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TNA for Dummies: A Viewers' Guide 
June 3, 2004

by Jason Longshore 
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


For the first time since WCW Monday Nitro went off the air in March of 2001, a non-WWE national wrestling program will air.  TNA Impact debuts on Fox Sports (or your local sports network if FSN isn't available in your area, check www.nwatna.com for listings) this Friday.  Sure, the time slot of 3 p.m. in most areas leaves a lot to be desired.  Ratings won't be the only measure of Impact's success though, TNA will be continuing their weekly PPVs on Wednesday nights.  If successful, Impact will increase the weekly PPV buy rates, and open Fox's eyes to possibly giving TNA a better time slot on one of their networks. 

For those of you checking out TNA for the first time via Impact, here's a rundown of the various title pictures, as well as other notable members of the roster.


The current champions are Kid Kash and his cousin Dallas.  Kash has been consistently one of the top heels in TNA since their inception.  Dallas isn't the most accomplished big man in the world, the poor guy's usually compared to Kevin Nash.  Kash's work usually hides Dallas' weaknesses though.  They won the titles on April 21 from D-Lo Brown and Apollo. 

This week on the PPV, Kash and Dallas beat the team of James Storm and Dusty Rhodes.  This little feud began as most Kid Kash feuds do, because of Kash's big mouth.  Kash bragged that he and Dallas would be the greatest tag team in TNA history, better than even America's Most Wanted.  Along with everyone in the TNA Asylum, Storm took offense.  Chris Harris, Storm's usual partner, had become involved in the World Title picture while Storm was out with an injury.  Enter the American Dream a couple of weeks ago.  He made the save during a post match beat down following a Storm singles win against Kash.  I'm expecting Chris Harris to rejoin his AMW buddy Storm as the top contenders.     

The tag division is rather thin right now, but that could be remedied quickly though with a few key returns.  The Naturals have been in Xplosion matches recently, they could be brought back to the big show anytime.  A Naturals/AMW series for the next title shot would be good stuff.  Slash and Sinn, the Disciples of the New Church, could come back, they haven't been seen since the tag title tournament held in March.  It looks like some of the World X Cup guys will stick around.  Petey Williams and Bobby Roode of Canada will be on the PPV this week, they would make excellent champs.  At least one more face team is needed though, maybe Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper coming off the momentum of their win in the World X Cup? 


The X Division title has been on the back burner for a while with the World X Cup getting the spotlight.  Although not by name, the X Division is TNA's cruiserweight division.  Technically, the division doesn't have a weight limit, and there have been a few heavyweights in the division from time to time.  According to TNA, the division is defined by the style, which definitely favors the cruisers.  The self proclaimed "Coolest Guy in the World," Frankie Kazarian is your current champion.  He won the belt on March 31 against Amazing Red after Chris Sabin vacated it due to injury.  Kazarian has been one of the best all-around champs in the division, mixing the usual high flying moves with some impressive mat work.  

Amazing Red lost his title shot Wednesday night against Kazarian, but he's still in the title picture.  Red looked better than he has since his return from injury in March.  He's one of the most popular guys in TNA, due to his crazy high flying moves, and announcer Don West's twisted glee when calling his matches.  Watching an announcer standing on the announce table, leading the, "Go Red Go" chants can be a little weird, although entertaining.  West has toned down the love for Red, probably because B.G. James busted on him in a promo a few months ago about it. 

After Red, there's a whole host of potential challengers.  Sonjay Dutt could easily be put into that spot, "The Playa from the Himalayas" has been gaining in popularity at the TNA Asylum.  Chris Sabin, the former champ, still hasn't received a chance to win back the title he never lost in the ring.  He's best known as the master of the Ultimate X match, winning two out of the three ever contested.  Along with Sabin, there's other contestants from last week's World X Cup that would be fine contenders.  Personally, my votes would go to "Showtime" Eric Young or Petey Williams of Canada, Mr. Aguila of Mexico (the former Essa Rios with possibly the worst tights in the history of wrestling), and Team TNA captain Jerry Lynn.  Michael Shane, another former champ, is a possibility as well. 

TNA announced that the new #1 contender for Kazarian's title would be established on the first Impact show.  Throwing any combination of the above-mentioned guys in Impact's six-sided ring should be quite entertaining. 


This is where TNA has been shining lately, they've done a great job of making the World Title the most important thing in the promotion.  Wednesday night, Jeff Jarrett reclaimed the title in the first King of the Mountain match, defeating Ron "The Truth" Killings, Raven, Chris Harris, and AJ Styles.  Killings second World Title reign was short, he had just won the belt two weeks ago from Styles in the 4-way Deadly Draw match.  It will be interesting to see what happens next, since these five guys have been battling in one way or another for quite a while now. 

The back story actually began back in October of 2003.  AJ Styles was your heel NWA champion, winning with the assistance of his business adviser Vince Russo.  Prior to his title match with Styles, Jarrett absolutely destroyed Russo, sending him away in an ambulance not to be seen again for months.  Jarrett then went on to win the title on October 22.  As his title reign grew, he turned from a lukewarm babyface into a power hungry heel determined to control everything about the company.  Jarrett thought he had succeeded once the Director of Authority Erik Watts had been removed from power in late January. 

Not so fast said the NWA Board, who had been fighting for control over the title picture with Jarrett.  They named Vince Russo as the new Director of Authority, and his stated goal was to get the title away from Jarrett.  Chris Harris, primarily a tag team wrestler as one half of America's Most Wanted, was Russo's "Chosen One" this time.  After a few weeks of toughening him up, Harris got his title match on March 17. 

Elsewhere, AJ Styles had entered into a vicious feud with Abyss, TNA's resident mask wearing whack job.  Their matches kept getting more intense and kept stealing the show on a weekly basis.  Raven remembered that "his destiny" was to win the NWA World Title after finally vanquishing his former followers, the Gathering.  On March 17, Raven showed up demanding Chris Harris' spot in the World Title match.  Russo refused, which led to Raven refusing to enter into the ten man gauntlet to rank the top contenders for the World title.  He made his presence felt, interfering the in the match that Ron Killings went on to win.  Styles and Abyss squared off in a ladder match to determine the #1 contender for the title.  Raven again interfered, costing Styles the match.  He made it a trifecta in the main event, costing Chris Harris the World Title. 

Still with me?  The following week, Killings and Abyss were set to meet to determine the undisputed top contender.  However, Raven's skirt was still in a wad because Russo wouldn't give him a title shot and interfered in the Killings/Abyss match.  This brought out Styles and led to a locker room clearing brawl.  Killings demanded a Fatal Four Way match with Abyss, Raven, and Styles.  Russo agreed, adding that the winner would face Chris Harris in a match to determine who would face Jeff Jarrett in a steel cage match on April 21 for the World Title.  Raven's destiny started looking like a reality as he won the four way, after some shenanigans involving Jarrett distracting Styles.  Everyone assumed Raven would be facing Jarrett in the steel cage.    

Even after an assault on his shoulder earlier in the night by Raven, Chris Harris shocked most fans by defeating him to earn the right to a rematch with Jarrett for the title.  The next week, an angry Raven decided to finish the job, injuring Harris before he could get his title match.  In Raven's twisted mind, he now thought he deserved the cage match with Jarrett.  All of the other contenders pleaded their case, with Director of Authority Russo finally deciding on AJ Styles.  It was actually a nice bit of storyline continuity, Russo was repaying Styles for his mistakes when he was his manager months ago.  Styles ended up sending the fans home happy, winning the NWA World Title for the second time. 

AJ, against Russo's wishes, was determined to be a fighting champion.  He defended the belt against Killings without even a week's rest.  Styles squeaked out a win.  The next week, Raven goaded Styles into a title match.  In a great angle, Chris Harris returned to get his revenge on Raven, wearing a La Parka costume.  Styles retained the title after a La Parka/Harris DDT and a Styles Clash.  Harris asked for a shot, and Styles said he'd get one next week.  Russo decided to handcuff both Killings (whose buddies in the 3 Live Kru had been making threats about interfering) and Raven to the ring posts to try to nullify the interference.  We all know that never works, as Killings was first freed by 3LK member Konnan.  An axe kick on Styles wasn't enough.  Raven then pulled the ref out after Harris hit his Catatonic finisher, again costing Harris the title.  After more action, Kid Kash showed up, clocking Harris with a steel pipe, adding heat to his feud with Harris' partner James Storm.  Styles retains again. 

Russo had finally had enough, and booked a Deadly Draw match for the title at next week's show.  Styles started the match with Harris, Raven entered after five minutes, and Killings entered after ten minutes.  Jeff Jarrett made his return, blasting Styles with a guitar shot that busted him open.  Raven hit his Evenflow DDT, but Harris broke up the pin.  Harris hit a top rope elbow, but Killings broke it up.  Raven and Harris brawled out of the ring, leaving Killings to hit a top rope axe kick on a bloody Styles for the win and the title.  "Truth" chants filled the Asylum, as they had for months.  Styles didn't look bad in the loss, it took four weeks of title defenses and four huge moves to defeat him.  Jarrett also made it clear he wanted no part of a match with Styles. 

During last week's World X Cup, Jarrett came out and finally demanded his title rematch, as guaranteed by his contract.  However, he shot his mouth off a little too much, giving Russo the chance to catch him.  Jarrett said he could take down any of the challengers, even at the same time, because he was the king of the mountain.  This gave Russo his opportunity, he booked the King of the Mountain match with Killings, Jarrett, Styles, Raven, and Harris. 

I'm curious to see how they handle the fallout of Jarrett winning the title.  Styles has beef with Jarrett due to the guitar shot during Deadly Draw.  Killings has beef after being forced into a title match so soon after winning the belt.  Raven still has "his destiny."  If Chris Harris doesn't rejoin James Storm in the tag division, I'd love to see him and Raven continue their feud while Killings is the main contender for Jarrett.  Styles would kind of get screwed by this, but he could feud with Abyss while things settle down for a bit.  These four and five man matches have been great fun, but it's time for a one-on-one feud involving the World Title for a change. 

So, there's your not-so brief recap of the title pictures in TNA.  Luckily, most matches in TNA revolve around one of the titles so that covers most of the action.  Some other things to look for include: 

·   Monty Brown - He's my new favorite wrestler.  A former football player for the New England Patriots, he's still not the most polished in the ring, but he's golden on the mic.  Do not leave the room when he starts talking, don't stare him in the eyes, don't steal cable, don't assume an offensive position, and stay away from his spot on the food chain or the "Alpha Male" will unleash the POOOUUUNNNCCCEEE!  It doesn't make much sense now, but just wait until you see him. 

·   Abyss - He's due to get involved in the World Title picture again, as he's kind of been lost in the shuffle since losing in the fatal four way on March 31.  Renewing his feud with AJ Styles could do the trick. 

·  The New Franchise saga - I don't think this is complete just yet.  It's been a good mid-card feud between Shane Douglas and his former apprentices Michael Shane and Traci.  The heel/face roles were blurred for the majority of the break up of the faction, until TNA succeeded in what I thought was impossible.  They somehow turned Shane Douglas face.  Shocking, but true. 

·  World X Cup fallout - Team TNA finally pried the cup away from Team Mexico, who had held the cup since its inception.  As things played out, Team Mexico became very popular in the Asylum, and Team Canada became the super heels.  Hopefully, some of the main players on these teams (Hector Garza, Petey Williams, Eric Young, Mr. Aguila) will stick around.

I know I'm biased, but it's been great to see these guys prove the doubters wrong so far.  When my friends and I started watching TNA in June of 2002, all the cynics were saying they'd be lucky to last through the year.  Now, they're on the verge of their 100th show and second anniversary.  Sure, there have been some big bumps along the way, but TNA has really found its stride in the last few months.  Whether it's the awesome in-ring ability of guys like AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, the charisma of Ron Killings, the seemingly coked out promos of Monty Brown, some of the crazy moves like Petey Williams' flip piledriver, or the sheer bitchiness of Kid Kash, chances are you'll find something that will bring you back.  If this is your first time, welcome to the world of TNA. 


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RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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