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WWF King of the Ring 2001
February 2, 2006

by Adam Gutschmidt
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Emanating from the Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, NJ

Your commentators are Jim Ross and Paul Heyman

- We open the show with an in-ring promo from WCW’s Diamond Dallas Page.  He revealed himself the week before as the man who had been secretly videotaping the Undertaker’s wife, Sara.  He’s here

tonight, ready for a confrontation with Taker because DDP wants him to “make me famous”.  This whole “feud” was hastily thrown together and a promo like this would have been better served on RAW or Smackdown.  Instead, we waste time here.  After he’s done, DDP sits in the seat he bought.

King of the Ring Semi-final Match: Kurt Angle vs. Christian

Angle was on a quest to become the first two-time King of the Ring winner.  Christian blindsides him to gain an early advantage.  Angle slams Christian and comes back strong.  A missed charge by Angle allows Christian to hit him with a neckbreaker.  Angle rolls through a sunset flip attempt and unsuccessfully tries to put on the ankle lock.  Angle gives Christian a belly-to-belly suplex and then knocks him to the floor.  The two now brawl around ringside.  Christian climbs up, but Angle shoves him off and into the guardrail.  As Angle gives Christian a series of suplexes, the crowd starts chanting “Let’s go Angle”.  Christian comes back with a spinning heel kick.  Suddenly, Shane McMahon comes down to ringside.  Angle goes up, but misses the moonsault.  Christian covers and gets 2.  A backbreaker by Christian gets another nearfall.  Angle escapes the Unprettier and puts Christian in the ankle lock.  Christian trips the referee and then uses him to grab the ropes.  Angle pulls him back and tries to give him the Angle Slam, but Christian escapes and hits him with the Unprettier.  Christian covers, but Shane pulls him off.  Whaa?  Angle brings Christian back in with an Angle Slam and then covers him for 3.  We then see Shane smile over that outcome.

Bottom Line: These two tried to keep it as lively as they could.  The problem was there was no heat between the two and Christian wasn’t over yet as a singles wrestler.  This was too short to mean anything, but short is probably better since Angle has to now wrestle two more matches.  ** ¼

Jonathan Coachman interviews Stone Cold about his match tonight, but all Austin is concerned about is whether Vince McMahon has shown up yet or not.  Austin has been clinging tighter to the boss than a 2 year old clings to his security blanket.  Then when Coachman tells him about the rumor that if Chris Benoit or Chris Jericho win tonight they may defect to WCW, Austin is stunned silent.  For what it’s worth, I thought the mental breakdown of Austin was played to perfection.  Sadly, it seemed to go over a lot of people’s heads.

- Paul Heyman asks DDP why he’s doing all of this.  As DDP responds, footage of him eating breakfast is shown on the Titantron.  DDP doesn’t appreciate this invasion of privacy.  Looks to me as if someone didn’t want the public to know he had that extra order of bacon.

King of the Ring Semi-final Match: Edge vs. Rhyno

Rhyno spits in Edge’s face, which prompts Edge to go on the attack.  Rhyno elbows a charging Edge to slow his momentum.  Edge dumps Rhyno to the apron and then dropkicks him to the floor.  Now the two brawl around ringside and down the aisle.  With Edge down on the outside, Rhyno removes the second turnbuckle pad.  Rhyno brings Edge back in and whips him into the exposed corner.  Rhyno begins to really work over Edge’s ribs.  Rhyno goes up top and connects with a big splash.  That only gets 2.  Wow!  Edge stops Rhyno with a flapjack.  Edge slowly begins his comeback.  As Edge climbs up, Rhyno stops him.  However, Edge recovers and gets a top rope sunset flip on Rhyno for 2.  Rhyno comes back with a spinebuster.  Both men go for the spear/GORE and they collide.  Rhyno crawls over and gets 2.  Edge rolls up Rhyno, but gets shoved off.  Rhyno goes for another GORE, but misses and hits the exposed corner.  Edge follows up with a DDT and gets the 1-2-3. 

BL: This one had the same problems as the other semi-final match.  However, I give this one the slight edge (pun intended) because of the added psychology with Rhyno working on Edge’s ribs.  This one also featured a handful of neat spots.  It’s a shame neither semi-final was given more time.  ** ¾

- Earlier on HeAT, Spike Dudley issued a challenge to the Dudley Boyz for their tag titles.  Now live, J.R. asks Spike if he’s found a partner.  Spike says yes, but won’t reveal who it is.  Then the Dudleyz come in and insult him and his girlfriend, Molly Holly.  What is Spike thinking getting a girlfriend?  Doesn’t he know that women are only good for being thrown through tables?

- Tazz asks Chris Jericho about the rumors of his possible defection.  Jericho toys with Tazz, but fails to give him an answer one way or the other.  However, he does say that now that WCW has a real owner in Shane McMahon, it might not be a bad place after all.  Boy, they sure do enjoy sticking that knife into the hearts of WCW fans any chance they can get, don’t they?

WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Dudley Boyz (champs) vs. Spike Dudley and ???

The Dudleyz defeated Jericho and Benoit for the tag titles last Thursday on Smackdown, thanks to interference from Austin.  Spike’s partner ends up being Kane.  Huh?  I don’t think they had any pre-existing relationship.  Rather, this is a pathetic attempt to get him on the show, since he is the Intercontinental champion after all.  Obviously giving him a feud of his own would have been too difficult.  Spike runs in and immediately gets jumped.  Kane comes in and evens the odds.  Bubba picks up Spike and throws him to Kane.  Kane catches him and throws him back.  Bubba falls over and Spike gets a nearfall.  D-Von leapfrogs Spike and appears to land badly.  The knee injury is a ruse, however, and it allows D-Von to attack Spike from behind.  Spike is now your runt-in-peril.  Bubba powerbombs Spike and gets a nearfall.  A missed diving headbutt by D-Von allows Spike to tag Kane.  Kane comes in and cleans house.  A powerslam by Kane, who then covers.  We get a botched pinfall as D-Von was late in breaking it up.  With both Dudleyz on the floor, Kane picks up Spike and hurls him onto them.  Nice.  Kane hits Bubba with a top rope clothesline and Spike covers for 2.  As D-Von rams Kane into the post, Spike nails Bubba with the Dudley Dog.  Again Spike covers, but D-Von breaks it up.  The Dudleyz suplex Kane and give him the Wassup Drop.  Spike goes for the Dudley Dog on D-Von, but he escapes.  The Dudleyz then connect with the 3-D on Spike and easily get the pinfall.

Postmatch: The Dudleyz aim to put Spike through a table, but Kane comes back in for the save.

BL: For a last minute match, this could have been worse.  Luckily, everyone played their roles appropriately: The Dudleyz as bullies, Spike as the underdog and Kane as the big hero.  While everyone played their role, it still lacked in drama and excitement.  Despite being heels, the fans still cheered for all of the Dudleyz signature spots.  The fans needed to be more sympathetic toward Spike for the match to work.  **

- Backstage, Christian comes up to Edge.  Edge thinks Christian is just going to complain about his loss, but all Christian wanted to say was, “Good luck”.  Come on guys…brothers don’t say good luck, brothers gotta hug!

- We get more private footage of DDP.  DDP is getting upset and just wants Taker to come out and fight him.  I’m the same way.  Let’s get Taker out her so he can quickly squash Page and we can move on to better things.

- J.R. asks Billy Gunn, who’s over at WWF New York, who he thinks will win King of the Ring tonight.  Gunn is upset because he’s a former King of the Ring and he’s not on the show tonight.  Please don’t remind us.  By the way, they should stop interviewing people over at WWF NY.  Everyone they talk to just bitches about not being on the card.  That can’t be good for business.

King of the Ring Finals: Edge vs. Kurt Angle

I’d complain about this being on so early, but I understand the need for it, given Angle’s other match yet to come.  Angle asks Edge to forfeit, so he can be fresh for his street fight.  Edge gives him an answer via a right hand to the face.  Both men slug it out early on.  Angle gets the first advantage by giving Edge a belly-to-belly suplex over the top rope.  Wow!  On the outside, Angle whips Edge to the steps.  Back inside, Angle grounds Edge with a chinlock.  A belly-to-belly suplex by Angle gets 2.  Angle sidesteps a charging Edge and throws him to the floor.  Angle climbs up top, but Edge dropkicks him.  Edge then delivers a hurricanrana.  That gets 2 ¾.  Edge starts his comeback with a backdrop on Angle.  Angle goes for a dropkick, but Edge avoids it.  He then catapults Angle into the turnbuckle.  Edge gets a nearfall from that.  Edge escapes an Angle Slam attempt.  Then Angle avoids a DDT and puts the ankle lock on Edge.  Edge turns it into a roll-up and gets 2.  As Edge delivers the Edge-o-Matic, Christian runs down to the ring.  Edge covers, but the referee is distracted by Christian.  Edge questions Christian, which allows Angle to roll him up for a nearfall.  Edge goes for a clothesline and accidentally hits the referee.  Angle gets the ankle lock on Edge, who taps, but there’s no referee.  Suddenly, Shane runs into the ring and spears Angle.  Edge then gives Angle a DDT and covers him for the victory.

BL: I really hate to see Edge’s big victory tainted by a run-in.  Without a solid win, Edge would have a much tougher road to become a legitimate main eventer.  The match was also marred with Angle reserving his energy.  Instead of going full tilt, like he usually does, we saw a lot more restholds.  It’s becoming clear that the WWF does not value the King of the Ring tournament as much as they used to.  ** ½

- Tazz asks Chris Benoit the same question he asked Jericho before.  Benoit initially gets irate over the question, but then smiles and says it’s a pretty good question.  Then he just walks away.  Hilarious!  Get this guy a special on HBO stat!

- Coachman interviews Edge, who’s pretty pleased about winning King of the Ring.  Christian walks in and tells Edge that he had just come out before to help him.  Edge says, of course, why else would you come out?  Certainly it wouldn’t be to cost Edge the match because of his jealousy.  That would be preposterous!

- Meanwhile, Angle rants and raves to some security guards backstage about how he was robbed.  Yeah, like the indy workers dressed up as arena staff are going to do anything about it.

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship Match: Jeff Hardy (champ) vs. X-Pac

Well, Jeff bombed at the Intercontinental level, so let’s give him a try at the Light Heavyweight level.  Everyone’s barred from ringside for this match.  We get some back and forth action to begin.  A hurricanrana by Jeff sends X-Pac to the outside.  Jeff then runs the rails and clotheslines X-Pac.  Jeff goes for the corkscrew moonsault, but misses.  X-Pac locks on an abdominal stretch and uses the ropes for help.  X-Pac knocks down Jeff with a spinning heel kick and gets 2.  X-Pac goes for the Bronco Buster, but Jeff avoids it.  You would have thought he would be the one guy to enjoy that move.  Jeff avoids a dropkick by X-Pac and then gives him a legdrop.  Then the two completely blow a leapfrog spot.  That was ugly.  Jeff hits the corkscrew moonsault and covers for 2.  X-Pac rolls through a high crossbody and gets a nearfall.  Jeff does a 10-punch count in the corner, but X-Pac shoves him down.  Then he connects with an X-Factor.  X-Pac covers and gets 3, but Jeff’s foot was on the rope.  The ref goes to call for the bell, but sees the foot and changes his mind.  X-Pac tries for another X-Factor, but Jeff reverses it into a jawbreaker.  As Jeff climbs up top, X-Pac crotches him.  X-Pac climbs up, but Jeff knocks him down.  Jeff then delivers the swanton bomb, covers and gets the pinfall.

BL: It’s hard to like a match that involves two people I dislike.  The match was ok-ish, but had a slower pace than I expected.  I’m not sure what was going on with the false finish.  It seems that if you’re going to bother putting this match on the card, then you might as well do a title change.  The way this match played out, it just unnecessarily prolonged the feud.  ** ¼

- Backstage, William Regal and his new assistant, Tajiri are talking when Austin barges in.  He needs to use his phone to call Vince.  Then we get a hilarious conversation where Austin convinces Vince to drive from Connecticut to New Jersey after telling him about the defection rumor.  Let’s hope Vince’s limo driver knows how to burn rubber, because he’s going to have to hurry if he’s going to make it.

- After another stalker video of DDP, he comes in the ring and calls out Taker.  It’s revealed that Sara was doing the taping and then she introduces her hubby.  Taker then takes his sweet ol’ time coming into the ring.  Once he gets in there, he proceeds to give DDP a beatdown that just goes on and on.  All the while, Sara comes out and videotapes the whole thing.  Eventually DDP says he’s had enough and just leaves through the crowd.  If it was going to last that long, why didn’t they just make this an official match?  Let’s just move on…

- Backstage, Austin is anxiously awaiting Vince’s arrival.  Patience is a virtue, my friend.

Street Fight: Kurt Angle vs. Shane McMahon

This came about as a result of Shane interrupting Angle’s medal ceremony re-enactment.  Angle immediately spears Shane and gives him a few suplexes.  Shane comes back with a few takedowns.  Seeing that Shane wants to try and wrestle, Angle gets in an amateur style position.  Shane grabs Angle and Angle immediately schools him.  Now Angle goes back to giving Shane a variety of suplexes.  Angle offers the amateur position again, but this time, Shane just kicks him in the ribs.  Angle grabs Shane in a waistlock, but Shane flings him to the floor.  Shane gets Angle to chase him and then leaps off the guardrail to hit him.  Then, from behind the announce table, Shane jumps off the guardrail and clotheslines Angle.  Shane grabs a kendo stick and wears out Angle with it.  Now the two continue to brawl around ringside.  Shane tackles Angle into the steps and then brings him back into the ring for a nearfall.  In the ring, Shane attacks Angle with a street sign.  Shane applies the ankle lock, but Angle kicks out of it.  After a float-over DDT, Shane nicely applies the Sharpshooter.  Angle is able to grab the kendo stick and hit Shane to free himself.  Shane slugs away on Angle and gets another nearfall.  Now Shane abuses Angle with a trash can.  Shane lays the can on Angle and goes up top.  Shane does a Shooting Star Press (!), but Angle moves and Shane only hits the can.  Wow!  Angle covers and gets 2.  Angle dumps Shane out of the ring and then fights him down the aisle.  Shane blocks a suplex and gives one of his own.  Angle takes Shane and rams him into part of the staging.  Now Angle gives Shane a belly-to-belly suplex against a KOR plexiglass sign and Shane lands right on his head.  Oh…my…God!!  Head + concrete = ugly.  Angle does it again and this time, Shane goes through the sign.  Double wow!!  Angle does another against another sign, which doesn’t break.  He goes for yet another belly-to-belly and the sign still won’t break.  Good grief!  Finally, Angle just throws Shane through it, so it will break.  Both men are bloody messes.  Angle is so tired that he puts Shane on an anvil case and wheels him back to the ring.  In the ring, Angle covers and only gets 2.  Unbelievable!  As Angle tries to use a trash can lid, Shane gives him a low blow.  Now Shane uses the lid and follows it up with an Angle Slam.  Shane covers and gets 2 ¾.  Angle grabs Shane and catapults him into the corner.  Angle finds a board of plywood and attacks Shane with it.  Then he sets the board in the corner and stands on it to give Shane a top rope Angle Slam.  Holy shit!  Angle barely gets his arm on Shane, but it’s enough to get the 3 count.

BL: This was just unreal.  It got ugly at times, but ugly in a good way.  For Angle to do this in his third match just shows you how superhuman he is.  Give Shane credit too, as he again takes more risks than 75% of the roster.  The only problem with this match is that its outcome had no bearing on anything.  Besides that, this is just a gruesome, yet awesome brawl.  **** ½

Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin (champ) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit

As Austin walks out, he keeps looking behind his shoulder, hoping to see Vince.  While he stalls, Benoit and Jericho come out and attack him.  Austin tries to flee into the crowd, but his challengers follow him.  Finally in the ring, Austin isolates Benoit and puts the boots to him.  Jericho is in and he chops away on Austin along with Benoit.  Jericho hits Austin with a flying forearm and covers, but Benoit pulls him off.  As they have words, Austin clotheslines both of them.  The faces recover and play pinball with Austin.  Austin ducks a spinning heel kick and Jericho hits Benoit instead.  Now Jericho and Benoit begin to attack each other.  That allows Austin to remove a turnbuckle pad.  Austin goes for the Lou Thesz Press, but Jericho reverses it into the Walls of Jericho.  Benoit knocks Jericho off and then launches him to the floor.  Benoit tries to lock in the Crossface on Austin, but he manages to get into the ropes.  Austin sidesteps Benoit and throws him to the floor.  After ramming Benoit into the steps, Austin takes him back into the ring and goes on the offensive.  As Jericho starts to get into the ring, Austin throws Benoit into him.  Austin goes for the Stunner, but Benoit shoves him off and into the referee.  Then Benoit gives Austin the Stunner (!).  After a delay, the referee crawls over and only gets 2.  Benoit nails Austin with the WWF title and covers, but Jericho breaks up the pin.  Benoit and Jericho brawl on the outside, which Jericho wins.  Back inside, Austin tries to put the Walls of Jericho on Jericho, but he powers out of it.  Then Jericho tries to put the hold on Austin, but Austin won’t turn over.  A suplex by Jericho gets 2.  Austin drops Jericho with a spinebuster.  Austin applies a sleeper to Jericho, but Jericho escapes with a back suplex.  Now Austin and Jericho exchange right hands.  Jericho starts to gain momentum on Austin.  When Benoit starts to re-enter, Jericho hits him with a springboard dropkick.  Jericho nails Austin with the crappy bulldog, but when he goes for the Lionsault, Austin gets his knees up.  Jericho escapes the Stunner, but then Austin connects with the Lou Thesz Press.  Benoit goes to hit Austin with a chair, but accidentally nails Jericho instead.  Austin then hits Benoit with a Stunner.  Austin covers Jericho and only gets 2.  Austin sets Jericho up top and gives him a superplex.  Now he hits a second one.  Austin covers and gets a nearfall.  As he tries a third, Benoit comes back in and gives Austin five German suplexes.  He would have done more, but Austin kicked him low.  Jericho locks Austin in the Walls of Jericho and then Benoit puts him in the Crossface as well.  Austin taps, but the referee won’t call the match, since there’s no decisive winner.  Bullshit!  Now Benoit puts Jericho in the Crossface, but he escapes.  As the Chrises continue to fight each other, Austin goes outside and grabs a chair.  Benoit baseball slides the chair into Austin when he tries to bring it into the ring.  With everyone down, Booker T comes through the crowd and attacks Austin, including putting him through the Spanish announce table.  In the ring, Benoit gives Jericho a German suplex, but then Jericho locks him in the Walls of Jericho.  Benoit, however, makes it to the ropes.  Benoit slams Jericho and goes up top, but Jericho slams him off.  Jericho gives Benoit the crappy bulldog and then hits an ugly Lionsault.  That gets 2.  Benoit and Jericho collide and both fall to the outside.  Jericho uses the table remnants to attack Austin.  Jericho brings Austin back in and then hits him with a moonsault.  Jericho covers, but Benoit breaks it up.  Now Benoit connects with the diving headbutt and covers, but Jericho pulls the referee out of the ring.  Benoit sets Jericho up top and gives him a back suplex.  Austin slowly crawls over and somehow covers Benoit for 3.

BL: I’m not sure what happened there, because they didn’t feel like it should be the finish.  That’s a pretty chintzy way to end your main event.  The rest of the match had solid action, but was never very exciting.  You always had the third man down for too long.  And when it was one on one, the pace was rather slow.  It’s nice Benoit and Jericho had a chance to shine, but with all the storyline possibilities out there if one of them won, they disappoint us by going the boring route and having Austin retain.  *** ¾

Final Thoughts: This is a frustrating show as the WWF expected you to pay for a PPV at a point when they were in transition.  The WCW invasion hadn’t happened yet, but it was coming, so they couldn’t do anything too radical with their own storylines.  This was most apparent with the actual King of the Ring tournament.  It had to take a backseat to more important matters, which wasn’t fair to Edge.  The last two matches save this show from out right sucking.  However, they had no impact whatsoever, as storylines were about to dramatically change.  Unless you haven’t ever seen the Angle/Shane match, I wouldn’t bother with this show.

Next time, we finally get those WWF vs. WCW dream matches.  You know, like Earl Hebner vs. Nick Patrick.

Until then, thanks for stopping by the OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue   


Originally from Cleveland, Adam is now a graduate student at the University of Dayton who is looking to make a couple extra bucks writing this column. What do you mean Rick doesn't pay his columnists?

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