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WWF WrestleMania X-7 Re-Revued
November 24, 2006

by Adam Gutschmidt
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Emanating from the Reliant Astrodome in Houston, TX 

- Finally, Wrestlemania returns to a big venue.  The Astrodome is packed to the max and immediately gives the show a “big time” feel.  I don’t care how lean business gets, Wrestlemania should always be held in a large stadium/arena.

Your commentators are Jim Ross and Paul Heyman, who permanently took over after Jerry Lawler left.

WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Chris Jericho (champ) vs. William Regal

This feud started with Jericho being his usual antagonistic self and targeting the new commissioner, Regal.  To his credit, Regal has done his fair share to make Jericho’s life a living hell as well.  Jericho takes down Regal with a flying forearm.  A spinning heel kick by Jericho knocks Regal to the outside.  Jericho comes off the top with a crossbody and then continues his assault around ringside.  Regal rolls up Jericho, but Jericho reverses it and goes for the Walls of Jericho.  Regal, however, manages to shove him off.  Regal grabs Jericho and rams his shoulder into the post twice.  Regal now really begins to work over Jericho’s shoulder.  Jericho knocks Regal down and goes for the Lionsault, but Regal gets his knees up.  A scary spot as Regal appears to go for a German suplex, but Jericho flips over and almost lands on his face.  That gets 2.  Now Regal removes a turnbuckle pad and rams Jericho’s shoulder into the exposed corner.  A missile dropkick by Jericho gets a nearfall.  Jericho goes for a splash, but misses.  From the top, Regal connects with a double underhook suplex.  Impressive.  That gets 2.  Jericho escapes a suplex and attempts the Walls of Jericho.  Regal nicely hooks Jericho’s leg and reverses the Walls into the Regal Stretch.  Somehow Jericho makes it to the ropes.  Now Jericho lays some huge chops into Regal.  Jericho knocks Regal down with his crappy bulldog and then connects with the Lionsault.  Just like that Jericho gets 3 and wins it.

Bottom Line: Things were progressing nicely until the abrupt finish.  I appreciated Regal’s work on Jericho’s shoulder and he busted out some new stuff, which I always like.  It seemed Regal really wanted to impress on the big stage.  On the other hand, I don’t want to say Jericho phoned it in, but he didn’t really do a whole lot beyond what we normally see.  I would have liked a better and longer comeback sequence, but I do realize they have a lot of show to get through tonight.  ***

- Backstage, we see a limo with WCW 1 license plates roll up to the arena and out comes the new “owner”, Shane McMahon.  More on that later…

- Elsewhere, Bradshaw rallies the troops with another one of his rah rah Texas speeches.  If I wanted a history lesson, I’d just go to school.

6-Man Tag Team Match: The Acolytes and Tazz vs. Right to Censor

This is here to get these guys on the show.  Everybody brawls on the outside to begin.  Steven tries to interfere and Jacqueline, who had been hanging out with the APA lately, DDTs him.  The match officially begins with Bull hitting Farooq with his springboard clothesline.  Farooq comes back with a powerslam.  Tazz comes in and is dropped with a boot by Bull.  RTC now work over Tazz in their corner.  As Tazz plays Ricky Morton, he appears to be having trouble running.  It would be revealed later that Tazz suffered a concussion during this match, yet kept going.  The Goodfather hits Tazz with the Ho Train, but misses a splash from the second rope.  Tazz is able to tag Bradshaw, who easily takes it to the Goodfather.  Val comes in and receives some of the same.  Soon everybody comes in and we’ve got CHAOS.  The Goodfather misses the Ho Train, but Bradshaw connects with the Clothesline from Hell.  That easily allows him to pick up the victory for his team.

BL: They kept this short and simple, which is the only way I would accept it.  Still, even in their brief time, the two teams were unable to avoid some sloppiness.  Although some of that is excusable given Tazz’s concussion.  This, in essence, would mark the end of RTC as any sort of force.  *

- Stephanie McMahon runs into Trish Stratus, who is wheeling a “drugged” Linda McMahon around in a wheelchair.  As Stephanie gives Trish some orders on how to set up Vince’s celebration party, Linda just sits there emotionless.  Like Troy McClure playing the human in the Broadway version of Planet of the Apes, this was the role Linda was born to play.

Triple Threat Match for the WWF Hardcore Championship: Raven (champ) vs. The Big Show vs. Kane

Raven begins attacking Kane before the Big Show even comes out.  Kane press slams Raven onto Show as he makes his way to the ring.  Show catches him, but before he can do anything, Kane comes off the top rope with a clothesline.  Raven covers and gets 2.  The combatants head into the crowd to do battle.  Now they head backstage where they fight in a storage area.  With a hose around his neck, Raven is thrown through a window by Kane.  As Kane and Show try to chokeslam each other, they crash through a poorly constructed wall.  Raven tries to escape on a golf cart, but Show hops on and they crash into a fence.  Kane gets in another cart with the referee and chases after them.  Kane goes full speed and nearly runs over Raven.  Yikes!  After some more random brawling, they head back out on the entrance ramp.  Show goes to press slam Raven, but Kane boots him and they both fall off the ramp and onto a carefully padded piece of staging.  Kane then leaps off the ramp and delivers an elbow to Show.  Kane covers and gets the 3 count.  New champ!

BL: This was majorly disappointing.  Not for anything that happened in the match, but for the failure to have another Pete Rose appearance.  The scenario was perfect given the hardcore rules for Pete to show up and attack Kane.  Heck, the Hardcore title is such a joke, Pete could have actually become champ!  A major blunder here.  Otherwise, this was decent enough with some new, albeit hokey, spots that aren’t found in every hardcore match.  ** ½

- Edge and Christian approach Kurt Angle about getting together for a victory party later tonight, but Angle is too consumed with convincing himself and others that he never tapped out to Chris Benoit.  I believe you Kurt!  Just like Chris Jericho never defeated HHH for the WWF Championship in April 2000.  Never happened.

- Jonathan Coachman talks to some woman who came all the way from Australia and the best she can say when given the chance, is “WWF rules”.  Brilliant!  Meanwhile, The Rock arrives at his locker room and does nothing of interest.  I know you have four hours to fill, but let’s fill it with something more productive, ok?

WWF European Championship Match: Test (champ) vs. Eddie Guerrero

Perry Saturn accompanies Eddie to ringside.  Test uses his power to gain an early advantage.  Test press slams Eddie into the corner and then clotheslines him for 2.  Eddie tries a top rope hurricanrana, but Test hangs on.  A top rope elbow by Test gets a nearfall.  Test charges at Eddie, but Eddie ducks, causing Test to fall over the top rope and get hung by his foot.  Eddie distracts the referee as Saturn attacks Test.  After freeing Test, Eddie works over his leg on the outside.  Back in the ring, Eddie applies a sleeper.  Test comes back with a tilt-a-whirl slam.  Now he hits a tilt-a-whirl powerbomb and gets 2.  As Test applies a full nelson, Eddie kicks him low.  Then Eddie distracts the referee so Saturn can come into the ring and hit Test with a neckbreaker.  Eddie goes for the frog splash, but changes course mid-stream when he sees Test get up.  Test delivers the pump handle slam to Eddie and then knocks Saturn off the apron.  Test covers and gets 2.  Saturn comes in the ring and Test boots him.  Then he delivers a vicious big boot to Eddie.  Test covers, but Dean Malenko runs down and pulls him off.  As Test grabs Malenko, Saturn tosses Eddie the European belt.  Eddie clocks Test with it and then pins him for 3.  New champ!

BL: A total “meh” match.  These two had no chemistry and received no interest from the crowd.  If 20,000 fans being silent is unsettling, 60,000 silent fans is infinitely worse.  It’s a shame they had Eddie so reliant on outside help to win the match.  Eddie’s talented enough to do it on his own.  This did nothing for nobody.  * ¾

- Michael Cole interviews Mick Foley and asks him if he’ll be an impartial referee.  Foley says that despite all that Vince McMahon has done to him, he plans to remain unbiased.  Then he leaves…only to come back and say “Right here in Houston, Texas!”  Whew, for a second, I thought he forgot to give us his obligatory cheap pop.

- Now we see Stone Cold enter his dressing room and do nothing.  Despite the lack of activity, this draws a huge pop from the crowd.  If he gets that reaction just for sitting, how will they react when he does a move?  They’re likely to be as psycho as the women who get stuff from Oprah. 

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle

The two staredown before engaging in a little chain wrestling.  Benoit comes close to applying the Crossface, but Angle avoids it.  A second Crossface attempt forces Angle to bail to the floor.  Again Benoit goes for the Crossface, but Angle is still too close to the ropes.  As Benoit argues with the referee, Angle blindsides him.  All right, here we go.  The two head outside where Angle throws Benoit into the Spanish announce table and the steps.  Back in the ring, a suplex by Angle gets 2.  Benoit comes back with some vicious chops.  However, Angle stops him dead in his tracks with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  The two now slug it out in the corner.  Benoit perches Angle in the corner and gives him a superplex.  That gets 2.  Benoit whips Angle to the corner and then scores with two German suplex.  As he goes for the third, Angle blocks it and tries for the ankle lock.  Benoit grabs the ropes, so Angle pulls him back.  When he tries to put it on again, Benoit reverse it and puts the ankle lock on Angle.  Angle boots Benoit to free himself, but then Benoit puts him in the Crossface.  Angle rolls through it and puts the hold on Benoit.  Benoit gets his foot on the ropes to break the hold.  Great sequence.  Benoit shoves Angle, who collides with the referee.  Benoit applies the Crossface to Angle, who taps, but there’s no referee.  Benoit goes to check on the referee, which allows Angle to hit him with the Olympic Slam.  That gets 2 ¾.  Angle goes for the moonsault, but Benoit wasn’t in the right position, so it’s unclear whether he was supposed to hit it or not.  Benoit climbs up and hits the diving headbutt.  That gets a long nearfall.  Angle mule kicks Benoit as he was trying to give him a German suplex.  As Benoit tries to pin Angle, he reverses it and cradles him for a shocking 3 count.  Replays show Angle had a handful of tights during the cover.

BL: Aww man, what’s with the cheap finish?  Things were just starting to click.  I’m curious if that was an audible finish as Angle didn’t seem right after the awkward moonsault spot.  This was technically very good, but it lacked some drama and/or excitement to make it great.  The feud needed more of a build than what it got.  Thankfully, this feud would continue to give these two a chance to improve.  ****

- Michael Cole checks in with William Regal, as he’s walking into his office.  Regal stops mid-sentence when he sees Kamala on top of his desk with a picture of the “Queen mum”.  Leave it to Regal to always humorously pull off a look of shock and exasperation.  Funny stuff.

- We get a video package showing the WWF superstars visiting troops at Fort Hood.  Your standard puff piece here.  The highlight comes from the parade footage when Lita says she’s never been in a Hummer before.  I think we can all make our own Lita/Hummer joke at this point here.

- Kevin Kelly chats with Angle and says after tonight he has to respect Benoit.  As Angle refutes that statement, Benoit jumps him and puts the Crossface back on him.  The Usual Bunch of Idiots come over to break it up.  Call me crazy, but I’m guessing it’s not over between these two.

WWF Women’s Championship Match: Ivory (champ) vs. Chyna

So Chyna somehow miraculously recovered from that “serious neck injury” to get her revenge here tonight.  RTC is barred from ringside for this match.  Chyna shoves the referee away to get to Ivory, but that allows Ivory to hit her with the title.  Ivory now tries attacking the back of Chyna’s neck.  Chyna grabs Ivory by the boot and throws her across the ring.  From here, it’s all Chyna.  Chyna powerbombs Ivory, but picks her up at 2.  Then she press slams her and nonchalantly pins her for 3.

BL: This was the equivalent of an Ultimate Warrior squash and we all know how fun those are.  For the six people that thought this was a feel good movement, then I guess to them this belonged on the show.  For the majority who wished Chyna would leave their TV screen, this was a complete waste of time.  Worst of all, you now have a division killer as your champion.  DUD

- As the McMahon clan prepare for battle, Michael Cole comes in to ask Vince about Shane’s “shocking” actions this past week on RAW.  Vince says that if you want shocking, you’ll see something shocking tonight.  He guarantees it.  I’ve got two words to say to that…uh oh.

- Let’s give a quick history lesson here.  This match between Vince and Shane originated because Shane didn’t care for Vince and Stephanie “drugging” Linda.  However, this match took on a whole new twist after WCW went out of business.  One week before Wrestlemania, Vince was set to announce (from Cleveland, OH!) he had bought WCW.  However, in a simulcast, Shane appeared live on Nitro (so surreal!) and told his dad that he “bought” WCW.  When you add in Mick Foley as the guest referee, this match now has a whole lot of combustible elements.

Street Fight: Shane McMahon vs. Vince McMahon with special guest referee Mick Foley

Before the match, Shane gives a shout out to some random WCW wrestlers who are watching the show from a skybox.  Vince is accompanied to ringside by Stephanie.  Vince gives Shane a slap and then throws rights and lefts at him.  Shane comes back with a clothesline and spear.  Stephanie comes in the ring and slaps him.  Shane doesn’t let that distract him, as he gives a baseball slide to Vince.  In the aisle, Shane wears out Vince with a street sign.  From the guardrail, Shane clotheslines Vince.  Now Shane finds a kendo stick and beats Vince with it.  It’s been all Shane here.  Shane nails Vince with a TV monitor and lays him on the Spanish announce table.  Shane goes up top and does the flying elbow, but Stephanie pulls Vince out of the way and Shane goes crashing through the table by himself.  With both men down, Trish rolls Linda down to ringside.  Trish picks up Vince, only to slap him!  Stephanie sees this and begins to catfight with her.  Foley pulls Stephanie off of Trish, so Stephanie slaps him.  Now the two ladies take their fight all the way up the aisle.  Vince sees Linda and approaches her, but Foley stops him from doing anything.  As Foley tries to wheel Linda away, Vince hits him with a chair.  Then he gives him a second one straight at his head.  Geez, Foley takes wicked bumps even when he’s the referee!  Vince grabs Linda and puts her in the ring.  He puts Linda in a chair and then grabs Shane.  Vince takes a garbage can and abuses Shane with it.  All the while, he taunts Linda.  Suddenly, Linda rises from the chair.  She lives!  She walks over and kicks Vince in the nuts.  Foley is now back in and starts beating up Vince.  The crowd is going crazy.  With Vince down in the corner, Shane places a garbage can in Vince’s lap.  Then from the opposite corner, Shane leaps off the top rope and dropkicks the can into Vince’s face.  Wow!  And he fully nailed it too.  Shane then drags Vince to the middle of the ring and the cover is academic at that point.

BL: Man, this match is now five years old and it is still exciting.  The drugging Linda thing may have been stupid, but they did a wonderful job paying it off.  Then you had the human bump machine, Shane, once again, do some amazingly crazy things in there.  The payoff found in this match is what Wrestlemania is all about.  ****

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs 2: The Dudley Boyz (champs) vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian

All teams look at the belts before going to war.  As the Hardyz and Dudleyz brawl, Edge and Christian grab some weapons.  The heels take out everyone with a ladder.  Matt climbs up, but Edge jumps off a chair and clotheslines him.  Now Edge climbs, but Jeff leaps off his brother and dropkicks him.  The Hardyz each jump off a ladder and land on Christian.  The Dudleyz connect with the Wassup Drop on Edge.  The Dudleyz set two tables up in the ring and set Edge on one of them.  Bubba then takes Jeff and powerbombs him onto Edge and through the table.  Nice.  In the aisle, the Dudleyz set four tables up 2 x 2.  In the ring, three ladders are set up.  Everyone goes up and just as quickly everyone comes down.  Most scary was Christian and Matt, who fell all the way to the floor.  Suddenly, Spike Dudley runs down and attacks both Edge and Christian.  Now Rhyno comes out and takes out all the faces in impressive fashion.  As Edge climbs up, Lita runs down and stops him.  Rhyno grabs Lita, but Spike gives him a lowblow.  Then Lita gives him a hurricanrana.  Edge climbs again, but Spike nails Rhyno with a chair and Rhyno knocks Edge and the ladder over.  The Dudley Boyz connect with the Doomsday Device on Rhyno.  Lita nails Spike with a chair, but then she eats a 3-D.  This is craziness.  On the outside, Spike and Rhyno are put onto tables and then from the tall ladder, Jeff does a swanton bomb onto both of them.  Christian and D-Von climb the ladder and grab a belt, but Matt takes the ladder away and both men are left hanging mid-air.  Both men eventually fall down to the mat.  Jeff walks across three ladders and grabs the harness.  Suddenly, he’s dangling there when Edge leaps off the tall ladder and spears him in mid-air.  Holy Shit!  Matt and Bubba climb up and battle for the belts, but Rhyno comes in and shoves the ladder over.  Both men fall out of the ring and through the pile of tables.  Wow!  D-Von begins to climb, but Edge grabs him.  Meanwhile, Rhyno puts Christian on his shoulders and scales the ladder to allow Christian to grab the titles and once again become tag champs.

BL: There’s not a whole lot you can say here.  TLC 1 was great and they somehow stepped up their game to the next level.  Adding the ancillary partners into the fray was a nice touch and provided that many more bumps in the match.  Any of these teams could have won, but I like giving it to Edge and Christian as it gives them a nice boast of being undefeated (at the time) in TLC.  *****

- They air a video package of the events from WWF Axess.  I’m pretty sure the only reason to have this on the show is to make me jealous that I wasn’t there.

- For those that care, tonight’s attendance: 67,925.  Not too shabby!

Gimmick Battle Royal

Announcing this match is Mean Gene and Bobby “the Brain” Heenan, returning home now that WCW is no more.  Participants for this Wrestlecrapper’s fantasy are: The Bushwackers, Duke “the Dumpster” Droese, the Iron Sheik, Earthquake, The Goon, Doink the Clown, Kamala, Kimchee, Repo Man, Jim Cornette, Nikolai Volkoff, Michael P.S. Hayes, One Man Gang, The Gobbly Gooker, Tugboat, Hillbilly Jim, Brother Love, and Sgt. Slaughter.  Everybody finds an enemy and we’re underway.  Repo and the Gooker exit quickly.  Earthquake dumps out Tugboat, in a shocking move.  However, Earthquake gets eliminated himself by Kamala.  Now Kamala tosses out Kimchee.  How could he do that to his…whatever relation Kimchee is to Kamala?  Now Luke, Cornette, and the Dumpster are eliminated in quick fashion.  Next gone are the Goon, Volkoff, and Butch.  Kamala throws out Doink, which draws boos, while Hayes is heaved out by the Gang.  Kamala dumps the Gang, but then is eliminated himself by Slaughter.  Our Final Four are Slaughter, Brother Love, Hillbilly Jim and the Sheik.  As Slaughter dumps Love, Hillbilly throws out Slaughter.  Then the Sheik comes over and eliminates Hillbilly to win it.

Postmatch: Slaughter comes back in and puts the Cobra Clutch on the Iron Sheik to pop the crowd.

BL: I’m not going to rate this as it was more about having these guys show up than actually having a match.  It was great to see these guys recreate famous and infamous characters of wrestling’s past.  I loved every minute of this (although I was sad to see the One Man Gang instead of Akeem).  This shouldn’t be a yearly tradition, but I do think having something like this every so often would be a lot of fun.  By the way, it was obvious the Iron Sheik would win this since his crippled state made it clear he couldn’t be thrown over the top rope.  Thank goodness he didn’t try to humble anyone.

The Undertaker vs. Triple H

Motorhead play HHH out to the ring.  Shockingly, no live performance by Limp Bizkit for Taker, despite the fact that another one of their songs is the theme for this year’s Wrestlemania.  The two waste no time in going at it on the floor.  Taker knocks HHH through the makeshift table set-up for the Spanish announcers.  They can’t catch a break tonight.  In the ring, HHH drops Taker with a knee, but he no-sells it.  Taker gives HHH some rough turnbuckle treatment.  After hitting a big clothesline, Taker goes for Old School, but HHH yanks him down.  A neckbreaker by HHH gets 2.  HHH argues with the referee, which allows Taker a chance to comeback.  HHH goes outside and grabs his trusty sledgehammer.  As he goes to use it, the referee grabs it from him.  While the referee puts it away, HHH goes for the Pedigree.  Taker reverses it and catapults HHH into the referee.  Taker chokeslams HHH and covers, but only gets 2.  That prompts Taker to attack the referee.  The fight heads outside and into the crowd.  As their fight heads into a technical area, HHH wears out Taker with a chair.  Taker comes back with a chokeslam that sends HHH off the stage.  Then Taker leaps off and elbows HHH.  Back to the ring they come and Taker grabs the sledgehammer.  As he goes to use it, HHH kicks him low.  HHH tries to use it, but Taker boots him.  HHH actually tries to plant Taker with a Tombstone, but Taker reverses it and actually gives HHH the Tombstone.  Taker covers, but the referee is still down.  Taker gets HHH up for the Last Ride, but HHH manages to grab the sledge and hits Taker with it.  HHH covers and gets 2 ¾.  I thought that would be it.  Taker’s been busted open.  HHH mounts Taker in the corner and punches away on him.  Suddenly, Taker grabs him and delivers the Last Ride out of the corner.  Taker covers and scores the 1-2-3.  Taker is 9-0 at Wrestlemania.

BL: This one may get graded unfairly given what else we have seen tonight.  This, to me, just seemed a bit hollow.  It was a decent brawl with some good spots, but it seems like there should have been more.  Too much time was spent traveling in and out of the crowd.  Also, given the way HHH has been treated, I was surprised how easily he was defeated here, despite receiving the Tombstone and Last Ride.  Still, keeping Taker undefeated at ‘Mania was the right move.  Easily Taker’s best ‘Mania match to date.  *** ¼

- When you have the two biggest stars in the industy going at it, you really don’t need a story and there really isn’t one.  However, the video package for the main event is still awesome in the way it perfectly synchs the action with Limp Bizkit’s “My Way”. 

WWF Championship Match: The Rock (champ) vs. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin

Austin receives an amazing ovation from the Texas crowd, while The Rock receives a mixed reaction at best.  The Fink announces before the match that this will be No Disqualification.  Austin immediately attacks The Rock, but he comes back.  Austin nails the Lou Thesz Press and F.U. elbow.  Both men attempt their finisher, but neither hits it.  Austin sidesteps The Rock and throws him to the floor.  Into the crowd they go to brawl.  Back inside, Austin perches The Rock in the corner and gives him a superplex.  Now Austin removes a turnbuckle pad.  The Rock comes back with a clothesline and gets booed.  The Rock knocks Austin outside and attacks him by the timekeeper’s table.  As The Rock argues with the referee, Austin is able to nail him with the ringbell.  That busts The Rock open.  As The Rock tries to recover on the announce table, it suddenly breaks.  Whoops!  In the ring, Austin pounds away on The Rock.  A neckbreaker by Austin gets 2.  When Austin argues with the referee, The Rock fires out of the corner with a clothesline.  The Rock takes Austin and rams his head into the exposed corner.  Now The Rock nails Austin with the ringbell.  The Rock gets a nearfall out of that.  Austin, by the way, has also been busted open.  The Rock is just unloading with punches on Austin.  Austin can barely stand.  Back outside, Austin drops The Rock across the guardrail.  Austin then catapults The Rock into the ringpost.  The onslaught continues as Austin hits The Rock with a TV monitor.  In the ring, The Rock blocks a Stunner and places Austin in the Sharpshooter.  Austin tries to grab the rope, but The Rock pulls him back.  Austin claws and scratches his way and finally makes it to the ropes.  The Rock tries to put the hold on again and Austin rakes his eyes.  Now Austin puts the Sharpshooter on The Rock.  The Rock powers out, but Austin continues to abuse The Rock’s knee.  Austin puts the Sharpshooter on again and when The Rock grabs the ropes, Austin refuses to let go.  No DQ!  Austin applies the Million Dollar Dream  (!) and The Rock drops to a knee.  The Rock scales the turnbuckle and turns it into a pin for 2.  Out of nowhere, The Rock nails Austin with a Stunner.  The Rock covers and gets 2.  Suddenly Vince McMahon walks down to ringside.  A spinebuster by Austin gets 2.  The Rock hits a spinebuster of his own and then connects with the People’s Elbow.  The Rock covers, but Vince comes in and pulls him off.  The Rock chases Vince, which allows Austin to hit him with a Rock Bottom.  That gets a nearfall.  Austin goes for the Stunner, but The Rock shoves him off and into the referee.  After going low on The Rock, Austin tells Vince to bring a chair into the ring.  Whaa?  Austin holds The Rock and Vince nails him with the chair.  Vince puts the referee back in the ring and he counts 1…2…kickout by The Rock.  Austin is swearing up a storm.  Austin tries to hit The Rock with a chair, but The Rock gives him a Rock Bottom.  Vince starts to distract the referee, so The Rock pulls him into the ring.  As The Rock attacks Vince, Austin turns him around and gives him a Stunner.  Somehow The Rock kicks out at 2.  Unbelievable.  Austin hits The Rock with a chair and covers.  Again, The Rock kicks out.  Now Austin is just wearing out The Rock with the chair.  Austin emphatically covers and finally gets the 3.  We’ve got a new champ!

Postmatch: Austin goes face-to-face with Vince and shakes his hand.  Then the two celebrate with beers.  By gawd, what price has Austin paid to become champion?  As The Rock slowly gets up, Austin nails him with the WWF title.

BL: What…a…war!  This was a masterpiece as it perfectly portrayed two men doing everything in their power to win this match.  This wasn’t a bunch of fancy spots, just two guys wrestling down and dirty.  This all culminates perfectly in the Austin heel turn.  It may not have gotten the desired outcome in having people boo Austin, but it was the perfect point to drive home the story of how far Austin was willing to go to win the WWF title.  Just an amazing main event.  *****

Final Thought: This is not just the best Wrestlemania ever, it’s the best PPV I have ever witnessed.  You have so many great matches and hardly any crap.  The last two and half hours or so, is just non-stop awesomeness.  This paid off so many stories wonderfully, yet opened up a flood of new ones.  It’s a shame that this is considered the end of an era for WWF greatness.  However, what an end it is.  Please, for the love of God, watch this show.  Even those who have seen it, watch it again and relish in its greatness.

Next time, while royalty may be found in the undercard, all the king’s ransom is found in the main event.

Until then, thanks for stopping by the OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue.


Originally from Cleveland, Adam is now a graduate student at the University of Dayton who is looking to make a couple extra bucks writing this column. What do you mean Rick doesn't pay his columnists?

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RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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