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WWF SummerSlam 1999
March 16, 2006

by Adam Gutschmidt
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


The column is long this week, so I won’t spend a lot of time in my preamble. I did want to pass along one e-mail that I received from my Fully Loaded review. One of my astute readers, mentioned that there was a little more behind the whole Mideon getting the European title from Shane story. He says that Mideon asks Shane for a belt for his pants and Shane told him to look in his bag, which is where Mideon found the European championship. I gotta say, that is a way funnier version of the story and it sounds vaguely familiar, but if any of you other readers out there whether this is true or not, I sure would appreciate the confirmation. And now, on with the show… 

OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue for WWF Summerslam 1999

Emanating from the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN

Your commentators are Jim Ross and Jerry “the King” Lawler

- Before we get to the action, we cut to backstage where Jesse “the Body” Ventura is explaining to HHH and Chyna that he’ll be law and

order in that ring tonight. HHH says he’ll break any rule he wants to and walks away. Funny, it’s usually the politician who flagrantly breaks the rules.

- Even more backstage fun as we see Chris Jericho waiting impatiently for someone. We learn it’s Howard Finkel, who runs up and apologizes for being late. Jericho asks Finkel, who he calls Harold, if he’s ready for Chris Jericho to save the WWF. Finkel proclaims he’s behind Jericho 100%. If he’s here to save us, Jericho’s first act should be to get rid of Billy Gunn.

Euro-continental Championship Match: D’Lo Brown (champ) vs. Jeff Jarrett

Yes, you read that right. It says “Eurocontinental”. D’Lo, the current European champion, defeated Jarrett a week ago for the Intercontinental title. This is the rematch and both titles are on the line. Debra and Jarrett have been having problems the past few weeks and it’s evident here as Jarrett sends her to the back before the match even begins. However, it doesn’t last as D’Lo brings her back out with him. As D’Lo poses with Debra, Jarrett attacks him from behind. D’Lo quickly recovers and delivers a flying forearm to Jarrett. A powerslam by D’Lo gets 2. Jarrett goes for a dropkick, but it’s reversed into a powerbomb and D’Lo gets a nearfall out of it. A sleeper is applied by Jarrett, but D’Lo escapes and delivers a suplex. Crowd really seems behind D’Lo tonight. Jarrett dropkicks D’Lo to the floor. As they brawl on the outside, Jarrett throws D’Lo into the steps. D’Lo comes back and clotheslines Jarrett into the crowd. Back inside, Jarrett elbows a charging D’Lo. Then, he delivers a tornado armbar takedown from the second rope. As Jarrett does a 10 punch count, D’Lo stops him and drops him across the top turnbuckle. D’Lo delivers the Sky High, but D’Lo is too tired to cover. D’Lo is starting to make his comeback and gets a nearfall with a legdrop. D’Lo tries to do a cannonball, but comes up empty. Debra gets on the apron and is distracting the referee as Jarrett grabs his guitar. All of a sudden, D’Lo’s friend, Mark Henry, comes out and takes the guitar away from Jarrett. It appears that he’s going to hit Jarrett, but instead blasts D’Lo with it. Jarrett turns around and pins D’Lo for the win. New Eurocontinental champion!

Postmatch: Jarrett, Henry, and Debra all celebrate together as this was all a set-up evidiently.

BL: I could have done without the Russo finish, that’s for sure. However, everything up to that was real solid. These two worked well together and D’Lo was busting out the moveset. I wouldn’t have minded had this gone a couple minutes longer. It’s just a shame that the good action was marred by more unnecessary titles changes and Mark Henry reemerging from obscurity. ** ¾

- Earlier today, Michael Cole interviewed Edge and Christian about the tag team turmoil match. Is there a pill one can take to give themselves charisma? There must be because the generic, vanilla babyface promo that these two deliver here, SO does not reek of the awesomeness that they would display later on in their careers.

Tag Team Turmoil Match

A Tag Team Turmoil match is done similar to the Royal Rumble match. Two teams begin and once one is defeated, another enters until only one team is left standing. The winner of this match will face the tag champs tomorrow night on RAW. It’s amazing how five months ago, they needed the random generator machine to figure out who would face the champs at Wrestlemania and now they have enough teams to do this match and have a championship match.

Edge and Christian vs. The New Brood

The New Brood are the Hardy Boyz, who dropped Michael Hayes and picked up Gangrel as a manager. All four men brawl to begin. Christian springboards off of Edge and splashes Matt. Christian tries to roll up Matt, but Gangrel nails him from the outside. That gives Matt a nearfall. The Hardyz have now isolated Christian. After Matt suplexes Christian, Jeff delivers a senton bomb. Jeff covers, but Edge breaks up the pin. Christian is able to hit both Hardyz with reverse DDTs and then makes the hot tag to Edge. Edge cleans house until Matt dumps him to the floor. All four men are on the outside now and Edge and Jeff run along the guardrail on opposite sides. When they meet in the middle, Edge leaps and spears Jeff in the aisle. It’s something you have to see to believe! Gangrel goes to attack Edge, but Christian jumps off the top rope and lands on him. Then Matt moonsaults off the top rope and lands on Christian and Gangrel. Inside, Edge gives Matt a facebuster and Christian follows it up with a top rope elbow. That’s enough to get them the pin. *** ¼

Edge and Christian vs. Mideon and Viscera

Vis attacks Christian to begin. A Samoan drop by Vis puts Christian in trouble. Mideon misses an elbow drop and Christian makes the tag to Edge. Edge is a house of fire until Vis drops him with a spinning heel kick. Vis tries to splash Edge, but Edge pulls Mideon in front of him. Edge and Christian knock Vis out of the ring and then Edge spears Mideon to finish them off. ½ *

Edge and Christian vs. Droz and Prince Albert

Droz delivers a reverse atomic drop to Edge to give them an early advantage. Albert gets Edge up in a torture rack and then delivers a neckbreaker. That gets 2. Albert goes to press slam Edge, but Christian chopblocks him and Edge lands on him for a 2 count. Edge connects with the Downward Spiral and that puts him away. ¼ *

Edge and Christian vs. The Acolytes

Edge and Christian had barely won the previous match when the Acolytes come out and jump them. Bradshaw boots Edge in the ring as Christian and Farooq brawl on the outside. Edge comes back and connects with a missile dropkick. Bradshaw halts Edge’s 10 punch count with a powerbomb. He gets a nearfall out of that. The Acolytes are now making quick tags to work over Edge. I should not that J.R. and Lawler have been hilarious this match with Lawler antagonizing J.R. about his contant referencing to wrestler’s college football backgrounds. Farooq nails Edge with a spinebuster, but only gets a 2 count thanks to his arrogant cover. Edge escapes a Dominator attempt and delivers a DDT. Both men tag out and Chrisitan takes care of Bradshaw. Christian goes up top, but Farooq crotches him. However, as Bradshaw approaches him, Christian is still able to hit him with a tornado DDT. That gets 2. As Edge and Christian take out the Acolytes, the Hollys come down to ringside. Christian springboards off Edge and splashes Farooq. However, Christian turns around and is blasted with a Clothesline from Hell by Bradshaw. Farooq holds Edge and Bradshaw gets the easy pin. *

The Acolytes vs. The Hollys

Not sure why the Hollys jumped the gun, but they attack the Acolytes right away. Hardcore is teaming with his “cousin” Crash. Farooq hits Crash with the Dominator, but Hardcore attacks him before he can cover. Hardcore and Crash begin to fight as to which one will attack Farooq. Oh those fussin and feudin cousins! After Hardcore suplexes Farooq, Crash tags himself in. Crash charges and gets clotheslined by Farooq. When Crash is whipped to the ropes, Hardcore tags himself back in. Hardcore comes in and clotheslines Farooq, but Crash covers him. Hardcore doesn’t like that and they begin to shove each other again. Hardcore kicks Crash to the outside, but turns around and gets him with a spinebuster by Farooq. That’s all she wrote for the Hollys and the Acolytes win the match. ½ *

Postmatch: The Hollys leave still arguing with each other.

BL: Things started off hot, but as expected, cooled down quickly once the weaker teams entered. Still, I love this style of match and they booked it properly with Edge and Christian looking strong, but with the Acolytes ultimately getting the win.

- Somewhere in the back, the Big Show and the Undertaker are shown walking into the arena. Getting here a little late, aren’t we fellas?

-Elsewhere, we see Al Snow talking to his new friend, Pepper, a tiny Chihuahua dog. Well it’s nice to see Snow has progressed up to having friends who are actually living beings.

- Even though he’s not on the card, we get an appearance from “Road Dogg” Jesse James and it appears that he just digested a small animal. Oh wait, nevermind, that’s just his gay fanny pack. What are pro wrestlers’ obsession with those things? He’s out to announce that he wants the winner of tonight’s Hardcore title match tomorrow night on RAW. Before he gets any further he’s interrupted by our savior Y2J, Chris Jericho. Jericho rips on the WWF and calls the PPV, “Summersham”. Then he moves on to insulting Road Dogg and is pretty spot on in his commentary. Road Dogg gives a weak rebuttal and Jericho has to act disgusted and leaves.

WWF Hardcore Championship Match: The Big Bossman (champ) vs. Al Snow

Road Dogg sticks around for commentary and actually follows these two wherever they go to call the action. Snow hides by the staging and pounces upon the Bossman when he enters. The two head backstage and throw each other into whatever is around. The Bossman takes Pepper’s carrier and bashes Snow in the head with it. Now the Bossman grabs some bystander’s crutch and beats Snow with it. The Bossman tries throwing a Pepsi fridge on Snow, but he avoids it. Now outside, the Bossman throws Snow into a road sign. They are now across the street brawling in some bar’s patio area. They now take the fight into the bar. Snow actually takes a break to flirt with a woman. Ha! Into the men’s room they go and Snow shoves a urinal cake in the Bossman’s face. Now Snow attacks the Bossman with a beer bottle and some biker’s chain. Snow moonsaults off the bar and through the table that the Bossman was laying on. Wow! As they fight into the billiards room, the Bossman shoves Road Dogg. Road Dogg retaliates by blasting The Bossman in the back of his head with his nightstick. Snow puts the exclamation point on the match by ramming a couple pool balls into the Bossman’s testicular area. Snow then covers the Bossman and gets the win to once again become WWF Hardcore champion.

Postmatch: As Snow runs back to the arena, he see Stevie Richards and the Blue Meanie apparently doing something to Pepper, so he beats both of them up.

BL: This was a lot more fun than their outing last month. They were a bit more creative with their spots and actually did some things that looked painful. The only thing I might criticize is the match length. On one hand, I would have liked to see more since I was enjoying it, but if it went on longer, it may have just gotten tedious. **

- A funny segment in which we see Ventura try to go over the ground rules with Mankind, but he’d rather talk politics with the Governor. The kids always love a good Geraldine Ferraro joke.

WWF Woman’s Championship Match: Ivory (champ) vs. Tori

I guess they’ve decided to push this division again now that they’ve actually got women who can wrestle. No real backstory here. A couple of weeks ago Ivory attacked Tori and put words like “slut” and “skank” on her body in shoe polish. Classy! Tori runs into the ring, but is immediately attacked. However, she quickly recovers and powerslams Ivory. They head outside and Ivory shoves Tori into the post. An elbow by Ivory gets 2. Tori gets a nerfall after dropkicking Ivory. A bored crowd amuses itself by chanting “Take it off”. Ivory gives Tori a giant swing and then gets a nearfall from it. After being whipped to the corner, Tori comes charging out of it and spears Ivory. Tori grabs Ivory for what looks to be a powerbomb (in the process putting her fingers in an intimate area) but instead flips her over her head. A crossbody from the second rope gives Tori a nearfall. Tori goes for a sunset flip and gets 2. She tries for another, but this time Ivory just sits on her. Then she covers Tori and gets the 3 count, despite it looking like Tori got her shoulder up.

Postmatch: Ivory tries to strip Tori until Luna comes out and chases her away. That’s no way for Ivory to gain heel heat.

BL: Our run of entertaining matches ends here. I give them credit for trying to kick start this division again, but this wasn’t a good beginning. This was sloppy as hell and they just seemed totally confused as to what they were doing. Especially during the ending where something got botched. Not surprisingly, the only times the crowd cared here were when Tori’s fingers got near Ivory’s lady parts and over the possibility that Tori might get nekkid. ½ *

- Michael Cole tries to interview The Rock, but The Rock turns it around and decides to interview him. However, it basically turns into The Rock talking to himself and ignoring Cole. And I have absolutely no problem with that.

- Meanwhile, Mr. Ass is walking backstage with someone who has a sheet over their head. I’m guessing it’s Mr. Ass’ lone fan who doesn’t want their identity revealed.

Lion’s Den Weapons Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman

Displeased with the outcome of last month’s Iron Circle match, Blackman decided to get revenge by challenging him to the Lion’s Den match that would include Blackman’s personally chosen weapons. Blackman pulls a pair of nunchucks from his pants and use them on Shamrock right away. Shamrock is able to take Blackman down and take the nunchucks away from him. Now Shamrock sends Blackman repeatedly into the cage. Shamrock tries to use a kendo stick on Blackman, but Blackman blocks it and goes back on the attack. After delivering an atomic drop, Blackman grabs some of his karate sticks and beats Shamrock with them. Shamrock propels himself off the cage and elbows Blackman. Blackman comes back and delivers a DDT. Blackman drops Shamrock with an enziguri and then wears him out with a kendo stick. Shamrock ducks a karate kick by Blackman and delivers a belly-to-belly suplex. Now it’s Shamrock’s turn to wear out Blackman with the kendo stick. After two shots to the head, Blackman appears to be down and Shamrock is declared the winner.

BL: That was a terribly flat finish. It didn’t help that it was unclear from the get-go how the winner would be determined, but I thought it would have been more definite than that. The rest of the match was disappointing as well. It failed to appeal to any audience. There wasn’t enough submission work to please the workrate fans and there wasn’t enough weaponry or violence to please the hardcore crowd. * ¼

“Love Her or Leave Her” Greenwich Street Fight: Test vs. Shane McMahon

A few months ago, test started a relationship with Stephanie McMahon. Of course, big brother didn’t like that and began to attack him. Test took out all of the Mean Street Posse and now he wants to take out Shane. The stips for this match are if Shane wins, Test must ende the relationship, but if Test wins, Shane has to butt out of their lives. Before the match begins, the wounded Mean Street Posse hobble to ringside and sit down on a couch that’s in the front row. It’s nice ot have friends in high places. Test tackles Shane on the floor and punches him. However, when they get in the ring Shane does the same to Test. Back to the outside it goes and Test whips Shane into the steps. Shane tries leaping off the guardrail, but Test catches him and powerslams him to the floor. Test then press slams Shane onto the Posse and their couch tips over. We see Stephanie in the back enjoying what she sees. The Posse regroups and attacks Test. Evidently there are a bunch of weapons next to the couch as Shane brutalizes Test with a mailbox, street signs and a picture frame with a photo of Shane and the Posse. Shane brings Test back into the ring and gets a long two count. Shane goes for a corkscrew moonsault, but Test rolls out of the way. test catches Shane doing a leapfrog and powerbombs him. Test covers, but the referee is distracted by Rodney. Shane ducks Test’s big boot and the referee gets hit with it instead. Now Test brutalizes Shane with a street sign. The Posse jump Test again and then put Test on the Spanish announce table. Shane climbs up top and delivers an elbow onto Test. Holy Shit! The Posse put both guys back into the ring and Shane covers Test. Somehow Test kicks out before 3. Pete Gas tries to hit Test with a sign, but accidentally nails Shane instead. Test covers, but the Posse pull Shane out of the ring. The Posse look to do more damage, but all of a sudden, the Stooges come out and attack them. In the ring, Shane misses a charge and then Test hits him with the pump handle slam. Then Test climbs up and delivers a top rope elbow. That is enough for Test to get the victory and claim his woman.

Postmatch: A jubilant Stephanie comes out and celebrates with Test.

BL: What an awesome match and the sleeper surprise of the night. These two went all out and delivered big time. This is one of my personal favorite matches as the story and the action are both excellent. The extracurriculars were perfect here as they really added drama to the match. Credit J.R. too for really selling the emotion and the endurance of Test. Can’t say enough good things here. ****

WWF Tag Team Championship Match: Kane and X-Pac (champs) vs. The Undertaker and the Big Show

Taker and Show don’t really like or trust each other, but their hatred of Kane and X-Pac and their quest to prove that they’re the most dominant pair ever has lead to their teaming up and this match. All four men brawl to begin. Taker and Show try to double-team Kane, but he fights back. X-Pac delivers a crossbody from the top rope onto Taker and gets a nearfall. Taker tries to isolate X-Pac, but he escapes and tags Kane. Kane knocks Taer to the floor and X-Pac attacks him. Taker tries to chokeslam X-Pac, but Kane grabs him and pulls him into the ring. Kane connects with a clothesline from the top rope on Taker. Kane covers, but Show makes the save. Coming off the ropes, Taker hits Kane with a DDT. Show comes in and works Kane over in the corner. Show catches Kane coming off the ropes and powerslams him. That gets 2. Kane and Taker clothesline each other and both men are down. Kane tags X-Pac and he takes it ot Taker. X-Pac is in firm control until Show attacks him from the apron. On the floor, Show drops X-Pac across the guardrail. Taker picks up X-Pac and crotches him on the post. Back inside, Show locks X-Pac in a bearhug. Show picks X-Pac up for the chokeslam, but Kane attacks him before he can deliver the move. Then X-Pac gives Show a lowblow. X-Pac makes the hot tag and Kane takes it to Taker. All four men are in until X-Pac takes Taker to the outside. Kane beats down Show in a corner and then X-Pac gives him the Bronco Buster. As Taker and Kane brawl, Show gets back up and chokeslams X-Pac. He arrogantly covers and only gets a nearfall. Taker is ticked by that cover and tags himself in. Taker grabs X-Pac, gives him the Tombstone and pins him. New champs!

BL: I gotta say, this one surprised me. This one was non-stop action from bell to bell. Considering the participants, there weren’t any slow spots. Plus they swerved us as you would have thought the faces would win here since the Acolytes will face the champs the next night on RAW. However, X-Pac and Kane can survive a loss like this and the Taker/Show relationship could have been interesting had it not been aborted a month later. ***

- Ventura tries to give his spiel to “Stone Cold”, but Austin just walks away from him. Shouldn’t Ventura know that Austin will never bother listening to authority figures? With everyone walking away from the Body tonight, it’s a wonder he ever got anyone in Minnesota to listen to his campaign speeches.

“Kiss My Ass” Match: The Rock vs. Mr. Ass

Per the stipulation, the loser must kiss the winner’s ass. Gunn brings out his “guest” and reveals it to be an obese woman. Gunn claims that it’ll be her ass The Rock kisses when he loses. Gunn jumps The Rock and we’re underway. The Rock fires back and knocks Gunn ot the outside. The tow head down the aisle and brawl by the entranceway. They finally head back to ringside and Gunn whips The Rock into the steps. Over by the announce table, The Rock puts Lawler’s crown on Gunn and punches him. Please don’t remind us he’s king. Gunn grabs the ringbell and blasts The Rock in the face with it. Gunn brings him back inside and gets a nearfall. The Rock tries to comeback, but Gunn drops him with a neckbreaker. That gets 2. Gunn connects with a bulldog and gets another nearfall. Gunn hits a corner splash, but The Rock explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Now The Rock nails Gunn with the float-over DDT. Gunn puts his head down and The Rock delivers a swinging neckbreaker. The Rock goes for the Rock Bottom, but Gunn escapes and hits the Fameasser. Instead of covering The Rock, Gunn calls the woman into the ring and has her pull up her skirt. Gunn drags The Rock over to her, but he stops him and then shoves Gunn’s face into her behind. The Rock then delivers a Rock Bottom and follows it up with the People’s Elbow. That combo is easily enough to give him the victory.

BL: I have to give The Rock an A for effort. However, try as he might, there was not way to make Billy Gunn look like a credible main eventer. They tried following a standard main event brawl style match, but Gunn’s efforts on offense stunk as bad as that woman’s ass. When Gunn’s face got shoved in her butt, that odor he smelled was the stench of failure and thankfully we would never endure him this high on the card again. * ½

- So after Fully Loaded, the main event for Summerslam seemed pretty apparent. It was gonna be Austin vs. HHH, one-on-one. However, it the weeks leading up to the event, things got a little bit more complicated. First, Shawn Michaels made a match between HHH, the Undertaker and Chyna to determine a #1 contender. Austin interfered in the match and Chyna won. Then HHH demanded Chyna face him for the spot and when that match happened, Mankind came back from his injury and cost HHH the match. Mankind and Chyna then fought and Mankind won the shot against Austin. Finally, we had one more match between HHH and Mankind. Shawn and Shane McMahon were both referees for that match and each declared one man the winner. With Vince gone, Linda made the decision that the main event would be a triple threat match between Austin, Mankind and HHH. Only Vince Russo could have this process so complicated.

Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. Mankind vs. Triple H with special guest referee Jesse “the Body” Ventura

Austin and HHH go right at it as Mankind looks on from the floor. Mankind pulls HHH out and they brawl by the announce team. Now Mankind and Austin team up to attack HHH. With HHH down, Mankind hugs Austin, which prompts Austin to attack him. Ha Ha! Austin goes for an early Stunner, but Mankind shoves him off. All 3 men head down the aisle and brawl. As Austin and HHH fight, Chyna whips Mankind into the post. While Ventura reprimands Chyna, HHH is able to hit Austin in the knee with a chair. In the ring, HHH beats down Mankind in the corner. Mankind applies the Mandible Claw to HHH, but Chyna pulls him off. Ventura sees this and ejects Chyna. As HHH argues with Ventura about this, Austin clotheslines him from behind. HHH is able to grab Austin’s leg and repeatedly rams it into the post. Now HHH and Mankind work together to stomp away on Austin. Mankind tells HHH to put the figure four leglock on Austin and when he does Mankind tries to pin Austin. Soon, Mankind and HHH are attacking each other again. After dumping HHH to the floor, Mankind tries diving on him, but comes up empty. Austin and HHH and then soon Mankind brawl into the crowd. All 3 men come back into the ring and Austin is able to divide and conquer. Austin escapes a Pedigree attempt and catapults HHH into Mankind. Then Austin nails Mankind with a Stunner. As he covers, HHH comes in and nails him with a chair. Ventura admonishes HHH, but that doesn’t stop him from then nailing Mankind with the chair. HHH covers Mankind and Ventura refuses to count. That’s kinda stupid since there are no disqulifications in a triple threat match. As HHH and Ventura argue, Shane McMahon comes out and yells at Ventura. Austin gets up and gives Shane a Stunner. Then, Ventura grabs Shane and heaves him out of the ring to a big pop. Austin and HHH clothesline each other and Mankind grabs Mr. Socko. He applies the Claw to both Austin and HHH, but Austin goes low to escape. HHH attempts the Pedigree on Mankind, but Austin clotheslines him. Austin now fights off both men. Austin hits HHH with the Stunner and covers, but Mankind breaks it up. After Austin disperses of Mankind, he turns around and HHH hits him with the Pedigree. Mankind knocks HHH off of Austin and then delivers the double-arm DDT to Austin. Mankind covers and actually gets the 3 count. We have a new champion! The crowd is, suffice to say, shocked over that finish.

Postmatch: A frustrated HHH gets a chair and absolutely brutalizes Austin’s knee with it.

BL: To say this finish was a shocker is an understatement. You could tell the crowd didn’t know how to respond to it. Evidently what happened is that Austin didn’t feel it was credible for HHH to beat him clean, so he called the audible and had Mankind brought in to drop the strap to him. As for the action before the finish, it was solid, but nothing that will change the face of wrestling. At least they didn’t have one guy laying out for lengthy periods of time like in some triple threats. ***

Final Thoughts: This has been the most consistently good PPV this year. About the worst it gets is the woman’s match and that was more forgettable than awful. Some truly entertaining matches throughout the show and some that exceeded expectations. There’s nothing earth-shattering about this show, but I guarantee you’ll have an entertaining time watching it.

Next time, I’m finding the working conditions at OO to be unfair, they better find a scab writer to do the next column.

Until then, thanks for stopping by the OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue


Originally from Cleveland, Adam is now a graduate student at the University of Dayton who is looking to make a couple extra bucks writing this column. What do you mean Rick doesn't pay his columnists?

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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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