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Double Dose of the SD! B-Team!
July 28, 2003

by The Cubs Fan
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


WOW! Sable's reading lines badly! I'm so glad I saw that.

TV 14 DLV CC entertainment open (has Nunzio always been in there?) fireworks HEY this is SmackDown! wrestlers and you were wrong to believe TNN's website.

Nunzio (Queens, NY, 201 1/4 pounds) vs Orlando Jordan (Miami, FL, 245 pounds) - No Nunzio till Queens. Back to SmackDown, where the FBI jobbed and jobbed hard - they didn't include Chuck's errant kick, but hey I didn't notice it the first time so it's not like I missed. Post match, a lot of people who will also job hard on Sunday ran in. No, wait, I truly believe the winner of the APA Invitational (rules? still to be determined) will be Danny Basham! Hey, Orlando gained five pounds this week. I'm starting to think that they don't actually have the weights listed any place for fill-in ring announcer Jason Justin Roberts to check and he's just trying to remember what they were last time he did this - either that, or Thursday marked a shocking return to the cruiserweight for Matt Hardy. Cat wonders why the other two FBI guys aren't out here (we didn't have any pizza skit!) and Josh makes up something about getting ready for the Match With No Apparent Rules. My guess is that it's tough to have Orlando win with them out here, but maybe Nunzio will prove me wrong. Maybe I should start talking about the match already? Lockup, Nunzio with a waistlock, switch, switch, Nunzio with a headlock, shot into the ropes, back, Orlando with a leapfrog and another, and a backdrop. Johnson Shuffle, dropkick one two no. Armbar. Fireman's carry into the armbar. Wristlock. Josh: "In the words of Martin Luther King, 'Can't we all get along?'" Missed it by that much. Cat corrects him (!) by saying Rodney King, which prompts Josh to make a Don King joke and this is going nowhere. Nunzio forearming out, corner whip, corner splash but no one's hand and Orlando takes him down with an armdrag and an armbar. Nunzio forces Orlando in the corner, clean break - not, as Nunzio throws a punch but Orlando ducks it. Nunzio does not let the fact that he's facing away from his opponent prevent him from calmly going to the apron (for the next spot) - Orlando walks into a jawbreaker over the ropes. Nunzio with a slingshot elbow drop one two no. Snap mare, chinlock on the mat. Cat and Josh argue if Snoop Dogg has hung out with the Cat. "We were high! I remember that!" Orlando getting up and grabbing a leg, but Nunzio breaks free with a forearm. Cat has an invite to the APA Invitational for Josh, but Josh is no-selling. Nunzio off the ropes, swinging neckbreaker is reversed into a - nothing at all, as Nunzio switches to a waistlock. As if it was choreographed previously, Orlando drops down to the mat and catches Nunzio in a reverse bodyscissors cradle one two no. Nunzio with a double mule kick to the head one two no. Figure four sleeper on Nunzio. Josh gives big ups to Easter Bunny. Well not like that. Cat: "What kind of person doesn't like the Easter Bunny?" Cat says A-Train and the Easter Bunny have something in common - fur coats. Nunzio grabs the ropes to help in the sleeper, though I'm not sure how that would actually help. Orlando doesn't really sell it as more painful and Sparks catches it right away. Ah, we're setting up a spot, with Orlando getting Nunzio up on his shoulders and dropping back for an electric chair suplex. Both up at three, Nunzio with a boot, Orlando throws it down again so he can do his punches - oh, Nunzio's getting some back. Now here's the Punch Combo, off the ropes, cross body. Big flapjack one two no. Corner whip, Orlando charges into a back elbow, Nunzio charges out into a powerslam one two no. Orlando sets up Nunzio on the top rope - I think not. Nunzio fights out, and does hit his second rope dropkick to the chest. Nunzio takes time to taunt and point to his head - where he's bleeding from above the left eye. Now he'll cover, one two no. Chop, whip reversed into Black Ice (his inverted jawbreaker) one two three. (5:27) That wasn't horrible, but felt quite a bit staged. I got not problem if they rehearse, it's just better when it doesn't look like they did. If that makes any sense. Cat and Josh try to save face for Nunzio by saying he wasted too much time after that dropkick - eh.

Your announcers are Cat and Josh. They're hyped for...Zach/Vince.

Still to come: Main event six person

Up next: Eddie gives car maintenance tips

7/27 - Denver, CO [ppv]
7/29 - Colorado, CO [SD]
8/2 - Calgary, AB, CA
8/3 - Edmonton, AB, Canada
8/5 - Kelowna, BC, Canada [SD]

Sable's getting a massage. Well, a foot one anyway.

WM Recall: Undertaker beats Jimmy Snuka, Wrestlemania VII, 1991

Eddie and Benoit and Rhyno oh my (4:21)

Vengeance: Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero in the US Championship Final. No update on Benoit's condition.

JVC Indecent Proposal Match Setup on Thursday. So Torrie's gonna do it live on the air? And it's not even sweeps!

Who Betta Than Kanyon (New York City, NY, 242 pounds) vs Ryan Sakoda (Fresno, CA, 230 pounds) - Ryan changed his first name since the last time I saw him. Circle. Ryan tries to get the crowd on Kanyon, but they don't seem into be in it. Cat: "Jamie is offering her too much money. I know where he can get the same thing for $25!" Lockup, no Kanyon kick, right. Right. Whip, clothesline is slide over, Ryan with a armdrag, armdrag, armbar. Ryan pushed into the ropes, shot off, back with a shoulderblock one two no. Kanyon misses a clothesline, Ryan with a hitch and a backslide one two no. Ryan off the ropes, cross body one two no. Ryan scares Kanyon in the corner. Crowd getting on Kanyon, but he uses Choida for a cheap kick. Right. Right. Second rope faceslam is pretty much a trademark move now (and a good one.) Cat and Josh are discussing Team N's wardrobe - Josh liked the shirt (me too), and Cat maintains that Josh couldn't have been able to tell that was a fake fur if Nidia hadn't said it. One two NO. Cat maintains that Kanyon is ugly, as Kanyon has Ryan on the apron. Kanyon to the second rope, and suplexing Ryan in from there! Killed his own neck doing it, but looked cool. One two no. Sakoda into the corner, Kanyon charges into the boot. Josh points out that the Japanese characters on Sakoda's tights say "Sakoda", and Cat launches into the "japanese impersonation". Sakoda working Kanyon over with kicks, but his back is killing him. Corner whip, reversed, Sakoda kips up and out, hiptoss is reversed into a jumping swinging neckbreaker one two no. Side slam one two no. Kanyon is annoyed. Chinlock is not innovative! Even if you take it all the way down to the mat. Sakoda trying to rally the fans behind him - they're reacting fine for a Sakoda. Sakoda elbowing out, off the ropes, right into a sleeper. Back suplex out! Both down one two up, Sakoda with a right, Kanyon with a right, Sakoda with a right, Kanyon with a right, Sakoda with a right and a kick. Cat: "I don't know if I could ever fight my best friend like that-" Josh: "I don't want to fight you, Cat." Cat: "Kid, you're not my best friend. I barely like you." Whip, back elbow. Calling Kanyon up and knocking him down with a back elbow. Calling him up again - STO! (Thanks Josh) one two NO! Crowd actually disappointed there. Sakoda calling for something. "YAAAAAAA" Sakoda going up, waiting for Kanyon to turn around, ah it's the flying NOTHING, landing right in grip for the Flatliner one two three (5:07) I was all about to say "look how many times better this was than the first match" and then they do my least favorite spot. Josh: "Ryan Sakoda went for that Ricky Steamboat like chop" - nice try.

Up Next: Stephanie and Sable and a black bar

You know, when they strongly tease nudity on a PPV, it usually goes horribly wrong. So if they're subtly teasing nudity on a PPV - the shirt tear spot and Cena's cash offer! - that means...? Here's the whole Cena speech first. Why did that happen? What point was there for that on a PPV hype show? It gets tightly done pixelation here, to make you think Sable has no nipples or something. (6:08)

Vengeance: Sable vs Stephanie McMahon

Vengeance preview video from SmackDown!, with Noble/Gunn added (1:45)

Main Event Clips. I really wish they'd put someone new in this mix - it seems like they've been doing the same three people around this title for 8 months now. (4:50)

Vengeance: Brock Lesnar (c) vs Big Show vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship - Cat makes a deal bout Show having pinned both men, but I think at this point everyone's pinned everyone many a time.

Sable continues to act.

Stacker 2 Rey/Kidman win before Vengeance.

Spanky (Olympia, WA, 181 pounds) and Funaki (Japan, 208 pounds) vs the Basham Brothers (w/Shaniqua, 492 pounds) - they get separate entrances this week. Josh: "Cat, You have to give credit where credit is due-" "She is fine!" Here's the ad for wwe.shopzone.com - nope, still haven't fixed it. Shaniqua grabs her team by the belts, force them to their knees, and they lick a boot. Funaki and Danny to start. Did Doug shave his head closer to make it tougher to tell them apart? Unfair! Lockup, Funaki with a waistlock, Danny with a back elbow, arm crank, forearm, forearm, crank, trip Funaki down to the mat. Cat moans for just one date with Shaniqua and Josh crankily tells him that he only wants to talk to Cat about Vengeance or what's going on in the ring. Cat: "Did you take your medication this morning?" Funaki rolls out and kicks him way. Inside cradle one two no. Whip, reversed, Funaki back with a headscissors takedown. Danny with a knee lift as Funaki approaches him, tag to Doug. Doug in, takes a dropkick to the knee. Armbar, Spanky tags in, top rope knee to the arm, nice. Funaki with an armbar and a whip - ah, looks like the Kaientai Combo is gonna be a regular for this team. Assuming this is a regular team. One two no. Armbar. Whip, reversed, slide under by Spanky, forearm, forearm, corner whip, reversed, Spanky kips up and out, Doug's like "no, stop running so fast!", Spanky runs at the corner - hey, it's the Tiger Mask flip out! And Josh called it, wow. Doug out of the corner into a jumping salto kick one two no. Whip, reversed no broken, Spanky's kick is caught, Doug throws the leg up, Spanky flips!, ducks a clothesline, off the ropes but Shaniqua slows him down with a "Magic Stick" (whip) shot to the legs. Spanky reaches out after her and gets a boot upside the head from Danny in a nice spot. Josh: "Just like Tupac said, the Magic Stick!" Cat corrects with "50 Cent". Shaniqua throws Spanky back in and Bashams stomp and make a non tag. Short clothesline by Danny one two no. Cat suggests Zach might not make it to the PPV. Crowd behind Spanky. Tag to Spanky, Double whip, double flapjack, double kip up. Doug covers one two no. Doug with his trademark clubbing forearms to the upper head, which is apparently the S&M style of wrestling if Josh is to be believed. Slam, second rope pump elbow drop by Doug, one two Spanky grabs the ropes. Doug makes the tag to Danny while putting on a boot choke. Danny takes his place while using the ropes. Pulling Spanky back into the Basham corner for an elbow drop, one two no. Doug and Shannon Moore use the same chinlock! Cat: "I'm speechless!" They're talking about Stephanie/Sable. Josh wants someone's mama to be called. Cat: "...and puppies were everywhere." Josh: "Puppies, Cat? 1986 called." Spanky trying to battle up and out of the Basham corner, but Doug pulls him down by the hair. Tag to Doug, and there's the Meat Curtain. Doug points to Shaniqua one two Funaki breaks it up. Perhaps Danny should've stayed in the ring instead of trying to celebrate with Shaniqua. Announcers discuss Brian Hebner's new "sweat armband." Corner whip, and Spanky goes down. Doug with a charging corner knee. Tag to Danny, as Doug puts on the leg choke. Back to the half straight jacket chinlock. Josh notices the hold - will he remember Shannon uses it too? Cat thinks Vince should use Zach's own leg to choke out Zach. Not sure which one Cat means - it's almost feasible with the fake leg. Spanky trying to battle out of the corner now, but Danny grabs him in a sleeper - jawbreaker! Spanky needs to make a tag, but Doug gets the tag - and pulls Spanky back. Foot catch kick and Spanky makes the tag. Funaki in, ducking Doug's clothesline, right for Danny, dropkick for Doug, ducks the clothesline, foot catch enziguri for Danny. Doug with a kick, whip, lift no Funaki lands on his feet (that looked odd), Funaki off the rope as Doug recovers and hits the bulldog (ah, that's what they were setting up) one two no Danny breaks it up but I think Doug was kicking out anyway. Those two roll out of the way as Spanky goes to the op rope - missile dropkick on Danny! Forearm, forearm, forearm, whip, reversed to a short knee, suplex? No, Funaki helps Spanky land on his feet, double dropkick! As Spanky calls for the Roaring Forearm, Doug grabs Funaki from behind, corner whip for him. Danny goes low bridge on Spanky, backdropping him over the corner and to the floor - Spanky hitting the steps on the way down, yow! Doug runs into Funaki's boot, second rope swinging DDT is blocked and Shaniqua distracts Hebner from seeing the Ball and Gag one two three. (7:05) Now that one, I have no reservations about - it was pretty good.

Josh hypes Vengeance as Shaniqua delivers the Magic Stick to the Basham's behinds - yea, that's enough for this show. Confidential is next.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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