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WWF Judgment Day 2001
January 4, 2007

by Adam Gutschmidt
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Emanating from the Arco Arena in Sacramento, CA

Your commentators are Jim Ross and Paul Heyman

Opening Match: Rikishi vs. William Regal

You’ll forgive me if I don’t recall the details of Rikishi’s recent face turn. However, the move was inevitable, given his failed run as a main event heel. Regal is fighting him to avenge Stephanie McMahon, who was a recent recipient of a stinkface. Rikishi hammers away on Regal to begin. Rikishi goes for an early stinkface, but Regal low blows him. Regal tries for a sunset flip, but Rikishi won’t drop. As Rikishi goes to sit

on him, Regal is able to get out of the way. Rikishi comes back and drops Regal in the corner. This time Rikishi connects with a very long stinkface. Regal then provides us with the only reason to see this match; his priceless facial expression of horror and disgust. As Regal tries to recover, Rikishi rams his head into the steps. That appears to bust Regal open the hard way. A stiff kick by Rikishi sends Regal into the corner. As Rikishi charges, Regal sidesteps him and rams his shoulder into the post. Regal then hits his neckbreaker and pins Rikishi for the victory.

Bottom Line: The match accomplished what it wanted to in showing us how Regal would react to the stinkface. Beyond that, there isn’t much here. A lot of that had to do with a legitimate shoulder injury that Rikishi had. This isn’t my idea of a great opener, but the crowd seemed to enjoy seeing Regal get besmirched, nonetheless. *

- As Edge and Christian discuss their match, Angle interrupts them, looking for tips on how to compete in a ladder match. They suggest not falling off the ladder, but if you have to, make sure you get the gold (medals, in this case). I’ll add one more: wearing a ladder around your neck may not be “fashionable”, but it sure is effective in bludgeoning your opponents.

- Vince greets Stephanie and Triple H as they enter his dressing room. Vince questions HHH about why he and Stone Cold messed with the Undertaker’s wife, Sara, last week. HHH dismisses it and ribs Vince for his actions against Linda. Vince then reminds him that he was messing with his own wife, not somebody else’s. Touche Vince, touché.

2 out of 3 Falls Match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle

The first fall is pinfall only, the second is submission only and the third will be a ladder match with Angle’s gold medals hanging above the ring. Angle’s medals are on the line here because Benoit stole them from Angle a few weeks ago.

Fall #1: As Benoit hands the medals to the referee, Angle jumps him. Angle gets off to a big start by hitting three German suplexes on Benoit. Then Angle goes for a diving headbutt (!), but misses. Benoit grabs him and delivers the Angle Slam. Benoit covers and gets it. Wow!

Fall #2: Benoit immediately applies the Crossface, but Angle grabs the ropes. The two now brawl on the floor, which Benoit dominates. Angle picks up Benoit and crotches him on the post. Ouch! Back inside, the two have a great sequence where Angle applies the ankle lock, then Benoit does and then eventually Benoit gets Angle in the Crossface, but Angle grabs the ropes. Angle hits a belly-to-belly suplex, but when he goes for a second, Benoit reverses it into the Crossface. Again, Angle manages to escape. As Benoit approaches Angle in the corner, Angle drops him across the top rope. Now Benoit comes back and puts Angle in the Walls of Jericho. Hmmm. Angle manages to power out of it. Benoit applies the figure four and Angle is able to roll over and get to the ropes. Benoit really begins to work Angle’s knee. Benoit drops Angle with a DDT, but Angle comes back with the Angle Slam. Angle immediately applies the ankle lock and gets Benoit to tap.

Fall #3: The fight goes back outside where Benoit throws Angle into the post, but then Angle sends him into the steps. Angle grabs a ladder from under the ring and climbs it, but Benoit is able to come back in and knock him down. Benoit dumps Angle into the crowd and brings another ladder into the ring. Angle runs in and pulls Benoit off the ladder. Angle now rams the ladder into Benoit. As Angle charges with the ladder, Benoit is able to duck and backdrop Angle to the floor. Now Benoit abuses Angle with the ladder on the outside. As Benoit climbs, Angle gives him a low blow. Benoit grabs Angle and catapults him into the ladder, which was propped in the corner. Angle is on the wrong end of some vicious chops by Benoit. Angle whips Benoit hard into the ladder, which is still in the corner. Now Angle suplexes Benoit onto the ladder. Double ouch! Benoit gives Angle some rough ladder treatment and then traps him under it. As Benoit climbs, Angle manages to tip it over. Benoit whips Angle to the corner and then puts him in the Crossface. As Angle taps, Edge and Christian come down the aisle. They brawl with Benoit, as Angle manages to climb up and retrieve his medals.

BL: After such a hard fought contest, you hate to see it end so cheaply. Bad finish aside, these two gave another awesome effort. I loved the quick first fall with all the reverse psychology. Things settled down nicely in the second fall. My only complaint is that I would have liked to see Angle work over Benoit’s leg more before winning the ankle lock. Then, as I said, the finish marred the third fall. However, there was still a lot of good usage of the ladder before that. A good, long match between two of my favorites. ****

- The Undertaker barges into Regal’s office and bullies his way into having him make his match tonight no holds barred. I wonder if I dressed and talked like Taker, I could go into my boss’ office and get a raise. Hmmm…probably not.

- Jerry Lynn cuts a promo from WWF New York where he bitches about not wrestling on the PPV. And why shouldn’t he be? He’s in high demand! I know when I decide whether or not to buy a PPV, I always ask myself, “Well, is Jerry Lynn going to be on the show?”

- Meanwhile, Kane walks around backstage hitting everything in sight with a steel chain. What is he? 2 years old? “Hey look, if I smack this chain against a wall, it makes a loud noise!”

Triple Threat Match for the WWF Hardcore Championship: Rhyno (champ) vs. Test vs. The Big Show

Test and Show go at it before Rhyno makes an appearance. As soon as he does come out, Rhyno grabs the steps and puts them in the ring. Now Test and Rhyno team up against Show. All three men head through the crowd and to the back. As Test chokes out Show with a rope, Rhyno rams a cart full of cases into Show’s head. Show goes to chokeslam Test, but Rhyno stops him. Rhyno and Test knock Show off a ledge and onto a pile of wooden pallets. Test and Rhyno now fight all the way back to the ring. As Rhyno and Test fight, the crowd chants for Show. Huh? Rhyno DDTs Test onto a trash can lid and gets 2. Show finally comes back and gives a chokeslam to Rhyno. However, he then turns right into a big boot by Test. That gets 2. Rhyno GORES Show and then Test nails Rhyno with a trash can lid. Again, Test gets a nearfall. Test swings a fire extinguisher at Rhyno, but misses. Show grabs Test, but gets sprayed with the fire extinguisher. Test then hits Show with the fire extinguisher and gets another nearfall. After dumping Test out of the ring, Rhyno tosses Show a trash can. He then jumps off the steps and GORES Show and the can. Rhyno covers and gets the 3.

BL: After flashes of innovation last month, we’re back to ho-hum garbage wrestling here thanks to the inclusion of Test and Big Show in this match. Rhyno continues to be a breath of fresh air, but he needs better opponents to have effective and satisfying hardcore matches. * ¾

- Backstage, Regal is anxious about telling Austin that his match is now no holds barred. Austin is a reasonable man, I’m sure he’ll take the news just fine.

- As Lita preps for her match, Eddie Guerrero walks in. Eddie offers Lita some help with her match, seeing as he knows Chyna so well. Lita says thanks, but no thanks. I find it hard to believe anybody could turn down “Latino Heat”, especially a skank like Lita.

- Regal finally musters up the courage and tells Austin the bad news. Austin says he’s cool with that. See, I told you Regal. If only more people would listen to me, the world might be a better place.

WWF Women’s Championship Match: Chyna (champ) vs. Lita

Chyna has recently been doing a quasi-heel turn by claiming she has no competition for the belt. Lita stepped up and said she’ll give her a fight, which brought us here. Chyna walks out with this ridiculous peacock headdress, that makes her look like a Vegas showgirl. She wishes. Chyna establishes her power early on. Lita escapes a press slam and cradles Chyna for 2. Chyna comes back with a series of kicks and clotheslines. Chyna puts her head down and Lita catches her with a DDT. Now Lita punches away at Chyna. A clothesline from the second rope by Lita gets a nearfall. As Lita works over Chyna’s arm, Chyna starts to have a wardrobe malfunction with her top. Chyna comes back with a neckbreaker and a powerslam. The latter gets a nearfall. Chyna press slams Lita and covers, but picks her up at 2. Lita grabs Chyna’s arm and puts it in an armbar submission. Chyna counters it into a headscissors. Suddenly, we see Eddie Guerrero walk out to watch the action. Lita reverses a powerbomb into a hurricanrana for 2. Chyna escapes a Twist of Fate and then powerbombs Lita. Chyna covers to get the victory.

Postmatch: Chyna picks up Lita and raises her arm in appreciation.

BL: Sadly, Chyna’s “strengths” got displayed more than Lita’s did. This was a basic, power match with Lita doing a lot of bumping. Despite his presence, Eddie was a non-factor. It’s unclear where that was going, as both Eddie and Chyna would be gone shortly after this, albeit for different reasons. * ½

- Michael Cole asks Angle if his victory closes this chapter in his life. Angle says on the contrary. Tomorrow night, he plans on re-enacting his medal awards ceremony. Well, I’m sure that will go smoothly.

- Vince gives Austin and HHH a pep talk and says the only way they’ll be victorious is if they stay together. The champs agree with Vince, which means only one thing; there’s no chance that they’ll stick together.

Chain Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Triple H (champ) vs. Kane

Despite being tied together with a chain, you still win this match via pinfall or submission. Kane brings his own chain to the ring, which forces HHH to flee. As the referee gets Kane to put down that chain, HHH clocks him with the official chain. With neither man attached yet, HHH works over Kane’s injured arm. On the outside, HHH repeatedly hits Kane with a chair. Now HHH attaches the chain to Kane’s injured arm. Once attached, Kane tries to come back. HHH goes up top and hits a double ax handle. On the floor, HHH pulls Kane into the steps. As HHH grabs a chair, Kane yanks him, causing HHH and the chair to ram into the post. That busts HHH wide open. Kane throws HHH into the steps and then brings him back into the ring. Kane now wraps the chain around HHH’s head. Kane takes HHH outside and then hangs him by the chair. Kane goes up top, but HHH pulls him down. They head back outside and fight into the crowd. Kane manages to slam HHH off the guardrail onto the floor. Inside, the two botch HHH’s facebuster and then HHH clotheslines Kane. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Kane escapes and hits him low. Kane goes up and connects with a clothesline. Kane delivers a chokeslam and out comes Austin. Kane manages to fend him off, but Kane turns around and is kicked by HHH. In an ugly spot, Austin swings a chair at Kane, but supposedly hits HHH instead. Kane didn’t duck, so the spot was awkward. Kane covers and gets an anticlimactic pinfall. New champ!

BL: This one felt under-developed to me. What they did was good, but it seemed like only the beginning of something that could have been better. Then again, with Kane, maybe we shouldn’t expect much more. I’ll never forget The Rick saying in his preview before this show, that there is nothing worse than the sound of a chain rattling with a silent crowd. Luckily they avoided that as the crowd was definitely into this one. The ending wasn’t great and it sure could have been better had Kane actually ducked, but I see what they were trying to go for. *** ½

- Jonathan Coachman asks Chris Jericho who his mystery partner is and Jericho tells him that he is. Jericho says that he’ll take care of all the wrestling and Coachman can bore them into submission with his pointless questions. I love it when wrestlers do the work for me in mocking the interviewers.

- HHH bitches to Vince about what happened in his match. I love how HHH is trying to convey how beat up and in pain he is, yet he’s clearly chewing gum while talking. What a professional!

Tag Team Turmoil Match to determine the #1 Contender for the WWF Tag Team Championship

While many teams are in this, the real issue is between Edge & Christian and Chris Jericho. Edge and Christian have been a thorn in Jericho’s side the past few weeks, so Jericho and a mystery partner aim to shut them up and prevent them from getting a chance at their eighth WWF tag team title reign.

The Acolytes vs. The Radicalz

The Acolytes quickly dump the Radicalz out of the ring as soon as they enter. Saturn comes back with a belly-to-belly on Farooq. Farooq and Saturn clothesline each other. Malenko comes in to attack Farooq, but Bradshaw stops him. Saturn delivers a t-bone suplex to Bradshaw, but turns around and receives a spinebuster from Farooq. Farooq covers and gets him. ¼ *

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Acolytes

As the Dudleyz pose for the fans, the Acolytes attack them. D-Von drops Farooq with a shouldertackle. Bubba misses a splash, which allows Farooq to tag Bradshaw. Bradshaw goes for the Clothesline from Hell, but Bubba catches him with a sidewalk slam for 2. As the Dudleyz work over Bradshaw, we cut to a shot of the crowd and someone holding a sign that says, “Get the Tabel”. Nice Sacremento. Bradshaw drops D-Von with a fallaway slam. Bubba brawls with Farooq on the floor, which Bubba wins. Then the Dudleyz give Bradshaw the Doomsday Device. Farooq comes back in and the Dudleyz give him the Wassup Drop. As D-Von gets the table, the Holly cousins come out. Hardcore grabs D-Von and puts him through the table. The distraction allows Bradshaw to hit Bubba with the Clothesline from Hell and pin him for 3. *

The Acolytes vs. X-Factor

X-Pac comes in and drops Farooq with a spinning heel kick. Farooq comes back with a backbreaker and then tags Bradshaw. A back suplex by Bradshaw gets 2 on X-Pac. On the floor, X-Pac and Credible unsuccessfully try to double-team Bradshaw. After Bradshaw fends them off however, Albert gives him a big boot. Back inside, Bradshaw powerslams Credible. A second rope legdrop by Farooq gets 2. The Acolytes now work over X-Pac. As Bradshaw goes to give X-Pac a fallaway slam, Albert trips him and then holds his foot as X-Pac gets the pinfall. ½ *

The Hardy Boyz vs. X-Factor

Everybody brawls to begin, which the Hardyz easily win. As Jeff runs to the ropes, X-Pac pulls the top one down and Jeff falls to the floor. Then X-Factor pick up Jeff and crotch him on the post. Back inside, X-Pac delivers the Bronco Buster. As X-Pac tries to double-team Jeff dropkicks both of them. Matt gets the hot tag and cleans house. The Hardyz hit X-Pac with Poetry in Motion. Then Jeff connects with the swanton bomb on him. As Matt covers, Albert pulls him out of the ring. As these two brawl, Jeff leaps out of the ring and lands on Albert. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate on X-Pac, but Credible superkicks him. X-Pac covers and pins him.

Chris Jericho and ?? vs. X-Factor

Jericho’s partner is….Chris Benoit! Me likee! Benoit and Jericho come in and take care of everybody. Jericho leaps over the top rope, but Albert catches him. Albert then rams Jericho’s back into the post. Albert continues to attack Jericho, as X-Factor work over Benoit. Benoit gets a sunset flip on Credible for 2. X-Pac knocks Benoit down in the corner, but misses the Bronco Buster. Benoit makes the tag to Jericho, who comes in firing. Jericho goes for a flying forearm, but accidentally nails the referee. Credible and X-Pa hit Jericho with their thrust kicks. X-Pac covers, but there’s no referee. A second one comes out and gets a 2 count. As X-Factor go for a spike piledriver, Benoit comes over and crotches X-Pac. Then Jericho catapults Credible into X-Pac. Albert comes in and gets suplexed by Benoit and Jericho. Then they suplex Credible on top of him. Benoit locks Credible in the Crossface, as Jericho puts X-Pac in the Walls of Jericho. Both tap to give the Chrises the win. **

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit vs. Edge and Christian

Jericho and Benoit get off to a hot start, but Edge and Christian work together to drop Jericho across the top rope. Jericho has now been isolated by the heels. As Jericho plays Ricky Morton, I see another sign that says, “I’m here. Your not.” There are some real dim bulbs in Sacramento. Jericho tries to come back with some chops, but Christian stops him with a backbreaker. Jericho avoids a dropkick by Edge, but when he goes for the Lionsault, Edge gets his knees up. Christian goes for a corner splash, but misses. Jericho makes the hot tag to Benoit, who takes it to the heels. Benoit hits a swank German suplex on Christian and gets a long 2 count. All four men are in now and the heels take control. As Christian goes for a superplex, Jericho puts him on his shoulders. Then Benoit comes off the top rope and hits him with a missile dropkick. That gets 2. Edge rams Jericho’s shoulder into the post and then DDTs Benoit. Edge and Christian grab chairs, but Benoit and Jericho baseball slide the chairs into them. As the Chrises try to give Christian the Conchairto, Edge spears Jericho. Then Christian rolls up Benoit for 2. Now Edge and Christian go for the Conchairto, but Jericho tackles Edge. Then Benoit places Christian in the Crossface and gets him to tap for the victory. ** ¾

BL: This was more about storyline than in-ring action. Not only does Jericho get his revenge on Edge and Christian, but Benoit does as well after they cost him his other match earlier tonight. Plus, this nicely set the two Chrises into the main event, as Austin and HHH still had the tag titles. While the action wasn’t great, everything worked here. About the only problem was too much X-Factor.

No Holds Barred Match for the WWF Championship: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin (champ) vs. The Undertaker

Vince comes out and joins us for commentary. Wonderful! Taker meets Austin in the aisle and attacks him. Taker abuses Austin by the entrance and then throws him into the steps. It’s all Taker in these opening minutes. Taker walks the guardrail and delivers Old School to Austin. Finally in the ring, Austin scores with a neckbreaker. Austin tries to work over Taker’s knee. Austin uses a chair, but Taker avoids it. After a big clothesline, Taker goes for the Tombstone, but Austin escapes and tries for a Stunner. Taker shoves him off and then delivers a big boot. That gets 2. On the outside, Taker rams Austin into the timekeeper’s table and then goes after Vince. Before he can grab him, Austin nails him from behind. Austin now repeatedly rams Taker’s knee into the post. Back inside, Austin continues his work on Taker’s knee. Taker fights back and dumps Austin to the floor. Taker grabs Austin and chokeslams him through the announce table. Taker brings him back into the ring and gets a nearfall. Back outside, Austin is able to nail Taker with a TV monitor. Taker has been busted open. Inside, the two slug it out and then Austin connects with the Lou Thesz Press. Austin mule kicks Taker and gets 2. Austin applies a sleeper and Taker escapes with a back suplex. Austin blasts Taker with a chair and begs him to get up. Taker does get up, but only to receive a Stunner. Austin covers and only gets 2. Give me a break. As Austin tries to use the chair again, Taker kicks him low. Taker then chokeslams Austin. Now Taker wears out Austin with a chair. HHH runs out with his sledgehammer, but Taker hits him with the chair too. Taker hits Austin once more and covers, but Vince breaks up the fall. Austin goes to hit Taker with a chair, but hits Vince on accident. Taker goes to give Austin the Last Ride, but HHH hits him with the sledgehammer. All of a sudden Kane runs out, but before he can get to the ring, Austin gets the 3 count to retain.

BL: This isn’t exactly a fresh matchup and these two didn’t go out of their way to bring anything newto the table here. You had your standard brawling spots, as well as the requisite time spent working over Taker’s knee. Once the no holds barred stipulation was added, I think we all knew how this one would end. Austin needed a fresher feud than this to begin his heel run. ***

Final Thoughts: Call me an Internet smart if you like, but the only good stuff on this show come from Angle, Benoit, and Jericho. I try to always be open-minded on most people. It just so happens that on this show, only the Internet darlings shined. Everything else was either boring or stunk. Somehow the WWF got stuck in a rut after Wrestlemania. However, giving Benoit and Jericho more exposure was a step in the right direction.

Next time, Team RECK explodes!

Until then, thanks for stopping by the OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue


Originally from Cleveland, Adam is now a graduate student at the University of Dayton who is looking to make a couple extra bucks writing this column. What do you mean Rick doesn't pay his columnists?

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