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WWF No Mercy 2000
August 31, 2006

by Adam Gutschmidt
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Greetings one and all. I’m glad to have you back for another round of reminiscing retro shows. The mailbag was pretty thin this week, so instead I wanted to take a few moments and make an announcement that everyone may be interested in. 

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I need more space in my place, so I have to get rid of a lot of stuff. Namely all of my wrestling paraphernalia that I don’t use anymore. I’m hoping to find all of it a good home as opposed to the city dump. And if I make a little cash on the side, that wouldn’t hurt either. I figured before I attempt 

to deal with eBay, I would offer up all my merchandise to my fine readers out there.

Right now, the main things that I am looking to sell are all my old WWF magazines and all of my wrestling toys. I have virtually every WWF, RAW, Smackdown, etc. magazine from 1991 to present day. I have almost every single WWF Hasbro figure. I have a large assortment of Jakks figures and accessories. I also have an assortment of various other wrestling collectibles. If there is something specific you would be interested in buying, let me know and we can begin to work out a deal. Otherwise, if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, but want more details, I have an Excel file which details everything that I’m looking to sell. I can email you the Excel file and you can browse through that.

At some point, I’ll be looking to sell away my VHS collection of WWF PPVs as well, but I’m not there yet, so don’t ask about them. I’ll let you know when the time comes.

OK, that’s enough peddling for one day…on with the show!

OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue for WWF No Mercy 2000

Emanating from the ahhh Pepsi Center in Albany, NY

Your commentators are Jim Ross and Jerry “the King” Lawler

Dudley Boyz’ Tag Team Elimination Table Invitational Match

Could they include any more adjectives in the description of this match? There’s no real purpose or goal in winning this match and I’m sure it’s here just to put some more bodies on the show. This is just like a Tag Team Turmoil match with the exception that to advance you have to put your opponent through a table.

Too Cool vs. Lo Down

Lo Down is a new team consisting of D’Lo Brown and Chaz, former Headbanger Mosh. Lo Down jump Too Cool right away. We get mainly punching and kicking action to begin. Neither team seems very sure of what to do in there. Scotty goes up top, but Chaz crotches him. Lo Down are in control as they plan to splash Sexay through one table and suplex Scotty through the other. However, the tables are turned on them (har har) as D’Lo misses the splash and Scotty shoves Chaz through the other table to eliminate them.

Too Cool vs. Tazz and Raven

Too Cool deliver baseball slides to Tazz and Raven as they reach ringside. Sexay sets Raven on a table on the floor. Scotty goes to jump on him from the apron, but Tazz locks him in the Tazzmission. Tazz and Raven try to suplex Sexay through a table, but Scotty stops them. Sexay then tries a sunset flip powerbomb from the apron, but his feet break the table and Raven holds onto the ropes, so the whole move was for nothing. A “You fucked up” chant rings out through the crowd. Nice job Albany! Scotty bulldogs Raven and then does the Worm (while going under a table). The heels quickly recover and suplex Scotty through a table to eliminate them.

The Dudley Boyz vs. Tazz and Raven

Everybody brawls to begin, which the Dudleyz win. The Dudleyz quickly hit the Wassup Drop on Raven and then get the tables. After some more sloppy brawling, Tazz gets put on a table and D-Von delivers a legdrop to him, which sends him through the table and ends his and Raven’s night.

The Dudley Boyz vs. Right to Censor

The Goodfather and Bull Buchanan are representing RTC here. RTC gets an early advantage on the Dudleyz. Bull goes to clothesline Bubba, but accidentally hits the referee instead. Did this match really need a ref bump? Bull mounts Bubba in the corner and gives him a 10-punch count. Bubba recovers and powerbombs Bull through a table, but there’s no referee to see it. The Goodfather comes in and blasts Bubba with a chair. The Goodfather then places Bubba on top of the broken table just in time for the referee to wake up and see it. The referee calls for the bell. However, another referee comes down to explain RTC’s wacky hijinx, so the original ref restarts the match. Why didn’t the second referee also mention Bubba putting Bull through the table? The Goodfather misses the Ho Train and then the Dudleyz put him through a table via the 3D to officially win it.

Bottom Line: A pretty, bland and unnecessary match. It’s matches like this that devalue table spots. Instead of being something done that looks vicious and painful, they now look as common as a wristlock. The match consisted of too many quick eliminations and only one over team. This served no purpose and didn’t get the crowd as excited as it could have. The ending stunk too and it was way more involved than it had to be. * ¾

- T & A and Trish Stratus are preparing for their match backstage and tease about Trish’s boobs accidentally falling out of her top. Let’s hope nobody was foolish enough to think that might actually happen.

- Then we get a superfluous shot of Rikishi looking menacing and holding a sledgehammer. They would have been better off just showing Trish’s tits for 30 more seconds.

6-Person Intergender Tag Team Match: The Acolytes and Lita vs. T & A and Trish Stratus

T & A had issues with the Acolytes and Trish still had issues with Lita, hence the match. Lita comes out to the ring, but no Acolytes. We cut to the back and see T & A have ambushed the Acolytes. They’ve badly injured Farooq’s knee and Bradshaw has been pinned under a file cabinet. Now T & A and Trish come out and gang up on Lita. Before they can do too much damage, the Hardyz come out for the save.

BL: No match there, so no rating here.

- Lillian Garcia asks Edge and Christian about their condition after they bowed out of the Dudleyz’ match due to “food poisoning”. Edge and Christian say they are fine now and do some humor involving “nuts”, that you have to see to appreciate. They end by saying they’ll be cheering on the Conquistadors in their match tonight against the Hardyz. It’s nice seeing our enemies to the North and our enemies to the South getting along so nicely.

Steel Cage Match: Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac

Evidently, X-Pac tapping clean last month did NOT end this feud. Could have fooled me. In a shocking move, you can only win by escape for this match. Jericho speaks for all of us by saying that this feud better end tonight, during his pre-match promo. As X-Pac poses by the door, Jericho gives him a baseball slide. The two now brawl around ringside. X-Pac tries to use a chair, but misses. X-Pac slams the door on Jericho’s head and the two are now both finally in the cage. As X-Pac tries to climb out, Jericho hits him with a springboard dropkick, which crotches X-Pac on the top rope. After slamming X-Pac into the cage, Jericho gives him the crappy bulldog. Jericho connects with a missile dropkick, but when he goes for the Lionsault, X-Pac gets his knees up. X-Pac gives Jericho some rough cage treatment. X-Pac charges at Jericho, but gets backdropped into the cage. Ouch! After a spinning heel kick, X-Pac covers, but that does him no good here. Now X-Pac delivers the Bronco Buster. X-Pac tries to climb out, but Jericho gets up and delivers a top rope powerbomb. It’s Jericho’s turn to give X-Pac some rough cage treatment. X-Pac tries to go out the door, but Jericho stops him. However, X-Pac does manage to bring a chair into the ring with him. X-Pac then uses said chair on Jericho’s head. X-Pac climbs up, but Jericho grabs him and crotches him on the top of the cage. Now Jericho climbs up and puts X-Pac in the Walls of Jericho on top of the cage. X-Pac gets a foot free and kicks Jericho to the mat. X-Pac begins to climb out and Jericho gets up and shakes the cage. This causes X-Pac to crotch himself on the door. Double ouch! With X-Pac stuck there, Jericho crawls out the door to win it.

BL: Just like last month, I want to like this match, but I just can’t. It’s not that they did something wrong, they just failed to entertain me. They had a couple of neat spot (Boy did X-Pac’s junk take a beating or what?) but it just didn’t possess any drama or excitement. Overall, this was pretty flat, especially for a cage match. ** ½

- Rikishi enters Mick Foley’s office and asks him where Stone Cold is. Foley says he’ll be here, but if he doesn’t come, Foley will come down to ringside and announce Rikishi as the winner via forfeit. Because that’s what everybody paid to see…a forfeit. Yesiree.

- Johnathan Coachman interviews Billy Gunn and Chyna about their match tonight. As per usual, Gunn absolutely butchers his promo. With all that time off, you would have thought he could have worked on that. There’s also something wrong with Gunn’s eyes, as he calls Chyna, “the most beautiful thing in the WWF”. Well, at least he appropriately referred to her as a “thing”.

Mr. Ass and Chyna vs. Steven Richards and Val Venis

It was originally supposed to be Mr. Ass vs. Eddie Guerrero for the Intercontinental title, but Eddie got hurt on RAW last week, so this is a last minute substitution match. I could have done with no Gunn at all, thank you very much. Val scores an early upper hand on Gunn, but he quickly recovers. Gunn dumps Val to the floor and then Chyna whips him into the steps. Back inside, Val hits Gunn with a hot shot and then tags Steven. Steven charges at Gunn, who gets him up, barely, for a press slam. Gunn almost dropped him on his head. Chyna is tagged in and she manhandles Steven. Gunn is back in and he misses a charge in the corner. Now RTC begin to work over Gunn’s shoulder. Gunn stops the momentum with a DDT on Steven. Chyna gets a “hot tag” and takes it to Val. Chyna lowblows Steven, who then gets hit with a Fameasser. As Gunn and Chyna double-team Val, Bull and Goodfather come down to the ring. As Gunn takes them on, Chyna tries to get Val the Pedigree. However, out of nowhere, Eddie comes in and hits Chyna from behind with the old “pipe in the flowers”. Val rolls her up and gets the 3 count for the win.

BL: Seeing Gunn back is not a welcome sight. Whether he has Road Dogg or Chyna as his partner, his matches still suck. Thankfully, they kept this one short and fairly inoffensive. It’s pretty bad when you can’t even get a strong face reaction going against RTC. * ½

- Stephanie McMahon asks HHH if she can accompany him to ringside, but he says no way. So she gives him a tape in order to help him win his match. I bet it was a copy of Ghost Dad. I mean, who wasn’t inspired by that film?

No Holds Barred Match: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. Rikishi

For the few of you who may not remember, it was revealed that Rikishi was the one who ran over Austin. He claimed he did it to help out the career of his fellow Samoan, The Rock. Now that Austin knows who did it, he’s dead set on inflicting the same kind of pain on him. Rikishi comes out and demands Foley come to the ring and declare him the winner. Foley comes out, but before he can say anything, Austin’s music hits. Austin drives his truck down to ringside and comes out to attack Rikishi. Austin is in complete control as he throws Rikishi into the post and Spanish announce table. The two head into the crowd and Rikishi still hasn’t hit an offensive move. Austin attempts a piledriver, but Rikishi backdrops him. Now Austin begins to whip Rikishi with his belt. Austin gets a rope from underneath the ring and chokes Rikishi with it. Rikishi comes back and nails Austin with a superkick. Rikishi misses with a chairshot, but Austin connects with one. Another chairshot has busted Rikishi’s head wide open. Austin hits Rikishi with a chair again, which sends Rikishi into the trunk of his truck. Austin grabs a beer and then gets in his truck. That’s a good meesage to send to the kids. Austin drives the truck out to the parking lot. Austin sets Rikishi against a wall and then gets back into his truck with the intention of running him over. As Austin floors it, a cop car drives by and Austin crashes into it. Soon, a whole swarm of police cars come and surround the truck. The cops grab Austin and arrest him.

BL: I really shouldn’t give this a rating since this wasn’t really a match either. It was a complete beatdown until that ending. That ending was extremely staged and phony. There was nothing realistic about it, yet they were going for a very “real” finish. This wasn’t satisfying to anyone. I understand Austin may not be ready to fully wrestle yet, but you have to come up with something better than that. The brawl up until that point was ok, but nothing noteworthy.

- We now see EMTs tending to the cop, whose car was hit and Rikishi. Gee, I hope they’re ok. *rolls eyes*

WWF European Championship Match: William Regal (champ) vs. Naked Mideon

This is the match they decide to put on after that letdown of a No Holds Barred match? What are they thinking? Naked Mideon was an abomination of a gimmick where Mideon had decided he liked to wrestle with as few of clothes as possible. Thankfully, Regal convinced Foley to make Mideon wear proper ring attire for this match. After knocking down Regal with a clothesline, Mideon teases taking off his shirt. Regal boots a charging Mideon and then throws his shoulder into the post. Mideon charges again and this time is backdropped to the outside. In the aisle, Mideon takes off his shirt. My eyes! Back inside, Mideon bites Regal to gain an advantage. Regal comes back with a double underarm suplex. Regal knocks Mideon to the floor again and this time Mideon removes his pants. All he has left covering his privates is a fanny pack. Mideon gets in the ring and kisses Regal. Why? Then he begins an offensive attack. When Mideon goes up top, Regal crotches him. Regal then tries for the STF, but can’t, given Mideon’s state. Instead, he hits the self-inflicted neckbreaker on Mideon. That is good enough to give Regal the pinfall.

BL: Wow, what a wretched waste of PPV time. Regal was a strong character at the time and deserved a better opponent than this joke. This match would have been bad no matter when it happened, but coming off that disappointing Austin match made it even worse. An easy worst match of the year candidate. Not even Regal’s mannerisms to Mideon’s nakedness could save this one. - *

- We now get Kurt Angle “interviewing” The Rock. In reality, it’s Angle asking questions and stock footage of The Rock shown for responses. This is a thing of beauty and really needs to be seen to be appreciated.

- Kevin Kelly interviews Los Conquistadors, but they don’t say a whole lot. I see how they are, they like to let their actions speak for themselves.

WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Hardy Boyz (champs) vs. Los Conquistadors

Before the match, Los Conquistadors go over to the Spanish announce table and chat with their fellow countrymen. By the way, everybody and their mother knew it was Edge and Christian playing them, but watching them pull off the charade was fun. Matt attacks Dos and tries taking off his mask to no avail. Jeff hits a hurricanrana on Uno to remain in control. Los Conquistadors make a blind tag, but it doesn’t work to their advantage. The Hardyz now double-team Dos. It’s been all Hardyz to begin here. The Hardyz get Dos tied in the ropes and try to take off his mask, but Uno stops them. Los Conquistadors try some double-team action, but are unsuccessful. As the referee admonishes Matt, Uno throws Jeff into the post. Los Conquistadors have now isolated Jeff to make him the face-in-peril. Dos tries a high-risk move, but Jeff moves out of the way. Matt gets the hot tag and takes it to both Conquistadors. On the floor, Jeff walks the rails and attacks Uno. Then Dos jumps off the top rope and hits both of them. Finally, Matt leaps from the top and lands on everybody. Dos hits a reverse DDT on Matt and covers, but Jeff breaks it up with a Swanton Bomb. Matt then hits Uno with a Twist of Fate. Instead of covering, Matt tries to take Uno’s mask off. Matt is successful, but Uno is wearing another mask underneath. Dos comes over, gives Matt the Impaler (hmmm) and covers him for 3. New champs!

BL: A pretty disappointing affair considering the teams. The Hardyz were too concerned with removing the masks and Edge and Christian were too concerned with doing generic moves so they wouldn’t reveal their identity. That combination did not equal success. If you add in the fact that the crowd still hasn’t recovered from the Austin fiasco, that results in a pretty flat match. Having Edge and Christian play the Conquistadors was clever, it just didn’t work when it came to match time. **

Triple H vs. Chris Benoit

You could say that this came about as a result of Benoit costing HHH a #1 contenders match, but it more has to do with Benoit attacking Stephanie on a couple of occasions. This includes one of the coolest visuals ever; backstage Benoit confronted Stephanie and she slapped him very hard. Benoit, however, quickly snapped his head back and just laughed at her. Awesome. The crowd chants for “Triple H” before the match begins. HHH gets an early advantage and begins to focus on Benoit’s knee. HHH has been very successful thus far in dissecting Benoit’s knee. HHH puts on an Indian deathlock and then leans over and also pulls back Benoit’s head. Wow! Benoit gets HHH in a back suplex and dumps him to the outside. On the floor, Benoit catapults HHH into the post. Then Benoit sends HHH into the steps. Back inside, HHH puts his head down and Benoit hits him with an armbar takedown. Now Benoit begins to focus on that left arm. A Northern Lights suplex by Benoit gets 2. Back to the floor they go, where HHH throws Benoit into the steps. However, Benoit comes back and throws HHH into the announce table. Back in the ring, Benoit goes back to work on HHH’s left arm. Benoit goes up top and connects with the diving headbutt. HHH gets Benoit in a small package for 2. HHH slows Benoit’s momentum with an inverted suplex. A neckbreaker by HHH gets 2. HHH perches Benoit on the top rope and gives him a superplex. That gets a nearfall. Benoit backdrops HHH and then gives 2/3rds of the Hat Trick. HHH escapes, but then gets hit with a full nelson German suplex. That should be it, but HHH manages to get his foot on the ropes before 3. Benoit gives him a second one (Wow) in the middle of the ring, but HHH manages to kick out. Now Benoit catches HHH coming off the ropes with the Crossface. HHH starts to power out, but Benoit reapplies it. HHH again powers out and gives Benoit a Samoan Drop. All of a sudden Stephanie walks out and slaps Benoit. HHH sets Benoit up for the Pedigree, but Benoit escapes and tries to put the Crossface back on. The two go back and forth trying to apply their finishers. Finally, HHH is able to lowblow Benoit and gives him the Pedigree. HHH covers and just like that gets the pinfall.

BL: Don’t get me wrong, this was a very good match. I just felt like the two barely scratched the surface of what they were capable of. You had some strong psychology on both men, but it ultimately went to waste as a result of the finish. The finish seemed more suited to establish a storyline point (Stephanie is a valuable manager) than tell a good wrestling match. I’m not saying Benoit should have won this match, I’m just saying have him lose to something more effective than the combo of slap, lowblow, Pedigree. ****

- Backstage, Edge and Christian celebrate with Los Conquistadors. Whaaa? Edge and Christian congratulate them and say they can’t wait to face them tomorrow night on RAW. Edge and Christian seem a bit winded, as they talk to the champs, but they say it’s because they ran to the grocery store to buy Conquistadors some Coronas. Well, this should dispel those nasty rumors that it was Edge and Christian who were pretending to be the Conquistadors.

WWF Championship Match: The Rock (champ) vs. Kurt Angle

So Angle won the #1 contender spot by beating HHH a few weeks ago on RAW. The real story is that Angle somehow convinced Stephanie to be his “business partner” and accompany him to ringside for all his matches. When you add in the emotional burden The Rock has had knowing Rikishi ran over Austin for him, this may be too much for The Rock to overcome. Stephanie distracts The Rock already to give Angle the initial advantage. Angle takes The Rock to the outside and attacks him by the announce table. Angle then nails The Rock with a chair. It was announced just before the match that this would be No DQ. Back inside, The Rock comes back with a Samoan Drop for 2. Angle bails to the aisle, but The Rock follows him out there and clotheslines him. The Rock continues his assault on Angle all around the entranceway. The two head back into the ring and Angle puts the boots to him in the corner. Angle misses a charge, which allows The Rock to begin working on Angle’s knee. The Rock puts the Sharpshooter on Angle and he taps, but the referee is distracted by Stephanie. The Rock chases after Stephanie, but Angle stops him and gives him a belly-to-belly suplex. A flying forearm by Angle gets 2. The fight heads back outside, where Angle has the advantage until The Rock whips him into the steps. Stephanie grabs the WWF title and throws it into the ring. Angle tries to use it, but The Rock blocks it. A second attempt, however, is successful. Angle covers and gets a 2 count. Angle goes up top, but The Rock crotches him. The Rock then goes up and gives him a superplex. That gets a nearfall. Angle comes back with a German suplex. Angle goes up again and does a moonsault, but The Rock moves out of the way. The float-over DDT gets 2 for The Rock. The Rock gives Angle a spinebuster and goes for the People’s Elbow. Before he can do it, Stephanie gets in the ring and taunts him. The Rock won’t stand for that and gives her a Rock Bottom. The Rock then tries to give Stephanie the People’s Elbow, but Angle clotheslines him. All of a sudden, HHH runs out and attacks Angle. The Rock comes over to him and HHH gives him a Pedigree! HHH then carries Stephanie to the back. Angle crawls over, covers The Rock and gets 2 ¾. The Rock comes back and connects with a DDT for 2. As The Rock and Angle battle around ringside, Rikishi comes strolling out to ringside. Rikishi grabs Angle and throws him into the ring. The Rock now connects with the Rock Bottom on Angle. The Rock covers and gets 2. Rikishi gets in the ring and goes to splash Angle, but Angle pulls The Rock in front of him and Rikishi splashes him instead. Rikishi then tries to superkick Angle, but accidentally hits The Rock. Angle gives Rikishi an Olympic Slam to get his ass out of the way. Angle then gives The Rock an Olympic Slam and covers. 1-2-3. We’ve got a new champion. Whoooo!

BL: We have a similar situation to the last match. This was very enjoyable, but you felt like there could have been so much more. There was just way too much outside interference here. I understand the story they were trying to tell, but if you’re going to introduce a new heel champion, he needs to be made to look stronger. I did enjoy the finish, in one sense though, as it was Rikishi’s ineptitude and not cheating by Angle that led to The Rock’s downfall. A decent start to Angle’s reign, but one that could have been improved upon. ****

Final Thoughts: If I wanted to, I could really just focus on the positives; that being Angle, Edge and Christian coming out of it as champs. However, sadly, the bad outweighs the good. The undercard failed to deliver anything decent. As for the top two matches, they were good, but somewhat underwhelming. They certainly were not good enough to overcome the first two hours of the show. Perhaps most disappointing of all was the Austin match. This was one of the main selling points of the show, yet it delivered a wholly unsatisfying and extremely hokey finish. The WWF really whiffed on that one. This is a rare thumbs down for the WWF in 2000.

Next time, Triple H defies the laws of physics, while The Undertaker defies the laws of fashion.

Until then, thanks for stopping by the OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue.


Originally from Cleveland, Adam is now a graduate student at the University of Dayton who is looking to make a couple extra bucks writing this column. What do you mean Rick doesn't pay his columnists?

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RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
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SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
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PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
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RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
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RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
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PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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