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WWE Armageddon 2002
August 1, 2008

by Adam Gutschmidt
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Emanating from the Office Depot Center in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Your commentators are Jim Ross, Jerry “the King” Lawler, Michael Cole and Tazz

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the World Tag Team Championship: Chris Jericho and Christian (champs) vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Storm and William Regal vs. Booker T and Goldust [RAW match]

A “coin toss” determined Storm and Bubba would begin this match. Bubba dominates Storm, so he tags Christian. The Dudleyz double-team Christian and get an early nearfall. Now everyone else gets a chance to get a few shots in. Bubba and Goldust team up to give Bionic elbows to all the heels. Now Christian receives the Wassup Drop. Before they can go get tables, everyone 

enters and brawls. Christian gets hit with a 3-D, but when Bubba covers, Storm hits him with a top rope legdrop. Regal, who blindly tagged Christian before the 3-D comes in and somehow blows a pinfall cover with Bubba. After some awkward rolling around, Regal finally keeps Bubba down for 3. Wow, that looked awful. Storm nails Goldust from the apron, but Goldust recovers and slams Regal. He covers and scores the pinfall. Just like that we’re down to the champs and Booker/Goldust. Things settle down as the faces work over Jericho. Goldust holds Jericho while Booker delivers a heel kick. Goldust covers, but Christian breaks it up. Christian ducks a flying forearm and Goldust falls to the floor. With the referee distracted Jericho throws Goldust into the steps. Goldust plays Ricky Morton until he catches Jericho with a clothesline. Goldust goes for a tag, but Christian prevents it. Goldust fights out of the heel corner and finally makes the tag to Booker. Booker enters and takes out both of his opponents. Jericho hits Booker with a sleeper slam and gets 2. Booker turns the Walls of Jericho into an inside cradle and gets a nearfall. Jericho avoids the scissors kick and puts Booker in the Walls. Goldust comes in and bulldogs Jericho to break it up. Christian has a belt and climbs up top, but Goldust crotches him. Booker whips Jericho into Christian and then kicks him. That gets 2. Jericho tries to superplex Booker, but Booker shoves him off. A follow-up missile dropkick gets 2 ¾. Jericho connects with his crappy bulldog, but misses the Lionsault. Booker hits Jericho with a flapjack and then does the Spinaroonie. Booker delivers the scissors kick and covers, but Christian is distracting the referee. Goldust knocks Christian down and by the time the referee comes over, Jericho kicks out at 2. Jericho nails Booker with the title and then hits him with the Lionsault. He covers, but Booker somehow kicks out at 2. Jericho tries for another belt shot, but Booker nails him with the Book End. Booker covers and manages to keep him down for 3. New champs!

Bottom Line: A good, emotional win for Booker and Goldust. It’s just too bad it came off of such a bland match. The first part was just awful with a lot of blown spots and confusion. Things improved once we were down to two teams, but it didn’t amount to anything more than an extended RAW match. I’m glad Booker and Goldust get the straps, but it should have come way before this. **

- Earlier on HeAT, Josh Matthews asked Brock Lesnar if he would be in Kurt Angle’s corner tonight. All Brock would say is that he would make an impact. I had hoped that meant Brock impacting Josh into the wall, but alas my dreams were denied.

Edge vs. A-Train [Smackdown match]

Albert got repackaged as A-Train and then undeservedly got pushed. That involved attacking Rey Mysterio and putting him on the shelf. Edge is here to get revenge for his tag partner. A-Train exhibits his power early on. The crowd chants “Shave your back”. Personally, I think his new name lends itself to a lot more derogatory chants. A-Train gets Edge on his shoulder, but he escapes and dropkicks A-Train to the corner. Edge tries to crotch A-Train on the post, but A-Train shoves him off. On the floor, A-Train charges, but ends up ramming his shoulder into the post. Edge works on the shoulder, but when they go back inside, he goes after A-Train’s knee. Edge gets a couple nearfalls on A-Train. A-Train powerslams Edge and then covers him for 2. A-Train catapults Edge into the middle rope and then gets another 2 count on him. A-Train slows things way down with a chinlock. Edge escapes and chops away on him. A face plant by Edge gets 2. Edge boots A-Train and then hits him with a top rope Edge-o-Matic. That gets 2. Edge attempts a high risk move, but A-Train nails him with a bicycle kick as he comes down. A-Train grabs a chair, but Edge baseball slides into him. Edge goes up again and hits a high crossbody. A-Train reverses the Edgecution into a Baldo Bomb and gets a long 2 count. A-Train gets the chair, but the referee won’t let him use it. As they fight over it, Edge spears A-Train. Somehow A-Train kicks out at 2. A-Train grabs the chair and hits Edge in the knee. The referee sees it and calls for the bell.

Postmatch: A-Train tries to further attack Edge, but Edge gets the chair away from him and then wears him out with it.

BL: Coming off a year of working with guys like Angle has allowed Edge to elevate others’ game, but c’mon, it’s Albert we’re talking about here. Edge is no miracle worker, but the match was at least bearable. I liked how they kept kicking out of each other’s big moves. The match seemed like it was building momentum until they crapped out with that ending. At least it means they didn’t go completely insane and have A-Train go over cleanly. ** ¼

- The Big Show wants to complain to Stephanie McMahon about Brock possibly being in Angle’s corner, but Paul Heyman won’t let him. Heyman tells Show to leave Stephanie to him. He can calmly rationalize with her. Yes, because Heyman has always been known for his level head and civility.

Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero [Smackdown match]

This came about as a result of Eddie costing Benoit a shot at the #1 contendership. The two lockup and grapple for control. Eddie lays some chops in on Benoit. After a back bodydrop, Benoit puts Eddie in a chinlock. While locked in an armbar, Benoit manages to pick up Eddie and slam him. The two exchange chops and then Eddie puts Benoit in a headscissors. Benoit turns over to break the hold. The ignorant Florida crowd starts to chant “Boring”. The two mess up a backdrop spot and Benoit winds up on the floor. Eddie comes off the top rope and clotheslines Benoit. Back inside, Eddie begins to work over Benoit’s knee. Eddie splashes Benoit in the corner, but when he charges again, Benoit boots him. Benoit goes for the Crossface, but Eddie escapes. He doesn’t, however, escape the Hat Trick plus 2. He then adds insult to injury by delivering the Snot Rocket. Benoit goes up for the headbutt, but when he sees Eddie start to move, he hops down and gives him two more German suplexes. Eddie escapes a powerbomb attempt and delivers three German suplexes of his own to Benoit. After suplexing Benoit, Eddie goes up and hits the frog splash. Benoit manages to kick out at 2. Eddie tackles Benoit and they both fall to the floor. Eddie is the first to get back in the ring. When he tries to go back out, the referee won’t let him. As Eddie argues with the referee, Chavo runs out and clocks Benoit with the tag belt. Eddie brings Benoit back in, covers him and can only get 2. Eddie locks Benoit in the Lasso from El Paso, but Benoit makes it to the ropes. Benoit fights back with some chops and then powerbombs Eddie. Benoit climbs up top, but Chavo goes up with him, as Eddie distracts the referee. Benoit knocks Chavo down, but now Eddie gets up there with him. Benoit shoves him down and then hits the diving headbutt. As he covers him, Eddie reverses it into the Lasso. However Benoit counters and manages to get Eddie in the Crossface. Eddie tries to fight out of it, but Benoit refuses to let go. Eventually, Eddie taps out to give Benoit the victory.

BL: There’s no denying this was technically sound, but it lacked that added value of excitement. Too much of the early mat wrestling wasn’t complemented with impact moves. When things picked up action-wise in the later parts, the moves didn’t have a logical flow to them. I wouldn’t exactly say they were phoning it in, but they also didn’t leave us with anything memorable. *** ½

- Heyman comes into Stephanie’s office and tries to charm her. None of his efforts work and Stephanie plainly states that Brock is free to do whatever he wants. Since he doesn’t get his way, he has no choice but to threaten that Show will break Brock’s neck. If Show is capable of that, then why is he worried about Brock being out there in the first place? Admit it, I just blew your mind. Well, I at least blew the miniscule minds of the WWE writers.

- The Torrie Wilson/Dawn Marie saga continues as Dawn and Torrie’s father, Al, are currently engaged. Knowing Torrie disapproves, Dawn says that if Torrie sleeps with her, she’ll break off the engagement. We see on Smackdown Torrie reluctantly go to Dawn’s hotel room and it appears that Torrie went through with it. However, Dawn reneges on her offer and still wants to marry Al. Torrie attacks her, so Dawn promises to show video of the two of them together tonight at the PPV. Dawn comes to the ring with Al and yammers on for a while. We finally see some video of some tepid foreplay between the two. By the time things start to escalate, Dawn pauses the tape to gloat. Before she starts it up again, Al tells her to stop. Al says he doesn’t want to see anymore. Dawn obliges and says what we’ve seen proves that Torrie is a sexual predator and leaves. Wow, that was so worth my $35.

Kane vs. Batista [RAW match]

Since dropping the deacon gimmick and coming over to RAW, Batista has come under the tutelage of Ric Flair. Flair helped Batista defeat Kane a few weeks ago and now Kane wants revenge. Both men try to exhibit their power in the opening minutes. Kane clotheslines Batista to the floor, so he regroups. Kane slams Batista and drops an elbow. That combo gets 2. Batista catches a charging Kane and drops him across the top rope. A follow-up spear gives Batista a nearfall. Batista gets another nearfall with a suplex. Kane boots a charging Batista and then clotheslines him. Batista manages to sidestep Kane and tosses him to the floor. As Batista tries to bring Kane back in, Kane drops him across the top rope. Flair attacks Kane, but Kane no-sells all of it. However, it does distract him long enough for Batista to blindside him. Back inside, Kane goes back on offense. Kane goes up for the big clothesline, but Batista avoids it. Batista tries to powerbomb Kane, but can’t keep him up. As he tries it again, Kane lowblows him. Kane goes back up top and this time hits the clothesline. He covers, but Flair distracts the referee. Kane attempts a chokeslam, but Batista fights out of it. Batista connects with a spinebuster, but only gets 2. Kane hits the chokeslam and covers, but Flair interferes again. Kane brings Flair in and beats him up. This allows Batista to hit Kane from behind. Batista then delivers the powerbomb and pins him for 3.

BL: And the point of that was? I guess to show that Flair has found another muscle-bound guy to rub down and verbally fellate. Otherwise, I can’t tell why they bothered with this on PPV. I understand the concept of trying to elevate new guys, but Kane is not the guy you want in there to help accomplish that mission. ¾ *

- Angle asks Funaki where Brock’s locker room is. I never understood the mentality of stars asking low level wrestlers where another star’s locker room is. As if the low level guy is thinking, “Well I’m not on the card, so I guess I’ll just walk around and see where all the top guys are dressing”.

- We’re now joined by John Cena and Bling Bling Buchanan and are treated to a rap sans beat. The rhymes work, but his rhythm was way off. I guess dropping the beat was to mask the fact that he can’t keep time. Just like his matches today try to mask the fact that he can’t wrestle. BURN!

Triple Threat Match for the WWE Women’s Championship: Victoria (champ) vs. Trish Stratus vs. Jacqueline [RAW match]

Yeah, like the addition of Jacqueline really makes this match more appealing. Victoria wastes no time in attacking Jacqueline, but Jacqueline is able to throw her to the floor. Jacqueline and Trish go at it and now Trish throws her out. Jacqueline hangs on and tries to pull Trish out, but Victoria kicks her to the floor. Victoria then drops Trish across the top rope. A legsweep by Jacqueline gets 2 on Victoria. Trish goes for the Stratusfaction on Jacqueline, but Victoria grabs her and they give Trish a tandem back suplex. Victoria hits Trish with a superplex and Jacqueline covers her for 2. As Jacqueline and Victoria fight, Trish rolls Jacqueline up for a nearfall. Now Trish and Jacqueline team up against Victoria. Trish connects with a high crossbody on Jacqueline and gets a nearfall. Then Jacqueline rolls through it and gets a 2 count herself. Trish delivers the handspring ‘rana to Jacqueline and then hits Victoria with a series of kicks. Victoria trips Trish and then goes up top, but Jacqueline comes over and shoves her to the mat. Trish nails Jacqueline with the chick kick and covers, but Victoria breaks it up. Trish whips Jacqueline to the corner and then clotheslines her. As she covers, Victoria nails her with the belt, which the referee didn’t see. Victoria then comes in and covers Jacqueline for the 3 count to retain.

BL: Triple threats usually aren’t pretty and when it involves women, they get downright ugly. This one was no exception. These three were just hitting moves with no logic behind them whatsoever. I was impressed with Trish, as it looked like she was actually trying in there. However, her effort was lost in this mess. *

- Angle finds Brock and brings him a tape of his Survivor Series match to help him make up his mind about whether he’ll be in his corner or not tonight. Oh please…like Brock won’t show up. I hate it when they treat us like idiots.

- Heyman screwing Brock at Survivor Series forced him to retaliate on the following Smackdown. His actions forced Stephanie to suspend him. The suspension was conveniently lifted in time for this PPV. In the meantime, Angle won a #1 contenders match and hopes Brock will be in his corner for this match. But will he? This mystery has left me in utter suspense.

WWE Championship Match: The Big Show (champ) vs. Kurt Angle [Smackdown match]

Angle tries to use mat wrestling, but Show counters it with his power. Show gets Angle on his shoulders and dumps him to the floor. Angle ends up landing on Heyman. As Show checks on Heyman, Angle comes back in and tosses Show out of the ring. Angle leaps off the second rope, but Show catches him and drops him across the barricade. Now Show attacks Angle around ringside. Inside, Show dismantles Angle with his various power moves. As Angle tries to fight back, Show hits a sidewalk slam and gets 2. Angle attempts a crossbody, but Show catches him and drops him with the Final Cut. That gets a nearfall. We slow things down with a bearhug by Show. Angle escapes by biting him. Now Angle drops Show with a sleeper. Show flips Angle off to break out of it. Angle takes down Show with a tornado DDT. Angle dropkicks Show in the knee and goes on the offensive. A missile dropkick by Angle gets 2. Show whips Angle to the corner, but he hops up and hits Show with a moonsault. That gets another nearfall. Show drops Angle with a clothesline. Angle fights out of a powerbomb attempt and then manages to Angle Slam Show. Wow. Show somehow kicks out at 2. Down goes the straps and on goes the ankle lock. Show escapes and attempts a chokeslam. Angle reverses that and applies the ankle lock again. As Show kicks Angle off, Angle flies into the referee. With everyone down, Heyman tosses a chair into the ring. Crowd chants “We want Brock”. Angle gives Show a few chair shots and covers. As Show kicks out, he tosses Angle onto the referee. Angle gets Show in the ankle lock again and Show taps, but the referee is out. Suddenly A-Train runs out and hits Angle with a backbreaker. Show chokeslams Angle, but then Brock runs out and F5s Show. Brock then chases Heyman out of the arena. Angle crawls over and the referee slowly counts 1-2-3. New champ!!

BL: It’s tough for me to objectively rate a match when it involves Angle winning a world title. I will say that the match wasn’t great, but Angle did try to get the most out of Show. Angle was pulling out some big moves that he shouldn’t be trying, in order to give us something memorable. The run-ins were effective, but ultimately this falls short of being a great match. ** ½

- The World’s biggest loser tonight…RVD. He shares his thoughts on who will win tonight’s main event. Wow, I guess crushing HHH’s throat will really negatively affect a guy’s career.

2 out of 3 Falls Match for the World Heavyweight Championship: Shawn Michaels (champ) vs. Triple H [RAW match]

This is another 3 Stages of Hell match with the first fall being a street fight, the second being a cage match and the final one (if necessary) being a ladder match. Before the match, Shawn mocks Flair. That draws Flair’s ire, which causes the referee to eject him.

Fall #1 These two start off with some fast-paced action until Shawn clotheslines HHH to the floor. Shawn tries a crossbody over the top rope, but HHH avoids it. HHH attacks Shawn around ringside. When HHH tries to use a garbage can, Shawn boots him. Shawn tries another crossbody, but HHH puts the trash can up for Shawn to hit. Shawn knocks HHH down and then sets a table up on the floor. Back inside, Shawn tries to use the trash can from the second rope, but HHH boots it in his face. Finally, Shawn hits HHH with a crossbody, but HHH rolls through it and gets 2. Now HHH goes outside and sets up a table of his own. HHH tries to suplex Shawn out of the ring onto the tables, but it’s Shawn who suplexes HHH back into the ring. HHH drops Shawn with a high knee. HHH begins to focus on Shawn’ back, but when he tries a sidewalk slam onto a chair, Shawn reverses it and slams HHH onto the chair. On the floor, Shawn attacks HHH and focuses on his back. In the ring, Shawn goes for Sweet Chin Music, but HHH blocks it and drives his knee into the mat. HHH begins to really attack Shawn’s knee. After all that abuse, HHH puts Shawn in the figure four leglock. After being in it for awhile, Shawn manages to turn it over and break it. The two head outside, where HHH continues his attack. Suddenly, HHH goes backstage and grabs a barbed wire 2 x 4. It looks like he’ll hit Shawn, but stops, and lights it on fire. Before he can hit him, Shawn kicks HHH. Shawn grabs the 2 x 4 and nails HHH. HHH’s forehead is now bloodied. Back in the ring, Shawn attacks HHH with various weapons. HHH comes back and drops Shawn across a chair. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Shawn lowblows him. Shawn hits the flying forearm and kips up. However, HHH gets up as well and clotheslines Shawn. A follow-up Pedigree is enough to pin Shawn.

Fall #2 HHH loads the ring up with weapons before the cage falls. Shawn tries to dropkick HHH, but HHH blocks it and catapults Shawn into the cage. That busts Shawn wide open. HHH hits Shawn with a trash can and then gives him the cheese grater spot. Shawn reverses a whip and sends HHH into the cage. Shawn rams HHH into the cage again and then hits him with a Lou Thesz Press. HHH tries to escape, but Shawn stops him. As the two battle on top of the cage, Flair comes back out to ringside. Flair brings out two more tables and sets them on top of the two established ones. Shawn takes HHH back down to the mat and hits him with a big elbow. As Shawn goes Sweet Chin Music, Flair enters the cage. Shawn attacks Flair, while HHH tries to go out the door. Shawn stops him and nails both of them with a chair. Shawn attacks Flair, now a bloody mess, some more. Shawn nails both of them with superkicks. Shawn places HHH on a table and then splashes HHH from the top of the cage. Shawn covers HHH and gets the pinfall.

Fall #3 As HHH recovers, Shawn brings a ladder into the ring. Shawn gives HHH some rough ladder treatment. Shawn sets up the ladder, climbs up and tries for a big splash, but HHH avoids it. HHH grabs Shawn and delivers the Pedigree. HHH begins to climb the ladder, but Shawn manages to knock him off. Shawn hits HHH with another superkick, which sends him out of the ring. Shawn climbs up the ladder and reaches for the belt, when HHH comes back in and dumps it over; causing Shawn to fall out of the ring and through the pile of tables. HHH then climbs back up and manages to grab the title to once again become world heavyweight champion.

BL: What happened here? This was supposed to be an instant classic. You had a great gimmick match and two guys who work well with each other. How could they miss? Well they did. A lot of the blame goes to the first fall. It went on way too long and had trouble getting on track early on. Not only did that kill the crowd, but it cut the last two, more appealing falls way short. They didn’t plan this match out very well and the end result was a very flat victory for HHH. ***

Final Thoughts: Coming out of Survivor Series, the WWE had a lot of pieces in place to make this a decent PPV. But, as always, they had to go and mess things up. Instead of having another Smackdown tag title match, which has produced so many winners lately, they forego it for a couple of underwhelming singles matches. What were they thinking putting A-Train and Batista in matches on this show? However, even their presence could have been overcome had the two dream matches come through. Both Benoit/Eddie and Shawn/HHH should have been easy **** + matches, yet they were both underwhelming. Their failure to produce yielded an easy thumbs down for this show.

Next time, it was the best of world title matches, it was the worst of world title matches.

Until then, thanks for stopping by the OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue.


Originally from Cleveland, Adam is now a graduate student at the University of Dayton who is looking to make a couple extra bucks writing this column. What do you mean Rick doesn't pay his columnists?

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RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
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PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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