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A-Train Betta Than Kanyon
May 19, 2003

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


tv 14 DLV CC entertainment open fireworks

Crash (Salisbury, NC, 214 pounds, w/Shannon Moore and the Book, blue, 7) vs Brian "Spanky" Kendrick (Olympia, WA, 181 pounds, 2) - Your hosts are Cat and Josh and they are pumped for the bikini match. Ah, someone doesn't want to commit to this name. You know what the best part of this match is? If the ring announcements were to be believed, Crash has a 33 pound weight advantage on Spanky. Circle. Lockup, Crash with a headlock, shot into the ropes, back with a shoulderblock. VERSION ONE. Off the ropes, under the hiptoss is blocked, hiptoss is blocked, Spanky with an abdominal stretch but Crash immediately hiptossed out. Spanky tries to kick it away, Crash grabs the legs and rolls him to his feet for a kick. Forearm. Double wristlock, kick to the ribs. Josh is surprised that Cat knew Andre was in the last stretcher match (vs Killer Khan, no relation.) Crash has forced Brian down to a pinning predicament via double wristlock. One left shoulder up, one right shoulder up, Crash puts all his weight on Spanky, but Spanky uses it to monkey flip to his feet, and all the way to a springboard backflip armdrag and I know who's been watching the lucha. As Cat regales us with his stories about partying with Mr. America and James Brown last night, Crash and Shannon are having another meeting of the Exist to Inspire Book Club. Spanky, hurt by his non-invitation, breaks it up with a sliding dropkick to...the Book. Probably demoralized but not beaten, Crash gets the best of Spanky with a forearm. Spanky thrown back in, one two no. In Cat's view, Mr. America can dance and Hulk Hogan can not. Corner whip, down goes Shannon. Crash with an angry walk as Shannon urges a cover. Hey, a cover. One tow no. Suplex one two no. Crash isn't sure, but it's still two. Stomp. Stomp, arguing with the ref about letting him off the ropes. Crash grabs Brian and pulls him in the middle of the ring, double leg press cover one two Spanky breaks it by smashing Crash's head with his legs. Cat and Josh with painfully prepared lines as Crash gets back control with an eye rake. Corner boot choke. Spanky tires to come back with back elbows but gets thrown down by the hair. Snap mare (Josh: "That's a European term, Cat [segue into UK Tour talk]" - what the) into a kneeling surfboard. Chavo's hurt but again, no one mentions a replacement. Is Cat the first one to wish for a fast recovery? I think they've just forgot. Josh says the title match will go on "as planned", so Chavo will be wrestling one-armed, I guess. Spanky getting up, turning it, and Crash is pushed into the corner. Spanky with a forearm, forearm, Crash with a knee. Crash with a corner whip to the same corner, but Spanky foot stops in the corner and hits a forearm. Kick to the ribs. (Cat: "Oh, what a great forearm by Spanky.") Forearm. Whip, reversed, Spanky slides under and hits a dropkick. Backdrop. Jumping side kick. Shining Wizard is ducked, Crash with a pumphandle sit cover one two no. That was odd. Crash with a right, corner whip, Spanky runs up the corner and comes down with a moonsault bodyblock one two no. Forearm, whip, quick reverses to a back elbow. Crash calls for a book, and Shannon knows the drill - slide the book in while distracting the referee. Crash is too clumsy and he knocks it to where Spanky can grab it. Tug-o-War - Spanky lets go, Crash goes backwards and hits Shannon with the book. Kick, climb, Sliced Bread #2 one two three. (4:56) Shannon notes that wasn't in the book.

Still to come: Rey returns to SmackDown

Next: Vince issues a challenge on Mr. America's behalf.

SmackDown Live!
5/18 - Charlene, NC [PPV]
5/19 - Johnson City, TN
5/20 - Greensboro, NC [SD!]
5/25 - Ft. Myers, FL
5/26 - Dothan, AL

Hey, it's Trish doing something in arcade while saying things that could possibly have double meanings. Repeat about 2 times per show. It's better than what ever 1-800-whatever commercial we'd get here.

1-800-CALL-ATT and ask them if they care about Mr. America saving Stephanie

Vince and Mr. America. You knew it was going to be Piper getting the match (to begin with, AND) when Shelton Benjamin didn't offer to take out Mr. America like every other heel on the show had to that point. (9:22)

Still to Come - Bikini preview

Next - A-Train vs Kanyon

Kurt Angle: A Champion's Champion. I don't think he's really won 1000 matches...well, maybe if you count amateur ones? That's not quite clear. I don't want to do that math. (1:07)

A-Train (Boston, MA, 350 pounds) vs who betta than Kanyon (Queens, NY, 242 pounds) - Having beat DeMott last week, A-Train takes his discarded gimmick of staring at the announcers for no particular reason. Is Kanyon a face this time? Crowd not sure what to make of him, but perhaps he'll clear this up: "Back him up - back him up. Who betta the Kanyon? [everybody]" and A-Train punches him. Whip, running shoulderblock. "I'm betta! I'm betta!" Slam. Off the ropes, elbow drop but no one's home. Right by Kanyon, right, corner whip, reversed, A-Train charges in with a corner splash. Turnbuckle smash. Right. Right. Right. Kicks in the corner. A-Train stopping to be annoyed by the "Shave the Cat" chants, according to Josh. Short clothesline. Second rope pump splash one two foot on the ropes. A-Train kicks the foot for being on the ropes. Forearms to the back. Kanyon pushed in the ropes face first so he can get a forearm to the back. Oh yea, a bearhug. Kanyon, bored with this already, punches his way out. But he gets shoved in the rope sand a headbutt the gut. There's the bearhug again. This is long. 30 seconds already. Kanyon's fading. One arm drop, two arm drop, three-no. Kanyon battles out after being in the hold for 64 seconds. Right. Off the ropes, cross body is caught and dropped for a powerslam. Another pump splash? Kanyon gets the boot up. Kanyon slow up, but A-Train runs into a drop toe hold into the middle buckle. Three turnbuckle smashes into the middle buckle, three into the top. Crowd not really getting into Kanyon, but I still think they don't know what to do with him. Whip, reversed, Kanyon back with a clothesline. Clothesline. Punches into the corner by Kanyon. Corner whip, reversed, A-Train charges in but No one's home. Kanyon to the second rope - back elbow one two no. Right. Right. off the ropes and into the double choke. Kanyon breaks it though, and turns into a swinging neckbreaker one two no. Kanyon to the second rope again, waiting for A-Train, taking so long you know this will be ugly - double axhandle jump right into the double choke. Derailer one two three. (5:12) The Kanyon losing streak goes on.

Still to come, Rey Mysterio

Up Next, Bikini hype

Bikini Tale of the Tape.

Sable and Torrie on SmackDown! (3:09)

Bikini Tale of the Tape. Again!

Later: Rhyno vs Bill DeMott

Next: Big Show, Rey and Brock

Stacker 2 Backlash clips

Rey, Show, Brock on SmackDown (3:51)

Judgment Day

  • Brock Lesnar (c) vs Big Show for the WWE Title
  • Team Angle (c) vs Los Guerreros for the WWE Tags
    • Cat: "How will Chavo's injury affect Los Guerrero's chances?"
    • They're being coy about this - I think it's because they haven't figured it out.
  • Torrie vs Sable
  • Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Mr. America
  • Test & Scott Steiner vs La Resistance
  • IC Battle Royale
    • They haven't mentioned HBK in this one since Monday
    • They don't have the "and who knows who else" line from SmackDown
  • Trish vs Miss Jackie vs Jazz vs Victoria for the Women's Title
  • Triple H vs Kevin Nash for the World Title

Next: Rhyno vs Bill DeMott

Rhyno (Detroit, MI, 275 pounds) vs Bill DeMott (280 pounds) - Rhyno's knee is the definition of "heavily taped." Josh and Cat drill into our heads that these are two big guys. Crowd chants loud for Rhyno pre-match. Lockup, Bill wins, Bill's punch is ducked. Test of strength. Bill takes Rhyno down to one knee, but Rhyno comes back and turns it around. Bill ends this with a kick to the gut, forearm, right, right. Rhyno back with a chop, Bill back with an open slap. Forcing him over and kicking him down. "NOW WHO'S THE MAN BEAST?" Kicks in the corner. Corner whip, reversed. Rhyno charges in and hits a shoulder to the midsection. "WHO'S THE MAN?" Forearm. Whip, reversed into a short clothesline. "WHO'S THE MAN?" One two no. "THREE!" No. Rhyno battling back with punches, but DeMott with a kick, spinning neckbreaker one two no. Chinlock. Rhyno battling out with back elbows but he's thrown down by the hair. DeMott yells. One two no. Chinlock. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Rhyno rallies, but DeMott chokes him down. 30 seconds. DeMott's yelling for him to give up. One arm. Two arm. Three-no. That was a about a 66 rest there. Back elbows out, right, whip, DeMott misses a clothesline but Rhyno does not miss his. Back elbow one two no. Whip, reveresed, head down too soon< Rhyno kicks it. DeMott ducks the clothesline but runs right into the spinebuster on the next trip. Rhyno sets up for it - there's the Gore. One two three. (4:42)



SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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