Taker's face as the referee is distracted by Marlena.  Goldust attacks the blinded Taker on the floor.  A clothesline by Goldust gives him a nearfall.  Taker hits Goldust with a back suplex, but can't stay on the offensive.  Goldust hiptosses Taker and gets another 2 count.  After whipping Taker to the corner, Goldust goes through some of his histrionics.  Taker has seen enough as he gets up, throws Goldust into the corner and begins to punch away on him.  Goldust comes back with a powerslam for 2.  Taker sits up and connects with a big clothesline.  Goldust tries to go up top, but Taker grabs him and chokeslams him down to the mat.  Taker nails Goldust with the Tombstone and puts him away for good.

BL: This was slightly better than the previous encounters, only by the fact that they had action throughout as opposed to a ton of stalling.  However, this was still a boring mess that really served no purpose.  Well, I guess it got Taker's heat back, which we all know is so important. * 1/2

- Kevin Kelly chats with Shawn Michaels about the mind games Mankind and Paul Bearer have been playing.  Shawn says that doesn't worry him because he doesn't have a mind to mess with.  Hey, he said it, not me folks.

WWF Championship Match: Shawn Michaels (champ) vs. Mankind

Paul Bearer brings out a casket that has Mankind in it.  Nice touch.  Mankind goes right after Shawn and knocks him down with a back bodydrop.  A clothesline by Mankind sends both men over the top rope.  Mankind begins to remove the padding on the floor, but Shawn dropkicks him.  With Mankind now underneath the padding, Shawn starts hopping on him.  Shawn goes up and hits Mankind with a crossbody onto the floor.  Then Shawn drives the back of Mankind's head onto the exposed floor.  Ow!  In the ring, Shawn hits a double ax handle.  After slamming Mankind, Shawn goes back up and connects with the big elbow.  Shawn begins to tune up the band, but as soon as Mankind realizes it, he jumps out of the ring.  Inside, the two slug it out.  Mankind whips Shawn to the corner where Shawn looks like he wanted to do a move, but Mankind didn't follow him in.  Shawn gets pissed off at Mankind and goes back over so they can figure out what to do next while brawling.  Mankind takes Shawn down and tries to put the Mandible Claw on him.  Shawn blocks it and they brawl some more.  Mankind dumps Shawn to the floor and then follows him out there.  As Mankind tries to maneuver one of the announce tables, Shawn leaps over it and begins to pummel Mankind.  Shawn then suplexes Mankind on the floor and Mankind's leg goes crashing into the steel steps.  As Mankind tries to get back into the ring, Shawn chopblocks him.  Shawn takes Mankind leg and rams it into that casket at ringside.  The work on Mankind's knee continues as Shawn legsweeps him and then puts on a figure four.  A right hand by Mankind breaks the hold.  Mankind whips Shawn, but Shawn comes back and dropkicks him in the knee.  A half crab is applied by Shawn, but Mankind grabs the ropes.  Shawn goes for a hurricanrana, but Mankind just drops him across the top rope.  While Shawn tries to recover, Paul Bearer hands Mankind a stick or pencil, which Mankind uses to jab his own knee repeatedly to get the feeling back into it.  Mankind hits Shawn in the face with a running knee.  Shawn slows Mankind down with a back suplex.  Mankind whips Shawn to the corner, where he flips, flops and then hangs there as he's cuaght in a tree of woe.  A boot by Mankind sends Shawn to the outside.  On the floor, Mankind tries a running knee, but misses and rams his knee into the steps.  Shawn uses a drop toehold to ram Mankind's face into the steps.  Both men fight on the apron and as Mankind charges, Shawn moves causing Mankind to run into the post.  A slam by Shawn gets 2.  Shawn throws Mankind to the ropes and he gets himself into a hangman.  As Shawn approaches, Mankind puts the Mandible Claw on him while still tied in the ropes.  Mankind escapes and reapplies the Claw to Shawn on the floor, but Shawn heaves Mankind into the guardrail.  Shawn grabs a chair and uses it to block a Mankind punch.  He then takes the chair to Mankind's knee and hand.  Inside, Shawn continues to try and break Mankind's Claw hand.  Shawn charges at Mankind, but Mankind backdrops him to the floor.  From the apron, Mankind drops an elbow on Shawn.  Mankind follows that up with a swinging neckbreaker.  A double arm DDT gives Mankind a nearfall.  Mankind gets another 2 count after hitting Shawn with a piledriver.  Frustrated, Mankind tries putting Shawn in the casket.  Shawn fights back though and hits Mankind with a flying forearm.  The kip up naturally follows.  A high crossbody by Shawn gets 2.  Shawn goes up again, but Mankind crotches him.  Mankind goes up top with Shawn and delivers a back suplex that sends both men through the Spanish announcer's table that Mankind had moved earlier in the match.  Mankind grabs a chair and climbs back up top, but Shawn jumps up and kicks the chair into his face.  Shawn drags Mankind to the middle of the ring and covers, but Vader comes out and tries to attack Shawn, which draws a DQ. 

Postmatch: Vader gets knocked out by Shawn, but Bearer then nails Shawn in the back of the head with the urn.  Vader tries to go back after Shawn, but Sid comes out and they begin to brawl in the aisle.  Mankind gets back up and puts the Claw back on Shawn.  Bearer opens the casket, but Taker is inside it.  He gets out and brawls with Mankind all the way to the back. 

BL: What a wild finish!  This is one of my absolute favorite matches of all time.  These guys just pulled out all the stops.  And just when you thought they couldn't do anymore, they find another way to amaze you.  The only small detriments here were the miscommunication followed by Shawn's mini-tantrum and the cheap DQ finish.  **** 3/4

Final thought: There is a whole lot of crap on this show.  So much, that it seems impossible to give it a recommendation.  But it's off-setted by a lot of stuff that's either great or historical.  The main event is must-see obviously.  But you also have the ECW "invasion", the Austin/Owen/Pillman interaction and the surreal tag match.  Check this show out and just have your remote control handy throughout it all.  And if you can't find a copy of the show, at least get a Mick Foley or Shawn Michaels DVD to see their match.

Next time, we examine what happens When Announcers Attack!

Until then, thanks for stopping by the OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue.


Originally from Cleveland, Adam is now a graduate student at the University of Dayton who is looking to make a couple extra bucks writing this column. What do you mean Rick doesn't pay his columnists?

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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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