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RAW is Foley
June 13, 2002

by Hatter X
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


WARNING: What you are about to read may invoke serious emotions. The following story is NOT meant to trivialize the death of any wrestler, especially Owen Hart. The following story IS however, meant to bring to the surface a sense of responsibility to us, as wrestling fans.

Hardcore Regret
What if Foley’s Risk became Wrestling’s Tragedy?

“Enough is enough… stop the damn match!” –Jim Ross

“That’s it, he’s dead!” –Jerry Lawler

“I want the fans to feel that they’ve received their money’s worth.” –Mick Foley

At the Over the Edge PPV, in May of 1999, WWF Superstar and father of two, Owen Hart was killed in a suspension-cable stunt that went terribly wrong. Since that day, the WWF has not used that particular stunt. The show continued after the accident, and the fact that it did has fueled debate and controversy ever since. But would the show have gone on had we, the PPV audience or the fans in the arena, actually seen the fall happen with the lights up and the cameras running? Probably not. Would the lasting impression of what happened have invoked a passion in the industry and its fans to steer wrestling into a new direction, a different genre? In this edition of Timeline we go back in time roughly one year removed from the Owen Hart tragedy, to another stunt of sorts, to the King of The Ring PPV, to The Hell in the Cell. Mankind vs. The Undertaker inside The Cell has been heralded as a must-see match. But as many purists will point out, the match is viewed that way not because of the wrestling content, but because of the violence and the risk involved. But what if the risk was too much. What if the match took a dangerous turn into reality? What if Mick Foley’s risk became Wrestling’s tragedy?


Timeline: June 28th, 1998
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

 “My God! They’ve killed him!” -the words of Jim Ross ring through the ears of the PPV audience, whose last visual of Foley was of The Undertaker tossing him off the top of The Hell in the Cell. The camera then cuts to the floor and we see Foley, lying under the debris of the Spanish announce table. After a few moments of uncertainty, officials and medical workers surround Foley. Terry Funk, Sgt. Slaughter and Vince McMahon among others stand around with looks of concern on their faces. 

Foley is put on a stretcher and as he is wheeled off, we hear a fan shout, “Come on Mick… finish the match!” The fan didn’t know if what he had just seen was real, or “fake”, as the recent years had blurred the lines between wrestling and violence or the sake of shock. As The Cell rose, Foley was carted around the ring and down the aisle. But halfway down the aisle, Mick got off the stretcher and came back down to the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd. Some people sitting in the stands probably thought, “See, this stuff is so fake, he couldn’t have gotten up from that if it was real.” 

Foley begins climbing up the side of the cage, towards The Undertaker. The two clash once again, as Undertaker grabs Foley around the throat and choke slams him on top of the cage. Then the unthinkable occurs, as the impact of Foley’s body causes the top of the cage to snap. Foley’s body free-falls through the air, some 20-feet down to the mat. As Foley falls, his body tilts and his head hits first, with his body doubled over it. The impact is so loud and the visual of Foley falling is almost too much to take and it isn’t until a few moments later that a silence falls over the crowd, as Foley hasn’t moved. 

Scores of referees, officials, and Terry Funk storm into the ring, to check on Foley, as The Undertaker climbs down inside the cage. The EMT’s are waived back down to the ring and some official’s signal over to JR and The King. The Undertaker has completely broken character and looks tremendously worried. JR tells us that we are going to a video package while they figure out what is going on. The screen goes black for a moment then begins to play the Kane/Steve Austin promo for the Main Event.

The promo plays 4 times over. When we return the shot is not of the arena, it is of Vince McMahon standing against a backdrop, obviously backstage. McMahon informs us that Mick Foley has died in the ring as a result of the fall and that the show is being halted and the fans in the arena are being sent home. McMahon explains to us that the WWF will release a statement to its fans tomorrow on Raw is War. The screen goes completely black. After a few moments the PPV channel begins running advertisements and that is it. In once single instance a man is dead and life, as we know it, changes forever.

The next night on Raw, Vince McMahon opens the show in mid-ring, surrounded by WWF wrestlers and crewmembers. Vince gives an emotional speech about Mick and informs us that tonight the WWF officially changes its gears. McMahon promises to dedicate his life, and the WWF to preserving the memory of Mick Foley by taking a stand against the insanity that is wrestling today. The show that evening, which featured many stars giving their thoughts about Mick, runs similar to an old fashion wrestling show. Longer matches and clean wins take the place of over the top sex and profanity, while wrestling substance is pushed over “sports entertainment” stylistic skits and 20-minute promos. The WWF officially names King of the Ring, the “Mick Foley Memorial” King of the Ring. It is obvious that Vince and his company are on a road to a new destination.

Meanwhile, the show is panned over the Internet as a ratings ploy, and smart fans across the World Wide Web tout McMahon’s new stance as weak and insincere. Major websites and their owners write article after scathing article about McMahon’s manipulation of the death of a great talent.

Fast Forward

May 1999: WWF Over the Edge PPV, Kemper Arena, Kansas City, Missouri.

The Blue Blazer defeats The Godfather for the WWF Intercontinental Championship in a mid-card match on the May PPV. The rest of the card is your average wrestling show. No blood. No weapons. No sex. No middle fingers. No profanity. No stunts. Steve Austin facing The Undertaker in a casket match headlines the show. The PPV does one of the worst buy rates in the history of the WWF. The ratings for the broadcast of Raw that followed the next night were the lowest in WWF history.

Meanwhile, WCW continued to coast unscathed by their competition. And rumors swelled of ECW reaching a major network deal to bring their over-the-line brand of extreme wrestling to the masses. Fans clamored in anticipation for the new product, awaiting something that would shock them. But one would have to wonder why they would risk it again. Easy… they were getting their money’s worth.

To all those who risk their lives to entertain us on a nightly basis and receive no human response, save for a “you fucked up” chant when you slip.

NEXT WEEK: Hatter X returns with his newest Timeline, entitled WCW LIVES “What if the INVASION had worked?”



Amarillo, TX, is home to Hatter X, a wrestling fan for 25 of his 30 years.  He enjoys pure wrestling, but its the edgy drama and quality storytelling that really frosts his donut.  E-mail Hatter X at [email protected]

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