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WWE Unforgiven 2002 Re-Revued
May 23, 2008

by Adam Gutschmidt
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Emanating from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA

Your commentators are Jim Ross, Jerry “the King” Lawler, Michael Cole, and Tazz

- The shake up this month involves the brands trying to further establish separate identities. Unhappy that the undisputed champion, Brock Lesnar, was now a Smackdown star, Eric Bischoff decided to have his own world champion on RAW. To do this, he brought back the old WCW “big gold belt”. More on that later. Now for the first time since December 2001, two world titles will be defended on one show.

8-Man Tag Team Match: Booker T, Goldust, Bubba Dudley, and Kane vs. The UnAmericans [RAW match]

Since last month, William Regal has joined the UnAmericans cause. Goldust and Christian kick things off for their respective teams. Storm comes in to help Christian, but then Bubba comes in and along with Goldust, gives Dusty elbows to the champs. A flapjack by Bubba on Storm gets 2. Christian trips Goldust from the apron and then Goldust gets worked over in the corner. Booker gets tagged and takes out everyone. With the referee distracted, Bubba and Booker do the Wassup Drop (Booker’s Wassup face is hilarious). Bubba and Booker get a table, but Christian dropkicks it back in their face. The UnAmericans now make frequent tags to work over Booker. Booker fights back by giving Christian a spinebuster and then tags Kane. Kane comes in and is a house of fire. Oooh, maybe not the best choice of words there. Regal breaks up Kane’s cover on Storm and now everybody comes in to fight. Most people brawl outside, while random guys come in to hit their finishers. Kane goes to chokeslam Storm, but Christian lowblows him. A follow-up superkick by Storm gets a long 2 count. More finishers ensue until Storm attempts to superkick Kane again. Kane blocks it and chokeslams him. Kane sees Regal getting a pair of brass knuckles, so he knocks him down and then goes back and gets a 3 count on Storm.

Bottom Line: This should have been an easy, heat-drawing opener, but it failed in its execution. The UnAmericans needed to have a longer Ricky Morton sequence to get the crowd really into it. Instead, they went with the cheap tactic of having a successive finisher sequence to draw an easy pop. Then something was messed up in the final sequence because that didn’t look like the proper finish. This was all right, but it could have been a lot better. * ¾

- Backstage, Stephanie McMahon tries to motivate Billy and Chuck for their match tonight against Rosey and Jamal. Finally, Stephanie found somebody who will listen to her without being distracted by her massive jugs.

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: Ric Flair vs. Chris Jericho [RAW match]

Jericho is looking for revenge for his embarrassing loss to Flair last month at Summerslam. Since that match however, the two men have been heading in opposite directions. Jericho became the Intercontinental champ after defeating RVD and Flair is coming off an upset loss to Rico. Both men lockup, but neither gains an advantage. Flair tosses Jericho over the top rope, but he hangs on and goes up top. As Jericho leaps off, Flair nails him in the midsection. Now Flair chops away on Jericho. Flair goes for an early figure four leglock, but Jericho shoves him off. Jericho attacks Flair outside and then hits him with a missile dropkick. Jericho puts Flair in an abdominal stretch, but Flair powers out of it. Flair is whipped to the corner and he actually completes the bump! He then nails Jericho from the apron. Now Flair takes Jericho and heaves him out of the ring. On the floor, Flair whips Jericho into the steps. A second rope kneedrop by Flair gets 2. Jericho hops onto the second rope, but Flair nails him in the leg. Flair drops Jericho on his knee and begins to apply the figure four. However, Jericho cradles him and gets 2. Jericho goes for the Lionsault, but Flair avoids it. Jericho, however, appears to have hurt his knee more doing the move. As Flair attempts to go after the leg, Jericho calls him off, saying he heard something pop. The referee calls the trainer down, but Jericho suddenly gets up and puts Flair in the Walls of Jericho. Having been caught by surprise, Flair is stuck in the middle of the ring and has to tap.

Postmatch: Jericho dances around on his “bad” leg as Flair looks on dejected.

BL: This was clearly established for storytelling rather than for action, especially considering what is yet to come regarding Flair. I like Jericho outsmarting Flair, but the whole sequence was too drawn out and it lost its impact. Up to that point, the match was on par with their bout last month. In other words, good, but not great. ** ¾

- Now Bischoff gets his chance to pump up Rosey and Jamal. In order to give them an extra edge, Bischoff gives them a manager; Billy and Chuck’s former second, Rico. If I were Rosey and Jamal, I would have been all “Thanks, but no thanks E”.

Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero

Edge chases after Eddie, but Eddie stomps away on him when they get back in the ring. Edge comes back with a back bodydrop. A powerslam by Edge gets 2. Eddie elbows a charging Edge and follows that up with a tornado DDT. Eddie begins to focus on the head and neck of Edge. A back suplex by Eddie gets 2. After all of Eddie’s abuse, Edge seems to be out of it. Eddie taunts Edge to hit him and after a few misses, Edge finally nails him with a big right hand. Edge misses a charge and crashes into the corner. As Eddie argues with the referee, Edge rolls him up for 2. Edge starts to comeback with a series of nearfalls. Edge escapes a suplex attempt and hits Eddie with the Edge-o-Matic for 2. Eddie slows Edge back down with a jawjacker. Edge counters Eddie’s hurricanrana attempts with a powerbomb. That gets a nearfall. Edge gets Eddie on his shoulders and then drops him into the corner. Edge attempts the spear, but Eddie avoids it. Edge does hit the Edgecution and covers, but Eddie puts his foot on the rope before 3. Eddie avoids a missile dropkick by Edge and then removes the top turnbuckle pad. Edge reverses a whip and sends Eddie into the exposed corner. Oh the irony! Edge follows it up with a spear. Edge perches Eddie up top and tries for a move, but Eddie grabs his head and rams it into the exposed corner. He then delivers the sunset flip into a powerbomb from the top rope, hooks the tights and pins Edge for the victory.

BL: We get another rematch from Summerslam, but this one improved on its predecessor. The psychology may not have been as strong here as it was last month, but this time there was an awesome payoff to the psychology. The finish was clever and well done. It also helped that the LA crowd was behind Eddie here. It made the match a little bit more special. Good stuff here. *** ¾

- Triple H walks into the RAW lockerroom and insults RVD for his laid-back attitude. HHH attributes that to RVD having no heart. HHH points out Flair as someone who has heart and passion. Well, he did, but not anymore. Ouch. Ladies and Gentlemen, playing the role of seed planter is HHH.

OK, story time…a few weeks ago Billy and Chuck were set to have a “commitment ceremony” aka get married. The minister who oversaw this ceremony was this crotchety old man. Now typically, I always watched wrestling with my good friend Dan. But on the night of this wedding, I couldn’t make it to his place. We were however talking on IM as we watched from our respective places. When it was revealed that the old minister was actually Eric Bischoff in disguise, we both started typing like crazy to express how freaked out we were. It was one of the few genuine times I was surprised by something that happened on wrestling. Sorry if you can’t appreciate the story, but it’s a memory I’ll always have and I wanted to share. Anyways, Bischoff brought out Rosey and Jamal to attack Billy, Chuck and Stephanie, which set up this interpromotional match tonight.

Rosey and Jamal vs. Billy and Chuck [Interpromotional match]

There are some ridiculous stipulations assigned to this match. If Billy and Chuck win, Bischoff has to kiss Stephanie’s ass. If Rosey and Jamal win, Stephanie has to participate in some Hot Lesbian Action (HLA). Rosey and Jamal attack Billy and Chuck as soon as they enter the ring. Rico kicks Chuck from the apron and then Rosey slams him. Rosey and Jamal do some generic stuff to work over Chuck. The referee is distracted by Billy, which allows Rosey and Jamal to double-team Chuck. Rosey goes for a moonsault, but Chuck moves out of the way. Billy gets the tag and goes after both Rosey and Jamal. Billy attempts a double noggin knocker, but Rosey and Jamal no-sell it and headbutt him. Jamal goes up top, but Chuck comes in and slams him down. Chuck superkicks Rosey, but then Jamal superkicks Chuck. Jamal throws Billy in the air, but Billy comes down and does a Fameasser. Rico comes in, but Billy clotheslines him and throws him right back out. The distraction, however, allows Jamal to toss Billy up and catch him with a Samoan drop and then pin him for the win.

BL: It’s a shame that Bischoff and Stephanie’s war culminated in a fight between these two teams. Neither one was over with the crowd and the in-ring action was pretty pathetic. I’m sure the goal was to get Rosey and Jamal over as a new team, but they were doing a better job of doing that when they were attacking Mae Young and Superfly Jimmy Snuka. This was a complete waste. ½ *

- Backstage, Bischoff is ecstatic with the outcome and has three attractive ladies who are willing to be a part of some HLA. Only the WWE could turn something like two chicks making out into something so unappealing.

World Championship Match: Triple H(champ) vs. Rob Van Dam [RAW match]

So you may ask…what great feat did HHH accomplish to win the world championship? Well, he didn’t do anything…Bischoff just gave him the title (Insert IWC grumbling here). Now RVD, who won a fatal four way to earn this shot, is out to prove you have to earn the right to be called a champion. Some mat wrestling between the two goes nowhere. RVD gets under HHH’s skin with a slap to the face. As HHH takes a breather on the floor, RVD gets a bottle of water and mocks HHH’s spray taunt. Now HHH is really upset. HHH tries to become the aggressor, but RVD keeps grounding him with side headlocks. RVD kicks HHH to the floor, but when he goes for the somersault plancha, HHH avoids it and he falls to the floor. RVD barely gets back in before the 10 count. HHH goes on the attack and whips RVD into the steps. Back inside, HHH catapults RVD’s neck into the second rope. RVD escapes a suplex and rolls up HHH for 2. HHH comes right back with a neckbreaker. The two battle on the floor by the Smackdown announce table. Inside, a high knee by HHH gets a nearfall. HHH goes up, but RVD kicks him and slams him off. HHH applies a sleeper, but RVD manages to throw him off. A heel kick by RVD allows him to catch a breather. RVD dropkicks HHH and then delivers the cartwheel version of Rolling Thunder for 2. RVD hits a springboard kick and Rolling Thunder on HHH and gets another nearfall. HHH tries to bail to the floor, but RVD launches himself over the top rope and on top of him. Back inside, a top rope kick by RVD gets 2. HHH charges at RVD, but RVD avoids him and HHH collides with the ref instead. RVD kicks down HHH and covers, but there’s no ref. HHH attempts the Pedigree, but RVD reverses it and catapults HHH into the corner. RVD goes up and connects with the Five Star Frog Splash. As RVD checks on the referee, HHH lowblows him. HHH goes outside and grabs his sledgehammer. Before he can use it, RVD kicks him down. Suddenly, Flair runs out and grabs the sledge. It looks like he’ll hit HHH but of course, hits RVD instead. HHH then hits RVD with the Pedigree. Flair throws the referee back into the ring and he groggily registers the 3 count.

BL: The match suffered from too much inaction. The first part of the match spent too much time on basic mat wrestling. I suppose it was to set up HHH’s frustration with RVD’s style, but it just took the crowd and myself out of the match. By the time Flair made his shocking turn the crowd was apathetic. They had come to terms with the fact that RVD wasn’t winning, whether Flair had cheated or not. Thank goodness this came in the middle of the show, as it would have been really bad as a main event. ** ¼

- Backstage, D’Lo Brown and Billy Kidman are “shocked” over Flair’s actions when they are interrupted by a soap opera star from the Young and the Restless. We learn he’s here to go out on a date with Dawn Marie. It’s pretty bad if you have to scope out pro wrestling events to score women.

WWE Women’s Championship Match: Molly Holly (champ) vs. Trish Stratus [RAW match]

Molly takes down Trish by her hair and puts her in an armbar. A dropkick by Trish gets 2. Trish boots a charging Molly, but misses a follow-up elbow. A snap suplex by Molly gets 2. Molly dumps Trish to the outside and then rams her into the steps. Back inside, Molly wears out Trish with a variation of a surfboard. Trish escapes, but then gets hit with a dropkick. Trish gets Molly in a pair of quick nearfalls. A drop toe hold by Molly sends Trish into the bottom rope. Trish connects with a bulldog and gets a nearfall. A kick to the side of Molly’s head gives Trish another 2 count. Molly boots a charging Trish and goes up top. Trish crotches Molly and then tries for the handspring hurricanrana. Molly blocks it and puts her in a tree of woe. She stretches Trish out and then does a handspring splash. That gets a long 2 count. Trish reverses a facebuster and bulldogs Molly. Trish covers and gets the surprising 3 count. New champ!

BL: You had a handful of nice spots peppered throughout the match, but overall most of the action seemed too random. There was never a good flow to the action. In a women’s match, that’s never a good thing, since it takes a lot for the crowd to care about a women’s match in the first place. The less than exciting action here, coming after the disappointing RAW title match, was not a good combination. * ¼

- Rico, Rosey and Jamal are enjoying the ladies’ company back in Bischoff’s office. They decide though, to take this party to someplace more intimate, but Bischoff keeps two of the ladies behind for Stephanie. That segment made me yearn for the sophisticated acting styles of porn stars. Let’s please move on…

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle [Smackdown match]

This came as a result of Benoit laughing at Angle receiving a stinkface from Rikishi. It’s a pretty lame set-up, but when it means pitting these two against each other, it really doesn’t matter. As both men struggle in a lockup, they end up falling to the floor. Back inside, both men vie for an advantage with some mat wrestling. Benoit gets an early Crossface, but Angle quickly gets to the ropes. Now Angle gets the ankle lock, but Benoit also grabs the ropes. Now both men exchange a series of nearfalls. Benoit gets another Crossface on, but Angle gets the rope and then goes outside for a breather. Angle comes back in, grabs Benoit and throws him to the floor. On the outside, Angle drops Benoit across the barricade. Back inside, Angle begins to work on the back on Benoit. Now Angle works over Benoit’s midsection in the corner. Angle charges, but Benoit moves and Angle ends up posting his shoulder. Benoit grabs Angle and throws his shoulder into the post again. Benoit begins to really attack Angle’s shoulder. Angle avoids a German suplex and gives Benoit a suplex of his own. Benoit gets 2/3rds of the Hat Trick, but then Angle hits two Germans on Benoit. Benoit comes back and hits another German, but Angle retaliates and delivers three more to Benoit. What a sequence! The straps come down and Angle goes for the Angle Slam. Benoit escapes and delivers one more German suplex where Angle actually lands on his belly. Benoit goes up for the diving headbutt, but Angle pops up and slams him off. That gets a long 2 count. Angle applies the ankle lock, but Benoit kicks out of it. The two reverse tombstone attempts and it ends with Benoit hitting a shoulderbreaker. Benoit goes up and connects with the diving headbutt. That gets a long 2 count. Now Benoit gets the Crossface on, but while in the hold, Angle puts Benoit in the ankle lock. The two go back and forth putting on their respective submission holds in an amazing sequence. Now Angle puts Benoit in the Crossface. As Benoit gets close to the ropes, Angle pushes the rope back with his foot. Suddenly, Benoit escapes and rolls up Angle for a pin. He puts his feet on the ropes and keeps Angle down for 3 to get the win.

BL: Why oh why must they constantly sabotage great matches with crappy finishes. There was nothing on the line here, so let one of them go over clean. Up until that point, I was in love with this match. So many great moves and reversals. These two put on a clinic and clearly came prepared for their opponent. The lack of storyline or anything on the line cost this match some significance. However, as an exhibition match, it doesn’t get any better than this. **** ½

- Paul Heyman insults Marc Lloyd for the question he poses to Brock Lesnar and then tries to explain why Brock has made this match with the Undertaker so personal. Brock then chimes in and finds a way to use the name of the PPV in his promo. Whoever wrote that line must be so proud of themselves.

- Before we can get to the main event, Bischoff comes out to cash in on the stip from the match earlier tonight. He brings out Stephanie and teases having her make out with the two attractive women he brought out. However, he changes his mind and brings out someone else for her. It’s a very unattractive “woman” that is so clearly Rikishi in disguise. Stephanie makes out with “her” and then we get the shocking turn when Rikishi attacks Bischoff and reveals who he really is. The whole thing ends with Bischoff receiving a stinkface. Wow, what a wretched finish to a stipulation that anyone over the age of 16 realized would never actually happen.

WWE Championship Match: Brock Lesnar (champ) vs. The Undertaker [Smackdown match]

I’m a little fuzzy on how this developed, but I’m pretty sure that after Brock joined Smackdown, Taker came over as a free agent and beat Benoit to become the #1 contender. Brock gets right in Taker’s face and Taker just shoves him back. The two do a few lockups in order to try and show dominance. Taker hiptosses Brock and then clotheslines him out of the ring. Pissed off, Brock kicks the steps. Taker boots a charging Brock and then hits him with a big clothesline. That gets 2. Taker goes up for Old School and connects. Heyman gets on the apron to argue, so Taker boots him to the floor. However, that allows Brock to tackle Taker in the corner. A suplex by Brock gets a nearfall. Brock begins to work over Taker’s midsection by ramming it into the post. A slugfest is won by Taker. Brock comes back with a powerslam. That gets 2. Brock puts on a bearhug, but Taker fights out of it. Brock battles back and puts him back into the hold. Taker escapes by tossing Brock to the floor. On the outside, Taker rams Brock into the barricade. With the referee distracted by Heyman, Brock nails Taker with the title belt. Brock begins to attack that open wound. Taker starts to fight back and gives Brock some rough turnbuckle treatment. Taker goes for a chokeslam, but Brock fights out of it. Taker boots Brock and gets a nearfall. Now Taker gives Brock Snake Eyes and gets another 2 count. Taker whips Brock, who collides into the referee. Taker covers, but there’s no ref. Matt Hardy runs out to attack Taker, but Taker cleans his clock. Brock gives Taker a spinebuster and covers, but Taker kicks out at 2. Brock gets caught with his head down and Taker DDTs him. That gets a long 2 count. Taker goes for the Tombstone, but Brock escapes and sends Taker into the ref. Heyman tosses Brock a chair, but when he tries to use it, Taker boots him. Now Taker gives Brock a pair of chairshots. Brock has been busted open. Taker boots Brock and then legdrops him. That gets another nearfall. As Taker goes for the Last Ride, Brock escapes with a backdrop. Brock goes for the F5, but Taker escapes that. As the two brawl in the corner, they both shove the referee. This causes the referee to disqualify both of them.

Postmatch: The two continue to brawl and it ends with Taker throwing Brock through the Unforgiven sign at the entrance.

BL: You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s how you’re gonna end this show? I take it back. I would rather have had the HHH/RVD finish end the show rather than this. At least with the HHH match, you can end with the announcers screaming “Why Ric Why?” This finish is just such a cop-out. Even the postmatch brawl couldn’t redeem the stink left by the finish. Sadly, the action leading up to the end was fairly energetic. With a decent finish, this may have been a decent match. But instead the customer just feels ripped off. A main event draw should never occur on a PPV. ***

Final Thoughts: I think the best word to describe the show is underwhelming. Yes, there was some good stuff here and yes, nothing outright stunk (except for maybe the interpromotional match). But having said that, you leave the show feeling like they could have done a lot of things better. I won’t dissuade you from watching this show, but I can’t promise you’ll enjoy watching it either. Well, except for the Benoit/Angle match, that just plain ruled. Let’s face it…it’s an off-month PPV, so you know it’s likely to mildly disappoint. And in that regard, this PPV delivers.

Next time, not since Jed Clampett shot at some food have we seen a gusher like this.


Originally from Cleveland, Adam is now a graduate student at the University of Dayton who is looking to make a couple extra bucks writing this column. What do you mean Rick doesn't pay his columnists?

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SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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