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WWE Royal Rumble 2003
August 21, 2008

by Adam Gutschmidt
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Emanating from the Fleet Center in Boston, MA

Your commentators are Jim Ross, Jerry “the King” Lawler, Michael Cole, and Tazz

Opening Match: Brock Lesnar vs. The Big Show [Smackdown match]

This is the blowoff to their feud that began at Survivor Series. In addition, the winner of this match gets entered into the Royal Rumble match. Show overpowers Brock in their feeling-out process. Brock drives Show to the corner and works him over. Brock

connects with two belly-to-belly suplexes, but when he goes for a third, Show heaves him out of the ring. Show brings Brock back in and kicks away at him in the corner. Show misses a charge and Brock hits him with a German suplex. That gets 2. Heyman distracts Brock long enough for Show to boot him. Show goes for a chokeslam, but Brock reverses it into a cover for 2. Heyman gets on the apron and Brock brings him into the ring. Brock sets him up for an F5, but Show stops him with a chokeslam. That gets a long two count. Brock escapes a second chokeslam and shoves Show into Heyman. Brock then delivers an F5 and covers Show for the win.

Bottom Line: We got some obvious conclusion theater here. It was quite clear that Brock would win, so we had to just sit and wait for the formality to take place. Brock’s power moves on Show are still impressive, but we’ve seen them all before in the weeks leading up to this match. * ½

- Terri Runnels talks to Chris Jericho about the Rumble match and Jericho lists his past credentials to show why he’ll win tonight. You know there are term limits to when you can boast about past accomplishments and Jericho’s “first undisputed champion” claim is running out of time.

World Tag Team Championship Match: Lance Storm and William Regal (champs) vs. The Dudley Boyz [RAW match]

So they make a big deal out of Booker T/Goldust finally winning the tag titles last month and now, one month later, they’re not even in this match. Pathetic. Storm starts out working over Bubba. Bubba fights back and when Regal comes in for a cheap shot, Bubba knocks him down as well. Storm pulls Regal out of the way of a charging D-Von and then they double clothesline him. A slam by Regal gets 2 on D-Von. The champs have now cut the ring in half as they work over D-Von. Storm applies a sleeper to really sap the energy from this match. D-Von escapes with a snapmare and then Bubba gets a cheap shot in on Storm. D-Von makes the tag and Bubba takes out both of his opponents. Bubba gets a nearfall on Storm with a German suplex. Bubba hits the Bubba Bomb and covers, but Regal breaks it up. The Dudleyz connect with the Wassup Drop on Regal. As the Dudleyz prepare to give Storm the 3-D, Chief Morley (former Val Venis) comes out and distracts the referee. This allows Regal to get some brass knuckles. The Dudleyz, however, manage to 3-D him. D-Von then takes the brass knuckles and knocks out Storm. D-Von covers Storm and the ref makes the 3 count. New champs!

BL: Here’s some more evidence that they have no clue what to do with the tag division on RAW. Another month, another pair of champions. I know Regal/Storm don’t exactly set the world on fire, but was there really a need to have them lose and give the Dudleyz yet another title reign? With Morley out there and the knux used, I thought for sure the decision would get overturned, so color me surprised that the finish stood. The match itself was a big heap of meh. * ¾

Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn Marie [Smackdown match]

So Dawn and Al Wilson finally got married and then Al “died” on the honeymoon from too much sex. This gives Torrie and Dawn one final opportunity to act out their hostilities toward one another and then finally close the book on this ridiculous feud. Dawn wears a black veil out to ringside. Nice touch. As the referee checks on Torrie, Dawn blindsides her. Torrie comes back and tackles Dawn to the mat. Dawn blocks a German suplex and puts Torrie in an armbar. Dawn briefly works the arm and then hits Torrie with a flapjack. Dawn whips Torrie into the corner and then they collide when Dawn charges after her. A backslide by Torrie gets 2. Dawn drops Torrie with a springboard clothesline. Cole’s comments about this being “uncomfortable to watch” ring truer than he thinks. Out of nowhere, Torrie connects with a swinging neckbreaker and covers Dawn for 3 to win it.

BL: I can’t believe these two got a second PPV wrestling match. Did someone think these two magically became talented since their abysmal effort last October? I get the need to fill up the card with lower level stars since most people are in the Rumble, but there had to be a better alternative to this. I guess an awful match is a fitting end to an awful feud. DUD

- Stephanie McMahon walks by and spots Eric Bischoff talking to Randy Orton. Orton leaves and Stephanie talks to Bischoff about the 30-day ultimatum Vince McMahon gave him in order to save his job. Bischoff guarantees he’ll deliver a bombshell that will keep him employed. Stephanie says that despite her job being safe, she’ll have a bombshell of her own this week on Smackdown. Gee, is it time for February sweeps already?

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Triple H (champ) vs. Scott Steiner [RAW match]

After HHH won the world title back, he boasted that he’s beaten everyone out there. Enter Steiner, who says HHH hasn’t beaten him. Thus, this match was established. A lengthy staredown leads to a slugfest. The two now exchange blows in the corner. Steiner press slams HHH, so he bails to the floor. Steiner follows him out and attacks him around ringside. Steiner suplexes HHH back in and covers him for 2. Steiner puts HHH in a Boston Crab, but HHH makes it to the ropes. It’s been all Steiner so far. Steiner puts his head down and HHH hits him with a facebuster, but he no-sells it. Now Steiner places HHH in a bearhug. A belly-to-belly suplex by Steiner gets 2. Steiner starts to put HHH in the Steiner Recliner, but Flair pulls HHH out of the ring. HHH finally stops Steiner’s momentum with a boot to the face. HHH takes Steiner outside and throws him into the steps. A neckbreaker by HHH gets 2. With HHH distracting the referee, Flair chokes Steiner. HHH tries for the Pedigree, but Steiner blocks it and catapults him into the corner. HHH reverses a tombstone attempt by Steiner and gives him about the third neckbreaker of the match. At this point, Steiner appears completely gassed. Steiner catches HHH coming off the second rope with a belly-to-belly suplex. Steiner gives HHH three more belly-to-belly suplexes and I’m beginning to think that’s the only move he knows. Yet another one gets 2. Steiner tries something new, a tiger bomb, and botches it. Crowd is really starting to turn on Steiner. HHH goes up top, but Steiner joins him and delivers a superplex. That gets a nearfall. HHH gets out of the ring and starts to leave. Steiner chases him and nails him from behind. With Flair distracting the referee, HHH tries to hit Steiner with the belt, but Steiner blocks it and rams it back into his face. That busts HHH open. Back inside, Steiner hits another belly-to-belly suplex, so HHH bails again. They briefly brawl again and head back inside. Steiner does some push-ups and the crowd boos. As the referee checks on HHH, he throws him out of the ring. The ref comes back in and thinks about disqualifying HHH, but decides he’s not going to let HHH take the easy way out. Dear God why? Steiner hits another belly-to-belly suplex and gets a nearfall. HHH lowblows Steiner behind the referee’s back and covers him for 2. HHH goes outside and gets the sledgehammer. The referee warns HHH, but he shoves him away and nails Steiner. The referee has no choice but to ring the bell.

Postmatch: Steiner wrestles the sledgehammer away from HHH and nails him and Flair. The crowd boos him big time. Steiner puts HHH in the Steiner Recliner and it takes the Usual Bunch of Idiots to come out and break it up.

BL: It started out as an unappealing punching and kicking power match and then dissolved into an utter mess. I don’t know what exactly happened in there other than the fact that Steiner got exposed in a big way. Not only was he visibly gassed, but he apparently forgot how to do any move besides a belly-to-belly suplex. I applaud the Boston crowd for giving Steiner the response he deserved for his performance. It was so sad trying to hear J.R. and Lawler try to cover it up and act as if Steiner was impressive. It needs to be said again, this was a complete mess. ¾ *

WWE Championship Match: Kurt Angle (champ) vs. Chris Benoit [Smackdown match]

Benoit beat the Big Show to earn this shot. Meanwhile, Angle announced that before he won the title, he hired Paul Heyman as his new agent. Angle comes out to the ring with Team Angle, made up of Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. These guys were hired by Heyman to help protect Angle. Team Angle try to block Benoit from getting to Angle. A slew of referees come out and escort them to the back. Benoit goes for an early Sharpshooter attempt, but Angle escapes and bails to the floor. Angle puts Benoit in a sleeper, but Benoit quickly gets out of that. Benoit again goes after Angle’s injured knee, but Angle won’t allow it. Angle throws Benoit’s shoulder into the post and then clubs the back of Benoit’s neck. A suplex by Angle gets 2. Benoit chops away on Angle. Angle slows Benoit’s momentum by dropping him across the top rope. As the two fight on the apron, Benoit DDTs him. Benoit takes Angle back inside and gets a nearfall. Benoit goes up for the diving headbutt, but Angle rolls out of the way. Benoit escapes an Angle slam attempt and puts Angle in the Sharpshooter. Angle, however, makes it to the ropes. After giving Benoit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, Angle throws Benoit to the floor. Angle attacks Benoit around ringside and then brings him back in. A series of suplexes by Angle gets a nearfall. A double clothesline drops both men. Benoit starts to gain momentum with a pair of clotheslines. Benoit hits 2/3rds of the Hat Trick when Angle reverses and hits one of his own. Benoit reverses back and completes the Hat Trick. Benoit slashes the throat and gives Angle a nasty snot rocket. When Benoit goes up, Angle pops up there and slams him off. That gets 2. Benoit escapes another Angle Slam and puts Angle in the Crossface. Somehow, Angle gets to the ropes. Benoit lets go and puts Angle in the ankle lock. Angle reverses it and puts Benoit in the ankle lock. Benoit reverses that and gets Angle back in the Crossface. Angle rolls it into a cover and gets 2. Benoit gets up and puts Angle right back into the Crossface. Angle rolls through and then gives Benoit an Angle Slam. Another nearfall for that. The straps come down and on goes the ankle lock. Benoit powers out of it and goes for a German suplex, but Angle reverses it and attempts a German of his own. Benoit blocks that and rolls Angle up for 2. The two exchange German suplexes with the last one flipping Angle onto his belly. Now Benoit hits a diving headbutt with Angle all the way on the other side of the ring. Benoit covers and gets a long 2 count. Angle fights out of another Crossface and then picks up Benoit and drops him in the corner. Angle then hits Benoit with another Angle Slam. That gets another nearfall. Out of nowhere, Benoit gets Angle in the Crossface. Somehow, Angle rolls through it and gets Benoit in the ankle lock. Benoit shoves him off, but Angle puts it right back on. Benoit keeps fighting, but Angle refuses to let go. Now Angle grapevines Benoit’s leg. With no way out, Benoit is forced to tap out.

Postmatch: Team Angle come out and celebrate with their leader. They leave and when Benoit gets up he deservedly gets a standing ovation from the live crowd.

BL: This was the ultimate culmination between these two. They’ve had a number of matches together and as great as those were, they somehow learned something new each time. This match here showed two guys countering and re-countering everything the other man had to offer. This was a showcase of two consummate pros. It may not have had the strongest psychology, but where it lacked there it easily made up for in drama. If only all matches showcased this much energy and passion. *****

- As RVD stretches, his latest tag partner, Kane, approaches him. Kane reminds him that he’s been dominant in past Rumble matches and says that if it comes down to the two of them, Kane will throw him out. RVD says that’s cool because he plans on doing the same thing to him. Well, I’m glad they got that off their chests. We couldn’t have started the Rumble without that being said.

Royal Rumble Match

With the brand split now in effect, the Rumble consists of 15 RAW and 15 Smackdown superstars. Guys are coming out every 90 seconds this year, but I don’t mind since that meant Benoit/Angle getting extra time. One of the stories going into this match is the developing feud between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho. Jericho was out to prove he was just like Shawn, only better. When Vince made Shawn #1, Jericho made himself #2 so that he could not only beat Shawn, but go the distance just like Shawn did back in ’95. As Shawn waits in the ring, Jericho’s music plays, but it’s revealed that it’s Christian in the aisle. Jericho comes through the crowd and attacks Shawn from behind. Jericho goes outside, grabs a chair and nails Shawn with it. Shawn’s been busted open from that. Chris Nowinski comes out as our #3 entrant, but stays at ringside to allow Jericho to continue his beatdown. With Shawn completely out of it, Jericho picks him up and dumps him over the top rope to eliminate him. Wow! Rey Mysterio is out at #4 and he immediately hits Jericho with a springboard dropkick. Those two do some more fast-paced action as Nowinski continues to look on from ringside. With Rey on the top turnbuckle, Jericho tries to shove him out, but Rey manages to hang onto the post. As Rey makes his way back inside, Nowinski finally comes in and gangs up on him. #5 is Edge, who comes out to help his friend. Edge and Rey clear Jericho and Nowinski out of the ring, but neither went over the top rope. Now Edge and Rey go at it and have a fantastic sequence with both men nearly eliminating the other. Christian enters at #6 and immediately hugs his brother Edge. Edge pretends to reciprocate the love and then spears him. Rey gets on Edge’s shoulders to do a double-team move, when Nowinski comes in and tosses both over the top rope. They both hang on and reenter by giving Nowinski tandem missile dropkicks; one of which nails him right in the face. As Rey gives Nowinski the Bronco Buster, Chavo Guerrero comes out at #7. Rey and Chavo do some awesome stuff with Rey connecting with the 619. After giving another one to Christian, Rey goes for the West Coast Pop on Nowinski. Nowinski blocks it, but Rey manages to ‘rana him over the top rope and to the floor. As Rey comes back in, Jericho runs over and clotheslines him out of the ring to end his night. Tajiri is the #8 entrant and he gives everyone some stiff kicks. Out #9 entrant is Bill DeMott and he hits everyone in his path. DeMott throws Jericho over, but he hangs on. We’ve paired off now with DeMott taking on Edge, Chavo battling Christian and Jericho trying to eliminate Tajiri. #10 is Tommy Dreamer and he’s brought weapons with him. Dreamer comes in and delivers cane shots to everyone. Edge grabs a cane and the two of them pelt DeMott (which I’m loving). One big cane shot by Edge is enough to knock DeMott over the top rope and to the floor. Jericho and Christian grab trash can lids and nail Dreamer. Those shots knock him out and they easily eliminate him. Tajiri attempt to put Jericho in the Tarantula, but Jericho shoves him off to end his night.

#11 is Bull Buchanan, who comes out and attacks everyone until Edge whips him into the corner and throws him out. Bull gets the Bushwhacker award tonight. Edge whips Chavo over the top rope, but he hangs on. As he tries to come back in, Edge spears him to the floor. Edge tosses Jericho, but he hangs on and reenters to dump out both Edge and Christian. Jericho left alone. He doesn’t wait long before RVD comes out at #12. RVD gets the better of Jericho in their early exchange. RVD catapults Jericho over the top rope, but he again hangs on. Now Matt Hardy appears at #13. Matt Fact: Matt strongly dislikes mustard. Matt is joined by Mattitude follower, Shannon Moore. Matt teams up with Jericho to beat up RVD. RVD recovers and plays divide and conquer. RVD hits Jericho with the Five Star Frog Splash. Matt grabs RVD and tosses him, but RVD hangs on. #14 is Eddie Guerrero and he takes on everybody. RVD attempts to eliminate Eddie, but Matt makes the save. Eddie hits RVD with the frog splash, only to be given the Twist of Fate by Matt. As Matt stands tall, Jeff Hardy enters at #15. Matt tries to make peace, but Jeff will have none of it. Jeff tosses Matt out, but Shannon Moore prevents him from hitting the floor. Jeff sets Matt up for the swanton bomb, but Shannon comes in and tries to stop him. Shannon lays on top of Matt, so Jeff just gives both of them the swanton. Our streak of decent workers ends when Rosey enters at #16. The pairs right now are Jeff/Matt, Rosey/RVD, and Jericho/Eddie. The Testicles are pleased to see Test at #17. He comes in and is dominant. He tosses out Jericho, who again manages to hang on. The buzzer rings and out comes #18, John Cena with a rap. His rhymes go on for nearly the full 90 seconds and are quite enjoyable. Even Tazz seems to get a kick out of them. RVD’s heard enough though, and comes out to throw him into the ring. It’s now time for #19, one half of Team Angle, Charlie Haas. The ring is filling up quickly. As Jeff goes for the corkscrew moonsault, RVD shoves him to the floor. Making his 8th Rumble appearance, the 20th entrant is Rikishi. Rikishi and Rosey briefly team up before Rosey turns on him.

Rosey’s partner in crime, Jamal is our #21 entrant. Rikishi quickly knocks him down and gives him a stinkface. Jericho heaves RVD over, but he hangs on. #22 is Kane and hopefully he’ll clear the ring of some dead wood. He grants my wish by eliminating Rosey. Kane tosses Jericho over, but somehow he manages to hang on. Jericho has had the most near eliminations ever in the history of the Rumble. His ability to hang on has been incredible. Shelton Benjamin is #23 and he immediately does a double-team move with Haas on Cena. How great are these guys? There are several near eliminations, but nobody goes. At #24 is Booker T and he makes an immediate impact by giving Kane a scissors kick and Matt a flapjack. After doing a spinaroonie, Booker grabs Eddie and throws him out of the ring. All aboard! It’s A-Train at #25. He attacks a bunch of people, but doesn’t eliminate anybody. Suddenly, Shawn Michaels runs out and attacks Jericho. His attack allows Test to come over and toss Jericho out. Now Shawn flies over the top rope and lands on Jericho. As the referees separate those two, Maven comes out at #26. There are still no eliminations when Goldust makes his entrance at #27. Goldust attacks Team Angle and then gives Maven Shattered Dreams. Team Angle team up to eliminate Goldust. Now they work together and get rid of Booker. That’s somewhat disappointing. #28 is Batista and he hits everything in his way. Test tries to get rid of Batista, but when he goes for the big boot, Batista ducks and Test falls all the way to the floor. Now Batista clotheslines Rikishi out of the ring. Making his second appearance of the night, Brock Lesnar comes out at #29. Team Angle try to get rid of him, but he reverses their momentum and tosses both of them out. Then Brock picks up Matt and F5s him on top of Team Angle. Everyone gets on their feet, because they know that #30 is the returning Undertaker. He makes an immediate impact by clotheslining Cena and Jamal out of the ring. Maven nails Taker with a dropkick, but doesn’t get the same result as last year. Taker grabs Maven and chokeslams him. Then he throws him to the floor. Kane and RVD team up to eliminate A-Train from the match. RVD wants Kane to press slam him onto Batista, but Kane press slams him out of the ring instead.

That leaves us with a Final Four of Kane, Batista, Taker and Brock. Kane and Batista clothesline each other. As Brock and Taker stare each other down, Kane and Batista attack them. Brock battles Batista and Kane himself and gives Kane an F5. Taker and Brock go at it and Brock gets the better of it. Taker reverses an F5 attempt and tombstones Brock. Then he runs over and clotheslines Batista out of the ring. Taker and Kane seemingly team up until Taker grabs Kane and throws him out of the ring. Batista reenters with a chair, but Taker stops him. Taker nails Batista with the chair, but Brock comes up behind Taker and dumps him out of the ring to win it.

Postmatch: Taker comes back in, but it’s just to congratulate him on a job well done.

BL: This was a highly enjoyable Rumble and had one of the best set of wrestlers in it. The first half of the Rumble was just non-stop action, which nicely utilized a lot of Smackdown’s top stars. The second half dragged a bit because eliminations were few and far between. It wasn’t as bad as it should have been, because most of the guys sticking around were ones you wanted to stay. The worst part of the Rumble was the ending. The final four wasn’t great and it was pretty clear who was winning this thing. Still, this was one of the more entertaining Rumbles in recent years. **** ½

Final Thoughts: A tough call here. From a time standpoint, the suck outweighed the good here. The undercard was lousy and the RAW title match was one of the worst title matches we’ve seen in years. However, the good on this show was simply great. The Smackdown title match is a rare classic of the modern era and the Rumble match was exceptionally good. I’ll give it a thumbs up based on the greatness of those two matches. If, however, you decide to check out this show, please use this review to give you a good idea of what to watch and what to skip.

Next time, the building of new superstars finally pays off as The Rock, Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin are all in high profile matches. Wait a minute…

Until then, thanks for stopping by the OOld Tyme Rasslin Revue.


Originally from Cleveland, Adam is now a graduate student at the University of Dayton who is looking to make a couple extra bucks writing this column. What do you mean Rick doesn't pay his columnists?

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PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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